March 1st, 2010, 07:51 Posted By: FireStag
Seems FAT PS3's (the 20 - 80 gig models) are having problems loading trophies, playing most disc based games, connecting to the PSN and reverting games that were demos upgraded to full version games back to demos... Who knows when this will be resolved, but most are classifying it and PSN problem where some are classifying it as a Firmware problem.
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March 1st, 2010, 16:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via The Metro
PS3 gamers across the world have woken up to find their consoles unable to connect online.
In some cases, users have even experienced problems playing offline, as well as finding that Trophy data and saved information had been corrupted by the error.
The 'error: 8001050f' message is thought to be related to the a calendar reset on February 28, when the original PS3 systems were reset to January 1, 2000
Sony have recognised the problem via their Twitter page, posting the following advice for users:
"We're aware that many of you are having problems connecting to PSN, and yes, we're looking into it. Stay tuned for updates." Users with the newer PS3 Slim models are unaffected, but it has been advised that users with older PS3 models should not use their console until further notice.
UPDATE: Sony has issued a statement on the problem (via Eurogamer)
As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.
We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.
Errors include:
- The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
- When the user tries to sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.
- When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game.”
- When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”
- Users are not able to playback certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.
We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.
As mentioned above, Please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologise for any inconvenience caused.
For up-to-date info check the Sony official EU twitter account
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March 1st, 2010, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Discounts website says interest in Xbox 360 version is twice that of PS3
The Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII is on track to outsell the PS3 SKU by two-to-one – that’s the prediction of discount shopping portal MyVoucherCodes.co.uk.
The site comes to the conclusion based on the number of searches made on its server, with interest in the Xbox 360 title running at double the rate of its rival.
It also states that the sheer amount of enquiries about the game point to it being the most successful release of 2010 to date. In February alone over 250,000 searches were made for the Xbox 360 release and 120,000 for the PS3 disc.
“The Final Fantasy series has always been a huge draw for Sony, since its debut on the PlayStation in the form of Final Fantasy VII,” MyVoucherCodes MD Mark Pearson stated.
“For Microsoft to now be sharing and in fact beating the interest for the PS3 version must be worrying Sony chiefs, who must be wondering just how to steal the march back, if it is at all possible. Our Christmas sales data showed that Xbox 360s were outselling PS3s three-to-one in the holiday period, a fact which seems to be presenting itself here as consumers show more interest in the Xbox 360 title.”
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March 1st, 2010, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster
So far fans following the fifth Gran Turismo in the series have been rewarded with nothing but delays and disappointment. You'd be forgiven for turning your attention to other things. But hold your horsepower, PSM3 have gathered 8 reasons for you to hold on just a little bit longer.
GT-creator Kazunori Yamauchi (CEO of Polyphony Digital) wants to appeal to a global audience with Gran Turismo 5. The announcement of IndyCar and NASCAR - both new to the series - add a more American flavour to the game.
Meanwhile European petrolheads will probably be more interested in the inclusion of a fully licenced World Rally Championship. If GT5's rendition of official rallying ends up as authentic as the American flavours, expect your copy of DIRT 2 to be gathering dust by Christmas.
Then there's the small matter of Ferrari and Bugatti (including the formidable Veyron) - it's the first time ever that the automobile legends have been snapped up for Sony's racing stalwart.
It looks better than real life. That's what GT's famous mastermind, Kazunori Yamauchi said of GT5's astonishing visuals. Okay, so that's perhaps a bit much - see bit.ly/4FApAI for a head-to-head comparison video, captured using the game's 'Data Logger Visualization' tech - but his intentions are crystal clear. From every wheel nut, tyre tread and grill dimple, GT5 exudes almost pixel-perfect photo-realism.
The entire engine has been built from scratch, utilising none of GT4's code. Every car is painstakingly built from scratch, using roughly half a million polygons - up from a mere 300 in the original PSone game. It's no surprise that a staggering 60% of GT5's development time to date has been spent just creating the cars. Not satisfied with the results shown in GT5: Prologue, Kaz has been delaying GT5 for years polishing the graphics to a higher and higher sheen. Running at a staggering 60 frames per second, even in full 1080p HD without even a hint of a jag or blur in sight, it's an unparalleled technical achievement. Polyphony Digital isn't just trying to raise the bar for visuals: they want to obliterate it.
Kazunori and his team are well known for their attention to detail when it comes to tracks, too. Visiting circuits to include in the game, they photographed plants, paving slabs and even the grain of the tarmac to help nail the details.
The most staggering thing of all though? Kaz reckons these beautiful results use only 80% of the PS3's power', leaving room for improvement for GT6. Hang on Kaz, let's have this one first, eh?
Each one of GT5's enormous roster of vehicles was test-driven by Kazunori and his team - all predictably avid race enthusiasts - to ensure spot-on handling. But Gran Turismo 5 promises to bring the most realistic handling models yet. As anyone who attempted the recent GT Academy demo without the traction controls will attest to, the game is punishingly demanding. Each car's handling model is built from scratch in the same way as its appearance.
The physics, too, are a real step up over GT4 and even GT5: Prologue. Cars' bodies rock through sharp corners and authentically spiral out of control at the slightest nudge from rivals. They can even completely flip over. The result is a racing experience that not only feels more realistic than ever, but much more white-knuckle than the stuffy bumper-cars approach of old.
The damage model looked a bit limited when it was first shown off last year, but Kazunori is insistent that it was just the beginnings, merely showing the early direction. The full release, it's promised, will utilise a far deeper damage mechanic.
Every one of GT5's impressive roster of vehicles will be wreckable in some way, acquiescing to fans who have cried out for vehicle deformation for years. Okay, so only 170 'premium' vehicles will be fully damage-modelled, but every car can be visually broken, with huge potential consequences for the internal mechanics. End up braking too late and smash into a wall? Think brake failures, loss of speed, slower gear changes - a whole host of race-wrecking results. A generation of cheeky barrier-bouncing, shunt-happy players will need to adapt, fixing the bumper-car tactics that have plagued GT. The damage on the premium models is where the real visual treats lie. Kazunori promises not just pre-rendered visual changes - think Burnout Paradise - but a fully implemented model which reacts to the speed, force and angle of a crash and crumples and twists cars accordingly. Not only this, but the interiors too will be affected by every bump, scrape and knock. Caved-in roofs and smashed-up doors add an extra tension to getting into scuffles, lending the cockpit view a visceral edge.
950 cars currently in Gran Turismo 5.
2 player split screen running at 60FPS.
1000+ cars that might feature by release day.
16 maximum players in each online race.
Infinity: The potential limit for GT5's soundtrack due to custom playlists.
3 peripherals usable with GT5 simultaneously (Steering Wheel, PSEye, 3D glasses).
500,000: Number of polygons in each car.
5 years spent developing GT5.
1,826 days in the making
60% of the time spent creating the car models
300 Total polygons in each car in the original Gran Turismo
3: Number of discs GT5 will be released on.
70 possible course variations.
$60m reportedly spent developing GT5 so far
1920 x 1080 pixels used to make a full HD screen.
4 officially licenced competitions revealed so far.
GT5 boasts 70 circuit variations spread over 20 environments. The game won't just comprise the usual mix of street circuits and dirt tracks on a bland selection screen either. It promises to be a tour de force of some of motor racing's most famous circuits in some of the most naturally striking locales on Earth. Whilst it's by no means confi rmed, we'd put money on 20 environments equalling 20 different countries, each complete with real tracks and GT originals. The old favourites, such as The Nürburgring, make a welcome return, but we're most excited about the new additions. We've already seen the Daytona Speedway unveiled from America's favourite left-turn motorsport, NASCAR, but it's pretty much guaranteed that Polyphony have much more up their sleeves. Oh, and GT5 also features a humble little circuit called 'Dunsford Park', also known as the Top Gear test track, which even shows replays from the same angles used on the hit BBC show.
A track editor has also been heavily hinted at too. As if this wasn't enough, dynamic environment changes will play a part in races. Though the GT devs have been characteristically slippery about the details, dynamic weather and lighting changes are confi rmed for longer races. This means 24 Hour events (no word on whether they will actually be 24 hours in-game), will challenge your adaptability as well as your endurance.
The heart of Gran Turismo 5 lies in its glorious representation of automotive history, from the very beginnings of the motorcar - such as the 1886 Benz Patent MotorWagen - to brand new 2011 supercars like the Mercedes SLS AMG. They'll all be accurately modelled and drivable come release.
It's the world's largest motor museum, interactive toybox, hyper-accurate driving sim and realistic racer, all in one. GT5 will also be the first full iteration to feature some truly historic marques, including Ferrari and Bugatti - conspicuous by their absence in GT4. If you think the Lamborghini Gallardo could use a few tweaks (read: if you're mad) you'll even be able to alter almost every aspect of the car inside and out, as teased by Kazunori. That means both paint-jobs and mechanical tweaks. We can't wait to see the kind of fantastic/ hideous creations that the darkest corners of the PSN community will manage to conjure up.
Check the top of the page to see a few of the factory-standard models we're looking forward to taking for a spin when GT5 hits later this year.
GT has been criticised in the past for sticking too closely to one formula - more cars, shinier graphics. GT5 bucks the trend, packing in a wealth of fresh features - most notably 3D. GT5 was the highlight of Sony's recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES)PS3 3D demo, with silky smooth frame rates, solid cars (like tiny 3D toy models) and crisp scenery. You'll need Sony's forthcoming RealD-tech glasses (our guess £50-£100) and a 3D ready TV (Samsung offer the UK's only current 3D TV for about £800, but most manufacturers will have 3D sets from summer 2010). Sony are backing 3D hard, and prices will tumble to mass-market levels over the next year or so.
Head tracking using the under-rated PSEye will feature too. Integrated with the cockpit cam, looking left or right will move the camera in-game. Stealing a glance at a rival driver as you slip past them on the inside, or checking the apex of a hairpin in a rally drift would be so simple yet feel so rewarding. The sense of realism - especially when combined with 3D tech - will be unrivalled.
PSP connectivity, while more mundane, is another interesting feature. Get converting those GT: PSP credits into portable supercars now, because when 5 hits, you'll be able to transfer your favourite rides from pocket PlayStation to its bigger brother. Whilst this might ruin the rustbucket-to-dream machine journey that is the career mode, we can't wait to convert all those train-ride struggles into online bragging rights. Our first transfer? The Bugatti Veyron of course.
You can also upload replays direct to YouTube,
making GT5 a true technical showcase - if you've got the kit to match.
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March 1st, 2010, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
Debug units unworkable due to endlessly looping error message
Various developers and studios are claiming that their debug PS3 units are failing from suspected internal-clock-related hardware errors.
A multitude of debug consoles – crucial to the development of current PS3 projects – have been thrown into a rebooting cycle, due to an endlessly-looping error message.
The issue comes as a separate issue is affecting retail PS3 consoles, though both problems are thought to be related.
It is said that when certain PS3 retail consoles attempt to connect to the internet, the platform shows error messages and are unable to connect to the PlayStation Network.
Sony has already claimed it has narrowed down possible causes for the retail problem and is working on a solution.
However, a Joystiq report has been flooded by claims that even offline consoles are being struck down – with the system’s clock reverting to 12/31/1999 and causing data-corrupting errors.
Sony has declined to comment.
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March 1st, 2010, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster
“Hunting for a copy may require a little extra footwork” ahead of new stock next week
Having shot straight to number one in the ELSPA GfK Chart-Track All Formats Top 40 this week, Sony has revealed that landmark PS3 release Heavy Rain is suffering shortages on the UK High Street.
However, Sony hopes to have got extra stock into the channel by next week.
“We have been extremely delighted with the demand for Heavy Rain,” an SCE UK spokesperson told MCV.
“Whilst it isn't out of stock we are aware that supplies are running low. There is still supply in the chain, but I'm afraid if you're hunting for a copy it may require a little extra footwork. There will be more stock arriving next week.
“In the meantime we thank everyone for their excitement and their support for this title and also for their patience if they are still seeking a copy.”
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March 1st, 2010, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Hideo Kojima has said that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's release on PSP is a 'test' to determine which directions Konami can take the franchise in.
Writing on his Twitter account, the MGS head said: "It's difficult to show the interest and freshness of PW through video. Cameron's Avatar was a huge hit because of the 3D video. That can't be communicated through text and a trailer. It's something you won't understand unless you experience it for yourself in the theater."
In a later tweet, he added: "It's not that PSP is the main platform for the future MGS series. PW is a test to see what type of expansions are there if MGS is brought to a portable. We're not just rising vertically with development on next generation systems, but also horizontally, trying to expand gameplay."
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's release date is May 28th, after a delay Kojima branded 'a crime'.
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March 1st, 2010, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Having shot straight to number one in the ELSPA GfK Chart-Track All Formats Top 40 this week, Sony has revealed that landmark PS3 release Heavy Rain is suffering shortages on the UK High Street.
However, Sony hopes to have got extra stock into the channel by next week.
“We have been extremely delighted with the demand for Heavy Rain,” an SCE UK spokesperson told MCV.
“Whilst it isn't out of stock we are aware that supplies are running low. There is still supply in the chain, but I'm afraid if you're hunting for a copy it may require a little extra footwork. There will be more stock arriving next week.
“In the meantime we thank everyone for their excitement and their support for this title and also for their patience if they are still seeking a copy.”
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March 1st, 2010, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Network is one step closer to Virtual Console with support from Hudson’s TurboGrafx games and maybe SNK’s NeoGeo catalog.
The ESRB rated Alpha Mission II, Baseball Stars Professional, League Bowling, and Super Sidekicks as individual PlayStation 3 and PSP games. That’s interesting because a PsOne port of Super Sidekicks doesn’t exist
This leak suggests SNK’s library of NeoGeo games are going to be distributed as PlayStation Network downloads just like Hudson’s TurboGrafx-16 titles, which are PS3 and PSP compatible.
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March 1st, 2010, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Network is one step closer to Virtual Console with support from Hudson’s TurboGrafx games and maybe SNK’s NeoGeo catalog.
The ESRB rated Alpha Mission II, Baseball Stars Professional, League Bowling, and Super Sidekicks as individual PlayStation 3 and PSP games. That’s interesting because a PsOne port of Super Sidekicks doesn’t exist
This leak suggests SNK’s library of NeoGeo games are going to be distributed as PlayStation Network downloads just like Hudson’s TurboGrafx-16 titles, which are PS3 and PSP compatible.
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March 1st, 2010, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pdroms.de/
Jum has updated his Atari 5200 emulator Jum52. Available for Windows, Ubuntu and PSP.
- Implemented key remapping to make it easier to use with arcade controller panels (Win32/Ubuntu only).
- Implemented 3x and 4x scaling (Win32 / Ubuntu only).
- Fix to 2nd fire button handling ("top" side buttons).
- PSP version uses frameskip to get full speed.
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March 2nd, 2010, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
Update required for users Nanodesktop using the new version of Cygwin 1.7. Due to a compatibility problem with the latest release are in fact were some problems during compilation, which prevent the proper functioning of the application. To overcome this problem you need to download the official website of the new package update (0.4.2), or the installation with the new Crown Installer ( that contain the patches and running, however in the coming days there will be a final release and fully compatible with Cygwin 1.7.
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March 2nd, 2010, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Uberjack:
It’s been almost two years since fMSX PSP last saw an update, so today seems as good a day as any to release an updated version. New in this release:
PSPLIB updated to latest version
Images are now saved under PSP/PHOTOS/fMSX PSP
Virtual keyboard updated, option for “toggle display” mode
Screenshot previews in file browser
This release also significantly improves the save state format by adding versioning, and automatically switching the emulated machine to the system specs appropriate for the save state (no more cryptic state loading errors). To clarify, say you save a game in MSX1 mode, then switch to MSX2. In earlier versions of the emulator, unless you switched back to MSX1 prior to loading state, state would refuse to load. If you changed other features, such as memory sizes and video mode (NTSC/PAL), you would have to remember the specific setup for the game, or the game would not load. In 3.5.40, save state format includes all the necessary system data, and will automatically switch to the appropriate setup. This is the normal behavior in most other computer emulators, such as Fuse and VICE.
That said, please note that only new states will benefit from this – while fMSX PSP is backwards compatible, previously saved states will only load if you restore system setup prior to loading, as before. Of course, if you never switch from the usual setup (MSX2, 128kB, NTSC), this whole discussion is probably moot
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March 2nd, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Namenloser
Hi ,
I´m Namenloser and I am from Vienna, Austria
So here is my newest homebrew, CMI 5.0. 4 Months hard Work and now i´m finished.
This Version has over 80 new Feautures. I wanted to release this for 2 weeks but my laptop doesnt work any more. But now I´m finished
So... CMI is the bigest and best Tool for PSP. CMI can almost everythink. Easy Plugin Install, Easy Mods Install, Easy Special Feautures Install, Change CFW Moduls ( The Only Homebrew taht can this ! )You can Design you Individual CMI Design and and and. At the moment CMI has over 180 Functions !
The only thing that will not work on CMI 5.0 is the CMI Store. I´m not inished yet with it. But this Function comes with an Update.
Whats new on CMI 5.0 ?
- New Menu Control ( Tab Menus )
- New Menu "Hen Menu"
- CFW Enabler Install and Start able
- 5.03 GEN-C Install and start able
- Game Support ( Play Games that requires higher FW Version. It also works on 5.00 M33)
- 5.50 GEN-D2 Moduls are Install able
- Better Security
- Backup and Restore bug fixes
- 5.50 GEN Updater writeable
- 5.50 GEN-D3 updater write able
- VSH Menü revised added
- Dayviewer added
- Led Controll added
- Hold aded
- Audioboost added
- Spoofer added + Editor
- Game Categroe v12 added
- Mod Page 2 added
- Bam Chicka Wow Wow boot Sound added
- Baterie color changer added
- E-liminator Wave added
- Simpsons Boot Sound added
- Magic Gameboot added
- Vista Volumen Bar added
- Waffen Info Bar added
- Burning Wave added
- Blue/Green Wave added
- Angel Blood Wave added
- Blue White Wave added
- PSPGO Gameboot added
- South Park Gameboot added
- Gelbes Gameboot added
- Delete Function added :Remove Internet Data + Remove not used Flash0 datas
- PSPPasswords read out + Screenshot Function
- Versions TXT fakes 6.20
- Facebook on 5.00 M33
- VLF Recovery Beta v.0.91 added ( Beta , its possible that it could work )
- PSNabler v.6.0 added
- Recovery Flasher Install and Startable
- Store Mneü Point added
- CMI Store ( Doesnt work at this time, an Update will come )
- Addons List ( For Sztarting the Store Products. You dont need the Store for this )
- 1 new CMI Design added
- Font color changeable ( 4 Colors )
- CMI Security added
- Quickbar Color changeable ( 5 Colors )
- Installation Bar color changeable ( 4 Colors )
- Credits revised
- Quickbar Menu added ( Opens by Pressing Triangle )
- UMD IsO Options Menu added
- Dump UMD
- Start UMD
- Start ISO, CSO + Browser
- Visit Us added
- Pandora DDC Options Mneu added
- DDC 8 Install and Startable
- GEN-D Patch for DDC8
- PSP Tool Install and Startable
- Help / Tutorail added
- Recovery Editor Menu added
- Recovery Menu Pink changer
- Recovery Menu yellow changer
- Recovery Menu red blue changer
- Recovery Menu blue changer
- Recovery Menü green changer
- CMI Recovery Menu added
- CMI Master Reset added
- CMI ReInstallation added
- No Boot Screen any more
- Faster Installations
- Many Bug fixes
- Language and Infos now better
- With O you can return
- Better Stabilization
- Hen Usern were shown messages for their security
- CMI is now faster
And i know that many People doesnt know whats this Homebrew is etc. So here are the most answerd Questions
How I can Update CMI ??
Go to CMI Config and select Update CMI Software. Or start the Store and if a newer Version is aviable you will get an Message. Or you Update Manuell
Whats CMI ?
CMI = Custom Modul Installer
With this tool its possible to Install newer CFW Functions on an older CFW
For Example:
You are using 5.00 M33 and you dont want to Update. But you will have the Functions from the 5.02 GEN ( Recovery Menu in the VSH etc. ) So this Tool can make this You can Install the 5.50 GEN-D Functions on M33 and and and. Now CMI can almost everything Dump UMD, Install plugins, mods, Specials, Change your PSP Design and and and.
Whats CMI Security ??
If you doesnt want that enybody can start CMI except you than you can save CMI with a Password
How I can make my own Addons ??
Read the Coders_readme_en.txt for Details
How I can Install Addons ?
Download Addons from your PC an put them in the Addons Folder
I have Installed a Wave but now my PSP Freez at boot ?
Bevor you Install a Wave you must change your Wave in the XMB to Classic Mode ! Bevor you Install a Wave Install first the Rcovery Flasher, go to Special Page 2 and then select Install recovery Flasher
So have Fun
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March 2nd, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
Yes another year, another EA Sports update, but bear with me. While I liked Fifa 2009, I’m loving Fifa 10. Why? You’;ll have to listen to the show to find out.
And before you get to the review, the latest news and views, including some home truths about which is the greater evil… piracy on the PSP or the growing enticement of trading in older UMD titles.
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March 2nd, 2010, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Owners advised not to turn on console as doing so "may result in errors in some functionality"
Sony has claimed that it hopes to have solved the glitch problems affecting the vast majority of PS3 owners within the next 24 hours – and added that owners of older ‘fat’ machines should not turn on their consoles in the interim.
“We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours,” a post on the EU PlayStation blog reads.
“We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.
“In the meantime, if you have one of the above listed models, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.”
Sony also reiterated that PS3 Slim models are not troubled by the issues.
Full details of the error are detailed below:
* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.
* When the user tries to sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the following message appears on the screen; "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)".
* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install trophies. Please exit your game.”
* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”
* Users are not able to playback certain rental video downloaded from the PlayStation Store before the expiration date.
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March 2nd, 2010, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
After Sony's warning, the PlayStation Network seems to be back online and fully operational, according to reader Larry Gallant:
I wanted to let you guys know that the phat PS3s are now able to login to the Playstation network and the clocks are working. I was able to login at 6:28 PM eastern time in the Boston, MA USA area.
No official word from Sony yet, however, so proceed with caution.
Have you been able to connect to the network? Tell us in the comments.
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March 2nd, 2010, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
You may not be checking LittleBigPlanet for new levels as obsessively as you once were, but that doesn't mean that junior designers aren't still out there trying to perfect Super Mario Bros. 1-1 or trying to recreate the myth of Sisyphus. The game's community has just reached another big milestone: Two million available levels. It took them nine months to get the first million in late July of 2009, meaning that development isn't slowing down. In fact, it would appear to be speeding up.
It's inspired us to dust off our LittleBigPlanet disc and ... oh, wait.
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March 2nd, 2010, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Enhance the grip from your controller and dominate your opponents!
Compatible with PS3, PS2, XBOX 360 controllers, the Dominator Grip provides an extra resistant grip to ensure maximum stability.
Your thumbs will never slip during a vital gameplay moment!
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March 2nd, 2010, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Enhance the grip from your controller and dominate your opponents!
Compatible with PS3, PS2, XBOX 360 controllers, the Dominator Grip provides an extra resistant grip to ensure maximum stability.
Your thumbs will never slip during a vital gameplay moment!
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March 2nd, 2010, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

An abducted soul. A lifetime of sins. A journey to the depths of despair. Based on the immensely influential classic poem, Dante’s Inferno takes you on an epic quest of vengeance and redemption through the Nine Circles of Hell. You are Dante, a veteran of the Crusades who must chase his beloved Beatrice and try to free her soul from Lucifer’s grasp. As your pursuit takes you deeper into the pits of Hell, you must battle ever more fierce and hideous monsters—while also facing your own sins, a dark family past, and your unforgivable war crimes.
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March 2nd, 2010, 19:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony's list of strong first-party studios has grown this afternoon with the acquisition LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule.
They'll join studios like Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games as part of Sony Worldwide Studios.
Sony described the deal as a "strategic move to secure excellence in game development for current and future PlayStation platforms".
"Since Media Molecule's inception, we've had a uniquely close relationship with SCE. Over the years they have consistently shown their dedication to Creative Gaming and Media Molecule, not only through their support of the company, but their willingness to take risks and embrace our often unusual approach and ideas," said Alex Evans, co-founder of Media Molecule.
"What we've achieved already with LittleBigPlanet has proved this to us and we're excited by this new chapter of innovation and creative gaming, for all involved.” There's no mention of a LittleBigPlanet 2.
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March 2nd, 2010, 19:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
As the European gaming population waits with one hand on the window, scanning the streets for the long overdue arrival of Yakuza 3, Japan are gearing up for Yakuza 4.
Yakuza 4 is set for Japanese shelves on March 18 and Kotaku have just hosted a TV ad for the fourth game in the gangster kick-fest series.
Not much to see, granted, but worth a watch all the same.
As far as the west is concerned, we're expecting the third game on March 12, and we've got plenty of Yakuza 3 trailers and Yakuza 3 screens for you to look at until then.
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March 2nd, 2010, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Siliconera
Next week Sony plans on unveiling their motion controller and probably it’s official name, “PlayStation Arc.” Sony filed a trademark for PlayStation Arc in Japan, which also happens to be the rumored name for Sony’s motion controller.
This trademark, the domain name registration, and execs calling the PS3 wand PlayStation Arc are pretty convincing evidence.
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan registered two other interesting trademarks: “make drama baseball” in katakana which may be related to MLB 10: The Show and Hitsuji Boueigun. Loosely translated that’s something like Sheep Defense Force.
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March 2nd, 2010, 19:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gaming Union
We've been teasing our interview with Co-founder and former CEO of DICE, Fredrik Liliegren, in sections, but before we drop the entire thing, we thought it'd be just to highlight Liliegren's thoughts on Mirror's Edge.
While Mirror's Edge was received fairly well by reviewers, the game didn't catch on with gamers all that much. Here's how our questions went:
Gaming Union: What do you think of DICE's choice to make Mirror's Edge, and now that they're developing a sequel?
Liliegren: Knowing that that product was in development for about seven years.. [laughs] and given that it wasn't Mirror's Edge when we started, but it was one team working on 'the new IP' for seven years, I think they did a strong final. They did something different that people hadn't done before. I think it needed a second generation so they can tweak on it, I played it a little bit.
GU: Do you think it was a good idea for them to make that, compared to making more of what's already been successful for them?
Liliegren: I think they were given an opportunity, and that was stated throughout the seven years "to come up with something different," and I think that they did that. I think they achieved that goal. I think they learned a lot, and I think that they definitely got a lot of press out of it, [an] insane amount of press actually, given that they didn't really sell that well. So I think it raised DICE itself for a developer that thinks out of the box. Incase you're wondering, Liliegren departed DICE when EA bought out the company. At the time Liliegren was managing DICE Canada, but when EA bought DICE, they decided to shut down that studio. Since then Liliegren formed another studio called Antic Entertainment, which we just so happened to do an interview about.
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March 2nd, 2010, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Capcom has announced Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition will be exclusive to the GAME Group chains.
Under this partnership, consumers will only be able to pick up the premium edition of the survival horror title a GAME and Gamestation.
The Gold Edition is due for release on March 12th. It includes a full copy of Resident Evil 5 - first released in March 2009 - and all of the DLC that has been released since, including Mercenaries Reunion and Lost In Nightmares.
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March 2nd, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the 'B' company fight their way through snowy mountaintops, dence jungles and dusty villages. With a heavy arsenal of deadly weapons and a slew of vehicles to aid them, the crew set off on their mission and they are ready to blow up, shoot down, blast through, wipe out and utterly destroy anything that gets in their way. Total destruction is the name of the game, delivered as only the DICE next generation Frostbite engine can. Either online or offline, enemies will soon learn there is nowhere to hide.
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March 2nd, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Whether you feel like playing a single season, or building a dynasty over multiple years in Franchise mode, we’ve got you covered
Outslug baseball’s most feared power hitters
No time to play a full game? Choose a custom scenario as your starting point and jump right in
You’re not playing the game, you’re controlling it. Make the lineups, pitching changes, substitutions and strategy decisions as you try to outwit your opponent
Play head-to-head against anyone, anywhere, anytime
Major League Baseball® 2K10 brings baseball’s most exciting match-up to life: Pitchers vs. Hitters. Get ready to battle.
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March 2nd, 2010, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

From Italian circuits to south africa, this car race will take you across the globe to all the exotic places and pit you against the best cars and racers. Strap your belt on and focus on the road, the Formula 1 races is about to begin.
Famous cars from top makers will star in the game, there are a total of 15 cars you can choose from, and each of them are loyally rendered according to the real life models.
Shift gear, pull on breaks, the cars in the game are driven like real cars, you can also modify the engines and functions until it's in optimal shape.
Choose a difficulty level suitable to your skills, win a series of races and become the global champion. Win against the computer, and log onto the network and join an online race with your friends. A total of 12 people can play together, so put everyone behind the line, watch for the go sign and press on the gas.
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March 2nd, 2010, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Bizarre Creations confident they can get the most out of the knotty PlayStation set-up
Liverpool-based studio Bizarre Creations is building its promising racing game Blur with the 360 as lead platform, and the studio assures it won’t fall into familiar traps when porting to the PS3.
In an interview with Develop, project lead Jed Talbot said that, unlike other projects in the past, Blur’s 360-to-PS3 port is progressing well.
The differences in hardware setup between both consoles – particularly in terms of RAM allocation – can often lead to problematic PS3 conversions.
Yet Talbot is hopeful that Blur won’t be added to the list of 360 games that strip off a few layers when converted to Sony’s flagship console.
“The PS3 port is coming on quite well,” he said. “I personally don’t play it that much because [lead designers are] on the thin-edge of development, trying to look at other things like how balanced the gameplay is.
“But we’ve got all the technical guys creaming over the PS3, and they’re saying that both versions work as well as each other.”
The issue of porting was illustrated when Develop took a studio tour of Bizarre.
Blur’s audio manager Nick Wiswell said that, typically, Bizarre allocates about 5 per cent of the 360’s 512MBs of RAM to audio production – just about enough size to work with the PS3’s audio memory allocation, which benchmarks at around 25MB.
“But the PS3 has its other difficulties as well, to do with compression formats,” added Wiswell.
“So we do ultimately end up with slightly less memory on the PS3 to play with, but at the moment every sound in the 360 version is in the PS3 version. There’s no difference between them so far.
"Obviously, we’re not finished yet, but as it stands things are looking quite promising at this point.”
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March 2nd, 2010, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has apologised for the bug that crippled a significant number of PlayStation 3 units yesterday, including retail SKUs, test and development kits.
According to the company, a bug related to the internal clock has now corrected itself as the date has changed, and users are now able to play on their consoles after previous warnings not to switch machines on.
"We are aware that the internal clock functionality in the PS3 units other than the slim model, recognised the year 2010 as a leap year. Having the internal clock date change from February 29 to March 1 (both GMT), we have verified that the symptoms are now resolved and that users are able to use their PS3 normally," said the company in a statement.
If users are still seeing incorrect times on the cross media bar, they should adjust the settings manually, said Sony.
"We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused."
The twenty four hour problem came just as the format holder released one of its most critically acclaimed titles to date, Heavy Rain, which also shot to number one in the UK all-formats charts.
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March 3rd, 2010, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
Almost three weeks since the last release, the Japanese developer TMK releases a new update for PSPMame, porting to the PSP of MAME, Application can emulate multiple platforms arcade. This new version, 0.6, improves the overall stability of the program.
R0.6 ChangeLog:
- Reintroduced the sound
- Other general improvements
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March 3rd, 2010, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

You are part of the Raven, a special mercenary group that pilot amored core to the battle field. You have twenty four hours to tackle your missions and take down all the other massive Armored Cores to ensure survival.
With a tight storyline, over 77 missions and customizable robots, Armored Core: Last Raven Portable is a war you have to join, and win.
Those who have played Amored Core 3 PSP and Silent Line portable can load their save data into the game to retrieve the armored core you're familiar with. Activate the adhoc network and pit robots against friends'. Win new parts for to modify your mecha, there are more than 500 parts for you to build the most powerful weapon.
Fight your war your own way, depending on how many missions you can clear and how well you do them, you reach different endings.
Amored Core The Last Raven is available on Sony PSP.
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March 3rd, 2010, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

While seemingly placid on the surface, the world of Lunar is slowly descending into chaos, as the Goddess Althena, the creator and guardian of the world, has disappeared and the valiant efforts of the legendary Dragonmaster Dyne and his faithful companions fade into obscurity.
With Althena gone and no one able or willing to become the next Dragonmaster, a shadowy figure, known only as the Magic Emperor, has started plotting to usurp Althena’s place and become a god.
In a remote village far removed from the decay that is slowly spreading throughout the world lives a young man named Alex, who dreams of one day becoming the next Dragonmaster like his hero Dyne.
One day, Alex’s friend Ramus convinces him to head towards a cave near town, where it is rumored the legendary White Dragon resides.
With Alex’s adopted sister Luna and his mysterious pet Nall in tow, Alex heads off on what seems to be a meaningless adventure, not knowing that it would be the first step in an epic journey with the fate of the entire world at stake.
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March 3rd, 2010, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Most Metal Gear Solid games are rated “M” by the ESRB in North America. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is shooting for a broader audience since it’s being designed as a “T” rated title.
What does that mean? No blood, but the game’s plot is still serious. Hideo Kojima explains more in a tweet.
“This time around we wanted to go for a ‘T’ rating since it’s on the PSP. There is no bloodshed effects so the younger crowd can enjoy it as well. But the MGS world and theme lives on. The script is seriously written…anti-nuke and anti-war with the nuclear deterrence theory as the backbone. Wish it could of been ‘E.’”
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is rated CERO C in Japan, which means its for ages 15 and up. So, one of the differences between an ESRB “T” and “M” rated Metal Gear Solid game is blood. What would an “E” rated Metal Gear Solid game be like then? Would everyone carry super soakers?
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March 3rd, 2010, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://xorloser.com/?p=254
I finally found the time to complete the PS3 exploit toolkit software I mentioned to in my previous posts. I call it XorHack. It allows you to call lv1 syscalls (level 1 system calls) from a normal (userspace) program. It also lets you run the software required when triggering the PS3 exploit from a normal userspace program. To give an example of how it can be used I have included the following example programs:
ps3exploit – Runs the software required to exploit the ps3, it loops a number of times which can be specified as a parameter. (This still must be used along with the “button pressing”, it will not exploit the PS3 via software alone).
dumphv – Dumps the hypervisor to a file in the current directory.
dumpbl – Dumps the bootloader to a file in the current directory.
dumprom – Dumps the system rom to a file in the current directory.
The XorHack package contains full sourcecode for everything including a rewrite of geohot’s exploit sourcecode to make it easier to read and understand (the new file is kmod/exploit.c). The rewrite doesn’t just fix the compilation warnings, it attempts to replace all “magic” values with the algorithms and reasoning as well as tidying up the code and commenting it all. I also added another syscall #21 to allow executing of code in hypvervisor context. Due to the associated complexities it is not available from usermode, it is for advanced users to make use of in kernel space. Some small changes were also made to the timing and the text that gets printed onscreen to make the exploit easier and hopefully more stable to use. I recommend XorHack when both looking into how the exploit works and when actually triggering the exploit.
XorHack is made up of three parts. The kernel module, the userspace library file, and lastly the userspace programs themselves. To build all three parts you need to first extract the contents of the XorHack zip file to a directory on your PS3 harddrive. Next you need to navigate on the command line to the directory you extracted the files to. You should be either logged in as root or running as root thanks to the “su” command. Now type “make” to build all parts of XorHack. Then once that completes type “make install” to install all parts of XorHack. If you wish to you can type “make uninstall” in this same directory to remove all of XorHack from your system. When you install XorHack on your system it will always be ready for use, even after rebooting it will be automatically reloaded and ready for use.
To use XorHack to perform the exploit on your PS3 first install it as per the directions above. You then need to switch to a console only mode (no GUI). This is required because it is the only way you can see the printed messages from the kernel module to know when to press the button. Once exploited all other programs can be run normally from a terminal window in GUI mode. To switch to console mode press Ctrl+Alt+F1 on your keyboard. To switch back to the GUI mode press Ctrl+Alt+F7. When you enter console mode you will be greeted with a login screen. Now login with your normal user account and password and type “ps3exploit 100″. This will start the exploit looping 100 times in which you need to successfully glitch the console by pressing the button on your glitch hardware. The idea is the perform the glitch when nothing else is occuring on your PS3. Therefore some things you may want to try when exploiting to help your chances are:
Only press the button once per loop.
Try to press the button around the middle of the pause between two concurrent prints of the “press button” message.
Don’t start pressing the button till after the 10th “press button” message (by this time the system should done loading and preparing the newly running code, so less likely to interfere with processes that occur during these stages)
Run the ps3exploit software after initially booting up the PS3 and switching to the console login without first logging into the GUI mode.
After booting the PS3 and switching to the console mode straight away, log in and then wait about a minute before running ps3exploit so that any processes that may occur upon login/startup have completed.
Don’t use any services that will cause more processes to be running until the exploit is completed. This includes things like accessing your PS3 over samba.
Once you have successfully exploited, stay in console mode as there is less chance of instabilities causing havoc and crashing your PS3.
The PS3 Exploit Game!
Once you can run the exploit it’s time to turn it into a game. Think of it as a cross between getting the turbo boost at the start of a Mario Kart race and Dance Dance Revolution with a finger pad. The aim of the game is to exploit your PS3 as quickly as possible without it crashing.
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March 3rd, 2010, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
It 'was released a new revision, the 1369, the Jpcsp, the emulator PSP for PC developed in JAVA homonymous team. I remember that for proper implementation of the program, which allows you to run some homebrew like those found in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
Rev1369: StringBuffer to StringBuilder
Rev1368: Turned into a few inner classes static inner classes. Two that are not could be modified Because the IDE can not open the editor of their parent class visiual
Rev1367: Was not removing the interrupt handler, but removing itself from a collection
Rev1366: Implemented LISTLOAD and LISTSAVE SaveData modes. Added missing call to hleKernelExitThread in hleKernelAsyncLoop
Rev1365: Avoid null pointer exception in sceIoCloseAsync.
Rev1364: Avoid null pointer exception in sceIoChangeAsyncPriority
Rev1363: Improved sceMpegAvcDecodeDetail (): return frame width and height.
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March 3rd, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Sega was shy with the details when it shared first footage of Platinum Games' new "Vanquish" in late January. It didn't even provide the game's platform.
Thanks to Japan's always reliable Weekly Famitsu, we can now confirm that the title actually has two platforms: PS3 and Xbox 360. Japan will get the game this Winter.
A new Platinum Games title would draw attention anyway, but this game is particularly special because it's the first game from Shinji Mikami, director of the original Resident Evil and countless other Capcom hits, in four years. Mikami is serving as director on Vanquish, with Platinum's Atsushi Inaba serving as producer.
Mikami shared a few high level details in an interview with the magazine.
Vanquish takes place in the near future and puts you up against robots rather than other humans. The story appears to be centered on a conflict between Russia and America.
You take control of a main character who wears a slim armor suit. Your gun transforms in real time to new forms.
Mikami describes the game's genre as "shooter." Based off the screens in the magazine, he seems to mean third person shooter.
But this isn't just a generic shooter. The game will have the speed and rhythm you get from playing an action game, he said. This will be particularly true of the boss battles.
Gameplay systems mentioned in the magazine include a boost system which lets you close the gap between enemies quickly, and some sort of bullet time system that lets you slow the action down.
Development on Vanquish is currently at 80%, Mikami told the magazine. The development staff is assembling the basic areas of the game right now, but still have to tackle the more precise, detailed areas like enemy and ally AI.
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March 3rd, 2010, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A new PS3 Platinum edition of Race Driver: GRID will launch in Europe on Friday, March 12 - and include codes that provide players with over £10 worth of DLC.
The title, entitled Race Driver: GRID Reloaded will be priced at £24.99, according to trade site MCV.
The two DLC codes will enable players to download the 'Prestige' and '8-ball' packs, adding 18 cars, new multiplayer modes and a new circuit to the game.
A Reloaded edition of Race Driver: GRID for the Xbox 360 will also be available and include a DLC code for the 8 Ball Pack.
In addition, the Prestige Pack will be available as separate DLC for existing Race Driver: GRID players in Europe and North America, and will launch on PSN on March 11 for £7.99 / $9.99.
The 8 Ball Pack is currently available.
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March 3rd, 2010, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Take Two CEO Ben Feder ducked a question about PlayStation 3 exclusive Agent during this evening's Q1 financial conference call.
"The short answer is yes, still in development," he told an analyst who asked if it was still in development.
Agent was announced at E3 last year when we were told by Sony America's Jack Tretton that it "will take a player across the globe amid the shadowy world of espionage and assassins in the darkest hours of the 1970s".
In the meantime we've heard that it will be "genre-defining", and that it's hopefully due out this year.
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March 3rd, 2010, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Ignition Entertainment is throwing a full-scale shooter at PC, PS3 and XBLA this summer.
It's called Blacklight: Tango Down and carries the hallmarks of a typical retail release - "cutting edge" Unreal Engine 3 graphics, "some of the most exciting multiplayer gameplay available" and "incredibly deep customisation" based on earning experience points.
Zombie Studios will develop and we hope improve on most recent effort SAW, which wasn't amazing.
Zombie had also been working on Rogue Warrior before Bethesda booted it off and brought in Aliens vs. Predator developer Rebellion.
Chequered past aside, Zombie Studios appears to have Blacklight: Tango Down up to scratch, judging by the first video on Eurogamer TV.
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March 3rd, 2010, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony apparently has a "surprise sequel" ready to unveil this week on GameTrailers TV.
A promo for this Thursday's episode (evening US, Friday morning UK) shows clips of PS3 big-boys Heavy Rain, God of War 3 and Uncharted 2. Is this new game supposed to follow their lead?
The bookies' money is on Resistance 3, after a forward-thinking Sony Pictures film - due next year - decided to advertise the game with a giant, on-set billboard poster. Someone drove past and took a picture.
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March 4th, 2010, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster

So here's the good news: Turtle Beach announced a universal version of their gaming-oriented chat headset. In stereo, it mixes your talking with your gaming perfectly, meaning you won't be shouting at your teammates (unintentionally). Here's the bad news:
Just like the otherwise superb Astro A40s, the Ear Force PX21s require a lot of cordage—namely, a USB plug for chat audio and a line to your stereo RCA outputs. Plus, they cost $80, which, at $20 more than Turtle Beach's similar Xbox 360 exclusive stereo headset, is putting you into surround sound headset territory.
But if you game a lot on the 360 and the PS3—which many of you do—the PX21 may be worth a look.
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March 4th, 2010, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
The early belief that the PSN was spreading a brickitis infection to PS3s around the world has turned out to be not quite accurate. Yes, PSN was inaccessible over that extremely stressful day (for PS3 owners, the rest of us have been quite fine, thank you), but we're hearing from Eurogamer that the villain in this story was an ARM chip inside the console -- the very same one, in fact, that led to a few Zunes losing their minds back in 2008. The big problem here was simply a bit of hardware that couldn't get its bearings straight after expecting 2010 to be a leap year, and the arrival of March 1 "fixed" everything for all eight affected PS3 SKUs (of a total of eleven). That leaves Sony with four years to make sure this problem isn't heard from again, and if it doesn't, we'll be placing blame for the real 2012 apocalypse firmly on Howard Stringer's shoulders.
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March 4th, 2010, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster

When one thinks of a PSP Phone, they usually imagine a handset with a number of cool, gamer-centric features, such as some sort of integration with the PlayStation network or -- imagine! -- the ability to actually play PSP games. What they don't imagine -- correct us if we're wrong -- is some sort of KIRFy cellphone shoved inside what is essentially the shell of a PSP. That said, we do have to give our friends in Shenzhen some props: not only have they beat Sony with this knock-off, but with the way things are going, they might have the PSP Phone market all to themselves in perpetuity. No specifics on this one yet -- price, stats, or street date -- but you probably weren't going to buy one anyways.
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March 4th, 2010, 19:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
James Stevenson, senior community manager for Insomniac Games, has confirmed the studio is currently working on two new projects.
"We are busy working here on some really cool stuff that we can’t wait to show you," he wrote on the Insomniac blog.
"[Work is] currently underway on more than one game right now (which will be no surprise to anyone who knows how our production pipeline works). We’ve been trying to evolve our production pipeline to give us more time for iteration, as well as better efficiencies along the way." So is one of those games a third instalment in the Resistance series? Speculators have been speculating Resistance 3 will be announced this week after GameTrailers promised to reveal a "suprise sequel". Well, speculators can shut up. Writing on Neogaf, when asked if he knew the game being revealed, Stevenson wrote, "Yes - but it is not a game from Insomniac." Well there you go.
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March 4th, 2010, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Ten years ago today, the PlayStation 2 launched in Japan. That makes the PS2 ten years old.
After launching worldwide, the console has gone on to sell over 140 million units globally, making it the best selling home console. Ten years in, the console is still alive and kicking. There are still video games being released on it!
What better what to say "Happy birthday, PS2!", than by naming your favorite PS2 title. What are you waiting for? Get to it!
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March 4th, 2010, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Lavalit have today released a new build of Openbor for the PSP, Dreamcast, Dingoo, GP2x, Wii and Wiz
Heres whats new:
New command "counterrange" {start frame} {end frame} {mode} {damage}. Identical to counterframe {frame} {mode} {damage} except allows range of frames.
Counterframe code now uses array.. still haven't solved bug for modes 2+. Will keep at it
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
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March 4th, 2010, 20:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Killzone 3 is set to arrive in stereoscopic 3D and use Sony's motion wand - rumoured to be called 'Arc' - a source has told CVG.
According to our contact, the Guerrilla Games sequel will launch as part of a big 3D push for the PlayStation 3 this Christmas - far earlier than we expected.
While our source is unsure if the follow-up is indeed the "Sony sequel" that looks set to be unveiled tonight, we're assured that the information on the game itself is "rock solid".
Earlier this year PSM3 Magazine also went on record that Killzone 3 information would arrive in "the coming months".
Check back later tonight to see if this is indeed the announcement.
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March 4th, 2010, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Namco Bandai has announced that Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood will be released for PSP in Europe this summer.
As surely everyone knows, Brotherhood follows the Elric brothers, two alchemists cursed after trying to bring their mum back from the dead.
They face a battle-packed adventure on the trail of the philosopher's stone, which can restore the damage they incurred.
Apparently there will be other customisable player characters beyond Edward and Alphonse Elric, but I'm afraid that's about as far into the world of "research" as our feigned enthusiasm will stretch.
The game seems to have come out in Japan last October. Check out screenshots elsewhere on Eurogamer.net.
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March 4th, 2010, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
West and Zampella seeking $36m and control of Modern Warfare IP
Publisher Activision as labelled the lawsuit filed against them by sacked former Infinity Ward bosses Jason West and Vince Zampella as ‘meritless’
Bloomberg reports that the pair are seeking a total of $36m in damages as well as control of the Modern Warfare ‘subset’ of the Call of Duty series – something that lawyers have already suggested could be a real possibility.
“Activision is disappointed that Mr. Zampella and Mr. West have chosen to file a lawsuit, and believes their claims are meritless,” a statement read.
“Over eight years, Activision shareholders provided these executives with the capital they needed to start Infinity Ward, as well as the financial support, resources and creative independence that helped them flourish and achieve enormous professional success and personal wealth.
“In return, Activision legitimately expected them to honour their obligations to Activision, just like any other executives who hold positions of trust in the company. While the company showed enormous patience, it firmly believes that its decision was justified based on their course of conduct and actions.”
The publisher also looked to reaffirm what it sees as its contractual control of the franchise.
“Activision remains committed to the Call of Duty franchise, which it owns, and will continue to produce exciting and innovative games for its millions of fans.”
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March 4th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sony's gearing up to take on Apple this year, with the long-awaited PSP phone and a netbook/eBook reader/PSP hybrid to fight the iPad.
There aren't extensive details available yet—including any info about pricing and specs—but we can expect to see the both the PSP phone and the PSPad sometime this year. The Sony Ericsson PSP phone, in particular, has been in the works since at least 2007, but has met with various delays since then.
As for the multifunction iPad competitor, it's not clear exactly what form that will take. Both devices, though, will leverage the media platform Sonys launching later this month. The Sony Online Service—a temporary name—is going to provide similar media content as iTunes, but will supplement its offerings with its extensive (and exclusive) catalog of PlayStation games. Mostly older games are expected to be available on the mobile devices.
The project is apparently being speared by Kunimasa Suzuki, who has an oversight role in both Sony's Vaio and PlayStation businesses. Getting previously disparate corporate divisions to work together has been a major part of CEO Howard Stringer's turnaround plan, making the PSPad an incredibly important sign of if that labor has born any fruit. Is this the Sony renaissance we've been longing for? Or will it be another in a long line of proprietary format failures? We'll find out soon, either way.
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March 4th, 2010, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster

You know who knows everything? People familiar with the matter. In particular, they know everything when "the matter" happens to be Sony's handheld strategy for 2010, which is said to finally include an honest-to-goodness PSP with phone capabilities -- something the world's been demanding for as long as they've wanted a Zunephone. According to the WSJ, the device is apparently part of a larger push by Sony to create an iTunes-like Utopian ecosystem of products this year that connect to Sony Online Service, an ecosystem that would also include a hybrid portable of some sort that "blurs distinctions among a netbook, an e-reader and a PlayStation Portable." Details aren't offered on this particular monster -- but turning our attention back to the phone for a second, it's claimed that Sony's working with it in conjunction with the folks at Sony Ericsson under the direction of Kunimasa Suzuki, an exec largely responsible for the VAIO line who's also involved with the PlayStation team. Of course, SE's already taken some baby steps toward corporate harmony by bundling Remote Play support with the Aino, but everyone knows that PSP compatibility is the panacea; Microsoft finally buckled on the Zunephone thing with the introduction of Windows Phone 7 Series, and there's no reason why Sony shouldn't follow suit.
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March 4th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Hot off the release of MAG, Sony has revealed that the game's developer, Zipper Interactive, will be returning to the SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs franchise for the development of SOCOM 4 on PS3, slated for release this fall.
Unlike the Slant 6-developed, online-only SOCOM: Confrontation and Zipper's own MAG, this new SOCOM will include a full story-driven, single-player campaign comprised of 14 missions that the dev expects to offer around 12 hours of gameplay (according to IGN). Of course, the developer's experience on the excellent 256-player MAG will undoubtedly be carrying over (in as many ways as possible) to the announced 32-player online component of its new project. Only 32 players? (We kid.)
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March 5th, 2010, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony appears to be working on a new kind of video game demo. A patent filed by SCEA details a system that gives users a full or nearly complete game to play with, but slowly removes features until you buy it.
The software has customizable triggers that disable features after a set number of plays or lapsed play time. Let’s see some theoretical examples of how this could work.
In one scenario your weapon is weakened or replaced with a less powerful one after so many hours playing the game. Think of it as a timed level down.
Another idea Sony has is to remove levels, race tracks in this example, after you reach a certain number of plays. When you finally buy the game (bottom right) you can use all of the tracks again.
Removing weapons and playable characters are on the table too. Sony’s patent also lists subtle ideas such as softening sound effects, changing color depth, and/or brightness as other ways to encourage players to purchase a full version. In all cases, you can still play the game, just a limited version of it.
The patent says this system is better than current demos because degradable demos can be distributed on physical media and players can see the whole game for a limited amount of time. In other words, this system is “nag screen 2.0” that can be distributed on a disc and restored with an unlock key.
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March 5th, 2010, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Not quite. Advance! Defend! Fight! is the offspring of a vertical scrolling shooter and a tower defense game.
In this downloadable PSP game you build ships and send them to battle. Each ship has its own set of weapons and weakness and it’s up to you to decide what’s effective. Scrap metal collected from shot down enemy fighters is used to build more ships. Up to 80 tiny ships can be sent out at one time. All of this is done while holding your PSP vertically. Rize made one of the few, but not the first, vertically oriented PSP games.
Advance! Defend! Fight! has two modes: arcade and war room. You start in arcade mode working through practice, easy, normal, hard, and very hard difficult levels unlocking more waves with each play.
Rize’s PSP game is due in Japan next month and it will only cost 500 yen ($5.50). What else has Rize made? Virtua Cop Re-Birth, portions of 3D Dot Game Heroes, and uhh… My Ballet Studio.
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March 5th, 2010, 18:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
This week's "surprise Sony sequel" reveal has turned out to be SOCOM 4.
Zipper, developer of MAG and all other SOCOM games, will create - shifting the focus to South East Asia.
"Your mission is to step into the well-worn boots of the Ops Com, a NATO Operations Commander of an elite, five-man squad. You must venture deep into inhospitable jungles, city streets and crumbling urban ruins to engage an army of rebel fighters and discover their plans," read the story description on the European PlayStation blog.
"Although you’re vastly outnumbered, you’re armed with the latest weaponry and your men are second to none – but do you possess the stealth, speed and tactical thinking to lead them to victory? Time is not on your side: you have just six days to complete your mission. To emerge victorious, you must lead from the front, maintain control of the situation and fight with sheer intensity."
The post adds, "You've never played a SOCOM game like this." Key features are "authenticity", "teamwork" and "innovative online play". Which elements of MAG Zipper decides to re-use will be interesting to see.
Head over to our SOCOM 4 gallery for the first batch of shots, here.
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March 5th, 2010, 19:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The Red Star never had its chance to reach an audience. Originally in development by Acclaim for Xbox, the game was delayed when Acclaim ceased to exist, and didn't make it into stores until 2007 (well after the PS3 launch), when XS Games published the PS2 version to generally positive (and occasionally effusive) reviews.
XS just announced that it's giving the alternate-universe Soviet shooter-brawler game another shot at success, by releasing downloadable versions of The Red Star on PSP and iPhone. We have no idea how the game will play on an iPhone, but the PSP has buttons very much like a PS2 controller! The publisher offered an "early spring 2010" release date for both versions, which sounds like soon.
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March 5th, 2010, 19:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Hello Games has announced that it will release Joe Danger first on PS3.
The downloadable side-scrolling bike game is due out this spring, and the you can check out an Joe Danger hands-on, new screenshots and the latest trailer elsewhere on the site.
"We're totally focused on getting the PS3 version out there right now," Hello Games' Sean Murray told Eurogamer, although PC and Xbox 360 may follow.
"We're a tiny little team and this is a pretty big game, with some huge features like content sharing. We absolutely have our hands full, but once this is done, and if people are interested, we'd love to look at some other platforms.
"We're aiming for a spring date, but with just the four of us, the common cold could delay the game. Just wish us luck." Hello Games really is just four guys in a room making their dream games, which we happen to like very much. As did you during the Eurogamer Expo 2009, where Danger was playable to people in the Indie Arcade.
"The crazy thing is that we're the developer, publisher and marketing team for this game," Murray told Eurogamer.
"At best there's only one of those that we know how to do, and even that's arguable. Since we announced, some people have been really helpful and Sony has definitely been one of them.
"The truth is, as an indie most of the time we're treading on a knife edge, and someone offering help means an awful lot. If they rang us up in the middle of the night now, you know, we'd totally help them dispose of a body." Or fix a clock, presumably. Check out our Joe Danger hands-on to see what's in store for PS3 owners this spring.
Eurogamer's hands-on review
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March 6th, 2010, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
While Gran Turismo often deals with the more refined aspects of car racing, you won't find any of that in this trailer. All you'll find here are giant cars going round and around and around.
While NASCAR's inclusion in Gran Turismo 5 has been known for a while now, this is the first time we've really seen it in action, the amount of detail showing that Polyphony may be taking this license a little more seriously than they have the rally stuff included in previous titles.
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March 6th, 2010, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster

[Christian Doran] wanted some blinky goodness to go along with the tunes on his PSP. He built a VU meter circuit around a couple of LM324 op-amp chips and fit it into the UMD space on the back of the PSP. Using surface mount LEDs and some fine wire he lined up a string of indicator lights round the circle on the clear UMD cover. As you can see in the video after the break, the back of the case now pulses along with the music.
[Christian] notes that building the VU circuit around an LM3915 would have been much easier but he’s working with what he has on hand. Looks like he achieve the effect he was after. If you want to learn a bit more about how the op-amps work, take a look at the tutorial from our links post.
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March 7th, 2010, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Mathieulh one of the hackers from the PSP Scene has posted this article:
To the people who wonder "If the ps3 is hacked, why don't we see homebrews yet?" As far as I am concerned homebrews have been achieved since Sony allowed people to run code from otheros. Regarding the playstation 3 being 'hacked', yes it is hacked in a sense that you can run unsigned code with full hardware privileges on the console. But then why is it not wildly used ?
Well the hack itself isn't suitable for mainstream users, it is not easy to use at all, besides even if it was, people wouldn't get much more than what they already got from their linux running on otheros. Moreover if people want "Game os homebrews", lv2 would have to be patched, although this can be achieved doing so WILL take time.
Then you might wonder what's this Geohot hack for? Who does it benefit?
Well the answer is reverse engineers and developers who can research the playstation 3 system to look for additional exploits or gather additional technical knowledge about it.
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March 7th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
At a distance of two months from the previous release our user Bianchi.r releases a new version of PSPMultiFunctionXX, utilities homebrew LUA developed with several integrated functions. The update includes an interface pointer to icons with a folder browser for Memory Stick, a calculator and an internal update feature (which requires an internet connection), part of the source code has also been revised and several bugs have been correct.
- Adding an icon with an interface pointer
- Added a prx to upgrade even from XMB
- Added a calculator
- Added credits and other functions
- Added an explorer of MS
- Added update via homebrew
- Added SND0.AT3 all'EBOOT
- Review some of the code
- Various bugfixes
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March 7th, 2010, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia:

Set approximately 10 years after the events of the original BioShock, the halls of Rapture once again echo with sins of the past.
Along the Atlantic coastline, a monster has been snatching little girls and bringing them back to the undersea city of Rapture.
You are the very first Big Daddy as you travel through the decrepit and beautiful fallen city, chasing an unseen foe in search of answers and your own survival.
Multiplayer in BioShock 2 provides a rich prequel experience that expands the award winning BioShock gameplay. Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject in the underwater city that was first explored in the original BioShock.
Players will need to use all the elements of the game’s toolset to survive as the full depth of the BioShock experience is refined and transformed into a unique multiplayer experience that can only be found in Rapture.
The ticket to Rapture is available at an unbeatable price of US$ 44.9. The Asian version of BioShock 2 is of course wholly region free and completely in English.
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March 7th, 2010, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
The delayed PS2 to PSP port of The Red Star is almost complete. XS Games announced it will be released as a digital download this spring.
The Red Star, a game based off Christian Gossett’s graphic novel of the same name, was originally an Acclaim title. When the BMX XXX publisher went belly up XS Games picked up the rights to it and quietly released it as a budget PS2 game. If you missed it the first time, The Red Star is something like a mix of Smash TV and Ikaruga. XS Games says the PSP and iPhone versions have improved controls and “fresh visual polish”.
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March 7th, 2010, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na..._glitch_finder
modrobert writes: "I have released PS3 Glitch Finder which is a VHDL design for Spartan-3 (eg. xc3s400) FPGAs with the purpose of easily creating a custom pulse which can be used to glitch various hardware, like the PS3 memory bus. The design should work with most of the Spartan-3 development boards out there (eg. Spartan-3 Starter Kit, Basys, Nexys, Discovery or similar). This small project has been a lot of fun and reminds me of the happy days of phreaking using blue box, the art of finding that working 'break' (tone combo) for an unsuspecting toll-free switch board in a country far away somewhere. Now we can enjoy finding the perfect glitch for PS3 instead. More info regarding the project can be found in the wiki, and if you have suggestions or just want to comment try this forum topic. The VHDL source code is released under GPL v2.
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March 7th, 2010, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips UK

Supply power to your PSP GO, PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP-1000, NDSi-XL, NDSi, NDSL, NDS, iPod, Nano, Shuffle, iPhone 2G/3G/3GS ,Nokia mobile phone and other AV electronic appliances in your car with this car-lighter adapter which provides power supply to the rechargeable lithium battery pack.
It comes with a red light indicator that will light up when the console/device is charging.
Specifications :
High efficient, stable and support over 12 kinds consoles
For supply 12V and charge console battery power in the car
Fully compatible with PSP GO, PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP-1000, NDSi-XL, NDSi, NDSL, NDS, iPod, Nano, Shuffle, iPhone 2G/3G/3GS, Nokia mobile phone and other AV electronic appliances
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March 7th, 2010, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips UK

Easy to install and no need to open your PS3. Just plug it into the USB port on the console and switch it on.
The four quiet yet powerful fans accelerate the air circular in the console system, prevent overheating.
Reduce the temperature of your PS3 to improve performance and minimize wear.
Fully compatible with all versions of PS3 console.
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March 7th, 2010, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips UK

Play music games with this Karaoke Microphone! Simply plug the microphones to the adapter and connect to your game console.
With up to 3.6 meters link cable, you can enjoy singing as well as dancing! Compatible with Wii, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3 and PC.
Specifications :
- With two high quality karaoke microphones, they are the perfect design for music games
- Microphone link cable is up to 3.5 meters
- The high fidelity cable makes the sounds distinct, spontaneous and melodious
- It is easy to use, just connect the plug of microphone to the USB audio adapter
- Support Window 98, 2000, XP, ME, Vista and all USB ports
- Compatible with Wii, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3 and PC
Package includes:
- Microphone x 2 pcs
- Microphone link cable x 2 pcs
- USB adapter x 1 pc
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March 7th, 2010, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
The codetactics team have just released v 1.02 of Mobile Assault (formally known as Apollonia).
* Improved radar with a north marker, new look and feel, and the helipad is now shown as an 'H'.
* The leaderboard now shows the current player and ranking as well as the top 10.
Bug Fixes
* On the iPhone, when the home button is pressed, the mission is ended as if it was aborted.
* When the iPhone is locked, the game now pauses.
* Fixed a bug where the menu music restarted after unlocking the phone ingame.
* Fixed a camera issue when a mission ended while the tactical support panel is open.
* Correctly take ammo capacity upgarde level into account when starting a mission.
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to upgrade and downgrade outside the maximum range.
* Fix a menu scrolling issue on PSP in the players selection menu.

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March 7th, 2010, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from clode666
Hello everyone!
Voila I'm developing a nice little game in LUA, it is a game of Battleship.
4 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme
Possibility to place vessels in horizontal or vertical
Warning when IA / button runs one of your boats
Warning whe you tap / sink a ship
Background Music Streaming
View points touched in red
View points not affected by white
In the next release:
Fashion Ad'Hoc
Variations and the next bonus game mode
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March 8th, 2010, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
The developer jas0nuk issue, nearly two months after the last release, an update to PRXdecrypter, the tool that allows you to extract and decrypt the modules. Prx contained in the official firmware, in the custom firmware, in games and demos. This new update adds the keys to decrypt the files to the last official firmware 6.20, with the help of the coder bbtgp that, you will recall, has also released the latest updated version of PSARDUMPER.
Changelog v2.4:
- New keys for fw until 6:20
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March 8th, 2010, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
With any hugely popular franchise you're bound to see imitators hoping to develop on the idea and capture a similar level of success but that's just a form of flattery, according to God of War III producer Steve Caterson.
Caterson went on to say that Sony's Santa Monica Studio didn't feel threatened by titles such as Dante's Inferno but rather the studio focuses on improving on itself.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but from our standpoint, we're running our own race," said Caterson. "We're trying to outdo ourselves and we're our own worst critics and we often beat ourselves up. We take a lot of pride in what we do and we want to do the best we can on the games we make and we don't want to leave anything on the table."
Caterson added: "It's always been about outdoing ourselves; with God of War II, we had to outdo the Hydra and I think we did it with the Colossus battle, and this time, we had to be even bigger than that with God of War III. I'd like to think we succeeded."
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March 8th, 2010, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Chris Redfield, protagonist of the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, returns
New environments and a diverse assortment of locations
New enemies bring new challenges: speed and intelligence make adversaries as dangerous singly as they are in groups.
An arsenal of weapons at the players command to keep the evil at bay, including knives, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles and more.
Lighting effects provide a new level of suspense in both harsh light and deepest shadow
True high definition gaming on multiple game platforms, using an advanced version of Capcom’s proprietary game engine, MT Framework, which powered the next-gen, million-plus hit titles Devil May Cry 4, Lost Planet and Dead Rising.
The biohazard threat has not ended: Just when it seemed that the menace of Resident Evil had been destroyed, along comes a new terror to send shivers down player’s spines. Chris Redfield, returning Resident Evil hero, has followed the path of the evil literally around the globe. After joining a new organization, Chris heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is literally transforming the people and animals of the city into mindless, maddened creatures. Chris must take on the challenge of discovering the truth behind this evil plot. In Resident Evil 5, Capcom will teach players to fear the daylight as much as they have feared shadow in previous games.
Co-producer and series veterans Jun Takeuchi (Lost Planet) and Masachicka Kawata (Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles) unleashes an unprecedented level of fear for the next generation in Resident Evil 5, the sequel to one of the highest-rated videogames in history, according to Metacritic.com and Gamerankings.com. Promising to revolutionize the series by delivering an unbelievable level of detail, realism and control, Resident Evil 5 is certain to bring new fans to the series. New technology developed specifically for the game, as well as incredible changes to both the gameplay and world of Resident Evil will make this a must-have game for gamers across the globe.
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March 8th, 2010, 19:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Internet sleuth Superannuation has tuned up a United States Copyright Office filing which appears to suggest that PS3 interactive drama Heavy Rain has been optioned for a film adaptation.
The agreement - a "short form option" - is between New Line Productions and QuanticDream, and attributes the work Heavy Rain to David "Cage" de Gruttola. Who knew.
Interestingly, the document dates back to May 2006, the year Heavy Rain made its first appearance at E3 in the form of the technical demo, The Casting. It was renewed in 2007.
Whether New Line, part of Warner Bros., will renew its interest in Heavy Rain now the game is out is anyone's guess. But at least we got to find out David Cage's real name.
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March 8th, 2010, 19:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A Microsoft trademark could have forced Sony to rename its PS3 motion wand.
Though it's never been officially Christened, the PS3 motion controller has been heavily tipped to be called 'Arc' - with several third-party execs coining the name.
It's emerged this morning, however, that a range of Microsoft-trademarked PC accessories of the same name could have forced Sony to change its plans.
Industry sources have this morning told CVG that Sony is considering a quick renaming of the device - to avoid potential confusion and clashes with Microsoft over the trademark.
SCEA's Patrick Seybold admitted 'PlayStation Arc' is a "rumoured codename" for the controller last month, after THQ president Brian Farrell used the Arc name in an investor call.
Of course the other name being chucked about for the PS3 wand is 'Gem', and Disney Interactive recently used it recently in public.
When contacted, an SCE spokesperson issued a straight "no comment" on our report.
Screenshot of Microsoft's Arc mouse
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March 8th, 2010, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has another shot of Mega Man for PlayStation 3 and PSP owners in Japan. Next month, the Complete Works version of Mega Man 3 will join the list of PsOne Classics.
Features in this edition of Mega Man 3 include a revamped menus, in-game tips from Protoman, hard mode, a boss rush, and a collection of illustrations.
You can get Mega Man 3 from Japan’s PlayStation Store sometime in April or, if you’re really lucky, win it by purchasing Mega Man 10. Fifty people that buy Mega Man 10 from PSN between March 9 and 23 will win a digital download of Mega Man 3. Unfortunately, this promotion is only for Japan, or perhaps those with Japan region PSN accounts.
Mega Man 10 makes its debut in Japan this week on WiiWare and PlayStation Network.
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March 8th, 2010, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
The first batch of PsOne Simple Series games are coming to the PlayStation Store this week. Four games in the initial lineup.
- Simple Series Vol. 14 The Block Buster
- Simple Series Vol. 15 The Pachinko
- Simple Series Vol. 18 The Bowling
- Simple Series Vol. 31 The Sound Novel
None of these are particularly notable and one of them has actually been released in North America by Agetec. However, this collection is something to keep an eye on. D3 Publisher developed some obscure titles like The Cameraman, a RayStorm/RayCrisis double pack, and The Mountain Climbing RPG
Each downloadable Simple Series game is only 300 yen ($3.30), which is half the price of other downloadable PsOne games in Japan.
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March 8th, 2010, 19:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
The first reviews have flooded the internet of Sony’s upcoming PS3 only God of War III, and it seems that Sony has yet another critical smash on its hands.
The next-gen hack ‘n’ slash outing was awarded an impressive nine from Eurogamer, a 9.3 from IGN, 94 per cent from Play.tm, an ‘A’ from 1UP and a 96 per cent from Spong.
The game continues Sony’s fine run of well-received exclusives on the format that includes last year’s Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and recent release Heavy Rain, which currently boasts Metacritic averages of 96 per cent and 87 per cent respectively.
God of War III will be released in the UK on March 19th.
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March 8th, 2010, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has dismissed reports of a LittleBigPlanet sequel coming this year as "rumour and speculation".
No details were reported other than a near-certain release this year, although it's not clear if this will be via a full disc release or as a download via PSN, according to a VG247 'source'.
As expected, Sony told CVG in regards to the report that it doesn't "comment on rumour or speculation".
As noted, the dev team have in the past gone on record to say it had no intention of making a sequel, with level designer Danny Leaver saying a sequel would be "the most counterproductive thing you could do I think".
This, however, was despite a BBC report claiming that developer Media Molecule, which is now wholly Sony-owned, was working on a sequel before the first game was even released.
MM recently released a Pirates of the Caribbean Level Kit, which costs £4.79 and adds specially-themed levels that contain new water gameplay, along with an edit tool to add water to your own custom creations.
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March 8th, 2010, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Rumours point to launch date, partners and hardware specifics reveal at GDC
With much of the world’s games industry gearing up for GDC in San Francisco this week, the number of rumours doing the rounds is rapidly increasing – and there’s plenty being said about Sony’s Motion Controller.
Chief amongst the talk, VG247 claims to have word that Sony will tomorrow go live with details including a firm release date and list of launch publishing partners.
You can also expect the peripheral to be given a concrete name – be it Arc, Gem or something altogether different.
Further chat has claimed that the device will come in two parts much like Nintendo’s WiiMote and Nunchuck controller.
There are plenty more rumours doing the rounds, too, though the credibility of most is up to question. Here’s one that caught MCV’s eye, though – LittleBigPlanet 2 will tomorrow be revealed as a Motion Controller exclusive due out this Q4.
The truth will be known first thing tomorrow morning.
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March 9th, 2010, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA is currently certifying a patch that should allow PlayStation 3 owners of Bad Company 2 to gain access to their VIP content, according to DICE. The patch will "hopefully" go live today in North America, with Europe following "shortly after." Once patched, PS3 players will gain access to Nelson Bay (Rush) and Laguna Alta (Conquest) -- along with the ability to access all future content.
Xbox 360 owners have had consistent connectivity with BC2 issues since launch, but the PC version is also having significant issues beyond normal server problems. DICE has posted some "temporary solutions for PC gamers" while the developer works on a "permanent solution." Answers to several of those issues can be found on the EA forums. Well, at least it's a great multiplayer game ... when it works.
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March 9th, 2010, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
As promised, a quick preview of our games console forecast which will be published early next week. No surprise that Nintendo’s Wii stands in the lead at the moment, within the current generation of systems, in terms of global installed base. We estimate that there will be nearly 76 million Wiis in use worldwide by the end of 2010.
But the signs are that the Wii has peaked in terms of console sales, and its installed base will begin to decline after 2011. Meanwhile, Sony’s PS3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 will continue to grow, so that the PS3 will become the largest platform globally by 2013. In terms of cumulative lifetime sales we expect the PS3 to hit 127 million units, compared to 103 million Wiis.
These estimates are derived from our core forecast scenario, but we have developed various scenarios for each platform. Uncertainties clearly surround each of the major platforms, particularly relating to the new services and upgrades planned by Sony and Microsoft. Natal on the Xbox could be more beneficial to 360 sales than expected, and Sony’s own motion controller, together with its plans to upgrade all PS3s to 3D capabilitiy, also represent potential for upside to our core forecasts.
This year’s global market for consoles is likely to fall again, after a 6% decline last year. For 2010 we are predicting global console sales of 47.5 million, a 9% decline.The Wii will account for most of that decline: sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 are predicted to increase.
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March 9th, 2010, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
The Japanese ClassG coder has released a new update for macrofire, prx, now at version 3.1.0, which allows you to configure key combinations you can do with the push of just one, adjust the sensitivity of the analog sticks and set fire to the car - a given key. This new update improves overall stability of the program.
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March 9th, 2010, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A tale of souls from a futuristic civilization illuminated by the Light of the Crystal
This eagerly anticipated title takes full advantage of the PlayStation 3 system's advanced hardware, providing tangible, intuitive controls while delivering seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and stunning in-game cinematics. The latest in cutting-edge technology has been utilized in development of FINAL FANTASY XIII, thus making this newest addition to the FINAL FANTASY series worthy of the title "next generation."
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March 9th, 2010, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New for Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake, select from four additional game multiplayer game modes, including Grim Ripper, Dilapidated, Demolition and Jailbreak
Change your character class at any time merely by swapping hats: Worker, Warrior, Ranger, Mage and Priest
Work together to collect resources to upgrade your weapons and castle defenses
Create your own personal avatar before you charge into battle. Unlock new customization options during gameplay
Franticly-paced and strategic, Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake pits two hordes of players against each other in comic medieval battle royale on PSP. The player’s goal is to rescue a beloved princess from the enemy castle. There is a catch, though; the adversary has been feeding her magical cake to make her heavier to carry. Therefore, it will take much of the army working together to carry her across the battlefield.
Team balance and strategy is crucial in Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake, as players can switch between five different character classes literally at the drop of a hat. The name of the game is cooperation, whether it is flinging another player over the enemy’s walls with a teeterboard, healing him while he charges into battle, or adding muscle to carry the hearty princess to safety.
The comical, quirky and loveable cast of characters in Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake has been developed specifically for optimization on PSP. Now players can have their cake, and take it on the go, too.
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March 9th, 2010, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Version 1.0 of the PSX savestate tool "PVV" has been released.
PVV (PlayStation VRAM Viewer) is a program to decode, view and save the contents of the Video RAM generated by Playstation 1 emulators. (Alternatively it can also process raw binary graphics data.) It currently supports ePSXe, PCSX 1.5, PCSX 1.9 and pSX savestates.
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March 9th, 2010, 19:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) today announced that PhyreEngine for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system will become available to PSP game developers this spring.
PhyreEngine is an advanced graphics rendering engine provided as source code and tools to PlayStation 3 game developers, publishers and Tools & Middleware licensees, and used in a number of titles released on the PlayStation Store and Blu-ray Disc. PhyreEngine for the PSP system will enable game franchises to be efficiently developed to make use of the strengths of PSP platform.
At the Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco, PhyreEngine for the PSP system and "Tunnel Shooter," the game demo using one of the original PhyreEngine "game templates" (vertical slices of different game genres provided as full source code with PhyreEngine to help game developers quickly assemble proof of concepts), will be showcased at SCE Booth this week.
"We're very happy to see the continued popularity of PhyreEngine with the global game developer community," said Teiji Yutaka, Senior Vice President, Technology Platform of SCEI. "PhyreEngine for PSP was developed in response to requests from the game developer community, and we hope that the release of the PSP version demonstrates our commitment and support for game developers on all our platforms." SCE will deploy various measures to further reinforce game development for the PSP system and will continue to expand the platform to offer interactive entertainment experiences only available on the PSP system.
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March 9th, 2010, 19:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Santa Monica's God of War III cost a massive $44 million to make, according to director of product development John Hight.
"We are stamping discs now, so we're effectively done, just got a couple of countries that we're finishing up on this week, and we've spent $44 million on God of War III," Hight told Giant Bomb.
"Believe it or not, that's right within budget." All that and they still had to ditch the epilogue. It was money well spent by all accounts, however, including our account. Check out our 9/10 God of War III review to see what we made of it. The game's due out on 19th March.
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March 9th, 2010, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced it has acquired high definition movies from six major studios for distribution over the PlayStation Network.
20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Universal Pictures, and Warner Bros. Digital Distribution will offer HD films for purchase and rental over the console in the US.
"Securing high definition content from these studios is another significant milestone further validating PlayStation Network as a complete entertainment network in the home. PlayStation Network is the first and only service to deliver high definition home entertainment from all six major studios, directly to consumers for download," said Peter Dille, senior vice president, marketing and PlayStation Network, SCEA.
"PlayStation Network continues to offer the most comprehensive catalog of HD movies to PlayStation Network members that realize the wide-ranging entertainment power of the PS3 system."
New titles for the PlayStation Network include:
- 20th Century Fox: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, Jennifer's Body and Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Walt Disney Pictures: Up, G-Force and Earth
- Paramount Pictures: Star Trek, Paranormal Activity and Zoolander
- Sony Pictures: This Is It, 2012, District 9 and Zombieland
- Universal: Inglourious Basterds, Couples Retreat and Public Enemies
- Warner Bros.: The Hangover, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and The Wizard of Oz
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March 9th, 2010, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Infinity Ward director of communications Robert Bowling has announced that the total number of unique users for Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has hit 25 million players.
Writing on Twitter, Bowling also stated that Modern Warfare 2 downloadable content details would be released this week.
Modern Warfare 2 was the best-selling title of 2009, with 11.86 million units sold in the U.S., UK and Japan alone, comfortably ahead of second placed title Wii Sports Resort on 7.57 million.
Also a critical hit, the title became the latest videogame to proclaim itself the biggest entertainment launch in history, with more than $1 billion in retail sales by November 2010.
The game's five-day gross of $550 million exceeded that of previous media record holders Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ($394 million) and Grand Theft Auto IV ($500 million).
Despite this success the last few weeks have been tumultuous for developer Infinity Ward, with the shock sacking of studio heads Jason West and Vince Zampella for unspecified "insubordination".
The pair are now suing Activision amidst accusations of "astonishing arrogance and unbridled greed" and suggestions that the legal row could postpone the release of future entries in the series.
The usually outspoken Bowling has yet to comment on the situation.
A recent statement from Activision suggests that there are currently three new Call of Duty titles under production: an unnamed 2010 project from series regulars Treyarch (rumoured to have a Vietnam or Cold War setting), a 2011 "action adventure" spin-off from new studio Sledgehammer Games and a third project thought to be developed by franchise originators Infinity Ward.
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March 9th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
The budget for Santa Monica Studio's imminent PlayStation 3 exclusive God of War III has been placed at $44 million, according to an interview with director of product development John Hight
Speaking in an interview with website Giant Bomb, Hight commented: "We are stamping discs now, so we're effectively done, just got a couple of countries that we're finishing up on this week, and we've spent $44 million on God of War III."
"Believe it or not, that's right within budget," he added.
Soaring game budgets have been a key feature of the current generation of home consoles, with full price Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 releases often requiring a minimum budget of around $10 million.
Although publishers are usually reticent to reveal the exact budget of games the most expensive game ever is believed to be Grand Theft Auto IV at $100 million. The still unreleased Grand Turismo 5 already has a budget of $60 million, which is likely to rise as it nears launch.
Some of the most expensive games though have not necessarily been sales hits, with Sega's infamous Shenmue long holding the record for the most expensive game ever at $70 million.
The long gestation period of Silicon Knight's Too Human, and the cost of three format switches, racked up a budget of over $60 million.
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March 9th, 2010, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sega is working on even more Hatsune Miku: Project Diva downloadable content and their Dreamy Theater add-on is neat. This pack allows you to play Hatsune Miku: Project Diva with a PS3 controller on your TV.
PS3 controller support sounds similar to what Sony did with Resistance Retribution, which was released last year. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva’s Dreamy Theater has another addition – it outputs the PSP game directly on to a TV without a PSP to TV cable. The Dreamy Theater add-on appears to update the graphics too.
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March 9th, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow has released a new version of the PSP Emulator for Windows that plays quite a few Commercial PSP Games these days, heres the news:
A new version for jpcsp has just released . This version include a lot of fixes and speedups , more games will work better , compatibility has increased a lot and you can figure out more by yourself by d/ling it from our download section.
Playable Games Include:
Bust A Move Deluxe
Super Fruitfall
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
Breath Of Fire III
Blokus Portable :Steambot Championship
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March 9th, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Well, it looks like Sony has a little treat for PS3 users now that they're able to turn their consoles back on -- it's just announced that it has signed up all six major studios to deliver HD movies on the PlayStation Network (the first company to do so, as Sony is happy to point out). That includes 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. and, of course, Sony Pictures Entertainment, which combined have an initial slate of 19 HD movies available to buy or rent -- including "Fantastic Mr. Fox," "Star Trek," "District 9," "Inglourious Basterds," and "The Wizard of Oz," to name a few. Those are only available in the US at the moment, but Sony says it plans to also roll them out to the U.K., France, Germany, and Spain "soon."
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March 10th, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster

There are many PSP colors. Loads. And apparently, there will be one less.
According to a Japanese retail blog, the "bright yellow" PSP-3000 will not longer be shipped to shops. Released in 2009, it seems that the color is one of the least popular PSP-3000 colors, if not the least popular.
That probably means it won't be missed!
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March 10th, 2010, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Much like the star it's named for, it seems the Tiger Woods PGA Tour franchise isn't adverse to trying new things. EA has announced that the next iteration, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, will support the PlayStation Motion Controller to "give gamers an authentic interactive swing experience."
There aren't any other details about Motion Controller implementation at the moment, but the game is slated for release on June 8 -- well before the Motion Controller's projected fall release. (And before you ask, no mention has been made of support for Microsoft's Project Natal.)
It may be less flashy, but series fans may be interested to hear the game will also feature the Ryder Cup, allowing for two 12-man teams to face off against each other.
We say 12-man, but we guess it could be 12 women against 12 men, right? Heck, maybe even 12 women against one man. Can you imagine, one guy trying to keep up with all those women? We sure can't.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 will be available on June 8 for Wii (with MotionPlus support), Xbox 360, PS3 and iPhone.
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March 10th, 2010, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Last night, during the -- super awkward -- Final Fantasy XIII launch party in San Fransisco, Sony's Rob Dyer took a big shot across the bow of any Microsoft representatives in the audience by promising a pending announcement of exclusive content for the PS3 version of the game.
Today, on PlayStation Blog, Dyer revealed that the PS3 version includes a "secret in-game item" for Final Fantasy XIV -- a similar, or perhaps the same promotion offered in Japan. Additionally, PS3 players can enter for a chance to beta test Final Fantasy XIV, which has only been announced for PS3 and PC.
The in-game item might be interesting (baby chocobo vanity pet, please), but we're not really enthralled by a "potential opportunity" to get in on the beta. A potential opportunity? So there's a chance that there's a chance we'll be able to get into the beta? Well that's slightly better than no chance of a chance, we suppose.
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March 10th, 2010, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rich Stories to Tell: Japanese author Masayoshi Yokoyama returns to deliver the next chapter of Yakuza bringing the game to life through a rich cast of characters and dozens of stories. All told across over 100 missions and engaging mini-games featuring original Japanese voice cast to ensure the authenticity fans have come to expect
Ultimate Street Brawls: Seamlessly transition into intense fights more brutal than ever before thanks to the improved fighting engine and the power of the PlayStation 3 system. By stringing together a combination of fighting moves, players can unleash devastating moves to take out multiple enemies simultaneously or use objects in the environment as weapons
Real-world Immersion: Discover the authentic, sandy beaches of Okinawa or travel to the neon-lit adult playgrounds of Tokyo. Become a regular at nightclubs, restaurants and real-world stores to uncover hidden truths and gain access to side missions
New ways to Explore: With new locations to venture through, the all-new free camera mode and high energy chase battles, Yakuza 3 offers an unprecedented level of exploration and interaction not seen in the franchise before
Introducing the next cinematic chapter in the prestigious video game saga offering an authentic, gritty and often violent story set in modern day Japan. Following the events of the previous game, Kazuma and Haruka have left Kamurocho to seek a new life in Okinawa where they manage an orphanage for children. However, their peaceful life is soon interrupted when a series of events unfold pulling Kazuma back into the shadowy past he thought he had left behind.
Making its first appearance exclusively on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the rich story and vibrant world of Yakuza 3 lets players engage in intense brutal clashes within the streets of Okinawa, and the vibrant and often dangerous city of Tokyo where only the strongest will survive.
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March 10th, 2010, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Battle spirits, the orthodox trading card game is transformed into a fantasy RPG. Collect cards and customize your player character's power, there are more than 400 cards and 200 types of weapons, make a dream combination and take them all down.
The game takes place in a dimension the wanderer Roro wrote in his book. That place consists of six worlds, red, blue, white yellow, green and purple. Each of them are in a different crisis, as a true hero, you have to conquer all of them.
Get a few friends together to battle powerful enemies, customize the team and get the right weapons. A total of three people can play together, make sure that you utilize everybody's power.
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March 10th, 2010, 19:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Two new revisions to Sony’s PS3 that are expected to hit the market in March will offer a surprise new feature – less weight.
Andriasang reports that the new SKUs will weight exactly 3kg – 200g lighter than the current PS3 Slim’s 3.2kg. The new models will sport the serial numbers CECH-2000A and CECH-2100A.
Hardware revisions are common and the weight reduction likely stems from one or two internal component changes.
In the name of science, MCV can confirm that 200g is exactly the same weight as 200 paper clips or 200 one dollar notes.
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March 10th, 2010, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Three million units of Final Fantasy XIII were sold into retail in the US and PAL territories, Square Enix has announced.
The title launched in Europe and North America yesterday, with launch events held in London, San Francisco and Paris. The game is already being tipped as being the biggest release of Q1.
The US and European performance means that the worldwide shipment figure for Final Fantasy XIII has now reached five million, the game launched in Japan during December last year,
96 million copies of Final Fantasy has now been shipped into retail worldwide since the franchise began life in 1987.
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March 10th, 2010, 19:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's tenuous, but a fumbled Google translation of a Japanese report on stereoscopic 3D tech has led to reports that Sony could release its planned 3D update for PS3 on June 10.
Slapping AV Watch's report through Google translate brings up the sentence: "'LX900 Sun June 10, according to the release, PlayStation 3 and update, 3D stereoscopic gaming titles to launch' he said."
The "translation", to be fair, might as well be in Spanish, but it has a date and the words 'PS3 update' in the same sentence, so let's call it speculation-worthy - unless there are any Japanese-speaking CVG readers out there who'd be so kind as to translate it to actual English in the comments field below...
Sony has confirmed plans to release a 3D firmware update around the same time that the first 3D TVs are due to arrive - which is this summer.
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March 10th, 2010, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
A rock solid CVG source at GDC in San Francisco has told us that not only does PS3's motion controller have a nunchuck add-on - but that it connects wirelessly to the main device.
Our source corroborated a previous post on NeoGAF, which revealed that the nunchuck features an analogue stick, with X and O button beneath it, and a d-pad below. On the underside of the unit are L1 and L2 triggers.
However, the wireless connection info is new - and another differentiation between Sony's device and Nintendo's similar Wii Remote controller.
Frustratingly, no brand name appears on the peripheral - so we can't yet confirm or rubbish claims that the peripheral will be called 'Arc'.
CVG's source had seen and handled the device - but hadn't yet used it in action.
We're expecting full details tonight from Sony's announcement at GDC (midnight GMT).
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March 10th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Universal Pictures, and Warner Bros. Digital Distribution are all set to offer HD movies for purchase and download via the PlayStation Network.
Initially announced only for the US, the service will be the first on a home console to offer movies to buy as well as just rent. The support of all six major movie studios also gives Sony a considerable advantage when competing against the more established Xbox Live service.
Sony has stated that a similar service will launch soon in the UK, France, Germany and Spain, although traditionally the content available, and sometimes the providers, has varied considerably between different territories.
"Securing high definition content from these studios is another significant milestone further validating PlayStation Network as a complete entertainment network in the home, " said Peter Dille, SCEA senior vice president of marketing and PlayStation Network.
"PlayStation Network continues to offer the most comprehensive catalogue of HD movies to PlayStation Network members that realize the wide-ranging entertainment power of the PS3 system," he added.
Movies due for release in the first few weeks including Fox's Night at the Museum 2, Disney/Pixar's Up, Sony Picture's District 9, Universal's Inglourious Basterds and Warner's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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March 10th, 2010, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts' Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 will include support for the PlayStation motion controller - currently believed to be codenamed "Arc" - but not Microsoft's Project Natal.
The latest iteration of the franchise was unveiled at the ongoing Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and iPhone.
The game is due to be released on June 8, with the PlayStation motion controller not expected to be released until the autumn. Nevertheless, in comments made to website VG247 an EA spokesperson indicated that "timing" was the sole reason for the lack of Natal support and that it would be introduced in the next iteration.
Microsoft has promised that Project Natal, which has so far been the higher profile of the two new motion controllers, will be released before Christmas 2010.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 featured support for the Wii MotionPlus add-on, with an optional bundle including the peripheral sold in most territories. EA has already confirmed that this support will continue in this year's game.
Thanks to the use of motion controls the Wii version has become the most successful in the series in recent years, with the most recent iteration receiving particular critical praise.
The main new gameplay features for Tiger Woods 11 are the inclusion of the officially licensed Ryder Cup tournament and online team play for 24 players on the 360 and PS3.
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March 10th, 2010, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
EA has officially announced EA Sports Active 2.0 for iPhone, PS3 and Wii and said it will be released this autumn.
There's no mention of an Xbox 360 version. Perhaps they think some of us are beyond help?
Anyway, the new version of the fitness software will come with new leg and arm straps equipped with motion sensors. There's also a heart-rate monitor.
EA Sports Active 2.0 will also be supported by an online hub to track and share workout data, if that's the sort of thing you like.
The publisher also said that PS3 owners will be able to download new workouts and exercises over PlayStation Network.
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March 10th, 2010, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
EA has restated its "extensive paid digital content plan" for Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
During today's Wedbush Morgan financial conference, lead money-man Eric Brown said game owners will have "multiple opportunities to spend five, 10 or 15 dollars on additional content in the next six months or so".
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was another high-profile champion of Project Ten Dollar - EA's new initiative to provide DLC codes to first-hand buyers, who can redeem them for extra content worth around $10.
Brown said 85 per cent of BFBC2 players had activated their codes.
Brown also mentioned "extensive" DLC plans for Mass Effect 2, another of EA's Project Ten Dollar games.
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March 10th, 2010, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Quantic Dream co-founder Guillaume de Foundaumiere believes that Heavy Rain's success proves "there is space for innovation".
"I think that Heavy Rain's success is also a very important sign to the industry," de Fondaumiere told our trade-only sister site GamesIndustry.biz.
"There is space for innovation, and we are - to a certain degree - a relatively conservative industry, an industry where it's sometimes difficult to push the boundaries.
"So whenever there's a success such as Heavy Rain, it fuels a lot of hope for all the people out there who try to do things differently, and try to expand the market."
De Fondaumiere was also understandably pleased with the critical response to the game, much as David Cage was when we spoke to him in London recently. But he said the team's satisfaction went further than that.
"The mood of the team is pretty high - we've been working for three and a half years to deliver on a very strong promise," he said.
"As I always say, reviews are important, sales are even more important, but the most important thing for David [Cage] and I was to deliver on the promise."
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March 10th, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster

I spoke to Imagination Technologies—maker of the PowerVR chip that powers smartphones like the iPhone, Droid and many others—and they said, definitively, that you'll have graphics comparable to the PlayStation 3 in 3 years.
They know this because these are the chips they're designing right now. The way the development process works for phones is that Imagination comes up with a chip, which they license, and that works its way through development cycles and people like Apple or HTC, which then incorporate them into their phones, which they in turn have to productize and bring to market. The whole thing takes three years. But in three years, says Imagination, you're going to have a PS3 in your pocket. And that's not just running at the 480x340 resolution that most phones have now, that's PS3-esque graphics on 720p output via HDMI to a TV. Hell, some phones in three years will have a 720p display native.
But there are going to be some interesting things between now and then. Imagination is still working on support for the products out now—the chips in the iPhones and the Droids and the Nokias that use PowerVR. The two most interesting things are Flash acceleration in hardware and OpenCL support, which enables GPGPU computing.
The first is obvious. By utilizing a software-based update, phones on the market right now can run Flash acceleration. Imagination's been working with Adobe for about three years now, and they've gotten the acceleration up to about 300% compared to using just software. They think they can do even better. Even still, 300% is pretty damn good for just pushing what you can do with your current phone.
Secondly, there's OpenCL support, which allows devices to utilize the GPU—the graphics chip—to help out in general purpose computing. For a more in depth look on what this means, check out our feature on GPGPUs, but in essence it's going to allow multi-threaded tasks to be executed faster than they would be otherwise.
I also asked Imagination about what's going to be different about their chips that will hit the market one, two and three years from now, and they say one of the big things is going to be focused on multiprocessors. Theoretically you can get about three or four into a phone without going too crazy on power demands, which will help them pull off that PS3-equivalency we talked about earlier.
Keep in mind that this stuff is what's "possible" in three years, based on what hardware is going to be available in the phones released then. A lot of this is still based on phone makers like Apple or HTC or Palm or Motorola to make these features available. But since most of the major phone manufacturers are going to have essentially the same chip, it's in everyone's self-interest to push as much power out from their phones as possible.
But if you're looking forward to what's coming one year from now, check out the screenshots in the post, taken from the demos they had running on sample hardware.
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March 11th, 2010, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster

Taking a cue from the popular PlayStation 3 cross media bar, PlayStation Home 1.35 goes live tomorrow, with an all-new navigation interface that makes getting around easier than ever.
The changes in PlayStation Home version 1.35 focus on speed and ease-of-use, making the experience of logging in to Sony's virtual world as easy as making your avatar do the Running Man.
It all starts when you launch the service. Instead of having to click through message screens, you'll be transported directly to a new intuitive navigation interface, which functions much like the PS3's XMB. There you'll have access to categories that include Favorites, which is self-explanatory; Personal Spaces; Friends, which allows you to quickly find your friends in Home; Explore, which lets you browse everything; and Recommend, where Sony will be pushing the new spaces they'd like you to check out.
It looks like a big improvement over the current interface, being much more organized and a little more attractive to boot.
PlayStation Home 1.35 will be live tomorrow, after a brief period of downtime while Sony works its upgrade magic.
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March 11th, 2010, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Another candidate has been added to the list of potential names for Sony's motion controller. Yesterday, Sony filed a European trademark, for use with a control device, for "PlayStation Move." It sounds fitting for a motion controller! (It's application number 008936544 in the European trademark database, if you'd like to see it in its native habitat.)
In addition to that trademark, NeoGAFfer gofreak found another trademark for the logo seen here, which looks more like an A for Arc than an M for Move. We have yet to verify the image ourselves in the trademark database, however.
In any case, we're likely to find out more about whatever this thing is called during GDC.
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March 11th, 2010, 02:27 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Via Eurogamer
Sony has announced that the PlayStation 3 motion controller is officially to be called PlayStation Move.
Exact pricing and bundling information will follow soon, but in the meantime we've been told that the Move controller, PlayStation Eye camera and a starter disc with game demos will be bundled for under $100 this autumn.
Other deals will include a standalone controller for people who already have PS Eye; a full console pack, which includes PS3, DualShock 3, Move and PS Eye; and a range of game-and-controller bundles.
Check out our PlayStation Move photo gallery to see what it looks like these days.
The main controller features a three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer and a terrestrial magnetic field sensor. It weighs 145g and is 200mm x 46mm.
It has a colour-changing sphere, which is tracked by the PlayStation Eye camera, supports rumble, and has action buttons and an analogue trigger.
Sony will also release a smaller PlayStation Move "sub-controller", which is a one-handed device with a "sleek curved design that pairs with the motion controller", and which has its own analogue stick and directional buttons.
The sub-controller weighs a mere 95g and is 138mm x 42mm. (You can tell we scrolled the whole way down the press release on this one.) It will be possible to play through the whole of SOCOM 4 using a Move-and-sub-controller combination.
Like the Sixaxis and DualShock 3, the controllers have built-in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries and sync with PS3 via Bluetooth.
Sony said it will back the launch with "more than 20" games that either use or support Move by the end of its fiscal year on 31st March 2011.
Several of the games were shown off on-stage during Sony's GDC conference keynote.
Sony's GDC press kit includes screenshots of a number of games with Move support.
* Brunswick Pro Bowling
* Motion Fighter (working title)
* Move Party (working title)
* Sliders (working title)
* Sports Champions
* TV SuperStars
Sony also revealed that 36 developers and publishers are supporting Move, although its list does include Tecmo and Koei separately.
It also has Sony Online Entertainment on it, which is surely a given. "Hi Kaz, it's Kaz, will you support Move?" "Hi Kaz! I'd love to! Sincerely, Kaz."
The full list of supporting companies follows.
* 505 Games
* Activision
* AQ Interactive
* Arc Systems Work
* Atlus
* Bigben Interactive
* Capcom
* Crave Entertainment
* Cyberfront
* Disney
* Electronic Arts
* FromSoftware
* Game Republic
* Gust
* Hudson Soft
* Irem Software
* Koei
* Konami
* Majesco
* Marvelous Entertainment
* Namco Bandai
* Ongakukan
* Oxygen Games
* Paon Corporation
* Q Entertainment
* Q-Games
* Sony Online Entertainment
* Spike
* Square Enix
* Tecmo
* Ubisoft
* Warner Bros.
* Zoo Entertainment
So what do you think, Wii knock off or a new revolution in gaming?
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March 11th, 2010, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit Team have released a new version of Openbor for the Wii, Wiz,Dingoo, Dreamcast, GP2x and PSP.
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level.
Heres whats new:
Log message:
Cleaned up borpak code a bit.
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March 11th, 2010, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.pcsx2.net/thread-3716-page-1.html
The latest Pcsx2 beta installer (RECOMMENDED) can be found here: Pcsx2 beta 1888 installer + plugins
The latest Pcsx2 beta can be found here: Pcsx2 beta 1888
The latest Pcsx2 beta plugins can be found here: Plugins as of 11th of March 2010
The latest compiled Pcsx2 beta for Linux can be found here: Pcsx2 beta 1736
This is the Pcsx2 official beta and beta plugins thread.
In this thread, betas of the emulator and of the plugins will be posted.
These files are betas, so there are no guarantees of them running games. We offer NO official support on any of this.
You can however use them to see the latest progress and the new bugs .. errr... features introduced You are all encouraged to try the latest beta available from this thread before posting a bug report. If it works in the latest beta, it's most likely fixed, and so no need to post a bug report.
Regarding the frequency of these betas, they will be put out when there's some reasonable amount of changes.
Most commits are not actually worth it, they add up in the long run but give no immediate benefits.
Installation instructions for the pcsx2 beta:
- Get the new installer, everything is included there
- install, then update directx as usual
- Play
Notes for the pcsx2 Linux beta:
Dependencies include gtk2, opengl, libbz2, libjpeg, glew-dev, libxxf86vm-dev, x11proto-xf86vidmodeautomake and autoconf (version >= 1.9) Nvidia Cg-Toolkit, libasound-dev, & joystick
I'm compiling with Glew 1.5.1, and I've seen issues before if you use a different Glew version then the one I compiled against. I also downgraded my copy of libjpeg to version 6 before compiling, because most distributions are not using 7.
I've included a binary of ZZogl at r166, as well as OnePad, GSnull, and PadNull. The latter three are all considered alpha quality.
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March 11th, 2010, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster

Additional premium per head for families wishing to usher in the 3D home TV revolution
Electronics giant Sony is expected to release its first commercially available 3DTVs in the UK market this June – but as is the case with all early adopters, those wishing to take the plunge early on face a hefty outlay.
Sony’s first 3D sets will include in the box two sets of active shutter specs and a 3D emitter. However, households where more than two people are expected to watch the TV at any one time face an additional fee of £90 per pair – at least, that’s a direct translation of the Japanese price.
In addition, sets not boasting an in-built emitter will need an external one, the price of which being £33.
This, of course, comes on top of the high price the first 3DTVs will retail for. Japanese launch prices for Sony’s LX900 translate to around £4,325 for the 60” model and £2,130 for the smaller 40” unit.
The entry level HX800 set will see prices starting from £1,630, though both an emitter and specs will have to be bought separately to watch 3D footage on these units.
Other TVs supporting 3D-compatible displays include the HX700, HX900 and NX900.
It was claimed earlier this week that Sony is prepping a 3D update for the PS3 to coincide with the TV’s arrival in June.
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March 11th, 2010, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros. has announced that The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest will launch on the PlayStation 3 with full PlayStation Move support.
The family-friendly game, loosely based on the film trilogy, will ship this fall for the PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii and DS.
"Utilizing PlayStation's upcoming motion controller for precision through mastery, The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest videogame engages players with intuitive motion-control gameplay where every controller gesture instantly and accurately translates to weapon strikes in the game," reads Warner's press release.
While the Wii version is being developed by Headstrong Games, all other versions are being worked on by TT Fusion.
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March 11th, 2010, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - the PSP version - waddles out today. We didn't see that coming. Let's hope the formula has been trimmed down from the coincidentally bloated PS3 release last summer.
PSP owners might also consider Eye of Judgement: Legends, After Burner: Black Falcon and MYST. A bumper week.
On PS3 we find Capcom's new but retro-styled release Mega Man 10, plus a re-release of the Resident Evil 5 demo to compliment the Untold Stories Bundle DLC.
Add-ons Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar and BioShock 2: Sinclair Solutions Test Pack are also up for grabs.
Regional availability and other fine-print details can be found on the European PlayStation blog.
PS3 Demo
Resident Evil 5
PS3 Games
Mega Man 10 (£7.99/€9.99)
PS3 Game Content
Resident Evil 5 - Untold Stories Bundle (£10.49/€11.25)
Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar (£3.99/€4.99)
Bioshock 2 - Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack (£3.19/€3.99)
LittleBigPlanet - St. Patrick's Day Costume (free)
EyePet - Clown Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
Rock Band: "Decent Days and Nights" by The Futureheads, "Hounds of Love" by The Futureheads, "Walk Away" by James Gang, "White Falcon Fuzz" by The Mother Hips (0.99/€1.49 each)
Rock Band: "Tie You Down" by Shaimus, "The Hockey Theme" by Neil Peart (£0.59/€0.79 each)
Rock Band: The White Stripes Pack 2 ("Fell In Love with a Girl", "Seven Nation Army", "You Don't Know What Love Is") - £2.49/€3.99
Guitar Hero 5: OK Go Track Pack ("Do What You Want", "Get Over It", "Here It Goes Again") - £4.39/€5.49 (£1.59/€1.99)
PSP Games
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (£11.99/€14.99)
The Eye of Judgement Legends (£16.99/€26.99)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (£19.99/€24.99)
MYST (£15.99/€19.99)
After Burner: Black Falcon (£13.99/€17.99)
Platypus (£11.99/€14.99)
Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (£8.69/€10.99)
Spongebob's Truth or Square (£23.99/€29.99)
Street Riders (£15.99/€19.99)
PSP Minis
Ice Road Truckers (£2.49/€2.99)
Rocket Racing (£3.99/€4.99)
PSOne Classics
Airboat Racing (£3.99/€4.99)
Jigsaw Madness (£3.99/€4.99)
Junior League Soccer (£3.99/€4.99)
Sorcerer's Maze (£3.99/€4.99)
SuperStar Dance Club (£3.99/€4.99)
PSP Game Content
Echoshift - Ocean Level Pack (free)
Echoshift - Snow Level Pack (free)
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March 11th, 2010, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - the PSP version - waddles out today. We didn't see that coming. Let's hope the formula has been trimmed down from the coincidentally bloated PS3 release last summer.
PSP owners might also consider Eye of Judgement: Legends, After Burner: Black Falcon and MYST. A bumper week.
On PS3 we find Capcom's new but retro-styled release Mega Man 10, plus a re-release of the Resident Evil 5 demo to compliment the Untold Stories Bundle DLC.
Add-ons Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar and BioShock 2: Sinclair Solutions Test Pack are also up for grabs.
Regional availability and other fine-print details can be found on the European PlayStation blog.
PS3 Demo
Resident Evil 5
PS3 Games
Mega Man 10 (£7.99/€9.99)
PS3 Game Content
Resident Evil 5 - Untold Stories Bundle (£10.49/€11.25)
Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar (£3.99/€4.99)
Bioshock 2 - Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack (£3.19/€3.99)
LittleBigPlanet - St. Patrick's Day Costume (free)
EyePet - Clown Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
Rock Band: "Decent Days and Nights" by The Futureheads, "Hounds of Love" by The Futureheads, "Walk Away" by James Gang, "White Falcon Fuzz" by The Mother Hips (0.99/€1.49 each)
Rock Band: "Tie You Down" by Shaimus, "The Hockey Theme" by Neil Peart (£0.59/€0.79 each)
Rock Band: The White Stripes Pack 2 ("Fell In Love with a Girl", "Seven Nation Army", "You Don't Know What Love Is") - £2.49/€3.99
Guitar Hero 5: OK Go Track Pack ("Do What You Want", "Get Over It", "Here It Goes Again") - £4.39/€5.49 (£1.59/€1.99)
PSP Games
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (£11.99/€14.99)
The Eye of Judgement Legends (£16.99/€26.99)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (£19.99/€24.99)
MYST (£15.99/€19.99)
After Burner: Black Falcon (£13.99/€17.99)
Platypus (£11.99/€14.99)
Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (£8.69/€10.99)
Spongebob's Truth or Square (£23.99/€29.99)
Street Riders (£15.99/€19.99)
PSP Minis
Ice Road Truckers (£2.49/€2.99)
Rocket Racing (£3.99/€4.99)
PSOne Classics
Airboat Racing (£3.99/€4.99)
Jigsaw Madness (£3.99/€4.99)
Junior League Soccer (£3.99/€4.99)
Sorcerer's Maze (£3.99/€4.99)
SuperStar Dance Club (£3.99/€4.99)
PSP Game Content
Echoshift - Ocean Level Pack (free)
Echoshift - Snow Level Pack (free)
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March 11th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
DICE has revealed more of the "extensive" DLC planned for Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Due 30th March are two new maps, Arica Harbor and Laguna Presa. More importantly, they're free to anyone who redeemed a VIP code inside a first-hand copy of BFBC2.
Arica Harbor, playable in Conquest mode, follows a US strike on a Russian base. Laguna Persa, playable in Rush mode, presents a South American valley and within it a Dam, which the US forces must protect.
"VIP members will be able to expand on the deep and ever changing sandbox experience, which in itself provides near endless hours of entertainment, by having new content to keep things fresh.
"It also plays a vital part in making sure you, the players get proper value for the money you've invested in Battlefield: Bad Company 2," wrote executive producer KM Troedsson on the Battlefield blog.
"This is why these map packs are available at no extra cost, contradicting the industry standard and what our direct competitors are doing. Of course, it also helps avoid segmenting the community, making sure everyone can play together having the same maps available.
"There will be future paid downloadable content as well but these packs will focus on expanding other parts of the game experience rather than the selection of maps available for the basic game modes. We're dedicated to taking care of this product for a long time - helping you avoid 'mapathy' without getting nickel-and-dimed," he added, in a thinly veiled reference to Infinity Ward's DLC plans for Modern Warfare 2, which are being promoted with a jokey Mapathy website. IW plans to release its "Stimulus Package" for MW2 on 30th March as well.
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March 11th, 2010, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
We already know Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was designed as a) "Metal Gear Solid 5," and b) a T-rated game. Earlier today, Hideo Kojima reinforced both points on his Twitter feed. According to Kojima, Peace Walker started out as a PSP game, but eventually evolved into a "next-gen game on a portable device."
"Our goal was to create a traditional MGS game for PSP in the beginning. How do we translate it over on the PSP…but once we started the planning the direction slowly shifted toward a "MGS that evolves on a handheld." We did not think about the low specs, moreover we decided to make a Next-Gen game on a portable device."
He then noted that, although changes were made to the game’s systems and characters, the development team made sure not to stray from the "core" of Metal Gear. Also, since the game is aimed at a broader audience than MGS4, some design choices were based on the preferences of younger players.
"We studied what young people liked and without changing the MGS world, added different elements for gameplay. System, characters, story, voice acting, etc. We just made the entrance into the MGS world bigger without changing the core. A product with a serious story along with a strong message."
It’s interesting that Peace Walker was originally going to be Metal Gear Solid 5 on a portable platform, but that Konami decided to strip the "5" out of the title. Was it so that people wouldn’t turn their noses up at Metal Gear Solid: Rising on the Xbox 360, or were they afraid to give fans the impression that Peace Walker was the new direction for the franchise?
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March 11th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster

At last, we've felt Sony's long awaited motion controller, now at last officially known as "PlayStation Move," in our unworthy, sweaty hands. We have a bunch of videos on the way, but for now you can revel in our first close-ups of the controllers in the gallery below. Here are some of our initial thoughts:
The controllers are light. Much more akin to the DualShock3 than the Wiimote in heft, and we're guessing that's due to Sony's continued love of rechargeable batteries.
The main controller does have some subtle vibration (not DualShock or Wiimote level, but present), but we're not sure yet about the subcontroller.
We hate to say this about "pre-alpha" software, but we're feeling lag. An on-rails shooter we tried out, dubbed The Shoot, was discernibly inferior to shooting experiences we've had on the Wii, both in precision and refresh rate of the aiming cursor.
The gladiator game is about as fun as it looks, we'll have video after the break momentarily. Unfortunately, while it's less of a defined experience than something like the sword game on Wii Sports Resort, you're still working through a library of sensed, pre-defined actions instead of a true 1:1 fighting game with simulated physics. Not that it isn't possible with PlayStation Move, just that it's not this.
The lightness of the controllers means we might be feeling less of that Wiimote fatigue, always a good thing! There's an aspect of the controller that feels a little cheap, but at the same time we wouldn't call it fragile.
As far as we can tell, the control scheme for Socom 4 is quite similar to dual-controller shooter setups on the Wii, with the camera moving based on your aiming cursor hitting the edge. It's hard to see this as the preferred hardcore setup, but we're told it's configurable, so we'll try and see what else is on offer.
The system seemed to have a bit of trouble understanding the configuration of our body in a swordfighting stance: even though we selected "left handed," it was putting our sword arm forward instead of our shield. Right-handers didn't seem to have similar problems, and we're sure this will be ironed out in time, but it certainly shows that the controllers aren't magical in their space-detection prowess.
As would be expected, you're supposed to stand relatively center on the TV, and at a certain optimal distance. The system is forgiving, but there's a sweet spot that users will undoubtedly have to learn.
Lag is less prominent on Socom 4, and we'd say we're pretty accurate with the controller already, though the framerate choppiness of this pre-alpha build obviously hampers that a bit. We did get a slight feel of being in "scene to scene" shootouts instead of a free-roaming FPS, perhaps a design choice to mitigate the limited camera movement offered by the controller, but we'll have to see more levels to know for sure.
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March 11th, 2010, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
No surprise here: Sony just officially announced the PlayStation Move motion controller at GDC 2010, calling it the "next generation of motion gaming" because it's so precise -- latency is about the same as the DualShock 3. As expected, it uses the PlayStation Eye camera to track the controller, and Sony says it becomes an "extension of your body." The plan is not only to engage casual gamers, but to use the precision of the controller to create "new experiences for core gamers" -- many of the demo videos we saw involved using a controller video in each hand, and there were quote a few demos of action / RPG games. We also saw a demo of Move Party, which uses the camera to do augmented reality gaming and video chat. The demos are pretty impressive -- Sony's not kidding when it says the Move is incredibly precise. There's also going to be a secondary "subcontroller" with an analog stick for shooters -- you can play all the way through SOCOM4 with just the Move and the sub-controller. (Yes, it's just like the Wii Nunchuk, only wireless.)
You'll be able to get Move in three ways: in a bundle with a PS3, standalone, and in a starter kit targeted at "under $100" with the PS Eye, a controller, and a game. That's all the pricing info we have right now, but it certainly sounds aggressive -- Sony says they're treating this like a major console launch, so expect to see this everywhere when it launches around the holidays.
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March 11th, 2010, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster

Zipper Interactive's recently revealed SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is one of the games we were least expecting to be fully playable with the PlayStation Move controller. Can a hardcore online shooter stay competitive with a motion control scheme ?
Fortunately for the less curious SOCOM fan, the Move controller is not a requirement. The game can obviously be played with a DualShock controller. Based on my hands-on time with the Move in SOCOM 4, a game that requires both liberal use of motion controlled aiming and the numerous buttons, players will be more accurately served sticking to their familiar gamepads.
The control layout in the pre-alpha build of SOCOM 4 required aiming the ever present targeting reticule with the glowing Move controller. Character movement—strafing and running—was performed with the Move sub-controller's analog stick. Movement and point-aiming didn't take too long to get a grip on, but I was very happy to be playing as an indestructible SEAL, thanks to god mode. I took a lot of damage while playing my very first Move game.
The control complexity started to kick in when I was forced to perform any SOCOM 4 action that went beyond moving and shooting. The four face buttons—circle, square, triangle and X—are positioned not in their normal, familiar spots, but rotated about 45 degrees clockwise, flanking the Move logo button (aka the squiggle). My thumb's transition from analog stick to d-pad on the Move sub-controller, which also sports its own square and circle buttons, was another awkward motion.
For the record, the squiggle button is not necessarily a replacement for, say, the L1 button of a DualShock. The squiggle zoomed in the camera in the control method we were using, but Zipper staffers indicated the button's use may be defined per game.
Surely, some of this controller dexterity will come in time, after spending more than 10 minutes wielding both Move accessories, but it made my SOCOM 4 experience rather clumsy. Fortunately, Zipper Interactive reps say they have plenty of playtesting ahead of them, as well as plenty of development time before SOCOM 4's release later this year, so it's possible that Move control could eventually become the preferred option.
Is it likely? Maybe not, but at least adventurous SOCOM fans eager to play something more core-oriented with their Moves will be able to test their motion controlled headshot skills online against others.
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March 11th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
I just played SOCOM 4 with the newly-named PlayStation Move controller. And now I know how the PlayStation 3's motion-sensitive controller is not just a me-too Wii controller.
For those who need the basics, the PlayStation Move is a remote-like motion-sensitive controller with a sphere at the end. The sub-controller is an off-hand controller being offered for some Move games. The Move controller connects to the PS3 with the help of a PlayStation Eye camera, which detects the Move's colored sphere, while tilt sensors in the move transmit their position data to the PS3.
But at first glance, the whole thing seems like just another version of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
Not quite. There are key differences:
-Fewer buttons: The Move controller is actually even more streamlined than the Wii Remote. Nintendo's Remote still offers/confuses a new player with a d-pad, plus, A, minus, 1 and 2 buttons as well as a home button and B trigger. The Move has its own home button and underbelly trigger, but just five other points of button input. That makes the controller actually feel a little naked and therefore likely even less daunting to a new player — unless they need their controllers to look like TV remotes.
-No wasted batteries: The Wii remote sucks up AA battery juice. The Move and its companion sub-controller are rechargeable via the same mini-USB connection used to charge the PS3's main controller.
-A smarter controller: I played SOCOM 4, a third person-shooter, with the Move pointed at the TV like a gun and the sub-controller in my left hand to command character movement. Wii games that were controlled with Remote and Nunchuk could be befuddled if the player pointed the Remote away from the screen. If you were playing a shooter and aimed just off the screen, the game's camera might start spinning or the game would pause and ask for the player to point at the TV again. The combination of camera sensors — the Sony Eyetoy on top of the TV detects the presence of the Move — and a gyroscope prevented SOCOM 4 from getting confused. When I moved my controller to point off of the TV, the gyroscopic sensors kept track of my movement. The same thing happened when a SOCOM developer blocked the Eyetoy camera. The precision of the controller diminishes in these situation. but the PS3 doesn't lose track of the device.
-No wire!: The Wii Remote and Nunchuk are tethered by a short cable. The PS3 Move and its subcontroller are not.
-No off-hand gyro: The Wii Nunchuk has a sensor that detects motion, more crudely than does the Remote. The PS3's version of the Nunchuk, does not have a motion sensor, according to a developer I was speaking to. There's a chance that is not final, but that is the case with the controllers at Sony's showcase event today. But that's why two-handed boxing-style games were shown with two Moves. On the Wii, those kinds of games are handled, with supposedly less precision, with a Remote and Nunchuk.
-The colored ball: The colorful sphere at the pointing end of the Move is the thing that the PlayStation Eye uses to detect the presence of the Move. The color changes. In the demo I played with SOCOM 4, the sphere was orange. Why? Because the software detected that there was no orange in the background. If we had been in a different room, the color would be different. The Wii's signature hue may be white, but this varying color at the end of the Move will likely prove to be the Move's visual trademark.
-The Z: Without a Wii MotionPlus, the Wii Remote cannot accurately sense depth.The Wii's sensor bar doesn't know how close the player is standing to their TV, nor can it recognize movements toward or away from it. The PS3, however, can detect such movement in the Z-plane. It does this thanks to the sphere at the end of the controller. If the player moves the Move toward themselves, the PlayStation Eye camera sees the sphere shrink and therefore knows the controller has been moved in the Z-plane. Clever. [UPDATE: Readers point out that a standard Wii Remote can sense some depth. I have even played games — a long time ago — that ask for the Wii remote to be pulled in or out. I never found that detection to be all that precise and believe the PS3 Move, based on how the tech was described to me, should be able to detect Z-plane movement more effectively, without needing to be pointed directly at the TV, as the Wii Remote must be.]
Those are the differences, all less obvious than the similarities. The PS3 Move is being shown to support shooters and table tennis, fistfighting and co-op platforming. These may be familiar templates to Wii gamers who have sampled Metroid, Wii Sports, and Super Mario Galaxy. But at the nitty-gritty level, some of the PS3 Move's difference offer some nice feature improvements — maybe a drawback or two — and something that isn't quite the Wii-too it appears to be at first glance.
And, hey, the Sony person showing me SOCOM didn't even make me wear the controller's wrist strap. A Nintendo person would never let me get away with that.
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March 12th, 2010, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster

In case this is your first visit to Joystiq, know that Sony has dropped major megatons this evening at its GDC press conference -- as well as one very small megaton: the PlayStation Move "sub-controller." What you see above is the little brother (if you will) to the main ice cream cone–esque Move wand and the enabler of all things analog stick-controlled.
As per Sony's announcement of Move, the sub-controller attachment is intended to "expand the game play options that PlayStation Move games can offer," and -- unlike Nintendo Wii's Nunchuk controller -- it will connect wirelessly to the console via Bluetooth. We'll have our hands-on with the PlayStation Move (and the sub-controller) for you later tonight
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March 12th, 2010, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony announced during its GDC 2010 press conference that the upcoming US release of EyePet will feature support for its motion controller, PlayStation Move. The game will allow players to manipulate toys and also play games with their EyePets. Furthermore, it's even possible to create new toys. The promotional video during the event showed off a child using the Move to draw a car on some virtual paper, which then jumped off the page and became an object that players and the EyePet could then interact with.
In addition, Sony announced that EyePet is slated for a North American release this holiday. There was no mention of what will happen to the European version of the game, which was released last year. Presumably, Move support will be added once the peripheral launches.
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March 12th, 2010, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony barely mentioned pricing with their PlayStation Move motion controller, only noting that the combo pricing with PlayStation Eye and a game will cost less than $100. But by our back-of-the-envelope calculations, the experience is going to be really expensive.
Our previous look was with the Wii MotionPlus, which clocked in at $80 per person to be fully equipped. That was $40 for the Wiimote, $20 for the Nunchuck and another $20 for the MotionPlus dongle. Now, you can get a WiiMote + MotionPlus bundle for $50, bringing the 1 person cost down to $70, factoring in the Nunchuck. For four people, assuming you didn't trash the bundled WiiMote and Nunchuck from your Wii console purchase, the cost would be $230.
What about the PlayStation Move?
For the full PlayStation Move experience, each player needs two PlayStation Moves and a sub-controller. The reason why you need two Moves AND a sub-controller is because the sub-controller doesn't support motion gaming at all, and the Move doesn't have that analog stick you find on the sub. Some games will require Move + sub, some will require two Moves. You also need one PlayStation Eye that services all four players. Let's price these components out, hypothetically.
Oh but wait, how many Moves does the PlayStation support?
Sony just confirmed for us that the PS3 will be able to support at most four Move controllers at once, or, two Move controllers and two sub-controllers. So four people will be able to play simultaneously if they only use one Move each, or two people if you're playing with a Move and a sub.
Suppose you started off by purchasing the PlayStation Move + Eye bundle—the one that Sony says will be priced at than $100. This is a fair entry point to the experience, seeing as not many PS3 owners have the PlayStation Eye to start out with, since there aren't very many supported games. Let's price that bundle at $80. The Eye by itself is $40, so we'll say that the Move is $50, by itself. Here's why.
We price the Move at $50 in order to be in line with the Wiimote + MotionPlus bundle, because Nintendo's controllers have somewhat equivalent tech to Sony's Move. (The Move actually has more advanced tech, with the LED ball on the end and better motion tracking, but to the end user, the experience is similar.) $55 is also the price of a DualShock 3, to compare the price to a controller Sony already sells. So $80 for the first bundle, which is logically cheaper than buying everything separately, plus you have a game in there for free.
To have a "full" experience, you need just one PlayStation Eye, but two Moves and a sub-controller per player. And since the sub-controller doesn't have motion (but does have wireless), we'll price it at $30. The first player gets set up with the Eye and the Move bundle for $80. He still needs another Move and a sub-controller, which is an additional $80. That's $160. Every subsequent player only needs two Moves and a sub, which is $130, in our thought experiment. That's a total of $550 for all four players. Holy shit. The second player needs one too, so it's $130. That's a total of $290.
These are all hypothetical numbers, conjured up because they're reasonable and in line with pricing we've seen before from Sony, which prices higher than Nintendo. But, if we wanted to try this with more aggressive pricing that's in-line with what Nintendo has, we can price the Move at $40 and the sub-controller at $20. That also brings down the bundle price to $70. Using these numbers, you have $430 for the total price for four players $230 for the total price.
What does this mean? Since Sony confirmed to us that you can have at most four Moves or two Moves and two subs connected at once, it changes the landscape a bit. Because the hardware limitation caps the amount of controllers you need to buy, you can get away with spending less and still getting the "maximum" amount of enjoyment that any given developer intended you to have.
Well, even if you factor in the low end pricing, you're still going to have to pay more for controllers than you are for the actual console itself. This is true of both the PS3 (base console price: $300) and the Wii (base console price: $200), but the PS3's is so much more expensive than the Wii's. It's a good thing that Sony is making it possible for you to play at least some normal games with the Move and the sub-controller combo, because imagine having to buy regular DualShock 3 controllers on top of this.
But, a-ha! Natal! Even if the base price of Microsoft's Xbox 360 add-on is priced somewhere upwards of $100, that's all you'll ever need to buy for motion gaming. You can add on a second, third or fourth player (though maybe Microsoft will limit it to two) to your motion gaming with no additional cost! Microsoft isn't going to charge you money for your limbs, as much as they probably would like to. But if they did, that would be the first and last acceptable use of the cliche about charging an arm and a leg for something.
Update: Reader Josh reminds us that the PlayStation 3 only supports 7 Bluetooth devices simultaneously. If this is true, then we'll theoretically never hit that ceiling of eight devices (two Moves per person, times four people). But, are the Moves any different from the standard PS3 controllers? Can it theoretically support more than 7? Has the PS3 Slim upped this number any? Interesting questions that we're looking into.
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March 12th, 2010, 18:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Early purchasers of the western version of Yakuza 3 are discovering that a huge amount of content that was in the Japanese version has been cut.
It was previously known that the Japanese original's hostess bars would be chopped, as Kotaku reports, but it seems reams of other content, including several sub-quests and mini games, are missing from the western version.
It's reported that the cuts were due restricted development time, despite the game arriving here over a year after the Japanese release with no English-language voicing (subtitles only).
Posters on the game's official forums have put together a list of stuff they've notice missing:
Chapter 3, 4
- I Wanna Go to Tokyo pt. 1
- The Brewer's Treasure
- Make the No. 1 Cabaret Club Girl!
- English Conversation Solicitor step 1
- English Conversation Solicitor step 2
- Love's Cupid
- Love's Cupid Continues
- Love's Cupid Continues Again
- A Trip Before Marriage
Chapter 5
- Manga Artist Debut (Mangaka Debut)
- The Runaway Phone Chat Girl (Terekura Iede Musume)
- I Wanna Go to Tokyo pt. 2
- Great Genius Showdown
- Is she talking about me...?
- Ayukawa Rina***
***You cannot date her. In the RGG3 you can date 10 girls, for whatever reason 1 of them didn't make it overseas.
Chapter 6
It still looks great though. CVG sister mag PSM3 slapped a 9/10 on the end of their praising Yakuza 3 review. Check it out through the link.
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March 12th, 2010, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
Sony has just confirmed with us that PlayStation Move cannot support 4 players in its full configuration.
The complete experience of PlayStation Move requires two controllers per person, either two PlayStation Move wands or one wand and one sub (nunchuk-like) controller.
In a four-player game, that arrangement would equate to eight total controllers. But there's a problem that arose when we were pricing the Move peripherals. The PlayStation 3's Bluetooth support is limited to only seven connections. That would put Sony one controller short. Sports Champions, for instance, is a PS3 title in which you can wield a motion-controlled sword and shield. In a theoretical four-person configuration, such wouldn't be possible with fewer than eight connections.
So we contacted the company, and they clarified:
Four PlayStation Move controllers can connect to a PS3 at one time (or two PlayStation Move Controllers and 2 PlayStation Move sub-controllers). So the total is actually quite a bit less than seven.
Does this mean that four players can't enjoy PlayStation Move titles at once? Absolutely not. Each player could use a single Move controller, much like some Wii titles need only the Wiimote. However, it does mean that designers are severely limited in what they can offer.
The good news is, absolutely none of this is confusing at all.
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March 12th, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Kiss frontman Gene Simmons has let the cat out of the bag: Guitar Hero 6 is on its way.
Okay, so it's not the biggest shock in the world - but it hasn't yet been officially confirmed by Activision.
Simmons told ITN's Game On programme he was "the voice of Guitar Hero 6", as you can see below.
The Game On programme contacted CVG a few moments ago to let us know. Cheers, chaps.
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March 12th, 2010, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Peter Molyneux, Lionhead Studios founder and creative director of Microsoft Game Studios Europe, has characterised the PlayStation Move as "more a device for the core than it is for the casual market".
In an interview with sister site Eurogamer, Molyneux was asked whether he had seen anything of the PlayStation Move at GDC. "Yes, I have seen some of it," he answered. "We're not really surprised, are we? I mean at E3 last year we saw they were having a wand, and that's kind of what I expected."
Although he characterised Move as "not as big a step as something like Natal", Molyneux did imply that Sony's controller may be more precise in its motion control.
Molyneux was far from dismissive of the new hardware though, stating instead that: "To be honest, it's all down to what us poor old designers do with this stuff, because all these guys do is make the hardware."
"I don't think the first wave of these motion control titles will be what you expect," he said. "Just as with every hardware chain, it's the second wave where they usually come up with stuff that's interesting. So the second wave could be really cool."
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March 12th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
BioWare has singled out 2nd February 2011 as a significant date for the Dragon Age series.
The numbers "02.01.2011" were printed on a leaflet inside the US Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening retail box, above a familiar blood-red dragon. 1UP took a picture.
There was no accompanying explanation, but this appears to be the "Dragon Age Title TBA" mentioned in EA's Q3 financials in February.
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening will be released here on Tuesday, 16th March. Expect our review then.
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March 12th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Episodic emperor Telltale will finally venture into PS3 territory this April with the launch of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse.
The Devil's Playhouse is title of the overarching series. The first episode will be known as The Penal Zone and be released next month.
There will be five episodes in total and pre-orders are being taken from 18th March. Buy the lot and you'll receive a bulk discount, paying $29.99 for what usually costs $34.99.
Telltale is calling The Devil's Playhouse "the biggest, strangest and most epic" Sam & Max series "to date". Max will find himself shape shifting, teleporting and reading minds before the story concludes.
Telltale Games has established an enviable episodic business and turfed out content based on Sam & Max, Strong Bad, Wallace & Gromit and even Monkey Island over the last few years. PC has been the host platform, but Wii and Xbox 360 have seen their fair share of content.
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse will be available on PC and Mac as well.
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March 13th, 2010, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's XMB may be a bit of a RAM hog, and Microsoft's Project Natal will require about 15% of the Xbox 360's resources. But the new PlayStation Move controller? Its footprint looks light.
While Sony has not come forward with complete CPU footprint information, they've stated that PlayStation Move requires an "insignificant" 1-2MB of RAM.
But like we said, CPU processing has plenty to do with Move's digital footprint, too. And just because the Move's output can be processed in "under a frame" doesn't mean the graphics, physics and overall experience of said frame aren't diminished.
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March 13th, 2010, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
There's been a flood of information coming from Sony about the new PlayStation Move controller for the PS3, but Sony's technically inclined folks showed off some of the more technically capable members of GDC, getting down to the finer details.
PlayStation researcher Anton Mikhailov, platform research manager David Coombes and developer support engineer Kirk Bender ran through a handful of demos for GDC attendees, some fun, others a low level technical peek behind the curtain of PlayStation Move. Some of the more interesting things Mikhailov and crew talked about were related to the motion controller's level of precision.
Mikahilov said the PlayStation Eye is capable of tracking the Move's movement to a precision of about one millimeter in the X and Y-planes. He showed this onscreen, zoomed down to the pixel level. On the Z-plane, Move's depth perception level of precision is about a centimeter. He further illustrated the Move's level of accuracy by mounting the controller on a tripod, eliminating the jitter we were seeing during on simple tech demo, which was actually coming from Mikhailov's hand.
Some of the Move's other neat technical tricks came in the form of combining face tracking with glowing orb tracking, the ability to detect facial features like glasses and a very rough estimate of a user's age. The most potentially interesting uses of Move's capabilities came in some very smooth, very accurate looking painting programs, the kind of thing that would be great for a graffiti themed video game.
But putting the Move controller's level of precision in terms most of the room could understand, Mikhailov said that they've been able to use the PlayStation 3 add-on as a device to control the PC version of StarCraft. While the company already has Move support working in the equally precision demanding SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs, if it works well as a mouse replacement, it might be worth picking one up.
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March 13th, 2010, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
And new trailer included in copies of God of War III gives us a teasing glance of night driving, a new addition to the generally sun-dappled world of Gran Turismo.
From what little we can see of it, Gran Turismo 5's night driving looks to be every bit as appealing as its day driving. While I'm still not that big on Sony's racing simulator, if they can combine the night driving with vehicle damage so I can brake and take out an opponent's headlights, I'll be first in line at the store.
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March 13th, 2010, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
ccording to a report on Kotaku, a "source" has told the site that the remaining Infinity Ward developers still working for Activision in the wake of the recent leadership shakeup are holding out on leaving the company for now due to royalties owed by the publisher. As claimed by ex-Infinity Ward heads Vince Zampella and Jason West in their recent complaint against Activision (with regards to themselves, that is), the publisher is allegedly holding out on promised royalties owed to the entire company. The tipster says that, rather than a traditional salary-based reward system at IW, the studio pays "regular or even low salaries" and offers "ridiculous royalties" to the whole staff.
Furthermore, the piece alleges that Activision "continues to delay royalties to other employees in order to keep them at the company" (though it's not clear whether that means other Activision-owned studios as well), and that morale at IW is supposedly "extremely low." We've asked Activision for comment on the claims and will update you if we hear more.
Update: Activision responded by saying, "Activision doesn't comment on industry rumor or speculation." Not exactly a definitive "no," but not a confirmation by any means either. We'll keep you updated as we hear more.
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March 13th, 2010, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
Naughty Dog's co-president Evan Wells is definitely interested in having people tuck Nathan Drake -- either halfway or all the way -- into their pockets and visit the world of Uncharted whenever they want to. He feels that there are a lot of stories to tell in that world, and that the PSP would be the perfect platform for it. Just imagine Uncharted: Sully's Adventure where you can wheel and deal in the black market, or Uncharted: Elena on Assignment where you're chasing a dangerous news story. Scoop!
"I think it would be fantastic to see the game (move) onto a handheld system," Wells told us. "Each one of the episodes is sort of like a standalone thing and I think we could do that pretty easily. If we can find a partner to work with, I'd love to do that ... we definitely wouldn't do it ourselves. We're trying to just focus on the PS3 technology and platform right now." He added, laughing, "But, if we can't find a partner, then maybe we're going to have to find a budget ourselves."
Laugh if you will, Wells. You're just toying with our heartstrings is all. We'd love to see Nathan Drake on our PSP. Make it happen. We have Ready at Dawn's phone number if you need it.
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March 13th, 2010, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home director Jack Buser kicked off Sony's final day of GDC 2010 panels, announcing that the virtual community's worldwide userbase now stands at 12 million. The population has grown by two million users since December 2009, and is double of what it was in June of last year.
Buser expanded on the stats, pointing out that these numbers aren't based on one-off visits; according to Sony's data, 85 percent of users who create a Home avatar return more than once. The average citizen, he said, spends an hour in Home each visit.
While Buser's talk was primarily aimed at developers interested in developing in-Home games, he spoke on what to expect in terms of Sony's strategy for the service in 2010, saying, "You're going to see us really embrace this idea of total game integration" to "really extend out the experience of your games." He used the Home presence of Sucker Punch's inFamous as an example, saying that we can expect to see more spaces, minigames and tie-in content timed alongside game launches this year, and that "It's an Incredibly important part of [Sony's] strategy."
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March 13th, 2010, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
TA-093. And 'this is the name of the new motherboard installed the latest PSP-3000. He discovered Flasheur, the modder to PSPGEN while attempting to work on a PSP-3000 in red. This new motherboard, according to information that gives us the French site, has some new hardware and a significant reduction in the number of components. Were also renewed the mechanisms coupling of the two keys back and changed the position of the spring to open the UMD compartment. But not all. According PSPGEN also the processor has been changed: it is different compared with those found in TA-090. This PSP-3000, at the time of presenting the latest firmware as 6.20.
The reasons for this revision? Probably cheap, with a net saving on the components of the motherboard. But there may be new measures of security hardware to repel any attempt of hacking the console.
In some pictures of the full TA-093 and a video demonstration.
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March 13th, 2010, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
From KiNgOfUnIvErS arrives today PSNabler alternative to Red Hate, with several enhancements and support for two new titles: Fat Princess Fistful of Cake and The Eye of Judgment, Both in European version. With PsnKiller you can play multiplayer via the PlayStation Network without having to use an official firmware, is compatible with most of the CF and the latest Wi-Fi networks that use a WPA key protection, the only flaw for the moment is the need to insert and activate two separate plugin for each game.
In the coming days will likely release a final version to improve compatibility with a greater number of titles and the current patch will be merged into a single prx.
Below are installation notes and links for downloading.
1 - Estrate the contents of the archive in the folder seplugins
2 - If you have already copied the file game.txt the string of what the archive in your course at the end of the string 1 = Enabled 0 = Disabled
3 - Go into the game and connect.
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March 13th, 2010, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
Over a month since the last release, the new update by the coder Chinese Cooleyes for PMPlayer Advance video player for PSP with some advanced features and also allows the viewing of movies in PMP format. The application comes as version 3.0.9.
Changelog v3.0.9:
- Added flv2mpeg4
- Added sceVideoCodec to decode Flv1
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March 13th, 2010, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
New plugin created by Total_Noob, author of the famous DayViewer and other prx. This is XMB Icon Manager, a useful plugin that allows you to change the name of the icons of XMB and assign them functions other than the default, without having to touch the flash0 of the console. Just simply install the prx and edit to your liking xmbim_config.txt the file in the folder seplugins.
More in full.
Installation - Screenshots - Videos:
.: Installation:.:
- Copy the file in the folder seplugins xmbim.prx
- Add to the file VSH.txt the text string ms0: / seplugins / xmbim.prx 1
- To change the name of the icons and their functions will need to edit the text file xmbim_config.txt
XMB Icon Manager is only compatible with Custom Firmware 5.xx
.: Features:.:
- It 'possible to change the name of each icon
- E 'can change the function of each icon
- E 'can start a file for each icon
.: Modes available.:
- Shutdown
- Suspend
- Reboot
- Game (Starting HB)
- Updater (Start Update)
- Pops (Start PSX games)
- Backup (Startup ISO / CSO)
- Restartvsh (reboot VSH)
Example 1: Change the System Update icon with the power off function
NETWORK_UPDATE = "shutdown"
Example 2: Assign the launch of an ISO backup icon Updating System
NETWORK_UPDATE_FILE = "ms0: / ISO / Resistance Retribution.iso"
It 'important to remember to insert the word up in the line containing NETWORK_UPDATE_FILE mode and specify the path to the ISO. In line MODE, the selected function will appear in all lowercase.
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March 13th, 2010, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/03/13/wagic-0-11-released/
I’m excited to announce a new version of Wagic today, version 0.11.1. We added so many new cards in this version that the numbers don’t make much sense anymore, so you will see that the main menu displays now 2 numbers: the number of cards, and the number of unique cards. Wagic 0.10 had roughly 5100 cards (4000 unique), and Wagic 0.11 ships with around 30 new sets for a total of more than 9300 cards (more than 4700 unique). So if we don’t count reprints, that’s more than 700 new cards for you to play with!
Many thanks go to the team of developers, who are the soul of this project, and to the people who helped during our alpha and beta tests.
What is Wagic?
Wagic is an heroic fantasy card game (currently available for the Sony PSP, Windows, and Linux) in which you fight as a sorcerer with your creatures and spells. As you win epic battles against the CPU, you earn credits that allow you to improve your army, unlock new cards and other game modes. Wagic is open source, community driven, and extremely customizable. It is available in English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, and French.
Wagic is entirely fan-made, but is frequently compared to commercial games for its replay value and its graphics.
What’s new?
I wish I could summarize this release in a few words, but the truth is, this is once again a release packed with incredible new features. An amazing amount of new cards of course (who said “as usual”?), but also cool improvement such as the card filter, which (finally) allows you to tweak your shop experience, and browse your collection much more easily than before. Windows and Linux users will also love the new “key bindings” feature to be able to setup the keys of the game to their liking. This will also be useful for PSP players who want to switch their circle and cross buttons. Here’s a more complete changelog:
More than 4000 new cards, of which 700 are unique. Wagic now has around 9400 cards (more than 4700 unique). Thanks to the card coders, especially Dr. Solomat!
New cards database system, which allows to code more cards faster and reduce the number of duplicate bugs (thanks Psyringe)
Filter system in the Shop and in the Deck Editor allow you to efficiently buy new cards and search your collection (thanks Jeck)
Key bindings to customize your keys (thanks Jean)
Simplified translation mechanism for cards
Shop improvements (Mixed boosters, price changes,improved booster flexibility)
New parser keywords: cantBeBlockedBy, power/toughness qualifiers for targets
New tasks in the tasks menu
Internal changes to fix compilation issues on linux 64bits and Mac. Wagic should now compile for these platforms with little work
Added support for HQ pictures on PC platforms
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March 14th, 2010, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's official US PlayStation Move site appears to have revealed that both Gran Turismo 5 and Disney's Split/Second will work with the motion sensing device.
Other 'featured' titles listed alongside the peripheral include ModNation Racers and SOCOM 4 - which Sony said would be compatible with Move at GDC last week.
The inclusion of three 'core' racing games in the list suggests PlayStation Move will be able to be used as a steering wheel - a function Nintendo's Wii Remote also serves - or that they will support headtracking via Move's camera.
Nintendo this week said it was 'flattered' by the similarities between the two devices.
Unlike GT5, Disney's Split/Second is a full arcade racer - complete with giant, destructible set pieces.
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March 14th, 2010, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Portable disc-based titles aren't going away anytime soon. During a session at the Game Developers Conference this past week, the company said it has no plans in abandoning the UMD format.
The session was meant to inform independent developers about the marketplace advantages that exist on the PlayStation platform. When discussing the PSP, the company said its UMD format is "alive and well" and that all retail games will continue to be available on both a UMD disc and digitally on the PlayStation Network store.
Sony also provided its latest life-to-date sales for the PSP platform. Since its North American release in 2005, sales have reached 17 million total units. Worldwide sales have now topped 60 million total units.
Last October, Sony released the PSPgo, a UMD drive-less version of the original PSP that requires users to download titles directly off the PlayStation Network store. During last year's Tokyo Game Show, the company said it would remain committed to both versions, calling it a "dual platform strategy." Sony was unable to provide a solution to owners with UMD games who upgraded to the PSPgo due to "legal and technical reasons."
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March 14th, 2010, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Genesis Vids has posted a new version of his Game Boy, Sega Master and Game Gear emulator for the PlayStation Portable, EmuMaster.
This release features lot's of code cleanups with a new theme.
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March 15th, 2010, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
While Ubisoft has the Might and Magic series, internally developed RPGs are rare. So this bit of news may surprise you, Ubisoft appears to be working on a HD role playing game.
The news comes from a LinkedIn profile leak where a Lead Level Designer mentions a “RPG title” for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Recently, Ubisoft announced Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes for both platforms. Since Capybara Games, the same studio behind the DS game is developing high definition version, this game appears to be something else, but what?
An Assassin’s Creed RPG? Rayman RPG? Imagine RPG?
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March 15th, 2010, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Telltale Games officially announced Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse for PlayStation 3. Episodes start rolling out on April 15, but you can “reserve” the game starting this Thursday.
Why would you want to pre-order a digitally distributed game? Buy Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse before it launches and you save $5. The game costs $29.99 until the first episode goes live. Afterwards, it will be $34.99. Unlike other seasons of Sam & Max, The Devil’s Playhouse will not be sold as individual episodes, but the game will still be distributed in episodes. Think of it like joining a book of the month club. One payment gets you a new episode of Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse for five months.
Telltale is working on a prologue episode which acts as a free demo, but you won’t be able to play that until The Penal Zone comes out which voids the discount.
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March 15th, 2010, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit team have released yet another new version of Openbor for the consoles such as PSP, Dreamcast, Dingoo, Wii, Gp2x and Wiz:
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
Beats of Rage was created by Senile Team. However, the character sprites and
some parts of the backgrounds are taken from 'the King of Fighters' games by
SNK Playmore. Therefore special thanks go out to SNK Playmore and SEGA who
unknowingly helped in creating this game.
Beats of Rage and OpenBOR are a free, fully functional game, which includes
music, and features six playable levels plus a bonus level. It is available
for many systems
Whats New
Rev 2727 2010-03-14
Author: plombo
Log message:
Fixed the menu launcher in packages generated by makedeb
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March 15th, 2010, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios European boss, Michael Denny, has told GamesIndustry.biz that he believes the forthcoming PlayStation Move motion control system will be instrumental in boosting sales of the PlayStation 3 when it's released later this year.
Speaking shortly after the brand was unveiled during a press conference in San Francisco last week, Denny explained that the release of Move echoed the business strategy previously seen on the company's last generation console.
"It's interesting - you look back at PlayStation 2 and it was about the same time in that console's life cycle that we started introducing new casual/social games and new interfaces, like SingStar, or Buzz!, or EyeToy before that," he said. "It's not new to PlayStation fans having physical gaming, or having new interfaces.
"If you look at where we are with PlayStation 3, and where we can get to, this new system that has genuine new appeal in both vision technology and motion technology - and the experiences it can bring - I think it really will not just attract new audiences to PlayStation, but re-excite some of the existing PlayStation fans in the experiences we can give them."
And when asked if the motion control system would boost hardware sales, or simply appeal to existing PS3 owners, he was very clear.
"It's going to do absolutely both of those things," he said. "If you've already got a PlayStation then it's a great additive experience. It can add to existing games, or existing franchises that people already know. We'll bring new IPs, new experiences for it - but as I said before, the stage we're at in the life cycle with PS3, it can help us broaden the audience now, as we'd expect to do at this time anyway."
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March 16th, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
An editorial at Eurogamer delves into what Sony and Microsoft hope to achieve with their upcoming console motion control systems, despite entering the market several years after Nintendo set the standard. "The cards Sony has placed on the table this week suggest one answer to that question. It sees PlayStation Move as being an upgrade path for Wii owners — an invitation to the tens of millions of consumers who have invested in Nintendo's platform to swim upstream to the more powerful, HD-enabled system. Yet even Sony's most optimistic view of the market will be tempered by a dose of realism here. ... What's more likely — and what Sony are probably quietly hoping to achieve a significant proportion of the Move's success through — is that the technology will expand the appeal of the PS3 in the family setting." The Digital Foundry blog has an in-depth look at the PlayStation Move from Sony's event at the Game Developers Conference, saying, "... if there was one positive you could take away from the event, it was that Move is clearly a far more precise implementation than the Wiimote. Some of the games felt clearly more 'tactile' than the Wii equivalents."
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March 16th, 2010, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Gavin Cheshire, Codemasters Studios vice president, isn't a great believer in the PSP.
"Well, speaking as a person who bought a PSP, the problem was that I always thought - because it was a better screen than iPod's - that I'd be doing more with it. But it was such a bollocking useless waste of space; just getting stuff on it was ridiculous," he told Edge magazine, issue 213.
"That was its downfall. Relatively speaking, [Codemasters] didn't do too badly on F1 PSP. But regarding the future, I think they've got - well... no.
"PSPgo's a lovely device," he added, "really smart - but our senior VP bought one the day it came out and has a great story, because he ended up on some customer support line just trying to do basic stuff. He had to re-download his software, do an immediate firmware update, and that's your user experience.
"Sony just hasn't got it right. Stuff like that will make people leave it alone."
Conversely, Cheshire thinks Apple's new iPad is "brilliant" and believes there's potential despite the App Store being swamped with content.
"The ecosystem's right," he said, "the straight-to-console nature of it."
Some people believe the PSP and iPhone are on a collision course. PopCap's John Vechey told Eurogamer earlier this year that as Apple revised iPhone hardware, graphics would eventually improve and match Sony's machine. What happens then, we'll leave you to speculate.
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March 16th, 2010, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's next entry in the "Play, Create, Share" lineup is drawing near. ModNation Racers will launch simultaneously on PS3 and PSP on May 25. Both versions of the game will feature a career mode, online multiplayer and a track editor. If you read our interview with United Front Games' producer Dan Sochan, you'll already know that there's even some connectivity: play both versions of the game to unlock additional content on the PSP.
In addition, Sony has announced a few pre-order incentives. Various retailers will offer extra characters, including Ratchet and Clank, Nathan Drake, and Kratos. For more details, check the PlayStation.Blog.
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March 16th, 2010, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
EA assures us via Twitter that, after a rocky launch period, the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 online servers have now been stabilized. Pretty much every iteration of Bad Company 2 has seen issues arise when connecting to EA's servers for online multiplayer, with Xbox 360 kicking some users all the way out to the Dashboard and PC users experiencing authentication issues with PunkBuster.
The developer now says that those issues have been addressed, due in no small part to new servers being added over the weekend. "All new hardware is in place and ready to serve your BFBC2 needs," the tweet reads, backed up by a Q&A on the Battlefield Blog with more info. While some players may still experience a stat loss issue, EA and DICE are actively looking into a fix and encourage anyone who experiences said glitch to report it online. Now, if you'll excuse us, we've got dudes to sneak up on and knife in the back.
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March 16th, 2010, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://pcsx2.net/
Hey people.
While we're still working on the new PCSX2 version, we've also been constantly adding to the all important plugins.
Every now and then we release a beta plugin pack, so you can test them out and benefit from the new features a bit earlier
Head over to the beta downloads page here to grab the new March 2010 package.
SPU2-X 1.4:
Yet again improved sound quality by fixing a sample overflow in the ADPCM decoder.
Adjustable reverb volume, for deeper reverb effects.
Fixes to interrupts and status registers that allow many more games to boot.
Games fixed by this update include titles like Fatal Frame 2 and 3, Black, the Burnout series, Max Payne 2, Silent Hill 0rigins, Silent Hill Shattered Memories and, of course, "Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey"
GSdx 0.1.16:
Stability fixes (less exception crashes).
More games have post processing removed, making them playable.
Fixed a blending effect used in Final Fantasy 10, 10-2 and Grandia3.
Many more tweaks and additions.
Several bug fixes that make it work better with the new PCSX2 version.
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March 16th, 2010, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
It 'was released by Japanese developer ClassG a new update for macrofire, return plugin, now at version 3.2.0, which allows you to configure key combinations you can do with the push of just one, adjust the sensitivity of the analog stick, and set l 'auto-fire for a given key. This release fixes some problems the previous version and improves the stability of the program.
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March 16th, 2010, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

From the publisher: From the Makers of the Best RPG of 2009, Dragon Age: Origins, comes the first official expansion pack.
For centuries, the Grey Wardens—the ancient order of guardians, sworn to unite and defend the lands—have been battling the darkspawn forces.
Legend spoke that slaying the Archdemon would have put an end to the darkspawn threat for centuries to come, but somehow they remain.
You are the Grey Warden Commander and have been entrusted with the duty of rebuilding the order of Grey Wardens and uncovering the secrets of the darkspawn and how they managed to remain.
How you choose to rebuild your order, how you resolve the conflict with "The Architect", and how you determine the fate of the darkspawn will be but some of the many complex choices that await and shape your journey as you venture to the new land of Amaranthine.
The Asian versions of the expansion pack come today, the US versions are on their way:
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening ASIA US$ 39.90
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening US US$ 44.90
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening US US$ 44.90
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening ASIA US$ 39.90
PC Game
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening (DVD-ROM) US US$ 44.90
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening Guide US US$ 19.90
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March 16th, 2010, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
A few hours ago, Capcom held a Monster Hunter press conference in Japan and put an embargo on all of the news. However, a savvy Twitter user captured the big story – Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.
A photo confirming Monster Hunter Portable 3rd as a PSP game leaked onto Twitpic and Gigazine grabbed it before someone pulled it. Look for more news about it soon, perhaps later today.
Update: Capcom sent out a press release confirming the news and an international release under the name Monster Hunter Freedom 3. This version introduces new regions, monsters, and a revised Felyne combat system. Look for Monster Hunter Freedom 3 in the West in late 2010.
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March 16th, 2010, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s PS3 exclusive ModNation Racers has been given a firm release date of May 25th in the US. And the European PlayStation blog has added that – while not set in stone – an arrival in the UK is expected in the same week, meaning a May 28th release is likely.
The game’s boxart has also been revealed on the blog, and interestingly includes character designs sourced from the European beta.
The game is best described as an amalgamation of LittleBigPlanet and Mario Kart, with its accessible racing mechanic combined with a breadth of customisation options.
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March 16th, 2010, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America has been hit by a PS3 shortage at exactly the wrong time - God of War III debuted stateside today.
The likes of Best Buy, GameStop and Target stores in West Hollywood are out of hardware stock, according to the LA Times, and some haven't had any PS3s for a few weeks now. Wal-Mart online and Amazon.com were also said to be sold out.
With God of War 3 expected to be a potential system seller, the news isn't ideal for Sony, as SCEA president Jack Tretton told the site.
"It's not ideal, I won't kid you. But I firmly believe we'll get our hardware back in stock and keep selling God of War III for a long time.
"We ultimately don't make investments on a product-by-product or month-by-month basis, but rather we invest in our platform," he added. "This game will pay off for us with the people who own a PlayStation 3 and the ones who will buy one in the future."
The first two games, released on PS2, sold eight million copies.
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March 16th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster

$200 special edition handheld console and game pack announced for US and Canada
Sony has announced a Limited Edition Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP console bundle will go on sale in the US and Canada.
The game will come packaged with a “Spirited Green” PSP, 2GB memory stick, PSN movie voucher and extra DLC.
MGS: Peace Walker’s Limited Edition pack was originally announced for release in Japan, but Sony has confirmed it will be available to buy on June 8th in America and Canada for $200.
Sony is yet to confirm whether the bundle will reach UK stores, but a standalone game is currently scheduled for release on 18th June.
Peace Walker is the latest in Konami’s popular Metal Gear Solid stealth franchise. MGS: Rising is also in production for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
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March 16th, 2010, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could be aiming to have Killzone 3 ready for release by April 2011.
According to a report by 1UP, Guerrilla's PlayStation exclusive FPS could be going head-to-head with Epic Games' Xbox shooter.
Earlier this month, we reported that sources said Killzone 3 would be in 3D and make use of PlayStation Move but also that it would be coming out in time for Christmas.
Since then rumours have been flying about the release of Gears of War 3 in April, with Epic VP Mark Rein saying the company had no plans to release anything this year and boss Mike Capps hinting at a new game announcement at E3.
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March 16th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
UK retailer GAME is to open a space in PlayStation 3 Home this week, offering visitors access to exclusive content and competitions.
The company becomes one of the first retailers to make use of the service, which now boasts an audience of over 12 million worldwide.
As well as offering social spaces, the GAME Moonbase will provide free-to-play games for visitors, with rewards for user's avatars on offer.
Home offers spaces for PlayStation 3 games, individual developers, user generated content and the massively multiplayer online game Sodium.
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March 16th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Japan localisation specialist Yeonkyung Kim has admitted that the company's decision not to publish cult dungeon crawl Demon's Souls worldwide was an error.
"That was a mistake," Kim told an audience at GDC last week, according to 1UP. "It should have come out as a first-party title."
Sony published the From-developed PS3 game in Japan, but, assuming it to be a niche project that would fail outside the country, passed up on worldwide rights.
After strong word of mouth on the import scene, Atlus picked up Demon's Souls for release in the US (depsite reluctance from Sony Japan). It became a sell-out success, with current sales approaching a quarter of a million, according to the report.
Few would complain about Atlus' support of the game on its US release, but it's hard not to bemon Sony's decision for the simple reason that it might have seen Demon's Souls arrive on European shelves.
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March 16th, 2010, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Wakeboarding HD is coming to PSN this Thursday, courtesy of TikGames and Creat Studios.
Wakeboarding is like snowboarding but in the wake of a speedboat that drags you around. You'll be jumping onto docks and over boats; balancing on rails and waves; launching over buildings and landmarks; and rolling, grabbing, spinning and flipping your way through water and air.
You'll need to dodge exploding mines and even sharks as you collect points and earn high scores.
And all that in your underpants, against the backdrop or picturesque azure skies, mellow sunsets and tropical fantasies.
There's even split-screen rammed in for you and a friend.
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March 16th, 2010, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Avalanche Studios has told Eurogamer that although "a lot" of Just Cause 2 DLC is planned, you will have enough on your plate wading through the extra content after the 15 to 20 hour main campaign has finished.
"Yeah, we're going to have some fun with DLC," beamed lead designer Peter Johansson, "but unfortunately I can't talk about the specifics.
"We're going to have a lot of DLC. We'll see what happens," he added with a grin. "DLC is important, but a game like Just Cause 2 can live pretty long because it's not just playing through the story and being done with it - there's the completion rating and playing with friends. That's what we do in the office!"
Johansson said his save file at the time of the interview was 60 per cent complete, a feat that had taken him 55 game hours to accomplish. Finishing the campaign, he explained, represents barely a quarter of what's on offer.
To this end, Avalanche and publisher Square Enix may produce a website to correlate user game-activity, a bit like Rockstar's Social Club for Grand Theft Auto IV.
"I'm not sure what the plans are from Square's side, but we are definitely going to do that for the game; we'll have these metrics, lots of metrics, and everything in as simple a form as we can do," said Johansson.
"In this game it's really fun to track completion rating as well, because this game is going to take people a long time to do!"
The PS3 version of Just Cause 2 allows you to record and upload videos to YouTube, and thus document your wacky stunt-filled adventure. But why did this not appear on Xbox 360?
"It was decided it was going to be an exclusive feature," said Johansson. "You know how it can be in the business."
Just Cause 2 is due for release on 26th March on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. The idea is that you, Rico Rodriguez, must bring down the ruler of Panau island by causing as much chaos with your super-powered grappling hook as possible, working for various factions in the process.
It's silly, exaggerated and fun, and Avalanche is happy about that.
"This genre is getting crowded, so you really need to find your own direction and identity. We're not taking ourselves too seriously and a lot of the ideas in Just Cause 2 started out from testing fun ideas. I guess that's down to having freedom as a developer, and that's really fun to work with," said Johansson.
"I want a grappling hook in real life," he quipped. "That would be so cool!"
That tongue-in-cheek approach is reflected in the game's name, Just Cause.
"Sometimes I get people asking me about the political stuff and is this a political statement - maybe we are naive, ha ha, but we didn't think about it like that! We're not trying to do any political statement at all. We're not trying to shove any message down anyone's throat," promised Johansson.
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March 17th, 2010, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Cricket, F1 and new shooter Bodycount front "next wave' of titles from Britsoft firm
Codemasters has revealed to MCV that it is working on a new cricket game, which will be released before the end of the year.
The announcement follows the recent reveals of F1 2010 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in September and brand new FPS Bodycount, which is due to hit shelves in Q1 2011.
“Following last year’s success of Ashes 2009, we are not resting on our cricketing laurels," UK general manager Jeremy Wigmore stated.
"We’ll soon be talking about the evolution of our cricket series, which will make a triumphant return later this year.
"This, added to the announcements of F1 2010 and Bodycount herald the next wave of titles created by Codemasters Studios."
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March 17th, 2010, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
A sequel to Record of Agarest War is in development. No, we’re not talking about Record of Agarest War Zero, that’s a prequel.
One of the products on Compile Heart’s GDC list, perhaps to be licensed for the West, is a follow up to Record of Agarest War called Agarest Senki 2. The game is currently in development for PlayStation 3.
No concrete details (sorry!) since the news comes from a product list. Agarest appears to be a key franchise for Compile Heart and if Record of Agarest War does well next month there’s a chance we’ll see Record of Agarest War 2 in English.
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March 17th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Taito’s robotic fish shooter appears to be swimming to Europe. Germany’s USK rated the PSP Darius game under the name Dariusburst.
While most most retail Taito games are distributed with Square Enix’s label in the West, Taito Corporation is listed as the publisher for Dariusburst. This suggests Dariusburst may only be available as a PlayStation Network download in PAL territories.
If that’s the case a North American release is probable, especially because Dariusburst has been translated into English. Here’s a look at the game and more aquatic creatures as robots.
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March 17th, 2010, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom and Sony have a present for future PSPgo purchasers in Japan. Buy the download-only PSP system and you get a code to download Monster Hunter Freedom Unite as a bonus.
The promotion starts on March 18, the same day Monster Hunter Freedom Unite arrives on the PlayStation Store along with other Capcom published PSP games. Ultimate Ghosts ‘n Goblins and God of War: Chains of Olympus (which Capcom published in Japan) will be sold for 1,500 yen ($16) and 2,200 yen ($24) respectively. A Monster Hunter Freedom Unite download costs 1,600 yen ($17).
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March 17th, 2010, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Sony America boss Jack Tretton has described PlayStation Move as "an extension of what already exists, not a replacement".
"The key is choice for the consumer. We don't want to force motion gaming down their throat," Tretton told G4TV (thanks VG247) during last week's PlayStation Move unveiling.
"So for the shooter fan that says, 'You know, love what you do with motion gaming, but I like my DualShock experience,' that's going to be there for them.
"The great thing about this motion gaming is an add-on, an enhancement, an extension of what already exists, not a replacement."
PlayStation Move is due out this autumn and Sony has promised to support it with "more than 20" first party titles by next March, and said that 36 game companies are signed up making new titles that support it.
When asked about the controller's launch line-up, Tretton alluded again to more reveals at E3 in June and said he needed to "keep our powder dry" regarding specifics for the time being.
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March 17th, 2010, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Sony engineer Ian Bickerstaff has said the rise of 3D gaming will depend on the uptake of compatible tellies - but he reckons it won't take long.
"We're taking a cautious approach," Bickerstaff told Gamasutra, adding that Sony is "very optimistic".
"I think [3D gaming uptake is] going to depend on the uptake of 3D televisions. We're not going to spend crazy, crazy amounts of money [on 3D games] expecting everyone tomorrow to have 3D TVs, clearly. But, we believe this is the future, and three or four years from now, you won't be able to buy a television that doesn't have a 3D capability."
As reported last week, Sony plans to release the first 3D PS3 games this summer - around the same time its first 3D TVs are shipped. According to Bickerstaff, "a lot" of SCE studios are already working on 3D titles and they're all very keen.
"To be honest, we have not had an internal project to throw at people to make their games in 3D, yet there are loads of games in 3D, like MLB 10, Super Stardust HD - that looks fantastic - and so on," he said. "And that's really just because of the enthusiasm from the developers themselves."
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March 17th, 2010, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Action role-playing game Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is heading to Europe this summer.
Released January in Japan, this PSP instalment earned high praise from regional magazine-giant Famitsu, scoring 37/40.
Birth by Sleep serves as a prequel to the first Kingdom Hearts game on PS2. There's a new Disney-meets-JRPG story as well as multiplayer for six people, either fighting against each other; teaming-up for a wave-based arena mode; racing on hovering Keyblades; or strategising on the Command Board.
Besides that are various enhancements to the battle system and some apparently very pretty graphics.
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March 17th, 2010, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Promising PSP game Patchwork Heroes arrives on PSN tomorrow in Europe.
The idea of Patchwork Heroes is to tear apart a flying warship with a big saw before the craft blows your city apart. The basic premise arose from cutting paper with scissors, and the eye-catching visuals cling to this.
There's no word on price yet.
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March 17th, 2010, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters has lifted the lid on its next Formula 1 game, F1 2010, at a press event in London, revealing an extensive career mode that will simulate the drivers' life in the paddock as well as on the track.
F1 2010 will allow players to interact with their agent, team-mate, engineer and the media as they build a career for themselves. You'll start in a lower or middle-tier team aiming to beat your team-mate and championship rivals, in order to increase your standing and negotiate new contracts over several seasons.
As your rank improves, the F1 circus in the paddock will respond differently to you, with media showing interest according to your standing and asking questions relevant to your performance. Finish in the top three in a race and you'll be able to join in the post-race press conference for TV.
The game also features an upgrade system that improves and changes your car according to the performance of you and your team-mate and the amount of testing you do, while doing well in a season will feed into off-season research and development. You can get closely involved in the setup of your car or give broader instructions to your engineer for how you want it to drive.
On track, Codemasters is aiming for handling that's authentic without being too difficult for average players, and predictable enough that players can focus on putting in the consistent lap times that are all-important in Formula 1. It's putting an equal emphasis on credible and dynamic AI opponents as it is the handling model, however.
Keeping race strategy in mind will be important, especially managing tyres, which will blister, marble and puncture. Players will also be able to adjust wing angles angles and engine performance on the fly.
There will be dynamic weather conditions and the track surface will evolve from session to session and lap to lap, as drivers lay down rubber to increase grip, leave dangerous tyre "marbles", and actively dry wet tracks with their tyres.
We'll have a full feature preview with hands-on impressions for you in the coming days. F1 2010 is due for release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in September.
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March 17th, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster

Sony's new PlayStation Move controller made headlines last week as it added Wii-like controls to the PlayStation 3. But a key difference in the tech, one lauded by Sony, could hurt the device. So could a lack of innovative software.
Kotaku brought both of these topics up with Scott Rohde, vice president of worldwide studios at Sony's big PlayStation Move event last week. Rohde had been the main presenter of Move games at the event, launching demos of everything from sports-compilation title Sports Champions to a Move-enhanced SOCOM 4.
After the demos, he talked tech, mentioning his favorite aspect of the Move controller. "There's something magic when that controller is in your hand and the ball changes color," he said "That's another thing that games can do and start to exploit more over the upcoming months. If you're about to cast an ice spell, it could turn white. Let's say you're firing a gun in SOCOM. It might flicker between orange and red and yellow. There's a lot we can do."
The motion-control of the PlayStation Move wand requires the presence of a PlayStation Eye to detect the illuminated orb at the end of the wand. PlayStation camera games on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 have always worked well under optimal lighting conditions — the kinds of lighting conditions always configured at press events — but they've been less reliable at home. If the lighting in your (or my) living room was wrong, the games would not work well, or at all.
If that camera-detection problem extends to the Move, the whole controller effort could be for naught.
"That was another reason we went with the colored ball as the sensor," Rohde said. "It's a lot easier [for that tech to work] in a darker environment than it is to create the right amount of light [for different technology]," he said. The colored-ball approach, he added, "works very well in light or dark, but it works slightly better in the dark. And, again, some other technologies don't work well in the dark."
I mentioned to Rohde that my Wii's Remote sensor has worked well in all but the very brightest sunlight (a pull-down of the blinds fixed that). How does the Move compare? "I'll be honest with you," he said. "Bright light is always going to be a little bit of a problem for any camera technology. But because the color of the ball is flexible, it can at least adjust and get a brighter color. If your whole room has a very white and yellow feel to it, it can go with [a different color] and you're going to get a good response."
A Sony developer who showed me Move Party also said that very bright light could diminish that game's experience. The room we tried the game in had seemingly average lighting, but it will be hard to judge the PlayStation Eye's tolerance for detecting the Move at various light levels until we get a Move in our homes or offices, away from Sony.
A key pitfall for the Move could be Sony's possible over-reliance on motion-game software templates pioneered by the Wii. Most of the games Sony showed at its PlayStation Move event had a Wii analogue: The sports games of Sports Champions resembled the events in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort; the shooter controls of SOCOM 4 resembled those of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption; even the Move-enabled co-op play of Move-enhanced LittleBigPlanet seemed modeled off of the co-star mode of Super Mario Galaxy. The augmented reality of Move Party was just about the only Move game that didn't seem built off of Wii breakthroughs.
"I think you've got to give it a little time to mature," Rohde said. "When first and third-parties have the controllers and dev-kits in their hands for a long time, those things will start to come out. I personally see that, besides just the precision, which is a key point, the colored ball on top is going to give you some twists that you haven't seen before."
The PlayStation Move is set for release in the fall. Rohde said that the games shown at the Move event, including Sports Champions, Shoot and Motion Fighter, should be expected by gamers in the "launch window" of the handheld device. "There's a lot of stuff in the line-up we haven't shown you yet," he said. "This is a big initiative for Sony."
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March 17th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14805.html
DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Revision 475
^this revision has a new icon for the XMB that Displays the Alpha number
ASSuming people like this addition, it will be kept up in every build of mine. With the revision number changing of course....
Revision 474
[+] Implemented a workaround to fix the flicker on Paper Mario, by default is disabled, but can be enabled on Advanced ( Note : Under some circumstances it can provide a speed up or slow down on certain games, use it under your own risk..)
[+] Added blendmodes for ISS 2000 and PGA.
Revision 473
[~] Small code clean up
[!] Reduced MATRIX_STACK_SIZE to 20 (Issue causing our matrix to fill up was fixed recently anyways)
[!] Restored the use of the extra VRAM available on Slim models.
[!] Removed irrelevant AI register (Jelta)
Revision 472
[*] Removed leftovers from W32 build
[~] Minor changes that doesn´t effect anything..
Revision 471
[!] Code clean up
[+] Added PASS/NOOP blender
Revision 470
[*] Updated roms.ini
Revision 469
[+] Added scroll by letter
[~] Fixed "No Roms" text alignment
[~] Fixed bug with games not in roms.ini
[~] Fixed two compatibility numbers set to the same thing
[!] Improved Image/Info scroll
[!] Improved Game Name scroll
Revision 468
[!] Refactor/tidy MatrixFromN64FixedPoint
[!] Improved G_MWO_POINT_XYSCREEN (Megaman 64 is displayed correctly now)
[+] Added FOG3/PASS2 blender (ISS64 should be playable)
[~] Added notes/instructions for devs on Blender.cpp
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March 18th, 2010, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
'One day turn-around' tool for making PSN comics, strategy guides, eMagazines and more detailed in San Francisco
Sony has been briefing developers touring its GDC expo booth this week about a new lightweight tool that allows content creators to get non-game apps onto the PlayStation Network - with almost no software development needed.
Called Skinny, the tool is described by the format holder as "a simple yet effective means for content holders to put their intellectual property on the PlayStation platforms without software development".
In fact Sony is claiming that content creators can develop an app using the tool in as quick as a day.
The platform holder says the service is ideal for strategy guides, game maps and cheats, training manuals, episodic videos and the like, eBooks and eMagazines, comics and event content (such as show guides to download for stadiums or conferences).
Skinny consists of an authoring tool and a native client runtime for PS3 and PSP.
The editor is a web-based tool for PCs and workstations - content creators supply images, audio, video and text and use the design software and a simple flowchart organiser to decide how their pictures and sounds are presented, which is all managed with a simple XML file.
Skinny's authoring tool then lets you publish straight to a UMD or PlayStation Network image file.
The only catch is that the PS3 or PSP file still has to be submitted to Sony for approval, as with all game content.
A SCEA rep on the showfloor said it was "very quick and easy" to get up and running.
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March 18th, 2010, 18:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has a patch for Heavy Rain in the final stages of development, and reckons an update will be released "very soon".
That's what the developer wrote on the US PlayStation forum.
"As mentioned previously, this patch is not targeted purely at the issues reported in this thread but does address a range of minor issues which could be contributing factors. Given the small percentage of players affected by these issues and the difficulty that has been had in reproducing them here we're optimistic that this patch resolves your problems but cannot guarantee that this will be the case," wrote the senior community development manager at Sony. Since launch, various reports of game freezes and glitches have emerged on the internet (I personally had to redo a few hours' progress, as it happens).
Heavy Rain, released at the end of February, provided Sony with a UK All-Formats number one on the week of release and a top-five finishes subsequently. Heavy Rain was fourth this week.
Praise for Quantic Dream's PS3 creation has been coming from all angles: Microsoft Game Studios creative mastermind Peter Molyneux turned out to be a big fan, and Hollywood director Neil LaBute said he hoped the "sophistication" of the game would be echoed through the industry in times to come.
We, too, heaped praise on the forward-thinking game, scoring Heavy Rain 9/10.
Since then we've tracked down game creator David Cage for a post-launch chat, and delved into the DLC to see what's on offer.
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March 18th, 2010, 18:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Q-Games's new PixelJunk Racers content, dubbed 2nd Lap, will be released in April.
It will be a separate download available to owners of the original game for "a very small amount" - probably dollar or two, according to Q-Games boss Dylan Cuthbert (talking to GiantBomb). New players will need to pay the full, unknown price.
2nd Lap adds Trophies, YouTube video support and lowers the overall difficulty for a more "approachable" experience.
The biggest new feature is Ghost Attack mode, which automatically records a ghost to go with a time. These can be shared with friends and posted to the worldwide rankings board, where anybody can drive against them.
Q-Games' idea for 2nd Lap was to bring PixelJunk Racers up to parity with newer games like PixelJunk Eden and PixelJunk Shooter, which are both worth a look.
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March 18th, 2010, 19:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Can the PlayStation Move succeed in convincing Wii gamers to give up on Nintendo’s console and invest in a PS3? The answer to that all depends on who you ask.
Sony thinks so. In fact, on the very same night it unveiled Move it laboured on this very point.
Yesterday, however, Nintendo’s American boss Reggie Fils-Aime questioned the idea that owners already enjoying Wii would in fact be motivated to invest hundreds of dollars in a new console.
Sony’s isn’t having it, though. When asked by IndustryGamers if Wii owners are likely to want to ‘upgrade’, Sony Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde stated: “I think so, sure.
“That's definitely an audience that we're targeting. One of the beauties of the PS3 with the whole ad campaign, ‘It Only Does Everything’, there's a lot to that.
“It could mean that a lot of families bring it into the house because it's a Blu-ray player, and Move is just another reason for them to bring it into the house. Maybe someone is sitting on the fence about whether or not to upgrade to PS3 and this could lead them to do it.
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March 18th, 2010, 19:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
We’ll likely never know whether Arc was never its name, was a temporary codename or was indeed dropped due a rumoured trademark dispute – but Sony has at least looked to explain its reasoning behind the name PlayStation ‘Move’.
“It's great – everyone's so interested in how our company names products,” Sony Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde told IndustryGamers.
“It's like at any other company; everyone dumps in their ideas and you've got agencies out there coming up with names.
“At the end of the day, we really felt that Move conveyed what the controller is all about. It's a word that the smallest kid understands, and it's a really good name. I'm happy with it.” That logo definitely looks like an ‘A’, though…
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March 18th, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today that The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, an epic multiplayer action/RPG video game based on the renowned novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, is set to launch on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Games for Windows® in 2011.
Developed in association with Middle-earth Enterprises, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North explores both original and familiar narrative elements as Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment holds the rights to develop video games based on both the literary and motion picture content from The Lord of the Rings. Breaking new ground as a mature RPG video game set in Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North advances the RPG paradigm through innovative online, interdependent co-op play for up to three players who form their own Fellowship to fight Sauron’s forces in the North.
“With The Lord of the Rings: War in the North we are taking a mature approach to the widely celebrated property with authentic portrayals of battles and all new storylines,” said Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “Utilising the award-winning and passionate development team at Snowblind Studios, we are looking to evolve the RPG experience and deliver The Lord of the Rings game fans have been waiting for.”
“In The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Snowblind will deliver an action RPG for core gamers featuring authentic narrative and environmental locations from J.R.R. Tolkien’s original The Lord of the Rings,” said Ryan Geithman, Founder and Studio Head of Snowblind Studios. “This game is a natural evolution of the acclaimed RPG gameplay that Snowblind has consistently delivered over the past years. Players and fans will experience an innovative approach to online co-op gameplay, woven throughout every facet of the game in a way that only Snowblind can deliver.”
In The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, players can become the heroes in the great battle of the North as part of the epic War of the Ring. Exploring unseen lands, story elements and characters from Middle-earth as well as elements familiar from past feature films, gamers will experience extensive character customization and development, expansive co-op gameplay options and upgradeable weapons, skills and special abilities.
For more information about The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, please visit http://www.warinthenorth.com.
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March 18th, 2010, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Complete with all new ‘Action Cam’ that will take gamers right onto the pitch and into the heat of battle, Codemasters® today announced International Cricket 2010™, coming this summer for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®.
International Cricket 2010 is set to continue Codemasters 15 year association with world class cricket and follows last summer’s Number One best seller Ashes Cricket 2009. Produced by Codemasters and developed by Trickstar Games, the Australian developer with a team pedigree that includes Ashes Cricket 2009 and the Brian Lara series, IC 2010 steps up to the crease with a range of innovations and enhancements to set the new standard in authentic cricket gaming.
The new Action Cam will immerse players in all the on-pitch drama, intensity and excitement of fiercely competitive international cricket. Supplementing traditional broadcast views, players can now feel the satisfaction of smashing home 90mph+ deliveries and experience the thrill of thundering down the track to bowl from Action Cam’s new on-field perspectives.
A key addition to the range of fielding, bowling and batting improvements is the new ‘Power Stick’. Giving batsmen 360° analogue power and direction control, Power Stick enables the widest selection of shots, from pushing quick singles to gaps in the field to risky shots and everything in between.
Officially licensed by the England and Wales Cricket Board and Cricket Australia to feature official players, stadia and kits, International Cricket 2010 can be enjoyed in a wide range of game modes including new instant tournaments. A comprehensive player editor enables gamers to put themselves into the game and the squad editor allows players to edit the player name, appearance, team and attributes of all athletes. Gamers can compete as any of the expanded roster of 16 nations at an improved selection of 21 stadia around the world, including Lord’s, the Home of Cricket.
“With a focus on taking gamers into the action like never before, International Cricket 2010 will deliver the most authentic cricket gaming yet,” said John Szoke, Producer, Codemasters. “Codemasters enjoys an unrivaled heritage in producing cricket games, and International Cricket 2010 will build on this success with a range of innovative gameplay features and enhancements.”
“We’re delighted to partner with Codemasters to develop the next leap forward in cricket gaming,” said Tony Parkes, Studio Director, Trickstar games. “Our passionate team of industry veterans, which includes development talent who have worked on the Brian Lara series and Ashes 2009, is determined to deliver the most immersive and intuitive cricket experience for all fans of the sport.”
Complete with local and online multiplayer, International Cricket 2010 launches this summer for Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION®3. For the latest news and screens, visit www.codemasters.com/cricket.
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March 19th, 2010, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPGEN..
If you're one of the new members of the community underground, do not worry we will resume here the main points of why exploits.
Since the arrival of new motherboards with waterproof kit SDC / XGen pandora, the only way to hack the laptop from Sony is ... using a fault. This is not new and every system has flaws. Today, the goal of PSP developers is to find one that will run unsigned code (as chickHEN of Davee) to patch the installed RAM and a subsequent custom firmware not permanent.
So the arrival of the PSP Go (and 6.20firmware) which opened hunting faults and unfortunately many dissemination fakes. However some videos we challenge and deserve the benefit of the doubt.
Today is the turn of a Japanese man who carries the nickname Maku to present his feat. The Japanese helped Wololo and Mamosuke, would not only found a flaw in a demo but as a way to exploit by launching a HelloWord. It is obvious that the name of the demo is hidden and will probably not immediately disclosed, but the video shows the first image of the game and after a few seconds during which the author gets on the PSP buttons, hiding the screen, the HelloWord. To show that this is not a fake, the author returns to the XMB via the home button and proves that this is not a video.
Last thing before you show the exploit, an exploit remember, is not a custom firmware or HEN. There are many exploits but very few are usable in order to run an HEN or something. Finally, the video shows a feat on a type of PSP not determined (1000, 2000 or 3000), we do not know if this exploit is running on a PSP GO.
Here finally the video showing the exploit in action:
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March 19th, 2010, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://xorloser.com/?p=297
After using the XorHack for a while I realised it was missing some things so I decided it was time for an update. New syscalls have been added to give finer control over data access, now providing 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit reads and writes. Also some new ioctls were added to provide additional useful functions for your userland code. Lastly new userland applications were added which now give the ability to read, write and execute memory from the command line
Hypervisor Exploit Changes
At the innermost level some more syscalls are now added to the hypervisor when initially exploiting the PS3. These use different syscall numbers to the previous exploit code in order to group them all together rather than scattering them all over the place. This should make keeping track of them easier. There are now nine syscalls added to the PS3 upon exploiting. These are added as syscalls 32 to 40 inclusive. Previously syscalls 16 and 20 were used for 64bit peek and 64bit poke, but these syscalls are no longer setup.
Kernel Module Changes
In the middle level I added interfacing support to the nine new syscalls as well as a new ioctl to let user apps convert lpar addresses to real addresses and yet another to let user apps perform an ioremap on memory. I also fixed the syscall that executes code via a real memory address since previously it wasn’t saving the link register, which is not good.. Lastly I tracked down the problem I was having with calling ioctls from userland code. It turns out there are issues sending ioctls to a 64bit kernel from 32bit userland code. When you send the ioctl from your userland code there is a hidden function that attempts to “make it compatible” before sending it on to the kernel. This was transparently causing some ioctls to not make it to my kernel code. Things like this are why I hate linux hehe. It looked like fixing this was going to require a rebuild of sections of the kernel, so instead I brute force tried all ioctl numbers until I found a nice bunch that made it through ok and settled for using them instead. When sending these ioctls a handle to the XorHack device is used, so I am not too worried about them going astray and wreaking havoc.
User Library changes
Finally the on outermost level I added support for calling the new syscalls to read and write 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits at a time. In doing so I support unaligned addresses without the user having to check or worry about such things. If the address being accessed is aligned it will access it in a single syscall of the specified size. If the address is unaligned it will either use multiple syscalls or a syscall of a larger access size. I also added functions to easily check if the system has been exploited yet, to perform the lpar address to real address translation, io-remapping of addresses and to execute code at a given real address. A new header file xorhack_sc.h was added which contains translations between syscalls as they would be used in kernel mode and the userland interface. I have only done a few here, but it should be enough to follow the pattern and create translations for any other syscalls. If anyone does complete these translations, please send it to me to include in the next version of XorHack.
Sample Application Changes
As well as the above additions and changes to userland code I have added three new command line applications; ps3peek, ps3poke and ps3exec which allow reading, writing and executing of memory. The ps3peek and ps3poke tools work in a similar fashion. Both are able to perform 8bit, 16bit, 32bit and 64bit data accesses and can access multiple amounts of the data size in one call. The ps3peek tool can print data to screen as hex values and ascii characters similar to the display of a hex editor, or be printed as binary data and redirected into a file. The ps3poke tool does not print data to screen but can write data to memory from values passed on the command line or values read from a file.
Here are some examples of what these tools can be used for.
Dumping the hypervisor
This reads 0×10000000 bytes (16MB) of data starting at address zero using a data access size of 8 bytes (64bits) and prints it in binary form which gets redirected into the hvdump.bin file. Note that the 64bit access is used since it requires 8 times less syscalls to get the same amount of information as if we used the default 8bit access.
ps3peek 0 -s 0×1000000 -d 8 -b > hvdump.bin
Reading the status register for spu0
ps3peek 0×20000044024 -d 4
Loading metldr..
Scripts can be written using ps3peek, ps3poke and ps3exec and utilising files to store values between calls. By doing so many tasks can be done such as the setting of the required registers to load metldr.
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March 19th, 2010, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pcsp-emu.com/news.php
Latest reports from our beta testers. Seems that another game Kazook is now almost playable (few graphics bugs). Few more games reported to have better behaviour now , more WIP updates will come soon. (P.S don't you love the fps?)

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March 19th, 2010, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/03/17/...in/#more-13152
Kickin’ up dust is KiNgOfUnIvErS and his PSNKiller plugin. Now contrary to the name, PSNKiller doesn’t kill anything, in fact it brings life and joy by enabling online PSN play for select titles, much like Red Hate and Smokin’s PSNABLER.
Best of all — PSNKiller reportedly works with WPA-encrypted networks; something PSNABLER had a problem with. But if it ain’t one thing, it’s a-mother-****in-nother… According to the FAQ, 5.50 GEN-D3 users — things may not go as planned. If you get this error, “You Must Login to PSN” and when you try there’s another error, then you need to do the following (at your own risk):
Downgrade to 5.50 GEN-D2
Login to PSN on 5.50 GEN-D2
Boot to the recovery console and connect USB on Flash1
Copy the “registry” folder to your PC
Upgrade to 5.50 GEN-D3 again
Boot back to the recovery console and connect USB Flash1
Copy the “registry” folder that you backed up in step 4 to Flash1 overwriting it
Try getting online now.
Otherwise install PSNKiller like you would any other plugin. Copy the “PSNKiller” directory to the root of your memory stick and add the appropriate line to ms0:/seplugins/game.txt.
ms0:/PSNKiller/UniPSNKiller.prx 1
Supported titles, more info, the download…
PSNKiller supported games:
Wipeout: Plus [EUR]
Wipeout: Plus [USA]
Shin Sangoku Musou: Multi Raid 2 [JPN]
Rock Band: Unplugged [USA]
Rock Band: Unplugged [EUR]
Resistance: Retribution [EUR](Full version only)
Resistance: Retribution [USA](Full version only)
Resistance: Retribution [JAP](Full version only)
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge [EUR]
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge [USA]
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake [EUR]
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake [JAP]
Buzz Quiz: World [USA]
Buzz Quiz: World [EUR]
Pixel junk: monsters [EUR]
Pixel junk: monsters [USA]
Pixel junk: monsters [JAP]
Invizimals [EUR]
Invizimals [USA]
Eye of judgment: legends [EUR]
Eye of judgment: legends [USA]
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 [EUR]
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 [USA]
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 [JAP]
Little Big Planet [EUR]
Little Big Planet [USA]
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March 19th, 2010, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that a four pack of songs from American punk rockers X, three singles, including a free track, from British garage rockers Little Fish, as well as singles from Ace Frehley, Carrie Underwood and OneRepublic will be added next week to the Rock Band Music Store of downloadable content for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™.
These are among the more than 400 artists currently available through the Rock Band platform. With more than 1,100 songs available, Rock Band is, without question, the industry leader in providing the best selection of interactive musical content, songs and artists.
Rock Band DLC Additions for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 System and Wii
Los Angeles-formed punk rockers X make their Rock Band debut next week with “Blue Spark” and “The Hungry Wolf” from 1982’s Under the Big Black Sun, “I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts” from 1983’s More Fun in the New World and “Los Angeles” from the band’s 1980 debut album Los Angeles, which Rolling Stone named one of its 500 Greatest Albums of All Time and 100 Greatest Albums of the 80s.
Three singles from British garage rockers Little Fish will also be available, including “Am I Crazy,” “Bang Bang” and “Darling Dear,” all from the band’s debut album, set to be released in July and titled Baffled & Beat. “Am I Crazy” will be available only on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system and will be a free track. Baffled & Beat was produced by Linda Perry and released on her label, Custard Records. After successful opening slots for acts such as Hole, Alice in Chains and Eagles Of Death Metal, Little Fish is headlining their own UK tour in March in support of Baffled & Beat, when they also open for Them Crooked Vultures at the Royal Albert Hall.
Additional singles from Ace Frehley (“Outer Space”), Carrie Underwood (“All-American Girl”) and OneRepublic (“Stop & Stare”) will also be available in the Rock Band Music Store next week.
Available on Xbox 360 and Wii (March 23) and PlayStation 3 system (March 25):
• X – “Blue Spark” +
• X – “The Hungry Wolf”
• X – “I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts”
• X – “Los Angeles”
• Little Fish – “Am I Crazy” +
• Little Fish – “Bang Bang” *
• Little Fish – “Darling Dear” *
• Ace Frehley – “Outer Space”
• Carrie Underwood – “All-American Girl” +
• OneRepublic – “Stop & Stare” +
(All tracks are original master recordings)
These tracks will be available for purchase as “X Pack 01,” as well as individual tracks on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system, and as individual tracks only on Wii. Tracks marked with “+” are also available for download in the family-friendly LEGO® Rock Band Music Store. “Am I Crazy” will be available only on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 system and will be a free track.
Price: £.99 UK (160 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) per track
£3.49 UK (560 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360) for “X Pack 01”
Denotes £.59 UK (80 Microsoft Points for Xbox 360)
(200 Wii Points™) per track
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March 19th, 2010, 18:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Rockstar has announced that The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony have been delayed on PC and PS3 due after Sony asked for some changes.
The two downloadable episodes, and the boxed Episodes from Liberty City version, will now be released on 13th April in North America and 16th April.
Related events, including Rockstar Social Club multiplayer sessions on PSN and Games for Windows Live, will now take place on 16th/17th April.
The official statement says the delay is "due to a last-minute game submission request from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe to edit some of the in-game Liberty City radio station, television and internet content," although it doesn't say what specifically.
The tone of the post is a bit frustrated in places. "Unfortunately, with each round of changes comes fully re-testing the game and a full re-submission to PlayStation.
"This is the nature of the game submission process. Believe us, if we could expedite the turnaround any sooner - we would.
"We are dying to get this game in the hands of fans who've waited for it for so long in the first place." Of course, the long wait was down to an exclusivity agreement with Microsoft that saw both episodes appear on Xbox 360 first - The Lost and Damned in February last year and Gay Tony in late October.
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March 20th, 2010, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Aksys Games, a publisher of interactive entertainment products, proudly announces Blazblue: Continuum Shift, coming Summer 2010! The first BlazBlue versions for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system were recently top 4 finalists for the VGA Awards, and Aksys Games is proud to announce we will be bringing the arcade sequel to Xbox 360 and PlayStation®3 system!
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift inherits all the key features of its predecessor while adding a few twists of its own. Tsubaki, ?-12 and Hazama will join the ranks of the veterans, who will be reborn with additional moves to their arsenal. With new modes like Beginner Mode and Tutorial Mode, even fighting game beginners can pull off combos like the pros and dive right into the action. “If you're not on the hype train this time, you're missing out on the latest greatest 2D game from Arc”, exclaims Gail Salamanca, Marketing Director of Aksys Games. “GET HYPE, CHOO CHOO”!
Blazblue Continuum Key Features:
· New Modes featuring Beginner Mode, Tutorial Mode and Challenge Mode! Beginner Mode encourages a wider audience with an easier control scheme, anyone can jump right into and play! Tutorial allows the novice and pros to practice everything from the basic mechanics unique to BlazBlue.
Challenge Mode offers advanced players character-specific combos and missions.
· Take over Kagutsuchi by creating your own army in Legion Mode!
Defeat the enemy armies positioned at various locations on the map. The ultimate goal is to color the entire map with your color by defeating all the enemy hubs. Recruit enemy soldiers by defeating them!
· Brand new characters, stages, soundtracks and moves!
Welcome Hazama the mysterious performer, Tsubaki the valiant female knight and ?-12.
3D dimensionality and 2D visuals integrated seamlessly with every stage. Four completely new stages with composer, Daisuke Ishiwatari's seven banging new songs for Continuum Shift!
· Online battling domestically and overseas!
Players can battle others from around the world via the PlayStation®Network and Xbox LIVE®. Players can not only search for matches, play games, and observe matches online; they can also chat with friends while playing.
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March 20th, 2010, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix Europe are pleased to announce that FINAL FANTASY® XIII has become the fastest selling title in the FINAL FANTASY franchise history in the UK and also the fastest selling UK game of 2010 so far*.
The news comes on the heels of the announcement last week that the sell-in shipment of the game has exceeded the five million unit milestone worldwide. Cumulative global shipments of the FINAL FANTASY series have now reached 96 million units since the first game was launched over two decades ago.
The latest part in the multi-award winning FINAL FANTASY series was released on 9 March 2010 in the UK for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system as well as the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system by Microsoft.
“It’s great to see FINAL FANTASY XIII hitting the top of the UK charts and setting the pace as the fastest selling game of the year,” said Jon Brooke, UK Marketing Director. “With high profile TV spots playing out beyond Easter and branded buses still travelling the country I’m positive this title is only going to get bigger and bigger.”
The FINAL FANTASY series stands out thanks to its ongoing evolution. Only the best creative ideas, the best graphics standards and the best gameplay systems, which are available at the time when a new part in the series is developed, are included in the game. This tradition has been continued in FINAL FANTASY XIII.
FINAL FANTASY XIII is also the fastest and biggest selling console game in Germany in 2010 (source: Media Control GFK International) and the best selling console game in France in 2010 so far (source: GFK France).
For more information on FINAL FANTASY XIII, visit the official website at www.finalfantasy13game.com.
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March 20th, 2010, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Online Entertainment delivers the ultimate puzzle challenge; Groovin’ Blocks, a game set to irresistible musical beats, now available on the PlayStation®Network! With over 50 levels and 20 original songs, Groovin’ Blocks will have players of all skill levels groovin’ along.
ABOUT GROOVIN’ BLOCKS: Groovin’ Blocks challenges players to match three or more gems to make them disappear. For more points, users can explode gems to the beat of the music and those who keep their groove going until the end of a song without letting the gems touch the top will advance to the next level. Players collect stars along the way to unlock 15 levels of power-ups. Groovin’ Blocks features three skill levels, ranging from casual to hard, and two multiplayer options. Play with friends in local co-op or against them in a local head-to-head mode.
• Over 50 levels of challenging puzzles
• 20 original songs for non-stop groovin’
• Unlockable power-ups and new songs obtainable through the star award system
• 3 skill level options; Casual, Experienced and Hard
• Local head-to-head and co-op modes
• A unique local multiplayer mode that enables handicapping to balance gameplay
• 11 PlayStation Network trophies to collect
WHEN: Groovin’ Blocks is now available for purchase from the PlayStation®Store for $9.99 (plus applicable taxes).
For more information on Groovin’ Blocks, visit www.station.com.
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March 20th, 2010, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Kratos Trilogy is coming to an end. To how far will the vengeful warrior bloodbath Mt Olympus and the depths of hell? What god will he kill and what weapons will he use? Full of action and excitement, this ex-Spartan warrior will leave his mark on game history and the gamers hearts for eternity.
From the publisher: Set in the realm of brutal Greek mythology, God of War III is a single-player game that allows players to take on the climatic role of the ex-Spartan warrior, Kratos, as he scales through the intimidating heights of Mt. Olympus and the dark depths of Hell to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him.
Armed with double-chained blades, and an array of new weapons and magic for this iteration of the trilogy, Kratos must take on mythology’s darkest creatures while solving intricate puzzles throughout his merciless quest to destroy Olympus.
Take a look at the daring visuals and see what's ahead of you:
The game is PlayStation3 exclusive. The US and Asian versions are presold, restocks of US copies will come next Monday while the Asian version is expected on April 1st, the Japanese version will come next week:
God of War III JPN US$ 64.90
God of War III ASIA US$ 59.90
God of War III US US$ 64.90
Game Guides
God of War III Limited Edition Strategy Guide US US$ 29.90
God of War III Signature Series Strategy Guide US US$ 19.90
Play the whole trilogy with HD graphics. The God of War Collection are still available. The US version will be restocked next Monday:
God of War Collection JPN US$ 48.90
God of War Collection US US$ 44.90
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March 20th, 2010, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

aka. End of Eternity
Experienced RPG development team, Tri-Ace, behind this entirely new vision of fate within a steam punk world
Battle system Battle in fantastic cinematic action as your characters wield firearms in a Semi-real time gameplay system
Unique story Built around a gigantic clock tower like machine, the story will delve deep into fate and the machinery that controls it
Beautiful environments Masterfully crafted environments pepper this title to illustrate the deep tapestry of this dystopian world
Customization Customize your characters and give them a unique look within the game and cutscenes
Civilization on earth has long been forgotten with the previously lush world now a burned out remnant of its former self. Originally built as an experimental life support system, Basel is now the only place on Earth where mankind can sustain their lives.
As their role their PMF (Private Military Firm) the group (Vasheron, Zephyr and Leanne) must seek out and complete quests for their clients leading them on a journey that will reveal the truth of Basel.
Resonance of Fate is developed by the heralded RPG developers, tri-Ace, who have had a hand in developing some of gaming’s most celebrated RPG franchises from Star Ocean to Valkyrie Profile. Sega and Tri-Ace now introduce Resonance of Fate, which adds a new spin to the genre with a new cinematic action gameplay system centred around gun play and a steam punk styled world.
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March 20th, 2010, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A Stunning World Expanded: BioWare's deepest universe to date just got bigger with an all new area of the world to explore, Amaranthine
All-new Complex Moral Choices: Embark on an epic story that is completely defined and reactive to your play style
New Ways to Customize your Hero: Experience additional spells, abilities, specializations, and items to further personalize and customize your hero and party
Even more Bone-Crushing, Visceral Combat: Battle against a new range of horrific and terrifying creatures
Main Disc is required to play this expansion!
From the Makers of the Best RPG of 2009, Dragon Age: Origins, comes the first official expansion pack.
For centuries, the Grey Wardens—the ancient order of guardians, sworn to unite and defend the lands—have been battling the darkspawn forces. Legend spoke that slaying the Archdemon would have put an end to the darkspawn threat for centuries to come, but somehow they remain.
You are the Grey Warden Commander and have been entrusted with the duty of rebuilding the order of Grey Wardens and uncovering the secrets of the darkspawn and how they managed to remain.
How you choose to rebuild your order, how you resolve the conflict with "The Architect", and how you determine the fate of the darkspawn will be but some of the many complex choices that await and shape your journey as you venture to the new land of Amaranthine.
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March 20th, 2010, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has launched a new section of PlayStation.Blog where users can submit new ideas and feature suggestions for PlayStation products.
PlayStation.Blog Share allows users to post their own ideas and also vote on the suggestions of others, with Sony promising to monitor and act upon the most popular.
The FAQ for the site claimed that Sony is looking for "any idea that will help make the PlayStation experience better. Period. Game title ideas. PS3 ideas. PlayStation Home ideas. Hey, maybe even PlayStation.Blog ideas!"
Currently the most popular three suggestions are cross game voice chat, software emulation for PlayStation 2 games and auto-synching of Trophies.
Users will initially be restricted to one submission per day, in order to ensure a variety of submissions, but the most popular authors will be placed in an online leaderboard.
At the same time as the new service was announced site administrators have warned of a "crack down on Blog comments", with moderation for off-topic comments becoming "much more strict".
The site is currently only featured on the US version of PlayStation.Blog but any user with a valid PSN ID is allowed to post. Region-specific versions of the service are currently under consideration.
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March 20th, 2010, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
The $64,000 question about Sony's upcoming motion control system, the PlayStation Move, is how responsive it will be compared to traditional console controllers and its counterparts from Nintendo and Microsoft. Eurogamer slowed down videos of Sony's tech demo software to establish a rough baseline latency that developers will have to work with. Quoting:
"While exact latency measurements aren't possible in these conditions, a ballpark idea of the level of response isn't a problem at all. The methodology is remarkably straightforward. Keep your hand as steady as possible, then make fast motions with the controller. Count the frames between your hand moving, and the motion being carried out on-screen. Equally illuminating is to stop your movement suddenly, then count the frames necessary for your on-screen counterpart to catch up. While not 100 per cent accurate, repeat the process enough times and the frame difference becomes fairly evident. Bearing all of that in mind, and recognizing that we don't know how much latency the display itself is adding, I'd say that a ballpark figure of around 133ms of controller lag (give or take a frame) seems reasonable, certainly not the ultra-fast crispness of response we see from games like Burnout Paradise or Modern Warfare, but fine for most of the applications you would want from such a controller.
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March 20th, 2010, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster

We've recently seen augmented reality used in some pretty clever ways in the gaming space, but Sony subsidiary ConnectedED has come up with a way to turn real-time graphical overlays into an educational tool. Using a PSP equipped with a camera, the "Second Sight" technology allows tags embedded in textbooks or magazines to cue relevant audio or video clips directly on the PSP.
The program can also create interactive 3D models which the user can examine by changing the orientation of the PSP. Check out the video after the jump to see a video demonstration of what we're talking about, and then imagine how awesome school is going to be in like, fifteen years.
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March 20th, 2010, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster

If you've been following closely, there are really two sorts of input available to the PlayStation Move. The one that gets the most love and screen time is the camera-based, 3D meatspace tracking that the PlayStation Eye performs in conjunction with the fancy colored ball at the end of the PlayStation Move wand, but most of the actual gameplay we've seen is in truth much more similar to the Wii's MotionPlus than Sony might want to let on. The MotionPlus and PS Move have very similar configurations of gyroscopes and accelerometers, and actually use the same software from AiLive (co-creators of MotionPlus) for developing the gesture recognition that goes into games. We actually got to see the LiveMove 2 development environment in action, and it's pretty impressive: basically you tell a computer what gesture you want to perform (like "fist pump," for instance) and then perform a bunch of examples of that movement. LiveMove then figures out the range of allowable movement, and in playback mode shows you whether you're hitting the mark. AiLive showed us gestures as complicated as a Graffiti (of Palm OS yore) handwriting recognition in the air, built with just a few example movements from people back at their offices. So, this is great news for developers dealing with the significant complication of all these sensors, but at the same time we can't help but be a little disappointed. LiveMove 2 doesn't even use the PlayStation Eye, and as we mentioned in our hands-on impressions of PlayStation Move, we could really sense that a lot of our in-game actions were built from predefined gestures, not us interacting with the 3D environment in any "real" or physics-based way. It's great tech either way, but hopefully that's something that can be improved upon by launch or soon after.
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March 21st, 2010, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://0xff.akop.org/2010/03/18/futu...ter-emulators/
ColEm will be the next emulator to be brought up to the latest version of the PSP library. It will also include the ‘time rewind’ feature found in several other emulators.
I have not completely given up on Castaway PSP (I’m still poking it from time to time), but I am rather running out of options and patience.
For those of you wondering if/when the ‘rewind’ feature will make it to other emulators, especially computer emulators such as fMSX and Fuse, the issue is as follows.
Consoles have a fixed memory size, which means that state for every game takes up the same amount of space, and generally speaking, this space is relatively small. Conversely, computer memory can vary (for example, on MSX anywhere from 64 kB to 4 MB).
‘Time rewind’ works by saving state once every few frames to memory. The feature usually dedicates 85% of the PSP’s remaining RAM for saving state, which generally adds up to about 12 MB or less on a “fat” PSP (PSP 1000). For console emulators this doesn’t tend to be a big deal, especially since save states are small, around 32 kB. While 12 MB/32 kB may seem like a lot of space, keep in mind that an emulator displays 60 frames per second, so if you only take a snapshot once every five frames, you will still exceed a megabyte after less than three seconds. The most common memory configuration for MSX is 128 kB, which is four times that – not including VRAM (which is another 64 kB), CPU registers, etc… Basically, on a computer emulator, this feature gives a much smaller bang for the proverbial buck.
The biggest issue, however, is not the size of the state footprint – it’s the fact that one has to be very careful about changes to the emulated machine that affect the size of the state’s footprint. Not adjusting the ‘time rewind’ engine appropriately will likely result in hard crashes.
All said, however, this task is far from impossible, and you can look forward to computer emulators getting this feature at some point, starting with Fuse (to appease my buddy ewgf, who originally suggested the idea).
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March 21st, 2010, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps2homebrewing.wordpress.com/...doom-v1-0-5-0/
Time for a new release, featuring:
Simple but effective WAD selector: No more need to having only a WAD per ps2doom!
Controller almost fully configurable using the configuration file (ps2doom.config)
HDD support (at last). Thanks Adilson Pierog for his contribution and for figuring out which irx were needed and its correct sequence order. I Just needed to integrate it better into the source and make the hardcoded paths configurable.
Now uses freesd instead of LIBSD. Japanese users should be happy now. And PS3 compatible now?
For doom2 wads, sound is no longer half sampled. Sounds the same to me, anyway…
For me, the major update was the use of a configuration file to make the controls configurable. That also opened the door to HDD support which needed some special treatment of WAD paths. I was hoping to release also easy to use configurator for Windows PC written in C# which would set the configuraton file but I forgot the lib I’m using (libconfig) did not have a C# wrapper. With proper free time I would do it by myself, but as you all saw, I was hoping to have this ready for January…
Those who are interested at using the HDD must read the ‘Whatsthis.txt’ file released along with the distribution below. It explains exactly what settings you must change at the config file and where to put it. Please pay attention to that, before asking any questions, thanks.
For the future, well this might be the last update I do for PS2Doom due to lack of time and things doesn’t seem to get better any soon, since I need to solve some personal issues more important than homebrew development.
I still have my own wish list for PS2doom, including cheat support and MP3 decoding during playback (that way not only we’ll have Doom music but literally any music we wanted) and who knows one day I’ll accomplish this? But besides this, I don’t see much future for PS2doom… I guess the next step would be dropping this version of ps2doom and start adapting PrBoom+, maybe chopping off some more performance hungry features of it. PrBoom+ would allow PWAD support and networking with Doom running on other platforms such as the PC, for example. For those who would take the task, my improvements for the starting Lukasz version would be reusable into PrBoom+ port (mc support, audio alternative to the still broken SDLaudio).
If there is any developer who wants to continue the project of start PrBoom+ port, please go ahead. Fell free to use my code as reference. I’ll soon put the souce as a google code project but in the meanwhile, get it from the assembla repository >here<.
Have fun!
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March 22nd, 2010, 19:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Jack Tretton, president and CEO of Sony America, has confirmed that Killzone 3 is on the way.
Quizzed by Game Trailers as part of its GDC Move coverage, Tretton confirmed that Killzone 3 was coming, but wouldn't commit to an announcement at this year's E3.
"Well, we own Guerrilla Games and they did a great job on Killzone 1 and 2," said Tretton.
"I don't know if you'll see announcements about it, but I can promise you a Killzone 3." However Tretton did say that PlayStation fans would have plenty to occupy their attention during this year's Electronic Entertainment expo.
"This is just the frosting on the cake, I'm saving the batter for E3. We will absolutely bring the heat, there's a lot to talk about." Earlier this month, sources told CVG that Killzone 3 will feature stereoscopic 3D and make use of PlayStation Move.
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March 22nd, 2010, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Sony has at last nailed down a UK release date for the much-wanted God of War Collection.
The game, which includes high-definition reworkings of PS2 titles God of War and God of War II, will arrive on April 30th. Best of all, it will carry a budget RRP of just £24.99.
Australia and New Zealand will get the game a day earlier on April 29th, with a mainland Europe release scheduled for April 28th.
The God of War Collection had until previously only been available as part of the God of War Ultimate Trilogy Edition, featuring both the recently released God of War III and both of the PS2 re-works.
However, the SKU’s £110 RRP has lead to calls for the Collection to get a standalone release in the UK, much like it did in the US.
Sony has also lifted the lid on a brand new SKU - The God of War Trilogy. Included will be both the new PS3 game and The GoW Collection, but without all the extras seen in the Ultimate box. the RRP is £64.99.
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March 22nd, 2010, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Is this what it’s going to be like all the way until Q4?
The latest action in the war of words between platform holders Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo comes courtesy of Sony’s American CEO Jack Tretton, who has urged gamers wanting to get their hands on Natal to instead drop $99 on a PS2.
“I think it’s a big idea, and if you really want to get involved in playing with a camera I suggest you go out and buy a $99 PS2 and play some of the great technology we invented eight years ago,” he told GameTrailers.
“We’ve kind-of been looking for the right opportunity to bring motion gaming in a PlayStation like experience. We really feel that with Move, and the combination of the PSEye and our Move controller that we’ve got the opportunity to bring realistic gaming with motion to consumers for the first time.
“I think, that ultimately this is next-generation motion gaming.”
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March 22nd, 2010, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
TikGames today announced its action-packed, critter racing game Hamsterball for the PlayStation3® computer entertainment system. Offered for only $9.99, Hamsterball is coming this Thursday for download via the PlayStation®Network in North America.
In Hamsterball, players take control of a hamster-in-a-ball as they run the most frenzied race of their lives! The clock is ticking and EVERYTHING is out to stop them – with crazy obstacles around every turn, unexpected twists and dramatic drops, each level will immerse and challenge players in new and inventive ways! Gamers can race solo, play split-screen against a friend, or battle up to six buddies in Sumo Mode to determine whose hamster is “King of the Hill.” With over 50 levels and three different game modes, Hamsterball is sure to provide hours of non-stop, critter-racing action.
“Hamsterball is one of those games that everyone will have a great time playing. It’s inviting, humorous, fun and delivers edge-of-your seat action,” says Anatoly Tikhman, CEO of TikGames. “With great features like 2-player, split-screen Hustle Mode, players can compete to see whose hamster can scurry to the goal fastest. The game is packed with replay-ability as players discover a ton of unlockables and earn PlayStation® trophies along the way.”
Hamsterball has been rated “E” for Everyone by the Entertainment Software Rating Board for this platform. Visit www.tikgames.com for more information.
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March 22nd, 2010, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix Europe, today announced that Just Cause 2 will ship to retail this week across North America, Europe, Middle East and Australasia.
“Just Cause 2 sets a new benchmark in freeroaming games with one of the most fun and entertaining sandboxes ever created,” said Lee Singleton, General Manager of Square Enix London Studios. “It’s the largest freeroaming action game yet with over 400 square miles of Panaun paradise to explore, and its ‘go anywhere, do anything’ attitude is unparalleled in the genre.”
As Rico Rodriguez, the Agency's most powerful weapon, players must take on the island of Panau and its military regime in order to track down Rico's former boss and mentor, Tom Sheldon, who has gone rogue with millions in Agency cash and intel. Using a unique grapple and parachute combination, there is no vertical limit as the air becomes your playground: grapple a passing plane in flight, hijack helicopters, BASE jump from the tallest buildings or mountains and leave a trail of chaos and destruction in your wake. Just Cause 2 offers players the freedom to tackle missions any way they choose and, with over 100 vehicles and countless upgrades and collectibles, the choices for relentless adrenaline-fuelled action are limitless.
Just Cause 2 will be available for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Games for Windows® and will be released under the EIDOS brand portfolio. All formats will release in-stores on March 23rd, 2010, in North America and March 26th, 2010, in Europe, Middle East and Australasia. More information is available on the official website at www.justcause.com.
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March 22nd, 2010, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Following the successful release of the “minis” game BreakQuest, Beatshapers will now be releasing their next game on the PlayStation®Portable and PlayStation®3 platforms.
NormalTanks© is a fast-paced multi-directional top-down arcade shooter in a tanks universe featuring classic run 'n' gun gameplay with 3 difficulty settings.
There are 8 challenging, dynamic and hazardous environments to tackle. Over 30 different enemies including various tanks, helicopters, robots and biomechanical creatures await your challenge! Crash, kill and destroy them all to move forward. By using special power-ups, you can upgrade your tank abilities: cannon, machine gun and armor to help you progress.
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March 22nd, 2010, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
EA intends to release large, paid-for demos in an effort to measure a game's popularity before release. If enough copies are sold then the publisher will confidently produce full-scale boxed products for shops.
That's what analyst-supreme Michael Pachter said he was told by Visceral boss Nick Earl last week.
"Mr. Earl revealed a strategy to release premium downloadable content (PDLC) as a product for sale prior to the release of a packaged product," Pachter, who keeps an eye on the games industry for Wedbush Morgan, wrote in a note to investors (reported by GamesIndustry.biz).
"The PDLC [premium downloadable content] would be sold for $10 or $15 through Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, and would essentially be a very long game demo, along the lines of 2009's Battlefield 1943. A full-blown packaged game would follow shortly after the release of the PDLC, bearing a full retail price.
"Mr. Earl believes that the release of the PDLC first limits the risk of completing and marketing the full packaged version, and serves as a low-cost marketing tool," he added.
Pachter then explained to GamesIndustry.biz that these large, paid-for demos would manifest as a short version of a game, although he wasn't sure how this would be included in the boxed product.
"Think about Battlefield 1943 as the prototype," he said, "so a full (but short) game experience for a reasonable price. At the same time, an expanded version of the game will be under development for release as a packaged product.
"The idea is that if the PDLC gets favourable reviews, it will build word of mouth for the boxed product. If the PDLC has issues, they can tweak the packaged product to address those issues, improving the final product before release.
"It actually sounds like a great strategy," he added. "Again, I don't know if they intend to include the PDLC in the packaged product, but my guess is that they won't. I think that the PDLC will be a 'prequel' to the full game, so that they can keep selling it after release of the full game."
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March 22nd, 2010, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

The full code engine powered PSP Action Replay is here, giving you access to the type of codes that made Action Replay world famous on platforms like DS, GBA and PS2
Transform your PSP games with codes like Infinite Ammo, Infinite Lives, Disable All, Hypermode, Moon Gravity, Walk Thru Walls and Super Unlocks, getting you past seemingly-impossible points or breathing new life into games you’ve already completed.
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March 23rd, 2010, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.ps3vault.com/motion-contr...he-psp-2-10190
Datel, manufacturer of various peripherals for both home consoles and handhelds, will soon be releasing their Tilt FX product for the PlayStation Portable. This tiny device senses motion on a 3-axis basis and is confirmed to work with Need for Speed, Wipeout, and Loco Roco titles. Tilt FX will only be compatible with the older PSP models (sorry PSP Go owners).
Tilt FX is the first 3D motion control for the PSP:
Tilt FX sensor features a 3 axis high resolution MEMS sensor.
Free profiles for new game released available to download at www.tiltfx.com
Incredible new way to play your games with Tilt FX
Works with the original SONY PSP 1000 the PSP 2000 & 3000
Heres the video:
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March 23rd, 2010, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
KiNgOfUnIvErS, released version 1.01 of its plugins PsnKiller, prx that lets you play multiplayer via the PlayStation Network without having to use an official firmware. I also remember that PsnKiller is compatible with Wi-Fi networks that use a WPA key protection Among the new features in this release is support for GTI Club: Supermini Festa and fix some bugs in previous version. Also today is a simple graphic interface for PC that will assist you in installing the program on your PSP, you will report to KiNgOfUnIvErS bugs and allow you to submit suggestions for future releases.
PsnKiller GUI v0.3:
- Install the PsnKiller
- Fixa the error that occurs when you log on PSN
- Added function to send suggestions or reporting games not working
- Review Update (This function will check if there are updates for PsnKiller and its GUI)
PsnKiller v1.1:
- Compatibility with GTI Club: Supermini Festa-EUR -
- Compatibility with GTI Club: Supermini Festa-USA -
- Fixati some minor bugs
- Now the plugin is compatible with new firmware as the 6:30
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March 23rd, 2010, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pspgen.com/forums/escape-...1-t202762.html
Escape is a game where you have to fly through several levels representing several eras / different environments. But it will rely on your reflexes and your speed to pull through your adventure of living, because many obstacles in your way, your mission: Avoid.
You control a vehicle (depending on the environment / time) that you can prevent it from advancing, but you can always move horizontally and vertically. The principle of movement is based on a scrolling, and you'll have to get to the end of the level without hitting obstacles on your train journey.
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March 23rd, 2010, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
iPhone games may have had an even more significant impact on the handheld gaming market than previously thought, growing share at the expense of the DS and - more drastically - the PSP.
That's according to calculations made by analytics site Flurry using sales data from NPD and Apple, which note that iPhone games accounted for five per cent of the total US portable software market in 2008, while DS took a 75 per cent slice, and PSP 20 per cent.
By 2009, iPhone's share looks to have grown to 19 per cent of the total portable market, while PSP shrunk to just 11 per cent, and DS declined to 70 per cent.
That portable category was thought to be worth an estimated $2.25bn in 2008 and $2.55bn in 2009. The site estimates iPhone game revenue accounted for $115m and $500m in each year respectively.
Pitting the Apple device's standing in the overall console market, the site calculates iPhone took an estimated 1 per cent of overall share of the console market in 2008 and 5 per cent in 2009.
That revenue excluded any made through online services such as virtual goods, social network games and subscription fees.
In comparison, the portable sector took a 20 per cent share of the market in 2008 and a 24 per cent share in 2009, while the home consoles accounted for 79 per cent in 2008 and 71 per cent in 2009. Figures that indicate a loss in ground by the home consoles to the portable category.
Overall revenue made from console software in 2008 was $11bn, while in 2009 it was $9.9bn.
"Controlling 5 per cent revenue of a $10 billion industry in just a year and a half is significant," noted the site.
"Our main finding is that iPhone (and iPod touch) is a gaming platform to be reckoned with," it added.
"From a market share perspective, console games lost ground to portable platforms and iPhone. While the downturn in the economy may have dampened sales of the more expensive console games category, there is no denying that iPhone has generated substantial revenue and entered strongly into a mature industry.
"As prices come down for the iPod Touch, and games sold through the App Store continue to have lower price points, more of the young gaming generation may switch to Apple devices over Sony PSP and Nintendo DS for gaming."
Nintendo has previously denied that Apple's business is impacted on the DS, saying it doesn't go after the same "affluent" consumers as Apple.
"It is true that the current Nintendo DS business is not that heated up as it used to be sometime ago, when no one could tell how far ahead DS might be able to grow," Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said at the end of 2009.
"On the other hand data [has shown] that DS has not lost its footing at all. Actually it has been even increasing its footing all around the world."
"Because the original iPod business itself was big, my view is that Apple was able to leverage a very good timing to expand its business to telephones just when the original iPod business was nearing its saturation point.
"In other words, in my opinion, iPhone did not grow itself to a huge business, but something already grown up was able to prevent its growth speed from slowing down," he added.
It is estimated that over 30,000 games have been released onto the App Store since its launch in 2008.
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March 23rd, 2010, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Have you recovered from the shock announcement of Nintendo’s 3DS this morning? Good, because one analyst believes that we should be preparing for the announcement of a further two new consoles in the near future.
Lazard Capital’s Colin Sebastian predicts that Sony will this spring announce a true successor to the PSP. In addition, he foresees the announcement of a proper successor to the Wii before the year is out.
“While 3D games remain on the drawing board and not yet on store shelves, the emergence of new 3D game platforms could breathe more life into the hardware market,” he stated in a report.
“Along with the launch later this year of new motion sensing controllers for the PS3 and Xbox, there are several multiple growth drivers for the industry over the coming one-to-two years with new physical products.
“We expect Sony to announce a new PSP handheld device this spring, and Nintendo is likely to announce an updated console in the coming year, which could also help to reinvigorate the market.”
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March 23rd, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nyko Technologies today announced the shipment of its Intercooler Slim™ for PlayStation® 3 Slim (PS3 Slim) to major North American retailers. Designed for use with the PS3 Slim, the latest edition to Nyko's popular Intercooler line of game console cooling devices offers both convenience and functionality.
The Intercooler Slim boasts three powerful fans reducing the ambient air temperature by moving hot air away from the console. For customized cooling, a high/low fan switch enables you to choose how much air flow is needed. The Intercooler Slim is easily snapped onto the back of the console requiring no tools or other modifications, and with its patented power pass through connection, this cooling device requires no AC adapter. The Intercooler Slim can be used with the PS3 Slim in both vertical and horizontal positions and automatically turns on and off with the console.
“The Intercooler line has been one of the most successful accessories for this generation of consoles,” said Chris Arbogast, director of marketing at Nyko Technologies. “We couldn’t be more thrilled to continue the line on the new PS3 Slim with the features that made previous iterations so successful.”
The InterCooler Slim is available now at major North American retailers for an MSRP of $19.99. Connect with Nyko for your chance to win exciting Nyko prizes on Twitter or on Facebook.
photo via comments
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March 23rd, 2010, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 is much more than just a video game console, and Hyperkin’s new Text Link Remote allows you to access the full power of the platform. Designed with a sliding QWERTY keyboard, the PS3 Text Link Remote offers full access to the PlayStation Network by offering the ability to text other players, control movies and CD’s and play games using the built-in dual analog sticks and buttons.
The PS3 Text Link Remote is the first 3rd party remote for PS3 that combines full remote functionality with the convenience and “cool” of a sliding keyboard. The Text Link Remote allows the user to easily control Blue-Ray movies, DVD’s, CD’s and media files. The sliding keyboard offers the ability to text other players in the PlayStation Network and also includes dual analog sticks and buttons for playing PS3 video games.
“The Text Link Remote is the perfect tool for greater control of the PS3 platform,” stated Steven Mar, Hyperkin’s Marketing Director. “It’s well designed, sleek, and comfortable and offers all the functionality of a remote control, texting device and game controller, all in one convenient unit.”
Product Highlights:
• Sliding QWERTY Keyboard Design
• 25ft Wide Angle 2.4GHz RF signal
• Full control of movies, DVD’s, CD’s, media files and games
• Dual analog sticks and buttons
• Rechargeable NiMH battery
• Includes USB charging cable
• SRP: 39.99
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March 24th, 2010, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Based on a very popular childrens' book series, How to Train a Dragon is both a film and a game. In book and fillm form you are a sympathetic spectatotor, but in the game, you get to join in the fun.
Bring up your own dragon, there are six species for you to choose from and thousands of ways to customize their abilities and appearances.
Take him to fights and level up his fire power, speed and such. Explore different spots in the world and encounter all sorts of other dragons. With the multiplayer mode, you can engage in a fight with your friends' dragons.
Colorful and fun, Train Your Own Dragon is a game suitable for the whole family:
How To Train Your Dragon ASIA US$ 49.90
How To Train Your Dragon US US$ 54.90
How To Train Your Dragon US US$ 54.90
Nintendo™ Wii
How To Train Your Dragon US US$ 54.90
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March 24th, 2010, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

MotoGP 09/10 takes the series in an exciting new direction rewarding players for their racing style and skill on the track.
Gamers will get all the riders, tracks and teams from the official 2009 MotoGP season AND free downloadable content from the 2010 season as it unfolds. The free update means gamers will be able to play the most up to date MotoGP season content earlier than ever before.
Gamers can compete in a full championship season across all three MotoGP bike classes and pit their skills against players around the globe with the robust online mode.
Heart thudding and adrenaline running, MotoGP 09/10 is available on Xbox360 and PlayStation3. The remaining versions will come very soon:
MotoGP 09/10 ASIA US$ 49.90
MotoGP 09/10 US US$ 54.90
MotoGP 09/10 ASIA US$ 49.90
MotoGP 09/10 US US$ 54.90
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March 24th, 2010, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Biodroid Productions announces 'Replika' a new title currently in development for PlayStation 3 PSN.
Replika is an action/strategy hybrid cyberpunk adventure featuring a female in the leading role. The game is being developed with native stereoscopic 3D support to provide the player a truly immersive gameplay experience. In the official game website the Development Diary we will provide gamers regularly with new info regarding the game, as also bits of concept art and in the future gameplay videos.
For more info, please visit http://www.replikagame.com/
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March 24th, 2010, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
ZEN Studios is ready to set the course on fire today as it announced Planet MiniGolf will be coming exclusively to PlayStation®Network in Spring 2010! ZEN is applying its acclaimed ball physics engine used in top-selling ZEN Pinball to deliver the best golf experience on PlayStation!
Planet MiniGolf delivers a deep single-player campaign with beautiful and intricate courses and over 140 challenging holes to play through, as well as a multitude of fun multi-player options, from the local hotseat mode to weekly online tournaments and a Worldwide Competition mode.
“Just as we have delivered the ultimate pinball experience with ZEN Pinball, Planet MiniGolf will serve as the ultimate arcade golfing experience on the PlayStation Network,” said Zsolt Kigyossy, managing director of ZEN Studios. “Planet MiniGolf gives casual players and golfing aficionados alike everything they could ask for in a golf game, with wacky courses, character customization, custom course builder and global competitions.”
Planet MiniGolf features:
• A deep and engaging single player campaign taking players through fantastically designed courses with over 140 different holes
• Worldwide Tournament Play – Set up personal tournaments with a group of friends or go online up against gamers from around the world!
• Golf Course Editor – Build, manage and share golf courses…make them crazy, challenging and wacky and then upload to share them online!
• PlayStation Move Functionality – Planet MiniGolf will be fully compatible with PlayStation 3’s upcoming motion control system, “Move”
• Multi-national Game - Countries in the world are represented on the global leader boards!
For more information regarding Planet MiniGolf and ZEN Studios, please visit: www.zenstudios.com
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March 24th, 2010, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
The PlayStation Portable is celebrating its fifth birthday (in the US at least). Throughout its lifetime it has sold 17m units in the country.
The machine currently boasts a UMD games library in excess of 520 games, with an additional 300+ titles available to download on PSN.
In its time on the market it has undergone a number of revisions, including the ‘slim’ PSP-2000 model, though the PSP’s most notable reinvention was last year’s digital-only PSPgo, which shunned Sony’s UMD format in favour of PSN games distribution.
“Today, the PSP system is a well-established handheld platform that continuously redefines portable entertainment with quality that’s unparalleled,” SCEA VP Peter Dille stated.
“As PSP celebrates its fifth anniversary, the best is yet to come. We’re very excited about the vibrant 2010 lineup and are committed to continuing to offer entertainment experiences and immersive gameplay only possible on the PlayStation platform.” PSP will celebrate its fifth birthday in Europe on September first. For reference, it was released in Japan in December 2004.
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March 24th, 2010, 19:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Sony fans should not expect a 3D PSP announcement anytime soon. In an interview with IGN, SCEA's Director of Hardware and Marketing John Koller said the company is only focusing on the 3D console space right now.
"Our focus on 3D right now is on the console," he said. "There's a tremendous amount of opportunity on PlayStation 3 with 3D. The amount of interest in 3D from the retail side and game publishers is off the charts. We know we have a hit with 3D on PS3 and we're going to concentrate our efforts there."
Koller also questioned today's announcement of the Nintendo 3DS, saying he wasn't sure if there is a market for 3D handheld gaming with a younger audience.
"I think it remains to be seen where Nintendo goes with 3D on a portable," he added. "Having been in the portable space for quite awhile, I think it's an interesting move but one I'd like to see where they go from a demographic standpoint. 8 and 9 year-olds playing 3D is a little bit of a stretch given where some of our research is right now." Check back with IGN tomorrow for our full interview with John Koller.
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March 24th, 2010, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's director of hardware marketing John Koller says there are multiple key PSP titles coming out this year that are yet to be announced.
Speaking of the five-year anniversary of PSP today, Koller said: "As we move further into 2010, the innovation and technological prowess of the PSP system continues to be evident."
He added: "We have a plethora of exciting new games, some of which have yet to be announced, coming later this year that will continue to deliver the same unparalleled gaming experiences that you know and love."
This mirrors earlier statements from SCEA's Rob Dyer, who teased "big, big titles coming this year" for PSP from third party developers. Expect it all to go down at E3 in June.
PSP released in the US on March 24, 2005 (yes, it really has been that long) and has sold 17 million units in that territory to date.
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March 24th, 2010, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Prinnies are the weakest, the lowest of the low in the demon kingdom, yet, even these winged penguin creatures have their day.
Prinny: Can I be the Hero was overwhelmingly popular, now these lowly demons will travel through the kingdom once against as heroes, in search for Etna's lost pair of panties.
Dive into the sea, drop into volcanoes, admire the sakura in the mountains and venture into the lairs of powerful bosses. Prinny gets new powers, eat various snacks littered around the stage and you could fly or unleash super powers. Max up your combo gages and show those big guys that Prinnies are not to be looked down on.
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March 24th, 2010, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Blaz Blue Portable is an upgraded Sony PSP port. By using the wide and high resolution screen, no details in the graphics will be sacrificed, and with the ad hoc network facilities, you can hook up with any Blaz Blue fighter you meet on the bus or on the train.
Instead of just 4 characters in the home console versions, 12 characters will get a strengthened skill set. Each character has a shining talent, you have to choose more wisely when you battle them.
There is a new Legion mode, you take your army and conquer the bases of other characters. Each time you win a war, you can recruit an enemy character to join your army. Fight on to build the strongest army and take over the Blaz Blue world.
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March 25th, 2010, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
Aksys Games, a publisher of interactive entertainment products, proudly brings you this announcement, in exaltation of all that is manly, ships to retailers nationwide!
Cho Aniki Zero will be oiled up and ready to thrust its way onto your PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system! Sold exclusively as a digital download through the PlayStation®Store, Cho Aniki Zero gives players the chance to take part in an epic struggle alongside heroes Idaten and Benten as they blast through the muscle-bounded forces of Emperor Balzac II.
Cho Aniki Zero brings manliness back to the old-school shoot-em-up genre and, warps it to another dimension of sights and sounds. In Cho Aniki Zero, players will be introduced to brand-new characters and newly heightened experiences of rhythmic action, intertwined with the famous BGM of Kouji Hayama. Battle through five man-rageous levels of brotherly love and muscle-on-muscle madness!
The Story So Far…
Since the death of Balzac, the Builder Planet has celebrated a long period of peace.
However, as time goes by, protein becomes scarce, and protein deficiency is soon a serious problem for the Builder Planet. As people struggle for control over what protein is left, Balzac II begins his subtle rise to power...
Learning of his return, Idaten and Benten take up arms and begin their man-tastic voyage...
"People have been raving about the benefits of protein since time immemorial and now Cho Aniki Zero reaffirms that belief!", said Frank “Bo” deWindt II, Associate Producer, Aksys Games. "It's time to get those muscles pumping and downing those protein shakes because you'll need them after the hilariously fun workout that is Cho Aniki Zero!"
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March 25th, 2010, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Connected Consoles
In a recent interview, it looked like Sony Benelux brand manager Folkert Langeveld had confirmed a Sackboy sequel when he said the words 'LittleBigPlanet Twee', translating into 'LittleBigPlanet 2'. Unfortunately, this isn't the case.
The interview was set around the PlayStation Move, making many automatically believe that this was the confirmation of a sequel, and its support of the motion controller. Instead, we got in touch with SCEE, who told us the following:
"As demonstrated recently at GDC, LittleBigPlanet has been shown as an example of how an existing game could benefit from PlayStation Move Motion Controller support. This is not a confirmation of LittleBigPlanet 2, and we do not have any announcements to make about the LittleBigPlanet franchise." So for the moment, there isn't a LittleBigPlanet 2. We wouldn't though, rule the game out for an E3 announcement in June, or at the Tokyo Games Show in September.
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March 25th, 2010, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Playlogic Entertainment announced today that its internal development studio, Playlogic Game Factory, is developing new motion control enabled products with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
Playlogic Game Factory, located in Breda, The Netherlands has worked on a great number of SCEE licenses in the past such as EyeToy™ Play: PomPom Party for PlayStation®2, Aqua Vita™, Tori Emaki™, Mesmerise™, and most recently EyePet™ for PlayStation®3.
Executive Vice President of Playlogic, Rogier Smit said: “We have increased the team size dedicated to these new projects to accommodate the extension of our partnership with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. We have proved to Sony over the past 5 years that our team has the skills they require and we will continue to deliver the quality Playlogic Game Factory is known for”
For more information about Playlogic and its range of products, please visit www.playlogicgames.com.
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March 25th, 2010, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
2K Games announced today that Mafia® II will be available on August 27, 2010 in the UK for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC. Mafia II is currently in development by 2K Czech, the same creative team behind the award-winning, genre-defining Mafia®, which captivated millions of gamers around the world.
Through a compelling narrative, Mafia II transports gamers into the dark and unforgiving world of the Mafia. The fiction is embellished by a sophisticated, era-evoking atmosphere that meticulously replicates the clothing, cars, music and advertising of 1940’s and 1950’s Americana. Players will easily become immersed in the game’s cinematic Hollywood-style experience with strong, believable characters in a living, breathing metropolis. By fusing high-octane gunplay with white-knuckle driving and an engaging narrative, Mafia II looks to be the industry’s most compelling Mafia title to date. VideoGamer.com recently said “this will be one of the highlights of 2010”.
Born the son of a poor immigrant, Vito is a beaten-down Italian-American who is trying to escape the life of poverty that consumed his childhood. Vito, along with his lifelong friend, Joe, will descend into the world of organised crime. Looking to escape the life of hardship that his father led, Vito dreams about becoming a “made man,” and together with Joe, will work to prove themselves to the Mafia as they try to make their names on the streets. However, the two quickly realize that life as a wise guy isn’t quite as glamorous as it seems.
Additionally, Mafia II will be playable by the public for the first time at the Penny Arcade Expo East (PAX East) being held at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts from March 26 – March 28 at the 2K Games booth (booth #103).
Mafia II is rated PEGI 18. For more information on Mafia II, please visit www.mafia2game.com.
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March 25th, 2010, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Bulkypix have announced that award-winning horror game HYSTERIA PROJECT will be released soon on Sony’s Minis platform for PSP and PS3.
In HYSTERIA PROJECT, YOU are the hero! Step into the shoes of the main character and take part in an unforgettable adventure! Will you make the right decisions and make it out in one piece?
HYSTERIA PROJECT is a groundbreaking gaming experience where you are the hero of an entirely filmed adventure. Keep a sharp eye on what’s going on around you and make the right choices at the right time. Have you got the guts to be next on the list?
Initially released by Bulkypix on iPhone, HYSTERIA PROJECT won the “Revelation 2009” Milthon award in Paris, and was praised in the AppStore by fans of new experiences and thrill-seekers. Levi Buchanan of ign.com wrote: “HYSTERIA PROJECT reminded me of those old FMV games I used to play on my SEGA CD as a guilty pleasure - but this one only cost me two bucks for the same level of enjoyment”.
The Minis version of HYSTERIA PROJECT will be released by Sanuk Games in Europe on April 8th at the price of 1.49 Euros. It will be released in America at a later date and at the price of $1.99.
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March 25th, 2010, 22:17 Posted By: repuken2
Hi all,
i thought some people would be interested in this, so i compiled this mame merging original mame 0.97 src with this japanese guy's sources (dunno if he is takka or tmk but a lot of thanks goes to him for his great work) :
and taking also some stuff from pspmame04 from 2005.
I got tired of waiting to play simpsons and crude buster on psp so i made it myself. If anybody cares download it and give it a try, it support's many games not supported yet in finalburn or other mames.
Some info:
to quit a game: Letf Trigger + Right Trigger + Start , then press any button.
Call MAme Menu: left Trigger while in game.
Call Emu Menu: left Trigger while in game list.
Some games supported:
Vol I :
Simpsons, cabal, bloodbross, Aliens, Vendetta, Crude Buster, X-Men, etc
Vol II :
Robocop, Dragon Ninja, Shadow Force, Dead Connection, Growl, Vigilant, R-Type Leo, Hook, Undercover Cops, etc
put your roms in the "roms" folder inside the emu folder (Create it if not exists).
The roms shoulb be mame beta 0.97 compatible ( most of current version one's do work).
note about games requiring to create nvram ( simpsons, vendetta, most konami games) :
this games require you to create nvram, for this you can either create it in your pc in a desktop mame and then copy it to the "nvram" folder inside the emu folder or create it in the psp. For this you'll need to remap one of the buttons to the testswitch key and reset the game while having it pressed. For more info check mame official FAQ page :
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March 25th, 2010, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a re-imagining of the original Silent Hill with all new twists. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories begins much like the beloved original. The game opens to the scene following a car accident where the central character, Harry Mason, wakes to find his daughter Cheryl missing. Harry sets out into the snowy streets of the haunted town of Silent Hill to find her, and that's where his living nightmare begins as he not only discovers the truth about his daughter, but also about himself.
The Wii ®, PlayStation®2 and PSP® versions include an all-new user interface featuring a mobile phone which acts as a story telling device, map and camera as well as an all-new psych profiling system that plays upon the player's innermost fears. The game constantly watches the player's every move and adapts to their actions, offering a customised intense horror experience each time.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is rated "M" and will be available in retail stores from April 22nd. The recommended retail price will be $69.95 for PlayStation®2 and PSP® and $79.95 for Wii ®
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories will be available at JB Hi-Fi, Gameswarehouse.com.au, Gamesmen, selected Harvey Norman stores and selected game resellers. It is currently available for pre-order via GAME’s website at http://www.game.com.au/silent-hill-s...do-wii/E108145
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March 26th, 2010, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
Jpcsp, the emulator PSP for PC developed in Java homonymous team, is updated to revision 1423. I remember that for a correct use application that allows you to run some homebrew like those already in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
Rev 1423: Small fix in logging message
Rev 1422: Minor changes
Rev 1421: Do not call to GE callback at address 0
Rev 1420: Improved error log information for "Matrix Ignored upload value"
Rev 1419: Implemented sceDisplayIsVblank ()
Rev 1418: Only sceGeDrawSync (mode = 0) and sceGeListSync (mode = 0) are not allowed inside interrupts
Rev 1417: sceDisplayWaitVblankXXX (): thread switch inside a callback currently not support
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March 26th, 2010, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Froggyman has posted a new version of the Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP, heres whats new in this release:
Revision 477:
[+] Added FOG_APRIM1/PASS2 and FOG_APRIM1/OPA2 blender (corrects some annoying glitches on Donald Duck : QA and GoldenEye)
[+] Added a blendmode for Monster Truck's text
[!] Rewrote DLParser_RDPHalf_1_0xb4_GoldenEye ( Sky is rendered now!, ToDo : correct gaps on the screen )
[!] Corrected issue causing lines to appear on some games ex Paper Mario (Shouldn't break Zelda anymore)
[~] Enabled Increase VI Event for Paper Mario and GoldenEye (Fixes flicker on P. Mario and gives a great speed up on GE)
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March 26th, 2010, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
ALIEN ZOMBIE DEATH is now out now on PSP Minis in America.
Thats right. Just about the best thing you can do with $3.99 ( maybe ) is tucked away inside the playstation store waiting for you to shove it up your PSP and destroy the remainder of your week. The European press had to say:
EDGE online: "This is one of those special games that threatens to define its platform: the most appropriate PSP Mini yet released is modest in scope but sharply focused. It’s slight, but surprisingly rich in both character and atmosphere - and it will suck up much more of your time than you might initially expect."
Eurogamer: “With its knowing sense of the absurd and finely honed frantic playability, Alien Zombie Death provides the PSP Minis scene a welcome shot in the arm.”
Pocketgamer: "Pure, frenetic, non-stop pick-up-and-play old-skool shooting fun, Alien Zombie Death is effortlessly one of the finest minis yet"
Alien Zombie Death Features:-
- wholesome retro platform shoot-em-up carnage
- 14 levels of endless survival gameplay
- 112 medals to collect as trophies for your victims
- Power-ups, score bonuses and mutiplier goodness
- Absurdly low priced original PSP goods gov'ner
Alien Zombie Death : http://pompomgames.com/alienzombiedeath.htm
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March 26th, 2010, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Put the pedal to the metal in a no-holds-barred arcade racing game that will challenge even the most experienced virtual drivers! Gaijin Entertainment is proud to announce the release Anarchy: Rush Hour, a new action racing game for the PS3. The eagerly anticipated offering is available for online purchase through PlayStation Network USA for $7.99.
In Anarchy: Rush Hour, players take the role of Max, a street racer who came to Big City to visit his girlfriend, only to witness her kidnapping. Max goes underground in Big City and learns that criminals with ties to a local street racing club are responsible. With the help of his friend and fellow street racer ChaCha, Max sets out to rescue his girl. Race through winding city streets, participate in over-the-top racing events and smash your way through outrageous traffic jams using an arsenal of adrenaline-powered devices. As you pull off stunts and obliterate opponents, the explosive action and stunning visual effects will rock your world!
Key Features:
- Real cities, real streets;
- Night and day cycle;
- Detailed vehicle damage;
- Dozens of sports cars and tuning options;
- Freedom to choose your own route;
- Hundreds of cars on the screen at once.
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March 27th, 2010, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
"Do you think that there is a future version of Resistance, Resistance 3, being developed?" Without a doubt, this is one of the strangest questions in a recent survey sent by PlayStation to its fans. Since the appearance of a mysterious billboard advertising a sequel to Insomniac Games' FPS franchise in October, fans have questioned not if -- but when -- Resistance 3 would be officially announced.
The follow-up question is meant to gauge interest in a possible third game (also mentioned in an artist resume), a puzzling proposition considering a sequel seems guaranteed. Insomniac's track record with holiday releases on PS3 has been nearly impeccable -- alternating between Resistance and Ratchet and Clank games like clockwork. Should Resistance 3 continue this pattern, we wouldn't be surprised if the game were announced some time soon, to launch on PS3 by the holiday. Unfortunately, this survey offers no conclusive evidence of whether or not that will be true.
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March 27th, 2010, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Brand new exciting gameplay modes that deliver the ultimate GP racing experience
Ability to update the game with content from the 2010 championship as the season unfolds
Compete against riders across the globe in online multiplayer mode
Two player split screen allows you to compete against your friends
Realistic AI which emulates a true racing pack with different rider styles and pace
Accessible handling for players of all levels to create an enjoyable racing experience
MotoGP 09/10 takes the series in an exciting new direction rewarding players for their racing style and skill on the track. Gamers will get all the riders, tracks and teams from the official 2009 MotoGP season AND free downloadable content from the 2010 season as it unfolds. The free update means gamers will be able to play the most up to date MotoGP season content earlier than ever before.
MotoGP 09/10 will feature an all new 'Arcade' mode where players must complete different race challenges before the time runs out. Time bonuses will be awarded for those who take risks on the track but losing concentration will mean you face time being deducted making this an exciting gameplay addition for racing game fans. Run out of time and your chances of living the MotoGP dream will be over.
Complementing Arcade mode is the introduction of a fully realised 'Career' mode which provides an expansion to the MotoGP experience. Players take control of their MotoGP championship both on and off the track competing in the races and managing their team as they try to build their career as a racing pro.
Gamers can compete in a full championship season across all three MotoGP bike classes and pit their skills against players around the globe with the robust online mode.
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March 27th, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Take to the air like no other can with the use of Rico’s trademark parachute and enhanced grappling hook!
Free fall, base jump, vehicle surf, parasail, parachute, grapple, slingshot, leap between vehicles, hang from helicopters, scale buildings… do the impossible!
Panau offers 400 square miles of tropical jungles, arid deserts and snow-capped mountains to explore and destroy
100+ Sea, Land and Air vehicles at your disposal
Weapons Galore! Single and dual wielded weapons, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, explosives, vehicle mounted weapons and more!
Rico Rodriguez is back but this time he’s on a mission to go after the man who knows him best, his former commanding officer, mentor and friend. Tom Sheldon has gone rogue and disappeared with millions of agency cash and top secret intel. His last known whereabouts – the South East Asian island of Panau. Align with factions, take over military strongholds, gain influence within the island and ultimately cause chaos to destabilize the hostile government to locate your target and eliminate him.
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March 27th, 2010, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
YAUPSPE (Yet Another (Un)Usable PSP Emulator) is a new PSP Emulator for Windows and Linux, based on Potemkin.
SVN snapshots for r38
I´ve made snapshots for r38 of the SVN trunk.
What´s new? Well, some interpreting bugs were fixed, as well as the display, and other little bugs, so now PSPSDK samples work quite fine (but there´s still problem writing numerical values), and GU is not fixed yet, so graphical games don´t work at all.
You can find all the needed files at http://code.google.com/p/yaupspe/downloads/list
Tell me if it doesn´t work for samples like controller or power!
Fixed for win32
Added memory fix in case the address is not a 2 multiple for mem_write16 or 4 for mem_write32 Fixed screen (now there´s no more strange colors at some places on the screen) Fixed another time chdir & directories starting with / (now it should work as expected in all the cases)
Added some syscalls Fixed display (now all the screen shows, and the text doesn´t overwrite) Fixed VADDR & IADDR in GE (but GE still doesn´t work) Added sceIoMkdir Fixed jumping after _sceKernelReturnFromThread (the "PC compensation" seemed wrong); not fatal but removes strange memory errors
Finished cleaning HLE: (fixes issue - removed syscall numbers (useless in most of cases) - re-organized by library - added the possibility to see when an unknown NID was called Started implementing sceMp3 Finished fixing I/O (write, seek, and chdir) (fixes issue 13) Fixed awful things in DirFileSystem Fixed path without drive name (starting directly with /) for ms0: (the path without drive was working, but it broke ms0
Fixed some instructions : makes the power and controller samples work mostly The emulator can now quit normally (pressing escape or closing the window) during a GU interpretation
Switching GPLv3 to GPLv2 (Potemkin uses GPLv2, and I prefer it
Changed project name from pspemu to Yaupspe
Fixes in interpreter: - divided Mftv VFPU function into mfv and mtv (the other will follow) - removed useless emuhack - added break (called when dividing by 0 by the program) - fixed some branch instructions - cleared some parts - added some non-implemented instructions/tables in the tables - removed Emu and Cop2Rese tables Fixed ms0 reading Fixed strange things in sceIoLseek Fixed wakeups Cleared __KernelLoadELFFromPtr Added sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive (but just a copy of sceCtrlReadBufferPositiv
Added syscalls Added unrecognized stubs test Cleaned display Fixes in GE Re-organized host The emulator can now quit in a GE interpretation (useful for the infinite loops)
Fixed mult instruction (makes now text write correctly Some fixes in controller
Fixed threading for jr (last method was wrong) Fixed removing a thread Fixed memory map problems (that caused most PSP SDK samples to crash before main function) Fixed drawing (there was a strange mess with pspframebuf defined everywhere...; now some letters draw in some PSP SDK samples) Now draw display at a timed rate (~30FPS) Various adds in HLE
Better thread & memory errors debugging Simplified the DSP Interpreter code
Much work on GE Made mult instruction work again using the non-C89 method (to be fixed) Fixed mounting PBP´s directory
Finally fixed all tabs for real
Fixed more HLE functions in callbacks, memory (partially, missing alloc), IO (missed one in last commit)
Finished fixing Semaphore, Thread and partially IO (missing things in metafs)
Added debug for memory errors (writes the last instruction) Fixed all semaphore functions Finally fixed all the tabs
Fixed Makefile — missing -lncurses
Woops, added log.c
Added Mingw32 Makefile
Fixed compilation in -pedantic Fixed for Windows Reorganized logging — now -d (ncurses debugger) and -lLVL (debug level) works perfectly, with or without -DNCURSES Fixed tab => 4 spaces and spaces after commas (mostly for logging) Updated --help Added a few HLE functions Maybe some other minor changes
Fixed portability for win32 (tested with mingw32 and wine) Fixed leaks Various clean up Added lv.s VFPU instruction Fixed jumping to too big addresses
* NID Checker added * Fixed splitpath * Added missing sceImpose files * Updated README
Added some instructions debugging Added pref instruction (the ´hit in wipeout´) (but not implemented) Added a lot of HLE functions & NID
Some fixes in I/O, rendering, some syscalls added, added ´p´ key in ncurses debugger to run the program (SLOW), and various other fixes
Fixes in threads, display lists & other syscalls handling
Added missing files (note: to build the debugger, add -DNCURSES in the CFLAGS, in Makefile)
Added ncurses debugger Added .lib.stub reading (fixes issue 6) Better NID/syscall handling
Fixed ISO file loader
Fixes in HLE & interpreter - it nearly runs tests now
Fix delay slot
Cleaning up; more work to make it work
Various cleaning up a bit everywhere + fixed for Visual C++ ?
cleanup, adding elf relocation
cleanup: functions removed, no warning with -Wextra, etc. (see diff)
initial commit
Initial directory structure.
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March 27th, 2010, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
pcsp - a PSP Emulator for Windows - has been released in a new version.
PCSP v0.2.0 released!
NewsIt is finaly here!. Something that you were waiting for . A brand new version of pcsp emulator. There are plenty of fixes and speedups in this release , a few more games are aware to be playable (Puzzle bobble , Super Fruitfall , kazook and maybe more).
This release also comes with pcsp-udb , our frontend for pcsp with a fancy list , psp covers , game screenshots etc. It is correctly in developing so some bugs are there , some features aren´t . Be notice! The first time it will scan your iso directory it will take time to create files and checked then with CRC32. The second run is faster.
You can find data (with covers ,screenshots and database) at our forum http://www.emunewz.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=48
Enough of that , Let´s go to the changelog:
Full VFPU support (many with some bugs and not optimized)
Added command line parser to pcsp so it can be used with pcsp-xmb and pcsp-udb.
Added a critical message when trying to run the emulator with a CPU without SSE/SSE2 instruction set
-New texture system
-Now supports correct DXT and other formats that used to be wrong.
-Also does correct blending, texture states etc.
-Better clear function.
-Implementation of the NREV ge command (normal reverse)
-Implementation of CMD_XPOS1, CMD_XPOS2 and CMD_XSIZE
-Implementation of sceDisplayAdjustAccumulatedHcount,sceDisplayGetVco unt,sceDisplayGetCurrentHcount,sceGeEdramGetAddr
-Fixed sceGeEdramGetSize
-Implementation of sceImposeGetBatteryIconStatus .
-New IO system
-Supports directory reading , raw sector reading , correctly memcard IO operations and a lot more fixes
-Fixed some alloc/dealloc mismatches
-Intergrated debugger
-Logger/Stdout/Stderr tabs in Debugger
-Sysmem viewer
-Added window menu so each dock window can toggleview
-Implementation of sceKernelGetSystemTime , sceKernelSysClock2USec
-Correct implementation for sceKernelGetSystemTimeLow,sceKernelGetSystemTimeWi de ,sceKernelUSec2SysClock
-Complete rewrite of Kernel VPL and Kernel FPL HLE instruction set.
-Implementation of sceImposeSetLanguageMode,sceImposeGetLanguageMode
-Implementation of sceIoDevctl 0x02025806 and 0x02425823 cmd commands
-Always On Top option in menu
-Added messageboxes for encrypted games (pcsp will report now if you try to load an encrypted game).
-No more flickering when interacting with menus
-A workaround to fix memory allocation issues. Pcsp should now work with aero enabled.
-More logging to Attrac3 HLE .No implementation at the time
-Rewrote detection of Boot files.They now report ok. (some games used to reported that they are encrypted and they weren´t)
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March 27th, 2010, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux - Changelog - Download.
Improved JPCSP´s documentation.
Implemented sceKernelReleaseWaitThread()
Fixed BufferOverflowException in pspdisplay.
Improvement of sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(), sceUtilityMsgDialogInitStart() and sceUtilityOskInitStart(): display a dialog only when the VideoEngine is not busy to avoid a deadlock (e.g. VideoEngine/display waiting on a STALL and JOptionPane waiting on a display).
sceIoOpen: retry count is 4 bits (exact behavior has to be checked). Better test of "rw"-mode.
PRIM_SPRITES: the PSP is flipping the texture under some conditions. To be further tested (condition still not clear).
Small fixes in sceAtrac3plus. Added function from version 2.5
Added logging for unknown behavior at SIGNAL command
sceKernelWaitEventFlag(): same handling as sceKernelWaitSema() inside callback
Small fix in logging message
Minor changes...
Do not call a GE callback at address 0
Improved log information for error "Ignored Matrix upload value"
Implemented sceDisplayIsVblank()
Only sceGeDrawSync(mode=0) and sceGeListSync(mode=0) are not allowed inside interrupts (spotted by Orphis).
sceDisplayWaitVblankXXX(): thread switch inside a callback currently not supported (callbacks V1 & V2 need to be updated to the new callback architecture). Fix in sceKernelSignalSema() to not yield inside a callback.
Little improvments
Fix a bug with modelMatrixChanged in videoEngine
Added exportation/importation of breakpoints to the debugger (also performed some aesthetical changes). Updated MetaInformation file.
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March 28th, 2010, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pspgen.com/hack-bin-loade...te-193026.html
If you're one of the new members of the community underground, do not worry we will resume here the main points of why exploits.
Since the arrival of new motherboards with waterproof kit SDC / XGen pandora, the only way to hack the laptop from Sony is ... using a fault. This is not new and every system has flaws. Today, the goal of PSP developers is to find one that will run unsigned code (as chickHEN of Davee) to patch the installed RAM and a subsequent custom firmware not permanent.
So the arrival of the PSP Go (and 6.20firmware) which opened hunting faults and unfortunately many dissemination fakes. However some info we challenge and we now have high hopes for the PSP hack inflashables (PSP2000 TA088v3, PSP3000 and PSP Go!, Especially in a higher firmware to 5.03 prevent the use of chickHEN).
Some time ago, a developer named Flyer said he found a flaw savedata in a game set name was not revealed to avoid seeing this flaw mouthful Flyer embarked on writing a bin loader!
little evidence of the fault
With the support and monitoring of several serious and experienced developers of the PSP scene as Wololo and n00b81 Flyer that has pursued his project and has set up a bin loader (e-loader) for this fault backup. What does this mean? It is possible to load bin files as if Sony had signed.
Could this be the beginning of a new hack? Probably yes, but as you know, once the game title and announced the exploit release, Sony would need 48 hours to fill all this. Besides it should also be a flaw Kernel in order to launch homebrew and iso.
But for now, seems determined Flyer has his job releaser. When? we do not know but you will be aware of this progress when we have something new.
However, an alternative to this seems to exist, actually Flyer said it had discovered another flaw backup but this time in a freely distributable demo. This would be less trouble for the release as a demo is available for everyone. Yet to be seen whether the bin loader could be made "compatible" with this new vulnerability.
Again Wait and See, but the path to a new hack seems to draw slowly. Avoid then update your firmware (especially if a new official firmware appeared).
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March 28th, 2010, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wethegreenpeople
Hey guys! I got this idea from an iTouch app I saw, thought it was great so I made this. It only took me like 5, 10 minutes to make so its a bit rough around the edges (hence beta release) but I hope you'll bear it until next release.
SonicBoomPSP is a homebrew app that allows you to play a high pitched sound that only people under 20 can hear! Put it under your little brothers bed and watch as he struggles to find it while mom and dad can't hear it at all!
How to use it:
Extract the ZIP file copy the SonicBoomPSP beta folder to your psp.
MSO:>>PSP>>GAME>>SonicBoo mPSP beta
Change Log:
beta1: Release
1. Fix logo at start of the game, its kinda rough.
2. Add graphics, I already made the background and a couple buttons
but I thought I'd save that for next release xP
3. Add timer, the timer will count down from, 15 seconds, 30
seconds, and 60 seconds.
4. Add options, in options you will be able to change the age
limit, for example:
Under 60, under 50, under 35 and so on.
Comments are welcome, if you see something that I should add to my todo list please say so!
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March 28th, 2010, 05:17 Posted By: VampDude
Via: Digital Spy
Square Enix is exploring the possibility of reissuing PSOne RPG Final Fantasy IX via PSN.
According to producer Shinji Hashimoto, the studio has been gathering feedback on whether fans would like to see the game appear on the digital storefront.
"Thanks to everyone for your opinions on FF9," Hasimoto wrote on Square Enix's Twitter feed. "Regarding an FF9 download release, everyone is so passionate about it that I'll be proposing it at the next board meeting. Look forward to next week."
Final Fantasy IX was the last main entry in the franchise to appear on the PSOne. Released in 2000, the game took the series back to its fantasy roots.
Predecessors Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII are already available for download on PSN.
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March 28th, 2010, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
D Pspemu is a PSP Emulator for Windows.
After almost two years, I continued this emulator. With more knowledge about programming and D, I started a new version from scratch in January of this year. It was slow because I have other things to do. But I have been working hardly on it this week and now I have released a version that can run some homebrew. Enjoy!
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March 28th, 2010, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
The first map pack for Modern Warfare 2, “Stimulus Package”, hasn’t even been released yet, and there are talks of continuing DLC for the title. And why not? Modern Warfare 2 was an immense success, and the DLC for it will certainly follow in its virtual footsteps.
Infinity Ward’s community manager Robert Bowling, recently spoke with NowGamer on upcoming DLC for Modern Warfare 2, plus the price of the first map pack. The latter has been under fire for it’s price, which is a hefty $15 price tag(with five maps, that’s $3 a map). Bowling defended the price of the map pack, saying it was “worthwhile.”
“I have no doubt that anyone who downloads this map pack is going to get their money’s worth. They’re going to feel their investment is worthwhile. Because if you’re playing Modern Warfare 2 like myself or many other people do every night, that’s actually going to give you a bunch of new mileage and a bunch of extra gameplay – to really explore and discover them and to really, you know, come up with new tactics and experience them in a whole new way. Regardless of what the price is you’re going to feel your money’s well-spent.”
Also during the talk, Bowling also confirmed that at least one more DLC pack is being planned for Modern Warfare 2. In the original Modern Warfare, the spectacular title only received one pack, so it’s a nice change to see more commitment in the DLC area.
“We’re definitely going to do at least one more DLC pack, but the direction of it and specifically what we’re going to do hasn’t been determined yet.”
The Modern Warfare 2 “Stimulus Package” DLC hits PSN on April 30th.
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