December 1st, 2010, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2308
A new version of FBANext, after FB Alpha (Final Burn Alpha) was published. As a reminder, this is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn.
Support the following platforms:
- Support for Roma Capcom CPS-1
- Support for Roma Capcom CPS-2
- Support for Roma Capcom CPS-3
- Support for Roma Cave
- Support the Neo Geo roms
- Support for Roma Sega System 16 (and similar systems), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board
- Support for Roma Toaplan
- Support for Roma Taito 68k
- Support for Roma Psikyo 68EC020/SH2
- Support for Roma PGM
- Support for Roma Konami
- Support for Sega Megadrive roms (savestates are not supported)
- Support of Other Roma (as the creator liked)
- Full support of sound and graphics
- Supports Multiplayers (1 to 4)
- 100% speed, with most graphics filters
- Ease of use through a simple interface
- Support for almost 3000 Roma
- Roma filterable
- 13 filters graphics software
- 2 filters graphics hardware
- Source code available
- Supports 16 / 9
- Place your roms in the folder: / dev_hdd0/game/FBAN00000/USRDIR/roms /
- The first time you launch FBAnext, a file-fbanext ps3.xml will be generated. This file your stock options.
- If you want to change the path of your roms, edit fbanext-ps3.xml.
- .Zip/.7z/.rar Extensions are not supported.
Commands during a game:
- L2 + R1 + R2 Pause / Return to menu
- R3 Service Mode
- Reset Rom current L3
- Assigning buttons
- Backup Management
- Filtering Software
- DIP switches
- Optional CPU overclock 68k
- Port of the code base to PSL1ght
- Preview / titles / etc on the interface
FBANext-PS3 v1.0.0 Beta
Official site: https: / / code.google.com/p/fba360 /
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December 1st, 2010, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/

Its suddenly occurred to me how poorly chosen the screen shot was. There are a ton of enemies and tunnels that have been dug by blasting into the walls. But its all off screen. Oh well…
Here is an updated version of Cubicle Shooter!
Notable changes:
You can now shoot other players in split screen multiplayer (still no player death but you get pushed back when shot).
You are taller now. You can crouch back to your previous shortness by holding down the right analog stick. You automatically crouch when there isn’t enough room to stand.
Enemies in multiplayer will approach the nearest player (they would previously only follow player one).
Enemies no longer spawn inside the cube at the start of the game so you wont encounter them until you blast through the wall (It was beginning to feel a little bit too crowded).
The kill counter has been replaced with a score system. You get 10 points each time you shoot a cubicle dweller. The scores are tracked separately for each player.
textured stars onto the sky.
Set a limit to how deep you can dig into the ground (the limit is fairly deep and I don’t expect it will be a problem for anyone).
Fixed the scope in multiplayer.
Some improvements to performance.
Move – Left analog stick
Run – L3
Aim – Right analog stick
Crouch – R3
Shoot – R1
Zoom – L1
Jump – X
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December 1st, 2010, 19:35 Posted By: bandit
A valued member at PSGroove, halsafar, has released his port of a VBA emulator!
I am pleased to finally release my teams port of VBA (Visual Boy Advance) to the public. It is a clean port of the most recent VBA-M emulator, that is fully functional, equal to our teams SNES9X-PS3 and FCEU-PS3 releases.
We spent some time optimizing it. The VBA-M source is not conducive to being run on the PPU. After applying many small optimizations we have obtained 60fps in all the important games.
Enjoy GB and GBA with shaders!
Vba 0.99 (3.41 only, 1.92 coming soon)
Download VBA 0.99 (Mediafire)
Report bugs, slow games or feature requests to the google code issue tracker:
Here is part of the readme file:
This is an application for the PlayStation3 that makes it possible to play Game Boy Classic / Game Boy Color / Game Boy Advance games on your jailbroken PlayStation3. It is based on an up-to-date version of the popular PC emulator, VBA-M.
* Saving/loading of SRAM
* Savestate loading/saving support
– Savestate slot selectable in-game
– Up to 10 saveslots
Up - Go up
Down - Go down
Left - Go back five file entries
Right - Go forward five file entries
L1 - Go back one page
R1 - Go forward one page
Cross - (If directory selected) enter directory/ (if ROM selected) start ROM
Triangle - (If ROM selected) start ROM with multitap support
Circle - (If not in root directory) Go back to previous directory
L2 + R2 - (If you previously exited a ROM) return to game
Select - Go to settings menu (see ‘CONTROLS IN SETTINGS MENU’ section)
Up - Go up one setting.
Down - Go down one setting.
Left - Change setting to the left.
Right - Change setting to the right.
Circle - Go back to ROM menu/Go back to previous Settings screen
Start - Reset the setting back to the default value.
R1 - Go to the next Settings screen
L1 - Go to the previous Settings screen
L3 + R3 - Return back to game (if a ROM is loaded)
Nothing worth really explaining here –
R3 + L3 - Press these two buttons together while in-game to go back to the ROM browser menu.
R3 + R2 - Save to currently selected save state slot
L3 + L2 - Load from currently selected save state slot
Right analog stick – Left - Move current savestate slot one slot backwards
Right analog stick – Right - Move current savestate slot one slot forward
To play a game with a USB controller as Player 1, start up your PS3 and rather than using the Sixaxis, DualShock3, plug in an USB port before connecting the controller to the PS3 – your USB pad should then become Controller 1.
* For people running this on HDTVs complaining about input lag:
- Turn off all post-processing filters you may have running - on Sony Bravia HDTVs, display Motion Flow (this also causes input lags with most games in general, not just this application. If your HDTV has a 'Game' mode or something of the sort, select that as well.
This emulator has been optimized to run most games at full-speed (at any resolution - 480p/720p/1080p).
Some of the games that are guaranteed to run at fullspeed (without frameskipping) are games like:
Advance Wars / Astro Boy / Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon / Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance / F-Zero: Maximum Velocity / Final Fantasy Tactics Advance / Golden Sun / Kuru Kuru Kururin / Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past / Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap / Mario Kart: Super Circuit / Mega Man Battle Network / Metroid Fusion / Metroid Zero Mission / Mother 3 / Super Mario Advance / Super Mario Advance 2 / Super Mario Advance 3 / Sword of Mana / Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis / Wario Land 4 / Wario Ware Inc
As ever, your mileage may vary. Please notify us of games that won't run
Lantus - Optimizations from VBA 360 0.03
Grandy - Special Thanks/Testing
Orioto - PIC1.PNG ( http://orioto.deviantart.com/art/Bir...Time-147870358)
You can download file via source
Source: PSGroove
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December 1st, 2010, 19:35 Posted By: bandit
A valued member at PSGroove, halsafar, has released his port of a VBA emulator!
I am pleased to finally release my teams port of VBA (Visual Boy Advance) to the public. It is a clean port of the most recent VBA-M emulator, that is fully functional, equal to our teams SNES9X-PS3 and FCEU-PS3 releases.
We spent some time optimizing it. The VBA-M source is not conducive to being run on the PPU. After applying many small optimizations we have obtained 60fps in all the important games.
Enjoy GB and GBA with shaders!
Vba 0.99 (3.41 only, 1.92 coming soon)
Download VBA 0.99 (Mediafire)
Report bugs, slow games or feature requests to the google code issue tracker:
Here is part of the readme file:
This is an application for the PlayStation3 that makes it possible to play Game Boy Classic / Game Boy Color / Game Boy Advance games on your jailbroken PlayStation3. It is based on an up-to-date version of the popular PC emulator, VBA-M.
* Saving/loading of SRAM
* Savestate loading/saving support
– Savestate slot selectable in-game
– Up to 10 saveslots
Up - Go up
Down - Go down
Left - Go back five file entries
Right - Go forward five file entries
L1 - Go back one page
R1 - Go forward one page
Cross - (If directory selected) enter directory/ (if ROM selected) start ROM
Triangle - (If ROM selected) start ROM with multitap support
Circle - (If not in root directory) Go back to previous directory
L2 + R2 - (If you previously exited a ROM) return to game
Select - Go to settings menu (see ‘CONTROLS IN SETTINGS MENU’ section)
Up - Go up one setting.
Down - Go down one setting.
Left - Change setting to the left.
Right - Change setting to the right.
Circle - Go back to ROM menu/Go back to previous Settings screen
Start - Reset the setting back to the default value.
R1 - Go to the next Settings screen
L1 - Go to the previous Settings screen
L3 + R3 - Return back to game (if a ROM is loaded)
Nothing worth really explaining here –
R3 + L3 - Press these two buttons together while in-game to go back to the ROM browser menu.
R3 + R2 - Save to currently selected save state slot
L3 + L2 - Load from currently selected save state slot
Right analog stick – Left - Move current savestate slot one slot backwards
Right analog stick – Right - Move current savestate slot one slot forward
To play a game with a USB controller as Player 1, start up your PS3 and rather than using the Sixaxis, DualShock3, plug in an USB port before connecting the controller to the PS3 – your USB pad should then become Controller 1.
* For people running this on HDTVs complaining about input lag:
- Turn off all post-processing filters you may have running - on Sony Bravia HDTVs, display Motion Flow (this also causes input lags with most games in general, not just this application. If your HDTV has a 'Game' mode or something of the sort, select that as well.
This emulator has been optimized to run most games at full-speed (at any resolution - 480p/720p/1080p).
Some of the games that are guaranteed to run at fullspeed (without frameskipping) are games like:
Advance Wars / Astro Boy / Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon / Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance / F-Zero: Maximum Velocity / Final Fantasy Tactics Advance / Golden Sun / Kuru Kuru Kururin / Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past / Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap / Mario Kart: Super Circuit / Mega Man Battle Network / Metroid Fusion / Metroid Zero Mission / Mother 3 / Super Mario Advance / Super Mario Advance 2 / Super Mario Advance 3 / Sword of Mana / Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis / Wario Land 4 / Wario Ware Inc
As ever, your mileage may vary. Please notify us of games that won't run
Lantus - Optimizations from VBA 360 0.03
Grandy - Special Thanks/Testing
Orioto - PIC1.PNG ( http://orioto.deviantart.com/art/Bir...Time-147870358)
You can download file via source
Source: PSGroove
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December 1st, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Update: James Thorpes comments below tell users that "add-ons" - which includes DLC - "do not expire" when a PlayStation Plus subscription lapses.
However, the PlaySation Network Terms & Conditions appear to disagree:
"Type 1. You will still be able to access and use the following PlayStation Plus Elements after your Subscription Period expires, provided that you downloaded them before expiry:"
Premium avatars
Premium themes
"Type 2. You will no longer be able to access and use the following PlayStation Plus Elements after your Subscription Period expires, even if you downloaded them before expiry:"
PlayStation Network games
PSone games
Premium game elements
James Thorpe's original blog post said premium game elements and/or DLC would be given to PlayStation Plus subscribers each month. His new post retracts that.
We're talking to Sony now and trying to work out exactly what you can and can't keep.
Original story: Sony has apologised for misleading PlayStation Plus members into believing they could keep PS3 game DLC when their subscriptions lapsed.
On the European PlayStation blog on 23rd June 2010, Sony's James Thorpe wrote: "Each month there will be two dynamic themes, two premium avatars and premium game elements/add-ons for you to download and many of these will be exclusive to members only.
"These are yours to keep forever once you have downloaded them."
The PlayStation Plus terms and conditions contradict this and state that only premium avatars and premium themes can be kept after a PlayStation Plus subscription has lapsed.
Sony's blog post has remained published and uncorrected until now.
On the European PlayStation blog today, James Thorpe atoned for an "honest mistake" caused by the "hectic launch period of Plus".
"[PlayStation] Plus premium game elements, mentioned in the T&Cs, do not refer to DLC," explained Thorpe. "The Private Members Club in PlayStation Home is an example of a premium game element ... they will expire if your Plus subscription expires.
"Add-ons are separate to premium game elements.
"In the original blog post," he added, "I was using the phrase 'add-ons' to refer to extra content including DLC. Currently, add-ons do not expire when the subscription expires
"Premium game elements and add-ons are not part of the core monthly content, I apologise again if my post during the launch of Plus was incorrect, I'm afraid this was just an honest mistake during the hectic launch period of Plus."
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December 1st, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Update: James Thorpes comments below tell users that "add-ons" - which includes DLC - "do not expire" when a PlayStation Plus subscription lapses.
However, the PlaySation Network Terms & Conditions appear to disagree:
"Type 1. You will still be able to access and use the following PlayStation Plus Elements after your Subscription Period expires, provided that you downloaded them before expiry:"
Premium avatars
Premium themes
"Type 2. You will no longer be able to access and use the following PlayStation Plus Elements after your Subscription Period expires, even if you downloaded them before expiry:"
PlayStation Network games
PSone games
Premium game elements
James Thorpe's original blog post said premium game elements and/or DLC would be given to PlayStation Plus subscribers each month. His new post retracts that.
We're talking to Sony now and trying to work out exactly what you can and can't keep.
Original story: Sony has apologised for misleading PlayStation Plus members into believing they could keep PS3 game DLC when their subscriptions lapsed.
On the European PlayStation blog on 23rd June 2010, Sony's James Thorpe wrote: "Each month there will be two dynamic themes, two premium avatars and premium game elements/add-ons for you to download and many of these will be exclusive to members only.
"These are yours to keep forever once you have downloaded them."
The PlayStation Plus terms and conditions contradict this and state that only premium avatars and premium themes can be kept after a PlayStation Plus subscription has lapsed.
Sony's blog post has remained published and uncorrected until now.
On the European PlayStation blog today, James Thorpe atoned for an "honest mistake" caused by the "hectic launch period of Plus".
"[PlayStation] Plus premium game elements, mentioned in the T&Cs, do not refer to DLC," explained Thorpe. "The Private Members Club in PlayStation Home is an example of a premium game element ... they will expire if your Plus subscription expires.
"Add-ons are separate to premium game elements.
"In the original blog post," he added, "I was using the phrase 'add-ons' to refer to extra content including DLC. Currently, add-ons do not expire when the subscription expires
"Premium game elements and add-ons are not part of the core monthly content, I apologise again if my post during the launch of Plus was incorrect, I'm afraid this was just an honest mistake during the hectic launch period of Plus."
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December 2nd, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...-january-deals
Throughout December and January, PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to lots of exclusive games, discounts and miscellaneous bits and bobs.
We've outlined what's known to be coming below, but the European PlayStation blog notes that some "extra little bonuses" will crop up during December and that some of January's content is still being finalised.
The December highlights are 8/10 PSN puzzler Cuboid and PSone golden oldie Oddworld: Abe's Exodus given for free; 50 per cent off 8/10 hexagonal grid-based eco puzzler Greed Corp; 20 per cent off new co-op zombie shooter Dead Nation (on launch day only); and a full game trial of Assassin's Creed (the first and weakest game of the series).
There's also a 25 per cent discount on the PlayTV Live Chat upgrade that usually costs a considerable £6.29.
Then on 5th January, a fresh batch of PlayStation Plus content will arrive. Astrotipper will be the free PSN game, and there's going to be 20 per cent of Tim Schafer's 8/10 action RPG Costume Quest and its DLC. There's also 20 per cent off the Japanese phenomena Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Give this some thought: it's a great game, although 50 per cent off would have been much, much more enticing.
"What this is not, however, is a game for everyone. It requires enormous quantities of patience, planning and persistence. If you're up to the challenge, prepare yourself for one of the most rewarding opportunities in gaming," Eurogamer's Dan Pearson wrote of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite after 70 hours of testing.
Like Xbox Live, PlayStation Plus costs £39.99 annually - or £11.99 for 90 days. Unlike Xbox Live, Sony's keen to offer lots of free stuff above and beyond demos.
Remember that if your subscription to PlayStation Plus runs out, some of the exclusive content will be locked away from you until you start paying again.
December's PlayStation Plus Content
Free: Cuboid (PSN), Bubble Trubble (mini), Dracula: Undead Awakening (mini), Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (PSone)
Discounts: PlayTV Live Chat (25 per cent off), Punisher: No Mercy (50 per cent), Greed Corp (50 per cent), Age of Hammer Wars (50 per cent), Impossible Mission & Super Fruitfall Deluxe Bundle (two for the price of one)
Full Game Trial: Assassin's Creed
Dynamic Themes: Winter, Lava Lamp (x4)
Premium Avatars: Dead Nation (x2), Hustle Kings (x5) - available from 8th Dec
January's PlayStation Plus Content (available from 5th Jan)
Free: Astrotipper (PSN), Pipe Madness (mini - two weeks early), Kahoots (mini), Colony Wars (PSone)
Discounts: PlayTV Live Chat (25 per cent off), Stardrone (20 per cent off on day one), Dark Stalkers' Chronicles (PSP, 40 per cent), Megaman Maveric Hunter (PSP, 40 per cent), Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP, 20 per cent), Fate Unlimited (PSP, 60 per cent), PowerStone Collection (PSP, 40 per cent), Capcom Classics reloaded (PSP, 40 per cent), Capcom Classics Remixed (PSP, 50 per cent), Capcom Puzzle World (PSP, 40 per cent), Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP, 40 per cent), MAG DLC Bundle (50 per cent), Costume Quest and DLC bundle (20 per cent)
Dynamic Themes: Fire, Year of the Rabbit
Premium Avatars: Eat Them (x5)
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December 2nd, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...-january-deals
Throughout December and January, PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to lots of exclusive games, discounts and miscellaneous bits and bobs.
We've outlined what's known to be coming below, but the European PlayStation blog notes that some "extra little bonuses" will crop up during December and that some of January's content is still being finalised.
The December highlights are 8/10 PSN puzzler Cuboid and PSone golden oldie Oddworld: Abe's Exodus given for free; 50 per cent off 8/10 hexagonal grid-based eco puzzler Greed Corp; 20 per cent off new co-op zombie shooter Dead Nation (on launch day only); and a full game trial of Assassin's Creed (the first and weakest game of the series).
There's also a 25 per cent discount on the PlayTV Live Chat upgrade that usually costs a considerable £6.29.
Then on 5th January, a fresh batch of PlayStation Plus content will arrive. Astrotipper will be the free PSN game, and there's going to be 20 per cent of Tim Schafer's 8/10 action RPG Costume Quest and its DLC. There's also 20 per cent off the Japanese phenomena Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Give this some thought: it's a great game, although 50 per cent off would have been much, much more enticing.
"What this is not, however, is a game for everyone. It requires enormous quantities of patience, planning and persistence. If you're up to the challenge, prepare yourself for one of the most rewarding opportunities in gaming," Eurogamer's Dan Pearson wrote of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite after 70 hours of testing.
Like Xbox Live, PlayStation Plus costs £39.99 annually - or £11.99 for 90 days. Unlike Xbox Live, Sony's keen to offer lots of free stuff above and beyond demos.
Remember that if your subscription to PlayStation Plus runs out, some of the exclusive content will be locked away from you until you start paying again.
December's PlayStation Plus Content
Free: Cuboid (PSN), Bubble Trubble (mini), Dracula: Undead Awakening (mini), Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (PSone)
Discounts: PlayTV Live Chat (25 per cent off), Punisher: No Mercy (50 per cent), Greed Corp (50 per cent), Age of Hammer Wars (50 per cent), Impossible Mission & Super Fruitfall Deluxe Bundle (two for the price of one)
Full Game Trial: Assassin's Creed
Dynamic Themes: Winter, Lava Lamp (x4)
Premium Avatars: Dead Nation (x2), Hustle Kings (x5) - available from 8th Dec
January's PlayStation Plus Content (available from 5th Jan)
Free: Astrotipper (PSN), Pipe Madness (mini - two weeks early), Kahoots (mini), Colony Wars (PSone)
Discounts: PlayTV Live Chat (25 per cent off), Stardrone (20 per cent off on day one), Dark Stalkers' Chronicles (PSP, 40 per cent), Megaman Maveric Hunter (PSP, 40 per cent), Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP, 20 per cent), Fate Unlimited (PSP, 60 per cent), PowerStone Collection (PSP, 40 per cent), Capcom Classics reloaded (PSP, 40 per cent), Capcom Classics Remixed (PSP, 50 per cent), Capcom Puzzle World (PSP, 40 per cent), Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP, 40 per cent), MAG DLC Bundle (50 per cent), Costume Quest and DLC bundle (20 per cent)
Dynamic Themes: Fire, Year of the Rabbit
Premium Avatars: Eat Them (x5)
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December 2nd, 2010, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster

It's quite fitting for a device that's purportedly codenamed Zeus to make its first video appearance somewhere in the wilds of Greece. What we have here is the apparent full motion debut of Sony Ericsson's big crossover device, the PlayStation Phone, one half portable gaming console, one half Android smartphone. Unfortunately, we never see it flexing out its slider to reveal that delicious control pad, but judging from its curves and little design details, it does indeed look to be the real deal. Techblog.gr reports that it's dubbed the Sony Ericsson Z1 and comes with Gingerbread on board -- something that meshes well with earlier indications that some Zeus devices in the wild are already running Android 2.3 (and above) -- while the screen is a 4-inch panel that apparently offers great touchscreen responsiveness.
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December 2nd, 2010, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
The first video footage of what could be the PlayStation Phone has appeared on the internet.
Greek website Techblog (via Endgadget) hosted a clip (below) showing a man thumbing his way around a phone's touch-screen interface. Airy music wafts dreamily in the background.
There's no footage of the phone sliding open to reveal a more PSP-like shape, nor any sign of a game running. The man, presumably bored, settled for menus.
Along with the video comes word that the PlayStation Phone is called the Sony Ericsson Z1 and features the Android Gingerbread.
The validity of the video and device aren't confirmed, so treat this with caution for now.
However, there has been considerable evidence in recent weeks to suggest a Sony Ericsson phone with a PlayStation component exists.
Last week, we heard that Sony will unveil a PlayStation Phone on Thursday, 9th December. The handset itself will arrive in shops in February 2011, apparently.
Earlier that week, Sony Ericsson CEO Bert Nordberg made headlines by stating that, "There's a lot of smoke, and I tell you there must be a fire somewhere."
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December 2nd, 2010, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Jpcsp Team have released a new build of their PSP Emulator for Windows written in Java, heres whats new:
Updated Simplified Chinese (PRC) translation and added Traditional Chinese (TW) translation (all by Darksoviet).
Implemented EXIT and POWER callbacks' handling.
Improved sceKernelExitGame.
Improved sceKernelReleaseWaitThread.
Improved several callback management functions in ThreadManForUser:
- Fixed sceKernelNotifyCallback;
- Improved sceKernelCheckCallback;
- Added returning of proper error codes.
Improved sceMpegAvcCsc and MediaEngine to work with YCbCr ranges.
Implemented Kernel_Library_37431849.
Implemented sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer.
Improved SAS sound processing:
- Redirected all sound playback to __sceSasCore and __sceSasCoreWithMix;
- Added basis for synthesis and mixing frameworks;
- Fixed a few voice playback timing bugs.
download here
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December 2nd, 2010, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Not only does it make your PS3 Slim look sleek and cool, but it will show the Blu-Ray or DVD spinning with its cool clear case! Usually the shell of the console is clear but the Blu-Ray drive is still covered. The new replacement case is a smoke black and bundled with a LED fan. Give you PS3 a new look and a new life!
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December 3rd, 2010, 00:24 Posted By: bandit
shinhalsafar the developer at the origin of the bearing of FCEU (emulator BORN) and VBA (emulator GameBoy, GameBoy Color and GameBoy Advance) continues in its impetus on the bearings of the Nintendo emulators for our greater pleasure. Indeed it has just created a page google code on its new project, the bearing of dolphin a Wii emulator and GameCube on PS3.
Google Code Site: Dolphin PS3
Source: Logic-Sunrise forums
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December 3rd, 2010, 00:24 Posted By: bandit
shinhalsafar the developer at the origin of the bearing of FCEU (emulator BORN) and VBA (emulator GameBoy, GameBoy Color and GameBoy Advance) continues in its impetus on the bearings of the Nintendo emulators for our greater pleasure. Indeed it has just created a page google code on its new project, the bearing of dolphin a Wii emulator and GameCube on PS3.
Google Code Site: Dolphin PS3
Source: Logic-Sunrise forums
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December 3rd, 2010, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter believes that combined sales of Move and Kinect could top 8 million units by the end of the year.
Looking further ahead, he expects the peripherals to shift between 20 and 25 million units by the end of 2011, although he noted that software sales will only rise marginally.
"These 20-25 million households are likely to buy 2-3 games apiece, resulting in software sales of 40-75 million units and publisher revenues of $1.6billion-$3 billion next year.
"These sales are not all incremental; clearly, consumers who buy Kinect or Move are console owners, and presumably, they would have bought other games had they not purchased the peripherals. We think that the incremental contribution from the two devices will be around $500–$800 million in 2011, or around 2.5-4 per cent of industry sales next year."
Both Microsoft and Sony have pushed out numbers for the peripherals this week, with Microsoft claiming 2.5 million sales, and Sony 4.1 million sales - although it later amended the number to units shipped to retail.
Pachter added that he believes Microsoft will cut the price of its basic Xbox 360 model to $249 in the US, prompting Sony to bundle Move with its standard 160GB $299 PlayStation SKU.
The new bundle could add value for Sony, as he believes Move has a manufacturing cost of around $40. Currently, Sony's Move and PlayStation 3 bundle retails for $399 with a 320GB unit.
"If Sony were to take such action in early 2011, we think it would accomplish its goals of profitability, solid console sales and Move penetration, and think that its controller would have a dramatic impact on software development and sales next year," he added.
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December 3rd, 2010, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Made in New homebrew PSP-ITA, this is the first release of PSPBriscola. The developer PataPork in a short time have managed to play in a PSP version of the games most popular in Italy and now widespread in many parts of the world. The current version 1.0 supports only a single-player VS mode where you can challenge an opponent controlled by the CPU, but the developer has promised to present a new version with more pesto 1 VS 3 and single-player game in multiplayer mode, more the ability to select different decks of cards. The fact remains that already this first version can dabble in fun play sessions.
PataPork wants to thank AB5000 (actor PSP-ITA) for the function of randomizazzione an array is vital to the dynamic gameplay.
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December 3rd, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2319
Robo Hobo has released a new version of "WIP" for PS3's multi-system emulator for emulation Mednafen consoles NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PC Engine, PC- Engine CD, Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket, and WonderSwan.
New / fixed:
- Changing the older fonts by font anti-aliasing
- Fixed a crash when emulation of the PC-Engine
- Fixed bookmark
- Fixed a display problem
- Sort folders before files
Mednafen PS3 R83
Official site: http://code.google.com/p/mednafen-ps3/
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December 4th, 2010, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster

At this point, does it really surprise anyone that a new phone is leaking by way of a photo sharing site? We totally understand the conundrum: when you're logged into a phone that you're testing and you're taking pictures, it's so easy to upload 'em. And hey, you need to test the sharing functionality at some point anyway, right? At any rate, we love it, so we're not going to complain that a few photos with Sony Ericsson Zeus clearly called out in the EXIF data have started showing up on Picasa. The four appropriately-labeled pictures all clock in at 5 megapixels, so we hope you weren't expecting an N8-beating resolution here... but then again, when you're heads-down in PlayStation-branded games for hours on end, do you really have time to be taking decent pictures anyway?
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December 4th, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
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December 4th, 2010, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has connected 1,760 PlayStation 3 systems together to create what the organization is calling the fastest interactive computer in the entire Defense Department. The Condor Cluster, as the group of systems is known, also includes 168 separate graphical processing units and 84 coordinating servers in a parallel array capable of performing 500 trillion floating point operations per second (500 TFLOPS), according to AFRL Director of High Power Computing Mark Barnell.
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December 5th, 2010, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster

Many of us can't play PS2 games on our PS3s right now, but Sony has come up with a clever, and distinctly Sony-like, workaround for that problem: sticking a PS2 into a Bravia HDTV. And only ten years after the system's contemporary, the Dreamcast, was packed into a Fuji TV.
The budget-focused (okay, maybe it's not all that Sony-like) Bravia KDL-22PX300 includes 720p output, four HDMI ports ... and a PS2. We bet you can't guess where the PS2 hardware is in that sleek, sleek design. The set's currently available in the UK for £199.95 (about $312).
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December 5th, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster

Are you looking for the quietest place in the (virtual) world? Yes, even quieter than PlayStation Home. Sony Europe just launched a PlayStation Plus-exclusive lounge inside of Home. Perfect for the person who likes Home, but just wishes it didn't have so many people in it.
Once you get past the doorman in the marble foyer, you'll be able to converse with the other occupant of the PlayStation Plus Private Members Club in peace -- mostly about how awesome it is to have a place to go where you can get away from all the people who meant to launch the PlayStation Store. There's a bar, "alcoves" for conversation, and even an exclusive card game, optimistically designed for two to four players.
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December 5th, 2010, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2324
Robo Hobo has released a new version of "WIP" for PS3's multi-system emulator for emulation Mednafen consoles NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PC Engine, PC- Engine CD, Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket, and WonderSwan.
New / fixed:
- Support in bios vbam
- Support (included) in vba-over.ini vbam to fix games using a backup type psécifique (such as Pokemon games).
Mednafen PS3 R84
Official site: http://code.google.com/p/mednafen-ps3/
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December 5th, 2010, 01:44 Posted By: spyke1
I've just released the update to Zelda Return of the Hylian.
List of changes for version 1.0:- Background music (OGG format)
- Help screen has been updated and enabled
- Better button mapping
- Fixed (hopefully) the exit bug.
- Added a "Save and Continue" option
- Various other small bug fixes and tweaks
The download is much larger now due to the inclusion of OGG formated music. Just extract the zip file contents and copy over to your Zelda ROTH folder.
Zelda ROTH Site
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December 5th, 2010, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Added small new finding to SoundMixer.
Avoid NullPointerException in sceKernelNotifyCallback.
Simplified writeVideoImageWithRange in MediaEngine (only using slower method).
Checked and updated MIPS relocations in Loader.
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December 5th, 2010, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
After the bad news regarding the abandonment (justified) of the scene by the coder Chinese hrimfaxi, the everlasting future of CF Prometheus now seemed to have been overthrown. Fortunately, the legacy of the coder comes to us with the Prometheus-4 (not all available yet).
The CF-4 5:50 Prometheus is based on CF 5:50 GEN-D3, and then for the PSP-1000 PSP-2000 and excluded those with motherboard TA-088v3.
The new Prometheus-4 was established with the purpose to start the new Monster Hunter Portable 3rd through CF.
WARNING: Monster Hunter Portable was released 3rd day on December 1 in Japan. There being a one-day Europe is categorically forbidden to proclaim owners or imply in any way, under penalty of immediate expulsion from the forum (read banks).
More details in the box below.
- Copy the folder 5.50_Prometheus in PSP / GAME
- Start the program
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December 5th, 2010, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
After the bad news regarding the abandonment (justified) of the scene by the coder Chinese hrimfaxi, the everlasting future of CF Prometheus now seemed to have been overthrown. Fortunately, the legacy of the coder comes to us with the Prometheus-4 (not all available yet). The Prometheus-4 Custom Firmware 3.5 is specifically for owners with TA-088v3 PSP 2000 and PSP 3000 with firmware 5.03.
The new Prometheus-4 was established with the purpose to start the new Monster Hunter Portable 3rd through CF.
NB. Before installation, you should disable any active plugins.
Installation Procedure
1. Install and run ChichHEN (or MHUSpeed)
2. Install CF 5.3 GEN-C
3. Extract the files in the Prometheus 5:03 in PSP / GAME
4. Start the installer of 3.5 Prometheus
5. Install the 5.3 Prometheus Press
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December 5th, 2010, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
From the PCSX2 PS2 emulator based on Windows ValDanX appeared in a new trial.
Nov 30, 2010
valdanx Revision: r118
1. Rewrited unstable code of r117.
2. Added VU frame skip (import from PCSX2 0.9.6).
3. Added SSE4A instructions (uncached copy).
4. Added EE Advanced Branch Reg speedhack (import from 0.0).
1. Fixed many small bugs.
Boot Manager:
1. Fixed bugs Z2 compress.
2. Optimized game loader.
3. Added support for delete / add a columns.
4. Added Rename Game dialog.
5. Added control over running the ISO.
6. Added support for detecting region game.
1. Added support for auto detecting SSE instructions (All-in-One).
2. Added control over texture filter.
3. Enabled SSE3 instructions.
4. Fixed bugs custom D3D internal res.
valdanx Revision: r117
1. Created Boot Manager.
2. Added EE Cyclerate x3 (import from 0.9.6).
3. Added VU Cycle Stealing 4 (x10).
4. New div vps.
5. Fixed asm code in GS.
1. Fixed bug boot Contra Shattered Soldier.
2. Added new read/write format: Z, Z2, Z2x3.
Memory card manager:
1. Fixed bug delete formated cards.
1. Updated Xbyak to 2.29.
2. Rewrited Cuda core.
valdanx Revision: r116
1. Rewrited asm code.
2. Fixed GS bugs.
3. Downgraded xbyak (new can´t call xmmword).
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December 5th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2335
TimRex released a version of his 1st set of emulators for Commodore. You will be able to emulate the C64, VIC20 and Plus4 (C128 version is planned for next release).
- Full speed emulation
- Support Audio (FastSID)
- Support 16:9, 4:3
- Support of filters (with preview)
- Autoload
- Warp Mode (~ 350-700% of the current speed)
- On-Screen Keyboard (partial support).
- Keyboard support (partial implementation).
- Support for most formats, uncompressed (. D64. D71. D80. D81. D82. G64. G41. X64. T64. Tap. Prg. P00)
Known Bugs:
- No support for the time compressed format (. Zip. Bz2. Gz. D6z. D7z. D8z. G6Z. G4Z. X6z)
- The virtual keyboard does not have all the keys.
- Do not save settings / configuration
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December 6th, 2010, 18:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Profoundly blurry pictures and hearsay – as far as the PSP2 goes that’s as concrete as it gets for now, but the evidence is seemingly more than enough for outspoken US analyst Michael Pachter to write off the machine before it’s even revealed.
“I think the PSP was dead on arrival and I think the PSP2 is going to be dead on arrival,” he explained on his Pach Attack webcast. However, Pachter’s warnings weren’t just for the PSP – instead, he fears for the very viability of a handheld space he sees being increasingly controlled by Apple.
“We’re approaching saturation in the handheld market,” he added. “We’re starting to see DS hardware sales crack, the iPod Touch is cutting into the handheld market. It looks to me like young kids are just as happy playing with the iPod Touch.
“The 3DS will prolong the handheld market for manufacturers, but ultimately I think handhelds are in trouble. What’s the difference if you play Tetris on an iPod Touch or on a DS? Well, you pay a buck on the iPod Touch and you pay $20 on the DS.
“After the 3DS has had its little rush I think the handhelds will continue to decline.” Last month Ready At Dawn developer Ru Weerasuriya said PSP was “doomed from the beginning”.
Since its launch in 2004 the PSP has sold a staggering 60m units worldwide, making it – in raw unit terms at least – one of the best selling consoles ever made, lagging only behind the PS2, PSOne, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Wii and DS.
It’s currently the second best-selling games console of 2010 in Japan, ahead of the Wii and PS3 and behind only the DS.
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December 6th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
An early prototype for Sony's Move controller featured a thumbstick and a trackball, among other bells and whistles.
The revelations come courtesy of a Sony patent dug up by PlayStation Lifestyle.
Regarding the thumbstick, the patent clarifies, "In some embodiments, the joystick 114 is used to control aspects of a game console such as manipulating an onscreen cursor. In other embodiments, the joystick is used to control movement or actions of onscreen avatars."
The trackball is perhaps the more interesting idea though. Apparently, it was to be a detachable module, allowing for interchangeable add-ons such as a button cluster that could turn the wand into an old-fashioned joystick (see fig. 4a).
The patent goes on to reveal unfulfilled aspirations for the sphere on top of the controller too. In the prototyped version it could act as both a pressure sensor and a controller in its own right (see fig. 5a).
Alas, as we know, these features didn't make the final cut. It's not clear why, but it's possible Sony's bank manager stepped in. The kind of magic tricks mooted by the design sound like they might not have come cheap.
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December 6th, 2010, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
There's a new Quest system heading to the PlayStation Rewards scheme, Sony has announced.
According to the PlayStation Blog, the new system will reward you with progress points for successfully completing various grueling tasks.
For example, the "No Place Like Home" quest asks you to visit the central plaza in PlayStation Home, "Check Your Pulse" demands you watch PlayStation Network's Pulse in HD and "Move It" is completed by booting up a Move title.
There will be nine quests added to the PlayStation Rewards beta tomorrow, with plenty more promised in the coming months.
Not up to speed on what PlayStation Rewards is all about? Let Sony's Chris Hagedorn explain:
"PlayStation Rewards was made to recognise and reward members for doing the things they love – interacting with and experiencing the entertainment that PlayStation offers.
"As users play games, check out PlayStation Network's original programming, review games and explore PlayStation Home, they will earn progress toward the program's three tiers – Select, Pro and Legendary status.
If you're not part of the beta, you'll have to wait until the full launch in April 2011.
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December 6th, 2010, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
A New week a new version of the Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP
Heres whats new:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 606
[!] Fixed save state text rendering and selection
[!] No cache alignment on registers, seems faster that way
[!] inline inner core functions that gets called a lot
[!] Simplified the Fragment cache Hash
[~] Really fixed the N64 -> PSP coordinate rounding/conversion
Revision 605
[!] Set Zfighting Fix enabled by default
[^] Merged battery functions into one component
[+] Optimized ConvertN64ToPsp (Avoid rounding twice and creating temporary object + rounding will be done in fpu to avoid converting from float to int..)
[!] Made Highlight inexact blendModes debug only
[~} Simplified a couple of parameters
[~] Avoid calling UpdateFramerate if fps counter is disabled
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December 6th, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Super Nintendo emulator for Sony PlayStation 3 has been updated. Changes:
- PAL issues are fixed at all resolutions - ghosting is gone;
- It's now possible to run NTSC ROMs and PAL ROMs alike correctly at 576p PAL mode. When the setting 'PAL60' is set to ON, a trick will be applied to get NTSC ROMs to run correctly at 50Hz mode. If set to OFF, it will run PAL ROMs correctly. Even though PAL ROMs will play normally now at 480p/720p/1080p, 576p still seems to run PAL ROMs slightly better - but it's probably unnoticeable to the user.
- Cheatcode files can now be loaded and selected/enabled ingame. Note that all zSNES and SNES9x cheatcode files are supported - everything with the .CHT extension. You can also set a Cheatfile directory. If you don't set a Cheatfile directory, the default will be USRDIR.
- Cheatfiles must have the same filename as the ROM. Here is how selecting and enabling cheats works in-game:
- Right analog stick - Left + L2 - Move cheat position back by one (-1)
- Right analog stick - Right + L2 - Move cheat position forwards by one (+1)
* Right analog stick - Up - Enable the currently selected cheat
* Right analog stick - Down - Disable the currently selected cheat
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December 6th, 2010, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NEC TurboGrafx-16/PCEngine/CD emulator for PlayStation 3/Android/iOS/WebOS has been updated. Changes:
- Reworked On-screen controls, now taking physical screen size in account and shouldn't become giant on tablet-style devices in theory (unfortunately I have no such devices for testing yet).
- Added On-screen controller configuration. Select blend level, size (in millimeters), d-pad position, I/II button position.
- Android: Fixed some incorrect caching of Java objects potentially causing crashes
- iOS: Removed legacy NSTimer code, now requires at least iOS 3.1
- iOS: Improved CADisplayLink implementation hopefully fixing menu flickering on - 3GS and improving battery life when the display is idle.
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December 7th, 2010, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's going to update your PS3 hard-drive any moment now with a new dollop of firmware.
Yet all patch v3.55 adds is boring security.
Ah, but security for what? Perhaps a global digital virus is spreading and will devour the PlayStation 3! Or maybe I'm just filling space.
Note that you may need update 3.55 before you can apply the new Gran Turismo 5 patch.
That's it. Get out.
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December 7th, 2010, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers who treasured cult Nineties console the NeoGeo are in for a blast from the past after SNK announced plans to release updated versions of its classic games on PlayStation 3.
On 22nd December SNK Playmore will launch the NeoGeo Station on the PlayStation Network to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the console. An official EU website for the service is now live.
It is designed to be a continuously growing library of classic NeoGeo games - €8.99 per title for PS3 and €6.99 per title for PSP. UK specific prices were not revealed – we're checking now.
10 PS3 games and three PSP games will be available at launch. Fatal Fury, Metal Slug and The King of Fighters '94 will all be released as PS3 and PSP titles. In 2011 SNK will release the PSP versions of the remaining games as well as others.
They'll be updated with versus and/or co-operative play. Online play will be possible over PSN and through Ad-Hoc Mode for PSP versions.
The complete list:
Fatal Fury
Alpha Mission II
The King of Fighters '94
Samurai Shodown
Baseball Stars Professional
Magician Lord
Metal Slug
League Bowling
Super Sidekicks
Art of Fighting
Which did you play?
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December 7th, 2010, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers who treasured cult Nineties console the NeoGeo are in for a blast from the past after SNK announced plans to release updated versions of its classic games on PlayStation 3.
On 22nd December SNK Playmore will launch the NeoGeo Station on the PlayStation Network to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the console. An official EU website for the service is now live.
It is designed to be a continuously growing library of classic NeoGeo games - €8.99 per title for PS3 and €6.99 per title for PSP. UK specific prices were not revealed – we're checking now.
10 PS3 games and three PSP games will be available at launch. Fatal Fury, Metal Slug and The King of Fighters '94 will all be released as PS3 and PSP titles. In 2011 SNK will release the PSP versions of the remaining games as well as others.
They'll be updated with versus and/or co-operative play. Online play will be possible over PSN and through Ad-Hoc Mode for PSP versions.
The complete list:
Fatal Fury
Alpha Mission II
The King of Fighters '94
Samurai Shodown
Baseball Stars Professional
Magician Lord
Metal Slug
League Bowling
Super Sidekicks
Art of Fighting
Which did you play?
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December 7th, 2010, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
Netflix caused a lot of head scratching in October when it started rolling out its new, disc-free Netflix experience for the PS3. Namely, different people were getting a different UI, and there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the differentiation. Well, it turns out Netflix was flexing a bit of its HTML5 muscle, rapidly testing different experiences to see which ones worked best for users, all without having to push out app updates or back-end changes to accommodate its indecision. Apparently, Netflix's engineers actually ported WebKit to the PS3 to make all this possible, and hopefully it's a sign of things to come in the HTML5 iPhone, iPad, and Android apps -- which could probably use some serious sprucing, or even a bit of scattered rapid prototyping just to relieve the monotony. It's also seems to be good news for other PS3 apps which can lean on the framework -- presumably VUDU's own HTML5-based UI took advantage of this when it landed on the PS3 in November. What we'd really love is if Sony and Google are secretly in cahoots to bring the entirety of Chrome and its couch-friendly Google TV UI with it. Hey, we can dream, right?
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December 7th, 2010, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
Google's really been big today on emphasizing that Gingerbread is better than ever for game development, and that's already bearing itself out thanks to a page culled from the Android 2.3 SDK where we see a handful of new keycodes in the system clearly targeted for gaming: L1, L2, R1, R2, Select, Start, and so on. Does it have anything to do with the Sony Ericsson Zeus Z1 and all the PlayStation phone noise, though? We imagine it lays some of the groundwork, but all told, it's hard to say -- after all, PlayStation famously uses shapes for its primary controls, and we wouldn't be surprised if Sony were working on a separate development environment of some sort for PlayStation-branded titles rather than letting it all flow through the official Android SDK proper. We also don't yet know whether Sony Ericsson's gaming efforts are coming in the Gingerbread or the Honeycomb timeframe (though we're definitely expecting news next February at MWC), but one way or another, game devs should find it a little easier now to map the controls they need.
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December 7th, 2010, 16:00 Posted By: bandit
You thought Sony wouldn't try and stop this? Sony has just pushed 3.55 firmware update to all PS3 consoles.
A new PS3 system software update, v3.55, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch.
Some have thought it was because of the recent news of X3Max's 3.50 jailbreak. However, how can Sony block something that has yet to be released? So the obvious reason for the update is because of the downgrader that was released last week by PS Jailbreak.
The FACTORY SERVICE MODE still works using an E3 Card Reader or Original PS Jailbreak, but the (lv2diag.self file_1) has been revoked by Sony if the system is v3.55. So there is no downgrading but the second file (lv2diag.self file_2) was not. So at least Sony does not want you stuck in FACTORY SERVICE MODE and allows the user to return his machine back to a normal state to be able to go back online and play games.
Source: PlayStation Blog
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December 8th, 2010, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
The rapid rise of mobile gaming, particularly on Apple's iOS devices, is stealing "significant" market share from the DS and PSP, which are beginning to "stagnate".
That's according to Courtney Johnson, research and analysis manager at industry research firm Interpret, speaking on the results of a recent US survey.
"Devices which satisfy a variety of entertainment and utility are fast outstripping single-function devices as consumer favorites," said Johnson, based on the responses of 9000 poled.
He acknowledges that gaming as a whole is on a "meteoric rise", while "Sony PSP and Nintendo DS stagnate".
Another recent survey conducted by research firm Neilson concluded that the iPad is the most wanted technology product among US kids aged 6-12.
And earlier this year Epic VP Mark Rein said the smartphones and tablets like iPad and iPhone "are the consoles of the future", seemingly optimistic over the devices' download-only systems and cheaper software price points.
"I'd rather sell 10 million games at $25 and have a chance to sell DLC than 5 million at $50 on a disc that gets traded around," he said.
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December 8th, 2010, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
EA CEO John Riccitiello has claimed that Blu-ray gaming is coming of age after a slow start - and that the format is beginning to "resonate" with gamers.
The capacity of Blu-ray has hit the headlines a few times this year - with large games that can be accommodated on a single PS3 Blu-ray requiring multiple Xbox 360 DVDs.
These have included Capcom's Lost Planet 2 and Konami's Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - whose creators have spoken out against being forced into multi-disc releases. However, Microsoft maintains that it has no interest in adopting the format for Xbox in future.
"Interestingly enough I don't think Blu-ray resonated much with consumers when it was first part of the package," Riccitiello told Kotaku.
"I think [Blu-ray] is resonating now in a pretty big way, because a consumer doesn't have to buy two devices when they can get one and it's not multiple discs for a large game, it's one disc and the fidelity is higher. Sometimes the competitive advantage requires games to show it off to prove it's compelling."
Riccitiello is a self-confessed lover of the console war. He added that his "favourite outcome" of large hardware manufacturers including Apple, Sony and Microsoft doing battle was "a gigantic war for which we sell the bullets".
The exec said the Blu-ray example - of a format coming good when games can show off its advantages - meant we should be optimistic for PSP2's reported super-powers.
"So reading in a press release that [PSP2's] as powerful as a high-end console in your pocket is sort of a little flat," he commented. "Look at it the first time; when you actually see it happening it can be awfully compelling."
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December 8th, 2010, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Fixed a small bug in sceSasCore.
Improved sceAtrac3plus module's organization.
Improved all kernel object managers waiting conditions.
Added new functions from firmware 6.30.
Added newly discovered condition in R_MIPS_GPREL16.
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December 8th, 2010, 01:06 Posted By: bandit
Theres 3 news in one as they all are related...
PS3YES! has just released their own downgrader...
Thanks to: PSGroove.com
And many thanks to the scene developers that work hard to bring these tools to everyone:
Graf Chokolo, zAxis, Hansi, Hermes, Kakaroto
Our downgrade firmware is based on the PSGrade project, we will open the source soon.
Support for the following:
PS3YES AT90USB162 8mhz
PS3YES AT90USB162 16mhz
AT90USBKEY at90usb1287 8mhz
Teensy++ 1.0 at90usb646 16mhz
Teensy++ 2.0 at90usb1286 16mhz
Since firmware 3.55 is out for the PS3, you can only use downgraders to downgrade firmwares 3.50 or LOWER!
NOTE: Importing the HEX to other devices using current payload converters will NOT work!
Source: PS3YES! via PSGroove
That's not all. PS3Key has also released their own downgrader as well and you can read our review HERE.
Posted on 7th December 2010
If you need to downgrade a PS3 with firmware version 3.50 or below you can now grab the PS3KEY JIG firmware from the downloads section! Please note that we do not host the modified PUP file or any other file that may contain copyrighted code.
ATMEL and SiLabs have been attached.
Source: PS3Key
*UPDATE ADDED* 12/8/2010
Only For Use With PS3break v1.0 - Not For Use With 1.1 or 1.2!

Hot news: PS3break V1.0 Downgrade Mode Firmware has been tested successfully [12/8/2010]
Ps3breakV1.0 Downgrade Mode Firmware will be issued today,but PS3BREAK V1.1 and V1.2 Downgrade Mode Firmware all the users concerned is testing and will be released later.Please pay more your attention to PS3BREAK official news closely.
Source: PS3Break / PS3Break Download
*UPDATE ADDED* 12/8/2010
PS3USBJAILBREAK Downgrader released - Date: 12-08-2010
Downgrader for PS3SUBJailbreak has now released.
Please download our programming tools v1.2.8 to reflash.
You can purchase PS3USBJailbreak from LighTake for $12.99 and get 10% off using coupon code TJOOS.
Source: PS3USBJailbreak
*UPDATE ADDED* 12/8/2010
PS3go finally released their downgrade update via the a9vg forum's! You can read our review HERE.
Source: P3Go
Last but not least, with the release of downgraders, KaKaRoTo has found out the TRUE USB > AAAA Device Key that is used by all downgrading service Jig dongles. There were many so-called "master keys" however, PS3YES! obfuscated the key, xor-ed it with 0x36 and swapped bytes 11 and 16. The real key is below.
0xAAAA dongle key:
04 4E 61 1B A6 A6 E3 9A 98 CF 35 81 2C 80 68 C7 FC 5F 7A E8
What does this mean for end-users? Nothing much except for the fact that now, the downgrader will be open source in the form of PSGrade by zAxis. PSGrade was a work in process (WIP) downgrader however, it was not working as he could not find the key that was needed...until now.
Source: KaKaRoTo Twitter
For your convenience, we have included PS3YES! (Fit to all at90usb162 8Mhz and 16Mhz boards), PS3Key, PS3USBJailbreak, P3Go and PSGrade open source files for the usual USB boards such as Teensy, Olimex, Blackcats, Minimus, etc.
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December 8th, 2010, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2337
facanferff PS3 offers an application that allows you to open files of type .txt / .cpp / .c / .h.
Features :
- File Explorer to select a document
- Option to increase / decrease the font size
- Option to increase / decrease the number of lines in the document to be read
- Go to file browser when you're on a document (R3)
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December 8th, 2010, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2345
TimRex released a new version of its set of emulators for Commodore. You will be able to emulate the C64, C128, and VIC20 Plus4.
- Full speed emulation
- Support Audio (FastSID)
- Support 16:9, 4:3
- Support of filters (with preview)
- Autoload
- Warp Mode (~ 350-700% of the current speed)
- On-Screen Keyboard.
- Keyboard support (partial implementation).
- Support for most formats, uncompressed (. D64. D71. D80. D81. D82. G64. G41. X64. T64. Tap. Prg. P00)
New / fixed:
- C128 Support
- Fixed On-Screen Keyboard (virtual keyboard)
- Initial support for emulation RESID (better audio)
- Fixed a minor bug that caused a return to the settings screen
- Added PIC1.PNG
- Support for inserting a disk image without rebooting (TRIANGLE)
- Added compatibility mode SlowLoad (SQUARE). This will disable the user mode and activate FastLoad True drive emulation (TDE) for titles that require it to improve compatibility
- Assigning buttons RUN / STOP to L3
- Assigning the right stick to the arrow keys (up / down / left / right)
- Fixed the assignment of keys to buttons F1/F3/F5/F7 L1/L2/R1/R2
- Significant increase in CPU speed of the order of 1749% due to the deactivation of the audio emulation mode during Warp. This speeds up loading times relatively long.
- Optimization of the size of audio buffers
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December 8th, 2010, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/12/07/...ance-with-hbl/
Developer frillybob emailed this in yesterday — it’s a tweaked out version of gpSP for all you that are using Half Byte Loader. If ya don’t know, gpSP emulates the Game Boy Advance. What’s new in this version? Primarily tweaks to improve your overall GBA+HBL experience. Tweaks like:
•Speed boost for 6.20/6.30/6.31 users
•PRX in place for when TN-HEN gets released (not done of course)
•Less crashes with saving games (specifically Mario Party Advance, that’s what made me code this better for HBL)
•Added special HBL font (not in use, going to be later
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December 8th, 2010, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/scea-...-action-72427/
On the eve of everyone screaming about the new v3.55 Firmware update, killing off the Downgrading PS3 consoles.
Sony has also been busy with new paperwork in a court room today, and have re-opened their case against the Jailbreakers in the United States.
Lucky, for everyone it is almost XMAS season, so the next big court date will be February 24, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in front of Honorable Richard Seeborg which will now also take place in the Golden Gate city of San Francisco.
In the meantime SCEA is busy filing court papers and most likely new printouts from all the forum sites and other sites that have appeared in the last month with the outbreak of all these new fancy dongles and downgrades.
So it seems tonight, Sony is not happy with just releasing a v3.55 update, it looks like they plan a new court battle also, and we here at PSX-SCENE will keep you updated as SCEA starts filing their paperwork thruout the XMAS holidays.
Sony becomes the new Scrooge in our holiday books this year!
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December 8th, 2010, 16:13 Posted By: bandit
Downgrading your PS3 MAY in SOME cases STOP you from watching any Blu-Ray movies! (Games still work!)

Quote by garyopa
Ok, we need to work on this Blu-Ray playback it is MAJOR PROBLEM!
I was able to restore one machine I had, by copying over all the files I had in the /dev_flash2 and /dev_flash3 back to the HDD, that I had saved before when it was on v3.41
But that does not help those that were on v3.50 factory fresh or with no previous full /dev_flash2 & 3 backup.
I not sure what file was that fixed the problem.
We need more machines, more tests.
I going start a thread and warn people right now!
Reply by Mathieulh
Source: @Mathieulh (via) TwitLonger
The people having bluray movies playback issues after downgrading, this happens because you updated to a modified PUP (psjb one) which has its /dev_flash3/ tarball swapped (probably to a debug one, debug consoles do not sport bd movies playback) with other CRL/DRL revocation files.
Having read some posts online, it seems that majority of people who did downgrade, still have a working BD Playback for movies. Interesting. Could it be the downgrade files (modified 3.41 PUP) that is causing the problem?
*UPDATE to possible fix by Mathieulh*
Replacing /dev_flash3/ to a backup according to multiple accounts, fixed the problem.
However, the above method does no good for consoles that came pre-installed with 3.50 as there is no "dev_flash3" to backup from. You can also see what other people are using to downgrade, what consoles they're using and if they are affected over at PSX-Scene (Blu-ray player, does yours still work after downgrade).
Source: PSX-Scene
Image via comments
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December 9th, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has offered PlayStation Plus subscribers perhaps the premium service's most eye-catching deal yet: LittleBigPlanet spin-off Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves free of charge.
Plus subscribers will be able to download the PlayStation Move-compatible game a week before it goes on general release on 15th December. Wait, that's today!
The idea is for the person with the Move controller to flick switches to help people using the normal PS3 pad controls to progress.
As an additional treat, the LittleBigPlanet 2 beta will be extended – but only for PS Plus subscribers. "We were gutted we couldn't give you the first LBP2 beta exclusively but to hopefully make up for it a little, we have managed to persuade the guys to extend the LBP2 beta for you Plus members," PlayStation Network product manager James Thorpe said on the EU PlayStation Blog.
"The numbers are unfortunately limited but if you have been chosen then you should have already received an email and are hopefully playing, creating and sharing as we speak."
He added: "This is just the start of the December treats so keep your eyes open for another update very soon."
The PS3's PlayStation Plus service launched in the summer. It costs £39.99 annually - or £11.99 for 90 days.
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December 9th, 2010, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
PSP sales rose by more than 400 per cent in Japan this week after Capcom’s Monster Hunter Portable 3rd hit shelves.
Sony sold 325,528 PSPs from November 29th to December 5th, up from 75,689 the week before, VG247 reports.
The spike in sales is due in part to the Monster Hunter Portable 3rd PSP bundle. The game alone has shipped 2m copies in five days.
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December 9th, 2010, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
If you're of a certain age, there was one console you wanted more than any other: a Neo Geo. It was so big, so dark, and so freaking expensive it was like a gadget from another time -- yet there it was, looking down at you from behind the counter at Babbage's. $649 in 1990? Yeah. Ouch. Anyway, people today can now experience that machine's greatness for a much lower price, with the PlayStation Network receiving 10 of the system's greatest hits, each selling for between $6.99 and $8.99. Yes, these games were already available on the Wii Virtual Console, but the PSN versions will support online competitive and co-operative play, which is truly worth getting excited about. All games will be hitting the PS3 on December 21, while Fatal Fury and Metal Slug will be hitting the PSP then as well. For other games, like Magician Lord and Super Sidekicks, you portable folks will just have to wait until January.
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December 9th, 2010, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
The much-rumoured PlayStation Phone will launch in March next year, so say anonymous Sony sources.
According to ITProPortal's insider, the gadget will be officially launched at Cebit 2011 in Germany - a global tech conference taking place between 1st and 5th March.
However, it'll also apparently be shown at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February.
Of course, last month a rumour circulated that Sony would be revealing the phone tomorrow, so who to believe?
Very little is known for sure about the new hardware but apparently the phone's screen is "on par" with the iPhone's Retina screen. It'll run Google's Android OS, with games priced at mobile game rates, not PSP rates.
Reports suggest it will cost around $500 (£318 approx), including five free games.
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December 9th, 2010, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/08/t...ps-on-the-roa/
Hey everyone, some news from Total_Noob who gave me a quick report on his ongoing work.
There’s some good news and some not-so-good news in what he told me. Basically, Lots of changes happened in the Kernel between 6.20 and 6.35 (lots of nids changed, and finding them is an extremely difficult and boring process). Because of that, porting his work from 6.20 to 6.35 will require more time than he initially expected, and that might not be ready in time for Christmas.
Nevertheless, Total_Noob will keep his deadline promise, but release the Hen for 6.20 first (using the Patapon 2 exploit and most likely HBL), then later on, the 6.35 version.
I hope this will make everyone happy, I know the last days are always the hardest, it’s like being a kid and waiting for Christmas again, but let’s all be patient
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December 9th, 2010, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard a lot of rumors regarding the PSP 2 but it has been limited largely to isolated reports regarding specific features; today, however, we've received a comprehensive rundown of the device's features from someone with direct hands-on experience with the forthcoming handheld.
According to our source, current iterations of the PSP 2 feature dual analog sliders that are comparable to those found on the existing PSP but are unique in that they have concave indentations rather than convex. It maintains the slider design of the PSPgo, but increases the overall size to accommodate the new features and a slightly larger touch-enabled display.
As would be expected, the PSP 2, like the PSPgo, lacks a UMD drive and will run downloadable or expandable memory-based games. The device also incorporates both front- and rear-facing cameras, presumably for pictures, video recording and communication, and augmented reality-based games.
- VG247
Notably, the frequently rumored rear-mounted touch panel is real and features a smooth glass-like surface, which our source says can be used for a variety of input functions such as analog thumbstick-type controls, taps, swipes and other gesture commands like a swipe to reload motion.
Our source also confirmed the recent batch of leaked images from VG247, which detail the state of current development units.
As far as graphics are concerned, the PSP 2 is a beast, packing enough processing hardware to produce graphics comparable to early PlayStation 3 titles. The processor, we're told, is just over half as powerful as the PS3, though the specific framework of the cores and the clock speed was not revealed.
the device isn't as powerful as the PlayStation 3, its components should allow it to sufficiently play games of comparable graphical quality due to the fact that it is rendering to a smaller, lower-resolution display than a full 1080p HDTV.
All things considered, it seems that Sony aims to allow developers to port or custom-tailor PlayStation 3 titles for use on the handheld, potentially to create a ubiquitous gameplay experience that could sync seamlessly between the console and the handheld. In other words, players could potentially start games on their PlayStation 3 and continue them on-the-go with the PSP 2.
Despite all we've learned, several key questions remain – namely how much it will cost and when we may see it publicly unveiled. Naturally, a device as powerful and full-featured as this would fetch a pretty penny, perhaps as much as the PS3 itself, and we wouldn't be surprised to see its official debut at E3 2011.
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December 9th, 2010, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Improved compatibility of sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo and sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition based on test results with JpcspConnector.
Fixed some problems introduced in r1885, disabled second buffer handling as this is completely disabling sounds in some games.
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December 9th, 2010, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2353
Klutsh has posted new images recovery to certain phones running Android.
These images include the feature to place your PS3 in service mode and allow the downgrade from version 3.50 to firmware 3.41 or lower.
Images are available for the following devices:
- Commtivia z71
- Desire (CDMA)
- Desire (GSM)
- Desire HD
- Nexus One
- T-Mobile G2
To perform the downgrade itself to the console, you can follow the tutorial of Shakin .
Official Website and download: http://www.klutsh.com
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December 9th, 2010, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2354
The PSGrade is now available for iPhone 2G/3G - iPod Touch 1G.
Use :
Your devices must already have OpeniBoot / iDroid PSGrade to work with.
- Copy files and android.img.gz zImage in / var / idroid
- Connect your device to your PS3 as normal for use jailbreak.
- The console should go out and then go into service mode once rekindled.
To perform the downgrade itself to the console, you can follow the tutorial of Shakin .
PSGrade 2G/3G iPhone - iPod Touch 1G
Official site: http://wiki.psfreedom.com/wiki/IPhoneLinux
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December 9th, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will next February release another gun-replicating attachment for the PS Move controller that looks better than that bulky gun it first revealed.
At $39.99, the 'sharp shooter' attachment launch coincides with the release of Killzone 3, with which Sony hopes you'll use it.
"The PlayStation Move sharp shooter provides the most intuitive and immersive control experience for shooter games," says Sony. "The streamlined design features easily accessible buttons, responsive digital trigger, realistic pump-action, firing mode selector, adjustable shoulder stock and convenient access to the navigation controller, allowing gamers to take aim and move into the firefight for hours of comfortable and engaging gameplay."
Of course the attachment will also play nice with other shooters including Time Crisis: Razing Storm, Socom 4 and Dead Space Extraction.
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December 9th, 2010, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster

We can't get enough of Sony Ericsson's PlayStation Phone (also known as Zeus Z1), and we're guessing neither can you. We were just sent a new video of the device in action, only now it's running Qualcomm's Neocore benchmark app. As you can see, the device managed 24.4 frames per second on average. That doesn't seem like much -- our Nexus S, for example, just pulled off 55.6fps -- but bear in mind, this isn't the final software (or hardware probably), so there's no conclusions at all to draw from this benchmark right now. Just think of it as another nice view of the phone as we inch closer to a finish line we still can't make out over the horizon. Sorry, no slide-out gamepad, but you saw that last week -- don't be greedy. Video after the break.
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December 10th, 2010, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/12/08/...ayer-released/
Who’s still coding PSP homebrew in Lua? FlavR is … in fact FlavR recently released a whole new Lua player: XtreamLua Player, or XLP for short. Geecko actually sent word because XtreamLua Player utilizes gLib2D, which we told you about in the past.
XtreamLua Player
•The gLib2D, library developed by Geecko.
•intraFont-G, which is a model developed by the Geecko intraFont of BenHur, you can write a text with intraFont and rotation.
•aalib, a library for playing sounds in MP3, OGG, WAV and AT3.
•The management of keys
•System messages Sony OSK official and the official system backups
•Management of Timers
•File management (list, rename, delete, etc …)
•Many functions on time (date, time, etc …)
•everal function Power (battery, cpu, etc …)
•“So many other functions, such as function of intraFont JiiCeii, or a function to know the current FPS.
Pretty cool if you’re new to PSP development and looking for somewhere to start. XLP includes a few samples to get you going too
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December 10th, 2010, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/neo-race-v0-2-a-72666/
I put together an updated version of Neo Race. It doesn’t have everything I wanted to get into it but I probably wont be working on PS3 stuff much until next month so I figured I would just post what I have done now.
There is some simple lighting now. You move a little faster. Some changes to the controls (the sixaxis steering has been left unchanged) have been made and there have been some other little things changed. There was going to be some old style full screen motion blur and zoom tied to your speed but it turned out being unusable slow on PS3 (which is odd considering how well it worked on my antiquated PC).
More importantly though I’ve added a track editor. Its far from done but it is incredibly easy to use so you can put together tracks very quickly and you can save whatever you make. You can only have one saved track at a time (there is no race track selection screen yet) but you can exit out of the editor and then play what you where working on without needing to save so you can play around with it without overwriting whatever you have saved.
If you want to get your saved track from of your PS3 (using a file manager or FTP client) and store it elsewhere or share it it’s the “track.txt” file located at “/dev_hdd0/game/NEOR66666/USRDIR/”. I would love to see anything you make.
I would really like to know what everyone would like to see done with the track editor. Are there any kinds of freely place able objects that you would like to have? Would you like to be able to control the width of the track? Do you like the way that each checkpoint in the track is automatically rotated (which makes it a lot less time consuming to lay out the track and have nice turns) or would you prefer to have control over their rotation? How do you feel about the buildings? Any input would be appreciated.
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December 11th, 2010, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Why does Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of Gran Turismo, get special dispensation from Sony when he makes a game? Because each main Gran Turismo release has sold roughly 10 million copies - or more.
The best of the bunch is Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, released 2001, with a gargantuan 14.80 million copies sold worldwide.
Gran Turismo 4 and the original Gran Turismo are almost neck-and-neck behind GT3, with 10.86 million and 10.81 million sales each, respectively.
Yamauchi's second game, Gran Turismo 2, didn't quite make it past 10 million sales, but finished close with 9.34 million sales.
Gran Turismo 5, the most recent instalment, has now shipped 5.5 million units.
Those are the core releases. Preceding the fifth game was Gran Turismo 5 Prologue in 2008, which shifted a significant 4.81 million copies. In contrast, Gran Turismo 4 Prologue sold 1.34 million copies.
There's an interesting geographical twist to the figures, too. Whereas record holder Gran Turismo 3 sold the most copies in America (7.14 million), every other Gran Turismo has done bigger business in Europe - barring GT2, which narrowly sold more in the US.
Typically, Yamauchi has opted for lower numbers of cars when launching on new PlayStation hardware: PSone debutant Gran Turismo 1 had 178 cars (according to Wikipedia), a figure Gran Turismo 2 took to 650; PS2 debutant Gran Turismo 3 had 180 cars, a figure Gran Turismo 4 bumped to 722.
Gran Turismo 5, however, bucks that trend like a steroid-pumped donkey, with a whopping roster of 1031 cars. I dread to think what Yamauchi will insist goes in to Gran Turismo 6.
Gran Turismo lifetime sales are below:
Gran Turismo (PSone 1998) - Europe: 4.27m, US: 3.98m, Japan: 2.55m, Asia: 0.01m
Gran Turismo 2 (PSone 2000) - US: 3.96, Europe: 3.65, Japan: 1.171, Asia: 0.02m
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (PS2 2001) - US: 7.14m, Europe: 5.76m, Japan: 1.89m, Asia: 0.01m
Gran Turismo Concept 2001 Tokyo (PS2 2002) - Europe: 0.94m, Japan: 0.43m, Asia: 0.13m, US: N/A
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue (PS2 2004) - Japan: 0.79m, Europe: 0.39, Asia: 0.16m, US: N/A
Gran Turismo 4 (PS2 2005) - Europe: 6.40m, US: 3.02m, Japan: 1.27m, Asia: 0.17m
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3 2008) - Europe: 3.04m, US: 1.13m, Japan: 0.53m, Asia: 0.11m
Gran Tursimo (PSP 2009) - Europe: 1.19m, US: 0.67m, Japan: 0.32m, Asia: 0.04m
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3 2010) - Europe: 3.56m, US: 1.25m, Japan: 0.55m, Asia: 0.16m
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December 11th, 2010, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Why does Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of Gran Turismo, get special dispensation from Sony when he makes a game? Because each main Gran Turismo release has sold roughly 10 million copies - or more.
The best of the bunch is Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, released 2001, with a gargantuan 14.80 million copies sold worldwide.
Gran Turismo 4 and the original Gran Turismo are almost neck-and-neck behind GT3, with 10.86 million and 10.81 million sales each, respectively.
Yamauchi's second game, Gran Turismo 2, didn't quite make it past 10 million sales, but finished close with 9.34 million sales.
Gran Turismo 5, the most recent instalment, has now shipped 5.5 million units.
Those are the core releases. Preceding the fifth game was Gran Turismo 5 Prologue in 2008, which shifted a significant 4.81 million copies. In contrast, Gran Turismo 4 Prologue sold 1.34 million copies.
There's an interesting geographical twist to the figures, too. Whereas record holder Gran Turismo 3 sold the most copies in America (7.14 million), every other Gran Turismo has done bigger business in Europe - barring GT2, which narrowly sold more in the US.
Typically, Yamauchi has opted for lower numbers of cars when launching on new PlayStation hardware: PSone debutant Gran Turismo 1 had 178 cars (according to Wikipedia), a figure Gran Turismo 2 took to 650; PS2 debutant Gran Turismo 3 had 180 cars, a figure Gran Turismo 4 bumped to 722.
Gran Turismo 5, however, bucks that trend like a steroid-pumped donkey, with a whopping roster of 1031 cars. I dread to think what Yamauchi will insist goes in to Gran Turismo 6.
Gran Turismo lifetime sales are below:
Gran Turismo (PSone 1998) - Europe: 4.27m, US: 3.98m, Japan: 2.55m, Asia: 0.01m
Gran Turismo 2 (PSone 2000) - US: 3.96, Europe: 3.65, Japan: 1.171, Asia: 0.02m
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (PS2 2001) - US: 7.14m, Europe: 5.76m, Japan: 1.89m, Asia: 0.01m
Gran Turismo Concept 2001 Tokyo (PS2 2002) - Europe: 0.94m, Japan: 0.43m, Asia: 0.13m, US: N/A
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue (PS2 2004) - Japan: 0.79m, Europe: 0.39, Asia: 0.16m, US: N/A
Gran Turismo 4 (PS2 2005) - Europe: 6.40m, US: 3.02m, Japan: 1.27m, Asia: 0.17m
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3 2008) - Europe: 3.04m, US: 1.13m, Japan: 0.53m, Asia: 0.11m
Gran Tursimo (PSP 2009) - Europe: 1.19m, US: 0.67m, Japan: 0.32m, Asia: 0.04m
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3 2010) - Europe: 3.56m, US: 1.25m, Japan: 0.55m, Asia: 0.16m
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December 11th, 2010, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Why does Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of Gran Turismo, get special dispensation from Sony when he makes a game? Because each main Gran Turismo release has sold roughly 10 million copies - or more.
The best of the bunch is Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, released 2001, with a gargantuan 14.80 million copies sold worldwide.
Gran Turismo 4 and the original Gran Turismo are almost neck-and-neck behind GT3, with 10.86 million and 10.81 million sales each, respectively.
Yamauchi's second game, Gran Turismo 2, didn't quite make it past 10 million sales, but finished close with 9.34 million sales.
Gran Turismo 5, the most recent instalment, has now shipped 5.5 million units.
Those are the core releases. Preceding the fifth game was Gran Turismo 5 Prologue in 2008, which shifted a significant 4.81 million copies. In contrast, Gran Turismo 4 Prologue sold 1.34 million copies.
There's an interesting geographical twist to the figures, too. Whereas record holder Gran Turismo 3 sold the most copies in America (7.14 million), every other Gran Turismo has done bigger business in Europe - barring GT2, which narrowly sold more in the US.
Typically, Yamauchi has opted for lower numbers of cars when launching on new PlayStation hardware: PSone debutant Gran Turismo 1 had 178 cars (according to Wikipedia), a figure Gran Turismo 2 took to 650; PS2 debutant Gran Turismo 3 had 180 cars, a figure Gran Turismo 4 bumped to 722.
Gran Turismo 5, however, bucks that trend like a steroid-pumped donkey, with a whopping roster of 1031 cars. I dread to think what Yamauchi will insist goes in to Gran Turismo 6.
Gran Turismo lifetime sales are below:
Gran Turismo (PSone 1998) - Europe: 4.27m, US: 3.98m, Japan: 2.55m, Asia: 0.01m
Gran Turismo 2 (PSone 2000) - US: 3.96, Europe: 3.65, Japan: 1.171, Asia: 0.02m
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (PS2 2001) - US: 7.14m, Europe: 5.76m, Japan: 1.89m, Asia: 0.01m
Gran Turismo Concept 2001 Tokyo (PS2 2002) - Europe: 0.94m, Japan: 0.43m, Asia: 0.13m, US: N/A
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue (PS2 2004) - Japan: 0.79m, Europe: 0.39, Asia: 0.16m, US: N/A
Gran Turismo 4 (PS2 2005) - Europe: 6.40m, US: 3.02m, Japan: 1.27m, Asia: 0.17m
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3 2008) - Europe: 3.04m, US: 1.13m, Japan: 0.53m, Asia: 0.11m
Gran Tursimo (PSP 2009) - Europe: 1.19m, US: 0.67m, Japan: 0.32m, Asia: 0.04m
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3 2010) - Europe: 3.56m, US: 1.25m, Japan: 0.55m, Asia: 0.16m
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December 11th, 2010, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
A whopping 17 million people have walked the virtual streets of PlayStation Home, Sony has announced.
Mind you, it's free - perhaps the real story is that the remaining 22.2 million people with a PS3 haven't.
The numbers come on this, PlayStation Home's second birthday. A comparison chart between now and then, 2008 - launch of the open beta - has been posted on the US PlayStation Blog.
Then, Home had 0.2 million users; now, 17 million. Then, there were nine games to play; now, 236 games. Then, 114 virtual items; now, 7000. Then, 25 events; now, 600.
In January 2009, Sony announced that 10 million gamers inhabited PlayStation Home. How exactly this is measured - client downloads, avatars created - isn't mentioned.
Today, PlayStation Home is a fundamentally different place to the world and service Phil Harrison announced at the Game Developers Conference in early 2007. What was once to become an elaborate extrapolation of Achievements on Xbox Live has spiralled into an enormous world - a game in its own right.
Take Novus Prime as an example: it's a multiplayer space shooter where people can defend a space station, customise ships and partake in huge battles. Or there's the carnival area of Midway 2, where hundreds of games await your attention.
To that end, Sony plans much more of the same for 2011.
Conspiracy, available in January and made by Jet Set Games, will be a 3D multiplayer game that involves stealing from the enemy. And then in spring, PlayStation Home veteran Outso will deliver Sodium 2, with more customisable jet racers, faster speeds and louder songs.
Incidentally, PlayStation Home is still considered by Sony to be in beta.
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December 11th, 2010, 18:57 Posted By: bandit
The PlayStation 3 was a massive investment for many gamers, especially for those that bought the console at launch. For Sony, the costs were even higher, with billions spent on development, and more spent on selling the console at a loss. So its no wonder the company wants to extend the PS3′s life-cycle, and thus make profit on the platform. Now, a Sony patent has hinted that they will release external processors to make the console even more powerful – without the need for a PS4.
The benefits of an upgrade to the PS3 are obvious – allowing for a more powerful machine, without having to pay so much for a new console. However, the “PS3 External Processor” has its drawbacks: it wouldn’t give consumers the same experience as a full new console, and would run the risk of both fragmenting and confusing the market.
The patent – from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Tokyo, JP – explains the reasoning behind the processing peripheral:
In recent years, there has been an insatiable desire for faster computer processing data throughputs because cutting-edge computer applications involve real-time, multimedia functionality. Graphics applications are among those that place the highest demands on a processing system because they require such vast numbers of data accesses, data computations, and data manipulations in relatively short periods of time to achieve desirable visual results. These applications require extremely fast processing speeds, such as many thousands of megabits of data per second. While some processing systems employ a single processor to achieve fast processing speeds, others are implemented utilizing multi-processor architectures. In multi-processor systems, a plurality of sub-processors can operate in parallel (or at least in concert) to achieve desired processing results.
Coming to the conclusion that:
Accordingly, there are needs in the art for new methods and apparatus for interconnecting one or more multiprocessor systems with one or more external devices to achieve higher processing capabilities.
The patent is shown in a picture:
The dotted area 500, is the external processor, with the patent explaining that the memory it shares (514) with the internal processor could be DRAM, MRAM or SRAM, among others:
PE 500 is closely associated with a shared (main) memory 514 through a high bandwidth memory connection 516. Although the memory 514 preferably is a dynamic random access memory (DRAM), the memory 514 could be implemented using other means, e.g., as a static random access memory (SRAM), a magnetic random access memory (MRAM), an optical memory, a holographic memory, etc.
The patent expressly states that several external processors may be used:
In accordance with an alternative embodiment, two processor elements may be cascaded by each employing its respective BIC in a coherent symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) interface (or BIF) configuration. The coherent SMP interface (BIF) of each processing element is coupled to one another to set up a coherent interface there between.
The patent was filed this August and only recently published, showing that any plans are most likely in the early stages.
Last year, EA’s Chief Creative Officer, Rich Hilleman, told VentureBeat how he “expected we’ll see a PlayStation 3.5 before we see a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox 560 before we see an Xbox 720,” ”
Would you be interested in purchasing an “External Processor”?
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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December 12th, 2010, 04:35 Posted By: LyonHrt
Shadow has posted progress on whats happening with this psp emulator
Although dev is a bit slow these days (we all wait christman's holidays to code ;D )
there are some fixes on pcsp after 0.4.0
Many users reported an issue about their Opengl missing extensions , so a software version of OcclusionQuery has been added.
Also a new way to detect Opengl extensions added so pcsp now handles more flexible the detection.
There are also some tries to make pcsp to work on Linux and macOS but still not major success.
Stay tuned for more news and who knows we might release a fix version for christmans 
More info here
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December 12th, 2010, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...43b3c17b323c8c
Stealth offers a new version of "Engine02" 2D game engine for DOS, Windows, Linux, Intel / PPC MacOS, PSP, and Wii. The games created, their maintenance and updating of the program are directly downloadable from the program.
Engine02 Is A script-driven, multiplatform 2D game engine for DOS With builds, Windows, Linux, Intel / PPC MacOS, PSP, and Wii.
Complete documentation for Creating games IS Included with PC and Mac builds, and est disponible On the website.
Created Games gold hosted by the Author and His Team are downloadable from Directly Inside the program. Updates for the program, in gold "any game installed, can aussi Be Downloaded From The Same interface When They Become available.
Currently-available games:
Megaman: Triple Threat - A Megaman 7 style fangame. Currently in-progress demo year
Sonic the Hedgehog: Project Mettrix - A Sonic 3 style fangame. Currently in-progress demo year
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December 12th, 2010, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/12/t...ate-announced/
After several weeks without official news, Total_Noob posted yesterday a new video of his Hen showing the VSH menu in action. The VSH menu is a feature that used to give access to basic functionality (choice of the ISO mode, etc…) on Custom Firmwares. In the case of unhackable motherboards, this menu is becoming a much more essential feature, as a “replacement” of the recovery menu. On TN’s video, we can see that his recovery menu has a bit more than what we were used to so far:
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December 12th, 2010, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/12/t...support-added/
Total_Noob is on fire and posts twice over the weekend
He posted new information, stating that his Hen will support plugins, although some of the most popular ones will not work because they are designed for 5.xx. He added he might update some of the plugins himself to be compatible with 6.20… I’m personally hoping for PSPLink support, but I think this one has been working for a while already
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December 13th, 2010, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
As the battle for motion-sensing supremacy heats up this Christmas, Sony has cast doubt on the wisdom of Microsoft's blockbuster Kinect launch.
"I don't think it was quieter," Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Andrew House told MCV in response to criticism over Sony's marketing of Move compared to Microsoft's high-profile Kinect campaign.
"We know a marketing push is important around a launch window, but what will really drive adoption of new technology is going to be great content.
"We've got a whole range of experiences that serve the broadest audience and that is a far better long-term bet. You can only sustain a certain amount of momentum just based on trying to ram product at people based on a strong marketing push. It really will be content that defines it."
Move and Kinect are considered to be neck and neck in worldwide sales, with Move enjoying around a month head start.
Earlier this month Microsoft's 2.5 million global Kinect sales announcement was countered when Sony announced it had sold 4.1 million Move controllers across the globe since its September launch.
However, while Sony's announcement used the word "sales" in relation to the impressive number, it actually meant "shipped". Shipped relates to sales to shops, whereas sales relates to sales through to gamers.
House added that consumer demand for Move is 'in excess' of projections.
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December 13th, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of SNES RPG classic Final Fantasy IV is heading to the PSP, incorporating recent WiiWare expansion The After Years as well as the 1991 original.
Andriasang reports that Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection will boast revamped visuals and a brand new chapter linking the original RPG with its latter-day spin-off.
There are no further details right now, other than a mooted Spring 2011 release date in Japan, but we're onto Square Enix for more information.
Even the most casual Final Fantasy fan should be fairly well-versed in Final Fantasy IV's charms, but The After Years is something of a curio. It started out life as a Japan-only mobile game before coming to Western shores in July 2009 on WiiWare.
It's set 17 years after the events of Final Fantasy IV and follows the adventures of Ceodore, the son of the original game's hero Cecil.
Its retro RPG stylings won it a 7/10 from Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead.
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December 13th, 2010, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Channel 4 and ITV on-demand support has been confirmed for PlayStation 3, with the TV streaming services due to launch this week.
Sony's console has for some time supported the BBC iPlayer, with a limited version of 40D previously accessible via YouTube.
"It is about changing people's attitudes to the PS3 as a platform to view it as a much broader entertainment device," PlayStation UK marketing director Alan Duncan told The Guardian.
"There is a compelling story to tell about the PS3 that goes far beyond gaming."
He predicted a traffic jump of around 10 per cent for ITV and Channel 4 as a result, claiming that 80 per cent of the UK's four million PlayStation 3s were online.
Channel 4 director of commercial business development Sarah Rose revealed that Microsoft was "not coming to our door" to pursue an Xbox version, while the network was unlikely to work with Nintendo due to restrictions on advertising on the Wii.
ITV.com managing director Robin Pembroke described the arrival of the network's programming on PS3 was an "acceleration of our distribution strategy," following an extended period in which ITV was reluctant to provide its content to other firms.
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December 13th, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...483f43a93298ef
EmuCenter2 is a simplistic interface that combines the best emulators *
console video games for a greater simplicity
* Console emulator: enables a computer to execute the video game console
Highlights :
- A simplistic interface that combines all your games (emulators, pc or internet)
- Combines the most popular console emulators in 32 or 64 bits.
- Configure all the emulators for immediate use in good conditions.
- Configure the gamepad to potential emulators (plug and play
- Automatic Update emulators included
- Download the cover of the game in one click
Supported consoles :
- Nintendo : Nes, Super nes, Gameboy, 64, Gamecube, DS and Wii
- Sega : Master system, Genesis, Gamegear, Saturn et Dreamcast
- Sony : PlayStation 1 et 2
- Other : Neogeo and arcade system (Capcom CPS, Taito, ...)
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December 13th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
Our PataPork back to update its known PSPBriscola , bringing the homebrew on PSP's beloved game of trump.
Version 1.2 adds no new game modes, but some small innovations that make this product even more complete amateur.
Following further information.
Changelog and images:
.: Changelog:.
- Fixx the Options menu, now no longer an invisible voice
- Fixx the system for calculating the scores. Now if the game will not be tied finsice counted as a defeat.
- Added "Set Sarde" in the selection Mazzi (Thanks to Brian User)
- Improved Menu Selection Bouquets
- Add to the Tutorial Main Menu
- Added "Set Poker # 2" for the Selection Bouquets
- Added Fix Poker activated in the Options menu
- Added selection table (Menu Options)
- Added "Table Wood Base for the Selection Tables
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December 14th, 2010, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
For over a month since the last release, the CodeTactics Team updates its fantastic homebrew-game Mobile Assault, shooter inspired by the Strike series, which will allow you to control a helicopter battle in order to destroy buildings and enemy vehicles. This new release, 1.5, introduces some improvements related to graphics and gameplay, in addition to bug fixes in previous versions.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.5:
- The air strike now generates more damage over a wider area
- New texture of the soil
- Improved handling of collisions
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December 15th, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA plans to release a Dreamcast Collection "soon".
Confirmation comes from SEGA's executive vice president of sales and marketing Alan Pritchard, who told the January issue of Game Informer magazine that the publisher plans to bring some of its old Dreamcast games to market digitally and packaged.
"The Dreamcast fans are very devoted," he said. "You see on eBay people are still buying the games and system. We actually have a Dreamcast collection coming out soon. We are looking to bring some of the old Dreamcast games to market digitally and packaged. The titles are still to be announced. The Ultimate Genesis Collection did huge numbers on PS3 and 360, so it's an important part of our business. We've already been releasing some Dreamcast games digitally; Crazy Taxi [for one]."
In November US shop GameStop published a listing for a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 title called Dreamcast Collection. The listing was subsequently pulled.
It did not offer any details about the collection, but it did mention a possibly placeholder release date of 15th February 2011 and a price point of $29.99. Which games would you like to see included?
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Game Informer interview, Pritchard responded to a question about a possible Dreamcast 2. This is what he said in response: "Unless there's something I don't know – no one has told me about getting back into the console business."
For shame.
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December 15th, 2010, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
European PlayStation Plus subscribers have exclusive access to the DC Universe Online beta, Sony has announced.
All Plus members are included and the download is being added to the Plus section of the EU PlayStation Store right now, PlayStation Network product manager James Thorpe said on the EU PlayStation Blog.
The beta requires around 15GB of space on your PS3 hard disk. Ouch. Sony said it can take an average of three to four hours to download – or more depending on your broadband internet connection.
"It will definitely be worth it though!" Thorpe said.
Meanwhile, PS Plus subscribers get LittleBigPlanet PSP add-on Turbo! Pack for free. Open world action game Prototype is also out today as a full game trial.
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December 15th, 2010, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from Gogy

First let me ask you one question:
Who amongs you don't know 'lode runner' this wonderful game form the 80's
Well if there are some who don't, that's a shame... no i'm kidding
I have finished a new update for Lord Runner:
"-150 levels included
-new graphics
-AI has been improved
-more parameters to change (volume, graphism, ...)
-a lot of little bugs have been corrected
-new menu
Or else you have this direct link:
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December 15th, 2010, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2374
The developer of the emulator anonymous PS3Sx recurrence by wearing this time Sega Megadrive emulator Genesis GX (EkeEke) on the PS3.
Features :
- 2 players
- Support for Roma
- Support Zip
- Emulation for virtua racing please & Co
To do:
- Fix the problem causing her a slight glitch like a buffer its a bit too long?
- Correct management of backups, although already functional, crashes with certain games. This is disabled for the moment.
Install all the files. / Genplus. / Genplus / Roma /. Genplus / bios /. Genplus / state. / Genplus / sram dev_usb000 the root, ie, 1 USB port on your right.
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December 15th, 2010, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2376
Team-ACiD1C released a new version of its custom firmware, a modified XMB adding among other debug functions.
This new version has been possible partly through the publication of Mount Alejandro.
Features :
- To launch from a USB key (Firmware Loader) or directly from the flash on your PS3 (Mount Alejandro)
- Works on PS3 3.41
- New category Haxx next Game
- Check option for all games, and PS3saves gamedata (dimmed, not working yet)
- Quick sign in Haxx Up
- Preview Titlestore in Haxx
- Preview Titlestore (in game) in Haxx
- Install Packages in Haxx
- App / home in Game and Haxx
- Performance Bar
- No memory limit
- Quick preview
- Clear Cache
- User Information for game data (gamedata)
- Various changes to the icons and text - POC
- SaveData Ps1 / 2 mode showed JB
- Custom firmware version in system info
- Cosmetic changes
Using a custom firmware is a dangerous operation for your console. We advise you to take precautions before making any changes to your dev_flash particular.
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December 15th, 2010, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Yep you read right, theres a new release of the only active Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 611
[!] Implement osAiGetLength correctly (I got confused with ReadLength documentation..)
[~] Disable loop opt for TWINE,Hercules,Blues Brothers (Fixes movement problems)
[+] Add correct savetype for Oozumou, Oozumou 2, Tamagotchi World 64 (They boot now)
Revision 610
[!] Make most HLEAudio routines static
[-] Removed unused code which is found by static analyzer
Revision 609
[-] Remove LoadPIF when booting ROM. We just simulate the boot process.
Revision 608
[!] Fixed bug from 588 that caused several games to stop working
[~] Simplified clean scene
Revision 607
[+] Added zoom function to get rid of black bars (see Edit Preferences when loading a ROM around 107% usually works)
[!] Reorganized call in Dynarec for release mode
[!] Uses smaller buffers for audio (lags less but might be more choppy)
[!] Some optimazions in PSPrenderer (Salvy/Corn)
Those wanting to try an alternative PSP N64 Emulator can also try out Monkey 64 --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/emulator...psp-35150.html
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December 15th, 2010, 16:04 Posted By: bandit
We received an email from PS3YES! letting us know that they released a 3.55SPOOF
We just release SPOOF355 for PS3YES-PRO and PS3YES to prevent update. This payload will prevent the console in updating to v3.55
This update only stops you from updating to v3.55. There is no PSN access and you can NOT play 3.50 firmware based games.
So to make this clear...
- YOU CAN NOT PLAY GT5 (original or backup)
- YOU CAN NOT PLAY N4S:HP (original or backup)
We've attached the files below for your convenience. Expect other jailbreak manufacturers to follow and release it for their respective dongles. However, if you already own a X3Max, you won't have to wait as it accepts ALL .hex payload files and converts them.
If you haven't jumped on the PS3 Jailbreak bandwagon, you can purchase PS3YES! from LighTake (PRO), VolumeRates (PRO), VolumeRates and DealExtreme.
PS3YES-Pro: port1_hermes_spoof355_ps3yespro.bin
PS3YES: Hermesv4b_spoof355_ps3yes.hex
Source: PS3YES!
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December 16th, 2010, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Irish PlayStation 3 owners received a BBC iPlayer rival yesterday when Sony added the RTE Player to the console.
Eurogamer reader Andrew Matthews alerted us to the addition, and was kind enough to send in a shot of the RTE Player in the PS3s XMB, which you can see below.
RTE is the Republic of Ireland's answer to the BBC. Boyzone's first telly appearance was on RTE's Late Late Show in 1993.
Yesterday Sony UK added the ITV Player and 4oD to the PlayStation 3.
The services allow users to watch ITV and Channel 4 programmes on demand, and add to the existing BBC iPlayer.
"It's nice to have as we can't access the BBC, ITV or Channel 4 players from Ireland," Matthews told Eurogamer.
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December 16th, 2010, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster

Oh man, as if having 10 Neo Geo classics hitting the PS3 and PSP complete with online multiplayer wasn't sweet enough, now SNK is doing one better by releasing an updated version of the classic Neo Geo gamepad. Sure, it isn't as magestic as the giant, hulking arcade stick that came in a pair with the $650 Neo Geo Gold System. However, the system's gamepad (released with the Neo Geo CD) would go on to be even more popular thanks to its much lower cost and novel floating 8-way d-pad. That controller is reborn (again) for the PS3 with USB connectivity the addition of a PS button in the middle, meaning you can even use it to pull up the XMB and taunt your friends into joining a King of Fighters match. Sadly this is only getting a release in Japan, where it sells for 3,129 yen (about $37), but Play-Asia will import you one for $45. Small price for such a lovely thing.
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December 16th, 2010, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2377
Robo Hobo has released a new version of "WIP" for PS3's multi-system emulator for emulation Mednafen consoles NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PC Engine, PC- Engine CD, Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket, and WonderSwan.
New / fixed:
- Fixed position of messages
- Disabling Blit in MednafenEmu. Correction on the display screen at the opening of the XMB
- Facilities in mednafen_help
- New management of sound: minimal samplerate adjustment until the emulator provides 800 samples per frame. It is still not perfect but improving a bit. A comparison is made with mednafen PC.
Mednafen PS3 R102
Official site: http://code.google.com/p/mednafen-ps3/
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December 16th, 2010, 20:19 Posted By: bandit
Finally, the famous block game has come to PS3 thanks to Slicer4ever over at PS3Hax. Here is what he had to say:
The video above is from an earlier state, the game is now nearly complete and created by me, and now released, so enjoy
binary pkg: (attached below)
source: have to fix 2 bugs first, then will release source
known bugs:
1. Scores don't save (I don't know why yet!)
2. Attempting to play in 480p causes the PS3 to crash! (Not a clue on this one either)
Well, I need some sleep now!
Hopefully you guys well find some fun out of it!
According to video description on YouTube video, it uses ooPo's toolchain and PSL1GHT making it completly legal. It also takes advantage of the GPU, using the RSX for all rendering.
Source: PS3Hax
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December 16th, 2010, 20:19 Posted By: bandit
Finally, the famous block game has come to PS3 thanks to Slicer4ever over at PS3Hax. Here is what he had to say:
The video above is from an earlier state, the game is now nearly complete and created by me, and now released, so enjoy
binary pkg: (attached below)
source: have to fix 2 bugs first, then will release source
known bugs:
1. Scores don't save (I don't know why yet!)
2. Attempting to play in 480p causes the PS3 to crash! (Not a clue on this one either)
Well, I need some sleep now!
Hopefully you guys well find some fun out of it!
According to video description on YouTube video, it uses ooPo's toolchain and PSL1GHT making it completly legal. It also takes advantage of the GPU, using the RSX for all rendering.
Source: PS3Hax
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December 16th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Today and tomorrow Sony Computer Entertainment Ireland is giving away free PlayStation 3s and PlayStation Portables on the streets of Dublin city centre. But there's a catch.
Sony dotted just 12 gift boxes packed with consoles and games in random locations across the Republic of Ireland's capital. It's up to punters to spot them.
Before you grab your passport and jump on the ferry, know this: at the time of writing there are only nine boxes left to find.
It's happy days for those who make the effort, though. Prizes include PlayStation 3 consoles, PlayStation Move Starter Packs, PSPs and a selection of games.
There are location clues on PlayStation Ireland's Facebook page. It's all kicking off over there.
Whatever you do, avoid Dr Quirkey's Good Time Emporium. Sony dare not leave a PS3 in there.
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December 16th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Today and tomorrow Sony Computer Entertainment Ireland is giving away free PlayStation 3s and PlayStation Portables on the streets of Dublin city centre. But there's a catch.
Sony dotted just 12 gift boxes packed with consoles and games in random locations across the Republic of Ireland's capital. It's up to punters to spot them.
Before you grab your passport and jump on the ferry, know this: at the time of writing there are only nine boxes left to find.
It's happy days for those who make the effort, though. Prizes include PlayStation 3 consoles, PlayStation Move Starter Packs, PSPs and a selection of games.
There are location clues on PlayStation Ireland's Facebook page. It's all kicking off over there.
Whatever you do, avoid Dr Quirkey's Good Time Emporium. Sony dare not leave a PS3 in there.
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December 17th, 2010, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Spanish gamer site NicaGamerz.com have reported that it's now legal to sell the PS3 Jailbreak modchip in Spain (Google translation of Spanish original). According to the article, one reason for the legal ruling is because Sony removed the ability to run GNU/Linux on the console. One can only wonder if Sony will soon rush out a firmware update that will re-enable the OtherOS feature, and appeal the court decision. Oh the irony of that thought. The legal ruling was made on the 13th December (Google translation). There are only 5 days to appeal, starting from that date.
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December 17th, 2010, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
A PlayStation app is coming to the iPhone "very soon", Sony has announced.
The Official PlayStation App will let you check out your PlayStation Network trophies and keep tabs on your friends' games and online status. There'll be a news feed too and you'll be able to view the PlayStation Blog.
Sony promises that it will be adding "tons more features" to the app in the coming months.
The free app will be compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch with OS 4 and above. Tellingly, considering that rumoured PlayStation Phone, it will work on most Android handsets running a minimum of OS 1.6.
The first version (1.0) will be available in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and The Netherlands, while Sony promises the next version, which is already in the works, will support most other SCEE countries and languages too.
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December 17th, 2010, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/new-p...ference-73258/
Bushing, founding member of the Team Twiizers and the iPhone DevTeam, and one of the authors behind PSGroove and Marcan (famous before, and now more famous for his 360 Kinect adventures) are listed as speakers at the next annual 27C3 conference in Germany! PSGroove.com is reporting that they are planning to show off a few new PS3 Exploits!
Mark your calendars for December 28!
PS3 users are in for a few surprises at this years Chaos Communication Congress, an annual hacking conference. Console hackers, marcan, bushing, and sven, are set to give a one hour lecture about the recently hacked PS3 system. You may recognize marcan, from his work on AsbestOS and bushing, from his work on the PSGroove exploit.
During their upcoming talk, they intend to go over the current PS3 hacks and plan to share a few new exploits, as well! This should be some very exciting stuff for PS3 users!
For those of you unfamiliar with the Chaos Communication Congress, it is an annual meeting of the international hacker scene, organized by the Chaos Computer Club. The congress features a variety of lectures and workshops on technical and political issues. The event has been the host to many important hacking related talks over the past 27 years. Including, the first example of Homebrew code being run in native Wii mode which was demonstrated in December 2007.
For those of you planning to attend, the event is located in Berlin, Germany at the Berlin Berliner Congress Center. The event will run from December 27-30th 2010. A Standard ticket, which is good for the entire 4-day event, will set you back 70 Euros. Fort those of you just looking to attend the console hacking lecture, a day pass can be had for just 30 Euros. Details, regarding the console hacking lecture, can be found below.
Console Hacking 2010 --- PS3 Epic Fail
Over 70 million Wiis, over 40 million Xbox 360s and over 35 million Playstation 3s have been sold in the last few years. That makes over 145 million embedded devices out there and most of them are just used to play games. But what can you do with them if you don't like playing games? You hack them to make them run your own code of course! We're going to talk about the various hacks that you can use to gain control of your hardware and make it do what you want it to do.
2010 saw the first hacks for the Playstation 3, soon after Sony removed Other OS functionality. We will detail the operation of current PS3 exploits, show a few new ones and explain where and how Sony went wrong when designing its security system, and show how these holes can be used to gain control over the system and bring Linux back to the PS3.
Gamers might find this talk interesting even though it is targeted at those who hack (or design) embedded system security. A basic knowledge of crypto is therefore assumed. We will also be present in the Hackcenter before and after the presentation for those of you who are interested in learning more
27th Chaos Communication Congress / Dec. 27 to 30, 2010 / Berliner Congress Center, Berlin, Germany
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December 17th, 2010, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
It's been a while since the last bout of Kinect vs Move sabre-rattling so it's heartening to see Sony step up to the plate and lob some new stats into the ring.
According to a post on the PlayStation Blog has taken the time to point out that there are more than 50 Move-compatible games available now or coming soon.
Sony marketing manager Kim Nguyen wrote, "From newly released PSN titles like Beat Sketcher and Auditorium to free updates on favorites like Heavy Rain and Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, support for PlayStation Move is growing like wildfire."
Here's the full list, in case you haven't been keeping score:
Out now:
Beat Sketcher
Brunswick Pro Bowling
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011
Dance Dance Revolution
The Fight: Lights Out
Funky Lab Rat
Get Fit With Mel B
Heavy Rain (via PSN software update)
High Velocity Bowling (via PSN software update)
Hustle Kings (via PSN software update)
John Daly's ProStroke Golf
Kung Fu Rider
MAG (via PSN software update)
NBA 2K11
Planet Minigolf (via PSN software update)
Racquet Sports
Rapala Pro Bass Fishing 2010
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (via PSN software update)
Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves
Singstar Dance
The Sly Collection
Sports Champions
Start the Party
Swords & Soldiers (via PSN software update)
The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest
The Shoot
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (via PSN software update)
Time Crisis: Razing Storm
Toy Story 3: The Video Game (side modes via PSN software update)
TRON: Evolution
TV Superstars
Coming soon:
echochrome II
Dead Space Extraction
de Blob 2
Dungeon Defenders
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
PlayStation Move Heroes
Killzone 3
LittleBigPlanet 2
Michael Jackson: The Experience
Modern Combat: Domination
No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise
Top Darts
Under Siege
Virtua Tennis 4
Yoostar 2
Zumba Fitness
For reference purposes, the Kinect library currently runs to 20 titles, with around another 20 announced to be in development.
Unlike Move's batch, most of the good stuff is a long way off. Child of Eden, from Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi is due in February, but forthcoming highlights like Codename D from Suda51, Forza Motorsports 4, Project Draco from Panzer Dragoon's Yukio Futatsugi and Terminal Reality's "super compelling" Star Wars game are all much further out, with no release dates confirmed.
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December 19th, 2010, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&id=45210
New update of X64 Daedalus, the Nintendo 64 emulator for PSP made by the homonymous development team. Persists the 16bit version that is improved with each release came today at an altitude of 613.
This revision corrects some minor bugs, introducing new optimizations possible while maintaining the compatibility of 611.
Following cumulative changelog and download link.
Revision 613
- We will not branch if Less Than GBI1_BranchZ z (z axis in Our Seems inverted on the PSP)
- Speculative fix in a bad assumption I did in fillRect
- Is now possible to ignore firmware check
- Removed a change in 595 (not sure why this Was added, Does not Seem to Work)
Revision 612
- Even Earlier Update Screen (Suggested by Corn)
- Pipelined MemoryUpdateSPStatus (Corn)
- Cleaned up Our audio plugin, removed Several leftovers from ADAPT audio
- Fixed a couple of bugs in Our audio plugin and simplified things abit
- Updated and enabled osSpTaskStartGo (This really risky to patch, please report if Any game gets broken by oshle)
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December 19th, 2010, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The XFPS Commando is designed for First Person Shooter games. Different from our previous XFPS adapter versions, this device is designed to be used with our own mouse and controller. It is compatible with Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. It features a wireless design, faster moves 180° across the scene, compatible with xbox 360 headset, sensitivity adjustment, etc.
Compatible with all versions of Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim, PS3 and PS3 Slim, PC
- Compatible with Xbox 360 Wired Headset
- Compatible with the latest PS3 firmware
- Consist of 2 devices: XFPS mouse and controller.
- Instant plug and play technology
- Wireless design
- Ideal for use with all FPS titles
- Super high sensitivity precision and smoothness
- Move 180° across the scene faster
- Built-in auto-fire function
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December 19th, 2010, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/luapl...eleased-73331/
Reported today on PSGroove.com is a neat little app for the PS3 designed by jonlimle, this one very different in that it is a "script language emulator" that allows you to write other homebrew very quickly using the language called LUA!
This is a little project I started for people who want to make homebrew, but do not want to get the whole toolchain and sdk set up, and for people who do not know c/c++, this allows you to create homebrew for the ps3 in a language called Lua, there is a lot of documentation out there on the language, there isn't a ton of functionality in this release but there will be many more releases to come here is the contents of the readme, a list of custom functions and there documentation can be found in the file called "commands" inside of the zip, if you have any questions, comments, or requests you can post them wherever you downloaded this from, or you can also find me on irc in #luaplayerps3 on irc.freenode.net
LuaPlayerPS3 beta 1.0 Written by jonlimle - XMB icons created by yamagushi
Current Features:
* Texture loading (currently only supports BMP)
* Onscreen text rendering
* Controls (including sixaxis and joysticks)
* Screenshots
* All standard Lua functionality (with the exception of the OS functions)
* PC emulator that can be used to test scripts before you run on the ps3
(Linux, Mac and Windows binaries included, if you are using the windows binary and get some missing dll messages, those dll's are in the "compat DLL's.zip" file in the emulator folder)
Future Features:
* Support for more image formats
* Support for TTF fonts and font customization
* Audio support
* More advanced rendering functionality
* Networking capabilities
How to use:
* copy everything that is in the "Copy to USB root" to the root of your USB drive
* install the pkg as you would any other pkg
* all files that you attempt to open from lua must be on your USB drive
* any scripts that you make, must be on the root of the card, and named app.lua
* when testing the scripts in the emulator, it will load app.lua in the same folder as the binary, all files that you attempt to load should also be in that same folder
This release comes with an example app.lua which shows a few of the features of which you are currently able to do. There is currently no emulation of the joysticks or sixaxis in the emulator
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December 20th, 2010, 14:02 Posted By: wraggster
The first whispers of LittleBigPlanet 2 heading to PSP have been heard.
They originate from GAME Australia, which lists LBP2 on PSP with a release date of 2011.
The accompanying blurb offers no specific platform detail, and might as well refer to the PS3 game.
LittleBigPlanet, the original, was released on PSP a year after the first game arrived on PS3. Somehow Sony managed to squash its talisman of the play-create-share dream superbly, and even packed additional improvements over the PS3 game.
What did Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson think? "PSP owners who missed out first time around should be sure to give it a go, as LittleBigPlanet is undoubtedly one of the standout titles for Sony's handheld."
LittleBigPlanet 2 will be released on PS3 in January. But before then there will be a Story mode demo this Wednesday, and the out-now PS Move collection of mini-games, Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves.
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December 20th, 2010, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix's PSP remaster of Final Fantasy IV may be the best version yet, judging by a brand new website for the game.
Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection bundles Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, according to Andriasang's translation - a direct sequel that was released in pieces on mobile phones and, eventually, WiiWare.
On PSP these games have been spruced up and now boast 16x9, widescreen visuals; the CGI movies from FFIV on DS; and an all-new scenario to fill the transition gap between the two games.
There's no mention of a Western release date, so we're checking it out.
A revitalised version of Final Fantasy IV was released on DS in 2008. Eurogamer called it "assured" and "respectful" - Simon Parkin's full analysis awaits elsewhere on the site.
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December 20th, 2010, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Gran Turismo 5 holds on to the top spot on this week's UKIE/GfK-ChartTrack PS3 chart, fending off competition from overall Christmas number one Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Criterion's Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit comes in at No.3, ahead of FIFA 11 at No.4 and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood at No.5.
Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare makes an appearance on the chart at No.8, one place ahead of 007: Blood Stone, which makes a surprising top ten re-entry, rising from No.13 to No.9.
Here's the Top Ten for the week ended December 18:
1. Gran Turismo 5 (Sony)
2. Call of Duty: Black Ops (Activision Blizzard)
3. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (EA)
4. FIFA 11 (EA Sports)
5. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft)
6. Medal of Honor (EA Games)
7. Fallout: New Vegas (Bethesda)
8. Red Dead Undead Nightmare (Rockstar)
9. 007: Blood Stone (Activision)
10. Sports Champions (Sony)
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December 20th, 2010, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
On the PlayStation Store today you'll find discount after discount after discount, all in the name of Christmas.
The superb Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has been halved from £10 down to £5.50; the outrageous Pac-Man Championship Edition DX has been chipped from £8 to £5.50; and the audacious Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light drops from £10 to £7.20.
DeathSpank and sequel Thongs of Virtue both fall from £10 to £6.30; Joe Danger finds itself down from £10 to £5; and Worms 2: Armageddon is squeezed from £12 to £6.30.
What's more, the entire Blue Toad Murder Files collection, from episodes one to six, now costs £10 rather than £17.50.
The full list of discounts is below, courtesy of the European PlayStation blog.
Alien Breed: Impact (was £14.99/€11.99 now £8.99/€7.19)
Blue Toad Murder Files: Episodes 1-6 (was £17.49/€21.99 now £9.99/€12.99)
Bomberman Ultra (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Burn Zombie Burn! (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Burn Zombie Burn...In Space! (was £2.39/€2.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
Ferrari: The Race Experience (was £2.39/€2.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
Flight Control HD (was £3.99/€4.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Gottlieb Pinball Classics (PSP) (was £8.79/€10.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Joe Danger (was £9.99/€12.99 now £4.99/€6.19)
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the West (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Tales of Monkey Island: Complete Season (was £13.99/€17.99 now £7.19/€8.99)
Worms 2: Armageddon (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Festive minis Offers
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter (was £3.49/€3.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Rocks n' Rockets (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Freekscape: Escape from Hell (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Arctic Adventures: Polar's Puzzles (was £3.49/€3.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Vibes (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Stellar Attack (was £3.49/€3.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Festive Offers from Disney
Toy Story 3 (PSP) (was £27.99/€34.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Alien Escapades Add-on (PSP) (was £1.59/€1.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
Buzz's Adventures Add-on (PSP) (was £1.59/€1.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
Woody's Round Up Add-on (PSP) (was £1.59/€1.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
The Nightmare Before Christmas Premium Theme (was £1.19/€1.49 now £0.59/€0.75)
Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PSone)
Festive Offers from EA
DeathSpank (was £9.99/€12.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue (was £9.99/€12.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Need for Speed: Shift (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £9.99/€12.99)
Dante's Inferno (PSP) (was £31.99/€39.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Theme Park (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
Theme Hospital (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
Festive Offers from Namco Bandai
Deadstorm Pirates (was £15.99/€19.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (was £7.99/€9.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
Me and My Katamari (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Ridge Racer (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Soul Caliber: Broken Destiny (PSP) (was £23.99/€29.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Tekken 6 (PSP) (was £31.99/€39.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Festive Offers from SCEE
Fat Princess (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
PixelJunk Shooter (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
LBP Pirates of the Caribbean Level Kit (was £4.79/€5.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
LBP Pirates of the Caribbean Costume Kit (was £4.79/€5.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
echoshift (PSP) (was £14.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (PSP) (was £19.99/€29.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Gravity Crash (PSP) (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Festive Offers from SEGA
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode One (was £9.99/€12.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
Sonic Adventure (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Sonic Adventure DX Add-on Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
After Burner: Climax (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP) (was £27.99/€34.99 now £13.99/€17.99)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP) (was £19.99/€34.99 now £13.99/€17.99)
Festive Offers from Square-Enix
Space Invaders: Infinity Gene (was £7.99/€9.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (was £9.99/€12.99 now £7.19/€8.99)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (was £16.99/€20.99 now £8.79/€10.99)
Tomb Raider Anniversary (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Tomb Raider: Legend (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Tomb Raider (PSone) (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Festive Offers from Ubisoft
Prince of Persia Classic + Cell Factor Bundle (£7.99/€9.99)
Scott Pilgrim + Turtles in Time Reshelled + Voodoo Dice Bundle (£11.99/€14.99)
Asphalt: Urban GT 2 (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Driver '76 (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Street Rider (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
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December 20th, 2010, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
On the PlayStation Store today you'll find discount after discount after discount, all in the name of Christmas.
The superb Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has been halved from £10 down to £5.50; the outrageous Pac-Man Championship Edition DX has been chipped from £8 to £5.50; and the audacious Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light drops from £10 to £7.20.
DeathSpank and sequel Thongs of Virtue both fall from £10 to £6.30; Joe Danger finds itself down from £10 to £5; and Worms 2: Armageddon is squeezed from £12 to £6.30.
What's more, the entire Blue Toad Murder Files collection, from episodes one to six, now costs £10 rather than £17.50.
The full list of discounts is below, courtesy of the European PlayStation blog.
Alien Breed: Impact (was £14.99/€11.99 now £8.99/€7.19)
Blue Toad Murder Files: Episodes 1-6 (was £17.49/€21.99 now £9.99/€12.99)
Bomberman Ultra (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Burn Zombie Burn! (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Burn Zombie Burn...In Space! (was £2.39/€2.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
Ferrari: The Race Experience (was £2.39/€2.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
Flight Control HD (was £3.99/€4.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Gottlieb Pinball Classics (PSP) (was £8.79/€10.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Joe Danger (was £9.99/€12.99 now £4.99/€6.19)
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the West (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Tales of Monkey Island: Complete Season (was £13.99/€17.99 now £7.19/€8.99)
Worms 2: Armageddon (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Festive minis Offers
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter (was £3.49/€3.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Rocks n' Rockets (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Freekscape: Escape from Hell (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Arctic Adventures: Polar's Puzzles (was £3.49/€3.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Vibes (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Stellar Attack (was £3.49/€3.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Festive Offers from Disney
Toy Story 3 (PSP) (was £27.99/€34.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Alien Escapades Add-on (PSP) (was £1.59/€1.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
Buzz's Adventures Add-on (PSP) (was £1.59/€1.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
Woody's Round Up Add-on (PSP) (was £1.59/€1.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
The Nightmare Before Christmas Premium Theme (was £1.19/€1.49 now £0.59/€0.75)
Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PSone)
Festive Offers from EA
DeathSpank (was £9.99/€12.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue (was £9.99/€12.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Need for Speed: Shift (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £9.99/€12.99)
Dante's Inferno (PSP) (was £31.99/€39.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Theme Park (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
Theme Hospital (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
Festive Offers from Namco Bandai
Deadstorm Pirates (was £15.99/€19.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (was £7.99/€9.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
Me and My Katamari (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Ridge Racer (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Soul Caliber: Broken Destiny (PSP) (was £23.99/€29.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Tekken 6 (PSP) (was £31.99/€39.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Festive Offers from SCEE
Fat Princess (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
PixelJunk Shooter (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
LBP Pirates of the Caribbean Level Kit (was £4.79/€5.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
LBP Pirates of the Caribbean Costume Kit (was £4.79/€5.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
echoshift (PSP) (was £14.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (PSP) (was £19.99/€29.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Gravity Crash (PSP) (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Festive Offers from SEGA
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode One (was £9.99/€12.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
Sonic Adventure (was £6.29/€7.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Sonic Adventure DX Add-on Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
After Burner: Climax (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP) (was £27.99/€34.99 now £13.99/€17.99)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP) (was £19.99/€34.99 now £13.99/€17.99)
Festive Offers from Square-Enix
Space Invaders: Infinity Gene (was £7.99/€9.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (was £9.99/€12.99 now £7.19/€8.99)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (was £16.99/€20.99 now £8.79/€10.99)
Tomb Raider Anniversary (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Tomb Raider: Legend (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £6.29/€7.99)
Tomb Raider (PSone) (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
Festive Offers from Ubisoft
Prince of Persia Classic + Cell Factor Bundle (£7.99/€9.99)
Scott Pilgrim + Turtles in Time Reshelled + Voodoo Dice Bundle (£11.99/€14.99)
Asphalt: Urban GT 2 (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Driver '76 (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
Street Rider (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
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December 20th, 2010, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Stumped for that last little item to top up your nearest and dearest's Christmas stocking? Well, it looks like Sony is trying to nudge consumers towards one of those new-fangled 3D TVs, cataloging all PlayStation 3-compatible content available now or coming soon.
According to the PlayStation Blog, there are now 18 games that let you play in stereoscopic 3D, with a further nine confirmed for 2011 so far.
However, Sony mouthpiece Sid Shuman reckons that's just the tip of the iceberg. "Expect to hear quite a bit more in 2011," he claimed.
Here's the full list:
Out now:
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Enslaved: Journey to the West (via PSN software update)
The Fight: Lights Out
Gran Turismo 5
High Velocity Bowling
Hustle Kings
James Cameron's Avatar: The Game
MotorStorm: 3D Rift
NBA 2K11 (via patch)
Prince of Persia Trilogy
The Sly Collection
Super Stardust HD (via PSN software update)
Swords and Soldiers
TRON: Evolution
WipEout HD
Coming in 2011:
Crysis 2
de Blob 2: Underground
Dungeon Defenders
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Killzone 3
Mortal Kombat
MotorStorm Apocalypse
Virtua Tennis 4
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
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December 20th, 2010, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Besides the well-known exploits found on the demo Patapon2 and playing Everybody's Golf 1 and 2, which allowed to reopen its doors to the world of homebrew for those who are in conditions is not possible to change your PSP, it adds another discovered for some time but until now hidden in the Japanese demo of Everybody's Sukkiri . The coder mamosuke, j416, JJS, and m0skit0 wololo had decided to keep it in Serbian for the days of lean, but the coder Jeerum, in a far from correct timing, has decided to release the news. Currently you can also start the HBL specially designed to exploit this new, but have not yet been carried out exhaustive tests on fw 6.35.
Total_noob can then choose whether to release the version of 6.20HEN 6:35 for using the exploit VSH announced by him, or bring all the work on HBL, reserving as a trump card.
The operation of the exploit is similar to what has been seen so far, just load the hacked save, and select Continue
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December 20th, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Yep you read right, theres a new release of the only active Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 625
[+] Optimations in dynarec codegen and R4300
[+] Fog a bit denser (SM64, Starfox64)
[!] Cosmetics for OS HLE load screen
[!] Max zoom is now 125%
Revision 624
[!] Removed Increase VI Event (No longer needed with the new screen update method)
[!] Moved specific hacks for SOTE and GE into into its own custom ucodes
[~] Cleaned up excess of code and comments
[+] Added the rest of custom ucodes for SOTE (they are disabled, a bug on dlist doesn't alow me to test them..)
[~] Simplified CPU_SetCompare
Revision 623
[!]Revert removed libs in R307 (Fixes freeze in MM without OSHLE)
[+]Small speed-up in N64RegisterCachePSP.cpp
Revision 622
[+] Implemented osAiDeviceBusy (small speed up in aerogauge and other games that use it)
[!] Fixed a bug in osAiGetLength (fall back to get length from mem if osAiSetNextBuffer wasn't found)
Revision 621
[+] Implemented osAiSetNextBuffer
[!] Updated roms.ini and compat codes (bdacanay)
[!] Removed rev # from recommended settings screen (bdacanay)
Revision 620
[~] Tweaked abit patch progress
[!] Updated Daedalusx64 logo (Thnx DrCam)
Revision 619
[+] Improved loading screen, intrafont will be used too.
Revision 618
[+] Show patch progress instead of black screen while patching
[!] Make Zoom center image a bit better
[!] Save Dlist on local dir when debugging Dlist
[!] Use 32MB cache for ROMs on Slim (wont load whole ROM at start anymore)
[!] Some optimization/speedup in Dynarec/Loop opt.
Revision 617
Merge -N64 R561
[+] Improve Synchroniser's output which can help debug CPU running in ME.
Note: Changes only occur when DAEDALUS_ENABLE_SYNCHRONISATION is defined
Revision 616
[!] Fixed exception handler (thanks bdacanay for testing)
[+] Added a new entry for notes for our recommended settings screen (see roms.ini for usage)
[-] Remove Zfighting no longer optional
=> Merged Pipelined MemoryUpdateSPStatus (Corn)
Revision 615
[~]Clean-up compiler warnings and other minor bits
Note: Final Code not affected.
Revision 614
[!] Simplified GenerateBranchHandler
[!] Enabled known value optimization for GenerateAND (Doesn't seem to break Banjo as assumed before)
[+] Added a hack to fix Lode Runner (Still not quiet right, make sure to use zoom)
Revision 613
[!] We won't branch if less than z in GBI1_BranchZ (Seems our z axis in inverted on the PSP)
[!] Speculative fix in a bad assumption I did in fillrect
[~] Is possible now to ignore firmware check
[-] Removed a change in 595 (not sure why this was added, doesn't seem to work)
Revision 612
[~] Update Screen even earlier (Suggested by Corn)
[+] Pipelined MemoryUpdateSPStatus (Corn)
[!] Cleaned up our audio plugin, removed several left overs from adapt audio
[!] Fixed a couple of bugs in our audio plugin and simplified things abit
[+] Updated and enabled osSpTaskStartGo (This a really risky patch, please report if any game gets broken by oshle)
Those wanting to try an alternative PSP N64 Emulator can also try out Monkey 64 --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/emulator...psp-35150.html
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December 21st, 2010, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Sega Genesis/MegaDrive/32X emulator for Sony PlayStation 3 has been updated. Changes:
- the action replay 1.0 cartridge support can be enabled inside the setting. The datel action replay 1.0 for genesis or Megadrive need to be renamed to areplay.bin and put inside "/cart" folder example "/dev_hdd0/game/GENP00001/cart".
- Added ini files reader for all paths like bios , roms , cart , state the GenesisConf.ini can be found inside "/dev_hdd0/game/GENP00001/". You dont have to create any folder Genesisplus can do the job for you. You've just setup all paths inside Genesisconf.ini and run again the emulator. When Genesisplus create all folders for you just use your best files manager or FTP homebrew for send all your roms ,cartridge or bios the bios is optional. By default the GenesisConf.ini use "/dev_hdd0/game/GENP00001" in main path so you can use it or change it .
- Good news The source code is released on http://www.ps3gen.fr
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December 21st, 2010, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Commodore C64 emulator for Sony PlayStation 3 has been updated. Changes:
- Configuration / Settings can now be saved;
- Menu based configuration now supports some of the more common VICE settings;
- Added mouse support;
- Physical keyboard support improved (still some minor bugs). Added positional/symbolic key layout modes;
- Added ZIP and GZIP support;
- Added HUD options for framerate/speed display;
- Added HUD options for Disk/Tape activity;
- Added multiple disk drive support;
- Disk images can be inserted using TRIANGLE + L1/L2/R1/R2 for drives 8, 9, 10, 11 respectively;
- ReSID-FP support has been added, providing significantly better audio emulation;
- Turn up the speakers on this, it's a world of difference;
- Support for various SID models have been added as part of ReSID-FP;
- Maximum resampling under ReSID-FP is now default, using the original 6581R4 model SID;
- Fixed a bug when using compatibility mode. Occasionally TDE was not enabled correctly.
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December 21st, 2010, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://hackmii.com/2010/12/open-sour...analyzer-27c3/
We’ve seen a lot of interest in USB in the past few months — a slew of PS Jailbreak clones appeared from an USB trace taken with a $1500 Lecroy USB Analyzer, and marcan wrote a Kinect driver using libusb, based on some USB protocol traces taken with a $1200 Beagle 480 USB analyzer.
To build a decent USB 2.0 protocol analyser you don’t need that many things inside, and the designs aren’t all that much more complicated than the FPGA designs we worked with on the DSi. pytey and I have been discussing hardware USB 2.0 analysis on and off for 2+ years but we have never had the time (or funds) to create a gadget of our own. An opportunity arose when pytey showed me the absolutely fabulous Kickstarter site, where you can help fund fledgeling projects to get them off the ground.
Open-source hardware isn’t a new idea, but it’s not very easy to pull off designs of even modest complexity. Unlike open-source software (which can generally be made with free tools on any household computer, as long as you have the time to learn how to do so), hardware-hacking is … well … expensive, for lack of a better word, and slow. One attempt at making a board will generally take you from 5-500 hours of time to design it, and then a couple of weeks to have a prototyping house make you some PCBs. This will probably cost you $50-$200, and then you still have to buy the parts and assemble the board … assuming you have the right equipment to do so, this can take you another week (not including debugging!).
After you’ve done all that, if all goes well — you end up with one or two prototypes which you can then try to get working, usually involving some combination of firmware and client software on your computer. Unfortunately, you only have one or two boards, so it’s hard to do much collaboration online with people on one design.
pytey suggested that we might try to leverage Kickstarter to help us make the USB 2.0 analyzer a reality — and thus, OpenVizsla was born! This project has allowed us to collect enough funds ahead of time to have a factory make enough prototypes for all our colleagues to work on firmware, HDL and client software to make an open-source USB analyzer happen. We still have to put the work in to design the hardware, but we will have enough cash to be able to buy the parts for our boards in one chunk (achieving significant discounts with quantity), and we will be able to have enough prototypes made at once to justify a factory production run — no more hand-soldering for us! Once we’re done with this, we’ll end up with a design that people can tinker with and extend; there will be a project site that will soon host more details.
It seemed like a bit of a gamble, so we argued back and forth and picked a cash target high enough to ensure we would be able to make at least enough prototypes to have a decent chance of pulling the project off. I could never have expected the popular reaction to it; it seems like we really struck a nerve out there. We even got a couple of celebrities (Stephen Fry, DVDJon) on board, and our ploy to get some major backers (offering the right to directly participate in the early prototyping stages and a spot for a logo) paid off in spades. We even got support from Altium, who donated a couple of licenses of their lovely CAD/CAM software for us to use to speed up our design process.
Anyway, if you’re interested in the idea of playing with USB, I recommend you head over to the Kickstarter page; as of this writing, there’s still 3 days left for you to get in on the OpenVizsla production run.
On to CCC — our Console Hacking table at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin has become somewhat of a fixture there, so we’re trying to reserve some space this year. A few of you have already noticed that we have a “Console Hacking 2010″ wrapup presentation planned; the description’s still a bit vague because our presentation will depend on how much progress we make between now and then. There’s going to be a PS3 surprise though. No questions about the content, please — we’re still busy hacking away over here, so just come see us there or wait for the video!
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December 21st, 2010, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/wip-d...tor-ps3-73473/
The author of PS1 and Sega Megadrive emulators has announced his plans for a Nintendo DS Emulator!
Anonymous, the now famous developer who recently completed emulators PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 3 on Sega Genesis is back with a new emulator. After a night's work, he offered us an exclusive version of its Alpha-based Nintendo DS emulator DeSmuME.
The emulator is currently in testing phase but you can play 2D games like Yoshi's Island with good fluidity. Anonymous is working on compatibility and accelerate 3D games as well as the inclusion of sound. It will also add a pointer to use the tactile features games, knowing that for now the L3 button enables a pressure on the screen, which is quite useful when a game requires to support it. Backups are functional and a menu selection opens ROMs when the button is pressed R3 to change the game without having to restart the emulator.
Anonymous wants to improve his first emulator before distributing it. You do not find on the internet yet. If you want to help financially so he could buy a PlayStation 3 debug to develop more easily, paypal address is: ps3emudev@hotmail.com. Here are some pictures of the emulator in action, we will keep you informed of progress of its work during the day.
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December 22nd, 2010, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
In the US, brand Xbox is the clear winner in the battle of the high definition consoles. But globally, PlayStation has an insurmountable lead.
That's the verdict of one of the biggest game publishers in the world: Electronic Arts.
"Honestly, I think that Microsoft has done great work the last couple of years, and they've made a lot of smart moves: hitting pricing when they needed to, the right combination of hitting price points and disk drive sizes that allow them to hit price points that matter, and they've done a great job with Xbox Live," EA boss John Riccitiello told Industry Gamers.
"At the same time, the Xbox brand, the Microsoft brand, doesn't carry anywhere near as much sway as the Sony and PlayStation brand do outside the United States, and so I think the reality is the international marketplace is just so important and it's a natural advantage that no matter how good Microsoft is at growing their business, Sony has an almost-impossible-to-supersede head start."
While Microsoft currently enjoys a lead of a few million in the home console installed base battle - Sony had sold 41.6 million PlayStation 3 consoles as of 30th September 2010, Microsoft 44.6 million Xbox 360s – analysts predict the PS3 will overtake the Xbox 360 in 2011.
According to Riccitiello, the PS3's success is down to improved marketing and a better online offering.
"In the last couple of years, Sony's sharpened their marketing message, you know, 'the platform with everything.' Riccitiello continued. "They've actually gotten past simply Home as an online connected system for them. While I'm not sure that one would compare them in depth and breadth and features and support to what you have at Xbox Live, it's good now."
Ultimately, however, Riccitiello believes both Microsoft and Sony deserve credit for launching successful consoles.
"We have a similar share on both platforms. It's not that I wouldn't want to criticize one of the other; I'm not shy. I just think they've actually both done a pretty good job.
"The big disadvantage Sony carries is they have an expensive platform because of Blu-ray, so they have a harder time hitting price points. Microsoft has taken advantage of that and their online service, which really is the gold standard. Sony has [leveraged] their limited amount of unique content really well.
"They've done a nice job promoting the Blu-ray, their advertising and marketing campaigns have been stronger, and they've done a nice job of supporting some EA content to their own advantage. I don't know that you'd point to either of them and say they can't shoot straight or that they've given it up."
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December 22nd, 2010, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
The much-rumoured PlayStation Phone might just have got itself a name. Sony Ericsson has just logged an EU trademark for something called the Xperia Play.
The listing, spotted by PocketNow, offers no additional information, other than that the application was filed on 1st December.
However, an unofficial Xperia blog has added that Sony Ericsson's PR firm Jung Relations has registered a number of Xperia Play domain names.
The Xperia brand is a line of Sony Ericsson smart phones which first launched in 2008. The most recent version, the Xperia X8, runs Android 2.1, has 168MB of memory and a 3.15MP camera.
Very little else is known for sure about the gadget, however, a reveal is expected at the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona in February.
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December 22nd, 2010, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster

If you caught the latest episode of The Ben Heck Show, then you no doubt saw this era's modding mastermind piece together a PS3 console suitable for use in the wilds of Afghanistan. The military-grade portable gaming system was designed and built for a couple working with the military overseas, and it's Pelican's iM2600 Store Case there on the outside keeping things safe and secure from flying shrapnel. As Ben always does, he managed to carefully place an entire PS3 console deep within the confines of the enclosure, and he even threw in an integrated LCD into the lid to prevent any additional external hookups. Generator equals gametime, as they say. Head on past the break for the latest episode, which shows the play-by-play on how it was constructed.
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December 22nd, 2010, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/22/t...date-and-time/
Santa Claus will be a few hours early this year, Magixien himself posted an announcement stating that Total_Noob’s Hen will be released on December 24th, at 0h30 PM CET (Paris).
that’s December 24th, 3h30 AM in Seattle, December 24th, 7h30 PM in Beijing, and December 24th, 8h30 PM in Tokyo.
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December 22nd, 2010, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/12/20/...ta-4-released/
Calling all coders — this release is for you: Geecko’s gLib2D BETA 4! And because I like Geecko’s story so much, I’ll quote it in its entirety:
There was once a library “graphics” pretty basic, but whose source code was readily understandable. The user’s changed little by little to meet their needs, but he soon realized that the library had some big flaws. He corrected the extent possible, and added new features. Then, through patience and tinkering, he learned to use the pspgu. It was very powerful, but complex to master, and he spent much time rewriting the code and adapt it to have satisfactory performance, so he lost a lot of time stumbling over small technicalities. Realizing that the library “graphics” deserved to be taken to zero, the user decided to create a new library, deliberately limited, to be fast and lightweight, it combined the advantages of the two libraries, namely: simplicity , performance, opportunities. Thus was born gLib2D.
gLib2D BETA 4 Changes:
•Re-factored code parts
•Corrected a scaling bug
•Modified gBegin to gBeginRects
•Added line object support (gBeginLines), line strip support
•Added quad object support (gBeginQuads)
•Added point object support (gBeginPoints)
•Added a new “deform” sample
•Added texture repeat control (gSetTexRepeat)
•Draw & display buffers defined as textures (possibility to get framebuffer pointer
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December 22nd, 2010, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.scummvm.org/news/20101219/
The last ScummVM release in this year just has been released. This is a maintenance release and is aimed to fix several important bugs since 1.2.0.
Particularly we added Hungarian and Brazilian translations of the GUI, and made bugfixes to the Cruise, Groovie and Lure engines.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
ScummVM supports many adventure games, including LucasArts SCUMM games (such as Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, ...), many of Sierra's AGI and SCI games (such as King's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld 1 and 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress, Broken Sword 1 and 2, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3, The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, many of Humongous Entertainment's children's SCUMM games (including Freddi Fish and Putt Putt games) and many more.
You can find a full list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often. Among the systems on which you can play those games are Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Dreamcast, PocketPC, PalmOS, AmigaOS, BeOS, OS/2, PSP, PS2, SymbianOS and many more...
For a more comprehensive changelog for the latest experimental SVN code, see:
1.2.1 (2010-12-19)
- Add Hungarian translation.
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation.
- Fixed a problem with Raoul appearing when examining the Book
- Fixed a regression that made the Russian version of T7G crash.
- Fixed several NPC movement bugs
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December 22nd, 2010, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.scummvm.org/news/20101219/
The last ScummVM release in this year just has been released. This is a maintenance release and is aimed to fix several important bugs since 1.2.0.
Particularly we added Hungarian and Brazilian translations of the GUI, and made bugfixes to the Cruise, Groovie and Lure engines.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
ScummVM supports many adventure games, including LucasArts SCUMM games (such as Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, ...), many of Sierra's AGI and SCI games (such as King's Quest 1-6, Space Quest 1-5, ...), Discworld 1 and 2, Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress, Broken Sword 1 and 2, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins 1-3, The Legend of Kyrandia 1-3, many of Humongous Entertainment's children's SCUMM games (including Freddi Fish and Putt Putt games) and many more.
You can find a full list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often. Among the systems on which you can play those games are Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Dreamcast, PocketPC, PalmOS, AmigaOS, BeOS, OS/2, PSP, PS2, SymbianOS and many more...
For a more comprehensive changelog for the latest experimental SVN code, see:
1.2.1 (2010-12-19)
- Add Hungarian translation.
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation.
- Fixed a problem with Raoul appearing when examining the Book
- Fixed a regression that made the Russian version of T7G crash.
- Fixed several NPC movement bugs
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December 22nd, 2010, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from iShopvideogame

Product InformationThis USBbreak, a revolutionary PS3 break dongle are available now! The PS3 USBbreak perfectly breaks PS3 barriers. and brings you brand new PS3 game experience. If you are looking for other PS3 Jailbreak USB.
Be advised 1.PS3 USB break does not support V3.42 Console currently.
2. 100% Upgradeable hardware firmware with V1.1 thoroughly!No need Original BD booting-disc
3.Item is fully tested to sure in a mint working condition before shipped out.
4.Please contact our customer service if you have any prolbem to run this item with your PS3 console .
5.We provide three months warranty due to natual defective.(BUT this warranty does not cover non-function by PS3 firmware upgrade and damaged by man-made factors.)
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December 22nd, 2010, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from iShopvideogame

This PS3Key which can turn your V3.50 PS3 down to any version you wanted, i.e. the 3.41. It's no time limit, no PC software need to download, no need to write any emails, no need to wait! New arrival of the PS3 break, PS3Key USB is the new mod chip to break the PS3. You can use the PS3Key to play PS3 game without limit. New arrival of the PS3 break, PS3Key USB is the new mod chip to break the PS3. You can use the PS3Key to play PS3 game without limit
Be advised 1.PS3Key can't support V3.42 Console Now! Pls don't upgrade your console if you want to use this PS3Key USB chipset!
2. If you want to check out the PS3Key validate, you can enter your PS3Key serial number and validation string on www.ps3key.com if you have an authentic PS3Key.
3.Item is fully tested to sure in a mint working condition before shipped out.
4.Please contact our customer service if you have any prolbem to run this item with your PS3 console .
5.We provide three months warranty due to natual defective.(BUT this warranty does not cover non-function by PS3 firmware upgrade and damaged by man-made factors.)
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December 22nd, 2010, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from iShopvideogame

AMAZEbreak USB V3.0, revolutionary, the inventory are being sold worldwide now!
Amazebreak USB V3.0 is powerful to break through all PS3 barriers, perfectly supports.
AMAZEbreak's powerful R&D team will provide users with excellent services for software upgrading and technical support.
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December 22nd, 2010, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from iShopvideogame

Product InformationE3 card reader which can turn your V3.50 PS3 down to 3.41 version you wanted, i.e. the 3.41. It's no time limit, no PC software need to download, no need to write any emails, no need to wait! You can download the upgrade file from official site.
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December 22nd, 2010, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from iShopvideogame

PS3 Break Driver V1.2, revolutionary, the inventory are being sold worldwide now! PS3 Break Driver V1.2 USB is powerful to break through all PS3 barriers, perfectly supports all games. PS3 break Driver V1.2 USB is the upgrade version of the PS3 Jailbreak USB. PS3 Break's powerful R&D team will provide users with excellent services for software upgrading and technical support.
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December 22nd, 2010, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from iShopvideogame

This PS Jailbreak2 is easy-to-use upgrading software, you should wait less than 5 seconds. The PS Jailbreak2 is the PS Jailbreak upgrade version. PS Jailbreak2 is a USB plug and play solution that installs in seconds, keeping your valid warranty seal in tact. Buy PS Jailbreak2 USB to play game without limit.
Release latest ps jailbreak2 upgrader V3.0 , include downgrade firmware inside , which help you downgrade 3.5 system to 3.41 or lower, unlimited!
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December 22nd, 2010, 17:19 Posted By: dgila
Thanks to Gama coder, we have this new version of GameMusicGear.
It now includes a new VGM plugin based on VGMPlay written by ValleyBell (http://www.smspower.org).
The plugin emulates various chips and plays .VGM files wich can be ripped from many arcade games (for example Neo-Geo) using MAME_VGM and FOX_M1_vgm (created by ValleyBell). For the OPL4 chip you need to provide the samples rom file (yrw801.rom).
Also updated game music emulator, modplug and UADE.
Download Game Music Gear v1.5 here http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bspr11zuf5xuxd9
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December 22nd, 2010, 22:40 Posted By: LyonHrt

Recently, some evidence has appeared suggesting that Sony is planning to market a new Android-based phone built on the legacy of one of the company's existing product lines.
That product line, of course, is Xperia, Sony Ericsson's smartphone line.
According to European trademark filings spotted by PocketNow, Sony is releasing something under the name "Xperia Play" -- a name that would make sense for a Sony Ericsson phone designed to play games, which is exactly what the rumored (and very well-photographed) "PlayStation Phone" is. The Unofficial Xperia X10 Blog found XperiaPlay domain registrations set up by a marketing firm that works for Sony Ericsson. Pocket-Lint reports a rumor that the phone will be revealed at February's Mobile World Congress for an April release.
None of this is any guarantee that the "Playstation Phone" will be released as the Xperia Play -- or even that the Xperia Play name will be used for anything -- but in our opinion, it would be a pretty huge mistake to torpedo the product by associating it with any brand other than PlayStation. Perhaps Sony will launch an "Xperia Play Mobile App Store Powered by PlayStation" or some similar confusing half-step.
Source joystiq
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Why is PlayStation 3's virtual world Home free? Because you lot keep buying virtual items.
Home, which enjoys 17 million registered users and contains 236 games, has suffered criticism from the press and gamers since its 2008 launch, but Sony has maintained its profitability through the sale of 7000 high-margin virtual items.
That, according to PlayStation Home director Jack Buser, is big business for Sony.
"If you look at the first quarter of this calendar year, we actually tripled revenue from the same time period of the year prior," he told Gamasutra.
"The business model works, and we like it quite a bit. It's one of the reasons we're able to offer PlayStation Home as a free service."
Looking to the future, Buser said the quality of games within Home will keep it growing.
"Games are the killer app for the platform," Buser said.
"I think once gamers find out that they have hundreds of games built into PlayStation Home, most of them free-to-play, [they will try Home]."
And what kinds of games will they be? Buser expressed interest in virtual item sales and free-to-play microtransaction-based games. Microtransactions are Home's "bread and butter", he said.
"Here we are in the console space becoming very comfortable, very familiar with the latest and greatest business models of the game industry, putting us just miles ahead of the competition in this regard."
Not everyone is convinced, however. Earlier this month Microsoft described Home as a "nice chat room" and "not an awful lot more".
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Turn on your PlayStation 3, have a nosey under the Music tab, and you'll discover Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity.
It's a subscription streaming music service just launched by Sony. Eagle-eyed reader Wesley Nutt alerted Eurogamer to the addition this morning.
According to a report on PCWorld, Music Unlimited is only available in the UK and Ireland, but Sony plans to expand the service to Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, New Zealand and the US next year.
Music Unlimited has a whopping six million songs at launch. Two options are available. The basic plan offers genre-specific and era-specific channels of non-stop music. The premium service adds on-demand access to all songs in the library and additional channels with new music.
The basic plan costs £3.99 or €3.99 a month. Premium sets you back £9.99 or €9.99 a month.
Sony's Qriocity aims to link all of its network-enabled consumer electronics products and shares the same base as the PlayStation Network that links Sony's gaming devices.
Music Unlimited synchronizes existing playlists to the service, if you so desire. It can scan files in your PS3 music library and digitally fingerprint each song. The data is then uploaded to the service and the songs are added to your library to use on demand across all devices. But if your songs aren't among the six million available, they won't be accessible.
Predictably, the service doesn't work with music file formats with digital rights management. Sony plans to later add support for protected music files.
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
No PlayStation Plus is not a waste of money because look, this month you're offered 40 per cent off the price of Battlefield 1943! And that's a good game!
Sony will also give you Neo Geo game Samurai Showdown for absolutely free, according to the European PlayStation blog.
In addition, PS Plus subscribers can relish a day-one 20 per cent discount on today's new PSN game, Eat Them.
There are PlayStation minis on offer, too, in the shape of A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks (that's its name - it's actually free).
That's on top of a 25 per cent discount for Blokus, and 20 per cent off all Neo Geo Station launch titles, which inlcude:
Alpha Mission II
Art of Fighting
Baseball Stars Professional
Fatal Fury
League Bowling
Magician Lord (This title will be coming free to Plus in February 2011. We wanted to make sure those who just couldn't wait that long still got a discount.)
Metal Slug
Super Sidekicks
The King of Fighters '94
The King of Fighters '94 (PSP)
Metal Slug (PSP)
These deals are extras to compliment the standard PlayStation Plus content for December and January, which we outlined at the start of the month.
Like Xbox Live, PlayStation Plus costs £39.99 annually - or £11.99 for 90 days. Unlike Xbox Live, Sony's keen to offer lots of free stuff above and beyond demos.
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
See that poster there at the bottom of the page? The one advertising PlayStation Move? It's been banned.
The ad received eight complaints that the imagery showed graphic violence, which could be seen as encouraging violent behaviour and be unsuitable for children, reports Campaign (via Kotaku).
Two of the complainants mentioned the game player was white and the computer character being tackled was black, and said the ad might be seen to condone racist violence.
Sony responded by saying the poster was supposed to advertise the controller, not a game.
It also claimed to have "taken steps to ensure that the images were not graphic" and that they did not target or feature children within them.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) disagreed, and upheld complaints the images in the ad were likely to "condone or encourage violent behaviour," which could cause serious offence to the viewing public and that it was unsuitable for children. It has now been banned.
It did not, however, accept the complaint that the images were depicting a racist attack. The ASA said that while the men featured had "slightly different skin tones," the ad was unlikely to be seen as condoning racist violence.
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
We hope you've got some free space on that PS3 hard drive because it's a stunning week for the US PS Store, even if you have no money to spend.
It's all about the demos this week; there are playable snippets of LittleBigPlanet 2, Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 2 there for the taking.
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones arrives, completing the PoP trilogy in US, and Metal Slug - one of the all-time best 2D platform shooters - has landed in the new NeoGeo Station, along with a number of other classics on that platform.
Here's the full list:
Featured Publishers
SEGA Publisher Page
Welcome to SEGA's Publisher Page. SEGA is a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. Find out more information about your favorite games, both upcoming and released, watch trailers, and download themes, full games and game add-ons.
SNK Publisher Page NEOGEO Station
Since its release in 1990, the revolutionary "NEOGEO" videogame system has attracted millions of fans worldwide with its unforgettable library of arcade classics. In commemorating the 20th anniversary of the legendary NEOGEO MVS & AES, SNK has updated NEOGEO games with a variety of features both hardcore fans and a new generation gamers will be sure to appreciate.
PlayStation Plus
Full Game Trial
Borderlands Full Game Trial (Free and exclusive to PlayStation Plus Subscribers)
Lock, Load, & Face the Madness. With its addictive action, frantic first person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op, Borderlands is the breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Become a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault. Pick up the Full Game now.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 3.27 GB
Featured Games/Demos
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Minis (Free for PlayStation Plus Subscribers, regular price $1.99)
MAG Demo (Exclusive to PlayStation Plus Subscribers)
Get an unlimited taste of epic battlefield action and massive 256 player battle with the MAG downloadable trial. In the MAG Trial your character will be capped at Level 8. Experience will continue to accumulate but will not be attributed to Level increases until the full version of MA is downloaded. MAG Escalation and Interdiction Pack add-ons are compatible with the MAG trial.
File size: 4.7 GB
Discounted Games
Alpha Mission (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Art of Fighting (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Baseball Stars Professional (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Fatal Fury (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
League Bowling (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Magician Lord (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Metal Slug (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Samurai Showdown (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Super Sidekicks (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
The King of Fighters '94 (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Battlefield 1943 (40% off) (PlayStation Plus price $8.99, regular price $14.99)
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 (25% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.49, regular price $9.99)
Bomberman Ultra - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Burn Zombie Burn - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Worms 2: Armageddon - Sale (PS3) (now $7.99, original price $14.99)
Novastrike - Sale (PS3) (now $2.99, original price $4.99)
Stellar Attack - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $3.49, original price $4.49)
Forest Puzzle - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $1.99, original price $3.99)
Vibes - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $3.49, original price $5.49)
3, 2, 1...Supercrash! - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $2.49, original price
Football Manager Handheld 2010 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price
Iron Man 2 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price $19.99)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price $39.99)
Sega Genesis Collection UMD Legacy - Sale (PSP) (now $9.99, original price
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price $39.99)
Deadliest Warrior: The Game - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Afterburner Climax - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Gunstar Heroes - Sale (PS3) (now $2.99, original price $4.99)
Sonic Adventure - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Sonic Adventure DX Upgrade - Sale (PS3) (now $1.99, original price $4.99)
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 - Sale (PS3) (now $9.99, original price
Blue Toad Murder Files: Episode 1-6 & Advent Theme Bundle - Sale (PS3) (now
$14.99, original price $26.99)
Flock - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
NFL Head Coach 09 - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $14.99, original price
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Things That Go Boom Pack 2 -
Permanent Price Change (PS3) (now $3.49, original price FREE)
Alien Breed: Impact - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price
Shank - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
Chameleon: Legacy - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $3.99, original price
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Legacy - Permanent Price Drop (PSP) (now $9.99,
original price $14.99)
Warriors of the Lost Empire - Permanent Price Drop (PSP) (now $5.99,
original price $9.99)
Arctic Adventures: Polar's Puzzles - Minis - Permanent Price Drop (PS3)
(now $1.99, original price $4.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Onslaught Mode - Permanent Price Drop (PS3)
(now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 VIP DLC - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99) **Only available via in-game Store
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Assault - Permanent Price Drop
(PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Bundle - Permanent Price Drop
(PS3) (now $14.99, original price $19.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Engineer - Permanent Price Drop
(PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Recon - Permanent Price Drop (PS3)
(now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Burnout Paradise Party Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $4.99,
original price $9.99)
Burnout Paradise: All Toy Cars Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$6.99, original price $12.99)
Burnout Paradise: Big Surf Island - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $6.99,
original price $12.99)
Burnout Paradise: Cops and Robbers - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $4.99,
original price $9.99)
Burnout Paradise: Legendary Car Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $7.99)
Burnout Paradise: Special Boost Car Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $7.99)
Burnout Paradise: Toy Car Collection 1 - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $5.99)
Burnout Paradise: Toy Car Collection 2 - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $5.99)
Dante's Inferno - Trials of St. Lucia - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $9.99)
Downloadable Games
Borderlands ($29.99)
Lock, Load, & Face the Madness. With its addictive action, frantic first person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op, Borderlands is the breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Become a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault. Pick up the Full Game now.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 3.27 GB
Risk: Factions ($9.99)
Risk it all to dominate the world, one faction at a time! The original game of strategy and world domination comes to the PlayStation Network-with a surprise twist! Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities. Command your army with strategic thinking and tactical gambles and you just might win the day.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 586 MB
Blokus ($4.99)
The award-winning hit board game from Mattel arrives on PlayStationNetwork! You liked UNO? You are going to LOVE Blokus!
Rules are simple! The winning strategy: Block your opponents so they cannot add any more pieces to the board! Play with your friends in local or online Multiplayer modes using one of the 4 game variations! Blokus is the perfect strategy game for the whole family!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 256 MB
Alpha Mission II ($8.99)
ALPHA MISSION II, a classic shooter from the early days of the NEOGEO, blasts off once again from NEOGEO STATION! Equip up to three pieces of armor, which also serve as weapons, for a variety of attacks such as the laser and flamethrower. Use them to defeat the evil "Fulvar" and save mankind!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 57 MB
Art Of Fighting ($8.99)
ART OF FIGHTING, the fighting game that redefined the genre, also the first 100 Mega Shock title, is back on NEOGEO STATION! Its innovative spirit gauge and super attack moves, combined with exhilarating effects and dramatic event scenes, make it a must-play for all fighting fans.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 52 MB
Baseball Stars Professional ($8.99)
BASEBALL STARS PROFESSIONAL, a title that launched with the NEOGEO in 1990, suits up for NEOGEO STATION! Inspired by big league ball, it features a VS Mode and a Tournament Mode, dynamic animation, voiced commentary, and an array of up-close action shots for the complete baseball experience!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 50 MB
Fatal Fury ($8.99)
FATAL FURY, SNK's first fighting game, now welcomes all challengers on NEOGEO STATION! Released for the NEOGEO in 1991, its then-revolutionary features include a two-players-versus-the-computer mode, as well as stages that use both a background line and a foreground line.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 56 MB
League Bowling ($8.99)
LEAGUE BOWLING, a simple yet exhilarating bowling game, rolls onto NEOGEO STATION! Players select their own ball and which arm to use. Then it's just choosing a direction and how much power to apply! Features three game modes and hilarious, over-the-top animations when you get that strike!
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 38 MB
Magician Lord ($8.99)
MAGICIAN LORD, a platformer from ADK and a NEOGEO launch title, is resurrected on NEOGEO STATION! Set in a mystical realm, players go on a quest to defeat the evil wizard Gal Agiese and his horde of monsters. Use magic attacks and combine elemental orbs to change between six different forms!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 57 MB
Metal Slug ($8.99)
METAL SLUG, the first in the seminal run 'n' gun series, blasts onto NEOGEO STATION! Features simple shoot/jump/subshot controls and weapon items that let you upgrade your gun by rescuing POWs, etc. enabling a variety of powerful attacks. Move out, Metal Slug, and take down General Morden ASAP!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 61 MB
Samurai Showdown ($8.99)
SAMURAI SHODOWN, the original weapon-based fighting game, is back for battle on NEOGEO STATION! Samurai, ninja, and other exotic fighters star in this classic that focuses on powerful strikes. Features a rage gauge that turns incurred damage into attack power, and intense, button-mashing weapon clashes!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 65 MB
Super Sidekicks ($8.99)
SUPER SIDEKICKS, SNK's first soccer game, takes to the field on NEOGEO STATION! Dribble, pass, and shoot your way to victory as you go head to head with powerhouses from around the world in the SNK Cup. Come out on top and enjoy a toast worthy of a champion!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 53 MB
The King of Fighters '94 ($8.99)
THE KING OF FIGHTERS '94, the first game hailed as a dream match of SNK characters, makes its way to the NEOGEO STATION! Still beloved by countless fans, its revolutionary three-on-three team battle system sets it apart from all other fighting games.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 62 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Season Pass ($14.99)
Charming. Suave. Muscular. The Hottest. These are just a few of the words that Strong Bad uses to describe himself. In 5 actionsodes of perpetual awesome, Strong Bad claims his throne as the King of Style.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 461 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner (free with Season Pass purchase)
When Strong Bad's plan to beat the snot out of Homestar backfires, he ends up with an unwanted houseguest cramping his style. Now he needs to get life back to normal... by any means necessary!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 90 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 2: Strong Badia The Free (free with Season Pass purchase)
Strong Bad goes on a mission to unite the local warring factions under the Strong Badian flag and oppose the totally unfair King of Town. Is Free Country USA ready for such an awesome ruler?
ESRB Rated T
File size: 101 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands (free with Season Pass purchase)
Hurting for cash, Strong Bad sets out to dominate the Battle Royale of the Bands. Will he rule the stage or be drowned out by the competition? Special guest starring rock gods LIMOZEEN!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 94 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 4: Dangeresque 3 (free with Season Pass purchase)
In Strong Bad's cinematic masterpiece, you play a dirty cop in pursuit of action and big sacks of cash. Defeat his arch-nemesis, save the world, and get the girl!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 99 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 5: 8-Bit Is Enough (free with Season Pass purchase)
Trogdor, the beefy-armed dragon of legend, has broken free from his arcade cabinet and is burninating the land. With Strong Badia a fiery mess, only Strong Bad can conquer this scorching menace!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 77 MB
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones ($14.99)
In Prince of Persia The Two Thrones HD, play and master two distinct characters, the Prince and the Dark Prince, with different combat styles, weapons and attitudes, for the first time in full HD and 3D.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 2.6 GB
BUZZ! - Quiz Player (free)
Playable with DualShock 3 wireless controllers, this free, downloadable BUZZ! game offers players the chance to purchase and enjoy the wide range of Quiz Packs available on the PlayStation Store.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 289 MB
echochrome ii ($14.99)
The follow-up to the original PlayStation Network hit is now available. echochrome ii introduces a new take on the puzzle genre with a unique game play twist that lets players use their imagination to solve puzzles by controlling light and shadows. Use the PlayStation Eye camera and PlayStation Move motion controller to rotate levels, control light, and change the way objects are viewed and shadows are cast. Download the full game today!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 457 MB
MAG ($29.99)
MAG is now part of the PlayStation Greatest Hits collection. Climb the ranks and battle with your friends in massive military operations. The decisions and actions of you and your friends affect a constantly evolving war. Download MAG today!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 4.66 GB
Eat Them! ($9.99)
Download Eat Them!; a cell-shaded game where you build your unique creature in the Lab and go on a monster mash, causing as much damage to the city as possible!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 353 MB
Top Darts ($9.99)
Download Top Darts today. This game features a large selection of traditional darts games as well as an assortment of unique challenges & frantic offline multiplayer games for up to 8 players. Aim for the highest score in nine classic dart games or go for gold in a wide range of fun and diverse challenges. Then take your game to the next level and throw yourself into a league or cup competition to become the ultimate Top Darts champion!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 256 MB
PSone Classic
Front Mission 3 ($5.99)
Take on the role of Kazuki Takemura and embark on the two storylines found in this mech turn-based strategy RPG. Download this PS one Classic today!
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 322 MB
Game Demos (free)
LittleBigPlanet 2 Demo
Discover limitless gameplay as you join Sackboy in a new whimsical adventure filled with new characters, clever gadgets, and exciting new game genres to play! In this demo you can play 3 of over 50 new exciting levels including the Tower of Whoop, Avalon's Advanced Armaments Academy, and the explosive Rocket Funland! Download the LittleBigPlanet 2 Demo today!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 1.98 GB
Beat Sketcher Demo
Download the Beat Sketcher demo today and discover this fun and intuitive musical drawing experience for the PlayStation Move motion controller. Create your own masterpiece and sketch colorful artwork with steady accuracy and flowing expression. It's time to unleash your Imagination with Beat Sketcher!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 210 MB
Dead Space 2 Demo
Play the Dead Space 2 demo today and bring the terror to space! Isaac Clarke returns for a blood-curdling adventure in the sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Space. After waking from a coma on a massive space city, the lone survivor of a horrific alien infestation finds himself confronting a catastrophic new nightmare.
File size: 1.36 GB
Mass Effect 2 Demo
Something is abducting human colonies. As Commander Shepard, you'll assemble the galaxy's deadliest team to find and destroy this terrifying threat. Intense shooter combat combines with a spectacular story in this hit action-RPG from BioWare.
File size: 2.38 GB
Risk: Factions Trial
Risk it all to dominate the world, one faction at a time! The original game of strategy and world domination comes to the PlayStation Network-with a surprise twist! Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities. Command your army with strategic thinking and tactical gambles and you just might win the day.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 586 MB
Blokus Trial
"The award-winning hit board game from Mattel arrives on PlayStation Network! You liked UNO? You are going to LOVE Blokus!
Rules are simple! The winning strategy: Block your opponents so they cannot add any more pieces to the board! Play with your friends in local or online Multiplayer modes using one of the 4 game variations! Blokus is the perfect strategy game for the whole family!
ESRB Rated E
File size:256 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 4: Dangeresque 3 Trial
Charming. Suave. Muscular. The Hottest. These are just a few of the words that Strong Bad uses to describe himself. In 5 actionsodes of perpetual awesome, Strong Bad claims his throne as the King of Style.
This is a FREE trial of Episode 4: Dangeresque 3.
In Strong Bad's cinematic masterpiece, you play a dirty cop in pursuit of action and big sacks of cash. Defeat his arch-nemesis, save the world, and get the girl!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 99 MB
Add-on Game Content
Splatterhouse: Lost Islands ($1.99)
On the Lost Islands, in the halls of the Thule, an ancient terror stirs...
File size: 36 MB
Costume Quest: Grubbins On Ice ($4.99)
Continue the Costume Quest adventure by exploring the monster world, Repugia. Face new enemies while collecting additional quests, costumes, battle stamps and creepy treat cards. Help the monsters overthrow Araxia to bring peace back to Repugia!
File size: 131 MB
R.U.S.E. - The Manhattan Project Pack (free)
The Manhattan Project Pack offers new challenges, including 3 exclusive multiplayer maps (Twilight of the Gods, Vesuvio and Guns 'n' Tulips), along with 2 additional multiplayer modes (Nuclear War and Total War). These modes will affect strategy and pace, allowing you to create nuclear cannons and benefit from accelerated technology evolution.
File size: 909 MB
The Fight Lights Out - The Fight Danny Trejo Pack ($1.49)
Download this add-on pack and play as Duke, Danny Trejo's Character from The Fight: Lights Out, in split-screen and online multiplayer modes.
File size: 100 KB
ModNation Racers - Far East Track Pack ($9.99)
Discover a brand new race experience with the Far East Theme! The Far East Theme comes with a career extention featuring 5 completely new Asian-themed tracks designed by United Front Games, plus 2 stand alone tracks. Conquer 10 new objectives, gather over 35 new unlockables, collect tokens, and earn 7 new trophies! Then use the brand new theme and over 50 track props to create a "Far East" track yourself!
File size: 100 KB
LittleBigPlanet - Pirates of the Carribean Promo Pack ($7.99)
Score both Pirates of the Caribbean Level Kit and Costume Pack for one low price! The kit includes new water gameplay, 5 levels and tons of goodies, stickers and music. Dress up in 7 costumes including Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, Davy Jones and Tia Dalma and the bonus Pelegosto costume.
NOTE: to download this Level Kit, you must already own LittleBigPlanet.
File size: 2.08 MB
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011: Shad, New Attire (free)
Download this item to get Shad's new attire for free.
File size: 5.8 MB
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011: WWE Discount Pack 1 ($6.99)
This Downloadable Content Pack includes The British Bulldog, Lex Luger, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Wade Barrett, Layla, Shad's new attire, Shawn Michael's WrestleMania XIII attire, the NXT arena and theme songs. Purchasing this pack gives you a discount over purchasing each item individually.
File size: 5.8 MB
DJ Hero 2 - Linkin Park Mix Pack ($7.99)
Downloadable Mix Pack featuring 'When They Come For Me (Diplo Remix)', 'Pts.OF.Athrty', and 'The Catalyst (Does It Offend You, Yeah Remix)' by Linkin Park. For all song credits, please visit www.djhero.com.
File size: 47 MB
Super Street Fighter IV Ultra Brawler Pack ($3.99)
Download the fifth ultra-powered pack of alternate costumes for Super Street Fighter IV! New costumes for Zangief, E.Honda, Rufus, Abel and El Fuerte are included! Make these characters even more unique with these ultra new costumes! This downloadable content is only compatible with Super Street Fighter IV.
File size: 49 MB
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam ($14.99)
Get ready for a whole new war, as DICE's massively popular online shooter Battlefield Bad Company 2 makes the journey back to the 60′s and the infamous Vietnam War. Requires the latest multiplayer update.
File size: 134 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Bugatti Veyron Super Sport ($2.99)
The fastest production car in the world is on the streets of Seacrest County. With 1,200 BHP this is the fastest car without nitrous assistance, but be warned, it needs a road surface to give it the grip it needs.
File size: 103 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Gumpert Apollo S ($2.99)
Light and Tight. Another sub-3 second 0-60mph vehicle with a top speed of 225mph. Whilst it can't match the Veyron for outright speed, boy does it get to maximum velocity quickly and has the grip to match up against it's larger rival.
File size: 103 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Porsche 911 GT2 RS ($2.99)
The most powerful Porsche road car ever made striking an almost perfect balance between Grip, Power, Speed and Drift.
File size: 103 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Super Sports Pack ($6.99)
The first expansion to Need For Speed Hot Pursuit extends your game with the debut of two very special Hypercars, a brand new Exotic and a selection of new events to put them through their paces.
File size: 103 KB
The Sims 3 - Hairstyles Pack ($9.99)
The latest trends in Moonlight Bay hairstyles are now available. These new haircuts will transform your Sims!
File size: 19 MB
The Sims 3 - Ultra Lounge Set Pack ($9.99)
Chic and sleek but always keeping comfort in mind, the Ultra Lounge set updates the jet set 70′s look for today. Strong lines, curves, and an eclectic mix of metals and woods are the hallmarks of this daring design.
File size: 1.69 MB
Def Jam Rapstar
(Music Downloads Not Rated by the ESRB) Expand your DEF JAM RAPSTAR library with these songs. DEF JAM RAPSTAR game disc is required to play this downloadable content:
* "All I Do Is Win" - DJ Khaled ($1.99)
* "Go Hard" - DJ Khaled ($1.99)
* "I'm So Hood" - DJ Khaled ($1.99)
* "We Run This" - The Runners ($1.99)
* "Who's That Girl" - Eve ($1.99)
* We The Best Pack ($6.99) - Expand your DEF JAM RAPSTAR library with this pack, which includes the songs: "DJ Khaled - All I Do is Win," "DJ Khaled - Go Hard," "DJ Khaled - I'm So Hood," and the freestyle track "The Runners - We Run This."
File size: 5.91 - 64 MB (singles), 116 MB (track pack)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
For all song credits please visit www.guitarhero.com.
* "Dr. Love" - Kiss ($1.99)
* "Detroit Rock City" - Kiss ($1.99)
* "Rock And Roll All Nite" - Kiss ($1.99)
* Kiss-Mas Track Pack ($5.49) - Downloadable Track Pack featuring "Dr. Love", "Detroit Rock City", and "Rock And Roll All Nite" by Kiss. Please Note: Many songs are available both as singles and as part of a Track Pack, so please carefully consider your purchases before downloading.
File size: 31 - 38 MB (singles), 105 MB (track pack)
Rock Band 3
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
* "Can't Get Enough″ - Bad Company ($1.99)
* Dame Aire" - Skizoo ($1.99)
* "Dis-Moi″ - BB Brunes ($1.99)
* "Fantasma″ - Linea 77 ($1.99)
* "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)″ - John & Yoko, The Plastic Ono Band ($1.99)
* "Jerk It Out″ - Caesars ($1.99)
* "Nur ein Wort″ - Wir sind Helden ($1.99)
* "Peut-Etre une Angine″ - Anais ($1.99)
* "Proibito″ - Litfiba ($1.99)
* "Starting to Appreciate" - Tutankamon ($1.99)
* "Verdamp Lang Her″ - BAP ($1.99)
Rock Band Network
* "Appetite" - The Gracious Few ($0.99)
* "Don't Feel Like That Anymore" - Johnny Cooper ($1.99)
* "Freakshow" - HourCast ($0.99)
* "Hold On" - All That Remains ($1.99)
* "The Touch" - Stan Bush ($1.99)
File size: 13 - 50 MB (singles)
Borderlands - Add-On Extravasplosion Bundle ($29.99)
10 lbs. of sausage in a 5lbs. bag!!! The Borderlands Add-On Extravasplosion is bursting with content that enriches the critically acclaimed Borderlands, with all four add-on content packs: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and Claptrap's New Robot Revolution.
File size: 4.42 GB
Mega Man Legends 2 - Data (Sleeping) Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Pocket Fighter Avatars (x5) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Dragon's Lair Avatars (x9) ($0.49)
File size: 100 - 139 KB
Dragon's Lair Avatar Bundle ($1.49)
File size: 558 KB
Disagaea 2 Avatars (x5) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Disagaea 3 Avatars (x2) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Disagaea Infinite Avatars (x2) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? - Prinny Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
The Fight Lights Out Avatars (x4) ($0.49)
File size: 102 - 113 KB
Dead Nation Avatars (x2) ($0.49)
File size: 125 - 128 KB
Game Videos (free)
The Tester Season 2 - Episode 8
File size: 753 MB (SD), 1.11 GB (HD)
The Tester Season 2 - Extra Scenes
File size: 649 MB (SD), 980 MB (HD), 1.6 GB (1080)
Pulse 12/21 Edition
File size: 303 MB (HD), 508 MB (1080)
Mafia II - Joe's Adventure Launch Trailer
File size: 48 MB (HD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Vietnam Phu Bai Valley Trailer
File size: 59 MB (HD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Vietnam - Battle For Hastings Trailer
File size: 61 MB (HD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - VIP Map Pack 7 Trailer
File size: 51 MB (HD)
Dead Space 2 - Demo Tips Trailer
File size: 138 MB (HD)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit - Seacrest County Trailer
File size: 48 MB (HD)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit - Ultimate Cop Trailer
File size: 53 MB (HD)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Launch Trailer
File size: 56 MB (HD)
Funky Lab Rat Network Trailer
File size: 75 MB (HD)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - DLC Sizzle Trailer
File size: 126 MB (1080)
L.A. Noire - Trailer 1
File size: 49 MB (HD)
Costume Quest Trailer 1
File size: 58 MB (HD)
Costume Quest Trailer 2
File size: 46 MB (HD)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Animus Project Update 1.0 Trailer
File size: 45 MB (HD)
LittleBigPlanet 2 - Grabinator
File size: 87 MB (HD)
LittleBigPlanet 2 - Controlinator
File size: 86 MB (HD)
Tumble - Accolades Trailer
File size: 36 MB (SD), 55 MB (HD)
The Fight Lights Out - Set Up Trailer
File size: 59 MB (HD), 99 MB (1080)
The Fight Lights Out - Calibration Trailer
File size: 79 MB (HD), 133 MB (1080)
The Fight Lights Out - Gameplay Trailer
File size: 128 MB (HD), 214 MB (1080)
Gran Turismo 5 - Launch Trailer
File size: 65 MB (HD), 109 MB (1080)
Gran Turismo 5 - 2010 GT Awards at SEMA
File size: 294 MB (1080)
Gran Turismo 5 - GT5 Piano Performance by Lang Lang
File size: 49 MB (HD), 82 MB (1080)
PS3 Holiday TV Spot - Fake TV Family
File size: 37 MB (1080)
PS3 Holiday TV Spot - Conundrum
File size: 37 MB (1080)
Eat Them! - Available Now Trailer
File size: 61 MB (HD)
Bluetooth Headset 2.0 Trailer
File size: 66 MB (HD), 111 MB (1080)
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Athlete Profile - Jamie Bestwick 2
File size: 185 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Athlete Profile - Paul Rodriguez
File size: 153 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Athlete Profile - Shaun White
File size: 199 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - PlayStation Pro Moments Salt Lake City
File size: 169 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlights
File size: 168 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlight - BMX
File size: 254 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlights - FMX
File size: 181 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlights - Skate
File size: 191 MB
PS3 Themes
Epic Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 6.1 MB
Konsole Kingz Graffitti Flow Theme ($1.99)
File size: 5.59 MB
Gassed Theme ($1.99)
File size: 13 MB
Deep Thought Combo Pack ($2.49)
File size: 8 MB
Cube Theme ($0.99)
File size: 3.63 MB
Shine Theme ($0.99)
File size: 2.68 MB
Code Entropy: Alpha Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 36 MB
Code Entropy: Beta Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 38 MB
Code Entropy: Gamma Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 32 MB
Code Entropy Dynamic Theme Pack ($3.99)
File size: 104 MB
Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Theme ($1.99)
File size: 5.26 MB
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 4.8 MB
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Static Theme ($0.99)
File size: 2.12 MB
Wallpapers (free)
Hoard Wallpaper 1
File size: 109 KB (SD), 268 KB (1080)
Hoard Wallpaper 2
File size: 243 KB (SD), 296 KB (1080)
PlayStation Store for PSP
Downloadable Games (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Fatal Fury ($6.99)
FATAL FURY, SNK's first fighting game, now welcomes all challengers on NEOGEO STATION! Released for the NEOGEO in 1991, its then-revolutionary features include a two-players-versus-the-computer mode, as well as stages that use both a background line and a foreground line.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 15 MB
Metal Slug ($6.99)
METAL SLUG, the first in the seminal run 'n' gun series, blasts onto NEOGEO STATION! Features simple shoot/jump/subshot controls and weapon items that let you upgrade your gun by rescuing POWs, etc. enabling a variety of powerful attacks. Move out, Metal Slug, and take down General Morden ASAP!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 33 MB
Game Demos (also available from PS3 Storefront) (free)
Lord Of Arcana Demo
Create your own Slayer and BRUTALLY destroy The Dragon of Murderous Rampage Nidhogg and The Magma Monster of Purgatory Agni as you take the first steps towards becoming LORD OF ARCANA! Keep your demo save file safe, as you will be able to import into the full game later on. Do you have what it takes to conquer the challenges of the beautiful and dark fantasy world of Horodyn to become LORD OF ARCANA?
ESRB Rated M
File size: 175 MB
Add-on Game Content (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Piyotama PSP: Christmas Skin (free)
Download this free skin for Piyotama to customize the look of Mother Piyo's Hotai Forest! Download the Piyotama Christmas Skin today!
File size: 2.08 MB
PSP Minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Jane's Hotel - Minis ($3.99)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 22 MB
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Minis ($1.99)
ESRB Rated T
File size: 54 MB
N.O.V.A. - Minis ($4.99)
ESRB Rated T
File size: 89 MB
Forest Puzzle - Minis ($3.99)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 13 MB
Dr. Minigames - Minis ($2.99)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 13 MB
Game Videos (free)
The Tester Season 2 - Episode 8
File size: 178 MB
The Tester Season 2 - Extra Scenes
File size:
Pulse 12/21 Edition
File size: 49 MB
Valkyria Chronicles 2 DLC Trailer
File size:
PSP Themes (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Legends Of War: Patton's Campaign Theme 1 (free)
File size: 497 KB
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Minis Theme (free)
File size: 548 KB
AK47 Digital PSP Theme ($1.99)
File size: 520 KB
Gold Scar PSP Theme ($1.99)
File size: 570 KB
To read more of the post and Download, click here!
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
We hope you've got some free space on that PS3 hard drive because it's a stunning week for the US PS Store, even if you have no money to spend.
It's all about the demos this week; there are playable snippets of LittleBigPlanet 2, Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 2 there for the taking.
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones arrives, completing the PoP trilogy in US, and Metal Slug - one of the all-time best 2D platform shooters - has landed in the new NeoGeo Station, along with a number of other classics on that platform.
Here's the full list:
Featured Publishers
SEGA Publisher Page
Welcome to SEGA's Publisher Page. SEGA is a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. Find out more information about your favorite games, both upcoming and released, watch trailers, and download themes, full games and game add-ons.
SNK Publisher Page NEOGEO Station
Since its release in 1990, the revolutionary "NEOGEO" videogame system has attracted millions of fans worldwide with its unforgettable library of arcade classics. In commemorating the 20th anniversary of the legendary NEOGEO MVS & AES, SNK has updated NEOGEO games with a variety of features both hardcore fans and a new generation gamers will be sure to appreciate.
PlayStation Plus
Full Game Trial
Borderlands Full Game Trial (Free and exclusive to PlayStation Plus Subscribers)
Lock, Load, & Face the Madness. With its addictive action, frantic first person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op, Borderlands is the breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Become a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault. Pick up the Full Game now.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 3.27 GB
Featured Games/Demos
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Minis (Free for PlayStation Plus Subscribers, regular price $1.99)
MAG Demo (Exclusive to PlayStation Plus Subscribers)
Get an unlimited taste of epic battlefield action and massive 256 player battle with the MAG downloadable trial. In the MAG Trial your character will be capped at Level 8. Experience will continue to accumulate but will not be attributed to Level increases until the full version of MA is downloaded. MAG Escalation and Interdiction Pack add-ons are compatible with the MAG trial.
File size: 4.7 GB
Discounted Games
Alpha Mission (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Art of Fighting (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Baseball Stars Professional (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Fatal Fury (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
League Bowling (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Magician Lord (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Metal Slug (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Samurai Showdown (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Super Sidekicks (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
The King of Fighters '94 (20% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.19, regular price $8.99)
Battlefield 1943 (40% off) (PlayStation Plus price $8.99, regular price $14.99)
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 (25% off) (PlayStation Plus price $7.49, regular price $9.99)
Bomberman Ultra - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Burn Zombie Burn - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Worms 2: Armageddon - Sale (PS3) (now $7.99, original price $14.99)
Novastrike - Sale (PS3) (now $2.99, original price $4.99)
Stellar Attack - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $3.49, original price $4.49)
Forest Puzzle - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $1.99, original price $3.99)
Vibes - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $3.49, original price $5.49)
3, 2, 1...Supercrash! - Minis - Sale (PS3/PSP) (now $2.49, original price
Football Manager Handheld 2010 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price
Iron Man 2 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price $19.99)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price $39.99)
Sega Genesis Collection UMD Legacy - Sale (PSP) (now $9.99, original price
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - Sale (PSP) (now $15.99, original price $39.99)
Deadliest Warrior: The Game - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Afterburner Climax - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Gunstar Heroes - Sale (PS3) (now $2.99, original price $4.99)
Sonic Adventure - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Sonic Adventure DX Upgrade - Sale (PS3) (now $1.99, original price $4.99)
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 - Sale (PS3) (now $9.99, original price
Blue Toad Murder Files: Episode 1-6 & Advent Theme Bundle - Sale (PS3) (now
$14.99, original price $26.99)
Flock - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
NFL Head Coach 09 - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $14.99, original price
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Things That Go Boom Pack 2 -
Permanent Price Change (PS3) (now $3.49, original price FREE)
Alien Breed: Impact - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price
Shank - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
Chameleon: Legacy - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $3.99, original price
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Legacy - Permanent Price Drop (PSP) (now $9.99,
original price $14.99)
Warriors of the Lost Empire - Permanent Price Drop (PSP) (now $5.99,
original price $9.99)
Arctic Adventures: Polar's Puzzles - Minis - Permanent Price Drop (PS3)
(now $1.99, original price $4.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Onslaught Mode - Permanent Price Drop (PS3)
(now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 VIP DLC - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99) **Only available via in-game Store
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Assault - Permanent Price Drop
(PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Bundle - Permanent Price Drop
(PS3) (now $14.99, original price $19.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Engineer - Permanent Price Drop
(PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Shortcut Kit - Recon - Permanent Price Drop (PS3)
(now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Burnout Paradise Party Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $4.99,
original price $9.99)
Burnout Paradise: All Toy Cars Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$6.99, original price $12.99)
Burnout Paradise: Big Surf Island - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $6.99,
original price $12.99)
Burnout Paradise: Cops and Robbers - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $4.99,
original price $9.99)
Burnout Paradise: Legendary Car Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $7.99)
Burnout Paradise: Special Boost Car Pack - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $7.99)
Burnout Paradise: Toy Car Collection 1 - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $5.99)
Burnout Paradise: Toy Car Collection 2 - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $5.99)
Dante's Inferno - Trials of St. Lucia - Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now
$4.99, original price $9.99)
Downloadable Games
Borderlands ($29.99)
Lock, Load, & Face the Madness. With its addictive action, frantic first person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op, Borderlands is the breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Become a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault. Pick up the Full Game now.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 3.27 GB
Risk: Factions ($9.99)
Risk it all to dominate the world, one faction at a time! The original game of strategy and world domination comes to the PlayStation Network-with a surprise twist! Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities. Command your army with strategic thinking and tactical gambles and you just might win the day.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 586 MB
Blokus ($4.99)
The award-winning hit board game from Mattel arrives on PlayStationNetwork! You liked UNO? You are going to LOVE Blokus!
Rules are simple! The winning strategy: Block your opponents so they cannot add any more pieces to the board! Play with your friends in local or online Multiplayer modes using one of the 4 game variations! Blokus is the perfect strategy game for the whole family!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 256 MB
Alpha Mission II ($8.99)
ALPHA MISSION II, a classic shooter from the early days of the NEOGEO, blasts off once again from NEOGEO STATION! Equip up to three pieces of armor, which also serve as weapons, for a variety of attacks such as the laser and flamethrower. Use them to defeat the evil "Fulvar" and save mankind!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 57 MB
Art Of Fighting ($8.99)
ART OF FIGHTING, the fighting game that redefined the genre, also the first 100 Mega Shock title, is back on NEOGEO STATION! Its innovative spirit gauge and super attack moves, combined with exhilarating effects and dramatic event scenes, make it a must-play for all fighting fans.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 52 MB
Baseball Stars Professional ($8.99)
BASEBALL STARS PROFESSIONAL, a title that launched with the NEOGEO in 1990, suits up for NEOGEO STATION! Inspired by big league ball, it features a VS Mode and a Tournament Mode, dynamic animation, voiced commentary, and an array of up-close action shots for the complete baseball experience!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 50 MB
Fatal Fury ($8.99)
FATAL FURY, SNK's first fighting game, now welcomes all challengers on NEOGEO STATION! Released for the NEOGEO in 1991, its then-revolutionary features include a two-players-versus-the-computer mode, as well as stages that use both a background line and a foreground line.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 56 MB
League Bowling ($8.99)
LEAGUE BOWLING, a simple yet exhilarating bowling game, rolls onto NEOGEO STATION! Players select their own ball and which arm to use. Then it's just choosing a direction and how much power to apply! Features three game modes and hilarious, over-the-top animations when you get that strike!
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 38 MB
Magician Lord ($8.99)
MAGICIAN LORD, a platformer from ADK and a NEOGEO launch title, is resurrected on NEOGEO STATION! Set in a mystical realm, players go on a quest to defeat the evil wizard Gal Agiese and his horde of monsters. Use magic attacks and combine elemental orbs to change between six different forms!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 57 MB
Metal Slug ($8.99)
METAL SLUG, the first in the seminal run 'n' gun series, blasts onto NEOGEO STATION! Features simple shoot/jump/subshot controls and weapon items that let you upgrade your gun by rescuing POWs, etc. enabling a variety of powerful attacks. Move out, Metal Slug, and take down General Morden ASAP!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 61 MB
Samurai Showdown ($8.99)
SAMURAI SHODOWN, the original weapon-based fighting game, is back for battle on NEOGEO STATION! Samurai, ninja, and other exotic fighters star in this classic that focuses on powerful strikes. Features a rage gauge that turns incurred damage into attack power, and intense, button-mashing weapon clashes!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 65 MB
Super Sidekicks ($8.99)
SUPER SIDEKICKS, SNK's first soccer game, takes to the field on NEOGEO STATION! Dribble, pass, and shoot your way to victory as you go head to head with powerhouses from around the world in the SNK Cup. Come out on top and enjoy a toast worthy of a champion!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 53 MB
The King of Fighters '94 ($8.99)
THE KING OF FIGHTERS '94, the first game hailed as a dream match of SNK characters, makes its way to the NEOGEO STATION! Still beloved by countless fans, its revolutionary three-on-three team battle system sets it apart from all other fighting games.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 62 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Season Pass ($14.99)
Charming. Suave. Muscular. The Hottest. These are just a few of the words that Strong Bad uses to describe himself. In 5 actionsodes of perpetual awesome, Strong Bad claims his throne as the King of Style.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 461 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner (free with Season Pass purchase)
When Strong Bad's plan to beat the snot out of Homestar backfires, he ends up with an unwanted houseguest cramping his style. Now he needs to get life back to normal... by any means necessary!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 90 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 2: Strong Badia The Free (free with Season Pass purchase)
Strong Bad goes on a mission to unite the local warring factions under the Strong Badian flag and oppose the totally unfair King of Town. Is Free Country USA ready for such an awesome ruler?
ESRB Rated T
File size: 101 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands (free with Season Pass purchase)
Hurting for cash, Strong Bad sets out to dominate the Battle Royale of the Bands. Will he rule the stage or be drowned out by the competition? Special guest starring rock gods LIMOZEEN!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 94 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 4: Dangeresque 3 (free with Season Pass purchase)
In Strong Bad's cinematic masterpiece, you play a dirty cop in pursuit of action and big sacks of cash. Defeat his arch-nemesis, save the world, and get the girl!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 99 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 5: 8-Bit Is Enough (free with Season Pass purchase)
Trogdor, the beefy-armed dragon of legend, has broken free from his arcade cabinet and is burninating the land. With Strong Badia a fiery mess, only Strong Bad can conquer this scorching menace!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 77 MB
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones ($14.99)
In Prince of Persia The Two Thrones HD, play and master two distinct characters, the Prince and the Dark Prince, with different combat styles, weapons and attitudes, for the first time in full HD and 3D.
ESRB Rated M
File size: 2.6 GB
BUZZ! - Quiz Player (free)
Playable with DualShock 3 wireless controllers, this free, downloadable BUZZ! game offers players the chance to purchase and enjoy the wide range of Quiz Packs available on the PlayStation Store.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 289 MB
echochrome ii ($14.99)
The follow-up to the original PlayStation Network hit is now available. echochrome ii introduces a new take on the puzzle genre with a unique game play twist that lets players use their imagination to solve puzzles by controlling light and shadows. Use the PlayStation Eye camera and PlayStation Move motion controller to rotate levels, control light, and change the way objects are viewed and shadows are cast. Download the full game today!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 457 MB
MAG ($29.99)
MAG is now part of the PlayStation Greatest Hits collection. Climb the ranks and battle with your friends in massive military operations. The decisions and actions of you and your friends affect a constantly evolving war. Download MAG today!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 4.66 GB
Eat Them! ($9.99)
Download Eat Them!; a cell-shaded game where you build your unique creature in the Lab and go on a monster mash, causing as much damage to the city as possible!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 353 MB
Top Darts ($9.99)
Download Top Darts today. This game features a large selection of traditional darts games as well as an assortment of unique challenges & frantic offline multiplayer games for up to 8 players. Aim for the highest score in nine classic dart games or go for gold in a wide range of fun and diverse challenges. Then take your game to the next level and throw yourself into a league or cup competition to become the ultimate Top Darts champion!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 256 MB
PSone Classic
Front Mission 3 ($5.99)
Take on the role of Kazuki Takemura and embark on the two storylines found in this mech turn-based strategy RPG. Download this PS one Classic today!
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 322 MB
Game Demos (free)
LittleBigPlanet 2 Demo
Discover limitless gameplay as you join Sackboy in a new whimsical adventure filled with new characters, clever gadgets, and exciting new game genres to play! In this demo you can play 3 of over 50 new exciting levels including the Tower of Whoop, Avalon's Advanced Armaments Academy, and the explosive Rocket Funland! Download the LittleBigPlanet 2 Demo today!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 1.98 GB
Beat Sketcher Demo
Download the Beat Sketcher demo today and discover this fun and intuitive musical drawing experience for the PlayStation Move motion controller. Create your own masterpiece and sketch colorful artwork with steady accuracy and flowing expression. It's time to unleash your Imagination with Beat Sketcher!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 210 MB
Dead Space 2 Demo
Play the Dead Space 2 demo today and bring the terror to space! Isaac Clarke returns for a blood-curdling adventure in the sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Space. After waking from a coma on a massive space city, the lone survivor of a horrific alien infestation finds himself confronting a catastrophic new nightmare.
File size: 1.36 GB
Mass Effect 2 Demo
Something is abducting human colonies. As Commander Shepard, you'll assemble the galaxy's deadliest team to find and destroy this terrifying threat. Intense shooter combat combines with a spectacular story in this hit action-RPG from BioWare.
File size: 2.38 GB
Risk: Factions Trial
Risk it all to dominate the world, one faction at a time! The original game of strategy and world domination comes to the PlayStation Network-with a surprise twist! Wage war with five factions, each with unique abilities. Command your army with strategic thinking and tactical gambles and you just might win the day.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 586 MB
Blokus Trial
"The award-winning hit board game from Mattel arrives on PlayStation Network! You liked UNO? You are going to LOVE Blokus!
Rules are simple! The winning strategy: Block your opponents so they cannot add any more pieces to the board! Play with your friends in local or online Multiplayer modes using one of the 4 game variations! Blokus is the perfect strategy game for the whole family!
ESRB Rated E
File size:256 MB
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People - Episode 4: Dangeresque 3 Trial
Charming. Suave. Muscular. The Hottest. These are just a few of the words that Strong Bad uses to describe himself. In 5 actionsodes of perpetual awesome, Strong Bad claims his throne as the King of Style.
This is a FREE trial of Episode 4: Dangeresque 3.
In Strong Bad's cinematic masterpiece, you play a dirty cop in pursuit of action and big sacks of cash. Defeat his arch-nemesis, save the world, and get the girl!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 99 MB
Add-on Game Content
Splatterhouse: Lost Islands ($1.99)
On the Lost Islands, in the halls of the Thule, an ancient terror stirs...
File size: 36 MB
Costume Quest: Grubbins On Ice ($4.99)
Continue the Costume Quest adventure by exploring the monster world, Repugia. Face new enemies while collecting additional quests, costumes, battle stamps and creepy treat cards. Help the monsters overthrow Araxia to bring peace back to Repugia!
File size: 131 MB
R.U.S.E. - The Manhattan Project Pack (free)
The Manhattan Project Pack offers new challenges, including 3 exclusive multiplayer maps (Twilight of the Gods, Vesuvio and Guns 'n' Tulips), along with 2 additional multiplayer modes (Nuclear War and Total War). These modes will affect strategy and pace, allowing you to create nuclear cannons and benefit from accelerated technology evolution.
File size: 909 MB
The Fight Lights Out - The Fight Danny Trejo Pack ($1.49)
Download this add-on pack and play as Duke, Danny Trejo's Character from The Fight: Lights Out, in split-screen and online multiplayer modes.
File size: 100 KB
ModNation Racers - Far East Track Pack ($9.99)
Discover a brand new race experience with the Far East Theme! The Far East Theme comes with a career extention featuring 5 completely new Asian-themed tracks designed by United Front Games, plus 2 stand alone tracks. Conquer 10 new objectives, gather over 35 new unlockables, collect tokens, and earn 7 new trophies! Then use the brand new theme and over 50 track props to create a "Far East" track yourself!
File size: 100 KB
LittleBigPlanet - Pirates of the Carribean Promo Pack ($7.99)
Score both Pirates of the Caribbean Level Kit and Costume Pack for one low price! The kit includes new water gameplay, 5 levels and tons of goodies, stickers and music. Dress up in 7 costumes including Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, Davy Jones and Tia Dalma and the bonus Pelegosto costume.
NOTE: to download this Level Kit, you must already own LittleBigPlanet.
File size: 2.08 MB
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011: Shad, New Attire (free)
Download this item to get Shad's new attire for free.
File size: 5.8 MB
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011: WWE Discount Pack 1 ($6.99)
This Downloadable Content Pack includes The British Bulldog, Lex Luger, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Wade Barrett, Layla, Shad's new attire, Shawn Michael's WrestleMania XIII attire, the NXT arena and theme songs. Purchasing this pack gives you a discount over purchasing each item individually.
File size: 5.8 MB
DJ Hero 2 - Linkin Park Mix Pack ($7.99)
Downloadable Mix Pack featuring 'When They Come For Me (Diplo Remix)', 'Pts.OF.Athrty', and 'The Catalyst (Does It Offend You, Yeah Remix)' by Linkin Park. For all song credits, please visit www.djhero.com.
File size: 47 MB
Super Street Fighter IV Ultra Brawler Pack ($3.99)
Download the fifth ultra-powered pack of alternate costumes for Super Street Fighter IV! New costumes for Zangief, E.Honda, Rufus, Abel and El Fuerte are included! Make these characters even more unique with these ultra new costumes! This downloadable content is only compatible with Super Street Fighter IV.
File size: 49 MB
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam ($14.99)
Get ready for a whole new war, as DICE's massively popular online shooter Battlefield Bad Company 2 makes the journey back to the 60′s and the infamous Vietnam War. Requires the latest multiplayer update.
File size: 134 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Bugatti Veyron Super Sport ($2.99)
The fastest production car in the world is on the streets of Seacrest County. With 1,200 BHP this is the fastest car without nitrous assistance, but be warned, it needs a road surface to give it the grip it needs.
File size: 103 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Gumpert Apollo S ($2.99)
Light and Tight. Another sub-3 second 0-60mph vehicle with a top speed of 225mph. Whilst it can't match the Veyron for outright speed, boy does it get to maximum velocity quickly and has the grip to match up against it's larger rival.
File size: 103 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Porsche 911 GT2 RS ($2.99)
The most powerful Porsche road car ever made striking an almost perfect balance between Grip, Power, Speed and Drift.
File size: 103 KB
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit - Super Sports Pack ($6.99)
The first expansion to Need For Speed Hot Pursuit extends your game with the debut of two very special Hypercars, a brand new Exotic and a selection of new events to put them through their paces.
File size: 103 KB
The Sims 3 - Hairstyles Pack ($9.99)
The latest trends in Moonlight Bay hairstyles are now available. These new haircuts will transform your Sims!
File size: 19 MB
The Sims 3 - Ultra Lounge Set Pack ($9.99)
Chic and sleek but always keeping comfort in mind, the Ultra Lounge set updates the jet set 70′s look for today. Strong lines, curves, and an eclectic mix of metals and woods are the hallmarks of this daring design.
File size: 1.69 MB
Def Jam Rapstar
(Music Downloads Not Rated by the ESRB) Expand your DEF JAM RAPSTAR library with these songs. DEF JAM RAPSTAR game disc is required to play this downloadable content:
* "All I Do Is Win" - DJ Khaled ($1.99)
* "Go Hard" - DJ Khaled ($1.99)
* "I'm So Hood" - DJ Khaled ($1.99)
* "We Run This" - The Runners ($1.99)
* "Who's That Girl" - Eve ($1.99)
* We The Best Pack ($6.99) - Expand your DEF JAM RAPSTAR library with this pack, which includes the songs: "DJ Khaled - All I Do is Win," "DJ Khaled - Go Hard," "DJ Khaled - I'm So Hood," and the freestyle track "The Runners - We Run This."
File size: 5.91 - 64 MB (singles), 116 MB (track pack)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
For all song credits please visit www.guitarhero.com.
* "Dr. Love" - Kiss ($1.99)
* "Detroit Rock City" - Kiss ($1.99)
* "Rock And Roll All Nite" - Kiss ($1.99)
* Kiss-Mas Track Pack ($5.49) - Downloadable Track Pack featuring "Dr. Love", "Detroit Rock City", and "Rock And Roll All Nite" by Kiss. Please Note: Many songs are available both as singles and as part of a Track Pack, so please carefully consider your purchases before downloading.
File size: 31 - 38 MB (singles), 105 MB (track pack)
Rock Band 3
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
* "Can't Get Enough″ - Bad Company ($1.99)
* Dame Aire" - Skizoo ($1.99)
* "Dis-Moi″ - BB Brunes ($1.99)
* "Fantasma″ - Linea 77 ($1.99)
* "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)″ - John & Yoko, The Plastic Ono Band ($1.99)
* "Jerk It Out″ - Caesars ($1.99)
* "Nur ein Wort″ - Wir sind Helden ($1.99)
* "Peut-Etre une Angine″ - Anais ($1.99)
* "Proibito″ - Litfiba ($1.99)
* "Starting to Appreciate" - Tutankamon ($1.99)
* "Verdamp Lang Her″ - BAP ($1.99)
Rock Band Network
* "Appetite" - The Gracious Few ($0.99)
* "Don't Feel Like That Anymore" - Johnny Cooper ($1.99)
* "Freakshow" - HourCast ($0.99)
* "Hold On" - All That Remains ($1.99)
* "The Touch" - Stan Bush ($1.99)
File size: 13 - 50 MB (singles)
Borderlands - Add-On Extravasplosion Bundle ($29.99)
10 lbs. of sausage in a 5lbs. bag!!! The Borderlands Add-On Extravasplosion is bursting with content that enriches the critically acclaimed Borderlands, with all four add-on content packs: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and Claptrap's New Robot Revolution.
File size: 4.42 GB
Mega Man Legends 2 - Data (Sleeping) Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Pocket Fighter Avatars (x5) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Dragon's Lair Avatars (x9) ($0.49)
File size: 100 - 139 KB
Dragon's Lair Avatar Bundle ($1.49)
File size: 558 KB
Disagaea 2 Avatars (x5) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Disagaea 3 Avatars (x2) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Disagaea Infinite Avatars (x2) ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? - Prinny Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
The Fight Lights Out Avatars (x4) ($0.49)
File size: 102 - 113 KB
Dead Nation Avatars (x2) ($0.49)
File size: 125 - 128 KB
Game Videos (free)
The Tester Season 2 - Episode 8
File size: 753 MB (SD), 1.11 GB (HD)
The Tester Season 2 - Extra Scenes
File size: 649 MB (SD), 980 MB (HD), 1.6 GB (1080)
Pulse 12/21 Edition
File size: 303 MB (HD), 508 MB (1080)
Mafia II - Joe's Adventure Launch Trailer
File size: 48 MB (HD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Vietnam Phu Bai Valley Trailer
File size: 59 MB (HD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Vietnam - Battle For Hastings Trailer
File size: 61 MB (HD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - VIP Map Pack 7 Trailer
File size: 51 MB (HD)
Dead Space 2 - Demo Tips Trailer
File size: 138 MB (HD)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit - Seacrest County Trailer
File size: 48 MB (HD)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit - Ultimate Cop Trailer
File size: 53 MB (HD)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Launch Trailer
File size: 56 MB (HD)
Funky Lab Rat Network Trailer
File size: 75 MB (HD)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - DLC Sizzle Trailer
File size: 126 MB (1080)
L.A. Noire - Trailer 1
File size: 49 MB (HD)
Costume Quest Trailer 1
File size: 58 MB (HD)
Costume Quest Trailer 2
File size: 46 MB (HD)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Animus Project Update 1.0 Trailer
File size: 45 MB (HD)
LittleBigPlanet 2 - Grabinator
File size: 87 MB (HD)
LittleBigPlanet 2 - Controlinator
File size: 86 MB (HD)
Tumble - Accolades Trailer
File size: 36 MB (SD), 55 MB (HD)
The Fight Lights Out - Set Up Trailer
File size: 59 MB (HD), 99 MB (1080)
The Fight Lights Out - Calibration Trailer
File size: 79 MB (HD), 133 MB (1080)
The Fight Lights Out - Gameplay Trailer
File size: 128 MB (HD), 214 MB (1080)
Gran Turismo 5 - Launch Trailer
File size: 65 MB (HD), 109 MB (1080)
Gran Turismo 5 - 2010 GT Awards at SEMA
File size: 294 MB (1080)
Gran Turismo 5 - GT5 Piano Performance by Lang Lang
File size: 49 MB (HD), 82 MB (1080)
PS3 Holiday TV Spot - Fake TV Family
File size: 37 MB (1080)
PS3 Holiday TV Spot - Conundrum
File size: 37 MB (1080)
Eat Them! - Available Now Trailer
File size: 61 MB (HD)
Bluetooth Headset 2.0 Trailer
File size: 66 MB (HD), 111 MB (1080)
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Athlete Profile - Jamie Bestwick 2
File size: 185 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Athlete Profile - Paul Rodriguez
File size: 153 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Athlete Profile - Shaun White
File size: 199 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - PlayStation Pro Moments Salt Lake City
File size: 169 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlights
File size: 168 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlight - BMX
File size: 254 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlights - FMX
File size: 181 MB
Dew Tour - Salt Lake City - Toyota Challenge Highlights - Skate
File size: 191 MB
PS3 Themes
Epic Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 6.1 MB
Konsole Kingz Graffitti Flow Theme ($1.99)
File size: 5.59 MB
Gassed Theme ($1.99)
File size: 13 MB
Deep Thought Combo Pack ($2.49)
File size: 8 MB
Cube Theme ($0.99)
File size: 3.63 MB
Shine Theme ($0.99)
File size: 2.68 MB
Code Entropy: Alpha Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 36 MB
Code Entropy: Beta Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 38 MB
Code Entropy: Gamma Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 32 MB
Code Entropy Dynamic Theme Pack ($3.99)
File size: 104 MB
Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Theme ($1.99)
File size: 5.26 MB
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 4.8 MB
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Static Theme ($0.99)
File size: 2.12 MB
Wallpapers (free)
Hoard Wallpaper 1
File size: 109 KB (SD), 268 KB (1080)
Hoard Wallpaper 2
File size: 243 KB (SD), 296 KB (1080)
PlayStation Store for PSP
Downloadable Games (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Fatal Fury ($6.99)
FATAL FURY, SNK's first fighting game, now welcomes all challengers on NEOGEO STATION! Released for the NEOGEO in 1991, its then-revolutionary features include a two-players-versus-the-computer mode, as well as stages that use both a background line and a foreground line.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 15 MB
Metal Slug ($6.99)
METAL SLUG, the first in the seminal run 'n' gun series, blasts onto NEOGEO STATION! Features simple shoot/jump/subshot controls and weapon items that let you upgrade your gun by rescuing POWs, etc. enabling a variety of powerful attacks. Move out, Metal Slug, and take down General Morden ASAP!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 33 MB
Game Demos (also available from PS3 Storefront) (free)
Lord Of Arcana Demo
Create your own Slayer and BRUTALLY destroy The Dragon of Murderous Rampage Nidhogg and The Magma Monster of Purgatory Agni as you take the first steps towards becoming LORD OF ARCANA! Keep your demo save file safe, as you will be able to import into the full game later on. Do you have what it takes to conquer the challenges of the beautiful and dark fantasy world of Horodyn to become LORD OF ARCANA?
ESRB Rated M
File size: 175 MB
Add-on Game Content (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Piyotama PSP: Christmas Skin (free)
Download this free skin for Piyotama to customize the look of Mother Piyo's Hotai Forest! Download the Piyotama Christmas Skin today!
File size: 2.08 MB
PSP Minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Jane's Hotel - Minis ($3.99)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 22 MB
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Minis ($1.99)
ESRB Rated T
File size: 54 MB
N.O.V.A. - Minis ($4.99)
ESRB Rated T
File size: 89 MB
Forest Puzzle - Minis ($3.99)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 13 MB
Dr. Minigames - Minis ($2.99)
ESRB Rated E
File size: 13 MB
Game Videos (free)
The Tester Season 2 - Episode 8
File size: 178 MB
The Tester Season 2 - Extra Scenes
File size:
Pulse 12/21 Edition
File size: 49 MB
Valkyria Chronicles 2 DLC Trailer
File size:
PSP Themes (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Legends Of War: Patton's Campaign Theme 1 (free)
File size: 497 KB
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks - Minis Theme (free)
File size: 548 KB
AK47 Digital PSP Theme ($1.99)
File size: 520 KB
Gold Scar PSP Theme ($1.99)
File size: 570 KB
To read more of the post and Download, click here!
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Andrew House, president of SCEE, believes that the adoption rate of 3DTVs will be faster than the shift from standard to high-definition.
Speaking to MCV, House pinned 2011 as a big year for 3D, with 3D games coming "into fruition", and says Sky TV will play a key roll, too.
"3D is going to be driven by building an ecosystem that's based around content, TV penetration, and so on," he said.
"In the UK you are seeing a strong push by broadcasters like Sky, who see enormous potential in 3D. Their track record in driving HD penetration was key."
But House admits the economic climate isn't helping. "It is a technology shift against challenging economic circumstances for a lot of countries in Europe. So that is something that makes us pause a bit," he said.
"Rather than saying when the tipping point will be, I do think it will be a faster adoption than the shift from standard to high definition," stated House, saying gaming will benefit most from the shift.
"I think the benefits of 3D are a lot more tangible in an interactive experience. It is also the one 3D experience that is, to a great degree, not replicable outside of the home.
"Our role is to act as a pioneer, as evangelists and to help developers get the right experience with 3D games. We've done some great groundwork and I think you'll see 3D games come to fruition next year."
MotorStorm Apocalypse, Killzone 3, Uncharted 3 and the Ico Collection are among the major 3D PS3 releases coming next year, not to mention the launch of Nintendo's new specs-less 3DS.
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster

Rugged Outdoor Gaming Units, Etc (aka ROGUE) is looking to service our armed forces with rugged all-in-one gaming devices. The goal? "To provide every every big kid with entertainment no matter where his travels take him." The product? The Staff Sergeant PeliStation, available beginning the spring of next year.
Priced at $1750, the PeliStation includes a 1080p 22" HD display, built-in PS3, a surge protector and four network outputs. "With a weight of just 35 lbs., this complete setup is easy to carry whether you're going on a weekend camping trip or year-long deployment to the desert," the product description adds. While a feat of engineering, we can't help but wonder if the rumored PSP2 would better serve this purpose?
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December 22nd, 2010, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment president Kaz Hirai has added further fuel to speculation that the PSP2 will have touch screen controls.
In an interview with The New York Times, Hirai explained that new control inputs will be key in competing with Nintendo and Apple.
"Depending on the game, there are ones where you can play perfectly well with a touch panel,'' Hirai explained. ''But you can definitely play immersive games better with physical buttons and pads. I think there could be games where you're able to use both in combination."
Hirai went on to explain that the rise of mobile gaming on the iPhone and Android devices shouldn't be seen as a threat to a new dedicated handheld gaming device, but as an opportunity.
''We're seeing people who never had an interest in games join the gaming population," he said. "That means that the gaming industry pie is getting bigger."
In any case, Hirai argued, "The games being played on Android and Apple platforms are fundamentally different from the world of immersive games that Sony Computer Entertainment, and PlayStation aims for."
Very little is known for sure about Sony's next handheld but rumours have suggested that, alongside those touch screen controls, the PSP2 will boast "early PS3 game quality visuals", two cameras and full digital game delivery.
As well as the mooted new handheld, rumours have also been flying around about a new PlayStation Phone. Hirai as good as confirmed the device, which may or may not be called the Xperia Play, expressing concern over how consumers might tell the gadget apart from a regular PSP.
''We don't want gamers to be asking, what's the difference between that and a PSP,'' he said. ''We have to come up with a message that users will understand. It would have to be a product that keeps the PlayStation's strengths intact.''
To read more of the post and Download, click here!
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December 23rd, 2010, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-16057.html
PokeMini Emulator is a Nintendo Pokémon Mini Handheld emulator for Windows, Linux, Nintendo DS, PSP, GP2X Wiz and Dreamcast..
-: 0.4.3 Changes :-
Some fixes.
Added zoom support for SDL platform (1x, 2x, 3x or 4x).
Added Dreamcast platform.
Fullscreen toggle works now on Windows.
Added emulated sound support for all platforms.
Improved UI.
-: 0.4.2 Changes :-
Palette support in SDL.
Rumble now shake the display up & down.
Added Wiz platform.
Fixed EEPROM access.
Fixed signed jump/call instructions.
Removed load/save state until a problem is solved.
Added unofficial colors support into games!
-: 0.4.1 Changes :-
Minor changes.
Audio dumping/capture is now WAV format.
-: 0.4.0 Changes :-
Complete rewrite, source code seems very portable.
Added FreeBIOS, a public domain BIOS that try to behave like the real BIOS.
Added SDL and some platforms.
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December 23rd, 2010, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Restored screenshot function under a new implementation to work with LWJGL.
Implemented screenshot taking in UmdVideoPlayer.
Fixed PSP_O_TRUNC handling in IoFileMgrForUser.
To read more of the post and Download, click here!
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December 23rd, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Touch controls have been confirmed for the successor to the PlayStation Portable, with Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai discussing the device in a new interview.
Speaking to The New York Times Hirai commented that, "Depending on the game, there are ones where you can play perfectly well with a touch panel."
"But you can definitely play immersive games better with physical buttons and pads. I think there could be games where you're able to use both in combination," he added - in what may be a reference to Sony's ongoing argument that PlayStation Move's physical buttons allow for greater variety in gameplay than rival Kinect.
Rumours of a PSP successor have been ongoing for several months, with most pointing towards a track pad on the back of the device - although some rumours mention a touchscreen display on the front as well. A recent patent application made by Sony also describes a rear-mounted touch-sensitive panel.
Most descriptions of the prototype devices, which are believed to already be in the hands of developers, also describe two analogue sliders instead of just one.
Elsewhere in the interview Hirai was dismissive of competition from other mobile formats, saying: "The games being played on Android and Apple platforms are fundamentally different from the world of immersive games that Sony Computer Entertainment, and PlayStation, aims for."
Hirai also acknowledged rumours of a PlayStation-branded smartphone, believed to be based on current PSP technology. Despite leaked images being in wide circulation, Hirai was concerned at the dangers of confusing customers over which device to buy.
"We don't want gamers to be asking, what's the difference between that and a PSP," he said. "We have to come up with a message that users will understand. It would have to be a product that keeps the PlayStation's strengths intact."
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December 24th, 2010, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster

Just shy of a month after it launched on the PlayStation 3, VUDU has begun delivering its newly revamped interface on the game console. It should be there once the app is opened, but just in case you're not near a Sixaxis or the (now supported) Move controller check out our gallery for an idea of what the new layout look like. Oh, and if you're getting your 1080p HDX streaming via a different box or smart TV widget then keep an eye out, the company's support page say the PS3 and LG devices will be the only ones sporting the new look through January, with all the rest getting it later on.
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December 24th, 2010, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Based on the rumors circulating on this here internet, Sony supposedly intends to release two handheld devices in 2011: the PlayStation Phone and the PSP2. Although both are multi-function gaming devices, the two seem to be taking very different approaches, which have many confused about the direction Sony intends on going. Even PlayStation's Kazuo Hirai admits this is a challenge, telling the New York Times that ''we don't want gamers to be asking, what's the difference between that and a PSP ... We have to come up with a message that users will understand." Of course, "that" being the rumored PlayStation Phone (Xperia Play?). While Hirai didn't offer an official confirmation of its existence, he did add that "it would have to be a product that keeps the PlayStation's strengths intact."
The chat also touched upon the successor to the PSP, and Hirai's candid comments seem to give light to what Sony has planned for its next-generation device. Most importantly, and unsurprisingly, it seems a touch mechanic will be implemented with Hirai admitting that "there are [games] where you can play perfectly well with a touch panel. But you can definitely play immersive games better with physical buttons and pads. I think there could be games where you're able to use both in combination.''
Earlier rumors suggested that PSP2 would feature some kind of touch-based "trackpad," and Hirai's comments seem to further cement that possibility. Could the next system really offer "early PS3 graphics"? And if so, what will the slogan be? "It Only Does Everything on the Go ... Except Make Calls, Which is What the PlayStation Phone Does Instead"?
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December 24th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/file/2015
Size it up, shake it around… All right you can open it now — it’s an early Xmas gift from Total_Noob and pspgen — the highly anticipated 6.20 TN-A (HEN)!
Now you can’t play any ISOs/CSOs just yet — you gotta wait for that. Someone’ll port an existing ISO loader or create a new one compatible with 6.20. Otherwise check the included readme.txt for everything else you oughta know.
6.20 TN-A (HEN) Requirements
•A PSP – any model – with 6.20 installed.
6.20 TN-A (HEN) Instructions
1.Install Patapon Demo & HBL on your PSP.
2.Extract EBOOT.PBP to /PSP/GAME/HEN/EBOOT.PBP, or to /HBL/GAME/EBOOT.PBP if you want to launch it directly.
3.Launch Patapon Demo and load exploited savedata (Continue).
4.Now, it jumps into HEN mode.
5.Enjoy homebrews and plugins (you’ll lost HEN mode, if you reset/shutdown the device or if your PSP is crashed).
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December 24th, 2010, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the folks at Apple may receive a genuine compliment from Sony. According to an interesting new report in the New York Times, it sounds as though Sony's next generation PlayStation Portable handheld gaming device will "borrow" some of the winning attributes of Apple's smartphone/mobile-gaming-system known as the iPhone.
Sony executive Kazuo Hirai says that the forthcoming PSP update will likely include touch-based controls and other technologies that will effectively infuse some of the iPhone's characteristics into Sony's next portable gaming system refresh. Hirai, however, still recognizes that the Sony PSP player differs in gaming and control preferences from a casual iPhone gamer. “The games being played on Android and Apple platforms are fundamentally different from the world of immersive games that Sony Computer Entertainment, and PlayStation, aims for,” Hirai admitted.
Still, while the games played on each platform may be apples and oranges, Sony can't help but perceive Apple's iPhone/iPod touch to be a mega-competitor in the mobile gaming space. As a result, Sony is making no secret of its plan to capitalize on Apple's proven formula. “Depending on the game, there are ones where you can play perfectly well with a touch panel,” Hirai said. “But you can definitely play immersive games better with physical buttons and pads. I think there could be games where you’re able to use both in combination.”
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December 24th, 2010, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
Daedalus X64, Nintendo 64 emulator for PSP comes to the revision 630. This new update is mostly used to make the code more streamlined, while maintaining the improvements made by previous releases. Nothing new about the resumption of work on the 32bit version.
Following cumulative changelog and download link.
Revision 630
- Cleaned-up and Reduced RSH_HLE logic (Cleaner code also small speed-up)
Revision 629
- Should DOOM64 render lightmaps + textures now Correctly
- Zoom has 150% (GE 007 using in-game options screen and PSP scaled 4:3 WIDE needs 135%)
Revision 628
- Fixed and enabled osRestoreInt (moderate speed up, Doom64 is about 15% faster +)
- Commented out unused code in TLB.cpp
Revision 627
- Fixed compiling issue
Revision 626
- Updated and enabled osSpTaskLoad
- Added a workaround to allow Killer Instinct to work with OSHLE
- Removed GoldenEye scissor hack, zoom works a lot better (make sure to set it to 120%)
- Simplified osSpDeviceBusy
- Made debug only an assert That Should not Be Exposed in release
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December 24th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sony plans to expand the range of retail titles that are available to download on the PlayStation Store.
PSN content manager Ross McGrath told MCV that consumers can expect to see more titles added following continuing strong digital sales of Warhawk and Burnout Paradise.
“It’s likely you will start to see older titles migrate to digital as they reach the end of their natural life cycle at retail,” he said. “This can provide games with a new lease of life.”
Recent titles to hit PSN include Assassin’s Creed and 2009’s Red Faction: Guerrilla.
McGrath also suggested that simultaneous digital and retail releases would benefit the Store going forward.
He said: “Our first party PSP titles are already released simultaneously on the store and at retail in order to reach all PSP users.
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December 24th, 2010, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has yet to make the free-to-use PlayStation Network profitable, Sony's Kazuo Hirai told Reuters Japan. However, he expects the PSN to start making money in the following fiscal year. According to the report, PSN sales nearly doubled in the closing fiscal year, reaching 36 billion yen. Looking forward three years, Hirai expects revenue to increase nearly tenfold, to 300 billion yen.
In addition to increased game and video sales, it's likely PlayStation Plus -- Sony's premium content subscription service -- will contribute greatly to the overall profitability of the network. (Undoubtedly, Sony will want to closely replicate the success of Microsoft's competing Xbox Live service.) Sony has been monetizing the service in other ways as well, such as the extensive advertising partnerships featured in its original video programming.
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December 25th, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/24/t...9%8b%e7%82%8e/
Many people have been complaining that the Hen released a few hours ago is not working correctly on some PSP3000 models. Chinese developer 忠贞炙烈之炎 (virtuous flame) has posted an unofficial fix for the issue. The “hack” fixes a problem were TN Hen doesn’t correctly recognize newer models of PSP3000. (For those who don’t know, some PSP300 are recognized as 3g, but newer ones as 4g).
I haven’t tested this fix myself (my PSP3000 is now running 6.31), so use at your own risk and report here
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December 25th, 2010, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/24/t...nient-package/
Apologies to everyone for the timeouts that have been happening for the last couple days, my site is getting much more traffic than it can handle, and I’ve spent a good amount of the day tryin to patch things here and there.
Earlier today developer Virtuous Flame released a quick patch for Total_Noob’s Hen, so that PSP3000 users could run the Hen. apparently this patch is not perfect as several psp3000 users reported that although the Hen starts correctly, running homebrews leads to a crash most of the time.
I have extensively tested Total_Noob’s work on my psp3000 in its early stages, so I am confident that it works on a psp3000, and whatever people are experiencing on this public release is most likely a tiny bug that will be fixed soon. Keep in mind that there are two types of PSP3000 (3g and 4g), and it is very likely that only one of the models (most likely 4g) is affected by the bug.
My PSP 3000 is now on 6.35 so I cannot test the Hen with this model anymore.
However I packaged an “easy to use” archive which contains everything you need to run the Hen (except the patapon demo). This package includes the unofficial patch by VFlame, and hopefully wil make life easier for many people. Here’s a video showing the Hen in action on a pspgo, running the upcoming release of Wagic (0.14) directly from the XMB.
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December 25th, 2010, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/12/24/...0-tn-released/
For everyone who’s asking, “how do I enable plugins with 6.20 TN-A?” Well here’s how and not only that — here’s your first plugin you can activate and try out: Bubbletune’s Game Categories Light.
Game Categories Light v1.0 Features
•Adds a new option called ‘By Category’ to your ‘Group Content’ menu.
•Adds the ‘By Category’ option in the Square-button cycling.
•Defaults to the ‘By Category’ option when you load the menu.
•Introduces a subtitle that shows the game type and firmware limits.
Game Categories Light v1.0 Installation
1.Create X:/seplugins if it doesn’t exist.
2.Create X:/seplugins/vsh.txt if it doesn’t exist and edit it by adding one of these on a new line:
◦PSPgo (built-in storage): ef0:/seplugins/game_categories_light.prx 1
◦All other PSP models: ms0:/seplugins/game_categories_light.prx 1
3.Reboot your PSP using ‘RESTART VSH’ in the VSH menu so HEN is maintained.
Update: And already we’re at version 1.1 — “Fixed DLC’s (PARAM.PBP) and random files being detected as categories).
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December 27th, 2010, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster

First the tease, now the payoff. Thrustmaster has officially announced the full specs and price for its T500RS steering wheel and pedal set, otherwise known as the official driving simulator for Gran Turismo 5. The T500RS purportedly lets "users truly feel the emotions experienced by drivers on real racing circuits," though whether this includes feelings of unquenchable anger from being put into the wall at Daytona is unclear. A contactless magnetic sensor system known as HallEffect AccuRate Technology gives gamers sixteen-bit precision input that represents a significant upgrade over the twelve-bit version in the Ferrari Wireless GT Cockpit 430 Scuderia Edition. Additionally, 1080 degree wheel rotation gives drivers a half-turn more than Logitech's Driving Force GT, and the system comes with fully adjustable pedals configurable for floor mounted (F1-style) and suspended (GT-style) positions. Slated for a late December or mid January release, depending on your location, the T500RS has a hefty list price of $599.99 MSRP, but how else will you find out what a Bugatti Veyron really handles like on the 'ring?
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December 28th, 2010, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...32581ce0cdc526
EmuCenter2 is a simplistic interface that combines the best emulators *
console video games for a greater simplicity
* Console emulator: enables a computer to execute the video game console
Highlights :
- A simplistic interface that combines all your games (emulators, pc or internet)
- Combines the most popular console emulators in 32 or 64 bits
- Configure all the emulators for immediate use in good conditions
- Includes the main options emulators on one page
- Configure the gamepad to potential emulators (plug and play
- updated automatically and regularly to EmuCenter2 and its emulators
- Download the cover of the game in one click
Supported consoles :
- Nintendo : Nes, Super nes, Gameboy, 64, Gamecube, DS and Wii
- Sega : Master system, Genesis, Gamegear, Saturn et Dreamcast
- Sony : PlayStation 1 et 2
- Other : Neogeo and arcade system (Capcom CPS, Taito, ...)
- Exchange Arcade emulator emulator FBAShuffle by MAMEUI (x64/x86) 0.140u3
- Added option: Region and language for emulators (PAL / NTSC / NTSC-J)
- Optimizes Type option rendering ': bsnes included
- Increases the maximum size of the covers at 182%
- Apply custom colors in all interface pages
- English translation Adjourn
- Class alphabetically Default Games
- Added option: Start EmuCenter2 in the category defined by the user
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December 28th, 2010, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/25/r...-liquidzigong/
I have been contacted by the famous developer Liquidzigong who has been porting is awesome prometheus modules to the TN Hen, in the form of an Iso Loader homebrew.
Unfortunately some of his files apparently leaked, and liquidzigong is afraid that some people might start stealing his credits or even worse. There’s no doubt Liquidzigong has the skills to do such a loader, but in order to shortcut the stealers he asked me to post these videos asap. So there you are, Kindgdom Hearts running for the first time on a psp go (that’s right, if you have TN Hen and this loader, you can run MORE games than on an official console), and another video showing Monster Hunter Portable 3 running on a 6.20 PSP Go… enjoy
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December 28th, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/25/r...-wagic-0-14-1/
I’m always excited to announce a new release of Wagic. This new release is packed with new features and I want to thank all the devs, designers, testers, who helped making this game so great.
What is Wagic?
Is it still necessary to introduce Wagic? Often compared to commercial games for its replay value and quality, Wagic is a heroic fantasy card game, in which you fight as a wizard against the computer. As you win battles, you unlock new game modes and earn credits that allow you to improve your army. Wagic is community driven, entirely customizable (you can create themes, mods, even new rules), available in several languages (English, French, German, spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese), and open source. It currently runs on the Sony PSP, Windows, Linux, and N900 (maemo). Developer Xawotihs also started working on an iOs port for iPhone and iPad, but I’ll talk about that later
So, what’s new in this version? Well, a pile of stuff, as every time we do a release The most visible change is probably the new menus for deck selection. They make the “tasks” accessible directly from the menu (no need to go to the shopkeeper anymore to see what tasks would give you more credits), and we implemented an “AI Deck unlock” mechanism to smoothe the difficulty curve of the game.
•Hundreds of new cards (and new sets), mostly thanks to the work of Zethfox and Dr. Solomat. Wagic now allows you to play with more than 12′000 cards (more than 6700 unique cards)
•(PSP) Improved performance with firmwares 5.5x and 6.xx. TN Hen users should see a major improvement when running the game from the XMB. In worst cases, Wagic 0.13 used to take 20 seconds to launch from the XMB, this should now be instant.
•New deck selection menus in “classic” game mode, and in the deck editor (Mnguyen, abrasax)
•Opponents decks now need to be unlocked. Just play normally, and they will be naturally and progressively unlocked
•Mouse support in windows and Linux (We now have two windows versions, check the Download section for details) (Xawotihs)
•Various AI improvements by Zethfox
•Added Japanese font support (we need translators!) and improved Chinese font support (J, linshier)
•6 new AI opponents (Zethfox)
•New wallpaper by Kaioshin
•Possibility to save as “AI Deck” in the deck editor so that you can easily play against new opponents without having to create the decks on a PC (mnguyen)
•Many, Many, many bug fixes, including some performance improvements (thanks to all devs but especially Mootpoint!)
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December 28th, 2010, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/27/w...hen-for-6-3xx/
I see many comments asking for the availability of a HEN for firmwares 6.30, 6.31, and 6.35…
I won’t describe in depth how stupid it is to upgrade your console and then complain about it. It’s not like hackers (or Sony, for that matter) come into your house and upgrade your PSP while you’re sleeping, right? Most people on 6.3x right now are people who made a choice on their own (I know there are exceptions…) and it’s not like we didn’t warn you
Let me also remind you that Half Byte Loader works on firmwares 6.3x and will allow you to run most applications that you can run on a HEN. I know it’s not as convenient, but it should be enough for you to wait patiently.
Now, back on the Hen for 6.35. Yes, I’m convinced this will happen. I don’t know when, and I don’t know if it will be a downgrader or a HEN for 6.35, but now that Total_Noob’s Hen is in the wild, people already started reversing it, and it is probably a matter of time before a public solution is made available for 6.3x owners. After all, the Kernel exploit used in this HEN is still here in 6.35.
Usually the difficulty in these things is to find the exploit. Now that the exploit for 6.35 has been made public, anybody with a brain and enough free time could contribute to a HEN for 6.35. And remember, beggers can’t be choosers, so grab a decompiler or shut up
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December 28th, 2010, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/27/r...with-ofw-6-35/
This will sound like old news to many of you, as the binary has been made available a while ago by Mr.X on our forums, but, believe it or not, with all the “Hen” and “iso loader” things going on, I didn’t find the time to do a proper release of HBL for the sukkiri exploit.
I apologize in advance as I haven’t tested this release very thoroughly, but there it is, official support of all firmwares up to 6.35 for HBL.
I also want to announce that I will stop supporting the Golf exploits from now on. I don’t know yet what the decision will be from the development point of view, but as far as binaries are concerned, I won’t release updates for the Golf exploit anymore. I strongly suggest to people on OFW 6.30/6.31 to migrate to the sukkiri exploit as soon as possible. As far as I know, this exploit will bring a higher compatibility rate than the golf exploit, the game being a bit more recent.
The patapon exploit is a different story. For now I keep it at the latest R109 release, as I expect people using this exploit to quickly start using the HEN. And there’s no need to update HBL as long as the Hen starts fine (by the way, don’t mind the “memory leak” message when running the Hen through HBL, this is perfectly normal)
Thanks to JJS, some1 and m0skit0 for their work on this release.
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December 28th, 2010, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
Among the first plugin developed for the recent new 6.20 HEN of Total_Noob certainly has highlight TN CXMB for 6.20 created by the coder patpat , through which we can tailor our console themes amateur properly implemented. The themes can be installed without any risk seen to be loaded directly from a Memory Stick.
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December 28th, 2010, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
The developer Samy releases a new version homebrew game Lord Runner inspired by Lode Runner , a classic early 80's and developed using LUA. The goal is to collect as many cubes colored red without being touched by men, otherwise game over. The gameplay is very simple, but not the game is easy.
Following more
Changelog v1.02:
- New logo
- Added ability to choose between three difficulty levels
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December 28th, 2010, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
The Japanese developer Takka, author of the excellent ISO Tool, has released a version compatible with the latest HEN 6.20TN cwcheat-A of the famous, plugin dedicated to cheating created by our compatriot Weltall. The installation of this update is very simple: just do it the normal procedure for the 0.2.3 version of cwcheat, then replacing the file with the updated form from cwcheat.prx Takka.
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December 28th, 2010, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Just a different time, the developer releases a new update for nataku92 CSPSP, the excellent PSP port of Counter Strike, which also allows online multiplayer challenges thanks to the dedicated server. This update introduces some new features further help to improve the gaming experience.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.8:
Added Capture the Flag and Free for All (only in multiplayer)
Added new map flagrunnner
Fixed a bug in the purple screen
Fixed a bug related to download the maps
Added icon indicator score
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December 28th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
drk||Raziel has posted some news concerning his Dreamcast Emulator for the PS3:
the good : ndce compiles and works with psl1ght
the bad: it has no 3d out yet. This was quite a bit more complex than initially thought, and I had far less time than planned.
the ugly: I’m leaving for vacations tomorrow, so don’t expect anything fancy the following week
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December 28th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
GameBoy/GameBoy Color/GameBoy Advance/Game Gear/Lynx/Dendy/NES/Neogeo Pocket/Neogeo Pocket Color/Master System|Turbografx-16/Wonderswan/Wonderswan Color emulator for Sony Playstation 3 has been updated. Changes:
Revision 157:
- Fix rebuild all switch, add note about vbam in BUILDING_NOTES.TXT
Revision 151-156:
- Begin finalizing new browser
- Bookmarks can point to ftp now
- Basic error handling in file browser, Force disable of filesys.samedir settings, sorry (if you had them enabled you need to move all saves to the folders in /dev_hdd0/game/MDFN90002/USRDIR/mednafen/)
- Bug fixes
- Some bug fixes
- Updated build scheme
Revision 146-150:
- Circle now exits IconGrid
- Tune down optimizations in system-l1ght, begin to refactor file browser
- Fix FTP credentials
- Quick FTP fix (OSX FTP sharing works now)
- Even more FTP fixes
Revision 145:
- Add Browser.cpp
Revision 135-144:
- Make command menu a grid of icons instead of a list
- Add some software filters, poor perfomance and crashy still, but it's a start
- Improve IconGrid some
- Add GridItem source
- Start adding FTP support
- More FTP work, reduce usage of std::string
- More FTP work
- FTP works but needs polish, decided to fix std::string instead of ditching it
- Read full directory list in FTP, Allow choosing between FTP and Local files in browser
- Clean up, Update Readme.txt
Revision 131-134:
- Readd gambatte with savestate support. Rewind is painfully slow
- Handle under and overruns in sound buffer
- Change std::string returns to const references
- Fix nestopia clipping too much on right side
Revision 124-130:
- Forgot to remove some sound debug code
- Change icon to a transparent one
- Building mednafen no longer requires every source file to have a uniqe name
- Compile SNES, doesn't work yet however
- Re-enable nestopia with fixed rewind
- Add clipping to nestopia
Revision 117-123:
- Utility::GetExtension returns everything after the LAST period in the filename.
- Fix mednafen message position
- Split off a Blit function in MednafenEmu. Fix drawing screen when XMB open.
- Some cleanup in mednafen_help
- Don't throw std::string
- Pass const string references for arguments
- New sound strategy: Slightly adjust samplerate until emu gives about 800 samples per frame. Not perfect but at least more consistent. Need to do comparison tests against mednafen running on a PC
Revision 102-116:
- Fix input config on first load
- Disable blending for PS3Video::PresentFrame
- Spin off a DrawQuad function in PS3Video
- Split ImageManager out of Winterface.cpp
- Clean up mednafen_help
- Clean up system-l1ght/main.cpp. Add exit callback function as argument to InitPS3.
- Change mednafen to use Exit callback, should stop random restarts when exiting from menu.
- Fixed call to DrawQuad in PS3Video::PlaceTexture
- Some cleanup on Lists
- Create and use Utility::ListDirectory
- Add icons for various file types
- Add subtle background image
- Add file browser class
- Fix some small bugs
Revision 101:
- Change to mercurial
Revision 100:
- Remove old unmaintained SDK code. Move branches/l1ght into trunk.
Revision 99:
- Repo cleanup
Revision 94:
- Remove leftover debug code. Make select toggle right panel in GUI. More archive fixes.
Revision 93:
- Major overhaul for performance in GUI. Fixed PCE-CD loading but whole archive thing needs more testing with reguard to names of related files (eg save games).
Revision 92:
- Fix some systems not loading from archives. Another guess at audio buffering.
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December 29th, 2010, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
In case you needed any more evidence that Sony is ramping up to launch a gaming system on a phone in the next few months, here you go: Japanese rag Asahi Shimbun says that the PlayStation Phone -- which could be known as the Zeus Z1, Xperia Play, or something else altogether by the time it's on store shelves -- is expected in the spring of 2011 for a North American and European release. That lines up with virtually everything we've been hearing lately, and it's also fortuitous timing considering that both CES and MWC are right around the corner; we don't know what Sony Ericsson might have on tap for CES, but we definitely know they're planning some new Xperia-branded models for MWC. There are many questions left unanswered -- how (and if) any of this ties into the standalone PSP2, how gaming titles will be purchased, and how many models will be available that support the platform, just to name a few -- but hopefully Sony can clear all that up here within the next few weeks.
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December 29th, 2010, 20:34 Posted By: bandit

This morning was the big unveil at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, and it did not disappoint. Here is a brief synopsis for those that missed it.
The first few minutes of the conference were spent explaining the state of security on other consoles (Wii, 360, etc). Following this, the group went on to explain the current state of affairs on the PS3. First, explaining Geohot's memory line glitching exploit from earlier this year. The team then went on to explain the current PS3 security bypasses, such as jailbreaking and service mode/downgrading.
Approximately a half hour in, the team revealed their new PS3 secrets, the moment we all were waiting for. One of the major highlights here was, dongle-less jailbreaking by overflowing the bootup NOR flash, giving complete control over the system. The other major feat, was calculating the public private keys (due to botched security), giving users the ability to sign their own SELFs Following this, the team declared Sony's security to be EPIC FAIL!
The recent advent of these new exploits means current firmware is vulnerable, v3.55 and possibly beyond. It will be very difficult for Sony to fix the described exploits.
The team then displayed the website http://fail0verflow.com/ were we assume will host examples of the new exploits and further details. They stated that easy to use tools would be coming next month.
Update via http://twitter.com/fail0verflow
# fail0verflow is the name of our 'group'. We are a bunch of curious hackers who have been working on a bunch of things over the last 3 years.
# our goal is to have linux running on all existing PS3 consoles, whatever their firmware versions.
# Our current PS3 goal: AsbestOS.pup
# For all those out there that think fail0verflow.com has been hacked - it hasn't. We're just busy working on a demo for tomorrow. Patience!
We have uploaded the full video for those who missed it.
Live Demo will be available tomorrow during the CCC's Lighting Talks and possible tools for developers to be released within a month.
**UPDATE 12/30/10**
The Lightning Talk is done and over with and the video is up for those who missed it. Thanks to PSGroove for uploading the video:
Team fail0verflow also released their presentation slides and we have attached it below.
Source: PSGroove
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December 29th, 2010, 21:55 Posted By: bandit

The French site PS3Gen.fr has released a video of the emulator Nintendo DS, developed by Anonymous, the new name of the emulator is NDS3. Here is a summary of the news :
There are some days that the site PS3Gen.fr has announced in exclusivity the new creation of Anonymous, which is a porting of an emulator Nintendo DS. Its name is now NDS3, this emulator has improved, so we decided to make a video of the latest draft to show you the progression.
Since the last version, Anonymous had restart porting of the emulator DeSmuME to adapt with the PowerPC architecture of the PlayStation 3. Now, the console is capable of using the CPU successfully to comfortably play 3D games, they were accelerated by 7 times compared to the first version. However, the emulator is still under development and 3D games are not yet optimized to their fullest. We present two games in this video, Yoshi’s Island DS and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. To make the most of the gameplay offered by the emulator, we cut the cutscenes.
As you see, the 2D games are very fluid and require almost no more work, Anonymous will now concentrate on the most advanced games to optimize the architecture of the PlayStation 3. The video is available below, we will give you more information, always exclusive, as soon as development progresses.
Source: PS3Hax via PS3Gen.fr
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December 29th, 2010, 21:55 Posted By: bandit

The French site PS3Gen.fr has released a video of the emulator Nintendo DS, developed by Anonymous, the new name of the emulator is NDS3. Here is a summary of the news :
There are some days that the site PS3Gen.fr has announced in exclusivity the new creation of Anonymous, which is a porting of an emulator Nintendo DS. Its name is now NDS3, this emulator has improved, so we decided to make a video of the latest draft to show you the progression.
Since the last version, Anonymous had restart porting of the emulator DeSmuME to adapt with the PowerPC architecture of the PlayStation 3. Now, the console is capable of using the CPU successfully to comfortably play 3D games, they were accelerated by 7 times compared to the first version. However, the emulator is still under development and 3D games are not yet optimized to their fullest. We present two games in this video, Yoshi’s Island DS and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. To make the most of the gameplay offered by the emulator, we cut the cutscenes.
As you see, the 2D games are very fluid and require almost no more work, Anonymous will now concentrate on the most advanced games to optimize the architecture of the PlayStation 3. The video is available below, we will give you more information, always exclusive, as soon as development progresses.
Source: PS3Hax via PS3Gen.fr
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December 30th, 2010, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
More than two months since the last release, the developer patpat CTFtool GUI updates, the PC application, now at version 4.4, which allows you to create CTF themes for PSP compatible with the latest available version of the plugin CXMB. Among the new features of this new update, there is sure to signal support for firmware 6.20 which then allows you to create the final HEN 6.20TN CBC-A.
More to follow.
Changelog v4.4:
Note: The following files were removed from the archive:
- Base Folder (6:20 to 6:35): common_gui.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, opening_plugin.prx, paf.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx
- Base Folder (5.50): game_plugin.prx,, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx, common_gui.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.rco
- Base Folder (3.71 - 4.01): common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx
- Base Folder 5.00: common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.rco
These files have been removed because, for a range of domestic policy of PSP-ITA, are not allowed to post on the forum.
To seek, you must use the PSARDUMPER and extract them from their firmware.
Changelog v4.4:
- CTFtoolMenu updated to v2.1
- Added menu to install / uninstall CXMB
- Supports 6.20/6.35
- Fixed a bug that did not allow to convert some PTF themes
- Integrate the menu functions: pspdecompiler prxtool and tools
- PRXeditor updated to version 1.2
- Added Search and Replace functions
- Fixed more bugs than previous releases
- Updated the conversion module PRX
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December 30th, 2010, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Among the most popular plugin for the PSP, could not miss the adaptation of the famous TN 6:20 Game Categories now reached version of Light for the new HEN. Game Categories in a few simple words, is a plugin that allows you to organize your games and homebrew into categories so as to group them according to your preferences.
At the end of news is available to download the version Light 6.20TN and for the regular version for CF GEN, and M33.
Changelog and install:
.: Changelog:.
- Fixata function that allows you to remove games and / or homebrew
- Fixed the detection of DLC and other files as categories
- Added option "By Category" in the "Group Content"
- Added option "By Category" button through
- Option to set default By Category
- Introduced the subtitles that indicate the type of game and the limits of firmware
. Installation:.
1. Download archive Game Categories Light v1.1.rar and unpack in the root directory of the Memory Stick
2. In the folder seplugins edit (or create if not present) the file vsh.txt adding one of the following strings depending on the model of PSP used (only the part in bold):
EF0: / seplugins / game_categories_light.prx 1 - PSP Go!
ms0: / seplugins / game_categories_light.prx 1 - for other models of PSP
3. Pressand select Restart VSH
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December 30th, 2010, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
Another little gem by our PataPork that this time issue a homebrew / utility very interesting, made primarily for those who use the recent 6.20TN . It's Easy Plugin Manager 6.20 for TN a handy plugin manager, through which you can enable / disable plugins that are in your console without the need of having to connect to your computer. The manager will do a check of the various plugins and collect them in categories, in order to restore clear vision.
Important note is compatible with CF and for any previous version of PSP.
A praise to PataPork, which has made life easier for users 6.20TN.
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December 31st, 2010, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/31/t...n-a-few-hours/
Christmas was awesome for your PSP, but Santa Claus Total_Noob is back for new year’s eve! pspgen.com announced a few minutes ago that Total_Noob sent them an update to the TN Hen, named 6.20TN-B.
pspgen said the update would be released within a few hours
Below is the full changelog, comments in italic are by me.
•-Fixed homebrew execution crash on some PSPs (thanks to HacKmaN for debugging)
•-Added 4g model support (this will fix issues for most psp3000 users)
•-Resolved some important NIDs (this means more plugin and kernel homebrew compatibility)
•Dump whatever FW with psardumper.
•Copy /F0/vsh/etc/version.txt to /seplugins/version.txt.
•Enable the option and restart VSH, now your PSP version is faked. -> To downgrade just dump a lower FW. (I do not recommend to downgrade if you have a unhackable motherboard until it is proven to work. Downgrading is most likely useless, and on some models will give you a brick)
And for 6.3x users…well, be patient, your time will come
I can’t stress enough how downgrade can be dangerous on some PSPs. Be sure to fully understand what this feature does once it is released, before you come back to us with a brick.
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December 31st, 2010, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
As everyone knows, a short distance from the TN 6.20 has been released a loader created ad-hoc at the hands of Chinese coder hrimfaxi . This made it possible to "complete" experience in PSP hacking environment 6.20. For some time, however, was given to the initiative of the coder Dridri wanted to adapt his OpenIdea Loader to the new HEN. The coder Wololo has always made this intention known, and it is he who through its pages to make the new version of OpenIdea and operation procedure.
The basic idea is simple and elegant. Through the help of a computer program (currently for Windows only) you can convert your EBOOT.PBP ISO format to be given later in the meal to your PSP via a plugin sull'HEN activated, eliminating the need to undertake an ISO external loader.
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December 31st, 2010, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
Among the host of plug-ins are gradually adapted to the new 6.20 TN makes its appearance also NitePR (also works on the PSP Go!) plug-suited to creating specific codes like Infinite Life, Super Speed and Quick Fire, the work of Sanika . In addition, in this news juxtapose a second plugin by similar features, but unfortunately that has not yet been finalized for the PSP Go!, We talk about CoderPR version of mod NitePR by Murderface.
Following further information on installing and using.
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December 31st, 2010, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
A New week a new version of the Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP
Heres whats new:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 631
[~] Rewrote kernelbuttons lib using a different assumption (works now in newer firmwares)
[~] Small change to allow Daedalus to work under Hen
Revision 630
[+]Cleaned-up RSH_HLE and reduced logic (Cleaner code an small speed-up)
Revision 629
[!] DOOM64 should render lightmaps + textures correctly now
[!] Zoom has 150% (GE 007 using in game option WIDE screen and PSP scaled 4:3 needs 135%)
Revision 628
[!] Fixed and enabled osRestoreInt (moderate speed up, Doom64 is about 15%+ faster)
[~] Commented out unused code in TLB.cpp
Revision 627
[~] Fixed compiling issue
Revision 626
[!] Updated and enabled osSpTaskLoad
[!] Added a workaround to allow Killer Instinct to work with OSHLE
[~] Removed GoldenEye scissor hack, zoom works alot better (make sure to set it to 120%)
[~] Simplified osSpDeviceBusy
[!] Made debug only an assert that shouldn't be exposed in release
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December 31st, 2010, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
It appears that Sony's PS3 has been fatally compromised. At the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, a team named 'fail0verflow' revealed that they had calculated the Private Keys, which would let them or anyone else, generate signed software for the PS3. Additionally, they also claim to have a method of jailbreaking the PS3 without the use of a Dongle, which is the current method. If all these statements are true, this opens the door to custom firmware, and homebrew software. Assuming that Sony doesn't take radical action and invalidate their private keys, this could mean that Jailbreaking is viable on all PS3, regardless of their firmware! From the article: 'Approximately a half hour in, the team revealed their new PS3 secrets, the moment we all were waiting for. One of the major highlights here was, dongle-less jailbreaking by overflowing the bootup NOR flash, giving complete control over the system. The other major feat, was calculating the public private keys (due to botched security), giving users the ability to sign their own SELFs Following this, the team declared Sony's security to be EPIC FAIL!'
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December 31st, 2010, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/12/31/release-6-20-tn-b/
That was faster than expected! pspgen.com released the new version of Total_Noob’s Hen for OFW 6.20. The main new feature is a bug fix for PSP3000 owners, this version should now work on all PSPs with a firmware 6.20 (no, this doesn’t work on 6.35 yet).
Another new feature is the possibility to downgrade your PSP. I want to insist on the fact that downgrading is a dangerous procedure. There is a huge risk of brick on newer PSP models, and I personally don’t see the point in downgrading a 6.20 PSP. You have been warned.
Total_Noob also added some major bug fixes, which should greatly improve homebrews and plugin compatibility. One of the fixes is courtesy of Hackman.
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December 31st, 2010, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://0xff.akop.org/2010/12/31/on-t...f-psp-updates/
I would like to use this post to dispose with the elephant in the room (or the weblog, as it were) – it’s becoming more and more obvious that my PSP pursuits are going to have to take a back seat to my work on the Android apps; at least for a while.
I know several of you are waiting for an updated version of VICE, as well as updates on my promise to work on an Atari ST emulator – hopefully I will eventually have enough time to address them. I’d love to say “hang in there,” but I’m not completely certain of where things are heading exactly, and at this point I’d hate to make promises that I can’t keep. For those that keep the dream alive, thanks for your patience – I hope to not let it go unrewarded.
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