June 1st, 2006, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
This was created for my own usage, in a project that i am participating in, but i thought i would release it with all of the other handy little LUA
apps that are about! Basically this allows you to create a rectangle, for a speechbubble as an example, to the size of the text that you are putting into it. It will then centre the text in that rectangle.
All you have to change is the position you want the rectangle to be (if you really need to), and what you want the text to display. Have fun and hope it helps some of you out!!
by Mimminito
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June 1st, 2006, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
GMdude66 posted this news/release:
I have just created PATS (PSP Anti Theft System).
PATS is a psp protection system, when someone else plugs in your PSP they will have to enter a password or else there IP will automatically be sent to you.
Nothing in this package is mallicous and WILL NOT harm your computer in ANY way. Please read the 'readme.txt' file for further information and full installation instructions.
PATS Version 2 has now been released!
Added a 'password' box!
Ditched the registry!
Ditched the .bat file and am now using .vbe (MUCH more features)
If password is correct an explorer window will automatically open.
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June 1st, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
realn0whereman posted this news/release:
ok this will most likely be the last release. This is an app (coded by yoursam1 and i did everything else) that will help return your psp if it is stolen and the thief access' the memory stick via usb, this app will send you an email with his IP . this file is only about 3 kb so it should not concern people about space. just have this on your stick just in case .
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June 1st, 2006, 07:00 Posted By: sirbrianx
I think some of you might be wondering about the firmware requirements for mhf. Well, i took the risk and got the game knowing it might require 2.7 and if it did, i would update. cuhz wen i heard about monster hunter for psp, i got a psp right away, so i would do nething to play it. =p
but newayz it requires 2.6 firmware. so im happy.
hope i helped those who were wondering.
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June 1st, 2006, 08:09 Posted By: motz
Now here's something very interesting. Firmware 2.71 has been officially released on Sonys websites!
You can check out the video . (via PSP3D forums)
You can download it here from Sony.
Unfortunately my own server is down at the moment so you'll have to download it from the original location.
--Game demos can now be downloaded from the internet and saved to the Memory Stick duo
--Video output can now be displayed correctly when external tuner is selected in Location Freeplayer.
Edit: This update is available via network update.
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June 1st, 2006, 10:02 Posted By: rbervoets
After so much hard work my MINI-Site is finally ready
This is a site compatible for the psp and it basically revolves around fanjitas noobz.eu just it fits in the palm of your hand !!!
Heres the site:
Hope you enjoy it
Heres a pik

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June 1st, 2006, 16:39 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
i have my next version of boxyII uploaded
here are some screenshots:

release notes:
version 0.2 second release
These are the items I added and the bugfixes.
thanks for all the feedback guys it was alot of help 
version 0.1 works on FW2.0 w/eLoader.97, and eMenu--01. (tnx yamabigdog and frmariam (EMU forum))
- New game mode (Random game, runs the game with random backgrounds)
- Special blocks (Blocks that eliminate all connecting blocks.)
- special effects for killing blocks
- themes expansion (images for the special blocks, images for fx killing blocks)
- screenshot maker (use the triangle button ingame to take it, it is saved as ss.png so only one screen shot at the time can be taken. Note this only works when ss.png already exist in the root of your psp otherwise the psp will probebly crash)
- different speeds per level.
- 1 new skin (pink world, for the ladies )
- typo Choas -> Chaos (tnx leon3142)
- reordering of blocks that are marked but shouldn't be. (tnx Psyberjock for noticing)
- special block overflow
- The second bugfix also fixed the problem of marked for deletion block and just marked block above eachothercrashing the game (tnx frmariam for the feedback and the nice photo's)
Still to come
- Chaos game mode (still busy with it, a few specials are in place)
- Trigame game mode (not sure if it will be implemented)
- Mp3 playback (I will not include any copyright protected music so you'll have to add the yourselved probebly :S )
- Game over screen makeover 
- Highscores for each game mode
- Animated backgrounds (don't know sure yet)
- strange bugs posted on the EMU forum haven't fixed them yet, still working on them. (when you press left at the same high as the blocks left or rigth.)
What i need 
- Who wants to make some skins? please contact me at bolleprog@hotmail.com
- Offcourse testing and reporting bugs, thanks those who did
- please mail me or give feedback through the ps2dev forums and please do so in english or dutch
- one of my png's is damaged in my psp, i can't seem to delete the file for somereason it removes it but it appears again without doing anything. any ideas?
Note that i already have had much feedback so expect a version 0.3 soon with alot of bugfixes :S sorry for that, already seen alot of spelling errors :S (maybe it is time for me to go back to school...)
greets Ghoti
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June 1st, 2006, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has just unleashed a brand new firmware update for the PSP version 2.71 which enables - amongst its many other wonders - LocationFree TV.
The new version adds a new icon to the PSP interface, Portable TV or P-TV, which adds portable TV watching functionality to your favourite sleek Sony handheld. Japanese users of the service will be able to download video content from So-net, with some free and some pay-to-download and view, content.
More significantly over here in the UK, version 2.71 will enable Sony's brand new LocationFree TV service which launches today in Sony stores across fair old Great Britainland. UK and European users can get the full deal by visiting Sony's freshly launched LocationFree TV site.
Demoed to CVG on Wednesday, LocationFree TV looks like it could be one of the PSP's killer features as the handheld expands over the next six months, allowing you to watch your home TV on a PSP or laptop from anywhere in the world.
Just in time for the World Cup too, and we'll be bringing you a full hands-on report soonest, but our advice is get downloading the firmware now - you need never miss a World Cup goal, an episode of Lost or the latest goings on in EastEnders ever again!
I prefer House which is on tonight myself 
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June 1st, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Lord of the Rings star Andy Serkis, who you may know as sneaky raw fish connoisseur Gollum and giant hairy ape King Kong, has been speaking to the Beeb about his new role in Heavenly Sword.
Ninja Theory's hack n' slasher was the undoubted star of Sony's PS3 line-up at last month's E3 and, after seeing the game in action, Serkis duly signed up via a rather unusual process (more on that in a moment) to star in the game as ultimate villain King Botan - as well as taking on board a dramatic director role on the title.
"We are aiming to bring the highest level of layered, truthful and emotionally engaging performance into Heavenly Sword," said Serkis, who went through a lengthy motion capture routine (which he should be used to now) to bring the evil Botan to life.
Serkis was apparently recruited via a rather unusual route through his mortgage adviser, who happens to be the brother of Ninja Theory's boss, Tameem Antoniades. Antoniades told the Beeb, "Because the production quality [on Heavenly Sword] is so high, we have been working with more film people. Andy is taking care of all the performance capture, the casting and is heavily involved in writing."
"We've done facial tests with him to find out how to create believable performances in real time on the PlayStation 3. Not many people believed what we showed [last year] was real," said the Ninja Theory boss. "This year we have proved ourselves to the doubters."
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June 1st, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
PCs are about to have their peripherals packed up in suitcases, hastily handed crumpled fivers, a packet of cola cubes and unceremoniously booted out of the front door as they're usurped by Sony's PlayStation 3 in the home.
Well, that's the image Sony's Phil Harrison has conjured up anyway, opining that, due to the gubbins in the next-gen console, the home PC is history.
Harrison dropped this bombshell in an interview with German publication Der Spiegel, claiming that it's the non-videogaming functions and the available processing power afforded by the operating system - Linux-based - resident on the PS3's hard drive that'll make PCs redundant.
We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other [home] computer functions," Harrison explained. "The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC."
Obviously this is no bearing at all on Microsoft's plans for Windows Vista...
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June 1st, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamespot
In January, Sony announced that its long-suffering Connect digital music service would be completely revamped with new functionality, including the ability to download movies, video, and games to the PSP. March was pegged as the date of the re-launch, but the month came and went without word of any new functionality.
Eventually that plan was scrapped, as a Sony representative told GameSpot sister site mp3.com that no major re-launch was planned, with the company instead opting to make incremental improvements.
Now more questions about the Connect service have arisen. According to a report on GameSpot sister site News.com, Sony Corporation of America chief technology officer and Connect advocate Phil Wiser is on his way out of the company, effective Friday. Wiser will reportedly be replaced by Sony senior vice president Steve Bernstein. The article also details a frequently contentious relationship between Sony and Kinoma, an external media company whose chief executive had been put in charge of the Connect project.
It's unclear what impact this will have on the system's planned addition of support for the PSP. A Sony representative declined to speak with News.com for that story, while GameSpot's own attempt to get clarification on the status of Connect's planned PSP support has not yet been answered.
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June 1st, 2006, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game on preorder from SuccessHK:

The revival of one of the great classics in side-scrolling blast-em-ups. This compilation features five Gradius titles to the PSP as part of one content-packed collection: Gradius I, II, III, IV and Gradius Gaiden. A number of extra modes have been packed in as well. Players will be able to chose from a number of options, setting the size of their ship, turning arcade-accurate slowdown on and off, and zooming up the action to fill the screen. Gradius I and II have been given an option to expand the play map for full screen play for the PSP's widescreen view. A new save/load system allows you to save directly from the pause screen whenever you like and continue play on your favorite or most challenging parts of stages. And the new gallery content is sure to please all Gradius fans, with movies from Gradius Deluxe Pack (PlayStation), Gradius III & IV (PS2) and Gradius Gaiden (PlayStation) as well as a sound gallery with music from all titles.

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June 1st, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Game on preorder from SuccessHK:

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is an all-new, epic adventure set in Liberty City, the 3-island metropolis from Grand Theft Auto 3. The original storyline and all new missions take place in Liberty City, featuring the interactive, open environment, superb voice talent and diverse music. It's a fully 3D experience similar to the PS2 Grand Theft Autos. Amazing visuals, new lighting and shading models & real-time reflections brings you a new epic experience.
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June 1st, 2006, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Sorry European gamers, it looks like you'll be getting the short end of the stick yet again.
Atari has dropped the skinny about the pricing of some next-gen titles slated for Europe, and it doesn't look pretty. These higher costs probably won't bode well with gamers, but it wouldn't be a shocker to see similar price hikes all around the market. So just how much will Europeans have to pay?
Sonic the Hedgehog on PS3 will be available for around 68 euros (that translates to about $87!). World Snooker Championship 2007 is even higher at 73.99 euros, or almost $95. If you thought that the console alone was going to run you up a pretty penny, then you better keep saving because it looks like the games are going to be a steep investment too.
Via PS3fanboy
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June 1st, 2006, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Konami wanted to help get the word out on its follow-up to last year's PSP actioner, Death Jr. by revealing some of the game's very first movies. Developed once again by Backbone Entertainment, Death, Jr. 2 Root of Evil follows Jr, Pandora, and all their buddies as they team up to take out a powerful spirit they accidentally set free.
More info and screens and videos at the link above.
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June 1st, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
KennethDM posted this news/release:
This is my first homebrew attempt, it's a simple-concept, but not so easy to win. The goal is simple, you have to find out what the secret code is.
At the main menu, you can choose if you want to play vs the computer or vs another player.
If you choose 2 player mode, one player has to enter the code, confirm with X, and then hand
over the psp to the other player, who has to guess the code.
version 1.1:
- improved GUI
- skinnable
- 2 player mode
- battery display
- time display
- major code cleanup
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via KennethDM
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June 1st, 2006, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Mikesena has released a new lua game for the PSP, heres the details:
I have been working on a homebrew application for the PSP called 'Slime Volleyball PSP'. It is a clone of the java game 'Slime Volleyball', created by Daniel Wedge & Quin Pendragon. It is written in LUA and is a total rewrite, nothing has been 'ported'. This is just a proof of concept.
Currently, the game has the following features:
Slimes move
Slimes jump
The ball bounces (very basic and dodgy)
The ball cannot be passed as yet, but I will get this fixed over time.
An AI bot will also be added, as soon as the script for a ball bouncing has been fully developed and in working order.
Attached is the current version. It requires LUA Player to run. The final release will probably have LUA Player built in.
Update 1/6/06
Updated the Ball physics, so it looks and bounces correctly
Also added ground detection. When the ball hits the ground, the round will end and START needs to be pressed so play can continue
There is an updated file available for download.
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via mikesena
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June 1st, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
aeolusc has released a new version of Ereader for the PSP, ereader is a text and html and supports a wealth of graphical formats, heres whats new via translation
1.1 update :
[+] pack increase shrinking and enlarging the double high / width (at cut over shrinking and enlarging Kin)
[+] increase reading choice : retain width disturbed
Remove the flashing cut over [!] catalogue
[!] amendments introduced within leakage 1.08
[!] removal menu cut over the boundary line
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June 1st, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Floppydrive posted this news/release:
OK basically this is a VERY early version, but hey at least its out right? Made by Floppydisk and therealnapster84 we present PSPsms. Built on the work of youresam (netlib.lua) and using the wonderful Danzeff keyboard. The program is in lua and will be updated frequently.If you like this program you can donate to us at
What is does:
Sends an SMS to any cellphone of your choice.
How to use:
It uses the danzeff keyboard for lua, press O to select the line you want to edit, press X to edit the line (make sure you delete the text that is already
there, to delete the text there, just go to edit, move to begining of the text and hit delete on danzeff keybaord) Press select to get out of danzeff keyboard *it goes fast so make sure you tap it quickly.Press Square to send the message..
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June 2nd, 2006, 10:57 Posted By: motz
I've been flooded with emails about "Where's PSPWeekly?!" so I thought it was only appropiate to inform you that PSPWeekly is not cancelled, it has only been delayed. The following template images are only mock-ups of Issue 13 by Sony PSP so any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks and enjoy!
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June 2nd, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has released a new version of his NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Doesnt require to be installed in the default directory anymore. (but bios and binary need to be i same dir)
- Music bug in pause/play fixed so Last resort works ok now
-Sprite Rendering fixed
- render using Kernal Mode
- GUI has been improved
- Press r to activate Screenshot
- Memory change in z80 emulation means music in many more games.
- Autofire Feature added
- New Graphics from pochi!
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June 2nd, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
An E3 trailer from Namco Bandai confirmed the MotoGP series would be tearing up tracks on the PSP, but it revealed next to nothing about the game's set of features. However, a product page on the company's Japanese Namco Channel Web site has revealed a few more details.
The MotoGP series' first foray into portable gaming will feature an international cast of 32 riders and their machines from the 2005 MotoGP season. The site stresses the game's attention to detail, stating it will contain "even substitute riders who were in just one race." Of course, racers need a place to ride, so eight real MotoGP circuits were selected based on their popularity among fans: Jerez, Estoril, Mugello, Catalunya, Donington, Sachsenring, Brno, and Valencia.
Several modes of play are also planned for the title. Gamers can cut their teeth on the game's standard arcade mode, or live out the life of their favorite racer in season mode. Rounding out the package are a multiplayer mode for up to eight players over wireless LAN, time trial races, and an unlockable 1-on-1 mode in which the player faces off against a single rider who is determined by the circuit and difficulty level. A variety of other features will be packed into the game, including an "extreme" difficulty level that can be unlocked by the truly dedicated, unlockable photos and movies, and the option for players to tweak details like their helmet type and riding form.
Via Gamespot
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:11 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has once again released a new update to his Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres the translated whats new:
16bit correcting the user interface drawing bug of the color.
Because aspect enlargement drawing of ratio and fixing a little has slipped on the right, correction.
Way next the data directory is drawn up automatically, modification.
CD-ROM load picture it modifies emulation, speed improves.
Adding CD-ROM speed limit option attendant upon description above. (→CD-ROM speed limit)
Load picture while indicating with the L/R trigger temporarily speed limit way it can make invalid/effective, modification.
Color setting the item regarding the indication of the background image of the picture modification below.
Picture of standard: Using the picture of built-in.
Picture of user: Using the picture which for the data folder is.
Only load.png: Using load.png which for the data folder is with all menus.
You do not use: The background image is not used.
Somewhat adjustment of processing of [yuzaintahuesu].
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
If your registered at YourPSP.Com you can download the English version of the Loco Roco Game for the PSP, but remember you must have the non homebrew fimware 2.71 installed.
More Info HERE
You must also be a EU member, sucks eh
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:18 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPVault
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has announced they placed a small bonus inside the new Loco Roco demo. When you complete the demo, you'll receive a password. Enter the password on the Loco Roco website, and you can download special content (wallpapers and background music). You're able to get more content depending on how many LocoRocos you can collect in the demo -- if you collect 20 or more, you'll be able to download two wallpapers and two background tracks.
You will need to be good at japanese me thinks 
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPVault
Sony Communication Network (So-net) announced they will be offering highlights of the World Cup via the PortableTV service. From June 10th, highlights of all 64 matches of the World Cup will be available; 12 highlights from each match will be published, and with the highlights as long as 20 seconds, this means you'll get about 4 minutes of each match.
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster
With thanks to PSP Vault heres their newspost to help you get past the japanese and get the new firmware and Commercial demos:
For those who wish to try the Japanese firmware on a US (or other region) PSP, and are having trouble translating the SCEJ website, here is the exact download link. The Japanese site says the "EBOOT.PBP" goes into the "Game" folder on your PSP. It also mentions putting th "EBOOT.PBP" in a folder titled "Update" (inside of the "Game" folder).
Along with the firmware update comes two downloadable demos! As mentioned in the previous article, only Loco Roco and Kazuo are available at the moment. For those who (once again) are having trouble translating the Japanese websites, I have given the direct links to download them:
Loco Roco (download to PC) Make a folder titled "UCJS10041-1" inside of the "Game" folder and place this download there.
Kazuo (download to PC) Make a folder titled "UCJS10036" inside of the "Game" folder and place this download here.
Remember to right click the download and click open in a new window to start the download.
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:38 Posted By: wraggster
Floppydrive has released a new version of his SMS sending software written in Lua, heres whats new:
SMS Send function has been remapped to the left trigger
Now works with new versions of LuaPlayer
Code re-written to increase overall speed
Various bug fixes
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June 3rd, 2006, 13:53 Posted By: wraggster
Shallan posted a new release for those with 2.7 + firmware:
PSP Flash Auto Installer v1.0 by Shallan 2/6/06
This program will allow you to distribute flash content (or indeed any browser content) that will autoinstall onto the users PSP. Simply put your file/files into the data folder and change the setup.ini accordingly. Below is an explanation of the setup.ini file, included in this package is my game xword as an example ( I used this as it MUST be installed in the correct place to work).
title=Xword -> Title displayed on the installer and also in the bookmarks
path=PSP/Xword/ -> Path to copy data to on the PSP must terminate in a /
start=PSPXword.swf -> the file to run when the bookmark is clicked
The only requirement is that the user has their PSP plugged in obviously and has at least one bookmark else the installer just quits.
This should hopefully stem the steady flow of "how do I install this" questions and also simplify bookmark setups.
Mac version should follow in a few days once I can get on a Mac to test it. Note this will work on most versions of Windows but it wont work on NT4.
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June 4th, 2006, 02:57 Posted By: Gene
this is really addicting i've been playing it for about 2 hours now. Hehe i agree you should release it on umd and make it much longer. Two thumbs up.
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June 4th, 2006, 10:17 Posted By: wraggster
Shine has released a new version of Lua Player for the PSP, heres the release info:
On http://www.luaplayer.org you can get the new version 0.20. It is updated to Lua 5.1, there are some bugfixes and a new function for loading images from memory. I'll try to add pspgl the next week.
The changelog:
updated for gcc 4.1 and Lua 5.1. Some things you need to change for 5.1:
change table iteration code: "for i, value in someTable do" to "for i, value in ipairs(someTable) do" (but use "pairs" for tables like "t={foo=bar, foobar=99}" and "ipairs" for tables like "t={foo, bar}")
it's pure Lua 5.1: no binary operators and double as number type (e.g. now you can use one number for storing IP addresses)
Sound.load doesn't crash any more on invalid filenames
fixed problems with daylight saving time
Font:getTextSize fixed.
blit operation from screen to image works now,
and now you have an "image" with the text "hello"
TTF font plotting to images now sets the alpha value to opaque, so you can write e.g. something like this for buffering texts in images
new function Image.loadFromMemory for loading images from memory:
PNG and JPEG is supported and autodetected
image-to-image blitting now uses alpha full blending [Callum Bethune]
System.rename(oldName, newName) for renaming files and directories
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Thanks to Limpopokanoah for tipping me the news 
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June 4th, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
IGN have posted 5 new screens of the new Earthworm Jim game for the PSP, check them out via the comments
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June 4th, 2006, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
First off thanks to PSPVault for this file and info.
This is the English game demo for the Commercial Game Loco Roco, heres the release details:
This is the European (English language) demo version of Loco Roco, provided by PSP-Vault member koppite. It will also work on PSPs from other regions, such as USA and Japan.
It requires firmware 2.71 or above to run on your PSP.
After you unzip this archive, you will have a "UCES00304" folder. Place this folder inside of your "PSP\GAME\" folder.
To launch the demo on your PSP, navigate to "Game," choose "Memory Stick," then choose the icon for "Loco Roco Downloadable Demo."
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June 4th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
PSPDemon posted this news:
This is my first mod to PSPool.....
Thought that it could use a few touch ups ....nothing to serious,
just a table, menu, balls, and icon0 change...
Hope you Enjoy
Thanks for Everything,
PS- will be making new tables to add to it as well ....and also.....there are only 3 tables in there right now, so if you want to change it to a different one, then go into the PSPool folder and go to images....then you should rename what ever pool table you want in there to "Table.bmp" then reload pspool and enjoy :P
Download at his site here --> http://pspdemon.dcemu.co.uk/
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June 5th, 2006, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Portable Life PSP Magazine, heres the news from the official site:
After our first issue clocked up over 3700 downloads (causing our site to go down! Victims of our own popularity!) we're proud to bring you Issue 2. Yes, With Capital Letters!
It would've been released yesterday, but we've been spending some time attempting to proof read the mag, so we hope there'll be fewer mistakes this time around. We've included a considerably beefier homebrew section this month which we hope will satisfy some of our fans along with more pictures and photos (we aim to have even more next issue, but one miracle at a time!).
If you liked the mag please consider donating a few pennies, we don't need much, but last month the site went down under the mountains of downloads. If just a fraction of our readers give us tiny amounts, we should easily be able to keep the site online for you all. We burned through on average over a gigabyte of bandwdith a day!
Download at the Official Site
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June 5th, 2006, 07:23 Posted By: wraggster
Issue 12 of the Xtreme PSP Magazine is now available for download. Issue 12 is packed with over 110 pages of great content including Previews of Field Commander, Tekken and Astonishia Story, reviews of Daxter, Ape Escape P and Talkman. And all the regular content including tips and cheats, the latest news, a new competition and more...
Download it Here
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June 5th, 2006, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
dragula96 has released a new game for the PSP, heres the details:
Hey there, just finished codeing a little game i like to call "color Blocks". this requires LUA player 15 or later.
one known bug is that the music starts playing slow then gets fixed after you place like 4 blocks. another is that you can not create chains longer then 5 blocks at a time. this was my second attempt to make this, the first was 6 months ago.
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via dragula96
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June 5th, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjared posted this release, heres the info:
SuperMasterX ------ written by LostSideDead
0.2 Updates:
Removed Ogg Music Support since it caused the game to crash at random times
Will work on fixing the music in future release.
The Year is 2006 and Super Stoner is suddenly caught up in a roar of pyschotic **AA grandma's from the planet Copyright. So what is there to do? Pick up your trusty shotgun and get blastin those greedy old lobbyist zombie grandma's!
Super Stoner is not mario:
Mario is a wanna be super stoner, eating all those shrooms. He may look similar but its only on the surface. Sprites are orignal
So What?
SuperMasterX 0.1 Contains
* Ability to play all the levels from SuperMaster 2
* Hot Music track from dEEp logiC
* Eight new Levels
* Totaly re programmed from scratch in the C programming langauge
versus C++ (which the orignal was written in)
* Compatiblity with OpenXDK for cross compiling for XBOX
* 100% Compatiblity for 1.5 PSP's
* Windows Executable for those who dont have any neat toys.
Connect your PSP via USB cable
Copy the contents of PSP_Release Folder
to the Root of your Memstick..
That means /PSP_Release/PSP/GAME/SuperMasterX
Should look like htis on your memstick:
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June 5th, 2006, 16:54 Posted By: emuking
PSPHacking101.com have released a new video with these topics:
- Dax ZISO Loader
Compatibiliy list Max Consle.net
- Wi-Fi for Home Brew
- PSP N64 Emulator
- RSS Feeds with PiMPStreamer
More info
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June 5th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
If there's one PS3 game worth getting excited about at the moment, it's the graphically spectacular fourth entry in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, and in another recent interview with PSM2 mag, series mastermind Hideo Kojima revealed some more tasty new gameplay details.
In the interview the MGS father details Snake's new camouflage suit the "Octo Cam." As seen in the excellent E3 trailer (which you can find to the right of this page) Snake's suit will change form and colour depending on his surroundings. As revealed by Kojima, this will happen automatically when Snake is immobile, and apparently the its fancy graphical effect is only possible on the PlayStation 3.
.Also revealed in the interview is the extent of MGS4's interactive environments, most of which will apparently be destructible. Kojima notes that the PS3 does have some boundaries though; in some buildings only certain items will be destructible. As an example, Kojima notes the stairs that the Metal Gear destroys in the latest E3 trailer; while they are damaged in the trailer you'll notice that everything in the scene remains undamaged.
Kojima finishes off the interview by again stating that MGS4 will be apparently be his "last Metal Gear game." "The series belongs to Konami and the fans, but I have the liberty to stop," he says. Of course this isn't the first time Kojima has tried to ditch his famous stealth series; originally MGS2 was going to be his final series entry but he reclaimed the mantle for the third game after massive fan outcry. Better get your letter writing pens out then.
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June 5th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
It's the cross-platform tussle that just won't go away: Iwata, Miyamoto and Yarnton have all had a pop at Sony's 'surprise' motion-sensing controller announcement at E3 and the company's Phil Harrison has returned fire. Now, Sony Europe's president and CEO, David Reeves, has stepped into the ring in a bid to reassure gamer's that it didn't just nick Nintendo's idea on a reactionary whim.
Speaking to trade publication MCV, Reeves claimed, "We've had a positive reaction to the controller and obviously some people have asked if it's a last minute thing [...] It's not - it's been planned for around two and a half years."
:Reeves continued, "If you have a device that includes 50 or 55 patents, you can't reveal it, as someone will try to file a patent to stop it. We have already had some positive feedback on it from publishers." Obviously, with the controller having been in development for so long, it does rather beg the question, why did it surprise so many PS3 developers when logic would suggest they'd benefit greatly from getting the technology at the earliest opportunity? Sadly, that's something we don't have an answer to.
Meanwhile, Reeves also slapped down some of Sony's aims for the next-generation of console gaming, suggesting that market share isn't what it's all about this time around: "The name of the game is not market share, it's how fast we can grow the industry - our ambition is to grow 15 per cent a year on hardware and software if we can. We want to try and double digital entertainment in the next five to six years. Whether we have 40, 50, or 60 per cent market share is not that important."
Frankly, with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all plumping for a taste of that untapped fruit, it sounds like we're not going to be able to move for consoles spilling out of people's letterboxes and bedside drawers in a year's time. Assuming they all get their way, that is.
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June 5th, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Although the PS3's game line-up didn't quite make the hugest of splashes at E3, there were certainly some intriguing titles on view. Whilst Killzone 2 conspicuously failed to make an appearance, the other title commanding FPS fans' attentions was Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man.
Although UT 2007 will probably still be the PS3's premier shooter come the launch window, there's every sign that Resistance should also be high on FPS fans' shopping lists. Although perhaps better known for the Ratchet series, Insomniac's futuristic shooter pits mankind (well a UK and US coalition anyway - let's just hope it works a bit better than our effort out in Iraq) against a shadowy race of monsters known as the Chimera, who've infected most of Europe with a hideous curse.
Billed as a "blend of epic military action and unnerving horror", Resistance is set to feature some epic single-player struggles but, with co-op and online campaigns for up to 32 players, it should also bring plenty to the multiplayer table.
Now, you get a chance to judge for yourself and see what we saw out at E3, with the release of the first official movie from the game - depicting the beginning of Operation Morning Star to reclaim the world from the alien foe. A bunch of crunchy gameplay footage is enclosed and it's looking the business, with detailed environments and plenty of bug-blatting action. No release date of course yet, but we hope this one will be amongst the first cream of the PS3 crop and we'll bring you more from the Resistance front line soon.
Trailer and News at CVG
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June 5th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted this news:
Talismoon brought us another amazing product today, something that really works like magic! It is a scratch removers for display screens (PSP, Ipod, mobile phones etc), we tested it, and we can only approve this product. It simply removes all those nasty scratches on the screen. We like it so much, everyone here at the Divineo office grabbed a few tubes for personal usage. All is included in the box and it is easy as 1, 2, 3!
Heres the info:

Handheld consoles (PSP, GP2X etc.), MP3 players (iPod etc.), mobile telephones and PDA displays scratch very easily and thus appear shabby and unsightly.
Talismoon Displex offers a simple solution for this widespread customer problem.
With this new type of special polishing paste, end users have for the first time the possibility of eliminating the scratches in their displays quickly and cost-effectively in a do-it-yourself process.
Displex is a patented product, simply because it WORKS! Efficiently! Scratches are removed and screens appear like new!
Talismoon Displex pack come in a special secure blister to protect the tube during shipping (useful for online orders) and with a polishing cloth designed to optomize Displex application. All you need is in the pack!
More info at This Page
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June 5th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
If you were to come up with an all-time puzzle top ten, it's a sure bet that Bust A Move (a.k.a. Puzzle Bobble) would feature somewhere near the top. Like Tetris, and Bejeweled it's one of those absolute corkers that is so utterly perfect in its initial conception that it's become timeless. Trying to match three bubbles of the same colour by firing up the screen while they slowing descend, row by row, is one of those games we'll always have time for; they're just so moreish.
But much like anything timeless, tinkering with the formula only gets you so far. You might come up with numerous variations on a theme that sound good on paper, but after the short-lived novelty has worn off, you're back wanting the classic version you always loved.
Full Review at Eurogamer
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June 5th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Somewhere, there's a dizzy parallel universe where there's no Radio One. No Capital Gold. No Magic FM. Where the soundtrack to everyday life throbs with manic day-glo doo-wop pop thrills and the words you hear have never been heard by mortal ears. It's a world where the smiling bubble offspring of Jeff Minter's perverted Corona dreams have to pass their fizzical by warbling joyous high pitched odes to MDMA and the wonders of surging serotonin. These amorphous blobs grin themselves to death for the love of plants. It's a happy, albeit brief existence.
Full Review at Eurogamer
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June 5th, 2006, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
I love Theme Parks even though the robbin basts take the piss with what they charge but anyway heres a nice bit of news from CVG:
Frontier Software (the team behind RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 on PC) and LucasArts (the publisher that cancelled Sam & Max Freelance Police, boo) have announced a brand new console theme park sim, Thrillville.
As with its PC cousin, Thrillville promises to combine "elements of social interaction, party gaming and simulation like nothing before", as well as enabling gamers to "experience the joys of creating and playing within their very own theme park. At the same time, it offers the necessary depth to reward those who want to tweak and customize to their heart's content."
Thrillville features 150 unique attractions (including roller coasters, thrill rides, stalls, videogame arcades, hover-car soccer, trampolines and bumper cars) and 15 different environments (five parks with three themes each, it says here). The twist is that you'll be able to experience the park first hand, ramming friends on the dodgems, playing the mini-golf courses you lay out, taking on other players at first-person shooting games and so on - experience "at ground level what you've created as a playable character who can actively chat, joke and even flirt with every single park guest".
It sounds rather grand to us - but then we've been suckers for theme park games since Bullfrog's title all those moons ago. Thrillville is set to arrive on Xbox, PS2 and PSP this Christmas. And we've got one solitary screenshot to tide you over until then.
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June 5th, 2006, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Another week, another PS3 rumor fire quickly decimating rational thought on the internet. We should start billing Sony for putting these things out. This time, British computing tabloid, The Inquirer, is running a piece titled, "PS3 hardware slow and broken." It's full of the usual Inquirer stuff: bad spelling, horrible grammar, and (most importantly) specious arguments. So, before we even get to what they're claiming, understand that anything published on The Inquirer should be considered entertainment, much the way the Enquirer is. Here goes:
An Inquirer writer had the good fortune to sit next to Anonymous Guy on a recent flight to Japan who dished about the PS3's new Cell and RSX chips. "Oh my God, did you hear? Cell is like, totally broken and junk. It's MBs are all, like, messed up where the GBs should be ... and stuff." Alright, that's not a direct quote, but a decent approximation. It isn't worth going through and breaking down the arguments since a little common sense would go much further.
Alright, internet, I know we're all still upset about "The Price." I know sometimes Sony says funny stuff that we all laugh at. (Too cheap? You kill me Kutaragi!) There are some kinds of rumors we're willing to believe. Yields are low? Alright, that happens. One of the largest and most well respected chip developers in the world, whose new, custom-built, ground breaking chip architecture has a huge design flaw that we extrapolated from a slide and a single-serving airplane buddy? See, it just doesn't seem as plausible.
In regards to a system as unique -- and uniquely complex -- as the PS3, this level of "journalism" seems woefully inadequate to tackle what may or may not be actual design problems with the processor. Places to look, if you're so inclined: Sony's Cell page. Too biased? How about one of Ars Technica's famously exhaustive looks at the thing ... in two parts. The Ars guys are part processor, it appears, and they didn't manage to identify some singular shortcoming that will doom the PlayStation 3 as an also-ran.
So go ahead. Read it, enjoy it, but please don't take it as Truth. The console wars are already ugly enough without the rumors.
Via Joystiq
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June 5th, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SuccessHK:

A compilation of the entire Street Fighter Alpha arcade series, including Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Street Fighter Alpha 3. As an added bonus, the "pint-sized" Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (aka Pocket Fighter), is included.
All titles in the collection feature three core gameplay options. Arcade mode pits competitors against a series of CPU controlled opponents in order to beat the game. Versus mode allows two players to choose among the cast of characters for intense head-to-head battles. Fighters can practice special moves and combos to hone their skills in the training mode. Additionally, all four Alpha titles feature survival mode as well as a dramatic battle mode which allows 2-on-1 tag team matches.
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June 5th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D:
Percival has just released his port of Formido, an action game where you try fight off enemy bugs as long as you can. This is one smooth port, featuring a nice FPS, awesome graphics, and an addictive gameplay to boot.
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June 5th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
A surprising report has emerged from Japan's Ultra One monthly technology magazine. The magazine's July issue reports that Sony will be achieving backwards compatibility on the PlayStation 3 not through software emulation, as previously announced, but through physical hardware.
The magazine states that the PS3 hardware, in its current form, includes the core PlayStation 2 chipset. This presumably means that initial PS3 units will include the single Emotion Engine (the PS2 CPU) and Graphic Synthesizer (the PS2 graphics chip) combo chip that powers the slim model PS2.
Of course, including the extra hardware drives up costs. The magazine adds that Sony plans on removing the PS2 chipset from future revisions of the PS3 hardware once it has finished development of a proper software-based PS2 emulator. Such a removal would help bring down costs for the system.
Via Ign
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June 5th, 2006, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has once again updated his NeoGeo CD emulator for the PSP, heres the translated whats new:
Because operation of [komandorisuto] is disreputable, like below modification.
Scroll of ↑↓・・・ [komandorisuto]/selection of menu item
The ○ button… the menu is opened,/you close
The L trigger… you do not use
R trigger… help indication
14: Resolution of 9 because it is something which meaning is not understood privately, deleted with ver.0.4, but
Demand some case because it is, 14 where it deletes: You reset on the basis of the resolution of 9.
(Only Japanese edition) as for the Japanese edition command list size 4MB (110,000 line) because it is,
Adding size reduction performance.
Hmm yeah sounds good to me
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June 5th, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
The turf war continues with Chris Lewis of Microsoft kicking up some dirt about Sony's online strategy for the PlayStation 3. In an interview with Eurogamer, Mr. Lewis accused Sony of stealing their idea and implementing it as their own.
"Plagiarism is a good thing - that in itself isn't such a problem, it's what the market wants. But we've known that's what the market wanted all along," he said. Adding that he thinks it's flattering, Chris stated that he's glad to see Sony bridging the gap and covering ground to catch up, but that he's a little hazy on the whole thing.
"How the pricing is going to work still to me seems very unclear." Well, if Sony sticks to their guns, then the answer is simple: it'll be free!
via ps3fanboy
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June 5th, 2006, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Four new PSP games this week, which is really good considering what we had last week--aaah, nothing! Gradius Collection contains five Gradius titles in one package including the long awaited Gradius Gaiden. We've got a couple of racers (one for the kids and one for the big kids) and a role playing game, Astonishia Story. Five new UMDs to check out this week as well. The Matrix Reloaded is my pick of the week.
PSP Game Releases
Astonishia Story
Gradius Collection
Race Driver 2006
PSP UMD Releases
Glory Road
The Matrix Reloaded
True Romance
Underworld: Evolution
Get them all at Amazon.com.
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June 5th, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjared has released a new game for the PSP, heres the info:
Tux Blocks 0.1
- PSP 1.5
New version of MasterPiece with larger grid
and new graphics..
Multiplayer supported on Windows/XBOX not yet on PSP
D-Pad move blocks
Up on D-Pad Shift blocks
Line up 3 colors in a row to remove the line
Same old game, new look and feel.
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June 5th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: Shallan
Decided it was time to update my site a little and make it more of an experience for 2.7 users, as such its now 99% flash. The new portal address is http://www12.asphost4free.com/shallan/portal.swf although this can still be accessed through the index.htm from the old site, also the old games page is still online as its currently the only way to download the .swfs for use offline.
The music and pictures section will follow shortly when I decide on a format for them that is bandwidth friendly as well as pretty to look at/listen to.
Anyway just wanted to let you guys know. Now ill get back to coding some games \o/
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June 6th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Kozine posted this news/release:
.:.:.::[-GTA Style PSP-]::.:.:.
.:.:.::[-Coded by kozine-]::.:.:.
.:.:.::[-What is GTA Style PSP?-]::.:.:.
GTA Style PSP is a flash mod which flashes a GTA font, GTA Background, GTA boot sound and GTA style XMB menu names. Whats great about this flashmod is that if you dont like it, you can just start up GTA Style PSP and select the restore option in the main menu to reflash all the default settings!
.:.:.::[-How to install-]::.:.:.
1. Extract the GTASTYLEPSP and the GTASTYLEPSP% into the GAME folder on your memory stick
2. Start up your PSP, go to the memory stick section in the game menu
3. Select GTA Style PSP
4. There you go
You, yourself chose to use this program. If it bricks your PSP its your own fault for choosing to use the program. To make sure you don't brick your PSP while flashing the new files to the flash, DO NOT REMOVE THE MEMORY STICK!!
If this does brick your PSP, you cannot come to me and start saying that I bricked your PSP due to the fact you chose to use this program.
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Via Kozine
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June 6th, 2006, 07:31 Posted By: wraggster
EladTHC has released AntiNibbles, the aim of the game is to avoid everything on screen for as long as possible.
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June 6th, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
DickyDick1969 has just released a new version of PiMPStreamer, a homebrew application which streams videos in realtime to the PSP.
Heres whats New:
- Fixed multiple bugs.
- Properly implemented infinite stream.
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June 6th, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has released a new version of what is now the best Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the PSP, heres whats new
6 button mode problems fixed
Several games that didnt work before now do
and misc bug fixes.
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June 6th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Raphael posted this news/release:
Here it is, the long waited for subtitle addon for jonnys famous PMPMOD.
Thanks to jonny for his help.
Q: What subtitle formats are supported?
A: Currently only MicroDVD format is supported, but more will follow.
Q: How much do subtitles affect performance of PMPMOD?
A: In a series of benchmarks with jonnys own benchmark code, it showed that subtitles will decrease the average fps by 0.3 at most.
Q: That's cool, but how do you do that?
A: Just some organized glyph caching in VRAM and my own fast glyph blitter.
Q: How do I change the codepage/charset/language?
A: Inside the PMPMOD folder are different font files for different languages. To change the language, simply rename the 'font10.f' to 'font10_western.f' or alike and rename the right font to 'font10.f'.
If you want to display hebrew subtitles for example, rename 'font10_heb.f' to 'font10.f'
Q: Why so complicated?
A: Because it's simpler for me and because most users most likely only need to do this step once, so this shouldn't be a problem. A possibility to choose language in the program will follow later.
Q: What about other languages?
A: Each font file holds a charset of one Unicode page, ie 256 chars. The file is generated from Windows fonts using a small tool that I will release the next days. So if you have a font installed with your charset, you can create your own font file.
(Chinese and japanese kanji will need a little different approach - I will try to add support for these in the future)
Q: Arrrrgggg.... where is the (nice) GUI?!
A: Lost in space. No. It's not included because it will get completely rewritten from scratch with better skinning support, a option screen and nice graphics and fonts.
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June 6th, 2006, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Our Forum Member Dragula96 has released an updated version of his Star Wars game for the PSP, heres the details:
here is another unrelased project that never got published a few months ago.
this was written in lua but is a standalone eboot format... this is because i just found out lowser uses up reasorces (i think) and it slows down this game. anyway cant remember what i tweeked since v1.1 but the most noticeable is the addition of the "gradius" like powerup engine. again this was coded back in the day so code might not be optimized.
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via dragula96
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June 6th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Our Forum Member Dragula96 has released an updated version of his Tron game for the PSP, heres the details:
that's right its back and yes it needs Lua to work...now that i got the world's attention with Luamines... anyway i dug up the old backup cds and found this, i just moded it a little to incorprate my new intro screen along with credit to pochi for his awsome art work he had given me permission to use back then...
new version includes selectable "colors" and nice new graphics by pochi... forgot what else i had added since its been a while. first one to get 5 wins... WINS :P game is still 2 players, to select colors just move the cycle line up and down when both players are ready hit start and enjoy.
this was my second attempt at a lua game(and it shows) , so the code is messy as hell and runs like crap compaired to luamines... I think i will update this later with my new Lua coding skilz0rz, make it faster and run better i guess. .
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via dragula96
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June 6th, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
To all those who are new and old to homebrew heres just a notice to you all, the homebrew scene is about the reverse engineering of consoles so that we get a legal scene, we never support pirating of systems that are being emulated ie PSP isos on the PSP.
Although Sony do their very best to kill homebrew on the PSP they will really never succeed, at some stage there will open a new exploit that opens homebrew for newer firmware.
Remember real homebrew sites such as DCEmu, Emuholic, GP32X etc will never post about iso loaders etc,
ISO Loaders only make Sony more determined to kill off the homebrew scene and mark us all the same.
Lets Keep Warez away From Our Homebrew Scene
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June 6th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony America's Kaz Hirai has gone on the post-E3 record with US newspaper the Mercury news, and chief amongst his musings on the next-gen battle is an acknowledgement that Microsoft has led the way into online, preparing gamers for what the PS3 will eventually be able to offer.
Although it's widely conceded that Microsoft has built a significant advantage with its Live service which is now to be extended through Live Anywhere to embrace 360, PC and next-gen mobile phones, Hirai seemed unperturbed by MS's lead. When questioned, Hirai seemed blissfully unconcerned saying, "Thank you, Microsoft, for helping us in taking consumers online."
Hirai continued, "The most important thing for us is to make sure online is an integral part of the experience. It's not a 'nice to have' feature. It enables new businesses. But we do want to make sure that we have the content for both online and offline."
Hirai seemed equally not bovvered about the concept behind Live Anywhere, implying that Sony's PS3 and PSP connectivity combo would be a superior offering due to the PSP's natural advantages over mobile phones. Hirai said of Live Anywhere, "The more interesting play for me is connectivity with portable devices. That means interaction with the PlayStation Portable and the PS3. Cell phones are not primarily designed for entertainment. We can make the PSP and the PS3 work together. That's a step up in entertainment and a new value to offer the consumer."
Despite Hirai's bullish predictions, can Sony's PS3 and PSP combo take a significant chunk of the next-gen online gaming business? We'd be delighted to hear your thoughts in the comments field below.
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June 6th, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
The next Grand Theft Auto, GTA: Liberty City Stories is only a few weeks away from release on PS2, and we've finally got the first screens and trailer of its brand new console paint job.
In case you haven't been paying attention, Liberty City Stories was first released for the PSP last year, and sees you once again return to Liberty City as new boy Tony Cipriani. Although you're shooting up the exact streets you already criminalised in GTA III, Liberty City Stories introduces a brand new plot, characters, missions and vehicles which is why it quickly became one of the hottest titles for Sony's slick handheld.
If you don't own a PSP or you just want to revisit Liberty City on your home console, GTA: LCS will be out for PS2 on June 23 for the handsome price of 19.99 GBP - to which we say, bargain. The next GTA revisit, Vice City Stories is due on PSP in October
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June 6th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Close on the heels of their exit from the DVD recorder market, Pioneer has announced that their line of Blu-ray players, which were originally slated for a May release, will be delayed until sometime "this autumn." The company didn't announce exactly what's holding them back, but we wouldn't rule out lack of content as at least part of the cause. Don't worry Pioneer, we still love you for your BDR-101A, but for right now we have to go sit and stare longingly at the online manual for Samsung's upcoming BD-P1000.
Via Engadget
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June 6th, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
A port of 2001's PS2 musical cult hit, Gitaroo Man Live is unique amongst rhythm games and comes from the same people who brought up the NDS's most popular beat based title, Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. Each level is an action packed battle against an opponent, with a Charge phase at the start to build up your health, and a Harmony phase to wind down at the end. The meat of the system though is in the two middle phases, Attack and Guard. During the first, a line scrolls towards the middle of the screen and you're required to not only hit circle in time with the tunes to hear Gitaroo Man's guitar, but also copy the direction of the line with your analogue nub. After that the Guard phase puts on a different spin, having all four face buttons fly in from the four sides of the screen, and has you hitting them as they reach the center.
New to the PSP remake are both extra songs and entirely new modes! In addition to single player there's now duet mode for wireless co-op play, a competitive 2-player battle mode, plus a Jukebox system. The PSP's flat analogue nub also apparently makes the game control better than it did on a DualShock, and by slotting in your headphones you can crank up the sound and rock on with Gitaroo Man where ever you are! Due in before end of this week, with English menus and song titles the game is very import friendly, and as every game for the PSP is region free, you can slide it into your console no matter where you picked it up.
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June 6th, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA president Kaz Hirai has questioned Microsoft's decision to opt for the HD-DVD format over Blu-Ray, observing that larger games may have to be presented on multiple discs.
Speaking to Dean Takahashi of the Mercury News, Hirai described the PS3 as "A console that is here for the long haul and is not on a five-year cycle."
"Microsoft is coming out with an HD-DVD accessory for HD movies as an add-on only a year after they launched. That is exactly the kind of thing we don't want to do," he continued.
"This console is going to do much more... If you look at the lack of Blu-Ray on Microsoft, what do you do if the game requires 40 to 50 gigabytes? Put it on three discs?"
Hirai went on to dismiss suggestions that at USD 499/599, the PS3 is too expensive, stating: "I think that is the right price for what we're bringing to consumers."
"Let's look under the hood and see total value we are delivering to consumers. At five to 10 years, you see the lasting power of the PS2. If you go out there now, there is a lot of PS2 software out there."
"From a consumer's view, who got the better value? If you look at which console is giving the publishers more time to amortise their development costs, the answer is pretty obvious."
Hirai said he is "confident" Sony will maintain its position as market leader once the next-gen battle kicks off, stating: "With the PlayStation 3, we are keeping to our belief that we have the true next-generation console."
"It's all about the games. We all know that. It's about delivering compelling entertainment to the consumer once again. We are well on our way to showing that."
via GiBiz
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June 6th, 2006, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Live to fight for honour and glory; to free the innocent and destroy the corrupt.
A once peaceful town finds itself victim to extreme violence after shifting policies within the ruling government cause unrest amongst its citizens. Gangs behave without honour, spreading tyranny and fear amongst the townspeople, whilst the governors suppress all with brutal justice.
However, amongst the desperation there is hope: a lone warrior arrives with the ability to change the town's destiny. Whether the changes made are for the better is a result of the choices you make as you live the way of the Samurai.
Spike's Samurai Dou 2: Kettouban (PlayStation2 the Best) - aka. Way of the Samurai 2 - for PlayStation2â„¢ is now available at discounted US$ 10.90 only.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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June 7th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via SportNetwork
Sony seem to think that, by placing a Honda Racing F1 car behind model Keeley Hazell, we'll happily put up their pictures and promote their new game, FORMULA ONE 06 for the PlayStation and PSP. How right they are.
Screenshots Via the Comments
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June 7th, 2006, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPNation
While The PSP Nation regularly hosts weekly PSP meetups in New York, we decided to spread the love this week by taking the group on a ride south towards Coney Island in Brooklyn via the MTA’s D train, right in the middle of rush hour. We hoped that if anyone happened to be using their own PSP on the ride that they would join right in. We began by gathering up in the late afternoon at the Manhattan Mall, on 34th Street.
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June 7th, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Aserto posted this news:
I've just finished to write PSPirc, an IRC client written in lua.
- Multichannel support
- Base IRC commands support
- Base DCC support (you can only receive files)
- Private messages support
- Danzeff virtual keyboard
- Text scrolling
- Improoved nicklist
- Improoved DCC support
- Improoved CTCP support
- Add IRC commands
- DCC multitransfer support
- Multiserver support
PSPirc is an open-source IRC client written in lua for the PSP. PSPirc uses the wifi function to connect to IRC. With PSPirc you can chat with your friends, download and send files and more. PSPirc uses luaplayer to work.
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June 7th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D
KaotiK DesignZ and PSP 3D are proud to release X5 ver 2.00, a joint production with grassroots all the way back in August of 2005, with the release of KaotiX ver 1.00. X5 has progressed a long way since then, and offers a ton of new features that were once unthought of back in the early days of the PSP. X5 ver 2.00 focuses on media, Internet connectivity, and most of all GUI. Weekly free flash gamepacks for 2.7 and higher firmware users will be released here at PSP3D.com, which can be played through the Quicktime Player; RSS feeds with tons of music, from rap and hip hop to rock and techno will be player at iTunes; and high quality movie trailers, music videos, shows, and more will be downloadable directly to your PSP, only through X5. All this and more is promised with this new, totally revamped version of the best portal for the PSP around. Please read the included readme.txt file for more information on how to install this on your PSP. X5 only works on firmwares 2.0 though 2.71 via the official web browser. Play around and enjoy 6/6/06!
New features in X5 ver 2.00 include:
- Address Book (Redesign).
- AOL Instant Messenger (New Dialog).
- Dock (Redesign).
- Finder (Redesign).
- iCal (Redesign).
- iPhoto.
- iTunes.
- Mail (New Dialog).
- MSN Messenger (New Dialog).
- QuickTime Player.
- Safari (Redesign).
- System Preferences (Redesign).
- Yahoo! Messenger (New Dialog).
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June 7th, 2006, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
GMdude66 posted this news/release:
PATS is a psp protection system, when someone else plugs in your PSP they will have to enter a password or else there IP will automatically be sent to you.
Nothing in this package is mallicous and WILL NOT harm your computer in ANY way.
Please read the 'readme.txt' file for further information and full installation instructions.
PATS Version 3 has now been released!
Now back to using the registry!
Now using executable files! (this should solve autoplay not oepning the file)
Added 1 icon.. (PM me if you can make some cool TRANSPARENT .ico files!)
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via gmdude66
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June 7th, 2006, 12:13 Posted By: mameuser
To who want to try it.
Source code http://daedalus-n64.cvs.sourceforge.net/daedalus-n64/
Earlier this evening I updated the project CVS repository with the latest version of the code. Normally I only do this when I release a new build, but I know people have been playing with the code and have expressed an interest in seeing the latest developments.
I'm not quite ready to release a new binary yet (still a few more optimisations I want to make and various bugs to fix first), but I'll try and do this within the coming week.
Incidentally, updating the source normally only takes 20 minutes or so, but it took a good couple of hours tonight. Sourceforge updated their CVS service recently (May 12th) and as a result I had to spend a couple of hours updating WinCVS, generating new SSH keys and the like. Hopefully it won't be so painful next time around, or I might just lose the will to live.
As a more general update, I cleared a couple of things from my TODO list sorted this weekend. I'm caching floating point registers for most of the single-precision Cop1 instructions, which are now implemented directly in the dynarec code. I've not timed this in depth yet, but it's shaving 10-20ms/frame off the intro to Mario 64 (Mario's Head), which is particularly FPU heavy (i.e. I'm getting ~160ms/frame rather than ~180ms)
Finally I need to have a good think about how to go about optimising the double-precision floating point performance. As the PSP doesn't have hardware support for double precision floating point this is currently very expensive (i.e. adding 2 doubles on the n64 takes just one instruction - on the psp this balloons to several hundred as it all has to be done in software).
Currently I cheat and cast all the double-precision floats to single-precision values before performing the calculations. Although this is much faster it obviously loses a lot of precision, so I need to be careful it's not going to break any roms. Also even the float->double/double->float conversions are pretty expensive so it's still not an ideal solution. Fortunately not many roms seem to use double-precision maths extensively (presumably because it was relatively expensive on the n64), and where they do use it they don't seem to be too sensitive to the fact that I'm throwing most of their mantissa away 
From http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
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June 7th, 2006, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Ireland MD Niall O'Hanrahan has declared that the company faces tough competition in the next-gen console cycle - adding that there's no guarantee it will retain the position of market leader.
Speaking to the Irish Times, O'Hanrahan said: "We have a marketing challenge from now until launch. This is not a done deal. It will require a lot of effort from us."
"We would never say we cannot fail," he added.
And it's not just the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii Sony has to worry about, according to O'Hanrahan: "Competition is now not limited to direct competition. We compete with MP3 players. We noticed at E3 that games for PCs are back."
O'Hanrahan's comments make a nice change compared to some of those we've been hearing from Sony execs lately, which have led to the company being accused of arrogance. Earlier this week, Sony US boss Kaz Hirai said he was "confident" Sony will win the battle, stating: "With the PlayStation 3, we are keeping to our belief that we have the true next-generation console."
Via Eurogamer
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June 7th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Eidos has confirmed that Tomb Raider: Legend is due out on PSP this Friday across all PAL territories.
Tomb Raider on PSP is said to be largely the same as its excellent home-console equivalent, except it also boasts a few exclusive new modes - including a Wi-Fi head-to-head game and two-player treasure hunt.
PSP owners can also look forward to hunting down a lot of bonus reward content.
Via Eurogamer
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June 7th, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Senior developers working on PlayStation 3 titles have told GamesIndustry.biz that reports of serious problems with the system's Cell and RSX hardware are "misleading and uninformed."
Earlier this week, technology news site The Inquirer reported that the PS3 was "slow and broken", with a correspondent for the site claiming that massive flaws with the console's hardware mean that it is "hobbled" compared to Microsoft's Xbox 360.
The site based its assertions on a claim that the NVIDIA-designed RSX graphics unit has a slower triangle setup rate than the ATI-designed part in the Xbox 360, and on a slide from Sony's Devstation event a few months back showing the memory access speeds within the console.
However, speaking to GamesIndustry.biz this week, several developers who are familiar with the PS3 hardware have rubbished the claims made by The Inquirer - describing both sets of figures as "entirely meaningless."
Although our sources declined to be named due to the continuing secretive and NDA-laden nature of PlayStation 3 development, they were unanimous in claiming that the figures, while they may well be true, have been grossly misinterpreted.
The contentious triangle setup figure, which The Inquirer claims to be 270 million triangles per second, compared to around 500 million per second in the Xbox, came under fire first.
"It's just a pointless measurement," one programmer told us. "Where's the context? How were these numbers measured? There are loads of different ways you can measure tri performance, and just putting up headline figures like that tells you nothing."
"In fact, the PlayStation 2 had better tri performance than the Xbox, on paper," he continued. "Everyone knows that the Xbox was more powerful at running real games, but if you just wanted to fill a screen with 2D, flat colour, unlit triangles, then the PS2 was much better at that, so it looked great in benchmarks. That just shows how meaningless this measurement is - it's really pointless."
However, particular scorn was heaped upon the claim that the Cell is being "hobbled" by slow memory access - based on a Devstation slide which shows Cell having only 16Mb/s read access to "Local Memory", compared to the 10-25Gb/s access figures for other component and memory types in the PS3.
"They've got the wrong end of the stick grasped firmly in both hands," said another source regarding this claim. "I'm not even sure if they're holding the right stick."
Each developer concurred that the slide in question was referring to local memory on the RSX - the graphics memory, in other words, and not the local memory on the Cell processor which The Inquirer claimed was in question.
"I didn't see that slide at Devstation, but all the numbers add up," one coder said, "and it's a total non-issue. You never, ever need to access that memory from the Cell - I can think of some useful debugging things you might do with that access in the testing stage, but that's about it. In fact, on the PS2 you couldn't access that memory from the CPU at all, and it was never really a problem!"
"I can see a couple of reasons why you might want to use it," another developer told us, "but really, they're pretty obscure, and you could probably do them on the RSX anyway, since it's quite flexible. Besides, if you really need to access video memory from the Cell, you can use the RSX to copy it over into main memory really quickly - it's all there on the slide."
"I doubt a single person in the room batted an eyelid when they showed that slide," continued the first source. "It's exactly what we'd expect, and the bits that we actually need to use to make games are perfectly fast."
While dismissing The Inquirer's claims as entirely spurious - and pointing out that even if they were true, they would be flaws so serious that Sony would simply not be able to release the Cell chip in that state - at least one of our sources admitted that PS3 was taking some time to get used to, but perhaps not as much as some parts of the media have suggested.
"I'd say PS3 was a challenge to work on," he said, "but every new platform takes a while to get used to. Put it like this, I worked on early PS2 games, and those were a real nightmare - we're getting code up and running on PS3 much faster than we did last time around."
"Once people start doing really impressive stuff on PS3 and Xbox 360, they're both going to be much the same [in terms of difficulty]," he concluded. "Sony's giving us better tools this time around - they're still not great at communicating and there are some weird holes in their developer support, but they've learned a lot of lessons from PS2."
Via Gamesindustry
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June 7th, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
For years, the WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW and Day of Reckoning series have been the top wrestling franchises in the United States. However, their developer, Yuke's Company, Ltd., has never had a North American office in its 13-year history. Since 1999, SmackDown publisher THQ, which partially owns Yuke's, has instead acted as the primary point of transpacific contact for the shop, which has also developed Rumble Roses for Konami.
THQ recently announced a long-term partnership with Yuke's that will see the two companies making games together for years to come. Today, though, Yuke's announced plans to establish its own North American office. Inventively titled Yuke's Company of America, the subsidiary will publish games for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable systems. No location for the office had been made public as of press time.
Via Gamespot
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June 7th, 2006, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Kaz Hirai, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc, is more than happy to follow Microsoft's lead with online gaming and actually expressed gratitude saying "thank you, Microsoft, for helping us in taking consumers online."
Hirai believes that, with the launch of PlayStation 3 looming, Sony is in the perfect position to capitalise on all the work Microsoft has done with Xbox Live in developing online gaming.
Sony understands the importance of online gaming as being "an integral part of the experience" and a way of enabling new business, Hirai told US newspaper Mercury. He also stated that the part of online gaming that particularly interests him is the connectivity with portable devices, namely PSP.
It is here that Hirai believes Sony has an advantage over its rival, as the only portable devices Microsoft can use with Live Anywhere are mobile phones, which Hirai describes as "not primarily designed for entertainment".
While this is all very bullish from Hirai it seems rather an obvious attempt to spin a position of weakness into one of strength. Microsoft has had a significant head start with online gaming due to the success of Xbox Live so Sony will have to deliver a particularly attractive service to entice online gamers over to PS3.
Via Gamesradar
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June 7th, 2006, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
PC Watch, a japanese software/ hardware news site have sat down with Ken Kutaragi of Sony Japan ("The Father of Playstation") for an interview about Playstation 3 video entertainment system.
A very kind spirit called Viano at E-mpire forums has translated the most interesting parts of the article:
- games on PS3 are running on the PS3 with "basic configuration"
- software will have different relationship with hardware (including non-gaming applications) in the future
- software module will be made inside the PS3 (such as OS?) so PS3 will have no problem adopting new hardware parts (this doesn't mean you can upgrade but just different versions of PS3)
- thus two models of PS3 are actually two different configurations, there might be other configurations in future, such as: enhanced version of CELL, more memory etc. The higher-end model of PS3 might be released in future.
Via Evil Avatar
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June 7th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Ever had your PSP run out of power just as you reached the end-of-level boss? Ever had your blockbuster movie cut out on you as the plot reached its climax? Ever wished you had a spare to fall back on as your PSP’s Rechargeable Battery faded and died? With Essential Power Duo Pack, you get not one, but two spare batteries for your Sony PSP!
Essential Power Duo Pack gives you two MAX Power batteries, each a direct Replacement for the PSP’s own rechargeable cell. Each battery boasts Lithium-Ion rechargeable technology, offering up to ten hours of power per charge, depending on what you’re using it for. You need never be short of a charged battery again!
• Same performance as the battery supplied with the PSP.
• Up to ten hours of use per charge.
• Always have a spare battery handy.
• 3.6 volts.
• 1800 MAH
Essential Power Duo Pack is out now, and costs £29.99 UK.
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June 7th, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
Bandai announced today that The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch for the PSP has gone gold.
With accessible gameplay and enhanced enemy A.I., the title weaves a coming of age tale of two heroes who must combine equal parts courage and strength to create a Save the Earth concoction. Part of the Gagharv Trilogy in Japan, The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch promises carefully crafted character art, an epic storyline, and the always endearing pet system that make this RPG series unique.
As part of their initiation into adulthood, Jurio and Chris embark on a pilgrimage to five shrines surrounding their village. The duo happens upon a sinister threat set to destroy their home and surrounding areas. Can Jurio and Chris stop the Raual Wave emanating from Queen Isabella's castle? Will they discover the identity of the mysterious Moonlight Witch who predicted it all? If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
Players can find the answers to these and other serious life-changing questions when The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch arrives June 20.
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June 7th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP Vault
Sony Computer Entertainment has announced new UMD-Video authoring software called "UMD Composer." It creates UMD disc images, and consists of the following components:
Stream Composer: Audio/video/subtitle encoding, multiplexing, Clip Info creation (Multipass encoding support)
Stream Viewer: A viewer for stream files
Playlist Composer: For creating Playlist files
Script Compiler: For compiling UMD Video Script
Resource Compiler: Create resource files from source XML, compiled scripts, PNG still images, etc.
Interactive System Viewer: Emulation of interactive menus and such in a PC environment
PSMF Composer/AT3 Tool: Creation of video and sound displayed in the PSP's Cross Media Bar (XMB)
Image Generator: Creates UMD disc image
Image Checker: Verification of created UMD disc image
UMD Composer can also create interactive members using a script language based on JavaScript.
Using this tool, authors can author, encode, and even create disc images for UMD-Video. Images can be recorded to a DVD-R, and playback can be verified using an emulator. The DVD-R can be sent to a press factory, where a UMD-Video will be created. Sony Computer Entertainment estimates UMD Composer to be around 200,000 yen, and the emulator software to be around 15,000 yen.
At the "Movie TV Technology 2006" convention, Sony held a demonstration of the new software. Impress Watch was on hand at the event, and took pictures. At the demonstration, Sony played a H.264 video with a resolution of 720 x 480 that was created with Stream Composer. Sony also stated that most UMD-Video titles currently on the market are recorded in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC with a resolution of 720 x 480.
The official website for UMD Composer is here:
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June 7th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Youresam a member of our forums has released a non module version of Lua Player, heres the details:
Hey everyone, I was trying to get someone compile .16 of luaplayer, but I couldnt find anyone. So, I spent some time and got .16 to compile. But then I thought..hey, why not version .20?
As many of you know, version .18 added module loading making it impossible for 2.00+ users to use LuaPlayer. The version I have made includes all of the .17-.20 features.
So, here it is!
-I havent tested out very many features. If you find a bug, tell me.
-Since .20 requires lua 5.1, you need to update it from the svn. See the luaplayer wiki for help.
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via youresam
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June 7th, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Tiboric has updated his Taque game now adding a Single Player mode, the previous version would let 2 play on one PSP, the game itself is very simple but worth a looky.
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via Tiboric
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June 8th, 2006, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
New release by Ookm, heres the full details:
What's New :
NAND Flash with BadBlock now support 
How-To :
35MB Free space on your MemoryStick Duo
Restore Your FW1.00 to "Default Setting"
Use FW1.00B(FW1.00 Backup Tools) to Backup Your FW1.00
Update Your PSP to FW1.50
Use FW1.00R(FW1.00 Restore Tools) to Restore Your PSP to FW1.00
Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: Power NOT Online or Battery NOT Exist or BatteryLife < 50%" ?
A : When you Restore Your PSP FW, you need to Connect the AC adaptor & with BatteryLife > 50%,
Otherwise the Tools will Terminate.
Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: New BadBlock find, Terminate" ?
A : Because it find New BadBlock in Your NAND Flash, so the Tools will Terminate.
Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: FW Data NOT Matched" ?
A : Because this Tools just for Backup & Restore your own PSP with FW1.00,
so you can't use other PSP's DATA.
Q : why won't it allow _anyone_ with a 1.50 to downgrade ?
A : Because Make a Downgrader with Unofficial NAND Flash Write is Very Very Dangerous !!
Q : why in Backup file have most "HasNotUsed" ?
A : Because the Nand Page has not used.
Q : Why does the MD5 checksum change every time for SceNand.bin ?
A : Because each time restored to Default Settings,
will changing FAT Data(del old system.Xreg ...), so MD5 will different
Q : Where does the "sceNand.bin & sceNand.sbin" need to be located for "Restore" to work ?
A : ms0:/sceNand.bin & ms0:/sceNand.sbin
Extract Password is : I agree use this program at My own RISK!
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June 8th, 2006, 06:40 Posted By: mbr7
I Have finally finished 4 Cool Skins for eLoader Bock V0.97 YIPPI
eLoader Bock V0.97 Skins -_
-You Reqiure-
A 2.5 or a 2.6 firmware
eLoader Bock V0.97
-How to instal-
Chose one of the skins and place the loadmenu.tga in --> F:\PSP\eloader Make shure that you have a copy of the old loadmenu.tga before you overwrite it.
This dosent change your eLoader at all except for the background of it.
This skins Were Done by Limier
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June 8th, 2006, 07:33 Posted By: NeonGenesis
--Duplicated in Emu/Homebrew forum--
Release: VSCycles v1.0 Lua Game
File: VSCycles_v100.zip (363 kb)
Screenshot: Main Menu
I'd like to release my recently completed 2D Tron game in Lua, 'VSCycles'.
From the Readme:
VSCycles is a 2D Tron clone for the Sony PSP written in Lua.
For those not familiar with the Tron concept, players control 'lightcycles', moving objects which constantly travel in a straight line over a playfield and turn in 90 degree intervals. However, there is a catch. Lightcycles leave a wall trailing behind them in the same color as the lightcycle.
The goal of the game is simple: Don't Crash. If you crash into one of your own walls, or leave the play area, you lose a point. If your opponent crashes into one of your walls, you gain a point. First player to the winning score wins the match.
To play, move your lightcycle in the play area, taking advantage of your trailing wall (and the opponent's wall, if you can) to force the other player into crashing into it.
VSCycles is fully functional, released in Lowser compatable format. It contains options to adjust gameplay speed and win scores.
Feedback welcome!
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June 8th, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPDemon:
Hi again,
releaseing a PSPool pack for all you Final Fantasy 7 fanboys out there ( maybe fangirls? )....
Thanks to vettacossx for giving me a good ground to stand on and morph it into what we have now ...
Hope you Enjoy!!
Thanks for Everything,
PS- if you have any trouble....ask here and i will help you out
More info and Download at his site here --> http://pspdemon.dcemu.co.uk/
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June 8th, 2006, 08:35 Posted By: Kramer
Lil13lazin and Sharko have just released v1.0 of the DarkKarnage Shell for all homebrew compatible PSP firmwares (1.0, 1.5 and 2.XX using the eLoader). DarkKarnage is another homebrew OS-like shell, with the standard set of features present in other homebrew shells available on the net. The new version features an MP3 player, an image viewer, and a few additional fixes and additions.

Features/fixes in v1.0 include:
- MP3 player.
- Image viewer.
- Movable icons.
- New sounds (modable).
download here
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June 8th, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 is part of a "new digital strategy to try and create a new software mentality" at Sony, according to the firm's CEO Sir Howard Stringer, who admits that the transition to digital has been tough for the firm.
Speaking to Walt Mossberg in an on-stage interview at the Wall Street Journal's D: All Things Digital conference, Stringer - the first westerner to become the head of Sony - gave some insight into the firm's broader strategy surrounding the console.
"The reason it's expensive [is that] instead of concentrating on just the games player, which would have been done in the past, PlayStation 3 is designed to go somewhere else, where it's the centre of the living room," he explained.
"It's part of the new digital strategy to try and create a new software mentality in Tokyo, because it's quite clear that we've been an analog company migrating to digital with some difficulty," concluded the Welsh-born executive.
Stringer also revealed that the PlayStation 3 is one of the devices which Sony has chosen to focus its efforts on, after significant cutbacks in terms of the number of projects which the firm has in development.
"It's exhausting trying to win on every front," he commented. "Every engineer loves his own product, so if you have an electronic toothbrush with a camera, we would give the same amount of marketing to that as everything else. After a while the company sinks, exhausted, to its knees. Well, we've changed that."
Elsewhere in the interview, Stringer paid tribute to Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, commenting that his rival's "salesmanship" is "so brilliant" that "most of us think, oh my God, he must be right."
"He talked about Vista [being] delayed as if the delay was normal, and then he started mocking me for delaying PS3," Stringer joked. Earlier, the Sony CEO had accidentally referred to recent movie X-Men 3 as Xbox 3 - telling the audience jokingly that the slip-up was a sign of his "obsession."
Via Gamesindustry
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June 8th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi has bigged up PlayStation 3 as a full-on computer today, noting that PC-style upgrades and build to order systems could be on the way.
"Speaking about the PS3, we never said we will release a game console," Kutaragi said, In an Interview with Japan's PC Watch. "It is radically different from the previous PlayStation. It is clearly a computer. Indeed, with a game console, you need to take out any unnecessary elements inside the console in order to decrease its cost. ... This will of course apply to the PS3 as well."
The PlayStation boss continued, saying that the PS3's highly configurable hardware overrides any issue of cost, and even suggested that the next-gen PlayStation could keep up with PC technology. "The PS3 is a computer," said Kutaragi. "Lowering costs is important but more important is its capacity to evolve.
I think the HDD will gain in capacity. If a new technology gets into mainstream PCs, the PS3 will have to adopt it as well. Maybe the Blu-ray drive will become writable. Well, maybe not at this point.
Kutaragi then continued his 'PS3 as a computer' campaign, saying that the HDD is not the only element that gives the console a computer nature. "Everything has been planned and designed so it will become a computer. The previous PlayStation had a memory slot as its unique interface. In contrast, the PS3 features PC standard interfaces. Because they are standard, they are open.
Kutaragi continued: "We put up no restrictions. Because it is a computer, it can interact with anything, freely. If someone is familiar with PC building, he or she can easily upgrade PS3's HDD."
Console traditionalists might be put off by all the talk of yearly tweaks and upgrades, but by the looks of it this is exactly the kind of route Kutaragi would like to take with the PS3.
"I think a year from the launch we could indeed extend the configuration of the PS3. Why not!" conceded Kutaragi. "Okay, this is may be joke or a personal opinion. I mean we have no such plan at this very moment. However, companies like Dell or Apple have such programs. In the PC world, specifications rarely last more than two years. You need to update them. I believe the PC is always evolving. I think that the time may come that the 60GB HDD would become too small or the RAM to low. Such issues are numerous."
It looks like the days of tamper-free, technically inferior consoles could be over. But can the PS3 really compete with PC technology? Do gamers really want to upgrade their consoles every few years? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
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June 8th, 2006, 18:18 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
due to an very bad error i have made this new edition with only bugfix but that will make it easier to play longer 
version 0.3a third release
- fixed the next music song bug, no it doesn't crash when a song is ended
greetings Ghoti
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June 8th, 2006, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Gamesradar
Own a PSP but no WiFi connection? Be an offline exile no longer - Thrustmaster is releasing an 'Easy to Install' USB WiFi key to turn your PC into a wireless hotspot, just like Nintendo's dongle for DS. To see how easy it is to get started with WiFi, we hooked the gizmo up ourselves.
The pack contains the USB key, software and a poseable cable; sticking your dongle in a vertical position improves the signal, see. The software talks you through each step of installing the WiFi key, and even takes you through the process of setting up your PSP to connect to it.
Just 10 minutes after tearing open the plastic we were online. Thrustmaster's user-friendly setup is a real improvement on Nintendo's fairly confusing official WiFi key software, which can be a struggle to work with. Our only concern is that the signal on Thrustmaster's dongle can be erratic, drifting from top quality to half-strength, no matter how close you are.
But, fortunately, it's not enough to terminate your connection. And, as we discovered after a bit of fiddling, any fluctuations are more likely to be the cable losing connection with the USB slot than the actual WiFi key dropping in power. If it really bothers you, plugging the dongle straight into the PC without the cable is your best solution for a more constant signal.
This useful dongle also works with a DS, or any other WiFi enabled device, despite this being heavily branded as a PSP accessory. If you're not set up with a wireless connection at home, this is a far cheaper option than upgrading your PC hardware, and just about as reliable too.
Thrustmaster's WiFi USB key for PSP is released tomorrow, priced at £30 - you can head over to www.gamestation.co.uk and bag yourself one right now.
Head on over to the link above for screens
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June 8th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
A trailer purporting to be of Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition has appeared on Google Video and seems to be a remake of the original PSone Tomb Raider designed for PSP.
Rumours that Eidos is working on a remake of the original Tomb Raider game have been circulating ever since the publisher revealed in a financial report earlier this year that it is producing a special edition of Tomb Raider for the 10th anniversary of the series, which started way back in the autumn of 1996.
Eidos has refused to comment on this speculation so far but, for many, a remake makes sense as many of the improvements that were introduced in the recent Tomb Raider: Legend, such as the fluid platforming and user friendly checkpoints, could be used to update the game.
The trailer features action from the original Tomb Raider, including the T-Rex boss battle, along with new moves such as the pole swing. What adds an extra layer of mystery is that the text accompanying the video describes it as, "a trailer that appears to show footage of the original Tomb Raider remade on PSP, rumour suggests it was being made by Core Design but has since been cancelled."
When we contacted Eidos to see if it could shed any light on the video we were told that the video "has not been authorized for release by Core Design or Eidos". No comment was offered with regard to an official Anniversary Edition remake.
News via Gamesradar
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June 8th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has once again updated his NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
* As for the schedule which is released while the work of accompanying version upgrade because it is not, there is no source code.
English because edition has stopped operating with GTA + eLoadr, urgently it renews to those which are in the midst of job.
(As for Japanese edition in order to operate, as for cause it is unclear. Doing again to compile, not to operate.)
When starting way it checks BIOS, is in the midst of job several correction item which such as modification addition.
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June 8th, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
It's a fantasy of the final kind that just keeps on chuggin'. Shane Bettenhausen of EGM fame got to talk it up with Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Kitase, Tetsuya Nomura and Toriyama about Square Enix and their Final Fantasy XIII project.
While the interview will be appearing in this month's magazine, the whole unabridged version can be seen on 1UP. Mr. Kitase starts it up by conceding that they had originally thought about doing FFXIII on PS2 before deciding that both it and FFVersusXIII would ship on PlayStation 3. On the subject of narrative crossovers, Nomura says that each world is separate and will not allow for other characters meet each other.
Of course he follows that up stating that there is the "possibility in the future" of that happening, but obviously they haven't gotten to that bridge yet.
Via PS3Fanboy
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June 9th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News From CVG
Just in time for the World Cup too! With all thoughts turning to the Coupe du Monde for the next couple of months, we've just had hot-off-the-presses confirmation from Sega that Sports Interactive's superb life-swallowing Football Manager will be reborn in time for Christmas this year, with FM 2007 launching across PC, Xbox 360 and PSP, oh and Mac and Intel Mac too.
Marvellous, and it's sure to bring a rousing huzzah from all serious FM fans and groans of disappointment from their assorted spouses as they anticipate watching their loved one's spare time being consumed by FM.
The usual new host of features and additions are promised of course, and while SI is being a touch coy on most of them, the couple of details it's let slip is that the Xbox 360 version will have a new and improved interface to make it more joypad friendly. On the PSP score, there'll be additional playable leagues and most excitingly of all, a new network play option which allows head-to-head PSP managerial conflict.
Miles Jacobson, Studio Director for SI said, "We are constantly striving for perfection and are on track to deliver our most authentic football experience yet. There will be a new, easy to use default skin, as well as improved hints and tips throughout the game. More in-depth feedback from your assistant manager and coaches, plus interaction with any player worldwide makes this an unmissable and very user friendly experience, and our best football game by a country mile."
He's not wrong you know. Sega and SI are promising to unveil further details over the coming months and we'll be dispatching our scouts down to SI to bring you further details as soon as we can. For the moment though, you'll just have to dream of FM glory and content yourself with this summer's festival of football.
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June 9th, 2006, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Midway Games Ltd., a subsidiary of Midway Games Inc. (NYSE: MWY), today announced a European publishing agreement (excluding South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) for Myst™ on PSP, the latest version of the epic adventure from Cyan Worlds. Over a decade since PC adventurers first sampled the delights of Myst’s emotive and visual feasts, the new handheld development will engage the player like never before and literally take them to another world.
There are no instructions and the player begins a voyage of exploration without encountering a single living soul. Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly, though, it becomes clear every action can somehow help unfortunate individuals trapped somewhere in a parallel dimension. The Myst adventure is like no other, tantalizing with its unique combination of lavish environments, puzzles, mazes, and a sizzling underlying drama which steadily unfolds to reward the player further still. More details about the game and release information will be made available shortly.
Martin Spiess, Managing Director - Europe of Midway Games Limited, offered, “We’re thrilled to be bringing one of the best known and most successful game franchises to this handheld format for the first time. Myst promises a one-of-a-kind adventure experience and contribute to the broadening of our PSP portfolio.”
Manny J. Granillo, President & Chief Designer of Hoplite Research, LLC, stated, "Finding the right partner with the right vision and who is in touch with what gamers want is always a challenge. We are delighted that we can work with such a strong publisher as Midway."
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June 9th, 2006, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
Xorloser posted this:
This is an installable PSPDev environment for Win32.
This was built on the 'posted' date above, and was done using the latest toolchain script and pspsdk available at that time.
This contains all you need to start developing for psp on a windows machine, presented in a nice, easy to use, installable format 
This includes some fixes from the version posted a week or so ago. These include:
* uname now returns the correct system type (windows) for scripted stuff
* rm.exe now deletes files using wildcards
* rmdir.exe has been copied to cyg-rmdir.exe (to resolve dos rmdir command conflicts)
* mkdir.exe has been copied to cyg-mkdir.exe (to resolve dos mkdir command conflicts)
* echo.exe has been copied to cyg-echo.exe (to resolve dos echo command conflicts)
It contains the latest pspdev compiler and tools built on the GCC v4.0.2 toolchain and patches, (no source code included).
It also contains the current (direct from svn) version of pspsdk precompiled.
When installing, DO NOT install to a directory path that contains spaces!
Thanks to all those who helped make the toolchain and pspsdk what it is today.
More info --> http://xorloser.com/
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June 9th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Take-Two Interactive, home of Rockstar and 2K Games, today announced sharp losses for its second fiscal quarter, representing lower profit margins, the cost of studio closures, and the ongoing pinch of an industry in transition.
For the second quarter ending April 30, 2006, Take-Two reports net revenues of $265.1 million, nicely above the $222.1 million reported in the same period last year. The rise in revenues, however, is stung by the bottom line, where the company saw a net loss of $50.4 million, compared to a loss of just $8.2 million in Q2 last year.
Take-Two says that this year's numbers suffer in comparison to last year, when Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was still hot. The company's sales star of the quarter, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, was co-published with Bethesda, meaning margins were lower than for titles Take-Two produces and publishes in-house. Finally, the company cites industry-wide sluggishness as companies and consumers move into a new console generation.
Why were losses so keen even as revenues were up? Take-Two faced non-cash charges of $24.3 million in dropping several titles in development, and closed its Rockstar Vienna and Indie Built studios, which incurred $2 million in costs.
For the year so far, Take-Two reported net revenues of $530.1 million compared to $724.5 million for the same period a year ago, and a net loss of $79.5 million compared to net income of $47.1 million in the first half of last year.
Earlier today, the FTC announced it has reached a settlement with Take-Two and Rockstar regarding the Grand Theft Auto "Hot Coffee" scandal. The settlement requires Take-Two to completely disclose game details going forward, but did not result in penalties or fines.
"While near-term financial results continue to be impacted by the console transition," commented president and CEO Paul Eibeler, "we are confident that we have positioned Take-Two for the long-term by streamlining our organization while maintaining an extremely talented global development team. We will continue to focus on creating compelling content, operating in a cost-efficient manner as we navigate the console transition, and aligning our resources to drive improved financial performance in 2007 and beyond."
Take-Two's future is full of promising titles, including this summer's Prey, Civilization IV: Warlords, and CivCity: Rome from 2K Games. Rockstar will offer Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories for the PSP in October, followed by Bully and an unnamed title based on a "premier brand," while 2K Sports will offer its annual roster of titles.
The company's roster is especially tantalizing in 2007, which should see the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, BioShock, The Darkness, and Ghost Rider, among others
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June 9th, 2006, 02:31 Posted By: arobase
Please notice the new version of sudoku for luaplayer
Sudoku is a logic-based placement puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various digits given in some cells (the "givens"); each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral.
This game is translate in French, English, Italian (Thanks to Allesandro), German (thanks to Gery),Spanish (thanks to Souleater) and Portuguese.
There is a lot of various backgroung made by Gery.
Now you can have 4 differentes levels to play (Easy,Mean,Hard,Expert).
How to use it:
R: Allows to increment the number to be placed on the grid
L: Allows to decrease the number to be placed on the grid
Cross: Place the number on the selected box
Square: Delete the number posted of the selected box
Picture of the new menu with the levels

An example of background

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June 9th, 2006, 02:52 Posted By: Lebow
This is my first script that i have ever wrote. The script is writtin completly in lua feel free to play with the source just include my name. If anyone wants to get into help prgraming this game please msg me.
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June 9th, 2006, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
International Cricket Captain is the summer game's equivalent of the all-consuming Football Manager, an in-depth simulation of the real-life sport which enables you to take control of your favourite county or international side and manage them to sporting glory.
With the latest version ICC 2006 launching shortly, we joined England batting star Kevin Pieterson and ICC producer Chris Childs at Lord's yesterday for an in-depth look at the final version of the game. Obviously you've got to love this most noble and superb of real-life games, but there's every sign that this season's version of ICC will live up to Childs' aim of making the 'perfect cricket game' and, of course, we'll be bringing you a full and comprehensive review shortly.
However during the course of the presentation, Childs revealed that both 360 and PSP versions of the game are on their way and that a totally revised version with a brand new 3D match engine will be in place for a big push on the title to coincide with next year's Cricket World Cup. Just as Football Manager successfully migrated onto both formats, ICC will follow suit and, personally speaking as lovers of the summer game, we can't wait.
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June 9th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
The first batch of Dark Kingdom screenshots left us underwhelmed to say the least, but we're happy to say that Sony's latest PS3 RPG is looking noticeably better in these fresh screenshots released this morning.
While retaining the series' tried-and-tested action-RPG formula, the next-gen version of Untold Legend takes advantage of the PS3's beefy hardware, with resolutions going up to a ridiculously large 1080p. Full online play is also promised, along with a liberal sprinkling of "physics-based" gameplay. Apparently you'll be able to fully interact with the environment, using enemies and object as weapons. We're interested to see how that will work online.
We're currently expecting Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom to be in the shops alongside Sony's next-gen console in November.
Screenshots Here
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June 9th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Following a slap on the wrist from the Federal Trade Commission over the hidden Hot Coffee content in GTA: San Andreas, Take-Two and Rockstar have said they're very sorry and promised never to do it again.
The Hot Coffee mod, you may recall, allowed players to access a filthy mini-game where you could see all the lady's bits and everything. Take-Two was forced to remove San Andreas from shelves following its discovery, so the game could be given an Adults Only rating - a move which apparently cost them more than $24 million.
The FTC was jolly cross about the whole thing, claiming that naughty Take-Two should have submitted the content to the Entertainment Software Ratings Board for review.
But now everyone's made friends again after Take-Two agreed to set up a new system designed to ensure that all game content "is considered and reviewed in preparing submissions to a rating authority" in future.
They've also promised to "clearly disclose" any naughty bits relevant to each game's ratings on the packaging, unless the ratings people have had plenty of opportunity to give it a look over first.
"Parents have the right to rely on the accuracy of the entertainment rating system," said Lydia Parnes, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.
"We allege that Take-Two and Rockstar’s actions undermined the industry’s own rating system and deceived consumers. This is a matter of serious concern to the Commission, and if they violate this order, they can be heavily fined."
Indeed, if Take-Two and Rockstar fail to meet their promises, they'll face fines of up to $11,000 for each time they're out of order. Plus at least 10 minutes on the naughty step.
Take-Two CEO Paul Eibeler commented: "As you can imagine, we are pleased that the FTC has concluded its very thorough investigation, and that the matter has been resolved," not adding "And that they haven't made us give back all our pocket money," but probably thinking it.
"We recognise the importance of the FTC investigation, and the necessity of maintaining public confidence in the ESRB rating system, and helping the ESRB educate parents and consumers about the rating system. We look forward to putting this behind us."
It's not all fun in the sun for Take-Two though - they've just published their second quarter financial report which reveals a net loss of $50.4 million, up from $8.2 million last year. More than half of that was due to the cost of asset write-offs and studio closures as cost-cutting plans get underway, it says here.
Via Eurogamer
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June 9th, 2006, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a fantastic project for the game GTA Liberty City Stories. InvertedShadow has released a new mod that turns the game into a giant Stunt park.
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June 9th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPFanboy:
In September, all you PAL puzzle fanatics out there will get a nice compilation of Capcom's finest titles, including Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Block Block, and Buster Bros. Collection (which includes Buster Bros, Super Buster Bros and Buster Buddies). Personally, I've never played any of those games beyond Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, but seeing as how I don't live across the pond, well...it doesn't really apply. The compilation will feature ad-hoc gameplay across all titles included and will also allow you to upload scores to a friend's console, along with a screenshot mode to prove that you've got what it takes to bust blocks with the rest of 'em.
Now how about releasing it in America Capcom?
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June 9th, 2006, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
The summer months cause a bit of confusion for most gamers. It's the only time of year the call of the outdoors equals the seductive pull of the living room couch. Beyond this, the release of high-profile games tends to slow down a little bit in preparation for the holidays. But this summer looks to be different. Especially for the PSP fans out there. Not only does your system of choice allow for gaming at the beach or local water park, it's also getting more than its share of delicious software before the holidays even start. With that, head down below to discover exactly what should occupy your time this summer. Happy gaming!
Check out that cool list of games at IGN
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June 9th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres news from the PSP Video 9 Team:
Unsatisfied with the current state of PSP Video 9, over the last couple months we have been slowly rewriting the application to make it more extensible and easier to maintain. Today we have come to the point where we are able to release something that is usable.
Until this new version is ready for general consumption, we will be referring to it as Videora IC2. This is alpha software and is intended for computer enthusiasts who wish to help us fix bugs. We DO NOT recommend using this version for your daily conversion needs as it has not been tested as thoroughly as 1.74 and has fewer features like no language support and no installer.
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June 9th, 2006, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Cools has released a new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the details:
You need Lua Player to run this game. I wont make a standalone version. Also it has been tested to work on 2.00 through the tiff exploit using Lua Player .16.
This is a Simple Little Game that I was working on for the last 2 days. I started on the 6th of June and ended today (8th). My plans were to include wifi play in one of the releases, but it looks like that isnt happening. Maybe at some point in the future it will, but not today.
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June 10th, 2006, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi continued to discuss SCEI's plans for the PlayStation 3 in the third part of an interview with Japanese site PC Impress Watch.
At the 1999 Microprocessor Forum, Kutaragi set out a vision of e-Distribution using broadband networks. At that time, most consumers still connected to the Internet with dialup, so that vision was largely ignored. But now Kutaragi stated that Sony will emphasize network features with the Playstation 3. "We really wanted to do this with the PS2," he lamented. "But now, Apple has realized a successful e-Distribution program. It's about time we made our move, too." He continued, "We'll be conducting network services from launch day." He explained why he has steered clear of the e-Distribution topic at conferences. "Talking about our distributors and network services isn't very engaging," he said, "so I didn't mention it at E3."
Regarding the business aspect of the PS3's online components, Sony seems to be taking its cues from the PC. "You can't charge money for network matching and other basic services. These things are just taken for granted on the PC...On the PS3, basic services will be taken for granted while content will be the bread and butter of our business."
Kutaragi does not think it will take long for digitally delivered PS3 content to catch on and gave a time frame of one to two years. With the availability of networked entertainment, it would seem that having optical drives would cease to be important, but Kutaragi goes one step further. "I expect even the hard disk to disappear eventually. If you have all the data on servers, you probably no longer need disk drives...But to do this, the server is crucial. It's a difficult problem."
Kutaragi also predicted the PS3 would be welcomed warmly by an industry trying to cope with falling DVD sales and looking for a successor. He made the further claim that the "PS3 will be the trigger that ignites flat-panel TV sales."
He also discussed the potential of using multiple Cell processors in concert. "Users will be able to connect to Polyphony Digital's server. So I want it to be a Cell server, with the number of Cells at a thousand to several thousand. This would allow us to maintain an entire cyberworld, as long as our power supply holds up."
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June 10th, 2006, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sometimes the simplest plans are the most effective. One gamer managed to steal 60 PlayStation Portable games from a Myrtle Beach Blockbuster yesterday, not by digging a tunnel or using some secret spy equipment--he simply stuck them in his pants, reports Myrtlebeachonline.com. According to a police report, his "pants were bulging out because he had so many games [in them]." An employee, who had observed the thief shoving PSP games in his pants, asked him to stop as he was leaving the store, but the perpetrator fled in a rental car. The value of the games is estimated at $1,800.
Im lost for words, i bet those games stunk afterwards :P
via Gamespot
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June 10th, 2006, 12:33 Posted By: wraggster
IGN has posted the E3 video of the 10-minute Rainbow Six: Vegas trailer that ran periodically during E3. What's different this time around, however, is that the video is in HD and you don't have to listen to thousands of people while trying to watch it. Instead, you only have to listen to a few folks providing solid commentary on the trailer. The page for the video can be accessed -->
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June 10th, 2006, 13:03 Posted By: wraggster

Percival/PSP3D have ported the Deathmatch game Super Mario wars to the PSP, heres some info about the game:
Super Mario War is a Super Mario deathmatch game. The goal is to stomp as many other Marios as possible. It is a tribute to Mario War by Samuele Poletti.
- Up to four players of deathmatch fun.
- Tons of game modes and map.
- Hilarious unreal tournament announcers (m m m monsterkill).
- More fun than poking a monkey with a stick.
- The whole source code of the game is available.
- uses SDL and is fully portable to windows, linux, xbox, ...
- CPU Players.
- A whole bunch of game modes (featuring GetTheChicken, Domination, and and and).
- Will make you happy and gives you a fuzzy feeling.
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June 10th, 2006, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster

Mexican Snake has released a new version of his Penalty game written in LUA, heres whats New:
Better images and music
Screenshots available via 'select'
You can fail in the shots
Addition of sounds when you shoot
Song selection
New characters
Score viewer
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via mexican snake
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June 10th, 2006, 13:18 Posted By: wraggster
News and Release of a new RPG for the PSP by Tregesoft, heres the info from the FAQ:
What type of game is it?: It is an RPG. It is single player, however we might look into using ad-hoc for something down the road. The game will not be a tradional linear RPG, but an open path game, kinda like Oblivion, only with 2D graphics, and a budget of $20 (est). The game will have a central plot, but will focus on the ability to do it mostly at your own pace, and have many side-quests and full-game quests (eg rare item collections and sequential side-quests).
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June 10th, 2006, 13:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Modchipstore.com have revealed that they are stocking the Undiluted Platinum Modchip and also selling Premodded PSPs, heres the info:

Sony PSP Undiluted Platinum (U.P.) PSP Mod Chip - World's First PSP ModChip!
The Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod Chip is packed full of features. It is every gamer's dream to have a modded PSP that will play all Homebrew Games, Movies, and Apps. The Mod Chip will Unbrick any previously Bricked PSP because of its 2nd flash on the board. It is hands down the BEST breakthrough in the gaming industry today.
The U.P. (Undiluted Platinum) PSP ModChip is a flash replacement system for the Sony PSPâ„¢ which allows the use of previous flash updates or custom firmware builds, This ability creates the opportunity to run unsigned homebrew code on even the latest Sony PSP Handheld Portable. There is no more need for Unreliable Hacked Firmware. The U.P. contains 32MB NAND flash which is programmable from a PC via USB Cable with user friendly software. The Dual-Boot Feature of the U.P. PSP Mod Chip allows you to boot from the PSP's Onboard Flash, or the one mounted on the Undiluted Platinum PSP ModChip; You can tell your PSP which Flash to use by a single button being pressed during power-up. Hold L1 during power up to boot from PSP flash, or dont hold anything to boot from U.P Flash Default. Since U.P. provides a secondary flash which the PSP can boot from, it can even be used to restore a PSP which has been "bricked". Every effort has been made to make our flash updater software, which will be freely available for download, both as easy to use and reliable as possible. The software also contains diagnostics which can be used by installers to determine if an installation has been successful or not.
Professionally Pre-Modified Limited Edition Ceramic White PSP with Undiluted Platinum (U.P.) PSP Mod Chip!

Available for a limited time, the Professionally Pre-Modded Ceramic White PSP includes an unprecedented added-value package of accessories, including the PSP System battery pack, AC adaptor, and USB Cable
The Limited Edition Japanese White Sony PSP Giga Pack is truly a beautiful thing to look at. This item is VERY limited in stock, so get yours today, before they are gone!! This unlike its reglar black console is very exclusive. The Sony PSP has changed the gaming industry forever! Setting new standards in multi-media and graphics it is a hard one to top...
The White PSP is Japanese version but is fully compatible with all USA games and adapters. The PSP can be charged on any power plug (its operates on 110-220v)
Buy both at Modchipstore.com
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June 10th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: yaustar
Preface: This is just a side project whilst I am working on my main one (which isn't PSP related). This is being done for several reasons:
1. Learn Lua
2. See if LuaPlayer or Lua can handle a RTS system on its own (which it honestly looks like it can't).
3. As a welcome distraction to the main project.
I haven't tested it on a PSP but it works fine in LuaPlayer for Windows. I appreicate if someone can tell me the FPS when 'played' in the PSP's Luaplayer.
At the moment only basic scrolling and radar really work but a lot of the framework is there so the new features won't take much doing.
The graphics were taken from the author of CS Stratergised (sp?) which are from C&C. However the code is my own taken from various sources.
Edit: I have just found that there was a Starcraft Lua RTS where the menu graphic seems to be from. Apologies.
Edit2: The menu graphic seems to be from Fallout.
[Minor Update 2006-06-12]: Fixed a major coding error where I my member variables weren't acting as member variables but as globals. Added interactivity with the radar. Try pressing circle on it . Also switched the debug button from L to Select.

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June 10th, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via PS3Land
PS3Land: How will bluetooth and the gyroscopic motion sensing affect your products?
Mookerjee: Sony’s announcement of the motion support is an exciting new way for game developers to control games, and has the possibility of allowing new and intriguing ways for the player to interact with the console. Logitech launched its first motion-sensing controller back in 1999, in the Wingman Extreme PC gamepad, and we are enthusiastic about the potential for applying this experience in supporting the PS3 platform when the opportunity arises.
Regarding wireless technologies, in the past Logitech has used 2.4 GHz in our wireless gaming devices since it could carry a large amount of data with low latency. However, Bluetooth is a very viable option for wireless gaming controllers as well and since Logitech as a company has been producing Bluetooth products for several years, including mice, keyboards and headsets, we should be able to extend that expertise to our gaming line-up as well.
PS3Land: Will you be able to add rumble to your controllers?
Mookerjee: We have no specifics to announce at this time, however Sony indicated at E3 that the vibration feedback is no longer supported by the PlayStation 3.
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June 10th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Yahoo
If you want a great platform to play the highest end games right now, then the Xbox 360 is the only choice to go with. Xbox Live is an extremely impressive online service, while the software catalog already contains some must-buys and is rapidly expanding.
If you want a system that doubles as a next-gen movie player, then you need to wait. The PlayStation 3 60GB is the only game system with a confirmed HDMI output and the only one guaranteed to playback all Blu-ray movies in full resolution. Until we hear more from Microsoft, the Xbox 360 can't promise to run HD-DVD content at its intended resolution.
Bear in mind that even with a steep $599 price tag, early adopters will often snatch up all initial shipments. This means that unless you pre-order, chances are good the only place you'll be able to find the PlayStation 3 in November is on eBay (at an insanely high cost).
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June 10th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: vettacossx
Hi its me vettacossx from JMV MODS!
this is a mod pack of 100 menu worthy wallpapers hand selected by members of JMV mods and PSPDEMON..(and all members of dcemu)..we hope to offer you a nice variety in " taste" and simply the convenience of a already formated wallpaper for your eloader.
ok i will take request for eloader backgrounds i dont mind taking the little time it takes to do this for our dcemu members i only ask 2 things :
1: give me 48 hours to do the job between mails
2:send a PIC of what you want converted to a eloader background,and a short descpiption of your prefferences.
(*Note about this file. The original File was too big to upload to the site, So its now broken into three parts.
To use this file make sure to download all three parts of it into the same directory, highlight part one of the file and have winrar extract normaly.
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June 10th, 2006, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the latest films to come to UMD this week.
Anger Management
Die Hard
Die Hard 2: Die Harder
Last Exile, Vol. 1
The Pink Panther
The Princess Bride
Sunday Driver
Buy them all and Much More at Amazon.Com or Amazon UK
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June 10th, 2006, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Do you own an Apple Mac well heres some software to convert video to the PSP/Ipod, heres the details:
VisualHub bridges the gap between numerous complicated video formatting standards, and people that just want to get the job done - just what you would expect from the Mac.
More info
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June 10th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSPVault
Goo game has posted a bunch of pictures and videos of barely clothed "companion idols" (like the booth babes from the Tokyo Game Show) involved in multiplayer face-off bouts of Gamefront's upcoming puzzle game, "Korokoro Kollon."
The videos are towards the top; choose from 500kb/sec streams or 1mb/sec streams for each video (blue and green buttons reading "500K" and "1M"). You'll need Windows Media Player to view them.
The pictures are at the bottom of the page in the section with the blue background. They'll also be adding more pictures on June 22nd, so keep your eyes peeled. Unless, of course, you don't enjoy Japanese girls playing PSP in bikinis.
Screenshots and Vids Here
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June 11th, 2006, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster

StrmnNrmn released his source code this week to his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP and today psdonkey has compiled the source and added a new eboot icon and eboot sound and background , this isnt an official binary release so there may be bugs etc, but it can be downloaded to see whats new etc.
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Check out our Daedalus Compatibility List
Remember that StrmnNrmn and PSMonkey are the real deal when it comes to legit N64 emulator coding but donkey is a person who was banned from dcemu because of his constant lying etc.
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June 11th, 2006, 02:46 Posted By: shadowprophet
A very nice assortment Of Smm Mods have came into my possession this morning.
Created for the loveing public By Jmanummkay, Mystery, & Vettacossx.
They worked very hard to bring you these mods and We hope you enjoy them
Post comments and feedback below.
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June 11th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: SmashinGit
HexDump has released a new version of Spectrum emulator for the psp. Here's a quote,
New PsPectrum 1.0.4 available. Get it in downloads section. This version comes with a buch of new things such AY-3 emulation, Savestates, etc...
Cheers, and happy pspectruming ,
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June 11th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster

Divineo China posted this news:
The coolest looking chip on PS2/PStwo, and maybe one of the best, the M3 chip (also known as 'the mushroom' is now cheaper than ever! If you need a strong yet cheap modchip, this is a very strong contender!
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June 11th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Jonny has released a new edition of his homebrew movie player for the PSP called PMP Mod AVC.
Heres the details:
This is a special version of PMP Mod. AVC video can be finally used.
A huge thanks goes to magiK (PMF Player author).
magiK have:
- unlocked the avc decoding api
- modified x264 to make the stream fully psp compatible
- followed/helped me with the decoding api
Some important operative notes:
Compatible streams can be created with x264, here are some commandline examples:
x264 --crf 25 -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr --thread-input --progress --output out.264 in.avs
x264 --bitrate 512 -A all --level 3 --pictiming --aud --no-psnr --thread-input --progress --output out.264 in.avs
In the muxer you need to specify width, height and fps of the video.
I've patched x264 to write a file with this informations.
If the muxer find this file, informations here will be used instead of the one specified manually (so, in a normal situation, you don't need to specify those infos manually).
Atm max resolution is 480x272 (and width/height divisible by 16).
There is also a reduced set of options, compared to the original PMP Mod (the full set of options will be implemented in succesive releases).
It runs at 222mhz, av decoding is around 67fps! (mp3 decoding is responsible for this "slow" performance 
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June 12th, 2006, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
jeffy777 has posted a great release for PSP Owners with 2.7 firmware +, heres the full details:
// -- INTRO: -- //
The cool thing about the newer firmware is the ability to play flash games, but the sucky part is trying to keep them organized and easily accessible without having to bookmark every single one. Well, here is my personal solution to the problem.
// -- WHAT IT IS: -- //
This is a portal system that displays a menu with several flash games for you to choose from. Each game is represented by a thumbnail and you can cycle left and right through the games with the mouse. To start up a game, you simply click it. Now you don't have to type in the file name or bookmark each game individually. You can access them right from this spiffy menu, and just hit the L or back button when you're done playing and you'll return back to the menu where you can jump right into another game. Pretty easy, huh? And the games are stored on the memory stick, so you don't need to be connected to the internet.
I've included 11 games to get things rolling:
Fly Plane
Simon Says
(All credit for the games goes to the game makers, I only built the menu)
I designed this for myself and didn't really intend to release it, but I decided someone else might benefit from this as much as I have. It's a huge time saver and very convenient (and it looks pretty decent as well, but I didn't go overboard on the graphical aspects in order to keep the filesize to a minimum).
Note: The menu only works for the games that are included with this package. Expect to see future releases of this menu with more games. In the meantime you can still play other games, but you'll need to access them through bookmarks or by typing them in.
// -- HOW TO INSTALL: -- //
First, unzip the file, then just connect your PSP to your PC with your USB cable and put your PSP into USB mode. Then simply take the contents of the folder in this package (there should be 12 files) and copy them to the main root of your PSP (don't put them in any other folders or this won't work; see the included screenshot of the file structure to see what your's should look like). Next, go to your PSP and open the Web Browser and enter this address:
If you've done everything correctly, then you should see the menu with the first game showing. Now you can either bookmark this menu or set it as your homepage, and you'll no londer need to type in anything to play these games To navigate the menu, use your mouse to click the game icon, or click the arrows to scroll through the games.
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June 12th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm posted this over at his Blog:
Because Actel ProASIC Plus FPGA just support 3.3V/2.5V BUT PSP new ver. hardware(TA-082) use 1.8V !!
Does anyone can confirm it ?
What does this mean, well at the moment i dont know what to think but those more tech savvy than me will know for sure, inform us all via the comments
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June 12th, 2006, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Another release for Firmware 2.7 + owners from Epixx, heres the details:
Before I go on, I would like to say this.
I know that the PSP can already view images. And I know that this application may seem pointless. But think of this as more of a preview of what is to come. I wanted to get the concept out there early. This isn't even version 1.0. Think of this as, maybe, an open beta. So now, if you say complain that the PSP can already do this, I can laugh at your obvious ignorance.
This Flash application for your PSP takes images from your memory stick, and displays them in your browser with...little arrows. I's not much, but there's defintely more to come in later versions. I think that in the end, people will find this to be a handy little application to pass some time.
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via epixx
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June 12th, 2006, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
iazybandit the webmaster of the PSP Scenes premier dedicated Review site has posted 3 new reviews,
Heres the details:
Review: PSP Dust Cover Set
Review: PSP Analog Stick Armor Kit
Review: PSP Extra Button
Read the full reviews of at the PSP Review Site here --> http://reviews.dcemu.co.uk/
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June 12th, 2006, 05:27 Posted By: shadowprophet
Once again Vettacossx brings us some light at the end of the tunnel, His latest creation? some Super mario war character skins!
Here is what he had to say in his email.
ALL OF THE SAME CHARACTER MODS IVE DONE FOR SMM CONVERTED OVER TO Super Mario WAR character skins. and a few extras 2 ....you just REPLACE the skins folder with the JMV skins and you will have ALL MY SMM MOD PACK CHARACTERS IN YOUR SMW!!! and for instructions ill attach a read me ( its also in the zip.
master cheif from halo
the chocobo FF7
the mogg FF7
cloud FF7
sepheroth FF7
kenny (south park)
cartman ( south park)
shake from aqua teen
meatwadd from aqua teen
frylock from aqua teen
8bit from aqua teen
red wizard
white wizard
VI VI black wizard
mega man only for now
bart only for now
courage the cowardley dog only for now
extract the content of the zip. and place the SKINS folder
in MS0:/psp/games/smw/GFX
you will be promted DO YOU WANT TO REPLACE SKINS FOLDER (because there is
already a folder named skins by default) YOU JUST CLICK YES....WHEN THE NEW
....so go HAVE FUN!!
to do this step by step:
plug in and activate your usb connection....ok now open the folder labled
PSP................then....open the folder labled GAMES.....YOU SHOULD SEE A
folder called SMW...
open that folder....ok...now do you see the FOLDER called GFX
if you dont see SMW then download and re-install your Super Mario War....the
game is NOT included in the JMV MOD zip. THIS IS A MODIFICATION OF THE SKIN
thanks for using JMV MODS OF DCEMU / PSPNEWS.
We appreciate all vettacossx's work and hope he continues to keep renewing our homebrew scene with new characters, backgrounds, levels, and fun!
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June 12th, 2006, 12:09 Posted By: shadowprophet
Vettacossx has done it again! This time In psp pool form!! Here is what he had to say in his email.
heres a mod made for pspool it has a gr8 SECRET theme SO download it and give feed back first person to guess WHO the MAIN GUY IS!
gets a cookie!....AND THERE OWN PSPOOL MOD ...made to there preference 
( with any theme the winner choose's)
Note from SP, I really really like this mod 
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June 12th, 2006, 15:00 Posted By: SmashinGit
Percival and PSP 3D have just released the firmware 1.5 version of Super Mario War for PSP, a port of the awesome home-made Super Mario deathmatch game (think of it as a mix of Super Smash Brothers, with the items and actions of Super Mario) orginally developed by Michael Schaffer and Florian Hufsky. Just recently, we released Super Mario War for 1.0 (2.0+), but there was some minor coding issues which caused the homebrew game to be un-KXploitable, leaving 1.5 firmware users in the dark. We have fixed those problems and repackaged the release for all firmware 1.5 PSP owners to enjoy. Thanks for your patience, and have fun!
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June 12th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: IndianCheese
I made this portal about a week ago and released some info and a video of it, and decided to release it! It is a full working menu with a few great Flash games, a copy of PSPWXP (a great Windows portal), and a URL entry box. If you already have PSPWXP (or do not want it), simply do not copy the folder to the PSP; however, the Boot Windows button will not work. To access the portal, type "file:/psp/swf/home.swf" without the quotes into the address bar. I know it doesn't have a lot of stuff, but that is why it is version 0.1alpha. I should be updating it occasionally. Enjoy!
P.S. The gameboot.pmf intro clone took me a while to do! It runs a bit slow on the PSP, but if you want to see what it really looks like, run it on your PC.
P.P.S. "Squirrel Squash" and "Ultimate Flash Sonic" work fully, but at about 0.3x the original speed.
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June 12th, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Halo 3 aside, the undoubted star of Microsoft's conference at this year's E3 was the bombshell GTA IV announcement, in which the Redmond giant boldly proclaimed that the next GTA will not only be on 360 from day one, but that it would feature ongoing episodic content delivered over Xbox Live.
It was not only a great coup, but gave Peter Moore a chance to add to his impressive tattoo collection, but of course such an announcement could only leave us panting for more and the shutters came down swiftly as they'd risen.
Well first solid details have trickled through this morning via an IMDBlisting for the game, with Rockstar President Dan Houser and GTA and Manhunt vet James Worrall being named as the principle writers.
Also rather strangely listed on IMDB as 'crew' are Lazlow Jones, who wrote for GTA III and Vice City and starred as voice talent for Liberty City Stories and San Andreas. The final entry is writer Navid Khonsari who starred as the Porn Host in Max Payne 2 and has voice credits on all the GTA series as well as Manhunt.
Although the details are a little scant, it seems like Rockstar is getting on board some of its finest and most experienced writing and voice talent for GTA IV, which can only be a good thing. That's your lot for now, but more details will no doubt dribble through as the game progresses.
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June 12th, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
You may have noticed that Justin Lee's new movie The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift is not long to debut, and with EA heading up a plush new PS2 racer to complement the film, first screens have just roared onto the grid to give you a first taste of the action
The movie sees hero Sean Boswell dodging a jail sentence to head to Tokyo and join his uncle, but naturally he soon gets embroiled in the underground world of drift racing and pink slip action. Expect the game to follow suit.
The screens certainly look to evoke FAF: Tokyo Drift's dark neon lit-street raceways and, with a pronounced emphasis on drift mechanics and gameplay, you'll be power sliding around those neon bends with abandon. Of course there'll be a huge number of customisation options for your favoured racer, 1-2 player split-screen play and 1-4 player online play for PS2, but we have to hope the 'Advanced Rubber Band AI' system doesn't refer to the way you power your car.
.The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift is set to debut on PS2 and PSP imminently and, with old racing hands Eutechnyx behind the wheel, it should do the movie's racing action extreme justice.
Screenshots at link above
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June 12th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
While Sony may have ditched its force feedback DualShock controller for this generation of home consoles with the PS3, it seems the company is hard at work on an invetion which has the potential to offer a whole new kind of feedback while playing games.
According to a patent uncovered by Barry Fox over at the New Scientist website, Sony is researching a way of squeezing bulky electronics device - like portable consoles, phones and handheld computers - into pocket-sized spaces.
Fox summarises Sony's research saying, "The body and screen of folding gadgets would be made from a flexible polymer containing conductive rubber bracing struts filled with a gel of aluminosilicate particles suspended in silicone oil.
.When a current is passed through the struts, the particles clump together and harden the gel, making the gadget solid enough to use. Sony has found that it would take very little power to make such a folding device harden, so the drain on its battery should be low."
Alongside potential uses for handhelds, it seems Sony also envisages the technology may have applications in home console controllers too, by affecting the shape or texture of your input device based on on-screen actions. The patent divulges that, "The electrorheological fluid device can be applied to, for example, part of a controller of a home-use game machine as another example of the electronic apparatus of the present invention. A user touches a control section of the controller by fingers, and the feeling of touch is controlled by the electrorheological fluid device."
For example, if a game player is defeated in a fighting game, the electrorheological fluid device is controlled to become soft in order to improve the realistic sensations in the game."
Folding consoles? Whatever will they think of next? Let us know what you desire in the way of electrorheological goodness in the comments field below.
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June 12th, 2006, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial game for the PSP Released, heres the info:

Play as honorable knight Lloyd and embark upon an epic journey to recover the Wand of Kinan, a sacred relic stolen from your protection. As the only knight to survive the ambush, you must summon your strength, your magic, and the skillful aid of wizards, fighters, mages and other powerful allies to find the Wand and reclaim it for your king.
The Korean developed PSPâ„¢ RPG game Astonishia Story is shipping today as US release version at US$ 44.90 only.
Game features:
Immerse yourself in a rich RPG adventure with over fifteen unique characters and brilliantly witty dialogue.
Enlist Wizards, Warriors and other skilled allies in your epic quest to recover your kingdom’s Wand.
Battle against elves, bandits, sorcerers and monsters using powerful weapons and magic.
Maneuver quickly in the heat of battle with intuitive one-button commands.
Get back into the action wherever you left off with save-any-time and an easy-to-navigate interface.
More info here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ag6.html
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June 12th, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release for the PSP:

Featuring 15 different motorsports – including GT Sports Car Racing, Street Racing, Rally, DTM, V8 Supercars, Global GT Lights, Rally Cross, Formula Ford, Open Wheel Grand Prix, Classic Car Racing, Super Truck Racing, Stockcar Oval Racing, Ice-Racing, Convertible Racing, and Performance Cars – along with over 30 different global championships, in excess of 50 cars and more than 60 circuits.
Designed especially for the PSP(TM) system gaming, a further race mode, the Trans-World Cup, delivers high-octane racing in short bursts making it perfect for gaming on the go. Through a variety of event-based challenges, including Time Trials and Skill Tests rather than a series of straight races, players must drive hard to become the World's No. 1 ranked racer.
The game displays up to 21 cars racing on track simultaneously and has wireless play for up to 8 players.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1g0u.html
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June 12th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
The asian version of Tomb Raider Legend has been released, heres the details:

• Lara comes to life - the dual-pistol-wielding adventurer’s polygon count and animation set has been increased significantly, presenting Lara in the finest fidelity to date
• Return to the Tombs: Lara’s new quest brings her to lost ancient realms that guard Secrets of the Past
• Fluid movement: the revamped control system provides intuitive and fluid character movement
• Dynamic animation system puts focus on continuous motion, giving Lara the ability to seamlessly handle any obstacle and interact dynamically with any surface
• Move and shoot. Lara uses her physical prowess to combine gunplay with unique signature moves
• Variety of player choice - intelligently use the environment, technical gear and weapons to overcome challenging situations.
• Physics, Water and Fire systems bring the perilous environments of Lara’s world alive, and challenge the player to improvise solutions to obstacles
• Visit a vast array of cinematic & exotic locations including ancient tombs, dangerous jungles, snowy mountain ruins and numerous unexpected surprises in between!
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1fot.html
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June 12th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
There are some ugly rumours clinging to the coattails of the PlayStation 3 over the weekend, with fellow games site Kotaku offering up what it claims to be a potentially damaging information leak from Sony.
According to an unnamed and very much unverified source (seemingly a loose-lipped developer, of which there's never a shortage) the Cell Processor deployed in final PlayStation 3 hardware will be downgraded. Sony had promised a 3.5GHz version of its flagship chip, however a 3.2 offering replaced this. The report suggests a 2.8GHz Cell will become the final brain of PlayStation 3.
The second technophobe worrying rumour sees the PlayStation 3 equipped with an external power supply, the worst thing imaginable for people who worry about such things. "The current designs despite having vents all over the place apparently still cant dissipate the heat to sufficient levels," claims the source of the report.
Of course, this all remains firmly under the big umbrella (dare we say parasol) of gossip for the time being. As we piece together a final picture of what Sony will release into retail, you'll have every jigsaw segment, starting with the corners and straight bits.
Via Spong
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June 12th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

Race to the finish line as you live all the fun and excitement of the next Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, "Cars." Play as all your favourite characters as you help Lightening McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship. Fans will discover unique characters and environments inspired by the film with more than 10 playable characters and 30 races and minigames to choose from. The game features a fully immersive re-creation of all major environments introduced in the movie, including Radiator Springs and Ornament Valley, which will offer distinctive racing experiences to players while maintaining the artistic style of the film....
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June 12th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

A prequel to the RPG fantasy created by the legendary studio Nihon Falcom, The Legend of Heroes II begins the story with childhood friends Jurio and Chris as they embark on a pilgrimage to five shrines surrounding their village. During their journey, they learn of the dangers of the Raual Wave that threatens to destroy everything in its path. Can Jurio and Chris, with the help of their friends, stop the Raual Wave emanating from Queen Isabella's castle? Will they discover the identity of the mysterios "Moonlight Witch" who predicted it all?
This game is actually the second of the series -- its sequel, A Tear of Vermillion, was first brought to America for PSP to kick the series off, with the original Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch following as part II to complete the story.

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June 12th, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

The PSP knuckles up for a handheld version of EA's hip-hop styled brawler, based on and expanded over the console game Def Jam: Fight for NY. Playing as the hottest artists and celebrities in Hip Hop including Busta Rhymes, Carmen Electra, Lil' Kim, Ludacris, Method Man, Redman, Snoop Dogg, and Xzibit, you'll be able to unravel the events that lead to Def Jam Vendetta and find out how D-Mob got to rule NYC. Featuring new fighting moves and new venues, where players can gain respect by winning fights and rising among the ranks of the crew. Players can create their own fighter with gear from Def Jam University, Phat Farm, Brand Jordan, Ecko Unlimited, Enyce, Rocawear, Sean John, State Property, Reebok, and more. Players can also battle in 1-on-1 death matches using PSP's wireless functionality.

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June 12th, 2006, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

A first-person shooter set in gang-ridden New York City. You play as Nick Mason, a man returning home from military service in the not-too-distant future. He returns to find his city overrun by gang warfare. Appalled, he joins the G18 Counter Gang Division, a special organization granted emergency powers over all public services. With control over the Police, Fire Department, and Paramedics, you'll fight to save lives, property, and the future of your home.
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June 12th, 2006, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

Backyard Baseball 2007 is the fifth iteration of the best selling youth baseball video game of all time and the only kid's game to hold the coveted Major League Baseball (MLB) and Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) licenses. Backyard Baseball 2007 features a roster full of top MLB pros as kids and includes all 30 MLB teams, uniforms, and logos. In addition, the game's kid-friendly, non-violent format, and high level of diversity makes it especially popular with parents.
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June 12th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

Electronic Arts once again puts all the sweat and tension of the gridiron in your control with this new NFL franchise -- only this time, you command it all as the coach. EA Tiburon, makers Madden NFL Football and NFL Street, has worked with all coaches in the NFL Coaches Club to bring football fans a 3D strategy sports game that challenges gamers to build and manage every aspect of a football team from the ground up. As head coach, you develop a team strategy, execute it on and off the field, and try to build a winning organization year after year. Your status as a coaching legend will rise and fall based on all of your actions as you strive to become the greatest head coach of all time. Behind the desk, on the practice field, or while wearing the headset on game days, take the reins of your favorite NFL team and lead it to victory.
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June 12th, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
New Game release/pre order from SuccessHK

First introduced into the Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine in Japan in 1999, Naruto, by revered creator Masashi Kishimoto, quickly became Japan’s most popular ninja manga. This fighting game promises intense martial arts action wrapped in the cell-shaded ninja world of Naruto. With 14 playable characters, Naruto: Narutimate Hero features a variety of fighting moves, including base, combos, super, and projectile attacks. With lush environments playable on two different planes, the game offers four exciting gameplay modes and a series of in-game collectible items, including trading cards, toys, music, and movies.
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June 13th, 2006, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info:
What is the TVersity Media Server?
The TVersity Media Server lets you manage your Internet and home media and create your personalized lineup of channels, or as we call it your Personal Entertainment Guide (PEG). It then serves this media to a multitude of networked devices in the home or on the go, overcoming their inherent limitations by doing all the necessary conversions on the fly, and thus making your media available anywhere, anytime and from any device.
What devices are supported by the TVersity Media Server?
TVersity is the most versatile media server and the only one that is truly universal in the range of devices it supports. TVersity can serve media to:
- Devices supporting the UPnP AV / DLNA standard (which is the de-facto standard for connecitivity between devices in the digital home). This includes devices like networked TVs, DVDs, Stereo Receivers, Digital Media Adapaters/Receivers, Cell Phones, Satellite and Cable set-top-boxes and more.
- Devices with a web browser (XHTML-MP or WAP 2.0) and media streaming or downloading capabilities like mobile phones, PDAs, the Sony PSP, and more.
- Devices with an RSS reader and media streaming or downloading capabilities like the Sony PSP, iTunes/iPod and more.
More Info --> http://www.tversity.com/download.html
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June 13th, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Dr Neo Posted this news:
NEO summer coding contest 2006 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There will be 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.
* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There will be 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 10 winners for PSP App, total 10+10 winners.
For the NDS App, the main concept is for MagicKey2 and MagicKey3 application,it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full hardware power of MK2/3.
The rule of NEO summer coding contest 2006 is very simple, just same with NEO spring coding contest 2006:
[1] You can enter the GAME contest and APP contest both.
[2] You must put the splash screen of "NEO summer coding contest 2006" to your production.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 division are same:
The No.1 : Nintendo Revolution one pcs or NDS Lite console one pcs or PSP one pcs (winner can choose)
The No.2 & No.3 : MK4-SD 16Gb whole set OR NEO2 + MK4-mini whole set OR Neo-PSP 4in1 mini convertor + 4GB HD whole set (winner can choose)
The No.4 ~ No.10 : MK4-mini whole set OR Neo-PSP 4in1 mini convertor whole set (winner can choose)
NEO summer coding contest 2006 close time : 20th.Aug 2006
Winner prize send out time : 30th.Aug 2006
Sounds like a great comp for the DS/GBA and PSP Scenes 
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June 13th, 2006, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview with Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsuya Nomura about the Final Fantasy XIII project, EGM's Executive Editor Shane Bettenhausen attempts to pry loose rich, succulent information on what is possibly the most desired PS3 title of 2007. Arguments involving the superiority of gears comprised of mainly metal aside, the interview focuses on the background and universe that will encompass Final Fantasy XIII, along with the decisions to go with a tough female lead character. Most interesting in this interview, however, is the confirmation that the PS3's new controller features will be implemented into the final game.
EGM: Will the FFXIII PS3 games use the PS3's motion-sensing controller functionality?
TN: Yeah, we already have some ideas about how to use it.
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June 13th, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Ken Kutaragi recently held a very long interview with Japanese web site PC Impress Watch where he spoke about the PS3's current presence and that for Sony, their goal is to have their next-generation console have the kind of market pull that the Apple brand does.
"Steve Jobs could slap an Apple logo on the PS3 and sell them for $2,000 each. We couldn't do that. That's the difference between the PlayStation brand and a computer brand, like Apple."
Kutaragi emphasized that he wished to make the term "PS3" synonymous with "entertainment computer." The company's goals seem to be in established an electronics "ecosystem" in the consumer's household, where the name Sony means enjoyment. However, where Apple has achieved this through stylish, trendy gadgets at affordable pricing, will this goal be achievable for Sony given the heft price tag of the unit?
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June 13th, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster

NJ Has released a new version of his excellent NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
The execution speed drop from ver.0.4 has been improved.
(I think that it became almost the same speed as ver.0.3.1.)
The bug in file browser that keep accessing file when displaying title image
from the zipped file has been fixed.
The function of the counter for the timing measurement has been changed.
Japanese font data was deleted from English version.
Therefore, the Japanese version command list can be used only in the
Japanese UI version.
And, some small bugs has been fixed.
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June 13th, 2006, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydowsxx has released an update to XviD4PSP, which is a AVI/DVD to PMP converter.
Heres whats new:
- Added PMP AVC output.
- Fixed PMP 2.01 output.
- Small design and logic fixes.
- Updated French translation.
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June 13th, 2006, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
kennethdm posted this news/release:
Another simple game which used to be played a lot. After my last PMM release, some guy asked me why no one ever made a hangman game for the psp. And since it isn't that hard to code, here is one 
The goal is simple, use the keyboard to guess a letter which you think is in word you have to guess. If it is a letter of the word(s), this letter will be
shown at the correct place(s). If the letter is not present in the word(s), one part of the gallow will be drawn, this until you either run out of guesses,
or you guess the word. There is also a category displayed for each word, at the moment there are 4:
- songs (number one songs)
- movies (top box office movies)
- sports
- animals
You can press Triangle to take a screenshot.
for people who aren't satisfied with the words currently available, or if they want to translate it to their own language, you can. Just open the hangword.txt file, where you can add or delete words. the first letter of the word is the
a = animal
s = song
p = sport
m = movie
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June 13th, 2006, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
AnonymousTipster from our forums has released a new version of his Unzip Proggy for the PSP, heres whats new:
New features:
Rar support (including RAR3) + passworded Rar support
Directory browsing for file and dir selection (press square over ZIP/RAR file: or Extract To
__SCE__ to kxploit renamer (mainly for iRShell users)
Auto-detects whether launched from iRShell or as standalone
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June 13th, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Uberone posted a new release of Echanger, heres the info from the readme:
Changes to Beta version .2
-Improved interface (made from the ground up)
-eMenus are previewed in full screen and no seperate files need to be made for previews
-The menu no longers has a subtle annoying continuous flash
You can get eMenus at http://geeky4life.googlepages.com
I apologize for beta version .1
I released it too early and I know it sucked.
I hope I can redeem myself with this highly improved version.
Thank you once again for downloading eChanger.
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June 13th, 2006, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Raphael has posted several news items/releases on his blog:
PMP Mod AVC subtitle mod
Just today jonny released his new AVC version of PMP Mod, which allows for fullres AVC videos to played on PSP. This is truly amazing, as all the decoding is done by the PSP’s extra decoding hardware and really fast. To compete even more with the good old PMP Mod 2.01, I added subtitle support for this new version in an instant.
So check out the highest possible video quality on PSP with subtitles and enjoy!
Note: This version is limited to Firmware 1.5 currently. A solution for Firmwares 2.0+ is being worked on, though no success can be guaranteed.
PMP Mod on 2.0+ Firmwares now with tiff exploit too
It has been done! Thanks to the great help of tommydanger and his bug tracking skills, the reason for my 2.0+ firmware release to crash with the tiff exploit was found and could be fixed.
It seems that the tiff exploit will cause problems with big memory need and eventually malloc will return legal pointers, even though writing to these locations will cause crashes then. Since I’m not too familiar with the exploit’s internals, I don’t know what exactly causes this misbehaviour and if it is already known to Fanjita. I will let him know about this though.
If you couldn’t tell already by yourself, the download section and FAQ have been updated
PMP Mod on 2.0+ Firmwares
It’s finally done. PMP Mod now officially runs on 2.0+ Firmware with eLoader from Fanjita and Ditlew.
Even though it currently doesn’t work with the tiff exploit, it’s still better, since the GTA exploit works on all firmwares up to 2.6 and the tiff exploit only works on 2.0 Firmware.
Links to the binary and the sources are available in the download section. The FAQ has also been updated.
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June 13th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sulpher Dragon posted this news/release:
Ive made a simple program for myself a while ago and dicided to make it suitable for public use and release it to the public. I know there is a new program out the does the same thing (and more) and i know my program wont compete, but its not being released to compete :P (so no comments regarding that!)
anyway, its nice and fast so try it out and give me feedback. i might try and improve it if i feel compelled there is a few things i want to add to it myself, so expect an update with or without adequate feedback.
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via Sulpher Dragon
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June 13th, 2006, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
Devun_06 posted this news/release:
Inspired by variety, I'm now releasing one of my old, but sweet PC imaging programs upgraded, advanced, and fixed up to be compatible with the PSP's screen resolution(480x272) meaning you can now create awsome PSP wallpapers, or edit your favorites more to your liking.
Okay, I know my program might seem to be a little complex at first, but I had to use its selection system to prevent a massive amount of bugs, so if you need help... I'm right here.
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via devun06
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June 13th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: SamuraiX

Version 1.2 By SamuraiX
Bug fixes & New Features. Will Only release OpenBOR from now on as the performance is identical to my last release of Beats Of Rage.
-----> Runs at full 60 fps @ 333 and 48~58 fps @ 222!
-----> Bug Fix when attacking rider crashed PSP.
-----> Control bug Fix I introduced during Pause Menu (This will overwrite settings.sav)
-----> Bug fix Hall Of Fame.
-----> Use the new filemenu.png as it will be using more inputs.
-----> All Necessary Directories will now be created automatically.
New Features:
-----> Screen Shots will now save under PSP/Photo directory with Name of Mod.
-----> New Frames Per Second Counter under PSP Options.
-----> New video.txt support for Mod Creaters (Allows Full WideScreen Resolution (480x272))
-----> Modders instructions for full screen support: http://www.borgeneration.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7
Future Releases:
- Wireless 2 Player support (Currently In progress)
- Update OpenBOR to latest version (2.0046)
- Images Directory and filemenu.png are necessary for BOR. Place them in the same directory as eboot.
- Beats Of Rage Sites I hang out: http://senileteam.com/ http://openbor.net/ http://www.borgeneration.com/ http://borrevolution.vg-network.com/
- Download and save mods in 'Paks' Directory.
- Startup Game and select the *.pak file you want to play and Press 'X'.
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June 13th, 2006, 16:41 Posted By: shadowprophet
It seems DickyDick1969 Has brought us a new PiMPStreamer Version 0.61!
PiMpStreamer will allow one to stream videos from there pc via wifi to ones psp! Truely a must for that on the go episode of south park, Or that movie you just cant live without seeing on your psp!
DickyDick1969 http://www.pimpware.org
Heres what he had to say..
A very small update..(Blame the WC Soccer)
It bothered me that some content played better in 0.5 than in 0.55/0.6.. (noticable were the rss tiki bar episodes) So i fixed it..
About the problem of time jumping and also frame skipping… Appearently the ffmpeg libs don’t feed the server enough audio frames to keep up with the video frames, when started in between. If that happens the streaming ends. I would love to have a way to decide *what* frame (audio/video) should be fetched by the ffmeg libs, so I could keep it in to pace with the streaming. Perhaps I should look to other libraries to read video content?
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June 13th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: Nafogel
This is a simple html document allowing for easier selection of flash files on your 2.7+ psp. I've had the idea for quite some time now, and I've finally decided to take that idea into action. The html code is extremely simplified to allow html illiterate people to easily manage this "app". See the read me file included to see how to use it. Included are a few simple flash games to get you started. This is my first attempt at making an app for the psp and I would appreciate any tips or comments.
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June 13th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: Zeemon
Here's a quick program I released to help developers find coordinates on the PSP. I took a break (about half an hour ) from the game I'm making and created this.
Here's the readme, it include most of the info:
FindC v1.0
This is a quick program I made in Lua in the middle of coding another Lua game.
I just wanted a break from the more technical stuff and do something easy and quick.
So I created this!
What? FindC stands for FindCoordinates. It is a program written in Lua that gives programmers a better idea of the coordinates on the PSP.
FYI: Feel free to change the background picture to a picture included in a program you may be coding.
It can be very helpful to help find the perfect place for your text.
The first number is the X coordinate, the sencond, Y coordinate.
Keep in mind I created this in about....15 minutes, give or take. If I find alot of people using and enjoying, or wanting updates, then I
would love to update it. As of now though, I'm not really planning it.
This program currently requires Luaplayer. Place FindC folder in the applications folder of Luaplayer.
Direction pad: Moves 1 pixel in the direction of the button.
Triangle: Move up faster (10 pixels).
Circle: Move right faster (10 pixels).
Cross(X): Move down faster (10 pixels).
Square: Moce left faster (10 pixels).
Start: Exit (if using Luaplayer)
Creator: Zeemon/PSPXavier Enjoy and give suggestions! The more I think about it, the more I want to update it, but I'm still not sure.
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June 13th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: deniska
I paused my porting projects and desided to work on a portable map viewer for PSP (code name MapThis!)
Here is a shot from a current (very buggy version):

The application will allow to:
- scroll though 3100x2500 pix map, covering ~ 52sq mi area with city level details.
- zoomout (currently very buggy)
- access area's attractions info (currently just restaurants) with name/address/phone
- mapping to gps coordinates, allowing the posibility of external gps feed
- one map with attrcations data takes ~ 1Mb of space on MS
-application will come with a linux/cygwin script to generate map tiles and data from public sources for given address. The script can be wraped in to a cgi wrapper and therefore turned in to a web service.
Please contact me if you can lend a USB based GPS mouse for my experiments or want to work on the gps communication part (Ideally, I would want to create a USB driver, so it can be plugged in w/o soldering.. not sure yet if this is possible though)
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June 14th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: shadowprophet
Ahh A great news day indeed! It seems Raf
has updated his links2 web browser, (A wonderful open source Linux browser ported to psp) To version r1195!!And just like before This comes in two great flavors!!A stand alone version, Or a Plugin that works with PSPradio.
Here is what he had to say...
What's new:
(raf) StandAlone: New connection selection: "None" allows the user to continue initialization without having to connect.
(raf) Plugin: Changed the plugin priority to 45, this should prevent skipping while listening to pspradio.
(raf) Updated to links-2.1pre22:
Details of links-2.1pre22 (from Changelog):
-sponsored by Alex Poylisher <sher@komkon.org>
Use 8-bit gamma correction on machines with slow FPU (or with FPU
emulation) --- this significantly reduces startup time
-Optional scrollbars in frames
-Implemented porn mode (bare image autoscaling aka fullscreen).
-Fixed ignorance of aspect ratio for images where only one dimension
is specified.
-Fixed crash when deleting item at the top of the window in bookmarks
or associations or extensions
-Ignore space at the end of url
-Fixed memory leak on image with no src attribute and usemap attribute
-Support 4th and 6th mouse button on svgalib
(raf) Now when adding a bookmark, bookmarks are saved automatically.
(raf) Cosmetic changes when taking screenshots, and reconnecting. (Wait for the user, redrawing). </sher@komkon.org> Download and Give feedback Via Comments
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June 14th, 2006, 09:11 Posted By: shadowprophet
StrmnNrmn has updated his blogspot. Here is this great news
This is just a brief update as it's been a while since my last post. I'm hoping to release a new build tomorrow, possibly Thursday at latest. I was planning on making an official release last weekend, but I got sidetracked polishing a few things. I've got a slight bit more to finalise, but there should be a couple of nice little additions since the source drop last week.
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June 14th, 2006, 09:54 Posted By: shadowprophet
PSP Galaxy Issue #10 Is now out. here is what they had to say about this exciting issue!
Comin' atcha from people of reasonable stature, is the 10thennial edition of PSP Galaxy, sponsored by Play-Asia.com! That's right, PSP Galaxy has hit the big 1-0, and to celebrate, we've got more of everything! Not content with one of everything, we've got TWO interviews, TWO installments of our incredible free comic and an appropriate TEN reviews! Let's take a look at what's inside this issue:
-Video feature detailing the last year of PSP gaming
-Interview with PSMonkey, homebrew developer of 'Monkey 64' and 'Iris'
-Interview with Amaze Entertainment, developers of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'
-Reviews of Field Commander, Gradius Collection, Lemmings, Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code, Ys: The Ark of Napishtim, Bust a Move Deluxe and Cabela's Dangerous Hunts
-Member review of McDonalds Serve 'n' Go
-Retro review of Silent Hill
-Review of X-Men: The Last Stand
-Two installments of our free comic
-All the regular features we've been told you love, and have no reason to assume otherwise, including Prime's Rant, Terranova's R&D, Cooking with Mof and Movie Watch!
We're turning 10, so it's only right we start turning heads! This issue is so jam-packed with exclusives and exciting material, it's almost as big as Ben Hur. Almost.
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June 14th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: shadowprophet
Stonecut Has released A new version of PMP Mod, Version 1.00! This allows Johnny's PMP Mod AVC to be used as an iR Shell plugin, but it wont work with the original PMP Mod plugin included in iR Shell 1.5.
Here is what he has to say about this release
The plugin modification is based on Ahman's PMP Mod 2.0 plugin, so all credit goes to jonny and Ahman. I just copy/pasted some
stuff and managed to compile it, hehe.
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June 14th, 2006, 23:09 Posted By: shadowprophet
Ookm Has created a do it yourself method firmware module, interesting stuff to say the least! Here what he had to say.

Nand Flash Chip 0 FW1.00
Nand Flash Chip 1 FW2.50
test to Access Nand Flash page 0x00200 (IPL)

PSP Multi Firmware module
price less than USD50-
EASY to Install !!
just soldering 20 points
features list:
* ALTERA MAX 3000A Cost-Optimized CPLD
* 480 Mbps High Speed USB 2.0(PSP built-in) :P
* Brand New 32MB Nand Flash onboard (same type as used in PSP)
* Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
(Thanks goes to Tatsujin Via Irc for the headsup about this great article)
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June 15th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: Kaiser
An update on this program from Zeemon/PSPXavier. Here's what he had to say
What? FindC stands for FindCoordinates. It is a program written in Lua that gives programmers a better idea of the coordinates on the PSP.
FYI: Feel free to change the background picture to a picture included in a program you may be coding.
It can be very helpful to help find the perfect place for your text.
And with the new ability to use 3 backgrounds, overwrite any of the current 3 backgrounds with your own!
Suggestions would be VERY appriciated, and could earn you a spot in the README!
I need more things to add to make the program better, but need your suggestions!
Go to pspzone.mfhosting.com, my homesite, and suggest
New in V 1.1:
Alot has changed in this new version of FindC.
* Slow speed added
* Multiple backgrounds enabled
* Welcoming menu added
* X and Y coordinates now stationed at the top of the screen
* Font size and color changed
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June 15th, 2006, 02:04 Posted By: Kaiser

StrmnNrmn has released the official Daedalus R5 only a few minutes ago. This great N64 emulator just keeps getting better.
Here's whats new [+] New DynaRec engine, resulting in significant performance improvements
[+] New front end - ability to toggle a couple of options (more to come)
[+] Save game first pass (eeprom4k, eeprom16k and mempak)
[^] Various interpreting engine optimisations
[~] Use .png fileformat for background images, save ~380KB
[~] Stripped out unnecessary code, save ~250KB
A special thanks to everyone who was involved with Daedalus on the PC in
the past. Sorry I was so rubbish at keeping the project ticking along. You
know who you are. *Updates:
-Testing among DCemu members has revealed a significant speed improvement.
-The screenshot feature seems to freeze the emulator in this version. Had to cobble together a screenshot using a digital camera.
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June 15th, 2006, 04:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from the PCSX2 Site
With 100,000 unique visitors having visited this site in it's short time online (13 days), both myself and Falcon4ever are happy it's gone so smoothly.
So a video of Makai Kingdom in action has been recorded for you lot to download and enjoy, including audio (speech, music, sound effects).
So you are thinking woopiee a video, wow, thats shocking... , well hold that thought, what if I told you that the video only had to be sped up by about 10 FPS to get to 60 FPS, eg; what you see is practically what it's emulated at!
What?!! near full speed emulation?!! impossible I hear you cry, well I did tell you that zerofrog was re-writing the eeREC and vuREC There's alot to do, as in all honesty many games got broken with bugs during the transition from the old rec, to the new, but he's still not blinking, and he is avoiding sleep, so hopefully more news eventually!
Enough of that for now, enjoy the video, which you can grab on this page (click the 'DOWNLOAD' image to the right of the details ).
Check out his site here --> http://www.pcsx2.net/
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June 15th, 2006, 10:04 Posted By: shadowprophet
DickyDick1969 has released a new version of pimpstreamer, This one runs on higher firmwares!! Here is what he had to say!
Allrighty… Thanks to jonny for combining all the 1.5 code to only the idct stuff, and the brave work of raphael to make a “mips†only version of the idct code instead of using the â€meâ€. After a few (not so trivial) adjustments here and there I managed to make the first 2.x PiMPStreamer version…
Yes!! It runs now on 2.x PSP’s !! Enjoy!! Just put the 2.x files in the PSP/GAMES dir and edit the pmp.ini for server settings and eLoader will pick them up. (tested on a 2.6 white psp)
Note: Some key combinations don’t work yet (pressing start to refresh will do evil.. workaround is to go to another dir and back). Also you cannot run full speed here, advise to set the server on /2 framespeed
Also the .62 stands also for some minor issues solved in the server and psp client (1.5).
This is what I call real co-operetative developing: working all together to a solution…. (don’t know if it is intended) On the other hand… it is quite a mess in PMP Mod land, with about a dozen of MODS and contributors.. perhaps someone should take all the source up to now and make a grand version…
This really makes my day, after being a little bit sad not showing up in the summer pspupdates list….. (jonny deserves it)
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June 15th, 2006, 10:32 Posted By: shadowprophet
Shortly after the release of StrmnNrmn's Daedalus R5. StrmnNrmn started to question Psdonkeys earlier release.
He had this to say,
PSdonkey made this comment when releasing a pre-release of R5 last week:
I went ahead and compiled the new source for everyone and also added a couple of minor changes to the source for speed improvements. As I have no way of getting in touch with him directly, I'd like to ask him publicly if he could forward me a set of diffs for the 'speed improvements' he applied. Not just because this is a requirement of the GPL (the license under which the Daedalus PSP source is made available), but because I think it would be beneficial to the project to apply these changes to the main source tree. Having said that, I suspect PSdonkey might simply have been attempting to take partial credit for several weeks development work. I'll let you know if I receive any diffs...
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June 15th, 2006, 11:09 Posted By: shadowprophet
Those guys at neocdz must never sleep! Because they have done it again!
Here is all the information I could find about this exciting release. Credit for the translation of the readme goes to Jeff C And he has our thanks!
Now on to The translated readme.
Only supporting the compressed ROM set for MAME 0.106.
Clone set containing home purpose ROM is not supported.
Protected/encrypted ROM set is not supported.
Games with special input port or dip switch are not supported.
Due to the lack of memory on the PSP, only the ROM sets smaller 128Mbit (16MB) are supported. (I haven't tested the upper limit of the supported ROM size)
There may still be some ROM sets that cannot be started even they comply with the conditions above.Info from Read Me.
Thanx Jeff C for the translation 
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June 15th, 2006, 14:05 Posted By: Kramer
There has been reports from a few people that a new version of gta:lcs has been released which requires 2.60 update and the savedata exploit has been patched. Is this the end of the gta exploit?
heres a dodgy video of it happening
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June 15th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: Kaiser

Only a few hours after Alpha 1 was released the generous coder NJ has released Alpha 2. Here's whats new. I'm definitely going to have to spend some time with Metal Slug tonight.
* BIOS it tried to start selection from the file browser. During file browser executing when the  button is pushed, the menu opens.
* Only at the time of the first starting it tried to indicate the help of the file browser. (For the above-mentioned modification)
* In initial condition it tried automatic frame skip to become effective.
* Case it fails in starting, it tried not to retain SRAM and the memory card.
* In order to be able to start several games which it cannot start, the intention of correcting. The game where memory is not enough does not operate as usual. Referring to details list.txt.
* If user interface is simplified, because memory is less crowded somewhat, perhaps, the game which can be started more or less it increases, but only this game it operates basically.
A rough translation courtesy of babelfish
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June 15th, 2006, 21:33 Posted By: Kaiser

I thought this was pretty interesting.
Ever in the need to pick up a quick birthday present while on the go, or grab a quick game fix while waiting for your flight at the airport? Looks like your cries for help have just been answered! Sony has just announced the new 'robotic stores' that they are testing and planning to releases around the US in strategic, high traffic locations.
At the moment, they are only testing these vending machines, so to speak, in Atlanta and Colorodo, but soon enough, we should start seeing these mini-malls popping up all over the US. Each station carries PSP units, games, accessories, and more; all of the items are lifted out and presented to you by a robotic arm, of course, after you have paid for the item by a credit or debit card. This is a pretty unique and futuristic idea Sony has up its sleeves, can't wait to see the 'robotic store' go gold in malls and airports all over!
Think other companies will follow suit or is this just a mistake on Sony's part?
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June 15th, 2006, 21:40 Posted By: gunntims0103
sora adventure is my very first attempt at lua. i am hoping that i will stick with this project long enough so that it will be fully playable. as of now i have sora running around in the woods
things to do
edge out sora's sprite from the black block
intergrate levels together
add a.i (enemies)
add attacks for sora
add a main menu
add a story line
add music
add multiplayer
change sora's clothing
change keyblades
have companions follow you in the game
i still have alot of work.as i said this is my first attempt and im actually surprised i was even able to get this far.I DO NEED A LOT OF HELP WITH THIS PROJECT AS I DO NOT KNOW ALL THE LUA CODES IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME WITH A.I AND MAIN MENU'S AND SUCH I WOULD REALLY BE VERY GREATFULL
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June 16th, 2006, 11:34 Posted By: shadowprophet

Enengizer has announced that they will be making a new product line called energi-to-go, gameing power packs, for mobile devices.
There has been no specific details on how powerful these battery packs will be, But you can suspect since there from energizer they will be top quality.
These Energi-To-Go power packs will support PSP, DS and GBA users by providing a four(Energizer e2 lithium AA batteries) battery power pack which is completely rechargeable and an adaptor for the device of your choice .
The Energizer Energi-To-Go Power Pack line is expected to hit sometime in September of this year retailing at $29.99.
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June 16th, 2006, 12:08 Posted By: shadowprophet

LLAMMA has finished an interesting LED mod for the psp consisting of placing LEDs in each trigger button and the center of the D-pad and face buttons. The LED’s are powered by the PSP’s battery and they turn off automatically when your PSP gets low on power.
This is an awesome hardware mod for the PSP. But your gonna need some decent soldering skills To solder The LEDs onto the circut board.
Tools Needed
*000 Phillips Screw Driver
*Low wattage (15-20) Quality Solder Iron or variable temperature Solder Station
*X-Acto or other blade for stripping/scratching off the insulation on the wire
*Small Tweezers
*5/64 Drill bit and drill
Supplies Needed
*30AWG Magnet Wire (enamel coated) (NOT 30AWG Kynar)
*0603 SMD LED’s
*10 Ohm Resistor for 4 blue
Complete Tutorial can be found Here Enjoy!
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June 16th, 2006, 14:00 Posted By: shadowprophet

A little belated, As somehow this news slipped by me.
But yesterday (june 15th) was the one year anniversary of Swaploit, As some of you may remember, until Swaploit came along homebrew was only a fevered dream to anyone but 1.0 users. Then it was only one week later that CybBlade Pawstick and Killer-x of PS2DEV Brought us KillerXploit The single most important app in psp homebrew history!
Many of you may not even know what im rambling on about as most homebrew today comes ready to drop and drag right on your your memstick. But without the efforts of CybBlade Pawstick and killer-X,Simply put homebrew on psp's above 1.0 firmware simply wouldn't be possible. Today even though belated in our well wishes. We wish a happy birthday to psp homebrew as we know it.
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June 16th, 2006, 15:51 Posted By: shadowprophet

kotaku.com Has received a report that states rumors of a psp2 where unfounded, rather a psp fix seems to be works. Here is what that report had to say.
Last week, a Kotakuite contacted us, bringing word of a PSP focus group in New York City. Sony sent out preliminary questions that were centered on the PSP, how it was used, etc. The feeling was that the company was focus testing for a PSP2. Our reader just got back from the focus group. Bad news: doesn't seem like Sony is planning a PSP2 anytime soon, but rather something the company is calling "PSP Fix". Moreover, there was talk of "iTunes like" downloadable content. It being a focus group, that's pretty much what the dealio was: talk. Hit the jump for what he had to say. Got back from focus group tonight. It's more non-news and more evidence of Sony's lack of understanding about what propels gamers to game. The talk revolved mainly around a thing Sony's calling "PSP Fix"...which sounds intriguing but is really just a Jampack for PSP. LAME! Mainly demos, MP3s, movie trailers, behind-the-scenes stuff, etc on this PSP Fix thing. Other names were offered up as it was agreed that "fix" has too many druggy connotations. There was talk of cool things like GPS functions, maps, and PDA life software apps on said "Fix", but it was all suggestion...sadly... The only interesting thing of note was that a "iTunes like" service for PSP was discussed. We were asked what we would want to see for the service and asked to rank those things 7 to 1. Downloadable "iTunes like" content like:
1. You Tube/User Videos
2. Music Videos
3. Full Length Movies
4. 30 Minutes TV shows
5. 60 Minutes TV Shows
6. HBO Programs and such, like The Sopranos
7. I forgot the 7th thing...but it was nothing fancy
Talk of software emulation--PS1, Homebrew-- was heavy among the group but the consultant Sony had hired played dumb.
I'm starting to pity Sony...
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June 17th, 2006, 03:06 Posted By: shadowprophet

It looks like we have some affiliate forums up and going today, From our very own Bullhead, PsPHead Forums Is a brand new site and lets face it lol, even the greatest forums had to start somewhere, So lets stop by and visit him N~see whats up.
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June 17th, 2006, 04:05 Posted By: shadowprophet

It Seems Psp2Gamer Has made an interesting windows xp shell, this works with your psp web browser, either links2 on 1.0 and 1.5 or the sony web browser for higher firmwares,Heres a little of the readme.
MediaCenterPSP v2.00 Readme
-A wireless connection (For full functionality)
-Minimum Requirements:
-System Firmware v2.00, 2.01, 2.50, v2.60, 2.70, 2.71
-System Firmware v1.00, or 1.50 (With The help of the Links2 browser)
-1.5MB of space on your Memory Stick Duo
-System Firmware v2.71
-5+ MB of Space on your Memory Stick Duo (For downloads)
(Portal Installation)
Extract/Place the folder "PSP" in the ROOT directory.
Note: This will not harm your files. Also, if you want to take full advantage of then smaller size,
erase older versions of MediaCenterPSP
(Accessing Portal)
Open up the "Web Browser" under "Network", and type the following:
(MediaCenterPSP Support)
1) Email Me at shaakenstad@gmail.com, subject label
"MediaCenterPSP v2.00 Flash" I will get back to you as soon as possible.
2) PM me on the Playstation message boards. My handle is "PSp2gamer"
-Due to the overwhelming amount of e-mails I recieved with Version 1.00 and 1.50, I would just like to
say that it could be a little while before I can give you a reply/answer. Thanks
Copyright © 2006 PSp2gamer All Rights
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June 17th, 2006, 04:47 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game Released:

Boku ha Koukuu Kanseikan Airport Hero Narita is an air traffic simulator which was first released for PC in 1998. This PSP edition puts you in the shoes of an air controller working in the international Narita airport. Several modes of play are available including the main Operation Mode which has been modified to fit the PSP gameplay.
More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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June 17th, 2006, 04:52 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game Released:

Latest installment in the Doko Demo franchise, Doko Demo Issho Let's Gakkou is a conversation game where players can discuss with Toro the cat and his friends. Everytime you end a conversation the little characters will remember particular words and will use them in their next conversation sequences. This episode takes place in a school and will include a certain number of exclusive mini games and activities.
More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
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June 17th, 2006, 04:56 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game released:

An edition of the long-running adventure/puzzle series for the handheld system. Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly, though, it becomes clear every action can somehow help unfortunate individuals trapped somewhere in a parallel dimension. For this PSP version, the developers have added bonus contents in the form of new adventure scenarios, as well as updating the game's visuals for the PSP's widescreen format.
More info/Buy Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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June 17th, 2006, 09:20 Posted By: Kaiser
Tetris999 from our forums, has released an interesting little graphic mod for PSP Media Center 2.00. Its always cool to see people contributing to the scene by making mods for PSP homebrew. From the smallest tweak to a massive IRIS mod, sharing these things is always good for the community.
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June 17th, 2006, 15:51 Posted By: shadowprophet
At least Matt of Kotaku.com thinks so, why is that? read on to find out more about this interesting but odd customer service experience.
(From Matt @ kotaku.com)
I recently wrote in to Capcom customer service with some gripes about their recent PSP release of Monster Hunter Freedom. A very nice customer service girl replied. (I will leave her name out in respect of her privacy) She explained why certain features turned out the way they were despite some advertising to the contrary and apologized on behalf of the company. She then offered to send me a small gift as a token of their sincerity. She was very respectful and professional. I was flattered and gave her the address where she could send my free gift.
I was surprised when I received a box from UPS the following week and opened it to view my new Capcom loot. I must admit I was expecting a t-shirt, psp screensaver, or some other leftover shwag from E3, but instead was greeted by a gift box containing a barbeque utensil set. You might be wondering about the stuffed piglet that is also in the pics. That is an official Monster Hunter Freedom poogie doll that was given out with pre-orders at the gamestores. It is the mini-gift that was also included and ties the barbeque set to Capcom. Now please don't think that I am in any way disappointed. Capcom has already surpassed the customer service norm by simply replying to my rant of disappointment, let alone sending free gifts. And I have more than enough leftover E3 shwaq so I really didn't need any more. This just caught me off guard coming from the company whose only relation to barbeques are cooking zombies with flamethrowers. Maybe if the barbecue tongs made zombie noises while I used them, it would be more relevant. Or even hearing Ken do his signature yell from his flaming uppercut whenever I flip a burger with the barbeque spatula? Then everyone would know I was using the coveted Capcom barbeque set. Of course then all I need now...is a barbeque.

Well it appears capcom likes to keep there customers happy. Hmm I wonder if its too late to complain about Dead aim??
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June 17th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: SmashinGit
Kristof has updated his excellent Commodore 64 emulator for the psp, here's what new,
V1.0 :
What's new :
- True drive emulation. List of supported games is now same as Vice (hugeeee).
- .G64 file supported
- Better speed accuracy
- Support .zip files (one or multiple files into zip(s) )
- Save snapshot on MemoryStick. Allow 4 saves for 1 game.
- Improved disk/tape browser with screenshots and info file. Can also display .nfo file from gamebase game archives.
- Save settings on exit
- Enable / Disable sound option
- Scrolling in menu
- Cpu clock, 266 Mhz is now available
- Customizable menu font
- Palette support (Vice format .vpl)
- Use Vice1.18 sources (instead of 1.14)
- Save screenshot with snapshot
- Save Date and time into snapshot text
- Add "already typed lines" in menu : Load "$",8, Load"*",8,1, List, Run
- Keymapping for simultaneous 2 players (turn in on in menu)
- User can change keymapping and save/load it. Any shortcut can be assigned on any key.
- Long name support and display in file browser
- Doc on website
Bug fixed :
- Sound is now better
- Sound is not disabled when loading a quick snapshot
- Sound
- True Drive emulation is now "off" after reset (drive-ressource.c)
- Very long file name were crashing emu
- Save to disk (from C64) is now working. You need to detach disk image or attach another image to save the disk image to memory stick (or it will stay into memory and will be lost).
What is still not working :
- P00 files fail
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June 18th, 2006, 05:57 Posted By: wraggster
ModchipStore.com posted this news:
The Undiluted Platinum should arrive later this week if everything goes as it should!!!
The Undiluted Platinum isn't even available yet, but preorders are going crazy!!! Pre order yours today to insure that you're one of the first to have this amazing PSP modchip!!!!
For more details and to preorder yourself an Undiluted Platinum PSP Modchip go to ModchipStore.com.
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June 18th, 2006, 06:53 Posted By: wraggster
The world can now buy both the Glossy Black Original PSP and also the Ceramic White PSP those who follow this site will know there are such things as Faceplates and also Skins for PSPs to customize them.
But Sony like Nintendo know theres money to be made in updated versions of the same hardware or even just a new colour that looks great to more users.
Personally i see a Platinum Silver as the next PSP Colour but will Sony go for a Blue or a Pink to target a certain part of the gaming community or even introduce a new type of PSP that like Mobile Phones enables you to have a different colour when you feel like it (And if Sony pinch this idea its mine so send all freebies to wraggster )
What are your thoughts on the next PSP Colour ?
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June 18th, 2006, 07:05 Posted By: wraggster
When you look at stores like Lik Sang you see some fantastic games on preorder that are a long way away from being released, 2 such games for me are Gran Tourismo Mobile and GTA Vice City Stories.
What killer PSP releases are you waiting for ?
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June 18th, 2006, 08:03 Posted By: Kaiser
PSPManiac and JoeDaStudd have released an update to their little sim game. This new version adds new interactions you can perform with your little bunny as well as a neat little minigame.
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June 18th, 2006, 08:13 Posted By: Kaiser
ShUr1k3n has released an update to his Bomberman clone.
Here's whats new,
-Up to four players and different AI types.
-A score board and random map generator!
-A new menu and soem new SFX. As well as some sprite modifications.
I for one am excited about this game. With the possibility of AD-Hoc multiplayer being added in the next release this looks to be a promising game worth keeping an eye on.
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June 18th, 2006, 13:17 Posted By: shadowprophet
Ookm Sheds some light on his firmware module. It seems that some users can not tell the difference between a mod chip and Ookm's firmware module. So to clear the confusion ookm put this page together to explain some of the differences. Here is what he has to say.
This is a "PSP Multi Firmware module"
Not a "mod chip" :P
"PSP Multi Firmware module" Actual Size(simulation picture)

the "PSP Multi Firmware module" is
1. for Developer & Hacker to Develop Homebrew or Research FW
2. for FW 1.00/1.50 user to play with New FW Function & unbrickable
3. for bricked PSP to unbrick their PSP (need another FW 1.00/1.50 PSP or "PC EPP LPT Interface Adaptor")
PSP Multi Firmware module
price less than USD50-
EASY to Install !!
just soldering 20 points
features list:
* ALTERA MAX 3000A Cost-Optimized CPLD
* 480 Mbps High Speed USB 2.0(PSP built-in) :P
* Brand New 32MB Nand Flash onboard (same type as used in PSP)
* Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
* PC EPP LPT Interface Adaptor(option) *NEW

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June 18th, 2006, 14:43 Posted By: shadowprophet

Vettacossx Has finished a new mod for us today!! Called supermario jooleem!!
Here is what our very own Vettacossx has to say.
I just finished my next mod for my fellow co-members here at DCemu this is a MOD of a puzzle game in which you basicly have to create squares with the MARIO THEMED jewels...THIS MODS FOR YOU puzzle game lovers have fun
keep up the great work vettacossx!!
*Edit. everything has been tried to get this file uploaded to dcemu and for some reason it wouldnt accept (this problem seems to be unique to this file) :\
So please download file Here
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June 18th, 2006, 15:24 Posted By: shadowprophet

Ahman Has released a new plugin for his iR shell called Bookr070, This iR shell plugin allows you to view PDF and TXT files using a modified version of the homebrew PDF reader Bookr.
To use this plugin Just copy the contents of the folder bookr070 into one of the empty iR shell plugin directories. Then use iR Shell configurator to complete the plugin install by assigning the file suffixes (PDF and TXT) to the plugin locations.
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June 19th, 2006, 03:11 Posted By: mameuser
Jonny posted this new release of his Video App for PSP:
- Added zoom, aspect ratio, luminosity boost.
- Now runs at 120mhz, in the worst situation this should still give 37-40fps (if someone experience stuttering, please contact me).
Battery consumption is around 20% for a 2 hours movie.
Key mapping is slightly different from PMP Mod, the next PMP Mod version will use this mapping too (many thanks to DickyDick1969 for testing this combination).
Keys while playing:
triangle = exit
o = toggle osd
square = pause/play
left/right = rw/ff
x + left/right = faster rw/ff
up/down = change volume
select = cycle audio streams
left/right triggers = change luminosity
start = cycle aspect ratios
x + up/down = zoom up/down
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June 19th, 2006, 16:26 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
I have made a new version of boxy ii. THIS IS NOT A LUA GAME !!!! ( alot of sites say it is so hopefully now they know otherwise)
I have added an early version of the chaos game mode for you to play. hopefully you will enjoy it. I also did not change the names of the game directories so that alot of you don't have a problem with this, hope it helps.
Please not however that this is still not the final version of the game so there can and probebly will be errors in it. I have however tested the game alot of times and I have played session for over an hour so it is more stable as the previous release. However there is still one bug that can come whenever wherever and i haven't figured that one out. I you come across it please let me know what exactly was the current state of your level or something so that i can narrow my search for the bug.
Well as ussual some new screenshots of the new themes:

and my change log:
version 0.4 fourth release
- Chaos game mode added
- add option to turn on/off musicplaying
- add option to turn the chaos mode to random or classic theme changing
- at pause the music also pauses
- at pause the time also pauses
- new skin (Cards)
- new skin (reptile)
- after quit the game through select first you'll get the gameover screen to fill in the highscore
- Random music mode
- with normal music mode pressing L goes one song back
- (when music is turned off in the options screen the game won't crash on the account of not being present any mp3 songs.)
- randomly crash on next theme fixed.
- options bug reads correctly now
- premature deletion of blocks when line was not beyond that point is fixed.
- bugfix special block
- fixed the black screen bug
Still to come
- Trigame game mode (not sure if it will be implemented)
- Highscores for each game mode
- Animated backgrounds (don't know sure yet)
- wave support for ingame sounds
- ingame menu
known bugs
- when you restart a game like 3 times the fourth the game will crash
- After deletion of some blocks (sometimes after 45 minutes of playtime so debugging is tough) the game crashes
EDIT:: i have only a version 1.5 psp so i can't really test for higer versions, please let me know how it works on higer versions, thanks
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June 20th, 2006, 02:06 Posted By: gamma
This is a simple lua port of "mosser" made by kuni (http://www.din.or.jp/~ku_/ ).
"mosser" is a award winning puzzle game in "HSP contest 2004".
This game is very addictive, so you should be careful!?
First get luaplayer at http://www.luaplayer.org/ .
put "luamosser" folder to
Launch LuaPlayer and select "luamosser" on Lua Lowser.
I myself played and tested on FW1.5 PSP with luaplayer v0.18. 0.19
(the newest 0.20 causes errors.)
Put moxa to lead fire and burn'em all.
It comes to a gameover under these conditions.
1) the remaining moxa reaches to the bottom.
2) you are packed in by moxa in 4 direction, so you cannot move.
Move to up,down,left,right by the digital pad.
start = quit game to Lua Lowser
The moxa ignites slowly, so if you put moxa linearly,
a lot of residual moxa reaches to the bottom.
Pass by firing point periodically to make a shotcut.
Erase "hiscore" file to initialize highest score.
This program records replay data.
Before playing it runs playback data of "hiscore".
After playing, it runs playback of the last play.
Any modifications are welcome. Thank you.
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June 20th, 2006, 05:14 Posted By: Cap'n 1time

from http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/...download_alpha
Im not exactly sure what is said on the page.. But I do know that this new version has some cool features!
1timeuser from the other thread:
One thing i did notice was somthing about some sort of uni-bios which can be located here
Alrighty, here is some sweet stuff I have discovered in this version. First off the unibios (see link above) lets you access some cool stuff by pushing both start and select at the same time. There are even cheat options.
To add the uni-bios place uni-bios.rom in your neogeo.zip (the neogeo bios image) and rezip it. Then before you load a game push the L button and scroll all the way down to select one of the uni bios's
Not only does it get rid of the green ugly screen at the start of the neogeo boot process, but it like i said gives you some cool ingame options with start + select.
Now for thoes of you who wonder how i got the 20 meg + blazing star game to run.. Its pretty easy.
Inside the ngepsp_alpha3 directory there is a folder called "converter". Inside that folder is a program that... well its magic.. I dont know what it does really. (probably somthing to do with compressing the sprites). anyway take your rom (blazstar.zip) and run it through the program. The program poops out somthing in the cache directory (blazstar_cache.zip".. Alls you gots to do is place this cache file in the "Cache" folder in the ngepsp folder on your psp. Place the rom (blazstar.zip) in its usual place and boot it up!
Mods or Admins feel free to edit this news post and I slapped it on here... just to get it on here. 
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June 20th, 2006, 09:28 Posted By: Kramer
Percival and PSP 3D are proud to release the latest version of Super Mario War for PSP, a port of the awesome home-made Super Mario deathmatch game (think of it as a mix of Super Smash Brothers, with the items and actions of Super Mario) orginally developed by Michael Schaffer and Florian Hufsky. The latest version features a plethora of bugfixes, game improvements and optimizations, as well as new features; download your copy now! The game features a ton of different characters and maps to choose from, a complete library of music, awesome CPU AI, and a variety of game modes to choose from. It's fully modable; read the README.txt included for more information on the game, skinning, upgrading from v1.0, and more.

New features/fixes in v1.01 include:
- Fixed programming error causing 1.5 users to get black or blue screens.
- The game can now be saved to a folder other than /PSP/GAME/smw.
- Some maps didn't load at all, now fixed.
- Fixed each goomba showing twice in goomba mode.
- Exiting or pausing the game during a screen shake (e.g. by stomping on another player) made the text appear in weird positions, now fixed.
- Fixed menu music always playing even during a game.
- Replaced giant font used with chicken and tag mode.
- Only 1 human player can now be set.
- Mario skin should now appear first.
- The numbers 2 and 3 in the race mode were hard to read, now legible.
- Press circle during team select to change to a random skin.
- Map selection: hold square and press left/right to jump 10 maps.
- Map selection: press analog left/right to jump to a map name starting
with the next letter.
- Preview map button changed from square to L/R.
Download Super Mario War v1.01 for firmware 1.0 (2.XX via eLoader) from here.
Download Super Mario War v1.01 for firmware 1.5 from here.
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June 20th, 2006, 10:50 Posted By: mameuser

NJ has released a new version of his NeoGeo Arcade Emulator for the PSP
Thanks to b8a for the translation:
Fixed the issues with alpha 3.
I don't have time right now, so please see the sources below for what's changed.
Items that can not be fixed due to the implementation
Sound plays, but sometimes does not syncronyze with the screen
The speed drops drastically when there is a lot of sprites being drawn
*I'm thinking that it looks like games along the lines of Waku Waku 7 are going as far as they can go when at the barely playable level. If only there was twice as much memory.
I also translated the readme and list files. See this post: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...067#post138067, if interested.
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June 20th, 2006, 21:53 Posted By: TheEmulatorGuy
This is a techdemo of an Isometric RPG by the illfoundedmind Production Studio (http://www.illfoundedmind.com). This was entered into the ps2dev game creation competition. We didn't get it to the extent we hoped, as only the music, isometric field and menu are working. We did have alot more up our sleeves The tech demo can be completed, so don't give up >_>
All work, programming/graphics and music is original and by our team. Nothing is taken. So as a note, turn your volume and brightness up
It'll only work on 1.0/1.5. You will not be able to rename the folders at all. Sorry for this inconvenience, it will most surely be fixed in the next release.
Either way, here's some screenshots.

You can find the files here under "Meeku's Quest - Beyond the Gateway":
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June 21st, 2006, 05:37 Posted By: wraggster
An entry in the PS2Dev Fourth Creation Comp, heres the info:
This is the classic tetris game that we all know and love :-)
Color - In this game you'll have to match 2 or more balls in the same color.
Original - The same as Classic but with the screen rotated 90 degrees.
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June 21st, 2006, 05:42 Posted By: wraggster
An entry in the PS2Dev Fourth Creation Comp, heres the info:
The object of Droplets is to clear all the blobs off the board by selectively filling certain blobs until they burst, sending drops towards neighboring blobs causing a chain reaction!
You start with 10 drops. Beating a level rewards you with an extra drop. Creating combos will give you 1 more drop for every 3 blobs involved in the combo. Remember: combos are king! When you run out of drops, you lose. It's game over and you will be told how many levels you successfully completed.
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June 21st, 2006, 05:46 Posted By: wraggster
An entry in the PS2Dev Fourth Creation Comp, heres the info:
You are Gunnar, as seemingly average every day sheep, with a gun. You can run and jump and well, shoot. But somehow, you've ended up in the evil Shephard's gauntlet. You need to make it to the end. But it isn't as easy as it looks. The Shepard has fixed it so that you need to collect 50% of the fruit to leave a level. Work hard, and you can move on.
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June 21st, 2006, 05:57 Posted By: wraggster
An entry in the PS2Dev Fourth Creation Comp, heres the info:
This is a simple 3D racing game, it'll eventually be something close to a clone of mario kart mixed with micro machines. This release, even though for a competition entry, should be considered ALPHA. There are _ALOT_ of features that have been cut out so I could "finish" ontime, these features will be added later. Basicly all you do is drive around and try to beat your best lap times (C: is current lap, B: is best). With more players you do the same, but hopefully against each other.
You NEED to use a new version of ps2link, this came uses xsio2man and xpadman!
If you're on an old japanese system, you'll need to provide some IRXs.
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June 21st, 2006, 08:03 Posted By: wraggster
'DickyDick1969 has once again released a new version of PimpStreamer for the PSP, this is an application that allows the streaming movies from your PC to the PSP:
Still busy testing 2.x issues, this small fix for 1.5 gets a few wishes from the current issues list.
- change server config from the PSP user interface (press select)
- directory with ‘&’ inside is browsable
- added WMA and WAV to default extensionlist
- hopefully clear of PSP/VIDEO folder bug now.
Download Here --> http://pimpware.pspstart.de/?p=28
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June 21st, 2006, 08:09 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game Release:

In Korokoro Koro, besides being able to experience the thrill of making cubes disapear, you can also make use of three different magical cubes to make cubes of the same colour disappear in big swoops. Depending on their colour the cubes have different properties, you need to use your brain efficiently to figure which one would be the best in a given situation.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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June 21st, 2006, 08:14 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game Release:

This game is all about tuning your think tank, and it does so using three types of games: Aha Change, Aha Movie and Aha Cut. Aha Change requires that you find differences in two real-life pictures and point them out using a cursor. Aha Movie displays live-action scenery that looks at first glance like a still pic. Somewhere in the scene, something is moving, and it's your job to find out where. Finally, Aha Cut uses live action movie footage, taking you through various scenes of a drama. Your job is to figure out what changes as the drama cuts between scenes. The game may have "Sony Computer" in the title, but it has nothing to do with Sony Computer Entertainment. Kenichiro Mogi, senior researcher at Sony Computer Science Research Lab, is supervising the game, which is why his name and that of his company appear in the title. The game is based around brain research in "Aha! Experience," a type of brain reaction where you figure out something that had eluded you in the past.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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June 21st, 2006, 08:18 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game Release:

Lisa to Issho ni Tairiku Oudan is the latest installment in the train building series A Train. In this PlayStation Portable version, players build a railroad which runs through a whole continent while following the advice of a girl named Lisa. The character design of this PSP version was made by the famous japanese illustrator Yasu.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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June 21st, 2006, 09:04 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game for Preorder at Success HK.

The micro racing series returns with this fourth edition of the multiplayer mini-racer. Mixing miniature mayhem with maximum multiplayer racing, Micro Machines v4 arrives packed with knockabout, breakneck racing in the fastest scale miniatures, complete with explosive weapon power-ups. Letting you loose with hundreds of vehicles, each with distinctive performance abilities, you'll be racing your inch-long miniature motors on wild tracks where everyday household objects appear immense in size and can become lethal hazards. Fans of classic Micro Machines games will rejoice in the return of some of the series' most popular racing arenas. Of course, it wouldn't be Micro Machines without an arsenal of power-ups and weapons to collect and use on your opponents while you’re racing, and v4 brings all the favourites back, including the car-mounted giant hammer!
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June 21st, 2006, 09:07 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game for Preorder at Success HK.

If the World Cup is the place to see the best skills on the planet then World Tour Soccer 2 is the place to play football the way we can only dream of - where looking good and playing with style are more important than winning! Designed exclusively for PSP, World Tour Soccer 2 is a showboat of quick points-based game modes, each offering something unique and challenging, and all offering fast paced accessible gaming. With 11 play modes, the game features offer two core progression structures: World Tour and Medal Mode, with the aim being to win challenges on each of major footballing continents against increasingly stronger teams, in doing so unlocking new teams, game modes and and All Star teams.
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June 21st, 2006, 09:10 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game for Preorder at Success HK.

Based on the follow-up to the blockbuster original movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest has players as Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann as they explore and brawl across land and sea on a memorable quest in search of the legendary Dead Man's Chest. The games will not only feature thrilling moments from the movie, but will expand the fantasy of the franchise by offering exciting new adventures and locations inspired by the rich "Pirates of the Caribbean" universe.
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June 21st, 2006, 15:01 Posted By: mameuser
Jonny has updated the rather excellent Media Player for the PSP, heres the info:
- Fixed some audio problems (random pops, mainly audible with headphones).
- Added loop option (x + right trigger to toggle).
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June 22nd, 2006, 05:15 Posted By: wraggster
The team behind the PSP Modchip Undiluted Platinum have released a Flasher App for their upcoming Modchip Release.
Those on anything below a Win2000 PC Will have to update to even have a looksy at the software.
Ive Uploaded it for you to have a look at even though at the moment its pretty much useless, but it may be interesting to hackers etc.
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Preorder the PSP Modchip at Modchipstore.com
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June 22nd, 2006, 09:37 Posted By: AhMan
iR Shell 1.6 Released
If listening to your favorite mp3s while playing UMD Games/homebrews isn't enough for you, you can now stream any files via WiFI or USB to any of your favorite homebrews. Imagine having your whole mp3, movie & photo database on your PC and stream them real time to your PSP via WiFi or USB for unlimited storage and enjoyment. You don't like to convert your movies to PMP format? How about streaming your MP4 movies to Sony's XMB movie player? Having too much fun and can't stop playing your PSP? Well, you can setup an alarm to remind you stop playing. Your favorite shell now gives you all these features at your fingertip, plus a lot more.
Here is a highlight of the new features. For a complete list, refer to the README.TXT for details:
- You can browse your PC harddisk, DVDROM or any other PC storage devices from your PSP via infrastructure WiFi or USB connection and stream files to your homebrew applications. You can even install PSP homebrews on your PC harddisk and launch them on your PSP, just like a huge virtual Memory Stick. 200GB memory stick is now a reality!
- You can open files directly with a single click via iR Shell file browser, such as PMP movies, PMF movies, Atrac3s, mp3s, photos, text files, PDF files, ZIPs, RARs, etc. These files can reside on your Memory Stick or even on your PC storage device.
- Launching XMB within iR Shell which allows you to use all features of XMB, plus taking snapshot of it or UMD Video.
- Alarm clock to remind you important appointments.
- Low battery voice warning to remind you to recharge your battery before it drys up.
Special thanks to:
- Tyranid for making usbhostfs for PSPLINK.
- Dark Alex for making nethostfs.
- AnonymousTipster for developing the ZIP & RAR Unarchiver Plugin for iR Shell.
- StoneCut for being my favorite beta tester.
- Skydew for providing the new Help image files.
- Triable for making various nice graphics for iR Shell.
- Rangedunits for supplying a free hosting service.
- all original plugin authors.
- all iR Shell beta testers for providing valuable suggestions & counterless hours of testing.
Visit my homepage and follow the instructions to download and install.
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June 22nd, 2006, 14:29 Posted By: DK Jr.
The July 2006 issue of the XTREME PSP Magazine is now available to download. The Magazine now has a new look and Issue 13 is packed with over 80 pages of great content including previews of Crisis Core, Miami Vice, Planet PSP and reviews of Field Commander, Untold Legends II and Disney's Cars. And all the regular content including tips and cheats, the latest news, a new competition and more...

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June 22nd, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: Nafogel
For those of you who dont already know what this is, Flash Selector is a menu system which allows for easier selection of your flash games on your 2.7+ fw PSP. It already comes pre-packaged with several flash games to get you started . Again, this "app" if you will, is more of a concept, to help make homebrew come alive in the dark realm of 2.7+ fw
Whats new in v1.1:
-Hopefully this is the final version and hopefully someone with better html skills will take this idea and make it a little more usable
-Flash games included are ones better integrated for the PSP
-Moved games to a different folder to clean up the root of your memstick(save games to PSP/FLASH)
-Added labels for different sections in the HTML document to make it easier to use your own games(labeled by row and column so you know where the game will be on the menu)
-Added links to various flash game websites
-Edited the menu a bit and increased number of slots from 16 to 20
-slight modification to the background, lets see if you notice...
-a few minor changes
I include full instructions in the read me file on how to use this "app". I know its not an app, i simply call it that for lack of a better word. This is now my second release for the psp, and i have really enjoyed it. If you notice any glitches or anything that you think needs changing, or if you need a little extra help figuring it out, just let me know via comments.
Simplified Directions(for those who hate readme's ):
Extract all contents out of the zip folder and copy "menu" to the root of your memstick. Then copy the folder "FLASH" to the "PSP" directory of your memstick. Like "PSP\GAME" except "PSP\FLASH". This is where you will put your flash games. Have fun and hope you enjoy!
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June 23rd, 2006, 01:45 Posted By: tsurumaru
Strmnnrmn has just posted the following on his blog:
Plans for R6
I'm back from Spain now. I had a great time in Barcelona, it's a bit of a shame to be back 
I'm planning to have quite a quick turnaround on for the next release, i.e. hopefully I'll have something ready by the end of next week, or early July. I want to concentrate on fixing a bunch of graphical issues (adding new combine modes to fix various pink+black textures etc). I'm also going to look at reducing memory requirements - I think the stability problems associated with running the emulator with dynarec for an extended period of time are a result of running out of memory. This should also help to improve the Expansion Pak support. If I get enough time I'll look at adding support for configuring the controls on a rom by rom basis. Finally, I also want to look at improving savegame support.
PS Congrats Ghana + Australia 
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June 23rd, 2006, 05:13 Posted By: kech
new release 0.0.3
add, Full Screen only in "HW Scale" Option (don't works for all the games)
add, even control analog, working now
add, working some roms a little but large
bugs fixes
a problem with the memory that impeded its regeneration correct and left sectors of the roms without cleaning,
fixed and cleaned the coding of the menu,
and small bugs fixes
Version 0.0.2
-The Sound is better
-better resolucion (not at all)
-New keys
L+R = pause emulator
Start + Select = reset machine
Options better
"Fixed" and "HW scale"
Version 0.0.1
- More compatibility
- Now, the "home" key works to get out of the game that is running, and to get out of the emulator
- Is based in the last version make by chui of the mamegp32x 2.3

Thanks to:
djacura and jcm2004 betatesters
thanks yoguis and Unicorn for version in 2.xx http://beta.pesepe.com
Sazuke2911 for their first port
Chui for the port of the emulator to SDL
Franxis for make the port of MAME
and all the people that had help Franxis in the make of the port
If you want to help to improve this project, these are the pages where you can help
(Thanks to TheHard, who help me in translate this... so, if you get a mistake in this, blame him!)
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June 24th, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: Adam@harari.biz
Nick2058 from our forums has released a Pong clone for the PSP called Testosterone Table Tennis today.
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June 24th, 2006, 06:35 Posted By: wraggster
In a move that will make Sony Irate the crackers and hackers at Epsilon have posted this statement:
Epsilon BiOS is a custom flash "replacement" for the $ony PSP which unleashes the full potential of your handheld, allowing you to both use homebrew software and run UMD games from your Memory Stick on the latest Firmware releases while also enjoying the impressive features built into the operating system such as RSS feeds, WMA support etc. Currently the 2.71 Firmware release is supported - that's right, this means we have cracked the new encryption methods and developed the operating system hacks necessary to allow unsigned code to run, even in kernel mode.
We have been developing Epsilon BiOS for quite some time, but due to the fact that it requires a dual-flash system (one flash is used to bootstrap our code, the other stores the normal PSP Firmware) we have been unable to release it - until now, with the appearance of the Undiluted Platinum mod-chip. Previously we had been using our own custom hardware for development, however about a week ago we received Undiuluted Platinum prototypes and have since modified our code to work with their hardware - its working great, despite a few bugs which we need to iron out before the release. For those who are wondering, yes, you will need an Undiluted Platinum installed in your PSP to take advantage of this.
As mentioned above, using Epsilon BiOS its possible to launch homebrew software from the memory stick, kernel mode access is also available for software which requires this. Both 1.0 and 1.5 style EBOOTs are supported.
We will be releasing a video over the next few days showing Epsilon BiOS in action - keep an eye out for this! As for the actual release, this depends on how soon we can resolve the remaining issues, but we hope to have it out within 1-2 weeks.
Great news for the Homebrew scene but not so great for Sony, what do you all think about this upcoming firmware from Epsilon, post your views in the comments
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June 24th, 2006, 16:07 Posted By: benh
I was reading that psp mag that has a playable demos disc inside it, when i got to near the back and I saw this - look at this pic you must look, it says what month the psone emulator is going to be released along with some other cool stuff
Picture attached, view via comments
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June 25th, 2006, 06:12 Posted By: gunntims0103
This little program was made by our friend IndianCheese from DCemu's very own forums.
I will probably get a lot of attention for this one. I coded my butt off to update this to the next version. At this point, it actually comes in handy!
NOTE: Before usage, please turn off your PSP cache. To do this, open the Internet Browser, go to Tools, go to Settings, and go to Cache Settings. If the Cache Size is either 512, 1024, or 2048, change it to "Do Not Use".
Here's the deal: most of the known bugs are fixed (forgot to remove "sudoku" since it doesn't work), the portal runs a bit faster, and it adds a great new feature: Network Portal Update. That's right; you can download and install small updates right through your PSP! However, larger updates will not be available for Network Portal Update, but must be installed with a computer instead. Simply click the Update icon at the top-left-hand corner of the portal. You will be brought to the update page, where you can see the newest version and all of its features.
Also, if you look at the update page now, you will see that there is a message saying "Updatable via Network Portal Update? No". This simply means that the update is too large to be downloaded to the PSP without using a computer. However, in this case, the only reason it is not available for download is because Network Portal Update is a new feature to the portal, and therefore, there would be no way to update with it with an older version. Catch my drift? It's just a logic issue.
If you are a lost 2.70 or 2.71 user longing for your share of homebrew, this is the closest you can get! Enjoy!
BTW, just in case you were wondering, in this case, "ICP" does not stand for "Insane Clown Posse". It stands for "IndianCheese Productions". Just thought I would clear that up.
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June 25th, 2006, 15:48 Posted By: HellsPlumber
I have been workin on a FW2.7+ Homebrew Menu. It has Flash homebrew games and applications and Adventure Maker games so its not just flash. Im also hoping to include network features such as online multiplayer flash games and games that people can see eachothers high scores.
There will be screenshots on the website soon.
The websites:
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June 26th, 2006, 04:12 Posted By: wraggster
New From the Major Hong Kong Store SuccessHK :

Product Features of SONY PSP Pro Speaker System
Pro Speaker System offers enhanced sound for your games, movies and music
Keeps your PSP safe wherever you are
Equipped with Bass Boost System
Form fitted design
Desktop Stand function
More Description of SONY PSP Pro Speaker System
Pro Speaker System is a high quality twin stereo speakers and equipped with bass boost system. It not only provides enhanced sound playback from your PSP games, movies or music, but also offers excellent protection for your PSP console.
More features:
- Soft Touch Design
- Compact design fits snugly around the PSP
- Robust case offers maximum protection for your PSP
- Retractable desktop stand
- 4 x AAA batteries are required
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June 26th, 2006, 04:18 Posted By: wraggster
New From the Major Hong Kong Store SuccessHK :

This PSP entry in the series has you as ninjitsu masters Ayane and Rikumaru in an all-new storyline that takes place immediately following the events of Tenchu: Fatal Shadows. Each character is tied to a different story, and each story offers different levels to play through. In addition to the scenario mode, there is also a 'free mission' mode that's comprised of 50 independent missions to enjoy after you have completed the single-player campaign.
From Software resurrects the mission creation mode from Tenchu II for this handheld edition, allowing you to create your own maps, complete with enemies. These can be saved to Memory Stick for exchange with friends. Players can also engage in cooperative and competitive multiplayer play with multiple selectable characters, both through wireless LAN and USB cable.

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June 26th, 2006, 05:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang:
This year's edition of SNK's fighting frenzy starts with some major character changes. Leona Heidern and Joe Higashi are taking their first ever brake, but at the same time Eiji who aside from one secret appearance in KOF 2000, hasn't been seen since KOF 95 is here, as is Duck King, plus Bonne Janet from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. There's also three fresh faces; Elisabeth who's coming down from being the heir to a noble French family to rumble and tumble with the comers, then Momoko who joins Athena and Sie as a young capoeira fighter on Japan's Neo-Psycho Soldier Team, and finally Oswald who calls Ireland home and deals a mean deck of cards as his weapon. Finally in addition to 14 new endings exclusive to the PS2 release, there's also Mai Shiranui, Mr. Big (Art of Fighting), Geese Howard, Tung Fu Rue, Robert Garcia, Hotaru Futaba and EX Kyo Kusanagi, pushing the roaster to 40 characters plus 7 bosses.
Beyond various gameplay changes, two new systems come into play this year, the first being the Judgment System. Now when the timer runs out instead of the winner being who has the most life left, a more complex formula of how successfully active you've been tips the scales. How offensive you've played and how large your range of combos where are all taken into account to decide who was the better fighter. The second new system called Skill Stocks works side-by-side with Power Stocks. These charge up over time too, but whereas Power Stocks now include only attacks, Skill Stocks are separate and feature defensive and tactical moves. Adding more depth, balance, and large character changes, The King of Fighters XI takes the throne again this week.
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June 26th, 2006, 06:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang:
One of the hot games on the rise right now is certainly Guitar Hero. It all started last November, when RedOctane took the gaming microcosm by surprise by delivering the US version of the game. A great slowburner of a hit, the Guitar Hero + Gibson Guitar Controller bundle has been selling steadily since then. We now also have the PAL version of the game in stock over at Lik Sang Europe, and we got word on additional accessories coming our way soon too. There is a third-party Shredder Guitar Controller from TAC, compatible with RedOctane's hit, that is getting delivered to our warehouse in the next couple of weeks. The official Guitar Controllers from RedOctane will also come out this June for separate sales (2-Players mode!). Also from RedOctane, we are collecting preorders on the Guitar Hero Gig Bag that will allow you to carry your controller around like a Mariachi. Coming this summer!
Guitar Hero has been developed by Harmonix, who already committed all the Karaoke Revolution for Konami, as well as other music games for Sony Computer Entertainment of America (including Frequency and Amplitude). They also coded a non-music Eye Toy game called Antigrav. At first glance, the game might seem close from Konami's Guitar Freaks to Bemani fans. Except it greatly improved on the original concept and it's now much more of a tribute to rock'n'roll than a simple rhythm game. With two more fret buttons, it gets you to actually move your left hand much more. With more realistic gameplay sequences, it brings the experience to a whole new level, not to mention the confidence boost you can get from shaking the whammy bar. The selection of songs and the attention to detail that the baby has received make it one of the greatest games released recently. Guitar Hero has been acclaimed by critique all around the world, be it in the U.S. of A. (dithyrambic press over there!), from the greatest UK gaming journos, from French online gaming references JeuxVideo.com and GameKult, in Siberia, or from anywhere else you can think of. Awarded "Best of E3" by IGN in 2005, the game has also reached the hearts of true music fans everywhere. Whether you are an experienced musician or a newbie wannabe doesn't matter much to your fun level (it will influence your scores in Expert Mode though).
Here at Lik Sang, we tried on the game only a couple of months after its release. For our defense, it was Christmas Rush Wartime mode before that. One cold morning of February (well, maybe not so cold here in HK) I casually brought up a sample unit from the warehouse to our Lik Sang Gaming room. Curious gamer by nature, I wanted to find out what was all the fuss about this growing phenomenon. I am afraid I disrupted our business from the inside by doing this. All my colleagues are playing it during their [suddenly extended] lunch time and after hours. I personally bring it at home to play it with my buddies, when the customer support manager is not quicker than I am to steal the equipment. Even those who don't play it [because too shy to demonstrate their clumsiness in public] can't keep looking away. Five of us here have in the meantime entered in a ferocious competition, trying to beat each other's high scores song by song, day by day! It is a damn great game. The most refreshing thing in a long time for old industry veterans like we all are at Lik Sang. Might keep us waiting until the Ninty Revo... *cough*... Wii. So long J-Pop, American Rock here I come!
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June 26th, 2006, 07:00 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Accessory released at Divineo UK

MAX Media Dock is an amazing new storage device for your SONY PSP handheld.
MAX Media Dock allows you to store and access content saved on any Compact Flash card from your PSP’s browser.
MAX Media Dock is compatible with readily available Compact Flash cards which offer some of the best value flash memory around. Cards up to 8GB can simply be snapped into the MAX Media Dock providing access to huge storage potential on your PSP.
To get all that content onto your MAX Media Dock, use the built in High Speed USB 2.0 port to connect the Media Dock to your PC. Windows will automatically recognise your card allowing you to quickly and easily Drag and Drop content onto it.
MAX Media Dock also includes the renowned MAX Media Manager software which allows you to automatically encode video, audio and images into PSP friendly formats, and even download game saves from the Internet!
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June 26th, 2006, 22:40 Posted By: benh
i no i havnt done some coding in while and thats because i have updated to fw 2.71 and instead of coding in LUAI have started Flash coding and here is my first Flash app, its called Snake most of u may no the game and in the future will be doing more flash coding so here it is snake!
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June 27th, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: N1ghtshade
This is a lightweight portal designed to make surfing on the psp a little easier, Firefox-style. It's basically a modified version of the firefox start page, shrunk down to fit in the psp window.
Features: (1.25)
Google Search changed to Google Search Mobile
Integration with Gmail and Google RSS Reader
Javascript Games
"hot" Extensions (can be downloaded and used without a computer.)
A link collection of PSP-friendly Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
One open Bookmark for you to customize (must be changed with a computer for now. Working on that...)
I'd like some integration with Hells Plumber's Flash menu, but thats for a future release. PM me with some suggestions for flash stuff (I don't have 2.7)
1. Install the folder FoxGlove into the root of your memory stick.
2. Create a folder called Extensions in the COMMON directory (if there isn't one you'll have to make it, inside the folder psp)
3. Point your Browser at file:/foxglove/foxglove.htm
4. Make it your homepage! Enjoy!
Bugfix from 1.0, some of the titles were messed up...not like anyone would notice
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June 27th, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: Kaiser
jman420 has released his first LUA app. Here is what he had to say...
Hey again everyone! I have made even more progress, I have a playable lua app built to view pictures.. Its not much, but its my start at learning lua myself to code this game in 2D to start with!
so here it is, I'm sure nobody cares, but its somthing to waste a while downloading and copying over to your psp
its for 1.5 F/W PSP's only
and I hold no responsibility for any damage this program may cause ( I dont see why it would, but its a reasonable way to not get anyone mad if it does brick randomly).
He also had some news about his Survival Horror project hosted over at SHHQ. Here's what he told me...
I think that "Generic Survival Horror Clone #1" is now the working title of this project, it just seems more legal as well as being slightly humorus
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June 27th, 2006, 04:26 Posted By: shadowprophet

StrmnNrmn Has made an update to his blog with interesting news! This time he talks speed, Here is what he had to say.
Whenever I start to answer questions on the comment pages I always end up going into too much detail for a quick response and end up deciding to put up a new post instead. I hope this isn't too annoying 
In response to Plans for R6 xiringu and ukcuf16 had a couple of interesting suggestions for performance improvements.
First up, from xiringu:
instead of working with a 300x200 screen, work with only half height 150x200 and then display an empty line every other line to get the final 300x200. That's an interesting idea - it's a trick that's been used by demo coders for years to get a few extra fps. I'm not sure this is going to provide all that much of a speedup to Daedalus though The reason for this is that currently rendering only contributes a small amount to the overall cost of each frame, so even if rendering time was totally eliminated, the framerate wouldn't change much. As an example, let's take something like Zelda which currently runs at around 4 fps. At 4fps it means each frame takes 1000/4 = 250 milliseconds to render each frame, which is broken down something like this:
CPU emulation: 200 ms
Display list parsing: 40 ms
Rendering: 10 ms
Total: 200 + 40 + 10 = 250 ms (i.e. 1000/250 = 4fps)
Assuming that we could totally eliminate the rendering time, this would now look like:
CPU emulation: 200 ms
Display list parsing: 40 ms
Rendering: 0 ms (no cost)
Total: 200 + 40 = 240 ms (i.e. 1000/240 = 4.17fps)
So the very best we could hope for in this case would be a .17fps improvement in the framerate
ukcuf16 wrote:
Just wanted to ask if there is ever going to be frame skip in later versions  What ukcuf16 is suggesting is that the emulator renders one frame, then skips the next. Alternating frames like this should halve the cost of rendering, at the cost of making the framerate a little less smooth.
Again, this is an interesting idea, but I don't really see this having much impact on the framerate as things stand at the moment. Working out the potential speedup is a little more complicated, as we have to take the average time over two frames. The numbers look something like this:
Frame1 CPU emulation: 200 ms
Frame1 Display list parsing: 40 ms
Frame1 Rendering: 10 ms
Frame2 CPU emulation: 200 ms
Frame2 Display list parsing: 0 ms (skipped)
Frame2 Rendering: 0 ms (skipped)
Total: 200 + 40 + 10 + 200 = 450 ms
Average: 450 / 2 = 225 ms (i.e. 1000/225 = 4.44fps)
So even implementing a frame skip mechanism would only give a tiny 0.5fps speedup.
To take this example to its ultimate conclusion, let's assume that I could somehow eliminate the entire cost of display list parsing and rendering:
CPU emulation: 200 ms
Display list parsing: 0 ms (no cost)
Rendering: 0 ms (no cost)
Total: 200 ms (i.e. 1000/200 = 5fps)
Even if I could somehow (magically) reduce the cost of rendering to 0 milliseconds, we'd still only see a 1fps speedup. However, if I can halve the cost of CPU emulation (which is much more likely given the speedups already seen with the new dynarec engine) this is what the calculations look like:
CPU emulation: 100 ms (now twice as fast)
Display list parsing: 40 ms
Rendering: 10 ms
Total: 100 + 40 + 10 = 150 ms (i.e. 1000/150 = 6.66fps)
At the moment I feel that there are more gains to come from optimising the CPU emulation, which is why I've been concentrating on this area recently. As the cost of CPU emulation falls relative to rendering then the ideas suggested by xiringu and ukcug16 will start to become more attractive.
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June 27th, 2006, 05:19 Posted By: wraggster
ScummVM has been updated for multiple formats, heres whats new:
It has been almost 8 months since we started to work on the 0.9.x code branch and today we're pleased to announce the release of ScummVM 0.9.0 "The OmniBrain loves you".
Many things are waiting for you, one of the most noticeable is the new and improved GUI. We also added support for 2 completely new games — The Legend of Kyrandia and The Feeble Files.
Other important changes include:
Reworked detection code for SCUMM games. Now all your fan translations will work out of the box
Added subtitle configuration controls to the options dialog
New official Atari/MiNT port
Much improved WinCE port
Numerous bugfixes in the SCUMM, SAGA, Simon, Broken Sword 2 and BASS engines
Heres more info about ScummVM
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
ScummVM lets you run these adventures: Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system. SCUMM is used for many games, including Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. Compatibility with supported games is continually improving, so check back often.
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June 27th, 2006, 06:10 Posted By: wraggster
The Worlds First PSP Modchip Undiluted Platinum is now shipping

First Batch of Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod Chips Arrived today insuring shipment to the first pre-orders on a first come, first serve basis..
The Undiluted Platinum PSP ModChip has arrived and will be shipping today. All Pre-Orders will be shipped on a first come, first serve basis. If your order was one of the first ones that received shipment today, then you will have your tracking number available by 8pm EST. You can track your package by going to the Track Order Section on the Left side of Modchipstore.com
Modchipstore.com are offering either the sale of the Modchip, A premodded PSP and also a Fitting service..
Buy your Undiluted Platinum Modchip at Modchipstore.com while they are hot
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June 27th, 2006, 21:30 Posted By: benh
Right, I have just finished version 1.1 of my new flash snake game and have added some new features and some fixes. Now a lot of you have mentioned that the snake dosent eat the food properly well, I have made the food the same size as the front of the snake and to properly eat the food you must hit the food head on to eat it if the snakes mouth goes only half way over the food then the flash will see that as a miss. and thats the best i could do. So It is improved and it does eat the food a bit better.
So here is my new Flash snake game version 1.1 enjoy!
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June 27th, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: IndianCheese
The new portal version is here! Since it only adds a few links and fixes a critical bug, it can be updated via Network Portal Update by clicking the Update symbol in the top left hand corner of the portal. However, your current version must be 1.2 to update to 1.3 with Network Portal Update. If you have a lower version or do not have the portal at all, use this ZIP to install the new version.
Remember that the portal homepage is no longer "file:/psp/swf/home.swf". It has been changed to "file:/psp/common/swf/home.swf".
The next version will definately include at least 3 new games. Probably more. Yay!
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June 28th, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: Kaiser
Break out your calendars folks, because this may be a day that you want to mark as a pivotal day in the history of PSP homebrew. A developer known as hitchhikr of "hitchhikr SoftWorks" and with coder companion Neural has come out with a Proof of Concept of a 2.50/2.60 Firmware Exploit! Once implemented and fine tuned for "normal user" use, this will bring 2.50 and 2.60 Firmware up to the same homebrew capability that 1.50 PSP owners enjoy with FULL kernel mode access - although Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories will still be required, just like with eLoader.
Speaking of eLoader, Fanjita is already working with hitchhikr on incorporating this new exploit into an easily executable means via eLoader. After a brief chat with Fanjita, he's told us that you can expect some generic application for developers to hopefully be released in the next 24 hours. It will take a bit longer before something useable for non-devs will be released.
The exploit takes advantage of an added security check in 2.50/2.60 Firmware for sceKernelLoadExec, which is responsible for loading EBOOTs, but also accidentally added an overflow bug, which means this exploit will not work with 2.0 and 2.01 Firmware.
Below you will find a download of hitchhikr's & Neural's Proof of Concept - this is not intended for the casual user. It created dump files containing kernel memory dumps in the root of the memstick (boot.bin, kmem.bin, klib.bin). It also creates writeaccess.bin which contains just the hex (12 34 56 78) to prove that kmem CAN be written to.
But don't start upgrading those PSP's yet until a viable means of implementation is released! Also, this breakthrough is not on a path to a downgrader, at least that does not seem like an option at this moment. Seems like an interesting development, stay glued to your computer screens for more news as it comes in throughout the day.
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June 28th, 2006, 02:15 Posted By: shadowprophet
Wow an exciting day for news no matter how you look at it! Here is another interesting bit of news for you. EGM In issue 205 page 20-22 Held an interview with Kazou Hirai, President and CEO of sony computer entertainment America.
Answering many questions people may still have about there upcomeing powerhouse. Here is that very interview.
Sony sure of more PlayStation domination
Kazuo Hirai, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, is all
smiles about the Novemer launch of the Playstation 3. why so happy? This guy firmly believes the PlayStation brand will dominate for another generation. Find out why Hirai thinks the PlayStationis here to stay....
EGM: The PlayStation 3 is a powerful system, but graphics aren't everything. Are you worried Nintendo might be strikinga chord with the casual gamers?
Kazuo Hirai: It seems to me they are going after a completely differentdemographic, perhaps a limited (younger) demographic...which has kind of been their niche since the N64-- certainly with the GameCube. But the fact that they're not pushing technology...they seem to be going in a different direction, certainly, from where we're going and what we are trying to accomplish.
EGM: But they are actually going for a largerdemographic with their simple-to-use controller.
KH: I think it depends on what kind of software you have as well. what we've done over the past 12 years is pretty much just add two joysticks to the controller. And I think we can get into the history or the concept behind the motion sensor controller as well, but that certainly adds another dimension of play for PlayStation3 users. so, the proof is in the pudding, ultimately, I think that (Nintendo has) always wanted to break out of their nichemarket, and it's been tryingto do since N64, so again, proof is in the pudding. Only time will tell. but it didn't seem to work with the GameCube.
EGM: Hardly any PS3 games use the motion sensor. Is this some tacked on feature?
KH: Completely the other way around. We wanted to keeo it under wraps as long as possible. we limited it to one internalstudio, the guys over at developer Incognito, and incorporate into Warhawk.
I Talked about the original PlayStation controller--that's where history began. We then added the two joysticks, then we added the vibration functionality. Then we launched the DualShock 2 with pressure sensitive buttons, so everything we've done over the past few years was to make (the controller) more intuitive, make it more a part of your body, to more accurately convey what you're doing in the game itself. And now it's the motion sensor. So if you look at how the controller's evolved for the PlayStation, this motion-sensing technology is really something that's a natural evolution in terms of the next steps for the user to be able to take his movements and have it accurately track and respond on the screen.
a lot of people have asked me, "Is this something that you guys thought of last week?" The answer is absolutely not--it's been in (parent company Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken) Kutaragi's mind for the longest time. and it just follows and natural progression of what you cna bring to controller technology.
EGM: Let's talk price, The PS3 may be pretty, but it's going to cost a whole lot of pennies. Is $599 a viable price in the long run?
KH: If you look at what we've paced into the box. I think it actually is a good value proposition. Now, in absolute dollar terms, is it higher than $300? Yes, it is. But I also think thatwe have a history of making sure our consoles have a 10 year life cycle. We've done it with PS1; you've seen how vibrant the PS2 displays are out there, both in terms of first-and-third party software support, so we're well on our way to making sure that the PS2 has a 10 year life cycle. So, to me, even if you buy it at the initial $599-dollar price point, that's a viable console that you're going to keep the next 10 years.
EGM: But can the PS3 reach the mass market at a $599 price point? Especially looking at the competitions lower prices?
KH: I'm not saying that we are suddnely going to do a price change tomorrow, but if you look at the history of how we've priced our products from 12 years ago, you'll see our trends. I got the same question back in the day; PS2 $299? That's not a mass market product, because at the time PS1 was $170, $149 bucks, what ever it was . I mean, how are you going to break into the mass market? well, the PS2 is $129 now , and it's an absolute mass market product. So I think you can look at the trending line, and two years out, three years out-I'm not even going to make a prediction- but there's no guarantee that it's still going to be at $599 and $499. we may have a less expensive configuration. But it doesn't stay the same forever.
EGM: What about the penny penchers who want a next - gen system now but don't want to fork out $599, especially when they can get either a Nintendo Wii or Xbox360 for cheaper?
KH: What kind of consomer are we looking at here?
EGM: Your average gamer who might want a PlayStation 3 based on the brand but doesn't necessarily have the money to spend
KH: But the average gamer who already has a current- generation console? Or onw who is getting into videogaming for the first time? If they're getting into videogaming for the first time, I would point to the PS2 and say it's $129 bucks. and when you decide to upgrade to a PS3 at some point in time, the library is going to be backward compatible, so just get in that way. If you're talking about comparing feature to feature with a Xbox 360, for example, the PS3 has a wireless, motion - sensor controller , higher compatability with a 60-gig hard drive, and it can play Blu-ray movies right out of the box-- and (for the Xbox 360) you can but a HD-DVD adaptor. If you do the math, I think at the end of the day, feature to feature, if you do an apples to apples, I don't know that there's such a price difference.
EGM: Microsoft caught alot of flack for offering two different systems at retail--now yo're doing the same thing. what gives?
KH: Our strategy basically is a strategy where the two have different configurations, but at the end of the day, for what the console is designed to do --play videogames, watch Blu-ray movies, and also download content on the internet--it's the same. so it's not like one configuration doesn't even have a hard drive, for example. So I think the strategy is completely different there.
EGM: But don't you think the different models will confuse the consumers? One having HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface used for high-quality digital signals) output one not, for example?
KH: I think it comes down to making sure that the consumers can make a educated purchase, whether that's through merchandisins catalogs or whatever at storefronts, and also working with the store associates to make sure that they can explain what the differences are.
You talk about HDMI, which is a very good point, but let's also be realistic. How many people who even have an HD monitor today have a
TV with an HDMI input? We want to give the consumers the option to say "This is what I want" or ("That) is what I want." As opposed to (us) saying "We're only going to give you the $599 60-gig option, take it or leave it--maybe the HD monitor you bought the other day doesn't even have (HDMI input), but we're going to give you (HDMI) anyway." So it's just a matter of how you configure your product differently.
Now, we didn't want to say ,"Choose a Cell processor one, two, and three." we didn't want to get into that (situation), but I think the days fo saying, "Here's one console; one size fits all," These days, unfortinately, I think are going to be past us. Some people want 60-gigs, because they want to store alot of stuff; other people may not, because all they want to do is just cache stuff that they're downloading here and there. So that's an option that we want to give consumers.
EGM: Last Year, you guys showed off a ton of pretty target videos for PS3 gameplay. Do you think you may have disappointed some people because the games here today don't look like those videos?
KH: I think you guys know better than any of the other mass - market publications about how you ramp up software development. We are about 6 months away from actual launch, and some of {these games that you see now} will be launch titles others wil not. We're not going to rush software that we don't think is up to snuff to market, just to have a launch line-up. I got the same question with the PS2: "you guys aren't ready? there is no software. What we saw on the show floor is not looking good." But I think we delivered on what we said is the promise, and we don't think that we are going to deviate from the promises that we've made. You take a look at something like Grand Turismo HD- I think alot of people were blown away, despite the fact that thats more...I woouldn't call it a tech demo, but it is very far from being a complete product.
EGM: So what happens if HD- DVD wins the format war? Does Blu-ray go bye-bye?
KH: Once we commit to a format, that is the format that we are going to go with. So we've chosen blu-ray, and blu-ray is the delivery medium for the PlayStation 3- end of story. I can't predict the future, but if I look at, with an objective eye feature for feature or- more importantly- the compasity between the two, blu-ray, given the fact that if you had two layers you can go with 50 gigabytes, is just leaps and bounds beyond what DVD or HD-DVD brings to the table. I think HD-DVD happens to be just a marginal improvement over conventional DVD's.
EGM: Are you worried about Microsoft's one year head start with the 360?
KH: I have bigger fish to fry so I am not too worried about a head start. We've never [lauched a system] first, and we have always managed to overtake those consoles. This is not just rhetoric; we've proven it with PlayStation, and we're doing it with the PlayStation 2. So if they have an X million head start, that's all well and good for them. We're going to make sure that we overtake that very quickly and also make sure that we're in it for the long haul as well. So this is what it is. It's not too much of a concern for me.
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June 28th, 2006, 07:48 Posted By: Mysteryman
Hey here is a mod of halo for Jump Gunrar Jump. Its done by my friend and talented modder Vettacossx. Please note this is a first build. Enjoy
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June 28th, 2006, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev
This is honestly a new version of PSPLINK 
What's new? Added a command to change a thread's priority, updated the cp command so you no longer need to retype the filename when copying, usbhostfs should now return correct error codes (wrapped errno) on failure. usbhostfs should no longer allow you to open directories as files, added some initial VFPU instruction disassembly, added a power off command, added a new feature into usbhostfs to auto convert backslashes to forward slashes and finally various fixs and tweaks too numerous to note.
Get it from the usual place, PSP/TOOLS.
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June 28th, 2006, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via PS2Dev
Hitchhikr has released version 1.01 of PSPTex. PSPTex is a plugin for GIMP 2.2.x allowing you to create textures for the PlayStation Portable.
It can save raw RGBA (5650, 5551, 4444 or 8888) & indexed (T4, T8) textures (with 5650, 5551, 4444 or 8888 palette modes support) as well as DXTC (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5) compresssed ones, it supports the PSP textures swizzle mode and can generate mipmaps, it also have a color key feature to handle transparency and can convert grayscale pictures into alpha channel only textures.
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June 28th, 2006, 12:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Official SIte:
In a previous news post we 'hinted' at work being done by zerofrog with regards to a new eeREC (Emotion Engine Recompiler) and vuREC (Vector Unit Recompiler (VU0 and VU1)).
The goal of this complete rewrite is to increase speed, whilst at the same time improve, or atleast maintain current compatibility.
This rewrite has been going on for sometime now, and is starting to truly show fascinating results, many games now run up to 4x faster, an example of this would be Sonic Riders - previous betas ran at 3.x to 12.x FPS whilst racing, it now runs at 12.x to 35.x FPS
Testing and bug chasing continues, meanwhile a thread has been created for testers and developers to demonstrate - in screenshot form some of these speed increases. Take carefull note of the CPU specification given in the post, for instance Refraction can get significantly faster speeds than myself
Great News for PS2 Emulation Fans
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June 28th, 2006, 13:54 Posted By: ShUr1k3n
Yap, thats true. Another update of my Bomberman Arena.
Whats New:
* Now you can kick the Bombs, if you get the "boots" item;
* If a Bomberman Died, his Items are spread;
* "HURRY UP!" - Start raining tiles, closing the battlefield, as soon as the time reach 1 min;
* Now in the Pause Menu you can: Resume Game, Restart Game and Exit Game;
Some screenshots:

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June 28th, 2006, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
Dickydick69 posted this news on his site:
Ok.. It was as strange week.. Our team lost in the WC soccer in the craziest game ever (16 yellow cards and 4 reds). And another streamer came into the picture.. Ofcourse I didn’t know about the http rc support by vlc I simply re-evented the wheel again with PIMP, grin… Anyway I’ve emailed already with the author (jocky), “a lazy bump†(speaking in his own words) , but what a smart bump!
B2B…I merged the code from Raphael so there is now a SUB supported PiMPStreamer. At special request from a great donater. To use SUB files, place the sub file in the PSP/VIDEO and play the movie. If your movie to be streamed is called sometitle.avi the subtitle file has to be named sometitle.avi.SUB. It only works with full fps streaming and without time skip.
Download at Link above
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June 28th, 2006, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher from our Forums has released a new build of the GBA Emulator for the PSP which was originally released by both psp298 and Miemt11 on our forums.(Despite what others would have you believe)
Heres the info:
Here's the most recent build of PSPGBA, entitled 'PSP GBA v1.2'.
- Slightly faster emulation
- Fixed up the menu a bit
- State saves/loads
- Vsync, Frame skip, sound on/off, screen size(smoothing)
- ZIP support
This emulator offers pretty much all the basics.
I'm not sure whether or not I will continue working on this. I've already done a ton of optimizations and various other things. Source included for anyone wanting to tackle the project.
Download this new version of the GBA Emulator for the PSP and post your Feedback and Compatability Via the Comments
via slasher
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June 28th, 2006, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
Texas developer Edge of Reality, best known for producing movie tie-ins such as Shark Tale and Over the Hedge, has announced that it is developing a new IP for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Titled Cipher Complex, the self-funded project is billed as "an intense, cinematic military combat game." It follows the adventures of US Government operative John Cipher, who must go behind enemy lines to discover why a recon satellite has been mysteriously blasted from orbit.
"The evolution of action games has seemed to plateau, perhaps because of the emphasis on sequels,†said EoR president Binu Philip.
"We are exploring and developing brand new styles of gameplay and methods of storytelling. The concept and mechanics of Cipher Complex have been incubating in our mind for years, and with power of the next-gen consoles, we can finally make our dream project a reality."
Cipher Complex is slated for a 2007 release.
Via GIbiz
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June 28th, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony CEO Howard Stringer has conceded that the company has adopted a riskier strategy by giving the PlayStation 3 a high price tag - but said he's confident that it will still come out on top in the next-gen console war.
"The price of the PS3 is high... But you're paying for potential," Stringer told a Tokyo press conference.
"Obviously, it's a higher-risk strategy as all new inventions are. But if the PS3 lives up to its total potential, then I don't think anyone will be worried about Nintendo or Xbox's cheaper price," he added.
The Xbox 360 Core system retails for 299.99 Euro, or 399.99 Euro for the hard drive-bundled version. Nintendo has yet to announce a price point for the Wii, but executives have previously confirmed that it will retail for less than US$ 250 (200 Euro).
The PlayStation 3, however, will go on sale for 499 Euro for the 20GB version and 599 Euro for the 60GB model. But consumers will be making a long term investment, according to Stringer - just as Sony has.
"When you bring into new technology, do you go for a cheaper transitional [product], or do you take a chance on future-proof, higher technology which will keep you going for many, many years?" he stated.
Stringer went on to concede that Hollywood movie studios, currently divided over whether to support Blu-Ray or Toshiba's rival HD-DVD format, could ultimately determine who wins the next-gen war.
However, the Sony CEO believes that film execs are "beginning to sense, in Blu-Ray, that the pendulum is swinging, and swinging for a clear reason" - namely that Blu-Ray discs can store more data.
Via Gibiz
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June 28th, 2006, 15:58 Posted By: wraggster
Ding ding! Everybody back in the ring! Those cheeky execs are at it again, this time with Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Kaz Hirai accusing Microsoft of stealing all Sony's ideas. Buckle up boys, this could get rocky!
Speaking to PlayStation Magazine, in an avalanche of irony so heavy it's a surprise the weight of his words didn't squash the poor guy flat, Hirai winged, "Every time we go down a path, we look behind and [Microsoft is] right there - we just can't shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do. If you look at their strategy in other business areas as well, they tend to do that."
Woah, fighting talk there buddy! That's not all though, according to Hirai, Microsoft's strategy of launching an HD-DVD add-on is all cock-eyed too. "And the other thing is, you take a look at, for example, the fact that we incorporate the Blu-ray drive from day one," Hirai frothed, "You're not going to be asking me, 'So, talk to me about this Blu-ray add-on that you have. Does it work for games? Is it just for movies?' That's exactly the kind of pitfall you fall into if you launch something that's too early, too premature..."
So, another day, another console exec unleashing verbal blows. Let us know what you think about all this in the comments below - in the meantime, we're off to the fallout shelter.
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June 28th, 2006, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Small and compact, the Hais DVD Remote Control is compatible with the Slim Playstation (PSTwo 70000 Series) and Playstation2. 50000 Series.
It has fourteen differant DVD function keys, four way directional control and a consoler reset function key.
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June 28th, 2006, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game Released:

Gurumin is an action-RPG that puts you in the role of Parin, a young girl gifted with the ability to see ghosts. One day, while playing with spirits, an evil phantom kidnaps one of her friends. To save her friend from the clutches of the phantom, Parin must brave a massive adventure that will take her through forests, mountains, ruins, and caves. Players must guide Parin through a cute 3D world where almost everything you see is destructible. Even novices would enjoy the action, thanks to a beginner mode! The gameplay is varied, as players would clear dungeons, play mini games, and wear different costumes. This game was originally produced for PC, and has been enhanced for PSP.

More info/Buy Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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June 28th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Atari's The Matrix: Path of Neo for PlayStation2â„¢ as English language NTSC/J version at US$ 7.99 only - offer valid for 1 week
Gamers will play as Neo, but from the moment the game begins, how the situations play out, how they handle them, how they deal with the events, where they go, how people react to them -- it's all up to the gamer. They may win where Neo failed or find another way to solve the problem -- the path is now theirs to follow.
As Neo, the choices the player makes to resolve each scenario and the resulting consequences may have a different result than the original films. Alternative scenarios filled with new characters, content and storylines have all been written and planned by the Wachowski Brothers to expand the Matrix universe and overall gaming experience.
Gamers will assume the role of Neo from when, as Thomas Anderson, he gets the cell phone in the package from Morpheus, to the flying street battle in the rain against Agent Smith.
Atari's The Matrix: Path of Neo for PlayStation2â„¢ is now available as NTSC/J version at US$ 7.99 only. The game supports English voice, with either Chinese, English or Japanese subtitles and an English/Chinese manual.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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June 28th, 2006, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
Those wondering how much they'll be shelling out for PlayStation 3 software were given a morsel of information today, as an interview conducted with Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Kaz Hirai broached the company's line on the potentially thorny subject.
In an interview with US magazine PSM, Hirai explained, "...generally speaking, over the past twelve years or so, there has been a consumer expectation that disc-based games are maybe $59 on the high end to $39 on the low end. So, what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say "PS3 Games now $99.99."" outlined Hirai.
"I don't think consumers expect software pricing to suddenly double," he continued. "So, the quick answer is that we want to make it as affordable as possible, knowing that there is a set consumer expectation for what software has cost for the past twelve years. That's kind of the best answer I can give you. So, if it becomes a bit higher than $59, don't ding me, but, again, I don't expect it to be $100."
This leaves a great deal of space in which Sony can potentially offer consumers a tiered game pricing structure, whilst at the same time leaving plenty of scope for profit on the massive and ambitious titles it and other developers have in the pipeline. As game technology expands, the cost to make use of it expands too, a problem faced by Sony, its third-parties and its increasingly antsy shareholders.
It is expected that within the next two months, Sony will fully outline launch titles and pricing for PlayStation 3. We'll join you in baiting our breath until then.
99 Dollars for a game, heres one person who would never buy one
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June 28th, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Finder Love is a combination gravure picture disk and love sim focusing on hot Japanese idol girls (each edition focuses on one girl, this one featuring Hara Fumina). The game lets players interact with the hotties and snap pictures which can be tranked for quality and then be traded with friends. You play as a newbie cameraman who must get the girls to look their best during photo shoots. As you work through a storyline in the adventure mode, you'll end up playing a few mini games with your favorite idol!

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June 28th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
New Game for Preorder from SuccessHK

An exclusive PSP edition of Capcom's legendary platforming game, directed by the original's creator Tokurou Fujiwara. The game makes use of a 3D graphics engine, giving depth to the visuals, but plays in a side-scrolling perspective and similar art design to stay true to the original. Your goal is to work your way through side-scrolling stages, defeating enemies and using your best platforming skills. The game lets you build up your skills as you progress. You start off with just a basic jump, but eventually gain a double jump and even the ability to fly. You'll also earn lots of magic spells along the way. The game promises a greater number of spells and weapons than ever before. New for Goku Makaimura is non-linear gameplay. You're no longer on a fixed path from start to end. The levels include branching points and even warp points. By using a warp point, you can warp back to previous levels and collecting items that you might have missed.

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June 28th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Hundreds of years before Lenneth's tale, another saga lies concealed by the gods. The valkyrie Silmeria once served Odin loyally, but after an incident ignited a conflict between them, Odin forcefully reincarnated her as a human. The human soul that would carry her spirit was that of Alicia, Princess of Dipan. The forced transmigration causes Silmeria’s spirit to awaken within Alicia, leaving two souls to inhabit a single body. The spirit that should have been sealed has awakened—a situation Odin will not ignore for long.
The prequel to Valkyrie Profile, this installment introduces the new Photon Action System to the classic side-scrolling action format. Projecting photons grants players more freedom to explore and expands the action. Add to that "sealstones" that affect the laws of nature in dungeons, launching strategy to new heights.
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June 28th, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 2 Real Arcade Pro Stick 2
High quality Arcade style controller
Very massive including large arcade style buttons, configurable by individual switches
Body: Metal Top - ABS Base (Black)
Turbo fire function
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June 28th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Taste the agile and freedom power of'Cyclone Wireless' The extremely unlimited movement control powered by wireless RF 2.4GHz technology, coming up with its slip-free rubber grip, independent power and vibration On/Off switch for longer batteries life on the compact size and ergonomic design handheld, make up the powerful 'Cyclone Wireless' Controller.
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June 28th, 2006, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Taste the agile power of 'Cyclone' The extremely accurate movement control, coming up with its slip-free rubber grip on the compact size and ergonomic design handheld, make up the powerful 'Cyclone' Game Pad for PS2.
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June 28th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

A surpassing controller for PS2 fans - Blaze Wireless Controller Pro for PS2. This wireless control adpot the latest RF 2.4GHz wireless technology. It can gives you smooth and responsive control. Also, the controller has built-in two motors for vibration function and Turbo function. Auto Frequency Searching function allow you to connect to the receiver without any pre-setting.
The controller requires two AAA batteries for operation.
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June 28th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Piracy, smuggling, buried treasure (not to mention kidnapping, sword fighting looting, pilfering, and other acts of villainy)...what's not to love about Captain Jack Sparrow? One minute you are fighting hordes of your enemies, the next you're evading capture by the Royal Navy.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow is a fast paced action-adventure game featuring a humorous retelling of events from the first movie told from the perspective of Captain Jack Sparrow himself. The player makes headway by using his sword, solving puzzles, and taking advantage of the environment. Learn new moves and combos as the game progresses for even more spectacular and deadly attacks during combat.
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June 28th, 2006, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Vanocore Corporation is about to invade the Tyke System's marketplace with a new genetic engineering marvel: the Piglot, a tender little pet destined to replace dogs and cats in every home. But before the Piglots can reach their final destination, the Vanocore cargo ships are forced to make emergency landings and their precious cargo is scattered throughout the planet of Endust.
Ruff Trigger, the top bounty hunter for the Boss P.I. Agency, has just been assigned the delicate task of rescuing the Piglots, as well as the large supply of VPD (Vanocore Power Drink) accompanying them. As Ruff searchers for the lost Piglots on three different planets...he will start to discover this is more than a simple rescue mission...he has stumbled onto a shocking conspiracy to take over the Tyke system.
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June 28th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The micro racing series returns with this fourth edition of the multiplayer mini-racer. Mixing miniature mayhem with maximum multiplayer racing, Micro Machines v4 arrives packed with knockabout, breakneck racing in the fastest scale miniatures, complete with explosive weapon power-ups. Letting you loose with hundreds of vehicles, each with distinctive performance abilities, you'll be racing your inch-long miniature motors on wild tracks where everyday household objects appear immense in size and can become lethal hazards. Fans of classic Micro Machines games will rejoice in the return of some of the series' most popular racing arenas. Of course, it wouldn't be Micro Machines without an arsenal of power-ups and weapons to collect and use on your opponents while you’re racing, and v4 brings all the favourites back, including the car-mounted giant hammer!
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June 28th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Well Sony must have a PSP version of Bleem or VGS because thats a bold claim, heres the article:
Final Fantasy titles, Silent Hill, and Castlevania to launch with PSOne emulation service. First details inside.
The latest issue of the UK PSP Magazine has several new details on what the near future holds for the PSP-PSOne emulation launch titles.
No release date was announced, but Sony did confirm that it plans to have up to 7,000 PSOne titles available via the service by the end of 2007. Several titles announced for launch were revealed, including Tomb Raider, Castlevania: SOTN, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Silent Hill. There will be other titles at launch as well but no other titles have been announced at this time.
The magazine also mentions that a new firmware update will be released for the PSP around the launch of the PS3. We'll keep you updated if any new information becomes available.
Interesting news for PSOne Emulation Fans, What do you think of their Claims 
article via AMN
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June 28th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sonys PSP Camera is to be a 1.3 Megapixel Camera with what looks like a zoom and a focus dial on it with the release of a new screenshot from Itmedia
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June 28th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
buzzfarve has released a new flash application that works on v2.71 PSPs, heres the info:
This is a flash application that will play songs in your webbrowser and it has the look of itunes.
when you go to add your own songs into the xml playlist make sure you delte all of the lines for my songs, they are still in there but they will just be dead links because i deleted the music
The new PSPTunes app was just released, can get it here: http://pspwxp.jetpage.biz/itunes/index.htm This nice little Flash MP3 player will allow you to listen to MP3s via the web browser interface....see the forum there (hint - register to see some hidden member only areas) for details about compressing the MP3s first in order to work. I am able to get 7 full MP3s to play (MP3s compressed to around 450-600KB).
Works best if the songs are about 300-400kb
How to compress your own songs:
I will give you all a couple of links to obtain some freeware MP3 compression software....
You can use these to get small MP3 files to use with the newly released PSPTunes app by bigbondfan at this website.
You must download both files, then put them together to use.
Kind of complicated getting it all set up...but works just as good as the Goldwave (Not Freeware) app that I use...
Can get you small size 16kbit 11.025kHz stereo MP3s that work great on the PSP.
1. Lame encoder:
Get the 3.96.1 stable version from this page
2. Razorlame - a frontend GUI for the lame encoder:
Get the latest 1.1.5a release
These are both zip packages. Unzip each...and combine them together in one folder on your Windows PC.
Start up RazorLame.exe to begin.
Then...go to Edit - Options and make sure the path to lame.exe is defined...can browse to it...
Note - (you had earlier combined lame.exe in this same folder as RazorLame.exe)
Press OK when ready.
Then, go to Edit - LAME Options and move the Bitrate slider to 16 kbit
Select a Mode of "Stereo"
Define an Output directory that you wish....do not make it the same as the input directory.
Now, go to the Audio processing tab.
Select an Output sampling frequency of 11.025 kHz
Press OK when ready.
Now you are all set up...just use the Add button to add your MP3 files.
Then use the Encode button to begin processing.
(Note - Make sure your Output directory you chose in the LAME options
above is not the same as the directory where your original MP3 file was located.)
Overall...a bit tricky to get setup and working right...but works great...and is all freeware.
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June 28th, 2006, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
I think its great that a new Proof of Concept release of the abillity to use Kernal Mode has come about but certain sites are using this news to sadly claim the news all for themselves, the author of this work Franck Charlet deserves the credit, heres the original newspost from him:
Kernel mode under PSP firmware 2.6 * The proof of concept *
I finally found a way to access kernel mode under Sony's PSP running under firmware 2.6.
I uploaded the exploit into the Misc. Source codes section.
Remember that the authors site is here --> http://perso.orange.fr/franck.charlet/
More info at this newspost
If your a coder then download the source code and give your feedback via the comments
We shall be very interested to see what develops from this exploit as it is worked on.
Just so you all understand you will stil need an old unpatched UMD of GTA Liberty City Stories when this release finally happens.
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June 28th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced the launch of the official PlayStation 3 website.
It's designed to provide you with "all the latest information and images of the console which promises to usher in a brave new world of home entertainment."
Along with pics and hardware specifications, you can find info about games such as Genji 2, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, Formula One 06 and MotorStorm - plus our personal favourite, next-gen SingStar.
The PlayStation 3, for those who've forgotten, is due to hit Europe on November 17th, priced at €499 for the 20GB model. or €599 for the 60GB version.
More info
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June 28th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has yet again updated his excellent NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP this is the second beta:
Agreement it could not do the correction which goes, but the following release ahead suitable (perhaps several months later) It may become, because is, it renews. Because it is modification point large number, please read readme.txt.
Hmm translation didnt make a deal of sense.
but anyway
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Thanks to Tatsujin for the news in IRC 
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June 28th, 2006, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Modchipstore.com posted this news:
We have made an Installation Tutorial Based off the Official one, as well as have the official one available for download.
The official U.P Team Installation Tutorial has been released for the Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod Chip.
We have made our own Installation Tutorial for the Undiluted Platinum based off the Official guide with a few more pictures provided by the U.P. Team. These pictures show the installation performed, how a good installation looks like, and the organization of the wires for the installation. There are 6 relatively easy points, but the traces for the 16 points are for Skilled Soldering Professionals ONLY. Look at our Knowledge Base for this and many other Tutorials.
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June 29th, 2006, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
The latest issue of Famitsu contains first details on the sequel, titled Ridge Racers 2 in Japan. Ridge Racers 2 continues where the PSP launch title left off, complete with a return of the nitro system, as well as all the drift-based racing that makes the series what it is.
Ridge Racers 2 adds a number of new modes to the original. In addition to the World Tours, Time Attack and Wireless Battle (still with 8 player ad-hoc support) from the original, you can now take part in Arcade, Duel and Survival modes. Arcade mode is set up like an arcade racer, where you attempt to reach a goal in a set time and earn additional time when crossing check points. Specifics on the Duel and Survival modes have yet to be revealed.
Bandai Namco is packing the title with cars and tracks. The game will include the highest number of courses yet seen in a Ridge Racer game. This includes 18 courses from previous games, spanning Ridge Racer to R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, none of which were in the original Ridge Racers. In terms of cars, the game promises six machine classes, each with three cars to begin with. You can expect a bunch of secret cars as well, include two special classes.
Ridge Racers 2 is being directed by Hironori Iriuchi, with game design by Mao Onaka. Both are somewhat new to the series. Onaka previously worked on Critical Velocity, and this is his first time working on a Ridge game. Iriuchi started work on the Ridge series with the first PSP title.
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June 29th, 2006, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
One of last year's more unique PSP title is returning for a second go. The latest issue of Famitsu contains first details on Taito's sequel to Exit. In Japan, the sequel has been titled Kangaeru Exit, or "Thinking Exit."
The goal and basic flow of Exit remain unchanged with the sequel. Controlling Mr. ESC, you help people escape from disaster areas. As the name suggests, the new title places a greater emphasis on puzzle elements. The game promises over 110 stages that put your brain to the test.
A few changes have been made to the game's control scheme in order to deemphasize action and place the emphasis on puzzles. You now input actions in order to make Mr. ESC move. The game offers twelve actions: walk, run, open, duck, fall, jump, swim, command, pull up, push, operate and crawl. The "command" action allows you to give orders to the people you've rescued, while the "operate" command lets you to operate the various obstacles, including elevators and ropes, that you encounter in the stages.
Taito is making some additions and refinements that will likely add to the experience. Among other gameplay refinements, you can now change your direction when climbing up a ladder. The game also adds new obstacles, like ropeways and escalators. You'll also find new types of survivors, including a dog, whose capable of making long jumps and swimming, and a "macho," a male or female character who, as the name suggests has tremendous strength.
As with the original, Taito will be offering downloadable content, adding new stages long after you've cleared the basic game. In comments shared with Famitsu, the game's producer promised a "surprising" amount of volume.
The sequel to Exit will hit Japan in what's looking to be a very crowded September for the PSP. The game is currently 70% complete.
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June 29th, 2006, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Lara Croft is back in a new adventure on the PSP with exclusive features such as wireless multiplayer and unlockable image galleries, wallpapers, and songs from the soundtrack. Not to mention a plethora of outfits for you to raid those tombs in. The title received favorable reviews on home consoles, but has it been able to bring that magic to Sony's portable?
Gamespot (62/100) - "The only new challenge to be found in this version is the challenge of adapting to the uncooperative camera and clunky controls."
IGN (72/100) - " While rough around the edges, Tomb Raider Legend still manages to offer a unique, worthwhile experience on PSP."
Gamespy (70/100) - "All in all, we recommend Tomb Raider: Legend to fans and non-fans alike, but you might be better off picking up a copy of one of the console versions."
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June 29th, 2006, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info from the homepage:
Upgrade the free version of TiVo Desktop to TiVo Desktop Plus and automatically convert your TiVoToGo transfers for iPod, PSP, Treo, Nokia, and other portable devices that support MPEG-4 or H.264 video.
More info --> http://www.tivo.com/
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June 29th, 2006, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Hardhat posted an update to his 2D Platform Game:
Changes from 1.0 to 1.1
- Added new levels
- Enhanced old levels
- Many new graphics
- New physics engine (less embedding in ground, nicer gravity)
- Smooth scrolling
- New enemies: evil duck, shooting cow
- Bug fixed with enemies -- they now can be shot.
- Variable height jumping
- New weapon: bomb
- New terrain: exploding ground, bombable wall, ceiling or floor, new slopes, invisible ground
- New chests: open with bombs
- Now comes with sound effects and music
- SELECT now allow you to replay the current level
- START now quits
- Updated level editor with new ground types, new attributes
- New tips file with advice for new players.
- Cut screens: get ready, level complete, game over
- Updated status bar, with number of rings collected (??? -> OOO), amount of
bombs ("Ammo").
Known issues:
- There is an occasional hillwalking sinkhole
- Fruit from the chest ignores walls
- Some wordwrapping messiness in cut screens
- Level 6 is hard, but solvable
- Level editor can't make bombable wall, invisible wall
- Level editor doesn't load or save attributes (comments, fruit required, etc.)
- Level editor buttons are not in the new skin, but the preview is in the new skin.
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June 29th, 2006, 08:33 Posted By: Kaiser
Seems a lot of people have been buzzing about some new "downgraders" which apparently allow 2.01+ users to downgrade back down to 1.5. Please remember that the only and I mean the only working downgrade is for v2.0 PSP's. Anyone claiming to have a downgrader for v2.01 or above is just trying to either rip you off or trying to brick your PSP. Occasionally an advert for a fake downgrader will appear in the google ads within different PSP webpages.
I should add that a legit test downgrader is currently under development by PSP coder Dark Alex, but in its current stage it will almost guarantee that your PSP is bricked so I suggest staying away from it for now.
Remember that some PSP sites are posting the 2.5/2.6 Downgrader but it has bricked a lot of PSPs so until you read it here do not try it, remember safety first
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June 29th, 2006, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has released a new bugfix release of his excellent NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP:
Heres the translation:
It is correction of the trouble where the picture of mslug3 and the like is not indicated.
Because only EBOOT.PBP it has entered, please download also ngepsp_beta2.zip above.
* Lightly it operated verified, but problem improbable kana.
Temporarily, because future schedule (it is something which relates to also NCDZPSP, being parallel, job).
1. Correction of timer processing.
Correction of 2.Z80 core.
3. Correction of sound processing.
To here the following release (RC1 schedule) with it becomes at the point in time when correction completes.
Perhaps, because equivalent hours are required, please wait patiently.
OK you will need the beta 2 release then ad the eboot from this release to it.
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June 29th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev
Okay so it finally reached version 1.0, mainly cause I can't be bothered anymore to keep remembering to tweak a letter.
So what is new then, well the main thing is the introduction of the USB Asynchronous Provider Framework, with this you can write your own tools to communicate between the PC and PSP all while PSPLINK is running normally. The USB shell and GDB already use it and ive added two samples, a simple echo server and a tool to allow you to use a PC joystick connected to a linux PC and use it to control the PSPs joypad (useful for presentational work I guess). It doesn't work on Windows because I haven't written a tool to do it (and probably never will).
Of course that isn't all, usbhostfs_pc now listens by default on localhost only for abit of extra security, I added more vfpu disassembly, I made usbhostfs_pc default to 64bit file io on linux (and others such as Solaris in theory). And I have added support for the memory stick get free space command so you can now run up the VSH with a remapped host0:->ms0: and confuse your friends with your 250GB memorystick
This is most likely the last release of PSPLIJK in it's current form, I might start working on a new version we will have to see.
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June 29th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev
PS2 Competition
We had two judges in the end for the ps2 competition. With only two entries the winner was clear. Well done to Jbit for his PS2 Racer entry.
PS2 Racer: 28.0
PS2 Space Invaders: 21.5
PSP Competition
We had three judges in the end for the psp competition. With five entries it was a close competition between everyone. I want to mention that both Break-In and Jump Gunnar, Jump had no sound. Having any sound at all would have brought up their result considerably. In the end Droplets nudged out PSPTris with some extra points for originality. Well done to Drakonite for winning this entry.
Droplets for PSP: 34.6
PSPTris: 31.5
Meeku's Quest: 25.6
Break-In: 23.5
Jump Gunnar, Jump!: 19.6
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June 29th, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
PS2 Competition
We had two judges in the end for the ps2 competition. With only two entries the winner was clear. Well done to Jbit for his PS2 Racer entry.
PS2 Racer: 28.0
PS2 Space Invaders: 21.5
PSP Competition
We had three judges in the end for the psp competition. With five entries it was a close competition between everyone. I want to mention that both Break-In and Jump Gunnar, Jump had no sound. Having any sound at all would have brought up their result considerably. In the end Droplets nudged out PSPTris with some extra points for originality. Well done to Drakonite for winning this entry.
Droplets for PSP: 34.6
PSPTris: 31.5
Meeku's Quest: 25.6
Break-In: 23.5
Jump Gunnar, Jump!: 19.6
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June 29th, 2006, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster

SamuraiX has released a new Devbuild of his Beats of Rage port for the PSP, heres whats new:
New Features:
OpenBOR engine has been updated to v2.0047
New High Score file auto save and load.
video.txt update now supports one more resolution mode
video.txt support for controllable levelorder
Fix for the user controlled (x)icon, (x)life & timeloc[x] placement.
High Score data curroption between games.
Fixed video mode bug introduced from version 1.2c
This version will overwrite all save files. Progress will be lost on your games!
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June 29th, 2006, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Reports from around the net are saying that Warner Bros are to sell most of their top titles on UMD for under $9 in Japan, this list includes all the Harry Potter titles.
Anyone who finds a link to a site selling them please post it 
via pspvault
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June 29th, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Distress posted this news/release:
This is my first real C program. It is just a simple MP3 player with a fairly simple GUI. To Play music just put your .mp3 files (must only be mp3 in the folder) in psp/game/mp3/music. Then load up the game. If any one has any critiques or comments i'd love to hear them.
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June 29th, 2006, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster

Thanks to Sterist for the alert, Heres some fantastic news, the Major Hong Kong and Worldwide Supplier Success HK are seling the Sandisk 4gb Memory Card for the PSP for $159 making it most likely the cheapest worldwide and a lot better than Sonys announcement today of a $250 price for its 4gb stick.
So if your looking for a Memory Card cheap then You know where to go 
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June 30th, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: BALL_SAC
This was posted in our Submit News forum and ive edited it for front page consumption but its a serious warning to all, even though other sites have posted about the downgrader until you here its safe by DCEMU then dont touch, let the devs sort it out, remember we arent doing this to get on DIGG we want to protect your PSPs - admin
For any of you that have heard about the new downgrader that hit the internet, DO NOT DOWNLOAD.
I just bricked my PSP because of this downgrader that I just tried to use. The creator goes by DARK_ALEX my PSP is dead.
So now that you know of my little unfortunate mistake, DO NOT DO THE SAME.
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June 30th, 2006, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
First off thanks to Booster for the original release of Devhook but because of legalitys we would not post it, but thanks to JasonUK we can now post the fully legal (Yes DCEmu is all about legal homebrew not ISOs unlike other suposed homebrew sites) version of this great application.
Basically Devhook allows you to play nearly all new UMD PSP Games on your v1.5 PSP, which as we know is the best for PSP Homebrew.
With thanks to Kaiser and Shadowprophet all the downloads and release info can be found via the Comments.
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Strictly NO ISO Discussion
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June 30th, 2006, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
Amazon's UK arm is asserting that both the higher-spec 60Gb and lower spec 20Gb versions of PS3 will launch on these shores, grinding an unofficial boot into doubts that the less expensive of the PS3 packs wouldn't release in old Blighty.
A question mark was raised over UK release plans for the 20Gb PS3 back in May, when Sony chief Ray Maguire spoke about the next-gen console in an interview with trade mag MCV. "The lower-end 20Gb version of PlayStation 3 has no wi-fi, no HDMI and none of the other slots in it, so it's really a question of where we would position it," Maguire said at the time, opining, "It's more likely that we will only launch the 60Gb version."
According to Amazon though, the 20Gb 'standard' version of PS3 will release in the UK on January 26, 2007. No price point is given.
At the time of writing, we were unable to get hold of Sony for comment on the 20Gb PS3's appearance on Amazon UK, but according to reports, the company's labelled the e-tailer listing as pure speculation, adding that the fate of the lower-spec package - in terms of a UK release - remains undecided.
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June 30th, 2006, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Last year Naruto, the biggest anime Japan has to offer, finally hit English shores via the Cartoon Network. Even during the many years before that though, it's been so popular in its homeland that the graphic novels sold over 65 million copies, and brought up a slew of games across all consoles. These titles have been praised not just for their red hot license, but for their intense gameplay with fierce hand-to-hand combat, deadly ranged weapons and massive multi-level super attacks. Basically these have been fun whether you follow Naruto or not. At long last however, this week gamers who were waiting for the English PS2 release can find out why we go crazy over each and every new Naruto game. Aspiring ninjas can fight through 12 interactive 2D style levels, all up rooted from the anime such as Forest of Death, Hidden Mist Village, Hidden Sand Village, Chunin Exam Arena and more. When the timing is right too, you can switch stages mid-combat to gain a tactical advantage.

Character selection includes Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, Hinata Hyuga, Haku, Zabuza Momochi, Gaara, Orochimaru, plus two secret characters exclusive to the English release, Nine Tailed Naruto and Cursed Seal Sasuke. You can also summon support characters for super attacks and special items, which can help towards unlocking Movies, Music, Power-Ups and collectables for Naruto's House. A variety of game modes let you follow your favorite character's storyline, accomplish specific missions or battle it out against one of your mates. Find out if you've got what it takes to be the greatest ninja of them all when the game arrives in stock very soon.
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June 30th, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
For 10 years the Metal Slug series has provided us with 'hard as nails' challenges, gained an ever growing cult following, and done it all in old school 2D. After a decade however SNK Playmore decided to try a 3D edition on the PS2, and from the moment it was announced fans will have been split between either loving or loathing it, all without playing it of course. Famitsu on the other hand have played it, and their very respectable review of 28/40 was the highest a Metal Slug title has received in a long time, meaning if you can get over the change, fans will indeed be rewarded. Those who do can take five playable characters and battle through ground air and sea. As you progress you'll earn skill points which beef up your characters firepower, accuracy and such, but much more exciting is the fact using parts you salvage from the battlefield, you can customize your vehicle, or if you have enough, create an entirely new one!

There's a training mode to help noobs saddle up for the front lines, plus a radar and both manual and auto lock-on aiming modes to help you adjust to the added dimension. Thankfully it also takes more than one hit to knock you down here, but the better you play, the more medals you'll earn and have to look back on with honor later. Then after completing single player mode there's a movie player and jukebox to unlock, the ability to adjust character's colors, plus a mini-game where you must escape the Rebellion Army as a prisoner of war within a time limit. Available now, give Metal Slug 3D a try, or if you're firmly sticking to the 2D titles, pre-orders are being taken now for Metal Slug 6 due on 27th of next month!
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June 30th, 2006, 07:05 Posted By: wraggster
Keith Goldrick has released a new app for the PSP, heres the details from the readme:
I started this little project just for my own personal use. Then I realized how often I used it and how others might enjoy it as well. So with a few days of typing I managed to include every region in the U.S. If you are only interested in your local weather
you can bookmark the html file that links you directly to your region.
works on all versions- 1.0
and 1.5 needs Devhook or Links2
Copy the 'w' folder into x/PSP/COMMON
folder on your PSP.
(where x is your psp drive letter)
Start your browser and set a bookmark
to... file:/psp/common/w/s.html
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June 30th, 2006, 07:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an app for those of you on Linux who want to convert Video files for the PSP.
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June 30th, 2006, 07:25 Posted By: wraggster
Evilo has released a brilliant piece of software for the PS2, if you dont know about Lua then check out our PSP site which features 100s of games and apps. This is just what the ailing PS2 Scene needed.
Heres what he posted:
So with tmator and Sspeare we've been working on a fresh new port of lua for the ps2 !
This is of course the interpreter library, but we hope as well to start a player for the PS2 and enjoy also on the ps2 all those lua games you can enjoy now on the PSP
source is available in svn :
Be aware that due to a bug in libc you'll need a fresh copy of the ps2sdk from the SVN.
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June 30th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft sees a bright future for the next gen over in the US, with the company predicting that next-gen systems will fly off the shelves over the next couple of years and its market forecast for 2008 saying that nearly 40 million consoles will be shifted in the US during that year.
However, speaking to financial site Bloomberg, company president Yves Guillemot predicted that, while demand for the PS3 in the US this year will be exceptionally high due to gamers' expectations, Sony should rapidly drop its PS3 price in 2007 if it intends to win the fight against Microsoft.
It's certainly a fair point and, after riding the rush of initial adopters, Sony will almost certainly have to adjust its pricing policy on the next-gen machine if it wants to reach the massive audience it did with PS2 and remain competitive against the 360. Guillemot's comments also add weight to Bill Gates' argument that 2007 will be the crucial year when the next-gen battle is decided.
Still, it seems things are looking up for the Ubis, with several major series like Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia under its belt and a raft of new titles like Assassin's Creed and Red Steel exciting interest across next-gen formats. Ubisoft isn't done either, with Guillemot saying that it was quite probable the company would add to its portfolio by acquiring new franchises and studios along the way as it shapes up for more next-gen goodness.
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June 30th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sega of America's vice president of marketing Scott Steinberg has joined the massed ranks of company execs discussing Sony's PS3 and the console's pricing, voicing opinions on the next-gen machine in an interview published yesterday (although the interview was actually conducted during E3) on website GameDaily BIZ.
So what's Steinberg got to say? Well, Sega are "staunch supporters of the PS3". Hurrah! Oh, hold on, there's a little more...
What does he think about the price label Sony's slapped on its next-gen console? Steinberg responded that he thinks it's within expectations. "I think it's an expensive device," he admitted, "but it's a very powerful device". Part of that power stems from Blu-ray, the next-gen disc format Sony is squeezing into its console and it's tech that Steinberg reckons Sony needs to convince the world has "a high utility and delivers on a promise, a value promise".
I'm sure they'll sell out", he said though.
"...we think the platform is going to be successful; they just have a job to do in selling and marketing it to not only gamers, but they've also got to play with the Blu-ray platform in the consumer electronics market as well. So they've really got to do two things with their tech to get this platform to be successful", he opined.
Touching on the price of PS3, Steinberg referenced Virtua Fighter 5's port to PS3 and said how there's going to be little, if any, degradation to the graphics: "...effectively you've got thousands of dollars worth of arcade tech in a machine that's 500 bucks, 600 bucks. So there's a lot of value in that machine."
But Steinberg described the price as 'definitely a concern', when asked whether he was worried it may slow the adoption rate of PS3 amongst more mainstream PS2 users - he weighed this up against the strength of the PlayStation brand globally, saying, "Sony has been the clear winner... in Japan, North America and Europe".
He continued: "To ignore that [global brand strength] and sort of use price - I mean PS2 was $299 for a long, long time, so there's definitely a band of consumers who, if they're fired up about a piece of software or multiple pieces of software, they'll pay it."
However, Steinberg opined that it's "super arguable" whether this will still be the case after the fifth or sixth million PS3 has been sold, and reckons - because the console is expensive - Sony will have to reasonably speedily "lifecycle price the hardware" in order to bring it to the masses. $600 for PS3? "For a lot of families that's too expensive", he said.
Leaping away from PS3, Steinberg was also asked whether Shenmue III will ever emerge into daylight. "I really can't answer that", was the response, but did add that part of Sega's mission now is to look at its intellectual properties and "be real selective and smart" about what to 'next-gen' and ensure creatively that the company brings something new to the table with those IPs. Well, that's not a 'no' at least
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June 30th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via Eurogamer
Sony will re-release an estimated 7000 PSone titles by the end of next year that will run on PlayStation Portable's PSone emulator.
That's according to the UK's PSP Magazine, which says that Sony has confirmed the first wave of titles and the 7000-game figure.
The first wave will include Final Fantasies VII and VIII, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and the original Silent Hill, the magazine said.
Whether or not someone at Sony said something to the mag though, it's certainly not going into specifics with general media inquiries - with ours this week met with a blank stare and a general statement:
"Sony Computer Entertainment is pleased to confirm that PlayStation titles will be made available to download onto your PlayStation Portable as per our announcement at E3," the company told us.
"However, no further details have been released as we are finalising plans and awaiting official confirmation on software line-up. We will be in touch soon with more news."
We'll let you know when details are confirmed.
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June 30th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Here's a funny one: Greek developer track7games has denied cancelling a PlayStation 3 version of its PC and Xbox 360 title Theseis, arguing that since it was never in development in the first place it couldn't have been cancelled.
The confusion arose yesterday when a PS3 fan-site ran a report citing a quote from track7games' Vicky Valvanos, who said, "if Sony were to offer us assistance in producing a PS3 version, we would be more than happy to oblige". Cue a news item claiming the game was canned due to development costs.
Track7games' subsequently declared, "we never cancelled something that did not exist in the first place". "We plan to develop Theseis for PC and Xbox 360 in the near future. As for the PS3, we simply made a strategic decision to not move ahead because we deemed it not probable at this time."
Which would have been fine, except that the fan-site, PS3 Land, then added, "Track7 now claim that what they originally told us was a 'joke'."
If you ask us, it's all a lot of fuss over nothing. The bottom line being that track7games decided not to develop for PlayStation 3 because it wasn't worth the hassle. And all the other lines rather wasting everyone's time.
Still, at least everyone's heard of track7games and Theseis now, eh? That's handy.
Via Eurogamer
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June 30th, 2006, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima and Square-Enix's Tetsuya Nomura both believe PlayStation 3 will be the best outlet for their games in two or three years' time.
Speaking in an interview with Japanese Ge-Maga, partly translated by IGN, Kojima, who has been a staunch supporter of PS3 since its unveiling in May 2005, compared the Sony console to a movie theatre - while Xbox 360 "is watching a DVD at home" and "Wii is a television program".
"If you think about the future of the industry and game creators, I get the feeling that the winner had better be the movie theatre," he said.
Nomura, meanwhile, was less flamboyant in his praise but backed Sony nonetheless.
"Thinking two to three years from now, the PS3 will be the most appropriate," he said. "We feel that when the games that we're making are released, the PS3 will be strong in the market."
But while both developers seem to be content with the Sony console, despite its apparent loss of momentum at E3, neither is entirely happy with Sony's announcements.
Unusually for Kojima, who typically echoes Sony's own sentiments about the high quality of the PS3 hardware, the MGS man expressed some concerns about the loss of rumble functionality - and even said he felt that, "The best thing would be a PS3 with controls like the Wii."
Describing the loss of rumble functionality as "unfortunate", Kojima also questioned why, if its removal was down to incompatibility with motion-sensing as Sony has claimed, the company hadn't simply allowed players to switch between the two.
Nomura's criticism focused on the price. "Right now, as a game machine, it's too expensive," he said. "If the hard disk and Blu-Ray spread, in line with that, the situation for the PS3 will change in one to two years," he added, before arguing that "when the games are there", the machine's profile will change "naturally".
Both Kojima and Nomura will have some say in that, of course - with Kojima's Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Nomura's Final Fantasy XIII two of the system's most highly anticipated titles.
Via Eurogamer
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June 30th, 2006, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
In the next-gen console race, there are three main competitors: Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. While many would love to see someone come out with some sort of "Everybody is a winner, hooray!" scenario, the simple truth is one company is going to be declared the loser. Though the finish line is still far down the road, industry analysts are already predicting who will break the tape and who will bring up the rear.
Sony has clearly been the favorite in recent years thanks to the unparalleled success of its PlayStation and PlayStation 2, but one analyst firm believes that the company may tumble down from the top of the heap. In a memo sent out today, San Diego-based DFC Intelligence explained how Sony could go from first to worst.
Though the memo contains the disclaimer that the prediction is "only one of several possible scenarios," DFC appears to be leaning towards Microsoft and Nintendo coming out on top through the next generation.
The main reason DFC sees a slide for Sony is the $600 price tag on the high-end version of the PlayStation 3. Though Sony has touted the machine as inexpensive relative to the hardware contained within it, DFC doesn't think consumers will see it that way.
"Sony has done very little to justify why the system is worth a premium price for consumers that don't care about raw hardware performance and are not hard-core audio/visual consumers," DFC said. "Unfortunately we believe that represents over 90% of the consumers in the marketplace."
DFC recognizes that software plays a large part in buyers' decisions, and points out that the PS2 was so successful because of its diverse portfolio of games and large third-party support. The broad range of software made the PS2 "a complete entertainment system for the family priced under $300," said DFC.
"With the PlayStation 3 the company is going after the high-end power user. It is almost as if Coca-Cola not only decided to go with a new formula, but also decided to exit the low-brow soft-drink business to go into high-end wines," DFC explains. "Of course, there is a market for high-end products but it is 1) a very different consumer type and 2) not nearly as big as the blue collar mass market. Wal-Mart sells more toys than FAO Schwartz and McDonald's sells more beef than Ruth's Chris Steak House."
There doesn't seem to be much of an easy way to right the ship either. According to DFC, Sony may have drastically underestimated the competition and will have a lot of trouble cutting the price, particularly in time for the critical 2007 holiday season.
"A $600 price point is okay for launch but it will not fly in holiday 2007. If Sony wants to drive unit volume 2007 needs to be not only the year of price cuts, but the year of drastic price cuts. There is going to be a shakeup in the video game industry and even if Sony executes perfectly there could be a new market leader in two years."
Via Gamespot
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June 30th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from Spong
Earlier this week, a Californian-based blogger pointed an accusatory finger at Sony’s new PSP hope LocoRoco, accusing the game of being blatantly racist due to the inclusion of Golliwog type characters (see picture to the right).
Alejandro Quan-Madrid insisted that the game was guilty of "institutional racism", claiming that the bad guys - Moja – were far too similar to offensive early 20th Century caricatures of Africans popularised by such things as golliwogs and the Black and White minstrel-type entertainers of the day.
Another Kotaku writer, Florian Eckhardt, offered a counter-point to Quan Madrid’s accusations: "[he] is making himself out to be one of those knee-jerk reactionaries who measures his own importance by his ability to be self-righteously offended. Not only is his argument silly and worthy of derision, but it demeans the struggle against actual racism."
Ryan Bowling, PR manager for SCEA, waded into the frey, offering the comment, "LocoRoco is a fantasy game geared towards a worldwide audience that takes place in a vibrant pastel world with colorful landscapes and characters and is not based on real-life places, people or things."
What do you think? Are Japanese games designers innocently creating wonderful fantasy worlds for us to play in? Or are some of them really guilty of “institutional racism†as per Quan-Madrid’s comments? Is there really something darker at work here?
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June 30th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has released yet another new version of his NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP:
Heres the google translation:
Because there is a serious bug in connection with the memory of Z80, it renewed.
Furthermore, because now the correspondence of Universal BIOS v2.0/v2.1 was abolished from version, Please acknowledge.As for the modification point please read readme.txt.
* Lightly it operated verified, but problem improbable kana.
Temporarily, because future schedule (it is something which relates to also NCDZPSP, being parallel, job).
1. Correction of timer processing. (Completion)
Correction of 2.Z80 core.
3. Correction of sound processing. (Completion?)
To here the following release (RC1 schedule) with it becomes at the point in time when correction completes.Perhaps, because equivalent hours are required, please wait patiently.
With the feeling which was verified with [saundotesuto], as for the coming where also tempo of tune passes the feeling which is almost cancelled?
Does not become, as for the drum of [kurosusuodo] and like the cymbal how.
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June 30th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
This is for all those who like me like to look at some hot totty. A nice new PSP Magazine 

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June 30th, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v0.8,
Heres the translated release notes:
ver0.9 release ○ it took a second look the algorithm memory guaranty, even with a less memory it reached the point where it can indicate the picture. (The file large number validity to the case where it exists) WAV (only the incompressible format) added playback performance to the big picture and on RAMDISK. When renaming on ○filer RAMDISK, 2 being able to exist the file of the same name the bug which has finished was corrected. ○ picture at the time of the enlargement reduction with viewer L and the R button, & it tried to expanding the center of the picture in standard to reduce.
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July 1st, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
When I met up with Sony a couple of months ago, they told me about a couple of upcoming games that really piqued my interest. The first was LocoRoco, which was every bit as good as I'd hoped. The second was Talkman, which didn't turn out to be quite as good.
The story of Talkman's conception is still an interesting one though. Apparently, the game's Japanese designer wanted a way of chatting up a Spanish girl that he liked, as he didn't speak the language. The result--a rather basic interactive PSP phrasebook starring a big blue bird--can recognise what you're saying and translate it into one of six languages.
I've reviewed the game for the site, but I thought I should also put his original design brief to the test. Luckily, I work in a big tourist area of London, and finding a Spanish girl isn't that difficult. Watch my hapless attempts to remain a gentleman as 'how are you today?' is turned into 'do you want to come to my apartment?' by the randy blue bird.
Check out the vid at the link above
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July 1st, 2006, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Art a member on our forums who has released X-Flash which is a firmware modification program for the Sony PSP has again updated his app, heres what he posted:
This X-Flash version has a new debranded gameboot intro screen feature, so the PSP logo is not shown on the screen over your gameboot movie.It looks good with the plain black pmf or original gameboot.pmf too.
V9i removes a false verify warning (hopefully caught it this time).Bug is a false verify failure warning only, files have always been written correctly.
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via art
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July 1st, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Its nice to see the Dreamcast Scenes stuff appear on the PSP and also very nice to see a site hosted by our hosts releasing it, heres the info:
Release By Kungpow:
Sailor Moon Plus - Genesis Mix
Modder: Kungpow
Description: Take the Original Sailor Moon Game for the SNES, add in all of the generals of the anime, new cinematics, new voice cast, new levels and throw in the "spice" of the Genesis game and soundtrack and you have Genesis Mix. This is for OpenBOR only. This game uses the full capabilites of the latest PSP features including widescreen cinematics, titles and widescreen gameplay. Thanks goes to Chibi Mars and the folks over at Sailor-Games.com for providing the hosting for the game release.

Download can be found over at BorRev
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