December 1st, 2011, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Middleware allows for multi-platform development between Sony's next-gen handheld and PS3
Playstation Vita support has been added to Silicon Studio’s Orochi engine, the Japan-based company has announced.
The platform now allows developers to do multiplatform development for both the PS3 and Sony’s next-gen handheld, Andriasang has reported.
Orochi has over 40 development tools and 12 libraries for areas such as visuals, physics and AI.
Windows-based games can also be ported over to PS3, Vita and Xbox 360 using the engine.
As well as middleware, Japan-based firm Silicon Studio has also developed games such as 3D Dot Game Heroes for the PS3, which has sold over 160,000 copies and gained a Metacritic rating of 77.
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December 2nd, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom, Square Enix, Namco Bandai and Square Enix are all notable absent from the PlayStation Vita UMD Passport scheme, which allows players to download discounted digital versions of games they already own on UMD.
Siliconera pointed out the absentees, but reported that around 262 games will be available under the Japanese scheme, from publishers like Atlus, Nippon Ichi, and Tecmo Koei.
Capcom's Monster Hunter title is one of PSP's biggest franchises, with Monster Hunter Portbale 3rd for PSP selling 2.58 million units in Japan in just two weeks, making it the fastest selling game in Capcom's history.
In June this year sales for the title were at 4.7 million units.
UMD Passport is so far only announced for Japan, where the PlayStation Vita will launch December 17.
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December 2nd, 2011, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
If you expected the Vita's "UMD Passport" program to be comprehensive, allowing you access to downloads of all your UMD-based PSP games at launch, you weren't paying attention to the last console generation.
Sony posted the list of games available at launch in Japan, including 262 games from publishers like Atlus, Nippon Ichi, Acquire, Kaga Create, Alchemist, Tecmo Koei, and SNK. As of now, no games from major publishers like Square Enix, Capcom, EA, Namco Bandai, Sega, or Konami are available for download. Sony does say elsewhere that other publishers, including all those, are "planning" to support the program.
The "discounted" prices for UMD owners to get Vita-playable downloads of their games range from ¥500 ($6.44) to ¥1,500 ($19.38), with one pachislot title as a ¥2,400 ($31) outlier.
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December 2nd, 2011, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
We hope you're not too attached to that 20-inch DX2000 you got from LG back in July. (You did rush out and buy one, right?) 'Cause the Korean manufacturer has just updated its line of eye-tracking,glasses-free 3D displays with the 25-inch DX2500! Just like its smaller sibling, the DX2500 has a parallax barrier over the screen and an embedded camera for tracking head and eye movement. As a person shifts around the monitor it dynamically adjusts the image to (at least theoretically) maintain the best possible 3D effect. The screen also does on-the-fly 2D to 3D conversion. The DX2500 is shipping now in Korea for 1.3 million won (about $1,556) and should be available globally some time early in 2012. Check out the full PR after the break.
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December 2nd, 2011, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced The 12 Gifts Of Christmas, a promotion which will see 12 free games given away to members of the PlayStation Plus subscription service.
It kicks off today with a free download of the Mega Drive classicSonic The Hedgehog 2. It will only be available until December 3, after which it will be replaced by the next game in the promotion which, in turn, will be available for 48 hours.
All the included games have been given away to PlayStation Plus members at some point in the last 18 months.
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December 2nd, 2011, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation firm 'not giving up' despite Adobe backing away from mobiles
Sony is locked in negotiations with Adobe to add Flash support to PS Vita, a new report suggests.
PlayStation software development executive Muneki Shimada was paraphrased as saying he had “not given up†on incorporating Flash within PlayStation Vita.
The matters which need to be negotiated on are not public knowledge.
His comments come from an interview with Impress Watch, translated by Andriasang.
In October, it was widely reported thay PlayStation Vita will not be able to play Flash games through its internet browser.
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December 4th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has defended the Vita's pricey, mandatory memory cards, insisting they are used for much more than just storing save files.Members of the device's development team told Japanese site Impress Watch, as translated by Andriasang, that Sony had decided to go with its own proprietary tech rather than standard SD cards partly because it wanted to "make sure they could have something with an equal condition for everyone."They also stressed that the cards are an integral part of the system and not just additional memory, explaining that "they're 'storage' for the Vita and are used for patches, game data, download content and more."On top of all that, "security" concerns were cited as another factor in the decision to insist Vita owners use Sony's own cards.Elsewhere in the interview, the team offered a few more morsels of info on Sony's forthcoming handheld.Although Adobe has announced that its winding development on its Mobile Flash Player, Sony is still in negotiations to ensure Vita Flash support.Product Division Chief Hiromi Wakai promised that a PC utility that enables your computer to recognise the Vita as a mass storage device will be ready prior to launch, with a Mac version following in the "not-so-distant future".
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December 4th, 2011, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has confirmed it will release a "free" download title for Vita coinciding with the console's Japanese launch on December 17.
AR Combat Digi Q: Friend Tank Battalion, an augmented reality tank battle game, will be free to download to all Vita owners. Sound too good to be true? That's because it is.
The free version will essentially be little more than a demo - you get five of a possible 40 levels and will need to cough up for the rest if you like what you see.
Konami will charge 500 Yen (£4) for stages six to 30 (a reduced price that will rise to 800 Yen (£6.50) from January 16). Levels 31 to 35 and 36 to 40 will come as two separate packs each costing a further 200 Yen (£1.60). So the full game, if bought at full price, will end up costing 1200 Yen (about £10).
So it's not free then.It does, however, demonstrate the 'freemium' model commonly used in the iOS App Store, which has gamers paying for specific content after an initial free download. PlayStation Network games, it seems, are following suit.
There's no word of a US/UK release for Digi Q.
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December 4th, 2011, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
 Even with how prolific HTML5 has become across these great and vast internets, Adobe's Flash still accounts for the broad majority of internet content across the webs. For mobile-hardware manufacturers, the issue of Flashiness on their devices has, up until very recently, been a design decision, with OS developers weighing Flash's considerable processor and battery costs against its added utility; utility which Sony still hopes to include in the Vita.
Despite the cancellation of development and discontinuation of support for Flash on mobile devices, Sony Division 2 software-development head Muneki Shimada has said that his company is continuing its negotiations with Adobe, and that the end of Flash for mobile may not necessarily mean the end of Flash for Vita. We're not really sure how someone could negotiate a company back into supporting a dead platform, but if anyone knows anything about deadplatforms, it's Sony.
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December 4th, 2011, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will tonight debut a new ad on British TV that represents the beginning of its multi-million pound PlayStation Christmas campaign.
Tonight’s spot highlights a four game PS3 bundle that includes a 320GB console and copies of Battlefield 3, FIFA 12, Uncharted 3 and Gran Turismo 5 for £259.95.
Ads will also be appearing alongside some of the most high-profile shows on ITV including the X-Factor Final, the semi-final of I’m A Celebrity and Manchester United’s final Champions League group game, as well as the second round of the FA Cup.
Supported Channel 4 shows include The Simpsons, Peter Kay, Million Pound Drop, Pineapple Express and Superbad. You will also see ads throughout Sky’s Premier League coverage.
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December 4th, 2011, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's cards are on the table at last. All six of them, in fact, as part of the WAAR (wide area augmented reality) feature Vita developers have been banging on about recently, with the console able to register up to six cards at once to create fancy AR experiences on the fly.As for its strategic hand, the only key information we're now missing is how much the games will cost. But in the past week, PlayStation's Euro boss has given us the clearest indication yet of what to expect from its PSP successor when it launches over here next February.Jim Ryan, SCEE president and CEO, is a Sony veteran relatively fresh to the top job, who gives a refreshingly candid interview for a senior suit (certainly when compared with his boss, Kaz Hirai, the industry's very own Duke of Doublespeak).Two things jumped out at me when I spoke to him in London recently: he revealed that Sony would take a "more tailored approach" to software pricing than it did with PSP, and that it would "take it younger more quickly and more deliberately than we did with PSP." LittleBigPlanet Vita could be the perfect proof of concept for Vita's range of features.
In other words, there'll be a range of price points, rather than a single fixed one, for Vita games; and Sony wants to make it more family-friendly fast - which could well mean a price cut, as well as more wide-appeal games, by Christmas 2012.It's been fairly clear for some time that the biggest issue facing Sony and Nintendo in making their new handheld consoles a success is the price of software not hardware.The world is a very different place now than it was when DS and PSP launched, when there was no such thing as an iPhone, let alone any real notion of games that could be easily downloaded in seconds for pennies.Apple's rampant, rapid growth in handheld gaming has been astonishing and has caught traditional console makers completely off-guard. And what must really stick in Nintendo and Sony's craw is not Apple's boast of making the most popular portable gaming device in the world (a crafty spin, since most don't buy iPod Touch primarily as a games system), but that it's achieved it without even trying. Gamers will pay full price for big guns like Uncharted, but Sony realises it can't charge top whack for everything.
Other than happily creaming off its share of the revenue, the company has shown only the thinnest evidence of any kind of gaming 'strategy', instead providing a massively-popular platform - and content delivery-mechanism - that game makers fall over themselves to develop for.Sure, by-and-large iOS games offer only a fraction of the depth of traditional handheld console games - and a virtual joystick and buttons is a terrible substitute for the real thing.But in many, many brilliant cases, they also capture the joyful essence of gaming-on-the-go at a fraction of the price of traditional handheld console games and on a device that is always in your pocket - not just able to fit into it.This makes handheld consoles a harder sell today by definition: if I have my console in the living room and my smartphone in my pocket, can I really justify shelling out for a portable console? And even if I can, why do I need one?It's something Nintendo is still coming to terms with, but the lack of excitement around 3DS post-launch and pre-Mario was - the company hopes - as much to do with a lack of must-have software as high pricing."Looking at the competition, perhaps the launch line-up was not as strong as they'd have liked it to be," Ryan acknowledged to me, while predictably talking up his own first-party selection as: "Comfortably the strongest line-up we've had for any platform launch."He may well be right - and, to my eyes, it's looking an awful lot more appealing than 3DS did on day one as a result. There's no denying Vita is an impressive piece of technology: but who is it for?
Sony has got a lot of things right with Vita that it got wrong with PSP: adding twin analogue controllers, for instance, the lack of which in the previous model effectively condemned it from birth to being the portable PlayStation that couldn't play PlayStation games properly.Crucially, it's also learned that it's not enough simply to say, "Look! It's a baby PS3 with its own teeny-tiny screen! Aren't we clever?!" And so considerable noise is being made, quite rightly, about the console's full suite of features: front and rear touch, augmented reality, social connectivity and so on.In short, Sony is demonstrating that there is a specific and unique gaming point to Vita - best exemplified right now perhaps by LittleBigPlanet, which may well have found its natural home on the handheld.Which is all good, encouraging stuff. But demonstrating gaming value is one thing, demonstrating value to gamers - and, therefore, a reason to buy one - is quite another. And that's why Ryan's remark that game pricing will be "more tailored" is critical to Vita's long-term chances.I agree with him that, for visibly high-production and hopefully high-content games like Uncharted, Sony will be able to continue demanding "historic console type price points", as he puts it. Nintendo learned quickly with 3DS what happens when you don't have enough good games, and they're all priced high.
But in the age of the 69p app, games publishers can no longer lazily assume their audiences will perceive 35 quid as a fair deal for all handheld games across the board.What these price points will be on Vita remains to be seen. But Evolution Studios, for example, which is making MotorStorm RC, a first-party launch title, told me it's lobbying Sony to come in at less than full price for the game - and, importantly, to have a single, universal price for those who want both the Vita and PS3 versions.And it's also worth noting that, via PlayStation Suite, Vita will also have access to Android games at the other end of the spectrum. Though many will already be enjoying these on their phones, of course.Ryan is so confident he believes Vita will not just sell-out at launch, but break the UK sales record currently held by PSP. That's fighting talk that could - just as it did for Nintendo earlier in the year - come back to haunt him.Sony, though, has a track record of loyalists turning out in force to ensure a strong launch. Not only did PSP shift 185,000, PS3 - despite costing a whopping £425 - did 165,000 in its first week.But a successful launch does not guarantee a successful future, and Sony is well aware of this. With Vita, then, the company seems to be delivering the handheld console gamers will want to play. It just needs to ensure it's also one they are prepared to buy.
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December 4th, 2011, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/11/29/p...eased-by-skfu/
This is getting really really interesting… developer SKFU, who released a simple Firmware tool for the PS Vita a few days ago, updated it to version 2.0. This new version now supports all existing Vita firmwares (again, this is interesting only for the lucky among us who already have access to those files) and gives information about the extracted firmware, so it probably now does more than version 1.0, which would basically slice any file into smaller chunks.
But, even more interesting, is his latest application, PS Vita .pkg xTractor, SKFU says he his now able to extract and decrypt game packages from the PS Vita.
Now don’t get all high and start asking for an iso loader, for a console that is not out yet (Apparently, given SKFU’s latest post, he’s already the target of pirates-wannabee). In essence, that’s what this kind of research could lead to in a distant future, but for now it’s all fun, harmless research, and about understanding the Vita internals. SKFU strongly hints that the AES encryption key used for the Vita games is currently the same as for the PSP .pkg files (errr… ok, I’m lost here, I thought I was fairly knowledgeable about the PSP, what’s a psp .pkg file?), and that basically we can already decrypt those files. Was Sony that careless? Will they have time to fix that before the Japanese release in 2 weeks? Probably not. This makes the “release day†PS Vita models more and more interesting to buy.
Icing on the cake, SKFU provide some early information about the Vita games internals, as described in the image below, and a wiki has been opened for devs
more info --> http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/
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December 4th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/12/04/w...way/#more-3635
I hate vaporware and that’s why I usually don’t blog too much about an upcoming release in Wagic. But the last release (0.16) was such a long time ago that I don’t remember when it was, so I feel like I should mention the project is still very active and alive. Today I started the process for releasing Wagic 0.17. Now don’t jump around too soon. This process usually takes 3 or 4 weeks. We go through an alpha stage with the other devs, where we basically try to fix the most ugly bugs, before releasing a public beta. The beta usually lasts about a week, followed by the public release.
Wagic running on a Motorola Xoom
For those of you who still don’t know, Wagic is an heroic-fantasy strategy game, initially inspired by Magic the Gathering, which with time has evolved into a flexible system allowing players to create their own cards, campaigns, rules and mods. For Wagic 0.17, we’ve been mostly focusing on Android. This doesn’t mean that other platforms are not getting any update, but this basically explains why we haven’t done a release in a while. My goal for the Android version of Wagic was to come up with an entirely new game (by “new gameâ€, I mean a mod that wouldn’t be MTG). We’re getting there, but it’s taking more time than I initially expected. In parallel, we also need to fix lots of UI issues on touch screens… As a result, Wagic for Android had been in a public “test release†for a few months now, and, since that release we’ve done lots of progress, but there’s still lots of work to do. Nevertheless, Android will also get a 0.17 release, just so that people can see the progress we’ve made in 3 months. It won’t be perfect, but I know you’ll forgive us
One of the cool avatars made by Ilya B. for Wagic
In parallel we are also making progress on the iOS port, but again we would love to get more iOS devs to help us. The iPhone/iPad port might not see the day of light until we get a few dedicated devs to help. As a reminder, Wagic on the iPhone/iPod/iPad is already fully functional, it’s just a matter of finding the right people to maintain it and fix the bugs. If you think you can help, grab the source, and send me an email
About the game itself, all platforms including our beloved PSP will get a bunch of new features and new cards. Wagic 0.17 will have about 400 new cards, including cards from the Innistrad set, and with it some new mechanics. The current Alpha I’m looking at already has more than 8500 cards, and hopefully we might add a few ones here and there. We’re also planning to (finally) add an undo feature to the game, although it’s not yet sure if it will make it to Wagic 0.17, since it’s quite experimental for now. One of the major changes for this version will not be visible to players, as we reworked the resource files in a system that will allow you, among other things, to have all your images in one single file instead of one file per set. This system should simplify the work for people who want to install new stuff in Wagic (cards, themes, campaigns, images, etc…). If I have enough time, this system will also allow me to distribute some additional themes, campaigns…directly from the download page.
Please be a bit more patient, we’re doing our best so that Wagic 0.17 reaches your PSP/Android/PC/… as soon as possible
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December 5th, 2011, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...previewer.html
This application is probably not of use for the community but some official PS VITA developers.
I required it just for some tests, but it would be a waste of codelines not to share it, so here it is:

PS VITA Live Area preViewer outputs various information about a game, including it's style it uses on the PS VITA.
Download: CLICK
To use it, simply choose the root folder of a PS VITA game. Then check the style in the upper right of the program which it is ment to be displayed with and choose the correct tab. All else is self-explaining.
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December 5th, 2011, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game engine, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com.
This release is for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wii, Wiz, GP2x and Dingoo:
Heres whats new;
r3619 | utunnels | 2011-12-03 07:12:24 -0500 (Sat, 03 Dec 2011) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Re-adjust enemy attack chance after playing some mods. When there are too many enemies on screen, their chance to attack is also lowered. Because the new ai patterns tend to swamp on the player, difficulty increases too much when there are more than 5 enemies.
Reduce the chance for the default grab. Previous logic will prevent the entity with a greater index from grabbing another with a smaller index when they are both walking.
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December 5th, 2011, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded SVN r72825 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Found another place that Xcode's static analyzer found. This one was saying that buf in PADpoll might be NULL, thus causing problems when using it as an array. I just got one test case, not all of them.
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December 5th, 2011, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r4976 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: this fixes some of the flickering in THPS, objects in the far distance still have some z-fighting problem, z values used are too large and too close to each other.
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December 5th, 2011, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
rpcs3 SVN r32 is released. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.
rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )
rpcs3 SVN Changelog:
- Implemented GameViewer.
- Fixed crash on exit.
- Rewrote ELFLoader.
- Fixed load section names.
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December 5th, 2011, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita will do a lot of things besides play games, but it won't be able to operate the web browser and a game at the same time, meaning you'll have to exit out of Uncharted: Golden Abyss before searching for its Game FAQs on the same screen, Andriasang reports. Vita will allow users to access personal music, Twitter, friends lists and more while a game is running, but web browsing will not be an option, at least at launch.
Sony used the word "initially" when describing the web-browsing clause, which makes it seem like a function that will be added after Vita's release, Andriasang notes.
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December 5th, 2011, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster

Welcome all to what will be a series of articles covering all consoles, basically we will give you the best 5 buys this Christmas for your console of choice, the gifts will be anything from consoles to games and onto accessories.
Enough talking heres the list, with links to both USA and UK versions of Amazon to compare prices etc:
Heres the top ten list this Xmas for PSP - remember that http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk is your main destination for PSP News and much more:

The top of most lists is a PSP itself and this is the new PSP E1000 which doesnt have Wifi but for the price its decent, at £79 its affordable.
2 )

The best game on the PSP by a mile especially for footie fans, i get months out of this series of games, well worth the cash:

Fifa12 on the PSP is awesome and easily as playable as the home consoles, youll get months of fun out of this game.

Who doesnt love the Harry potter films and books, this game details the remaining books and tells more of the Potter story than the EA games ever did.

Pandora Battery is the greatest release to hit the homebrew scene, once your child gets Custom Firmware on their PSP and plays all the great free homebrew games and emulators, he/she will be hooked, an essential purchase.
Thats it for our PSP Xmas Gift List, not many releases this Xmas but if you havent got homebrew on your PSP, then ask away in our forums about how to get it on and start enjoying much more than Sony ever brought out for your PSP.
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December 5th, 2011, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster

Welcome all to what will be a series of articles covering all consoles, basically we will give you the best 10 buys this Christmas for your console of choice, the gifts will be anything from consoles to games and onto accessories.
Enough talking heres the list, with links to both USA and UK versions of Amazon to compare prices etc:
Heres the top ten list this Xmas for PS3 - remember that http://ps3-evolution.dcemu.co.uk is your main destination for PS3 News and much more:

The latest version of the PS3 with 320GB of hard drive great for movies, games and homebrew

Sonys answer to the Wiimote, an essential buy for many family themed games:

The biggest game of the year is a deffo for any xmas stocking

The other mega shooter for the PS3, another must buy, just ask any fan:

Another massive release just in time for chrimbo and yes another must have for any PS3 collection.

GTA Like game that will surely please many until the next GTA shows its face:

Who doesnt want to relive the films once more and take on and defeat evil, although i would have waited for aragorn to show up with the dead gang before i sent the horses into battle in film 3 

Burn off those pounds in the name of fun, saves going to sweaty gyms

The Rock has returned to layeth the smacketh down, need i say more:

Time to get dancing and get everybody else too, good for new years eve methinks 
Thats it for our PS3 Xmas Gift List, if you havent got homebrew on your PS3, then ask away in our forums about how to get it on and start enjoying much more than Sony ever brought out for your PS3.
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December 6th, 2011, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Jim Ryan has spoken about the direction which Sony sees the PS3 taking demographically, saying that the platform will likely be targeted more towards a younger, more family orientated demographic in the future.
Speaking to Official PlayStation Magazine, Ryan said that the console's still relatively high price point of £199 in the UK means that a large proportion of units are yet to be sold.
"If you look back at the history on PS1, PS2 the vast majority of the business that we did on both those platforms was done at the sub £129 price points," Ryan told the magazine.
"Now we've only got to £199 in the UK a couple of month back so you can see there's still a lot of PS3's potentially to be sold."
Ryan was keen to point out that Sony still has big plans for the machine's core gamer market in the upcoming months and years, but reasoned that a broader output would serve to widen the company's audience.
"I think you'll see us taking the console more towards a slightly younger demographic," he continued. "More family market. The core gamer will absolutely not be neglected. There's going to be tons of great stuff for the core gamer but from our own studio, third parties there's some quite interesting stuff happening in a number of areas which would allow us to open up a market that we accessed pretty successfully on both PS1 and PS3 but haven't yet got to on PS3."
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December 6th, 2011, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Konami's Vita launch title AR Combat Digi Q: Friend Tank Batallionwill be a free download, with more level packs available for purchase, marking the first appearance of the freemium model on Sony's upcoming PSP successor.
Andriasang reports that the game's first five stages will be included in the download, with a pack of levels 6 to 30 costing ¥800 (£6.50), though that will be discounted to ¥500 for the first month of Vita's release. Packs containing stages 31 to 35, and 36 to 40, will each cost ¥200 (£1.60).
In October, SCEA's Chris Norden revealed that Sony was happy for developers to release free-to-play games, saying: "You are free to explore whatever business model you want." SCEE president and CEO Jim Ryan had previously told us the company was trying to differentiate Vita's gaming experience from that available on smartphones.
"I think there are lots of places for consumers to enjoy that sort of content," he said. "Vita is positioned at a slightly different market - the high-end gaming experience."
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December 6th, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is locked in negotiations with Adobe to add Flash support to PS Vita, a new report suggests.
PlayStation software development executive Muneki Shimada was paraphrased as saying he had “not given up†on incorporating Flash within PlayStation Vita.
The matters which need to be negotiated on are not public knowledge.
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December 6th, 2011, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
We already know that games for the PlayStation Vita will cost less to download than they will at the shops.
But US price aggregation site Thrifty Nerd claims to have word direct from a Sony representative that digital Vita games will cost a staggering 40 per cent less than their physical alternatives.
“I was told that games would be capped at $39.99 retail while the same game would go for around $23 if you downloaded it,†it claims.
“According to the rep, the lack of hardware and packaging can be thanked for the price drop.â€
The part of the puzzle that doesn’t fit together, however, is that retailers such as GAME now include digital as an important part of their offer. Is GAME really expected to offer both a boxed version of a game at one price and a code to download it for far less in the same store?
Regardless of the legitimacy of these particular claims, the fact that digital Vita software will be cheaper than retail represents a stark turn of policy for the console sector.
Both Sony and Microsoft currently offer a wide range of full-game downloads over their networks for PS3 and Xbox 360 respectively, but more often than not the prices are absurd – often twice the price of buying the equivalent game at retail.
This is down to two factors. Firstly, platform holders are very curious about how many of you, the paying the public, are prepared download a game at a premium cost.
Secondly, until this point platform holders had been wary of attacking retail too directly. After all, while retail can theoretically be cut out of the software loop, they are still central to the sales of hardware.
Until they figure out how you can download that.
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December 6th, 2011, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
 We're kind of suckers for artsy platformers, so when Beefy Media's Adam Boyes took to Giant Bomb's livestream this evening with a debut trailer for Might & Delight's latest offering, "Pid," and the game was a gorgeous hand drawn platformer, we were pretty excited to tell you all about it. In Pid, you'll control what appears to be a little boy in a colorful and mysterious world of platforms and robots -- like Limbo and Machinarium had a digital baby, if you will.
The trailer also showed off a bit of co-op play, as well as a variety of different environments through which to romp through. Pid is being built using the Unity engine (like that mystery Square Enix game, among many others), thus making its ubiquity across platforms all the easier.
While Boyes admitted the M&D folks don't have a publisher for the game yet, he said they've been actively speaking with pubs and are looking at an Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and PC release in "the back half of 2012." Expect more details and the trailer tomorrow on Joystiq when the game gets "officially" announced, and head past the break for a quick snap we grabbed of the game in action.
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December 6th, 2011, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix's 1st Production Department, the team for the Final Fantasy andKingdom Hearts franchises, is currently working on a PS3 and Vita project in the Unity engine. Andriasang dug up several job listings that mention the game is an action RPG, along with noting several other classic JRPG staples like airships, inns and world maps. Unity is a prolific game engine that currently works on many platforms (excluding microwave ovens... and Windows Phone 7).
At this point, we know more about what game engines Square Enix is using for its projects than we do about the actual games. The company also recently announced an original, Unreal-powered action RPG under the direction of Ryutaro Ichimura (Dragon Quest 8 and 9). The company later teased the project with some concept art.
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December 6th, 2011, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
Say goodbye to your convenient Japanese PSN account. NeoGAFfer mehdi_san took part in a PlayStation Vita demo event in Osaka, and received a flyer with launch information. A note at the end, according to the user's transcription, reveals that only one user account can be used on a Vita system. "If you want to use a different account," the (translated) FAQ entry reads, "you need to format the system to factory settings."
This leads not only to the inability to have separate user accounts for family members, but to de facto region locking for digital content. Taken with thelimited UMD Passport launch lineup, the limited (to zero) PSOne Classics launch lineup, and those memory card prices, the Vita is starting to lose some of its luster, at least as a day-one purchase. But that screen!
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December 6th, 2011, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Access TV has become the most popular free download on the PlayStation Network.
Since launching in September as the successor to FirstPlay, Future's weekly video show has also amassed more than 14,500 Facebook fans.Available to all UK PlayStation owners, Access takes its name from Sony Computer Entertainment UK's series of community events. Presented by comedian Lucy Porter, it's a ten minute weekly HD video guide to the best of PlayStation in the UK.
SCE UK senior product manager Ian Vinten said: "PlayStation Access is an opportunity for us to reward gamers with trials of titles before release, invitations to exclusive events and an array of awesome prizes.
"Access TV provides an awesome platform for us to showcase what Access has been up to, the latest and greatest games on the console as well as raising awareness of what's available on PSN.
"Feedback to the show has been very positive and gamers have liked the distinctly local take on their gaming world."
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December 7th, 2011, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
 Have a tendency to get stuck in games? Keep your laptop handy, the PlayStation Vita isn't going to make getting tips any easier -- an interview from AV Watch has revealed that Sony's next generation handheld is a little stingy when multitasking. The console's friends list, music and Twitter clients are in, but web browsing is out, blocked to ensure the Vita has more resources available for running games. This limitation could be off-putting to gamers who are used to mid-game internet FAQ checks to guide them through difficult bits of gameplay, a trick Nintendo's 3DS handles smoothly. Family members hoping to share a console might run into a roadblock as well, as the Vita appears to be fairly conservative about its relationships -- allowing only one PSN account per console. Sony's Brad Douglas recently mentioned on Twitter that swapping accounts was possible, but that switching required a factory reset. Potential deal breaker? For some, maybe. For others? Just another item to the growing list of things we hope to see in a future update.
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December 7th, 2011, 03:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's new handheld gaming system, the Playstation Vita, launches in Japan in two weeks, and the latest report from Andriasang has some interesting details, including Sony's decision to go with proprietary memory cards. Sony says this is both for security reasons and to ensure a consistent experience for all users, but that 'doesn't explain why they're charging such enormous sums for these cards,' says blogger Peter Smith. 'The caveat here is that we haven't seen official pricing for the cards, but game retailer Gamestop lists them at $120 (!!) for a 32 GB card, $70 for a 16GB, $45 for 8 GB and $30 for a 4 GB.'"
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December 7th, 2011, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus Persona Team's striking hybrid puzzle-horror-adventure will be released in Europe by Deep Silver on February 10 for PS3 and 360.
Both the limited "Stray Sheep Edition", which includes protagonist Vincent's Rave T-shirt, two Stray Sheep bar-themed coasters and a poster and comes in a Stray Sheep Bar pizza delivery box, and the standard edition will be available, and will cost £54.99 and £44.99 respectively.
We awarded the game a throughly endeared seven in July, stating, "Frustrating, beautiful and bizarre, Catherine stays with you."
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December 7th, 2011, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
It never takes long for the industry to start whispering about the next Call of Duty – even though the latest blockbuster is still dominating the charts.
Sure enough, reports have emerged that Sledgehammer Games is recruiting for its "Call of Duty development team". According to a job listing on Gamasutra, the new recruits will be working on "an unannounced high-end console title".
The vacancy is multiplayer-related, with Sledgehammer seeking an engineer to take CoD's "online experience to a new level" and create "multiplayer game modes and online community features".
Beyond that, there are no concrete details. The job listing doesn't indicate whether or not this is a revival of the studio's cancelled third-person shooter, nor whether the studio is working on its own title or supporting another developer.
Sledgehammer Games helped series creators Infinity Ward develop last month's best-selling hit Modern Warfare 3.
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December 8th, 2011, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is opening the floodgates to free music via your PS3 this Christmas.
Music Unlimited, its US music streaming service which can be accessed via the PS3, will be free to anyone with a PSN account for 60 days after they download a trial from the PlayStation Store, available now.
Instructions on retrieving this offer are as follows:
- Go to the PlayStation Store and click on Media and Apps
- Click on the Apps Icon
- Download the Music Unlimited 60 Day FREE trial app.
- Go to the Music Icon on the XMB. Enjoy the Music Unlimited Premium Plan for free for 60 days!
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December 9th, 2011, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
 "Your PSN ID is bonded to your memory card and your memory card is bonded to your Vita." That's the official line from Sony America reps regarding the PlayStation Vita's claimed one console, one PSN account situation. SCEA associate brand marketing manager Crystal MacKenzie clarified to Wired's Game|Life blog that, yes, you can have multiple PSN accounts, each tied to a memory card. Should you choose to move any of those accounts from one card to another, however, things get a bit more laborious.
"If you wanted to change different PSN users but use the same memory card, you would need to go factory reset," MacKenzie said, which sounds to us like a memory card reformat would be required before swapping accounts from one card to another. As far as having multiple PSN accounts on one console, though, Vita users are apparently limited by their ability to purchase more memory cards. And if one memory card isn't enough for your PSN account, it can be spread across multiple cards.
To recap, you can employ multiple PSN accounts on a single Vita using multiple memory cards, but will have to reformat the memory card should you choose to migrate a PSN account from one to another. Still bizarre? Yes, for sure, but it sure beats only being able to use a single PSN account.
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December 9th, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Did you ravenously unwrap a gift this holiday season, only to discover a redeemable PSN card within? Don't despair -- that card can actually be turned into video games!
We've got a bunch of suggestions on which 2011 video games you should transmogrify your e-money into after the jump. Whether you're using a PS3 or PSP, we've got you covered.
PlayStation 3
Explodemon - $9.99
It's similar to Splosion Man in more ways than one, except you can play this one on the PS3, which is just perfect for gamers who own that and only that. It's also got a retro-Japanese vibe that's really, really going to work for you.
Plants vs. Zombies - $14.99
Would you just buy it already? It's one of the most accessible tower defense titles on the market, it's got oodles of charm, and like a billion people have already bought it. You don't want to be left behind, do you?
Stacking - $14.99
Double Fine Studios' lineage as a creator of clever games wasn't brought to a screeching halt by this charming puzzler. Just imagine the ability-borrowing ... abilities of Kirby, only with a delightful Matryoshka Doll finish.
Infamous 2: Festival of Blood - $9.99
It's got just as much open-world action as its subtitle-less counterpart, but costs a square $10. Sure, the campaign's not as long, but it's got vampires and those are still awfully hot right now.
Back to the Future: The Game - $19.99
It's your cousin! Your cousin, Joystiq? You know that solid, five-part adventure game based in the Back to the Future universe you've been looking for? Well, listen to this.
PixelJunk Shooter 2 - $9.99
The original Shooter was fairly well received, but the sheer number of new gameplay elements in this sequel makes its predecessor seem positively anemic. It's got puzzles, and co-op game modes and -- as its title suggests -- so much shooting.
Hard Corps: Uprising - $14.99
It's a prequel to Contra: Hard Corps and, as its franchise's lineage would imply, it's a pretty challenging side-scrolling shooter. Still, if you're a sucker for a good scattershot, Uprising's for you.
Slam Bolt Scrappers - $9.99
There's so much going on in this game: You have to stack Tetris-like bricks together to form squares, which then turn into weapons which shoot at your opponent's bricks -- and you can just fight with your opponent, impeding their stacking. It's as fun as it is overwhelming.
Might and Magic Clash of Heroes HD - $14.99
Capybara managed to add a heaping, eternally addictive helping of RPG customization mechanics to this puzzle title. It devoured our life wholesale on the DS, and with a new HD sheen, it's certain to do the same to you on the PSN.
Outland - $9.99
It's just your basic action-platformer. There's running, jumping, dashing, sword-attacking, and constantly shifting your attunement between dark and light so that you can injure and avoid being injured by enemies and projectiles of the opposing color. So simple, so straightforward.
Beyond Good & Evil HD - $9.99
If you haven't played the original, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot. It's got all the polish and charm of a Zelda title, with characters that are so endearing that you'll join us in anguish as its sequel is dreadfully ignored.
Limbo - $14.99
If most of your purchasing decisions are based on the number of explosions included in a game, you might want to pass on Limbo. It's a quiet, dark little platformer that has some of the cleverest puzzles of any game released this year.
Deadliest Warrior: Legends - $9.99
It's just as preposterous as the last game in the series, only with refined fighting mechanics and a Risk-like mode -- which, sadly, doesn't support online multiplayer. It's one of few blemishes in an otherwise delightful gore-fest.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition - $14.99
Not only does it have online multiplayer, it's kind-of made that feature the whole draw. If you played the original 3rd Strike, you'll want to pick it up. We don't know if you heard, but this one has online multiplayer.
From Dust - $14.99
Eric Chahi made Heart of Darkness and Out of This World, so you should probably give him money for those reasons alone. Apart from that, From Dust's a neat, terraforming God game that is so interesting, it would be criminal to miss out on it.
Rochard - $9.99
If you haven't gotten your fill from this year's bumper crop of puzzle-platformers, Rochardwon't fail to satisfy. It's got neat gravity distortion mechanics, complex physics-based puzzles and a gruff (but lovable!) miner protagonist.
Dungeon Defenders - $14.99
Tower defense meets RPG progression in this adaptation of an iOS game. Don't let the simple cartoon graphics deceive you -- Dungeon Defenders is one of the most rewarding co-op experiences of the entire year.
PixelJunk Sidescroller - $9.99
Another artsy, arcadey entry from Q-Games, and the spiritual successor to the Shooterseries. Only, instead of letting you explore giant, subterranean maps, this one puts you on an old-school sidescrolling shooter path -- hence the name, we suppose.
Classics - $5.99 to $9.99
There's the new PS2 arrivals like God Hand, Odin Sphere and Stuntman: Ignition, not to mention the long overdue, PSP-compatible PSOne Classics, such as Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Tekken, Parasite Eve, Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VI. Get them all.
PlayStation Portable
Auditorium - $9.99
It's a neat little audio-centric puzzle game about moving bits of sound around so they collide with circular goals, producing lovely symphonies with each of the player's successes. We're getting all misty just thinking about it.
Hoard - $9.99
Not only does it feature a number of dragons, it places players in the clawed shoes of a dragon. As such, you'll be required to hoard (get it?) gold, kidnap princesses and generally be disagreeable.
Gods Eater Burst - $39.99
It's a game about killing gigantic monsters using even more gigantic weapons. Two friends can join in the melee using ad-hoc wireless connections, bringing even more gigantism into the equation.
More Downloadable PSP Games
Did you know that almost all retail PSP titles are also available to download on PSN? We're assuming you knew that, because hey, you seem like a pretty sharp person. Why not look over our PSP suggestion list, and pick one that looks right for you?
Minis - Around $3.99
They're good, they're cheap, and most of them are compatible with the PS3! We suggestAngry Birds, Denki Blocks, The Impossible Game, Mighty Flip Champs DX, Hysteria Project 2and Where Is My Heart, for starters.
PSOne Classics - $5.99 to $9.99
The PSOne Classics we listed above (as well as, you know, all the rest of them) are all compatible on the PSP. Just imagine: You could have a thing that fits in your pocket which also houses all the Square Enix games. What a beautiful, totally realizable dream.
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December 9th, 2011, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has today gone live with update version 1.6 for PlayStation Home.
The significant update adds a list of new features and control-related improvements to the social and gaming virtual world.
This comes shortly after a recent major overhaul to the service, which changed the central plaza and the general structure of the whole Home system.
Here's the full change log for update 1.6:
Furniture placement limit
We have doubled the furniture placement limit in Personal Spaces and Clubhouses from 50 to 100 items.
This has been a regularly requested change and we're eager to see what new layouts you come up with!
Standard and active furniture limits have been merged into the same system. Currently all actives take up 22 furniture slots in the new system. Thus you can now place a variety of different combinations:
- 100 standard furniture items or...
- 78 standard furniture items and 1 active or...
- 56 standard furniture items and 2 actives or...
- 34 standard furniture items and 3 actives or...
- 12 standard furniture items and 4 actives.
Targeting in Personal Spaces
Targeting in Personal Spaces has been improved.
This means you shouldn't accidentally target furniture items through floors or ceilings any more.
- Although we have made exceptions for wall hangings and lights as these tend to be placed quite high up.
- If you find any items of furniture in places you can't reach then you can always remove them through the furniture browser and place them somewhere else.
We have changed the way that companion portables work so they will automatically re-activate after you enter and leave a mini-game or relocate between spaces. No more having to put your companion away and take them out again when you do this!
Help system
There is a more proactive help system to aid new users outside of their Harbour Studio Personal Space as they explore PlayStationHome for the first time.
Arcade games
Arcade games are no longer subject to the 3 minute inactivity timeout when placed as furniture in Personal Spaces or Clubhouses.
Menu Pad
We have removed the "Community" section of the Menu Pad. The information that used to be contained in here is now communicated via the message of the day pop-up at login and the new loading screens.
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December 10th, 2011, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
BBC Worldwide has announced Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock for PC, PlayStation 3 and the upcoming Vita.
The game, a downloadable title due early next year, is in development at Guildford-based Supermassive Games, the studio behind Start The Party and Tumble. It's been written in close collaboration with the TV series' production team in Cardiff, and actors including Matt Smith, who plays Doctor Who, and Alex Kingston have recorded voiceovers for the game.
BBC Worldwide's Robert Nashak said: "We're creating these new games for PS3 and Vita with adaptations that will bring the wonder, adventure and madness of Doctor Who to each platform.
"Working with a top-tier UK development partner like Supermassive Games demonstrates BBC Worldwide's commitment to create world-class Doctor Who games for fans of the show and gamers alike."
A Doctor Who MMOG, subtitled World In Time, was announced in February and is in production at Puzzle Pirates developer Three Rings.
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December 11th, 2011, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
 Portable versions of fighting games have a long and storied history of using alternate control schemes, although it's primarily been more out of necessity than for the sake of innovation. These days, however, modern handheld systems (like Sony's upcoming Vita) offer just as much input dexterity as their shelf-based counterparts, if not more so, to the point where developers are able to expand and experiment with their control paradigms.
The Vita port of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, for example, makes use of both the device's touch screen and its rear capacitive touch panel for movement and attacks. Moving your finger horizontally along the back panel moves your character left or right, moving it down makes them duck and moving it up makes them jump. Attacks are initiated by tapping the screen, and hyper-combos are triggered by tapping the hyper meter; assists are called in by tapping the respective character's icon.
It sounds like an awful lot of furious tapping and awkwardly loving strokes along the back of the device, and considering that all of your characters' meters could be on the left or right side of the screen, a bit of ambidextrousness may be required as well. Fear not, however: Conventional control methods will be included at no extra charge.
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December 11th, 2011, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Dynasty Warriors Next will launch alongside the PlayStation Vita on Feb. 22, Tecmo Koei has announced. Dynasty Warriors Next will utilize the Vita's rear touch pad and motion sensor, including one move that allows players to shake their devices for powerful attacks, because nothing says "portable, handheld gaming device" quite like the need to vigorously shake your arms back and forth at random intervals on a crowded bus and with a baby at elbow-level. Nothing.
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December 11th, 2011, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Kakaroto announced that its function was to jailbreak the new firmware 4 from Sony.
Kakaroto is mainly intervened to an open letter: I tested my jailbreak the latest firmware 4 and I can confirm that it still works. Mathieulh also confirmed that its algorithm NPDRM possible to run applications on 4 firmware, but it does not always share it with us / me. Mathieulh is thinking about it, so hopefully it will help. He received so many messages of hate that he is completely disgusted with the scene Ps3, so he does not want to share or help. He believes that haters do not deserve to receive and I fully understand his position. I was also victim to some point of observation of this kind, it makes me so depressed that I stopped the Ps3. The next time you insult a Dev, thinking it is fun or that merit, think ahead, you're the poison of this scene. We do this for fun, to reward only the gratitude of the people. But why continue when all is hate? For those who hate and insult Mathieulh may not act the way you want, but the fact remains that he has done more for the stage Ps3 you, you So you should just keep quiet and show respect. Otherwise it kills the motivation of developers. Mathieulh the moment does not share his work with me and I'm not angry or disappointed with him, but by those who led him to do that. So please do not take advantage of this thread for the burn or insult again and take more as an opportunity to show your gratitude. Kakaroto, Mathieulh, 4 custom firmware? Official website: http : / / kakaroto.homelinux.net
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December 11th, 2011, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
The team behind the Cobra USB updates the firmware in the dongle version 4.3 and version Multiman.
New / fixed: Firmware 4.3: - Compatibility with games said black screen, your games run normally - vsh.self can be replaced by ReactPSN Multiman 01/03/00 Cobra: - Loading Iso Psp diskless necessary - Option "Detect Game Title in ISO Images "to use the name of ISO, to no longer scan the name of the game in the database - Improved scanning Rom / Iso / Cover - Support for ICON0.PNG column back - Support for PS2 Cover Iso file / Cue column back - Support for files Cover Ps1 Iso / Cue column back and play - New format for themes (. thm) file to a topic - Add Iso extraction from the menu side (to convert an iso file) - Added "make showtime preference" to select up to 10 different fonts (interface and subtitle) - Added shortcut (virtual folder) "XMB video Files" during the course of a hdd / usb glue in the video - Added cover blu-ray and DVD during the course of a drive / folder in the video column - Added shortcut to file for BDISO and DVDISO, seen as "Blu-ray Video (ISO)" and " DVD Video (ISO) " - Change "Video Link Library" to "Showtime" to create links to video files, not to start showtime - Added copy function in the sidebar to BD/DVD/PS2/PSP/PS3 ISO (joint and split) - Added option to copy large files to USB, the files will be automatically cut - Theme download in the background - Pop-up connection net_host successful start-up - Pop-up disk space (less 1GB) - Pop-up for updates (MMCM, CobraUSB firmware and Showtime) - Fixed bug when extracting icons from an external drive ICON0.PNG Multiman For, being an update you need first install the full . The team also gives us a pack of over 3400 Cover for PS1 and PS2. Thanks to the green-to information. USB 4.3 Cobra Cobra Multiman-USB 1.3 Update Pack Cover PS1, PS2 Official Website : www.cobra-usb.com
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December 11th, 2011, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
The team Rebug us a utility to easily enable and disable the QA Flag without a special custom firmware.
Toggle QA QA enables and disables the Token and Flag on any PS3 custom firmware 3.41 or 3.55 that the "lv1 mmap" and "peek and poke lv2" (most have customs). When you run the application, it first detects if the PS3 is 3.41 or 3.55. Then it checks the patch you've already Lv1 and install those missing in the hypervisor. When finished, Toggle QA checks the status of the flag and modify accordingly. Once all done, the patches LV1 will be deleted. Instructions: 1: Install toggle_qa.pkg 2: Run from the XMB Toggle QA 3: PS3 beeps and return to XMB. (If you do not hear a beep, it did not work, reboot and try again) As each authoring software in flash memory use is risky. Homepage: http://rebug.me
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December 12th, 2011, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
A new High Definition Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater game will be available to download next summer.
Skateboarding star Tony Hawk made the announcement at the Spike Video Game Awards this weekend, after hinting about a new game last week.
The download-only title will cost ‘less than $20’ and include elements of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 and 2, as reported byEurogamer.
“This is the best of our first two games but for the new consoles,†he said. “It’ll have all the same gameplay people love and the joystick controls, big scoring combos and a lot of the classic stuff we had but some new stuff as well. I'm out of my mind excited about it.â€
Activision's Tony Hawk series first arrived on the original Sony PlayStation in 1999. The two most recent games in the series used a skateboard accessory and saw disappointing sales.
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December 13th, 2011, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita is taking its act on the road in the US, in both "Social Clubs" and a mall tour. The UK will also play host to some Vita debut events this January and February, called "Vita Rooms." Attendees will get to check out (deep breath) Uncharted: Golden Abyss, FIFA 12, Reality Fighters, MotorStorm RC, ModNation Racers, Little Deviants, Escape Plan, Super Stardust Delta, andWipeout 2048. "Plus," the PS Blog teases, "there might just be appearances from a few developers too!"
Sony already held one Room event in London, but it's continuing the Vita demo tour starting January 17, in Manchester. You can find details for that eventhere.
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December 13th, 2011, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
 There was quite a lot of buzz surrounding the first new game revealed during the Spike VGAs this weekend, The Last of US. Decidedly void of smarmy characters and international espionage, The Last of Us instead focuses on two survivors trying to make their way across the country after a post-apocalyptic event. And, surprisingly, it's been in development for two years already, Naughty Dog creative director Neil Druckmann revealed on Twitter.
Druckmann also revealed the two leads on the game are Troy Baker, the man voicing protagonist Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite, and Ashley Johnson, who is in fact not Ellen Page. Yeah, we were kinda surprised, too. The Last of Us also appears to be a Mature title -- the UK page suggests a PEGI rating of 18, the equivalent of a Mature ESRB rating here in The States, a first for Naughty Dog. Also a first at Naughty Dog: the existence of two separate teams. One team is working on The Last of Us, the other is working on other stuff, according to co-president Christophe Balestra.
Finally, the UK page suggests "no network play," which could mean the final game is a local-only affair. Of course, that could change in the lead-up to launch in 2012.
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December 13th, 2011, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE sent out some advance notice of a PSN outage in Europe via the PlayStation forum. Maintenance is scheduled on the network Thursday, December 15 from 4pm GMT (11am EST) to 2am GMT (9pm EST).
No such announcement has been made for North America, but we can safely assume that the EU outage will coincide with network interruption here. Besides, the only "preparation" you have to do for such an event is not make ironclad plans to play online games or buy things from the PlayStation Store right then. If it turns out that the network doesn't go offline, just sign in and play extemporaneously.
It's not going to adversely affect your life too much if this outage turns out to be EU-only, is what we're saying.
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December 13th, 2011, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has confirmed that PSP game Final Fantasy Type-0 will, when played on a Vita, make use of the second analogue stick.
Type-0 director Hajime Tabata said at a recent consumer event in Japan that the game will allow for additional camera control with the Vita's right analogue stick.
That's good news, but more importantly it confirms the potential for PSP games to feature enhanced controls on the Vita.
We wouldn't expect touch screen functionality to magically appear in PSP games, but it should mean that dual-analogue controls will be possible - at least in PSP games that support the use of a DualShock 3 (since twin stick functionality would already be in those titles).
Tabata went on to say that the game's online gameplay would be fully functional on Vita, and that it looks 'very pretty' on the new system.He also responded to questions of a possible sequel. "I want to make a sequel, but... is there demand?" he asked. "If we make a sequel, we aren't thinking about having it directly continue the [Type-0] story."
FF Type-0 is currently a Japan-only game, but an international version is reportedly in the works although Square is yet to issue an official announcement.
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December 13th, 2011, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
You may recall that in early 2010, Sony decided to roll out an update that would remove the ability for PlayStation 3 owners to install a different operating system on the console, citing security concerns as the reason. Geeks and Linux enthusiasts were outraged at the move, particular since the "Other OS" functionality had been advertised as a feature of the PS3. A class-action lawsuit was soon brought against Sony. Many of the initial claims were thrown out, and now, a federal judge in California has granted Sony's motion to dismissed the lawsuit, saying, 'As a matter of providing customer satisfaction and building loyalty, it may have been questionable. As a legal matter, however, plaintiffs have failed to allege facts or articulate a theory on which Sony may be held liable.' Here's the full text of the order (PDF).
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December 13th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster

An accessory that lets PSP owners view games in 3D is available to order online.
RealView Innovations’ V-Screen clips onto the PSP and provides “greater depth and richer environments than standard 2Dâ€.
It is priced at £19.99 and is available to order from AntiGrav. E-tailers such as Ladz.biz and Electrolounge are stocking the product.
“The V-Screen is the most effective, comfortable current solution to the 3D question,†said RealView’s executive director Eamonn Ansbro.
“As gamers want an increasingly sophisticated visual experience, we are keen to share the V-Screen with the games industry.â€
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December 13th, 2011, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Vita owners will be able to pick up a copy of Plants vs Zombies when the Sony handheld launches on February 22nd.
Sony revealed the news in a Tweet earlier which said: “Surprise! Plants vs Zombies is coming to PS Vita. Thanks @popcap @SonyOnline.â€
The tower defence strategy title joins other PlayStation Vita launch titles including Sony’s Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Namco Bandai’s Ridge Racer and PQube’s BlazBlue Extend.
Plants vs Zombies originally arrived on PC and Mac before heading to iOS devices last year. It later went on to hit Xbox Live, PSN and the DS.
The title is regarded as one of the most popular games on iPhone. In its first ten days on sale it grossed over $1m in sales.
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December 14th, 2011, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
UK consumers will be able to go hands-on with PlayStation Vita games such as Uncharted: Golden Abyss before the handheld launches.
Sony is bringing ‘Vita Rooms’ to UK cities such as Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham and London in January and February 2012. The first event will kick off on Friday, January 13th at 63 Deansgate in Manchester and will run until Wednesday, January 18th.
Playable games include Uncharted: Golden Abyss, FIFA 12, Reality Fighters, MotorStorm RC, ModNation Racers: Road Trip, Little Deviants, Escape Plan, Super Stardust and Wipeout 2048.
Sony staff and developers will also be on hand at the events.
PlayStation Vita launches in the UK on February 22nd.
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December 14th, 2011, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
In an announcement of new Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Vita media (in our gallery), Capcom shared some kind of weird news about the portable port: it allows you to use the Vita as an "Ultimate Controller" for the PS3 version. We're guessing this means you'll be able to use the touch controls when playing the console version. We're sure Hori and Mad Catz are raising their collective, corporate eyebrows at the "Ultimateness" of that option, but more options are always welcome.
In addition, the Vita version will offer "exclusive Gold Herald" color options for the characters, essentially making the game look like a battle between Academy Awards. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will be released on February 15, concurrent with the Vita's week-early "First Edition" hardware bundle, providing an escape from Little Deviants.
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December 14th, 2011, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony US has revealed PlayStation Network's best-selling independent games of 2011.The platform holder broke the category down into three separate charts: self-published, SCEA-published and games that came out of its Pub Fund initiative.Playdead's stylish platformer Limbo took the self-published crown, Q-Games' PixelJunk Shooter 2 dominated the SCEA chart and Big Sandwich Games' strategy effort Hoard came out on top in the Pub Fund rundown.Here's how each list looked, as published on the PlayStation Blog:Top 10 Best-Selling Indie PSN Games of 2011 - Third-Party Self-Published - Limbo (Playdead)
- Castle Crashers (The Behemoth)
- TestYourself Psychology (Creat Studios)
- Marvel Pinball (Zen Studios)
- Worms 2 Armageddon (Team 17)
- Dungeon Defenders (Trendy Entertainment)
- Armageddon Riders (Targem Games)
- Braid (Number None Inc.)
- UnderSiege (Seed Studios)
- Hamsterball (TikGames)
Top 10 Best-Selling PSN Games of 2011- SCEA-Published Indies - PixelJunk Shooter 2 (Q-Games)
- Fat Princess (Titan Studios)
- Flower (thatgamecompany)
- Aquatopia (Playlogic Entertainment)
- Hustle Kings (VooFoo Sudios)
- Eat Them! (FluffyLogic)
- Top Darts (Devil's Details)
- Super Stardust HD (Housemarque)
- Linger in Shadows (Plastic)
- Rag Doll Kung Fu (Qi Studios)
Top 5 Best-Selling Pub Fund Titles of 2011 - Hoard (Big Sandwich Games)
- Tales From Space: About a Blob (DrinkBox)
- Joe Danger (Hello Games)
- Eufloria (Omni Systems Limited)
- Explodemon! (Curve Studios)
"PSN has been the only platform to fully embrace indie developers, and in 2012, more indie-developed PSN exclusives are on the way, including Papo & Yo, Retrograde, Closure, Dyad, and many more," commented PSN director Susan Panico.
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December 15th, 2011, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Modern Warfare 3 developer Infinity Ward is handing out 5,000 day bans to a number of those found guilty of non-specific “bad†things – presumably cheating.
The ban effectively means that users will not be able to access the game with the associated account until the latter half of 2025.
The bans, word of which has spread online, were confirmed by voice of Infinity Ward Robert Bowling on Twitter, who stated: "If you see this message, it means you've been Permabanned (for something bad)."
It hasn’t been confirmed exactly what deeds warrant the harsh penalty.
Of course, there’s nothing to stop offenders re-registering under another name, though at least next time around they may be less likely to cheat.
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December 15th, 2011, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
This is so cool. Well, maybe "cool" isn't the right way to describe a service that lets you stream Final Fantasy music from anywhere, but we like the idea. In Japan, Sony just started a "PlayStation Game Music" service that allows subscribers to several mobile services to play music from first- and third-party PlayStation games.
The official (again, Japan-only) launch is accompanied by music from Final Fantasy XIII-2, and the Monster Hunter, Dynasty Warriors, and Yakuza series. It would be dangerous for us to walk around Tokyo to the music from Yakuza -- we'd be liable to start throwing bicycle wheels at anyone we saw in a suit. And it's always dangerous for us to hear the .
Along with those, the service will also stream PS3 system sound effects. That "cool" label is looking really hasty now.
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December 15th, 2011, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
t's a time for discounts and special bundle deals on the US PlayStation Store this Christmas.
This week's update list comes with a trailer highlighting some of the top deals you can get this week on the PS3 and PSP digital store.A new Holiday Collection banner will lead you to the deals, but just for a heads-up, Sony says: "Some of the best games available on the service are packaged up with DLC, map packs and more; all at a great discount. If you're a PlayStation Plus subscriber, you'll unlock even greater discounts. We've also grouped together 2011's Top 20 selling PSN Games, PS one Classics, Add-Ons and more and made them easy to find within the Holiday Collection category."
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December 15th, 2011, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is getting into the festivities with PlayStation Home, which has a new wintery space to explore.
As Sony explains: "Your journey begins in the brand new snow-covered Pier Park, where a collection of quests will unravel in the coming weeks and which will reward players with exclusive items and collectibles only available from this limited-time event."Start by going to the Activity Board to start your first quest, then catch a boat from Pier Park to transport to this chilly locale where Snowman and Snow Bear will provide clues that will lead you throughout a vast winter wonderland filled with tons of surprises. Complete all the quests to unlock a variety of special rewards that will leave your inventory bulging with awesome Yuletide mementos."
Sony says it's also called in the help of Snowman and Snow Bear and "special guests".
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December 16th, 2011, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Storage platform looks to add to its 8m individual users and 100,000 businesses.
Sony Ericsson says the promotion will allow Xperia users to stash their digital hordes of photos, music and videos on the Box service.
By logging into a Box account through the app, which can be found in the Android Marketplace, users can enjoy free cloud storage and file sharing for life.
The global offer begins today for anyone with an Xperia X10 smartphone or newer, and runs up until December 31st 2012.
Steve Walker, chief marketing officer, Sony Ericsson, said: "Xperia and Box will provide consumers with access to a massive amount of content on the go putting their smartphone at the very heart of their connected lifestyle."
Presumably, Sony Ericsson's main reason for the partnership is that it will be hoping to see devices fly off shelves for Christmas gifts and during the January sales period.
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December 16th, 2011, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Bossa won’t work for console manufacturers who don't promote interconnectivity, says studio co-founder Henrique Olifiers
Vita will suffer a “horrible, premature death†if it doesn’t open up to multiplatform accessibility, Bossa co-founder Henrique Olifiers has claimed.
Olifiers said that the UK studio would not develop games for consoles because of their closed systems, and believes manufacturers would suffer in the long run if they did not change their stance on interconnectivity.
“I hate the fact you cannot play a game on the PS3 against the same game on the Xbox 360 or PC,†Olifiers told Videogamer.
“Walled gardens in a world where people are freely connected all the time is just a dumb idea that limits what is achievable.â€
He added: "Valve is bang on, proprietary stuff is madness, we should be moving to more open platforms, to interoperability, bringing everyone together.
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December 16th, 2011, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Andrew House has confirmed that the company still aims to sell 15 million PlayStation 3s in the year ending March 2012, despite a turbulent year for the company.
The head of Sony Computer Entertainment made the comments toReuters, and revealed that sales on the console were ahead of target.
He would not reveal Sony targets for the new PlayStation Vita handheld.
The PS3 news comes despite a number of setbacks for the company, with hacker attacks in April that shook consumer confidence and shutdown the PlayStation Network Store and the devastating effects of the Japanese earthquakes in July.
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December 16th, 2011, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has corrected its previous statements about the Vita's ability to support multiple PSN accounts, again. Contradicting what we'd been told before, a PSN account is not merely tied to a memory card, Sony told Wired. It's tied to both the card and the system.
That means that switching accounts is not as simple as it sounded. "If a second person is using your Vita," a Sony rep told Wired, "it's not just a case of switching out memory cards, it's clearing out all of your saved data on the Vita itself when you do the factory reset."
You're extremely unlikely to be willing to completely flash your Vita every time you want to switch accounts, so you can go ahead and forget about keeping separate US and Japanese PSN accounts, for example. And the Vita just became slightly less useful.
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December 16th, 2011, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has explained why PlayStation Move game Sorcery - re-announced yesterday with a spring 2012 release window - was "re-tooled"."Coming out of E3, we knew there were some things we weren't happy with," design director Brian Upton said in an interview with the PlayStation Blog."We really wanted to re-tool the game's look, its world. We had the gameplay we wanted, but it just wasn't ready for public consumption."The promising Move-enabled action adventure was first shown off at E3 in 2010. There was concern the game had been canned after it failed to turn up at E3 this year - prompting Sony to last month reassure PS3 owners it will still in development.Yesterday Sony unveiled a new "tone" for the game. "What we showed at E3 was largely organized around a dungeon crawl, and we realized we didn't want that," Upton continued."We wanted a full-blown fantasy world, not a series of tunnels. A lot of our re-tooling involved moving the action gameplay into a more free-flowing space. The E3 version also had a much younger hero, and the enemies were a lot more cartoonish. We though, 'you know, we have a game here that would appeal to a hardcore PlayStation gamer…and it looks a little bit like Spyro!' [laughs]"We didn't want people to get the wrong impression, so we wanted to bring the visuals in-line with the gameplay."In Sorcery you play Finn, a sorcerer's apprentice "and a real hothead". He ventures into the realm of the dead, and, oh no, accidentally unleashes something "very, very bad".Sorcery's motion controls, which see the player use the PS Move controller as a magical wand, are accessible, Upton said, helped by a God of War-style automated camera."The very first spell you learn, arcane bolt, is very simple to use because you just flick it forward. It's like throwing stuff at your enemy. As you keep using it, you start to realize its depth: you can curve bolts and arc bolts around obstacles. When you start using ice magic, you can slow down enemies, or freeze them repeatedly and smash them with another spell."
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December 16th, 2011, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
A fresh batch of Gran Turismo 5 content lands on 21st December, Sony has announced.As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, there'll be two different releases available to download.First up, Car Pack 2 offers a new and improved 2012 Nissan GT-R Black edition R35, 2011 MINI COOPER S, 2010 Volkswagen Golf VI R, and a 2010 Volkswagen Scirocco R. It'll set you back €3.99 or your local equivalent.Secondly, all those who picked up either the Racing Car Pack 1, Course Pack 1 or the 'Complete Pack' earlier this year can download the Family Upgrade which allows more than one user to access that content from the same PlayStation 3 unit.The upgrade doesn't apply to the Racing Gear Pack or Special Paint Pack but automatically applies to the new Car Pack 2.On top of that, those who own any of the October DLC packs get the Gran Turismo Racing Kart 125 SP and five New Car Refresh cards as an additional extra. The refresh cards revert any car back to 'as good as new' while retaining any modifications or paint jobs you have applied.Finally, update 2.02 also goes live on the 21st, bringing with it a host of tweaks and enhancements. Highlights of the patch include: - Offering the ability to change wheels on standard cars.
- A 'copy' feature will be added to settings sheets.
- In GT Auto, players will be able to see how the oil changes, aerodynamic parts, engine overhauls, and racing modifications will affect performance points and engine power, before and after their application.
- Free tickets have been added that allow you to wash cars, change oil, overhaul your engine, or refresh the car body in GT Auto (10 coupons will be distributed for free to each of those who have downloaded the 2.02 update).
- Pressing the □ button in the car ticket selection screen of the Car Delivery, will now allow you to exchange all car tickets at once.
- In screens where the [Garage] and [Driver List] buttons are displayed in the A/B Spec events, Special Events, and Seasonal Events, pressing the □ button will now show the [Garage], and pressing the △ button will show the drivers list.
- An option has now been added for 'Max. number of participants - this is featured in the room settings of My Lounge.
- Added ☆ marks which show the number of Gold Trophies attained in each event, in the event selection screen of seasonal events.
- Racing sound effect adjustment.
- Elements of the steering assist controls (used when using certain controllers on Racing Karts) have been adjusted.
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December 16th, 2011, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 Battlefield 3 players are now able to jump online and grab the Physical Warfare Pack DLC for free.
The pack was previously only available to those who pre-ordered the game. It includes the DAO-12 shotgun and some custom flechette ammo for it, a flash suppressor for the SKS Sniper Rifle, and the Type 88 Light Machine Gun.PS3's DLC exclusivity deal continues, so while it's out now on the PS Store, PC and Xbox gamers (that don't already have it via a pre-order) will have to wait until "a later date" - i.e. a week.
The Back to Karkand was released earlier this week, and deserves to be played. The new maps - Wake Island, Strike at Karkand, Gulf of Oman and Sharqi Peninsula - are awesome.
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December 16th, 2011, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
The launch of the Canadian PlayStation Vita 3G model appears to have been pushed back by two months to April 2012.
Kotaku says the delay is "due to extensive planning and testing with [Sony's] 3G partner", although the platform holder has yet to comment on the report.More specifically, it's speculated that difficulties in reaching a pricing agreement with 3G network providers could be behind the hold up.
Customers are said to be receiving emails informing them of the delay, while EB Games sources told the site that the retailer's internal systems now show the portable as launching in April.
Vita hits Japan this Saturday, December 17, and launches in west on February 22 with at least 12 first-party games.
Before then, UK gamers will be able to go hands-on with Vita at a series of events to be held over the next few months.
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December 16th, 2011, 17:48 Posted By: Shrygue
With only one day left to go for launch time, Andriasang reports that Sony has possibly shipped around 700,000 Playstation Vita units to Japanese retailers. It was originally 500,000 but in order to meet pre-order demand, an additional 200,000 was added for shipment. A Select number of retailers reportedly say were available to buy on launch day without one, following the shipment increase.
Playstation Vita releases tomorrow in Japan, December 17th 2011. The UK, US and Europe will get it in February 22nd, 2012 along with Canada for the Wi-Fi model only - Sony has reportedly not announced a release date for the 3G model in that region.
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December 16th, 2011, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Fantasy RPG fastest selling title ever on Steam
Betheseda’s blockbuster RPG The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has shipped more than ten million units worldwide since release last month.
The critically acclaimed title is believed to have made more than $650 million in sales.
Bethesda claimed that the PC version of the title outsold all other North American PC game releases by a factor of three-to-one during November.
It has also been announced that Skyrim is the fastest selling title in Steam’s history, although no exact figures were revealed.
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December 16th, 2011, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Retailers in Japan will receive 200,000 more units of PlayStation Vita in time for launch, bringing the total shipped to 700,000.
Andriasang reports sources close to Sony that the format holder had originally planned a shipment of 500,000 units, but this has now been raised to cope with pre-order demand.
Two of Japan’s major retailers, Amazon Japan and Yodobashi, previously reported stock shortages after their Vita pre-order allocation dried up in a matter of hours.
Yodobashi and a number of other retailers have since said customers can buy a Vita on day one without a pre-order. The handheld goes on sale in Japan on Saturday, December 17th. It will hit UK shelves on February 22nd 2012.
Sony Japan hired film star Harrison Ford to promote Vita, who appeared in an ad for launch title Uncharted: Golden Abyss.
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December 16th, 2011, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sure, we've shown you a hands-on, but we know your brain's been working hard imagining what it's like to unwrap Sony's next-gen handheld. The PS Vita could easily be considered one of the -- if not thebiggest -- teases of the gadgetverse; since it was first unveiled, it's only had time for a smattering ofcameos. Regardless, no one is questioning the Vita's determination to be in as many wish lists as possible by its eventual 2012 release. Folks who tend to enjoy teasers can find precisely that just after the break.
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December 17th, 2011, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
We've got some good news for gamers that were willing to plunge into the PlayStation-certified world of Sony's tablets. The latest update to the company's divisive Tablet S will let you connect your PS3 controllers with those 32-bit games of yesteryear. The update is available now in Sony's homeland of Japan and the company is also rewarding its tablet faithful with a free download; an Ape Escape-themed mini-game collection. It's not all good news, however. The clamshelled Tablet P doesn't get the controller hook-up and you'll need to buy an additional USB adapter cable to connect a controller to the monoscreened Tablet S. A briefly worded, vaguely translated release awaits after the break.
Update: We've heard from Japanese users that you'll only need to the cable to initially pair the controller with the tablet. After that, you're free to wirelessly play away.
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December 17th, 2011, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has popped the PlayStation Vita manual online - thanks patch!It covers everything from the basics to PlayStation Network to games.Did you know, for example, that you cannot operate the right stick by pressing on it? And did you know if you press on it too hard, you can damage your Vita?Oh, and you cannot remove the stick. If you try to remove it by force, you could damage your system. Watch out!There's information on "near," Trophies and Remote Play, too.The manual launches ahead of Vita's Japanese launch - set for tomorrow.Sony is rumoured to have shipped a whopping 700,000 units to cover the handheld's launch over there. It releases in Europe on 22nd February 2012.
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December 17th, 2011, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita is limited to one PlayStation Network account per unit, Sony has clarified.The Japanese company had previously said switching memory cards would allow you to use multiple PSN accounts on the same Vita unit.But this is incorrect, Sony told Wired. To use a new PSN account you have to reset the hardware."[The] PSN account is tied to the hardware and the memory card, not just the card," Sony said, "which means that if a second person is using your Vita, it's not just a case of switching out memory cards, it's clearing out all of your saved data on the Vita itself when you do the factory reset."In other words, PlayStation Vita is intended to be played by only one user."
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December 17th, 2011, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
Female consumers are the "untapped holy grail" for game publishers, European PlayStation boss Jim Ryan has told the latest issue of Edge, which is landing with subscribers now.
Speaking in a Vita focused interview, the exec said the upcoming portable's user-friendliness is paving the way for Sony to target a female audience it traditionally hasn't been able to reach."That [audience] is obviously the untapped holy grail," Ryan said. "We're hopeful that the rather less intimidating interface possibilities that Vita offers may make that market potentially more accessible.
"Some of the things as yet unrevealed on the content side are exploring that."
While Ryan acknowledged that day one Vita buyers will be "our good old core gaming demographic", he said the company "will look to... go younger rather more quickly and deliberately than we did with PSP.
"You won't see that so much in 2012, and in 2013 we'll still be very much at the core of it, but shortly after that a lot of the business strategy will be [based] around targeting a somewhat younger demographic."
Earlier this month, Ryan said Sony will make a greater effort to target younger gamers and the family market with PS3 in 2012, although not at the expense of catering to hardcore gamers.
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December 18th, 2011, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has already released a firmware update for the PlayStation Vita.
When firing up the console, users who connect it to the internet will have to update the firmware to version 1.50.The changes made in the update are currently unknown, and Sony's official update information page reveals no further details, according to Andriasang.
But with frequent updates being a prominent part of owning a PS3 and PSP, its a sign that the trend will likely continue on Sony's latest console.
You can have a good dig around the Vita's new menu system feature yourself with an English-language user guide that Sony has already launched online.
It reveals, among other niggling details, that Vita can take screenshots of on-screen action and store them on your memory stick as photos. Great for evidence of bragging rights.
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December 18th, 2011, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
While you chew down your fingernails in anticipation of owning a Vita, there's a bloke in Japan taking a screwdriver to one before the poor thing's even been played.
Japanese site Pocket News (thanks Andriasang) has wasted no time liberating the Vita's internals from their shiny plastic casing, revealing all those microchips and a circuit boards that, when not in pieces, make for so much joy. Some pics are below, and there are more through the source link.Apart from the big Samsung logo seemingly confirming where Sony's getting the Vita screen from, there's not a lot to take from the pics. Other than to satisfy a strange fetish for the internals of new technology.
If you're more interested in the Vita in one piece, there are unboxing and first boot-up videos here.
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December 18th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
If you can't get your hands on a PlayStation Vita today, you can at least pretend you have one by drooling all over unboxing videos.
Sony's new handheld launched today, but only in Japan. If you're not in Japan and don't like paying extortionate import prices for a potentially problematic foreign machine with now warrantee, this is a close you're getting to a Vita today.
As usual for a hardware launch, there are unboxing videos everywhere. We've picked one below by someone with acceptable camera skills (seemingly a rare thing on YouTube) that doesn't feature someone jumping around the room like a deranged kangaroo.
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December 18th, 2011, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia:

Vita means life. The PSP Vita is going to blur the line between entertainment and real life. The newest portable console from Sony comprises everything gamers, music lovers and photo fanatics want. The 16:9 screen shows 16 million colors and supports a touch screen, at the rear, there is another touch pad.
Your every move counts, the six axis motion sensing system and the three axis-electronic pass push portable gaming to a new dimension.
Cameras are installed in the front and in the rear, they can take videos at 120fps at QVGA and 60 fps at VGA. The picture resolution can go up to 640 x 480. The console also connects gamers together in a new way, gamers can talk to others with the in-built microphone, and the Nair feature, that allows gamers to find out what game the stranger in the bus is playing and what is hot right now.
buy vita here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-4a0h.html
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December 18th, 2011, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
 Jealous that Japan has first dibs on Sony's next generation portable? Or maybe you imported aPlayStation Vita, and need a little help navigating the Kanji-laden menus? Either way, Sony has a bone to throw you -- an online Vita user's guide, and in English, to boot. In addition to basic console operations, the online manual details the handheld's major features and apps, including Party, Near, the PS Store, a Photos app, the web browser, remote play and the Vita's video and music apps. The guide also mentions a few limitations, for instance, PSN video downloads will be standard definition only -- if you want to watch something in 720p, you'll need to load it yourself using the Vita's Content Manager. It also confirms the handheld's single account lock-down, noting that even your console's memory card is tied to your PSN account -- it simply won't work on your friend's Vita. Curious about battery life, 3G data usage trackers and remote play restrictions? Hit the source and dive in, you've got two months to study up.
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December 18th, 2011, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
 You probably wouldn't guess it by talking to one of us, but petrolheads do have the ability to get burnt out on a specific vehicle. It may take a long time, granted, but eventually we'll get bored with our current ride and wish that we had some new iron to tool around with. It's called "Gear Acquisition Syndrome" (GAS), and GAS can be devastatingly expensive if left unchecked.
Thankfully though, the GAS methadone clinic known as Gran Turismo 5 is here to keep those urges in check with a title update and several new sets of wheels, all of which become available on December 20. Car Pack 2 will set you back $3.99 and will furnish your ever-growing garage with a 2012 Nissan GT-R Black R35, a 2010 Volkswagen Scirocco R, a 2010 Volkswagen Gold VI R and the 2011 Mini Cooper S. Additionally, anyone who has purchased GT5 DLC in the past will also receive the Gran Turismo Racing Kart 125 SP, which is go-kart for some reason.
The (free) 2.02 title update also includes a set of wheels: The recently revealed 2013 Toyota GT-86. Beyond that, the update boasts a slew of interface improvements and even nets you 10 oil change and car wash coupons (in-game, of course). Hopefully this will keep our greasy little mechanic hands busy enough to prevent us from taking out a second mortgage and buying that Thunderbird we've been eyeing.
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December 18th, 2011, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
via http://gamegaz.com/201112186294/
The title of the PSP PlayStation Vita (only available for PSN) is to launch the strength of the Vita. What worries me is the save game exploit what works for PSP, PS Vita me to try to work immediately on Mr. teck4 owns a PSP save game exploit unpublished.
The result was of course also take over the vulnerability of the PSP. Hello World at PS Vita (own code) can be performed.
PS Vita PSP at the first place only because it is emulation, emulator running on the fact that just because we can run your own code does not change much. So while hacking into the system are reproduced in an environment that is running on the PSP will own code.
Half-start at the maximum of the PSP Homebrew Byte Loader (reproduction of) is enough.
Some might suspect that I'll not do FAKE, exploit teck4 his unpublished exploit is genuine.
PSN version save game exploit with other titles, so there are some that may be realized in the start of the PSP Homebrew PS Vita Once you have established how to start the HBL, the saved data is Sony " Administrative Assistant for PlayStation content "must be transferred to the PS Vita, and further to transfer the state must now transfer the save data folder into the Hello World binaries that only the saved data . Will be transferred into the data folder in the save if the body can then be started with Vita HBL.
And that is a big possibility that such measures are easily crushed to prevent unwanted save game file transfer for applications that work under the control of Sony.
In addition, PS Vita Min Gol exploit so far as such details as if it had been like the PSP PS Vita measures also seem to emulate the PSP.
Those who try to exploit in the PSP PS Vita looking for if not, carefully examine whether the game supports PS Vita first. Everybody's clean trial and trial period Patapon 2 demo is so handy that non-PS Vita not come again in the first place.
Incidentally, I'm looking forward to the future from those who were successful on the PS Vita Hello World, will tell for sure.
That only the listed vulnerabilities have been reproduced PSP Hello World is displayed, the display is reproduced even if just how far the system area of Vita 踏Mi込Meru potential from here is almost zero. That is not even the first step in hacking it.
[UPDATE: my Additional Comment in english]
I read lot's of article Around the world about this Hello World on Vita and I found SO many "this is fake, right?" ... No, this is not a fake. But You Have to Think this is inevitable result because of emulation.
And you can find "Hello World for PSP Firmware 6.31 by Teck4" and say "Why 6.31?"
Teck4 have some savegame exploits. These were found when PSP lastest firmware was 6.31. He tried to run his unsigned code without any modification .. including the letter "6.31"
That's why "6.31" was displayed in his Hello World.
His exploit use buffer overflow of the system and, you know, what we call "Usemode exploit", So do not expect kernel hacking from it.
I know his exploit and I know he is not a faker. That's real. But I think this shows us that emulation tech on vita is brilliant, NOT "PS Vita is hackable!"
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December 18th, 2011, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/12/17/p...a-bits-inside/
First of all, thanks to Abdullah who pointed me to Kakaroto’s recent twitter posts, as I’ve only been following the PS3 scene distantly recently.
I love drama
Let me say that I love drama in the console hacking scene. Not that I chose to love drama, but I remember that my first “excitement†in the PSP scene was to understand who the hackers were and how they figured things out and made stuff work. One thing that really shocked me (probably because I’m a developer myself and like to be recognized for my work at least at much as I like my salary) is how often “normal†people (the users) would forget about who the real hackers behind a given homebrew/hack/discovery were exactly. I’ve been internally boiling several times when I saw some people kept thanking “Dark Alex†for every possible hack on the PSP, even when he wasn’t involved at all… (another one that I really hated was the “thank you pspgen†I could see once in a while during the HBL era…not pspgen’s fault, but we have to live with the fact that users don’t really care and/or are dumb).
Long story short, it always fascinates me to understand how a vulnerability was discovered and turned into a usable exploit. And in order to understand that, the human factor is essential, (half of the console hacks are released in a hurry because of a human mistake or a leak), hence the love for drama.
The facts
Recently MathieuLH has been in the middle of a new PS3 scene drama, as Kakaroto has been working on a jailbreak solution for recent firmwares, and Mathieu initially refused to help while claiming on twitter that he had the solutions to recent firmwares hack. He apparently then pretended to help when he was actually only giving “riddles†which weren’t bringing much that wasn’t already known. This ended up pissing off Kakaroto, and led to strong words exchanged on twitter. Unfortunately Mathieu’s twitter is not public anymore (a good move IMO, although a bit late, it should have been private when he started bragging about 4.0 without providing any POC), so I missed half of the fun.
Chosen bits from Kakaroto’s twitter (I unfortunately don’t have access to Mathieulh’s posts):
@Mathieulh “people should be satisfied of what they getâ€, lol, thank you master for the bone you throw at my face, woof woof
@Mathieulh you wrote your own toolchain, your own disassembler, you even wrote the ****ing wikipedia code. you invented cryptography!
@Mathieulh haha, you already left us to do everything on our own, you shared LESS than what we had already publically documented. so STFU
@Mathieulh get real dude, you could paste me the man page of ‘printf’ then ask me to lick your ass cause you “shared plentyâ€, **** that
@Mathieulh you don’t care about the war for opening up the console? then why the **** do you call yourself a “ps3 dev†???
@Mathieulh you “helped†open it up at first? no, psjailbreak did, and we all know who wrote psgroove (NOT YOU), you were just the releaser!
@Mathieulh only sony wins when someone decides to hold back the scene
@Mathieulh your whole attitude disgusts me. you leave the scene because of haters? I would leave it because of assholes like you.
@Mathieulh YES stupid, you have a right to not share, but don’t TALK about it, and don’t expect the “I love you, my savior†treatment either
@Mathieulh no it wasn’t “plentyâ€, you gave 5% of what was requested, and you didn’t share “how to find itâ€, you gave riddles, and then I have to start reverse engineering your ****ing riddles.
If you just shut up instead of telling everyone what you have and don’t want to share, then you wouldn’t be so hated in the scene. I just WASTED 3 whole ****ing days hunting down this one little thing that you have but you just flaunt us with it saying you won’t share it.. you are in every private channel on IRC, you see what all the devs are discussing, you use the knowledge from everyone, you receive stuff from everyone from everywhere, then when you are needed, you say “no, I won’t give anything to youâ€, then you ask us to lick you ass until you feel all proud about yourself, then throw us a ****ing bone saying “it’s over there, and if you have a brain you’ll find itâ€, why not just outright say “I’m so 1337, so much better than you, I have all this stuff JUST FOR ME and you’re too ****ing stupid to do anything like meâ€?
No, I am grateful for the “help†you gave, and yes you have every right not to share what you did on your own, BUT, when you use someone else’s knowledge, then it’s ethical for you to give back the same way, also, if you don’t want to share, then ****ing shut up about what you have instead of being a dick and telling us you have something and not going to share it. And finally, if you decide not to share, ok, your choice, but don’t ****ing come arguing with me about how you helped and how you shared “plenty†and all that crap.. you don’t want to share, then be a man and own up to your actions and accept that I say that you’re not sharing and that if the release is delayed it’s because of you because we’re spending the next ****ing month re-doing everything you did. Don’t start arguing with me about how you’re helpful when you ****ing don’t want to help.
You don’t want to help, then shut the **** up.
The result is that MathieuLH officially leaves the Sony scene for the billionth time, until next time (last time he left the scene was no longer than 1 month ago).
Getting personal
I initially wrote a gigantic post on this subject, and erased everything. I’m definitely on Kakaroto’s side on this, but I won’t give any details (which is what I was planning to do initially) as this was getting personal and just adding fuel to the fire.
However to summarize my feelings, let’s just say that 1) from personal experience, working on something that MathieuLH is working on, or worked on at some point in the past is like walking on a drama minefield (I can’t help but to mention that MathieuLH registered on our /talk community just to make sure that we were properly thanking him for his help in the PSP homebrew signing effort, which really sounds exactly like what happened to Kakaroto recently) , 2) I think it’s fine to hack just for the technical challenge, but in that case there is no need to open a twitter account and brag about it, this is just counterproductive, and 3) belittling fellow hackers just to make oneself look better is really lame.
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December 18th, 2011, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster

Retro game console or Android tablet? This new YINLIPS WIFI Android Game Console combines retro game console and tablet computer. Supporting supporting Emulates: NES, SNES, GB/GBC/GBA, Mega Drive, MAME, N64, PSX, Flash 10.X games. Allowing you to play games via WIFI connecting. At the same time, the Android 2.2 makes it a cute mini tablet and have an excellent HDMI output. PSP 3000? No, only a copy game console supporting touch screen!
Main function:
- 1. 5.0" High definition Touch Screen
- 2. 5.0 Mega pixels digital camera & DV function(Optional for double camera)
- 3. Support all audio decoding, Multi-tasks to play,listen to music while watching ebook and play the game. Multi-channel output
- 4. Sopport 1080P(1920x1080pixel)video decoding, RM/RMVB,PPTV,Support online TV, online movie,Support flash player 10. X online play ,Plugin subtitles SMI, SRT, SUB, SSA, ASS, SUB+IDX,ISO Navigation
- 5. Android2.2 OS,quickly visit any website, see news, office, reading, online download . Support website flash display
- 6. Wifi function,support E-mail,browse Office software,Word,execl... Support many input method, support handwritten input method. Support video chat and QQ chat etc.
- 7. Audio and video output(HDMI 1080p NTSC/PAL)
- 8. Game function,support 8bit NES/FC,GB,GBC.16bit SMC,SMD,SFC/SNES.32bit GBA,MAME.64bit N64,support 3D PSX(480X272),HD 3D(800x480), android APK 3D games. Flash 10.X games, support full screen touch game,support gravity sensor direction sensor game, support network multi-player against games
- 9. Ebook function:TXT,PDF format
- 10.FM radio function(Optional), Clock, calendar, calculator
- 11.Support JPG format photos browsing, support small screen preview, 3D switch, slide broadcast, zoom
- 13.Support Micro SD card
- 14.Built-in double speaker
- CPU:1.2GHz
- GPU: Mali 400 @ 395MHz
- RAM: 512MB
- 5" 800 x 480 touch screen display
- 5 Mega Pixel camera
- Supports Micro SD card
- Stereo speakers
- USB - supports keyboard/mouse etc
- Video, music, photo, e-book, calendar, calculator, web browser etc
- Emulates: NES, SNES, GB/GBC/GBA, Mega Drive, MAME, N64, PSX, Flash 10.X games
- Supports network multi-player games
- Gravity sensor
- Dimensions: 175mm x 75mm x 20mm | Weight: 200g
Not bad for a clone, link here --> http://www.isharegifts.com/yinlips-a...p4-p-1573.html
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December 19th, 2011, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Several online retailers have priced PlayStation Vita’s launch titles, while listing Uncharted: Golden Abyss with a £44.99 RRP.
ShopTo, The Hut and Play.com are among those which have placed the launch line-up available to pre-order online.
RRPs range from £24.99 to £44.99 on ShopTo, although Uncharted is the only Vita title to feature the latter price tag. Many games have £34.99 or £39.99 RRPs.
£34.99 games include WipEout 2048, Touch My Katamari and ModNation Racers Road Trip, while £39.99 titles comprise of Killzone, BioShock, Assassin’s Creed, Virtua Tennis 4 and more.
The lower-priced games with £24.99 RRPs include Reality Fighters and Little Deviants.
Many retailers have priced the games lower than their suggested RRPs, with Uncharted priced at £38.86 at ShopTo, £39.85 at The Hut and £39.99 on Play.com. The latter online store has priced some games as low as £17.99 inclduing Reality Fighters and Little Deviants.
Earlier this month a report revealed that boxed Vita games could cost 40 per cent more than the same titles in download form.
Vita goes on sale in the UK on February 22nd. It launched in Japan this weekend.
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December 19th, 2011, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
 The PlayStation Vita has just barely hit the market in Japan, and it's already off to a rocky start with consumers. Only a matter of hours after the first unit was sold, users started complaining of software bugs, unresponsive touchscreens and complete system freezes. It's actually quite normal for new consoles to have a rough first few days with their new owners, but the speed at which it went from a few folks complaining of poor performance to a firestorm of furious customers flooding Twitter was quite surprising. Strangely enough, Sony must have been aware that some of these issues still lurked inside their latest portable gaming hardware, as the company has already issued a public apology and a software update. Hopefully most of the kinks will be worked out by the time the handheld hits stateside -- we're not sure how forgiving American gamers will be when faced with the lag you can see in the video after the break.
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December 19th, 2011, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Online shop Play.com has gone live with PlayStation Vita launch game prices and made games available to pre-order.A variety of RRPs are listed - the highest is £44.99 for Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Play sells it for £40).On the other end of the scale, Little Deviants and Reality Fighters are £18 (RRP 24.99).Everybody's Golf and WipEout 2048 are middle tier games, and carry a £34.99 RRP.Meanwhile, Play.com lists the 16GB PlayStation Vita Memory Card with a RRP of £44.99, but is selling it for £40. The 8GB Memory Card is £28 (RRP £31.99). The 4GB Memory Card is £15 (RRP £17.99). Most Vita games require a Memory Card to play.The Vita, which launches in the UK on 22nd February 2012, comes in two flavours: Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi and 3G.The Wi-Fi only model costs £229.99. The Wi-Fi and 3G model costs £279.99.It's worth shopping around for your Vita goodies of course. Amazon.co.uk is selling Uncharted: Golden Abyss for £28.37. It has Ridge Racer down for £30.07.Sony is yet to officially price Vita software.
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December 19th, 2011, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
An eagle-eyed gamer has spotted what looks like a hint that EA plans to launch a Battlefield 2142 sequel.An Easter Egg on Battlefield 3 map Wake Island, which comes with the Back to Karkand expansion, shows the number 2143 scrawled on a wall.As BF3blog points out, DICE has a habit of dropping hints at future games into existing ones. In 2006 it included Easter Eggs in Battlefield 2: Euro Forces and Armoured Fury map packs that hinted at a new game called 2142. That game, a PC exclusive, launched the same year the Easter Eggs emerged.2142, which launched after Battlefield 2, was a science-fiction multiplayer-focused first-person shooter developed by DICE and published by EA. It was set in the 22nd century during a new ice age. Military superpowers the European Union and Pan Asian Coalition go at it.
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December 19th, 2011, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has been taken to court over new Terms of Service that were added to prevent people from taking it to court. Funny, that.
Introduced in September, the new terms of service user agreement had users to agree not to take Sony to court. Agreement is required in order to access the PSN.
But a Northern California man has taken legal action against Sony for unfair business practices for forcing users to choose between giving up their right to sue or ceasing to use a service they effectively paid for when they purchased a PS3.
Filed on behalf of everyone who bought a PS3 before the new terms were added, the suit also alleges that Sony hid the new clauses down in the long document, and failed to make an easily accessible version of it available online as it had for previous ToS changes.
It'll be interesting to see if similar action is taken against Microsoft, who also recently added similar clauses to its Xbox Live ToS to prevent class action lawsuits.
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December 19th, 2011, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Digital Vita titles take a few seconds longer to load than those running off retail game cards, as you can see in the movie below.
Kotaku apparently tested this with multiple games and got the same result on each occasion. Presumably the proprietary memory cards that PS Vita games come on use a faster data transfer rate than the system's flash storage cards.There is a benefit to digital Vita games though,namely the price. Uncharted: Golden Abyss, for example, costs 5,980 yen (£50) at retail, while the downloadable version costs 4,900 yen (£40).
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December 20th, 2011, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Free mini-game collection Ape Escape included in latest update
Sony’s Tablet S has just been updated to allow for PS3 controller support.
Engadget reports users in Japan can now use connect a Dualshock 3 pad to the tablet, and even play wirelessly after the initial connection.
Users of the Tablet S will need to buy an additional USB adapter cable to be able to use the controller.
The update also comes with free download, an Ape Escape mini-game collection, which can be played using the PS3 pad.
Sony’s Tablet P has not been similarly updated however to be compatible with the PS3 controller.
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December 20th, 2011, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Japan launch sales beat PSP but down 50,000 units on 3DS
Sony’s next-gen portable PS Vita shifted 321,407 units in its first two days on sale in Japan.
The figure, reported by Famitsu, is higher than the opening days of Sony’s last handheld system the PSP, which has gone on to sell over 70 million systems since 2004.
The launch figure is however down on Nintendo’s 3DS, which sold 371,326 systems in its first two days in Japan, 50,000 more that Vita.
PS Vita is expected to launch in the UK next year on February 22nd.
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December 20th, 2011, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Platform holder Sony has apologised and released a guide to help PlayStation Vita owners fix an early system freeze problem.
A number of buyers have reported bugs since the handheld went on sale in Japan this weekend, such as unresponsive touchscreens and system lockups, reports Engadget.
Several have uploaded videos to YouTube to demonstrate the bugs.
It’s not uncommon for new pieces of hardware to launch without any minor snags however, and Sony has since issued an apology to customers. It has also uploaded a troubleshooting guide to thePlayStation Japan website.
Some initial Vita problems that Sony has fixes for include data not being retrieved properly, PSN account registration failing, freezes and power issues.
The PlayStation Vita goes on sale in the UK on February 22nd. It shifted 321,407 units within its first two days on sale in Japan.
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December 20th, 2011, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is still putting out new UMD dual packs for the PSP. Adding to previouspacks are three new bundles, once again packaged by genre. Each will be available as a download through PSN or at your favorite brick-and-mortar in January.
For $14.99, you can snag one of these new Dual Packs: Patapon and LocoRoco;Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee and Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip; or Motorstorm: Artic Edge and Twisted Metal: Head On. If you've been waiting to pounce on these PSP classics, now may be the time – unless you're waiting on the Vita. Of course, if you've waited long enough for these PSP games, odds are you're waiting on the Vita, too.
And to think your mom said you'd never be a smart shopper. Way to show her
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December 20th, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
 Originally slated for a simultaneous 360 and PS3 release on December 20, King of Fighters XIII's upcoming "NESTS Kyo" character DLC pack has been delayed for PS3 fighters until January 10. A fantastically vague "technical error" is to blame for the issue, according to the Atlus press release after the break. In order to make it up to you, SNK Playmore will be lowering the character's cost to $2.99 for a limited time once it lands.
In somewhat sunnier KoFXIII news, Atlus is also planning a substantial netcode patch for both versions of the game which is said to "make the game's network infrastructure more consistent for users, ensuring that the evaluation given connections is more accurate to the actual play experience." The patch will also introduce minimum signal strength requirement settings on the host side of matchmaking, so players will be able to prevent users with poor connections from joining their open match. SNK Playmore plans on releasing the patch "as soon as possible."
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December 21st, 2011, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has its software release schedule for the PlayStation Vita sketched out into 2013, according to Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida.Yoshida told the PlayStation Blog that it generally plans software three years in advance, but the ease of development on the Vita might mean it can squeeze a few more titles in before then that are currently not on the slate."We have a fairly firm plan right up to 2013 but, because PS Vita gives us the opportunity to work on smaller titles like Escape Plan and Sound Shapes, I'm certain we will end up working on more games than we even know about at this moment," he explained."On top of the launch line-up, we have already announced LittleBigPlanet, Resistance: Burning Skies, ModNation: Road Trip, and Killzone."He added that Sony has learned from mistakes made following the PSP launch where it switched focus to the PlayStation 3 soon after release, leaving its handheld starved of first party software."In the past we launched PSP and then shifted our attention to PS3 when that came on the horizon, which we now concede was a mistake. So with PS Vita we are working on this huge range titles and planning ahead for a constant supply of excellent games."Sony's new handheld lands on these shores on 22nd February 2012, following its Japanese launch last week.
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December 21st, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita's battery lasts more than an hour longer than the 3DS when both systems are played at the highest possible settings, according to a system test coming out of Japan.As reported by Andriasang, a Japanese YouTuber timed a freshly-charged Vita, a 3DS and a PSP 3000 from when they were booted up until they ran out of battery.The 3DS died first, at the two hours and 35 minute mark. Next came the Vita, which conked out after three hours and 47 minutes. The PSP smashed both, lasting a full nine hours.The 3DS was running Monster Hunter Tri G, the Vita Uncharted and the PSP Monster Hunter Portable Third. All were set to optimum brightness and volume, while the 3DS had its 3D slider turned all the way up.It's not clear from the clip whether all three models were brand new.Sony originally claimed that the Vita's battery offers between three and five hours of play, a claim matched by Nintendo prior to the 3DS launch.
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December 21st, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Everybody's Golf and Uncharted: Golden Abyss are the two most popular game in the Japanese Vita launch line-up, according to Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida.Speaking in an interview with the PlayStation Blog, Yoshida revealed that the games, both published by Sony Worldwide Studios, are the most pre-ordered titles in the country."We collect data from retailers taking pre-orders and we know that Everybody's Golf is the most popular and Uncharted: Golden Abyss is number two. I'm very proud that they are both Worldwide Studios titles," he said.For reference, the full launch line-up looked like this: - BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend - 2D fighting game (Arc System Works)
- Project N.O.E.L.S. (working title) - music player (Arc System Works)
- 3gokushi touchbattle (working title) - MMO/RTS (AQ Interactive)
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - fighting game (Capcom) - Launch title
- Nature of Night of Kamaitachi - 11th visitor, A Suspect (tentative) - adventure: sound novel (Chunsoft)
- F1 2011 - racing game (Codemasters)
- Dream C Club Zero Portable - dating simulation game (D3 Publisher)
- Niconico - Niconico (Dwango)
- Fis Oh - sport fishing (Kadokawa Games)
- Katamari Damacy (working title) - roll-'em-up (Namco Bandai)
- Ridge Racer (working title) - racing game (Namco Bandai)
- Disgaea 3 Return - strategy RPG (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition - sport tennis (Sega)
- @field - sport golf (Sonic Powered)
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss - action adventure (Sony)
- Little Deviants - mini-game collection (Sony)
- Minnato Issho - social communications (Sony)
- Hot Shots Golf Next (Everybody's Golf Next) - sport golf (Sony)
- Yuusha no kiroku (TBD) - life management (Sony)
- Monster Radar - location-based game (Sony)
- Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja - stealth action (Spike)
- Army Corps of Hell - action (Square Enix)
- Lord of Apocalypse - action RPG (Square Enix)
- Dynasty Warriors Next - action with a bit of thinking (Tecmo Koei)
- Dark Quest - RPG (Ubisoft)
- Michael Jackson: The Experience HD - rhythm action (Ubisoft)
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December 21st, 2011, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment's already mapped out "a firm plan" of Vita game releases until up to 2013, worldwide studios boss Shuhei Yoshida's said.
Speaking to the PlayStation blog, Yoshida explained that after the PSP game drought following the launch of PS3, Sony's decided to plan ahead with Vita "for a constant supply of excellent games.""Generally we look three years ahead when we work on games," he said. "We have a fairly firm plan right up to 2013 but, because PS Vita gives us the opportunity to work on smaller titles like Escape Plan and Sound Shapes, I'm certain we will end up working on more games than we even know about at this moment.
He added: "In the past we launched PSP and then shifted our attention to PS3 when that came on the horizon, which we now concede was a mistake. So with PS Vita we are working on this huge range titles and planning ahead for a constant supply of excellent games."
On the most popular Vita games so far among the Japanese public, Yoshida revealed that Everybody's Golf and Uncharted: Golden Abyss were the most pre-ordered.
"Japanese people traditionally have a strong local preference, particularly with the Manga style look of characters that they love. But as technology and presentation advances in games like Uncharted and Call of Duty, they are rightly seeing their quality.
"Also, it helps that SCEJ paid a lot of money to get Harrison Ford to appear on TV playing Uncharted!"
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December 21st, 2011, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
The latest figures from Japanese stats body Media Create shows that the PlayStation Vita claimed a sell-through of around 65 per cent over its opening weekend.
It pins the two-day sales figures at 325k units for the weekend of December 17th and 18th. In total Sony shipped in the region of 500k units in total for the launch.
Media Create admitted that the final sales numbers were lower than it had hoped for Sony’s machine, Andrasang reports.
The reason, it believes, is cost – consumers face an outlay in the region of ¥40k when the price of the system, games and accessories are totted up.
“The shipment was abundant, so it seems that there were hardly any reports of inability to buy due to shortages,†Media Create CEO Atsushi Hosokawa stated.
“Regarding sold units, to be honest we would like to have seen it sell a bit more, but you can say that it reached a certain level of success."
Media Create added that the Vita’s predecessor, the PSP, sold 60k units last wee – a factor the analyst believes could also be hitting Vita sales.
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December 22nd, 2011, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is a little hot under the collar after a recent wave of stories regarding some bugs that allegedly beguiled the first wave of PS Vita owners. As you may recall, reports were pouring in that many customers were experiencing freeze ups and other performance issues with their new handhelds, prompting Sony to issue an apology. Well, it seems as if something got lost in translation. A UK spokesperson for the company told the Guardian that the statement was actually apologizing to customers experiencing difficulty getting through to tech support, not for the screen issues that have been the subject of many a YouTube video. He went on to say that Sony has seen no evidence of widespread problems with the portable gaming device, though, there was firmware update made immediately available to address some bugs.
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December 22nd, 2011, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony UK is downplaying the scope of reported freezing issues with the PlayStation Vita. Speaking to The Guardian, SCE UK head of public relations David Wilson said, "We're annoyed with these stories, because we can't find any evidence of widespread glitches."
He went on to clarify that there has been no apology issued from Sony on the subject of glitches. "The stories even said that Sony has issued an apology for PS Vita glitches, which simply isn't true – there's an apology on our Japanese website for people who are having trouble getting through to our technical help line, but that's it." The page with the apology also links directly to a list oftroubleshooting measures in case of a freeze.
But don't take the overwhelmed tech support, and addressing "freezes" in a shortlist of frequently asked questions, as evidence that freezing is a common issue.
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December 22nd, 2011, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
 Speaking on the Call of Duty Elite program, "Roll Call," Infinity Ward community guru Robert Bowling revealed that the first batch of Modern Warfare 3 DLC will be available next month. Specifically, Bowling announced that the "full season of content for Modern Warfare 3 kicks off for Elite subscribers January 24th on Xbox Live." As usual, expect the DLC to remain exclusive to Xbox for some time before launching on PS3 and PC.
Bowling didn't drop details on what the first batch of content would contain, though he did hint MW3 DLC would cover a wide spectrum, including Spec Ops and "a variety of things that players have never seen before." All of this is made possible by the massive development team, featuring Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer and Raven Software.
Oh, and if you're having trouble finding this particular video on Call of Duty Elite, it might be because it's in the Elite TV section, which is reserved for premium (read: "paid") members.
Update: Bowling has tweeted an image from the upcoming DLC, a map known simply as "Park." It's worth mentioning that Park was mentioned in a rumored late last month. Other maps mentioned included Overwatch, Cement, Italy and (ahem) Morningwood.
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December 22nd, 2011, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Formerly Japan-only PSP strategy RPG Gungnir is heading West courtesy of Atlus.The publisher plans to launch the game in North America on both UMD and PlayStation Network on 12th June 2012. No mention of an official European release yet.Originally released in Japan back in April, it's the latest effort from developer Sting Entertainment - the studio behind the Yggdra Union strategy series and DS RPG Knights in the Nightmare.Apparently the story follows a young female noble armed with a mysterious divine spear who is tasked with unseating an oppressive tyranny. Combat is turn-based and, according to Atlus' announcement, "offers a number of fresh twists on an expertly honed formula."There are no screens available just yet but the opening cinematic below should give you some idea of what to expect.
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December 22nd, 2011, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Telltale Games' Jurassic Park tie-in has finally arrived on the European PlayStation Network, more than a month after it launched in the US.No word from the developer on why it took so long.As announced earlier this month, Xbox 360 users will have to wait until publisher Kalypso Media Group releases a retail version some time in early 2012.The game, which picks up immediately after the events of Spielberg's 1993 blockbuster, hasn't had a particularly warm welcome from critics."Ironically for a series based around the idea of a carefully staged experience that collapses into unpredictable chaos, you're always more passenger than participant on this visit to Jurassic Park," read Eurogamer's 4/10 Jurassic Park review.
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December 22nd, 2011, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Already pondering that long-awaited trip to Japan in order to snag a PlayStation Vita in advance? Hold your horses, vaquero. Sony has just given anxious US and Canadian gamers reason to look forward to a launch of their own by laying out the official software plan for 2012. We're told that February 22nd will be the day to remember, with a total of 25 titles being available alongside the console. In fact, the company's calling this "the biggest and best lineup [it has] ever launched across the history of PlayStation platforms." Over 100 titles are in development, with the 25 shipping on day one being priced between $9.99 and $49.99; moreover, each one will be available for purchase at retail locations as well as downloadable on the PlayStation Network. Hit the source link below for the full spiel, and keep your eyes peeled for pre-orders to go live in the coming weeks.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Last month, GameStop posted pre-order listings for Vita memory cards, with dire, dire prices -- from $30 for a 4GB card to $120 for the 32GB card. In its launch lineup announcement, the PlayStation Blog revealed the "official" pricing for the unimaginably tiny accessories, and it's ... better.
Still pretty expensive.
According to Sony, the 4GB card will retail for $19.99, 8GB for $29.99, 16GB for $59.99, and the 32GB for $99.99. In addition, you'll be able to get a 4GB card along with a "Pocket Pouch," screen cover, card case, headphones, and cleaning cloth in a $40 "Starter Kit." GameStop still has yet to update its listings, but we're sure it will soon. If it doesn't, you should really look elsewhere.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
This may or may not be a surprise to you, depending on your level of cynicism about the relative lack of content in Ridge Racer for PlayStation Vita, but it was developed at a quick pace. A Famitsu interview with director Hideo Teramoto (translated by Andriasang) notes that development started in "spring," which likely refers to March at the earliest -- giving the team about eight months to have the game ready for the Vita's Japanese launch.
Teramoto said that the development schedule was "tight," as Andriasang puts it, but that the Vita hardware was easy to develop for, with the development kit in an "advanced state." The content was in an advanced state as well, on account of having already been designed for other Ridge Racer games. Oh, there we go being cynical again.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita comes pre-loaded with a suite of minigames, under the delightfully Japanese heading of "Welcome Park." Each of the five games is designed to give users practice with one of the Vita's interface methods: the touchscreen (and touch panel), the mic, the camera, and the gyroscope/accelerometer.
I get the feeling they were designed not only to enable practice, but to familiarize users with the fact that these interfaces exist. They're even suggested to you in a particular order. Something about tapping numbers in sequence as my first Vita experience made me feel that just maybe Sony doesn't have the most confidence in its users.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
 Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida has expressed his love for Queasy Games' Sound Shapes over the rest of the PlayStation Vita's lineup, and offered a couple hints as to the future of the new handheld's software lineup.
"When we introduce new hardware with unique interfaces and network options, it is almost easier to work on something completely new," Yoshida said in a recent interview with Sony's EU PlayStation blog. "Take rear touch on PS Vita – we'd rather be thinking about how we can make fresh games using that feature than figuring out ways to add it to something that already exists." This concept is already reflected by games like the aforementioned Sound Shapes, as well as Escape Plan and Gravity Daze, while the opposite is reflected in entries like Uncharted, Resistance, and Killzone. That said, Sony's plans extend at least a few years into the future.
"Generally we look three years ahead when we work on games. We have a fairly firm plan right up to 2013," Yoshida told the blog. He also admitted that, with PSP, the company's attention shifted dramatically to the PS3 when it launched, leaving the portable handheld somewhat in the dark -- something he promises won't happen with the Vita. "In the past we launched PSP and then shifted our attention to PS3 when that came on the horizon, which we now concede was a mistake. So with PS Vita we are working on this huge range titles and planning ahead for a constant supply of excellent games." Fingers crossed, folks!
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Did you guess Atlus's mystery SRPG to be Gungnir for PSP? Congratulations! For your excellent guessing skills, you win ... the chance to purchase Gungnir on June 12! Atlus has officially unveiled the next game in Sting's "Dept. Heaven" series, an SRPG about a small resistance group who, in addition to fighting its rebellion, must protect a magical spear and a young woman who fell from the sky.
The gameplay assigns predetermined numerical time intervals to all actions, allowing players to plot their movements precisely in terms of how long each will take. It's possible to accelerate combat actions using "tactical points."
Atlus isn't done teasing yet. Immediately after announcing Gungnir, it sent another email teasing the upcoming announcement of another game whose title starts with G.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is accepting applications for the PlanetSide 2 beta.You need a SOE Station account to put your name down at the revamped PlanetSide 2 website."Next year is going to be HUGE for Planetside 2," creative director Matthew Higby said. "We have a lot of seriously exciting stuff planned and hope you'll join us for the ride."PlanetSide 2, once known as PlanetSide Next, is a massively multiplayer first-person sci-fi shooter sequel.There's an online persistent world, diverse combat roles and deep skill trees. Several classic roles from PlanetSide return. The three factions you can choose from are the Terran Republic, New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has said that the sales figures for digital download versions of Vita software are "exceeding expectations".
As reported earlier, PlayStation Vita's 20 launch games sold a combined total of 300,000 copies in the system's first two days of availability, according to Japanese retail tracker Media Create.That compares unfavourably to the 0.95 first week attach rate of 3DS and the 1.06 first week attach rate of PSP, but that does not take in account the games Vita owners have purchased digitally via PSN.
Speaking at a press conference for Gung Ho Entertainment's Ragnarok Odyssey in Japan this week, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan CEO Hiroshi Kawano said the retail sales were "a figure in accordance with expectations".
But he went on to add: "Sales of the download versions of titles are exceeding expectations," and that games and peripherals are selling extremely well."
Kawano refrained from revealing any hint of the download figures.
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December 23rd, 2011, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
If you're planning on splashing out on the largest memory card you can get for Vita, you may have to seek the help of an importer.
While Europe and PAL territories (New Zealand, Australia) will be getting the 4GB, 8GB and 16GB cards, they will not be getting the largest card - at 32GB - available in Japan and confirmed for launch in US.
"At this time we are not planning to launch with the 32GB Vita Memory Card," said Sony's PS Vita European Product Manager Adam Grant.
Sony today confirmed the full lineup of 25 Vita games for the US launch on February 22. While Vita will be out in EU on the same day, SCEE is yet to confirm a full lineup.
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December 24th, 2011, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed line-up and prices for the European launch of Vita next February 22.
As previously reported, the console will come six AR Play cards and a voucher for three free AR games.
The full software line-up is as follows:
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss – £44.99 (€49.99)
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip – £34.99 (€39.99)
- Everybody’s Golf – £34.99 (€39.99)
- WipEout 2048 – £34.99 (€39.99)
- Unit 13 – £34.99 (€39.99)
- Little Deviants – £24.99 (€29.99)
- Reality Fighters – £24.99 (€29.99)
While the 32GB Vita memory card won't be available at launch, the three smaller sizes will be priced as follows:
- 4Gb Memory Card – £17.99 (€19.99)
- 8Gb Memory Card – £31.99 (€34.99)
- 16Gb Memory Card – £44.99 (€49.99)
Vita sold around 325,000 in the first two days after the console launched in Japan over the weekend
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December 24th, 2011, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
GameStop has apologised for wrongly informing customers thatThe Last Guardian, Team Ico's in-production PlayStation game, had been cancelled via an automated email.
The game was removed from the company's website and in-store systems at the same time that the email was sent.
Sony quickly moved to quash the rumour, senior director of corporate communications Patrick Seybold issuing a statement saying this wasn't the case.
GameStop has now issued its own statement to Kotaku which reads:
"The Last Guardian has not been cancelled by Sony as we incorrectly stated in an automated call to reservation customers. Because the game did not have a specific release date, GameStop made the decision to remove the game from our system. The Last Guardian will be reinstated for pre-order when a firm launch date is known."
Former Team Ico boss Fumito Ueda left Sony earlier this month, but continues to work on the project.
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December 25th, 2011, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Cloud gaming service OnLive has updated its free app for Android devices to support Xperia Play's slide-out controls.
The move enables gameplay of almost all OnLive titles, and makes Xperia Play the first mobile device to play console-performance games using in-built controls."From the moment we launched our OnLive Android app, gamers began asking about Sony Ericsson Xperia Play game control support," said OnLive CEO Steve Perlman. "We listened and delivered.
"Now Xperia Play gamers in the US and UK can play almost all of OnLive's 200 premium titles-including hit AAA games like Saints Row: The Third and Assassin's Creed: Revelations-on their Xperia Play smartphone with a full console-class experience, including multiplayer and social features."
Other Android tablet and smartphone owners can play OnLive demos of 24 games, such as Dirt 3 and Defense Grid Gold, which have been either redesigned with native touch controls or include various virtual gamepads on-screen. Alternatively, they can play nearly every game in OnLive's library using the recently released OnLive Wireless Controller.
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December 26th, 2011, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
The year ended well with Vita's release, but Sony's 2011 was defined by the PS3 and PSN hacks.
PlayStation 3
Sony's year got off to the worst possible start with the news that the PlayStation 3 had been hacked. George "Geohot" Hotz, the man who devised the iPhone jailbreak, published the PS3's root key online, opening up the console to mass piracy. Less than a week after telling us it would re-secure PlayStation 3 with a series of firmware updates, Sony filed a lawsuit against Hotz and 100 unnamed members of fail0verflow, a hacking group also credited with the breakthrough.
Sony won the first round - a court granting it a restraining order on the same day a firmware update pushed pirates off PSN - but the case soon got bogged down in an argument over jurisdiction, Hotz arguing his home state of New Jersey, rather than SCEA's California base, would be the better venue. Sony set about resecuring its console and online network, sending an email to those running custom firmware telling them to change their ways or face PSN bans. Sony accused Hotz of "dodging the court's authority" after he went to South America and failed to comply with an order to hand over computer hard drives. Hotz insisted he was on vacation, but the hacking group Anonymous decided it had had enough. Which is where things went from bad to worse.
First, Anonymous released a statement slamming Sony for its treatment of Hotz and Graf Chokolo, a hacker who was working to restore the OtherOS feature Sony had removed from PS3 in 2010. A splinter group, Sony Recon, began gathering personal information on Sony employees and their families, but Anonymous backed down after an attack on PSN provoked the ire of gamers unable to play online. Days later, Hotz and Sony settled out of court. We like to think it was Hotz's YouTube rap that sealed the deal.
It didn't end there, of course. On April 21 Sony said it had taken PSN offline for maintenance. Then it said it was an "emergency outage." Six days later it admitted that the personal information of 77 million PSN users had been compromised, and that while it had found no evidence of credit card data being taken it could not rule it out. The company's MMOG wing, Sony Online Entertainment, later warned of the potential loss of 24.6 million users' data.
Kaz Hirai apologised and announced the Welcome Back programme, a choice of free games designed at tempting users back online once PSN was back up and running. But with the outage in its fourth week, we revealed that it was beginning to impact on retail, with die-hard online gamers running out of patience and trading their PS3s in for 360s. On May 16, Sony finally began restoring PSN - though the Store itself wouldn't return until June 2, with Japan forced to wait a further month. It was a protracted, thoroughly embarrassing saga, and to see how it all panned out we suggest a look at our PSN attack timeline.
Sony announced its PSP successor at a Tokyo event in January, smartly held just eight days after Nintendo's European 3DS launch event, codenamed Next Generation Portable. With its 5-inch OLED screen running at four times the resolution of a PSP, dual sticks, front and rear touch pads and cameras, and a quad-core ARM CPU it was clearly a high-end gaming device, but what was most surprising about the announcement was PlayStation Suite. The cross-platform, hardware-neutral framework meant Vita, as well as Sony tablets and other Android devices, would be capable of playing PlayStation Certified content. It showed that, unlike Nintendo, Sony understood how the portable gaming landscape had changed since the release of PSP and DS.
Much was also made of Vita being far easier to develop for than its predecessor, with Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida saying PS3 ports would be easy, Andrew House acknowledging PSP's "development challenges," with both WipeOut 2048 developer Studio Liverpool and SCEE saying it was the most dev-friendly PlayStation yet.
At E3, Kaz Hirai revealed NGP's final name, as well as confirming its US price - $249 for WiFi only, $299 with 3G - though his announcement of AT&T as Vita's 3G provider of choice didn't go down so well. Hirai said the machine would be released in 2011, but Sony spent much of the year managing expectations, warning that a worldwide release was difficult, and even more so following the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in March.
As such it was little surprise when Hirai confirmed Vita would only be released in Japan in 2011, with other territories to follow next year. The system eventually hit shelves on December 17, and sold 324,000 units - 65 per cent of its launch allocation - in the first two days. The system will be released in the US, Europe and Australia on February 22.
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December 26th, 2011, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
The year ended well with Vita's release, but Sony's 2011 was defined by the PS3 and PSN hacks.
PlayStation 3
Sony's year got off to the worst possible start with the news that the PlayStation 3 had been hacked. George "Geohot" Hotz, the man who devised the iPhone jailbreak, published the PS3's root key online, opening up the console to mass piracy. Less than a week after telling us it would re-secure PlayStation 3 with a series of firmware updates, Sony filed a lawsuit against Hotz and 100 unnamed members of fail0verflow, a hacking group also credited with the breakthrough.
Sony won the first round - a court granting it a restraining order on the same day a firmware update pushed pirates off PSN - but the case soon got bogged down in an argument over jurisdiction, Hotz arguing his home state of New Jersey, rather than SCEA's California base, would be the better venue. Sony set about resecuring its console and online network, sending an email to those running custom firmware telling them to change their ways or face PSN bans. Sony accused Hotz of "dodging the court's authority" after he went to South America and failed to comply with an order to hand over computer hard drives. Hotz insisted he was on vacation, but the hacking group Anonymous decided it had had enough. Which is where things went from bad to worse.
First, Anonymous released a statement slamming Sony for its treatment of Hotz and Graf Chokolo, a hacker who was working to restore the OtherOS feature Sony had removed from PS3 in 2010. A splinter group, Sony Recon, began gathering personal information on Sony employees and their families, but Anonymous backed down after an attack on PSN provoked the ire of gamers unable to play online. Days later, Hotz and Sony settled out of court. We like to think it was Hotz's YouTube rap that sealed the deal.
It didn't end there, of course. On April 21 Sony said it had taken PSN offline for maintenance. Then it said it was an "emergency outage." Six days later it admitted that the personal information of 77 million PSN users had been compromised, and that while it had found no evidence of credit card data being taken it could not rule it out. The company's MMOG wing, Sony Online Entertainment, later warned of the potential loss of 24.6 million users' data.
Kaz Hirai apologised and announced the Welcome Back programme, a choice of free games designed at tempting users back online once PSN was back up and running. But with the outage in its fourth week, we revealed that it was beginning to impact on retail, with die-hard online gamers running out of patience and trading their PS3s in for 360s. On May 16, Sony finally began restoring PSN - though the Store itself wouldn't return until June 2, with Japan forced to wait a further month. It was a protracted, thoroughly embarrassing saga, and to see how it all panned out we suggest a look at our PSN attack timeline.
Sony announced its PSP successor at a Tokyo event in January, smartly held just eight days after Nintendo's European 3DS launch event, codenamed Next Generation Portable. With its 5-inch OLED screen running at four times the resolution of a PSP, dual sticks, front and rear touch pads and cameras, and a quad-core ARM CPU it was clearly a high-end gaming device, but what was most surprising about the announcement was PlayStation Suite. The cross-platform, hardware-neutral framework meant Vita, as well as Sony tablets and other Android devices, would be capable of playing PlayStation Certified content. It showed that, unlike Nintendo, Sony understood how the portable gaming landscape had changed since the release of PSP and DS.
Much was also made of Vita being far easier to develop for than its predecessor, with Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida saying PS3 ports would be easy, Andrew House acknowledging PSP's "development challenges," with both WipeOut 2048 developer Studio Liverpool and SCEE saying it was the most dev-friendly PlayStation yet.
At E3, Kaz Hirai revealed NGP's final name, as well as confirming its US price - $249 for WiFi only, $299 with 3G - though his announcement of AT&T as Vita's 3G provider of choice didn't go down so well. Hirai said the machine would be released in 2011, but Sony spent much of the year managing expectations, warning that a worldwide release was difficult, and even more so following the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in March.
As such it was little surprise when Hirai confirmed Vita would only be released in Japan in 2011, with other territories to follow next year. The system eventually hit shelves on December 17, and sold 324,000 units - 65 per cent of its launch allocation - in the first two days. The system will be released in the US, Europe and Australia on February 22.
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December 26th, 2011, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Did that almost reasonable 24-month turnaround time between Final Fantasy XIII and the just-released-in-Japan Final Fantasy XIII-2 rock your understanding of reality? Who could blame you? The development time of the last "direct" sequel was also pretty short -- two years between Final Fantasy X and X-2 -- but it was five years between Final Fantasy XII and XIII. Did Square-Enix make some dark sacrifice to summon the new game so quickly?
You'll probably need to talk with Tri-Ace about that. According to Tri-Ace programmer Yuichiro Kitao (courtesy of Twitter), the Star Ocean/Valkyrie Profiledeveloper assisted with design, programming, and art on the all-too-rare Final Fantasy sequel. Animal sacrifice may have also been involved, but that's not the kind of thing you talk about on Twitter. That's okay, Square-Enix; even Santa had the elves for help with that Christmas(ish) miracle.
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December 26th, 2011, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, the shock of a Day1 exploit on the Playstation Vita generated lots of buzz, discussions, and other various related events (Kim Jong Il couldn’t take it anymore and decided that living in a world where consoles get hacked on the day of their release was not worth it)
Now, as I said before, don’t get your hopes too high, as this is not really a Vita exploit rather than a PSP exploit within the sandboxed emulator. That being said, in the current state of our knowledge, there is strong hope that this could lead to PSP homebrew running on the vita, possibly through HBL. Developer Teck4, with the help of J416, plans to try and port HBL to this exploit. J416 was the first person to adapt HBL to a new game after we released it publicly for the patapon exploit, so I’m confident that the task is in good hands. I will of course do my best on my side to see if I can help solve some of the issues along the way.
That exploit set aside, I had the opportunity to look quickly at the PS Vita in the past few days. I don’t have the free time I wish I had to test everything within a few days, but what I can say so far is that Sony intends this console to be as secure as possible.
technical protections
Sony introduced not one but two new formats of memory cards for the Vita. As explained by a spokesperson from the Hardware division at Sony, this is part of a plan to make piracy more difficult. Until the format of the cards is reverse engineered, no reader will exist to try and read/write what’s on those cards. It is arguable why Sony added two new formats instead of one, although the paranoid guy inside of me thinks it’s to prevent piracy as much as possible (manufacturers will probably focus their efforts on duplicating the read/write cards rather than the PSVita cards)
In order to make this even more efficient, Sony removed one of the key features of the PSP: the possibility to use it as a USB drive when you plug in to a computer. Instead, a piece of software (the content management assistant) needs to be run on your PC and your PS Vita, which will allow you to import files from the PC to the Vita. I will give details on that piece of crapware tool from a user’s perspective in another post (hint: it’s very bad), but from a security point of view, this is a strong system. Unlike the iTunes pattern where iTunes runs on your computer and copies files to your iPhone, the “contents management assistant†runs on the PS Vita while your PC is just a fairly passive client. This is clever because a PC binary could have easily been decompiled, analyzed, and modified, but in this case, the Vita is the one that chooses which files go in, which files don’t. I can already foresee updates coming to that tool for every hack we will find involving the copy of files to the Vita.
The Content management assistant...yuck
In other words, Sony made it practically impossible to copy anything to the Vita, besides a very restricted list of file formats: jpg, png, tiff, mp3, wav, PSP savedata, psp games/apps, vita games/apps. The PSP/Vita games of course need to be correctly signed and packaged in the vita format (forget about your PSP homebrews for now), and potentially already linked one way or another to your Vita account. Bottom line: forget about using it as a convenient storage format, that super expensive memory card you bought for the Vita will be used exclusively to store stuff you buy on the Playstation Store. For the hackers, it means that attack vectors are limited.
Additionally, it seems the memory cards are tightly linked to the system itself. When a memory card is inserted/removed, the system requires a restart before being able to use the card. Is it in order to prevent some of the clever hacks that appeared in the early days of the PSP, and that consisted in quickly swapping 2 memory sticks? Whatever reason that is, it is highly probable that the data on the card is entirely encrypted, and bound to the playstation network account (which would be why switching accounts require a different memory card?).
I quickly tried some of the old crashes and exploits that were lying on my hard drives. Some of these involved for example mp3 files or image files… None of them was fully exploited, but I wanted to see the results on the Vita. So far all my “damaged†files that would make the PSP crash or display “hello world†types of messages are recognized as “corrupted†by the tool. It still agrees to copy damaged audio or photo files to the console, but simply refuses for games.
Legal protections
As mentioned before, the Terms and Conditions of the PS Vita are fairly restrictive. The “funny†part in particular is this one:
You may not
(i) use any unauthorized, illegal, counterfeit or modified hardware or software with System Software;
(ii) use tools to bypass, disable or circumvent any PS Vita encryption, security or authentication mechanism;
(iii) re-install earlier versions of the System Software (“downgradingâ€),
(iv) violate any laws, regulations or statutes or rights of SCE or third parties in connection with your access to or use of System Software; (v) use any hardware or software to cause System Software to accept or use unauthorized, illegal or pirated software or hardware;
(vi) obtain System Software in any manner other than through SCE’s authorized distribution methods; or
(vii) exploit System Software in any manner other than to use it with your PS Vita according to the accompanying documentation and with authorized software or hardware, including use of System Software to design, develop, update or distribute unauthorized software or hardware for use in connection with the PS Vita.
These restrictions will be construed to apply to the greatest extent permitted by the law in your jurisdiction.
The legality of this contract is doubtful, and this section is actually entirely illegal in some countries (at least in France as far as I know), but in some third-world countries where strong individual censorship is enforced such as the United States, this kind of contract has sometimes been used successfully in court.
There’s no choice but to accept that contract on the Vita as soon as you want to use the playstation store, which is the only way to acquire PSP games on the system. Hackers living in the US who would want to look for vulnerabilities in PSP games will need to take that into account.
On top of that, and as I mentioned a while ago, Sony is “learning†from some of their mistakes, and any firmware upgrade now contractually prevents US citizen from suing Sony in a class action, without some major constraints (this is in response to the class action suit that was taken against Sony for removing OtherOS from the PS3 in a firmware update). To be honest I don’t live in the US and I fell asleep in the middle of the second sentence, so I don’t know exactly what this does, I just find it creepy that there are countries in the world were Sony can change the way people can access their own country’s legal system…
The following terms in this Section 8, to the fullest extent permitted under law, only apply to you if you are a resident of the United States or a country in North, Central or South America.
If you have a Dispute with any Sony Entity or a Sony Entity’s officers, directors, employees and agents (“Adverse Sony Entityâ€) that cannot be resolved through negotiation as required as further described below. Other than those matters listed in the Exclusions from Arbitration clause, you and the Adverse Sony Entity must seek resolution of the Dispute only through arbitration of that Dispute according to Section 8′s terms and not litigate that Dispute in court. Arbitration means that the Dispute will be resolved by a neutral arbitrator instead of in a court by a judge or jury.
This Section 8 survives this Agreement’s termination.
What’s next?
This is only the surface of the security on the PS Vita. As we dig more, we will find more security, get more specific information about the system, find stronger locks, but also, who knows, weaknesses.
Sony are protecting their assets with any possible way. Personally I would have preferred if they had spent less time on security/legal terms and more time on making good games (*cough* ridge racer sucks *cough*), but given that they are probably today in the “hate list†of many hackers in the world, it’s understandable that they had to think about it a little bit.
Putting files (homebrews) on the Vita system seems to be the most interesting challenge for now. Clearly, updates to the content management tool will protect the console from hacks involving the copy of some specific files to the system, and that tool overall makes it fairly difficult to copy homebrews to the console. On that part, the help of hardware hacks will probably be needed, but I’m confident that Datel and the likes will be trying to provide third party memory cards as soon as possible… Or maybe other vectors such as the PS3 connectivity could be leveraged.
From the legal point of view…well basically until the US change their laws against reverse engineering, Sony is sending the message that they are not done harassing hackers if they find it’s the only way to protect their business. Those interesting to see details about how bad that can go can read the legal section of the excellent book “Hacking the XBox“. Good times ahead…
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December 26th, 2011, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, an exploit on the PS Vita through the PSP emulator was announced by Mamosuke. The exploit was found by Teck4, and, we won’t stress it enough, is a PSP exploit that gives us user mode access within the PSP emulator on the Vita. So this is not a Vita exploit per se, but it’s still very cool. Mamosuke confirmed this with a video a few days ago, and today I was able to confirm the exploit myself as shown in the video below (and I must admit that I spent way too much time working on that basic flame effect). The video below shows the exploit running on both a PSP 1000 and the PS Vita.
I spent a good amount of time today confirming some of my hopes that it will be possible to run HBL, at least to some extent, with that exploit. It doesn’t mean I have ported HBL to the Vita yet, but I have strong hopes this will be possible. A handful of hackers are working on bringing HBL to the Vita (I won’t mention their names here as I don’t know if they want to be contacted on the subject), and it should be “relatively†easy to get something to work fairly soon. (It should be noted though that the Vita is quite sensitive and crashed on me several times when it went into “sleep†mode from the exploit screen… from there – am I just paranoid? – it seems it is impossible to reboot the machine for almost 10 minutes, which made me think I had bricked my vita… could it be a anti-hacking security? If the console detects several crashes, it takes longer to boot, in order to prevent brusteforce types of attacks?)
I won’t discuss any release yet, it doesn’t depend on me only (this is, after all, Teck4′s exploit), but if I have my opinion to give on the subject, I would suggest to wait until the Vita is released in Europe and in the US. This gives us some time to polish HBL on this device, and hopefully the vulnerabilities we use to run HBL won’t have been patched by then.
This is of course just a challenge with little to no practical interest… once we publicly reveal the exploit (in particular, the game used in it), it will be extremely easy for Sony to patch it (or remove the game from the Playstation Store), so probably only a few people will be able to benefit from it… but only time will tell, there is still hope, after all, that Sony doesn’t care about a tool that allows us to run user mode psp homebrews in a sandboxed emulator.
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December 26th, 2011, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
It's already close to 2012 but here I am once more wishing on Christmas day to everyone following and using PCSX2!
So we all wish you will get what you want (and wish even more it's a new PC so you can run PCSX2 better!!), have fun and enjoy these few days with your loved ones because that's what counts in the end.
If you don't celebrate Christmas, Merry Sunday!
In other news, 0.9.9 is still in development with Gabest making a surprise comeback lately and working on the software rendering of GSdx. You can give the latest changes a try by going here: http://pcsx2.net/svn.php
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December 27th, 2011, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
There's not many things worse than when your new imported tech toy is hobbled by teething issues. Just over a week since its launch and Sony's great portable hope has been gifted its second firmware update. Version 1.51 can be grabbed through your PC, PS3 or the Vita itself and promises to fix issues with "game progress" -- mentioning launch title Dynasty Warriors: Next in particular. However, gamers have already figured out that playing through the title offline side-steps the software hiccups that this patch hopes to remedy. Early adopters can hit up the system update option to ensure their machines remain in peak condition or hit up the source for the PC link.
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December 28th, 2011, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
We're going to go out on a limb and assume that Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition, a mysterious new version of GT5 that's recently turned up on Amazon, Neweggand Buy, isn't a DLC-packed Game of the Year-esque compilation re-release, but rather a literally extra-large version of the original. Bigger cars, bigger tracks, bigger disc, bigger box ... it probably even requires an extra-large PlayStation 3 to play it.
If you're a market analyst looking to make safe predictions, we guess you could infer that GT5 XL Edition is actually the stateside title for Japan's upcomingGran Turismo 5 Spec II rerelease, but we prefer living on the edge and thinking outside of the box -- until Polyphony Digital makes an official announcement, of course, at which point all knowledge of this post will be disavowed.
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December 28th, 2011, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
You UK residents are such a lucky lot. Not only do you get all the episodes of Doctor Whoway, way earlier than us Americans, you'll also get a chance to play the PS Vita before us, too. Check out the full list of PS Vita Room events after the jump, as well as all the games featured therein.
Featured Games
- Modnation Racers Road Trip
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- Little Deviants
- Super Stardust
- Top Darts
- Everybody's Golf
- Gravity Rush
- WipEout 2048
- Hustle Kings
- Escape Plan
- Reality Fighters
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December 28th, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Today as I was using the PS Vita “content manager†in order to copy some files to the PS Vita, the content manager refused to start until I updated my firmware to official update 1.510. (This literally happened 10 minutes ago)What surprises me is that the vita was disconnected, so I am assuming the update order came from the client on my PC (Update: confirmed. And the Vita refuses to run the content manager if the PC is not connected to the net).
A friendly advice to anybody who tries to “investigate†the Vita like I do: install the content manager on a PC that has no network connection (Update: I think “bastards†is the first word that came to my mouth when I saw that the vita refuses to connect to the PC if the Pc is not connected to the internet. This is really really concerning, and I hope a few people will have a look at the code of the PC “content manager†client. I’d be extremely happy to know why Sony is spying on me through the content manager when I’m copying my porn movies to the vita…), and disconnect the Vita as well. It seems Sony has a possibility to prevent anyone from playing with the Content Manager too much. This also confirms that the PSP Exploit we’re working on is more or less moot, since as soon as it is made public, Sony will prevent people from copying the files to their Vita with an obligatory firmware update.
This is really twisted, and I could swear a compulsory update in order to use such a core feature of the console might be illegal in some countries…we’re far from the “you have a choice to stop using linux†here, it’s more of a “you have a choice to stop copying mp3 and movies from and to the consoleâ€.
I have no clue what this update is for, but I’ll have a look. I assume it patches some of the weird bugs that people reported, including (but not limited to) the weird “demo mode†glitch, and other “freeze in the xmb†type of errors…
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December 28th, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Update: one important clarification: this video shows HBL running on the latest firmware 1.510. The firmware update that happened today does not patch the exploit, unlike what some sites are saying.A few days ago Japanese developer Teck4 posted a picture of a “hello world†running on the PS Vita through the PSP emulator. I contacted him immediately with some help from Mamosuke, and I soon got enough information to start working on porting Half Byte Loader to this exploit (note that Teck4 is also working on exploiting this vulnerability further, but I don’t know how far he’s been).
What you see in the video below is the game “Sonic & Knuckles†running in picodrive, a Megadrive emulator for the PSP.
Yes, I’m running an emulator inside a hacked emulator on the Vita, that’s kind of cool. There’s lots to say about this ongoing work, but first let me state that, for once, this HBL port is entirely my work, except for the underlying PSP exploit which is initially from Teck4. I’ve been testing other people’s work for a while, so it was about time I got back to coding myself 
Now that my ego is satisfied, let’s move on to the details of the video below. I have good news, bad news, and ugly news. But first check the video below, the first usable hack on the PS vita, 10 days after the console is released 
This is technically HBL rising from the deads, running on the PS Vita, and loading the picodrive emulator. Usually I would show you the entire loading process, but you’ll understand that some of the things I do (in particular the exploit used) need to be kept under wraps until the whole thing is made public (if it is ever made public, read more below). I hope however that given my reputation on the PSP scene this won’t be categorized as a fake, please understand that I can’t show much this time. Picodrive is one of the easiest homebrews to run on HBL for some reason, that’s why I’m using it in my test. People who’ve used HBL a lot in its early days will recognize the sound glitch, this is some 22kHz sound being played at 44kHz, or the other way around, I can never remember. That’s because the PSP emulator is using PSP’s firmware 6.60, for which HBL’s syscall estimation code seems to be a bit useless. (I am still pending some reply from Teck4 to see if it would make sense to “officially†involve more hackers on this port, and see if we can fix those syscalls problems. For now, as far as I know I’m the only one who made it that far on the Vita, and I feel kind of lonely on this new hacking scene ^^).
Another good piece of news for me is that before HBL could run Homebrews so “smoothly†on the PSP, it took us several months (I can’t remember exactly, 3 month maybe before we got it running “ok-ish†?), while here it took me 3 days to get it to a usable state. Clearly, we didn’t lie when we said HBL would be portable to new game exploits 
So, that’s the good, I’ve proven to myself that it is possible to run HBL and actual homebrews on the Vita. With little effort, HBL could probably be improved to some extent on that exploit, and run a few useful homebrews.
2. The bad
There are slightly bad news too. One is the syscall estimation algorithm being busted, as I explained above. I discussed a bit with JJS, and it is probable that if a function is not imported by the game itself, we might not be able to use it at all. I’ll have a closer look (if I decide to dig further on this) to see if this can be improved, but that could greatly limit the amount of homebrews that can be played on this.
Another issue is that the time currently needed to load/run homebrews for the “end user†is a bit too long to my taste. In its current state, for now I don’t think this is (or will be, even if improved) very useful for the end user. Basically, if I want to run PSP homebrews for now, it’s way easier and cheaper to do so on a PSP, even on an unhacked one, through HBL. So, the overall uselessness of this makes me wonder if it should be kept secret in order for other hackers to do some research on it, or if it should really be released. I wouldn’t like people to point fingers at me if Sony patches some security flaws after this exploit goes public… I won’t take that decision alone (since I’m not the only one knowing the exploit), obviously, and there’s still time until the US/EU release, but I’m seriously considering the options here.
I have also yet to find a “good†way to install and run homebrews. I thought I had found a convenient way, but it didn’t work as expected. I’ll dig more on that, but it seems the PSP filesystem, as seen through the emulator on the vita, is a bit tricky and sneaky…
The ugly
There is, however, far worse than the little concerns above. What concerns me to a great extent is that I realized today that Sony can potentially spy everything we do with the content manager. Today I was forced to update my PS Vita to the new firmware. The content manager refuses to run if its PC client is not connected to the internet, and it refuses to run if the console doesn’t have the latest firmware. This means not only that Sony can force you to update your Vita firmware whenever they feel like it (something they never dared to do on the PSP or the PS3), but also that every time you copy a file from or to your Vita, some information is possibly sent to Sony’s servers. I half joked about me copying my porn movies to the Vita and Sony knowing about it, but it really concerns me that Sony is spying on the files I have on my hard drive just because I bought one of there gadgets.
I’m thinking here that the upcoming hacks for the PS Vita will involve lots of legal fights. It seems to me that unless Sony can prove they are not spying on their users, it is potentially illegal to require the tool to be connected while the content manager is running. Something as big as CarrierIQ could happen to them if their customers are willing to take it to court at some point (that’s an official call to network engineers would would like to analyze what’s going on when the content manager is connected to the internet…).
Incidentally, this is also means that Sony could be already aware of the hack and the techniques we’ve been using to trigger it, assuming they take a close look at the interactions between users’ PC and the Vita.
Anyways, despite these massive concerns, I’m proud to announce that I got some homebrew to run on the Vita 10 days after its release… as said before by BlackFire, it’s like “posting a sticker on a fortressâ€. Not very useful, but a message to Sony that we’re around
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December 28th, 2011, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is no stranger to dictatorship over consumer rights; and the latest instalment of its questionable security measures is for the PlayStation Vita. It’s only natural for companies to protect the system from hackers and that isn’t frowned upon by hackers, in-fact; most developers understand or at least expect this. The problem is more the fact that you can’t transfer any files to your Vita unless this update is complete (this includes any media).
Here’s how the update works:
- Connect your Vita to PC via the cable.
- Content Manager checks if the PC is connected to the internet.
- If yes, the Vita connects to your PC and updates to the new firmware.
- If not, the Vita does not connect to the PC.
In recent development, we’ve discovered that HBL runs on firmware 1.50 but was then blocked in this new 1.51 update; so if you get your system and connect it to your PC your dreams of having said Homebrew Loader are completely shattered.
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December 28th, 2011, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Among the finest homebrew PSP scene has experienced include Internet portals, a kind of web pages using the browser console that offers a different look to your console and full of features, music, photos, videos, mini play, etc. ... E-Mail Internet portals have experienced a major breakthrough in 2011 with the development of CFW / HEN but especially the sense of sharing the stage known as PSP. Different developers homebrew / CFW leave their code open source so that others can benefit-. As a result, portals today are being equipped with new features, they include mini-games, file managers systems, records management and even a video player! They also work now without having to go through the browser console directly from the XMB. In this sense, the French developer PSP arropsy1 the "team shipudden", presents its new web portal multifunction behalf of iShell , a portal dedicated to fans of the MAC.
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December 28th, 2011, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
By luck or bad luck-in fact, a Japanese man happy owner of Sony PlayStation VITA, has revealed the first one! The first may or may not interest the underground scene.
He decided to share his find with all the world by making a video illustrating the situation.
To make fast, the guy just fell on mute for the new console, a kind of "Factory mode" as seen on the PS3, with a few parameters to adjust. What you see on the video they are just dolphins in 3D, we can see the two characters basically OK or NG as the factory mode of the PS3. In fact we do not know much about this mode, its usefulness Its role ... etc.. We do not know how this guy was able to access, but from what he says and what it shows in this video, it is impossible to leave this mode, turn off the console is useless, in other words it is stuck on the "PS VITA Dolphin 3D Mode" So this is an interesting find in the underground scene, is it useful or not? Just five days since the console is on sale in Japan, can not answer these questions, much hope that our Japanese friends can get out of this problem!
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December 28th, 2011, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
The team behind the True Blue is their dongle to version 2.4.
New / fixed: - Improved stability - Improved security dongle The team has also intervened on Chinese clone of JB King. It takes us a note that this dongle is a copy and not a perfect copy without all the technology and infrastructure of the original, so it can not follow all the features of the True Blue and the team is able to block the next eboot games that come out. Homepage: www.truebluejb2.com
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December 28th, 2011, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Russian developer frostegater continues his fine work on the PSP scene, he gives us new homebrews / plugins very interesting.
For now, our Russian friend presents the second revision of the PSP Everest 2 , a homebrew that allows you to know the All small details on your PSP, whatever its type and version. It includes the hardware, firmware / CFW it loads the UMD drive and its firmware but also useful information about the battery.
The whole is presented in a nice graphical interface.
The new version supports all PSP including PSP and PSP Go E10XX Street.
New / fixed:
- Rewrite code.
- Added random color of background When start program.
- Added fade When changing menu.
- Added detect PSP X010 (Mexico).
- Added exit in XMB about 'HOME' / 'PS' button.
- Unlocked power switch.
- Added new firmware support.
- Added PSPgo and PSP-E10xx support.
- Some visual fixed.
- Added by switching backgrounds and fade When switching triggers.
- Added interactivity of 'Battery Information' location.
- Added more information to 'Information' Hardware->' Model 'option.
- Removed not needed Some strings in 'System Information' and 'Hardware Information' locations.
- Added 'Complete' status to 'Battery Information' -> 'Charging' option.
- Added Able to Showing Russian text in 'System Information' -> 'Username' option.
- Fixed Detecting not readed battery on battery Flashable PSP's (All Fat and Slim TA-085v1).
- Added Able to Detecting TA-094.
- Added new algorythm for Detecting Some motherboards motherboard and renamed.
- Added Russian language (Russian language if selected in 'System Settings' in XMB).
- Added Able to Detecting differences of TA-088v1 TA-088v2 and.
- Rev.2: fixed freezing in 'System Information 'location. Rev2 PSP Everest 2 Official website: http://psdev.ru/
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December 28th, 2011, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r5021 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
gsdx linux:
* use memory instead of tr1 (was the experimental implementation of c++11)
* remove strict aliasing optimization because I saw some bad warnings
* Fix pthread of the previous commit. Use default attribute but it might need some tuning
gsdx linux:
* add the code to select the attribute (still the default but can be changed now)
* add a hidden option (condvar) to select between the 2 threads algorithm
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December 28th, 2011, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded SVN r73753 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Thinning down PcsxrMemoryObject header down even more.
Making PcsxrMemoryObject only export getters.
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December 28th, 2011, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
DaedalusX64 SVN r747 is released. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.
DaedalusX64 SVN Changelog:
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 474 - Corn
[!] Reorganized and optimized MemRect for Yoshi (small speedup)
Rev 475 - Corn
[!] bail audio mixer when called with bogus values (YOSHI)
[!] small improvement in color adjustment process
[!] call popDL directly instead of endDL if possible
[!] Instruction count should now match in debug dlist with value shown in Dlist length
[!] reworked blend explorer and cleaned up debug info and reordered some code
Rev 476 - Corn
[!] Rayman2 hack (WIP, it still have issues but should be playable now)
Rev 477 - Corn
[!] Optimized RDPStateManager
[~] Forgot to add ROM hack for RAYMAN 2
Rev 478 - Corn
[!] Rayman 2 textures stretching should work now
[-] Reverted GBI1_EndDL change
Rev 479 - Corn
[!] Fixed Profiler
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 480 - Corn
[!] Fixed DKR/JFG texture scaling issue
Rev 481 - Salvy
[!] Avoid wasting time loading the same texture in S2DEX Obj** (happens quiet often in yoshi, a good example are the white dots that appear around the screen)
Rev 482 - Corn
[!] Fixed potential ROM hack bug
[!] Updated S2DEX_ObjLoadTxtr
[~] Trimmed some debug info
Rev 483 - Corn
[!] Made inline of some functions in PSPRenderer
[!] Made Debug Dlist spam less for cleaner looking output to file
Rev 484 - Corn
[!] DKR only needs 80 verts array after all (no need for 128)
[!] Updated CPU TnL
Rev 485 - Salv
[!] Some small optimizations in PSPRenderer
[!] Made debug only sanity checks in GBI0 Vtx
[!] Do not render degenerated or empty? tris in Tri4 (GE and PD)
Rev 486 - Corn
[!] Fixed some compile errors and rendering logic
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 487 - Salvy
[!] Some clean ups
[!] Removed sanity checks from release mode in WRUS Vtx (it should never happen anyways)
[!] Removed sanity checks from release mode in GBI1 Vtx (Only game that sets this is Quake II which eventually crashes anyways due clipping too many verts)
Rev 488 - Corn
[!] Force disable loop opt for Rayman2
[!] Removed a forced blend mode that made shadows in Rayman2 invisible
[!] Minor fix to texture scaling to proper match 1.000 scale
[!] Removed extra test for disabling blending
Rev 489 - Salvy
[!] Some clean ups and made several globals static in DLParser.cpp
[!] Implemented bg1cyc correctly (fixes sprite errors in Worms - Armageddon and other games that use this cmd)
[!] Tidy GBI1/2_Texture
Rev 490 - Salvy
[~] Forgot this
Rev 491 - Salvy
[!] limit huge sprite (2045x2047) over 4mbs! that Worms Armageddon tries to load (props to Corn for spotting it)
Rev 492 - Salvy
[!] Fixed compiling error from previous commit
Rev 493 - Salvy
[-] One more try xD
Rev 494 - Salvy
[-] Final touch up to previous commit
Rev 495 - Salvy
[!] Forgot one more thing
Rev 496 - Corn
[!] removed some redundant variables in PSPRenderer
[!] small fix to audio and made buffers smaller for less delay
[!] add disassemble when BSOD happens (debug only)
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 497 - Corn
[!] Optimized TexRect, TexRectFlip and FillRect to avoid copy same data twice and more effective parameter loading
[!] Optimized clipped tris handling to avoid copying unnecessary data thus saving 240 bytes per tris
Rev 498 - Salvy
[!] Texrect, Texrect Flip, and Fillrect now uses 60% less vertices (PSP only)
[+] Added STRIP version for texrect as reference for future ports
[-] Removed annoying assert from fillrect
Rev 499 - Salvy
[-] No need for s/t for fillrect as we don't do any texturing
Rev 500 - Corn
[!] small speed up making use of VFPU for converting vertices's to PSP hardware format when clipping tris
Rev 501 - Salvy
[!] Fixed scaling bug in Sprite2D
[!] Small optimization in RDPHalf1_GoldenEye
Rev 502 - Corn
[!] Fixed a rendering bug from rev 486
Rev 503 -Salvy
[~] Temporary reverted a few changes from 450 (was breaking Worms game) (texture update for S2DEX needs to be revised)
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 504 - Corn
[!] VFPU TnL recoded into one function (with optimizations)
[!] Integrate TnL flags into TnL parameters
[!] small fix to texture UpdateIfNecessary
[!] small optimization to convert vertices
Rev 505 - Salvy
[!] Clear color buffer aka clear screen in fillrect (fixes several glitches in many games ex Worms - Armageddon, Superman, Command & Conquer and other games)
[!] Add back check to ignore unnecessary loads to fillrect (Issue breaking the sky in Superman is sorted, we can add this back)
[~] Removed scissoring check in fillrect (no longer needed)
[!] Proper fillrect for 1/2 cycle mode
Rev 506 - Salvy
[!] Forgot this
Rev 507 - Corn
[!] avoid downsizing texel buffer
[!] some optimizations in copying data with vectors
[!] TnLVFPU Passing more data through a struct rather than function parameters
Rev 508 - Salvy
[!] Don't use primitive colour when filling rectangles in 1/2 cycle, just fill to black (was causing issues in MK64)
Rev 509 - Salvy
[!] Simplified CombinerTree
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 510 - Corn
[+] Added VFPU code for perfect dark TnL path (speed up)
[!] Fixed copy n paste bug in lighting
Rev 511 - Corn
[+] DKR TnL is now done on the VFPU (speed up)
Rev 512 - Corn
[+] Conker TnL is now done on the VFPU (including ENV map)
Rev 513 - Salvy
[!] Fix clean scene not working properly when games are clearing the screen (PD)
[!] Simplify check to clear screen
[!] Decode fill color even when clearing screen (fixes bug in PD)
[!] Simplify DLParser_FillRect
[!] Load RDP_Combine in one go (saves 2 ops)
[!] Ignore mem0+mem1 blend in fillrect (is cheaper than handling in general blender after all..)
Rev 514 - Salvy
[!] Update RDP_Combine struct
Rev 515 - Salvy
[!] Bring back changes from 450 (Degraded texture cache for S2DEX, need to find a different approach to fix worms, but the only way to properly fix it is to hash palettes and we ain't going to do it just for this game since is really CPU intensive..)
Rev 516 - Corn
[!] use texture hash check in cache for now (fixes OOT and MM text and other issues in other games)
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 517 - Salvy
[!] Check as early as possible if texture is the same as last time around
[!] Some more optimizations in copying data with vectors (~50 ops)
Rev 518 - Salvy
[!] Simplified fillrect even more
Rev 519 - Salvy
[!] Fixed height calculation of video interface (borrowed fix from glide plugin)
Rev 520 - Corn
[!] Reuse project matrix stack for DKR matrices
[!] Avoid copying DKR matrix data twice under some circumstances.
Rev 521 - Corn
[!] Fix debug dlist compile error (tnx salvy)
Rev 522 - Salvy
[!] Use LoadUcode when switching to S2DEX2 ucode to avoid adding overhead to GBI2 ucodes (our ucode cache eliminates any overhead from LoadUcode anyways)
[!] Added detection for S2DEX2 ucodes
[!] Some more optimizations in copying data with vectors (~30 ops)
Rev 523 - Salvy
[~] By mistake broke S2DEX1 name table
[!] Fixed wrong fill colour in Automobili Lamborghini (still not correct since we can't really handle 32b size in fillrect (yet))
Rev 524 - Corn
[!] load matrix directly to stack to avoid copying data twice (setproject, setmodelview and force_matrix)
Rev 525 - Corn
[!] fixed debug dlist compile error
[!] compacted MatrixFromN64FixedPoint code
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 526 - Corn
[-] Removed old VFPU TnL code
[!] Small optimization in DKR TnL
Rev 527 - Corn
[!] Increased billboard sizes in DKR
Rev 528 - Corn
[+] Added VFPU TnL code for DKR billboards (small speed up)
Rev 529 - Salvy
[!] Tidy up LoadTile/LoadBlock
Rev 530 - Corn
[!] Fixed texture loading regression from rev 529
[!] Fixed Debug Dlist text output
Rev 531 - Corn
[!] Fixed Debug Dlist text output
Rev 532 - Salvy
[!] Optimized DMA_Tri_DKR
Rev 533 - Corn
[!] some clean up
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 534 - Corn
[!] Reworked Insert and Force matrix (speed up for games that uses it and WWF games should work better now)
Rev 535 - Corn
[!] Additional fix to Insert and Force Matrix
Rev 536 - Corn
[+] Added bitwise feature hacks to speed up checks and make it easier to have same hack in many games
[+] Donald Duck is a bit more playable with T1 texture hack (same as Rayman2)
[-] Alternative TLUT hack is now a part of bitwise hacks
Rev 537 - Corn
[!] Avoid reloading projection matrix to sceGU more than necessary
Rev 538 - Salvy
[!] Another try to remove Aidyn hack (doesn't break Rampage this time around..)
Rev 539 - Salvy
[!] Fixed bug? in FPU rendering (was breaking SSV's shade)
[!] Simplified abit HLE handling
Rev 540 - Corn
[!] Fixed TexRectFlip to do proper flip
[-] Reverted previous change to make Aidyn sky show up
Rev 541 - Corn
[!] Small optimization in Dynarec/fragments
[!] Disabled Loop Opt for Donald Duck Going Quackers
[~] Reverted Loop Opt to old code (pre 618)
Rev 542 - Salvy
[!] Added many blendmodes for WWF games (getting closer to be playable)
Rev 543 - Salvy
[!] Really small change to MemoryUpdateSPStatus
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 544 - Corn
[+] Save more memory using TMEM table with only 64 entries for palette pointers
[+] TLUT hack for Resident Evil 2
[!] Disable Loop Opt for all WWF games
Rev 545 - Corn
[!] Graphical fix for Tom and Jerry (T1 hack)
[!] Fixed BSOD in top gear rally (seems to have other issues too with floats)
[!] Fixed BSOD in Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth
Rev 546 - Corn
[+] Using volatile memory for PSP Dlists (saves 2Mbyte of regular memory)
[!] Reduced the time a texture is cached unless used (should help Phat owners a bit since it saves some texture memory)
[!] Added TLUT hack and disabled Loop Opt. for Star soldier-vanishing earth
Rev 547 - Corn
[+] added assert for PSP Dlist overflow
Rev 548 - Salvy
[!] Disable Dynamic Loop Optimization by default (It causes instability and other issues in many games, to enable go to Advanced Settings, enable at your own risk!)
Note: Make sure to reset your setting before using this rev -> Global Settings -> Reset Settings (follow on-screen instructions)
Rev 549 - Salvy
[!] Use T1 hack for Earthworm Jim (game looks awesome now)
Rev 550 - Corn
[!] Auto speed adjustment hack for Rayman/Donald duck/Tom and Jerry
[!] Removed some redundant checks for SOTE
Rev 551 - Corn
[+] Added speed hack to Earthworm jim and powerpuff Girls
Rev 552 - Corn
[!] Improved sync filter for audio and speed matching
Rev 553 - Salvy
[!] Keep texture image address in range for Shadow of Empire (game is now playable with some minor issues, is recommended to use a savesatate to get in game)
Rev 554 - Salvy
[+] Added option to enable Corn's newly hack to smooth up games (helps mostly with games with poor framerate ex Earthworm Jim, Golden Eye, Donald Duck etc)
Note: Option can be found in Advanced Options -> Video Rate Match
Rev 555 - Corn
[-] Removed forced speed hack since its optional now
[-] Removed forced Loop Opt. off from roms.ini
[+] Brought back Pilotwing 64 hack (since cheat version still has issues)
Rev 556 - Corn
[+] Hack for SOTE to show text and menus (clean scene has to be enabled)
Rev 557 - Salvy
[!] FillRect don't set any colour when not in fill mode (fixes SOTE's text)
[~] Removed SOTE and Wave Racer hacks (no longer needed)
Rev 558 - Salvy
[!] Fixed bug errg typo in cheat parser for large cheats (Pilot Wing's shadow fix works properly now)
[-] Removed Pilot Wings hack (again), no longer needed ^
Rev 559 - Salvy
[!] Parse cheat file when ROM boots if cheat feature is enabled or forced (this is required when forcing cheat feature)
[!] Forced cheat feature to Pilot Wings and Pokemon Snap (we need cheats for these games to work properly *wink*)
[!] Updated roms.ini with latest changes
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December 28th, 2011, 04:20 Posted By: Gmdfunk
Been messing with pokemon crystal. I start a game, input time, save, quit and reload. Time and day are now wrong but will progress properly in real time, just wrong day/time.
Tried again but set psp cfw clock to 24 hour time. Same result.
Tried again with Pokemon silver, same result.
Tried with older versions of masterboy and emumaster, same result
Tried resetting clock with game shark code, same result.
The only way I have been able to get Pokemon clock right is to offset the psp clock to compensate for the time difference. But now my psp clock is wrong.
Pokemon clock works fine in homers rin, but it won't save emulator settings like button layouts so I don't want to use it. Anyone have any info to fix this either emumaster or homers rin
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December 29th, 2011, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
During a recent Nippon Ichi press conference, CEO Sohei Shinkawa announced a handful of projects the company is working on for the immediate future. The first likely won't require all that much actual work -- it's Cave Story 3D, which the company is publishing in Japan. He added that two other projects are in the pipeline: A new adventure game scheduled for a Japanese Summer 2012 launch, and a dungeon-centric RPG from the Disgaea team due out sometime in 2012.
During a later Q&A, Shinkawa revealed that the company would like to release at least one Vita title next year, but did not confirm whether either of the newly announced projects would be that title. Shinkawa also revealed all this information while wearing a Prinny-shaped hat, so we're not sure we can believe a single thing he said.
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December 29th, 2011, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
We hope you like HD remakes, because a pair of high-profile titles are part of this week's PSN update. Alongside the debut of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, PS3 users can snag HD-ified versions of the first three Splinter Cell games, ala carte: Splinter Cell HD, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory HD and Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HD.
Doublesix's follow-up to Burn Zombie Burn!, All Zombies Must Die, also debuts on PSN this week. If this were a police blog, we'd say we've got modus operandi for Doublesix. Yup, cop jokes. Deal with it.
PSOne Classic Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is also available for download this week, along with MotorStorm Apocalypse and Carnival Island. Hit up the source link below for the full list of this week's content over on the PlayStation Blog.
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December 29th, 2011, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
 We spent years carrying around cassette tapes, then another bunch of years carrying around compact discs, and most of that time said media formats were played through one of Sony's various Walkman devices. It looks like the Japanese hardware company is looking to recapture some of its past success by employing the man who designed the original Walkman to put together the company's latest handhled: the PlayStation Vita.
When the US PlayStation Blog descended upon Japan for the Vita's recent launch, the site found out that Tokashi Sogabe, a 27-year employee of Sony, was heading up the company's "corporate design center." That same team lead development of the Vita, which apparently went through a variety of different forms before the team decided on the current unit. "The team went through various designs, including one with a sliding back like PSPgo and a clamshell, before settling on the final model after discussion with developers," the post explains. Even weirder? Apparently, one of the prototype models had touch pads in place of the dual analog sticks like an Xperia Play -- we're pretty glad that Sogabe's team ended up cutting that bizarre choice.
Regardless, given Sogabe's past with Sony, we've got high hopes that the Sport and Mini versions of the Vita aren't far off.
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December 30th, 2011, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
It's hard to set much store by early sales performance, particularly after the evergreen 3DS faced such arocky road. Nevertheless, the Vita's latest stats do look disappointing for such a highly anticipated -- not to mention high-quality -- console: after shifting a remarkable 321,000 units during its first two days on sale in Japan, it could only muster 72,500 in the whole week between December 19th and Christmas Day. In comparison, the PS3 sold 76,000 units during the same period, while the 3DS rang up half a million. This doesn't necessarily reflect a lack of interest, however: there have been stock shortages, and it's also possible that buyers are waiting to make sure that all the launch bugs get cleaned up. As for us, our alarms remain firmly set for February 22nd.
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December 30th, 2011, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
 Keeping up with your gamer gossip? Then you're probably up to snuff on the recent Ocean Marketing / Penny-Arcade spat. We held our tongues as the drama unfolded -- no easy task, considering Engadget'sname was dragged into the affair -- but now it seems like the internet soap-opera is reaching its conclusion.
Not the gossiping type? Here's a quick recap: When N-Control's latest Avenger add-on missed its November 8th street date, customers with pre-orders were left wanting. Some reached out for answers, hoping they could still get their PS3 Avenger before Christmas. All they got in reply, though, were some *ahem* choice words from N-Control's third party marketing contractor, Paul Christoforo -- a man who gained instant notoriety when his emails caught the attention of Penny-Arcade's Mike Krahulik. Krahulik took exception to Christoforo's insults, threatening tone and name-drop posturing (that's where we came in) and responded by publishing the marketing mishap on his comic's website.
Suffice to say, it hasn't ended well for Paul Christoforo -- N-Control has released a statement saying that he and his marketing operation have been "categorically dismissed," stressing that Christoforo owns no stake whatsoever in N-Control. After ejecting the elephant from the room, N-Control went on to announce that all PS3 Avenger pre-orders would be given a $10 discount, and penned in a new ship date for January 15th. "I created the Avenger to make people happy," said inventor and company founder Dave Kotkin, who originally designed the controller for a student who had a physical disability, "I deeply regret that so many people have any negative feelings toward it as a result of what has happened." N-Control seems bent on moving on -- which is fine by us, so long as they keep their customers better informed. After all, it's not every day that such an awkward-looking gadget blows us out of the water.Read on for N-Control's full and apologetic press release.
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