November 15th, 2017, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Yifan Lu one of the main players of the PSVita Hacking scene recently posted about a custom built Micro sd adapter for the Playstation Vita, I myself brought one of these but it wouldn't fit in the slot and the only place where it would fit was the game slot and crashed my console so in the bucket of rubbish it has gone, heres a snippet from his news:
One thing I love about Vita hacking is the depth of it. After investing so much time reverse engineering the software and hardware, you think you would run out of things to hack. Each loose end leads to another month long project. This all started in the development of HENkaku Ensō. We wanted an easy way to print debug statements early in boot. UART was a good candidate because the device initialization is very simple and the protocol is standard. The Vita SoC (likely called Kermit internally as we’ll see later on) has seven UART ports. However, it is unlikely they are all hooked up on a retail console. After digging through the kernel code, I found that bbmc.skprx, the 3G modem driver contain references to UART. After a trusty FCC search, it turns out that the Vita’s 3G modem uses a mini-PCIe connector but with a custom pin layout and a custom form factor. The datasheet gives some useful description for each pin, and UART_KERMIT seemed like the most likely candidate (there’s also UART_SYSCON which is connected to the SCEI chip on the bottom of the board, which serves as a system controller and a UART_EXT which is not hooked up on the Vita side). So finding a debug output port was a success, but with the datasheet in front of me, the USB port caught my attention. Wouldn’t it be neat to put in a custom USB device?
Full details Here --> http://yifan.lu/2017/08/22/psvsd-cus...-card-adapter/
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November 17th, 2017, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
Some awesome news for PS3 Owners or Playstation 3 if you prefer it that way, the PS3 is a game console i have owened from day 1, infact i still have 2 day one consoles, one working and one not, the one that hasnt has the yellow line of death and i tried getting into it and failed so gave up, the day one consoles have the PS2 innards if im not mistaken, anyway enough of my blurb, heres the news:
It was nearly 7 years ago since we have seen a PS3 Official Firmware Exploited (3.55 being the last), which predates many PS3 models and thus why those later Slim & SuperSlim models could never install Custom Firmware (CFW) and/or Downgrade. However that could all change as a team of three have been developing a new project (4.81 OFW Exploit) called PS3Xploit. The 'Unhackable PS3 models' will be a term of the past, but the exploits not quite there yet but the possibility of a HENkaku (vita) style hack is very plausible. Currently the exploit has allowed for access to enable Flash dumps on all consoles, Then Write access to Flash, unhackables (25xx +) will not be able to write but all previous PS3 will so that means Goodbye Hardware Flashers and Hello Software Downgradrs. The team is consisting of psx-place's very own @bguerville, @esc0rtd3w and W form the team behind PS3Xploit.
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3645
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November 18th, 2017, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Personally i dont yet own a PS4, one day im sure i will when i get fully back into gaming, heres news of an exploit that may be too late for most:
qwertyoruiopz reports on Twitter: 'ps4 kernel code exec on 5.00 achieved at last!' Nothing of this posted on rce.party so far, but hopefully it will be. Thanks goes to GaryOPA for the heads up. Based on previous tweets from a few days ago, qwerty soldered the same PS4 UART (syscon) interface xorloser released back in August, 2017.
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November 18th, 2017, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP or Playstation Portable is one of the greatest handhelds, infact i still own 4 of them, heres the news:
Davee has posted an interesting article over at lolhax.org describing the 6.61 Infinity internals beginning with a brief history lesson about PSP firmware in general. He mentions 2.71 SE-A as the first custom firmware for PSP, but I remember Dark_Alex first proof of concept firmware based on 1.50 released with source code before that. If anyone is interested it can be found here. Otherwise the article covers the technical aspects really well, Davee goes into depth explaining the bugs used to exploit the system and the process of restoring system stability, providing a recovery system, then finally load the 6.61 firmware.
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November 18th, 2017, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
The world of PSVita hacking gets more interesting by the day, heres a release that will interest many:
motoharu has released psvgamesd which is an user application and kernel plugin for PS Vita that can produce game card dumps and run them. Shortly after Yifan Lu posted a comparison chart of current Vita dumpers with key points and general info. Lots of PS Vita hacking activity lately, all leading up to the final goal; to backup game dumps properly and play them. Thanks to all involved, much appreciated."
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November 18th, 2017, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Another PSVita Hacking News article and because im still getting used to things heres the news from eurasia:
The Black Fin is a peer-to-peer game cart sharing device for PS Vita that was released in September 2016. Now the lead developer behind the Cobra Black Fin has partially leaked info from the project and shared his experience developing it with wololo.net. Quote: 'The hacker states he has 76GB of reverse engineering data related to the PS Vita (the bulk of it being dumps, logs, but also, he says, some juicy stuff), the result of 4 years of work on the cobra blackfin project.' Apparently the developer never got paid by the Cobra producer. Quote: 'Unfortunately, I was stupid and too trusting, and the contract was for payment on delivery of the product and the guy running the Cobra business sc*** me of over 4 years of work by not paying after I delivered the product.' What I remember about the Black Fin was that Sony changed something in firmware 3.60 which pretty much killed the product just before launch as it only supported firmware 3.57 and below. Another drawback was that you had to rely on P2P servers for non owned games, this infrastructure depends on having many active users sharing games which turned the product into a Catch-22 situation due to the firmware limitation and relatively high price. The final nail in the coffin for Black Fin was HENkaku which is a free homebrew exploit enabling softmod released by team molecule not long after product launch.
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November 19th, 2017, 21:03 Posted By: Shrygue
Well better late then never I guess but still, following the progress of the 4.81 exploit (follow the developments at PSX Place), Sony released on November 14th 2017 firmware 4.82 - about a year after 4.81 was released. Extract taken from Sony Europe site:
Main features in system software update version 4.82:
- This system software update improves the quality of the system performance
As usual, nothing remarkable, adds absolutely no new features and no noticeable difference to system performance. Only thing it'll most likely do is possibly patch up the exploit but who knows? You'll have to check and see for yourself. For those with compatible consoles that want to wait it out for a possible downgrader, you'd best stay put.
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November 21st, 2017, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
If your a PSvita owner then any new games is good, heres a new version of Cookie clicker:
a Vita port is available so you can waste your time spawning cookies even on the go. With version 0.2, the game got a huge overhaul as the code was rewritten from scratch and more features from the full browser version were implemented.
Cookie Clicker 0.2, now with more features such as upgrades
Some of the most noteworthy new features are listed here:
- 28 upgrades to buildings are now available! These multiply the ‘cookies per second’ rate of the building by 2.
- All of the game code was re-written so now the interface is cleaner, nicer and feels much more solid. The touch controls, for example, don’t feel floaty now.
- On-screen buttons were added along with some shadows to make the game look more pleasing.
- Some bug fixes were implemented and compatibility with old saves was maintained too!
- Much more.
download - http://gbatemp.net/threads/wip-cooki...r-vita.489060/
via http://wololo.net/2017/11/20/cookie-...e-cookies-now/
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November 21st, 2017, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Xerox is a new Homebrew game for the PSVita, the game itself is based on the game Simple Simon, heres the release notes:
1: Signal order: Normal; Input order: Normal
Plays sequence normally, and accepts input as shown
2: Signal order: Normal; Input order: Reverse
Plays sequence normally, but the input order is in reverse
3: Signal order: Random; Input order: Normal
Randomizes sequence each round, and accepts input as shown
4: Signal order: Random; Input order: Reverse
Randomizes sequence each round, and the input order is in reverse
Game type 1… Signals shown: Red, Red, Green, Blue. You press Red, Red, Green, Blue
Game type 2… Signals shown: Red, Red, Green, Blue. You press Blue, Green, Red, Red
download - https://github.com/dragaron/Xerox
via http://wololo.net/2017/11/20/ps-vita...erox-dragaron/
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November 21st, 2017, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release for the Playstation Vita, this release is a custom menu for the PSVita, heres the release notes:
- Control CPU/GPU clock states separately.
- Restore configured CPU/GPU clock states, once plugin has been started.
- Battery percent display toggle.
- VSH Menu colours for minimal customization.
- Quick launch Settings or VitaShell.
- Quick Reboot/Shutdown/Suspend device in game.
Recovery features: (You need PSV VSH Recovery for this)
- Reload tai config.
- Back up PSN activation files.
- Rebuild/Update database.
- Swap enter button (X / O)
download - https://github.com/joel16/PSV-VSH-Menu/issues
via http://wololo.net/2017/11/19/psv-vsh...ate-nostalgia/
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November 26th, 2017, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony updated the PS3 to Firmware 4.82 only the other day and already theres a new custom firmware released, awesome stuff by the homebrew hackers for the PS3:
Team PS3Xploit over at psx-place.com has released software tools for dumping and writing NOR/NAND flash on PS3 consoles with original firmware (OFW) 4.82 based on the previously released webkit exploit! Dumping supports both OFW 4.81 and 4.82. The PS3Xploit development team behind this impressive feat consists of: W (nonoscript, Research & Testing), esc0rtd3w (Debugging, Research & Testing), habib (ROP & Debugging), bguerville (ROP/nonoscript & Debugging). These tools allow dumping, patching and overwriting original firmware (OFW) 4.82 with a custom firmware (CFW). If the QA flag is enabled after installing CFW 4.82 it can also be downgraded to lower CFW version. However, not all PS3 models are supported, here's a brief list of the currently supported ones...
Dumper: PHAT models supported; H=NOR, J=NOR, K=NOR, L=NOR, M=NOR, P=NOR, Q=NOR. SLIM models supported; 20XX = NOR, 21XX = NOR, 25XX = NOR, 3XXX = NOR, 4XXXB = NOR, 4XXXC = NOR.
Writer: PHAT models supported; A = NAND, B = NAND, C = NAND, E = NAND, G = NAND, H = NOR, J = NOR, K = NOR, L = NOR, M = NOR, P = NOR, Q = NOR. SLIM models supported; 20XX = NOR, 21XX = NOR, 25XX = NOR (fw 3.56 and lower).
Warning: Do not use this on 3xxx/4xxx PS3 models (aka Late Slim models / SuperSlim), you will brick those consoles! Also, this is only for PS3 with previously installed OFW 4.82, not CFW.
There is a chance of bricking your console, just be aware of the risks. For more info check the news post over at psx-place.com. The files can be downloaded here at EurAsia."
More info --> http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3646
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November 28th, 2017, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
As an owner of the PSVita or Playstation Vita if thats how you call it, i am disapointed that the games just didnt come for what is an excellent handheld, but homebrewers and hackers have made the handheld their own, heres the news:
Back in August 2016, VitaShell 0.8 was released for HENkaku enabled devices and while it brought about many features (such as customization) and bug fixes, 7z and RAR support were dropped in favour of support for ZIP files larger than 2GB. While RAR support was re-added in a later release of VitaShell, 7z support didn’t so 7zShell came into existence.
The first version of VitaShell for HENkaku-enabled devices was version 0.7 and that, indeed, had support for 7z archives! Now, I have decided (yes, it is my modification) to share with you all the small mod I did to the VitaShell files that I decided to call 7zShell.
This is what the modification includes:
- Stock (unmodified) VitaShell 0.7 so you have support for 7z archives. This means that you can easily extract ROMs from 7z archives directly on your Vita without using ePSP!
- The name ‘VitaShell’ was changed to ‘7zShell’ so that you don’t have 2 ‘VitaShell’ bubbles.
- The installation directory (in ux0:/app) was changed to ‘7ZVTSHELL’ from ‘VITASHELL’ to avoid installation conflicts.
- The LiveArea screen was updated to reflect the name change.
As you can see, this is a simple modification (to the PARAM.sfo and template.xml files) and I don’t claim any credit for the program whatsoever. All credit goes to TheFlow for VitaShell!
download -> https://anonfile.com/a8Zfc9d5bc/7ZSHELL.vpk
via -> http://wololo.net/2017/11/22/7zshell...ut-using-epsp/
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November 28th, 2017, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Its always nice to see new homebrew released for the PSvita, heres the info from this release:
Blackout is a clone of Lights Out for the PSVita with a pretty good amount of polish. Lights Out is a pretty popular game in which you must toggle lights on and off to have a fully dark screen. While it may sound simple, it’s not that easy since when you press a light, the adjacent lights also turn on/off so you must think before making your next move!
This clone has the following features:
- The grid is 5×5 so you have 25 lights per puzzle that you have to take care of.
- You control the game with the touch screen by touching the lights you wish to switch, so this is yet another way how you can utilise the touch screen (official Vita games don’t use it enough…)!
- The game has a decent UI that displays all the controls and the amount of moves (and record moves) you did in that particular puzzle.
- There are 50 puzzles to play so you won’t get bored that easily even if you plan to play it for quite a while.
download -> https://github.com/dragaron/Blackout/releases
via http://wololo.net/2017/11/26/blackou...ights-play-go/
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November 28th, 2017, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
A curious move by Sony because they have basically ditched our beloved PSvita, heres whats new:
Some mainstream sites are mentioning that this could be an attempt at fixing piracy issues. A weird statement given that piracy requires a hacked Vita, which means firmware 3.60. Firmwares 3.61, 3.63, 3.65, and now 3.67 are not impacted with piracy, so piracy is not (directly) the reason.
It is possible however that this update patches things related to the recent psvpsftools release, or simply fixes other undisclosed issues. We’ll have to wait for some hints from scene hackers to know more. Stay tuned!
via http://wololo.net/2017/11/28/ps-vita...3-67-released/
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