November 1st, 2007, 07:25 Posted By: wraggster
Durka Durka Mahn has posted an excellent new cheat device for the game Star Wars: Renegade Squadron, heres the info:
Hey guys! Finally finished up my first version of the Cheat Device for Star Wars: Renegade Squadron.
This Cheat Device will allow you to change your weapons in-game without having to make new cheats over and over!
Each weapon slot has its own option on the menu and you just use Left and Right to change each option.
In the future I hope to add more Interactive Cheats, maybe a teleport function, and will definitely be adding more stuff as you guys find it. Credit will be given to anyone who's cheats I use in the Cheat Device.
Read the ReadMe.txt file for instructions on installation.
To bring up the menu, hit L+R+UP, to hide it, hit L+R+DOWN.
Thanks for reading and/or downloading!
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November 1st, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
So. Which of the three distributions [Xubuntu 7.10, Yellow Dog 5.0.1, openSUSE 10.3] above would I recommend? None of them. Not a single distro maintained a consistent, high-quality experience from installation to prolonged use. None of them is usable by your grandmother, or in most cases, by you. For the experienced Linux hacker, it's probably possible to beat some sense into these distributions (with Xubuntu probably closest to useful, when combined with the Petitboot boot loader used by openSUSE). But it's not a good choice - simply the least bad.
Considering the strides being made by desktop Linux on desktop x86 and x86-64 machines, it's immensely disappointing that so little time and effort has been spent on testing PS3 releases, when so much geek street-cred is up for grabs. When I first decided to write this article, I had high hopes for what it might reveal - after all, a lot of time has passed since PS3 Linux first appeared, and it seemed obvious to me that there would be a selection of tuned distributions to pick from, especially considering the high visibility of the PS3. But right now, typing this up on my x86-64 Linux desktop, I find myself preparing to retire PS3 Linux completely for another few months - at least until the next batch of distributions are released. And beyond initial curiosity value, I suggest you do the same.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
New York-based importer National Console Support warns customers today that getting their hands on a Japanese version of the DualShock 3 might be tricky. It writes in its semi-daily news updates that offers from one overseas distributor has the following requirement: "In order to obtain 1 Dual Shock 3, we also have to buy 1 PlayStation 3 40GB console." That's a hefty tax.
NCSX urges caution to rumble-hungry games, warning them to wait until stock levels off or distributors offer more sane pricing schemes.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Like all of you, I've been a big fan of our new blog - but until now, I've been staying behind the scenes. I'm excited to share my first post here and thought that our new advertising campaign for the PS3 would be of interest to everyone. In fact, the campaign is scheduled to break this weekend in conjunction with the introduction of the new 40GB PS3 here in North America. But as a reward for being some of our most loyal fans, I wanted to get this out to all of you first.
Last year, we launched the PS3 with a campaign that become known as the "White Room" and we received a strong reaction to those ads for being provocative and demonstrating the PS3's power. With those technology messages now firmly embedded, we wanted to move beyond the "power" message with a more high-energy, entertainment driven focus for the PS3. The games are here, the price point is now $399 and we wanted to make the news loud and clear. But we need to deliver that in a way that befits the PlayStation brand. And so, beyond the brilliant HD games that the PS3 delivers, you'll also see a big focus behind the PS3's Blu-ray movie capability and, for the first time, you'll see a major focus behind the PLAYSTATION Network (did I mention online gaming is free on PS3??) and the exclusive gaming content available on the PLAYSTATION Store, as well as breakthrough services like Home. As Kim noted in her recent post, with so much brewing inside the PS3, the icons and characters of the PS3 world come to life in the vivid black onyx world of the PS3 and nearly burst out of its seams.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
A New York Times report suggests Sony might consider selling its animation division to companies interested in expanding their work into the game business -- while SCE and Sony Online Entertainment are not part of any possible deal.
According to the report, Sony Pictures has hired investment bank Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin to assess two of its divisions. One is the Sony Pictures Imageworks, the 15-year-old studio which produces visual effects for movies, while the other would be a "no more than 50 percent stake" of the Sony Pictures Animation, the studio which produced movies such as the recent CGI family film Surf's Up.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The PSone games have fairly slow on the uptake, but Sony will gladly be stepping up the pace with the retro treats this month, with nine classics planned for November. Sweet.
G-Police is the one we're after, although there's plenty of awesome stuff on the way, including Crash 2 and 3, and Colony Wars.
Still no WipEout 2079 though, which is both shocking and disappointing after a series of mix-ups and no-doubt underlying technical issues saw the awesome racer confirmed for the download service back in July, and then delayed on the same day.
Here's the list of the nine PSone games on the way this month, followed by the enormous list of PSN content forecasted for the rest of the year.
PSone titles:
- Coolboarders
- G-Police
- Destruction Derby
- Colony Wars
- Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
- Syphon Filter 2
- Bust-A-Groove
- Crash Bandicoot 2
- Crash Bandicoot 3
November Releases:
- Feel Ski
- PS Eye Mesmerize Distort
- PS Eye Tori Emaki
- Uncharted: Meet the Dogs/The Characters & Music: English Only - localised versions to follow
- Lair: Call of the Beast trailer
- MotorStorm Revenge Weekend Trailer
- Folkore - Bottom of the Sea pack
- MotorStorm Devil Crossing pack: Track - Devils crossing, 4 new tickets containing 10 races, 2 new vehicles with 3 liveries each. One unlockable vehicle with 3 liveries upon completion of the mini devils crossing festival (as per Coyote revenge pack)
- Tekken 5: DR Online pack and full game
- Uncharted Animation Overview
- Ratchet and Clank launch trailer and TV ad
- PS Eye Mesmerize: Trace
- MotorStorm Livery packs 1 & 2
- PSP Wing Mirror (F1 CE)
- Riff: Everyday Shooter trailer
- Uncharted - A Living Environment
- Blast Factor: Advanced Research
- Uncharted DEMO
- MotorStorm Rascal & Governor vehicles pack
- Dark Mist trailer
- Folklore: The Alchemist pack
- PAIN trailer
- Devils' weekend trailer
- Toy Home game
- flOw Expansion pack
- Uncharted Hunting El Dorado
- Snakeball game
- Resistance: Fall of Man Pack 2 - Two maps pack
December Releases (Highlights):
- High Velocity Bowling
- Riff:everyday Shooter
- Kula World (PS One)
- Uncharted TV ad
- Dark Mist game
- MotorStorm Domino & Adventure vehicles
- Wipeout HD Trailer
- Pain Game
- Piyotama game - English only game
- Warhawk expansion pack 1
- Everybody's Golf Demo.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Konami's stock has dropped following news that Metal Gear Solid 4 has been delayed until after the holiday season.
Bloomberg reported that Konami shares fell 200 Yen, or 5.9 per cent, to 3,190 Yen (approximately USD 27.74).
This was the largest decline for the company's stock in nearly four years.
"Investors were active sellers today because of disappointment over the delay," said analyst Hirotoshi Murakami. "It may be the company's strategy to boost earnings next fiscal year with the game software."
MGS4 was originally scheduled for release this winter, but has now been delayed.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Guinness World Records has officially recognised Sony's Folding@home program as the most powerful distributed computing network in the world.
As previously reported, Folding@home surpassed the one petaflop computer milestone in early September, counting both PC and PS3 users. PS3 users alone reached the petaflop mark on September 23.
"To have Folding@home recognized by Guinness World Records as the most powerful distributed computing network ever is a reflection of the extraordinary worldwide participation by gamers and consumers around the world and for that we are very grateful," said Vijay Pande, associate professor of chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home project lead.
"Without them we would not be able to make the advancements we have made in our studies of several different diseases. But it is clear that none of this would be even remotely possible without the power of PS3, it has increased our research capabilities by leaps and bounds."
The Folding@home program leveraged only the distributed computing power of personal computers from around the world until March 2007, when the PlayStation 3 joined the program.
Currently, more than 670,000 unique PS3 users have registered with the Folding@home network.
SCE has said that it will continue to support distributed computing projects in a wide variety of academic fields such as medical and social sciences and environmental studies through the use of the PS3.
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November 1st, 2007, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from myersn024
Title: yaS^4 (yet another Stupid, SideScrolling Shooter)
Installation: unzip the rar file into GAME3xx folder. It was build for FW3.71 but it runs fine on my 3.52 M33-4 PSP. I haven't tested it on a slim, so any feedback from slim owners is appreciated.
How to play: Analog moves the ship around on the screen and X shoots. To exit either use HOME or press both trigger buttons at the same time.
To do:
1) add sound
2) add some animation and explosions
3) add high score saving
4) add burst fire and more weapons
5) add power-ups
6) possibly implement shields
7) touch up some of the sprite textures
8) increase difficulty based on score
9) whatever else comes to mind that I think will be cool...
If you have any suggestions or run into any bugs, pm me.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Hackers have already tampered with the code of Rockstar's Manhunt 2 to reinstate the violent scenes and images thought to have been removed from the game.
The PSP version of the controversial title has been exploited less than 24 hours since the game was officially released in North America.
The PlayStation 2 version of the game had already been distributed across the internet via torrent sites, a move that Rockstar has blamed on Sony Computer Entertainment.
The game has been censored in the US in order for it to receive an M rating – and therefore a release – rather than the original AO rating it was given by the ESRB.
The illegal exploit of the original PSP code indicates that the scenes that were cut in order to secure an M rating were not removed from the full game, rather disabled, much like the Hot Coffee mini-games in Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has decided to keep the Gran Turismo 5 Prologue demo on the Japanese PlayStation Store until the end of the month, instead of yanking it down on the 11th.
In hindsight, we should have followed its example and dragged this information out a bit, because there isn't all that much to say besides that and this is only covering four lines so far. Five.
Fortunately there are some new shots to go with the announcement, picked up on by Kotaku after it surfaced on Game Watch. So look at them.
To download the demo, you'll need to make a fake Japanese account, which obviously we have no idea how to do and is very naughty Google Google Google.
GT5 Prologue, which consists of 50 cars and five tracks in 1080p, is due out in Japan on 13th December in Blu-ray and PlayStation Network download format, and should arrive here at some point too. We'll keep you updated.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jfig111
Ever wanted to be a chef with no Cookbooks or No Online Cookbooks? Then you want PSP Chef, The worlds best portable cooking guide.
20 Unique Starter Recipes including
-Waldorf Salad
-Tomato Soup
-Chicken Taco Blast
15 Main Course Recipes such as
-Fish & Chips
-Peppered Steak with 5 Star Gourmet Sauce
12 Mouth Watering Dessert Recipes, Including
-Marble Cheesecake
10 Great Drink Concoctions, Including
-Tang Colada
-Chocolate Smoothie Supreme
Pictures with each meal, drink, and dessert.
Easy Navigation
Tip section completely made in Javascript.
Music to listen to while cooking.
PSP Chef Released!
1. Download file
2. Read the instructions to get it going! I should release a 1.01 version to fix some bugs later.
Make Screen Mode "Normal" and set everything on except Conserve Memory. Turn it off
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November 1st, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nicovideo:
Hi all
I present you my last Homebrew : The Paparazzi Special Halloween !
What is this ?
In this game, you must take a photo of the stars who pass to the screen but before the battery is empty.
There is 5 levels in this version.
In this version , Cloos made an Halloween's design to celebrate Halloween (of course lol)
Download : The Paparazzi Special Halloween
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November 1st, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
The Load Mag team have released a new issue of their mag for the PSP, heres the details:
LOAD issue 9 is here, right on time, and with collectible covers.
Featuring 30 Days of Night, upcoming band Foals and Halo 3, pick your favourite cover and then delve deeper into our new issue.
We interview Sheffield indie stars Milburn as well as talk of the town new band Foals. We’ve also got reviews of new albums from The Hives and Delta Spirit.
Our film section this month is huge, giving our take on the hottest autumn releases including the mesmerizing American Gangster, Interview, 30 Days of Night, Death At A Funeral, Black Sheep and The Darjeeling Limited. We’re also giving you the chance to win the inspirational graphic novel behind 30 Days of Night in our exclusive competition.
After our exploits in Japan, we’ve got a photo spread on some of the crazy toys we picked up over there, and also give you the low down on one of fashion’s most talented young designers.
With autumn comes a new wave of TV shows so check out our feature to find out which are worth watching.
Finally, there’s a PSP game review after a long absence of decent quality games. Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars is given our critical eye alongside Halo 3, Sega Rally and Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has released a new patch for PS3 shooter Resistance: Fall of Man.
It's available for download now via the PlayStation Network. Along with fixing numerous bugs, the gives you the option to take in-game screenshots using a USB keyboard and play password-protected custom games.
You can also expect weapon balance changes and round balancing options and support for the new Dual Shock 3 - even though it's not in Europe or the US till spring.
For more information and to download the patch, visit the PlayStation Network.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
NIGathan has updated his homebrew shooter for the PSP, heres whats new:
now compatible with 3.71
added a random enemy spawner
added multiple enemies
added a 7 song tracklist. when a song is over the next song will start or you can press L to skip a song.
fixed bullets
added more detail when you die
fixed point system
fixed slow mo
now cpu is only overclocked to 333MHz while loading for faster loading times
fixed collision so instead of being “better†its now fully working
fixed a little shooting bug
added a slow mo re-generator. when you get a certain amount of points the power-up will come in from the right.
now R will also activate slow mo along with square.
fixed various bugs
Download at Official Site (45MB)
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November 1st, 2007, 20:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The FlatOut series will be making its debut on a handheld platform next year when FlatOut: Head On is released exclusively for PSP.
We were all about the rag doll physics-based stunt games in the Xbox version of the game. You had to launch your driver through the windscreen of your car at high speeds to hit a range of wacky targets - what's not to like about that?
These 'rag-doll Olympics' - as they're known among fans - will also be featured in full in the portable version.
A total of 40 cars and nine gameplay options (including Career, Carnage and Death Match Derby modes) will also be crammed onto the little UMD.
"Early 2008" is as specific as Empire could be with the release, but we've got the first screens below.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
While we reported on the topic (with plenty of juicy details) last week, here's even more confirmation that the PS3 firmware 2.0 is soon on its way. Over on the official semi-official Sony blog Three Speech, when one commenter wondered about a time line for the 2.0 firmware, a Three Speech moderator replied:
News on that is coming tomorrow but it will be within the next two weeks!!
In other words, stay tuned for more info tomorrow (Nov 2) about an update that will probably hit within two weeks.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has said we will get the European demo for Uncharted: Drake's Fortune before the end of November, although when exactly is still not decided.
It follows comments made by game director Amy Hennig on the official PlayStation blog that those of you across the pond will be able to download it next Thursday.
There is no word on what will be in the sampler just yet, but we expect it will be a mission or two from the Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider hybrid that maybe involves thumping some baddies in the face and clambering around some mossy old ruins in a jungle. You may even shoot guns.
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November 1st, 2007, 20:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A trio of exclusive Uncharted videos have been sprinkled generously across the mighty Eurogamer Empire, capturing our early progress in Naughty Dog's anticipated PS3 adventure.
Introducing Nathan Drake as the new Indiana Jones of gaming (and nothing at all like a male Lara Croft, obviously), Uncharted marks the US developer's PlayStation 3 debut, having enjoyed huge success on PSone and PS2 with slavering, ginger maniac Crash Bandicoot, and platforming partners Jak & Daxter.
Of the three exclusive videos showing today, our very own Eurogamer TV offers a taster of Drake's acrobatic and ballistic skills, with a scramble through the jungle and firefight deep in the bowels of a temple.
Meanwhile, over on Eurogamer.de,having crashlanded in dangeorous territory, take a peek at some of the early-doors action scenes Drake will encounter in his hunt for the lost treasure of El Darado.
Last but not least, say a big "salut!" to our Gallic chums at Eurogamer.fr, who have a more cerebral video vignette, highlighting the Tomb Raider-style puzzles our hero must think his way out of to progress.
Uncharted will be raiding PS3's tomb from December 7th in Europe. Watch out for our full review soon.
Trailers here
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November 2nd, 2007, 07:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sony psp player
I made a small pong game with a customiseable background. The ball avoids black pixels, it can't go over them. You can make your own bg.png and draw some black lines onto it to make a custom map.
There is an english and a german EBOOT.PBP in the 7zip.
The game runs on the 3xx Kernel and on the Slim PSP.
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November 2nd, 2007, 07:31 Posted By: wraggster
via acidmods
Ok this is my current mod im doing . At the moment it isnt finished completely as i have yet to wire up the d pad - but withe the current releases of joysens i dont think there is much point in doing so (although i may if i have time between other mods im doin). I am rubbish at the game in the vid and the turning in wipeout pure is really hard but i assure you that all the buttons shown ARE WORKING. Anyway onto the vid:
PS: sorry about green thing i dunno how to get rid of it and it just appeared
pps: thanks for the tut PVP - if anyone wants to do this mod with/without dpad then pvp has written a brief tut
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November 2nd, 2007, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jaklub:
Hello. I made the PSP Homebrew game named "JPong 0.3". It's Pong remake (yep, Pong will never die out). You control your paddle with D-pad (first player) or triangle and cross (second player). It contains music, sounds, 1player and 2player modes, pause, map selecting, etc. I'm going to make new versions.
He already updated to v0.4
Hello again. I just released JPong 0.4. I write about this in this thread, because I won't make new one for it.
* 2player mode bugfix (2player mode didn't run in JPong 0.3)
* ball bugfix
* paddle sprite edited
+ 3 new bgs
+ new music track
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November 2nd, 2007, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v3.8
Heres Whats New:
- added a metronome feature.
- enabled to save CPU clock settings.
- bundled kernel3.00 version (in kernel3 folder) that cannot do following feature:
-- connecting to PC via USB.
-- flash memory maintenance.
-- writing files into flash0 (though flash1 can be modified).
-- showing flash device information.
- added a feature to access ZIP archive file. (read-only)
- changed normal-color to directory-color for archive file's directory.
text viewer:
- able to read LATIN1-1252 encoding.
picture viewer:
- fixed a bug that a progress indicator remained on screen when it finished to read a small picture.
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November 2nd, 2007, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jfig111
Ever wanted to be a chef with no Cookbooks or No Online Cookbooks? Then you want PSP Chef, The worlds best portable cooking guide.
Update 1.10 for PSP Chef!
-Bug fixed for "Don't Gross Out The World" Food trivia [Main Page]
-New Icons, Linking to "Cook Online" and "Sendernet" [Main Page]
-Fixed bug for Tiramisu [Recipes]
-You can now add your own recipes Manually! [Recipes]
How to add recipes:
1. Make any recipe, (5 Max.) save them as, addon1.html, addon2.html, addon3.html, addon4.html, addon5.html. If lets say you only had 2, just save addon1.html, and addon2.html.
2. Put them in the "PSPChef" folder
3. Go on your PSP, and in the recipes section, you will see 5 new icons, "Addon" they say on them.
4. You should be able to view your recipe, you can customize your recipe, put pictures, or anything, then if you want them to be shared, upload them and post a link in the forum for the world to see your creation!
PSP Chef 1.10 Released!
1. Download file from (Download PSP Chef 1.00!)
2. Read the instructions to get it going!
Make Screen Mode "Normal" and set everything on except Conserve Memory. Turn it off
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has confirmed that PSP versions of Final Fantasy I and II will both be making their way over here and indeed to all PAL territories for early 2008. Providing they save often and bring enough potions.
They've been out for a while in the US, as you may know. So long, in fact, that we've reviewed both. I got 6 and II got 4. So that's 10 overall! Woo!
One of the reasons our resident reviewers weren't that impressed with the remakes - despite their sexy polishing jobs - is that they weren't very good to start with, and that you can get both on one cartridge for GBA. Not that we liked that either.
Oh look, maybe your mileage will vary. "FINAL FANTASY and FINAL FANTASY II are the foundations of the Square Enix success story," said John Yamamoto, president and CEO of Square Enix Ltd. No need to shout. "They are the first two steps in the long and distinguished history of the FINAL FANTASY franchise." He's doing it again! "With these beautiful new versions, fans can now experience the origins of FINAL FANTASY wherever they go."
Providing they take a PSP, obviously, with which they can experience new dungeons, widescreen visuals, redrawn artwork and 10 out of 20 gameplay.
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Thought PlayStation 2 hardware sales were going to quietly disappear after the revenue frenzy of Christmas? Think again – Sony is preparing to introduce a new, cut-price model of the console in early 2008.
MCV can exclusively reveal that this ‘compact’ PS2 will hit the US at just $99 in the New Year – a reduction of $30 from its current selling price of $129.
If a similar percentage cut is introduced in the UK, retailers can expect to sell the revamped system for just £75 – or maybe lower.
The new version has a built-in power supply – unlike the current Slim model – allowing the platform holder to manufacture it more economically and sell it at the bargain price.
The news will surely come as a blow to Sony rivals Nintendo and Microsoft, who have see sales of PS2 suffer somewhat due to the introduction of Wii and Xbox 360 in recent years.
PS2 this week celebrated its seventh anniversary, during which time it has sold over 120 million units worldwide. Yet this cut demonstrates Sony’s belief that the system’s market is far from exhausted.
Last month, publisher bosses from the likes of Eidos, Ubisoft and Atari suggested to MCV that a price cut on the console could massively reinvigorate its sales figures.
A Sony spokesperson refused to comment when contacted by MCV.
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Something PS3 owners must be getting used to by now is waiting a little longer for games to come to their platform, but in Eternal Sonata's case, the extra wait means you'll get two more characters to play as, which is nice.
As an exclusive treat to PS3 owners, the characters Serenade and Prince Crescendo, who were non-playable characters in the 360 version, will be fully playable. These characters will bring with them new story sequences as well, according to Dengeki Online (via Kotaku).
That should add a little extra incentive to lure in Gamerpoint junkies who usually go for the 360 version, which is out now (and you can check out our review of that right here).
The PS3 version of the game is yet to get an official release date.
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Electronics President Stan Glasgow says Blu-ray player prices will likely not fall under $399 this holiday season.
"(The player will be) in the $399 range...I don't expect it to go much lower than that," Glasgow said today, according to TWICE Magazine.
Glasgow made his comment today following an announcement from Wal-Mart that it will sell the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player for $98 as a special pre "Black Friday" sale starting tomorrow.
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the details:
Raw code below .. can be used on Gameshark/Xploder and Codebreaker
903cc5f8 0c0f3126
Clear Exacution
205bcbf0 3D4CCCCD
205bcbf4 3D4CCCCD
205bcbf8 3C23D70A
or for the ppl that have CB7+ (Best divice)
Enabler code on the Codebreaker site
Clear Exacution
365D3351 31B86BE3
6F471D12 76B66531
47E365F4 41A619C0
Above info was hacked by me :P
Hope u all happy .. if it only works on the first level let me know and i can Fix that lol . but im betting it will work on them all .
email me Skillerconverting@gmail.com
Codemasters For life :P
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom blatantly knows we haven't had to deal with 40MB worth of screenshots in a while, so it's slapped a colossal collection of Devil May Cry screens into our inbox big enough to take up most of our afternoon in the uploading process. Thanks, Capcom.
The latest shots - if you haven't skipped our blurb and gone straight to the screenshot viewer already - show off a rather lovely jungle level for Nero to shoot and slash his way through.
It's out in February for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It should be wicked.
Some 38 screenshots here
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November 2nd, 2007, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
More Codes this time from Lordhex
Fear Not Gamer, Just As You expected the uncensor codes with no MOD is available now. i work had on codes for all gamers to play Manhunt 2 how it was suppose to be played. NO MORE CENSORSHIP! Play directors cut with ActionReplay!!!!
Thank you friends; please enjoy what I have for now. A even MORE uncensored version will be coming quickly.
Super Censored Kills
Directors Cut Kills
Clear Cam Directors Cut Kills
here is all of the codes I made not incrypted
Super Censored Kills
045BCBF0 00000000
045BCBF4 00000000
045BCBF8 00000000
Directors Cut Kills
045BCBF0 42C80000
045BCBF4 42C80000
045BCBF8 42C80000
Clear Cam Directors Cut Kills
005B2068 00000000
045BCBF0 42C80000
045BCBF4 42C80000
045BCBF8 42C80000
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November 2nd, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who own Manhunt 2 and want to see the uncensored parts can now do with the release of cracker's auto patcher for Manhunt 2.
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November 2nd, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia

Experience the excitement of true next-gen action as you take on the role of Inspector Tequila from John Woo’s influential action film, Hard Boiled starring Chow Yun-Fat. Ensnared by a crime boss with a gripping secret, Inspector Tequila is forced to cross the line from sworn duty to bloody revenge. Engage your enemies with intense cinematic gun battles and cause massive environmental damage in real-time or revolutionary slow-motion Tequila Time.
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November 2nd, 2007, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia

Become a Legend: Face off against guitar icon Slash and others in insane boss battles featuring original tracks recorded exclusively for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.
Rock Out Online Or Party Offline: Defeat opponents to achieve legendary status in head-to-head competition including the all new guitar battle or share the glory with a friend in the new co-op career mode.
Fully Immersive Concert Experience: Realize a true rock concert experience with all new venues, incredible lighting effects, authentic instruments and sick character moves.
Incredible Soundtrack: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock features over 70 of the biggest and loudest songs ever compiled in a game! Rock out to songs such as: Welcome to the Jungle, Rock You Like a Hurricane, Sabotage, Suck My Kiss, Cherub Rock and Mississippi Queen.
Guitar Hero WIRELESS Les Paul Guitar Controller: Strap on your Guitar Heroâ„¢ WIRELESS Les Paul Guitar Controller, power on, and CRANK IT UP!
Crank Up the Volume and prepare to rock around the globe with Guitar Heroâ„¢ III: Legends of Rock. Battle against some of the greatest legends to ever shred on a guitar and become one yourself! Take your skills online against other Guitar Hero players from around the world.
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November 2nd, 2007, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia

The Simpsons™ Game features a hilarious, sprawling, and mind-busting storyline crafted by the TV show’s Emmy Award-winning writers. The action-comedy will also feature the full cast of voice actors from the TV show who will reprise their roles for the game. In The Simpsons Game, Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new powers to save the world from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers at home must journey through all of Springfield (as well as vast worlds beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of villains, and fight their way through parodies of popular games.
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November 2nd, 2007, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia

Xbox 360 Achievement tips
pages: 128
Platform: PS3, XBox360, PC
Detailed walkthrough of all levels
Multiple strategies for various scenarios
Occult power combos
Tips to unlock all Extras
There's only one way to survive The Box. . .and that's with Prima as your guide.
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November 2nd, 2007, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia

Platform: PlayStation 3
pages: 208
In-depth item and equipment lists.
Expert boss strategies.
Detailed bestiary.
Coverage of all Side Quests, Cloaks and Pages.
Two strangers are drawn to the mysterious town of Doolin, where it is said that
the living can speak to the dead. They soon learn the town serves as a gateway
to fantastic worlds that exist beyond their own, realms full of creatures, fairies,
spirits, and monsters. In order to solve the mystery of the town, the pair must
journey through these worlds to discover their secrets. Will they have the
courage to survive the adventure that awaits them?
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November 2nd, 2007, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia

Platform: PlayStation 3
pages: 192
Extensive listing of all weapons, gadgets and devices.
Expert boss strategies.
Detailed Monsterpeidia.
Signature Series guide features bonus poster and more!
Get ready for a galactic adventure filled with explosive mayhem as the Ratchet &
Clank series makes its PS3 debut. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of
Destruction marks the beginning of a brand-new series of next-generation games
for the gadget-building hero, Ratchet, and his brainy robotic sidekick, Clank.
After saving countless planets from dreadful doom and earning intergalactic
celebrity status in the process, Ratchet and Clank have taken some welldeserved
R&R -- again. Yet, Ratchet remains restless. An orphan of the
universe, he has never known anything of his past, his family or his Lombax
origins. And no one can fill that void. Unfortunately for Ratchet, someone else
is equally interested in Ratchet's origins: Emperor Percival Tachyon. In his
thirst for revenge, the vile tyrant of an ancient race of foul insect-like monsters
called Cragmites has festered an age-old grudge and is bent on wiping the lastknown
Lombax off the universe!
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November 3rd, 2007, 08:57 Posted By: wraggster

News/release from MarioVallo03
We Kalog Dev Team (mariovallo_03, Chicopi_jynx17,Joelitoper mejo) are releasing our second developed homebrew named Culture Clash. A fighting game composed of 3 characters namely Maria Ozawa, Saaya Irie and Erika Sato.
This game is developed from Lua programming language. this is our second release since we released our first homebrew naruto pocket.
Heres the instuctions
1. extract the files
2.put the folders named Culture clash and Culture clash% to Game150.
Note: This game is not working on slim psp's since it has no support for 1.5 kernel.
Hope you like it!!!!
kalog Dev team
heres the link
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via mariovallo03
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November 3rd, 2007, 09:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the full release info:
http://pspframework.sourceforge. net
PSPFramework 1.0 is a framework for development games 2D with oslib using OOP.
Database System
Animation Frame
Animation Sheet
Splash System
Resource Manager
Robson Rufino
Kedny Cavalcanti
Thiago Palange
Ney Estrabelli
You need OSLib for use framework.
Thanks Brunni for great library.
load images psp the crash because it was always pressing in VRAM, add param location for load images in VRAM or RAM (OSL_IN_RAM or OSL_IN_VRAM).
Optimized the class of splash
param location on PSPFImage, you load image using this:
image = new PSPFImage(264, 123,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551, "myimage.png");
Collision method on PSPFGraphics, You can use on AnimationFrame, AnimationSheet, Sprite, how to use:
sprite->collidesWith(otherSprite );
if Have collision this return true.
New Installer avaiable here: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/psp...se_mirror=osdn
The source for framework is avaiable on SVN:
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November 3rd, 2007, 09:07 Posted By: wraggster
ChillyWilly has released an update to his port of Doom to the PSP, heres the release info:
Here's my conversion of ADoomPPC, one of the better DOOM conversions (for the Amiga). It's got a simple, decent gui that runs before you start the game which allows you to set most of the major DOOM settings. On the Slim PSP, it supports TV out. This arc includes the source, two sets of MIDI instruments and the shareware WAD file. Up to date as of 2007/11/02.
v1.2 is up. Although I haven't been able to get my router to cooperate, networking should work in theory. The reason I'm posting now is I made the rendering almost twice as fast.
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November 3rd, 2007, 19:38 Posted By: CaptainMorgan4
StrmnNrmn has updated his blog and it looks like R13 will be here for tomorrow, expect more updates with a changelog soon too!
"Saturday, November 03, 2007
Daedalus R13 Soon
I've just about finished implementing the last couple of savestate features I talked about last week.
I've got a bit of polishing to do and a little bit more testing, but I'm hoping I should be able to release R13 sometime tomorrow (Sunday).
I'll post again then with a complete list of changes and links to the latest builds for you to download. See you then!
Via StrmnNrmn's Blog: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
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November 3rd, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: DarthPaul
Weltall released a new revision of the PSP's Cheat Device. For those who don't know, CWCheat is a cheating device for PSP, supporting every game on the PSP and PSX.
- [ALL] increased priority from 0x64 to 0x32 to resolve the problems with "crash of the titans" which let cwcheat run it's thread only sometimes, making extremely difficult to call the cwcheat menu or other features.
- [POPS] fixed a check in the search for a difference in the cheat searcher to be proper in the pops build. Previously it blocked this function from working.
- [ALL] now the in game menu is cleared before going out from it.
- [ALL] Added a check to avoid entering the cheat mod menu if there are no cheats in the list
- [ALL] Major speed improvement in the fixed value search. A search for zero which took before 55 minutes now it takes just 10 minutes (550% faster)
- [ALL] Major speed improvement in the diff value search. A search for equal just after a first dump took before 1 hour and 50 minutes now it takes just 15 minutes (733% faster)
- [ALL] applied speed improvement changes also to the text search function but the improvement wasn't tested
- [ALL] Reduced prx size by about 500bytes from improvements in the search functions
- [ALL] Added a check for the user to release the SQUARE button while selecting found addresses, in this way it won't go directly to the disasm screen but let also check the memory editor (without using the cancel button)
Enjoy cheating. 
Source: CWCheat
Download: Here
I would appreciate if someone could upload it for me, I'm getting an error while doing it.
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November 3rd, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: DarthPaul
Dark_AleX released a full-screen patch for the PSP's Castlevania game, Dracula X Chronicles: SOTN. Here's what he has to say:
It is a patch to enable fullscreen in the Symphony of Night included in the game (note: only sotn, this doesn't patch Rondo of Blood).
It will replace the larger mode with the full screen one.
- Make an iso of the umd. (note: the iso must be decompressed, not cso, you can compress it after the patch if you want).
- run the program in the command line as "sotn_fs path_of_iso", and done, you can play SOTN at fullscreen.
Via: Dark_AleX
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November 3rd, 2007, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jaklub:
Hello. I made the PSP Homebrew game named "JPong 0.3". It's Pong remake (yep, Pong will never die out). You control your paddle with D-pad (first player) or triangle and cross (second player). It contains music, sounds, 1player and 2player modes, pause, map selecting, etc. I'm going to make new versions.
Now updated to v0.5
Hello. I just released next version of JPong - 0.5. Now there are some new things that make gameplay more interestring!
Change log:
*changed track of Lolcat map
+selecting special objects on the map (3 now: large wall, 2 large walls, vertical speeder)
+new track
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November 3rd, 2007, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Despite lacking sound (use iR Shell, listen to your own tunes) this version boost fixes the enemies sticking together glitch, as well features other various enhancements.
Change log from 1.0 to 1.2:
Enemies no longer get stuck to each other!
Current Level diplayed on HUD and when you lose.
3,2,1 Go! before each level and after each time you die.
Ability to move before enemies (for positioning)
Fixed enemy positions at beginning of levels
Powerup moves from top to bottom
Fixed explosion animation
Pausing is a little smoother
New HUD background image
Lives are displayed as mini-images in HUD
New title screen splash image
New gameover text, background, and sequence
New enemy colors
Kudos theb1rdm4n. Awesome work.
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November 4th, 2007, 02:31 Posted By: sourced
Alot of people Have been having Problems With The manual method of patching manhunt 2, AND the .exe auto patcher that has recently been released, so now, i present to you, "ppf-o-matic"
this is an auto patcher for Manhunt 2 On the psp, which is guaranteed 100% to work on the FULL UNTOUCHED ISO.
Heres how to use it.
Download the .rar file i have attached, and extract "Manhunt auto patch(easy)" to your desktop.[there should be two files in that folder, "ppf-o-matic3" and "patch.PPF"
Put your ripped manhunt 2 iso in the same folder as the auto patcher
now, open up "ppf-o-matic", there should be two white boxes, "iso file" and "patch".
click the disket icon on the "iso file" box and browse over to where the manhunt 2 iso is and click open.
click the disket icon on the "patch" box and browse over to where the "patch.ppf" file is.
now click the icon which says "apply"
you should now have the uncensored version of manhunt 2, simple, easy, and hassle free.

You must own your own version of Manhunt 2, any discussion of how to get isos will lead to a ban.
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November 4th, 2007, 10:27 Posted By: wraggster
That will possibly be the only major problem for devs for both consoles in the near future.
1). Lack of memory on the PS3.
2). Lack of storage space on the Xbox 360.
Watch out for that one. It will be here sooner than you think, if not already.
But everyone, just bear this in mind. The Xbox 360, for all the bagging it gets, is really quite a powerfull piece of kit. It has 3 seperate PPC cpus, which basically equates to 6 hardware threads. It has more memory to play with, a superior GPU, and superfast bus rate.
All the BS talked about GOW pushing the 360 is almost toss. Sorry. It was only running on two thread system. And even that engine was very buggy and "heavy" at the time. If not totally overated in its own right as well.
Honestly, if MS decided to put some form of a HD disc in it, Blu Ray or HD-DVD, the damn thing would be almost future proof, with the exception of the over heating, ofcourse.
Because, as it stands, the PS3 only has the storage space over the 360. Its not anymore "advanced" at all, and in many ways, slightly less.
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November 4th, 2007, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
Well, we didn't have to wait for anyone to crack open their PS3 to check, because Sony has squashed all rumors that the new $399 40GB PlayStation 3 SKU is featuring 65nm chips (shrunk from their 90nm standard). While we'll save you the copy and pasted rough auto translation, Sony essentially said that 65nm is not here yet but that they were working on it for the future.
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November 4th, 2007, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster

I was browsing Amazon UK yesterday while the wife was decorating and come across what i thought was a print error, the TeckNet TYP-107 PSP Li-Polymer 3600mAh Rechargeable Battery for Sony PSP was on sale for a very low priced £2.99.
Now i would think its only for PSP Phats (original PSP) but considering the battery that comes with your system is a measly 1800mAh in power this is a big temptation.
Buy TeckNet TYP-107 PSP Li-Polymer 3600mAh Rechargeable Battery
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November 4th, 2007, 17:00 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Hold on to that PS2 (especially chose the 40 gigabyte PS3 model)! The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that Flight Plan and Banpresto, who previously teamed up for the Summon Night series, are working on an original strategy RPG for the aging system.
In Poison Pink, you play as three characters, Thazi, Olifen and Harshu. Each character has his own story, set in world of Beseku, which exists in that space between the real and demon worlds.
Gameplay seems to follow the convention of switching off between a home base and battle maps. When in your base, you build up your army, purchase new weapons, and take part in event scenes with your characters. Out on the battle field, action takes place on a grid, only the twist here is that enemy and ally movements are intermixed rather than player and enemy sides being given a full turn to move all their forces.
While out on the battle field, you can capture your enemies. Demons whom you've captured can be taken back to your base for customizations. You can add them to your army and even transform them into special items!
Poison Pink will be released to Japan in Spring 2008.
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November 4th, 2007, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
ITS Released, More Info Here
Digg This
StrmnNrmn is to release Daedalus his great Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP later today and while we wait why not post your favourite Nintendo 64 Games and the ones you would love most to work on this emulator.
For me the Mario 64 and Mario Kart games are always high on my agenda but also Pilotwings and the unusual ones like Starcraft 64 and C&C64
Whats your fave N64 games ?
Also for those of you who like playing around and modding games then we have our Nintendo 64 Homebrew News Site which features downloads and tools for every Game Editor released.
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November 4th, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Emulation scene and many devs could do with a PSP Emulator for windows that can be used for development and today Warren at the ps2dev forums has posted this update:
I just got back into some PSP Dev and picked up your EMU source. I implemented v1.5 kexploit support and fixed a bug around not having the umd device defined at all.
Lets hope a public release isnt too far away, to refresh the minds of those who remember this emulator and those who are new heres some more info on the emulator project.
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November 4th, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from deerwings:
I've been tweaking the keyboard page a little bit more, and now it has the ability to open pages in the current tab the keyboard is in, or work with the other two tabs without closing the keyboard tab as well. You can switch between tabs with Square + LTrig. At this time, I don't think I can make the keyboard pass text entered in the field to another input box on a different tab, especially considering that the PSP browser automatically opens the built-in OSK, which forces you to have to close it before returning to the browser. This is a current limitation to the PSP browser I cannot bypass at this time. It would require a re-write to the PSP browser itself, and I don't have those skills.
However! In accordance with other suggestions I'm looking into the potential of using Javascript to render pages, but I think that may be too costly memory-wise without the use of some kind of pre-renderer that would reduce the page sizes and still may not solve the text entry problem. This was outside the scope of this particular project in the first place anyhow.
Perhaps someone might code a completely new PSP browser (Other than Lynx) with completely custom entry methods?
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via deerwings
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November 4th, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: papayo
StrmnNrmn has just released the 13th version of his N64 emulator. One of the new features is the long awaited savestate option! That's right, you'll be able to save your game at any given point. This'll certainly make the slower games more playable.
Many speed improvements have been added. I myself have tested Super Mario 64 and it's running full speed at some parts!
As for the full changelog:
[+] Savestate support.
[^] Improved dynarec load/store code generation to remove a branch and a couple of instructions.
[^] Dynarec now generates much better code for fragments which branch to themselves.
[^] Dynarec load/stores through the stack pointer are now much more efficient.
[^] Avoid invalidating the instruction cache where possible.
[^] Simplified CPU event handling, making it slightly more efficient.
It was certainly worth the wait! It’s like they say, good thing will come to those who wait 
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Also for those of you who like playing around and modding games then we have our Nintendo 64 Homebrew News Site which features downloads and tools for every Game Editor released. Make your own version of Mario64.
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November 5th, 2007, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JBskateur:
Voila my brand new homebrew, I appointed wormstation, worms with a particularity, the movement is in real time and to shoot it takes a moment that your worms will be ready for the moment only a multiplayer mode (on the same psp) small screen:
Up, down, left, right, direction of player 1
Cross, round, square, triangle, direction of player 2
L: shooting Player 1
A: Shooting Player 2
Scheduled for future realese:
- A nice menu
A mode - with a solo IA
Several map
And thereafter
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November 5th, 2007, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JasonUK:
This is a minimal ELF menu for Pandora.
Replace ms0:/kd/resurrection.elf on your magic memory stick with the one included in this archive, so the PSP loads it when you insert the Pandora battery & memory stick, and it shows a list of ELFs inside the ms0:/elf folder (it will give a warning and shutdown if the folder doesnt exist or there are no ELFs inside it)
Use D-Pad up/down to choose the ELF you want to run, and press X.
Hold HOME and press D-pad up/down to reload the menu if something goes wrong with the arrow, I have fixed as many problems as I could but it's still pretty bugged up. The handling code isn't perfect, but it should have no trouble displaying at least 20 apps.
LoadExec seems to have problems if the filename contains spaces or symbols, so use underscores(_) instead. These will be converted to spaces on the menu, so they look nicer.
Applications containing _SLIM or _FAT at the end of the filename (e.g. blah_SLIM.elf) will be greyed out if the menu is not running on that model.
For example, keyCleaner_FAT.elf will be greyed out and unselectable on a Slim PSP.
If the ELF fails to run, the screen usually flickers and remains on the ELF menu.
Note: you must use ELFs with this, EBOOT.PBP files are likely to fail (Use PBPUnpacker to extract DATA.PSP from whatever EBOOT you want to run, and rename it to whatever.elf)
Finally, there is a Shutdown option at the bottom.
0.1a -> 0.2
- Applications containing _SLIM or _FAT at the end of the filename (e.g. blah_SLIM.elf) will be greyed out if the menu is not running on that model.
e.g. keyCleaner_FAT.elf will be greyed out and unselectable on a Slim PSP.
- Minor bug fixes
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November 5th, 2007, 13:45 Posted By: Baboon
TTYMAN has been a busy bee and has released the latest version of his excellent mame emulator for the PSP: http://ttyman.free.fr/?p=14#comment-2267 :thumbup:
Here's what the readme has to say:
Install directions:
- Copy in /PSP/GAME (firmware 1.5) or /PSP/GAME150 (firmware 1.5 compatibility for 3.xx OE release);
There are three different builds in archive:
1) PSP-100x (psp_mame4all_v4.9r1);
2) PSP-100x without neogeo and cps1 support (psp_mame4all_v4.9r1-fat-noneogeo-nocps1);
3) PSP-200x (psp_mame4all_v4.9r1-slim);
Use psp_mame4all_v4.9r1 as installation base, then replace EBOOT.PBP with your needed/preferred build;
- Recreate zipped roms with included ClrMame compatible .DAT files (v0.34-v0.36 mixed roms);
- Add created zipped roms files in ROMs subfolder and samples in samples subfolder;
Samples must be in .sam old Mame pre-v0.35 format, downloadable from http://www.mameworld.net/samples/sam.htm
Specific Features:
- Based on latest GP2X MAME4All release v4.9;
- 480×272 full PSP Hires Support, now games with >320 orizz. and >240 vert. pixels are fully playable (Loderun, Galaga etc.);
- Overclock support, from 133 to 333 MHz;
- Fixed, Fixed Divided by 2, Software Scaled and Software Full Screen Stretched resolutions (all maximum 480×272);
- Frameskip as GP2X version (fixed 0-5, auto 1-5);
- Vsync on/off;
- Save configuration support, default and per game;
- 22KHz with 16 voices predefined sounds, 33KHz and 44KHz frequencies with 4, 8 and 16 voices combinations added;
- Preliminary analog support;
- Autocentering fix for all resolutions;
- Optimized compiled code as derived from GP2X version, but for PSP cpu (fastest graphics core!);
- Stripped & Packed executable, only 2.1MB;
- Original graphics theme from Gold edition;
- Music in menu (filename music.psp in data folder), in these supported formats: .MOD, .S3M, .IT, .XM and .OGG;
- Added, as bonus, 1st classified OldSkool at Assembly 2007 Music Competition (Commodore 64 based), in .OGG format;
- Graphic theme 480×272 BMP skins support, both pspmenu480.bmp and pspsplash480.bmp in folder skins;
Specific Controls:
- Button SELECT: Insert credits.
- Button START: Play.
- Button HOME: after Pause exit game and return to menu.
- Buttons L+R: Activate/deactivate screen fixed/fixed div2/scale/stretch.
- Buttons L+R pressed during one second: Pause.
- Buttons L+HOME simultaneously: Reset emulation.
Fixed from 4.7r3 (same as 4.8r1 unreleased)
- Crash when sampled used.
- Unified builds, thanks to new Z80 core, Mame 0.53 based, compatible with system16, neogeo and classic roms.
- Implemented PSP-2000 (slim) specific support, so double memory available to load roms, thanks to keiich-san code.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Following reports that hackers were able to reinstate violence censored from the PSP version of Manhunt 2, the ESRB issued a statement defending its "M" rating.
"Our investigation indicates that the game's publisher disclosed to the ESRB all pertinent content in the authorized Mature-rated version of Manhunt 2 now available in stores, and complied with our guidelines on full disclosure of content," the statement read.
While noting that unauthorised versions of the game have been released on the Internet along with instructions on how to modify the code to remove the special effects filters that obscured certain violent depictions, the ESRB stated that it did not believe such modifications "fully restore the product to the version that originally received an AO rating, nor is this a matter of unlocking content."
"Manhunt 2's rating makes it unmistakable that the game is intended for an older audience. The unauthorized hacking into the code of this game doesn’t change that basic fact," said ESRB president Patricia Vance.
The ratings bureau made it clear that computer software and hardware devices are susceptible to unauthorised modification, and therefore game content could be changed in ways inconsistent with the assigned ESRB rating. Vance urged parents to monitor what their children are downloading to ensure that they are not removing the controls "put in place for their own protection."
In a conference call, Vance was asked how the latest situation differed from the "Hot Coffee" incident, in which hackers were able to unlock adult content on the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game. In that case, the ESRB re-rated the game AO (Adults Only), causing retailers to pull it from the shelves before Rockstar released a cleaned-up version.
Vance indicated that the "Hot Coffee" incident differed in that the GTA: San Andreas content was unmodified and merely unlocked, was not disclosed to the ESRB during the ratings process, and was easily accessible to owners of the PC version.
She was also asked about a situation involving The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, in which the ESRB re-rated the game after discovering previously undisclosed blood and gore in the game, not to mention topless art present on the disc that was not disclosed during the rating process.
In the case of Manhunt 2, the content in question had previously been disclosed to the ESRB, the content is being modified rather than being unlocked, and it requires unauthorised versions of software and/or hardware to play the modified content.
The ESRB is therefore standing by its M rating.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Game Republic has popped a website up for its new PlayStation Network title Dark Mist.
It is an action shooter title where you play as light warrior Altemis and try to stop a demon king having his wicked way. As you do.
According to a translation of the Japanese website by IGN there will be Sixaxis-shaking sections to clear enemies in close-quarters, but otherwise you will use a standard light arrow attack to do away with baddies or use a big bomb when things get a bit hairy and you want a breather.
Special attacks should also help you out a bit, and come in Split Star, Meteor Flare and Lightning forms.
It is due for release on 8th November in Japan for JPY 800 (GBP 3.40 / EUR 4.80). We are currently waiting to hear back from Sony Europe about plans for the game here.
Pop over to the Dark Mist website for a look at some minuscule screenshots.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Good news tin fans - Capcom sends word that a three-disc Devil May Cry 4 Collector's Edition will be in the shops in time for release for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The $79.99 (£38) tined edition comes complete with documentary-packed bonus DVD and the first volume of the Devil May Cry animated series (four episodes, apparently) which we've got an inkling might be a bit rubbish, but who knows.
The bonus DVD includes a making of feature, soundtrack extracts, a digital art book, wallpapers, icons and screen savers for your PC. Lovely.
It's out in North America on February 5. There's currently no word on a European release but we've left a message with Capcom asking about one. Lost Planet's tin made it over here, so we're feeling optimistic.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Zora has posted a new game which reminds me of the old Donkey Kong game on the Nes, heres the release newspost:
I'm glad to present to you Funky Kong!!!
Funky Kong is based off the classic barrel-jumping-hammer-bashing arcade game, Donkey-Kong!
Except, Funky Kong is a side-scroller unlike the original game. This time around, you'll
have to hurry and make it to the top, but by avoiding any possible danger. That includes;
Falling Barrels, Spinning Barrels, Flame Enemies, Flaming Barrels and finish off by a
boss battle after a level.
So far, the game is in beta form. It is still very buggy, but is playable.
Many elements of wich I wanted to include are in there, but more will come after the first
official release.
Some of the things of wich I plan to include in the future are:
Switches, Boss', Life system, time limit, and perhaps a password program to resume a level.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Empire has revealed that International Cricket Captain III will be heading to PS2 and PSP on 16th November.
It is the first time the sports management series has appeared on lounge-dwelling machines, and each will come with some unique bits and pieces.
The PS2 version will have new 3D highlights that will apparently be very similar to watching the game on the telly, while the PSP offering will focus on shorter matches like Twenty20 with Wi-Fi multiplayer.
International Cricket Captain III came out on PC in July and brought with it lots of fancy new bits like a better game engine, more motion-captured action, Ball Tracker to imitate telly-style replays, and commentary from sort of famous person Jonathan Agnew.
It will also have all the right player and team data so you can pretend your are England touring Sri Lanka or Ian Botham on the Shredded Wheat advert walking around and talking about his heart.
Pop over to the official International Cricket Captain website to get excited.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Empire has revealed that International Cricket Captain III will be heading to PS2 and PSP on 16th November.
It is the first time the sports management series has appeared on lounge-dwelling machines, and each will come with some unique bits and pieces.
The PS2 version will have new 3D highlights that will apparently be very similar to watching the game on the telly, while the PSP offering will focus on shorter matches like Twenty20 with Wi-Fi multiplayer.
International Cricket Captain III came out on PC in July and brought with it lots of fancy new bits like a better game engine, more motion-captured action, Ball Tracker to imitate telly-style replays, and commentary from sort of famous person Jonathan Agnew.
It will also have all the right player and team data so you can pretend your are England touring Sri Lanka or Ian Botham on the Shredded Wheat advert walking around and talking about his heart.
Pop over to the official International Cricket Captain website to get excited.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has posted a new release of his MSX emulator for the PSP, heres the release details and more info from the coder himself:
Version 3.4.5 of fMSX is out - it addresses most of the features mentioned in the Future of fMSX post. Here’s the complete list of changes:
MSXMUSIC and MSXAUDIO emulation can now be toggled on and off at any time
FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) controller activity indicator - displays an icon whenever the virtual floppy drive is busy
Optional hi-resolution renderer for screen modes 6, 7 and text-80
While MSXAUDIO and MSXMUSIC emulation speed is not perfect, it is significantly more improved than with the earlier versions - with only one of the two enabled, the emulator can still run at full speed (at 333MHz with V-Sync disabled). Since most MSX programs do not use either, keep the two turned off, enabling one or the other when necessary. Note that to initialize the sound emulation engine, fMSX PSP will take longer to start up if either is enabled.
As mentioned in the previous post, high-resolution engine is now available, but its use is discouraged - emulation is slower, visual improvements are marginal. Emulation is also slightly inaccurate - the solid-color 8-pixel wide borders to the sides of the image will not be rendered in high-resolution mode due to image constraints. There’s more discussion in documentation, if you’re interested.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has officially deployed the 1.1 patch for PeacePigeon aka WarHawk, and this time it actually meant to release it and everything. Game director Dylan Jobe describes it as "a fast download", which will zap its way down your Interpipes when you next fire up WarHawk.
But what does it do, I hear you ask? It addresses "critical issues with stats and connectivity". Specifically, "stat connection, fetch/post fixes; significantly improved client connection stability; quad '????' ping display bug fixed; added support for Player-Ranked Servers; game synchronisation fixes due to fluctuating network conditions (packet-drop); crash fixes for end of game and split screen".
But wait, that sounds boring! Fortunately, Jobe and his Incog pals are also working on a 1.2 patch that introduces new layouts for existing maps, clan and Buddy list options for servers and other interesting tweaks.
For more on WarHawk, check out our WarHawk gamepage. It's available now as a PSN download or in the shops on a disc with a manual and a headset.
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November 5th, 2007, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
ChillyWilly has released a new version of his port of Doom for the PSP which also includes the shareware files so no need to buy your own copy if you dont own it already, full details follow:
Here's my conversion of ADoomPPC, one of the better DOOM conversions (for the Amiga). It's got a simple, decent gui that runs before you start the game which allows you to set most of the major DOOM settings. On the Slim PSP, it supports TV out. This arc includes the source, two sets of MIDI instruments and the shareware WAD file.
v1.3 is up! Networking finally works; you can also play against
compatible PC/Mac/Amiga versions of DOOM. The GUI has been revamped to
make it easier to set up and play a network game. You can now set the
starting level and skill.
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November 5th, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via Elation
Tales of Phantasia for the Playstation is almost here, guys, in English. After 2 months of work, we are proud to announce to you that the translation completion has passed the halfway mark. In other words, we have all of the Present, about half of the Past, and more than half of the Future completely translated. The hacking itself is complete and only a few bug fixes and some layout reworks remain for the in-game menus. As we’ve repeatedly stated, this patch will be fully compatible with real hardware on its first release, like my SOTN Italian translation was.
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November 5th, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new powers to save the world from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers at home must journey through all of Springfield (as well as vast worlds beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of villains, and fight their way through parodies of multiple popular games.
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November 5th, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

An experiment at a secret research facility has gone catastrophically wrong. Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper are the only surviving subjects. The Pickman Project will stop at nothing to hunt them down and stop the truth from getting out.
Demented screams echo around the dank asylum that has caged you for the last six years. You open your eyes. A white-coated body slumps to the floor through your shaking hands. A bloody syringe slips from your arm. Waves of confusion and paranoia crash over you. You have no idea who you are or how you got here.
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November 5th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

Cars Mater-National features an all-new International group of racers vying for their chance to compete against Lightning McQueen in the First Annual Mater-National Race Festival, hosted by Lightning's best friend, Mater. Explore the new and improved open world of Radiator Springs, play in the all-new Monster Mode, jump into the fast lane with 6 new International racing competitors, burn rubber on new tracks, and twist and turn your way through new mini-games like Ramone's Rhythmic Rumble and Fillmore's Fuel Frenzy. Go head to head with over 10 multiplayer games.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia;

Laharl, just woken from a two-year long nap and finds out that his father, who was the king, has passed away. In order to regain his rightful title as King of the Netherworld, Laharl sets off on a demonic adventure, but must do so with a back stabbing servant, love stupid angel, and a few disgruntled penguins who are looking for trouble.
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness (aka. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Portable in Japan) is now available for PSPâ„¢ as US release version at US$ 39.90 only.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia;

Sequel to the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise, Manhunt 2 is an entirely new dark and disturbing psychological story revolving around the sinister events of Daniel Lamb's involvement in a secretive research project. Plunging into the depths of human psychosis, terror and paranoia, the twisted plot and brutal gameplay conspire to create the most atmospheric gaming experience ever. Experience this nightmarish work of art for yourself.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia;

Platform: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, DS
Pages: 272
BradyGames' Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Official Strategy Guide features a complete walkthrough of the entire game.
Detailed area maps pinpointing critical locations.
In-depth listing of items, equipment and weaponry.
Extensive enemy section.
Expert strategies for each mode of gameplay.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , the new action-thriller from the award-winning
team at Infinity Ward, the creators of the Call of Duty series, delivers the most
intense and cinematic action experience ever. Armed with an arsenal of
advanced and powerful modern day firepower, players are transported to
treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group
threatening the world. As both a U.S Marine and British S.A.S. soldier fighting
through an unfolding story full of twists and turns, players use sophisticated
technology, superior firepower and coordinated land and air strikes on a
battlefield where speed, accuracy and communication are essential to victory.
The epic title also delivers an added depth of multiplayer action providing
online fans an all-new community of persistence, addictive and customizable
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November 5th, 2007, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from UserXY:
My name's UserXY. Im a Lua PSP Coder from Switzerland. I've got released a Homebrew wich name is Galaxy Player. It's my first Lua Project. The Features are:
-Play Music
-Watch Pictures
-File Manager
-Lotto Generator
-Battery Options
-CPU Options
Maybe it's not perfect but it's a first way for my next project. The Download you can find on my page: www.Coders-Galaxy.ch.vu
And i'm sorry but it's in German. I will work on an english version.
English Readme:
Put the Galaxy Player and the Galaxy Player% in the Game Folder of your PSP. All Folders must be correctly like the Downloading Files (i'm sry for my bad english)
Music Player:
Select = Confirm
circle = Music Stop
triangle= Back to Main Page
Cross = MP3 File play
ONLY MP3 Files
Photo Viewer:
Select = Confirm
Circle = Back to Photo Viewer
triangle= Back to Main Page
Cross = See the Photo
ONLY for JPEG and PNG Files
File Manager:
Cross = Confirm
PLease for Comments
Here is the directly Download Link
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November 5th, 2007, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Take control of the Omnitrix and play as 5 different alien heroes from the show, including Four Arms, Heatblast, Cannonbolt, Wildvine and XLR8.
Collect experience points to upgrade your characters and unlock over 80 combo moves.
Venture to 14 different levels and unlock 4 challenge locations.
Challenge your friends in battle mode or play together in 2-player co-op mode.
An inter-dimensional crisis threatens to swallow the Earth into limitless darkness and Ben Tennyson suddenly finds that his alien powers have been stolen! As Ben and his family set out to recapture the source of his amazing abilities, they encounter armies of otherworldly minions and uncover a plot to suck the Earth into the Null void. Now you can join the Tennysons on an adventure across the U.S. to recover the lost pieces ofthe Omnitrix while battling villains from the show, including Kevin 11, Dr. Animo and more. In this time of chaos, it’s up to you to find some answers and save the Earth from ultimate destruction!
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November 5th, 2007, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Take control of the Omnitrix and play as 5 different alien heroes from the show, including Four Arms, Heatblast, Cannonbolt, Wildvine and XLR8.
Collect experience points to upgrade your characters and unlock over 80 combo moves.
Venture to 14 different levels and unlock 4 challenge locations.
Challenge your friends in battle mode or play together in 2-player co-op mode.
An inter-dimensional crisis threatens to swallow the Earth into limitless darkness and Ben Tennyson suddenly finds that his alien powers have been stolen! As Ben and his family set out to recapture the source of his amazing abilities, they encounter armies of otherworldly minions and uncover a plot to suck the Earth into the Null void. Now you can join the Tennysons on an adventure across the U.S. to recover the lost pieces ofthe Omnitrix while battling villains from the show, including Kevin 11, Dr. Animo and more. In this time of chaos, it’s up to you to find some answers and save the Earth from ultimate destruction!
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November 5th, 2007, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

TV-style presentation – Buzz! The Mega Quiz brings the ultimate interactive game-show to your living room.
Accessibility – easy to use “Buzzers†and the general knowledge themes on a huge variety of categories allows just about anyone to pickup and play.
Social competitive gaming – Buzz! The Mega Quiz is the perfect party starter and a great way to get up to eight of your family and friends playing together.
Get quizzed on everything– with over 5000 questions spanning a full range of subjects that include film, sports, history, music and even Buzz's own brand of wacky trivia.
Over 14 contestants to choose from and five game play modes (Multiplayer, Single, Team, Quickfire, Quiz Master).
Developed by Relentless Software, Buzz!™ The Mega Quiz is an all-new interactive quiz game. Buzz! The Mega Quiz is an easy to play, TV-style game show that delivers a socially competitive experience tailor-made for the PlayStation® generation with over 5000 questions across a variety of topics and genres, including fashion, music, sports, film and more. Buzz provides an accessible gaming experience that is played competitively by real people using one of four pick up and play Buzz! Buzzers. The Buzzers are fun to hold, easy to use and come packed in with the game.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Multi-player mode delivers rapid-fire gameplay of skill and speed for two to four players.
Easy accessible pick-up and play gets you right in the action. Just choose your monkey, enter your name and you are ready to test your skills.
The Buzz buzzers are easy to use for consumers of all ages.
Funny and engaging characters are enhanced with graphics and animations that are spot-on hilarious.
Choose from your favorite games to develop short, medium, long or custom tournaments and let your friends compete nose to nose in your favorite mini-games.
Single-player mode offers a simplified version of multiplayer, enabling gamers to practice skills and earn higher scores.
Developed by Magenta Software Ltd & FreeStyle Games Ltd, Buzz Jr.™ Jungle Party will captivate the young and casual gamer through over 25 competitive mini-games. Each mini-game offers a variety of fun fast paced gameplay of skill and speed that will appeal to the entire family – from the young to the young at heart. The gameplay experience is enhanced by a unique jungle environment, hilarious characters and solid gameplay for up to 4 players. The Buzzer is cool to use, easy to control and enables the experience and makes it accessible to everyone.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Cars Mater-National features an all-new International group of racers vying for their chance to compete against Lightning McQueen in the First Annual Mater-National Race Festival, hosted by Lightning’s best friend, Mater. Explore the new and improved open world of Radiator Springs, play in the all-new Monster Mode, jump into the fast lane with 6 new International racing competitors, burn rubber on new tracks, and twist and turn your way through new mini-games like Ramone’s Rhythmic Rumble and Fillmore’s Fuel Frenzy.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Are you ready to rock? Guitar Hero is a rock guitar simulation game that gives you the opportunity to become a music legend. Developed by critically acclaimed game developer Harmonix, Guitar Hero features some of the greatest rock songs of all-time. Look for Guitar Hero, a Best of E3 award winner, in the fall of 2005 on the PlayStation2.
Guitar Hero II is a rhythm-based music game that builds on the award-winning success of Guitar Hero. Shred Lead, Rhythm or Bass Guitar tracks in over 6 modes of play on over 55 licensed rock and roll songs all on a custom guitar-shaped controller. As with the previous games in the series, this game successfully fulfills the fantasy of what it's like to be a rock star.
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November 5th, 2007, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Experience the excitement of true next-gen action as you take on the role of Inspector Tequila from John Woo’s influential action film, Hard Boiled starring Chow Yun-Fat. Ensnared by a crime boss with a gripping secret, Inspector Tequila is forced to cross the line from sworn duty to bloody revenge. Engage your enemies with intense cinematic gun battles and cause massive environmental damage in real-time or revolutionary slow-motion Tequila Time.
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November 5th, 2007, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Cars Mater-National features an all-new International group of racers vying for their chance to compete against Lightning McQueen in the First Annual Mater-National Race Festival, hosted by Lightning’s best friend, Mater. Explore the new and improved open world of Radiator Springs, play in the all-new Monster Mode, jump into the fast lane with 6 new International racing competitors, burn rubber on new tracks, and twist and turn your way through new mini-games like Ramone’s Rhythmic Rumble and Fillmore’s Fuel Frenzy.
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November 5th, 2007, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Full six - axis motion control
Swappable analog stick and mouse
Playstationâ„¢ 1 , 2 and 3 game support
Programable motion feature
The fragFX is the perfect controller to help the lifelong mouse-clicking Computer gamer get the same ease of use from a console. It gives you that same PC style gameplay on the PS3 and doubles as an optimized mouse for PS Home and Web navigation. The fragFX was designed for all game styles, but it's optimal for 1st and 3rd person shooter games - fragging will never be the same . No game internal mouse support is needed; fragFX works with all games. Full six-axis motion control Swappable Analog stick and mouse Firmware Upgradeable (via computer) Programmable buttons (via computer) Playstation 1, 2 and 3 game support Adjustable sensitivity (Mouse sensitivity) Sony “PS Home†and "web navigation" support Frag button (Slows down targeting movement for better aim accuracy.) Programmable motion feature (Port a repetitive button function to a motion command, like gun reload)
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November 5th, 2007, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Built-in 4 microphone array.
Chat with up to 6 people at once.
Ultra fast frame rate of 120 frames per second ensures pristine video quality.
Engineered to work well in low light conditions.
Includes free EyeCreateâ„¢ Software download.
Revolutionize your interactive gaming and online communication experience with the PLAYSTATION®Eye USB camera. The PLAYSTATION®Eye has the ability to reduce background noise and focus on the spoken word for smoother, more accurate speech recognition and transfer. The fast frame rate allows for improved tracking and responsiveness for pristine video quality. The PLAYSTATION®Eye is also engineered to perform well in low-light conditions and includes a dual action lens for close-up and full body options.
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November 5th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Becus25/Darkmoon:
It's the new beta .
Improvements :
· Erase button now is R.
· Using square button , PSPcw will write special C characters.
I don't have the sufficient time for do it perfectly and I'm doing other application for PSP in my free time. If someone want release unofficial versions of this software, he/she has my permision.
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November 5th, 2007, 23:21 Posted By: CaptainMorgan4
StrmnNrmn has updated his blog since his latest R13 release of his magnificant Nintendo 64 Emulator. Seems like he wants us the fans to create some icons and backgrounds for his emulator as a competition, check it out!
"Monday, November 05, 2007
Icons for Daedalus
I've never taken the time to add icons to the Daedalus EBOOT.PBP. Mostly it's just because I've been lazy (when I develop Daedalus I usually run it through psplink rather than the XMB, so I rarely see the frontend), but also because I've never found a suitable set of icons to use.
There are plenty of icon/background packs floating around for Daedalus, but I've been reluctant to use any of them; I need something that I can freely distribute, but also something that doesn't infringe on any trademarks.
I'd like to add icons and a background to Daedalus for the next release, so I'm opening a 'competition' to try and find the best design. The 'prize' will be full credit in the release notes and on the Daedalus About screen (including a link to your website if you wish). Here's what I'm looking for:
Background 480x272, preferably in .png format
Icon 134*74, preferably in .png format
No use of Nintendo's trademarks! This means no use of the "N64" or "Nintendo" logos. Sorry. Be inventive!
You must own the work you submit, and give me permission to use it with Daedalus PSP
Email your submissions to me (strmnnrmn@gmail.com). I'll post all the submissions I receive by 16th November on this site to get people's thoughts, and make a decision the following Monday (19th November - that's two weeks today!)
Of course if you don't like whatever decision I make, you're always welcome to repack the Daedalus EBOOT.PBP and use any of the other graphics people send in 
Time to get mspaint fired up!
One thing I think he forgot was the creativity of music in the background of the emulator during viewing from the XMB. Personally I use the green icons from PochiStyle and have Diddy Kong Racing's music theme as the music. Well this looks to be a great new addition for style for R14, hoepfully we'll get some great results!
Via StrmnNrmn's Blog: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
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November 6th, 2007, 04:31 Posted By: JKKDARK
Nhervé released a new version of his pad plugin for PCSX2, the PlayStation 2 emulator for PC.
# Changed GUI, you can now bind keys or buttons to axes.
# Key values are replaced by key names (ie : "Key #65" -> "A") to make GUI more understandable.
# Implemented analog switching ("analog" button on PS2 pad).
# Rewritten input detection, now more light and should work better.
# Improved mouse support. Works very well.
# Rewritten config loading & saving, conf struct more light but you will need to re-map your buttons, different config struct in config file.
# Implemented complete support for POV diagonal directions :
-You can bind any control to a diagonal pov direction (ie : right-up)
-if you press a diagonal direction, the buttons matching the 2 directions will be pressed. (ie : you bind Right to right pov direction, up to up pov direction, press right-up, right and up will both be pressed.)
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November 6th, 2007, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
Perooz have again updated and another mass of quality mags for the PSP released.
Heres a rundown of whats new:
DailyCandy.com - Issue 003
Get the latest from DailyCandy.com for your mobile device including house & home, food & dink, arts, travel and much more.
TreeHugger.com - Issue 044
TreeHugger.com is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream bringing you green news, solutions, and product information.
Style.com - Issue 004
Get the latest from Style.com for your mobile device including fashion trends, people and parties, shopping, beauty and much more.
The Onion - Issue 029
Get the latest from TheOnion.com for your mobile device. “America’s Finest News Source†brings you the news and views that readers can’t get anywhere else.ov
TechCrunch.com - Issue 042
Get the latest from TechCrunch.com, a web blog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies.
PerezHilton.com - Issue 028
Get the latest from Perez Hilton (PerezHilton.com) for your mobile device including uncensored celebrity gossip, news and more.
Gizmodo.com - Issue 047
Get the latest content from Gizmodo.com for your mobile device including gadget and technology news, reviews and much more.
Esquire.com - Issue 031
Get the latest from Esquire.com for your mobile device including women, featured magazine articles, style, fiction and much more.
Car Magazine - Issue 031
Get the latest from Car Magazine (carmagazine.co.uk) for your mobile device including automotive news and reviews and much more.
AutoBlog.com - Issue 044
Get the latest from AutoBlog.com for your mobile device including automotive news, reviews, spy shots, galleries and much more.
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November 6th, 2007, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow77340 has released a new topdown racing game for the PSP.
Heres the translated release details:
Funracing is basically a set of encoded on car windows by Clement.S (website: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/clement.s/)
Accompanied by the GPL, see the file for more LICENSE.txt
Information and uses libSDL for the engine of games and libFMOD
The sound system.
He then focused on Sony Psp and adapted for Psp slim & lite (Kernel 3.X),
By me (shadow77340) version 2.1.
V2.1 demo for psp (shadow77340):
Port-of version 2.0 of the PSP and PSP SLIM / LITE
- Remove things for the PSP (nothing really huge only minor details that
Add them will be in a future release)
- Added a message "checkpoint" the arrival of a checkpoint
- Optimization of the code for psp to play on it without it ream (xD)
Port-of the use FMOD on SDL_mixer (fmod is not managed for the psp)
- Reorganization of games, the system map has changed and it is no longer possible to choose
Adding a fade esthéthique before leaving the game
- Possibilitee to take a screenshot during the games with a key R
His circuit (Championship)
- Fixed a "forgotten" who was not using the 5 IA available computers (almost all computers are now a different IA)
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November 6th, 2007, 10:00 Posted By: sourced
New PSP Color Looks Like a Shade of Red Lipstick
via Gizmodo

The limited edition Deep Red PSP you're gawking at launches in Japan next month in two flavors—one with the 1seg digital TV tuner, one without. The 1seg bundle also comes with a 1GB Memory Stick PRO Duo and a stand, while the standard box has a 32MB stick and is standless. No word on whether this bloody hue will hit stateside.
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November 6th, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that it will be introducing a new model PlayStation 2 to the market in the new year.
Already scheduled for release in Japan later this month, the new model comes with an integrated power supply and is lighter due to revised internal architecture.
The redesigned unit will come in three colours – Charcoal Black, Ceramic White and Satin Silver, with matching vertical stands sold separately.
Despite rumours, the new unit will not be any cheaper in Japan than the current model, retailing for JPY 16,000, and it looks likely the same business model will apply in the European market.
Last month Sony celebrated the seventh birthday of the 120 million-selling console, revealing that more than a billion units of software had been sold for the machine since it launched in 2000.
The PlayStation 2 currently has a recommended retail price of GBP 94.99 / EUR 129.99 in Europe.
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November 6th, 2007, 19:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony is to release a new model PlayStation 2 in Japan, with an integrated power supply and cosmetic changes.
Released on November 22, SCEJ claims the new model is lighter due to an overhaul of the design architecture. It will also feature a built-in AC adaptor.
Despite rumours, the system will not benefit from a price cut this year, as it will still retail for JPY 16,000 (EUR 96).
The eight-year-old system will have a cosmetic makeover, coming in Charcoal Black, Ceramic White and Satin Silver, with peripherals to match.
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November 6th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Time Crisis 4 has been in development for a while, yet we know little about it. What we do know is that it'll let you move your character as well as shoot, and these are the first images of the gun that'll make it all work.
Satsukawa explains the intricacies of designing a lightgun shooter of this type. "The Time Crisis team has been eager to implement a solution for moving and shooting to the series for years now - our development tools allow us to do this in early builds of games - but it was too difficult to implement this feature into a full game using only the Guncon 2 controller," he said.
So now he's making a new gun. "With our next title planned for the PS3 system, we began work on our next iteration of the Guncon hardware to bring new functionality to the series and allow us to implement our goals for a free-roaming Time Crisis experience," he added.
Below is a sketch of the initial ideas for a Guncon that could allow for Satsukawa to realise his aim. "We asked our designer to come up with a few illustrations showing a Guncon with one analog stick. After getting the results, we realized that this was going to be a more intimidating project than we had planned."
Protoype software was also made, as Satsukawa explains: "We worked for a month to create a prototype based on the Time Crisis 3 engine in which two players can move freely around a small square environment and try to shoot each other. ... Even though this early prototype only allowed for horizontal aiming, we felt confident enough in the design to move forward with the full game."
He concludes: "As we understood that we would have to implement vertical aiming in our game, we decided to revise our Guncon hardware designs to meet this goal. That was the real jumping-off point for Time Crisis 4, which I will cover in-depth soon in my next entry!"
We're interested to know if the Guncon will overcome the obstacle of working on LCD TVs (which old lightgun techniques won't work with) with a sensor bar like Wii (which doesn't simulate accurate aiming) or another way.
Photographs of the gun here
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November 6th, 2007, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Jason UK has released a new version of his Elf menu for Pandora, heres the release details and info:
This is a minimal ELF menu for Pandora.
Replace ms0:/kd/resurrection.elf on your magic memory stick with the one included in this archive, so the PSP loads it when you insert the Pandora battery & memory stick, and it shows a list of ELFs inside the ms0:/elf folder (it will give a warning and shutdown if the folder doesnt exist or there are no ELFs inside it)
Use D-Pad up/down to choose the ELF you want to run, and press X.
Hold HOME and press D-pad up/down to reload the menu if something goes wrong with the arrow, I have fixed as many problems as I could but it's still pretty bugged up. The handling code isn't perfect, but it should have no trouble displaying at least 20 apps.
LoadExec seems to have problems if the filename contains spaces or symbols, so use underscores(_) instead. These will be converted to spaces on the menu, so they look nicer.
Applications containing _SLIM or _FAT at the end of the filename (e.g. blah_SLIM.elf) will be greyed out if the menu is not running on that model.
For example, keyCleaner_FAT.elf will be greyed out and unselectable on a Slim PSP.
If the ELF fails to run, the screen usually flickers and remains on the ELF menu.
Note: you must use ELFs with this, EBOOT.PBP files are likely to fail (Use PBPUnpacker to extract DATA.PSP from whatever EBOOT you want to run, and rename it to whatever.elf)
Finally, there is a Shutdown option at the bottom.
0.2 -> 0.2a
- Fully detects motherboard revision based on Tachyon and Baryon numbers (hardware revision info)
- Increases screen brightness to 80% (only on the fat PSP).
- Battery info in the top right corner
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November 6th, 2007, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Jaklub has released a new version of his variant of Pong, heres whats new:
* some minor graphical changes
+ Yoshi & Tricky mix in obstacles selecting
+ 4 bgs
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via jaklub
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November 6th, 2007, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold has posted a demo of his rather excellent 3D game for the PSP:
just to let you know that I'm still working on it... :-)
a little demo room made with dungeons engine 2, the engine can handle jumping and stair climbing now
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November 6th, 2007, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pacopad: of his application that lets you control the Picoo Z Infra Red Helicopter:
After a little while of absence and silence, this is a new beta version of picoozIR which included a new model, the fairy LX-609. I am looking for some testers for the app. For the moment there is only one flight mode, and my tests were carried out with a fairy channel C
Here is a link http://pacopad.free.fr/PicoozV3Beta.zip
Thank you for your feedback and good flight
@ + +
Heres more details on the Picoo Z Helicopter:

Special build-in sound effect
Built-in Li-Poly batteries for long flying time
Easy to operate & control through slow speed fly
Unique roto-blade system for steady lifting-up
Unique material withstands crashes
Two channels digital proportional control
Equipped with LED light while flying
Precision speed control and rudder trimmer
Super wide infrared control and super light size (weight below 10g)
Requires for Transmitter & Charger: 6xAA batteries (not included)
It is time for competition. Who is the better pilot? Outsmart your oponent in the air, either using the blue Picoo Z or the new Picoo Z with shark design.
Picoo Z Infrared Control Helicopter is miniature design for indoor flying. The smallest ready to fly IR X-Rotor. There are easy and convenient for recharging through transmitter. It is available in different colors
Buy at Play Asia --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-242i.html
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November 7th, 2007, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike is now available for the PlayStation Portable, Sony and Slant Six Games announced today.
The latest game in the series has players commanding a four-man SEAL team set in the midst of rising instability in South America after having been called on to rescue the ambassador to Panama, who has been abducted by radical insurgent forces.
Gamers can also engage in multiplayer games of up to four players in both ad hoc and online infrastructure modes.
In a first for the SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs franchise, players will also be given the option to play as international Special Forces from the UK, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, South Korea and the Netherlands, all supported with native languages.
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November 7th, 2007, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSP Hacks
A new custom firmware for Fat/Slim PSPs! Based on the original developments by Dark_AleX & Team M33 has been released, the coder is _HellDashX_’s and called 3.72 HX.
Judging by Google’s poor translation of Spanish to English, there isn’t much new… Other than the fact it uses Sony’s latest 3.72 kernel. If you decide to upgrade, it’s likely some 3rd party PRX modules may stop working. Also, you’ll lose 1.50 kernel capabilities until a new patch is released.
Download the update package below;
Download the 3.72 firmware update EBOOT;
Rename EBOOT.PBP from the 3.72 update to 372.PBP;
Copy 372.PBP, EBOOT.PBP (from the 3.72 HX package), and umodule.prx to PSP/GAME/UPDATE on your memory stick;
Launch the updater from the XMB;
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Perhaps someone will provide a properly translated version of the readme, soon…
Custom Firmware 3.72 HX - Via Comments
3.72 FW Update EBOOT - from Sony
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November 7th, 2007, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Today at Mr Modchips comes the release of Memor 32 which is a new USB Memory Card that via a bios released by a hacking team turns into a Modchip of sorts.
Digg This
Firstly heres the details on the Memory Card:
New from Mr Modchips (UK)

The PS2 is certainly no stranger to a continuous flow of great games which is why every hardcore gamer will adore the Memor 32. Featuring a unique USB based design, the Memor 32 is an advanced memory card for use on any PS2 and PSTwo systems around the world. Unlike standard memory cards, the Memor 32 will allow gamers to load and unload save games to and from the PC for use with the PS2. It’s compatibility is up there with the best, with over 1500 games tested and working perfectly.
- 100% MagicGate compatible powerful 32MB memory card
- Compatible with all PS2 and PSTwo systems worldwide
- Integrated USB connector
- Load and unload saves games to and from the PC for use with the console via software
- Unrivalled compatibility, over 1500 games tested and save compatible
- Perfectly plug and play device
- Two years in development
Heres the Hack that turns the MemCard into a Modchip of Sorts:
Finally we are almost done!
We had some last minute issues and decided to test them deeper to be sure that all was working good.
We are still completing the User interface and will have to need a couple more days to finish up.
We decided meantime to release this first BETA PAL ONLY version of the software for everyone to test.
This should start to give you a good idea about how easy and flexible the final release wil be, but remember, is only a BETA!!
Download the file Here
Final version is due this week.
The Memento Hack Team.
An Awesome release for Homebrewers and a great way to have modchip capabilities without the need to rip open your console.
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November 7th, 2007, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Emeric0101

After a long waiting times, I go out Eliminated 1.0. This version includes improvements such as fluidity, adding joystick, many bugs fixed, ...
The code is not encrypted and I invite you to edit and mail if you want just by specifying its origin
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November 7th, 2007, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Silent Hill Origins is the prequel to Silent Hill with a storyline set before the events of the original game.
Features new effects and visuals never before seen in a Silent Hill game
Enhanced camera system specifically designed for handheld play
Updated controls allow for more fluid combat and detailed exploration of the environment
Brand new puzzles and mysteries to uncover as players attempt to escape Silent Hill
Encounter horrific new monsters never before seen in Silent Hill
Original soundtrack by famed series composer Akira Yamaoka
The renowned Silent Hill survival horror series makes its handheld gaming debut with a brand new adventure that reveals many of the series’ most hallowed secrets. Assuming the role of a lone truck driver trapped in Silent Hill while making a routine delivery, players must escape the city’s horrific inhabitants and confront the strange hallucinations that have haunted him since childhood. Taking full advantage of the PSP system’s graphics, sound, and portability, Silent Hill Origins sets a new standard in handheld gaming terror.
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November 7th, 2007, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Intense action thriller with stunning next-generation graphics and amazing special effects
Play as both a U.S. Marine and British S.A.S. soldier fighting through an unfolding story full of twists and turns
Enter treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group threatening the world
Use sophisticated technology, superior firepower, and coordinated land and air strikes on a battlefield where speed, accuracy, and communication are essential to victory
Depth of multiplayer action providing online fans an all-new community of persistence, addictive, and customizable gameplay
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the new action-thriller from the award-winning team at Infinity Ward, the creators of the Call of Duty® series, delivers the most intense and cinematic action experience ever.
Armed with an arsenal of advanced and powerful modern day firepower, players are transported to treacherous hotspots around the globe to take on a rogue enemy group threatening the world. As both a U.S Marine and British S.A.S. soldier fighting through an unfolding story full of twists and turns, players use sophisticated technology, superior firepower and coordinated land and air strikes on a battlefield where speed, accuracy and communication are essential to victory.
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November 7th, 2007, 14:21 Posted By: JKKDARK
via 1UP
Like many of the Neo-Geo fighting crop (Samurai Showdown not included), the World Heroes series has some mixed reactions in this day and age. For example, its Virtual Console debut got a less than favorable mark from resident retro expert Jeremy Parish.
Nevertheless, SNK Playmore announced today that a compilation would be coming our way entitled World Heroes Anthology, the American counterpart to the recently released Japanese World Heroes Gorgeous. Why would they change that name?
At any rate, the collection includes World Heroes, World Heroes 2, World Heroes 2 Jet, and World Heroes Perfect, and it will be available in spring of 2008. No price has been slated for the anthology as of yet; but at $9 a pop for Neo-Geo games on Wii, a budget price of $40 for the disc seems comparable.
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November 7th, 2007, 17:19 Posted By: DPyro
Latest PLAYSTATION®3 System Software Update Allows PSP™ to Turn PS3™ On and Off from Internet Connection for Enhanced Remote Play
Ability to customise XMB™ and add personalised playlists for both music and photos also enabled
London, 8 November 2007 – Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) announced today the availability of the latest version of the PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) system software. Version 2.00 features the ability to turn a PS3 system on and off remotely, using a PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system via the Remote Play function, allowing for a truly mobile partnership between the two systems.
Building on the success and potential of the Remote Play functionality, Version 2.00 will cement the partnership between PS3 and PSP and create a truly global experience. With the ability to turn your PS3 on and off from Wi-fi connection, there is now the opportunity to listen to the music, look at the photos and watch the videos saved on the PS3 Hard Disk Drive, anywhere in the world.
To further enhance the PS3 offering, Version 2.00 allows for the creation of personalised playlists in both the music and photo sections. This simple to use function gives users an opportunity to create unlimited music playlists for all occasions, as well as sharing favourite photos in glorious high definition.
Continuing with the idea of a personalised PS3, Version 2.00 allows for customisation of the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) menu screen. Change the colour and brightness with the greatest of ease or have something completely different by setting a custom theme. With the potential for new backgrounds to become available on PLAYSTATION®Network in the future, Version 2.00 truly opens up a whole raft of options.
A host of other enhancements includes the addition of an Information Board on XMB to keep people up to date on the latest PlayStation® news, the inclusion of a new PLAYSTATION Network category and logo for easier navigation and Trend Micro Web Security, a free2, state of the art internet security system, designed to give parents peace of mind.
Pictures available at the link:
Three Speech
More info available at official PlayStation Blog
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November 7th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has revealed that its Santa Monica studio is currently working on God of War III for the PlayStation 3.
The company also confirmed that God of War director Cory Barlog is leaving the company to pursue other opportunities.
The God of War franchise has become a fan-favourite since its release on the PlayStation 2 in 2005.
"We can confirm that Cory Barlog, game director for God of War II, is leaving the SCEA SM Studios and we are grateful for his work and creative vision for the critically acclaimed God of War franchise," said a spokesperson for Sony, speaking to consumer site 1UP.
"Moving forward, we are confident in the God of War team, as they are an extremely talented group of people that are passionate about the franchise and dedicated to creating even more epic content with God of War: Chains of Olympus for the PSP and God of War III for PS3."
The next release in the action-adventure franchise will be the PSP game, due for release in March 2008.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Europe has said it will sprinkle Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online onto the PlayStation Network tomorrow.
This, you may remember - like falling off a swing - adds an online versus mode, online rankings, a practice mode and a survival mode.
It will cost you GBP 14.99 if you buy it all in one, but if you listen to our Dickensian (as in David, not Charles) advice you could make a saving.
Buy the original Dark Resurrection PSN title for GBP 6.99 and add the Online Component for GBP 3.49 and you keep four-and-a-half quid to spend on an expensive pint of Belgian beer or flowers if you are Pat.
To enjoy this amazing bargain, however, you will need to buy the original Dark Resurrection game right now as in today, because come tomorrow it will be gone.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Strauss Zelnick, chairman of Take 2, has refused to narrow down a release period for Grand Theft Auto IV, saying the publisher won't commit until it's "utterly convinced" the game is ready.
Most recently the publisher has said the title will be released in Q1 of 2008 – between February 1 and April 30 – following a delay that saw the game moved from its initial release of October 2007.
"It's a fair question given that we weren't able to stick to our firm date the last time. We're going to give a firm date when we are utterly convinced that we have it and that isn't right now," said Zelnick during a BMO Capital Markets conference yesterday.
"We know it's highly anticipated. Right now our view is to put out a high quality title and we're not in the business of disappointing investors."
Zelnick said that any concerns that the initial delay had caused it to miss the Christmas sales period have been alleviated, as GTA IV is a "must-have" title, able to take advantage of a bigger installed base of consoles in the New Year.
"I think there was a concern initially when we slipped that we missed the boat in terms of Christmas but I think that concern has been alleviated.
"I think most people see it as okay – hardware penetration is going to grow over Christmas and because this is a must-have title it's probably okay that we're not selling it in the Christmas season," he said.
Zelnick also said that the exclusive downloadable content for Gran Theft Auto IV would not play a very significant role in generating revenue for the company in 2008, but it was a business model the publisher is keen to pursue in the future.
"It actually isn't really significant in terms of its contribution in 2008," he offered.
"It's something we ought to be doing and my guess is that's where the industry is going. If you believe over time that package goods will be supplemented very much with online downloadable content, and you believe as I do that the future of playing interactive entertainment is networked multiplayer, then there's every reason to believe that downloadable content makes all kinds of sense.
"And eventually if you have a packaged good and you sell upgrades it's a pretty terrific business model for everyone. I think it could be really interesting, but to be clear, it's not in our plans and we're not relying on it for our success," he concluded.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
October 31, 2007 was the official end of the "grace period" for Blu-ray manufacturers, after which all players released must comply with the latest standard--Blu-ray Profile 1.1 (also known as Final Standard Profile and BD-Video Profile 1.1). Of course, that doesn't mean Profile 1.0 Blu-ray players still can't be sold, and if you walk into your local electronics store over the next few months, you're likely to see both Profile 1.0 and Profile 1.1 Blu-ray players on the shelf. So what's the big difference between Profile 1.0 and Profile 1.1?
Profile 1.0 vs. 1.1
There are several different hardware requirements, but it basically boils down to picture-in-picture functionality. All Blu-ray players up until this point have been Profile 1.0 and have lacked the secondary video and audio decoders necessary to play a smaller video in the corner while also playing the main high-def movie in the background. With the notable exception of the PlayStation 3, Profile 1.0 players cannot be upgraded via firmware to become Profile 1.1 players.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Originally pegged for a release date of November 9th many were expecting the PlayStation Eye to be in their hands this Friday. But today UK retailer Play.com changed the release date of the product to the 7th December and Amazon changed it to the 14th December.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
According to many highly credible sources who have already gotten their hands on both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Call of Duty 4, the news is that they are nearly identical.
Many gamers were worried that Call of Duty 4 would not run as well on the PS3 as on the Xbox 360. A lot of this was due to fears learned from the past with EA Sports games having framerate problems, games such as Madden NFL 2008.
PS3 owners have no fear though as yesterday PCN was able to confirm that Call of Duty 4 will run on 1080p on the PS3.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
If you were too busy playing Guitar Hero in your underwear on Monday, you may have missed the announcement that tonight's episode of South Park will feature the rhythm game prominently in the storyline. For those of you who just can't wait those last few hours, a Comedy Central press release reveals some more details about the impending rift between Stan and Kyle, and a short video preview shows the pair looking like total goobers while trying to look cool playing the game.
In fact, the false cockiness brought on by Guitar Hero was a major motivation for the production team. On his South Park Studios Production blog, Production Assistant Mike McMahan asks us to imagine "some jerk trying to impress the ladies with his badass skills banging out Coldplay as hard as he can." By playing Guitar Hero, McMahan says, "We're even worse than that loser, because we're pretending to be him, all the while tapping our feet and clicking our fingers with the same proud idiocy that the real-life jerk performs with." On behalf of all those proud idiots, we have just one thing to say to that ... Ouch!
We'll be liveblogging the episode right here on this very site, so come back here around 10 PM EST if you'd like some nerdy game discussion with your animated prime time TV.
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November 7th, 2007, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Release for Developers from Lumo:
hi guys,
probably some of you remember my work from some time ago,
i released a techdemo where i loaded some 3d models from maya to psp;
some time passed and now i finished the work and added a little "goodie"
i wrote an application for windows that is able to load the same files on pc so ppl can test their exported files on the computer before they test it on psp.
the full project is open source, with documentation, demos for psp and pc.
if anyone is interested in the files mail or message me
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November 7th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this update:
Well it's only been a couple of days, but I've received over 50 submissions to date - It's going to take me some time to go through them!
A couple of people have asked about the icon size. 134x74 or 140x80 are both fine.
Thanks for all the entries so far - there have been some really great ones. Keep them coming!
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November 7th, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
XpierreX has released a new homebrew game for the PSP, heres the details:
Description of the version 0.1:
The goal of game is to destroy all the targets before the end of time.
More you progress in the levels, more the time and the number of shots decrease, more is difficult...
Here is the planned features in future releases:
* Add a Settings menu. (Sound settings, etc.).
* Add several ships. (With new sounds, speeds ...)
* Add new target to destroy.
* Add a level editor, to be able to make your own levels and share them.
Download :
- Shoot*Arcade (1.5)
- Shoot*Arcade (3.x)
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November 7th, 2007, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Team Shadow:
we left v2 you of this program as you will remember
this program to hide them to folders photo, video and music,
in new version you select the folders to you that are desired to hide
and as they are left.
this is the final version. installl:
1 -) psp to the root of ms copies the folder
2 -) stick takes the program in game/memory
3 -) when it starts selects that folders you want to hide and as no
download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ggfc4y
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via hellin
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November 7th, 2007, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP
Heres Whats New:
- added a feature to access CSO archive file. (read-only)
- fixed a bug that appeared in version 4.0 and 4.1, a wallpaper was not drawn correctly.
- changed a HACKER MODE's trigger: digital left & R key.
- enabled to sort archive file's folder to "not sorted".
picture viewer:
- increased drawing speed very much when a picture is rotated.
- switching to next/previous picture, rotated status & magnification rate remain as before.
- enabled to show rotate direction..
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November 7th, 2007, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Perooz have once again posted a ton of new mags for the PSP, heres the full details:
AutoBlog.com - Issue 045
Get the latest from AutoBlog.com for your mobile device including automotive news, reviews, spy shots, galleries and much more.
Car Magazine - Issue 032
Get the latest from Car Magazine (carmagazine.co.uk) for your mobile device including automotive news and reviews and much more.
Esquire.com - Issue 032
Get the latest from Esquire.com for your mobile device including women, featured magazine articles, style, fiction and much more.
Gizmodo.com - Issue 048
Get the latest content from Gizmodo.com for your mobile device including gadget and technology news, reviews and much more.
PerezHilton.com - Issue 029
Get the latest from Perez Hilton (PerezHilton.com) for your mobile device including uncensored celebrity gossip, news and more.
RollingStone.com - Issue 031
Get the latest in entertainment news from RollingStone.com for your mobile device including Music News, Interviews and much more.
Rotten Tomatoes - Issue 038
Get the latest in entertainment news from RottenTomatoes.com for your mobile device including Movie and Televison updates, Interviews and much more.
TechCrunch.com - Issue 043
Get the latest from TechCrunch.com, a web blog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies.
The New Yorker - Issue 016
Get the latest from The New Yorker (newyorker.com) for your mobile device including arts and culture, politics, cartoons and much more.
The Onion - Issue 030
Get the latest from TheOnion.com for your mobile device. “America’s Finest News Source†brings you the news and views that readers can’t get anywhere else.
Style.com - Issue 005
Get the latest from Style.com for your mobile device including fashion trends, people and parties, shopping, beauty and much more.
TreeHugger.com - Issue 045
TreeHugger.com is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream bringing you green news, solutions, and product information.
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November 7th, 2007, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
The Pad plugin has been updated, heres whats new
Open the champagne !!!
I've here a new pad plugin I wrote. It's MegaPad and it uses SDL. No worry, the latest actual version of the SDL (1.2.12) is provided.
This plugin offers, as LilyPad, a complete pad support, many possibilities, but is much simpler than LilyPad.
First place SDL.dll in the root PCSX2 folder (not the plugins folder), else the plugin won't start.
1. Mapping and config
After having selected MegaPad in the Pad plugins list and launched its GUI by clicking the
Config button, you must configure it. You can select the Pad 1 or the Pad 2 with the
buttons in the top-left corner of the window. For mapping press any of the 20 buttons.
The pressed button will become grayed. Then you can do various things :
a. Keyboard
For the buttons press a key and the selected button will be bound to the pressed key. Pressing
Escape or Backspace allows you to delete a value. For the axes press any key with old versions, or click right button whth new versions, and the selected
axis will be bound to the mouse. Note that if the axes of the 2 players are bound to the mouse,
they will move simultaneously.
b. Joystick
For the buttons press a button, a POV hat in the wanted direction or move an axis in the wanted
direction and it will be bound to the selected button. Note that if you bind an axis to a
pressure-sensitive button*, the pressure will match the value of the axis. Try this feature in
games which need pressure sensitive buttons. For the axes move an axis and it will be bound to
the selected axis. Warning : the GUI has a little difficulty to detect the moves of the vertical
(y) axes, but there is no problem in the games.
c. Misc
There are 4 general options under the mapping buttons.
1. Axis sensitivity : can be 3 values (affect the GUI as the games). This is the sensitivity of the
plugin to axis moves.
-Very sensible : for precision games or low-sensibility axes.
-Normal : default, I recommend you to use it.
-Low sensibility : use it if your axes are very sensible.
2. Enable logging : This enables a pad log stored in logs\megapad_log.txt, which can be used only for
debugging purposes. As mentionned, this logging makes the emu slower.
3. Always show cursor : Use it with ZeroGS if you use the mouse, to see where is the cursor.
4. Low-visibility cross cursor : The arrow cursor is replaced by a low-visibility cross cursor.
Use it if you don't want to see the arrow cursor.
Then click OK.
2. Emu
I think I don't need to detail how to use the keyboard or the joysticks, but I will tell you how does
the mouse support work.
Press the left button for left axis, the right button for right axis. When you release a button, the
corresponding axis will be "centered". When you press a button the cursor is automatically centered.
Move it as an analog axis. When a button is pressed the cursor cannot get out the GS window. The
mouse support has been seriously improved in the new version, axis positions are calculated from
the size of the GS window, so it works better than PadWinKeyb mouse support.
If you encounter any bug using this plugin tell it to me.
Version 1.3.0
F keys work now, thanks RpgWizard for signaling me this bug, the GUI does not allow you to bind them to any control, and if the input detection loop detects that a F key has been pressed it directly returns.
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November 8th, 2007, 00:10 Posted By: DarthPaul
I was messing around with my Flash0 after installing 3.72 HX firmware on one of my PSP. Since I read it's basically the same as 3.71 M33 I was very trusted. I ended making the 3.72 HX firmware to run 1.50 kernel'ed applications. So here's a tutorial how to make it.
Warning - You need to manage the Flash0 manually, be extremely careful -Warning
You need files from the Flash0 of 3.71 M33 firmware. Make a back-up before installing the 3.72 HX
Creating Flash0's back-up:
1. Go to the Recovery Menu
2. Select Advance
3. Connect your PSP to your PC using a USB Cable
4. Toggle Flash 0
5. Copy the folders to your PC
Install 3.72 HX-1 Firmware
Flashing your folders on 3.72 HX:
1. Go to Recovery Menu
2. Select Advance
3. Toggle Flash 0
4. Copy the folder /km to the root of the Flash0
5. Copy the file reboot150.prx to /kd/
Good luck! :thumbup:
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November 8th, 2007, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Next Generation has up a feature on the rising fortunes of Sony's PSP. Overlooked for quite some time now as the DS dominates the headlines, the article argues that the handheld console still has a lot to offer ... and people are starting to notice.
"Sony has always commanded strong third-party support for its systems since the success of the original PlayStation, and [senior PSP marketing manager John Koller] believes that PSP developers are similarly finding ways to get creative and present fun titles. 'Upcoming launches such as God of War: Chains of Olympus from a first-party perspective, and Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron from LucasArts, are certainly good examples of fantastic franchises made unique on the PSP,' he says. 'It's clear that consumers do not want the same game on their PSP that they play on console.'"
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November 8th, 2007, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Shin Sangoku Musou 5 (aka. Dynasty Warriors 6) is Koei's latest installment in their popular hack and slash series. Shin Sangoku Musou 5 is said to greatly vary from past games in the series as players are now able to make their character swim, climb, control rowboats, destroy walls, and be able to pull off "unlimited combos" with the use of the new "renbu" system.
Dueling from Shin Sangoku Musou 3 is set to return, but this go-around is quite different from the earlier installment. Duels take place on the battlefield and the nearby soldiers will circle around the two fighters, instead of the duel being on a random plain that was not there seconds before. The A.I. has also be enhanced: enemies are now able to adapt to the players actions, i.e. if the player continually attacks enemies from behind, they will adapt to this and attempt to avoid the player's attacks.
Wild animals such as wolves and tigers are also in the game, and can attack the character or on some occasions, become allies. Sneak attacks and ambushes have been implemented, as well as the increased importance of strongholds.
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November 8th, 2007, 03:07 Posted By: phosphorous
The Good Bookr - PSP Bible Reader

The Good Bookr is a Bible reader for the Sony PSP, based on the open source Bookr ebook reader.
Unlike other Bible releases for the PSP, The Good Bookr is a standalone compiled program, not a set of images or web pages. The Good Bookr uses SQLite to store, search, and retrieve Bible texts. It also uses Danzeff OSK for the search interface.
- Load a specific book, from Genesis to Revelation.
- Search full text or individual books.
- Bookmark individual chapters and verses.
- Navigate via book and chapter.
- Configurable controls.
- Select font face and font size.
- Customize font and background colors.
- Rotate the text to read vertically.
Most of the controls are configurable. These are the defaults:
- Triangle - Open search menu
- Square - Previous chapter
- Circle - Next chapter
- Left Trigger - Previous book
- Right Trigger - Next book
- Up/Down - Scroll one line
- Left/Right - Scroll ten lines
- Select - Open bookmarks/options
- Start - Open main menu
Many thanks for the excellent work which made this possible:
Download and Screenshots: The Good Bookr - PSP Bible Reader
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November 8th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Pspfreak101 has made an easy installer for the latest Custom Firmware that was released for the PSP a few days ago:
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November 8th, 2007, 16:06 Posted By: DarthPaul
Dark_AleX updated his 3.71 Custom Firmware to revision 3 as mentioned a couple of days ago. And released the PopsLoader as well.
Changes in Custom Firmware:
- Fixed a bug in access to flash by usb.
- HEN core: kernel prx's with syscall exports work again.
- PSP Slim: programmers can set the size of user memory to 52 MB by using a sfo flag.
~Check sample in sdk for usage.~
- March33 NO-UMD driver:
* Fixed a bug that could hang the psp when exiting with home.
* Fixed compatibility issue with Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, and maybe more games.
- Vshmenu: it wasn't displaying properly with PSP slim TV-OUT due to the change of resolution. Fixed.
Changes in PopsLoader:
- Support for 3.71 and 3.72 pops has been added. Note that 3.71 however will not appear in the
list in 3.71 M33 as it is not necessary.
List of files needed for each version:
3.00-3.03: kd/popsman.prx, kd/meaudio.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.10-3.30: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.40-3.72: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx, vsh/module/libpspvmc.prx
The files must be decrypted. (use square in psardumper). Support for encrypted&packed files is planned
for the future.
Download: PBP Unpacker
Download: PSAR Dumper
That's it, Enjoy!
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November 8th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
It is official now, that 65nm Cell and RSX chips are coming to Sony Playstation 3 in the first quarter of the year 2008, and it seems that all the Playstation 3 models will receive this upgrade as well. Also, Sony is currently working with Toshiba and IBM in an attempt to make 32nm chips possible on Playstation 3.
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November 8th, 2007, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking to Weekly Famitsu in Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment President and CEO, Kaz Hirai, talked about a number of topics related to Sony's PlayStation business.
Regarding Sony's Home virtual world service for the PlayStation 3, which was officially delayed to Spring 2008 (the service remains in beta), Hirai noted that he's actually not very happy with its current state and he wants to make sure Home makes a big impact when it finally does make its debut.
"...we believe the delay would have a positive effect. I personally am not satisfied with the current version of Home," he said. "This is a very big project for the PS3 and we want to make sure that we deliver to our hearts content. We hope everyone will look forward to its spring release next year."
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November 8th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his rather excellent Video Converter for many formats.
Video converter for:
PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Hardware DVD and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Hardware DVD and PC.
Import files:
Export formats:
XviD4PSP 5.025 beta lite
XviD4PSP 5.025 beta full
Highly recomend uninstall old 5.0 version before install this one!
5.0 version compatible with 64-bit systems now.
Added 71 symbol limit protection in out path for mp4box.
More MPEG files open without "Don`t know" errors.
Added XviD codec encoding.
Unlocked BlackBerry formats.
LG Prada use XviD 1.2 encoding now.
MP4 PSP 3.30 renamed to MP4 PSP AVC.
Added MP4 PSP ASP (XviD4PSP).
To menu AviSynth added Play in WMP or MPC - you set high volume, limitedsharpen + vivid and enjoy realtime video filtering + loud volume on yout laptop.
Default profiles HQ Turbo now.
Profiles cleaned form useless profiles.
To MP4, MKV, 3GP, AVI, MOV, MP4 PS3, MP4 XBOX 360 added Lossless profiles.
Added for MKV added AC3 encoding (don`t work in AVI).
Fixed 0ch bug in Nero encoding.
Channels don`t up or down mix without high need now. Let create mono and 5.1 files.
Out aspect switch work better now.
XviD4PSP 5.025 beta update
Fixed Microsoft Groove problem.
App don`t crash now if crash OpenDialog.
Added AVI Hardware and AVI Hardware HD formats.
XviD profiles tuned to better quality (for AVI types only).
Added encoding to MP2 and PCM.
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November 8th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his rather excellent Video Converter for many formats.
Video converter for:
PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Hardware DVD and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry, Hardware DVD and PC.
Import files:
Export formats:
XviD4PSP 5.025 beta lite
XviD4PSP 5.025 beta full
Highly recomend uninstall old 5.0 version before install this one!
5.0 version compatible with 64-bit systems now.
Added 71 symbol limit protection in out path for mp4box.
More MPEG files open without "Don`t know" errors.
Added XviD codec encoding.
Unlocked BlackBerry formats.
LG Prada use XviD 1.2 encoding now.
MP4 PSP 3.30 renamed to MP4 PSP AVC.
Added MP4 PSP ASP (XviD4PSP).
To menu AviSynth added Play in WMP or MPC - you set high volume, limitedsharpen + vivid and enjoy realtime video filtering + loud volume on yout laptop.
Default profiles HQ Turbo now.
Profiles cleaned form useless profiles.
To MP4, MKV, 3GP, AVI, MOV, MP4 PS3, MP4 XBOX 360 added Lossless profiles.
Added for MKV added AC3 encoding (don`t work in AVI).
Fixed 0ch bug in Nero encoding.
Channels don`t up or down mix without high need now. Let create mono and 5.1 files.
Out aspect switch work better now.
XviD4PSP 5.025 beta update
Fixed Microsoft Groove problem.
App don`t crash now if crash OpenDialog.
Added AVI Hardware and AVI Hardware HD formats.
XviD profiles tuned to better quality (for AVI types only).
Added encoding to MP2 and PCM.
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November 8th, 2007, 19:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has moved quickly to dismiss a report claiming that the 40GB PlayStation 3 suffers from a 40 per cent failure rate as "totally inaccurate".
The report appeared on Dutch website Gamed.nl but appears to have since been removed.
"We are very proud of the quality and reliability of PlayStation 3 and are disappointed that such extremely sloppy journalism has resulted in this totally inaccurate story," Sony Europe boss David Reeves said in a statement.
"Since launching the 40GB PS3, we have experienced a fantastic jump in sales and the failure rates have remained at the very low level that we not only strive for, but have been achieving since the launch of PS3."
The 40GB PS3 launched in the UK on October 10, priced at GBP 299.
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November 8th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
SamuraiX posted this over at ps2dev:
Moonlight has incorporated the addition 32 MBytes to Malloc() when using his SDK for M33-3 (Looking at sample memory test).
This is great news, meaning if you include the SDK with your current project you will now have direct malloc access to the additional memory.
I can't wait to incorporate support for additional memory on my project (OpenBOR) now!
Thank You Moonlight!!!
Does this mean that all emulators can use the extra memory, lets hope so 
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November 8th, 2007, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Freeplay:
This is a tool (written in about four hours, hooray) that allows you to manage the RSS channels stored on your PSP. With any PSP on firmware 2.80 and above, homebrew-capable or not, it lets you:
* Enter the title, URL, web link, description, and copyright information for an RSS channel
* Indicate whether a channel should be added to the list of pre-selected channels when you pick "Select Multiple" in the RSS channel viewer
* Add and delete channels
* Save the listing to your PSP for instant access
What's next?
In the future, I'll add some more features, obviously. One I'm working on will grab all the necessary info from the URL you enter when you click a button, to make it even easier to just copy/paste a link into the RSS channel listing. This won't take me long, but it's 10:35 PM and I have to work tomorrow
* "PSP Drive" dropdown menu: Lets you pick your PSP drive.
* "Channels" list: Lets you pick a channel to edit.
* "Title", "URL", "Web Link", "Description", and "Copyright Info" boxes: Self-explanatory.
* "Add to 'save multiple' list" checkbox: Lets you indicate if the channel should be added to the list of pre-selected channels when you pick "Select Multiple" in the RSS channel viewer.
* "Add New" button: Adds a new RSS channel to the list, using the information in the text boxes.
* "Delete" button: Asks for confirmation, then deletes the currently-selected channel.
* "Apply channel changes" button: Temporarily saves the changes you've made to this channel, so you can edit another one. The changes are only saved in memory; they're not saved onto the disk.
* "Undo channel changes" button: Reverts to the last saved/'applied' version of the channel.
File menu:
* "Reload all channels from PSP": Cancels any changes you've made and reloads the listing from the last saved version.
* "Save all channels to PSP": Applies any changes you've made and saves the listing.
* "Exit": Self-explanatory.
Feel free to give me suggestions. Oh, and this requires the .NET framework. I'm not sure which version; I think just .NET 2.0.
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November 8th, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Sony’s latest update to the PS3’s on-board firmware, version 2.0, is now live and available to download, and brings with it a host of new functions – though not the expected ability to access the XMB whilst playing games.
The biggest new feature is the new Remote Start Up, which allows PSP owners to turn on their PS3 from afar and access content stored on the machine’s hard drive. A statement from Sony explains:
"Firmware 2.00 will cement the partnership between PS3 and PSP and create a truly global experience.
“With the ability to turn your PS3 on and off from wi-fi connection, there is now the opportunity to listen to the music, look at the photos and watch the videos saved on the PS3 HDD anywhere in the world."
Other tweaks include the ability to make playlists for both your MP3s and your pictures, enhanced Trend Web Micro Security for parental control and a new Information Board that updates itself with PlayStation-related news.
And whilst the XMB is still not accessible in-game, the XMB screen itself is now more customisable, with the ability to change colour or set a custom theme.
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November 8th, 2007, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Good old Lair for PS3 has been delayed by at least a couple of weeks according to retailers speaking to Eurogamer, with the game now listed as 23rd November by many.
The swoopy-around Factor 5 dragon-riding game - which for better or worse makes extensive use of the Sixaxis motion sensor - has been out across the pond for some time, but we're still waiting on it over here.
We had expected to finally get our hands on it tomorrow, but apparently it's not to be due to an unspecified manufacturing issue - although Sony hasn't confirmed the reason for the delay at the time of writing.
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November 8th, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
SouthPeak Games has announced a studio license agreement with Epic Games for use of the Unreal Engine 3 in the development of its upcoming videogame titles worldwide.
The agreement is in effect throughout the life of the UE3 technology application across all major platforms including downloadable content.
"Independent developers need more opportunities to bring their games to market with next-generation technology," said Katie Morgan, executive vice president at SouthPeak Games.
"UE3 provides developers all the tools and resources necessary to build great games and SouthPeak is giving talented developers a chance to focus on creating their games without spending the resources to create an engine to support it."
"We see this as a landmark agreement for Epic and the UE3 technology because of SouthPeak's focus on independent developers," said Epic's Mark Rein. "They are going to bring UE3 to a group of developers that have fantastic games but would typically have to wait a long time to work with our award-winning game engine."
The next SouthPeak release under the new studio license is Monster Madness EX: Battle for Suburbia, currently under development by Psyonix Studios for the PS3.
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November 8th, 2007, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
It is a day of great celebration in the countries of Greece, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and the Czech Republic, as Sony Computer Entertainment Europe launches for new iterations of the PlayStation Store for these poor, underprivileged areas.
"When we launched PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) in March, we promised that we would continue to improve the service throughout the SCEE territories and offer more stores to new regions as quickly as possible," said Chris Stanton-Jones, VP of Distributor Markets for SCEE. "The launch of these four new stores highlights our commitment both to improving our offering and the importance of these increasingly dynamic markets.
I would have thought they'd have gotten to this sooner, seeing as Europe is the most important continent, but you can't complain when four new countries get access to the most awesome rubber duckie game ever created.
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November 9th, 2007, 01:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
If you're in the PAL or Asian territories, you may have discovered that your 1.2 GB download of the brand new Uncharted: Drake's Fortune demo won't @!#?@!ing play on your PlayStation 3. It's not a bug, despite it's somewhat awkward behavior. It's intentional. Yes, the Uncharted demo is sadly region specific and won't play on anything but a North American PS3. It's the kind of slap in the face that hurts so much worse after a 1200 MB wait in line.
We contacted Sony Computer Entertainment America who confirmed that the US version "does not allow for cross-region play" and that "the Japanese and PAL demo will both be released soon, but we don't have confirmed release dates." Unfortunately, the delay in the non-North American enjoyment of the Naughty Dog adventure can simply be chalked up to Uncharted's release date in its respective territories. Cold comfort, I know.
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November 9th, 2007, 01:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo

Switching resolution on the PS3 isn't too complicated, but if you're trying to do it from memory on a TV that's blank because you've got the wrong settings it's nigh impossible. With the XCM E-SETER, you can quickly push one of the labeled buttons and switch quickly and instantly to the desired setting, bypassing all that Sony Cross Media Bar goodness their programmers worked so hard to port from the PSP. $29.99 [£14] is a bit too much if you rarely use this, but if you're taking your PS3 to your friends' houses to show off how great Heavenly Sword and Folklore are, you probably stopped reading and ordered this already.
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November 9th, 2007, 01:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
It hasn't exactly been easy to pin down the exact type of chips used in the new 40GB PlayStation 3s, but Sony's Kaz Hirai now appears to have finally put the matter to rest -- at least for now.
In an interview with the folks at Impress, he said that the new model does in fact use the swanky new 65nm process for the Cell chip after all, but not for the system's RSX graphics chip, which gets stuck with the same power-hungry 90nm chip as before.
Despite that, Hirai says that the new Cell chip alone is enough to "cut the power usage of the system considerably," an amount that had previously been been reported as 120 to 140 watts (down from 200 watts before).
In related news, Hirai also confirmed that neither the 20 or 60GB models (with their increased backwards compatibility) are in production at the moment, but he said that "depending on how the market reacts, it's possible for Sony to produce them again."
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November 9th, 2007, 01:35 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Today Koei announced it will release Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power (available in Japan since April 2004) next February in the U.S. The Nobunaga's Ambition series has been around since the NES/Famicom days and focuses on historical simulation and strategy.
"The Nobunaga's Ambition series defined the simulation genre when it first debuted in 1983," said Amos Ip, Senior VP at KOEI Corporation. "The engrossing gameplay in many ways set the standard by which all other console simulation games would be measured. The franchise continues to be enjoyed around the world and has garnered numerous awards. Now, with Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power the engrossing strategy and simulation elements are presented in a rich 3D environment. Koei is excited to reintroduce the Nobunaga's Ambition series to veteran players and to a new generation of fans."
Rise to Power is set during the 16th century in feudal Japan. Players assume the titular role of Nobunaga or of a rival warlord and must unite Japan under one rule. But each quest for power begins with a starting point, and there are over 300 to choose from in Rise to Power.
This is the first game in the series to use a 3D, real-time battle system. The last title in the franchise to see a U.S. release was Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness on the SNES.
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November 9th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
As you should already know, Tekken 5 online and the Motorstorm content are the big ones in this week's PSN update, but there's are a few other worthwhile treats too.
PSone fans get their nostalgic treat in the form of Cool Boarders (although it's pretty dated, so only grab it for that nostalgic value), and those looking forward to giving EA's new Need for Speed: Pro Street a run now can with the new demo.
There's some Folklore goodies in there for you too. Here's the list with prices:
Full games
- Tekken 5 DR Online game - £14.99
PSone games
- Need for Speed: Pro Street - Free
- Tekken 5: DR Online Upgrade - £3.49
- Bottom of the Sea (Folklore) - £1.49
- MotorStorm Devil's Weekend - £3.99
- Uncharted - Animation Overview - Free
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November 9th, 2007, 19:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
After plenty of commotion surrounding when on earth it's actually going to be released, SCEE has finally come around a stuck a date on the PS3 version of Singstar - and good news, girls, it'll be out in time for Christmas.
December 7 is the date you'll be able to pick it up in the shops. It of course comes complete with all its fancy new "game 3.0" features like the music store and online community, where you can post videos of yourself getting drunk and singing Westlife.
Apparently, there's also something going on at the 02 Arena where you can try the game out. We're not going anywhere near it without at least three pints of cider in us.
Look for the review shortly before release. It's going to be fun.
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November 9th, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Epic Games' Mark Rein says that he hopes Unreal Tournament 3 will be released on PlayStation 3 this year but he doesn't think it will make it to Europe until 2008.
"Right now we're very close to a release candidate, and we should have it finished by the end of this week," he told Eurogamer at an event in Birmingham yesterday. "Then we send it off and it's just a matter of what happens from there."
"We think there's a very solid shot we'll get out this year - I don't know about Europe. Europe's a problem because the certification process in Europe takes longer.
"They're testing all these different languages in all these different countries, so I doubt it'll be released this year in Europe. But I don't know. We'll have to cross our fingers and wait and see."
However, he reckons the PS3 version is "really solid".
"Go play the game!" he ordered. "This build is really solid. On the test we ran on this build there were an amazingly small number of issues. We were surprised at how few issues there were."
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November 9th, 2007, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Speaking at an interactive entertainment conference, Oberon Media chairman Tal Kerret said that he doesn't think the PlayStation 3 is ready for their casual games.
Oberon Media recently acquired iPlay and PixelPlay, expanding its casual games reach to include mobile, interactive TV, PC and Console Software.
The company has had some success with casual games on the Xbox 360 through Xbox Live Arcade, but has yet to deliver content for the Wii or the PlayStation 3.
"Xbox was a great opportunity that they opened up to get content that can be downloaded, that can be controlled in a more open way for the consumers and for the developers," Kerret said.
"I didn't see a phenomenal success on Wii for allowing people to download games."
With the PS3, Kerret thinks that they are still trying to figure it out.
"We focus on where can we get the fastest reach to consumers, the fastest way to provide them with the content, and the easiest way where we can provide some service to the developers.
"If we can't bring value to the developers, then for us it is just yet another outlet that we take our content and port it to," he explained.
"If it is a porting question, then I would ask my self many other questions. What comes first? We are dealing with so many things, as you've seen."
Even so, Oberon's chairman did say that the company definitely planned to look at gaming consoles other than the Xbox 360.
"So we'll take some of these games, yes, to the Wii, the PS3...the PS3 is not yet ready for it, but when they are ready.
"DS is more appropriate for some of these titles. Hopefully, we'll create some success stories there."
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November 9th, 2007, 19:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Koei has decided that what you want is a PSP version of its strategical role-playing series Disgaea.
It is called Afternoon of Darkness in memory of a good pub lunch, and will be available to get lost in this December.
The story is based around the familiar face of Prince Laharl and his band of oddball chums, who get all rough and tumble as they fight for control of the Netherworld.
Developer Nippon Ichi has included a few new things for portable fans, though, like a PSP-specific multiplayer mode that lets you duel friends around the world or share items ad-hoc from your shop.
There is also an exclusive storyline featuring Etna, which sees you try to become Beauty Queen Ultimate Overlord by finishing the game. And if you do, a never-before-seen ending awaits.
You will also be able to customise your multiplayer settings, like modifying the rules, field conditions and other bits and pieces. And to spice things up, you and your opponent can pick five geo cubes before a battle, each with random and potentially game winning properties - although neither of you will know what the other has, a bit like sleeping with a stranger.
Disgaea one and two both scored 9/10 here on Eurogamer for their blend of complex statistics hidden in an engrossing storyline.
Pop over to our Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness gallery to see how it is shaping up.
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November 9th, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sir Howard Stringer said that Blu-ray is currently in a "stalemate" with HD DVD.
Speaking in Manhattan, Sony's CEO downplayed the importance of the battle, however, saying that it was mostly a matter of prestige whose format wins out in the end.
The HD DVD format is chiefly backed by Toshiba and Microsoft.
"We were trying to win on the merits, which we were doing for a while, until Paramount changed sides," Stringer said, in reference to the movie studio's recent decision to drop Blu-ray in support of HD DVD, for which it received USD 150 million from HD DVD proponents.
"It doesn't mean as much as all that," Stringer said. He believed that there was an opportunity of uniting the two camps under one format before he became CEO of Sony, and wishes he could travel back in time to make that happen.
Stringer was more positive about the PlayStation 3, noting that it has become the best-selling console in Europe after a price cut three weeks ago. The recent US price cut has doubled sales.
"We are coming back up again," Stringer said.
Sony aims to sell 10 million PS3 consoles by March, the end of its fiscal year.
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November 9th, 2007, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A new free online mode for FIFA 08 on PS3 and Xbox 360 that allows ten players to play in a single match over the 'net has been launched.
"Be A Pro: Online Team Play in FIFA 08 enables up to five friends on five different consoles to select and take control of their own individual players on the same team, supported by AI teammates, to play against up to five rivals playing on five different consoles of another team", EA explains.
It adds that the mode is automatically available when your Xbox 360 or PS3 is connected online.
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November 9th, 2007, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, only two vids in the movies folder on my PC turned up in the PS3's browser (both were mpegs). Now [with FW v2.00]? The Xvid and DivX vids are showing up as well. Course they don't actually play, you'll just get a "corrupted" message if you try, but Sony wouldn't have increased the compatibility in there for shits and giggles. Would they?
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November 9th, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Pilout has released a new Mario Game for the PSP, heres the details:

Voila I spell my third hb and which still a mario but this time if it is a platform
The gameplay: You have time for each lvl and you must pick up the piece that aparaisse to go to the next lvl
Credit: tien I thank marc6310 who has my support for graphics, but that has disappeared from msn maleuresement
(Graphic seeks lost because of light marc6310)
Otherwise the script is me
Improvement planned for the final version:
Largely better-Graphics
- Enemies
- Bonus piece specials
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November 9th, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of GSDX9, a plugin for PCSX2 wihch is a PlayStation 2 emulator for PC.
This version fixes a few things like shaking/interlacing
MTGS crash fix
Software rendering reaching about 10-20% higher framerate
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November 9th, 2007, 23:03 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Yellow-haired ninjas never get a break. The most famous of them all, Naruto, is set for another journey this coming spring exclusively on the PlayStation 2 in Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3. The game continues the tradition of the series and remains an action-based fighter, but brings more unique stages and characters to the franchise than ever before.
With Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3, players will be able to play through all of the major events in Story Arc 1 by way of the Heroes History mode. A new customization feature, called Ultimate Jutsu, will let you use points you've earned in battle to bolster your strength, defense, chakra, agility and other abilities. The new Summoning mode will let you turn characters into giant-sized, ultra-powerful versions of themselves, or you can summon giant creatures as allies. Also, fans of the series will appreciate the inclusion of both English and Japanese voiceovers.
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November 9th, 2007, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ahrimanes:
ok guyssss i think i can make a release now... i think i will call it Beta 0.1
sooo download it.
as you will see you got the ship, the bulets, and some stupid enemys,.. an original test music, and sounds,and some stuff that make it to me a real clone of geometrywars..,,.. the sounds still having some problems.. but will fix them... the song is just for test the bg music.. i will make somthing gorgeus as im a music man too : jejeje... loking foward to your coments... by the way. the build is for fw 3xx
of course i do this for the simple fact of fun.. never wanted do take credits from Bizarre creations people.. hope they see this as a fan work stuff...
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November 9th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from oxbow151:
Here is one of my projects under development with Spimort: A tickets for PSP! A first beta is available!
Indeed, Spimort and myself are striving to develop a Crabs on PSP named Morback. You going to tell me, still tickets _ And yes, but we will try to innovate! So, here is the list of functions that will support our tickets once completely finished!
- D1 vs. D2
- J1 vs CPU
In Multi-Ad hoc
- Management of skins
Of course this first release does not contain all of these duties but already offers an idea of what will be the finished hb once ^ ^
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November 10th, 2007, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cpasjuste:
Hi !
I release here a new version of cfe. Here is the changelog :
- Some change to be compatible with 3.71 m33-3
- Added iso and homebrew redirection via WIFI with the use of dark alex nethostfs
optimized by ahman. (iso streaming is not really usable due to speed transfer)
- Memory usage optimized.
- Text rendering graphicaly optimized.
- Maybe more ...
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November 10th, 2007, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Now is your chance to prove you have what it takes to go all in! The ultimate World Series of Poker rival, Phil ''The Brat'' Hellmuth, is out there just waiting to be beaten. But first, you have to build the bankroll and the skills to take him down. Start off with the early tournaments and work your way up, competing against some of poker's greats, including Johnny and Chan. Join the likes of Chris ''Jesus'' Ferguson, Mike ''The Mouth'' Matusow, Greg Raymer, Annie Duke, Phil ''Unabomber'' Laak, Humberto Brenes, and Marcel ''The Flying Dutchman'' Luske. Go for the bracelet and the $10,000 top prize!
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November 10th, 2007, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The classic action game Castlevania: Rondo of Blood re-imagined for the PSP® system with 3D graphics, enhanced gameplay and new music
Includes unlockable versions of the original Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night games, optimized for the PSP® system
Timeless side scrolling action through more than 10 gothic stages and additional hidden areas
Return to previously completed levels to find additional secrets
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles is an entirely new take at the best Castlevania game to never be released in the US, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. The Dracula X Chronicles brings the beloved action/adventure franchise to the PSP system for the first time, complete with 3D graphics, enhanced gameplay and new music. Completing the Dracula X storyline, this game also includes an unlockable version of Symphony of the Night and players will also be able to unlock the original Rondo of Blood from the NEC PC Engine.
Box contents
Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle (PSP)
Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle Artbook
Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle Pouch
Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle Screen Protector
Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle Strap
Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle Poster
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November 10th, 2007, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Barbie as The Island Princess follows the storyline of the popular DVD launch in a fun party-style format. You'll play as Rosella the shipwrecked princess who is raised by a "family" of animal friends and rescued by Prince Antonio from her tropical island. Through a series of mini-games featuring music and characters from the movie you will venture from Rosella's island home to the Prince's coastal castle in a fun-filled adventure!
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November 10th, 2007, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Become a Legend: Face off against guitar icon Slash and others in insane boss battles featuring original tracks recorded exclusively for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.
Rock Out: Defeat opponents to achieve legendary status in head-to-head competition including the all new guitar battle or share the glory with a friend in the new co-op career mode.
Fully Immersive Concert Experience: Realize a true rock concert experience with all new venues, incredible lighting effects, authentic instruments and sick character moves.
Incredible Soundtrack: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock features over 70 of the biggest and loudest songs ever compiled in a game! Rock out to songs such as: Welcome to the Jungle, Rock You Like a Hurricane, Sabotage, Suck My Kiss, Cherub Rock and Mississippi Queen.
Guitar Hero WIRELESS Kramer® Striker Guitar Controller: Strap on your Guitar Hero™ WIRELESS Kramer® Striker Guitar Controller, power on, and CRANK IT UP!
Crank Up the Volume and prepare to rock around the globe with Guitar Heroâ„¢ III: Legends of Rock. Battle against some of the greatest legends to ever shred on a guitar and become one yourself! Take your skills online against other Guitar Hero players from around the world.
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November 10th, 2007, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
There has been no shortage of speculation on a PlayStation 3 release of critical and commercial darling BioShock, but 2K Games, Microsoft and Ken Levine have done their best to smash any rumors about such a port. And while we're growing quite tired of being emotionally torn apart at the seams by a potential PS3 version, the rumor has cropped up one more time. This time the source of the talk is EGM's long running editorial nom de plume Quartermann. "There's a change in the tide, as the world of Rapture may be Cell-enabled in 2008," Quartermann writes.
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November 10th, 2007, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today, rumors flew around boards on the interwebs that Bethesda's upcoming PSP title, The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion, had been cancelled for the system. This news was supposedly reported to some people by Gamestop employees who had pulled the listed title from their online store. The report was dismaying news for RPG fans, who had eagerly been anticipating a portable experience in Cyrodiil. If true, it would also be the final setback for the title, which had been pushed back several times from its original release date. Is the rumor true? No one knows for sure. We contacted Bethesda Softworks to get any word on the title, and were told that there is no comment on the status of the game itself. That doesn't confirm that the game has been cancelled or deny the rumors, but we'll keep you informed if any news does become available on the title.
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November 10th, 2007, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from jbskateur:

Voila my brand new homebrew, I appointed wormstation, worms with a particularity, the movement is in real time and to shoot it takes a moment that your worms will be ready for the moment only a multiplayer mode (on the same psp) small screen:
Up, down, left, right, direction of player 1
Cross, round, square, triangle, direction of player 2
L: shooting Player 1
A: Shooting Player 2
Scheduled for future realese:
- A nice menu
- An online multiplayer mode (on the Internet) ===> I work at this time
Several map
And thereafter
Maj 1.1: it is now much easier to reach the opponent
Download: http://jbskateur.site.voila.fr/Wormstation.rar
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November 10th, 2007, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
Jaklub has released a new version of his variant of Pong, heres whats new:
* some changes in eboot presentation
+ 2 new obstacle modes
+ new bgs
+ new effects in menu
+ selecting racket and ball look
+ stupid normal bot for small babies, play on difficult
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via jaklub
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November 10th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Give you PSP console the complete protection
Available color: Black and White
Soft cushion(X1)
USB slot cover(X1)
Power jack cover(X1)
Earphone jack cover(X1)
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November 10th, 2007, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

It is an easy and great solution for PSP gamers to clean the UMD discs.The flip-top helps to hold the disc.The small micro fiber and magnet inside safely safely remove dust and smudges inside the disc.Just hold the cleaning button for around 15seconds and it is done.
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November 10th, 2007, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
SuccessHK Ship PS3 and PSP Games Worldwide (unlike most other stores)

The renowned Silent Hill survival horror series comes to a portable gaming system for the first time with a brand new adventure. Taking full advantage of the PSP system's graphics, sound, and portability, Silent Hill Origins (working title) will be the most terrifying game to arrive on a handheld system.
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November 10th, 2007, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
SuccessHK Ship PS3 and PSP Games Worldwide (unlike most other stores)

In the midst of rising instability, insurgents have abducted the U.S. ambassador. Sanctioned by the Panamanian government, America's elite fighting force has been deployed to rescue and extract the ambassador. Take control of an entire SEAL team and engage in real-time tactical combat, where you evaluate each situation, determine a plan of action, and then execute on your command.
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November 10th, 2007, 20:07 Posted By: jurajstyk
Release by jurajstyk
This is a port of ID Software's Quake 1 to the PSP.
Based on PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and Chris Swindle.
Developed and tested on PSP with firmware version '3.40 OE'.
- Music playback trough MP3 implemented with MAD audio library (can be switched on/off from options menu)
- Software and Hardware rendering.
- Single player game
- Sound
- Save/Load
- Console commands
- Command line params (through 'quake.cmdline' file)
- Multiple screen resolutions in software rendering (trough command line params)
- User made maps loading (from console or command line params)
- User made mods loading (through command line params)
- Demo recording and playback (from console)
- On Screen Keyboard
Known issues:
- Some mods or maps might not work due to memory constrains or might not work correctly
- timerefresh command disabled in hardware rendering (stability issue)
- Some maps require raising 'r_maxsurfs' and 'r_maxedges' to render correctly in SW client
(can be done from command line or console)
See readme file for details and installation instructions
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November 10th, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
I have added three new tutorials.
Texture tutorial: This is the first of a series of tutorials on texturing, this will simply explain some basic and function and let you use a texture for a triangle. No optimisations yet in this tutorial.
FPS counter: I will show you how ot create a frame per second counter. Updates every second 
Screenfading tutorial: This tutorial explains how screenfading can be done. It is really easy 
Hope you all like the updates 
greets ghoti 
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November 10th, 2007, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
A new RSS reader for the PSP has been released, heres the details:
PReSS stands for Portable RSS. And that's just what it is: an RSS reader for the Playstation Portable. Let PReSS connect to any WiFi access point and you're good to go. With it's 6 hour battery lifetime, reading the news while travelling was never easier.
Because PReSS stores all feed data on your MemoryStick, you can enjoy your favourite channels even when you are not connected to the internet.
Typing in a feed adress on a device that has no keyboard is not what we call 'user-friendly'. That's why PReSS has it's own catalogue, filled with user-submitted feeds.
The more creative can easily create their own skins by simply replacing 14 images and one simple script. skins can be submitted here.
Version 0.1 of PReSS is completely free. If you all donate a few bucks, the next one will be too.
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November 11th, 2007, 13:57 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux.
- ZeroSPU2 - new SPU2 plugin from zerofrog. It is the most stable SPU2 plugin. Also has a time-scaling feature which slows down sound when the frame rate is too low (instead of hearing popping sounds). The time-scaling feature works best under Windows, but is also implemented in Linux. This new plugin also fixes the voices on the Japanese release of Final Fantasy X
- VU recompilers - games like Kingdom Hearts II, Metal Gear Solid III, and Katamari Damacy are now playable.
- ZeroGS 0.97 - ZeroGS DirectX has gone open source! You can download it from sourceforge. A lot of bug fixes in this release and the added support of AA modes up to x16! One new feature is the ability to tweak ZeroGS options, which were internal up to these release. Read more about this feature in the help guide for how to patch up games.
- Path3 GS fixes - Fixes corrupting textures on many games.
- Memory Card Fixes - Now you can save your games in games like Resident Evil 4 and others which refused to see memorycards!
- Dual Layer DVD reading support for games like Xenosaga.
- Network Play! Enjoy playing your favourite online game with PS2 Players. (WinPCap Required), You can read up on how to do it by following this link: http://forums.ngemu.com/pcsx2-official-f...guide.html
- Windows x64 and Linux x86-64 support - The recompilers are not optimized yet, so don't expect major speed improvements. However, pcsx2 can now natively run on these platforms as well as the x86 platforms.
- Real Time Clock - Silly as it may seem, this actually makes Metal Gear Solid 3 and Katamari Damacy work, plus your ps2 says the actual time!
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November 11th, 2007, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this on his site:
I'm interested in which firmware everyone is running on. It would be very helpful if you could reply to this post with a) which model of PSP you're using ('fat'/slim, revision # if known) and b) which firmware you're using.
I have two PSPs. I have an original Japanese PSP with v1.00 firmware which I use for development, and a UK PSP which usually runs the latest official firmware (v3.72 at the moment.)
I'm interested because I want to know if anyone still requires the v1.50 (kxploit) versions of Daedalus that I release. I also need to figure out if it's worth my time getting a slim PSP for developing with the v3.xx+ firmware.
I do wish i had never updated my v1.0 PSP 
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November 11th, 2007, 15:38 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn is on a roll today with more news about his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP:
Over the past week I've started making plans for what I want to do for R14.
To start with, R13 introduced a couple of issues which I want to fix. Firstly, a number of roms now no longer work with dynarec enabled, or show odd behaviour. For instance, Aerogauge now finishes the race as soon as the countdown completes. I've tracked this down to one of the dynarec optimisations I added in August, where I optimise fragments which jump back to themselves. This should be a 'safe' transformation, so it suggests there's a bug somewhere in my implementation. If I can't fix the bug in time for R14, I'll add a temporary setting to allow this optimisation to be disabled on a rom-by-rom basis (much like the 'dynarec stack optimisation' setting).
Secondly, it looks like something I changed for savestate support has broken the 'return to main menu' option. I added some logic to help ensure that when taking a snapshot for the savestate, the CPU is paused in a 'safe' state (i.e. no dynarec code is executing, nothing is running on the RSP, and nothing is executing in the branch delay slot.) It looks like I've messed something up which is causing the 'return to main menu' option to wait for a safe state before bailing out to the menu. Should be an easy one to fix.
Morgan suggested a nice idea in the comments, which is that I generate a thumbnail for the savestate as it is created to display alongside the slot in the UI. It's a little tricky to implement, as by the time the emulator is told to create a savestate, it has already obliterated the n64's framebuffer with the Daedalus UI. I'll have to do something quite clever like speculatively copy the n64's framebuffer into system memory every time you enter the Pause Menu, or create the screenshot on the first frame rendered after saving. Either way, I'd like to add this simple feature to R14.
Next on my list for R14 is to look at making more significant performance improvements. Over the months many people have been asking when I'd get around to implementing audio on the PSP's Media Engine. I've talked about this before, but always kept putting it off in order to work on easier optimisations.
The Media Engine is a bit of unknown territory for me. Even though it's practically identical to the main CPU, you can't just change a setting an suddenly have your code running on it. There are a number of small hurdles I have to overcome before I can get audio working on the ME, but this is my big goal for R14 (I'll save the technical discussion for the next post.) If all goes to plan this should mean that audio can always be enabled without a significant impact on framerate.
So in summary for R14: a few bug fixes, thumbnails for savestates, and audio without affecting framerate.
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November 11th, 2007, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Judas:

OK, here's my next release. The clone of Pegs. Pegs is a TI Calculator game originally coded by Fred Coughlin. I've cloned the game because I thought it was fun. Anyway, here it is.
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via judas
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November 11th, 2007, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome new release from Durka Durka Mahn:
PLEASE NOTE! This is NOT for 3.71+ Firmwares, but I will release a Version for those firmwares!
Allow me to introduce my next cheat device! This time it is for my favorite game series, Megaman X!
Allowing you to fly through levels, almost never die, and change weapons with the press of a button while playing as Vile, this Cheat Device is definitely worth a try!
Version 1 Info:
FlyMode - Allows you to easily fly around the level as X or Vile.
Infinite Health: You will never die! (Unless you fall down a hole or land on spikes)
Infinite Lives: You will always have 9 lives
Infinite Ammo: Infinite ammo for all weapons!
Always Charged Shots: All shots will be charged when the Square button is released!
Display Coordinates: Allows you to see your Coordinates while going through each level.
Vile's Weapon Changer: Allows you to go over budget and choose weapons you don't have. Even change them in the middle of a level!
Triangle for Hadouken: Hit Triangle to shoot the famous Hadouken, killing everything in its path, even Bosses!
Installation for OE and M33 Firmwares:
Make a new folder named 'SEPlugins' on the root of your memory stick. In this new folder, drag
the MMMHXCD.prx file and make a new .txt file called 'Game.txt'. In this new .txt file, add this line:
Save the .txt file. Now hold the power switch up until your PSP powers off. Turn it back on, hold the
Right Trigger down until you see the Recovery menu, then enable the PRX in the Plugins menu.
Cheat Device installed!
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November 11th, 2007, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn has posted another update about his work on his N64 Emu for PSP:
Earlier I discussed my plans for getting Daedalus's audio processing working on the PSP's Media Engine.
As I mentioned in that post, it's not just a case of changing some compiler setting to get this working. I've not spent much time investigating the ME so I may be wrong on a few of these points, but here are the current issues that I think need solving.
Firstly in order to access the ME I need to be running in kernel mode. This requires either running Daedalus in kernel mode, or (preferably) creating a kernel mode PRX that encapsulates the required functionality. I think kernel mode rules out anyone running with v1.50 firmware (hence my earlier post - please respond to the poll if you haven't already done so!) Maybe one of the more savvy psp developers out there can correct me on this? If no-one is using v1.50 any more then maybe it isn't even an issue.
Another problem is that although the ME is essentially the same processor as the main core, it has a different memory map. This means that things like the VRAM is invisible to the ME, so any code ported to run on the ME would have to be written to operate on main memory. This isn't an issue for Daedalus's audio list processing, but it would cause problems if I wanted to move display list processing to the ME too.
Touching on the memory map issue, another problem is the lack of cache coherency between the two cores. I need to be careful when accessing the same areas of memory with both cores to correctly flush and invalidate the data caches. Ideally any shared memory should be kept to a minimum, but this is easier said than done when porting existing code, rather than writing new code.
For a similar reason, any code which needs to run on the ME should avoid making any calls to the runtime library, including doing any system memory allocation. System calls are also ruled out. This is fairly easy to guarantee if you're writing new code, but again, it's a lot harder if you're porting existing code.
I think that's most of the issues from the hardware side. There are also a number of issues to be solved to do with the way that Daedalus handles audio and display list processing.
On the N64, the audio and display lists are processed asynchronously by the RSP coprocessor. In Daedalus, I can identify when these tasks are queued up for the RSP, intercept them, and process them synchronously (using high-level emulation rather than simulating the RSP execution directly).
The key thing here is that as far as the emulated N64 is concerned, audio and display list processing currently happens instantaneously. As soon as it kicks off the RSP it gets a interrupt to inform it that processing has completed. The whole process is very deterministic and I'm worried that by processing these display lists asynchronously on the ME that a number of intermittent and hard-to-debug issues will crop up. On the other hand, processing these tasks asynchronously is much closer to the behaviour of a real N64, which may fix some timing-related issues. It will also allow Daedalus to exploit the inherent parallelism that N64 roms were designed to take advantage of.
My current plan for ME audio support in R14 is:
Create a kernel mode PRX and get Daedalus successfully loading and invoking functions (under all supported firmwares). I've just about done this.
Add the code to support initialising and running code on the ME to the PRX. Test invoking user mode functions from the main EBOOT.PBP. I'll probably be using J.F.'s great sample code as a reference for this. Thanks J.F.!
Rewrite the audio list processing code so that it can be invoked synchronously or asynchronously as required (via some kind of configuration option). When running asynchronously it can just be run from a separate high-priority thread to start with. I can use this to test for various synchronisation issues without going through the pain of trying to do this on the ME first.
Audit the audio list processing code to minimise any memory accesses or ensure that they are correctly synchronised with the main core/thread. Any crt or system calls need to be eliminated or abstracted away (e.g. printfs NOP when compiled to run on the ME).
Invoke audio list processing code from the ME.
Cross fingers.
So, that's the plan; I'll keep you updated on my progress. If anyone has any experience doing this kind of thing on the ME it would be great to hear your thoughts.
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November 11th, 2007, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
This is the seventh year of IGN teaming with THQ to bring you an exclusive look at the Superstars of the latest WWE videogame. This year, we'll be detailing all of the WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008's in-ring renegades -- legends, divas and the current brawlers. What can you expect on these pages as time goes by? Well, be on the lookout for stats, bios, videos, screens and much more as we get in-depth, hands-on time with these titles.
Who gets the special PSP Countdown spotlight today? Why, it's none other than the portable's exclusive legends -- Jim Neidhart, Sgt. Slaughter and Eddie Guerrero.
282 lbs. HOMETOWN:
Calgary, Alberta
An amateur record-holding shot-putter. A devoted family man. A former NFL player. Those are a few of the things you could call Jim Neidhart, but most would call The Anvil one of the most intense sports-entertainers of all-time. Intensity is an attribute that many Superstars go their whole careers attempting to perfect in the ring, but for this former WWE Superstar, it was a trademark all his own, although he is quick to point out his beginning in the business was extreme enough.
After an outstanding high school shot-putting career at Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, Calif., and after being cut by the Dallas Cowboys, Neidhart ventured north to Calgary, Alberta, and Stu Hart's infamous dungeon for professional wrestling training.
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart then became a mainstay with WWE in the '80s, one-half of the legendary Hart Foundation with Bret "Hit Man" Hart. The two men were on top of the tag team world for much of the decade, either holding the World Tag Team Championship or battling over the titles.
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November 11th, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has updated his Firmware Extender for Custom Firmwares:
Updated to 1.9.2 :
Sorry for all the updates, but it's not easy to prevent all bugs alone before a release :x
- Fixed a stupid bug with nethost in cfe_vsh that was causing to always connect to the computer ip address "".
Updated to 1.9.1 :
- Fixed a bug with usbhost iso streaming while using normal mode.
- An option is added to the "cfe.config" configuration file to enable or disable text transparency.
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November 11th, 2007, 21:24 Posted By: EvilDooinz
Yup another one 
was board and sounded like an easy project so here ya go.
Version 1.0
Single player game with ai
Firework sprites
Dpad moves marker
cross make mark
Start Starts new round
Triangle take screen shot
L-Trigger exits
Please take screenshot with triangle if you win and send them to me in hopes of makeing it harder.
developed for fun in spare time hope you enjoy.
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November 11th, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The Logitech® Vantage™ USB Microphone enhances your favourite PLAYSTATION®3 karaoke games with high-quality audio input.
Sing along with a USB microphone that ensures high-quality audio input.
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November 11th, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The Logitech® Vantage™ USB Microphone enhances your favourite PLAYSTATION®3 karaoke games with high-quality audio input.
Sing along with a USB microphone that ensures high-quality audio input.
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November 12th, 2007, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Netaro:
Well, hello there, this is my 1st post!
This is a little game that i coded myself.
That's the galaga'ish game, in which your only objective is to shoot enemy ships.
The controls are simple, X shoots, left/right moves the ship, select opens pause menu.
As for now, the game is playable, has no known to me bugs (if you find any errors, please tell me immediately!), and features a hiscore and save/load system.
The game was coded in c++, using Brunni's OSLib.
I'm going to add some new features in the future, like special power-ups and so forth...
So, how do you like it? Please let me know
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via netaro
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November 12th, 2007, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Team Shadow have released an english version of his Hide Folders Application for the PSP:
this is the final version. installl:
1 -) psp to the root of ms copies the folder
2 -) stick takes the program in game/memory
3 -) when it starts selects that folders you want to hide and as no
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November 12th, 2007, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Emcp has released a great application for modding cars in GTA Vice City Stories.
Heres the release notes:
Yes The Second Version Has Came Packed With Alot More Goodies
Heres the changelog
Importer - Import SA vehicles using Handling.cfg
Default Settings for VCS Vehicles Thanks to WB
Vehicle Names Added
Turn Mass Added
None added to Garages
GFX added to Exporter
And More
Todo :
Find Top Speed
Find Acceleration
Listern To Requests
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November 12th, 2007, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Pilout has updated his Mario Game for the PSP, heres the details:

Hi Folks me revoilat with version V2 mario speed corner so the gameplay as you know already, but here are the news
- Best Graphics
- Possibiliter save
Three-plus lvl
A monster in the last lvl who do not yet colisions ^ ^
Here I would like to thank my new graphic Kalitay and of course marc6310 for his help at the beginning of graphics and for his ideas, because the idea is to
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November 12th, 2007, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelnick has clarified that Grand Theft Auto IV will still release in the company's second fiscal quarter - between February and April 2008.
Last week, Zelnick told a BMO Capital Markets conference that the company was not ready to announce a firm date for the highly-anticipated title.
This was taken by some to mean that the previously announced launch window - between the start of February and the end of April 2008 - was not set in stone.
But Zelnick, speaking to Gamespot, has stated that he only meant that Take-Two and developer Rockstar did not want to name an exact date yet.
"I wasn't intending to be newsworthy," Zelnick said. "When asked about the release date, I confirmed the previous release date we'd given, which is our second fiscal quarter. That's to say sometime between the beginning of February and the end of April."
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November 12th, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
There are early indications that Guitar Hero III has had a significant impact on record sales for bands featured in the game.
The game, subtitled Legends of Rock, was released in the US at the end of October. It will launch in Europe on 23 November.
Hard rock label Roadrunner Records said that sales of DragonForce's album "Inhuman Rampage" increased 126% week-on-week in the wake of Guitar Hero III's release. DragonForce's song "Through the Fire and Flames" is featured as an unlockable bonus track in Guitar Hero III.
Slipknot, another Roadrunner artist featured in the game, also saw its album sales increase.
The news follows comments made by EA's Steve Schnur at Games Convention Asia in September. Schnur asserted that games were now more relevant than radio when it comes to promoting new music.
US sales figures for Guitar Hero III are not yet available, but Activision is expecting the music title to be one of its top sellers this year. Its extensive marketing campaign for the game has included sponsorship of the Sex Pistols' reunion concerts in London last week.
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November 12th, 2007, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Don Lindich posted this:
I enthusiastically recommend HD DVD because it's a better product and a better proposition for consumers. Signs are showing it is going to trounce Blu-ray, and soon. Surprised? Read on.
For those looking for a single sentence explaining why go with HD DVD: It's a better thought-out, more solid product than Blu-ray, it is half the price, and picture and sound quality are identical. At less than $200 including seven or more movies, HD DVD players are a stunning value. Why pay twice the money when Blu-ray has serious issues and the movies look and sound the same?
I smile when I see people buying HD DVD players based on bargain pricing, because they are unknowingly getting the Ferrari as well! Despite its purported superiority and much higher cost, Blu-ray is the emperor with no clothes. HD DVD has been superior since day one.
On the other hand, at launch Blu-ray's picture quality was horrible, generating barbs such as "needs to go to the scrap heap" and "who in their right mind would ever like this?" Though they have since closed the picture quality gap, almost all Blu-ray player models announced or existing are already obsolete. They conform to an early player profile that does not support upcoming disc features. Profiles should have been finalized before product launch! Blu-ray's record has been spotty at best, and if you say it sounds like they have been fixing it as they go along, I'd say you are right.
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November 12th, 2007, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
According to this weeks Nielsen VideoScan numbers Blu-ray took the lion's share of the HD movie sales again this week with a 71% to 29% split (2.45:1). It appears that the Transformers' effect wasn't enough to hold off Spidey 3, despite the disappointing sales. What's really interesting is that there is only one HD DVD title in the top ten this week, and to add insult to injury, four of the top ten titles are also available on HD DVD, but didn't sell well enough to make the list.
1. Spider-Man 3 BD 100.00
2. Spider-Man: The High Definition Trilogy BD 71.95
3. Transformers HD 31.42
4. Meet the Robinsons BD 8.82
5. 300 BD 6.56
6. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer BD 5.03
7. License to Wed BD 4.24
8. The Shining BD 4.11
9. Mr. Brooks BD 4.03
10. 2001: A Space Odyssey BD 3.88
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November 12th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Epic Games' Mark Rein says that he hopes Unreal Tournament 3 will be released on PlayStation 3 this year but he doesn't think it will make it to Europe until 2008.
"We think there's a very solid shot we'll get out this year - I don't know about Europe. Europe's a problem because the certification process in Europe takes longer.
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November 12th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
A Sony CSR admitted to reader Ive that dust should not void a Playstation 3's warranty.
"Ive: I'm calling just to pretty much clarify the PS3's warranty, if there's any clause in the warranty that makes it so that if the PS3 is too dusty that the warranty is void.
CSR: No.
Ive: No?
CSR: No. The only way that it, um, voided is if it was neglected, um, abused, dropped or anything like, modificated like if you opened it up, modification, if you didn't have your receipt, um, any power failures like mother nature or anything like that then that actually does void the warranty. Other than that any defective PS3s or anything like that is still, um, still under the warranty."
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November 12th, 2007, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Memento Team have released a new version of their Software which when put on the Memor 32 Memory Card turns the card into a Modchip, awesome eh 
Heres the latest updates:
Posted: 11 November 2007
Quick release of a 0.9c version to fix some issues with the windows patcher.
We fixed some incompatibilities with some WinXP and Windows Vista versions. This version should be functional with all Windiws versions.
Please report any issues in the patcher or the firmware to: memento @ smtp.ru
Posted: 07 November 2007
Here we are again, this time we release our last beta, the V0.9b.
This is already a giant step in respect to the previous beta.
Also we are releasing today a window interface for the patcher.
You will not need anymore to use the DOS command line, but you will be able to patch in a matter of seconds with this easy window interface.
This version is still PAL, but all issues was solved for the NTSC, so is just a matter to pack it and test it. Expect the V1.0 with full PAL/NTSC support and more features in a very short time!
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Heres more about the Memor 32 Mem Card:
New from Mr Modchips comes the release of Memor 32 which is a new USB Memory Card that via a bios released by a hacking team turns into a Modchip of sorts.
heres the details on the Memory Card:
New from Mr Modchips (UK)
The PS2 is certainly no stranger to a continuous flow of great games which is why every hardcore gamer will adore the Memor 32. Featuring a unique USB based design, the Memor 32 is an advanced memory card for use on any PS2 and PSTwo systems around the world. Unlike standard memory cards, the Memor 32 will allow gamers to load and unload save games to and from the PC for use with the PS2. It’s compatibility is up there with the best, with over 1500 games tested and working perfectly.
- 100% MagicGate compatible powerful 32MB memory card
- Compatible with all PS2 and PSTwo systems worldwide
- Integrated USB connector
- Load and unload saves games to and from the PC for use with the console via software
- Unrivalled compatibility, over 1500 games tested and save compatible
- Perfectly plug and play device
- Two years in development
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November 12th, 2007, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China and in a full range of colours:

Protect your PSP Slim & Lite AND improve your gameplay with better grip for different types of games with this powerful combo accessory.
A high quality screen protector with a special design to add specific silicon stick pads that improve grip and control over your favorite games.
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November 12th, 2007, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Play your dance game with an arcade feeling with this dancing mat compatible with Playstation 3, Playstation 2 and PC. Made of high quality material, slip proof and durable, it is perfect to enjoy dancing games to the most!
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November 12th, 2007, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Play your dance game with an arcade feeling with this dancing mat compatible with Playstation 3, Playstation 2 and PC. Made of high quality material, slip proof and durable, it is perfect to enjoy dancing games to the most!
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November 12th, 2007, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A real heavy metal guitar for rock/guitar games on Playstation 2! Nice metallic color and metal look and fully compatible with the Guitar Hero serie of games. And all this with wireless 2.4GHz connectivity, no cable, just pure play!
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November 12th, 2007, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Utilize the Battery Pack for long hours of portable entertainment wherever, whenever you want to play!
Original official product with no packing.
Not sure if this for Slim or phat.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Whether you've stripped out some screws or your so-called friend dropped one during an install, fear no more! Your PSP can be whole again and just as sturdy as before.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The e-setter is a device that allow the user to easily set up their TV screen to be used with the Playstation 3 gaming console. It solves an annoying problem of black screen when switching your PS3 from one TV to another.
People who have 2 or more TVs at home wanting to move the PS3 to play on another TV, may find that there is no picture display after moving because the output resolution is different on each TV. They would have to set the PS3 back to original setting on their current TV before move to another TV.
Setting the output of PS3 is complicated, and takes up to half hour to do so.
The e-setter is a device for users to set up the output resolution easily, switch a buttons and get set up in a few seconds.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Play your PSP Slim & Lite on the big screen with this high quality, gold plated plugs, RGB/Scart cable. Connects to all SCART Television and play all games and UMD movies
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November 12th, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This is NOT a classic screen protection film. Dragon Protector Mask is a thick, strong protection for your PSP Slim & Lite screen. While it protects your PSP console valuable screen, it still allows you to connect all accessories like GPS, Camera or TV tuner.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

All-new SOCOM experience delivers a true combat simulation, where tactics determine the outcome of each encounter.
Innovative, easy-to-use graphical interface lets you switch seamlessly between fireteam, sub-team elements and individual SEALs to view the action and issue commands.
Enhanced artificial intelligence results in smarter, more formidable enemies that communicate with each other.
Choose from nine international special forces units, each with unique weapons and loadouts.
Tactical-action gameplay delivers a unique online multiplayer experience, featuring 2-4 player Ad Hoc and Infrastucture play with full headset support.
Operate in highly-detailed environments, including urban, industrial and jungle terrains.
Authentic special forces movements and tactics, refined with technical assistance by the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command, makes this the most realistic SOCOM to date.
Command Equity and Local Influence allows skills, weapons and gear upgrades.
In the midst of rising instability, insurgents have abducted the U.S. ambassador. Sanctioned by the Panamanian government, America's elite fighting force has been deployed to rescue and extract the ambassador. Take control of an entire SEAL team and engage in real-time tactical combat, where you evaluate each situation, determine a plan of action, and then execute on your command.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Pages: 128
BradyGames' SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike Official Strategy Guide features a comprehensive walkthrough of the entire game.
Detailed mission maps.
In-depth descriptions of weapons, vehicles and other pieces of equipment.
Expert multiplayer tactics.
BradyGames is Official and Exclusive on this title.
Coming this fall exclusively for PSP, created with technical assistance by the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command, SOCOM Tactical Strike offers the most realistic portrayal of special operations' team tactics and strategy seen to-date.
Bringing a new gameplay format to the SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs franchise, SOCOM Tactical Strike allows players to assume the role of an entire team of elite Special Forces. Gamers evaluate their situation from the SEALs' perspective, Plan their approach and Execute their strategy using the expertise of the four man SEAL team. Play as international Special Forces from the UK, Australia, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, South Korea and the Netherlands, all supported with native languages. In the midst of rising instability, insurgents have abducted the U.S. ambassador. Sanctioned by the Panamanian government, America's elite fighting force has been deployed to rescue and extract the ambassador.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:37 Posted By: Unicorn

Via http://psp.scenebeta.com/.
pspgorrister has just released a nice application to convert videos to PSP format, using Linux. It integrates into Konqueror and supports avi, mpeg, mpg....Its in English and Spanish (depends on your KDE language).
Another GREAT feature is that you will be able to convert YouTube videos. Just follow the instructions below, clicking on YouTube video (or even Youtube link, if we dont want to watch that video in that moment )
Just open a terminal, and write:
- cd ..
- cd Kpsp-Convert0.2.0
- sh ./install.sh
Now, navegate to your favourite video. Click on it with the right button/Actions/Convert to PSP Format. Just select Output folder/Codec and wait for a while.
The codecs of the above of Window codecs give more quality for the final video, but they are also slower.
Note that you could need ffmpeg library (just use Google).
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November 12th, 2007, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Delve even deeper into the adventure and play through 30 years of the Beowulf story not seen in the movie. Experience more of Beowulf's life and mold your own legacy.
Unlock an army of 4-12 thanes as you increase your heroic experience (by saving thanes, killing giant monsters, etc.).
Carnal Power allows you to use stronger attacks and special weapons such as pillars.
Give orders, assign your army's position, and tailor weapons to the situation or enemy.
Use your army to trigger mechanisms (e.g., open doors) and row Drakar.
Carnal upgrades include less daze after use and prolonged use of Carnal Fury.
Combos, parries, and skills increase as you progress.
Grab allows you to hold on to walls or climb, as well as fight in hand-to-hand combat with enemies and giant monsters.
Play Beowulf, an epic hero tormented by desire for power and glory. A slayer and a king – torn between the nobility and brutality within him.
You are Beowulf, legendary Norse warrior with the strength of 30 men. Arrogant, self-serving, and lustful for gold and glory, you journey to Denmark to destroy a bloodthirsty beast wreaking havoc on a frigid land. But evil persists, and you succumb to its lure of even greater fame, quietly maneuvering to claim the Danish throne. As King, you must face the consequences of ambition, even as war descends on the realm. Lead your thanes into battle, slay the Titans of a dying age, and crush the enemies that threaten to annihilate both your kingdom and your people.
Only then, when you look Destiny in the eye, will you know what kind of hero you truly are...
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November 12th, 2007, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

In the 14th century a quarrel over English succession to the French throne escalated into what history would call the Hundred Years’ War. This ongoing war had exhausted the standing armies of both sides and there was a growing dependence on mercenary soldiers.
Now, take charge as a mercenary leader and contract your army to the English and French. With arrows raining from above, knights charging on horseback, and cannoniers firing volleys at heavy infantry, armies will collide in unprecedented scale and startling chaos on the battlefield.
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November 12th, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Disc Fusion System for exclusive game modes
10 Game modes
Over 150 characters
Over 20 destructible battle stages
More than 10 types of AI balancing for your opponents
1-2 players
Dragon Ball Z®: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 takes the lightning fast fighting, flying and action that made its predecessor, DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2, last year’s #1 fighting game and takes it to a whole new level with exciting new features. For the first time in Dragon Ball Z® history, the Wii™ platform will feature online gameplay, connecting DBZ fans around the country. Meanwhile the
PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system version of DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 will be the final installment of Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi series on this platform. A ‘Disc Fusion System’ will be available exclusively to the PlayStation 2 system, allowing players to use Budokai Tenkaichi 1 and/or Budokai Tenkaichi 2 to unlock exclusive game modes available only on the PlayStation 2 system.
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November 12th, 2007, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The Simpsons™ Game features a hilarious, sprawling, and mind-busting storyline crafted by the TV show’s Emmy Award-winning writers. The action-comedy will also feature the full cast of voice actors from the TV show who will reprise their roles for the game. In The Simpsons Game, Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new powers to save the world from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers at home must journey through all of Springfield (as well as vast worlds beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of villains, and fight their way through parodies of popular games.
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November 12th, 2007, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Platform: Sony PlayStation 3 and X-Box 360
pages: 496
Concept art and commentary: Prima's Assassins Creed Limited Edition will include revealing interviews with Jade Raymond and the team as well as beautiful artwork revealing the dawning of Altaïr.
High-quality Packaging: Hadcover package with stunning artwork from the team on the cover.
Clean box art: Prima's one-sheet will fall away when the shrinkwrap is removed, leaving pristine art, unmarred by logos, barcodes, or taglines.
A $40 value: The Limited Edition will include the exclusive Assassins Creed Art Book, as well as the complete Assassins Creed strategy guide.
Pages: 464
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November 12th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Platform: Sony PlayStation 3 and X-Box 360
pages: 336
Tours of each city explore every peak and street, and give you a road map for mastering the Assassin's Creed world.
Labeled maps detail flags, targets, side quests, and templar locations.
Detailed target walkthroughs let you take to the roofs, sneak through the crowd, and rush in for the kill.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted!
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November 13th, 2007, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
via gxmod
Roomain, a member of the Team, has just created a utility to create a Pandora running firmware 3.72 HX-1.
As a reminder, the use of Pandora was impossible due to the use of the method sceKernelLoadModule () when updating the custom firmware 3.72 HX-1 which is working under firmware.
Based on Pandora Creator for 3.xx by HellCat, Roomain do that remade the roster PRX. The source code is included in the archive.
CAUTION: This software can damage your battery. Whatever successfully tested by different member of our forums and the team, under any circumstances, the author or Gx-mod not be held liable for any damages that might be caused to your PSP.
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November 13th, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
A new podcast has been released from the PSP Show:
The PSP Show #57 - Alien Syndrome (MP3 9.31 mb 13 minutes 30 seconds)
Back in Edinburgh, and I get to stay in the same country for a while now - no more traveling till December! But I do talk about traveling with the PSP Slim and Lite, as well as touch on the Red PSP, the fun with Manhunt 2, a heads up on an RSS Manager, and a review of Sega’s re-imagining of the Alien Syndrome franchise.
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November 13th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
The popular DivX video codec will soon be supported on the PlayStation 3 via a future firmware update. DivX CEO Kevin Hell also hinted that support is coming to the 360 as well. 'During the SMid Cap conference call with investment firm JP Morgan, Hell was asked if the recent deal that will see DivX codecs shipped with new versions of Microsoft's standalone Media Center Extenders means that such support will also be arriving on the Xbox 360. "Yes!" was his immediate reply, although he quickly qualified that confirmation with a disclaimer that the deal was still in the negotiation process and had not yet been finalized
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November 13th, 2007, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Mootoo posted this news/release:
This App translate resistors 4 stripes color code.[1/2 hour work most in PS ]
I make this little app for me ,but i want share it .
Select colours and read all you need !!
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via mootoo
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November 13th, 2007, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks comes an interesting little tutorial to Enable PS3 Remote Start on CFW 3.71 M33-3
Download ofw 3.72
Open USB Connection and put 3.72 eboot (rename it to UPDATE.PBP) in root of mem stick
Put PSARDUMPER in Game (3.71 kernal)
Run Psardumper
Press Square
After it's done dumping, open USB Connection and copy premo_plugin.prx (f0\vsh\module) and premo_plugin.rco (f0\vsh\resource) and paste them somewhere for safe keeping
You can delete the folder now.
Open recovery menu on PSP (right bumper and turn on with PSP still connected to PC)
Go to advanced
Select Toggle USB (flash0)
A new window should pop up on your PC
Make sure you have hidden files and system files viewable
Replace premo_plugin.prx (vsh\module) and premo_plugin.rco (vsh\resource) with the ones you copied
Select Toggle USB (flash0) to disable
Restart PSP
that should let the psp use 3.72 remote play on 3.71
Of course only try this if you know what your doing 
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November 13th, 2007, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nherve updated his Plugin for PS2 emulators:
Open the champagne !!!
I've here a new pad plugin I wrote. It's MegaPad and it uses SDL. No worry, the latest actual version of the SDL (1.2.12) is provided.
This plugin offers, as LilyPad, a complete pad support, many possibilities, but is much simpler than LilyPad.
First place SDL.dll in the root PCSX2 folder (not the plugins folder), else the plugin won't start.
1. Mapping and config
After having selected MegaPad in the Pad plugins list and launched its GUI by clicking the
Config button, you must configure it. You can select the Pad 1 or the Pad 2 with the
buttons in the top-left corner of the window. For mapping press any of the 20 buttons.
The pressed button will become grayed. Then you can do various things :
a. Keyboard
For the buttons press a key and the selected button will be bound to the pressed key. Pressing
Escape or Backspace allows you to delete a value. For the axes press any key with old versions, or click right button whth new versions, and the selected
axis will be bound to the mouse. Note that if the axes of the 2 players are bound to the mouse,
they will move simultaneously.
b. Joystick
For the buttons press a button, a POV hat in the wanted direction or move an axis in the wanted
direction and it will be bound to the selected button. Note that if you bind an axis to a
pressure-sensitive button*, the pressure will match the value of the axis. Try this feature in
games which need pressure sensitive buttons. For the axes move an axis and it will be bound to
the selected axis. Warning : the GUI has a little difficulty to detect the moves of the vertical
(y) axes, but there is no problem in the games.
c. Misc
There are 4 general options under the mapping buttons.
1. Axis sensitivity : can be 3 values (affect the GUI as the games). This is the sensitivity of the
plugin to axis moves.
-Very sensible : for precision games or low-sensibility axes.
-Normal : default, I recommend you to use it.
-Low sensibility : use it if your axes are very sensible.
2. Enable logging : This enables a pad log stored in logs\megapad_log.txt, which can be used only for
debugging purposes. As mentionned, this logging makes the emu slower.
3. Always show cursor : Use it with ZeroGS if you use the mouse, to see where is the cursor.
4. Low-visibility cross cursor : The arrow cursor is replaced by a low-visibility cross cursor.
Use it if you don't want to see the arrow cursor.
Then click OK.
2. Emu
I think I don't need to detail how to use the keyboard or the joysticks, but I will tell you how does
the mouse support work.
Press the left button for left axis, the right button for right axis. When you release a button, the
corresponding axis will be "centered". When you press a button the cursor is automatically centered.
Move it as an analog axis. When a button is pressed the cursor cannot get out the GS window. The
mouse support has been seriously improved in the new version, axis positions are calculated from
the size of the GS window, so it works better than PadWinKeyb mouse support.
If you encounter any bug using this plugin tell it to me.
The plugin is in the attachments, with screenshots of the GUI.
Version 1.3.2
For those who get a bug while mapping the buttons, download this version.
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November 13th, 2007, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Compete at the highest level of street racing with Need for Speedâ„¢ ProStreet. It's no longer good enough to simply rule your local neighbourhood you need to dominate on a global stage. Build the ultimate battle machine, take it to multi-disciplinary showdowns and pit your skills and reputation against the world's best street racers. This is your chance to prove that you have what it takes to be crowned the next street king.
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November 13th, 2007, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Columbia Pictures' Spider-Man 3 reunites the cast and filmmakers from the first two blockbuster adventures for a web of secrets, vengeance, love, and forgiveness that will transport worldwide audiences to thrilling new heights on May 4, 2007.
In Spider-Man 3, based on the legendary Marvel Comics series, Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control.
Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care about him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves.
Published by Sony Pictures, the Blu-ray movie release edition of Spider Man 3 is now available as Region A encoded Asia edition at US$ 31.90 only. This title features English (DTS HD) and French dub (Dolby Digital 5.1) with selectable Chinese, English, Korean, Thai, Spanish or French subtitles.
In stock at the same time is the Spider Man [The High Definition Trilogy] box set, containing all three movies in high definition quality.
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November 13th, 2007, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Unique Gameplay Modes and Missions – A new single player mode, “Infinity Missionâ€, and additional multiplayer modes will engage even the most experienced strategy veterans
Use Saved Data – Upload your saved data from the original Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops to create instant squads
More Online Maps – Choose from a variety of new environment maps, such as an updated version of the REX Hangar area of the original Metal Gear Solid, for more multiplayer mayhem
More Playable Characters – Recruit brand new soldiers from the Metal Gear Solid universe, including Raiden and Snake from MGS4, to form a unique fighting crew
Improved Support – Tutorials and improved in-game support helps players of all skill levels to jump right into the action or hone their skills
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus is a standalone addition to last year’s award winning stealth action title of the same name. Focusing on a portable multiplayer experience, players will be able to enjoy more maps, more missions, and recruit a talented crew of war heroes for battling real opponents in online arenas.
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November 13th, 2007, 22:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ubisoft has pencilled in Haze for December 14 in its latest release schedule, meaning the shooter will just manage to squeeze in amongst the Christmas rush.
It also means the game has been pushed back a month - it was originally scheduled to release in November.
Developed by Free Radical, Haze is currently exclusive to PS3, although it's widely thought that PC and Xbox 360 versions will hit next year (but this remains unconfirmed by official channels). So it might not be exclusive to PS3 for very long with the slip to December.
Anyway, it's set in a near-future where the government has outsourced military operations to private multinational corporations. You play Shane Carpenter, a soldier who works for the Mantel Corporation who has access to high-tech vehicles, kick-ass weapons and performance enhancing bio-medical support.
Free Radical director David Doak has said previously that one of the developer's key goals with the game is "to make people think" in addition to "pushing the bar with gameplay and presentation".
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November 13th, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
There are fresh rumours doing the rounds this morning that a sequel to Insomniac's PS3-launch shooter, Resistance: Fall of Man will, be with us next year.
Ripten.com claims to have received info from a "trusted source" that Sony is preparing to put Resistance 2 through a major stress test in January.
Sony, of course, has yet to confirm the existence of Resistance 2, but you just know it's in the pipeline.
A rumour on the sequel appearing last month suggested that the follow-up is being tentatively prepared for launch next November, and will relocate the alien-bashing action to the States.
It even went as far as to say that the sequel will feature a cliff-hanger ending paving the way for a third game in the series.
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November 13th, 2007, 22:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami says it is working on fixes for a number of issues specific to the PlayStation 3 version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008.
Online gameplay quality, stuttering graphics and game freezes are all addressed in the latest update to the publisher's online FAQ, which also suggests some short-term solutions while they work on proper fixes.
For example, people experiencing "stuttering" are very likely "not playing the game in high definition", it says here. "The solution to this problem is to play the game on an HDTV with an HDMI or component cable and the PS3 set to output in 720p resolution or above." (Er.) Calm down though, because they are "continuing to work on finding a solution for those people who do not have access to an HDTV".
What about online gameplay? "We have uncovered issues which affect online gameplay quality of PES 2008," the FAQ says. "We are working at full strength to find a solution as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience."
Meanwhile, if you're having problems with the game freezing in the Master League or when starting a match, you're advised that these issues mainly present themselves when the game has been installed to the hard disk. In the Master League's case, a combination of auto-saving and hard disk storage causes problems, so turning off auto-save is a short-term workaround, while matches freezing up are apparently down to a mixture of hard-disk install and players with camera-customised appearance - something you can dodge by playing PES 2008 without installing the game to the hard disk.
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November 14th, 2007, 02:09 Posted By: CaptainMorgan4
StrmnNrmn has updated his blog today on Tuesday, and it's about his progress on the Media Engine.
"Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Media Engine progress
Over the weekend I described my plans for getting audio list processing working on the PSP's Media Engine. I'm making some decent progress so far. I've got Daedalus loading a kernel mode PRX to handle the ME nitty gritty, and I've managed to execute some test code on the ME successfully.
I've spent some time reviewing the audio code, trying to figure out if any bits are particularly amenable to running asynchronously, and trying to figure out if there is anything that is going to cause any problems when running this code on the ME. Fortunately it looks like all of Azimer's audio code is very straightforward C so there should be no problems getting it running on the ME once the synchronisation issues are dealt with. I've also realised that alongside the audio list processing there is also some expensive 44kHz upsampling code which will run very nicely on the ME too.
Via StrmnNrmn's Blog: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
I have the feeling that debugging code on the ME is going to be particularly painful, so I want to try and catch as many of the obvious synchronisation bugs as early as possible. This evening I've started writing a job manager to 'simulate' executing code on the ME. The manager simply creates a thread which sits and waits for jobs to come in, mimicing the behaviour of the mediaengineprx. Once I've got the audio list processing running correctly through the job manager, I can easily switch things over to get these jobs running on the ME in parallel to the main core. That's the plan, anyway 
Glad to see he's updating alot now, hopefully he'll get through this smoothly.
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November 14th, 2007, 02:40 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Today D3 Publisher announced Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords has shipped for the PlayStation 2. Initially available on the DS and PSP earlier this year, Puzzle Quest has become a bit of a phenomenon due to its addictive blend of Bejewelled-style "match three" gameplay and RPG elements.
Players can develop and customize their own personal hero as they travel the land matching jewels, gaining experience, and learning spells. Battle is handled on the field of puzzle in head-to-head matches over a Bejewelled screen.
Puzzle Quest lands on the PS2 at the bargain price of $19.99.

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November 14th, 2007, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Durka Durka Mahn now supporting 3.71 M33 firmware.
Allow me to introduce my next cheat device! This time it is for my favorite game series, Megaman X!
Allowing you to fly through levels, almost never die, and change weapons with the press of a button while playing as Vile, this Cheat Device is definitely worth a try!
Version 1 Info:
FlyMode - Allows you to easily fly around the level as X or Vile.
Infinite Health: You will never die! (Unless you fall down a hole or land on spikes)
Infinite Lives: You will always have 9 lives
Infinite Ammo: Infinite ammo for all weapons!
Always Charged Shots: All shots will be charged when the Square button is released!
Display Coordinates: Allows you to see your Coordinates while going through each level.
Vile's Weapon Changer: Allows you to go over budget and choose weapons you don't have. Even change them in the middle of a level!
Triangle for Hadouken: Hit Triangle to shoot the famous Hadouken, killing everything in its path, even Bosses!
Installation for OE and M33 Firmwares:
Make a new folder named 'SEPlugins' on the root of your memory stick. In this new folder, drag
the MMMHXCD.prx file and make a new .txt file called 'Game.txt'. In this new .txt file, add this line:
Save the .txt file. Now hold the power switch up until your PSP powers off. Turn it back on, hold the
Right Trigger down until you see the Recovery menu, then enable the PRX in the Plugins menu.
Cheat Device installed!
3.71 M33 or higher users:
SWB: RS Cheat Device fix for 3.71+
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November 14th, 2007, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
via pspslimhacks
I have created a easy installer since some users are having trouble installing Quake 1.0 that was recently released. This easy installer includes the Quake shareware demo ID folder and WAD file so your all ready to play Quake 1 on your Playstation Portable after installation.
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November 14th, 2007, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Mootoo has posted a new version of his Resistor Color Code app for the PSP:
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November 14th, 2007, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
ChillyWilly has released a new version of his port of Doom for the PSP which also includes the shareware files so no need to buy your own copy if you dont own it already, full details follow:
Here's my conversion of ADoomPPC, one of the better DOOM conversions (for the Amiga). It's got a simple, decent gui that runs before you start the game which allows you to set most of the major DOOM settings. On the Slim PSP, it supports TV out. This arc includes the source, two sets of MIDI instruments and the shareware WAD file.
v1.4 - 2007/11/14 : Automatically switches on LCD after using TV. No need to tap the display button anymore. Now uses intraFonts from Ben Hur as
long as the ltn8.pgf font can be loaded. Looks a LOT better. If it fails to load the font for some reason (you deleted it to make room in the
flash or something), it falls back to the debug printing. Altered
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November 14th, 2007, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer that all PlayStation 2 titles that support rumble and are compatible with PS3 will also rumble if you use the new DualShock 3 pad.
During last week's hands-on with the new controller, we noted that PS2 rumble seemed to be disabled. Since then, PS3 firmware 2.0 has quietly introduced support.
The news from Sony adds to anecdotal evidence from eager importers who reported success getting rumble out of games like Rez and Katamari Damacy.
PlayStation 3 games that already support the pad include MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man and Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction.
So, another reason to put one on your shopping list, although you might have to wait a while if you opt for an import - the demand, not to mention price, seems pretty high. The official European and US release date for DualShock 3 is spring 2008.
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November 14th, 2007, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony Computer Entertainment has unveiled pricing details for SingStar PS3's SingStore, where you, your girlfriend and your nan will be able to buy new tracks for GBP £0.99 each from the December 7 launch date.
At first SingStore will offer 44 new tracks over the vanilla game's 30, including songs from previous PS2 entries and new ones (like The Manic Street Preachers and Depeche Mode - no Snoop though).
Sony promises new content will be added to the SingStore regularly, starting as early as little over a week after release on December 17.
It also boasts that downloading of new tracks will take place entirely in the background, so you can keep making a prat of yourself on the mic while it downloads.
The game itself is being offered for the bargain price of £24.99, or £49.99 with two microphones. That's the missus' Christmas present sorted, then (or for yourself, going by the worrying number of you who seem to be excited in the comments).
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November 14th, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's being reported that the latest major PS3 firmware update, version 2.0, could be at the heart of a problem that's causing a number of PS3s to cease working.
A notably large number of PS3 owners have hit the official site to voice concerns of their PS3 functioning incorrectly since installing the update.
Complains range from a small as slowed menu navigation and slow PS Store download speeds to more critical errors such as games consistently crashing or even the PS3 completely losing the ability to read discs.
Others have also complained on the official forum that their PS3 keeps turning itself on due to the new Remote Start feature in FW 2.0 (which allows you to turn on your PS3 wirelessly via the internet for Remote Play via a PSP).
It's worth noting that the timing of the errors could be completely coincidental. It's not uncommon for users who experience errors soon after an update to point the finger of blame at the new firmware.
We've checked our updated PS3s - everything's working just fine (phew). Voice any issues you may have experienced in the comments below.
Sony was not available for comment at the time of writing but we'll keep trying.
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November 14th, 2007, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Despite numerous denials, everyone from crazed forum users to industry analysts reckon Bioshock for PS3 is a dead certainty, and 2K has leapt out to crush yet more spiralling internet rumours.
"Please don't tell me you made an account just for this question", said a clearly frustrated representative on the official 2K Games forums as threads regarding the Bioshock PS3 rumour erupted once again.
They went on to bluntly add: "There will be no PS3 version of BioShock. It has been explained time and time again."
So, Bioshock on PS3. Not happening. At least, we think that's the message he was trying to get across.
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November 14th, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
If you look at the central processor in Microsoft's (MSFT) Xbox 360 you will see something that can trace its ancestry right back to the Intel 8086 of 1978. Over its evolution this has forced endless fudges and compromises. An analogy might be trying to build a working supertanker on the plans of a model rowing boat. And the 360 itself owes its architecture to the IBM PC of 1981 and so carries with it the accommodations that this architecture imposes. These factors, ultimately, must impinge on the working of the console.
Compare that to Sony (SNE), who were able to design the processor and the console it is in with a clean sheet of paper. The Cell processor, designed jointly with IBM and Toshiba at a cost of $400 million is the state of the art in processor dessign. It is scalable, highly flexible and excellent at distributed processing.
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November 14th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of Sony's PS3 video games console surged 300 per cent after the company released a cheaper model in Japan last week, according to leaked survey data.
Sony Japan introduced the new PS3 model with a 40GB hard disk drive on November 11. One day later, local PS3 weekly sales figures had soared from an average of 16,000 to almost 66,000.
The figures are contained in preliminary data from the latest edition of a regular survey by Japan-based video games publisher and market survey firm, Enterbrain
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November 14th, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Christophe Balestra, Co-President of Naughty Dog:
"The main thing about the PlayStation 3 is the Cell processor and more specifically the SPU's. We are only using 30 percent of the power of the SPU's in Uncharted. We've been architecting a lot of our systems around this and we were able to take full advantage of that power. A big part of our systems is running on SPU's: scene bucketing, particles, physics, collision, animation, water simulation, mesh processing, path finding, etc. For our engine, the cool thing about having the SPU's is the fact we can minimize what we send to the RSX (the graphic chip), it allows us to reject unnecessary information and get the RSX to be very efficient."
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November 14th, 2007, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
If price is the battleground where the war between Blu-ray and HD DVD will be fought, then Philips and Lite-On Digital Solutions fired a new salvo on Tuesday, with the announcement of a $199 drive.
Unfortunately, the internal PLDS DH-4O1S drive is not the official answer to the $99 Toshiba HD DVD player that went on sale at Wal-mart last week. The DH-401S is an internal drive for the PC that simply plays back Blu-ray, DVD, and CD discs, although the manufacturers noted that a PC equipped with the drive could be connected via an HDMI cable to a TV.
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November 14th, 2007, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
The PCSX2 Team have released a fixed version of their PS2 emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
Just a quick one, now i'm not suffering so badly from post traumatic release disorder, I thought I better just make a note saying to you guys the release builds were updated yesterday (if you didnt realise there was edit's) due to a bug making the TLB release extremely slow. This has now been fixed.
I have just updated the packs again to include Linuz ISO plugin version 0.7.0, seem's we accidently packed 0.6.0 with the earlier builds! sorry about that!
If you already have the slowness bug fixes (or you only use VM), you can download the Linuz ISO plugin update from our plugin downloads section, else feel free to redownload the packs, preferably from the mirror, as some of you may have noticed due to the volume of downloads we had, the site was grinding to a halt!
Thanks and enjoy 0.9.4
PS: Guide to getting online comming soon (a proper one). As linked in the last post there is a simple guide with the basic steps you need to take in order to get up and running, but i will do a more detailed one later for those who dont quite understand
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November 14th, 2007, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Carlos Eduardo:
After working some time on it, I have updated the Stackless Python for PSP to version 2.5.1, the latest version released and made the application user mode tested on 3.71 firmware.
In this release, I have fixes the problem exiting the application (where it locked the PSP) and tested many other functionality.
Here follows changes between last version:
- The SSL has been removed for now because it was not working on latest release.
- Fixed time and datetime modules to display correct dates and times based on PSP timezones and DST.
- Fixed problems on sys and os modules
- Ported to user mode and 3.xx kernel.
I hope many people could test this release and post feedbacks about it.
The package can be downloaded from here: http://stacklesspsp.googlepages.com/...PSP2.5.1_1.zip
The installation is the same, put the "python" directory on your MS root and place the EBOOT.PBP in your PSP/GAME3xx or GAME dir if you set it to run 3.xx apps.
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November 14th, 2007, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Not to be outdone by all the news from Microsoft, Sony announced six more PsOne games are ready to download for 600 yen a piece ($5). You can get Blue Breaker Burst, but you probably want to avoid the horrid 3D fighter and spend your money on Arc of the Lad II. The list also includes Arcade Hits: Moon Cresta, which is essentially an emulated version of the arcade game on a PsOne disc. Now you can add an extra layer of emulation by getting the downloadable PS3/PSP compatible version! Here are the new games Japan gets this week:
Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 3
Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 4
Velldeselba Senki: Tsubasa no Kunshou
Arcade Hits: Moon Cresta
Blue Breaker Burst
Arc of the Lad II
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November 14th, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
SofiyaCat has today popped up with a test release of the Sega Saturn emulator Yabause for the PSP. this emulator has been ported to Dreamcast by DCemu UKs very own BlueCrab so its nice and very interesting to see it ported to PSP.
Be under no illusion that this is basically a tech demo but how cool 
You will need a saturn bios too
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via SofiyaCat
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November 14th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
SofiyaCat has released something for Developers:
Oniguruma is a regular expressions library.
The characteristics of this library is that different character encoding for every regular expression object can be specified. (supported APIs: GNU regex, POSIX and Oniguruma native)
Yep means nothing to me 
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November 15th, 2007, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Resolution output keys- pre-set for 480i ,480P, 720P, 1080i ,1080P and HDMI Auto
Output selection including: HDMI, YUV, RGB, AV
USB plug and play
Can reset screen picture when no picture is available
Support hardware upgrade, support different versions of consoles
The e-setter is a device that allows easy set up of your PS3â„¢ console's screen resolution, suitable for different TV screens. If you connect your PS3â„¢ to more than one TV, with different screen resolutions, then the e-setter is the right item for you. Switch between resolutions within a few seconds.
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November 15th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Sony said that it has sold more than 100,000 PS3 consoles in the week ending November 11, an increase of 250 to 300 per cent from the average weekly sales before the price drop.
"It's the breakthrough we've been anticipating," Sony chairman and CEO Howard Stringer told The Associated Press. "We've been holding our breath."
"Obviously, we've taken so much heat over the year on PS3. Finally, the turning point has been passed," he said.
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November 15th, 2007, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
This is the final home address for the Memento Team:
We are going to move to our final WebHost in the next days and at the same time we will make also a small website redesign to add some more pages and info about Memento, how it works and how to use it.
By the time the new website we will be ready, we will also be ready to release the V1.0 Firmware with NTSC support.
People willing to make tutorial or video with Memento at work can e-mail us to:
memento @ pop3.ru
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November 15th, 2007, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Today a new demo for the game Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaiki da has been released, the game is a japanese game and thus not too easy to understand but your getting a free demo so why not give it a whirl
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November 15th, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Two Syracuse teenagers are facing felony charges after Syracuse police said the pair beat a man Tuesday at The Galleries in Syracuse while trying to take a hand-held game console from him.
Sharquan Edwards, 16, of 429 Wilkinson St., and Dannell Williams, 16, of 238 Primrose Ave., were both charged with two counts of felony robbery and a misdemeanor count of assault.
Joseph Morales, 25, told police he was at The Galleries at 8:50 a.m. waiting to go to the library and watching a movie on his PSP game console. As he was watching the movie, he was approached by Edwards and Williams, who he said he did not know, police said.
Williams demanded the PSP and grabbed it, Morales said. Morales held on and the two men began beating him to the floor, Morales said.
A witness walked into The Galleries about 9 a.m. and saw the two men hitting and kicking Morales, who was in a ball on the floor, police said. The witness yelled at the men to stop and both men stopped, the witness said. Then, the witness said, Williams kicked Morales in the head. Then both left the building, police said.
Williams was stopped by security outside The Galleries and Edwards was stopped riding a bicycle in the 100 block of Washington Street, police said.
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November 15th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
From the official site:
LTE Game Engine is a powerful 2d/3d game engine for PSP (R) Systems. Since 2006 the project has been mantained by SiberianSTAR, now, after about 2 years since the first release, the source codes are released to permit you to create, modify and upload your version of the engine.
* 3D Game Engine
* Mixed 2D + 3D
* Powerful and customizable 2D GUI
* Native Audio support (mp3, atrac3)
* Native Network (WiFi) support
* Character animation system
* Cel-shading effect
* Dynamic Shadows and Fast Planar Shadows
* Multi-Texturing
* Environmental Mapping
* Render to Textures
* Bone animation system
* Particle effects
* Billboards
* Dynamic Lights
* Powerful 2D with alpha, blend, etc..
* Six image formats supported (.bmp, .png, .jpg, . pcx, .tga, .psd)
* Nine mesh formats supported (.md2, .bsp, .x, .3ds, .obj, .dmf, .dae, ms3d, .b3d)
* Fonts support
* Collision detection
* Terrain generation
* and much more.
LTE Game Engine Source Code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
Download: http://www.ltestudios.com
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November 16th, 2007, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
A few of our readers were scoffing at the idea of a $399 40GB PS3. "What's the big deal," you said. This: according to Sony's CEO, Sir Howard Stringer, they've more than doubled sales in the US in the weeks since its launch. "It's the breakthrough we've been waiting for," said Stringer, "We've been holding our breath. Finally, the turning point has been passed." Prior to the October 18th price cut, Sony was selling just 30k to 40k consoles per week. Sales rose to 75,000 in the week ending October 29 rising to 100,000 the following week. Stringer also credits Wii shortages for helping the boost. Andrew House, Sony's chief marketing officer even takes a jab at HD DVD saying, "It puts us vastly ahead of where the other format is going to be in terms of an installed base in people's homes by the end of this holiday season." Perhaps, but we don't expect the boys at Microsoft, Nintendo, and Toshiba to just roll over and let this progress continue unabated now, do we?
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November 16th, 2007, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix let me know on IRC about a new version of his excellent Atari ST Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Get CaSTaway build 006 here:
I've proven it to work on my PSP Slim; I hope it still works on the Fat.
Please let me know if..
- it works on your Slim
- it works on your Fat with firmware 3.6 or later
- it works on your Fat with firmware earlier than 3.6
- it works on your Fat with 1.5
I am not including a kxploited or firmware-1.0 build in this release, in hopes this new Slim-happy one works on them all.. but we'll have to find out, and I'll adjust my releases as needed. (ie: If I need to include 2 or 3 or 4 builds for different firmwares, I will.)
This release freshens up the emu to my latest codebase and fixes a number of minor issues both in the emu and in the interface, as well as adding some goofy UI effects.
Edit: Known to work on Fat with 3.52 and 3.71, as well as Slim.
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November 16th, 2007, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
The release of the Sega Saturn emulator for the PSP yesterday brought a lot of discussion as to whether Saturn emulation was possible at a decent speed etc.
But on the 6th page of the discussion about the emulator, Notaz the coder behind the port of Picodrive the Megadrive and Sega CD emulator for the GP2X replied to a post by dgbbad :
Originally Posted by dgbbad
hearin some people talk about a sega cd emulator being possible makes me excited. i never would have thought about it before someone brought it up...but my favorite game ever was on sega cd (lunar). yea, i know saturn is out of the question...but if someone was to make a sega cd emulator....i would forsake all others before them.
Notaz then posted this
Oh really? 
and this screenshot:

Im sure you are as excited as me about this development and especially as Sega CD Emulation is playable on the GP2X
Thanks to Notaz for posting here at DCEmu and as soon as i hear anymore ill be posting more news 
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November 16th, 2007, 05:48 Posted By: Zombo
TTYman has released a new version of the excellent MAME Arcade emulator for the PSP
Install directions:
- Copy in /PSP/GAME (firmware 1.5) or /PSP/GAME150 (firmware 1.5 compatibility for 3.xx OE release);
There are four different builds in archive:
1) 1.50 Kernel mode (psp_mame4all_v4.9r2);
2) 1.50 Kernel mode without neogeo and cps1 support (psp_mame4all_v4.9r2-noneogeo-nocps1);
3) 2.00 User mode (psp_mame4all_v4.9r2-usermode);
4) 2.00 User mode without neogeo and cps1 support (psp_mame4all_v4.9r2-usermode-noneogeo-nocps1);
Use psp_mame4all_v4.9r2 as installation base, then replace EBOOT.PBP with your needed/preferred build;
- Recreate zipped roms with included ClrMame compatible .DAT files (v0.34-v0.36 mixed roms);
- Add created zipped roms files in ROMs subfolder and samples in samples subfolder;
Samples must be in .sam old Mame pre-v0.35 format, downloadable from http://www.mameworld.net/samples/sam.htm
or from
Specific Features:
- Based on latest MAME GP2X release v4.9;
- 480×272 full PSP Hires Support, now games with >320 orizz. and >240 vert. pixels are fully playable (Loderun, Galaga etc.);
- Overclock support, from 133 to 333 MHz;
- Fixed, Fixed Divided by 2, Software Scaled and Software Full Screen Stretched resolutions (all maximum 480×272);
- Frameskip as GP2X version (fixed 0-5, auto 1-5);
- Vsync on/off;
- Save configuration support, default and per game;
- 22KHz with 16 voices predefined sounds, 33KHz and 44KHz frequencies with 4, 8 and 16 voices combinations added;
- Preliminary analog support;
- Autocentering fix for all resolutions;
- Optimized compiled code as derived from GP2X version, but for PSP cpu (fastest graphics core!);
- Stripped & Packed executable, only 1.5MB;
- Original graphics theme from Gold edition (user mode version only);
- Music in menu (filename music.psp in data folder), in these supported formats: .MOD, .S3M, .IT, .XM and .OGG;
- Added, as bonus, 1st classified OldSkool at Assembly 2007 Music Competition (Commodore 64 based), in .OGG format;
- Graphic theme 480×272 BMP skins support, both pspmenu480.bmp and pspsplash480.bmp in folder skins (user mode version only);
- Dipswitches settings;
Specific Controls:
- Button SELECT: Insert credits.
- Button START: Play.
- Button HOME: after Pause exit game and return to menu.
- Buttons L+R: Activate/deactivate screen fixed/fixed div2/scale/stretch.
- Buttons L+R pressed during one second: Pause.
- Buttons L+HOME simultaneously: Reset emulation.
Fixed from 4.9r1
- Usermode builds now works.
- Dipswitches settings added.
- Some Z80 core speedups.
- Vector based games like Asteroids now run at native resolution of 480×272 pixels.
- Preliminary memory management to clean-up things in certain romset (due to original MAME bugs) before starting a new emulation.
- In case of memory fragmentation errors emulator now quits without lockups.
- Better sound support in certain games, like Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles etc.
- Graphics themes disabled in 1.50 kernel mode to gain more memory available, used a simple blue gradient instead.
- Graphics mode saved with settings.
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November 16th, 2007, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have posted for sale the following new Blueray Film Releases:
Die Hard (~Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Die Hard 2 (~Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Die Hard 3: With A Vengeance (~Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Die Hard 4.0 (~Bruce Willis, Justin Long, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Die Hard Quadrilogy [4-Discs Boxset] (~Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons, ...) HK US$ 99.90
Spider Man 3 (~Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Spider Man [The High Definition Trilogy] (~Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, ...) HK US$ 69.90
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November 16th, 2007, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 lets players develop the WWE Superstars of today into the Legends of tomorrow. The No. 1 wrestling franchise in the world delivers more depth and strategy with prominent new features, key annual enhancements and incredible graphics while making its much-anticipated debut on three new video game systems. It’s time to live the life of a Superstar. How will you play?
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November 16th, 2007, 12:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has smothered the PlayStation Store in Thursday, covering it in new content.
Well, we say new, but we're not sure how happy you will be with your solo demo of Stranglehold. A rumour was floating around that Haze was going to join it, but it seems to have been little more than gossip.
Still, those of you with a PlayStation Eye can grab the new Mesmerize visualisation thing. It costs GBP 1.99 and lets you wave your limbs about to effect in-game vistas, like making spring to life or twin neon trails twist about.
MotorStorm has got more new bits and bobs, too - this time a fancy Big I Bunny and Numskull livery pack for GBP 1.49. Dress-up for cars and motorbikes and buggy things, then.
Elsewhere there are videos for the excellent and freshly reviewed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Everyday Shooter and Blazing Angels 2. Oh, and a TV commercial as well as a trailer for new Pixar film Wall-E.
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November 16th, 2007, 12:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Blazing Angels 2 and Toy Home are the two demos posted on the US PlayStation 3 Store this week, giving you a chance to finally fix that pesky old World War II's little red wagon, and then drive little red wagons around for a bit.
Blazing Angels: Secret Missions of World War II sees players return to the skies above everyone's favourite Second World War and introduces a new progression system and an in-cockpit view among other tweaks and changes.
These weren't enough to get Eurogamer's Rob Fahey terribly excited during his review of the Xbox 360 version, but with the benefit of the demo you won't have to rely on what that old maniac says to inform your purchase decision ahead of the 23rd November PS3 release date. Providing you've got 1GB of hard disk space free.
Toy Home, meanwhile, is a Game Republic-authored racing game where you traverse eight racetracks spread around a house and filled with obstacles. It's got 8-player multiplay but no giant crabs of which we're aware.
Elsewhere on the US PSN shop this week there are loads of trailers - including some for Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, PAIN, Time Crisis 4, Burnout Paradise and Uncharted, and some more Uncharted wallpapers.
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November 16th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 lets players develop the WWE Superstars of today into the Legends of tomorrow. The No. 1 wrestling franchise in the world delivers more depth and strategy with prominent new features, key annual enhancements and incredible graphics while making its much-anticipated debut on three new video game systems. It’s time to live the life of a Superstar. How will you play?
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November 16th, 2007, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 lets players develop the WWE Superstars of today into the Legends of tomorrow. The No. 1 wrestling franchise in the world delivers more depth and strategy with prominent new features, key annual enhancements and incredible graphics while making its much-anticipated debut on three new video game systems. It’s time to live the life of a Superstar. How will you play?
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November 16th, 2007, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

pages: 160
Platform: XBox 360, PS3, PC
Making-of art book: Beautiful artwork and renders reveal the dawning of Altaïr.
Interviews: Revealing interviews with Jade Raymond and key members of every team.
Lithograph: A high-quality lithograph of a stunning rendered scene.
High-quality Packaging: Hadcover package with stunning artwork from the team on the cover.
Clean box art: Prima's one-sheet will fall away when the shrinkwrap is removed, leaving pristine art, unmarred by logos, barcodes, or taglines.
The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. You are an elite Assassin sent to stop the hostilities by suppressing the powers on both the Crusader and Saracen sides. But as you carry out your missions, a conspiracy begins to unfold. You find yourself tangled up in a conflict that threatens not only the Holy Land, but the entire world.
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November 16th, 2007, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nherve:
I've here a new pad plugin I wrote. It's MegaPad and it uses SDL. No worry, the latest actual version of the SDL (1.2.12) is provided.
This plugin offers, as LilyPad, a complete pad support, many possibilities, but is much simpler than LilyPad.
First place SDL.dll in the root PCSX2 folder (not the plugins folder), else the plugin won't start.
1. Mapping and config
After having selected MegaPad in the Pad plugins list and launched its GUI by clicking the
Config button, you must configure it. You can select the Pad 1 or the Pad 2 with the
buttons in the top-left corner of the window. For mapping press any of the 20 buttons.
The pressed button will become grayed. Then you can do various things :
a. Keyboard
For the buttons press a key and the selected button will be bound to the pressed key. Pressing
Escape or Backspace allows you to delete a value. For the axes press any key with old versions, or click right button whth new versions, and the selected
axis will be bound to the mouse. Note that if the axes of the 2 players are bound to the mouse,
they will move simultaneously.
b. Joystick
For the buttons press a button, a POV hat in the wanted direction or move an axis in the wanted
direction and it will be bound to the selected button. Note that if you bind an axis to a
pressure-sensitive button*, the pressure will match the value of the axis. Try this feature in
games which need pressure sensitive buttons. For the axes move an axis and it will be bound to
the selected axis. Warning : the GUI has a little difficulty to detect the moves of the vertical
(y) axes, but there is no problem in the games.
c. Misc
There are 4 general options under the mapping buttons.
1. Axis sensitivity : can be 3 values (affect the GUI as the games). This is the sensitivity of the
plugin to axis moves.
-Very sensible : for precision games or low-sensibility axes.
-Normal : default, I recommend you to use it.
-Low sensibility : use it if your axes are very sensible.
2. Enable logging : This enables a pad log stored in logs\megapad_log.txt, which can be used only for
debugging purposes. As mentionned, this logging makes the emu slower.
3. Always show cursor : Use it with ZeroGS if you use the mouse, to see where is the cursor.
4. Low-visibility cross cursor : The arrow cursor is replaced by a low-visibility cross cursor.
Use it if you don't want to see the arrow cursor.
Then click OK.
2. Emu
I think I don't need to detail how to use the keyboard or the joysticks, but I will tell you how does
the mouse support work.
Press the left button for left axis, the right button for right axis. When you release a button, the
corresponding axis will be "centered". When you press a button the cursor is automatically centered.
Move it as an analog axis. When a button is pressed the cursor cannot get out the GS window. The
mouse support has been seriously improved in the new version, axis positions are calculated from
the size of the GS window, so it works better than PadWinKeyb mouse support.
If you encounter any bug using this plugin tell it to me.
Version 1.3.3
The bug on first launch was because PCSX2 does not call PADinit on first launch ("pcsx2 needs to be configured" message), and SDL init is in PADinit. So if PADinit hasn't been called by PCSX2 it is called by the GUI. So the bug that version 1.3.2 was supposed to fix is really fixed here.
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November 16th, 2007, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster

News/release from Red Squirrel
Hi, I'm an Italian developer (so sorry for my bad english ) and I would to present to the community of this wonderfull forum last my creation: the Alternative VSHMenù.
Download from HERE
From the attachment README:
What's it?
It is an Alternative VSHMenù that has all same functions of the M33 VshMenù and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
Press HOME in XMB to start the Alternative VshMenù!
N.B.: Do not flash this plugin erasing M33 satelite.prx! In this case Alternative VSHMenù does not work!
-Same functions of M33 VshMenù
-Possibility to change the background color
-Possibility to activate or disactivate M33 VshMenù
-Possibility to power off, reboot and sleep the console
-Plugin will stop PSP to avoid conflict with pad
-Improved the management of the colors
-Disposition of the commands on the screen is changed
-Possibility to make screenshot of the dashboard
-Possibility to activate/disactivate the function of screenshot
-Possibility to choose the key to start the plugin!
-Possibility to choose the key to make the screenshot
-Now options will be saved, so changes will be maintained also on the reboot of the console!
-If the file or th folder of options are not found, they will automatically be created to avoid crash of the system.
Installation using Noob's Plugin Installer
-Connect PSP to PC through USB
-Start program and choose the "Install a new plugin" option
-Choose the "Indipendent Installation" option
-Select the PRX and check the box corrisponding to VSH
-Click on Install button
Manual Installation (if no other plugins are installed)
-Connect PSP to PC through USB
-Copy the content of MS_ROOT folder in the root of Memory Stick
Manual Installation (if other plugins are installed)
-Connect PSP to PC through USB
-Copy vshmenu.prx file in SEPLUGINS folder
-Open VSH.txt file (if it's not present, create it!) and at the end of the file add this string: ms0:/seplugins/vshmenu.prx
Any way you have choosen, remember to activate plugin from Recovery Mode!
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November 16th, 2007, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
October 2007 was a strong month for the PlayStation brand, according to NPD data. Overall the PlayStation brand showed a 39% increase in total retail dollars generated year-over-year in the US with total sales of $353.4 million for the month. Overall, SCEA's console business remains strong with combined sales of PS3 and PS2 for the month of October at $258.5 million in revenue.
The PLAYSTATION 3 sold 121K units at retail for the month of October. SCEA expects a great deal of momentum moving forward this holiday and beyond with the availability of new PS3 hardware and pricing. Based on internal data, the company is already seeing a great spike in sales with a 192% lift for the PS3 over the past two weeks. In fact, as reported by Howard Stringer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sony Corporation of America, 100,000 units of the PLAYSTATION 3 were sold at retail just last week.
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November 16th, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Update from StrmnNrmn:
Just a reminder that today is the last day for sending in your entries to the icon competition. I'll be making the shortlist sometime tomorrow morning, so provided you get your entry to 12pm (that's noon - GMT!) on Saturday it will probably be included.
Once I've made a shortlist of what I feel are the 10 best submissions, I'll post them up here so that people can give their thoughts, before I pick a final winner on Monday.
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November 16th, 2007, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Placo23:
Well, I know it's yet another battery information display at the XMB.
Yesterday a friend asked me how to blit text at the XMB and I've made him an example (thanks for introducing me vshblit coolJ)
As I was bored today and someone asked me about blitting the battery percentage at the XMB, I decided to write this quick app.
It's pretty simple and written in a few lines.
So, if you still don't have such thing, I recommend using mine.
Basically it displays the battery percentage at the top on the left hand side of the XMB, so it won't bother you at all.
I shall be doing some font and colour updates in the next version
Also, there's a read-me in case you don't know how to install it.
Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/69981856/placo23Battery.rar
This is the verson without the black bakground
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November 16th, 2007, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Coolj has released an update to the 3.72 HX-1 Custom Firmware, heres the details:
This updater will update your 3.72 HX-1 to 3.72 HX-2.
Put the EBOOT.PBP in the folder PSP/GAME/UPDATE.Run it,it will flash the new files.
This update will install 3.72 HX-2 on PSP's from 3.71 M33-1 to 3.
Put the EBOOT.PBP and the umodule.prx in the folder PSP/GAME/UPDATE together with the 3.72 original EBOOT.PBP renamed to 372.PBP.
Run the updater and follow the instructions.
- This new updater will prevent that the user shuts the psp down or put it in stand by,some people requested it.
- The new updater will save your recovery configuration for 3.72 HX-2,so no need to put all from 0.
In case the updater can't get the config,put these in enabled:
- skip sony logo
- hide corrupt icons
- Sony UMD mode
- The updater will check if some of the components are corrupt,this was a user request too.
- Contains the latest 3.71 M33-3 changes.
- The file vshctrl.prx IS NOT the one from Dark_AleX,It's coded by me after reversing it 100%.
The exported functions from the vshctrl.prx are the same like the 3.71 M33-3 SDK,plus two more:
1. int vctrlVSHEraseIsoCache(con st char* path) -> Lets you erase the cache from an iso created by the CF.
If the parameter is empty "",it will erase the whole cache,not just from one iso.
The iso cache will not be created in the memorystick.It will be in the flash1.I made this function to test stuff faster.Gives a 0 if it deletes correctly else it will give -1.
2. int vctrlVSHMakeCFDirs() -> Lets you create the custom firmware directories,in case you dont have them(GAME150,GAME372...)i n the memstick.Good if you have a pandora memstick and cant format the ms but dont want to create all directories by hand.
- Only one vshctrl.prx for both psp models.In 3.71 M33-3 and others there was a vshctrl for the fat and an other one for the slim because they have slight changes.This new vshctrl will detect if you got SLIM or FAT.
- Other non important changes in the code.
PS. I dont have much time,so,I still have to update alot of stuff of the custom firmware,create a new recovery, etc,
I release this update because,1- For the people that believe in me and have 3.72 hx-1 so they can have the new 3.71 M33-3 features and to show the people that i dont just do hex edit,you can see it reversing the vshctrl if you dont believe.
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November 16th, 2007, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted about a PSP Slim Only version of the Tool Battery (aka Pandora Battery ?)
Heres the details:
Special TOOL version of our MAX Power PSP Battery designed for use in the new Slimline PSP (not the original model).
Special TOOL version of our PSP battery works in exactly the same way as a standard SONY PSP battery but has the ability to put your PSP into service mode for custom firmware use.
TOOL functionality is hard-coded into the battery.
Slimmer 1200mAh Lithium Polymer cell for use in slimline consoles
Please note: The TOOL functionality is hard-coded into this battery to put the PSP into service mode. This functionality cannot be disabled.
Curious hardware release, More details and can be brought from Divineo China
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November 16th, 2007, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Adopt hard material,can protect the PSP console from shock and scratch
Officially licensed item
What's inside
PSP pouch(x1)
Screen Filter (x1)
Cleaning cloth(x1)
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November 16th, 2007, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping
Official Dual Shock 3 wireless controller
Connects via bluetooth (wireless) or USB (wired)
Lithium Ion rechargeable battery pack built-in
Play & Charge technology: Recharge battery pack when connecting via USB
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November 16th, 2007, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping
Officially licensed item
Easy to adjust volume control
Crisp clear sound
Inner Ear type earphones won't leak any sound
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November 16th, 2007, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

High quality 3rd party product.
Protect your Slim PSP screen from dust, finger prints, scratches, etc....
Easy to install - simply plug on to the top of the slim PSP.
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November 16th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

In Final Fantasy II, a malevolent emporer has called upon monsters from a demonic realm to take over the world, ending what seemed to be an eternal peroid of peace. From the destruction rise four young survivors who will take it upon themselves to stop the merciless ruler and avenge the death of their parents.
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November 16th, 2007, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

The boys of Jackass put their necks on the line time and time again in this videogame based on the MTV franchise, allowing players to try out a series of scenarios with digital incarnations of Steve-O, Johnny Knoxville, and the rest of the cast.
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November 17th, 2007, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Worldwide Shipping

Players will relive all the film's most thrilling and hilarious moments as they assume the role of Remy, a young rat who dreams of becoming a great French chef, despite the obvious problem of being a rat!
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November 17th, 2007, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster

Just spotted at SuccessHK that they are now selling WHITE 40GB PS3 Consoles for $430 (£209)
For those importing to the UK it will cost you another £30 with shipping by Airmail (always use airmail and always ask it to be shipped as a toy sample )
Remember all PS3 Games are region free and it doesnt matter where you buy your PS3 the power supply is usuable anywhere in the world without a stepdown converter. Also most Blue Ray films are region free too.
SuccessHK also have today announced they are selling Black 40GB PS3s for a fantastic $424 (£206)
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November 17th, 2007, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster

Just spotted at SuccessHK that they are now selling WHITE 40GB PS3 Consoles for $430 (£209)
For those importing to the UK it will cost you another £30 with shipping by Airmail (always use airmail and always ask it to be shipped as a toy sample )
Remember all PS3 Games are region free and it doesnt matter where you buy your PS3 the power supply is usuable anywhere in the world without a stepdown converter. Also most Blue Ray films are region free too.
SuccessHK also have today announced they are selling Black 40GB PS3s for a fantastic $424 (£206)
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November 17th, 2007, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Darkmoon
It's only a patch for run the 3.71 kernel addon on 3.72. All merits goes to Dark_AleX. This application is of Dax but I patched a small byte for it work on 3.72 HX-1.
On 3.72 HX-2 don't work, sorry.
Use it as 3.71 kernel addon of Dax putting 1.50 eboot on the root of your memory stick with the name 150.pbp.
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November 17th, 2007, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ahrimanes of an update to his Geometry Wars clone for the PSP.
hy there its me again, and now releasing the POLYGUNWARS v0.2
on this release:
some code obtimization
the pink stupid enemy is not alone wee say hello to the blue diamond..
now when an enemy born, it has som introducing time so you dont get killed by it at the time he apears.
fixed the sound problem,,, now every sound get played, if 3 sounds are already playing stop 1 and play the new one; stopchannel(channel) add to jge++.
this will be like this untill find a way to play more than 3 channels on psp.. if there is a way, pleease tell.
now when wee get a big explosion the blue mesh turns as red as hot was the explosion....
also i indlude a bgm i did(geometry wars theme remix).
well just download it and test.. post comente and bugsss found pleaseeee...
build for 1.xx:
build for 3.xx:
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November 17th, 2007, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from momochi_zabuza
Al-Quran for PlayStation Portable v1.2 released. For this update, the memory problem has been extremely reduced. No more memory problems arouse. But i can’t give full guarantee so if anything turns out wrong or you encounter a bug, please report to us. The previous update of psp-alquran version 1.1 has been downloaded 2641 copies. and the update-only zipfile has been downloaded 735.
Inside the zip file is the readme instructions. anyhow if you face any difficulties in installing the application, please ask .
We’re looking for any volunteers that can do translation for other language. French, Deutsch, Turkce, Melayu and Indonesia. If you’re interested to become the volunteers that will do the copying of the translation, please mail us at raise[at]flavert.com
lastly, please spread this good news to everyone. Wishing all forumers a happy and healthy day.
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November 17th, 2007, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Gabest has released a new version of the Graphics Plugin for PCsx2:
A no-sse2 build was included this time, but the old save states are invalid due to a little change in the save format.
Minimum requirements: Pixel Shader 2.0
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November 17th, 2007, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this :
I've just finished compiling a shortlist of what I think are the 10 best submissions for the icon competition.
I received just under 200 entries in total; I've been blown away by the response. Picking just 10 entries has been very difficult. In the end I had a 'longlist' of around 30 entries which I thought were superb, and it's taken me over an hour to whittle that down to just 10 entries.
Here is my shortlist, presented in the order they were submitted. Feel free to discuss these in the comments - I'll be reading your comments over the weekend, and I'll pick a final winner on Monday.
Thanks to everyone who entered - you're awesome!
Check em out here --> http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/2007/1...shortlist.html
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November 17th, 2007, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vodkkaa:

Pandora Recovery Menu by vodkkaa
~Based on Jas0nuk's Elf_Menu, aswell as code from Chilly Willy, and cory 1492
What it is?
This is a replacement for resurrection.elf of your pandora memory stick. Similar to Jas0nuk's Elf Menu this menu will allow you to launch user created elf/prx/eboot aswell as some useful built in features. It is meant to act as a secondary recovery menu.
THIS OFFERS 100% COMPATIBILITY FOR PHAT PSP, BUT UNKOWN FOR SLIM. as I dont have a slim I have no way to test for it.
- Toggle USB, Flash0, and flash1 from menu
- Battery options (servicemode, autoboot, dump/restore eeprom)
- IDstorage options (currently only dump keys, hopefully some more features in next release)
- Similtanious use of Original pandora menu, aswell as deparator cemetario V3. (a previous issue where flashing a new firmware was broken due to DCv3 is now fixed.)
How to use
you will need:
- PSAR dumper
- 1.50 EBOOT
- Desparator Cemetario V3
1. Dump encrypted 1.50 Eboot using PSAR dumper. Save these files safely on you PC.
2. Now preapre your memory stick with desparator del cemetario V3.
3. Copy your encrypted 1.50 dump (vsh, font, dic, kd, data folder) to the root of you memory stick
5. Copy the provided KD folder to ms0:/kd folder
6. Copy the ELF folder to the root of your MS. Some elfs have been provided. check the "files" folder for descriptions
7. Everything should be ready.
6. Restart your PSP into service mode and you should be presented with the new Pandora Recovery menu.
Since Im a kind fellow Im also including a modified version of Booster's IPL Milti_Loader. Its only a cosmetic update, allowing you to boot into service mode with Wlan switch up, instead of holding LTrigger.
- To install simply edit the .bat to include the drive letter of your PSP. By default it is M:.
- Connect your PSP and run the bat and the IPL will install. Restart with WLan switch up to boot Pandora.
- Only known issue is that if you put your PSP into stanby, when you return you will boot into the vsh, unless the WLAN switch is up. I havnt looked at the Multiloader source close enough, but I will soon fix this.
Note: Full credit for this should go to Booster, as I only changed 2 lines of code.
Bugs/Known Issues
- From my testing I have not come across any. I have tested all functions of this menu on my PSP and I can safely say there should be no accidents when flashing over usb, writing battery serial code, flashing NAND, etc...
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November 17th, 2007, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Grante:
Here's my lua program for Dungeons and Dragons. I got sick of losing my dice, so I wrote this for the PSP.
It includes:
Dice Roller
Hit Point Tracker
Stat block generator
Name generator
LUAplayer and everything else you need is included. Just drop the folder in your GAME150 folder.
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via grante
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November 17th, 2007, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Darkmoon:
Here it is but.. it is a imitation for install the kernel addon of 3.71 m33 on Helldashx’s custom firmware. I reversed small part of Dark_AleX’s kernel addon and it touch the ipl (it don’t touch the ipl).
This code is writted from zero.
Instructions :
1. When you have installed the firmware 3.71 m33 and the kernel addon download this file and open MS_ROOT. Then copy the PSP folder to the root of your memory stick.
2. Run the app, and press Square. Now the program will start to dump the addon. The dump is on ms0:/psp/game/update/km. Copy the km folder to your hd.
3. Install 3.72 HX. Later copy again the PSP folder that contain this app to the root of your memory stick.
Connect the USB (Flash0) and copy the backup done before in the root of the flash0. Run de app again and press X. It will copy the reboot150.prx and all will be done!
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November 17th, 2007, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from Mr305
I just happened to compile it for myself; Just though I'd share it.
All the hard work goes to ccm304, cpayeur.
Few notes:
> Just remember to use the CIRCLE button instead of X for select.
> I suggest setting "Fast images to TRUE" in settings.
Copy to GAME [w/ 3.xx KERNEL] or to GAME3xx folder.
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via mr305
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November 18th, 2007, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP
Heres Whats New:
- reduced cyrillic font size of UTF-8 and Cyrillic-1251 charset.
- added a feature to re-order XMB icons.
- fixed a bug Filer was crashed when it plays a large wav file.
- fixed a bug Filer was crashed when it opens a folder which has some kind of ISO/CSO.
picture viewer:
- fixed a bug following PNG picture was not drawn correctly:
16bit gray scale, 48bit color, and having alpha-blend.
- fixed a bug that caused in version 4.2, a wallpaper could not be saved.
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November 18th, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: notaz
There seemed to be some demand for Sega CD/Mega CD emulator for PSP, so after doing the Gizmondo port I decided to port PicoDrive, my Genesis/MegaDrive/Sega CD/Mega CD emulator, to PSP.
Well I don't really like how it performs (it still needs a bit more work), but I've decided to move to another project, so I thought I better release it as is, then keep it around untouched for months.
There is nothing fancy about this emulator (no dynarecs/asm cores), but it's still able to run many Genesis games fullspeed with no frameskip (including some CD ones), and others with some skipping. However there are some CD games which won't run too well (although situation can be improved by tweaking some options). This emulator uses hardware MP3 decoding via audiocodec library in PSP.
Note that this emu may need some option tweaking to get certain games working. Be sure to check the readme for details.
Finally, I feel I need to give credits several people whose code I used for this release:
* Chui for FAME/C (which is based on C68K by Stéphane Dallongeville, Gens fame)
* NJ for CZ80 (which was also based on Stef's code).
* MAME team for YM2612/SN76489 cores.
* fDave for the original PicoDrive, and Stef again for releasing Gens source, something to base my work on.
* ps2dev.org people for all sample code (cooleyes for libaudiocodec one).
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KXploited version for 1.5 users
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EDIT: latest update is here
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November 18th, 2007, 08:43 Posted By: V3N0M
Looks like another excellent version of PSP Filer has been released! This new update fixes a few bugs in PSP Filer 4.3. Namely sorting out a few nasty bugs in the new icon sorting feature that was implemented in the last release. This and a few other things have been fixed and now updated to 4.31!
Here's what's new...
- fixed a bug Filer was crashed when sorting XMB icons where MS has a corrupted icon.
picture viewer:
- fixed a bug that monochrome JPEG picture was not drawn correctly.
Excellent work Mediumguage! Keep up the fantastic work on PSP Filer! :thumbup:
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November 18th, 2007, 18:33 Posted By: SamuraiX

This release is mostly targeted against PSP SLim users but also benefit normal PSP Fat users as well.
--> Firmware 3.71 M33-3
New Features
--> Additional 32 MBytes. (Slim Only)
--> TV-Out Support with Overscan control. (Slim Only)
--> One Eboot for both fat and slim versions.
--> Module folder is not necessary for fat users.
--> Enhanced memory management since my last release.
Bug Fixes
--> Too many to list
I would like to personally thank Moonlight for his continued support in the PSP community!
Lastly, feel free to visit my site: http://www.LavaLit.com for all you openbor needs. We carry every mod in existence for BOR/OpenBOR.
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November 18th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Network has opened up a lot of interesting opportunities for developers, says Naughty Dog's Evan Wells.
In a live text interview with our sister site, Eurogamer.net, the company's co-president said that PSN was definitely something they were interested in.
"I think it could come in handy during some of the transitional roll over periods between games if there hasn't been enough pre-production work done to get started on the next big project," Wells explained.
Although Wells did not elaborate, Naughty Dog could use PSN to provide downloadable content for their latest game, Uncharted, even while working on a sequel. The developer also included medal points in Uncharted, expecting that they could eventually be attached to Home.
He said that it was hard to say whether or not players would be waiting longer between Naughty Dog releases during this hardware generation.
"Even on the PS2 we took two years to develop Jak 1 and 2. It wasn't until later in the generation that we had enough tech built up that we could get the production down to one year.
"I imagine things will be similar this time around."
When asked whether or not the company planned to work on PSP titles, Wells negated the idea. "We want to focus our attention and technological efforts on one platform and one engine," he said, referring to the PS3.
Before the release of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the PS3, Naughty Dog's most recent franchise was the Jak & Daxter series on PS2.
"Everybody here would love to do a Jak game on the PS3. However, I'm not sure about the timing. We want to stick with only working on one game at a time to maintain our focus.
"Everybody is taking a much deserved vacation right now and we will decide what we're doing next when people get back," he explained.
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November 18th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Hey everyone. We know you like to hear about updates a few days in advance, so here's a quick heads up that we have a new System Software update in the works.
Firmware v2.01 is a minor update that will improve the stability of PLAYSTATION 3.
We'll provide more specifics as the update is about to go live, but we thought we'd give loyal blog readers advance notice!
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November 18th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's little baby turns one. The PS3 has been crawling along, but can it walk or maybe even run? Sony is still aiming for 11 million units sold this fiscal year with 160 new games.
According to Sony, the PS3 has now sold 5.6 million units worldwide, 2 million of which have been purchased in North America. The company's worldwide sales goal for next March remains 11 million units. Sony also noted that year to date sales of PS3 in Japan and EMEA outsold Xbox 360 by three-to-one.
In terms of software, 28 million PS3 software units have been sold across the globe, seven million of which were sold in North America. A total of 160 new PS3 titles are expected to be released this fiscal year, including 19 exclusives from first and third party. A total of 23 third parties are creating content for the PS3.
Regarding the PS3's PlayStation Network, Sony said there are three million members currently and over 60 million pieces of content have been downloaded. The "average" PS Network user has downloaded 12.3 pieces of content.
Finally, with respect to Blu-ray, Sony made the following points:
# PS3 Blu-ray currently outsells Xbox 360 HD-DVD 9 to 1.
# A recent Blu-ray Disc adoption survey shows that 87% of PS3 users watch Blu-ray movies, 80% of PS3 users have purchased Blu-ray movies and 82% intend to purchase or rent Blu-ray movies.
# Blu-ray titles continue to outsell HD DVD titles by nearly 2 to1 (Home Media Research, a division of Home Media Magazine).
# There will be more than 450 Blu-ray movies available to PS3 owners this holiday season.
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November 18th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
On the 2nd January 2008 Sony are releasing Resident Evil: Extinction is the first Blu-ray movie to use profile 1.1. It is promising to be the most technologically advanced blu-ray movie ever as it will feature true picture in picture and 'Blu-Wizard 2' which will allow your player to 'remember' your viewing preferences for the movie, even after you have ejected it.
Sony are going to want to be sure that the biggest market of Blu-ray consumers, PlayStation 3 owners, will be able to take advantage of these features. So expect a firmware update by the end of 2007.
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November 18th, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
The good people over at devsgen put up a $500 bounty for designing a Rubiks Cube Game and the entries were impressive, coders Quadrizo, Seb, Alicanto and Sinasquax can be proud of their variations of the world famous puzzle game.
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November 18th, 2007, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Mathfacts contacted me a few days ago with news of his new project for the PSP

Heres the release info:
Unzip and copy the folders spacewars and spacewars% to your psp\game directory or to your psp\game150 directory
Shoot your opponent before he shoots you.
See the screen shot below for the controls
I wrote this intending to add IR or adhoc connectivity. I was able to add it but, performance was so bad it wasn't usable. So I sorta let this code rot. Recently I picked it back up and pulled out the connectivity code and made it work for two players on the same PSP by isolating the controls to each side. As a side thought I threw in some super simple AI for single player. It's nothing fancy, but maybe you'll get a little enjoyment out of it.
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November 18th, 2007, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Mia has released a new game for the PSP, heres the details:
Game&Watch Fantasies is a puzzle/platform game for the PSP, inspired by the Game&Watch LCD games.
• Rule #1
Like in a Game&Watch, the hero moves discontinuously. Therefore, he can "teleport" through thin obstacles by simply walking or jumping.
However, the gravity doesn't allow him to do so: it is impossible to go through an obstacle when falling.
• Rule #2
If the obstacle is too large, the hero will move until he touches it.
This property can be used to adjust his horizontal or vertical position, depending on the situation.
• Buttons
◄ / ►: Step left / right
X / O: Jump
∆: Stop / start the music
• Score
Every time the hero steps to the left / right or jumps, a beep can be heard. The aim of the game is to go through all the levels while producing as few beeps as possible.
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November 19th, 2007, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
Mathieulh posted this interesting news :
Not quite a surprise but I rather make it official, after much reflexion Alex decided to go on with the M33 project, although you should not expect as regular updates as there used to be, for instance the M33 will be updated to future kernels only when believed necessary, thus no 3.72M33 planned (we are waiting on future official firmwares and keep improving M33's features from now on.)
Nice to know that when a good firmware update comes from Sony that we may have a new custom firmware shortly after.
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November 19th, 2007, 08:20 Posted By: MrPeanut
I've finished my batch utilities to fix various sound pitch bugs in duke3d.
Please read the readme. If you aren't the type to read them, you need to know atleast this:
1. duke3d.grp needs to be in the same directory as pitchfixer.bat
2. You need to run "ncGrouplist duke3d.grp" PRIOR to running pitchfixer.bat
3. Those are the only two commands you need to run.
4. Play the game with a duke that doesn't sound like he just reached puberty.
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Original Duke Nukem Files Needed Here
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November 19th, 2007, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Dragon have released their own Dualshock 3 controller for the PS3 at a fraction of the price of the official Sony Controller
Heres the details:

Product Features
3D vibrator
2.4GHz mode
Vibration function
Analog/Digital mode
Automatic case up function
More Description
A very complete wireless controller that is compatible with Playstation 3, Playstation 2 (adapter included) and PC. It is packed with features such as rumble, wireless DVD remote control, 2.4GHz operating mode and more!
Price:USD 16.77
Buy Now from SuccessHK (Worldwide Shipping)
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November 19th, 2007, 19:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry

Image from Kotaku
Sony has slashed the price of the PlayStation 3 development kit by almost half, promising to further reduce costs as more studios adopt the console technology.
The PlayStation 3 Reference Tool will now be available for JPY 950,000 in Japan, USD 10,250 in North America and EUR 7500 [£5,370] in Europe.
"As more and more new titles are developed for the PS3 format, SCEI will significantly reduce the price of the Reference Tool in order to contribute to the cost saving measures of the development community," said the company.
The console giant has also begun to integrate new programming tools into the PlayStation 3 Software Development Kit from SN Systems, including ProDG, SN Distributed Build System, SN Linker and SN Compiler.
As well as new tools, Sony has also added programming functions to the PS3 Debugging Station allowing it to be used alongside the Reference Tool, rather than being used as just a quality assurance system for games in development.
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November 19th, 2007, 19:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has told us it is mulling over the idea of including a Resident Evil 5 demo on the European Resident Evil: Extinction Blu-ray disc.
The publisher was responding after a Sony Pictures press release seemed to state that the US Extinction disc would include a demo for Resi 5 and Devil May Cry 4.
Not so, said Capcom over here - they are instead trailers of the games, and indeed trailers we have already seen.
However, this is a US-only promotion and nothing has been decided for Europe, and the publisher left it open-ended after suggesting it might include "something" on our version. That "something" would certainly help sales of the film.
Resident Evil 5 is due out on 360 and PS3 next year, but is a title Capcom has hidden from the public eye in favour of more imminent release Devil May Cry 4.
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November 19th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells has just completed a live interview with you about Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and a host of other things - including confirmation that he would like to do a Jak game for PS3 and his views on next-gen console development and the recent Manhunt 2 fiasco.
"Everybody here would love to do a Jak game on the PS3," Wells said in answer to a question from kissthestick. "However, I'm not sure about the timing. We want to stick with only working on one game at a time to maintain our focus. Everybody is taking a much deserved vacation right now and we will decide what we're doing next when people get back."
Wells also addressed Obli's query about whether Uncharted would be possible on Xbox 360. "I won't say that it would be impossible," he answered, "but it would be very difficult and we most certainly would have to make enough concessions that it would start to feel like a different game. One thing that would be particularly difficult would be keeping the game load-free. The HDD really came in handy and allowed us to have pretty big open levels with lots of detail."
There was a lot more to get through during the hour-long head-to-lots-of-heads, but another response that stuck out was his reaction to SeeThroughAll's question about the Manhunt 2 ban and whether the game's violence justified the degree of censorship the game faced. Answering from a US perspective, Wells wrote: "I don't think that video games should be treated differently than other forms of media or entertainment. I think there is a place in this world for titles that should only be played by those over 18.
"Our problem is right now is that we [in America] don't have any retailers who are willing to sell those games, therefore you end up 'banning' the game by giving it such a rating.
"However, I really don't see the appeal of the game and I really do think they are just using the shock factor to try to sell a mediocre (at best) game. I would much prefer to see somebody make something with a little more substance that still pushed the artistic boundaries of our industry."
To read the entire transcript, which also includes some neat insider information about Uncharted - and even its relationship with PlayStation Home - head over to the Evan Wells interview. Thanks again to Evan for all his time, and to you for yours! And look out for more of these features in future.
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November 19th, 2007, 19:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sega's director of artists and repertoire agrees with analysts who think that the PS3 is going to catch up to, if not surpass, the Xbox 360.
It isn't just the recent PS3 price cuts which will certainly help bridge the gap, but the availability of big titles, Noah Musler told GamesIndustry.biz.
"Microsoft has done a good job of closing the gap between the platforms. I don't think they are in the situation they were in with the PS2 and Xbox 1, but it is still too soon to say," Musler remarked.
He notes that analysts think the PS2 could remain viable through 2009.
Having a variety of PS3 prices for consumers is certainly not going to hurt the PS3. "I think it has still got a little bit of time to grow," he said.
"Fortunately, there are a lot of videogame consumers out there, and the market continues to grow.
"People want to play games, and the games keep getting better. The development community is really driving that by making great product."
The second part of our interview with Noah Musler can be viewed here.
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November 19th, 2007, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
There is supposedly a fix for PS3 owners that have whipped up the highly anticipated Assassin's Creed this weekend only to find it crashing frequently.
Reported earlier, many of the game's bugs on the PS3 version have been (unofficially) linked to the FW 2.0 update, which is said to have been causing all manner of problems since its release.
But according to bloggers, PS3 users can fix some of the issues temporarily simply by disabling the Information Board on the 2.0 FW front-end menu, and disconnecting their PS3 from the (online) PSN while they play Ubisoft's adventure.
This will apparently cut down the frequency of the crashing.
Let us know if it works for you in the comments below, and sit tight for Sony's 2.01 update soon, which should sort out all the problems so you don't have to fool around with system options.
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November 19th, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The PS3 version of the initially Xbox 360-exclusive shooter, Lost Planet, will be out in February 2008, according to reports.
Previously the PS3 version of the game was down for release 'early next year'. Capcom was unavailable for comment on the February '08 date at the time of writing.
As announced back in October, the PS3 edition features all the download content released for the original Xbox 360 version of the game, in addition to bonus multiplayer characters - Frank West (Dead Rising), Mega Man and Jo from Lost Planet - that were released for Lost Planet on PC.
It is also reported to include online multiplayer for up to 16 players, via the free-to-use PlayStation Network.
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November 19th, 2007, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
An employee of comic publisher Top Cow Comics - which produces The Darkness comic series - has apparently let slip that a sequel to The Darkness game is in the works.
According to reports, developer Starbreeze Studios is currently hard at work on the second moody horror quest, said to be for Xbox 360 and PS3, for a late 2008/early 2009 release.
No further specifics were leaked, although the sequel is said to follow on directly from events in the first bloodbath of a game, which we enjoyed very much.
2K Games dismisses the chatter as "just a rumour", refusing to comment further on the matter.
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November 19th, 2007, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Mr Peanut a few days ago posted about the released of Duke Nukem 3D for PSP build 97, heres the info:
JFDuke3D for PSP is a source port of Duke Nukem 3D for the Sony Playstation Portable console. More specifically, it's a port of Johnathan Fowler's JonoF Duke 3D engine to the PSP. You can read more about his work at http://jonof.id.au/index.php?p=jfduke3d.
The only thing that was changed was disabling FMV so the game won't crash during those points. I haven't yet gotten to the point to work on the FMV code. I'm more or less concerned with the sound pitch problem (fixed) and adding custom map support (working on) Look in the Other Tools section for details on fixing the pitch duke, or any other sound that's off.
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November 19th, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Minerva has released a new version of his PSP Wi-Fi Adhoc File Transfer
Heres the fantastic google translation:
Ad hoc communications, using other PSP files and folders to send software. One-to-one file transfers, and one-to-many (send 1 received 1 to 6) communications. Feed side, by both sides in the same version of this tool is required, MEMOSUTE against renting the start and only once, after the likes AEMASU to transfer files. OE, M33 and Kernel3.xx based on the work of CFW. Older <-> new transfer station is now the problem.
Speed is sent or received, the receiver is 3.40 OE If you have less than 120 KByte / sec 3.51 M33 than if it is 300 to 400 KByte / sec extent. It slows down the communication, the receiver is 3.51 M33 than recommended. [Note Never illegal file exchange is not so, please. Communication is encrypted yet. Others may be intercepted, The password or credit card number, etc., are recorded in the file transfer, please do not.
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November 19th, 2007, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Placo23:
This is the version 0.2 of the plugin. Some bugs were fixed and some improvements done.
The font used now is white and much better and there's no more annoying black background.
There's some very cool stuff on the way. I just dropped this update so people would see that the project is not dead
For those who don't know this plugin:
Basically it displays the battery percentage at the top on the left hand side of the XMB, so it won't bother you at all.
More info and changelog at the readme.
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via placo23
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November 19th, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Gabest has released a new version of the Graphics Plugin for PCsx2:
- Dragon Quest 8 ok (fixed).
- Resident Evil 4 speedy again, but the fog is even bogus in sw mode, that's a weird problem.
- More video fixes.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 lets players develop the WWE Superstars of today into the Legends of tomorrow. The #1 wrestling franchise in the world delivers more depth and strategy with prominent new features, key annual enhancements and incredible graphics while making its much-anticipated debut on three new video game systems. It's time to live the life of a Superstar. How will you play?
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November 19th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command marks the first time that the brutal, war-ravaged world of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe will be playable on the PSP. Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command features fast, action-packed combat through turn-based strategy and an engaging, authentic single-player storyline.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Based on the second blockbuster film from 20th Century Fox opening December, 2007, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, is an all-new third-person action game exclusively designed for the PSP?(PlayStation®Portable) system from the creators of the award-winning original Aliens versus Predator for PC.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus is a standalone addition to last year’s award winning stealth action title of the same name. Focusing on a portable multiplayer experience, players will be able to enjoy more maps, more missions, and recruit a talented crew of war heroes for battling real opponents in online arenas.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The gloves are off and Sonic and his rivals are gearing up for an intense new head-to-head competition exclusively on the PSP?(PlayStation?Portable) system. This sequel to Sonic's 2D action platformer features all-new "jostling" controls for tighter competition and a brand new Battle mode that allows two players to jump into six different Multiplayer challenges by sharing one disc. With three new characters, 12 new stages and upgraded signature moves for each character, the enhanced Rivals experience will bring a whole new level of handheld fun to the PSP system.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Using maps and ancient artifacts, uncover clues and unravel mysteries to find a forgotten island and a treasure that was thought to have never existed.
Explore exotic locations. Traverse through living jungles and spectacular 400-year-old ruins.
Drake’s companions and allies play an important role in the adventure through cooperative mechanics, gun play and exploration.
Experience fast-paced gunplay: use a variety of environmental elements for cover, shoot enemies off of moving vehicles in high speed chases and more.
Use an array of hand-to-hand fighting moves to put your enemy off balance. Anything from wild haymaker punches to running drop-kicks.
A 400-year-old clue in the coffin of Sir Francis Drake sets a modern-day fortune hunter on a exploration for the fabled treasure of El Dorado, leading to the discovery of a forgotten island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
The search turns deadly when Nathan Drake becomes stranded on the island and hunted by mercenaries. Outnumbered and outgunned, Drake and his companions must fight to survive as they begin to unravel the terrible secrets hidden on the Island.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Join operatives Giorgio Bruno and Evan Bernard to investigate and prevent a top secret weapon from falling into the hands of international terrorists!
Now, the most advanced game in the stellar Time Crisis series arrives on the PLAYSTATION®3, delivering totally immersive, intense gameplay. Time Crisis® 4 is reborn, and includes a full FPS game mode, stunning HD quality graphics and a newly designed Guncon® to enhance every aspect of the game. Superior to its arcade counterpart, Time Crisis 4 brings a fresh new look to launch the series into the next generation.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Families can commemorate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope by playing through the events of all six movies in one videogame for the first time ever.
DS version has been built from the ground up by noted developer Traveller's Tales to optimize touch-screen gameplay.
Solve puzzles that encourage creative thinking through the use of teamwork and unique building situations only possible in a LEGO galaxy far, far away.
Building on the success of both LEGO Star Wars "block-buster" videogames, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga enables families to play through the events of all six Star Wars movies in one videogame for the first time ever.
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November 19th, 2007, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Rock out your way! Players can beat on drums, sing along, groove as a bassist and shred riffs as guitarists (using a licensed replica of the legendary Fender® Stratocaster®) – either in single player career mode leading a band, in multiplayer as part of the band, or against each other – in person or online!
Unrivaled song library! Major record labels and leading music publishers have signed on to provide unrivaled access to master recordings and legendary rock artists – from punk, metal and alternative to classic and southern rock of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s.
Fully customizable! Form your own band, create and customize your own rocker, and then travel on a fast rise to fame around the world in a quest for rock ‘n’ roll glory!
Rock ‘n’ Roll Never Dies! Supports downloadable content for never-ending challenges.
Play together in your living room or across the world! Rock Band offers deep online functionality, allowing players to rock together whether they’re in Rhode Island or Reykjavik.
Developed by Harmonix, developers of the blockbuster Guitar Hero franchise, Rock Band is an all-new platform for gamers to experience music, giving players the chance to rock in the shoes of the biggest guitarists, bassists, drummers and singers of all time – as a solo superstar or as part of a hard rocking band. Rock Band delivers the most authentic music game ever – by challenging rockers to master lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals. Built on unprecedented deals with top record labels and music publishers, the music featured in Rock Band spans all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from legendary artists.
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November 20th, 2007, 02:10 Posted By: DimensionT
I'm proud to present Assault Mission v0.2, the first version that actually feels like a game!!! Lol.
There's still no shooting, but collusion detection and enemy spawning is done. In this version, your main goal is to dodge enemy aircraft untill you make it to your destination.
*Pre-rendered 3D intro with some classy music .
*Simple auto-save feature (you'll only have to watch the intro once).
*Collusion detection and enemy spawning.
*In game dialog.
*Fully functional "Title" and "Pause" menus (aside from the "Options" on the title screen).
*Spiffy EBOOT graphics with perfectly looping AT3.
*Credit screen at the end of the demo, along with thanks.
Here's some screenshots:

Please download and leave feedback VIA comments.
EDIT: There was a bug that loaded a sound I didn't provide. The .ZIP file has been updated, as well as a new script for those that already downloaded it. Just overwrite it with the pne I provided.
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November 20th, 2007, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
Another plugin for the PS2 emulator PCSX2 gets an update
from zerofrog
here is zerogs 0.97.1 that solves the xenosaga missing text problem
make sure the advanced option "relaxed depth" is enabled
or in your xenosaga pnach file, add this:
Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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November 20th, 2007, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from our friend StrmnNrmn:
This has been one of the hardest posts I've had to write, because I know whichever entry I pick as winner of the icon competition, a lot of people are going to be disappointed that I didn't pick their favourite.
Trying to select a winner has forced me to think about what I wanted to get out of this competition. On the surface, the main goal of the competition was just to replace the ugly default icon on the PSP's XMB. However as I've checked out all the entries over the past couple of weeks, I've come to realise that the main objective of the competition should be to define an identity for Daedalus.
In the end, one of the main criteria I've used to select the winner is how well the design works as a logo, or identity, for the project as a whole. For this reason I've picked Patrick Ahmann's design:
I think Patrick's design is wonderfully clean and stylish, and the colours look especially crisp and vibrant on the PSP's screen*. The typography, particularly for the 'daedalus' logo is very simple and distinctive and I think it would work well as a logo on the web. What's more, I got quite excited about using the cog motif on the logo as a progress indicator on loading screens 
So, well done Patrick!
I want to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who contributed. Many people put a lot of work into this and I'm really sorry that I could only pick one winner. I think the quality of the final 10 was excellent, so if you disagree with my choice hopefully there's something there for you 
More Info --> http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/2007/1...winner-is.html
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November 20th, 2007, 03:21 Posted By: CaptainMorgan4
Now that StrmnNrmn has finished choosing his official icon for Daedalus R14+, it got me thinking and this is what I came up with. The icon the StrmnNrmn picked wasn't the favorite icon for all of us, but what was good was all the choices we got and how much better it was for the community as a whole. Now StrmnNrmn said that he didn't want any Nintendo copyrighted stuff in his icons but for this thread I think the Nintendo characters and such make the icons better. So I'm asking you guys if you entered his competetion and sent in an icon then to post it here. Any of you that are artists or have made Daedalus icons in the past to post them here so everyone can see them. Alot of the great icons that were sent in never got seen by everyone so this is a chance to get your icon seen. So anyone out there that has an icon or background or even music to go with the icon to post it here and let people have more options to what icons to use for Daedalus. You can use any Nintendo logo or whatever you got in this thread, and be creative as possible. If you want to make your icons even better keep in mind how the menu and such in Daedalus look so you can possibly match the icons with that. So anyone out there post away have fun with this, maybe your icons will get used by hundreds!
--- For fun this is the icon I use, and who knows maybe you could get me to change it
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November 20th, 2007, 03:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Special slimmer 1200mAh version of the MAX Power
Up to eight hours of use per charge.
Always have a spare battery handy.
Your PSP battery can give you up to ten hours of use per charge, but is this enough? When you have fought your way to the last level and are about to face the end-of-game boss, the last thing you want is to have to wait for the battery to recharge before delivering the killer blow. That's where MAX Power comes in…
The MAX Power Slimline is a lithium battery for the PSP designed in a slimmer package to fit the new Slimeline PSP. Keep it charged and you always have a back-up in case your main battery is drained at a crucial moment.
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November 20th, 2007, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Take part in high seas battles aboard 14 different types of Civil War-era sailing ships and steam vessels
Fast-paced third-person swordfights and barefisted brawling
Advanced role-playing system allowing numerous options to develop and master
Get ready to take on the role of Abraham Gray, the schizophrenic and morally lacking Captain in his smuggling adventures throughout the treacherous waters of the Caribbean! Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, experience Captain gray’s exploits as he becomes embroiled with the case of the mysterious English ironclad build in Liverpool!
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November 20th, 2007, 03:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Published by Disney Interactive Studios, High School Musical: Sing It! PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system is the all new karaoke videogame based on the phenomenally successful Disney Channel original movie, “High School Musical.†Allowing fans to interact with the movie’s characters for the first time on any gaming console, High School Musical: Sing It! extends the “High School Musical†experience by offering players the chance to immerse themselves in the world of the hit movie. Fans show off their creativity and skills by mixing together their favorite characters, songs and scenes as they sing their way to stardom. Featuring motion-captured-choreography from the original movie’s dance routines, the games provide hours of fun for the entire family as they get to interact with some of their favorite movie stars.
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November 20th, 2007, 03:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Set in the Warlords universe, Puzzle Quest challenges gamers to create, develop and customize the ultimate hero to save the land of Etheria from the evil Lord Bane. In order to advance, players battle in turn-based, head-to-head "match-three" style puzzle games in one of three distinct gameplay modes: Single-player allows gamers to battle against the computer AI as they embark on over 150 challenging quests, Instant Action allows gamers to jump in and immediately play continuous battles to level-up characters without participating in quests, and Multiplayer allows gamers to battle live opponents via wireless connectivity. Victory will advance the player’s hero, magical arsenal, creature companions and more - ultimately rewarding gamers at nearly every turn and providing endless hours of replayablity.
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November 20th, 2007, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The world has been rocked by two major events - Mukai has stolen the Orochi seal and the theft of the Yata Mirror by Ash Crimson. Just as the dust had settled, a new King of Fighters tournament was announced - a tournament which brings together some familiar faces, as well as new comers to the world of King of Fighters. Not all is what it seems in this new tournament. There are too many unanswered questions. Too many mixed objectives. Who are the group 'Past Coming People' and what do they really plan to do? Where would Orochi's force finally land once the seal is finally open? Will Chizuru and friends still be able to seal Orochi? And just what is Ash Crimsons' true plan? Total of 11 teams; 47 Characters, including 3 all new characters to the franchise. Exclusive PS2 characters: Mai Shiranui, Mr Big, Geese Howard, Tung Fu Rue, Robert Garcia, Hotaru Futaba, and EX Kyo Kusanagi. 7 Playable Boss Characters â€â Adelheid Bernstein, Gai Tendo, Sho Hayate, Jazu, Silver, Shion and Magaki
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November 20th, 2007, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Be an Assassin: Master the skills, tactics, and weapons of history’s deadliest and most secretive clan of warriors.
Realistic and responsive environments: Crowds react to your moves and will either help or hinder you on your quests.
Action with a new dimension – total freedom: Eliminate your targets wherever, whenever, and however. Stalk your prey through richly detailed, historically accurate, open-ended environments.
Relive the epic times of the Crusades: Assassin’s Creed immerses you in the realistic and historical Holy Land of the 12th century, featuring life-like graphics, ambience, and the subtle, yet detailed nuances of a living world.
Intense action rooted in reality: Experience heavy action blended with fluid and precise animations. Use a wide range of medieval weapons, and face your enemies in realistic swordfight duels.
Next-gen gameplay: The proprietary engine developed from the ground up for the next-gen console allows organic game design featuring open gameplay, intuitive control scheme, realistic interaction with environment, and a fluid, yet sharp, combat mechanic.
Assassin’s Creed is the next-gen game developed by Ubisoft Montreal that will redefine the action genre. While other games claim to be next-gen with impressive graphics and physics, Assassin’s Creed merges technology, game design, theme, and emotions into a world where you instigate chaos and become a vulnerable, yet powerful, agent of change.
The setting is 1191 AD. The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. You, Altair, intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict.
You are an Assassin, a warrior shrouded in secrecy and feared for your ruthlessness. Your actions can throw your immediate environment into chaos, and your existence will shape events during this pivotal moment in history.
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November 20th, 2007, 03:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

A revolutionary new way to use the PS3 system, based on traditional trading card games and given a new dimension in 3D by next-generation technology.
Developed in collaboration with Hasbro and its Wizards of the Coast subsidiary that produces MAGIC: THE GATHERING.
Four ways to play - player vs. PS3, player vs. player offline, player vs. player online, PS3 vs. PS3 using players own deck.
High Definition 3D animated characters and vehicles come to life seamlessly into the on camera view of your tabletop.
THE EYE OF JUDGMENT will be bundled with PLAYSTATION Eye, 9 Fields mat, stand, a starter deck of 30 cards, and a booster pack of 8 cards. More than 100 different characters and spells will be offered via additional booster packs and pre-constructed decks, available at major retail chains.
THE EYE OF JUDGMENT is a socially engaging title that will appeal to gamers of all ages and abilities.
Sony Computer Entertainment introduces a new concept in trading card games with THE EYE OF JUDGMENT™ developed exclusively for PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. Utilizing Hasbro® and its Wizards of the Coast subsidiary’s trading card expertise, the immense power of the PS3® system, and the PLAYSTATION®Eye, Sony’s groundbreaking next-generation USB camera for PS3, THE EYE OF JUDGMENT provides a visually stunning experience that adds a third dimension to the trading card game genre.
Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, JAPAN Studio, THE EYE OF JUDGMENT presents a new style of gameplay where collectable trading cards, embedded with a CyberCode, are brought to life in the 3D game through use of the innovative PLAYSTATION Eye. Players compete by selecting a card and placing the coded card in front of the PLAYSTATION Eye for their respective creatures to come to life and battle on screen. Players take turns placing cards as they jostle for control; the winner is the first player to conquer five of the nine squares of the “9 Fields†battle mat. The gamers task is to conquer the board by deploying their cards more skillfully than their opponent.
Players have four ways to play THE EYE OF JUDGMENT, single player against their PS3, against an opponent in two-player mode, against an opponent online, or letting the PS3 play out a round with the cards the player owns. THE EYE OF JUDGMENT comes with a starter deck of 30 character and spell cards manufactured by Hasbro. Pre-constructed decks and booster packs, sold separately in stores, can be purchased to strategically build the perfect deck using the 110 cards unique cards available.
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November 20th, 2007, 03:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Compete at the highest level of street racing with Need for Speedâ„¢ ProStreet. It's no longer good enough to simply rule your local neighbourhood you need to dominate on a global stage. Build the ultimate battle machine, take it to multi-disciplinary showdowns and pit your skills and reputation against the world's best street racers. This is your chance to prove that you have what it takes to be crowned the next street king.
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November 20th, 2007, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

A flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath forced together on a violent and chaotic path seeking redemption and revenge. No means is too harsh as the volatile partnership is pushed beyond reason in this brutally realistic, character-driven third person action shooter from IO Interactive, the creators of Hitman.
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November 20th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster

Notaz has posted a small update to his excellent Genesis/Sega CD emulator for the PSP
Heres whats new:
Well that test-a-bios-and-you-are-screwed bug was quite a serious one, so I've done an update:
fixed a bug which prevented to load any ROMs after testing the BIOS.
fixed incorrect CZ80 memory map setup, which caused Z80 crashes and graphics corruption in EU Mega CD model1 BIOS menus.
added additional "set to 4:3 scaled" display option for convenience.
added an option to disable frame limitter (works only with non-auto frameskip).
Download from the release thread in our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...839#post545839
Add to the PicoDrive for PSP Compatability list here
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November 20th, 2007, 17:17 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Kotaku

Fans of the original NiGHTS Into Dreams have been watching the development of the Wii sequel, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams with a delightful mixture of joy and anxiety, fearing their beloved title would be marred by the shaky hand of a Sega not quit as sure of themselves as they were back in the days of the Saturn. In an absolutely wondrous turn of events, those players need not worry about getting their NiGHTS on proper, as long as they have a PlayStation 2 around. Famitsu has revealed that a port of the original game will be hitting the PS2 this February in Japan, complete with updated graphics and 16:9 modes for those newfangled wide screen televisions we keep hearing about. For me this is even better news than the Wii sequel. Screw Journey of Dreams - this is all I wanted. Slip Christmas NiGHTS in there as a bonus and I'm set for another 10 years.
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November 20th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
The Memento team have released a new version of their excellent firmware for the Memor32 Memory Card
Heres the release details and news of future release:
After weeks of work and testing, we are proud to announce the completion of the memento Firmware V1.0 for the memor32 memory card.
Main Features of this version :
- Works on v3-v16(SCPH-7900x) PAL and USA PS2.
- Support for DVD-based ps2 games by using our custom transparent patcher (game files are not modified and patched discs will work with both Memento firmware and normal modchips/swap discs).
With Memento V1.0 release we belive that we have finally created the first true Plug and Play Modchip for the PS2 using the hardware of the memor32 powered by our Memento software!.
Additional features coming in the next releases:
- .ELF files boot from USB, Memory Card and HDD to give the Memento the same DEVOULTION functions as found on higher end modchip like DMS4, Infinity or Crystal .
- HDD and USB-HDD support to enable boot of "unpatched" game ISO files from HDD and USB-HDD!
- Support for PS2 CD based games.
- User interface to control and customize settings and options on the Memento/Ps2.
- Support for PS1 based games
More addition will be announced on coming releases.
Greetz to all and have fun with our MEMENTO.
If you appreciate our work, spread the word!
Digg This Release
Download and Give Feedback Via Comments - Please Remember that DCEmu isnt interested in Warez but this is an excellent way to get homebrew working on the PS2 without fitting a modchip
Heres more info about the Memor32 Memory Card:
New from Mr Modchips (UK)
The PS2 is certainly no stranger to a continuous flow of great games which is why every hardcore gamer will adore the Memor 32. Featuring a unique USB based design, the Memor 32 is an advanced memory card for use on any PS2 and PSTwo systems around the world. Unlike standard memory cards, the Memor 32 will allow gamers to load and unload save games to and from the PC for use with the PS2. It’s compatibility is up there with the best, with over 1500 games tested and working perfectly.
- 100% MagicGate compatible powerful 32MB memory card
- Compatible with all PS2 and PSTwo systems worldwide
- Integrated USB connector
- Load and unload saves games to and from the PC for use with the console via software
- Unrivalled compatibility, over 1500 games tested and save compatible
- Perfectly plug and play device
- Two years in development
Heres the Hack that turns the MemCard into a Modchip of Sorts:[INDENT]
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November 20th, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
At Square-Enix’s fiscal meeting they candidly mentioned the White Engine development is moving at a sluggish pace. However, they are not abandoning creating their in house engine. Since the engine is the backbone for Final Fantasy XIII it seems likely that the Playstation 3 game will be further delayed. Square-Enix did not mention a date for Final Fantasy XIII (maybe now 2009? edit: this date is just me speculating) or Dragon Quest IX, which was originally slated to come out this year.
It’s not all gloom for Square-Enix. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII sold quite well in Japan with 710,000 copies in the market. Itadaki Street DS was a hit with 410,000 copies sold, just to put that in perspective It’s a Wonderful World only sold 180,000 units.
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November 20th, 2007, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
If the bevy of holiday titles hitting store shelves this month wasn't enough to satisfy your craving for new news, today's weekly ESRB rating report unofficially announced two games coming Sony's way -- Aquatopia and Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship.
Little is know about Aquatopia, a title listed for the PlayStation 3 and as being published by Sony Computer Entertainment America, but the title is rated E. A Sony rep promised more information later this week. PlayStation 3 already has two games with "aqua" in the title in other regions -- one is a Japanese sequel to ArtDink's Aquanaut's Holiday games from PS1 called "Aqua" and the other an interactive fish tank called "Aqua Viat" that players can interact with via the PlayStation Eye -- and either one of these may be what SCE is releasing in North America as Aquatopia. Either that, or it's now a third game with "Aqua" in the name. Let's hope they never make a game based on the band "Aqua."
Where's Bumpy Trot?The other title on this week's list is Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship. Published by Majesco, Blokus is an English translation of the 2006 PSP Japanese puzzler Blocks Club with Bumpy Trot. A Majesco representative told us an official announcement, screens and more will become available next week, so keep an eye out for that.
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November 20th, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Back in 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe brought B-Boy out to the market. The title is a competitive dance game where you create a breaker and battle your way up the ranks without using a dance pad.
While B-Boy was designed for Europe, Crazy Legs and other members of the Rock Steady Crew from New York starred in the game. Time passed, Sony never mentioned it at any conferences and then B-Boy slipped into Korea. It looked like it was never coming out in North America, but we’ve got a hopeful sign. Gamefly has listings up for the Playstation 2 and PSP version of the game. Both are scheduled to ship on February 7, 2008, but Sony isn’t mentioned as the publisher. If Gamefly’s records are correct, South Peak Interactive picked up the title instead.
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November 20th, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Digiplay:
Fuse 2.0 is a totally new looking portal with loads of great features. The portal includes over 15 of the best quality flash games, 5 applications, an updates feature and because it is digiplay studios first birthday it includes a history of digiplay portals! The download is in ZIP format and contains a 'read me' txt file with full instructions. Here is how to install it -
1. Take your PSP and connect it to the Computer
2. Copy the folder called 'FUSE'
3. Paste the folder into the root of your memory stick
4. Once copied disconnect your PSP from the computer
5. Go to the PSP Internet Browser
6. Type the following into the address bar - file:/fuse/index.html
7. You Should now have Fuse 2.0! You can now save it to your bookmarks
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November 20th, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Acclaimed Fahrenheit developer Quantic Dream has bought the latest motion capture technology from Vicon for its top secret PlayStation 3 exclusive.
The studio has already been installed at Quantic Dream, with the developer hard at work on four month's worth of motion capture for the Sony title.
"Our objective is to make this media a mainstream entertainment form with high creative expectations," commented Guillaume de Fondaumière, Co-CEO at Quantic Dream.
"To do so, we have invented our own format called 'interactive cinema' in which realistic, believable characters play a central role. To us, the only way to reach the level of quality we were targeting for the animation of our characters was to use Vicon motion capture," he said.
Sony announced the PS3 project with Quantic Dream in July this year. The developer is also hiring out the new studio to other development teams.
"Demand has been immediate and we have actually already started to rent the system to high-profile video game and advertising clients. Our new studio is fully installed and is functioning almost every day either for complex full body or facial captures," added Fondaumière.
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November 20th, 2007, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
Alright folks, Sony has released version 2.01 for the PS3. You can download direct via your console in System Update or use your computer and place the update packge on removable media (like a flash drive or burnt to a disk). The changelog from 2.00 is as follows:
- New for 2.01: System stability during use of some PLAYSTATION®3 format software has been improved.
- New for 2.01: System stability has been improved for some operations, including the use of the Internet browser and the (Information Board).
- New for 2.01: System stability during output of upscaled PlayStation®2 format software images has been improved.*1
- New for 2.01: Functionality of the [Remote Start] feature has been changed to prevent an unintentional remote start. *2
*1 Applies only to models that support playback of PlayStation®2 format software.
*2 If [Remote Start via the Internet] is enabled, the PS3â„¢ system may turn on unintentionally, depending on the type of router in use. (In this case a remote play connection cannot be established.) To avoid unintentional power-up of the system, [Remote Start via the Internet] may be disabled automatically if a remote play connection is not established within a certain amount of time after the system is turned on.
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November 20th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SEGA Europe has offered no comment over reports that a remake of Saturn game NiGHTS: Into Dreams is heading to PS2 early next year.
Word spilled originally from Japanese magazine Famitsu (translated by IGN), which said the iconic title would be getting 16:9 support and upgraded visuals, as well as an illustration gallery and movie viewer.
Apparently the game is set to launch in Japan on 21st February 2008, and it will also be introduced at a budget price point - alongside a Nightopia Dream Pack that has the all important picture book inside.
Whether SEGA Europe's silence suggests it is a Japan-only offer is unclear, but we expect more to become clear as we get close to Wii game NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams release in January.
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November 20th, 2007, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Today's 2.01 PS3 firmware update was released solely to fix instability issues on the console, but it's suspected it may have done the complete opposite for Activision's best-FPS-on-the-platform shooter, Call of Duty 4.
Dozens of angry gamers have hit the official forums to report that, since updating their PS3s this morning, they have been unable to play the online mode in the game. They obviously blame Sony's new firmware.
Some users, however, say they managed around two hours of play after updating before the errors began to occur. So is the FW update at fault? Or something else? CoD 4 servers have been annoyingly temperamental over the past few days...
We spoke with both Sony and Activision, both seemingly oblivious to the problem, but we hope to update with their feedback soon.
Meanwhile, our office PS3, running the new 2.01 firmware, is playing CoD 4 online as normal. It took around 10 minutes to log on (which is still not good), but it's working just fine now.
[Thanks to the friendly reader (we'll guess your name's Dave) for the tip]
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November 20th, 2007, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Dynasty Warriors 6, the latest in the brawler series that, for some strange reason, seems to have gamers in the Far East going bananas for it, will be out in British stores from March 7 for 360 and PS3.
DW6 sticks to the same formula of previous games of the series - you run around fields in an ancient China setting and batter the snot out of swarm after swarm of enemy guards.
Koei says that a new graphics engine makes this "by far the most impressive looking Dynasty Warriors yet," not that Dynasty Warriors has ever struck as being particularly pretty.
We've got 12 new screens below anyway, so you can decide for yourself.
Screenshots here
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November 20th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Benhur:
Here's a simple solution to use (all of) the genuine PSP fonts:
It features the stuff you see above plus: variable size glyph cache, pre-caching, fast speed (as little as 35ms initial loadtime per font; up to 100,000 chars/sec), low memory requirements (as little as 66kB per font) and no dependencies (e.g. freetype).
Download: http://www.psp-programming.com/benhur
The archive contains samples for GU and graphics.h - just look at them to see how to use intraFont and read the readme.
(If you used pgeFont by InsertWittyName (http://insomniac.0x89.org) before: you'll feel right at home since intraFont uses parts of pgeFont - but intraFont doesn't need the freetype library!)
Let me know what you think and have fun!
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November 20th, 2007, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bumuckl & Team Nitr0core:
Bumuckl & Team Nitr0core proudly present: Motion Pong 0.1 xD
Motion Pong actually has been developed for the "Neoflash PSP Motion Kit".
It is a simple pong-game. The difference to other pong-games are the controls.You do not move the paddle with any keys, you just move it via the Motion Kit.That means you can move the paddle by tilting your PSP.
Attention: The Paddle-bot is extremely hard to defeat...it is possible, but extremely hard!Maybe I've to fix that...
There are two versions, the Motion Kit one and the psp-keys one.
That means, the guys that do not have a Motion Kit can play as well^^...
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If you want to see how Motion Pong 0.1 works, look here:
You can buy the Motion Kit here: http://www.ic2005.com/
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November 20th, 2007, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from a Noob:
This is a pre-alpha staged release of A_Engine_lua
A_Engine_lua targets the programmer who wants to be able to code
a game with out the worries of handling Graphics.
Current Support:
A_Engine Currently only supports simple 2D functions.
Image loading (TGA, RAW, PCX*) *pending
Image rendering (full image scalled)
2D vector obj builder
2D vector renderer (full, outline, rotated)
simple BB collisions
TTF font support
Even though the current support list is small. The engine can exceed your
expectations. Many More features are pending their addition to the lua side
of A_Engine.
A_Engine_lua has 3 simple demos.
1) The Menu
Its a simple text based menu with a BackGround (located in script.lua)
2) Pong
A simple pong game where you can play against the AI or push select for AI vs. AI (located in games.lua)
3) Bouncy Ball
A simple physics demo done in lua (located in games.lua)
If you plan on using A_Engine to develop a game Read the README it has vital information.
For anyone Who is interested in making me another Demo or Demo Game please PM me.
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via a noob
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November 20th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Best Buy has responded to Internet reports that, despite midnight openings across the US, the retailer did not receive its anticipated shipments of EA's Rock Band.
"Best Buy tries to ensure that all customers can get the products they want in our stores. Sometimes situations beyond our control such as shipping and freight issues can make it difficult for a customer to obtain what they are looking for," Best Buy's Emily Schroeder told GamesIndustry.biz.
Schroeder confirmed that many Best Buy locations did not receive the anticipated shipments in time for midnight openings or for Tuesday morning sales.
"We have been working with the vendor and shipping companies to remedy this situation for our customers and expect to receive shipments on Tuesday, November 20 and Wednesday, November 21," she said.
During a conference call to investors earlier this month, EA's CEO John Riccitiello anticipated Rock Band supply problems, noting that EA won't initially be able to produce enough supply to meet the expected demand.
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November 20th, 2007, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
via elation
ChickenLiver has updated his Pad Plugin for the PS2 Emulator PCSX2:
Heres whats new:
The addition of the vibration test and my fix for the small motor makes it obvious I'd been flipping the small and large motors' vibration values. 0.8.2 fixes that. Should probably have tested it more from the start, but I'm not a big fan of vibration, in general (Just think supporting it is nifty). Sorry for all the releases. Hope this is the last for a while...Until someone discovers a bug or suggests a nifty feature, at least.
Fixed newly bound force feedback devices initially displaying 0 sensitivity.
Added "Test FF" button.
Added option to allow multiple bindings to a single direct input object (Doesn´t work with windows messaging or raw input. Does allow you to configure multiple force feedback axes independently).
Fixed key release event. Thought event=0 was key up, 1 was key down, but 2 is actually key down. Only seems to matter when navigating through save states. Notice that SSSPSX makes the same assumption I do. This is what happens when plugin specifications are incomplete. Smile
Right shift sent to PCSX2 as a generic shift when using an input mode that distinguishes between the two shift keys.
Fixed bug that would cause LilyPad to ignore slight movements of analog axes.
64-bit dll fixed. No longer fails to load, complaining about being unable to find MSVCR80.dll.
Removed a couple older pretty ineffective hacks that had been aimed at increasing stability when pausing emulation. Note that there are not the hacks listed on the first configuration screen.
Changed center for analog sticks from 127 to 128. Not sure which is correct, or if it´s actually in between, but other pads plugins all seem to use 128. Shouldn´t make any noticeable difference.
Modified handling of some PS2 pad configuration commands. May now work in some games that didn´t recognize it as a dualshock 2 controller (Or as any controller).
Fixed issue with not saving some settings on the general screen to file.
Added simple but nasty hack to prevent potential crash when quitting by closing the command window while the emulator is still running. Issue was that I was trying to cleanup my DirectInput objects when the dll unloaded, and (Apparently) the DirectInput dlls had already been unloaded.
Added PADupdate() support. If the emulator supports it, DirectInput controller state is only checked when it´s called. Note that this may reduces responsiveness when frame rate drops to almost nothing. Or it may not. Could also introduce some threading issues (In particular with vibration), though I haven´t run into any yet.
Added option for monitoring game devices when in the background. Mostly added because I always forget to refocus the emulator window after changing to another window.
Fixed handling of mouse buttons 4 and 5 under Windows messaging.
Escape will now always cause emulator to stop (Even when keyboard mode is disabled). Wasn´t working under Windows messaging mode.
Raw input keyboard mode should no longer cause it to crash.
Mouse cursor not being hidden in Windows messaging mode fixed.
Dropped SIO support. Even if the PAD functions are supposedly depricated, doesn´t look like SIO will be used by PCSX2 any time soon.
Will save general settings for pads 1 and 2 even when no controls are configured for that pad.
DirectInput devices are a bit more responsive when binding them in the config screen.
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November 20th, 2007, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
More on the subject this time from Engadget

The online Playstation Store for the PSP just quietly went live on our side of the world with two downloadable PSP titles, 16 PSone titles, and a handful of themes, wallpapers, and videos. Wipeout Pure and Syphon Filter: Combat Ops are the first two $10 PSP games out of the gate, and highlights of the PSone list include Twisted Metal 2, Crash Bandicoot, and Tekken 2, all for $6. The store requires the download of a Windows-only loader app to transfer files to your PSP -- and now, after waiting all this time for PS3-free downloads, we're kinda wondering why we can't sync up over WiFi. Eh, don't let our grumpy whining bother you -- go get your game on and let us know how things are working for you in comments.
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November 21st, 2007, 12:42 Posted By: Unicorn

Via http://psp.scenebeta.com/.
Pana has just released an original application called "PSP Trafico Test" (PSP Driving Licence translated into English). Its a LUA coded appz that doesnt require LUA Player (but for the moment, this is no PSP Slim compatible).
Using this Homebrew, we will be able to make some tests, in order to get Driving Licence in Spain. We even can use the integrated chronometer to check if we can answer the 40 questions in time (oficial exam must be answered in half an hour).
Very usefull if you are planning to come to Spain to live in . Also, it could be usefull to practise this language, or even to give an idea to a bored coder (an English coder could make something similar).
- Square - Selects option A.
- X - Selects option B.
- O - Selects option C.
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November 21st, 2007, 16:32 Posted By: Pegasus2000
Andrea Badiali has released the first 3rdparty Nanodesktop application.
This homebrew provides a calculator, a text to speech synthetizer and
a WAV/MP3 graphical player.
It is based on the API of Nanodesktop library. This is a simple beta
program, following versions will be released in a second time.
More infos here:
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November 21st, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Danzel:

Here is a game I made for the Neoflash PSP Motion Kit, because it is sooo damn cool. Does not work without the motion kit!
Requires a Neoflash PSP Motion Kit
- http://www.ic2005.com/
The goal of the game is to shake the baby without getting seen. If you are seen shaking the baby, you lose your points. You win when you get 2000 points.
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DCEmu does not condone Baby Shaking in any way possible. Remember this is one game you dont copy in real life
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November 21st, 2007, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sakya:
I'm here to release LightMP3 version 1.6.0 FINAL.
-Added: support to kernel 3.71 and S&L
NOTE: in kernel 3.71 the bus cannot be properly set, so it's stuck @ 95Mhz.
-Added: support to ID3v2 tag (many thanks to Xart!)
-Added: the app restores initial volume when exiting
-Added: the app saves the volume level when exiting and restores it next time is started.
-Added: Replaced the exit screen with a custom one
-Fixed: USB connection problem, no more need to copy prx from your flash0.
-Fixed: Going up one level in the file browser will select the diretory you were in (and not always the first)
-Fixed: Removed exit pressing TRIANGLE (exit only with HOME)
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November 21st, 2007, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Spike 132000

Hey There, thanks for Downloading ModPlay!
ModPlay was written in LUA by Spike_132000.
At the Moment, the Application can play MOD, XM and IT Files.
Features of this version are
unlimited subdirectories
ability to quickly browse through folders containing many modules.
ability to play files, not whole directories for ease of use.
Button Directions
Up and Down - Move Up and Down List one file
Left and Right - Move Up and Down List by 10 files
Cross - Play Module
Circle - Stop Module
The Programs File Browser is Credited to Tactical Penguin! Thanks a lot!
Final Words
bugs - Everything has them
Currently, The Program May randomly cut out or if you play a certain file the
psp will just freeze, this has nothing to do with my programming, it may have something
to do with the LUA Player it's self.
Future Hopes
To Support More File Types. Do NOT ask for MP3, OGG, or AAC file types.
Please Comment!
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via spike132000
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November 21st, 2007, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Gabest has released a new version of the Graphics Plugin for PCsx2:
Thanks for the memcards, now I could walk around in ffxii a bit, almost everything is right. The shading at the top of the on-screen menu (attack, items, etc.) is somewhat broken, might be an unsupported effect.
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via elation
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November 21st, 2007, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Memento Team have just updated to Firmware V1.1!
This software turns the Memor32 Memory Card into a Modchip Basically- Pretty damn neat for homebrew on the PS2 without taking your system apart.
Heres whats new:
Like promised in our "to-do" list, we have added the first important feature to the Memento Firmware! Dev1 and DEV 3 full implementation.
It is now possible to launch up to four different .ELF applications from DEV1 (Memor32 memory card) and four different .ELF applications from DEV3 (USB Flash memory stick).
DEV2 (HDD boot of .ELF Files) will be implemented with next Firmware update, toghether with the HDD Support.
Have Fun, spread the word!
There is more to come.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony CEO Howard Stringer has said that he is confident of the PlayStation 3's current sales performance, comparing the momentum of the new console to that of the early days of the PlayStation 2.
"The momentum shift and the energy behind PS3 in time for Christmas is extremely fortuitous," said Stringer in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
"It was planned by the PlayStation group, but I think this momentum now – particularly the number of games coming out, including our own as well as third-party – is the same as it was with PlayStation 2," he said.
Stringer dismissed the suggestion that the PlayStation 3 is taking longer to establish itself with the development community, saying that creating for a brand new format simply takes time.
"[The PS3 is] not behind the curve compared to PlayStation 2 in terms of momentum.
"The amount of bandwidth and the processing power of Cell gives game manufacturers a lot more work to do to use this system to its full benefit – and it's taken a while to do it. The same was true of the PlayStation 2," he added.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Finally, you should be able to turn on your PS3 today and shoot some faces online in Call of Duty 4 without any friggin' error message ruining the fun, as Infinity Ward has fixed the servers.
The game's online mode has been fraught with problems since release, first with a complete online failure when the servers were apparently "slammed" by legions of players, then further issues again yesterday, coincidentally just after Sony released PS3 firmware 2.01.
But everything should be fine now, as Infinity Ward's community relations manager, Robert Bowling, confirmed today: "You should no longer be receiving this error message or any other issues related to the firmware update in the game."
He added: "Thank you to everyone for giving us the heads up on this so we could start tracking down answers, and getting it resolved and please let us know if you have any additional issues."
We're sure you will.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Harmonix says that it's not its fault if Guitar Hero controllers don't work with the PS3 version of Rock Band, which they don't.
The game, which is available in the US this week for PS3 and 360, comes as a bundle containing microphone, drums and one guitar, but in order to play four-player you need to source a second axe.
Harmonix has said in the past that Guitar Hero peripherals should be compatible, and while this is true on 360, PS3 owners are discovering it's not the case with the Guitar Hero III wireless Les Paul controller.
"Harmonix develops and bases all of our games, guitars and other peripherals on open standards established by platform manufacturers such as Microsoft and Sony. Rock Band is no exception and supports an open controller standard," the developer said in a statement on IGN.
"If a third party game controller is based on open standards, then it should work with Rock Band as well. If certain controllers do not work with Rock Band, questions about those controllers should be directed to the peripheral manufacturer."
The developer also said that it welcomed third parties to support Rock Band hardware.
At a distance, you might question whether it's naive of Rock Band buyers to assume compatibility with a rival product, but positive responses during development certainly appear now to have been misleadingly confident, and the fact that the game is only available to US consumers as a multi-instrument bundle merely exacerbates things in the eyes of the many people rioting on the official forums.
With the bundle itself in short supply, it could be a while before anyone's placated.
Anyway, look out for our Rock Band review in the near future!
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November 21st, 2007, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
"We had our best programmers on the PS3 [version of Call of Duty] and it shows," Infinity Ward studio head Vince Zampella has bellowed. He's been explaining why Sony's edition has a bigger online capacity (24 max players vs 360's 18) and, according to those with cyborg-eyes, improved visuals.
"We had two separate teams working on both versions from the start," Zampella says, "Most developers only focus on a single platform, then quickly port the game over to another one. You don't get very good results that way".
Zampella was speaking to PSM3 magazine as part of a feature examining PS3 game delays. His words should give Sony fanboys some much-needed ammo. Grab a copy of the Christmas edition of PSM3, issue #95, on sale from tomorrow, for the full exploro-feature.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The US PlayStation 3 Store says hello to a pair of new PlayStation Eye games this week, and what with it being Thanksgiving Sony has also slashed the prices on four other downloadable games.
The two PS Eye games are called Operation Creature Feature (USD 4.99 / 135MB) and Aquatopia (USD 1.99 / 38.9MB). The former sounds like a sort of Lemmings game based on hand movements, while the latter is an interactive fish tank where "you can even feed them by dabbing your hands in the top of the water".
The four games undergoing cheapening, meanwhile, are Calling All Cars, flOw, PixelJunk Racers, Everyday Shooter. All are reduced to USD 4.99 until 29th November to celebrate when some pilgrims did something involving boats and crabs, or whatever nonsense it is that nets them this ludicrous auxiliary Christmas.
Also on the store this week in Americaland are an MX vs. ATV Untamed demo (714MB) to accompany yesterday's Xbox Live version, a downloadable pack for flOw which adds a new campaign and playable creature as well as "added Camera food" (for USD 2.99), a Need For Speed ProStreet Collector's Edition Upgrade (USD 9.99), which adds five exclusive cars and four additional career race-days, and the previously detailed Rock Band content including tracks by Metallica, The Police and Queens of the Stone Age.
For more on those two PlayStation Eye games, check out our Operation: Creature Feature and Aquatopia screenshots, stolen rather pathetically from the US Sony blog post revealing them. In fact, don't even click our links. We're ashamed.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Talk of Sony making a PlayStation Phone has erupted on the internet once again as Sony Computer Entertainment's co-chief operating officer, Jim Ryan, states that such a gadget is "definitely plausible".
Speaking to the Economic Times, Ryan said, "The PlayStation is a proven success and so is Sony Ericsson. Convergence with the two arms working together is definitely plausible. It is hugely intellectually seductive to have a console oriented phone."
He goes on to comment: "What has been done is finding a match between a camera and a mobile phone, and that has been done wherein the mobile phone features are not reasonably inhibited and the camera is also a reasonably competitive product. It is hugely intellectually seductive to have a console-oriented phone".
Ryan later explains that, should such a device work well, the phone functionality would have to be built into a primarily game-playing machine, not the other way around like cameras in phones.
He makes no mention of when a so-called PlayStation Phone device may actually come into fruition.
This follows previous rumours sparked off by a patent filled by Sony Japan's Ericsson Mobile Communications dept. for a PSP-looking, phone-enabled device back in November last year. Check that out here, if you can be arsed to read through lines of repetitive, over-complicated jargon.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Talk of Sony making a PlayStation Phone has erupted on the internet once again as Sony Computer Entertainment's co-chief operating officer, Jim Ryan, states that such a gadget is "definitely plausible".
Speaking to the Economic Times, Ryan said, "The PlayStation is a proven success and so is Sony Ericsson. Convergence with the two arms working together is definitely plausible. It is hugely intellectually seductive to have a console oriented phone."
He goes on to comment: "What has been done is finding a match between a camera and a mobile phone, and that has been done wherein the mobile phone features are not reasonably inhibited and the camera is also a reasonably competitive product. It is hugely intellectually seductive to have a console-oriented phone".
Ryan later explains that, should such a device work well, the phone functionality would have to be built into a primarily game-playing machine, not the other way around like cameras in phones.
He makes no mention of when a so-called PlayStation Phone device may actually come into fruition.
This follows previous rumours sparked off by a patent filled by Sony Japan's Ericsson Mobile Communications dept. for a PSP-looking, phone-enabled device back in November last year. Check that out here, if you can be arsed to read through lines of repetitive, over-complicated jargon.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The Sony PSP Store for the PC launched last night with a downloadable line-up headed up by a PSP version of PS3 titles Go! Puzzle and Go! Sudoku, downloadable versions of UMD games B-Boy and Fired up, and something else - a rhythm-action game called Beats. We had a quick play to see what it's like.
Once you go through the PSP Store download process (which involves logging in with your PSN account, making the purchase and then using a special PSN download manager program to transfer the game directly to your Memory Stick), and select it from the Game menu on the XMB, you're shown to nice orange title screen which lets you pick between the two main game modes - My Music Challenge and Jamming - or other set-up options.
Beats is a fairly straightforward button-matching music game, but the twist is that you can use your own music. When you go into the My Music Challenge, you're invited to pick a song from among any MP3s stored on your Memory Stick, and then select a difficulty level. You're then presented with a fairly simple screen with a trio of circle in the middle. As the music starts to play, little face-button icons (squares, circles, Xs, triangles) move towards these little circles, and it's your job to press them as they move over one.
If they're approaching the centre circle, you just press the corresponding button. However, if they are going towards the left one, you hold left on the d-pad at the same time, and so on for the right-hand circle. Vertical bars on either side of the play area tot up your points multiplier (which increases as you match more beats without missing any out) and collect "overdrive" power as you correctly match special flashing versions of the normal icons.
Naturally the idea is that the icons move across the screen in varying sequences and rhythms that match the tone and tempo of your chosen track, and the effect was pretty reasonable on our first few attempts. There's a slight amount of frame-rate drop as the beat-matching kicks off a minor firework display in the background, but it's not particularly intrusive.
Beats also includes a Jamming mode, where you can create songs using a selection of instrumental loops, and this mode supports up to four players. You can then also your compositions via Game sharing. Other options allow you to change the game's background theme - which incorporates either static or dynamic (so, wobbly) visual elements in addition to signature music - or the visualiser that goes along with the beat-matching. Again, there are quite a few provided with the game.
Anyway, whether it all amounts to GBP 4.99 worth of value over the long haul will be up to one of our reviewers to decide in due course, but for now that's Beats - an interesting little rhythm game and the sort of little project it's always nice to see Sony doodling around the margins. Works quite well with Modest Mouse and Arcade Fire, or you could just listen to your CDs and drum your fingers on the desk. You decide.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
The newly-launched PlayStation Store for PC does not spell the end of the road for Sony's Universal Media Disc format, according to Darren Cairns, head of online marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
He told GamesIndustry.biz: "The UMD business is still good for us and our publishers. It's still a burgeoning market, and we're still selling a large number of PSPs on a weekly basis, so there are a large number of new people coming into the market."
The potential to offer titles at a lower price point, because the costs of production and retail are cut, might seem like good news for gamers - but there are no plans to head down that path any time soon.
"I don't think that this would give us any cause for concern over UMD, I think they sit very well together. When you talk about the more casual games, pick-up-and-play games, you would definitely want to put them through the Store rather than have disc production, in to retail, and so on."
When asked if he felt that the Store could go on and offer a much wider selection of general entertainment media in the future - building on the current film trailers available and adding music tracks and video perhaps - he reiterated that the focus to begin with was on games.
"The PC Store is very much targeted at getting lots of really good game content at the start for the millions of PSP users that we've got. Longer term, the PlayStation Store is predominantly for game content for day one and we're working on the plans to build that out after.
"For us being able to deploy and push additional content, whether it's an additional overlay for a GPS or whatever, it's important going forward. But what we wanted to do was really establish the PlayStation Store on the PC, as it is already on the PS3."
The downloads themselves currently have no defined size limit, and they will vary according to game title. As an example the Bboy full game download weighs in at around 835MB, but full titles won't necessarily include all content found on the corresponding retail UMD.
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November 21st, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Oblivion expansion Shivering Isles is to release as a digital download for PS3.
According to Bethesda, the expansion will be available on PSN as of November 29, although it's not yet confirmed how much it'll cost. It also appears that initially the download will only be available in North American, where Shivering Isles has just shipped on disc.
The expansion features 30-plus hours of new adventuring, new quests, monsters and expanded freeform gameplay.
Presumably Shivering Isles hitting PSN will pave the way for further DLC for Oblivion on PS3.
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November 21st, 2007, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has released a new emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Caprice32 is the latest addition to the collection of emulators. It’s an Amstrad CPC emulator, and is my second choice for a port. My initial attempt was to port Arnold, which is a (arguably) more accurate emulator, but due to its poor performance on the PSP (~15 fps), the idea was scrapped.
Caprice32 is a lot faster, though the rendering subsystem used in the current version is from version 4.1.0, for performance reasons. If/when the renderer is optimized, the PSP port will be updated to reflect the change.
Current version is also missing ZIP file support - this will be implemented if enough people express interest.
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November 21st, 2007, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Perooz have posted a mass of PSP Magazines for you to browse at, heres the full rundown:
DailyCandy.com - Issue 004
Get the latest from DailyCandy.com for your mobile device including house & home, food & dink, arts, travel and much more.
GQ.com - Issue 002
Get the latest from GQ.com for your mobile device including fashion trends, news, gear, interviews, mens style and much much more.
Nylon Magazine - Issue 015
Get the latest from Nylon Magazine (NylonMag.com) for your mobile device, including fashion, beauty, culture and much more.
Style.com - Issue 006
Get the latest from Style.com for your mobile device including fashion trends, people and parties, shopping, beauty and much more.
The New Yorker - Issue 017
Get the latest from The New Yorker (newyorker.com) for your mobile device including arts and culture, politics, cartoons and much more.
Rotten Tomatoes - Issue 039
Get the latest in entertainment news from RottenTomatoes.com for your mobile device including Movie and Televison updates, Interviews and much more.
AutoBlog.com - Issue 046
Get the latest from AutoBlog.com for your mobile device including automotive news, reviews, spy shots, galleries and much more.
VanityFair.com - Issue 017
Get the latest from VanityFair.com for your mobile device including entertainment news, politics, fame, scandal and much more.
TechCrunch.com - Issue 044
Get the latest from TechCrunch.com, a web blog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies.
Gizmodo.com - Issue 049
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TreeHugger.com - Issue 046
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November 21st, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Samy:
Hello, everybody!
I would like to introduce the project on which I am at the moment: it is a resumption of luaprog. Indeed Novservant has given its consent.
This recovery is called LuaStation, it is designed to allow development in lua on psp. This program allows you to open / edit / save, and a whole host of other small elements of a text editor.
So it's really ideal for programming rapidos, without being on the computer: in his bed, train ,.... And it avoids the whole series also transfers. Doonc deep savings in time and battery!
For more detail I let you see the readme.
If you have any suggestions for improvement, or report to be drunk do not hesitate to bring it to my attention.
Good prog at all
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November 22nd, 2007, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

High quality third party manufactured Component AV Cable
Enables AV output via Component
Extra long cable: 4 meters / 13.12 ft.
Suitable only for the new PSPâ„¢ Slim & Lite Series (PSP-2000)
Allow to display videos, photos and play music as well as games on TV
For playing games, a TV with progressive scan support is required
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November 22nd, 2007, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPHacks
NIGathan is waving goodbye to the PSP homebrew scene, but not without leaving us a lil somethin’ somethin’ to enjoy. Despite the fact it’s not totally finished, it is the final release. There’s actually a sad story behind NIGathan’s final space shooter… Let me quote:
This is my final release of NIGathan’s Shootuh because I no longer own a PSP. It was stolen from me this Sunday 11/18/07. Yes this is an unfinished release but it does have many updates and no known bugs. There is no way I can finish it at this time, so instead I’m releasing what I have. I expected to add a lot more but I couldn’t continue working on it without my own PSP. With this final release I am saying goodbye to the PSP Homebrew Scene. I would also like to thank everyone who supported and helped me as a PSP Homebrew developer.
Fixed bug causing the enemy to spawn above the slow-mo meter off of the screen.
Added a “Kill Streak†counter which counts how ever many enemies you kill before you die.
Added an increasing difficulty based on the kill streak, every 15 kills in a row the difficulty will increase.
Added more slow-mo power ups (I never got a chance to actually randomize this so it will always appear in the same place.)
Fixed bug causing your bullets to home on enemies even if its paused.
Fixed background image so the shrinking is more noticeable.
Added a secret cheat menu. To access make sure you are in the main menu, whether you just started the game or if you paused it and pressed triangle, and press these following buttons one at a time in this order R, Left, Down, Square, Triangle. The cheats can be disabled by clicking on cheats (I never got a chance to actually create the menu so when you activate it they are automatically enabled) The cheats that have been added are:
Hyper Speed, lets you move a little faster than normal.
Super Homing Missiles, makes your bullets home twice as fast.
Infinite Lives.
Infinite Slow-Mo.
Fixed homing missiles so they home on enemies more reasonably. (I never got a chance to perfect this but it is better than the last release.)
I’m sure if there are more updates but as I stated earlier I cant look at it while writing this so I’m just going to leave it at this. Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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November 22nd, 2007, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
Tonight just before i go to sleep i decided to carry on fixing the hacked sites and infact updating to the new design and its the turn of PSmonkey who was the coder behind NeoGeo Pocket and Nintendo 64 Emulators for the PSP and the very impressive Iris and Sandbox releases.
Check out his site here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/
More Coders sites to return to normal status this week.
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November 22nd, 2007, 03:44 Posted By: wraggster
Yeah i was supposed to go to sleep earlier but i thought i might as well do one more coders site and this time its Plynx the coder of Atari Lynx and Atari Jaguar emulators for the PSP as well as a bomberman clone.
Check out the site here --> http://plynx.dcemu.co.uk/
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November 22nd, 2007, 06:25 Posted By: AhMan
iR Shell 3.8
This release adds support to PSP Slim, plus various new features. Basically, all existing & new features are the same between Phat & Slim, with the exception of Slim can't use Infra-Red remote. BTW, I will be taking a long break from the scene. If there are any critical bugs in this release, I will try to fix them before leaving.

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Here is a list of feature highlights. For details, refer to the release note in the archive.
- Supports the latest M33 firmwares across both Phat & Slim. Slim users can choose among 3.60M33, 3.71M33-1 to 3.71M33-3.
- PSOne 2-Player Adhoc Support.
- Introduces a new Context Menu System. Functions (plugins) under context menu will always be available to all file types, similar to the right mouse menu click under Windows.
- Added a new Multi-tasking PRX Plugin System. This allows user written PRX Plugins for iR Shell to multi-task with another game/app. The included PRX HTML/Text Viewer developed by korDen allows you to view HTML & Text documents while playing games or homebrews..
- With the help from Dark_AleX, support to M33 & NP9660 No UMD Modes have been added. NetHostFS & UsbHostFS are also available for the No UMD modes.
- Added support to the latest Popsloader for 3.71M33-3 by Dark_AleX.
- Allow random start of MP3 for the alarm clock function, so you'll be greeted with different tunes each morning.
- Added the options to put your PSP to auto-sleep while idle to save battery.
- Allows you to press Hot-Key to turn off/on all LEDs. The annonying memory stick or WiFi LEDs will no longer distract you from watching your favorite video/movie.
- Support TV-Out for Slim via component cable.
- Added the display of volume bar for PSP main volume in iR Shell.
- plus numerous bug fixes.
Special thanks to:
- Dark_AleX for his help and support in iR Shell development. Many of the M33 related features are made possible with his assistance.
- Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk.
- StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.
- korDen for making a multi-tasking HTML/Text Viewer plugin specific for iR Shell.
- All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
- M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
- remotejoyGUI for Windows & Cleanup Script is developed by StoneCut.
- remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
- The included HTML/Text PRX Plugin is developed by korDen.
- The included EDIT Plugin is based on pspwrite by Zx81. Thanks to Zx81 for creating a nice text editor for PSP. The modified source code can be found in irshell.org forum.
- iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
- iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
If you enjoy using this release, you can make a paypal donation by clicking the donation link below:
Donation Link
Download Links (26MB):
http://rapidshare.com/files/71408170...ell38.zip.html (mirror)
For other optional components, such as skins, pronto codes, etc, refer to previous release.
For technical supports, pls visit www.irshell.org forum.
================================================== =================
[EDIT Nov 23]
A bug fix release is out to resolve the firmware patch bug which causes all kinds of incompatibility issues with homebrews & umd. Refer to the iR Shell 3.81 release thread for download link.
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November 22nd, 2007, 11:49 Posted By: Wally
Hi guys,
It has been a while since the initial release of Mr Driller.
Heres the changelog:
Added PSP Slim & Lite / 3.71 kernel Support
Fixed up the exit button so now it works
Fixed Home Button
Fixed up where you press up and its pauses, its now on the correct button
Added Icon / picture
I hope you all enjoy it!
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November 22nd, 2007, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
The recovery from the hacking is in good progress now and just now ive finished updating Miemt11`s site back to normal working status.
For those who dont know hes the coder of these projects:
GBA Emulator for PSP
MPH Firmware launcher 1.3.7u5u1
PMPMOD_1_02_M4g3 Plus Edition
PMP Simple Converter 0.08 Package Lite edition
Simple UMD Loader Version 0.02 for PSP 1.50
Check out the Site here --> http://miemt.dcemu.co.uk/
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November 22nd, 2007, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
The last site that i can fix for now is Hamsterburts site, the coder is behind 3 emulators for the PSP namely
GameBoy Colour
Check out the updated/fixed site here --> http://hbert.dcemu.co.uk/
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November 22nd, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
A Sony representative has told GamesIndustry.biz that reports of a PlayStation Phone are wide of the mark.
This comes after a story in the Economic Times of India which claimed that Sony Computer Entertainment might be working with Sony Ericsson on the project - following the launch of a Bravia-branded handset.
SCE's co-chief operating officer, Jim Ryan, had apparently told the publication: "The PlayStation is a proven success and so is Sony Ericsson. Convergence with the two arms working together is definitely plausible."
But now a company spokesperson has denied the two brands are colluding.
"Jim Ryan was in fact misquoted by the Economic Times of India about this issue. We are not currently working together on the creation of a PlayStation Phone."
There was no indication given as to whether such a collaboration was planned at any point in the future.
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November 22nd, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
KOEI has told Eurogamer that futuristic racer Fatal Inertia will be a better game on PS3.
The company is spending more time on it after the 360 version failed to ignite critical fuses when it was released in September. According to a spokesperson for the publisher, they're polishing up technical areas and putting together a more enticing demo than Live customers were treated to.
New content is a possibility, too, although nothing concrete is known at this point.
KOEI US recently offered next spring as an expected date for the title. However, we were told nothing has been decided internally and it is currently "in development for 2008", as it's always been.
Fatal Inertia began life as a PS3 exclusive, but met delays because it was fiddly getting it to work with Unreal Engine 3.
The game lets you zip around interesting courses like canyons and caves in futuristic flying ships, using all sorts of innovative weaponry to hamper the progress of your opponents.
Unfortunately it was let down by a poor frame rate and ill-conceived technical features in the 360 version. KOEI is hoping to iron out those kinks in time for the PS3 release.
Head over to our Fatal Inertia review to find out more.
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November 22nd, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Epic boss Mark Rein has finally confirmed that the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament III will not make it to UK stores until "January or February" next year.
The Americans, however, will get their deathmatch fix this side of Christmas. As Rein explained: "Unreal Tournament 3 has been approved by SCEA and has been released to North American manufacturing.
"Midway has started talking to retailers to figure out exact timing and they will have a formal announcement early next week when everyone is back from the Thanksgiving holiday.
"My guess is that Midway will start shipping the title to North American retailers on Monday December 10th and it could show up in stores as early as December 11th but more likely toward the middle of that week."
But he goes on to say localisation will slow our release.
"For PAL territories, specifically UK and Europe, we have a few localization-related tasks to complete and then we should be starting the certification process pretty soon. My best guess is early next year (January or February) for the game to ship over there."
Still, the region-freeness of PS3 means you could grab an import copy if you're desperate to shoot people over the holiday.
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November 22nd, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Bethesda mouth Pete Hines has said Oblivion expansion Shivering Isles will available to download for PS3 soon.
Word came by way of the company blog, where Hines revealed US gamers will be able to get their hands on SI next Thursday.
Us foreign types may have to wait, however, as Hines cannot offer any confirmation on a European or Australian date just yet.
There is also no indication of how much it will cost. You may remember the 360 version asked for a substantial 2400 Points (GBP 20.40 / EUR 27.91) back in March.
You can, of course, get your PS3 mitts on Shivering Isles buy buying the Game of the Year Edition in December, which also contains mini-expansion Knights of the Nine.
Shivering Isles lets you travel to the realm of Daedric Prince Sheogorath, who is as mad as a hatter. Here you will embark on all sorts of wacky quests as you plough through around 30 hours of new content and gather up new spells, items, armour, ingredients and more.
One for those of you who persisted with Oblivion, then; plenty more of the same to do in even more beautiful areas. But it does nothing to soothe those of you who complained about its mechanics, levelling system and often repetitive questing. Perhaps best avoided if you fall into that camp.
Pop over to our Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles review to find out more.
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November 22nd, 2007, 20:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Right-oh, here we have three new screenshots (well, one looks a bit 'arty' actually) from Ubisoft's console RTS Tom Clancy's EndWar, which is being directed by ex-Total War man Michael de Plater.
The game's being built from the ground up for PS3 and Xbox 360 and one of its main features is the ability to play it with your voice.
"It's really easy," creative director Michael de Plater has told CVG about the voice control mechanic.
"You hit the right trigger and you say the order. You can read all the currently available orders on the screen while the trigger is held down just like if you were using a two way radio.
"So all you need to know how to do is to press one button and read. And once you know the commands you don't even have to read them any more."
He continued, "The challenging part of the voice command isn't the interface or the voice recognition. It's having AI units who are smart enough to follow your orders like real soldiers.
"When you say 'Red Team attack Alpha' it's not a bunch of mindless drones marching to Alpha. These guys will use cover, combined arms tactics and terrain. You are the general, you don't need to micromanage every footstep of the most elite soldiers on the planet."
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November 22nd, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rock band The Romantics have filed a lawsuit against Activision, Harmonix and RedOctane over a cover version of one of the band's songs featured in Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's.
According to the band, the re-recording of the 1980's hit What I Like About You is "virtually indistinguishable from the authentic version" and confuses consumers into believing that the band actually recorded the music and endorsed the product, reports Billboard.
The suit, filed November 20 in a federal District Court in Detroit, lists California-based Activision, Harmonix Music Systems and RedOctane as defendants. It also names Wavegroup Sound as performers of the music. Plaintiffs The Romantics are seeking compensatory and punitive damages, and are asking that the court enjoin further distribution of the game.
The right of publicity gives an individual protection against others from using his or her identity for commercial purposes without permission, but in most cases this right is only brought into play when well-known voices have been imitated.
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November 22nd, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The pixel counters strike again! Having already conquered Halo 3 by proving the flagship shooter was 80 pixels below HD (defined here as at least 1280x720), the Beyond 3D forum members are now claiming Call of Duty 4 is only 600p (1024x600 resolution = 614,400 pixels) for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions - that's 120 pixels that have gone AWOL.
The Beyond 3D posters have proven their dedication to pixel counting before with Halo 3, but since we haven't counted ourselves or seen the visual proof prevalent during Halo-gate, we're welcome to be proven wrong.
Update: The tryptophan is starting to affect our ability to calculate. The difference between 600p and 720p (1280x720 = 921,600) is 307,200 pixels [not 120] - which happens to be the exact number of pixels contained within 640x480 resolution.
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November 22nd, 2007, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Were you aware that Japan's Dengeki magazine group recently gave out awards for the PlayStation brand's all time best of the best?
Neither were we.
Apparently, Final Fantasy VII placed quite highly in these so-called "Den-Play Awards." The game took the award for best story, best RPG, and best overall game. Cloud Strife took the award for best character, followed by the other vertices of his love triangle, Aeris at fifth and Tifa at eighth. Six characters in all placed in the top 50, with Sephiroth at 14th, Reno at 15th and Yuffie at 42nd.
Awards awarded, Dengeki PlayStation took the opportunity to get FFXII director Yoshinori Kitase and character designer Tetsuya Nomura to sit down for a lengthy interview recapping the past ten years with the FFVII offshoot. The two offered a few short insights into upcoming projects.
The magazine asked Nomura if Cloud's role will expand from here on out. To this, Nomura responded with, "I have my hands full with Final Fantasy Versus XIII now, so I can't say anything about the future, but the scenario writer, Nojima (Kazushige), says he doesn't want to part from Cloud yet, so there will surely be something."
Next, the PS3 Final Fantasy games. The two were first asked to comment on the changes the move from the PS2 to the PS3 brings to the series.
"On the hardware side," said Kitase, "thanks to the storage space of Blu-Ray and the inclusion of a hard drive, we're able to deal with load times. Regarding the production side of things, because it's a next generation machine, any and all sections require multiple times more work, so it's difficult. With FFVII, we advanced over previous games in all areas, but aiming for the same thing with the PS3 is difficult. For FFXIII, we're looking at what specific areas we should focus on improving."
As for Nomura, the Versus XIII director said, "Compared to the move to the PS2, the move to the PS3 is more difficult. Planning and so-forth haven't changed much as far as work is concerned, but overall, the amount of graphics work has gone up considerably. You can show tiny details, so you have to make put tiny details in your illustrations."
Getting a bit specific on the Versus project, Nomura continued, "It seems that the Versus team was, from the start, trying to get the full specifications out of the PS3, and that takes time. Just the other day, during a Versus meeting, a programmer asked, 'Is it okay to program with PS3 exclusivity in mind?'." I asked why, and he said, 'If we port it to other hardware, we have to program with that in mind.' I responded, 'Of course, Versus is PS3 exclusive.'"
While Nomura admitted that Versus will still take a bit more time, he let slip a big hint on the final shape of the game: Versus may have airships and a world map.
"The other day," said Nomura, "I saw a test of an airship flying over the world map. I felt that I was seeing a Final Fantasy-like screen for the first time in a long time. However, the fact that things have become realistic made us concerned about what to do about the scale. It's the same scale as past FF games, but even then, it's so wide that you can't make out the first town."
Nomura seems to be confident in his team's ability to deliver with Versus, though. "We still haven't announced the Versus team, but there are some well-known members in there, so it will become a good product. Also, we're getting advice from the team working on FFXIII, which is being developed first, so we're progressing well."
Square Enix usually shows new footage from its major titles at the annual Jump Festa event in Tokyo in late December. We'll be sure and let you know if anything related to FFXIII (or even FFVII) shows up.
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November 22nd, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher has posted a new build of Asterz
This game is going to be constantly updated and made the way YOU want it to be.
Tell me things to add. Weapons, powerups, enemies, anything. Tell me if you want physics tweaked, anything at all tweaked.
This game is going to be molded and shaped the way you want it to. This is a community project and I hope people actually choose to contribute.
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November 22nd, 2007, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
RS Psar Dumper is a "derivated" from classical Psar Dumper (last version of which was released by M33 Team).
Its functions are the same of classical Psar Dumper (so dump Firmware from an Official Udpater Eboot), but it's more! Infact this version has a user interface full of colors, more interactive and especially it has the new important function to make a dump of Firmware directly on PC, without using Memory Stick!
Infact this Homebrew has a USBHostfs connection function with a PC, so the program can read eboot directly from Hard Disk (that is a good profit because new Sony Updater Eboots weigh also more than 20Mb!) and it can also dump the Firmware directly on PC, so Memory Stick is NEVER used during the process!
What is the effective profit?
1. Well, first of all homebrew does not require free space on Memory Stick (that can be full too!)
2. You spare time because you do not need to copy files betwenn PC and Memory Stick!
3. Extracting and Dumping process require a very smaller time!
An example? Look to this my little "experiment":
3.71 firmware dumping from the Official Updater Eboot
Technical data
Eboot of 22,5Mb (biggest released from Sony!).
Memory Stick used: Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 2GB (that released with PSP pack!).
Process used: the most "onerous", so PSAR loading with extraction e decrompression of the Firmware (SQUARE key in the homebrew)
-"Classical" process executed on Memory Stick: about 90 seconds of waiting...
-"New" process executed on PC Hard Disk through USBHOSTFS: about 25 seconds of waiting...
Using new USBHOSTFS function you can gain more than one minute!
And then I do not calculate great times necessary to copy eboot from PC to Memory Stick, times that with USBHOSTFS are void!
-same features of classical PsarDumper (extraction of Firmware files from an Official Updater EbooT)
-Menù full of colors and more interactive
-Add a new function to exit from the homebrew without forcedly do something (using SELECT key).
-Add a function to activate/disactivate USBHOSTFS connection.
-If USBHOSTFS connection is acctivated, program will show an advise in the case where PSP is not connected to PC or Usbhostfs.exe is not running on PC.
-If eboot is not found, PSP will show an error (and NOT will crash!).
-Program has 2 language files: if PSP language is set on Italian, homebrew will load Italian interface, otherwise it will load English one.
-Homebrew will read the nickname set in PSP.
-If RS folder is not found, program will end without crash.
-Add a usefull Windows Program to install easier the Homebrew on PSP.
Insert eboot.pbp to decompress in the root of Memory Stick.
Insert homebrew folder RSPsarDumper in the PSP directory: /PSP/GAME37x
Insert folder called RS in the root of MemroY Stick
Make sure from Recovery mode that kernel is 3.7x
Start the homebrew from PSP under the menù Game -> Memory Stick
Insert eboot.pbp to decompress in the same folder where Usbhostfs.exe is
Insert homebrew folder RSPsarDumper in the PSP directory: /PSP/GAME37x
Insert folder called RS in the root of MemroY Stick
Make sure from Recovery mode that kernel is 3.7x
Start the homebrew from PSP under the menù Game -> Memory Stick
In both the cases will be created a folder called DUMP in the same directory where the Eboot (to decompress) is.
When process will end, in DUMP folder you will can find Firmware files extracted from the Offical Updater Eboot chosen.
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via red squirrel
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November 22nd, 2007, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Pilout has released a new version of his Mario Coin Speed game for the PSP

Heres whats new:
Voila release v3 of mario speed corner So this is the novelty:
- Monsters
- Bonus
- Cinqlvl and more
Here again I thank graphic Kalitay and marc6310 to the idea
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November 22nd, 2007, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cpasjuste
Thanks to raphael and cooleyes (and jurajstyk of course), i'v made some slim optimisation to the source code :
Quake 1 for PSP v 1.0 Psp Slim Optimized
- Quake heap size is now 40Mb (40Mb of available memory for your hudge quake maps!)
- Disabled debug console that was writing to the memory stick.
- Disabled texture downscale by default
- Libmad software mp3 decoding is replaced by the PSP hardware mp3 decoding!
Thanks to Juraj Styk for his perfect Quake 1 port.
Thanks to cooleyes @ forums.ps2dev.org for his hardware mp3 decode sample.
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November 22nd, 2007, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Our Forum Member Uberjack has posted this on his blog:
One question that I’ve been asked time and time again (and most recently by zx-81) is “why bother porting an emulator when there are other ports already?†This question was beaten to death when SMS Plus PSP was first released, and still comes up occasionally.
The number one reason is simply that I enjoy porting software to PSP, especially classic computer emulators. I like pushing the limits and capabilities of the (yet unnamed) psp library that I’ve been developing since the first fMSX release. The fact that another emulator may already exist (and may, in fact, be better) is a non-issue for me, as I don’t do it for any reason other than my personal satisfaction.
Second reason is that I believe having a choice in emulators is great. The only reason I got into programming for PSP is because I thought that the MSX emulators of the time could be a lot better.
I attempt to port in a manner that makes it possible to merge the PSP port with the main branch of the emulator, and I’m happy to let any interested maintainer of the emulator merge my code with theirs. I don’t generally touch emulation code, unless it results in significant optimization—the only exception to this rule has so far been fMSX and inclusion of SCC/MSXMusic/MSXAudio - and it’s largely thanks to the efforts of Vincent van Dam and his excellent fMSX SDL port.
When possible, I attempt to port a different emulator than one that’s already available. For example, as mentioned earlier, Caprice32 was not my first choice for a CPC emulator. Unfortunately, Arnold’s performance was nowhere near “acceptable,†so Caprice was my second choice.
And finally, there are a number of ported, working, but unfinished emulators that are currently littering my svn repository’s trunk branch, some of which may eventually see the light of day.
Hope this was enlightening. Comments are welcome.
I agree, competition amongst coders only improves the emulators.
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November 22nd, 2007, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony CEO Howard Stringer believes the company's next-gen console can be as successful as its predecessor, and says the momentum of the PS3 matches that of the PS2 early in its lifetime.
"The momentum shift and the energy behind PS3 in time for Christmas is extremely fortuitous," he told The Hollywood Reporter.
"It was planned by the PlayStation group, but I think this momentum now - particularly the number of games coming out, including our own as well as third-party - is the same as it was with PlayStation 2. [The PS3 is] not behind the curve compared to PlayStation 2 in terms of momentum."
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November 22nd, 2007, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
via elation
ChickenLiver has updated his Pad Plugin for the PS2 Emulator PCSX2:
Heres whats new:
The addition of the vibration test and my fix for the small motor makes it obvious I'd been flipping the small and large motors' vibration values. 0.8.2 fixes that. Should probably have tested it more from the start, but I'm not a big fan of vibration, in general (Just think supporting it is nifty). Sorry for all the releases. Hope this is the last for a while...Until someone discovers a bug or suggests a nifty feature, at least.
Added slightly better handling of setting bit masks. Not sure it'll have any practical effect.
Added GSDX + MTGS hide cursor hack.
Fixed clipping rectangle not being removed when using a mouse and background monitoring. Note that you have to have a hack enabled or a device in Windows messaging/raw mode for this to work properly. I recommend mouse users just binding a key to "mouse" and use that instead.
Added the option to use different force feedback effect functions. The constant function should be fine for most people, but some devices/device drivers are funky and use different functions for different motors.
Right shift sent to PCSX2 as a generic shift when using an input mode that distinguishes between the two shift keys.
Fixed bug that would cause LilyPad to ignore slight movements of analog axes.
64-bit dll fixed. No longer fails to load, complaining about being unable to find MSVCR80.dll.
Removed a couple older pretty ineffective hacks that had been aimed at increasing stability when pausing emulation. Note that there are not the hacks listed on the first configuration screen.
Changed center for analog sticks from 127 to 128. Not sure which is correct, or if it´s actually in between, but other pads plugins all seem to use 128. Shouldn´t make any noticeable difference.
Modified handling of some PS2 pad configuration commands. May now work in some games that didn´t recognize it as a dualshock 2 controller (Or as any controller).
Fixed issue with not saving some settings on the general screen to file.
Added simple but nasty hack to prevent potential crash when quitting by closing the command window while the emulator is still running. Issue was that I was trying to cleanup my DirectInput objects when the dll unloaded, and (Apparently) the DirectInput dlls had already been unloaded.
Added PADupdate() support. If the emulator supports it, DirectInput controller state is only checked when it´s called. Note that this may reduces responsiveness when frame rate drops to almost nothing. Or it may not. Could also introduce some threading issues (In particular with vibration), though I haven´t run into any yet.
Added option for monitoring game devices when in the background. Mostly added because I always forget to refocus the emulator window after changing to another window.
Fixed handling of mouse buttons 4 and 5 under Windows messaging.
Escape will now always cause emulator to stop (Even when keyboard mode is disabled). Wasn´t working under Windows messaging mode.
Raw input keyboard mode should no longer cause it to crash.
Mouse cursor not being hidden in Windows messaging mode fixed.
Dropped SIO support. Even if the PAD functions are supposedly depricated, doesn´t look like SIO will be used by PCSX2 any time soon.
Will save general settings for pads 1 and 2 even when no controls are configured for that pad.
DirectInput devices are a bit more responsive when binding them in the config screen.
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November 23rd, 2007, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305:
First up: This based on Deniska's mapthis [siogps.h/c]. Thanks for the work.
I thought I'd share this with every Neo PSP Motion Kit user; It's a must-have.
Buy the Motion kit!
1) This plugin lets you simultaeneously use speakers and headphones as a sideeffect/bonus .
Known Issues:
1) Looks like the XMB's Headphone Detection Event Flag takes over before ours and cuts audio supply from internal speakers, Hence, You must not plugin the Motion kit very early. [look for future revisions of this plugin.]
2) Upon restart make sure you donot have it plugged in. [look for future revisions of this plugin.]
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via mr305
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November 23rd, 2007, 04:33 Posted By: AhMan
This is only a maintenance release which fixed a critical bug in iR Shell firmware patch.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a critical bug in the iR Shell firmware patch which results in unable to launch UMD in XMB and also causes various incompatibility issues with other homebrew apps & seplugins. Just apply the new patch and all issues will be resolved.
- Fixed a bug in Contect Menu which wouldn't allow you to choose "Select" or "Start" menu items.
Installation Instructions:
- If you've already installed iR Shell 3.8, download iR Shell 3.81 Update which only contains update files. Unzip it and merge to your existing iR Shell installation and apply the new firmware patch.
- If you haven't installed iR Shell 3.8, download iR Shell 3.81 Full Release which is a complete distribution with all updates included. Then, install as usual, don't forget to apply the firmware patch.
Download Links:
iR Shell 3.81 Update [500KB] (Download this if you've already installed 3.8)
http://rapidshare.com/files/71625986...pdate.zip.html (mirror)
iR Shell 3.81 Full Release [26MB] (Download this if you haven't installed 3.8)
Refer to the original iR Shell 3.8 release thread for feature list.
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November 23rd, 2007, 16:33 Posted By: -Xandu-
It's been long since releasing the first PokedexPSP, it had Pokemon info till Ruby/Sapphire only. Now that Diamond & Pearl DS are released, people want to catch more Pokemon!
Since I don't have much time these days to update the database, you can now!
For those of you who want to participate in updating the database and have enough time to, here are the instructions:
-The format has to be as follows, or a better one if you could, I've uploaded an example.
-You can obtain Pokemon info from Serebii or from any Walkthrough/Pokemon Guide which will be a lot easier. I got mine thanks to strawhat.
Gotta hurry up before Nintendo comes up with a new Pokemon game!
Comments are welcome.
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November 23rd, 2007, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony confirmed yesterday that it's not making a PS Phone, but Korea doesn't care because it's gone ahead and made one anyway.
The pictures below are of the Amycoll PS3 Phone. Clearly, Sony had nothing to do with it, but the unit actually looks pretty nice with its PlayStation buttons, proper D-pad and wide LCD screen. Nice work from the boys in "Koera" as it hilariously says on the unit.
And the funniest thing is that the PS3-branded unit runs on a Microsoft operating system for which, over the years, numerous emulators have been made, most notably full-speed SNES and NES emulators. Not missing the trick, the phone actually comes with said emulators pre-installed, probably breaking every copyright law in existence.
Check out the 'Windows: designed for PS3' logo. Hah! We want one.
Photographs here
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November 23rd, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Sony has revealed details of its first ever dedicated PS3 Christmas TV campaign in Europe – which will concentrate on the high definition capabilities of the system.
Themed around the tagline ‘Entertainment like you’ve never seen it before’, 60 and 30-second ads will run on UK TV from December 1st. The creative is available to view online now.
Created by agency TBWA/London, the ad is dubbed 'The Entertainers'. Its development was overseen by award-winning director Noam Murro.
According to Sony: ‘The ad takes place in a theatre style scene with a host of flamboyant characters; A magician and his beautiful team of assistants are seen on a show-biz mission to turn a scruffy mongrel into a perfectly coiffed poodle, as a reference to how PS3’s high definition and Blu-ray disc capabilities make everything – from games and movies to photos – look and sound more beautiful and detailed than ever before.
'A funny acrobatic couple perform amazing seamless movements without wires, just like the PS3’s Sixaxis wireless motion-sensitive controller, which understands and translates body movements.
‘PS3’s constantly updated technology is brought to life through a robot that seamlessly turns into a human to illustrate how the console is a future proofed product, able to update and evolve over time, with software and product innovations to meet the changing entertainment demands of consumers.’
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November 23rd, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The star attraction on the PlayStation Store this week has to be the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune demo, which is now available for people who were too scared to download it from the US Store.
We gave the game itself a whopping 9/10, you see, and even kidnapped Naughty Dog boss Evan Wells for the afternoon so you could ask him your questions. Just a taste of what we can do.
Elsewhere you can get your mitts on a taster for Blazing Angels 2, although it too is the same one the US were playing a couple of weeks ago. The full game is out at the end of the month.
However, you might like more cars for MotorStorm or an Alchemy Pack for RPG Folklore, both priced at GBP 1.49 a piece. Or, for those of you with a PSP, you can grab PSone title G-Police to fiddle with on the train.
But maybe all you're after is a good old trailer, like the one for Ratchet & Clank, or MotorStorm, or PSN showcase, or Bad Company, or Beowulf, or a trio of clips for Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
Still not content? Well it's a bunch of free Tekken wallpapers for you, then.
Earlier this week Sony released a new PC Store especially for PSP owners to browse and download content. It will replace the PSP Store in January, and already boasts buckets of games.
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November 23rd, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
PS3 owners, you should have seen the warning signs.
First one: that this is a multi-platform release being ported to the PS3. Uh-oh.
Second one: that said PS3 version's been delayed while PC and 360 owners have been blowing up Striders and over-using cake jokes to within an inch of their life.
So it should be little/no surprise that when 1UP got their hands on the EA-ported PS3 version of The Orange Box, they found it...largely awful. So awful, in fact, at times it was "downright unplayable". Chief culprit are the framerates in the three HL2 releases, particularly in outdoor/vehicle sections, which at times slows to a single-digits crawl. Ungh. You'll not kill any Combine at 9FPS, Gordon.
On the bright side, though, Portal seems fine!
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November 23rd, 2007, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nieko
A while ago I started working on PSPeak, a voip program for PSP, but because I hardly have time for it anymore, I decided to post it here .
If anyone feels like continuing or lending pieces of code, go right ahead .
The source and more can be found here: http://stuff.nieko.net/psp/PSPeak.zip
The program is in /PSPeak/src/src. In /PSPeak/src/socket I put a small testing server, which simply sends back what you send it. You'll only need sockServer.
So far, when running the program at 333MHz, I was able to hear myself vaguely when sound data was sent to the server and back. That's where I stopped .
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November 24th, 2007, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Voddkaa:
Pandora Recovery v0.2 + Installer
by vodkkaa
New in this release
- redesigned menu for easier access
- seperate Modules menu where you can launch .elfs from
- Installer for easy set up
Instillation Instructions
- Extract the ELF and PSP folders to the root of your memory stick
- Grab yourself the 1.50 FW EBOOT.PBP and place it in the root of your MS, renamed to 150.PBP
- Run the Pandora Recovery Installer (please note that you must be using 3.XX kernel)
- And your Done!! just boot into service mode
- Place the .elf's you would like to lauch in the elf folder in the root of your MS (the Backup_NAND.elf included is the restore.elf of Pandora)
- Deperatar Cemetario Menu boots from ms0:/KD/DCv3.elf
- Restore NAND dump boots from ms0:/KD/restore.elf
- Dump NAND boots from ms0:/KD/backup.elf
- Jas0nuk for the source of his ELF_Menu
- Cory 1492 for making his 3.XX Battery Tool open source
- Chilly Willy for making IDStorage Manager open source
- DAX/M33 for the new PSAR dumper, which the installer is heavily based on
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via voddkaa
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November 24th, 2007, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Jfig111 has released a new version of his impressive looking portal for the PSP:
Heres whats new:
WiFiX Beta Build 1.5
-CoreCade Was added, (Which is a Flash Game Arcade) -(CoreCade)
-8 Games were added to CoreCade - (CoreCade)
-CoreToon Viewing Screen was changed to 450x170 - (CoreToon)
-Background Changed with more simple looking layout - (Main Menu)
-Chat room screen size changed to 450x170 - (Chat)
-Chat Room has a new Splash Screen - (Chat)
-Chat Room has added a new section, "Spam Craze" - (Chat)
-Chat Room has changed the default beta chatroom to "English Chat" - (Chat)
-Pictures now added to make picking a chat room out easier - (Chat)
-Settings Tab now with working Sneak Peak - (Settings)
Click here to Download the New WiFiX Beta 1.5
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via jfig111
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November 24th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new version of cwcheat for the PSP, heres whats new:
- [GAME] fixed a bug in the 8bit equal test code which could prevent it from working
- [GAME] fixed a bug in the less than/multi skip codes which could make greather than/multi skip codes being recognised also as less than/multi skip
- [ALL] now it's possible to invert the colors used on screen (so black foreground on white background) trough the "COLOR INVERT = " entry on the
configuration file
- [GAME] Added 8bit multiple skip test codes:
8-bit Equal : Multiple Skip 0xE1nndddd 0x0aaaaaaa
8-bit Not Equal : Multiple Skip 0xE1nndddd 0x1aaaaaaa
8-bit Less Than : Multiple Skip 0xE1nndddd 0x2aaaaaaa
8-bit Greater Than : Multiple Skip 0xE1nndddd 0x3aaaaaaa
- [ALL] Changed some buffer sizes in the db loading functions, it should improve the stability when loaded with other plugins
- [ALL] Some minor optimizations in the main in-game menu
- [GAME] rectified multiple skip test codes to be more strict about the status of > or < of the numbers being checked. now equal is no more
- [GAME] rectified single skip test codes to be more strict about the status of > or < of the numbers being checked. now equal is no more considered
- [GAME] Fixed a conflict of the inverse jocker code with the 8bit test codes. Now the inverse jocker code is 0xD00000dd 0x3nnnnnnn, while before it
0xD00000dd 0x2nnnnnnn.
- [GAME] Removed useless checks in the single skip test codes and jocker codes
- [ALL] now the text reader let the user use the analog stick to scrool text
NB: if you find cheats with single/multiple skip codes which aren't working anymore you may try adjusting the value of +/- 1 and contact me to fix
the code
in the database, thanks. As for the inverse jocker codes contact me again if you find some in the databse .
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November 24th, 2007, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack posted this news on his blog:
Thanks to those who submitted feedback about Caprice32, ZIP and multi-disk support will be added in the next release.
SNA files, on the other hand, will not be supported, and here’s why. SNA files are not proper cartridges or disk images - they’re save state files containing a “snapshot†of memory and CPU registers. The Save State tab provides the same functionality (except as an added bonus, it GZip’s the save states, making them a lot smaller).
If you want to convert an existing SNA file to Caprice32 PSP’s save state format, here’s how to do it:
Compress the SNA file with GZip
Pick some PNG image (any in-game screenshot made with Caprice32 PSP will do)
Concatenate the PNG image with the GZipped SNA file in the following order: PNG image, SNA file
Rename the resulting file so that it’s composed of the full name of the disk image (including the extension), plus ‘.sXX’ as an extension, where XX is an integer between 00 to 10. Example: 1943.dsk.s00
Place the file in the SAVEDATA directory, and it will be available when the DSK file is loaded.
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November 24th, 2007, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have today added 16 new blueray films
Heres the list
13 Ghosts (~Tony Shalhoub, Embeth Davidtz, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
A Few Good Men (~Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (~Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ...) JPN US$ 37.90
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (~Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Innocent Planet Konchu Tachi No Sekai JPN US$ 37.90
Kokyo Burari Shiki No Michi JPN US$ 37.90
Memories [DVD] (~Kouichi Yamadera, Hideyuki Hori, ...) JPN US$ 97.90
Metropolis [DVD] (~Yuka Imoto, Kei Kobayashi, ...) JPN US$ 97.90
Oze No Shiki JPN US$ 37.90
Pathfinder [Unrated Version] (~Karl Urban, Russell Means, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Sea Forest Monterey Wan No Ikimono Tachi JPN US$ 37.90
Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2007 Baby's breath (~Seiko Matsuda) JPN US$ 69.90
Shin Sos Dai Tokyo Tankentai JPN US$ 77.90
Spriggan [DVD] (~Shotaro Morikubo) JPN US$ 97.90
Swordfish JPN US$ 37.90
The Legend Of Zorro (~Antonio Banderas, Catherine Zeta-jones, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
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November 24th, 2007, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

This game is the third installment of the Soldier of Fortune series. A routine escort mission goes wrong that causes players to deal with an enemy that knows no bounds. As mercenary, Thomas Mason, players will need to uncover and terminate an extremist plot aimed at throwing the world into chaos. Experience mercenary combat in the world's dangerous hotspots in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.
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November 24th, 2007, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Over-The-Top Action – Engage in 18 high-stakes missions where you will bomb bridges, steal secret weapons, destroy Zeppelins and more.
Fly Never Before Seen Aircraft – Pilot over 50 authentic planes and prototypes including the Gotha Go 229, DH Vampire F Mk 1, Me-163 “Kometâ€, Meteor and many more.
Unusual Experimental Weapons Get the advantage in combat by using experimental WWII weapons including High Velocity Cannons and TV-Guided missiles.
Exotic WWII Setting – Engage in epic battles in some of the world’s most captivating environments such as Cairo, the Himalayas, Moscow’s Red Square, Rome’s San Pietro’s Cathedral, the Swiss Alps and more.
Next-Gen Graphics – Experience improved depth of field, jaw-dropping cinematographic lightening and outstanding sound effects.
Fast Paced Multiplayer Action – Challenge up to 16 players in free-for-all, co-op and squad-based missions, including the all new Epic Battle and Capture the Flag modes.
Epic Boss Battles – For example, go up against a giant German Zeppelin over the pyramids of Cairo. Take out its nine gun turrets while you expose its vulnerable underbelly.
In this game, you are the leader of Operation Wildcard, an undercover and elite squad of pilots secretly created by the American government. Your mission is to sabotage and destroy the Third Reich’s evil plans to create a weapon of mass destruction. During this mission you and your team discover that the bad guys also have an elite team of their own. In an attempt to disarm the enemy, you engage in dramatic and movie-like spy missions in some of the world’s most exotic locations using experimental weapons and flying never-before-seen prototype aircraft.
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November 24th, 2007, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

6th Man Advantage - Give your home team the advantage on the floor with the energy of the crowd.
All-American Training Challenge - Go head-to-head against former college stars to test and build your key game skills.
Lock-On D - Master your man-to-man defense with complete on-the-ball coverage.
Maximum Passing - One press of a button puts a full slate of pass options at your fingertips.
Halftime Adjustments - Hit the locker-room at the half to assess and adjust your game strategy.
2KU - Completely redesigned arena atmosphere creates the most authentic college basketball experience ever.
PlayVision - Execute offensive plays perfectly with on-floor step-by-step diagrams
Play Designer - Create your own plays to customize your team's playbook.
College Hoops 2K8, the #1 selling college basketball game last year and the #1 rated college basketball game five years running returns to the Xbox 360™, PLAYSTATION®3 and PLAYSTATION®2. This year's game gets the deepest feature enhancements in the history of the franchise and is sure to be a contender to repeat as what Operation Sports crowned "Basketball Game of the Year" for 2006.
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November 24th, 2007, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga builds on the success of both LEGO Star Wars “block-busters†and enables families to play through the events of all six Star Wars movies in one videogame for the first time ever. Developer Traveller’s Tales takes full advantage of the unique capabilities of all three next-generation consoles, while also adding new characters, new levels and new features.
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November 24th, 2007, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Experience the intensity of a cinematic, story-driven game with the freedom of NON-LINEAR missions in a free roaming FPS environment.
Start each mission with a fully interactive airdrop into enemy territory. Your landing spot can dramatically change the way each mission is played out.
Develop skills on your personalized weapon with field modifications that remain persistent throughout the entire game.
Utilizing the very latest technology to deliver truly believable humans within the gaming environment.
Medal of Honor Airborneâ„¢ is the latest video game from EA's acclaimed Medal of Honor franchise, credited with pioneering the WWII first-person shooter genre after its debut in 1999. This is the first game in the Medal of Honorâ„¢ series to be released on next generation platforms.
While building on the key tenets of the franchise including historical accuracy and authenticity, Medal of Honor Airborne is set to redefine the series by introducing players to an entirely new way of experiencing a WWII FPS - notably the fully interactive Airborne experience.
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November 24th, 2007, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Time control elements: Slow, stop, and reverse the flow of time, affecting the enemies and world around you while you move freely.
Time shifting: Obstacles challenge you to think in four dimensions in order to overcome difficult scenarios and defeat challenging enemies.
Next-generation graphics: Using the Saber3D engine, the graphics include normal mapping for amazing high-detailed textures and characters as well as parallax lighting, which allows the environment to come alive with detail.
Deep story line: The futuristic plot involves travel and betrayal, and features an alternate time stream.
Variety of weapons: Unique weapons from varying time periods include plasma guns, hybrid grenades, full-action pistols, and the dreaded "Swarm Cannon."
More than 35 combat missions: Each one features time-shifting elements and challenges that stand in your way.
Online multiplayer options: Lets you use time-shifting powers against other human adversaries via Xbox Live®.
In TimeShift, you assume the role of renowned test pilot Colonel Michael Swift who recently lost his only daughter in a bus accident. Depressed and desperate for an escape from his misery, Swift decides to accept a recent offer from the U.S. Government.
Armed with a time-control device called the "Quantum Suit" and a time machine called the "Chronomicon," Swift sets out to test the most significant inventions of the century. He is briefly sent back in time to 1911 to plant an experimental probe. Upon his return to the present, a shift has occurred. The world he left has changed beyond all recognition. And his knowledge of this timeshift has made him an enemy of the state. Swift is now both on the run and on a mission to set time straight once again.
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November 24th, 2007, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

6th Man Advantage - Give your home team the advantage on the floor with the energy of the crowd.
Maximum Passing - One press of a button puts a full slate of pass options at your fingertips.
On-the-Fly Coaching - Call plays, queue up subs, check on your players and even change coaching settings without ever having to pause the action.
Range Meter - Know the right spots on the floor for each player to take their shots and minimize missed buckets.
2K Soundtrack - Featuring Jurassic 5, J. Dilla, MF Doom, Dilated Peoples, The Kooks, The Black Lips and more.
2KU - Completely redesigned arena atmosphere creates the most authentic college basketball experience ever.
College Hoops 2K8, the #1 selling college basketball game last year and the #1 rated college basketball game five years running returns to the Xbox 360™, PLAYSTATION®3 and PLAYSTATION®2. This year's game gets the deepest feature enhancements in the history of the franchise and is sure to be a contender to repeat as what Operation Sports crowned "Basketball Game of the Year" for 2006.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster

For the ladies out there, we've no doubt that rocking a set of Wiimote earrings would totally increase your chances of lookin' good stupendous in a Nintendo interview room, but for the folks hoping to get a leg up on the competition for that open spot at Sony, here's your ticket. These sterling silver cuff links each measure 0.75- x 0.5-inches and closely resemble the famed PlayStation controller, and in case that wasn't overboard enough, you can even opt to engrave the backing with Sony's stock ticker symbol for extra brownie points. Sure, $150 seems a bit steep for the pair, but practically guaranteeing yourself employment is probably worth the cost.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster

For the ladies out there, we've no doubt that rocking a set of Wiimote earrings would totally increase your chances of lookin' good stupendous in a Nintendo interview room, but for the folks hoping to get a leg up on the competition for that open spot at Sony, here's your ticket. These sterling silver cuff links each measure 0.75- x 0.5-inches and closely resemble the famed PlayStation controller, and in case that wasn't overboard enough, you can even opt to engrave the backing with Sony's stock ticker symbol for extra brownie points. Sure, $150 seems a bit steep for the pair, but practically guaranteeing yourself employment is probably worth the cost.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Platform: PS3, PC, XBOX 360
pages: 176
This Signature Series guide features a comprehensive walkthrough of the entire
Detailed area maps.
In-depth listing of available items, equipment and vehicles.kU@D
Strategies for all modes of gameplay.
Signature Series guide includes bonus content, exclusive foldout and more!i
Unreal Tournament 2007 marks the return of the industry's premiere first-person shooter utilizing the completely new Unreal Engine 3 technology taking the graphics, playability and challenge to a new level. Players assume the role of a futuristic warrior engaged in contests of intense shooting battles against skilled opponents, controlled either by human contestants online or by A.I. These contests are fought with the most powerful sci-fi weapons and vehicles. It's FPS action at it's best! The weaponry is bigger and badder than ever. Players can destroy their opponent from a distance with the ever popular Link Gun or blast away at close range. There are a ton of weapons to choose from and many have been upgraded for maximum performance and killing sprees. Expanded Onslaught game type features two complete sets of high-tech vehicles, including the massive Leviathan, the terrifying Darkwalker, and a completely new way to get into the action...the Hoverboard.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

All puzzles solved!
All unlockables including costumes, cheats, render moves and more!
All medals!
All 60 treasure locations revealed!
Art section with concept sketches, storyboards and developer interviews.
Signature Series guide features bonus foldout and more!
Platform: PlayStation 3
pages: 256
A complete walkthrough of the entire game.
Over 30 detailed area maps pinpointing key locations.
In-depth listing of available items and weapons.
Expert boss strategies.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

PSP branded soft carry case protects the screen of the slim & Lite console from scratches and other damage
Available in multiple colours
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November 24th, 2007, 11:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK with Full Worldwide Shipping:

Players take on the role of Colonel Michael Swift, a renowned and recently retired test pilot, who has accepted an offer from the US Government to test out two of the most significant inventions of the century. Armed with a time-control device called the Quantum Suit and a time machine called the Chronomicon, Swift is briefly sent back in time to plant an experimental probe. Upon his return to the present, a major shift has occurred.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK with Full Worldwide Shipping:

A 400-year-old clue in the coffin of Sir Francis Drake sets a modern-day fortune hunter on a exploration for the fabled treasure of El Dorado, leading to the discovery of a forgotten island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The search turns deadly when Nathan Drake becomes stranded on the island and hunted by mercenaries. Outnumbered and outgunned, Drake and his companions must fight to survive as they begin to unravel the terrible secrets hidden on the Island.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK with Full Worldwide Shipping:

College Hoops 2K8 continues the legacy of the NCAA franchise with all new features, including the 6th Man Advantage feature that lets the crowd atmosphere affect the game performance of teams, a training mode where players can improve their skills through practice, and more. College Hoops 2K8, the #1 rated college basketball game five years running returns to the Playstation 2, with the deepest feature enhancements in the history of the franchise. 2KU - Completely redesigned arena atmosphere creates the most authentic college basketball experience ever.
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November 24th, 2007, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK with Full Worldwide Shipping:

Shivering Isles features more than 30 hours of new gameplay and allows you to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion ?the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Shivering Isles adds to the existing world of Oblivion so you can continue playing with your existing save game/character, or create an all new character just to explore the new content.
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November 24th, 2007, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
Although Sony's price cut on the PlayStation 3 had the intended effect in Japan, spurring on sales of the system, the outcome in North America was a question mark until Sony recently released its latest figures. The verdict: sales have "more than doubled."
According to Macworld, Sony announced its latest numbers on Thursday, claiming a 192 percent boost in sales of the 40GB and 80GB system at the continent's top-10 retailers. While this represents an enormous leap in sales for the company, it will have to do better to catch up with the Wii: In October, Nintendo shipped 519,000 Wii systems to Sony's 121,000 PS3s.
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November 24th, 2007, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
A new homebrew release from teacake, heres the release details:
I recently completed yet another tetris clone, my first venture into psp homebrew development. It is an almost 3D version, based on the cube sample of the pspsdk. The program is licensed with the same license of the PSPSDK. Read the readme.txt for more details, but it should be easy to figure out what to do.
Greetings to all hombrewers and many many thanks to the pspsdk team at ps2dev.org ,
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November 24th, 2007, 16:13 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
I have added two more tutorials to my tutorials website.
Animated Loading screens
With this tutorial you can create animated loading screens which show graphics while loading up all your data. Since it uses a different thread it will not slow down or halt when some large file is loaded. With this you can create commercial looking loading screens!

This tutorial shows you the basic elements of skyboxes. It shows you how to create a very simple and basic skybox and specifies information on how to improve this. Future tutorials on this will include 3D skyboxes.

Other changes
I have also made some small changes to other tutorials as well.
- spelling revisions (there are still a lot left so if you see some let me know, it will only benefit the readers!
- optimisations, some code has been rewritten to create better code.
- Errors removed, removed some errors in the source of some tutorials.
last but not least, I have made these tutorials on 1.5 firmware so I do not know how they act on 3.xx firmwares and if they even work on those firmwares.
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November 25th, 2007, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Myschoo has posted this release:
Ball Revamped Clone is PSP remake of popular flash game Ball Revamped.
Your task is simple. Get ball from starting point to goal while not
touching any of the surrounding walls.
Sometimes you will have to press (green) button, to open gate.
= 2. Installation =
1. Open .RAR archive.
2. Copy BR Clone folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/.
3. Start from XMB menu.
= 3. Controls =
- D-Pad: Move cursor/Change value
- Cross: Accept
- Triangle: Back
- D-Pad: Move ball
- Start: Pause
= 4. Own levels =
You can make your own levels.
If you want to know how to do that, read short guide at:
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November 25th, 2007, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Vodkkaa:
Pandora Recovery v0.3 + Installer + Integration of 1.50 POC
New in this release
- Integration with DAX's 1.50 POC
- Boot Pandora Recovery with RTrigger when booting into service mode
- Ability to boot an .elf with LTrigger
- Boot directly into 1.50 POC
- RTrigger boots .elf from ms0:/kd/boot/RTrigger.elf
- LTrigger boots .elf from ms0:/kd/boot/LTrigger.elf
When booting into 1.50 firmware you will get a BSOD. You need the regisrty folder from
a 1.50 PSP's flash1 as I cannot provide it for you
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via vodkkaa
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November 25th, 2007, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
biscottealacrevette has released a portal in french for the PSP,heres the details:
-you can see all the tips for the PSP games
-you can see the weather
-you can search with google wikipedia daylimotion etc...
-you can listen the radio and get a lot of RSS
-you can use applications
-12 flash games
-you can use MSN messenger mobile or ebuddy or aim or gtalk etc...
-you can download directly 36 homebrew and demo without any PC
-you can see YOUR favorit and the portal's favorit
-you can go dirctly to your mailbox : hotmail Gmail ... (mobil version)
-you can chat (frenchy)
-YOU CAN DOWNLOAD more than 160 skin
I wish you like it
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November 25th, 2007, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
via elation
ChickenLiver has updated his Pad Plugin for the PS2 Emulator PCSX2:
Heres whats new:
Fixed a pair of bugs that would set the pad to dualshock 2 native mode instead of simply analog mode. Most games didn't seem to mind. Silent Hill 4 objected vocally, however.
Added support for what (Seems to be) the leave dualshock mode command - not sure if I got the syntax right. This alone would also fix Silent Hill 4.
Fixed "-1" displayed on Test Device screen when a pov controller is in the up position.
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November 25th, 2007, 23:36 Posted By: notaz
Here is another bugfix release from me (with a few new features):
- mp3 code should no longer fail on 1.5 firmware.
- added gamma adjustment option.
- added .cso ISO format support. Useful for non-FMV games.
- it is now possile to force a region after the ROM is loaded.
- fixed a sram bug in memhandlers (fixes Shining in the Darkness saves).
- fixed another bug in memhanlers, which crashed the emu for some games (like NBA Jam and NHL 9x).
- added suspend/resume handling for Sega CD games.
- some other small tweaks I forgot about.
That's all for this update. The CSO feature should help to save space on the memstick (standard ISO to CSO converters should work), but it slows down FMV games. I've tested this version on original 1.5, and on 3.52M33, 3.71M33-3 custom firmwares, so it should hopefully work for everyone now.
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November 26th, 2007, 03:09 Posted By: CaptainMorgan4
StrmnNrmn has updated us this Sunday night, well for all my U.S. right now, anyway read away and enjoy. This looks to be a great upcomming release!
R14 Progress It's been a while since I talked about R14 so I wanted to post a quick update on what I've been doing.
The Media Engine work has been going well. The job manager I talked about last week is now fairly functional and handles executing the audio upsampling code in 3 different modes: synchronously, asynchronously on the main processor, and asynchronously on the ME.
It's taken me a little longer to get the audio upsampling code working smoothly on the ME. I decided to focus on this initially (rather than Azimer's Audio HLE code) as it's a lot simpler and more self contained, but getting it working on the ME without any glitches required a little bit of work. I had to rewrite the simple ring buffer I was using to be lock-free. This is straightforward when dealing with a single reader thread and a single writer thread on the same processor, but a little more care is required when the reader and writer are operating on separate cores without cache coherency. I think getting this running glitch-free has helped prepare me well for the bigger task of getting Azimer's HLE code running asynchronously on the ME. I'll be working on this next.
Besides the ME work, I've had an interesting diversion getting some new font rendering working in Daedalus. I saw on the ps2dev.org forums that BenHur had released a library for rendering text using the PSP's built in fonts. I've always been a little unhappy with Daedalus's text rendering, and thought this would be a good opportunity to improve it. Here's a screenshot of the UI using BenHur's intraFont library (click through for a better-looking unscaled version):

I think this is looking a lot better than the previous font. The drop shadows really help make the text more readable. I also support multiple fonts for the first time, so the header text actually looks like header text
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November 26th, 2007, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
A little over two months following its release, and the PSP-2000 has reached a major shipment milestone. Sony Computer Entertainment announced today that as of 11/22, the redesigned portable has crossed the one million units shipped mark in Japan.
The original PSP took two weeks longer to reach the mark, according to Sony.
Since its official Japanese release on 9/20 (the one million units in today's announcement does not include sales from the limited edition Crisis Core pack, released a week earlier), the PSP-2000 has been a hot item on the weekly sales charts, beaten only by the DS Lite. December 13 will see the release of a Deep Red color variation and a 1seg tuner bundle pack.
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November 26th, 2007, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
CrazyC has released a new version and updated of his Dos emulator for the PSP and this release supports PSP Slims.
Heres the release info:
Here is a test build for 3.xx kernels. It's completely untested other then I know it starts on my fat with the 3.52 kernel. It should work on the slim but at the moment, it doesn't use the extra RAM. http://home.wi.rr.com/crazyz/EBOOT.PBP Also, those bus error crashes a few pages back can be avoided by using dos32a, but GTA1 still doesn't work because it runs out of memory.
Atomic made a package for users to download rather than sorting it all out themselves.
He also added this:
I made a stupid error that caused this and put up a new version, try getting it again. If you have a fat, use the 1.5 version for now as it still has several advantages.
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November 26th, 2007, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pronto:
Im pronto i come from Germany and sorry my english
is very bad ^^
I release my drawn tool "BIXI pro Version"
Music play by you draw pictures
analog moves
20 brushes
x y lines animated as cubes
and more
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November 26th, 2007, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fujah
LuaTileArranger (short: LuTA) is a program for Maps for games or programs to create
And to administer. The surface resembles aware of Photoshop, it is concise and easy to understand.
The download included sprites of Boulder Dash, Dyna Blaster and Zelda.
Unfortunately, the code is totally confused, and the very speed suffers. Maybe even zukünfige versions, although it Momment rather bad looks. If someone has the pleasure Prog develop, or just the code in order to bring chaos, he cordially invited!
The download comes with a detailed PDF, which in any case should be read!
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November 26th, 2007, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Grafele
Hier release ich mein nuestes Werk namens Crash! Car. In diesem Spiel geht es darum mit seinem Auto, den Polizei Autos auszustellen. Es ist Lua geproggt worden.
Ich hoffe es gefällt euch!
P.S. Es ist Version 1.0, also sind Verbesserungsvoschläge erwünscht. Also schreibt euren Kommentar dazu.
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November 26th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JustChris:

Roll 'Em Out will be a game in the same type as Super Monkey Ball- you roll a ball towards the goal, trying to avoid falling out of the course. I've been mostly working on the collision detection, since it's the most essential part of the game to get working right.
This demo only provides a small piece of what is possible. But making levels is currently done with coding in the polygons, which isn't exactly productive. My next step is to make a level editor.
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November 26th, 2007, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JLF65
I just updated LightMP3 to play FLAC. Someone in another thread here was asking about playing FLAC, and I remarked that it would be pretty simple to add FLAC to LightMP3. So I went ahead and did so. This is the latest LightMP3 (checked out of the subversion repository) with a flac player driver added to it.
Put your FLAC files anywhere, but ms0:/MUSIC/ is always a good place. To avoid having the XMB player trying to play them, put them a level deeper. I put the album folders in ms0:/MUSIC/flac/.
I call it beta because there's one BIG bug - the playspeed and suspend don't work with FLAC (they're both almost certainly the same issue since they use the same command). So don't try to suspend while playing FLAC files, and don't try to use the playspeed function (left/right). Otherwise, it seems to be doing pretty good for me. It even reads the tags in the files. I'm running it on a PSP Slim with 3.71 M33-3.
This archive includes the binary as well as the source folder. You don't need the source to use it - it's just for devs and people interested in those that sort of thing.
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November 26th, 2007, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
- A fashionable PSP carry case
- Protect your game console and water resistant
- Special designed for PSP Slim consoles
- Soft liner inside to protect the console from damage
- Colours available: Piano Black, Rose Pink, Ice Silver, Felicia Blue, Lavender Purple and Ceramic White
only $6.95 !
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November 26th, 2007, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
This official a remote control comes with Play, Pause, FF, FR, Volume and Hold functions to prevent accidentally knocking the buttons. Its fashionable white lead is great for traveling!
Please note that it is the clearance stock , no packaging is included.
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November 26th, 2007, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellin:
UltraPandora Installer is a PSP APP for create all the necessary things to do a a Downgrade or Unbrick to a Fat or Slim PSP.
Before start, you have to meet this requeriments:
1º- To have a Slim or Fat PSP with CustomFirmware 3.xx
2º- To have a Memory Stick Duo 256MB or more, but less than 4GB (1GB recommended). 4GB MEMORY DO NOT WORK
3º- To have a Compatible Battery with Pandora (Level charge 100%)
*Compatibility list:
o Sony's "standard" Li-ion 1800 mAh
o Datel, PSP Battery 3600 mAh (X2)
o Datel, PSP Battery 1800 Max Power
o Sony PSP-280 2200mAh
o Atomic Battery Pack 3.6V 1800mAh
* No compatible:
o 2600 mAh Mega Battery Pack
o Sony PSP-280 2200mAh (Fake)
o Battery 3600mAh, Mark unknown, (china made model NK-RH008) (Fake)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
- Allows Memory Stick formatting
- You can extract files from 1.50 Update and MsIpl.bin
- MsIPl installation in Memory Stick (Optional for PSP_Ms_Multi_Loader's users)
- Despertar del Cementerio V3 installation
- Pandorize Battery
- Do a normal Battery
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
If you want to do a Downgrade in a FAT or Slim PSP or Unbrick this, you have to follow this instructions:
*Example to Downgrade or Unbrick to 1.50:
1º- You meet the Requeriments. If you don't meet the requeriments, DON'T DO IT!!
2º- Take the PSP with Custom Firmware and connect it to the USB.
3º- Extract the .rar and copy the MsRoot content to the Memory Stick.
4º- Desconect the PSP from the PC and start the new APP of theMemory Stick (Juegos/Memory Stick).
5º- In the menu, select "Formatear Memory Stick"
6º- We have to conect again to the USB and copy again the MSROOT content to the Memory Stick
7º- Now, we have to copy the Oficial Firmware 1.50 to the Memory Stick, you have to rename it to UPDATE150.PBP.
8º- Desconnect your PSP from the PC and execute the APP again.
9º- In the menu,now, we select "Extraer Archivos Update 1.50".
10º- When it finish, we have to select "Instalar MsIpl.Bin"
11º- When it finish, we select "Pandorizar Bateria"
12º- FINISHED!,now, you have to exit from the APP and enjoy you Magic MS and Magic Battery.
*Example to Downgrade or Unbrick to 3.71 M33-2:
1º- You meet the Requeriments. If you don't meet the requeriments, DON'T DO IT!!
2º- Take the PSP with Custom Firmware and connect it to the USB.
3º- Extract the .rar and copy the MsRoot content to the Memory Stick.
4º- Desconect the PSP from the PC and start the new APP of theMemory Stick (Juegos/Memory Stick).
5º- In the menu, select "Formatear Memory Stick"
6º- We have to conect again to the USB and copy again the MSROOT content to the Memory Stick
7º- Now, we have to copy this firmwares to the Memory Stick:
-Oficial Firmware 1.50, renamed to 150.PBP
-Oficial Firmware 3.40, renamed to 340.PBP
-Oficial Firmware 3.71, renamed to 371.PBP
8º- Desconnect your PSP from the PC and execute the APP again.
9º- In the Menu, we have to select "Pandorizar Bateria".
10º- When it finish, we select "Despertar del Cementerio"
11º- When it finish, we have to exit from the APP.
12º- You have a new APP in the Memory Stick, Despertar del Cementerio, execute it.
13º- FINISHED!!, you can enjoy your Magic Battery and Memory Stick.
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November 26th, 2007, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Dubai International Capital has bought an undisclosed number of shares in Sony Corporation, thought to be worth as much as USD 500 million.
The company, which manages a USD 13 billion fund on behalf of the emirate's ruler, had previously stated it was looking to invest USD 500 million in a Japanese company on November 19.
And now, according to a report on Bloomberg, the company has acquired a "substantial" stake in Sony, said its CEO Sameer al-Ansari in a statement.
"The combination of Sony's truly global brand, its leadership position in product design and its global footprint will spur the business' medium term growth."
The move pushed up Sony's share price by 4.6 per cent to JPY 5500 (USD 50.6), beating the Nikkei average which rose 1.7 per cent largely down to a strong US retail performance in the post-Thanksgiving period last week.
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November 26th, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Live qualifying events for the FIFA Interactive World Cup have taken place in Denmark, the Netherlands and Hungary this month as part of EA and FIFA's search to find out who is best at FIFA 08 on PS3 (I'd like to take this opportunity to rule myself out).
15-year-old Christian Lønhart from Bagsværd in Copenhagen and 17-year-old Hungarian Roland Császár won the first two events, while Dutchman Andries Smit is apparently up for his second Grand Final in a row after a "tense qualifying match" at the weekend in the Netherlands.
Apparently more than 10,000 people from 25 countries have been trying for top spot on the PlayStation Network leaderboard since the game's release in October, with qualifiers set to continue across Korea, Portugal and eventually over 20 locations worldwide in the next five months.
On 24th May 2008, 32 finalists will then head off to Berlin to compete for FIFA Interactive World Player 2008, with the winner even getting an invite to the FIFA World Player Gala 2008. We'd say that it'll be worth practising the special watch-nicking handshake and pickpocket skills in advance, but the cash prize of USD 20,000 will probably be enough to save the wallets and bling of the world's finest sportsmen (besides, better pickings seem to be had around Liverpool on European Cup nights, judging by the red-tops).
You can find out more about getting involved at the official website, but do remember that this year's tournament is PS3-only due, presumably, to a money hat that even Sepp Blatter could fit his head into.
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November 26th, 2007, 21:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ubisoft has said to expect a patch for Assassin's Creed on PlayStation 3 "as soon as possible".
The patch will deal with "freeze issues" affecting "some consumers" trying to play Ubisoft Montreal's latest - and the UK's current chart-topper.
"This update will help improve the stability of the game and will be released as soon as possible," the bits of the forum post made by the publisher's UK community manager that we haven't quoted in paragraphs one and two added.
"In the meantime thank you for your ongoing feedback and patience."
Which is of course followed by lots of people saying things like "I'm don't believe it till I see it" and so on.
One good question was whether or not the update will be downloadable away from the PlayStation Network, since that facility is available on PS3 for firmware updates, but at the time of writing Ubisoft hasn't responded to that particular query.
We'll let you know when the patch goes live. For more on the enjoyable, albeit rather repetitive Assassin's Creed, turn your eyes to our Assassin's Creed review
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November 26th, 2007, 21:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Bioshock developer 2K Boston is yet again shunning the PlayStation 3 for its next title, if an internet job listing is anything to go by.
The ad, which can be found on games recruitment site Gamasutra, calls out for a handful of art-centric jobs including lead artist, level builder and animator positions.
"Do you believe video games are art? WE DO! 2K Boston, the studio behind the art-deco inspired underworld dystopia known as Rapture, is looking for talented Artists to help bring our next vision to life," the job ad reads.
Crucially for internet conspiracy theorists though, 2K Boston only lists Xbox 360 and Windows as platforms for the title in question. So unless it's keeping quiet, PlayStation 3 owners are yet again going to miss out.
Regardless, rumour fires saying Bioshock will be coming to PS3 eventually still refuse to die, despite the studio point-blank stating "There will be no PS3 version of BioShock." You can't say fairer than that, really.
For now then, owners of the big black box will have to pick up a 360 or take the more expensive route of tinkering with their PC. And if you don't think it's worth it check out our review here, because it really, really is.
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November 26th, 2007, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Delve even deeper into the adventure and play through 30 years of the Beowulf story not seen in the movie. Experience more of Beowulf's life and mold your own legacy.
Unlock an army of 4-12 thanes as you increase your heroic experience (by saving thanes, killing giant monsters, etc.).
Carnal Power allows you to use stronger attacks and special weapons such as pillars.
Give orders, assign your army's position, and tailor weapons to the situation or enemy.
Use your army to trigger mechanisms (e.g., open doors) and row Drakar.
Carnal upgrades include less daze after use and prolonged use of Carnal Fury.
Combos, parries, and skills increase as you progress.
Grab allows you to hold on to walls or climb, as well as fight in hand-to-hand combat with enemies and giant monsters.
Play Beowulf, an epic hero tormented by desire for power and glory. A slayer and a king – torn between the nobility and brutality within him.
You are Beowulf, legendary Norse warrior with the strength of 30 men. Arrogant, self-serving, and lustful for gold and glory, you journey to Denmark to destroy a bloodthirsty beast wreaking havoc on a frigid land. But evil persists, and you succumb to its lure of even greater fame, quietly maneuvering to claim the Danish throne. As King, you must face the consequences of ambition, even as war descends on the realm. Lead your thanes into battle, slay the Titans of a dying age, and crush the enemies that threaten to annihilate both your kingdom and your people.
Only then, when you look Destiny in the eye, will you know what kind of hero you truly are...
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November 26th, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Shivering Isles features more than 30 hours of new gameplay and allows players to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion - the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Shivering Isles adds to the existing world of Oblivion so players can continue playing with their existing saved game and character, or create an all new character to explore the new content.
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November 26th, 2007, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Using maps and ancient artifacts, uncover clues and unravel mysteries to find a forgotten island and a treasure that was thought to have never existed.
Explore exotic locations. Traverse through living jungles and spectacular 400-year-old ruins.
Drake’s companions and allies play an important role in the adventure through cooperative mechanics, gun play and exploration.
Experience fast-paced gunplay: use a variety of environmental elements for cover, shoot enemies off of moving vehicles in high speed chases and more.
Use an array of hand-to-hand fighting moves to put your enemy off balance. Anything from wild haymaker punches to running drop-kicks.
A 400-year-old clue in the coffin of Sir Francis Drake sets a modern-day fortune hunter on a exploration for the fabled treasure of El Dorado, leading to the discovery of a forgotten island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
The search turns deadly when Nathan Drake becomes stranded on the island and hunted by mercenaries. Outnumbered and outgunned, Drake and his companions must fight to survive as they begin to unravel the terrible secrets hidden on the Island.
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November 26th, 2007, 22:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Magenta Games' Buzz! Junior Jungle Party won the Videogame category in last night's Children's Awards organised by BAFTA.
In a ceremony that celebrated the best in children's entertainment across all media, the popular PlayStation 2 mini-game and quiz was honoured alongside such kids brands as Happy Feet (Best Feature category), Charlie and Lola (Writer category) and SpongeBob Squarepants (International category).
The Buzz series was launched in 2005 by Relentless Software, with Magenta Software partnering with the developer on the Junior spin-off titles.
The BAFTA Children's Awards were sponsored by Electronic Arts.
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November 26th, 2007, 22:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
According to a report from Nikkei late last week, Toshiba is planning on switching manufacturing of the PlayStation 3's RSX graphics processor to a 65nm process next month. Currently, the chip is manufacturing using a 90nm process, the same as it's been since the system's launch.
A smaller die size for the chip can mean cheaper production costs and less heat, contributing to lower prices for the consumer, and a quieter, more reliable PS3 system.
The latest versions of the system's Cell CPU are being manufactured using a 65nm process. It is widely believed that the switch to 65nm for the Cell is one of the main reasons Sony was able to drop the PS3's price down to $399 in time for the holidays.
Nikkei also reports that Toshiba is planning on beginning manufacturing at 45nm in the latter half of the next fiscal year, and speculates that the RSX and other PlayStation 3 chips are prime candidates for the new line.
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November 26th, 2007, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Expanded character customization. Players get many more options to customize facial features, hair styles, body types, color palette, and clothing options.
Enriched player-to-player interaction. New lobbies, including the Casino Voloyal which features games like roulette and slots, provide more social experiences for players.
New weapons, combat abilities and classes heighten the intensity of real-time battles. With additional weapons types and new special fighting abilities, such as SUV-weapons, Photon Arts, and all new classes, players will have more ways to expand or specialize the character's role within the Universe.
New levels, enemies and bosses. With new areas to explore, such as the ruins of Old Rozenom City and the Granigs Mine, and new enemy types including new bosses, players face brand new challenges in all-new environments.
The user’s personal avatar is the star. In Phantasy Star Universe, players experienced the Universe through the eyes of Ethan Waber. Now they navigate the missions using their own customized avatar, working to restore peace in the Gurhal System.
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus is the expansion pack for the popular Phantasy Star Universe game, bringing a more personalized and interactive universe to the acclaimed series. In addition to new enemies, weapons, levels and cities there will be more options available for gamers to further individualize and customize the look of their avatars. Ambition of the Illuminus continues the exciting PSU story online as the player’s personal online avatar is now the central character, investigating and working to restore peace in the chaotic Gurhal System. The player investigates through a series of single-player missions, meeting familiar characters like Ethan Waber from Episode 1, along with other new ones, including a GUARDIAN instructor, Laia Martinez. In addition, the online multiplayer world, with its fast-paced, engaging battle experience for up to six players, has been greatly expanded with new missions, new cities and new enemies.
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November 26th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

All-new SOCOM experience delivers a true combat simulation, where tactics determine the outcome of each encounter.
Innovative, easy-to-use graphical interface lets you switch seamlessly between fireteam, sub-team elements and individual SEALs to view the action and issue commands.
Enhanced artificial intelligence results in smarter, more formidable enemies that communicate with each other.
Choose from nine international special forces units, each with unique weapons and loadouts.
Tactical-action gameplay delivers a unique online multiplayer experience, featuring 2-4 player Ad Hoc and Infrastucture play with full headset support.
Operate in highly-detailed environments, including urban, industrial and jungle terrains.
Authentic special forces movements and tactics, refined with technical assistance by the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command, makes this the most realistic SOCOM to date.
Command Equity and Local Influence allows skills, weapons and gear upgrades.
In the midst of rising instability, insurgents have abducted the U.S. ambassador. Sanctioned by the Panamanian government, America's elite fighting force has been deployed to rescue and extract the ambassador. Take control of an entire SEAL team and engage in real-time tactical combat, where you evaluate each situation, determine a plan of action, and then execute on your command.
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November 26th, 2007, 22:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences has named Sony's Ken Kutaragi the recipient of the 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Kutaragi, considered the "father of the PlayStation," will be honoured for revolutionising the global in-home entertainment market with the creation and success of his game console.
The original PlayStation, launched in 1994, shipped more than 100 million units worldwide. Kutaragi retired from Sony in June 2007 after 30 years of service and currently serves as honourary chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. and senior technology advisor of Sony Corporation.
"Ken Kutaragi’s passion, innovative thinking and business savvy sparked a monumental movement that was unstoppable," said AIAS president Joseph Olin.
"If it wasn’t for Ken and his concept of the original PlayStation, there wouldn’t be the billion dollar industry there is today. His contributions have clearly set new standards for developers, publishers and consumers worldwide."
"Ken Kutaragi is the smartest guy in the history of the video game business," said Trip Hawkins, Electronic Arts' founder and AIAS Hall of Fame member.
"Without Ken, there is no Sony PlayStation, and that is beyond comprehension."
AIAS' first Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented to Nintendo's Minoru Arakawa and Howard Lincoln earlier this year.
Kutaragi will be honoured at the Interactive Achievement Awards ceremony on February 7 in Las Vegas in conjunction with the annual D.I.C.E. Summit 2008.
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November 27th, 2007, 19:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
In even more sales willy waving, Sony Computer Entertainment America has said that PlayStation 3 sales have increased by (exactly) 298 percent since November 2 in North America.
The platform holder puts the jump in sales down to the availability of the cheaper 40GB PS3 model, as well as the beefier 80GB option in the shops.
The fact that it's the biggest month of the year for game releases probably helped as well, we reckon.
Sony says that total numbers for all PlayStation products rose 178 percent during the holiday, Thanks Giving.
Based on data from the "top 10 retailers in North America," the PSP was up 136 percent for the week and the PS2 shot up a massive 287 percent. There's till life in the old box yet, then.
Sony's Japanese outfit bragged similar sales success earlier this week, when the PSP Slim & Light cleared a million units in the Far East.
No word from Europe yet, but we're predicting shameless sales bragging in 3, 2, 1...
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November 27th, 2007, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV UK
Whist it remains too early to predict if one format will emerge victorious in the ongoing battle to capture the hi-def disc format crown, Sony’s Blu-Ray standard appears to be winning the European war, having recently broken the one million unit sales barrier.
This number represents just under 75 per cent of the total hi-def movie sales in Europe to date, putting the format in a commanding position.
If you factor in the sales of PS3 games, which are also on Blu-Ray disc, then total sales reach an estimated 21 million.
Top selling Blu-Ray movies include 300, Spider-Man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.
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November 27th, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The first details on Sega and Secret Level's long announced Golden Axe update have been revealed in the latest issue of PSM3.
If you're looking for a straight update you're probably going to be disappointed, because the classic bruiser has been pretty much completely re-imagined in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 update.
First off, you now play as one Amazonian hero, the scantily clad Tyris Flare, instead of the original game's trio of fantasy stereotypes. Gillus the dwarf and Ax Battler are still in the game, says PSM3, but only as supporting cast.
Secondly, and probably the biggest change of the lot, is instead of straight-forward bruising Golden Axe: Beast Rider's focus shifts over to free-roaming environments and - surprise, surprise - the various beasties you can ride and battle on. There are five in total, ranging from the light and nippy to hulking, slow dragon-ites with scales the size of toilet seats.
The traditional hack and slash combat is still there and if you're tired of fumbling around on a dragon you can hop on foot and perform combos whenever you like - plus Tyrus has a range of spells at her disposal.
The open environments are looking rather nice, but as always it's going to come down to how decent Golden Axe's combat system is when it finally comes out next year.
We're expecting media to hit the net shortly, but for now you can pick up issue 95 of PSM3 - The PlayStation 3 Magazine in the shops now.
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November 27th, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Expensive PS3 production, among other things, has made Sony the topic of some not-so-ideal financial reports of late, but things are finally looking up as the Tokyo-based company sees a sharp rise in share prices on Tuesday.
Sony's stock prices shot up 4.54 percent (250 yen) to close at 5,750 yen - said to be thanks to the here recent boost in PS3 sales and a deal that saw the Dubai state fund invest up to $500 million in the company.
Koya Tabata, an analyst at Credit Suisse, spotted the obvious: "The news of brisk PS3 sales in North America apparently had an effect on Sony shares."
Conversely, Nintendo shares dropped by 800 Yen (1.28 percent) to 61,700, while Wii remains widely sold out in the major territories worldwide.
For those that don't understand, Sony's doing 'aight'.
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November 27th, 2007, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Next Gereration
You have to feel sorry for single-system owners who plumped for a PS3. The news from 1UP that the PS3 version of The Orange Box is, at present, nothing more than an awful port, is the latest in a series of unwelcome announcements concerning delays and problems with PS3 versions of multiplatform titles.
It’s even worse when you consider that The Orange Box is game of the year material. It makes me feel completely justified in buying the Xbox 360 version of any multiplatform console game every time, even though I’m desperate to build up my PS3 collection.
The signs weren’t good when Valve co-founder Gabe Newell labeled the PS3 "a waste of everybody's time†earlier this year. Unlike the PC and Xbox 360 versions, The Orange Box for PS3 was farmed out to an internal team at EA, but surely even the pessimists amongst PS3 owners hoped for better than the scathing comments the game’s received. Ok, here comes the pain PS3 owners, in the form of a few choice excerpts from 1UP’s preview:
“… It's apparent that this version suffers from a number of technical flaws, which at best merely hinder game play and at worst make the experience downright unplayable.â€
“Framerate is a consistent issue throughout the Half-Life series of games included in The Orange Box.â€
Don’t worry too much though – apparently the PS3 version of Portal seems ok!
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November 27th, 2007, 20:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

AOL is giving away a 40GB Playstation 3 with a copy of Ratchet and Clank Future and a wireless Sixaxis controller to customers who sign a two-year contract for AOL Broadband Wireless Plus.
The 24-month contract also requires you to sign up for AOL Talk call plan (not sure what that is) and runs £19.99 a month. Once you stick around for 24 months you can keep your PS3 forever. The only catch, besides the ironclad two-year contract, is that you have to pay a deliver charge of £14.99 for the console, controller and game. Not a bad Christmas present, especially since it comes with Ratchet and Clank.
Judging by the price and location of the source, I suspect this is a UK only deal.
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November 27th, 2007, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We think you'll agree, the latest in Rockstar's underground street racing series is shaping up quite nicely. We've already got up close to the game and initial signs were all good. Here's a clip from our preview:
"Graphically at least, Midnight Club: LA looks even better than GTA IV. Running on the same RAGE engine that powers all of Rockstar's next-gen games, the San Diego division has managed to create a free-roaming racer of such scale that... well, we can't quite believe it took them less than a few years to develop.
Unlike the fictitious parody of Liberty City, Midnight Club's Los Angeles is an impressive recreation of the buildings and streets that we used to get drunk in every May for E3 at least - going right down to individual shops and hotels."
You can catch the rest here.
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November 27th, 2007, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
With MX Vs. ATV Untamed's December release looming in the distance, THQ has released a list of riders, music and sponsors moto fans can expect in the racing game's final build.
Twenty racers, more than 20 songs and close to 30 sponsors will be included in the title that features a new "X-Cross Tournament," which merges eight racing series such as Endurocross, Opencross, Supercross, Waypoint and SuperMoto into one offroad championship.
There will also be monster trucks. Rock!
More information here
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November 27th, 2007, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
You asked for it ... and now you got it! The PSP Extended Life Battery Kit will work on both the old and new PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 models. This 2200mAh battery will offer 20% more battery life on the older models, and 80% more life on the new slim line. This battery will bulge out slightly on the slimmer PSP systems, so new battery covers will be included. However, those with Star Wars Ceramic White systems are out of luck: doesn't appear a new battery cover is being made for that particular model.
There's no official MSRP and release date yet, but we'll update the post when we get the news.
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November 27th, 2007, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Jfig 111 has updated his portal for the PSP, heres whats new:
1.6 Beta Features Announced!
"A doll named Bush" removed from CoreToon - (CoreToon)
Downloadable WiFiX Portal Themes supported - (Main)
WiFiX Seperated into two folders, "wifix" for the original WiFiX Portal without themes, and "wifixtheme" for using downloaded WiFiX Themes - (Main)
"iWiFiX" theme added to the WiStoriX. At the moment, you can only download this theme from PSP -(Themes)
Custom Icons in PSP/GAME/ for themes added, meaning by going into the "Game" folder, you can see a picture of the theme you have downloaded - (Main)
4 More Games added to CoreCade - (CoreCade)
English Chat and Spam Craze chatrooms were cleaned out - (Chat)
WiFiX Store moved to another domain, it is now at http://jfig111.freeweb7.com - (WiStoriX)
New WiFiX Store items including, Atrum Portal, Hot Pixel Demo, and several videos will be added in future - (WiStoriX)
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via jfig111
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November 28th, 2007, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack
While there will be no support for SNA files, as mentioned in an earlier post, there will be a more sensible way to quickly load and run disk and tape images in the next version of Caprice32 PSP.
For those who are interested in why exactly SNA will not be supported, here are the reasons:
SNA files are model-dependent. Once a snapshot is created for a 464, for example, it can no longer be used for another model, since the file itself captures the system’s identity
SNA files are emulator-dependent. They are of little use to anyone using another emulator
For the above two reasons, I do not want to contribute to saturation of SNA files on the web, when much better alternatives (ROM, tape and disk images) are readily available
Treating SNA files as regular image files means supporting save states for the SNA file. This just seems recursively silly
This decision is final (sorry); however, if you absolutely insist on loading SNA files, feel free to add such functionality by downloading and compiling your own copy (ah, the beauty of open source software).
I am aware of CPC’s inflexibility with regard to disk loading, however, and as mentioned before, there will be a more sensible way to load, say, Gryzor, and instantly see the title screen, instead of having to cat and run your way through BASIC. So pull up a chair and stick around, this should be interesting, if not fun and (gasp!) useful
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November 28th, 2007, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
New Zealand-based security researcher Nick Breese claims to have used the year-old gaming console to crack passwords at speeds 100 times greater than Intel hardware is capable of.
Breese, a security consultant with Security-Assessment.com, presented his findings to the Kiwicon hacker conference in Wellington, New Zealand.
"Suddenly we have a massive increase in terms of . . . cryptography cracking," he told Next. "Eight-character 'strong' passwords can be broken in a couple of days whereas before it would take weeks."
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November 28th, 2007, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) announced that overall PlayStation brand unit sales during the week including Black Friday increased by 178%, sales dollars increased by 154%.
Below are the sales figures for each PlayStation platform for the week including Black Friday for the top 10 retailers in North America:
PLAYSTATION3 (PS3) hardware sales increased by 245% when compared to Black Friday sales last year.
Since November 2nd, and the availability of both the 40GB and 80GB PS3 models, PS3 hardware sales have increased by 298%.
PSP (PlayStation Portable) hardware sales increased by 136% when compared to previous week sales.
PlayStation2 (PS2) hardware sales increased by 287% when compared to previous week sales.
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November 28th, 2007, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 has received another boost in its homeland, after four PS3 games featured in the top ten most wanted games in Famitsu.
01. Dragon Quest IX (DS, 2,544)
02. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, 2,525)
03. Resident Evil 5 (PS3, 1,894)
04. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3, 1,498)
05. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, 1,327)
06. Dragon Quest IV (DS, 1,018)
07. Lost Odyssey (360, 998)
08. Dragon Quest VI (DS, 973)
09. Devil May Cry 4 (PS3, 861)
10. Final Fantasy VI (DS, 818)
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November 28th, 2007, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Via xtreamlua
Shaolan we propose a first version of its utility called DAPES, it is a tool déssin on PSP evolved enough, here is the list of actuellements available
New Image with choice of size (max. size: 512 * 512 pixel)
A color palette rather well supplied
The brush (logical)
The zoom function (in 2 directions)
Take a color on the image
It directs pointer with the analog stick, if it presses on L at the same time he moves faster
On the pallette:
Cross-> Select a color main
Round-> Select a color secondary
On the box option:
R-> can permutate toolbox / file box
Select-> Enable / disable Hand Tool (to be when the image is larger than the frame (the scrolling is not yet available will be available in the next release)
On the image with the brush:
Cross-> Draw with the main color
Round-> Draw with secondary color
On the zoom button:
Cross-> Zoom in
Cross + L-> Zoom out
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November 28th, 2007, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP
Heres Whats New:
- added Polish mode.
- able to extract files in cso/zip that are larger than memory size (about 22MB).
text viewer:
- added a feature to change automatically into UTF-8 encoding when a file begins with UTF-8 BOM.
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November 28th, 2007, 03:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MenaceInc
version 0.7 of my Space Invaders clone is now ready
to be honest,i've been hectic with college,work,home and gf to work at any code really which is why theres the big 3 month lapse there but i knuckled down last night and sorted out the random function and stuff. now there's no resources whatsoever hopefully i'll be able to work that into an option or something nice :P
changes in the readme
27th Novemeber 2007
0.7 enemy bombs done
all images are now hard coded into the game :P
finally got that dam random function of mine to work
added lives counter at the top right
need to add
-collision detection from the enemy bombs
-add the saucer (should be really easy now that i've got random working :P)
-high scores
-better error handling in case no themes or menu background are there
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November 28th, 2007, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Team Mini Bomber contacted me a few days ago to release a game on their behalf, heres the details messaged to me:
Alright, I have worked Hard on this game... It is in it's alpha stage, and I want to release it to the general public to see the reaction to it... Just push the blue block into the white square..THAT'S IT!?!?! There are 5 levels, and loadscreens/music... but I will create more levels, and stuff in the near future...Please Reply and tell me your initial reaction to the game
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November 28th, 2007, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has posted a new version of his Amstrad CPC emulator for PlayStation Portable
What's New
Version (Wednesday, November 28 2007 00:08):
ZIP file support for disk and tape images
Disk images can be saved, ejected and loaded without resetting the system (System tab)
Save state autoloading - any save state slot can be designated as the autoload slot (Options tab, disabled by default). Saved games in the autoload slot are loaded any time a game is loaded from the Game tab
CPC model is now correctly reset when modified via the System menu
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November 28th, 2007, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
Kouji Okada, creator of the Shin Megami Tensei series, is bringing more love to the PSP with his latest RPG, Coded Soul. His latest game is quite like his previous PSP title, Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner (out Feb 2007) and features connectivity with PS3’s FolksSoul (aka Folklore).
In Coded Soul, players capture monsters, customize and level up them, form a party and prepare them for battles. The PSP ad-hoc mode is being used for communication play, two modes were mentioned, the first seems to be the fight to clears a dungeon and the second is monsters trading. There are no clear details yet on what kind of connectivity the game will have with FolksSoul.
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November 28th, 2007, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
According to a report from Nikkei late last week, Toshiba is planning on switching manufacturing of the PlayStation 3's RSX graphics processor to a 65nm process next month. Currently, the chip is manufacturing using a 90nm process, the same as it's been since the system's launch.
The latest versions of the system's Cell CPU are being manufactured using a 65nm process. It is widely believed that the switch to 65nm for the Cell is one of the main reasons Sony was able to drop the PS3's price down to $399 in time for the holidays.
Nikkei also reports that Toshiba is planning on beginning manufacturing at 45nm in the latter half of the next fiscal year, and speculates that the RSX and other PlayStation 3 chips are prime candidates for the new line.
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November 28th, 2007, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
The newest build of online communication hub Home has been released [to beta testers].
According to members of our forum, several new options are now available in build 0.7.7:
-There's a new building in the world, although it's currently not able to be entered
-You are finally able to enter your Home Space's patio
-You can now use your own pictures in your Home Space
-A game launching option has been added, though it is not functioning completely at the present time
-The cinema's movie theatres have transferred from the second floor to the first floor
-America, Japan, and Europe each have their own server now
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November 28th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Redtribe is one of the leading developers in Australia and is responsible for Warner Bros Interactive's Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal.
"Redtribe was one of the very first in Australia to develop for next-gen and we initially spent two years developing our engine," said Mosely. "The move for us was very smooth, as our engine is constantly developed and refined on pc and then is ported across. Our engineering teams have been working on the PS3 for a year with very few issues."
The absence of ACME Arsenal on PS3 is said to be nothing to do with performance issues, with Mosely citing the console's smaller install base as the deciding factor.
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November 28th, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has said that PAIN - Idol Minds' quirky game about flinging people into a city and watching them get knocked silly by skyscrapers - will be released on the PlayStation Store this Thursday in the US.
What of Europe? According to associate producer Jason Coker, "Looks like our friends in Europe are ready for PAIN, and I'm happy to report that we are working on getting the European release out ASAP."
So that's the non-answer answer. And it may well be that we don't see it immediately, as Sony's most recent announcement of upcoming European Store content listed the game as December.
Update bit: Sony UK has now gotten back to us and explained that the game has actually slipped a bit in Europe, and won't be with us until "early January", so watch out for it then (or buy it with a US credit card). Updatey bit ends.
When it launches in the US, we also know it will cost USD 9.99. Senior producer Travis Williams, in a separate post, commented that he believes PAIN "is a lot of game for that price".
According to the official website FAQ, there will also be "new content monthly and quarterly".
Check out our PAIN PS3 gamepage for more, including screenshots and trailers.
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November 28th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony will release a new battery for the PSP Slim in the US next month that will last twice as long as the standard battery sold with the new version of the handheld.
The Extended Life Battery Kit will retail for $44,99 (£21) and will include a new 2200 mAh battery pack that Sony says will keep your PSP's juices flowing for twice as long. So it might actually last the length of a plane flight, at last.
The kit also comes with a new battery dock cover, available in silver and black, to allow your PSP to accommodate for the slightly thicker dimensions of the new battery.
For owners of the older, fatter PSP, Sony notes: "Those of you with the original PSP (PSP 1000) may recall that we offered an extended life battery pack (the stamina battery) previously, and this battery remains compatible with that system as well."
This would lead us to presume that the new battery will not be compatible with the old PSP, although it doesn't appear to say that on the packaging (pictured).
"Mid-December" Sony's current release plan for US. A UK release is yet to be announced.
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November 28th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has released patches for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008.
"The free download addresses the online lag and the slowdown that affects the game in both online and offline modes," the publisher says on its website, which rather fittingly sports a sidebar image of a blonde Castlevania man chasing footballers with a whip.
"The PlayStation 3 update also fixes problems associated with downloading the game to the console's hard drive."
That's good news, because as you may recall the PS3 version of PES 2008 is a bit shonky. A recent Konami FAQ update revealed that you could circumvent some of the problems by running it off the Blu-ray disc rather than the hard disk, and that you could sort out some of the stuttering problems by, er, buying an HDTV.
Early reports from the relevant threads in our Xbox 360 and PS3 forums suggest that it's at least had some effect.
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November 28th, 2007, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Over-The-Top Action – Engage in 18 high-stakes missions where you will bomb bridges, steal secret weapons, destroy Zeppelins and more.
Fly Never Before Seen Aircraft – Pilot over 50 authentic planes and prototypes including the Gotha Go 229, DH Vampire F Mk 1, Me-163 “Kometâ€, Meteor and many more.
Unusual Experimental Weapons Get the advantage in combat by using experimental WWII weapons including High Velocity Cannons and TV-Guided missiles.
Exotic WWII Setting – Engage in epic battles in some of the world’s most captivating environments such as Cairo, the Himalayas, Moscow’s Red Square, Rome’s San Pietro’s Cathedral, the Swiss Alps and more.
Next-Gen Graphics – Experience improved depth of field, jaw-dropping cinematographic lightening and outstanding sound effects.
Fast Paced Multiplayer Action – Challenge up to 16 players in free-for-all, co-op and squad-based missions, including the all new Epic Battle and Capture the Flag modes.
Epic Boss Battles – For example, go up against a giant German Zeppelin over the pyramids of Cairo. Take out its nine gun turrets while you expose its vulnerable underbelly.
In this game, you are the leader of Operation Wildcard, an undercover and elite squad of pilots secretly created by the American government. Your mission is to sabotage and destroy the Third Reich’s evil plans to create a weapon of mass destruction. During this mission you and your team discover that the bad guys also have an elite team of their own. In an attempt to disarm the enemy, you engage in dramatic and movie-like spy missions in some of the world’s most exotic locations using experimental weapons and flying never-before-seen prototype aircraft.
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November 28th, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
General Sir Richard Dannatt told an audience of business leaders that the "Playstation generation" was more than a match for what is required for combat in Afghanistan.
"There was a time when commentators and some more experienced members of the Army expressed concern as to whether the 'PlayStation generation' were up to dealing with the gritty bloody conflict that is routine business in southern Afghanistan and Iraq.
"Well, I'm pleased to say that they are. Our young soldiers, drawn from across British society, are more than a match for what is required of them and I salute every one of them."
Well there you go, but what about the Wii and 360 generaiton?
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November 28th, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
General Sir Richard Dannatt told an audience of business leaders that the "Playstation generation" was more than a match for what is required for combat in Afghanistan.
"There was a time when commentators and some more experienced members of the Army expressed concern as to whether the 'PlayStation generation' were up to dealing with the gritty bloody conflict that is routine business in southern Afghanistan and Iraq.
"Well, I'm pleased to say that they are. Our young soldiers, drawn from across British society, are more than a match for what is required of them and I salute every one of them."
Well there you go, but what about the Wii and 360 generaiton?
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November 28th, 2007, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
from Kotaku
One of the neatest features of the Playstation 3, in my book, is that you can swap out the hard drive it comes with yourself using an off-the-shelf hard drive. Sure it may be pretty self-explanatory to some, but not everyone knows how to upgrade the hard drive on their Playstation 3. Fortunately, Seagate was kind enough to send me a little howto guide and kit. The guide walks you through the relatively painless process for upgrading your 40GB or 80GB hard drive to something roomier, like say a 160GB drive.
The upgrade allows you to swap out the built-in drive with a new one, without losing any of your content. Why is Seagate explaining how to upgrade a Playstation 3? Because they sell hard drives silly. Hit the jump for the even-Brian-can-do-it instructions.
What you need:
- An external hard drive for the backup (Seagate suggests their Maxtor OneTouch Mini)
- A new hard drive (Seagate suggests their Momentus 5400.3 160GB (~$120) or a Momentus 7200.2 160GB (~$160).)
- Mini screwdriver
How to do it:
- Plug in your external drive and reformat it so the PS3 will recognize it.
- Copy current PS3 hard drive content to your external drive.
- Remove the standard issue console drive, following the installation instructions in the PS3 manual.
- Replace the console drive with a the new drive.
- Format new drive.
- Plug in external drive and transfer content to the new drive.
- Play Uncharted [or whichever game you wish to play].
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November 28th, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Some good, scratch that, great news for Rock Band fans from Harmonix today. They wrote to tell us that gamers who are experiencing problems with their guitars (or any of the Rock Band instruments) should contact EA's customer support website and they will send out a replacement immediately.
As sometimes happens when new products first go into manufacturing, we discovered an imperfection with the strum bar in an early production run of guitars that were shipped at launch. We've since identified and fixed the issue in all subsequent production runs of the guitars. If users are experiencing a problem with their guitars or any of the Rock Band instruments, they can visit the customer support website ( http://support.ea.com/rockband) and we will send a replacement immediately. Harmonix is dedicated to creating 100% customer satisfaction and to the users who have encountered any hardware issues, we are sorry for the hassle.
Harmonix also took the time to address some of the concerns about the Playstation 3 guitars.
We've seen all the message board posts, discussions and stories regarding the PS3 edition of Rock Band--from issues with guitar compatibility to frustration that stand-alone guitars and drums for Rock Band have not yet hit stores. We want people to know that these issues have our full attention. We are listening and we read everything that is posted on our forums and we're committed to providing the best play experience possible. We're working hard to ensure that we solve these problems as soon as possible. We promise to keep the community updated and, in the meantime, we thank them for their patience.
Excellent. We all make mistakes, it's how a company deals with them that matters and this is exactly how it should be done.
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November 29th, 2007, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
bboyjcm has updated his Runescape Portal for the PSP, heres whats new:
#Icons Rearrangement
#ChatRoom Modifications/Changes
#WIOS [Who Is Online System]
#Now 40 Animation Clips In Total
#Internet Browser
#Runescape History (Wiki)
#Runescape Online Calculators(Tip.It)
#Clock In Chatroom
#Loading Menu
#Tit.it Added To Links
#New Credits Page
#Cleaning Some Icon Bugs
#Cleaning Code
#Runescape WikiPage Link
#Quest Guides For Free Runescape Players (Globalrs.com)
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November 29th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Capcom Japan announced today final Japanese release details for the PlayStation 3 version of Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. The Xbox 360 to PS3 port will arrive in its home territory on 2/21/2008, carrying a slightly reduced price of 6,290 yen.
As previously announced, the PS3 version will include all the downloadable content from the 360 version straight off the disk. It will also include secret characters who appeared in the PC version, and, of course, full online play for 16 players.
A February release means that by the time PS3 owners get their hands on the game, one year and two months will have passed since the 360 original hit Japan in December 2006. Worth the wait? We'll find out in three months!
Internationally, the game is still scheduled for a TBA 2008 date.
Screenshots of this game here
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November 29th, 2007, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Epic Games' Mark Rein has spoken in more depth about the degree to which user-generated content is possible in the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 - and applauded Sony's "wonderful" decision to make PSN an "open system".
"This is the full power of the Unreal Editor," Rein said of what can be done on PS3 in an interview with Gamasutra.
"The same editor we used to create the games is now available to you. You want to import your objects you made in 3D Studio Max or Maya? Bring them in! You want to code an UnrealScript? Code an UnrealScript! All those things you can do. If they fit on our map, you can stick them on the PlayStation 3 and they'll run!"
All you do is download the map using a PC, pop it on a Memory Stick and then fire it up. The content has to be built on PC, but he described the process of converting a PC-made map to PS3 as "like saving a file in Word in a different format".
When pressed about whether Sony was bothered about the lack of restriction, Rein said he was confused about why journalists always brought it up. "I'm always shocked when I talk to media, and it's like, do you want to censor people? I know it sounds incredulous to say that, but that's kind of what I hear you say," he noted at one stage.
But he was typically effusive in his praise for Sony's online system. "When they embrace user-created content, that's what it means to be an open system. That's why we're on PlayStation 3 first - because they are embracing user-created content. It's not just moving the deck chairs around the boat. They are embracing real art."
And they're doing that this year in the US, with a release planned for mid-December, followed by Europe early in 2008. Unreal Tournament III launched on PC last Friday and we jolly well liked it. Look out for our thoughts on the PS3 version soonish.
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November 29th, 2007, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Iindsutry
The Blu-ray format is outselling rival HD DVD in Europe, accounting for 73 per cent of all HD movies sold.
According to the Blu-ray Disc Association European Promotions Committee, sales recently broke the 1 million barrier. That's not counting PlayStation 3 games, which adds another 20 million units to Blu-ray disc production for sale in Europe.
HD DVD was developed by Toshiba, while Sony backs the Blu-ray standard. Microsoft's Xbox 360 offers an add-on HD DVD movie player; Blu-ray disc playback is standard in every model of Sony's PS3.
Of the high definition movie discs bought by consumers so far this year in Europe, 73 per cent were in the Blu-ray Disc format and 27 per cent were HD DVD, according to sales data provided by Media Control Gfk International.
The Blu-ray Disc Association said the best-selling titles in the Blu-ray format were 300, Casino Royale, Spider-Man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
In the US, Blu-ray disc movies had outsold HD DVD movies by almost two-to-one during the first nine months of 2007 according to Home Media Research.
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November 29th, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony US has said the planned Killzone 2 beta will not be out now until next year.
"We are hoping to do a beta but I don't think we'll have anything ready before this year is over... it is something we are working on for next year," a spokesperson told PSU.
Earlier this year developer Guerilla said it was definitely working on a public test to iron out the multiplayer part of its game, but gave no indication of when.
While the publisher has crushed a little bit of hope inside our hearts with its statement, we only ever really expected it around middle to late 2008 - when Killzone 2 is supposed to sit on shop shelves.
Killzone 2 is a futuristic shooter stuffed full of cinematic warfare not too dissimilar to Call of Duty 4. Pop over to our preview if that sounds like a good idea to you.
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November 29th, 2007, 19:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The first details have emerged on the pre-release demo of Devil May Cry 4... even if we don't have a clue when or where it's going to hit.
The ten minute demo is a mish-mash of portions from Devil May Cry 4's story, including cut-up sections from Fortuna city as well as a bit from that icy level we've seen a thousand screenshots of.
Excitingly a boss character called Berial (probably demon for 'Barry') is also said to feature. Oh Capcom, you're spoiling us!
Speculation did kick off on the net that the DMC4 demo would be coming only to Xbox Live Marketplace in December, but Capcom has since debunked the rumour as "incorrect".
"The news you're looking for is not far off... a little more patience please," posted a Capcom spokesperson on a company forum.
So it's probably coming to box Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, and news isn't far off? Let's hope we get it before Christmas.
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November 29th, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Felice Standifer, senior U.S. producer for MotorStorm, announced on the PlayStation Blog that today's PlayStation Store update will include two new MotorStorm vehicles to download and enjoy. For $1.99, you can be the proud driver of a Mohawk Roadhog Bike and a Lunar-Tec Buffalo BigRig, the latter of the two looking particularly interesting. The pack will also feature two new skins to slap on to any of the available vehicle classes: QuickFoot and Crazy Samurai.
Stay tuned to IGN for the full scoop on today's PlayStation Store update and for sweet pics such as these.
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November 29th, 2007, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Harmonix may be facing complaints about problems with the quality of Rock Band's initial guitar peripherals and the PS3 version not working with Guitar Hero accessories, but they can't really be blamed for this one: one lucky Rock Band forumite claims he's being playing the game so much he's actually getting evicted.
"We technically didn't get evicted...yet. But we have ten days to get out before we do get evicted," 'luminary_pants' explains in a post (spotted on Kotaku) proudly displaying a "10 Day Compliance Notice". "Residents of the Grand Oaks Apartment Home community have complained of loud noise disturbances before and after the hours of 10:00pm," it says.
Although the notice claims that it is "not an eviction notice" (and indeed claims they can get out of it by simply not being obnoxiously loud), Mr Pants later claims he has until 1st December to bugger off. "You have some asshole neighbours," a note of sympathy from 'SoberScott' reads. "My suggestion: Crank it to 11 for the next 10 days."
Of course, dobbing in your neighbours for being loud is a bit wimpy. What we suggest is going upstairs in your dressing gown at 2am, knocking on the door and then shouting "SHUT THE **** UP OR I'LL BURN YOU ALL ALIVE". There's no way out of my building if your front door's on fire, I reckon. Think about that, "Ben".
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November 29th, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Due to production costs, Metal Gear Solid 4 needs to sell over a million copies on its first day, according to one of the game's assistant producers.
Speaking to Reuters, Konami's Ryan Payton defended the game's PS3 exclusivity.
"The PlayStation brand has always been good to us, and we're pretty bullish on the PS3."
"We're telling our fans that if you want to play 'Metal Gear Solid 4', you have to buy a PS3," he said.
Rising production costs means that it is tougher for third-party games to turn a profit if they are exclusive to a single console. PS3 exclusives face a tougher battle since sales of the console have lagged behind its rivals.
According to IDC analyst Billy Pidgeon, top next-generation videogames cost between USD 10 and 50 million to develop.
"You might be able to weather one title coming in at 500,000 in sales," said Pidgeon. "But two or three failures like that and even big publishers are going to be hurting."
Even so, Sony said it has been preparing for the demise of third-party exclusives for a long time.
"We understand publishers are needing to recoup their investment," said Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing for Sony.
"From our perspective, as long as the games aren't going exclusive to other platforms, PS3 gamers are not actually losing anything."
Dille told Reuters that Sony has compensated by ramping up its own game production and has 15 internal studios working on PlayStation titles, more than Microsoft and Nintendo combined.
He added that there will be 15 PS3 exclusives released between September 2007 and April 2008.
To date, only two PS3 games have sold more than 1 million copies, whereas the PlayStation 2 has had nearly 100 games sell more than a million copies during its seven year lifespan.
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November 29th, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ubisoft has popped us the first dossier of information on rifle units in real-time strategy title EndWar.
It follows on from an announcement last Friday that there would be three factions each with different characteristics: the European electronics nerds, the fancy Americans, and the grizzled Russians.
Over in the cold reaches of Russia life is hard and so are its Spetsnaz Guard Brigade Wolves, who use sandpaper to wipe their bottoms with if indeed they dab them down at all. AK-47 is still their weapon of choice, stereotypically, coupled with a sniper rifle called an OSV-120. Obviously the old AK-47 has undergone some improvements between 1974 and 2020 (present day), too.
Finishing off their big, bulky and menacing persona is some big, bulky and menacing armour they wear on the outside like underpants at a fancy dress party.
European special force the Enforcer Corps has different plans though, and when it split from NATO it realised how rubbish its rifle ammunition was and so made some new stuff. Clever. These Kommandos are similar to chivalrous Knights of yore apparently, steadfast in their beliefs and fighting for the greater good - albeit in a Rainbow Six counter-terrorism way, with fancy computer this and technology that. Also, probably not on horses.
The Joint Strike Force of the USA, on the other hand, went to private school to learn about guns and things, so are very well trained and could go to Harvard. Controversially - you won't believe this - they use a rifle of Belgian origin! They also have a SCAR A1 to mow down what could be enemies with, which is really quite fancy and apparently better than what they had before.
Overall they resemble the sort of unit you will have played in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter; able to call in support from land, air, and sea, thanks to clever communications technology like walkie-talkies, over.
Shoot your way blindly over to our Tom Clancy's EndWar gallery for a look at some exclusive shots for each faction.
Screenshots here
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November 29th, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Rockstar wants to make our Christmas by releasing a new trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV next week.
Specifically it will be available to watch on Thursday 6th December at 15:00 EST (20:00 GMT), and is called "Move up, ladies". Perhaps we will get a glimpse at the love interests in Liberty City then, or maybe just an eyeful of mouthy streetwalkers.
If you are too excited to wait until next then, you may want to pop over to the official site to see a bunch of streetwise painters spray the freshly unveiled box art onto a wall. It looks just like the other games to me.
Until then, saunter like an up and coming Eastern European gangster into our Grand Theft Auto IV: The Story So Far feature to find out what else has happened.
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November 30th, 2007, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Japan's impressive lineup of PlayStation Classics for download to the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3 took an unexpected twist today with the announcement of the second set of November downloads.
Included amongst the standard 600 yen games like MidiEvil, Armored Core Master of Arena, and Wild Arms 2nd Ignition, are the first 300 yen titles for the service. Success has set its three SuperLite budget fishing titles at 300 yen, meaning a quickie PSP and PS3 download for just three bucks!
The full list of titles available as of today in the Japanese PlayStation Store follows.
Seireiki Live Red (Winky Soft)
Poitter's Point (Konami)
SuperLite Fishing: Port no Tsuri-hen (Success)
SuperLite Fishing: Bouhatei no Tsuri-hen (Success)
SuperLite Fishing: Hama no Tsuri-hen (Success)
Wild Arms 2nd Ignition (SCEJ)
MediEvil (SCEJ, PSP-only)
Arcade Hits Frisky Tom (Hamster)
Formation Soccer '98 (Hamster)
Armored Core Master of Arena (From, PS3-only)
Unless otherwise specified, these are compatible with both the PSP and PS3.
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November 30th, 2007, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
PSP firmware 3.73 is now available via Network Update. Strangely, this update does not list any improvements before installation begins. We're going to assume it means:
Support for PLAYSTATION Network titles has been expanded.
Other than that nothing else has changed
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November 30th, 2007, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex and Mathieulh have posted this info:
After much investigations from Alex and I, we concluded that the 3.73 firmware is fully identical to the 3.72 firmware, the only thing that changed were the module versions and the index.dat/version.txt that display the firmware version. ALL the kernel and vsh modules are the same, so are the rco files.
As you know this does not really make sense and we have yet to find out why sony issued a new firmware revision when nothing was changed. Perhaps there may be some flaw in the updater itself that may explain this move, I don't think we will ever know for sure.
Also this the part when some "coder" gets greeted by noobs because of being so "fast" to port "his" custom firmware to 3.73 while nothing at all changed from its previous 3.72 version. I will let you all figure out who that might be...
UPDATE: lflash_fatfmt seem to have changed a bit (over 20 different bytes) but that's all we could find, no critical change and certainly does not need ANY patches to be modified/updated in any way to run a custom firmware, perhaps the bugfix is there (we are not sure of that yet, we are curently taking a closer look at the module to be sure)
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November 30th, 2007, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
Hi, sorry for my bad english (i'm italian :P).
i would to present to this wonderfull community my last creation (or, better, "modification" ).
3.73 Dark_Alex PopsLoader
Download of the package from HERE
What's it?
It's a modded version of the 3.71 Dark_Alex PopsLoader that allows to load prxs of the new Sony Firmware 3.73.
3.73 pops will take the place of 3.72 pops.
N.B.: This is "only" a modified version of the original Dark_Alex's PopsLoader, so all rights and merits belong to him!
The same of original POPSLoader.
To obtain 3.73 prxs you can use RSPsar Dumper (or M33Psar Dumper).
PRXs must be decrypted, so you need to use SQUARE option in Psar Dumper.
Necessary PRXs are the same of 3.72 pops, so: popsman.prx, pops.prx, libpspvmc.prx e pafmini.prx.
Later you need to insert PRXs in /SEPLUGINS/POPSLOADER as popsman373.prx, pops373.prx, libpspvmc373.prx e pafmini373.prx.
At the end you need to overwrite original PopsLoader.prx with the one contained in the package.
To Dark_Alex, the only POPSLoader inventor and creator!
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November 30th, 2007, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPgen
Less than an hour after the release of 3.73, HellDashX has already updated its firmware, to go 3.73 HX-1. No official release, but a WIP waiting for you by clicking away.
What's new in this Custom Firmware itself are minor except the passage 3.73.
* Updating official called now SCE.PBP, which will simplify future updates.
* Nettoyage de code. * Cleaning code.
As soon as a release is made we will have it 
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November 30th, 2007, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pilout
Hello I just present a new homebrew scripting by me is graphic by kalitay Here is how it conssiste:
You must build a parcour from a depart until arriving for a fair go Mr.baballe
The inspection:
Selection of a piece:
Descender your cursor at the bottom of the screen for fair aparaitre the piece is for x pick the desired piece
Put a piece: square
Back mode selectionde piece: triangle
Start comencer the parcour with Mr.baballe
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November 30th, 2007, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack posted this news on his blog:
When I was just starting to program for the PSP, I envisioned first doing a port of fMSX, then a port of an emulator specifically for emulating arcade versions of Mortal Kombat games 1-3. Since I don’t think any emulators other than MAME support the games (and MAME’s source is a tangled mess), I doubt that phase will ever come to fruition.
Most recently I’ve also considered porting older games, however, and if someone else doesn’t do them first (I hope they do), I just might do a port myself. Two obvious choices right now are OpenTyrian, a rewrite of Tyrian, and Wargus, the Warcraft II-compatible RTS engine based on Stratagus. I prefer not to port these projects myself, as they’re both based on SDL, and I happen to have an inherent dislike for hardware abstraction frameworks.
If you’re looking for an interesting port project, both of these games should be a welcome distraction from the many flavors of DooM already ported to the PSP.
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November 30th, 2007, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
The Memento Team have just updated to Firmware V1.1!
This software turns the Memor32 Memory Card into a Modchip Basically- Pretty damn neat for homebrew on the PS2 without taking your system apart.
Heres whats new:
This is just a polishing version to fix and finish some issues we still had open before we release the V1.3 version with HDD and USB-HDD support!
Test it and if you find any issue let us know it!
Main Features added to this release:
- Fixed stupid last-minute bug which caused failed boot on some games.
All games that were reported as not-working are now booting correctly.
- Added DVD-DL suport for some games (like Champions of Norahh,
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix). This is still to be considered a
beta feature and will be fixed completely in the next firmware release.
- Fixed DEV1/Dev3 on some PS2 versions (some models had issues,
everything should be fixed now).
- Fixed Browser boot on some PS2 models, now disk will boot from
browser on all PS2 Models.
- Added MEMENTO LOGO during dvd and DEV boot modes.
This is still a work in progress and some features still needs to be tuned-up. If something doesn't work correctly just let us know and it will be promptly fixed in the next few days.
Have Fun, spread the word!
There is more to come.
Due to huge request to our e-mail we want to inform all Australian users that we are completing the new Firmware that will add the support of all the Australian PS2 models.
It will be ready in few days. We think 3/4 days should be enough to complete all the test we need to do before releasing the firmware.
The HDD and USB HDD support is completed and under test, so we will release everything in one itme.
We have added LOT of additional features to the coming firmware, just wait and see :-)
For any additional info feel free to mail us!
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November 30th, 2007, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony hasn't disclosed the raw number of PlayStation 3 units it sold last week. (A Sony spokeswoman says it will give those numbers when NPD Group stats come out in mid-December.) The company did say that PlayStation 3 hardware sales were up 245 percent last week, when compared with the same week last year, among the top 10 North American retailers. This morning, Microsoft said the Xbox 360 still outsold the PS3 two-to-one last week, according to "estimates from top retailers."
Update, 12:30 p.m.: Sony is disputing Microsoft's statement about the ratio of Xbox 360 to PS3 sales. Here's what Kimberly Otzman, a Sony spokeswoman, said in an e-mail just now:
"It's (Sony Computer Entertainment America) policy not to disclose our unit sales numbers until NPD numbers are officially released which will be December 13th. However, I can assure you that Microsoft's estimates of our PS3 unit sales numbers are way off and they did not outsell PS3 2:1 during Black Friday week."
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November 30th, 2007, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment of America Wednesday eliminated its agency of 13 years, TBWA/Chiat/Day, from a review for its $150 million PlayStation advertising account, according to a number of executives familiar with the situation.
TBWA was one of five finalists in the pitch. Two contenders, Publicis in the West, Seattle, and Deutsch, Los Angeles, apparently were called back to present further information. The remaining two, Venables Bell & Partners, San Francisco and RPA, Santa Monica, Calif., are said to not yet have been contacted.
A decision is expected by the end of the week.
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November 30th, 2007, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Here is a draft of the separate kernel module:
git clone http://mandos.homelinux.org/~glaurung/git/ps3rsx.git
I've updated the Xorg driver accordingly:
git clone http://mandos.homelinux.org/~glaurun...-video-ps3.git
It is not yet finished, and mostly untested, but it shows my plan for the interface with userspace. Basically we have two options to access the FIFO:
- exclusive: we disable framebuffer redraw, allocate a context, then use the FIFO workaround to start running the context's FIFO and use it until the application is over. No other application can use the GPU, and any blit from either the fb driver or another context would break the application in exclusive mode. That's how we've been using the RSX so far.
- shared: we allocate a context, then run the FIFO for some time using a fake blit (size 0x0). When commands are finished processing, a new fake blit is needed to kick the FIFO again and process more commands. In the meantime, other contexts (including FB driver) can use the GPU. Note that contexts are not preempted, so if we put FIFO in a loop, other contexts are not able to execute commands (and we get error -24 for FB blit). So this is cooperative sharing.
I want to be able to support both modes. The former is easier to use and more efficient (useful for e.g. 3D demo or game), while the latter allows mixing multiple users of the GPU (e.g. Desktop usage, with one context for Xorg, one for GLX, and one for VRAM used as swap). The current module provides those two modes, with one ioctl() to enter exclusive mode, and one ioctl for one-shot kicking of the fifo (shared mode). The Xorg driver still uses exclusive mode ATM; I've code for shared mode but it needs testing and benchmarking. My short term goal is usable Desktop usage (X is improved, now we need more RAM).
On the long term, my plan is to add RAMIN/VRAM memory management to the module, have libps3rsx provide the user space API for FIFO control and object instanciation. Also, Xorg driver should use libps3rsx to avoid code duplication. Maybe when can then move slowly from ps3rsx.ko/librsx to drm/libdrm API (but keep exclusive mode option in parallel). Sound good?
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November 30th, 2007, 10:28 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex has just released a new version of his Custom Firmware and Popsloader (Playstation Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
3.71 M33-3
- 3.71 M33 1 or 2
Copy the update folder to /PSP/GAME/UPDATE and run it.
- Fixed a bug in access to flash by usb.
- HEN core: kernel prx's with syscall exports work again.
- PSP Slim: programmers can set the size of user memory to 52 MB by using a sfo flag.
Check sample in sdk for usage.
- March33 NO-UMD driver:
* Fixed a bug that could hang the psp when exiting with home.
* Fixed compatibility issue with Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, and maybe more games.
- Vshmenu: it wasn't displaying properly with psp slim TV-OUT due to the change of resolution.
Included with the release is a new version of popsloader:
- 3.71 M33-3 or higher (until sonye makes it not to work again ).
It won't work in prior versions of 3.71 M33, because it needs a function from 3.71 M33-3.
- Support for 3.71 and 3.72 pops has been added. Note that 3.71 however will not appear in the
list in 3.71 M33 as it is not necessary.
List of files needed for each version:
3.00-3.03: kd/popsman.prx, kd/meaudio.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.10-3.30: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.40-3.72: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx, vsh/module/libpspvmc.prx
The files must be decrypted. (use square in psardumper). Support for encrypted&packed files is planned for the future.
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November 30th, 2007, 14:06 Posted By: NoQuarter
From Glaurung at Ps2dev:
I've finally been able to setup and use a second independent context. I was able to perform the 'upper VRAM workaround' from this second context, even though the first context (setup by ps3fb) has restricted upper VRAM access through DMA (by means of the lv1_gpu_memory_allocate(ps3fb_videomemory.size,... ) call).
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November 30th, 2007, 15:39 Posted By: benn
The powerful chip at the heart of Sony's PlayStation gaming console has been used to crack passwords faster than ever before.
Security researcher Nick Breese used a PS3 to crack supposedly strong eight-character passwords in hours.
Typically, previous attempts to crack such passwords took days to get the same result.
Eight-character passwords are used to protect PDF and Zip files as well as those produced by Microsoft Office.
The Cell processor at the heart of the PS3 is the key to speeding up the time it takes to crack a password.
In a presentation, Mr Breese said a powerful Intel chip could crank through 10-15 million cycles per second.
The architecture of the Cell processor meant it could speed through 1.4 billion cycles per second.
full article here
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November 30th, 2007, 16:19 Posted By: wraggster
To satiate my curiosity I probed Flashman’s site and found another project they have a hand in, Maxim Pinball. Zen Studios who brought Pinball FX to the Xbox 360 and Flipper Critters to the DS is developing the eight table pinball game. Like Flashman's other products this lacks a publisher, but Maxim Pinball is ready to roll on the PSP, Nintendo DS and/or the Xbox 360. While I think the concept of Maxim magazine meets pinball is self explanatory, the blurb Flashman wrote is amusing.
MAXIM PINBALL for the Sony PSP™ is a pick-up-and-play pinball title featuring the kind of content expected from any product bearing the Maxim name: babes, sports, gadgets, fantasies…whatever fits the lifestyle interests of today's young adult male.
MAXIM PINBALL will have 8 tables, each with its own unique theme designed to appeal to the target demographic, and an assortment of attention-grabbing mini-games integrated into the table designs.
With its addictive, fast-paced gameplay, the ubiquitous Maxim brand, and a plethora of Maxim babes, Maxim Pinball provides a compelling experience that is sure to appeal to the PSP'sâ„¢ core demographic: males age 18-34.
Flashman client Zen Studios is the developer of choice for this game.
Available to game publishers now for all platforms, including Sony PSPâ„¢. Nintendo DS, and Xbox 360.
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November 30th, 2007, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from pegasus2000:
This is a demo of the support for SQLLite library under PSPE emulator and under PSP in Nanodesktop 0.3.3 (the next version of nd).
http://rapidshare.com/files/73234945...emo. zip.html
The source code is similar to one provided with sqllite.exe CLI interface under DOS.
So, when the homebrew starts, enter the name of the database that you want to create, and after enter the commands for the SQLLite server
using the Virtual Keyboard and the text box.
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via pegasus2000
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November 30th, 2007, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
Raphael has posted a release for developers on his blog:
After some thoughts on the project and some consulting with the others involved, I decided to release the triEngine that was being developed by Tomaz, InsertWittyName and me for public. Unfortunately the old assembla space somehow denied to let me make it public, so I had to create a new space and reimport the SVN tree.
So what does this “triEngine†do? Well, it provides you with pretty much everything necessary to start writing a game on PSP. It comes with a set of 2D graphics functions with support for animated sprites, a basic 3D interface with rendertargets and some blur functions, a full OpenGL style texture manager that keeps your textures in VRAM, a font system based on TTF fonts, audio playback for AT3 and WAV files, video playback for PMP files (yay, intro videos!), a full-featured particle system with lots of functions, WiFi code for multiplayer support, a fancy ingame console over PSPLINK to be able to control and adjust your variables at runtime (Quake style CVARs) plus some other helpul things.
However, it’s not a finished product - it was still a WIP until this release, so there’s no guarantee that everything works without problems (even though it was tested with various test samples - all available in src/tests). That it is functional nonetheless can be seen through my “Mudkip Adventures†game - it is entirely written around triEngine.
So here you go, released under GPL for the time being (License might change to a more liberal one later on):
trac (SVN browser, ticketing): http://trac2.assembla.com/openTRI
SVN repository: http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/openTRI
For anyone that wants to commit code, please read the coding style specification first:
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November 30th, 2007, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from shaolan is something for those who know how SQL and databases work so for the majority of us this wont be good for us, but heres the translated newspost:
All of abors veiled all the necessary file:
Then you must have a server supporting PHP, with many on SQL database
Server side:
If you have an archive file PHP, metté its contents at the root of your server (or is generally your "index.php")
You: votre_serveur / LUA / SQLRequest.php
Cote PSP:
-- / / Calls to the bookstore
Dofile ( "SQLRequest.lua")
-- / / Initializing connection
SQL.init (server, database, login, password)
-- / / Connect to the database
SQL.connect ()
-- / / SELECT Request
Variable = SQL.select (table, field, parameter)
-- / / UPDATE Request
SQL.update (table, field value parameter)
-- / / Closing connection SQL
SQL.close ()
- When you make the UPDATE query, the query if it is well spent, the variable SQL.error is false if there was a mistake it true worth
- The library uses by default the first WiFi connection, and operates under the LUA PLAYER 0.16
- DAns the parameter you can save as much as you want, but the spaces doivents be replaced by% 20 and evité quotes singles or doubles for the moment
It was only the first version, I intend to optimize shortly and metttre available throughout the SQL query, this is a "preview" rendering final ^ ^
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November 30th, 2007, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from akadewboy
PNG for PTF is a small GUI I made that uses the DOS program Pngnq to convert 24-bit PNGs into 256 color 8-bit PNGs.
Why is this important? It's because Sony's Custom Theme Converter is very picky about what PNGs you can use to make PTF themes. There's very few image editing programs out there that support 256 color PNGs with an alpha layer, so that's where PNGforPTF comes in.
Also included in the zip is a tutorial on how to make icons with Gimp (a free image editing program) to help get you started.
Get it here:
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via akadewboy
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November 30th, 2007, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
Minverva4096 has posted a new release of his PSP AdHoc File Transfer application.
Heres the translated whats new:
V0.6 2007/11/29
FilerView features simplified implementation. Button and the exit from FileMenu to change.
Create a new folder, rename the file folder, and delete the copy moving.
Acquisition mode implementation.
If you carry this file何時NO間NIKA hand! (Inside might.)
OSK because of bloated file.
File transfer in progress and the remaining time to show it.
(Send and receive both v0.6 or more only. Small file transfer in the rest of the time is prettyイチキapplication).
Error or at the completion of the transfer MESSEJIDIREI to hold down a button飛BA make.
Receiving the same name files, and read-only attributes of the case had been forwarded to the failure to correct the problem.
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November 30th, 2007, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
Variety is reporting that Sony plans to bring a high-definition video on demand service to Japanese customers early next year, courtesy of the PlayStation 3. Sony has already revealed plans for such a service in the Korean market, with SCEA's Jack Tretton hinting at a similar plan for the North American market at E3 2007. With UK customers already in line for a VOD service on the PSP, it should come as no surprise that Japan is getting access, too.
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November 30th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
While Toshiba has enjoyed exceptionally booming sales of its HD-A2 HD DVD player in the North America market, Blu-ray Disc (BD) appears to have gained the upper hand in the PC-use drive segment.
Sony has recently launched a new BD burner, the BWU-200S, and Taiwan-based Asustek Computer is promoting its BC-1205PT BD Combo drive in the China market, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Pioneer and Philips have also launched BD drives, the sources noted, while Lite-On IT will launch a BD-ROM drive for sale under its own brand Liteon soon. Additionally Matsushita Electric Industrial (Panasonic) will debut a BD Combo drive later this quarter, the sources indicated.
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November 30th, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has hired Deutsch as the new agency in charge of its USD 150 million PlayStation ad account.
Although no official announcement has yet been made, Agency Spy is reporting that Deutsch, based in Los Angeles, has won the coveted account.
Deutsch was one of five finalists vying for the account, including Publicis, Venebles, RPA, and TBWA.
TBWA, formerly known as Chiat/Day, had handled Sony's advertising since 1994 with the launch of the original PlayStation. It also helped Sony launch the PS2, PSP, and PS3, but was recently involved in controversy over some of its advertisements.
According to TNS Media Intelligence, Sony spent USD 94 million on measured media in 2006 and USD 2.9 million for the first eight months of 2007.
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November 30th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Follow us into the magical land of the PlayStation Store and you should see a whole bag full of new treats, including new maps for Resistance, new cars for MotorStorm, new content for Sonic and even a couple of PSone games to play on your PS3 or PSP.
Tom seems to be most excited by the addition of Destruction Derby (GBP 3.49) to the line-up of PSone games available for PS3 and PSP. Kula World (also GBP 3.49) is the other one.
Those are also available from the new PC-based PSP Store (games with dual compatibility can be downloaded from either location irrespective of where you pay for them).
Overflowing next from the sack of snacks is a multiplayer demo for TimeShift, the shooter where you can do all sorts of things to clocks to help you kill your enemies.
Then there is oodles of added content for existing games. First are fresh missions, boss and team attacks for Sonic at GBP 1.99 a squeeze, followed by the new maps Bracknell and Axbridge for Resistance: Fall of Man. But it wouldn't be complete without a pair of new vehicles for MotorStorm, so new Samurai and Quickfoot things are now available to cavort around in.
Elsewhere you can enjoy some trailers for Uncharted, Pain, Smackdown vs RAW 2008, Blazing Angels 2 and Assassin's Creed.
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November 30th, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
If you got home late last night and were itching to play a round of Pain, chances are you went to bed unsatisfied. Just hours after posting the PlayStation Network game that has players launching a character from a giant slingshot and racking up high scores for the damage that ensues, Pain was removed from the PlayStation Store.
Scott Groyl, a public relations specialist with Sony Computer Entertainment, said the removal was to address several issues the game was having -- namely, two characters that would not load as well as the lack of online leaderboards and a broken video on the community page.
"It is something that should be working today," Groyl said.
Gamers who downloaded Pain before it was removed can still use their title but will probably notice the inability to play as Santa or the scantily-clad woman known as Cookie. If you try to select the characters in the single-player option, a message appears stating you need to re-download and install Pain from the PS3's "Transaction Management" option.
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November 30th, 2007, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Koei has brought Shin Sangoku Musou (Dynasty Warriors) and Sengoku Muosu (Samurai Warriors) to the PSP through multiple installments. Now, it's tapping into its PS2 library for a more recent spinoff, Musou Orochi (Warriors Orochi in America).
Titled simply Musou Orochi, the PSP incarnation features all the gameplay from the PS2 and Xbox 360 versions of the game along with 79 generals, including two original Koei creations, to choose from.
The portable Musou engine has apparently improved some since Dynasty Warriors Vol.2. Orochi will feature expansive stages with no transitions between areas, allowing for the console experience on the go. Additionally, the game's two player mode will be set in the same stages as the story mode. Previous multiplayer modes were set in special stages.
Musou Orochi hits the Japanese PSP in February.
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November 30th, 2007, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated PlayStation Portable's firmware to version 3.73.
The new firmware supposedly fixes a flaw with the UMD drive. Apparently in some cases data would fail to load properly, and Sony appears to have solved that problem.
Not the most exciting news in the world, then, but undoubtedly important news to anybody who's been suffering from the above-mentioned UMD-knack.
You can download the new firmware from Sony's website (if you can bloody find it) or by using the Network Update option on the XMB.
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November 30th, 2007, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Atlus' awesome PS2 action RPG, Odin Sphere, looked like it may never have seen the light of day over here. But Square Enix has confirmed otherwise today, pencilling it in for an early 2008 release.
Okay, so that's almost a year behind the US and Japanese launches, where it hit shelves in May, but considering its spiritual predecessor, Princess Crown (Saturn) never made it outside of Japan, we're grateful.
You take control of a princess named Gwendowlyn - daughter of Odin - who is tasked with uncovering the secrets of a prophecy that could lead to the end of the world.
Odin Sphere is particularly special for its unique 2D art style that looks like something out of a fairytale story book. You'll see what we mean in the screens below.
PS2 lives on...
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November 30th, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from andyauff:
This is a program designed to let you create your own drill sets for marching bands. If you don't know, the drill is the movement of the band on the field. This program allows you to add an "X" wherever you want a band member to be for that set, just the way drill sheets look.
On the screen is a standard (almost to scale, but not exactly) high school football field. You can see all of the yard lines, with the goal lines being green,
the 50 yard line being blue, and the rest black. there are also hash marks (high school
distances, still).
You simply move the "selector," or square, around the field to where you want the "dot" (coordinates and position for each band member) of the band
member. Press CROSS on the PSP to create an "X" right there! The selector moves at an 8-5 step with each press of the d-pad. For example, if you press the right arrow on the d-pad, the selector will move one step to the right on the screen (towards the "side 2" goal line) at an 8-5 step. The analog stick is, at the moment, sensitive, but it can get you moving around the field faster than an 8-5 step at a time. Moving the analog stick will make the selector move 8 8-5 steps in the respective direction (the distance between two yard lines). The selector will likely move at least 16 8-5 steps because of the sensitivity, but it is useful to get around the field quickly (it will always move at a multiple of 8, though... just sometimes it moves 2 sets of 8 8-5 steps, and so on...).
Up at the top of the PSP's screen is a display telling you where, exactly, the selector is currently on the screen. It tells you how many steps off of the closest yard line you are, and how many steps from the closest hash or side line you are. It also shows you the selector's x and y values (in pixels) on the PSP's screen.
There is also an undo feature, which is a little buggy but should get the job done. Simply press CIRCLE on the PSP to undo the last "X" you added to the screen.
That's just about it, have fun!
CROSS (X): Create an instance of "X" on the screen at the current position of the selector.
CIRCLE (O): Undo the last creation of "X" performed.
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November 30th, 2007, 21:27 Posted By: Sterist
via me 
Official Site

last night i got bored of playing my only game (resistance), so i booted F@H and turned on the discovery channel.
watched an akward show of some U.S. / eur folks who go around the world and participate in tribal completitions.
when it went to commercials, it showed the discovery channel logo and right under it was the PS3 gameboot(.pmf) logo, and said
"This show is brought to you, in part, by, Playstation 3"
then the playstation network commercial came on, which for some reason is advertising Home, even though it's no where near ready for release, but that's a whole other topic.
what i'm wondering, is why would a video game org. sponsor a show about tribal completitions in Africa?
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November 30th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Experience the next chapter in the immersive and ever expanding world of Vana’diel in FINAL FANTASY XI: WINGS OF THE GODDESS, a content-rich expansion pack that brings exciting new features to the world of FINAL FANTASY XI. Delve into new quests, meet new players, view new sights and experience the fourth chapter in the award-winning MMORPG that has a community of more than 500,000 active subscribers and more than 1.7 million characters from around the world.
Whether they are in North America, Europe or Japan, FINAL FANTASY XI is the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game capable of simultaneous multiplayer across three different platforms, allowing players to take up arms together on the PlayStation 2 system, Windows PC or Xbox 360.
The Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection 2008 contains the Stand-alone product including all expansions up to Wings ot the Goddess.
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November 30th, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Unravel the secrets of this highly anticipated new chapter and discover its ties to the exciting world of Vana’diel
Experience the world through the eyes of two new job classes, the dancer and the scholar, both exclusive to the FINAL FANTASY XI: WINGS OF THE GODDESS expansion pack
Master new techniques like the dancer’s Steps or use new black and white magic with the wise scholar, further enhancing magical capabilities
Learn more about the main stage, Vana’diel, and see San d’Oria, Bastok and Windurst like never before with epic battles and new inhabitants, good and bad
Engage in combat, alone or in a party, with powerful new monsters and foes - claim the spoils and rewards that come from defeating ferocious enemies such as gnats, gnoles, ladybugs, pixies, sandworms and more
Team up with friends from around the world and across the PlayStation 2 system, Windows PC and Xbox 360 to experience the world's only triple cross-platform, triple-region MMORPG with a community of more than 500,000 active subscribers and 1.7 million player characters
Experience the next chapter in the immersive and ever expanding world of Vana’diel in FINAL FANTASY XI: WINGS OF THE GODDESS, a content-rich expansion pack that brings exciting new features to the world of FINAL FANTASY XI. Delve into new quests, meet new players, view new sights and experience the fourth chapter in the award-winning MMORPG that has a community of more than 500,000 active subscribers and more than 1.7 million characters from around the world.
Whether they are in North America, Europe or Japan, FINAL FANTASY XI is the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game capable of simultaneous multiplayer across three different platforms, allowing players to take up arms together on the PlayStation 2 system, Windows PC or Xbox 360.
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November 30th, 2007, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play asia:

Join operatives Giorgio Bruno and Evan Bernard to investigate and prevent a top secret weapon from falling into the hands of international terrorists!
Now, the most advanced game in the stellar Time Crisis series arrives on the PLAYSTATION®3, delivering totally immersive, intense gameplay. Time Crisis® 4 is reborn, and includes a full FPS game mode, stunning HD quality graphics and a newly designed Guncon® to enhance every aspect of the game. Superior to its arcade counterpart, Time Crisis 4 brings a fresh new look to launch the series into the next generation.
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