June 1st, 2008, 03:15 Posted By: flaminfox
snowymydog has updated Pipeline.
Here comes the Pipeline v0.3
What's new:
- new levels added (total 43 levels)
- Full featured level editor
- <About> screen now working
- When clear all levels, ending screen now working correctly
- known bugs fixed
"Pipeline" is a remake of the famous puzzle game "Pipemania(aka Pipedream"). Rules are simple: construct a path using the randomly generated pipes from starting point to ending point. Water starts to flow when timer finishes the countdown. If you let the water spill out or did not meet the minimum distance requirement, you fail.

D-pad/Analog-Nub: moves the cursor
X or O: put down a pipe
Triangle: Speed up the timer and water flow
Start: pause/resume game
How to use the editor:
D-pad/Analog-Nub: moves the cursor
X or O: put down a pipe
Square: erase a pipe
L/R trigger: rotate the pipe
Triangle: pop up the select pipe window
Start: pop up the editor menu
The editor menu:
New: add a new level
Save: save all the levels to memory stick
Next: navigate next levels
Previous: navigate previous levels
Properties: set up parameters for individual level
- distance: minimum length required to advance to next level
- flow speed: the speed of the water flow
- timer speed: speed of the timer
- difficulties: controls how the pipes are generated, increase the difficulties will increase the 'One-way pipes' generated
Exit: exit the editor and back to main menu
Demo Video:
Download link:
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June 1st, 2008, 03:22 Posted By: flaminfox

*Added new icons to menu (main: Applications | sub: Calculator, Text Editor, Web Browser and USBHostFS)
*Fixed 2 bugs in recovery menu.
*Improved Calculator
*Fixed memory issues
*From now on, file browser displays ICON0.PNG when you are highlighting a PBP/CSO/ISO file
*Removed NervOS Boot PBP and replaced by Main PBP.
*Added Scripting System - this scripting system was made by me and it is still under creation, a lot of functions will be added on future releases and the parser will be improved.
The scripting system was made to allow users with no programming knowledge to create their own games or programs.
Of course this is the first version of the scripting system so a lof things are missing and some bugs may be found.

Remember this is the first version of the script and it's slow.
Download NervOS 2.0.5.zip (1.85 MB)
Theme Pack 1.5 (1.78 MB)
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June 1st, 2008, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from EP:
OK, here is the unofficial version of LaunchELF. (Note: It's based off Mirakichi's source to LaunchELF v3.41)
Changes: Unofficial LaunchELF releases by EP + dlanor
LaunchELF v4.13 (2008.05.30)
-Fixed Linux issues with the makefile do to case sensitivity.
-Changed draw.c and updated gskit source files to fix issues with the newer gsKit.
-Added script setup.sh to the "Changed source for external projects" directory for setting up outside projects.
-Moved libjpg\include\libjpg.h into libjpg parent directory to match up with myPS2's SVN sources location.
-Reverted to an older working version of ps2sdk(revision 1420).
-Reverted back to the older SMS network modules(revision 588) resolving a severe bug, which was first introduced in the 4.12 betas.
-Rearranged ps2ftpd sources and LaunchELF's makefile, removing the IRX module from the source package.
-Updated libcdvd source files so it can be correctly built without the old ps2lib library.
-Modified uLE source package further so that precompiled binaries are neither required nor included.
-Fixed bug in reloadConfig(), skin wasn't loaded if using various CNF files and one had GUI_SKIN enabled.
-Added option to disable text in menu screen under skin settings when GUI_SKIN is enabled.
-Commented out fixed PS2DEV environment variable in the gsKit Makefile.pref file.
-Added code from betas minus vmc: related things with changes noted further below.
outside source file additions and changes:
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June 1st, 2008, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
Lockdown allows you to password protect your PSP from prying eyes.
It also protects the Recovery Menu so that the protection can't be disabled without considerable effort, such as writing a VSH mode plugin to uninstall it from flash0, or by unbricking with Pandora.
* Modern GUI
* Uses PSP keys like Square, Cross, Circle etc as password, instead of fumbling with an on screen keyboard
* Fully configurable from the PSP
* Protects Recovery Menu as well
* Supports 2 modes of operation: 1st mode will only ask for password when the PSP is rebooted or powered on. 2nd mode will ask for password every time the XMB is launched, such as after quitting a game etc.
* Application errors (Game could not be started, etc) will be displayed normally in the XMB unlike other password programs which won't display these messages. So you know why you were sent back to the XMB.
1. Open flash0 via USB. Go to flash0:/vsh/module folder. Make sure you have enough free space to install both the files.
2. Rename the vshmain.prx to vshmain_real.prx
3. Rename the recovery.prx to recovery_real.prx
4. Paste the two files from the archive in this folder.
5. Ensure that you have renamed the files correctly or you will brick.
6. Disconnect USB and reboot the PSP.
7. You will see the password screen asking you to set a new password. You can use the PSP face buttons, the D-Pad and L-Trigger & R-Trigger. You can enter a maximum of 10 buttons. Press Start after you are done. It will ask you to re-type the password for confirmation.
8. Now you can select one of the two modes of operation: Ask password only on reboot, or every time you go to the XMB.
9. To change the password later, just press Select at the password input screen. It will ask for the old password, and then you can set a new one, as well as change the functioning mode.
I suggest that you first install only vshmain.prx and dont rename/install recovery.prx. Once you got vshmain.prx working, then its safe to install recovery.prx. Because if vshmain.prx didn't work, you will still have the recovery menu to revert it.
Delete the vshmain.prx and recovery.prx and rename the vshmain_real.prx and recovery_real.prx back to the original names.
Also delete the buttons.ini in flash0:
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via torch
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June 1st, 2008, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from slicer4ever:
ok this has been hell to get it up....HELL, so that means not every control is complete
the gameplay is done
some other crap i can't list atm
i'm tired...very tired so here's some screens and try the dam thing i'll be back tommorow

known bugs:
ball's sometimes glitch around(i have a theory as to why but tracking it down is the hard part)
8-Ball win system screwed up and i've been trying to figure out as to why, but for now....if you know you win, you've won...(you'll pocket 8-Ball and it'll say foul simple go one more time to end the game)
credits screen was implemented not 10 min's ago, so i may have forgotten some ppl
no eboot image
i'm missing many features i wanted on the release so expect anothe release by this wendsday or tuesday
L and R do not work atm i know it said to select next ball, but it wasn't at the top of my get done before competition list, so sry
other crap:
winner of the poll's table is not in here, i'm so rushed to put this out for the competition i didn't have time to switch out the current one, i'm sorry ifiwere1337
now than i'm taking a two day break i'll see you again tommorow, but i'm not touching the game until monday i've put off alot of friends and sleep to finish this
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via slicer4ever
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June 1st, 2008, 13:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from theunderminer:
PReSS stands for Portable RSS. And that's just what it is: an RSS reader for the Playstation Portable. Let PReSS connect to any WiFi access point and you're good to go. With it's 6 hour battery lifetime, reading the news while travelling was never easier.
Heres whats new:
full integration of http 1.1
more stable due to reuse of connections
speed up through higher cpu speed. To compensate; the speed is lowered when idle.
the playing song now displays at the bottom of the screen
2 major bugs fixed,
and some minor ones
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June 1st, 2008, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks

Last week Brick shared Rythm Engine: Rythm Box Mod for the Homebrew Idol fans worldwide. Today, well, actually yesterday, RE:RBM V2 was released.
If you missed our previous coverage, Rythm Engine: Rythm Box Mod packs a unique style of game play. Remain in sync with the beat while bouncing from the flashing walls, collecting power-ups, and destroying enemies. Consider it a “Rhythm Shooter”, if you will.
RE:RBM v2 changes:
You can now break in pieces big enemies
New particle effects
Different attributes for each weapon
Different particles for each weapon
Smoother particle effects
Added new power-up (SHIELD) (has a small amount of hp)
Added animated effects for shield.
New power-up icons.
Added new boss-type enemy.
Added new enemy type.
Improved AI system (added more states , and mainly used by the new enemies).
Added menu sounds.
Added more particle effects (for bombs).
Highlighted (menu) elements are now flashing.
New score text effects
Added menu sounds (nav/confirmation).
Lowered down power-up timer.
New theme
New theme effect
Some misc code optimizations.
Updated level editor to v1.c (from v1.a).
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June 1st, 2008, 13:53 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Bored of the plain ol’ XMB? Perhaps you desire refined or more control over organizing/managing that mess of data on your memory stick. For those who like to keep things organized in a clean and functional manner, you best check out MyPspMenu.
“MyPspMenu” is a shell stemming from the well-known and much respected developer, Cpasjuste. It’s also been submitted into our Homebrew Idol competition as entry #15.
MyPspMenu R1 features:
Organise your homebrews/games in 6 sections and launch them with a custom cpu speed: Games, Emulators, PSX, ISOs, Applications, UMD
Filer explorer:
Explore memory stick, umd, flash0, flash1, , nethost0, usbhost0, iso, cso.
Copy, paste & delete files/folders from/to memory stick, umd, flash0, flash1, iso, cso, etc… (flash0 in write mode so be careful).
Create folders.
Rename files/folders.
View/preview images (gif, png, jpeg : 512*512 pixels max, 500Kb max).
Play a single mp3 (playlist to come with next version).
Show directory/files size.
Launch homebrews and iso/cso via wifi (nethost, can be bugged for now).
Launch iso/cso via usbhost in “oe” or “noumd” mode (with an umd inserted for noumd mode, no homebrew launching via usbhost for now).
View battery, free space, date, time information.
Setting menu:
Select/save your PSP cpu speed
Select/save your USB state.
Select/save the default skin.
Quit menu: Reboot the PSP, Exit to XMB, Poweroff the PSP.
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June 1st, 2008, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
The homebrew just doesn’t stop… Sangheili has released a minor revision of PSP Pileup. Adding one new mini-game and some in-game tuneage, we’re left with PSP Pileup v0.3a.
You’re also given the ability to customize the play list with your own MP3s. So load up your memory stick, move to the grove, and have fun unlocking the mini-games.
PSP Pileup v0.3a changes:
added music!
if you want to add your own music, add your mp3’s into PSPileup/bricks/ and name it the next number in the sequence.
added a new minigame; “1000″
added an easter egg in 0.2, but i don’t think anyone noticed it, yet…
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June 1st, 2008, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from caliarbor
This plugin will allow usb bus and mass storage driver to always be enabled in xmb. When you plug in a usb cable it will activate usb on the psp (will also enable charging on psp slim). When you unplug the cable usb will deactivate automatically.
I wrote this to basically save myself the hassle of going to the usb icon eveytime i wanted to xfer files or charge my psp. I know this has been done elsewhere but i wanted to have a go at writing my first plugin
I've test this on my psp slim 3.71 m33-3 and everything works fine. When I go into a game usb is deactivated, but once I leave that game usb is reactivated (assuming the usb cable is connected the entire time of course).
If anyone wants the source just let me know and I'll fix the download to include it. Don't have it handy atm.
Edit: Clean up the source a little and added some error checking for failure of usb bus and mass storage drivers loading. The source is now included in the original download.
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via caliarbor
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June 1st, 2008, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
News from Magicxien
Since the announcement of the release of 3.95 GEN, we encountered many problems. After a change of server last night, today was a nightmare which we hope to come this night. Even if the site begins to look better this will delay the launch of 3.95 a few hours.
We are sorry for the delay but currently we are in a difficult time in our virtual existence.
OVH, our host, has crippled the server initial PSPGen drastically, and above all without us. The reason is that we consume too much bandwidth. The only problem we have not been warned and we are looking for several days "why, how,"
On the side of PS3gen and other sites, is hosting 1and1 which has demonstrated its expertise in incompetence. Our server at home, regularly losing the "connection" and no longer met the "pings" randomly. Worse, access providers, for several days, FREE Wanadoo and left more access servers 1and1 whatsoever for hosting as the host himself with the site met the subscribers absent. From ever seen. Contacted, the technical service has confessed his inability to be able to react quickly because the majority of technicians were ... holiday. a real nightmare.
We have therefore decided to change (yet!) Server and all went well until the migration pspgen last night.
This morning, without apparent reason, everything is a party soother. Our new server has dropped catch and all sites "gen" were disturbed to the point we lost our whole day to try to run it without any real success. Add a spate of attacks on the server (a habit but that it fell badly) and the table was complete.
In short, tonight back to normal thanks to the arrival of a third dedicated server for PSPGEn. Until the DNS are updated throughout the world it will disrupt access to PSPGEN for a number you.
With all this, we were unable to complete the finalisation of readme and other things necessary for a good release and especially given the loss of one of our server at a transfer has not helped matters.
Personal Note of MaGiXieN :
Before the scandal scream and vomit on your feel the absence of release, then wait for the release is not cancelled but postponed for a few hours. I have not slept for over 5 hours from three days to try to run the sites and, at the same time, test and permit the finalization of 3.95 ...
hmm dont talk to me about server problems (yesterday)
but anyway we will have the release as soon as it happens 
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June 1st, 2008, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Taeky
A new version of Terminal is available. In this homebrew, you must leave your car in less than 10 seconds to go to the next level. The records you make are saved and will be put online in a future version.
New to come:
Ability to upload it on a site record of each registered player
You can download on the console of 3 best times of time
If possible indicate on the console's ranking player in relation to the list of all times enregisitrés on the site
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June 1st, 2008, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
Just to prove that Japan makes really ugly and uninspired games too, witness Tir Na Nog, a PS2 and PSP port of a PC game from SystemSoft Alpha. It's got CG graphics from the early 90s, and bland, cheapo synth music to go with it. Check the system page for screens. There's different music on each page, too! Obviously this has some sort of tiny following somewhere (likely Japanese Diablo fans), since they made 3 of these on the PC. But man! I'm mostly just amazed it got made at all. It's coming in July for 6,800 yen (PS2) and 4,800 yen (PSP). Good luck guys!
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June 1st, 2008, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster

There's nothing we enjoy quite as much after a long evening of gaming than tending to our resident houseplants, one of which teeters on the edge of death while the other, greener replacement waits for when the original inevitably shuffles off its leafy coil. Now, however, it seems that players in Japan may soon be able to take on this diversion with controller in hand as well, as Famitsu has revealed a new PSN title from SCEJ and movie house Premium Agency called Shikitei (literally translated as "Four Seasons Garden"), that premises to let us plant a garden and watch it grow.
Watch being the operative word here, as it seems that even virtually Sony doesn't trust our green thumbs, the report revealing that the game, or "environmental simulator" according to IGN, will focus more on letting players design gardens before letting the program have its way with them. In fact, according to producer Rie Nakamura, the title will include no gaming elements at all. Fun! Still, for all of its hands-offness, Shikitei will include elements such as custom soundtracks, as well as the ability to take a stroll through the virtual eden, no doubt offering solace in the fact that this is one garden that won't meet an untimely end at our hands. At least until we turn off the power.
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June 1st, 2008, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has just confirmed to Joystiq that the 80GB PlayStation 3 SKU, bundled with Motorstorm, is no longer being supplied to retailers. "Retailers aren't getting any new inventory of the 80GB Motorstorm bundle," said a carefully worded statement issued by Sony.
This doesn't mean the 80GB model is out of production, merely that the focus is switching to the forthcoming 80GB bundle that features a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 and a DualShock 3 (not be confused with the limited-edition "Gun Metal Gray" bundle available exclusively through Konami's website).
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June 1st, 2008, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list
Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone / The World's Strongest US US$ 34.98
Dragon Tiger Gate (~Donnie Yen, Nicholas Tse, ...) US US$ 29.95
I, Robot (~Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Jumper (~Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Kung Fu Dunk (~Jay Chou, Charlene Choi, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Paintball the Movie (~Jesse Hlubik, Brian Gianci, ...) US US$ 13.98
Rambo [dts] (~Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, ...) US US$ 39.99
Rambo 1-3 Box Set US US$ 49.99
Rambo 3 [dts] US US$ 19.99
Rambo: First Blood Part II [dts] (~Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, ...) US US$ 19.99
The Air I Breathe (~Forest Whitaker, Brendan Fraser, ...) US US$ 35.98
The Fly (~Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis) JPN US$ 46.90
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June 1st, 2008, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Intense mission-based combat: QUAKE Wars pits teams against each other on massive maps located in desert, Arctic, and tropical environments. Players battle through intense skirmishes with real military style objectives
Offline and online modes: Hone your skills against surprisingly lifelike A.I. offline, then join the battle online with friends.
Unique teams and character classes: The GDF and Strogg are two distinct armies with different soldier classes, weapons, vehicles, and tactics.
Team-based combat: Using class-specific skills, players can be the linchpin of an entire operation
Skill-based matchmaking: Get the perfect challenge in every online game with a match geared to your skills
Experience the ultimate team - and mission-based multiplayer warfare, defined by award winning Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer, now set in the legendary QUAKE universe. Choose to play as the human Global Defense Force or the invading alien menace, the Strogg. Each side has distinct classes, vehicles, and weapons to choose from, giving players countless ways to join the battle.
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June 1st, 2008, 14:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

GRID will take players to beautifully realised and dramatic race locations over three continents to compete in an unprecedented variety of racing events. Packed with the most powerful race cars – new and classic, circuit and drift – players will compete to conquer the most prestigious official race tracks and championships and then go beyond to compete in challenging city-based competitions, through to road events and urban street races.
In Europe, race gamers will compete on the greatest official tracks in prestige Marques including Aston Martin, Koenigsegg and Pagani. Iconic cities across the U.S. – including San Francisco, Washington DC and Detroit and each with their own atmosphere and events – play hosts to diverse street races. Here, high-performance V8 muscle cars set the pace in aggressive closely fought pack competitions.
In the Far East, Japanese racing culture sets the tone where night races, including Drift racing, take drivers through neon illuminated cities and to outlying mountain roads. There is also the opportunity to compete in races that operate on the fringes of legality in the back streets and industrial areas of Yokohama.
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June 1st, 2008, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Gaming Age yesterday posted a report that in-game Xross Media Bar support will in fact be a part of the Playstation 3 Firmware Update 2.40, which will release "sometime in June."
Reader hukeedonfonics also tipped us to the above video, which shows in-game XMB over the BioShock title screen. Comments claim a BioShock developer leaked it.
Gaming Age writes that requested features like a universal friends list, and in-game messaging will be a part of the drop, in addition to "a few rather nice surprises (*cough*soundtracks*cough*)" (their words, not mine.)
So, spread the word, and we'll hopefully have more on this as it develops.
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June 1st, 2008, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
It's not confirmed by Sony just yet, but Videogaming247 says it has it on "good authority" that the upcoming version 2.40 firmware update for the PS3 will at long last bring with it in-game XMB, as well as the slightly less-anticipated trophy support. If those sources are to be believed, the update will be dropping sometime in June, with some speculation further pointing to a release in advance of Metal Gear Solid 4's June 12th launch. There's apparently still some testing to be done to ensure that the in-game XMB will work with all titles, however, and it seems like features like trophies and user-music via XMB will only be supported in games created with the new developers tools that have apparently already been released in advance of the firmware update.
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June 1st, 2008, 16:25 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPgen (french psp site) comes news of a new CUSTOM FIRMWARE for the PSP supporting 3.95 (ie the latest firmware)
heres the release details:
After a delay of several hours we're proud to present the 3.95 custom firmware. Click continue to find out more. It has been in development for a little over two weeks now, but now the moment has arrived.
Before we talk about this new firmware and let you get your hands on it, we will respond to your main complaint: "Who is the developer of the firmware?". It will probably come as a surprise for most, but the developer of this custom firmware is called Miriam.
What's up doc ?
Kernel updated to 3.95 (new nids, patches etc.).
Option added in recovery to choose between VSHMenu and in-XMB recovery.
Option added in recovery to choose between Sony, GEN and M33 network update modes.
Access vshmenu/recovery with the SELECT button.
Network Update icon can download directly from the GEN server (adjustable).
Installation :
For everyone who wants to install 3.95 GEN, you must be on at least 3.71M33.
Download the package with 3.95 GEN and the popsloader.
RTU file for all PSP in custom firmware 3.1 M33+
Note: When installing, all your plug-ins will be disabled.
Connect your PSP to your computer via USB.
Extract the file you downloaded by right clicking and choosing the option 'Extract Files To...'.
Extract the files to your PSP's assigned letter (for example, X).
Leave USB Mode.
Goto GAME > Memory Stick > 3.95 GEN
After it launched press X to install 3.95 GEN or R to leave the updater without doing any changes.
After the installer has checked some files and operations it will launch the patched Sony updater. Follow the onscreen instructions. Once the installation finishes, it'll ask you to press X to reboot, do so or you'll brick
Bonus :
Pressing L-Trigger + Triangle whilst you start the GEN installer, will later disable Sony's 50% battery check.
A popsloader which works in 3.95 is included, and can be installed like any other version of popsloader.
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June 1st, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sg57
BOXHEAD: PSP STYLE is a clone of Sean Cooper's ( www.games.seantcooper.com - develop@seantcooper.com) flash game series Boxhead: The Zombie Wars, a Top-Down Shoot-em-up game.
-(don't die)
-Have fun!
[x] - Choose
ANALOG/D-PAD - Move Player
[x] - Fire Weapon
[L] - Cycle Through Weapons(Previous)
[R] - Cycle Through Weapons(Next)
[START] - Pauses Game
ANALOG/D-PAD - Move Character
[L] - Cycle through Music (backward)
[R] - Cycle through music (forward)
SELECT - Exit to Menu
START - Unpause
ZOMBIE: If you get cornered with low firepower can be a big problem. Will attempt to completely encircle and then eat you.
DEVIL: Have a powerful fireball attack that can quickly end your life. Takes some Heavy FirePower to kill these suckers.
As you gain Kills, A number in the Top right of the screen will Rise. This is your Combo Counter, and it will go down unless you keep killing more zombies faster.
As the Combo counter reaches higher Numbers, you will Unlock weapons, and upgrades for those weapons.
- 8 Different Weapons
- 90+ Weapon Upgrades
- 2 Types of Enemies
- 3 huge maps each with their own highscore
- 3 Difficulties, each harder then the last
- Enable or Disable Devils (drastically makes game easier)
- Play your own MP3s and Atrac Files right from your /MUSIC/ or /PSP/MUSIC/ folders
- Interactive Menu - walk to your destination
- Built-In Game Guide with controls, etc.
- Good 'stereo' audio experience (explosions happen left of you , you'll hear them left of you out of the left speaker respectively, with all the action going on it is hard to forget about)
-SG57 (Producer/Programmer)
-Scorpus57 (Head Sprite Artist, Formatter)
-Nathanias (Head QA Tester, all around helper)
All 3 mentioned also contributed Ideas to the project prior to development.
Things to look for:
- Ad-Hoc multiplayer
- More Enemies
- New Weapons
- 'Closet' feature (change the theme of the game)
- More...
SG57 cloned the game in C++, using OSlib, by using the flash game as a reference.
All sprites, sound effects, etc. taken from the flash game are credited to their respectful creators.
SG57 (Jordan Rehn)
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June 1st, 2008, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Maxthebest;
Here are the changelogs since version 0.92
-Now when the alarm is played, the PSP volume is automatically set to Maximum volume (noisy little trick ^^)
-An option menu has been added (working with a file which is ms0:/seplugins/config.mtb)
-In the option menu you can set to play the alarm sound after 3 wrong passwords or not.
-The Credits have been updated
-The Credit, The option, and the set password menues have been modified so you can more easily exit (exit jey used to be different in each menu, now it's the same.)
-Now, when you set the password, a confirmation message is displayed, telling you what password you are trying to set, and asking you if you still want to set it or not. (I added that because someone asked me to, and I think it's quite a good idea... because some people might set a password that isn't what they thought it was...)
-Colors have been changed in some menues (No more red, it was too much 'agressive' wasn't it?)
-Menus have been optimised
-Now splash screen is only displayed at first use, and then it isn't (so you can access menu faster...)
-The On Screen Keyboard has been modified, it used to be kind of complicated (when you pressed up or down, you never happened to go to the letter you wanted to go to... now you should!)
-Many minor bugs have been corrected ...
IF you have any problems or whatever, please tell me, I'm also waiting foryour ideas and everything.
About a flashed version, I'm trying stuffs, but for the moment, I'm in a dead end...
Any one knows which prx launches the recovery in 3.90? Thought it was vshmain.prx, but it is not!
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June 1st, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: JKKDARK
A new PSP emulator was released.
First release of my emulator, it's very simple there is also a debugger but it's incomplete.
Now it runs only pspsdk demos. It's all
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June 1st, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
And no word on when it will actually arrive. In an interview with VideoGamer.com, Nour Polloni of developer Eden Games says the game is "not performing as well on PS3 as we hope it is in terms of frame rate," and they're holding back the title in order to give PS3 players their money's worth.
"We didn't want it to come out and have less of an experience for the PS3 gamer," Polloni said. "We wanted to tweak that up and make sure they get the best experience on PS3 as much as possible."
Alone in the Dark for PS3 will be the same content as the 360 and PC versions but will still be "worth the wait." Those two consoles plus the PS2 and Wii versions will drop on June 24.
And, interestingly, he got real cagey about multiplayer possibilities in this franchise.
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June 1st, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: HardHat
Here is a youtube vid of the action:

Resonate is a fast paced undersea rail shooter. Your goal is to evolve into a thresher shark and become king of the ocean. On normal difficulty the player starts as a Sea Urchin (level 2). Hit the blue striped targets to collect evolution up. Collect eight and move up a level to Sea Horse (level 3). Miss a target that collides with you and move down to Zooplankton (level 1). If you're hit too many times, the adventure ends and you need to try again.
- five hero forms: Zooplankton, Sea Urchin, Seahorse, Stingray, Thresher Shark
- high score tracking for each game
- boss fight at the end of the main level
- online high score sharing
- enemies in various attack formations
- three kinds of power ups
- level editor for Windows, Linux or MacOS based on fltk and OpenGL
I submitted version 0.55 of Resonate to the compo last night, but I found a couple of minor issues with the boss fight. Download via comments. So here is the post compo release version.
Here is the change log from 0.45:
version 0.57
- fixed boss damage visualization
version 0.55
- new compo title screen with water drop special effect
- new main level which is easier for Meyitzo but still interesting
- now fight against the tall ship of doom to free the sea (boss fight)
- moved old main level to version0_45
- Intel Mac level editor now available
- added model preview in the level editor
- increased the number of supported enemies to 512
- increased the memory used by the CFW build to 20MB for bigger sounds, etc.
And credits:
Game Design: hardhat, PSPdemon
Programming: hardhat
Art: PSPdemon, Meyitzo, Genz
Icon Music: DimensionT
Music: by Aleksi 'Heatbeat' Eeben, aka Antti Mikkonnen. (CC-Attribution-Non-comm
ercial-No Derivatives). http://www.mono211.com/modsoulbrother/
Sounds: meanrabbit.com
Testing: zion, Dutt, Wally, #psp-programming
Levels: Hardhat, Meyitzo
Mac build of the Level Editor thanks to A_Nub, jparishy, InsertWittyName, BronxBomber
Title screen is cc-by-sa licensed (http://www.creativecommons.com) and includes a reef photo by Mila Zinkova
Inspired by Rez
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June 1st, 2008, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
I strongly recommend that you first only install the vshmain.prx and check if it works. Because if it bricks then you can still access recovery menu to put back your original vshmain.prx. Only if vshmain.prx is working, should you install the recovery.prx.
Tested on 3.90M33-3 PSP Slim.
v1.2 Changelog
Fixed sleep mode from not working in some situations.
v1.1 Changelog
Reduced heap size, and freed some allocated memory on quit.
Lockdown v1.0
Author: Torch
Lockdown allows you to password protect your PSP from prying eyes.
It also protects the Recovery Menu so that the protection can't be disabled without considerable effort, such as writing a VSH mode plugin to uninstall it from flash0, or by unbricking with Pandora.
* Modern GUI
* Uses PSP keys like Square, Cross, Circle etc as password, instead of fumbling with an on screen keyboard
* Fully configurable from the PSP
* Protects Recovery Menu as well
* Supports 2 modes of operation: 1st mode will only ask for password when the PSP is rebooted or powered on. 2nd mode will ask for password every time the XMB is launched, such as after quitting a game etc.
* Application errors (Game could not be started, etc) will be displayed normally in the XMB unlike other password programs which won't display these messages. So you know why you were sent back to the XMB.
1. Open flash0 via USB. Go to flash0:/vsh/module folder. Make sure you have enough free space to install both the files.
2. Rename the vshmain.prx to vshmain_real.prx
3. Rename the recovery.prx to recovery_real.prx
4. Paste the two files from the archive in this folder.
5. Ensure that you have renamed the files correctly or you will brick.
6. Disconnect USB and reboot the PSP.
7. You will see the password screen asking you to set a new password. You can use the PSP face buttons, the D-Pad and L-Trigger & R-Trigger. You can enter a maximum of 10 buttons. Press Start after you are done. It will ask you to re-type the password for confirmation.
8. Now you can select one of the two modes of operation: Ask password only on reboot, or every time you go to the XMB.
9. To change the password later, just press Select at the password input screen. It will ask for the old password, and then you can set a new one, as well as change the functioning mode.
I suggest that you first install only vshmain.prx and dont rename/install recovery.prx. Once you got vshmain.prx working, then its safe to install recovery.prx. Because if vshmain.prx didn't work, you will still have the recovery menu to revert it.
Delete the vshmain.prx and recovery.prx and rename the vshmain_real.prx and recovery_real.prx back to the original names.
Also delete the buttons.ini in flash0:
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June 1st, 2008, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from playboy21
Hey everybody,it's me Playboy with my very first homebrew game entitled Playboy's Shooter.This is my entry for the "PSP-HACKS HOMEBREW COMPETITION 08".It's a very simple space shooter with only 5 levels (I'll add them in future releases),and i got the idea of making this game after playing Birdman's Shooter.In this game,you can choose a ship from the given choices.There are four ships to choose from all together.Powerups are also added,but trust me,it's pretty difficult to gain.
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June 1st, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Team Chilt:
We made a little tool to see what's your Internet Download Speed, Here an update to PSP Speed Tool. We added some new functions.
Changelog :
[ADDED] Use of Colors
[ADDED] Downloads from 6 different servers around the world
[ADDED] Shows Servers + download speed
[ADDED] Download Speed printed in Bytes, kB and MB
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June 1st, 2008, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from roe-ur-boat
Here's a small plugin I've made that allows you to launch your homebrew at startup. You can configure it to launch up to four different eboots with the included configurator. Any suggestions/comments/bugs can be left below or sent to my email address roe-ur-boat@hotmail.com Hope you like it!
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June 2nd, 2008, 19:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
HMV has boasted that its Oxford Street store in London will be housing Metal Gear Solid 4 creator Hideo Kojima this afternoon.
He will be there from 12pm onwards signing pre-ordered HMV-exclusive sleeves for his upcoming game.
Note that there are only 300 of these and you will need to dish out a GBP 5 deposit to reserve your copy. Otherwise it is first come first served.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is due out for PS3 on 12th June.
Head over to our MGS4 review to find out why you could "not ask for a funnier, cleverer, more ambitious or inspired or over-the-top conclusion to the Metal Gear Solid series".
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June 2nd, 2008, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PS3 Firmware 2.4 - the one we're all waiting for - will be out on June 18, claim "unnamed sources" in Holland.
Version 2.4 is expected to introduce the much-requested in-game communication features to the console, as well as an Achievement-point equivalent Trophy system and other goodies.
"Summer" is the only official word Sony has given on 2.4's arrival, with June heavily tipped. The June 18 report from Dutch site PlayStation Only claims previous rumours of a June 10 release are false.
It's all speculation until Sony gives the official word, which we expect will be any time now.
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June 2nd, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Flipping through our copy of the July issue of EGM we were surprised to see that the editors passed up a coveted pre-release review of Metal Gear Solid 4 for ... a roundtable discussion? Turns out there's a pretty significant explanation. Here's what EGM has to say verbatim (emphasis ours):
"Metal Gear Solid 4 will hit store shelves shortly after this issue of EGM lands in your hot little hands. And four EGM editors -- Matt Leone, Jeremy Parish, Andrew Pfister, and Shane Bettenhausen -- have already invested plenty of time in the game. So why don't we have a full review in this issue? Simply put: We weren't happy with the limitations Konami wanted to impose on our comments, and rather than publish compromised reviews in the interest of being the first to rate the game, we'd rather wait until next issue, where we can be completely open and thorough with our thoughts. In the meantime, our MGS4 vets sat down for an informal chat about the game (and remember -- [once the limitations are lifted] you can find the full review on 1UP.com!)."
The full list of limitations has not been made public (Any readers out there seen the list? Care to share?), but MTV has posted two possible limitations, naming the length of cutscenes and the size of the hard drive installation as two topics that are potentially off-limits to print reviewers. Strangely, these limitations do not seem to be fully imposed on online reviewers (Eurogamer writes freely about both topics in its review), though IGN UK does vaguely acknowledge that "Konami issued us with a list of things that we're not allowed to discuss," adding, "[the] list of prohibited topics is pretty long, and even extends as far as several facts that the company itself has already made public." (It's worth noting that IGN UK confirms later in its review that one of the prohibited topics is the "total length of cutscenes," before going on to state that the cutscenes represent "about half of the content of the game.")
Clearly, Konami has issued certain limitations on pre-release reviews. The scope of these limitations and who they extend to remains unclear. (Also unclear is the potential penalty for violating them, as IGN UK seemingly does.) Still, if EGM understands these limitations to be review-compromising factors, should all pre-release reviews under Konami's guidance be filed with an asterisk?
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June 2nd, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has declined to comment on speculation that it is making its very own Wiimote-style controller for PS3.
Reports suggest the platform holder ran secret focus groups in the US at the beginning of the year, where console owners were shown the motion-sensing device.
Visually it appeared very similar to the Nintendo controller, according to PlayStation LifeStyle, and was apparently "incredibly responsive and accurate".
Titles shown ranged from tennis to fencing to paintball, and when the demonstrator ducked in the latter, so did his on-screen character. The PS3 controller was also shown playing Quake on a laptop, we're told.
Of course, Sony is no stranger to motion-sensing controls, having included it in its Sixaxis pads since the launch of PlayStation 3.
Earlier this year rumours began circulating that Microsoft had its own Wiimote-style controller in the works, too, with developer Rare supposedly involved on the software side.
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June 2nd, 2008, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Harmonix Music Systems, the leading developer of music-based games, and MTV Games, a part of Viacom's MTV Networks (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), announced today that they will team up with Q Entertainment, a leading Japanese music game designer, to bring the best-selling music videogame Rock Band to Japan. The two studios will work together to develop the title, marking the first US-originated rock music game to be heavily localized for the Japanese market. The game will feature Japanese musical acts as well as other localized assets.
Rock Band's return to the birthplace of rhythm games will benefit from Q Entertainment's experience designing progressive and engaging games many of which have a heavy focus on integrating music elements into gameplay. Since its founding in 2003, Tokyo based Q Entertainment has become a leader in rhythm oriented titles, including the critically acclaimed music and luminary action puzzle game series Lumines,and the recently released Extend Every Extra Extreme (E4) and Rez HD for Xbox Live.
Today's announcement was also featured Saturday at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards - Japan, where a Rock Band trailer was presented. The US-version of Rock Band was also prominently featured backstage and at the afterparty, giving Japanese attendees a taste of what's to come in the newly announced title.
Rock Band, which has sold over 3 million units in North America and Europe, is an all-new platform for music fans and gamers to interact with music. The game challenges players to put together a band and tour for fame and fortune, mastering lead/bass guitar, drums and vocals.With more master recordings than any other music game, Rock Band features some of the world's biggest rock artists and spans every genre of rock ranging from alternative and classic rock to heavy metal and punk.
Rock Band is a true music platform, with over 12 million songs sold as downloadable content since its initial release. There are currently over 140 songs available for download in the Rock Band Music Store and Harmonix continues to release new music every week.
Since its North American release in 2007, Rock Bandhasgarnered over 40 awards including Game Critics Award: Best of Show E3 2007and three awards at The 11th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards including Outstanding Innovation in Gaming, Family Game of the Year, and Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack.
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack posted this news:
If you’re a PSP developer and/or considering developing wifi-enabled applications for the PSP, you might find this Adhoc Matching Diagram helpful. While it doesn’t explain everything in detail, it provides general idea on the steps that the generic PSP wi-fi enabled application takes, when setting up matching.
Ad-hoc matching is the initial step of setting up communication between PSP units - selecting which machines are going to participate in a communication session. It generally entails sending connection requests, and simultaneously listening for connection-related events (such as incoming connection requests). Because communication is peer-to-peer, the notion of host/client is implied - usually the machine requesting a connection is considered the client, while the machine receiving the connection request is the host.
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Torch is updating like mad his Lockdown app for PSP, heres the details:
v1.4 Changelog
Reduced stack memory.
v1.3 Changelog
Added debug versions that use text output.
v1.2 Changelog
Fixed sleep mode from not working in some situations.
v1.1 Changelog
Reduced heap size, and freed some allocated memory on quit.
Lockdown v1.0
Author: Torch
Lockdown allows you to password protect your PSP from prying eyes.
It also protects the Recovery Menu so that the protection can't be disabled without considerable effort, such as writing a VSH mode plugin to uninstall it from flash0, or by unbricking with Pandora.
* Modern GUI
* Uses PSP keys like Square, Cross, Circle etc as password, instead of fumbling with an on screen keyboard
* Fully configurable from the PSP
* Protects Recovery Menu as well
* Supports 2 modes of operation: 1st mode will only ask for password when the PSP is rebooted or powered on. 2nd mode will ask for password every time the XMB is launched, such as after quitting a game etc.
* Application errors (Game could not be started, etc) will be displayed normally in the XMB unlike other password programs which won't display these messages. So you know why you were sent back to the XMB.
1. Open flash0 via USB. Go to flash0:/vsh/module folder. Make sure you have enough free space to install both the files.
2. Rename the vshmain.prx to vshmain_real.prx
3. Rename the recovery.prx to recovery_real.prx
4. Paste the two files from the archive in this folder.
5. Ensure that you have renamed the files correctly or you will brick.
6. Disconnect USB and reboot the PSP.
7. You will see the password screen asking you to set a new password. You can use the PSP face buttons, the D-Pad and L-Trigger & R-Trigger. You can enter a maximum of 10 buttons. Press Start after you are done. It will ask you to re-type the password for confirmation.
8. Now you can select one of the two modes of operation: Ask password only on reboot, or every time you go to the XMB.
9. To change the password later, just press Select at the password input screen. It will ask for the old password, and then you can set a new one, as well as change the functioning mode.
I suggest that you first install only vshmain.prx and dont rename/install recovery.prx. Once you got vshmain.prx working, then its safe to install recovery.prx. Because if vshmain.prx didn't work, you will still have the recovery menu to revert it.
Delete the vshmain.prx and recovery.prx and rename the vshmain_real.prx and recovery_real.prx back to the original names.
Also delete the buttons.ini in flash0:
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Now in the fourth year of a 10-year product plan, Sony is stepping up marketing efforts for its PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld game system in an effort to catch up with the rival Nintendo DS
Sony executives touring media offices last month said that their handheld player, which was launched as the rival to Nintendo's successful Gameboy players and more recent Nintendo DS, has now sold more than 38 million units globally and acceptance among age groups has trended lower and lower into hard-core gaming segments.
But even as it cultivates younger gamers, Sony is sticking with its original game plan of marketing the device as a multiplatform portable entertainment system that can compete with Apple's iPod as much as the Nintendo DS.
When Sony first launched the PSP it had targeted mostly professionals, 28 to 40 years old, who would take it to work every day on subways, trains and taxis. Since then, the purchase demographics have slowly evolved, getting younger and younger, said John Koller, Sony Computer Entertainment PSP senior marketing manager.
The audience has also become more multi-ethnic, with heavy use among urban teens, 15 to 16 years old, from Hispanic, African-American and Asian communities.
"Our audience continues to get younger and younger," said Koller. "Our research shows that young mothers now have the highest propensity to purchase a PSP over the next year for their children."
Meanwhile, Koller said, Sony's decision a year ago to drop the price of the PSP from $199 to $169 and to add a restyled, trimmed-down version in a choice of color options, helped to accelerate sales 85 percent.
Koller attributed the change in PSP's demographics to how consumers are using the device rather than any specific marketing efforts. He noted the price drop seemed to be a major driver in the urban markets.
Meanwhile, the PSP's software library continues to expand, he said, with more than 400 total games now available for the platform and 500 movies.
Starting June 3, the company will launch an advertising campaign to support the rollout of the first of two planned PSP entertainment pack releases this year. The first — the God Of War PSP pack — will carry a $199.99 suggested retail and will include a deep red PSP — one of the most highly sought-after colors based on Sony's consumer research — and a silkscreen image of the game's key character Kratos. It will also offer copies of the God Of War game and the Sony Pictures' movie "Superbad" on UMD disc.
On Aug. 12, Sony, in association with EA, will offer a $199 suggested retail entertainment pack featuring a metallic blue PSP system, NFL: In Just One Play on UMD video, a voucher to download the game Beats from the PlayStation Network, and a 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo along with a copy of Madden NFL 09.
Also this year, Koller said, Sony's forthcoming marketing efforts will start to put more emphasis on women — a segment that so far has not shown much interest in portable game players.
Sony continues its original mission to grow the multifunctional aspect of the PSP beyond just game play, and will seek to promote its crossover appeal as an adjunct to the PlayStation3 home-based video game console. Koller said the PSP team is carefully monitoring consumer demand as it plans and releases new features and services for the player.
In recent months, the company has added such functions as an RSS browser; compatibility with Sony's Location Free TV system, which enables remote playback of content from entertainment systems in the home; Skype VoIP phone service; and Internet radio capability with access to more than 22,000 Internet radio stations.
Next on the list will be a GPS system that will convert the PSP into a full functioning handheld GPS navigation device. The adapter kit — which will include a mounting bracket for use in the car, a UMD disc with mapping software and an antenna that plugs into the PSP's USB jack — is due out in the next 10 to 12 months at a price to be announced.
The feature will launch with support for 24 top U.S. cities and Toronto, and with new North American and international markets to be added continually.
Koller said the GPS package will be aggressively priced to compete with entry-level navigation systems.
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska has posted a small update to SDL basic for PSP:
sdlBasic is a small, efficient multiplatform basic interpreter originally created by Roberto Viola in 2002.
Its core is based on wxBasic and syntax, inspired by AMOS, is easy to learn by beginners
http://www.sdlbasic.altervista.org contains the reference guides language overview, comand syntax, examples and
additional tools and resources, required for development.
The interpreter only works on custom PSP 3.XX firmwares.
Copy sdlBasic folder to ms:/PSP/GAME (or ms:/PSP/GAME3XX where XX is your custom firmware's subversion.
Using the interpreter
sdlBasic program(s) should be saved in [program_name].sdlbas file and placed in sdlBasic folder, together with EBOOT.PBP file and
fonts directory. Of course, sdlBasic folder can be renamed, and EBOOT icon/background can be replaced with a number of tools.
If only one .sdlbas file is detected in the folder, the interpreter immediately runs it. Over wise the program selection screen is displayed.
PSP-spesific features & limitations
- setdisplay() dimensions are limited to 640x480, 320x240, 480x272 (and some derivatives)
- only some keyboard keys are mapped (arrows, enter, space, escape) and available through key() / inkey commands.
- all psp buttons can be queried with getButtonJoystick() call with button indexes from 0 to 13
- mouse calls are partially implemented via the analog pad and buttons mapped to [x],[o],[triangle],[square]
- isPSP=1 and os=PSP variables are added for platform detection.
- network, mpeg and cd-control calls as well as shell() are not implemented yet.
- mp3 playbeack is not supported. Ogg, wav and tracker formats should be used instead.
version update: 0.6 has a bug fix for a memory leak during loading images.
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Another for Homebrew Idol… XlaiR’s “Castle Wars.” If you’re familiar with the flash-enabled version, then you already know what’s up. Otherwise, Castle Wars is an enjoyable turn-based card game. You and another player, or the CPU, both start with a castle, a fence, and 8 cards. Use those cards strategically to protect yours and eliminate the enemy threat. It’s kill or be killed.
And so you know, we’re no longer accepting Homebrew Idol submissions. I currently have a backlog of entries waiting to be posted; these entries were submitted by the deadline date. You’ll see yours soon.
Castle Wars Beta 2 changes:
Added: Moving clouds
Added: Logos
Added: Stats at end of game
Added: Random AI
Added: Screenshot (Total of 9, after that they will be overwritten!)
Added: In-Game Menu
Fixed: The player must now confirm the game before starting.
Fixed: A couple of minor bugs.
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the Belgium team
Coco1230 & Strawberry update PSort which is now in version 1.3! This utility can sort his homebrews in 4 classes and then launch them.
Below are the characteristics of this homebrew:
Manage homebrews to 4 classes
Launch homebrews sorted
The 4 classes are: Utilities, Programs, Games and Iso / Cso
New features of version 1.3:
Corrections to various bugs
Improved code
Ability to navigate between the pages of launch via L and R
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Medical 91 is a really odd game from Takuyo, and essentially a sci-fi medical adventure game set in the future. It's got your normal adventure mode but also this chase mode, where you have to go through the maps running away from a giant droid thing. The art doesn't really match an adventure game, nor does the chase thing make any sense, and the character designs are really weird, thus my desire to post about it. You can download a movie here, which again doesn't match any of the rest. It's a PC game originally, but is coming to PSP on June 12th for 6090 yen including tax, so you can experience the future in portable form.
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Moe Moe Niji Taisen Deluxe is a PS2 and PSP tactics RPG from System Soft Alpha (which also did the frightening Tir Na Nog). It takes their Daisenryaku series and replaces the tanks and planes with 'moe' anime girls. It's pretty exploitive and amazing. That image you see to the left is really about all you need by way of explanation, really. That is a Nazi in a bikini spreading suntan lotion on a (I assume) British soldier. There are catgirls of multiple types in this game. As your characters fight they enter various stages of ripped clothing. It's all just nuts.
The game was originally for PC - that first link is safe, but the rest may not be, as it was an ero game. The PS2 and PSP versions have the ero bits stripped down to ecchi. The PS2 version sells for 6,800 and is coming this fall. The PSP version comes around the same time and costs 4,800 yen. Check more screens and event CG, including one soldier removing another's bikini top (the latter is a catgirl wearing the German cross) here. I usually don't say the words "only in Japan," but in this case, really...
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June 2nd, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Videogaming 247 says it's been told by Namco Bandai US that Eternal Sonata on PS3 won't be leaving Japan. A spokesperson for the publisher tells the site that the game has only been announced for Japan and it has "no plans to release the game on the PS3 in the US at this moment." Of course, in the never-ending battle with PR semantics, "at this moment" could mean the game will eventually be announced for other territories.
Eternal Sonata's official Japan-only PS3 status might explain some of the strange things that happened late last year when the game was announced for the PS3 on the ESRB site (pictured above) and on Namco's own US site, only to be removed sometime later.
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June 3rd, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures takes the fun and creative construction of LEGO and combines it with the wits, daring and non-stop action from the original cinematic adventures that enthralled audiences everywhere (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). With a unique tongue-in-cheek take on the original adventures, LEGO Indiana Jones follows Dr. Jones escapades through the jungles of South America to the mountaintops of India. Fans can build, battle and brawl their way through their favorite cinematic moments, from Indy's entanglements with snakes to his dashing boulder run.
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June 3rd, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures takes the fun and creative construction of LEGO and combines it with the wits, daring and non-stop action from the original cinematic adventures that enthralled audiences everywhere (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). With a unique tongue-in-cheek take on the original adventures, LEGO Indiana Jones follows Dr. Jones escapades through the jungles of South America to the mountaintops of India. Fans can build, battle and brawl their way through their favorite cinematic moments, from Indy's entanglements with snakes to his dashing boulder run.
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June 3rd, 2008, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Adventure with up to 20 playable characters including Prince Caspian and many creatures from Narnia
Engage in epic combat with hundreds of characters and massive battles
Drop in and play with a friend in co-op mode
Experience the full potential of next-gen gaming as you travel back to Narnia to overcome the evil King Miraz and restore Prince Caspian to his rightful throne
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June 3rd, 2008, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Adventure with up to 20 playable characters including Prince Caspian and many creatures from Narnia
Engage in epic combat with hundreds of characters and massive battles
Drop in and play with a friend in co-op mode
Enter the fantastic world of Narnia once again in "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian". As the sequel to the smash hit "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", the second installment of the Narnia franchise will give players the freedom to explore the deep universe even further while controlling various characters including all of the Pevensie children, Giants, Centaurs and Caspian himself.
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June 3rd, 2008, 02:04 Posted By: JKKDARK
via 411mania
We received a couple of new screenshots today from the Obsidian-developed action-RPG game Alpha Protocol which is being developed for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC by Sega.
The screens above are only a few of the newest ones we just received so head on over to the screen gallery below to see the rest of them.
Check screens here
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June 3rd, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: EvilDooinz
I've uploaded the next revision to my Sudoku game it has a few themes and a few other minor updates. more info about the game can be found on wikipedia. instructions and controls are included in the downloads below.
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June 3rd, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Future US has announced an agreement with Sony to produce a monthly digital program for the PlayStation Network, which will debut on June 5.
Produced by Future's magazine and website editorial staff, Qore will be an interactive games show in high-definition, downloadable directly to PlayStation 3 consoles.
"We couldn't be more excited to extend our partnership with SCEA to the PlayStation Network," said Jonathan Simpson-Bint, president of Future.
"This is an opportunity to create a branded media environment unlike anything else in the world and an example of how Future is uniquely positioned to create powerful integrated media solutions for readers and advertisers."
Future has retained advertising rights for the show, which has already gained the patronage of Burger King, Universal Pictures, Activision and Codemasters, among others.
"Qore is a uniquely targeted product, reaching gamers in the interactive, high-definition environment of the console itself," added Future's publishing director Simon Whitcombe.
"For consumers it is a relevant and compelling new format for media, and for advertisers it's a pipeline straight to the game-playing audience."
The program, hosted by Veronica Belmont, will have an introductory price of USD 2.99 for the first episode or an annual 13 episode subscription of USD 24.99. Subscribers will have special access to game demos, betas, add-ons and other downloadable and game-related content.
This comes off the back of the announcement that Future UK has entered a partnership with Tesco to produce and distribute a free new magazine in its stores.
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June 3rd, 2008, 21:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Sony is giving Japan the gift of new colors for both the PS2 and PSP later this summer. The company anounced today a red PS2 and a blue PSP, to be available in limited quantities in July.
The blue PSP, officially "Metalic Blue," will come in two forms: as part of a Value Pack and as part of a 1seg Pack. The Value Pack includes a pouch, strap, cloth, 32 megabyte Memory Stick, and D cable and will sell for 23,800 yen. The 1seg pack includes a 1seg tuner and stand, a pouch, strap, cloth, and a 1 gigabyte stick. It will sell for 29,800 yen.
The PS2 option is much simpler, with just one new color, Cinabar Red, in the standard 16,000 yen package.
Sony is scattering the releases a bit, pushing the PS2 out first on 7/3, with the PSP to follow two weeks later on 7/17. Both revisions are said to be limited, so those who want a unit should check with their favorite import shops in advance.
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June 3rd, 2008, 21:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Sony is giving Japan the gift of new colors for both the PS2 and PSP later this summer. The company anounced today a red PS2 and a blue PSP, to be available in limited quantities in July.
The blue PSP, officially "Metalic Blue," will come in two forms: as part of a Value Pack and as part of a 1seg Pack. The Value Pack includes a pouch, strap, cloth, 32 megabyte Memory Stick, and D cable and will sell for 23,800 yen. The 1seg pack includes a 1seg tuner and stand, a pouch, strap, cloth, and a 1 gigabyte stick. It will sell for 29,800 yen.
The PS2 option is much simpler, with just one new color, Cinabar Red, in the standard 16,000 yen package.
Sony is scattering the releases a bit, pushing the PS2 out first on 7/3, with the PSP to follow two weeks later on 7/17. Both revisions are said to be limited, so those who want a unit should check with their favorite import shops in advance.
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June 3rd, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Dark Void developer Airtight Studios is looking at the possibility of including Sixaxis motion controls in its upcoming third-person, cover-based shooter.
Although a third-person shooter, Dark Void gives players access to a jetpack that allows them to fly around the Void realm that the game's hero, Will, is trying to escape, and it's also possible to highjack enemy UFOs and pilot them, leading to suggestions it would be a good fit for Sixaxis.
"We're exploring some things with Sixaxis," lead designer Jose Perez told Eurogamer at Capcom's Captivate 08 event in Las Vegas. "Right now it controls very similar to Crimson Skies [the last game many of the team worked on] when you're doing the flight stuff, so it's something we're looking into."
The developer has no plans to include multiplayer though, and Perez said that apart from the complexity of making it work with jetpacks and UFOs, the main factor was a desire not to split the team's concentration. "We have to focus on the single-player experience first," Perez explained, pointing to the strength of recent single-player games like BioShock and Assassin's Creed.
"Then for future versions of Dark Void - you know, please!" he said, cupping his hands in prayer, "that's something that I would personally love to explore. But right now it's about: let's make sure that we make a game that's solid and quality first." That also rules out co-operative play, the developer said.
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June 3rd, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Sony has again trumpeted intention to get its virtual world Home out the door this year, though precisely what state it will be in when players are eventually allowed to log on remains another issue entirely. Speaking to Wired, PSN senior director Susan Panico referred to Home's initial roll out as "similar to Gmail," calling the online initiative's presumably fall release an "open, working beta."
These comments have not exactly filled our heart containers with confidence. Google officially launched its email service in 2004, and now, some four years later, it's still in beta.
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June 3rd, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Atlus U.S.A., Inc., triumphantly friendless, today announced Dokapon Kingdom, an addictive new multiplayer RPG for Wii and PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. The King of Dokapon has offered you his throne; all he asks for in return is that you dispose of an invading horde of thieving monsters. Trouble is - you're not the only one he asked. Contend with up to three friends as you navigate playfields littered with challenges, monsters to defeat, and rare secrets to unlock. Warning: Relationship counseling not included.
Dokapon Kingdom is currently scheduled for release on October 14th, 2008.
Key Features
- Innovative board game-RPG crossover - Tired of shallow gameplay in party games? The genre gets retooled in this exuberant mix of role playing and board games! Encounter zany characters, collect rare items, and explore a fascinating kingdom on your quest to vanquish monsters, gather treasure, and level up!
- The friendship-destroying game - Turn the heat up on your rivalries! Take on up to three other soon-to-be-ex-friends in the race for Princess Penny and the crown. Battle, steal, deface - playing dirty is the name of the game - through a variety of locales and challenges. After your friendships are broken, the game is just as much fun to play alone.
- Never the same game twice - Tons of battles, magic spells, mini-games, and multiple play modes add up to endless replayability!
- Easy, intuitive, and effective combat system – This is no boring game of hack-and-slash. Players covertly choose their actions in an intuitive battle interface that guarantees every fight will surprise.
Dokapon Kingdom has not yet been rated by the ESRB.

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June 3rd, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) is bringing a unique blend of humor and action to gamers with the release of Kung Fu Panda, the video game based on DreamWorks Animation's highly anticipated feature film. In order to become the Dragon Warrior and defeat the ultimate enemy, Tai Lung, players engage in kung fu moves and master the unique fighting style of unlikely hero Po the Panda and experience the legendary moves of Shifu, Po's Teacher, and the Furious Five - Monkey, Tigress, Viper, Mantis and Crane.
"Kung Fu Panda gives kids the chance to experience first hand their favorite movie moments, as well as new levels and hilarious situations created specifically for the game," said Kim Salzer, vice president of Global Brand Management, Activision Publishing. "The humor, lovable characters and non-stop action will deliver hours of fun that they can enjoy on their own or with parents and friends."
Kung Fu Panda offers a distinct and exciting gameplay experience as players develop acrobatic kung fu combo attacks to defeat a number of villainous enemies, including the Great Gorilla, the Wu Sisters and the dark-hearted Tai Lung. Gamers will work to overcome dangerous obstacles and solve challenging puzzles as they navigate through diverse environments spanning air, water and land. By mastering the art of kung fu, players will utilize and upgrade the unique fighting skills of their favorite movie characters, unlocking new moves as well as a host of multiplayer characters and games. Additionally, players can team up or battle head-to-head in arena, puzzle or casual games, making the Kung Fu Panda video game an epic experience gamers of all ages will enjoy.
The Kung Fu Panda video game is now available for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Wii and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system for a suggested retail price of $49.99, the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system for the suggested retail price of $39.99, Nintendo DS for a suggested retail price of $29.99 and Games for Windows for a suggested retail price of $19.99. The console and Games for Windows versions are rated "E10+" (Fantasy Violence, Mild Language) and the DS version is rated "E10+" (Cartoon Violence) by the ESRB.
For more information on Kung Fu Panda and to download the demo, please visit www.KungFuPandaGame.com.

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June 3rd, 2008, 22:35 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
LucasArts and TT Games today celebrate the launch of LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. Developed by the same team at Traveller's Tales that created the LEGO Star Wars series, LEGO Indiana Jones presents a tongue-in-cheek take on the first three cinematic adventures of pop culture's most iconic archaeologist, including Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Players can use their wits and daring today on the Wii, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, XBOX 360, PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, the PlayStation 2 Entertainment System and Windows.
For more information on LEGO Indiana Jones, please visit www.legoindianajonesgame.com.

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June 3rd, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo

The upcoming SOCOM Confrontation game for the PS3 will come with a free Bluetooth headset, much like the similar deal last hear with Warhawk. This headset, however, looks very PlayStation-branded and neutral (unlike the Warhawk one, which just looked ugly), leading us to believe that it could serve as the "official" PlayStation 3 headset if Sony wanted. Why Sony still hasn't come out with an official Sony/PS3 branded one is a mystery to us. Maybe they don't like money?
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June 4th, 2008, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster

The Tales of Destiny Director's Cut is based on the 2006 released PlayStation2™ game Tales of Destiny with plenty of new features, including a new game mode called the "Lion's Side", which will make Lion Magnus the main character instead of Stan Aileron, a few new events for sub characters, new carry over features, new voice clips, new dungeon hints and even some more battle difficulty levels for all hardcore Tales fans.
If you happened to miss out on the original release or are a solid Tales fan, then you should definitely check out the Director's Cut. Good news also for everyone who has played the original release as this game supports Tales of Destiny (PS2) save files.
Tales of Destiny Director's Cut, one of Namco's most engaging RPGs in the Tales Of series for PlayStation2™ is now available at a bargain price of US$ 19.90 only.
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June 4th, 2008, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Play through all three classic Indiana Jones movies and relive your favorite Indy adventures in the humorous world of LEGO
Use Indy's signature whip to attack enemies, swing over perilous pits and interact with a world of LEGO objects and puzzles
LEGO characters are fully immersed in their environment: swim, climb, shimmy across rock ledges and pick up and carry objects
Use weapons from the environment such as chairs, guns, swords and more
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures takes the fun and creative construction of LEGO and combines it with the wits, daring and non-stop action from the original cinematic adventures that enthralled audiences everywhere (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). With a unique tongue-in-cheek take on the original adventures, LEGO Indiana Jones follows Dr. Jones escapades through the jungles of South America to the mountaintops of India. Fans can build, battle and brawl their way through their favorite cinematic moments, from Indy’s entanglements with snakes to his dashing boulder run.
Of course, pop culture’s most iconic archeologist will whip through all the classic moments with the help of a host of supporting characters including Marion Ravenwood and Short Round. Players can also mix and match the body parts of more than 60 playable characters to create new heroes just as they could in the best-selling LEGO Star Wars™ games.
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June 4th, 2008, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
On the heels of the successful launch of God of War: Chains of Olympus in March, Sony Computer Entertainment America today announced the availability of the limited-edition God of War PSP (PlayStation Portable) Entertainment Pack ($199.99 MSRP). This highly anticipated bundle celebrates God of War: Chains of Olympus, the first appearance of the best-selling God of War franchise on the PSP system, and now the highest ranked PSP game of all time.
The God of War PSP Entertainment Pack includes the following:
- "Deep Red" PSP system with an image of Kratos silkscreened on the back of the unit; this is the only time that this special PSP color will be offered in North America and is sure to become a collector's item.
- God of War: Chains of Olympus - Developed from the outset as an original story, God of War: Chains of Olympus takes place before the events of the original God of War, delivering yet another adventure in the dark and brutal world of Greek Mythology that fans of the franchise have come to know and love. God of War: Chains of Olympus has been hailed by critics as the PSP system's best game to date, earning stellar review scores from Game Informer (9/10), IGN (9.4/10 and Editors Choice), 1UP (9.5/10), among many others.
- Superbad UMD video - This 2007 box-office comedy hit from Columbia Pictures is a gut-busting coming-of-age comedy for a new generation.
- Syphon Filter: Combat Ops voucher - Download the PlayStation Network exclusive title, Syphon Filter: Combat Ops, to your Memory Stick PRO Duo with the included voucher*. This latest edition of the critically acclaimed stealth action franchise was named the 2007 PSP Multiplayer Game of the Year by IGN.com. The title is currently available for $9.99 on PlayStation Store (http://store.playstation.com).
With a worldwide install base of nearly 38 million as of March 2008, PSP system continues to experience strong momentum among gamers and portable entertainment enthusiasts. This newest bundle will drive further consumer interest in the PSP, showcasing some of the system's multi-functional features.
The independent Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has rated the God of War PSP Entertainment Pack an "M" for "Mature 17+." The ESRB has rated Syphon Filter: Combat Ops a "T" for "Teen." For more information visit: www.esrb.org.
*Voucher expires December 31, 2008. Requires PSN Registration. User responsible for all applicable Internet fees. Some services or features may require additional fees.
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June 4th, 2008, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) announced today the North American release of Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2, available exclusively for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system. Developed by Clap Hanz, in conjunction with Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, Santa Monica Studio, Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 delivers another exceptional golf experience onto PSP, comprised of the franchise's signature over-the-top graphics and intuitive gameplay. In addition to bringing the charm and wit of the multi-million unit-selling Hot Shots Golf franchise, the game doubles the amount of wacky characters, detailed courses, and items available since the original Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee on PSP.
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 also offers a wide range of multiplayer modes including 16-player online tournaments and Ad Hoc capability for one-on-one or Stroke Mode challenges.
"The Hot Shots Golf franchise is a winning tradition with the PlayStation brand and we are continuing to implement innovative and intuitive features to deliver the most fun-filled golf experience on the market," said Jeff Reese, director, software marketing, SCEA. "With gorgeous graphics, extensive online functionality, and variety of fun gameplay modes and courses, Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 brilliantly showcases the capabilities of PSP and offers a game that is a must-have for any gamer or golfer."
For the first time in Hot Shots Golf franchise history, online play has been expanded to facilitate competition between regions worldwide, allowing gamers to challenge other Hot Shots golfers across the globe via Wi-Fi multiplayer. In Wi-Fi, players can go head-to-head in Match Play, create custom rooms, and generate tournaments of up to 16 players. For those seeking a specific game set up, players can also search for friends and tournaments based on select criteria. Additionally, Ad Hoc is available to allow gamers to pick a course, select the number of holes, and tee-off locally with up to seven others. In single player, golfers can engage in Stroke Play mode, offering traditional golf on any available course, as well as Challenge Mode, which gives players the opportunity to compete in a regular season of tournaments and the ability to unlock various characters and items throughout the game. The Multiplayer modes also fully support the Loyalty system and hidden items, allowing players more access to strengthen their favorite characters. To improve individual skills, players can access a Training mode to perfect every drive, pitch, and putt, enhancing their character's shot-making prowess and overall accuracy with the Hole-in-One mini-game.
Players will have the opportunity to golf on 12 breathtaking courses across a variety of worldly environments such as tropical islands, vast desert plains, snow-capped mountains, and oceanfront spaces. Character customization includes over 350 options to personalize characters with a variety of items including clothing, hairstyles, clubs, accessories, and more. With up to 20 different playable characters, golfers can utilize special combinations of clothing and accessories to provide a unique boost to character attributes as well as overall fashion and style. Successfully conquering challenges within the game will allow players to further upgrade equipment, allowing for more accurate shots, longer drives, and impeccable putting control.
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June 4th, 2008, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from red squirrel
AutoBoot Fixer by Red Squirrel
http://redsquirrel.forumitalian. com
What's it?
As you maybe know, the "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function of all CFs Recovery Menù does NOT work in last CFs (from CF 3.51M33 I think).
This is a simple plugin for all PSP (Slim and Phat) that fixs this function bug!
If you enable plugin, you will can use the "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function without issues, like in past D.A. CFs.
Why a similar release?
Because this seem be the "golden age" of alternative shell for Sony PSP, so there are many people that would use the "autoboot" function to launch their favorite shell.
-Fixed "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function.
If you enable "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP" function in Recovery Menù (and this plugin is enabled too!) it works with no issue!
So EBOOT.PBP located in /PSP/GAME/BOOT/ will be launched on console boot.
How to Install
Like all plugins... copy PRX file in ms0:/SEPLUGINS, open (or create if t does not exist!) VSH.txt file and add this line at first position: ms0:/SEPLUGINS/AutoBootFixer.prx
Then from Recovery Menù go to Plugins page and enable it.
To God.
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June 4th, 2008, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus USA updated their front page with a picture of cards and the words “We'll show you our hand”. The official announcement is coming out on June 9th, but RayFoxSith sent over a tip (thanks!!) with evidence that the game is the PSP version of Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone. Take a close look at how the cards look in the banner image above and compare them with the cards shown on Sting’s official Yggdra Union page.
They look identical and an announcement wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Atlus has a tight relationship with Sting and completed a translation of Yggdra Union for the Game Boy Advance. We’ll have to wait a week until we find out if the clue was correctly cracked. Until then take a look at this animated movie from the updated PSP edition.
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June 4th, 2008, 04:45 Posted By: MK2k
This is a port of the newly released Kaiten Patissier 1.00, originally released for Windows/Linux/GP2X.
Indiegames.com describes it best:
"Kaiten Patissier is the latest game from D.K., several months in the making, and which I [oranda] highly recommend. It uses the same 'collect-them-all' mechanic as Good Luck Natsuki, but is built entirely around the concept of rotating the levels to re-adjust the locations of platforms, boxes, walls, floors, and ceilings (Kaiten is Japanese for "rotate"). After collecting all but the last item in each level, a bonus item will appear somewhere in the level, so be sure to keep an eye out for the bonus items if you want to get 100% completion.
As I [oranda] note, I [oranda] contributed several of the levels in the game, so you'd better download it and check it out!"

Screen 1: Main Menu

Screen 2: Stage Selection and Overview

Screen 3: In-Game, jump around and collect the items

Screen 4: In-Game, rotate the whole level about 90 degrees
via mk2k.net
get the original Windows/Linux/GP2X release via indiegames.com or at D.K.'s website
Read the readme.txt for installation notes and button configuration.
I just did the porting to the PSP, any credits for the game and artwork should go to D.K. aka Alpha Secret Base, nice work dude!
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June 4th, 2008, 05:06 Posted By: CoderX
CoderX has released an update to the Red Alert Clone, code named (RedaLua 1.0rev1 Beta2) Originally based on the work of Altair this new release adds may new features and several improvements to the over all game experience. The main Idea is it no longer crashes like the original used to do ^_^...!!! and after 2 years without an update this should be a welcomed release. Once again lets all thank Altair for creating this game in the first place. Sincerely CoderX
- Several Bug Fix
- Slim / Phat Compatible
- Sound Fix
- Memory Fixed
- Menu Update
Next Release:
- Full AI
- Start of Multiplayer
Here’s a screenshot:

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June 4th, 2008, 05:30 Posted By: Pegasus2000
The moment has finally arrived.
Blind Assistant core CFW0002 is online on Visilab website:
Blind Assistant is an attempt to help blind men, using
softwares that run not on expensive and complex
hardware, but on a simple Sony PSP.
The new core uses Nanodesktop 0.3.4 (the next version
of ND that will be released very soon).
The changes are very important.
a) Blind Assistant has a new algorithm for face recognition.
It has been hardly optimized for using Sony VFPU coprocessor.
The speed is very high and recognition rate has been
b) Voice Synthetizer also uses VFPU . This allows to the
software a generation of vocal samples in real time.
c) Now, Blind Assistant is able also to recognize in which
room the blind is. This task is done through a client/server
architecture, that uses a new component called
BlindServer is a complex program, designed to runs on a X86 PC.
It is distribuited in 3 versions: one for
normal MMX CPU, one for SSE CPU and one for SSE2/SSE3 CPU.
When Blind Assistant needs the execution of a complex
algorithm, that should require a great cpu power, it sends
an information packet via wi-fi to the Blind Server.
If BlindServer runs on a INTEL or AMD CPU in that moment,
it can execute also heavy computations as SIFT, without
large delays.
Blind Server executes the operation, making use of a fast
Intel or AMD CPU and, when the test has been completed, it
returns via wi-fi the results to the Blind Assistant client,
that runs on the PSP.
In this way, the mobile client (i.e. the PSP), can execute
operations that would be impossible for a simple MIPS CPU.
The communication between the client and the server, is
realized using BAWCP (Blind Assistant wireless communication
protocol): a wi-fi protocol that manages the exchange of
commands between the client side and the server side, and
that manages also the process of compression and decompression
of the images.
Through the BlindServer, the homebrew on the PSP can execute
the SIFT algorithm. SIFT stands for Scalar Invariant Feature
Transform: it allows the recognition of a particular place
or room of a home. This can help the blind, because he can
know in which room he is actually.
d) Blind Assistant CFW0002 supports also a complex system
for optical char recognition. The system is able to read
a text or a label, through the Sony Go-Cam.
This can be done using a combination of a OCR method and of
the ndFLite Voice Synthetizer (now very faster, thanks to the
new routines VFPU-optimized).
The defined OCR methods are two: the former uses the known
Tesseract OCR. Tesseract is a technology developed by HP in 1995,
and in a second time released as open-source. It is
actually supported by the Google Foundation.
The second OCR method uses Nanodesktop OCRAD, and it is designed
to run in a fully mobile situation (i.e. when the client hasn't
a connection with a BlindServer available).
The system includes also an algorithm that, using a set of
dictionaries, is able to correct the errata words that
have been detected by the OCR.
In ideal condition, Blind Assistant OCR reaches a recognition
rate of 90%.
In the package you can find a PDF called Install Blind Assistant.
It contains all the needed informations about the program.
The program is able to autoupdate via internet when new updates
are released.
The users that have installed the previous core CFW0001, can
update the core manually: go to Update menu in the main
interface, and choose the item "Check, DwLoad and Install
new updates". The core CFW0001 will be updated itself
The service of autoupdate will become operative within some hours
from this moment.
Thanks for the attention
Filippo Battaglia
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June 4th, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has begun its GT Academy competition for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.
Two winners will be invited to join a four-month, real-life racing training programme before jetting off to Dubai in January to take part in a gruelling 24-hour endurance event.
To stand a chance at winning you need to register your PSN ID on the GT Academy website, and then next time you go online in GT5 Prologue you'll be able to compete in the time trial.
If you're among the 20 fastest in your country around the Eiger Nordwand course in a Nissan Fairlady Z Version S '07, you will go through to a national final.
Only those from UK & Ireland, France, Italy, Germany & Austria, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden will get to take part. Bad luck Belgium! (We're doing a frowny face for you.)
Then, the three fastest in the national final will be going to Silverstone to compete in real-life cars and some spooky mental and physical tests. The top two here become the star prize winners.
The initial round of the competition closes on 18th July.
"This is a very exciting day for Gran Turismo," said Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi. "The Gran Turismo story started 10 years ago with the ambition to make a racing game that gives players the ultimate driving simulation experience.
"The GT Academy is the ultimate realisation of this ambition, taking the Gran Turismo experience to the next level," he added.
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June 4th, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
An as-yet unnamed third-party developer is working alongside factions of 2K on the much-anticipated PS3 conversion of BioShock, reveals Sony.
Heading the project is 2K Marin, along with 2K Boston and 2K Australia. Alyssa Finley, executive producer at 2K Marin said: "Because this is the first PS3 title from 2K Marin, 2K Australia and 2K Boston, we've also got another development partner with some outstanding PS3-specific coding chops helping out with the project."
Which developer that is, however, will be revealed in the future, she added.
Finley's also opted out of revealing what the "new features" promised in the official announcement will be, only teasing that members of the 2K Boston are "hard at work on some of the as-yet-unannounced components of the PS3 version.
"In the future, we'll go into more depth about what's different and what's new in the upcoming release," said Finley on the official PlayStation Blog.
Finley told PSM3 magazine (issue 102 on shelves tomorrow): "Sony have been tremendously supportive, but we don't have anything we can talk about yet. Anything new that we do is going through the same collaborative process that we used to make the original BioShock."
2 PS3 screenshots
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June 4th, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Insomniac Games' Ted Price has revealed that Resistance 1 and 2 will both support PlayStation Home and the PS3's upcoming Trophy system.
"That's the plan," said Price, in answer to a question from QuackPot as part of our latest live interview.
PlayStation Home will allow users to set up and launch multiplayer games from within its confines, and it sounds like that will apply to both the Resistance titles, the second of which is due out in November.
The news that R2 will also support Trophies is likely to fuel discussion among PS3 devotees. Sony has so far dodged talk about Trophies, despite it being an open secret that the platform holder craves an alternative to Microsoft's popular Gamerpoints system.
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June 4th, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony is expected to announce a partnership deal with IGA Worldwide to open the PlayStation 3 up to dynamic in-game advertising.
IGA Worldwide is rumoured to become the first firm to sign an agreement to deliver adverts in games, soon to be followed by competitor Double Fusion, according to Forbes.
"There is no comment from us officially at this stage, obviously we would like to be on the PlayStation platform, it represents a great audience and one that is very valuable in advertising," a spokesperson for IGA Worldwide told GamesIndustry.biz.
Sony previously announced the creation of an in-game advertising department, hiring Darlene Kindler - formerly of AdScape - to oversee its in-game advertising efforts with an emphasis on Home.
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June 4th, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Insomniac's Ted Price has said that Resistance 2's campaign "should be as long or longer than [Resistance: Fall of Man's]".
Price was talking to Eurogamer reader Darren in our latest live interview, adding that, "We haven't timed it out yet but it's shaping up to be huge."
Darren had been fishing for a different answer though, having asked whether - after "the shortness of Haze and Call of Duty 4", we would see a more expansive campaign. "By the way," Price added, "I though COD4 absolutely rocked.
"I liked the fact that its campaign wasn't 10-15 hours. It made for a more intense experience."
Resistance 2 is due out in November.
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June 4th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has confirmed that two PS3 games, The Getaway and 8 Days, have been canned.
"It has been agreed that production of both 8 Days and The Getaway will cease immediately due to the redistribution of resources and budget," said Sony in an official statement.
"This decision was made following an internal review of all games and it was deemed that with the incredibly strong list of exclusive first party titles coming up both this year and in the near future, resource should be reallocated to enhance those projects closer to completion."
We can't say we're surprised - very little was known about either games, which were both in development at the Sony London Studio. Some screens released in May 2005 were the last we saw of The Getaway on PS3, and apart from the unveiling at E3 2006, 8 Days was reported to have been shown behind closed doors at GDC earlier this year.
"WWS has a reputation for innovative and entertaining games, with titles such as LittleBigPlanet, SingStar,Buzz, EyeToy and Eye of Judgement, and will continue to push the boundaries on all PlayStation platforms," concludes Sony.
A Sony UK representative assured CVG that both titles had been "completely cancelled", and so will not be rescued from the bin at a later date.
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June 4th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Insomniac Games, currently based in Burbank, California, is planning to open a new studio in North Carolina.
CEO and founder Ted Price told GameDaily that the company will be searching for office space over the coming months and expects to open the new studio by January 2009.
The North Carolina studio will be led by Insomniac art director Chad Dezern. Gameplay lead Shaun McCabe will act as production director.
The company plans to hire 25 to 30 new employees for the new studio - Insomniac's first expansion in 14 years.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for us to start a new group with the same philosophy that we've built up over the last 14 years at Insomniac, which is to have a team focused on top craftsmanship and attention to detail," said Price.
"It gives us a great opportunity to bring on folks who may not have the ability to make it to the West Coast or who prefer the East Coast to the West Coast."
Price did not offer any specific details about the titles that the new studio would be working on.
"One of the reasons we're close-lipped is because we don't want to mislead anybody," noted Price. "We don't try to make big promises or big statements without being able to back them up and we want to be absolutely sure our team is up, operational and going before we announce what project we're working on."
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June 4th, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Insomniac Games' President and CEO Ted Price has said that Resistance 2 is targeting "720p, 30fps" as its resolution and frame-rate.
Price was answering a question from Eurogamer reader ps3owner in our live interview earlier, but he was unable to help senso-ji with his query about whether R2 would need a mandatory install.
"Too early to answer that one," he said. "We're still finishing up the content for the game. That's a question we'll be able to answer as we get closer to launch."
polymorph then followed up by asking for Price's views on installs. "Installs in some form or another are pretty standard for PS3 games these days," he said.
"And I think for consumers it's a good thing because it generally decreases load times. Or at least it should. Personally, I'd rather have a several-minute install the first time I play a game and then enjoy the benefits of faster loads every time I play the game after that."
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June 4th, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
This is still unconfirmed as we haven't yet seen review scans, but word has it that Japanese magazine Famitsu is giving upcoming PS3 title Metal Gear Solid 4 a perfect 40/40. Famitsu has only done this seven times. Those other "perfect" 40/40 titles are The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Soulcalibur, Vagrant Story, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Nintendogs, Final Fantasy XII and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This makes MGS4 the first PLAYSTATION 3 title to get the coveted 40/40 score.
Eds Note: This has been confirmed as true. Hit the jump for a scan.

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June 4th, 2008, 23:12 Posted By: MK2k
This is a port of the game Gannatsu Portable, created by Alpha Secret Base to the PSP.
In the platform game Gannatsu Portable you have to collect items floating around the whole level. But you don't only jump around, because you also can use a grappling hook to reach your goals or jump higher.

Screen 1: Main Menu

Screen 2: Walk and jump to get all items in the levels

Screen 3: Use the grappling hook to reach even more higher or problematic places
via mk2k.net
get the original Windows/Linux/MacOS/GP2X release via the Alpha Secret Base website
Read the readme.txt for installation notes and button configuration.
I just did the porting to the PSP, any credits for the game and artwork should go to Alpha Secret Base, nice work dudes!
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June 5th, 2008, 09:51 Posted By: MDave
For those new to Kurok, please check the official site at www.bladebattles.com/kurok for more information and screenhots.
Here is the Kurok PSP Demo v0.3
Here is the Readme for v0.3
Here is the Changes for v0.3
I've really got to update the gallery though, those screenshots are pre v0.1! Anyone willing to take some new ones for me? Or a Youtube video even? I'll link the video on the site .
Also, I'm willing to replace the Canyon Arena (kdm1) multiplayer map with a better one. Anyone want to take up the opportunity to have your map included in Kurok? 
Sorry for the huge change list!
v0.3 Changes:
- Added: Single player map 'Underground Base' (e1m5) has been remade, and 'Experiment Rex' (e1m6) map has been expanded upon.
- Added: New grenade models for grenade launcher and soldier enemies.
- Added: Bloodsplat effect when attacking players/enemies with the Tekbow.
- Added: Cvar 'scr_loadscreen' to show or hide the loading screen image.
- Added: New 'Autocenter Button Look' option in controls sub menu, toggle if the view auto centers when moving or not.
- Added: Client side auto aim, if turned on will use the Server side auto aim value (located in the create game menu).
- Added: Impact sounds and weapon change sounds for some weapons.
- Change: Removed the need to write or read .ms2 mesh lists, significantly improving initial loading time.
- Change: Dynamic Lighting on by default due to optimising models. Only slight performance drop now.
- Change: New zoom code, with different levels of zoom for different weapons.
- Change: Improved Soldiers AI, including throwing grenades only if the player is at a distance from them.
- Change: Client side auto-Aim is turned off when Zooming in, and turned back on when zoomed out, allowing for headshots.
- Change: Rocket Launcher Secondary mode now switches to a third person missile camera view, pressing jump detonates the missile.
- Change: The Tekbow is no longer spammable, there is a refined animation time charging and reloading the next arrow.
- Change: Base Arena (kdm2) map has improved balanced weapon loadout & spawn points.
- Change: Increased the semi-automatic firing rate of the Desert Eagle.
- Change: Increased delay of Tek Arrows exploding if stuck in walls, floors etc to 2 seconds.
- Change: Increased fuse delay of Grenade Launcher grenades to 3 seconds.
- Change: Decreased the time it takes to switch weapons, and made it less dependent on frame rate speed time.
- Change: Grenades/Rockets/Remote Mines can blow up nearby grenades, rockets and mines.
- Change: Reduced Knife, Normal Arrows & Shotgun damage, Tek Arrows damage increased.
- Change: Soldiers pistol shots do less damage on difficulties below Insane.
- Change: Soldiers now use the same model as the player model, saving wasted memory.
- Change: Texture resolutions have been halfed for some weapons, the player, soldier and raptor models.
- Change: Extra skin texture for the tekbow, easier to tell the difference.
- Change: Rebalanced the health of Raptors and Soldiers to reflect the set difficulty level.
- Change: Raptors jump higher and further, and melee speed increased.
- Change: Overhead knife slash does not gib enemies and players anymore if they have low health, death animation played instead.
- Change: Increased Remote mines throw distance slightly.
- Change: Removed Quake style particle impact effect for bullets and arrows.
- Change: Normal arrows bounce off walls, floors and ceilings if their velocity is too low to stick into them.
- Change: Renamed 'Analog Look' in the controls menu to 'Analog Mode', with the 2 options renamed to 'Look' or 'Move'.
- Change: Renamed 'Customize controls' to a more suitable name 'Customize buttons' in the options menu.
- Change: Reduced the number of scrollable help pages to 2 in the help menu until I make more pages.
- Change: Removed 'Dithering' in the Misc. options, not needed when the engine runs in 32bit Color mode.
- Change: Moved 'Brighter Models' from the 'Misc. options' to the 'Video options'.
- Fixed: Pretty much all of the Remote Mine bugs squashed.
- Fixed: Tekbow crash finally fixed, there was still something in the code glitching it up.
- Fixed: Bot bugs fixed and AI is significantly improved, will now switch weapons, switch secondary modes and strafe/fire depending on skill setting.
- Fixed: Zooming in and out no longer resets the sensitivty to the default value.
- Fixed: Soldiers don't accidently kill each other now if they are in the way of each other.
- Fixed: Removed bullet case ejection in multiplayer, was easily causing overflow errors when too much action was going on.
- Fixed: While switching weapons or seconadry modes while dying, the view model weapon dosn't display after spawning in multiplayer/co-op.
- Fixed: Death animations would sometimes use incorrect frames.
- Fixed: Remote Mines and Arrows no longer stick to sides of doors/glass/platforms and float in mid air when the doors open/close.
- Fixed: Co-Op Player Camera change actually works now in the multiplayer menu.
- Fixed: Remote mines icon now show mine icon instead of the old energy cells ammo icon.
- Fixed: Corrected code for loading vanilla quake mods. You must now have the full version of quake to use quake mods other then Kurok!
Please provide feedback on any bugs and suggestions Thanks.
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June 5th, 2008, 15:17 Posted By: CoderX
CoderX has released an update to ServeNGoV3 but takes no credit in the creation of the game, just the update and patching that makes the game 3.xx (Pfat / Slim) compatible. All credit for the game goes to Team Sousa. Also thanks out to Noobs because parts of eloader where used.
You basically work at Fast Food Restaurant, and have to retrieve all the food the customer asks for, in a certain amount of time. For each food item you bring, you get 5 points, for each sale you get an additional 50 points. Time will also decrease gradually when you make a sale.
Game must be placed in the PSP/GAME/ Folder or else it wont run!

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June 5th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Today, Activision announced that it has signed a distribution deal with System 3 to bring Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli to the US market. Scheduled for a release sometime in the late summer of this year, Ferrari Challenge will be hitting the PS3, PS2, Wii and Nintendo DS and intends to deliver a sleek, fast-paced racing experience in true Ferrari style.
Ferrari Challenge, despite its accessibility, is considered a simulation racer with over 15 international circuits to enjoy. Multiple gameplay modes are also included, like Ferrari Challenge Seasons, Quick Race, Time Trial and Endurance modes. Besides a finely-tuned single-player experience, Ferrari Challenge will also boast online multiplayer for up to sixteen players at a time.
"Without a doubt, this is the defining Ferrari experience for videogames," said Mark Cale, CEO at System 3. "It has been a collaboration with professionals on every level and we've truly captured the power, beauty, and excitement that is the Ferrari Challenge Series." Dave Oxford of Activision Publishing also comments: "For the last sixty years, Ferrari has been synonymous with precision, performance and elegant design, so expectations for the game will be high from auto enthusiasts and racing game fans alike. Everyone involved in Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli has been dedicated to ensuring this product over-delivers on the experience of this legendary brand."
The press release concludes by noting that downloadable cars, tracks and other customizable options will be provided on a monthly basis for Ferrari enthusiasts.
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June 5th, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Brash Entertainment, in partnership with Six Flags Inc., (NYSE: SIX), announced today the development of Six Flags Fun Park, a videogame releasing in North America that brings the thrills and chills of a Six Flags theme park to the family living room. Featuring uniquely themed areas and mini-games representative of a visit to Six Flags park, this new videogame ensures that summer fun continues all year round.
Calling gamers of all ages - Six Flags Fun Park, welcomes the whole family into a virtual theme park filled with everyone's favorite games, all re-imagined within a colossal park environment that is sure to keep gamers challenged. Upon entrance to the game, players are tasked with quests that encourage them to explore the park's zany universe. After creating a unique custom character, Six Flags Fun Park patrons can test their skills, win prizes, and play against friends and family with 40 mini-games.
"Everyone has memories of visiting theme parks with their families, and having a great time with games like the Ring Toss and Bumper Cars," said Mitch Davis, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Brash Entertainment. "With Six Flags Fun Park, we are re-imagining these time-honored tests of luck and skill, and launching the first virtual park in the Six Flags family, while taking advantage of today's most popular gaming systems."
"Six Flags is synonymous with great family fun, and Brash Entertainment is committed to bringing fantastic family entertainment to the gaming world" said David McKillips, Vice President of Corporate Alliances for Six Flags. "Six Flags Fun Park is the next best thing to actually being inside the park. Now families can keep their favorite theme park gaming skills fresh year round."
The creation of Six Flags Fun Park demonstrates the way that Brash Entertainment continues to redefine licensed games for the gaming and entertainment industry. Explained Davis, "Brash has already announced partnerships with leading film companies such as Lionsgate Films, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal Studios, Vanguard Animation, and Warner Bros. Six Flags is the world's largest regional theme park company; by teaming up with them, we continue to prove our strength in collaborating with the top brands in entertainment and bring the gaming experience to new fans."
Six Flags Fun Park will be available for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, and the Wii and Nintendo DS videogame systems from Nintendo. This game has not yet been rated, and will be available at North American retailers this fall 2008.
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June 6th, 2008, 07:10 Posted By: Sterist
via Torch
Yet another revision, supporting both Phat and Slims!
that's what appears to be the changelog after reading the release thread. if i'm wrong, please correct me 
mad props to Torch over at QJ
Download via comments
use great caution when installing. refer to readme
if you do not trust your memory, i would recommend installing
UPMS with utilities (google it) for flash0 usb access without granting XMB access
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June 6th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA has halted work on its first PS3 real-time strategy game, Red Alert 3.
The build queue has most definitely been paused, the publisher told Eurogamer, but why, or if and when it will start up again is still under wraps.
Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 and PC versions are unaffected by the decision, and will benefit from the refocused development resources.
The master plan is still to release the third Red Alert instalment on those platforms this autumn.
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June 6th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has lined up an admirable selection of items for its European PlayStation Store update this Thursday.
Unfortunately none of it looks like the US-offered treats Commando 3 and Novastrike, so you will change regions if you fancy those at USD 10 a pop.
You can get a Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit or Battlefield: Bad Company demo, though, with the former being the first time the series has hit fresh console hardware.
Or you can bolster your Guitar Hero III songs with a Motorhead pack, or make your menus look pretty with a God of War theme. Both are free.
PS3 and PSP crowds can also get their mitts on PSone classic Rainbow Six for GBP 3.49. Not to be confused with a rainbow kiss.
Or, if you fancy it, you can snatch Killzone: Liberation (PSP) for a meaty GBP 14.99.
If that all sounds like hard work, then you can sit back and watch the fresh Resident Evil 5 trailer you've probably seen on EGTV, or a Top Spin 3 debut clip.
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June 6th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Bourne Conspiracy isn't out for a few weeks yet in Europe. That should give PS3 owners time to do some house cleaning on their hard drives, as the game requires 5GB free space to install - and naturally the internet's going barmy.
Previous titles to require free hard drive space include Grand Theft Auto and Devil May Cry. Metal Gear Solid 4 will soon be added to the list. Now, according to Loot Ninja, Jason Bourne is going to join the club.
Considering that Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Solid 4 need around 5 GB of space too, all of those 40 GB PS3's are going to run out of space real fast if you don't keep on top of your HDD management.
Consider yourself warned - get the feather duster out.
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June 6th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
WHAT: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is one of the most anticipated PlayStation 3 games to date. Hosted by Konami, Best Buy in West Hollywood along with Virgin Megastore In Times Square, NY are opening their doors just prior to midnight on June 11 to allow fans the first opportunity to get their hands on Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Additionally, a special event at the PlayStation Store in the Metreon in San Francisco two days later on June 14 will take place from 4-6 pm. At all three events, fans will have the opportunity to meet the extraordinary talent behind this instant classic, including Series creator Mr. Hideo Kojima or the voice of main character Solid Snake, David Hayter, along with Producer Kenichiro Imaizumi and Associate Producer Ryan Payton, as well as Ms. Yumi Kikuchi, one of the real-life models used as the template for the game's fearsome enemies known as the "Beauties."
The fourth installment of one of the most popular video game franchises of all time, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots features a cinematic experience and visual masterpiece that will break new ground for the stealth-action genre. The Metal Gear Solid series has been around for more than a decade, sold millions of units, and has garnered critical acclaim worldwide. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, a PlayStation 3 exclusive, pushes the graphics and gameplay of the franchise to new heights.
Fans will be able to purchase a standard edition version of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ($59.99 SRP) at the events, as well as a PlayStation 3 Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle, which includes a 80GB PlayStation 3, DualShock 3 Controller and a copy of MGS4 ($499.99 SRP).
Details on the autograph events in your market include:
Best Buy
1015 N La Brea Ave
West Hollywood, CA 90038
(323) 883-0219
Wednesday, June 11
11:45 pm - 1:00am
David Hayter (Voice of Solid Snake)
Producer Kenichiro Imaizumi
Associate Producer Ryan Payton
Virgin Megastore
1540 Broadway
Bet. 45th & 46th Street
(212) 921-1020
Wednesday, June 11
11:45 pm - 1:30am
Mr. Hideo Kojima (Autographs)
Model Yumi Kikuchi
PlayStation Store at Metreon
101 Fourth Street
(415) 369-6000
Saturday, June 14
4 pm-6 pm
Mr. Hideo Kojima (Autograph)
Producer Kenichiro Imaizumi
Associate Producer Ryan Payton
Model Yumi Kikuchi
*Please note, talent varies by market and autographs will be limited during the event period
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June 6th, 2008, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The latest issue of Famitsu (strategically thumbed by 1UP) reports that Sony's safari simulator Afrika is due out on 28th August in Japan.
Afrika puts players in the role of a photojournalist travelling around Africa snapping wildlife, and will allow you to view the action from a variety of camera perspectives. Famitsu apparently confirms rumours that you can travel around in a jeep.
Sadly though it won't be putting you in the role of a photojournalist any time soon because Sony recently told us that it will not be publishing the Rhino Studios-developed game in Europe.
That doesn't mean somebody else won't pick it up though, and of course PS3 games are multi-region, so you can always poach it on import.
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June 6th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian, who recently hosted investors on a visit to videogame companies in the San Francisco area, warns against counting Sony out over the long haul.
"Despite ongoing modest sales trends for PS3 hardware in North America, we believe the platform may benefit from an improving software lineup - MGS 4, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2 - and the late 2008 rollout of more robust online services," he wrote in a note to investors.
Sebastian also thinks that the PS3 could benefit from the Blu-ray format victory, a prolonged console cycle and the potential migration of the large PS2 installed base. He does not think a PS3 price cut is likely this year, however, as Sony focuses on achieving segment profitability.
The analyst continues to expect solid 17 - 18 per cent growth in videogame software sales in 2008, believing that publishers will benefit from an expanding consumer base and the increasing popularity of social and community games.
"Retailer interest continues to build for videogame products," Sebastian wrote.
"As a result of positive industry trends, software publishers are noting increasing interest from a cross-section of retailers, a number of which are allocating more shelf space to the videogame category.
"Additionally, while online distribution is still a limited market at this point, we expect software publishers will shift an increasing portion of content to online distribution channels over the next 3-5 years."
Finally, Sebastian noted that handheld game platforms have become an increasingly important part of the industry's growth. He expects further innovation in the handheld market, with the Apple iPhone and Google Android expanding the market for media-enabled smart phones.
He also thinks that Nintendo and Sony will "refresh" their respective handheld platforms - although he did not specifically indicate if this meant adding additional features or releasing entirely new SKUs.
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June 6th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ubisoft has called for immediate action from Sony in order to stop publishers abandoning the PSP.
Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz, UK big cheese Rob Cooper said the handheld lacks direction, as Sony is confused about how to sell a machine he feels is over-priced and too technical for most of us.
"I think that Sony is disappointed with sales and it's unsure as to which way to take it," Cooper told GamesIndustry.biz in an interview published today.
"Sony needs to show us a bit more about what its plans are to convince the publisher to invest lots more money into it. Especially when you've got the DS selling at such a tremendous pace.
"I suppose it's almost too technical for the casual person, those that are buying the DS at the moment want a few buttons and not a lot more. It's so simple what [Nintendo] has done. That's where I think Sony has gone a little bit too complicated, they've over-specced it, the price is too high and they need to go back to the drawing board and start again," he added.
Cooper doesn't think it's an issue with software pricing, rather Sony hasn't communicated to publishers clearly what direction the machine is going to take in the future.
"I don't think it's a pricing issue," he admitted. "As a publisher I'll always say pricing is not the first point of call. I don't think dropping the price of games is going to sell more product or hardware.
"It's direction, a real strategic decision by Sony as to what it wants to do with that product. It's a great shame that sales are at the level they are, because you've got a hardware system that is absolutely beautiful."
Ubisoft has no games planned for the PSP this year, but Cooper insists the format still has potential, so long as Sony can properly identify its audience and move the system out of "no man's land".
"There are ongoing discussions with Sony about what its decisions and strategies are, how they are going to go forward.
"Certainly, we still see it as a viable format. But we're not developing too many games on it until we get some direction. They've got to decide what they want to do with it, and come out clearly and say, 'this is our strategy, this is our process and this is how publishers can get behind it'."
"At the moment they are in no man's land, they're not sure quite how to tackle the DS competition and who is the PSP consumer. They've got to sort that out first," he said.
Coopers comments come just a month after Sony Europe boss David Reeves admitted that the PSP was suffering from a lack of games.
However, despite support dwindling in Europe and the US, sales of the PSP in Japan continue to rocket. The continued introduction of fresh colours as well as beastly sales of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G mean the handheld regularly outsells both Wii and DS there.
Pop over to GamesIndustry.biz for the full interview with Ubisoft UK boss Rob Cooper, where he dabbles in all sorts including the problems with Wii owners and why this Christmas is going to be "vicious".
Full interview here
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June 6th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Bethesda Softworks has today revealed the Fallout 3 Survival Edition for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but it's currently just for America.
The set includes a life-size replica of the wrist-mounted Pip-Boy 3000 worn by characters in-game, a Vault-Tech lunch box, a Vault Boy Bobblehead, an Art of Fallout 3 book and a making of DVD. Oh, and the game too.
It all sounds pretty cool. We've seen some of it - the lunch box and Bobblehead sits on the desks of the PC Zone lads within stealing range of CVG.
Unfortunately, the replica Pip-Boy 3000 doesn't detect radiation and reveal how reputable you are with those around you. It instead displays the time.
But if you really want it, you might have to take a trip across the pond or import it (and hope the game's region free).
Fallout 3 is due for a release later in the year.
Fallout 3 pack image here
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June 6th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Namco Bandai has added another Star Wars character to Soul Calibur IV, revealing that Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice from The Force Unleashed will turn up for a ruck.
If you didn't already know, the Secret Apprentice is a character created for this years' Star Wars cross-media event that covers some of the timeline between Episode III and IV. Now, according to GameSpot, he's snuck in to yet other title.
Whilst we're not entirely keen that the Soul Calibur franchise is becoming more and more a just Star Wars fighting game with each passing day, it does mean that there now will be two lightsaber-equipped characters in both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
Although given the usual titillation in the series, we wish they'd just put Leia in there.
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June 7th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the plugin for PCSX2 (a PlayStation 2 emulator for PC).
It hasn't even been 2 weeks yet, and I have managed to get some new stuff together for a new spu2ghz release!
This time the most notable changes are the addition of timestretching and support for winamp DSP plugins.
As a bonus, there's also an option to toggle the speed limiter using the [Numpad -] key (can be changed in the .ini file).
You can download it here. [below]
To use winamp DSP pugins I recommend getting Multiple-DSP Stacker, which will allow you to easily change DSP plugins and configure them. To enable it you will have to edit the .ini file and manually point it to the path of the DSP dll and the module number (normally it's 0, unless it has many choices in a single dll).
Hope you all like it!
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June 7th, 2008, 15:57 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gamasutra
Sony has announced PlayStation-edu, a new initiative that will sell PS2 and PSP development kits to universities for students to learn engineering and programming skills on real-world console and handheld hardware.
The announcement came via Sony's official PlayStation.Blog, where senior developer support manager Mark Danks said the company wanted to ensure "students who are graduating from college are ready to program on PlayStation hardware."
Danks clarified the program was meant for "computer science and engineering students who want to understand how the hardware works in the PlayStation consoles," and not more general game design or art programs.
Paying university partners can get access to both PS2 and PSP development kits, as well as "development software... and the SDK to learn and experiment with."
"Participants will get demo code and samples, as well as documentation about how things work," Danks added, and noted that "students in PlayStation-edu will have access to our support web site where they can talk with other students in the program on our forums."
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June 7th, 2008, 15:57 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gamasutra
Sony has announced PlayStation-edu, a new initiative that will sell PS2 and PSP development kits to universities for students to learn engineering and programming skills on real-world console and handheld hardware.
The announcement came via Sony's official PlayStation.Blog, where senior developer support manager Mark Danks said the company wanted to ensure "students who are graduating from college are ready to program on PlayStation hardware."
Danks clarified the program was meant for "computer science and engineering students who want to understand how the hardware works in the PlayStation consoles," and not more general game design or art programs.
Paying university partners can get access to both PS2 and PSP development kits, as well as "development software... and the SDK to learn and experiment with."
"Participants will get demo code and samples, as well as documentation about how things work," Danks added, and noted that "students in PlayStation-edu will have access to our support web site where they can talk with other students in the program on our forums."
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June 8th, 2008, 18:00 Posted By: Unicorn

Source http://psp.scenebeta.com/.
pipagerardo has just released a new version for his GREAT Homebrew game for our loved PSP. If you like action and tanks, this will your favourite Homebrew game. This is the first Homebrew that takes part in the Scenery Beta 2008.
What about if I tell you that you will be able to play with a friend using PSP AdHoc connection? If you prefer to play alone, you will have to defeat tanks. At first, you only have one opponent, but if you continue playing...you will have to defeat 5 tanks on the field at the same time!!!
Enjoy this marvelous game, PSP Slim compatible and translated into English.
One of the best games that have ever been coded in LUA.
New in version 2.0
- Pause.
- Graphics improvements.
- 3D terrains (if your tank is at the top of a mountain, it will fire very far from your position!).
- The game uses less PSP memory (so its more stable).
- Added credits.
Note: The game is not compatible with previous versions of Cannons and Shields, so if you want to play versus another friend, please, use this v2.0 in both PSPs.
If have tried to attach it into Dcemu forum, but I receive a PHP error :-(.
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June 9th, 2008, 02:16 Posted By: CoderX

With the diminishing growth of the psp scene CoderX has decided to take it upon himself to make on last terra out of the PSP.
CoderX has set the goal and made it his own personal effort to port all remaining 1.5 psp homebrew over to the 3.xx kernel and ensure full (phat/slim) compatibility.
If your would like to suggest an application please leave a suggestion post and the location where he can obtain the original binaries or better yet source. :thumbup:
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June 9th, 2008, 05:43 Posted By: CoderX
Here is another one of CoderX's 3.xx patchs, and this time it is doom.
This is bassed off of pspdoom5+ and once again CoderX only takes credit for the patching, and thanks out to noobs for eloader.
If your like this release give a shout to CoderX and feed his ego in hopes of yet more 3.xx Patches.
Change List:
1.5 / 3.xx binnary
Doom1 Shareware Wad added.

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June 9th, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Singulus has revealed that consumers are adopting Blu-ray faster than they did DVD, with the company having received 21 orders for Blu-ray dual-layer machines in the first quarter.
The information was revealed to shareholders at the technology manufacturer's Annual General Meeting of the Singulus Technologies in Frankfurt and directly contradicted claims by Microsoft's Robbie Bach that consumers were hesitant to upgrade to Blu-ray.
"This means that the orders for Blu-ray in the first year of the dual layer technology already by far exceeded the volume at the start of the DVD eleven years ago with 17 machines," said Stefan A Baustert, CEO of Singulus.
Blu-ray became the standard high definition format after Toshiba's decision to end its HD DVD business earlier this year. The announcement by Toshiba was then followed by Microsoft's decision to end production of the HD DVD player for Xbox 360.
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June 9th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SouthPeak has told Eurogamer that the PS3 version of Monster Madness has been pushed back to September.
MM: Grave Danger was expected as early as April, but has hit numerous zombie-shaped bumps along the road to release.
Monster Madness came out last summer on Xbox 360 to fairly muted applause, with online co-op noticeably absent.
But the top-down shooter is being rethought for the Sony audience and includes the ability to play with your friends online as well as mess around in 25 mini-games.
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June 9th, 2008, 19:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Copies of the much-anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4 have been released into the wild a full week ahead of the June 12 release date.
According to reports, some Wal-Mart stores in the US have handed over copies of Kojima's masterpiece ahead of the street date, with snaps of those turning up on the net as the purchases gloat.
Luckily for Sony, piracy won't be a problem, thanks in part to the use of Blu-Ray discs, and that's probably why Konami didn't seem to bothered in a speedily-readied statement regarding the leaks.
"Unfortunately, these things happen," it said. "As much as we like see that no one breaks streets dates, no one can monitor every single moment that a title gets packed up for shipment and when its on its way to the stores.
"The store could be at fault as well, for letting someone get a copy before the street date," said Konami (via PSU). Well yes, unless the people who bought them used Jedi mind tricks.
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June 9th, 2008, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

While the game doesn't go on sale until June 12th, Reader Snake-87 tips us that as of 10:00AM today his local shop had 500 copies of MGS4. Each copy is priced at 20KD (US$75) — and hey, that's pretty damn close to Japan prices! Certainly, this isn't the only store breaking the street date — just the only store we've heard of in Kuwait doing it! Hit the jump to see how well MGS4 goes with Kuwaiti license plates.
A bit more info here
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June 9th, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Criterion has wheeled out a 10th July date for its upcoming "Cagney" patch for Burnout Paradise.
Inside it are three fresh modes: Road Rage, where four of you race through checkpoints while four others try to stop you; Stunt Run, where you do tricks at the same time to rack up points; and Marked Man, where you all gang up on one person to take them down before they can complete the course.
On top of this are 70 more Freeburn challenges to get stuck into, a Hunter Olympus and secret Criterion car, fresh liveries, custom soundtrack support on PS3, and a host of bug-fixes asked for by you lot.
Head over to the official Criterion site for a full list of those.
"Cagney" is the second meaty update for Burnout Paradise, and will be followed by "Davis" and its motorbikes in August, then "Eastwood" and its island this autumn.
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June 9th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the GPU plugin for PCSX2 (a PlayStation 2 emulator for PC).
Many core functions were rewritten since the last release, and the sw renderer is multiple times faster. I did not compare the speed of the d3d renderer, maybe that also gained a few fps. Game specific fixes are tedious to make, I don´t really have time to check all uploaded .gs, but I will eventually.
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June 10th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: MK2k

After winning the great PSP-Hacks Homebrew Idol 2008 Competition, I'm glad to announce the fresh Idol Edition of Stakker PSP. As announced earlier, the Online Highscore table has been resetted, I wish all of you out there good luck for the top rank in it 
Back to the release itself:
Stakker PSP is a fun game of building up and destroying towers made out of falling blocks. Build up your tower on the platform and don't let any piece fall off. If you reach high enough, destroy it with a projectile coming from the left and get points for each piece falling off the platform and bouncing against the screen borders.
Idol Edition Info
Everyone who downloaded the previous version should download the updated (link below)! New features and fixes are:
1. MP3 playback also from ms0:/PSP/MUSIC
2. Crash regarding the loading and listing of mp3 files (hopefully) fixed
3. In-Game platform is a bit higher now, loosing a level because of dropping a block too fast is less likely now (but still can happen)
4. Anti-Cheat implementation (play the game, don't take it apart :-P)
Youtube Link:
Idol Edition via mk2k.net: http://www.mk2k.net/releases/psp/gam...ition-mk2k.zip
Read the readme.txt for installation notes and read the ingame instructions for button configuration. The game comes with 4 EBOOTs which consider different situations to help the one or other out running Stakker PSP, details in the readme.txt.
A more detailed summary can be found at mk2k.net: http://mk2k.net/serendipity/index.ph...l-Edition.html
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June 10th, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Ready at Dawn, the US developer behind two of the biggest releases on Sony's handheld, has confirmed it will no longer be making games for the PSP.
The studio was responsible for God of War: Chains of Olympus, a title that was honoured with the release of a limited edition PSP in the US. The game is also the highest-rated PSP title according to Metacritic, with an average score of 91 per cent.
Daxter, the studio's first PSP title released in 2006, had sold over two million copies by February this year, helped by being bundled with the ceramic white PSP in Europe and the silver SKU in the US, and later re-released as part of the Greatest Hits range.
"With Chains of Olympus going gold in Japan, we're now officially done with PSP development," said the company.
"Today we sent all out devkits back and seeing all these boxes ready to be picked up definitely marks the end of an era here at Ready at Dawn," the company said in a recent blog post.
Ready at Dawn first mentioned it wouldn't be making any more PSP titles in March.
As a start-up studio, it was a developer keen to sing the praises of Sony's handheld, with president Didier Malenfant criticising other developers for making excuses for inferior games.
"Everything is compromised, and it bugs the hell out of me when you hear a lot of developers saying, 'Well, we can't do this that way because it's a handheld game,' or 'We can't do this because it doesn't have a second analog stick,'" he told GamesIndustry.biz in March, 2006.
But the future of Sony's handheld console looks shaky. In a recent interview, Rob Cooper of Ubisoft said that Sony currently lacks direction with its PSP strategy, although he was also keen to point out that the handheld is still a viable format, with the publisher stating it has 10 PSP titles scheduled for release this fiscal year.
Sony Europe's president David Reeves also recently admitted that the format lacks new titles in Europe and the US, where the company is introducing new applications such as the Go! Explore sat-nav application.
However, sales in Japan continue to outperform its rivals in the region. Last week alone the console sold 71,896 units, helped by new PSP releases from Konami and Marvelous Entertainment.
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June 10th, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Ubisoft has told GamesIndustry.biz that it still considers the PlayStation Portable as an important platform in the current videogames market.
"By way of further clarifying some recent statements made in the press, Ubisoft wants to reaffirm that it strongly supports the PSP, which holds a unique place in the market, addressing dedicated gamers and offering unprecedented power in a portable console," a spokesperson explained.
The statement comes after a GamesIndustry.biz interview last week with UK managing director Rob Cooper, in which he called for more direction from Sony with regard to its plans for the handheld.
However, while Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's own boss David Reeves recently admitted to GamesIndustry.biz that the platform did need more games, Ubisoft is keen to stress that it is looking to answer that call.
"We support the PSP with innovative game experiences and plan to publish around 12 PSP games this fiscal year, including titles for some of our top-selling brands."
Although sales of the PSP have fallen away in Europe, the platform continues to perform strongly in Japan, with lifetime sales of 9.5 million units and 2008 sales of almost 2 million, according to Media Create.
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June 10th, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Cell chip that forms the brains for your slick black PS3 has been used to power the fastest supercomputer in the world.
IBM's roadrunner supercomputer has shot into the record books after having become the first computer to process one quadrillion calculations per second. That's like one of those numbers you make up after a billion and, in more technical terms, is a f**king lot.
It managed that with 12, 960 Cell processors combined with 6,948 dual core AMD Opteron chips. We'd love to get Crysis running on that bad boy.
The previous record holder, the Blue Gene computer, had many more processors - 212,992 to be exact - but only managed half the processing speed (around 478.2 teraflops, if you know what they are). You can go here if you want to geek out on more specifics.
What does that mean for games? Nothing. But you can rest in the knowledge tonight that your PS3 has a good brain in its box.
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June 10th, 2008, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Poor, put upon Europe. You either had to pay exorbitant prices to import a Japanese or North American version of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII or simply wait patiently for the game's release on your continent on the 20th of this month. Well SCEE feels your pain, and they hope to ease it somewhat by offering a limited edition PSP Crisis Core game bundle, complete with the game and the silver engraved PSP the Japanese got when the game first launched there.
Of course those of you in the UK who already have a PSP they don't wish to replace with shiny silver goodness still get to benefit from the exclusive special edition, so while it might take a bit longer for you to get the games, Square Enix and SCEE definitely love you guys the best of all.
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June 11th, 2008, 00:46 Posted By: flaminfox
Weltall returns with a brand new CWCHEAT revision. REV “C” primarily focuses on cleaning up the situation created with REV “B” and fixing other various problems. It’s all detailed in the changelog below.
And for those who continue asking the question, “is there a Game Shark equivalent to cheat PSP games?” Yes, you’re looking at it. Cheat each and every PSP title, as well as PSOne game under POPS emulation, using Weltall’s CWCHEAT. Read the documentation to get started.
* [ALL] Fixed a timing bug which could lead to the dump function not working after enabling the usb mass device. this is because the memory stick device wasn’t mounted when the dump was taking place: making the function fail.
* [ALL] Removed some optimizations which made some regressions (rev b’)
* [ALL] Changed slightly the behaviour of pointers codes. now the q part is effectively useful by itself (this change is be needed for upcoming cheats)
* [ALL] Now if connected to a hotspot like connection (so a connection requiring the browser to login in the network), the db downloader will automatically open the browser to let you login upon connection. Making so possible to download the database through this type of hotspot (available only on 3.x build)
source : http://cwcheat.consoleworld.org/
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June 11th, 2008, 01:40 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
NASCAR 09, the latest version of EA Sports' racing simulation, has shipped today and will be available in retail stores starting tomorrow.
The twelfth iteration of EA's NASCAR series, NASCAR 09 features Jeff Gordon on the cover and in an advisory role throughout the game, guiding players to and through the game's major features. It marks Gordon's first time on the cover since NASCAR 06, where he ironically was on the cover with teammate Jimmie Johnson. It's the job Gordon did mentoring Johnson that led him to be the driver in this year's game that teaches you the ropes.
NASCAR 09 offers new features like the Paint Booth customization tool, a supplementary driving model designed to usher inexperienced players into the game, and more adaptable gameplay. It retails for $59.99 on next-gen systems and $39.99 for the PS2.

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June 11th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Humongous Inc., announced today that Backyard Baseball 2009 for the Wii, PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC is now available at retail outlets nationwide. (A Nintendo DS version hit store shelves in March.) The seventh iteration of the best selling youth baseball video game, Backyard Baseball 2009 introduces a full line up of new features including a current player from every MLB team.
The only kids' video game series to hold the Major League Baseball (MLB) and Major League Baseball Player's Association (MLBPA) licenses, Backyard Baseball 2009 combines real baseball strategies with wild power ups and arcade action to entertain and excite baseball's next generation of fans.
"Backyard Baseball 2009 marks our tenth year partnering with this exceptional franchise," says Colin Hagen, VP Hard Goods Licensing for Major League Baseball. "It is a fun yet authentic baseball experience for kids and families who may not be ready for the complexity of the more sophisticated sports games."
Known for featuring pro athletes as animated kids, Backyard Baseball 2009 has expanded its roster to include at least one ballplayer from each of the 30 Major League™ ball clubs, including Ichiro, Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols, Ken Griffey Jr., and cover athlete David "Big Papi" Ortiz. Other new features include Tournament, MLB All Star, and auto-play play modes along with enhanced player options.
Backyard Baseball 2009 includes all current MLB teams and uniforms along with a variety of Backyard Sports players and teams. The game offers single pick-up games or season play (with all the stats), a Home Run Derby mini-game, and varying levels of difficulty to make it appropriate for kids of different ages and skill levels. In addition, the game's kid-friendly, non-violent format makes it especially popular with parents.
Backyard Baseball 2009 is Rated "E" (everyone) by the ESRB and available for an MSRP of $29.99 for the Nintendo DS, $39.99 for Wii, $29.99 for and PlayStation 2 system and $19.99 for Windows PC.
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June 11th, 2008, 04:37 Posted By: JKKDARK
New beta build of the PlayStation 2 emulator for PC.
Improved handling of VU flags, fixes SPS on Dark Cloud/Chronicle, God of War and stops the falling through the floor problem on Metal Gear Solid 3.
FPU Fixes for ordering errors (text on Tales of Legandia)
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June 11th, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the sound plugin for PCSX2 (a PlayStation 2 emulator for PC).
GAH people! I forgot to disable the stretcher debugging prints in the build. I will release 1.9r2 without that print and MAYBE another fix, soon.
I uploaded beta 1.9 r2, which includes a EXPERIMENTAL mixer (yes a new one). It might be too loud for some games, but should generally give more approximate volumes, if I´m right.
Can you people try with games which used to be louder/quieter, and make none of them is extremely quiet, or extremely loud (overflowing)? I´d ike if you could help test this.
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June 11th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
KOEI, recognized worldwide as the premier brand of strategy and action games, today announced that Fatal Inertia EX has reached gold status and will be available on June 19, 2008 exclusively on PlayStation Network, and only for PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. A free demo of Fatal Inertia EX which includes an online multiplayer mode will also be available on the same day.
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June 11th, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Insomniac Games has said that while Resistance 2 will have Trophy and PlayStation Home support, the features won't be added retrospectively for Resistance: Fall of Man.
Last week, during our live interview with Insomniac, CEO Ted Price was asked whether Trophy and Home support would be available for both Resistance games.
"We didn't notice the R1 in there, and while we are planning on the support for R2, we have no plans to update Resistance FOM [in this manner]," Insomniac told Eurogamer today.
Resistance 2 follows the continuing heroics of Nathan Hale in the face of the growing Chimeran threat, and features two campaigns - a regular single-player game of comparable length to the original first-person shooter release, and a separate eight-player co-operative mode. There will also be online multiplayer with support for up to 60 players.
The full game's due out in Europe this November.
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June 11th, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
High Impact says it's "proud" of the visual splendour that it has achieved on PSP.
There's not a great deal of action in the shots (found below), because they're more aimed at comparing how the in-game worlds measure up to the concept art (also below).
"The whole team is proud of what we've been able to push the PSP to in Secret Agent Clank and look forward to seeing what the fans think of all the cool, exciting new worlds that we've come up with," said High Impact Games environment artist, Jeff Parrott.
Secret Agent Clank is expected to release later this month.
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June 12th, 2008, 16:03 Posted By: MK2k

After the great Kaiten Patissier game, team Alpha Secret Base released Ura Kaiten Patissier 3 days ago. The gameplay stays the same as in Kaiten Patissier while Ura Kaiten Patissier introduces new elements and of course 50 new brain cracking levels for you to enjoy. Have fun with the PSP port of it.
Youtube Link:
Some more Screenshots

Screen 1: Main Menu

Screen 2: Walk and jump around to get the items floating around
via mk2k.net (including source)
Read the readme.txt for installation notes and button configuration.
Visit www.mk2k.net
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June 12th, 2008, 18:27 Posted By: JKKDARK
via The Industry Standard
DFC Intelligence is reporting that the gaming industry had a spectacular 2007 performance, with the Playstation 2 still commanding the largest install base in homes worldwide. Of next generation consoles, the Wii has taken the lead, but overall, next-gen systems are being adopted slower than previously expected. The Playstation 3 is in last place, with Xbox 360 ahead of it, but not by much.
DFC points to another factor that is impacting sales, albeit in an unexpected way. The firm says that despite rising gas prices and a slowing economy, the industry has actually benefitted as more gamers stay home and play more. Video games provide a high rate of entertainment return on the dollar, making them a deal in a slowing economy.
DFC also projects that current-generation systems will not reach the install base of last-gen systems until 2013.
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June 12th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
With a demo for Quake Wars - which is already out - topping the list of this week's PSN update content, it doesn't give us much to shout about.
We really liked the previous PixelJunk Monsters themes, so we'll probably give these new ones a go, but other than that... well, see for yourself:
- Enemy Territory Quake Wars - FREE
- Monster Madness: Grave Danger - FREE
- Guitar Hero - Isle of Wight Track Pack - £3.99
- Haze Korn Interview #1 - FREE
- Haze Korn Interview #2 - FREE
- PixelJunk Monsters Bee Wallpaper - FREE
- PixelJunk Monsters Rainbow Theme - FREE
PSP content available to download via PS3 Console store
- Ape Quest Full Game - £6.99
PC store
- The Cryptics - £1.49
- Ape Quest Full Game - £6.99
- Ape Quest Starter Pack - FREE
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June 12th, 2008, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Metal Gear Solid 4 has launched pretty much everywhere. Well, everywhere save for Spain. The game hasn't yet launched there because of a transportation strike against the high price of gasoline. Konami Europe isn't able to get the game to stores. Here's the statement from Konami Europe:
Konami Digital Entertainment Spain regrets to info of possible delays, through no fault of the company, may occur in the distribution of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for PLAYSTATION 3 in the coming days.
Although the official launch globally is June 12, 2008, the product will be unavailable this week in Spain due to the transport strike.
In the continuing effort to maintain the best gaming experience for our users, Konami Digital Entertainment deeply regrets that this contingency affect the date of launch of a long-awaited title.
Will be informed shortly of the date on which the product will be available in our country.
Bummer that the launch had to be pushed back due to a transport strike. The price of gas isn't anything to be happy about, either.
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June 12th, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Disgaea 3's due in, oh, a couple of months in the US, but you wouldn't know it from how quiet everyone's been. What, no hype left for Nippon Ichi and Disgaea? No love for Stupid Hard Levels? For switching seats with classmates? Come ooooooonnnn. Maybe this English-language trailer for the game will get you in the mood for throws, and Prinnies, and combat of a tactical nature.
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June 12th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: flaminfox
Homebrew developer Red_Squirrel updated Alternative VSHMenu which is an essentially a plug-in which provides users with a number of convenient features not present in the M33 VSH Menu.
CFW 3.90 M33:
*Possibility to hide the MAC address in System Information page (like CF 3.93/3.95GEN option!)
*Now PSP will be rebooted if you change CXMB, MAC or M33 VSHMenù options (to enable the changes!).
CFW 3.95 GEN:
*Added Hide MAC Address option.
*Changed "M33 NET UPD." line in "NETWORK UPD.".
*Added GEN Updater under NETWORK UPDATE
*Changed "M33 VshMenu" line in "SELECT KEY ".
Added VSH Recovery under SELECT KEY option.
*Possibility to enable/disable CXMB plugin directly from the VSHMenù (read the CXMB installation in
CXMB_readme.txt to know how it works)
*Now config file will be saved in flash1, so if you decide to flash the A.Vshmenù, Memory Stick will not be required!
*Added a Slim Flasher
*Because of lack of time, language translations will be released in next update.
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June 12th, 2008, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades believes we are so used to seeing poor cut-scenes that we've developed a bit of a sour taste for them.
He feels the dramatics his team conjured up for Heavenly Sword using a real-time engine were not only better at conveying emotion than CGI extravaganzas such as Beowulf, but also around 15 to 20 percent cheaper.
"I think gamers are used to poor cut-scenes. That's one of the reasons they are disliked so much," Antoniades told GamesIndustry.biz. "I do honestly believe that the best cut-scenes in Heavenly Sword surpass the best scenes in Beowulf in conveying emotion.
"I see CG as digital make-up. So as long as the performance is there to start with and the CG data reflects the original performance, then it should be easy enough for a skilled animator to reach the emotional resonance of the actor.
"If you aren't able to convey emotion, then somewhere along the line something isn't working as it should be. We did a lot of research in this area and know where the 'gotchas' are. So our next project will hopefully improve on what we learnt," he added.
Unfortunately what that project will be is still unknown, although it will certainly not be a sequel to Heavenly Sword.
It will focus on the core story-telling, cinematic and combat strengths of Ninja Theory, and will also potentially coincide with a self-created animated feature film - Heavenly Sword tested this route with a series of artistic CGI shorts.
Ubisoft recently revealed it also wanted to saunter down a similar path, as co-developing a film and game side-by-side while sharing assets will apparently be hugely beneficial to both.
Head over to GamesIndustry.biz for the full interview with Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades, where he explains why he sees the Wii in the same toy-space as Simon Says or Buckaroo.
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June 12th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here are some snaps of the Metal Gear Solid 4 midnight launch event that took place on Oxford Street, London.
A camo colour-wearing crowd (and some bloke with a truly epic afro) braved the hazards and hoodies of late night London to wait in line for the 12-o-clock opening, when the first copies of the game were handed over.
Well, almost the first, anyway.
No official numbers have been issued for the night, but it looked like it went pretty well.
It's expected that the flagship title will shift a fair few PS3s, with Sony smartly putting out a hardware bundle to go with the game.
And we've got our copies sitting right here, saying "play us, play us" in a quiet voice. You guys will be too busy playing to want any news today anyway, right?
Were you at a midnight opening and then went straight home (via the muggers) to play it all night? What are your first impressions? Let us know below.
In case you're still undecided, here's PSM3's review in full. And if you've forgot what the hell the story's all about, head on over to Joystiq, who's got a good little round-up of the whole series.
Photographs at Oxford Street here
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June 12th, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
In case you were thinking of skipping the approximately 8-minute install (which also translates to 4 or 5 cigarettes for our aged hero) and making a sandwich, consider the little bit of humor you'd be missing. If you're still undeterred and plan to ignore the game while it installs, check out our gallery for the sagacious and spoiler-free advice.
While some of it is a bit mundane, there are some rather humorous tidbits scattered about. For instance, how does one take a break every 15-minutes when cut-scenes run longer than that?
Photo shots of each screen during game install here
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June 13th, 2008, 12:44 Posted By: Unicorn

Source http://psp.scenebeta.com/.
coolguy5678 has released a new Homebrew game for our PSP. This Homebrew takes part in the Scenery Beta 2008.
I copy from the Readme of the author:
This is a game based on the game "four-square" played all over the world. If the ball goes to your square, you have to hit it so it first bounces in your square and then in someone elses. If you make a mistake, you are out, everyone who was in a lower square moves up, and a new person enters the game in the lowest square (on the bottom-left). The highest square (top-left) is the king square, and if you make a mistake here, you only move to the lowest square, instead of going out.
You are the blue player. You earn points for staying in and playing fast shots. You earn double points when you are in the highest two squares. When you go out, your game ends.
A note about the rules: Four-square is played around the world, but the rules vary dramatically depending on where its played - so, don't tell me "the rules are wrong!"
- Use the analog/or d-pad to move.
- Hold X to charge up your shot.
- Release X when the ball is near you to hit it.
The ball is hit outward in the direction of the blue cone on your player. If the ball is far away from you when you release X, the ball will be hit at a shallower trajectory, unless the ball is outside your reach. It takes a while to get used to this, but its easy to play the game once you are used to the feel of the game. Try watching the AI players on the main menu.
Programming - coolguy5678
GFX - coolguy5678
Music - AndrewPotterton of Soundsnap.com
SFX - Soundsnap.com
Font - P. Wiegel
Special thanks to Brunni for writing OSLib.
If have tried to attach it into Dcemu forum, but I receive a 403 error :-(.
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June 13th, 2008, 14:39 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Square Enix is still playing coy when talking about its exclusivity deals that concern upcoming RPG titles for the Xbox 360.
In a statement made on Yahoo Japan's financial site, the company affirms that there are no plans to release the just-announced Star Ocean: The Last Hope on the PlayStation 3.
This is of course careful wording -- "no plans" -- because it was quite clear at the Microsoft RPG event earlier this week that there was never any announcement of an exclusive release for the Xbox 360 (unlike the trumpeting of exclusivity for Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery). Star Ocean 4 will launch in 2009 on the Xbox 360; that's it for now.
Via Wired
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June 13th, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
According to a report over at GamesIndustry.biz, Sony's next motion-sensing controller is closer to fruition than we may have though. Citing various industry sources, GI explains that the company is working on a controller that breaks into two pieces, each containing an accelerometer for Wii-like motion sensing capability. The story mentions that working versions of the new controller have already been delivered to certain development partners.
Nothing official from Sony on this of course, but GI remains confident that something concrete will be announced in the coming moth, possible at the E3 expo this July.
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June 13th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Get ready Guitar Hero III fans, for your doom (at least according to Luke) comes on June 19th, the official release date for the Coldplay track pack on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. The three-pack of songs includes the single "Violet Hill" from their upcoming album Viva la Vida, due out June 17th, along with two of the band's older tracks, "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" form A Rush of Blood to the Head and "Yellow". Seriously, "Yellow"? Did that even have guitar in it? I'd head over to Amazon and check out the excerpt from the song to check but that would mean I voluntarily listened to it, and I made a pledge never to do so again after they played it on the local "alternative" radio station for the millionth time.
Anyone overly excited by this track pack? Speak up, so we might poke you with sticks and try to figure out what makes you tick.
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June 13th, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: dejkirkby
**** V.2 CHANGES: *********
-Should have fixed all compatiblity issues with PSP PHAT models
- Made process of flashing theme 2 - 3X faster
- Added color selector for XMB date/time
- Added color selector for XMB busy signal
- Added color selector for XMB Battery
- other small bugs fixed
*If you did not install your Firmware with Despertar del Cementerio, you need to use the attached tool by Marce82 to unlock your flash0 files.
XMBeditor is a PSP based application that aims to meet the all the needs of the advanced PSP theme enthusiast. Formally, "PSP Wardrobe"; XMBeditor has now taken a new direction. Going from just a theme/mod manager - to now also be a fully capable XMB editing tool.
Now able to edit the binary values of both .prx and .rco files, it now offers a much deeper level of XMB manipulation.
- For ALL model PSP (PHAT or SLIM)
- Manage unlimited themes
- Manage unlimited xmb mods
- Fullscreen previews for all themes/mods
- audio previews for click sounds/boot sounds
- recovery system runs from app, and M33 Recovery Menu
- XMBeditor creates recovery from your own flash
- backup/restore current xmb theme
- Create-A-Theme
- Flash0 Free Space Manager
- Wallpaper Tool [Set your wallpaper behind your xmb waves]
- Auto Flash0 Optimization for PSP PHAT
- can handle ANY theme (homescreens and all !!)
- Lots of safety checks (firmware, battery, paf decrypted ect...)
- Wave Tool [on/off, speed, size, color, position]
- paf.prx Editor [change text color, size, glow blink rate, ect...]
- will automatically write wallpaper to Flash1, if it's in a theme
For a version with gameboot check here:
The Playground
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June 13th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The launch of the brilliant MGS4 is "only the beginning" of a rush of triple-A PS3-exclusives, says Sony's seemingly pleased VP of product marketing, Scott Steiner.
With some of the console's big titles like Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, GTA IV and Singstar now out the door, Steiner paints a positive picture for PS3 owners for the rest of the year.
"This is only the beginning of an ongoing software avalanche for PS3 that includes titles such as LittleBigPlanet, SOCOM: Confrontation, MotorStorm Pacific Rift and Resistance 2 that only PS3 owners will be able to exclusively enjoy," said Steiner.
He also hopes MGS4 will encourage some of the millions of hibernating PS2 fans to come out the woodwork and grab a PS3.
Let's just hope they can keep the attractive hardware bundles in stock.
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June 13th, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Microsoft's Zune can learn from the "cautionary tales" of the PSP, Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Devision boss Robbie Bach has said.
Speaking in an interview with Venture Beat, Bach said that while the PSP was "reasonably successful" as a games portable, he thinks that music and video were an after though for the platform.
"The PSP is a reasonably successful product at the profit-and-loss level. But as a product concept, there are cautionary tales to learn from it," he said. "While it is good at producing audio, it's not a good music player because it doesn't have local storage (except for flash memory slots).
"You can't keep your music there. It has a beautiful screen, but you can only get the video under the Universal Media Disc format. That format hasn't been successful.
"On a game level, it has done well," he continued. "But even there, it is mostly PlayStation 2 ports. There isn't much original content. When you do these devices, they can't be pretty good at a lot of things. They need to be great at what they do."
Learning form the PSP, says Bach, Microsoft has decided to focus on music with its Zune music player, which means that we shouldn't expect a singing and dancing Zune games service any time soon.
"We think of it more as a portable entertainment player," said Bach. "It is technically possible to do games on there. But you aren't going to see a broad gaming effort from us until we sort that through and have it figured out.
"I don't think of Zune like the PSP. The PSP is a game player that also does video and music. We think of Zune as a broad-based entertainment device."
That said, according to Bach the Zune is a greater platform for games than the iPod, which recently unveiled plans for an iPhone games store.
"It is more compelling than an iPod because it actually has a D-pad. From a gaming perspective, it is reasonably well suited. You can read a little or read a lot into it. The point is that we think of it as a portable entertainment device."
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June 13th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Harmonix, the leading developer of music-based games, and MTV Games, a part of Viacom's MTV Networks (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), along with marketing and distribution partner Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS), announced today that for a limited time Rock Band Special Edition Bundle for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system is available for a MSRP of $99.99 at participating retailers. Rock Band instrument controllers for PlayStation 2 system are compatible with the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system.
"For a limited time this promotion will provide music fans and casual gamers the chance to experience the Harmonix masterpiece Rock Band at an extremely affordable price," said Bob Picunko, Vice President of Electronic Games and Interactive Products for MTV. "This is a great value for a Father's Day gift, a graduation party or summer vacation."
The Rock Band Special Edition Bundle for the PlayStation 2 system features a wireless Fender Stratocaster guitar controller, electronic drum kit, real drum sticks, microphone, USB hub and Rock Band software. In addition, Rock Band Track Pack Volume 1 for the PlayStation 2 system and Wii home video game system from Nintendo will be available on July 15, 2008, for a MSRP of $29.99. The 20-song pack features an electrifying mix of classic hits and current favorites, including songs by Boston, NIN, Stone Temple Pilots, and 30 Seconds to Mars.
Rock Band is the ultimate platform for music fans and gamers challenging players to put together a band and tour for fame and fortune, while mastering lead/bass guitar, drums and vocals. Featuring the most master recordings than any other music game, Rock Band features some of the world's biggest rock artists and spans every genre of rock ranging from alternative and classic rock to heavy metal and punk.
Rock Band has garnered more than 40 awards, including Game Critics Award: Best of Show E3 2007 and three awards at The 11th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards including Outstanding Innovation in Gaming, Family Game of the Year, and Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack.
Rock Band is rated "T" for Teen (lyrics, mild suggestive themes) by the ESRB.
EA is the exclusive distribution and marketing partner for Rock Band.
For more information on Rock Band and Harmonix Music Systems please visit www.rockband.com and www.harmonixmusic.com.

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June 13th, 2008, 23:18 Posted By: JKKDARK
Giana's Return, an upcoming homebrew games for several platforms including Dreamcast, PC, etc.
MK2k ( http://www.mk2k.net/serendipity/ ) who has already ported a bunch of games to the PSP, is highly interested in porting the final of “Giana’s Return” for all Playstation Portable useres out there.
Aren’t those excellent news? The list of people who are willing to port to certain platforms are steadily growing 
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June 16th, 2008, 09:28 Posted By: pibs
Far Cry took on Half Life 2 and Doom 3 head on, Crysis defined next generation visuals and gameplay at a huge price and now they seem to be shifting their focus on tapping the potential of the handheld market as well. Their application programme page specifically requires PSP programmers for their offices in Budapest, Hungary.
Source: http://www.gameguru.in
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June 16th, 2008, 09:37 Posted By: pibs
Metal Gear Solid 4 will continue to be the most played game outside of Europe this week, as there are no new titles to pick up in the US or Asia. Europeans have a relatively strong week with two decent titles and a few pieces of potential shovelware.
US Games
No new releases
EU Games
SingStar Vol II (also available without microphones)
Topspin 3
Overlord: Raising Hell
The Incredible Hulk
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Asian Games
No new releases
Source: http://www.n4g.com
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June 16th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Agetec, Inc. today announced its upcoming game, Women's Volleyball Championship, for the Sony PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Women's Volleyball, which features six venues from around the world, will be released in August 2008, and promises to be the most accurate representation of the sport ever presented on a gaming console.
"Women's Volleyball brings the intense action of professional volleyball to the gaming community," said Spike. "Professional volleyball produces some of the best athletes in the world and it's high time someone introduced a great video game that reflects that."
Women's Volleyball is as fast-paced and grueling as the real thing, and perfectly captures the passion and excitement of the sport. Play as one of twelve countries battling their way to the top of the ranks, or create your own team of pros to take on the rest.
"A key feature in Women's Volleyball is players get a chance to create and train their own team. If players want their volleyball players to have certain qualities, this game allows them to customize their players to their liking," says Mark Johnson, producer at Agetec. "Another great feature of the game is that the volleyball players are affected by real life conditions like exhaustion and dominant hand, adding an unprecedented level of realism to the game."
For more information visit www.agetec.com.
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June 16th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
If you like your horrors dark and very gory, Siren looks like it'll be the game for you.
While Resident Evil 5 has action-orientated scenes of Chris Redfield exploding buses and spraying machine gun fire into swarms of zombie-beasts (or whatever they are), Siren looks like it simply wants to mess with your head.
"The horror-survival title is set in the Japanese village of Hanuda, where a TV crew from America arrive to research the legend of the Vanished Village where human sacrifice is said to have taken place thirty years ago," explains the official blurb.
Sony is to release parts of the game episodically via PSN, and we've been looking forward to it ever since Sony released this trailer.
It's due out some time this summer.
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June 17th, 2008, 19:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
THQ Inc. (NASDAQ:THQI) today announced that Bratz Girlz Really Rock is currently in development and is expected to release on Wii, PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and Nintendo DS this fall. Based on the upcoming doll line and animated movie of the same name, the game will feature an exciting story line and a full range of activities including live music performances, a makeover station with the latest make-up and hairstyling choices, a fashion design suite as well as skydiving and miniature golf to play with a friend.
The upcoming release of Bratz Girlz Really Rock will mark the seventh title released under THQ's worldwide interactive agreement with MGA Entertainment, the manufacturers of the widely popular Bratz dolls. The Bratz video game portfolio from THQ has enjoyed much success, with life-to-date sales making it one of the top-selling girls gaming franchises of all time.
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June 17th, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PSP firmware version 4.00 is on its way "soon", Sony has officially confirmed, adding a new Google search option into your handheld's XMB (Xross Media Bar).
Once installed, the new firmware will boast an Internet Search option within the Network icon that will apparently bring up the same internet search results as a full-fat Google search on PC.
"Click on the XMB's Network icon and then the new Internet Search icon. Enter your keywords and then let Google's algorithms do the work. You'll need to be connected to the Internet via a wireless access point or Wi-Fi hotspot," explains Sony.
And video playback has also been tweaked, now allowing you to speed up and slow down playback of videos streaming from your memory card with the up and down D-pad buttons. Nice and simple - can't think why that wasn't added sooner.
Sony hasn't put an exact time on the firmware release, so just keep checking the System Update option on your PSP, or keep an eye on the official update page.
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June 17th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Chalk this up as pure rumor for now.
An inside UK source tells us that Heavenly Sword 2 has been canned by Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe. The game was axed after months in development because it is no longer seen as commercially viable, our source tells us.
The news came during an emergency meeting set up for the Sony Cambridge team which was working on the game.
On a side note, Ninja Theory, who have already said they weren't working on the sequel to their Playstation 3 exclusive, have grown increasingly bitter about their treatment at Sony's hands, our source tells us. I'm told that the development studio, which once had offices in the same building as Sony Cambridge, have started packing up to move to a new location.
I guess when they said they wanted to move away from Sony and get into multi-platform development they weren't kidding.
If true, this marks the third major project, counting Eight Days and Getaway 3, that has been canned by SCEE. Is the Europe arm of Sony in trouble? No clue, but we've asked for comment.
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June 17th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Shuhei Yoshida, the man who recently replaced Phil Harrison as head of Sony Worldwide Studios, has conceded the PS3's been lagging behind when it comes to third-party software - until now.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz Yoshida admitted there was "disappointment" during launch year over the number of third-party games available. "I'm sure that third party publishers had planned to release their titles day-and-date with the launch of the PlayStation 3, or day-and-date with the launch of the title on the Xbox 360, but because the 360 hardware was out earlier, the games were built based on 360 architecture," he said.
"But still, they must have been planning, thinking they have enough time, to port the second game to PS3 and release at the same time with the same quality. So they massively underestimated the effort that was needed to re-architect the game to properly take advantage of the PS3's multi-core architecture."
Yoshida said Sony was "pretty happy" with the first-party titles that were released in launch year, even if they didn't all arrive on time. "But it's impossible to bring the level of support that we feel is important for the PlayStation 3 platform without the third parties' continued support," he went on. "That was the miscalculation by both us, and from third parties.
"But I think after the end of last year, there are more and more titles are coming out on the same day [as Xbox 360] and the same quality, and we can start to see some additional things on PS3 because of the space available on Blu-ray."
Full interview here at Games Industry
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June 17th, 2008, 19:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
When it comes to taking the best out of the PSP and delivering it to consumers so they can use it every day for many things, Sony is still early on the curve according to Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida.
"Like when we started with PlayStation One, with videogames as being a toy, and looking at the individual countries when it comes to introducing new aspects to the platform - in our minds we're doing the same sort of thing with the PSP since 2005," he told GamesIndustry.biz.
"It's too early to make judgments - we know there's a lot more that we can do, and with the massive growth of the industry we understand that third party publishers have so many choices, many more than they have resources. Sometimes we struggle to convince them to put more resources into the PSP."
Even so,Yoshida thinks that there are still a lot of good business opportunities on the PSP that will continue to be viable because there are no competing platforms.
"...We've always thought that the PSP as a platform is standing on its own - there's no direct competition, although some people think that the DS is its rival simply because it's portable, but the positioning and the main user base are totally different."
The PSP is outperforming Sony's short-term expectation - mainly due to its success in Japan, where it continues to be the highest-selling platform week after week.
Yoshida says they are really pleased that the system is the most exciting games platform in a major territory, and doesn't seem too concerned that it hasn't achieved the same measure of success in Europe or North America.
"So we continue to support the platform, and we've been doing really well with first party software, and I hope that more developers and publishers see some of the things that the PSP can uniquely offer to them, and its reach into consumers' lives," he said.
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June 17th, 2008, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Here is the Metal Gear Solid 4 tale of two regions. In Japan, Famitsu reports that MGS4 sold 476,334 copies in its first few days, becoming the best-selling PS3 game to date in the region. Snake also boosted sales of the PS3 itself, with Japanese sales hovering around the 10K mark; the console sold 77,208 for the week.
The UK tells a slightly different MGS4 sales tale. MGS4 is the second fastest-selling PS3 title behind Grand Theft Auto IV and was 14,000 short of MGS2's initial sales in 2002. Although the UK's Chart-Track apparently did not release actual numbers, the company's director did say that MGS4 had a "minimal impact" on hardware sales and that "there's not a lot to say about it."
Unless Sony or Konami sends out a release, we're not expecting US sales figures until NPD's June report releases sometime next month.
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June 18th, 2008, 00:53 Posted By: DPyro
A new PLAYSTATION 3 firmware update (v2.36) will be launching soon, improving system stability when playing select PlayStation format software titles. We’re also happy to officially report that the 2.40 system software update for PS3 will include “XMB” access in-game. The update will also include “trophies,” an exciting new feature that we’ll be providing more details on soon, as well as some other new enhancements. We’ve talked about some of this on the blog previously and know that many of you can’t wait to get your hands on these features. You can expect us to share all of the official details shortly.
Via PlayStation.Blog
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June 18th, 2008, 03:04 Posted By: MK2k

With Kakuro Nichiyou PSP 1.2 you can play and let the solver solve Kakuro Puzzles on your PSP.
* 254 hand-picked/created Puzzles (20 new since version 1.1) from Puzzlemakers all over the world.
Permission granted by Otto Janko, a great Puzzle collector visit his website
* Play Kakuros by setting numbers in the free fields, you can even make "notes" in each field (small numbers from 1..9)
* save your current progress to one of 20 different save slots
* The current state of the built-in solver is the ability to solve 223 out of the 254 Puzzles completely. It cannot find a solution for the other puzzles but gives you the found notes of the remaining fields (or maybe just a good laugh =D)
* 4 graphics themes for you to select (thanks to Dargo)
Further Screenshots

Screen 1: Main Menu

Screen 2: Kakuro Puzzle Selection for a New Game

Screen 3: Ingame (play really large puzzles)
via mk2k.net
Read the readme.txt in the download for more infos!
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June 18th, 2008, 12:27 Posted By: flaminfox
Coinciding with the release of PS3 firmware 2.36 is the immediate availability of firmware 4.00 for PSP.
The update can now be downloaded from Network Update and as promised, includes two new main features. Namely, the ability to search Google without the need of launching the PSP’s often slow Internet Browser and change the viewing speed of video played on the PSP by pressing up or down on the directional pad. Personally, we were expecting a little more from a X.00 update, but it is what it is. Complete changelog:
* [Internet Search] has been added as a feature under [Network].
* You can now change viewing speed during video playback by pressing the UP/DOWN buttons. Use this feature if you want to watch a video quickly, or if you want to slow down playback and listen to the dialogue carefully.
via exophase
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June 18th, 2008, 15:30 Posted By: DPyro
Posting over at NeoGAF, a Ninja Theory staffer has responded to the Kotaku rumour concerning the cancellation of Heavenly Sword 2.
]We (Ninja Theory) never started work on HS2 as we wanted to focus on new multiplatform IP. Sony owns the IP for HS and we have never been privy to what they would do with it.
As for moving, we have been planning to move to larger premises for future expansion for the best part of a year. There is nothing bitter about the move.
And the rumour that the team has been disbanded is ridiculous. We have had an unbelievably loyal team especially as we went through some difficult times securing a new publishing deal. We have a new publisher and are busy on our new project which is going very well so far.
HS is far from our thoughts at the moment.
Via NeoGAF
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June 18th, 2008, 18:48 Posted By: kgsws˜™
I ported Doom Legacy to PSP.
Display is in software mode, 320x200 or 480x272.
AdHoc is working (tested with 2 players)
In start menu, you can choose IWAD (main wad) and up to 4 PWADs (mods).
No music.
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June 18th, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
There was a time in the development cycle of Grand Theft Auto IV that Niko Bellic had a cell phone that could play music, MTV Multiplayer reports, but the option was cut.
“Some people on the team didn’t like the music/mobile phone idea for various reasons, but they went back and forth on the idea until the very end,” Rockstar spokesperson Darlan Monterisi explained in an e-mail on Tuesday. “This is VERY common. We do it in every game we make. We still prefer the balance of music in car and the ambient world’s noise on foot, but we are constantly reviewing this stuff.”
I wonder how much having a mini-stereo with you at all times would have changed the experience? It must have been something that the Rockstar folks thought would have had quite an impact to remove it. Why else would they cut the thing entirely instead of allowing gamers to go out and buy a phone with the feature in game?
Actually, I'm still surprised at the limit of phone tech in the game. I was expecting that the phone, because it plays such an important role in the game's interface, would come in a lot more flavors and that at least one of the was going to support video capture. Maybe next time.
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June 18th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
On August 2nd and August 3rd, Square Enix is holding a "private party" with the utterly ridiculous name DKΣ3713 that will be limited to only 2,400 attendees, picked by raffle through the Japanese Square Enix Members website.. It will showcase Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games. And just like we thought, Final Fantasy XIII will not be playable. Hit the jump for the full rundown of what will be there and what form it will be in. Bring on the disappointments!
- FINAL FANTASY Agito XIII(Mobile)Trailer
- KINGDOM HEARTS Coded(Mobile)Trailer
- KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days(DS)Trailer/Playable Demo
- KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep(PSP)Trailer/Playable Demo
- The 3rd Birthday(Mobile)Trailer
- Sigma Harmonics(DS)Trailer/Playable Demo
Best part? Knowing how Square Enix rolls, photograph of the demo trailers will be strictly prohibited, and the trailers for the big titles will mostly likely be shown in "closed theaters." So! If you want to see them, be prepared to wait in line for like an hour. Make sure you bring your memory cap so you don't forget the experience! Does Square Enix know how to party or does Square Enix know how to party.
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June 18th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
A 3rd person action adventure Yakuza 2 features enhanced combat, larger environments and a storyline set a year after Yakuza ended. Yakuza 2 will plunge players deeper into the world of Japan’s notorious underground organization, where honor and respect are not earned easily. According to a Seganerds, Yakuza 2 will keep the original Japanese voice cast and add English subtitles.
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June 18th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: Pegasus2000
The new version of Nanodesktop is online on Visilab servers:
There are a lot of changes.
- Support for TrueType fonts;
- Support for C++ language (via NanoCPP, a porting of STDCXX Apache library);
- Added new OCR engines: ndGOCR and ndOCRAD
- ndISpell is an engine for spelling correction;
- The HAL as a new API for audio recording;
- NanoC integrates EmbPThread library for POSIX compliance (by hectic128
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pthreads-emb/) and UTF-8 widechar
- NanoC has been improved with new routines (mkstemp, getenv, setenv..)
- The HAL supports new routines for accessing to GoCam CCD
working parameters (brightness, contrast). The resolution of the driver
is 1024*768 now
- Added new libraries for VOIP (Voice over IP) support (ndeXOSIP2, ndOSIP, ndORTP)
- ndZip/ndUpzip support compression/decompression of zip files
- The new function ndHAL_MouseControlledByAn alog allows to control
the mouse using analog controls
- ndFLite Voice Synthetizer now uses FAST LPC reconstruction to improve the
speed of the computations via VFPU
The software is accomplished with a new user guide (250 pages) with
new chapters about network, EMI, OpenCV, C++ programming (thanks to
Sam Gluck for his correction work of my English ).
Ok, the new distribution must be installed in a new directory, after
deleting Nanodesktop 0.3.3.
Thanks for the attention
Filippo Battaglia
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June 19th, 2008, 02:32 Posted By: j3r3mie
Code and GFX by J3r3mie
Sorry for my bad english, i'm from Quebec
Second test version of iPhone Simulator, a lua shell with a complete iPhone interface
Here's a lot of screenshot (Of the french version) :
Here's some more infos :
- Safari
~Launch Sony Web browser
- Music
~Play MP3/OGG with chowing album, artist and title
- uManager
~Launch ISO
~Launch UMD
~Dump UMD
- Calculator
~ Basic operation
- LuaProg
~Read and Write file
- Extractor
~Extract Zip file
~Launch ELF
~Launch PBP
- Explorator
~Rename / Copy / Move / Delete
- Photo
~Print JPG and PNG image
- Customize
~Change Wallpaper
~Change mouse
Other feacture
Full interface of iPhone
Taking screenshot with L + R
Printing battery in taking care of the % left of the battery
Printing hour on the middle top
How to use it ?
X : Validate
Start : Menu
L + R : Screenshots
0 : Use the top right button
/\ : Use the top left button
Stick Analogique : move mouse
- Explorator
^ / v : move of 1
> / < : move of 6
X : launch
Thank to
Darksidious for his LuaProg
Alexsim for the code of his calculator
Seanpaul223 for giving me a tip
Homemister et Pickdat for their Lua Player HM
Romane93 for his support
sam for his BMP Lib
UltimatePSP.fr for the support and mouses
XtreamLua.com for help on programmation
EvilMana.com for lua tutos
Appleiphoneschool.com for iPhone Icons
Dafont.com for the font
Download from here : http://www.ultimatepsp.fr/jeremie-up...%20-%20ENG.zip
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June 19th, 2008, 02:56 Posted By: Triv1um
Via PlayStation.Blog
Hi all – Firstly, we’d like to thank you for helping us make the launch of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots a tremendous success, with a special thanks to the many of you who attended our midnight launches to support it. It was great to meet so many of you in person, and the some of the MGS related costumes were truly spectacular. We had a lot of fun, and we hope you did too.
Of course, the launch of MGS4 is just the beginning – with it now in your hands, surely you are finding that there is much to discover within the game itself. It’s packed with so much, in fact, that there is bound to be new revelations, strategies, and details in the coming months as everyone makes their way through every nook and cranny. Add in Metal Gear Online, with its endless and deep multiplayer game play, as well as new downloadable content forthcoming - there is truly so much more to come, with our continued support of MGS, that will extend well through this year.
With that, we are happy to reveal a very special surprise, upon the PLAYSTATION Store update tomorrow (Thursday June 19th) we will be releasing the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Database!
The MGS4 Database is a free, downloadable interactive application that contains the official knowledge base of everything that is Metal Gear, reaching all the way back to the very beginning of the franchise. Including complete storylines, character profiles, relationship diagrams, and much more! The MGS4 database is a great way to catch up for someone new to Metal Gear, as well as a useful resource for any veteran of the series, with complete official details on every aspect of the intricate Metal gear lore.
The MGS4 Database also contains a special feature – if you want to make use of the database, but have not yet fully played through MGS4 yet and are worried about spoilers – all MGS4 spoilers are “blacked out” until you’ve beaten MGS4. Give it a try!
But that’s not all, within MGS4, check out the EXTRAS option of the main menu (if you haven’t already). There’s already new, free downloadable content available for the game - with new camouflage and a new music track for the in game iPod. There will be more forthcoming, so be sure to check this often!
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June 19th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
SCEE president David Reeves has admitted that while piracy on PSP "is a problem", it can fuel hardware sales.
The piracy and homebrew scene has thrived on PSP since hackers busted the console's protection software wide open just months after its 2004 release.
"There is a piracy problem on PSP," he said at the recent DevStation conference in London (MCV reports). "We know about it, we know how it's done.
"It sometimes fuels the growth of hardware sales, but on balance we are not happy about it," he said, while explaining that Sony will soon be introducing new measures to tackle piracy on the handheld.
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June 19th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has rubbished suggestions that Final Fantasy Versus XIII is on hold.
"Reports that development for Final Fantasy Versus XIII is on hold are false," the publisher said in a statement passed on to Eurogamer.
"The truth of the situation is that when free, some staff from the Versus team have been helping with the XIII team on development of Final Fantasy XIII. Development for both titles is continuing as originally scheduled."
That rather significantly contradicts translations of game director Tetsuya Nomura's comments in a Famitsu article, where he reportedly used the words "on hold" and said "the entire Versus team is helping to finish Final Fantasy XIII".
Along with Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Agito XIII, Versus makes up a three-game "compilation" of titles marking the next, and next-generation, step forward in the famous Square RPG series.
Not much is really known about it other than what's been seen in trailers, but Nomura has previously evoked Kingdom Hearts when searching for comparisons. Speaking to Eurogamer last May, Nomura said it would "examine the humanity of the characters in this game" and distinguish itself from the FF games' traditional fantasy worlds.
"In Versus I'm trying to propose new vision of how a Final Fantasy game can be. The game's going to be more human than the science-fiction caricature we so often see. It will focus around current world events - in that sense it's darker," he explained at the time.
It's also still happily in development, or so Square Enix says, despite the inevitable bias towards getting FF XIII - a banner game for both its publisher and platform holder Sony - out of the door as quickly as possible. Hopefully we'll hear more about its progress at E3.
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June 19th, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: pspmodel1001
Ketchup and others have already decrypted the latest PSP Firmware v4.00, heres the translated details:

The firmware 4.00 will not take long and here is a snapshot of the resource directory of flash0.
Many PRX were changed such that pops popsman, npdrm, np9660, mlnbridge, sysmem, umdcache, sysconf, video, etc.. Good news, it will not pose too many problems for future adaptation for a Custom firmware.
Please note that the NIDS do not seem to have been changed but the file pafmini has yet changed what can possibly ask for the concerns of some compatibility issues.
This suggests that a custom Firmware based on firmware 4.00 will be rapidly introduced. Please note that the M33 team announced the 4.00 wait to get back to work. According to our sources, it should be, but we will discuss later in the evening or tomorrow morning.
Awesome news for the PSP Scene
via pspgen
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June 19th, 2008, 21:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the European PS3 Store but there is no Metal Gear Solid 4 Database in sight.
So, those of you after an encyclopedic knowledge of the game will have to grab it from the US Store instead.
While there you may also like to grab a free PAIN title update, and the revamped PS3 version of Fatal Inertia (USD 29.99), which is accompanied by a free trial version.
Europeans, on the other hand, have been treated to demos of Civilization Revolution, which is rather good, plus one for Dark Sector, not so much.
According to NeoGAF (and a member who spent an awful lot of time over their post) there's also a swathe of extra bits to stick onto your games.
There's that Coldplay bundle for Guitar Hero III (GBP 3.99), and Oceania Resort course for Everybody's Golf: World Tour (GBP 2.99) and the pair of Warhawk expansions in one handy pack (GBP 4.99). Plus a little free add-on for High Stakes Poker.
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June 20th, 2008, 04:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the PSP emulator for PC.
Second,, release for my fantastic emulator, now all homebrews works, a special thanks to (OMG) Battaglio.
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June 20th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via jimmikaelkael
Free MC Boot is an 'exploit' that allows a user to install it on official 8MB Sony MC's as well as 3rd party cards. (with the exception of those needing a boot disc to be recognized or cloned Chinese cards)
- Added CNF-Support (thanx to beerboy for the idea)
- Added support to launch OSDSYS (auto and manual) by Neme
- Added FastBoot-Support
- Fixed Bug on PS2-Slim-Consoles, that were freezing on "decrypting dvdelf"
It creates only your osdxxx.elf file and an empty BOOT folder on the Memory Card.
You can optionnally put in the same folder that the installer :
- "DVDELF.BIN" file to replace your rom dvdelf taken by default for inject (It must be encrypted, so just taken out from rom).
- "BOOT.ELF" file to be injected in dvdelf and replace the Free McBoot loader.
The installer creates a mcX:/SYS-CONF/FREEMCB.CNF config file if it not already exist.
Config Options :
- for boot from usb use for example : mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
- for boot from memcard use for example : mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF or mc1:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
- you can use too for example : mc?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF it wills check for the file in the two slots
- LK_???_E1 entries are first boot attempt, and LK_???_E2 entries are secondary boot file
- All LK_???_E1 and LK_???_E2 entries can either be set to a path or to "OSDSYS", in the second case if no key is pressed you will be rejected to the browser. If you set a path it will be booted if no key pressed.
- AutoBoot_Disc option allow to check if a ps2 disk is present (Close the tray !!!) and boot it, set it to 0 to avoid this.
- Debug_Screen set to 1 allow to keep the Green debug screen if no boot file is found, if set to 0 reject to browser.
By default, config file is set to boot like that (if you press R1) :
BOOT2.ELF if you press R2.
BOOT3.ELF if you press L1.
BOOT4.ELF if you press L2.
Rejected to browser if no key pressed or no boot file found.
It auto boot ps2 disks so close your cdvd tray.
You should not see Red screen if the CNF is readed, if you experience red screen check that you have config file in valid path.
If you don't want of this config file, delete it !
If no config file is found the loader boots like 1.4 :
- mass0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
- mc0:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF (where ? is your region.)
If you hold R1 button:
- mass0:/BOOT/BOOT1.ELF
- mc0:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT1.ELF (where ? is your region.)
If you hold R2 it boots BOOT2.ELF, L1->BOOT3.ELF, L2->BOOT4.ELF
If you have a red screen at boot, this means no boot file found, check that you have a BOOT.ELF file in boot folders.
The Cross-Linking trick has been removed, it will become optional in future release,
but I need to fix some issues before.
Known Bugs:
- On some ps2 versions it will fails to correct naming osd file, it will call it osdmain.elf by default, all you have to do is name it correctly.
- The formatter will not work properly if the memory card have bad blocks.
- The installer uses XSIO2MAN and other extended modules, so PS2 without these modules will fail to run installer.
- Updated DVDELF Inject to 1.3R1 by Neme
- Custom elf file inject has been disabled (but now you can use the 75kb DVDELF)
- Added light loader to support 75kb dvdelf.
- Boot elfs can be differents if you press a button.
Download and give feedback and Compatability reports via comments
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June 20th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
For some people, Metal Gear Online is a nice extra that comes on the same disc as Metal Gear Solid 4. For others – which we refrain from calling crazy – MGO is actually more exciting to them than Kojima's blockbuster single-player game.
For those weirdos gamers who fall into the strictly MGO camp, Konami has announced plans to make the online multiplayer game based on MGS available as its own, stand-alone product ... in Japan. The disc will set buyers back $17 and be content-identical to the client that comes on MGS4's biggie-sized 50GB Blu-ray disc. MGO is set to receieve a number of gameplay and content updates in the coming months, including new characters, items, and maps.
We've contacted Konami for any word – good or bad – on the stand-alone MGO's prospects of coming Stateside via PSN or other delivery methods. No word back yet, but we wouldn't count a PSN release out.
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June 20th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
via pdroms
Eugene Plotnikov has updated his SMS (Simple Media System) multimedia playing application for the Sony PS2. Using this program you can view multimedia files including DIVX, AVI, XVID, MPEG, MP3, etc ... on your Sony Playstation 2 video gaming console.
- updated .avi embedded subtitles handling. Thanks to 'KingFire' for sample clip, testing and patience.
This release is about a month old, but has been overseen. http://home.casema.nl/eugene_plotnikov/
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June 20th, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold has released a new version of his excellent 3d FPS for the PSP that comes bundled with a 3D editor so you can play at making your own levels,
Heres whats new:
New in version 1.0.4
editor changes:
- game geometry view shows enemie's attack animation frame with the bullet's starting position
game changes:
- simple enemy AI:
- enemies check, if they see the player and alarm other enemies
- enemies are alarmed when the player shoots
- global alarm stops when no enemy sees the player for some time
- enemies evade when the player aims at them
- enemies try to aim at the player, when they are in alarmed state
- enemies shoot at the player (visible bullets)
- collision detection bullets - player, player dies after some hits
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June 20th, 2008, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Burrows:
Hello everyone
ISLAM PSP is an application attempts to teach / show you how to make the Islamic ritual washing and cleaning and also gives additional information on the place of prayer task itself.
Adding the English language.
Adding function chapter.
For the next version I'll add:
Function to facilitate backup.
Adding Recipe pilgrimage.
I am working on a quran psp with a beautiful graphics and chapter, which will be 20/07/2008.
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June 20th, 2008, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305
As I promised, here it is.
It's my first time putting together a developmental library for other use; it may not be so professional enough. Personally, I wrote it for my own need, now it's enhanced for easy of use to others
Considering the source of Hardware Alarm Interface Main
Originally Posted by Readmey.txt
This is still an ON-GOING project and still supported by me (Mr305).
I donot ENDORSE nor SUPPORT any 'enhancements' or 'mods'; however you can freely make any changes AS LONG AS it's private and NOT shared to the public. Hope everyone understands this.
######################### ######################
########Applies to Main Interface's source only ############
######################### ######################
You can freely modify and release any updates to Power Alarm Support Plugin.
Ready to take any criticisms and/or positive feedback
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June 20th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
ChillyWilly who is also known as JLF65 here at DCEmu has released an update to Deniska`s version of the port of Rise of the Triad, heres the release details:
This is my update to Deniska's Rise of the Triad for the PSP. I rewrote the video to support SDL and used my new SDL with TV support, so now you can play this on the TV. Since it uses my new SDL, it also has the proper pitch on sounds effects. I changed two controls to make them useful (one wasn't useful at all, and the other did nothing). Be sure to read the readme for all the controls.
This comes with the shareware files and mini-instruments I used with Duke3D. Note that the shareware and registered versions are DIFFERENT EBOOTs! One executable doesn't handle both like with many other games (Doom or Duke3D for instance).
Many thanks to Deniska for his work in getting it converted.
EDIT: You need to replace the sawwave.pat file in the mini directory with the one in the archive. Although they are the same size, the one in the game archive slows the system down when playing. The replacement instrument does not.
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June 20th, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from red squirrel:
System Info Manager by Red Squirrel
What's it?
It's a simple VSH plugin with which you can "obscure" the system info (Firmware version and MAC Address), changing them with your custom settings.
All can be customized by editing the conf_SIM.txt.
Note: all changes will be ONLY in System Info page, so they are NOT real but only visual.
-Possibility to change Firmware Version visible in System Info
-Possibility to change MAC Address visible in System Info
-Compatible ONLY with CF 3.95GEN (for other CFs use M33xEver v3!).
How to install
Copy the SEPLUGINS folder in the ROOT of Memory Stick and activate the plugin from Recovery Menù.
To all people that ask me it.
To Miriam for his big help with MAC adress and Firmware Version patch code and for his CF 3.95GEN!
To my girlfriend for her patience.
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June 20th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everyone,
Here it's a demo of my future game named Bleach Adventure. I say nothing about other one apart than I hope to have comments about this demo (if it's good or bad ).

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June 20th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305
This is an Alarm application which utilizes the PSP's Hardware Capabilities to set an Alarm that will wake up the PSP from either Sleep Mode or Powered Off (standby) mode. It is compatible with ALL PSP's including Slim & Light. Comes with an Easy to Use and Intuitive GUI design.
Personally, I donot have a PSP SLIM to test but theoretically should work 100% unless there's a hardware change. (CONFIRMED WORKING)(Check the debug text)
TO Stop Alarm when woken up from Sleep Mode: Press CIRCLE
TO Stop Alarm when woken up from Poweroff Mode: Press SQUARE in XMB
Main Features:
+ Runs on both 1.xx & 3.xx Kernels - Compatible with both PSP 2000(Slim & Light) & PSP 1000(Classic)
(No need for 1.5 Kernel addon or 1.5 Fw (but also works in that)(The main purpose this was coded in 1 week)
+ Sleep Mode Alarm with support for custom MP3 Audio file.
+ Power Off Mode Alarm that plays sound in XMB. (Plugin Required - Seperate Package)
+ Uses 12 Hour Time system (AM/PM), no more Confusing time conversions
+ Display's Hour's and Minutes remaining as the Alarm time is being set; updated in real time.
+ Alarm can be set up to 23 hours 59 minutes in future, Check for (Invalid - Readjust message).
+ Alarm Accurate to the Second.
Features for Usability:
+ Shows Seconds & Milliseconds
+ Aligned Time Display (Constant Length) Everything remains in place :P
+ Checks to make sure if an alarm was already set last time, if so, sets the alarm to that time. (Applies to Power Off Mode Alarm) - Reads time from ms0:/seplugins/HAPoweroffSupport.305 if it exists
!!!3.95 Compatibility NOTE!!!:
Due to NID resolver not working or some other Problem in 3.95 GEN-2... Sleep mode alarm works but Poweroff Alarm DOESNOT work, works perfectly in all other CFW (also tested on 3.40 OE-A Timemachine). It might be due to a change in 3.95 FW itself; can't tell.
1) Try Pressing Left Arrow and Report back the two values what it says in 3.95 GEN or GEN-2.
Because I switched back to 3.90 M33-2, I never had a chance to check the return code.
2) If anything is displayed in the 2nd line on the top left, After waking up from sleep mode. Please report it.
Custom Sleep Mode Alarm Sounds:
-> Just place your favorite mp3 sound file as Alarm.mp3 in the folder.
How to use/Controls:
LTRIGGER - Time Display mode
RTRIGGER - Alarm Set mode
CIRCLE - Set alarm
UP / DOWN - Change alarm time
TRIANGLE - Slows down alarm time setting.
SQUARE - Set current time +1 minutes.
Start - Sleep Mode alarm (MP3)(if Alarm Set)
Select - Poweroff Alarm (if Alarm Set)
Last minute Notes:
-> Anything I might have forgotten will we updated in the Release thread.
-> Complete Source Code along with Alarm library will be released soon.
-> I ended up doing ICON0.png myself, also the background file of the app.
Hardware Alarm Power Off Alarm Support Plugin v1.0.11
The way this works is checks to make sure, the current time matches the alarm time in ms0:\seplugins\HAPowerOff Support.305, which gets set by Hardware Alarm Interface main.
Built with the same CORE as TimeBaby Alarm Helper plugin -- Hence looks similar
Installation Notes:
1) Copy included files to seplugins or the entire seplugins folder to Memory Stick Root.
2) Enable in Recovery under plugins.
Uses intraFont by Benhur (psp-programming.com/benhur) - A great font system!
Uses pgeWav by Insomniac197 ( http://insomniac.0x89.org/)
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June 20th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wbb
Supported formats
Trackers: 669, IT, MED, MOD, MTM, S3M, STM and XM module format.
C64: SID and MUS
Atari ST: YM, SNDH and SC68
SPC (Snes)
GYM & VGMz (Sega Master System / Sega Genesis aka Mega Drive / some derivats)
GBS (Gameboy)
NSF & NSFe (Nes)
AY (Spectrum / Amstrad CPC)
SAP (Atari XL)
Modern: Vorbis/Ogg and MP3
[[Update - June 16, 2008]]
Upgraded to libmpg123 1.4.3. Fixes crash because of invalid ID3 tags
Fixed volume boost. First boost level did nothing.
Improved MED playback. Instrument transpose value taken into account.
Added option to enable shuffle at startup. See included file modo.cfg.example.
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June 20th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from animefreak345
Its been awhile since my last release but its finally here.
it has a BIG change log of coarse. its becoming more like a shell with a nice media player now.
copy all contents of the .rar archive into the ms_root. the game has to be in ms0:/PSP/GAME or else it will not work properly.
IMPORTANT: you must have at least on image in ms0:/PICTURE/covers/ folder to run the coverflow or else it will not work.
and you must have your music under ms0:/MUSIC
!!!!!!!!!!!!TO GET COMPATIBLE ALBUM ART:!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you may get album art images from amazon.com and search for your album of the song of you want. then save the bigger image of it, which should 240x240 in size. NOT the small thumbnails.
or you MUST have .jpg or png images with the size 240x240 for it to look nice or else its all glitchy.
your album art MUST be the same name as your .mp3 file. (eg. test.jpg for your image if your song is test.mp3)
- changed a bit
-cleaned up side menu some
-progress bar
-customizable config file that can customize just about everything that has a color to it.
-or use internal theme/config generater under settings
-battery percent instead of bar
-several psp style system messages have been added. makes it look cool.
- recoded it all and compacted it =]
--faster loading speeds for everything!!!
--almost 3000 total lines of code
-CoverFLow slightly improved
-music browser has directory support
-SMART next/previous song switcher (music browser)
-supports /MUSIC folder and /PSP/MUSIC folders
-ID3 support under music browser now, appears only while mp3 playing.
-timer and song time
-progress bar
-if you press select under the coverflow media player switches music info modes (its pretty cool)
-shuffle mode can be activated by square and play the next song with r (not in the coverflow player mode)
-its finally implemented.
-if image too large it will tell you ( so use resize to 480*272 mode, press triangle.)
-if image displayed press select to exit the image
-with music and photo support.
-launch lua files
-will add launching of pbp,iso,psx soon.
-added that mode
-mem stick, UMD, flash1-3
-if no umd switches to memstick
-flash support disable. (dont want you bricking ;p) will enable soon for you.
-system info
--displays your psp information
-theme/config generator, customize and make themes.
--and a LOT more i cant remember or forgot to list.
-save themes/config as a save data
-launch pbp, iso, psx
-improve coverflow
-improve visualizer
-improve media player
-improve more stuff
-if you have wifi you can download album art
-game support
-internet browser
-more file browser options, copy, devices, rename, delete, etc
-many more
i need your suggestions
theme configs are shareable amongst others so go ahead and create and share themes.
to homemister and pickdat for there luaplayerhm and they're great work in it. and to sony psp player for the original concept of the coverflow in lua.
and to yongobongo's id3lib for the album art and his help.
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June 20th, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sleepy and Flatmush
funcLib is a function library for the PSP, designed to help programmers program a little more easily and a bit more efficiently. It shortens programming time for pros, and also makes it simpler for the newer members of the scene to join in.
funcLib is currently an arrangement of files containing functions which are seperated and commented to make it easier for you to search through them. We're hoping to make it interactive in the future, but don't hold your breath.
Features List
BMP Loading, TGA Loading/Saving, PCX Loading, RAW Loading/Saving
Full texture support with swizzling, mipmap and palette support aswell as vmem.
Easy and extendable graphics API with support for perspective and ortho modes aswell as vsync, Show FPS, etc.
Memory allocation module, with vmem allocation included aswell as a simple paging mechanism, memory pooling, scratchpad usage, stride allocation and much more.
File wrapper that allows loading of files from memory aswell as from the memorystick and from a pbp-plus file aswell as additional functions.
Fullscreen effects Invert, Grayscale, Sepia, Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Monochrome, Di-Chrome, Light Enhance, Color Enhance
2d graphics module capable of drawing ellipses, quads, triangles, lines, outlines, shaded ellipsoids, textures (strip blitted), etc.
3d graphics module capable of many primatives, textured or otherwise at fast speeds.
Sprite module capable of drawing rotated and scaled sprites aswell as handling animations and a few other things.
Math module with fast vfpu maths to speed up your maths heavy programs aswell as 3 types of random number generation.
2d Collision module supporting closestLine, line-line, circle-circle, line-circle, rect-rect.
Input module for polling input and retrieving the state of buttons (e.g JUST_UP, STILL_UP, etc.)
Callbacks sorted out (aswell as power callbacks).
Complex debugging module that logs errors, screenshots them and shows a warning (all configurable).
Font module which can draw most types of font, and also converts the debug font into a swizzled clut4 texture in vram for faster rendering.
Timer module, for timing oddly enough
A collection of samples of how to use different features, including 2 full games (flAstro and flMineSweeper).
Color manipulation module for graphical programs and random color generation.
A 3d camera class that allows all views and is easy to use.
Thousands of defines, types, etc. which should come in handy (e.g SCREEN_GAMMA, MATH_PI, etc.)
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June 20th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Homemister
Hey all,
LuaPlayerHM7 is now ready for download from the update.lua script or from here. Below is is the new functions of the player.
This is the functions for LuaPlayerHM7
%%%%%%%% NEW %%%%%%%%
Added System.loadPrxKernel(file name) Will load a PRX into the kernel memory. Allows kernel functions to be used.
Added System.webbrowser(Pathofw ebbrowser.pbp, url) Will load the webbrowser with the url entered. If no url then google will load.
Eg. System.webbrowser("ms0:/psp/game/LuaPlayerHM6") Will load google.com
Eg2. System.webbrowser("ms0:/psp/game/LuaPlayerHM6","http://homemister.axspace.com/") Will load homemister.axspace.com
Fixed System.runeboot() now can run Eboots in 1.50 kernel. (PSP PHAT ONLY, You must boot the LuaPlayerHM in 1.50 Kernal)
Added System.getFileSize() Gets the file size in bytes. Eg size = System.getFileSize("ms0:/helloworld.txt")
Added System.getDirSize() Gets the Directory size in bytes. Eg size = System.getFileSize("ms0:/PSP")
Fixed USB not working on 1.50 Kernel.
Added System.autoCpu() This will automaticaly change the cpu speed to meet the needed cpu requirment. If pluged into power will defult to 300mhz
It also returns the speed of the script cycle. ####Use only once in a loop. Look in the LuaPlayerHM tester under system2.lua.
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June 20th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from coolguy5678
This is a game based on the game "four-square" played all over the world. If the ball goes to your square, you have to hit it so it first bounces in your square and then in someone else's. If you make a mistake, you are out, everyone who was in a lower square moves up, and a new person enters the game in the lowest square (on the bottom-left). The highest square (top-left) is the king square, and if you make a mistake here, you only move to the lowest square, instead of going out.
You are the blue player. You earn points for staying in and playing fast shots. You earn double points when you are in the highest two squares. When you go out, your game ends.
A note about the rules
Four-square is played around the world, but the rules vary dramatically depending on where its played - so, don't tell me "the rules are wrong!"
Use the analog/or d-pad to move.
Hold X to charge up your shot.
Release X when the ball is near you to hit it.
The ball is hit outward in the direction of the blue cone on your player. If the ball is far away from you when you release X, the ball will be hit at a shallower trajectory, unless the ball is outside your reach. It takes a while to get used to this, but its easy to play the game once you are used to the feel of the game. Try watching the AI players on the main menu.
When the bar at the top-right corner of the screen turns compeletely red, you can do a smash. Smashes are much faster and lower when they are completely charged up. To smash the ball, hold circle to charge it up and release it to hit it, like normal shots. Make sure the ball is close to bouncing when you release circle or your shot could go much too far. Also, don't try to smash services because that rarely ends well.
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June 20th, 2008, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from sg57
BOXHEAD: PSP STYLE is a clone of Sean Cooper's ( www.games.seantcooper.com - develop@seantcooper.com) flash game series Boxhead: The Zombie Wars, a Top-Down Shoot-em-up game.
-Have fun!
[x] - Choose
ANALOG/D-PAD - Move Player
[x] - Fire Weapon
[L] - Cycle Through Weapons(Previous)
[R] - Cycle Through Weapons(Next)
[START] - Pauses Game
ANALOG/D-PAD - Move Character
[L] - Cycle through Music (backward)
[R] - Cycle through music (forward)
[TRIANGLE] - Toggle Song Shuffle
[] - Clear all BLood and Burnt Marks - do this if you experience lagging
SELECT - Exit to Menu
START - Unpause
ZOMBIE: If you get cornered with low firepower can be a big problem. Will attempt to completely encircle and then eat you.
DEVIL: Have a powerful fireball attack that can quickly end your life. Takes some Heavy FirePower to kill these suckers.
As you gain Kills, A number in the Top right of the screen will Rise. This is your Combo Counter, and it will go down unless you keep killing more zombies faster.
As the Combo counter reaches higher Numbers, you will Unlock weapons, and upgrades for those weapons.
- 8 Different Weapons
- 90+ Weapon Upgrades
- 2 Types of Enemies
- 3 huge maps each with their own highscore
- 3 Difficulties, each harder then the last
- Enable or Disable Devils (drastically makes game easier)
- Play your own MP3s and Atrac Files right from your /MUSIC/ or /PSP/MUSIC/ folders - sub folder support!
- Interactive Menu - walk to your destination
- Built-In Game Guide with controls, etc.
- Good 'stereo' audio experience (explosions happen left of you , you'll hear them left of you out of the left speaker respectively, with all the action going on it is hard to forget about)
-SG57 (Producer/Programmer)
-Scorpus57 (Head Sprite Artist, Formatter)
-Nathanias (Head QA Tester, all around helper)
All 3 mentioned also contributed Ideas to the project prior to development.
Things to look for:
- Ad-Hoc multiplayer
- More Enemies
- New Weapons
- 'Closet' feature (change the theme of the game)
- More...
SG57 cloned the game in C++, using OSlib, by using the flash game as a reference.
All sprites, sound effects, etc. taken from the flash game are credited to their respectful creators.
SG57 (Jordan Rehn)
Sean Cooper
[u]If you experience any crashing, it is due to the subfolders in your /PSP/MUSIC and/or /MUSIC folders![u]
Current Patch is: #4
- I procrastinated for 3 weeks while waiting for some spritesheets so i really rushed the enemy implementation so it may be buggy. For instance an enemy might get stuck on a wall, not saying any will, just that there might be a possibility.
- IntraFont + OSlib graphics dont like eachother, so when you die you may or may not see the screen fade red - no biggie either way (sakya )
MAX Airstrike Upgrade (don't watch if you want to see the best upgrade for yourself in-game)
Here's a great video review of boxhead with patch #1:
Be sure to get the latest patch to get the best boxhead psp style experience
More Info --> http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=144365
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June 20th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
via qj
cooleyes has recently announced the release of PMPlayer Advance 20080608. This homebrew media player's latest build carries a couple of new fixes. For one, its release for firmware 3.xx has been revised to address issues that were reported with the recently added support for MP4 files. As for the rest of the changelog (translated from Chinese):
Amended in fw395, the player failed (again mainly nid change)
Updated version of the fw1xx, playing shots to increase the functions of the player, according to box suspended key players, then circle keys shots, cut out the map png format, stored in ms0: / PICTURE under
fw3xx version, that some of the compatibility problems MP4AVC
The app also includes options for an English interface, so you won't have to pull out whatever translator you use just to get PMPlayer running on your PSP.
Download: PMPlayer Advance build 20080608 (fw 1.00)
Download: PMPlayer Advance build 20080608 (fw 1.50)
Download: PMPlayer Advance build 20080608 (fw 3.xx)
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June 20th, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Nick Swardh has released a new version of PSP Video Converter a video converter for PSP:
Heres whats new:
A new version of FFmpeg and Avisynth has been added
Improved internal commands for increased image quality
Added support for .ass/.ssa subtitles (Substation Alpha)
Improved "UPLOAD" feature
Added a PSP-n00b folder check, if the VIDEO and/or MUSIC folder is missing, it will automatically be created on your PSP before upload
Added video-download stats showing the progress in MB
Fixed a video-download bug that caused PSPVC to crash
Fixed an AUTO-resolution bug
Misc small improvements + a small facelift as a little extra
Download --> http://pspvc.nswardh.com/pspvc.php
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June 20th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NIGathan:
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June 20th, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from fullerlee
I've finally updated Wordingo to be LuaPlayer2.0 compatible.
It's been tested on 3.95 GEN f/w with luaplayerhm, feedback appreciated.
Up to 4 human or computer players.
Computer plays to a fairly high standard
Load / Save game
Anagram finder
Contains a generic menuing system which could be reused.
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June 20th, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Torch
Now fully supports PSP Phat and PSP Slim.
Lockdown allows you to password protect your PSP from prying eyes.
It also protects the Recovery Menu so that the protection can't be disabled without considerable effort (or by unbricking).
Download Lockdown v2.1: http://ifile.it/5eocw4a/lockdown.v2.1.zip (To download click on "Request Ticket". It will change to "Download File".)
Tested on 3.90M33-3 Phat/Slim.
* Modern GUI
* Uses PSP keys like Square, Cross, Circle etc as password, instead of fumbling with an on screen keyboard
* Fully configurable from the PSP
* Protects Recovery Menu as well
* Supports 2 modes of operation: 1st mode will only ask for password when the PSP is rebooted or powered on. 2nd mode will ask for password every time the XMB is launched, such as after quitting a game etc.
* Application errors (Game could not be started, etc) will be displayed normally in the XMB unlike other password programs which won't display these messages. So you know why you were sent back to the XMB.
If you have problems getting it to work, you can try using the debug versions from the "debug" folder in the archive. They will display any errors that occur.
v2.1 Changelog
Removed a bunch of object files that were accidently linked into the debug version. It shouldn't affect the functionality in anyway though.
v2.0 Changelog
Now fully supports PSP Phat and PSP Slim. Uses less RAM as well, so it shouldn't conflict with other plugins. If you have too many plugins enabled for VSH mode it may not work.
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June 21st, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ZiXeD
Pxl_Installer can download and install themes official (Format FTP) and the unofficial themes to CBC. With this automatic update (in each start) you can download the latest innovations customisation without a PC, and without moving your chair.
What's new?
-- Corrections bugs
-- Support French / English
-- Music paused when uploading a preview of a theme
-- Added themes CBC
How does it work?
X - Select
O - Back
Menu themes:
Up and Down to move
-- To change the music, edit CONFIG.TXT, search line Music = "1"; change 1 to 0 if you want to cut music.
-- To change the music, search the line Lienmusique = "./Sound.mp3"; ./Sound.mp3 change by the music you want.
-- To change the language, edit CONFIG.TXT, search line Language = "EN"; change IN by FR if you want to use the French language.
Good to know:
The CBC themes are used exclusively with the firmware 3.93 and 3.90 M33 GEN.
It may be a theme you mentioned is owned by a Author Unknown, if so, please contact us by MP on our forum.
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June 21st, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pjeff

Super Mario Toy Final
The day has put the latest version:
Explanation of thing certainne
Voila-6 me finally intensive work (approximately 2 hour per day at least see more celon day)
with moment of despair and galley (like any encoder).
- The games will remain in the current state plkusieur reason:
demotivation-total (all alone to take the game malgrer the proposal that I made for help)
- a desire to spend another project, I would say once more that I will definitely decide on the type of project (Pure an RPG but with a team has supported it will be indispencable, or games that come sonic and also a great challenge
what's new on SUPER MARIO TOY
absolutely almost everything I had to rewrite quite a function of engine
- plus a card game (RPG part).
- plus character.
- dialogue completely rebuilt and improved.
music totally changed.
Mini-games are rebuilt, improve and completet
and much else
voila qsue is the great line I will not detail any e who was made the list would be much too long
I would say that it is almost a brand new games
j'espaire over crash (at least not for me)
by cons I tien has the precicer of maintenants:
the rpg and pleinnement works j'usqua that any mini games eexistant is releasing (once)
therefore not bother to ask how next, try to think (that is the purpose of a rpg) only watchword talk to everyone and several times if needed.
Other presition any mini games are accessible on the depard in the main menu (which does not want to lend to the games rpg)
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June 21st, 2008, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Royale has posted an update to his maps app for the PSP:
Here is an attempt to bring Google Maps to the PSP with a simple interface.
This program is not using the Google Maps API (except for address search), it is retrieving the images directly.
Download: PSP-Maps-1.2-fw3x.zip
Unzip and install in your PSP firmware 3.x folder.
For custom firmwares 3.90, please also try PSP/GAME380 folder.
This package also includes a GP2X version!
Digital pad: move the map.
Analog pad: move smoothly the map.
R button: zoom in.
L button: zoom out.
X button: next view.
[] button: previous view.
/\ button: go to address.
O button: show/hide informations.
Start: menu.
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June 21st, 2008, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has recently posted some updates on his site regarding his emulators for the PSP:
One feature that both fMSX and Atari800 could use is auto ROM type selection, as I’m sure I’m not the only person who finds selecting correct type of ROM an annoyance. I’d like to ask those of you who are dedicated fans of fMSX or Atari800 for help.
The method I have planned involves mapping a ROM CRC32 value to specific cart type, maintaining the settings in a growing list. Bunch of these lists would eventually be consolidated into a larger “super list” that would be included with the emulators, effectively eliminating the process of cart type selection (for vast majority of carts, anyway).
If anyone is interested in working to create such lists, please let me know by leaving a comment. Alternatively, if you’re aware of an existing list (perhaps for a different port), it would be great if you could point out the location. Thanks
This is just a small note to let you folks know that work on wifi netplay is continuing as before.
For fans of fMSX, look forward to an update that will fix the crashing of the emulator when MSX Music/MSX Audio are accessed while disabled in System settings. Because this is a small fix, this release is not planned for the immediate future, but if enough people show interest, a bugfix release will follow. Those who know how to, or don’t want to wait can compile from svn.
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June 21st, 2008, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 players may still be playing Metal Gear Solid 4, and that's fine because this week's PSN update provides a large amount of series information in the form of the MGS4 Database. This free application will cover the entire scope of the Metal Gear Universe, so any questions you might have will finally be answered. Apart from that, PS3 owners will get demos for Fatal Inertia EX, NCAA Football 09, Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 and Hail to the Chimp. There's also a number of videos and even a PSP title for download. Check out the full list below:
Downloadable Games
Fatal Inertia EX ($29.99)
Add-on Game Content
Hot Shots Golf: Out Of Bounds Oceania Course ($4.99)
Metal Gear Solid 4 Database (free)
The Incredible Hulk Downloadable Content (free)
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Coldplay Track Pack ($6.25)
Three pack download containing the songs "Violet Hill", "Talk", "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face" by Coldplay. For all song credits please visit www.redoctane.com
Rock Band
"Rock 'n' Roll Dream" - Crooked X ($0.99)
"Afterlife" - Avenged Sevenfold ($1.99)
"Critical Acclaim" - Avenged Sevenfold ($1.99)
"Hammerhead" - The Offspring ($1.99)
Game Demos (free)
Fatal Inertia EX Trial
NCAA Football 09 Demo
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 Demo
Hail to the Chimp Demo
Game Videos (free)
Linger in Shadows Trailer
PAIN: Character Intro Trailer
Fatal Inertia EX Titan Trailer
Golden Axe: Beast Rider Teaser Trailer
Prince of Persia Debut Trailer
Hail to the Chimp 'Campaign Trail Madness' Trailer
Movie and Blu-ray Trailers (free)
Step Brothers Trailer(x2)
PS3 Themes (free)
AST Dew Tour Theme
Game Music (free)
PAIN Theme Song
Downloadable Games
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure ($14.99)
Game Demos (free)
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Game Videos (free)
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror behind the scenes
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror full trailer
PSP Themes (free)
AST Dew Tour Theme
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June 21st, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
The Fusa team, the ones creating the software to run games on PSP 2000s on any cable and any tv have posted this:
As you know, OldPrisoneR is on his vacation at present time, however he continues work on FuSa SD.
I've just received message from him...he is unstoppable!
He managed to add PS1 (POPS) games support for FuSa SD!
OldPrisoneR has also said that at this moment he is working on new SpeeD BoosteR, which must avoid any slowdown.
You, probably, have one question now: "When will be update?"
I can say just one thing:
There will be no update untill John (OldPrisoneR) returns.
(he will return after fortnight. So, probably, update will be in July)
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June 21st, 2008, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
Mathieulh posted some info on the upcoming Utopia Project:
The public release of utopia has been decided and will take effect as soon as I find time to setup the svn and forum sections.
- Despite the project going public, the project is not done yet, thus you cannot (yet) compile a whole kernel from the soon to be supplied sources. We are looking forward seeing people contributing to complete the utopia project.
What we do not know about yet is if utopia will use GPL license or BSD but it is likely to be BSD.
The svn will be readable by everyone but only a few trusted people will be able to update it (so people do not start messing up with the svn by deleting changes or adding irreveliant ones). If you want to contribute to the utopia project you will have to send your code to the forums where it will be added by the staff to the svn later. People who often contribute to utopia will be granted write access to the svn as well.
About the utopia project, for people who do not know about it yet, it is to be an open source kernel for psp, dedicaced and optimised to homebrews. development. (the kernel is planned to use a little more than 1MB or ram, 2MB maximum)
The kernel is to be fully documented as well and is planned to be divided in 2 parts, one for developers (featuring tools for debugging and development purposes as well as an sdk) and one for homebrewers to run homebrews.
What Utopia wont do/wont feature:
- Utopia is not meant to run Sony's code, thus current homebrews or games wont run on it.
- Utopia will not feature UMD drive support of any kind.
- Utopia will not feature any kind of DRM functionalities (at least this is not planned)
- Utopia will most likely not feature any kirk engine support.
- Wlan is planned but not a priority at this point.
- No vsh or graphic interface of any kind is to be included in utopia or officially supported by the utopia project. Utopia is ONLY the kernel,
if you want to code your own shell on top of it, feel free to do so.
The utopia kernel is NOT based on Linux, freebsd or any other opensource project (unlike uClinux for exemple) , it is based on the 3.71 IPL reverse engeneering. (and later on existing kernel modules reverse)
Once completed and stable the utopia kernel is to be implemented as a new operative mode in future custom firmwares.
Ok What are your thoughts on such a project ?
via lanst
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June 21st, 2008, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Daniel Chan has released a new PSP Homebrew called cWatch, heres the full details from Daniel himself:
cWatch is a portable speedsolving timer (the goal of speedsolving is to solve a Rubik's cube or similar puzzle as fast as you can). With cWatch you can practice or exhibit your speedsolving skills anywhere and everywhere. Not only does cWatch allow you to simply time yourself but it also allows you to save your best times and switch between three different speedsolving categories. So, for example, if you wanted to do a one-handed solve, then you just switch to cWatch's one-handed mode and you will be able to save and see your best time for solving a puzzle one-handed.
Why Should I Use cWatch?
Well, as far as I know, cWatch is the only speedsolving timer ever developed for the PSP. Another thing is that cWatch is just as good as any physical timer such as the popular StackMat Competition Timer. cWatch actually mimics the way the StackMat Competition Timer is started by making you have to press both the L and R shoulder buttons at the same time which ensures that both hands are not touching the puzzle before the solve is started as per the World Cube Association's regulations (it too, stops when the timer reaches ten minutes just like the StackMat Competition Timer). cWatch is also better than the StackMat Competition Timer because it allows you to save your best time for three different categories of solving. In the StackMat Competition Timer, you can save your best time but it does not tell you whether the best time was for, say, a blindfolded solve. Finally, cWatch allows you to stop carrying around that StackMat timer like a dork!
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June 21st, 2008, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Lordvisaris:
Hello everyone! The GGC in parallel with RPG creator you presente GEOMATH v0.1 that allows a bit like utility geogebra on pc create done geometrically.
Place the file in PSP / GAME /
- Navigate in the top menu with r and then to use ROSTER top and bottom
- Apply selection with cross
- Browse the various points with high and low, square to get the details
- To draw lines (bug yet), the first selection point with O and the second with Triangle.
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June 21st, 2008, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
via pdroms

Traumwerk is a Playstation Portable demo coded by Immersion. It ranked #9th place at the Icons 2008 demoparty, in the category "Combined Demo Competition".
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June 21st, 2008, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Littlevish:
What is PSP Phonebook? Well, as the name says, it is a "phonebook" for your PSP. You can search for your friends and find their contact info like Skype and Go! Messenger, as well as AIM and MSN. You can even submit* yourself to the phonebook so others can find you. I saw all the threads on PSU like "Post Your Skype Username Here" etc. and thought this would be really useful.
Right now it's not very pretty looking as it's just text, but I plan to make some sort of interface. I will try to make it look good yet still load quick, but I will still have an option for a "lite" (no images) version.
Keep in mind this is still a beta, and there may be small bugs here and there, or things that will be changed later.
[ Click here to visit]
*When submitting it asks for your PSU username, but if you don't have one you can just put whatever your usual username is
via littlevish
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June 21st, 2008, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Wallabix:
Boxus is a shell programmed in Lua with:
- MP3 Player;
- Photographs Viewer
- USB Mode (Computer, UMD, Flash 0/1/2/3)
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June 21st, 2008, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from roe ur boat:
I've updated my AutoStart plugin to V2. Changelog below.
Version 2:
Added more buttons
Improved the configurator
Fixed a bug that showed the SCE logo when you exited from a homebrew
Descreased the prx size from 30kb to 9kb
Version 1.1:
Descreased the prx size from 90kb to 30kb
Version 1:
Initial release(obviously)
Send any suggestions/bugs to roe-ur-boat@homtail.com or just post here. Hope y'all like it.
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via roeurboat
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June 21st, 2008, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
Dark_Shark has released a new Lua Shell for the PSP, heres whats featured:
Lua Shell v1
The "Lua Shell" is one shell, the functions are:
-MP3 Loader
-UMD Loader - USB UMD
-IMG Loader (JPG and PNG)
-PSX Loader
-ELF Loader
-USB Flash0
-USB Flash1
-USB Flash2
-USB Flash3
-Patch (To load one .lua file)
-Info System
-EXIT Mode -Sleep Mode
-Exit to XMB Mode
-Credits and Help
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June 21st, 2008, 15:58 Posted By: JKKDARK
via gamezine
The PS3, which at the moment doesn't look like getting close to achieving the sales necessary to beat the PS2, will pick up pace soon, says Mr Reeves.
"The PS3 install base is growing faster that the PS2's was at this point in its lifecycle," he said. "The next five years are going to be turbulent.
"[But] I think it is going to be the most exciting period that we have ever seen in the past ten years of video games."
Despite the Wii's relative dominance in the market at the moment, Reeves believes the future will be kinder to Sony.
"We welcome all competition. Whatever happens, we are all going to do well. We should celebrate the growth of the industry."
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June 22nd, 2008, 04:57 Posted By: DarthPaul
Mathieulh, a member of the M33 team, the team behind the famous custom firmwares for the PSP, announced and confirmed two of the major features to be included in the upcoming firmware based in the kernel of the earlier relased 4.00 firmware.
So, what are the features?
1. In-XMB Recovery Mode: Meaning that you'll be able to do all the changes you do in the Recovery mode without rebooting your PSP.
2. SaveStates: This means you'll be able to save/load your games whenever and wherever you want to.
Save-states finally coming to PSP?! I knew Team M33 wouldn't lest us down on this one. Well, they never do. 
Disscus this via Comments.
via: Exophase
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June 22nd, 2008, 10:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Store 4 memory stick pro duo directly inside your PSP or PSP Slim and Lite with this clever accessory from Team Xecuter.
No need to have any external storage if you just access files from your memory stick.
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June 22nd, 2008, 10:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Compatible with both PSP and PSP Slim consoles, this Analog Stick Mega Kit (comes with 10 silicon analog stick cap and 2 directional pads) increases grip and prevents any scratch from the buttons.
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June 22nd, 2008, 10:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A replacement original faceplate for your PSP Slim and Lite.
- Smart, Stylish design
- Easy to install, easy to use
- High Quality finish reflects everything in VIVID DETAIL
Colours available: Black, White, Silver, Blue, Green
Newly Added: Red, Pink, Bronze
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
What with the success of the latest Macross TV series, Macross Frontier, it's hardly surprising that a game will be released to tie-in with it. That being said, Macross Ace Frontier could be something quite substantial in terms of its content.
The game is being developed by Artdink, who have recently been making a name for themselves with the Gundam Battle series (a good breakdown of these games can be found here) it's interesting that they've landed a Macross game. Interesting because functionally mapping mobile suit control is a far easier task than trying to emulate Valkyrie piloting. To explain, Gundam games just feature mecha but Macross games need to offer the same fidelity of control you'd see in a flight sim, helicopter sim and a mecha game. Historically, Macross games have been subsequently a bit pants. It was only until SEGA AM2 used their Aero Dancing engine that things began to improve (though GERWALK control, the helicopter functionality effectively, was still damn fiddly).
Presently, the game is at 60% complete. Yet, it's already boasting an impressive roster of playable units (40 Valkyries) from a slew of series and movies (namely; Macross Zero, Macross, Macross Do You Remember Love?, Macross Plus, Macross 7, and Macross Frontier). In addition, there will be 30 characters and over 80 missions. The four player multiplayer from the Gundam Battle games is also present and Macross Ace Frontier will also offer co-op play too. This amount of content pretty much dwarfs SEGA's last effort and even From Software's monolithic Another Century's Episode games and it's only on a handheld!
Macross Ace Frontier will be released later this year in Japan and there is no news of a Western release as yet.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
You may have seen that Spencer of Silicon Era discovered and confirmed that Shining Dragon, the PS2 3D Ikkitousen fighting game with breakable clothing, is coming to the U.S. courtesy of Valcon. We mentioned the game way back here.
Next, there's the PSP version, which has an official site now. This game, which bears the subtitle Eloquent Fist, is a 2D side-scrolling brawler. Check out a movie here, and the limited edition goods here. There's a figure set, if you're into that. Talk about two girls, one cup. I hope that joke hasn't been made already!
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
On Wednesday, PlayStation Lifestyle posted up a rumor that Microsoft was supposedly gunning for a timed Xbox 360 exclusive, to be paid for in cash money and announced at E3. Following an understandable uproar on the part of PlayStation fans, Capcom has set the record straight via their official message forums.
In fact, said record-straightening was done by Christian Svensson, Capcom's VP of strategic planning and business development, who wrote: "The assertion is false. RE5 is a multiplatform release that fits with our oft-stated crossplatform strategy." In the same thread, Svensson confirms "for the avoidance of doubt" that the game will be a simultaneous release on both platforms. Thanks for being so quick with the extinguisher on this one, Sven.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

The war features a large number of robots, from the mobile suits in the Gundam series to the original Banpresto creations.
New features in this revival of the classic game include replacing the attack and guard support system with a new one. Split your characters into the attack team and protect team and use them for different occasions.
The robots are equipped with a shield that deflects half of the damages you suffer. The higher level your characters are, the more frequent this shield appears.
Assign skills for your characters to learn. In this revival, you have the right to customize the skills of both robots and pilots.
All weapons can be upgraded in the game, so be sure to make use of this feature and prepare yourself for the difficult boss battles.
Super Robot Taisen A was first released on Gameboy Advance in 2001. Now, 7 years later, it is re-released on Sony PSP with lots of upgrades and new features. The story takes place in a futuristic post war period where the Earth is slowly recovering from two devastating wars.
However, just as people start believing that the peaceful times would last, because of a failed diplomatic mission, another war begins. To make matters worse, the failure of this mission made the Moon Empire lose confidence in the Earth Federation and thus declared independence from Earth as well as war.
In this crucial hour, all departments within the Earth Federation are in standby mode, all except their 13th squadron. But like it or not, they are the only match for the mysterious enemies' forces.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
Assembly (~Chang Han Yu, Tan Chaio, ...) HK US$ 27.90
Be Kind Rewind (~Jack Black, Mos Def, ...) US US$ 35.99
Fool's Gold (~Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, ...) US US$ 35.99
Men in Black (~Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, ...) US US$ 28.95
Perhaps Love (~Kaneshiro Takeshi, Jacky Cheung, ...) HK US$ 27.90
So I Married an Axe Murderer (~Mike Myers, Nancy Travis, ...) US US$ 28.95
Tsuki Shukai Eisei Kaguya Ga Mita Tsuki To Chikyu Tsuki No De Soshite Chikyu No Iri JPN US$ 46.90
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Unlimited Destruction: Become the Incredible Hulk and experience unlimited destruction. Players can demolish anything in their path and also use it as a weapon – pieces of a crumbling building…a passing car…a light standard.
Powerful Rage: Rage is power. Build the Hulk’s rage to learn powerful moves. Cause unheard-of damage to gain and upgrade his abilities.
Incredible Scale: New York City’s towering skyscrapers allow for exciting vertically based gameplay, while powerful, massive enemies such as Bi-Beast and the Abomination challenge the Hulk’s might.
Dynamic Open World: A realistic next-gen, open-world representation of Manhattan provides gamers with an immense playground of destruction that also contains sub-quests, minigames, and a story that reaches beyond the film to include elements from classic Marvel comics.
One of Marvel®’s most powerful Super Heroes® unleashes epic destruction this June in Marvel Studios’ blockbuster movie, The Incredible Hulk. Along with the film, SEGA® releases an intensely realistic third-person action video game available on all major video-game platforms.
Fueled with fury, SEGA’s The Incredible Hulk features key moments from the film, as well as additional plotlines and characters from the character’s rich comic-book universe. Players smash through New York City, battling gigantic enemies amidst soaring skyscrapers in a massive open world.
As one of the most anticipated entertainment events of 2008, The Incredible Hulk will have fans lining up this summer on both the big and small screens.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Space Invaders Extreme combines the captivating essence of the original game with a stunning alliance of futuristic graphic design and cutting-edge audio. The gameplay experience has been developed to maximise on the consoles' abilities, offering players a whole new range of amazing features including a vast array of new power-ups.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the final chapter in the saga of Solid Snake which sends him around the world in pursuit of his arch nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. Armed with new gadgets and abilities, Solid Snake must shift the tides of war into his favor, using the chaos of the battlefield to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. In his globetrotting final mission, Snake must sneak deep into enemy locations in the Middle East, South America, and other corners of the Earth to foil Liquid Ocelot's plans for total world domination.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Dragonball Z: Burst Limit is the first game of the Dragonball Z series to hit the next generation consoles, the PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360. The game features detailed graphics and dramatic, seamless battles, expected from a next generation console. The plans are to have characters and movement reminiscent of the animation, and high-intensity battles. During each battle, find conditions to create new dramatic scenes. After the battles, watch a unique story unfold each time you play. There is also a stronger element of offense and defense, due to added energy saving and fighting techniques.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Developed by Harmonix, creators of the blockbuster Guitar Hero franchise, Rock Band is an all-new platform for gamers to experience music, giving players the chance to rock in the shoes of the biggest guitarists, bassists, drummers and singers of all time ?as a solo superstar or as part of a hard rocking band. Rock Band delivers four music games in one ?challenging rockers to master lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals. Built on unprecedented deals with top record labels and music publishers, the music featured in Rock Band spans all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from legendary artists.
Rock Band US version(X1)
Wireless Guitar(x1)
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the final chapter in the saga of Solid Snake which sends him around the world in pursuit of his arch nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. Armed with new gadgets and abilities, Solid Snake must shift the tides of war into his favor, using the chaos of the battlefield to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. In his globetrotting final mission, Snake must sneak deep into enemy locations in the Middle East, South America, and other corners of the Earth to foil Liquid Ocelot's plans for total world domination.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Simpsons Game features a hilarious, sprawling, and mind-busting storyline crafted by the TV show's Emmy Award-winning writers. For this action-comedy, the full cast of voice actors from the TV show and movie reprise their roles to lend the ultimate in authenticity and realism to the game. In The Simpsons Game, Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new powers to save Springfield from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers must journey through their home town (as well as vast worlds beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of villains, and fight their way through parodies of multiple popular games.
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June 22nd, 2008, 11:50 Posted By: wraggster
Back in February we spotted a rumor that a GTA movie starring Eminem almost happened. It was knocked down the same day by Rockstar's Dan Houser, who said "we never entertained proceeding with the project." Maybe the story pitch was crap, but even if it wasn't, now we know at least one reason why.
LA Weekly's Nikkie FInke reports on her blog that a settlement prohibits Rockstar from making a movie based on Grand Theft Auto, which is the same name as a 1977 film whose rights are owned by Fox. The settlement also prohibits Fox from making any video game based on that movie. I've never seen it, but considering all the crappy adaptations done out there, obviously this settlement was more about protecting Fox's copyrights than Rockstar's.
Interestingly, the Grand Theft Auto film in question got an updated box right around the time the original GTA craze hit (above), and you can see the similarities in the typefaces. Not sure if this was part [or provocation] of the settlement or not.
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June 22nd, 2008, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dark_shark of his Lua Shell:
1.Browser (NEW) (ms0, flash0, flash1, umd drive)
(Open: Lua, PBP, ELF, PRX and extract Zip)
(Remove file and dir, Rename and Copy file)
2.MP3 Player (Bug Fixed)
3.IMG (No Updates)
4.GAME (UMD, PSX loader) (UMD USB)
5.CPU Speed (New)
6.Internet (New)
7.USB (USB, Flash0, Flash1, Flash2, Flash3)
8.Info System
9.EXIT Mode (Sleep, Exit to XMB, OFF PSP)
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June 22nd, 2008, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
Tutorial from Sony itself :P
Hey, gang!
For those who don’t know me, my name’s Noel and I’m part of the PSN Store Design Team. I’m back today to talk about making your own custom Themes for the PSP.
Here’s what you’ll be needing:
a computer that runs Windows
a digital image editing program
the “PSP Theme Toolbox”
a little bit of time
First thing you need to do is download the “PSP Theme Toolbox” zipped file. You can unzip it anywhere, but if you’ll be doing a lot of Themes or want to use the pre-made default while going through this walkthrough, you’ll have to extract it directly to your C:\ drive (C:\PSP Theme Toolbox\).
In the “Toolbox”, you’ll find:
Icons and Wallpaper templates
“PSP Custom Theme Converter” program
Default Project saved as a “.txt” file
“How To” Basics and Advanced Walkthroughs
Layered PhotoShop template of icons
Unlike for PS3 Themes, there is an actual program so you won’t have to be worrying about XML code or funky compiler programs.
Open the program (PSPCustomThemeConverter.exe) and we’ll go though it, tab-by-tab.
NOTE: If you’d like to see a working example of each item, go to “File\Open” and select “PSPTheme_default.txt”. This will only work if you’ve extracted the Toolbox to your C:\ drive because of the way the project file links to the associated images.
The first tab is the “Information” Tab.
Put the name of your Theme or its description in the “Title” space.
The “Product ID” is where you assign what the Theme is associated to, e.g. Game, Anime, Movie, etc.
The “Version” is helpful if you want to do keep track of multiple versions of a Theme, but isn’t necessary either.
The second tab is the “Wallpaper” Tab.
Wallpapers have to be:
* 480 x 272 pixels
* 24-bit Color Image
* BMP files
Click on the “Folder” button to browse and select any image that matches the required size and format.
If the image you select is not useable, an “Error” window will pop-up letting you know what needs to change.
You can click the “Preview” button to preview your wallpaper once you’ve selected one that is workable.
Next tab is called “Category Icons”, and is for the main XMB Icons.
These icons need to be:
* either 64 x 48 pixels or 48 x 48 pixels
* 8-bit Index (32-bit Color)
* TGA, PNG, or GIM image files
The “First Level Icons” Tab is for the icons that appear within a category on the XMB.
These are the sub-icons that appear below the category XMB icons.
Double click on the icon line or click the “Edit” button.
You’ll see a request for two files: the “Icon Body” and the “Icon Focus”. The “Body” is the actual icon.
The “Focus” is the glow that pulses around the icon when you highlight that icon. If you’d like to keep things simple, or not worry about having a pulsing glow around your selection, you can either use the default focus image or leave that space blank.
The icons need to be:
* 32 x 32 pixels (Body)
* 48 x 48 pixels (Focus)
* 8-bit Index (32-bit Color)
* TGA, PNG, or GIM image files
The “Second Level Icons” tab is for the “Settings” Icon. That’s right; the “Settings” wrench gets its very own tab!
Just like the First Level Icons, these need to be:
* 32 x 32 pixels
* 8-bit Index (32-bit Color)
* TGA, PNG, or GIM image files
Its focus needs to be:
* 48 x 48 pixels
* 8-bit Index (32-bit Color)
* TGA, PNG, or GIM image files
The last tab is “Others”.
The “Preview Icon” is the tiny thumbnail that appears when you choose your Theme, and needs to be:
* 16 x 16 pixels
* 8-bit Index (32-bit Color)
* TGA, PNG, or GIM image files
The “Preview Image” is the preview for the Theme, and needs to be:
* 300 x 170
* 24-bit Color Image
The final option is “Theme Color”. Here, you can assign a particular highlight colour to your Theme, or have it change monthly automatically.
Once you’ve assigned all of the Icons to your images, go to “FILE” and select “EXPORT”.
Name your file, click “SAVE”, and the program will create your PSP Theme File (.PTF).
With your PSP connected to your computer in USB Mode or with a compatible Memory Stick connected, place the file into the proper “Theme” folder ( \PSP\THEME ).
Disconnect your PSP or insert the Memory Stick in to your PSP.
Under “Settings”, select “Theme Settings”, and then “Theme”.
Your new Theme should appear in the selectable list.
Good luck and have fun making your own PSP Themes!
“The world is but a canvas to the imagination.” - Henry David Thoreau:
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June 22nd, 2008, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen
Everyone knows the principle of Casino, you have money you bet, if you have several identical signs you win a certain sum, if you do not win anything. thebombeh our forums has posted a virtual version for PSP Casino.
When you get 2 identical images, you earn 5 points to 3 images 20 points.
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June 23rd, 2008, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
In a post regarding PSP themes, a user named “Stunt” asked to be updated on some 2.40 info. Noel’s response can be read right underneath Stunt’s question.
Stunt | June 20th, 2008 at 8:58 pm
Noel, my friend, do you know when we will be updated on the v2.40 update Eric Lempel mentioned in the v2.36 post? I hope we don’t have to wait until next week.
Noel Silvia replied on June 21, 2008 at 1:34 pm
Eric’s working hard to get everything set for the launch of Firmware 2.40, including a video walkthrough.
I can’t comment on when (as I don’t know the exactly date!), but I’m just as excited as all of you for it.
Trophy Support + In-Game Messaging FTW!
Let’s go on a run-down on what this little comment actually confirms.
“Eric’s working hard to get everything set for the launch of Firmware 2.40″ - This means that 2.40 is completed because he says that Eric is getting everything set for the launch of 2.40, which means the firmware itself is done and complete, they just need to get everything ready (Checklist, video walkthrough, uploading to the PSN, setting servers for new firmware, etc.,). Especially for an update this important they want to make this update error-free.
“…including a video walkthrough.” This means that they probably already have 2.40 installed on a Retail PLAYSTATION3 system…which also implies that 2.40 is actually complete. It also means that everything is ready and successful and all kinks are worked out. To top it all off, it means that we’re going to see the real Official Firmware in-action for the first time, including a possible list of games that support trophies and a glance at In-game XMB.
“Trophy Support + In-Game Messaging FTW!” Yikes, what does this mean. It may mean a lot of head ache for Sony, or it could just mean that’s Noel Silvia’s most important features. A lot of people really want In-Game Music…and if those are the only features in 2.40 and no in-game Music, Sony’s really going to hear it. Although, personally I would be just fine with the Universal Friends list, In-Game Messaging.
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June 23rd, 2008, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Uberjack:
New features in this version:
Games/applications that require MSX Audio/MSX Music will no longer crash the emulator if either is disabled in System settings - there will simply be no Y2413/YM8950 audio
ROM type settings are now saved between sessions - up to 500 different ROM’s can be tracked by CRC32 value
The second feature requires some experimentation, and I welcome any feedback you may have. As mentioned, the limit is 500 ROM’s - this is not counting the “auto-detect” ROM’s, for obvious reasons. The list is updated when ROM type is changed via the System menu - to remove an entry from the list, simply set ROM type to “auto-detect”.
Searching through the CRC values is done in linear time, when a ROM is actually loaded, but for 500 entries, this is not likely to take long (I’m not sure how long reading/writing these entries will take to memory stick, however).
The list is loaded from stick when the emulator starts up, stored in memory while the emulator runs, and saved back to stick when emulator is exited.
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June 23rd, 2008, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files.
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via torch
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June 23rd, 2008, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen
Madlax, member forums DevsGen, has put online a demo of his homebrew which is a port gaming PC.
You may know the Savior on Thursday Scramble Power Computer? Madlax has been working for over a month on a draft port of this game on the PSP. This is a small video game PC for those who do not connaitraîent:
The construction and graphics of this demo version are truly sublime and deserve a look!
Note: One character is playable in the demo version and only one map is available, but the quality forgive the lack of content
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
PlayStation 3 owners are among the oldest for this generation of consoles, according to a consumer survey conducted by Experian.
The PS3 was found to have it highest level of appeal to 44 year-olds and above, while Microsoft's Xbox 360 appealed to the younger 35 - 44 crowd.
The survey also found the Wii outranking either of the other consoles amongst the 18-24 year olds but its popularity declined steadily as the age ranges grew higher.
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has confirmed European gamers will get access to the Metal Gear Solid 4 database after all - and there's not long to wait.
As previously reported, the database is packed with info about the game and its predecessors.
Until now only those with US PSN accounts have been given access, but it'll be available on the European PSN Store from June 26th - that's Thursday in the old money. And it's all free and everything.
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
While most of us are still sitting through those huge Metal Gear 4 cut scenes, words has arisen from MGS4 producer Ryan Payton that Metal Gear Solid 5 may be a prequel.
In an interview with 1up Payton explained: "There are some misunderstandings that this is the final Metal Gear game. But it's really the final chapter of the Solid Snake story. That's all."
Encouraging news for fans, both new and old we would have thought. Although did you really think we'd never see another MGS game, Kojima or no Kojima?
Payton continued, "I'm happy we could wrap up Snake's story in MGS4. If we continue on with Metal Gear Solid 5 with more Solid Snake adventures, we'll get to the point where the game has absolutely no basis in reality.. He's had four or five really big missions, and that seems a little more realistic to me."
You can read more here if you fancy.
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
via pspsource
This is my first homebrew, which is also equal to the graphics look. The game principle is very simple: It is about falling __ V with a catch. As mentioned above, the picture is not exactly exhilarating, because I do not know how to use graphics or sound. (Could someone perhaps write a TUT?) Also flashes the menu and the game a bit. The game is completely in German.
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The traditional bedfellows of rumour and speculation are rolling around on the Internet mattress again following the appearance of a mysterious countdown page on Sony Japan's website.
The page morphs from a pixellated or2 into a pixellated orz after a few clicks, whilst a cutesified bogey squishes across the base of the screen. Current front-runner in the wild-guess sweepstakes of 'What It Could Mean' is Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida 2, a sequel to a PSP dungeon crawler which translates roughly to These Darn Adventures. Considering the first one clearly features the exact same animated slime-chap, we're putting Auntie Esther's tea service into pawn and putting the money on that.
The original never hit the Western market, so we're not overly confident that this sequel will ship overseas either, especially if it turns out to be a PSN only title as expected. Nonetheless, Japanese-speaking fans of retro-styled dungeon crawlers can start sweating in anticipation of the official announcement on Friday.
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The very first trailer for Call of Duty 5 is now showing on Eurogamer TV.
The game is being developed by Treyarch and is subtitled World at War. It's said to offer a gritty, mature portrayal of events during the Second World War. Early teasers show a prisoner of war being tortured and having his throat cut, while your character looks on and waits his turn for the same treatment.
It'll be the first COD game to feature co-op action. Two players can team up on split-screen, while up to four can enjoy online co-op. Vehicles will play an important role and you can expect the return of squad-based multiplayer, plus the option to say real army phrases into your headset.
Treyarch has sensibly used the Call of Duty 4 engine as a foundation to build on. There will be more destructible environments where you can shoot holes in wood then climb through them and set fire to things.
Call of Duty: World at War is coming to PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 sometime before April next year.
Trailer here
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June 23rd, 2008, 18:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Nearly two months after dragging reviewers out of their parent's cars and beating perfect 10s out of them, Rockstar has released a patch for Grand Theft Auto 4 targeting both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms. This patch notably addresses the oft-heard early complaints of "multiplayer connectivity issues" and "freezes during certain modes." There's a full list of 11 total fixes so, if you've been having trouble getting things done in Liberty City, Rockstar wants to offer you an apology and recommends taking this patch out for a test drive.
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June 23rd, 2008, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
thanks to the fadil team for this news:
Miriam from PSPGen has released RS PSAR Dumper v 3.4
Change Log:
* Additions two decryption keys in the pspdecrypt for FW 4.00
* Support FW 4.00 was added to the main program.
* The buffers have been adjusted to support the decoding of 4.00
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June 23rd, 2008, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Auraomega has finally released a new version of his shell for the PSP, heres his release news:
Due to Brickage Concerns We strongly advise against using it
Here it is, finally, the "full" release of Project4, its almost killed me (or my testers have almost killed me) getting it released, but its done - finally!
It now sports a few minor application extras, such as a calendar, calculator, stopwatch, all of which are still pretty basic and no doubt buggy - these I plan on updating properly in the future, for now they are there simply as a base to work upon later.
The major updates for this version come in usability, and user friendliness. The first update is a new easier to read configuration file, which now supports comments and more options, this gives an easier and more varied look for Project4, by simply changing icon placement or colours, and theres no more in depth thinking as to which part you are editing, the information is all there in the file.
The next thing is shortcut buttons, a file located in flash1:/P4/ can be used to link programs to buttons (and I may hazard a guess to say files too, but I've not tested), meaning if you want to have something like iRShell on there for loading the web browser or whatever, you can simply press the key combo and its launched.
The main update though, the one thats driven me over the barrier of insanity and back into sanity in a full circle... plugin support of files. This expands Project4's usage far beyond its original capabilities, simply editing the shortcut file in flash1:/P4/ will allow a program to load a file thus supporting any file that can be used by another application, its still not working how I wanted it working, because some files will not be opened by the application, I am currently looking into possible ways to fix it.
Theres also some nice graphic changes, namely in EBOOT loading, in old versions you just got the "Request" menu screen, in this version it will strip out the background image and icon image of the application, and blit it to the screen giving you a far better sense of what it is you're loading. This has caused some minor problems with loading odd files, in some cases it causes the system to crash (I'm not sure if this is just my PSP or others as well, had no reports and a lot gets corrupted on my card whilst testing), if this is the case loading the file while pressing the left shoulder button will bypass this.
I've added a new version format, theres some minor significance behind the numbers chosen and maybe the keen eyed and nerdy type will see what it is
Finally, I hate to have to do it again, but recently my computer died a painful death of an overdose of BSoD'ing, and even my Linux partition isn't doing so well, meaning theres a hardware issue, and my laptop is not having much better luck either, its taking multiple times to boot it and a lot of the hardware is failing, I've been looking into getting a new computer but after spending all my cash and donations on my holiday to Scotland (all packed and ready to go). So I'm asking again for donations this time towards a new competent computer, I had hoped mine would last until I got a job, unfortunatly I doubt this will be the case... A recap of rewards from donations:
£0.01+ - A personal e-mail (no automatted crap)
£1.50+ - A mention in the next readme
£2.50+ - A mention in Project4's about page
£5.00+ - Access to Project4's pre-release board where "beta" builds of the actual release get uploaded giving you the ability to get Project4 updates before official release and help towards testing.
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June 24th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Cinematic single-player experience: A deep campaign loaded with attitude follows a wayward band of ordinary soldiers who risk it all on a quest for personal gain.
War your way: Battlefield: Bad Company environments are nearly 100 percent destructible, meaning that any structure can be demolished down to its foundation
New vehicles, weapons, and toys: Whether on land, air, or sea, there are dozens of new tools waiting for your explosive experimentation
Genre-defining multiplayer: Support is provided for 24 players online in an all new game mode, Gold Rush
Set in the near future, the Battlefield: Bad Company single-player campaign drops gamers into a dramatic Eurasian conflict. As part of a squad of four soldiers, players risk it all to go AWOL on a personal quest, fighting their own war within the war. Featuring a dramatic storyline flavored with attitude, Battlefield: Bad Company leads gamers far from the traditional frontlines on a wild ride with a group of renegade soldiers who decide that sometimes the gratitude of a nation just isn’t enough.
The Battlefield: Bad Company cinematic single-player experience captures the freedom and intensity of the franchise’s legendary multiplayer sandbox gameplay in a dynamic world where nearly everything is destructible. Gamers have total freedom to be daring and innovative, adapting to and tackling challenges in unexpected “Battlefield-style” ways. Create sniping positions by blowing out a piece of a wall or drive your tank straight through a small house. The ever-changing battlefield forces players, their teammates and enemies to react accordingly.
The game also features a full suite of the franchise’s trademark multiplayer gameplay, supporting 24 players online.
Battlefield: Bad Company is the first game built from the ground up for next-generation consoles using DICE’s bleeding-edge Frostbite™ game engine, delivering unrivaled graphics, effects and gameplay.
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June 24th, 2008, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list
House of Fury (~Gillian Chung, Stephen Fung, ...) US US$ 29.95
Over Alaska US US$ 19.99
Persepolis (~Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, ...) US US$ 38.96
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure US US$ 28.99
Step Into Liquid [dts] (~Jim Knost, Alex Knost, ...) US US$ 29.99
The Spiderwick Chronicles (~Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, ...) US US$ 39.99
Washington the Beautiful US US$ 19.99
10,000 B.C. US$ 35.99 only.
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June 24th, 2008, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Screen hints, tactics, tips and onscreen-mini map are included making it easier to navigate around the wold of the Overlord
Explore and conquer 5 extra supernatural realms
Defend the Overlord's tower against waves of enemy attack with seven additional online multiplayer maps
Overlord Raising Hell’s triumphant debut on PLAYSTATION®3 takes you on a seriously twisted fantasy adventure packed with dark humour and smart satire on established RPG convention and cliché. Penned by game writer Rhianna Pratchett, acclaimed author on Heavenly Sword™, prepare to embark on a tongue-in-cheek journey of death and destruction where evil is enlightening and tyranny’s a treat.
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June 24th, 2008, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Original storyline set in the Hellboy universe, filled with classic characters from the comic book
Stunning next-gen graphics with dynamic lighting effects bring Hellboy to life like never before
Explosive battle system with contextual grappling commands lets players experience Hellboy's supernatural might as he unleashes the Right Hand of Doom on his enemies
Use strategy to take down hordes of enemies - toss a straggler into the crowd or manipulate the environment to create more manageable groups of enemies
Play as series favorites Abe Sapein and Liz Sherman in cooperative multiplayer modes
An entirely new experience and storyline on the PSP
Creative direction from Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and movie director Guillermo del Toro
Hellboy: The Science of Evil will give players the opportunity to experience the epic adventures of the acclaimed comic book hero, fusing action, atmosphere and humor. In his latest quest, Hellboy uncovers an insane Nazi plot for world domination and must rush to defeat the crazed Hermann Von Klempt before he can exert his evil will upon earth. As a visceral brawler, the game lets players unleash Hellboy’s superhuman abilities as they smash their way through hordes of enemies with contextual use of the environment for added destructive power and strategy. Just another day for Hellboy…
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June 24th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

For the first time in the Ratchet & Clank series, Clank gets star billing as he breaks out of his usual supporting role and gets a full game of his own
Unleash Clank’s cutting edge array of weapons and gadgets, such as Cufflink Bombs, Tie-a-Rangs, Spy Sunglasses and the ever helpful Holo-Disguise Monocle
Launch into a variety of gameplay styles from all-out action to cunning stealth and brain-busting puzzle solving
Drive state-of-the-art super spy vehicles including speedboats, snowboards and sports cars
Play as Clank, Ratchet and even Captain Qwark to gather enough evidence to set Ratchet free and discover who framed the innocent Lombax
Clank’s on a mission. His best buddy, Ratchet, has been framed by a ruthless enemy and jailed for a crime he did not commit. Not only that, but Ratchet’s maximum security prison is full of the universe’s most dangerous criminals most of whom are lining up to personally ‘welcome’ Ratchet into his new cell.
Luckily for Ratchet he’s got Clank on the outside, and luckily for Clank he’s the kind of brainy little robot who is cool under pressure and knows a thing or two about tracking down a mysterious enemy. That’s why, as Secret Agent Clank, he’s hot on the trail of clues to unravel the mystery and secure Ratchet’s release from jail.
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June 24th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and of interest for UK importers than anyone else:

Limited Edition God of War PSP Entertainment Pack Includes limited edition, lighter, slimmer red PSP with Kratos art, God of War: Chains of Olympus game and Superbad UMD movie.
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June 24th, 2008, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
In the Kung Fu Panda video game, players embark on an epic, action-packed adventure as they master the specialized Kung Fu fighting styles of Po the Panda, the unlikely hero, his teacher Shifu, and the legendary Kung Fu masters, the Furious Five: Monkey, Tigress, Viper, Mantis and Crane. Through 13 legendary levels from the movie and beyond, and spanning land, water and air, players must work their way to become the Dragon Warrior and defeat the ultimate enemy, Tai Lung, as they battle a variety of foes, overcome dangerous obstacles, navigate multi-tiered environments and solve challenging puzzles. Featuring a deep variety of gameplay, unique co-op and competitive multiplayer modes, collectibles, and a host of character upgrades, the Kung Fu Panda video game provides an experience gamers of all ages will enjoy.
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June 24th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's game division saw sales go up 26.3 percent in fiscal 2008 to 267.5 billion yen ($2.5 billion), and while the company still took an operating loss of 124.5 billion yen ($1.2 billion), that's close to half of what it was in 2007.
The company also said its Japanese sales "decreased slightly," while sales rose in North America and Europe.
We've already reported Sony's unit sales by platform today, and we also took a peek inside the company's losses throughout PlayStation 3's bumpy start, but now we've also learned that Sony's actually closed some of that gap in its cost-of-sales to sales ratio (how much it costs to make a product versus how much the product earns.)
Though, as we reported earlier, Sony took a hit because the PS3 still costs more to make than they recoup at its current price point, the company says that its price reductions were "successful," in that "a significant increase" in PS3 sales ultimately cut 2007's losses nearly in half over the course of the year. The resulting broader userbase in turn drove software sales, which also helped. Sony says it also benefited from reducing its advertising and marketing expenses.
Finally, Sony credited strong PSP performance buoyed by the success of the slim and lite model for helping reduce losses in its game business segment.
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June 24th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's game division saw sales go up 26.3 percent in fiscal 2008 to 267.5 billion yen ($2.5 billion), and while the company still took an operating loss of 124.5 billion yen ($1.2 billion), that's close to half of what it was in 2007.
The company also said its Japanese sales "decreased slightly," while sales rose in North America and Europe.
We've already reported Sony's unit sales by platform today, and we also took a peek inside the company's losses throughout PlayStation 3's bumpy start, but now we've also learned that Sony's actually closed some of that gap in its cost-of-sales to sales ratio (how much it costs to make a product versus how much the product earns.)
Though, as we reported earlier, Sony took a hit because the PS3 still costs more to make than they recoup at its current price point, the company says that its price reductions were "successful," in that "a significant increase" in PS3 sales ultimately cut 2007's losses nearly in half over the course of the year. The resulting broader userbase in turn drove software sales, which also helped. Sony says it also benefited from reducing its advertising and marketing expenses.
Finally, Sony credited strong PSP performance buoyed by the success of the slim and lite model for helping reduce losses in its game business segment.
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June 24th, 2008, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Even as the current console generation marches on, PlayStation 2 sales and software both have kept reliably chugging like a newly-slimlined little Energizer Bunny. But Sony's fiscal 2008 annual report shows that both PS2 hardware and software have begun to demonstrate a decline.
Sony sold .98 million fewer PS2s than it did over last fiscal year, and PS2 software sales are down 39.5 million units year-over-year, too.
According to the report, Sony is planning on continuing decline for the PS2 in its ninth year since release. "However, on the back of worldwide hardware expansion, there are plans for a diversified portfolio of software titles to be released, and, thus, Sony will strive to maintain the scale of this business," said the company.
How are Sony's other platforms stacking up? Chart, and more delicious numbers, after the jump.
Still, though, PS2 software sales dominated over PS3 and PSP software, with almost three times as many units sold. Interestingly, it's the PSP that's sold more hardware than either the PS2 or PS3, moving a total of 13.89 million units, over four million more than last year.
PSP sold 55.5 million units of software, a small .8 million-unit bump over last year, putting it on par with PS3 software at 57.9 million units. PS3 software made a grand leap to reach that point, though, up 44.6 million units over last year.
Worldwide hardware unit sales (increase/decrease year-on-year ):
PS2: 13.73 million units (a decrease of 0.98 million units)
PSP: 13.89 million units (an increase of 4.36 million units)
PS3: 9.24 million units (an increase of 5.63 million units)
Worldwide software unit sales (increase/decrease year-on-year ):
PS2: 154.0 million units (a decrease of 39.5 million units)
PSP: 55.5 million units (an increase of 0.8 million units)
PS3: 57.9 million units (an increase of 44.6 million units)
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June 24th, 2008, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
Alek posted this news:
Just a little update. Watching how many people were asking for 4.00m33, it's interesting to make somethings clear.
Due to the lack of updates from sony (features), this new cfw will implement new changes that will make easier to work on the future ones, within some internal tools.
You'd have probably noticed some features of this new cfw that were told on french forums, but, to tell the truth, neither the savestates or the recovery on XMB or etc would at 100% probability be implemented at once (maybe later on m33-2, ... etc)
Even though, recovery will be translated to spanish and you will be able to translate it to any other language without hex editing.
To sum up, main changes will come for compatibility and internal issues (with some functions to make life easier to the shells creators, launchment of an utility to compress prx's and pbp's, etc.)
It will be likely be done by the end of this week.
Awesome news 
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June 24th, 2008, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Pricing the PlayStation 3 below its production cost caused Sony to lose $2.16 billion in 2007 and $1.16 billion in 2008, the company revealed today.
Sony's fiscal 2008 annual report delineated potential risk factors to its investors, outlining that "the large-scale investment required during the development and introductory period of a new gaming platform may not be fully recovered." The loss figures were provided as an example of the "significant negative impact" introducing a new platform can cause at first.
"In the past, large-scale investment relating to capital expenditures and research and development for the manufacture of key components, including semiconductors supplied for [PlayStation 3] was also recorded within the Electronics segment," the company said.
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June 24th, 2008, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
A MAN who stole a Sony PSP has been given a community order.
Steven Priddey, of Windermere Drive, Worcester, was sentenced at Worcester Magistrates Court .
The court heard Priddey, 22, was earlier convicted of stealing the gaming console from Cash Concepts in Worcester on Wednesday, March 14.
Gemma Goode, prosecuting, said store manager Richard Shurmer had noticed the item missing and, when he checked CCTV, saw Priddey take it out of a cabinet and conceal it in the waistband of his trousers.
During a police interview, Priddey told officers he had previously provided Mr Shurmer with cannabis and, in return, been given permission to take items from the store.
The court heard Mr Shurmer admitted he had bought cannabis from Priddey on two occasions but denied giving him permission to take the Sony PSP. He later received an informal police warning.
Priddey admitted offering to supply cannabis between Monday, January 22, and Thursday, February 15, 2007.
Mark Sheward, defending, said Priddey maintained Mr Shurmer had given him permission to take the Sony PSP but he accepted he was guilty of theft after he discovered Mr Shurmur was not the owner of the shop.
Mr Sheward said Priddey had realised using cannabis affected his ability to think clearly and had given up the drug.
Magistrates ordered for him to be supervised by the probation service for 12 months and ordered him to pay £450 costs and £65 compensation.
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June 24th, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Konami has revealed that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots has sold over one million units in Europe in its first week of release.
The publisher has also said that the limited edition of the PlayStation 3 exclusive has sold out – all 25,000 units.
"The Metal Gear Solid series has again proved its huge potential, and we are delighted with the fantastic response the game has enjoyed at retail," commented Martin Schneider, sales and marketing director for Konami in Germany.
"We are extremely pleased with the positive feedback we have received from retail and consumers alike, and will keep satisfying their needs with updates to the game's 'Extra' option, and via new content to Metal Gear Online," he added.
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June 24th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A supposed Sony employee has leaked new details for the much-anticipated 2.4 firmware update for PS3.
As well as the expected in-game messaging and trophy features, the in-game XMB (Xross Media Bar) access is also said to allow you to play music during gameplay - a much-requested feature already supported by Xbox 360.
The GameFAQS poster, going by the alias Knight613 (claiming to work in R&D at Sony's Foster City branch) also says that, although you'll only have access to a limited number of the XMB's features while a game is running, you will also be able to set up Bluetooth devices, so getting your wireless headset set up won't require you to quit out. In addition, they say that it'll be released some time next week.
A picture of the new trophy screen was also posted, and to prove he isn't just a spotted teenager with a taste for lies, Knight613 also posted a snap of his office pass. That settles it, then. You're fired!
Of course Sony isn't commenting on any of it, leaving us to guess instead.
On a side note, Sony warns that the PSN will be down today from 8am to 2pm pacific time (4pm to 12am GMT) for "scheduled maintenance". That means no access to the PS Store, and no online gaming.
Could this be related to the looming firmware update? Let's hope so.
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June 24th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Who needs colour, anyway? Killzone 2 ignores your TV's ability to display a zillion colours at the same time, and still manages to look nice.
They look to have been taken from the same outdoor battleground as levels we've previously played through, and you can read all about that here.
You never know, this is an alien planet - maybe later stages are set in a colourful toy land where environments are made of sweets and chocolate and the sky is full of rainbows.
Or maybe not.
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June 24th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rockstar has released a new patch for GTA IV that should quash the majority of freezing and online connectivity issues on both the PS3 and 360 versions of the game.
The new patch, which should install itself next time you play the game with your console connected to the internet, tightens the nuts and bolts on many of the errors that had gamers in an uproar shortly after launch.
Here's the official list of repairs:
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to enter or exit vehicles in GTA Race.
- Fixed an issue where scripted vehicles were causing games to unexpectedly crash.
- Improved reliability and frequency of PS3 online leaderboard updates.
- Fixed a rare hang some players encountered when moving from a Race or GTA Race lobby into gameplay.
- Fixed a hang that would occur when players were switching teams during the countdown in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to get ridiculously high scores from Cops 'n Crooks matches.
- Changed GTA Race and Race so that the last player remaining always receives a reward of $250.
- Fixed an issue where spectating players would prevent the game from finishing.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to spectate in Round 2 of Cops 'n Crooks games.
- Changed countdown timer in lobby so that it no longer resets when new players join a game.
- Changed the kick option so that kicked players are no longer brought back to single player.
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June 24th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has said that it needs to revitalise the development community and educate studios that making PSP games is a profitable business.
Speaking to consumer site Pocket Gamer, the company admitted it has "probably suffered" due to a high reliance on third-party content which is no longer appearing on the PSP as regularly as previous years.
"We need to revitalise the developer community to get behind PSP," said Zeno Colaco, VP of publisher and developer relations for Sony Europe.
"One of the issues when you rely on a business model that relies on 25 per cent games from Sony and 75 per cent from other publishers is that if they start to refocus, you can't recover that space because you don't have the internal capacity, so we've probably suffered from that," he admitted.
Colaco said that SCEE is hoping to encourage developers to create quicker, cheaper games for the PSP – a similar model to DS titles – as Sony continues to push the handheld in different directions.
"Our sales for PSP is over 37 million units, which is huge, particularly when you take into account the level of third-party sales there are for PSP compared to DS.
"So from my perspective, what's important is we continue to tell publishers and developers that there's an opportunity to make money on PSP, which is something that will become apparent over the next two years as the network services are developed," said Colaco.
He also stated that with support of the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Network, the company hopes the handheld will enjoy a ten-year lifecycle.
"We definitely have the ambition for it to feature very strongly in the future, both on its own and also complimentary to PlayStation Network environment and the PS3."
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June 24th, 2008, 21:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Release the Minions! Codemasters today announced that Overlord Raising Hell, the extra evil edition of Triumph Studios' twisted fantasy blockbuster, has shipped to US retail stores nationwide for the PlayStation 3 home entertainment system.
In Overlord: Raising Hell, gamers are taken deeper into the twisted world of the Overlord with a series of new levels, each a supernatural abyss where an undead army is on the march. With the Overlord's supremacy under attack, it's time to unleash the manic minion horde and embark on a new tour of lively extermination in the underworld.
A dungeon-full of other improvements and new content come on the rounded Blu-ray Disc, including online co-op play, head-to-head slaughter and enhanced visuals. Top specification 7.1-surround sound support, a new on-screen mini-map, split-screen play, and hints, tips and tactics and more combine to make Overlord: Raising Hell's tongue-in-cheek trail of death and destruction the most delightful yet.
Overlord: Raising Hell is the Overlord's definitive outing and is now available for the PlayStation 3 system. Prepare the minions and unleash the inner dictator with the new video and more available online available online at www.codemasters.com/overlordraisinghell.
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June 24th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Leading video games publisher and developer, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., announced today that Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system has shipped to retail stores throughout North America. Developed by CyberConnect2 and based on the popular Naruto animated series from VIZ Media, the game offers a superior handheld fighting experience as players take part in intense head-to-head clashes with a roster of more than 20 characters and participate in a massive interactive storyline.
In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2, a mysterious ghostly castle appears in the sky, casting an ominous shadow over the peaceful Hidden Leaf Village. As Naruto approaches the castle to try and discover the source of this disturbance, he is confronted by a strange masked woman who confronts him with disturbing visions of his past and threatening illusions. Together with Shikamaru, Sakura and the rest of his friends, Naruto must use all of his ninja skills to overcome this powerful new threat and save the village.
Combining one-on-one fighting with an epic interactive story, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 lets players create a custom party of characters and take them through the 100 unique floors of the castle. Fierce battles, fast-paced mini-games and tests of the mind await as players make their way to the top of the fortress. Refining the series' trademark fighting engine, the game debuts new characters for a player roster of more than 20 memorable combatants equipped with new jutsu for more acrobatic ninja fighting than ever before. Providing the most authentic Naruto experience possible, fans can choose to play through the full game with either English or the original Japanese voices.
Packed with multiplayer features, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 lets gamers test their fighting spirit with a friend in local wireless battles. Each multiplayer battle can be fully customized, letting players create and take their own ultimate ninja team of up to three characters into battle with just one copy of the game.
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress is rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB and carries a suggested retail price of $39.99.
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June 24th, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Built-in 5 high efficient and reliable mega power fans to speed up the air circulation and prevents the console from overheat thus prolongs its life span.
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June 24th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's being reported that a Sony rep has let slip at the GDC Paris event that God of War III will make its debut at E3 next month in Los Angeles.
According to a few different French sites the game's not likely to be playable at E3, but to be fair, it's not expected out before the back end of 2009 anyway, so that doesn't surprise us.
The only official mention of the game in recent months was an ad on the back of the manual for GoW: Chains of Olympus, saying that the game was "coming soon".
While no further details are available, we'll be hoping to see some in-game action though, rather than a load of CGI - preferably of Kratos going mental and stabbing a giant Cyclops in the eye with two rusty blades, before ripping his jaw off his face and using it to beat his mother to death.
We've contact Sony's UK office for clarification on what's actually been said at the Paris event and will update you accordingly.
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June 24th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia:

Developed by the Korean company Studio 9, Pump It Up Exceed bears some striking resemblances with Konami's Bemani games, with more emphasis on free style and break dancing rhythms.
Although those familiar with the Bemani games will certainly have an extra edge, given the simple controls and concepts as well as fun elements, it will take no time before a total beginner becomes a veteran.
When the direction indicators overlap with the respective icons on top, press the right buttons in time and according to the rhythm.
Get consecutive beats correct to get a combo and perfect scores. Scores ranges from perfect to bad, to keep the game from ending before the song does, you have to keep your life bar from falling to zero by attaining good scores.
Use the points you earned to customize future games by buying new music pieces, dance steps, direction indicators etc in the store station.
The songs that make up the games are mostly Korean pop, but Studio 9 has assembled a group of musicians under the collective name of Banya to write songs specifically for the game. This portable rhythm game comes with a total of ninety seven songs.
Practice your rhythms and moves on the go with Pump It Up EXCEED on your Sony PSP™ to amaze your friends with your improvements next time when you visit the arcades with them.
Some of you may remember that Studio9's stylish rhythm game Pump It Up Exceed, has been featured as a bargain item a month ago along with Pump it Up Zero as a bundle pack. Due to popular demand, this game is now back and is sold at a bargain price of US$ 8.90.
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June 24th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sleepper, M@x of the Java Games Emulator for PSP
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "PSPKVM" to /PSP/GAME or /PSP/GAME150 folder.
1) Select "Find Application" item in AMS (the item on the top)
2) Select "Install from memory stick (ms0:/)"
3) Browse the file system of your memory stick now, and select jad or jar to run
4) After selected, the jad/jar will be automatically installed and run. You can choose the installed application from AMS next time you want to run.
Key mapping:
By default, the key assignment is blow:
NUM0: Cross
NUM1: Square
NUM3: Triangle
NUM5: Shift+Circle
NUM7: Shift+Square
NUM9: Shift+Triangle
*: Shift+SELECT
#: Shift+START
CLEAR: Shift+Cross
SELECT: Circle
Left Soft: SELECT
Right Soft: START
UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: Analog joy stick
(* "Shift" = holding Left Trigger or Right Trigger)
Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Triangle: Multi-tasking key (Click to return AMS and put MIDlet to background)
Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Cross: Exit current running MIDlet
MIDP 2.0
Nokia UI APIs (partial)
WMA1.1(JSR120) stub
Networking (By PSP's WIFI)
Java AMS with MVM supporting
Several input methods: QWERTY/Abc/Symbol/...
Directly browse and run from local jad/jar file, and auto-install without interrupting
Jpeg support
MIDI & Wave audio playback support
Device emulation. You can choose device type to emulate for different screen sizes and key codes, either at installation time or from "Select device" menu
Change default key assignment for specific application.
JSR75(File Connection)
Virtual Keyboard Input
2008-06-22 10:32 v0.4.0
Change package name and purpose of release bundles.
1) pspkvm-bin-x.x.x-150-upgrade: Use this package if your PSP is 1.50 kernel and have installed pspkvm
2) pspkvm-bin-x.x.x-OE-upgrade: Use this package if your PSP is 3.xx OE kernel and have installed pspkvm
3) pspkvm-bin-x.x.x-150-allinone: Use this package if your PSP is 1.50 kernel and havn't installed pspkvm
4) pspkvm-bin-x.x.x-OE-allinone: Use this package if your PSP is 3.xx OE kernel and havn't installed pspkvm
*) Source code package is no longer provided in release; Instead, you can grab source code from svn, tags are
created for each release.
JSR179 support (OE Version only). Currently support GPS290(Sony's USB GPS receiver) only, serial GPS will be
supported in future
Chinese Input Method. Please see "Virtual Keyboard and Chinese Input tips" in "Running tips" section of Release
Note. Special thanks to Culiu for his contribution of Chinese Pinyin engine.
Use Sony's On screen Keyboard as alternate input method. Default is off, turn it on in pspkvm.ini
X/O swap in native dialog, configurable by pspkvm.ini
Get device specific properties from pspkvm.ini. User can set properties (e.g "microedition.platform", or User-Agent value) for specific device
Use HTTP proxy setting in network profile
Add SonyEricsson Generic device profile in Device Selection
Virtual Keyboard improvement:
1) Change key layout to be "QWERTY"
2) Add some short-cut keys
3) "Auto-open" property can be configured by pspkvm.ini
Resolve some MIDlets not run problems:
1) Super Action Hero
2) Gmail 1.5.0
3) Yahoo! GO
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June 24th, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster

SatFinder Portable is the perfect program for all keen on astronomy. Its main task is to be a tool to locate in the sky hundreds of satellites that can be seen with the naked eye, making a special follow-up to the International Space Station (ISS), the brightest satellite ever."
With Satfinder Portable we will be able to:
* To determine the current position of artificial satellites and if they can be seen by the observer.
* To determine the current position of the stars, the sun and moon in the sky. We can use them for finding the satellites in the sky.
* To determine the position of constellations.
* To determine when will be the next times you will be able to see the International Space Station (ISS) in your hometown, drawing the path the ISS will follow in the sky.
* To determine which satellites are visible in the next half an hour.
* To determine the precise moment when the Sun and Moon raise and set.
* To determine when the moon phases will happen: 1st quarter, full, 3rd quarter and new.
* To determine the night starts and ends..
* To have a world map with all satellites drawn at their current position, showing up for eache one if it is eclipsed or not by the Earth, and the path the ISS will follow during the next hour.
* To listent to an voice assistant that notify us important events, letting us not to keep seeing the PSP screen all the time. These are this events:
o The dusk and dawn, to know from when we can start looking for satellites and when not.
o The emergence of a new satellite above 0, 30, 60 and 80 degrees of elevation when there is no one with higher elevation. It is useful for long waiting times in the absence of satellites, which we can look away from the screen and wait while we look at the sky.
o The appearance and disappearance of the ISS, in addition to the time when it reaches its maximum elevation.
o In each notification also is said in what direction we should look: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW and UP are the possible directions.
o Sunrises and sunset. Moonrises and moonsets. There are two notifications, the first one few minutes before and the second one just when it will happen.
* It has an installer for the PC that help us to easily install the application on our PSP, taking into account the type of firmware installed, searching the corresponding directory. It is called Satfinder Updater.
* Change the SatFinder settings:
o The possibility of changing the location of the observer using the installer (permanent change), or directly using the options menu in the PSP (temporary change).
o Posibilidad de cambiar entre visión diurna y nocturna. Ability to switch between day and night vision.
o Possibility of configuring the colors for night vision and for the daytime.
o Possibility of enabling and disabling the elements to represent in the sky (Sun and Moon, stars, satellites, constellations).
o Possibility of configuring the number of stars to be shown changing the magnitude limit.
o Possibility of using automatic magnitude limit adjustments.
[24-5-2008] SatFinder Portable 1.3 released
-Luaplayer changed. Now is used HW6.5 WIFI EDITION
-Corrected moon phases calculations.
-More data in the info bar.
-Changed aspect of info screen.
-Auto update satellite tails system.
-Faster application close.
-Better calculation of moon ilumination percentage.
-Stars are brighter when you zoom them.
.TLE update mechanism using WIFI now available.
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June 25th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
The Baby foot, you know maybe this game in miniature football being played by two players, or more. To learn more, go here.
The homebrew of HydreEd and HTTONY that meets the original name of "Baby foot", released in the first version. This game is coded in lua and plays against an artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, it is not yet finalized, and some concerns arise: collisions between players and the ball are not perfect.
The author works to solve this problem.
Coming in a future version:
Destruction of targets (mini-games)
Adding sound effects
Adding music
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June 25th, 2008, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Volume 10 of the Neo Geo Collection arrives and it's a 10th anniversary title: The King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match.
King of Fighters returns with a surplus of features to renergize the original KOF dream match.
A complete character roster including the 96 Boss Team (Geese, Krauser and Mr. Big), as well as Eiji, Kasumi, Goenitz, and Orochi join the fight. The Advanced and Extra games modes are back as well as a new "Ultimate" mode that allows for customization of the fighters abilities.
With new moves, new backgrounds, rearranged music, color edit, and online playability make this title a must have.
The thrilling revival of the NEOGEO fighter The King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match is shipping as a Japanese version on PlayStation2™ for US$ 49.90 only.
Aside from the actual game software, the OST and the master guide book are available at Play-Asia.com for US$ 31.90 and US$ 22.90 respectively only.
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June 25th, 2008, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Sengoku Basara X is the collaboration between Capcom and Arc System Works. It takes the 3D hack and slash adventure title Sengoku Basara and converted it into a 2D fighter for the arcades. The PS2 game is then a powered up conversion of this 2D fighter with more fighting modes and features.
In its arcade predecessor, players pummel their opponents until their health bars depletes completely within a given time. They are allowed to call for support or launch special attacks once certain conditions are fulfilled.
The PS2 version comes with a new challenge mode where the player has to clear 12 stages in total in a given amount of time. During your fights, items may appear in treasure boxes, be sure to grab them, as these items may heal your wounds or push back your time limit. Make use of these to defeat difficult bosses.
Your fights determine the stylish points you will get and there are a number of ways to obtain high points. For certain fights, a number of gold coins will appear in the air in the form of the words “BAS” grab all these coins without taking damage from your opponents to get a high score.
In some circumstances you will be able to obtain titles, the rarer the titles you are awarded with or the more coins you can get, the better (and more stylish) a fighter you are.
Capcom's stylish 2D fighter Sengoku Basara X for PlayStation2™ is available as both limited and standard editions and are shipping for US$ 79.90 and US$ 62.90 respectively only.
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June 25th, 2008, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Sunsoft Collection comes with two hot battle titles, Galaxy Fight and Waku Waku 7. Galaxy Fight takes on SF elements and places much emphasis on speed. The fighting arena stretches to infinity, so you can scroll to both left and right as much as you like, giving you more room to maneuver and deliver your special attacks.
As a fighting game, this title makes use of three types of attack buttons that new players can master in no time, while veterans can launch all sorts of special techniques with their wide range of combinations.
Waku Waku 7 is a game that borrows elements from pop music and features colorful visuals as well as enchanting characters. The story focuses on seven Waku Waku balls, that once a person collects them all, the balls will grant the bearer any wish. Special attacks are associated with a person's emotions and hormones, e.g. causing an opponents' hearts to go “flip flop” or go “thump!”
The online collection contain add ons that never even existed in the NEOGEO versions:
A new VS mode, an online battle system where you can pick a fight with anyone outside your immediate territory.
The practice mode is for beginners to learn how to launch chain attacks and special attacks.
This version of the game comes with a skill list option so you can check out a character's potential before picking him/her as your player character.
There is also a character edit mode where you can personalize your player character by changing the colors of their outfit etc.
SNK Playmore's comical fighter Sunsoft Collection for PlayStation2™ is shipping as a Japanese version for US$ 49.90 only.
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June 25th, 2008, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Based on Square-Enix's popular action adventure game Kingdom Hearts II, the game returns as "director's cut" Final Mix+ edition in Japan.
As it's common for top sellers in SE's franchise, this final cut edition contains a couple of new interesting features, targeted to fans of the series as well as those that haven't played the game before.
New features are:
English Voice Cast
New Explorable Areas as well as redesigned navigation maps
A new "Serious Mode" Difficulty
New scenes that were featured in the Japanese manga have been added to the game
New boss battles against the mysterious Orginization XIII
A fight that was a cutscene in the original is now playable
The censored parts of the game are no longer censored
All Difficulty modes have been tweaked up
The game also contains a second disc which features a remake of the GBA game: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, which is titled Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of memories.
This Game's features are:
Rendered in fully 3D
KHII's Reaction commands system
New Cards and boss battles
New scenes and previous scenes are fully voiced in Japanese
Save data affects Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
Since this game is fully voiced in English, the theme song, Hikaru Utada's "Passion" has been changed to its English version "Sanctuary".
The Ultimate Hits edition of Square Enix's highly acclaimed action RPG, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ is shipping as a Japanese version for US$ 34.90 only.
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June 25th, 2008, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Tidy Bag is made by special material,touches comfortable.It can protect your console from scratches, dusty and finger prints. Simple design and high quality, suitable for PSP-2000.
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June 25th, 2008, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Pouch is made by EVA,which can protect your console, UMDs and several accessories while traveling.It adopts PVC edge design, perfect handcraft, smooth switching zipper, simple but beautiful streamline.
It has good touch feeling and comfortable to carry,which suitable for PSP-2000 series.
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June 25th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Square-Enix has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that it will be releasing 12 classic PlayStation games from its library, available for download via the PlayStation Store.
Six of the titles are available to download from PSN now in Japan and cost JPY 600, but similar plans for other regions are as yet to be announced.
The titles currently available in Japan are:
1. Xenogears
2. Einhander
3. Astronoka
4. Rakugaki Showtime
5. Raystorm
6. Fighters Impact
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June 25th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
Sony has released official firmware version 4.01, obtainable from its web site or via System Update on the PSP. It's nothing special aparrently, info about this update taken from the Playstation Blog:
- Display of search results under Internet Search has been improved for certain languages.
- Playback of video content under Video has been improved for certain file types.
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June 25th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sucker Punch's upcoming sandbox superhero game, inFamous, is due out next year in PAL regions and Sony has some new screenshots to get you worked up about it.
They depict player-character Dylan wreaking havoc on the fictional Empire City, using his various zappy Palpatine powers to send cars flying into buses while hanging from a lamp-post. The scamp.
According to details released by Sony yesterday, and a recent cover feature in a US games magazine, inFamous begins with a massive explosion in Empire City and Dylan emerging from the rubble, crackling with electricity.
He quickly makes contact with his friend Zeke, and is encouraged to leg it in his direction before things in the city get any livelier. Off he goes, but despite manfully dodging falling girders and debris, whatever happened to him in the heart of the initial explosion overcomes him and dumps him in a coma for 15 days.
During those 15 days, things get a bit out of hand - with talk of martial law and uprisings and mysterious plagues and all sorts. When Dylan wakes up, coming to terms with his burgeoning electric superhero powers, the player has to decide whether to save the city of destroy it.
An openworld game by design, inFamous doesn't bother with weapons and car control for Dylan; instead it's all about charting a path down good or evil roads, with a "Karma" system governing the city's responses to your actions and their implications on the story and your abilities. You'll also battle "powerful, iconic villains".
Visually, as you can see from the screenshots, it's heading in a GTA IV/Crackdown/Saints Row kind of direction, although we're also told to expect cut-scenes inspired by the comic books that obviously inspired the superhero premise.
It all sounds quite interesting, and if you missed last year's E3 unveiling, you can check out that blurry trailer over on Eurogamer TV. At the time we'd been told to expect inFamous in 2008, but now Sony is saying 2009 - perhaps springtime. We're doubly excited because Sucker Punch made our beloved Sly Raccoon games.
We hope to see more of inFamous at E3 next month, so expect first-hand impressions sooner rather than later.
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June 25th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony is currently working on a PSP-branded phone for the Christmas season of 2009, Japanese and Korean sources are claiming again.
The company is using the PSP as its model for the phone and intends to incorporate many of its key features into the new device.
Analysts speaking to Marketing Week also claimed that it would be "relatively easy" to convert as it already incorporates wi-fi.
The move would put Sony's relationship with Ericsson into jeopardy, but insiders are reporting that the relationship is already "frosty" at best. Probably because Ericsson bosses keep reading all these reports online about Sony making a PlayStation phone.
According to (yet another) insider, internal conversations have already confirmed that Sony would "never give its PlayStation branding" to the Sony Ericsson joint venture.
It's hardly confirmation, but it sounds more than just a rumour. Enough for us to consider not joining the iPhone cult, anyway.
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June 25th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The lawyers behind the Grand Theft Auto Hot Coffee lawsuit say they are shocked by how few people have claimed for compensation over the game's hidden sexual content.
The suit, launched against Take-Two and Rockstar Games, enabled consumers who purchased Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to claim between $5 and $35 if they were offended by hidden sex scenes in the game. However, just 2,676 people made a claim, disappointing the lawyers who charged the game's publisher with defrauding buyers by failing to disclose the product's full content.
"Am I disappointed? Sure," said Seth Lesser, lead lawyer for the plaintiffs, reports the New York Times. "We can't guess as to why now, several years later, people care or don't care. The merits of the case were clear."
While Take-Two will have to pay out in the region of $30,000 to consumers who claimed for compensation and has also agreed to make an $860,000 charitable donation, the eleven law firms who launched the suit are reportedly seeking more than $1.3 million in fees, a sum that has drawn objections from some quarters.
The case could yet go to trial if the settlement is not approved by a federal judge.
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June 25th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack posted this news:
The recent issue with fMSX 3.5.3 (fw 1.50 version) prompted me to rethink future support for 1.50/kxploit executables. One option was to regress to an earlier version of the library, dropping any of the adhoc functionality; another was to simply stop working on versions for 1.50.
I (grudgingly) decided to stop providing support for fw 1.50 - reasons for this being threefold - a) the ps2dev community recommends moving away from this firmware, as continuing support for it is getting more challenging (flash0 memory being one reason); b) running simple applications in kernel mode seems counter-intuitive, and c) it’s becoming exceedingly more difficult to cope with two distinct programming models.
The emulators that are currently up will probably be the last ones with support for firmware 1.50; all future emulators are likely to only run on firmware 2.00 and greater.
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June 25th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PS3 and PSP classics download service, known in Japan as the Game Archives, got a major boost of name recognition today as Square Enix made its first titles available.
Gamers in Japan (and those overseas with Japanese PlayStation Network accounts) can now download the following first generation PlayStation titles for play on their new generation PlayStation systems: Xenosaga, Einhander, Rakugaki Showtime, Astronoka, Raystorm, and Fighter's Impact.
The first four titles fall under the Square Enix brand, with the last two falling under the Taito brand. Taito is a wholly owned subsidiary of Square Enix.
A couple of the Square Enix titles may not be recognizable to audiences outside of Japan. Astronoka and Rakugaki Showtime were originally published by Enix before the merger with Square. The latter was developed by Treasure.
All six titles are available for the standard 600 yen Game Archives price point and are playable on both the PSP and PS3.
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June 25th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
CrazyC after a very long break has released a new version of his Dos (old PC Games) emulator for the PSP
Heres whats new:
Okay, put up a new binary, windows 3.1 works now. I've put up a new patch too.
EBOOT.PBP the main binary
exception.prx if this prx is present, crash dumps will be displayed
fixup.prx if the prx if present, the ME region will be added to the code cache.
dosbox.patch.gz the patch
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June 25th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from caliarbor
Hi all,
I've tested this on my PSP Slim at 3.90m33-3 with no problems. I did have issues when I was running 3.71. Not sure about compatability with 3.80.
To install copy eboot.pbp and support.prx to a folder in ms0:/PSP/GAME
After going through Sakya's Lightmp3 source and Slasher's filebrowser examples, I decided to piece together a small text based mp3 player. It only handles mp3s and is done in the style of a dos/ansi type app. By default it's clocked at 80mhz to conserve battery life. Although it could probably be clocked even lower.
All mp3s have to be in the ms0:/MUSIC directory (no sub directories are scanned for now) and all cover art is looked for in ms0:/MUSIC/covers. Covert art is matched by album name only in the ID3 tag and is expected to be in *.jpg format. For best results I normally pull the art from somewhere such as Amazon and resize to 170x170. Any different dimensions probably won't look so good. Cover art isn't required and is only displayed if found in the appropriate location.
The controls are pretty simple:
Left/Right move up or down 5 places in listing
Up/Down move up or down 1 place in listing
Cross - play highlighted file
Square - Pause current mp3
Triangle - Rescan directory
Select - Toggle USB
I think the only limitation of the number of files would be the PSPs memory, As directory arrays are dynamically sized according to the number of files present. Files are streamed from the memory stick and not loading into memory fully before playing.
This isn't meant to be a full-fledged player by any means. Just a small example, with included source, in case anyone is interesed
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June 25th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Quiz game from Maxy_PSP
- [ADDED] Quiz Browser
- [ADDED] Quiz Info Menu
- [ADDED] Time in Menu
- [ADDED] GFX (Yay!) (Skinable)
- [ADDED] Register Feature
- [ADDED] Online Quiz Feature
- [ADDED] Authentication(Register) Information Saved In a File
- [ADDED] Encryption/Decryption on the password
- [ADDED] Splash (With Effect)
- [ADDED] Update Feature
- [ADDED] Function to Recreate file with authentication information
- [ADDED] Scoreboard Feature (When online quiz is done, your Score and time will be uploaded)-> Need to register
- [ADDED] Quiz Maker + Quiz name stored in quiz file
- [CHANGED] Maximum Questions is now 20 (Instead of 10)
NOTE: Scoreboard viewable here : http://www.grav1ty.be/TC/scoreboard.php (We're still updating, don't worry)
Thanks To :
* T-Grave For The Scoreboard, Register System
* Slasher for his Filebrowser Example
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June 25th, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
Lockdown allows you to password protect your PSP from prying eyes.
It also protects the Recovery Menu so that the protection can't be disabled without considerable effort (or by unbricking).
Tested on 3.90M33-3 Slim.
* Completely customizable GUI
* Uses PSP keys like Square, Cross, Circle etc as password, instead of fumbling with an on screen keyboard
* Fully configurable from the PSP
* Protects Recovery Menu as well
* Supports 2 modes of operation: 1st mode will only ask for password when the PSP is rebooted or powered on. 2nd mode will ask for password every time the XMB is launched, such as after quitting a game etc.
* Application errors (Game could not be started, etc) will be displayed normally in the XMB unlike other password programs which won't display these messages. So you know why you were sent back to the XMB.
If you have problems getting it to work, you can try using the debug versions from the "debug" folder in the archive. They will display any errors that occur.
v3.0 Changelog
Added support to customize the GUI.
Optimized memory usage.
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June 25th, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from titch.ryan
here's a new release of my latest game.
based on the tron lightcycle race.
new features:
-music player (plays from psp/music if not empty, use shoulders buttons to change track)
-improved ai (its actually worth playing against computer)
to do:
what features do people want?
btw: i would like to thank Code Red for the snippets of code he added.
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June 25th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from blah
if anyone is interested .. .
first off... i am aware of the pge engine being developed. ( so i dont sound like a total tool ) anyway.... ..
i have taken the windows version of luplayer (v0.20) and re-built it with visual studio.. ive converted/wrapped at this point ..most of the 3d functions to OpenGL.. including functions like sceGumDrawArray etc..
the console has been removed (pure win32!).. errors are displayed through message boxes..
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June 25th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Three years ago, the PlayStation Portable landed in the collective laps of gamers and the general public, and the reaction was mixed. Quality games rolled out but a perception that there was nothing to play on the platform dominated. UMD movies flooded the marketplace but few people were building up libraries. The system was selling but the Nintendo DS dominated the charts and made the Sony install base look tiny.
The system continued on its way with games and applications, but it wouldn't be until Sony President and CEO Jack Tretton took the stage at last year's E3 and held up the PSP Slim that stores would see a boom in interest. Suddenly, folks were scooping up the system as fast as they could to play classics such as Daxter alongside new titles such as Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and God of War: Chains of Olympus.
Yet, here we are thundering towards E3 2008, and the Interwebs have been abuzz with PSP commentary. There aren't that many games announced for the show, there haven't been that many games released this year, and the outlook past E3 is foggy at best.
Is the PSP dying?
Rather than just give you our own ramblings on the PSP situation -- which we have included at the end of this piece -- the IGN PlayStation Team grabbed SCEA Director of Hardware Marketing John Koller for a 30-minute interview about all things PSP. We found out about GPS, a downloadable movie system, what third parties are looking to do with the system, and Koller even answered a few of our reader questions.
Let's grab a cup o'info.
IGN: Well, John, thank you so much for joining us. I think one of the big things on IGN readers' minds is where exactly the PSP is. In your opinion, what is the state of the PSP?
John Koller: The state of the PSP is very strong. It's a high-growth business for us. It's a highly demanded product. It's red hot for us -- we've had issues keeping it in stock in the last six to seven months, more of a supply issue really than anything else. And the demand has been there really since the price drop when the PSP-2000 launched last September. Overall, the sales are up -- just to put a number with it -- sales are up 87 percent since the 2000 launch in September. Year over year, we're up really across the board. It's very, very successful for us. It's a big part of SCEA, SCEE, and SCEI overall. It's a very important product. So, for us, there are a lot of things that are happening with the PSP, a lot of things that are going to happen. The kind of where we've been -- we launched at a time in 2005 when it was more of an older consumer that was getting into it. We're at a point now where this is a teen proposition -- 15, 16 year olds. We're schooled regularly in focus groups on how easy it is to put PSPs and hide them in books, the back of classrooms, and things of that nature. It's much more of a teen type product now. I think as we go forward, we're going to see a lot more integration with PlayStation 3, particularly as the install base of the PS3 continues to grow stratospherically in many ways, and the integration that is going to occur there is part and parcel of the strategy that the PS3 is the living room hub and really where your entertainment flows. Then, your PSP is your digital living room on the go, and being able to access your PS3 in a wide variety of ways is really a key part of our overall branding strategy. That's going to be something that you're going to see expanded on in future firmware updates and other things.
John Koller: That's a big part of it as well. So, long-winded answer to your question. PSP is very, very strong. We're very bullish on it here, and it's an exciting time.
IGN: You talked a little bit about that 2005 launch. When the PSP first hit, for a long time it seemed like it had this reputation that it couldn't get past in a lot of people's minds that "Oh, there's no good games. There's blah, blah." That's ignoring titles like Daxter, Hot Shots Golf, Lumines, I can go on -- these titles were there, but it had this reputation and then E3 comes around last year and you guys announce the 2000, the PSP Slim, and it seemed like immediately perceptions changed. When those bundles were released, people were scooping them up and, like you said, it's been hard to keep those in stock or get people the ones they specifically wanted. It seems like right now, there's this lull, and I think you have a lot of people that have bought those Slims wondering. There's been a lot of talk -- I'm sure you see on the boards all the time -- is the PSP dying? How do you respond to criticism like that or comments like that?
Chains of Olympus -- the PSP blueprint from here on out.John Koller: Well, it's absolutely not dying. We're at a point actually where the counter to that is that it's actually doing very, very well. From a gaming standpoint, I think that there's a few things that are happening. There's been a calibration amongst publishers of how to publish for the PSP. You bring up some good points that initially a lot of the games that launched were either ports or games that didn't really meet the demographic's interest, and that was as we were shifting down to that teen demo. I think that a lot of publishers were unsure about who was purchasing and who owned the PSP. We have been -- and I guess where we are now is at a point were today publishers are seeing the results of decisions made 18 months ago. Where they were saying, "You know what, maybe we'll try this or that or maybe we'll wait a little bit to see how the PSP does." The level of games that we have now are very strong on the quality side, and I think, in many ways, have kind of followed what we have been preaching here is that the key to success in publishing on the PSP is to launch larger franchise games with unique gameplay underneath. That's a non-port type strategy. That's something like a God of War or Crisis Core where it's a large brand name, it's a very good game from a quality standpoint, but it's unique. You can't play it on console, and it avoids the cannibalization that you would get from someone who may own a console and play their PSP at home, which is a common occurrence. Given that situation, many consumers were choosing one or the other, and that's not a situation that we want to put a consumer in. That's another point to be made, and then the third thing is a lot of interest in the PSN, the PlayStation Network, and the downloadable distribution there. There's some considerable resources there being placed against development in that area as well. So, I think the net of this is that over the course of the next six to twelve months, there's going to be a tremendous amount of excitement about the franchises that are coming to PSP, the quality of the games, and then also the games that are going to be easily downloaded that are very engaging but for a less expensive price. I think that those areas are really going to instigate a lot of excitement around that category.
IGN: Are we going to see stuff from these unique franchises coming to the PSP soon? I mean, it's been a very quiet first half of the year here. There are exceptions obviously -- Patapon, God of War -- but then we ran into this section where we weren't having any games released or at least not that many. Now even looking at the E3 list on IGN.com -- which granted is only what people are willing to talk about; obviously everyone has stuff under their hats they want to try and blow out at this thing -- but you figure right now our list earlier in the week had about 100 games on it and only six of them were PSP. Is that cause for concern or are we going to hear about these things soon?
John Koller: You should hear about them. I'm not sure about soon because it's up to each publisher, but we have a very good idea of what's coming. We know both first and third party and without scooping anything because it's up to each publisher what they want to announce at E3, the franchises that are being brought over to PSP or currently are being considered to be brought over to PSP are very, very strong. The gameplay that is going to come from them is excellent. I think it depends whether all of those titles are announced at E3, but I can tell you that on the first-party side here at SCEA, we see tremendous opportunity on the PSP. Our worldwide studio team is actively developing titles for that platform and we've been on a road show amongst every, major third-party publisher -- which we actually just finished last week -- and have been talking to them about really how to publish on the PSP, and the level of excitement is really palpable. You can really feel the publishers getting back into the platform if they had walked away. That's really good news across the board. I think in talking to all of them, and seeing some of the gameplay and even talking about some of the franchises that they're going to bring over, it's a good time to be a PSP owner.
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June 25th, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
There's been plenty of discussion recently about the state of the PSP market – both from other publishers and from Sony itself – so when we had the opportunity to catch up with Zeno Colaço, vice president of publisher and developer relations for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, we thought it only fair to get his opinions on the burning topics of the day.
Pocket Gamer: Considering PSP is Sony's first gaming handheld and you've successfully entered a previously 100 per cent Nintendo dominated market, now annoying is it that PSP is always compared to DS?
Zeno Colaço: It is frustrating from the point of view of it being seen a direct comparison. Both companies and both products need to be complimented for what they have achieved. There's been 300 per cent growth in the handheld market over the past couple of years.
But with PSP what we're now seeing is continual synergies with our business, whether that's the Go!Series of applications and services or PlayStation 3. But we have to be realistic. A lot of this boils down to developer choice and making a PSP game is more like making a console game than a portable game. PSP is so powerful, you can make games that look like PS2 games and developers are still approaching it from that point of view.
Do you mean the cost of making PSP games?
Cost and depth of play. But I think, to a degree, these are conventions we can challenge. We now have a service where you can download games onto the PSP; as we're demonstrating with the PSP PC Store where you can download games direct to your Memory Stick and purchase them that way.
That's not a particularly straightforward process at the moment though?
No, but in future as it's incorporated as part of the network services, people will get used to it. There are other elements, too. One example is we have a republishing model so publishers can republish games originally released on UMD digitally. There will be some limits in terms of how long they have to be available in the market – a bit like Platinum [budget re-release range] for PlayStation 2 and 3 – but it's providing an opportunity for a secondary distribution of PSP games, and it shows how we want to take this product forward.
You were talking about developers' attitude to PSP. How can you change that?
I think it is a classic case of developer choice. We need to revitalise the developer community to get behind PSP. For example, it's easy to make a DS-type game for a PSP game in terms of cost and speed of development and we will be looking to do encourage that as we continue to develop the PSP. I'm not just talking about the hardware but the services and the business models and the support, too.
Our sales for PSP is over 37 million units, which is huge, particularly when you take into account the level of third-party sales there are for PSP compared to DS. So from my perspective, what's important is we continue to tell publishers and developers that there's an opportunity to make money on PSP, which is something that will become apparent over the next two years as the network services are developed.
Do you think there is a current lack of games for PSP?
Well, one of the issues when you rely on a business model that relies on 25 per cent games from Sony and 75 per cent from other publishers is that if they start to refocus, you can't recover that space because you don't have the internal capacity, so we've probably suffered from that.
Also, do you think you've focused enough on games compared things such as the Go! applications?
We've had a requirement to push the boundaries of what PSP could do and that's something only the platform holder can do. Hopefully one outcome is that some of these peripherals such as the camera and GPS will give other developers the opportunity to use that install base and expand the gaming experience. We've seen similar things with EyeToy and the SingStar mics on PlayStation 2. I think it's important to expand the experience, but not all our concentration is in that area.
We're publishing first-party games, too – God of War has been very successful, and there are a lot of games coming out in the Christmas period. Summer is always a difficult time to judge, but I'm pretty happy in terms of what I am tracking. It will be a very good Christmas and hardware sales are very positive.
And the PSP's ratio of hardware to software sales is quite high, isn't it?
The tie-ratio is about four games to each PSP, which is very healthy. What I think is interesting is that people compare PSP to PS2, which has a huge tie-ratio of over ten, so sometimes we suffer from our own successes. But we've learnt a lot with PSP. It's our first foray into this space and we are pushing the boundaries.
And finally, as with other PlayStation hardware, do you expect PSP to have a ten-year lifespan?
We definitely have the ambition for it to feature very strongly in the future, both on its own and also complimentary to PlayStation Network environment and the PS3. But we'll have to wait a while before we can fully reveal the direction we're going in. Ten years is certainly the long-term plan though.
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June 25th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Alek one of Dark Alexs inner circle posted this news:
Bye bye, 1.50!
Due to the almost sure probability to abandon 1.50 kernel on future releases 'cause of better compatibility and security on 3.xx/4.xx, some new devs were asking me how to port their knowledges to 3.xx kernel, and of course also their own apps.
I did all of them redirect to this post on ps2dev, a little tuto from CpuWhiz that explains the way to do so
Even though changing it to 4.xx kernel it will change some things on this tuto, it's a very easy and direct way of doing this process. Hope it helps, credits go for the one who made it.
But anyway, does this change to superior kernels is necessary? Indeed it is. It allows a greater range of thinks that can be done, plus solving tons of problems on 1.5 kernels. Therefore, having the oportunity to use this ones with the actual cfws, why not to do so? Open to debate.
Does the loss of 1.50 support bother you ?
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June 25th, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pjeff
Sonic hedgehog is a blue with his inseparable friends and enemies throughout his adventures. After a tour of all consoles, or almost as commmercial Thursday, is that the hero has to spawn a place as a PSP homebrew through code Pjeff and graphics Cladil.
The demo, this time is more complete, the design of the menu has been redone, and we can now explore a complete map, what do you wait until the release of the final version!
Pjeff announcement we also think that having made his time on stage PSP, it now proceed to the programming on Wii or DS, but not inquiètude, Pjeff will always be available to answer your questions on programming PSP.
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June 25th, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from squall:
squall____ just put online version 1.1 of its utility PSP File Manager.
This allows you to easily transfer and manage files on your PC and your PSP.
From above, you would me! While the utilities for this kind already exist, but we must admit that this one surprised us by its ease of use and its wonderful design.
What files are recognized by the program?
Images (JPG)
Music (MP3)
Videos (mp4 and pmp)
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June 26th, 2008, 18:41 Posted By: flaminfox
News/release from roe ur boat:
I've updated my AutoStart Plugin to V3. Changelog below.
Version 3:
*Now you can assign a homebrew to autoboot. Handy for cintro. (No looping!)
*Now you can not only assign homebrew but backed up games too.
Version 2:
Added more buttons
Improved the configurator
Fixed a bug that showed the SCE logo when you exited from a homebrew
Descreased the prx size from 30kb to 9kb
Version 1.1:
Descreased the prx size from 90kb to 30kb
Version 1:
Initial release(obviously)
Send any suggestions/bugs to roe-ur-boat@homtail.com or just post here. Hope y'all like it.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Former Sony Worldwide Studios exec Phil Harrison's influence at the early stages of LittleBigPlanet was "completely key and pivotal" says Alex Evans.
"Obviously that then transitioned into Sony, and especially the team at Liverpool, and Michael Denny - I don't want to downplay their roles as well. But certainly with Phil, at the very beginning, the amazing thing was that he got it," the Media Molecule co-founder told GamesIndustry.biz.
Evans said the team struggled to describe the game in words before they had anything to show, and didn't expect a publisher to really get it - let alone champion it.
"But the interesting thing with Phil was that when we pitched to him, we actually played down what became the Game 3.0 things that he talked about.
"We pitched much more of a platform game, the physics and so on, and he was very instrumental in telling us to think about what it would mean to have user-generated content - to think about what that means for the community."
Evans said Harrison pushed them - correctly - towards what they most wanted to do, with great clarity and perspective.
"I think that was his influence on the game early on, and I think it was hugely useful to have that degree of focus in the right place, and the right time."
Although Harrison has since departed for Infogrames, Evans notes that Sony as a whole is behind the game and thinks that there will be a continuation of the "good patterns" that were set up during the development process.
Part two of our interview with Alex Evans is now available online.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has confirmed that a new download service offering movies on the PlayStation 3 is set to launch shortly.
The service will go live in the US this summer, according to Kaz Hirai, with a roll-out in Japan and Europe at later dates. Official timings are expected next month.
The service will be a direct rival to Microsoft's service over Xbox Live, which currently boasts movies and TV content from a host of partners including MTV, Warner Bros., Paramount and National Geographic, amongst others.
The company said that the PlayStation 3 will be the first Sony product to benefit from video services, with plans to expand video to other products by 2010.
As a further sign of Sony's commitment to networked products, this November Sony Pictures Entertainment will offer Will Smith movie Hancock to all internet connected Bravia LCD TVs in the US before it's available on DVD.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony exec Kaz Hirai has been demonstrating a new PS3 exclusive application titled 'Life with PlayStation', Kotaku reports.
The application is a Google Earth-style affair with a spinning globe which presents weather and news information from around the world. Stories are accessible from their headlines and users can choose their own musical accompaniment whilst browsing. It's been suggested that later iterations of the system will also allow location specific 'Geo-tagged' images to be browsed.
Pics of 'Life With PlayStation', which should really be a documentary about addiction starring David James, but isn't, are available on Kotaku, courtesy of Dengeki Online.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has revealed that over 9.8 million users have registered PlayStation Network accounts.
Between them, they have accessed over 170 million downloads via the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable service.
The PlayStation Network allows users to access the PlayStation Store for demos, trailers, full games and other content, as well as communicate with other users.
Today, Sony revealed that it will be offering a movie download service for PlayStation 3 users, due to go live in the US this summer.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Store with the promised MGS4 Database and a demo of Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3.
Those of you who enjoy Commando 3 will be able to buy the full version from the European store next week, as revealed on Eurogamer earlier.
Both are for PS3 owners, while PSP owners can download the original Pursuit Force for GBP 14.99 from either the PC Store or via the PS3 online service.
PS3 owners also get access to the free World of Warcraft song we mentioned earlier and an extra character for PAIN, Nigel, for GBP 0.69.
Elsewhere there are Prince of Persia, PAIN, Prince Caspian and Call of Duty: World at War trailers.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Ascaron Entertainment GmbH, one of Europe's leading game developers, today announced that the PlayStation 3 version of their upcoming action RPG, Sacred 2: Fallen Angel will hit retail shelves this fall.
"Role-playing game enthusiasts have always been strongly represented on the PlayStation platforms, and we are delighted to offer a version of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel for the PlayStation 3," said Heiko tom Felde, Managing Director of Ascaron Entertainment GmbH. "We've been working on this version for more than a year, and can now proudly reveal it and its new features, to an entirely new audience."
This version of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel will feature enhanced graphics, 5.1 Channel Dolby Surround Sound and support drop-in cooperative play, as well as other multiplayer gaming modes via the Internet. The game also features two-player shared-screen gaming on one console - players simply pick up a controller, press "Start" and join their friends. Players can save their characters and use them in all game modes - allowing the same character to be used both in single-player or multiplayer modes, accumulating experience and loot seamlessly. The controls and interface have been developed from scratch for the PlayStation 3 to ensure fluid and intuitive game play optimized for the platform throughout.
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is an action RPG which features a huge, seamless and living world spanning over 22 square miles of hand-crafted terrain, top-notch 3D graphics and online "hot swap" cooperative play with monsters that dynamically adjust to party strength for a consistent challenge.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Eternal Sonata's due on the PS3 (at least in Japan) in September 2008. It was released on the 360 (at least in Japan) in June 2007. Time enough for tri-Crescendo to make the wait a little more worthwhile for PS3 owners, yes? Yes. Plenty of time. The PS3 version will feature two new playable characters, new dungeons, new quests, multiple endings (which depend on your in-game actions), new costumes, some new musical numbers and even new 2D character illustrations. That's a lot of stuff! Maybe even enough to convince some die-hard fans to buy the thing twice. All those upgrades should feature in the Western versions as well, which will be out...sometime in the future.
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June 26th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Good news, karaoke fans - Sony has whacked a bundle of new songs in the SingStore.
Highlights include A Kind of Magic by Queen and Morrissey's Everday is Like Sunday. There's also plenty of new-fangled contemporary jangling for those too young to remember Smash Hits. Also some foreign ones.
Here's that new SingStore top 40 in full:
- A Flock Of Seagulls, I Ran (So Far Away)
- Bros, When Will I Be Famous?
- Coldplay, Clocks
- Corinne Bailey Rae, Put Your Records On
- Editors, The Racing Rats
- Franz Ferdinand, Do You Want To
- Franz Ferdinand, Take Me Out
- Judas Priest, You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’
- Lily Allen, Littlest Things
- Mark Ronson feat. Daniel Merriweather, Stop Me
- Morrissey, Everyday Is Like Sunday
- Queen, A Kind Of Magic
- The Ting Tings, That’s Not My Name
- The Wombats, Moving To New York
- The Zutons, Valerie
- Warrant, Cherry Pie
- Marit Bergman, No Party
- Suurlähettiläät, Elokuun 11.
- Christophe Willem Double Je
- 2raumwohnung, Melancholisch Schön
- 2raumwohnung, Nimm Mich Mit - Das Abenteuer Liebe Usw
- 2raumwohnung, Spiel Mit
- Blumentopf, Horst
- Klaus Lage , 1000 Und 1 Nacht
- Finley, Sole Di Settembre
- Frans Bauer, Heb je even voor mij
All right, top 27.
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June 26th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Next Generation
Hirai said during a Thursday PlayStation business briefing that Sony has been cutting PS3 manufacturing costs by reducing the number of components and decreasing the size of chips.
"The Cell and RSX used in PS3s at launch were manufactured using a 90nm process technology. And now all PS3 Cells have shifted to 65nm process technology since last holiday season," he said.
The smaller chip technology runs more efficiently and costs less to produce.
While the improved Cell is in circulation, the RSX graphics chip, created in tandem with Nvidia, still uses 90nm technology.
But a more efficient RSX will be in PS3s shortly, Hirai says. "As for RSX, 65nm process technology has begun this year already, and will be ready for installment in autumn."
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June 26th, 2008, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
A new trailer for Final Fantasy: Dissidia was made available to Square Enix Members today on the company's Japanese site. Dissidia is the upcoming fighting game for PSP that puts heroes and villains from past Final Fantasy games into the same world. Besides showing off several visually striking fight sequences, the trailer ends by confirming that Dissidia will see a Japanese release sometime this year. No U.S. release date is currently available.
For those who don't have access to the Japanese site, the trailer is a fair mix of classic Square Enix cutscenes and actual gameplay. During the trailer, it appears that many villains from the various Final Fantasy titles are coming together and forming some sort of alliance. Viewers are treated to several other scenes, including Tidus from X teaming up with Zidane from IX to fight IX's primary antagonist, Kuja. We also get to see Squall, the hero of VIII, cross swords with the legendary Sephiroth.
The gameplay segments are rather brief and cut quickly but show off fast-paced action with a wide assortment of flashy special moves.
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June 26th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from caliarbor
Good morning,
Slight update to initial release. I've added four play modes now (Single, Sequential, Random, and Repeat). Also added, is volume/track control via the analog nub. CPU is now clocked at 37MHZ. See included readme.txt for details of all changes.
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June 26th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony held a group business briefing in Tokyo today to share its plans for 2008 to 2010. Taking up a good chunk of that time was Sony Computer Entertainment president Kaz Hirai, who introduced new non-game initiatives for the PlayStation brand.
The company's long awaited video on demand service will target PlayStation 3 and PSP, adding movies and television programs to the PlayStation Network on top of the current game content. Videos will be sold through a video store on the network and will be viewable both in download and streaming form.
America will get the first shot at the video service this summer. The program will then continue on to Japan and Europe.
While further details will be announced at E3 next month, sample images of the video store shown at the press conference resembled the current PlayStation Store, right down to windowed video previews of content. The sample store image had buttons allowing the user to toggle between video store and game store, suggesting that PS3 users will have to access just one main shop interface to get all their downloadable content.
Categories of video content in the sample images included "New Arrivals," "Movies," "Television," "Anime," "HD Only," "Rentals," "Purchase", and "Top Downloads." The sample images also listed pricing for a couple of titles: a Ghost Rider rental in HD at $5.99 and a Ghost Rider purchase copy in SD at $12.99. These prices are presumably unofficial.
PlayStation products are just the start for Sony's video plans. By 2010, Sony plans on expanding the download service to televisions, PCs, and mobile sets.
In addition to the new video service, Sony also unveiled a brand new initiative: Life with PlayStation. This new program will offer real time news updates and weather to PlayStation 3 users via an interactive globe interface. The globe interface displays recreations of the weather and shows headlines as you move to different locals. The headlines can be clicked on to open up more details in a browser window. Users can play music off their PS3 in the background as they use this service.
Future plans for the Life with PlayStation service could go beyond just the globe. Hirai mentioned the possibility of introducing a timeline interface for letting PS3 owners sort and view their photographs chronologically.
Sony also addressed the PlayStation Portable's multimedia functionality today. Sony will be expanding the portable's network functionality, and will at long last offer direct connection to the PlayStation Store some time this fiscal year.
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June 26th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony held a group business briefing in Tokyo today to share its plans for 2008 to 2010. Taking up a good chunk of that time was Sony Computer Entertainment president Kaz Hirai, who introduced new non-game initiatives for the PlayStation brand.
The company's long awaited video on demand service will target PlayStation 3 and PSP, adding movies and television programs to the PlayStation Network on top of the current game content. Videos will be sold through a video store on the network and will be viewable both in download and streaming form.
America will get the first shot at the video service this summer. The program will then continue on to Japan and Europe.
While further details will be announced at E3 next month, sample images of the video store shown at the press conference resembled the current PlayStation Store, right down to windowed video previews of content. The sample store image had buttons allowing the user to toggle between video store and game store, suggesting that PS3 users will have to access just one main shop interface to get all their downloadable content.
Categories of video content in the sample images included "New Arrivals," "Movies," "Television," "Anime," "HD Only," "Rentals," "Purchase", and "Top Downloads." The sample images also listed pricing for a couple of titles: a Ghost Rider rental in HD at $5.99 and a Ghost Rider purchase copy in SD at $12.99. These prices are presumably unofficial.
PlayStation products are just the start for Sony's video plans. By 2010, Sony plans on expanding the download service to televisions, PCs, and mobile sets.
In addition to the new video service, Sony also unveiled a brand new initiative: Life with PlayStation. This new program will offer real time news updates and weather to PlayStation 3 users via an interactive globe interface. The globe interface displays recreations of the weather and shows headlines as you move to different locals. The headlines can be clicked on to open up more details in a browser window. Users can play music off their PS3 in the background as they use this service.
Future plans for the Life with PlayStation service could go beyond just the globe. Hirai mentioned the possibility of introducing a timeline interface for letting PS3 owners sort and view their photographs chronologically.
Sony also addressed the PlayStation Portable's multimedia functionality today. Sony will be expanding the portable's network functionality, and will at long last offer direct connection to the PlayStation Store some time this fiscal year.
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June 26th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Maurice10
This is Picross (aka "Nonogram") for the PSP programmed in Lua.
If you don't know what Picross is, check here
- Sizes 5, 10 and 15 supported
- PicrossDS-like graphics
- Timer
- Music and sounds
- File browser
- Puzzle Editor/Maker
- 215 puzzles included
- Highscore tracking
Redesign and numerous other things by me, Maurice
Original code by Haggar (http://haggar.pocketheaven.com/)
Special thanks to earthHunter for converting some puzzles and Haggar for giving me permission to release this.
Check the readme for everything else.

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June 27th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: mike_jmg
At last some crums from Square-Enix to help us in the lately lack of games for our beloved handheld
Second Trailer
First Trailer
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June 27th, 2008, 20:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Following yesterday's announcement that the PlayStation 3 will soon feature a movie download service, a report has suggested that no movie companies have yet inked an official deal with Sony.
Although Sony has been in talks with all the major movie distributors, Variety reports that only it's own film division – Sony Pictures – is a definite for the service.
"Sources at numerous major studios confirmed to me that while they have all talked to Sony, none have yet made a deal. The only one that's definitely on board so far is, for obvious reasons, Sony Pictures," writes Variety reporter Ben Fritz.
Sony said yesterday that the PlayStation 3 would be the first product to benefit from video services, with plans to expand video to other products by 2010 – offering an indication that the handheld PSP could be next on the list.
Variety suggests that users could transfer movie downloads from the PS3 to the PSP, as well as content copied from Blu-ray discs.
Microsoft already has a head start with a similar download service for the Xbox 360, with partners such as Paramount, National Geographic, MTV and Warner Bros. offering movies and TV shows.
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June 27th, 2008, 20:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has launched a new website for PS3 game Buzz! Quiz TV, and you can find it over at MyBuzzQuiz.com.
It's not just a load of rubbishy old screens and flash movies - the point is, you can create your very own quizzes and play them online. You can also try out ones other people have created. (We correctly answered six out of eight questions in the Mario Kart quiz, though we'd argue the answer to one of those questions is subjective and there's no way Princess Peach is fatter than Donkey Kong.)
Then, when Buzz! Quiz TV launches on July 4th, you'll be able to download quizzes and play them on your PS3.
Sony was not available to comment on how long it's likely to be before it all goes a bit Spore and the website is full of nothing but penis quizzes.
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June 27th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
When Soul Calibur's cadre of fighters cut their way onto the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this July in North America, they will do so in pairs. The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that the game will feature tag team elements in order to "perform combos" based on an on-screen meter that depletes as characters continue to test the bonds of friendship.
However, according to crack CAG translators, it remains unknown to what extent "character swapping" will be featured in Soul Calibur IV. The article interestingly only mentions the mechanic in reference to the game's single player mode, and that "teammates may suddenly join and leave at the end of the battle." We can't imagine that Namco Bandai would be so shortsighted as to leave something like this out of the game's versus mode. Still, we imagine that just the idea of Darth Vader conquering the galaxy shoulder to shoulder with top-heavy Taki (or Ivy, or Cassandra, or...) is enough to get fan fiction writers reaching for the keyboard and a change of pants.
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June 27th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
SOCOM Confrontation's retail release will include a Bluetooth headset, Sony reconfirmed today -- this time with pictures. While similar to the Jabra headset packaged inside Warhawk's box (and later removed), SOCOM's offering actually appears to be well-designed and, in fact, PlayStation-branded. Features include a prominent Mute button, USB charging cradle, and extended battery life. Sony has neither finalized the design nor priced a standalone model, but the SOCOM bundle is rumored to fetch $80.
Photographs of the headset here
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June 27th, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
10,000 B.C. (~Steven Strait, Camilla Belle, ...) US US$ 35.99
Earth JPN US$ 46.90
Fatal Move (~Sammo Hung, Simon Yam Tat Wah, ...) HK US$ 27.90
Full Metal Panic [Limited Edition] (~Satsuki Yukino, Shinichiro Miki, ...) JPN US$ 379.90
Hacken Lee Seoul Concert Hall II (~Hacken Lee) HK US$ 27.90
House of Fury (~Gillian Chung, Stephen Fung, ...) US US$ 29.95
In The Line Of Fire JPN US$ 47.90
Men In Black JPN US$ 47.90
Over Alaska US US$ 19.99
Persepolis (~Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, ...) US US$ 38.96
Reign Over Me JPN US$ 47.90
Retto Judan Tetsudo Noritsukushi No Tabi JR20000km Zensen Soha Haru Hen (~Railroad) JPN US$ 119.90
Rossini: La Cenerentola US US$ 45.98
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure US US$ 28.99
Sekai Isan No Iyashi Part.1 Water JPN US$ 47.90
Step Into Liquid [dts] (~Jim Knost, Alex Knost, ...) US US$ 29.99
Surf's Up JPN US$ 47.90
The Bone Collector (~Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
The Spiderwick Chronicles (~Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, ...) US US$ 39.99
The Tour Of Misia 2008 Eighth World (~Misia) JPN US$ 52.90
Washington the Beautiful US US$ 19.99
ZZ Top: Live from Texas [dts] (~ZZ Top) US US$ 24.98
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June 27th, 2008, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Action oriented gameplay that features intense “edge of your seat” thrills and twists
Immersive free-roaming, interactive environments intricately based on NYC’s Central Park
Episodic Structure: 30 to 40 minute episodes grip you in a constant, high level of intensity
Story written by Lorenzo Carcaterra (NY Times Bestselling author of “Sleepers” and “Apaches”)
Wide range weapons to destroy both enemy agents and eventually the source of the evil itself
Vehicles not only offer a means of transportation, but become actual game mechanics which are part of puzzles and solutions to in game challenges
Eden’s new TWILIGHT engine creates a lavishly detailed game world with highly realistic effects such as moisture, reflections and advanced cinematography
The game that started the popular survival horror genre returns better than ever! Players control Edward Carnby, the main character from the original Alone in the Dark, on a thrilling journey through a dark and terrifying re-creation of New York’s Central Park where Carnby must discover the truth behind a dark conspiracy.
With inspiration from the presentation style of popular action TV dramas, Alone in the Dark will be split into a number of distinct episodes. With approximately 30-40 minutes of gameplay comprising each episode, the structure of Alone in the Dark pulls you into world that delivers a fiercely gripping and terrifying experience. Each time the player launches a saved game, the episode will begin with a video summary of the previous episode to quickly re-immerse the player in the story and removing the need to remember where they were or what they were doing. Every episode will close with a nail-biting cliff-hanger ending to rattle players’ nerves, and if the player is leaving the game a video teaser of the next episode will play to leave them wanting more.
Alone in the Dark will provide a complete next-generation, action packed experience within a highly detailed, free roaming environment, featuring a mixture of real-time physics and full environmental interaction. The game will mark a new beginning for the Alone in the Dark series.
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June 27th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Platform: PlayStation3, X-Box360
Maps detailed with the locations of all gold and collectibles!
Complete walkthroughs for each mission, including alternate strategies.
Battlefield-tested combat tactics. Our guide shows the best ways to use demolition to your tactical advantage.
Deadly weapons information for all kits. Know which armament is the right tool for the job!
Offensive and defensive multiplayer strategies to help you get the edge in online play. Interior
Bad Company, Good Guide
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June 28th, 2008, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster

Spotted in Akihabara retailer Toranoana and burned into your brain forever! That PSP is covered with stickers and running a demo for PC ero-game Dokodemo suki shite itsudemo suki shite ("Love me wherever, Love me whenever"). Keep in mind that this game is for the PC and not the PSP, and the shop created this sticker covered PlayStation Portable to promote this computer game. It's working!
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June 28th, 2008, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Developer kenny.bsp, who you may recognize from other such releases as Beaverz, has again demonstrated his crafty homebrew skills with the classic game of Whac-A-Mole. It’s amusing and no doubt worth an hour or two of entertainment… Just equip your mallet, whack those pesky sons of bitches, all while keeping your life meter on the up ‘n up.
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June 28th, 2008, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
D.Gray-Man is apparently a manga and anime title, and Konami is turning it into a game, as is their custom. They're calling it a "kizuna adventure game", or bonding adventure, perhaps. The interesting thing is that it's actually got RPG-like battle scenes in between the adventure bits. See the official site for some images. There will be a drama CD with three different collectable labels, if you care about that. It comes out on September 11 for 6,980 yen.
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June 28th, 2008, 15:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has put up some movies for Phantasy Star Portable, the company's response to the popularity of Monster Hunter Portable, which basically uses the PSO system in modified form. There's an opening (which remixes the original ridiculous theme song) and a promotion movie with some player footage. It's amazing to me how Japanese marketing people are still making videos like we made in the 80s, with people playing the game and showing that yes, you can have a good time! Look how fun it would be if you were one of those guys! Anyway, there's some game footage in there, if you're interested. And just to say, the video confirms that you can use your customized character in multiplayer mode. I've heard some concerns online that it might not, but it seems to be in. The single player scenario has multiple endings, as well. There will be 1,500 weapons and items (they lumped them together, so there could be 100 weapons and 1,400 items, for all we know). The game is planned for a July 31 release in Japan, with a 5,040 pricetag.
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June 28th, 2008, 15:52 Posted By: Jesterace
Dark Alex and Team M33 have just released the 401 PSP Custom Firmware heres details from the readme:
4.01 M33
Instructions: Copy UPDATE folder /PSP/GAME/ and run.
Put the 4.01 sony update as 401.PBP in same folder, or let the program download it for you using a wifi connection.
- Bug fix: vshmenu didn't let change camera mode due to camera_plugin using select button.
Fixed, now vsh menu will not be loaded when using the camera.
- Recovery can now be translated, See how below. Translation to spanish is autoincluded.
- Updated the M33 SDK with a new function and sample, and released the psp-packer tool to
compress prx's and PBP's in the ~PSP format.
- The folder of 4.01 and highre homebrew will be GAME4XX so it won't need change on update.
Taanslating the recovery.
To translate the recovery create a text file in ms0:/seplugins/xx_recovery.txt
or flash1:/xx_recoery.txt (they are evaluated in that order), where xx is the language code
of your language:
es -> spanish
en -> english
fr -> french
de -> german
it -> italian
ja -> japanese
ko -> korean
nl -> netherlands
pt -> portuguese
ru -> russian
ch1 -> chinese simplified
ch2 -> chinese traditional
The file en_recovery.txt in translate folder is included for people to translate to their languages, this file is not needed for english people, as the english language is used when no language file is found.
Just change the english strings to your language ones, and put it in the path mentioned above. Be careful to check in the recovery that the lines look fine, don't use too large text.
The spanish file es_recovery.txt will be written by the program in the memory stick.
1.50 kernel addon for fat will be released this evening or this night.
Note: a more recent version along with a 1.50 kernel [currently 4.01 M33-2] can be downloaded here.
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June 28th, 2008, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster

Breaking a new title into the MMO market is difficult, as any game developer whose name isn't synonymous with an overabundance of frosty precipitation will attest -- especially when your title fits into a particular niche already explored by another developer. For instance, NCSoft's City of Heroes cornered the super hero MMO market when it debuted in 2004, creating an intimidating hurdle that other online vigilante simulators have yet to attempt to vault.
The latest issue of Edge magazine features an interview with Jim Lee, creative director for Sony's upcoming DC Universe Online, who reveals the steps Sony is taking to set their title apart from NCSoft's. With their inclusion of a number of recognizable faces from DC's voluminous roster, and their focus on making the title a "kick-ass hybrid between a traditional MMO and a first-person action console game", the apparent differences between the two games are clear. As long as there's a rich, intricate fish-controlling engine, we'll give it a shot.
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June 29th, 2008, 04:42 Posted By: bandit
The Blu-ray retail version of SOCOM ConfrontationWarhawk bundle so long ago. This one is made specifically with gaming in mind -- and as such, earns the official PlayStation branding. The headset, which will also be available seperately from the game, is designed for long use and even includes a much-needed Mute button, a feature uncommon to most Bluetooth headsets. The device will also include a USB cradle, so that it can be charged via the PS3.
While neither the design and price have been completely finalized, Sony plans on pricing this quite competitively. From the looks of its quality, we believe Sony will charge more than what they did for Warhawk.
Source: PS3fanboy
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June 29th, 2008, 10:04 Posted By: wraggster
Along with the mass update of the main site for the game, the promo video (or PV) has been released to the masses. Again, these are basically DVDs shipped to game store owners so they can pimp the game to eager customers. When I say eager, I do want you to realize that the last game, Super Robot Wars A, unseated the mastodon that is Metal Gear Solid 4 from the Japanese games charts...and it was only a lowly PSP game (though admittedly a very shiny one). The upcoming PS2 game is several orders more impressive than its PSP counterpart (as well as all the previous SRW progeny too, even so than the recent OG games). Anyway, the full PV is available here but if you just want to look at the in-game animation then this should suffice. At present this footage has rendered my pants, and these are specifically my British undergarments, to a uniquely moistened consistency.
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June 29th, 2008, 10:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) was granted a patent on Friday for a "hand-held [sic] device with touchscreen and digital tactile pixels." It'd be a stretch to say any of this is explicitly indicative of a PSP 2.0 or PSP phone, but it is interesting to note that "game device" is listed as one of the potential applications, alongside a plethora of other sony handhelds: phone, portable media player, email device, web browser device or navigation device.
As for defining "digital tactile pixels," claims 19 through 30 of the patent suggest that vibration acts as the "tactile" response. As our friends at PSP Fanboy point out, it could be a long time before we see anything to do with this patent (assuming we ever do).
Fun fact: The patent lists former Sony executive Phil Harrison as the inventor. Harrison, now the Directeur Général Délégué at Infogrames, was with the company when the patent was originally filed in January 2008.
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June 29th, 2008, 10:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from caliarbor
Hi Everyone,
Haven't tested this on 4.01 yet as my slim is still 3.90m33-3. The screenshot looks a little crooked for some reason. I'm going to have to try a different plugin. Here's the readme.txt included :: (sorry for the wall of text crit)
MP3 ME Player v1.02
MP3 player that makes use of the PSP's Media Engine. CPU is clocked at 39MHz to allow for longer
playback from battery.
Added an asterisk in front of the current playing track in the browser pane. While the tracks is playing it will be green. If paused it will be yellow. Once the track is completed it will go to red.
Dropped USB support. It didn't prove to be very useful and at times caused issues.
Optimized source and made it easier to follow. There is almost zero latency when switching MP3 tracks now. This is the result of hardcoding the sampling frequency to 44100Hz and thereby not using the libmad library for a lot of overhead calculations. Also, file and ID3 tag data are parsed when the application is started.
Corrected a lot of bugs in id3.c. Files with multiple versions of ID3 tags were being parsed incorrectly as having v1.x tags.
Added support for ID3 JPEG cover art. Graphics.h was modified so that the LoadJpeg function would also take a "file offset" as an arguement. This allows for cover art to be easily read with jpeg_stdio_src.
There is no longer a "covers" folder. Cover art is only displayed if present in the ID3 tag, in JPEG format, and with the dimensions height<=170 and width <=170.
Song sorting is now possible by using the RIGHT TRIGGER. The sorting metods are: Title, Genre, Album, Artist, and Year.
Filenames are no longer displayed in the browser pane. The song's title is now displayed instead.
Layout was modified somewhat. Sampling frequency and bitrate are no longer displayed as the result of dropping the libmad overhead as listed above.
Various other bugs were corrected as found.
A = Analog nub
D = Digital D-Pad
RTRIGGER - Toggle sort method.
DUP - Move up one track in browser.
DDOWN - Move down one track in browser.
DLEFT - Move up five tracks in browser.
DRIGHT - Move down five tracks in browser.
AUP - Increase volume.
ADOWN - Decrease volume.
ALEFT - Previous track. In random mode next random.
ARIGHT - Next track. In random mode next random.
SELECT - Toggle play mode.
CROSS - Play highlighted track.
SQUARE - Pause current playing track.
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June 29th, 2008, 10:57 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold has released a new version of his excellent 3d FPS for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
New in version 1.0.5
- faster collision detection of enemy bullets vs. player
- faster collision detection of enemy vs. world geometry
- slightly faster rendering of bullets and world geometry
- new option in config.txt: [GODMODE] on/off
- weapon shooting range + enemy sight range limited to 50 meter
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June 29th, 2008, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Achaemic
This is somewhat old, but I haven't been here much since I released it, (and I kind of forgot to post it here), so here's the release. It SHOULD fix the nbm.exe problem that several people have reported, but since I was never able to reproduce the bug in the first place, I don't actually know if it fixes it. One of the reasons I was delaying releasing it here was to see if anyone who encountered the bug had it fixed, but seeing as I never got any feedback...well, here it is. It also features one small bugfix in FANG (the nbm.exe bug was in No Bull Moose) regarding the progress bar/reporting of errors. You only really need to download this if you've been encountering problems on Windows. There are no changes for the Mac version (well, the FANG bugfix affects the Mac too, but I didn't recompile for Mac due to some problems on my Mac development machine, so the archive just contains FANG v0.1 for Mac), and the only change to the Linux version is the bugfix in FANG. 64-bit Linux support has been dropped (as I no longer have a 64-bit OS on my 64-bit machine), but Linux users should be able to compile their own version pretty easily with 64-bit support, if so desired.
[Download FANG v0.1.1 + No Bull Moose v0.2.4]
(As an aside, PSPComic v1.1 is close to completion, but I'm not working on it very often (for various reasons). Adding translations to the program really slowed me down because I have to wait on translators before I release. I may drop all of the "official" translations (except for Canadian French) simply to speed up the process--however, there is nothing stopping people from adding translations themselves or downloading other translations)
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June 29th, 2008, 11:01 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Europe has had Go!Explore downloadable maps available on the PSN Store since the end of May, but a lot of countries in the region don't even have the hardware yet. Thankfully that looks like it'll be fixed soon as Play.com has the Go!Explore GPS receiver listed on their website with a July 18th release date. There's no telling just how reliable this date is, but we've emailed SCEE to find out.
The site also lists the product's price at £99.99, which seems a bit steep to us. Play.com seem to have tried their best at offering a discount, knocking it down from it's RRP of £104.99 by a massive £5. Ouch. Again, this info is unconfirmed. Should any new info come our way we'll be sure to forward it on to you.
Hmm think ill snag the jap version and download the UK maps
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June 29th, 2008, 11:02 Posted By: wraggster
Time’s up. The “or2” splash page is for a sequel to Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida! Acquire didn’t go back to the drawing board with the sequel to their dungeon management series. You still use a pickaxe to make a maze, create a lair, and mine nutrients. The difference is you have a world map to explore and more monsters at your disposal. The boney worm is one of the new creatures you need to manage to in the delicate monster ecosystem to terminate nosey heroes who dare to step in your lair. Vanquish all the warriors and the town is yours. If one of the heroes drags you up to the surface it’s the end of the game.
In retrospect, Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida seems like an appetizer, Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 is the real game. Perhaps Sony Computer Entertainment America passed on the first game because they knew a meaty sequel was in development. A date hasn’t been announced for Japan yet and since the secret is out we’ll be scanning E3 for any information if the Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 will get an international release. Until then check out the first screenshots.
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June 29th, 2008, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
From B6 to B10 we have PSP Extreme Link all over again. Quake’s Extreme Link v1.6.0 Beta 10 fixes some problems and adds a few extras.
Extreme Link virgins should know it’s a lightweight Windows app aimed towards simplifying many PSP-related functions… Use Extreme Link as a front end for USB/NETHostFS and CisoPlus, as well manage your high scores and memory stick contents — media, homebrew, etc…
Extreme Link 1.6.0 B10 changes:
Extreme Link: Main
B9 - Fixed: Delete File
Extreme Link: Records
B7 - Fixed: Trading-Post Game search with names that have head-tail / Name search separation is still Name. Example: Taito Legends Power-Up
B7 - Fixed: Trading-Post Game search with Titles that have title - title. Example: Tom Clancys - Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter 2
Extreme Link: Ciso
B9 - Added: ListView Picture support - Options/Load/ForeColor BackColor Lv Img
B10 - Added: FAVORITES
Extreme Link: Explore
B8 - Fixed: Cancel Button / Triangle enabled with multiple files
B8 - Fixed: 0 bytes files causing Error 380 / Files will now be skipped
B9 - Added: PC/PSP Keypress picture viewing - scrolling
B9 - Fixed: View / Add - PRX txt
Extreme Link: Favorites
B10 - Resized Form Again / Might make it have a load Image
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June 29th, 2008, 11:48 Posted By: Sonicboy 101
Dark alex has released a new version of his Custom Firmware for the PSP last update was yesterday and also the 1.50 Kernal addon for the firmware.
The 1.50 Kernel for the latest firmware has been released.
Copy to /PSP/GAME4XX and run.
Changes for Firmware Update
4.01 M33-2 (bugfix update)
- Nids resolver: Fixed scePowerGetCpuClockFrequency issue. This is the same bug that happened in 3.80 M33-1, it won't happen again ¬¬
- Fixes recovery problems that have apperared in prior version (incorrect position of back string in language others than english, enable, and disabled strings not translated in plugins, hide pic0+pic1 couldn't be changed, language file in flash1 wasn't working..
- Spanish recovery translation typos fixed.
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June 29th, 2008, 13:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sleepper, M@x of the Java Games Emulator for PSP
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "PSPKVM" to /PSP/GAME or /PSP/GAME150 folder.
1) Select "Find Application" item in AMS (the item on the top)
2) Select "Install from memory stick (ms0:/)"
3) Browse the file system of your memory stick now, and select jad or jar to run
4) After selected, the jad/jar will be automatically installed and run. You can choose the installed application from AMS next time you want to run.
Key mapping:
By default, the key assignment is blow:
NUM0: Cross
NUM1: Square
NUM3: Triangle
NUM5: Shift+Circle
NUM7: Shift+Square
NUM9: Shift+Triangle
*: Shift+SELECT
#: Shift+START
CLEAR: Shift+Cross
SELECT: Circle
Left Soft: SELECT
Right Soft: START
UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: Analog joy stick
(* "Shift" = holding Left Trigger or Right Trigger)
Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Triangle: Multi-tasking key (Click to return AMS and put MIDlet to background)
Left Trigger + Right Trigger + Cross: Exit current running MIDlet
MIDP 2.0
Nokia UI APIs (partial)
WMA1.1(JSR120) stub
Networking (By PSP's WIFI)
Java AMS with MVM supporting
Several input methods: QWERTY/Abc/Symbol/...
Directly browse and run from local jad/jar file, and auto-install without interrupting
Jpeg support
MIDI & Wave audio playback support
Device emulation. You can choose device type to emulate for different screen sizes and key codes, either at installation time or from "Select device" menu
Change default key assignment for specific application.
JSR75(File Connection)
Virtual Keyboard Input
2008-06-29 02:50 v0.4.1
Bug fixes:
1) HTTPS connection always fail
2) On Screen Keyboard fail to open
3) Virtual Keyboard cannot input 4 and 6
Input symbols and numbers while Chinese Input is open
Improve performance of FileConnection InputStream.skip()
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June 29th, 2008, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sega is releasing the Fantasy Zone Complete Collection for PS2 on September 11 for the usual 2,500 yen, and this package includes Fantasy Zone, Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa, Fantasy Zone Gear: Opa-Opa Jr.'s Adventure, and Super Fantasy Zone. It also has a number of related games, like Opa-Opa/Fantasy Zone in the Maze, Galactic Protector for SMS, and others. The neatest thing is that they have remade FZ2, which was originally released for the SMS. They reprogrammed it for the System-16 arcade board and added new systems, but keeping it within the retro style of System-16. That's included in the collection as well. The music for the remake is composed by Manabu Namiki of Basiscape, who we've mentioned here a few times before. You can see lots of info at the SMS Power thread. Thanks to Omar for pointing it out!
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June 29th, 2008, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
TromUS a new comer here at DCEmu has released a new digital alarm clock for the PSP

Circle .- Active and off the USB
R + L .- Ending the program, saving time and colordel alarm clock.
UP and R + R + Down .- Use it to change the minutes of the alarm, should not you select the button rule.
R + R + Left and Right .- Use it to change the hours of the alarm, should not you select the button rule.
L .- press second and means to recharge lalista mp3, if removed or placed some aver.
Note: I recommend you stop playing before moving mp3 files
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June 29th, 2008, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson has a label for TurboGrafx-16 compilations in Japan with two entries scheduled to come out on July 31. The third repackaged game in the PC Engine Best Collection might be a selection of Star Solider games on a single UMD. Japanese retailer, Rakuten, lists the Solder Collection with a September 25 release date and it includes four games. Spend less than 2,940 yen ($28) to get Super Soldier, Final Soldier, Soldier Blade, Star Parodier, and power play movies on the PSP. Great news if it is real. It probably is. Rakuten has a good reputation for being a leaky faucet.
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June 29th, 2008, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Miriam
Miriam has therefore taken the bull by the horns and just update the plug-in Poison in order to make it compatible with the 4.01 M33
What's new in this new version?
Compatibility with the themes for the unofficial 4.01 M33
To create the CTF for the Custom Firmware 4.01 M33
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June 29th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via pspgen
Kazzua and Amin022, the team Kazzam, just update their homebrew appointed Kazzam. With a new version in English, homebrew happening in v3.0.
In this game, you have to find the word "kazzam" which is hidden in images. The game includes 30 levels of difficulty and it is growing as ...
So, do you have good eyes?
New graphics.
The homebrew is much lighter.
An English version is now available.
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June 29th, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Maxthebest has released his BrainMachine Demo for the PSP, a brain training type game for PSP i presume
Heres the translated info:
Yesterday, I had a lot of different reactions during the day, they evolved by hours, and others.
I will therefore like to share with you my assessment when out of the demo.
First, early in the day, many people started to criticize it (without good reason this demo, accusing him of being useless and harmful to health.
This first wave of reaction, although I expected out this demo was quite discouraging. Indeed, that people expressing their opinions without even having tested, it is quite depressing, and it does not encourage others to test.
But fortunately, a little later, people who actually tested this homebrew began coming to me to share their reactions, positive for most.
However, unfortunately, there are people who use the machine has no effect, see a negative effect. I do not understand why and how it can have an adverse effect, but I advice them to stop trying because it is not interesting for them to choper a migraine with this machine.
Moreover, the results of small surveys done 1 day on my blog, and devsgen show that many people really appreciate the brainmachine.
I am therefore delighted that most people, fear a possible spite of this strange homebrew, and a skepticism about his performance, have shown that it actually walked, and I am pleased to announce that this demonstration phase to be conclusive most, I will continue the project.
Expect therefore to hear about the brainmachine again, perhaps not immediately, however, since I BAC of french oral review.
Thanks to all those who have tested, and those who support me
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June 29th, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Kenium has released a new version of labylene for the PSP:

This new version offers 3 levels and more! but more importantly, a new feature to adjust the speed as they want (from 1 to 5, unit arbitrary). Thus, it will be much easier to finish the game, whether you have the patience. All the characteristics of the 1st version are included therein, including the code!
PS : The previous version was almost impossible ...
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June 30th, 2008, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Shipping

Hellboy: The Science of Evil will give players the opportunity to experience the epic adventures of the acclaimed comic book hero, fusing action, atmosphere and humor. In his latest quest, Hellboy uncovers an insane Nazi plot for world domination and must rush to defeat the crazed Hermann Von Klempt before he can exert his evil will upon earth. As a visceral brawler, the game lets players unleash Hellboy’s superhuman abilities as they smash their way through hordes of enemies with contextual use of the environment for added destructive power and strategy. Just another day for Hellboy
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June 30th, 2008, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Shipping

Hellboy: The Science of Evil will give players the opportunity to experience the epic adventures of the acclaimed comic book hero, fusing action, atmosphere and humor. In his latest quest, Hellboy uncovers an insane Nazi plot for world domination and must rush to defeat the crazed Hermann Von Klempt before he can exert his evil will upon earth. As a visceral brawler, the game lets players unleash Hellboy’s superhuman abilities as they smash their way through hordes of enemies with contextual use of the environment for added destructive power and strategy. Just another day for Hellboy
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June 30th, 2008, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Shipping

JOIN THE NEW ERA OF NARUTO HAND-HELD FIGHTING! Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 will redefine the fighting genre on PSP as it combines a superior fighting experience with a massive, uncharted adventure! Create teams of powerful ninja from over 20 most loved characters from the TV series and enter the Phantom Fortress full of mysterious plots, characters and battles! The game combines all the features of one of the most successful hand held fighting games and an extensive, compelling story line created exclusively for this game. Ultimate Ninja Heroes Must Reunite!
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June 30th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Shipping

WALL-E Videogame: Players will take control of WALL-E and EVE through a fast-paced adventure based on the upcoming DisneyPixar film. The game will allow fans to relive some of the movie's most thrilling moments as they explore 10 worlds filled with non-stop action and adventure, along with head-to-head multiplayer challenges. Players will recognize the storyline, characters and key locations from the WALL-E film as they carry out intense missions, dodge dangerous enemies and navigate their way through a futuristic world. In addition, the game will contain new storylines and environments that movie-goers will not see in theaters.
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June 30th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Shipping

The Component AV Cable included high quality cable ,can provide superior picture.Compared with the common Component AV cable, this one has a RCA output(yellow),provide another video output model for players. The whole length is 2.5m,making the video device put easily.It is compatible with PSP series fully,simple to use too.Anti-oxidation meterials with long life.
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June 30th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Licensed by Namco Bandai Games.
Arcade style controller for PlayStation 3 featured with Soul Calibur 4 characters.
Turbo function on all buttons and D-Pad.
Turbo can be set up to 3 levels (Fast, Normal, Slow).
Recommended for Fighting, Action, Shooting, and Classic games that are available through download.
Get More Action into Your Game with the Fighting Stick EX2 for Playstation 3.
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June 30th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Platform: Playstation3, Xbox 360
Locations of every hidden Artifact revealed
Send all monsters back to the underworld with our strategies
Master Hellboy's combat moves so you can thump evil
Learn finishing moves that smash creatures with a single blow
Tips and tricks for keeping Hellboy's energy up Interior
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June 30th, 2008, 19:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has announced that the DualShock 3 Wireless Controller will be released in Europe July 4.
The controller brings the addition of vibration technology to the PlayStation 3, something many consumers missed with the introduction to the motion sensitive Sixaxis controller.
"We are delighted to confirm that DualShock 3 will be released in SCEE territories in early July. We hope this will add to the intense gaming experience for our fans, as we continue to evolve PS3, its software and its peripherals," commented David Reeves, president of SCEE.
Following the release of the 1.94 firmware upgrade for the PS3, many existing titles are compatible with the DualShock 3, including Resistance: Fall of Man, Gran Turismo 5 and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
The DualShock 3 will cost GBP 39.99.
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June 30th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has confirmed that July 2, 2008 will see the 2.40 update go live.
Of the update Sony says, "Firstly, the 2.40 enhancement allows XMB (XrossMediaBar) access in-game. This means that you can access the PS3 menu at any time while playing most games, simply by tapping the PlayStation button on your controller.
"With 2.40, you can check if any of your friends are online (thanks to their own user profile), read and send messages, change some settings for games, all without having to quit the game you are playing. While you can't pause an online multiplayer game involving other people, you can rejoin play at any time when you've finished browsing. Along with these enhanced communications features, the Friends list capacity will double to 100 Friends."
2.40 also delivers trophies to "recognise players' achievements in the online arena. Other competitive activities recognise winners with trophies - so why not gaming on PS3? Many online games will have gold, silver and bronze trophies - with platinum available for those who snag all three - all displayed on the XMB for everyone to see."
We exclusively revealed the full feature set last week. And while our source was a little out on the date, sooner is better than later, eh?
Official shots have also been released. But you may have already seen them this morning.
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June 30th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Eurogamer readers will be able to quiz David Smith, co-founder and technical director of LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule, this Wednesday, 2nd July.
Smith will be online to face questions from you in one of our live interviews from 4pm BST (UK time) / 5pm CET.
LittleBigPlanet is one of the PS3's hottest prospects for 2008 and we were captivated by it and the possibilities of its user-created content focus when we took a look earlier this year.
"User-generated content is at the heart of LittleBigPlanet and if we've done our jobs right, you'll create new experiences that we haven't even thought of yet," said Smith, when we asked him to give us words for our press release.
"This is a great opportunity for me to make sure you have the tools to make the LittleBigPlanet experiences you want to make." It's also a chance to ask him the questions you've had on your mind for the last year but have never had the chance to ask. He meant that.
Live interviews couldn't be simpler: you just sign up for a Eurogamer account, visit the site at the allotted time and type in your questions. Then we put the best ones to Smith and feed back the answer while you watch. You don't even have to refresh the site.
If you want some clues as to how they usually work, or just want to see what sort of things are asked, be sure to check out the archive of our Ted Price live interview from the start of June.
See you all on Wednesday, 2nd July at 4pm UK!
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June 30th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Uberjack:
This is mostly a bugfix release. Here’s what’s new:
Bugfix - many games, especially MegaROM games did not load correctly in the previous version (thanks Victor)
Added Fast Forward button mapping - while disabled by default, you can map any button to fast-forward emulation in the Controls menu
Custom mapper types can now be embedded in source code. This version includes built-in support for Zanac Ex and Mon Mon Monster. Contact me if you’d like to add additional mappings
This version no longer includes a version compiled for firmware 1.50, though a (non-functional) link is still present, pending a site update
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June 30th, 2008, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fraca:
Hi. After quite a long idle time, I just made a new release of python-psp. The news are:
* Bug fixes thanks to patches provided by MagerValp
* A whole new class hierarchy for image manipulation
* API reference now uses epydoc; making it easier for me to keep it up to date
* Following a suggestion in a Trac ticket, I set up a PHPbb board for discussions around python-psp.
This project is obviously not dead, but I don't have as much time as I'd like to to improve it.
Trac: http://python-psp.net/trac/
PHPbb: http://python-psp.net/forum/
Download Here --> http://python-psp.net/trac/#Downloads
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June 30th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Alek posted this article:
As we spoke some days ago here, 1.50 kernel would probably disappear. Therefore, we spoke about migrating homebrews to 3.xx kernels, and i linked to this post on ps2dev.
So, what's new when porting to 4.xx kernels instead of 3.xx ones? Following the same guide as CpuWhiz on his post;
1. Homebrew must be in prx format. To do that, after the PSPSDK includes (include $(PSPSDK)/lib/build.mak), add this two lines:
The last line (PSP_FW_VERSION) isn't really needed in this case, just for the compilation when making #ifdef branches or not; but as 4.00/4.01 hasn't included anything relevant on that affairs, you can skip that line.
2. Homebrew must be in user mode. On your main.c code, for the proper pbp compilation,
PSP_MODULE_INFO("module1", 0, 1, 0);
Remember that the PSP_MODULE_INFO system goes like this -> PSP_MODULE_INFO("module_name", mode, mayor_revision, minor_revision), and we put an "0" on mode for user mode; meanwhile 0x1000 would be for kernel mode. And also, add this line;
Considering that you have a newer PSPSDK that can compile within it.
3. That would be enough for what it takes. Got any problem within running it, once compiled? Re-check latest steps from that ps2dev post to check for your kernel calls.
So, to sum up, due to the poor changes from 3.xx to 4.00/4.01, you just need to keep on the prx format, AND the user mode on the pbp code. Probably some of you already knew this, but bleh, this can't be bad to have in mind, as one user commented on the "Bye Bye, 1.50" post.
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June 30th, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has announced the Metal Gear Online component of MGS4 will soon be available separately in Japan.
As reported by IGN, it'll go on sale on July 17th priced at JPY 1800 (around GBP 8.50 / EUR 11).
So any news on a European price and/or release date? "I cannot comment until we announce concrete PAL plans," a spokesperson told Eurogamer. At least there are "plans".
News of the Japanese release came during a MGS4 signing session, where series creator Hideo Kojima gave a talk. He revealed there are plans to host a global tournament titled Metal Gear Online World Championship 2008, but declined to offer any more details.
Stat fans may like to know that MGO connections peak at around 11pm (Japanese time, presumably), with up to 12,000 people playing the game online.
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June 30th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony is reported to have said that Trophies patched into old games will not be awarded retrospectively.
The decision to not award Trophies in this way is due to the relative ease of save game sharing on PlayStation 3, according to this.
Had Trophies been retrospective, save game files with everything unlocked could have been easily traded, making it easy for people to cheat the system.
This means that should Naughty Dog patch Uncharted: Drake's Fortune with Trophies, you'll need to go through the game all over again in order to get the points up for grabs from it.
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July 1st, 2008, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
While the original Rock Band is still going strong, Harmonix is already looking towards the next bit of kit that it hopes will be cluttering your place, with it now getting official with Rock Band 2 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. This time around, it seems the Xbox 360 will be getting a jump on things with a launch in September, with the PS3 version set to follow "later in the year." Both of those will, naturally, be coming with all new instruments, including the tasty Fender Stratocaster pictured above, but you will be able to use your current gear if you want to spare the extra clutter and save a few bucks. What's more, you'll also be able to carry over all your current downloaded content and, as IGN reports, you'll even be able to download and play new tracks on Rock Band 1 once Rock Band 2 is out. Of course, Harmonix is saving most of the details for E3 next month,
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July 1st, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
Last we heard in March, SOCOM: Confrontation was coming September 16 to PS3. If Gamestop is to be believed, that release date has been pushed back a month to October 14. We wouldn't be surprised if it was true, as our hands-on time with the game recently showed there was still a lot of work to be done. We've put in a call to developer Slant Six for an official response.
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July 1st, 2008, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
We normally don't like it when developers start taking potshots at each other, it's really not the sort of -- oh, who are we kidding? We love it when developers take potshots, it's one of our absolute favorite things, and this video interview from Eurogamer has a doozy courtesy of Treyarch senior producer Noah Heller.
When asked about Gearbox's forthcoming Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Heller said they didn't consider it during development of Call of Duty: World at War, dismissing Hell as "a crappy war game." Continuing the burnination, Heller added that Gearbox "isn't even the same league" as Treyarch's effort. You might think we're misrepresenting the quote by taking it out of context, but it's somehow even more MEGAowch when watched in context (at about 1:00 in).
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July 1st, 2008, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like Sony's planning to hog even more of your sweet, sweet download bandwidth via the PlayStation Store, if a rumor posted on the N4G forums is to be believed. According to the post, downloadable PS2 games will be announced at E3 next month and will appear on the store this summer.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is prominently featured in the "leaked" image; the other games we can make out are Fantavision, Red Faction, Ridge Racer V, Smuggler's Run, SSX, and ... well, we're not quite sure what that last one is. Keen-eyed readers to the comments page! the last one is The Bouncer. Thanks, readers!
The info supposedly originates from a Sony Europe insider, who informed the poster that the roll-out will actually occur in Europe before the rest of the world. (Which is contrary to Sony's usual M.O.) This rumor comes on the heels of an actual official announcement by Sony that it will finally introduce a movie / video download service for PS3 this summer. It seems like this summer will see the PS3 experience evolving quite a bit, especially if this rumor pans out.
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July 1st, 2008, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
According to Ars Technica, Capcom's two-dimensional return to tradition in Mega Man 9 may not be confined to WiiWare, as was originally revealed in the latest issue of Nintendo Power. The report notes that the game is currently listed as an Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network title on Capcom's E3 roster -- if true, Mega Man 9 would be the first downloadable game to jump through the doors of all three services.
Capcom remains quiet on the matter, however, telling us that we'll have to wait until E3 for further news. Given the publisher's continued support of both XBLA and PSN for its downloadable games, the blue bomber will likely stick with a multi-platform approach. We can't imagine how many gamers would be left seeking retrobution otherwise.
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