April 1st, 2007, 04:31 Posted By: RCON
I just tried to check the ps2dev.org forums and it is offline with this message:
ps2dev.org offline
Due to an injunction ps2dev.org is indefinately offline.
I am not allowed to say anything else until I speak to my lawyers.
Oobles. aka David.
Looks like an Aprils Fools Joke!!! DOH!
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April 1st, 2007, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
Vodkkaa posted some findings of a dump of the 3.30 firmware:
I was investigating my 3.30 dump and notice a few things.
-there is now a visualizer_plugin.prx and visualizer.rco
-more lftv rco:
A sign of new things to come for future PSP firmware releases ?
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April 1st, 2007, 13:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from the Darkside986:

This game, unlike the demo, is easy to mod by editing a config.txt file. You can add new graphics, edit the config file, and add as many spawning objects as you want, or even get rid of all the animals and objects and replace them with your own. You can make different sounds play for each animal or object that is hit, different blood thingies to appear when something is hit. I expect individuals such as JEMdev, for example, to release various total conversion mods for the game. I allow anyone to release the EBOOT with their mods as well. I would release the source code but it is nasty looking and the idea of a config.txt file is to change the game without recompiling from the command line every second.
Ideally, you could mod the game from your PSP by using PSPad text editor and yPaint.
The future releases will contain music in the form of .mod, and whatever else I can think of.
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via darkside986
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April 1st, 2007, 13:28 Posted By: wraggster
XsavioR has updated Ms Master to version 2.02f Compact. This is a program that allows you to back up and restore your PSP's memory stick data.
Heres whats new:
Ok compiled using FREEbasic now.
~added ability to change install dir
~made it so msbind icon doesnt reconfigure every time
(you can still reconfigure or install more copies of msmaster to your drive by using gui option 1)
source included
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via xsavior
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April 1st, 2007, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sammy Fatnassi has updated PSP Kanji, the Kanjii learning tool for the PSP heres the release info:
-Added: Quiz mode for Katakana and Hiragana
-Added: Quiz in both direction (English<->Japanese)
-Added: Simple menu now available
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April 1st, 2007, 13:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from superskull85 comes what the coder calls an XMB Emulator, before anyone gets excited this is NOT a PSP Emulator for Windows , heres what the coder says:
This is an application that will "Emulate" how your XMB will look on your computer before actually compiling your RCO's and flashing them to your PSP. This application will let you view your XMB and it's icons, backgrounds and colours. This application is meant to help you preview your XMB without actually flashing it. With that said this program doesn't even read your Flash0 and doesn't need your PSP to run. This program will not read RCO's or have any functionality, it will read BMP files and will arrange them so they look just like your XMB.
Source code is included for anyone who knows how to program with Turing. Because this is an ALPHA version the source code is very minor and limited. You can use the source code as long as you give credit to me and the respective owners of the included images.
With this program you can preview two different themes at once. In the root folder you will find XMB One and XMB Two. XMB One stores files for the first XMB and XMB Two stores files for the second XMB. To use:
1- Make some icons with a white background, with dimension 64X64 and in the BMP format
2- Make some wallpaper images in the BMP format and with dimension 480X272.
3- Rename icons to:
1- Settings Icon
2- Photo Icon
3- Music Icon
4- Video Icon
5- Game Icon
6- Network Icon
Background- Wallpaper Image
4-Place your icons in the XMB One or XMB Two folder
5- Run XMB Emulator.EXE.
6- If you satisfied with your XMB compile your topmenu_plugin.rco with a compiler.
7- Flash to, Flash0:/vsh/resource/, with a flasher.
Future Features
This program is still in it's ALPHA version in the future I will be including more features. The features I hope to include:
-Sub-XMB Preview
-Sub Sub-XMB Preview
-File check/Size check- This will help you make right sized icons so that you can make non-corrupt files and have icons fit in their positions.
-Menu Names- This will help you further see what your XMB will look like with your names.
-Program Main Menu- To help you navigate through the program
-Integrated guides and references
-Support for XMB click sounds
-Support for simple navigation functions
-Support for wave animation
-A simple file flasher through Flash0/1 USB
-Include a RCO compiler
Important Notes
-Files in the "Core Files" folder should not be deleted. If any of these files are deleted the program will give you an error.
-The XMB One and XMB Two folders should not be deleted. If even one folder is deleted the program will not run.
-Images must be in the 8-bit bitmap format. Images with their information stored in the ALPHA layer should not be used with this program. Files extracted from RCO's will not work properly with this version of the program.
All credit goes to me for programming and compiling. Credit for Icons and backgrounds go to their respective owners (I forget who created them, if you created some of the images please e-mail me at JessieFin@hotmail.com).
Version History
This version includes support for Main XMB icons and XMB wallpaper.
Now the coder only wants the file to be hosted on PSP Vault at the moment.
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April 1st, 2007, 14:07 Posted By: Zion
Via Zionmax
Well, after spending so much time over the last 3-4 weeks coding wandria. i decided to spend one hour on Dreamchip last night.
Now as far as i know the chip8 system is supposed to run at 30fps (might be wrong)
The emulator was running at 27fps last night, after the hour i got it running at 42fps. Feels normal speed to me at least now.
I still havnt done that filebrowser, as im too busy working with wandria to bother I just did this to prove to a few people (you know who you are hehe) that it can get to full speed without taking out the sdl 
Changelog :
Put in Visable Fps Counter
up to 42fps
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April 1st, 2007, 16:19 Posted By: mavsman4457
At long last, Konami have answered our prayers....
Link : http://community.eu.playstation.com/....php?p=1456184
Fully licensed leagues for :
English Premiership
English Championship
Primera Division
Serie A
Ligue 1
Bwin Portugese League
Turkish League
Scottish Premiership
Greek Superleague
Russian League
Israel League
Let's hope this isn't an April fools joke. I believe this would be the first football/soccer game for PS3.
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April 1st, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: buildit92
I found a way how to change the ABOUT PSP under your system settings. The way i did this was exracting the pictures from the RCO ( the USB wave effect). i edited it in paint. then i replaced it over the origanl RCO. The ABOUT PSP is now a bunch of diffrent mario pictures. it works well with the mario theme psp. there is only 1 thing flaw, which is were three icons disspaear, but im not sure if it is this RCO or something else. ill try to find out what it is. hope you like it.
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April 1st, 2007, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
news from Daily tech
Earlier this month, word of a smaller, lighter PlayStation Portable slipped the lips of Sony UK boss Ray Maguire. Specifically, Maguire said that the current PSP is just the “first iteration” of the handheld, and that an improved version will eventually follow.
Now, just two weeks after his initial comments, Maguire is taking it all back. In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, he says, “As we sit here today, there is no next iteration of the PSP.”
“If you're referring to what was reported some weeks ago, I was referring to the fact that that's what we do as a company,” said Maguire. “We R&D everything. You only have to look at PlayStation and PlayStation 2 to see that's always in our mind.”
The PSP is constantly compared with the handheld market’s current leader, the Nintendo DS. Consumers may be expecting a revised PSP because Nintendo revised the original DS to the DS Lite, a smaller, lighter version of the original. Following Nintendo’s slick redesign, sales of the DS Lite skyrocketed, gaining the acceptance from even casual gamers.
Maguire speaks on the constant comparisons between PSP and DS Lite, saying, “They are two different devices for two different markets. It's comparing apples and oranges again, but because they are both portable it's probably a natural thing to do. The marketplace that we need to get into is the PS3 connectivity market.”
He continues, “From a PSP situation we have a wider split of third-party versus first-party than our competitors do, who are very much first-party developers. We've been putting quite a lot of energy behind PS3, now we'll be able to split some of those resources and go back to the PSP to make sure we've got some compelling games coming. As a criticism, yes, perhaps part of that is true. But we have a solution in place.”
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April 1st, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
A new trailer for Final Fantasy Anniversary has been released. Those familiar with Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II pretty much know what to expect from their new PSP updates along with other nice features that are exclusive to the PSP; but the most interesting part about the trailer is what it says at the end.
"And more…"
That alone implies that there may just be something else in store for the classic Final Fantasy games. Could it be that other entries in the series such as IV, V, and VI are going to get PSP cosmetic upgrades with luscious high resolution 16-bit graphics (or maybe nice cel-shaded graphics a la Jeanne d’Arc), or perhaps even the PSOne entries getting a new PSP upgrade? Better yet, could some of the PSOne entries be getting a DS remake? Who knows…limitless speculation afoot!
Watch the trailer and see for yourself. After all, the trailer does say "The World of Final Fantasy spread out across Playstation Portable."
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April 1st, 2007, 22:49 Posted By: burrito
Dark Alex is working on a new version of his custom firmware for the latest 3.30 release from Sony, despite what some sites say he has only just started on the 3.30 decrypter and so at the moment hes not too far along but he has said that he doesn't think it will take too long to complete.
Awesome, lets hope he releases soon 
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April 2nd, 2007, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu User cartmandude14 posted some fantastic news of a deal he got at Bestbuy:
firstly heres what he posted:
Hey guys I just wanted everyone to know about these awesome deals bestbuy is running right now.. I don't know if this is nationwide but if possible others could verify. I went to best buy last night looking for somethin cool to buy. While I was lookin at PSP games i noticed some in the back. I pulled it out and the game was only $4.99! there were many other games that were sold out including Mercury which was only $1.99! The $4.99 games were Me and My Katamari, Ape Academy, Luminous, ATV Offroad Fury, and a few others. I bought the only games that they had left.. Ape Academy and Me and My Katamari. Death Jr. was only $9.99 but i think this has already been announced. Some of these arent in the PSP section but on carts around the store with discount games from other systems. I am including a picture of the two games I purchased and the receipt for proof. Please enjoy these amazing deals!
Heres his photo proof:

Awesome news for those of you living in the USA.
More details at the news thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=58033
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April 2nd, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: mikebeaver

UPDATE We can now confirm that Daedalus R10 runs Super Mario 64 at full speed smooth with frameskip 1
Here it is at long last the eagerly awaited R10 version of StrmnNrmn's N64 emu.
Heres what the read me has to say:-
R10 - 02 April 2007
[+] Added frameskip option.
[+] Added framerate limiting option.
[+] Added adjustable stick deadzone.
[+] Allow pause menu to be activated even when rom emulation has hung.
[!] Fix crash when no roms found, added explanatory message.
[!] Fix flickering when small number of roms found.
[^] Fix texture hash frequency check.
[^] Finally got code compiling with -O3 optimisation flag in GCC.
[^] Use VFPU for InvSqrt (thanks hlide!)
[^] Improved VFPU code for clipping and tnl (thanks Raphael!)
[^] Improved inlining of AddTri.
[^] Reduced time spent searching for overridden blend modes.
[~] Remove debug console in public release builds (smaller footprint and slight speedup.)
Check out our Daedalus Compatability List
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April 2nd, 2007, 03:04 Posted By: JKKDARK
New release of the PlayStation 2 emulator for PC.
Well linux users, we promised we'd have you back and here is the living breathing proof!
Along with this release you have a couple of new plugins exclusively!
• ZeroPAD - New pad plugin based off Twinpad, PADWinkeyb and SSSPSX Pad.
• ZeroGS OGL - An OpenGL conversion of ZeroGS. No more GSSoft for you Wink
You also have available a 32bit and 64bit build for your pleasure, we do spoil you sometimes! Take note the 64bit version is far from finished!
The next release will be much quicker than the current implimentation... head over to the download section to grab it.
WINDOWS USERS:- I have some bad news for you, there will be no 0.9.3 for windows, BUT Before you go crying to mummy that weve been picking on you, you will see 0.9.4 very soon, we have some 64bit bugs in windows to sort out, along with some excellent fixes for games such as Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas so it will be worth the wait.
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April 2nd, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

There's certainly no shortage of Dragon Ball games. Fans of the franchise keep coming back for more, and fortunately for them, the games keep getting better and better. They're still a rather niche set of titles, but the mechanics are becoming solid enough that anyone who gives them a chance can find a good deal of fun within.
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April 2nd, 2007, 12:31 Posted By: pspfreefiles
This File is Easy to Download and Shouldn't Take To Long to Get Running and Playing!
My New Ultimate PSP Update has been released
This Portal Contains
130 Flash Games
29 Apllications
Links To All The Best Sites
Every Released Demo
Ultimate PSP Live
Things That Have Changed From Last Version
More Demos
Smaller File
More Links
Broken Links Fixed
How to Install Ultimate PSP Version 1.1
First of all Unzip the file
Then add the Ultimate PSP folder into the folder on your PSP that is called Common
Then on yor psp browser type file:/psp/common/UltimatePSP/UltimatePSP.htm
Hope you like it Download here:thumbup:
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April 2nd, 2007, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking about the recently unveiled Nintendo-Sega collaboration, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Jeffery said that we won't see another Sonic title on a next-gen platform for quite a while.
"We are actually undergoing a fairly considerable refresh of Sonic as an intellectual property, as a character," he told Newsweek.
"Sonic on the Wii is probably the first product that's come to market that reflects that. We're not going to be bringing another game out on the other platforms for quite some time, because we feel that it is time to reinvent Sonic, to make Sonic contemporary again. At the same time, even the recent 360 and PlayStation 3 games have sold extremely well."
via cvg
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April 2nd, 2007, 15:56 Posted By: alias986
Now in PSP format as well as PC format!!
LOAD Magazine issue 6 is now available…

Interviewing The Colour, Delta Spirit and Monarchy Music, the latest albums, including Mando Diao, The Sounds and Arcade Fire. Films too, 300, Alpha Dog and Sublime amongst those reviewed. Art?? Yeah...there's a photo special on live music. TV too...a feature on the amazing US show Heroes, which will reach BBC2 in June. That's it then? Nope, we've got games again, Excite Truck amongst those reviewed.
The PSP format takes PSP a step further. Using purely the PSP screen size is limiting, so our new issue is the width of the screen but much taller. Simply set the jpeg viewer on your PSP to zoom mode, then flip through the pages and scroll up and down with the analog stick. LOAD has grown up. Literally!
As always it's free and easy to download:
PC version: http://www.loadmagazine.co.uk/magazi...zineissue6.pdf
PSP version: http://www.loadmagazine.co.uk/magazi...eissue6psp.zip
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April 2nd, 2007, 18:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has denied that PS3 titles Lair and Heavenly Sword are due to arrive in May - despite a listing which says otherwise on the official PlayStation website.
Speaking to our sister site, Eurogamer.net, a spokesperson said, "Both those dates are wrong. We haven't got any release dates for those at the moment; they're just pencilled in for 2007."
Heavenly Sword is a third-person action game in development at Ninja Theory. It has been promoted as a flagship title for PlayStation 3 since it was unveiled at E3 2005.
Lair is being developed by Factor 5. It will see players taking to the skies on the back of a fire-breathing dragon, and is shaping up to be one of the most ambitious PS3 titles so far.
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April 2nd, 2007, 19:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Electronic Arts has officially announced new PS3 and Xbox 360 title Rock Band, revealing that several key music publishers have already agreed to supply tracks for the game.
News of the title emerged earlier this morning, when it was reported that Rock Band is being developed with Harmonix and MTV and will use four instrument-themed controllers.
Now Electronic Arts has released an official statement confirming that "unprecedented deals" with record labels have already been signed. As a result, the game is set to feature "master recordings from the biggest songs and artists of all time", spanning "all genres of rock".
Several major music publishers will offer access to their track catalogues, including EMI Music Publishing and Warner/Chappell. Along with EMI Music and Warner Music Group's Rhino Entertainment, labels which have agreed to supply songs include Hollywood Records and Sony BMG plus Universal Music Enterprises.
"Our vision for Rock Band is to completely change the way people interact with and enjoy the music they love," said MTV executive Jeff Yapp.
"By joining forces with EA and the music industry’s largest record labels and publishers, we are striving to create a groundbreaking new platform that allows people to connect with their favorite music and artists in ways they never have before."
Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos commented, "Harmonix was founded to create new ways for everyone to experience the pleasure and satisfaction that comes from playing music. Our work on Guitar Hero was an instrumental step toward that goal.
"But Rock Band is Harmonix’s most ambitious project to date, and it will take music gameplay to an entirely new level. MTV has given us the freedom and the resources to really swing for the fences and make the game we’ve always wanted to make."
Rock Band is due out on PS3 and Xbox 360 this Christmas.
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April 2nd, 2007, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
The launch of the PlayStation 3 has seen Sony's first-party software invade the charts across Europe, with Resistance: Fall of Man taking the top position in Italy and Spain.
Although official chart positions are not yet available in Germany, Media Control GfK International has revealed that the three best-selling PS3 titles in the country are Resistance: Fall of Man, MotorStorm and F1 Championship Edition.
In the first week of release, 48,000 PlayStation 3 software units were sold in Germany. In comparison, the first week of Nintendo Wii software sales were 42,000, while Xbox 360 software shifted 33,000 units after one week on sale.
In Italy, MotorStorm was just ahead of F1 Championship Edition, at two and three respectively, while in Spain the positions were reversed.
Charts figures for the week ended March 25 show that Activision's Call of Duty 3, Ridge Racer 7 and Virtua Tennis 3 were also strong launch releases in the Spanish and Italian markets.
Square Enix's Final Fantasy XII continues to prove popular in Europe, while Disney's Spectrobes is also enjoying a strong run in the top ten.
The top ten best-selling games for Spain, Italy and Germany follow:
Spain, week ended March 25
1. Resistance: Fall of Man
2. F1 Championship Edition
3. MotorStorm
4. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training
5. Virtua Tennis 3
6. Call of Duty 3
7. Spectrobes
8. Final Fantasy XII
9. Ridge Racer 7
10. Big Brain Academy
Italy, week ended March 25
1. Resistance: Fall of Man
2. MotorStorm
3. F1 Championship Edition
4. Ridge Racer 7
5. Final Fantasy XII
6. Virtua Tennis 3
7. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
8. Call of Duty 3
9. Genji: Days of the Blade
10. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Germany, week ended March 18
1. The Sims 2: Seasons
2. Final Fantasy XII
3. Mario Slam Basketball
4. Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike
5. Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training
6. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
7. Spectrobes
8. World of Warcraft
9. Test Drive Unlimited
10. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
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April 2nd, 2007, 20:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Upon the European launch, we wrote up an article about the "before" sales of the PlayStation 3 and let you guys guess where the numbers would land, given another week. Well, we had a very professional brain fart (in the form of multiple tests, group presentations, and an annoying large paper) and decided to let the "after" post come... today. What did we find? Good stuff.
At least, according to VGCharts, the PlayStation 3 has surpassed the 3 million mark. What's neat, too, according to the same chart, is that the PS3 has sold more in Europe in the course of two weekends than it has sold in Japan in four months! We've got more good PS3 sales news as the day progresses, but it almost seems like a slow news day right now. When do you guys think the PS3 will break 4 million, now that things will slow down?
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April 2nd, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
In lieu of all the crazy implications that the PS3 isn't the coolest thing around, we're going to go ahead and say, "that, good sir, is at the very least a debatable subject to deliberate on... with dancing!" However, instead of inviting other people over for probably the most humiliating dance-off this side of the internet, we're just going to cast some news out there and hope a little fishy bites.
According to MeriStation, the PS3 has nearly sold out across all of Spain. They were allocated 110,000 units and have reportedly gone through 100,000 of them. Sony is planning to keep the supply up, granting Spain 20,000 units every week. In addition to this, the demand for the Blu-ray format has increased by 30% since the PS3's launch. Awesome, but not unexpected. It is awesome. I wish anything that I created would sell 100,000 copies. Eventually!
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April 2nd, 2007, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Despite a stellar reception from the press, not everyone was completely satisfied with the bandwidth-burning GTA IV trailer that hit the internet with a bang last week.
Three main trends among complainers crammed our comments section over the weekend, including outcries over the "untreatable" Russian main character, complaints of "yet again" returning to Liberty City and erm, apparently some people don't think the visuals look up to par.
"Talk about an anti climax! I was waiting hours for this watching the clock count down. I was expecting to see something fun that would make me need a 360 or PS3 but meh... It's Liberty/New York in a contemporary setting - how boring", said CVG user GiarcYekrub. "The only positive I can see is the bilboards look funny but that lasts how long?"
Believe it or not, others were more harsh in their criticism: "Oh my god, what a letdown", Burnsyboy2004 posted on Friday. "It's set in Liberty City again which is crap, and you're some dirty Russian gangster. Looks like they have run out of ideas boys and girls. Same old game again then but with better graphics."
But obviously not everyone was as disappointed over the GTA IV debut. Buffers32 defended the trailer: "I don't know what some of you were looking at but personally I just saw some the best graphics in a video game ever. Soft shadows, real-time lighting, volumetric lighting, massive draw distance, incredible detail, beautiful water...what more do you want?"
Whitepony888 echoed Buffers' comments: "Although I've seen better graphics on the Xbox 360, I honestly never anticipated GTAIV to look quite so beautiful. I haven't wanted to play a game this much since the series first moved into full 3D."
"I'm just glad that you don't have to be an american this time!" Piped in fellow CVG forumite Kapt15. We're with you on that.
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April 2nd, 2007, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
At last weekend's GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Perth, Australia, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima spoke to a keen audience about how he will push the series forward with MGS4 on PS3.
"I went back to the drawing board, back to scratch", he said, according to Gamespot, "and looked at what I did for Metal Gear 1 and 2, and for Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3".
He goes on to explain: "Now I can't make Snake go into space to do his stealth mission, and we've exhausted the concept of the place, so now I thought why not create a situation rather than a place? And then I thought of a battlezone or warzone as the situation where Snake has to sneak in. So MGS4's game concept is playing hide and seek within a certain situation."
Kojima detailed his vision of game that places the player in a the middle of a war between two armies. "To make it very simple, in the past Metal Gears, Snake was going into enemy environments--so everyone apart from Snake was an enemy. This time it's a warzone, so you have country A or country B, so Snake could interfere with either of the countries."
Interestingly, he says that this "does not necessarily mean that everyone is an enemy to Snake", suggesting Snake will have to work with or even sneak past allies - which makes us think of the CIA level in the original Splinter Cell game. "This creates a new tension in playing this new hide and seek," he promises.
Kojima also hopes to give Sony's shiny super console a fair old work out in some interesting ways, "for not only what you can see, but also psychological effects, or psychological battles, where it can affect your gameplay."
MGS4 is bound to kick ass, so whatever "psychological" stuff Kojima is thinking up, we hope he can get it done and whacked onto a Blu-ray disc for us to feed our PS3 with pronto. Q4 2007 is the current ETA.
via cvg
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April 2nd, 2007, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Those of you patiently waiting for a patch to let you play PES6 against your friends using your shiny new PS3 will be twiddling your thumbs a while longer, as Sony told Eurogamer this morning that we'd probably not see a fix until the next firmware update.
It's one of a handful of PS2 titles that has noticeable issues when running on the new console, prompting Konami to previously release a statement claiming that online play was incompatible due to the loss of internal hardware dedicated to PS3 emulation.
This emotion engine chip, the processor used in the PS2, was removed for PAL PlayStation 3 units. However, Sony promised that it would continue to support last generation of games with software updates to the system.
The most recent update was v1.6, which went live on 23rd March and significantly increased the amount of PS2 titles playable on the new console.
You can find a full list of those that work on Sony's backwards compatibility site, boasting around 1,240 golden oldies.
There's currently no news on when we can expect the next firmware update for PS3.
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April 2nd, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Ars Technica opines on Eidos' decision to hold off on PS3 games until 2008. Though they make a point of mentioning all of the great steps forward Sony and the PS3 have taken in the last month or so (LittleBigPlanet, Home, the EU launch), they feel this decision may have ramifications for the console.
"Though Eidos isn't the most prominent European developer--noteworthy releases for 2006 included the surprisingly decent Just Cause, Tomb Raider: Legend and Hitman: Blood Money--this may set a dangerous precedent for other developers. If Sony doesn't step up to become more proactive at keeping the flow of good games steady, the installed base may not continue to grow quickly enough and developers may begin to pull support, creating a lack of games. This vicious cycle is hard to escape, as Sony has previously learned with the PSP's port problem."
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April 2nd, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Trick Remixer: This all-new trick system gives you the ball and puts it in your hand. Take control of your player's rhythm mixing quick tricks with elaborate moves using two trick buttons.
Game Breaker: Unleash a whole new set of over-the-top tricks and electrifying dunks, or watch in disbelief as your rival steals away the opportunity.
Take Your Game to New Heights: All-new dunk controls keep you engaged from take-off to throw down.
Showcase your Master Skills: The best NBA players have hidden master skills that separate them from the rest.
Become a Homecourt Hero: Go from an unknown talent to a playground legend and put your homecourt on the map by dominating courts from coast-to-coast.
Every Legend has a Beginning: The NBA's best all came from somewhere and many built their skills and reputations in their hometown playgrounds - including NBA Stars Carmelo Anthony and Richard Hamilton.
Fresh Create-a-player: New Create Player system allows you to quickly create avatars by melding your favorite NBA stars into the ultimate baller
That Girl's Got Game: Six of your favorite WNBA stars are featured for the first time ever, including Diana Taurasi, Sue Bird and Sheryl Swoopes.
Take Your Game Online*: Represent your homecourt online with your created player against the nation's greatest ballers-anywhere, anytime.
NBA STREET returns with a brand new game engine only possible with the power of next generation console systems, allowing the franchise to once again raise the bar with innovative gameplay and cutting edge visuals. With a new animation engine and control system, we put the ball in your hand and allow you to show off your own style by creating hundreds of tricks on the fly. Soar through the air to execute gravity-defying dunks and double dunks or step off the back of your teammate for a jump-off dunk.
NBA STREET Homecourt merges legendary playgrounds with the hometown courts of your favorite NBA stars, featuring 360 degrees of view. Plus, the NBA's best players are all rendered in meticulous detail, making true athlete likeness a reality and putting you up close and personal with every move and moment. Set roots in your own homecourt as an anonymous baller with big dreams. Earn a name for yourself and garner respect as you progress along your hometown journey and become a legend.
Any way you shake it, NBA Street Homecourt allows you to play like you never dreamed you could, right from the first time you pick up the controller.
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April 2nd, 2007, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The World of The Godfather: Experience a decade of the mafia in a living world New York City from 1945-55 with enhancements to racket truck heists, extortions, targeting, living world gameplay, and much more.
The Mean Streets of NYC are Even Meaner: The Godfather The Don's Edition on PlayStation 3 features more contract hits and 4 new rival family compounds to explore, control, and destroy.
Favors and Blackmail: "Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me…." The way of favors is integral to the story line of The Godfather, perform all new ones for the Family or local businesses to gain greater reputation on the streets of NYC.
Give 'Em a Beat Down: Use your firearm as a smash-mouth melee weapon on the PS3. With the SIXAXIS controller, the Blackhand Control fighting power is in your hands; when you slam your controller, you slam your opponent.
Corleone Challenges: Race against the clock (and your rivals) to earn the highest score in challenges such as Road Rage, Killing Spree, and Safe Cracker.
Corleone Hit Squad: Advance up the criminal ladder in the Corleone Family and gain the ability to hire an entire Hit Squad for truly dangerous assignments. Seduce the "ladies" for a Femme Fatale to cover your back.
Explosive Death: Plant car bombs on stationary vehicles and watch the impressive explosions light up the sky.
Classic Film Moments: Take on film-based and original missions as you interact with classic characters and experience unforgettable moments from the film.
Put Yourself in The Godfather: Create your own mobster and get a piece of the action by putting yourself in a living, open-world New York City.
Choose Your Path: Earn respect and customize your character's abilities. Will you invest in the intimidation skills of the Enforcer or the negotiation skills of the Operator?
Persistent World: Interact freely with an assortment of characters. The characters remember your interactions-whether you were diplomatic, accommodating, or brutal-and will respond appropriately when you meet again.
Control New York: Your bid to take control of the Corleone Family and make New York City your own will be challenged by the other four families from the fiction: Tattaglia, Cuneo, Barzini, and Stracci.
A classic story about family, respect, and loyalty, Mario Puzo's The Godfather and the Paramount Pictures film based on that novel serve as the game's inspiration. The Godfather® The Don's Edition puts you at the center of the action in one of history's most revered cinematic masterpieces, allowing you to choose your path as you rise from lowly outsider to envied and feared Don in a living world 1945-1955 New York.
The Godfather The Don's Edition for PlayStation 3 offers countless choices for solving the family's problems with brutal violence, skillful diplomacy, or a cunning mix of both. Use your powers of loyalty and fear to earn respect through interactions with police, businessmen, racket bosses, other mobsters, and more. The decisions you make have lasting consequences, just as they do in the legendary mob underworld of The Godfather books and films.
The Godfather film featured many of Holly-wood's finest actors and several are contributing to the game's development. Actors lending their voices to add a dramatic and cinematic touch to the game include the late Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone, James Caan as Sonny Corleone, and Robert Duvall as consigliore Tom Hagen.
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April 2nd, 2007, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia
Last week's DJ Max Portable 2 shipping dilemma has been sorted out over the weekend. The game has finally arrived this morning and all preorders are undergoing shipping preparation right now. If you have preordered this title and no unavailable items are holding up your order, then you should receive a shipping notification e-mail within a couple of hours.
As we have learnt from our supplier, our first shipment only contains first print "prism effect" cover editions (which were also bundled with both limited editions). More units (normal print editions) are expected to be in stock this Wednesday, available at US$ 49.90 only. Last but not least, we have also received a number of DJ Max Portable 2 Posters, selling at US$ 8.90 respectively.
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April 2nd, 2007, 22:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
So Kojima's address at GO3 contained...not much, aside from a casual stroll down memory lane. Straight afterwards, though, I had a chance to sit down with Mr. Kojima (sadly, no tea OR biscuits) and talk Metal Gear, movies and "the rumble guy".
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Metal Gear. 20 years. It's a long time to be making the same game. So I ask him if he's surprised that he's still churning out Metal Gear games this far down the line. "I'm very surprised", he says. "Twenty years ago when I created my first one, I thought it'd just be over. To be more extreme, I didn't think the fist one would sell at all!".
Oh, but sell they did, and when games sell, you make more of them. "But I have kept making Metal Gear games", he says. "When I look back, while it looks like the same game, I've been adding new features and using new technology each time, so it's never felt like I've been making the same game."
This focus on new tech was a big part of his address, as with each advance in console hardware he says he was able to make fundamental changes to the series, culminating in the crazy wartime escapades of MGS4. "I have to say, the evolution of technology, that has helped me to keep 'creating' Metal Gear", he adds.
Since Metal Gear Solid 4 has come up, I do the polite thing and ask how it's coming along. "Its almost at the 'shooting stage' of creating a movie", Kojima says. "All the design and scenarios are finished, we're just completing the actual game".
It's been a long time coming, so it can't have been easy. Kojima agrees. "Nothing was easy", he says. "Everything has been hard, because we've set not just a high bar for ourselves but a number of bars. So there's nothing easy, everything is hard!"
With rumble having been a key aspect of the series thus far, I ask him his thoughts on the issue now that Sony and Immersion have made kissy-kissy. "I want to use rumble, yes", he says, "but it's a race against time. If it can make it in in time I'd like to use it, yes."
"The part that's troubling me, I cant really say...". He pauses. Oh, do go on: "...but we always designed the game without rumble, and I had great ideas without rumble, so if rumble comes back we have a decision to make whether to leave that new feature in or to take it out and replace it with rumble".
Could you patch it? A later update would at least give players the choice. "I want to implement it, rumble, yes", he says. "I'm not thinking about a patch, though". Oh. Well, early days, I guess. Maybe rumble and motion-sensing can't get along after all?
He won't say, but if he had to choose between the two, it looks like rumble would win out. His "other" idea doesn't have a nickname and a long-term relationship with the company. "Ever since MGS1 there was a specific guy, nicknamed the 'rumble creator', who worked on it for us", he says. "But he's been on a long vacation since we didn't think rumble was going to be in MGS4, so we're calling him back right now". Hmm. Long vacation sounds...ominous.
Moving on, I remind him of a comment he made last year comparing each of the three current consoles to "different kinds of dinner". Did he still think that was the case, now that all three are on the market? Nope. "They're more like a movie theatre metaphor", he says.
"The PS3 is like the theatre, it's a little bit high-priced but it has to be high quality as well. The 360 is a DVD, it still needs to be high quality but you need more variations, while the Wii is almost like a TV channel, because every game you have it with your family".
I look for a funny/revealing insight into the comment, then realise he's probably quite close to the mark. Still, by that admission, if the PS3 is Hollywood, is he feeling the heat of being the system's first big, exclusive title? "Yes, there is pressure", he admits, "but there is Final Fantasy XIII coming out as well, so it's not all me!".
Still on MGS4, I ask whether this really is the end. He's said repeatedly he wants to walk away at the end of this game, and the trailers seem to show everyone from the series getting together for one final shootout. So when MGS4 hits, will you hang up your boots? "Well, atually its really up to the users, its up to them to decide", he offers.
"If users want more Metal Gear, then I will probably step up as producer, like the James Bond series does", he says. "That way I can have new, upcoming directors making MGS while I oversee the project, and then perhaps I can move onto something new".
Something new, eh? Like your long, and oft-rumoured collaboration with Suda? "The collaboration with Suda is a little different", Kojima says. "It's something I've been thinking about for about 10 years now, but unfortunately can't concentrate on right now because we're so busy with MGS4".
Pity. So, Devil May Cry 4, going multiplatform. Thoughts? Comments? "I think it's up to each project, and the individual producer", he says. "If they want to take it multiplatform, they will". I'm going somewhere with this question, and he knows exactly where that is...
"But like I said, MGS4 is aimed for the movie theatre, it's aimed for the PS3, so the game's scenario and graphics need this theatre-type hardware. It's when a producer has a game that can work on the 'DVD level' that a game will go multiplatform", he says. Sorry kids. Your "OMGMGS4360" banners will have to come out another day.
Since we've opened up this can of worms, I may as well get his thoughts on it. Why, I ask, do you think this rumour simply refuses to go away? "Because 360 owners want it on 360, obviously", he quips.
Righto. Moving right along, I ask about Kojima Productions. Does having your own company make it easier to focus on games, or are you finding yourself caught up in boring business stuff?
"That's a very difficult question to answer, because I can't really say", he says. "It's both. It's now quicker, the speed of making games is faster. But at the same time, because of this speed you need to make tough business decisions quicker, so it's had both its good and its bad points".
Anyone who's sat through a good, hearty MGS talk-fest knows Kojima loves his movies. So I ask, if you had your time again, would you have still gone into games? Or would you have rather made movies for a crust?
"Well, if I could go back in time to the point where I hadn't created a game yet, and didn't know how much fun they were, then I would probably choose to become a movie director", Kojima says. "But, don't get me wrong, it's really fun to create games, and knowing how much fun games are I'd take the same path. I hope I can continue to create games for as long as I live".
But what about media outside of movies? Do you draw inspiration from books, comics and music? "Well, yes, everything", he says. "Novels, comics, it all effects me and inspires me. I only have 24 hours a day, so I listen to music while I work, I can read books when I get home and only after those, because they take so much time, do I watch movies. But they all inspire me".
And that was that. Charming fellow. And rad MGS4 shirt to boot.
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April 2nd, 2007, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Disney's Meet the Robinsons, based on the Walt Disney Pictures animated film, is a time-traveling action/adventure game. Players experience the adventure as Wilbur Robinson, helping him chase the dastardly Bowler Hat Guy and his diabolical robotic hat Doris through multiple timelines in an attempt to thwart their evil plans. The game weaves in and out of the film's plot, expanding the Robinson world and offering an all-new adventure. Wilbur will have a host of gadgets at his disposal as he battles enemies and solves puzzles while pursuing Bowler Hat Guy and trying not to alter the future
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April 2nd, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
via guardian
It certainly looks that way to us - particularly after talking to Matt Brown, executive vice president of Sony Pictures Europe, whose job it is to persuade us all to buy Blu-ray media. Formerly with Dreamworks, and steeped in films, Brown declares that "the future is high-definition TV" and that the PS3 - which at £425 in the UK is steeply priced for a games console, but comparatively cheap for a high-definition player (Blu-ray players in the UK cost more than £500) - is "the ultimate home entertainment device". All of which you'd expect him to say. But talking to Brown, it's clear that Sony is happy to take its financial lumps in terms of losses in the games console market if it means guaranteeing a win in the high-definition video war. And the best way to do that? Lose money selling the players, and rake it back by selling the "software" - games and especially films. In the long term, Sony has far more to gain from winning the DVD format wars than it stands to lose in the gaming ones, since it could keep making the PS3 for the next decade.
While the PS3 has not given Sony any clear advantage in the games field, it certainly has in the high-definition DVD market. At the Consumer Electronics Show in January, the HD DVD camp could claim 175,000 players sold in the US, well ahead of Blu-ray. But Sony can now claim a total of 1.8m PS3s sold worldwide (says nexgenwars.com).
Wood thus sounds confident when he claims: "Blu-ray discs are outselling HD DVD by three to one in the US." And, he adds, "if I do a good job then in six months we won't be having a conversation [about formats]. And the PS3 is going to help us do the job ... Potentially, we'll have 10 times more [Blu-ray] players [in the form of PS3s] out there by the end of the year." Projections for Sony by the research company Understanding & Solutions suggest there will be nearly 4m Blu-ray players (including PS3s) installed across Europe by the end of this year, compared to 55,000 HD DVD players; by the end of 2008, it forecasts 13.45m Blu-ray against 1.6m HD DVD drives (which will by then also include computers). For the US, it predicts a smaller gap - although still running 9 to 1 in favour of Blu-ray.
So is it game over for HD DVD? The HD DVD camp said at CES that owners of their players bought an average of 28 discs each, because they had chosen the format, rather than finding it bundled with their games console. Blu-ray owners hadn't bought many discs. But we remember a time when Netscape could claim to have many more people using its browser than Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Then Microsoft bundled the browser, and Netscape went pear-shaped. Someone at Sony has probably remembered their internet history, which says that victory goes to the most widely installed - not necessarily the most widely chosen.
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April 2nd, 2007, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

Were you planning on picking up a Sony PSP tomorrow from your local Gamestop or EB Games? Excellent. Were you planning on paying for it? Super excellent. As a reward for your unquestionable moral values, you'll be given a $30 discount on that purchase of "the past". You see, as of April 3, the PSP Core Pack is being marked down from $199.99 to $169.99.
Gamestop and EB Games have already received the promotional materials (as depicted above) and instructions (shown after the break) for the long overdue price drop and will no doubt have it ready to greet you within the next 24 hours. For those still wary of the giggling miasma of April Fools still lingering in the air, rest assured that we've verified this information with Gamestop. Happy PSP... ing.
Remember Play Asia are selling Pink PSPs for $159.92 until thursday.
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April 3rd, 2007, 00:08 Posted By: burrito
Raf has released a new version of his WIfi streaming music app for the PSP, here's whats new:
* (raf) TextUI: Msgbox now goes away after 3sec (not based on frames rendered anymore, but time).
* (raf) Core: (Supported by TextUI) Framerate configuration file is now set globally in PSPRadio.cfg (PLUGINS  ISPLAY_FPS)
* (raf) TextUI: Now uses GU more; which reduces flickering and improves framerate
* (raf) TextUI: Cleaned up the way stream time and info is displayed while on fullscreen visualization mode.
* (raf) Core: PSPRadio would crash on startup if the visualizer plugin was disabled.
* (raf) Core: PSPRadio would crash on startup if the SHOUTcast database (newdb.xml) file was empty.
* (raf) TextUI: Corrected problem where PSPRadio would crash when downloading the SHOUTcast database. (The problem was caused by lack of complete support for values -1 and -2 in the configuration files after the TextUI rendering changes.
* (raf) TextUI: Corrected problem that caused a crash when switching from TextUI3d to TextUI.
* (raf) Core: Corrected problem that caused a crash on restore from suspend mode when the wifi was enabled. Now it will also resume play.
* (raf) Core: Disabled UI rendering while shutting down; this makes sure the “shutting down” screen is not drawn over.
* (raf) TextUI: When switching skins all the text will disappear. This happens on occasion. Just move up or down for the text to re-render.
OE related Problems on this release
* (raf) Core: Static IP connections don’t work correctly. Seems the gateway is not used as it should. (Also, make sure CPU speed is 222 when establishing a WiFi connection). Possible solution, if you have a proxy server in your network, set it up in PSPRadio.cfg. A static IP may work then. (This is untested).
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April 3rd, 2007, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Zero-one has finally released a public release of his Homebrew MMO game for the PSP, heres the full details from the readme file:
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April 3rd, 2007, 01:41 Posted By: burrito
Hallo007 has released a new version of his Flash Agent XMB Editor for the PSP.

Heres whats new:
* Graphics update: deleted images, new arrow, deleted menusound
* Fixed bug in showing time
* possible to view free FLASH1 space
* added credits, added usb mode
* possibility to flash/recover impose.prx, possibility to rflash/ecover impose.rsc
* improved file check (security)
* entring a folder in file browser is back FAST
* in OK you see now the timer counting down
* RECOVERY MENU is really clear now
* RCO menu is really clear now
* POSSIBILITY to copy folders in file browser (files were already possible)
* possibility to delete folders in file browser (only possible with empty folders) (files were already possible)
* new xmb sound (remix of the previously one)
* fixed bug for flashing photo_plugin.rco (security)
* updated flash security
He also posted this news:
after some weeks being busy with other things , i finelly finished the last update of flash agent , with ,once again , improved security and usb mode and more things
fLASH AGENT uses as always a file browser and hes now back as fast as possible , i found the glitch why it was so slow previously versions , so just drop your filez somewhere and flashez!!!!!!, FOR 3.03OE AND 3.10OE USE AT OWN RISK
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via hallo007
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April 3rd, 2007, 02:46 Posted By: burrito
via Exophase
New release of the App that backs up your memory sticks:
Im tired of waiting. Source is included. Here it is
Special thanks to Chilly Willy, couldn't have done it with out your help.
UPDATED:7:46pm 04/01
Cleaned up speed test code;
Added educational headers to explain
* back up ms
* restore ms
* bind ms to one of 3 backups
* template dumping for redundant backups
* Backup Gamesaves
* restore Gamesaves
* utils folder for easy backup / restore
* mycomputer right click options
* Dump Ms to Template dir
* restore MS from Template dir
* backup seplugins folder (right click menu)
* restore seplugins option (gui)
* * *new* added ability to change install dir
* * *new* made it so msbind icon doesn't reconfigure every time
* * *NEW* Timestamp on plugin , gamesave and template backups
* * *NEW* Ms Speed test Benchmark in gui options
Code optimizations
Yay Pictures!!
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April 3rd, 2007, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
With Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + Re: Chain of Memories at last out in Japan, Tetsuya Nomura and crew can now devote all their energy to their next project. And that appears to be another Kingdom Hearts game, or at least another tie-up with Disney. But is it Kingdom Hearts III?
Speaking with Japan's Gemaga and Dengeki PlayStation publications, Nomura gave a few hints on the new project, which he's previously hinted would see formal announcement later this year.
Gemaga asked if the characters who appear in the new CG "secret movie" that has been added to Final Mix are from the new title. "They are people who have some relation to the new series. However the next title won't just be Kingdom Hearts III. If it were III, we wouldn't call it a new series."
Asked if Sora and Riku would make an appearance in the new game, he said with a laugh, "I can't say." He also hinted that the new game would have something to do with Xehanort, the main villain of the Kingdom Hearts series.
He was just as direct when Dengeki PlayStation asked for some details on the new title. "First, it's not Kingdom Hearts III. Of course, because we're calling it a 'new' series, it won't be KHIII. Also, it's a series, so it probably won't be just one title."
Nomura once again promised an announcement of the new game, whatever it may be, some time this year. In the meanwhile, he suggested that players attempt to unlock the Final Mix secret movie and starting imagining.
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
It's no secret that 2007 is going to be a big year for online shooters. Shadowrun, Unreal Tournament 3 and Team Fortress 2 are all to hit shelves before the year's end, and Splash Damage's Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will likely see retail release as well. We say likely because during a recent play session with the title, neither id Software nor Splash Damage representatives were willing to specify an exact date. Rather, they repeatedly told us it'll be done when it's done, and were focusing on a 2007 release for PC. As for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, little information was available. Console gamers can expect the versions to be content identical to the PC, and be finished when they're finished as well.
While id Software and Splash Damage were hesitant to talk about their high profile shooter competition, they were more than happy to talk about the PC version of Quake Wars. The game is structured much like Splash Damage's 2003 free multiplayer download Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. As either Strogg or Global Defense Force, you pick one of five classes, each with its own special abilities, and fan out with your team over each of the game's large maps. Before hopping in you'll need to review the map objectives, since they're more complicated than going prone under a flag until it's captured. On a map called Sewer, the GDF need to break the Strogg's hold on a sewage facility in Japan, a process undertaken in stages. First, the GDF need to send an Engineer class to construct an EMP disruptor outside the facility to gain access. Next, a few Soldier class players have to swarm the facility and plant explosives on sewer grates to bust into an underground area. Finally, to secure victory, a Covert Ops class is required to hack the plant's main controls.
Full Article at IGN
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
It's the middle of the afternoon and we're sitting in absolute pitch black trying to eat what feels and tastes like some kind of duck curry. The reason we're fondling round a plate in the dark is because we're about to get a long-awaited hands-on with The Darkness - 2K Games's upcoming comic-based supernatural shooter. Beforehand though, we're having lunch in a place called Dans Le Noir, a restaurant where you eat in absolute darkness, for larks. See what the event organisers did there? Those clever PR people.
Those black tendrils replace the HUB and show health/dark power.
Even with the crushing panic attacks, the numerous stains down our front - having blindly tackled a pudding - and the endless recurring flashbacks of stifling, claustrophobic horror every time we shut our eyes, it was still worth it. You see, The Darkness is shaping up to be one of this year's most imaginative titles - but then we'd expect nothing less from Starbreeze, developer of the excellent Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Despite only playing a three-level demo, we came away from The Darkness feeling suitably impressed.
Full Article at IGN
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
As reported on Engadget, Apple and EMI today announced their plans to offer music files without DRM protection on the iTunes Store. Although the new files will cost 30 cents more ($1.29), they will come at a much higher bitrate (256kbps) and will no longer have copyright protection. PSP-Vault intelligently points out that these unprotected files should work in PSP systems, as most firmware revisions allow the playback of AAC audio files.
For now, the option to purchase unprotected files will only apply to artists under the EMI label. Wikipedia lists many of the artists signed to the record giant. While it'll be great to have fully unrestricted access to music in the future, this is a great first step for PSP owners that want to purchase their music legally from a service other than Sony's failing Connect store.
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Media manager gets another release and this time has support for PS3 too.
Heres whats new:
Relook picture form
Add PS3 movie encoding
Manage picture:
Relook picture form
Manage movie:
Corrected some bugs MOV files encoding
Add PS3 movie encoding
Convert movie to PS3 format with bitrate and resolution selection : 640x480 to 1920x1072
Add PSP firmware 3.30 (with movie encoding on 720 x 480)
Configure path:
Add PS3 movie encoding
Add PSP firmware 3.30 (with movie encoding on 720 x 480)
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Media manager gets another release and this time has support for PS3 too.
Heres whats new:
Relook picture form
Add PS3 movie encoding
Manage picture:
Relook picture form
Manage movie:
Corrected some bugs MOV files encoding
Add PS3 movie encoding
Convert movie to PS3 format with bitrate and resolution selection : 640x480 to 1920x1072
Add PSP firmware 3.30 (with movie encoding on 720 x 480)
Configure path:
Add PS3 movie encoding
Add PSP firmware 3.30 (with movie encoding on 720 x 480)
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:30 Posted By: wraggster
Samurai X and co have updated the Open Beats of Rage port to the PSP.
Heres the main whats new:
1. Dynamic Animation Frame Memory Manager (No more Frame Limits and Also reduces memory by HALF!!!)
2. Memory utilizations in system options menu (shows how much memory is being utilized by your mod)
3. Controller I/O interface redesigned for PSP (Thinking of wifi mulitplayer next on the list).
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:34 Posted By: wraggster
Maniac posted this news/release of his Software Studio for the PSP.
-Syntax highlighting
-Multi file support
-Debug WITHOUT command prompt (debugger built in, no command prompt needed )
-Auto compile with eboot.pbp and make a zip out of it
-quick scratch notepad
-Visual designer (for placing images and text)
-Pre-made script support (if you use some specific script often, save it as a text document in the Scripts directory and it you can use it by just dragging and dropping next time)
-Much more, just give it a try
Again, please give all criticism here along with all advice and suggestions
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via maniac
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April 3rd, 2007, 03:40 Posted By: wraggster
Foofoo posted this news at his site:
This is a mod thats been talked about for some time. It was an idea by replicashooter. An a really good one. Joesnose built a prototype about a month ago but had a some problems with his mobo (hopefully to be sorted soon).
Well I had the parts so decided to give it a try. Really glad I did. This is a much better way to play a psp.
Basically the analogue nub has been modified to act as the dpad, and the dpad has been replaced with a ps2 style analogue joystick. The left trigger is pushed by pressing down on the stick.
I also added a few leds an a clear back plate for style points (as always i got my clear parts from coolmods.co.uk)
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April 3rd, 2007, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In Prince of Persia Rival Swords, the Prince makes his way home to Babylon, bearing with him Kaileena, the enigmatic Empress of Time, and unspeakable scars from the Island of Time. But instead of the peace he longs for, he finds his kingdom ravaged by war and Kaileena the target of a brutal plot. When she is kidnapped, the Prince tracks her to the palace ?only to see her murdered by a powerful enemy. Her death unleashes the Sands of Time, which strike the Prince and threaten to destroy everything he holds dear. Cast out on the streets, hunted as a fugitive, the Prince soon discovers that the Sands have tainted him, too. They have given rise to a deadly Dark Prince, whose spirit gradually possesses him.
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April 3rd, 2007, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

A portable version entry in the respected Test Drive franchise, based on Eden Studios' next-gen Test Drive Unlimited. Test Drive Unlimited system retain most of the core gameplay features of next-gen games, including endless miles of streaming Hawaiian roads, server-based online play, over 70 luxury supercars, multiplayer and single-player modes, player-created races, car upgrades and downloadable content. Packed with many of the world's most luxurious vehicles, more than one thousand miles of open Hawaiian roads, a challenging single player game and a host of online options for PSP, Test Drive Unlimited is M.O.O.R.: Massively Open Online Racing. In addition, enhancements have been made to the single player game with an Arcade Race mode for snack-sized play.
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April 3rd, 2007, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Twisted noir. That's what Dead Head Fred is described as, a weird third-person action-adventure heading to PSP that stars a headless detective who can stick on new bonces to tackle various situations. So, in fact, it's a bit like Worzel Gummidge - but even scarier, if that's actually possible.
We've got some exclusive screenshots from the game for you to check out. Don't lose your head!
Anyway, you play former sleuth Fred Neuman who's been brutally murdered - then resurrected in a bizarre scientific experiment - and is attempting to solve the crime. We're promised plenty of violence and humour as Fred tackles malformed mutants, ghoulish gangsters and crazy mob bosses on his quest for justice.
Dead Head Fred, developed by Vicious Cycle, is due out on PSP this summer.
Screens at CVG
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April 3rd, 2007, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
id Software has revealed that cross-platform play won't be a feature of the forthcoming Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
"Console players will not play against PC players", id's Kevin Cloud told GameZone in a recent interview on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 multiplayer action game.
Cloud explained that it isn't a case that it can't be done, but obviously a serious challenge to deliver a level playing field across platforms, "Consoles require a certain [adaptation], and that wasn't something that we wanted to take on".
However, he did say that id wants to bring the Quake Wars console experience "up to speed with the PC version... We may do some adjustments to bots, but we want the experience to be the same on PC and consoles."
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars combines action with a dose of RTS-style features and finds Earth's Global Defence Force battling the Strogg war machine. It's expected to release later this year.
via cvg
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April 3rd, 2007, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Major US retailers, GameStop and EB Games, have today dropped the price of the PSP Core Packs by $30 from $199.99 to $169.99.
This is said to be part of plan to help PSP better compete with the DS, which is outselling the PSP by as much as than three-to-one in some regions. If it proves to be effective, we could hopefully see other retailers, maybe even in UK, follow suit.
However, there's no sign of a UK price drop from the current £150 tag, with a Sony representative this morning telling CVG "it's a US-only thing" at the moment.
The Core Pack is the most basic package, including only the PSP, the battery and the adaptor, lacking the 1GB Memory Stick and UMD that comes with the Entertainment Pack, which will continue to retail for $250.
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April 3rd, 2007, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Protect your Playstation 3 Six Axis controller while improving your grip with this silicon protective cover. Effective against scratches, small shocks, and sweaty hands! Available in Black or Clear version.
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April 3rd, 2007, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
THQ has confirmed in its latest release schedule that we'll be seeing more wriggly Worms on handhelds this summer.
Worms Open Warfare 2 is due to appear on DS and PSP in July - just four months after the arrival of the first game.
Unfortunately THQ was unable to offer us any comment on what we could expect to change in this offering, but it will almost certainly attempt to iron out problems that stopped the original reaching its full potential.
Also new to our hive-mind was a listing for DS title Drawn To Life, scribbled down for a September release.
Here you'll be challenged to grasp your stylus and populate the world with your creations, ranging from characters and animals, up to planets - literally painting the night sky.
You'll then be able to explore the entire world, battling through scrolling platform levels with your freshly made creations. And don't worry, if you're cack-handed like us, then you'll be pleased to know there are a slew of templates to use to get you started.
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April 3rd, 2007, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
New weekly offer from Play Asia

Weekly Special: Sony's innovative action platform/puzzle mix LocoRoco for PSP™ at US$ 14.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: The peaceful world of the LocoRoco are under attack by the not-so-nice Moja Corps! These evil outer space creatures have come to take the LocoRoco from their land of blowing flowers, lively creatures and pastel scenery.
As the planet where the LocoRoco inhabit, you must move them through more than 40 levels of slippery slopes, teetering platforms and maze-like passages. The LocoRoco have the uncanny ability to fluidly "morph" to their landscape, so all you need is to tilt, roll and bounce the happy "blob-like" creatures to safety!
Sony's innovative PSP™ action platform/puzzle mix LocoRoco is now available at discounted US$ 14.90 only. This is the region free English/Chinese Asia release version of the game.
Game features:
Roll, Bounce and Tilt the LocoRoco through a vibrantly animated world.
Fluidly Morph to the Environment: Stay round to roll, become slim to squeeze through narrow passages, and disassemble into smaller LocoRoco to collectively pass through small crevasses and paths.
Eat to increase the size and quantity of LocoRoco and to gain access to secret areas and hidden rewards.
Simple Intuitive Gameplay: Just press the L and R buttons to tilt the landscape or bump the LocoRoco onto higher platforms and up hillsides.
Over 40 Stages of lush living landscapes: Roll across grassy plains and slippery slopes. Bounce and balance on teetering platforms.
Six Different Types of LocoRoco, each with unique voices and actions.
Captivating, light-hearted original songs communicate the joyous world of the LocoRoco.
Extras features include the customizable LocoHouse, three mini-games, and exciting wireless features.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer.
Buy from Play Asia
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April 3rd, 2007, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel is a Japanese fighting game for the Playstation 2 based on the anime and manga series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. It is the fourth title in the Narutimate (Ultimate Ninja) series and the first Naruto game based on the Naruto Shippuuden anime series, which is based on the second part of the manga.
Like previous installments of the Narultimate series you're going to get to explore Konoha village. This time you are looking at the post time skip, Shippuuden world with a grown up Naruto. Exploration hasn't been a major focus of the Narultimate Hero series, but CyberConnect2 has always woven it in somehow. The core game is still a 2D fighter and includes the four main characters Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Deidara.
A first batch of Bandai's Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel for PlayStation2™ has arrived today, covering around 50% of all preorders. More supply will be dispatched from Japan tomorrow, however won't ship until coming Tuesday due to the long public holiday break between April 5th until April 9th.
Buy Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel
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April 3rd, 2007, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

True-to-life encounters test your strategies and reflexes on the battlefield.
Choose to run and gun in order to storm the Axis defenses, or use your sniper rifle to carefully pick off foes from behind cover.
Engage the enemy on the most visually stunning Medal of Honor battlefields to date. Listen Up, Soldier
Your allies provide the tactical info you need to survive in an explosive and ever-changing war zone.
Medal of Honor Vanguard is the latest video game from EA's acclaimed Medal of Honor™ franchise, credited with pioneering the WWII first-person shooter genre after its debut in 1999.
Join the ranks of the elite 82nd Airborne Division as Corporal Frank Keegan in Medal of Honor Vanguard. From Operation Husky on the shores of Sicily to your Operation Varsity airdrop inside Nazi Germany, you'll jump behind enemy lines to fight the epic WWII battles that turned America's first paratroopers into heroes of WWII. Choose from a variety of authentic, customizable weapons at your disposal, each with distinct characteristics. Featuring spectacular graphics and all-out combat intensity, Medal of Honor Vanguard makes you the driving force in the struggle to liberate Europe.
The Medal of Honor Vanguard development team continues to ensure that the ideals and integrity of the prestigious congressional Medal of Honor are accurately reflected in the game. The producers sought counsel from numerous expert sources to make certain the game is historically accurate and as true to the WWII experience as possible.
Buy Medal of Honor: Vanguard
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April 3rd, 2007, 21:30 Posted By: mexicansnake
" PSPirate´s Alarm Clock V0.1 by:
"MEXICANSNAKE <---------------------------------- Main Coder.
"DEANAW22 <--------- Artist and coding helping.
The vacations started and I was bored so I coded this.

This is a new kind of clock alarm: a video game alarm .
We now that this app its really simple, but its really useful and fun.
It has animations, analog clock, digital clock, date, PSP version spoof, battery level indicator
etc etc etc...
The alarm´s signal is the sigle mode of PSPirates, dont worry the game will start in the
next 10 secs after the alarm is activated (you will listen a song) .
You can Turn on / off the alarm.
Controls (Alarm):
- R => Alarm set : minutes
- L => Alarm set : hours
- Start => Turn on / off the alarm
- Select => Extit to the XMB
Controls (In Game):
- X => Shoot
- Start => Return to the main menu
We hope you like it.
Please post your comments!:thumbup:
This ONLY works on the PSP
Please report any bugs.
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April 3rd, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Lair was one of the first playable games shown on PS3, with its impressive wide-open and detailed environments, and neat use of the Sixaxis tilt controls.
Here, we have 14 more screens showing off the beautiful water effects and the awesome detail on the dragons. And it looks better in motion on a nice big 1080p-enabled TV, believe us.
But we don't want to look at it no more. We want to play the full game, in which you fly around on huge dragons battling with other giant flying beasts in insanely chaotic battles. We enjoyed it when we got an early look at a playable demo.
It's no surprise that it's cool - it's being developed by Factor 5, the guys responsible for the awesome Rogue Squadron games on GameCube.
So when is it coming out? Not until September, according to the most recent release schedule. Hopefully the time being put into the game will help make sure it's as good as we hope when it finally does land on PS3.
Screens Here
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April 3rd, 2007, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of the PlayStation 3 have dropped dramatically on the second week of release in the UK, with official Chart Track figures revealing a fall of 82 per cent, GamesIndustry.biz is reporting.
Chart Track data is gathered from 7000 UK retail outlets representing 90 per cent of the software market, including GAME, Gamestation, Play.com, Asda and HMV.
A spokesperson for Chart Track confirmed the figure to GamesIndustry.biz this afternoon, stating: "Yes, sales of PS3 hardware have dropped by 82 per cent."
Last week, Chart Track revealed that the PlayStation 3 had sold 165,000 units in the first two days following the launch, making it the fastest-selling home console in the UK.
"We publish the first week figures because there's such a clamour for them that we can't keep it a secret," said the spokesperson.
This week's software charts revealed that sales of the top two PlayStation 3 titles, Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm, had dropped by over 60 per cent.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe declined to comment.
via eurogamer
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April 3rd, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
European fans of quirky Japanese role-playing games will be breathing a sigh of relief today because Shadow Hearts: From the New World is officially dated for Europe. After a wait of well over a year since the game released in North America and nearly two years since its debut in Japan, it seemed as if PAL regions might have been forgotten. Not so--the PlayStation 2 game is now penciled in for a May release date, courtesy of publishing company Ghostlight.
The game is the first in the Shadow Hearts series to switch location away from a European setting and into the New World of the Americas. Set in 1929, it focuses on a motley band of characters, including Johnny Garland, a 16-year-old private detective, and Shania, a Native American woman who possesses the ablility to fuse with powerful spirits.
Johnny witnesses an evil demon coming through a "window" whilst working on a missing person's case and becomes determined to discover the truth behind the apparition. His quest takes him to locations including New York, Las Vegas, and Roswell.
Shadow Hearts: From the New World also features the judgment ring system, as used in the previous two series incarnations, and adds the stock system, where characters can build up power to use special attacks and perform powerful combo attacks.
Developed by Azure, the game was originally released on July 23, 2005, in Japan and on March 7, 2006, in the US. It will be arriving in PAL regions in May 2007.
via gamespot
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April 3rd, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: burrito
via PspGen
Dark_AleX and Mathieulh are currently preparing custom firmware 3.30 OE for release. They say it may released in 48-72 hours, but with little functions.
Dark_AleX is deciding what to do:
Release 3.30 OE right away, and release bonus functions later
wait and release it all at once at a later date
Moreover, within sight of the size higher of the 3.30, to add functions will be undoubtedly an exploit. The place cruelly starts to miss on the memory flash.
However, adding bonus functions will be hard. 3.30 takes up most of the flash, leaving little room.
As of 4-3-07 6:22 AM GMT, Dark_AleX says that 3.30 will probably be released in 2-3 days.
Awesome news for all Custom Firmware and full speed PSX Emulator fans
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April 4th, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai just sent us some screenshots of Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, reminding us that this action RPG is only a few months away. Fans will love seeing their favorite Tales stars return in this fan service-filled title. In addition, the US release will feature slight gameplay tweaks from the original.
Check past the cut to see ten more screenshots from the English build of the game.
Screens/News at PSPfanboy
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April 4th, 2007, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Another viewpoint on the recent pricedrop from gamedaily:
If you've been waiting for a price drop before picking up Sony's PSP, you're in luck. Effective today, SCEA has slashed the price on its portable to $169.99. Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian believes this will have a modest effect on overall PSP sales.
In honor of the PSP's second anniversary, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has indeed cut the price on its portable by $30. This was strongly rumored yesterday. The PSP Core Pack will now retail for $169.99 across North America. In conjunction with this price drop, SCEA also announced that it's adding both Daxter and Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror to the PSP "Greatest Hits" collection.
"We have always been passionate about making great entertainment accessible to everyone, and the new price for PSP, as well as the continued growth of the 'Greatest Hits' library, reflect our ongoing commitment to supporting and expanding the PSP community," commented Jack Tretton, president and CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "We are pleased that we are able to engineer savings for the consumer at this stage of PSP's lifecycle, allowing more individuals to experience PSP for the first time. In particular, we have recently seen a steady rise in the number of teens adopting PSP as their primary handheld entertainment system, and we expect the new price will accelerate that trend."
Sony noted that through December 31, 2006, hardware shipments for PSP rose to 25 million worldwide while software shipments increased to over 90 million units. Although the PSP is trailing the Nintendo DS, Sony is confident in its portable business and hopes to see more growth in 2007 with titles from franchises like God of War, Ratchet & Clank, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs, and Syphon Filter.
"Ready At Dawn couldn't be more pleased with our success bringing Daxter to the PSP platform last year, and now we have another opportunity to blow away expectations of what a developer can accomplish on a portable when Kratos hits the 'small screen' in God of War," said Didier Malenfant, co-founder and president, Ready At Dawn Studios. "PSP is an ideal platform for us to work on because we have a high level of freedom to be creative, and we can deliver gameplay experiences that rival ones you'd get from a computer entertainment system."
Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets is somewhat encouraged by the PSP price cut, noting that the lower price should give the PSP a "shot in the arm." He said, "Importantly, this is the first formal price cut on the PSP since its launch in March 2005 (core model launched in March 2006). Sony is planning to support the pricing move with a new print and online marketing campaign targeted at young adults and teens... We expect a modest step-up in PSP unit sales during an otherwise seasonally slower period for the video game industry. We note that a Wal-Mart promotion on Black Friday last year generated significant sales volume for the PSP at a discounted price of $169, providing one indication of potential consumer demand. We also believe the potential release of Gran Turismo for the PSP in 2H2007 could further boost unit sales. In terms of software, we believe hardware price cuts can positively affect game sales with an expanding installed base as well as additional foot traffic in retail stores."
Sebastian added, "It is too early to conclude whether Sony's pricing action will cause game developers to increase the pipeline of new PSP titles; however, several publishers publicly called on Sony to lower the PSP price and broaden the consumer end market. At the new $169 price, we note that the PSP is still $40 higher than Nintendo's DS."
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April 4th, 2007, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The $30 price drop isn't exclusive to GameStop/EB Games--it's universal. But, that's not where the savings end. Sony has also added two more games to PSP's Greatest Hits lineup: Daxter and Syphon Filter.
According to the press release, "We have always been passionate about making great entertainment accessible to everyone, and the new price for PSP, as well as the continued growth of the 'Greatest Hits' library, reflect our ongoing commitment to supporting and expanding the PSP community," said Jack Tretton, president and CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "We are pleased that we are able to engineer savings for the consumer at this stage of PSP's lifecycle, allowing more individuals to experience PSP for the first time. In particular, we have recently seen a steady rise in the number of teens adopting PSP as their primary handheld entertainment system, and we expect the new price will accelerate that trend."
Sony also reminds players that the future of PSP is quite bright, especially with the upcoming God of War: "Ready At Dawn couldn't be more pleased with our success bringing Daxter to the PSP platform last year, and now we have another opportunity to blow away expectations of what a developer can accomplish on a portable when Kratos hits the 'small screen' in God of War," said Didier Malenfant, co-founder and president, Ready At Dawn Studios. "PSP is an ideal platform for us to work on because we have a high level of freedom to be creative, and we can deliver gameplay experiences that rival ones you'd get from a computer entertainment system."
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April 4th, 2007, 12:39 Posted By: wraggster
The column should have appeared in Edge magazine, but as its author explains, "my column has been pulled from the next issue, because it was felt to be too much of a personal attack on a certain individual."
We've had a look as Mr Biffo has posted the entire article on his website and we believe it to be more on the embarrassing side of things rather than a full-on personal attack on the Sony head of studios Phil Harrison.
The story involves Phil Harrison, PS3 and a Marillion gig in Amsterdam. Intrigued? Hit this link for what is bound to be Mr Biffo's most read page EVER!
via cvg
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April 4th, 2007, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster
A research report has revealed that Nintendo Wii is outselling PS3 more than 2-to-1 in Japan.
The Enterbrain report says that Nintendo has sold 1.95 million units of Wii as of March 25. The console launched in Japan December 2, 2006 last year. Sony, on the other hand, has sold 812,000 of its latest console since November 11.
Bloomberg says that "As the PlayStation 3 loses market share in Japan, it becomes more difficult for Sony to recoup investment in the machine."
If there was ever a time when PS3 needed some killer games to come along, it's got to be now. Especially with reports flying around the web that sales in the UK of the machine have fallen drastically since launch on March 23.
via cvg
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April 4th, 2007, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
Following yesterday's news that Sony has docked a fistful of dollars off the US price of PSP, comes an analyst saying that a PSP price cut is just the "shot in the arm" it needed.
Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian clearly welcomes the move and hopes to see a lot more activity surrounding the handheld moving forward. "This is the first formal price cut on the PSP since its launch in March 2005, he said in a report on GameDaily.
Sony now plans support the move with a new marketing campaign aimed squarely at young adults and teens: "We expect a modest step-up in PSP unit sales during an otherwise seasonally slower period for the video game industry. We also believe the potential release of Gran Turismo for the PSP in 2H2007 could further boost unit sales." If GT PSP ever comes pout, we're sure it would sell a couple of units, it's not like you're going to be playing GT5 on PS3 for while is it?
So, in summing up, "It is too early to conclude whether Sony's pricing action will cause game developers to increase the pipeline of new PSP titles; however, several publishers publicly called on Sony to lower the PSP price and broaden the consumer end market. At the new $169 price, we note that the PSP is still $40 higher than Nintendo's DS."
via cvg
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April 4th, 2007, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
With the success of puzzle games like Sudoku and brain-teasing games such as Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day, publishers are looking to capitalize on gamers' new interest in their noggins. The next subject invading handhelds appears to be spelling, as Crave is getting set to test gamers' orthography.
The publisher has announced Spelling Challenges and More! for the DS and PlayStation Portable. The game is due out this summer and will retail for $19.99.
The game will feature a game show mode hosted by Mr. Niceguy, who will award prizes and cash for correct answers. Other modes include a variety of word games revolving around the 25,000 words in Spelling Challenges and More!'s memory.
It wouldn't be a proper spelling challenge without a little competition. Gamers can also try their hand at Ubisoft's Spelling Spree, due out in June on the DS and Wii.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:24 Posted By: Tree
Computer and video games
The internet was grinded to a halt last night by the arrival of the first massive trailer of this year's biggest game, the legendary fourth instalment of Grand Theft Auto. Hit this link and download it now, in case you've just woken up.
After pushing our office hours to the very limit and wrestling with old Captain Bandwidth to get at the biggest video size possible, we've dissected to the GTA IV trailer thoroughly and picked out all of its little secrets you may have missed the first time around.
So magnifying glass in hand, here's what we've discovered...
It's Liberty City!
Despite internet reports claiming otherwise, GTA IV is indeed set (at least partially) in Liberty City - or more likely Liberty State, the area beyond Liberty City. If you're still not convinced, you can see the words 'Liberty City' plastered on a docked tanker in the trailer, a ferry and of course there's also a glimpse of the 'LCPD' patrolling the GTA IV streets.
As you can see from the comparison screenshots at the bottom of the page, the layout of GTA IV's Liberty City seems to resemble we remember from the PS2 - though obviously there's a whole lot of extra detail washed onto the streets.
As for what's beyond the walls of the famous GTA III locale, the trailer confirms GTA versions of the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty and a fun park including rollercoaster, which were all missing from the PS2 instalment.
The time setting
While there's already plenty of debate over what time setting the next game takes place in, there are plenty of cues in the trailer to suggest a modern day setting for GTA IV.
The vehicles in the trailer all look pretty 2007 to us - including a BMW look-a-like and a sports car that has a very post-2000 design. There are also plenty of advertisements plastered around Liberty City that also cropped-up in the 90s-set GTA III, including Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell.
Is that really the main Character?
The narrator in the trailer is a Russian character whose background seems to revolve around murder, smuggling and erm, selling people. The internet is already shouting from the electronic rooftops that this Eastern European chap will be the main protagonist in GTA IV, but really the trailer confirms nothing of the sort.
What it does confirms is that the story will somehow bring Eastern Europeans into the equations, which leads us to wonder what's happened to the Leone kingpins from GTA III.
Hit the water
Multiple-viewings make the GTA IV trailer's emphasis on water-based travel even more apparent; there are shots of bridges, ferry ports, a dock and some of the prettiest water effects we've seen to date in a sandbox game.
A realistically floating buoy 16 seconds in seems to suggest dynamic water physics for the fourth instalment, and of course you can see the gorgeous refraction effects later on in the trailer. A spot of boating for GTA IV seems a near-cert then, but - for as much as we hope - we just can't see jet-skiing going down in the Liberty City harbour.
Cast Your RAGE
As has always been heavily assumed, the next GTA ditches Renderware to make use of the graphically-spectacular Table Tennis RAGE engine (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine).
The confirmation comes from a Rockstar representative who told Gamespot: "We can confirm that all footage in the trailer was captured directly from 720p gameplay running real time in our Rage engine on a next-gen gaming console."
And the engine seems to be working well for the series - as you can see from the trailer tech-wise GTA IV is looking very impressive.
Super Pedestrian
We're expecting lots of advancements in how realistically the inhabitants of Liberty City live and work, but already there are a number of improvements on show in the short teaser.
At the beginning of the video you can see that the driver of the blue sports car is adjusting his rear-view mirror - a very nice touch indeed that we would never have seen working on the PS2. The pedestrians on the streets also have fully-modelled faces and carry groceries and books, which certainly adds a more realistic vibe to surroundings that the aimlessly-walking residents in GTA III.
The funny is back!
Oldschool movie buffs will recognize the spoof reference in the GTA IV trailer straight away; the music is from Godfrey Reggio's Koyaanisqatsi, a dialogue-less documentary film from the early eighties that mixed landscape footage with a rolling soundtrack. The music, in case your wondering, is a piece from minimalist composer Philip Glass, who created the music for Koyaanisqatsi.
Further proving that GTA hasn't lost it's trademark humour are the plethora of fake adverts available for glimpse in the video, including upcoming TV show "America's Next Top Hooker" and "Sprunk", a beverage we probably won't picking up on the next trip round Tesco.
You can checkout the Koyaanisqatsi trailer here. Anyone for a cool glass of "Piswasser"?
Visit Vice City!
Keen-eyed viewers with seriously-ninja Photoshop skills will notice an interesting in-game ad five seconds into the trailer. On the top left of the shot just above the wall is a sign that says "Visit Vice City - $300", leading many internet forums to explode with messages of "OMG!!11 MULTIPLE CITIEZ IN GTAIV!1"
So yeah, we might be getting a tiny bit ahead of ourselves taking this tiniest of glimpses as evidence that GTA IV will contain multiple, country-wide locals, but what would be more next-gen than a trip to all three cities that we've explored so vigorously on PS2? Having said that, would Vice City even look like Vice City in a modern day setting?
Doc Oc attacks!
Another one for the eagle-eyed among us is the brief glimpse of a cable car travelling behind a bridge 30 seconds in to the trailer, leading us to fantasise over the Spider-Man-style mischief we could have jumping around fighting an imaginary Doctor Octopus.
Having said that, we're hoping Spidey's influence stretches all over GTA IV; we just can't look at that massive Crysler building without planning a Crackdown-style route up to the top, and it would be an absolute crime if we can't base-jump from one of those skyscrapers.
Clever birds
Going from the trailer, we can see that the birds and pigeons in GTA IV are detailed and have some sort of behaviour system going on - which should please virtual game hunters everywhere.
In one scene you can see a seagull flying underneath a bridge, and in another we get a glimpse of two pigeons sitting on a statue. Will we be able to chase those dirty flying-rats through the streets? Pick them out of the skies with high-calibre rifles? At this point we'd bet money on it. (CVG doesn't condone the harming of pigeons).
Thanks to GTAForums.com for comparison shots (that have been stripped from the trailer). If you want to see the better quality shots, hit this link.
See anything we may have missed? Let the world know below.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:28 Posted By: wraggster

New from Play Asia
Dragon Ball Z® Shin Budokai™: Another Road takes the intense fighting dynamics made popular in the 2006 PSP® hit game, Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai™, and takes it to new heights with exciting features to please long-time Dragon Ball fans and those new to the franchise. Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai™: Another Road offers a completely new story following the favorite character, Trunks on his adventures fighting against his rival Majin Buu in the future. With thrilling combative gameplay such as counter-attacks, super high-speed bouts, flight and Ki energy management, gamers will have the power to play heroes and villains from the worlds of the DBZ, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball movies. The game also features an improved camera system for more dynamic battles and an improved fighting system with over 50 additional fighting skills and ultimate attacks, allowing for a smoother battle experience.
Using a portable Ad-hoc network, Dragon Ball Z® Shin Budokai: Another Road allows explosive wireless two-player battles with 24 playable characters with in-game transformations to more powerful forms. With the improved fighting system and high-speed Ad-hoc battles, Dragon Ball fans can enjoy in single-player or multi-player modes the completely new “what if” scenario of Trunks future adventures.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Remember all PS3 Games are REGION FREE

Shoot for the Final Four with the 2007 entry in Visual Concepts' and 2K Sports' college b-ball game. Leadership makes a difference this year, as team chemistry plays a vital role in a team's performance--especially come tournament time. The college atmosphere is fully realized with updated mascots, improved crowd interaction and more fight songs. Also featured are over 325 NCAA Division 1 schools and a deep legacy mode.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Remember all PS3 Games are REGION FREE

Combine raw horsepower with awesome firepower in a race that demands both precision aim and breakneck speed. Fierce combat-racing ensues as you strategically use destruction to win races as well as leave massive devastation in your wake. Players can destroy the environment to dynamically change track conditions to block competitors, open new paths, or crush opponents with falling debris caused by well-timed missiles. Full Auto 2: Battlelines has been fully re-designed over the original, introducing a new Arena Mode featuring team play and six different levels. Across 20 regular combat-racing tracks, players can get behind the wheel of 25 different vehicles ranging from classic muscle cars and low riders to monstrous SUVs and industrial vehicles, each of which can be customized with more than 20 explosive weapons as well as multiple paint schemes and wheel styles.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Remember all PS3 Games are REGION FREE

The book by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola's classic film serve as dual inspirations for Electronic Arts' action/adventure The Godfather. In it gamers can join the Corleone family to exploit loyalties and fear as they rise through the ranks to become Don in 20th century New York City. Carry out orders, earn respect, and make the Big Apple all your own. This expanded edition for PlayStation 3 offers brand new ways to go from Street Soldier to Don as you gain control of the streets of New York. Follow the path an Enforcer or Operator; each with its own unique perks and abilities to earn. Now you can chat up specific characters to get the skinny on dirty cops, take down two additional revised compounds of rival Families, execute five new contract hits, and call in larger Corleone Hit Squads when the going gets tough.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Remember all PS3 Games are REGION FREE

A next-gen entry in EA's rim-rockin', arcade-style street ball game. This entry in the franchise still allows you to throw down and go to town on others like any other NBA Street meet, but its focus is all about basketball giving hope to the streets that the sport is known in. Downtown streets are dangerous, and cities aren't always safe. There're villains, sure. But also, we've got heroes. And this game is about the heroes, the ballers whose skills on the court inspire those not sure which way to turn in life. In 3-on-3 basketball play, you battle to earn respect for your hometown. The ultimate goal is to beat NBA superstars from their hometown courts to the legendary parks across the land, finally putting your neighborhood on the map. Become a streetball legend, 90 feet at a time.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Remember all PS3 Games are Region Free

In this superhero-filled action-RPG, players assume the roles of more than 20 Marvel Super Heroes including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Captain America, and through their actions determine the fate of both planet Earth and the Marvel universe. The game features total team customization, where players create their own team name, icon and vehicle, as well as establish their team reputation as they play throughout the story. Battle the world’s most notorious Marvel Super Villains in the air, underwater, and on the ground, using grappling, blocking and dodging moves, and even environmental objects as one and two-handed weapons. The storyline is designed open, and the missions that you choose to accept affect the outcome of the Marvel Universe. Also featured are competitive and co-operative multiplayer modes.
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April 4th, 2007, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Set in the Warlords universe, Puzzle Quest challenges gamers to create, develop and customize the ultimate hero to save the land of Etheria from the evil Lord Bane. In order to advance, players battle in turn-based, head-to-head "match-three" style puzzle games in one of three gameplay modes: Single-player, Instant Action, and Multiplayer.
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April 4th, 2007, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
Our US brethren posted news earlier today confirming a price drop for the PSP in the United States. The PSP Core Pack will slide from US $199.99 to US $169.99, or at today's exchange rate, from AU $246.29 to AU $209.32, which, no matter which way you look at it, leaves Australia's AU $349.95 for the PSP Base Pack and AU $399.95 for the Value Pack looking in desperate need of some price trimming.
Unfortunately, there's no indication of a local price drop. A Sony Australia representative told us that "We have no announcements to make about PSP in the Australian market at this time." You'll be the first to know if anything changes.
via ign
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April 4th, 2007, 15:38 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
You've probably read by now that the price of the PSP core pack in the US has gone down by a cool 30 greens to $169.99. This, of course, doesn't mean much to the more sensible gamers out there who prefer to import from Japan where all things, except for the super ultra nationalist politicians, are superior. So the question is, will the Japanese version of the PSP go down in price as well?
The folks over at Impress Watch decided to unlock the hard-hitting journalist hats today and ask that very question to Sony Computer Entertainment. "This is something that is decided for each market," responded a PR rep with the company. "We do not have plans to drop the price in Japan."
If anything, we were expecting a price drop to have come first in Japan, where the DS has shipped 15 million units to the PSP's five. With the PSP on somewhat of an upswing due to Monster Hunter's strong sales, don't be too surprised if you see a cheaper unit at Japanese retail shortly
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April 4th, 2007, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
The most popular bar game around is making its way to the PlayStation Portable in the form of Pocket Pool. After undergoing a number of name changes before landing on the simplistic (and suggestive) title, Pocket Pool gives gamers the chance to rack up a set of balls and attempt to unlock a number of prizes. These prizes are the game's catch and are what will likely draw most of its crowd. No, this is not a game for the kids, nor for anyone who shies away from the sleazier side of gaming.
Pocket Pool offers a number of game modes. From classic 8, 9, 10 and 15 ball games to straight pool to Snooker to Killer (a.k.a. Cutthroat), you'll find almost anything you want to play here. WiFi options are available as well, allowing you the option to play with more than one player, as unfortunately there isn't a hot seat option available for allowing two players to play on one system.
The game's controls are set up in an odd manner, though it doesn't take long to get used to them. The L and R buttons switch between different camera positions, including a down-the-stick shot and an overhead view of the action. A highlighted path shows where the struck cue will go, though there aren't any "result" paths that show what will happen once you come in contact with another ball.
The face buttons bring up a number of different shot options, like placement on the ball, power and so forth. The power meter is set by hand rather than pulsing like what you might find in a golf game, making it easier to dial in exactly how hard you want to hit. To actually strike the ball, you need to have Circle held down to bring up the power meter, and then press right on the D-Pad. Yes, it's a little odd, though it does prevent you from accidentally hitting the ball when you didn't mean to. We guess that's good.
The game's physics are a little questionable, especially when set to the default settings. You're given three options for "speed", which properly translates to inertia and follow-through. At the slowest level, coming into contact with another ball will pretty much stop the cue ball dead in its tracks. We once sliced another ball at full strength just on its edge to cut it at a 90 degree angle, and the cue came to a dead stop. At the fastest speed level, things behave quite a bit more realistically, though we're not too fond of the table physics at this point as it can sometimes feel trickier to sink a ball than it should.
Easy shot.While many of the game types pit you against a computer player, a few are based on points, time or something of that nature. Bonus 9 Balls has you racking up points for each ball sunk over a maximum of 20 shots, while Time Attack has you clear a table as quickly as possible. You can come back again and again to better your score and try and unlock more stuff, which brings us to the unlockables...
While the actual pool element of the game is what you'll be spending most of your time playing, we have a feeling that many people who purchase this game will also spend plenty of time in the game's "other" main option, the Gallery. In addition to earning different sets of balls, differently-colored sticks and those sorts of things, you'll also unlock a number of photos and videos of nameless, half-naked models. No, there's no nudity here, so those of you looking for that sort of thing are probably best left to your own on the Intarweb rather than looking for skin in a PSP title.
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April 4th, 2007, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
The reaction to Activision and Treyarch's Spider-Man 3 game trailer has been less than stellar. "It's Spider-Man 2 with better graphics," fanboys have screamed across the Internet, but after a day in the Activision offices and some hands-on time with the wall crawler, I can tell you, folks are selling this game short.
"You can see that we've really redone the city from the ground up," said Will Townsend, associate producer on Spider-Man 3 as he maneuvered Spider-Man around New York -- a New York that's 2.5 times bigger than it was Spider-Man 2. "It's been his office before, but now, it's his playground."
Grab your tights, everything you loved about Spider-Man 2 is back; sandbox gameplay, Bruce Campbell's biting wit, secret tokens, villains, the Daily Bugle... and the stuff you hated about Spider-Man 2 is gone.
Full article at IGN
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April 4th, 2007, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Anyone getting the PSP Core for $169 is saving themselves a nice $30 off the previous regular retail price. With savings like that, some new PSP owners may be wondering what to do with the money saved. Being the helpful folks we are, we're going to give you a few suggestions.
Buy a PSP game (after all, you need something to play in your new handheld)
Buy a memory stick (because a PSP without a memory stick is a sad PSP)
Get a travel case (so you can take it all on the go
Buy a Japanese Adult UMD (you know why already)
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April 4th, 2007, 15:52 Posted By: wraggster
Mhorpheox posted this new release:
Hello boyz we have update the pspmodkit for psp.
It's a new flashing application that runs not on your PSP but from the comfort of your pc First of all, the application asks whether you would like to make a backup of your Flash0 folder before any flashing as a safety precaution, and then allows you to flash gameboots, fonts, icons, backgrounds, sounds, waves, icons, volume control styles, and this release included a pmfplayer for preview of your gameboots!
°Now the program have an automatic installer with desktop shortcut.
°Fixed bug that causing "Error path" in the flash menù.
°Added auto-open directory of processed file.
°Included pmf player in the tool menù (after patch MPS into PMF) and in the flash menù.
°Included rapid installation of pmf player codecs.
°Graphic restyled.
°Code revisioned.
For running this flash tool activated the flash0 usb on yours recovery menu and you hold assets the recovery menu.
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April 4th, 2007, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from reanimate is a new version of his PSP Game Maker.
Heres the release notes:
PSP Game Maker has come along way since.... well since i thought of it lol
sorry about the huge gap in productivity but i had a full hardware crash and now i started from scratch
I plan on adding C suport
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April 4th, 2007, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
New from Sleepy
This program was originally created by tommydanger, as a n00b friendly way to install new scary firmwares into Devhook easily. I simply modified it to make it neater, have wider compatibility, and also support the newest firmwares. I also made it so I could win some rocks in flatmush's little contest. I have now updated it to support more firmwares (for decrypting) and for running on more firmwares too.
To Use:
Extract everything to the root of your memory stick, put your firmware of choice in the root of your memory stick, and then run and enjoy!
Version 0.6h
*Bug fixes corresponding to previous version's additions
*Added newest Devhook and folders for all the firmwares you could decrypt (though unsupported)
Version 0.6g
*Added full support for 3.30 (didn't forget anything this time)
Version 0.6f
*Added full support for 3.11 (Didn't realize it was missing)
*Minor bug fixes
Known Issues:
None yet, and I have tested it. Seems to work fine running on all firmwares.
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April 4th, 2007, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Mk2k:
Hi, I'm MK2k and just want to let you all know that i finally release my first PSP Homebrew - Sleep'n'Wake PSP 1.0.
This is a little app for the PSP which gives you the possibility to doze off with your favourite chill-out music playing silently and wake up with some loud and hard music (or even with the beep.wake.mp3 in the package) with volume maxed at a predefined time.
Features so far:
- Full cbr/vbr/abr 8kbps-320kbps 44.1kHz MP3 support
- MP3 can be of arbitrary length
- Manage different playlists for Sleep and Wake modes
-> add / remove mp3s
-> save / load playlists
- In Sleep mode you can set a special, more silent volume
- Wake mode is entered at a preset time with volume maxed (you can always adjust the maximum volume with the VOL + and - keys)
- Write yourself a message which will be displayed in Wake mode
- USB Mass Storage can be enabled/disabled within the app
View the snw.readthis.txt in the .zip file for further instructions.
The app is entirely developed in C and has been tested for 3 weeks for reliability.
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via mk2k
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April 4th, 2007, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from foebea:
Description of program: An application which has been long desired by some. This will allow you to use some of the more popular tools from the Rosetta Stone language learning tool while on the go. This early version includes 8 flashcards with sound. The flashcard images are royalty free images and the vocal work was done by my mom. This will allow you to see what the purpose of this application is, and with any luck, those of you who have not heard of The Rosetta Stone might check them out. They really are the best for language learning.
In order to make this program even more useful the final version will include a custom layout designer for creation of many types of games and quizes and fully customizable controls. Stay tuned for much more to come.
Just copy to the psp and run the program. Choose Quickstart to get into the demonstration. Once all 8 flashcards are done it automatically goes back to the menu. From the menu you can hit home twice to exit. In the flashcards, press CIRCLE to exit.
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April 4th, 2007, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a screenshot;

Spread the Word
Heres a translation from clipset
In the 2005 Sony bet for the first time by the portable videojuegos with its PSP (the play left to him thus thus). Now it returns to the hall with controversy PS3, and according to diverse rumors, the next step will be in the moving bodies, and that more and more seems logical, because this increasing sector is improving of very fast form, being attractive for all. Perhaps the first attempt in this line already made Nokia with its N-Gage (a great idea that was possibly born too much soon and did not know to solve with success) but now is a little while more propitious, and in fact, they return to sound rumors of a new device of game from Finland. According to our Insider' s Report, he is almost safe that the next moving bodies of average and high range of Sony-Ericsson will change their system of menus by one tracing to the one of the PSP (so and as has made already the PS3), with a horizontal line… with the basic options and emergent icons in vertical for the submenus, in a clear wink towards the world of the videojuegos. The titles will come something later. Therefore, the moving bodies that are Walkman (by music) and CyberShot (by the camera) will be shortly a little more PlayStation Is Sony finding the way again or it is more still being lost?
Would you like to see a PSP Phone like the photo above?
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April 4th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sales of the PlayStation 3 have dropped dramatically on the second week of release in the UK, with official Chart Track figures revealing a fall of 82 per cent.
Chart Track data is gathered from 7000 UK retail outlets representing 90 per cent of the software market, including GAME, Gamestation, Play.com, Asda and HMV.
A spokesperson for Chart Track confirmed the figure to GamesIndustry.biz this afternoon, stating: "Yes, sales of PS3 hardware have dropped by 82 per cent."
Last week, Chart Track revealed that the PlayStation 3 had sold 165,000 units in the first two days following the launch, making it the fastest-selling home console in the UK.
"We publish the first week figures because there's such a clamour for them that we can't keep it a secret," said the spokesperson.
This week's software charts revealed that sales of the top two PlayStation 3 titles, Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm, had dropped by over 60 per cent.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe declined to comment.
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April 4th, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Killzone fans want Infrastructure support--and they want it now! Unfortunately, it appears that this downloadable addition has been delayed yet again. According to a PlayStation forum post, "We still have too many bugs that need fixing before we can be 100% happy with the patch. We want it to be as good as possible and releasing it right now would not be fair on you guys, so we have decided to postpoine is a couple of weeks."
In the midst of bad news, there's still some good: the single-player extension will be free, and the multiplayer mode will support microphone use, so you can taunt other players online: "Good news is, we have the all clear to make Chapter 5 a free download. We have been expecting this and have been 99.9% sure it would be, but we could not announce it without the blessing of the higher ups. Also I want to confirm that it will allow Voice comms for those with headsets, but that is all I want to tell you about it right now. "
This Killzone patch can not come soon enough.
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April 4th, 2007, 21:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
The Full Moon Show, an Insomniac podcast, recently released "Episode 2" where they interviewed some guy who called himself David Jaffe or something like that. Ever heard of this lout? He thought he could explain why Calling All Cars, made by this other guy named... hmm... well, shoot, we completely forgot! Was it something like Javid Daffe? Either way, here's the explanation from the man himself.
During their extensive playtesting, there were instances where one player would just blow away the other players, creating a gap in score that kept growing to silly amounts. Sensing that it would draw away from the fun, Jaffe retreated to some devs who worked on older, arcade-style games for some coding help. Enter the image of Jaffe conversing with a Council of Elders in Developerland. Jaffe and crew are currently testing out some of the strategies for fixing the issue as given by these other developers. At least he's trying to make it fair for everyone, right?
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April 4th, 2007, 21:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Final Fantasy fans are getting a lot of love on their PSPs. Square has a handful of new images from their upcoming Crisis Core and Final Fantasy Anniversary projects. This is just the beginning of Square's support on the system, with a surprise announcement supposedly coming on May 12th. Hopefully, all will be well, but according to The Magic Box, there is an unconfirmed rumor that most of Square's handheld lineup has been delayed, including Final Fantasy Tactics and Crisis Core.
Screenshots can be viewed here. Leave feedback via comments.
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April 4th, 2007, 21:42 Posted By: 808
Moving on, I remind him of a comment he made last year comparing each of the three current consoles to "different kinds of dinner". Did he still think that was the case, now that all three are on the market? Nope. "They're more like a movie theatre metaphor", he says.
"The PS3 is like the theatre, it's a little bit high-priced but it has to be high quality as well. The 360 is a DVD, it still needs to be high quality but you need more variations, while the Wii is almost like a TV channel, because every game you have it with your family".
I look for a funny/revealing insight into the comment, then realise he's probably quite close to the mark. Still, by that admission, if the PS3 is Hollywood, is he feeling the heat of being the system's first big, exclusive title? "Yes, there is pressure", he admits, "but there is Final Fantasy XIII coming out as well, so it's not all me!".
Still on MGS4, I ask whether this really is the end. He's said repeatedly he wants to walk away at the end of this game, and the trailers seem to show everyone from the series getting together for one final shootout. So when MGS4 hits, will you hang up your boots? "Well, atually its really up to the users, its up to them to decide", he offers.
"If users want more Metal Gear, then I will probably step up as producer, like the James Bond series does", he says. "That way I can have new, upcoming directors making MGS while I oversee the project, and then perhaps I can move onto something new".
Something new, eh? Like your long, and oft-rumoured collaboration with Suda? "The collaboration with Suda is a little different", Kojima says. "It's something I've been thinking about for about 10 years now, but unfortunately can't concentrate on right now because we're so busy with MGS4".
Pity. So, Devil May Cry 4, going multiplatform. Thoughts? Comments? "I think it's up to each project, and the individual producer", he says. "If they want to take it multiplatform, they will". I'm going somewhere with this question, and he knows exactly where that is...
"But like I said, MGS4 is aimed for the movie theatre, it's aimed for the PS3, so the game's scenario and graphics need this theatre-type hardware. It's when a producer has a game that can work on the 'DVD level' that a game will go multiplatform", he says. Sorry kids. Your "OMGMGS4360" banners will have to come out another day
via Kotaku
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April 4th, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
This interview with Vijay Pande, one of the gentlemen behind Folding@Home, is getting kind of old but there are a couple of points worth pointing out. Mainly concerning running Folding@Home on the PS3 -- some people have been running "stress tests" to see how Sony's console can handle the program over extended periods. Those people can stop, because they'll be doing that forever. In any case, the PS3-specific questions were answered by SCEA 's Richard Marks (who's doing a stress test himself). Let's list it up!
Is it safe to leave the PS3 folding for 24/7?
- Yes. There's no indication that the PS3 has problems over long periods of folding... but of course, you should ventilate the darn thing so it won't overheat.
Well... should people give the PS3 a break to cool off?
- No. It shouldn't need a cooling period. You know that whirring thing? It's a fan. It regulates the internal temperature. [note: PS3Fanboy added some "attitude" to this response, because we like attitude]
What's stressed the most and will it affect the stability of the PS3?
- The Cell processor. Luckily, it's a high-performance processor built for things just like this. Folding@Home shouldn't have any adverse affects on the PlayStation 3's stability.
That's all that we think pertains to running the program on your PS3. Don't worry, guys! Your system is completely safe and that's a good thing. Waiting for those warranty replacements or whatever aren't the best... plus you only get a refurbished system (read: previously broken) instead of a new one.
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April 5th, 2007, 02:37 Posted By: tophead420
I got to wondering about the new customfirmware and thought to myself am I ready to upgrade yet? The answer is no. Why you might ask? Cause I dont have the 3.3 update. So how many of you are already getting prepared for 3.3 OE? I myself am downloading the 3.3 update right now and getting my 1.5 update ready so I can be ready to upgrade once I find out that 3.3 OE is released (that and if it supports custom icons) I recommend getting prepared early so you can be ready to upgrade ASAP. So how many of us are you ready to upgrade to 3.3 OE? Once this update is complete I'm ready. How about you?
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April 5th, 2007, 03:29 Posted By: blackrave
Via StrmnNrmn
I had planned on posting this update on Monday, but I've spent the last couple of nights catching up on a few games that I've not had chance to play since they were released ( Crackdown on the 360 and Afterburner : Black Falcon on the PSP for the curious
For R11 I'm hoping to fix the Expansion Pak support for once and for all. Memory is currently very tight, so I need to look at shaving off a few hundered KB here and there. Almost all the memory Daedalus uses is allocated up front - there are very few dynamic allocations at runtime, with the biggest culprit being the texture cache. So for R11 I want to introduce a pooled allocator for the texture cache, which will mean that when it runs out of memory, you just get white textures appearing rather than a hard crash.
The other feature I want to improve in R11 is the way that global settings and per-rom settings are handled. At the moment Daedalus discards any changes to settings that you make when you restart your PSP, and it can be incredibly tedious setting things up every time you run a game. This is quite a small feature to add, but I think it will make the emulator much nicer to use.
Behind the scenes, I want to spend a short while working on some scripts to handle packaging new releases for distribution. Current I do all of this by hand, and it's one of the things I least enjoy about the project. Hopefully, the more automated I can make this, the more frequently I'm likely to release builds
I'd like to get all these changes done and release R11 within a couple of weeks. I have a couple of busy weekends coming up, so I'm not going to specify an exact date. You can expect it before May though (I'll try not to be a couple of days late this time
R11 is essentially going to be a compatibility release - hopefully the Expansion Pak support will lead to a few more roms running (Majora's Mask being one I've already verified). Looking further ahead, R12 will be back to concentrating on speed (as it happened, R10 achieved a 10-15% speedup without having implemented the majority of the optimisations I had planned
PS Off to Spain again over the Easter bank holiday weekend. Back on Tuesday 
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April 5th, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
via wired
Sony is shifting its marketing focus for the PSP platform to the 13-17 year old demographic, with a new marketing campaign titled "Dude, Get Your Own."
I spoke with PSP senior product manager John Koller this afternoon about the PSP's recent price cut, and he says that the move towards the teen market is based on who's buying the system:
Most of our registered owners database stats have shown the 13-17 year old consumers far outpacing other groups in terms of purchase. The intend-to-purchase crowd is living mostly in that group as well. We're looking to expand beyond where we've been. PSP started as a device to appeal to 18-34 year-olds, but north of 26-27.
"There were a few reasons," says Koller, for dropping the PSP's price now. First, Sony "received some savings on the cost of goods, which we wanted to get to the consumer." Second, "Wal-Mart sold 110,000 units in five days on Black Friday [last year] when they dropped the price to $169." Finally, the aforementioned shift to the 13-17 year old market.
The desire to more directly target that 13-17 year-old market was what led to the All I Want For Christmas Is A PSP campaign last year, Koller said. "That campaign clearly did not work," he said, but it was an attempt to "identify ways of speaking and marketing to that 13-17 year-old consumer. It was an effort to be able to target that individual in a more quiet manner and not go out and promote it and have it be something that was found. The way it was done is not correct... In the future, we'll be more clear and transparent to the consumer."
Going forward, Sony will unveil the "Dude, Get Your Own" campaign.
The idea this year, says Koller, is to "break out of the home cycle." A significant amount of PSP users in that 13-17 group play the device at home. "The teens that are doign this value the ability to utilize the portability," Koller notes paradoxically. By portability, he clarifies, he means "I can play it upstairs while my parents are watching the TV downstairs."
This, of course, is of little value to adults with their own apartments and TV sets. For teens, it is a big draw, which is one reason for the high sales in that group.
But Sony wants them to get it out of the house and "into more of a lifestyle focus." That's the reason for adding the T-Mobile hotspot functionality that Sony touted last month. Koller says that Sony will "regularly launch" firmware updates this year with functionality that is strongly directed at that 13-17 market, although he could not reveal details on any of them.
Sony has found that more and more PSP owners are using the device for multimedia applications, specifically, downloading music and movies from their PC to the PSP. "There's a lot of that," says Koller. In fact, Sony says the "second most valued use of PSP" is as a music playback device. "Music shot up substantially" over the holiday season, he says.
As for releasing a new hardware redesign of PSP that includes more onboard storage, Koller would not say.
In the meantime, Sony isn't giving up on the embattled UMD movie format, although -- again -- they're going after that teen market with "more targeted content, rather than the kitchen sink approach," says Koller. "What we're seeing from studios is that they are establishing what that content needs to be, primarily action and comedy. They're calibrating that towards what the consumer is."
As far as gaming goes, "there are a few titles we're looking at as hardware drivers this year" -- from God of War to SOCOM to "a number of third-party exclusives" which Koller declined to name. Third party makers, though, are on board with the demographic shift, he says. "They're very aware of the direction that owner registrations have been going in. You'll see a lot more teen-oriented titles launching."
Even with the software release list waning, Sony's American branch still remains committed to delivering unique PSP experiences. "We really want to be able to identify ways to set the software apart from console software. Consumers don't want a mobile version" of a game they can play at home, says Koller. God of War on PSP will be "entirely different than anything you can play on consoles."
Finally, I asked what Phil Harrison was referring to when he lumped the PSP in with his "Game 3.0" concept of user-generated, dynamic, ever-changing content. "The PSP, within the PlayStation brand, sits as kind of the cultural object of desire, the ability to take that content with you elsewhere outside the living room," says Koller. "With a number of initiatives coming out, they'll be able to use the PSP in new and exciting ways."
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April 5th, 2007, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Two men. One bathroom. "Can I play with it?"
Sony's managed to capture a little bit of that Nintendo magic in this commercial for PSP. While we find it hilarious, critical inquiry forces us to ask: Who's creepier? The guy playing the system, or the guy taking a peek? Certainly, a debate for the ages. We can only hope that our readers aren't so enamored by their PSPs that they do the same as this unfortunate bloke.
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April 5th, 2007, 12:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Chilly Willy
A new, easy to use app to show the state of the IdStorage in your PSP, and make corrections to common problems caused by the old downgraders (TA-082/86 only). Will dump keys as well.
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April 5th, 2007, 12:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via this is london
A teenager who was crazed by high-strength cannabis butchered a grandmother after 'voices in his head' told him to stab a woman.
Ezekiel Maxwell, a paranoid schizophrenic, launched the horrific attack after years of smoking super-strength 'skunk weed'.
The 17-year-old claimed 'gangster voices' from the ultra-violent computer game Grand Theft Auto had set him on a mission to stab a black woman.
He is the second teenage cannabis addict in a month to be found guilty of killing others after smoking the substance. Thomas Palmer, 18, was jailed for life for murdering his two friends with a hunting knife near their homes in Wokingham, Berkshire.
Maxwell prowled the streets with a kitchen knife until he came across Carmelita Tulloch
Maxwell prowled the streets with a kitchen knife until he came across Carmelita Tulloch as she walked to her job at a photocopying firm.
He stabbed her seven times, leaving her to die in a pool of blood as he fled home to his family. The case highlights the dangers of the highly potent 'skunk'.
The number of under-18s treated for smoking the drug has doubled to nearly 10,000 in a year and medical experts said the link between it and mental health problems is now impossible to ignore.
Maxwell attacked 51-year-old Mrs Tulloch on September 5 last year after a night smoking skunk and playing Grand Theft Auto.
He believed he was one of the principal characters called Carl Johnson, who carries a knife in the Playstation game, Croydon Crown Court was told.
Judge Warwick McKinnon said it was "a vile and quite senseless killing of an entirely innocent woman".
Simon Denison, prosecuting, told the court: "Maxwell had been planning to stab a woman for seven days, it had to be a black Afro-Caribbean woman. He didn't know why he had done it, he just had to do it."
"He described the voices as taking over his thoughts and his body. They made him do things like cut his hair so he looked more like a gangster.
"Maxwell said in the months before the killing he was playing Grand Theft Auto to the exclusion of anything else.
"He had smoked cannabis the night before, he took a knife from the kitchen and went out to stab someone. After he stabbed Mrs Tulloch he ran home and told his mother what he had done.
"The psychiatric assessment is that he is a great risk to others and will be for many years."
Maxwell lived 500 yards away from Mrs Tulloch on the same housing estate in Kennington, South London. He attacked her within five minutes walk of her home.
The youngster started smoking cannabis and skunk as well as taking cocaine at 14. He had previously been given cautions for possessing cannabis and has two convictions for mugging and assault.
Maxwell said he started hearing voices after smoking the drug and was referred to a psychiatric team by his GP in June last year.
He was prescribed anti-psychotic drugs and his case was reviewed four times. It was due to be considered again the day after he attacked Mrs Tulloch.
Instead, Maxwell went to a police station with his uncle and solicitor and handed himself in. He told officers: "I am given medication for my head and eyes, I don't know why I have been told to take this medication. I have not taken it for two weeks.
"On September 4 I played Grand Theft Auto until late. When I got up I felt a bit unhappy and aggressive. "I went out of the house at about 10am."
"I have a knife with me. I didn't know why I had a knife, I saw a woman, I stabbed her with the knife, I stabbed her three times, there was a lot of blood. After I stabbed the woman I ran home."
Inspiration: Maxwell was obsessed with violent computer game Grand Theft Auto
Maxwell has since been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Yesterday he was detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act after pleading guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
Paul Jenkins, chief executive of mental health charity Rethink, said: 'While there can be several triggers for mental illness, we know that if used by people under 18, cannabis doubles the risk of psychosis.
Professor John Henry, a clinical toxicologist, said: "People are beginning to realise that cannabis is not the puff and relax substance that people used to use."
Studies show there is an increased instance of schizophrenia in cannabis users, in some people as much as a ten-Marjorie Wallace, Chief Executive of mental health charity SANE, said: "This has all the hallmarks of similar stories where a paranoid schizophrenic has not taken medication but has used cannabis.
"Cannabis, especially skunk, can act as a trigger to psychotic relapse in which someone may lose touch with reality and become a serious risk to himself and others.
"We expect the inquiry into this case will reveal the same faultlines underlying many of the 55 homicides involving mental illness each year."
Mrs Tulloch, a receptionist, was married to Prince, 42, and had two adult daughters, Claudia and Andrea, from a previous marriage and a threeyearold granddaughter called Tianna.
Her sister Carol Smith said: "Someone has to take responsibility, how can he commit a crime like that and no one is responsible?
"There need to be regular check-ups for people like him."
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April 5th, 2007, 12:52 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Video Converter for the PSP by Winnydows:
Heres a description:
Video converter
for PSP, iPOD and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPG, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC, FLV.
Heres whats new:
4.111 changes:
Fixed many old and new bugs.
ForceFilm work again.
Now possible select subtitles from MKV and OGM.
Sound extraction from MKV and OGM now work correct.
Now possible fix aspect with changing window size.
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April 5th, 2007, 12:55 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy

Doesn't that Monster Hunter bracelet look hot? In celebration of the Korean release of the insanely popular RPG, one random purchaser of the game was treated to one of the sexiest pieces of swag we've seen. According to Ruliweb, ten others were treated to some impressive action figures.
However, no one walked away empty-handed. Like the Japanese, Koreans were treated to other swag items for pre-ordering. Early adopters received some premium posters.
Capcom hasn't announced any incentives for the impending US release. But, if we're lucky enough, we'll also be able to get our hands on some swag of this caliber.
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April 5th, 2007, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
kgsws has released a new app called New Recovery:
Heres the details:
- Language files: English, Slovak and build-in Czech
- recovery.prx
Other Info:
- It can display 15 PRX modules (5 XMB, 5 GAME, 5 POPS)
- XMB background - can be turned on/off
- Theme settings
- Multilanguage
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April 5th, 2007, 13:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via 2alien
SCEP-CheatMaster is somthing like SCEP-XMB, but it is designed for Game/Pop mode...
and now there is a cheat system you can use raw code...
Click the link to download
SCEP-CheatMaster plugin 0.7
Here is a sample .scm raw code file of SCM
ID: UCJB-98012
$New Class{
$result0 $0 $(1888BC32 0000044C 00000000 00000000)
$result1 $1 $(188D9ED2 0000044C 00000000 00000000)
$result2 $2 $(189136DA 0000044C 00000000 00000000)}
$START (start your code)
$Class name(less than 20 letters){
$Code name(less than 10 letters) $flag(0/1/2 stand for disable/enable/lock) $(raw cod)
here is a raw code document
but acctually you dont need to write code, SCM will do it for you. code file will store in
sorry, It to tired for me to write up a tutoral on how to use it now...but I will do it later.
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April 5th, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
New figures released by Sony Computer Entertainment Australia have revealed that more than 27,000 PlayStation 3 units were sold in the region during the first ten days after launch.
As reported by IT Wire, PS3 also dominated the all-formats software sales chart for the week commencing March 19. Nine out of the top ten titles were PS3 games, with Resistance: Fall of Man at number one followed by Motorstorm and F1.
Activision's Call of Duty was in fourth place, while PlayStation 2 exclusive Final Fantasy XII - the only non-PS3 title in the chart - was at number five. Need for Speed: Carbon and Ridge Racer 7 went in at six and seven followed by Fight Night Round 3 and Virtua Fighter 5, with Virtua Tennis rounding out the chart at number ten.
According to data trackers GfK, the launch of PS3 on March 23 resulted in a significant boost in videogame sales for the Australian market. "Our data revealed that in a matter of just ten days the PlayStation 3 created a spike in retail spending not previously witnessed at the launch of any other console in Australia," commented GfK's Daniel Morse.
"This spending continued into the second week of trading, resulting in sales of 27,083 PlayStation 3 consoles in just ten days."
SCE Australia managing director Michael Ephraim added, "Following a great launch for the PS3 across the country, it’s very satisfying for us to see that our close planning with retail and channel partners has ensured that all consumers wanting to get their hands on a PS3."
The PS3's predecessor is also continuing to sell well in Australia, with nearly 8000 PlayStation 2 consoles sold between March 19 and March 26.
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April 5th, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Echoing comments from new Take Two boss Strauss Zelnick earlier this week, analyst firm AG Edwards expects redundancies at the Rockstar parent company.
The research firm also predicts that Take Two will be looking seriously at it's third-party relationships and it may sell off its distribution division, Jack of All Games.
"Lowering headcount, particularly at under-performing studios, evaluation of third-party vendor relationships and real estate costs, and a more stringent green light process," are all on the near-future agenda according to AG Edwards.
As highlighted by other analysts and the publisher itself, diversification into sports titles and other markets in recent years has not helped the company financially, says the analyst.
"We are cautious on Take Two's prospect considering there is still a reliance on the Grand Theft Auto franchise and the company has been unable to leverage diversification efforts into increased profitability," warned the firm.
Earlier this week Zelnick revealed that redundancies are a possibility, as the company looks to streamline its operations to please investors.
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April 5th, 2007, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Having already achieved number one positions in the US and Japanese software sales charts, PlayStation 3 exclusive Motorstorm has also secured the top spot in Europe.
Developed by Runcorn-based Evolution Studios, Motorstorm was launched alongside Sony's new console in all three territories. Although it was beaten to pole position in the UK by fellow first-party title Resistance: Fall of Man, the game has scored a number one across Europe overall - just as it went straight to the top when PS3 launched in Japan and North America.
"To see Motorstorm top the European, the Japanese and the US PlayStation 3 charts is just fantastic," said Evolution boss Martin Kenwright.
"Developing Motorstorm to a standard we were all happy with was certainly a challenge - but the team here really delivered. Evolution has a reputation for delivering high quality racing titles, but the consensus was to come up with something really special for Sony’s new hardware.
"We’re delighted that the public has agreed with the press and made Motorstorm a worldwide number one PlayStation 3 title."
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April 5th, 2007, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The virtual online PC life simulator, Second Life, which is often compared to Sony's upcoming PS3 Home network, is under investigation by the FBI on the legality of its virtual gambling features.
Virtual casinos within Second Life allow gamers to gamble using the game's currency, the Linden Dollar, which is exchanged for real life US dollars.
Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life, have invited FBI Agents to poke around these virtual casinos, seeking legal guidance after heavy restrictions on internet gambling were introduced in the US last year.
Most lawyers deem that gambling with Linden Dollars in Second Life violates US anti-gambling laws, reports news.com.
Speaking of said laws, A New York lawyer, who studied the issues of gambling in virtual worlds, said: "What they did was go after the processors, and made it a crime to process payments that relate to online gambling sites. Linden could potentially be held as the same sort of processor."
"It's not always clear to us whether a 3D simulation of a casino is the same thing as a casino, legally speaking, and it's not clear to the law enforcement authorities we have asked," said Linden Lab's vice president of business affairs, Ginsu Yoon.
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April 5th, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
There's rumoured to be a playable demo of Square Enix's highly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII in the pipes for release to the PlayStation Network later on in the year.
Square Enix has yet to respond to the rumour, which originated in the US mag EGM, which says, "Xbox Live may be the download hotspot this spring (thanks in large part to the Halo 3 multiplayer demo), but late this year the honour will go to the PlayStation Network. We hear that Square Enix will release a demo of its highly anticipated role-playing game via Sony's online marketplace."
We'll update the story as soon as Square Enix Europe gets back to us. And here it is: "I'm afraid I can't comment on the playable demo of FFXIII at present," a spokesperson told CVG this afternoon.
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April 5th, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq

Sony has sent word of their new offerings for the US PlayStation Network today. Most importantly for racing fans, Gran Turismo HD Concept will be upgraded for free to version 1.2, which enables force feedback through Logitech steering wheel peripherals. (European gamers have been enjoying GTHD 1.2 since the console's launch in the region.)
The Grand Theft Auto IV trailer is also available for download in high definition, as is the Armored Core 4 video. Microsoft's Peter Moore, proud that Xbox Live got the GTAIV trailer up before Sony, has added yet another tattoo on his arm to add to his collection of AAA-titled inkings.
All of the content will be available free of charge and should be online sometime today.
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April 5th, 2007, 21:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Famitsu publisher Enterbrain decided to toss out some numbers regarding the PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. Seems the Wii is outselling the PS3 by two to one in Japan. Now, now, put those jeers and stabbing comments away, ladies and gents. Two to one... in Japan. Japan, where the Wii is incredibly huge. Just two to one. Monetarily, the two are on equal grounds. Numerically, it's double. The gap used to be much, much larger -- slightly beyond the four to one ratio by the end of January.
Does this mean the fad for the Wii is dying down? Or that the PS3 is picking up sales? We can't say that "everyone already has a Wii now" because look at the sales of the Nintendo DS -- always on top of the sales charts. Maybe Nintendo is severely limiting supply. Whatever the case, it's good to know that the gap is narrowing and as more games come out for both systems, we'll see a much tighter struggle for market power in Japan.
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April 5th, 2007, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Despite chatter of impending PSP voice functionality from players such as Vonage, Xten, and of course Sony itself, VoIP is one area in which the DS has been trumping its Japanese rival -- until now, that is. That's right, Skype-rival JAJAH has just announced that its free or low-cost service is available immediately to PSP users, and instead of having to download a standalone application, everything is handled through the web broswer: contacts appear as links, and simply clicking one or typing in a phone number initiates the call. What's more, the company is promising impending compatibility with all three current-gen living room consoles, along with the older-but-still-kicking PlayStation 2. Alright Sony, now that someone's given you a kick in the pants, you finally gonna bring that hot VoIP action over here from Japan?
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April 5th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
In all fairness, if you're racing against time, you can't possible expect to win. How can you beat time? It's already where you're trying to go, because when you get there, it's... whatever. Time is a silly concept. Over at Reuters, a lengthy topic was posted regarding the future of the PlayStation 3. We'll outline the main points of argument they make and you can make your own arguments afterwards!
- To succeed, the PS3 needs to hold onto third-party titles. (We may add... timed exclusives would be best)
- The demand for HDTV's is skyrocketing -- that will hold a major advantage over, say, the Wii in the living room of the future.
- The PS3 launch almost mirrors the PS2 launch -- initial supply troubles, lack of impressive titles, complaints about the difficulty to program for... but look at how the PS2 turned out.
- Cut the PS3's price!
- Have a strong, stable series of games!
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April 5th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
When the PlayStation Portable launched in March 2005, one of the better reviewed launch titles was Wipeout Pure, a portable version of Sony's popular racing series. Today, Sony announced that the franchise is returning to its handheld with the upcoming Wipeout Pulse.
The new game is currently in development by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's Studio Liverpool, which is also working on a PlayStation 3 edition of the Wipeout franchise. Wipeout Pulse will be a PSP exclusive and is due out in September.
As is tradition with the series, gamers will race along at high speeds in futuristic vehicles outfitted with weapons. New to the franchise with Pulse is a mag-strip, a part of the track that locks the vehicles onto the track, allowing them to race through loops, 90-degree-angled parts of the track, and steep drops.
There will be seven different modes, wireless support, 24 new tracks, and eight teams. Sony promises that downloadable content will be available immediately when the game is released. The game's soundtrack features tracks from Stanton Warriors, Loco Dice, and Mason, but players can opt to play their own MP3 files from a memory stick.
via gamespot
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April 5th, 2007, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
Capcom has announced a new action fighting game called Fate/Tiger Colosseum for the PSP. The game is currently being worked on by Cavia. Fate/Tiger Colosseum is based on the famous best-selling eroge Fate/Stay Night by Type-moon.
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April 5th, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Rowan Atkinson has played many excellent roles in his lifetime...Black Adder immediately comes to mind, but the one he'll be remembered for forever is Mr. Bean, and now the bumbling man-child is getting his very own PlayStation 2 game courtesy of Blast! Entertainment.
My fellow Americans - Yes, I know this makes no sense, but he's still very big over in the UK, where his new movie Mr. Bean's Holiday just knocked 300 off the top of the box-office charts.
The game is to be based off of the Mr. Bean animated series, and will feature the character traversing 3D levels while searching for his lost teddy. Sounds like a blast of a children's game that will never see the light of day outside of Europe
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April 5th, 2007, 23:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Well, everybody's PS-Store probably looks a little different nowadays, what with the European and US and Japan and Hong Kong all handing out different stuff at different times... however! We're pretty sure we've got a good list for the US and EU stores on what's new. Let's get crackin'.
- Armored Core 4 demo
- GTAIV teaser video: "Things Will Be Different"
- Stardust movie trailer (if anyone else is a fan of Neil Gaiman, you should be giddy with excitement... although my favorite of his has to be Neverwhere, hands down. American Gods is a very close second)
- Other movie trailers: Are We Done Yet? and Perfect Stranger.
- In addition to that stuff, we imagine excepting the movie trailers (?), Europe is also privy to the Super Rub a Dub demo and game.
Also mentioned in an e-mail was a new version of Gran Turismo HD -- now with worldwide scoreboards and one other thing. Oh yeah, full compatibility with force feedback and all of these driving wheels: Logitech's Driving Force, Driving Force Pro, and Driving Force EX. So, enjoy that one, guys! Force feedback is coming back in small doses, but for those who missed the experience, your voice has been heard.
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April 5th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Xtream Website has posted that they have announced the start of a new Lua coding comp for DS and PSP.
Heres the french to english translation:
Considering the success of the first edition, we decided to give that and in better! The rules of the contest are always the same ones, i.e. to create a homebrew on portable playstation or nintendo ds. The language used can be the lua and the C/C++, that can be an application or a play. The end of the contest will occur on Sunday July 1 what will leave you a few weeks in front of programming your project. Of course of the external assistance is accepted, but each project is associated a person. Then, let us come to the goal: p the batches of the contest, first of all I make a point of making an enormous thanks with gx-mod.com (more particularly with neutropik) which without him, xtreamlua would not be what it became and which supports us in all our projects. For the second edition of the contest, gx-mod.com offers 200€ to us! Then, here how the money and the batches for the contest are distributed: First place: 125€ Second place: 75€ Third place: The umd of play AWG vice city strories. The inscription is thus done starting from the forum go here Good luck with all
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April 6th, 2007, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Koch Media announced today that it had struck a deal with Black Bean Games to develop another historical battle simulation in the form of The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome.
Players will step in the boots of a Roman legionnaire and lead a series of campaigns against Barbarian hordes and rival states. Players will be able to fully experience the building of one of history's greatest Empires.
"This game has given us the opportunity to bring a great television brand to life in the interactive entertainment arena. The blending of dramatic video footage from The History Channel with fast paced gameplay delivers a unique and authentic experience that will have mass appeal," added Chris Mehers of Black Bean Games.
The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome will be available on PlayStation 2, PSP, and PC in May 2007 in the UK, with a North American release following on June 12.
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April 6th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Two major UK retailers have cut the price of the PlayStation 3 less than two weeks after the launch of the console. WH Smith and Play.com have slashed the price of the machine from £424.99 to £399.99.
WH Smith advertised the drop in The Sun newspaper, no doubt to catch the attention of parents looking to get their kids something a bit more special than a chocolate egg this Easter. Whereas, Play.com is offering the console for the same price but is also throwing in an HDMI cable and a copy of Click on Blu-ray.
At the time of writing no other retailers have folowed suit, although many are expected to. And while WH Smith's offer is scheduled to end on April 19, Play.com is offering the console for £399.99 for the forseable future.
Additionally, tomorrow - Good Friday - the console price craziness is set to continue, with Play.com telling us that it's planning to offer the Core Xbox 360 for just £149.99 - £50 lower than the RRP - and is dropping the price of the Premium Xbox 360 from £279.99 to £249.99. You'll have to be quick though because the offer only lasts until April 10 and stock is likely to be extremely limited.
Via ign
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April 6th, 2007, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
A Japanese store listing for the upcoming PLAYSTATION 3 RPG, FolksSoul, showcases some of the game's myriad of features: 720p visuals, 7.1 Dolby Digital Sound and PSP connectivity. Wait, what was that last bit again? Connectivity between PSP and PS3 has always been hinted at before, but we haven't seen an actual game utilize it in a meaningful way. (The PSP also had connectivity features with certain PlayStation 2 games, but the feature was used quite sparingly.)
How will the upcoming PS3 game, FolksSoul, connect with PSP? It's unclear right now. However, if one looks back at the history of this intriguing RPG, one can see that it was originally titled Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms. Does that name ring a bell? It should. The first Monster Kingdom was a PSP-exclusive RPG. As revealed in our interview with Atlus, Monster Kingdom was always meant to become a larger franchise. Could this cult RPG be part of the connection we're looking for?
via pspfanboy
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April 6th, 2007, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
A Japanese store listing for the upcoming PLAYSTATION 3 RPG, FolksSoul, showcases some of the game's myriad of features: 720p visuals, 7.1 Dolby Digital Sound and PSP connectivity. Wait, what was that last bit again? Connectivity between PSP and PS3 has always been hinted at before, but we haven't seen an actual game utilize it in a meaningful way. (The PSP also had connectivity features with certain PlayStation 2 games, but the feature was used quite sparingly.)
How will the upcoming PS3 game, FolksSoul, connect with PSP? It's unclear right now. However, if one looks back at the history of this intriguing RPG, one can see that it was originally titled Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms. Does that name ring a bell? It should. The first Monster Kingdom was a PSP-exclusive RPG. As revealed in our interview with Atlus, Monster Kingdom was always meant to become a larger franchise. Could this cult RPG be part of the connection we're looking for?
via pspfanboy
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April 6th, 2007, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
via cnn
Hewlett-Packard is working on a gaming handheld that could let players use their surroundings as a backdrop for an immersive game.
The company unveiled a commercial for "Mscape," its gaming prototype, that featured a number of young hipster gamers roaming San Francisco while playing a game on Mscape that used cues from their environment as triggers to unlock new levels or bonuses. "We want to get kids off the couch," Rahul Sood, chief technology officer of HP's gaming division, said during a presentation here.
Details were sketchy, but HP appears to be taking a cue from the response to Nintendo's Wii gaming console, which is built around a motion sensor in the controller. Mscape is definitely still a prototype, but Sood said he's "really pleased with our progress so far." The taglines for the gaming handheld? "Your world is the playing field. Get in the game."
UPDATED--Sood was far cagier about HP's own plans for such a handheld in an interview after the presentation, but the company is developing the basic technology that would allow handhelds to turn into gaming devices, and hopes to license it far and wide, he said.
HP Labs has been working on the Mscape technology for about two years, said Patrick Goddi, a company researcher in Palo Alto, Calif. It's the underlying layer that game developers could use to take advantage of sensors like GPS (global positioning system) or accelerometers like the ones in the Wii controller, he said.
The early concept involves a handheld and a series of small sensors that a game organizer could lay out around a city or park. Those sensors would trigger certain events in the game, like a bonus level or an attack by the bad guys, based on a small demonstration of the concept here.
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April 6th, 2007, 13:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Every month (except last month), Sony offers an EXE file they call the "Content Pack" which contains a variety of files, like videos, music and wallpapers for your PSP. This month's pack features the (annoying) PlayStation Mayhem podcast, and content from Full Auto, Ratchet & Clank, 300, Prince of Persia, Virtua Tennis and MLB 07. Unfortunately, Mac fans: Sony doesn't love you.
This month's package clocks in at a hefty 108MB. Feel free to visit Sony's official US website to download.
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April 6th, 2007, 16:46 Posted By: Tree
We all know MotorStorm took #1 in the US and Japan with software sales, which is awesome. We're not ashamed to admit that -- neither should you! It's a fun game. Lots of mud. Anyway, alongside Resistance: Fall of Man, it's taken the top of the charts across the world. It's not an easy feat to say that you've been number one in the US, Japan, and Europe!
Evolution's boss, Martin Kenwright, issued this statement: "Developing Motorstorm to a standard we were all happy with was certainly a challenge - but the team here really delivered. Evolution has a reputation for delivering high quality racing titles, but the consensus was to come up with something really special for Sony's new hardware. We're delighted that the public has agreed with the press and made Motorstorm a worldwide number one PlayStation 3 title." Shall we raise our mugs and sing a song to honor this accomplishment?
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April 6th, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: RCON
PSP Rhythm is a complete music workstation in the palm of your hand. Its features include sample playback, sample manipulation, wave synthesizers, audio effects, grid sequencer, and song arranger.
PSP Rhythm enables you to take audio samples, arrange them, effect them, and record your songs to CD quality audio files.
Major Improvements for version 7.1:
- Pattern Sample Playback (Loop)
- Export Song by Audio Track
- Improved Graphics
- Improved Audio Engine
- Improved Rendering to Wave File
- Bug fixes
The PSP Rhythm Development Team
Screen Shot
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
Rhythm 7.1 Demo Song (song file and samples included with release)
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April 6th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Phil Harrison's GDC keynote was awesome. About every single person in the audience was pumped about the announcement of PlayStation HOME and that LittleBigPlanet thing. Perhaps not... everyone. Are you playing dark, diabolical music? Picture this: an Atari chairman begins rubbing his hands together, laughs maniacally and proclaims: "Now that we know of this Game 3.0, we know our plans are justified! Just you wait, Sony... your end is nigh!" At this point, he begins stroking his pencil moustache and laughs a bit more. Seriously, Atari, are you really going to challenge something that's not even out yet?
It seems so. Atari Online Entertainment vice president Chris Bergstresser had this to say about their new online portal: "Phil Harrison had this big announcement of Game 3.0 and I think its great that he's announced that because it will lend legitimacy to what we're doing. But it goes further than that...We feel user generated content is not just something you just let people dabble in, we feel that it is something where you give people the tools to do whatever the hell they want."
So, they're making some kind of online experience where user-generated content is key? Sounds interesting, but as of right now the project is PC only and... well... we'd like to see what HOME has to offer before we can say this actually does go "further than that". Thoughts? Opinions? Diabolical cackles?
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April 6th, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
We're not even going to bother filing this in the rumor section. This one gets crumpled up and thrown directly into the "outbox"... the trashcan. Why? Because of the PS3Fanboy Rumor Rules of Thumb (PS3FBRRoT): anonymous sources, little known news source, and really-out-there claim preceded by an actual recent announcement. This NetMunch blog stinks of all three of these rumor debunking prerequisites.
First up, they claim that following the drop of the PSP's price (an actual recent announcement), sources say (anonymous sources) that the PS3 will get a price drop in October of $100 (really-out-there claim). While that would pit them directly agains the 360 Elite which has been taking a bit of a media beating in lieu of Sony for a little bit, that's a pretty large price cut for so soon into a console's life. Unless manufacturing costs have decreased dramatically and Sony starts pulling in a profit per console, we don't see this happening yet. At least, not $100. Maybe $50. What do you guys think?
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April 6th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
We'd like to think that there's nothing wrong with our beloved handheld. However, the truth is that many people, misinformed or not, do not believe in Sony's platform. Gamasutra asked a number of industry professionals about what they think is wrong about PSP, if there is anything at all.
- David Cole from DFC Intelligence points out that the price drop is a good step, but that's not enough. "I think a new form factor is needed more than a price cut."
- Ed Barton from Screen Digest is frustrated at the constant comparisons to Nintendo DS: "We forecast that the global installed base of PSP users will be around 29 million at the end of 2007, generating $1.9 billion in software sales. Lifetime software sales at the end of 2007 will be around $4.5 billion. If this is 'failing,' then failure just got a huge brand makeover."
- Mike Wolf from ABI Research thinks that anti-Sony fanboyism runs wild due to high expectations placed on Sony ... due to their ambitious claims. "I believe the device's perceived 'failure' by some is due to the device struggling to live up to Sony's own marketing of the product, much like what the PS3 is going through today."
I completely agree with many of the things these professionals have to say about PSP. It's true that PSP is certainly not a failure, but it could've been far more successful as well. Sony has made a ton of mistakes this life cycle, but as they've been recently showing, things can easily change with a refocused effort.
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April 6th, 2007, 20:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy

Some of our readers expressed great hope for Capcom's newly unveiled PSP fighting game, Fate. The game, which is based on a popular anime series (which is, in turn, based on a popular adults-only hentai series). The series has captured the attention of a wide audience, some who have been allured by the maturity of some of the characters.
A new magazine scan reveals that the Fate game is going in a completely new direction. Characters will be portrayed in the chibi artstyle, meaning they'll feature very large heads and eyes. This form, meant to be appealing to children, shows how this once adults-only series has transformed into something completely different. Will fans of the series approve of this startling new art direction for the series?
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April 7th, 2007, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Irrational Games' sci-fi RPG shooter looks like it may be making its way to the PLAYSTATION 3, according to the all things PlayStation blog ThreeSpeech. In today's update on upcoming PS3 software, author Steve Boxer namechecks BioShock as one of the console's "promised future delights." So... confirmed? I stand behind a firm "maybe."
The game is still listed as only appearing on the Xbox 360 and PC at 2K Games' BioShock page and the title has been called an "Xbox 360 exclusive" in the past, a claim the official Xbox site does not make for the game. We'll keep our digits crossed in hopes that ThreeSpeech knows what they're talking about.
In the meantime, we await response from 2K.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy

Surprise, there's a new demo for PSP out today! Get a small taste of b-ball on the go with this demo of NBA 07.
1. Download the demo ZIP file.
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.
4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.
5. Copy UCUS98644 folder into the GAME directory.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via GameLife
After my conversation with PSP product manager John Koller about Sony's new focus on the younger consumer, I spoke with Wedbush Morgan Securities games industry analyst Michael Pachter about the situation. Here are his thoughts.
PSP is getting outsold by Nintendo DS about two-to-one worldwide. Can Sony close this gap, or is it too late?
I don't think Sony will close the gap, and don't think it is important that they do so. Nintendo has over 20 million loyal GBA owners, and we should expect them to dominate the category that they invented. Sony is late to the handheld game, has tried to approach the market from an older demographic, and is just now trying to beef up more kid-friendly content to appeal to 13-17 year olds. I don't think that the gap matters at all, so long as Sony makes money. I also believe that price elasticity of demand dictates that the lower priced product will sell more units. That's why there are more Fords than Maseratis.
Software sales are rather low on PSP. In light of this, how can Sony convince software publishers to keep bringing games to PSP?
Software is going to grow as the installed base grows. There are really not many more third party games for the DS than for the PSP. Most third parties are supporting both, and as long as the PSP appears to be growing its installed base, I expect to see a growing software library.
With Sony's John Kollar saying today that the company is shifting its focus to the 13-17 year old market (away from the 18-34 year old demographic), does this represent a good move for the platform?
The "focus" on younger gamers is an acknowledgement that the market is still there, and recognizes Nintendo's success with this demographic. Handhelds are still considered by most to be a "starter" set for consoles, and although the PSP is effectively a handheld console, it has as yet to overcome consumer perception. Games can go a long way toward shifting that perception.
Do you think Sony will introduce a new PSP model in 2007, one that takes more advantage of the fact that most PSP owners are downloading music and movies and need extra storage space (onboard flash, a hard drive)?
I think a new model is a certainty, but it's hard to say that it happens in 2007. I predicted this in January 2005 (it's all over the Internet), and still believe it will happen, but can't predict the actual date. Flash is more likely, given the success of the iPod Nano.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP fanboy
This will be the last video for a while until we have some real progress to show (new units, maps, and so forth). We really appreciate the interest in Galaxy's End, and hope that interest continues.
Regarding the publisher-front, we are in talks with a few publishers presently, but that doesn't necessarily mean we'll get the publishing deal we want. With that said I still plan on seeing Galaxy's End through – it's not 100% guaranteed that this can happen (for financial reasons), but I'm actually looking at finishing the game ourselves if possible. This way the game can be implemented per the design and it's also more beneficial to us in recouping our investment, retaining the IP, and ideally turning a profit (and yes, developing a sequel).
The downside to this is that means Galaxy's End may not come out until Summer 2008 – but it is designed to be a full-featured game (single player, skirmish, multiplayer – adhoc and infrastructure) so it's not really possible to do it faster and still release a high-quality RTS for the PSP. Galaxy's End is why I formed Tiki Games and it won't be released until we feel that it's well-worth your gaming dollars.
I'm also exploring the option of releasing the game as a digital download upon completion. By then Sony should have better avenues to purchase downloadable PSP games, and this gets rid of the manufacturing/retailer costs (among other headaches such as distribution itself). And yes, we'll make sure there's a demo as well so you can try before you buy – but that will be very close to release (so don't expect it this year).
Thanks to PSP Fanboy (and Andrew) as well as other PSP fan sites for providing considerable exposure for Galaxy's End. Tiki Games will have a couple positive announcements this year which are also good for Galaxy's End. And when we do resurface to promote Galaxy's End, it will be when Galaxy's End has seen significant forward progress from the videos and coverage you've seen so far. Again, thank you for the support and positive response to Galaxy's End.
Kevin McCann
President / Creative Director
Tiki Games, Inc.
Video at the link above, i for one would love to see a decent RTS game on the PSP.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
via psxtreme
So a forum member of ours, by the name of Mista, has tipped us off with a few new titles that have appeared at his place of employment – Game Crazy. Now bear in mind that this isn't concrete information here, and that these could be placeholder names supplied to Game Crazy by Sony. But it may be a good indication of what's to come. And what's to come are two new Socom games, one for the PS3 (Socom Competition) and the other for the PSP (Socom Tactics). The names seem a little generic, at the moment, which leads me to believe it's either a placeholder or a shorthand entry.
Likewise, one other noteworthy PSP title popped up on the Game Crazy list: Devil May Cry. Can this mean that Capcom is finally ready to reveal the first DMC game for the PSP? Hopefully we'll hear more at E3.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
via psxtreme
So a forum member of ours, by the name of Mista, has tipped us off with a few new titles that have appeared at his place of employment – Game Crazy. Now bear in mind that this isn't concrete information here, and that these could be placeholder names supplied to Game Crazy by Sony. But it may be a good indication of what's to come. And what's to come are two new Socom games, one for the PS3 (Socom Competition) and the other for the PSP (Socom Tactics). The names seem a little generic, at the moment, which leads me to believe it's either a placeholder or a shorthand entry.
Likewise, one other noteworthy PSP title popped up on the Game Crazy list: Devil May Cry. Can this mean that Capcom is finally ready to reveal the first DMC game for the PSP? Hopefully we'll hear more at E3.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
pj1115 has released a ton of projects for the PSP, heres the info:
Now that I've quit the scene, I decided to release the source code and latest builds of all my homebrew under GPL.
- PSPG (PSPGuides) - Spent a really long time making them, but Google deleted them and I had to go through an unbelievable amount of trouble to get the files. HTML format. A little outdated (goes as far as 3.02, so Devhook, firmware and custom firmware history, downgraders, etc are out of date).
- HideMedia BETA II(FIX) - The fixed version of BETA II, which caused some reversable 'damage' to the MS's folders. Everything works fine now, or so it should. Includes full source. If you encountered this, use my fixer HERE.
- FirmwareAutoBooter - You may not have met this, but I it fashioned a while ago, borrowing some code here-and-there from the open-source SXT's BFM. It's a firmware loader, designed for 1.00 debug, with no GUI, so it's cool if you set it to autoboot in OE. You'll boot straight into the emulated XMB. Full source included.
- HTML Sound Hack + Flasher - My HTML sound hack's latest build, as well as the source code for the flasher. If you didn't see this, it allowed you to modify the PSP's default browser sounds (ie, for the menu). I don't think it works about firmware 3.03 since Sony re-organised the files. HTMLviewer.snd no longer exists.
- Outa-Space PSP - My flash0 space free-ing application. Full source included, as well as some tips for further development (in the main.c).
All is released under GPL, so please read legal.txt and GPL.txt, and read any readme files you may come across in the archive. Thanks,
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April 7th, 2007, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Joel van:
Hey guys! Well, i'm back with another release of my guitar assisting application. Its only been one week, but i've had a little time to work on it, and now its version .5 BETA, this means more content and less bugs! Installations in the README so please READ IT! Now i've pretty much completed all my goals for the .5 series of this application, the next release will be a week or two off, unfortunately i couldn't implement the Guitar Pro player or the Metronome yet, but the extra scales and Flexible tuner will come in real handy.
Metronome is very close to completion and will be one of the headline features of .6 , Also USER implementation such as backing tracks and Tab reading will come in this version.
--NEW EBOOT with NEW BACKGROUND & ICON (same music)
--NOW FRONT SCREEN, "press start to enter"
--NEW FLEXIBLE TUNER now lets you tune to STANDARD, DROP D, DOUBLE DROP D, FLAT (1/2 step)
and DROP C, the tuner has a menu system to navigate these variations
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via joelvan
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April 7th, 2007, 02:37 Posted By: EvilDooinz
I have coded a small gui to select your connection and choose what pc to remote start, or to start them all.
you can add up to 25 PCs in the address list.
this application is a port of R. Edwards (wol.c) for unix.
thanks to
PSPSDK developers
R. Edwards (wol.c)
here you go.
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April 7th, 2007, 02:46 Posted By: Chameleon
*This is a Super Mario War 1.7 only skin pack, consisting of 100 of the best in my opinion.
*None of these skins were made by me I just compiled them all in one convienient and easy to use download for the lazy people out there 
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April 7th, 2007, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
DrNeo has released the results of the NEO Spring Compo 2007!, this competition is the premier coders competition for the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP Homebrew Scenes and this year saw a massive 55 entries. This year also marked the first partnership and Poll Voting and Judging by the DCEmu Homebrew Network.
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Heres the results:
1 AFKIM3 By: danzel
2 Old School Library (OSLib) Sprites Lib By: phosphorous
3 ThemeFlasher By: ai3gtmc
4 PUNANI v1.0 By: hallo007
5 metronomPSP By: saulotmalo
6 COW TIPS By: Sektor
7 Sheep Machine By: miNi
1 Will Hexaxis XXI be ready By: darksoft
2 GoGo Goo - by BennyRebirth & Dalk By: bennyrebirth
3 Cspsp v1.2 By: nataku92
4 Pokemon Keeper By: N64Francois
5 Space Escape By: Grimfate126
6 Call of Duty 2 - PSP Edition v1.0 By: sg57
7 Bumper Car Mayhem By: Fuzzie 360
8 Pro Foosball V0.1 By: Madcupid
9 Legacy By: psp_jono
10 Zlink By: rattmuffen
1 Beup Live 0.3d By: HtheB
2 Phidias By: Tassu
3 StyxDS v0.2 By: redbug
4 IRCDS 0.3d By: freemaan
5 DSPad By: ced
5 μLibrary By: Brunni
6 DSPhoto 1.0 By: Arialia
7 Pictoblog By: 0xtob
8 MapViewerDS By: mollusk
9 Binary Clock By: mastertop101
1 WolveSlayer By: Payk
2 Warcraft : Tower Defense By: Noda
3 08. VIRUS DS By: kukulcan
4 War of the Weeds By: mollusk
5 Duke3DS By: GPF
6 Blubb 3D By: qwrty
7 BANJO ADVANCE V2 : Kazooie Rescue By: omg
7 Touchdown! The Alien Attack By: Sweater Fish Deluxe
8 Earth Invaders 0 By: smealum
9 SensitiveDS By: spinal
10 NDS SPORTS By: Davgav
Not to brag but i choosed all 4 winning entrys, glad to see the others agreed with me.
Thanks to Neoflash for an excellent competition, for all of you winners and runners up check out Neoflash, congrats to all who have won prizes 
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April 7th, 2007, 16:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Well, if this isn't just a kick in the ol' keyboard! Seems that Sony's official store, SonyStyle, has taken down any listings of the 20GB PlayStation 3. That's correct, sir, all you see now is the 60GB model. Does this portend a worldwide shunning of the lower-end console, or is it simply being phased out in a different way? As in, available upon personal request, but no longer shipping en masse to stores alongside their 60GB brethren?
Obviously, we don't have an answer, but we do have a little comment. That "lower end" model might become akin to those Beanie Babies way back in the 90's -- as in, the 20GB will become the "rare model" and be more respected. Sure, the chances of that are very slim, but who knows -- perhaps the lack of chrome trim and card readers and wireless internet will somehow turn into a good thing. Make absolutely no sense? Good, then our point is made.
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April 7th, 2007, 16:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Not exactly. He wants to be more open and let people inside the workings of Sony... so, sorry. No camping yet. Anyway, a large review of Sony's and the PlayStation 3's performance was posted a few days ago. It's interesting, but most of the fresh meat comes from the last few paragraphs. Everything else is, admittedly, recap of what we as gamers have seen and experienced. Feel free to read it from the beginning. We'll work from the end.
Will Sony engage in negative advertising -- attacking the competition (like saying you have over 100 titles right before a new console launches)?
- Peter Dille: "Our position hasn't changed. You generally see the number 2 guy be negative. But when you're the market leader, with 110 million PS2s sold, you act differently. People will come onto PS3 in their own time; that's not something people talk about, but we have a large rabid fan base. We'll communicate with gamers in a way that doesn't talk down to them by speaking to gamers' expertise."
Have you noticed all the Sony-hatred out there in the past year?
- Peter Dille: "We're not blind to some of the tonal things out there. It's an ongoing education effort. We need to have people understand the value of the console with the technology that will drive the product for 10 years. We believe that we approach the product a little bit differently. We need to not be defensive about analysts or press reports, because they might not understand the business or where we're coming from."
You guys at Sony used to be pretty closed to the public. Tell us about your changing ways!
- Tha' Dille: "For 10 years, we engaged the outside world in a certain way. There are some new faces in the management team; I left and came back, but I've brought a new approach to PR. We want to be more open, we want to share more, let them inside the tent and challenge us, and that didn't always happen. We kind of made our own bed. It can't be done overnight, but we want to tell the story. I think we've tried to change. We weren't always open, so it reflects a shift."
Great! What do you guys think, will the PS3 successfully market a decent comeback over the next year, or will they remain in a negative light? Will anyone want to get inside the tent with them? We'd like to think Dille is onto something... so we'll stroke our beards and mutter incomprehensible babble as we wait and see.
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April 7th, 2007, 16:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
We'll see some new PS3 games later this month and in May, but, unfortunately, there are no new games this week. As a consolation prize, we have a couple of snazzy new PS2 games to hold us over.
PS3 Game Releases
PS2 Game Releases
- Brave: The Search for Spirit Dancer (delayed from last week)
- Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
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April 7th, 2007, 17:33 Posted By: Buddy4point0
New from MikeMax:

Hello guys !
This is the first beta release of my car's 3D engine ... there's no goal actually ... just drive and go go go !
Sound doesn't render as well as I would like it due to missing sound engine steps (need some good and complete car engine's audio samples)...
I'm also looking for anyone with 3D modeling knowledges and experience (for modeling and texturing cars,buildings,objects ... etc ...) . Please PM me if you're the one i'm looking for !
Download the Car Demo here. (edit : link updated)
Simply unpacked the zip archive to your MSROOT (FW1.50) (will unpacked into /PSP/GAME automatically).
For 3.xxOE, next, move the Vertex Origin directories into /PSP/GAME150 (only if your OE kernel configured to 3.XX).
Commands :
- Cross : Accelerate
- Square : Breaks
- Digital Pad : LEFT/RIGHT to turn, DOWN for reverse.
- Analog Pad : Move camera
- Circle : Display wireframes
- SELECT : Switch beetween two camero modes : "Free" mode and "follows car" mode.
- L/R : Zoom
That's all !
Vertex Origin Team.
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via mikemax
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April 7th, 2007, 18:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
A wise man once said to me: "If you cannot decide to go left or right, you must go right for a little while, turn around and go left for twice as long, then find a way to go both ways. Possibly through a series of right turns." Yeah, it was a gas station attendant and yeah, I was pretty lost. But I found the interstate eventually and all because I was indecisive in what direction I should go at the third light.
Why was that anecdote important? Because it seems WarHawk is going through the same ordeal. Blu-ray or PS-Store? A Sony representative recently answered some queries on the subject and said that WarHawk will be available via both mediums -- on Blu-ray and on the PlayStation Network. Will there be a difference between the two? Will one involve microtransactions while the other has everything bundled up from the get-go? We don't know. Which would you guys get? The full shabang or piece by piece, if that's the way the cookie shall crumble? Would an online-only title really merit the $60 price tag it may get in stores?
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April 7th, 2007, 20:44 Posted By: shadow77340
hi all ,
I have again update my pspsokoban who is the version 0.6.
I am a 13 french boy so sorry for my very bad english... LOL
History of my changelog :
0.6 :
_A new beautiful cursor is displayed in the editor mode
_Oslib has been replaced by the Sdlmixer in the sound handler
_Sounds can now be played in repeat/loop mode
_8 new characters ( bomberman , Kon of bleach, mini-bowser , sponge-bob, a new pokemon , picolo of DBZ ,shadow of sonic and shrek !)
_3 new levels
_The joypad is now usable on the map and in the editor window
_A new option "info save" has been added to display informations about saved datas
_New dialog box when returning to the main menu, or while saving during the game.
_New sprite for "teleportation"
_New messages when a level is completed
_Sounds are played during the game.
_Bug fix in PSP CPU clock frequency settings
_Bug fix with the donkeykong character (when entering in the statistics panel)
_Home button has been disabled, to quit the game use the SELECT key (or
_RTrigger to return to the main menu).
_Bug fix when you save while you play with you savedata.
_Pikachu can now tranform !
0.5 :
_a map edit
_A mode simulation to test your map
_Add 9 more level
_There is Donkey Kong Now 
_The best score is now correctly saved
_We can displayed the best score in options
_There is more informations in the stats
_Savedata system when you press Start inside the game , and you can continue in the options.
_Speed up the game
_PSP Clock speed is set to 111mhz during the game, but set to 333Mhz in the menu (for faster loading)
_Add 9 more levels
_EBOOT is now smaller
_Presss CIRCLE to display game statictics (number moves, score, levels & characters)
_Press R to save the latest score in data/score/dernier_score.data.
Be aware, it doesn't save the best score, but only the last score.
_Home button works now properly
_Add a new menu (by Cloos)
_Speed up level loading
_Joypad is now fully supported
_In the option menu, the last score is displayed
_Add 3 new characters where one of them is a random character (reid de tales of eternia and pacman ).
_Adventure mode (very short, and unfinished yet);
_3 more levels
_Rewrite all the game interface (thanks to albandu51) !!!!!
_Add sound in menu (using oslib)
_There are now characters in ocean, and all backgrounds have changed in all levels.
_Bug fix
_Add a menu to change settings
_Add a "Credit" menu in the settings
_Add transform with character from dragonball z
_Bug fix : PSP doesn't freeze anymore at the end of the game
_3 more levels
_4 more characters
_Add teleport feature
_Bug fix
_Loading screen between levels
_Change sprites for each levels
_MAJ :
0.1 :
_first release !
one screen of the game (because it's to hard to make screens !) :

screens of new character :

Download : http://www.zshare.net/download/pspsokoban06-rar.html
Sources are in the pack
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April 7th, 2007, 23:39 Posted By: BelmontSlayer
You heard that right. Straight from Dark_AleX himself, there will be no "big new innovation" with 3.30 OE. It seems somebody has been spreading rumors. Here's what DAX has to say...
Good thing I passed by here, because they have mentioned to me that it is said that 3.30 OE it will have a big new innovation, and now I just find out.
3.30 OE at first will not have any innovation except the fact of being 3.30. It will take time due to problems with the hardware. Right now the priority for the future is to radicaly change the core of OE, to eliminate the instability of the programming (that is especially evident in 3.10) and to gain some more space for the ram. But this probably will take several versions before it is finishing, due to the complexness of the process.
via Elotrolado
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April 8th, 2007, 00:02 Posted By: Chameleon
Jas0nuk has released a new prxdecrypter for 3.30 FW support. Heres what he posted:
"If anyone wants it, here is an updated PRX decrypter which supports 3.30 PRXes, whether they are signchecked or not, GZIPed, and even RLZed. Should be useful for OE modders when 3.30 OE is eventually released,"
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April 8th, 2007, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Mcdongle has released a new version of PSPWeather:
Just a small update to pspWeather. This update should fix the TinyXML issues some users had when running pspWeather on an OE firmware.
v2.0b (4/7/07)
- Added standard and metric units when using the pspWeather "keyboard"
Bug Fixes/Changes
- Fixed an issue where pspWeather did not run correctly unless it was
located in /PSP/GAME/
Please send in any suggestions you may have!
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April 8th, 2007, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Reanimate has released a new version of his app for the PSP formerly known as PSP game maker:
With a bit of help from ~Maniac~ i managed to make a rocking or swangin update to my PSP Studio Max!
there are sooo many fixes and add ins that i just cant list them all
one things for sure tho... the coding bit is 95% complete (the other 5% for extra add ins i may want to put in lol)
ive also removed the cmd prompt and had the error list print to a text box rather then a cmd screen
im working on visual programming now and will start on making themes and music for it
try this out and tell me what you think!
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April 8th, 2007, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
XsavioR has updated his memory restoration and backup application
Heres whats new:
Now getting the latest Version of Ms MasteR is easier then ever with the new autoupdate feature.
Progress copy.bmp
The first time you install 2.05 the autoupdate version check will spoof your version so you can try the autoupdate feature. You will need to run the configure utility to generate the necessary drivers when an update is installed. It will run automatically when you start Ms MasteR the next time. Once you try the autoupdate utility successfully you will not be able to update again untill a new update is posted.
Source will be included next release. And will only be included for manualy dled files.
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April 8th, 2007, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku

The powers that be in the NYC political scene might not be happy with GTA IV's New York like setting, but that hasn't stopped Rockstar from touting their game on the streets of that illustrious city. And not just on the street, but on the entire side of a building!
Advertisements on the sides of buildings in New York are nothing new, one only need walk down almost any street to be bombarded with endless billboards. The irony of this particular one however, is inescapable. Let's see how long it stays up.
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April 8th, 2007, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
New Naruto Theme release from mime:
Finally i'm done with my theme, also it wont be the last; expect a "Saint Seiya" Theme in the next weeks, Any person interested?
This is the "Ultimate Naruto Theme 1.0 / 2.0" Why two versions? because Im including TWO sets of icons ^^. Whats the difference?
Naruto Ultimate Theme 1.0 = Main icons / sub-icons are Headbands.
Naruto Ultimate Theme 2.0 = Main Icons/ Setting Icons = Headbands, Game / network Icons = Naruto Related Icons. you get the idea; for more details check my images.
Both themes include the following:
32 bits high-res XMB icons (all icons)
32 bits high-res "Konoha Leaf" Battery Icon
32 bits High-res Volume bar
32 bits high-res "Sharingan" Busy/Loading Circle
32 bits high-res Broken Data/ Loading Icon.
32 Bits high-res Savedata - Loading/broken data icons.
High Resolution background
Coldboot Text (seen on top picture)
Coldboot Wave
Coldboot Sound
Official Naruto Font (Works perfectly on Internet Browser)
Fully customized "XMB" sounds (Naruto Related) all 8 sounds.
Naruto Ultimate Theme 1.0:
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ecmzmiyyjkr
Naruto Ultimate Theme 2.0:
Everything by "Mime"
Coldboot (first image) by "Brittany" My fiance.
I hope you enjoy them!
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April 8th, 2007, 05:20 Posted By: dark420bishop
VideoPSpy v2
Wow, I just made this for myself initially. I really had no idea how many people would be interested in this. I got alot of requests for this. This release handles all videos directories and does photos as well.
The purpose of this application is to enable you to keep private videos and/or pictures on your PSP as inconspicuously as possible. The problem with hiding your media directories is that it looks suspicious. Which is the same problem if you have a program that asks for a password. The solution is to create a harmless looking application which is in reality an application waiting for your password to unlock your videos and/or pictures.
This is a very simple application which anyone could write. But since I couldn't find one quite like it, in my own fashion, I made one. The program will appear as a calculator application with the name "BASIC Calculator" in your XMB. The calculator program is functional, it's code is copied (with permission) from the calculator code included in Shine's Lua Player 0.20 with a few minor alterations. The only way to see your private media is to enter the correct code sequence into the calculator. The program swaps an alternate directory with the regular media directory, which can have the effect of replacing your regular media or just adding the hidden files to your regular media, depending on the organization of your memory card. Running the program again reverses the process, restoring your memory card to the state it was before.

Version 2 includes the option to run in various non-exclusive modes. (Note that version 1 ran in mode 1).
Mode 1 - swaps your videos from the \MP_ROOT\100MNV01 video directory
Mode 2 - swaps your videos from the \MP_ROOT\101ANV01 video directory
Mode 3 - swaps your videos from the \VIDEO directory
Mode 4 - swaps your photos
1. Copy the program directories to your \PSP\GAME or \PSP\GAME150 folder, depending on your flavor of firmware and settings.
2. Mode 1 - Create a directory \MP_ROOT\100MNV02 and put the videos you wish to keep private in that folder.
Mode 2 - Create a directory \MP_ROOT\101ANV02 and put the videos you wish to keep private in that folder.
Mode 3 - Create a directory \VIDEO2 and put the videos you wish to keep private in that folder.
Mode 4 - Create a directory \PSP\PHOTO2 and put the pictures you wish to keep private in that folder.
3. Open the file \PSP\GAME\calculator\script.lua. The first two lines read
Constant1 = 4
Constant2 = 20
Change these values to the values you wish to use for your code. The first one is entered first, followed by the second. For example, the default setting requires you enter a 4, then 20.
4. The next three lines read
mode1 = true
mode2 = false
mode3 = false
mode4 = false
Set each mode you want to run to true and each mode you don't want to run to false.
To unhide your private videos
1. Run the program
2. Enter the first code, for example "4"
3. Hit the "=" button
4. Enter the second code, for example "20"
5. Hit the "=" button a second time.
A message will flash on the screen "Cheat enabled" and the application will exit.
To hide your private videos
Run the program and enter the code sequence again.
Calculator usage
Enter Cross
Exit Triangle/Start
Thanks to
Shine & Nevyn for their Lua Player, Cool for his Lua Player mod, and wiki.ps2dev.org for having great reference material. Special thanks to Shine for letting me use his calculator code in this release. Any users who provided feedback and suggestions.
vv Download Here vv
* * * VideoPSpy v2 * * * - (Mirror 1)
^^ Download here ^^
Version 1 - (Mirror)
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April 8th, 2007, 14:33 Posted By: DarthPaul
Homebrew coder nataku92 release CSPSP version 1.21. This application is a homebrew port of Valve's Counter-Strike (CS) FPS game for the PC, with the PSP version being converted into a top-down format. Some of you may have seen this game's previous version as an entry in the recently concluded Neoflash Spring Coding 07 event. Here are the noted changes:
Added scrolling to map select screen
Added ability to choose team
Implemented money
Increased shotgun damage a little
Fixed buying ammo bug
- Enjoy
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April 8th, 2007, 15:52 Posted By: burrito
via PspGen
A few days ago we said that 3.30 OE may be released quickly, but we didn't think that Dark_AleX would have bad luck. A brief conversation between Dark_Alex and MaGiXieN this evening has taught us that Dark_AleX cannot currently work on 3.30 OE because his PSP has been bricked.
We can already reassure you because his new PSP is already on the way to him, but this will still cause a delay of 3.30 OE being released. But there is no need to have 3.30 OE yet because there is no game that requires firmware 3.30 yet.
Dark_AleX's PSP is broken because of a hardware failure regarding his mod-chip, NOT a software failure.
Let's hope that he gets his new PSP soon.
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April 8th, 2007, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Kotakuite Spence sends in this interesting tidbit about the possibility of Loco Roco coming to the PS3. It seems that during Phil Harrison's keynote speech at this year's GDC, an eagle eyed NeoGAF forum poster noticed a Loco Roco achievement trophy within the Home demonstration.
Now, Spence has found an ad for an upcoming edition of PSM3 magazine in this month's edition of UK's EDGE magazine. I know, it's all a little confusing. But, suffice it to say that the ad is touting a feature called "Future of PS3" and shows a bunch of hand drawn Loco Roco blobs with the line "Loco Roco - PS3!" written underneath them in huge letters. Now obviously this isn't rock solid proof of the game appearing on the PS3, but it certainly does give one hope. All will be revealed when the issue of PSM3 in question hits UK shelves on April 12.
via kotaku
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April 9th, 2007, 01:41 Posted By: Xiofire
The guys over at PS3Center.net have customised yet another PS3, this time selling for a whopping $12,100 on Ebay.
Auction Here
How it was made here
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April 9th, 2007, 03:03 Posted By: DarthPaul
Easter Game is a Lua-coded homebrew game made by Dyspros_., where the player's objective is to catch the falling eggs being laid by the chickens onscreen. The basket is in turn controlled by your PSP's directional buttons.
Dyspros_ made the game,I didn't. So all the credits go to him.
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April 9th, 2007, 06:15 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gameinfowire
Unique to its genre, Crush flips traditional gameplay on its head and creates a valuable new gaming experience that is wholly suited to the PSP. Set within a complex, hypnotic 3D world, players can Crush it to form simple 2D platforms, unlock secrets and then back again, to solve otherwise impossible challenges.
Crush story and characters
Danny, the main character and hero of Crush, has been hospitalised for insomnia. A troubled hero and a nervous wreck, Danny’s subconscious swims in unresolved issues. Sleeping is all he can think about, but thinking does nothing to actually help him drift away. It is his restless troubles that lead him to seek out help and ultimately to Dr. Reubens.
Dr Reubens, considered by some as a maverick psychologist, but by others as simply a raving mad scientist. Pioneering a new field in medicine, he is convinced his miracle machine will get to the bottom of Danny's troubles and in turn win him the academic acclaim he’s due. The problem is, Dr. Reubens solutions aren’t strictly above board, but his patients don’t need to know that do they…?
C.R.U.S.H. Dr Reubens' pride and joy, C.R.U.S.H. is the very latest in psychotherapy. The name stands for Cognitive Regression Utilizing pSychiatric Heuristics and according to Dr Reubens, the processing power is matched only by its beauty. What makes C.R.U.S.H. unique is the ability to re-frame a patient's problems. While under hypnosis, C.R.U.S.H. will allow Danny to move between 3D and 2D as he navigates his neuroses and comes to terms with the secrets of his past.
Whilst Danny is undergoing Dr. Reubens’ C.R.U.S.H therapy he has the ability to navigate between 2D and 3D to help unlock the secret to his long suffering insomnia. However, there are certain rules that he must adhere to whilst in this hypnotic state and certain objects that he can use:
* Solid Blocks: Can be stood on, but not walked through. Danny cannot crush against solid blocks.
* Hollow Blocks: Can be stood on and walked through. These are the only blocks Danny can cross in a top-down crush.
* Ghost Blocks: Can’t be stood on but can be walked and fallen through. Ghost blocks will appear as holes through the ground in a top-down crush.
* Moving Blocks: Very useful for helping to get to otherwise inaccessible parts of levels. Sometimes hidden switches will activate moving blocks, so Danny must keep an eye out for them.
* Fragile Blocks: Will appear to be a cracked and pitted solid block, but will crumble away quickly if Danny puts any weight on it.
Danny has the power to push these around levels and there are a variety of them: Balls, Rollers, Octaballs and Octorollers. Interestingly, the Rollers and Octorollers have ghost variations and can be crushed to create 2D tunnels through solid objects.
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April 9th, 2007, 07:46 Posted By: DarthPaul
Guyver2, Yan2Yan, and Genevese over at the Xtreamlua site have released a new game written in lua where you have to rescue penguins, you have 20 birds to rescue so get going now:
Heres the game controls
L/R buttons: Shoot water
Analog joystick: Aim water
Triangle: Move ladder up
X: Move ladder down
Square: Move ladder left
Circle: Move ladder right
Select: Screenshot
Start: Pause menu
In the Pause menu:
X: Resume game
Triangle: Return to Start menu
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April 9th, 2007, 10:11 Posted By: Chameleon
Holygame has released a new version of his portal for the PSP, this features a ton of stuff but alas no changelog file which as you can guess stuffs us up to tell you whats new.
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April 9th, 2007, 15:48 Posted By: burrito
via PSP Devolution
Welcome to PSP-Devolution.com
Sorry guys for taking longer than expected but there had some important improvements to be done in order to make the PSP-Devolution the top mod for your Playstation Portable system.
We are now using 4 layer technology for the PSP-Devolution which results in even smaller size of the complete PSP-Devolution. This way it fits just perfect into the PSP.
Sales to the resellers of the PSP-Devolution will start on April 16th, 2007.
All resellers that have contacted us in the past will automatically receive an email from us on the above mentioned date. New inquiries are welcome, too.
- Flash your PSP using the internal USB Port
- no additional USB Port required
- latest ACTEL ProASIC 3 technology
- low power consumption
- works on all available PSP versions incl. TA-082 and TA-086
- custom BIOS with a lot of cool additional features
- preassembled hi-tech flex pcb for easiest possible conection to the psp mainboard
Too bad they didn't say the price.
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April 9th, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Note that the article over at TG Daily doesn't actually mention anything about the PlayStation 3, although it does speak at length about Blu-ray players. The specs are changing, come October 31, for stricter control of the Blu-ray hardware, though this doesn't equate to much difference to current BD players (especially our sexy PS3). One thing stands out that should make its way to the PlayStation 3, though.
See, BD-Java is supported by all BD-players (that's the language used for the enhanced menu screens and special features or whatever), but differing technical specs between players made it difficult for movie studios to explore everything they could do with the new tech. So they're going to make new specs to allow for new things like picture-in-picture (or PiP if you want to go Great Expectations on their face), or running two video streams at once, like a video commentary alongside the movie itself, or storyboards. Those have been in HD-DVD players since day one!
Another interesting change is the ability to manipulate the soundtrack (this is in reference to the "enhanced game playing features"... so we're assuming this will also come to the PlayStation 3 in time) via a proprietary audio mixing feature. The PS3 would do well to have this, don't you think? Those songs on MotorStorm get old after a few hours.
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April 9th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Thank goodness! The world is back in order once more... unless Unicron really does exist and will eventually try to consume our planet whole to power his system while he travels the cosmos in search for... planets to eat. 1986, anyone? Transformers: The Movie... seriously? Ultra Magnus said the D-word? Come on, it hailed in the second generation of Transformers since most of the original cast was killed in the first ten minutes of the movie (if you can name some of them, we'll give you a cookie... or I'll mail you one of my old Transformers toys... fat chance)! StarScream finally bit the dust! Really, nobody? Wow. That was my life.
Anyway, for the latest game coming out featuring robots in disguise, who are consequently more than meets the eye, the original voices for Optimus Prime and Megatron, Peter Cullen and Frank Welker, are back and ready to go it again with their respective roles. Forever in the search for energon cubes and ultimate control over Cybertron (and Earth, apparently), you can play as the newly envisioned Transformers thanks to the latest revival of the franchise by Michael Bay. Good stuff. GameSpot has an audio clip of the gents and talks about what it took to get those voices just right. Pretty entertaining.
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April 9th, 2007, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Joystiq got a pretty good e-mail concerning a DVD playback issue. Apparently, the PlayStation 3 in PAL territories has a very difficult time playing any DVDs without giving the owners a big, fat green screen. What's the cause of this? Sony, for starters. See, it seems that on an SDTV, the PS3 can't quite play back DVDs using the AV-Multi/SCART connector. This applies only to European PS3's (I checked mine out before typing this up -- works fine), so we've got to wonder... what's missing? What changed so much to inhibit this standard feature?
Apparently, at GAME stores, they sell a Sony brand RGB cable with a switch that fixes said issue, but it seems kind of ridiculous to have to shell out extra cash for a fix that shouldn't even be a problem. That brings us to the problem at hand: European PS3 owners, this is up to you. Let us know if you're having this issue and how much those Sony cables are at GAME -- if Sony does listen to this website at all (we've gotten a few e-mails from Sony reps about the site, actually!) then maybe they'll look into it a little further and possibly give a good ol' firmware update.
Oh, the problem doesn't exist on HD connections. Just throwing that out there, so make sure you try it on SDTVs only.
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April 9th, 2007, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Never been to the Hard Rock Casino? Well, now you have the chance to experience all the excitement, including 20 different casino games, without leaving your living room. But, if you are not a betting man, you are out of luck this week, because Hard Rock Casino is the only new PSP game we've got!
PSP Game Releases
PSP UMD Releases
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
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April 9th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy

Think PSP games are expensive? You'd be wrong. Things have changed greatly since the system's release more than two years ago, with the $50 price point for some UMD games a thing of the past. Curmudgeon Gamer took a look at the upcoming releases on both handhelds, and noted that only one game currently has a $50 MSRP: Oblivion. The average cost of a PSP game is $29.89, only $2 more than the DS average of $27.29. Curmudgeon Gamer has a few other interesting statistics:
- EB Games lists 102 new games for the Nintendo DS and 94 new games for the PSP. There's no games for PSP? Incorrect.
- The median game price for each system is $29.99
- About 33% of all PSP games retail for under $25. (DS has about 41%.)
This doesn't come as surprising for long-time PSP fans. Hopefully, the rest of the gaming world will soon understand that although PSP games feature better graphics, they don't have to cost more.
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April 9th, 2007, 21:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Well, darn it all. We could've sworn things were looking good when we got this post up. Well, sure, we noticed that PlayStation 3 titles pretty much monopolized the software sales for a little bit, but that's not what should be counted on to deem a system's launch a success. Hardware is truly what counts and those numbers fell behind the competition, as you can see here. So, yes, the PS3 finished last in Australia, but they didn't lie about breaking records.
See, the record Sony claims to have broken over the launch time in Australia was the retail surge. They generated more retail business than any other console, but that was definitely a mask for the truth: they didn't sell as many units. They got business, they got the dollars, but they didn't get the install base and it's clear that's what's going to matter in the end. Alas. We're curious to see if any of the high-profile titles will draw in some more unit sales, or if the supposed price-drop will help greatly. Due to the loss of the 20GB model, who knows. See, we can use a ton of links too!
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April 9th, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vodkkaa:
hello everyone
i have created the most usefull plugin (in my opinion ) with this you will never need to go to Settings-> Usb Connection to start usb connection. now with only a quick press of Rtrigger you can toggel on/off USB Mass Storage
-quick toggle of USB Mass Storage
-UsB connection anywhere in the XMB
-4th brightness for 3.03 OE users
How to USE:
-Included is a flash version and seplugin version of the prx.
-enable the usbon.prx in the recovery menu
-flash the kn folder to flash0:/ and you are ready to go
Always remember when you flash to the psp nand you run the risk of bricking your PSP
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via vodkkaa
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April 9th, 2007, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Pharonyk posted this news/release:
This Homebrew will flash two files to your flash0 to allow you to have a custom boot and play PSX games. If you didn't know, having a custom "opening_plugin.rco" (boot) would interfere with your PSP POPStation..
I have provided an edited "game_plugin.prx" with PSP's default "opening_plugin.rco" that is renamed to "0pening_plugin.rco". So you don't have to worry about anything, unless you don't have any free space on your flash0.
1. Be sure you have some free space in your flash0 not Memory Stick.
2. Have your battery recharged.. (atleast 80%)?
Also have the AC Adapter plugged in..
3. There is always a risk of bricking when you flash any type of file so beware of your actions.
I'm not responsible for any bricks at all!
1. If you have any custom boot, just go into recovery, flash0 usb access, and replace the "opening_plugin.rco".
2. Copy "LOLstation" and "LOLstation%" to your PSP's Game or Game150 folder..
3. Run LOLstation and you should be lollerfine. roflordia!
By Pharonyk..
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via pharonyk
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April 9th, 2007, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release of a new Space RTS from slicer4ever
Heres the controls etc:
out of menu-
X-choose object
X-(with drone to mine)
X-(choose to attack target(not encoded until next update)
X-move object to position
O-unselect object
L-use quick commands(not encoded(next update))
R-(hold)enter menu
in menu-
M-minimap(only shows objects dots)
text says what the icons are(see below for more in depth of icons)
X-enter construction menu or use icon
construction menu-
text say what the icons are and there cost
X-build object
name - name of object and number
hull - basically health this hit 0 or less and your unit dies
power - attack power
shields - shields over your ship(hull goes down after this hits 0 or less)
kills - number of kills ur unit has made(not encoded)
L+/\ or X or [] or O-
these commands are not encoded(some r some arn't full encodation in next update)
analog move cursor(red square starts under screen so push up to find it)
ummm...there might have been a couple of controls i have missed so just try it out
command ship(builds drone)-can not build another(future updates u well)
drone(mines well attack if command is used)-cost: 50
constructor(constructs ships)-cost: 150
small fighter(fighter class ship)-cost: 100
equinox(stronger fighter class ship)-cost: 250
spacial anomalies:
not encoded(ver 3 or 4)
attack-well use long range sensors to search for units to attack
note: well slow down program for a split sec
patrol-yellow cursor choose two positions and unit well move between them
construct-icon name says it
mining-drones only well usually find closest mine and auto mine from it
does not attack only defends(well attack in future)
attack units well not defend each other unless attack unit is within range
other notes:
ai sucks and i mean sucks
attack search(both types) for some reason at least for me well not attack drones
attack search(long) seems to like to attack constructor
more units well slow down te program it seems to stabalize at 30 to 45 and may start stop and go
this is due to how the attack and search works which well be improved in the future
theres a bunch of bugs....i know so don't bother reporting them unless if it is a crash bug
which then report everything you did to me so i can try to fix it
also unfortuantly there is no animation for combat at least until the next update so they just kinda sit there
and one just disappears after a moment
to install:
if you don't know how then.....GO AWAY U STUPID NOOBS!!!!
hope you guys enjoy for now as i got still a lot of work and i've already put a lot into it=-)
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via slicer4ever
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April 9th, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
The excellent Siliconera points out that Spectral Vs. Generations, the 2D fighting game based on Idea Factory characters, and developed by the taiwanese, SNK-like IGS is hitting europe, thanks to Midas Interactive. What they failed to mention though, is that the company is only bringing out the PSP version, not the PS2 one. This is good news if you're a fan of SvG, though I don't think anyone particluarly is, since this means there's no regional lockout to keep you from playing. The downside is that...you have to play it on a PSP. Since it retails for only 20 euros, it may still be worth a look .
Cheeky basts, whats wrong with the PSP
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April 9th, 2007, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
via gizmodo
IBM and the Mayo Clinic have announced that they will be using the Cell Broadband Engine, the same processor that can help cure Alzheimer's and blast away the Germans in Call of Duty to now speed up object recognition and increase image precision with medical imaging software. The results of this implementation will be presented later this week at the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (sounds like a party-fest) in Washington, D.C.
For an example of what this means: Previously it took the old processor configuration 25,200 seconds to complete a object recognition task of 98 images and on the Cell processor it only took 516 seconds to complete the same recognition task. Efficiency is key with this upgrade. Faster recognition by all kinds of imaging machines (CT scanners, MRI machines, etc) means saved lives. Easy as that.
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April 10th, 2007, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
DrNeo Posted this news:

Modify your NEO converter/PAD support up to 32GB!
now we release the DIY guide for how to modify your 2in1/4in1 PSP converter and 8in1 PSP Pad to support over 4GB memory card on the new BIOS PSP.
Pay attention:
1. This way is base on the new BIOS PSP which have support over 4GB only,not for the OLD BIOS PSP.
2. We don't guarantee any damage when you open the NEO converter case,please take care it.
Heres the screens:

Interesting Mod for the PSP.
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April 10th, 2007, 04:39 Posted By: mavsman4457
NoxOm seems to have found a little bug in the PS3's system. Let's hope one of these little easter eggs will amount to something sometime soon. Here's what he said:
Otheros.bld v0.1
I found a TILT on a PS3 with this OS, I made a mix with a SAK v1.0 an .BIN image. The PS3 it just start over and over with an ORANGE light and I think this one of the ways to get on the DEV MODE of PS3
People from a website to remain nameless have confirmed it working on 1.32, 1.51, and 1.6. I think I am going to try it out sometime tomorrow. Please report your findings if you give it a shot.
as with any "exploit" extreme caution must be used
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April 10th, 2007, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's hypnotic PS3 duck game Super Rub A Dub - based on the famous tech demo demonstrated by studio boss Phil Harrison - is now Live on the European PlayStation store.
For the moment you can pick up the SixAxis-happy title for an introductory price (or is that introDUCKtory price?!) of £3.49 before it's bumped up on May 23.
In case you've missed it so far, Rub A Dub is a bit like Wetrix meets Super Moneky Ball (with ducks), where you're tasked with guiding a big plastic bird around a pool of water collecting mini-ducks and avoiding nasty sharks. It's duck-orific. Or something.
If you're still a bit hesitant to jump right in to the duck-y action there's a one-level demo available for you to try out..
via cvg
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April 10th, 2007, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Sony's Phil Harrison has denied that PlayStation Home and Second Life are basically the same thing, claiming it's "way oversimplifying" to make the suggestion.
"In Home, you get a character and a 3D world, and that's where the similarity ends," he told semi-official Sony blog ThreeSpeech. "Second Life does some brilliant things but with Home, we're providing a service. Therefore, the tone of voice is what will differentiate it - Home is about entertainment, it has a game focus, and it's about sharing with a like-minded community."
Observers have been drawing the comparison ever since Harrison unveiled Home - an online universe where PS3 users can set up a home and interact with friends and services - at the Game Developers Conference last month.
"We don't give users the level of influence over the environment, behaviour and object definitions that Second Life does - it's as secure as any other PS3 game," Harrison continued. "With some of the operating system protocols that are built into the Cell chip, it's about as secure as you can be on a consumer device."
That's not to say you won't be able to customise your surroundings though, as Harrison explained: "We were discussing how, if you had a great view from the back of your apartment - the perfect sunset across a lake, say - you could get all your friends around, and buy a premium item - a perfect V of ducks flying in front of the sun. So while your view would be the same as your friends', you could customise it in some unique and charming ways."
PlayStation Home will launch in October.
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April 10th, 2007, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
When a group of Take-Two investors last month announced its plans to install its own board of directors at the publisher's annual shareholders meeting, two executives were singled out by name. The group wanted to oust CEO Paul Eibeler, and it wanted to review the continued employment of CFO Karl Winters.
The investor group had its way at the shareholder's meeting, and Eibeler's departure from the company was announced that same day. Now Winters' departure has been confirmed, as Take-Two today announced his resignation, effective immediately. Winters will be replaced on an interim basis by the company's current senior vice president of finance, Lainie Goldstein. As it did with Eibeler, Take-Two said it is working with Winters "to ensure an orderly and effective transition."
via gamespot
Lets see if this affects GTA
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April 10th, 2007, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Man, when the first images of MotorStorm appeared, I was so excited! Then the next year, the footage didn't look as a amazing. It looked okay. Still, my interested remained. And when the game finally arrived in Japan, where I live, it lacked online. Poof! My interest was gone. Says the game's lead designer Nigel Kershaw:
Well, the European and American versions have online. The Japanese version does not, they weren't as bothered about online. We also tweaked a lot of things under the hood. Nothing you'd probably notice — we played around with some of the numbers and some of the graphics — but the main thing we did was add online play. Sure, I can't speak for Japanese people, but I know that no online convinced of one thing: Not buying MotorStorm. Bet I wasn't alone, either.
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April 10th, 2007, 12:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Experience one of the first true next-gen RPG adventures.
Embark on an epic RPG adventure and escape to a fantasy world filled with beautiful cinematic quality graphics, unique characters and bizarre creatures. Take the role of Atsuma, Enchanter in-training and transform from a naïve student to the most powerful savior in a war 1,000 years in the making. Immerse yourself in a deep storyline as you face increasingly difficult challenges and learn to master Atsuma's special fighting and magical abilities.
Developed by From Software and published by Ubisoft outside of Asia, we have today received the US version of the PlayStation3™ RPG hit Enchanted Arms. As all PS3™ games, this title is region free and now available at US$ 64.90 only.
Game features:
Use the motion-sensitive controller to harness weapons, recover your EX power meter, unlock more powerful attacks and solve puzzles.
Easy-to-navigate interface, the ability to move characters in-battle and distance-dependent attacks combine to create fast-paced, hands-on gameplay.
Find and unlock 130 controllable creatures to use in battle as part of your team. Customize your party and learn to harness their unique abilities. Includes 30 all new creatures exclusive to the PLAYSTATION 3 system.
Choose to play the game with either Japanese or English dialogue.
Delve deeper as you meet new characters and explore over 75 environments with multiple objectives and branching missions.
Including ten minutes of all-new exclusive video.
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April 10th, 2007, 12:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Brave is the sole escapee of an attack by the vicious Wendigo spirit. His tribe enslaved, their only hope is that Brave can find Spirit Dancer, the greatest shaman to ever live. Only Spirit Dancer has the power to defeat the Wendigo and release them. So starts Brave's epic journey...
Brave takes you on a journey through beautifully rich and interactive scenery. Hunt wolves in the depths of the forest, face stampedes of buffalo and canoe down crashing rapids in the search for Sprit Dancer. Master a range of talents from combat with a tomahawk and bow, to animal tracking and mimicry. Your hunting skills are surpassed only by initiation into the ways of the shaman. Overcome bizarre creatures and terrifying foes, learning to work alongside and possess animal spirits as you progress. Take on the shape of the smallest rabbit to escape down burrows or the form of a mighty bear spirit to battle your foes.
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April 10th, 2007, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

SNK Playmore, in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of their classic arcade franchise Metal Slug, releases the greatest array of Metal Slug titles ever assembled for the PlayStation®2 including Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4, and Metal Slug 5. The METAL SLUG COLLECTION is a "perfect translation" of the arcade classics and features support for intense two-player action.
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April 10th, 2007, 12:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

30 chart-topping songs and videos from today’s top artists.
Available as a Standalone SKU or bundled with two custom, high-quality microphones and the SingStar USB converter.
Multiple gameplay modes, including Solo, Freestyle, Pass the Mic, Battle and Duet, create a highly interactive social experience.
SingStar technology recognizes pitch, tone and rhythm to accurately score performances.
Record your favorite performances onto Memory Card for future playback. Customize and enhance playback with numerous audio effects.
Includes EyeToy® USB camera compatibility: players can see themselves singing in place of the artist’s video.
Expandable Song Library: Disc Swap feature keeps the party rocking as different SingStar discs can be quickly changed.
Be a Pop Superstar with SingStar™ Pop
Featuring a chart-topping line-up of today’s best artists, songs and videos, SingStar™ Pop is the second release in the PlayStation®2’s newest interactive singing franchise.
With custom microphones in hand, singers perform along to 30 songs and videos from “Top 40” artists such as Rihanna, All American Rejects, Cyndi Lauper, Gorillaz, Snow Patrol, U2 and more, turning your living room into the pop concert of the year
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April 10th, 2007, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Whether you’ve got perfect pitch or your singing skills are reserved for the shower only, everyone enjoys a song. But now there’s no excuse for keeping that voice to yourself; step up to the mic, and into the spotlight!
SingStar™ Rocks! is a new type of interactive gaming experience suitable for a wide gaming audience… using singing as the main game mechanic! Players select their favorite songs and sing along to the original recordings whilst watching the original video on screen.
SingStar Rocks! is the perfect party game, and is so easy anyone can join in. All you have to do is pick a song and sing it as best as you can into one of the two specifically designed microphones; the SingStar technology will judge how good you are!
Game modes include competitive, multiplayer fun and single gameplay options: so take on your friends in a sing-off, or simply dive straight in and belt out your favorite hits – it doesn’t matter how well you sing; when you take that microphone YOU are the star and that’s all that counts.
And SingStar is also compatible with the EyeToy® USB Camera (for PlayStation®2) – you can sing and watch yourself on TV at the same time!
So let’s get cracking – round up your friends, plug in those mics and be the star you really are!
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April 10th, 2007, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Outsmart your friends in frenetic multiplayer races
Fend off your foes in pulse-quickening new chariot races
Play as two distinct characters, each with different combat styles
Craft your killing style with stealthy Speed Kills and creative Free-Form Fighting
Your homeland is besieged. Your people are enslaved. Enemies lurk around every corner. And you must face one terrifying question: As you fight to save your kingdom, who will save you from yourself?
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April 10th, 2007, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Court Games: 10 all-new mini games!
Easy to play, difficult to master: Anyone can pick up Virtua Tennis 3 for instant enjoyment, but honing your skills will be a challenge.
Fast, fun and thoroughly addictive: Mini-games and online modes keep gameplay fresh and challenging.
New World Tour mode: Create your own superstar and enjoy a host of new mini-games, tournaments and challenges.
Tennis Stars: Features 20 of the world's biggest tennis stars playing on a variety of stadium and surfaces from across the world.
A true High Definition experience: The most accurate and rich tennis experience to date!
The fun, addicting, award-winning series continues with Virtua Tennis 3, built specifically for next-gen consoles. With ultra-realistic graphics and precise player control, gamers will hit the court and play as or against today's tennis elite including Federer, Sharapova, Roddick, Nadal, and Williams. A new multiplayer mode allows up to four friends to battle it out on 23 courts around the world. As they serve up their best in a mix of exhibitions, tournaments and competitions, players will rise through the ranks and battle for the top spot!
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April 10th, 2007, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
Our very own PeterM has posted on his blog that he is continueing his port of Quake to the PSP, he mentions a ton of stuff but heres a post that will interest many:
It’s been a heck of a long time since Chris Swindle and I did a Quake release, but hopefully there are still some people out there enjoying it.
I managed to find a few hours this week to work on hardware rendering for Quake. It’s a long time overdue!
When deciding how to go about writing the hardware rendering layer, two potential approaches immediately sprang to mind:
Hack the software renderer, adding hardware replacements until it’s done (or fast enough).
Rip the OpenGL calls out from GLQuake and replace them with PSP GU calls.
In a perfect world, both paths would arrive at the same destination. Both approaches would work pretty well, but after some deliberation I decided on the second approach. GLQuake has covered much of the groundwork already, so I should probably capitalise on that.
A worthwhile diversion
The initial worry was that I would hack away at the GLQuake code, commenting out OpenGL calls and/or replacing functions with stub (no-op) versions, compile my code, run it, then immediately hit a null pointer exception and crash. And of course, that’s almost exactly what happened. The game started, got part of the way into initialisation, and the PSP powered off. (This is what happens if you don’t handle a hardware exception.)
Now, debugging on the PSP is a bastard. Especially if, like me, you’re not a Linux type of guy and wouldn’t touch GDB with a 10 foot barge pole. Maybe official developers get a great debugger, I have no idea. I’m using the homebrew SDK here.
I then had an epiphany. Visual Studio’s debugger kicks ass. A running screaming arms-waving leg swinging punt right up the sphincter. Getting this crash to happen in Windows would make it a damn sight easier to fix, so I set about making it so.
Inspired by some “work” work I’ve been doing recently, I whipped up some minimal stub versions of the PSP SDK headers I was using, and created a Win32 build of the project. Obviously the functions, like most, do nothing visible to the calling code. They do however allow the calling code to compile, link and run.
With no actual graphical output, but with the Quake engine and most of my port code humming away in the background, I built and ran the Win32 version. And like all good bugs, this one appeared promptly, making the whole Win32 build effort worthwhile. Incidentally, it was one of the worst kind of bugs - the subtle typo that many a coder has spent dreary late nights hunting for. After deleting a single misplaced “!” character, the bug was no more.
So back to the task at hand
After the game successfully ran on Windows and PSP, with a whole lot of GLQuake running but without any PSP rendering going on, I went back to what I was supposed to be doing. I added some GU initialisation and buffer swapping code, just to get something up and running.
I slowly adding drawing code, until I had enough to draw flat shaded polygons with “random” (so that’s what a pointer looks like when reinterpret_casted to ABGR) colours. I also went about replacing the OpenGL matrix operations with GU and GUM equivalents. And it worked! What a stroke of luck, but damn was it pug fugly:
And that was the end of another development day. Thanks for reading, there’ll be more in my next post.
More at his blog here
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April 10th, 2007, 13:47 Posted By: wraggster
CrazyC has released a new version of Dosbox for the PSP, heres the release details:
New patch and binary. Fixed the audio somewhat and switched to the scummvm ym3182 emulator. Also, made the x87 use single floats instead of double, this will probably cause problems with some apps, but should be a lot faster with programs that use the fpu frequently. The 16 color vga modes now use 4bpp textures, not much of a speed improvement here though because converting the data from planer to packed is cpu intensive; if any has any ideas how to speed this up, right now it uses a lookup table , I'd like to hear them.
Now heres where it gets complicated you need dosbox 0.60 files and somehow join it all together.
yep so compilcated isnt the word 
If any Dosbox experts can assemble this into an image of sorts then please feel free. It would be awesome to see how much better this version is over releases from the last year.
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April 10th, 2007, 13:53 Posted By: wraggster
ahrimanes posted this news/release:
if you know 3dmax, or ascii 3d files (ASE) you you must try this tool i just made, its a tool to port 3dmax models to lua trought ASE format. all you have to do is to expot your max to ase then use my tool and you will have the triangle array to use in gu.
Download Ahrimanes ASE2LUA v0.1
it includes:
some ase models
1 max model to test 3dmx to ase then lua
ase2lua v0.1 by ahrimanes (me)
tutorial folder
and eboot folder(this is a test of the ship.max) basically luaplayer testhing ase2lua output.
well still left to port the u,v for maping, by now no textures suported, but you can start testing complexmodels on you programs. hope you like... stay tuned to futher releases.....
pleaaaseee leave your comentesss.
edit: haaaa almost forgot, this runs under windows and you must have installed ms excel.
// new release
hi thereee i was working hard to make this,, the new release of my ase tolua v0.2 now suporting uv maping coordinates. and some error fixed still left to fix som errors on the model but its almost done... ase2luav0.2 hope you like it... the file include a space ship model textured on 3dmax, and the same in ase, includes the ase2lua v1.0 too...
the error i have, is somthing whit the polys draws.. some of them seems to bee always on top when they must be in botthom. "this tooll was made in visual basic 6.0 no thing to do whit lua, it just convert the 3d model to the lua format so you can use the array in your lua code."... by the way till now just 1 madel is suported, i mean no multiple models in asingle scene can be transformed, this is easy to fix and i think i will do it for the next release, what i must really fix is that error i menthioned back there.. this is just a intent to do somthing for the comunity to help developers to work whit lua,,,, else is soo har to draw a complex model vertex by vertex, and face by face no offences to friend tactical penguin his tool is powerfull. but cince i know most of people model in advanced 3d porgrams.. like 3dmax or modo, or others,... the point is if your 3d program can make ascii *.ASE. this tool will convert it to lua array.... well thanks.
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via ahrimanes
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April 10th, 2007, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rom1:
heres the translation 
As the fashion is with the customisation of the PSP, it is rather useful to do a little place in its flash0. Here version 0.4 of this utility which makes it possible to do housework and to release between 1 and 2.5Mo. Click on continuation. This program removes memory flash0 some files more or less useful. Rom1 specifies that that causes some bugs minor in the XMB. This program functions only on one Custom Firmware 3.xxOE. Installation: The versions proposed on PSPGen were compressed in order to have only to decompress them on Memory Stick of your PSP. It is to better have WinRAR installed. Download the file Connect your PSP to your computer Pass your PSP in “mode USB” thanks to the option “Connection USB” Click with the right button on the file which you downloaded Choose to extract the files… Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP in the Working station. Support on OK and it is all. How I launch this homebrew? Small PLAY > Memory Stick>Flash0++ Or must I pose my fingers so that that goes? Once launched, you have three choices: To remove jpn0.pgf + gb3s11518.bwfon (2.5Mo) To remove jpn0.pgf (1Mo) To restore all the files
Download and Give Feedback Via Comments - Remember any program that touches the flash area could brick your PSP.
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April 10th, 2007, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fleyc:
Another french to english translation :P
Fleyc member of our forum carried out a OS baptized PSPPALM v0.1 BETA. It is about homebrew similar to a palm which is presented for the moment in version beta. It was coded in LUA by Fleyc with the assistance of one of his Chedal friends. Here a description of the program according to its author: “I carried out a rather sympatic O.S. batized PSPALM v0.1 BETA for the first release. As you surely noticed it is about an emulation of Palm on PSP being presented for the moment in version BETA. This homebrew coded in LUA at summer carried out by me (Fleyc) with the assistance of a friend (Chedal) who helped me in certain codes like in the translation. There will be certainly releases after that there you do not worry.” What is nine in this version? Plays Clock Computer Configuration To come: Word Reader MP3 Explorer Visual display of images Help More parameters Installation: The versions proposed on PSPGen were compressed in order to have only to decompress them on Memory Stick of your PSP. It is necessary to have WinRAR of installed. - Download the version adapted to your firmware - Connect your PSP to your computer - Pass your PSP in “mode USB” thanks to the option “Connection USB” - Click with the right button on the file which you downloaded - Choose to extract the files… - Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP in the Working station - Support on OK and it is all.
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April 10th, 2007, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from MK2k:
Sleep'n'Wake PSP 1.1 Updated/Enhanced Version
Due to a quite overwhelming feedback from the public, here is a new updated and enhanced version of SnW!
New in Version 1.1
- 50MHz underclock in SleepMode while no mp3 is played
- Big Digits Time Display in Sleep- and Wake Mode (see screenshot)
- Left and Right Shoulderbuttons now exit Wake Mode too
- An overflow with adding items to the playlist fixed
- Playlist enlargement to 99 max. entries
- Filebrowser now remembers last visited Directory
This is a little app for the PSP which gives you the possibility to doze off with your favourite music playing silently and wake up with some thrash metal or hardcore bassdrums with volume maxed at a predefined time.
Features so far
- Full cbr/vbr/abr 8kbps-320kbps 44.1kHz MP3 support
- MP3 can be of arbitrary length
- Manage different playlists for Sleep and Wake modes
-> add / remove mp3s
-> save / load playlists
- In Sleep mode you can set a special, more silent volume
- Wake mode is entered at a preset time with volume maxed (you can always adjust the maximum volume with the VOL + and - keys)
- Write yourself a message which will be displayed in Wake mode
- USB Mass Storage can be enabled/disabled within the app
- Energy Save Mode (underclocks the PSP to 50MHz while no mp3 is running)
- Big Digits Time Display
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via mk2k
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April 10th, 2007, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
A new weekly special offer from Play Asia:

In Sarugetchu: Pipo Saru Racer (aka. Ape Escape Racing) you build your monkey into a racing machine, by giving him an engine and tires. The game features 47 vehicles, each in two forms: one specialized in drifting, one specialized in acceleration.
The main game consists of playing four tracks in a grand prix. The better you do each time will fill a monkey bar at the top of the grand prix menu. Once this bar is filled a VS mode is unlocked where you have to play the tracks again but an evil, much faster monkey is involved in the races. If you become overall #1 then you will 'rank up' and unlock another 4 tracks and so on.
You can replay the levels you have unlocked in a normal race form or in a time trial form. Each of the tracks are set in the same arena but the path changes to a harder one as you unlock more. The tracks are set in this order. The Beach, The City, The Graveyard and The Jungle. Please note that these are not the original names but the author's interpretation.
Sony's PSP™ Ape Escape racer Sarugetchu: Pipo Saru Racer is now available as region free Asia release at discounted US$ 14.90 only.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer. As a small restriction, please also notice that you cannot use any further discount coupons along with this special offer.
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April 10th, 2007, 16:15 Posted By: Uberman
A new entry in the PSP headset offerings is coming from Plantronics starting April 13th. From their site:
Designed to use with the Sony PSP®, the GameCom P20 is your portable headset solution for gaming, music, movies and chat, delivering intense, full-range stereo sound. Comfortable, dual earbuds feature Flex Grip® for an unshakable fit. The QuickAdjust™ boom pivots for precise microphone positioning when you want it and rotates upwards when you don’t
The headset also includes a "Noise-canceling microphone."
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April 10th, 2007, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Zero-One has released a new version of his port of Triple Triad for the PSP.
Heres the release details:
TTPSP UPDATE v 0.4.21:
A triple trad team and a psp-ita.com hb project.
In those first days we managed to start a psp multiplayer community from scratch.
After the first few hours the european server start to slowly lost in performance,so we had to shut it down,migrating player on the AMERICA1 server.
Sessions were very unstable,player stats where wrong.
Client was very buggy,during chat or lobby many people keep crashing,taking with him his opponent wich is stuck in the room alone.
Player list have graphical glitches and sometimes invites freeze the client.
In 2 days more than 1400 users registered.In 2 days 4787 matchs where hosted in those first 4 days and 1235 where completed without any crash (we assume crashes are just the half of the totals,cause one crash involves the other player.)
But hey,that was the first attemp!We are not going to leave the situation like that anyway!
This first attemp was pretty satisfying for us to see things going almost like we planned,on the other side we know that many players were frustrated by online game instability.
we apologies for those issues and we promise to keep the servers and the client updated and with new features!
So here we are with this 0.4.21 update.
-Ingame crashes rate lowered.
-Forget (and forgive) quitters or crashers: you can now quit in any time after a while in any screen of the matchmaking.Quitters will be logged.
-Timer to auto leave request after 60 secs.Quitters are logged.
-Lost money & all the cards?cannot play anymore?added a function to re-initialize your account (cards & money) without loosing Exp.just enter the shop when you have less than 5 cards in the deck an less than 200 Guils.
-Problems like session timeout,validation result and that kind of stuff, have been fixed on the server itself o the go.
-A layer of security has been added,no cheating has been confirmed,a couple of awesome players are owning thought .
-Stats now works correctly,and has been syncronized.top 50 works fine now.
-We have been contacted by contributors to expand the infrastructure to 3 server.Btw whe preferred to manage the community on a single server,located in Western USA.
to not split people on 3 worlds.
-Added a location message if an user logout.
-Card number changed to show equipped cards also.
-Chat issues has been fixed.BTW,standard messages may not work if someone do not translate them in your own language.
-Player List has been fixed,no more crappy deformations
-Invites popup freeze rate lowered almost to 0.
-Player filters now works (press select while in a location)
-Triangle show a direct player infos popup while choosing the deck before a match.
-During match you can see rules.
-This year is the Final Fantasy 7 10th anniversary,so we managed to added the most loved summon EVER.Is a special and very rare card.
When you register now,you will enter randomly in on of the majors world capitals,'cause Balamb's Garden where often full of people and a little too messy.
Also,your region is saved for further developements...Regional tournaments anyone?
Onother thing has been changed is the card cost when selling.
We saw there was a lot of difference between users levels,and guils where easy to get (with trading even easier,reselling captured cards.).Now we re-calculated the selling ratio to 1/4*Card cost.card cost depends on your alignement.
We wish like to thanks:
-Chaosflare from qj.net which is actually hosting the TTPSP-AMERICA1 server (our public beta only server).
-Genesis Hosting - Webhosting, Gameserver hosting, etc. http://servers.genesis.quasared. net/
-The others contributors wich contacted us for giving support for hosting the gaming server:thanks guys!
As ever-> http://www.psp-ita.com/tt
ps: i noticed sakya and the triple triad team is often not mentioned.i'm a part of that, and i'm not the main programmer.so please give full credits
Sakya , Zero-One, Peoplechamp, Nedra, Leviadragon, Sephzero
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April 10th, 2007, 18:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Virgin Radio has launched a music player for the Wii and PlayStation 3 web browsers in the UK.
The player streams music from Virgin Radio, Virgin Radio Extreme, Virgin Radio Classic Rock and Virgin Radio Groove.
"It's great for us to achieve another new media first and be the only UK radio station available on both of these massively popular games consoles," said James Cridland, director of digital media, reports Radio Today.
"People are treating the consoles as part of their home entertainment media centre and now Virgin Radio will be part of that experience. This platform has great growth potential, particularly among early-adopters and the 25 – 44 audience popular with advertisers," he added.
As well as the radio player, users will be able to buy tickets and CDs and download music through the Virgin Radio Ticket Store.
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April 10th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
David Carnoy, executive editor of CNET, has written an interesting piece about the appeal of Nintendo DS to females. Girls seem to love Nintendo's handheld, and they help make a large portion of Nintendo's current audience. For example, one CNET editor's girlfriend "liked the concept of the touch screen ... She thought it was more interactive than what you had with the PSP."
Certainly, women can enjoy PSP (see picture), but it's clear that PSP is largely targeted towards males. But is that really a problem? As Carnoy points out, focusing on this demographic has created a large library of games that can entertain an audience that simply won't be satisfied by the DS's numerous casual games: "Fact is, the number of really good titles for the DS is actually pretty thin, especially if you happen to be over 21 and don't worship at the altar of Mario or Pokemon. If you're looking to play more 'adult' games with any sort of backbone, the PSP is a far better choice with a much stronger game library."
Like almost every other analyst out there, Carnoy believes that PSP can better attract a wider audience with a redesigned handheld. The problem appears to be Sony's reluctance: "I wouldn't be surprised if I saw the DS Extra Lite before I saw the next iteration of the PSP."
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April 10th, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Thank you, babelfish and your ability to translate Jeux-France for those of us who took 11 years of Spanish through their school-lives. Anyway, the latest issue of EGM had an advertisement for PSM3, the British monthly magazine, stating there was an article devoted to Loco Roco on PlayStation 3.
What they didn't say was whether or not this was going to be a PS-Store port of the PSP title, a PS3 re-imagining of the PSP title, or a sequel to the original, making full use of the SIXAXIS. In any case, we'll soon have news about more cutesy blob-moving action akin to all those weird lava-lamp-like devices that were such a big deal ten years ago. Keep your eyes open when you snag that PSM3, Europe, and let us know what's inside!
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April 10th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: shadow77340
hi all ,
I come back with my pspsokoban who is now on 0.7 ! :Jump:
Sorry for my very bad english i am french and i am only 13 .
What's news ?
0.7 :
_8 new characters ichigo bankai , Grimmjow (bleach) , Toad , Trunk (dbz), Cloud (ff7),baby mario ,tails( sonic) , ness (nintendo).
_Add 3 new level
_There is a music in the option
_fix a bug who doesn't play correctly sounds on the main menu.
_Floor is replaced by sprites
_A best system of savedata ( only 1 file )
_A lot of target has changed
_A best system of high score , can now save the 5 first best score.
_Can now take screenshots on game with square
_Can now change CPU frequency , to change opend pspsokoban/data/cpufrequency.txt end write the frequency.
ex : if you want the game run at 266mhz write "266" on the file.
_fix a forget on the level 23 ( missed one target)
_Change the SDN0.at3 (music of the eboot)
screenshots :

Download the game : http://mobiles.gxmod.com/modules/myd...t.php?lid=4449
Download Src :
Shadow77340 ++
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April 10th, 2007, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has cleared up some issues surrounding PlayStation 3 release dates on semi-official blog ThreeSpeech this afternoon, by pointing out that they're not all entirely correct.
The site lists five big titles due to appear in September, including Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ratchet & Clank and WarHawk. However, it seems it overstepped the mark with its Killzone prediction, as Sony recently informed us.
"The release date on ThreeSpeech for Killzone PS3 is a mistake," a spokesperson for Sony told Eurogamer this afternoon. "We haven't made any announcements for a date yet, as it's still TBC."
Which is good news for us, as it seems to suggest the other four will be appearing in September.
We'd previously heard that Lair and Heavenly Sword were due sometime this year, after they were accidentally listed as May on the UK PlayStation site, but secretly we'd feared they may have slipped to 2008.
Head over to ThreeSpeech for a closer look.
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April 10th, 2007, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Yes, Guild Wars is sitting on my desktop currently and no, I'm not level 20 or anything. Why? Because my laptop doesn't like to load it... and every map needs such heavy updating I'm pretty sure I'll never play it again. But that's not the point! It was free! Aside from the initial purchase price. What did that yield? A pretty decent following, but coupled with at-most decent gameplay focused primarily on teamwork. Maybe things have changed, but those were my impressions from the first few months of release.
In any case, Guild Wars 2 is bound for beta testing in 2008 and they're releasing some other expansion pack later this year. An interview with Eurogamer brought up the question whether this sequel would come to consoles. Ben Miller responded to the question thus: "We are focused on PCs right now. I think consoles remain an interesting opportunity for Guild Wars in the future, but that's not something we've announced any plans for at this time." Basically, that means "Yeah, it's being tossed around."
It would make sense for Guild Wars 2 to come to the PlayStation 3 at the very least, since online is already free. Would they be able to throw the game up on the PS-Store at a cheaper price to get even more interest? I'd give it another shot, for sure, if it was easy to get to. And the PS3 certainly has more processing power than this aging dinosaur of a laptop. Thoughts?
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April 11th, 2007, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
According to a 'semi-official' blog, a big-hitting Sony title should be seeing the light of day this autumn.
ThreeSpeech.com, the blog with 'close links' to Sony, has said that Heavenly Sword, a fluid, fast-moving slice 'em up spectacular featuring a flame haired swordslady, will hit PS3 this September.
As well as that, it also suggested that airsickness-inducing dragon flying thing Lair, and air and land-based combat title WarHawk, will also launch that month.
But the naughty site also said that Bioshock should be going on sale in that same month - which Sony has said is most definitely not the case.
via cvg
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April 11th, 2007, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Some retailers in North America have stopped selling the 20GB PlayStation 3 model, GamesIndustry.biz is reporting, including Sony's official online outlet, SonyStyle.
SonyStyle now offers only the 60GB version, which SCEI spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka said has always been the more popular of the two machines. Speaking to IDG News he stated, "The line-up [at SonyStyle] is decided based on market demand and so it's not surprising that they are not selling it on their website. But if you go to a retailer you can find it."
However, SonyStyle isn't the only online retailer which has stopped selling the 20GB PS3. It's no longer available via the websites of Best Buy, GameStop or Electronics Boutique.
But the console is still on sale at some retailers, such as Amazon.com.
The 20GB PlayStation 3 is not available in Europe, where the 60GB model launched on March 23. Sony has yet to confirm whether both machines will eventually be made available.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz after news emerged that US retailers were ceasing to stock the 20GB model, a spokesperson said, "We'll continue to monitor demand for the 20GB model, from a consumer and retailer perspective, which will be factored into any future European launch plans."
via eurogamer
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April 11th, 2007, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from Kotaku
I posted about Taito Legends 2 coming to North America earlier this year, but today, publisher Destineer Studios (eh?) makes it official, announcing that the second PlayStation 2 collection, as well as the PSP version, will be released in the spring.
Gamespot has the full line-up, but fans of Qix, Ray Storm or Darius Gaiden should take a look. It's loaded with 80s and 90s arcade sexiness.
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April 11th, 2007, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
article from kotaku
The Playstation Portable could be the biggest selling failure in history.
Since it's launch Sony has shipped more than 25 million of the portable gaming devices and at least one analyst predicts that will hit 29 million by the end of the year.
And with the recent drop in price, the PSP has already seen a 300 percent increase in sales. This jump in sales, be it a temporary spike or a signs of things to come, comes with the surprising news that the UMD movie format is also making a bit of a recovery.
As we approach the heart of 2007, Sony sees this as being the year of the Playstation Portable, a year that saw a price drop and return of the UMD, a year that is seeing a change in the portables marketing and a year that will see a slew of major PSP announcements.
"In 2005 we launched the product, last year about establishing the software," said John Koller, senior marketing manager for the PSP. " think this is going to be the year for PSP, I think it's going to be a fantastic year for it.
A very very good year."
Koller said decision to drop the Playstation Portable to $169 was threefold.
"We got some cost savings out of the product, and we wanted to pass that on to the consumers," he said. "The second reason was we looked at the Wal-Mart experience over black Friday, that was really a good point to go to that price point. Lastly, we are really trying to promote the PSP heavily toward the 13 to 17 consumer group."
That new, younger market that Sony is shooting for is one that has seen a significant increase in the past year, Koller said. In fact, 13 to 17-year-olds are the largest group of PSP owners.
"I think that goes back to content," he said. "A lot of the games that have launched have done a lot to target that group on its own."
"The campaign we are including with the price drop is called Dude, Get Your Own," he said. "We've seen an increase in sales immediately."
In the the first two days following the PSP's price drop there was a 300 percent increase in the number of the portables sold.
And with that increase among teen gamers has come a jump in the amount of downloading. Video is the top type of download, with music coming in at number two, Koller said.
While the interest in downloadable content is at an all-time high, Koller still declined to talk about when or if Sony will be launching its own store for content.
Koller was able to talk about UMD, a format I and many gamers and writers though was dying. Not only is Sony not thinking of ditching the format, it seems to be making a come back.
UMD movie sales were actually up 35 percent from 2005 to 2006, Koller said. And that jump in sales enticed Target to bring the format back to their stores.
And games too are attracting attention, with more developers creating original content for the portable.
"Our greatest successes take place when publishers and developers recognize the value of the PSP owner as a PSP owner not repurposing a title," Koller said. "We've actively encouraged third parties in that direction."
The upcoming God of War title for the PSP is a good example of that, he said. It will be unique to the PSP, offering an extension of the plot that made the first two games such a success.
"I think you're going to see a lot more of that," he said. "I think third party is starting to understand the value of doing that."
Riding a wave of increased interested, higher sales and better titles, Sony plans to make some big announcements about the PSP in the near future.
"There will be some major PSP announcements this year," he said, "they will be coming over the course of the next few months."
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April 11th, 2007, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
via gizmodo
Believe it or not, but people are buying PS3s and the poor souls who bought from the last batch of 60GB consoles are claiming their systems are emitting a high-pitched whine when turned on.
A couple of other users at the official PS3 forums are claiming the same thing and it appears only machines with the serial numbers CE133190xxx and CE133212xxx are affected. Anyone out there experiencing the same thing or is this a case of overly sensitive ears?
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April 11th, 2007, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen comes some new info on the next release of the custom firmware, it will have improved PS1 Emulation:
If, as DarK_Alex announced yesterday it will not have there a great innovation in the 3.30 OE it does not remain about it less than one small surprise will await you in integrated emulator PS1. Indeed while working on this one, they realized that an option making it possible to regulate the rate loading (In the play) of ISOs PS1 is present in this new version. Previously, in the old versions, the speed of the loading was done with identical compared to the PS1. Today, it will be possible, via an option, to choose between the original mode and an accelerated loading! We benefit from the occasion to say to you that the 3.30OE is in good way and that, DarK_Alex not having still a PSP, it still does not have there a precise date envisaged. But like us had already said it to you, no play not asking the 3.30, there is no need to hurry with the lake!
Very interesting.
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April 11th, 2007, 12:36 Posted By: tophead420
tophead420's version of PS3 theme

This is a work in progress. I am trying to compile a PS3 theme that is as close to the Ps3 XMB as possible. Right now its missing a few things but I'll fix it soon, like I said its a work in progress.
Right now this theme contains:
*Top menu icons (silver) (made by innercy recolored by CrazyEyes)
*Ps3 menu wave (not exactly the ps3 wave but very close) (Made by I have no clue I will find out a credit whom ever it is)
* Background (Black 01-12.bmp, Its not all 12 but I'm working on it. I have been having trouble with the BG split/merger will fix soon) (made by me :P)
*Ps3 font (made by innercy)
*PS3 gameboot (made by psp phd)
Please credit those for their hard work in making this possible
********I take no responsibility if you brick use at own risk********
To install this take all of the rco's and the 01-12.bmp and flash them to flash0:/vsh/resource
In oder to get this gameboot to work you must redirect your Gameboot to your Memory Stick to do this use Flash Agent.
I plan to add on to this later. My plans for this are:
Adding battery and volume icons
Adding photo,music,game, and video icons if possible
maybe a custom coldboot
And any other icons I left out
This is just a few things I can think of off the top of my had
This didn't take much time to do but it took a while to release because I was searching for all the stuff I needed. But couldn't find it all If you can help me in anyway please contact me on msn or my forums. Also I am currently reading up on how to make 32 bit icons. I just need a good program in which to make them.
email- zigzag15@hotmail.com
forums- www.topspsp.tk
Updated the download link now contains top menu and an alternate font one pictured above
If this contains any material Dcemu does not approve of let me know and I will edit it, though the download is off site.
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April 11th, 2007, 17:19 Posted By: MK2k
Sleep'n'Wake PSP 1.2 even more Updated/Enhanced Version
The feedback from the community didn't stop, more suggestions came in, here is the 1.2 Update:
New in Version 1.2
- Switch between 24h / 12h (am|pm) display (toggle 24h and 12h display in the "Set Wake Time" option)
I hope you lot US, CAN, AU and NZ users are happy now 
- Randomize your playlists with the Playlist Randomizer Option in the Playlist Edit menu
- Snooze Mode! (activated in Alarm Mode by pressing L or R Shoulderbuttons, snooze time can be set from 1 to 9 minutes)
- Bugfix: ".mp3" is now accepted in all capitalization variations (e.g. ".mP3")
- rearranged Main Menu
Sleep'n'Wake PSP is an official entry to the PSP-Hacks.com Homebrew Competition
This is a little app for the PSP which gives you the possibility to doze off with your favourite music playing silently and wake up with some thrash metal or hardcore bassdrums with volume maxed at a predefined time.
Features so far
- Full cbr/vbr/abr 8kbps-320kbps 44.1kHz MP3 support
- MP3 can be of arbitrary length
- Manage different playlists for Sleep and Wake modes
-> add / remove mp3s
-> save / load / randomize playlists
- In Sleep mode you can set a special, more silent volume
- Wake mode is entered at a preset time with volume maxed (you can always adjust the
maximum volume with the VOL + and - keys)
- Snooze for a preset amount of minutes in Wake Mode by pressing L or R Shoulderbutton
- Write yourself a message which will be displayed in Wake mode
- USB Mass Storage can be enabled/disabled within the app
- Energy Save Mode (underclocks the PSP to 50MHz while no mp3 is running)
- Big Digits Time Display (set 24h or 12h am|pm as you like in the Set Wake Time Option)
-- MK2k
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April 11th, 2007, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed that it will make available a downloadable version of fighting game, Mortal Kombat II, via PS3's PlayStation Store.
For a cool $4.99 (£2.50-ish) US gamers will be able to find the game in the store from April 12. You get 12 characters, 10 levels, leaderboards, classic fatalities and online play.
No word yet on whether we can expect the game to appear on European PlayStation Stores, but we did get Super Rub A Dub over the Easter weekend.
via cvg
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April 11th, 2007, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
A company called Foxconn (Hon Hai Precision Industry) is preparing its troops for "volume production" of PS3 consoles after the firm received certification from Sony for its production.
The Chinese Commercial Times quotes sources at Taiwan-based component makers as saying that Foxconn is expected to begin volume production of PS3 in the second half of this year in order to meet strong demand as Christmas approaches. Let the jokes about unsold units begin below.
via cvg
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April 11th, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Official PlayStation Magazine UK will be the first and only magazine to offer cover-mounted playable Blu-ray demo discs for PS3, thanks to a partnership between Future and Sony.
Issue 7, which goes on sale on June 1, will be the first issue to come packed with a Blu-ray disc which will include playable demos of first- and third-party games.
Specific titles are yet to be confirmed, but the demos available in the online PlayStation Store should serve as a reliable guide.
OPSM promises to include multimedia and user-generated content in later discs that will "support the advanced capabilities of the PS3".
Sony UK's managing director, Ray Maguire said: "We are very excited to partner with Future to offer a playable Blu-ray disc to UK PlayStation 3 owners. The high capacity of Blu-ray media is the perfect method to distribute large volumes of unique existing, and user-generated content in HD, showcasing PS3's multimedia capabilities to the full."
Perfect if you're worried about cramming your 60GB PS3 hard drive full of demos.
via cvg
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April 11th, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Toward the end of May Dave Mirra BMX Challenge is pedalling onto PSP, and it's a game that the Mirra man himself has claimed "is the closest thing to reality without the cost of the bumps and bruises". We recently caught up with John Brandwood from the title's developer Left Field Productions to find out more...
How are you tailoring Dave Mirra BMX Challenge on PSP to the platform?
John Brandwood: We're taking advantage of the PSP's incredible power to bring a full PS2-style experience to the handheld market.
However, the platform itself does pose its own challenges. For instance, the PSP's analog controller is a little harder to use precisely than the PS2 DualShock's analog controller. Because of this we've added some features to aid the player in controlling their bike and rider.
The biggest thing we did was include an auto-land feature. This allows the player to rotate the bike freely in the air with minimal risk of crashing because the bike rotation didn't complete on landing. If you look at past BMX games, the most frustrating part is not completing a rotation quick enough to land.
Is the PSP hardware actually allowing you to include anything unique to the version?
John Brandwood: Yes, the ad-hoc multiplayer modes can be quite addicting when playing with your friends. We have five ad-hoc modes ranging from Racing to Trick Attack to more unique modes that include Capture the Crown, Who's the Leader and Biggest Combo.
And what new features are being introduced in this game?
John Brandwood: We've added the concept of trick-based racing to the BMX arena. In this, we've taken a fun race mechanic and encouraged the player to perform BMX tricks to get off the regular pathway and find shortcuts to improve their position. Some of the best shortcuts are really hard to find, and reward the player that takes the time to really explore the levels.
We've also created two separate circuits within each race. This was the first time we've made levels that include two separate circuits. Players do a couple of laps around one circuit, and then the course splits into the second circuit. This makes our levels huge! As with all new features, this presented some challenges. I'm happy to report that all the challenges we encountered while doing the two circuits were overcome and the payoff is that we have some of the biggest levels for any racing game on the PSP.
What's Dave Mirra brought to the table with the PSP version?
John Brandwood: Dave Mirra is at the top of the action-sports world. From a branding standpoint he's more recognizable than many previous US Presidents. Dave is truly on a different level when compared to his competitors.
Did you look at DS for a handheld version of Dave Mirra BMX Challenge? If so, why did you opt for PSP?
John Brandwood: I'm afraid that we never seriously considered the DS as a target for this project. While we're huge Nintendo fans here at Left Field Productions, the DS just isn't a suitable platform for the kind of game that we wanted to make.
Finally, what would you say is Dave Mirra BMX Challenge on PSP's ultimate selling point?
John Brandwood: This is the first BMX game to come out in over 4 years. If you like to do crazy BMX tricks, then we've got them. If you like racing, then we've got that too. If you're the type that must find everything, then we have tons of gaps along with lots of unlockables.
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April 11th, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is taking a wait and see approach before announcing any plans to release the 20GB PS3 in Europe.
It was revealed yesterday that the 20GB model was taken off the US consumer website Sony Style, leading many to believe (us included) that the smaller 20GB model's days are numbered in the US.
Speaking to CVG, Sony UK explained, "With regards to the 20GB model taken off Sony Style - it's only applicable to the US market as it was never released over here."
The chances of the 20GB PS3 being released on our shores are getting slimmer and slimmer. Don't expect to see the smaller hard drive model any time soon, unless there's suddenly massive demand for its release. But if you're going to shell out that amount of money for a console, you really should go the whole hog and fork out for the 60GB model. It'll save you money in the long run.
"We'll continue to monitor demand for the 20GB model, from a consumer and retailer perspective... which will be factored into any future Euro launch plans," Sony told us.
via cvg
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April 11th, 2007, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
New details for Grand Theft Auto IV have spilled their way onto the Internet, expanding on what we can expect when the game launches on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this October.
The game will be as significantly different as GTA III was to the previous top-down crime capers, Rockstar founder Dan Houser told Game Informer, and will offer much wider choice and freedom to the player.
As we already know from the trailer, GTA IV will take place in Liberty City (New York) in 2007, and will revolve around an Eastern European fellow. This chap, the main character, is Niko Bellic - an immigrant in search of the "American Dream".
His cousin Roman persuaded him to make the move by boasting a life of luxury, but it eventually turns out he was using this as a cover to hide his own failures. He'll be your only contact until you can find your feet, and ultimately carve out your own destiny.
One of the biggest differences in the new game will be the way you interact with other people. In previous iterations you've been at the beck and call of others, picking up your phone to receive orders. But this time around you'll be able to dial out, calling people to arrange rendezvouses and correlate your own plans. There will still be an element of following someone else's game plan, but the freedom of choice is something Rockstar is proudly standing by.
In GTA IV, four of the five boroughs of New York have been recreated for you to explore, as well as parts of New Jersey. Broker is the equivalent of Brooklyn, Manhattan is now Algonquin, Queens becomes Dukes, the Bronx is Brohan, and New Jersey transforms into Alderney.
While that doesn't give the fourth game the largest geographical playing field in the series, the level of detail and freedom should apparently more than make up for it.
We've already seen the impressive lighting effects, sumptuous skyline, and next-gen sheen from the trailer. What is less evident is the vastly enhanced AI, where NPCs will walk and talk much more convincingly, going about their daily routines around you. And apparently the game will only look better as we get closer to launch.
As with other games you can expect voice acting and an impressive array of radio stations to choose from while you're joyriding in Liberty City. However, it's unlikely we'll see Hollywood actors in the lead roles in this game, as Rockstar is making an effort to choose less well-known talent, both for voices and for the track listing.
Multiplayer is also going to be included this time around, but it isn't going to be an MMORPG. It's going to be something separate to the single-player experience that will be fun, interesting, and progressive.
Technically the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will look and feel the same, and loading screens should be non existent after your initial entry into the world.
However, Microsoft's console will offer that exclusive downloadable content its boasted about at every opportunity, though there's still speculation as to whether the Blu-ray disc will include more to begin with.
via eurogamer
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April 11th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is currently in talks with a number of companies on the commercial use of the PlayStation 3.
Following the launch of the Folding@home initiative, where latent PS3 power is used to help calculate research for Stanford University, commercial businesses could soon make use of similar scheme, reports the Financial Times.
"We are discussing various options with companies and exploring commercial applications," said Sony's chief technology officer, Masa Chatani.
Idle PlayStation 3 units are able to connect remotely via the internet and run complex calculations. So far, over 82,000 PlayStation 3 users have signed up for the Folding@home initiative.
A network of 10,000 PS3's is capable of reproducing the power of 200,000 PCs, states the report.
"A start-up or a pharmaceutical company that lacks a super-computer could utilise this kind of infrastructure," detailed Chatani.
While the Folding@home service is for research purposes, any commercial possibilities would need to offer a reward or incentive for PS3 users to take part. The report suggests free products could be a possibility.
via gibiz
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April 11th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku

Slapped with Japan's equivalent of ESRB's "Mature" rating, the Chuuka na Janshi Tenho Painyan: Remix is not a sex game. I repeat, THIS IS NOT A SEX GAME. Rather, it is intended for Japanese players over the age of 15. The game is a portable take on the PS2 incarnation, and the characters were created by famous character designer Kenichi Sonoda. The portable versions go on sale in late June, and like I said, this is not a sex game. Haven't played the original, and I imagine its fairly standard stuff for mah-jong games. Still, don't be surprised if you can use the touch pen in novel ways.
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April 11th, 2007, 22:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
With the PS3 SingStar on its way in June (for Europe), we've heard very little about what specific tracks would make their way onto the disc. Turns out it doesn't really matter since we can download nearly anything we want. Why? Here's a quote from Game Director Paulina Bozek:
"The SingStore is up and running here in the studio, and we've got hundreds of songs to download, at our fingertips. Finally we can browse through hundreds of songs and download exactly the tunes we want – it's fantastic to have the variety and choice. We're also starting to think about all the less known songs that we want to put up there. It's all digital now, so space is no longer at a premium. We no longer have to agonize over the perfect 30 songs on the disc and we're looking forward to having some fun with it. I recently had a request for the band The Pixies from a journalist and it would be great to know what everybody out there wants, so if you have any special requests, let us know in the comments to this blog."
So the game is done, but they're taking requests? Everyone, leave them a comment on their blog requesting your favorite song or artist. Since I love music beyond belief, I've got a few ideas myself. Go!
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April 11th, 2007, 22:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Ever since its debut, worldwide people have taken note of that awesome PlayStation 3 font -- the Spider-Man font. It turns out everybody was just jealous that their computer didn't have the font available. Well, someone who really loved the font has tossed it up for downloadsies on the internet. We would have typed this post up using it, but you know. Protocol, rules, whatever.
We don't really have much else to say about this except to go ahead and download the font, somehow connect a label maker to your computer and slap up PS3-fonts on all of your goodies.
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April 11th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Sony recently dropped the price of PSP down to $170 in an effort to revitalize the ailing PSP market. Did it work? According to Kotaku, the plan has worked quite spectacularly: "In the the first two days following the PSP's price drop there was a 300 percent increase in the number of the portables sold."
Unfortunately, Kotaku hasn't provided a source for their information, and without specific numbers to work with, the authenticity of such a claim becomes a lot shakier. However, we'll play the optimist: with both system and games reaching mass market affordability, PSP is bound to bounce back in the handheld wars.
More surprisingly, it appears as though the UMD is not dead. Apparently, UMD movie sales were actually up 35 percent from 2005 to 2006. "That jump in sales enticed Target to bring the format back to their stores."
These are interesting developments for PSP, especially if true. The handheld wars are certainly getting far more interesting, now that Sony's recommitted to the fight.
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April 11th, 2007, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Pocket Gamer does a good job of picking apart the persistent rumor that Ericsson might be working on a Playstation Portable branded phone.
First they run down the rumor which seems to stem from an Ericsson exec saying they were working on something on the gaming front and a Spanish blog reporting that Ericsson plans to start using the PSP and PS3s Xross Media Bar.
When I spoke with the SCEA folks last week about the Playstation Portable I actually asked about the possibilities of a phone. The response: A no comment. But John Koller, senior marketing manager for the PSP. told me that they are always evaluating new technology and listening to what their consumers want. So kind of a mixed message there.
Instead of trying to come to a definitive answer, Pocket Gamer moves straight into a wishlist. If the PSPhone comes they want it to be a slider, include landscape gaming, shoulder buttons, 3D graphics and the ability to link with the PSP and PS3. Finally, they want the phone to have a built in camera.
I don't know. I'm sorta over all of these super multifunctional devices. They never seem to do anyone thing really well. Just look at the N-Gage, heck the Treo is often a pain in my ass
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April 11th, 2007, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Straight from Sony: The 20GB PS3 will no longer be offered to retailers for sale in North America. The decision was made based on consumer and retail demand favoring "the 60GB model 10 to 1."
Dave Karraker of Sony America states, "At launch, we offered two separate models of PlayStation 3 to meet the diverse needs and interests of our PlayStation fan base. Initial retail demand in North America was upwards of ninety percent in favor of the 60GB SKU, so we manufactured and shipped-in accordingly. Due to the overwhelming demand for the 60GB model from both retailers and consumers, we have ceased offering the 20GB model here in North America. In addition to the larger internal hard drive, the 60GB PlayStation 3 features added storage media slots and built-in Wi-Fi not found in the 20GB system. Based on retailer and consumer feedback, we have decided to focus our current efforts on the more popular 60GB model."
This follows mounting evidence that the 20GB was on its way out the door at Best Buy and even the Sony Style store. And so we say goodbye to the PlayStation 3's 20GB model. Goodnight sweet Prince, we hardly knew ye.
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April 11th, 2007, 23:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Today Namco Bandai announced that the animated TV series Naruto will sneak onto the PSP for the first time this summer in Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes. The title will be a team-based fighting game for up to six characters in single-player mode, or two players over wireless versus mode. The battle will rage over eight stages and there will be 20 playable characters to choose from.
Developed by CyberConnect2, Ultimate Ninja Heroes gives gamers the ability to create and customize their own ninja dream squads to battle opponents or trade profiles wirelessly. Characters can be put together in different combinations to unlock team-based skills.
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April 12th, 2007, 00:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
PSP games are ports: FALSE
PSP lacks good games: FALSE
PSP games have bad controls: FALSE
Fans are sick of the PSP misinformation that many DS fans are spreading on the Internet. Both Sony and Nintendo fanboys are responsible for immature, irrational thinking that's based on half-truths and lies. To combat this growing ignorance, PSP fans have taken the liberty to create an entire website devoted to debunking common PSP misconceptions. True to our namesake, we'd like to salute the people behind "thepsphasnogames," and hope they continue to fight the good fight. We know that once people have a chance to actually play the system, and learn more about its true capabilities, they too would be as enamored as we are.
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April 12th, 2007, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev:
Watch in awe of my lazy presentational ability, considering the videos from Assembly are not even out yet it is surprising Breakpoint can do it so quickly.
They can be grabbed from this FTP The slides are more or less the same as from assembly so you can just grab the old slide deck.
Oh and congratulations to TBL for their awesome PSP demo proving that the PSP is more than capable of doing a good demo (and finally I got a greet, sorta :P). Only a video is available at the moment but better than nothing 
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April 12th, 2007, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
If you're thinking about buying Super Rub-a-Dub, go buy some Peeps while they're on clearance because when you get into the challenging stages of this title, you're going to want to choke the life out of anything resembling a rubber duck.
At first, Super Rub-a-Dub seems straightforward and simple enough. Your goal is to guide a large rubber ducky around a bathtub and break bubbles holding miniature rubber duckies. The big duck breaks the bubbles, the mini-ducks follow the big duck and you get the whole flock to the drain in the tub for evacuation. Get all the ducks on screen down the drain, and the level is over.
From there, the concept gets complicated.
Rubber ducky, you're the one.To begin with, you're not controlling the large ducky at any point -- you're controlling the tub of water the duck is in via the Sixaxis controller's tilt function. You tilt the control left, right, forward or backward and the tub and its contents shift in that direction. It's on your shoulders to tilt the tub in directions that will run the big duck into the little duckies, around corners, away from wind-up sharks and not over the edge of side-less tubs. Toss the controller up and the tub tosses the duck into the air and over obstacles while flipping the sharks onto their backs for a short time.
You can even tilt on the menus to select whatever feature you want.
There are 60 tubs spread across three difficulties -- fun, tricky and tough. As you play, you'll need to earn medals to advance from tub to tub. Earning a gold, silver or bronze depends on your final time, and that's comprised of multiple components. If you finish the level but have lost duckies -- maybe they fell off the edge of the tub or were eaten by a shark -- the number of ducks missing is added as seconds to the time it took you to clear the tub of ducks. Your best hope for clock salvation is to have a long trail of duckies go down the drain. As you run into multiple bubbles, the freed duckies line up behind the big duck. Get the line to the drain without a shark eating one of the babies or one of the little ones slipping off into oblivion, and your biggest group will be recorded by the game. At the score screen, your longest trail is divided in half and that number is subtracted from your final time. The system tracks your personal records, and if you truly are "quacktastic," logs your time and username on the online leaderboards.
Securing a decent spot on the leaderboards is easier said than done. As the levels get tougher, you'll need to launch the big duck over gaps between tubs, around sharks, through whirlpools and against strong currents. Even though some of the courses will leaving you screaming at the television and cursing the baby ducks that were stupid enough to follow the big duck over the edge of the tub, you'll be able to unlock each course within a few hours of gaming. It's getting gold medals, unlocking the different colored ducks and besting challengers online that will keep people playing this title.
The version floating around the IGN office seems to be all but complete with its bright bathroom visuals and bathtub-inspired sounds. All 60 levels are available for up to four players to duke it out in multiplayer mode -- pick a level, pass the controller and see who can finish the level the fastest -- but there's no online versus mode.
via ign
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April 12th, 2007, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
With Stuntman: Ignition, THQ and Paradigm Entertainment aim to put gamers into the shoes of the world's most dangerous stunt driver. Featuring a number of movies with action sequences that put the car chase in The Rock to shame, nailing the game's chaotic scenes takes patience, practice and, most of all, lots of skill.
This week we spent some time performing take after take in the high-octane action flick Overdrive. The movie features two scenes, Kill Stone and Chaser, both of which have you driving at high speed through a tight and compact city while running from helicopters. While the previous film we shot played, Aftershock, featured plenty of open streets and only scattered bits of traffic to deal with, Overdrive is a much different experience. The streets are littered with cars, and almost every turn puts you face-to-face with oncoming traffic running down tight corridors. This one takes lots of practice in order to learn where cars and such are going to be around every corner, as small errors wind up have a big, negative impact on your score.
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April 12th, 2007, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The debate about whether or not PSP appeals to girls continues. Shiny Shiny, a popular gadgets website targeted towards girls, has an interesting take on the DS versus PSP debacle. Kimberly, a blogger on the site, admits to having a DS bias. Like one CNET editor stated, the stylus controls were attractive: "I liked the idea of the stylus and touchscreen." However, the honeymoon was over quite quickly: "[The DS] offered familiar, but interesting challenges ... for about a month."
Why the sudden change of heart? Apparently, she got her hands on a PSP, and found using a more conventional control scheme with PSP made gaming much easier: "I found the PSP's games and controls to be much more intuitive than the Nintendo DS Lite." Kimberly had to constantly refer to the instruction manuals in DS games to understand the controls, while PSP offered a more familiar environment. Like we predicted, DS fans that actually give PSP a try will find that much of the bias against the system is unfounded.
"The PSP's ability to do more might account for its poor battery life compared to the DS Lite. In this episode of gadgetry smackdown, I concede the battle to my buddy/nemesis and will go get myself a PSP"
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April 12th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hopper:
About time I got around to releasing this.
It's my attempt at a Zelda game for the PSP coded in Lua.
It's not too bad. Runs a bit slow in places.
Either take it or leave it, please don't b.it.ch about anything in this game(Code, Lua, IP etc.)
Read the readme!!- has all acknowledgments, sorry if I missed any.
Game Features
*Tile based game engine
*Collision Detection
*Scrolling Map (with dodgy dodgy collision)
*One Dungeon
*AI enemies (Path finding enemies that can see Link and will run after him but won't hurt him =])
*Multiplayer online game
*Modified version of Mericks map maker(used my own code to read from tile sheet, doesn't offer as many features, just drawing)
*Some stupid weird stuff i put in to amuse myself
Haven't tested out the IP address I use in the online game in a while. It uses youresam's server, he might have changed it since?? Anyone know?? I tested it on my own pc so I know the game will work.
And to be honest I really really couldn't be arsed ever working anymore on this project ever again. I might release an extra room i've made as it's not available in this download. THE DAVE ROOM!
So please don't expect much in the way of updates in the future and don't ask me for updates.
Thanks especially to Soulkiller and anyone who has helped me when i had problems.
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via hopper
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April 12th, 2007, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from reanimate:
I have been working all day on this and came up with this,
PSP Easy-C, its basicly PSP Studio Remade to Use C... there is a bit of a setup with all the files but it shouldnt be harder then using PSPDEV... readme included so dont worry everyone!!
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via reanimate
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April 12th, 2007, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
Johny5 has released a new version of the flash app for the PSP. heres whats new:
1. Changed layout.
2. Fixed some minor bugs.
3. Added newer/updated applications (AGAIN THIS COULDN'T HAVE
4. Added ability to press "777" *without quotes* to go back to
START (the beginning of the app) excluding when in another
app that's implimented.
5. Added "auto backup functions" the first time you run my app
you backup the functions of the xmb, such as video player,
music player, photo veiwer, update icon, etc. this is if
you want to delete them you can easily restore them.
6. Added "auto backup theme" the first time you run my app so
that you never lose your original theme.
7. Added ability to see current firmware.
8. Added security feature that doesn't allow you to flash the
topmenu_plugin.rco if you are on firmware 3.1x oe
9. Psx fix, when opening_plugin was moddefied.
1. App that changes all 25 icons.
2. App/GUI (WavePool 0.3)
3. App (Injector by nicinico)
This app can:
--Fix the ability to play psx games when modded opening_plugin
--Restore/delete xmb functions such as location free or update icon
--Merge your 12 bmps
--flash bmp
--flash topmenu created by this xmb icon maker
--flash XMBWave (system_plugin_bg.rco)
--flash different fonts
--flash gameboot.pmf
--flash location free player
--flash battery icons
--flash opening plugin boot sound+gameboot "psp gameboot logo"
--flash custom files from theme folder
--flash from backup files
--Backup function!
--Free up flash0 space!
--Backup ALL flash0
Also includes apps:
--kgsws xmb icon maker
--XMBWave Credits:Kgsws, DarkStone,vb_master!
--TGAWave CreditsarkStone, vb_master, autopopstation4, Y.F. Gamzun,
nicinico, Al-Zamli
--PSP Submenu Icon Injector v1.1-GUI Credits: dark420bishop
--rco icon editor-GUI Credits:ZiNgA BuRgA
--volume colors Credits:Zinga for the RCO editor
--wave_attack Credits:Sulpher Dragon Also couldn't of been made
without original icon hackers
This uses the function flash0 usb in the recovery mode so to make this
work please boot into recovery then to go advance then go flash0 usb.
Run johny5_flasher.exe then you'll see your options. A LOT OF THESE
CREDITED AS THEY SHOULD BE. I have edited some files slightly in ord-
er for them to function correctly within my application. Well enough
talking lets start flashing!
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via johny5
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April 12th, 2007, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from J@ricanese:
This is a game that is very simple yet fun. Sort of like Simon says. A round color thing, called a Simon has four colors on it. To play, the Simon will light up its colors in a random order. The user (you) then must input back the same colors in the same order. There are seven rounds with the first round having four colors and each round after one more than the last. Beat round seven and you beat Simon.
Instructions: To play click start at the start screen. Then press start when you are ready. WATCH SIMON carefully as he will start to randomly display colors after a short delay. When he stops, a message 'your turn' appears.
Now use the D-Pad to click the Simon colors. Up for Green, Right for Red, Down for Yellow, and Left for Blue.
As soon as you get one color wrong the round is over and you go back to round 1. Get it right and a message will alert you of your victory. Then press start to precede to next round.
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April 12th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
You're probably tired of these stories. We are too. LocoRoco continues to receive praise from critics around the world, and it's nominated (yet again) for a new award. This time, educational charity D&AD has nominated the happiest PSP title for a Yellow Pencil award. Yellow Pencil awards aren't just for kids games, though. Previous winners include Resident Evil 4, and other fare, like Nintendogs.
LocoRoco joins Shadow of the Colossus, Buzz!, Brain Training and Wii Sports in this year's nominations. Hopefully, next time Sony gets nominated, it'll be for a new game.
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April 12th, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
With a little over 2,000 signatures, it seems like the majority of PlayStation 3 owners have signed this petition already (har, har, har... if you can't laugh at yourself, you'll never smile at others or some such saying). What's the petition say? Here you go, baby birds:
"Sony, we want access to the XMB in game including custom soundtracks. At GDC 06 you showed access to the XMB, and so did early dev kits but they haven't made it to the final console. Early research suggested PS3 reserves 64mb of the main RAM for the XMB, but we currently have no access to the XMB at all. Please add this through a firmware upgrade to the PS3." Ending with a sincerely, the undersigned, you know it's official.
This would be a fantastic feature -- the ability to toss on some music mid-game, send a message, search the web for clues/other stuff made specifically for a game to get you more involved... among other things. Would you want to see this feature? What else could it bring to the table? Oh, and... sign the petition if you want to. But petitions hardly ever work.
You can sign the petition here. Leave feedback via comments.
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April 12th, 2007, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
American gamers may be destroying their PSPs in frustration over DJ Max Portable 2, but Korean gamers are absolutely bonkers for the music title. A live concert called "Live Miracle" will take advantage of the growing popularity of the game, and give fans the rare opportunity to hear their favorite songs from the game performed live. Too bad other games don't get the same kind of treatment. Imagine: a Gitaroo-Man concert.
Make sure to check out Ruliweb for the complete poster, filled with some hilarious Engrish. Live MIRACLE, It's not a DREAM!
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April 12th, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Blade Interactive has unveiled its new Hydro game engine - technology that the developer claims has never been seen in videogames before.
The real-time fluid dynamics engine will debut in Blade's upcoming Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 action title Hydrophobia.
"Our Hydro engine is the result of nearly three years intensive development work," commented Dr Huw Lloyd, R&D director at Blade.
"Water in games has so far been merely a flat plane with ripple effects and other graphical smoke and mirrors applied to it. The Hydro engine is different in one key respect – the water flows."
"Nothing like this has ever been seen in games before," he added.
Although an engine that Blade plans to utilise fully in Hydrophobia, the company has previously indicated that it is interested in selling the technology to other development studios.
A recent interview with Blade Interactive's MD Peter Jones, can be read here.
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April 12th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Pandemic Studios has been leaking top secret information about it's next-gen WWII stealth action title, which puts you in the role of a saboteur for the French resistance.
But wait, wait. Apparently it's not just another one of those war games. You see, Nazi occupation of France is largely used as a backdrop on this occasion, and while it will naturally have a hefty influence on what goes on, the story actually revolves around an Irish race-car driver who happens to get caught up in Paris on the eve of Hitler's invasion.
This chap, Sean, finds people close to him caught up in the mayhem, and the story soon turns into a tale of revenge.
"This isn't about defeating the Nazis," game director Trey Watkins told Game Almighty. "This game is about a guy and his personal story that happens to be set in WWII."
"Much in the way people don't think of Indiana Jones as a WWII movie, this isn't a WWII game."
It's third-person territory, though stealth and sabotage will be more effective than action. And you'll constantly be trying to avoid suspicion as you progressively become a bigger blip on the Nazi radar.
However, you won't be some super stealthy does-the-impossible-before-breakfast kind of fellow. So, when you get up close and personal with someone it'll balled-fists and head-butts, rather than roundhouse kicks and neck snaps.
Sean's strengths as a race-driver will come in handy too, and you'll be able to use numerous vehicles strewn around Paris to evade police in daring car chases. It's part of Pandemic's "if you can see you can use it" plan for the game; a sort of 1940s Grand Theft Auto.
Another interesting aspect Pandemic is trying to introduce is its "Will to Fight" system. For this it will use a Sin City-inspired colour-coding system for the level of resistance to the Nazi occupation in certain areas. Those with less "Will to Fight" will verge on being black and white, devoid of colour and hope, while areas with a strong resistance will be vibrant with colour.
Saboteur has already been in development for two years, and is due to release on PS3 and Xbox 360 sometime next year
via eurogamer
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April 12th, 2007, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai has popped on its ninja outfit this afternoon and revealed the very first Naruto game for PSP.
Ultimate Ninja Heroes will launch America this summer, but a date for Europe is still unconfirmed.
The biggest new feature from developer CyberConnect 2 is the team-based wireless multiplayer mode. Here you and your friends will be able to assemble your ultimate dream team, using combination and team attacks to best your opponents.
You'll be able to pick from 20 different characters that can be levelled-up by tackling progressively more difficult missions, eventually displaying your ninja rank in your player profile. Skills and abilities will also be upgradeable, using power-up points earned from battle, and special hidden skills will lie in different groups awaiting your discovery.
A single-player campaign is here to get to grips with, and you'll still be able to take on a solo friend in head-to-head combat using one copy of Naruto to game share.
"We are thrilled to be bringing the unique Naruto style of fighting exclusively to the PSP system," said Makoto Iwai, big cheese at Namco Bandai America. "Fans of both the show and franchise will be able to create and play as their favorite ninja dream team, and we are excited about introducing the Naruto brand to a whole new batch of gamers."
Naruto is a manga by Masashi Kishimoto, which spawned a popular anime television series in Japan. It follows the loud and adolescent Naruto Uzumaki as he searches for approval in the ninja world and quests to become Hokage - the best fighter in the whole village.
via eurogamer
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April 12th, 2007, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
GameDaily is reporting on comments made by God of War designer David Jaffe. In an interview with Geoff Keighley, Jaffe has stated that he believes Blue-ray should have been removed from the PS3 so that the console could be sold at a lower price point.
"Jaffe didn't outright label it a mistake either, but he's the first Sony employee (to this editor's knowledge) to even question the need for Blu-ray. SCE Worldiwide Studios President Phil Harrison and other Sony executives have repeatedly stressed the importance of the Blu-ray format, not just as a next-gen movie format, but as a game disc format that provides game developers with plenty of storage space to build highly detailed game worlds without the need for multiple discs."
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April 13th, 2007, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Bummed about the death of the 20 gigabyte model PS3? Then you may want to consider importing, as it seems that Sony Computer Entertainment currently plans on continuing to sell the 20 Gig model in Japan.
When asked about the decision to drop the lower end model from North American retail, a representative of SCE told Famitsu.com, "We're currently not considering changes akin to North America. However we would like to react flexibly with the market."
We conducted a quick check of that very market today via a few Tokyo game shops and found both 20 Gig and 60 Gig models available for purchase. We also found used versions of both packages, with one retailer charging 42,800 yen for a used 20 Gig model and 49,800 yen for a used 60 gig model. The usual retail prices for new versions are, respectively, 49,800 yen and 59,800 yen.
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April 13th, 2007, 01:14 Posted By: keefurxxcore
After a couple month hiatis, Gamers Galaxy has updated thier magazine, PSP Galaxy, to issue 18 for april! Having this issue be thier first in three months, fans should definatly pick this up! Visit Gamer's Galaxy forums for more information and downloads.

The monster on the cover says "Download PSP Galaxy Issue 18!"
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April 13th, 2007, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via xtreamlua
french to english translation:
Guyver2, Yan2yan and Genevois still offer to a new version of superb the homebrew named Who is one to us Fire which passes to now the v0.4. The goal being to go to seek with the scale the characters in the windows. A character is salvable only if its window is extinct. The characters brulent if one does not occupy oneself any rather quickly. The innovations of the v0.4 are: - Quasi-total correction of the principal bug. - An animation of the angels which leave to the sky. - correction of the bug which solidified the angels aun level 2 and superior. - The images have was given to format .PNG Orders: To direct the jet: direct the joystique one in the desired direction. for launching water: [R] or [L] To move the scale: [X] [CROSS-SECTION] [TRIANGLE] and [O] To leave: [home] or [start] to take a screen: [select]
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April 13th, 2007, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
via pspvault
This doesn't have a whole lot to do with the PSP, but here it is.
Shinichi Moriyama, a 30 year old Sony employee, was arrested today in Japan's Kanagawa Prefecture on charges of animal cruelty.
Mr. Moriyama apparently posted a video where he strangles and abuses a ferret in the "Ferret Fan" section of the Japanese message board, 2ch. He has been charged with animal cruelty, and has allegedly killed 30 hamsters after similar abuse. According to the Kanagawa Police Department, around 1,000 reports were made after the video was posted on the internet. No word on whether or not the ferret made it, but it certainly doesn't sound good. Poor little guy 
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April 13th, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday i recieved my PS3 in the post and thankfully no customs charges, buying a 20GB from SuccessHK cost me with delivery around £275 a saving of £150 on UK Prices. Yes its a 20GB but ut has the emotion engine built in.
With the PSP and PS3 Sony are getting some stick but lets be fair, they are both great consoles and for homebrewers one already is a Dream console and the other should be too at some stage.
One thing to be thankful for is Region Free gaming, in a world like today where boundarys mean nothing via the Net, its great to see a company go the region free route.
Universal Power supplys, how sweet it is to get a console from Japan and plug it straight into my power supply in the UK, major points scored there.
Graphics to die for. The PSP and PS3 are capable of graphics so advanced in the handheld and console market that they simply slaughter for graphics all the competition.
Movie Playback - With Blueray and UMD Films both the PSP and PS3 lead their respective areas. I dont care what anyone says watching a UMD in full stereo when your on a bus etc or watching a film in HD kicks ass.
Finally the PSP has turned out to be the homebrew sensation of the last few years, it has catapulted homebrew into main stream status with sites like IGN even reporting on homebrew. The PS3 could be the greatest non handheld for homebrew since the excellent Dreamcast.
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April 13th, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday i recieved my PS3 in the post and thankfully no customs charges, buying a 20GB from SuccessHK cost me with delivery around £275 a saving of £150 on UK Prices. Yes its a 20GB but ut has the emotion engine built in.
With the PSP and PS3 Sony are getting some stick but lets be fair, they are both great consoles and for homebrewers one already is a Dream console and the other should be too at some stage.
One thing to be thankful for is Region Free gaming, in a world like today where boundarys mean nothing via the Net, its great to see a company go the region free route.
Universal Power supplys, how sweet it is to get a console from Japan and plug it straight into my power supply in the UK, major points scored there.
Graphics to die for. The PSP and PS3 are capable of graphics so advanced in the handheld and console market that they simply slaughter for graphics all the competition.
Movie Playback - With Blueray and UMD Films both the PSP and PS3 lead their respective areas. I dont care what anyone says watching a UMD in full stereo when your on a bus etc or watching a film in HD kicks ass.
Finally the PSP has turned out to be the homebrew sensation of the last few years, it has catapulted homebrew into main stream status with sites like IGN even reporting on homebrew. The PS3 could be the greatest non handheld for homebrew since the excellent Dreamcast.
Support DCEmu UK & DIGG THIS
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April 13th, 2007, 02:34 Posted By: Chameleon
becus25 has just released v0.6 of his plugin, rGameboot. For those who may not be familiar with the term, rGameboot stands for Random Gameboot, and as the name implies, this plugin is supposed to randomize your gameboots
To use just copy the "seplugins" and "rg" folders to the root directory of your memory stick. However, just remember that just like in the previous version, you may need a tool called Pmffix for it to work, as this tool allows one to see gameboots when using 3.XX OE-X.
( the roots of the gameboots which are as follows)
* ms0:/psp/system/rg/gameboot.pmf
* flash0:/vsh/resource/gameboot.pmf
* flash1:/vsh/resource/gameboot.pmf
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April 13th, 2007, 04:01 Posted By: madcupid
Hi folks, im here to announce the new upcoming game titled Times of War (T.O.W.) that we, the DevInside Team have been working on!!! The game is somewhat different than most shooting games because it has a diagonal scrolling and a recovery level(where you'll have the chance to go back to the actual level you were on before all lives were lost)! The project is about 70% complete and we want to release it very very soon!!! Here are some screens and a video so you can check it out!!! Btw, the game will look much better than what the screenshot shows!!! Thanks alot and comments are always a plus!!!
DevInside Team:
Madcupid, RichardV, Dead Angel
Here's a link to the video of the current status:
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April 13th, 2007, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
The first of our hosted coders to recieve the new look site with seo and news archives is ZX81, the new site has links to every release he has made for the PSP and GP2X, along with RSS Feeds for each of his news forums. The News archives are very complete and ZX81`s paypal donate button is there too which im sure many of you will be thankful of his near on 130 releases for the PSP and GP2X so far.
Check out ZX81`s New look PSP and GP2X News and Release site here --> http://zx81.dcemu.co.uk/
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April 13th, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
One of the long time allies and good friends of DCEmu UK and a very talented coder, GPF has today seen a relaunch for his hosted site here at DCEmu, the site uses the new template, with new news/release forums for all the systems he codes for which are Dreamcast, Nintendo DS and Cellphones and soon once he finishes playing games PSP devving.
Check out the new look site --> http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/
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April 13th, 2007, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
PS2 sequel God of War II features a hidden HD mode, it's emerged.
Series fans have discovered two puzzles on God of War website IslandofRhodes.org that, once solved, lead to details on how to get God of War II running in 480p.
Our browser appears not to like the site as the initial puzzle won't play ball, but reportedly after you hit 'proceed' on the main site page you're taken to another page with Greek letters hidden in a picture. Spell out 'Kratos' by clicking on the letters and you're taken to the second puzzle - a slide puzzle.
Solve that, and you get the HD info. In order to activate the mode, you need to hold down L1, L2, L3 (L3 being a click down of the left analog stick), Square and Circle during game boot. If performed correctly, the "SCEA Presents" text that normally appears in white should look purple. You then need to select 480p output from the game's options menu (a tip o' the cap to Shacknews for those details).
On top of that, there's a page beyond the HD detail splurge which features a countdown timer slowly spelling a God of War game title. God of War for PSP? God of War for PS3? God of War III for PS2? We can but wait and see.
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April 13th, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has responded to God of War director David Jaffe's recent comments in a Game Trailers interview where he said that he would have "taken the Blu-ray out and sold it for less money."
Normally you'd expect his bosses to sit him down and give him a good talking to, after publicly going on record about changes he's make to Sony's PS3 strategy. But Sony seems to be OK with it, even though they think he's wrong.
Sony US PR man Dave Karakker told GamePro, "While we respect [Jaffe's] opinion, we feel strongly that the future of gaming lies in the ability to deliver more to the consumer -- more gameplay options, more lifelike graphics, more dynamic sound -- all in high definition. To do that, you need a storage vehicle such as the 50GB Blu-ray disc, because your standard 9GB DVD simply can't handle the demands of true next generation gaming."
Secretly though, we suspect Jaffe might be hanging from a pair of nipple clamps in a basement somewhere while being stripped of his God of War II bonuses.
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April 13th, 2007, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The European release of Metal Slug Anthology for PS2 has been set for May.
Originally hitting the arcades on the NeoGeo MVS arcade system in 1996, the Metal Slug series has been unstoppable. The Anthology will contain Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4, Metal Slug 5 and even Metal Slug 6. If that isn't enough 2D side-scrolling shooting for you, then you need to see a doctor.
"The Metal Slug franchise is synonymous with frantic arcade action and over the top exciting gun play," said Peter Rollinson, product manager at Ignition Entertainment. "PlayStation 2 fans can also now experience the thrills that this popular franchise has to offer." Yeah, that and the sore hands it brings with it.
Key feature include "arcade perfect" conversions, two-player co-op, unlockable items and bonus galleries containing classic poster and character art.
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April 13th, 2007, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
We've just arrived back in the office from Rockstar towers and already it's managed to take pot-shots at us with its big media cannon. Manhunt 2-shaped pot-shots, to be exact.
The first plot details on the controversial PS2, PSP and Wii sequel emerged on the internet yesterday, telling a rather disturbing tale of main character Daniel Lamb and his mate Leo who are on the run from nasty scientists involved in a secret human-experimentation project.
Unfortunately we can't spill the beans until next week when Rockstar loosens the handcuffs, but as you can imagine there's plenty of horror, stealth and stupidly gory kills lined up for number two.
These shots should tide you over though.
Screens Here
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April 13th, 2007, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
So don't use your PSP to upload photos you took of the boy you like in school by posing as a Yearbook student and start passing it around to all your friends, psycho. Unless, of course, you're being scripted to by Playstation so they can post an educational video on their site showing you how to work your PSP. Then by all means, be the punk-rock girl drummer who listens to mp3s while rawking out or the Ahab in his convertible with a two dollar bouquet of flowers reading RSS feeds while waiting for his date.
I wouldn't recommend sitting through the whole video. It's filled with the familiar scent of failed Hollywood screenwriter and bad casting, but it tastes like ass.
More \info
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April 13th, 2007, 22:48 Posted By: Chameleon
-Maniac- has just released C/C++ Development Studio,
Here's the features
* Syntax Highlighting (better engine this time)
* Tabs and auto tab spacing
* Makefile Generation
* Make function
* Make Kxploit function
* Make Clean function
* Bracket highlighting (supports (), {}, [] and others when selected)
* Autosaving (saves your files automatically when you: close, change to another file, and other times)
* Automatic Callback Implementation
* Makefile PRX Version Generation
* Easy Interface
* Line Numberings (for lines occupied)
* Template for kernel app
* Template for prx app
* Couple Glitches 
* Much More!
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April 14th, 2007, 05:00 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
That's right, you read the title correctly. ZiNgA BuRgA has successfully got a custom top_menu (icons) up and running on 3.10 OE firmware.
For some time now the scene has been split between 3.03 & 3.10 OE firmwares, because a custom top_menu (which makes custom XMB icons possible) would cause a 3.10 OE PSP to brick.
With this breakthrough, the is really no reason not to update to 3.10 OE now.
ZiNgA has said that his new top_menu is exclusively for his forum members for now. And he asks that no other site host his files. But it is ok to link to his forums.And People are encouraged to join.
He said he would put together a public release soon.
Anyone interested in checking out ZiNgA BuRgA's forums "ENDLESS PARADIGM" can follow this link:
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April 14th, 2007, 06:11 Posted By: JKKDARK
More news about the PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux.
Whilst the Linux users out there get to enjoy PlayStation 2 emulation for the first time in awhile with PCSX2 0.9.3, I'm sure both Windows and Linux users wonder what lies in store with PCSX2 0.9.4.
First off, before I get to the seductive eye candy, a small but important note for our Brazilian users:
The VM (PCSX2 Virtual Memory Build) issues under Windows XP you have experienced with PCSX2 0.9.2 have been fixed in 0.9.4 thanks to some work by Refraction.
I dare say the term "Path 3" doesn't mean a great deal to most of the people visiting this site, however "Path 3" is part of GS/GIF (the interface for GS) and is often used in the handling of textures and enviroment effects.
Refraction has been doing a great deal of research / coding with regards to path 3. Many games now are no longer suffering from garbage textures, texture flicker and other miscellaneous issues.
Whilst these fixes have far reaching effects, from games no longer displaying "split-repeating IPU" (multiple copies of the same frame on screen), to subtle fixes like Final Fantasy 12 having fixed menu backgrounds, below is a selection of shots from games that have seen dramatic improvement!
* And1 Streetball
* Bloody Roar 4
* Bomberman Hardball
* Burnout 2 - Point of Impact
* Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas
* Lemmings
* Metal Slug 3D
* Need for Speed Carbon
* Need for Speed Most Wanted
* Street Racing Syndicate
* Swords of Destiny
* The Fast and The Furious - Tokyo Drift
* The Punisher
* Torino 2006
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April 14th, 2007, 11:34 Posted By: 808
via PS3 Fanboy
At Capcom Gamer's Day, Capcom revealed three new downloadable titles for the PlayStation Network. Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is a remake of a remake of a remake of a remake of the classic 16-bit fighting game. The entire game is being redrawn, from the character select, all the way through to backgrounds and endings, most likely to take advantage of your shiny HDTV.
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil is a intensely action-oriented approach on the constructible strategy game of the same name. Like Cash Guns Chaos, the game will have players blasting enemies in a colorful, cel-shaded world. For images of the game, check out the gallery at Joystiq.
Talisman is based off yet another strategy game, but unlike Rocketmen, it'll stay true to its original gameplay. This downloadable title will be a digital recreation of the game, and will be playable offline and on.
Finally, Puzzle Fighter II HD will also be making an appearance on the Network. This lovable puzzle game will also get a glorious high-definition makeover. See a video of the game, after the cut.
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April 14th, 2007, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The full game of Go! Sudoku has been added to the PlayStation Store for £4.99.
The PlayStation Store description reminds you that you first must have downloaded the Go! Sudoku Starter Pack (don't worry, it's free) before being able to get your brain on over 1000 new puzzles, ranging from "easy to fiendish".
In an attempt to spice up the logical puzzle game you also get "animated HD visuals" and an online ranking feature. Your parents will love it, think of it as a step towards getting them to play MotorStorm.
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April 14th, 2007, 16:00 Posted By: wraggster
In August, Capcom boasted that its Xbox Live Arcade title, Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting, saw "a phenomenal record of downloads" upon its release, and quickly established itself as the fastest-selling game on the service up to that point. Given that its first foray into digital distribution of console games went so well, it's no surprise that the company has been working on a handful of downloadable follow-ups.
Capcom today announced its new "Digital Initiative," a program aimed to expand its catalog of downloadable games for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Of the initial batch of four titles, two will be revamped versions of the publisher's arcade games, and the other two are new titles based on non-Capcom licenses. None have been priced yet.
Receiving a high-resolution face-lift will be the knuckle-bruising Super Street Fighter II and its gem-breaking counterpart, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. Set for release this fall, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix will retain the arcade game's original code, but features graphics redrawn for 1080p resolution. The redrawn art will be created by Udon Comics, publishers of the current Street Fighter comic book. The game will be released on Xbox Live Arcade and the PS3's PlayStation Network, and will feature online multiplayer matches, in-game voice chatting, worldwide rankings, and more.
Before that remake arrives, gamers on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC will be able to download its brain-teasing spin-off, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Like its brawling cousin, the remade Puzzle Fighter will include redrawn graphics from Udon Entertainment and worldwide rankings. Unlike its brawling cousin, the puzzle game will feature new game modes that alter the way the game is played, the option to play a rebalanced version of the game. Players will also be able to choose from the game's original graphics and the new 1080p-friendly visuals. Both remakes are being handled by Backbone Entertainment.
Not to be confused with Harland Williams' RocketMan.With the needs of fighting and puzzle fans addressed, Capcom's other downloadable efforts offer the publisher's takes on the arcade shooter and board game genres. Developed by A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. Games, Rocketmen: Axis of Evil is based on the WizKids constructible strategy game. The game allows up to four players to join up online or offline with their own customized characters and blast their way through a number of levels depicted at resolutions up to 1080i. Rocketmen is set for release this fall.
The last of Capcom's just-announced batch of downloadable games in development is Talisman, based on the board game of the same name from Games Workshop. Set for release on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC this winter, Talisman is playable online or offline by up to four players, takes place in a swords-and-sorcery setting, and is "based very closely" on the board game. Talisman will also feature downloadable expansion packs in the future with character updates, adventure card updates, and alternate endings.
Whatever the case, these games are not the end of Capcom's digital distribution efforts. The publisher has said it wants to be a "major player" in downloadable games, and will even move into creating new original intellectual properties from "some of the biggest names in game development."
via gamespot
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April 14th, 2007, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
To paraphrase Capcom, "I'll take the case!"
At a San Francisco press event last night, the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney publisher confirmed it had acquired the rights to another animated bastion of litigious justice. Capcom has entered into an agreement to make games based on Cartoon Network's Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, part of the same Adult Swim lineup that spawned Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Robot Chicken.
The game will be released on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable, and a Capcom executive told GameSpot at the event that it would have a courtroom setting reminiscent of Phoenix Wright. The game is being developed by High Voltage Software, which created the most recent Leisure Suit Larry game, as well as the Hunter: The Reckoning series.
The deal is part of Capcom's ongoing efforts to go after more TV and film licenses, and one of the first publicly acknowledged fruits of its increased presence in Los Angeles.
via gamespot
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April 14th, 2007, 16:08 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
As soon as I saw that Jaleco was doing DS games, such as Puchi Puchi Virus, and an upcoming JaJaMaru kun game, I thought they must be planning a Suchie Pai game. If you don't know, it's one of the more enjoyable japanese mahjong titles, with special moves, story, and the whole works. It's also got stripping in it, but that's neither here nor there! The game, announced on the famitsu site, is Idol Janshi Suchie Pai III Remix. Suchie Pai III was previously PC-only, making this the first and only console port. There's an official site now, which also reveals a PSP version, for those who playing games on systems that are nice (to be fair, it'll look loads better on the PSP - if you can remember where you put it). Both versions will be released on july 26th, with the DS version at 4800 yen, and the PSP version at 100 yen more.
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April 14th, 2007, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
With 13 years of competitive play under its belt and counting, Super Street Fighter II Turbo is widely considered to be 2-D fighting perfected. A high octane, extremely offense-minded fighter, how is it that Capcom plans to improve upon perfection? By bringing in the comic masterminds at UDON to redraw the entire game, pixel-for-pixel.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (wow again) for Xbox Live Arcade and PSN mirrors the same tactic Capcom utilized with their Hyper Fighting release - the goods you remember, only with online play. This time, however, Capcom is taking care of business in-house and utilizing the insight that 13 years of worldwide, top-tier competition has brought to the game.
While SSF2T HD is a pixel-for-pixel recreation of the game, they aren't ruling out making slight changes to the game. It will be lost on the average player, but when the faithful get a load of the slight but sexy frame tweaks, they'll freak out. And they will love it.
Capcom didn't have anything to show on the project, but they did say that the entirety of the game is being redrawn, from the character select, all the way through to backgrounds and endings. While it would be heaven in a download if they could also work in the original SSF2T, it is something they are currently considering. Capcom is aiming for a release this Fall.
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April 14th, 2007, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
With shades of Namco, Capcom has gone on something of an IP land grab as of late, even going as far as to snatch what was once Namco's. Capcom has officially secured the exlusive rights to the MotoGP license for use with the PlayStation brand until the year 2012.
What this means is that while no one else can make a PlayStation or PSP title officially based on the popular motorcycle sport, the doors are still open for other platforms, as is the case with THQ's Moto GP series for Xbox 360. The secret is in the space.
Though no actual gameplay was shown, Capcom states that their first entry in the series, MotoGP '07 will be released this Fall for the PlayStation 2.
via joystiq
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April 14th, 2007, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
According to Parker Consulting, 360 is installed in over eight million homes globally – and Eidos chief financial officer Murphy told MCV that the publisher is looking for PS3 to reach or better that number by April next year, leaving the market ripe for Eidos' top-line franchises.
“We have absolutely no doubt that PS3 will be a very successful platform and we’re completely behind it,” said Murphy. “Ideally, we would like to have a market that is a worldwide installed base of eight to ten million PS3 units by the time we bring out our big products. But we’ll have to assess how that moves.”
“We will have some PS3 products over the coming months, but we’re holding back our major top line products until this time next year.”
The news comes after the Britsoft publisher released its financial interim results for the six months ended December 31st, 2006.
Parent company the SCi Group revealed that revenues stood at £74.5 million, up a healthy £24.4 million compared to the same period the previous year. Losses were reduced by £2 million year on year, totalling £17.9 million.
via mcvuk
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April 14th, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
After an hour of gameplay, it was clear that I'm a crappy monster hunter. The dragon-like creature called a Rathian leveled me with its tail, I couldn't scale a snowy cliff and my arrows did little to stop the Teostra from running me over at Capcom's Spring Gamer's Day in downtown San Francisco.
Monster Hunter Freedom 2, the sequel to last year's PSP hit, gave the ravenous public three four-player quests to hack though last night with Viking-looking guys packing enormous blades, a bow-hunting femme fatale and more.
I joined three other terrible monster hunters on the "Mountain" quest.
Nice doggy. Maybe I got a Milk-Bone.The level opened at our team's camp in the middle of the wilderness. We loaded up on supplies such as healing potions and exploding barrels and set out into the snowy landscape to find a giant Blangonga -- some sick lovechild of a yeti and a baboon. Armed and confident, the group stomped across the quest's eight-part map, battled moose-looking creatures and ran through ice caverns as we moved closer and closer to the blip on our small map that signified our foe.
He was 15 feet tall if he was an inch, I tell you! Enormous tusks, fur the kind of white that makes you think of the nothingness of death, and dark, deep eyes that meant he'd seen hell and wanted to show us, too.
Many of my guild-mates knew what it was like to be roasted in the belly of a Blangonga that day, my friend. I gave it my best as I hacked and clawed at the beast's limbs, but he just laughed and charged at me. I awoke on a medical cart that dropped me back at our camp. I tried to make it back to the frontlines, but time expired.
We failed. The Blangonga lived.
Just like the original, Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is an RPG to itself. Your character won't level up. Instead, you'll get better gear and a better understanding of how to play as you tackle the more than 350 missions on the UMD and brawl with the more than 700 weapons and 1,400 pieces of armor. Still not impressed? Capcom said Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is twice as big as the original PSP game and will feature downloadable quests through infrastructure mode to keep you busy after the initial batches of missions are done.
Multiplayer quests -- like the handful I bombed last night -- will be ad hoc only. To initiate the quests, you'll enter the guild hall, meet up with your crew and their created characters and head off to battle one of 60 monsters in the game.
Sharpen your blade, Monster Hunter Freedom 2 is scheduled to hit PSPs in September.
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April 14th, 2007, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
This winter, Capcom will bring the Games Workshop board game Talisman to the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live and PC platforms. Originally created in 1983 by the highly-successful table game company, Talisman (which is currently out of print) was a combination card and board game that had loose ties to the company's Warhammer Fantasy universe.
The videogame version of Talisman sounds like it will be a close digital representation of the classic game, utilizing a virtual board with 3D characters and environments. Up to four players can play online and off and take advantage of the game's 25 characters from the franchise. Voice chat options will allow players to talk while the game progresses, and downloadable game expansions, including character updates, adventure card updates, alternate endings and more, are expected to give legs to the title over time.
Other details on the game are scarce, other than the fact that it is in production at Big Rooster studios and will be available this winter.
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April 14th, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
After playing four maps and testing out all nine classes in Team Fortress 2, it seems this game should be another of this year's entertaining arena shooters. It comes as part of the Orange and Black Box packages, which both contain Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and the first-person puzzler Portal. Like any team shooter hoping for longevity in the online space, the game needs an emphasis on teamwork. Valve seems to be on the right track in this department, with many of the classes complementing each other in specific, effective ways. Instead of being able to select a game mode and map separately, Team Fortress 2 fuses them together, meaning when you pick a map, you're also picking a mode. 2Fort, the most prominent map from Team Fortress Classic (TFC), will feature capture the flag, whereas the remaining five will have variations of control point capture modes.
Valve is fully intent on supporting this game after release. Valve Engineer Robin Walker told us, "As with any Valve product, you're guaranteed stuff will come out. We have people here working on content already." The extra content should be maps and "gameplay stuff," according to Valve's Marketing Director Doug Lombardi. As for price, Valve says it will all be free. "We have no plans to do booster packs for ten dollars," says Lombardi. Walker went on to add, "We've never charged for any extra content...We want people to be glad to be a customer of Valve."
full article
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April 14th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The gaming world has been raving about Rockstar's incredibly accurate portrayal of New York City in Grand Theft Auto IV. While PSP won't be getting served with a tiny version of Rockstar's next-gen crime game, fans may want to look towards Ubisoft's upcoming PSP-exclusive Driver 76 for some NYC run 'n gun play. It's been a long time since we last heard about the game, but with the release only a month away, Ubisoft has opened a new official website, filled with new screenshots. We're getting mixed feelings about the presentation: while it looks good up-close, it appears to have the draw distance of an N64 game. Ouch. We're hoping for the best, and for fans of the genre, this may be the only game we'll have to play until Rockstar inevitably adds another GTA game to our library.
More info
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April 14th, 2007, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Jeffrey Fleming from Game Set Watch had a chance to interview RPG fan favorite publisher NIS America (Disgaea). In the interview, he asks if NIS plans on just keeping Sony platforms as their target for game releases. Here's their response:
"For a long time, NIS America has been releasing titles for the PS2 and PSP, so some people might think we are solely dedicated to Sony, but that is not true. Our goal is to provide quality games and services to all game fans, and looking ahead, there are several platforms that can help us reach out to a broader audience and gamers can expect surprises from us. Of course, we will also continue to work closely with Sony, providing great games for PS2/PS3/PSP users as well."
So while they have no intentions to be a Sony exclusive publisher, they do plan to still support them. Here's hoping our favorite portable continues to get the NIS love.
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April 14th, 2007, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
via pspworld
10TACLE Studios announced yesterday that they will be bringing back the classic gaming character Rockford, this time to the PSP in their new game Boulder Dash- Rocks! As the press release reads, 10TACLE STUDIOS and 10TACLE STUDIOS MOBILE along with First Star Software, Inc. are proud to present the first graphics of cult gaming figure Rockford of Boulder Dash fame. In Boulder Dash- Rocks!, the latest sequel to the 80s cult classic, our familiar well-loved hero appears with a whole new look. Both the logo and characters, as well as the in-game graphics, are designed to appeal to long-standing fans as well as target groups new to Boulder Dash, thus introducing a whole new Boulder Dash look.
The DS and PSP versions each offer at least one play mode custom-designed for, and unique to each platform. Boulder Dash-Rocks! is due for release on both platforms in the fourth quarter of 2007.
This challenging, arcade-puzzle game made its debut in the early 80s and continues to fascinate its enormous fan base decades later. Today the game is acknowledged as one of the classic cult games in computer gaming history. Now Boulder Dash will appear with a hot new look sure to take the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP platforms by storm. The hit game’s main objective and game physics remains unchanged: the player has to collect a certain number of diamonds while avoiding falling objects, traps and besting enemies in order to open and discover the exit, before time runs out. Of course there are a number of helpful tools made available to players such as bombs or laser guns which can be loaded with different types of ammunition. These lasers provide the player with different temporary powers, such as the ability to freeze enemies, destroy boulders and even pull diamonds and other distant objects towards the player.
In addition to the classic single-player mode, presented in several different worlds, Boulder Dash- Rocks! offers a multi-player mode as well as three additional game modes for a total of five play modes for each version. There are two new game modes, never before available in the Boulder Dash series, one of which has been custom designed for each of the two different platforms.
Please follow the link below for hires artworks: www.10tacle.de/index.php
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April 14th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Becus25:
Custom Firmware 1.62 Increasing Edition A Update2
Detected errors, already corrected!
For change the aspect of the XMB put the files (topmenu_plugin.rco for example) in ms0: /ieflash. If you have brick you will be able to recover it with the way recovery. In order to be able to do it you must have downgrade or an official update of Sony in ms0: /psp/game/ierecovery. If you do not have it, calm because from the way recovery you can connect the PSP by Usb and transmit the data.
-- Installing custom firmware 1.62 increasing edition --
For install custom firmware, copy the PSP folder in the root of your memory stick. Then, execute the flasher and press X.
Later custom firmware will be installed.
General functions:
- Hide corrupt icons .
- Skip Sony logo.
- You can start not xploited eboots.
- You can start modules.
- Contains two recovery menú. If it does not detect one it loads the other.
- You can change the speed of CPU from VSH/XMB . (press HOME+SELECT to change speed). *new
- In software system puts "version 1.62 IE A". *new
- Recovery and the XMF estan now fused . *new
- Added security and the flasher and you will not break the PSP *new and important
Recovery functions:
- You will be able to recover the PSP of semi-brick.
- Usb available.
- You can personalize XMB
- You can have three styles of icons of the XMB in the MS and change them from recovery (in this version, this setting is disabled, but in other versions will be enabled)
- You can activate/deactivate Autoboots (put the autoboot on \psp\game\boot\eboot.pbp ) from recovery without any kept configuration file. *new
- Recovery mode, this structured like a menu . *new
The implemented file other_plugin.prx not yet this
Install it this under your own risk!
Thanks to Dark_AleX that created first custom firmware . Also, to Fryeco that was offered like betatester.
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April 14th, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Could it be true? Could Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core actually be coming out? After years of development, this hotly anticipated prequel is ready to strike Japan on August 2nd--at least, according to GameFront. Their source? Apparently, the most recent issue of Jump reveals the startlingly early release. However, as no scan was provided, we have our doubts.
If this release date holds true, EGM's Rumor Mill recent story about a year-long Crisis Core delay would be debunked. Certainly, with pre-orders already reaching overwhelming limits, an earlier release would be wise. We're keeping our fingers crossed. Until we find out more, join us in drooling at these new direct-feed screenshots at Ultimagame.com.
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April 15th, 2007, 01:51 Posted By: Malksta
I am saddened by this sudden turn of events..
Wandria, as of now is dis-continued =(
Zion has expirienced a life turning event and completley given up coding in search of his long lost brother [21 Years]
Wandria's source code will be released in a few days for some coders to muck with [or continue Wandria]
Meanwhile, heres Wandria's latest Alpha [Extremley In-complete]
[All comments removed, some people think this is bullshit]
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April 15th, 2007, 05:51 Posted By: BelmontSlayer
- Updated from psp firmware 3.10 to 3.30
- Fixed a bug that could have caused inestability in 3.10 OE after recovering from sleep mode.
- Patched a protection that prevents the firmware to load higher firmware modules.
popsloader note: it won't work on 3.30 OE due to sony rearranging again the module list of pspbtcnf_pops.
(thanks sony for destroying my backwards compatibility again ¬¬ ).
I'll make a new version one of these days to support all current pops in 3.30 OE, 3.10 OE and
maybe 3.03 OE-C.
NOTE: Some people seem to think that POPS doesn't work in this version. This is NOT the case. It's just the popsloader for loading 3.00-3.10 POPS that doesn't work. Dark_AleX is working on a new POPSloader.
More Info Here --> http://dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=59934
Dark_AleX has just let us know that custom firmware 3.30 OE is functional and the release date is planned for this evening around midnight. Note that Dark_AleX successfully completed this exploit without having his new PSP in hand. With the assistance of Mathieulh, they managed to fix the last bug in 3.30 OE, the firmware that everyone has waited with patience for several days. The release should arrive this evening about midnight if all is well, because all that remains is to make the automatic installer. Indeed, each OE requires a new specifically coded installer.
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April 15th, 2007, 14:56 Posted By: Avi
via ZiNgA BuRgA
After finally managing to insert a page resource (the one the 2.50 RCO lacked, causing crashes) I finally managed to make a customizable topmenu_plugin.rco file which worked on 3.10
To use this, please use my RCO Editor. If you have a customized topmenu for 3.0x, you can open it and select Extract All, open this 3.10 topmenu and select Replace Multiple. Please note that you should have RCO Editor v1.13b - earlier versions had a bug with replace multiple function.
Also, I found another issue with the RCO Editor. If you're getting "Subscript out of Range" errors when using the Replace Multiple function - please delete the tex_transparent.* files.
This RCO is based off my "clean" 3.0x topmenu. Note that if you wish to remove some shadow/glow images, you may replace them with the attached "blank.dat" file.
It's now publically released. Feel free to post this file on other sites - enjoy!
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April 15th, 2007, 15:22 Posted By: froggie22
Was just looking at around the net at shops that have modchips and saw this. They are charging people $40 aus to downgrade a 2.0 psp to a 1.5
They are making money out of the devs hard work they put into it. They release it for free for everyone to use but this shop is making money out of it!
to see just click on the link and then on the psp icon on the left of the page.
Bit of a waste of a thread i know but just letting people know.
Know any other shops charging then post your comments
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April 15th, 2007, 22:32 Posted By: blackrave
Via Dark_AleX
Dark_AleX has yet again released another great custom firmware for the PSP, and again supporting the latest official firmware from Sony, combined with homebrew! Read the readme for installation instructions.
- Updated from psp firmware 3.10 to 3.30
- Fixed a bug that could have caused inestability in 3.10 OE after recovering from sleep mode.
- Patched a protection that prevents the firmware to load higher firmware modules.
popsloader note: it won't work on 3.30 OE due to sony rearranging again the module list of pspbtcnf_pops.
(thanks sony for destroying my backwards compatibility again ¬¬ ).
I'll make a new version one of these days to support all current pops in 3.30 OE, 3.10 OE and
maybe 3.03 OE-C.
Download via attachment and comment!
NOTE: Some people seem to think that POPS doesn't work in this version. This is NOT the case. It's just the popsloader for loading 3.00-3.10 POPS that doesn't work. Dark_AleX is working on a new POPSloader.
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April 16th, 2007, 00:00 Posted By: TheNameless
RSS Streaming Tools is a powerfull Music & Video solution for your PSP. It's easy to install and works on ALL firmwares since 2.6. (Partly also since 2.0). You need only a PC with WLAN and your PSP.
Current Version: Public Alpha
Playslits: Hear MP3 Playlists or all kinds of streams on your PSP!
ShoutCast: Add ShoutCast Radio Stations directly to your PSP and hear it live!
YouTube: Download YouTube Videos to your PSP, directly from the YouTube Website!
Release Notes:
This is the first public release and you should be carefull with it! This first release shouldn't used over internet!
The YouTube Function in this Version is experimental, I know that there are bugs. Don't report them.
I don't planed to release a public alpha, but haven't not enough time to finish the program completely. But I think before you must wait until summer for the beta, I release a public alpha.
If you have allready installed a Version of RSS Streaming Tools uninstall it before installing this version.
What works in Alpha Version?:
ALL excepting...
- FileBrowser
- Create Playlists on PSP
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A easy noob installer, you don't need any knowledge about webserver, apache, server, ip or something other You must only reading. 
Here is a little preview that demonstrate it:
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April 16th, 2007, 02:33 Posted By: Buddy4point0
I have upgraded to 3.30 oe and many people are wondering if top menu plugins work.
The answer is yes.
I have converted the black 32 icon set and put it into a 3.30 oe top menu plugin.
There is a small glitch though.
If you have a umd (game or movie) in your psp when you scroll to the network icon your psp will freeze.
But if there is no umd the top menu will work fine.
if your a sole hombrew user then i recomend that you use this.
well here you guys go:thumbup:
also if you want to edit this to make your top menus you have to use RCOedit113b
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April 16th, 2007, 07:29 Posted By: wraggster
Darksoft have released a new version of their excellent 3D puzzle game for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
Added 2 levels (3 complete levels, each with unique music tracks and background image / color scheme)
Added Line Effects for when the dice goes down, light shoots left and right on the line the die is on.
Added very cool level transitions (you have to see it to believe it)
Modified mp3player.c to allow turning volume up and down on an mp3 as well as stream in and out new tracks. Between levels, the mp3 of the last level fades down, and the next level is streamed in as the volume goes back up
Full screen color effects are now running full speed
Game runs 60-100fps with mp3 playing and full screen color blending due to massive optimizations
Added Gravity, when you clear a combo with dice above it, they fall to the bottom smoothly.
Now when the random dice at the bottom appear the dice above it smoothly move up (opposite gravity) then the random die goes from transparent to opaque smoothly.
When the wipe line clears the dice they smoothly go from 100% scale down to 0%
Turbo button - hold CROSS to make the dice move quickly left and right - which means CROSS no longer changes the view
Removed rotating grid with buttons except zoom in and out.
Added AT3 to eboot xmb that matches the pc version title screen (about 20 seconds worth anyway)
Made a much better looking grid transparency. Bottom is still a little hard to see sometimes though.
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April 16th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
New release from waywardsonof his Tank Duelling game.
i have updated TANK ATTACK to v.3
it now features a capture the flag gameplay on the second map i made, and music in the main menu...
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via waywardson
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April 16th, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from pspballer07 is an update to his developers enviroment for the PSP
I added a cool new feature in my C++ IDE v1.6!
The screen designer!!
Here is the new Readme:
This version has an awesome new feature: The Screen Designer!
The following features have been added in v1.5(Whoops its 1.6):
*Tab indents now work. (So you don't have to space all your indents)
*Added "Insert->Screen Designer"! Cool feature and make sure you read the help to learn to use it.
*Added "Tools->Copy Images from Screen Designer" so you can copy the images you used with screen designer to your PSP.
*Added more in help menu
*Added "Goto->Line" to make up for the lack of line numbering.
*New Template Added to be used with Screen Designer! "Graphics Template"
There is a glitche when adding text in the Screen Designer. Long sentences won't show all of it on the Screen Designer
but it will show all of it on the PSP!
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via pspballer07
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April 16th, 2007, 11:42 Posted By: Accordion
Good news for psp users who usually suffer with the high prices for memory stick duo cards in the UK.
head over to
and have a look at their relatively low prices
most notably sandisk 4GB: £38.90
and sandisk 2GB £17.99
they are very reliable, usally delivered within two days, though unforunately you have to pay postage. a minimal cost when the average price for a 2GB on the highstreet is £50.
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April 16th, 2007, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
KleptoOne posted an update to his homebrew game for the PSP:
Hello Everyone,
This is a super small fix, but its been nagging at me so I'm providing this for anyone that cares.
There was a bug reported indicating that the highscores list in both
mini-games were not displaying the correct initials. I have fixed the issue and have provided the updated .lua files. To update, overwrite the old files with these.
Download Here
I myself complain when super small releases occur, but after waiting a month for more bug reports to come in, and none coming, I decided to throw this small update out and be done with it.
(*Note* The full package available at my home site now has the fix incorporated)
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April 16th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
via psphyper
Cyber Front is preparing the second PSP game to base on Gainax’s popular anime and manga series Evangelion. Called Secret of Evangelion Portable, the game is a port of last year’s Japan only adventure game Secret of Evangelion for the PS2 with a couple of new elements added. There are new CG event scenes and a simple quiz mini-game that let players unlock Evangelion related artworks. Eva fans can look forward to June 28th for the Japanese release.
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April 16th, 2007, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Slicer4ever has released a new version of his WIP homebrew rts for the PSP:
readme for celestial cunning
coded by slicer4ever
models by slicer4ever
thanks to people at qj.net for helping figure out some bugs
thanks to person who ported the 3d tuts over at psp-programming.com
-now units are built instead of instant building
-main menu
-map maker
-support for maybe 10 maps(see other notes)
-slight tweeks to ai
wanna help design models:
don't bother i work on my own time so i don't wanna burden any1 with the job
main menu-
X-choose selection
in game-
out of menu-
X-choose object
X-(with drone to mine)
X-(choose to attack target(not encoded until next update)
X-move object to position
O-unselect object
L-use quick commands(not encoded(next update))
R-(hold)enter menu
in menu-
X-enter the selected menu(actions,minimap,info )
/\-go back to choose a menu(actions,minimap,info )
M-minimap(only shows objects dots)--more encoded by next ver
text says what the icons are(see below for more in depth of icons)
X-enter construction menu or use icon
construction menu-
text say what the icons are and there cost
X-build object
name - name of object and number
hull - basically health if this hits 0 or less and your unit dies
power - attack power
shields - shields over your ship(hull goes down after this hits 0 or less)
kills - number of kills ur unit has made(not encoded)
analog move cursor(red square starts under screen so push up to find it)
ummm...there might have been a couple of controls i have missed so just try it out
command ship(builds drone)-can not build another(future updates u well)
drone(mines well attack if command is used)-cost: 50
constructor(constructs ships)-cost: 150
small fighter(fighter class ship)-cost: 100
equinox(stronger fighter class ship)-cost: 250
spacial anomalies:
not encoded(ver 3 or 4)
attack-well use long range sensors to search for units to attack
note: well slow down program for a split sec
patrol-yellow cursor choose two positions and unit well move between them
construct-icon name says it
mining-drones only well usually find closest mine and auto mine from it
link up(1st function)-if your unit is mining choose this to get all other non mining drones to mine
link up(2nd function)-if your unit is attacking choose this to get all other non attacking units(fighter class) to attack your unit
feature plans for link up: choose units not mining or attacking and have them find another unit and link up to them
also note if your unit is attacked it well auto link up to your other units not fightering for support
defends itself
it well attack once it has acumulated enough units(not tested as i could not wait that long)
defends other units of itself
other notes:
ai sucks and i mean sucks(but is improving)
attacks with "photon torpedoes"
attack search has been improved but long range attack search so slow down is not to much
some times it slows and crashes my psp(it has also seen much abuse over the last couple of years)
theres a bunch of bugs....i know so don't bother reporting them unless if it is a crash bug
which then report everything you did to me so i can try to fix it
can select as many maps as u want although i did not encode it so it scrolls down(next ver)
to make maps see map maker documentation
program exits after game and doesn't go back to main menu
to install:
for 1.5:
copy the 2 folders from the 1.5 folder to X:/psp/game/
where X is your psp drive
for 1.0:
copy the folder from the 1.0 folder to X:/psp/game/
NOTE: if you can't figure out how to install this then some1 should hit you with a stupid stick
hope you guys enjoy for now as i got still a lot of work and i've already put a lot into it=-)
also i don't think i left out anything so....just in case sorry
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April 16th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from rookie42:

I love winterbells. So i made a portable version w00t. the original version can be found here: http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/bells.htm
d-pad/analog: move left/right
cross: initial jump (he jumps automatically after that)
circle: replay animations (i'll explain this later)
start: save and quit
L: turbo (you must hold it)
You can use the d-pad or analog to control the guy, but i find the analog easier.
The best part of this game is actually losing. See, you get a rank based on your score and if it's bad score, it actually insults you (it's pretty funny) followed by the animation of the death of your stick man (don't worry he comes back), but if you get a good score, you get praised, and you can watch as the little stick man pwnz up some other guys. i made the animations myself, and i think they're pretty cool, so if you think one of them is cool as well, you can hit circle again to replay the one you just got. keep in mind that once you jump, you cannot replay it unless you get within the score range that plays that animation.
if you compare my version with the original, i think you'll find the two are quite similar. and my goal was to emulate it perfectly, i have accomplished that goal to the best of my ability, which is why i now release this to you guys.
the game isn't quite finished, i don't have animations for the higher ranking scores, but if anyone feels like making them, go ahead and i will give you credit as well as update this game. also, i can't imagine too many people will be getting those high scores and getting disappointed simply 'cause there's no animation.
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via rookie42
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April 16th, 2007, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Silverfox:
A fun 2-d, fighting game with just rock lee and gaara (for now) and utilizes two people to a single psp.
1) loading screen
2) music doesn't play at the start (so the annoying error message is gone)
3) minor bug fixes (very minor)
To Do:
1) more characters
2) story mode (probably not going to be done for a while)
3) AI for computers for a one player battle (also not thought to be done too soon)
3) sprite sheets for characters (minimize file size)
4) more interaction between environment (clouds, platforms, etc)
5) more attacks to fill up button space (open to suggestions)
6) extra menu's for level selection, and music selection
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April 16th, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Finnish developer Housemarque is to debut a new PlayStation 3 title at the Nordic Game conference, which will take place in Malmö next month.
The game is being developed for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and will be available exclusively as a download from the PlayStation Network.
Housemarque CEO Ilari Kuittenen will reveal more details during his Nordic Game presentation, which is titled 'Adaptation, Opportunities and Survival - Life of a Game Development Studio'.
"Housemarque is again blazing trails as a game developer in Finland. We are the first company to develop a Playstation 3 game and the first to work for Sony Computer Entertainment as a first party developer," commented Kuittinen.
Housemarque's previous titles include Stardust, Alien Incident and The Reap. Most recently the studio produced Transworld Snowboarding, which was published on Xbox in 2002.
Nordic Game will take place from May 15 - 16. For more details, visit the official event website.
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April 16th, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
A Sony Computer Entertainment spokesperson has confirmed that the company is "considering" producing a new version of PlayStation 3 with a larger hard drive.
The comments come just weeks after Sony filed an FCC application which referred to an 80GB PS3. Currently 20GB and 60GB models are available in Japan, with SCEA recently announcing that the 20GB version is to be discontinued in North America.
According to Bloomberg, spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka said the decision is "in line with our strategy as we had planned to choose models based on consumer needs".
Bloomberg also reports that Sony is "considering introducing the model with a bigger hard disk", as stated by Fukuoka. He did not provide any further details.
An article published earlier by Reuters quoted a Nikkei Business report which says Sony Corp. will enjoy a five-fold increase in operating profits this year.
The spike will be due to increased sales of LCD TVs and better performance by Sony's games division, according to Nikkei. Last year the division lost an estimated YEN 200 billion (USD 1.67 billion).
Nikkei also claimed that Sony will boost PS3 shipments in 2007/08 to 10 million units - a rise of more than 65 per cent over the 6 million units the company aimed to ship by March 2007. However, speaking to Bloomberg, Sony later denied the report.
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April 16th, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
press release:
Publisher Playlogic Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB: PLGC) announces the acquisition of the survival horror game “Obscure II” from French development studio Hydravision. The sequel of the innovative Obscure© will be released in Q3 of this year on PC and PS2. The release for Wii is set for Q4.
Obscure II (PC, PS2, Wii) takes place two years after the gruesome events of the first game. The survivors have gone on to college and try to return to their normal lives. After the discovery of a beautiful but strange plant on school campus, events take a turn for the worse. Soon, the college students have to battle for survival once again.
Players of Obscure II can choose their character and one AI controlled sidekick. In total there are six playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. These can be switched at various points in the game. Due to the game’s unique co-op feature, friends can join at any time to team up and attempt surviving Obscure II together. There are many available weapons to keep the monsters that hunt you at bay. Light might be the players’ biggest ally because you never know what’s lurking in the shadows.
Stefan Layer, VP of Marketing & Sales of Playlogic International N.V: “I am extremely pleased that we added Obscure II to our line up. The first instalment was well received by both press and public. Hydravision has pushed the envelope with Obscure II and I am confident that the game will do even better then its
Dominique Morel, CTO of Playlogic International N.V: “Obscure II displays refined talent in every aspect, from high attention to visual details and optimized control schemes; and a dense and intense in-game atmosphere. It’ is a thrilling and unique game with polished game features; an incredible experience.”
Denis Potentier, CEO of Hydravision: “We are happy to work together with Playlogic on Obscure II; they meet all of our expectations and I'm sure that their expertise will be very positive for the game. The two-person cooperative gameplay of Obscure II has been fully optimized. I think players will love this game."
Adventure and action in a teen horror movie scenario
6 charismatic characters with unique skills Unique co-op mode: second player can join in at any time Highly detailed and rich 3D environment Find clues and solve various riddles and mysteries Vast variety of weapons and horrifying monsters Stunning soundtrack performed by the Boston Symphonic
Orchestra and the Paris Opera Children’s Choir
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April 16th, 2007, 19:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The secret HD mode in God of War II has been dropped from the European release as the disc space was required for all the extra European languages.
It didn't take US gamers long to discover that God of War II on PS2 contained a very pleasant upscaling surprise. Fans soon discovered two puzzles on God of War that, once solved, lead to details on how to get God of War II running in 480p.
But just as we're getting excited over the upcoming UK release, word comes from Sony that this option won't be available in our version. A Sony Europe spokesperson told CVG this afternoon, "This option isn't available in the European release because there wasn't enough space on the disc to allow for it. Whereas the US version still had enough room to incorporate this feature it had to be removed for ours because we had to use the final disc space for localisation (all the extra European languages)."
It's a shame but couldn't be avoided, according to Sony. There is hope though if you have a PS3. GOW2 will work from launch on your PS3 and the next-gen console upscales the game to 576p, provided you use the HDMI cable.
Look out for the full God of War II review soon.
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April 16th, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Analysts in Japan still predict Sony will give PS3 a price cut this year, even though the firm may be about to reveal encouraging profit forecasts.
"We think Sony will find it hard to get through the financial year (which began this month) without cutting the price of the console, and expect further game segment losses of over $1 billion during that period," said researchers from investment firm, Nomura, who's researchers still expect the PS3 losses to continue for the short term.
In the report Nomura estimates that Sony has sold only half of the six million PS3s it has manufactured to date. "In the six months the PS3s was on sale up to March 31 (though for only one month in Europe) it sold 3mn units. To boost that substantially in the fiscal year without lowering prices would in our view need major software hits.
"We do not see the necessary drawing power in the title pipeline at this point," said analyst Eiichi Katayama. "We expect Sony to take measures to increase market penetration of PS3 hardware, including extending the software line-up, and expect to review our medium-term estimates for the game segment if and when such measures come into view."
Clearly, it's all about the games then. "We think losses in the game segment are temporary and expect its earnings to improve," Nomura's analysts added. "That said, we think the extent of profit growth in the segment will hinge on how well the PlayStation3 sells at the expected price and the launch of titles for it."
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April 16th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Spidey fans, it's your week... we have Spider-Man coming out on UMD. And, if Spider-Man isn't for you, I'm betting you'll want to check out Pocket Pool, complete with 13 pool games and unlockable "adult" content.
PSP Game Releases
- Pocket Pool
- Valhalla Knights
PSP UMD Releases
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
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April 16th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play ASIA

Be part of the international pro golfing action with ProStroke Golf… An immersive and faithful adaptation of the world’s most challenging sport. With a unique control system, competition from renowned golfing talent and commentary from the international voices of golf; ProStroke Golf challanges players to put themselves to the ultimate test and take on the best in the world. Step up to the tee and take on the pros in this year’s only real-life golf simulation. Craft your swing, compete and be a winner!.
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April 16th, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: quzar
Sony disapoint again, heres the news from the Sonystrikes again blog
YES ! It appears that Sony have done it again. In their zeal to make their DVD movies copyproof (yeah right) they have in fact made their latest releases unplayable on some DVD players, including my Sony DVP-CX995V DVD player. I recently rented “Stranger than Fiction” (2 copies) and “The Holiday” ( please no comments on my choice of movies) both by Sony Pictures. Both load up to the splash title screen and then load no further, then after about 60 secs the player turns itself off!
ALL my other DVD’s and new releases from other movie companies play perfectly
I called Sony Electronics help line and they said to call Sony Pictures 1-800-860-2878 which I did.
The following is a compression of our discussion:
Sony Tech: We know about this problem. Its our new copy protection that’s making these discs unplayable in some players including our own, we do not intend to change the copy protection. The only correction to this problem is a firmware update to your player. The electronics division know about this and should have given you this information.
Me: OK send me the firmware update.
Sony Tech: We do not have one as yet.
Me: OK (a bit frustrated) when will it be available?
Sony Tech: It could be 2 weeks it could be a month, we don’t know.
He then took my phone number and said ”they” would let me know when the firmware update is available, but declined to take my address saying that they would get that when the update was available.
I will say that I got a live person on both support lines within 30 secs.
Here are my questions to Sony:
After spending $350 on a Sony DVD player 3 months ago am I now supposed to avoid Sony Pictures products?
You are still advertising the Sony DVP-CX995V prominently on the Sony USA website but I notice there is no disclaimer that it may not play some new Sony Pictures DVD’s.
Would it not be a good idea to test changes you intend to make on your DVD’s at least on your own equipment so that if you find a problem you could have the firmware update available instead of not only inconveniencing, but alienating your own customers.
I believe this problem is happening on other manufacturers devices, are they working feverishly on firmware updates to accommodate you?
Well thats my rant (yeah I feel a bit better now)
Expect this to be happening a lot more with Blu-ray discs in the future as there are like 4 different version specifications for it.
Way to go Sony.
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April 16th, 2007, 23:38 Posted By: DarthPaul
Hello guys, I've been working on this XMB Theme for hours but it's finally finished. This is my first theme for PSP so don't be silly...I hope you enjoy it as much I did doing it. 
The theme includes a customize wave,topmenuplugin[icons],battery and volume bars,and others things that can be used for the new firmware 3.30 OE-A by Dark_Alex. There's a Readme in the rar file.
I didn't make the icons. Evolve did,so credits go to him.http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-mods-medi...68/page12.html
Edited: I modified the background and now the date/time is 100% viewable when there's a double digit hour displayed.
- darthpaul -
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April 17th, 2007, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Your stranglehold on brain-training games is over, Nintendo DS. Midway is about to start getting PSP users' gray matter in tip-top shape with Hot Brain: Fire Up Your Mind, a title packing five categories of mind-bending brainteasers.
Midway brought Hot Brain -- set for a June release -- into the IGN offices last week and put my mind through the paces in exercises testing logic, memory, math, language and concentration. I ordered numbers from highest to lowest, picked out misspelled words and matched images.
It might sound easy, but the key to Hot Brain is getting as many correct answers as you can in a limited timeframe. See, Professor Warmer -- voiced by Idle Hands star and Christopher Guest-favorite Fred Willard -- is running an institute in the game that studies the result of critical thinking on brain temperature. He says that when you're crunching an equation or word problem, more blood's flowing to your noggin and your mush mound is getting warmer.
That's hot.Each timed exam calculates your brain temperature based on how many problems you solve in a specific time period and how many times you screw up. You can practice the 15 exams all you want -- earning "calories" that unlock the game's three difficulties -- and try for the day's best score in Test mode. The mode grabs one exam from each category, calculates your overall brain temperature, records your daily high and plots it on a colorful chart to track the rise and fall of your brain functions.
Even if you stick with one difficulty in the practice mode, the puzzles are going to get tougher. As you get better, you'll get deeper and deeper into the levels and the challenges will ask more and more of you -- even my beloved "Musical Memory."
A member of the memory category, Musical Memory harkens back to the glory days of Simon and features four images that are each assigned a PSP button and sound. At the onset of the puzzle, the game runs through a sequence -- a duck quacks, a bird chirps, the duck quacks again -- and you have to duplicate it. The game was great at first, but the better I got, the longer the sequences got. Where I was once ordering motorcycle engines and helicopter whirls with ease, I was left to whimper as I tried to figure out if the seventh sound in the Professor Warmer series was Fred Willard groaning or laughing.
Of course, at least Musical Memory ramps up to being tough. "Back-Seat Driver" just made feel like an idiot from the get go.
Uh, is it brawn?The final test in the Logic category -- which features non-threatening, guard-lowering challenges such as creating shapes -- Back-Seat Driver shows users a sequence of arrows and then has them look at a top-down, grid map of a city. The player has to apply the arrows to a taxi's route and decipher where the cab will stop. Even on easy, it kicked my ass, and I ended the exam with an "Icy" brain temperature of 32 degrees.
Whenever you think you've honed your skills to a point that won't make you look like a fool in front or your friends, you can gather a group and take on two ad-hoc multiplayer modes. "Brain Race" pits two to four players in a competition to see who can get his or her brain "On Fire" first, while "Think Tank" has two to four team members working toward getting their collective brain "On Fire."
Although it was still using placeholder graphics in a few spots, the build we saw of Hot Brain was all but completed last week, played well and even allowed you to skip the Fred Willard excerpts if you wanted. It isn't a sure thing yet, but if you've been waiting for a brain-stimulating title on your PSP, Hot Brain might have your number this summer.
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April 17th, 2007, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from PeterM:
One of the problems with open source software is that it fundamentally conflicts with the requirements of working as a licensed developer. Up until now this hasn’t been an issue, but my employer is in the process of obtaining development kits and tools from Sony.
After I receive confidential information from Sony, I am contractually bound to keep it confidential. Unfortunately for Quake, this means that for the legal safety of myself, my employer and anyone who may use or view the PSP Quake source code, I cannot contribute any more to the project.
I can’t say I never saw it coming, but I was hoping our NDA wasn’t so strict. I was really hoping for a clause which would allow me to work on Quake without problems, as long as I didn’t use any of Sony’s tools. Unfortunately this is not the case.
What’s next for PSP Quake?
The project will continue, of course! I’m not the only PSP Quake developer, and I am sure that Chris Swindle will continue to do a fine job on the project, just as he always has. I wish him, and any future contributors to the project, the very best of luck.
What’s next for me?
In the short term, I have some rapidly approaching exams to study for. After that I’ll be splitting my time between work and whatever takes my fancy.
I will of course keep on homebrewing, but instead of the PSP I would be looking at platforms which we’ve not signed any agreements regarding. This could mean Nintendo DS, GameCube (GameCube Quake anyone?), Wii or maybe even XNA.
I would really love to port Cave Story to the GameCube or any other platform whatsoever, but my attempts to get in touch with the author, Pixel, have not been successful. Unfortunately I can’t speak Japanese and he can’t speak English! I tried emailing a translator he knows, but didn’t get a reply. Such is the internet.
If you can speak Japanese and would like to help me out, or can help in another way, please get in touch.
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April 17th, 2007, 03:53 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
A brand-new SWAT is coming to PSP. And no, it's not a sequel to the Colin Farrell movie with the same name. Target Liberty is a brand-new PSP-exclusive extension of the popular PC tactical shooter. The series has been known for placing players in high-stakes situations, forcing players to take the least lethal approach possible. It appears Target Liberty will give portable players an isometric view of the action. Will it maintain the series' strategic approach, or will it be heavier on the action, a la Killzone: Liberation? Hopefully, we'll find out more in the coming weeks.
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April 17th, 2007, 03:56 Posted By: wraggster
article from 1up
I like Monster Hunter and am totally stoked for the upcoming Monster Hunter Freedom 2. While I'm not a huge fan of the right-analog stick being used to replicate the feeling of swinging a weapon (it doesn't really do that good a job of it), I love a game where you try and collect the coolest gear possible. It's why I loved Diablo II, and it's why I played the shit out of Phantasy Star Online and Final Fantasy XI.
I really love the crazy armor types in Monster Hunter, and the various strategy guides and armor books I've collected from my travels to Japan are often over 1,000 pages long. I have a memory card full of the uberest armor you can get in the first Monster Hunter for PS2, although I haven't gotten nearly as far in Monster Hunter Freedom for PSP, mostly because I don't know anyone else who plays, and it's hard to solo in that game.
Well, even though Monster Hunter Dos never came to the U.S. (I begged Capcom to), at least all of that game and a bag of chips is contained in Monster Hunter Freedom 2, which comes to the U.S. this September. For me, September can't come soon enough, because even though I set up an online account to play Monster Hunter Dos in Japan, the game is very text-heavy. With Freedom 2, I'll be able to enjoy that game, for the most part, although I'll have to recruit some friends to play with locally, since there's no online play, just wireless.
I like the controls a lot better on PSP too, since it dispenses with the analog nonsense and just puts the attacks on the buttons. I do wish the characters weren't as sluggish as they are. The game does a good job of making you feel super heavy, but heavy doesn't necessarily mean fun. Oh well, I'll still play the heck out of this game. Hell, I think I'll go fire up the first game now (on PSP).
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April 17th, 2007, 03:56 Posted By: F9zDark
HanSooloo has shared some interesting results from a preliminary HDD analysis…
1. The HDD is encrypted with a (most probably) Sony proprietary format.
2. If Linux is setup on the machine, the HDD will contain the relevant ext2 or ext3 partitions, but it will NOT be visible to a regular OS. This is because, the HDD does NOT have a standard partition table. If one uses WinHex to scan the HDD, then the program will find the ext2/ext3/swap partitions at their respective offsets.
3. A program has been written to scan blocks of 16bytes for where contiguous data is on the HDD. This program has identified major blocks of data on a freshly formatted 60GB HDD.
4. Of major interest is that right around the 380MB marker, we start seeing blocks of 64KB data, and this repeats itself EVERY 183.72MBs. Why does a system need 64KB worth of markers every so often, is a mystery at the moment.
5. Each HDD is "individualized" the moment it is formatted on a particular PS3 unit. An individualized HDD CANNOT be used in another PS3 unit due to (in theory) a unit based signature being written to each HDD.
6. A project is underway to "individualize" 2 same make and model (Seagate Momentus 60GB 2.5" SATA) HDDs and perform a byte level diff to spot differences in the disk layouts.
7. This diff will also be analyzed by the data block scanning program mentioned in Item-3 above.
I wonder… Will the long overdue ISO loader be able to play backed up images off the HDD? Hrm…
Poster's Notes:
It doesn't surprise me that Sony would have encrypted the PS3 partition of the hard-drive, making it somewhat tamper resistant. However this encryption does seem to have some implications with 3rd party developers.
For instance, there are so far, two game companies (that I know) developing titles for the PS3 that seem to believe that downloadable content may not be possible for it. While its strange to hear of that, considering other companies have released updates and content for games on PS3, its also something to be concerned with.
Does this belief that downloadable content for PS3 is not possible stem from the strange encryption encountered on the PS3 partition of the HDD? Is it due to the fact that these companies are unwilling to research and develop a content delivery method that would accommodate the PS3?
One of the companies I know to have said this is Bethesda, the makers of Oblivion. They have 3 platforms for which Oblivion is home to: PC, Xbox360 and PS3. The ease of installation of mods on PC is nothing short of spectacular; however, the official mods are not unified; one must download the mod for PC AND for the Xbox360 if they wish to have the same features in both copies of the game.
Having to also accommodate the PS3 may not be something that Bethesda is interested in, especially if they need to 'start from scratch' with every mod they want to make on the PS3.
What are your thoughts?
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April 17th, 2007, 07:04 Posted By: F9zDark
What's going on with Sony's online plans? GamePro speaks with Susan Nourai, the senior director of the PlayStation Network, for a peak at what's to come for PSP and PS3 owners.
For starters, what is your role at SCEA?
SCEA created a new organization focused solely on our PlayStation Network business. The goal for this team is to create a center of excellence for online services and digital entertainment delivery. My role is to drive and oversee SCEA's network business strategy, operations, content strategy and marketing across all of our PSN services including the PS Store, playstation.com and PlayStation Home.
The PlayStation Network takes a somewhat different form than other gaming networks. How does this architecture reflect Sony's philosophies about online?
We look at PSN as an emergent entertainment network. Our goal is to take a consumer-centric approach in both user experience, and just as important, to provide the type of content that consumers expect from PlayStation. This is evident in the types of games we offer on the PlayStation Store, like Flow, and the upcoming Calling All Cars and Little Big Planet.
Read more here: http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=108929
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April 17th, 2007, 11:10 Posted By: Chameleon
Romain's has released a new version of his app called Flash0++.
Heres whats new:
* Interface graphic ENTIRELY remade.
* More jerks (blinks, maybe? Babelfish is no help sometimes) in the menus
* The menu is now in images.
* New icon0 and pic1 by Eaigle
Flash0++ requires Custom Firmware 3.xx OE in order to run.
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April 17th, 2007, 11:26 Posted By: Chameleon
Archaemic posted this release:
Finally! Someone got around to programming a comic book reader for the PSP that reads cbzs and cbrs directly from the memory stick. It's a little slow, as would be expected from a program that resizes such large images on such a slow processor, but fortunately, you can overclock to 333MHz from the program itself. It's got all the good features, such as zooming, two different resample algorithms (one faster but harder to read, one slower but easier to read), rotation, and the like.
Source code is included. It is (mostly) GPL. This software is written by me, and Kip helped with the graphics and ideas.
If you encounter a bug, please send a full bug report to the email address listed in the readme or post it here. More details are inside the readme. This program is still in beta, so it might be buggy.
Put comics in MS_ROOT/comics. I hope you know how to install the program yourself. If not, read the readme. You'll need it.
The controls should be rather intuitive. If not, read the readme for more details on the controls.
Feel free to email me or post feature requests!
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via Archaemic
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April 17th, 2007, 16:22 Posted By: rmedtx
I found this article By Tom Ivan:
The UK Official PlayStation Magazine is set to offer Blu-ray discs with issues of the publication from June onwards.
The discs will feature playable demos of Sony and third party titles, as well as a host of high definition multimedia content.
Ray Maguire, managing director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK said, "We are very excited to partner with Future to offer a playable Blu-ray disc to UK PlayStation 3 owners. The high capacity of Blu-ray media is the perfect method to distribute large volumes of unique existing, and user-generated content in HD, showcasing PS3's multimedia capabilities to the full.”
Publisher of Official PlayStation Magazine Matt Pierce added, "We are delighted that Offical PlayStation Magazine will deliver to its readers a monthly playable disc, and the world's first covermounted Blu-ray disc."
The Official PlayStation Magazine UK and Next-Gen are Future publications
Here is the original link:
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April 17th, 2007, 16:45 Posted By: BelmontSlayer

Poisonhzkj has updated his excellent XMB plugin for compatibility with 3.30 OE-A! You can view the complete features below.
Screenshot : Allows you to take a capture of the screen
CPU Speed : Allows you to change the speed of the CPU
System Information : View the battery life/temperature/CPU frequency
Power Off : Power off the PSP
Restart : Restart the PSP
OE Config : Change the custom firmware settings
Mount USBHost : Load UMD backups via a usb connection
Settings : Change the plugin's settings
-Password : Enter a password to protect your system at startup
-VSH Analog : Activate the support of the joystick in the XMB
-SCEP Buttons : Change the confirmation and hotkey buttons
-Save DIR : Change the directory where screenshots are saved
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via Poisonhzkj
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April 17th, 2007, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from daaa57150:
Here's my 2nd lua library, in fact a mod of an existing library: animLib v4 by Grimfate126.
I changed a lot of things, and added also a lot, mainly image buffering so that animations share common image ressources.
For those who don't know animLib, this allows you to easily create animations based on multiple images or on spritesheets.
And for those who use animLib and wish to change for this mod, I'm sorry but you'll have to rewrite parts of your code because I changed a lot of things. But I think it's worth the -little- trouble.
As it's the first release and although I tested it intensively, there may be bugs or things missing or things you wouldn't expect to behave like it does... If it's the case report it there.
I'm developping a game with it and for the moment it does what I need in a great way.
I included a long readme with explanations for everything and an index.lua which will create a bunch of animations and show you how to do things.
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via daaa57150
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April 17th, 2007, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Negi:
I was messing around with a hex editor and the 3.30 OE-A recovery prx and it works.
This lets you launch recovery from your GAME menu. I'm wondering if anyone has the technical know-how to have it run the PRX directly from the flash so it works with all future versions of DAX's firmware.
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April 17th, 2007, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has updated his Video converter for the PSP, heres all the info:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPG, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC, FLV.
4.112 changes:
Fixed MKV libs miss.
Enhanced quality of x264 encoding (no changes for iPod).
Fixed update path to CLI apps after format change.
MP4 PSP 3.10 A now compatible with PS3.
Updated pmp muxer.
x264 updated to 650.
Removed mplayer.
Mencoder updated to 22870.
DVD delay now apply in aspect player too.
In case of useless CustomMatrix moved to Advanced tab.
Updated format MP4 PSP 3.30.
Fixed resolutions list.
Updated Spanish and German translation.
Removed formats: MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 3.10 A, MP4 PSP 3.10 B.
Removed ATOMChanger.
ffdshow updated to R1104.
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April 17th, 2007, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
press release:
Dissecta is very pleased to present Steve Fawkner and team from developer Infinite Interactive, who will discuss their new DS and PSP game, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, at Dissecta Tuesday 24th April.
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, which was released in North America in March, derives from a rich development heritage involving the Warlords series on PC, and exemplifies the new era of opportunities available with today's handheld consoles.
'Puzzle Quest: Creating Magic with Infinite Interactive' will be held Tuesday 24th April, 6:30pm to 8pm, with a Q&A, some exclusive signed copies of Puzzle Quest to give away, and followed by complimentary networking drinks courtesy the game makers.
Tickets and Venue:
Tickets: all tickets $5 (book via info@dissecta.com) and all ticket money received goes to the Alfred Hospital Foundation (The Alfred Foundation).
This event wouldn't be possible without the generous support of Infinite Interactive. The venue is the Australian Games Innovation Centre (the Academy of Interactive Entertainment's Presentation Room), Atari Building, Melbourne, opposite Albert Park. Link: www.dissecta.com.
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April 17th, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: blackrave
Welltall has updated CWCheat for PSP to support FW 3.30 OE-A,
Heres whats new:
-added again devhook support
-now the waiting time for opening the menu is always respected
-corrected the description of the settings menu
-adresses were the ram dump is allocated aren't checked by the diff search
-added support for 3.30OE
-fixed the functions used by the remapsp macro function
-fixed a little glitch which let the user select upper options in the diff search function
after the search
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April 17th, 2007, 20:30 Posted By: blackrave
Via 2alien
SCEP-CheatMaster(SCM) is a PSP Coustom firmware plugin designed for Game/Pop mode, you can take screen-shot, set CPU speed, restart/power off PSP via the user interface. The main component of SCM is a powerful cheat system which support raw code.
Now, SCM is in it's beta phase, I will update it as soon as I get a bug report if I can, but I alway feel I get no time to do everything, so I am sorry if this buggy plugin mess up your PSP. I hope not only the good looking interface but also the funtion in it would be liked by you.
make it run in 330OEA normally
+add a control scheme remapping funtion in setting
-Fix some little bug.
-Fix the bug that only codes in the first class effect
-Fix a bug data cant be lock in some game!
-Fix some little bug in view memory
Click here to read more about the program and how to install and use.
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April 17th, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Susan Nourai, the senior director of the PlayStation Network, has been speaking about the future of the PSN and how the company plans to improve the experience over time.
"We look at PSN as an emergent entertainment network. Our goal is to take a consumer-centric approach in both user experience, and just as important, to provide the type of content that consumers expect from PlayStation. This is evident in the types of games we offer on the PlayStation Store, like Flow, and the upcoming Calling All Cars and Little Big Planet," she told GamePro.
"Currently, we post new content every Thursday. Our content offering is growing and we look forward to the fantastic slate of games and entertainment content coming down the pipe."
When asked about future changes or improvements, Nourai replied, "We've only scratched the surface and are working closely with the engineering team in Japan to improve the overall consumer experience. We stay in close touch with our consumers via communication outreach and research and have really appreciated the positive and constructive feedback. We plan to keep enhancing the things we're doing right, and will continue to evolve the service into something our PlayStation fans want. We've accomplished a lot in our four months with over 600,000 registered accounts and 3.7M downloads. It's a great start to a journey and a long-term relationship with our consumers and business partners.
via cvg
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April 17th, 2007, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
The European arm of Sony Computer Entertainment is preparing to lay off around 160 members of staff.
"The business targets that we face make this regrettably unavoidable," said president and CEO David Reeves in an internal email that Next-Gen reports has been leaked.
Apparently every SCEE employee will receive a letter on Wednesday informing him or her if they've been "provisionally selected at being at risk".
via cvg
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April 17th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
The success of PlayStation 3 in Europe has rescued the console from "the perception wars" that hit sales in Japan, says Sony's boss, Sir Howard Stringer.
"I think [in] the first two days in the UK, £100m ($199m) revenue changed hands and that's probably the largest consumer electronics sale in history," he told the FT. Stringer said that PS3 had entered the Euro market with "more games and, perhaps we lived up to the expectations in Europe in a way that perhaps we didn't in Japan".
Analysts expect Sony to start making some money back on the console next March, "In the March quarter of 2008, Sony will start making money on the console," said Yuji Fujimori, analyst at Goldman Sachs. "In the longer term, I see the PS3's market share at 50 per cent within three years. In the shorter term, I see it at below 30 per cent."
We reported yesterday that Japanese analysts wanted to see a PS3 price cut sooner rather than later.
It's also strange to see such claims when there are reports doing the rounds that your European office is about to lay off 160 people.
via cvg
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April 17th, 2007, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has stirred the embers of recent speculation that it's to release an 80Gb PS3.
Reported on Bloomberg.com, Sony Computer Entertainment spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka revealed that introducing a PS3 with a larger hard drive is under consideration at the company.
No further details were given, and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe was unavailable for comment at the time of writing.
Fukuoka's revelation follows the news of Sony's confirming it is ceasing offering the 20Gb model in North America, this decision "in line with our strategy as we had planed to choose models based on consumer needs", Fukuoka explained.
Sony then will be weighing up whether a PS3 with a larger hard drive is a product consumers will embrace.
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April 17th, 2007, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
After the ruckus this morning over the axing of God of War II's secret HD mode for European versions, SCEE has fired over a full explanation to CVG on just why PAL gamers won't be checking out Kratos's bonce in HD glory next week.
SCEE's statement reads as follows:
"As has already been correctly reported, the truth is that the US version of [God of War II] already pushed the dual-layer disc to near-capacity, and the addition of audio for French, Italian, Spanish, German and Russian meant that the development team had to make a Herculean effort to ensure that everything would fit.
"However, even if the game only featured English it would still not have been possible. This is because everything in the game has been optimised for PAL (576i), including the movies. The God of War games are famed for the seamless transition between gameplay and cutscenes, and if we had kept the movies in NTSC resolution, there would have been a very noticeable, very jarring transition between the two display formats. The only compromise would have been to have featured the movies in both PAL and NTSC resolutions, but as evidenced by the struggles the development team had to even fit localised audio onto the disc, this was clearly not an option. It should also be explained that the excellent PAL optimisation meant that a 60Hz option was also not necessary.
"Ultimately, the decision fell to what would benefit the majority, and the number of European PS2 owners who own a component cable and the necessary equipment to display 480p output is extremely low compared to those who are playing on CRT sets, or indeed on HD sets via a composite/RGB SCART connection. It was a necessary measure that was taken with a great deal of consideration.
"The IslandOfRhodes site makes it explicitly clear that the mode is actually a slightly enhanced version of the standard 480p option that is available from the options menu (US version only), and was implemented at the very last minute due to the fact that it created additional bugs. By Tim's (Moss) own admission it was just intended as a bonus.
"Development of the PAL version ran extremely closely alongside the NTSC version, and to have asked the team to develop a similar bonus mode for the PAL version would have distracted from their efforts to get it into the best shape possible. In addition, it would have required additional QA testing that would have a resulted in substantial delays to the game's release.
"It should also be noted that when playing the game on a PS3 via a component of HDMI lead, it runs in true 576p and not just an upscaled version of 576i. The Enhanced Definition (ED) output is forced from the PS2 graphics chip which is why a lot of PS2 games - not just GoWII - will look a lot better. By contrast, if you boot up the US GoWII on an NTSC PS3 and switch Progressive Scan mode on, there will be no difference as the emulator is pushing the 480p mode regardless.
"What this basically means is that the PAL PS3 is giving the best PS2 visuals you will be able to get anywhere!"
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April 17th, 2007, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
The Final Fantasy franchise will be two decades old this year, and to celebrate the occasion, publisher Square Enix earlier this year revealed that it is remastering Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II for the PlayStation Portable. While this seemed like a momentous time for longtime FF fans all over the globe, the games were announced only for Japan.
Thankfully for FF fans in the Western Hemisphere, Square decided to open up the party a little and today announced that the two games will be coming to the US this summer. The new PSP version of Final Fantasy will ship to stores on June 26, and its sequel will follow the next month on July 24. Both games will retail for $29.99.
The anniversary editions will feature new character art, enhanced graphics, new dungeons, an "updated camera view," and a 16:9 aspect ratio. Final Fantasy for the PSP is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older, and Final Fantasy II is rated T for Teen.
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April 18th, 2007, 00:25 Posted By: burrito
via PSP Devolution Official Site
Sorry guys for taking longer than expected but there had some important improvements to be done in order to make the PSP-Devolution the top addon for your Playstation Portable system.
We are now using 4 layer technology for the PSP-Devolution which results in even smaller size. This way it fits just perfect into the PSP.
Here is a picture of an installed PSP-Devolution with our very sofosticated Flex-PCB. We made it an extra big resolution so you can see our cool solution of connecting the PSP-Devolution to the PSP's mainboard.
Large image

Sales to the resellers of the PSP-Devolution will start between April 16th and April 20th, 2007.
All resellers that have contacted us in the past will automatically receive an email from us on the above mentioned date. New inquiries are welcome, too.
We need to release two different versions of the PSP-Devolution. Thats's a 3.3V version for ta79 - ta81 boards and and a 1.8V version for all ta-82+ boards. This problem couldnt have been solved by a simple jumper on the pcb because we need to set the output values before programming the ACTEL ICs.
- Flash your PSP using the internal USB Port
- no additional USB Port required
- latest ACTEL ProASIC 3 technology
- NO power consumption
- doesn't touch the battery power in any way, powered by USB for the time being used to flash the PSP
- preassembled hi-tech flex pcb for easiest possible conection to the psp mainboard
- works on all available PSP versions incl. the new TA-082 and TA-086
- custom BIOS with a lot of cool additional features (tba)
It looks much easier to install than the old modchip, works on all psps, and they said it should retail for around 55 euros.
I haven't seen it for sale yet, but it has been shipped to retailers. 
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April 18th, 2007, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Here's a nice thought for the PSP as we get to scheduling our summer camping vacations. Homestar Portable for the PSP is out now for the PSP and even though has no Homestar Runner on it as some tented, sleeping bagged entertainment, it still looks like a beautiful application for looking up at the stars:
"...It is for the Sony PSP, but it's not a game. It's a piece of software that helps you 'read' the nights sky. By utilising the PSPs GPS unit (I had no idea the PSP had one until now!) it can tell where you are and what constellations are above you..." Sure it's all in Japanese, but after singing 99 bottles of beers on the wall for four hours around a campfire, everything starts to kind of make sense.
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April 18th, 2007, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
In their most recent official podcast, ABC's LOST producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed that the upcoming game adaptation will be arriving on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
Typically, adaptations cater to as many consoles as possible so as to guarantee they hit the same market as those who watch the TV show. Is this an indication that the PlayStation 2's time is coming to an end, or is developer Ubisoft Montreal focusing more time and effort on delivering a title whose graphics are on par with our expectations for the newest generation of console?
Said Cuse approximately 25 minutes into the podcast, "[Developer Ubisoft Montreal] came down here the other day and did a demo on some of the stuff," while Lindelof remarked, "very impressive," in response to what they were shown. We don't want to imply that television producers know what makes great games, but as fans of the show, we are comforted that progress is being made on the title. No release date has been mentioned.
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April 18th, 2007, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

As part of SNK Playmore's Neo Geo Online Collection series, The King of Fighters Nests is a compilation of four King of Fighters titles on one disc:
The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle
The King of Fighters 2000
The King of Fighters 2001
The King of Fighters 2002
The game was originally announced for a release somewhen back in 2006, but has been pushed back several times. Finally, The King of Fighters Nests for PlayStation2™ is in stock today, available at US$ 49.90 only.
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April 18th, 2007, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

In Persona 3, you play as a 17 year-old boy who's just transferred schools. Immediately after entering his dormitory, he comes under attack of a mysterious Shadow enemy. With his unique ability to switch Personas rather than just summoning a single creature, he ends up becoming leader of a special extracurricular force attempting.
Persona 3: Fes contains 30 hours of additional gameplay, set after the original ending with new cinematic sequences. The main storyline further includes some new events and a new "hard" difficulty setting. Also added have been 23 new Personas, a weapon synthesis system and a system for changing your characters' clothes.
Persona 3: Fes comes in two different edition: Independent Starting Version (US$ 69.90 and partially shipping today) as well as Append Edition (which requires the original Persona 3 release to be played).
Expected to be in stock this Friday is the Konamistyle Special Edition (presold), a US release has been announced to ship in July. Also make sure to check out the following soundtrack related releases: Persona 3 Original Soundtrack, Burn My Dread -Reincarnation: PERSONA 3- and Persona 3 FES Original Soundtrack.
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April 18th, 2007, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Zendoku is a martial arts-themed, puzzle battling game based on the enormously popular logic game, Sudoku. Experience fun and intuitive puzzle-battle gameplay in numerous single and multiplayer game modes. Challenge and defend yourself against a range of engaging martial arts-themed characters to win battles and advance. With a carefully considered learning curve, entertaining storylines and addictive gameplay, players everywhere will soon master the art of Zendoku.
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April 18th, 2007, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
via games digest
Both Wii and PS3 have web browsers, but it's fair to say that internetweb surfing is very much a secondary feature for both. It's all about the games really, with a side-order of Blu-ray goodness in PS3's case. However, Web 2.0 will be a factor in both, for example Sony's upcoming Home virtual world, and Nintendo's connected News Channel and Forecast Channel.
Nevertheless, it's fair to assume that a decent chunk of Wii and PS3 owners will use the consoles for at least some regular web surfing too. So how do the respective browsers compare when faced with 15 of the most popular Web 2.0 sites? I tested them out on the likes of MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and Last.fm to see how they performed.
Each site gets a mark out of 2. 0 points means it didn't work properly. 1 point means it worked partially, and 2 points means it worked well. Note, this is as much a test of how well the websites are designed as of the console browsers. Read on to find out which console scored higher.
1. eBay (www.ebay.com)
The world's top auctions website works like a dream on both Wii and PS3, allowing you to sign in, browse for items, and splash your life savings on as many crap porcelain guinea pig ornaments as you like. Neither console has any problems. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 2 points.
2. Amazon (www.amazon.co.uk)
I'm starting with easy ones here: Amazon is mainly text with a few pics, just like eBay. Neither Wii nor PS3 has any problems coping with the site. And before you scoff that console gamers don't read books, there's a huge selection of games and hardware available too. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 2 points.
3. MySpace (www.myspace.com)
How will the world's largest social networking site fare on the next-gen consoles? On the profile-editing and messaging side, it's absolutely fine. But a big part of MySpace is its band profiles, where you can listen to tunes. Wii can handle the embedded players, but PS3 can't. On both consoles, video is no-go. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 1 point.
4. Bebo (www.bebo.com)
Another social networking site with music and video content, and arguably one that The Cool Kids rate more than MySpace these days. Once again, you can do all the profile-editing and friend-adding you want on both consoles, but this time the embedded tunes work on both too. However, videos won't play on either. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 2 points.
5. Facebook (www.facebook.com)
This is purely about social networking, and the site is picking up a head of steam now non-students can sign up. With less of a focus on music and video, it's handled with ease on both consoles, with all the features surviving intact. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 2 points.
6. YouTube (www.youtube.com)
How will Google's super-popular video-sharing site fare on games consoles? Not half bad, actually. Both Wii and PS3 can search, browse and most importantly play the site's videos. Wii point blank refuses to let you upload your own videos though, while PS3 does, but only if they're in a format that it recognises. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 2 points.
7. Flickr (www.flickr.com)
What about photo-sharing? Wii is fine for browsing other people's photos, as well as your own photo stream. You can't upload new pics though, which is a pain. PS3 can also handle the browsing, but more importantly, it can upload photos too. The scoring is slightly different here, as I'd argue uploading is more important for using Flickr than it is for YouTube. Wii: 1 point. PS3: 2 points.
8. Vox (www.vox.com)
Six Apart's blogging cum social-networking service is slick and easy to use on PC, but what about on consoles? It works on Wii, but isn't totally comfortable to use, due to some weird on-screen formatting. It's not fun on PS3 either, being sluggish and not letting you upload photos with your posts. Wii: 1 points. PS3: 1 point.
9. Gmail (www.gmail.com)
On both consoles, Gmail has an irritating habit of filling the text-entry box with the entire email you're replying to, and making you scroll back through it to reply. Apparently you can turn this off within Gmail, but that's not ideal if you're also using it on a PC or Mac. Otherwise, though, it works well – and is fine if you're just checking emails. Wii: 1 point. PS3: 1 point.
10. Twitter (www.twitter.com)
The Hot New Thing in Web 2.0 circles, Twitter is about 'micro-blogging' – short 140-character summaries of what you're up to. The site itself is stripped-down and simple, so it works marvellously on both consoles. Plus, if you don't have a wireless keyboard hooked up, the shorter messages are less painful to tap in on the on-screen keyboards than full blog posts. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 2 points.
11. Bloglines (www.bloglines.com)
Web-based RSS aggregator, which is one of the best ways to monitor news feeds on a computer. On Wii, it works perfectly. On PS3, it doesn't work at all, not allowing you to open your feeds. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 0 points.
12. Digg (www.digg.com)
Excellent tech news community, although it's expanded to other subjects too. It works very well on the Wii, although for understandable reasons (no copy'n'paste) it's tricksy to submit your own stories for others to Digg. On PS3, it works, but the formatting is well and truly screwed up on-screen, making it a bit of a headache to view. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 1 point.
13. del.icio.us (www.del.icio.us)
Social bookmarking site, where you can save your favourite links, tag them, and view other people's. However, on both Wii and PS3, you're restricted to just the latter, although you can save other people's links as your own. Wii: 1 point. PS3: 1 point.
14. Google Maps (maps.google.co.uk)
Google's very own mapping service works like a dream on the Wii, letting you search for locations, then view maps or satellite overhead photos. However, it inexplicably doesn't work at all on PS3, with dodgy formatting and broken search facilities – which after all, is how you actually find places. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 0 points.
15. Last.fm (www.last.fm)
Finally, how does this innovative personalised streaming music service shape up on Nintendo and Sony's consoles? I didn't expect it to work, yet on Wii it works smoothly, pumping your personal radio streams out of your telly or attached speakers. On PS3, it does work, but the experience of using the site is less smooth, including some snags signing in. Wii: 2 points. PS3: 1 point.
CONCLUSION: Wii 26 - 20 PS3
Victory goes to Opera's Wii browser, hurt by the fact that two sites (Bloglines and Google Maps) didn't work at all on the PS3 browser. However, it's worth stressing that PS3's ability to upload photos and (possibly) video gives it an advantage if you're big on this user-generated content lark. Also, these findings could easily change as various sites get a redesign, either for the better (they're configured to autodetect a console and adapt accordingly) or for the worse (they use new plug-ins that aren't supported by the consoles).
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April 18th, 2007, 03:26 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
If SEGA Rally is anything to go by, it seems the battle lines in the next-gen war - as far as arcade racers are concerned - are being drawn in the mud. Following in MotorStorm's messy wake on PS3, this latest entry in SEGA's long-running series - and the first title from the company's brand new SEGA Racing Studio - seems determined to steal Sony's mud mantle.
Sitting down with SEGA for a first early at this latest iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, it's clear the team behind it - consisting of race development veterans from Criterion, Codemasters, Rockstar North and Rare - are passionate about the series. For a start, unlike SEGA Rally 2006, which never saw light of day in the west, this next-gen version dumps any simulation pretensions in favour of returning to the franchise's shamelessly arcade roots.
Of course, with the might of PS3, Xbox 360 and PC behind this new game, it's the slickest entry in the series yet, promising impressive visuals, state-of-the-art physics and handling, as well as the core close competitive racing elements SEGA Rally's known for. Even at this stage, it looks like the development team is set to hit its lofty goals. Certainly, there's plenty of graphical bluster on display, with a wide variety of locations - ranging from frozen artic wastelands to blistering safari tracks - and the usual next-gen touches like self-shadowing and a rather nifty, appropriately-reactive two-tone paint job on the cars in evidence.
Sadly, it's too early to state with any certainty how the final product will look. The frame-rate was erratic, although it's set for a significant amount of tweaking, while water and particle effects are currently undergoing a complete overhaul. What's more, the build we saw lacked any form of damage modelling, although SEGA did mention it wouldn't affect car performance when implemented, to maintain the game's arcade sensibility. Of course, there's still plenty of development time to go and, even now, the game looks promising.
Showing off one of the game's jungle-based tracks, roadsides were packed with lush, detailed foliage, SEGA's trademark set-piece elements - like the towering waterfall looming against a rich backdrop of distant mountains - and plenty of persistent, interactive environmental objects. For example, clip one of the track-side huts and the porch will crumble, sending wood and debris scattering across the road - a nasty surprise for anyone following your tail.
Of course though, it's the mud effects that SEGA's keen to trumpet at this stage. Unlike some other racers, SEGA Rally's mud is more than a flash visual effect. As your tyres carve up the track your actions have an actual effect on the road surface. Bumps and grooves remain in place for the entire race, making for significantly variable conditions as your car's suspension and wheels react accordingly. As loose top soil is dislodged on the first lap you benefit from increased grip. However, as water slowly seeps from the ground to fill gouges in the dirt, you'll need to constantly analyse the road ahead and adjust your approach accordingly.
While it's difficult to assess just how much of an impact all this will have on the final game without going hands-on, it certainly promises to add a considerable amount of depth to your usual arcade racer fare. What's more, with around three tracks per environment, plus a variety of modes including practice, championship and - of course - online multiplayer, SEGA Rally is certainly heading in the right direction.
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April 18th, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: PSmonkey

News is coming in from a few sources that the Japanese version of Final Fantasy I Anniversary Edition includes english text. So at the start of the game you will be allowed to select between Japanesa (two types) and English text. As well you will be able to change the language settings at any point during the game.
This is great news for people who do not wish to wait around for the USA release in two months.
The game is now available at Play-Asia.com
Source: http://www.neo-geo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=163881
( See link for two screenshots taken from the import version )

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April 18th, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Square Enix has confirmed that PSP-bound updates of Final Fantasy I and II are heading West, after word on the existence of the titles appeared in Japanese press in January.
However, it's currently only North America that's to receive the games in the West. Speaking to the company's UK arm earlier, CVG was informed that a European release remains "to be decided".
Final Fantasy I and II on PSP are re-mastered versions of the original titles that are being released to commemorate the franchise's 20th anniversary, both featuring entirely new content. FF I will hit North America on June 26, FF II on July 24 this year.
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April 18th, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Crytek has responded with "no comment" to a query regards the latest speculation on Crysis coming to console that's doing the rounds.
The latest gossip about the shooter heading to console started off the back of an advert for a PS3 programmer appearing on Crytek's website, the responsibilities of the role including "Cross platform code development".
"Nope, no comment on this", Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli told CVG when contacted about the speculation earlier today.
"We are hiring for CryEngine 2 Development primarily at this stage", he added.
It's hardly suprising that speculation about Crysis coming to console refuses to lay down and die, what with it being such a high profile game and one that's dropping jaws left, right and centre and all.
via cvg
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April 18th, 2007, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Tomb Raider powerhouse Eidos is to publish Tecmo's Ninja Gaiden Sigma in Europe, which is currently pencilled in for release sometime this summer.
Sigma is essentially a prettier PS3 update of 2005's excellent Xbox entry Ninja Gaiden Black, expanded with dual-sword combat and the lovely Rachel as a playable character.
via cvg
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April 18th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Start humming those catchy songs, because Namco Bandai has finally confirmed Beautiful Katamari Damacy for Xbox 360 and PS3.
The rolly-action-collect-'em-ups are only half-complete at the moment, but we now know they will definitely include some form of online gameplay, as well as make use of a dual analogue control system.
The background singing will also make a triumphant return, though the performers will be new to the series.
The news erupted from the pages of Japanese magazine Famitsu (translated by IGN), which spoke openly with game director Jun Morikawi.
According to him, Beautiful Katamari Damacy will be bigger and better than ever before, featuring bigger maps and lots more junk to collect. Screenshots from the feature showed one katamari spanning 7,000km, eagerly trying to obtain its enormous 10,000km target.
Morikawi also hinted that we may see the game on other platforms, musing over the idea of using a keyboard or stylus to control the action.
Katamari Damacy is a PS2 phenomena that was originally only available in Japan. The aim of the game is to guide a ball around a map, while rolling over different objects to increase your size - much like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. The bigger you get, the more impressive the things you can accrue, eventually sucking up buildings and trees.
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April 18th, 2007, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Zoo Digital has revealed that a new Premier Manager will be available for PS2 and PC on 17th August. That's just one day before Arsenal begin their historic, maths-breaking title defence NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CAN'T HEAR YOU NA NA NA.
This 2008 instalment will be the 13th in the long-running series, and aims to bring some new tactics to the table. There'll be a much wider variety of facilities to help you improve your players and staff this time around, with a new reward system to make it all worth your while.
You'll also be able to pop on the joggers and get hands-on with new training session options, as well as nurse your lads back to health with accurate injury diagnoses and rehabilitation functions. Scouting's also been improved, and you'll be able to tinker with research and discover capabilities to find your ultimate signing.
But despite all these new bits and pieces, Premier Manager 08 will still be the more accessible alternative to other games on the market; more pick up and play than stay in all day.
"The thing about Premier Manager is that we don't really seek to go head-to-head with Football Manager or Championship Manager, because frankly they've got bigger budgets and they're aimed at totally different kinds of gamer," a spokesperson for Zoo Digital told Eurogamer this afternoon.
"We're aimed more at the casual market; someone who wants a bit more of a pick up and play experience from a Football Management game. So, ideally someone who's maybe a bit younger or someone who just hasn't got the time to invest in Football Manager."
You can expect all the usual seasonal updates to be included here, too, adding to what Zoo Digital reckons will be its strongest line-up yet.
via eurogamer
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April 18th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Rumours that a larger hard drive-equipped PlayStation 3 is on the way have surfaced once again following comments from Sony spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka.
Speaking to Reuters Fukuoka said, "For users who vigorously store [games and other entertainment content] in the PS3, 20GB is probably going to be to small."
He added, "Even 60GB may not be big enough eventually."
But although the PS3's hard drive may get an upgrade other fundamental components of the machine won't be altered, according to Fukuoka. "We are not likely to change its core components and functions such as the Cell, RSX, Blu-ray drive and network capability," he said.
"But outside that realm, addition and deletion is quite possible."
It's not the first time Fukuoka has suggested that Sony is considering producing a PlayStation 3 with a bigger hard drive - he made similar comments earlier this week. The rumours have also been fuelled by an FCC application filed by Sony which referred to an 80GB model.
At present Sony offers both 20GB and 60GB PlayStation 3 units in Japan, with only the 60GB model available in Europe. The company recently announced that the 20GB version is to be discontinued in North America.
via gibiz
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April 18th, 2007, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Streamlining of US and Japanese operations could follow
A Sony spokesperson has said that the company took the decision to cut jobs as a result of shifts in the games industry, such as the move towards digital distribution.
News emerged earlier this week that up to 160 SCEE employees could be made redundant as part of plans to reduce the company's cost base.
As reported by Reuters, SCE spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka said the decision was unrelated to the number of PlayStation 3 units which have so far been sold.
He stated that the cuts are necessary due to new developments in the industry, including the growth of online software distribution.
Fukuoka also revealed that SCE's US and Japanese operations could be subject to streamlining. However, he added, no decisions have so far been made.
via gibiz
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April 18th, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
In "Puzzle Scape", players arrange blocks of different colors into chains that are exploded by 2x2 same-colored blocks. The world of "Puzzle Scape" pulsates with 40 scenes of brilliant backgrounds and an original soundtrack of more than 40 songs by rising electronic music artists. Level by addictive level, players will unlock new themes and scenes bursting with lush colors and luscious beats. The game features two single player game modes, four dual player modes, and the ability for up to eight people to play via the PSP system's wireless functionality.
Huh, why does this video look so familiar. I can't seem to (Lumines/Hexic) place it. Well at least Puzzle Scape, this PSP puzzler set to hit in May, is only about $20.
Video/News at Kotaku
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April 18th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
The 20GB PlayStation 3's march to the guillotine was written long before Sony was ready to make the official statement. The curious part in the whole 20GB PS3 story was the model's life in Japan apparently being spared the same fate as its kin across the Pacific. Had the Japanese found some magic to make the sale margins work that the silly North Americans hadn't discovered, and the Europeans weren't even worth trying on? Not so fast, some previous quirky statements and tips from Japan are showing the 20GB may be unofficially done there too.
Previously Sony told Famitsu, "We're currently not considering changes akin to North America. However we would like to react flexibly with the market." They also told CVG, "We'll continue to monitor demand for the 20GB model ... which will be factored into any future Euro launch plans." A future launch of the 20GB in Europe seems even less likely following reports Sony is "considering" a 80GB PS3 model, which they said in March there were no plans for. Sony would probably like to drop the 60GB price in the relative future, because if people complain about the $600 price tag of the 60GB model -- imagine the sticker shock of an 80GB model! That means clearing space and minds of the 20GB model, which if it were still on the market would probably drop in price relative to the 60GB model and be an overly attractive price for a Blu-ray player.
The picture above is from one store in Japan which crossed out the 20GB model from their storefront sign, other reports are starting to come in that the 20GB model is saying sayonara in stores. Joystiq spoke with Miller Stevens, a San Francisco native spending some time in Japan, who says, "I headed to some electronics stores in the Shinjuku district. Bic Camera, major store, has 20GB in stock and, when asked, said they were available as far as they knew. Another big store, Yodobashi, did not have them in stock and weren't getting any and weren't clear why. A couple of smaller stores didn't have them, but weren't clear whether it was because there was no supply or they just weren't ordering them." We wait for confirmation that the 20GB PS3 is official dead -- everywhere this time. Maybe Sony is just waiting to call the 20GB's time of death at the same moment they announce the 80GB's life?
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April 18th, 2007, 23:53 Posted By: obiwan22
Sony are to release a new version of firmware for the PSP to combat the latest release of Custom Firmware by Dark Alex. Will this battle of firmwares and cracks ever stop. Not a chance in hell.
The Next round of battles is set to begin soon.
More info via pspfanboy:
The Korean PlayStation website has announced the arrival of yet another update to PSP's official firmware. However, unlike previous updates, this revision will actually remove some functionality from the system. We've translated the text--it appears "Certificate Utility" will no longer appear on the XMB. Rather, the information used to be available in this section will be embedded directly into the games downloaded from the PLAYSTATION Store. This is a rather minor, but puzzling change.
According to the Korean website, the firmware will be released tomorrow, 4/19.
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April 19th, 2007, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Fate/stay Night [Realta Nua] is the much awaited PlayStation2™ version of the immensely popular Type-Moon (Tsukihime) visual novel game released in 2004 for PC. The series also became popular as anime and manga releases. Using text, image and sound the game conveys an intriguing and fascinating story with complex characters. With additional happenings and with full voice, the PlayStation2™ version is taking the game to a whole new level.
The story revolves around the war of the Holy Grail, a legendary and ancient relic said to grant the worthy the fulfilment of any wish. The rules are simple: seven magicians (Masters) accompanied by one Servant each shall fight to the death and the sole surviving team may approach the Grail. Thrown into this brutal ritual is upper secondary student Emiya Shiroh and what once was commonplace is now replaced by the impossible.
With scenario writer Nasu Kinoko and graphic designer Takeuchi Takashi among others, you are now given the chance to explore a whole new world on your PlayStation2™.
Published by Kadokawa Shoten, Fate/stay Night [Realta Nua] for PlayStation2™ is shipping today as Regular and Limited Extra Edition. An Original Soundtrack release (Regular / Limited) is due for release next week.
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April 19th, 2007, 04:10 Posted By: JKKDARK
New update on the VM build from the 0.9.2 version
I've decided to release a fixed 0.9.2 VM build for those having problems. This is primarily for those with Brazilian XP, but im hoping it will help others too.
those with the 0x20000000-0x40000000 problem, im not sure if itll help you, but worth a try
Note: make sure you close anything you dont need, just in case something is taking up the space in memory or just incase you don't have enough free
Note 2: This build is IDENTICAL to the 0.9.2 release, just the VM address is changed to somewhere a bit more compatable
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April 19th, 2007, 04:16 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
It's hard to believe, but someone has finally found a way to fill a UMD disc with game content. Falcom's latest Legend of Heroes game, Eiyuu Densetsu Sora no Kiseki SC as it's known in Japan, will be the first game to use two UMDs, the company revealed today.
Set for Japanese PSP release on 9/27, Sora no Kiseki is the sequel to Eiyuu Densetsu Sora no Kiseki FC, both originally PC RPGs. FC stands for First Chapter. We'll let you figure out what SC stands for. FC was released for the Japanese PSP back in September but has yet to make its way to international audiences.
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April 19th, 2007, 04:17 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
We just got through writing about what we thought was the PSP's first dual UMD game, when we looked through a recent issue of Famitsu and learned that we were wrong. It turns out that the first PSP game to span two disks will be the latest entry in the Hot Shots Golf series.
Minna no Golf Ba, as the new entry is to be known in Japan, was announced last year as one of the first games to be compatible with Sony's PSP GPS attachment. While we were previously in the dark as to how the game would make use of the GPS receiver, the magazine has at last cleared things up.
The Hot Shots Golf series is known for offering a casual experience for all. Minna no Golf Ba, on the other hand, appears to be designed for people who actually golf in real life. Take your GPS-ready PSP and your copy of Minna no Golf Ba with you to one of the included real-life courses, and you'll have in your hands a a digital caddy! The game supports you as you golf, informing you of the remaining distance to the green and your current height. When used in virtual caddy form, the PSP is meant to be held vertically rather than in the traditional horizontal position.
Those who just want to play golf the traditional Hot Shots way will be able to as well. The game includes a mode of play with standard Hot Shots Golf play mechanics over the included courses. Super-spin and other special moves are missing from the gameplay, but the control is the same.
All this content apparently requires some hefty disk space. Minna no Golf Ba will span two disks. The first disk will include sixteen courses from southern Chiba along with one special course. The second disk will include fifteen courses from northern Chiba. Chiba, in case you're not familiar with Japanese geography, is the large mass of nothingness located just East of Tokyo.
The full name of this GPS-ready Hot Shots Golf is actually Minna no Golf Ba Vol.1. Sony is planning on releasing additional volumes in the future, featuring data on other courses from throughout Japan.
We presume international courses would also be possible if the idea takes off. Golfers worldwide should keep an eye on Minna no Golf Ba when it hits Japan on 5/31.
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April 19th, 2007, 04:17 Posted By: wraggster
Remember all that talk about Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear) teaming up with Suda 51 (Killer 7) for a joint project? The two producers touched upon their first collaborative effort in the latest Hidechan radio broadcast, which was recorded live at a fan event held over the weekend in Tokyo.
Famitsu reports in its latest issue that Suda 51 took a few moments of the recording session to spill a few details on the mysterious "Project S." He began with some shocking news. The S in Project S stands for Snatcher! Yes, Hideo Kojima's classic Sega CD cyber adventure is back!
Although not as a game, at least not yet. Suda 51 announced that Project S will bring back the Snatcher franchise in a variety of media. The first form will be as a radio drama. Suda 51 himself has written the script for the drama, whose name may end up being Snatchers (he hasn't finalized it yet). He also mentioned something about lending his own voice talents to the drama, although we're not sure if he was being serious.
According to Famitsu, members of the audience gasped at the revelation that Snatcher was on its way back after a decade silence (the Sega CD game was later released on the PlayStation and Saturn). While the game's dark setting and story should make for a compelling drama, we're sure the gaspers were more interested in the possibilities of a revival for the franchise on the game scene.
Longtime PSP followers may remember a "Project S" announced by SEGA in the very early days of the PSP's hype-up. It seems unlikely that this "Project S" and that "Project S" are the same Project S (why would SEGA be the publisher for a Konami game by Grasshopper Manufacture?), but since SEGA has said nothing about the PSP's Project S since 2004, speculate away if it makes you feel good ... a Snatcher radio play, graphically detailed on the MGS: Digital Graphic Novel engine? By SEGA? Yeah, if only it all added up, but it doesn't. Sorry PSP Project S, but maybe we'll hear from you again one day.
Sadly, Suda 51 did not provide further details, so we'll have to wait for little bits to slip out here and there, perhaps in future Hidechan radio broadcasts.
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April 19th, 2007, 04:23 Posted By: wraggster
Have you heard of Silverfall? This PC hack 'n slash RPG came and went pretty silently, failing to earn the attention of many gamers. It looks like the newly announced PSP version may do the same, considering its stealthy debut announcement. The original game failed to earn the respect of critics, with many noting its highly derivative gameplay. We hope that Kiev Games will take all the criticism the original earned and apply it to the PSP version--we can certainly use a solid Diablo-style RPG.
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April 19th, 2007, 04:25 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Finally! Concrete details about Wild Arms are slowly coming out of Japan. Gamers have been waiting for even the tiniest morsel of information since the game was first announced last September. New scans from Famitsu, available at Jeux-France, showcase a new look for the game, as it treads into strategy RPG territory. While fans are always welcome a new Wild Arms, some are disappointed the game is straying from its roots. With Jeanne d'Arc and Final Fantasy Tactics also coming on PSP, some are wondering if another high-profile SRPG is really all that necessary on our handheld.
Regardless, the game certainly looks pretty. It appears the title will also have connectivity with Wild Arms 5 on PS2, so true fans of the series will want to pick up both. We hope to unearth more details and screenshots in the coming weeks.
Scans Here
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April 19th, 2007, 04:26 Posted By: wraggster
Valhalla Knights looked so promising when it was first previewed so many months ago. Looks like it'll join the ever-growing collection of RPG failures on our system. The critics, for the most part, have bashed XSEED's latest, telling you to stay far, far away from it:
1UP (35/100) likens the experience to torture: "I can't remember the last time I felt so constricted as a gamer. Sure, running around the dungeons and slashing through enemies is enjoyable enough -- and, dare I say it, even fun at times. But as soon as you attempt to play through Valhalla Knights like its an actual game, it completely falls apart. The viselike grip Valhalla Knights holds."
G4 (40/100) thinks the game is too old-school for its own good: "This is not a game for the impatient, especially since there's no in-game help system. When it comes to combat tactics or building a party, you have to learn by doing (and probably dying)."
IGN (53/100) wanted to like the game, but couldn't: "Valhalla Knights succeeded at impressing me with fun, real-time combat, completely pissing me off with drawn-out quests and eventually driving me away due to the complete lack of anything resembling story progression."
Ouch! Those are some of the harshest reviews we've read in quite some time. Valhalla Knights is now available in stores ... if you dare pick it up
via pspfanboy
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April 19th, 2007, 04:32 Posted By: wraggster
J@ricanese has updated his Simon game for the PSP:
whats new in Simon version 0.4???
- One of the most noted is that this game has officially been renamed due to some issues. From now on this great game is to be refered to as Simon Remix. If you don't already know, the name is derived from that fact that this is Simon, but with my twist on it.
- Many people said that in rooms with bright light or outside, the buttons were hard to see. They couldn't tell which Simon was lighting up. This is now fixed with the letter of the color displaying on the button (see screen shots).
- Finally got screen shot implementation to work. They will be saved in the PSP/PHOTO folder.
- On a programming note, redefined the delayThread function to allow pausing / screenshots to work in a game.
- Another programming note, freed memory from splash screen which allows me to use it for better features later on.
- Reduced some lags brought about in the game.
- Provided the kxploit version eboots.
- Made images slightly smaller for a faster download.
- Made it so that when it is your turn to go, Simon stays lite for as long as you hold down the corresponding button and returns to normal when you release it. Now you can see how many times you press the button in a row.
- Also fixed a bug where the last color that the suer enters doesn't show.
- Lastly, when the last color you enter is yellow, the menu won't go down to the quit button.
Features to come:
By the next release I am hoping to...
- utilize the new layout (see release thread)
- add options for playing Simon music, or your own.
- ability to turn off the letters on Simon buttons.
- difficulty levels
- new bonus round
In the next couple release (may or may not be within the contest end date:
- mini games (yes there will be Simon mini games
- multi-player (same psp, adhoc, and wifi). Will work on them in that order.
- ability to post scores online through the program
- auto updates itself (will be really cool)
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April 19th, 2007, 04:57 Posted By: F9zDark
From http://www.us.playstation.com forums:
Direct US Download - 1.70
The PLAYSTATION®3 System Software version 1.70 update includes the following:
* You can now download PlayStation® format software from PLAYSTATION®Store, and play it on the PS3™ system.
* You can now use saved data for PlayStation® format software on the PSP™ system.
* You can now use the vibration function of accessories that are for use with PlayStation® and PlayStation®2 format software.
Wow, playing downloaded PSOne games on the PS3? I wonder if we can play PS1 games that we ripped to our PSPs on the PS3 now? I will be sure to give it a shot when I upgrade.
However, my PS3 did not report an update being available; I will check the System Update when I get the chance.
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April 19th, 2007, 05:31 Posted By: Buddy4point0

i just checked the network update and 3.40 came up. so i just figured id give u the heads u. 3.40 is offically out under network update. (usa at least)
Support for PLAYSTATION Network titles has been expanded.
The method of managing certificates under [Game] has been changed.
Certainly not one of the more exciting updates in recent memory. Coincidentally, the PLAYSTATION 3 has also been updated today. The PS3 can now supposedly play downloaded PS1 titles, and by using the two systems in tandem, one can play a game on PS3, save, and then continue playing that title on the go. Unfortunately, as of this writing, we've been unable to make this work.
To download the latest update, run Network Update on your PSP.
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April 19th, 2007, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Pharonyk:
This Homebrew will flash two files to your flash0 to allow you to have a custom boot and play PSX games. If you didn't know, having a custom "opening_plugin.rco" (boot) would interfere with your PSP POPStation..
I have provided an edited "game_plugin.prx" with PSP's default "opening_plugin.rco" that is renamed to "0pening_plugin.rco". So you don't have to worry about anything, unless you don't have any free space on your flash0.
1. Be sure you have some free space in your flash0 not Memory Stick.
2. Have your battery recharged.. (atleast 80%)?
Also have the AC Adapter plugged in..
3. There is always a risk of bricking when you flash any type of file so beware of your actions.
I'm not responsible for any bricks at all!
1. If you have any custom boot, just go into recovery, flash0 usb access, and replace the "opening_plugin.rco".
2. Copy "LOLstation" and "LOLstation%" to your PSP's Game or Game150 folder..
3. Run LOLstation and you should be lollerfine. roflordia!
By Pharonyk..
3.10/3.30 OE ONLY!
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April 19th, 2007, 10:05 Posted By: mnuhaily22
Hey everyone, there was a vista theme for 3.03 OE-C released a while ago, and when I tried to flash it I bricked, so now I made it compatible with 3.30 OE-A which is the firmware I am currently at, the topmenu_plugin runs perfect, just like it ran on my 3.03 OE-C, and I also added a PS3 wave instead of the one that came with the pack. I also took to the liberty of messing with the 01-12 a bit, so now all of them work, but instead of the brow 11, it is now a black 11, I liked black more than brown, I also added a PS3 like font, I thought it was kinda cool, I hope you guys like it , and one more thing is this doesn't work unless you delete the unneeded font files for flash space(flash agent does it). Just in case people on this website don't know where to flash the stuff, you flash Ltn0.pgf to flash0:/font/.... and everything else you flash it to flash0:/vsh/recource/........well I hope you like it... the screen shots are below, btw, it doesn't freeze at all...:thumbup:
EDIT: I forgot to link the original Vista Theme, again sorry to PSPCulture...
EDIT: I just figured out that this also works for 3.40 OE-A...
EDIT: Good quality pics now....
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April 19th, 2007, 16:27 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Advanced Media Network
Worms: Open Warfare 2 has been officially announced for PSP and Nintendo DS.
The latest sequel to the Worms Franchise brings online battles allowing players to blow each other away with 11 new weapons. Classic specials Super Sheep, Concrete Donkey and Holy Hand Grenade are also back. Players will be able to battle online and check on daily updated stats and leader boards on the official Worms site.
Game modes for Open Warfare 2 include new single and multiplayer modes Rope Race, Fort Puzzle Campaign and Firing Range. New customization options will also be available allowing players to customize landscape, team flags, hats, tombstones and victory dances.
The game is scheduled for both systems this summer.
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April 19th, 2007, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
via akihabaranews
Here's a possibly good news for all the gamers out there ! We received a mail from Sony today and this is what it said:
Sony considers slashing price of PS3 console
The assertion that Sony may reduce the price of PS3 is based on comments made by Ryoji Chubachi during an interview. He explained that the budgeting process for PS3 pricing and volumes would be re-examined as market forces and the competitive environment change.
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April 19th, 2007, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has gone on the record to say it currently doesn't have any plan to cut PS3's price, in response to reports that such a strategy is under consideration due to console sales.
It's reckoned that PS3 sales have hit just under four million, while the company had previously stated it'd shift 6 million units by the end of its financial year ending March 31st 2007.
A number of analysts recently have been predicting price cuts for PS3 this year, and it's been suggested that Sony is re-considering pricing in a Financial Times report.
But Sony has fired back at the reports saying it "currently doesn't have any specific plan to cut the PlayStation 3's price", in a released statement. "PS3 prices and shipment plans for the future should be determined by market trends and competition", the company added.
via cvg
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April 19th, 2007, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a new PS3 firmware update that allows US and Japanese owners to play their downloaded PSone games on the PS3.
Previously, downloaded PSone games were only compatible with PSP. But the new firmware, which is now at version 1.7, lets certain games also work on PS3.
From what we can make out on the official Japanese website, PS3-compatible PSone games will go live from April 26.
The best thing is that the PSone save files are also transferable so, for example, you could start an adventure on your PS3, then transfer the game and save file to your PSP and continue on the move.
Surprising, the firmware update prompt also appears on European PS3s, suggesting that the PSone game download service, which is currently only available in the US and Japan, might soon make its way to Europe.
The update reportedly also enables rumble support when playing PSone and PS2 games for Dual Shock pads plugged into the PS3 via a USB adaptor.
We're awaiting confirmation from Sony.
via cvg
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April 19th, 2007, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a new PS3 firmware update that allows US and Japanese owners to play their downloaded PSone games on the PS3.
Previously, downloaded PSone games were only compatible with PSP. But the new firmware, which is now at version 1.7, lets certain games also work on PS3.
From what we can make out on the official Japanese website, PS3-compatible PSone games will go live from April 26.
The best thing is that the PSone save files are also transferable so, for example, you could start an adventure on your PS3, then transfer the game and save file to your PSP and continue on the move.
Surprising, the firmware update prompt also appears on European PS3s, suggesting that the PSone game download service, which is currently only available in the US and Japan, might soon make its way to Europe.
The update reportedly also enables rumble support when playing PSone and PS2 games for Dual Shock pads plugged into the PS3 via a USB adaptor.
We're awaiting confirmation from Sony.
via cvg
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April 19th, 2007, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
Take Two has picked up the rights to Monte Cristo's PSP action-RPG, Silverfall and will release the title this June.
Played out across huge "expansive worlds filled with different creatures", you'll get to take sides between two factions; one with a focus on nature and one going down the technology route.
Key features according to the blurb include total freedom with character evolution, over 80 character attributes to tinker around with, 35 different kinds of creature and seven bosses, each with their own specific strengths and weaknesses. Interestingly there'll also be a head-to-head multiplayer mode for up to four players and a co-op mode for you and a mate.
Sounds promising and could be your best chance of playing a decent portable action-RPG. Looks like the PSP version of oblivion has dropped off the face of the Earth. We're chasing Ubisoft to see what's going on with it, so look for an update soon.
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April 19th, 2007, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Three forthcoming games for PS3 that'll be downloadable via PlayStation Network have been slapped with release dates. Reported on semi-official PS3 blog ThreeSpeech.com, David 'God of War' Jaffe's Calling all Cars is due to release on May 18, Nucleus on May 25 and Super Stardust HD on June 15.
Calling all Cars features a cartoon-esque visual style and in a nutshell involves you driving around in a car and picking up escaped prisoners and returning them to jail. The snag is that you're not the only driver on this operation and can be up against AI and other players. The game features some crazy power-ups.
Nucleus, meanwhile, is a sort of biological shooter and finds you controlling a, well, nucleus we guess and going head-to-head with bacteria and viruses. Last, but by no means least, Super Stardust HD is a shoot-'em-up where you have to defend planet surfaces from asteroids and various enemies.
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April 19th, 2007, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
SWAT: Target Liberty is spin-off of the SWAT PC first-person shooter series, bringing third-person shooter tactical action to PSP.
In development at 3G Studios and set in New York City, Target Liberty finds a special weapons and tactics team tackling an ever increasing number of international terrorist threats.
Each officer in the SWAT unit, Sierra explains, "has a specialty and using a unique skill system, the player can upgrade their individual combat expertise to increase their chances of success."
Los Angeles S.W.A.T. veteran Ken Thatcher has been enlisted as the game's consultant to ensure it retains the high level of authenticity the SWAT series is known for.
The single-player campaign features a script penned by Scott Rosenbaum (script writer on The Shield), and is accompanied by ad-hoc multiplayer.
SWAT: Target Liberty has so far only been announced for North America where it's due to release this autumn. We'd be surprised if the game doesn't make it to these shores however.
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April 19th, 2007, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
It's been suggested that just because GTA IV concentrates on a single city as opposed to an entire state it's not going to be a very big game world. We're not so sure. And we've used Google Maps to prove it.
First we used Google Maps editing kit and dropped in all the known locations that have been seen in the trailer. Then we added the Liberty City/NYC boroughs revealed by the Game Informer preview. Finally we drew a boundary around certain geographical locations that we can imagine serving as useful boundary points in the game - sea, major roads and the JFK airport for example.
The results are pretty surprising. The area the map could potentially cover is huge.
We haven't even taken into account that the trailer shows a ferry terminal that might be a link to Staten Island. That would be another huge chunk of land to incorporate. Those disgruntled residents might still see Richmond County in GTA IV yet.
To see the map click here. Feel free to zoom in and out to check out the real-life locations. We'll be updating the map/redrawing boundaries with each round of coverage as new locations and buildings are revealed so be sure to check back to the map now and again.
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April 19th, 2007, 19:09 Posted By: Cpasjuste
I have ported the game Airstrike to the psp. It's a funny fight plane game but it's still in early developpement stage. You will find more informations on my website/blog @ http://mydedibox.fr/

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April 19th, 2007, 19:15 Posted By: tingsin86
MUST Check tis out!!!
Take a look inside PSP.
So u can Fix yourself.
How to take apart your PSP. Changing PSP's LCD,
Faceplate(Casing), Replace Spoil Parts
PSP Dismantle, Tear Apart Tutorial Video

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April 19th, 2007, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Prompted by a panicked glance at a nearby calendar, Sony has blasted out a list of "key titles" slated for release on all manner of PlayStation devices during the second quarter of 2007. Starting over two weeks ago and ending on the last day of June, this period of time sees us paralyzed by F.E.A.R. and having to resort to Calling All Cars to save us from The Darkness brought by ninjas, pirates and Transformers. We'll likely run the Gauntlet in a Final Fantasy of Harvest Mooning... oh forget it.
Calling All Cars -- 18 May
Nucleus -- 25 May
Super Stardust HD -- 15 June
Championship Sprint
Gauntlet II
Mortal Kombat II
Rampage World Tour
Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
.hack)//G.U. Vol. 2: Reminisce
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Manhunt 2
NCAA Football 08
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja 2
Odin Sphere
Shrek The Third
Spider-man 3
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Spider-Man 3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
MLB 07 The Show
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The Darkness
The Bigs
Angel Dust: Ziggy's Revenge
Alien Syndrome
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground
Harvest Moon Boy & Girl
Ridge Racer 2
Test Drive Unlimited
Tom Clancy's Ranbow Six Vegas
Valhalla Knights
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April 19th, 2007, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Prompted by a panicked glance at a nearby calendar, Sony has blasted out a list of "key titles" slated for release on all manner of PlayStation devices during the second quarter of 2007. Starting over two weeks ago and ending on the last day of June, this period of time sees us paralyzed by F.E.A.R. and having to resort to Calling All Cars to save us from The Darkness brought by ninjas, pirates and Transformers. We'll likely run the Gauntlet in a Final Fantasy of Harvest Mooning... oh forget it.
Calling All Cars -- 18 May
Nucleus -- 25 May
Super Stardust HD -- 15 June
Championship Sprint
Gauntlet II
Mortal Kombat II
Rampage World Tour
Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
.hack)//G.U. Vol. 2: Reminisce
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Manhunt 2
NCAA Football 08
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja 2
Odin Sphere
Shrek The Third
Spider-man 3
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Spider-Man 3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
MLB 07 The Show
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The Darkness
The Bigs
Angel Dust: Ziggy's Revenge
Alien Syndrome
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground
Harvest Moon Boy & Girl
Ridge Racer 2
Test Drive Unlimited
Tom Clancy's Ranbow Six Vegas
Valhalla Knights
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April 19th, 2007, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Prompted by a panicked glance at a nearby calendar, Sony has blasted out a list of "key titles" slated for release on all manner of PlayStation devices during the second quarter of 2007. Starting over two weeks ago and ending on the last day of June, this period of time sees us paralyzed by F.E.A.R. and having to resort to Calling All Cars to save us from The Darkness brought by ninjas, pirates and Transformers. We'll likely run the Gauntlet in a Final Fantasy of Harvest Mooning... oh forget it.
Calling All Cars -- 18 May
Nucleus -- 25 May
Super Stardust HD -- 15 June
Championship Sprint
Gauntlet II
Mortal Kombat II
Rampage World Tour
Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
.hack)//G.U. Vol. 2: Reminisce
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Manhunt 2
NCAA Football 08
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja 2
Odin Sphere
Shrek The Third
Spider-man 3
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Spider-Man 3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
MLB 07 The Show
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The Darkness
The Bigs
Angel Dust: Ziggy's Revenge
Alien Syndrome
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground
Harvest Moon Boy & Girl
Ridge Racer 2
Test Drive Unlimited
Tom Clancy's Ranbow Six Vegas
Valhalla Knights
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April 19th, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 firmware has updated to 1.7, which purportedly allows you to play your downloaded PS One titles on the console itself. Here's what else got updated:
Your PSOne and PS2 controllers and accessories will now rumble.
You can now use PSOne save files from your PSP on the PS3.
The PSP firmware also received an upgrade to 3.4. Unfortunately, we are having serious issues with playing PS One games that are already saved on our PSP -- namely, it's not working at all-- but the console is properly detecting our PSP save files. Our fanboy brethren are also experiencing similar issues. Will the PS Store update and offer users compatible files?
via joystiq
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April 19th, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
Built-in fuse for more safety
Compatible with P3 and X.B360 System
Stable and super output power "500W"
Built-in cooling fan for lower down temperature
Step down function input: 220V~240V Output: 100V~120V
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April 19th, 2007, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK is the latest Final Fantasy Game for the PSP, this is the Asian version but has full english text support.
To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Final Fantasy franchise, Square Enix is releasing an enhanced port of the first game in the series for the Sony PSP. Appropriately titled Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition, this PSP title brings back the familiar 2D sprite graphics of the original Final Fantasy, but sharpens and defines them for a cleaner, retro-stylized look. The basic story is the same, but new dungeons and cutscenes have been added to the mix, refreshing the experience for even those who played the original game. An in-game bestiary allows players to access pictures and stats of all monsters encountered in the game, and the music gallery allows players to listen to the game's re-sampled themes. As an added bonus, Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition includes an exclusive image gallery, featuring artwork from Final Fantasy illustrator and renowned artist Amano Yoshitaka.
SuccessHK ship worldwide unlike Play Asia and it retails for USD 31.61 (£16.00).
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April 19th, 2007, 21:08 Posted By: Chameleon
This is a theme ive compiled from several different ones... including the black/blue sexy theme, duranium vista theme, and the icons from blue orbital (evolve's creation).
Hope all of you enjoy,
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April 19th, 2007, 21:24 Posted By: Cpasjuste
I was happy to receive some mail to ask me to make a compatible version of my "Custom Firmware Extender" for the PSP with the last dark alex custom firmware aka 3.30OE ... so here we go !
Download page
"Custom Firmware Extender" by Cpasjuste @ http://mydedibox.fr/ is a set of two plugins for Dark_alex custom's firmware, that will, like the title say, add some extra options to the SONY PSP. With "Custom Firmware Extender 1.3" you should be able to : - Start and stop a ftpd server while under the VSH (PSP Menu) to transfer files via WIFI (WEP,WPA). - Reset the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO). - Power off the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO). - Change the speed of the PSP CPU/FSB while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO). - Start and stop Usb Mass Storage under the VSH (PSP Menu) while browsing. - Take a screenshot while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO) saved in the PHOTO folder. - Set a default CPU/BUS speed at startup. - Set Usb Mass Storage at startup. - Configure your buttons mapping (combo button + your selected button). - Enable brightness button to go to the max level.NEWS IN VERSION 1.3===================- Fixed to work on Dark Alex 3.30OE Firmware.- Capture folder is now set to "ms0:/PICTURE" create it if it dont exist.- Removed 4th brightness hack since it's now built in DA 3.30OE firmware.
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April 19th, 2007, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
If SEGA Rally is anything to go by, it seems the battle lines in the next-gen war - as far as arcade racers are concerned - are being drawn in the mud. Following in MotorStorm's messy wake on PS3, this latest entry in SEGA's long-running series - and the first title from the company's brand new SEGA Racing Studio - seems determined to steal Sony's mud mantle.
Sitting down with SEGA for a first early at this latest iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, it's clear the team behind it - consisting of race development veterans from Criterion, Codemasters, Rockstar North and Rare - are passionate about the series. For a start, unlike SEGA Rally 2006, which never saw light of day in the west, this next-gen version dumps any simulation pretensions in favour of returning to the franchise's shamelessly arcade roots.
Of course, with the might of PS3, Xbox 360 and PC behind this new game, it's the slickest entry in the series yet, promising impressive visuals, state-of-the-art physics and handling, as well as the core close competitive racing elements SEGA Rally's known for. Even at this stage, it looks like the development team is set to hit its lofty goals. Certainly, there's plenty of graphical bluster on display, with a wide variety of locations - ranging from frozen artic wastelands to blistering safari tracks - and the usual next-gen touches like self-shadowing and a rather nifty, appropriately-reactive two-tone paint job on the cars in evidence.
Sadly, it's too early to state with any certainty how the final product will look. The frame-rate was erratic, although it's set for a significant amount of tweaking, while water and particle effects are currently undergoing a complete overhaul. What's more, the build we saw lacked any form of damage modelling, although SEGA did mention it wouldn't affect car performance when implemented, to maintain the game's arcade sensibility. Of course, there's still plenty of development time to go and, even now, the game looks promising.
Showing off one of the game's jungle-based tracks, roadsides were packed with lush, detailed foliage, SEGA's trademark set-piece elements - like the towering waterfall looming against a rich backdrop of distant mountains - and plenty of persistent, interactive environmental objects. For example, clip one of the track-side huts and the porch will crumble, sending wood and debris scattering across the road - a nasty surprise for anyone following your tail.
Of course though, it's the mud effects that SEGA's keen to trumpet at this stage. Unlike some other racers, SEGA Rally's mud is more than a flash visual effect. As your tyres carve up the track your actions have an actual effect on the road surface. Bumps and grooves remain in place for the entire race, making for significantly variable conditions as your car's suspension and wheels react accordingly. As loose top soil is dislodged on the first lap you benefit from increased grip. However, as water slowly seeps from the ground to fill gouges in the dirt, you'll need to constantly analyse the road ahead and adjust your approach accordingly.
While it's difficult to assess just how much of an impact all this will have on the final game without going hands-on, it certainly promises to add a considerable amount of depth to your usual arcade racer fare. What's more, with around three tracks per environment, plus a variety of modes including practice, championship and - of course - online multiplayer, SEGA Rally is certainly heading in the right direction.
via ign
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April 19th, 2007, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
"You're just an ordinary guy trying to survive." So says Dean Martinetti, producer at Sparks Unlimited, after demoing the opening scene in Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, in which a flat-capped builder becomes the unlikely hero of the US resistance. However, there's nothing ordinary about what we've just seen, because the streets of New York - its tower blocks and famous landmarks such as the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty - are engulfed in flame and are being unceremoniously razed to the ground by an invading German force. Nationalist flag-waving this ain't - well, not unless you're a Nazi - and contrary to Call of Duty and Medal of Honor et al, there's no heroic leader to save the world and the US doesn't win.
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April 20th, 2007, 09:45 Posted By: mnuhaily22
Hey everyone, I'm back....
But this time it's not a Vista theme pack, it's a full Naruto theme pack that doesn't freeze at all, and it works fully with 3.30 OE-A:thumbup: .
This theme was released earlier on this website, but as always, it didn't run with 3.30 OE-A, so with a ton of editing, I finally made it work with 3.30 OE-A.
The original, was quite impressive, but as I mentioned earler, it lacked the compatibility for 3.30 OE-A.
This pack includes the following....
32 bits high-res XMB icons (all icons)(Now working with 3.30 OE-A)
32 bits high-res "Konoha Leaf" Battery Icon
32 bits High-res Volume bar
32 bits high-res "Sharingan" Busy/Loading Circle
32 bits high-res Broken Data/ Loading Icon.
32 Bits high-res Savedata - Loading/broken data icons.
High Resolution background
Coldboot Text (seen on top picture)
Coldboot Wave
Coldboot Sound
Official Naruto Font (Works perfectly on Internet Browser)
Fully customized "XMB" sounds (Naruto Related) all 8 sounds...
Hope you like it ...
Just in case people on this website don't know where to flash the stuff, you flash Ltn0.pgf to flash0:/font/.... and everything else you flash it to flash0:/vsh/recource/, and also, you cannot flash the JPG, just put it in ms0:/PICTURE, then from the XMB, select Photo, then go to the pic, triangle, set as wallpaper, that's it!!!
EDIT: I just figured out that this works on 3.40 OE-A...
P.S. Don't forget to +REP
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April 20th, 2007, 14:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sony America has released info on its Q2 line-up of games for the four different PlayStation platforms. And when the PS2 line-up looks better than your PS3 portfolio, you know there's something not quite right.
According to Sony over 100 first- and third-party titles will launch over the next few months, which Sony describes as "an impressively robust software line-up". Over 100 games across four platforms is bound to cover most genre of gaming but the only one that's missing - especially for PS3 - is the triple A genre.
"Our second-quarter line-up of PS3, PSP and PlayStation 2 software titles demonstrates a continued commitment from both SCEA and third-party developers to the PlayStation family of products," said Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing, SCEA. "We are excited by the content being developed by our partners, but are also looking forward to launching PlayStation-branded exclusive games created by our own worldwide studios this quarter and throughout the rest of 2007."
via cvg
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April 20th, 2007, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
As we reported yesterday, Namco-Bandai's bonkers Japanese roll-'em-up is making its way to Xbox 360 and PS3 and we've got the first screens of Beautiful Katamari Damacy, as it's currently known, right here.
If you haven't been fortunate enough to experience the joys of Katamari, you play as that little green dude with the hammer-like head and you roll around a sticky ball - called a Katamari - to pick up small objects around a giant house.
As more stuff accumulates on your Katamari, it gets bigger and you're able to roll up bigger things, like people and sofas. Eventually, you grow big enough to roll up entire cities, the Eifel Tower, the Great Wall of China and Zeus - from paper clip-sized ball to planet-killer in a few hours.
No, there's not a massive graphical difference - that's not Katamari's style anyway. But the new game promises to use the extra processing power to let you make bigger, meaner Katamaris. We can't wait.
A release date is yet to be announced, but the official Japanese website is up for you to poke around.
Screens Here
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April 20th, 2007, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
In news that will no-doubt turn the heat-up in the Xbox Live board room, Sony has said that its free-of charge PlayStation Network online service has reached 1.3 million users worldwide.
The news comes from SCEA's senior director of PR Dave Karraker, who told Gamespot that of those 1.3 million users 600,000 signed up in North America where Sony has shipped over 2 million consoles.
Worldwide some 3.7 million pieces of content have been downloaded from the PS3 online service, though the Sony PR man didn't specify how much of the number is download games.
Of course this is still a ways off Xbox Live's 6 million registered users who have clocked up over 25 million Xbox Live Arcade downloads to date. Though considering Sony's service is free of charge unlike Xbox Live, we can imagine the PS Network catching up pretty soon.
Yesterday Sony released the 1.7 PS3 firmware update, which lets you play PSOne games on your PS3, though there's none to download yet...
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April 20th, 2007, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
Downloadable PS1 titles compatible with the American PlayStation 3 will start to appear sometime next month, according to Sony Computer Entertainment's US office.
Yesterday saw the release of firmware updated for both PS3 and PSP aimed at allowing for PS1 games bought in the PS3 Store to work on both formats, but at the time Sony had little to say about when we'd start to see the actual games - with the European store achingly barren.
Fortunately we shouldn't have to wait long. "We'll be replacing the older PS1 games with fixed versions sometime in May," a spokesperson told IGN. You'll then be able to download those to your PS3 hard disk and either play them from there or transfer them off to PSP Memory Stick.
And if you're using an American or Japanese console and have already downloaded a few PS1 games, don't fret, because you'll be able to grab the new more widely compatible versions for no extra charge. There's no word on whether the new versions of old games - or subsequent releases - will still restrict you to copying the game to PSP five times.
A Sony UK spokesperson wasn't immediately able to clarify European plans for downloadable PS1 games, but did say that we should expect an announcement regarding the PlayStation Network "soon" and that it would likely include some information on the subject.
via eurogamer
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April 20th, 2007, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
Downloadable PS1 titles compatible with the American PlayStation 3 will start to appear sometime next month, according to Sony Computer Entertainment's US office.
Yesterday saw the release of firmware updated for both PS3 and PSP aimed at allowing for PS1 games bought in the PS3 Store to work on both formats, but at the time Sony had little to say about when we'd start to see the actual games - with the European store achingly barren.
Fortunately we shouldn't have to wait long. "We'll be replacing the older PS1 games with fixed versions sometime in May," a spokesperson told IGN. You'll then be able to download those to your PS3 hard disk and either play them from there or transfer them off to PSP Memory Stick.
And if you're using an American or Japanese console and have already downloaded a few PS1 games, don't fret, because you'll be able to grab the new more widely compatible versions for no extra charge. There's no word on whether the new versions of old games - or subsequent releases - will still restrict you to copying the game to PSP five times.
A Sony UK spokesperson wasn't immediately able to clarify European plans for downloadable PS1 games, but did say that we should expect an announcement regarding the PlayStation Network "soon" and that it would likely include some information on the subject.
via eurogamer
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April 20th, 2007, 15:13 Posted By: wraggster
According to most major retailers, Tomb Raider Anniversary will be out on 25th May.
Eidos echoed this statement to Eurogamer earlier, telling us the game will be available next month.
The game will be available for PC, PS2 and PSP, but it isn't yet known whether the PS2 version will be compatible with PlayStation 3.
Tomb Raider Anniversary is inspired by the very first adventure in the legendary series. Developer Crystal Dynamics promises caves full of new thrills, all wrapped up in the engine used for last year's Tomb Raider Legend.
It was originally planned to be a 10th year celebration, but has since slipped into the 11th year of the Tomb Raider series
via eurogamer
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April 20th, 2007, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Following the publication of NPD figures which show a small rise in PlayStation 3 sales, SCEA has said the European launch of the console has constrained supplies in North America.
A statement issued by the company this morning notes that PS3 sales were by up by 2 per cent last month to reach 129,638 units.
However, SCEA added, "We continued to find ourselves supply constrained in March due primarily to the shift in manufacturing focus to the PS3 PAL version to support the launch of the system in Europe."
The NPD figures state 199,000 Xbox 360 consoles were sold during March, while Wii came out on top with 259,000 units - despite continuing stock shortages.
But PS3 was the only next-gen console to see sales rise over the course of the month, SCEA said, with Xbox 360 and Wii sales down by 12 per cent and 22 per cent respectively.
PlayStation 2 is still outselling all of the next-gen machines with just under 280,000 units sold. However, 508,000 Nintendo DS units were shifted in the same period, making it the best selling hardware overall.
Sales of rival handheld PSP rose also by 2 per cent during March to reach just under 180,000 units. The price of the Core system was reduced to USD 169 earlier this month and according to SCEA, the response from consumers and retailers has been "very positive".
"March 2007 showed a 24 per cent increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for the PlayStation brand in North America with total sales of USD 447 million, due in part to the addition of the PS3 platform as well as the strong launch performance of God of War II for PS2 at retail," the company's statement reads.
"On the software front, we were pleased to see sales increases from February for both the PSP and PS2. PS2 software showed a 29 per cent increase with the launch of God of War II and PSP software demonstrated a 13 per cent jump."
via gibiz
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April 20th, 2007, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
Blitz Games has told GamesIndustry.biz that next-gen zombie title Possession is only on hold while the team concentrates its efforts on a major new title for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
While some media outlets have assumed Possession has been canned, Blitz has revealed that the work-in-progress title has helped the team get more development work, this time for a top tier publisher.
"Work on Possession is temporarily on hold but only because we've reassigned the team to work on a major new project on PS3 and Xbox 360," said a senior spokesperson for the company.
"Much of the work done on Possession directly led to us signing this new game and some of the technology has been enhanced further and will appear in this new title."
The Xbox 360 and PS3 project falls under Blitz's Volatile label, the division that works on games for a more mature market. Although the developer cannot yet reveal the publisher behind the project, the team is looking to expand in order to fulfil the expected demand of working on a high-profile title.
"This new project is a massive departure in style and content for Blitz Games," offered the spokesperson.
"We are on an even more aggressive recruitment drive for what will be a very high-profile title. We are truly honoured to be working with one of the most respected publishers in the world on this project," said Blitz.
via gibiz
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April 20th, 2007, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
Take Two has reached an agreement with Jack Thompson which will restrict the crusading lawyer from suing the publisher's games.
Take Two brought a pre-emptive lawsuit against Thompson last month to stop the lawyer from declaring Grand Theft Auto IV and Manhunt 2 a public nuisance.
According to a report on GamePolitics, Thompson has agreed he will not sue or threaten to restrict sales or distribution of future Take Two titles. The outspoken lawyer will also restrict communication with Take Two via the publisher's legal team.
In return, Take Two has dropped two lawsuits against Thompson, including one over contempt of court during a case built around controversial title Bully.
via gibiz
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April 20th, 2007, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Despite hopeful comments by analysts, Sony has gone on the record (again) saying that it has no plans to cut the PS3's pricetag any time soon. Next Generation reports:
"'PS3 prices and shipment plans for the future should be determined by market trends and competition. Sony currently doesn't have any specific plan to cut the PlayStation 3's price.' Analysts believe a price cut is inevitable, as the company struggles to catch Microsoft's early lead with Xbox 360, and the $250 Wii continues to sell as many as can be produced. However, Sony's plan has generally been to hold tight and hope that demand for Blu-ray drives will increase, by the end of this year." Relatedly, the company has outlined releases for the second quarter of this year on the PS3, PS3, and PSP systems.
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April 20th, 2007, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Enhanced Graphics – The series has transitioned from its 2D roots to 3D, creating lush environments, devastating explosions and countless enemies, without a drop in frame-rate.
Fan Favorites – All the favorites are back, including all the weapons (ie, spread shot, laser cannon, and proton laser), bigger then life boss battles, and the insane amount of enemies populating the screen at one time!
Multiplayer Fun – Two players can play together to push back the invading forces, just like in the arcade! There is also a new ‘multiplayer’ mode that lets one player control two ships.
Modes – There are several new modes within this title that can be unlocked, including Boss Rush (which lets you battle against bosses you have conquered) and Score Attack Mode (replay levels to obtain the highest score).
Shoot. Evade. Destroy! Fight your way through countless enemies as you pilot the legendary Raiden Fighter in this latest installment for your PlayStation®2.
One of the most beloved shooter franchises makes it way back to the PlayStation®2 with Raiden 3! All of the features that fans have grown to love are back, with even better graphics, sounds and gameplay that made this series legendary!
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April 20th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Comfortable, stylish design.
Crystal clear sound.
Mic positioned near mouth – no need to shout…
Works with WiFi connection.
One of the best things about modern console games is playing online against gamers from all over the world. And whether you’re going one on one in the latest sports sim, joining a party to mash the monsters in a MMORPG or indulging in first-person team-on-team action, playing with and against other people is much more fun when you can talk to them as well…
That’s where Communicator Headset for PS3 comes in. With its comfortable, over-the-ear design and snazzy hi-tech look, it’s an essential purchase for online gamers. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an earpiece for crystal-clear sound, Communicator Headset lets you bark out your orders or taunt your opponents as you play. So if you want to keep in touch with gamers from all over the world as you batter them in a beat-‘em-up, drive ‘em crazy in a driving game or blow ’em to bits in that first-person shooter, Communicator Headset for PS3 is the ideal choice.
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April 20th, 2007, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster

New from Play Asia
Copy PS2 memory cards to PS3.
Includes card reader and memory manager software.
Easy to use.
Works with high-capacity cards too.
With Data MAX, you can transfer your gamesaves from your PlayStation 2 memory card direct to your PS3! Copy across all your saves, settings and rosters, then play your old PS2 games again on your new console, using its backwards-compatibility features, without losing your precious saved positions.
Data MAX can shift data from ANY PlayStation 2 card, not just official Sony 8MB cards. High-capacity 16MB, 32MB and even 64MB cards present no problems, and it works with Datel and NYKO cards as well as Sony’s. As well as a card reader, you also get an application CD containing memory manager software to help you organise your files. It’s a doddle to use too – just snap in your memory card, and you’re away!
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April 20th, 2007, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Packed with unique innovations: Over one thousand miles of open roads, Test Drive® Unlimited for PSP system delivers a fully streaming racing experience
A wealth of licensed cars from 30+ exclusive manufacturers including Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Mercedes, Saleen, Shelby, and Jaguar;
Create challenges or races from more than 30 in-game rules and settings;
'Quick Race' instant-play mode allowing busy players to generate a limitless number of challenges (exclusively to PSP and PlayStation®2 versions);
Master Points System: earn points for racing, driving, air time, drifting, winning races, then use them to unlock new races and challenges.
Connecting gamers across the globe via the internet: Test Drive® Unlimited’s online infrastructure gives players access via any WiFi spot to race against any of thousands of other players from around the world;
Connecting gamers in the same location via WiFi: Wireless Direct Multiplayer System allows up to four players to compete in adhoc competitions via direct WiFi connection;
Community: players can take part in events and challenges, visit car dealers and car parts stores, then meet and race with other online players.
Test Drive® Unlimited is the first-ever fully online racing experience for PSP system. Players connect to a server via WiFi and challenge any racer anywhere in the world and race to the finish line. Test Drive® Unlimited for the PSP system places an incredible line-up of licensed cars from 30+ of the world’s most exclusive manufacturers into the hands of gamers and lets them live the luxurious lifestyle wherever and whenever they want.
Set in the island paradise of Oahu, Hawaii, Test Drive® Unlimited for the PSP system offers the most expansive network of open roads with no loading times. Developer Melbourne House has packed over one thousand miles of incredibly diverse, GPS mapped Hawaiian terrain, a challenging single-player game and a host of unique online options onto PSP system, enabling gamers to race live against opponents around the world via WiFi. As the first PSP racing game to allow gamers to play via the internet, Test Drive® Unlimited is racing reinvented.
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April 20th, 2007, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
We're serious, despite there being hardly any news on Silent Hill 5. Akira Yamaoka recently sat down with the German side of GamePro and spilled the beans on some details of the title. Oddly, not much has changed from when we last talked about the game, but that's a good thing because the game seemed like it was on the right track. We'll summarize the interview.
- The game, as previously told, will resemble the best Silent Hill game in terms of player direction and character behavior. The best is, easily, Silent Hill 2.
- The game's platform is still up in the air. PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 are obvious choices, but Akira hints at what may be a timed exclusive by saying that "we have had a good past experience with Playstation [where the series was born] and we hope to continue that trend."
- Akira will probably be lead sound guy again, which is great.
- They're not going to adopt the system used in the PSP Silent Hill: Origins because Akira said it didn't show off enough of the environment and surroundings... and that's what makes the games so awesome.
Short interview, but it gives us a clear enough idea of what to expect. Still no scans floating around, although we're sure that'll change sooner or later. Come on, Konami, let's get this game rolling!
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April 20th, 2007, 22:11 Posted By: mikebeaver
Dark Alex has released a new Custom Firmware for the PSP that supports the very latest firmware
Changes 3.30 OE-A -> 3.40 OE-A
- Updated from 3.30 firmware to 3.40
- Security patch: Fixed a bug that has been in all 3.XX OE, that caused random data to be written to a location
in lcdc.prx or (in worst case) emc_sm.prx ram space.
- Autboot that is missing since 3.03 OE-C has been reimplemented.
- Improvements in the flasher. It will now generate also the flash1 directories, and it will
check that the dxar is the correct for this update, so no more bricks by accidentally using
other DATA.DXAR.
Note about pops. I recommend people to backup their savedata before proceeding to change them
(Sony has changed the savedata format, and they force you to change the format in 3.40 if you want to play them).
If a plugin to load previous firmwares pops appear, the savedata will have to be in the old format for those firmwares,
that's why it is better to have a backup of them. Psx savedatas are in /PSP/SAVEDATA/[code of game]
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April 21st, 2007, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon has explained that his next game is "going to be a real serious Mortal Kombat" in an interview with CVG.
Speaking about what's coming after Armageddon with us earlier in the week, he said the new title will be "a lot more realistic-looking... we're not going to joke around in this one, it's not going to be like jokes".
It suggests a more edgy style for the next Mortal Kombat game, Boon reaffirming that it'll be "a lot grittier, dirtier" than previous titles in the series.
"It's going to be a fighting game, definitely, but after that anything can go", he added, talking about the fact that he's starting from scratch for the new game.
"We're not putting any restrictions like we HAVE to keep weapons or we HAVE to keep fighting styles and stuff like that... we're going to... try to introduce as many new characters as possible, new features, new stuff like that and take advantage of the amazing presentation, graphics that all of a sudden you can do, things that are a lot more real."
He also revealed his team is "trying to take advantage" of the motion-sensing features of the PS3 controller and the hardware of the new console generation in general and "do the most we can with them".
"It's probably not going to come out until then end of 2008," Boon said about a release date for the new Mortal Kombat game, adding that a first full reveal is still likely around a year away.
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April 21st, 2007, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
There's quite a buzz about Eidos' latest Lara Croft outing Tomb Raider: Anniversary and, perhaps catching a few people off guard, looks set to be one of the best titles the series has witnessed.
As such, a new trailer that's been released is definitely worth viewing. Featuring around 30 seconds of gameplay it reveals Anniversary's Egyptian underworld, which we got to check out first-hand during a recent trip to Eidos headquarters.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary's a combination of the best parts of the original Tomb Raider title and Legend's control system and game engine, and is being developed for PC, PS2 and PSP at Crystal Dynamics. Despite the trailer saying "Coming June 2007", the game's actually expected at the end of May.
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April 21st, 2007, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Akira Yamaoka has worked on Konami's Silent Hill series for a while now. He was producer on the PC version of Silent Hill3, but he's more famed for his work in the sound department. Yamaoka have given a few details on Silent Hill 5 in a recent magazine interview.
"At the moment I cannot reveal much detail on the story, or our progress, but I can tell you that this game will resemble Silent Hill 2 in the terms of the way the player is directed and the characters' behaviour," he told Game Pro magazine.
What platform the game will eventually appear on still seems up I the air. We reported in August 2004 that a final decision for what platform the game would release on wasn't set in stone. It was that long ago we were still calling Xbox 360 Xbox 2!
PlayStation 3 is the obvious target given the history of the series, but with a smaller install base than Xbox 360, could 5 be launching simultaneously on more than one console?
"At this time we are still not sure," confessed Yamaoka . "We are thinking of putting the next game on the next generation consoles like PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but we have had a good past experience with PlayStation [where the series was born] and we hope to continue that trend, but there are no definite plans as of yet."
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April 21st, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
"God of Wa: Chains of Olymp" which we assume is most of the title of the God of War PSP game. It's set to complete its display in a couple of days when we hope it will say God of War: Chains of Olympics 2008: Kratos & Mario & Sonic. But it will probably say God of War: Chains of Olympus, because that's just the way life works.
You know what else? We're not going to tell you how we found it. We'll just say it's the latest addition to IslandOfRhodes.org, which has become a veritable cornucopia of GoW secrets, and leave it at that. If you're interested in tracking this title down, we're sure that you can find that sort of info, but you're not getting it from us. Trust us, it's an hour of random clicking that you're just not going to get back, and by keeping it from you, we have given you the gift of an hour of your life. Now go, and please ... pay it forward.
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April 22nd, 2007, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
4.) 'Homebrew Gaming' by Anonymous Coward, maynard, and flitty
If someone manages to get homebrew games running on the PS3, will there be firmware updates to stop this kind of development, to protect your software developers, or is homebrew something you are planning on and even encouraging? Is there a chance that the policy of restricting access to PS3 graphics hardware (via the hypervisor) could be revised to encourage us homebrew developers? How does this strategy differ from your strategy with PSP homebrew? Has Sony considered offering kernel patches and an RSX optimized OpenGL library for PS3/Linux?
Phil Harrison: Now, let me first say that Homebrew is sometimes a misused term and so for the purposes of this answer I will exclude pirates and hackers with illegal intentions from the definition.
I fully support the notion of game development at home using powerful tools available to anyone. We were one of the first companies to recognize this in 1996 with Net Yaroze on PS1. It's a vital, crucial aspect of the future growth of our industry and links well to the subtext of my earlier answers. When I started making games on the Commodore 64 in the 1980's, the way I learned to make games was by re-writing games that appeared in magazines. Really the best bit about a C64 was when you turned it on it said "Ready?" with a flashing cursor - inviting you to experiment. You'd spend hours typing in the code, line-by-line, and then countless hours debugging it to make it work and then you'd realise the game was rubbish after all that effort! The next step was to re-write aspects of the game to change the graphics, the sound, the control system or the speed of the gameplay until you'd created something completely new. I might share this with a few friends but not for commercial gain at that time. But the process itself was invaluable in helping me learn to program, to design graphics, animations or sounds and was really the way I opened doors to get into the industry. Now, those industry doors are largely closed by the nature of the video game systems themselves being closed. So, if we can make certain aspects of PS3 open to the independent game development community, we will do our industry a service by providing opportunities for the next generation of creative and technical talent. Now having said all that, we still have to protect the investment and intellectual property rights of the industry so we will always seek the best ways to secure and protect our devices from piracy and unauthorized hacking that damages the business.
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April 22nd, 2007, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
4.) 'Homebrew Gaming' by Anonymous Coward, maynard, and flitty
If someone manages to get homebrew games running on the PS3, will there be firmware updates to stop this kind of development, to protect your software developers, or is homebrew something you are planning on and even encouraging? Is there a chance that the policy of restricting access to PS3 graphics hardware (via the hypervisor) could be revised to encourage us homebrew developers? How does this strategy differ from your strategy with PSP homebrew? Has Sony considered offering kernel patches and an RSX optimized OpenGL library for PS3/Linux?
Phil Harrison: Now, let me first say that Homebrew is sometimes a misused term and so for the purposes of this answer I will exclude pirates and hackers with illegal intentions from the definition.
I fully support the notion of game development at home using powerful tools available to anyone. We were one of the first companies to recognize this in 1996 with Net Yaroze on PS1. It's a vital, crucial aspect of the future growth of our industry and links well to the subtext of my earlier answers. When I started making games on the Commodore 64 in the 1980's, the way I learned to make games was by re-writing games that appeared in magazines. Really the best bit about a C64 was when you turned it on it said "Ready?" with a flashing cursor - inviting you to experiment. You'd spend hours typing in the code, line-by-line, and then countless hours debugging it to make it work and then you'd realise the game was rubbish after all that effort! The next step was to re-write aspects of the game to change the graphics, the sound, the control system or the speed of the gameplay until you'd created something completely new. I might share this with a few friends but not for commercial gain at that time. But the process itself was invaluable in helping me learn to program, to design graphics, animations or sounds and was really the way I opened doors to get into the industry. Now, those industry doors are largely closed by the nature of the video game systems themselves being closed. So, if we can make certain aspects of PS3 open to the independent game development community, we will do our industry a service by providing opportunities for the next generation of creative and technical talent. Now having said all that, we still have to protect the investment and intellectual property rights of the industry so we will always seek the best ways to secure and protect our devices from piracy and unauthorized hacking that damages the business.
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April 22nd, 2007, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
We say confirmed with a question mark because the debate is still up in the air, but apparently there was a little scuffle between a group of message board visitors and a Gran Turismo development staff member regaring the issue of damage to the licensed cars. The staff member worked on Gran Turismo HD and is hard at work on Gran Turismo 5, which is awesome. But here are a few quotes from the guy worth scratching our chins over:
"...We're not ready to implement damage until they can be shown in a truly authentic way (which is extremely hard work if you think about it)."
Damage in Gran Turismo would make the franchise unstoppable, don't you think? He responds: "No I mean, really, really, really hard work... to the extent of creating another game, almost. From our standards, what other games are doing is "simplified damage". You know how [anal] we are when making our games... we would want to simulate every single dent differently."
Not sure why they bleeped out anal -- it's a perfectly appropriate word, because Polyphony Digital really does get down to the most painstaking detail when crafting these games. So what's this sound like to you? The staff member who said this checks out. He's completely legit (but we can't reveal the obvious). We're saying there won't be damage this time. Maybe for GT5 A-Spec or something. I dunno. I won't mind. Besides, you're not supposed to crash in the driving sim games.
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
If they wanted to, Disney Interactive Studios could probably put together a Flash-based game where players attempt to toss bottles of rum into the mouth of a poorly animated Johnny Depp and sell the thing to thousands of ravenous Pirates of the Caribbean fans. Thankfully, that's not the plan for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
This week, the House of Mouse let IGN get its hands on the videogame that combines action from the movies Pirate of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and unreleased Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. The first thing that jumps off the screen with At World's End is the detail developers have already put into this tale. Orlando Bloom's face is spot on, the drunk-like stagger of Captain Jack Sparrow is recreated with the push of the joystick and vocal doubles for the cast of characters are perfect.
Nice hats.With the theater release of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End about a month away, it's about time for the marketing machine to kick into high gear and bring "Yo-ho" back as a household word, and videogames are going to be a big part of that - seven incarnations of the film are being released simultaneously. The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions are identical, the DS is its own entity, and the Wii, PS2, PSP and PC all share the same version with some slight variations when it comes to control. While the 360 and PS3 focus on recreating the look and feel of the movies, the other models focus on unique gameplay.
There are three basic attacks for a pirate - a light sword attack, a heavy sword attack and an item attack. Although the swordplay will be the meat and potatoes of this high-sea adventure, plucky pirates can pick up guns and knives along the way. A HUD in the upper-left corner of the screen keeps track of how many bullets, throwing knives and chickens - that's health for these sea-lovers - remain as well as how many "Black Pearls" are left. Rather than just let you be a yellowbelly and hold down the block button for the duration of an attack, developers instituted the Black Pearl system to keep you honest. Each time an opponent lands a hit on your block, a quarter of one of your pearls disappears. If you exhaust the pearls, your blocking is disabled until it has time to recharge.
Although the scurvy dogs showing At World's End wouldn't say how the movie will end end, they were happy to showcase select levels from the game, which feature key battles and extended stories from the films. One level - Isla de Pelegostos - put players into the swashbuckling sneakers of Will Turner as he teamed with Jack to escape the savages holding the duo captive. The setting drew heavily from Dead Man's Chest as Will freed trapped pirates and jogged across bridges, but wasn't limited to what happened in the flick. As the savages attacked young Mr. Turner, he had multiple choices as far as how he could dispatch them. Will could hack at them with his sword, shoot them, grab them or perform the special move called "Ole" - when enemies rush at a the main character, the player can hold the correct button and move the joystick to one side to perform a sidestep maneuver that, in this case, sends bad guys past Will and over the cliff.
Can't we settle this in a dance contest?The game even made use of interactive cinemas as Will and Jack battled a trio of natives on a rickety bridge. Once the bad guys met the duo on the walkway, the game cut to a movie where buttons would pop on screen. If a player hit the right buttons quickly enough, the cinema progressed with Will and Jack laying the smackdown on some natives, but if a button was missed, the scene started from the beginning.
At World's End won't drop anchor on consoles for another month, but it's clear Disney is on the right track and keeping with the humor and character of the movies -- and if that doesn't excite fans, the pirate's booty of unlockable characters to plays as, pirate rankings and more should have them eager to set sail and pick up this title.
via IGN
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:12 Posted By: uberjack
Hello everyone,
I have just finished work on a new MSX emulator, fMSX-PSP. You will find it at the following URL:
Heres more details:
fMSX-PSP is a port of the fMSX emulator to the PlayStation Portable platform. It is based on version 3.1 of fMSX and should run on any PSP with firmware 1.50 in user mode (if you have luck running it on another firmware revision [with or without a special tool], drop me a line).
The emulator uses GU (Graphical Utility Toolkit) for rendering and runs at 100% speed for most games (with 0 frames skipped at 300Mhz clock speed, or with 1 frame skipped at 222Mhz).
New features
v3.1.1 (April 20, 2007; Current version):
Three available rendering modes: normal size, 4:3 scaled, 16:9 scaled
State loading/saving, with a thumbnail icon for each state (up to 10 states per game)
Controls configurable for a particular game
Frame limiter, frame skipping, vertical sync, PSP clock frequency adjustment
Support for two cart slots and two disk drives
On-screen virtual keyboard
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
If you were a child growing up in the '80s, you were aware of the cultural phenomenon known as the Transformers. The wildly popular cartoon that initially ran for almost 100 episodes spawned an animated movie, massive toy and merchandise line, and became a pop culture reference. Well, it's taken more than twenty years, but the Transformers will be returning to the silver screen this summer. Thanks to Activision and Traveller's Tales, the galaxy spanning battle between Autobots and Decepticons will rage in homes as well when Transformers: The Game is released this June.
Tied very closely to the story of the movie, the plot of the game revolves around the discovery and retrieval of the Allspark, an item that provides the life giving soul for every Transformer. Hidden away on Earth during the massive war on Cybertron between Autobots and Decepticons, the Allspark could tip the balance of power to either side, making it a valuable tactical prize for both factions. Unfortunately for the unsuspecting humans on Earth, their world is about to become the latest battlefield between the robot warriors. Here's where players come in: as soon as the game starts, you're given your chance to decide which side you want to play. If you choose the Autobots, you attempt to protect Earth and its inhabitants from the ravaging forces of the Decepticons. This selection follows many of the events from the film rather closely. On the other hand, if you select the Decepticons, you'll follow a "what if" scenario where the evil machines smash their way through civilization.
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
You're just an ordinary guy trying to survive." So says Dean Martinetti, producer at Sparks Unlimited, after demoing the opening scene in Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, in which a flat-capped builder becomes the unlikely hero of the US resistance. However, there's nothing ordinary about what we've just seen, because the streets of New York - its tower blocks and famous landmarks such as the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty - are engulfed in flame and are being unceremoniously razed to the ground by an invading German force. Nationalist flag-waving this ain't - well, not unless you're a Nazi - and contrary to Call of Duty and Medal of Honor et al, there's no heroic leader to save the world and the US doesn't win.
Enemy fighters scream between buildings as you make your descent.
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is a departure from the traditional war-torn first-person shooter because it takes a genre that's been milked of all creativity and breathes new life into it. Sure, you use guns to mow down Nazis and the action rarely shifts out of fifth gear, but there's a lot that's different about Turning Point. Take the story: In 1931 Winston Churchill is hit by a taxi, an event that actually happening all those years ago. Only, in the game, the accident was fatal, so there's no Churchill to deliver that speech and no leader to inspire the troops to victory. Instead the Nazi force overthrew the British, pushing our boys out of France and seizing control of Europe. Eight years later and the Germans have amounted a vast army which is sent across the Atlantic, ready to take over the US.
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
If you think the ASBO-ridden streets of Manchester are a nasty place to get caught after a Friday night out, spare a thought for the poor folk who live in the Middle Eastern city of Al-Khali. Turns out this once-peaceful town was built on top of the ancient ruins of a dozen conquerors and one Wednesday afternoon - or maybe it was early evening - all hell broke lose and a portal to the underworld opened up, allowing a tidal wave of unspeakable evil to come flooding through that, unless stopped, will spell the end of the world.
If ordinary weapons don't have any effect, try magic.
All is not lost, however. Like the proverbial thug-nicking bobby on the beat, Al-Khali has its own police presence, but the guys who are patrolling the streets in this game are a hell of a lot meaner than the rozzers who roam the local estates. In fact, the Jericho team are a bunch of misfit psychopaths who probably shouldn't be trusted with high-velocity machineguns, but they're the only suckers stupid enough to enter the city limits of Al-Khali to find out what exactly's going on.
So begins Jericho, a squad-based, horror-themed first-person shooter penned by British gore god, Clive Barker. After all contact with Al-Khali was lost, a seven-man strike team - the Jerichos - were sent into investigate. It's an adventure that travels through time and space, with team Jericho fighting through the modern-day city, as well as incarnations set during World War II, the Crusades, during Roman times and back to the fourth millennium BC, when the trouble all started.
Starting in the modern day, scouring the labyrinthine streets, the Jerichos are surrounded by demolished buildings which rise up on each side while flaming debris lies scattered across the ground. More worrying however, is the army of ghoulish freaks roaming the shadows. These skeletal warriors have travelled up from the depths of Hades and, within seconds, it all kicks off.
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Set a game in 1960s San Fransisco and it's likely to conjure up images of a mind-bending rhythm actioner with psychedelic visuals guaranteed to pop your eyeballs in an explosion of colour. This is Hei$st however, a brutal bank-robbing game which involves car-jacking, hold-ups and vicious shootouts. So much for 1969's Summer of Love.
While the hippies got high and the cool cats lapped up the city's new-found open-mindedness, Johnny Sutton enjoyed his first day out of the slammer. The latest in a long line of high-profile thieves, Johnny was banged up for following in the family's footsteps and pulling off a small-time robbery. Thing is, being inside didn't put him off a life of crime; instead it gave a thirst for the major league, an ambition to become known as the greatest bank robber of all time.
We've only seen snippets of the city but hope it's busier in the final game.
So begins Hei$t, a shooting 'n' stealing epic set in an open-world recreation of '60s San Francisco. It's a cross between Grand Theft Auto and a squad-based shooter like Ghost Recon, with players stepping into the no-doubt-stolen shoes of Johnny, out to make a name for himself.
It's not quite that simple, however - you can't simply walk into the first bank you see, empty the vault and then sit back and watch the credits roll. Every job needs to be meticulously planned otherwise you'll be back behind bars in a flash. That's where Uncle Sal comes in; he's the brains behind the outfit, the guy you go to when you need blueprints for the bank, details of the vault, the locations of the cameras - whatever you want, he'll get it for you, providing you give him time.
Pulling off a successful robbery is still not easy though, even if you're armed with every last piece of info on your target. Learning from experience is the only way you'll get the skills needed to tackle the bigger jobs, so it's best to start off small. Thankfully, Sal can help out here too, by highlighting the smaller local banks whose security isn't quite so tight. Once you've picked a target it's into the car and off around the city.
It's worth noting at this point that much of the city we explored in this very early build of the code looked desolate and sorely lacked detail. Compared to the bustling streets in the GTA IV trailer, Hei$t's city looks like a ghost town, with few cars and even fewer people trawling the streets. While we have no doubt the game will be considerably more populated and detailed by the time it's released in October, it was certainly the weakest part of the game so far.
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April 22nd, 2007, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
You've got to hand it to that Jack Sparrow. Even after a giant kraken burps up half of the digested crew of the Black Pearl in his face, the scallywag still manages to find his way into a third Pirates of the Caribbean flick and the licensed movie-game.
Hey, we're not complaining. We haven't seen so wily a character as Jack, played with over-the-top panache by the exceptional Johnny Depp, in a long while. In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, the upcoming swashbuckler from Disney Interactive Studios, Sparrow is re-created in fine form, thanks to a bang-up facial scan. Disney enlisted Industrial Light and Magic to help with the characters, and you'll instantly recognize almost all the major players from the films: Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, Davy Jones (looks great), the crew of the Pearl and Jones's crew of underwater sea villains, including the first mate hammerhead.
At World's End spans both Dead Man's Chest and the upcoming summer blockbuster of the same name, and we recently got to play through a few levels from the first half of the game. Disney was tight-lipped on the levels inspired by the third movie. If you check out the trailer here, you can bet Jack and company will visit some exotic locales like the Far East, navigate past giant icebergs, and shoot cannonballs. Lots of cannonballs.
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
UK retailer GAME may have accidentally leaked a crucial tidibt about the upcoming PS3 version of SingStar. The karaoke game allows wannabe performers to record their performances with EyeToy and post them online to a personal SingStar page. In addition, players will also be able to save their recordings to PSP, to share with friends at any time. With both a PSP system and SingStar handy, you'll be able to show off your next embarassing karaoke performance forever.
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
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Enough with the mini-game collections, and the kart racing games. The next Ape Escape game for PSP is finally taking the series back to its roots ... sort of. New screenshots from Famitsu reveal new platforming antics for the upcoming game. However, unlike the original, you're not trying to catch these monkeys--you're playing as them! We recommend that you look at the pictures and try to understand the game by yourself. As you can see, machine translations of Japanese websites never work well.
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Silent Hill: Origins had seemingly disappeared from the public eye, with many (including ourselves) fearing its cancellation. The game showed early promise, with impressive graphics and Resident Evil 4-style gameplay. However, it wasn't long until there were reports of troubled development: Climax, the game's developer, laid off numerous employees. Then, it was conspicuously absent from Konami's Gamers Day.
Well, looks our fears were unwarranted. Game Informer has a new exclusive preview up: "The kicker was that even though the game was on a much smaller screen, our hands sweated and heart pounded as if we were playing a full-on entry in the series. If you're sensitive to scary content you'll probably not be playing this with the lights out and headphones on like the game recommends. With that said, it looks like Climax is on the right track with Origins."
We're incredibly relieved that the game has taken a turn for the better. Check out Game Informer for more screenshots and videos.
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Becus25:
Custom Firmware 1.62 Increasing Edition B Update1
Install from firmware 1.50!
Detected errors, already corrected!
For change the aspect of the XMB put the files (topmenu_plugin.rco for example) in ms0: /ieflash. If you have brick you will be able to recover it with the way recovery. In order to be able to do it you must have downgrade or an official update of Sony in ms0: /psp/game/ierecovery. If you do not have it, calm because from the way recovery you can connect the PSP by Usb and transmit the data.
-- Installing custom firmware 1.62 increasing edition --
For install custom firmware, copy the PSP folder in the root of your memory stick. Then, execute the flasher and press X.
Later custom firmware will be installed.
General functions:
- Hide corrupt icons .
- Skip Sony logo.
- You can start not xploited eboots.
- You can start modules.
- Contains two recovery menú. If it does not detect one it loads the other.
- In software system puts "version 1.62 IE-B". *new
- Recovery and the XMF were now fused . *new
- Added security and the flasher and you will not break the PSP *new and important
- VshMain contain compatibility to hide corrupt icons and use autoboot from the functions of recovery.
- Bug fix ( when activated autoboot and was not in the route that touched to the PSP crashed; now if it passes that, the PSP returns to the XMB with normality :P . *new
- More speed in recovery mode. *new
- The flasher contain more security. If it not detect that the files were in the correct root of the memory stick, the flasher exit automatic.
Recovery functions:
- You will be able to recover the PSP of semi-brick.
- Usb available.
- You can personalize XMB
- You can have three styles of icons of the XMB in the MS and change them from recovery (in this version, this setting is disabled, but in other versions will be enabled)
- You can activate/deactivate Autoboots (put the autoboot on \psp\game\boot\eboot.pbp ) from recovery without any kept configuration file. *new
- Recovery mode, this structured like a menu . *new
- Structured section “ADVANCE” like a menu . From this section you can do this : *new
· Change the theme of PSP ( in fact in 1.50 not it can but it is hack :P ) *new
· You can activate/deactivate autoboots. *new
· You can hide or not hide corrupt icons of the XMB. *new
Install it this under your own risk!
Thanks to Dark_AleX that created first custom firmware . Also, to Fryeco that was offered like betatester.
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Califrag:
Attached you will find my warPSP^xmb prx. I have attached this as lftv_plugin.prx but it can be renamed and launched from the Network Update, Certificate Utility, or Remote Play icons.
This prx file is a simple "wardriving" application that can be launched within the xmb. Once launched, it will do a continuous scan/rescan for wireless hotspots and display that information in the xmb.
L+R+SQUARE: Toggle auto-rescan
L+R+CIRCLE: Toggle info level
L+R+SELECT: Stop warPSP^xmb.
There are known bugs with this prx:
When running, if you try to launch the internet browser, rss, or any other network function, mixed results will happen: psp locks up or prx scan stops responding or both.
If not disabled before starting a game from the game menu, psp usually freezes
Only the first access point found is displayed correctly in the list. Not sure why this happens.
I will be continuing development on this prx and hopefully plan to release a more stable version with extra features like logging and such.
I wanted to get this one out there to get some feedback concerning:
a) does anyone find this useful?
b) does anyone know why only the first access point is displayed correctly?
c) does anyone know how I can get this to load correctly as a OE plugin, instead of having to flash it to your psp?
Please note the only way to install this currently is by flashing to your PSP and this has only been tested to work on 3.03 OE-C.
All standard disclaimers apply when flashing/modifying your PSP. I take no responsibility for any misuse of the attached file.
Thanks to everyone in advance who tests this and posts feedback!
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
In a revealing chat with Newsweek's N'Gai Croal, opinionated God of War and Calling All Cars developer David Jaffe spoke about his ambitious (but canceled) PSP game, Heartland. He revealed the political motivations behind the title, and why the game might have been too ambitious for its own good:
"The game was very much a liberal person's response to the Bush administration and the war in Iraq ... [have players] feel what it must be like to have their own homeland occupied by another country. SCEA and I went back and forth over if we would ever say it was CHINA vs. AMERICA as they were a bit worried about being so literal ... As for Phil, his biggest issue was thinking a game so epic should be on PS3. But I was always pushing for PSP, saying that Heartland should do for the PSP what Halo did for the Xbox."
Ultimately, Sony didn't provide the support that Jaffe needed to complete the game. Instead, Sony pulled resources from the title to place into the PS3 title, WarHawk: "If the team would have been the right size, we would still be in production with Heartland today. That was the main reason we killed it, not enough folks to make the game ... the main issue that made it clear that we could not continue was that WarHawk kept taking our team members as they were further along in production and were the top priority."
Sony's admitted to focusing too much on PS3 at the cost of PSP development, and they've promised to change. With WarHawk nearing completion, could Heartland make a comeback?
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The official Japanese Wild Arms XF website has opened, although it doesn't provide too much information. IGN, however, has uncovered a treasure trove of new details on the upcoming PSP-exclusive SRPG:
"Set once again in the land of Falgaia, Wild Arms XF tells the story of Clarisa, a knight in the army of the peaceful kingdom of Elecius. The story begins when the queen is killed in what appears to be more than just an accident."
"During battle, you move the members of your party in turn with the enemies."
"By connecting your PSP to your PS2 via USB, you'll unlock six secret bosses in Wild Arms 5. XF sees more benefit, as you get better items and rewards and even get to see some special events."
As PSP Fanboy reader trystero said: "Handhelds and SRPGs go together like glue and ... well, more glue." Hopefully, Wild Arms XF will prove to be a worthwhile addition to the PSP library.
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Weltall: is that CWCheat now works on the latest Dark Alex Custom Firmware.
cwcheat is the FIRST ever cheat device available on PSP. With cwcheat you can apply raw-relative cheat codes either in PSP and POPS game mode (due to two different version of this application: cwcheat and cwcheatpops) just like the famous commercial products "Action Replay", "CodeBreaker", "GameShark", "Xploder", etc. available on other platforms. cwcheat also features cheat searching and editing through
a nice and easy-to-use in-game menu. If you are not good in cheat searching you can download the
latest cheats database from HERE or use the included PSP database downloader app directly
from your PSP (requires WI-FI connection) and easily enjoy your cheating experience! You can contribute with the database adding your cheats HERE. cwcheat minor features are CPU/BUS speed settings, detailed Memory Stick Pro Duo (free space/total space) and battery (life) informations and in-game usb-mass support. cwcheat (NO POPS version) includes also RemaPSP by danzel, a very useful way to change button assignments in games!
cwcheatpops (NO GAME version) features a way to
import/export MCR memory cards (ePSXe and PSX) and continue your favourite games in PSX, PS2, PSP with the same savegame!
-fixed the mc manager function. now it works even on 3.30[POPS]
-fixed the db reloading, now it reloads the database
-added a cheatpops database by tandao2002
-fixed some texts around
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Games don't need to have good graphics--but they need to have fun. The upcoming Diner Dash seems to have neither. The competitive world of restauranting should make for an interesting gameplay experience, but this first video of the game looks utterly uninspired. 1UP recently previewed the game: "In Diner Dash, you show patrons to their seats, take their orders, serve them food, and clear the tables when they leave. Promptly serving people and working your way quickly through the increasing line of customers earns you points in the form of tips. The hardest part is managing your own stress levels as you serve impatient people. Sometimes your customers have screaming kids who need high chairs, and you're usually either urging that family of four to quickly finish their hamburgers, or scrambling to mop up the mess they left on the floor."
Seating customers and moving food from one place to the next could provide some brief bursts of entertainment, but is that really enough to warrant a full-fledged game? Watch the video after the cut, and tell us what you think.
Video at Link above
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April 22nd, 2007, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
Our affiliates over at Neoflash who are the makers of many Nintendo DS Flashcarts and a whole host of other hardware creations have posted some info to their Mystery project.
Guesses so far are
A motion sensor
Now DRNeo posted that one of them is the correct answer.
A PSP Touchscreen would open up many doors as a keyboard or the many ways the DS Touchscreen has been utilised.
A motion sensor would be excellent in a different way for the PSP.
Which one interests you the most and why, ?
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April 22nd, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: Cynidez
I have wrote this story exclusivly for Dcemu because i feel the site needs news articles from inside the site too, to go along with external news.
Sony, what do we know about them?
They created the Sony PSP for one thing, but many users hate them.
Users say that Sony are denying them the right to use the hardware that they payed for to its full potential. But are they? No.
Sony has made it there stance from day one that they were going to do there up-most to prevent piracy on the PSP console. It was the first Sony console to have any firmware updates, Sony clearly were not happy with all the piracy that the PS2 endured.
So every time a firmware is cracked to allow the illegal playing of ISO's and PS1 games from your memory stick, they release another update that fixes the leak.
Lets look at it from Sony's point of view, they make there money on software sales not hardware sales.
So every time a firmware is cracked to allow the illegal use of software on it they are loosing money.
And because its a fine line between homebrew and Iso loading they have to block them both out of there official firmware, so they don't loose out on software sales.
Another side to it is Emulators, now the majority of emulators are legal, but another interesting legality issue has arisen.
Say Sony decided to support homebrew in official firmware, you could play all your Snes, Genesis, N64 etc games on your PSP for free.
Nintendo of course now own the rights to sell some of those games on there virtual console for the Wii, so if Sony allowed users to play those games on there PSP's on official firmware, Nintendo could potentially sue them for it.
So to reflect, you can see why Sony cant allow Homebrew in Official Firmwares. We should stop focusing on that and give Sony there due's for creating such a revolutionary Hand-held console for us all to enjoy.
Don't forget, without Sony there wouldn't be a PSP so just remember that next time your ready to slate them 
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April 22nd, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: Cynidez
I have wrote this story exclusivly for Dcemu because i feel the site needs news articles from inside the site too, to go along with external news.
Sony, what do we know about them?
They created the Sony PSP for one thing, but many users hate them.
Users say that Sony are denying them the right to use the hardware that they payed for to its full potential. But are they? No.
Sony has made it there stance from day one that they were going to do there up-most to prevent piracy on the PSP console. It was the first Sony console to have any firmware updates, Sony clearly were not happy with all the piracy that the PS2 endured.
So every time a firmware is cracked to allow the illegal playing of ISO's and PS1 games from your memory stick, they release another update that fixes the leak.
Lets look at it from Sony's point of view, they make there money on software sales not hardware sales.
So every time a firmware is cracked to allow the illegal use of software on it they are loosing money.
And because its a fine line between homebrew and Iso loading they have to block them both out of there official firmware, so they don't loose out on software sales.
Another side to it is Emulators, now the majority of emulators are legal, but another interesting legality issue has arisen.
Say Sony decided to support homebrew in official firmware, you could play all your Snes, Genesis, N64 etc games on your PSP for free.
Nintendo of course now own the rights to sell some of those games on there virtual console for the Wii, so if Sony allowed users to play those games on there PSP's on official firmware, Nintendo could potentially sue them for it.
So to reflect, you can see why Sony cant allow Homebrew in Official Firmwares. We should stop focusing on that and give Sony there due's for creating such a revolutionary Hand-held console for us all to enjoy.
Don't forget, without Sony there wouldn't be a PSP so just remember that next time your ready to slate them 
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April 22nd, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: burrito
via http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
R11 Update
Wow, it's been far longer than I'd intended to give this update. I had a great time in Spain, and came back and spent a few evenings playing through Crackdown. It was quite nice to take a break for a few days
Since then I've been working on the various features I promised for R11.
I talked a bit about the texture cache being the main culprit for gobbling up memory while the emulator is running. When I started profiling this in detail, I realised that one of the worst offenders for memory consumption was mirrored texture support for 4 or 8-bit palettised textures. There were actually two main problems which were exacerbating the problem.
Firstly, I've never handled palettised textures directly in Daedalus. By that, I mean that rather than converting the palettised texture on the n64 to a palettised texture on the PSP, I've been converting it to a 32-bit RGBA texture. This means that on the n64, a 64x64 pixel 4-bit palettised texture would take up 2KiB. By converting this up to a 32-bit RGBA texture on the PSP, it takes 16KiB - an eightfold increase in memory usage.
The second issue which was compounding the problem was that the PSP doesn't have support for mirrored textures. In order to support this feature I have to manually duplicate and mirror the texture. This means that a 64x64 texture mirrored along the S and T axes on the n64 will become a 128x128 texture on the PSP.
The main problem I was getting due to running out of memory was due to the heavy use of mirrored 4-bit palettised textures in some games. A 64x64 4-bit palettised texture that took up 2KiB on the n64 would consume a huge 64KiB on the PSP - a 32-fold increase! The problem was that certain games were using dozens of such textures in a single display list, and the available memory was rapidly being exhausted.
So over the past couple of weeks I've been working on rewriting Daedalus's texture handling so that it supports 4-bit and 8-bit palettised textures directly. This has taken a lot more time than I'd anticipated because of the number of places in the codebase which have to fiddle around with texture data directly. I also spent a week trying to track down two horrible bugs (both of which turned out to be brain-dead logic errors on my part).
The great thing about this work is that not only does supporting palettised textures directly save a lot of memory, it also has a number of small performance benefits. Generating less texture data generally means a bit less work for the CPU (well, less cache usage), so converting palettised textures is now a bit quicker. Palettised textures are also a lot more efficient to render with (mostly due to the fact that they consume less bus bandwidth and can make better use of the PSP's texture cache.)
The other big chunk of work I've been bashing away at is improving the way that I handle preferences for individual roms. One of the big problems with the current setup with Daedalus is that the main daedalus.ini file consists of both global rom-specific details (such as the rom's name, save type, comments etc) and local user-defined preferences (such as whether to enable speed sync, disable dynarec etc). This means that I can't ship a new version of daedalus.ini without wiping out people's local preferences.
What I've done now is split daedalus.ini into two files. roms.ini will contain global rom-specific details, and an updated version will be distributed with every version of Daedalus from now on. If I know dynarec causes a certain rom to fail to run, I can add a setting for this in roms.ini, and everyone will be able to pick up the change in the next release. Another good example is the SaveType field; every version of Super Mario 64 uses a 4k EEPROM, and so once this is set up in roms.ini it should never need tweaking.
The other file I created is called preferences.ini. This file won't ship with Daedalus - the emulator will create this the first time you change some settings when playing a rom, and update it with any further changes that you make. This means that when you copy a fresh build of Daedalus across to your memory stick, the new build will pick up your existing preferences.ini file and so remember all of your settings.
The settings that Daedalus will currently remember for each rom are:
* Texture Update Check
* Frameskip
* Limit Framerate
* Dynamic Recompilation (used to override the setting in roms.ini if you're having problems with dynarec)
* Audio
* Adjust Frequency
* Controller
I'll be adding to this list over the coming months, as more options become configurable.
One other thing that will be stored in preferences.ini (which I've not coded yet) is all of the options from the 'Global Settings' page - stuff like the viewport size, stick deadzone, whether to display the framerate or not, etc.
So R11 is shaping up pretty nicely, even if it's taken a bit longer than I'd hoped. I have a few more things to work on, but I'll try to keep you all updated a bit more frequently as I work towards the next release.
-StrmnNrmn Give feedback via comments.
I can't wait for R11 
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April 23rd, 2007, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superskull85:
For anyone who doesn't know what this program is:
This is an application that will simulate how your XMB will look on your computer before actually compiling your RCO's and flashing them to your PSP. This application will let you view your XMB and its icons, backgrounds and colours. This application is meant to help you preview your XMB without actually flashing it, and NOT to help you preview already created themes!! With that said this program doesn't even read your Flash0 (Unless your using the File Flasher) and doesn't need your PSP to run (Again unless you are using the File Flasher. This program will not read RCO's or have any PRX support, it will read BMP images and will arrange them so they look just like your XMB.
There are some things I want the public to test and tell me what you think about them. One tester was concerned about these problems and suggested change. Because it was one person I didn't changed those (No offence). I decided to let the public decide if it should be token out or changed. If a lot of people find these issues irating or frustrating please let me know, your input will be very appreciated and valued:
-Everytime you pick an option in the Main Menu you will be asked if you want to view or run that feature. The tester noted that this could be annoying to some people.
-PSPXT's colours, suggested that the colours may not be seen clearly on some monitors. Let me know if this is the case and, if you any, suggest some colour's that could be used in place of the existing colours.
That being said I have included the main features as seperate EXE's, so you wouldn't always need to use the Main Menu. Also in the future I do plan on getting some graphics for this program, so that might solve the colour issues.
The change log from ALPHA 1 to version 1.00 is extremly long! The main changes are as follows:
1. Added support for two more XMB's
2. Added full support for Main and Sub-Icons
3. Now lets you preview either Main or Sub-XMB
4. Added Full Navigation and seperate navigation for both Main and Sub-XMB
5. Added a File Flasher through Flash0 XMB.
6. Added links to a useful guide for customizations
7. Included a Windows Integrated variant
8. Added Main and Sub-Menu names
9. Added a Main Menu
This application CAN access your PSP's flash through Flash0 USB. Me nor any site I posted this application on, will not be held responsible for any damage this application may or may not have caused, use the File Flasher at your own risk.
Other then that please read the readme, Controls, and if your interested, read the full change log (Located in Documents/README.txt).
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via superskull85
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April 23rd, 2007, 14:01 Posted By: badplankton
hi - i'd like to announce version 2.10 of PSPSeq; a homebrew application used for composing music on the PSP. some of the new features and fixes in this version of PSPSeq include:
- automated interpolation of synthesis parameters
- more track copying options to simplify and speed composing music
- button combos enabling instant solo/unmute of all tracks, copy/paste of synthesis parameters, and removal of hits in a track
- automated shifting of hits in a track for easy echo effects and arpeggiation
- ability to record to ms0:/PSP/MUSIC directory for playback of loops and songs outside of PSPSeq
- more visualization modes and new visualization controls
- access to time, battery life and available flash memory within PSPSeq
- new features for using PSPSeq in live environments
- optimized WAV file playback
- other minor bug fixes and optimizations to screen and audio rendering
- many new sample songs and loops
PSPSeq 2.10 can be downloaded here:
mp3s of some of the songs made with PSPSeq can be found here:
PSPSeq also has a mailing list/forum at googlegroups:
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:07 Posted By: Milleniumas
via cvg
Sony Computer Entertainment has officially announced a price drop for the PSP to £129.99, effective from Friday May 4.
Alongside the price drop for the hardware SCEE is also rolling out a new range of Platinum titles for the handsome asking price of £14.99. The first titles in the range will be Ridge Racer 2, Tekken, Killzone, Loco Roco, and Moto GP.
"PSP is unique and is constantly evolving. It offers the widest palette of mobile entertainment, from gaming to video, music, photos and internet," explained Ray Maguire, Managing Director Sony Computer Entertainment UK.
"But now the exciting possibility of connecting remotely to PLAYSTATION3 makes PSP more relevant than ever. So what better time to offer a brand new price point, and the launch of five new Platinum titles?"
We've got our fingers crossed that none of you bought Sony's handheld in the last week.
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Black Bean and Koch Media UK are pleased to announce today the release date for Superbike World Championships on PS2 and PSP
SBK-07: Superbike World Championship promises to deliver the closest experience to the biking world championship: feel the sensation of speed and the adrenaline pumping during dangerous overtakes, push your bike to the limits in one of the 13 official licensed circuit, immerse yourself in the glamourous atmosphere of the championship, unlocking tons of extras, including beautiful pictures of umbrella girls.
All the race teams and big name riders feature in the game and with 22 bikes on screen, this is your chance to go head to head with your biking heros to win one of the most exciting bike racing championships ever.
SBK-07: Superbike World Championship features an arcade mode that allows all race fans and speed addicts to enjoy a full on biking experience, including post-race highlights. It is also a game for the biker or hard core race game fans, thanks to accurate physics models, telemetry and bike setting: which are the best tires to use with different weather conditions available? Would you prefer speed or control?
The game has been developed with the help of SBK World Championship team and will feature all the riders from the 2007, all the tracks and all of the atmosphere from one of the most exciting racing championships in the world.
SBK World Championship will be available in UK on PS 2 and PSP from the 18th of May 2007 at SRP £29.99
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Sony Computer Entertainment appears to have dropped the name of Kratos' ultra-violent PSP outing, God of War: Chains of Olympus.
The news comes from super-secret marketing site Island of Rhodes, which seems to have spelled out the entire title of the mysterious God of War game.
We're assuming Chains of Olympus is the much-touted PSP series entry, because we can't really see a 'III' fitting on the end of that logo - though the third, PS3 entry is undoubtedly under construction.
We'll let you know when Sony gets out of bed so that we can bother them.
As for the second PS2 game, that's due out in Europe this Friday. Look for our review in the next few days.
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

At last, you can transfer your game saves from your PlayStation 2 memory card direct to your PS3! Copy across all your saves, settings and rosters, then play your old PS2 games again using the PlayStation 3’s backwards-compatibility features without losing your precious saved positions.
DataMAX can shift data from ANY PlayStation 2 card, not just official Sony 8MB cards. High-capacity 16MB, 32MB and even 64MB cards present no problems, and it works with Datel and NYKO cards as well as Sony’s. As well as a card reader, you also get an application CD containing memory manager software to help you organise your files. It’s easy to use too – just snap in your memory card, and you’re away!
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Now’s your chance to talk, strategise and control. Stay one step ahead of the opposition in online games with Bluetooth Wireless Headset for PS3, a great mic and earpiece unit that also works with Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. At last, you can chat to your pals in online games without any cables to get in the way!
It’s the ideal accessory for PlayStation 3 gamers who like to play online with gamers from all over the world. With your Bluetooth-enabled games console, you can trash-talk with your opponents, make new friends in the games lobby and organise your party in co-operative games. It’s great for making hands-free calls with your Bluetooth mobile too!
Bluetooth Wireless Headset uses the Bluetooth 2.0 protocol for fast, reliable data transfer. It boasts a comfortable, over-the-ear design, crystal-clear sound and it charges in under an hour. A single charge is good for six hours talktime or 250 hours on standby.
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Cheer your buddies and jeer your foes! Whether you’re going one on one in the latest sports sim, joining a party to mash the monsters in a MMORPG or indulging in first-person team-on-team action, playing with and against other people is much more fun when you can talk to them as well…
Communicator Headset for PS3 boasts a comfortable, over-the-ear design and snazzy hi-tech look. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an earpiece for crystal-clear sound, Communicator Headset lets you bark out your orders or taunt your opponents as you play. It connects to your PS3 via a cable, so it’s ideal if you can’t use a Bluetooth headset due to local conditions.
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The Logitech® ChillStream™ technology helps keep your hands cool when gaming gets really intense. Three speed settings allow you to adjust the ventilation force of the integrated fan. No matter what you play, or how you game, ChillStream™ lets you play longer, play harder, play cooler.
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April 23rd, 2007, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

With the Logitech® Cordless MediaBoard™, you can easily communicate on the PLAYSTATION®Network. Set up profiles, edit accounts and send text messages! You'll no longer need to enter text with a standard controller, and with the keyboard's built-in touchpad, there's no need for a separate mouse—navigate menus quickly with vertical scrolling and Left/Right mouse quick-keys. The lightweight design and slim, stylish profile make the Logitech® Cordless MediaBoard easy to handle, use, and store away.
price : £ 44.95
Digg This
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

It came from Japan is all you need to know about this little gadget which charges your real PSP's battery. There really isn't much else to say here: it has a fake D-pad, fake control buttons, and is named PS-P so that it doesn't fully invoke the wrath of Sony's legal department. The PS-P relies on the idea that if you're going to charge your spare PSP battery, it might as well be in a cute little plastic box in-keeping with the style of the primary unit. We can't -- and don't want to -- argue with that, even if it could cost you more than the plain and simple $30 Sony charger.
More Info
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Sony UK has confirmed to Eurogamer this morning that Go! Puzzle will be released on 11th May.
It was due to come out last Friday, but was held back for an unknown reason.
The game is made up of three separate puzzles that you can buy from the PlayStation Store for GBP 1.99 each, or all together for GBP 3.99.
The Aquatica offering challenges you with lining up mines to safely detonate them; Swizzle Blocks gets you to clear screens of mounting coloured blocks by twisting them around to match up colours; and Skyscraper lets you puzzle your way up seven cities' worth of lofty towers, each with its own quirks.
All of these will tie your brain into knots in various game modes, as well as head-to-head mutliplayer puzzling.
Sony also confirmed PSN dates posted recently on ThreeSpeech, the unofficial blog-voice of the company. So, expect to see Calling all Cars on 18th May, Nucleus on 25th May, and Super Stardust on 15th June.
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison has said the company would like to further open PlayStation 3 up to independent game developers in the future.
"I fully support the notion of game development at home using powerful tools available to anyone," Harrison said in an interview with Slashdot.
"We were one of the first companies to recognise this in 1996 with Net Yaroze on PS1. It's a vital, crucial aspect of the future growth of our industry."
Harrison went on to note that his involvement with games began in the 1980s as he tinkered with Commodore 64 games that appeared in magazines. "You'd spend hours typing in the code, line-by-line, and then countless hours debugging it to make it work and then you'd realise the game was rubbish after all that effort!
"The next step was to re-write aspects of the game to change the graphics, the sound, the control system or the speed of the gameplay until you'd created something completely new."
But he admits that these days the doors into the industry that might be opened by going through that process "are largely closed by the nature of the videogame systems themselves being closed".
"So, if we can make certain aspects of PS3 open to the independent game development community, we will do our industry a service by providing opportunities for the next generation of creative and technical talent," he added.
While Sony has encouraged legitimate independent development in some areas - notably with Net Yaroze with, in this generation, Beyond Playstation - it has been accused of adopting a heavy-handed strategy in its dealings with PSP developers, with legitimate or at least non-threatening projects often struck down by firmware updates designed to lock out pirates and the hackers who facilitate piracy.
Harrison's interest in allowing for homebrew development puts Sony on a similar path to Microsoft, which recently launched its XNA package of tools. XNA offers the ability to develop games on both PC and Xbox 360, with a complementary educational focus that will plug game development modules into a number of university courses.
Nevermind just PS3 we want PSP Homebrew plans too
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison has said the company would like to further open PlayStation 3 up to independent game developers in the future.
"I fully support the notion of game development at home using powerful tools available to anyone," Harrison said in an interview with Slashdot.
"We were one of the first companies to recognise this in 1996 with Net Yaroze on PS1. It's a vital, crucial aspect of the future growth of our industry."
Harrison went on to note that his involvement with games began in the 1980s as he tinkered with Commodore 64 games that appeared in magazines. "You'd spend hours typing in the code, line-by-line, and then countless hours debugging it to make it work and then you'd realise the game was rubbish after all that effort!
"The next step was to re-write aspects of the game to change the graphics, the sound, the control system or the speed of the gameplay until you'd created something completely new."
But he admits that these days the doors into the industry that might be opened by going through that process "are largely closed by the nature of the videogame systems themselves being closed".
"So, if we can make certain aspects of PS3 open to the independent game development community, we will do our industry a service by providing opportunities for the next generation of creative and technical talent," he added.
While Sony has encouraged legitimate independent development in some areas - notably with Net Yaroze with, in this generation, Beyond Playstation - it has been accused of adopting a heavy-handed strategy in its dealings with PSP developers, with legitimate or at least non-threatening projects often struck down by firmware updates designed to lock out pirates and the hackers who facilitate piracy.
Harrison's interest in allowing for homebrew development puts Sony on a similar path to Microsoft, which recently launched its XNA package of tools. XNA offers the ability to develop games on both PC and Xbox 360, with a complementary educational focus that will plug game development modules into a number of university courses.
Nevermind just PS3 we want PSP Homebrew plans too
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy

The game formerly known as Monster Kingdom: Unknown Realms which recently changed its name to Folks Soul for no real reason except that it's "way more awesomer" has been under wraps for a while now. We barely know the main characters, the plot, let alone the release date. We've got an idea of the gameplay, but it's vague at best. Still, today a few things change.
We've got boxart and a release date. The release date is June 21 -- maybe sooner (yeah, right). This applies to Japan and we can only cross our fingers to see it stateside relatively near that date. The boxart is pretty sweet. Maybe the game will echo Jewel Summoner if you really stretch your imagination. Maybe Atlus will bring this over here and distribute all six copies they make of any game ever. We're looking forward to this one!
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
We have five new PSP game releases this week, and three of them fall into the "puzzle" category. There's just no stopping this puzzle craze!
If you are not a "puzzle" guy, check out The Fast and the Furious or Aedis Eclipse.
PSP Game Releases
PSP UMD Releases
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
The price of a PSP in Europe is set to be violently assaulted with a sharp object next month, when Sony plans to slash at it wildly in the hopes of trimming a few pounds. And Euros, obviously, but as with the US price drop earlier this month, that particular currency simply doesn't suit the rapid weight loss imagery we're going for.
A report on GamesIndustry.Biz indicates that the retail price of the PlayStation puny will drop by £20 in the UK to £129.99 on 4 May. The rest of the continent will pay €169.99 following a drop of €30. The change in price will be accompanied by a cheaper £14.99 tag for Platinum titles, with Ridge Racer 2, Tekken: Dark Resurrection, Killzone: Liberation, LocoRoco and Moto GP all being included in the range and fighting against the argument that the system doesn't have any games.
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Games Digest recently tested the PSP web browser to find out how compatible it was with popular Web 2.0 sites. The browser did fairly well in rendering many sites, such as amazon, Facebook, Flickr, Gmail, and Twitter. However, there were many other sites that experienced issues, some crippling enough to make the site unusable.
There are alternatives, though. My personal PSP browser is filled with bookmarks that point to mobile versions of sites. These versions are usually intended for cell phones, but their minimalistic design is guaranteed to work on PSP--and quickly, too. For example, loading the Mobile version of PSP Fanboy (m.pspfanboy.com) allows me to check for the latest updates on the site while I'm on the go. It may not have all the functions I want (such as comments), but it works really well on PSP.
We found some mobile versions of sites that Games Digest tested. While the PSP browser may not be able to handle all pages well, it's certainly a useful (and free) addition to the system that's easy to appreciate. It may take some work, but if there are problems with a site you like to visit, check to see if there's a Mobile version. See some examples, after the break.
Digg (unofficial)
del.icio.us (unofficial)
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April 23rd, 2007, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia and SuccessHK (Worldwide shipping)

Customizable characters give each player a unique experience - select from five races (human, dwarf, halfling, elf, machine) and eight different job classes (Fighter, Mage, Priest, Thief, Knight, Samurai, Ninja, Anchor)
Complete quests to earn more gold to help recruit new party members or upgrade equipment
Enjoy the vast selection of weapons, armors, and accessories which also become visible on the in-game models when equipped
Real-time battles in which the player can switch between controlling any of the six party members on the fly
Highly detailed indoor and outdoor environments such as forests, dungeons, tunnels, castles, and an old ninja village
Encounter up to 150 different types of monsters, including dragons, giants, vampires, ghosts and enemy samurais
Network Play - Team up with other players in multi-player modes
A place that was forgotten from history, where humans, elves, dwarfs, halflings and other various races lived together in harmony... it was a paradise, surrounded by deep green forests and crystal clear streams. However, the roar of the demons tore apart their peaceful lives. It was the return of the Dark Lord, the previous ruler of the land, which sparked a new round of battles which would eventually encompass all the races. After years of fierce fighting, the Dark Lord was sealed away by the hands of the hero, Rastul. But from the blood of the demons, the land had been cursed and the sky lost its light. The cursed land entrapped the people, making every waking moment feel like an eternity. Eventually the land once known as a paradise came to be known as "The Cursed Land." One day, a youth wakes up in this land. In this land full of despair, the youth searches for his/her lost memory. What lies ahead are the discovery of his/her memories and the future of this forsaken land.
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April 23rd, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Pilot New LFOs: Choose from up to 17 different LFOs to pilot, each with different looks, attacks, and weapons!
Multiple Gameplay Modes: Test your skills and see how long you can last against waves of enemies in Survival Mode, perform special missions and employ new combat techniques in Conflict Mode!
New Gameplay Features: Utilize your piloting skills to survive the frentic Rail Ride Mode, and use Rider’s High to slow down time and dispatch your enemies.
Dream Match: Choose your favorite pilot and LFO to fight solo or side by side with your allies over five stages!
That Character Looks Familiar: Eureka Seven Vol. 2: The New Vision leads right up to the beginning of the anime series, includes many characters that are on the TV show, and is penned by the creator of Eureka Seven!
The original TV series comes to life on the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system! In Eureka Seven Vol.2: The New Vision™, assume the role of former military pilot Sumner Sturgeon to control powerful LFO machines, compete in Lift Races, and fight in a variety of missions and modes leading up to the events of the exciting Eureka Seven animated series!
The game features powerful LFO machines that transform from humanoid form to vehicle form, mind-blowing “lift” board riding action, and an exciting storyline that includes melee, vehicular, and weapon-based combat.
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April 23rd, 2007, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gibbocool
Well for a college assignment I had to make a Scrabble Helper for PC. It was quite a challenge and I enjoyed doing it. So now I have decided that it would be much more useful on a portable computer, so I decided to put my PSP coding skills to the test and port it to PSP.
I started about 6 hours ago and it's working pretty well if I do say so myself
So what is Scrabble Help you ask? Basically it's something that will help you in a good old game of Scrabble. You know scrabble right? Say you have a set of letters "JTRA". The program will search a dictionary for all possible words you can make out of those letters! So in the above example it would return:
Neat right? Wait! There's more! The program also supports wild cards. A wild card in Scrabble Help is "_" (underscore). That means it will substitute any letter in the alphabet to try and make a word. Words that are found with the underscore have that letter displayed in lower case. For example if you have "JTR_", the program will return:
aRT, cRT, JaR, JeT, JoT, JuT, RaJ, RaT, ReT, RoT, RuT, TaR, ToR, TRw, TRy.
Right now there is a limitation that only the first 175 or so words that are found will be displayed because the screen isn't big enough to display any more I'll be working on that some time though.
To Do:
Improve interface and allow more words to be printed
Allow user to change minimum amount of letters in a word
Give the scrabble score of each word
Copy the folder "scrabble-help" into your GAME directory if you are using a custom firmware.
If you are using FW 1.50, download the kxploited version.
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April 23rd, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Hope you didn't just eat lunch. Silent Hill: Origins is back, and it looks better than ever. Turn off the lights, get your security blanket, and snuggle up to these devilishly violent videos of the game in action. The game seems to have moved away from its Resident Evil 4 inspired camera, while gaining some context sensitive action buttons. Of course, none of this analysis will really matter as you watch this bone-chilling footage.
Remember, kids. You have to be 18 or older to see footage from this obviously M-rated game.
Videos at Link above
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Pharonyk posted a 3.40 fix for his Lolstation release:
Heres the full info of this release:
This Homebrew will flash two files to your flash0 to allow you to have a custom boot and play PSX games. If you didn't know, having a custom "opening_plugin.rco" (boot) would interfere with your PSP POPStation..
I have provided an edited "game_plugin.prx" with PSP's default "opening_plugin.rco" that is renamed to "0pening_plugin.rco". So you don't have to worry about anything, unless you don't have any free space on your flash0.
1. Be sure you have some free space in your flash0 not Memory
2. Have your battery recharged.. (atleast 80%)?
Also have the AC Adapter plugged in..
3. There is always a risk of bricking when you flash any type
of file so beware of your actions.
I'm not responsible for any bricks at all!
1. If you have any custom boot, just go into recovery, flash0
usb access, and replace the "opening_plugin.rco".
2. Copy "LOLstation" and "LOLstation%" to your PSP's
Game or Game150 folder..
3. Run LOLstation and you should be lollerfine. roflordia!
By Pharonyk..
Have fun using my Lollerwaves and LollerBootwaves..
Download LINKS
3.30 fix: http://www.sendspace.com/file/itjrf1
3.40 fix: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i52z7p
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via pharonyk
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Marce82 posted this release in Spanish on his site.
Heres the Spanish to english translation:
Updater Flasher 3.xx Ue-2 Installer Deluxe Bueno peseperos friends, I leave to the Updater Flasher 3.xx you UE here v2, adapted to the Custom Firmware 3,10 Oe, 3,30 Oe and 3,40 Oe de Dark_Alex. English pack Spanish pack < - to the 3,10 Improvements that Were applied Oe - > - Graphical Aspect of the XMB totally changed (Icons, Sub-Icon, Sources, Bottoms, Sound, Gameboot, Waves, etc.) - adapted Icons and English and Spanish Language to the new Functions of the XMB - Fixed to Failure of mutual incompatibility games PSX when changing the initial sound - Neat Failure Key click of the XMB - Added new Function in the XMB, Access to the Recovery - Added new Function in the XMB, Aplicaccion LuaPLayer - Added new Function in the XMB, Reinitiated Utility of of Console - Added new Function in XMB, Utility To extinguish Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Utility Graphical Chronometer and Reproductive Mp3 - Improved the Speed of Navigation in the XMB - Recovery Translated in Spanish - eliminated Sources in Japanese - Added Plugins of USB, Capture, CPU speed, etc, etc - Added Plugins Popstation 3,11, 3,30 and 3,40 - Elimadas the Obligatory Folders of System. (The organized MS this but and clean one) - Liberation of Space in the Flash0 (3 Mb) < - to the 3,30 Improvements that Were applied Oe - > - Graphical Aspect of the XMB totally changed (Icons, Sub-Icon, Sources, Bottoms, Sound, Gameboot, Waves, etc.) - to adapted Icons and English and Spanish Language to the new Functions of the XMB - Fixed to Failure Key click of the XMB - Added new Function in the XMB, Reinitiated Utility of of Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Utility To extinguish Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Access to the Recovery - Improved the Speed of Navigation in the XMB - Added Plugins Popstation 3,40 - Sources in Japanese eliminated - Liberation of Space in the Flash0 (3 Mb) - Memory Stick but organized and clean < - to the 3,40 Improvements that Was applied Oe - > - Graphical Aspect of the XMB totally changed (Icons, Sub-Icon, Sources, Bottoms, Sound, Gameboot, Waves, etc.) - adapted Icons and English and Spanish Language the new Functions of the XMB - Fixed to Failure Key click of the XMB - Added new Function in the XMB, Reinitiated Utility of of Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Utility To extinguish Console - Added new Function in the XMB, Access to the Recovery - Improved the Speed of Navigation in the XMB - eliminated Sources in Japanese - Liberation of Space in the Flash0 (3 Mb) - Memory Stick but organized and clean
Download Via the Site and Give feedback Via Comments - Any Spanish People around to make a better translation 
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Lrdshaper has released a new application called OE Homebrew Sorter. This is in beta and basically does what it says on the tin.
Future releases will add more functionality.
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Becus25 :
While Dark_AleX does not change to the route or the format of recovery this will work in all the versions. It will not be necessary to do boot specific for each version
This application is for executing recovery from the XMB. It has compatibility with all the OE.
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from sony psp player is a new lua game with a Pokemon theme, heres the details posted by the lua coder:
Loading screen
easy fight engine
You can select one of six pokemon at the beginning
Move: D-Pad
Action: Cross
Screenshot: L+R
Copy PSPokemon to your GAME folder.
There is no version for FW 1.50 now. I think there will never be one because everyone is using the new custom firmwares.
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via sony psp player
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
F00 f00 over at Acidmods has posted another killer PSP mod over at his site, heres what he says:
This one has a few new elements to it an is defanatly one of my best pieces so far.
Lifey asked me to install music pulsing LED's along with a few other mods. What I didnt fully realize at the time was, this would be the first fully internal music mod so far. 's original poc worked only via the headphone jack. So there was a fair bit of brainstorming between cyber an myself to get this going. But it was well worth it.
Full list of mods.
1. Clear case (installed by lifey )
2. 4 LED's music pulsing
3. Wifi/mem/power to blue
4. Usb Charging
5. Dual nub (with lower profile)
6. Hold switch for lighting on/off
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April 23rd, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Mr Modchips has announced they are stocking the Undiluted Platinum Modchip for PSP. For those who have a bricked PSP this could be an option at £29.99.
For those who dont know heres the spiel from the site:

The Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod Chip is packed full of features. It is every gamers' dream to have a modified PSP that will play all Homebrew Games, Movies, and Apps. The Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod Chip will allow you to Unbrick any previously Bricked PSP because of its 2nd flash on the board. It is hands down the BEST breakthrough in the gaming industry today.
The U.P. (Undiluted Platinum) PSP ModChip is a flash replacement system for the Sony PSP™ which allows the use of previous flash updates or custom firmware builds, This ability creates the opportunity to run unsigned homebrew code on even the latest Sony PSP Handheld Portable. There is no more need for Unreliable Hacked Firmware. The U.P. contains 32MB NAND flash which is programmable from a PC via USB Cable with user friendly software. The Dual-Boot Feature of the U.P. PSP Mod Chip allows you to boot from the PSP's Onboard Flash, or the one mounted on the Undiluted Platinum PSP ModChip; You can tell your PSP which Flash to use by a single button being pressed during power-up. Hold L1 during power up to boot from PSP flash, or dont hold anything to boot from U.P Flash Default. Since U.P. provides a secondary flash which the PSP can boot from, it can even be used to restore a PSP which has been "bricked". Every effort has been made to make our flash updater software, which will be freely available for download, both as easy to use and reliable as possible. The software also contains diagnostics which can be used by installers to determine if an installation has been successful or not.
The U.P. has been designed to minimize installation difficulty and effort. A FPC (flexible printed circuit) cable is included which routes the essential signals from the PSP motherboard to the U.P. main board and U.P. USB connector. Copper enamel wire is included, which will provide the connection between the FPC cable and the motherboard signal traces. The FPC cable also helps by reducing the mechanical stress placed on the solder points, making a U.P. modified PSP shock resistant which is important for handheld systems.
The FPC cable end to which the USB connector board attaches is routed into the battery compartment and sits above the battery. The Battery Cover can be replaced after flash updating and the cable remains safely in the compartment until the next update is required, whereupon the USB connector can be clipped in place within a few seconds. This means that the U.P. is completely contained within the PSP under normal usage and avoids any unsightly external modifications to your PSP. PSP is after all portable, let’s keep it that way!
In order to maximise the benefits that U.P. can provide its users, The U.P. PSP Mod Chip has an open source approach, and will be releasing source code for any software U.P releases, as well as full documentation for the U.P. hardware interface - including information on how to control U.P. from within PSP programs. This will allow anybody to create software which can take advantage of what U.P. has to offer.
Run your Homebrew Code in even the latest PSP's
No need for Hacked Firmware anymore, Dual Flash boot will bust your PSP wide open with possibilities
Play your Homebrew or Backup Games, Movies and Apps
Ultra reliable and feature rich Actel ProASIC Plus FPGA
Full Speed USB 1.1 ASIC onboard
Branded 32MB NAND flash onboard (same flash as used in PSP)
Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
Installation verification using flashing software
Ultra compact four layer PCB
High quality Japanese connectors
USB cable included
FPC cable included, reducing installation effort and improving shock resistance
Copper enamel wire included
Open platform development system for software developers
Installation has been optimized to fit entirely inside PSP
All PSP hardware versions/regions supported
User updatable flash
Low power consumption
Flash select via button press
Ultra compact PCB has been designed to avoid signal bounce
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April 24th, 2007, 00:58 Posted By: JKKDARK
Previously confirmed for just the PlayStation 2, a new ESRB listing reveals that SNK's Art of Fighting Anthology is also headed to the Nintendo Wii and PSP. All three versions will be rated "T" for Teen.
We're not surprised that the game is also making its way to the Wii or PSP, given SNK's recent history of publishing titles like Metal Slug Anthology on all three platforms, and it's increased support of the Wii in general. We do have to wonder though why they didn't just announce all three versions at the same time.
Art of Fighting Anthology is a collection featuring the three titles in the Art of Fighting trilogy, with the original games serving as a prequel series (although released later) for the Fatal Fury franchise.
Although the PS2 version was announced with a May release date, it's unknown when the Wii or PSP versions will arrive in stores.

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April 24th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: F9zDark
Blu-ray Disc Sales Surpass One Million Mark
HOLLYWOOD --(Business Wire)-- Blu-ray Disc has become the first high definition format to sell more than one million discs, a milestone it has achieved in less than a year. Blu-ray Disc sales also accounted for 70 percent of the high-definition movies sold during the first quarter of 2007, according to sales figures published today by Home Media Research.
Blu-ray's sales lead has increased each month since the first of the year and nearly three out of every four high-definition movies sold in March were on Blu-ray Disc, according to the HMR sales figures.
Industry projections suggest that this steady growth trend will continue based on the fact that seven of the eight major studios are releasing an increasing number of blockbuster movies on Blu-ray Disc, most of which will only be available in high-definition on Blu-ray Disc. In 2006, 18 of the top 20 selling DVD's were released by studios that are publishing their movies on Blu-ray Disc.
Blu-ray Disc titles accounted for eight of the top ten selling high definition titles in the first quarter of this year and since the introduction of both high definition formats, seven of the top ten selling high definition movies are on Blu-ray Disc.
"Sales of Blu-ray Disc titles have taken off since the first of the year," said Andy Parsons, Chairman of the Blu-ray Disc Association's U.S. Promotion Committee and Senior Vice President New Product Development at Pioneer Electronics. "Blu-ray Discs have been outselling HD DVD by more than two to one since the beginning of the year and the gap is steadily widening. It's exactly what we've said all along would happen - the strong support for Blu-ray among movie studio and equipment manufacturers means that consumers have more choices when it comes to players and titles. And they're choosing Blu-ray by an ever-increasing margin."
The sustained sales advantage enjoyed by Blu-ray throughout the first three months of the year will continue as studios maintain an aggressive release schedule to bring the biggest Hollywood movies to high definition. In the coming months, Blu-ray Disc studios will be releasing blockbuster titles such as Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Night at the Museum, Cars and Dreamgirls (for a complete release schedule, see attached chart).
About Blu-ray Disc
Blu-ray Disc is the next-generation optical disc format being developed for high-definition video and high-capacity software applications. A single-layer Blu-ray Disc will hold up to 25 gigabytes of data and a double-layer Blu-ray Disc will hold up to 50 gigabytes of data.
About the Blu-ray Disc Association
The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) is responsible for promoting and further developing business opportunities for Blu-ray Disc - the next-generation optical disc for storing high-definition movies, games, photos and other digital content. The BDA has more than 180 members. Its Board of Directors consists of Apple; Dell Inc.; HP; Hitachi, Ltd.; LG Electronics Inc.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Panasonic (Matsushita Electric); Pioneer Corporation; Royal Philips Electronics; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sharp Corporation; Sony Corporation; Sun Microsystems, Inc.; TDK Corporation; Thomson; Twentieth Century Fox; Walt Disney Pictures and Television; Warner Bros. Entertainment.
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April 24th, 2007, 03:41 Posted By: wraggster
via wired
Is Square Enix revamping its business model to focus on remakes and ports of old games? No. But blogs from Joystiq to Destructoid are reporting this story today, despite the fact that it is one hundred percent false. Some stories are just too good to fact-check.
The fun started on a website no one had ever heard of called PlayStation Universe, who reported:
Late Wednesday night, on their Japanese web site, Square Enix announced that it will be working under a new business model, focused more on re-releasing existing titles and creating sequels to older games.
Certainly an interesting story. Too bad it's entirely made up.
The crack team of journalists at PlayStation Universe had not, of course, provided any link to a source. First off, a cursory examination of Square Enix's Japanese web page reveals absolutely no news stories, site updates, press releases, or investor relations updates regarding a shift in platform strategy. In fact, the last time the relevant part of the site was updated at all was on April 12th with the release date of Dragon Quest Swords.
At this point, anyone interested in responsible journalism would know at the very least that the story should be looked at with a critical eye. Therefore, it was breathlessly reported as solid, irrefutable fact at Joystiq, Destructoid, Siliconera, and EvilAvatar among other high-profile outlets.
I'm sure they'll be very excited to know where the news came from. Given the strong similarities in the opening paragraph, PlayStation Universe doubtless got the news from this earlier story at Digg:
Square-Enix to focus exclusively on remakes and re-releases by 2010
The days are numbered for new titles from Square-Enix. Theire Japanese language website dropped a bombshell on the gaming world late Wednesday night Japanese time when they stated a change in their current business model that would focus solely on re-releases of older games and the occasional direct sequel to existing titles.
Great, maybe this site has a link! Oh wait, it's DailyGamingNews, a parody website. Let's read the rest of their article.
Finally, Final Fantasy VIII-2 will focus on the female protagonists from Final Fantasy VIII as they travel the world trying to find Squall, who many fans seem to think died at the end of Final Fantasy VIII despite the fact that you ****ing see him there at the very end of the end-game FMV cutscene. Presumably Square is assuming that anyone stupid enough to think that Squall was dead at the end of the game will be stupid enough to buy a second rate knockoff game just because it has the Final Fantasy name on it.
Yep, this is where the news came from -- a poorly written, profanity-laced humor article that PlayStation Universe was gullible enough to report as fact, based on the headline, and sloppy enough to not directly link. In their fumbling, they somehow managed to craft a story so compelling that major outlets were willing to report on it without any further research.
And people wonder why I drink.
HILARIOUS UPDATE: Two minutes after I submitted this story to Digg, somebody submitted the erroneous Joystiq coverage of the original, meaning they're immediately next to each other in the story list. Guess which one has more diggs thus far?
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April 24th, 2007, 03:43 Posted By: wraggster
News from Noobz of an update to the Keyboard driver:
At long last, the new and updated version of πKey is finally released.
This version brings the following major updates:
A new keypress mode, which allows more natural use of the keyboard in action games etc. The default mode is now keypress mode, and the keyboard will switch automatically to text input mode when required.
Custom key-to-button assignment - so now you can define WASD buttons for FPS game movement, as well as cursor keys for XMB movement, for instance.
Support for mapping keypresses to analog joystick movements.
Support for converting keypresses into Danzeff OSK presses - so now you can use your physical keyboard with homebrew that uses the Danzeff virtual keyboard - e.g. AFKIM.
Installer now fixed to correctly install to flash0, to support GAME150 homebrew.
Palm UW keyboard ought to at least partially work, but I can't test it myself.
Optional on-screen status information.
Various minor bugfixes.
You should read the information in the docs/ folder in the release for more details about these changes, as well as instructions on how to install and configure πKey correctly.
There are a few known problems:
Multilingual support isn't great. Especially, the Sony OSK uses different key layouts for different regions, these are not correctly supported yet.
The Danzeff plugin occasionally misses keypresses when you type a lot of text at once.
When putting the PSP in standby, πKey doesn't usually recover properly when power is restored.
It has only been tested on 3.10 OE firmware. It ought to work on other OE firmwares, but I haven't tested it myself.
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April 24th, 2007, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Sleepy
Devhook Firmware Installer v0.6i
This program was originally created by tommydanger, as a n00b friendly way to install new scary firmwares into Devhook easily. I simply modified it to make it neater, have wider compatibility, and also support the newest firmwares. I also made it so I could win some rocks in flatmush's little contest. I have now updated it to support more firmwares (for decrypting) and for running on more firmwares too.
To Use:
Extract everything to the root of your memory stick, put your firmware of choice in the root of your memory stick, and then run and enjoy!
Read the readme for further instruction and other news.
Works With:
This program will run on 1.00, 1.50, 2.71 SE (all), and all OE firmwares. Please don't email me asking why it doesn't run on your 3.03 or 3.11 firmware PSP anymore.
Version 0.6i
*Added full support for firmware 3.40 (please note that devhook doesn't support 3.30+)
*Bug fixes (not all fixed, check out readme for more info)
*Added newest Devhook and folders for all the firmwares you could decrypt (though unsupported)
*Added firmware 1.50 as an example of where to keep FWs (much confusion on that point)
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April 24th, 2007, 15:50 Posted By: uberjack
Hi everyone,
I've released a new version of fMSX-PSP. Here are the new features:
* Added support for cartridge type selection in the System menu. This adds support for games like Zanac Ex, which are not detected correctly
* Preliminary ZIP file support. Emulator will load ROM or DSK files from a ZIP file, provided there's only a single compressed file per ZIP. System ROM's must still be uncompressed (or GZIP compressed)
* GZip file support - emulator can load cartridges and disk images from gzip compressed files. Save states are also much smaller in size
* GUI changes, wording changes
You can download the program here:
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April 24th, 2007, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Alone in the Dark is set to be one of the best survival horror games ever made, judging by this dramatic new trailer.
It gives you taster of the monstrous beings lurking in Central Park, New York, and the hell you're going to endure to stay alive.
Check out the environmental detail as the camera pans out to show the whole park, and in the deformed faces of the creatures you'll encounter. Atari promises "state-of-the-art real-time physics and unparalleled environmental interaction within a meticulously detailed, open game world," and it looks to be coming along as planned.
The proposed episodic format that Alone in the Dark will take on is another reason we're pumped about this game. Inspired by TV drama shows, the game will be split into a number of 30-40 minute episodes, each one ending on a cliff-hanger - literally by the looks of it.
Alone in the Dark is set to hit PS3, 360 and PC later this year, and we can't wait.
Trailer Here
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April 24th, 2007, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
EA's Medal of Honor: Airborne has suffered a few delays but eyes are now turning to late August 2007 for its release.
E-tailer GameStop is saying the WWII first-person shooter will release in North America on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on August 28.
EA's UK arm has not yet responded to queries on this date or indeed release date for the title on these shores, but if the GameStop listing is accurate then it's possible we'll get Medal of Honor: Airborne on August 31.
EA's Medal of Honor series has been trumped by Call of Duty of course, but Airborne could be the game that finds it reclaiming its throne. Much is being made of the sandbox-style gameplay in the title, a key feature the ability to parachute into the action anywhere in a level.
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April 24th, 2007, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Eidos daddy company SCi has thrown in the towel and decided to release its blaster duo Kane & Lynch: Dead Men and Crossfire on PlayStation 3.
This sets up Kane & Lynch, the next shooter from the Hitman boys, for a simultaneous release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC this year. Crossfire meanwhile, a new game from the developer behind the Conflict series, will arrive next year on the same platforms.
SCi also says it's in advanced negotiations for the film rights to the Kane & Lynch film, following up the Hitman flick which is currently in production with Fox.
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April 24th, 2007, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Namco-Bandai's gorgeous-looking RPG, Eternal Sonata, previously only announced for Xbox 360, looks like it could now also be making its way to PS3 as well.
The game has turned up on the Game Ratings list on the ESRB website as an Xbox 360 AND PS3 game.
The ESRB website has been a useful source for planned releases in the past, revealing retro games planned for the Wii's Virtual Console download service often before any official announcement is made.
It's speculated that the game may now see a simultaneous release on both consoles, although a 360 timed exclusive isn't ruled out. Either way, it's due out, on 360 at least, later this year.
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April 24th, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
E-tail reckons EA's Medal of Honor: Airborne will deploy on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on August 28 - in North American at least - but while we await confirmation on that from the horse's mouth a new trailer has hit the drop zone.
UPDATE: Literally seconds after posting this trailer news, EA dropped us a response to a query on the August 28 release date. "We haven't confirmed the UK release date yet but it will be around that time - so late summer", a spokesperson for the publisher informed.
Running for roughly two-and-a-half minutes, the trailer features plenty of in-game action, including an example of that all-important parachute drop into the battle zone. Check it out and see what you think.
In Airborne, players strap on combat boots as Boyd Travers, Private First Class of the 82nd Airborne Division, and engage in battles throughout Europe.
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April 24th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Tickling our action fancy after our tearing through the excellent God of War II, we've got a brand new video of Capcom's gorgeous Devil May Cry 4 available to watch on the CVG video player.
The latest footage offers a glimpse at the PS3 and Xbox 360 instalments' demon-slaying antics, along with a look at one of the massive boss encounters you'll likely be drooling over when it arrives in the shops later this year.
DMC4 is expected on 360, PS3 and PC sometime this side of Christmas.
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April 24th, 2007, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
15 new Warhawk screenshots are giving us a fresh look at what is now a multiplayer-only title shooting up PS3.
Developed by Incognito Entertainment, the game's due out in the autumn a throws aerial and ground combat into the fighting melting pot and features numerous modes - e.g. Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag - with vehicles and infantry engaging in shoot outs.
"During battle, players can take command of the most advanced war machine in the fleet, the Warhawk, capable of aerobatic dogfights at high speeds or hovering over ground troops providing tactical support," Sony has explained.
"Players continue the battle on foot with an arsenal of weaponry including rifles, flame throwers, grenades and more. Furthermore, players can gain access to an array of ground vehicles and lay waste with powerful weapons mounted on jeeps, tanks and specialty transports."
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April 24th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Xecuter PS3 HDXT is a caddy type frame that plugs into the PS3 internally where the 2.5" Sata drive would normally slot. You then clip on the matching faceplate and bingo you now have a clean external Sata connection. No frills and no fuss. You can now add any hard drive you wish and connect it any way you wish. Team Xecuter have also designed a simple but cost effective Sata to IDE convertor (that is a separate product)
Key points:
- To be able to add any SATA or IDE Hard Drive externally to the PS3 - so there was no need for any expensive 2.5" Sata Hard Drive upgrades if the need for a very large hard drive was required in the near future.
- To make the adapter a clean design and pleasing to the eye.
- To be simple and cheap
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April 24th, 2007, 20:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

I always say you can never have too many big-heading anime people cheerfully trying to do the things that normal people do every day. The Hot Shots Golf series was an excellent example, and now developer Clap Hanz and Sony are bringing even more cute sports action to the PS2 with Hot Shots Tennis.
This is great news for me, who secretly adores games where you can dress up little anime girls in various unlockable costumes but really can't stand the game of golf. I guess that's not so much a secret anymore. Luckily we have a very small and discreet readership base.
Oh boy.
Anyway, Hot Shots Tennis promises the same easy to access gameplay as the golf version, with doubles matches for up to four players, fourteen different characters, eleven locations, differing court surfaces, and enough unlockable content to keep you playing until the sequel comes out, rendering all your hard work null and void. Woot. Look for it in July!
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April 24th, 2007, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Following the news that Sony is to cut the price of PSP in Europe, analysts have told GamesIndustry.biz that they don't see the handheld as being in direct competition with the Nintendo DS.
"I don't think Sony will "beat" the DS, nor do I think that they aspire to do so. Nintendo has something different to offer with its touch screen and deep library of first party titles, and Sony is not in a position to compete with that offering," said Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter.
"Rather, the DS is like a souped-up GBA, while the PSP is like a miniature PS2. Games for the two devices are different, and the gaming experience is quite different. I think that the only people who care about the DS-PSP sales battle are the media."
Pachter's comments were echoed by IDC's Billy Pidgeon, who told GI.biz, "I don't see the PSP as competing with the DS so much as bringing in the core console demographic to handhelds, and the PSP has convergent value as a multimedia player that appeals to that group.
"Still, the DS Lite's value pricing will cause retailers to keep pushing Sony to bring PSP price down further, and strong DS hardware and software sales will reduce shelf space for PSP at retail," he added.
As announced yesterday, SCEE has cut the price of PSP to GBP 130 / EUR 170. Earlier this month, SCEA cut the US price of PSP by USD 30.
"The price reduction will be good for retailers as PSP were not moving quickly enough at USD 199," observed Pidgeon.
According to Pachter, there is likely to be more than one factor involved in Sony's decision to slash the price.
"I truly believe that Sony manages pricing based upon two things - cost of production and sales volumes. They will continue to lower price as they gain economies of scale, but it's not likely that the company will price below its marginal cost of production to move a few more units," he said.
"In the case of the PS2, they are making a profit because demand is still strong at the current price point. In the case of the PSP, their manufacturing costs have probably dropped to below the USD 169 level. With VAT and other incremental costs, they are pricing close to parity in the US, UK and Europe."
Pachter pointed out that Sony has the dominant share of US software sales, securing around 40 per cent of the market during March across all three of the company's platforms.
"Yes, it's true that the PS3 is behind, but I believe that Sony will persevere once it begins to market the device and once the game lineup catches up," he continued.
"That should begin to happen at holiday, and if HD monitor adoption picks up, I think that Blu-ray will become a factor in the battle."
According to Pidgeon, the move to cut the price of PSP won't necessarily boost sales of Sony's next-gen console. "Stronger PSP sales will help Sony move PS3's down the line," he offered, "But I think a larger installed base of PS3 will have a more important impact on increasing PSP penetration."
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April 24th, 2007, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Aussie gamers hoping the recently announced PlayStation Portable price drop for Europe would apply down under needn't hold their breath, with a Sony Computer Entertainment Australia (SCEA) spokesperson today confirming there are currently no plans to lower the price of the handheld unit.
The SCEA spokesperson told GameSpot AU that whilst a PSP drop wasn't imminent for Australia, the company was "evaluating local market conditions" for a possible future price reduction. "We will make an announcement when a decision has been made," the spokesperson said. In Australia, the PSP Base Pack retails for A$349.95 ($291).
Sony last night confirmed it was reducing the price of the PSP for UK and European gamers. From May 4, the handheld's core price will drop to £129.99 (from £149.99) in the UK, and to 169 euros for the rest of Europe. The price of US PSPs dropped $30 to $169.99 in early April.
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April 24th, 2007, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Today Sierra, a division of Vivendi Games, announced the frightening first-person shooter F.E.A.R. (which stands for First Encounter Assault Recon, for all you acronym heads) for the PlayStation 3 has shipped to retailers nationwide.
Originally released on PCs in October 2005, F.E.A.R. was brought to the Xbox 360 a year later. The PS3 version supports up to 16 players for multiplayer and tracks their progress through leader boards on the PlayStation Network. F.E.A.R. on the PS3 also features an exclusive new level and weapon.
"The F.E.A.R. franchise has sold over 2 million copies since inception and now PlayStation 3 system users will be the latest to experience the true meaning of F.E.A.R.," said Pascal Brochier, president, Global Retail for Vivendi Games.
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April 24th, 2007, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
via gizmodo
Here's the petition to open up the PSX's RSX under Linux. This is why you should sign it: You see, when Sony announced that it was going to allow people to install Linux on their PS3s without going through backdoors, everyone rejoiced at all the possibilities of playing back DivX and using it as a DVR under Linux. But if you've gone through the process of installing Yellow Dog Linux onto your PS3, you'll note that something's missing. Namely, hardware support.
You see, right now the Linux on PS3s have no access to the RSX (the graphics processor), which means playing back DivX or using any kind of meaningful graphical app is out of the question. Not to mention emulation (SNES, NES) gaming or real gaming under Linux. So go over and sign that petition so we can actually use Linux for something useful.
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April 24th, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Today Eidos announced Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary will be released on June 5, 2007 for the PlayStation 2 and PC. The PSP version will be shipping shortly after.
Anniversary is inspired by the original Tomb Raider and runs on an updated version of the Tomb Raider: Legend engine. While the story and key moments from Tomb Raider have been kept intact, this is a retelling of Lara's beginnings that takes several departures from the first outing.
"The original Tomb Raider made Lara Croft into the digital icon that she is today," said Director of Marketing, Matt Gorman, Eidos. "Tomb Raider: Anniversary is our way of paying tribute to Lara Croft and the history of the franchise by exploring the roots of what made the Tomb Raider game successful."
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April 24th, 2007, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy

Over at the PS3 Forums, a few people have been making over their PlayStation 3's with funky stickers. While we'd never risk placing some kind of sticky covering over our expensive PS3's, it's still neat to see some of the designs out there. The one that started the thread, pictured here, used some kind of blue thing that ended up looking like the oceans of Hawaii on a clear spring day (best vacation ever, by the way).
Now, there are all sorts of special editions of the DS, the PSP, etc. Would anyone throw down some extra cash for a special edition PS3? We wouldn't. However! If there were special edition faceplates we could replace, like a Heavenly Sword faceplate or something, we wouldn't hesitate to drop $25 bucks or so just to feel extra unique. Plus, they're easier to remove than a sticker. Your thoughts? Sony, you listening?
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April 24th, 2007, 22:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Movie and game rental service GameZnFlix has recently dropped all support for PSP. The company, which used to provide UMD games and movies to about 100 customers, has called it quits due to changes in postal regulations. "The bad news is that these changes to the mailing standards are forcing us to discontinue offering games and movies for the PlayStation Portable device. Because of both the disc weight and thickness, we would have to use a more expensive shipping method and slower side of the postal system since these discs are no longer eligible to be shipped as 1st class letters."
Currently, it appears that GameFly, a competitor, will continue supporting PSP systems with game and movie rentals.
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April 24th, 2007, 22:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
The bargain hunters at Portable Video Gamer have compiled a list of their top five budget PSP games. Here are their suggestions:
- Wipeout: Pure ($20) - It's the game that keeps on giving, with the game more than doubling in size through downloadable levels. This launch title boasted some fantastic visuals, a kickin' soundtrack, and some of the best futuristic racing ever to grace any handheld.
- Daxter ($20) - This is probably the most technologically impressive title on the system: arguably the best looking game on the system, this platformer also features tons of personality and charm--with none of those annoying load times.
- SSX On Tour (Discontinued)
- Burnout Legends ($20) - Sure, you could pick up the newer Dominator title, but then you'd be missing out on one of the franchise's most important features: Crash mode. This destructive racer fuses the best in the franchise, and lets you take it on the go.
- Popolo Crois ($20) - An unexpected addition to the list. "Popolocrois makes the list because it is arguably the strongest console RPG to be ported over to the system."
Certainly, this list is missing a few potential candidates. The recent Circuit City sale had a few hits that were suspiciously absent from this list: Lumines, for example. Do any other bargain hunters here have suggestions for the PSP Fanboy community?
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April 24th, 2007, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Real-Time Deforming Terrain: The terrain literally gets torn up with each passing vehicle, causing each lap to be different. Advanced particle effects cause debris and muck to “stick” to each vehicle.
Vehicular Combat and Damage: Destroy anything that gets in your way. Smash your opponents and view spectacular Hollywood-style crash sequences.
Take the Race Online: Intense head-to-head off-road racing. Challenge the competition over voice chat.
Amazing Gameplay Experience: State-of-the-art visuals, featuring high dynamic range lighting, motion blur and depth of fields are all displayed in glorious High-Definition (720p).
Player-centric Action: There’s never a dull moment, as you’re always in the thick of the action. AI opponents simulate human traits, like showing off, attacking, taunting, and doing whatever it takes to win!
Welcome to MotorStorm™, the world’s most brutal off-road racing event where the goal is to win at all costs. Choose from seven vehicle types, from high-flying dirt bikes to powerful big rigs, and destroy anything that gets in your way in a no-holds barred sprint to the finish. Try and survive.
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April 25th, 2007, 01:07 Posted By: F9zDark
Source: http://gear.ign.com/articles/769/769529p1.html
Split Fish PS3 FragFX Controller Hands-On
We get an early demo of the innovative mouse-hybrid controller for the PlayStation 3.
by Gerry Block
March 1, 2007 - Split Fish Gameware is an interesting new third party peripheral designer that's taking a relatively novel approach to breaking into the console accessory business. Rather than competing on margins and manufacturing relatively standard gamepads, all of the company's current and upcoming products aim to break new ground and give gamers some unique new options for control.
Most exciting among the company's products soon to be released is the FragFX Competition Controller for the PlayStation 3. PC gamers have always sworn by the accuracy provided by the traditional mouse and keyboard combo in FPS titles, yet console gamers have long been denied such accouterments. Though a couple of PS2 games supported mice back in the day, like Unreal Tournament, and some innovative controllers were designed to take full advantage of such, like the BodieLobus Reflex, when developer support for mice on the PS2 dried up there was no recourse.

The retail PS3 version will be black to match the console.
Happily, Split Fish has managed to overcome the technical hurdles that have previously prevented mouse-type inputs from working with all games. The company went on to design the FragFX controller for both the PS2 and PS3 to finally give PC gamers their weapons of choice on a gaming console. Earlier today the team from Split Fish Gameware visited the IGN offices to give us some hands on time with the upcoming FragFX Competition Controller for the PlayStation 3.
The unit we got our hands on was a near-final prototype design, though we heard there were a couple of secret extra features for the controller that may or may not make it into the final build. What was there, however, seemed rather complete. The FragFX controller basically breaks a standard gamepad in two, replacing the right analog stick with an optical mouse and moving the left analog stick to a Wii Nunchuck-like dongle. The general design seems thoroughly planned and we were impressed to learn that Split Fish supported fully analog buttons (including the main action buttons on the mouse) in order to fully match the capabilities of the SIXAXIS.
Tilt sensitivity will reside in the left-hand pseudo-nunchuck (Fragchuck!), which makes sense, as well as two other features entirely unique to the FragFX. The first is a small scroll wheel on the Fragchuck that is positioned directly under the natural space for one's thumb and allows for on the fly sensitivity adjustment of the mouse. Combined with in-game sensitivity settings there should be enough variability to make everyone happy. The second feature is an analog button on the Fragchuck positioned just above the two relocated L1 and L2 shoulder buttons. Dubbed the Flash or Frag button, when depressed it progressively desensitizes the mouse in accordance with the button's degree of depression. We immediately understood its usefulness for taking quick aim with the mouse at full speed and then slowing the movement down to put someone's forehead right in the crosshairs and hold it there.
We put the FragFX prototype to the test with Resistance on the PS3. We encountered almost no learning curve thanks to plenty of experience with both the PC (right hand) and Wii (left hand). The best explanation of the benefits of the FragFX controller is the fact that the mouse is not effected by the variable acceleration that is applied to inputs from the standard analog sticks. On a normal gamepad, a little tilt on the analog stick moves the crosshairs slower than fully tilting the stick to the side. That's all well and good, but in situations that require precision in movements between the two extremes of the analog stick's range it can be very tricky to accurately compensate for the variable speed. The FragFX mouse manipulates the view in a direct relationship, meaning a slow movement with the mouse moves the view slowly, and a fast movement moves it fast. As PC gamers know, such control is more natural and far superior to the alternatives in FPS titles that require ultra fast movements immediately followed by pixel precise aiming.
The cumulative effect of the FragFX during our play session was improved accuracy at distance and better target tracking at close range for the PC gamers among us. The Frag button was also useful for holding a steady bead on targets. Though we couldn't get quite as much time with the FragFX on the PS3 as we would have liked; we definitely got a sense of the potential of a well designed mouse-based controller for a next-gen console such as the PS3. Split Fish is entering full production now and expects retail availability in six weeks, which means mid-April. Two versions of the FragFX will be available for the PS3, a wired version for $59.99 and a Bluetooth wireless model for $69.99.
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April 25th, 2007, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
News from Noobz is an updated big fix release of their keyboard driver for PSP.
Last night's release contained a bug in the Danzeff plugin which caused it not to work. That bug is now fixed, and the download link has been updated.
more info:
This version brings the following major updates:
A new keypress mode, which allows more natural use of the keyboard in action games etc. The default mode is now keypress mode, and the keyboard will switch automatically to text input mode when required.
Custom key-to-button assignment - so now you can define WASD buttons for FPS game movement, as well as cursor keys for XMB movement, for instance.
Support for mapping keypresses to analog joystick movements.
Support for converting keypresses into Danzeff OSK presses - so now you can use your physical keyboard with homebrew that uses the Danzeff virtual keyboard - e.g. AFKIM.
Installer now fixed to correctly install to flash0, to support GAME150 homebrew.
Palm UW keyboard ought to at least partially work, but I can't test it myself.
Optional on-screen status information.
Various minor bugfixes.
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April 25th, 2007, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
The SixAxis could be getting ready to rumble as Sony confirms it's in talks with Immersion Technologies.
It's safe to say that we all want to see PS3's SixAxis pad rumble like a fat man's tummy in the morning while hammering it through the mud in MotorStorm. Well, it looks like rumble has just got a step closer.
Sony US PR boss Dave Karraker recently told a Killzone fan site, "We are currently in discussions with Immersion on how we can incorporate their technologies into our products. No word on when that will happen."
If everything goes to plan, look for an announcement soon.
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April 25th, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
The first screenshots of the long-discussed PSP God of War, Chains of Olympus have finally emerged on the internet - and if you've got expert digging skills there's a trailer somewhere as well.
The trailer is hidden deeper than J Allard's wig rack on teaser site Island of Rhodes - though we're hoping it'll soon appear on YouTube for because we can't bloody find it.
Update: As expected, YouTube has come up with the goods. See the trailer here.
As for the screens - which come care of the hoodlums at NeoGAF - they show off an angry looking Kratos and some ancient temples, of which we're guessing you'll be kicking in the finely-decorated doors of.
There's no info on the handheld instalment past what we made up over our lunch break yesterday, but we're expecting some sort of official announcement soon.
As for the excellent PS2 sequel - which is out in the UK on Friday - you can expect our review this afternoon.
Trailer and Screens at CVG
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April 25th, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Giant laser guns, aliens and explosions are never a bad formula for a videogame, and even though Alien Syndrome isn't the best-looking game in the world, we're hoping it will make up for it in old-school shooting carnage.
Alien Syndrome is an action RPG on its way to PSP and Wii, and is expected to hit shelves in July.
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April 25th, 2007, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
News breaking earlier this month that Sony Europe was laying off 160 staff has now been followed by details on the SCEE development studios affected by the cuts.
Reported on developer blog Inner Bits, Sony Liverpool (Wipeout, Formula One), Sony Cambridge (24: The Game, Primal, GhostHunter, MediEvil) and Sony London (The Getaway, Home, EyeToy, SingStar) are the studios hit.
Sony Liverpool has seen over 50 redundancies, Cambridge around 20 and London again over 50. The blog says that an additional 30 staff working mainly in marketing, sales and PR have gone.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe declined to comment on the staff cuts when contacted.
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April 25th, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq

What a difference a month and several thousand gaming consoles makes. Sony announced today that the 250,000 PS3s that have run Stanford's Folidng@Home research program in the last month have delivered nearly 400 teraflops of computing power, nearly doubling the pre-PS3 computing capacity for the network. The PS3 has been a PR dream for the project too, leading to a "halo effect" increase of 20 percent in the number of PC folders, according to Sony.
A downloadable update for the PS3 version of the program will be available tomorrow, offering increased folding speed, better globe visibility and, most importantly, "the ability for users to create longer donor or team names." Finally, our dream of folding for Team "JoystiqSingleHandedlyCuresAllDiseases" can be realized.
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April 25th, 2007, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Japan is receiving a huge selection of PS1 games to download on the PLAYSTATION Store, starting 4/26. The following games will be playable both on PSP and PS3 systems equipped with firmware 1.7:
- Spectral Force (Idea Factory)
- R-Types (Irem)
- A.IV. Evolution Global (Artdink)
- Resident Evil Directors Edition (Capcom)
- Bishibashi Special (Konami)
- Arc the Land (Sony)
- Ore no Shi wo Koete Yuke (Sony)
- Gunners Heaven (Sony)
- Ganbare Morikawa-kun Ni-go (Sony)
- Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime (Nippon Ichi)
- Tekken 2 (Bandai Namco)
But, that's not all.The Store will update with these additional titles, which will not be PS3-compatible (for reasons unknown):
- Ikasama Mahjong (Idea Factory)
- CG Mukashi Banashi Jiisan Ni-do Bikkuri (Idea Factory)
- Yaku Tsu Noroi no Game (Idea Factory)
- Lunatic Dawn III (Artdink)
- A5: Take the A-Train 5 (Artdink)
- Metal Slug X (SNK Playmore)
- Real Bout Garou Densetsu (aka Real Bout Fatal Fury, SNK Playmore)
- Kenkaku Ibunroku Yomigaerishi Soukou no Yaiba Samurai Spirits Shinshou (aka Samurai Showdown Warriors Rage, SNK Playmore)
- Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi (aka The Last Blade, SNK Playmore)
- Garou Densetsu Wild Ambition (aka Fatal Fury Wild Ambition, SNK Playmore)
- Fushigi Keiji (Capcom)
- Philsoma (Sony)
- Jigsaw World (Nippon Ichi)
- Wai Wai Tennis Plus (Hamster)
This is a significant update, far larger than any before it. Could this reflect upon a larger availability of PS1 titles in America as well?
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April 25th, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Did you get an inconspicuous envelope from Sony lately? We're skeptical because we haven't been informed of the initiation of the Home beta, but a random person over at the PlayStation forums has decided to heat up the interweb with this simple, poorly constructed claim: "hay if you did not get your copy of the PS3 home disc for down load you are not in the beta test sorry but i got mine yesterday". Wherever did proper grammar go?
Anyway, we've yet to see confirmation or the denial of such a claim, so we're leaving it to you, our famous readers! Has anyone else gotten a disc of the beta in the mail? Or did you get a download disc some other way? Shoot a picture of it, send it our way. Because we've not gotten/seen anything.
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April 25th, 2007, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
More than 250,000 PlayStation 3 users have allowed their console to contribute processing power to the Folding@home project, the PS3 version of which has been active for just one month.
Stanford University's research now enjoys a computing power of 700 teraflops in a single moment, 400 of which are delivered by PS3 owners.
The console has also helped bring recognition to the scheme, boosting the number of PCs actively contributing by 20 per cent.
"The PS3 turnout has been amazing, greatly exceeding our expectations and allowing us to push our work dramatically forward," said Vijay Pande, associate professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home program lead.
"Thanks to PS3, we have performed simulations in the first few weeks that would normally take us more than a year to calculate. We are now gearing up for new simulations that will continue our current studies of Alzheimer's and other diseases."
The project is also making a new software update available. The 1.1 version improves visibility of donor locations on the globe, folding calculation speed and protein viewing. There's also additional language support, help screen hints, and improved donor-name length and character handling.
Users can join the program by clicking on the Folding@home icon in the PS3 CrossMediaBar (XMB), or setting the application to run whenever the console is idle.
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April 25th, 2007, 20:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Electronic Arts' boss Gerhard Florin has told GamesIndustry.biz that the true effect of the PlayStation 3's controversial price point will only become apparent two years' after release.
While early critics are suggesting the console's luxury price is hampering sales, EA's executive VP of international publishing doesn't believe the GBP 425 price tag will hold back sales in the first twelve months.
"Look at the price in two years' time, and then you can say whether it's too high," said Florin, in an interview published today.
"Whether it's too high or not the consumer has to decide, but I don't think for the first year the price will be a problem which holds anything back," he added.
It's not just Sony's latest home console that EA is withholding judgement on. Florin believes that both Microsoft's and Nintendo's recent launches also have a niche to find and sales to exploit.
"I wouldn't make any judgements within the next two years," commented Florin.
"The first two years will clearly be an open race, everybody will do very well. I believe all three [consoles] are worth supporting in different ways."
Electronic Arts is confident it has the portfolio of franchises to spread across each home console, playing to each machine's respective strengths.
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April 25th, 2007, 22:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Classic PlayStation gaming through the PSP and PS3 just got a bit more expensive over in Japan. Along with the ability to at long last play Game Archive titles on the PS3 comes a higher download price for all Game Archive games old and new.
Since Sony started its PlayStation download program late last year, downloads through the service have costed 525 yen per game, regardless of the title (that's a 500 yen base price plus 5% tax). That price has gone up just a bit. As of 4/26, all Game Archive titles, old and new, cost a tax-inclusive 600 yen.
Sony's did not provide a reason for the price change. In fact, the company didn't even mention the price change in the press materials that were distributed to announce the start of PS3 compatibility for the service. The new prices have replaced the old ones at the official Game Archives website, however.
This news of price hikes and new downloads concerns only the Japanese market. We'll let you know what's going down outside of Japan once Sony starts talking.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Sony's obnoxious ape mascots are back on the PSP like you've never seen them before. We're all used to catching the pesky little monkeys from the Ape Escape series. But this time, we'll get a chance to play as them!
Sarugetchu Saru Saru Daisakusen begins when the fiendish Specter captures Professor Hakase and shrinks his research lab down to tiny size. Kakeru and Natsumi, the regular heroes in the Ape Escape games, happen to be in the lab at the time, and they get shrunk as well.
It turns out that the professor has been planning for such an emergency. He comes up with a way to merge the research lab, which happens to look just like a hat, with the "piposaru" apes -- the same ones that usually cause trouble. It's up to the apes to collect Nano Cards in order to restore Kakeru and Natsumi back to normal size.
Kakeru and Natsumi are in control of the apes that sport their shrunken research lab as head gear. From the player's perspective, though, you're directly controlling the apes as you adventure through obstacle-filled stages.
You'll encounter new apes as you work through the stages, and must put their special abilities to use. One ape has a glider, and by attaching to him, you can progress to higher ground. One ape is a mermaid, which allows you to swim. Other apes are good for fighting off the mechanical foes that get in your way.
Developed by Hand, this new portable entry in the Ape Escape series hits Japan this summer. There's no word yet on an international release.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
Today 2K Sports shed some light on a few features of The Bigs, the over-the-top baseball game due this summer. The title blends outrageous visuals with pick-up-and-play mechanics to offer a unique sports experience.
"With The Bigs, we want to take the baseball genre to new heights and redefine what a baseball video game can be," said Greg Thomas, President of developer Visual Concepts, a 2K Sports studio. "The Bigs has the fast learning curve of an arcade game coupled with deep play mechanics, amazing visuals, and hero-like presentation of real Major League Baseball players that will keep gamers coming back for more. The Bigs will showcase dramatic highlight reel moments at every at-bat, creating a truly epic baseball title."
Each MLB player in The Bigs has been individualized with great attention to facial details and physical characteristics so fans will be able to recognize their favorite players. Stadium landmarks have been stylized to highlight each park's unique architecture and to fit the overall theme of the game. The glove at San Francisco's AT&T Park, for instance, has been resized to mammoth proportions and the left field wall in Boston's Fenway Park has been turned into a real "Green Monster."
Baseball fans will be called up to the big leagues this summer.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
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The new version 1.7 firmware update for the PS3 promised one long-awaited update for the system: the ability to play PlayStation games that you've downloaded from the PlayStation Store's Game Archives section. Unfortunately, there appear to be some lingering issues with PS3 compatibility, as many upcoming Game Archives games are still PSP-only.
Sony Japan at last announced what games PS3 owners will be able to play when PS3-compatible downloads begin on 4/26. The PS3 will have just 11 titles available for play on day one. The list includes:
Spectral Force (Idea Factory)
R-Types (Irem)
A.IV. Evolution Global (Artdink)
Resident Evil Directors Edition (Capcom)
Bishibashi Special (Konami)
Arc the Land (Sony)
Ore no Shi wo Koete Yuke (Sony)
Gunners Heaven (Sony)
Ganbare Morikawa-kun Ni-go (Sony)
Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime (Nippon Ichi)
Tekken 2 (Bandai Namco)
The PSP will be able to play all these games as well. In fact, this list of PS3-compatible games is just a subset of the current Game Archives lineup that's already available for PSP owners. To that growing lineup, Sony will be adding 14 new PSP-only titles, also on 4/26. Here's the full list.
Ikasama Mahjong (Idea Factory)
CG Mukashi Banashi Jiisan Ni-do Bikkuri (Idea Factory)
Yaku Tsu Noroi no Game (Idea Factory)
Lunatic Dawn III (Artdink)
A5: Take the A-Train 5 (Artdink)
Metal Slug X (SNK Playmore)
Real Bout Garou Densetsu (aka Real Bout Fatal Fury, SNK Playmore)
Kenkaku Ibunroku Yomigaerishi Soukou no Yaiba Samurai Spirits Shinshou (aka Samurai Showdown Warriors Rage, SNK Playmore)
Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi (aka The Last Blade, SNK Playmore)
Garou Densetsu Wild Ambition (aka Fatal Fury Wild Ambition, SNK Playmore)
Fushigi Keiji (Capcom)
Philsoma (Sony)
Jigsaw World (Nippon Ichi)
Wai Wai Tennis Plus (Hamster)
PSP owners can at last celebrate the arrival of SNK Playmore product in the Game Archives. Also notable is the sudden jump in game releases for this update. Previous updates included just a handful of titles.
As for the few games that are playable on both platforms, there's a bit of good news as well. As previously announced by Sony, you'll be able to exchange save data between your PSP and PS3. By transferring your data from the PS3 the PSP, you can continue your PlayStation games on the go. The data can then be transferred back when you want to continue on the big screen.
Sony also revealed today that the Game Archive downloads will be compatible with your old PlayStation save data. If you happen to have save data sitting around on a Memory Card somewhere, you can use a Memory Card Adapter to transfer the data to the PS3. This data can also be copied over to the PSP.
The PS3's slow pace in catching up with PlayStation compatibility is a bit mysterious, but the growing lineup of games in the Japanese Game Archives section, as well as the ability to share data in the home and on the go, has us excited. Stay tuned for further details on Sony's plans for the Game Archives in your part of the world.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
The new version 1.7 firmware update for the PS3 promised one long-awaited update for the system: the ability to play PlayStation games that you've downloaded from the PlayStation Store's Game Archives section. Unfortunately, there appear to be some lingering issues with PS3 compatibility, as many upcoming Game Archives games are still PSP-only.
Sony Japan at last announced what games PS3 owners will be able to play when PS3-compatible downloads begin on 4/26. The PS3 will have just 11 titles available for play on day one. The list includes:
Spectral Force (Idea Factory)
R-Types (Irem)
A.IV. Evolution Global (Artdink)
Resident Evil Directors Edition (Capcom)
Bishibashi Special (Konami)
Arc the Land (Sony)
Ore no Shi wo Koete Yuke (Sony)
Gunners Heaven (Sony)
Ganbare Morikawa-kun Ni-go (Sony)
Marl Oukoku no Ningyou Hime (Nippon Ichi)
Tekken 2 (Bandai Namco)
The PSP will be able to play all these games as well. In fact, this list of PS3-compatible games is just a subset of the current Game Archives lineup that's already available for PSP owners. To that growing lineup, Sony will be adding 14 new PSP-only titles, also on 4/26. Here's the full list.
Ikasama Mahjong (Idea Factory)
CG Mukashi Banashi Jiisan Ni-do Bikkuri (Idea Factory)
Yaku Tsu Noroi no Game (Idea Factory)
Lunatic Dawn III (Artdink)
A5: Take the A-Train 5 (Artdink)
Metal Slug X (SNK Playmore)
Real Bout Garou Densetsu (aka Real Bout Fatal Fury, SNK Playmore)
Kenkaku Ibunroku Yomigaerishi Soukou no Yaiba Samurai Spirits Shinshou (aka Samurai Showdown Warriors Rage, SNK Playmore)
Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi (aka The Last Blade, SNK Playmore)
Garou Densetsu Wild Ambition (aka Fatal Fury Wild Ambition, SNK Playmore)
Fushigi Keiji (Capcom)
Philsoma (Sony)
Jigsaw World (Nippon Ichi)
Wai Wai Tennis Plus (Hamster)
PSP owners can at last celebrate the arrival of SNK Playmore product in the Game Archives. Also notable is the sudden jump in game releases for this update. Previous updates included just a handful of titles.
As for the few games that are playable on both platforms, there's a bit of good news as well. As previously announced by Sony, you'll be able to exchange save data between your PSP and PS3. By transferring your data from the PS3 the PSP, you can continue your PlayStation games on the go. The data can then be transferred back when you want to continue on the big screen.
Sony also revealed today that the Game Archive downloads will be compatible with your old PlayStation save data. If you happen to have save data sitting around on a Memory Card somewhere, you can use a Memory Card Adapter to transfer the data to the PS3. This data can also be copied over to the PSP.
The PS3's slow pace in catching up with PlayStation compatibility is a bit mysterious, but the growing lineup of games in the Japanese Game Archives section, as well as the ability to share data in the home and on the go, has us excited. Stay tuned for further details on Sony's plans for the Game Archives in your part of the world.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Let's face it: Silent Hill is one of those places you don't want to live in, you'd hate to visit and you sure as hell hope you don't get a postcard from. Perhaps it's the continually fog-enshrouded streets that hide frightening skinned monsters. Maybe it's the messages from deceased or long-lost relatives that potentially draw hapless people to their doom. Or maybe it's simply the continual traveling between the seemingly normal and the completely hellish dimensions that bends a character's definition of reality and insanity. Over the course of four console games, Konami's adventure franchise has redefined psychological horror for players around the world. Now, thanks to the developers over at Climax, these scares are bringing a one-two punch for gamers: they're going portable and they're exploring the source of the town's insanity with Silent Hill: Origins.
The pre-alpha build we checked out introduced us to Travis O'Grady, a trucker driving past Silent Hill during a rainy night. Of course, going near this damned town is bound to court disaster, and as Travis slams on his brakes to avoid hitting a robed figure, he finds himself enveloped in fog. As he runs along the road in search of the mysterious figure, he comes upon a house in flames and a badly burned little girl inside. While he manages to carry the girl outside to safety, he quickly passes out and awakens the next day on a bench inside of the Silent Hill city limits. Although he has no idea how he managed to get to the town, Travis' primary concern is of the child he saved, and he runs through the deserted streets to the nearby hospital to check on her. However, once he gets there, Travis runs into the only other soul he's seen in town, a doctor that ignores his questions and disappears into the bowels of the building. Following the physician, Travis quickly finds himself in an alternate version of the hospital, complete with the dilapidated environments, malevolent nurses without faces and other elements that fans of the series know well.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
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Everyone's been wondering where all the PS3 game demos are hiding. Our response is, you can't have demos when you don't have any games!
Sony Japan is actually making the best of a sparse summer PS3 lineup with demos for two of the system's biggest upcoming games. The first is Ninja Gaiden, whose demo was already announced for distribution via the Japanese PlayStation Store beginning on 4/27.
Today, Sony announced another demo. This one is for FolksSoul, the title formerly known by too many names to recall without doing some actual research. The Game Republic developed action adventure in which you gather fairies for use in battle will see a demo in early June, presumably prior to the final 6/21 release date.
Sony has also announced a tie-up with Japanese boy group Abingdon Boys School. A promotional video for the group, who will be performing the theme song for FolksSoul, will be available for download at the PlayStation Store on 5/21.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
There's a reason Calling All Cars! has forum users up and down the internet slathering like slack-jawed vegetables - and that's God of War. Or, more accurately, the dependably outspoken man behind PS2's astonishing god-rocker, David Jaffe, who's on design duties for Sony's latest PlayStation Network title. So, with a near-final build at our fingertips, we thought we'd take one last thorough look at the game before the world goes review crazy. Jaffe fans should prepare themselves though - there ain't no interactive sex-scene in this one.
Essentially, Calling All Cars is a straightforward - if impressively entertaining - mix of tag and Capture the Flag, albeit on wheels. Your goal is simple: snag the escaped convict on the map and drive him as fast as you can to jail, avoiding the onslaught of rampaging vehicles determined to capture your cargo for themselves. Points are awarded depending on you method of delivery and the car with the most points at the end of a round wins.
You see, each jail has numerous drop-off points - some are easily accessible ground-level gates and others might require high-flying ramp-leaping to reach, while the hardest of all might necessitate a daredevil climb up a precariously winding path. Go for the easy option and, provided you don't lose your prisoner, you've a guaranteed one point. Aim for two or three point gates to wrack up your score though and you'll need some serious car control for success. It's all about strategy and risk-taking.
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April 26th, 2007, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
What could be better than a game of pool filled with porn stars? Almost anything, it seems. Unsurprisingly, Pocket Pool is being blasted by critics. And it's not just for poor taste, too. The game fails to deliver an accurate billiards experience, negating even the thinnest hope of legitimacy the title could have hoped for.
Gamespot (34/100) - "Five minutes of Internet searching ought to yield you near-infinite amounts of sexier imagery than what this game has on offer-and for free, at that!"
IGN (40/100) - "Pocket Pool is a poor billiards game through and through. The bonus stuff (read: pictures of half-naked women) that the game is built around isn't worth the time it takes to earn them, and the pool itself has numerous problems"
Modojo (40/100) - "The ball physics are floaty for one, forcing the ball to roll either too much (into a pocket) or not enough (to make contact with a target ball). Worse yet, the AI-fueled opponent can be off the charts."
Congratulations, Eidos. It appears you've published this year's worst PSP game. Wonder how long this will take to end up in the bargain bin?
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April 26th, 2007, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
PIRATA NERVO has released a 2D platformer for the PSP, heres some details:
3755 lines of code and took 2 months to make it.
I hope you all enjoy.
1 level, 3 diffcult levels.
Kill all monsters.
Find the treasure.
Setgool must survive.
You can walk to the right(to find the treasure) only when the monster is dead.
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April 26th, 2007, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Sony first announced its speedy new Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo cards all the way back in December, but it's now finally gotten a bit more specific about them, including providing the all important details on pricing and availability. Set to be available in 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB capacities, the cards boast a new 8-bit parallel interface that Sony says translates to a 30MB/sec transfer rate, which makes 'em about three times faster than the standard Memory Stick Pro. To take advantage of all that speed, Sony's also providing an ExpressCard adapter for the new Memory Sticks, although they will still be compatible with standard 4-bit parallel interface hardware, albeit at a significantly reduced speed. While there doesn't appear to be any word on how much the adapter will cost, you can look for the cards themselves to set up back $60, $90, and $150 for the 1, 2, and 4GB variations, respectively, with all three available in August.
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April 26th, 2007, 11:40 Posted By: happy_mak
A camera for PS3 named as Playstation Eye will launch this autmn and a software named The Eye Of Judgement will launch alongwith it.
Check the URL
Dont know whether this is Japan only, but the camera specs are 60 frames (640x480) , 4-channel microphone and JPEG progressive encoding
Can be used as a scanner for trading cards used in games
Can be used for chat and things too.
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April 26th, 2007, 15:10 Posted By: bandit
PRESS RELEASE: PLAYSTATION®Eye Camera Brings Next-generation Communication to PLAYSTATION®3
Intelligent, motion-sensitive camera and noise cancelling microphone in one sleek package
London, 26th April 2007. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced the arrival of the next-generation PLAYSTATION®Eye camera.
Scheduled for a Summer release in Europe, PLAYSTATION Eye is an essential accessory for voice, video chat and online gaming that will enable gamers to enjoy their PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) experiences like never before.
Designed specifically for PS3 and featuring huge advances in USB camera and microphone technology, PLAYSTATION Eye is set to revolutionise the experience of online communication on the PLAYSTATION®Network. Expanding on the market-leading heritage of the EyeToy® USB Camera for PlayStation®2, the sophistication of the PLAYSTATION Eye naturally complements the advanced features and capabilities of PS3 – all in one slickly designed, unobtrusive unit.
Designed specifically to work with the next generation of social gaming titles and new services being developed for PS3, key features of the PLAYSTATION Eye include:
• A sophisticated microphone with the ability to reduce background noise and focus on the spoken word for smoother, more accurate speech recognition and transfer
• The ability to capture videos and audio clips directly to your PS3’s hard disk drive
• Engineered to perform well even in low-light conditions
• A range of different capturing modes, including slow motion and time-lapse
• Faster frame rate for improved tracking, responsiveness and smoothness
• Two position zoom lens for close-up and full body options
• A range of eye-catching visual effects to apply to photos and videos
• Bundled with EyeCreate™ editing software, which allows users to save and edit photos, video and audio clips
David Reeves, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe said, “PLAYSTATION Eye is a great example of how we have moved forward so significantly with our technology. PLAYSTATION Eye has four times the resolution, twice the framerate and double the sensitivity of its predecessor EyeToy USB Camera. With the technology that we now have at our disposal we will be able to dramatically improve the communications experience enjoyed on PS3”. EyeCreate software EyeCreate editing software, bundled free with PLAYSTATION Eye allows you to save photos, video and audio clips to your PS3 hard disk drive and apply eye-catching visual effects to your images. Different capture modes like time-lapse and slow motion open up a world of possibilities to be explored further in EyeCreate’s editing suite, where you can turn your media into professional looking movies.
New microphone functions
An all-new four microphone array, incorporating multidirectional voice location tracking, enhanced echo cancelling and background noise suppression allows for clear audio chat in even the most noisy of environments, without the need to hold or wear a headset.
Next-generation camera features
A frame rate of up to 120 frames per second allows for super-smooth video and sophisticated low-light operation means that the room doesn’t have to be brightly lit for the camera to deliver crisp, perfectly exposed video. The adjustable zoom lens features a 56º field of view to capture head and shoulders action for close-in audio-visual chat, and a 75º field of view to capture the whole body for a fully physical gaming experience.
Technical Specifications:
• 4 channel audio input:16 bits/channel, 48kHz, SNR 90db
• 56º to 75º Field of View zoom lens
• 2.1 F-stop, <1% distortion, fixed focus (25cm to 8 at 75º FOV)
• 640 x 480 at 60 frames/second
• 320 x 240 at 120 frames/second
• USB2 high-speed data transfer
• Uncompressed video or optional JPEG compression
Image from: Kotaku
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April 26th, 2007, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Press release:
Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, and Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today that the blockbuster role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® will be available for PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system in the UK on April 27th.
Released in March 2006 for Windows and Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Oblivion has already earned countless awards from publications around the world including numerous Game and RPG of the Year awards. Gamerankings.com and MetaCritic.com list Oblivion as the highest rated game of all time on Xbox 360 and PlayStation3, and the Official PlayStation magazine in UK recently rated the game with an amazing 10/10, the first PS3 game to achieve that score in the magazine.
Oblivion is a unique role-playing game that features a powerful combination of free-form gameplay, unprecedented graphics and cutting edge AI. Gamers can choose to unravel Oblivion’s epic narrative at their own pace or explore the vast world in search of their own unique challenges.
After the mysterious and untimely death of the Emperor, the throne of Tamriel lies empty. With the Empire ready to crumble, the gates of Oblivion open and demons march upon the land - laying waste to everything in their path. To turn the tide of darkness, you must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the sinister plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel.
For more information on Oblivion PS3 visit http://oblivion.ubi.com/
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April 26th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Staff lay offs at Sony may not end with the recent jobs cut at its European operation, it's emerged.
Reuters reports that the US and Japanese arms of the company could see redundancies, although SCE spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka said nothing has been decided in this regard yet.
It's reckoned PS3 sales have been slower than expected, but Fukuoka said any job cuts occurring at Sony America and/or Sony Japan would be due to changes in how the games industry works - e.g. changes in software distribution from traditional retail to online - rather than sales performance of the new console.
Recently news broke that 160 jobs were to be axed throughout Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, yesterday details arriving on the SCEE development studios affected by the cuts.
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April 26th, 2007, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Empire Interactive has picked up publishing rights to third-person action game The Shield that's based on the TV series, and will release the title on PC and PS2 in July.
The Shield videogame has been developed in co-operation with those involved with the TV show for authenticity's sake and brings to the polygon world the gritty police action and Detective Vic Mackey and his strike team.
Players will be able to immerse themselves in moments taken direct from the TV series, we're told, while the storyline's described as a "lost episode" and an authentic extension of the show.
So, crime-busting in Farmington will involve shootouts and punch-ups with the criminal element, and even a bit of stealth creeps in along with police tactics of a type apparently "never before seen in a video game". You'll also get to dabble in the dodgier side of the job, issuing bribes, planting incriminating evidence and using brute force while avoiding being busted by Internal Affairs
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April 26th, 2007, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Hot Shots Golf series has made for some of the best arcade-style golf games in recent years, and the new online-enabled sequel in the works for PS3 is coming along nicely.
According to the latest issue of Famitsu magazine, the online lobby will hold up to 50 players, and with up to eight players per hole, you'll see how crowded it gets in the colourful new screens.
Oddly, it's suggested that the showing multiple avatars on the course can act as a distraction to other players - we're not sure that's a good thing. Hopefully you'll have to option to make all other player transparent or invisible.
There will be six courses in total, and the Japanese version of the game will feature 14 playable characters, including Japanese golf star, Shigeki Maruyama. Changes to the character line-up is expected for western versions.
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April 26th, 2007, 20:26 Posted By: Sonicboy 101
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Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Corporation have jointly announced that Ken Kutaragi, representative director, chairman and group CEO of SCEI will retire from his executive position effective June 19, 2007.
Kutaragi is known as the "father of PlayStation" and invented and launched the original PlayStation in 1994 as well as the PS2 in 2000.
Kutaragi will step back from his executive management role to serve as honorary chairman of SCEI and provide insight and support Sony boss Sir Howard Stringer as senior technology advisor.
According to Sony After launching the PlayStation 3 worldwide. Kutaragi has decided to "pursue his dreams beyond PlayStation and to accelerate his network vision."
Kazuo Hirai, president and Group COO at SCEI will be promoted to president and Group CEO, continuing his responsibility as the leader of the PlayStation business.
"I am happy to graduate from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. after introducing four platforms to the PlayStation family," said Ken Kutaragi.
"It has been an exciting experience to change the world of computer entertainment by marrying cutting edge technologies with creative minds from all over the world. I'm looking forward to building on this vision in my next endeavors."
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April 26th, 2007, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Rumors of Sony's plan to releae a new 80GB PS3 have been fueled by a photograph of what appears to be the box of one of these high-storage machines.
As you can see in the image, picked up by Kotaku (and can be viewed just below this story), the PS3 box snapped clearly displays the increased size of the supposed new model.
Sony itself re-ignited speculation when SCE spokesperson, Satoshi Fukuoka, revealed that a bigger hard drive was being considered by the company.
SCEE were unavailable for comment at the time of writing but we'll keep on 'em. We'll remain sceptical for the moment though.
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April 26th, 2007, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Finally, you can pack away those dusty old PS2s because Sony has updated the PS3 to play the PS2 version of Pro Evolution Soccer 6 "with no known issues".
Although PES6 has been compatible with the PS3 since the console's launch, the online gameplay was completely broken. But now that's all been fixed thanks to Sony's latest firmware update.
All you have to do is get your PS3 updated to the latest firmware, version 1.7, to get PES 6 working perfectly in both offline and online matches. Enjoy.
The latest firmware has also enable the PS3 to play PSone games downloaded from the PSNetwork (usually for play on PSP).
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April 26th, 2007, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Mirror, mirror on the wall, which black high def console is the 1337est of them all? We know some people were bummed that the Xbox 360 didn't get to compete in the 2006 Engadget Awards with the PS3 and Wii (hey, it was launched in 2005!), but now's your chance to square off the two most expensive game consoles around. So who's gonna take it, Sony's piano black PlayStation 3, or Microsoft's matte black Xbox 360 Elite?
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April 26th, 2007, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
via gizmodo
Good news for Blu-ray fans. Sony's just announced that they're ramping up blue laser diode production yet again, which will lower the price to just around $8 each by June. What will this mean to you? Well, seeing as the diodes were the reason for the PS3 shortages this fall (and contributed to both the PlayStation's and Blu-ray players' high prices), this huge windfall of diodes could mean lowered prices for all Blu-ray related items.
Some analyst from Wedbush Morgan Securities agrees, saying "Sony is definitely in a position to cut price," and that prices will be lowered once costs hit around $499. So those of you who are on the fence about dumping $599 may want to wait it out just a little longer.
Also, since HD DVD also uses blue laser diodes (a different type, and they just don't call theirs blue), this news could also mean they will ramp up production of theirs as well.
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April 26th, 2007, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Converting web games to the handheld systems seem like an extremely popular (and profitable) thing to do. Games like Elf Bowling and Cake Mania have already hit the Nintendo DS system, and other casual web browser blockbusters, like Line Rider, are on their way. Diner Dash, one of the internet's "biggie" games, is on its way to the Nintendo DS as well as the PlayStation Portable, and we got a chance to tinker around with the versions made for on-the-go gaming.
Diner Dash is a fast-paced game that's along the lines of the Cake Mania design, which is, admittedly, a design derived from classic games from yesteryear like Rootbeer Tapper and Pressure Cooker. The idea in Diner Dash is to keep customers who wander into your restaurant happy by getting them in and out as quickly and as satisfied as possible. Customers waiting in line must be seated, served, and billed, as quickly as your hands can move...otherwise they'll get upset and leave without paying.
The original game was developed with mouse control in mind, since you're clicking and dragging customers to their tables, as well as clicking Flo from table to kitchen and back again to cater to your customers' every need. On the DS, you control using the stylus on the touchscreen, tapping and dragging customers and Flo all over the game field. On the PlayStation Portable version, the controls have been modified due to the system's lack of direct clicking ability -- all action's handled via the L and R button as well as the X button, maneuvering Flo from hotspot to hotspot by cycling her using the shoulder buttons. Both versions have their own pros and cons -- the PSP clearly has more screen real estate to work with so, like the PC version, all of the action takes place on-screen. On the DS, however, the camera has to scroll to follow the action due to the system's smaller display.
Even though Diner Dash shares a lot in common with Cake Mania, Diner Dash is a lot more rapid-fire and has a lot more injected into its design to make the action a lot more "maniacal". Players will have to keep track of elements like how many people are in a party, if they have a child who needs a booster seat, what color shirt each person's wearing (putting them in the same colored seat nets a big bonus). Diner Dash also has a two player competition mode, something that Cake Mania doesn't have.
Diner Dash will be released in just a few weeks time on both handheld systems.
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April 26th, 2007, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Last time we took Colin McRae for a spin we only got to go hands-on around a couple of tracks so, while we were bowled over by the eye-popping visuals, we didn't really get to experience the full breadth of what DiRT has to offer. Now though, we've had the chance to properly give the game a thrashing and can report that things are progressing nicely, with Codemasters well on schedule to steal the off-road crown from MotorStorm this summer.
But before we talk about the stuff we did see in the game, a brief mention of what's not in there at the moment: Unfortunately, while we got a sneak peak at the mammoth career mode, we weren't able to play through any of the races. However, what's clear is that this will certainly provide the backbone of the game, with rookie drivers proving their skills over a whopping 66 events.
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April 26th, 2007, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Becus25 has released a new version of his Custom Firmware for the PSP, heres the release info:
New and important improvements are this :
· Total Compatibility with two recoverys. If flock one, loads the other.
· If flock of flash0 the file vshmain_real.prx you will be able to be acceded igniting the PSP and pressing SELECT to a special menu that will allow you to connect the PSP by usb, to write in flash0 vshmain.prx official of firmware 1,50 and to write in flash0 recovery.elf to recover the PSP of possible brick.
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April 26th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Skity and Stewart have released a new lua game for the PSP,
Heres the translated details:
This play created by Skity and Stewart is Homebrew coded in Lua which tests your reflexes. You will be able to thus see whether you can slow down in time or not in order to avoid the accident.
A stopwatch as enables you to see time as you put to react. You will realize of the difficulty of the play at this time.
Even try by you to really give to you an account of your time of reflexes. Who said, can be you will avoid the accidents from now.
I support where?
To slow down and select:
To start again the part:
To return to the menu:
To confirm the part in the play:
* Download the file (for 3.xx OE)
* Connect your PSP to your computer
* Pass your PSP in “mode USB” thanks to the option “Connection USB”
* Click with the right button on the file which you downloaded
* Choose to extract the files…
* Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP in the Working station.
* Support on OK and it is all.
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April 27th, 2007, 16:19 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
PSP Wardrobe

PSP wardrobe is a theme flasher. I know there have been more than a few of these things released lately.
But I love customizing so much, that I even decided to make my own custom customiser lol
In all seriousness though, I have decided to take up lua coding as a hobby, and this is a good first project.
Menu's and gui and all that are not that hard to write in Lua. And I have been modding the PSP XMB for the past year
or so. So i have a good understanding of the flash contents. 
It's ambitious, but I plan to eventually evolve this into the best theme flasher there is. I have tested this and
seemed to have worked out any bugs. If you find any feel free to report them to me. shizzzy@hotmail.com
As with any app that read/writes to the PSPs Flash, there is always a minor chance of damage to your PSP.
You accept all responsibility for installation & results of installation & use.
I never released v.1, because it was too bare bones to warrent a release.
v.2 is more respectable.
Place in the "Game150" folder.
Runs directly from XMB. Does not require Lua Player to run.
DO NOT erase the files in the theme, xmb mod ect folders. Just overwrite your files over the top of
the files inside, or this program will NOT work !!
There is not enough room in the flash for themes. It is up to you to clear out space in your flash.
there are several apps (Flash agent is one) that allow dummying of unneeded font files, ect.
This app comes with no themes pre-installed. It is up to you to install your own themes.
To make your own preview pics for the menu, just take a screen shot of the desired xmb, and
resize it to 240 x 136. Save it in .png format, and name it theme1.png
(or what ever theme it is 1-10 your installing) and place it into the "Wardrobe" folder.
***Change Log***
*v.1 (4/17/2007) -
- checks PSP Battery, program will not run if battery life is less than 33%
- Lets you Flash 4 different Themes.
- customizable pic preview for each theme
- start button quits to xmb
*v.2 (4/26/2007)-
- Changed battery Requirement from 33% to 20%
- Added Feature that program will not boot you if under 20% battery, if PSP is plugged in charging
- Added firmware Version check Protection. Program will boot you if your firmware is not 3.03 OE
- Removed Start Quits function... Added quit to menu.
- Added support for sysconf_plugin.rco
- Increased support from 4 themes, to 10 themes
- Added "Flash A XMB Mod" menu, that lets you flash any of the supported .rco files to your current theme. (Currently allows 1 mod of each type)
- Added "Recovery Menu" menu. Lets you restore the entire original XMB, or any single aspect of it.
- Added "Back Up/Restore" menu. that lets you back up and restore your current theme.
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April 27th, 2007, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
via pspvault
News and screenshots come in tonight from Ruliweb that indicate Soul Calibur 3 is making its way to the PSP.
According to the post, and its respective machine translation, Soul Calibur 3 will remain largely unchanged from its PS2 version that was released back in 2005.
The reason this article's title has a "?" mark at the end is because I've been unable to verify the information. The screenshots over at Ruliweb are clearly tagged with the watermark of Famitsu.com, yet at the time of this writing, there appears to be no corresponding article on Famitsu.com.
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April 27th, 2007, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Califrag:
This prx file is a simple "wardriving" application that can be launched from the xmb.
When launched it continuously scans and rescans wireless hotspots and displays the results in the xmb.
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April 27th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
MumboJumbo, a leading publisher of premium casual games, today announced that the popular 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, which was previously released on PC, is now available for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system. This exciting action-adventure puzzler from developer Hot Lava lets gamers re-create history as they match magical runes to help workers build legendary landmarks of the ancient world such as the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
"The PSP system is a great home for the addictive gameplay of 7 Wonders of the Ancient World," said Brian Garrison, Vice President of North American Sales at MumboJumbo. "Puzzle games and portability are a fantastic match for each other, and now people can enjoy playing this great game whether they're at home or on the road."
7 Wonders of the Ancient World lets gamers explore ancient lands through three modes of play - Story, Free Play, and Rune Quest - that cover more than 140 levels and three modes of difficulty. Collect eye-popping powerups like the Lightning Bolt or Fire Bomb to help you in your race against the clock, and learn about history while having fun! 7 Wonders of the Ancient World is rated E for "Everyone" and has an MSRP of $19.99; it is available at retailers nationwide, including CompUSA, GameStop, Sony Stores, and Toys R Us.
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April 27th, 2007, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Leading High Street retailer GAME is refusing to stock copies of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the PlayStation 3.
The title, developed by Bethesda and published on the Sony console by Ubisoft, is not available in any of the company's 400 UK and Ireland stores.
The title has seen considerable success on the Xbox 360 and PC, selling over three million units and winning numerous awards including gongs from the American Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences and the UK's BAFTAs.
The PS3 version of the game goes on sale today in Europe, but chart success is likely to be hampered by not being stocked in the UK's leading specialist store.
Neither GAME or Ubisoft were available to comment at the time of writing.
via gibiz
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April 27th, 2007, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The PS3 version of Oblivion launches across Europe today, but what ever happened to the lonely old PSP version that was unveiled last year?
Just over a year ago we reported rumours of a PS3 and PSP version of Bethesda's hit action-RPG series. Last September saw the PSP version announced to the world alongside official confirmation of the PS3 version.
Since then we've been patiently waiting for any info on the handheld version, in development at Climax. We called publisher Ubisoft yesterday to see if there's any update on the game, and just to check that it's still in development. We were met with a "no comment" from a Ubi spokesperson.
Make of that what you will, but it looks like the game's been put quietly on hold to us. We'll continue to chase a real update, but file the PSP version under missing in action for the moment.
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April 27th, 2007, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
One of our readers informed us of a new service from Sony called eyeVio, which will launch tomorrow in Japan. This informative diagram from the site shows a world where cameras, camcorders, phones and other devices can communicate with each other. Next to the defunct boomerang PS3 controller, one may see a PSP. Could YouTube-styled streaming video come to the PSP? Not quite.
Just like Sony's other video streaming service, Grouper, eyeVio will allow users to download PSP (and iPod) compatible video files. More interesting, however, seems to be the mobile version of eyeVio (m.eyevio.com), which will allow users to also upload files from their mobile devices.
The service will be limited to the Japanese market.
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April 27th, 2007, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
A New commercial game demo of a japanese game but remember youll need 3.40 firmware and also its in japanese but hey its a demo 

Buy at Play Asia
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April 27th, 2007, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
While fans of the SWAT tactical shooter for the PC may have to wait a little longer before the next game in the series comes out for that platform, people who own a PSP console will be able to pick up their own SWAT title, Target Liberty, this fall from publisher Sierra/Vivendi Games. FiringSquad got a chance to chat with the game's producer Paul Pawlicki to find out more about their plans to bring the SWAT franchise to portable consoles.
FiringSquad: First, how did the idea come about to make a SWAT PSP title?
Paul Pawlicki: It’s pretty simple really. When we were developing SWAT 4 and then the expansion pack, The Stetchkov Syndicate, we thought that it would be a lot of fun to play the game on a handheld system. Because SWAT is a gritty, tactical shooter we felt the PSP was the best platform. Soon after SWAT: Target Liberty was in the works.
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April 27th, 2007, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from keedier:
i did this because im letting other people borrow my psp all the time, but i have some homebrews (flashing app, theme flasher, 3.40 installer, etc etc) on my psp. so if a noob tried something nasty like resetting my psp while FLASHING, i will definetely have a brick...
this app lets you hide all your homebrew from your "GAME" folder. basically hiding all homebrews out of reach of your friends and stupid cousins!
just unrar it and copy to root directory
1. run the app
2. just enter your password by pressing 'X'
3. press "enter"
4. if entered correctly you will see "homebrew folder is edited" message and will now exit automatically
5. you will see that your homebrew is hidden... if you want to unhide it, re-run the application and re enter your password
note: the default password is "15"
you can edit it inside script.lua, just change 15 to whatever you want on password
-- keedier ---
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April 27th, 2007, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Following up once more on last week's announcement we've got another batch of Beautiful Katamari screenshots, thanks to Japanese site Game Watch.
The screens give us our first look at Beautiful Katamari's new cousins in action, as well as the boosted levels of junk you can fling around on screen.
Apparantly it'll be out on Xbox 360 and PS3 before the end of the year and the official Japanese website is up for you to poke around.
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April 27th, 2007, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
It seems Eidos churns out a new trailer for Tomb Raider: Anniversary every couple of weeks, building up the hype for the game's release at the end of May.
The latest trailer shows Lara taking on crocodiles and running from Indiana Jones-style booby traps in the ancient tombs of the first Tomb Raider game, which has been revamped for PS2, PC and PSP.
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April 27th, 2007, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Motorstorm developer Evolution is readying a huge update for its offroad racer that will iron out all the bugs and add improved functionality to the online mode.
The update, which will be made available for free in May, will change a long list of features, most crucially fixing a glitch that "allowed a player to use boost in an exploitative manner".
The update will also iron out other errors including making it easier to find and join games quickly, improved online stability and a text bug that messed up messages when played on a standard-definition TV.
Extra polish will be added in the form of host-player identification (with a small symbol next to the host's name), and the buddy list has been expanded to a maximum of 50 names.
Unfortunately to all those precious about their stats, a bug fixed with the ranking system means all stat records will be reset to zero. And there's no way around it because you'll be forced to download the update to continue playing online. Oh well.
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April 27th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Major UK retailer GAME has been hit by distribution problems with the PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which released on these shores today.
Staff at the Oxford Street branch of the chain told CVG this afternoon that it had no units in stock, adding that a number of its stores are in the same position. They said that they expect to have copies in next week, possibly Monday.
When contacted about the shortage, an Ubisoft spokesperson told us, "As demand for Oblivion has been so high there may be some supply problems with Game and Gameplay, which is why it's temporarily unavailable. However, it still is available elsewhere. Rest assured, Oblivion on PS3 is definitely out today in online and high street retailers."
Yep, other major high street videogame retailers have not been caught in the distribution-problem net. Both HMV, Oxford Circus, and Virgin Megastore on Oxford Street confirmed they have plenty of copies of Oblivion on PS3 in store.
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April 27th, 2007, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
A bit of digging has revealed that two Tom Clancy's EndWar teaser trailers are hidden within the viral website for the game, rev64.com.
Go to the site, let it load and slightly off centre at the top you'll see a yellow box with 'PASSCODE //' in front of it. Click on the box, type some nonsense into it and hit enter.
Do it correctly and you should hear some bloke speaking (make sure you have your speakers on). Once he's finished his spiel, click on the yellow box again and type in s9p1z6 and press enter. You should then hear a female voice talking about an energy crisis - essentially providing background on the game's setting.
Wait a short while.
Right, down left on the right you should eventually see two tiny flashing dots that you can click on. Click on these and you'll see the movies. One is of a jet fighter soaring through leaden skies and then releasing a bomb, while the second is shaky news cam-style footage of ground troops. Enjoy.
Tom Clancy's EndWar is an RTS for PS3 and Xbox 360 that's set on the battlefields of WWIII. Ubisoft's not revealed much to date, only promising that it's a "revolutionary war strategy game" that "will push the envelope of technology, showcasing artificial intelligence, graphics, physics and animations that were not possible prior to the launch of the new hardware systems."
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April 27th, 2007, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Hey, if white and, um, black isn't your thing for game consoles, ColorWare's ready to step up to the plate and turn your system into something a little more unique. Able to switch up the aesthetics on your controller, system, or both, users can now hit up 30 different shades for all three now-gen systems with prices starting at $100 per job. (Not a bad idea if you're not up to plunking down for, say, an Elite.) ColorWare also hinted at new Zune, BlackBerry, and even iPhone colors in the pipeline for this summer, but right now we're just happy to spend an afternoon re-envisioning our console collection in crazy pastel hues.
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April 28th, 2007, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Remember how would you change? It's the feature where we ask you, the oh-so-demanding reader, how you would change a particular gadget, service, device, etc. Well, how would you change has been on vacation a while, but it's finally friggin back, and since everybody's got video games on the mind this week (and because our last how would you change was for, you guessed it, the original Xbox 360), we're happy to ask: how would you change the PlayStation 3? As usual, we'll get you started with a few of the more obvious changes we'd go with. Personally, we'd really like the PS3:
Gain rumble
Lose a few bucks off the pricetag.
Tie down some additional codecs, and perhaps a decent home media streaming system.
Ready, steady, go!
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April 28th, 2007, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Sony's ThreeSpeech blog is hinting at upcoming downloads for the PlayStation Network release Gran Turismo HD. While simply announcing that a new video of the game will be hitting the PlayStation Store sometime soon, featuring the currently unplayable Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z, they write that we should also keep an eye on GranTurismoWorld.com for future announcements.
The Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z was playable in a special edition of Gran Turismo HD shown at the Nissan Motor Sports Exhibition 2007 in Yokohama last month. Coincidence? Doubtful.
Does this mean we're going to see new cars available on a per car basis, presented with GTHD 1.3, or is this just speculation? We'll see, but I'm betting that new downloadable content is coming sooner rather than later for the driving sim.
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April 28th, 2007, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 have found two more territories to duke it out in as each console launches in regions where the other has already been stocking store shelves.
In India, the PlayStation 3 launches today for 39,990 INR (US $981). The Xbox 360 launched in India September 26 with a 23,990 INR (US $515) price tag for the premium system, although the Times of India states the current price for the 360 in India is 27,990 INR (US $686). Nintendo has not yet officially launched the Wii in India.
SCEE sales and marketing director Tim Stokes told TOI he expects the Indian gaming market to grow a massive 850% in three years, from $50 million currently to $425 million in 2010. Sony initially shipped 1,200 units. According to the article, only one model -- the 60 GB SKU -- will be available.
In the United Arab Emirates, the Xbox 360 is launching for 1,799 UAE dirhams (US $490). The PlayStation 3 launched in the region March 23 with PAL territories for 2,499 UAE dirhams (US $680). Games for the Xbox 360, according to Gulf News, will cost between 139 and 279 dirhams (US $37 and $76, respectively).
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April 28th, 2007, 00:25 Posted By: JKKDARK
via PCSX2 official site
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April 28th, 2007, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
By know, everyone's heard about Joan of Arc, the young French heroine whose visions impelled her to save her homeland from English domination. But did you know that she fought against trolls, dark elves and evil catwomen? You would if you were playing Jeanne D'Arc, Level-5's loosely inspired turn based tactical game that adds elements of fantasy to the historical adventure. We recently managed to check out the title and came away with these impressions.
We were told that each mission in the game will have different objectives to keep the action fresh. Some missions will require you to kill every enemy on the screen, while others will require you to get to a specific spot on the battlefield. We checked out one specific mission where we had to escort the Dauphin, Charles the VII to Notre Dame so he could be crowned King of France. Unfortunately, a catwoman and her forces had different ideas, and we had to protect the young royal from meeting an early death. Fortunately, we were able to place a number of troops in front of him to ensure that Charles would make his coronation on time. Depending on the battlefield, players will be able to control anywhere between one and nine different warriors, with the average number of soldiers landing around 5-7 a mission.
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April 28th, 2007, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Ah, spring football. It's that innocent time of year when college teams across the country merrily walk through plays in their practice jerseys, the pressures of Division 1 football far behind them. So when we got our hands on NCAA Football 08 for a quick game Thursday, we naturally chose to play the most pressure-packed game out there: Michigan at Ohio State.
NCAA 08 is still relatively early in development, somewhere in mid-Alpha, EA says. Like most football teams this time of year, NCAA 08 has plenty of apparent flaws that need fine-tuning. But like the Wolverines (stacked again) and the ever-dangerous Buckeyes, NCAA 08 shows a lot of promise too.
IGN Sports editor Jon Robinson and I jumped right into the Horseshoe and changed the weather to 11 degrees with slight precipitation. That means snow. Now if the console had been hooked up to Xbox Live, the new real-time weather feature courtesy of the Weather Channel would have selected 65 degrees and cloudy, as it was in Columbus on April 26 at 5:30 p.m. But snow is more fun.
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April 28th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster

Straight from Japan comes a Playable Demo of Lumines 2, heres some info about the game:
Lumines II for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system is the highly anticipated sequel to the extremely addictive puzzle-based video game, Lumines. Take control of squares made of four smaller block pieces that are dropped into the playing field one at a time to form same-color rectangles. The vertical "timeline" sweeps across the playing field from left to right and wipes the same-color rectangles from the playing field. Unmatched blocks pile up, and the game ends when the pile gets to the top of the playing screen. Features mind-blowing graphics and some of the hottest artists from today including Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, The Chemical Brothers, Beck, Hoobastank, and much more!
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April 28th, 2007, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Straight from Japan comes another Playable Demo of Locoroco, heres some info about the game:

Roll, Bounce and Tilt the LocoRoco through a vibrantly animated world.
Fluidly Morph to the Environment: Stay round to roll, become slim to squeeze through narrow passages, and disassemble into smaller LocoRoco to collectively pass through small crevasses and paths.
Eat to increase the size and quantity of LocoRoco and to gain access to secret areas and hidden rewards.
Simple Intuitive Gameplay: Just press the L and R buttons to tilt the landscape or bump the LocoRoco onto higher platforms and up hillsides.
Over 40 Stages of lush living landscapes: Roll across grassy plains and slippery slopes. Bounce and balance on teetering platforms.
Six Different Types of LocoRoco, each with unique voices and actions.
Captivating, light-hearted original songs communicate the joyous world of the LocoRoco.
Extras features include the customizable LocoHouse, three mini-games, and exciting wireless features.
Buy from Play Asia
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April 28th, 2007, 01:47 Posted By: DarthPaul
I was looking for news around the web,and I found over a french site that Z33 and jas0nuk released the new RCO Edit. They found out that the 3.40 has font customization,it looks like the font color can now be changed,and even the visualizer!
Note: Please be careful. This was only test on firmware 3.40 OE. It could be dangerous on firmwares below 3.40 OE,so don't be dumb.
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April 28th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
A lot of you have updated to the recent 3.40 OE-A firmware by Dark ALex but which is the best of the Custom Firmwares for newcomers and experianced users alike.
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April 28th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
There's one new PS3 game release this week, and it's a big one, Spider-Man 3: The Game. When does Peter Parker's better half (and we're not talking about Venom) get their own game? Who wants to play Mary Jane: The Game?!
We, of course, also have Spider-Man 3 on the PS2 as well as two other new PS2 games to check out.
PS3 Game Releases
- Spider-Man 3 (Collector's Edition available)
PS2 Game Releases
- Heatseeker
- Legend of the Dragon
- Spider-Man 3 (Collector's Edition available)
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
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April 28th, 2007, 17:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy

Sure, the game's not due out for another year, but some teeny, tiny boxart has popped up for the SOCOM-like Rogue Warrior on the PS3.
In Rogue Warrior, you play as real-life ex-SEAL, Dick Marcinko, and fight in a fake war that has you trapped behind enemy lines in North Korea on a covert mission to assess the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear arsenal as North and South Korea decide to play King of the Hill.
The game plans o diferentiate itself via "contiguous levels using Unreal 3 streaming technology. Central to the game's single and multiplayer experience is the idea of a freeform battlefield, where players are given the freedom to choose how to complete a given objective, allowing for creativity and surprises, rather than heavily scripted events and tightly contained spaces traditionally used in this genre."
Look for this in April... 2008!
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April 28th, 2007, 18:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
We all know that Krazy Kenny K officially announced that he was stepping down from his PlayStation empire this week, signaling the end of an era and the end of an explosive career. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Kuturagi is scape-goat #1 for any and all of the PS3s alleged failings (which include, but are not limited to, high production costs, launch shortages and lower than desired post-launch sell-through.)
Given the abrupt end to the Kuturagi saga, the analysts are already coming out with their takes on "what went wrong." Business 2.0 writer Chris Taylor has plenty to say on how Sony lost their lead and has "lost this round of the console wars to its Japanese rival, Nintendo's Wii." While we think it's too early to be making those kind of calls, the article is interesting -- even if we don't agree with the analysis in whole (or even in large part). For our lazier readers, Business 2.0 provides these key lessons from Sony and Kutaragi's PS3 development:
- Focus on making a better controller, not relying on the same "handheld mess of buttons" (i.e. Dualshock design = failure)
- Don't put drives in your console that are too slow to properly load games (I'm not making these up)
- Build a console that only costs $150 like the Wii (they have since corrected this little doozy of a detail)
In the end, it turns out that this is really an article about what Nintendo may have done right. And there's no doubt that Sony has done -- and is doing -- some things right as well. We'll see how that plays out in the months and years ahead. Then we'll declare a winner (that's your cue, Xbox fanboys... attack!).
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April 28th, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Everyone reading now is likely to be significantly older (and thusly worse at video games) by the time they're actually released, but the legendary departing Kutaragi-san told EE Times, "As a matter of course, I have the vision of Playstation [sic] 4, 5 and 6, which will merge into the network." Proud father of some of the best selling game consoles of all time apparently looks forward to seeing his ideas for PlayStations 4, 5, and 6 all come to be; obviously specifics were nil, and not much more than that to be heard since we're sure it's still all conceptual, pie in the sky stuff right now. But it's still kind of funny to imagine what the PS6 will be like, and just how accurately it will replicate sensory perception over its SIXSENSIS neural-link compared to those totally obsolete last-gen 2020-era consoles
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April 28th, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
National Public Radio on Friday's episode of All Thing Considered did a piece on the "retirement" of Ken Kutaragi. In less than thirty-seconds into the piece focus shifts from Kutaragi leaving to the PlayStation 3's less than stellar sales.
NPR beats the same drum as every other media outlet at this point. Finding a group of gamers in a GameCrazy store, it turns out that none of them own a PS3. When NPR asks the men why the PS3 isn't selling well, one responds, "Its just the price, the only thing that kills it is the price. Six-hundred, seven-hundred dollars out the door, that's a lot of money. If it was the price of the Xbox -- I'd get one."
Another gamer says that all the good titles aren't exclusive to Sony and that all the games he likes for PlayStation are all on the PS2. NPR tempers it all by saying we're only six months into a cycle that'll last many years.
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April 28th, 2007, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
So, Sony's been having a rough couple days ... eh, disregard that. Sony's been having a rough week. Fine, fine -- month. But there's a silver lining -- none of this has hurt Sony's brand power. AlixPartners, a global corporate-advisory firm, says after surveying more than 5,000 consumers that Sony is #1 in their minds.
The company's press release states, "The AlixPartners Brand Power Index draws a clear distinction between mere popularity, which a brand can achieve temporarily through discounting, etc., and true brand power, which the index measures on a consumer trust-versus-distrust formula." Sony came in first place followed by Johnson & Johnson and Kraft. Dell and Hewlett-Packard were the only other consumer electronics in the top ten and they were way at the bottom. No word on Microsoft or Nintendo brand power.
There's no arguing Sony's brand power and it's a good sign that in 5,000 consumer's minds it's the tops. Thing is with the PS3 nobody had issue with the brand power, just look at the sales of the PlayStation 2 -- that thing is still a money making monster. Not to mention at $130 the PS2 is worth every penny for a family. A DVD player and an amazing game console in one small neat little package. Sony's problem with the PS3 isn't brand, it's price. Forget us as gamers and techno-babble Blu-ray freaks who will fanboy flame-out and just spend money. Sony execs should talk to the single mother waiting at the bus stop in the morning, go to a neighborhood barbershop, find a sixth-grade elementary school teacher to talk to. Nobody will ever deny Sony's brand power, but people are stuck at $600 as a jumping-off point for a game console.
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April 28th, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kip:
Hey everybody the new version is ready 0.9.5 heres the change log:
v0.9.5 Beta (2007-04-27)
- [Feature] Subdirectory support added
- [Feature] Added optional zoom level or rotation persistence between pages
- [Feature] Adjustable pan rate
- [Feature] Select button now switches between fit to width and full size.
- Ability to save/load configuration
- [Bugfix] Resample algorithms now work as selected, and no more garbling for 8-
bit images.
- [Bugfix] Next/previous comic book menu option now works even if comics on the
memory stick are changed while menu is open.
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash bug when resizing a full-sized page to fit to width.
- And many more minor changes...
So installation is still the same and its for all 1.50, SE, OE frimware Or any other firmware that can emulate firmware 1.50 through DevHook (such as 2.71 running Homebew Enabler (HEN)).
Post bugs ONLY for the 0.9.5 that you find, here and any idea or improvement
So to make you stop waiting here's the release!
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April 28th, 2007, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
New version of the Video Converter for the PSP from Winnydows:
Video converter
for PSP, iPOD, BlackBerry and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, PS3, iPOD, BlackBerry and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPG, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC, FLV.
4.113 changes:
Fixed 48000 Khz files encoding to FLV.
For MPEG2 added new encoding profiles. (1-pass Ultra, 2-pass Ultra).
Now 1-pass Ultra for MPEG2 encoding do almost same quality as 3-pass Ultra in old versions.
Added two new formats - MP4 BlackBerry 8100, MP4 BlackBerry 8800.
Added SeeSaw sharpen filter and same remastring profile. Very good filter. Probably can replace LimitedSharpen filter.
More formats now support audio COPY.
Fixed many small bugs.
Added full support interlaced sources encoding. Only for MPEG2 now.
Media Player Classic replaced to internal player.
Preview now start faster.
Founede temporary solution for AVI Mux GUI and non-english path.
Returned one old format - MP4 PSP 3.03 OE (MP4 PSP 3.10 OE B + bitrate lock).
Fixed Black aspect fix.
x264 updated to version 654.
Mencoder updated to version 23107.
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April 28th, 2007, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from Test30:
my english is not very good.jeje
Good I do my here first application that tries to modify the XMB of our beloved very easily psp.
So far single it is possible to be flashear the following archives.
This application is for flashear the following archives in flash0:
topmenu_plugin.rco (the main icons of the XMB)
system_plugin_bg.rco (waves of the bottom of the XMB)
opening_plugin.rco (intro main of psp)
photo_plugin.rco (the icons of Photo)
this application is for modifying the XMB and so far single it can flashear the these archives.
you put the file that you want to flashear in the root of the MS.
And soon it initiates the program
And ready already you have your modified XMB
Here I to them leave video. I am flasheando wave in the XMB with the program.
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April 28th, 2007, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
be2003 has ported Yeti3d to the PSP, heres the details:
I just ported the Yeti3D engine to the PSP... yes... i know...
but this port isnt dependent on SDL!
yes, it is a pure PSP port!
the zip package below contains the source and compiled eboot if anyone wants to take a look
the regular EBOOT.PBP runs very smooth
and the FAST_EBOOT.PBP is the same but without the restrictions of sceDisplayWaitVblankStart
hopefully this will help starting out developers make somewhat interesting games.
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April 28th, 2007, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via focus Home
The 2007 cycling season starts now!
To celebrate the launch of the 2007 pro cycling season, Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide today released the first images for their upcoming cycling game - Pro Cycling Manager/Tour de France 2007. Already one of the most popular sport titles on PC, the Pro Cycling series will be expanded to include Pro Cycling/Tour de France 2007 on PSP, marking the first time the Pro Cycling license is available on a console.
In development by Cyanide Studio, the new Pro Cycling Manager/Tour de France 2007 for PC strives to create the ultimate in sports simulation, while still being approachable to newcomers to the series. The Management game's career mode has received a significant reworking, offering a more intuitive interface, transfer system, simulation engine and scouting tools. These updated features have been modeled on real-world cycling to give players the truest feeling of being a team manager. In real-time mode, the gameplay has been fine-tuned and made even more comprehensive than ever, opening up new possibilities in the races, and an improved AI for more varied behavior to generate an incredibly realistic gameplay experience.
The graphics in Pro Cycling Manager/Tour de France 2007 have also been updated to make use of modern features such as shaders, shadowing and new textures. These features, when combined with the updated gameplay, will give players the feeling of being dropped right into the center of the racing action.
The PSP™ version, Pro Cycling/Tour de France 2007, is being specifically designed to take advantage of the features of Sony's® PlayStation Portable handheld system. The real-time simulation aspect of the game is enhanced and the game sets a faster pace than its PC brother. With careers lasting up to five seasons, unique gameplay modes which include time trials, sprints and optimized race lengths, Pro Cycling/Tour de France 2007 on PSP is a lean, mean portable dream. Players and cycling fans will love the 20 official teams and their star cyclists, and will experience the most thrilling Tour de France ever, available for the first time on PSP!
Both titles will be released on June 20, 2007.
Download the images (3.95 Mb)
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April 29th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: DarthPaul
A new release of RCO Editor is out by ZiNgA BuRgA. This time with a bug fixed from the latest version.
Heres whats new
RCO Editor v1.14b
Fixed minimize crash
RCO Editor v1.14
Minor changes/bug fixes
Should now be fully compatible with the new decompressed 3.40 RCOs
Note that the newer style GIMs support heights which aren't a multiple of 8
However, RCO Editor will require replaced images to have a height which is a multiple of 8 to preserve compatibility with older versions
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April 29th, 2007, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
Becus25 has released an uninstaller for his Custom Firmware
This software can uninstall firmware 1.62 IE-C of your PSP.
Put the PSP folder in the root of your memory stick.
NOTE : The uninstallation start automatic when you open the eboot from XMB.The uninstaller were here.
NOTE: Should put index.dat (of firmware 1.50) in the root of the memory stick for on the "Software information" can read "1.50", but if it not put, it does not pass anything.
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April 29th, 2007, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster
Kuraudo-sama has updated his Final Fantasy VII: Last Chapter homebrew game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Well after a long break I'm back to coding, and have released an update to the game. It has one error though, it will sometimes slow down. I originally
Here is a change log:
+ Real RPG like battles.
+ Main Menu
+ A proper over world
- Story
- Cities
- New Players
- Magic
- Items
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April 29th, 2007, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster
superskull85 has posted a new version of PSPXT, heres the details:
Here is version 1.00 FULL of PSPXT!! This version doesn't have any major updates but these are the features I wanted to include in my previous release but I didn't think I could get the features done before I became really busy. For anyone who doesn't know what this is:
This is an application that will simulate how your XMB will look on your computer before actually compiling your RCO's and flashing them to your PSP. This application will let you view your XMB and its icons, backgrounds and colours. This application is meant to help you preview your XMB without actually flashing it, and NOT to help you preview already created themes!! With that said this program doesn't even read your Flash0 (Unless your using the File Flasher) and doesn't need your PSP to run (Again unless you are using the File Flasher. This program will not read RCO's or have any PRX support, it will read BMP images and will arrange them so they look just like your XMB.
Anyways the change log for from 1.00 LITE is as follows:
Added the ability to change transparencies for each XMB
Added the ability to hide/show menu names during navigation
Included some security checks
Rearranged PSPXT's file structure so that I could reduce the size of the total program
Added additional security to lessen errors you may face
Fixed the icon positioning bug. Positions will now reset from XMB to XMB.
Created default theme
Included a preview for my upcoming layout. Check it out!!
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April 29th, 2007, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
Pasky13 has released a new version of the CWcheat Database Editor
Heres whats new:
Changes in v1.74:
Floating Point (32-bit) <-> Hexadecimal conversion
Values are now displayed in decimal for existing codes
Changed where the database editor attempts to retrieve new versions of CWcheat. (I found some better hosting)
Requires the .NET 2.0 Framework which can be download from Microsoft's website here
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April 29th, 2007, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
The latest issues of US magazine EGM has printed a rumour suggesting that Team Ninja is currently working on a PS3 exclusive game set in the popular DOA universe.
No further details on the rumour were given, so we only speculate what Team Ninja (responsible for Ninja Gaiden and DOA games) is up to.
There are three obvious options; a new fighting game, a new DOX volleyball game or a new Ninja Gaiden game. We don't think it would be a new Ninja Gaiden game though, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is nearing release and to release another one so quickly doesn't make sense. Unless it's Ninja Gaiden Sigma: Black.
Let the speculation continue below in the comments section. What would you like to see from Itagaki's crew?
via cvg
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April 29th, 2007, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
via dailymail
Electronics giant Sony has sparked a major row over animal cruelty and the ethics of the computer industry by using a freshly slaughtered goat to promote a violent video game.
The corpse of the decapitated animal was the centrepiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the God Of War II game for the company’s PlayStation 2 console.
Guests at the event were even invited to reach inside the goat’s still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach.
Sickening images of the party have appeared in the company’s official PlayStation magazine – but after being contacted by The Mail on Sunday, Sony issued an apology for the gruesome stunt and promised to recall the entire print run.
Critics condemned the entertainment giant, which produces scores of Hollywood blockbusters each year, for its "blood lust" and said the grotesque "sacrifice" highlighted increasing concerns over the content of video games and the lengths to which the industry will go to exploit youngsters.
At the event, guests competed to see who could eat the most offal – procured elsewhere and intended to resemble the goat’s intestines – from its stomach.
They also threw knives at targets and pulled live snakes from a pit with their bare hands.
Topless girls added to the louche atmosphere by dipping grapes into guests’ mouths, while a male model portraying Kratos, the game’s warrior hero, handed out garlands.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare said it was "outrageous" that the animal’s death had been used "to sell a few computer games".
A spokesman said: "We are always opposed to any senseless killing of an animal and this sounds like a gruesome death. We condemn Sony’s actions. It is stupid and completely unjustified."
The party features across two pages of the latest edition of the company’s PlayStation magazine, which was due to hit newsstands on Tuesday but has already been sent to subscribers.
We have reproduced the spread – headlined Sony’s Greek Orgy – here, but have pixellated the image to spare readers the sight of the goat’s decapitated head hanging by a thread of tissue from its corpse, with blood dripping to the floor.
But the magazine’s readers were shown the picture in its full horror.
The article, based on a Sony Press release, shows more vivid pictures from the event under headlines such as Topless Girls! and Flesh Eating?
It asks readers how far they would go to get hold of Sony’s next-generation console, the PlayStation 3.
"How about eating still warm intestines uncoiled from the carcass of a freshly slaughtered goat? At the party to celebrate God Of War II’s European release, members of the Press were invited to do just that . . ."
In God Of War II, which is so violent it has been given an 18 certificate, players follow Kratos into battle against a series of fearsome characters from Greek mythology.
Sony describes it as "an adult-rated, fast-paced bloodbath – and enormous fun to boot", adding that it is "bigger, better and as brutal as ever".
One reviewer said the title featured "the most brutal, visceral combat of any action game".
Former Minister Keith Vaz, Labour MP for Leicester East and a long-time campaigner against violent computer games, branded the stunt "distasteful and irresponsible".
He said: "The slaughter of animals is not something that should be done to advertise a product.
"Sony as a global entertainment company has a social responsibility. At this event it failed in that responsibility.
"I think people should think very carefully before bringing games like this into their homes.
"I would understand if customers wanted to boycott other Sony products such as their televisions because of this controversy."
Sony, based in Japan and run by Welshman Sir Howard Stringer, is one of the largest media organisations in the world, boasting global revenues of £40billion from electronics, video games, music, television programmes and feature films – including Spider-Man 3 and Casino Royale.
It is regarded, along with Coca-Cola, Nike and Mercedes-Benz, as one of the world’s most valuable brands.
The company, which released the game in the UK on Friday, admitted that the stunt had been a mistake. In a statement it said: "Sony does not condone or sanction any inappropriate behaviour by its staff or sub-contracted staff.
"It has come to our attention that at the God Of War II launch showcase, an element of the event was of an unsuitable nature.
"We are conducting an internal inquiry into aspects of the event in order to learn from the occurrence and put into place measures to ensure that this does not happen again."
The party was held last month in Athens in homage to the game’s Greek mythology themes. Revellers partied against the floodlit backdrop of the Parthenon.
The Sony spokesman said the animal had not been slaughtered for the event but had been bought from a local butcher by the Greek company hired to stage the event.
What purported to be warm intestines was actually warm offal.
He said Sony’s UK office had been shocked to see the report in the official PlayStation magazine, which the company licenses to publishing house Future. Sony is this weekend recalling the entire 80,000 print run of the magazine.
The offending article will be removed because of the "sensitivity of the general public over issues of animal welfare".
The firm refused to say how the goat died. It is unusual for animals in modern Greece to be killed by having their throats cut, let alone by being decapitated.
It is not the first time Sony has been involved in controversy over its games. In 2004, the PlayStation 2 game Manhunt was banned by High Street stores in the UK after it was linked to the murder of a 14-year-old Leicester boy.
Last September the relatives of a family massacred by a New Mexico teenager addicted to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City launched a £317million lawsuit against the entertainment company.
And in November, Europe’s justice commissioner Franco Frattini was so shocked by the "obscene cruelty and brutality" of Sony’s Rule Of Rose PlayStation game that he wrote to all EU governments urging tighter controls on the "dreadful game".
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April 29th, 2007, 18:30 Posted By: burrito
I was looking at today's Circuit City ad and saw some great deals.
These PSP games are $10 each:
Guilty Gear Judgement
These PSP Games are $20 each:
World Tour Soccer 06
Gangs of London
Ape Escape Academy
Loco Roco
These deals are from today until May 5.
I think I'm going to get Lumines and Loco Roco. 
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April 29th, 2007, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Oh, Sony, when will you learn? The UK's Daily Mail is reporting that Sony has created an uproar with a photo from their official magazine, showing a burly man wearing fur, a topless girl wearing body paint and no pasties, and a mostly decapitated goat. It's the goat that's got everyone's ... goat. During a release party for God of War II in Athens, attendees were invited to reach into the head-hanging-on-by-a-thread goat and eat still-warm intestines (as it turns out, the offal was procured elsewhere and stuffed inside of the goat). Yum!
Sony has apologized and is recalling the 80,000 issues of the magazine.
The Sony spokesman said the animal had not been slaughtered for the event but had been bought from a local butcher by the Greek company hired to stage the event.
What purported to be warm intestines was actually warm offal.
He said Sony's UK office had been shocked to see the report in the official PlayStation magazine, which the company licenses to publishing house Future. Sony is this weekend recalling the entire 80,000 print run of the magazine.
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April 29th, 2007, 22:30 Posted By: Freshmilk
It's now been about a month since I've released anything, and it seems as if TTR is getting a little old now, even for me. So, I decided to look back through some of my unfinished projects, when I came across this one, that I scrapped because I simply couldn't be bothered to finish it, it was too complex. 2 Hours later, here we are, a whole new game. Claxor was one of my first ideas for a game that I ever had when starting LUA. Give or take a few months, and here we are.
Claxor is quite a simple game, you basically need to draw lines and bounce a ball off them to get the ball into the red box, using only straight lines, and with a limited number of them. Since this is a BETA, its still a little buggy, but nontheless quite enjoyable.
Just a few screenshots...

The game's GFX don't look like much now, once again having to be done in MS paint, so don't even bother commenting on them. They will be much improved for the next version, when I have someone to work on them for me.
The game's controls areactually quite complex for the minute, as what with being quite glitchy, I've had to incorperate a lot of choice to still make it enjoyable.
The controls are as follows:
X - Start/Stop drawing line
R - Next level/Re-randomize level
L - Previous Level
Select - Change View
^ This is just a cool trick I figured out how to do whilst playing around with the game's collision. There are 3 viewpoints, Normal lines only, Construction lines only, and both. The construction lines basically show where the ball will collide, but what with them refreshing every milisecond or less, the tend to move around the screen to hit the ball, and it looks quite cool. I've left them in just for you to see, although drawing whilst only viewing construction lines is not recommeded. 
Some known glitches to be fixed include that the ball passes straight through straight lines, horizontal or vertical, and that the ball can't tell if a line tries to deflect it downwards. Also, a few more levels would be good to. Expect to see all this in the version, which should be out sometime soon.
Well, with all that said, have fun.
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April 29th, 2007, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Vertex Origin of the impressive 3D Car Demo, heres the details:

| Vertex 3D Car |
| version 0.1b |
| |
|by Vertex Origin : MikeMax - Jeff (& ketchup). |
there's the new version.
New :
- A complete track is now added. You're driving on this track and no more on area of squares.
- A "Crazy's Guard" is added, prevent the player to get out of the track.
- Car's speed depends on the surface where the car is on.
ToDo :
- Improve the physics and dynamics engines (jumps, skids, etc ..)
- Set up the light environment.
- Add decoration's elements (Sky, landscape, buildings, bridges ...)
- Add more cars (already made !
- Add more tracks (partially made)
- Add the multiplayer support (WLAN infrastructure) (and Unix Deamon to host players)
- Car's Customizing module
- Track's maker
- and many other things ...
Official Vertex Origin Web Site : http://psp.vertexorigin.net/
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April 29th, 2007, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Kip has released a new version of PSP Comic :
Heres the release details:
Yet again we pull out an other release!
v0.9.6 Beta (2007-04-29)
- [Feature] L and R now scroll more than one item at a time in the menu
- [Bugfix] Crash when comics folder is absent has been fixed
- [Bugfix] When going to a higher menu from a menu that has been scrolled
through, the menu should now appear correctly
Installation and everything else are still the same
Enjoy this release
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via kip
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April 29th, 2007, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Virus.exe:
Hi there!
Just a little update from me for people who still use PRX Manager.
For the people who don't know what it is:
PRX Manager is an application that automaticly
copies the PRX files you open. Just after you
opened the PRX it will popup a message where you
want to install it and on what drive.
And what's new?
* Added automatic PSP detection
* You can install to VSH, GAME and POPS at once.
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April 29th, 2007, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
PIRATA NERVO has improved on the homebrew game, Setgool.
Heres whats new:
sound when shooting
increased volume of jump sound
added more two levels
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April 30th, 2007, 01:34 Posted By: fatcat04912
Many people who still visit the iris mod forum have seen many of the new stuff people have been Releasing. Forums
Their have been new maps :
Wizard From Noobtaculus
HaloCity From Noobtaculus
OuterBase From $n!pR
Cold Fusion From Buddy4Point0

The contest is for New maps And or New Characters
Just remember no all ready posted material
No Ripped Material
You Will Be Judged On the Following
1. Quality of map or Character
2. The In game speed
3. Size of the map (weather to crowded or to open)
4. Playability
5. Not to many glitches
No more entry past 05.27.07 (todays 04.30.07)
1. Unpatched copy of Grand Theft Auto Liberty City
2. Psp Parts
3. Prince of Persia Donated by PsMonkey
4. Socom psp head phones
5. Umd Movies
6. Umd Games
Other numerous prizes
Now im just trying to get iris back on the map
Special Grand Prize
Rules for grand prize
Must make and iris "update"
Now really i just want new bullets and maybe a gui for the update.
They get a grand prize the grand prize is worth about 80 - 120 dollars So what are your waiting for get out and map model or program :thumbup:
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April 30th, 2007, 02:35 Posted By: burrito
via http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
R11 almost ready
Following on from last week's work, I've been busy fixing a few more issues relating to the way Daedalus handles textures.
To start with, I refactored the way that n64-format textures are converted to psp-format textures. Previously, I was converting the textures at the point at which they were loaded into texture memory on the n64. A result of this was that in order to support mirroring, I needed to keep a copy of the converted pixels in RAM. By moving the conversion process closer to the point that the textures are actually used on the psp, I've been able to remove this buffer and perform conversion and mirroring in the same step. This has approximately halved the memory needed for each texture, and is slightly faster than the previous approach.
The most significant change I've made is to fix a memory leak in the texture cache. I mentioned last week that I'd discovered that the texture cache was the biggest culprit for soaking up memory. It turned out that despite my fixes and support for 4-bit and 8-bit palettised textures, I was still running out of memory in certain situations. I did a bit more investigating, and discovered a resource leak that had been in the texture cache since it was first written (probably 7 or 8 years ago now!)
It turned out that in certain situations, several textures would hash to the same bucket in the hash table that I was using. This wasn't normally a problem, but occasionally the process which purges old textures from the cache was accidentally leaking textures. This was wasting video memory and causing the leaked textures to be re-converted on next frame.
The fix ended up being a very simple one-line change, and as a result the texture cache is now 100% leak-free. As an added bonus, it seems that the change has resulted in a nice 4-5% speedup - I suspect this is because the leaked textures are now no-longer being unnecessarily reconverted.
The final bit of work I've been doing is setting up a fixed-size pool for allocating textures from (well, there are actually two pools - one for fast VRAM and another of standard RAM for when this runs out). Despite the various improvements and fixes I've made to reduce the amount of memory being consumed by the texture cache, I wanted to put a hard limit on how much memory can ever be used. This change means that if the limit is ever reached, I just display white textures until some texture memory is freed up a little later. Previously Daedalus would just keep allocating RAM until it ran out of memory and crashed, so the new solution is much nicer
All in all I'm very happy with the state of R11. The changes I've made mean that I can permanently allocate 8MB for the Expansion Pak, and not worry about running out of memory. A welcome side-effect to all the texture changes I've made is an approximate 5-10% speedup over R11. On top of this Daedalus now remembers your preferences for each rom, so it's a little nicer to use.
I've still got a few small things to polish, but I'm hoping to release R11 by the weekend.
-StrmnNrmn Can't wait 
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April 30th, 2007, 05:09 Posted By: JOHNY 5
1. Added Security to auto-exit with psp unites with higher
higher than 3.40 oe-a.
1. Added support for firmware 3.30oe and 3.40oe!!
2. Added support for flashing topmenu with security so wrong
topmenu isn't flashed.
3. Added support for "complete theme flashing"
4. Now seperates backup_function prx files corresponding with
their firmware.
1 . Logo remover/gameboot debrander CREDITS: Homer
Here is an update to my "All In One Flasher," I have not released my updates due to instability but i think its good now...
Run johny5_flasher.exe then you'll see your options. A LOT OF THESE
APPS THAT I HAVE INCLUDED I DID NOT MAKE AND I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR MAKING THEM THE DEV'S WHO HAVE WORKED HARD ON MAKING THEM ARE CORRECTLY CREDITED AS THEY SHOULD BE. I have edited some files slightly in order for them to function correctly within my application. Refer to the readme for questions
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April 30th, 2007, 07:50 Posted By: Sp3ct0r
This a Death Note theme is for 3.40oe
-Copy the files "PSP" and "seplugins" in the Root of your psp
-Copy the contents of "Flash0" into Flash0:\
-Go into recovery mode, then plugins, and enable randomgameboot.prx
(if you want to try the alternate fonts, just place the one you want in Flash0:\font\)
-custom Death Note icons
-3 custom Death Note Fonts
-14 Death Note Wallpapers, resized to fit the psp
-6 of my own Death Note gameboots
-The random gameboot loader plugin, so each time you launch a game, you will see a diffrent gameboot.
-a few icons from darthpaul's_3[1].30-OE_theme_v1.1

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April 30th, 2007, 14:50 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Pro-G
Sony has created anger and front-page headlines by using a dead goat at the God of War II launch event.
The partly decapitated animal carcass was the centrepiece of a display at the party, and apparently contained 'offal' in its open stomach, made to represent intestines, which was fed to guests in a competition to see who could eat the most.
The rather gory pictures of the party were placed in Official PlayStation Magazine, until the Mail on Sunday, who yesterday ran a bold front-page news story on the incident, contacted the magazine to complain, resulting in a promise to recall the entire print run.
Animal rights organisations and government ministers have spoken out against Sony, though the apparent flak the company is facing for irresponsible marketing to youngsters seems rather unjustified as God of War II has an 18 rating.
Many have been quick to defend Sony, pointing out that dead animals make the meal tables of almost every party and launch event there is.
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April 30th, 2007, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from jay543_uk:
This is my first ever complete working code,started learning about coding about two mouths ago on the net and then came across psp-programming.com.It is a little app which will work out some simple automotive conversions.Sorry if the code is all messed up, i am very new to all this and realy just want some pointers on if i am doing stuff right or if i should just give up.
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April 30th, 2007, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sitting on our desk this morning was a neat envelope from those nice chaps at the SCEE PR team, within which we found this brilliant teaser for WipeOut Pulse.
Now you might not be as excited as we are, but if you also hammered the PSP launch title until your batteries cried out in pain, downloaded all the update packs and fancy yourself as somewhat of a futuristic rally champ, then WipEout Pure is going to be a little slice of racing bliss when it arrives later this year.
According to our release list it's still due out in September - so there's another one to add to you big end-of-year buy roster.
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April 30th, 2007, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Assassin's Creed is going to make you feel harder than Vinnie Jones in a suit of armour when it comes out on PS3 and 360 later this year.
Just take a look at these new screens. Altair, the lead character, just shoves one guy out his way as he heads through a crowd of people with his eyes poised on his target. He swoops in for the kill, smacking one dude in the chops and plunging a knife into the body of another. Well hard.
Screens Here
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April 30th, 2007, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The first concrete details on Ubisoft's new Tom Clancy franchise EndWar have reached the internet via US mag Electronic Gaming Monthly, and we seem to be getting more excited with every morsel of info we hear.
In case you missed the initial announcement EndWar is essentially an RTS mish-mash of Clancy franchises built from the ground up for consoles.
Apparently it's being directed by ex-Creative Assembly man Michael de Plater, who worked on the legendary PC strategy series Total War.
Action plays out on a Risk-like campaign map with three factions, U.S. Joint Strike Force, European Enforcers and Russian Spetsnaz, available for war duties. According to Ubisoft, each campaign will be different, giving the example that if the US is conquered in one campaign you can start the next "to liberate U.S. soil with a massive new 'D-Day' landing on the East coast."
"[The Battle for Middle-earth II] was a test case for exactly what we didn't want to do", says the Endwar boss, in reference to re-mappping controls for a console RTS. In answer to this Ubisoft has gone for a tighter, up-close camera along with your bog-standard battlefield map.
Everything in the game is destructible and there's a limit of 12 squads in battle at one time, which you can personalise with your own special abilities, motto and heraldry.
Apparently, there's also some impressive feats in how the AI works in the game. According to the EGM article, squads of heavily armed soldiers, when ordered to a cluster of firebombed cars, will automatically take cover in different ways, taking potshots through windows and over hoods. If a soldier gets shot, one of his squad mates will even drag him back to safety.
The question is, will Ubisoft be able to conquer the dodgy joypad RTS controls we've seen up until now? Lets hope it manages to iron them out before EndWar hits 360 and PS3 early next year.
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April 30th, 2007, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Update: First off, it seems threespeech got the date wrong, as Sony has just told CVG "The new GTHD video is scheduled to go onto the PS Store this Friday, May 4. It's a bespoke video that was made for Nissan at the Geneva Motorshow."
And before you get all excited, Sony went on to say there's "No official announcement, just showing people some more GT footage since the download has proved immensely popular."
The wait for Gran Turismo 5 continues. Update ends
While 360 fans have been getting news of its top racers, Forza 2 and PGR 4, from all directions, Gran Turismo fans have been left in the dark, but Sony has finally broken the silence.
According to Sony's "semi-official" blog, threespeech.com, a new video will be made available through the PlayStation Network Store this Wednesday, which it says will feature a new car, the Nissan Xanavi Nismo Z, speeding around the Eldger Mountain course.
The same post also points eager petrol heads to the official GT HD site to look out for "future announcements". Sounds like a hint to us.
via cvg
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April 30th, 2007, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Can truck driver Travis Grady survive the horrors of Konami's PSP game Silent Hill Origins? More to the point, can we? Well, we'll find out when the title releases later this year but in the meantime clap your eyes on these new screenshots and gameplay footage.
Origins' storyline reveals how Silent Hill transformed into horror headquarters, how lead character Travis Grady found himself trapped in the town and wrestled with his terrors and inner demons.
Konami's introducing new gameplay mechanics and features, including an updated control method that benefits combat and exploration of the environment. It's also making a song and dance about the Cineractive System, which "allows players to face down horrifying monsters while the control scheme changes intuitively for each situation".
Silent Hill Origins is expected in October.
Trailer and Screens Here
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April 30th, 2007, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
New released at Play Asia
Inspired by the events of Universal Pictures' upcoming film, The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift, this game will immerse players in the underground world of drift racing. Set in a world related to, yet separate from, the movie, the game features a ground breaking drift mechanic that makes drifting accessible to both beginning and veteran racing game drivers. Gameplay features revolutionary new systems like the Drift Indicator that make The Fast & The Furious the most accessible yet realistic drift game ever!
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April 30th, 2007, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia
Bridge gaps with your body, solve large and complex puzzles & collect all they items before reaching the exit
Unique 3D puzzle action -- go in any direction you want, and do it as quickly and efficiently as you can
Ad-hoc multiplayer modes on every stage - they can be played as vs. or co-op
Game-sharing feature means you can have multiplayer action with just one copy of the game
Unlock fun new music as you play
Cube is a quirky, unique game where you play a cube. Your goal as a cube is to collect as many keys as possible and make it out of a maze before time runs out. The other shapes will try to block your way, but as long as you're clever enough hit the right switches, avoid all the traps and bombs, and do it before time runs out, you'll be fine.
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April 30th, 2007, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Grab your stick and go head-to-head with the Dream Models in Pocket Pool for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system. With 13 different types of pool, including 9-ball, 8-ball, Rotation, Black Jack and Snooker, there's a game of billiards to satisfy any pool shark. And when you're up against the Dream Models, wins mean more than just a notch on your cue - they unlock video clips and image galleries of the luscious Dream Models.
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April 30th, 2007, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

The unique gaming experience offered by Aedis Eclipse comes from the combination of team customization and item crafting on one hand, to the dynamic combat multi-unit battle system, on the other. The PSP® format allows gamers to briefly pick up their hand-held to enjoy strategic thinking anytime, anywhere.
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April 30th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Seven Wonders lets you journey where no one alive has ever gone before. Travel to the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and trek through the Mediterranean islands to behold the glory of ancient Greece. You have to build the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. Time is short and the journey is filled with peril. You must match three same-colored magical rune coins to supply your workers with the building stones needed to create the Seven Wonders.
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April 30th, 2007, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Hey Europeans! If you've imported an American/Japanese PLAYSTATION 3, you'll need an adaptor to run it in your scary wall sockets. This AC adaptor from Fristsing is outfitted with a built-in fuse and a cooling fan. Plus! It's in the shape of a PLAYSTATION 3 and can be used with all Sony PlayStation and Microsoft consoles. The font on the adaptor's side serves as a friendly reminder that, yes, the PS3 looks way better with PS2 font.
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April 30th, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
New for this Week:
PSP Game Releases
- Legend of the Dragon
- Ultimate Board Game Collection
- Winx Club: Join the Club
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April 30th, 2007, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
Scores of companies are betting there's gold in helping go-go commuters and road warriors catch the latest episodes of 24 and Grey's Antatomy. Apple downloads movies to iPods. Cell phone carriers stream TV shows to handsets. Sling Media's Slingbox connects users to their home TVs from any Web-enabled handheld.
But a company uniquely positioned just a few years ago to be among the front-runners in the nascent mobile-video category is conspicuously missing, said James McQuivey, a Forrester Research analyst. Sounding a little like Marlon Brando, McQuivey argues that Sony, with the PlayStation Portable (PSP), should have been a contender. He notes that Apple's iTunes has sold 50 million TV shows, seized a huge market lead and proven people will watch video on small screens.
Forrester Research analyst "The thing is, Sony could have been all this," McQuivey said. "The Sony PSP is one of the best portable entertainment media devices that anyone has come up with in years. It has a relatively big screen, plays video beautifully, has good storage and audio. It could have been the first big mobile carrier for TV shows and movies."
Instead, the mobile-video play of one of the world's largest electronics companies is straggling behind Apple, has shaken the confidence of supporters--especially in Hollywood--and added to the woes of CEO Howard Stringer.
The PSP is a handheld device that plays video games, music and videos, and also displays photos. As of March, Sony has sold 7.2 million of the devices in the U.S., according to NPD Group. The PSP was supposed to be a total-entertainment media device, yet two years after launching the PSP in North America, Sony by some accounts is retrofitting its video plans.
The Financial Times, for instance, reported last December that Sony planned to launch a PSP download store early this year. But as April heads into May, still no store. A Sony spokesman declined to discuss the issue.
To some observers, a PSP video store is an admission by Sony that the company's Universal Media Discs (UMDs), the mini DVDs that play only on PSPs, are a bust.
The media began kicking dirt over UMD a year ago when consumers largely ignored the format. From the Calgary Sun came the subtle headline "Bombs away; UMD sales are zilch with consumers." The Hollywood Reporter published a story in March 2006 about Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures ending production of movies for the PSP. Variety chronicled the handheld's sagging sales in July with a story headlined "PSP loses support; Wal-Mart, studios pull back."
Format envy
The source of the problem is easy to pinpoint, say critics: Sony's UMD was another attempt by the company to force a proprietary format down consumers' throats.
"Sony hasn't won a format war ever," McQuivey said. "Sony can't get over the idea of controlling the media format. This problem of Sony's goes back to the Betamax. They don't just want to make the device that everybody wants. They want to own the entire the format."
Some observers said that by offering a disc that would play only on a Sony device, the company was thwarting piracy. Others accused Sony of creating the UMD to force PSP users to pay twice for films. Since the company offered no way to connect the handheld to a television--the same way iPods link to TVs--a UMD movie can't be enjoyed on a larger screen.
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April 30th, 2007, 21:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Leave it to EGM's rumor mill to churn out a tasty new rumor. It's rumored that an XBox staple, Dead or Alive, might be making its fifth iteration exclusively on the Sony gigantor bot -- the PlayStation 3. Actually, that's not entirely true. Team Ninja is supposedly making something revolving around the DoA universe on the PS3. Not specifically the fifth entry into the franchise. What was that last God-awful fighting game spinoff? Death by Degrees? Bad call, Tekken, bad call.
Also mentioned in the magazine is the idea that Nippon-Ichi's popular SRPG series, Disgaea, will be making its way onto the PlayStation 3 as well. Not much else is known -- will it be on the PSN (since the games are, admittedly, not the finest looking), will it be a remake, sequel, what? No matter, we'll find out in due time. Personally, I'm not too fond of the games. You waste too much time getting absolutely nothing at all accomplished. Levelling up is a joke, blah blah blah add your own opinions.
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April 30th, 2007, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Ooo-eck, the latest Devil May Cry 4 screens have just landed on our desktop and they show off a new environment with previously-unseen icy baddies.
Keen-eyed viewers can also spot the similarities between this and Capcom-cousin Lost Planet. In case you haven't already, click on over to the latest trailer which emerged on our video player last week and look out for our full hands-on report soon.
Screens Here
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April 30th, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
GamesIndustry.biz has learned that Sony is to conduct an internal inquiry after hitting the headlines for displaying a decapitated goat at a press event for God of War 2.
"It has come to our attention that at The God of War 2 launch showcase held in Athens, Greece, on 1st March 2007, an element of the event was of an unsuitable nature," a spokesperson said.
"Whilst we pride ourselves on creating engaging experiences we are committed to making sure these are appropriate in nature and do not cause offence to either attendees or our consumers in general.
"We are conducting an internal inquiry into aspects of the event in order to learn from the occurrence and put into place measures to ensure that this does not happen again."
As reported by yesterday's Mail on Sunday, pictures of the God of War 2 party showing the headless goat were published in the latest edition of Official PlayStation Magazine.
Some copies have already been sent out to subscribers but the pages in question will be removed from the remaining 80,000 issues.
The Mail on Sunday article alleged that guests at the God of War 2 event "were invited to reach inside the goat's still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach" - a report dismissed by Sony as "categorically untrue".
Speaking to GI.biz the spokesperson explained, "In keeping with the theatrical nature of the event, the attendant media were invited to eat a bowl of food that purported to be from the animal - but in fact was a cooked traditional Greek dish."
The spokesperson added that the goat was not slaughtered specifically for the event; the organisers, a Greek production company, purchased the carcass from a butcher.
He observed that Computer Entertainment UK did not play any role in the organisation of the event, and there were no members of the British media were in attendance - including the author of the OPM report.
"The writer of this article did not attend the event and has portrayed the theatre as a literal occurrence," the spokesperson said.
"This is not a true representation of the event, but nevertheless we realise the imagery and the inaccurate description of the event would cause offence and have thus taken action to stop it from circulating."
The spokesperson went on to state that the company was "shocked" to see the article appear in OPM, and immediately contacted Future Publishing to address the issue - not only after being contacted by the Mail on Sunday, as the newspaper implied.
"Sony Computer Entertainment Europe does not in any way, shape or form condone cruelty or mistreatment of animals," he confirmed.
"Sony Computer Entertainment Europe takes the sensitivities of the general public and issues of animal welfare very seriously and is sorry for any offence or distress the event or perception of this event may have caused."
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April 30th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
While Paper Mario is perhaps the best-known dimensionally challenged mascot, he wasn't the first. Designed by New York artist Rodney Greenblat, PaRappa the Rapper debuted on the original PlayStation in 1997 and is set to celebrate his 10th anniversary with a return to the spotlight.
Sony Computer Entertainment America today announced that the PlayStation Portable edition of the paper-thin puppy's premier game will find its way to North American retailers this July. PaRappa the Rapper on the PSP will feature the original PlayStation game, along with a handful of new tweaks and features. Notable additions include a four-player rap battle mode and eight downloadable remixed versions of the original game's songs.
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April 30th, 2007, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Play Asia and Success HK (SuccessHK Ship Worldwide)

Gamespot’s PC Shooter of the Year is coming to the PlayStation®3 gaming and entertainment system with new levels, new weapons, and more explosive online action - Spring 2006.
F.E.A.R.™ (First Encounter Assault Recon) is a paranormal action thriller presented entirely in first-person. An unprecedented adrenaline rush of close quarters combat seamlessly melded with the spine-tingling, shocking intensity of the paranormal unknown.
Already a critical and commercial smash on the PC, F.E.A.R. will bring a new level of FPS game play to PlayStation 3 with exclusive single-player content designed to immerse the player deeper in the world of the F.E.A.R. team, as well as the visceral action of F.E.A.R. multiplayer.
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April 30th, 2007, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
via lunabeam comes the 10 listings of how Sony messed up with the PS3 sofar:
10 - The "Spiderman" font. Why choose a font that already stands for something? It only serves to distract the gamer and make him/her think about Spiderman when they should be thinking about the PS3. On another note, I'm very excited about this week's debut of Spider-Man 3. See, I'm already thinking of something that's not the PS3 by just mentioning the font. My spidey senses are tingling...in a bad way.
9 - Lack of force feedback (vibration) in the controller. Much was made about Sony's decision to emulate the Wii's tilt motion controls. Whether or not you think Sony ripped it off is beside the point. The fact that they couldn't figure out how to get vibration and motion control into the controller, and then, as cover, came out and said vibration is overrated and not necessary, really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
8 - Lack of HD cables. Yet another poor decision by Sony who ostensibly claimed that the true HD buff would want to purchase their own cables when it seems Sony was just too cheap to throw in the very cables that would make the PS3's highly touted HD visuals come to life. This is an example of how being cheap actually ended up costing Sony money.
7 - Underestimating the Wii. Sony should have been more prepared for a battle for the hearts and minds of gamers, which Nintendo has definitely won. The $250 Wii should have been on Sony's radar as a potential threat, but their hubris allowed them to ignore it and put it down. Sony, therefore, effectively put down the gamers who would buy a Wii, thus making many of us not want to buy a PS3, just out of principle.
6 - The constant putting down of the customer. Number 7 leads into this one. Sony, throughout much of last year, continually put down their customers, saying, and I'm paraphrasing here, that they should shut up about the price and stop complaining. The PS3 is a good value, they constantly reiterated. Then, there are a variety of classic quotes including one referring to US gamers as "cheap".
5 - Coming out with two versions. A good deal of talk prior to the launch dealt with what console had what. Card reader? 20GB or 60GB HDD? Why confuse the buyer? Why distract the buyer? And, to the average person, $500 and $600 are the same thing: both prices are prohibitively expensive. There's a reason why the 20GB version was discontinued.
4 - No plan for online play at launch. Playstation "Home" was announced last month, three months after launch. You know, you can tout your online gaming capabilities all you want, but if you don't have a plan at launch, then one of your key features is really just a lie, isn't it?
3 - No "must have" games at launch. Console launch lineups are notoriously sparse and many bad games can be forgiven, but the Playstation 3's launch lineup was one of the worst to date. "Resistance Fall of Man" was the only semi-hit and most of the remainder of the games were ports of older games. Compare that to the 360's Perfect Dark Zero, Call of Duty 2, Kameo: Elements of Power, and Project Gotham Racing 3 and the Wii's Zelda: Twilight Princess and Wii Sports.
2 - Blu-Ray. Who cares about Blu-Ray? My guess is about 73 people. Okay, okay, I know it's slightly more than that...like 82. My point is that videophiles care about Blu-Ray. That was who bought the launch PS3s, not gamers. This fact escaped Sony and was a fundamental error. Gamers needed to have been the focus, not the living room entertainment crowd. To tell you the truth, I don't care if my game comes on Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, DVD, CD, or cardboard. A good game is a good game and to tie Sony's hopes for the adoption of Blu-Ray to the PS3 was, and is, a disservice to gamers.
1 - Price. $600 for a console? Even if it was gold-plated, dusted with saffron, and served caviar out of its disc tray I still wouldn't pay $600 for a console. Again, gamers are a lot smarter than Sony gives them credit for. We all know that the price will drop between year one and year two, which is about the same time that some decent games will be out for it. In the meantime, we'll all continue to play our PS2s, Wiis, and 360s until there is a compelling game and a price break.
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