March 1st, 2012, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
ZX81 one of the biggest coders to enter the homebrew scene of the last few years released all his emulators, homebrew games and homebrew applications here at DCEmu, today ive updated the site and now you no longer have to leave his site to see every single release he has made for the PSP, GP2x, Wiz, Caanoo and Dingoo.
Check out the newly revamped site here --> http://zx81.dcemu.co.uk/
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March 2nd, 2012, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Trine 2 has cleared Sony QA at last and will be released on the PlayStation Store next week.
The game launched in North America on December 20, with Finnish developer Frozenbyte saying the European release had been held up by "some small issues we couldn't help."
Those small issues kept the game in certification limbo for over two months, but Trine 2 will finally be available next Wednesday, March 7.
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March 2nd, 2012, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is to reveal several unannounced PS Vita games in a web broadcast next week.
Andriasang reports that the broadcast, aimed at Japanese gamers and titled "Welcome! PlayStation Vita Game Heaven", will take place on March 9 at 8pm JST.
Sony promises information about unannounced games, upcoming releases, and services for Vita, as well as new information about titles that have already been released - presumably DLC.
It's smart stuff, doubtless inspired by the Nintendo Directpresentations Satoru Iwata hosts to maintain interest in 3DS and highlight its upcoming release slate.
While Vita has enjoyed one of the broadest launch lineups the industry has ever seen, the next few months are looking bare by comparison, and Sony will doubtless be conscious of the need to avoid a repeat of 3DS's struggles.
The company sorely needs to boost demand for Vita in Japan, ashardware sales have tailed off since its successful launch in December. 3DS has been the nation's best-selling hardware every single week since last August's price cut.
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March 2nd, 2012, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has announced the closure of four titles: EverQuest Online Adventures for PlayStation 2, Cosmic Rift, Infantry, and Star Chamber: The Harbinger Saga. Sunset procedures are scheduled for March 29, 2012, with SOE terminating billing on Everquest Online on March 1. All official websites and forums related to the titles will be shut down, and SOE has no plans to allow the games to be licensed out for emulation.
"Each of these games shares a special place in both ours and our players' hearts. This is not an easy decision, but there comes a time when it's best for our developers to move on to the next adventure, and that day has come," wrote SOE in a farewell letter to fans of EQOA.
SOE will be offering three free months of Everquest or Everquest II Gold to current Everquest Online Adventures subscribers. More details on the shut down can be found at the Closure Announcement FAQ.
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March 2nd, 2012, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
It's fast becoming the worst kept secret in gaming, but Ubisoft will soon officially lift the lid on Assassin's Creed III.
In case you didn't already know, the game will be set during the American Revolution. The setting was first revealed by rumours, then this morning's leaked promotional image and now the official packshot (see below).
But that's all your getting for now. Ubisoft has teased that the full reveal won't be until next week.
"We confirm that Ubisoft will announce all the details of Assassin's Creed III on Monday, March 5th at 5pm," a Ubisoft statement said.
Quite what's left to reveal, we're not sure. Presumably the new Assassin's name, story details and a more concrete release date – the current release window is October.
The packshots reveal the game will be released for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. While Ubisoft has previously said an Assassin's Creed game will be coming to Wii U, there is no mention of such a version here. This could of course be down to the fact that no packshot design has been confirmed for Nintendo's new console.
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March 2nd, 2012, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Vita owners have found a workaround that will enable them to earn Trophies from second hand games.
Fears first arose when it emerged each pre-owned Vita title locks Trophies to the first owner, perhaps as a deterrent to the used games market.
The message reads: "You cannot earn trophies in this application. Only the first player to use an application can earn trophies. To earn trophies, you must link the Sony Entertainment Network account of the first player to use this applicational with the PS Vita system."
But Pocket Gamer reports that this can be easily remedied by clicking 'No' when the message appears and then deleting the save data stored on the card.
This will enable consumers that get full functionality from pre-owned games. It should also protect retailers from complaints from Trophy-depraved customers.
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March 2nd, 2012, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that it will be conducting a live, streaming web event called "Welcome! PlayStation Vita Game Heaven" on March 9. Despite its ridiculous name, the broadcast sounds like it'll be worth paying attention to: Sony plans on revealing unannounced Vita titles, as well as new information about pending releases and existing Vita services, according to Andriasang.
The show starts at 20:00 JST, which equates to 6 AM Eastern on a day that also happens to be smack dab in the middle of GDC and SXSWi. In order to make sure we don't spread ourselves too thin, Joystiq has enlisted the help of several extremely clever parrots that we'll be leaving in charge of the office while the rest of us are on location. It sounds risky, but trust us, this is going to work outway better than that time we left a 20-foot African ball python in charge while we all went to Boca.
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March 2nd, 2012, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
We don't even officially know that there is a Black Ops 2 yet (though of coursethere is), but we're already seeing information about when it's allegedly coming out.
OK, yes, it's November. No, we didn't need outside help to figure that out. But Spanish retailer Fnac took it one step further than obvious guesses, as it's actually advertising Black Ops 2 with a November release date.
The store isn't going so far as to take reservations -- instead having people sign up to be alerted when they can -- but it is still advertising a product that doesn't officially exist. To us, that's at least circumstantial evidence that Black Ops 2 does exist.
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March 2nd, 2012, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Vita has swiftly established itself as the premier platform for the most technologically advanced mobile games, boasting a simply superb hardware spec, a beautiful screen and an excellent array of input controls. The only thing that disappoints is Sony's historical annoyance in insisting upon proprietary memory cards in an environment where almost everyone else seems to get by just fine using SD cards and their micro equivalents. This article asks if they are needed, and whether the big price premium translates into a better experience for the gamer.Sony says that the cards are required for security concerns (an odd excuse for a system that lets you back up all content to PC or Mac, and not a good enough reason to shift the cost onto the consumer) and also says that a set performance level is required. Bearing in mind how many games stream in assets while you play, this second reason makes a lot more sense. At Digital Foundry, what we wanted to know was how fast these proprietary cards are, how they compare to what's already on the market, and to discover what the performance level is that Sony deems appropriate to justify a proprietary set-up.It's fair to say we didn't go into this in a particularly optimistic frame of mind: when it takes 9.5 minutes to back up WipEout 2048 from Vita to PC (a game with a download size of 1.6GB, suggesting a paltry 2.87MB/s transfer speed), we aren't particularly optimistic about performance here, but we wanted hard numbers across a range of scenarios.A good test is sequential read and write speed. We tried to measure this by using a 425MB 720p video file in the h.264 format, implementing the Content Manager to stream the file from computer to Vita and back again, repeating the test three times. We asked four users - two using the 8GB card and two 16GB owners - to help us out here to give a range of results.First up, a look at read performance - probably the most important element for games."When it takes 9.5 minutes to back up the 1.6GB WipEout 2048 to your PC, it's safe to say that we didn't go into these tests with much optimism." |
8GB Card 1 |
8GB Card 2 |
16GB Card 1 |
16GB Card 2 |
Read Test 1 |
6.44MB/s |
6.16MB/s |
7.20MB/s |
7.46MB/s |
Read Test 2 |
6.34MB/s |
6.54MB/s |
7.33MB/s |
7.46MB/s |
Read Test 3 |
6.25MB/s |
6.44MB/s |
7.33MB/s |
7.87MB/s |
Average |
6.34MB/s |
6.38MB/s |
7.29MB/s |
7.60MB/s |
Read speeds are hardly colossal for flash media, bearing in mind that even a cheapo USB flash drive should be able to provide a 10MB/s throughput, and a carefully chosen bargain stick such as the ByteStor Data Ferry can achieve over 15MB/s with ease. Class 10 microSDs can easily outstrip the read speeds here too and are a quarter of the price of the Vita cards. In terms of other comparisons, the PS3's Blu-ray drive can achieve a maximum throughput of about 8MB/s, so the Vita gets close with the 16GB card but falls short on the 8GB variants we tested.Now onto the write speeds, where things take a turn for the bizarre, and where performance falls through the floor. What we should emphasise here is that all runs were consecutive with no breaks and the data clearly indicates that caching isn't going on - as results can get worse on later runs, rather than better. What we'll also point out is that this is one single file being transferred. Transferring scores of photos across to the Vita sees performance fall still further - dramatically so in fact, which may explain why WipEout and other titles take so long to back up onto your PC.
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March 3rd, 2012, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has re-released the free Facebook app for the PlayStation Vita, which was pulled after its initial release prompted complaints from users about poor performance.
Sony claims that the problems with the program were on Facebook's side, and has now added the app to the Vita Store again.
"Facebook service for the PS Vita has been completely restored, and the Facebook app is now available for (free) download on the PS Store," the publisher announced via Twitter.
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March 3rd, 2012, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Can't wait for Thatgamecompany's upcoming open adventure title Journey? If you're a PS Plus member, there's good news.
Sony will be launching Journey one week early for subscribers, IGNreports.
The game is currently slated to arrive on the Playstation Network as a digital download on March 13th in North America, and the following day on March 14th in Europe.
For Plus members, that means Journey will be available next week; packing a bonus dynamic theme on top of the early opportunity to purchase as well. The theme is available to those outside of PS Plus by pre-ordering the game from the PlayStation Store.
Journey itself will run $15, regardless of when purchase takes place.
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March 3rd, 2012, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
XSEED has announced that its ink wash painting meets action platformer title Sumioni: Demon Arts will be available in North America on March 20th.
Set in ancient Japan and presented in a 'sumi-e' art style, Sumioni puts players in control of an ‘ink demon’ who has been summoned from a long sleep to help clear the countryside of sinister foes.
The game boasts gorgeous ink-style vistas, touchscreen platform painting, multiple endings, and more. Online leaderboards and DLC are to be released sometime after launch as well.
Sumioni will launch exclusively on the Playstation Network as a digital download, and will sell for $19.99.
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March 3rd, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
US consumers who buy a PS3 copy of BioShock Infinite will receive the original 2007 BioShock game for free.
However, it has not yet been confirmed whether the UK PS3 version of BioShock Infinite will include a copy of the original game.
The third instalment in 2K’s popular shooter series received anOctober 19th UK release date yesterday. The game will arrive three days earlier in the US on October 16th.
Developer Irrational Games also confirmed that BioShock Infinite will be compatible with the PlayStation Move motion controller.
The BioShock franchise has sold 9m copies worldwide to date.
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March 4th, 2012, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
...And here's the catch: the game you need is Motorstorm Arctic Edge (or 'Raging Ice' in Japan), and it appears to have already been pulled from the PS Store. Besides, it was never compatible with US-registered Vitas in the first place. Nevertheless, if you happen to have bought this old PSP title for your Vita already, then this may just work. Hacker Wololo claims that later today he'll release Vita Half Byte Loader files, which will give you a "limited PSP homebrew experience" on your lovely new handheld -- and indeed we've already seen it playing Sega Genesis titles. The hack supposedly uses an exploit in this particular Motorstorm title -- but since Sony is already on VHBL's tracks, who knows if it'll really work or how long it'll last? Video evidence after the break.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster
We know that it's become all too easy to assume that the PlayStation Network is getting hacked again whenever it goes down. That said, consider this another heads-up in long line of previous friendly reminders: Since being postponed last Thursday, Sony's announced that the PSN will go down for "significant maintenance" tomorrow, March 4th starting at 2 3 PM EST until approx 5 AM on Monday, March 5th. Unlike February's fixin', you'll still be booted offline even if you've logged-in with your SEN ID prior to the scheduled maintenance window. This means you won't be able to hop into a game of Domination on MW3, along with being restricted from accessing your account, the PlayStation Store, Home etc., as per usual. You can stay glued to PlayStation on twitter to get the official word on when everything's back up, but may we suggest it could be a good chance for a lazy Sunday stroll? Hey, consider it an excuse to try out Near if you were one of the 1.2 million to snag yourself a PS Vita -- oh wait, that requires being logged into the PSN, too. Sigh.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
It wouldn't be the launch of a new PlayStation device without a new Ridge Racer game, and while Ridge Racer for the Vita may have missed launch day, it'll be making making up for its zero-to-retail time with free cars, music and tracks when it launches on March 13.
Initial retail copies of Ridge Racer ($29.99) will include a "Ridge Racer Gold Pass," which nets the buyer five additional cars, three bonus courses, two new songs and an extended remix of an existing song. PSN copies of the game ($24.99) also include the Gold Pass goodies, provided they're purchased before April 30. An additional "Silver Pass" DLC pack will also be available in April, albeit at an undisclosed price.
Aside from free DLC, Ridge Racer's North American launch also includes a system update, which improves the game's frame rate and adds "crisper graphics." It's fitting, since the only other thing more "PlayStation" than Ridge Racer is a system update.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
The official Assassin's Creed 3 website has begun a rather short and mysterious countdown, set to expire in a little under two days, which also happens to be when the 2012 Game Developers Conference begins.
The countdown hovers in front of a snow-covered field, potentially of the "battle" variety, which is stylistically consistent with the terrain and locations seen in the purported screenshots that leaked yesterday. By the time the clock reaches zero, we expect this field to be filled with soldiers in formation, lead by a cowled assassin riding a moose, armed with a smaller, wrist-mounted moose.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
As we learned a few months ago, the PS3 and Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken will include the two best/worst characters ever to grace a fighting game: Original Box-Art Mega Man, and Mecha-Mokujin Pac Man.
These characters won't be available out of the box, however; both hilarious callbacks will be released as free DLC on March 13, one week from SFxT's North American release on March 6, according to Capcom Unity. We're alright with this, because it means we'll at least get one week of fighting regular characters online. As soon as Mega/Pac-Man are available, we don't expect to see anyone else, ever again.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
Q-Games' music thing, PixelJunk 4am, will be available this spring on the PlayStation Network. It's been a rough road trying to describe the "game" to the masses, so the developer will be holding a public preview next week in San Francisco. PixelJunk 4am Art & Music Director DJ Baiyon, who was also responsible for the music in PixelJunk Eden, will be there to perform, and there'll be free play for everyone.
The PlayStation Blog has also detailed how the spectator mode will work for the game. A free app will be available on the PSN for everyone, and allow them to "stream any live performances currently happening worldwide." Players will be able to follow their favorite performers and provide feedback through those fancy social networking sites, like the Twitters and Facebooks.
Hopefully, the GDC performance will finally give us the audio-visual opportunity to properly encapsulate the feeling of 4am.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Looking for the next lovely thing to gawk at on your Vita's crazy screen? XSEED announced today that the sumi-e inspired action game Sumioni: Demon Artswill be available in North America on March 20. The PSN-exclusive release will sell for $19.99.
The gorgeous ink-style vistas, touchscreen platform painting, and summonable "inkgods" will be included at launch, of course, as well multiple endings. Lessessential features like leaderboards and extra DLC will be released later.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom's Seth Killian told Shacknews that the 12 extra characters in the Vita edition of Street Fighter X Tekken would eventually arrive on consoles. We just have one question: DLC or Ultimate Edition release?
"We'll find a way to make sure that console fans are happy, as well," Killian noted at last night's launch party in Los Angeles. Sadly, he wouldn't go into specifics on when or how the additional dozen would be added to the console version. The 12 characters in question are Street Fighter's Elena, Guy, Cody, Sakura, Dudley and Blanka, and Tekken's Alisa, Christie, Jack, Brian, Lars and Lei.
Update: Reader Joel wrote in to tell us about this interview, where Capcom's Yoshinori Ono promised all content updates in Street Fighter X Tekken would be offered as DLC, intimating that these 12 characters would be no exception -- it would seem they'll come to consoles as DLC. We'll hear more in April when Capcom holds its annual Captivate event.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
When my PS Vita arrived the middle of last week, I had no intention of buying any games for it.
Of course, it didn't work out that way. As soon as I got my Vita all set up, I logged into the PlayStation Store to download some PSP games that I had already purchased. Moments later, I had Rayman: Origins and Super Stardust Delta as well. It was the rare triple whammy: a credit card, a new game system, and an easily accessible online store.
Originally, the Vita was an impulse purchase. A system that I could use for work and write off on my taxes. Now though, I wonder if Sony might finally be on to something here.
To better understand where the Vita is today, it would help to look back at the PSP's launch.
Seven years ago, I walked into a store and asked if I could see one of the then-new PlayStation Portables. I had been skeptical to that point, but I'm as much a technophile as any gamer. I needed to hold a PSP in my hands. Finally I had my chance to get hands-on at a retail store. If I had tried out Lumines or Wipeout Pulse, I might have been more impressed. Instead, I was playing Twisted Metal: Head-On, a muddy brown game with irritating load times that looked like it was trying but failing to be a PS2 title. I put the PSP away and never looked back.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Assassin's Creed 2 has given up its Platinum trophy more often than any other PlayStation 3 game, Sony has revealed.As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, Ubisoft's 2009 adventure pipped Modern Warfare 2 to the top spot, followed by Uncharted 2, God of War 3 and Resident Evil 5.Here's the full rundown: - Assassin's Creed 2
- Modern Warfare 2
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- God of War 3
- Resident Evil 5
- inFamous
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- God of War (GoW HD Collection)
- Borderlands
- Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (The Sly Collection)
Sony's social media manager Jeff Rubenstein noted that all the games in the top 10 were both commercial and critical successes."We're looking at total Platinum trophies here, so it stands to reason that games that have sold a lot of copies would have been Platinum'd a lot," he explained."That's probably why you don't see CSI: Fatal Conspiracy or Hannah Montana: The Movie on this list, even though they are known to be easy to Platinum."Similarly, he cites a focus on single player achievements as another reason why so many gamers have hit 100 per cent completion in these titles."None of the games listed have the dreaded 'Hit Level 50 Rank in Multiplayer.' Even the multiplayer-heavy Modern Warfare 2 saves most of its Trophies for the campaign and Spec Ops missions."I think this is why you see Assassin's Creed II on this list, and not AC: Brotherhood, which introduced Multiplayer to the series (and associates 10 Trophies with this mode, many of which are tough to get). Take note, developers!"
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March 4th, 2012, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
The London rioters who stole a PSP and 10 games from 20 year-old student Ashraf Rossli after his jaw had been broken and bicycle stolen have been found guilty of various crimes.John Kafunda, 22 - the man videoed helped a bleeding Ashraf Rossli to his feet - was found guilt of robbery at Wood Green Crown Court.Kafunda appeared to be aiding Rossli as 24-year-old Reece Donovan strode over and began rifling through Rossli's bag. But instead of preventing Donovan, Kafunda joined in. That moment (video below).
Donovan was videoed walking off with what turned out to be a PSP and 10 games. Donovan was found guilty of theft. The jury is deliberating whether he's guilty of robbery."I knew they were stealing from me but I could do nothing."Ashraf Rossli
Theft is the lesser of the two crimes. It involves simply taking something from someone. Robbery, however, involves theft and a form of violence.Kafunda didn't appear to take anything, but guided a confused Rossli away when he cottoned on to what was happening.Both Kafunda and Donovan have been found guilty of violent disorder."I knew they were stealing from me but I could do nothing," commented Rossli, reported byBBC News."I was sat on the pavement with blood pouring from my mouth."I remember being approached by a male who asked if I was OK. I remember being pulled to my feet, then I felt someone again tugging at my rucksack."I was not in a position to defend myself and was still suffering from the effects of being hit. Once they had taken what they wanted they left."The 17 year-old who broke Rossli's jaw and stole his bicycle, Beau Isagba, was charged with GBH and robbery. He'll be sentenced on 9th March.
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March 4th, 2012, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation app available for iOS and Android devices has been updated to coincide with the release of Vita.
Update version 1.3 apparently lets you "get all the latest PS Vita news, games and peripherals info", and a bonus augmented reality feature that lets you "discover Vita"."All you have to do is find a PS Vita logo, zap it and this will trigger the interactive animation," says Sony.
Sony also teases the upcoming release of version 2.0, which it says will be a "big release" with multiple new features.
See images of the new AR feature in version 1.3 through the source link.
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March 4th, 2012, 16:00 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/02/v...edge-released/
If you are lucky enough to be one of the few owners of Motorstorm Arctic Edge, VHBL is now available for download.Please report Success/Failure here
As you will see, installing homebrews is a bit of a pain, so if you’re a good hearted guy who understands my explanations in the readme, please feel free to share homebrews packaged “correctly” for VHBL. Note: you can have several homebrews in one “install” file. For example if you zip all your PSP/GAME folder, all the homebrews in there can be installed at once by VHBL.
HBL port to the KR/US/EU/JP versions of the exploit by Wololo
Thanks go to:
- Teck4 for the Motorstorm exploit
- All the devs who made HBL what it is today, in particular m0skit0 and JJS
- Mamosuke, j416, Some1, and all the other devs who kept the secret, that’s much appreciated guys
- Monsieur2T2R for the cool VHBL icons/wallpapers
Vita Half-Byte Loader is a project to port the PSP homebrew loader HBL to the Playstation Vita, through the PSP emulator on the Playstation Vita.
Half-Byte Loader (HBL) is an open source Homebrew Loader for the Sony PSP and the PS Vita. It allows to play fan-made games on any PSP up to firmware 6.60, and on the Vita up to firmware 1.61. HBL allows to run emulators for the Game Boy, Nintendo 64, Sega Megadrive, NES, Super NES… and many other applications.
- VHBL does not technically allow you to play any pirated PSP or Vita games.
- Although VHBL is free and open source, the current version relies on a vulnerability in a specific PSP game (Motorstorm Arctic Edge) that you need to buy from the PSN. VHBL comes with no guarantee, especially I cannot guarantee it will work on your Vita, so remember that you pay for a PSP game, and not for anything else. I do not do refunds for the money you gave to Sony
 - It is super easy for Sony to patch the vulnerabilities used by this tool, given the amount of control they have on the PS Vita. VHBL runs fine on firmware 1.61, but for all I know it is possible for Sony to patch the game’s vulnerability without a firmware update. So, once again, before buying the game and downloading VHBL, you need to understand that you pay for the game, and VHBL is a bonus that might or might not work
EU Version
JP Version
KR Version (Seen at least on the HK store)
US Version (not very useful)
How to Install and Run HBL
- It is *strongly* recommended that you turn of all wireless connections on your PS Vita, and that you use OpenCMA on your PC instead of the regular CMA. This is recommended because otherwise your console has a way to force you to upgrade the firmware even before you get a chance to use the exploit.
- Extract this HBL archive in your CMA PSP Savedata folder. It is a folder on your PC named PSSAVEDATA/[lots of random characters here]. If you don’t know where it is, check your settings in CMA
- Connect your PS Vita to the PC through the CMA, it should give you the possibility to copy the savedata from your PC to the Vita. If not, you probably extracted it in the wrong folder. (Note: You will also want to install some homebrews with a similar technique, read the section below)
- To run HBL, start the Motorstorm game, select “Load” in the savegame menu, open the HBL savegame, then go to “Wreckreation > Time Attack” and select “No”. At this point, HBL should start. See the video below for details:
How to Install and Run Homebrews
Installing homebrews on the PSP was an easy task. On the Vita, until better solutions are provided, it’s quite a pain in the ass.
The CMA will only let you copy savedata, and will not recursively browse folders.
To address this, HBL comes with a tool that can extract archives with a specific structure.
Packaging the homebrew for installation on the Vita:
1) download PSP homebrews from your favorite website
2) extract the homebrew somewhere on your hard drive, and with your favorite utility, zip it again with the *store* setting (no compression), in a file that you will name “install.zip”
3) take any PSP savedata (but not the one used for HBL!), and add the “install.zip” to that folder, in your PC CMA folder. so your PSP Savedata will look something like this:
in folder PSSAVEDATA/1a2b3c4def5678/UCUS12345000/ (or something like this) you will have the following files:
- ICON0.png
- PIC1.png
- DATA.bin
- install.zip
Here you can download an example of packaged homebrew: Doom
1) run OpenCMA on your PC, and CMA on your Vita
2) copy the previously packaged SAVEDATA (see above) with your homebrew in “install.zip” on your Vita
3) run HBL (how to run HBL is explained in the previous section)
4) navigate with the HBL menu to the SAVEDATA folder, then go to the folder you just downloaded (in my example, UCUS12345000), and clikc cross or circle on it
5) At this point, the HBL menu should ask you if you want to install the homebrew. select yes, and wait until HBL is done extracting your homebrew
6) The homebrew is now installed, and you can run it by going to the GAME folder, if everything went well, a new subfolder with your homebrew has been created here, and you can run the homebrew
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March 4th, 2012, 16:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/04/a...d-the-psp-emu/
In this article I will share a few of the things I’ve found on the vita while working on VHBL, and in particular in the psp emulator part. I’ll also give some details that will be useful to people who want to write PSP homebrews compatible with the Vita, or to people who would like to write an alternate menu for VHBL. There’s probably nothing major or groundbreaking in there, but this is information I didn’t want to share until VHBL was released, as some of the things described here will probably end up being patched in further CMA/Vita firmware updates (I don’t think the explanations given here give away anything that couldn’t be found by an engineer looking at how VHBL works. There’s no magic in the stuff I do with VHBL).
Details about the PSP Emulator on the vita
I developed VHBL mostly on a PSP1000, but made some tests on the Vita once in a while as well. I found three major differences between a regular 6.60 PSP and the emulator.
First, it seems to me that it is impossible, within the PSP emulator, to copy a file named EBOOT.PBP inside a subfolder of the PSP/GAME folder. For example, the Vita prevents the emulator from creating and/or writing in a file named PSP/GAME/Wagic/EBOOT.PBP. This is probably a security for the emulator to avoid erasing a PSP game by mistake? wMenu bypasses this security by changing the EBOOT.PBP filename into wmenu.bin when extracting it from the “install.zip” files. This lack of EBOOT.PBP files is also probably why all those homebrews show up as “corrupt” in your content manager. Note that the PSP/SAVEDATA folder does not have this issue.
Another issue is that normal API calls to “readdir” do not seem to return the “.” and “..” folders. I initially thought that this was a problem with my VHBL port, but this does not happen when running VHBL on a PSP. To the normal user, this means that some emulators will not give you an opportunity to load roms from any place else than where the homebrew itself is located (typical symptom: you can’t “navigate” in the folders from your favorite homebrew). To developers, this means you might need to come up with a different way of “browsing folders”. For wMenu I ended up counting the number of “/” symbols in the path instead of relying on readdir. This limitation is usually not leading to a compatibility problem with homebrews, but some of them might behave strangely because of that.
Finally, and that is probably obvious, it seems only ms0:/ is accessible from the PSP emulator. I wasn’t expecting to see the full content of the PS Vita’s memory card from within the PSP emulator, but it also seems that there is no flash drives… don’t quote me on that, but it seems to be what I’m seeing through PSP Filer. Update on this: some people (namely, yosh) are telling me that for example fonts from the flash0 folder can be read.
CMA and it’s limitations
The Content Manager Assistant is a revolutionary piece of software installed on your Vita that does not only manage to be extremely inconvenient to use, it also appears to be crippled with security holes and limitations.
Copying homebrews and installing exploits on the PSP was relatively easy: the PSP was recognized as a USB drive on your computer, which allowed us to simply copy files in there. The CMA makes this more complicated: CMA allows us to copy images, videos, music, psp savedata, and vita/psp games. I have yet to verify, but it seems any data identified as “corrupted” will not be copied (although, I’m thinking this might not be the case for video/image/music files). The CMA also decides where to copy the files. You cannot choose to copy your mp3s in a way that they will be accessible from the PSP emulator, for example.
This means I had to change the structure of HBL a little bit in order to get it to run on the Vita. I needed something that would be accessible from within the PSP emulator, so the files had to be contained within a PSP Game or a PSP SaveData. Since PSP Games on the Vita are packaged/signed in a specific way that I didn’t try to understand, packaging HBL fully inside a Save data seems like the most obvious way (while in the past, HBL was installed at the root of the memory stick, this couldn’t happen here since CMA decides for us what goes where). In addition to that, CMA will not copy the subfolders inside some savedata, only the files directly in the folder. This means everything needs to be flat, which is in essence the “core” of the changes that were required to get HBL to work on the ps vita.
Since the CMA does not copy subfolders for PSP savedata, and since psp savedata was my only “entry point” to copy stuff inside the PSP emulator (including the exploit, HBL, but also homebrews), this made things not very practical to copy homebrews that often have subfolders. The idea here was simple: let’s pack the homebrew inside a zip file, put that file in the savedata, get CMA to copy the savedata folder on the memory stick, then unpack the zip from within HBL. This is the reason for the somewhat “complex” homebrew installation system that people have to follow with VHBL. Of course, VHBL would still work with a different installation pattern, so if other people want to come up with other ways to install homebrews, they just have to create an alternate menu for VHBL.
wMenu is, for historical reasons, not open source. However, the HBL svn contains the source for a basic menu that could be extended in order to support zip “unpacking” or any other homebrew installation system. I’m looking forward to seeing alternate menus for VHBL.
Network and paranoia
CMA requires you to be constantly connected to the internet while you are copying files. When I first learned about that I really freaked out, on top of being angry at this unneeded requirement. In addition to that, the PS Vita itself is potentially monitoring lots of the things you are doing with it. In my particular case, what annoyed me was the “error log” mechanism. As its name tells you, that thing logs crash reports every time your console runs into problems. I assume these logs are regularly sent to Sony when your console goes online (I have no proof of that, but I’d rather assume it’s the case. If you can prove me wrong, please do so). That system is probably here to improve the customer experience, by helping Sony to quickly find the applications/games that have largely-spread issues. In my case, this was a problem because every time I had a crash in VHBL while developing it, I ran into the risk of letting Sony know which game was involved in the process. This is the main reason I did not distribute the VHBL files even to people who were aware of the game long before the info went largely public: people could have leaked some critical info to Sony without even knowing it.
A log taken on the day VHBL was ran for the first time on a PS Vita. Did Sony know about this since day 1?
To address the CMA network issues, openCMA was the solution I used during VHBL’s development. For the crash log system, I had no option but to connect my console as little as possible to the network… Works being done on the network side, such as SKFU’s proxy are probably going to become necessary in the future for people who want to use their Vita without being constantly monitored.
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March 4th, 2012, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/04/v...ome-that-dont/
Some people have asked me to test some homebrews on VHBL. Although I cannot test every single version of every single homebrew, I tested a few things. For now, compatibility is not impressively good, but remember the early days of HBL, when we went from 1 or 2 homebrews that worked, to hundreds of them… If the community around VHBL is as active as the one we had around HBL, I am sure compatibility will improve with time.
Anyways, here is a list of homebrews I tested, that work, or don’t:
•Picodrive (genesis emulator)
•snes9xTyl (snes emulator)
•emuMaster (GB/GBC/SMS emulator)
•Wagic (heoric fantasy card game)
•Zombie Crisis (Doom Like)
•Spider Solitaire
•PSP Write 1.2.1
•PSP Filer 0.6
•Daedalus (0.13 is the one I tested)
•FCEU-PSP (Nes emulator)
•T.O.M.E. (text mode rpg)
•Cave Story (platform)
•Counter Strike PSP
Don’t work, but could probably work with some minor fixes
•Lamecraft: There is a problem creating/loading maps because VHBL cannot seem to load the keyboard API. A minor tweak to lamecraft’s source code could help writing an alternate way of creating/loading worlds
•GPSP Kai: the gba emulator “almost” loads fine but fails at the very last step, on the vita only (works fine on the PSP if memory serves well). A bit more investigation might solve the issues. Edit: some people are reporting here that it actually works
Don’t work, further investigation is needed
•Kurok PSP
•Rhythm 8
•PSP Revolution 0.3
Those guys simply refuse to start… it is most likely because of a missing syscall, but I haven’t investigated yet. I’m kinda lacking free time this days and sure hope that more devs will join the fun once version “1″ of VHBL is released
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March 4th, 2012, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/02/27/...what-you-asked
You asked for it and the wonder developer that is Babkock delivered. ToneMatrix 0.9 was pushed out yesterday, adding the much asked for feature that was saving or exporting your songs.
Babkock says that "In this update, I added a much-requested feature: the ability to save and load your songs! ToneMatrix 0.8, which I didn't release to the public, added a 16-grid sequencer, so sixteen different grids will play one after another. 0.8 also added cut grid, copy grid, and paste grid functions. I highly encourage the uploading of songs to the internet, to share with other ToneMatrix users."
You heard the man! Get creating with your ToneMatrix expertise, and enjoy the homebrew. I know I for one am going to use this for some random tracks in YouTube videos when I get around to it. What will you use it for?
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March 4th, 2012, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
The team behind the Cobra USB Multiman updates in version 4.02.
New / fixed: - Added a new display mode (TMB - Top Media Bar) to replace mode "Box Art" - New setup option "Top Media Bar Color" to set the colors back and forward mode TMB - Added a new default background TMBBG.JPG - file copy speed improved - Optimized use of memory (10 MB still available for operations) - Scan can / dev_usb010 in / dev_usb099 for files PSX/PS2 / PS3/PSP/BD/DVD - Added four colors to define SIDE / TMB and two options in COLOR.INI - Added a function to exit to the XMB in now or Round Cross (depending on the setting of the cross / circle) - Added a scroll bar in a virtual course many matches - Staining for remote RED: Exit GREEN: Screensaver YELLOW: Restart BLUE: Back and file manager Multiman Cobra USB Full 04/02/00 Official site: http://www.cobra-usb.com/
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March 4th, 2012, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
As explained earlier this year , The Team E3DIY gives us today the scheme to operationalize its E3 Flasher with dual-boot.
It provides an English manual to explain how surgery. The team adds that the dual-boot is still functional in 4.11 and advises to update in 4.11 before a downgrade. Official site: www.e3-tech. net
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March 4th, 2012, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Rogero releases a new version of his custom firmware.
New / fixed: - Spoof integrated version 4.11 (this does not allow access to the PSN but just to avoid accidental SHIFT and you can download online SHIFT) - NoBD patch: it allows you to install CFW on a console without a BluRay player or drive off (especially useful for the downgrade) - Bring a few corrections that avoid the black screen and the problems encountered with some payload backups on some PS3 This version is not performed with the Builder and PS3MFW 'OFW 3.55 but based on CFW 3.55 kmeaw and tools released by the team fail0verfl0w. Thanks to the green-to information. Official site: http://tortuga-cove.com
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March 4th, 2012, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Condorstrike offers a kind of screen saver for PS3 intended for use with Multiman.
New / fixed: Solar 4.1 - Added theme font, font1.ttf & font2.ttf - Adding more freedom for the camera (WIP) - Adding a new mobile interface with buttons, gauges and speaker - All information has been centralized - Releasing a few memories - Speed Mp3 improved selection, hold down - higher resolution images - Corrections names Mp3 (thank you DeanK) - Added PARAM.HIP (thank you Opium2K) Solar 4.0 - The planets can now be moved / zoomed / rotated - Added a slider for volume - New interface - Added date and time - New Help screen (X button) - Replace dialog box Exit - Added an d atmosphere for some planets (WIP) - Textures higher resolution - Increase particles - Adding drag to comets that grows with the speed - New sound effects and vibration - Improved graphics engine - Background music and images are in / dev_hdd0/game/CNDR00001/USRDIR/theme Solar 3.1 - Fixed bug when removing a USB device - Supports most USB devices - Added interface for MP3 players - Added a box Quit dialog - Faster loading - Fixed memory bug - Fixed bug in a MP3 not found - Viewing message when connecting a device and at the end of the playlist - Fixed the key sound Note that in most images, the application ships and manages FTP support MP3 playback. Also included in the archive Multiman for a theme like the dash Metro.
Official site: www.tortuga-cove
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March 4th, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
This release is for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wii Wiz, GP2x and Dingoo:
Heres whats new;
r3671 | utunnels | 2012-03-03 23:58:31 -0500 (Sat, 03 Mar 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Fix a possible loophole that crashes while doing a branch jump. (Hopefully, because it never crashes on my PC anyway).
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March 5th, 2012, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
DaedalusX64 SVN r757 is compiled. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.
DaedalusX64 SVN Changelog:
[!] Play with pointers to avoid (expensive) array building for custom ucodes, removed array for custom ucodes too. (~20 ops)
[~] Some clean ups InitMicrocode
[-] Reverted changes from previous commit, it wasn't meant for public consumption yet 
Note: SVN is the same as 755 now, do not update if you are on 755 already!
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March 5th, 2012, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded SVN r75683 is compiled. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
CD-XA attenuation hack disabled again due to a collateral bug which causes distorted speech in Resident Evil series.
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March 5th, 2012, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.11 is released. Pokopom is a PSEmu Pro pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2 controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators respectively. It only uses XInput, so as to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers. It currently has no configuration available, and defaults to use the first and second XInput controllers as pad1 and pad2 respectively.
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin function
- Supports rumble.
- Extended analog sticks range. (for games like Ape Escape)
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.7c Changelog:
1.11 - 2012-02-23
After gathering some analog stick data I saw the corner cases where
always beyond the ideal circle, so I now extend only when that happens.
This means, almost no range is lost in order to reach the corners. =D
Also an extra check to stop vibration on pause.
Analog data: http://www.mediafire.com/?7bk7udrd8e5d3mt
1.10 - 2012-02-23
Some guesswork at command 0x40, and some bugfix at command 0x4F. That
fixed some games not detecting the Dualshock2 controller. Also, fixed
the deadzone which was bugged.
1.9 - 2012-02-20
New vibration curve, tested specially to feel nice on Chrono Cross's
intro. Also, a guitar build for X360 Guitar owners that wanna play
Guitar Hero in PCSX2. (really WIP)
1.8 - 2012-02-19
Vibration effects will last at least 150ms now to compensate for motor
delay. Makes some instant effects noticeable. And was about time to
change the version number. XD
1.7d - 2012-02-18
Follow up on the previous change, now the Scroll Lock led will be on
if either pad is with the analog mode on. If you try to switch it off
but cannot, that's because the pad is on lock mode.
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March 5th, 2012, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
'Our biggest and most ambitious title in the company's history' claims Ubisoft
Assassins Creed III is being developed by seven different Ubisoft studios, the publisher has revealed.
In what it claims is the biggest and most ambitious title in the company’s history, the firm said that as well as Ubisoft Montreal, six other studios took part in the game’s creation, making it one of the largest development efforts ever.
The game is to be powered by the publisher’s own engine – Ubisoft-AnvilNext – that promises to deliver “breakthroughs in visual quality, character models and AI”.
Ubisoft also announced that the game would be set during the America Revolution in the late 18th century, and will introduce a new hero, Ratohnaké:ton.
“Assassin’s Creed III features the franchise’s most expansive setting so far, along with an exciting new hero and exponentially more gameplay,” said Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot.
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March 5th, 2012, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Latest Sony portable eclipses Nintendo systems in Europe, struggles in US and Japan
With the PS Vita now competing with Nintendo’s 3DS on the world stage, how are these systems faring against each other and the rest of the portable consoles on the market?
An inforgraphic by research firm Statista, as reported by Venturebeat, compares first week sales between Nintendo’s portable systems and Sony’s Vita and PSP.
Vita comes out bottom compared to its rivals in Japan and the US, but comes out on top over Nintendo’s DS and 3DS first week sales in Europe, but is eclipsed by impressive PSP sales of 570,000.
Both the 3DS and Vita have some way to go however to beat the DS’ success, with global lifetime sales currently at 152 million and still rising.
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March 6th, 2012, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Everyone's favorite Toyota spinoff car line, the Scion, is hooking you up. Actually, Scion's hooking all of us North Americans up (for a limited time, at least) with free copies of MotorStorm RC on the PlayStation Vita. And while the game is also launching on the PlayStation 3 this week for the not-so-free price of $9.99, the Vita version unlocks the PS3 version (also for free). That's your reward for dropping upwards of $250 on a Vita, we suppose.
As if the free game offer weren't enough, your favorite Toyota spinoff car line is also getting a North America-exclusive car (the Scion iQ). It may not be the fastest car, but it's totally free. So, uh, there's that!
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March 6th, 2012, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
A lot can change in six months. As of last summer, Valve had planned to offer cross-play for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on the PC, Mac, and PS3. But based on what it's learned from the beta, Valve has decided to strip the functionality in favor of offering constant updates for players on the PC and Mac.
"The beta has proved we want to update not just the beta, but the game itself post-launch frequently on the PC," Valve's Chet Faliszek revealed to Joystiq. "To do that we need to separate the platforms so one doesn't hamstring the other. So for that, we have removed the idea of cross-platform play -- essentially make all platforms stronger by not mixing them."
If you would like to get into the ongoing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta, fill out Valve's survey. If you want cross-play back in the game, wait to sign one of the dozens of online petitions currently being created.
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March 7th, 2012, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
Commander Shepard's epic five-year battle draws to a close, but has BioWare silenced its critics?
Where do you start with a game like Mass Effect 3? The final act of an epic story that has taken note of dozens of narrative choices, both big and small, across three substantial games. Where every player has their own version of its force-of-nature protagonist, Commander Shepard, and expects the conclusion to the story to feel satisfying on both micro and macro levels - from individual relationships, to the fate of the entire galaxy.
According to virtually every existing review the only place to start is 2007, with the first Mass Effect. Time may not have been kind to BioWare's ambitious entrance into that world, and its streamlined sequel may have been criticised for dumbing-down, but no matter how many game modes EA adds to welcome in new players for the close of the trilogy, the glory of Mass Effect 3 at its best cannot be grasped by a first-timer.
You can tell Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead had a rewarding experience, and not just because of the 10 sitting at the bottom of the text. Tellingly, Whitehead deploys a first-person anecdote to book-end his glowing review - a tactic often used by critics who like a game so much that a breakdown of its mechanics, story and atmosphere just aren't enough to convey their excitement.
In the context of Mass Effect 3, however, it can be read as a confirmation that BioWare has delivered on one of the loftiest creative promises of this console generation.
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March 7th, 2012, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
AC3's creative director talks about the changes his team is making in the franchise
After a divergence with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed: Revelations, the franchise is finally moving to another era with Assassin's Creed III. After two years in development, Ubisoft has finally taken the wraps off the title. In a pair of interviews with GameInformer, Assassin's Creed III creative director Alex Hutchinson spoke about his team's hopes for the game.
"It's a scary thing to say, but I think the goal was to look next-gen on current-gen," Hutchinson said in GameInformer's print interview. "We have this goal to do something completely new, but still remain true to the franchise. People want that familiarity, but also something radically new. So we have the familiar pillars of fighting, navigation, and social stealth, but brand new environments and brand new ways to use them and extend them."
In his video interview, Hutchinson talked about the two areas his team really attempted to change with the series' newest entry.
"I come from a design background so I tend to looks at things in terms of what we can do design-wise. For me there were two things, the first of which is how we layer missions and how we structure the game design. I wanted to get away from the very linear nature of going from mission to mission that was in the previous game. Obviously, the story is this huge background in the game, but I think that having other opportunities in the world, other things to do in terms of side-tasks, the notion of player opportunity and letting people structure their own experience, was something I really wanted to work on," he explained.
"Also some core mechanical stuff: I think we can make a much better [fighting system], so we've been ripping that apart and rebuilding it from the ground up. Those two things were the big chucks that I wanted to do."
Hutchinson attributes the shift in the franchise's setting to a desire to bring something brand-new to the series after the amazing cities in Brotherhood and Revelations.
"We wanted to offer something that's really fresh. I always found it funny that the one thing you couldn't climb in AC is the one thing I've climbed in real life. There are plenty of games with forests, but the forests are just collections of assets; you walk around them. The fact that it's a tree doesn't matter. Whereas if we can make trees and the wilderness as much a playground as Altair and Ezio made cities, then it's huge," he said.
Assassin's Creed III is scheduled for an October 30/31 release in North America and Europe, on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC. Another version of the title is in development for Wii U.
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March 7th, 2012, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Industry sources have told MCV that very nearly 50 per cent of all Vita hardware sold in the UK on launch week was purchased in a GAME or Gamestation store.
That, of course, is despite the fact that the chains were not carrying Ubisoft’s Vita launch line-up of Rayman Origins, Lumines, Michael Jackson: The Experience, Dungeon Hunter and Asphalt Injection.
“As much as the world wants to bash GAME at the moment, you can’t escape the fact that if you’re launching new hardware or a big game there’s no better launch partner than GAME,” a publisher exec admitted to MCV in an off the record capacity.
“Obviously its position is threatened by not carrying some new games, and with every new release they miss the problem gets worse. But if Microsoft or Sony announced a new machine tomorrow or Nintendo surprised us with an early Wii U release they’d be mad not do whatever it took to get GAME on board.”
The source asserted that, in its opinion, “there’s no better way of getting games and consoles to gamers in the UK” and said that in his experience a game launch coordinated with GAME was nearly always more effective than other options, such as a supermarket entrance display or national print ad campaign.
“Sony owes GAME a lot for getting Vita off the ground in the UK,” the source added. “Some other publishers would do well to recognise this.”
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March 7th, 2012, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
If you're a hardcore adherent of weird, naturey motion-control games, maybe you remember the game teased by Linger in Shadows developer Plastic Studios last year. You know, the thing with the floating hand, and the door in the forest.
Even if you haven't been following this thing, you can start now. On thePlayStation Blog, director Michal Staniszewski revealed Datura, coming to PSN (for PS3) later in 2012. Datura has an "experimental narrative" full of puzzles and choices designed to add an "element of anxiety." Luckily, you'll be able to use the Move to (pretend to) "actually touch trees, faces, and other objects."
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March 7th, 2012, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
The Reapers have come to Earth and are prepared to reset the galaxy's organic lifecycle once again. Unless, of course, Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy can rally sentient life to stop the extinction event. Thankfully, BioWare "doesn't blow it" in the conclusion to this epic space opera. Let's see what other outlets thought. - Eurogamer (100/100): "Taken as a whole this is arguably the first truly modern blockbuster, a game that transcends the genre boundaries of old and takes what it needs from across the gaming spectrum in order to finish its story in the most compelling, thrilling, heartbreaking way possible. Few gaming sagas come to a definitive close, but this one signs off in breathtaking style."
- OXM (95/100): "From the visceral combat to the excitement of finishing Shepard's 100-hour fight, Mass Effect 3 is a rare, magnetically engaging treat that'll compel you to stay up well past your bedtime to do "just one more quest."
- EGM (90/100): "Some cover and combat issues remain unsolved, though, and the idea of participation in a completely separate multiplayer mode potentially influencing your single-player ending is mind-boggling."
- Giant Bomb (4/5): "The value in this story is from seeing characters you adore dealing with a continuing situation. Even though it doesn't come together quite as successfully as it did in the previous games, those of you with an attachment to the Mass Effect universe should still play it."
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March 7th, 2012, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation exclusivity window for Pub Fund 'only a year against Xbox'
Sony Computer Entertainment America wants indie games on its new PS Vita handheld and hopes its pub-fund program can allure more developers.
The Pub Fund is a Sony initiative to match the development costs of a game project in return for exclusivity.
Games that have taken advantage of the scheme include Explodemon, Joe Danger and Burn Zombie Burn.
Ted Regulski, manager of SCEA Developer Relations, said the PlayStation exclusivity window was not permanent. Usually it means one year against Xbox, although Sony is willing to negotiate PC releases.
He said Sony was in particular looking for projects that highlight the unique features of the PS Vita, such as its dual touch-screens or gyrometer tech or its 3G capabilities.
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March 7th, 2012, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Tools compatible with Vita as well as Sony mobile and tablet devices
Sony is to begin the open beta of its PlayStation Suite SDK next month, the console giant has announced.
Developers will be able to use the service for free to create content for PS Vita and Sony’s mobile and tablet devices such as Xperia Play and Sony Tablet S and P.
Sony said through the SDK, “SCE will offer a more streamlined content development environment for content developers – from large game development companies to small, independent shops – and further expand the world of PlayStation to open operating system based portable devices.”
Announced last year, the Suite had been in a closed beta to selected developers in Japan, US and the UK.
Sony will now expand the number of countries that can access the open version of the SDK, to include nations such as Canada, France and Italy.
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March 7th, 2012, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Online retailer Play.com has inadvertently revealed four unannounced PS Vita games, the most eye-catching of which isGrand Theft Auto: Vice City Nights.
A reader informed Eurogamer of the listings, which also revealMonster Hunter Portable 3, Tales Of Innocence R, and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. At the time of writing, the Monster Hunter page is still on Play's website.
Assuming they're genuine, these are presumably among the games Sony is to unveil to Japanese consumers during a web broadcast, "Welcome! PlayStation Vita Game Heaven," this Friday.
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March 7th, 2012, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
New digital head Jack Buser puts self-publishing and new business models at the centre of future strategy
Sony Computer Entertainment
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The new head of Sony's PlayStation Digital Platforms division, Jack Buser, claims that Sony can compete with Xbox Live, Steam and other digital services by offering developers greater freedom.
Speaking to our sister site Eurogamer at GDC, Buser cited the "ecosystem" of devices that support the PlayStation Network as a key strength: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and an array of non-Sony devices through PlayStation Suite.
While Buser didn't name any specific companies, his consistent references to the closed, controlled nature of "other online game platforms" seem to be allusions to Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade - a superior service by general consensus, but one that has been criticised by independent developers.
Buser claims that Sony will "really open up a lot of [its] policies" compared to competing services, with a particular emphasis on making self-publishing as simple as possible.
"I think one of the most significant things we do on PSN that isn't really talked about a lot in the consumer press is the notion that game developers - specifically independent game developers - are able to publish their own games," he said.
"If you look at some of our competition they actually force independent developers to go and find big publishers that eat into the money that they would otherwise make, which to us seems crazy."
"If someone wants to make a great game and publish it themselves then let them do it."
This also extends to new business models, as evidenced by CCP Games' forthcoming free-to-play shooter Dust 514.
"This notion that you have this amazing experience that is totally free to play, it's such a huge innovation that is really only possible on PlayStation Network," Buser continued.
"If you look at some of our other competitors in this space, there's no free anywhere. Forget free-to-play, because you're paying just to get on the network. With PSN you're able to do full-on free-to-play models, which is why you see games like Dust 514 exclusive to PSN."
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March 7th, 2012, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has announced a March 29th release date for Silent Hill HD Collection on PS3 and Xbox 360.
The firm has also released a new teaser video that can be seen below.
The SKU includes remastered versions of PS2 releases Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3. As you’d expect both now boast HD visuals along with a re-recorded soundtrack and dialogue, all of which was achieved with the original voice artists.
The second game also includes all the additional content first released in Silent Hill 2’s Directors Cut release.
Also out in the coming months is Xbox 360 and PS3 release Silent Hill: Downpour and the multiplayer-focused Vita exclusive Silent Hill: Book of Memories.
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March 7th, 2012, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Rayman Origins continues to go from strength to strength, thanks to its PlayStation Vita outing.
The game was a flagship entry in Ubisoft’s launch line-up on Sony’s newly-launched handheld, and has become one of the platform’s most successful games.
“The launch of a console is a good way to spotlight how innovative our industry is and showcase the quality of our games,” Ubisoft’s UK brand manager Ombeline Wallon told MCV.
“The Vita version of Rayman Origins was very well received – in fact it was the best rated Vita game on Metacritic at launch – and we expect this will show in the sales results in the next few weeks.”
Sales already look promising for the new handheld version. Rayman was the fourth highest-selling Vita game during launch week – and the third highest in the All Formats Top 40 thanks to continued strong sales of the console SKUs. And that’s despite the fact that the title was not stocked on Vita by GAME.
The title was critically acclaimed when it arrived on Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii in November, and was one of the surprise hits of Christmas thanks to price promotions and its unique art style.
And Ubisoft says there is more to come. Rayman Origins will arrive on 3DS on March 16th, with a PC SKU to follow on March 30th..
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March 7th, 2012, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
A PlayStation Vita showcase has opened in the Oxford Street branch of John Lewis.
The pop-up booth can be found in the technology section on the department store’s fifth floor and gives shoppers the chance to sample PS Vita and PS3.
“Vita is a gaming revolution for consumers and retailers alike and we are thrilled to be working alongside John Lewis,” said SCE UK’s key account manager Beverly Dela Cruz.
John Lewis’ audio, imaging and gaming buyer Robert Hennessy added: “We are still on a journey – the development at Oxford Street is reflective of a new approach.”
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March 7th, 2012, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony and CentreSoft have thanked UK independent retailers for their support during the launch of PlayStation Vita.
The two companies provided a massive range of POS to indies and even held a window display competition to encourage smarter Vita promotions.
A 3G PlayStation Vita was given to the five shops that made the best use of FSDUs, standees, posters, hanging PlayStation symbols and dummy boxes.
The winners were Console Connections (Truro), Insane Games, Seedee Jons, Xpress Games and Tomorrow’s World.
“The indie sector has a key role to play in the launch of PlayStation Vita,” said SCE UK sales director Mark Howsen. “We’ve been really impressed by the way they have embraced this, the response has been terrific and we have five very worthy winners.
“We’d like to thank the indie sector for their enthusiasm and continued support in helping PlayStation Vita to get off to a great start.”
CentreSoft commercial director Margaret Pearson added: “Sony continuously supports the independent sector and has excelled in the support package offered for the launch of PS Vita. We’ve had a fantastic response to the window display competition.”
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March 7th, 2012, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
EA has announced that Medal of Honor: Warfighter will be released on October 23rd.
It’s second release in the series since the IP was rebooted with 2010 release Medal of Honor. Once again it focuses on the gun-toting antics of crack military squad Tier 1.
Unlike the last game this sequel will venture further afield than Afghanistan and “takes the fight to the enemy in missions that have a dotted line to real world events”. Confirmed locations include Somalia and the Philippines.
EA has also revealed that the Limited Edition SKU unlocks the US Navy SEAL Tier 1 Sniper, which “saves an estimated 40-hours of time that would normally be required to unlock the unit”. It can currently be pre-ordered for the same price as the regular SKU.
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March 7th, 2012, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters, the first major paid piece of DLC for the game since last December's "Back to Karkand," is coming this June. The expansion includes four maps, 10 weapons and no vehicles -- it's about close quarters, after all.
There will be two more expansions for the game following the June expansion. "Armored Kill" will focus on additional weapons, larger maps, and new drivable vehicles. The second pack, called "End Game," features cover art depicting a lunatic holding a knife. That's the extent of what we know about that one so far.
The news of this expansion comes at a critical time. Frustrations in theBattlefield 3 community has been bubbling into potential action, and EA hasmaintained radio silence until now.
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March 7th, 2012, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
The winners of the 2012 PSN Gamers' Choice Awards have been chosen. While we're sure the developers and publishers appreciate the honor of the prestigious awards, the upshot is that all of the winners will receive a heavy discount this week. Specifically, each game will be marked down 30 percent, while PlayStation Plus subscribers can snag the winners at a full 50 percent off.
Winners include everything from PSN exclusives (Infamous: Festival of Blood) to full PS3 game downloads (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood) to indie darlings (Limbo). Once the weekly PSN update goes up later today, each winner will be discounted for a week. You can check out the full list of winners after the break.
- Best PSN Exclusive: inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (PS3)
- Best PSN Game: Resident Evil 4 (PS3)
- Best PSN Game Playable Online: Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (PS3)
- Best PS3 Full Game: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3)
- Best PlayStation Move Game: Dungeon Hunter: Alliance (PS3)
- Best 3D Game: God of War: Origins Collection (PS3)
- Best PlayStation Classic: Chrono Trigger (PS3/PSP)
- Best Mini Game: Angry Birds (PS3/PSP)
- Best PSP Game: DISSIDIA 012 [duodecim] FINAL FANTASY (PSP)
- PlayStation Community Award – Best Indie: LIMBO (PS3)
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March 8th, 2012, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that there are over 90 million PlayStation Network accounts worldwide.
That figures came from the manager of SCEA Developer Relations Ted Regulski, speaking at GDC in San Francisco this week.That huge sum accounts for all PSN accounts created across PS3, PSP and more recently, Vita, but didn't break down the number by platform or region. Nor did he say how many of those are actually active accounts (Many PSN users have multiple accounts registered to different regions for overseas PS Store access).
Speaking on what PSN offers developers, Regulski went on to boast that Sony is "the only major console publisher to allow self-publishing".
"There are others but they have publishing rules that aren't much fun ... and there are no weird limits you have to hit in order for us to pay you," he added.
He also stated that PSN offers devs better royalty rates than Nintendo and Microsoft, but refrained from disclosing figures.
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March 8th, 2012, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
'We have complete ability to service and update the game as much as needed', says CCP exec
Sony worked with Dust 514 developer CCP to completely remove certain PSN policies for its upcoming free-to-play MMO shooter, the studio has revealed.
In an interview with Eurogamer, executive producer Brandon Laurino said that potential barriers to maintaining such an ambitious game on the service were overcome, leaving the developer to update the game as needed.
Console manufacturers such as Sony have been criticised in the past for offering closed systems and restricting control of games from developers via a series of perceived draconian policies and red tape.
"Relaxed is not even the word - they have 'removed'," Dust 514 executive producer Brandon Laurino revealed.
"Together we've worked to identify all the barriers that need to be removed to properly operate a service such as this on a console. We have complete ability to service and update the game as much as needed.”
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March 9th, 2012, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim won game of the year at last nights Game Developers Choice Awards at GDC in San Francisco last night.
While Bethesda's sprawling RPG took home the most coveted award, the big winner of the night was Portal 2, the Valve title winning Best Audio, Best Narrative, and Best Game Design.
Skyrim executive producer Todd Howard accepted the award on behalf of his hundred-strong development team. "We never imagined the reception the game would get or the success that it has had," he said, according to VG247. "Thank you to everyone who supported us. Thank you to everyone who’s making games that inspire us."
Indies were well represented as well, with Supergiant Games winning Best Debut and Best Downloadable Game for Bastion, Capy Games' Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP winning Best Handheld/Mobile Game, and Die Gute Fabrik's Johann Sebastian Joust winning the Innovation Award.
Three special awards were given out at the ceremony: Warren Spector won Lifetime Achievement, while Missile Command andTempest creator Dave Theurer won the Pioneer Award. Ken Doroshow and Paul M Smith, heads of the legal team which successfully argued that content-based restrictions on games violated the US Constitution, won the Ambassador Award.
- Best Audio - Portal 2 (Valve)
- Best Debut - Bastion (Supergiant Games)
- Best Narrative - Portal 2 (Valve)
- Best Visual Arts - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Naughty Dog)
- Best Downloadable Game - Bastion (Supergiant Games)
- Best Game Design - Portal 2 (Valve)
- Best Technology - Battlefield 3 (DICE)
- Best Handheld/Mobile Game - Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (Capy Games)
- Innovation Award - Johann Sebastian Joust (Die Gute Fabrik)
- Game Of The Year - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
- Lifetime Achievement - Warren Spector
- Pioneer Award - Dave Theurer
- Ambassador Award - Ken Doroshow and Paul M Smith
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March 9th, 2012, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Percentage of virtual item purchases on PSN described as 'extremely healthy'
PlayStation’s digital publishing arm wants developers to pitch free-to-play games for PSN, an executive at the company has said.
Ted Regulski, manager of SCEA Developer Relations, said Sony has changed its philosophy and is now “open to any business model”.
“One thing we’re working on quite a lot is free-to-play,” he said during his GDC talk in San Francisco.
“Some developers say we’ll never allow freemium games on PlayStation but that’s really not the case.”
Regulski pointed out that freemium games, such as Free Realms, already exist on the PlayStation Network, and described the percentage of virtual item purchases as “extremely healthy”.
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March 9th, 2012, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Quantic Dream's David Cage believes that developers can extract a lot from Sony's console
PS3 is already in its sixth year and there's still no concrete word on a PS4. Developers have made some beautiful games with the hardware, but even this far into the lifecycle of the machine there's still plenty of horsepower to draw upon, judging by the beautiful Kara video that Quantic Dream showed us this week at GDC. Quantic Dream's David Cage told GamesIndustry International that Sony's hardware has "much more" to offer.
When we asked Cage after seeing Kara played on a PS3 about how much power is left in the console for developers to extract, he answered, "Much more, to be honest with you. One of the reasons why we didn't show this [Kara video] a year ago was that we had discussions with Sony, and they weren't sure that we were going to show after that was going to look better than Kara. It took us a year to prove what we were going to show was a thousand times better than that."
"So we're very far from seeing everything the PS3 can do, it's very powerful hardware. There is still a lot to do with it, people will be surprised."
Cage was reluctant to put a percentage on the power currently being used by top games on the PS3.
"That's difficult to answer. Developers use the hardware in different ways. We put the focus on very close shots and the lighting is very important to us. Other developers consider what matters the size of the landscape you can display. So different developers have different views of the hardware," he said.
He added, "Personally, I consider it takes two to three games on the same path to really see what you can do with the hardware. The teams discover the hardware, they start to use it. The more it goes, the more you can discover what you can do with it."
If Kara is any indication of the power being used for Cage's next project, we can't wait to get our hands on it.
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March 9th, 2012, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
The new figure includes Move and Navigation controllers shipped to retail
Sony Computer Entertainment
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Sony has shipped 10.5 million units of its Move peripheral to date, IGN reports.
The figure was revealed by Sony's Gabe Ahn, a developer support engineer, following a GDC panelfocusing on developing for the Move.
Ahn confirmed to IGN that the figure represented units shipped to retailers rather than sold, and includes sales of both Move and Navigation Controllers - the latter can be substituted for a Dualshock 3 pad, and is specifically designed to work with the Move.
Ahn put the Move's attach rate at 1 for every 6 PlayStation 3 consoles, though the figure of 10.5 million units shipped does not directly correspond with that estimate.
62 million PlayStation 3 consoles had been sold as of December 31 2011, which, by Ahn's ratio, suggests around 10 million sales of the Move controller alone.
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March 9th, 2012, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heavy Rain creator David Cage was showing off Quantic Dream's new game engine at GDC, which includes an innovative new performance-capture technology the company's developed. He's directed a seven-minute original short called Kara, which is the story of a female android as she becomes self-aware. Unlike traditional game production methods, this technology is able to record face and body movements at the same time as recording the actors voice -- ensuring natural and consistent performances from the characters. Actress Valorie Curry wore 90 sensors on her face, unlike in, say,Avatar, where the performers wore head-mounted cameras. Cage promises that the short is nothing more than a demo (it was rendered in real-time on a PlayStation 3) and none of these elements will appear in his next game. You can catch the impressive-looking footage after the break with one disclaimer: there's nudity throughout and a reference to adult themes, okay?
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March 9th, 2012, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Listening to music isn't the best reason to take the plunge with the PS Vita. However, a new feature's a new feature, and Sony's very happy to tell you that its own subscription-based Music Unlimited service has arrived on UK devices, courtesy of its own dedicated app. Now you've had your fill of the games, Twitter and Facebook apps, it must be time to integrate with Sony's verticals and hand over more cash. The Android app has also been updated to include offline playback to songs added to your playlists -- like another certain streaming music service. You can grab the latest version at the source below.
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March 9th, 2012, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Perplexing camera system links virtual and real world objects
Boffins at Sony’s London R&D division wowed attendees at GDC this week with a new breakthrough in augmented reality technology.
Known as Magnet, the AR software uses PS Vita’s camera to scan a real-world area and interpret what it sees in 3D. As the camera moves through an environment, it tracks multiple 'interest points' to build a picture of where certain objects are stationed.
The result is an Augmented Reality overlay that can position virtual objects in real world locations and, much like magnets, stick to that position.
"PS Vita is the only affordable portable device out there at the moment that has the power to do this,” said Diarmid Campbell, a programmer at the EyeToy R&D group.
Four videos demonstrating the tech, with comments by Campbell can be found below.
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March 11th, 2012, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Mass Effect 3 sold an estimated 890,000 units in its first 24 hours on sale in North America, EA has confirmed.
Speaking at the Wedbush Technology, Media and Telecommunications Summit in New York City, EA CEO John Riccitiello said he was feeling "awfully good" about the game, VentureBeat reports, adding: "We anticipated it doing well, so we're happy."
EA may not be on the best of terms with the UK's largest specialist retailer - Game Group is not stocking Mass Effect 3, or any new EA releases, due to a credit dispute - but across the Atlantic, things are quite different. Riccitiello said that GameStop was selling DLC codes to 40 per cent of Mass Effect 3 buyers, the biggest ratio in its history.
Riccitiello went on to reveal that BioWare's Star Wars MMOG, The Old Republic, now has 1.7 million active users. That's the same figure as was revealed after the publication of EA's financial results last month, but there's a key difference: at the time, many users were still in the 30-day trial period. Now, most are paying subscribers.
"[It's] the most successful MMOG through this period in the history of the industry," he said. "But we're nowhere relative to what the opportuniy in front of us is."
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March 11th, 2012, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sega's upcoming PC game Phantasy Star Online 2 is also headed to PlayStation Vita.
The news comes from PS Vita Game Heaven, the web broadcast in which Sony revealed several new Japanese Vita games. Andriasang reports that series producer Sakai Satoshi said that both versions will run on the same servers, with players able to use the same character on both systems.
Little else was revealed, though a video at the source link below shows the first footage of the Vita version. While there's no release date yet, Phantasy Star Online 2 is due this year, but has currently only been confirmed for release in Japan.
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March 11th, 2012, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Ex-Capcom developer Keiji Inafune has confirmed he is working on a game for PS Vita.
Andriasang reports that Inafune revealed the news in a brief video, shown as part of Sony's PS Vita Game Heaven web broadcast, which unveiled several new Japanese games for the system.
While Inafune was tight-lipped on specifics, he said the project was "Inafune-like" and "amazing." It appears the game will be published by Sony Computer Entertainment.
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March 11th, 2012, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
We're used to seeing names in Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel that don't quite qualify as "words" -- things like "fal'Cie" and "Gran Pulse" -- so we don't blink at the announcement of FFXIII-2 DLC featuring the character "Jihl Nabaat."
The FFXIII enemy will be available as a new coliseum opponent this week. Like other coliseum DLC, it will be possible to recruit her into your party after defeating her in battle. The DLC will be released next week on Xbox 360 and PS3 for 240 Microsoft Points/£1.59, which should come to $3 in North America. And Square Enix also announced future DLC called "Lightning's Story: Requiem of the Goddess" coming "soon."
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March 11th, 2012, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
In 2008, staff from Metroid Prime developer Retro Studios broke off to form a new company, called Armature. Though it was initially partnered with EA, nothing has come of that deal, and to date no projects have come out that are officially attached to Armature.
It's quite a surprise, then, to see the studio's name on this Japanese website for the PlayStation Vita version of Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection. Its name is listed as co-developer along with fellow Austin studio Bluepoint Games, who was responsible for the console versions (and many other HD remakes of this generation).
So if you decide to pick up Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 in handheld form this summer (June in Japan), you'll be playing the first game(s) by Armature Studio
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March 11th, 2012, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
All right, so the existing Vita AR games aren't hits. But Sony's still trying, demonstrating a new AR game at GDC that's more impressive than the current lineup. It's Pong.
AR Hockey, which the Sony staff assured me was currently only a tech demo, is an air hockey game in which two players face off over a rectangular surface, each controlling their paddle by physically shifting left or right.
Unlike, say, Table Soccer, which uses six damn cards, AR Hockey can build a playing field out of any rectangular surface it detects -- basically, any corners the Vita can see. This is the "markerless" AR tech shown by Sony back at TGS, and it seems to work just fine, even if you move the Vita around to change your perspective on the game. Though, as one nearby attendee asked, "Why would you want to do that?"
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March 11th, 2012, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's subscription music streaming service, Music Unlimited, is now available on the Vita. The app touts a touch-navigated menu system and the ability to listen to music offline, which is a first for the service, but is otherwise unchanged from its various other iterations across Sony devices. There's still two levels of service at $3.99 and $9.99 monthly, with cross-platform "Music Sync" technology that keeps your various Sony devices pumpin' the same jams.
We'd love to have been a fly on the wall during the Music Unlimited naming meeting at Sony HQ: "We need a name that communicates the fact that our service provides people with music. But, like, a lot of music. There's so much music in our service, you guys."
"What about The Infinite Blackness of the Void of Horrible Space, With Music™?"
"Johnson, you're fired. Turn in your unlimited coffee voucher on your way --Johnson you're a genius."
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March 11th, 2012, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a raft of new PS Vita games for launch in Japan.Among them are Phantasy Star Online 2 and Persona 4 The Golden.Phantasy Star Online 2 was previously a PC exclusive. According to Andriasang, series producer Sakai Satoshi said the PC and Vita versions will be played on the same server, and you'll be able to play the same character on both versions.Also spotted in a new video: Super Robot Wars (Namco Bandai), Heroes Zero no Kiseki Evolution, Gundam Seed Battle Destiny (Namco Bandai), and a new game from Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune.In a video message (translated by Andriasang), Inafune described the mysterious Vita title as an "Inafune-like" game. It's also "amazing", but then he would say that.Andriasang suggests Inafune's next will be published by Sony Computer Entertainment.Sony also announced Discovery Project, a collaboration with Japanese company Kadokawa Games. According to Andriasang, it is unclear what the project is, but it will involve Vita owners working together in some way.Heroes Zero no Kiseki Evolution, from Japanese companies Falcom and Pyramid, is an updated Vita port of a game originally planned for PSP, Andriasang said. The developers decided to make the switch to Vita because of concerns over the limits of UMD space.All of these games are Japan-only - for now.Meanwhile, Sony has announced a 28th June release date for the Vita version of Metal Gear Solid HD in Japan.
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March 11th, 2012, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
The US launch of PS Vita was met with "overwhelming enthusiasm" from gamers, Sony has insisted.SCEA's corporate communications boss Patrick Seybold said Vita had enjoyed "exceptional" sales in the US."After months of anticipation, the US launch of PlayStation Vita saw overwhelming enthusiasm amongst gamers, resulting in exceptional hardware, software and peripheral sales," he said.Sony failed, however, to reveal a US sales figure. Instead, it pointed to its already announced global sales total of 1.2 million, made since Vita's launch in December last year in Japan."Customer satisfaction rates are very high and momentum will continue as gamers get their hands on a deep line-up of blockbuster titles that take advantage of PS Vita's unique features, including cross-platform play with the PlayStation 3," Seybold continued.Last week analyst Nicholas Parker said Vita had sold 61,000 units during its UK launch. If the figure is accurate, Vita sold substantially fewer units than its predecessor, the PSP, which shifted 185,000 units during its launch window in 2005 in the UK - a record that still stands today.
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March 12th, 2012, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/04/a...d-the-psp-emu/
In this article I will share a few of the things I’ve found on the vita while working on VHBL, and in particular in the psp emulator part. I’ll also give some details that will be useful to people who want to write PSP homebrews compatible with the Vita, or to people who would like to write an alternate menu for VHBL. There’s probably nothing major or groundbreaking in there, but this is information I didn’t want to share until VHBL was released, as some of the things described here will probably end up being patched in further CMA/Vita firmware updates (I don’t think the explanations given here give away anything that couldn’t be found by an engineer looking at how VHBL works. There’s no magic in the stuff I do with VHBL).
Details about the PSP Emulator on the vita
I developed VHBL mostly on a PSP1000, but made some tests on the Vita once in a while as well. I found three major differences between a regular 6.60 PSP and the emulator.
First, it seems to me that it is impossible, within the PSP emulator, to copy a file named EBOOT.PBP inside a subfolder of the PSP/GAME folder. For example, the Vita prevents the emulator from creating and/or writing in a file named PSP/GAME/Wagic/EBOOT.PBP. This is probably a security for the emulator to avoid erasing a PSP game by mistake? wMenu bypasses this security by changing the EBOOT.PBP filename into wmenu.bin when extracting it from the “install.zip” files. This lack of EBOOT.PBP files is also probably why all those homebrews show up as “corrupt” in your content manager. Note that the PSP/SAVEDATA folder does not have this issue.
Another issue is that normal API calls to “readdir” do not seem to return the “.” and “..” folders. I initially thought that this was a problem with my VHBL port, but this does not happen when running VHBL on a PSP. To the normal user, this means that some emulators will not give you an opportunity to load roms from any place else than where the homebrew itself is located (typical symptom: you can’t “navigate” in the folders from your favorite homebrew). To developers, this means you might need to come up with a different way of “browsing folders”. For wMenu I ended up counting the number of “/” symbols in the path instead of relying on readdir. This limitation is usually not leading to a compatibility problem with homebrews, but some of them might behave strangely because of that.
Finally, and that is probably obvious, it seems only ms0:/ is accessible from the PSP emulator. I wasn’t expecting to see the full content of the PS Vita’s memory card from within the PSP emulator, but it also seems that there is no flash drives… don’t quote me on that, but it seems to be what I’m seeing through PSP Filer. Update on this: some people (namely, yosh) are telling me that for example fonts from the flash0 folder can be read.
CMA and it’s limitations
The Content Manager Assistant is a revolutionary piece of software installed on your Vita that does not only manage to be extremely inconvenient to use, it also appears to be crippled with security holes and limitations.
Copying homebrews and installing exploits on the PSP was relatively easy: the PSP was recognized as a USB drive on your computer, which allowed us to simply copy files in there. The CMA makes this more complicated: CMA allows us to copy images, videos, music, psp savedata, and vita/psp games. I have yet to verify, but it seems any data identified as “corrupted” will not be copied (although, I’m thinking this might not be the case for video/image/music files). The CMA also decides where to copy the files. You cannot choose to copy your mp3s in a way that they will be accessible from the PSP emulator, for example.
This means I had to change the structure of HBL a little bit in order to get it to run on the Vita. I needed something that would be accessible from within the PSP emulator, so the files had to be contained within a PSP Game or a PSP SaveData. Since PSP Games on the Vita are packaged/signed in a specific way that I didn’t try to understand, packaging HBL fully inside a Save data seems like the most obvious way (while in the past, HBL was installed at the root of the memory stick, this couldn’t happen here since CMA decides for us what goes where). In addition to that, CMA will not copy the subfolders inside some savedata, only the files directly in the folder. This means everything needs to be flat, which is in essence the “core” of the changes that were required to get HBL to work on the ps vita.
Since the CMA does not copy subfolders for PSP savedata, and since psp savedata was my only “entry point” to copy stuff inside the PSP emulator (including the exploit, HBL, but also homebrews), this made things not very practical to copy homebrews that often have subfolders. The idea here was simple: let’s pack the homebrew inside a zip file, put that file in the savedata, get CMA to copy the savedata folder on the memory stick, then unpack the zip from within HBL. This is the reason for the somewhat “complex” homebrew installation system that people have to follow with VHBL. Of course, VHBL would still work with a different installation pattern, so if other people want to come up with other ways to install homebrews, they just have to create an alternate menu for VHBL.
wMenu is, for historical reasons, not open source. However, the HBL svn contains the source for a basic menu that could be extended in order to support zip “unpacking” or any other homebrew installation system. I’m looking forward to seeing alternate menus for VHBL.
Network and paranoia
CMA requires you to be constantly connected to the internet while you are copying files. When I first learned about that I really freaked out, on top of being angry at this unneeded requirement. In addition to that, the PS Vita itself is potentially monitoring lots of the things you are doing with it. In my particular case, what annoyed me was the “error log” mechanism. As its name tells you, that thing logs crash reports every time your console runs into problems. I assume these logs are regularly sent to Sony when your console goes online (I have no proof of that, but I’d rather assume it’s the case. If you can prove me wrong, please do so). That system is probably here to improve the customer experience, by helping Sony to quickly find the applications/games that have largely-spread issues. In my case, this was a problem because every time I had a crash in VHBL while developing it, I ran into the risk of letting Sony know which game was involved in the process. This is the main reason I did not distribute the VHBL files even to people who were aware of the game long before the info went largely public: people could have leaked some critical info to Sony without even knowing it.
A log taken on the day VHBL was ran for the first time on a PS Vita. Did Sony know about this since day 1?
To address the CMA network issues, openCMA was the solution I used during VHBL’s development. For the crash log system, I had no option but to connect my console as little as possible to the network… Works being done on the network side, such as SKFU’s proxy are probably going to become necessary in the future for people who want to use their
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March 12th, 2012, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/04/v...ome-that-dont/
Some people have asked me to test some homebrews on VHBL. Although I cannot test every single version of every single homebrew, I tested a few things. For now, compatibility is not impressively good, but remember the early days of HBL, when we went from 1 or 2 homebrews that worked, to hundreds of them… If the community around VHBL is as active as the one we had around HBL, I am sure compatibility will improve with time.
Anyways, here is a list of homebrews I tested, that work, or don’t:
•Picodrive (genesis emulator)
•snes9xTyl (snes emulator)
•emuMaster (GB/GBC/SMS emulator)
•Wagic (heoric fantasy card game)
•Zombie Crisis (Doom Like)
•Spider Solitaire
•PSP Write 1.2.1
•PSP Filer 0.6
•Daedalus (0.13 is the one I tested)
•FCEU-PSP (Nes emulator)
•T.O.M.E. (text mode rpg)
•Cave Story (platform)
•Counter Strike PSP
Don’t work, but could probably work with some minor fixes
•Lamecraft: There is a problem creating/loading maps because VHBL cannot seem to load the keyboard API. A minor tweak to lamecraft’s source code could help writing an alternate way of creating/loading worlds
•GPSP Kai: the gba emulator “almost” loads fine but fails at the very last step, on the vita only (works fine on the PSP if memory serves well). A bit more investigation might solve the issues. Edit: some people are reporting here that it actually works
Don’t work, further investigation is needed
•Kurok PSP
•Rhythm 8
•PSP Revolution 0.3
Those guys simply refuse to start… it is most likely because of a missing syscall, but I haven’t investigated yet. I’m kinda lacking free time this days and sure hope that more devs will join the fun once version “1″ of VHBL is released
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March 12th, 2012, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/05/v...ened-that-way/
Many people have doubted my plans for the release of VHBL, and I’ve received a good share of insults when VHBL was not available exactly on February 22nd for public consumption. As a matter of fact, the release of VHBL had started on February 21st, but some people didn’t see what was happening…
When Teck4 announced he had a running hello world on the PSP Emulator of the Vita back in December, I quickly contacted him (thanks to the help of mamosuke) in order to offer my help porting HBL to this exploit. Quickly, it was obvious to all of us that as soon as the exploit would be made public, Sony would at least remove the game from the store, and possibly patch it before putting it back. Previous history with the mercury exploit showed us that when they have access to the exploit, Sony was extremely fast to remove the game from their store (approx. 1h between the release of the Mercury exploit files and the game being removed from the store). In addition to that, the possible spying through the CMA and the crash log on the vita made it dangerous to even share/run our work in progress.
Therefore came the question: how to make such an exploit useful to as many people as possible without Sony removing the vector of the attack super fast? Publicly announcing the exploit and giving away the files at the same time was a no go, we knew (or thought we knew) from experience with the Mercury exploit that sony would react quickly. In addition, assuming Sony monitors the sales of their games, revealing the game to thousands of people at once might have triggered alarms on their end, giving away the name of the game.
Our conclusion, and the release plan, therefore became the following: Give away the name of the game to people we trust, in a progressive way so that a “good amount of people” could buy the game on a daily basis without going above any threshold that might be in place for the monitoring systems. I of course don’t know this threshold (or if it ever exists), but went with a random number: let’s give away the name of the game to about 1000 people every day.
Of course, these people have to be people we trust with the secret, but where would one find thousands of people they trust? I decided to go with our /talk community. This was a bet, of course, but starting on February 21st, every day, 1000 additional people were made aware of the exploit. Of course, I started with the people I trust the most, and ended with the people I trust the less. I won’t give the exact algorithm, but I’m sure you can figure out the basics by yourself. (People who have been in the community a long time ago got the information before recent members, etc…). I will refine that algorithm if I ever do such a “ninja release” again.
This release plan was almost explained in “clear” on the vhbl page (the content of that page has changed since then), which was asking people to check their /talk account on a regular basis. And it seems lots of people understood the message, as we got a massive amount of subscriptions starting on February 22. As a matter of fact, most people who registered around that date got the information 1 day before it was really made public. By February the 29th, potentially 6000 people were aware of the name of the game, and were refraining from insulting the 3-4 guys who were still blindly complaining on my blog that I kept delaying the release to boost my ego or because it was actually a hoax…
That settled the announce for about 6000 people, which I think is a good number. Of course, in these 6000 people, not all of them own a vita, or had money to buy the game, or actually connected to their /talk account in time. But at least I had done my best to guarantee that the people who have been in the community with us for a while were the ones in the best position to get access to the hack, and hopefully hundreds of them got the game long before its name was made public. This was a win-win situation, as I managed to get the hack to people who matter “the most” to me (that’s of course an average, I’m sure some people have been reading this blog for months now, never created an account on /talk, and are pissed to read that… this is nothing personal, I had to make such a choice at some point), while being quite sure that our oldest members, who had been with us since the early hbl days, would probably know better than to leak (and that more or less worked fine).
There still was the problem that even if these people would not leak intentionally, the crash log system of the Vita made it possible for people to unintentionally leak the name of the game. I’m sure if Sony started seeing hundreds of crashes in the same game, they would start looking closely into it. Again, I am not sure these crash logs are actually sent to Sony, but out of precaution the actual HBL files were only sent in advance to a handful of people, while most people would have to wait for the actual release.
Announcing secretly this exploit to thousands of people was already a good move IMO given the circumstances and how easily Sony could remove the game from under our feet. But then came the next challenge: how to get as many “other” people (people who are not registered on /talk) to know about the game, and give them enough time to grab the game? Well this one was quite impossible, but I made a bet: if Sony didn’t have any actual exploit to patch, any kind of proof that there was indeed a hack, they would probably not remove the game from the store. It turns out I was dead wrong on this one, which was (that and the fact that the game was not available in the US) the only real bump in that release. To be honest, anybody who managed to get the game while not having seen the info on their /talk account before is someone I consider as an extremely “lucky bonus”. Of course, I would have preferred if Sony hadn’t pulled the game out of the store, but I’m still happy with the way things turned out.
One thing I think I could have done much better is to announce the name of the game on the weekend, when Sony’s offices probably have less people monitoring all the stuff. That was my initial plan, but I stupidly changed my mind for several reasons, the main one being the cancellation of the PSN maintenance.
So tell me, would you have handled this release any better, had you been in my position? Does it now make sense why it took “so long” to announce the name of the game, or do people who insulted me on my blog still think I was trying to boost my ego? (seriously guys, that was really painful to read, given the efforts I was putting into making sure as many people as possible would get the exploit… after all, keep in mind that personally I could decide to keep the HBL port for myself, or for just a handful of hackers and friends… instead I came up with a plan to get as many people as possible to get access to the hack). In retrospect, I hope my posts from the past few weeks now make much more sense.
I don’t think my idea was perfect, but I still think it was pretty good given the many obstacles in our way, but I’m interested to get more ideas… I don’t think we can really beat Sony when an exploit involves a content hosted on their servers, but surely there are ways to make lots of people know about those somewhat secretly (and if you have an idea to make such releases that you really think is brilliant but needs to be kept secret, feel free to send it privately to me by email)
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March 12th, 2012, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/07/v...ts-after-vhbl/
Many of you have noticed that VHBL is far from being a full vita hack. Not only is it only impacting the PSP emulator, Sony was fast enough to remove Motorstorm Arctic Edge from their store before the hack became mainstream. Many people have asked me if I have other plans for the vita moving forward, and the answer is that, of course, I do.
But readers should actually focus their attention on the work of some other hackers, far more skilled than me. For example, as I was “entertaining” Sony with some Child Play, significant progress was made on reverse engineering the CMA client by Yifan Lu (of Kindle hack fame). His work is paving the way to a truly open source PC client for copying files to and from the vita, which could to some extent allow us to copy files without being constantly connected to the net (in the meantime, Windows users have open CMA)
He’s not the only hacker who started looking into the Vita. It seems Sony managed to unify their portable and home console ecosystems: the Vita seems to be the bridge between the PS3 and the PSP, not only for Sony, but for hackers as well, as we see both the PSP scene and the PS3 scene taking lots of interest in the PS Vita. It seems to me now that every possible vector of attack is being analyzed by several hackers. We all put our attention on the stuff we know of course, this is why our community has been focusing a bit on the PSP emulator, but people like SKFU are looking into the network communications of the Vita, and I’m sure hardware hackers all over the world are hard at work to start being able to read those “proprietary” cards.
A new device is always extremely exciting, for those of you who have never hacked and might be interested, this is the best time to give it a try, when everybody is basically a noob. If some of you are interested, this page gives a few pointers, which, despite being psp specific, might help you getting the basics of “playing” with a device. I’m sure we all try with the techniques we “know”, but most likely, Sony is not repeating their errors from the past.
As far as I’m concerned, I might or might not port VHBL to other PSP game exploits if I have time (either helping people who have an exploit – contact me if you do and need help with HBL -, or working on some of the old game exploits I still have that are lying around), improve the existing VHBL for motorstorm, and/or start digging into actual Vita research.
The reason I’m not sure I will immediately put more effort in VHBL is because Sony will most likely patch the most obvious vulnerabilities of CMA in their next update, making VHBL more or less useless. Of course, let me remind everyone that VHBL is open source, and if you feel like creating your own menu, or want to help improving homebrew compatibility, please feel free to do so!
Fake alert
On a side note, I’m getting reports on a Vita “hack” going by the name of N3rOS4T. This is an obvious fake, which aims at getting money from ads click, and will give you at best a huge waste of time to answer a survey (and give these guys money), and at worst a virus. Spread the word on this one. One good thing is to report their videos as scam on youtube when you stumble upon them.
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March 12th, 2012, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/08/v...exploit-found/
I honestly stopped counting how many psp “hello world” exploits in PSP games have been announced over the past months, but these exploits are getting a second life now that they symbolize a possibility for homebrews on the PS Vita.
This time it’s scener Xerpi who found an exploit, which I haven’t confirmed yet, but I should be able to give it a try sometimes this week. Will this lead to a VHBL port/release? First we need to make sure this game is actually available for the Vita. After that, only time will tell, but I’ll do my best to help
Congrats, xerpi!
Note: Let me emphasize that I am aware of several psp game exploits being available, and releasing VHBL for them or not is basically up to their authors. I’m of course offering my help to port VHBL (although my free time is limited. Porting VHBL is relatively easy, but even with some experience, from the exploit to the VHBL port it can easily take 30 hours, if you include debugging. That’s not mentioning that each game usually comes in several versions.)
Another note: you might think, seeing all these videos of exploits, that finding exploits in psp games has become super easy. This is not entirely true. I am sure that my tutorials have made these things easier, but going from a crash to a hello world still requires lots of patience and dedication.
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March 12th, 2012, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/03/08/...hidden-exploit
PSP exploits are somewhat of a common creation now. Ever since the start of the PSP hacking scene there have been numerous hello world's and game exploits popping up showing what the developer and their PSP are capable of. While the PSP scene may be dying, this does not mean these old creations can't still be put to good use.
PSP scene developer "Xerpi" has recently pushed out his own exploit, which may end up leading to a VHBL/Port for the PS Vita. Now before anyone gets ahead of themselves, the exploit is currently on the PSP. The first step towards progress and impregnating the Vita with it is to make sure the game is available for the Vita.
Here's hoping some progress is made with [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Sony's[/COLOR][/COLOR] new flagship console. [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Video[/COLOR][/COLOR] below shows the exploit in action.
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March 12th, 2012, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
CondorStrike Solar's dad or some themes for Multiman out a small utility that allows you to enter Recovery mode directly from the XMB.
Tested on Rogero and Kmeawn the author points out that it could run on PSP and PS Vita and it does not downgrade from firmware than 3.55. Thanks to the green-to information. Condor Updater 1 Official Website: www.tortuga-cove.com
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March 12th, 2012, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
While its importance is seen in front of the forgotten great changes that had to hack the PSP since late 2010, the old battery hack using "Pandora" and the famous "Magic Memory Stick" still keeps its place in the debrikage PSP Slim or FAT 100X 200X non-8C.
Made its debut in the famous DarkAlex , the "C4Eva" of the PSP scene at the time, this hack still interested a lot of people and especially for the update to install directly the new CFW with custom IPL as neur0ner of the ME or the PRO of Virtious ColdBird Flame and of course the PSP Pandora compatible.
And now a new very interesting contribution, the duo Total_Noob and his colleague Hackman both come complete reverse-engineering the famous Despertar del cementerio in its version 8. This eventually they share with the PSP scene fruits of their work through the German forum PSPKing.de This innovation will pave the way SDC can be set that allow direct installation of CFW ME on PSP or PRO compatible Pandora, but also the work of these debrikage PSP. Just to reiterate, the kit SDC 8 is composed of two elements: - An original PSP battery changed so software and hardware to slip your PSP compatible (FAT 100X or 200X slim non 8C) in service mode, often called Pandora battery. - A Memory Stick on which you install the homebrew "Despertar del cementerio" with a custom IPL (Initial Program Load). Once the two together on the PSP compatible it will boot automatically on the custom IPL from the memory card and not on the content of the nand. In this way the SDC launches and offers to you services that are: - The downgrade of firmware to a version according to the X model. - Direct installation of CFW 5.0 M33 - The dump and restore the nand - Get information on the hardware console. Source and download link in it: http://www.pspking.de/forum/
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March 12th, 2012, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
modrobert writes: "I tried to be funny with the news headline there, but it failed, moving on. You can now remarry the PS3 Blu-ray drive using custom firmware v3.55, before you had to downgrade to firmware v3.15 to do this. The info and software can be found here in the download section. However, you still need an USB jailbreak dongle (Eg. Amazebreak or ecliPS3) to enable factory service mode. So, what does 'remarry' actually mean in this context? Simply put it allows you to replace the Blu-ray drive with another one, which normally would fail due to the Blu-ray drive firmware making each drive unique. Thanks goes to crispycritter911 for the heads up, and welcome back m8."
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March 12th, 2012, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin SVN r14 is compiled. Pokopom is a PSEmu Pro pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2 controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators respectively. It only uses XInput, so as to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers. It currently has no configuration available, and defaults to use the first and second XInput controllers as pad1 and pad2 respectively.
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin function
- Supports rumble, with a nice custom curve.
- Extended analog sticks range on corners. (for games like Ape Escape)
- Guitar build for XInput Guitars on Guitar Hero games.
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin SVN Changelog:
-. Automatic dll version... I think.
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March 12th, 2012, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git (2012/03/08) is compiled. Soywiz's Psp Emulator is a PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator, emulator for windows. This emulator born as a proof of concept of an emulator made in D. Now it's getting more and more compatible with homebrew, and gaining in features and speed. The emulator was based in it's first version on great Noxa's C# pspplayer emulator.
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git Changelog:
* - Small typo fix that fixes demos/text.elf and Castlevania menus
* - Refactorings
* - Fixed skinning
* - More Work
* - Fixed intraFontTest
* - Refactorings, cleanups, documentation and added and fixed some tests
* - Added prxdecrypter for reference
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March 12th, 2012, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
After the Magnet AR tech demo, now there's a concept game boasting card free augmented reality gaming
On the show floor at GDC last week Sony was showing off a tech demo in the form of an air hockey Vita augmented reality game that worked without any need for the physical 'Waar' AR cards.
As reported by Joystiq, 'AR Hockey' takes the approximate form of game design icon Pong.
The game clearly users Sony's 'Markerless AR' technology, although whether that means it makes use of a combination of gyroscopes and accelerometers, or something similar to the 'Magnet' approach is unclear.
Magnet, which wowed an audience at GDC, demonstrated an impressive new Sony London-created tech that gives Vita AR games similar inputs to those that Kinect's 3D depth sensing cameras utilise.
In combination AR Hockey and Magnet demonstrate that Sony has an ongoing commitment establish Vita as a platform for AR games. How much developers and consumers are willing to embrace AR remains to be seen.
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March 12th, 2012, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Hiroshi Kawano, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, has promised that the company's next PS Vita web broadcast will be much improved.
In a blog post translated by Andriasang, Kawano recognises that last week's "Welcome! PS Vita Game Heaven" broadcast did not meet user expectations, and says he and his staff are using this "harsh criticism" as a lesson for its future work.
The broadcast was seemingly inspired by Nintendo Direct, in which Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announces and introduces footage of 3DS games. When Sony announced Vita Game Heaven last month, it was assumed it would follow a similar template.
However, Sony's broadcast amounted to nothing more than the simultaneous publication of a number of videos on its official YouTube channel. While there was some interesting news - confirmation that Keiji Inafune is working on a Vita game, and the announcement of a Vita version of Phantasy Star Online 2 - it seems users expected a little more effort.
Kawano promises just that, closing his blog post by telling people to look out for changes in the next Vita Game Heaven broadcast, though he did not say when that would be.
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March 12th, 2012, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Q-Games, Japanese developer of the Pixeljunk series, showed off upcoming PS Move game Pixeljunk 4am at GDC last week.
Lead designer Rowan Parker explains the system powering 4am, which has been developed with input from Japanese multimedia artist Baiyon, in the below video, posted on the PlayStation Blog.
Using the Move controller, players can sense music in the air, denoted by the controller vibrating, and essentially pick it up and throw it in to the mix. Each of the four tracks can be taken out and slammed back in, with waves and rotations of the Move controller adding extra sound effects and filters.
Dynamic visualisations appear on screen as you play, and the resulting track can be published to PlayStation Network and can even be viewed by people that don't own the game using a free application.
No firm release date has been set, but Pixeljunk 4am is slated for release on PlayStation Network this spring.
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March 12th, 2012, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
The day one DLC for Mass Effect 3 is not already on the disc as some have claimed, EA has stated.
A YouTube user has supposedly proven that all of the content from the paid-for ‘From Ashes’ DLC is already sitting on the Mass Effect 3 game disc and could be accessed on the PC version by simply changing a line of code.
The news echoed the recent admission from Capcom that its DLC for Street Fighter X Tekken is already in gamers' hands – although they will still have to pay an additional fee to access it.
"From Ashes is a 600 MB+ download with all new content, including the mission on Eden Prime, new dialogue options and conversations with Javik, new cinematics, the Prothean weapon, and new appearances for all squad members,” an EA statement issued to Game Informer says.
“All of the above content was completed while the main game was in certification and are not available on the disc.
"As stated previously, in order to seamlessly integrate Javik into the core campaign, certain framework elements and character models needed to be put on disc. We did something similar with Zaeed and Kasumi in Mass Effect 2."
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March 12th, 2012, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Following the completion of my Dyad demo in a darkened hotel room, I was informed by developer Shawn McGrath that I had likely just experienced synaesthesia. He asked if I'd heard the music change when the visuals abruptly changed, which I had. He then told me the music didn't actually change, meaning that I'd heard the visual effects. My senses had become tangled.
McGrath said this was an unintentional side effect of the way he designed the last level (which he had skipped ahead to show me). Without spoiling it, I'll say that Dyad's ending is a protracted sequence of total visual hypnosis, interrupted only by my pause halfway through to wipe my eyes. Turns out I hadn't been blinking and my eye became irritated and watery.
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March 12th, 2012, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
Prototype 2 wants to devour your pre-order cash, offering two new incentives through Amazon and Best Buy. Amazon pre-orders get a code to download the first issue of the Prototype 2 comic from Dark Horse, titled The Anchor. Early Best Buyers will receive an exclusive steelbook case in addition to the previously announced Hardened Steel Vehicle Armor upgrade.
All pre-orders will get access to the RADNET edition of Prototype 2, which includes 55 free items delivered during the seven weeks after launch, April 24 for Xbox 360 and PS3 and July 24 for PC. RADNET offers bonus mutations, Alex Mercer playable skin, in-game events, challenges, avatar items, themes and behind-the-scenes content, all of which Activision warns it is liable to change or discontinue at any time. Check out the asterisk warnings and more info in the press release below.
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March 12th, 2012, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a sale on a range of PSP titles that are downloadable from the PlayStation Store.
The prices will vary from title to title, but some of those listed below will be available for as little as £7.99/9.99 Euros. Sony didn't provide pricing for each game in a list of sale items posted on the PS Blog, so you'll have to check the Store yourself for now. The games marked with an asterisk are also Vita compatible. Some of the titles included in the sale are:
- 101-in-1 Megamix*
- 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
- Ace Combat Joint Assault*
- ARMORED CORE 3 Portable*
- Army of TWO: The 40th Day
- Asphalt : Urban GT 2*
- Bakugan: Defenders of The Core*
- Ben 10: Protector of Earth*
- BIGS 2*
- BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2*
- Blazeblue Calamity Trigger Portable*
- Brothers In Arms D-Day*
- Castle Rustle*
- Chessmaster: The Art Of Learning*
- Corpse Party*
- Cover Girl*
- Crystal Mines*
- Dante's Inferno
- Despicable Me*
- Driver 76*
- Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce*
- FIFA 11
- Free Running*
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2*
- Gladiator Begins*
- Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus*
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Lunar: Silver Star Harmony*
- Manhunt 2*
- Michael Jackson The Experience*
- Need For Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0
- NEOGEO HEROES -Ultimate Shooting-*
- Prince of Persia Rival Swords*
- Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands*
- Prince of Persia: Revelations*
- Pro Cycling 2009-Tour de France*
- Pro Cycling 2010 - Tour de France*
- Rugby League Challenge*
- Samurai Warriors: State Of War*
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona Full Game*
- Splinter Cell Essentials*
- Street Riders*
- The Red Star
- Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10
- Warriors Orochi*
- Warriors Orochi 2*
- Ys I & II Chronicles*
- Ys: The Oath in Felghana*
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March 14th, 2012, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
'From Ashes' bonus content built alongside main game, but sold separately
Publishing giant Electronic Arts has responded to mounting accusations that its studio BioWare had pre-packaged DLC within Mass Effect 3’s retail discs.
The accusations are unfounded but originate from some customers’ complaints that DLC for Mass Effect 3 was available on the first day of the game’s release – making it certain that the digital content was developed in parallel the main game.
The publisher said its ‘From Ashes’ DLC is bigger than 600 MB, and the content “was completed while the main game was in certification and are not available on the disc”.
In a statement sent to GameInformer, EA said it was necessary to include certain “framework elements and character models” on disc.
Mass Effect 3 sold more than 900,000 copies on its first day of sale, following rave reviews from critics.
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March 14th, 2012, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Another graphical upgrade isn't quite enough to get the God of War creator excited
David Jaffe, designer of the newest Twisted Metal game, is already over the next generation of consoles. Having worked in the video gaming business since the early '90s, he's seen the cycle for game consoles before.
"I couldn't care less about next-gen," said Jaffe toEdge. "I started at Sony Imagesoft doing Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games, and I went through that to PS1, then PS2, PS3, Vita… You go through the cycle enough and you realize today's 'Oh my f***ing God' is tomorrow's 'Ehh, whatever'. Ultimately, this is all going to be yesterday's news and it's about the experience, the game. Unless we're talking about holodecks, or AI that's so amazing it can actually write a compelling story around you procedurally based on your choices, I'm not interested."
Jaffe also believes that another set of consoles will hamper the ability to get more ambitious projects out the door. He hopes that instead of focusing on horsepower, console manufacturers instead will work on functionality and speed up the slow "ramp-up time" that most modern console games suffer from.
While Eat Sleep Play recently wrapped up the development of Twisted Metal, he's preparing to depart the developer he helped found with Scott Campbell in 2007. He will turn his focus on another studio in San Diego that will look to focus on mobile, browser and possibly console games as well.
Update: Jaffe has now further clarified his stance in a long-form Twitter post, which we've published below.
To clarify: I've been around the block long enough that while better, more realistic graphics are always impressive, a jump in visuals for games doesn't excite me near like it used to. The thrill wears off very quick and because it does, the increased budgets and time needed to create these next-next-gen games becomes a more frustrating pill to swallow. So when Edge asked if I was excited about new consoles, and when I said- in essence- I was not, I was referring to this. I was referring to the fact that UNLESS the next gen of consoles are unique and fresh and bring something substantially more to the table, I could not care less about next gen from a sense of WHAT the new boxes will let us- as game makers- create.
When I went on to say I was looking at doing a next-gen game, I was NOT contradicting myself. Just because I'm not excited about the new tech (from what little I know of it...hell, if it is really innovative and lets our games be better and not just look better, I WILL be excited for it)...but assuming that's not the case: just because I'm not excited for next-gen tech, doesn't mean I'm not very excited to make a next- gen game with our new studio. Big budget, character/story*, new IP games often times NEED to be on the latest consoles and while the next-gen tech of consoles so far has me very 'whatever', the desire to work with an amazing team to help create a big budget, character/story, new IP has me very jazzed!
* And before you show off your poor listening comprehension skills and claim I hate stories in games, please re-watch the DICE speech that some1 is SURE to reference when telling me I'm a contradictory douche . Thanks!
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March 14th, 2012, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Former McAfee Chief Security Officer Brett Wahlin talks about securing the network
PlayStation Network's major breach last year, and subsequent hacking attacks on other publishers, put a spotlight on just how weak the security at some game companies has been - ironic, given the tech-focused nature inherent in video games. Now Sony has one of the top security experts on their side - former McAfee Chief Security Officer Brett Wahlin - and he's looking to ensure that Sony never gets hacked and embarrassed again.
Wahlin, speaking to Secure Business Intelligence, outlined some of the key aspects of the new and improved security for Sony Entertainment Network. The entire security operations center (SOC) run by HP and Arcsight, reports to Wahlin, who also served as a counter-intelligence officer in the US Military for eight years during the Cold War.
For Wahlin, one of the crucial aspects of securing the network is to understand the enemy. "The types of attacks we see are by groups with social agendas," he said, referring to the infamous group known as Anonymous. "The methods they use aren't the same as the state-sponsored guys."
An important distinction is that groups like Anonymous aren't in it for money; they simply want to do damage and make a statement. "At Sony, we are modifying our programs to deal less with state-sponsored [attacks] and more with socially-motivated hackers. It will be different," Wahlin noted.
So what does this mean? It means that Sony's security experts have to think more like social engineers. That entails constantly monitoring staff and users across the globe. Each Sony staffer is viewed as a potential target with varying levels of access to the network and different levels of vulnerability.
To combat the threat, Wahlin is aiming to craft a new strategy based on psychological behaviors. As the report puts it, "The strategy combines social engineering psychology with data analytics and user education, using Wahlin's counter-intelligence, FBI-inspired human behaviour profiling methods and advanced fraud detection systems."
"We are looking to see if there are there key elements within a person's interaction with their environment. That could be interaction with badging systems, with telephones - when and who do they call- and with systems like browser habits and applications used," he explained. "All these things allow us to set up a pattern for users, so when something different happens we can respond."
All of this information would be quickly streamed to the SOC where it's analyzed. The normal would have to be separated from the abnormal in an automated process that would put up red flags in case something unusual is detected.
"If we detect unusual activity, it may be that someone's been owned by a Trojan that we don't know about, and we can stop data flying out the door," said Wahlin.
At least last year's attack did appear to send a wake-up call to Sony - and hopefully - the industry at large.
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March 14th, 2012, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has announced a brand new Resident Evil title for PS3 – although it will be digital only.
Called Resident Evil: Chronicles HD, the SKU will include re-worked versions of former Wii titles The Umbrella Chronicles and The Darkside Chronicles.
Both will be released digitally via PSN in June and will not be seen at retail.
Users will have the option of playing with a PlayStation move controller – a la the pair’s Wii origins – or with a standard pad. The as the name suggests, both will undergo an HD visual upgrade, too.
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March 14th, 2012, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Old PS One games now available on touch-screen phone
The PlayStation digital games portal is now available on Sony’s Xperia Play S smartphone, with a range of old PS One titles on sale at launch.
Those that own the buttonless Sony mobile will need to download the PS Store app directly.
Sony is embarking on a operation to expand its games service beyond traditional games devices. Various ‘PlayStation Certified’ games are already on the Sony Tablet S, which also uses the Android operating system.
Meanwhile, it is expected the platform holder will soon approach indie studios about its PlayStation Suite development framework, which allows game builds to be deployed on both Android and PlayStation game hardware.
The first wave of PS Store games on Xperia Play S are priced at £3.99 each in the UK.
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March 14th, 2012, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
New handheld games enter Sony's February league table
Fun Bits, the Washington-based indie start-up studio, has topped the PS Vita digital games chart with its acclaimed puzzle title Escape Plan.
Sony’s new handheld has already made some impact on the consolidated PSN Store chart, with two digital Vita games elbowing space is a table traditionally dominated by PS3 games.
Escape Plan debuted at number four in total for February; three positions above the other Vita entrant Super Stardust Delta – another game developed independently at Finland outfit Housemarque.
Meanwhile, Rovio’s Angry Birds for PSP and PS3 held firm at eight position.
No Sony WWS Vita games made the list, though its XDEV and Santa Monica teams had helped various indies bring their games to the new handheld.
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March 14th, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Security team adapting to new war on hackers; Sony division could use FBI-style profiling
The PlayStation company’s newly installed chief security officer, Brett Wahlin, is considering a range of counter-intelligence strategies that could help increase the effectiveness of the anti-fraud measures.
Wahlin, who was hired as Sony’s first security executive six months after the calamitous PlayStation Network hack, believes that the new online threat is organised “agenda driven” groups.
“The types of attacks we see are by groups with social agendas. The methods they use aren’t the same as the state-sponsored guys,” Wahlin said in an interview with Secure Business Intelligence.
“At Sony, we are modifying our programs to deal less with state-sponsored [attacks] and more with socially-motivated hackers. It will be different.”
Now Sony is embarking on an ambitious user-profiling plan in the hope that it will quickly detect any illegal breaches to its internal division.
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March 15th, 2012, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Game budgets continue to rise with each successive console generation, and with the Wii U launching later this year, the industry is on the cusp of yet another costly transition. Publishers have been regularly charging $60 for games this generation, but that model simply cannot survive, Nexon America CEO Daniel Kim said in an interview. 'I think at some point the console makers have to make a decision about how closed or open they're going to be to the different models that are going to be emerging,' Kim remarked. 'Today it's free-to-play, and I'm convinced that that one is going to continue to flourish and expand into other genres and other categories, but there may be something else completely and entirely different that comes out that again changes the industry.' He cautioned, 'If your mind is just set on keeping the current model of buy a game for $60, play for 40 hours, buy another game for $60, play for 40 hours, that model I think is eventually going to change. It's going to have to change.'"
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March 15th, 2012, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has revealed it has no more plans to continue Sonic 4 beyond the upcoming Episode II.
The first episode of the download-only platformer was released way back in 2010, and the second is due for release later this year.
Beyond that, there will be no more outings for Sonic 4, according to Digital Spy.
"We are looking forward to hearing the feedback from the users for Episode II, but we are currently not planning to release another episode," producer Takashi Iizuka told the site.
"We just want to see how the users accept this episode."
The Sonic 4 series was billed as a true sequel to the classic '90s Sonic The Hedgehog games titles.
Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode II will be released for Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, PC, iOS, Android and Windows Phone. While the first entry was available on WiiWare, Sega has confirmed there are no plans to release Episode II on Nintendo's console.
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March 15th, 2012, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, there's a Super Monkey Ball game on PlayStation Vita, because the Vita is a device capable of playing video games. Sega has officially begun promoting the game in Japan, announcing a June 14 release date in that region, and a Japanese title: Super Monkey Ball Tokumori Asobita! (It's Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz over here).
The Vita game features a level editor that allows players to generate new Monkey Ball levels from photos. There's also a weird two-player co-op mode that tethers two Monkey Balls together with a line. Other than that, it's theMonkey Ball you know and loved until you got so frustrated you swore you'd never play again.
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March 15th, 2012, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Network customers can pick up vintage Sega rail shooter House of the Dead 4 from 18th April, the publisher has announced.It will set you back £6.49/€7.99, with new features including Move support, Trophies, additional levels from The House of the Dead 4 Special, a bonus unlockable PlayStation Home item and an interview with the game's creator.PlayStation Plus members get a 30 per cent discount from 18th April until 3rd May, along with four exclusive PSN avatars.House of the Dead 4 originally lurched out of the shadows and into arcades back in 2005.It's the third entry in the long-running series to grace PlayStation 3 in the last six months, following the House of the Dead 3 re-release in February, and House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut last October.
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March 15th, 2012, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
EA is 'looking at' models like Call of Duty: Elite, says Games chief Patrick Soderlund
EA is considering a subscription service for future Battlefield titles, says games chief Patrick Soderlund.
In an interview with Venture Beat, Soderlund was asked if EA was looking at a subscription service similar to that offered by the Call of Duty Franchise.
"I think it's fair to say that we're looking at that," replied Soderlund.
"Like all other companies, we're looking at how we can maximize our investment in this and get the most out of our investment and get more people playing this product. That may take us to different places, but we’re not really talking about where that is yet."
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March 16th, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
George "Geohot" Hotz, the man who posted the PlayStation 3 "root key" online and opened up Sony's console to piracy, has been arrested for possession of marijuana.
Above The Law reports that Hotz, 22, who also devised the iPhone jailbreak, was stopped by police at a checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas, on his way to give a talk at the SXSW festival in Austin.
Police found a quarter-ounce of marijuana, and "chocolate edibles" equivalent to an eighth of an ounce, in his car. Hotz was booked for a felony and later posted $1,500 bail.
Hotz was apparently on the straight and narrow, working for Facebook after he escaped the legal might of Sony. The companysued Hotz for his role in PS3 piracy, but the protracted legal dispute was eventually settled out of court before full proceedings began.
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March 16th, 2012, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
SVP Svensson says Capcom supporting handheld, seeing "decent" sell through
Christian Svensson, SVP of Capcom Entertainment, has accused US retail of being unprepared for demand for Sony's PlayStation Vita.
"They were a little wishy-washy on what they were taking and how deep they were stocking, versus what the demand was," Svensson told Gamasutra.
"Retail got caught a little flat-footed on not going deep enough in their ordering, at least on the software side. I can't speak to the hardware side, only Sony could."
Svensson said the publisher would obviously continue to support Vita, and that it was too early to make any calls on it.
"I'll say our sell-through has been reasonably decent," he revealed.
"The holidays are going to be much more telling for Vita. The holiday was where the 3DS first solidified."
He also declared the handheld market "alive and well," in Japan and explained that mobile and dedicated consoles could survive alongside each other.
"While there may be some overlap, I think there's still going to be an audience for what I call deeper engagement and deeper funds, for lack of a better word. As a result, I think those two markets are going to be viable, and served by content creators."
This week PlayStation Vita was at the fourth spot in the Japanese sales charts, with 10,041 units sold.
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March 16th, 2012, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
The secret to a successful modern fighting game isn't so much the launch as it is the post-launch support. It's kind of like an MMO, in that patching and re-balancing based on community input adds refinement and longevity to the platform. Namco Bandai seems to get this, as it'll be updating SoulCalibur 5's ranked match matchmaking algorithms and character balance next Wednesday, March 21. Specifics on those balance changes are forthcoming, according to the SC5 Facebook page.
The curators of the Stage of History have also announced that SC5 will receive monthly costume DLC packs, the first of which will arrive on April 3 for the 360 and April 4 for the PS3. No word yet on costume pack pricing or content, but we've got a sneaking suspicion that whatever we're expecting, we're probablyway off.
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March 18th, 2012, 15:33 Posted By: wraggster
BioWare insists it is listening to complaints about Mass Effect 3's ending, but has asked fans to wait for more people to finish the game before the studio makes any comment.
So dissatisfied are players with the trilogy's conclusion that a fan-organised campaign, dubbed Retake Mass Effect 3, has garnered support from thousands of users on Facebook, Twitter and the BioWare forums. The movement has even raised over $50,000 for gaming charity Child's Play.
In a post on the studio's official forums, community coordinator Chris Priestly writes: "We appreciate everyone's feedback aboutMass Effect 3 and want you to know that we are listening. Active discussions about the ending are more than welcome here, and the team will be reviewing it for feedback and responding when we can.
"Please note, we want to give people time to experience the game, so while we can't get into specifics right now, we will be able to address some of your questions once more people have had time to complete the game.
"We understand there is a lot of debate on the Mass Effect 3ending and we will be more than happy to engage in healthy discussions once more people get to experience the game. We are listening to all of your feedback."
In the meantime, Priestly requests that users limit plot discussion to the relevant area of BioWare's forums, and keep its social media channels free from spoilers.
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March 18th, 2012, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
The next iteration in Codemasters' hit F1 series will be on the retail grid this September.
The annual series follows a new multi-year deal Codemasters has signed with Formula One World Championships Limited.
The game also features a new mode called Young Driver Test, which takes players closer to the driving experience. Players can take part in a range of tutorials and are challenged to earna drive for a team in the F1 championships.
Here's a video of F1 producer Stephen Hood discussing the game with upcoming F1 stars.
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March 18th, 2012, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac has officially revealed the Ratchet and Clank Trilogy, an HD collection of Insomniac's acclaimed PS2 platformer franchise.
The pack includes PS2 titles Ratchet and Clank, R&C: Going Commando (Locked and Loaded in Europe) and R&C: Up Your Arsenal (simply R&C 3 in Europe).
The collection’s titles will feature 1080p HD support (720p in 3D) and add three platinum trophies to earn. The competitive online multiplayer component from Up Your Arsenal has been included as well.
The bundle will be available May 16th in Europe according to theEU PS Blog, and sometime this fall in North America; with Insomniac providing a vague explanation for the discrepancy.
"I know it's a little bit later than the spring European release,” Insomniac Games' CEO Ted Price confessed on the US PS Blog. “But it's because we have something very special planned for our North American fans to celebrate the 10th anniversary, and we'll share all the details very soon.”
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March 18th, 2012, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Vita recognized by Germany's prestigious Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen
PlayStation Vita has been recognized amongst over 4,500 applicants as a winner in one of the most prestigious industrial design award ceremonies in the world. Germany's Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen has given the Red Dot Award to the Vita for Sony's exceptional design quality.
"To be recognized for our commitment to product design by leading industry experts is a fantastic achievement for SCE", said Andrew House, President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "We are particularly thrilled with the reaction and expectation to the recently launched PS Vita in North America, and Europe, the ultimate portable entertainment system, especially the introduction of innovative new ways to play and interact. Winning a red dot award for product design further establishes PS Vita as the must-have portable entertainment system across the world."
Sony was also recognized for their design prowess in other devices within the PlayStation line of products, including the Wireless Stereo Headset for PS3, Wireless Keyboard for PS3 and 3D display, which were similarly awarded with Red Dot Awards.
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March 18th, 2012, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Mortal Kombat is a fairly tried and true formula by fighting game standards, but what happens when you introduce the Vita's massive array of sensors into the mix? As this latest trailer shows, the results can get positively wacky.
Fear not though, fighting purists. Most of the truly outrageous stuff, like tilting the Vita to balance Skarlett over a pit of spikes while skulls are thrown at her, is relegated to the Vita-specific Challenge Tower, which introduces 150 new trials and tribulations designed specifically for Sony's handheld.
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March 18th, 2012, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
All right, before we go any further than that headline up there, we want everyone playing along at home to go to the kitchen and bring back one of those big cardboard cylinders of Morton's salt with the little metal flap on top.
Got it? Okay great, because you're going to need more than a grain for this one: HD versions of Shenmue 1 and 2 have been completed for more than a year and are pending release on XBLA and PSN, according to an anonymous source reporting to Gamerzines. The source goes on to say that Sega has been sitting on the remakes while it decides the fate of a potential Shenmue 3, though the source did not specify what that fate is.
Look, we're not saying that it isn't true, or that we don't want HD remakes of two of our favorite games ever, because of course we do. We just want you to be careful and not get your precious little hopes up, only to have them dashed to pieces -- your broken, mangled hearts never able to trust or love again.
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March 18th, 2012, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Canabalt, the deceptively addictive single-button platformer from Adam Saltsman, is available for PS3, Vita and PSP as a PlayStation Mini in Europe right now, and is set to hit next week in the US. Canabalt costs £1.74/€1.99/AU $3.45.
Canabalt has already made its run as a free Flash game and an iOS title, and Saltsman (or Mr. Atomic, as we assume he sometimes prefers) is hard at work on the official iOS movie tie-in game, The Hunger Games: Girl on Fire.
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March 18th, 2012, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Following Ninja Gaiden 3's launch next week, Tecmo Koei will release some post-launch goodies: four different pieces of free DLC content. According toFamitsu, these include two new weapons and two new stages for multiplayer.
The Eclipse Scythe and Moukinsou are a -- well, the scythe is a giant scythe. The Moukinsou are some giant claws that Ryu Hayabusa equips to his arms and legs. While the scythe is slow and powerful, the claws make for much more versatile and combo-heavy attacks.
Clan Battle, Ninja Gaiden 3's four-versus-four online multiplayer mode, will be bolstered by two additional stages: a desert-themed locale and perhaps the most iconic stage of battle for the ninja, a submarine. We can't tell you how many epic ninja battles we've seen go down several leagues under the sea, in a metal tube. It happens all the time.
Tecmo has yet to announce the release date of the above content.
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March 18th, 2012, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/18/o...-private-beta/
Developer Dridri (who created the open Idea iso loader for the psp a year ago) is now looking for Beta testers for a tool that aims at replacing Sony’s CMA client on your PC.This tool is based on some research by Yifan Lu that I mentioned a while ago, and will allow to copy files from and to the vita without being connected to the internet (something that Virtuous Flame’s Open CMA already provides, but OI CMA is entirely open source and built from scratch).
Additionally it is compatible with Linux (actually, for now, it is *only* compatible with Linux if my understanding is correct). This means Linux users won’t have to wait anymore for Sony to provide a Linux driver for the Vita… (yes, once again, hackers are helping a company making its products better)
There are also a few additional features that I won’t describe until I personally test the tool, but basically this tool might help us remove some of the limitations of CMA. Needless to mention, OI CMA will not allow you to pirate games in any way. People who have seriously looked at the way CMA works for more than 5 minutes know that all the important DRM verifications are done on the Vita, not on the PC client.
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March 18th, 2012, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/18/the-exploit-factory/
I just submitted an update to file “gen_exploit_config.rb” in the HBL svn, you can find the file here.That file is experimental (and also in need of some massive cleanup), but basically it should generate almost everything that is needed to get VHBL to compile and run (including, and especially, on the PS Vita) assuming you already have an exploit and the associated binary loader.
This is still experimental, and I need to update the “how to port HBL” tutorial with this new information, but mid term this should allow you to port HBL to your game exploit in about 5 minutes (compared to about 1 week for people without experience now).
If you have a user mode exploit and want to give it a try, here is a quick How to. Note: You need to be running on a PSP with a 6.60 firmware (CFW of course) for this to be 100% compatible with the Vita:
- Write your binary loader
- While displaying your hello world in psplink, type malloc 2 test l 204800, this will give you an address to load HBL. Note down this address
- still in the same psplink session, type uidlist > uidlist.txt in order to save the current essential UID information
- still in the same session, type savemem 0×08800000 0×01800000 memdump.bin to dump the user memory
- copy the file uidlist.txt and the file memdump.bin to the tools folder of HBL (where gen_exploit_config.rb is). Make sure uidlist.txt is encoded in unix format, convert it if that’s not the case.
- Copy the file sdk.S from your exploit into the tools folder of HBL. you should now have, in addition to gen_exploit_config.rb, uidlist.txt, sdk.S, and memdump.bin
- run gen_exploit_config.rb. It should create an “output” folder which will have most of the necessary files for HBL compilation
- Edit the 2 “TODO” sections of output/exploit_config.h, one with the HBL address you obtained above, the other one with the id of your game (e.g. UCUS12345)
- Copy the files from the output folder to your exploit folder in HBL, follow the HBL port tutorial to get the 1 or 2 missing files, and Compile
- Profit
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March 18th, 2012, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.co.uk...open-beta.html
Good evening, everyone!
Proudly I present you my newest application "PSN Infinity v2".

Since in most news posts my co-coder genius iQD is forgotten, I have to mention him for his great help on this application here once again.
This version is released as public beta. Completing the app and including all functions I want it to have will take several weeks but the main function aka browsing the PSN stores is already working.
Download PSN INFINITY v2 (beta): CLICK
Dependencies are OpenSSL + VC Redists: DOWNLOAD
This is the first time I force a donation alert in an app, but necessary as this program is a very huge and time consuming project.
So if you like this beta, please donate a small amount to give me some more time to work on this nice project 

I will give you a sneak preview about the functions I focus to add soon:
- 100% PSN PC client
- linux and MAC version
- finish the search function
- download PKG for guest account
- add comic & video stores support
- activate/deactivate your consoles remotly
- complete account management on PC (like on PS3)
- change your PSN Online ID (like in japanese region accounts)
- bring back PC to PS3 messaging (if we'll ever get xi-passphrase back)
- etc etc etc...
If you reach error 99, please install the VC redistributables and OpenSSL.
If you find any bugs or have suggestions don't hesitate to e-mail me: (skfuinfo@gmail.com).
This application is made for research and investigation.
There is no intention to use it for piracy!
Kind regards,
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March 18th, 2012, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/03/18/cut-rope-psp
Its been slow as of late for the PSP as far as mods go... or any other PSP news for that matter but now we have a new homebrew game to play with. Coming from France with his first release is Samir88Nasri with...that's right ...the popular Ipod/phone/pad game is now on PSP, Cut the Rope. For those of you who don't know, in this game you basically have to drop a piece of candy in to the monsters mouth by cutting the string its swinging on. This version has only one level, its kind of a proof of concept but is written in Lua so its not hard to think of how to make more levels. I went ahead and ported it to English for every one who cant read French.
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March 18th, 2012, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Grimm and his colleague Berion offer an easy to use PC application that calculates cheksums and other settings files. PS3 PUP and will tell you if it is an OFW and what version, if s' CEX is a firmware DEX or, if it is a custom firmware and what version, from whom? Kmeaw, or other Jaicrab. Basically a small description of the different firmwares.
This application is not solely for the PS3, it also is compatible with firmware PSP and PS VITA is the first version, the two authors say their program is supposed to improve and grow in the future over versions. Custom FirmWare validator Another thing you will create your USB "Ready To Use" to install your CFW firmware by copying the X in the right place on your USB stick by following the right path PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP . CFV also gives you access to official pages of the main creators such as Sony firmware as an example. Microsoft Net Framwork v4.0 or higher is required for the operation of this application. Thanks to the green-to information .
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March 18th, 2012, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Interested in the console since its Japanese launch in November last, Real PsDev opens her return to the scene with VITA PlayStation hack a PC utility for the least interesting.
PS VITA PKG Tool is a PC utility that can decrypt and extract the files from the VITA PKG, which are signed with "PSP AES keys" of version 1.0 firmware console.
It means simply he is unable to decrypt the key PKG signed with firmware 1.50, 1.51 or 1.60.
Reason? is simple, as the PS3, Sony has changed the AES keys to its new firmware.
Despite that, this is a good start on the stage hack PsDev PS VITA, who is already potentially seen on stage with PS3 its utilities and its theories. PS VITA PKG tool will remain on his side a good basis for further progress in the future but also a way for the curious who want to know what their hidden PKG files?! PSVITA PKG Tool Real PsDev Official Page: # https://twitter.com/! / RealPsDev
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March 18th, 2012, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Zer01ne , a member of our forum beggar comes to share with us the first video of his exploits flaw backup on a PSP game, also available on VITA.
This vulnerability is currently used to launch the famous "Hello World" on the game in question on the PlayStation VITA, this waiting why not a port of VITA or other HBL above, who knows!
In the same vein but a little further forward, Davee has successfully launched the first homebrew with his feat "always" on the PSP emulator for VITA. Twitter Davee: https://twitter.com/ #! / DaveeFTW
page Zer01ne: http://gueux-forum.net/
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March 18th, 2012, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
While information about new exploits appear on the net to the right and left, their use is currently limited to the launch of the famous "hello world" on the PSP and the corresponding game on the VITA. The main goal is the launch of homebrew is possible only for the lucky few enjoyed the first beneficiaries of the fault backup game MotorStorm Artic Edge of Teck4.
And in fact over time and as planned, it will be possible to bring the VITA Half Byte Loader Wololo and its team to new and future exploits backup, of course those found on the PSP games sold on the PS Store VITA. In this sense, the new version r129 of VITA HBL just appear on the official page of this open source project. The novelty of most interest to developers by providing everything needed to bring the VHBL their exploits, wait & see. Official site: http://code.google.com/p/valentine-hbl/
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March 18th, 2012, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
So one might think definitely dead, the first clone of Chinese True Blue returns with a new update enabling support for the new patch update 2.5 of TrueBlue. This means that backups of new games 3.7 + / 4.00 TB are borne by the readable with the JB King once the update applied.
Quote: - After the update 2.5, the JB King can support games by TrueBlue 2.5 of the update. - The JB King kept his promise with the ability to crack any 2.X update of TrueBlue. - The JB King's ability to crack hard to TrueBlue specific games, allowing players to clone them on their own discs (You can catch them next time relaser) - The JB King's ability to produce eboot games that will only work on our dongle. We will not use special discs. - The price of JB King will be reviewed shortly. method for updating:
- Press the button on the JB King and plug
- Open "Upgrade.exe" and use "updrade2.5.dfu" to upgrade
- After unplugging the dongle and close "Upgrade.exe"
- Do not press the button, connect the dongle to pc wait 5 to 8s then unplugged
- Press the button on the JB King and plug
- Open "Upgrade.exe" and use "S_2.5.dfu" to upgrade, it will take some time, wait
- Congratulation! Once the update the dongle successfully, please place your console in CFW 3.55 TB V2. Thanks to the green-to information. Official site: www.jb-king.com
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March 18th, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
PSXjin SVN r718 is released. PSXjin is a PSX emulator with Rerecording features using pcsx core. It is intended to be an evolution of the outdated pcsx-rr with a new SPU core.
PSXjin SVN Changelog:
fix weird duplication in left column of pixels during screenshots and aviout. also try to fix up the 1x and 2x etc. display options as they were virtually worthlessly wrong while i was testing this
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March 21st, 2012, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
The studio shares its love of the Vita with us and talks all about preparing for next-gen gaming
Ready At Dawn
PlayStation Vita has sold over 1.2 million unitsworldwide so far, and the key to the platform's long-term success will be software, of course. Unfortunately, Vita won't be receiving any titles from God of War PSP developer Ready at Dawn, who confirmed toGamesIndustry International recently that the chance to make a Vita God of War game was considered.
Ru Weerasuriya, co-founder and CEO of Ready at Dawn, acknowledged, "It's an idea that was floated as far as what could happen on the Vita. And especially with a platform like that, we were enticed I think by the prospect of doing something on that platform, but it just didn't align with what we wanted, so I'm hoping that they do something on that because I definitely think that they should. There's so much potential for it. But it's something we toyed with for a little while."

With Nintendo's 3DS faring quite well now, following early stumbles, and the portables market feeling the pressure overall from the smartphones and tablets sector, Sony certainly has a challenge on its hands, but Weerasuriya believes in Vita's long-term prospects.
When we asked him whether he thought Vita would do well over the long haul, he quickly responded, "I do, actually. You know, I'm really proud of the way they handled this one because I know how the development of the PSP went, and it was a great first handheld to put out there. But the one thing that they totally nailed with Vita is that it is a handheld gaming console for our time."
"We know what we feel next generation games should be like... And we have very specific goals that we want to hit that I don't think are being hit right now in the market"
Ru Weerasuriya
He continued, observing Vita's advantage over 3DS and iPhone: "I love my 3DS. I play with my 3DS. I used to play with my Game Boy a long time before. I love my Nintendo platforms, but the Nintendo platforms were almost a different kind of gaming experience. The one thing that the Vita does that I think that no other platform still can do - and I know that people argue that iPhones and iPads do - but you still cannot create the kind of content that you could create for a home console on a handheld outside Vita."
"I mean there is some stuff on there that just amazed me and made me almost want to go like, 'Wow, maybe we should have done this, maybe we should have split into two teams.' I don't know, but I think it's got a bright future. It just needs the content."
For Ready at Dawn, splitting into two teams is simply not an option. "I think one doctrine we've followed since the beginning is one game at a time... We want to get everybody's heads on the same thing," said Weerasuriya.
So now Ready at Dawn is taking its one team and applying it to work on an unannounced next-gen project. According to Weerasuriya, it's what his team has always wanted to do.
"When it came to really decide what we wanted to do next, I think most of the guys internally just wanted to do something that, in some ways, we had built this company for. It's taken us time to get there and we've wanted to do new IP, we've been working on it for a while, and we felt the time was right and it was just the perfect alignment of everything that was happening," he said.
"And I think the big thing for us was just that we took the decision early to just skip a generation. I know that most people would have jumped on the current generation... most people ask us that, how do you go from a handheld to a next generation console? I think it's the right thing to do. Sometimes you've just got to make your bets and live by them."
Ready at Dawn currently employes about 60 people, but the goal is to grow "dramatically" as the company gears up for next-gen. "We're actually talking internally about 100 people and that's not counting what we'll need probably outside as well," Weerasuriya said.
So what's the studio working on? What platforms? Needless to say, Weerasuriya wouldn't divulge any specifics, but he did tell us this: "What I can tell you is that it's going to follow the lines of the type of games we make. It's going to be an action/adventure game, single player driven mainly, and there might be other components to it, but really, our goal is to tell a story where we want to be a story telling kind of team the way we built ourselves."
He also explained Ready at Dawn's desire to be prepared for next-gen from the start.
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March 21st, 2012, 11:56 Posted By: wraggster
PSN's Spring Fever hits its second week today with the launch of PSN's Rayman 3 HD for $10, 20 percent off for PlayStation Plus subscribers, and Warriors Orochi 3 for $50. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine finally touches down on PS3 for $40, including the Elite Pass. For Vita, Sumioni: Demon Arts is available starting today at $20.
Final Fantasy Origins, Tactics and V-VIII from the PSone are 30 percent off for regular PSNers, and 50 percent off for Plusers (regular price $10). PSN's Spring Fever includes DLC for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Saints Row: The Third and more -- if all of this is a common symptom for the modern fever, we hope to catch it too.
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March 21st, 2012, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
BioWare's Dragon Age 2 team has officially packed up its tents, put out the fires and left camp, executive producer Mark Darrah announced on the BioWare forums.
"While we will still be keeping an eye out for any issues that might crop up in DAII and supporting the community should any emergencies should [sic] arise, we're moving the entire team's focus to the next phase of Dragon Age's future," Darrah wrote.
The "next phase of Dragon Age's future" could be too vague for some, so creative director Mike Laidlaw clarified in a TL;DR Twitter update: "We're done development on Dragon Age II, and the team has fully moved onto The Next Thing(tm)."
BioWare halted production on Exalted March, an expansion pack for Dragon Age 2,because "other Dragon Age opportunities came up," Darrah tweeted. It's safe to reason that stopping production on DLC probably wouldn't happen for anything less than work on a shiny new title, and with these scraps of evidence and previous unintentional outings, we feel safe to propose that BioWare is now working on Dragon Age 3.
Moving the franchise into the future involves looking at the past, Darrah said. "This past year, we've spent a lot of time both going back to the 'BioWare vault' of games and re-examining them, and looking at some new possibilities that today's industry allows," he wrote. The Dragon Age team may not have to look very far in BioWare's history to find things it should avoid, such as "endings.
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March 21st, 2012, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
BioWare co-founder Dr Ray Muzyka has taken the unprecedented decision to apologise following mounting criticism from fans over the ending of the recently released Mass Effect 3.
"I personally believe Mass Effect 3 is the best work we’ve yet created. So, it’s incredibly painful to receive feedback from our core fans that the game’s endings were not up to their expectations," Myzyka blogged.
Myzyka said that the game development team had been "poring over everything they can find" about gamer and critic reaction to the third and final instalment to the quasi-RPG Mass Effect series.
Muzyka admitted that the reaction to the conclusion was "unprecedented", he went on to say that executive producer Casey Hudson and the development team were working on game content that would help to "answer the questions" and provide "more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey."
The company is planning on revealing that content, presumably DLC, in April.
Such has been the outrage at the unsatisfying ending of the trilogy that a number of fan-led initiatives and protests have sprung up including the Retake Mass Effect petition for an alternative ending that has so far raised over $76,000 for the charity Child Play.
"Thank you for your feedback - we are listening," Muzyka finished.
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March 22nd, 2012, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Irrational head Ken Levine has revealed a stark difference in the writing of Bioshock Infinite when compared to the original game in the intense FPS franchise.
"Just one level of BioShock Infinite writing and the character interaction we have is probably three or four times as much writing as in all of BioShock 1," Levine told Eurogamer.
Levine says he's doing most of the game’s writing himself, and referred to the challenge as overwhelming at times.
"On the other hand it's a world that I absolutely love to write. Mostly because it's a new challenge. Thinking how these scenes are going to play out, how we keep them interactive and how you communicate the ideas."
The developer also went out of his way to assure fans that even with all the dialogue, the gameplay hasn’t been sacrificed.
"It would be so much easier just to write tonnes of cut scenes - I could tell the story much more easily. But my gut feeling, which probably comes from being forever changed by playing System Shock 1, is to keep the experience going.”
BioShock Infinite is currently on target for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on October 16th in North America, and October 19th worldwide.
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March 22nd, 2012, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to the Assassin's Creed crossover DLC, Final Fantasy XIII-2 will soon host some Mass Effect costumes. Starting March 27 in Japan, players will be able to outfit Serah and Noel in completely inappropriate N7 armor for 300 yen or 240 Microsoft Points. It is, at least, inappropriate in a different way frombikinis.
Though Square Enix would never release numbers (so we'll never know), we'd be surprised if this DLC took off in Japan. After all, Mass Effect 3 sold 8,142 copies there in its debut week.
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March 22nd, 2012, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has formally announced LittleBigPlanet Karting, a spinoff due this year for PS3, in development at Vancouver studio United Front Games.
A post on the PlayStation Blog confirms the existence of the project, which was first revealed by a leaked promo shot last month. In keeping with series tradition, there will be a heavy focus on user-generated content under Sony's 'Play, Create, Share' banner.
It's an odd move, given that Sony already has the strikingly similarModNation Racers in its portfolio; and even odder given that theModNation series is the product of one United Front Games.
Still, at least that means the project shouldn't overrun. United Front's True Crime: Hong Kong did just that - twice - prompting Activision to cancel it last year. It's since been picked up by Square Enix, renamed Sleeping Dogs and, like LittleBigPlanet Karting, will be released this year.
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March 23rd, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
GameStop president Tony Bartel says GTA V is not factored into their 2012 forecast
Following the company's latest earnings report, GameStop president Tony Bartel has said that Take-Two's Grand Theft Auto V is not a part of the company's planned slate for 2012. Bartel listed Ghost Recon: Future Solider, FIFA 13, NCAA Football 13, Madden NFL 13, Borderlands 2, Halo 4, Assassin's Creed III, Resident Evil 6, Max Payne 3, Call of Duty, and Protoype 2 as major titles for this year.
"In terms of GTA V, we don't have followed information that we can share at this point so we have not put that into our forecast. We would adjust our estimate if we had knowledge that GTA was coming out [in 2012]," he said.
This information dovetails with the launch estimates given by Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia, who believes GTA V will hit retail in early 2013, and possibly arrive on Nintendo's Wii U as well.
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March 23rd, 2012, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
Foosball, the table game with a surprisingly rich history, is coming to PS3 and Vita this spring in the form of Foosball 2012. Developed by Grip Games, the game features a "World Tour" single-player mode with 30 locations, and multiplayer support for up to four players with online and couch co-op.It'll also support the PlayStation Move and allow players to control Foosball 2012 exactly like they "would control a real table football, with 1:1 movement precision." We don't think the Move warranty covers spinning the controller like a drunken madman and the ensuing breakage as it hits the floor.For those without Move, the DualShock 3 and Vita controls will be identical and the game supports cross-platform play (pay once, get both). Also, out of curiosity, we looked up how much a decent Foosball table costs, and they run from hundreds to thousands of dollars. We expect Foosball 2012 to cost significantly less.http://www.joystiq.com/2012/03/22/fo...t-on-ps3-vita/
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March 25th, 2012, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Waiting for characters to be announced is so 2011, you guys. Nowadays, hackers figure out a game's roster by themselves, using nothing but a demo and sheer willpower. According to neoGAF user Sectus, alternate costume data mined from the Dead or Alive 5 demo has revealed the fighter's entire character list.
Every character from Dead or Alive 4 supposedly returns, along with series newcomers Mila and Rig, and Virtua Fighter veterans Sarah Bryant and Pai Chan. Each character also has around 6 costumes, assuming this all checks out, of course. Jump past the break for the complete list of uncovered characters.
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March 25th, 2012, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/21/d...s-on-the-vita/
Famous PSP dev Davee just posted a youtube video showing him running PSP homebrews on a Vita. I initially thought “well, not a big surprise, he’s running his own port of VHBL to some random exploited game”, but it turns out this is much more interesting than that, as he managed to get a PSP Kernel exploit running on the PSP Emulator. Davee had hinted a few days ago on twitter that he had PSP User mode access, but it’s a surprise to see Kernel mode today. What this means to the end user is full homebrew compatibility (unlike VHBL which is hit and miss), and potentially down the road, PSP iso loaders (the video actually shows a psp iso running the video shows a regular PSN game being loaded from the launcher) . Check his video below
The video shows a minimalist interface called “PRX Loader” which seems to be used to run the homebrews. No word from Davee yet on a release date.
[Update] The end of the video also shows some gameplay of Ratchet and Clank, which indicates Davee already has PSP isos working to some extent on this exploit.
[Update 2] Davee told that this is actually a regular bought PSN game that we see running on this video, not an iso “per se”.
I don’t know what impact this will have on wth’s release for VHBL. We had actually started the process, but Davee’s work might make VHBL fairly irrelevant. I’ll try to contact the involved people to know what to do next about that.
Congrats Davee, exciting times ahead!
Thanks to Yoti for the tip!
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March 25th, 2012, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/23/v...nnounced-soon/
A few weeks ago, I released a fully working homebrew loader running in the PSP emulator of the Vita, thanks to the exploit from Teck4 and to the portability of VHBL. Sadly, despite my attempts at letting a high number of people know about the exploit in a minimum amount of time, lots of you missed the opportunity, as Sony removed Motorstorm from their store within hours following my public announcement. But we’re back with a new game and a new version of VHBL, thanks to the work of developer wth. As wth himself announced on /talk, we have been busy getting ready with the release of the next VHBL (he’s done most of the work, with also some help from Teck4 for the JP exploit, I am just announcing the release and was not directly involved in the exploit or the port), using a new game.
I will announce the name of that game soon, here on this blog. Assuming Sony didn’t change their strategy overnight, they will remove the game from their store within hours following the announcement. I cannot announce the exact day/time I will reveal the game, as this would most likely sink my server, but I’m talking hours/days rather than weeks/months.
Some people are already aware of the name, and that could include you if you’ve followed how we do these releases now. Don’t blame it on me afterwards if after what happened with Motorstorm you still don’t know how to get the game before the name becomes massively public, especially since I’ve been fairly explicit this time.
The game is, as far as I can tell, once again, not available on the US store, sorry for that, we don’t really choose. If you decide to buy it from the UK, a 25£ PSN card will cover for the price of the game. Some shops online can sell those cards and send you the code by email within minutes, if you live for example in the US.
Like for the Motorstorm exploit, please remember that all you get with this is VHBL, a PSP homebrew loader with limited compatibility, and that it is also very possible Sony patches the game before you can get to run VHBL. Please remember that last time with Motorstorm, Sony stole money from some of their users by not actually letting them download the game, and not issuing a refund (if that happened to you I strongly suggest you complain to Sony, btw). This could happen this time too. Eventually, buying the game with the exploit is your choice, not mine. It is possible we will port VHBL to other games, but as I write this, I am not aware of any other working implementation of VHBL. There are lots of user mode exploits lying around, but not all of them can lead to a successful HBL port as of now.
Additionally, please note that this release has absolutely nothing to do with Davee’s recent Kernel exploit. As a matter of fact, I contacted Davee and other trusted sources for this exploit, who confirmed to me there is no plan to release that kernel exploit for now.
Stay tuned.
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March 25th, 2012, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/25/dear-sony/
Dear Sony, it has come to my attention that one of the PSP games available on the playstation Vita has a vulnerability that could lead to the execution of external code by some malicious users. Therefore I am writing this blog post so that you can patch the game or remove it from the PSN store as soon as possible. Preferably, I suggest you take the money from your clients first, and prevent them from downloading the game afterwards, just like you did with Motorstorm Arctic Edge, 3 weeks ago. This way it will be a win-win situation for you, and you can always blame it on the hackers later on.
As a matter of fact, I have discovered that some “hackers” (I prefer to call them terrorists) have already prepared a tool wich, using this vulnerability, could allow people to run software that would be extremely dangerous for your business, such as 20 year-old 8 bit games and 154 different versions of pong.
I think this puts your business at risk, and I’ve tried to stop those vilains by all means necessary, but sadly it seems they are not breaking any law. Hopefully, giving you the name of the game will help you to take some efficient action. Those people are clearly wrong in their mind to try to play crappy open source software, when they could enjoy a great game such as Ridge Racer for less than 10$ a track, (which is clearly not a ripoff compared to the price one would have to pay in the real world to drive cars that completely defy the laws of physics. Although on that subject I woud like if you could help me, as my version of the game seems to be blocked in “demo mode” for some reason. All the 5 cars have exactly the same specs, so surely there’s something I’ve done wrong somewhere.)
I digress. The name of the game is Everybody’s Tennis. It is also known as Minna no tennis in Japan. Thankfully the game is not available on the US Vita store, so this should limit the problems on your end. I heard however that these hackers have prepared a US version of the hack just in case that version is being sold somewhere such as the HK store. I also heard people can buy the UK version from the US if they buy some PSN cards from resellers on ebay and other sites. If I may give some advice, I think this is not secure enough. True, you did a good job in preventing people from buying games outside of the country they live in (and being a French living in Japan, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the fact that I can’t buy any game on the French PSN, this is exactly how globalization should work, and it helps me sparing lots of money by not buying any game), but I think in order to avoid future hacks, you should simply prevent everyone from buying games on the PSN, which will guarantee you a complete control of the market.
The hackers also announced they would release their hack a few hours or days after they announce the name of the game being used. They claim this only allows people to run “homebrew” games and that in no way it allows people to play pirated PSP or vita games, but I think this is not an excuse to hack.
I realize it is saturday evening for your teams in Europe, and Sunday morning in Japan. I hope you will not have to wake some people in the middle of the night just to take action, I would have chosen a better time, but I myself have very little time to blog outside of weekends.
Hoping that working together we will be able to stop hackers. I seem to be one of the few people on Earth who understand that the real enemies of the Vita are not your poor marketing techniques, the terrible software such as the “back to the 90′s” netfront browser, the bad launch lineup, the delays on the playstation suite, the recent downgrade from 5 to 2 allowed copies of any given psn game, and the increasing competition of smartphones that all have better CPUs than the Vita. No, the real enemies are those people playing Lamecraft, who are clearly killing the videogame market, so let’s destroy them together.
Please pay extra attention to the dev known as wth, who apparently is behind this whole thing, as well as Teck4 who apparently helped him for the Japanese version of the hack. I also heard that somes guys named mamosuke and msparky83 were involved in the testing. It would be good if you have a way to maybe track these guys’ phones or something. Or maybe you can simply sue them, I heard it’s something you do very well.
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March 25th, 2012, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/25/t...ty-of-hackers/
Every announcement about HBL recently seems to generate more fights between the pro-hacking and the anti-piracy clans than the fights between the republicans and the liberals in the US. I thought I was used to haters, but this is because I only cared about the ones who came here. I used to be insulted by people because my work didn’t allow them to run isos, and I couldn’t care less.
But at least these guys were right. They wanted piracy, and my work did not provide it to them. Nowadays, however, I’m a bit more angry at the reactions I’m seeing in some comments on some generalist technology websites, where many people assume, without even checking who am I and what kind of work I was involved with, that I’m a filthy pirate, and if not me, other hackers will take care of it for me (which apparently makes me as bad as those guys). I guess that’s the price I pay for being more “mainstream” than I was 3 years ago.
I want to emphasize one more time that HBL does not allow people to pirate any PSP or Vita games. People who say HBL is “opening the door” to PSP/Vita piracy have not followed the PSP underground scene and don’t know what they are talking about. HBL has been available freely for 2 years now, and was never used to enable piracy. Other, unrelated exploits, were found on the PSP that led to Kernel access and CFW (which, among other things, allow to run isos). People who actually tried to use HBL’s source code in order to run pirated games never succeeded in its 2 years of existence, and let me tell you that many have tried.
It is also important for me to remind people of the projects I’ve been working on since I joined the psp scene: Wagic, an open source card game for the PSP; HBL, a homebrew loader which is perfectly harmless to Sony’s business (see explanation above); and the Genesis competition, a friendly contest for homebrew developers, which resulted in the creation of gems such as Lamecraft (a brilliant Minecraft clone), the PSP 3D plugin (allows to play PSP games in 3D with colore glasses), and Localizer (allows you to translate the PSP menus in the language of your choice, especially languages not supported by default on the PSP). None of my activities are related to piracy, or to putting anybody out of business, including Sony (I couldn’t care less), and especially game creators.
Certainly, my site gives explanations on how to install a Custom Firmware on one’s psp, and Custom Firmwares do allow people to run isos. However people who’ve been following this blog for more than 2 days know that I am personally against piracy, and will reject any question about where to download pirated games or even how to install them. Let me use the opportunity to remind new members that our community is also strictly against piracy, and any mention of piracy on our forums usually leads to a ban.
Now, does it mean I feel completely unrelated to rampant piracy on consoles? Honestly, yes. Piracy is not my responsibility, not only because I never worked on any tool that would allow people to pirate PSP or Vita games, but also because even if I would, piracy is a matter of personal responsibility. It is perfectly lame to blame a handful of hackers for the childish behavior of hundreds of thousands of people who pirate digital contents: games, music, videos, you name it.
Speaking of individual responsibility, I’m also asking people to look in their own mirror. I’ve met enough gamers in my life to know that those who pretend to “help the gaming industry by buying games” are in parallel pirating movies and/or music and/or all their PC software. Lots of people are seeing two versions of the laws of copyright, depending if it’s video games or other intellectual property… (“Oh yeah, but that’s not the same, I got this album from a blog of fans, they’re just sharing their passion for the band, it’s free promotion, that’s completely different. Plus I plan to go to their concert… also check that fake Rolex I just bought!”). As a matter of fact, I believe I could probably challenge most people who said that I’m a pirate, to see who’s the hypocrite.
In addition to that, I find it very ironic that some people can’t believe that me and others in our community are actually ready to pay 30$ for a video game just so that we can run “crappy” homebrews. In these people’s mind, if I’m ready to spend 30$ on a game I don’t like, just for HBL, surely there’s more than homebrews as a result. Well, sorry to disappoint, no. Funnily enough, these people are closer to the way of thinking of pirates than I am. They are already in a frame of mind that leads them to think that the only interesting reason to pay for an exploitable game is if it leads to piracy.
Finally, I’ve seen people mentioning the Playstation Suite, and wondering why I am not giving it a try if my goal is “only” to run homebrews. There are many reasons for that. First, the playstation Suite has been reported to not work for the playstation Vita yet, with absolutely no date given as to when it would become available. Second, I did register for the Playstation Suite Beta and didn’t get in. Third, I believe (although I can’t tell as long as I don’t have access to the open beta) that the playstation suite will be way too restricted for me to do what I want with it. So all people who are mentioning the Playstation Suite as a valid alternative to homebrews, as of today, are only speculating. And even if it was, trust me, indie devs will make more money on iOS and Android than on the low user base of “playstation certified” devices. (Which is not helped by the poor reviews Sony’s latest tablets got).
I also have to apologize for the bitterness and not-so-funny post when I announced wth’s exploit this morning. Not everybody is a born humorist. Although if I had to guess, I’d say people who didn’t find it funny are the people who actually bought Ridge Racer . Seriously though, my point was not to sound arrogant towards Sony, but to announce the release in a humorous post. So, apologies to many people on other websites who apparently didn’t catch that, I agree it’s difficult to understand where this post is coming from if you haven’t been following this blog regularly.
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March 25th, 2012, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
This application in beta stage currently has the following features:
- Proxy especially for PS VITA, but surely works for anything
- Filters especially for PlayStation Network traffic
- Automatic fixes of misformated URL's
- Raw data, DNS, and URL replacement
- "Last request" fast access
- SSL support
- Save Logs
Please be sure as always to have the Visual C++ 2008 redistributables and OpenSSL, both 32-bit version installed correctly on your computer.
Download: CLICK
Thanks for your great support!
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March 25th, 2012, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
PSP news has been quite slow within the recent months since the Vita is up and running. Earlier this month, a new exploit was discovered by Xerpi. Today, Zer01ne has uncovered a new exploit for the PSP which uses a game that has not been used by previous exploits.
The exploit works on the latest 6.60 firmware. The bad news however, is that Zer01ne is not planning to port wololo's Half Byte Loader to work with his exploit. It's probably not needed at this point as there are already custom firmware installers that can be ran directly on 6.60 without having to do anything extra.
Below, you can check out a video of his exploit in action: On the flipside, this exploit is working on the Vita and VHBL will be ported to work with this exploit. You can follow Zer01ne on Twitter for more updates.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
A new update appeared for the handheld Nintendo DSi.
system version 1.4.4 and now passes as usual prevents operation maps linkers. R4ids.cn The team already has a patch on its website to make it compatible with the R4i this new update. As always the game of cat and mouse continues between Nintendo and the makers of linkers.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
This release is for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wii Wiz, GP2x and Dingoo:
Heres whats new;
r3673 | utunnels | 2012-03-23 02:07:29 -0400 (Fri, 23 Mar 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openborscript.c
M /engine/openborscript.h
Add current_branch to openborvariant to get the branch name current level belongs to.
Fix in game player select icon palette.
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March 25th, 2012, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for windows has been updated, heres whats new:
Draft version of adhoc networking: adhoc network is emulated over the existing infrastructure network. It will only allow adhoc communication between two Jpcsp (on the same or different computers), but not with a real PSP.
Still a prototype and not yet really working. I've managed to have the homebrew Quake Arena Arcade working with adhoc network between 2 Jpcsp running on the same computer.
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March 26th, 2012, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda is rumoured to have pulled the plug on Human Head-developed sci-fi shooter Prey 2.
The firm hasn’t spoken publicly about the game for some time, but Dutch site PS Focus claims Bethesda will confirm next week that it has dropped plans to publish the sequel, which was announced in March 2008, two years after the launch of the well-received original.
Last month Brian Karis, lead graphics programmer at Human Head,said he’d been left “pretty devastated” after Bethesda parent company ZeniMax Media forced the studio to pull a series of planned Prey 2 talks at GDC.
Approached for comment, a Bethesda spokesperson toldGamasutra that the company isn’t saying anything on the matter at this time: "Thanks for reaching out but we aren't commenting on the story," they said.
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March 26th, 2012, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony launched the PS Vita last month and the TV rating results for its first burst of advertising activity have been revealed.
The chart compares the cumulative individual TVRs and number of weeks on air for other handhelds’ TV launch activity.
What’s evident is the differing strategies utilised by Sony and Nintendo. For their two handheld launches, Sony restricted the initial burst to three weeks of activity. Nintendo preferred five weeks of activity.
Of the four campaigns, the PS Vita achieved the fewest potential commercial views, amassing 241 individual TVRs. This is nine per cent less than its predecessor, the PSP (265 TVRs), 21 per cent less than the 3DS (304 TVRs) and 34 per cent less than the original DS (313 TVRs). One TVR represents one per cent of a target audience.
The cost of TV airtime fluctuates on a monthly basis, dependent on market pressure and audience supply. Therefore it would be unfair to compare these bursts of activity from different years in terms of spend, but the TV rating activity is comparable.
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March 27th, 2012, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Limber up those thumbs gaming gurus, because a new challenge may be on its way to your PlayStation 3console: photo editing. PCWorld is reporting that Sony will be rolling out some new "photo editing software" for the PS3 early this week. Tweaking photos aside, the software's ultimate purpose will be to provide access to and allow the sharing of digital stills through the company's PlayMemories Online (and your other Sony portable media devices), which is set to launch later this year. The report states that the software will be on sale here in the US on Tuesday and carry a price tag of $18 -- a 30-day trial will also be available. What say you PlayStation Legion? Are you ready to retouch your stills with a D-pad?
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March 27th, 2012, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
The Amazing Spider-Man will support Move on the PS3, Beenox confirmed after a stray piece of box art spotted byiWaggle3D got questions churning.
The box -- check it out to the left -- features the final art for The Amazing Spider-Man, Beenox said, but it doesn't specify how the Move will function with the title. Its insert shows two Move controllers and the PS Eye: If it does use two Move controllers, The Amazing Spider-Man will be the first third-party title to offer the dual-controller option, iWaggle3D noted.
The Amazing Spider-Man is hitting Wii and Xbox 360 as well, and while the Wii will use its own brand of motion-controls, there is no word yet if we'll be able to Web Rush with the Kinect.
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March 27th, 2012, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Transfarring is complicated business. Reader Julius discovered that the PS3 version of the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will move Peace Walker save content to the PSP game as advertised, but not when the PSP game is running on Vita.
The Vita's security restrictions (specifically its Content Manager Assistant-based PS3 transfer) don't support direct transfer of save data from within the game, but even copying the file onto a PC via USB drive, then transferring to Vita with the CMA program didn't work for Julius.
Since the Vita HD Collection doesn't include Peace Walker, "Transfarring" is effectively out of the picture on that platform. Ironic since many Vita games support Vita/PS3 connectivity under a different name.
This, of course, isn't even the biggest problem with playing Peace Walker on a Vita. The biggest problem, for those of us in North America, is that it's not even available through the Vita PlayStation Store. You can move it over if you bought it already, or you can buy it through the PS3, but you can't just buy it from the device you want to play it on.
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March 27th, 2012, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
We've dissected the Vita from almost every angle imaginable, reviewing its hardware, software, design, mechanics and games, but there's one thing that we forgot to test out -- how well it will hold up during an earthquake. Or tsunami. Or anything that makes the ground unstable and people/tables prone to dropping things. Thankfully, these fellas above have that covered, conducting a thorough drop test on the Vita, which it somewhat surprisingly passes with flying colors. Er, flying Vitas.
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March 27th, 2012, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed some of the perks that will be offered to PlayStation Plus Subscribers in US next month.
The highlight of the list has to be early access to a Ghost Recon: Future Soldier closed beta, the date of which remains TBC April.
There'll also be an exclusive demo for The House of the Dead 4, and subs will get the brilliant Shank 2 and Need for Speed Shift 2 for free.
Here's the full list:
The House of the Dead 4 Demo - 4/10
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier Closed Beta - Date TBA
Free Downloads:
Shift 2 Unleashed - 4/3
Shank 2 - 4/3
Frogger Returns - 4/17
Canabalt - 4/10
Farm Frenzy 2 - 4/3
Mystic Garden - 4/10
PS one Classics:
Silent Hill - 4/3
Full Game Trials:
Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes From Liberty City - 4/10
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record - 4/17
NHL 12 - 4/17
Disney Universe - 4/24
The Cursed Crusade - 4/24
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - 4/24
Qore Episode 47 - April - 4/10
Free Avatars and Themes:
Escape Plan Lil Avatar - 4/3
Escape Plan Bakuki Avatar - 4/3
Escape Plan Logo Avatar - 4/3
Escape Plan Triangle Avatar - 4/3
Escape Plan Laarg Avatar - 4/3
THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4 - 4/17 (PS Plus Price: $6.99)
Disney Universe - 4/24 - (PS Plus Price: TBD - 50% off Store Price)
Exclusive Discounted Avatar Bundles:
Devil May Cry Avatar Bundle- 4/3 (PS Plus Price: $0.99)
Devil May Cry 2 Avatar Bundle - 4/3 (PS Plus Price: $0.99)
Devil May Cry 3 Avatar Bundle - 4/3 (PS Plus Price: $0.99)
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March 27th, 2012, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu today brings back another of our heritage sites with the reopening of Miemt`s PSP Dev Site, Miemt released the very first GBA Emulator for the PSP, a UMD Loader and also Media Players. One of the pioneers of the PSP Scene, we are very happy to reopen his site with all his newsposts on the same page.
Check it out here --> http://miemt.dcemu.co.uk/
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March 27th, 2012, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu today brings back another of our heritage sites with the reopening of DXDev, MikeDX was another of our premier coders responsible for the first MAME port for the PSP as well as other offerings.
Check out the reopened DXDev site here --> http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk
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March 27th, 2012, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Hackers say certain games can be manipulated to provide access to handheld's core
Sony has removed PlayStation Vita compatible PSP game Everybody’s Tennis from the PSN Store after reports that it had allowed pirates to crack the new handheld.
News site The Sixth Axis believes that Sony previously removed MotorStorm Arctic Edge from its download portal for similar reasons.
Members of the PlayStation hacking community have reportedly said that both titles can be used to implement a software trick that allows users access to the system’s core functionality.
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March 27th, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has removed PlayStation Vita compatible PSP game Everybody’s Tennis from the PSN Store after reports that it had allowed pirates to crack the new handheld.
The Sixth Axis reckons that Sony previously removed MotorStorm Arctic Edge from its download portal for exactly the same reason.
Members of the PlayStation hacking community have reportedly said that both titles can be used to implement a software trick that allows users access to the system’s core functionality.
From here they are able to run unlicensed code – potentially including pirated games, though that step has not yet been achieved.
Sony’s PSP suffered heavily at the hands of software pirates and Sony will have implemented every measure it could conjure to try and prevent the same happening to Vita.
All this makes you wonder if Sony is at large in the Hacking community, pity there wasnt a way to have homebrew on the PSVita and not piracy
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March 28th, 2012, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday's rumor about Sony launching PlayMemories Studio this week has just become fact. The $15 editing suite has just gone live on the PlayStation Store, enabling plebes to edit, organize and share photos (and video) right on their home console of choice, the PS3. Those with a spare Vita or PSP laying around can also put those to good use through Remote Play functionality. Unsure if Sony's couch-iPhoto experience is for you? Hit the source for more info on the whole shindig, in addition to details on how to get your creative side on with a gratis thirty day trial.
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March 28th, 2012, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
The old country will receive three different Assassin's Creed 3 special editions when the game is launched this October: the "Freedom Edition," the "Join or Die Edition," and the comparatively mundane "Special Edition."
According to IGN, The Freedom Edition will be £79.99 on consoles (£59.99 on PC) and feature a 9-inch Connor figure, George Washington's notebook, special lithograph, a pair of single-player missions and a multiplayer pack. The £64.99 (£34.99 on PC) Join or Die Edition will include one of the single-player missions, along with the multiplayer pack and GW's notebook, plus a medallion. Finally, the Special Edition will have an exclusive single-player mission called "A Dangerous Secret" and an unlocked Flintlock Musket.
Ubisoft informed us "these collector's editions are exclusive to Europe," so what North America will get is still a mystery hidden deep inside the marketing Animus.
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March 28th, 2012, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
This week's US PlayStation Store update is typically long, and although there's only one new PS3 game to check out, it's worth a look.
Closure is a clever puzzle platformer that plays tricks with lighting - in the game's dark caves, only things you see actually exist. Anything that's shrouded in darkness ceases to be a physical thing, meaning you have to illuminate your way and be clever with the lights as you navigate the 2D obstacles.Here's the full list:
PlayStation Plus
Spring Fever Discounts:
Closure20% off
Splinter Cell HD50% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 75% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 50% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas75% off
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Classic Trilogy HD50% off
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory HD50% off
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent 50% off
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HD50% off
Tom Clancy's End War UMD Legacy75% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 UMD Legacy 75% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Predator 75% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas - UMD Legacy50% off
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials UMD Legacy75% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 75% off
Free Items:
PlayMemories Studio
Unit 13 Grenade Avatar
FIFA 12 Full Game Trial
Dead Block50% off
Sky Drift 50% off
Zack Zero50% off
MotorStorm RC MISCHIEF Vehicle Pack 150% off
MotorStorm RC MISCHIEF Vehicle Pack 250% off
PS Vita Games

Supremacy MMA ($39.99)
Supremacy MMA takes the non-stop brutal action of unsanctioned amateur and unlicensed MMA fighting to new levels with the power of the PlayStation Vita System.
ESRB rated M
File size 1.34 GB
PS Vita Add-Ons
Blazblue: Cse - System Voice Arrange Platinum Type-A, Type-B (Vita DLC cross entitle with PS3) ($5.99)
File size 100 KB
Ridge Racer add ons (x3) (free - $2.49)
Assorted add on content.
File size 3.3 MB - 60 MB
MotorStorm RC add ons (x6) ($0.25 - $0.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 200 KB each (singles), 800 KB (pack)
Dynasty Warriors Next add ons (x18) ($0.99 - $9.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 100 KB - 10.46 MB
PS Vita Apps
Resistance: Burning Skies Augmented Reality Monument Viewer (free)
File size 74 MB
PSN Games

Closure (+Trial) ($14.99)
In the dark and mysterious world of Closure, only what you see exists. Manipulate lights to phase objects in and out of reality in this multiple-award-winning puzzle game.
ESRB rated E
File size 433 MB
PS3 Full Games

FIFA Soccer 12 ($59.99)
Winner of 20 "Best Sports Game of E3" awards, including the prestigious E3 Game Critics award, FIFA Soccer 12 brings to the pitch the game-changing new Player Impact Engine.
ESRB rated E
File size 5.76 GB
Game Demos (free)
Zack Zero Demo
Zack Zero takes you on an action-packed platform adventure with incredible 3D graphics and the playability and entertainment of classic 2D games. Help Zack Zero save his beloved Marlene, kidnapped by the evil Zulrog in an effort to obtain the powerful substance that will allow him to travel back in time. More than 30 characters, 5 spectacular bosses and incredible and diverse scenarios!
ESRB rated E
File size 279 MB
Closure Trial
In the dark and mysterious world of Closure, only what you see exists. Manipulate lights to phase objects in and out of reality in this multiple-award-winning puzzle game. Play as a strange spider-like demon who explores the stories of three human characters through beautiful, eerie environments such as a decrepit factory, a murky forest, an abandoned carnival, and the strange, surreal realm that connects them together.
ESRB rated E
File size 433 MB
Blades Of Time Demo
Download this demo to get a sneak peek into the mysteries and dangers of Dragonland.
ESRB rated M
File size 660 MB
Add-on Game Content
MotorStorm RC add ons (x6) ($0.25 - $0.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 200 KB each (singles), 800 KB (pack)
Blazblue: Cse - System Voice Arrange Platinum Type-A, Type-B ($5.99)
This is a system voice by Aoi Yuuki, the voice of Platinum the Trinity. Two versions are included.
File size 2.72 MB
Asura's Wrath - Additional Episode 11.5 ($1.99)
Don't miss this fully-animated episode revealing the mysterious explosion between episodes 11 and 12!
File size 1.08 GB
Battlefield 3 add ons (x14) ($1.49 - $64.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 100 KB each
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 add ons (x6) ($2.99 - $6.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 100 KB each
Tales Of Graces F add ons (x12) ($0.99 - $4.49)
Assorted add on content.
File size 100 KB - 1.8 MB
Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2 DLC add ons (x8) (free - $1.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 100 KB - 17 MB
Elevator Action HD - Additional Stages -3 ($1.99)
New DLC for ELEVATOR ACTION DELUXE has arrived! This update gives you five new stages to explore and master. This time, the building seems impenetrable! Use bombs to get those documents. Your status as a superspy is being put to the test.
File size 11 MB
Final Fantasy XIII add ons (x3) ($2.99 - $3.99)
Assorted add on content.
File size 2.06 MB - 26 MB
Magic 2012 Gold Deck Bundle ($9.99)
Maximize your Magic 2012 Gold Bundle experience! Get your hands on all 19 unlocked decks at once, and then convert all 19 decks into foil! Start dueling today!
File size 3.71 MB
Magic: The Gathering - Duels Of The Planeswalkers 2012 Gold Bundle ($19.99)
File size 735 MB
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning - Weapons And Armor Bundle ($4.99)
Prepare your hero for every type of battle with the Weapons & Armor Bundle! The bundle includes the Sorcery, Might, and Finesse Packs.
File size 43 MB
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon Randall's Misadventures ($2.99)
File size 6 MB
Rock Band 3
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
"Second Chance" - Shinedown ($1.99)
"The Crow and the Butterfly" - Shinedown ($1.99)
Sounds of Shinedown ($5.49) - Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game album: SOUNDS OF SHINEDOWN PACK. This pack includes "Second Chance" and "The Crow and the Butterfly". By Shinedown.
File size: 24 MB - 32 MB (singles), 85 MB (track pack)
Rock Band Network v2.0
"Bigger Than Kiss" - Teenage Bottlerocket ($1.99)
"Break Me" - The Irresponsibles ($0.99)
"Dystopia" - Chaotrope ($0.99)
"No More Excuses" - Kill the Alarm ($0.99)
"The Massacre (Rock Band Mix)" - FantomenK ($0.99)
File size: 11 MB - 33 MB (singles)
PlayMemories Studio ($14.99)
File size 956 MB
PlayMemories Studio Demo (free)
File size 956 MB
Unit 13 Soundtrack (Price Change) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Puzzle Dimension (Price Change) (now $2.99, original price $8.99)
Armored Core 3 Digital (Price Change) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
Armored Core Last Raven (Price Change) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
Armored Core Silent Line (Price Change) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
Zack Zero (Sale) (now $8.99, original price $12.99)
The King Of Fighters XIII (x9) ($0.49 each)
Disgaea 4 (x6) ($0.49 each)
Hitman: Absolution (x5) ($0.49 each)
I Am Alive Avatar (x5) ($0.49 each)
Shoot Many Robots (x10) ($0.49 each)
Unit 13 Avatar (x5) ($0.49 each)
Dynasty Warriors Next (x20) ($0.49 each)
Hyperdimension Neptunia - NISA #2 Avatar ($0.49)
Game Videos (free)
Mass Effect 3 Fight Trailer
Major League Baseball 2K12 Launch Trailer
Jam: Live Music Arcade Announcement Trailer
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception Co-Op Shade Survival Mode Trailer
Journey Dev Diary 2 - Reaching the Summit
The Tester Season 3 Episode 8
Pulse 3/27 Episode
PS3 Themes
Peaceful Beach Theme ($1.49)
Moon Jellyfish Theme ($1.49)
Leaning Tower Of Pisa Theme ($1.49)
Sunset Pier Theme ($1.49)
Abstract Heavenly Particles Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
Abstract Color Waves Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
PlayStation Store for PSP
PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Idiot Squad (Minis) ($4.99)
Game Videos (free)
The Tester Season 3 Episode 8
Pulse 3/27 Episode
PSP Themes (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Vampire PSP Theme ($1.99)
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March 28th, 2012, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has kicked off a spring sale promotion offering plenty of downloadable titles at discount prices.
The promotion will run from March 28 for two weeks ending April 11. The firm said on the PS Blog that there'll be "a small content refresh" halfway through the sale, so keep your eye out for new arrivals on April 4. Here's the lot:Dragon Age 2
Standard Price - EUR 29.99 / £23.99
Promotional Price - EUR 21.99 / £18.69
Standard Price - EUR 29.99 / £23.99
Promotional Price - EUR 19.99 / £15.99
Crysis 2
Standard Price - EUR 39.99 / £31.99
Promotional Price - EUR 24.99 / £19.99
Dante's Inferno
Standard Price - EUR 19.99 / £15.99
Promotional Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Top Spin 4
Standard Price - EUR 29.99 / £23.99
Promotional Price - EUR 20.99 / £17.69
Duke Nukem Forever
Standard Price - EUR 19.99 / £15.99
Promotional Price - EUR 14.99 / £11.99
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Standard Price - EUR 59.99 / £48.99
Promotional Price - EUR 39.99 / £31.99
Standard Price - EUR 14.99 / £11.99
Promotional Price - EUR 7.99 / £6.49
Carnival Island
Standard Price - EUR 29.99 / £23.99
Promotional Price - EUR 14.99 / £11.99
Medieval Moves
Standard Price - EUR 29.99 / £23.99
Promotional Price - EUR 14.99 / £11.99
Ape Escape
Standard Price - EUR 24.99 / £19.99
Promotional Price - EUR 12.99 / £9.99
Moon Diver
Standard Price - EUR 12.99 / £9.99
Promotional Price - EUR 6.49 / £5.19
Mini Ninjas
Standard Price - EUR 19.99 / £15.99
Promotional Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Standard Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Promotional Price - EUR 3.99 / £3.19
Standard Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Promotional Price - EUR 3.99 / £3.19
Magic Orbz
Standard Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Promotional Price - EUR 3.99 / £3.19
Mahjong Tales
Standard Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Promotional Price - EUR 3.99 / £3.19
Sky Fighter
Standard Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Promotional Price - EUR 3.99 / £3.19
James Cameron's Avatar The Game
Standard Price - EUR 19.99 / £15.99
Promotional Price - EUR 14.99 / £11.99
Just Dance 3
Standard Price - EUR 39.99 / £31.99
Promotional Price - EUR 29.99 / £23.99
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Special Editions
Standard Price - EUR 9.99 / £7.99
Promotional Price - EUR 5.99 / £4.79
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March 28th, 2012, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 4 allegedly codenamed Orbis; System to use AMD GPU and CPU combo
The next generation PlayStation console is internally codenamed Orbis and will utilise technologies that will curb the damaging effects of pre-owned game sales, according to a new report.
An anonymous Kotaku source says the system will also pack an AMD x64 CPU and AMD Southern Islands GPU – the latter being a new line of graphics cards used for high-end PCs.
The information is not verified. Sony has declined to comment on the matter.
It is said that games will be shipped either on Blu-ray or downloaded; the same distribution model that the PS3 operates with.
Yet Kotaku claims to have heard “from multiple sources” that the PS4 will implement anti-pre-owned technologies. The theory is that games will be registered to a single PSN account, meaning that Sony can detect the same game being played on other systems and, in turn, lock out certain features.
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March 29th, 2012, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will have a new console, dubbed Orbis, on shelves before the end of next year, according to reports.
The claim comes from Kotaku, who has been told by what it describes as "a reliable source who has shared correct information with us before" that the console will be released in time for the 2013 holiday season.
The console will not be backwards compatible with PS3 titles, and will block used games - a feature Microsoft is also reportedly considering for its Xbox 360 successor.
The system boasts an AMD x64 CPU and a Southern Islands GPU - which will be capable of displaying Orbis games at 4096x2160 resolution, and displaying games with stereoscopic 3D support in full 1080p.
Kotaku's source claims that games will be available either on Blu-Ray discs or as downloads from PlayStation Store. Games on discs will be locked to a single PSN account - allowing users to install the entire game to the console's HDD, or flag it as downloaded in their account history.
If disc-based games are traded in, those buying second-hand games will find they have, in fact, only bought a trial, and will be required to pay a further fee to unlock the whole game. Some form of DRM - Kotaku's report suggests a single online check on boot, rather than the dreaded persistent internet connection - will be put in place to prevent users bypassing the single-account restriction by playing offline.
"Select developers" have had devkits since the beginning of this year, the source claimed. Improved kits were sent out earlier this month, and beta units are expected towards the end of the year.
As for the name: "Orbis" may not mean much on its own, but when paired with a slight tweak to the name of Sony's new handheld you get "Orbis Vitae" - Latin for "the circle of life." All very speculative, of course, and so it shall stay: Sony declined to comment.
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March 29th, 2012, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Tak Hirai, lead programmer on Dreamcast classic Shenmue, is working on a rhythm action game for PS Vita.
Andriasang brings word from this week's Famitsu that Hirai - who also worked on Space Channel 5 and Meteos - is targeting a summer launch for Orgarhythm, the first release from Neilo, the studio he founded in 2010.
Gameplay details are thin on the ground, but Hirai describesOrgarythm as a blend between traditional music games and the strategy genre, adding that there have been a wide variety of reactions to the game, which by his own admission is "difficult to understand," internally at Neilo.
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March 29th, 2012, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
If the next PlayStation blocks used, GameStop could fire back
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment is a Japanese videogame company specialising in a variety of areas in the...
PlayStation 4 (now reportedly called Orbis) is in the news once again, and the latest report reinforces a recent rumor about the possibility of new consoles blocking consumers from playing used titles (or imposing a fee to unlock them). This would be the equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb on GameStop, and the retailer wouldn't sit idly by, Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter commented to GamesIndustry International.
"It isn't really in Sony's or Microsoft's best interests to block used games. It would benefit Activision and EA slightly, and would hurt GameStop a great deal. If Sony unilaterally did this, I could see GameStop refusing to carry their console, and sales of the PS4 would therefore suffer," he said.
Pachter stressed that "if one does it and the others don't, the one who does it will see a loss of market share." He added that none of the big three console manufacturers "are stupid enough to do this unilaterally" and none of them "are evil enough to do it together."
David Cole of DFC Intelligence agrees that Sony or Microsoft would be foolish to block pre-owned, as a console with anti-used technology would turn off a large chunk of the hardcore gaming market.
"A system that tried to stop used game sales would probably turn off the core consumers that rush to trade in their old product to buy new product. In other words, I don't think it would do so well in the core market," he said.
Lewis Ward, IDC's research manager, acknowledges that publishers and many in the industry would love to "wave a magic wand and cut the used disc market off at the knees," but he also doesn't see it as a likely scenario.
"Customers would rebel. Until there's the equivalent of a great 'used' digital console game trade-in program up and running, gamers will continue to like the ability to trade in discs and basically get discounts on other games," he commented. "I can certainly see Sony stepping up the idea of $10 online passes for connected multiplayer and so on, but especially for families of limited means or that have a narrowband connection at home, the ability to buy/trade use discs is an important reason why they buy game consoles in the first place."
Ward also noted that certain hacks would likely overcome the anti-used technology even if Sony did decide to go forward. "I suspect that even if disc DRM/security is stepped up a lot that countermeasures will soon surface that will allow physical and digital games to be played on the platform, limiting the effectiveness of the effort," he said.
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March 29th, 2012, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony sees the new titles as the "most immersive" free games on PSN yet
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced three new titles for PlayStation Home, all to be offered for free to gamers. These new games will be embracing the free-to-play (F2P) philosophy, offering content added for an extra charge. Surprisingly, these games are a tad bit larger than what has been offered in the past, as the publisher promises the titles will be the "largest and most immersive games to date" offered as F2P.
"These new titles are delivering on the promise we made to the PlayStation Home community when we first launched the new core experience in November of last year, offering a variety of genre-based games to suit every gamer's preference," said Chris Mahoney, senior business manager of PlayStation Home, SCEA. "We're bringing gamers the kind of experiences they expect from these genres with the social elements that are only available through PlayStation Home."
The three games, No Man's Land, Mercia and Cutthroats: Battle for Black Powder Cove, are all designed to engage with a multitude of gamers. No Man's Land will serve as a shooter title with cover-based mechanics while Cutthroats will give gamers a chance to play as pirates controlling ships. For those looking for a more traditional fantasy RPG, Mercia will allow gamers to be immersed in a multiplayer dungeon crawling title.
Along with the announcement of these new games, PS Home is also getting an expansion allowing gamers to talk to one another in the Adventure District. The
space is designed to showcase the new freemium titles, notably Cutthroat
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March 29th, 2012, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Rumours of the so-called Sony Orbis project gather pace
Two design illustrations, thought to be related to Sony’s next generation games console, show customers dancing in front of a Kinect-like camera while another person views the footage from a connected mobile device.
The sketches, put together by Coque Design, have since been removed from the company’s website, yet were captured beforehand and arenow being redistributed across the internet.
The picture, found below, shows Coque Design’s client was named as “Sony PlayStation”. The project was labelled “illustrations & Sketches for new PlayStation Orbis features”.
Yesterday, a Kotaku report claimed that Sony’s next generation console is codenamed PlayStation Orbis.
Sony has declined to comment on the unverified report.
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March 29th, 2012, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Analyst Michael Pachter thinks GameStop would not stock an anti-used console
Rumors circulating earlier today claiming the PlayStation 4 would employ tech preventing it from playing used games have drawn criticism from analyst Michael Pachter.
Calling such a decision stupid, Pachter said GameStop could simply refuse to stock a console that would be so damaging to their business.
"It isn't really in Sony's or Microsoft's best interests to block used games," he told Games Industry International.
"It would benefit Activision and EA slightly, and would hurt GameStop a great deal. If Sony unilaterally did this, I could see GameStop refusing to carry their console, and sales of the PS4 would therefore suffer."
"If one does it and the others don't, the one who does it will see a loss of market share."
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March 30th, 2012, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Thatgamecompany's PS3 adventure Journey has been named the fastest-selling game of all time on the US and EU PlayStation Stores.
The news was revealed by studio co-founder Jenova Chen in a post on the PlayStation Blog, in which he pays tribute to the players who helped Journey shatter PSN sales records.
"We see the personal connection between our work and the players, which is the most real and priceless reward for us," he writes. "We thank you so much for your support, for spending time and money to play our game, and for spreading the word aboutJourney to your dear friends and family."
Chen - whose Thatgamecompany co-founder Kellee Santiago this morning confirmed she is leaving the studio - goes on to reveal that the Journey soundtrack will be released on iTunes and the PlayStation Store on April 11, with a limited release on CD planned for the future.
The below image, Chen says, "expresses our gratitude."
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March 30th, 2012, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
I walk into a large conference room late, having dealt with a parking lot maze. As I enter, I spot a television well into a demo -- a bullet ejects from a Springfield rifle, time slows following it to an enemy, and cuts through a Nazi soldier like a chainsaw through a stick of butter.
Reps from developer Rebellion and publisher 505 Games are huddled over the monitors, showing off Sniper Elite V2, a reboot of Rebellion's 2005 Sniper Elitefor PC, PS2, Wii, and Xbox. The demo, I'm told, had only just started. "We get right into the action," a PR spokesperson tells me. But the action in Sniper Elite V2 isn't about quick progression through its Battle of Berlin setting -- it is methodical.
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March 30th, 2012, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Vanillaware's lushly illustrated 2D action game for PS3 and Vita, Dragon's Crown, was originally given a Spring 2012 release date. Rumors have since popped up about the game's cancellation -- mostly due to Amazon cancelling pre-orders. Illustrator Shigatake responded to the rumors on Twitter, letting us know that we can still expect our ogre-destroying action and bodice-straining sorceresses.
"I personally can't say much," Shigatake said (as translated by Andriasang), "but I'll just say, 'Regarding Dragon's Crown, although there are lots of rumors and conjecture, it's still in development. Please wait patiently for an official update.'"
We have our own inquiry in with publisher Ignition, and will update you when we get an "official update."
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March 30th, 2012, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
A pair of purported concept sketches for PlayStation Orbis - the rumoured codename for Sony's next home console - show gamers interacting with what looks like a PlayStation Eye device.As spotted by Kotaku, two images appeared on the website of design firm Coques Design labelled "Illustrations & Sketches for new PlayStation Orbis features".Both showed what appeared to be a motion-sensing camera on top of a TV and a player selecting tracks for an on-screen dance game via what looks like a smartphone.The images were quickly taken down, with Coques so far declining to comment.Sony Music is listed as one of the firm's clients on its website.
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