October 1st, 2006, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska the winner of the first 30 Day Coding Competition and the Neoflash 2006 Apps contest has had a hosted site on DCEmu for a long while now and tonight i have sorted out a seperate News and discussion forum for his ports.
What this means is that from now on all his PSP releases will show up as News on PSP News, which is great all round.
The links to all his releases are fixed too.
Check out all of Deniska`s releases at his site here --> http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/
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October 1st, 2006, 03:53 Posted By: Birdman2078
This time around i dont know if i would even call this a font pack, but a font all-in-one pack. This pack now has everything you need for all of your font needs.
177 fonts
Registries for 2.0-2.8
X-flash for 1.5
Fonthacker program for 2.0-2.8
Devhook instructions
Ways to fix your own registries so you dont lost any settings.
With these additions this is an all on one pack.
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October 1st, 2006, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
ubergeek42 has released a new version of PS2IRC, heres the release details:
v0.8 released
Added colors, and made it display some status changes that it didn't display in earlier versions(kicks/title changes/maybe some others...)
the main feature is the colors for each name, makes it easier to read stuff from the sea of white that is usually there.
I plan on making all the colors customiziable, except for name colors, because they are automatically generated based on the persons name.
im sure some of the colors will end up being really lame, so if you don't like it go to a previous version(aka v7). i plan on adding an global options menu to control the colors, as well as whether or not to show the onscreen keyboard(waste of space if you are using a usb keyboard), and maybe some other things.
ill try and get some new screenshots up showing this color stuff in a little while.
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October 1st, 2006, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Ace Combat fans will be excited by the new (highly promotional) preview of the upcoming PSP-exclusive Ace Combat X on IGN. They reveal some of the features, such as the Medal System, Color Variation and Free Mission. The mini games listed include Touch and Go, Mid-Air Refueling Practice and Carrier Touch & Go. While it doesn't sound too exciting to me, I'm sure those of you that were fascinated by planes will be absolutely enthralled.
If you don't really feel like reading about these features, IGN has also posted two new trailers of the game in motion. Graphically, it looks impressive, but it seems like that's a given for most PSP games these days. The game comes out in October.
Trailers HERE
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October 1st, 2006, 11:56 Posted By: wraggster
PspFanatic has released a new Lua Golf game for the PSP. heres the details:
Ok now if you've seen my first release of this homebrew than you obviouslly know that the gfx were horrible. Not anymore. with some help from ikarius the gfx are looking pretty good. I also edit the bg color while playing and I made the hole and ball round instead of square. I also got the ball to move smoother and a bit quicker when you hit it.
Okay this is my VERY first attempt at coding. Its a mini putt game with 8 holes. Its not amazing but it took me a week just to make it so be nice!
Heres the controls
Analog stick- Moves the direction you want the ball to go
X- Hits the ball
Start- Exits game
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via pspfanatic
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October 1st, 2006, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
New release from hitchhikr
PSPTex is a save plugin for GIMP 2.2.x & 2.3.x allowing to create textures for the PlayStation Portable.
It can save raw RGBA (5650, 5551, 4444 or 8888) & indexed (T4, T8) textures (with 5650, 5551, 4444 or 8888 palette modes support) as well as DXTC (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5) compresssed ones, it supports the PSP textures swizzle mode and can generate mipmaps, it also have a color key feature to handle transparency and can convert grayscale pictures into alpha channel only textures.
- Fixed DXT1 compression and DXT3 fetching issues.
- Added an option to save pictures datas and palettes as source codes.
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October 1st, 2006, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday i recieved a new update to the progression of the unreleased PS1 Emulator for the PSP called PS1P, heres the news from the Anonymous Coder:
- Fullscreen. Looks just beautiful I cut a small slice at the top & bottom of the PS1 screen to reduce the distortion. Most games look perfectly fine since a real TV would also cut parts of the display.
- Several speed optimizations--should be noticeably faster.
- More compatibility--I can get past the car in FF8 now
Note that the GPU is still in software and there's no dynarec yet either.
No release date is know as of yet but you never know when a release will happen, as before DCEmu is the only place to get this news so if you see some faker posting that its gonna be released at such a time youll know its a lie.
Anyway i got a new beta to test
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October 1st, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: splodger15
This is what Henry had to say:
I’ve got a new update for CWCheat! Here’s what’s new:
• Removed the ‘update cheat.db’ button from the Tools tab. CWCheat
will automatically update the database upon loading an older one.
• Added a new ‘Update cheat.db’ button. This one connects to the
CWCheat Server and retrieves the latest cheat.db file straight from
the source.
• Added menu items.
And coming soon in v0.4:
• Universal Binary release
• Replace the Tools tab with a Submit tab, allowing you to directly
submit cheats to the main cwcheat server.
• Add a preferences window, for things like auto-sorting, auto-
loading, auto updating, etc.
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October 1st, 2006, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
DreaDNoughT has posted a game that he did but never released, one where you run around and dodge the PSPs .
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October 1st, 2006, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Psp-maniac has posted a new game for the PSP, heres the info:
BUG v1.0 readme
this game was created by PSP-Maniac (me) and was just a demo game for using founctions but im gonna release it anyway i dont think ill update it but you never now.
down : push hand down.
right : move hand right.
left : move hand left.
select : restart.
start : exit
objective : crush the bug hahahahahaha.
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via psp-maniac
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October 2nd, 2006, 09:47 Posted By: wraggster
Via Insert Credit:
Sting has put up a promotional video for their third iteration of Riviera: The Promised Land. It's on amazon, and the direct link is here. It lets you see the resized graphics and nicer portraits - and to be honest the battle effects do look nicer. But it also shows you the pitiful voice acting, and reminds you it's just the same game as before. Personally I think Sting's time would be better spent on something new...the GBA remake made sense, as not many people played the WSC version, but I think a PSP remake is overkill. I guess the GBA version did sell out quickly though... regardless, the official site is here.
Full Details Here
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October 2nd, 2006, 09:54 Posted By: wraggster
Via the software pirate
Sony’s had a lot of problems stirring up excitement with the PS3. Manufacturing problems, launch shortages, high prices, lackluster launch titles (Metal Gear Solid 4 isn’t worthy a $660 investment) are just a few of the issues that have made gamers pretty nervous about getting Sony’s Grey Goose of a console. Fundamentally, none of these are the biggest problems the PS3 has to face. The PS3’s biggest problem hit me earlier today, when I was playing on my PS2.
The Playstation 3’s biggest problem is the Playstation 2.
Look at the release lineup for the PS2. Final Fantasy 12, God of War 2, Godhand, Phantasy Star Universe, and so on. Just this month we got the must-have Okami and the obscure-but-great Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. These games are fun, they look beautiful, and they are adding more and more life to Sony’s battered workhorse of a platform. They might not look quite as good as Xbox 360 or upcoming PS3 titles, but they’re good enough to make the average gamer consider keeping their old system around for a few more months.
Sony hasn’t yet made a convincing argument that the PS3 is a worthy replacement to the PS2 yet. Yes, it can output to 1080p. Yes, it will have better online and storage abilities. But these are all features Sony has told us, not shown us.
Nintendo demonstrated just how the Virtual Console is going to work, what titles will be available, and what it’s going to cost us. We know we’re going to see some great classics on top of the various ports and exclusives in the Wii’s release lineup. Beyond that, we’ve seen the Wiimote in action, and though it could use some tightening up, there’s a whole lot of potential there. Sure, there’s still the Gamecube, but the Gamecube’s lineup is already dwindling, and it looks like Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Paper Mario will be the last big names to hit the system.
Microsoft gave Xbox 360 XBLA, a great reason for fanboys to keep their systems on without a bunch of release titles. When Oblivion’s feeling tired, owners can tap into Street Fighter II, Geometry Wars, and loads of other classic and remix games through Live Arcade. The original Xbox did have Live, but the 360 added countless features and an interface that’s exponentially better than the original. The Xbox is still seeing its share of games coming out, but the 360 has already proven itself with a nice selection of exclusives and the unexpected greatness of XBLA.
The Playstation 3 has a lot of promises, Sony hasn’t actually shown us many of them. We know the technical merits. Metal Gear Solid 4 looks great, Assassin’s Creed looks great, White Knight looks freaking amazing. But beyond that… what does the system have to offer? Technically it should be at the top of the heap. Fastest, most graphical bells and whistles, HDMI output, 1080p support, all of those nifty features. But beyond that what do the system have? Sony hastily added a lot of “features” like the SIXAXIS tilt controller and some form of XBLA/VC downloadable game support, but we haven’t really seen them in action. Microsoft has proven the Xbox 360 to be a worthy successor to the Xbox. Nintendo has actually shown us what the Wii is capable of doing. Sony hasn’t done much more but promise technical superiority and demonstrate that the PS3 dwarfs Ken Kutaragi’s head.
Besides pretty graphics, the PS3 doesn’t look like it’s going to be that much better than the PS2. In the long run it might, but for now all Sony is offering is a bunch of lofty promises and a release list for the Playstation 2 will probably have more than one frugal gamer waiting a few months for a PS3 price drop and a few better titles. Unless they have a top-of-the-line high-def TV that can take HDMI and show 1080p, the PS3’s most impressive graphics abilities will probably be lost on most. Without an amazing and obscenely expensive display to go with the obscenely expensive console, the PS3 will be little more than a PS2 with Xbox 360 graphics.
Okami and Valkyrie Profile are out now. God of War 2, Godhand, Final Fantasy 12, and lots of other tasty titles are in the pipe. It’s still a good time to be a PS2 owner, and that makes it a bad time to sell the PS3.
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October 2nd, 2006, 10:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPFanboy
The upcoming camera and GPS peripherals have been getting a lot of attention, most notably because they have the ability to extend the PSP's already impressive capability set, and interface with games in new, original ways. One of the more creative examples we mentioned earlier was Hot Shot Golf's communication with GPS that transforms the game into a personal golf assistant when you're actually on one of Japan's golf courses. According to IT Media, this can become the "golf tool of the new age." This will certainly bring in a very unique audience to the world of gaming: golfers, who might pick up a PSP just to get all the golf data they could ever want. (But we wonder, how many people will actually use this functionality? And: will it work on US golf courses?)
Of course, Hot Shots Golf isn't the only game using PSP's GPS feature. Read on to see how other software is taking advantage of the device.
The PSP's widescreen is noted as a significant advantage for GPS users: you can simply see more of the map at once. The automatic route guidance (featured in many modern cars) will tell you how to get to a location, and can be used both in the car, and when walking on foot.
Homestar allows you to use the GPS system to see the stars up in the night sky. I don't really understand this screen from the software, but I'm sure fans of constellations and star-gazing will be able to decipher some sort of meaningful data out of this. Once again, it appears the PSP is being used to attract non-gamers to get the system.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops allows you to randomly generate new characters based on the wi-fi points you access during multiplayer play. However, it appears that there may be more functionality added for GPS users. It appears that you'll be sent on a treasure hunt, which tracks your location via GPS. (Of course, someone proficient in Japanese can try to translate and find more info!) I'm glad that MGS is using the GPS feature, but so far, it appears very, very gimmicky (but Kojima does love using gimmicks).
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October 2nd, 2006, 10:17 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Insider have released a new mag for the PSP, heres the details:
Some of you have had a few hints dropped about us working on a magazine, and we have finally finished Issue 1!
We have been working on it for quite a while to make sure we can get it as good as we can, and trying to make it look as good as possible, so we are proud to present the first issue!
We do not just cover the subject of PSP, we also produce articles on the lastest consoles, such as the upcoming Nintendo Wii, in the hope to make it appeal a bit to everyone.
To download it it, go to the link below, and drag the folder into the PSP/PHOTO folder on your PSP.
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October 2nd, 2006, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
I broke the news last week about the PSP Double Expand Memory Convertor and it really caught on, so much that everyone followed my lead, well now theres 2 videos on Youtube of the device in action supposedly.
Heres the links
Heres More info about it just in case you missed my first article.
Product Features of SONY PSP PSP Double Expand Memory Convertor
This product is special manufacture and mainly use with PSP console.
Support any kinds of SD/MINI SD/MMC memory stick.
Double extend your PSP console memory capacity.
Compatible with 2-pieces of SD/MINI SD/MMC/Memory stick and convert use in PSP.
Easy set up and use.
More Description of SONY PSP PSP Double Expand Memory Convertor
PSP Memory Expansion Adapter lets your SD/mini SD and MMC card connect to PSP and you can use them for save-data such as photos
THe Memory Converter retails for USD 16.77 and can be brought from SuccessHK.
Im gonna try and review one asap
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October 2nd, 2006, 14:41 Posted By: lamo_PSP_king
ive released this game early to see what the general reaction is from everyone as to whether its worth continuing or not. its took me two days to make and is my first ever attempt at making an lua game so plz keep that in mind. its no were near finished as im working by myself on this. if i make a new version then im hoping to include
1. five new levels
2. dogs, go karts ai and collisions
3. better animations
4. more sound and
5. overall better gameplay with gamesave
hope you enjoy it
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October 2nd, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Just released to the press have been 7 bits of character card artwork for the upcoming PSP game.
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October 2nd, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Hive, the wholly owned strategic communications subsidiary of leading independent in-game advertising specialist IGA Worldwide, has developed a product placement campaign for Montana, the spray can of choice for graffiti artists, in Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s hotly tipped breakdancing release B-Boy.
Available on PlayStation2 and PSP, B-Boy has been developed by FreeStyleGames, one of the UK’s leading independent studios, and has already picked up major accolades at this year’s E3 show including ‘Best Music Game’ (PSP and PS2) and ‘Most Innovative Game’ (PSP).
The game has been created in collaboration with DJ Hooch and international hip-hop legend ‘Crazy Legs’ from the Rock Steady Crew, who also features as in-game host.
With the success of the game riding on its authenticity, Hive worked closely with Montana to ensure that the brand’s product and values were incorporated sympathetically into the game environment.
“B-Boy represented a great opportunity for us to reach our target audience via an innovative advertising platform,” said Ruedi Glatz, CEO at Montana. “In this instance not only are there obvious synergies between our brand and the game but we felt that the method itself speaks volumes about our values – by using in-game advertising now we’re reinforcing our brand as innovative, forward-thinking and challenging mainstream thinking.”
In real life the spray paint specialist sponsors a graffiti team of five internationally renowned artists, known as the MONTANA WRITER TEAM. Original artwork by Montana’s team has been included in the game environment to further enhance its authenticity. The spray cans appear throughout the game helping to recreate a realistic hip-hop environment.
“This is a great example of a best practice in-game advertising campaign - Montana's spray cans are incorporated seamlessly into the game – and testament to Hive's experience and in-depth understanding of the gaming world," said Chris Lee, commercial director at FreeStyleGames. “Not only do well-executed product placement campaigns such as this one help the advertiser to reach an increasingly fragmented audience, they enhance the gamer's experience through a genuine and authentic representation of real world brands.”
“Working with both the games developer and the advertiser, we’re the guardians not only of the brands we represent but perhaps more importantly the gamer’s experience,” said Rachel Normal, MD at Hive. “It is critical that prospective players from the hip-hop community view the game as a sympathetic representation of their world, otherwise people simply won’t play. We’ve really enjoyed getting under the skin of B-boy culture to develop this campaign to ensure that the visuals enhance rather than disrupt the game play.”
B-Boy is due to be launched on October 6, 2006 on PlayStation2 and PSP.
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October 2nd, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: F9zDark
With the DS and its hugely successful touch screen, it seems only obvious that Sony may want to jump on this bandwagon. Er did I say Sony? Let me start over:
With the DS and its hugely successful touch screen, it seems only obvious that the homebrew/hacking community would bring a product to light that may be able to do just that.
While perusing the website for 0x89 found here @ http://0x89.org it came to my attention of a news update from harleyg.
Apparently harleyg and his team are working on a prototype touch screen for the PSP, which as the concept images indicate, is USB and mounts to the top of the PSP via the two screw holes on the sides of the USB port.
This brings forth many questions, most notably, how will this unit work? It seems obvious to me that the unit will work with 0x89, but mind you, details are sketchy at the moment.
Check out the news and concepts for yourself @ http://0x89.org/index2.php
There was a FAQ released on the 0x89 forums about the PSP Touch Screen, it can be found here:
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October 2nd, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft's PSP version of its squad-based shooter Rainbow Six: Vegas has been pushed back. Erm, bah? Originally planning to deploy on November 17, it'll now be stomping its special forces boots on December 8.
Screenshots showing Ubisoft's impressive efforts on Rainbow Six: Vegas for PSP recently hit these pages, along with news that the handheld iteration of the game features content and characters not appearing in the 'bigger' versions on PC and Xbox 360.
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October 2nd, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
UK games magazine PSM3 is claiming that Zone of the Enders 3 will be released on PlayStation 3 in 2007.
Judging by the copy, a full announcement from Konami and Hideo Kojima is due next month, but beyond that all that's known is that "Kojima Studios" (presumably they mean Kojima Productions) is behind it.
We got in touch with Konami UK this morning to ask if they could confirm the game's existence, but we were told no, they cannot. Which is a bit of a shame, isn't it. We'll let you know when they inevitably do confirm it.
As for those of you who have no idea what we're blathering on about - Zone of the Enders, or ZOE, is a mech action game which ran for two instalments on PlayStation 2, and was arguably more convoluted and waffly, plot-wise, than even Metal Gear Solid has managed. Its return could herald the first game ever to fill a Blu-ray disc. With plain-text.
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October 2nd, 2006, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda Softworks and Rednote Audio today announced Rod Abernethy and Jason Graves as the composers of the scores for its three upcoming games based on Star Trek. The duo, who previously wrote scores for Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII, Rise of the Kasai, and Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, have written the symphonic music that will be heard in Star Trek: Legacy for the PC and Xbox 360, Star Trek: Tactical Assault for the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable, and Star Trek: Encounters for the PlayStation 2. Encounters beams into stores this week; Legacy and Tactical Assault will be ready next month
Via Gamespot
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October 2nd, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: Baboon
I've just completed a sucessful downdate for a mate's brand new PSP. The machine I sorted out was a factory 2.6 PSP and its not a TA-082... and the good news is that its brand new and bought from the shelf in 'Comet' in Marsh Mills, Plymouth, England. He bought it yesterday and theres plenty more in the store. Its the 1gb pack without any games for £218... so any UK gamers in the area get one now for a bargain homebrew system!
Ideal that theres still shops selling these versions of the PSP!
edit: Cool this is my first front page news entry!
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Koei today announced that Gitaroo Man Lives! for the PSP-- the latest in the cult music game franchise -- will reach North America this fall.
Developed by Inis with help from music producer COIL and visual producer 326, Gitaroo Man Lives! builds on the rhythm-based action of the original Gitaroo Man, but offers rebalanced play for the PSP. The new title also adds Duet Mode for wireless co-op play, as well as supporting competitive two-player battles.
Gitaroo Man Lives! is scheduled to reach stores November 14. Dancing may be prohibited on municipal buses -- please consult local transit authorities.
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October 3rd, 2006, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Yunjin Kim is as cool as they come. What appears to be a rabid (or very amorous) squirrel has appeared on the set of her photo shoot, causing some of the crew to flee in fear. But the sexy star of the megahit TV show Lost just laughs. “So cute!” she says. “I love nature.” This and much more in this issue of Stuff mobile…
Download the Mag at Perooz
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October 3rd, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released an updated version of his video converter for PSP.
Heres whats new:
4.032 changes:
Info line added to log.
Small fixes.
Fixed manual change of resolution.
Fixed change resolution via AviSynth .
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October 3rd, 2006, 01:45 Posted By: Zion
After only been open 2 days, ZionMax.com is having its very own coding competition!
The site is hosted by the emulation64 network
Main site/Front Page : Click Here
Forum (where submissions should be posted) : Click Here
This competition is for PSP Coding and Ds coding
Only submissions for those two consoles will be accepted
Here are the prizes for the competition :
1st Place =
Sega Dreamcast Console with 18 Games + 2 Controllers + 2 Vmu Units.
Games included are :
Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Jet Set Radio, Virtua Tennis 2, Resident Evil Code Veronica, Virtua Fighter 3tb, Metropolis Street Racer, Silent Scope, Virtua Stiker 2, NFL Blitz 2000, NBA Hoopz, Capcom vs SNK, Sega Smash Pack vol1, Ikaruga, Speed Devils, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue 2, Soul Calibur.
2nd Place =
Nintendo64 Console With 2 Games + 1 Gamepad + 1 Memory Card + 1 Rumble pack, Expansion Pack.
Games included are :
Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask & Perfect Dark.
3rd Place =
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Console with Games + 1 Controller
Games Included are :
Will check later and then post them
4th Place =
Nintendo Gameboy with Games + Charger
Games included are :
Will check later and then post them
Thanks for entering guys
Any Donations made to the competition are welcomed and thanked.
I will have the paypal donations link set up either today or tomorrow
These rules must be followed or your entry will not be accepted.
1. Entry's must be New or Updated Applications/Games.
2. Entry's must not contain copyrighted material, such as ripped sprites etc.
3. Maximum of 3 Entry's per user.
-----------Competition Info-------------
1. To see the prizes the competition is offering click Here
2. The competition will run from now 28th of September 2006 until the first of November 2006.
3. All entry's must be submitted before that date to be eligable for the prizes.
4. Prizes will be posted out a week after the winners have been announced.
5. Voting accounts for 50% of the final decision. The other 50% is decided by the judges.
6. Any users found guilty of rigging the votes will be kicked off the competition and not win a prize. (we all know why)
7. Prizes are only in single units (only one availible per position) so if you finish first you will win the first prize. Second wins the second place prize etc....there are no exeptions on this.
8. Releases must be posted here first, they can be posted on other sites after 2 days of submittance here.
9. Entrys must be submitted to ZionMax only.
--------------Notice about the prizes--------
Obviously these prizes are not new, and cannot be bought new due to them being out of production.
They are all in mint condition and in fully working order.
Edit : I had to repost this and delete the old one becuase the links + rules were wrong + All the site issues were very embarassing
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October 3rd, 2006, 04:35 Posted By: JOJAN_MOO
0okm posted the following on his site:
this program NOW just support FW2.50
FW2.60/2.71 please wait
if your PSP is FW2.50 TA-082 and you
1. Trust me & support me
2. Agree NOT share my program & softdowned FW dump data to anyone
3. you know "Flash write" program may brick the PSP and Use it at your own Risk
4. you have a "ISP email Acc"
Q: Why need Trust me ?
A: because you need to give me your "ISP email", "PSP Serial Number" and "FW dump DATA".
Q: Why can't shared my program to other
A: because each program just for one PSP, other PSP use it will brick !!
Q: What happen if you shared my program or softdowned FW dump data to anyone ?
A: i will RELEASE ALL your personal information and STOP help people SoftDown !!!
if you Accept all above conditions you can send a email to 0okm00@gmail.com with Subject "I Accept all SoftDown conditions" by your "ISP email Acc" and i will reply a email to you
and tell you how to send me the "PSP Serial Number" and "FW dump DATA"
if you can't Accept and you hope have a FW1.50 PSP
you can buy it from my sponsor (FW1.50 PSP just US$189.00) they provide PSP to me to test my program
so i help them to SoftDown some PSP :P
admin - Im sure he has had plenty of volunteers already, my advice to DCEmu visitors and members is to sit back and see how it progresses.
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
Just how much living-room cabinet space are you going to have to sacrifice when you purchase a PlayStation 3 instead of a Nintendo Wii? Will your 1985 entertainment center fit your Xbox 360 in the same slot as a Nintendo NES?
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's wireless PS3 controller has been dubbed SIXAXIS. The Bluetooth supported, USB outfitted controller will be packaged with the PLAYSTATION 3 or can be purchased in Japan for 5,000 yen (US $43) starting November 11th. It is possible to switch the SIXAXIS from wireless to wired controller via USB. According to SCEI, The wireless controller can be operated for up to 30 hours when fully charged.
That same day, Sony is also selling a USB Memory Card Adaptor. It will go for 1,500 (US $13) and can be used to transfer PS2 or PSX game data for the PS3 harddrive. Moreover, Sony announced sales data for the BD remote. Previously, we posted the system's Blu-ray Remote Controller. This will drop on December 7th for 3,600 yen (US $31).
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
This I personally hadn't previously seen before. At CEATEC JAPAN 2006, Sony showed off the PLAYSTATION 3's remote control. It looks similar to the PS2 remote and guess what? It does pretty much the same thing! It's supposed to be used for toggling and video functions—in this case, watching Blu-ray discs. Looks like any old remote, no?
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:27 Posted By: wraggster
Folks over at the eponymous PSM3 Magazine were lucky enough to get their hands on a PlayStation 3. Apparently they were lucky enough to get their fingerprints all over it, too. These things are shinier than the black Nintendo DS, and will probably give rise to a slew of third-party, PS3-branded chamois cloths to keep them looking pristine.
These guys define the word bias, seeing as how they publish PlayStation 3 Magazine, but the machine does look powerful and, well ... shiny. The startup video looks impressive, especially the tuning orchestra-ish sound, although so was the one on the PS2. By the fifth time you booted that sucker up, you weren't paying attention to it. Remeber the simple PlayStation One startup? It was simple, to the point, and not too flashy. Everything now has to look like a music video. The XMB interface looks a lot more lackluster than expected, and looks miles behind the Xbox 360 dashboard. Although we're willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it might be not be complete.
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October 3rd, 2006, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
Myelin Media announces that highlights of the MTV STACKEDTM Masters Showdown Tournament, the officially-sanctioned Texas Hold ‘em poker tournament for STACKEDTM with Daniel Negreanu , which officially aired on MTV on September 24 – 27, 2006, is now available for viewing at http://www.stacked.mtv.com.
The five finalists: Amber Dalton from San Antonio, Texas; Mark Caminong from Hollywood, CA; Michael Rose from Buffalo Grove, Illinois; Brennan Conley, from Monroeville, Pennsylvania; and Jared Sharp from Short Hills, New Jersey; fought their way to a Showdown in Las Vegas to face off against Daniel Negreanu at the final table. Tune in to see who wins and who goes home in this one-of-a-kind Texas Hold ‘em match-up!
"I was truly amazed by the quality mix of Texas Hold ‘em players and genuine enthusiasm of STACKED fans from all over the country,” said Negreanu. “It’s great to see players showcasing their talent and using STACKED single player mode to sharpen and improve their skills.”
“My favorite thing about playing STACKED is the realistic game playing by the AI,” said Michael Rose, one of this year’s eager participants. “Stacked is the best poker game available right now by far and is a great teaching tool for most inexperienced players who want to tighten up their game.”
MTV STACKEDTM Masters Tournaments are scheduled, live events where players can win Masters points depending on the buy-in, number of other players and, of course, how far they make it. The buy in amount for each level will reflect the level of skill for players who can enter – the higher the level, the greater the buy in amount. The lower level tournaments will be held more frequently than the higher level tournaments giving everyone a chance to play and build their bankrolls.
Top players were selected by earning placement on the leader board by accumulating Masters Points in official STACKED Masters Showdown Tournaments, and of that sample, five were selected to participate in the MTV STACKEDTM Masters Finale. For additional tournament information you can visit STACKED.mtv.com for the latest updates on tournament schedules, complete results for all MTV STACKED Masters Showdown Tournaments, player leaderboards, and detailed statistics for individual players.
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
Leading video games publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. announced today that Warhammer®: Battle for Atluma™, a new collectible card game set in the popular Warhammer® world, will be launching on the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system this fall. This game of strategy and quick wits offers players more than 400 cards to collect, trade and ultimately use to vanquish their opponents.
“One of the more compelling card-based games to date, Warhammer: Battle for Atluma goes beyond simple player interaction and encourages an inclusive sense of community among players through head-to-head battles, card collecting, trading and strategy sessions,” said John Whitmore, Director of Internal/External Development at NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. “This unique dynamic coupled with the strategic, fast-paced nature of the game certainly sets Warhammer: Battle for Atluma apart from other games in its genre.”
Developed by JV Games, Warhammer: Battle for Atluma allows players to enter the Old World and battle their way through the vast armies of either the Grand Alliance or the evil Hordes of Darkness. Along the way, the secrets of Atluma will be revealed that will help shape future battles, but players will need to be decisive to outwit their opponent and secure the ultimate prize - the Atluma Crystal.
Exciting features of Warhammer: Battle for Atluma include:
Wireless multiplayer gameplay which allows players to battle a friend and trade cards by connecting wirelessly;
Life and death decisions which weigh heavily as players must carefully choose their battles. One wrong battle can lead an army to defeat, while one strategic victory can win new warriors from an opponent;
The ability to build a custom army deck that can stand the heat of combat. Players can access more than 90 different units through recruitment, conquest and trade;
An extensive tutorial system that helps beginners jump right into the action and start competing like a seasoned veteran.
Available this fall, Warhammer: Battle for Atluma is rated “T” for Teen by the ESRB. For more information about this title, please visit NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.’s official website at www.namcobandaigames.com.
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 launch game prices range from the unexpectedly low to the slightly higher than expected. At the low end are two mahjong games. Konami will release Mahjong Fight Club National Competition Edition at 5,229 yen. This is slightly higher than Koei's Mahjong Taikai IV, which will sell for 5040 yen. The Koei title is, incidentally, a new entry to the PS3's Japanese launch lineup.
Sega's launch title, Sega Golf Club, has been priced at 7,140 yen, as previously reported. So has Sonic the Hedgehog, which hits Japan on 12/21 at 7,140 yen.
Finally, we come to the high end of the launch lineup. Ridge Racer 7 and Gundam Target in Sight will both carry price points of 7,329 yen. This is actually the price that Konami charges for most of its PS2 games.
From Software will follow launch with the highest priced PS3 game of them all. As previously reported, Armored Core 4 will hit Japanese retail on 12/14 carrying, a price point of 8,190 yen. PS2 Armored Core games have carried this price in the past.
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:10 Posted By: wraggster
The remote's official name is BD Remote Controller, apparently to indicate the device's convenience for Blu-Ray disk playback. Model number CECHZR1J, the Remote Control will cost 3,600 yen, but it won't be available until 12/7. The device will use Bluetooth to interact with the PS3.
Finally, the memory card reader, which will help you maintain your PS2 save game collection. Officially called the Memory Card Adapter, this device, model CECHZM1J, will retail for 1,500 yen when it sees release on 11/11. It connects to the PS3 via USB and accepts memory cards for both the PS2 and PlayStation. Once you've connected the device, you'll be able to transfer your save games to the PS3 hard disk, so you'll presumably only have to use this once.
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:54 Posted By: wraggster
DickyDick1969 has once again updated his movie streaming app for the PSP, heres the news:
I digged into the audio sync issue when doing time-skips (big jump forward)… In order to calculate the correction for audio frames I need to know the n-th videoframe after a timeskip.. To do a timeskip, ffmpeg uses the internal index of the video file.. BUT ffmpeg keeps the frame-offset information private (in a private codec data block) so in order to get it I should make exceptions for every codec… And that was too much work … So I decided to do it the easy way.. You can adjust the audio sync when playing.. Pressing X and then LEFT or RIGHT will delay/speedup the audio 10 ms…
uploaded 0.75…
- fine tune audio sync while playing (CROSS-LEFT minus 10ms / CROSS-RIGHT add 10ms)
- Picture copy to memory stick as PNG/JPG (pressing LTRIGGER and RTRIGGER at once)
- Direct jump to top of dirlisting with RTRIGGER and UP
- Jump 20 item down with RTRIGGER AND DOWN
- Fix the auto play bug
- Auto tag images (=slideshow) (if you select an image without being in playlist, it will play until a non-image is reached)
- Better download indicator of rss feed
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:57 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPFanboy
As you may already know, Lumines creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi has made a music video for the upcoming video-infused Lumines II. The catchy tune by Genki Rockets has been stuck in my head for the past few days, and I decided to share the love through this exclusive Heavenly Star fan pack. Included in this zip file are 20 PSP-formatted wallpapers, the song as an MP3 and a PSP-formatted version of the music video.
"While most of my creative energy has been devoted to video games, because music plays such an important role in them, it seemed ideal to create an original music video," Mizuguchi stated about his original creation. Lumines II hits stores on November 7th.
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October 3rd, 2006, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
Gangs of London is the biggest release for PSP this week. Sony's been hyping the game through extensive advertisements and elaborate contests. They even printed tons of demos so that people would pick up, play and think "man, this game is a winner." Unfortunately, the plan backfired as I got tons of comments from readers trashing the game. Chris Powell asked me what I thought and I called it "laughably bad." It looks like our negative first impressions of the game were right as the game has been ridiculed by critics the world over. Let's check out some reviews from all over the world:
Pocket Gamer UK (40/100) - "Don't put Gangs of London on anyone's Christmas list. Whether it's stealth, driving or shooting, the game feels limited and unengaging, is hampered by unresponsive controls and completely lacks the necessary polish of a modern production."
Sydney Morning Herald (60/100) - "With such clumsy controls, the limited intelligence of both friends and foes, and a lack of mission variety, most players would have a lot more fun with GTA Liberty City Stories."
GameZone (50/100) - "Gangs of London is a pretty dull game that can border on frustrating due to the clunky controls, lame missions and weak AI. Definitely more 'Swept Away' than 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'."
I'm somewhat disappointed at how this game turned out. If Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories wasn't around the corner, I'd be pretty upset.
Via PSPFanboy
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October 3rd, 2006, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia are doing a weekly special, heres the info:
Weekly Special: Aedeus Memories Shinten Makai Generation of Chaos V for PSP™ at US$ 10.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: The game world is made up of 3 different realms, the "Underground World" where mechanical and magical sciences advance on equal footing; the "Aboveground World" made up of knights and mages; and the "Sky World" where gods and devils coexist. The main character, "Kuon", is a student of a military school in the Underground World who loves to adventure, always embarking on adventures when his curiosity is piqued.
One day, he encountered a mysterious girl in the hospital he was sent to for treating injuries he sustained, and that is how the story begins...
Idea Factory's Aedeus Memories Shinten Makai Generation of Chaos V for PSP™ is now available at discounted US$ 10.90 only.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer. As a small restriction, please also notice that you cannot use any further discount coupons along with this special offer.
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October 3rd, 2006, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest videogame publishers, announced that it will publish Mind Quiz, Sega’s hit brain training game in Europe. Mind Quiz, the PSP game, was a hit across Japan and will be available in stores in November 2006.
Test calculation, reflex, judgement, and memory: All the exercises are qualified to exercise the brain with scientific experiments
How old is your brain? Featuring the Brain Age Checking Mode: Mind Quiz contains the new “Brain Age Checking Mode” this allows the player to evaluate their brain age by solving questions once a day
Intense fun: Set in a school setting, players can enjoy elements such as online gameplay and mock exams to evaluate strength. The game also features a ‘challenge mode’ and a ‘healing gallery’
Pick up and play: By using the PSP’s simple functionality, anyone can play Mind Quiz at any age. Begin training with school teachers, then try a variety of unique brain training programs and difficulty settings.
The latest addition to the blockbuster “Brain Trainer” Japanese series: Renamed “Mind Quiz” for Europe, the game is the best in the series yet. Supervised by Dr. Kawashima, the Japanese authority on Functional Brain Imaging, Mind Quiz helps to train and stimulate the brain.
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October 3rd, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Solid 4 is without doubt one of the biggest games currently in development for PS3, and after being impressed by the latest gameplay footage that sneaked out last month we're more than happy to be thwapped in the face by 20 - yep, that's 20 - new screenshots this afternoon.
Solid Snake fans still have around a year to wait before MGS4 arrives, with it currently expected in Q4 2007. Still, you can ease that wait by checking out this heaping helping of new in-game pics. Enjoy.
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October 3rd, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
PDC World Championship Darts is coming this Christmas and it'll feature all the heavyweight champions of the oche, a smokey room and warm bitter on tap.
Look out for arrow-lobbing legends including Phil Taylor, Dennis Priestly, Wayne Mardle, Mark Dudbridge and Raymond Van Barneveld.
Check out the screens below while we organise a special event with Oxygen to see how accurate its darts game really is. More soon.
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October 3rd, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have new for sale a 8.0 inches Digital LCD Monitor for PStwo, heres some more details:
Exclusively for use with the "Slim-line" PStwo console, the new 8 inches Digital LCD Monitor allows you to play your DVDs or PS2 games on the go! Featuring an impressive
8 inches TFT display, in-built Stereo Speakers, SRS 3D Surround Sound and even a Remote Control.
Specifications & extra information
- 8.0 Inch (20.3cm) Active Matrix TFT Panel
- Wide 160 degree viewing angle
- Integral stereo speakers with stereo SRS? surround sound
- Remote Controller
- Two stereo earphone outputs
- 7 Inch Fantastic Monitor
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October 3rd, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Jamie MacDonald, VP of SCE Worldwide Studios Europe, has told GamesIndustry.biz that he believes digital distribution will overtake discs within the next five years.
Speaking after his keynote at GDC London this morning, MacDonald said the industry is currently experiencing a "paradigm shift" as the cost of games production increases and there is a move toward a "network-centric world". This, he argued, will have significant implications for the way developers make games, the revenue streams they are able to exploit and the way products are delivered.
"In five years' time, my belief is that the majority of content won't be delivered on disc. That has many implications for developers and the way we organise our industry," MacDonald said.
"It also brings with it great opportunities because it means you can touch your consumer in many different ways and at different times - it's not just a one-off relationship where a consumer buys a disc from the store.
"In terms of object sales, episodic content, in-game advertising and merchandising, there are many, many opportunities to have a relationship with the consumer - which is a great challenge to us as developers because that's not what we're used to."
This is not the first time a Sony executive has predicted the end of the road for disc formats. Back in August, Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison said he would be "amazed" if the PlayStation 4 featured a disc drive - causing some observers to question the validity of launching the new Blu-ray format with PlayStation 3.
But according to MacDonald, "The thing about Blu-ray discs - and this is the crucial thing - is that not any time soon will you be able to download the amount of content you need for a big triple-A title down a typical 2, 4 meg broadband connection. That's not going to happen now or in the next year.
"So Blu-ray is absolutely needed for the high definition content in the games that we'll be producing. The network-enabled world, for the initial period, is much more about updated content, object sales, but also titles which are not these blockbuster titles."
The full interview with Jamie MacDonald will be published on GamesIndustry.biz later this week.
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October 3rd, 2006, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Sony's PlayStation 3 is only one month away, with its official release date set to November 11 in Japan and November 17 in the USA.
Virtually place yourself in the waiting line at Japanese videogame shops and let Lik Sang do the dirty work for you. Conditions are quite flexible and there is strictly no money involved. No need to wait for the department store next door to finally get its stock a year later. The price at Lik-Sang.com will remain $0 until we have secured the best possible purchase prices, as many units as possible, and until further details emerge from our suppliers all around the world.
You'll also find a number of official launch titles for the same $0 pre-order price tag in our PlayStation 3 category, but please take into account that some of these games may still be delayed or new ones may get added by Sony to the official launch title list. In any case, you'll always have the final word of what games you want us to ship with your console. By the way, if you have already placed your Special Pre-Order, you can now head over to your my Account page and add them to your list.
Special Pre-Order Terms & Conditions:
1. Your pre-order is not binding and you can cancel at any time.
2. Once release and price details are known, you will receive an email that you need to confirm.
3. As long as you don't cancel, you will keep your position in the pre-order list.
4. Unit price and features are not confirmed and can change at any time.
5. Release date is not confirmed and might change.
6. The product is listed with a dummy price - your credit card is NOT charged.
7. All special pre-orders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit.
8. Depending on release schedule you will be offered choice between US and Japanese systems as Premium or Basic PS3 Pack.
9. Choices and changes are also allowed if several editions/colors are made available.
10. Confirmed launch titles can be added to your order; if a title is delayed, orders can be changed.
11. Again, you will not pay a penny until the minute we ship out your order.
Zip in, zip out, time to make a quick move if you want to catch one of the last remaining spots.
Extra note: Be prepared that the day-1 prices will be much higher than the manufacturers suggested retail price. Experienced and veteran hardcore gamers, who are not importing a system for the first time, know that buying a PS3 at launch or a PSP at launch is not the same thing as simply buying a mere PlayStation 3 or a random PSP off some supermarket shelf. You're paying for the privilege of getting it two months before the massive overflow. Especially with the long forecasted shortages (only 100.000 units for Japan at release date), MasterCard would call that 'priceless'. There is never enough of the good stuff on a launch day, and Lik Sang is required to pay premium pricing to get earlybird stock in sufficient levels for everybody. We can only extend these offers to you during the first couple of months, while waiting for the market to stabilize. But that's the beauty of the No Money Down Special Pre-Order system, you can always ignore day-1 prices and wait for a few more days, a few more weeks, or even several months, until the price goes down to an acceptable level. Without ever losing your pre-order position!
If You Have Already Placed Your Special Pre-Order
If you have already placed your Special Pre-Order Without any games or accessories, you may now head over to your My Account section and add available games to your order. Simply enter the Item Number in the blank field.
• Genji : Kamui Souran (Japanese) (Item No. 9660)
• Mahjong Kakutou Club (Japanese) (Item No. 9661)
• Mobile Suit Gundam : Target In Sight (Japanese) (Item No. 9662)
• Resistance : Jinrui Botsuraku no Hi (Japanese) (Item No. 9663)
• Sega Golf Club (Japanese) (Item No. 9664)
• Ridge Racer 7 (Japanese) (Item No. 9665)
• F.E.A.R (US) (Item No. 9666)
• Madden NFL 07 (US) (Item No. 9667)
• Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (US) (Item No. 9668)
• Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (US) (Item No. 9669)
• Call of Duty 3 (US) (Item No. 9670)
• Genji : Days of the Blade (US) (Item No. 9671)
• MotorStorm (US) (Item No. 9672)
• NBA 07 (US) (Item No. 9673)
• Need for Speed Carbon (US) (Item No. 9674)
• NHL 2K7 (US) (Item No. 9675)
• Resistance : Fall Of Man (US) (Item No. 9676)
• The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (US) (Item No. 9677)
• Untold Legends : Dark Kingdom (US) (Item No. 9678)
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October 3rd, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
British developer Ninja Theory has confirmed PlayStation 3-exclusive fighter Heavenly Sword as a "launch window" release during a Game Developer Conference presentation in London, although the game will not make it out in America before the end of the year.
"We've always been a launch window title so it hasn't affected us at all," said Nina Kristensen, Ninja Theory's co-founder, answering a question on how Sony's PlayStation 3 delay in Europe had affected the release of the game.
"No, it's going to be next year," said Guy Midgley lead animator, speaking of the game's American launch, "but we haven't announced a specific date yet."
The presentation generally centred on the development of the game's extensive combat system, showing software used to compile what look to be intricate combat routines.
"We needed to do one-on-one combat, group combat and army combat," said lead programmer SaiTong Man. "Our main inspiration was Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur... Our hero has three stances, but we decided to make each enemy a different stance. This makes the player think about the stance they need to be in to survive the encounter."
Much was shown of wire-frame combat, the presentation culminating in the most recent trailer made for the game.
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October 3rd, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
It's been half a decade since the last traditionally all-new Final Fantasy game was released on the PlayStation 2, and just as long since Square Enix officially announced FF XII was in development. If you've been waiting longer for the US edition though, now you're on the home stretch with just one month till your adventure kicks off. Stake your spot in the pre-order queue now, and as with all games here, Final Fantasy XII ships free right to your doorstep. If you already bought the Japanese edition however, English language aside, this new release includes 16:9 support and scenes cut from the first release due to rating issues.
With any game in development for so long there's always the question of whether or not it’ll live up to the hype. This epic also cost US$ 35 million to produce, but thankfully if Japan's heavily respected Famitsu Magazine is anything to go by, and it is, the title is truly everything you could wish for. Becoming only the sixth game in the publications twenty year history to score a perfect 40/40 review, back in March FF XII joined the elite ranks of Vagrant Story, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Soul Calibur, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Nintendogs. With more than 63 million Final Fantasy games sold since 1987, Square Enix's franchise also only falls behind Mario and Pokémon in terms of worldwide popularity.
An Evil Empire vs. A Small Kingdom and Just A Few Heroes In-between
As big as a release is, every great adventure must start with a solid story. That of Final Fantasy XII takes place in a world called "Ivalice", also used in FF Tactics and Tactics Advance. During an age when magic was commonplace and airships plied the skies, the humes, bangaa, viera and moogles all called this land home. War however was on the horizon and seeking to strengthen its base of power, the great Archadian Empire began invading and subjugating its neighboring kingdoms one by one. The small Kingdom of Dalmasca was one such target.
When the occupying Archadian forces established a new consul in Dalmasca's Royal City of Rabanastre, it caught the attention of Vaan, an urchin living on the streets. To Vaan, the Empire was a hated enemy who had taken the life of his brother—his last surviving family member. Vaan hatched a plan to sneak into the castle housing the new consul and unburden him of one or two of his treasures. But before he would have the chance, Vaan got far more than he bargained for; a resistance movement of former Dalmascan soldiers rising up against the Archadian Empire was launching an assault! Amid the ensuing confusion that engulfed the castle, Vaan saw something he could scarcely believe. There, among the members of the resistance, was the figure of the sole remaining heir to the Dalmascan throne, the Princess Ashe, who'd been given up for missing...
The story follows Vaan, Ashe, Vaan's friend Penelo, the sky pirate Balthier, his partner Fran and many more on an adventure through Ivalice that traces the mysteries behind the Archadian Empire's invasion.
It's Final Fantasy, But Not As You Know It
Final Fantasy XII brings forth many drastic changes to the gameplay systems of adventures past, and beyond the location, the new title takes more from two other legendary Square Enix games, FF Tactics and Vagrant Story. Yasumi Matsuno, the man responsible for those two was the original choice for directing duties here, but part way through he had to pull out due to health problems. Despite this however, his vision certainly stayed on.
The art style for example is very reminiscent of Matsuno's works, which considering the visual mood of those was very memorable, it’s certainly a welcome shift. Taking place in the same world of Ivalice, you'll recognize several characters, the various races such as Bangaa, Viera, Nu Mou, Moogle, and Hume, plus there's an all new race to be seen, the pig-like Seeq. The two directors who took over include Hiroshi Minagawa, former art director of FF Tactics and Vagrant Story, and Hiroyuki Ito, who beyond various Final Fantasy releases, worked on Chrono Trigger, Grandia II, and even Super Mario RPG.
Read the rest at Lik Sang
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October 3rd, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
Anne Packrat wrote to say that she made these LocoRoco plushes, mostly by hand, in a futile attempt to get the music to stop playing in her head. The plushes didn't stop the music in my head either, but they did make me giggle a little. I would love to take one of these and just bean the crap out of someone in the head with it while shouting the nonsense words as loud as I could. Yes, I have issues.
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October 3rd, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Recent concerns about PS3's imminent launch and the stability of the console's hardware have caused Sony shares to drop 2.75 percent, according to a report on The Associated Press.
First up, in a report released yesterday, Macquarie Equities analyst David Gibson stated that PS3 units had to be reset frequently at this year's Tokyo Game Show, pointing the finger at overheating.
Sony, of course, has denied hardware issues with PS3 exist, with company spokesperson Nanako Kato saying the TGS phenomenon was likely caused by one-of-a-kind temperature irregularities, according to The AP.
Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (investment firm), chose to drop Sony's stock rating earlier today from 'buy' to 'neutral'. The reason? 1) confusion over PS3's release and 2) poor PSP sales may have a greater impact on Sony's earnings than expected.
As a result of all this, Sony's shares fell $1.11 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange to $38.98.
What will concern gamers though is the TGS 'overheating' matter. Should we be worried? Clarifying Sony's position on the issue, Nanako Kato said that roughly 200 PS3 units were positioned closely together and situated in kiosks with poor ventilation, which resulted in overheating problems.
"It's not a problem with the PlayStation 3 unit itself," Kato maintained. "For a normal player at home, there shouldn't be any problem."
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October 3rd, 2006, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like we weren't the only ones to notice the Playstation 3's overheating during the Tokyo Game Show. Macquarie Equities analyst David Gibson also saw some PS3s locking up and having to be reset at the big show. And he didn't like what he saw:
"While the reason for this is unknown, we suspect it may be due to overheating as a result of enclosing the units and the high temperatures at the venue," Gibson wrote. "We are concerned that such a problem has occurred so close to full production and is clearly negative news for the company."
News of the glitches caused a 2.75 percent drop in Sony shares, says Business Week.
In Sony's defense, TGS was, by all accounts, a sweltering A/C-free pit and, so far, all next-gen hardware locks up. My Xbox 360 and debug unit both lock-up if I play them for too long without leaving my entertainment center doors open.
I won't know until I get my greedy little hands on one, but I suspect the PS3's overheating issues are about the same as the issues with the 360. I can't wait to heat my house with the PS360s when they're fully installed and running. I'm already heating my lounge with the Xbox 360 and Plamsa TV.
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Japan's Impress Watch provided some impressions of browser use. Using the Six Axis controller (that's the PS3 controller's Official name, in case you just woke up), you move a cursor around with the left analogue stick and use the right stick to scroll the screen up and down. Circle is for making selections, with L1 and R1 serving as back and forward buttons. Links can be open in a second window, which lines up next to the current window. The windows can be toggled between using L2 and R2. The site reports that, thanks to the PS3's compatibility with high resolution monitors, webpages are easy to look at when browsing on the PS3.
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
“Sony knew early on that it was going to be hard to get the very best out of the PS3 early on, so the Japan office commissioned a team in Europe to start devising new technology and tools,” said Cheshire. “What we were able to do is exploit something that Sony was developing internally, which we were the first to see – and since then we’ve worked very closely with Sony. It’s a two-way street.”
Unusually though, the Neon engine is intended to be cross platform, with Cheshire indicating that, “Sony said that was fine. Sony realises that the only way to make next-gen viable for everyone was to allow everyone to exploit technology”. The first game to use the engine will be rally game Colin McRae DIRT, expected on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Evilo posted this news:
So, I think that despite all the current problems, this is the moment to release a first beta !
I'm only releasing the binary for now, as I still need to double-check the last modification I've done in the official SDK, commit them and then clean-up my code a little bit before putting it into the SVN
The player is almost compatible will all available lua games, and I started a compatibility thread at the froggies forum to report working games and/or required script modifications to make them working :
I aso opened a thread to report bugs and problems with the player, so I would thank you to use it in case you encounter any issues/problems you could have :
(The froggies forum is theorically a french forum, but I don't see any problems to post in english on the above threads, as nowadays we all understand and speak english more or less correctly!)
And finally, here is the first Beta version of the player :
plus (hoping that the original author will agree) the DrMario game modified to run on the PS2 :
Dr. Mario 0.3_ps2_version.zip (the zip content has to be put under the "Applications" directory)
For information, I made the following changes to make DrMario running on the PS2 player :
- updated script to Lua 5.1
- remove pad:home()
- replaced pad:note() by pad:triangle()
I also modified the Lowser script and inverted X and O buttons (so [X] is used to select a directory/games and [O] to go back)
Please also read carefully the README provided in the zip file for information, and once again consider this release as a real first Beta version !
I hope you'll enjoy it as I do
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Ignition Entertainment sent along word today that Mercury Meltdown -- the sequel to Mercury, the PSP's first liquid blob puzzle game -- is now shipping in North America, offering more than 160 new puzzles.
Mercury Meltdown features a new visual style, doubles the number of stages, adds a free-look camera, and offers new ways to control your mercury blob. Mercury Meltdown also offers two-player games, party games, game sharing, custom skins and downloadable content.
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via Deviant PSP
Me and KyyubiDX of Deviant Staff have been working on a new project, this time its a Mod of PSP Revolution ( DDR For PSP ) with Square Enix menu's and song's. It features Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger, along with some others, its kinda small now, but in the future we will work to make this alot bigger with plenty more songs.
As of Now their are only 12 songs, which you can expect updates with that very soon, I will also be releasing Anime Style v5 within a week ( HopeFully ) so stay tuned for updates
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October 3rd, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPVault
Good news for anyone who owns a PSP and may be purchasing a PS3. Sony is currently demonstrating several of the Playstation 3's features at CEATEC JAPAN 2006, a consumer electronics convention currently taking place in Japan.
Sony has been demoing the Playstation 3's "Cross Media Bar" interface, which if you own a PSP, you're already familiar with.
During the demonstration, Sony showed an icon under the Playstation 3's "Network" menu called "Remote Play." As you can see in the image below, it clearly depicts a PSP. Sony has also confirmed that you will be able to use the PS3's integrated WiFi functionality to "throw" the PS3's video signal to your PSP. Details were found in Game Watch's coverage of the event. So not only will you be able to use your PSP to control your PS3 games, you'll be able to use your PSP to see your PS3 games.
It should be noted that because only the 60GB Playstation 3 model includes integrated WiFi, this function will apparently not be available on the 20GB model.
This feature may just be one small component of Sony's implementation of DLNA on the Playstation 3. Other possible (as in, we're just guessing) implementations include being able to watch movies from the PS3's Blu-ray/hard drive on the PSP, and being able to watch UMD-Video on the PS3.
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October 4th, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has released a new version of his shell for the PSP, heres the info:
Here is a brief list of what MyPspShell do (some things are for sure missing)
Use psplink, so you can connect to the psp with pcterm.exe (see www.forums.ps2dev.org) to send commands.
Use config.txt file in "Skin/Default/" directory to edit graphics.
There is a lot of improvements to do, but i'm working on so many things on it and have so much ideas that it take lot of time. One of the last things i'v added is the basic online homebrews/games install, that download 7z'ipped games via HTTP then install them. Users can make theire own online homebrews download site by doing this :
- Make a directory named "games" on your website.
- Put a file named "games_weblist.txt" in this directory.
- In this file, list the homebrew archives name's line by line, eg : IrShell.7z
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October 4th, 2006, 07:26 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial PSP game released:
A follow up to Gundam Battle Tactics. Battle Royal adds a number of features to the core gameplay of Tactics, including wireless play in a battle royal mode for up to four players. Players can also take part in four-player cooperative missions, performing tasks such as hauling cargo and protecting the base. There are also find new Gundam properties represented through new units and characters. In addition to Mobile Suits, the game adds new support mecha and ships, which can also be used in battle. With the new machines comes new battle moves, including one tricky move where you send out a balloon replica of your mech in order to confuse your opponents.
More info /buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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October 4th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
The PAL delay of the PlayStation 3 could hurt revenues for publishers hoping to have taken advantage of a worldwide pre-Christmas launch of the console, with a potential 500,000 European gamers no longer viable consumers.
That's the opinion of UBS Investment Research analyst Michael Wallace, who also noted that the situation may prompt some publishers to delay the launch of their titles to take advantage of a larger market when the PS3 launches in March.
Wallace had expected Europe to receive 500,000 console units by Christmas, and noted that large publishers such as Activision may suffer from building their Q4 targets around the launch of the PlayStation 3.
Publishers that have hedged their bets with titles across multiple formats, including Nintendo's Wii, had a better chance of making up losses, said Wallace.
Shares in Sony fell yesterday by 2.75 per cent after another analyst, from Macquire Equities, issued a statement of concern about the PlayStation 3 units at this years' Tokyo Game Show which suffered from overheating problems.
"We are concerned that such a problem has occurred so close to full production and is clearly negative news for the company," said the firm.
Sony spokesperson Nanako Kato has since clarified the company's position to the Associated Press, stating that 200 units grouped closely together with little ventilation had caused the problems, and not any manufacturing fault.
"It's not a problem with the PlayStation 3 unit itself. For a normal player at home, there shouldn't be any problem," he said.
Yesterday investment firm Goldman Sachs lowered Sony's stock rating from 'buy' to 'neutral', amid concerns of disappointing PSP sales and confusion over the launch of the PlayStation 3.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz Sony Europe has categorically denied reports that the PS3 hardware has suffered any problems due to overheating.
The rebuttal follows a report by Macquire Securities analyst David Gibson, who wrote that PS3 units at the Tokyo Game Show were overheating, causing concern over the stability of the console, which in turn caused Sony shares to tumble by 2.75 per cent yesterday.
"SCE can categorically deny that there's any problems with PS3 units overheating," said the company in a statement issued to GI.biz.
"As could be seen on the TGS floor by the tens of thousands of media and public attendees, both the hardware and software worked flawlessly," the statement concludes.
Sony has been suffering negative press since the company announced it would be delaying the European launch of the PlayStation 3 until March 2007, due to difficulties in producing a key component of the system.
The overheating rumours have also been fuelled by a recent recall of lithium ion batteries manufactured by Sony, which affected technology partners Dell, Toshiba and Apple.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios exec Michael Denny has warned that the games industry must be prepared to make huge changes as the digital era gets underway.
Speaking at the London Games Summit this afternoon, Denny described the industry as being "at a crossroads", with many people "undecided, perhaps even divided" over what the future holds.
He argued that the current console transition is taking place in a world very different from that of five or six years ago, before the arrival of the iPod and websites such as YouTube and My Space.
"Consumers have more choice, want better things and have louder voices," Denny said.
He went on to discuss the importance of user-created content and to observe that niche products will become more popular as distribution models change, stating, "The hit driven market will continue, but hits must compete with niche products... The era of one size fits all is ending."
According to Denny, the move into a new era will require "the most fundamental shift in planning, content creation and management that our industry has ever seen".
He described downloadable content as one of the "biggest weapons" developers and publishers have at their disposal, arguing that it can and should be used to "complement retail launches, encourage consumer loyalty and extend products' life cycle, helping to prevent trade-ins".
Sony's e-distribution initiative, which was first announced at this year's Develop conference, has been met with an "overwhelming" response from developers, according to Denny. He added that many studios are also highly enthusiastic about the possibilities opened up by the PS3's tilt controller and built-in hard drive.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Fresh off the screenshot conveyer belt, we've got new screens of Rockstar's junior-GTA, Canis Canem Edit
You can checkout our recent hands-on impressions here, where we wax lyrical on the first and second chapters of the game which lead through all kinds of playground mischief, including classics pranks such as student egging, teacher sling-shotting and flaming-bag-of-dog-poo related shenanigans.
Canis Canem Edit muscles into the shops on October 27 for PS2.
Full details at CVG
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October 4th, 2006, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony chose not to include force feedback in its PlayStation 3 controller because it was worried how much it would have to charge for the resultant product.
That's according to SCEA boss Kaz Hirai, who told UK games website Kikizo that the decision not to include rumble features in addition to motion-sensing was a strategic, not a technical one.
"The issue is trying to isolate the vibration feature from the motion sensors," he said. "Is it technically feasible? Absolutely. But the balancing act that you need to do, is to be able to present the controller to the consumer at an affordable price."
Despite facing a backlash at E3, Hirai reckons that the extra cost involved in putting both in the same pad would have been "doing the consumer a huge disservice". You can make your own jokes about PlayStation 3 pricing here if you like.
Individual PS3 controllers, named "Sixaxis", will be sold for 5,000 yen in Japan, which is about 22 Hermajestycoins or 33 Euran-out-of-funny-ones-yesterdays.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamestop
The PlayStation 3 launch is now just over six weeks away, and Sony Corp. stockholders are apparently getting nervous. Today, the Japanese electronic giant's share price slid 130 yen ($1.11) to 4,600 yen ($38.98) on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, a decline of 2.75 percent.
According to several news-service reports, the stock drop came after two major analysts downgraded Sony's stock on concerns about its gaming division, Sony Computer Entertainment. "We have adopted a cautious view of the impact of the [Sony] game business on the electronics business this term,'' Goldman Sachs analyst Yuji Fujimori told Bloomberg. Fujimori downgraded Sony's rating from "buy" to "neutral" citing "confusion over the release of PlayStation 3 and concerns [about] disappointing sales of [the] PlayStation Portable," according to the Associated Press.
Another Tokyo-based analyst, Macquarie Equities' David Gibson, went one step further. He issued a report expressing concern that many of the 200-plus PS3s on the floor of the Tokyo Game Show "operated erratically and had to be repeatedly reset," according to the AP.
"While the reason for this is unknown, we suspect it may be due to overheating as a result of enclosing the units and the high temperatures at the venue," Gibson said. "We are concerned that such a problem has occurred so close to full production and is clearly negative news for the company."
In its defense, Sony said the PS3 failures were caused by unusually high temperatures created by having many of the next-gen consoles operating in close proximity to each other. "It's not a problem with the PlayStation 3 unit itself," Sony spokeswoman Nanako Kato told the AP. "For a normal player at home, there shouldn't be any problem."
The downgrades come at a bad time for Sony, which is already coping with a massive recall of laptop batteries it manufactured. On Friday, Dell announced that it was increasing the recall of Sony batteries used in its systems from 4.1 million units to 4.2 million units.
On the game front, the company recently had to delay the PS3's European launch to March 2007 and cut day-one inventory of the console to 100,000 units in Japan and 400,000 units in North America. The company says it will still ship 2 million to 2.4 million PS3s by the end of the year.
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October 4th, 2006, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
UBS Investment Research analyst Michael Wallace assessed the PlayStation 3 and Wii launch plans of a number of US publishers in a note to investors today, and not all of the news was positive. While Wallace noted that software sales were already up about 3 percent for the year so far (matching his original prediction for the full year), he warned that the delay of the European release of Sony's system may have a negative impact on some companies' bottom lines this year.
Wallace had expected Sony to ship about 500,000 PS3 systems to Europe by the end of the year, but with the system not expected to release there until March of 2007, he worries about the impact it will have on US publishers. Aside from having 500,000 less consumers to sell their games to, publishers may decide to delay games that had been expected this year into 2007 to take advantage of what will be a larger user base. However, Wallace doesn't specify any particular titles that would be in danger of this and notes that if Sony can ship 1.5 million PS3s to the US by year's end, it would make up for the shortfall of systems caused by the European delay.
As for which publishers face the biggest downside as a result of the delay, Wallace said that Activision has built its quarter around the PS3 launch more than other publishers and could suffer the largest downside as a result. While he expects Electronic Arts to have four or five PS3 games at launch compared to Activision's three, Wallace also said that EA has a more balanced portfolio for the quarter.
Even the caution about Activision is tempered with a note that the publisher could make up any losses in other areas of its business. Wallace said that Nintendo's expected 2 million Wii units available for the US by the end of the year is more than he expected. As a result, Activision and THQ are best positioned to take advantage of that, with five games and four games expected for the Wii launch, respectively. (Wallace does not issue reports on foreign publishers like France-based Ubisoft, which has announced a lineup of eight Wii titles and is expected to offer PS3 launch titles as well, including Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII.)
Wallace's list of expected Wii and PS3 launch titles from the publishers he covers is included below.
Call of Duty 3 (PS3, Wii)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PS3, Wii)
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (PS3)
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam (Wii)
World Series of Poker (Wii)
Rapala Tournament Fishing (Wii)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Wii)
Electronic Arts
Madden NFL 07 (PS3, Wii)
Need for Speed Carbon (PS3, Wii)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (PS3)
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3)
NBA Live 07 (PS3)
Ant Bully (Wii)
Happy Feet (Wii)
Rampage: Total Destruction (Wii)
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (Wii)
NBA 2K7 (PS3)
NHL 2K7 (PS3)
College Hoops 2K7 (PS3)
Cars (Wii)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature From the Krusty Krab (Wii)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Wii)
Barnyard (Wii)
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October 4th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday evening, Sony announced that they're holding a contest for 10 all-expenses-paid trips to the PlayStation 3 premiere party on November 8 in Los Angeles. This party, they claim, will be so rad that attendees will brag to their grandchildren about attending it.
Hyper-hyperbole aside, the contest rules do provide Sony fans with a unique opportunity to express their love for the PlayStation 3 in video, essay, poem, PowerPoint or any other creative format. The best entries will win prizes worth approximately $2,200, including a PlayStation 3.
Don't think that this is your ticket to securing one of the 400,000 PS3s allocated to North America for launch, however. Sony's fine print notes that winners should "please allow up to 20 weeks for delivery" of their consoles.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Product Features of SONY PSP Moto GP US ver.
International cast of 32 riders and their machines from the 2005 MotoGP season
Race on 8 of the most popular MotoGP courses
Test yourself in standard Arcade Mode, or live the life of a racer in full Season Mode
Unlock new videos and photos, plus extreme modes that keep the challenge coming
More Description of SONY PSP Moto GP US ver.
MotoGP will let players experience one of the most exhilarating and competitive motor sports in the world -- and gives them the chance to take on their friends in thrilling Wireless multiplayer races for up to eight players via Ad Hoc Mode. This is the first time the MotoGP championship has appeared on PSP, allowing fans to race against their biking heroes, including Italian legend Valentino Rossi and Spanish veteran Sete Gibernau, on some of the most exciting circuits in motor sport.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Check out the latest screenshots of the HOT PXL games collection coming soon to PSP.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
It's that time of the year again! Time to dress up as creatures from the underworld, sprinkle the hair with salt, and go around the neighborhood in search of fruits, nuts and sweets? Well... yes, almost. But before that, it's time for Sony's limited edition seasonal hardware bundle.
This year, with the PlayStation 2 on the way out, Sony's focusing on the PSP. The company announced today the 65% new Bonus Pack bundle. Set for release on 10/19, this limited edition package includes a PSP unit (either white or black), matching colored pouch, 1 gigabyte Memory Stick Pro Duo, USB cable, stand, AC adapter and battery pack.
The Bonus Pack is set at open pricing, which means we won't know its price until it hits retail. However, given that it's just like last year's Giga Pack, minus the remote control, headphones and cleaning cloth, it will likely cost below the Giga Pack's 31,290 yen price.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Rockstar's GTA series first hit the PSP last year with Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, and in a few short weeks the follow-up will hit Sony's portable powerhouse. We recently had a chance to get our grubby mitts on the latest build of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories to see how well the '80s have made their way to the PSP. Playing through three different missions, we managed to get behind the wheel of a buggy, ATV and a number of different cars, as well as put our hands on the flight stick of a helicopter.
One of the biggest questions surrounding Vice City Stories is regarding said helicopters. Specifically, how well they fly, how the controls work and how well the engine can handle drawing the massive world of Vice City. In short, the answer is anywhere from very well to fantastically. Despite requiring the system to draw the entirety of Vice City at essentially any time, the game still holds a very solid framerate. There's some pop-in to be sure, but it's not really any worse than we remember seeing from GTA: Vice City on the PS2. In other words, Rockstar has certainly upped the technical bar it set in the first game and the results are impressive.
The chopper's flight mechanic uses X and Square for throttle control while the analog stick pivots and tilts in any direction and L and R are used to turn. It took us a very short time to get used to the controls, and most of the learning curve simply has to do with how far or long you need to tilt or turn in order to shift direction. But functionally, it's about as natural as could be and really feels great. Good stuff here.
In one of the three missions we tried, we had a chance to hop aboard both an ATV and a dune buggy. The ATV is a squirrelly little rascal, quick to get going but not all too fast. It turns on a dime though, making it great for navigating through numerous pedestrians should you not want to up your civilian kill count. The dune buggy, on the other hand, is much faster and a little more maneuverable on sand than the ATV. Its physics properties combined with the rough and hilly beach that we were on made it feel "bumpy" in that you need to watch how far you're turning the wheels while in mid-air or you'll skip quickly to one side when your wheels touch down again. Slightly tricky stuff, but this is exactly how it should be.
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October 4th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
This can not be real. PSP ads have been terrible for the most part, but this takes it one step further into the "what the f--- were they thinking?" category. The video is embeeded after the cut, but I'll have a FOX-like warning for you: Due to the violent nature of this advertisement, viewer discretion is advised.
Video Here -->
Thoughts ?
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October 4th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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October 4th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: splodger15
Eidos has announced the sublimely named Chili Con Carnage - a third-person PSP "high action" Mexican shooter from Deadline Games, the developer behind Total Overdose.
Promising, "super spicy action, over-the-top, gravity-defying special moves", Chili Con Carnage sees Ramiro Cruz wreaking carnage on the seedy underworld of Los Toros as he attempts to avenge the assassination of his father, battling against the local kingpin Cesar Morales' drug cartel.
With 19 missions set across seven different locales, ranging from sprawling cities to dense jungle, Chili Con Carnage sees you pitting wits against "moustachioed mercenaries, megalomaniacal crime-lords and chemically mutated super-Mamas" across four different game modes covering both single-player and multiplayer misadventures.
According to Deadline Games' CEO Chris Mottes, "Eidos gave us the challenge to create the fastest and most gun crazy action game to be released on a handheld machine. And we have delivered Chili Con Carnage - a burning hot Mexican shooter with the biggest explosion frequency and the highest takedown rate you will ever experience on the PSP". He does tend to shout a bit, that one.
Those not hung over from too much tequila may recognize this game's lead gunslinger as that of the impressive but overlooked Total Overdose from last year.
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October 4th, 2006, 22:51 Posted By: kando
from 0okm's blog:
PSP FW2.50 TA-082 SoftDown STOP NOW :P
someone try to crack my gMail account
and someone discredited me with ugly gossip
so PSP FW2.50 TA-082 SoftDown STOP NOW :P
All Donation was refunded
Thanks all of your Support
money, i have not much, but enough :P
PSP hack just my hobby :P
sad day, i say i was a donator, and i was very sad to see that refund =(
best of luck to him, i hope he is successful in whatever he does, but i hope this doesnt die completely, this project was very successful.
Link to 0okm's blog: http://0okm.blogspot.com
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October 5th, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese gaming site Famitsu.com, the online branch of the popular game magazine Weekly Famitsu, has published pricing details for Japan on nine PlayStation 3 games. The games, four of which are due to be released as launch titles, range in price from 5,040 yen (approximately $43) for Mahjong Taikai IV to 8,190 yen (approximately $69) for Armored Core 4. A list of titles with Japanese prices and approximate dollar equivalents follows.
November 11, 2006:
Mah-Jong Fight Club (Konami, 5,229 yen / approx $44)
Sega Golfclub (Sega, 7140 yen / approx. $60)
Genji (Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, 5,980 yen / approx. $51)
Resistance: Fall of Man (Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, 5,980 yen / approx. $51)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight (Namco Bandai Games, 7,329 yen / approx. $62)
Ridge Racer 7 (Namco Bandai Games, 7,329 yen / approx. $62)
November 22, 2006:
Mah-Jong Taikai IV (Koei, 5,040 yen / approx. $43)
December 14, 2006:
Armored Core 4 (From Software, 8,190 yen / approx. $69)
December 21, 2006:
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega, 7,140 yen / approx. $60)
Today's news comes just over a week after the Sony Style online store revealed the US prices of PS3 games. Unlike Japan, games for the platform were listed at a standard $59.99 price point for both first- and third-party titles. European and Australasian prices for PS3 games have not yet been revealed.
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October 5th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, the team-based Metal Gear episode for PSP, will feature a location-specific download system that'll see you downloading special playable characters in different locations across the globe.
Originally thought to be tied into the PSP GPS add-on, Konami has revealed that the GPS receiver (which isn't confirmed for the UK) won't be required for this feature to work.
To get all the characters, you'll have to be a real jet-setter. At special PSP points around the world you'll be able to hook up and download a character - some are from MGS history, some are new - to add to your Portable Ops team. One character will be available in a location in London, for instance, while another might be downloadable in Manchester, Barcelona or Tokyo.
With Portable Ops not out until early next year, Konami is keeping schtum on who these special characters are but we'll continue to hunt down new info.
Via Gamesradar
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October 5th, 2006, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Via Aeropause
No, this isn't some crazy new contest, this is a demonstration of how to install a PSP mod called PSPTV. It basically involves taking out every damn screw and peeling off every piece of adhesive. I'm sure there are people out there who have actually gone through this nightmare process, but I'll never be one of them.
I recommend viewing with the music off, because it loops to eternity.
Video Here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/6OtL7ZaRZsE
Thoughts ?
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October 5th, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
The Intercooler, first released to keep the oven-hot Xbox 360 from baking your VCR, is coming to the equally hot Playstation 3.
Nyko says the PS3 Intercooler, which will sell for $20 to $30, will connect to the console's power port and vent system and then suck the hot air out of the system and blow it into your already hot bedroom or den. I'm telling ya, Microsoft and Sony need to start marketing their consoles as space heaters.
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October 5th, 2006, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Every time I mention the PS3 preorder situation, I hypothesize that getting a console at launch (even if you preorder) will require cracking open another man's sternum with your bare hands, leaning back as a hiss of bloody steam spurts through the air, and then conquering his luckily purchased console as if it were a Hyperbornean woman. I was only half-kidding. But from an anonymous tipster comes this disquieting news, from a Gamestop manager:
Each gamestop store will receive an average of 6 systems (more for higher volume stores, less for dead stores). 1-2 systems can be given to employees at the store manager's discretion. The rest are given out to the store's "regulars". If a manager feels he has a customer who is very loyal (shops there often, reserves many things), they call them and ask them if they want to guarantee one of the remaining 4 consoles...and aparently all 4 of the remining consoles are handed out in this fashion.
Nepotism for the win! Looks like journalists won't be the only ones waiting 20 weeks for a PS3.
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October 5th, 2006, 07:29 Posted By: F9zDark
About a year ago, Agoln and DrPollo, were working and released (separately) an IR Keyboard Config/Driver program and a PSPTextEditor (called PSPTed). I, so enthused about the IR Keyboard bought it and gave Agoln's program a test run, and was amazed at how good it was.
Then I found PSPTed and immediately running it, contacted DrPollo(Source Forge name) to see about a joint venture, combining the two programs.
Well, a year later, I have finally held up my end of the deal (even though both parties ceased work on their respective programs).
Without further ado, I give you the readme:
Program Name: PSPTed with IR Keyboard Support
Credits: Logan Buesching and Alberto Cuesta Cañada
It is with great pleasure that I am able to release this. I had almost thought that all hope was lost. But alas, I was able to find to the IR Keyboard program from the days of old and put it to use.
Something to note before continuing: I take NO credit for this release. All I did was butcher the code (of PSPTed, Alberto's work) to integrate the Keyboard driver with it. So both Logan and Alberto deserve ALL the credit for this, since it was their work originally.
I do, however, plan to make this better as time goes on. Perhaps with a file system and mouse cursor, but we'll see. If not this program has some use for people needing to take notes on the go and has as a built in Load and Save function from Logan's original keyboard driver.
*Equipment Needed*
-IR Keyboard. MP-0118 Micro Innovations Keyboard was what the driver was programmed for and was tested extensively by myself and Logan. Other keyboards MAY work or they MAY NOT work. However, if a keyboard does not work, contact me at F9zDark@gmail.com and I'll see about getting support for your keyboard.
*Installation* (Supports 1.50 only for the moment; 1.0 might work but not tested)
1)Copy KBINIT and KBINIT% to the PSP\Game folder
2)Copy PSPTedwIR and PSPTedwIR% to the PSP\Game folder
3)Run KBINIT and follow the instructions on-screen for setting up your keyboard. It will save a Keyboard Config file to the root of the memstick. Exit when done. It may not exit with the home button, if it doesn't just hold the power switch until the PSP turns off or remove the battery.
4)Run PSPTed w/ IR Keyboard Support and give it a whirl!
In PSPTed you can Save and Load a txt file to and from the root of the memory stick. The file is saved as "savedData.txt". These controls are actuated on the PSP.
O - Saves File
^ - Loads File
*Known Issues*
-Keyboard Init may hang on exit
-PSPTed has no way to scroll down, change text lines (without hitting enter) or navigate through lines of text or across a line of text.
You, the user, assumes all liability with using this program. It is safe, but heaven forbid, your PSP should blow up before, during or after using this program, it is not Logan's, Alberto's or my responsibility. Consider yourself warned .
- Add UP,Down,Left,Right support on keyboard
- Add scrolling and movement along and between lines of text
- Add more advanced Save and Load feature
Things to Dream About:
- A mouse cursor for instant line changes and highlighting
- Copy & Paste
- Change font color
If you find any bugs, please post them here, or direct them to my email @ F9zDark@gmail.com
Insofar, the only bug I know is that KBinit does not exit properly and will need the battery to be removed.
Do not contact Agoln of DrPollo with support/bugs.
*Disclaimer (here it is again, in case you missed it)
You, the user, assumes all liability with using this program. It is safe, but heaven forbid, your PSP should blow up before, during or after using this program, it is not Logan's(Agoln), Alberto's(DrPollo) or my responsibility. Consider yourself warned.
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October 5th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new version of his cheat device, heres whats new:
-done a lot of optimizations here and there gaining 7kb
-now you can traslate CWCHEAT (note cwcheat uses the classic printf font so you wont have chars like èò ect)
NOTE: you must put the file with your translation here: ms0:/dh/cwcheat.lng
-now you can access the cheat selection menu directly from the game without opening the main menu
-button swap support added: now it's possible to confirm with O and abort with X if enabled, or have the same
configuration taken from your firmware register files (emulated firmware)
-returned to gcc 4.0.2 : gcc 4.1.0 proved being higly instable (and made prx with 2 more kb)
-now the diff search screen is cleared when searching
-fixed some games in which the button pressed while exiting from in game menu was passed to the game
-now the current value of a found adress by searching is copied to the new cheat for all search type
-now you can change the adress of a cheat by pressing L in the cheat modification menu
-main menu reorganized and a new config submenu
-not 4byte alligned 32bit costant write codes now works (usefull for condensing, performance are affected like
with not 4byte alligned 32bit multi adress write)
-now you can abort search by pressing O for some times
-other little things
-included french (thanks to stark), english and italian language files
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October 5th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Some new screenshots of the PSP Hifi from pinpoint has been released, the hifi retails for 199$
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October 5th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
There's a fighter on your tail, but you've got an enemy in your sights – lock on! This is blow-you-away modern military air combat and you're in the pilot's seat
Delivering the fiercest collection of modern military jet fighters, Codemasters today announces Heatseeker, an original title that’s set to be the most explosive, destructive and exhilarating arcade aerial combat experience ever.
On target for take off in Q1 2007, Heatseeker will lead its attack on Wii™, the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system and the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system.
Designed to be an incredible lock-on/shake-off experience, Heatseeker reinvents missile combat to give gamers a massive rush of destruction. Set to feature an incredible collection of current and near-future military fighter jets, Heatseeker’s arsenal includes the stealthy F-22™Raptor™, the classic F-15 Eagle, the cutting-edge F35® Lightening II®, and the aerodynamically advanced Russian SU-47 Berkut.
Says Andrew Wensley, Senior Producer for Heatseeker at Codemasters:
“If you like fast and furious action, and blowing everything in sight to bits, then Heatseeker is a dream come true. Expect the greatest military aircraft armed to the teeth with the latest hardware, big explosions, great smoke trails, and gung-ho heroics.”
Heatseeker is a joint development project between Codemasters and IR Gurus, the Australian studio behind the acclaimed historic air combat title, Heroes of the Pacific.
Says Ben Palmer, Executive Producer, IR Gurus
“The Heroes air combat engine is being advanced and getting armed to the teeth with the latest military hardware. It’s set in a realistic now-time world, that’s cohesive and believable, but the speed of play will feel like lightening”
Heatseeker will strap you into the pilot’s seat and deliver an exhilarating white-knuckle ride that’ll have you clutching the joypad as you engage in face-melting 6G turns and fight against a seemingly-impossible amount of airborne enemies.
And when you launch a strike, you’ll follow your missiles as they ruthlessly home in on their targets via the Impact Cam™. Delivering awesome cinematic 3rd-person camera cutaway scenes, the Impact Cam™ will reveal the results of your attack in all their devastating glory from all kinds of dynamic angles, complete with jaw-dropping explosions and smoke trails.
With missions across the US, down to the Caribbean, across Antarctica and into the Far East, it’ll be high-velocity combat all the way that’ll see you constantly switching from predator to prey as an enemy missiles lock on.
Throughout the game’s campaigns, you’ll be proving your right to fly with the best. Are you good enough to advance ahead of your fellow pilots and stay top? Can you throw your aircraft to the floor, twist and turn, and punch out counter measures as you pull as many Gs as necessary to out-manoeuvre the missile? Basically, are you good enough to stay alive?
Putting you right in the centre of the action, Heatseeker will deliver the latest fighters, current conflicts, black ops, grey and white missions and a constant stream of macho military radio traffic to build the atmosphere. Heatseeker will launch Q1 2007 for Wii™, PlayStation®2 system and the PSP® system. Aspiring fighter pilots can sign up for additional and exclusive briefings online at www.codemasters.com/heatseeker
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October 5th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is looking to re-brand itself in the wake recent troubles and negative publicity in an effort to regain its rep as a first-class electronics giant.
According to a report on marketing-focussed website Mad.co.uk, the company is currently seeking an advertising agency to produce a new corporate branding campaign, and has already hired in a consultancy firm to look at its positioning and brand identity.
Part of the negative publicity Sony has been subjected to has focussed on PS3, of course. Only recently the company had to defend itself following concerns raised about hardware stability and possible overheating issues with the console.
Its announced delay of the release of PS3 in Europe to March 2007 didn't exactly go down too well either.
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October 5th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Normally, when hooked up to a HDTV the PS2 would produce a hideously blurry picture. But the Xploder HDTV Player disc fixes this problem, allowing you to play any PS2 game in pin-sharp resolutions.
For those who are on their tech-speak, this disc allows you to put the PS2 into 480p, 576p, 720p and 1080i modes. That's high-res, for the techno newbies out there. It also includes VGA support, so you can hook your PS2 up to a PC monitor.
All you do is plonk the CD into the PS2 and up pops a menu screen. Set your desired resolution, insert your game and off you go. We tested it with two Sony HDTVs, both running OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast. With the HDTV Player pre-loaded on one PS2, the difference was immediately noticeable. We're talking Xbox 360 sharpness, and absolutely no effect on frame-rates at all.
It works simply by unlocking a high-def mode that already exists within the PS2's hardware. The Xploder HDTV Player comes bundled with a PS2 component cable needed for a HD signal, and will hit shops for £29.99.
An exact release has not yet been set, but it's due to hit shops before the end of October.
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October 5th, 2006, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial PSP game released:
Once again taking control of the liquid Mercury ‘blob’, players must avoid various obstacles and hazards to reach the end goal. The Mercury blob itself has now been given an overhaul and has 4 varying ‘states’ – Normal, Solid, Fast and Slow. These states allow for larger more complex levels, which in turn mean a greater challenge and more enjoyment to be had for the player.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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October 5th, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: splodger15
SEGA's PlayStation Portable brain training game is heading to Europe this November courtesy of Ubisoft.
Renamed Mind Quiz for us over here, it sounds ostensibly similar in theme and format to Nintendo's Brain Age games - and even builds on the work of the same chap, Dr. Kawashima.
Like the DS game, your calculations, reflexes, judgement and memory are tested, and there's an option to try and solve a daily series of problems, from which the age of your brain is then computed.
Online and challenge modes are among the other bits and pieces that complete the set.
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October 5th, 2006, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
DETECTIVES are hunting a gang of youths suspected of robbing an office worker on a train and leaving him unconscious on the platform.
The teenagers were captured on camera entering Finsbury Park railway station at around 11am on Sunday, September 10.
Police believe that soon afterwards they got on an overland train heading north towards Hornsey, and beat up a man who was sitting alone having boarded at King's Cross.
The 22-year administrative assistant, who is originally from Hong Kong, was playing his PlayStation Portable when he was surrounded by a group of four or five youths.
One of them snatched the games machine from his hand, but when he tried to get it back the whole gang jumped in and began punching him in the face and body.
The train pulled into Hornsey station and the youths got off, but the victim bravely followed and grabbed hold of one of them.
He was then set upon again, punched repeatedly in the head and knocked unconscious. The gang fled leaving the man laid out on the platform, before other passengers came to his aid.
He was taken to hospital for treatment but released later that day.
Detective Sergeant Alan Bardsley, of the British Transport Police, said: "This was a vicious gang attack on a lone traveller.
"The intention was to steal his property and they were quite prepared to use violence to obtain it.
"The victim was quite badly beaten up and we're very keen to catch the people responsible to prevent them doing this to anyone else."
Lets hope someone gives the youths a kicking or more one day
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October 5th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
A confession from a Gamestop manager:
"I asked the regional manager about PS3 preorders," one told me "and he paused and then said he can't answer the question. He said there is a plan, but they can't talk about it; we should know in a week to two weeks." He started to sound tired, "Sony just didn't seem like they had a plan with the show. No plan at all. Barely a mention of the PS3, and almost nothing playable. On the other hand, I waited two hours for Gears of War. There is a feeling that Nintendo and Microsoft really set out to wow us, and Sony didn't have much to show. There was a PS3 under glass you could look at, and that's about it."
The difference between HD-DVD and Blu Ray was striking as well. "Blu-ray had a tiny presence in the very back of the show floor, while Microsoft had large displays and surround sound systems in their hospitality suite so you can take a look at what their HD-DVD drives would look like. It was impressive, and gave the feeling that HD-DVD was real and Blu-ray wasn't ready for the show."
I asked him his feelings going into the PS3 launch with no word on allocations or preorders, and no news on what will happen towards the holidays. "It's going to be ugly, there is no way this launch is going to go well."
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October 5th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Victor Viegas (right), CEO of haptic technology specialist Immersion Corporation, has told GameDaily BIZ that rumble could be included with motion sensing in the PS3 controller without cost rising significantly, which is contrary to comments made by Kaz Hirai.
In response to SCEA president Kaz Hirai's recent comments regarding Sony's decision to include motion sensing but not force feedback in its PlayStation 3 controllers because it would not be affordable for the consumer, Immersion Corporation CEO Vic Viegas got in touch with GameDaily BIZ to give us his opinion on these technologies and if cost would really be a problem.
"I was really surprised when they initially said it wasn't technically possible and I'm probably even more surprised now... [Kaz Hirai's] really saying two things. One is that it's technically possible but that the cost is prohibitive—which again I find astounding—and the second thing he's saying is that they're making a decision to go with this tilt control in place of rumble because they think that's what consumers will appreciate in their gameplay. So, on those two issues again I'm very surprised and shocked because I don't believe either to be the case," Viegas said.
[ "[Sony's] making a decision on behalf of their customer... and to blame the cost of vibration does not seem to be a genuine statement." ]
He continued, "If you remember, the day after they announced they were going to take vibration out of their controller I said that we'd be happy to work with them to solve the technical problem, and our engineers in less than a day had come up with three solutions; one is filtering and the other is processing and neither one is incrementally an increase in the cost. Both are using software to filter out the different commands—tilt vs. vibration—so that both can work side by side, and neither solution will add an increase to the cost of the system... We knew how to technically solve their problems and now we know how to do it without adding any incremental cost."
Viegas then pointed out that a third-party peripheral maker called eDimensional has already created a PS2 controller, the G-Pad Pro, that incorporates both motion sensing and vibration and goes for the retail price of just $29.95, so he doesn't understand Sony's cost argument.
Viegas also cited the results of an Immersion-sponsored survey from Ipsos that indicated most gamers seem to prefer rumble over motion sensing. Sony doesn't believe rumble is as important as motion, however. "It runs completely contradictory to the Ipsos studies and every other study we've conducted... In reality, holding the controller and using the tilt technology to control the game, I have a hard time believing it's going to enhance any game; at a minimum it probably could be used in a driving or flying game, but I just don't see how it plays in any of these other games," Viegas said. "[Sony's] making a decision on behalf of their customer that they're going to decide which features they're going to include and to blame the cost of vibration does not seem to be a genuine statement and I don't think it's in favor of the gamers who obviously like this technology."
While many gamers would love to see Immersion and Sony just settle their differences and work to include vibration into the PS3 pad, it doesn't appear as if the two parties are even talking with one another currently. "The litigation is not our primary focus but if Sony wanted to talk about how to implement rumble technology, paying a license, figure out ways to reduce cost or even enhance the capability with our next-generation technology I would for the most part be available at a day's notice. I'm ready to meet with them and try to work out this issue because at the end of the day it's the gamer that really seems to be suffering," Viegas said. "So I'm happy to try to resolve it but it's hard to have a one-way discussion if the other party is not willing acknowledge the rights that we have under our patent portfolio and all of the brilliance that our engineers have developed over the years."
Some have brought up the idea of a third-party company, like the aforementioned eDimensional, possibly offering a PS3 controller that does actually include both motion and rumble features, but the problem, Viegas explained, is that the PS3 may not support it. "It appears that Sony has not yet ruled out a third-party solution... but if [developers] don't support vibration in the game, that's going to cause a problem," he said. "The controller would have no commands to receive from the gameplay. Sony's in some control there and Sony's also in control of the console, so they can filter out vibration commands; essentially if they don't want vibration they can shut it down and it appears that's what they're doing and as a result companies like eDimensional who are licensed to provide vibration controllers and could otherwise do this, if they don't obtain the support from Sony it just isn't going to happen."
Finally, Viegas also gave us an update on the status of the lawsuit and Sony's appeal, which is still pending. "The appeal was fully briefed, so all the parties wrote up a document that described their position and yesterday in Washington, D.C. the federal court of appeals had a hearing where Sony, Immersion and another party ISLLC came together and presented roughly one hour, answered questions and presented to this panel of three judges... And they would take the information that was discussed yesterday and would then theoretically write an opinion. They could choose to just decide whether this is affirmed over overturned, but most likely they'll write an opinion and we hope that a decision is made around the first quarter of next year," he said.
"In theory, if the appeal concludes and they reaffirm what occurred in front of the judge and jury then we would be aggressively working for this injunction and at the same time willing to try to settle and resolve it. I think [Sony] would have to either stop selling their [DualShock] products or disable the capability because otherwise they'd be infringing," Viegas concluded.
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October 5th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Someone may have made a very valuable mistake on eBay. A PSP Value Pack was just sold for $2,025. Even with the free accessories and games, the hapless buyer overspent thousands of dollars. It looks like a pretty shady buyer by the name of karahsmama forced the bid up to $2000 and the winning buyer foolishly outbid by $25 on top of the inflated bid. Even more suspicious is how the seller has no reviews... Was this a scam? Or was it pure stupidity? (Most likely, it was both.)
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Holy cow, some one has to be feeeling silly now
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October 5th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Mike Bithell has released a new Flash game (for firmware 2.70 +), heres the details:
Welcome to the website for the freeware independent game Visiting Day by Mike Bithell. Visiting Day tells the story of the pupils of Blaid County Primary School, and their battles with an invading ship full of aliens. The game is comprised of five mini-games, and can be played in either a single player mode, or by four friends on one console.
The game can now be played on PSP, Mac and PC. The PC and Mac version is played online via the browser, and requires flash 8 or above. The PSP version can be played in either an online or offline mode.
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October 5th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
Issue 16 of the XTREME PSP Magazine has just been released. This issue is packed with over 90 pages of great content including previews of Work Time Fun, Pro Evolution Soccer 6 and Ridge Racer 2, plus reviews of Gangs of London, Super Monkey Ball Adventure and more.
You will also find all the usual content including news, tips and cheats, wallpapers and a all new homebrew feature.
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October 5th, 2006, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Dressed to kill… Femme Fatale Vanessa Minnillo will have you begging for mercy. Plus the Girls of Deal or No Deal. A million bucks, massive ratings, and 26 silver briefcases. Yup, the girls of Deal or No Deal are cleared for takeoff. All this and more in this issue of MAXIM Mobile.
Download at Perooz
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October 5th, 2006, 21:32 Posted By: splodger15
Xseed Games said yesterday they acquired the North American publishing rights for Valhalla Knights, an action RPG for the PlayStation Portable. The title will be released sometime in the first quarter of next year and was originally created by the development team K2. Features of this game, as described in a press release, are outlined below:
Customizable characters give each player a unique experience - select from five races (human, dwarf, halfling, elf, machine) and eight different job classes (Fighter, Mage, Priest, Thief, Knight, Samurai, Ninja, Anchor)
Complete quests to earn more gold to help recruit new party members or upgrade equipment
Enjoy the vast selection of weapons, armors, and accessories which also become visible on the in-game models when equipped
Real-time battles in which the player can switch between controlling any of the six party members on the fly
Highly detailed indoor and outdoor environments such as forests, dungeons, tunnels, castles, and an old ninja village
Encounter up to 150 different types of monsters, including dragons, giants, vampires, ghosts and enemy samurais
Network Play - Team up with other players in multi-player modes
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October 5th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex has released a new downgrader for the PSP, heres the release details:
This downgrader lets a psp running firmware 2.71 and HEN C to downgrade to any version from 1.50-2.60, or even reflash the 2.71 version.
This downgrader is safer, faster, and a lot easier to use than the previous downgraders. It also makes a clean firmware install, since this time there is a format of flash0 (just like sce updaters do).
A firmware dump is not needed, only the eboot.pbp of an update.
Ta-082 users can downgrade to 2.70/2.60/2.50. TA-082 users, DO NOT downgrade below 2.50.
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October 5th, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
New Lua Game from blairbi7ch, heres the details:
Super Bot is going to be a 2D side scroller were at first you just jump over things that come at you. I am rilly just doing this to learn more thers going to be a scrolling bg i hope lol and i am learning how to make sprites for Super Bot. Hear are my pics of what i hav made so far its just the sprites were they walk to the left or rite or jump and a background. just added the menu and a screen shot
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via blairbi7ch
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October 5th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a newversion of his Virtual Tape Recorder for the PSP, heres whats new:
Virtual Tape Recorder V5 (06/10/06):
- Fixed live monitor to work properly for all supported sample rates.
- Removed the option to turn the live monitor off.
- Added support for 5512 sample rate which allows over 30 minutes
of recording time at low quality.
Virtual Tape Recorder V4d (04/10/06):
- Lowered the sensitivity of voice activation for outdoor use.
- Fixed VOX delay time so it is uniform across all three sample rates.
- Added effect demo loop feature to the D pad menu so the
hold switch on the remote can be used as normal.
- Fixed effect demo waveform screen so text is not shown.
- Tested with genuine Socom headset from this version.
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via art
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October 5th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Those prolific peripheral purveyors over at Logitech are putting that exclusive AirFlow tech of theirs to good use. They've just announced their new ChillStream controller for the PlayStation 3, which along with adding some always welcome fan-based cooling to the controller, might add some much-needed heft to the gamepad as well. Logitech is also announcing PS3 compatibility for a good swath of their PS2 peripherals, such as their Driving Force Pro wheel and USB headset. The new ChillStream controller will be out when the PS3 launches in November, and will run you $40 -- the same as the Xbox 360 version which dropped in September.
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October 5th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Sony PSP owners, take heart -- you've been given some fairly awful excuses for PSP sound systems in your day, while Apple's little white cash cow has gotten the pick of the litter. To remedy that imbalance, Sony itself is finally stepping up to the plate and releasing the PSP-friendly SRS-U10 speaker. Instead of modeling itself after an iPod HiFi experiment gone terribly wrong, Sony has dropped an oh-so-glamorous docking speaker station for your PSP, DAP of choice, or essentially anything with an audio output. But before you go and get too giddy, however, we should point out this impressive looking device boasts just 3.6 watts of power, although it does dock and charge your PSP whether pumping tunes or not. While further details (like when this thing will hit stores) aren't yet known, it's probably safe to assume that it'll cost substantially more than any poor (style-conscious) soul should be asked to pay -- but hey, that's Sony for ya.
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October 5th, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamestop
The Sims 2 Pets has really been packing in the star power. So far, the game is getting musical contributions from teen pop duo AJ & Aly, sexed-up girl group Pussycat Dolls, alterna-rockers The Flaming Lips, nerdcore group Hot Chip, and others.
Now the game is moving beyond just the audio stylings of well-known musical artists. Electronic Arts today announced that actress-turned-pop-singer Hilary Duff will be featured as a playable character in The Sims 2 Pets. In keeping with the theme of the game, Duff's real-life Chihuahua, Lola, will also be included in the Pets.
Duff and Lola will "appear in different scenes on each of the [game's] platforms" and will be fully interactive. Players will be able to dress up Duff and maker her do their bidding, or have their own created Sims characters mingle with her.
The Sims 2 Pets will be released on the PC, PlayStation 2, GameCube, and DS on October 17. PSP and Game Boy Advance versions will ship later this year.
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October 6th, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres whats new:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP and PC.
to MP4 (PSP AVC, AVC, IPOD), PMP (AVC, DivX), AVI (DivX).
Interface changed with windows theme.
Correct corrupted PSP icons.
4.033 changes:
Fixed editing job after stop.
Fixed call to MediaInfo from jobs context menu.
Unlocked max resolution for MP4 PSP and MP4 PSP 2.80. Also added block for this formats - h.resolution * w.resolution mast be < 76800. 480x160 valid res, 480x176 invalid res.
Updated russian manual.
FLV input now supported. Convert videos from youtube (using videodownloader.net) to your IPOD, PSP, etc! Required installation of 4.033 full with FLV option checked and FLV decoder. ffdshow_rev187_20060915_clsid.exe can work as decoder. Correct set input framerate! For most FLV files framerate = 29.970fps.
Fixed block MUtithreading + FFT3DGPU.
Complete rewritten explorer tabs context menu. Now it very useful. You can copy, move, delete , play,... files direct from this menu.
Optimised generation names for MP4 PSP.
Optimised generation names for multi titles DVD. Now each title encode to separate file and next title don`t rewrite previous title.
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October 6th, 2006, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Jamie fuller posted this news/release:
SensitivePSP is the results of my first trials with the PSP. The graphics were designed using Photoshop. The game is based on the original C64 version which was awesome, the level data is taken straight from the original with only a few levels being modified. I have the incredible fortune to get a fantastic remix version of the original music from a great muscian, Danceaway, Click here to visit his site and listen to some of his other excellent work..
The Concept of the game is to get from the starting position to the Exit block destroying all blocks along the way, You may go over the animated blocks more than once, Teleporters will throw you around the level, One way blocks (blocks with solid lines running through them) will also thwart your journey. You must destroy all of the stripey Yellow blocks, including the animated ones before you can exit the level.
Each time you complete a level you will 'unlock' a new one, there are 60 levels in total, SensitivePSP automatically remembers which levels you have unlocked, even after powering off your console. you can select any of the levels you have unlocked as your starting level,from the main menu.
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October 6th, 2006, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp does not expect to cut the U.S. price of its PSP handheld game system for the rest of 2006, and the number of available games will nearly double to about 230 in that time, Sony said on Thursday.
Sony introduced the PSP, or PlayStation Portable, in 2005 in a bundled package that included several accessories and has sold some 5.5 million units in the United States. Currently it sells the device for $200 without some original add-ons, as well as a $250 package including the device, a movie and a memory card.
"We don't necessarily see the need to cut the price," John Koller, a product manager at Sony Computer Entertainment, told Reuters. "We need to offer broader value and introduce new consumers to what the PSP can do."
PSP -- which offers interactive video games, digital music and video and lets users surf the Web -- faces a tough challenge in the market for pocket-sized media devices such as Nintendo's DS and Apple Computer Inc.'s (AAPL.O: Quote, Profile, Research) iPod. Critics have suggested a dearth of compelling games has hurt demand.
But Koller says there will be about 110 new titles available by the end of 2006, bringing the roster to about 230. Moreover, Koller added that since the PSP is a diverse system, with the ability to play games, download video and enjoy media, its does not compare directly to the other handheld systems.
He added that Sony would soon detail how the PSP would integrate with Sony's highly anticipated next-generation game console, the PlayStation 3, which is due in November.
Via reuters
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October 6th, 2006, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Lik Sang:
Action meets strategy as you take on London's fiercest gangs in a bid for domination of the capital. With the opportunity to play as one of five gangs, you have to use brains and brawn to overcome the rival criminal factions and gain control of the city's underworld. Become the guv'nor of the Cockney, Triad, Yardie, Russian or Pakistani gangs and take on the capital over a number of unique and challenging game modes: Core Action Game - Choose the gang you want to lead, be prepared to fight dirty and use your head to stay one step ahead of the competition. Each mission is separated with stunning graphic-novel style narratives that guide you through the background story of criminal masterminds fighting for the right to be called Mr Big - London's number one gangster. Gangs of London also offers a turn-based strategy game which brings something completely new to PSP. Using a combination of skill, nerve and chance, gamers can take on up to four other gamers on a single PSP - or compete against the PSP controlled AI. Free Roaming mode allows you to explore and tackle the streets of London on your own terms – take your pick of character, vehicle, weapons, mission objectives, weather conditions and police levels, but be careful when exploring enemy turf.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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October 6th, 2006, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial PSP game released:
Scarface: Money. Power. Respect is a unique game designed specifically for the PSP system that combines turn-based strategy gameplay with real-time combat. It allow gamers to relive Tony Montana's epic rise to power in the drug-fueled world of 1983 Miami. The game thrusts players into a deep and engaging strategy game as Tony Montana, where the goal is to battle and defeat competing drug cartels and conquer Miami turf-by-turf, eventually becoming the one-and-only Kingpin of the city. Featuring both single- and multi-player modes, Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. will challenge players to make critical strategic decisions to rise from humble beginnings to directing an army of henchmen and hired gunmen through detailed scenarios of conquest and domination. In the story-based single-player mode, gamers complete a series of missions based on scenes from the original movie to conquer "turfs" in Miami. Players need to direct large-scale citywide strategic commands to complete their conquest as well as direct street-level real-time combat. The game challenges gamers to handle larger territory, additional adversaries and new profit-making opportunities through increased drug trafficking. The wireless multi-player mode pits up-to-four gamers playing as criminal cartels in a race to make money and conquer turf. The multi-player battle begins with a "Land Grab," where each cartel lays claim to their share of Miami.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
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October 6th, 2006, 07:44 Posted By: lmtlmt
exchange rate generator beta
tells you how much currency is in american
4 different currencies
AUD australian
GBP british pound
UERO ueropean
USD american
if youve selected GBP it will tell you how much( you choose frome 1,10,50,100,200,500) $50 american is in GBP.
1 still in early stages.
2 no real engine
3 not very efficient code, but works
4 somebody else could probably make a better one (but hasnt)
cross = $1
circle = $10
triangle = $50
square = $100
r trigger = $200
l trigger = $500
down = change currency type
start = exit
future releases will add more currenies.
this are just rough estimates as exchange rates are continuosly changing
right now it only exchanges those 3 into american
but in future releases you will have more power over the currencies.
please leave comments :->
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October 6th, 2006, 11:41 Posted By: happy_mak
At TGS, there were some dress-ups of the PSP with various stickers of game titles. These have been uploaded to the playstation.jp site here. Take a look. Interesting...
Though it is a Japanese page, move your cursor on to the right side icons and you should get a good idea.
I would no doubt choose LocoRoco... its been only yesterday that i finished all levels with 20 LocoRoco!!
I uploaded a few in-game snaps of LocoRoco here if you are interested
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October 6th, 2006, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
After its teasing reveal last week, Rockstar and Team Bondi have released the first proper trailer of L.A. Noire.
L.A. Noire takes place in a "perfectly-recreated" Los Angeles with a "post-war backdrop of corruption, drugs and jazz", and this latest trailer shows that the game certainly has a moody atmosphere to fit.
L.A. Noire was originally revealed in 2004 for the PS3, and originally published by Sony. With this in mind, we think its safe to assume that at least one of the platform's the game is heading for will be Sony's.
Stay tuned for more on L.A. Noire as we get it.
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October 6th, 2006, 16:50 Posted By: SteveV2
Here's some scans found in a magazine about a Master System emulator, GBA in the works, 2.80 firmware cracked and so on. Many well known names in the article!
There's even a step by step guide to set up PSPMaster
I ripped the pages out of the mag for best results so I hope you enjoy the read
Hope you don't mind the large scans, 300dpi.
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October 6th, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Alright Sony, this is just getting ridiculous. It's not like you guys haven't been a featured guest in this series before, but we had no idea it was such an honor. The third "CE-Oh no" moment for Sony this week came out of the mouth of SCE World Europe VP, Jamie MacDonald, who was asked: "What would you say to consumers who like Sony and want to buy your products, but perhaps feel that because they're in Europe they're always last in line?" Apparently Jamie feels little love for his whiny constituency, since his clueless response was thus: "European consumers have shown that historically they don't mind that, because they end up buying as many PlayStations, if not more, than the US and Japan. In Europe, it doesn't seem that the release of our platforms after the US and Japan - in the long run - affects how consumers feel." We're not even sure how to respond to that, so we'll continue with more "CE-Oh no" sound bite gold from our pal Jamie. In response to a query about Sony's UMD failure, he stated: "I think you'll find in general the market for movies on discs of any type is not particularly great at the moment." Again, we really have nothing to add, so we'll just hit up one more sound bite for good time's sake. When asked about the Wii60 concept, where prospective next-gen buyers compare the price of purchasing an Xbox 360 and a Nintendo Wii to the cost of the PS3 alone, Jamie further demonstrated his ignorance: "To be honest, I haven't heard that." Not a banner day for Sony PR by a long shot, but at least they're not trying to hide their seeming disdain for consumers and plain logic.
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October 6th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
It's time again for one of our favorite segments, CE-Oh no he didn't! For this week's episode, we're going to talk a little bit about the PS3. Now, we all know that the new PS3 isn't going bring the rumble to our favorite upcoming Sony gaming console. But what we didn't know was why -- yes, yes there were claims that it had to do with interference of motion sensing, or lawsuits from Immersion, but we hadn't gotten a clear reason straight from the horse's mouth, particularly when surveys suggest fans would be willing to pay for it. However, a recent interview by GameDaily Biz with SCEA prez Kaz Hirai says that it's yet another reason altogether:
"Is it technically feasible? Absolutely. But the balancing act that you need to do, is to be able to present the controller to the consumer at an affordable price."
Affordable? Please. Joystiq points out that a G-Pad Pro for the PS2, which has motion sensing and vibration, costs $30, a whole Lincoln higher than the Dual Shock. C'mon Kaz, can't you at least be straight with us? Now of course, this is from the same folks who said that just a few months ago said that the $500 PS3 was "too cheap," and is well worth the markup compared to the Wii, but backtracked when the company recently dropped the price in Japan. Maybe that means the prices of the controllers are going to come down too?
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October 6th, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
SCE Worldwide Europe VP Jamie MacDonald reckons that Europe will quickly get over the delay between the US and Japanese launches of PlayStation 3 next month and its European debut next March.
When asked by our sister site GamesIndustry.biz what he'd say to European consumers who feel they're always last in line for new consoles, MacDonald said, "European consumers have shown that historically they don't mind [the delays], because they end up buying as many PlayStations, if not more, than the US and Japan."
"In Europe, it doesn't seem that the release of our platforms after the US and Japan - in the long run - affects how consumers feel."
"If we were sitting here in five years' time, I don't think we'd really think about or notice that PlayStation 3 was four or five months later in Europe. I think in the long run, PlayStation 3 will succeed because of the great product it is and the great software we make for it," he added, when asked how he felt the delay would affect Sony's chances in the next-gen battle.
MacDonald's frank assessment of the situation is likely to raise hackles with, well, you (you're already sharpening your keyboard, aren't you?), but generally speaking he certainly shared Sony UK boss Ray Maguire's perspective on the announcement, around a month ago, that the console's European release would be delayed until March.
At the time, Maguire admitted that Sony UK was "extremely disappointed" by the delay. "We can truly empathise with everyone who was looking forward to PS3's imminent release. We will however be working tirelessly to ensure that the March 2007 launch is the biggest and best in the company's history," he added.
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October 6th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
More price cut news this time from Eurogamer
Sony has no immediate plans to cut the price of PlayStation Portable in Europe or the United States, the company said today.
"We've got no plans to cut the price of PSP at this moment in time," a spokesperson for Sony UK told Eurogamer this afternoon, responding to similar comments made by the company's US arm overnight.
Pointing to the combination of movie, music, photo, internet and games support now offered by the latest updates to PSP system software, the spokesperson said the handheld "still represents great value for money".
Earlier Sony Computer Entertainment America's John Koller told Reuters, "We don't necessarily see the need to cut the price," pointing instead to a need to "introduce new consumers to what the PSP can do."
That's despite ongoing criticism of the platform's software line-up, which many observers feel compares unfavourably to strong offerings on the DS platform.
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October 6th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft's 'Major Nelson' and executive Peter Moore have been visible representatives of the 360 console for well over a year now. 'Grandfather of Gaming' Shigeru Miyamoto and asskicking Reggie Fils-Aime have have preached the Wii concept through good writeups and bad name jokes. Sony ... well, Sony has Ken Kutaragi, Phil Harrison, and Kaz Hirai. They say helpful things like 'we don't care', and 'disks won't matter', and (my personal favorite) 'the PS3 is a computer'. RPG Site has a compelling argument stating that Sony needs a Major Nelson to cut through this crazy executive talk, and reconnect the company with real gamers. From the article:
"While it's not something that appeals to every group of people that play games - the casual market and kids, for example, the existence of these people allows the part of the market that is most opinionated - the core gamers, those who have a very clear opinion on what they want and what is good and bad - to interact with somebody who can actually bring about change. Hell, on a lesser note, it even gives the fanboys someone to worship."
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October 6th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: splodger15
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance immerses players in an adventure that takes place between Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV A New Hope. Gamers will engage in collaborative gameplay as they embody both Twi'lek Rianna Saren and her security droid Zeeo. Hired by the Rebel Alliance, this deadly duo must work together to infiltrate Imperial planets and fight legions of evil fiends. Our heroes' ultimate goal: Uncover the Empire's most deadly secret -- the Death Star.
Tons of screens via comments
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October 6th, 2006, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Crytek's lead artist, Michael Khaimzon, has revealed that the developer could confidently port highly-anticipated PC title Crysis to PS3 and Xbox 360 - although there are no current plans to do so.
Speaking to our sister site GamesIndustry.biz, Khaimzon said, "I don’t think there would be any problem to convert anything we work on to the next-gen consoles if we decided to.
"We have enough power here, with programmers and artists, to be able to do such a thing. It's just a matter of making the decision."
Khaimzon's comments will only fan the flames of rumour which surround Crysis - a first-person shooter already wowing consumers and critics alike - that publisher Electronic Arts may bring the game to home consoles after release on PC early next year.
Discussing whether the team at Crytek would be interested in working on the next-generation of home consoles, Khaimzon added: "I'm pretty sure it would be interesting for us to do stuff on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.
"We would just have to see how much of a sacrifice to the game we'd have to make. Or whether there would be a sacrifice at all, maybe we could find a way to make the game look exactly the same as it does on PC on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3."
When asked directly whether there was a possibility that Crysis would appear on home consoles, Khaimzon replied: "There might be, the decision isn't mine to make. I don’t know of any official plans to do so, but I know there are rumours and talk, but I couldn't say anything concrete."
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October 6th, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial release for the PSP, heres the details:
Play as Boog and Elliott and relive the movie adventure!
Interact with Beth, Shaw, and all your animal favorites from the Open Season film!
Throw skunk bombs, hurl rabbits, use acorn-firing squirrels, and pull outrageous woodland pranks to scare the pants off the hunters!
Roll in a giant snowball, ride the rapids on a floating outhouse, zip through tunnels in a crazy mine cart ride, and take on more madcap adventures as Boog discovers how to get wild, animal-style!
Challenge your friends in hilarious four-player mini-games!
Take a Walk on the Wild Side!
Team up with a cast of crazy critters, unleashing your animal instincts in Open Season™, the game - a riotous romp in the great outdoors where the rowdy brood of forest animals turns the tables on a bunch of unsuspecting hunters.
When a domesticated grizzly named Boog gets lured into leaving the creature comforts of home by a fast-talking mule deer named Elliot, he finds himself lost in the woods just three days before hunting season. Forced to "rough it" in the great outdoors, Boog goes native, rallying all the forest animals to take back their home and send the hunters packing.
More info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1m6n.html
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October 6th, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Any day now, Gamestop and EB Games will start accepting preorders on the Sony PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii, both of which are due to hit just before Thanksgiving. Supplies of both systems will be limited, with the PS3 being in particularly short supply, as Sony currently plans to ship only 400,000 units to North America. There will be plenty of press along with the usual midnight launch events that feature a couple of guys at the front of the line who've camped out for two days on the street to secure their spots. And CNET will probably have to fight to get review units in time to have reviews posted on the day each system hits stores.
That's all a given. But so, too, is the ugly fact there's a reasonable chance that some of the early units may not be glitch-free or, more probably, could end up with shorter life expectancy rates than, well, expected.
Early Xbox 360 models had a high failure rate. Take the Xbox 360. Just in the last couple of months, I've spoken to several people who were among the first to purchase the 360 and have now had to send their units back to Microsoft for repair. Because it was outside the warranty, and they hadn't bothered to purchase an extended service agreement, the cost for the fix was $150--until Microsoft recently agreed to make repairs for free on any units manufactured before January 1, 2006. (If you shelled out money for a fix, you can, in theory, get a refund.) As Tor Thorsen writes in his news piece for Gamespot, "Microsoft has now apparently admitted that the initial shipments of Xbox 360s were failing at a greater than normal rate."
No one's releasing any hard numbers, but in my little informal poll, three out of the six people I know who got an early Xbox 360 have had their systems fail. That's not good. Sony, too, faced some negative publicity when it had problems with dead pixels on the screens of its early PSP units. And there was also an issue with the button response on some systems. On a personal level, my early PSP unit, while it does have three dead pixels, is still working fine. But I use it only a few hours a week.
These type of first-gen kinks are de rigueur across the electronics industry. Toshiba's first-gen HD-DVD players are notoriously slow and have gone through multiple firmware upgrades to rid them of certain bugs. Samsung's BD-P1000 Blu-ray player is still awaiting a promised firmware upgrade to correct a chip flaw that delivers overly soft image quality. Sony, meanwhile, offered a service solution for owners of early KDS-60A2000 HDTVs that shipped with settings that didn't maximize the set's native 1080p resolution. And Apple began bundling its first-generation iPod Nanos with a cheap but effective slip case, but only after several weeks of mounting complaints that the player was overly prone to scratching.
Ideally, companies should try to isolate software issues from the hardware. It's hard to expect a major manufacturer such as Toshiba or Sony to say, essentially, "hey, you're buying a beta product today, but we're going to be regularly improving it with software upgrades." While Philips doesn't advertise it, the internal firmware of its new generation of flat-panels TVs can be upgraded with a USB thumbdrive. And we've seen manufacturers such as Slingbox, TiVo, and Sonos offer subtle to dramatic improvements over time with software updates.
One problem, of course, is that the average consumer isn't necessarily prepared--or is intimidated by the idea of having to upgrade a product with a file he or she needs to find on the Internet and either burn to a DVD or CD or download to some sort of flash memory. The best possible scenario is for products to have more transparent Internet connections and update themselves without any assistance from their owners. This is essentially what happens with devices that are always online. Cable and satellite companies, for instance, are always pushing new software updates to their set-top boxes and DVRs. The same is true for the Xbox 360, via its Xbox Live service. It's also what will happen with the PS3 and the Wii, both of which are touting more robust online connectivity than previous Sony and Nintendo consoles. And that's yet another reason to consider both of them to be beta products when they launch in November.
The bigger problem is that, if the hardware itself is flawed, as is the case with the early Xbox 360 units and their overheating problems (it remains to be seen whether later units will also fail at alarmingly high rates). I'm not suggesting it's a sure bet that Sony's going to have issues with the PS3, but I'd feel comfortable wagering a small amount of money that, with a product this advanced that's crammed into a small box that also features a new chip, you may have a few too many lemons in its early crop. In other words, I'm in no hurry to buy a PS3, even if I could somehow make sure I was near the top of the preorder list.
To make a high-tech omelette, you're bound to break a few eggs. Yeah, I know an admonition to steer clear of first-generation products is hardly a revelation for tech heads. But for everyone prepared to berate me for stating the obvious, consider how many tens of thousands (or more?) of eager gaming fans--or indulgent parents--will be paying double, triple, or even higher multiples on eBay to secure one of these potentially dicey boxes before December 25.
Of course, if you're worried about buying a lemon, the simplest thing to do is buy an extended warranty. But when you're already paying $600 for a game console--which doesn't even include a game--tacking on anything extra just seems too painful. With a more affordable console like the Wii, which will start at $250, I can see taking a chance on an early unit, especially if you're a Nintendo fan boy--or girl--who needs a Zelda fix or a parent who has to endure the incessant whines of your children begging for a new system. But I wouldn't buy a Wii anywhere near launch either. Heck, half of its appeal is that it can play old games from other Nintendo systems. And they're not going anywhere.
So when will it be safe to buy a PS3? I say by the middle of '07. Give Sony six months to get the factories humming and the bugs sorted out, and for a compelling game or two to arrive. Or, if you're really smart, wait for the price drop $100 and for Blu-ray discs to cost the same as DVDs. But that might not be until 2008.
Via Cnet
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October 6th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via psm3
Hi. Dan G here again. (Thinks: Must get someone else to do the blog later on today...). Just wanted to post this early morning blog to settle a situation that has been gathering momentum on the net.
The question is: Does PS3 get hot? Not just 'hot' but 'dangerously' hot or hot enough to cause a malfunction. It has been reported in other circles that machines at the Tokyo Game Show were expiring dut to heat. It has even been suggested that this issue has played a part in the recent dip in Sony's share price.
OK. Here's the independent, non-Sony approved truth. We've played a PS3, for a day, in a room, with it on a table in front of us. At no stage did anyone comment about the noise it made (ie, next to none). And a collegue put his hand behind the machine after it had been running for a few hours and felt warm air being quietly and safely extracted via a fan via the vents at the back of the machine. The surface of the machine remained at room temperature with a small portion at the back being 'warm'. Not hot - 'warm'.
So, the PSM3 independent verdict here is that - quote - "PS3 generates less heat and noise than the combination of 360 and powerbrick".
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October 6th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
A roadmap for the processor on display by Toshiba at this week's Ceatec show in Japan shows a more powerful version of the chip under development for 2007. While details of the chip were not available, a source close to Toshiba said that the new device will be manufactured using more advanced 65-nanometer production technology. The current chips are being made on a 90nm line and the switch will mean lower power consumption and increased performance.
Looking further ahead the roadmap calls for further increases in power between next year and the end of the decade. At the same time "mid-class" versions of the processor are also envisaged for 2008 and beyond and a mobile version in 2010.
The Cell chip is the product of a joint development project by Toshiba, IBM, Sony and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI). Each chip contains a main processor and eight sub-processors to deliver about 200G Flops (floating point operations per second) of power.
It will make its consumer debut next month when SCEI puts the PlayStation 3 on sale in Japan and the U.S. but Toshiba has plans for the chip in other parts of the living room.
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October 6th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will lose at least $560m from its predicted earnings this year as it pays for huge battery recalls and a price cut for its PlayStation 3 games console, analysts believe.
The company has also been hit by allegations that it knew its notebook PC batteries could catch fire a year ago, but failed to understand the magnitude of the problem.
The mounting cost of problems with notebook batteries and the PlayStation 3 will cut Sony's expected $1.1bn profits in half this year.
This figure could rise further, according to industry analysts, particularly if PC vendors or consumers take legal action against Sony. Five major notebook vendors have so far announced battery recalls.
"These issues raise questions about the positioning of rechargeable battery operations, which have no part in Sony's vertically integrated model, and of the Cell processor, which is supposed to be a core part of the structure," said Nomura Securities analyst Eiichi Katayama.
A global recall of some 10 million lithium ion notebook PC batteries is likely to cost Sony almost $340m, even assuming that the company avoids expensive legal action related to the issue, Nomura estimates.
In addition, a decision to slash the price of the PlayStation 3 in Sony's strong home market will cost a total of $220m, the analyst predicts.
In a further shock to Sony, a Japanese newspaper has alleged that the company knew almost a year ago that its batteries could catch fire, but failed to appreciate the seriousness of the problem.
Sony first became aware of the battery problem in December 2005, when a Dell notebook caught fire in Japan, the Daily Yomiuri reported, citing unnamed Dell and Sony representatives.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTAportable.com
The official Vice City Stories website has been updated today with its rating for North American users. Rated M for Mature by the ESRB, Vice City Stories is only suitable for those age 17 and older. The description of the content given are Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language and Sexual content, as well as Use of Drugs.
The rather unsurprising rating in North America joins that of the UK/European's 18+ rating, and the German 16+ and Australian MA15+. The German version is said to receive some censorships, that include the removal of prostitution, animations of head shots, and not being able to interact with corpses (hitting or kicking them).
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October 6th, 2006, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Koei announced today that Dynasty Warriors Volume 2 has gone gold and begun production for Sony's PSP.
Based on Luo Guanzhong's historical novel of Ancient China, Dynasty Warriors Vol 2 let's players guide ancient Chinese warriors through battle on more than 50 stages and 31 maps. This title also offers a wireless multiplayer for up to four people.
Developed by Koei's own Omega Force, Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 ships to North American retail shelves October 24.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Feature from IGN, heres an excerpt:
Hi everyone, I'm Matt Tomporowski, the Lead Designer for NFS Carbon Own the City. When I write out my name and title like that, it sounds like I must have a dream job. You know what? I really do have a dream job. I get to create the video game that I want. I know that I'm a really lucky guy to get to do this.
If you've played or read the reviews for NFS Carbon Own the City (or NFS OTC as I like to call it,) you'll notice a couple of things. First, this game is REALLY different from Carbon on PS2 or the Next Gen consoles. There's an important reason for that and I'll get into that shortly. Second, you'll notice that NFS OTC is a lot bigger than our past NFS efforts on PSP (heck, we even built an entire open world just for the PSP!) there are reasons for this too that I'm going to get into down below.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Feature from IGN, heres an excerpt:
While some Next-Gen titles cannot figure out ways to incorporate motorcycles and flying vehicles, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories for the PSP has taken the watery backdrop of Vice City and expanded on it enormously. From the moment you enter the world of Vice City, one thing becomes clear. More than any other Grand Theft Auto metropolis, Vice City is defined by the water surrounding it. In developing the latest installment of Grand Theft Auto for the PSP, the team at Rockstar Leeds went to great lengths retooling the aquatic playground of Vice City.
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October 6th, 2006, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Siliconera
A few weeks ago, Nippon Ichi announced that they’d be porting Disgaea, their most popular title, to the PSP. While an American release is still up in the air, Nippon Ichi has stated they’ll probably be adding some additional content to the re-release. Unfortunately, they haven’t revealed any concrete bonuses.
More at the link above
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October 6th, 2006, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Via pspfanboy
The November issue of OPM has exclusive details of the upcoming PSP version of Oblivion. The scans of the game look not too shabby... it looks a heck of a lot better than the N-Gage Elder Scroll's game. According to the article, the PSP version of Oblivion will be "a very different game with a different story line... it has the experience of the dungeon romp. It doesn't have wide-open, wander-the-landscape kind of stuff."
Even though the game's functionality seems a little stripped down, Obivion for PSP will still feature a character creation system, and 18 of the original game's 21 skills. The controls are going to be simplified, of course, and the designers cite Metroid Prime as a source of inspiration, which is only a good thing.
Scans Here
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October 7th, 2006, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) scooped 5 BAFTA British Academy Video Games Awards to become the most successful software developer at an event held in London last night.
LocoRoco (Sony Computer Entertainment's Japan Studio) picked up two awards for best Children’s game and best Character while Shadow of the Colossus (Sony Computer Entertainment's Japan Studio) also picked up a double for best Action and Adventure and Artistic Achievement. BUZZ! – The BIG Quiz (SCEE/Relentless Software) was awarded top honours for best Casual and Social game.
"On behalf of the development teams who worked so hard to push the limits of creativity and innovation, I’d like to thank the members of the Academy for recognising these titles. It’s a great honour and inspiration to our entire development organisation,” said Phil Harrison, President, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios.
In total SCEE had eight titles and a total of 20 nominations across 13 of the 17 categories.
The British Academy of Film and Television (BAFTA) is the United Kingdom’s leading organisation dedicated to the recognition and promotion of excellence in the fields of the moving image. The BAFTA British Academy Video Games Awards recognise artistic, creative and technical innovation within all aspects of the video games industry and are now poised to be the global benchmark for excellence in video games. 2006 is the debut year for the awards.
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October 7th, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
From now on we will across all our sites cover the latest releases from the UK too.
New PSP game released at Amazon UK:
Product Features
Explosive on-the-go action as counter terrorism's finest returns
Enhanced graphics engine has been completely overhauled including gloss mapping, high resolution textures and improved goggle effects
New rifle and selectable weapon types including special darts: taser, gas and explosive to take out multiple targets
New melee attacks both by hand and knife
Enhanced AI: new behaviour and awareness states (idle, curious, alarmed based on the players actions)
Vision enhancements (Infrared, Night vision and Energy Sensor)
Garmisch & Helsinki locations
23 single player missions and five multi-purpose online maps
Bonus missions find out what really happened in the Omega Strain episode
Game Share a single mission
Team based head-to-head action via PVP (player to player)
Create your own agent
Highest ranking players can play as Gabe or Enemy commander, with access to unique weapons
Specially designed PVP weapons, gadgets and mines
Online community ladders, buddy list and cells (similar to clans)
Four types of gameplay modes
Buy Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
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October 7th, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP release for the UK:
Product Features
Increased Depth of Gameplay Players extend their GUN experience with five new missions for the PSP that extend the rich story as well as new weapons including mines and throwing knives.
Pick-up and Play Action Jump into a host of Quick-Play modes including Shotgun Games, Mission Challenge and good old fashioned Texas Hold'em, for a quick fix of gaming on the go.
Wireless Multiplayer Functionality Players can team up or go head-to-head in Showdown mode, which includes Deathmatch, Golden Cross and Last Man Standing gameplay features via the PSP's wireless network capabilities.
Broad Range of Gameplay Multiple gameplay styles include: strategic gunplay and precision shooting, stealth tactics and use of explosives. Embark on numerous side missions to master gun slinging and horse riding. Players can unlock new weapons and upgrade skills and abilities to improve their weapon and equipment performance.
Epic Storyline Written by Hollywood scriptwriter Randall Jahnson (Mask of Zorro, The Doors), GUN Showdown's engrossing storyline and plot progression will transport players back in time to the lawless West where they encounter ladies of the night, a murderous preacher, and many other characters.
Experience the Brutality and Gritty Lawlessness of The West Players battle their way through a harsh, visceral and unforgiving landscape that portrays the West as it really was. They can act as a gunslinger protecting righteousness or seek retribution as they face resistance fighters, local lawmen, renegade soldiers and vengeful Native Americans.
Buy Gun Showdown
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October 7th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP release for the UK:
Product Features
Total Freestyle Control Take complete control of Freestyle Superstars to perform the true-to-life moves of a High Flyer, Shooter, Scorer, Playmaker, and more, then elevate your game to the next level by changing skill attributes on the fly.
All-New Dynasty Mode Run an NBA franchise and manage player morale and team chemistry as you make key decisions based on player personality, ability, and age.
Unprecedented ESPN Integration With the most advanced ESPN integration package ever offered, the worldwide leader in sports delivers updates, scores, and breaking news.
NBA All-Star Weekend Analysts Greg Anthony and Ernie Johnson call the action as you showcase your skills in the Slam Dunk Contest and 3 Point Shootout. The weekend ends with the Rookie Challenge and NBA All-Star Game.
Voices of the NBA Former Chicago Bulls star Steve Kerr joins the legendary Marv Albert courtside. Together they call all the action from the best seats in the house.
More info at Amazon UK
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October 7th, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
New game released for the PSP in the UK:
Product Features
ENHANCED MANAGER MODE: Everything is real. Real money, youth player development, press and fan reaction. Immerse yourself completely in the world of a soccer manager. Train players to their ultimate fitness to earn selection to the first team. Transfer your Manager Mode career between PlayStation2 and PSP whether at home or on the road, 24/7. New this year create your own club.
FOOTBALL EMOTION: The crowds react to your performance. Goals and possession result in rousing chanting as momentum builds for your team but dips to a frustrated murmur if you're struggling.
IMPROVED GAMEPLAY: Passing and positioning have all been enhanced. Players jostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls. New ball physics accurately recreate bouncing, skidding and topspin. Signature moves and playing styles for the stars have been authentically captured.
SET PLAYS: Use the left analogue stick to apply topspin or backspin to the ball for more creative set plays and finesse shots.
NEW SHOOTING MECHANICS: Experience a more sophisticated shooting mechanic that gives you greater control for pin-point accuracy.
ADVANCED GOALKEEPER AI: Goalkeeper intelligence is authentic, with true-to-life reactions and a greater variety of deflections and saves.
SUPERSTAR CHALLENGE: Elevate your game to superstar status by replicating great performances by the game's biggest stars in the most exciting matches.
MINI-GAMES: Perfect your shooting skills in Wall Attack, where you shoot out blocks to take down the wall and boost your players' attributes for later use during the season in Manager Mode. An enhanced Juggling mini-game also affects player performance in Manager Mode.
MEDIA CENTER: Insert a Memory Stick to watch highlight videos, play your own music or customize your own soundtrack.
ONLINE EVERYWHERE: Never again miss any news with the ultimate sports ticker. While online, breaking news, live scores and results are delivered straight to your screen, 24/7.
COMPLETE AUTHENTICITY: FIFA 07 features 27 leagues from 20 nations. Over 510 teams are accurately represented with kits and badges
More Info at Amazon Uk
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October 7th, 2006, 09:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamestop
While the roots of Electronic Arts go all the way back to 1982 and games for the Apple II and Atari home computers, the modern era of EA really got going during the 16-bit days. The Sega Genesis and, later, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System housed some great games with EA's name on them, and now the company is working on a compilation that brings some of those games together on one disc for the PSP.
Remember when games were played in only two dimensions? Of course, some of the games are better known and loved than others. There are 14 games on the disc, including the isometric helicopter Genesis games Desert Strike and Jungle Strike. There aren't any licensed sports games like Madden or NBA Live, but you'll get the classic Mutant League Football. Racing is covered by the first three games in the Road Rash series, which is a motorcycle racing game that lets you punch, kick, and swing weapons at the other riders. The Genesis games map the A, B, and C buttons to square, X, and circle, respectively.
Some SNES emulation is also present with Ultima VII, Syndicate, and two Wing Commander games. These are pretty faithful versions, but unlike many of the Genesis games on the disc, most of these SNES games were originally PC games that were better on the PC. So you'll be getting the sort-of-crippled console versions of these games instead of the classics you might remember.
So far, the version we've seen appears to play many of the games just fine, though the audio is clearly unfinished, and a few games, like Ultima VII, don't seem to be working just yet. The options and menus are in, however, and you'll be able to save your progress in any game at any time--which should get around some of the password entry hassles found in the original games--and select from either the original 4:3 aspect ratio or a stretched 16:9 view.
Look for some unlockable supplementary goodies to accompany the 14 classics found in Replay.
In addition to the games themselves, it appears that the package will include unlockable artwork for many, if not all, of the games in the collection. Also, though not available in the version we saw, there is an ad hoc menu intended to allow for wireless multiplayer play. Considering games like Mutant League Football were great multiplayer games, we're hoping the ad hoc functionality works well.
While not every game on the list is something to write home about, so far there seem to be enough great 16-bit games in this collection to make it worth watching. The final version of EA Replay is scheduled to be released at the end of the month.
Snes and Genesis emulation in a game ?
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October 7th, 2006, 09:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt from the IGN article:
The Campaign mode in Medal of Honor Heroes chronicles the wartime exploits of three soldiers, Lt. Jimmy Patterson, Sgt. John Baker and Lt. William Holt. Each has his own campaign made up of five missions, and each takes place in a different part of Europe. In fact, by the end of the game, you would have toured the rocky coasts of Italy, the rainy streets of Holland and the forests of Ardennes, Belgium.
With that said, please head down to read a little bit more on the men themselves. And don't forget to head into the media pages to watch a new trailer and see a bunch of new screens ripped straight out of the game.
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October 7th, 2006, 09:37 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
The Medal of Honor series stands poised to make its jump to the PlayStation Portable. It should invade store shelves right before the Holidays. To get a better picture of what's going on, we fired off a few questions to the producer of Medal of Honor Heroes, Pete Choi. He responded with a full briefing. Head down for all the details.
IGN: To start, what can players expect from the first Medal of Honor game on PSP?
Players can expect a lot of exciting first-time and PSP-exclusive features with MoH Heroes as well as the authenticity they've come to expect from the Medal of Honor franchise. Not only is MoH Heroes the first Medal of Honor game on the PSP, but it's the first WWII FPS on the PSP. Players can expect a lot of great multiplayer action with 32-player multiplayer experience on the PSP, the most ever offered for any PSP game. And on the single-player side players can expect a rich, deep, story-based experience with 3 classic MoH characters and an all new quick-session Skirmish game mode. Players will be able to enjoy all of this great single and multiplayer action in highly detailed worlds with authentic WWII weaponry. Above all, players can expect a great FPS game with intuitive and satisfying controls.
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October 7th, 2006, 09:44 Posted By: wraggster
gibbocool posted a new game called Speeder for the PSP, heres the details:
A fairly simple scrolling shooter where you fly through space and dodge asteroids. It even keeps the high score for each difficulty level!. The source is there as well.
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October 7th, 2006, 09:54 Posted By: wraggster
Swordgame has released a new beta game for the PSP, heres the details:
This is the beta release of a little game that I'm developing.
The object of the game is to move the cursor through the levels without touching the black zones and reaching the red zone.
The map will be visible only at the beginning of the level, than disappear
I release also the source code although it isn't an example or clearness, but if can help someone in something, better than nothing
PLEASE, give me some feed-backs
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October 7th, 2006, 11:37 Posted By: splodger15
If you’re new…
Simply put, CWCheat for Mac OS X is a database editor for the popular ‘Cheat Device’ for PSP, known as CWCheat created by weltall. It allows you to easily and effectively modify and manage your cheat database. With a rapidly growing cheat database, it’s very easy to get lost in it, especially when trying to find what you are looking for with a regular text editor. This is where this database front end comes in handy. You can add, remove, or modify your cheats, all at the press of a button.
couldn’t have said it better myself. What’s new in v0.4?
CWCheat for Mac OS X is now a Universal Binary!
Removed the ‘Tools’ tab in favour of a Preferences window, accessable through the File menu.
Added a ‘Submit Cheat’ tab. This will allow you to submit your found cheats directly to the CWCheat main server.
Bug fixes here and there
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October 7th, 2006, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Its a quiet news day so far and although i dont have any new news about the PS1 emulator for the PSP, ive took some screenshots of 2 of my all time fave games and they work perfectly although slow on the PSP.
The screenshots ive posted are of Warcraft 2 and Theme Park World for the PSX.
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October 7th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: Unicorn
Its a game similar to the nice PSP Air Hockey. Im sure all of you will enjoy it. It comes from an Spanish coder, pucelano, one of the contributors in psp.scenebeta.com (a Spanish PSP community).
You can get more information here.
I can tell you that this game has three differents levels for difficulty, and one or two players can play it using the same PSP.
Donwload has been atached.
Edit: Screenshot has been added, I forgot to tell you that LUAPlayer is required.
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October 7th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: BrooksyX
Dark_Alex is about to release a 2.71 custom firmware for non-TA-082 devices called 2.71 SE (SE stands for Special Edition)
The revision A will feature:
- 1.00/1.50 Eboot support (both kernel and user mode)
- 2.71 Eboot support (both kernel and user mode)
- run on 2.71 vsh
- Ability to run devhook (both 1.50 and 2.71 versions are fully compatible)
- Ability to run any 2.71 (and below UMDs)
- 1.00/1.50 prx executable support
- support both kxploited and unpatched eboots for 1.50 kernel
- support any 2.71 homebrews codded for HEN C
- Compatibility is 100% for 2.71 homebrews and approx 99% for 1.00/1.50 homebrews
How does it work ?
Both 1.50 and 2.71 kernel are flashed into flash0
it uses 1.50 kernel to bootstrap patched 2.71 firmware
How to flash it?
You will need to use the helper that will be provided to get a complying dump into a DXAR format, once you get it done properly use the flasher to "update" to the 2.71 SE-A
Pros and cons ? :
Pros : - Full 2.71 homebrew support
- Almost full 1.50 homebrews support (some homebrews like umdemu or xflash might not work properly with it, still so far all of the 1.50 homebrews I tried worked fine)
- Recovery menu
- Full Devhook support
- Access to all 2.71 features
- Native 2.71 UMD support
- 1.50 decrypted prx executable support
- Real no-kxploit embebed (thus 1.00 unpatched eboot support)
- have access to all 2.71 kernel features using 2.71 homebrews, such as GPS support or wpa support.
Only known con: takes about 1-2 second(s) more to load the firmware at startup
UPDATE : A new con: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Korean are going to be removed from this firmware and wont be able to be selected.
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October 7th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: benh
Hi all
I have just started coding in C and have just finished my very first app.
Its a program that opens lua files on your psp. I have included a sample piece of code for you to test out!
- Unzip the zip file and put the contents into the game folder on your memory stick
- To view a lua file you must rename it to index.lua and put it into the luareader folder in the game folder on your memory stick
Im afraid this is very basic at the moment, you have to rename your file to index.lua to veiw it, you can only keep one index.lua file in the luareader file at a time!
To do
- make it so that you dont have to rename the file to index.lua to veiw it
- add a file viewer so you can browse the memory card for lua files
- Some other stuff
Remember this is my first C app so go easy on me, also please leave feedback on this for me so i can improve on it.
Thanks all and enjoy!
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October 8th, 2006, 01:55 Posted By: dagger89
This is taken directly from PCSX2.net, the official site of PCSX2 development the PS2 emulator for windows.
Refraction has been 'abit' busy! He's been 'in the zone' for the past few nights fixing VIF Unpacks, which decompress then send texture and vector data to the VUs.
Such fixes have a wide impact on games, some initial results below:
Clocktower 3 - SPS (Spikey Polygon Syndrome) fixed!
Grandia III - Random crash fixed!
Sega Rally 2006 - SPS fixed!
Super Monkey Ball - Graphics looking 'significantly' improved!
X-Men Legends - Graphics completely fixed!
Oh and for racing fans, there is one other game showing significant progress ...
Check Me Out!
Basically, expect see many graphical errors fixed in v0.92!!!
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October 8th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: JKKDARK
SEGA Announces Voice Talent for Its New 'Sonic the Hedgehog'
SEGA has announced that Lacey Chabert (Party of Five, Mean Girls) will take part in gaming history by joining the cast of Sonic The Hedgehog, playing the role of Princess Elise. Slated for release this holiday season, Sonic The Hedgehog marks the gaming icon's first adventure on the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
Lacey Chabert brings her diverse voice acting experience to the Sonic The Hedgehog project. This is the first time in the history of the franchise that Hollywood talent will voice one of the characters in a Sonic game.
Bringing the franchise to new heights, Sonic's breakneck speed and dazzling, multi-layered world is brought to life in this all-new adventure. Sonic The Hedgehog for the PS3 and Xbox 360 is rated 'E-10', and will ship for holiday 2006.
I hope to hear something similar to sonic advenure
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October 8th, 2006, 03:34 Posted By: motormaniac
Hey ALL,
I'm so excited, it's finally here. Double X PSP-Portal VERSION 3.0!!!!. Ive redone my overall layout, and I made new grpahics, way better this time, and smaller. It has new games and apps. I did not include a diffrent color skin this time due to the fact that i'm not finished with it yet. So I'll post an upgrade or somthing in a couple, weeks. There arer a few bugs in this version, like ia cant get the clock to work right. ((( works on PC not on PSP, if somone wants to take a look at it and fix it let me know))) But i'm still going to release it. Let me know what u guys think.
EDIT:: I posted the new zip w/ the games. sorry. If you already downloaded the other file just take and put the flash folder in the double x psp-portal folder on your psp.
PS my site is not updated yet. Ill let u know when.
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October 8th, 2006, 09:36 Posted By: kando
NJ has released a new version of his awesome CPS1 emulator for the PSP, here's translation by kando, with some small help from babelfish, exclusively translated for DCEmu!:
Information on New Version
CPS1PSP 1.0 was released. CPS1PSP will no longer be updated after this.
Please wait a little while for the source code.
CPS1PSP 1.0 - Development End (after the source is released, the project officially will stop updating.)
Modifications/corrections in 1.0:
- C68K core changed to the same one in CPS2PSP.
- Z80 core modified to CZ80.
- Several CZ80 bug fixes.
- "Renewing process is the same as CPS2PSP." (?)
- Bootleg versions of games are no longer supported.
- Drawing and processing codes were re-written, creating noticable speed changes.
- "Corrected the pallet split application of the layer" (?)
- Save/Load state added.
- VSYNC is improved.
- "Modification to the dip switch value, you reexamine the value of the switch, operate just Dip the initial value of Demo Sound of switch and Allow Continue modification to Yes" (?)
- Corrected an autofire bug which would prevent autofiring when "Rotate Screen" is set to "Yes"
- Screenshots are now saved as .PNG files.
- Kernel Mode edition added.
- Lots of other modifications.
2 Notes on Version 1.0 Modifications:
- About "Video Sync" option:
- Version 1.0: VSync Performance has improved.
- When you turn VSync "On", sound quality will be sacrificed a little, but the flickering on the screen will improve, such as in "King of Dragons", where the character flickers repeatedly in each frame.
- "By comparison with invalid state, when processing is late, because noise the paste is easy in sound, processing with the heavy game please make basically invalid." (?)
- Recommended settings for VSync:
- Raster Effects - OFF
- 60fps Speed Limit - OFF
- Sample Rate - 11025Hz (depending on the game)...above 22050Hz is hard on the PSP.
About Bootleg Edition Games:
- They worked with all versions of CPS1PSP up through beta 3, but are no longer working in Version 1.0.
- Basically i have removed these due to encoding issues and the like, and for this proper version, the coding does not correspond to any bootleg edition.
- Because future releases of this program will most likely be made by other coders (and thats besides the fact that I dislike bootlegs), if someone finds it necessary to add bootlegs back in, please add MAME or something to the like to reference with each one.
He says once the source is released, it will officially be done.
*wphew* my first japanese translation
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October 8th, 2006, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video converter for use with the PSP.
Fixed moving and coping PMP files to PSP.
Fixed moving and coping files to PSP for MP4 PSP 2.80.
Changed switch languages technique.
Fixed work with desktop folder.
Fixed program run - program don`t start propertly on some systems.
Some settings moved to registry.
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October 8th, 2006, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
Brunni has released a New version of his Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator for the PSP, heres whats new about this release
- Added VGM support for the menu ( VGMs are SMS music files )
- Added VGM GD3 tag support
- Added Screenshot option. Screenshots will be saved as png to a MMSPlus folder in Photo.
- Major GUI update
- Disabled returning to game after choosing exit from the menu. Previously after choosing exit from the menu it would show the last game loaded briefly before returning to the xmb.
- A number of minor bug fixes
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October 8th, 2006, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
New release from razorrifh which is a Lua app for the PSP, heres the details:
i got bored about 20 minutes into installing the psp toolchain (it ended up taking 6 hours, 52 minutes) so i decided to code something up with lua. i saw the coder of palib (i'm assuming a nds programming library? dunno) wrote a language translation program based on a dictionary.
i liked the idea, but i thought it would be a bit better to grab the translation from somewhere online, because then you could have an already built translation system with support for multiple languages. instantly i thought of babelfish. i loaded it up in the browser and viewed the source to see what i could see, and lo and behold... well there was the source. i typed up a querry string based on the variable names and it worked. yay.
so anyways, here's the file. to use it (only for firmware 1.5 i'm pretty sure) just throw it in your x:/PSP/GAME/ folder. it's called "wifi babelfish poc". run it (with the wifi switch on!) and it will show you a list of your wifi connections. this is just the proof-of-concept, so it will automatically choose the first connection, and then start trying to get an ip address from the access point. please note that it may freeze if the signal strength isn't strong enough, or if it looses connection. hold start to reset, and if that doesnt work, use the home button to do so and try again.
i plan on making this a full little app including text input, and file saving. if i dont get around to it, someone else may. just lemme peek at your source if you do
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October 8th, 2006, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Virtual Tape Recorder for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Increased virtual reel buffer to 22 Mb which provides more
recording time for every sample rate.
- Implemented MPH's free RAM display at startup to keep track
of RAM consumption during development.
- Added a visible VOX sensitivity indicator, and the vox sensitivity
is now adjustable.
- Fixed voice activation routine to scan the wave for peaks so the
VOX indicator can work properly.
- Other small fixes, and code optimisations.
- Added demonstration eboot sound.
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Via art
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October 8th, 2006, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Koolio posted this news/release:
I've been taking some time to learn LUA, and I just made this game that is really simple but really fun. All you have to do is move the basket left and right with the arrow keys. It's a spoof on Michael Jackson and his baby dangling thing lol. I hope you like it, I worked hard on it considering this is my first game ever. I hope you will appreciate it.
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Via koolio
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October 8th, 2006, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hallo007:
finely it's here , the beta release of calc(ulator) (a port from my calc from pc) it's a very simple calculator , with a big future changing numbers is slow at the moment but with a smaal bug you can change the speed at this moment it can only multi , but if a complete the port it will have many other things controls:
Up:change number 1(+)
down : change number 1(-)
right : change number 2(+)
left : change number 2(-)
Cross: product
cross+left or right or... , variabel speed is fast
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via hallo007
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October 8th, 2006, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Oh no, PSP Fanboy is using sex to promote its site again! It's true... they say that sex sells, and the people behind Tekken know it. For a Maxim photo shoot, they had some models dress up (or down) as Tekken models. Taking some inspiration from Dead or Alive, the photographers then placed those models under running water. The following video won't disappoint you... unless you're at work and your boss realizes what kind of pevert you are. So, I'm giving this an EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK notice. Enjoy!
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October 8th, 2006, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, still no news of a release but i can tell you that AC is trying to sort out the Dynarec but has run into a few problems, more as i find out more.
Now ive posted that Theme Park World, Comand and Conquer Retaliation and Warcraft 2 all work perfectly but not at full speed, but playable if your patient
Well today AC has told me of games he/she has tested too, heres the list:
Now something you might be interested in: some games that have been tested and confirmed to work by myself
RPG Maker (almost fullspeed), Ridge Racer, Ridge Racer Revolution, Rally de Africa, Rally de Europe, Final Fantasy 7, Agent Armstrong, Bubble Bobble 2 (very fast), B-Movie, Cool Boarders 2, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Castlevania: SOTN, King of Fighters 99, Batman Forever (FULLSPEED!), Gex 2: Enter the Gecko, Tomb Raider Chronicles (playable in my opinion), Breath of Fire 3, Jersey Devil.
Ill post any updates the moment they come in and remember only DCEmu has the exclusive news on this emulator.
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October 8th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: benh
My site psp fanatic is having its first coding comp and I would like to let everyone know.
You can enter LUA games, LUA apps, C/C++ games and C/C++ apps
Here are the details -
1st prize
Nintendo gameboy advance SP and raceing game
2nd prize
Spiderman 2 UMD
3rd prize
Selection of PSP books and a psp vinal
-There will be 3 prizes
-There will not be a prize for each catagory, all entries will be judged and then the prizes will be given to the top 3
-You are only allowed to enter a new game or app or an updated version of a game or app that is already out
-All entries are to be in by 12 noon 28th december 2006, the winner will be announced on the 1st january 2007
-You can enter more than one entry
The entries will be judged by me.
Here are the links -
Home page
Fourm section
Good luck!
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October 8th, 2006, 19:35 Posted By: DPyro
Dark_Alex has just released 2.71 Special Edition - Revision A custom firmware. Heres what the readme has to say:
This is a custom firmware that lets to have in a single flash the advantages of firmware 1.50 and
2.71 at the same time.
Homebrew can be run on both kernels, the 1.50 one and the 2.71 one, letting almost all current homebrew
to work on the 1.50 kernel, and 2.71 homebrew compatible with HEN C in the 2.71 kernel.
Note: the installer writes to FLASH0. I'm not responsable of any damage of what happens,
since this software is provided free and without warranty.
TA-082 users cannot use this because a 1.50 bootstrap is needed to boot the system patched.
At the moment, there is only installer for 1.50, although it could be easily ported to whatever
firmware with kernel access such as 2.60 and 2.71, but at the moment i prefer not to doing it to avoid
TA-082 using it and bricking their psp's.
Note that this package DOES NOT contain any illegal material. The user has to provide the 1.50 and
2.71 updaters pbp's to legally generate the DXAR file used for the flashing.
Reminder: This flashes to your PSP. Use at your own risk.
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October 8th, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
AdePSP released a new version of his Devhook Screenshot and Video Capture program. Heres the release info:
I've made a minor change to this module for DevHook... It now saves GIF files in the /PSP/PHOTO/SVCPlayer folder... Why you ask...? Because the major update here is the new SVC Player application that allows you to playback the GIF videos you capture straight from your PSP (this can be done in normal size or fullscreen mode)...
The player is also skinable and a good selection of the best skins posted on various forums are included but feel free to make and share your own... See the additional information in the readme.txt file...
To load the player on your PSP simply navigate to the Memory Stick menu and run the SVC Player app with the following icon,
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October 8th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video converter application for the PSP.
Fixed long names subtitles import.
Fixed file filtering in explorer tabs.
Now Temp and Save folder info added to log.
Fixed folders deleting.
Fixed and enhanced DolbySurround Downmix.
German translation added.
Fixed switch between DVD titles.
Fixed critical bug with Temp Path. Now default temp path = SystemDrive:\Temp.
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October 9th, 2006, 02:34 Posted By: Exophase
Okay, a few things about this release. First, it is a features/performance release - if anything new works consider yourself lucky (unless it's a 32MB ROM). I'm going to be focusing on compatability again for the next version. Second, it's still beta, so don't go crazy on me if something's broken. Third, don't go crazy on me if I didn't implement whatever favorite feature you wanted. Fourth, please actually read the readme.
Heres whats new from the readme:
v0.8 - ("unlocked" beta)
NOTE 1: It has come to my attention that there are actually BIOSes out there that are being used that cause some games to not work. The BIOS md5sum listed here is for the BIOS actually in GBAs and
is as accurate as you'll get, (if you have a GBA and a flashcart you can dump it yourself, see http://wiki.pocketheaven.com/GBA_BIOS)
NOTE 2: Since I know this is as far as a lot of people here I have a little request. Please, please, (I'd italicize this if I could) please stop constantly asking me when the next release will be, what it'll have, etc. And while you're at it, please stop asking me to implement wi-fi multiplayer, cheat support, or fix all of your games. Some things will happen in due time, other things might not ever happen. I devote about as much time as I can to this emulator
and I carefully include as much as I can in releases to try to minimize the number of people who will nag me next time (erm, I mean, to make the most people happy), so I don't release every other day or anything like that. Sorry that I can't release once a week, but I'm a lot busier now than I was when I was first developing this emulator. Good thing I got the first version out before that, wasn't it?
Congratulations, you made it this far! Now read the rest of the this
thing. *_*
# Fixed bug in dead flag elimination, "alt" version no longer needed.
# Fixed EEPROM saves being saved as 32kb instead of 512bytes/8kb
+ 32MB ROM support has been added. ROMS are "demand loaded" as
necessary and page swapped out; there might be a small loading lag,
but I have yet to ever really notice anything.
NOTE: 32MB ROM support only works for unzipped ROMs.
+ Save states have been added. See the save state menu for save/load
+ Support for the real-time clock (RTC) chip in Pokemon cartridegs
and other games. The implementation is based off of VBA's, whatever
notes on gbadev I could find, and some of my own reverse engineering
of what the games do... it might not be totally correct. Also,
setting the time does not work.
+ Per-game configuration. Currently this only saves frameskip and
frameskip variation options.
+ Removed the flash type option from the menu and instead added it
to game_config.txt. Hopefully got everything - let me know if you
find something that isn't there. It's pretty easy to add them if you
have to.
+ Added a display in the upper left-hand corner to indicate when
fast-forward is on.
+ Added button bindings for save/load state.
@ Found a fix of StrmnNrmn proportion: far too much unnecessary mutex
synchronization was going on. Removing the two offending lines of
code gave a massive speed boost for free. Enjoy.
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Check out gpSP Compatability List
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October 9th, 2006, 06:48 Posted By: PSPdemon
We have just been informed of a new PSP Virus on the loose.
I have recieved the file and checked it for viruses, and shows as being positive. We have already heard reports of 2 bricks from this virus.
Be VERY careful of this....we dont want any one to end up with bricks... ( and yes we know of the custom firmware mods, but we dont know as of yet if it will fix what this virus does. )
As of the file I receieved.... its dressed up as a usb kxploit... but it can be changed easily to somthing else.
The folder names are SDL-TEST-5 and SDL-TEST-5%. ( though the folder names can be changed as well )
As for size of this file (the one I got sent), its % eboot is 65kb and the other ( non % ) eboot is 10 kb
or in combined total 74 kb
There is a virus checker that can check for suspicious flash acessing. This program can be found here
Please, do be careful. We don't want to see people getting brick's.
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October 9th, 2006, 10:29 Posted By: Kramer
This is Exophases great GBA emu with a few tweaks by Dark_Alex it now runs on 2.71 through his Homebrew Enabler.
I leave here the version for 2.71 HEN C, and for the 2.71 kernel in 2.71 SE-A.
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October 9th, 2006, 14:14 Posted By: Darksaviour69
First-party games to retail for just under 6000 Yen
Sony Japan has announced that two of its first-party launch titles - Genji and Resistance: Fall of Man - will go on sale priced at 5980 Yen, equivalent to around GBP 27 or 40 Euros.
Both games are set to launch alongside the PlayStation 3 on November 11. Another Sony-published title, MotorStorm, will hit the shops on December 7, also priced at 5980 Yen.
The announcement comes just weeks after Sony Computer Entertainment America revealed that first-party titles will cost US$59.99 in the States. There's still no word as to how much games will cost European consumers, however.
Source: Gamesindustry.biz
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October 9th, 2006, 14:56 Posted By: Darksaviour69
UK gamers will get first chance to go hands-on next month
Sony has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that UK gamers will get their first chance to go hands-on with PlayStation 3 at the Best of Stuff show in London next month.
The event, which is being held as part of the What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision Show, will take place between November 3 - 5 at the Novotel London West hotel in Hammersmith.
"This event is the perfect platform to showcase the power and functionality that PS3 has to offer," a Sony spokesperson told GI.biz.
"It will be the first of many upcoming events that will allow consumers to get hands on with both the hardware and forthcoming software titles."
Tickets are available from the What Hi-Fi Show website, priced at £13.
Source: GamesIndustry.biz
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October 9th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: mesosade
Hi all just a re-release of my homebrew package 'sourlime' edition.
The files are as follows:
gpsp: GBA emulator (GBA bios needed!)
rin test: Gb/Gbc emulator!
DGEN: the Sega megadrive emu!
PSPM: master system and game gear emu!
Daedulus: n64 emulator!
snes9xtyl: snes emulator with media engine
CPS1: CPS1 capcom emulator
CPS2: CPS2 capcom emulator
PSpectrum: Spectrum emulator
PSPUAE: Amiga emulator
ELOADER! YES! now 2.xx users can use this package with the eloader with tif exploit for 2.7 users!
DEVHOOK: fully installed devhook
IRSHELL: best shell for psp out there
LUAPLAYER: plays lua scripts/games
psp-ftpd: an ftp server for your psp (zx-81's great work )
PSPRADIO!: an radio for psp using wlan!
MAPTHIS!: a gps used with WLAN!
Scrabble Assistant: hehe i liked it :P
afkim: a messenger client for psp!
unzip: unzip files on your psp without a pc (great with links web browser)
links web browser: browse the internet without 2.6 firmware!
titan homebrew manager (surprisinglu useful)
PSPwarp: image editer (good fun)
personal meditation: ummm it was a cool idea at the time?
return to 1.5 firmware from 2.7 eboot: very useful when emulating 2.7 firmware!
Portable paint: just have a guess what it is :P
pspcapture: captures psp screenshots
PSPrythm: a drum music app for psp (very good fun)
Smashgpsp: super smash bros remake!
IRIS 0.2 with the following mods:
star wars model pack
up high map
princess peach castle alpha map
Some games by deniska:
178mb required for this whopping package!
download size is 80 mb!
Here's the link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KQHMAVDX
Please note that the eloader will not work with all the apps! so don't expect it too and flame me for it!
credit for suggestion goes to:
and anyone else i was too tired to thank
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October 9th, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: Kramer
Coded By: Insomniac
Why is it named 48 Hour Pong? Because I needed a weekend off from my current projects and fancied making a full game in a 48 hour period.
Features include:
* Full 3D
* Ability to change view
* WiFi transmission of player scores to a database to see how good you are compared to other players.
* Player stats are saved
* Ability to modify the graphics and audio
* When on the menu screen a demo of 2 AI opponents plays
If you wish to modify the graphics or audio then please do so. Just keep the graphics the same size and name as the originals. The ball actually rotates (as in rolls), it's hard to tell with the original texture for it, but make sure your modified graphics utilise this.
Also, link to this site to download the original game and supply a separate link for your modified files. Do not repackage the game!
This was a purely 48 hour thing, I will only update the game if a bug is found or I need another 'weekend off'.
The player file is encrypted very basically to stop simple methods of altering it, if the database is abused by cheaters I will remove it. Play fair.
* Use the D-pad or the analog stick to move when in the game.
* Right Trigger will change your view between 3rd person, 1st person or top down.
* Left Trigger will change the camera mode from 'fixed' to 'follow'. This only applies to 3rd person view.
* Cross is for selection on menus, all other notable operations will prompt you for which button to press.
* Select will take a screenshot (self-incrementing)
The background effect is based on a PSP SDK sample.
Audio is from flashkit.com and is royalty free.
Source: http://insomniac.0x89.org/index.php?id=2
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October 9th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking in Official PlayStation Magazine US's podcast, Full Auto 2 producer Mike Gallo has dropped the first details on Sony's PS3 online service, which will go head to head with Xbox Live when the console launches in Japan and the US next month.
Referring to the online mode in Sega's car-combat sequel, Gallo said: "We use Gamespy as part of our backend. And we do support your user profile, or whatever the final name for that's gonna be for the [PlayStation 3], that'll be what gets logged for stats."
He continued: "When you first turn on the machine it logs you in automatically, I think you can change that in the settings. You have a user ID and an online profile, thats set up through the PlayStation, we don't have anything to do with that. That's all done through the PlayStation Network."
Sounds a bit like Xbox Live then, but the similarity doesn't end there - Sony has previously announced a self-proclaimed "virtual society" for its next-gen online service, with friends lists, player profiles and messaging all making the list. The online microtransactions system also sounds similar to Microsoft's offering, though on the PS3 you'll apparently be able to download games, music and movies.
Will Sony be able to stand up to the mighty Xbox Live? We can only wait and see.
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October 9th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
After its reveal last month, Ubisoft has released new screenshots of its DS and PSP Star Wars game, Lethal Alliance, though we're assuming these shots are from the PSP version of the game because, you know, there's a lot of polygons moving around.
Chronologically (perhaps the largest word we'll use this morning), Lethal Alliance takes place between Episode III and Episode IV, which means there's lots of Jedi running around about to feel the business end of James Earl Jones' lightsaber. Luckily, you're just a plain old Twi'lek, and with the help of your plucky droid sidekick you're off to uncover the Empire's most deadly weapon; the Death Star.
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance is slated for release on PSP and DS this December. Look out for more media and info as we get our grubby mitts on it.
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October 9th, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced the retail price of two of its Japanese PS3 launch titles, Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man and Sony's own Genji: Days of the Blade.
Both titles will retail for 5980 yen in Japan (about 27 GBP or 50 USD) and Sony also confirmed that its upcoming dirt-racer, Motorstorm (releasing December 7 in Japan) will be sold at the same price.
Speculation had suggested that Sony would opt for a price closer to the yen equivalent of 60 USD, roughly what third parties will be looking for in the Japan and the US. Sega announced last week that both of its titles, Sega Golf Club and Sonic the Hedgehog will go on sale for 7140 yen (32 GBP or 60 USD) in the country, and other third parties have announced higher pricing for their titles as well.
Sony recently inadvertedly listed US prices on its Sony Style store, saying games including Untold Legends, Call of Duty 3 and Full Auto 2 will retail for $59.99.
This first-party pricing news comes hot on the heels of the recent Japanese price-cut announcement, which according to Japanese technology site ITmedia has given Sony's console a much-needed jump in interest in the country. According to its survey, 39% of respondents plan to buy the console by the end of next year, which is certainly good news for Sony after months of bad press swamped its console.
Sony is yet to make any announcements on European game pricing and you probably shouldn't expect direct Yen to Pound conversions, but we'll certainly let you know when any new info trickles out.
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October 9th, 2006, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
News article from Lik Sang
Ready for that explosive encore? You sure owe it to your audience, who is still waiting for you to return to the stage, bang your head like a heli on a spiral down and make that guitar scream wildly. After the massive success of Guitar Hero in 2005, a music game where the controller resembles a real Gibson and you follow on-screen icons in rythm to spot-on covers of licensed, legendary rock songs, you can now dedicate yourself to a career in the rockstar biz once more. Guitar Hero II, up for a release on November 7th, features a totally new and expanded track list of over 55 tunes, more venues and fresh modes. There's multiplayer co-op for example, which allows gamers to opt for either lead, rythm or bass this time, taking on different sections of the song simultaneously. Again, you'll start your rock career playing small clubs and bars, but if you play well you will soon work your way up to stadiums and arenas. If the promise of livin' a rock dude's life out loud, with all the sheer attitude, charisma and stage presence action that entails, means anything at all to you, then better treat yourself to Guitar Hero II; it's sweet, and by that we mean totally awesome. Hell yeah.
Guitar Hero II is on track for a November 7th release, in just about a month from now. Up for pre-order are two versions, the bundle pack, which includes a new red version of the original SG guitar controller, shipping for just US$ 79.90 and a game-only copy for US$ 59.90 (this version qualifies for our Free Shipping Worldwide offer). If you've got the SG from the prequel still lying around, you will be pleased to know that it works of course fine with Guitar Hero II as well. For those who would like to get their mates together for some hot band action (co-op lead, rythm and bass guitar), we offer the cool Rock Guitar for only US$ 28.90, which does a perfect job just like the RedOctane one. The whammy bar comes off as a bit less springy here, while the controller feels solid, with tight, smooth buttons and also includes an adjustable strap.
Guitar Hero: A Music Title to Excite the Masses
Guitar Hero can rightfully be called a gaming phenomenon. According to John Tam (executive producer at RecOctane), in the beginning of development there were just 8-bit visuals, where you hit a note to score a point, still they knew from the start that they were on to something big. Teaming up with Harmonix, who committed all the Karaoke Revolution for Konami, as well as other music games for Sony Computer Entertainment of America (including Frequency and Amplitude), was the next step. Pretty soon after the first Guitar Hero hit the streets, the game took off and still enjoys an immense popularity with gamers, that should only grow with the imminent sequel. The game has been swamped with awards, from IGN's "Best Music Game of The Year" and "Best Licensed Soundtrack" to "Outstanding Innovation in Gaming" and "Outstanding Achievement in Game Design" given to the developers at the D.I.C.E. Summit's Interactive Achievement Awards in Las Vegas, to only name a few. Even just last week, a prestigious BAFTA award was scooped in Britain.
In order to see how widespread the excitement gets, you could just search the video network YouTube with the keywords "Guitar Hero". A testimony about what the game experience can do to your real life might be just this video, which shows that playing Guitar Hero helps you score with the ladies alright.
If you wondered what after-hours at Lik Sang look like, here it goes. Long Guitar Hero sessions built up our confidence before to a level where we didn't shy away from showing the world that we love to rock (and sport the hair for the job as well!). In case you missed that display of outright guitar-strangling fun, we dare you to watch the following footage of relentless controller and work space abuse:
Guitar Hero II on PlayStation 2: Features
Thank Hendrix, RedOctane and Harmonix are again using famed recording studio WaveGroup for its music production. The huge track list embraces all forms of rock/metal including classic rock, "hair metal", heavy metal, modern rock and alternative. Find perfect covers of Guns 'n' Roses "Sweet Child o'mine", Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name of", "Strutter" by Kiss, Anthrax' "Madhouse", Butthole Surfers' "Who Was In My Room Last Night", Van Halen's version of "You Really Got Me" and Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" for example (for the latest and most accurate tentative list published so far, head to SPOnG). In-game you choose from multiple rock characters and jam at concert venues that grow in size as your rock career progresses. Multiplayer modes are cooperative, pro-face off, and face off, letting two Guitar Heroes conduct their own symphonies of destruction. Dual Shredding sounds like an instant classic: while playing lead is still the main drive of the game probably, having a go at rythm and bass guitar (all on separate tracks) is sure to be a blast! To help get you on the way, a new addition is a practice mode, handy if you wanna get some training before your next stage appearance. Called Shred School, this mode gives you a chance to hone your skills on looped sections.
If there's a game that lets being "in the zone" become overly rewarding, it's Guitar Hero II. Back are several difficulty levels, expanded now with the introduction of three-button chords. These generally appear at very powerful and lasting chords and thankfully there are not that many in any given song. Still, hitting these notes right, will render you a hint of what it feels like to be one of the rock gods. Even more so in cooperative mode, there's nothing like nailing your section right, while your buddy is rocking his part: it honestly feels like playing in a band, the best teamwork could ever feel, believe us. Rocking in unison works just like the single-player experience in that you'll fail the song if your performance meter drops too low. Here, you can assign separate difficulty levels for each player. Therefore you can still rock together if one person e.g. plays on Expert and the other on Easy.
Of course you'll have less notes to hit on Easy and you won't score that high, but both players are nevertheless influencing the Rock Meter all the time, being able to help each other through difficult sections of a track. The same holds true for Star Power, where both need to lift their guitars simultaneously to trigger it. Notes from both players go into increasing the score multiplier on top, which resets if someone messes up. Sound plays of course a major part (duh), but let us just emphasize how crisp, deep and flat-out clear guitar magic and all tracks come off. Compared to the impressive prequel, Guitar Hero II delivers a wholesome tribute to what it means to wield a guitar and thunder across the stage, working yourself into a true rockstar frenzy. It's obviously the next best thing to hack at strings in front of freaked-out masses for real. After all orders will be done for the day, November 7th will be a long night of shredding the SG guitar hard at Lik Sang offices for sure.
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October 9th, 2006, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Regardless of your thoughts on the PS3's US$500-600 launch price, the move is unprecedented for a Sony game console. Therefore, it's a no-brainer that so many peeps have lost early adoption aspirations for the Blu-ray computer/game system, Japanese gamers included.
But after Sony dropped the PS3 price to about $425 (tax included) in Japan, the interest-tide has changed in terms of pre-launch anticipation. Japan-based ITmedia reports via a survey that asks what console the Japanese public intend to purchase by year's end. The results are as follows:
40%: Wii
39%: PS3
16%: Xbox 360
3%: Other
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October 9th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: psposte
The PSPoste Team is proud to announce PSPoste Beta1. PSPoste is the first fully functional email client for the Sony PSP, it supports the POP3 and SMTP mail protocols, allows composing, retrieving, storing and viewing of emails from multiple servers. Users can choose from 3 supported input methods; graphical overlay keyboard, p-sprint or ThinkOutside IrDa keyboard. Development will continue time and life permitting, so with that in mind, we encourage you to monitor development on our sourceforge project page http://sourceforge.net/projects/psposte/ . From there, you may also post questions on our forums, request new features and submit a bug report.
Note that PSPoste uses the memory stick to store email, so any crash, loss of power or removal of the memory stick while PSPoste is running could cause corruption and data loss of any data on the memory stick. PSPoste doesn't currently support deleting mail from the server, so mail shouldn't be permanently lost, however this is not a guarantee. There also is a current known problem with the settings.xml file; having an empty field will cause the application to crash. This could happen if, for instance, the "Incoming Server Address" is set to nothing from within the application, or if the settings.xml file is edited from outside the application.
For any comments or questions, feel free to use the forums http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=161243 or to contact us at psposte@gmail.com.
Notes on mirroring: we would appreciate if sites did not mirror our releases, but instead link to the "Files" section on our sourceforge project page. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
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Website http://www.psposte.org/news/current.html
Contact [psposte@gmail.com]
The PSPoste Team
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October 9th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
It's just a little more than a month from now until Sony's next generation system PlayStation3™ will be released in Japan.
Just as we did with the Nintendo™ Wii before, we have now also opened up a reservation list for those who wish to be among the first ones to play with Sony's new toy.
Want to add your name into our waiting list? You don't even need to put down a deposit or even enter your credit card details! Got your attention? Good. Read through the following lines, which explain how it all works and also gives you some additional details about the PlayStation3™ launch.
PlayStation3™ Hardware lineup
PlayStation3™ Console (HDD 60GB Model)
PlayStation3™ Console (HDD 20GB Model)
PS3 Wireless Controller (SIXAXIS)
PS3 Memory Card Adapter
PS3 BD Remote Control
Please note that the PS3 BD Remote Control is not a launch date accessory. We expect more accessories to be announced during the next couple of days and weeks. Also based on pictures we have seen so far, we anticipate the PlayStation2™ component cable (Third Party model also available) to be compatible with the PS3™.
20GB or 60GB model? Which is the right choice for me?
After Sony's TGS2006 clarifiation that both PS3™ models will be equipped with HDMI out as standard, the 20GB model appears to have become an interesting purchase alternative to the bigger 60GB model.
Apart from the harddrive space, there are still a few differences between both models. An excellent comparison sheet can be found on Sony's official website.
Preorders at Play-Asia.com are currently standing at approx. 77% : 23% in favor of the larger 60GB model.
PlayStation3™ software lineup:
The following titles have been announced so far to be released within 2006. Pricing for PS3™ software appears to range between JPY 5,800 to JPY 7,800, which means that most games at Play-Asia.com are not expected to be more expensive than PlayStation2™ software titles.
Armored Core 4
Fatal Inertia
Formula One Championship
Genji: Kamui Souran / Genji: Days of the Blade
Gran Turismo HD
Mahjong Kakutou Club
Mahjong Taikai IV
Miyasato Miyoshi Kyoudai Naizou: Sega Golf Club
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ridge Racer 7
Sonic The Hedgehog
Please remember that all release dates are subject to change without prior notice. Based on our experience, it's likely for some titles to be pushed back passed their original release date.
PlayStation3™ region compatibility
Based on numerous statements made by Sony officials (the last one by Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison), there appears to be a chance that PlayStation3™ software might be region free. In other words, games from all territories might run on any PS3™ system bought anywhere in the world.
While Play-Asia.com surely welcomes such a move, we would like to warn every gamer that such information cannot be taken as a gaurantee until either the release of consoles & games or until an official press statement has been made.
We will be sure to post an update upon availability of the first PlayStation3™ consoles and games.
Play-Asia.com PlayStation3™ reservation list
Play-Asia.com has opened a non-binding reservation list for the Japanese PlayStation3™ console, acessories and all launch titles. Now you have the chance to put your name in our reservation list and be among the first to play a PS3™.
All PlayStation3™ preorders are subject to the following conditions:
Non-binding: Your PlayStation3™ preorder is absolutely non-binding and can be cancelled or modified at any time.
No money down: To put your name in our reservation list, you neither have to make a deposit, nor have to enter your credit card details.
No price confirmation: Play-Asia.com import pricing on all PS3™ related products will be announced on or before official launch of the console. Once again, your order is non-binding and can be cancelled at any time.
No supply guarantee: As is common for any new import hardware, Play-Asia.com does not provide any guarantee on final supply and shipping date.
Quantity limitation: Every customer is only able to make reservation for ONE PlayStation3™ console.
Further limitation: Your PlayStation3™ preorder cannot be mixed with any other items than PS3™ console, accessories or games.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Now as launch details and prices have been confirmed, why does Play-Asia not take regular preorders at retail price?
A: Play-Asia's buying price on import hardware and software is always depending on market supply and demand. From our experience, especially new hardware is often not available in sufficient supply (see NDS, NDS Lite, PSP, PS2 launch, etc.). Distributors and wholesalers will decide their price on launch date, depending on the market situation. Therefore it's impossible for companies like Play-Asia to confirm a price prior release.
Q: How does the preorder process work? Do I have to pay any deposit?
A: All PlayStation3™ preorders at Play-Asia.com are non-binding and can be modified at any time. You won't be required to pay a deposit or to enter your credit card details. On or a few days before launch, you will receive another e-mail from Play-Asia.com with pricing and shipping details. At that time, you can either reconfirm, modify or cancel your order.
Q: What happens if the launch lineup changes? Can I modify my order?
A: Yes, you will have the chance to modify or cancel your preorder at any time.
Q: When will my PlayStation3™ preorder ship?
A: Play-Asia.com will update all customers on pricing and supply situation on or before official launch date. Depending on your preorder position and supply situation, we will process all preorder at first come, first served basis. The earlier you have preordered, the higher your chance for a quick order processing.
Q: Are there any order limitations? Can I preorder as many consoles and games as a like?
A: To serve as many customers as possible, there's a preorder limitation of ONE PS3™ console per customer. Limitations on accessory and software depend on each individual title and will be displayed during checkout of your order. Please also note that your PlayStation3™ preorder cannot be mixed with any "non-PS3™" related items.
Q: What are the differences between both PS3™ models (20GB/60GB)?
Apart from the harddrive space, there are still a few differences between both models. An excellent comparison sheet can be found on Sony's official website.
Q: Can the PlayStation3™ play PlayStation™ and PlayStation2™ games?
A: Yes, it has been confirmed that the PS3™ can also play back PlayStation™ and PlayStation2™ software titles. However, no information is available on region lockout. We assume that Japanese PlayStation3™ consoles can only play NTSC/J encoded PS™ and PS2™ games
Q: Will you take preorders for the US version PlayStation3™ console and games?:
A: At the moment, we have only opened orders for Japanese version consoles, games and accessories. We will be looking into the possibility to offer US version PS3™ items in the near future. In such case, you will always be able to switch your preorder to any other available version later on.
Q: Can I play US or PAL PS3™ games on the Japanese PS3™?
Based on numerous statements made by Sony officials (the last one by Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison), there appears to be a chance that PlayStation3™ software will be region free. In other words, games from all territories might run on any PS3™ system bought anywhere in the world.
While Play-Asia.com surely welcomes such a move, we would like to warn every gamer that such information cannot be taken as a gaurantee until either the release of consoles & games or until an official press statement has been made.
Play-Asia.com recommends every gamer to assume that Japanese PS3™ games can only be played on Japanese PS3™ consoles and to make their purchase decision accordingly.
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October 9th, 2006, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you not living in Japan are going to struggle getting a PS3 and today another Hong Kong Site has put PS3 preorders on their site. Those interested should check out SuccessHK.
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October 9th, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Just got hold of some new screenshots from EA of their game Medal of Honor Heroes for the PSP.
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October 9th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Slashphone have a competition where they have posted concept phone designs, one is of a Sony PSP Phone and i have to say it looks rather smart
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October 9th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Gamepro
Sony told Reuters that it's planning to release new details on the interaction between the PlayStation 3 and its portable PSP system soon.
PSP: There's good news and there's bad news
Though Sony mentioned that new details concerning PS3/PSP cross-compatibility are coming, it offered no new details.
Sony also told Reuters that the company has no plans for any PSP price drops this year, but that it expects as many as 110 new titles by the end of 2006. The new game releases would bring the total number of PSP games to 230, Sony said.
"We don't necessarily see the need to cut the price," Sony Computer Entertainment product manager John Koller told Reuters.
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October 9th, 2006, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
C10uD posted this news/release:
This is a command-line utility that permits to play around with cwcheat strings in order to translate it to various languages. Instead of using an hexeditor you can easily edit txt files that are created and formatted by this utility.
NOTE: This is ONLY for cwcheat 0.1.5-GOLD!
BEWARE: This is my very first attempt for a C application, source code is confused and buggy! Maybe you can expect a better code next time,
i'll try to clean it up
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October 9th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Denitro posted this news/release:
This file includes usbhostfs_pc from TyRaNiD's great PSPLINK app and drivers built to work with Windows XP x64.
It allows windows XP x64 users to use PSPLINK and other usbhost apps like IR Shell on thier x64 PC.
I'm not sure how many Windows XP x64 users there are out there, but I hope this helps =)
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via denitro
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October 9th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Info from the Official site:
Waking up in a mysterious, unfamiliar cavern with no memory of who he is, a young boy delves into the rocky tunnels in search of clues to his wherabouts and his identity. Meanwhile, a mad doctor makes use of an enchanted crown to enslave a race of rabbit-like creatures, known as Mimigas.
As the boy travels through the cave, searching for an exit, he meets Sue, a mimiga unlike all the others. Soon he is caught up in an adventure beyond imagination as the fate of both human and mimiga races hang in the balance.
A vast adventure spanning a large free-roaming environment!
Multiple endings!
Tons of hidden areas, secret items and weapons!
The game is coming in 2007, more details HERE.
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October 9th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Ipodlinux posted this news/release:
I am pleased to announce my first PSP release, PSPLife, which is Conway's Game Of Life Port to the PSP! Incase you don't know, here's nice wikipedia entry about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life.
Please mind, that it's still a BETA, whcih means I am NOT responsible to any damage to your PSP (if any). There might be faults in the GUI, algortihm, too.
So far I've tested it on 2.71 with HEN C, 2.60 with 0.98 eLoader and 1.5 (needs to be kxploited of course), and it works perfectly.
The controls are simple, D-Pad do move the cursor, O to place cells, X to start/go to next step.
I made evrything in C using Notepad++, and the graphics were made by myself in Photoshop. Compiled with the newest toolchain on cygwin.
For the moment, all graphics are PNG's, because I was too lazy to draw the manually.
I'll release the C source if anyone is interested.
Future improvements:
- Ability to choose the planet size (right now it's 10x10)
- Abiloty to restart
- Ability to remove cells.
- Ability to change the cells during 'game'play.
Bug reports, suggestions and constructive remarks are greatly appreciated.
Have fun!
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via ipodlinux
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October 10th, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
This fresh batch of screens from Killzone: Liberation, the PSP-bound outing for Sony's future-war blaster, gives us a sneak peek of two of the game's best features - the multiplayer ad-hoc mode and the single-player squad-command system. Hit the images tab to see more.
Killzone: Liberation will feature six-player ad-hoc deathmatch, team deathmatch, assault and capture the flag modes, as well as a brilliant two-player co-op mode that'll enable you to fight through the whole game alongside a friend. With the main game's soft-lock-on system (you can lock on to a target for shooting but moving loses the lock), Liberation multiplayer promises to be enjoyably snappy.
In the screens showing the single-player squad system, you can see how Liberation's straightforward commands help you direct your buddies in action. Hit the command button and the fighting slows to a crawl, giving you time to pick out specific targets or positions for your squad without pausing the danger around you, keeping the battles tactical but tense.
Liberation should break out the Killzone action on PSP this November. We'll be giving it the review treatment soon.
Screenshots Here
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October 10th, 2006, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Pocketgamer have posted a great article detailing the top 25 games still to arrive at least in the UK still in 2006, heres the games in list form:
1) Ridge Racer 2
2) Power Stone Collection
3) SOCOM US Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2
4) Every Extend Extra
5) Pilot Academy
6) Metal Slug Anthology
7) Killzone: Liberation
8) Hot PXL
9) Need for Speed Carbon
10) Gun Showdown
11) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
12) Madden NFL 07
13) Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded
14) Justice League Heroes
15) WWE SmackDown! Vs RAW 2007 Developer: Yuke's Go
16) Medal of Honor: Heroes
17) Pro Evolution Soccer 6
18) Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception
19) Lumines II
20) Thrillville
21) SEGA Mega Drive Collection
22) Tony Hawk's Project 8
23) Football Manager Handheld 2007
24) Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
25) ToCA Race Driver 3 Challenge
Check out the Article at Pocketgamer
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October 10th, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTAPortable.com
French Gaming Website, JeuxVideo, has a new video of Vice City Stories called ''Jive Ride'' featuring the Vance brothers and the Cholos gang members. This video shows just one of the fun missions you'll find in Vice City Stories. View the video here -->
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October 10th, 2006, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
With as many high profile games that Konami has in its arsenal, most of us probably wouldn't expect a chess game to be among them. Later this season, however, Konami Digital Entertainment will be unveiling Online Chess Kingdoms -- a brand new and original IP that brings a story and fantasy setting to one of the greatest strategic board games in history. To learn more about it, we sent along a handful of email questions to Jason Ray, the title's producer to see what's up and why we should give it a look later this year. Here's how it went down:
Full article
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October 10th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPVault
Famitsu.com has posted screenshots and information for Vivendi Games' upcoming racing/combat game, "M.A.C.H. - Modified Air Combat Heroes."
MACH is set in the year 2049, when manned jet fighters are no longer used. The main character of the game, a member of the final graduating class of the Air Force Academy, obtains the military's remaining stock of jet fighters. For one reason or another, he then decides to hold races with the fighters.
There doesn't appear to be any more information available, and Vivendi Games (an American company) doesn't mention it on their website, so we'll have to go with what Famitsu tells us for the time being. Either way, Playstation.com has a listing for the game and mentions a release date of December 2006 in the US.
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October 10th, 2006, 04:05 Posted By: SSaxdude
I recieved an email from Gamestop today, no more rumors about the reserve policy:
Limited PlayStation 3 Pre-order
GameStop and EB Games will begin accepting limited pre-orders for the PlayStation 3 console on Tuesday, October 10, on a first come, first served basis. Due to extremely limited supply, we expect to deplete this allocation very quickly, most likely in minutes. We will not accept additional pre-orders at this time. To avoid an unnecessary trip we strongly recommend you call your local store to determine availability. A $100 reservation deposit is required, which can be funded with cash, credit or trade. As we cannot control production and shipping issues by the manufacturer, a reservation deposit does not guarantee receipt of a system available to purchase at launch. Reservations/Purchases are limited to 1 per household.
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October 10th, 2006, 04:46 Posted By: Birdman2078
We are holding a new contest for all homebrew dev's. We are looking for all developers to come and work for a prize and more from us. The Best homebrew will win a Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories. The winner will also get a custom rank and there own color. We strongly suggest c coding as it has better possiblities but lua homebrew is accepted too. Here are the new requirements :
1. Must be a new homebrew
2. Strongly suggestion to be original
3. Only allowed to give in 1 version
4. Must Sign up by ocober 20th
5. Homebrew must be in by november 5th
6. Include the Deviantpsp.com splash screen (HERE)
Please post Here to sign up. Sign up with your forum name, any messenger screenname ( highly suggested, and what you plan on making. We will get back to you on if you are accepted into the conntest. Good luck and Be creative.
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October 10th, 2006, 06:32 Posted By: SmashinGit
Here's the latest information regarding this excellent Spectrum emulator for the Psp.
HexDump the coder of the fantastic Spectrum emulator has posted this update on his website.
Hi all,
As you may know, Im back again. I have little time to work in pspectrum, so, a new version will come out but not soon. Ive opened this thread to let you all talk about several topics of the new version like:
x New GUI system (old is ungly and somehow uncomfortable (is this the right word?).
x New Features (not included things like new hardware support like +3, but things like several savestates for each game, etc..)
I would like to hear having bugs, etc, for example:
x Sound problems/glitches.
x Emulator slowdowns.
x Games not working (well this is something related to fuse).
I have some news too, related to pspectrum legality. I have been talking with the other coder of the engine I using for pspectrum called MGE (he is the main coder and a friend of mine, I just added some classes to the engine) and he accepted to let me publish full pspectrum sources. We made a deal, we will clean MGE code and release the engine to the community before pspectrum is released and then I will be able to release pspectrum that uses a modified version of MGE, the one I coded to let MGE support 3D psp hardware and other goodies.
Hope everybody will be happy now with a new pspectrum version in the horizont,
So if you have found any bugs or know of any problems please let HexDump know by visiting the forums at his website.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
We already knew about some of the rocking tracks primed for axe-waving shenanigans in Guitar Hero 2, but now the final tracklist has finally dropped into our laps and we're even more psyched for the music sequel landing later this year.
Office favourites from the list include Black Sabbath's War Pigs, Foo Fighters' Monkey Wrench, Guns N' Roses' classic Sweet Child O' Mine and erm, Message in a Bottle by the Police.
The Guitar Hero sequel was also recently announced for the Xbox 360, and apparently you'll be able to download brand new tracks via Xbox Live. Hopefully we'll have more info on the next-gen version very soon.
So without further ado, here's the full list of tracks you'll be rocking to when Guitar Hero 2 hits PS2 this November:
Opening Licks
Cheap Trick - Surrender
Danzig - Mother
Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil
Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight
Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son
Kiss - Strutter
Nirvana - Heart-Shapped Box
Police - Message in a Bottle
Van Hlen - You Really Got Me
Alice in Chains - Them Bones
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Search and Destroy
Pretenders - Tattooed Love Boys
Thrash and Burn
Butthole Surfers - Who Was in My Room Last Night
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend
Warrant - Cherry Pie
Return of the Shred
Aerosmith - Last Child
Primus - John the Fisherman
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
Sword - Freya
Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation
Relentless Riffs
Allman Brothers - Jessica
Heart - Crazy on You
Jane's Additicion - Stop
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart
Stray Cats - Rock This Town
Furious Fretwork
Anthrax - Madhouse
Lamb of God - Laid to Rest
Living End - Carry Me Home
Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout
Rush - YYZ
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot
Dick Dale - Misirlou
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
Megadeth - Hangar 18
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
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October 10th, 2006, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could launch with as many as 24 titles and Wii with 30, according to a new document detailing the two consoles' launch plans.
In a report on new hardware launches spotted by Next-gen.biz, Wedbush Morgan Securities released its "anticipated" launch line-up for the two consoles with the aid of the companies mentioned below, although both SCEA and Nintendo are yet to confirm their full launch rosters.
The list reads as follows, with WMS's own estimated sell-in numbers included:
PlayStation 3
Resistance: Fall of Man - Sony
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - Sony
Genji: Days of the Blade - Sony
Gran Turismo HD - Sony
NBA 07 - Sony
Call of Duty 3 - Activision (600,000)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Activision (310,000)
Tony Hawk's Project 8 - Activision (300,000)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Bethesda Softworks
Fight Night 3 - Electronic Arts (400,000)
Madden NFL 07 - Electronic Arts (700,000)
NBA Live 07 - Electronic Arts (500,000)
Need for Speed Carbon - Electronic Arts (800,000)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - Electronic Arts (400,000)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight - Namco Bandai
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Namco Bandai
Ridge Racer 7 - Namco Bandai
Full Auto 2: Battlelines - Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sega
NBA 2K7 - Take-Two Interactive (400,000)
NHL 2K7 - Take-Two Interactive (200,000)
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII - Ubisoft
Rainbow Six: Vegas - Ubisoft
F.E.A.R. - Vivendi
Wii Sports (bundled with hardware) - Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Nintendo
Excite Truck - Nintendo
Call of Duty 3 - Activision (200,000)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - Activision (200,000)
Rapala Tournament Fishing - Activision (50,000)
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam - Activision (300,000)
World Series of Poker - Activision (50,000)
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - Atari (200,000)
Trauma Center: Second Opinion - Atlus
Madden NFL 07 - Electronic Arts (500,000)
Need for Speed: Carbon - Electronic Arts (500,000)
Elebits - Konami
The Ant Bully - Midway m (100,000)
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy- Midway (50,000)
Happy Feet- Midway (100,000)
Rampage: Total Destruction - Midway (50,000)
Avatar: The Last Airbender - THQ (200,000)
The Barnyard - THQ (200,000)
Disney's/Pixar's Cars - THQ (300,000)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab - THQ (300,000)
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII - Ubisoft
Far Cry: Vengeance - Ubisoft
GT Pro Series - Ubisoft
Monster 4x4: World Circuit - Ubisoft
Open Season - Ubisoft
Prince of Persia - Ubisoft
Rayman Raving Rabbids - Ubisoft
Red Steel - Ubisoft
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent Ubisoft
It could be a very expensive Christmas then, if these predictions turn out to be correct. And with the exception Prince of Persia Wii - which Ubisoft previously announced for release next year - we'd say the report is a pretty fair stab as well.
It's also important to note that we're expecting even more titles for the European PS3 release list, considering its debut this side of the pond has now been pushed back to next year.
But we are of course taking the analysts' word with a very large pinch of salt, and we'll let you know when either company give official word.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China comes a range of faceplates for the PSP, heres some of the colours:
Heres the info:
It's time to get creative with the Talismoon Evolve series! Evolve for PSP are a refreshing blend of complete and easy to install faceplates to brighten up your mood and undoubtedly your PSP. At a period where customization is crucial, each evolve faceplate brings a special edition PSP into the range of everybody regardless of technical know-how. Everything needed to create a new look PSP is included in a single package, consisting of the faceplate colour of your choice, an illustrated diagram, hardened steel Jeweler's screwdriver, a dazzling set of diamond series buttons as well as a finely made polishing cloth to preserve the appearance of your PSP for years to come.
Get the custom look you want for your PSP at a small fraction of the cost for supposed official 'limited editions' and break away from the norm!
Each and every one of Talismoon's PSP faceplates will reach gamers with in pristine condition due to meticulous handling from start to finish of the production process.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Take-Two has confirmed that it will publish Tecmo's PlayStation 2 version of Tokobot in Europe - and it's due out next month.
Based on the PlayStation Portable game it published earlier this year, Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri expands on the original gameplay formula, which saw players making their way through platformy environments assembling little formations of helper-robots to bridge gaps, flip switches and defeat enemies.
The PS2 version has all of that still in place, and features ten additional stages, new characters (including a rival called the Instructor), six new boss fights and an upgraded time attack mode.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
I will now attempt to write about a basketball game! 2K Sports' upcoming PlayStation 3 version of NBA 2K7 (due out next March, obviously) will introduce the ability to shoot from the free-throw line using the "Sixaxis" controller's tilt sensor functionality. Altogether: ooooh!
Other things 2K's wittering on about include the return of last year's "shot stick pro" (no idea), the capture of individual players' distinctive movements, and authentic NBA motion-captured post moves like quick spins, drop steps, hooks, and fade-aways.
On top of that, there's a player-creator, and franchise mode claims to be the best ever with "multiplayer franchise, 3 team trading, progressive fatigue and season awards". As for general multiplay, there'll be no dumping of that here - quite the contrary in fact, with up to seven players supported on one PS3 and the ability to play five-on-five games over the Internet.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
SEGA has confirmed rumours that the deal it recently signed with Planet Moon Studios was for a new After Burner game for PlayStation Portable.
Called After Burner: Black Falcon, it's due out in spring 2007 and promises a single-player campaign along with competitive and co-operative Wi-Fi multiplayer modes.
Planet Moon will be injecting the game with 19 officially licensed, customisable planes, as players embark on a story-rich campaign to discover the origins of the titular mercenary group Black Falcon, responsible for the theft of 13 top-secret planes.
SEGA creative director Matt Woodley says After Burner will be "a good example of updating one of the all time SEGA classics for the current generation of gamers", maintaining the arcade original's fast pace and challenge.
For his part, Planet Moon CEO Bob Stevenson said building the game from the ground up on PSP has given the team license to explore multiplayer, customisation and "over-the-top" gameplay where it might not otherwise have been able to. "Most importantly, it's approximately 9000% more portable than the original arcade cabinet," he joked.
It's also got a lot to live up to, mind - and it'll be interesting to see how Planet Moon gets on with it. Not long to go either, with spring pegged as the release target.
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October 10th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Wild Hare Entertainment is to publish several undisclosed PSP titles from developer Alten8 in North America.
The two companies intend to enable smaller developers to gain access to the wider European and North American markets.
Paul Andrews, CEO of Alten8 Limited, added: "With reciprocal content publishing and distribution between our like-minded companies, we can create a strong alliance for a cross-Atlantic partnership, which opens new doors not only for us, but for the developers, which up until now have had no access to mainstream publishing and distribution in Europe or North America."
"Both companies have a very strong upcoming portfolio of games and content to bring to market which we believe will bring a new fresh dimension not seen in the market for many years," he added.
"Our companies are based on the same philosophy and share the same vision for bringing the very best interactive entertainment to audiences worldwide," said Matt Tolleson, VP of publishing at Wild Hare.
Via Gamesindustry
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October 10th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Insert Credit
Around the time of the PSP's release several titles were touted for launch, Vulcanus was one of them. From the few gameplay movies shown a while back it's clear the game hasn't changed much (if at all). There are two new and pretty decent gameplay movies for two of the playable mecha, the Mark and the Kiev.
In all fairness, there's nothing massively new or groundbreaking here. The over boost function is straight out of Armored Core and the plodding and suitably pedestrian gameplay is all too similar to steaming pile of faeces that was Metal Wolf Chaos. It also looks like you can't fly, which for a gun toting robot isn't the best news in the world.
The only eyebrow raising feature is 4 player multiplayer, but it's only Ad Hoc so it aint anything to get massively excited about.
Korean developer, Zepetto, are still handling this as well.
Anyway, the game's released on November 16th for the princely sum of 5040 yen.
More details at link above
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October 10th, 2006, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
It's a work-in-progress, really. The PLAYSTATION 3 Operating System used at the Tokyo Game Show was not the final product, which some are using to explain the glitchy machines on the show floor. Sony Computer Entertainment of America has confirmed the unfinished OS, which can be "flashed" (oooh, sexy) into the console even after the hardware has been assembled. That means the unit's Operating System will be akin to the Wii's and the Xbox 360's, which can be updated after the fact. Moreover, SCEA said that the unfinished OS had little to do with the glitchy machines, but rather it was things like leaving consoles on all day in little dark boxes with cheap, shitty plastic fans.
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October 10th, 2006, 18:40 Posted By: AtariFreek
Hey, Sorry i postede this in the H-Brew thread by accident.
a new vice city stories trailer has been released, this one shows many new characters, aswell as ol ones. Check It->
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October 10th, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Midway released its seventh Mortal Kombat fighter (excluding special editions) this week; Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. The game features over 60 characters from just about every MK game you can think of, create a fighter mode, create a fatality mode, only play, and story modes. Though I haven't been a fan of the series since MKII (seems like it took a dive starting with MKIII), Armageddon is getting some solid initial reviews with an average Meta Critic score of 86/100. Here's a sampling of reviews:
Games Radar 90% - "It may or may not be the blood-soaked ending to the franchise, but it's easily one of the most enjoyable games in the series and one of the most unapologetically fun games of the season."
IGN 85% - "The inclusion of 62 total warriors is a massive achievement. Throw in a fun, albeit short Konquest mode, a diversionary mini-game, a new fatality system, and perhaps one of the largest character creation modes we've seen, and you have a great title that will keep Mortal Kombat fans busy for months."
Game Informer 83% - "The Mortal Kombat series has had its ups and downs, and this sequel embodies it all. The immense roster is a glorious thing, but by altering the sacred Fatality, the action just isn't up to the series' standards or what fans expect."
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon retails for $40. An Xbox edition hits next week with a Wii version expected sometime in early 2007.
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October 10th, 2006, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
The new Ridge Racer release for PSP is now available in English, heres some details about the game:
Ridge Racer is back with an adrenaline fuelled racing experience featuring many new courses and vehicles. Put your foot down, kick in the nitrous and roar through 42 intense, challenging courses. Master the drift handling and take corners at exhilarating speeds to leave opponents trailing in your wake.
Ridge Racer 2 for PSP™ is available today as English language Asia release version at US$ 39.90 only.
Game features:
New Arcade, Duel and Survival modes in addition to the original Time Attack mode and rearranged World Tours mode
62 high-speed vehicles available with eight brand new cars
Compete against up to eight players via Ad Hoc Mode
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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October 10th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video conversion software the PSP.
Heres whats new:
Fixed change resolution in AviSynth sript.
Added protection from invalid resolutions.
Fixed DVD aspect calculation.
Fixed copying and moving files for MP4 PSP 2.80 format.
Speedup DVD scaning speed and switching between titles.
Fixed autocrop for joined files and for DVD with multiple vobs.
Fixed aspect and resolution correction for switching between titles.
Fixed loss of analysis file for second pass of x264. Was only on some machines.
Added import for *.qt, *.3gp, *.hdmov files. Same as for *.mov required QuickTime Alternative 1.76.
Added spanish localization.
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October 10th, 2006, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSP3d
PopcOrn DeVil has just released the first BETA version of Vautex Shell, an all-in-one LUA-based shell for the PSP, which compiles together a selection of games, applications, and other cool features, as well as offers a slew of options to customize the look and feel to your wants and needs. Another great shell in the world of homebrew quasi-OSs, good work PopcOrn DeVil!
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October 10th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSP3d
Percival has just released a port of Penguin Command, a clone of the classic Missile Command game, with considerably better graphics and sound, for the Ultimate Goodies And Cash Giveaway contest! Retro gamers rejoice, this classic game port does a great job of combining the PSP's capabilities without sacrificing the outstanding gameplay and joy that one can recieve from protecting their 'planet'. Great work Percival!
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October 10th, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Hoshizora
uo_Ograniser is an 'UnOfficial' homebrew version that extends the core functionalities of the original program developed and released by modsyn (named Ogranise). This version allows you to do more things like sorting homebrew titles automatically in alphabetical ascending or descending order, removing or restoring corrupted data icons from the XMB menu via a 3-way folder name inter-conversion scheme, ignoring titles you do not wish to repair in the list, and generating a summary report at the end of the repair operation. This is currently the only one which does it on the PSP without a USB connection.
What's New In This Release?
With the breakthrough release of Dark_AleX's 2.71 SE-A Custom Firmware mod, PSP users who has installed the mod would notice my humble little piece of homebrew lost its magic in the GAME150 folder.
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October 10th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
New Podcast, heres the details:
The PSP show #19 - Formula 1 2006
(MP3 12 mb 13 minutes 5 seconds)
This edition of The PSP Show features…
News on the GT4 shenanigans, PSOne and ZX81 homebrew emulators, the reasons for firmware 2.81, and the annoucement of Warhammer.
A review of electronci Arts Formula 1 2006.
What’s it like travelling with the PSP. Having spent close to three weeks on the road, I give you an overview of why the PSP was a great travelling companion.
Don’t forget you can listen on your PSP by going to the PSP web browser, and entering psp.thepodcastnetwork.com/feed as the URL - you’ll be asked if you want to add the show to your RSS channel. Say ‘yes.’
More Info
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October 11th, 2006, 00:00 Posted By: benh
Hi all
I am uploading this portal on behalf of TCLCloud.
TCLCloud has created his first ever psp portal - PSP portal 117 version 0.5.
This great portal includes
-RSS links
He will be working on an update to this portal, which he made for his site www.freewebs.com/psp117
He would like some feedback on how to improve it.
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October 11th, 2006, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSP3d
HardHat has just released a new update of GTA Jump for the PSP3D Ultimate Goodies And Cash Giveaway! The new version of this platformer/side scrolling game changes many aspects of the GUI (as mentioned below), adds a slew of new levels, and optimizes the overall performance of the game. Good work Hardhat!
New features/fixes in v1.1 include:
- Added new skin for car theme, since horses and kittens are too "girly".
- Updated sounds for car theme.
- New levels (now 8 levels).
- Level editor for windows now included.
- More forgiving placement of object in the level editor.
- Anti-aliasing in the level editor.
- Performance improvement for control lag in the input queue.
- Major performance improvement in grass loading to minimize intersections.
- Beginnings of high score screens.
- Clean up of transition screens.
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October 11th, 2006, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Psp3d
SG57 has just released TIFF Brick-Out, an ASCII-based arkanoid homebrew clone, compatible with all firmwares 2.0 - 2.8 (yes, just when you thought TIFF based games were out of style, SG57 has revived the format in light of all the users stuck with 2.8 firmware), for the PSP3D Ultimate Goodies And Cash Giveaway contest! The game offers sweet, though occasionally choppy, gameplay, but definitely brings back tears of nostalgia from the good ol' DOS days. Awesome work SG57!
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October 11th, 2006, 05:17 Posted By: nyrtrublue
It is my deepest regret to announce that Yoshi is fed up with the flaming and has decided to walk from the PSP scene. Let this be a lesson to all who flame...you may cost your self terrific work. I send my best wishes to Yoshi and if you guys have matured you should as well. Good luck and if you change your mind Yoshi I'll welcome you back with open arms...btw he plans to release another build of his psx emulato along with the SOURCE CODE(hope that will shut some people up)
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October 11th, 2006, 06:53 Posted By: IamAbe
Here's a puzzle kinda game I made for PSP.
The zip file includes a 1.5 fw and 1.0 fw version, I'll probably release the source code when its done. Future releases will probably include a level editor and level pack support.
Download it Here
NEW RELEASE color puzzle r2 !!!
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October 11th, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via psp3d
Fanjita and AlexRichter have just released their long anticipated automatic homebrew installer (as the title suggests, for the PSP3D Ultimate Goodies And Cash Giveaway contest), which utilizes the PSP-Homebrew.eu database, in order to grab the latest homebrew games and applications, download, and install them to your PSP, without the need for a PC intermediate. Though it is an early version of the application, and some of the presentation is a bit rough (and, obviously, the complete library of homebrew games is not install-o-tron-able yet), Install-o-tron makes for an outstanding tool which simplifies the process of installing homebrew to the PSP. No longer do you have to mess with placing EBOOTs here, folders there, etc; Install-o-tron does all the hard work for you with its .ZIP interpreting algorithm (alongside an hbinfo.txt, which is what seperates Install-o-tron compatible homebrew from those not yet compatible). It even smart installs homebrew that is only compatible with your specific firmware version!
Install-o-tron introduces a simple, new addition to homebrew packaging, which makes it easier for both humans and computers to install homebrew (which Fanjita and AlexRichter recommend for all developers to follow). This initial release supports a selection of popular homebrew, however, in the near future, the list will be expanded dramatically, ultimately allowing you to install any homebrew from the database with ease. In the future, it will also come bundled with all eLoader releases, so there should be no need to manually install it.
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October 11th, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
New issue of the PSP Xmag, heres whats new:
Right on time, here’s Issue 9, featuring 115 pages and exclusive content!
-An exclusive editorial by Vahid of PSPCrazy
-User poll and opinion results
-The latest in PSP news
-Homebrew and PC application reviews
-Game reviews and previews
-And much more!
More Info
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October 11th, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
New Comercial PSP Game released, heres the details:
Fourth installment in the long-running Japanese character-growth simulator series. Princess Maker 4 is a conversion of an original PlayStation 2 title. Like in the previous episodes, you raise a young girl over an eight year period, until she turns eighteen. To raise your "daughter," you set up her schedule, forcing her to study and attempting to increase her various parameters. You'll also go on vacation and take part in yearly festivals. Character designer Takami Akai has taken on a supervising role for this installment, with Sister Princess artist Naoto Tenhiro takes over as principal designer. Dozens of different endings await.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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October 11th, 2006, 10:45 Posted By: Lil13lazin
Via Deviant PSP
Hey, folks, there has been a nice PSP portal out there for quite a while and I found it recently and wanted to use it so I asked the creator, Milad, for it and he handed the project over to me because he is working on 2.8 homebrew. This is basically a humor portal and can be run on 2.7+ or using devhook.
Here is a usebar if you like this.
Some screens.
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October 11th, 2006, 10:52 Posted By: Lil13lazin
Via Deviant PSP
Kevin S. and Tarek F. have posted details on there new shell.
Well i know the last one was crap becouse of all the bugs and lack of stuff so i decided to stay up all night last night and work on this. i added some great features. BIG thanks to dread for helping me even more getting this running and with the codding . Here is a features list :
- Mp3 player
- Usb
- Options ( shows battery info as of now )
- multi task ( you can listen to music while doing other things )
- you can now exit features by pressing both triggers
- exit gui via start - takes a min
Known bugs :
- sometimes crashes when goe back into mp3 or usb for a 2nd time
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October 11th, 2006, 12:04 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Consoles too expensive for intended audiences say Oz boss
Sony Australia's Michael Ephraim has questioned the price point of rival next-gen hardware, stating the Wii is "a lot to fork out" for the intended family audience, while branding the Xbox 360 as "pricey".
Speaking to Australia's The Age newspaper, Ephraim also said he believes that the PAL delay of the PS3 will not impact sales in the long term.
"My only question for this Christmas on Wii is the price point," said Ephraim.
"Even though it's affordable, at AUD $400 (EUR 237) plus whatever you need to buy accessories-wise, I'm guessing you need to spend about AUD $500 (EUR 296) to take home a Wii and enjoy it."
"For this Christmas, I think that price point is still not family entertainment because AUD $500 is a lot to fork out, but we welcome the Nintendo heritage of gaming where they can appeal to a broader audience because long-term that is critical for the industry," he said.
And while admitting Microsoft had done "fairly well" at launch, the Australia boss believes the Xbox 360 is focused on too narrow an audience and still priced too high.
"I think their product offering is still not broad enough. The content is narrow and appeals only to a very core group," he said.
He added: "It's still pricey, and I'm sure Microsoft will do everything they can, but if you just look at the offerings from each format and the marketplace that we are now playing in, especially PlayStation 2, it has to be affordable because we are talking about mass-market and non traditional gamers."
Discussing the PlayStation 3, which will retail at AUD $830 (EUR 492) and AUD $999 (EUR 592) for the two sku's, Ephraim stated that the post-Christmas delay of PAL units was an initial disappointment, but retail had backed the move and was now looking forward to a clear sales window during the March launch.
"We would have loved to have launched for Christmas. But based on our discussions with retailers, they are very keen and excited about a March launch because it gives us a period to communicate with our customers that is not cluttered," he said.
"So in the long run, if you take a five-year or three or two-year view, it won't have any impact at all," added Ephraim.
Source = GamesIndustry.biz
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October 11th, 2006, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Xfire is developing a middleware solution that will allow developers to incorporate cross-platform communications between users playing on PC and the PlayStation 3 console.
Sony's PS3 launch title Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom will be the first title to incorporate online functionality via the Xfire gaming service, allowing users to communicate whether using console or home computer.
The announcement confirms rumours that surfaced last month, and highlights Sony's willingness to incorporate third-party solutions in its answer to Microsoft's Xbox Live.
"Many of our PC game players already use Xfire to find and play with their friends online," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment.
"By integrating Xfire features into our games we are able to strengthen our online community, making it even easier for our players to remain connected, whether they're on a PC or a PlayStation 3," he added.
"The opportunity to work with the PlayStation 3 is tremendous," said Mike Cassidy, CEO of Xfire.
"Many Xfire gamers and game publishers have been asking us about a version of Xfire for console play for some time now. Working with SOE on one of their highly anticipated PlayStation 3 launch titles is a very exciting beginning for Xfire's new console game product."
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October 11th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Yakuza 2 is currently penned for release in Japan on December 7. When contacted, Sega couldn't comment on a possible European release but did say sales of the original were good, suggesting that the sequel hopefully has a fighting chance of reaching our shores.
With Super Monkey Ball creator Toshihiro Nagoshi back in the director's chair, the story kicks off with an assassination that prompts our hero to head southwards towards Kamurocho, Osaka.
Apparently the sequel will have a "deeper dramatic storyline" and new themes such as an "adult love story," although we're not exactly expecting Heart Beat, to be honest.
The first game only hit our shores a few weeks ago, but Sega has already released a trailer for Yakuza 2. Take a look.
Trailer Here
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October 11th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Hot on the heels of yesterday's Xbox 360 and Wii screenshot splurge, we've got five fresh PS3 shots of Activision and Treyarch's third Call of Duty, invading Sony's next-gen console early next year.
Once again refreshing the memories of the FPS-ignorant; CoD 3 puts players in the combat boots of British, US, Polish and Canadian troops (no Russians this time) against the Nazi war machine. For the three-quel, Treyarch has opted to focus on the Normandy breakout, one of WWII's most brutal campaigns - terrible at the time, but brilliant fun in front of a HD telly with a PS3 pad.
Call of Duty 3 will be out for Xbox 360, Xbox and PS2 next month, with Wii and PS3 versions to follow at their respective launches.
Screens Here
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October 11th, 2006, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 version of Bethesda's epic RPG, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will feature graphical tweaks and the new "Knights of the Ninte" quest, an interview has revealed.
Speaking to IGN, executive producer Todd Howard said that the PS3 version of Oblivion will sport improved graphical features, the most notcible of which is apparently the updated graphical shaders: "The best examples are those new shaders we have for how 'near detail' and 'far detail' blend together on the landscape," he said. "You no longer have a harsh line cutting across the two levels - they blend together seamlessly and the distant detail and land looks much nicer."
Speaking about the new quest, Howard said that Knights of the Nine will take 10 to 20 hours to finish, and also commented on Bethesda's plans for PS3 download content, saying it's "something we'd like to support on PS3, but right now that's really in Sony's hands".
Oblvion launches alongside the PS3 early next year. We'll let you know how much better it looks when we get our hands on the first PS3 screens.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
We're not sure what Ubisoft's been taking but it seems to be working where PSP game development's concerned. Having recently been bowled over by the visual quality of the publisher's forthcoming Rainbow Six game on Sony's handheld, we're equally enthusiastic today about quality new screenshots from its PSP Star Wars game Lethal Alliance. Pass mince pies over the goods for yourself and see what you think.
Due in December, Lethal Alliance plunges players into Star Wars blasting set between movies Episode III and Episode IV. You take charge of a mercenary team working for Princess Leia and her hair buns of justice, battling Imperial forces and general evilness and attempting to steal the blueprints for the Death Star to secure a bright future for the Rebel Alliance.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
The game everyone except all of you has taken to calling "Fighty McNighty" will be arriving on PlayStation 3 in the USA on 12th December, EA Sports has revealed.
So that's Fight Night Round 3, just in case you were in any doubt, which is of course already out on Xbox 360 - where it was one of the most popular downloadable demos ever, and a big critical success and everything.
The PS3 version will have some of its own moves to show off though, including the previously announced "Get in the Ring" mode, where you can play the game entirely in first-person.
That ought to be quite an experience, too, since one of the things FNR3 was most widely acclaimed for was its brutally realistic depiction of facial damage.
Anyway, as for when it's out over here, EA simply has it down as "TBA", but our money's on it being served up at the PS3's European launch.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Commercial release:
Tiger Woods Comes Alive — See and feel every emotion in complete detail with the introduction of all-new Universal Capture (UCAP) technology. Play Under Pressure — With bigger galleries, mass crowd movement from hole to hole, and cheers from nearby greens, all eyes are on you in tournament play. Enhanced Career Mode — From working on your driving to mastering your putting skills, craft your game with training challenges in the Practice Facility, then take on the world's best golfers on the World Tour. All-New Championship Courses — The course content doubles with the addition of new licensed courses, including Firestone Country Club, Glen Abbey, Princeville, Spyglass Hill, St Andrews, and Bandon Dunes. The game features 15 of the world's top players, including Tiger Woods, John Daly, Vijay Singh, Ian Poulter, Michael Campbell, and Annika Sorenstam, the most decorated golfer on the LPGA Tour. Show Your GameFace — The innovative character creation tool is revamped with deeper modifications, more apparel, equipment licenses, and specialty items. Challenge up to three players in five new game modes, or play in online tournaments complete with money lists, full stat tracking, league leaders, and more. More Game Modes — Work on your game or take on a friend in Match Play, Battle Golf, 21, OneBall, and more.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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October 11th, 2006, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Game released:
Neverland Reportage is a compilation of classic RPG games by Idea Factory. The compilation includes Spectral Force 2, Spectral Force: Itoshiki Jaaku, Spectral Force: Seijousho Gaiden, Spectral Blade and Suna no Embrace: Edin no Sato no Nebel. These five titles were originally available for PlayStation. As a bonus, the Japanese publisher is also adding a huge database on the world of Neverland as well as a gallery containing rough sketches, CG, and event scenes.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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October 11th, 2006, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 game released:
Players take the role of Alex, a man charged with the murder of her lover. During the transfer to the prison, the paddy wagon crashes and Alex manages to escape. Is he really guilty or is it someone else? Alex will have to investigate to uncover the truth, but it's not that easy when you are chased by both the police and the mafia.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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October 11th, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 game released:
Get behind the wheel once again for a second zany taxi ride in this sequel to Simple Series vol. 48 The Taxi. You drive around town and pick up fares, then try to get them to their destination as quickly as humanly possible. Besides achieving the dayfs sales target, players can modify their taxi at the workshop to improve driving efficiency. The locations include places like the hot springs, the dock and the new town. Later in the game, players can install a satellite navigation system to located their customers easily.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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October 11th, 2006, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot:
Well, it's official. The pre-orders have begun ... and mostly ended. I just got mine ordered and four hours later there are already units on eBay. Some acutions have already gone north of $1000 USD. The guys at EBGames told me that the most units going to any one store was 36 and that there were an average of 8 units being distributed to each store. The one I went to reported that they were going to be getting a total of 16 units. They waited this long to take pre-orders because they wanted to be sure that they weren't going to get burned like they did for the XBox 360 launch."
The reports from across the internets are varied, with long lines netting nothing for some, and others reaping the sweet rewards.
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October 11th, 2006, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday GameStop's Chris Olivera told me that somewhere between 28,800 and 57,600 Playstation 3s were pre-ordered at their stores 3,600 stores.
I had a chance to speak with Sony Computer Entertainment of America spokesman Dave Karraker last night about the sales. (He said he called because he felt sorry for me and my gimpy broken hand. ) Karraker said they heard within minutes of the nationwide GameStop sell-outs and that they were very happy with the news.
"It reconfirms the excitement and anticipation that we've known since we first discuss the PlayStation 3," he said. "We're just pleased to see that the reaction from the consumer is as strong as we anticipated it would be. It helps to validate everything we have been saying up to this point."
While he wouldn't tell me the break-down of which chains were getting what in the way of Playstation 3s, simple math shows that if Sony comes through on their 400,000 console promise to North America, that there are still more than 340,000 left to buy.
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October 11th, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Product Features of SONY PSP Carrying Bag for PSP
Protect your PSP
Store everythings you need with PSP
Make your PSP easy to carry
More Description of SONY PSP Carrying Bag for PSP
This carry bags can contain everything you need with your PSP on the go.
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October 11th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
In Gangs Of London, you'll immerse yourself in the criminal underworld. Join up with a team of gangsters to orchestrate the most ruthless takeover of the London Underground. Use brains and brawn to stamp your territory as you make your way to the top in an effort to control the city. Play through a fully realized free roaming London in action-packed missions that are perfectly tailored for portable play. GameShare allows players to beam playable missions to a friend.
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October 11th, 2006, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
A vicious circle of violence has erupted. The battle torn continent of Neverland is caught up in a great war between good and evil once again. Now, three young soldiers rise to put an end to this madness once and for all. In Spectral Souls (a remake of a PS2 title called Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls II from Japan), the player will switch between the three opposing kingdoms to play the Royal Demon Kingdom, the Imperial Army, or the Rebel Army. Depending on how you progress through the game with each of the forces, the story of the game will change. For those familiar with the import, Idea Factory has added new gameplay elements, including a new Unlimited Level, which allows you to continue raising your character levels with no limit. The game also includes additional movie footage, designed for those who are new to the series.
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October 11th, 2006, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Word up… Are you ready to battle? Are you ready to join the legendary Crazy Legs, President of the infamous Rock Steady Crew, and become a b-boy to compete against the best? Well, now you can as B-Boy™ has arrived and is out now on PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®2 – PEACE!
Developed by Freestyle Games, B-Boy allows you to battle through an authentic Hip-Hop scene, challenging the world’s best b-boys on the world’s greatest stages - and hopefully take home an in-game adidas sponsorship along the way.
The first and only authentic b-boy title on PSP stays true to the spirit of b-boying thanks to the wireless functionality - giving you the freedom to battle on the move – anytime and anywhere – just as B-Boy competitions were meant to be. Featuring real life Hip-Hop characters, every in-game move is motion-captured from the experts, including moves taken from world famous Redbull athlete, “Crazy Legs”, who also acts as game MC and end of level boss. Battling around the world, B-Boy features real locations and events, accompanied by the sound of a licensed Hip-Hop and classic Funk soundtrack, with each track being selected by the b-boys featured in-game.
Progress through the ranks by taking on the world’s greatest B-Boy personalities, and pull off unique moves and outrageous combo’s to become number one. Key game features include:
12 fully licensed motion-captured competitive B-Boys from Europe, Asia and North America
21 authentic world wide locations including Freestyle Sessions, UK B-Boy Championships and the Rock Steady Crew Anniversary
37 licensed Hip Hop and classic Funk tracks
Customise your B-Boy with full character personalisation – winning battles allows you to kit yourself out with the latest adidas clothing
Advanced control and animation system allowing full control of your characters power moves, stylish freezes and flare driven combo’s
The world’s most respected B-Boys and girls have been involved every step of the way to bring the most authentic B-Boy experience straight to PSP and PlayStation 2.
From motion captured real-life moves to licensed tracks, notorious b-boy venues through to street wear, B-Boy brings the battle to you, for you to take it where you want.
Check out the game website and let Crazy Legs himself take you through the making and breakin’ of B-Boy!
URL: www.bboythegame.com
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October 11th, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Just as PS3 pre-orders are selling out nationwide at EB Games/GameStop stores, Generation: Gamerz has received information implying that Sony is worried about PlayStation 3 heat issues, contrary to recent reports.
In addition to the 3 crashes witnessed by many at the TGS show, at least one company that manufactures the store kiosks has been asked to implement last minute design changes to the displays: additional cooling is being implemented. Although our source reports that they have been unable to overheat the unit in house, they are to continue with the installation of a cooling fan in the display.
Seems as though Sony is experiencing many of the same problems Microsoft has. Let`s hope Sony provides a longer warranty.
Via Generation Gamez
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October 11th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
According to the study by Los Angeles based Interpret, 8.9 million U.S consumers ‘are prepared’ to pay full price ($500 or $600) for the PlayStation 3 this fall, compared to 5.7 million consumers who are willing to buy Wii at $250 and just 800,000 people who are willing to pay full price for Xbox 360 ($300 to $400).
This research, released first to Next Generation, was derived from a sample of 2,000 interviews Interpret conducted online, weighted to 2004 Census data of 13 to 54 year-olds in the U.S. Researchers ran a parallel random digit dial telephone study as a back-up to weigh the data to what the US population looks like to ensure that the online data was not over-representing females, which often occurs with online surveys.
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October 12th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
History is littered with game systems using far-too-stubby of controller sticks. From the Intellivision's "disc of doom," to Coleco's "shaft of stiffness" (quiet, you!), and even now, in this high-tech age, the Sony PSP's "sliding nub of death." It's unfortunate that the PSP is saddled with that thing -- it's a pretty slick system otherwise, with a library of almost 5 games! (Please don't key our cars.) Well what if you could augment that sliding nub with something more useful, like an actual analog control stick? Well now you can!
In part 1 of this article we'll show you how to wire up an analog stick (from a PS1 / PS2 Dual Shock controller or an original Xbox controller) to your PSP. It's a lot easier than you might think. In part 2 (coming soon) we'll walk you through making a swell "clip on" joystick enclosure for the stick (or you can simply roll your own in the mean time). Ready to do this thing? Get in there!
For part 1 of this project we're going to learn how to attach an analog stick to one of the PSP's internal circuit boards. You can then use this info to build a custom joystick "clip-on" device yourself, or use the steps that will be covered in the upcoming part 2 of this project.
Full article at Engadget
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October 12th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Johnny McKinney:
As promised here is the newest version of my program Control Tester. Special thanks goes to rowanmcau (mafia1ft) for all his help with the analog, font, and menu feature. Now I have included a How to use txt in this download explaining how to recenter/fix your joystick without having to take you psp into the workshop or back to the place you bought it from and heres what the text says,
"Basically everything is common sence except the new feature. The analog detection is pretty unique, heres how it works basically when you start it up it will have 2 numbers displayed in the center. Thats the position of your joystick. Both should be as close to 0 as posible but just in case the top numbers are left and right if you move your joystick left it goes into negative numbers move it right it goes positive recenter those. Now the bottom numbers are up and down, up being negative and down being positive. Try to recenter that as close to 0 as possible, it's ok if its not perfect but, don't let them get below 6 or -6. Now heres the cool part this works all the time on my psp in which the joystick is messed up. Now once you recenter it dont touch the joystick switch off your psp and switch it back on. I dont know how this does it but it does it. Once your in the xmb your safe to move your joystick. now when you play a game you won't go to the left, right, up, down, or all over the place because, for some reason your psp has recentered itself. I can't gaurentee it to work 100% of the time but, it does work for me all the time I even use this program before I start up my PSP (not that you will) anyway hope this helps any problems contact me. If your a noob like I still am I'd be glad to help you a little with lua coding thanks and see you all on my game ." Don't expect me to go straight on and work on the game or let me hint you on what it will be cause the game me and rowanmcau (mafia1ft) is really a big surprise since it's my first attempt at a game I want it to be perfect and something no one would expect. Now its 12:00 P.M. here and I have been up all night working on this so as soon as I wake up me and rowanmcau (mafia1ft) will get started on the game. Thanks everyone and hope you enjoy.
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via Johnny McKinney
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October 12th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Coldbird posted this news:
I just released a 2.71 SE Homebrew Fixer on my Devspace.
It deals with the damn Corrupted Icon Trouble and of course 800XYZABC Errors on Homebrew Startup...
People who got no Idea what this does... Well... I guess you dont need to know then...
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October 12th, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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October 12th, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Just noticed tonight that Lik Sang have reduced the price of the Datel 4GB hdd and 3600Mah Battery for the PSP down to a rather nice US$ 79.90 (~43.10 GBP), now thats a very decent price, heres some info about the accessory:
4 GB HDD built-in
Provides 4 gigabytes of storage space for your PSP saves and files
Effectively doubles the capacity of the standard PSP battery
3.6 volts - 3600 mAh
Lithium-polymer battery technology
Plugs at the back of your PSP
Adds only 125 grams of weight
Closeout offer, quantities are limited!
More Info / Buy at Lik Sang
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October 12th, 2006, 07:33 Posted By: wraggster
You’ve seen her get schooled by The Hulkster. But you’ve never seen his little girl like this… When FHM arrived at the Hogan family’s new Miami fortress for this cover shoot, it was clear that we’d lucked out. Not only did Brooke look stunning while showing off her bronzed skin and platinum locks, but we also escaped with our lives and these photos. Also in this issue… Exclusive entertainment interviews including Christopher Walken: What’s next for the only man brave enough to demand more cowbell? And FHM talks to South Park’s creators about their 10th season. Plus much more…
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October 12th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
TheEmulatorGuy has released the first version of his homebrew clone of Triple Triad. The game features the capability to play against AI players using random and closed rules, however, the next release of Triple Triad is planned to be head and shoulders better then this initial release, adding in two player support, and including all of the rules featured in Final Fantasy VIII.
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Via PSP3d
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October 12th, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow Darkness has just released a LUA-based RPG adventure game entitled Cloud's Destiny, the game is themed around Cloud, a character in the Final Fantasy series, and of course, his destiny!
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Via psp3d
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October 12th, 2006, 09:29 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
I have retitled my current app from V6 (formerly titled "Virtual Tape Recorder"
because of the two new features that don't have much to do with a tape recorder.
* Right and Left shoulder buttons can now be used to adjust delay time while in echo mode faster than pressing
up and down on the D pad. Use of the shoulder buttons lifts the previous restriction on delay time, and allows
full use of the 22Mb data buffer to provide up to 4 minutes and 21 seconds of delay time.
* Added an Echo mode to the Digital Delay Processor.
* Fixed seek function (left and right shoulder buttons) to seek at the same speed for every sample rate.
* Reel Position is now displayed in elapsed minutes and seconds for all screens.
* Delay time for the Delay Processor mode is now displayed in seconds and miliseconds.
* Various fixes, and significant code optimisation.
- The Digital Delay Processor can delay an audio channel by a user defined value.
This could save on a stand alone piece of equipment that does the same job.
- The Yakback Emulator uses voice activation routines to record continuous
chunks of sound, and auto playback each continuous sound chunk.
This works rather like a parrot, repeating everything you say after each pause
(repeating everything you say after each pause).
The Yakback Emulator is the beginnings of the way I'd go about a speech regognition,
or lie detection program.
- The Virtual Tape Recorder mode works as the previous digital recorder.
- The Voice Activation mode works as the Virtual Tape Recorder, with the addition of
an adjustable sound activation level that can make the recorder work like a dictophone,
only recording segments of continuous sound.
ps. thanx to lteixeira for his audio input library, as well as some instruction I was given for making the basic recorder.
Audio Mechanica saves to Microsoft compliant wav file for playback in Windows Media Player!
For full instructions...
Cheers, Art.
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October 12th, 2006, 12:55 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Yeah that right, people are selling their preorders of PS3 on ebay, and with a big profit! Just look here , a preorder sold for $999.99, that's a $500 profit!
Making a quick search on ebay and you find that there are a dozens more bidding between $750- $1000 and "Buy It Now"s between $1000-$18000.... crazy prices and there is no grantee that they will get the console!
digg it
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October 12th, 2006, 15:53 Posted By: splodger15
Video game developer Playlogic Entertainment said today they had been licensed by Sony to become a PlayStation Portable game publisher and that their first title out next year for this platform would be Xyanide Resurrection. Details about this title from the press release describe the game as "a classical 2D/3D shoot-'m-up game, where the player takes over the role of Drake, a government executioner from the planet Mardar. Drake's mission is to capture the escaped evil witch Aguira and bring her back to the Judge. Aguira uses the mythical power of Xyanide to transform worlds and create creatures and obstacles to keep Drake from capturing her." Features of this game include:
10 levels of full packed shooting action
Multiple branch story line and difficulty levels
Intense mid- and end-boss battles
Upgradeable player vessel
Unique, highly detailed backgrounds and visual effects
4 different difficulty settings for beginners and hard-core gamers
Unique combination of game mechanics is responsible for the seamless transition of an old school genre into the new era
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October 12th, 2006, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 release:
Based on the popular Anime/manga series of the same name, Bleach Blade Battlers is a full 3D fighting game a la Power Stone where up to 4 players battle against each other. The game also includes several missions and duels inspired from the series. Many characters from the show are included along their special moves and skills.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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October 12th, 2006, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
In September, Take-Two Interactive surprised many when it revealed that its forthcoming high-school-based game Bully would be rated T for Teen. After all, the game had been dubbed a "Columbine simulator" by anti-game activist Jack Thompson, in reference to the 1999 school massacre, and was being published by Take-Two subbrand Rockstar Games, which had historically specialized in M-for-Mature-rated games.
However, just because Bully is getting a T rating by the Entertainment Software Ratings Software Board (ESRB) doesn't mean it's out of the woods yet. Today, Thompson announced that he had won a "historic" victory in a Miami-Dade Circuit Court. According to the attorney, who has a history of aggressive self-promotion, "Judge Ronald Friedman entered an historic order directing Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., to provide the Court with a copy of the violent video game Bully 'before close of business tomorrow,' Thursday, October 12."
Thompson, referring to himself in the third person, went on to describe what Judge Friedman's order entailed. "The Judge further ordered that the game will be played in his presence, in chambers, with Miami attorney Jack Thompson present, if he wants to be there (he will be there) so der (sic) that Judge Friedman can ascertain whether the game should be sold to minors," said Thompson. "The Judge indicated that he will take however long it takes to see the game played in its entirety."
Due to the hour, attempts to confirm the judge's order directly with the Miami-Dade County Court were unsuccessful as of press time. However, several other news outlets, including Gamepolitics.com and the fan site Destructoid, which blogged the hearing, confirmed Thompson's report of Judge Friedman's ruling. (NOTE: Destructoid's site was intermittently down as of press time.)
Bully is set to hit PlayStation 2s next Tuesday, October 17. An Xbox version of the game was canceled earlier this year.
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October 12th, 2006, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Buena Vista Games today announced an agreement with Emergent Game Technologies to license the firm's Gamebryo Element engine and toolset in multiple upcoming PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games.
The Gamebryo engine has been used in a number of games, including Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Civilization IV, Dark Age of Camelot, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. While Buena Vista did not specify which games would use the technology, its current lineup of announced next-gen titles consists of Turok and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (working title).
With the new generation of systems inflating development costs, many publishers are turning to middleware solutions. From detail-oriented programs like the 3D foliage-generating SpeedTree and the Havok physics engine to broader technology like GameBryo and the oft-licensed Unreal Engine, middleware is increasingly becoming a key way companies can keep their costs down.
"This toolset is a proven cross-platform technology that will allow our teams to fully leverage our intellectual properties and focus on our core competencies in developing for next-gen consoles such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360," said Buena Vista Games vice president of internal studios Mark Meyers.
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October 12th, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Just as Microsoft and Sony are squaring off with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, respectively, so too are their preferred next-generation disc formats. Microsoft is backing Toshiba's HD-DVD format with next month's release of an HD-DVD add-on for the 360, while Sony built Blu-ray functionality into the core PS3 hardware.
A truce between the Blu-ray and HD-DVD worlds is still probably a way off, but NEC has come up with a chip that could help companies bridge the gap. The chip, essentially a controller, works in both Blu-ray and HD-DVD players. One chip that works with both standards could cut the cost of building a player that accommodates Blu-ray and HD-DVD discs.
The chip will start shipping in April 2007, NEC said. The appearance of a combination player, however, could still take time. Companies such as Pioneer and LG announced plans to come out with combination players, but later backed away.
Cost is the main culprit. Blu-ray players cost about $1,000, and the player/recorders, which won't be coming to the US immediately, run about $3,200. HD-DVD players start at around $500, but the recorders cost about the same. The high price, in part, is due to components. Since mass manufacturing has just begun, the parts still cost a lot, although prices will decline in 2007.
Even with the expected price declines, building a hybrid player would involve redundant components. Other components that can handle both standards would also likely have to be developed to bring the price of a hybrid player down.
But royalties are also a factor. The companies that invented the standards could make millions in licensing fees over the next decade if their standard gets adopted widely. Building a combo player, therefore, would require paying royalties to both camps.
Further complicating the matter are the high emotions generated by the dispute. Last week at the Ceatec trade show in Japan, reporters asked Kazuhiro Tsuga, an executive officer at Matsushita Electric, a firm member of the Blu-ray camp, about the possibility of Blu-ray/HD-DVD combo players hitting the market.
"That is stupid, stupid," he said, noting that the cost would be high. Matsushita sells products under the name Panasonic in the US.
Still, other manufacturers are intrigued by the idea, especially if the format wars hurt sales. Hitachi, which is concocting a camcorder that will record directly to Blu-ray discs, said it will study the issue of a combo recorder after Blu-ray is established in the market.
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October 12th, 2006, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
It’s another PS3 bad news double-whammy today, as it's revealed that both models of Sony’s ‘super computer’ will come bundled only with the standard red, white, and yellow composite cables in Japan.
Of course, you’ll also get a power cord, USB cable and ethernet cable.
The disappointing news that you won’t be able to connect your PS3 to a High Definition TV out of the box comes from the latest issue of Japanese gaming bible, 'Famitsu'.
Playstation 2 users who have already kitted themselves out with a component cable will be able to use that on their Playstation 3.
News is also emerging that the PS3 lacks an IR port. This, in effect, means that home cinema buffs looking forward to using the PS3 as their Blu-ray movie player won’t be able to use a universal remote with the machine. They will, therefore, have no choice but to shell out for Sony’s own PS3-compatible remote.
So, what do you think? Are these minor gripes? Would you be happy to go out and shell out £10/£15 ($30) on a component cable when you buy your PS3? Or should you have one already?
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October 12th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News about Wii and PS3 Preorders at SuccessHK
Pre Order Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3
Additional information about the list of Virtual Console games and the pricing structure will be revealed in the coming weeks.
All Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-orders are subject to the following conditions:
Non-binding: Pre-order of Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 is absolutely not binding and can be cancelled or modified at any time.
No prepaid required: To pre-order Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3, you neither need to make any deposit, nor enter your credit card details.
No price confirmation: The price of Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 on Superufo.com will be announced on or before the official launch of console.
No supply guarantee: Superufo.com does not guarantee on final supply and shipping date.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Now as launch details and prices have been officially confirmed, why does Superufo not take regular pre-orders at retail price?
A: Superufo's buying price on import hardware and software is always depending on market supply and demand. From our experience, especially new hardware is often not available in sufficient supply (see NDS, NDS Lite, PSP, PS2 launch, etc.). Distributors and wholesalers will decide their price on launch date, depending on the market situation. Therefore it's impossible for us to confirm a price before the release date.
Q: How does the pre-order process work? Do I have to pay any deposit?
A: All Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-orders at Superufo.com are non-binding and can be modified at any time. You are not required to pay any deposit or to enter your credit card details. On or a few days before launch, you will receive another e-mail from Superufo.com with pricing and shipping details. At that time, you can confirm, modify or cancel your order.
Q: What happens if the launch lineup changes? Can I modify my order?
A: Yes, you can modify or cancel your preorder at any time.
Q: When will my Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-order ship?
A: Superufo.com will notify all Nintendo Wii & SONY Playstation 3 pre-order customers on pricing and supply situation on or before official launch date by email. Depending on your preorder position and supply situation, we will process all pre-orders at first come, first served basis. The earlier you have pre-ordered, the higher your chance for a quick order processing.
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October 12th, 2006, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTA Portable.com:
It's been rumored to be in Vice City Stories over the past few months now. Recent previews also hinted it to be in the game, but now it's official. With the hands-on preview of Computer and Videogames came a bunch of new screenshots, one of which showing Vic riding a hovercraft on the waters of Vice City.
This addition to the game will certainly bring a new way of taking on missions, and getting around not only faster and easier, but also in a more fun way. Expect to see these in races, probably in multiplayer mode too.
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October 13th, 2006, 15:10 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Reports are "categorically not true"
Sony has told GamesIndustry.biz that reports the PlayStation 3 could be delayed in Europe until May next year are "categorically not true."
The rumours emerged after Spanish gaming site Meristation claimed Ken Kutaragi had warned that there could be a shortage of PS3 stock in Japan and North America - leaving European consumers with an even longer wait.
But according to a Sony spokesperson, "Any reports of a further delay to the launch of the PS3 in Europe are categorically not true.
"We are still fully committed to a March 2007 launch date. Ken Kutaragi has not done any media briefings since the Tokyo Game Show, and the story is not true."
The PlayStation 3 was originally due to launch this November in Japan, the US and Europe, but last month Sony announced that the machine won't arrive here until March. The company plans to ship 6 million PS3 units globally by the end of the 2007 fiscal year.
Source: gamesindustry.biz
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October 13th, 2006, 16:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Welcome to the next installment of the Ace Combat briefing. Fans of the Ace Combat series have been waiting for a portable iteration in the long-running franchise. The wait will end this fall, when Namco Bandai ships Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception, for the Sony PSP. The title promises to deliver a no-compromise Ace Combat experience - everything from the console versions will make it intact.
And yes, this even includes the impressive visuals that have become a trademark for the series. As part of an on-going campaign by Namco Bandai to brief the gaming populace on what to expect, head down below to read up on some of new locations in the game. And head into the media pages to find new screens and footage, too.
Terminus Island
Terminus Island is located on the southern tip of Aurelia. Since it is so close to the polar region, it is surrounded by ice throughout most of the year. However, there are oil fields nearby, which are a significant part of the vast natural resources that lie beneath the surface of Aurelia. Since the Leasath invasion, this area has been used by enemy forces as a fueling base within the Grapenill air fortress.
Sachana Air Base
Sachana Air Base is the largest air base on Aurelia. Although it is surrounded by dense forest, it is close to a major city, so geographically speaking it had a large amount of military air capability. Given this, however, it was one of the first targets of attack during the Leasath invasion. It has since become a strategically important base for them. Since taking it over, the Leasath enemies have mobilized air troops in a wide zone surrounding the base in addition to installing advanced enemy detection warning systems in the area.
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October 13th, 2006, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
PSP Fanboy had a chance to play the upcoming Sonic Rivals at NYC's DigitalLife event. I had high expectations for the game because I hold a belief that the 2D Sonic games are much better than their 3D counterparts. With the impressive processing power of the PSP, I expected to see a vivid, colorful, living environment for Sonic and the gang to race through. The build I played (which felt very early: it didn't have music, or voice acting), didn't showcase the PSP's graphical prowess. Surprisingly, the game felt somewhat sluggish, with Sonic's notoriously fast speeds feeling somewhat subdued.
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October 13th, 2006, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Gusto Games' ProStroke Golf: World Tour 2007, released last month, was an impressive first attempt at kicking Tiger Woods into a bunker - but despite enjoying the PS2 version a lot, we did wonder how it would translate to the PSP with its single analogue stick.
So, with the game due out on Sony's handheld on 10th November, publisher Oxygen has gone ahead and told us, and basically the solution is this: don't rely on having analogue sticks. Makes sense. Instead, the game handles club swing and shifting weight through the shot by using the shoulder buttons.
As with the home console versions, players will use the circle button and analogue to line up the shot marker in the distance, which also advises you on what percentage of the shot it's necessary to use to reach that point. But when players engage the actual swing part of the equation, things change.
Still looking down at the ball between the feet, players perform the backswing by holding the right shoulder button, with a shot meter then filling up toward 100 percent. At the optimum point - the maximum, or however much of the shot is needed to reach the marker - the player then releases the right shoulder button and clamps down the left, which handles the downswing. The idea is then to release the left shoulder button as close to the zero percent mark as possible.
As with the other versions, going too far either side of the zero percent mark removes some of the accuracy from the shot, so precision is important - and particularly so if you want to go a little bit further than the normal shot distance, because shifting weight continues to play a role. In order to maximise distance, instead of releasing the right shoulder button at the top of the swing, you can hold it for a little while as you start holding the left shoulder button. This moves the body through the shot with the ball, adding distance, but the cost is the need to make sure you release the left shoulder button within a smaller window. In other words, you can go further, but your ambition exacerbates the penalties for failure.
Not content with all that of course, the game also allows you to change foot position while in the swing view to guarantee fade or draw. Other options for tweaking your swing include opening and closing the club-head using the analogue nub, pushing up or down on the analogue to opt for chip-and-run and pitch shots, and moving the ball around in your stance with the d-pad to allow for punch and flop shots.
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October 13th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Fresh from the house of Lumines comes another slice of light-and-sound action for PSP - puzzle game Gunpey Rebirth. And while you need to see it in motion for the full effect, check the images tab for more still screens and you'll get the idea.
As the name suggests, it's a remake of an old puzzle title by none other than sadly deceased Nintendo designer Gunpey Yokoi (who created Metroid, among other greats). Gameplay consists of arranging diagonal lines to form linked blocks crossing the playfield - but with Lumines developer Q on board, it's backed up with animated backgrounds and thumping tunes that come to life as you play.
Looking as perfectly portable and perfectly slick as Lumines, we can't wait to be so hypnotised by our PSPs that we miss our train stop by four hours and snap out of the trance in Scotland again.
Screens at Gamesradar
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October 13th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Dubbed "Sparkly Jewelry Seals," these stickers seemed aimed at Japan's young female gamers (or grown men very secure with their sexuality). One set of stickers turns pink when in UV sunlight, and the other turns green in dark places. Going on sale October 16th in The Land of the Rising Sun.
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via kotaku
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October 13th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Product Features of SONY PSP PSP Emergency Charger 4800mAh
Store energy in the lithium battery with the PSP AC adaptor
Spply the power to the PSP game console at any time
ON/OFF switch
LED indicator
4800mAh lithium battery
More Description of SONY PSP PSP Emergency Charger 4800mAh
This product stores electric energy in the lithum battery with the PSP AC adapor and then supply the power to the PSP console at anytime.
Weird thing is that the price is Price:USD 0.00
If thats not a typo then cheapo chargers for all
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October 13th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony may fall behind rivals in the initial phase of the next-generation game console race, but is likely to grab the top spot eventually, Japan's top video game magazine publisher, Enterbrain, said on Friday.
Sony and Nintendo Co. Ltd. will in November start rolling out their latest game gear, the PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Wii, setting a stage for a three-way showdown with Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox360.
"The PS3 will have a tough time globally at the initial stage. Its launch titles in Japan and exclusive software titles overseas are quite limited," Enterbrain President Hirokazu Hamamura told a seminar.
"But its overwhelmingly realistic graphics will give it a long life span. It will stay competitive even when a game console battle breaks out among a newer generation of machines in 2010. Sales should grow every time Sony cuts prices," he said.
Costs of manufacturing consoles come down as production yields improve, helping game makers cut prices to stoke fresh demand.
Enterbrain expects Sony to sell 4.13 million units of the PS3 worldwide in the current business year ending March 2007. Sony itself aims to ship 6 million units over the same period.
The publisher also expects Nintendo to sell 5.47 million units of the Wii by March, compared with Nintendo's own target to sell 6 million units.
Besides the lack of game titles at the start, PS3 sales will be hampered by its high price tag, Hamamura said.
Sony expects a model of the PS3 with a 20-gigabyte hard disk drive and a Blu-ray high-definition optical disc player to sell for $499 in the United States, about twice as much as the Wii price.
But in the longer term, Enterbrain expects the PS3 to outsell both the Wii and Xbox 360, helped by its lifelike graphics and a rich pool of potentially popular game software that will be released in 2007 or later.
Those software titles, many of which are sequels to existing games played on the blockbuster PlayStation 2, include "Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots" from Konami Corp..
By the end of 2009, Enterbrain expects Sony's PS3 sales to total 34 million units, surpassing an estimated 25 million Wii sales and 28 million Xbox 360 sales.
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October 13th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: SamuraiX
New version of the BeatEm UP Engine for the PSP
---> 2.71SE-A Compatible.
---> Preview of paks in menu.
---> Extra 4MBytes of OS space now utilized! (Thank You TyRaNiD over at pspdev.org !!!)
---> New Save System which now has slots for each difficulty mode. Old saves are no longer compatible!
---> LogFile system has been upgraded. If a mod doesn't run just check it at /Logs/OpenBorLog.txt
The 4MBytes of OS space was from suspend/sleep mode which I do not support in OpenBoR and gets released back to OS when exiting the engine.
And finally... as usual alot of bug fixes
As I have not finished adding new features to the official OpenBoR engine to make it v2.0050 I felt All of you PSP users would benefit with the extra memory.
So mods like X-Men (require more memory) should now have no problems with the extra memory.
Please redownload to v029. Minor bug fix from v028.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar's Canis Canem Edit - which we continue to refer to as Bully in darkened corridors - kicks out onto the retail playground on October 27, probably to the sound of a school bell going 'ding' or something. But before it hits, the Rockstar chaps are giving us a further peep behind the doors of Bullworth Academy in a new gameplay trailer. Halloween japes, catapults, nerds, lead character Jimmy discovering what the opposite sex's tonsils taste like and creeping around school corridors during the night - it's all here for viewing.
Trailer Here
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October 13th, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Once bitten, twice shy, the old saying goes - and based on that logic, Sony has some way to go before proving to people that it can do a comprehensive online gaming service. However, what we've seen is very promising. Account creation and management, buddy lists and various types of chat appear to be working just fine, the interface is simple and elegant, and the PlayStation Store, even at this early stage, looks like being one aspect of the service which will be a genuine improvement over Microsoft's offering, Xbox Live Marketplace - which is well-stocked, but has a terrible user interface that struggles to cope with the amount of content now available, and has only been marginally improved by recent updates.
There's still some way to go - and one area we're still intrigued by is what Sony will do about user profiles, which Microsoft revolutionised with Xbox 360 thanks to Gamer Points and Achievements. Love 'em or hate 'em, they're a big draw for many people, and how Sony will handle this aspect of its community remains to be seen.
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October 13th, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via mcv
The managing director of value publisher Play It has said that the majority of big publishers are “getting it wrong” on PSP.Mark Cale told MCV that labels which built their reputation on home consoles don’t understand what is needed to keep the PSP audience entertained.
“The reason so many games have failed on PSP is that big publishers are prioritising lavish, full 3D productions ahead of gameplay,” said Cale. “But this type of game will never be as big as it is on home console, because handheld users are seeking a more addictive, distracting experience.”
Cale highlighted Capcom’s Ultimate Ghosts’N’Goblins as a perfect fit for the machine. “Capcom kept the core gameplay of a vintage classic and tidied up the graphics for a modern system,” he said. “Unsurprisingly, gamers became hooked.”
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October 13th, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Hey all good to be back and soon 100% back up to date but anyway on my searches of the internet i came across a newly released game for the PSP released over at our DCEmu affiliates Playeradvance, heres the news:
Heres the release news from OuiOui:
A small Puzzle game without too much claim.
The goal is to push or aspire small the bebete (tortoise, star, whale…) towards the dustbin in order to pass at the following level. There are files of various sizes. Their colors makes it possible to recognize them.
How to play:
It is necessary to move the cursor on a file in order to be able to actuate it.
ROUND: Actuate the file in order to push/aspire the small beast.
TRIANGLE: Leave the play.
L: Preceding level.
R: Following level.
SQUARE: Screenshot.
Other information:
Only six levels for the moment. I will add some can be ulterierement.
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October 13th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: kando
via http://0okm.blogspot.com :
Hen C AutoExec mod v0.32 by 0okm
Download-Link #1: AutoExec_Hen_C_Installer_v0.32.zip
This PROGRAM just for FW2.71 with "Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision C)"
Don't use ON other ver! ! !
Use it at your own Risk! ! !
If you want to use other Wallpaper,
You can replace ms0: /psp/photo/aehenci/bin/wallp0okm.bmp before install
Or change it after "Hen C" was run
he also gives detailed instructions with pictures on that particular post.
Source: http://0okm.blogspot.com/2006/10/hen...2-by-0okm.html
cheers! 0okm still doin great things!!
and i intentionally did NOT include the download link so that you can visit his page and view the pictures and detailed instructions before you try this.
as always THIS CAN BRICK YOUR PSP so be smart and read all instructions, and you should be fine
One other thing, for your own protection, a few words of wisdom shared by Fanjita:
"It would be sensible to install the fonthack before doing anything with stuff that auto-runs from flash1.
If you don't, and things fail for some reason, you may have no way to unbrick.
If you do have fonthack, you can just remove the memory stick and reset your flash1 settings."
thanks for the tip Fanjita!
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October 13th, 2006, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Techni has released a new solitaire game for the PSP, heres the details:
A port of the game I made for my iPod clone. Plays as similar as I can get to the Windows version of Solitaire.
Left Shoulder - Deal 3 cards
Right + Left Shoulder - New Game
X - Grab card(s)/Place grabbed card(s)
Left or Right (Dpad) - Select previous/next card pile
Up or Down (Dpad) - Select higher/lower card/card pile
Future Additions:
- The ability to lose the game when you go through the deck to many times
- A button to automatically dump a selected or grabbed card to the ace pile
- Autoplay (cards that can go to the ace pile and there are no lower value cards of the opposite color left in play, automatically put the cards in the ace pile)
- Custom soundtracks
- Persistant settings (INI file?)
- An options menu
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October 13th, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Jamie Fuller has released a fix for his homebrew game SensitivePSP, heres whats new:
Just a quick note to let you know that I have fixed the 2 reported bugs and another I found.
1) Fixed: Crashing after dying lots.
2) Fixed: Diagonals causing corruptions
3) Fixed: Blocks remaining display
more details about the game:
SensitivePSP is the results of my first trials with the PSP. The graphics were designed using Photoshop. The game is based on the original C64 version which was awesome, the level data is taken straight from the original with only a few levels being modified. I have the incredible fortune to get a fantastic remix version of the original music from a great muscian, Danceaway, Click here to visit his site and listen to some of his other excellent work..
The Concept of the game is to get from the starting position to the Exit block destroying all blocks along the way, You may go over the animated blocks more than once, Teleporters will throw you around the level, One way blocks (blocks with solid lines running through them) will also thwart your journey. You must destroy all of the stripey Yellow blocks, including the animated ones before you can exit the level.
Each time you complete a level you will 'unlock' a new one, there are 60 levels in total, SensitivePSP automatically remembers which levels you have unlocked, even after powering off your console. you can select any of the levels you have unlocked as your starting level,from the main menu.
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October 13th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Press release from EA:
As if! EA™ Replay is a throw back to what you loved about videogames in the first place! Let EA bring you back to a simpler time when movies were still on VHS, Boy Bands were all the rage, people adorned themselves in layers of plaid and called themselves ‘grunge’, everyone wanted to live in 90210, and the dawn of gaming’s golden age took hold.
Embrace the 90’s nostalgia with a compilation of 14 classic console games from EA exclusively for the PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) system! EA Replay promises to deliver the same great console experience on-the-go for all 14 games including hit franchises such as the Strike series, Road Rash™, and Wing Commander™.
Go head-to-head with friends in multiplayer on select titles, unlock original game art, and save your game at any point. Let the memories come rushing back and take the fun of the 90’s wherever you go with EA Replay.
EA Replay Key Features
• The 90’s Lives On—14 classic console games from EA from the 90’s exclusively for the PSP system.
• Multiplayer Features—Ad Hoc, head-to-head support for Budokan, Road Rash™ II, and Mutant League Football.
• Mid-Game Save—Save your game at any point giving you freedom to play on your terms.
• Collectable Cards—Unlock game art from back in the day!
EA Replay Title List
• B.O.B.—Help B.O.B. blast his way through alien goon squads and rendezvous with his galactic babe!
• Budokan—Walk the path of the warrior as you master the most deadly martial arts.
• Desert Strike—With a fiery blast from your Hellfire missiles you must annihilate a ruthless tyrant’s military arsenal.
• Jungle Strike—The Desert Madman is dead. Now his vicious son plots a nuclear strike against the U.S.A.
• Haunting Starring Polterguy—Scare an evil family out of their house by being scary, funny, or just plain gross.
• Mutant League Football—Anything can happen when mutants battle to prove who rules the galactic gridiron.
• Road Rash™—Blow opponents off the backroads in California’s most illegal, unofficial, and dangerous race.
• Road Rash™ II—Road racing isn’t just a sport. It’s an attitude! Cruising cross country just got a lot hairier.
• Road Rash™ III—Keep an eye out for wildlife and other hazards as you engage in a 150-MPH bike brawl.
• Syndicate—Sources indicate a rival syndicate has developed a dangerous new computer program. We want it.
• Ultima™: The Black Gate—Solve the mystery that has befallen Britannia before its manifestation is complete!
• Virtual Pinball—You design the pinball game, you build, you play it!
• Wing Commander™—Lead your elite Tiger’s Claw squadron against the forces of the Kilrathi Empire.
• Wing Commander™: Secret Missions—Come face to face with the ultimate threat to mankind—a weapon capable of destroying entire planets!
Apparently the compilation uses Snes and Genesis ?emulation
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October 13th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSPVault
A Bangkok based independent movie producer has made us US$250,000 budget movie available as a free download in PSP format.
Bangkok based independent film director, John Lamond Jnr, a PSP fanatic, decided he would like to do something revolutionary in response to the “changing by the minute” nature of international film distribution and its delivery methods.
“Every day the rules seem to change,” says Lamond, “so I decided to step completely outside the box and share my movie, for free, with other PSP users – actually we’ve set up a donation button on the website, but it’s totally voluntary.”
So now his production company, Sukhumvit Films, is releasing a free version of their independent movie, “Killing Time 24/7”, for download to all PSP users.
“Killing Time (24/7)” is a dark day in the life of a young Asian hit-man.
With mature content, the movie is aimed at an older crowd.
“The anti-hero of the film, Jake, escapes the reality of being a hit-man by kind of fooling himself that he is living within a video game. This, together with the fact that a large proportion of PSP users are mature, led me to the conclusion that releasing the movie as a free PSP download would potentially enable me to connect with my target audience – with the kind of people who I hope would be interested in the film and it’s themes.”
“Anyway, I’m a huge fan of the PSP – I carry mine everywhere with me – and I thought it would just be a cool thing to do.”
The KT247 website, www.killingtime-24-7, has been updated, and now offers free downloadable versions of the trailer and the movie specifically formatted to play on PSP units.
“No, just a new and different method to launch a movie!”
Many TV viewers purchase their own DVD copy of a film or TV programme, even though they have already watched it for free on TV.
“I believe we can make quite an impact and this release will certainly provide us with valuable feedback direct from our target audience… and hopefully we might even earn a few dollars,” says Lamond.
Shot in 9 days on location in Bangkok, Thailand, on Sony HD, the film is currently being prepared for DVD release in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
A boxed DVD version of the movie with extra bonus features, will shortly be available to purchase via the Sukhumvit Films website.
Very Interesting
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October 14th, 2006, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Destructoid is reporting that the judge presiding over the Thompson V The World case has ruled that the court will not prohibit the sale of Bully in Florida.
At 1:51, Niero called, saying that the judge will not prohibit the the sale of Bully. In the time that he played the game, the judge said that he did not see anything so violent that would require the game to be held from being shipped. The judge and Take Two employee used a cheat code in order to skip around in the game.
It sounds like Jack didn't take the news well, once being asked by the judge to be seated and another time "silencing" his expert witness. Justice FTW!
The real question, and I hope Destructoid gets to the bottom of it, is what cheat code did they use?
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October 14th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
An enterprising individual has figured out what to do with his damaged PSP. Make an omelet with it and put it up on Yahoo Auctions. The seller points out that the omelette was made with seaweed, and there is a "faint sweetness" to the dish because a dash of sugar was used. The seller adds:
Please know that it was the work of an amateur, but was made with heartfelt sincerity.
Continuing, the seller mentions how happy a child would be to find this in his or her lunch box, and that it should be okay to eat because it was made without the memory stick or the battery. Bids started at 2,000 yen (US $17), and approx. 30 bids later, the PSP omelet went for over 8,000 yen ($67) earlier today. The winner shall be sent this this delicious portable in an ice pack, along with presumably the box, memory stick and battery.
More info
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October 14th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Point your eyes at this first in-game video from upcoming PSP war game Medal of Honor Heroes, which transports the series' Nazi-blasting battlefield action to Sony's handheld.
This latest WWII battler focuses on new adventures in the lives of past heroes from Medal of Honor - Lt Jimmy Patterson, Sgt John Baker and Lt William Holt. Hit the movies tab now to see the trailer.
From the footage you can get a fairly good idea of the task ahead - countless German soldiers to be defeated using typical console skills like fine aiming down the barrel of your rifle, fighting alongside Allied buddies, leaning around corners and staving in faces with the butt of your rifle.
MOH Heroes is set to launch its handheld offensive on 10 November and we'll have a review real soon.
Trailer and News at Gamesradar
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October 14th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Would-be crime-fighters, take pen to calendar: Justice League Heroes is officially scheduled to arrive October 17. The action RPG from Warner Bros. Interactive and developer Snowblind will arrive for PlayStation 2 and Xbox, while the Nintendo DS will get a version with a separate storyline, and Game Boy Advance players can tackle Justice League Heroes: The Flash. A PSP version of Heroes will arrive in November.
To prep players, Warner Bros. is offering a prequel story, in comic book format, via the iTunes Store.
Featuring an original story by comic book veteran Dwayne McDuffie, Justice League Heroes puts players in control of a DC Comics super-team. Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and Zatanna join unlockable characters Green Arrow, Aquaman, Huntress, and Hawkgirl in a quest to fight evil -- and look good doing it.
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October 14th, 2006, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
We've already given you an insight to the kind of gang-banging mission action GTA: Vice City Stories will be getting you into when it launches for PSP in November but what if you're tired of blasting turf rivals and hunger for some quick-access fun? Fortunately Vice City boasts some great ways to let off some steam and give yourself a break from drug running, bank jobs and cojones-grabbing gangsters.
Insane stunt jumps
The old favourite returns, with PSP's new Vice City locations given the stunt treatment so that almost any incline you spot can lead to a glorious slo-mo leap. Plus, with the addition of the nippy jet-skis, Vice City Stories offers high-speed water hijinks - including a dramatic series of bounding jumps launching you all over the city's plush golf course.
Beach patrol
Head to Washington Beach for some Baywatch-inspired challenges that see you saving lives instead of ending them. Use your swimming skills to wade out and rescue hapless beach-goers who find themselves caught in dangerous waters, with the added bonus that continued wet work permanently boosts Vic's stamina.
Chunder Wheel
One of the more obvious additions to Vice City's streets, the Chunder Wheel is part of a fully working fairground complete with a bunch of rides for you to leap in and enjoy. Ride the Chunder Wheel with a set of binoculars to get a high-eyes view of the city, or pack a sniper rifle for some elevated assassinations.
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October 14th, 2006, 06:36 Posted By: koolio
Here is My Relase of PSPhotographer Beta 1. Sorry if its buggy as i said its just beta 1. This is my second release first being mj baby drop. Please Give me Feedback. Also This Game has several pics of models in little clothing.Children beware
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October 14th, 2006, 09:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sonys once a month pack for the PSP has been released, heres the full details:
The PSP® Content Pack is a free download that features preselected content, optimized for your PSP system. We will provide the Content for you each month. All you need to do is connect your PSP to your PC, download the pack, then just sit back and relax while everything is transferred to your PSP system. Once the process is complete, your PSP system will be stocked full of the latest in PSP system optimized video clips and trailers, wallpapers, screenshots, audio clips, and game content, all for your viewing pleasure. Check back here each month for the newest edition of the PSP® Content Pack.
Heres whats new:
PSP® Content
ATV Offroad Fury® Pro - Trailer (ESRB: E)
Gangs of London™ - Gang Videos (ESRB: M)
Gangs of London™ - Launch Wallpaper (ESRB: M)
Killzone™: Liberation - Video Preview (ESRB: T)
Killzone™: Liberation - G.A.P. Wallpaper Contest
LocoRoco™ - Music (ESRB: E)
NBA 07 - Trailer (ESRB: E)
October Calendar Wallpaper
PlayStation®2 Content
Dew Action Sports Tour: PlayStation® Tricks of the Year
God of War® II - Trailer (ESRB: RP)
Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron - Trailer (ESRB: E10)
The download is a rather hefty 91mb, download here -> http://www.us.playstation.com/pspcontentpack
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October 14th, 2006, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his previously named Tape Recorder app for the PSP, heres whats new:
up and down on the D pad. Use of the shoulder buttons lifts the previous restriction on delay time, and allows
full use of the 22Mb data buffer to provide up to 4 minutes and 21 seconds of delay time.
Added an Echo mode to the Digital Delay Processor.
Fixed seek function (left and right shoulder buttons) to seek at the same speed for every sample rate.
Reel Position is now displayed in elapsed minutes and seconds for all screens
Delay time for the Delay Processor mode is now displayed in seconds and miliseconds.
Various fixes, and significant code optimisation.
Minor screen bug fixes.
Download at the Release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=38844
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October 14th, 2006, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Fol has posted this news/release:
If, like me you updated and dont want to use the V1.50 EBOOT or your new to DA 2.71 SE, you now have the option to use this repacked EBOOT. It runs exactly the same, so there is no difference, apart from you can stick this 1 in the game folder and it will run fine.
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October 14th, 2006, 16:21 Posted By: wraggster
Yongobongo has released a new paint app in Lua for the PSP, heres the details:
"yPaint v2"
Before I explain the app, I'd like to thank Fuzzie 360 for so much help and inspiration. Thanks man! And also thanks to Shine for his LUAPlayer app (which made this app possible).
So, what is it?
Well, it's basically a Image creation application for your PSP. I've taken on the graphics of my fave graphic PC program, Macromedia Fireworks.
So what?
So what??? This application is an "all in one" image editor. It comes with a full colour selection tool, Line Lengths, a GUI (needs to be improved) Saving your Image (In the next release, you will be able to save multiple files ) and opening your image again for editing!
Can I use it?
If you have Firmware 1.50-2.71, then yes I have only made K-Xploited EBOOTs since the majority of homebrew users (including me and Fuzzie) have this firmware. A 1.00/eLoader EBOOT should be up soon
Fuzzie and I are setting up a website dedicated to LUA coding...More on this later!
I hope y'all like it
Also, this is v2 (0.2) of the app, so bugs may be there (I haven't found any) and I am going to add some more features to it, such as battery life display and hopefully I can make it a lot more functional.
Any help is welcome! Thanks guys! Hope ya like it!
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via fuzzie360
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October 14th, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Hey all still no release and still dont know when one is due, but heres the latest news from the coder who wishes to be anonymous:
Some noticeable progress on speed But I still didn't get the dynarec to work. Anyway, some games are running real fast now like the FF series.
I myself tried Star Wars Masters of Tera Kasi today and whilst the game was very slow, infact the slowest game ive tried so far, it did play and look perfect, bear in mind the build i have is a few weeks old now.
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October 14th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK:
Heres whats in the game:
Taito Legends Power Up features 25 furiously addictive games. 21 arcade perfect classics such as Space Invaders, Elevator Action, Balloon Bomber, The New Zealand Story and 4 updated and extended legends exclusive to PSP.
Taito Legends Power Up includes:
Space Invaders
Space Invaders Part 2
New Zealand Story
Alpine Ski
Elevator Action
Crazy Balloon
Chack n' Pop
Lunar Rescue
Balloon Bomber
Legend of Kage
The Fairyland Story
Rastan Saga
Kiki Kaikai
Kuri Kinton
Return of the Invaders
Space Dungeon
Space Chaser
Balloon Bomber Enhanced - exclusive to PSP
Cameltry Enhanced - exclusive to PSP
Crazy Balloon Enhanced - exclusive to PSP
Legend of Kage Enhanced - exclusive to PSP
More Info/buy at AmazonUK
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October 14th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Another new game released in the UK and now its Myst, heres the details:
Over a decade since PC adventurers first sampled the delights of Myst's emotive and visual feasts, the new PSP version will engage the player like never before and literally take them to another world. There are no instructions and the player begins a voyage of exploration without encountering a single living soul.
Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly, though, it becomes clear every action can somehow help unfortunate individuals trapped somewhere in a parallel dimension. The Myst adventure is like no other, tantalizing with its unique combination of lavish environments, puzzles, mazes, and a sizzling underlying drama which steadily unfolds to reward the player further still.
More Info & Buy at AmazonUK
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October 14th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
New release for the UK:
Ridge Racer is back with an adrenaline fuelled racing experience featuring many new courses and vehicles. Put your foot down, kick in the nitrous and roar through 42 intense, challenging courses. Master the drift handling and take corners at exhilarating speeds to leave opponents trailing in your wake.
New Arcade, Duel and Survival modes in addition to the original Time Attack mode and rearranged World Tours mode
62 high-speed vehicles available with eight brand new cars
Compete against up to eight players via Ad Hoc Mode
More info / buy at Amazon UK
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October 14th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Another new game released in the UK for PSP:
Bub and Bob are captured in two separate 3D towers. Both towers are split into 3 sections, with each section having different parameters. Bub and Bob walk on the platforms that are attached to the walls that divide the tower into three. Furthermore, by using the doors in the walls Bub and Bob can move from one section to another. When this happens the screen rotates in full 3D.
A new adventure: An all new adventure for Bub and Bob. Completely redesigned and updated for PSP
Completely unique game system: Trapped inside two 3D towers of terror, they rotate as Bub and Bob move from section to section
One floor, three environments: Each floor of the tower has three sections. Move a frozen key from winter to summer to defrost it
Play as Bub and Bob: One tower affects the other so cooperation between Bub and Bob is necessary. Switch between the two characters whenever you need
Puzzle action:. Change the temperature, air pressure, gravity and air flow to solve the puzzles and progress upwards
Game play surprises: Flip the screen upside down or turn the lights off
Gigantic 3D boss characters: Boss characters the height of the screen literally dwarfing Bub and Bob
Charming graphics: All new re-designed Bub & Bob, and all the old enemies all now in 3D and in a new charming style
Classic Bubble Bobble Action: Brilliant in its simplicity, capture enemies with your bubbles and burst them
New Bubbles: Yoyo and Oblong bubbles!
Multiplayer bubble mayhem: 2-4 friends challenge each other using wireless
2P cooperative fun: Work your way up the towers with a friend. One plays as Bob, the other plays as Bub
More info / buy at Amazon UK
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October 14th, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Evening all i just added the news feed from several sites on the network to the PSP site (makes wraggys life easier if when they post news it shows up on the main site )
But anyway our great friend and coder PSmonkey is overseeing (he cant code but he can advise) 2 major psp projects and he wishes to have coders and artists join the project.
Full details here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=38945
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October 14th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: benh
I am uploading and posting this on behalf of TCLCloud and this is the second release of his psp portal psp117, so lets here what he has to say about it -
This version includes over 35 games, 4 apps, 5 cartoons, 20 wallpapers, 2 wallpaper packs, 7 RSS channels and lots more in the links page! This is version 0.95, which means it pretty much complete, however seeing as its so close to completion i doubt i'll make version 1, but rather go on to do version 1.xx and so on. I am very pleased with this so far, the basic portal engine is now complete, it'll be much easier to add both new pages and content in the future, and hopefully that wont be too long. In upcoming releases I am hoping to include direct download links to demos, video downloads and expand the existing pages.
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October 14th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: psposte
We weren't planning on releasing a second beta so soon, but the mail duplication issue that was brought to our attention by noobody is annoying enough to justify releasing a Beta2.
We took the opportunity to fix a couple other problems, here's the complete list:
- Fix the uids file not being written (mail duplication issue)
- Get rid of the "Bentest" icon on the main window
- Fix the hang when the app was exited through the home button during an assert comment. Although whenever such a message is encountered, it's best to hit triangle to get out of it.
- Fix the crash on startup caused by an empty "reply to" field (any empty fields should no longer cause a crash now)
- Fix an issue where the context menu wasn't being brought up in the address dialog
Thanks to all users who tried PSPoste Beta1 and left us with comments and feedback, we plan on spending most of our short term efforts integrating better input methods (Danzeff and more generic IrDa driver) as well as SSL/TLS, but these features may take time.
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October 15th, 2006, 03:20 Posted By: Jpdeathblade
Super Mini Halo is a project that I started a while ago. I havent had time to finish it so I am going to post a beta and let the people here go wild. =P
First things first - Specs
Folder named SMH (so you can play with SMM and SMS)
1 Real level, 24 from the SMM v3 download
Halo characters (Master Chief and Grunts...i got alot of colors for each)
Custom background
Somewhat custom sounds
O ya - Works on 1.5 and 2.71 (Just leave the files as they are. The game will not load if you try and hide the corrupt)
SMM - Without them none of this would be possable
Banditmax.com for paying the bills
And Bob151jr (me, jpdeathblade) for making some graphics and a lvl and posting....im on a mac! its 10x harder to make this...w/e
The file is attached below...go crazy =P
PS: Any fan made levels and graphics - feel free to post them, If there good then they might enter the final build =P
ALSO this is DcEmu Exclusive....I only visit this site so dont think im on ps2nfo and stuff...
Here is what some of the graphics look like
Some of them need a little work but again im on a mac...
And here is the first level of gameplay by Crowba - http://www.youtube.com/v/rLz3kWxG_g0
New version to work for 2.71 (not tested so let me know if it works)
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October 15th, 2006, 10:02 Posted By: b8a
True to his word, NJ has released the source code for his three arcade emulators: CPS1PSP, CPS2PSP, and NGEPSP. With the release of these sources, he also released the final version of CPS1PSP which includes a minor bugfix for a single game:
Fixed state save/load in Pang!3 Additionally, he has addressed speculations about what project he'll tackle next:
With this, things have settled down for me. I don't think there will be anymore updates for the forseeable future.
As for what I'll make next, maybe I'll port something else... However, it's more likely that I'll just end it with this.
There aren't any (that I'm interested in) from overseas makers, SEGA, or CAPCOM.
Source could be reused for SEGA, however, sadly, I have absolutely no interest in them, including their home consoles. Additionally, I started working on CPS1PSP without knowing about the impending release of Capcom Collection. It looks like there might not be any need to make anything else. Just my two cents, but since there still aren't any solid PCE-S/CD emulators for the PSP, and seeing as how NJ was able to nail NG-CD emulation, that's one project that I'd personally love to see him tackle.
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October 15th, 2006, 10:24 Posted By: DraconumPB
I have become aware that Super Mini Mario and its various mods are difficult to run on the custom 2.71 firmware from DAX. So, here's a fairly simple way to run most of them from what I can discern:
Some SMM mods are built for 1.0 and some are built for 1.5. While you can use SeiPSPTool to convert between the two, it doesn't help you much here. Here's what to do:
If your SMM or SMM Mod was built for 1.0 natively (not converted from a 1.5 eboot) then: Simply place it in the GAME folder instead of GAME150. Works great! Examples: SMM (original, non-1.5 version), Chocobo Complete, Super Mini Sonic/etc.
If your SMM or SMM Mod was built for 1.5 natively (i.e. the 1.5 version of SMM, or Super Mini Halo - SMH - which was built for 1.5): This is a bit trickier. You have to split up the contents of the SMH folder (for example) so that GAME/SMH contains all the DATA files that are NOT the eboot.pbp. So EVERYTHING that is NOT eboot.pbp goes in GAME/SMH. GAME150/SMH will contain the eboot from the SMH folder, and GAME150/SMH% is the SMH% folder without any other modification.
So this is the structure:
|______|__(data files here such as sound, graphics, levels)
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October 15th, 2006, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
NERF is one of those brands that's synonymous with childhood, adolescent, and even grown up fun. When we were little, the foam was just soft enough to convince our parents we could be trusted to wield it in weapon form, yet as we well know, solid enough to inflict real pain on small friends once out in the yard. The IGN offices are a historic NERF battlefield, and some of our LARPing (Live Action Rollplaying) brethren couldn't take to the field without it.
Sadly, a lot of these NERF pursuits involve some very un-videogaming aspects, like being outside, so when we received word that Pelican Performance had partnered with NERF with plans for a line of foam-plated controllers we got pretty stoked. Today we got the chance for an exclusive first hands-on with the first of the Pelican-NERF line, the wireless NERF pad for the PlayStation 2.
In general size and curves, the controller is relatively similar to a Xbox 360 pad. That's about as far as the similarities go, however, as the entire controller, save for the analog sticks and buttons, is encased in a shell of injection-molded NERF foam. Pelican didn't wimp out on the design with just some foam handle-prongs and a hard plastic face, when we say the entire thing is encased in foam, we mean it.
The handle-prongs are the softest, but seem to have some flexible tabs buried inside to provide a bit of rigidity. The rest of the controller body has a thinner layer, which is enough to feel NERF but not too think or spongy enough to interfere with button presses. As a matter of fact, the controller feels great in hand, and in showing it off around the office, practically every gamer here commented that it felt much better to hold than the usual hard-plastic pads.
Since it's NERF we also couldn't stop ourselves from giving it the good old drop test, which progressed to a drop-kick and some light abuse. The controller seems to be able to take a solid fall if it lands on the handle prongs or its side, but Pelican isn't claiming absolute indestructibility and we can image you could damage it if you really nailed one of the analog sticks into a wall.
We'll explore the controller's toughness over the weekend and return with the full review on Monday in which we'll delve into the button response and feel, wireless performance, and more. Until then, take a peek at these exclusive first-reveal pics and enjoy.
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October 15th, 2006, 11:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via spong
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s UK MD, Ray Maguire, claims that the heavily criticised UMD format has a future, despite a number of film studios opting out of producing movies on the format and numerous retailers scaling down their UMD* offerings.
What is the heavy criticism to which we allude? Unacceptably high cost and the fact that it’s become increasingly harder to actually find them in-store of late, will do for two.
Speaking to trade magazine, MCV, Maguire told explained, “We’re pretty pleased with UMD… UMD has a fantastic attachment ratio. Where we’ve struggled a little is getting a decent proposition for full-length movies.”
He continued, “UMD is not the problem – it’s getting the right content that’s the challenge. When we put shorts on UMD they sell really well, and that’s related to PSP usage. It’s about getting the offer right, and we will do that.”
Let us know your own thoughts in the forums. Do you think the format has a future? Do you still buy UMDs? And if so which ones?
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October 15th, 2006, 11:46 Posted By: wraggster
DigitalLife (www.digitallife.com), the leading consumer technology and entertainment event, announced today the Best of Show Awards. The third annual DigitalLife runs through Sunday, October 15, 2006 at New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. More than 55,000 consumers are expected to attend the only event that directly connects consumers with the companies and products that will drive holiday sales.
The 2006 Best of Show Awards winners are:
Winner: Sony PlayStation 3
Company: Sony Electronics, www.SonyStyle.com
Winner: Neuros OSD
Company: Neuros Technology, www.neurostechnology.com
Winner: Mio DigiWalker H610
Company: Mios Technology, www.miogps.com
Winner: HP Media Smart 37" HDTV
Company: Hewlett-Packard, www.hp.com
Winner: Microsoft Windows Vista
Company: Microsoft, www.microsoft.com
Winner: Sony PlayStation 3
Company: Sony Electronics, www.SonyStyle.com
Winner: Final Fantasy XII
Company: Square ENIX, www.fightfordalmasca.com
Winner: Fisher Price SparkArt Easel
Company: Fisher Price, www.fisher-price.com
Winner: MacMedia ETCHamac
Company: MacMedia, www.etchamac.com
Winner: Whitebox Robotics 914 PCbot
Company: Whitebox Robotics, www.whiteboxrobotics.com
Winner: Sharpcast
Company: Sharpcast, www.sharpcast.com
Winner: Ruckus MediaFlex Router
Company: Ruckus Wireless, www.ruckuswireless.com
Winner: CellSTART
Company: CellSTART, www.cell-start.com
Winner: Sony Electronics
Company: Sony Electronics, www.SonyStyle.com
Winner: Napster
Company: Napster, www.napster.com
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October 15th, 2006, 13:44 Posted By: PSP Galaxy
Some things just refuse to die. PSP Galaxy, sponsored by Play-Asia.com, is one of those things. Now, your favourite magazine is back with an abundance of cool stuff, including:
-Preview of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories!
-Review Blowout! Gangs of London, Guilty Gear Judgment, Ridge Racers 2, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, WTF: Work Time Fun, Bounty Hounds, Bomberman and Open Season.
-Movie Review of DOA: Dead or Alive!
-All-new free comic!
-The latest news, and the best columns, including Prime's Rant, MVPVJ: Mof vs. Prime vs. Jebus, Cooking with Mof and Movie Watch.
-A chance to show off your design skills and win big with Wrapstar!
We also welcome our new graphic designer this issue, Evilution, who we think has done a spectacular job so far! So please, kindly eat up and enjoy this latest Issue #15 of PSP Galaxy!
To download: Right click and choose save as. If you get index.zip, simply unzip it. If you get index.php then rename it to a zip. Or choose file, save as in your browser.
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October 15th, 2006, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
Dragula96 has released a new homebrew game for the PSP, heres the release details:
Test Your Might is based on the Mortal Kombat mini game of the same name, the objective of the game is to break the object in front of you before your opponent(Ai controlled) does.
If you fail to do so, you loose.
If you succeed, you go on to the next "Level".
There are a total of 35 levels, each with it's own difficulty.
How to play:
Press the X and O buttons as fast as possible in rapid succession to bring up the "Energy Bar", when past the red "goal" bar press either the L or R Shoulder buttons to Strike the Object.
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October 15th, 2006, 13:56 Posted By: wraggster
The russian site PSPx have released a new issue of their magazine for its users, it covers most of the new games coming soon for the PSP. As the magazine is in russian it will only appeal to those who understand the language, check it out here
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October 15th, 2006, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
The Personal Media Manager team have released a new version of their Media Manager for the PSP,
Heres whats new:
Manage Savegame (new version): Correction of the bug to display savegame's na
Manage homebrew : Display PSP 1.0 homebrew
Manage Movie : 1) Add progress bar to WMV movie encoding. 2) Correction of the bug to display movie name's on WMV encoding
Download the French and English editions which weigh in at 20 megs each at their site here --> http://www.psp-mediamanager.com/
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October 15th, 2006, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
PopcornX posted this news/release:
This is almost like HelloPRX by Sousanator except it plays PMF files instead of displaying ascii.
This program will play a PMF (length does not matter now! you can make your pmf how ever long you want!) file after you do a hardboot. During the movie, you can press X to skip the movie...However, the movie will freeze and if you press X right when the movie is about to be over.
You can see an example here
thanks to kage no yami and his cool intro!
Custom Firmware Proof of Concept - by Dark_alex
An PMF movie that you want your intro to be
1.5 Firmware (this has not been tested out on 2.71...email me at piccahoe2k@hotmail.com if you tried it on 2.71.)
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Please read throughly before trying this software
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October 15th, 2006, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
The Unique Warrior posted this news/release:
The Ushell is out now :
It play's mp3 located in ms0:/ushell/mp3.mp3
It has a Background changer that remain were ever u go Exept The PSP Counter
Fix The Background for counter... and mp3 changing ... USB Actvation and a lot more
U can see the readme file 2....
It can be started on DA 2.71 SE-A
Update v0.11 :
fixed the bug for black backgound on mp3 start.
////// and it takes less memory on cash..
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October 15th, 2006, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
New release from trex6662k5 of his mod of jonnys Xbox Media Centre Remote Interface, heres the info from the readme:
Changes Since V0.6 Mod
-Index.lua is now system.lua in system folder
-Thumbnail path is now no longer fixed
-Fixed a mistype which caused the script to crash when adding a folder to playlist
-Removed that annoying sound that played everytime you pressed a direction key
-Button to play DVD (option to automatically switch to remotecontrol after pressing)
-Button to restart XBMC (By using new left shoulder button modifier)
-Fixed the play timer so it gives you a very slightly inaccurate position of music\video
-Fixed the issue with getcurrentlyplaying with a Time of nil
-Left shoulder button modifier
holding the left shoulder button in combination with others will trigger alternative actions
Currently (holding left trigger)
Left and Right (Previous and Next, (for music, videos or picutures))
Up and down (on shutdown button will cycle though 2 available options, restart or shutdown xbox)
Cross (sync with the xbox)
-Static writing which were drawn at runtime
Writing which remained from V0.2 in the remote control screen
Writing at the top of the main screens
Have now been moved to the background PNGs
A mild performace increase
-neatened code (well in my eyes anyways) and reorganised functions and made less use of variables
A mild performace increase
-Reduced the length of the now playing scroller which caused most lag and timeouts if it were too long
A HUGE performance increase
Known Bugs.
--Controls are now extremely responsive. I am currently thinking this is due to the performance increase
unless I broke something elsewhere. I played around with the delay settings in settings.ini but no
change. Having spent a few hours dribbing at this problem Ive given up
--If you have a playlist playing already before you logged on using the PSP. Next and previous functions
dont work untill the script makes its own local playlist (eg by playing a file)
Ideas (May need a whole redesign for these and might beyond my reach)
"viewing picture of pictures" display (Eg Picture 5 of 13)
--RSS feeds
--getting screenshots in remote controls and for displaying pictures
I have that almost working
--using getsysteminfo to get more information (EG Weather)
sounds\looks easy...now a matter of doing it
--playlists for all media
current problem is depending on which screen your under (video, music, pictures) it will attempt to play the
first file using the command it that screen requires (eg displaypicture for an MP3)
A way to distinguish between video, file and pictures is nescessary and (like xbox) a list of extensions will
need to be kept locally and updated
--play whole folder without viewing it
kinda like pressing select on a folder to add them to a play list
--unicode or a way of converting characters to a more readable form
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October 15th, 2006, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
PSPhakkor posted this news/release:
Here it is everyone, I'm so excited to be releasing my first game. It seemed only yesterday (because it was) that I was confused as crap by C++ on the psp, so I decided to use Lua .
Now, mainly to get myself acquainted with the language, I programmed a simple running game similar to those track and field and olympic games for the consoles which I love and can't wait for a psp version.
It is only text based at the moment, partly because I was having a hard time making simple running animations or images, but with time, I'm sure they'll some together and I'd really love to slip them in there as soon as possible. However, there are a few things I want to do first, as outlined in the readme.
Please give me feedback as I would love to know how to make my programming better and if you actually like playing the game(I would like to know if you do!), what should be on my future improvement list?
Anyways, This is the most exciting thing to happen to me in a long time, so I'm really proud of myself right now. Hope you like it.
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October 15th, 2006, 16:08 Posted By: Freshmilk
Welcome to my 7th release of TTR.
I'd like to mention that it is indeed kxploited, so there is no damn luaplayer needed!
Okay, so now its time for a brief overview of the Game:
TTR stands for Table Top Rally, which is like your average Car-Dodging style game plus one. Rather than having the same boring old layout everytime you play, there are new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. If none of these appeal to you, everything I just mentioned can be custimized and changed with the minimum of effort, in 5 minutes, to make the game look and feel just how it should. And with our new feature, custom cars, the game's already limitless boundries are stretched even further.
This is basically the perfect game for the office, on the road, or having a wee, for an addictive fast-paced thrill game as you swere and dodge to avoid a firey death at the hands of oncoming traffic. Read on to find out more.
Phew, you'd think i'm actually trying to sell you this thing!
Anyways, nwo that we've heard what the game is all about, lets look at some screenshots of the new features included in this release of Table Top Rally:
Lol, amazing, isn't it?
Okay, now that we have a basic idea of what the game is, lets look at whats new to this version:
- New Re-Vamped Soundtrack
- Custom Music
- Music Management (To set your music)
- Movement Management (How fast or slow your car moves)
- Improved Collision detection for Intersection
- Fixed Intro Credits
- Fixed white boxes on some of the cars
- Highscores (Hopefully) Fixed
- Once again, new GFX courtesy of PSP_Bling
- Compatible with windows lua! (if you run the Game.lua first)
It's hard for me to keep track of everything new in this release, theres too much to remember, so if I've missed something please tell me!
Now its time to say thanks to everyone that made this version possible, espcially my partner Skate_3214, who basically did everything but the coding. If you didn't know, Skate_3214 is now my partner for this project and will continue to help me with versions to come. Also, whilst i'm here, i might as well apologize to long delays on this release, we just had to make sure that everything was perfect for all you TTR fans
Thanks for playing, and have fun, but remember;
Tell us your comments and Suggestions, they're always appreciated!
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October 15th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: rerofumi
I rerofumi have released two homebrew games. "TCGS-BLOCK" and "TCGS-INVADER(psp-lunavader)"
Insert by wraggster
Block is a game where you bounce the ball and it breaks through the blocks at the top, from the translation it seems multiple balls can be used.
Invador is a cool looking space shooter
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October 15th, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
coolguy5678 posted this news/release:
This is my second TIFF game. It's a bomberman clone that goes by the name of TNT Dude. It isn't finished yet, but I've got an early release for you.
Right now I haven't done the AI yet, so you're limited to 2-player games on one PSP (like the first 1 player pong game).
The controls:
Player 1
Move: D-pad
Drop bomb: Left shoulder button
Player 3 (not a typo)
Move: Face buttons (X, circle, triangle, square)
Drop bomb: Right shoulder button
Other controls
Take screenshot: Note
Quit: Home
Things I plan to add:
A menu for choosing between 1 player mode, 2 player 1v1 mode and 2 player with computer mode
Simple powerups (more bombs, more powerful bombs)
Maybe: more complex powerups
Maybe: more maps
Double maybe: A level editor
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October 15th, 2006, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Bawls has released what he says is the final version of his Anti Theft Software for PSP, heres the full release details:
ok this will most likely be the last release. This is an app that will help return your psp if it is stolen and the thief access' the memory stick via usb, this app will send you an email with his IP . this file is only about 3 kb so it should not concern people about space. just have this on your stick just in case.I made a flavor of ATPSP for the conservatives out there which shuts down ur computer if ur not the owner and try to access the PSP stick
If you vote please suggest what i should do. The harshest i can think of is to just shutdown the comp everytime it is started.. and changing the background if i can
ok here is what this release is about :
# should send a popup to everyone on the network that that person stole the psp.
OK to get started.
1.Right click on my computer and click properties
2. Go to the Advanced tab
3. Click on Enviormental Variables at the bottom.
4. You will see 2 white boxes. one above the other. click into the lower one labeled System Variables.
5. Click New
6. A box will popup asking variable name and variable value
Variable Name = thief
Varable Value = false
7. After you Add the info click the OK box. Keep clickin the ok box until you have exited to your desktop.
Great now you are considered the PSP owner
drag all the files in the attachment into the root of your psp (X:/)
now you have to setup your email
1. Right click the .htm file and click edit or open it with notepad
2. Near the end you will see a crazy email adress (asdf92j4509sdjfi340i5df@ gmail.com)
3. replace this with your email adress. In my case it would be trainstroker@gmail.com
4. save this .htm file and close it
Great now the rest is optional
there are 2 .ico files for you to choose from. you can find more online but for now lets use one of these 2. by default you are using psp.ico. if you wish to change that do the following
1. open autorun.inf with notepad or right-click and click edit
2. change icon=psp.ico to icon=whatever_icon_you_wa nt.ico
ok now to change the PSP title
1. open autorun.inf with notepad or right-click and click edit
2. Change label=PSP to label=Phils Amazing PSP or whatever you wish.. just be sure to not change label= just whats after that.
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October 15th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: BL4Z3D247
Eiffel56 has created a new homebrew application for 2.71 SE-A, that allows users to fully customize the firmware.
Hey Guys
Here´s my very simple Firmware 2.71 SE-A Customizer. You can Modify Font, Gameboot and Background.
Just extract the EBOOT.PBP to /PSP/GAME150/271c.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! It writes to flash0!
Have fun
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October 15th, 2006, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
More GTA News from GTA Portable.com
More details came through today with a hands-on preview that UGO.com posted. The preview goes into details on some of the missions they got to play, where they talk about taking a mission from the Mendez brothers. This reveals that the previously revealed Diego Mendez, is in fact the brother of T-Bone Mendez from San Andreas. Either that or he has another brother.
We also learn that the same hidden package system will be returning to Vice City, in the form of balloons! There are 99 red balloons scattered around the city, which you need to pop.
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October 16th, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Japan is certainly excited for the new GPS peripheral. amazon.co.jp is reporting that its first shipment for the device is already sold out. The customers that are buying the tool are also buying Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, most likely because the Kojima stealth game happens to support the device. They're also picking up Chotto Shot (the PSP camera), because as you know, once you start buying peripherals for a system, you want to buy them all. The hardcore Japanese PSP fans appreciate the PSP's Swiss Army knife-like functionality... how about you? Will you be picking up the GPS system when it comes out?
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October 16th, 2006, 03:56 Posted By: wraggster
melterx12 posted this news/release:
Hey its me again! Just stopped by to post my BETA release of LUA Compiler 0.1. Its an editing program made for making lua scripts with ease.
First off, BE SURE TO READ THE README UNLESS YOU WANT TO HAVE PROBLEMS! Second this needs .NET framework 2.0 or later to run at all. And finally please keep in mind this is a BETA and is not even half finished yet, its just a taste of whats to come within the next coming weeks.
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October 16th, 2006, 04:00 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Mailas, heres the full details:
What this project is about is where you ride a platform (either you are Proto Man Or Megaman) by either using the UP and DOWN or TRIANGLE and CIRCLE buttons (depending on which character you are) to move up or down and avoid you're players aposing bullet. Although only 1 bullet is the chance to kill you, which is why to make it easy on you, there are blocks which you must destroy to get to you're opponent. Im going to be adding some features like:
Being Able To Risk A Live To Put You're Blocks Back Together Incase you're opponent has knocked them all down
Risking A Life To Automatically Destroy All You're Opponents Block
Power Ups
Stuff like that. Im just about ready to work on the shooting.
As you can see I have been able to move my Y position of my Megaman and Protoman image blits. Thats practicly all you can do right now though:
Future Updates:
* Enable Shooting
* Add In Bullet Collisions
* Enable Screen Peramiters
* Score Tally
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October 16th, 2006, 04:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jamie Fuller:
Planet Smash is my first ever shoot 'em up, I wanted to go for a 360 degree rotating view, as opposed to the standard left to right or bottom to top scrollers.
The idea of the game is to destroy all life on the 30 solar systems within the universe. Do this by collecting the planets (by flying into them) and then crashing similar planets into each other (also by flying into them), don't be surprised if the planets make a last ditch attemp at desytoying you by sending out a fleet of fighters!!!,
There are 30 levels in this game (10 levels, each repeated 3 times on progressivly harder settings)
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October 16th, 2006, 04:29 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all its 3am here in the UK and im knackered but anyway i was sent a new beta tonight, it doesnt have dynarec in the emulator yet but theres quite a speed boost over previous beta releases, Command and Conquer Retalition is now close to full Speed and the previously extremely slow Masters of the Tera Kasi has seen a noticeble speedup. Ive just tried Battle Arena Toshinden, Destruction Derby and Some Air Hockey game but none of them loaded also GTA crashed on the loading screen, some game called Crazy Hit2 was very playable infact i reckon full speed. finally Ridge racer was still slow.
Funny how games fluctuate on speed?
Screens of some of the games via Comments & as before i do not know when it will be released but it will be first on DCEmu
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October 16th, 2006, 07:49 Posted By: IamAbe
I finished the seccond release of Color Puzzle. There's still no level editer , but you can make your own levels. I added some new graphics and a menu . The .rar file includes a 1.0 & 1.5 version of the game, use WinRAR to extract it.
Post your level packs in the comments.
Here's a link to the download: Color Puzzle r2
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October 16th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: TCLCloud
Apparantly Sony have been releasing UMDs to YourPSP members containing Beta versions of firmware 3.0. Wonder howe long it'll take before it ends up on the internet?
Added features-
Gif playback
Quicktime playback
Playstation One emulator
Watching flash videos on web browser
Streaming wmvs on psp browser
Hmmmmmm, interesting?
Update: its a big bit of fake pie, live and learn eh.
Come on Sony dish the goods.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has announced UK release dates for Call of Duty 3.
The Xbox 360 version will be arrive in stores on 10th November, the publisher says, while the PlayStation 2 version is due out on 24th November.
Interestingly, Activision is quoting 1st December for the Nintendo Wii version, although the console itself isn't due out in Europe until 8th December.
As for the PlayStation 3 version, that's going to follow along with the console next March (or, you know, whenever).
Call of Duty 3, of course, is being developed by Treyarch and aims to combine more of the series' historical accuracy and reverence for the subject matter with its similarly trademark cinematic intensity. You can read more about how the developer's bringing these apparently conflicting elements together in our recent hands-on with the game.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Xfire will organise and host multiplayer online tournaments for PlayStation 3 users when the console launches later this year according to Xfire CEO Mike Cassidy.
The company already runs its Play With events for PC users, which sees users playing for and against some of the worlds' leading professional gaming clans.
"We'll bring professional console teams and let anyone who wants to play with them to do so using Xfire technology. The same thing that you see on the PC, you'll see on the PS3," Cassidy told GamesIndustry.biz.
"With our Play With events we think of it as everyone wins, because it's a way for anyone in the world to play with some of the top, professional gamers," he continued.
"It's like playing a hole of golf with Tiger Woods. That's what it's like for gamers, they get to play for five or ten minutes with some of the best gamers in the world. We've had over 100,000 people do these online events."
Xfire is currently developing a middleware solution for Sony's PlayStation 3 that will allow developers to use its PC and console communication tools in upcoming online titles. Cassidy confirmed that at least six titles are currently using the system, with more on the way.
"We've been talking to developers and publishers even before the official announcement," he said. "We've got half a dozen games already in the works, and we're talking to the majority of the top twenty PS3 game developers in the world about PS3 integration of Xfire."
Developers and publishers already in partnership with Xfire include EA, Activision, VU Games, Ubisoft, 2K Games and Lucas Arts.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Brian Eno's song "Ending (An Ascent)" was used in two films--Traffic (2000) and 28 Days Later (2003) to convey an eerie-but-hopeful ambience. Now, the track has apparently been appropriated by Sony for use in what appears to be the first official television ad for the PlayStation 3. (Fan-made PS3 ads have bounced around the Web for months.)
Though it had not been officially confirmed as authentic by Sony, the professionally produced 70-second spot, shows a young boy packing his bags and then running onto his apartment building rooftop. After exchanging looks with another, similarly excited youngster, the boy looks skyward, where a giant object is casting a huge shadow shaped like the number "3."
The ad then fades to a black screen with the white tagline "The Wait is Over" and the PS3 logo. Although the clip appears to be from a Russian source, it is for the US market as it touts the North American launch date of November 17. It is viewable on YouTube here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/w0QxoKnU5Zg
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October 16th, 2006, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Today Japanese-language gaming site Famitsu.com divulged some details about the upcoming sequel to Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation Portable action role-playing hybrid Kingdom of Paradise. Known as Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden in Japan, the game is scheduled to hit shelves there on October 19. The game will have two main playable protagonists, Rou and Shunka, but according to Famitsu other characters will become playable as the story progresses. A pair of new characters were also introduced: One is a hulking, booze-swilling monk named Sutta Monda, while the other is Sema Purunapaine Borumu, the 23rd empress of the continent on which the story is set. Famitsu.com also reported that players will be able to download new quests and items using the PSP's wireless network capabilities.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sixaxis is the worst name for a controller in the history of the world, whether you spell it entirely in capital letters or no. Luckily, the Sixaxis also appears to be the worst controller in the world, so it's aptly named!
From an IGN hands-on of the Playstation 3:
Compared to Microsoft's uber-comfortable Xbox 360 pad, the SIXAXIS feels cheap, plasticky, uncomfortable and disconcertingly light - almost as if it's going to fly out of your hands during those more extreme gaming moments.
More worrying still, the newly-designed lower L and R shoulder triggers feel more like they belong on an early controller prototype than the near-final model. Replicating the 360 pad, rather than being simple shoulder-mounted buttons, the triggers are now hinged horizontally along the controller, with pressure forcing them inward along the bottom - like triggers then, really. Trouble is, they're placed almost unnaturally low meaning we found ourselves operating them by jamming our fingers in between the hinges to apply pressure, rather than using the buttons themselves. What's more, the triggers are convex, with no grooves to keep your fingers in place - an issue further compounded by their smooth finish, offering no resistance against your finger tips. Invariably we found our digits slipping off with the triggers snapping back to their default position. Bah.
SIXAXIS? More like SUXASSES, am I right? Wokka wokka! You guys can steal that joke if you want, I haven't copyrighted it or anything. Maybe we can get a meme going.
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October 16th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Bring to life an adventure of intrigue, deceit, and revelation in Avatar The Last Airbender. Play as Aang, Katara, Haru, and Sokka as you grow your team into an unstoppable force making discoveries in a thrilling blend of magic and martial-arts combat. Use your fully customizable bending powers to master the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire and explore the beautifully detailed environments of the Avatar nations.
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October 16th, 2006, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm has sent us this news:
If you do not have PSP
Better to buy one FW2.71 now
maybe later, you just can buy FW2.81 :P
Basically he says that Sony are sending out v2.81 PSPs from the factory now, so if you want homebrew PSPs use places like SuccessHK who do a range of different firmware PSPs.
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October 16th, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Ok so the version 3.0 should be around the corner with the PSone emulator they have been promising us (unless either Yoshi or AC can beat them)
Whats on your Firmware 3.0 wishlist?
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October 17th, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: joesnose
i just carried out my first psp hardware mod, i love racing games and ever since i got my psp i couldnt beleive how unresponsive the thumb nub was. I opened it up once with a veiw to adding a steering wheel but i couldnt work out how to wire it. Then last week i read an article about Benjamin Heckendorn "porting", hacking, a ps2 analogue stick onto his psp. That was it Ben showed me the light, although he just wired it and had the wires hanging out, i didn't like this so i added a mini usb type port to my psp and a mini usb connector to my stick, this makes it detachable and adds scope to making different addons (steering wheel). Thanks to Benjamin Heckendorn, without his schematics i wouldn't have been able to do this, now my psp feels whole.
I'm including some photos and a link to a video i posted on youtube.
thanks for your time.
Joe Stranger.
Screens Below
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October 17th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: ninja9393
well there was some drama on the last time i posted this so zion told me to post it again
Ok so this is a huge release of metroid featuring:
-enemies(space pirate)
-ability to kill enemies(may take 10-20 shots)
To be added in the next release
-The story
-ability to play either as the the SA-X of fusion suit samus
-more rooms
Ok look at the ability to play either as the the SA-X of fusion suit samus. What i mean by that is u have a charecter select screen saying samus or sa-x
I did this cause every one likes being the bad guy.This will also make it have 2 stories w/ cutscenes
And thanks to Charlie for the A.I code on Evilmana
Hope you guys like it
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October 17th, 2006, 04:43 Posted By: DDRLord
After seeing Coldbird's 2.71 fix for the corrupted icon problem, I decided it needed a nice GUI (this was before Dragula's) so I created my own in Java. Then when I released it, I got quite a lashing from the Mac community for not making it crossplatform compatible. So a good day's worth of porting (MakeSFO, Unpack-PBP, and Pack-PBP) later, I ended up with this little beast.
It's a full, crossplatform Java application designed to fix homebrew to work properly on 2.71 SE (or Epsilon.) The only reason I even bundled a .exe is because I know Windows can be a pain with Java, so the slightly less experienced users should instead stick with that.
Anyhow, using it is pretty simple...
In 1.0 mode:
1) Type in the name the application will recieve in the text field.
2) Click the bix "Fix" button and select the EBOOT you want fixed. It'll change the title, and strip all images other than the icon (if it has one) just to be safe.
(It'll also work on the EBOOTs from the % folder of Kxploited applications, in case you want to keep it compatible with good old 1.5.)
In 1.5 mode:
1) Type in the name the application will recieve in the text field.
2) Click the lower button and select the EBOOT in the % folder.
3) Click the upper button and select the EBOOT in the non-% folder. This EBOOT will now be changed to 1.0 format, and will be fixed.
(Of course, you could also use my app to just do a 1.5->1.0 conversion, if you're not fond of anything else out there.)
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October 17th, 2006, 07:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for the PSP:
Homestar brings planetarium fun to your PSP. The game features five million stars, viewable under a variety of options, including a scripted tour with voice narration filling in the details. You can also chose to view natural phenomenon, such as eclipses and Aurora effects.
More Info /buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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October 17th, 2006, 11:54 Posted By: Darksaviour69
PS3 development chief makes the case for next-gen discs
Launch titles for the PlayStation 3 are already "getting up close" to the 25GB limit on current Blu-Ray discs, according to Sony's worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison, who was responding to criticism of the PS3's adoption of Blu-Ray.
"Already, at our launch titles, we're getting up close to the 25GB limit that we have on our Blu-Ray discs this year," he claimed. "Next year we'll raise that to 50GB, and I'd expect that we’ll be getting close to that in the fairly near future as well."
Speaking in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz journalist Rob Fahey, Harrison decried suggestions that the Blu-Ray drive had been included in the machine purely to push Sony's agenda with regard to Blu-Ray movies.
"It's got nothing to do with movies," he responded. "DVD is not sufficient capacity to power the kind of data consumption, or to feed the data consumption needs of Cell and RSX - just purely as a gameplay device, we need Blu-Ray to supply the kind of data that PS3 games use."
Harrison also responded to questioning about the claim that the capacity of Blu-Ray will be used simply to provide more high definition movie sequences, effectively filling the discs - and games - with non-interactive content.
"It's not just about graphics," he said. "It's about 7.1 audio, it's about speech, it’s about having up to 1080p movies built into the game; it's high res textures, it's animation, it's everything that goes into making a very rich and varied next-gen experience. Partly it's visual, partly it's sound, and partially it'll be down to gameplay benefits as well - more levels, more detail, richer experiences."
However, he also defended the right of developers to include rendered video in their - a key feature of many titles, even on next-generation systems.
"I see nothing wrong with having non-interactive, full HD sequences as part of the game," he said. "That's all part of the production value and the experience that you get when you buy the game. I don't see that as a weakness at all."
The Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 has been blamed both for contributing heavily to the cost of the system, and for causing the production delays which ultimately led to the decision to move the European launch back to 2007. Microsoft has accused Sony of taking choice away from consumers by including Blu-Ray - the Xbox 360 will have an optional external HD-DVD drive, although this can only be used for movie playback and will not be accessible to game developers.
Meanwhile, some consumers have questioned the value of Blu-Ray to videogames, given the ability of developers to fit games on the scale of Xbox 360 and PC title Oblivion onto a single DVD - although it should be noted that Oblivion, despite its scale, is a relatively early next-gen title. Many early titles in the previous generation shipped on CDs, but DVDs were widespread within a year to eighteen months, as developers learned to exploit more of the systems' functionality and streamlined the content creation process.
Harrison acknowledged that some early titles will not make full use of Blu-Ray's capacity, but was adamant that the standard will be vital to the PS3 in the coming years. "Not every game is going to fill 25 or 50GB," he said. "I completely accept that - but there will be games that require that this year, and will push that further in years to come."
Phil Harrison was speaking in an exclusive interview on the PlayStation 3, which is currently being serialised on the recently launched ThreeSpeech website, with additional excerpts set to appear on GamesIndustry.biz in the coming days.
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October 17th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
UK retailer Currys has expelled Rockstar's Canis Canem Edit from its shelves
The first in a long line of 'family-friendly' stores taking a stance (even though they stock the likes of GTA and Scarface) or just a knee-jerk reaction to Canis Canem Edit's original moniker Bully?
A spokesperson for Currys said, "We're a family-friendly retailer. We don't think this game is appropriate for our stores and have decided not to stock it."
The 15-rated game goes on sale in Europe on October 27.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China are new colours of their Smooth As Silk Range, heres the screens:
The Smooth as Silk faceplate has been colored using a special process that makes the faceplate extra smooth, enhancing your gaming experience.
New mold. New lens. Special smooth coating . The best quality plastic.
This is a high end faceplate available in various colors.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: TCLCloud
Here is my new portal for the PSP ideally 2.80 but anything from 2.00 upwards is fine. Also if you emulate higher versions of firmware and have access to RSS and Flash then this is fine.
1. After Unziping folder place Portal 117 Folder in D:\PSP\COMMON to make D:\PSP\COMMON\Portal 117
2. On your PSP Browser type file:/psp/common/portal117/portal117.htm
3. The main portal page should load up, from here you can select Games, Apps, Videos, Wallpapers, RSS and Podcasts
and Links, i would suggest adding the main page to your bookmarks or setting it as your home page
This version contains-
45 Flash Games
4 Flash Apps
5 Flash Cartoons
10+ video Downloads
4 wallpaper pack downlaods
50+ wallpaper downloads
10 RSS Channels video and audio
20+ Links on Links Page
Credits page
Things left to do-
1. Add direct Demo links, so far only links to Zip folders possible, any attempt at downloading an EBOOT will result in it being saved in a file called "update" and not allowing the demo to work.
2. Add more videos, wallpapers, flash games and flash apps
3. Add content related to next firmware release.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft could barely contain its glee at being able to confirm exclusive downloadable content for next year's Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV - but PS3 fans need not fear, as it seems the Sony release is also firmly in line to receive its very own dazzling additions.
According to a source close to Rockstar North, the team is working on exclusive supplemental content for both systems, which will be made available for download via Microsoft and Sony's respective online services after the game's release next year.
In case you missed it, Microsoft revealed at X06 that Xbox 360 owners will get "exclusive access to two downloadable, epic episodes of GTA IV via Xbox Live, each with hours of entirely new gameplay and available only on Xbox 360 just months after the release of the title".
We're told to expect much the same deal on PS3, except unique to the platform. Interestingly, the downloadable content, our source maintains, will take the form of brand new areas which will link into the main GTAIV game world.
"Think of the world as a large island - the new downloadable areas will be like smaller islands linking into it," the source explained. (Which is a structural analogy, rather than a suggestion that the game is set on an island, we hasten to add.)
How many additional areas or episodes Rockstar is planning is anyone's guess at this juncture, but it seems the game is at least being structured to accommodate a number of expansive new content releases in the weeks and months after release, while also satisfying platform holder - and console owner - demand for exclusive material.
Though with 'exclusive' being a somewhat elastic term these days, especially where Grand Theft Auto is concerned, we wouldn't be remotely surprised if you end up playing 'exclusive' 360 episodes on your PS3, and vice versa. One thing's for sure - there's nothing more certain to piss off the fanboys than a level playing field.
No formal response from Rockstar at the time of writing. But, as ever, don't expect official word until they're good and ready.
Grand Theft Auto IV is scheduled to release on Xbox 360 and PS3 in the US on 16th October 2007, with Europe getting hold of it just three days later.
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October 17th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Major electronics retailers PC World, Currys and Dixons have refused to stock controversial Rockstar title Bully, renamed Canis Canem Edit in Europe.
All owned by DSG International, the group has confirmed the title will not be on sale in High Street stores PC World and Currys Digital, as well as online outlet Dixons.co.uk.
"We have no plans to stock Canis Canem Edit," said a statement from Currys.
"We're fully aware people will be able to buy this game elsewhere, but we feel this game is not appropriate for Currys' family-friendly image."
"We have a good relationship with the game's producers Rockstar, and look forward to working with them going forward," concluded the statement.
The above outlets currently sell a range of software, including 18-rated titles from a variety of publishers.
PC World is taking pre-orders for Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, as well as Grand Theft Auto IV, to be released in October 2007.
Canis Canem Edit is released in Europe on October 27th, and carries a BBFC 15 rating.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Source: A posting packed with screenshots and game details on the PS3forums message boards.
The official story: Sony did not return a request for comment as of press time.
What we heard: This week Sony is holding a Gamers Day, a press-only event that gives the company a chance to show off its upcoming games, and make a few announcements. This Gamers Day is a little more anticipated than most, given that it comes less than a month before Sony the PlayStation 3's November 17 launch in North America, and is expected to answer a number of questions surrounding the machine.
One of those questions is "What games is Sony planning for its digital distribution service?" The answer to that may have leaked out a little early, as a poster on PS3forums by the name of "Elder " appears to have preemptively dumped a slew of Sony screenshots and game details onto the Web.
While Elder's post has new pictures of Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom, Full Auto 2: Battlelines, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, the real attraction is the list of "e-Distribution" games. From Sony, there's Blast Factor, Lemmings 2, Go Sudoku, Swizzleblocks, Criminal Crackdown, and the previously announced flOw.
At first glance, Blast Factor appears to be a shooter in the mold of the Xbox Live Arcade games Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved or Mutant Storm. However, the details promise "integral use" of the motion-sensitive Sixaxis controller, noting, "By tilting left and right, gamers can push enemies around the play field, but need to be careful as some might enemies not react as expected."
While the other new games on that list aren't detailed, some information can be gleaned from the screenshots. Go Sudoku is a flashy version of the puzzle phenomenon that includes a multiplayer mode supporting at least four players. Lemmings 2 appears not to be a port of the early '90s PC and console follow-up to the classic puzzle game, but instead an original game with a visual sheen more akin to the Worms series of games.
Finally, Swizzleblocks is a grid-based block puzzle game with a multiplayer mode, and Criminal Crackdown is a complete mystery, with the only information posted being a cartoon drawing of a criminal crook fleeing the police with a bag of money in one hand and the Mona Lisa in the other.
While the third-party games lined up for PS3 e-Distribution weren't detailed or shown in screens, they were named. There's the TV game show Wheel of Fortune, a PS3 version of the PlayStation Portable racer hybrid Gripshift, and Crash Carnage Ciaos, which is either a typo that should read "Crash Carnage Chaos," or perhaps something combining mass destruction and Italian greetings.
The sheer volume of assets in that thread, the number of new screens for existing games, and the fact that Sony has a press event scheduled for this week (always a prime time for leaks) is convincing enough to buy into this one.
Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: benh
Hi all
I was given a link to a post on the us site about the 3.00 update, it claims that the info on the new firmware will be announced at a gamers show in san fransisco on 19th october heres what they had to say
-Sony will be reveling the information as well as dating the release about the next major update at "Gamer's Day" in San Francisco on October 19th. You guys will just love the new "Remote Play" feature, located under the "Network" icon, which allows you to access the PLAYSTATION® 3 from the PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable).
link - http://boardsus.playstation.com/play...ead.id=2582564
Awesome eh
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October 17th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
In case your time has kept on slippin' ... into the future, the November issue of EGM (and today's date) reminds us that Sony and Nintendo next-gen offerings are only a month a way; Nov. 17 and 19 respectively. With that, the gamer mag has a feature comparing PS2 and GameCube launches by the numbers to see if history can teach us anything about the launch potential of the PS3 and Wii.
PlayStation 2
Number of launch titles: 29
Average EGM review score: 71%
Launch pro: Diverse and high number of games
Launch con: Majority of launch titles were "rushed-out rubbish"
PS3 launch outlook: EGM believes Sony can have a successful launch depending on the final number of launch titles which is still unknown. Like everyone else, they believe availability will at least hurt the system's initial potential.
Number of launch titles: 10
Average EGM review score: 77%
Launch pro: "Not a lot" despite what the print mag calls above-average third-party games.
Launch con: Lack of games (see above) sans a big franchise
Wii launch outlook: $250 price, Wii Sports packed-in, and upwards of 25 launch titles including Zelda are a good thing. Third-party publisher's ability to deliver games and those searching for "next-gen" graphics may be turned off by Wii, however.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial release for PSP:
The story takes place far west of the "Ouka Continent", the stage for "Tenchi No Mon", the "Seima Continent".
On this vast land, existed a giant "Mon" (gate) that seemingly pierced the sky and stood proudly on the land. The top was hidden in the swirling clouds that always stayed in the sky around the gate, while the bottom was somewhere in the horizon.
It was so big that its features could be seen clearly from anywhere in the continent, and it seemed like a white silvery pillar piercing through the earth and the sky from far. This "Mon" was respectfully and fearfully called "Seima Mon", and was seen as the symbol of the Seima god.
The player has to switch frequently between the two main characters to make them work like a team. The male main character "Rou" can wield carefree and alluring swordplay, spear skills and taijustsu (bare fists and feet), while the female lead "Shunka" can release colourful and elaborate magic (spiritual power) to move the earth. And one can switch between the characters at any time according to the battle situation, emphasising the tightness and seamlessness of the battles and the strategic interlink of attack and defence.
More info / buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1jld.html
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October 17th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
New soundtrack released:
The LocoRoco Original Soundtrack is the full length soundtrack album based on Sony's popular PSP™ game LocoRoco, featuring a total of 42 tracks from the game, including the theme song "LocoRoco No Uta". An album both adults and children will love.
Order LocoRoco Original Soundtrack: LocoRoco No Uta now at a price of US$ 24.90 only. Also available is the single release LocoRoco no Uta at US$ 9.90 only. Also on preorder is the Korochan Pack: LocoRoco soundtrack release, which include the theme song, stage music for each of the six main characters and a picture book with images of the characters.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1kyk.html
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October 17th, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: SNK Playmore's Garou Densetsu Battle Archives 1 for PlayStation2™ at US$ 19.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
SNK Playmore keeps the games coming by releasing the 5th volume of online compilations with Garou Densetsu/Fatal Fury Collection #1 containing Fatal Fury, FF 2, FF Special, and FF 3. The legendary series moves from Geese Howard and Wolfgang Krauser to the new story arc with the Jin Twins while new gameplay elements are added to keep the action nonstop. With added options and online capability, this reunion of classic games are a die hard fighter's wish come true.
SNK Playmore's 2D fighting collection Garou Densetsu Battle Archives 1 for PlayStation2™ is now available at discounted US$ 19.90 only.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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October 17th, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
new press release:
Premium casual game developer and publisher, MumboJumbo today announced it plans to bring its best-selling casual games franchises to the PSP system. MumboJumbo’s first two releases, LUXOR: Wrath of Set and Platypus, will be available in mid November.
“MumboJumbo has already established itself as the leading provider of premium casual games at the retail channel for PC and MAC users,” remarked Mark Cottam, MumboJumbo’s CEO. “Now PSP system owners will be able to play some of the most popular casual titles ever made, like LUXOR, which exceeded 40 million downloads since its debut in 2005.”
LUXOR: Wrath of Set is the latest in the smash hit action-puzzle franchise first made popular by Luxor, the #1 online casual game of 2005. LUXOR: Wrath of Set, is developed and published by MumboJumbo, and offers the same addictive and easy-to-learn, yet difficult-to-master game play which made the original award-winning LUXOR franchise such a huge success. And now, being introduced to a whole new audience, LUXOR: Wrath of Set is setting a new standard for action-puzzle casual games on the PSP system.
Platypus is the first ever claymation side-scrolling shooter game to be launched on the PSP system. With its unique, hand-molded 3D clay graphics and non-stop pulse-pounding action game play, it proves itself to be a truly ground-breaking casual game for the PSP system.
The releases of LUXOR: Wrath of Set and Platypus for the PSP system signifies MumboJumbo’s first foray into the console market. Over the past several years, MumboJumbo has built its reputation as the premier publisher of premium casual games with bestselling releases for the PC and Mac. MumboJumbo plans to expand the audience for their titles by bringing their hit casual game franchises to new gaming platforms in the near future.
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October 17th, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
EA have just sent us some yummy screenshots of the latest Sims game coming to PSP.
Check em out via Comments
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October 17th, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
When asked about PlayStation 3's network details Hirai confirmed an interesting feature for anticipated launch first-person shooter Resistance: Fall of Man. In addition to 40 person multiplayer Hirai said the game will support "video chat, text chat, voice chat, rankings for games, downloading additional content for your games like levels, weapons or characters depending on the game and their online capabilities."
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October 17th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
The in-game soundtrack to Tony Hawk'S Project 8 will feature no less than 56 tracks from a wide array of popular musicians including Kasabian, Ministry, Wolfmother, Gnarls Barkley as well as the debut single from the group Plus-44.
"The Tony Hawk's Project 8 soundtrack features an eclectic collection of original and licensed music from punk rock and hip hop to metal," said Tim Riley, worldwide executive of music at Activision. "The music captures the rebellious, off-beat, high energy vibe exemplified in skate culture and in the video game."
Tony Hawk 8 Complete In-Game Track Listing
76% Uncertain - "Radio"
Aurelius- "Hemlock"
Bad Religion - "Social Suicide"
Black Mountain - "Druganaut"
Charizma & PB Wolf - "Devotion"
Claus Grabke - "Cause"
Cryptic Slaughter - "Lowlife"
Damian Marley - "Move"
Dead Milkmen, The - "Punk Rock Girl"
Die Young (TX) - "Anthem of the Prodigal Son"
Eagles of Death Metal - "Chase The Devil"
Funk Face - "Zoo York City"
Gnarls Barkley - "Gone Daddy Gone"
Gym Class Heroes - "The Queen And I"
Hieroglyphics - "At The Helm"
Hold Steady, The - "Your Little Hoodrat Friend"
Immortal - "One by One"
Jaylib - "The Red"
Joy Division - "Interzone"
Kasabian - "Club Foot"
Kool and the Gang - "Summer Madness"
Legitimate Business - "80 on 80"
Liquid Liquid - "Optimo"
Living Legends - "Moving at the Speed of Life"
Ministry - "Stigmata (Remix)"
Mogwai - "Glasgow Mega Snake"
Monty Are I - "In This Legacy"
Nine Inch Nails - "Getting Smaller"
Noise - "Dirty Evil"
Oh No - "Chump"
Pardon My Extinguisher - "Bitch And Moan"
Plus 44 - "Lycanthrope"
Primus - "American Life"
The Ramones - "I Wanna Live"
Revolution Mother - "Second Thoughts"
Slayer - "Angel of Death"
Sonic Youth - "Nic Fit"
Stasera - "Palisades"
Supersuckers - "Goodbye"
The Channeling - "The Frighteners"
The Cure - "Plastic Passion"
The Klaxons - "Gravity's Rainbox"
The Sword - "Iron Swan"
The Throwaway's - "You're Not the Only One"
The Walkmen - "This Job is Killing Me"
Thine Eyes Bleed - "Without Warning"
Thunderlords - "Ice Cream Headache"
Toots & the Maytals - "Time Tough"
Transplants - "Pay Any Price"
Typical Cats - "Any Day"
Ugly Duckling - "Smack"
VanStone - "Skate Town"
Voltera - "Do What Your Daddy Say"
Wildchild - "Wonder Years"
Wolfmother - "Woman"
Zeke - "Kill the King"
Tony Hawk's Project 8 is scheduled for release in November for the Xbox 360, Xbox, Playstation3, Playstaion2, and PSP. The game is rated "T" by the ESRB.
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October 17th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Today 2K, a publishing label of Take-Two, announced that Family Guy, the first videogame based on the TV show, is now available for the Xbox, the PlayStation 2, and the PSP. Featuring the entire cast and creative team from the show, the Family Guy game puts you in control of the series' crass humor.
Developed by High Voltage Software, Family Guy involves a combination of arcade action, platforming, and puzzle-solving as gamers play through three stories that unfold just as an episode of the TV show would. As the technically mentally handicapped Peter Griffin, players fight to stop Mr. Belvedere from taking over the world. As Stewie, Peter's diabolical young son, players match their wits against his arch-nemesis and half-brother Bertram. And as Brian, the family dog, players slip on a collar and drink a martini as they attempt a daring prison break.
As the lead voice talent of the Family Guy series and videogame, Seth MacFarlane sets the comedic tone in the game's world by providing the voices of the game's main playable characters, Peter, Stewie, and Brian. Also making voice appearances are longtime Family Guy staples such as Alex Borstein voicing Lois Griffin, Mila Kunis doing Meg Griffin, Seth Green as Chris Griffin, and Adam West as the Mayor of Quahog.
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October 17th, 2006, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
While the PlayStation 2 will receive its latest and likely last title in Zipper Interactive's online tactical shooter series early next month in the form of SOCOM: Combined Assault, the PSP will see its second outing of the series on the same day with SOCOM: U. S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2. Upping the ante on just about every facet of the first game, Fireteam Bravo 2 looks to offer not only a compelling single-player game but one of the best online games for the system yet.
Full article at IGN
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October 17th, 2006, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
What would a Grand Theft Auto game be without fast cars, great tunes and tons of guns? The second PSP release for the series is just around the corner with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, and speaking of guns, Rockstar has given us a breakdown of some of the game's biggest arsenal pieces right here. From the M16 to Vulcan Canon to RPG, if you want to make some noise in Vice City, this is how you'll want to do it.
Full article at IGN
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October 17th, 2006, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Everyone wants to compete with the iPod, but only one company has been successful at getting close to the iPod's dominance as a personal media player (PMP). No, it's not Microsoft. It's Sony. People have criticized Sony for failing to capitalize on personal media like Apple has, but many forget that the PSP is not just a games machine, but a PMP as well. According to MP3newswire.net, the PSP is in second place in the competitive PMP market, selling one system per every 2.3 iPods sold. Considering how people seem to buy iPods by the dozen, we can deduce that PSP sales are quite brisk.
With a beautiful, large widescreen, and the ability to do so many other things (games, internet, etc.), the PSP is easily the best PMP out there. Yes, some may argue that Memory Sticks are expensive, but with recent price drops, that argument simply doesn't hold too much weight to it.
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October 17th, 2006, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
The second half of October is going to be an expensive month for PSP owners. October 31st will be an especially expensive time, with two of the PSP's biggest heavy-hitters launching simultaneously: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and Killzone Liberation. The early reviews of Killzone are in, and so far, it's good:
IGN (90/100) - "It seems wherever Liberation can go the extra mile, it does. It delivers on all fronts, from a thoroughly engrossing single-player campaign to an addictive multiplayer component. Liberation also shames most other PSP offerings through its presentation, which blends excellent visuals and sound with a clean and user-friendly interface. It has a few quirks, but in the end, they seem almost negligible. Definitely recommended to fans of the action genre, but also to anyone who dislikes bad games."
Game Informer (73/100) - "Killzone is a franchise that has generated a lot of hype based on one average console FPS and a really wicked E3 video a couple of years ago, but Liberation is a PSP title that has some real meat on its bones... The basics here are all done well; I just wish there was a better auto-targeting system in place, a flaw that really limited my enjoyment of this game. Still, when portable versions of shooters so often feel like product for product's sake, it's good to see a company that's actually trying to do some quality work on the PSP."
UGO (90/100) - "Gameplay-wise, Liberation is one of the best overhead shooters we've ever played... We would've liked to see a slightly meatier single-player experience, but the promised downloadable chapters and maps should help that. Mutliplayer, on the other hand, is top notch, and if you've got a couple friends with the game, it'll be a sure way to kill a few hours."
Meaty? Not meaty? Game Informer and UGO seem to disagree and the meatocity of the game, but one cannot forget that much more content will be made available later on in the year as free downloads, such as the highly coveted Infrastructure multiplayer. Our very own Chris Powell gave the demo an 8.5 earlier in the year, and it appears that the final version of the game is well represented by the demo. So, dust off your demo UMDs, and give the demo a spin. Chances are if you like the demo, you'll like the game.
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October 17th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
TacticalPenguin posted this news/release:
Chase the Penguin is coded in lua and is my first game to date. For this release, I've added simple AI, made a multiplayer mode, and made a credits screen. CTP must be installed to luaplayer right now, but I will make it standalone in a future release.
The point of the game is to chase around a penguin with a crosshair and try to catch it.
One more thing. I've been asked to make a picture of a penguin that has been shot and is all bloody to be shown when you catch the penguin. If it is requested enough, I'll add it to the todo list.
To-do list:
-Improve AI
-Score/timing system
-Redo the in-game graphics
-Make standalone
-Ad-Hoc mode
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via tactical penguin
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October 17th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
aeolusc posted this news/release:
This is a prx mod written for DevHook 0.4+, which is used to view/search
and modify/lock data in memory while playing game.
HOWTO Install
1. Run accessory tool CMA.exe, select target for installation and click
Install button.
2. Start game, press [Volume UP] + [Volume DOWN] button to call up the menu.
If wanna dump memory or use fuzzy search, plz confirm that there're at least
24M free space on MemoryStick (sugget 48M for fuzzy search).
What's New
2006-10-17 v0.6 alpha
[+] Added text reading to menu, files should put in ms0:/CheatMaster/txt/ (Note: the size is recommended smaller than 200KB)
[!] Rename fuzzy search to unknown search
[!] Fixed an align bug in unknown search
[!] Rewritten codes to use kernel memory heap allocation in order to improve compatible (thx to newest PSPSDK patched by TyRaNiD)
[!] Interface tweak
[!] Read fonts from ms instead of static link
[!] Accessory Tool: Improved compatible with cwcheat database, better text inject determination
[o] PSPSDK rev 2028 or higher required for compiling the codes
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via aeolusc
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October 17th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via Boilsoft
With Boilsoft 3GP/PSP/PSP/MP4 Converter, you can easily convert other video files to PSP MP4 files(.mp4), It supports almost video file like AVI, DivX, MPEG, ASF, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV and etc.
Convert AVI to PSP MP4, DivX to PSP MP4, Xvid to PSP MP4
Convert MPEG to PSP MP4, include MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, VOB
Convert RealMedia(.rm, .rmvb) files to PSP MP4
Convert QuickTime(.mov) to PSP MP4
Convert 3GP, MP4 to PSP MP4.
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October 18th, 2006, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster
Via Newlaunches
From Game Tex Japan comes the Flexible holder which has a stand for the PSP on one end and a suction cup on the other. The arm is around 17 cms long and can be turned a full 360 degrees. With the soon to be available GPS add on you can hook the PSP to your car's windshield and zip around town. There are tons of combinations of using the holder like sticking it to your bed to play MGS or watching a movie on the UMD and the craziest of all placing it next to the kitchen sink to catch a flick. You dont have to worry about the PSP falling down as the suction cup is very strong.
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October 18th, 2006, 07:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
When you play a video game, you'll always have to wait for the game to load. From the moment you turn on your PlayStation or Xbox, you'll wait. Sometimes you might wait a few seconds, other times you might change the channel and watch a little golf. You'll even fruitlessly mash buttons in attempt to make the loading screens go by faster. When the game finally finishes loading, you might get to play some of it, and then you'll see another loading screen. It makes you wonder, when developers claim that a game has 40 hours worth of gameplay in it - do they factor in the time you spend staring out into space?
Recently, the PSP caught some heat for its inordinately long load times. Some users even posted videos on the Internet describing their experiences. One game in particular drew lots of ire: WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006. The game takes multiple minutes to start a match, regardless of whether you want to use a custom play mode or simply want a quick match. Long load times aren't anything new; but when you combine them with portable devices, they're sure to press a few buttons (pun intended).
We're certain that most of the issues arise from the UMD media and the optical drive. The PSP has to spin up the drive, seek across the disc, and load the data. All of these actions require large amounts of time in comparison to Nintendo's cartridge based system.
In the interests of gaming science, we decided to find out how long it takes the PSP to move you from a dull glassy eyed stare to actively playing. We tried to test every game currently out for the PSP, but instead had to settle for all the games we could get our mitts on. In the end, we managed to include over 80 games in the article, which should make for a good representative batch. Our tests showed that very few games could load up in under a minute. Many games took two or even three minutes. One game took four minutes to load - WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006.
Full article at Gamespot
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October 18th, 2006, 08:58 Posted By: kando
Thanks NJ! he has compiled the non-kernal and kernal 1.0 of his neo-geo emulator for us...thanks mike for supplying us earlier but looks like there are SOME differences as there never was a seperate kernal mode/non kernal mode before...
who knows...
Although the う -, it is not released with something, that it does not move report coming, it probably is る.
Because it is helpless, compiling, it collected to the zip file.
Operation check has not gone.
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