May 7th, 2015, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster

Although Sony's other businesses aren't faring too well, its entertainment division is helping keep the company's head above water. This is thanks, in part, to the success of the PlayStation 4, which continues to outstrip sales of the Xbox One and further compound Microsoft's console misery. With 22.3 million worldwide sales now in the bag, Sony has provided an update on how well the PlayStation 4 is getting on in the UK, announcing that it's now shifted more than two million units. According to Sony, the console reached the milestone over the past weekend, keeping it ahead of the super successful PlayStation 2. Those sales have also helped make it the best-selling domestic games console for 2015 so far. While it took 42 weeks for the PS4 to reach one million sales, it only took a further 35 weeks for Sony to double that tally. Something tells us that the console price wars are definitely influencing buyers, but exclusive games like Bloodbourne are doing their bit too.
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May 7th, 2015, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
It was easy to scoff at Sony when the electronics giant said it had a 10 year plan for the PlayStation 3, but here we are almost a decade later and it's still supporting the console. Case in point: the firm's announced that it's bringing subscriptions for thePlayStation Now game-streaming service to Blu-ray's trojan horse. It all starts on May 12th, and beyond that a handful of new games are hitting the service too. They include F1 2014 , Farming Simulator and the ever-so-charming Fat Princess (that's an awful lot of "F" games now that I think about it), bringing total number of streaming titles to around 100.
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May 7th, 2015, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Former EA boss and current Unity CEO John Riccitiello has said that Sony’s focus on appealing to core gamers is the key to PS4’s continuing success.
“That’s one of the more – in my opinion – depressing stories in the last couple of years,” Riccitiello told an audience at theGamesBeat Summit when asked about the next-gen console sales war. “In the battle of big ideas … there was a clash of ideas that really separated Sony and Microsoft.
“They actually had very similar architecture that they were trying to bring to the table. But Microsoft focused … a lot on entertainment beyond gaming. Microsoft was trying to [compete against] Apple. They didn’t feel gaming was big enough to justify the pent-up desire … to have the recognition they wanted as an innovator.
“Sony just said, ‘We’ve made the best ****ing game system we could’ … partly because they didn’t have the resources to do more about it. Microsoft was focused on the shot after the one they needed to make, putting the 7-ball in the corner pocket, but they missed the first shot and didn’t get another shot after it. Sony focused on the shot they needed to make, which was win the hearts and minds of the gamer.
“The broader scope of entertainment might be a bigger idea, but not with an unfocused execution. A tight execution on the 50m people that matter, which are the people currently lapping up consoles.
“Sony ****ing nailed it, and they deserve the victory.”
It was announced last week that 22.3m PS4s have now been shipped worldwide.
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May 7th, 2015, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will not host a press conference at this year’s Gamescom.
GameSpot reports that the platform holder will instead host a press briefing at Paris Games Week in October.
“We're delighted to announce that we will be hosting an international media briefing at Paris Games Week on 27th October,” the company said.
“With the changes this year of E3 taking place a week later and Gamescom taking place earlier, we feel that both PlayStation and the wider industry would benefit from a major news milestone later in the year, during the most important period for gaming."
Sony has previously used its Gamescom conferences to make a number of announcements including the PS4 release date, the PS3 Slim, 2013’s Vita price drop, SharePlay, Vita Cross-Buy, PSP Minis and both Gran Turismo 5 and 6’s release date.
Gamescom will this year kick off on August 5th, the earliest it has ever taken place. E3, meanwhile, kicks off on June 16th, which is a little later than some years.
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May 10th, 2015, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Auction site eBay is removing listings for PS4s that have Konami’s now-gone horror demo PT installed on their hard drive.
Konami late last month announced plans to remove the demo from PSN following its announcement of thecancellation of the game on which it was based – Guillermo del Torro’s Silent Hills.
The move is almost certainly linked to the company’s still mysterious falling out with Metal Gear creator and Silent Hills co-designer Hideo Kojima.
Following the game’s removal from PSN, those who had previously downloaded the demo and thus had it linked to their account were still able to download it even if it had been deleted from their console. Now that it no longer the case.
As a result auctions for PS4s that had the game installed started to appear on eBay. Kotaku reports that these have now also been pulled, however.
It’s not entirely clear what policy such listings could be breaching, although it is consistent with previous behaviour – the site last year removed listings for iPhones that had the then-deleted Flappy Bird pre-installed.
The site goes on to speculate that the decision might be linked to eBay’s recommendation that all personal data be wiped from digital devices prior to their resale.
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May 10th, 2015, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Mobile (PSM) for those unaware is Sony’s platform for indie game developers. They have decided to start shutting down the service after May 31, 2015. Before then, I think it would be wise for everyone (not just game developers) to sign up for an account (it’s free!), set up the developer assistant on their Vita, and run at least one sample application. If you don’t try this platform out and see what it has to offer, you might regret it.
What you should do before June 2015:
- Sign in to the PSM DevPortal with your PSN account
- Click the button to “Apply for PSM Publisher License” and follow the directions
- After you get your license approved, download SDK 1.21.02 (NOT SDK 2.00.00 or Unity for PSM)
- Follow the directions to get the dev assistant for your Vita
- Once everything is installed, play with a demo! For example, BallMazeDemo is pretty fun. Before the demo will run though, you have to generate an app key. Refer to PSM’s documentations for that.
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May 10th, 2015, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Daft Energy is an action game developed by Applelo , a member of Team Zenyth . In this game we have asprotagonists the members of Daft Punk who have organized a big party, but the neighbors are not very happy with the high level of music and noise , so they called the police to capture the responsible , our mission is to evade the police for as long as possible and keep the music stops to increase our score.
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May 10th, 2015, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Several new public updates has been provided for T/A SELF Resigner (TrueAncestor SELF Resigner), the homebrew utility now resides at version 1.96 with several new additions and some fixes as outlined in the Developer's Release Quote found below
1.Fix issue in batch resign SELF/SPRX files.
1.Change old switches to output method switch.
2.Add output for ODE.
3.Change default output as 4.XX STD.
4.Update instructions.
v1.91 1.Fix issue when resigning SELF/SPRX with all zero klicensee.
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May 10th, 2015, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
This is a great tool for checking your MD5 checksums of your PS3 PUP files, this tool is not your standard MD5 Checker but offers some extra features for ps3 user's.
PPC+ RELEASED ~30/04/2015
+ Database update.
+ Thanks to @baileyscream
Needless to say its packed with all the latest MD5′s for all the latest CFW/MFW/CEX/DEX/SEX PUP files along with all the PS4 SYS/REC/DISC MD5′s and a whole lot more! Please let me know if anything is missing or incorrect, and I will update it as soon as possible.
Also PPCIDB has been updated and cleaned for @ baileyscream to use in his latest endevour: HERE (PS: if you can contribute any lesserknown CFW files and MD5′s then head over to THIS THREAD and help @ baileyscream!)
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May 10th, 2015, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Here is another release for PS3 Custom Firmware user's. As I have released a followup to Retro Homebrew Collections, with the release of Vol. 2 that covers some great Homebrew Games designed for the classic Nintendo NES system. There is over 60+ games within this collection. Checkout the included games in the list provided below and just like the previous Volume if your favorite homebrew is missing reply in the comments below and they will be added in a future update .
NES Homebrew Games with this Collection
- 2048
- Alter Ego
- Ambushed
- Auge
- Battle Kid 2 (Demo)
- Blade Buster
- Bomber 4k
- Bomb Sweeper
- BoxBoy
- Concentration Room
- Dig Deeper (Demo)
- Double Action Blaster Guys
- D-Pad Hero 2
- Driar
- Falldown
- Flappy
- Flappy Block
- For Points
- Function
- GemVenture
- Hot Logic
- Jet-Paco
- K.Y.F.F.
- Lan Master
- Lawn Mower
- LJ65
- LoveStory
- Meteor Guard
- Meteor Guard 2
- Midnight Jogger
- MilioNESy
- MineShaft
- Nes15
- NES Virus Cleaner
- NeSnake 2
- Nighttime Bastards
- No Points
- Nomolos Demo
- Obstacle Trek
- PCB artist
- Pitfall!- The Unofficial Adventure
- PogoCats
- PONG 198x
- Putt Putt
- RHDE - Furniture Fight
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Sack of Flour
- Sir Ababol
- Sliding Blaster
- Snail Maze
- Solar Wars 2001
- Sting
- Super Bat Puncher (Demo)
- TargetBlitz
- That's Whack
- The Invasion
- The Mad Wizard (Demo)
- Thwaite
- Tic Tac XO
- Tiger Jenny
How to load Homebrew Games?
- Download the PKG.
- Install " Retro Homebrew Collections Vol. 2: Nintendo NES Edition" via install package files
- Scroll to "Retro Homebrew Collection Vol. 2" and start the app.
- Once in RetroArch's Main-Menu, scroll to "Load Content (Nestopia)"
- Select one of the 62 games on the list and Enjoy
Package Contents:
- A Standalone Nestopia RetroArch Emulator
- Custom Main-Menu Skin
- 62 NES Homebrew Games (by various developer's)
- Single-Page DDS Manual (NES Controls)
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May 10th, 2015, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Since we seen the leaked version of the unfinished (scrapped) version of Resident Evil 2, that we now know as Resident Evil 1.5 has several Game Modders unlocking and pieces back together the games scraps that were leaked. While it's not a Playable Game in the sense of a Start and Finish. Many of the rooms and such are accessible. View all the latest progress and more details provided at the source link provided of this very ambitious project of Dark Biohazard
This new patch contains:
- All my lastest hacks from PVB version + the old ones, obviously.
- Have more playable rooms.
Note all the new playable rooms are ported from my old RE2 (PC) 1.5 Mod. Some of them are accessible from DEBUG MENU only. Most of them are in beta state, maybe I will consider to improve/fix them in the future.
March /19 /2015:
- Changed DXP's old RPD Lobby (Era 1) by his new version.
- Sewer's Generator Room (208) added (only accessible by Debug Menu).
- Fixed floor in L TUNNEL FLOOD (20B).
- Alligator Entrance (302) added (only accessible by Debug Menu).
- Factory's Office B (30C) added.
- Laboratory's Elevator Hall (50B) added.
- Rusty's Grant Bitman (PL0B) added.
- Fixed a small problem during John in Prisons cutscene.
- SeiyaKou's Cell Cultivation (40B) room added.
- Fixed/Updated steps sounds from several rooms.
- Fixed steps sounds from zombies in some rooms.
- Added my improved "Factory Corridor" cutscene.
- Added new versions of my improved "Arrival to Factory" cutscenes!
- Added new version of my "Roy in Interrogation Room" cutscene reconstruction.
- Added new version of my "John in Prison" cutscene reconstruction.
- Added new version of my "Arrival to Sewer (Leon)" cutscene reconstruction.
- Added improved ALIGATOR ROOM, I fix steps sounds and also I add spiders!
- Changed re-direction from ROOM306 to ROOM302 after "secret entrance" cutscene (as it should be!).
- Changed zombies by cerberus in B1 CORRIDOR (Light).
- Fixed some texts in some rooms.
- Fixed Factory Elevator (Elza).
- http://www.dashhacks.com/ps3/games/r...biohazard.html
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May 10th, 2015, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
This time I bringSen Enabler of Evilnat , this application allows you fixear / patch files necessary to access sen / psn , play the on-line mode for your backups / backups of your favorite games as well as lots of options more. In this version the developer has included the support of cobra and prx cfw loader, thus creating a single application for all cfw cex.
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May 11th, 2015, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 Git (2015/05/10) is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 Git Changelog:
* gsdx-ogl: DATE with texture barrier
Much faster for small batch that write the alpha value. Code can
be enabled with accurate_date option.
Here a summary of all DATE possibilities:
1/ no overlap of primitive
=> texture barrier (pro no setup of stencil and single draw)
2/ alpha written
=> small batch => texture barrier (primitive by primitive). Done in N-primitive draw calls.
(based on GL_ARB_texture_barrier)
=> bigger batch => compute the first good primitive, slow but only 2 draw calls.
(based on GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store)
=> Otherwise there is the UserHacks_AlphaStencil but it is a hack!
3/ alpha written
=> full setup of stencil ( 2 draw calls)
* Merge pull request #533 from PCSX2/gsdx-impossible-blend
Gsdx impossible blend support on openGL
* gsdx-debug: Dump in PNG on linux & dbg/dev build
Keep BMP for standard user of release build
* gsdx-ogl: disable accurate option if driver doesn't support it
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May 11th, 2015, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
rpcs3 Git (2015/05/10) is compiled. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.
rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )
rpcs3 Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #1079 from Bigpet/master
Update WxWidgets repository
* Update WxWidgets repository
This is in preparation to make it easy to compile with VS2015.
Also there's notables changes in wxWidgets that we might find very useful,
such as being able to create OpenGL debug contexts.
The change in .gitmodules might make it necessary for people to run
"git submodule sync" after pulling these changes
* Merge pull request #1078 from Nekotekina/master
Some fixes
* cellFs fix
* Compilation fix
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May 11th, 2015, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
GSdx-Cutie Git (2015/05/09) is compiled. GSdx-Cutie (originally called GSdx-ShadeBoost) is a hacked Video Plugin for PCSX2. It based on PCSX2 Git for GSdx.
GSdx-Cutie Function:
* gsdx-ogl: DATE with texture barrier
Much faster for small batch that write the alpha value. Code can
be enabled with accurate_date option.
Here a summary of all DATE possibilities:
1/ no overlap of primitive
=> texture barrier (pro no setup of stencil and single draw)
2/ alpha written
=> small batch => texture barrier (primitive by primitive). Done in N-primitive draw calls.
(based on GL_ARB_texture_barrier)
=> bigger batch => compute the first good primitive, slow but only 2 draw calls.
(based on GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store)
=> Otherwise there is the UserHacks_AlphaStencil but it is a hack!
3/ alpha written
=> full setup of stencil ( 2 draw calls)
* gsdx-debug: Dump in PNG on linux & dbg/dev build
Keep BMP for standard user of release build
* gsdx-ogl: disable accurate option if driver doesn't support it
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May 11th, 2015, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PPSSPP Git (2015/05/08) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #7732 from Bigpet/kana_osk
kana keyboard pe->pa fix
* kana keyboard pa->ha fix
* Merge pull request #7733 from zhykzhykzhyk/master
Use UIContext: rawTextShadow instead of DrawBuffer: rawTextShadow
* Use UIContext: rawTextShadow instead of DrawBuffer: rawTextShadow for drawing text correctly in Qt.
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May 11th, 2015, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
A new emulator of Playstation 2 made by Roor (author of the ancient AdriPSX , DuoS , etc.) is being developed. Roor began on this project dev there a few years now but had left open and it has since mid-2014 that it is given to work on it and in recent months a beta version was provided to several people a future release becomes quite credible and hopefully soon.
EmuCR: New PS2 Emulator WIP
As for the name, well that is a tribute to VGS which was, at certain levels, the best Playstation emulator (mainly its release) dixit the author: "In honor to" Connectix Virtual Game Station "... qui Was (In Some ways) the best ps1 emulator at the time of release icts ... in my humble opinion. "
Obviously there is no connection with the old company since acquired by Microsoft.
Some features:
- Good compatibility, plays most (but not all) Business games from ISOs.
- Based HLE. It Does not require a BIOS.
- Does not use Any plugin at all.
- Small footprint: it's only 1.2Mb in total.
- Requires CPU with SSE2 support.
- Requires DirectX 9 with Shader 2.0 support.
- Supports MemoryCard files, but no savestates.
- Has SD (original res) and HD (high res) modes for enhanced graphics.
- Runs fairly well on Intel I5, Windows 8, without external GPU qui I use for testing.
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May 11th, 2015, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded r95665 is compiled. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
libpcsxcore: fix a warning about taking an absolute value from a signed integer. OS X: Fix a few bugs in PcsxrMemCardArray, one of which would result in an invalid checksum on deleted data.
OS X: run the configure/about plug-in actions via GCD, not by spinning off a thread via NSObject. This makes the code cleaner.
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May 13th, 2015, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
To celebrate 20 years of PlayStation, Sony created 12,300 limited edition PS4 consolesand offered them to gamers all over the world. In the US, they were sold to whoever could click the buy button fast enough, but in the UK, the company took a more convoluted approach. First was the PlayStation '94 Shop in London, where 94 consoles were put aside for the low price of £19.94 (with all proceeds going to gaming charity GamesAid). Then came a partnership with GAME, which required gamers to solve riddles, click iconic PlayStation characters and enter a competition before anyone else.
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May 14th, 2015, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
While the PS4’s security systems have not yet been cracked, some retailers in South America have found a working method of selling copied games for the machine.
UOL Jogos reports, as translated by VG247, that a Brazilian retailer sold the site ten pirated PS4 games for BR300, which is around £63 – roughly £6 per game.
The RRP of said games in the region would typically land at around £358.
Those wishing to take advantage of the illegal service have to hand their machine over to the store, which in turn seems to copy a cloned profile onto the hard drive and installs the digital games. The process involves the hooking up of some third party software and as result voids hardware warranties.
Sony is reportedly already working on one account cloning exploit that has already taken grip in the country.
The site in question, for what it’s worth, has offered the Sony the chance to take the console off their hands for investigation.
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May 14th, 2015, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has brought with it another cut-price deal, this time for PS4.
PlayStation UK’s Twitter account itself promoted a code that allows customers to order a PS4 console and the upcoming RPG for just £279.99. The item will be available next Tuesday (May 18th).
Sony late last month promoted a £299.99 offer for its machine, although many retailers cut this further to £290.
Today’s news is just the latest development in what has become a surprisingly fierce price war between Sony and Microsoft and both scrap for weekly dominance in the UK sales race.
Sony UK boss Fergal Gara today told MCV that such a battle can prove dangerous for all parties.
“Any price war in any sector in any market can be dangerous,” he said. “If there is a race to zero, who wins from that? We are proud that we managed to launch at a very competitive price, and demand has held up very strongly for PS4.
“Therefore, our RRP on day one is our RRP today. Yes, there are promotions that offer consumers better value from time-to-time, but it’s great that we managed to start at such a great price and it has held well.”
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May 20th, 2015, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
It's getting real for Sony's Project Morpheus. The electronics giant has posted job listings (eight, all told) for veteran animators, level designers and a few others to fill out a studio dedicated entirely to making virtual reality games. "Based in the North West of England, we aim to build a small but highly experienced team who want to build great games to showcase this exciting new immersive technology," the postings say. As Eurogamer reports, the Morpheus-exclusive studio should wind up in Manchester, and staff that formerly worked at Driveclub's Evolution Studios are involved here. Perhaps that's why the available positions are somewhat limited in number. Regardless, if you were questioning how serious Sony's push into VR was, this might sate your curiosity a bit.
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May 20th, 2015, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation is setting up a development studio in North West England dedicated to make games for its Project Morpheus VR headset.
As spotted by Eurogamer, Sony has been advertising for experienced developers on its job site for a ‘North West Studio’ to work exclusively on content for Project Morpheus.
Eurogamer also has reliable information saying that the team will feature staff from DriveClub studio Evolution, and that the new developer will be in Manchester.
In March of this year, Sony confirmed that there would be lay-offs at Evolution Studio and that it would be "looking to relocate team members through the studios".
The jobs listings are going to be up until July 31st, suggesting that we won’t be hearing from this studio for some time.
Indeed, speaking to Eurogamer, a Sony spokesperson said: “We are still in the early planning phase with this studio, and are currently focused on hiring the right team.
"We look forward to sharing more news and formal announcements in the near future."
In March, Sony confirmed that its Morpheus VR headset would be coming to stores in the first half of 2016.
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May 24th, 2015, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed plans to simulcast its E3 2015 press briefing at select movie theater locations throughout the US and Canada.
The company simulcasted its E3 presentation in theaters across North America in 2014, and apparently it was well enough received to do the same again this year.
Tickets for the event are free and will be offered on May 27th– with 80 per cent of each theater's capacity held for ticket holders, while the remaining 20 per cent to be reserved for those on the wait list. The latter group being admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.
In addition to the presentation, attendees will also get access to a post-show hosted by Geoff Keighley as well as a “special PlayStation surprise.” Those in attendance must be 17 years of age or older and have a valid form of ID to prove it.
Sony's E3 2015 press conference takes place Monday, June 15th at 6:30 pm Pacific
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May 29th, 2015, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has long been willing to discount certain PlayStation games if you're a Plus subscriber, but it hasn't offered the certainty of Xbox Live's Deals With Gold. You don'tknow that you're going to get a steady stream of bargains, especially not for newer titles. That doubt should disappear after today, though. Sony has launched PlayStation Plus Specials, a sale program that gives you a break on games and add-ons that are still relatively fresh. How fresh? To start, you're getting 20 percent off Bloodborne in the US -- a sweet deal for a big PS4 hack-and-slash that's only a couple of months old. It's too soon to tell whether these offers will be as tempting down the line, but it's also hard to object to getting more savings for your money.
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May 30th, 2015, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation’s digital refund policy is to be the focus of a segment on tonight’s (Thursday May 28th) Watchdog.
The BBC’s consumer rights programme will be looking at the case of one John Lappin, a PlayStation 4 owner who was refused a refund after a fraudulent £39.99 purchase was made on his PSN account.
Sony’s black and white ‘no refunds’ policy meant that he could not be returned his money unless the content purchased was defective. This isn’t by any means a unique policy – most digital download platforms have similar rules.
After Lappin’s complaint, PlayStation investigated and replied saying:
“Our investigation concluded that the serial number of the console on which these transactions were made does not match the serial number of the console you provided to us on your original call. Regrettably, as stated in the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, we are unable to offer a refund for purchases made on PlayStation Store unless the content is found to be defective."
Lappin – under the username Pockets – himself has been campaigning along with online forumRllmuk to be heard about PlayStation's digital refund policy.
You can catch Watchdog on BBC One at 8pm tonight.
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May 30th, 2015, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Andrew House, the president of the PlayStation business, says the company will go after more third-party exclusives for PS4 this year.
The move is designed to counter what House calls a ‘sparse’ line-up of first-party games.
When he says exclusives, he doesn’t necessarily mean complete exclusives.
“We were able to announce a full exclusive around Street Fighter V,” he said during a Q&A session during the firm’s investor day. “But giving publishing dynamics and development costs, that’s increasingly difficult to secure.
“What we’ve sought to do is rather than seeking for complete exclusives, we have looked to publishers to really maximise the feature set of PS4 versus the competition.
He adds: “We are not without partnerships that are in the area of third-party titles that are not necessarily around full exclusivity. A good example is Destiny, where although it is available on other platforms, the best place to play Destiny - and sometimes the first place to play content for Destiny - is on PlayStation.”
He believes that PS3 and PS Vita sales will continue to slide significantly, but talked up the success of PS4. He told investors that he will be bolstering the console’s network functionality and commissioning more original PlayStation non-game content, such as the recent PlayStation TV series, Powers.
He also said that this will be a year of investment for PlayStation, including support for PlayStation Now and Morpheus.
“This year is the beginning of a harvest period for PS4, and it will be a year of investment. We will continue to invest in the platform architecture that underpins our platform. We will continue to invest in PlayStation Vue, we will undertake further investment into PlayStation original content, and of course we will invest strongly in PlayStation Morpheus, as we will look to launch an entire new business.”
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