January 1st, 2011, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mcidclan
Box instinct is a very simple concept: evaluate your instinct !
To achieve this, the game will offer a series of levels, where you’ll have to get the most “box points”.
And this, only following your instinct.
Box instinct is both a new VSIuO demonstration (the interactive scenes viewer),
and a participation entry for the XtreamContest Square Battle.
For the time being VSIuO is propulsed by the VWiV player.
For its final release, the player will be distributed in its new version.
What about the gameplay ?
It boils down to two main events: Move in space and get boxes.
- Through a 45 degrees camera vision, the trips are made by scrolling
(from left to right, top to bottom).
- Any interaction with objects is performed by pressing a button.
let’s talk a little about the graphic context
A grey scale world to not swing your instinct. This, in a 3D space…
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January 1st, 2011, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Yamagushi
Name: YamaIRC
Version: Beta
Author(s): Yamagushi
License: Closed Source
Language: C
YamaIRC is an Internet Relay Chat(IRC) Client for the Zune HD and PSP devices.
It currently supports all the basics of IRC from PM's to Actions(/me) to Joining/Parting Channels. It features Multi-Channel support, Selectable User Lists, Built In OSK, MyChannel Private Messaging Window, New Message Alerts, and more.
This is only a beta release, bugs are to be expected, let me know about em, and ill do my best to fix everything.
My Forum can be found at http://Evolved-Entertainment.com
YamaIRC uses an original IRC Engine developed by Yamagushi. It is distributed as closed source software. The Official Forum can be found at http://Evolved-Entertainment.com
You may redistribute these files as long as they are provided for free. This is a public release.
YamaIRC-PSP uses OSlib Mod 1.1.1 created by Brunni and Sakya. OSLib can be found at http://oslib.playeradvance.org and OSlib Mod can be found at http://www.sakya.it/forums/viewforum.php?f=7.
YamIRC-ZuneHD uses OpenZDK created by the members of the Zune Boards Development Front. They can be found at http://www.zuneboards.com/forums/dow...lications-212/.
YamaIRC also uses the UniSpace Font by Ray Larabie. His site can be found at http://www.larabiefonts.com/.
Special Thanks To:
And the Rest of ##psp-programming on Freenode IRC.
And the Rest of #zbdf on Freenode IRC.
And a Special Thanks to my Testers, such as Re4thewin and DrCam.
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January 3rd, 2011, 15:49 Posted By: bandit
With the news from 27C3 Conference in Berlin, Germany, from fail0verflow stating that the PS3's security is an EPIC FAIL, Geohot released the PS3's metLdr Root Key. This root key allowed users to decrypt and sign files for the PS3.
Gamers owning a 3.41 firmware PS3 for firmware and who have purchased new PS3 games that required 3.50 firmware such as Gran Turismo 5, Need for Speed, were unable to play on their 3.41 firmware PS3's...until now. Gamers can finally fully enjoy both worlds of playing their own "homebrew" and still being able to enjoy the latest and hottest of the recently released PS3 Games that were originally complied by Sony only to work on later non-Jailbreakable v3.50 PS3 consoles. Below is a video of a modified GT5 EBOOT working on 3.41 PS3:
Members from PSX-Scene started to work on 3.50 appLdr keys. netkas was able to find 3.50 appLdr keys by decrypting the vsh.self and from a 3.50 game.
erk: 94 5b 99 c0 e6 9c af 05 58 c5 88 b9 5f f4 1b 23
26 60 ec b0 17 74 1f 32 18 c1 2f 9d fd ee de 55
riv: 1d 5e fb e7 c5 d3 4a d6 0f 9f bc 46 a5 97 7f ce
He was able to also grab 3.41 keys
erk: 83 8f 58 60 cf 97 cd ad 75 b3 99 ca 44 f4 c2 14
cd f9 51 ac 79 52 98 d7 1d f3 c3 b7 e9 3a ae da
riv: 7f db b2 e9 24 d1 82 bb 0d 69 84 4a dc 4e ca 5b
Of course, everyone wants to be on the latest firmware so @codetwink released 3.55 keys (or click on comments to view code):
What does this all mean to the end-user, well the goal is now you might be able to very soon play those impossible games like Gran Turismo 5 and Need 4 Speed: Hot Pursuit on your v3.41 Jailbroken consoles, thanks to the hard-thankless-work of PSX-SCENE members, you will be able to decrypt those games EBOOT.bin that were complied by Sony using their SDK v3.50. As you can see, they changed the keys between v3.41 to v3.50 to stop us PS3 Jailbreakers from play the latest and hottest games.
We at DCEmu DO NOT condone piracy nor do we post illegal/copyrighted files. We are merely posting the news within the scene for informational purposes. Do the right thing and support game developers, publishers and console manufacturers.
Source: PSX-Scene and PSX-Scene (v3.50 appldr keys released!)
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January 3rd, 2011, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...1315d2d4d50322
Stealth offers a new version of "Engine02" 2D game engine for DOS, Windows, Linux, Intel / PPC MacOS, PSP, and Wii. The games created, their maintenance and updating of the program are directly downloadable from the program.
Engine02 Is A script-driven, multiplatform 2D game engine for DOS With builds, Windows, Linux, Intel / PPC MacOS, PSP, and Wii.
Complete documentation for Creating games IS Included with PC and Mac builds, and est disponible On the website.
Created Games gold hosted by the Author and His Team are downloadable from Directly Inside the program. Updates for the program, in gold "any game installed, can aussi Be Downloaded From The Same interface When They Become available.
Currently-available games:
Megaman: Triple Threat - A Megaman 7 style fangame. Currently in-progress demo year
Sonic the Hedgehog: Project Mettrix - A Sonic 3 style fangame. Currently in-progress demo year
What's new 11/01/2002
* Added "Repository support. Special Files Placed in the "repo" folder allow E02 to connect to download Other resources. This Makes The Creation of possible public and private listings for third-party games, and private listings for local transfers Between platforms (When year already running http server). This feature is Not Displayed When Only the default repository file IS found
* When a script line WAS Followed by whitespace (space or tab), The whitespace removed from Would not Be The End of the loaded string. Would this have a problem with filenames Especially With That Were Followed by comments, Used As The filename Would Contains the space / tab characters and fail to load on Some platforms. Trailing whitespace is ignored strings Is Now, Eliminating this problem (Can Be Used after comments strings, strings & the terminated after Themselves Will Be The Last non-whitespace character)
* Mode 5 pour la Set_PaletteAlpha_Range Script Command Attempted to Set The overall palette Rather Than The target range, and when to intentionally setting the Global Palette, The Alpha Was Not Properly Applied. This Command "should now function Properly for mode 5, and alpha year for Applying to the Global Palette colors
* The Dim_Palette_Range Script Command Did Not Test for component value overflow when "Dimming" up, Which Caused Them to "wrap around" and "Become the wrong colors. Using this Command to Brighten the palette (a "Percentage" value Greater Than 128) "should now work Properly
* The "Installed Games" section of The Menu Would crash When Were No games installed due to a test array entry for one year annually array length matched Whose The Number of games (in this case, 0). The "Installed Games" menu Will now display Correctly Under this condition, reporting and displaying no games installed Only the option to return to the Main Menu
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January 3rd, 2011, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/03/m...psp-homebrews/
As most of you probably know, team Fail0verfl0w announced at the German Chaos Computer Congress that they completely broke the PS3 security, by finding the signing keys used by Sony on the system.
In clear words, they are able to sign content and have a (non hacked) PS3 believe this content is signed by Sony (and therefore the PS3 will run anything you want).
I have received many contacts from people asking me if this would have an impact on the PSP. After all, the PS3 is able to run (decrypt) some PSP games, activate PSP content (like Media Go), and overall there is such a symbiosis between the PS3 and the PSP that we can’t help but ask ourselves: “what if the PSP keys were also available on the PS3?”
Well, it seems the question was legitimate, as Mathieulh announced on Twitter that he can now sign PSP content.
For those who wonder what this means, well simply put: no need for any exploit, HBL, or HEN in the future, as we will (?) be able to run our homebrews directly from the XMB without any hack. That is, if Mathieu releases his code.
If you still didn’t get it, this is a major breakthrough, with an impact similar to the pandora batteries and the first CFW on the PSP
Congrats Mathieu! Any plan for a release?
Warning: I want to add that console hacking teams do not work for money. People like MathieuLH or the team fail0verfl0w will NOT ask you for money in exchange for their work. If their work ever gets released, it will be available for free. Don’t get tricked by fakers (there are lot of fake failoverflow accounts on youtube apparently)
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January 3rd, 2011, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
Days are particularly busy for the PSP scene. Today, in fact, the developers have released Coldbird VirtuosFlame and the expected Homebrew Enabler (HEN) for firmware 6.31 and 6.35. To use the HEN will need to upgrade to the original FW 6.31 or 6.35, have the demo of the game and use the Sukkiri Everybody's Half Byte Loader.
More to follow.
Installation - Useful Resources - Links:
. Installation:. :
- Download and install the r112 for HBL Everybody's Sukkiri
- Download the package HEN under this firmware on your PSP
- Replace the EBOOT.PBP file in the directory hbl / menu with the EBOOT. Pbp included in the archives below.
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January 3rd, 2011, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
A few days after the issue dell'HEN for firmware 6.20, there came from the web a new and interesting rumor for those who, accidentally or not, has upgraded its PSP firmware to Go 6.31. From his Twitter channel in fact, the well-known developer Dave, along with the author team of Typhoon ChickHEN for fw 5.03, claimed to have successfully completed the downgrade of its PSP fw Go from 6:31 to 6:20. This operation permitting the use of HEN 6.20TN. Davee at the time did not publish pictures or videos of this alleged downgrade but suggested for the possible release tomorrow of the necessary files.
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January 3rd, 2011, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
Although it's been some time since its release is still extremely pleased that the work of the coder Torky its plugin m33_630 to make compatible the Go! Cam-450 PSP with CF did not stop. The new version of the plugin will now use the Go! Cam Black (stupid) over CF 5:50 GEN-D3 (and probably also on the counterparty GEN for ChickHEN) and subsequent Prometheus.
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January 4th, 2011, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...or-ps3-part-1/
I got an email requesting a tutorial on how to develop for PS3. Its something that other people have previously asked me for assistance with which leads me to believe that there are probably more people lurking around here that want to get into homebrew development but need a little help doing it. So I figured I would write up a series of short tutorial and post them here for public consumption.
This initial tutorial covers how to first get everything setup. Its something that’s already been covered repeatedly but regardless its still something that you obviously cant begin developing without doing.
Step 1
The first thing you need to do is decide what software development kit you are going to use. I use the leaked official PS3 SDK v1.92 so that is what this tutorial will focus on. But its worth noting that PSL1GHT is definitely more appealing for ideological and legal reasons, is catching up with the official SDK in terms of functionality and is what most other developers in the PS3 homebrew community are either already using or moving towards using. There have also been more recent versions leaked then 1.92 of the official SDK which may differ slightly.
Also worth noting is that I use Windows. Things may vary depending on your OS of choice but unless I’m mistaken it should be possible to get any of the available SDKs working on almost any major platform.
You can find still active links for the 1.92 PS3 SDK at the address bellow. Its not where I got my copy (I don’t remember where I got it) and the image included in the post is of community made software that isnt actually included with the SDK which makes me think that the person who posted it didn’t actually know what they where posting. But I’m fairly certain the files linked to are correct.
If anyone requests it I’ll upload the SDK elsewhere. Sony seems to have made some amount of effort to purge the SDK from the internet. There are a lot of dead links floating around to hosting services that have removed it for copyright reasons.
Step 2
At the root of your C drive create a folder named “usr”. Within that create another folder named “local” and within that one make a folder named “cell”.
Extract the contents of the rar file you just downloaded and copy it all to “C:\usr\local\cell”.
Step 3
The following two (inclusive of this one) steps can be found in PS3_SDKDoc_e.chm which should now be located at C:\usr\local\cell\doc\SDK_doc\en\chm. If you get stuck on anything then try consulting that document.
Download and install
Step 4
Edit your environment variable (Right-click on “My Computer”, select “Properties”, open the “Advanced” tab and click the “Environment Variables” button) to include the following.
name: CELL_SDK
value: /c/usr/local/cell
name: LANG
value: C
name: DTNETM
value: hostname or IP address of the Reference Tool
name: PATH
value: c:\msys\1.0\bin;
Step 5
Start MSYS and enter “$ cd /c/usr/local/cell/samples/fw/testapp/” (without the quotation marks). That will change MSYS’s current working directory to that of a simple test program that is included with the 1.92 SDK. Next enter “make”. That will make it compile the test program.
Now just wait for it to finish compiling.
If all has gone well you should have a newly generated “testapp.elf” file and a “testapp.self” file located at “C:\usr\local\cell\samples\fw\testapp”.
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January 4th, 2011, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2011/01/02/...0-tn-released/
Hellcat released a new version of Savegame Deemer, which is now compatible with 6.20 TN. What exactly does deeming your PSP saves do?
Add a new line to seplugins/game.txt activating the plugin, and now whenever you save a game that data is saved unencrypted. You can now exercise your hex editing skills and hack those saves: give yourself some extra cash, XP, advance a quick level or two, whatever… Savegame Deemer will later load those unencrypted & hacked saves giving you the leading edge. Refer to readme.txt for everything else you should know
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January 4th, 2011, 22:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
In the PlayStation 3 version of stupendous fighting game Super Street Fighter IV you can't see downloaded alternate costumes worn by your opponent if you haven't downloaded them yourself. In the Xbox 360 version you can. Why?
According to Capcom, it's down to Sony, which doesn't cover the cost of making additional data available to users. Microsoft, on the other hand, does.
"The DLC for the newest costumes is additional data that must be put on your machines from the first-party networks (XBL and PSN)," community manager and fighting game legend Seth Killian wrote on Capcom's forum.
"When you add new data to an existing product, there are significant costs to do so charged by the first parties. On XBL, those costs were covered by Microsoft. As a result, the data is distributed to everyone, so even if you have not bought the new costumes, you can still see them if you're fighting against someone that has because you still received the new data required to display them.
"For Sony, those significant costs are not covered. As a result, you only get the new costume data when you actually buy the costumes. Those that don't buy the costumes can't see them, because the new costume data isn't present on your machine, and so you only see costumes you already have the data to represent." Killian added: "The story is a bit more complicated because the costs of adding new data vary by region in some cases, and some additions are free, or free within a certain timeframe, etc., but the bottom line in this particular case is that Sony would [have] charged Capcom significant fees for distributing the new costume data to users that hadn't actually bought the DLC. Microsoft covered those costs, so the costume data is visible to all there.
"I wish it were the same all around, but hope this info helps."
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January 5th, 2011, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Hacking team Fail0verflow has released information on how to completely circumvent the security measures of the PlayStation 3, citing the removal of the machine's ability to run a Linux operating system out of the box as its motivation.
The process was revealed by the team at the 27th Chaos Communication Conference (27c3) and marks the end of a four year period of impenetrability for Sony's machine – far longer than most consoles manage in the face of concerted efforts from hacking teams. The Xbox 360 was cracked within a year of release, whilst the Wii lasted just one month.
The key factor in the circumvention, described in detail on Eurogamer's Digital Foundry channel, seems to be the use of a single random number in important encryption equations, rather than the generation of separate numbers each time the equation is run.
The result of this is that the team's methodology has laid the internal architecture of the machine completely bare, allowing external agencies to run any code without security verification and even to program custom firmware for the machine.
Because of the nature of the PS3's security, the hack also means that it will be almost impossible for Sony to rectify the situation, as the massive overhaul the system would need to become secure again would render previous software unplayable. Even if this were overcome by Sony creating a 'whitelist' of accepted software which could bypass these measures – itself an inordinately massive job – hackers would be able to edit these lists to include new code.
Fail0verflow has denied that it intends the process to open the floodgates of piracy, however, instead pointing out that the security of the PS3 has stood inviolate for so long only because it allowed users leeway to run Linux, a compromise which suited both parties.
This feature, the OtherOS option, was removed from the PS3 Slim at production and disabled in older PS3s by Sony – prompting uproar by advanced users who made the point that it had been an advertised feature of the machine at purchase.
Some users even went as far as to instigate a class-action lawsuit against Sony in the US over the removal of the feature, whilst Amazon were reported to have issued some partial refunds to PS3 purchasers.
Only last August, a hack was released for the PS3 which used a dongle to circumvent security measures and allow copied discs to be run on the machine. However, the so-called PSJailbreak hack was soon countered by Sony with firmware update 3.50. This update would appear to be powerless in the face of the new methods unveiled by Fail0verflow's presentation.
Sony has been approached for a response but is currently unwilling to offer comment.
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January 5th, 2011, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster

We've heard of the mysterious, still-totally-unofficial PlayStation Phone running Android 2.2 in the past, but we'd also heard it could run 3.0 -- thing is, that was back before we knew Gingerbread would be 2.3, so it's possible that those 3.0 rumors ended up materializing as 2.3. Capiche? Anyhow, this is the first time we're seeing the Xperia Play (or Zeus Z1, or whatever it'll end up being called) running 2.3 in the wild, doing its thing next to a white Xperia X10 to give you an idea of scale. The lucky poster actually has two of the phones available, so they seem to be leaking out of factories in sufficient quantities now to suggest that it'll likely be announced soon -- or so we hope, anyway. CES? MWC? We'll know soon enough. Follow the break for the 2.3 evidence up close.
Also notable: these appear to be new hardware builds that feature refined touch surfaces -- notice the engraved circles -- along with PlayStation-themed and Xperia logos at the bottom (notice the telltale square, triangle, X, and circle shapes). The screen shots call out a model number of R800i, which has previously been associated with the Zeus... so this is definitely lining up nicely.
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January 5th, 2011, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
The coder Spanish Carlosgs known author application Multitasking with which you can manage multiple processes simultaneously with an interface that is reminiscent of the windows of the first versions of Windows, back to turn up with a gift certainly welcome the various developers. He points made available to the fruit of its efforts by publishing the source code of version v3.01 of multitasking. In this release, including OSlib suitably modified by the coder and libUnrar for handling compressed files. For more information, please see the attached file to the archive.
- Management of complex 2D vector geometry: polygons, circles, portions of circles, arcs, lines thick, smooth, etc..
- Support for ID3 libraries so you can upload information and covers for MP3s
- OSlib Sakya amended with additional features
- Simplified configuration INI file
- Support for extracting compressed file format ZIP / RAR
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January 5th, 2011, 04:35 Posted By: Vega
The day everyone has been waiting for, is finally upon us. KaKaRoTo, famous for his work on the PL3 payload, has released a tool/script that converts a standard PS3 v3.55 Sony retail firmware PUP, into a custom version.
PS3: First ‘PS3 Custom Firmware’ now working!
Great news!
Thanks to the tools made by the fail0verflow team (and thanks to sven in particular for his work on the pkg/unpkg tools), the first “Custom Firmware” is now available for the PS3!
I see a lot of questions coming up really fast on my Twitter account, so here are the basic things you need to know :
Because of legal/copyright issues, I will not provide the custom firmware to anyone, however, I’ve made available all the tools necessary to transform an Official firmware update, into a custom one, just grab my ps3utils repository from github, compile, then run :
./create_cfw.sh PS3UPDATE.PUP CFW.PUP
This will take the official firmware, unpack it, modify it, then repack it correctly (requires you to install ps3tools).
This requires Linux of course, but I’m sure others will do it for the masses and illegally release those files somewhere.
The advantage here is that you can do it for any firmware, if you want to keep version 3.41, then give it the 3.41 update, if you are on 3.55 already and can’t downgrade, then run the script on the official 3.55 firmware and it will create a modified 3.55 firmware.
You can put the file in a USB drive under the filename “PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP” and then go to system update in the XMB, and it will allow you to install the update (even if you’re already on 3.55).
People are asking what are the features of this firmware, it’s simple, all it does is to add those “Install Package Files” options to the Game section of the XMB. It doesn’t do anything else!
This firmware will not allow you to run the currently available homebrew application. Once the homebrew developers re-package their files in a ‘retail’ .pkg format with signed executable, then it will work (this should be coming soon thanks to the work of the fail0verflow team).
Since the kernel is left unmodified, this means that this custom firmware is really meant for future homebrew installation, and it will not allow piracy. I plan on keeping it that way.
This is just the first attempt at custom firmware, and it only contains a minor modification to allow you to install pkg files directly, eventually we’ll get some more options added to it in the future. This is just starting to get interesting!
p.s: Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible!
ps3utils can be downloaded here: https://github.com/kakaroto/ps3utils
NOTE : As a personal note, I wouldnt reccommend anyone to apply this update yet. See this more as a PoC or wait until more tests have been done.
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January 5th, 2011, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
The very first modified firmware for retail PlayStation 3 consoles has been released, allowing any PS3 owner to install their own programs onto the XMB.
Open source developer Youness Alaoumi (hacker alias: KaKaRoToKS) released the first proof of concept last night. The release takes the form of a script that adapts the existing Sony releases of official firmware (3.41 and 3.55 definitely work), modifies them, and then re-packs them ready for installation on any PS3.
Alaoumi himself doesn't call this a custom firmware, more a "modified" one. It is a simple adjustment to an .xml file within the firmware updater that adds an "Install PKG" option to the XMB options - PKGs are the containers used by Sony for patches and PSN downloads. PSJailbreak added the same option but there are a number of differences: firstly, the new firmware mod doesn't allow for the installation of unsigned, unencrypted code in the way that the Jailbreak did.
Secondly, the hooks and patches added to the PS3's GameOS, which re-routed hard drive traffic through the Blu-ray channels, have also not been included. This means that the existing tools for piracy - and indeed "backup" software - do not work. Adding support for these to a modified firmware is not trivial - proper reverse-engineering is required here, as opposed to adjusting the base .xml, and none of the established hackers will support such a release.
The notion of extracting, adjusting and re-packing official firmwares isn't new - it's thought that PSJailbreak did something similar with its downgrader, while Geohot demonstrated his own custom firmware a while back that retained OtherOS support - however, this was never released, leading some to believe it was a fake.
There has been a range of homebrew titles released for the PS3 in the wake of PSJailbreak. DOOM, Heretic and Hexen have been ported across and a number of emulators have been released. In addition, a few genuine, original hand-written games have also surfaced. These will not work on the new firmware without being signed and encrypted using the keys unearthed by Fail0verflow's work, but it is just a matter of time before this happens.
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January 5th, 2011, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Silver-haired EA overlord John Riccitiello finds it "really hard to imagine" a future where he's "hiding behind my couch, making a gun out of my finger" and shooting baddies in Call of Duty or Medal of Honor.
"I've had a number of people ask me, 'Will gesture-based gaming replace controllers?'" Riccitiello told IndustryGamers.
"I don't think so.
"There will be genres where the gesture-based gaming, however delivered (Kinect, Move or any other device that comes down the road), will actually be the superior way to play: dance games, music games, exercise games. It's really hard to imagine [playing] an exercise game with your thumbs.
And, he added: "It's really hard to imagine that I'm going to play a future edition of Medal of Honor, or Call of Duty, or Battlefield, hiding behind my couch, making a gun out of my finger. I've tried driving with gesture-based controls; I don't really like it."
But he reckons sports games could successfully incorporate gesture controls for scrolling through menus, picking teams or "calling plays" - "that's very possible".
"The more interesting thing for Kinect and Move," he went on to say, "is going to be what happens late next year in terms of how we see them, and then what new genres sprout up to support those control systems.
"I mean, if it weren't for plastic guitars, the music sector never would have happened. In the same sort of way, what's going to trigger the hot game? What's going to use Kinect in just that way?"
Riccitiello also questions how "long lived" the popularity of Kinect and Move will be, and draws on his family's past experience with Wii as evidence. There was a console that typically housed a single game, whereas PS3 and Xbox 360 had "three or four games going at any given time". The latter were longer-play experiences, too, eating up multiple hours, compared to the short-play thrills of Wii.
Kinect and Move were both released towards the end of 2010. Analysts predict sales numbers are "neck and neck" despite the first-glance disparity between Sony's 4.1 million shipped Move tally and Microsoft's 2.5 million actual sales of Kinect.
All analysts agree with Riccitiello, however, that 2011 will be a pivotal year for Kinect and Move. Will they sink as novelties or swim as Wii-style successes? And how will Nintendo counter that?
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January 5th, 2011, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has shipped four million units of PSP title Monster Hunter Freedom 3 over its first month on sale, and purely within Japan.
The publisher claims this makes the game the PSP's fastest selling title ever, though has yet to reveal what proportion of shipped titles extrapolated to sales.
Capcom nonetheless claimed that Freedom 3 takes Monster Hunter series total sales to 17 million. It also projects that the game is on course to be Japan's best-selling title for the 2010 financial year.
Monster Hunter Freedom 3 was released in Japan on December 1, and will arrive in Western territories later this year.
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January 5th, 2011, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed the next PlayStation Plus update - and apologised for one title not making the cut.
Due to some unspecified "last minute problems", Colony Wars didn't make the cut for the period from January 5 to February 2. Sony apologised over on the PS Blog.
Cheer up, however, because there are plenty more goodies where that came from - including a free trial of the full game of Borderlands.
The full list reads:
*Samurai Showdown (continues from the end of December)
PS Minis:
* Pipe Madness (two weeks earlier than expected, exclusively for Plus)
* Kahoots
PSOne Classic:
* G- Police
Full Game Trial:
*Borderlands (also includes a full game and DLC bundle if you purchase after the trial - available for two weeks only)
Exclusive Discounts:
* PlayTV Live Chat (25 percent discount) - valid until 6th July 2011
* Breath of Fire (PSP) - 40%
* Dark Stalkers' Chronicles (PSP) - 40%
* Megaman Maveric Hunter (PSP) - 40%
* Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP) - 20%
* Fate Unlimited (PSP) - 60%
* PowerStone Collection (PSP) - 40%
* Capcom Classics Reloaded (PSP) - 40%
* Capcom Classics Remixed (PSP) - 50%
* Capcom Puzzle World (PSP) - 40%
* Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP) - 20%
* Battlefield 1943 - 40% (until Jan 18th)
* Costume Quest and DLC Bundle - 20% (from 19th Jan)
* Modern Combat Domination - 25% day one discount (coming mid Jan)
Dynamic Themes:
* Exclusive Fire Theme
* Exclusive 'Year of the Rabbit' Theme
Premium Avatars:
* Eat Them avatars
* Super Street Fighter 4 exclusive bundle (all avatars released to date for €4.99)
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January 5th, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
The official Gran Turismo 5 steering wheel, the Thrustmaster T500RS, goes on sale today in Europe, Africa and Australia with an eye-watering RRP of £450/€500.
To celebrate, Sony's put out a video of the wheel in action, which you can see below.
The Thrustmaster T500RS is only the second ever wheel to be officially licensed for use with Sony's simulation series, apparently.
The T500 RS wheel and pedal set is said to be optimised for GT5. The wheel weighs 4.6kg; the pedal set 7.3kg. The gearshift levers, the wheel's central spokes section (30cm in diameter) and the pedal set are all entirely metal.
The wheel itself offers 1080° rotation. A motorized stop means the three full turns are adjustable. The magnetic sensor-based H.E.A.R.T (HallEffect AccuRate Technology) is incorporated into the wheel's steering mechanism. The wheel has 16-bit resolution and 65536 values on its steering axis.
"The goal that I set for the Thrustmaster team was to design for me the most precise wheel ever developed, without any latency – to accurately reproduce the sensations of GT5, and let users truly feel the emotions experienced by drivers on real racing circuits," said Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi.
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January 5th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
The tacit cooperation between the coder and the coder jas0nuk Russian Yoti has led to new results. It 'was in fact released the 0.7 version in the popular PSPIdent , homebrew that lets you see all the information regarding the motherboard mounted on our PSP.
This latest version supports PSP and PSP Go 3000 with TA-093 (4g)
- Supported PSPgo
- PSP 3000 TA-093 (4g) supported
- Changed the line dedicated to the kernel version
- Added version FuseID / FusaCFG
- It 's possible to detect some information about the player UMD
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January 6th, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3's security has been broken by hackers, potentially allowing anyone to run any software - including pirated games - on the console
A collective of hackers recently showed off a method that could force the system to reveal secret keys used to load software on to the machine.
A US hacker, who gained notoriety for unlocking Apple's iPhone, has now used a similar method to extract the PS3's master key and publish it online.
Sony declined to comment on the hack.
"The complete console is compromised - there is no recovery from this," said pytey, a member of the fail0verflow group of hackers, who revealed the initial exploit at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin in December.
"This is as bad as it gets - someone is getting into serious trouble at Sony right now."
The group, which has previously hacked Nintendo's Wii and says it is vehemently against games piracy, said that it had developed the hack so that it could install other operating systems and community - written software - known as homebrew - on the powerful machine.
"The details we provided and information and techniques we disclosed would have been enough to install Linux," he said. "We have no interest in piracy."
Following the presentation, US hacker George Hotz, who has previously hacked parts of the console, used a similar technique to extract the master key. He has now published it on his blog.
Continue reading the main story
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This is supposed to be the most secret of secret of secrets - it's the Crown jewels”
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This formerly secret number is used to "sign" all games and software that run on the system, to authenticate that it is genuine and approved by Sony.
However, once the key is known it can be used to sign any software - including unofficial software and games.
"I hate that it enables piracy," said Mr Hotz. "The publication of the key is more academic than anything else."
The number also works for Sony's handheld console the PlayStation Portable, said Mr Hotz.
Developers have already started releasing tools to develop new software for the PS3 using the hacks.
'Valid target'
The PS3 - once regarded as the most secure of the game's consoles, and the only one not to have been permanently cracked - has in the last 12 months come under increasingly scrutiny from hackers.
Mr Hotz's original hack led to Sony disabling features on the console In January 2010, Mr Hotz claimed to have cracked the console.
Following his initial announcement, Sony released an update disabling a function, called OtherOS, that allowed gamers to install a version of Linux on their machines, thought to have been exploited by Mr Hotz.
Many saw it as a pre-emptive strike to guard against games piracy.
Mr Hotz never released the exploit and publicly said that he had stopped work on the console.
But Sony's removal of OtherOS prompted other hackers to begin to look at the system more closely.
"It became a valid target," pytey told BBC News. "That was the motivation for us to hack it."
He said the team had spent "months" trying to find their way into the system.
"It was not trivial to do this," he said.
In the end, the flaw that allowed them to crack the system was a basic cryptographic error that allowed them to compute the private key, held by Sony, he said.
"Sony uses a private key, usually stored in a vault at the company's HQ, to mark firmware as valid and unmodified, and the PS3 only needs a public key to verify that the signature came from Sony.
"Applied correctly, it would take billions of years to derive the private key from the public key, or to make a signature without knowing the private key, even when you have all the computational power in the world at your disposal."
Continue reading the main story
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I'm scared of being hit with a lawsuit”
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George Hotz
Teenage hacker unlocks the iPhone
Sony disables PlayStation feature
But the team found that Sony had made a "critical mistake" in how it implemented the security.
"The signing recipe requires that a random number be used as part of the calculation, with the caveat that that number must be truly random and not predictable in any way," the team said.
"However, Sony wrote their own signing software, which used a constant number for each signature."
This allowed the team to use "simple algebra" to uncover Sony's secret key, without access to it.
"This is supposed to be the most secret of secret of secrets - it's the Crown jewels," said pytey.
The team decided to publish its method but not the keys.
After the team revealed their hack, Mr Hotz said that he was prompted to renew his work on the system.
"What fun is a race if no-one else is running," he said. "fail0verflow did great work - they took it up a level."
Continue reading the main story
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It's my own hardware, I can run whatever I like on it”
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Using a similar technique he was able to extract the entire master key for the system, which he subsequently publish online along with a demonstration of it in action.
However, he has not released the method he used to extract the key.
"There is no reason to," he said.
However, he said that he may release a piece of software that will allow people to easily sign their own pieces of software and homemade games - known as homebrew - on to the console.
"I have a program running but am thinking of a good way to release it," he said.
Like fail0verflow, he said that he does not condone games piracy.
"I do not want it to be able to sign official Sony programs. I'd like it just to be able to sign homebrew."
fail0verflow said it "disagrees" with Mr Hotz's decision to release the key, saying that it expects them "to make piracy easier without accomplishing intrinsically useful".
Legal worry
Sony takes a dim view of people hacking its system.
Last year, a team released a USB dongle called PSjailbreak that contained software that allowed gamers to play homemade and pirated games on the PlayStation 3.
Sony updated its consoles to block the software and took legal action against distributors in many countries.
However, according to pytey, it may not be so easy to fix the problem this time.
"The only way to fix this is to issue new hardware," he said. "Sony will have to accept this."
He said that he thought his group was on safe legal ground with its work.
"I haven't stolen anything," he said. "It's my own hardware, I can run whatever I like on it.
But Mr Hotz was more cautious.
"I'm scared of being hit with a lawsuit," he admitted.
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January 6th, 2011, 18:37 Posted By: Shrygue
Over at Edge Online, Sony has issued their response to the recent PS3 hacking by the fail0verflow team and the root key leaked by iPhone hacker George Hotz shortly after.
“We are aware of this, and are currently looking into it,” Sony told us in a brief statement. “We will fix the issues through network updates, but because this is a security issue, we are not able to provide you with any more details.” However fail0verflow member pyteystill says otherwise though:
"The only way to fix this is to issue new hardware," he said. "Sony will have to accept this."
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January 6th, 2011, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
How many PlayStation Network accounts are there? 60 million, according to Sony overlord Sir Howard Stringer.
"This is a significant base of connected products," he declared, speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show 2011 (thanks Engadget). "As Godzilla once said," Stringer added, "size does matter."
Then again, that 60 million figure represents PSN accounts registered accross all networked Sony products (such as televisions), and not just on PS3 and PSP.
Sony's CES performance was a glitzy affair, hammering home a 3D vision of the future on all devices and culminating with a Cirque du Soleil tribute to Elvis (If only Microsoft had thought of that).
Sony even unveiled a futuristic visor that you wear and which can display 3D content such as PS3 games.
But there was one notable absentee: the heavily rumoured PlayStation Phone. The PSP2 was nowhere to be seen either.
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January 6th, 2011, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
How many PlayStation Network accounts are there? 60 million, according to Sony overlord Sir Howard Stringer.
"This is a significant base of connected products," he declared, speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show 2011 (thanks Engadget). "As Godzilla once said," Stringer added, "size does matter."
Then again, that 60 million figure represents PSN accounts registered accross all networked Sony products (such as televisions), and not just on PS3 and PSP.
Sony's CES performance was a glitzy affair, hammering home a 3D vision of the future on all devices and culminating with a Cirque du Soleil tribute to Elvis (If only Microsoft had thought of that).
Sony even unveiled a futuristic visor that you wear and which can display 3D content such as PS3 games.
But there was one notable absentee: the heavily rumoured PlayStation Phone. The PSP2 was nowhere to be seen either.
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January 6th, 2011, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is working on a visor-like personal 3D display known as the Headman, which enables game playing without the need for a TV - 3D or otherwise.
The firm's executive deputy president Hiroshi Yoshioka revealed he had been using the headset to play Gran Turismo 5. "Nobody - not even my wife - interrupted me, so I could get the highest score," he claimed at CES last night.
The device, which does not yet have a release date or price, contains two small displays, one per eye, and built-in earphones.
Focusing primarily on home electronics, Sony didn't have much more gaming news to reveal at its press conference, bar stating that the PlayStation Network now boasts 60 million sign-ups. The company did not reveal how many of these translated to active accounts.
Speculation that Sony might confirm the much-rumoured PlayStation phone at CES was left unrewarded, although CEO Kaz Hirai at one point hinted that the firm was "integrating into mobile the assets we've collected in the PlayStation family."
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January 7th, 2011, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/06/t...ng-to-the-ps3/
It’s no news anymore, the PS3 has been cracked open by hackers.
For the past few days, I’ve been enjoying the hypocrisy of technology websites talking about this. When a tool such as Half Byte Loader is released, enabling thousands of people to legally play homebrews while staying far away from piracy, we’re lucky if we get a line on any site (that is not categorized as “psp underground”) in the miscellaneous section.
But when Kernel and crypto join the party, the same technological websites that “condone piracy” are the first ones to mention all the bad things that could be done with it, jumping like scavengers on juicy news… The most hilarious (in a bad way) are the comments posted on these websites, in which some people decide they can judge the goals and motivation of dozens of hackers. I especially love this one, a jewel:
These sanctimonious a-holes [Note: he talks about the people who hacked the PS3] just want their games for free and are too chickensh*t to admit it.
Of course, if this person had ever tried to understand the underlying security of a computer system, they would have realized that such a hobby requires 200% of one’s freetime, and therefore hackers do not have any time to play (and, honestly, games are probably too limited for these guys who can literally do whatever they want with a computer…)
But I digress…
Today I don’t want to talk about piracy. I leave that to these websites, it’s illegal and it’s uninteresting… rather, let me ask you: what would you like to do with your ps3 if you had full control of it? Do not mention uninteresting stuff such as “running backups”.
Personally I’d like to focus on the “multimedia” role of the PS3 in my apartment. It’s connected to the TV and boots very fast. Unfortunately, Sony intentionally crippled the console for the wrong reasons. Here’s what I would like to see fixed:
1.Put back the support of PAL DVDs on my Japanese PS3. The Japanese PS3 doesn’t read my French DVDs, despite Japan and France being in the same region (zone 2) for DVDs. It pisses me off (like you can’t imagine) that a piece of hardware bought in 2009 cannot read DVDs that I legally own, especially when a computer bought in 2000 does it without a problem.
2.Region free for DVD and Blu-Ray. I’m French, I live in Japan, I work for an American company: region locking is against my religion.
3.Possibility to skip ads in BluRay and DVDs. I pay for the movie, not for the ads.
4.More video codecs support, such as MKV, etc… (hmmm, as I read back, I guess what I’m asking for is a VLC port to the PS3 )
5.A good mp3 player to replace the crappy existing one. Seriously, how can they call it an mp3 player when it doesn’t have a “play all my music randomly” function?
Hmm, that’s pretty much it for now. Homebrew support of course, but this one’s obvious
How about you?
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January 7th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
The coder Zer01ne and Dridri announced their new project, a custom firmware to be loaded on 6.20 TN . The construction had begun even before the release of the new HEN, thus ignoring the many features of the creation of Total_Noob , making it in fact very similar to a custom firmware. Despite this, the CF of the two coders will still have important features, such as increased compatibility with games to be launched in ISO format directly from the XMB and the ability to activate the "USB device" that allow you to easily dump your UMD. Currently, the code name for the new CF 6.20 OR for TN-B . We look forward to new developments.
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January 7th, 2011, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
New update from German coder Verfasser about his PSP3D.prx , a plugin that allows you to enter the stereoscopic effect in the current PSP 3D anaglyph red / cyan, which leaves behind the stage and comes to the beta version 0.1 which improves code compatibility.
Changelog and instructions:
.: Changelog:.
- Ability to configure the 3D effect (by cfg file)
- Added compatibility with Prince Of Persia - Revelations
- Added compatibility with Prince Of Persia - Rival Swords
. Instructions::.
1. Download the archive PSP3D.prx.rar
2. Unpack it in the root directory of the Memory Stick
3. In the folder seplugins edit (or create if not present) the file GAME.TXT inserting the following:
ms0: / seplugins/psp3d.prx 1
4. Start the game.
5. Activate the plugin by pressing the "Note"
Activate the plugin in the file VSH.txt, you can view the 3D effect in the XMB.
To activate it you must press the "Note" and the key home
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January 7th, 2011, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
New user-mode exploit found by coder jeerum with the help of N00b81 initially on the European version of the game Carol Vorderman's Sudoku in both UMD that PSN version, but also confirmed the U.S. version. At the moment it is a simple Hello world and have not been played a sufficient number of tests to verify its compatibility with the various firmwares. However, it is guaranteed to work on FW up to 5.50. This greatly reduces the utility, but the coder we have repeatedly surprised.
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January 7th, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Hopes were high that Sony Computer Entertainment head honcho Kaz Hirai would unveil the not-so-secret PlayStation Phone during Sony's CES keynote; however, instead of pulling the portable out of his pocket, he gave us the next best thing ... a tease. Hirai teased that Sony's "strategy encompasses driving the development of a variety of new strategic products and services including tablets currently in development as well as smartphones, all the while of course integrating the know-how and the assets that we've accumulated from our PlayStation business."
What does that mean? It sounds like the PlayStation Phone is just part of the plan to leverage the PlayStation branding and games for Sony's other products. He continued, "In 2011, you will start to see an implementation of a strategy we've developed and continually refined over the past 18 months. And you will see this strategy executed in the form of great new products and services coming to market that leverage Sony's strongest assets. In addition to launching a line of Sony tablets, we'll be building upon the video, music, game and book offerings on our Qriocity and our PlayStation Network services to deliver a compelling, unique experience for Sony across a wide range of consumer electronic devices."
A wide range, eh? Tablets, smartphones ... maybe PSP 2s. What else?
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January 7th, 2011, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Last month, Neo Geo games arrived on North America's PlayStation Store (now available in a single, $80 bundle). This month, as announced last year, PSN will host games from another vintage, relatively obscure console: the Turbografx-16. Hudson has listed a series of downloadable TG16 "Classics" -- currently available on Wii's Virtual Console service -- to be released throughout January on the Store, including Bonk's Adventure, New Adventure Island and the wonderful sci-fi pinball game Alien Crush.
Ten titles in all have been announced, with the full list posted after the break. No particular dates or prices have been revealed, but there are only three more Tuesdays, and therefore three more PSN updates, left this month. We'll ask Hudson if it would be more specific.
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January 7th, 2011, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NickyP

7 playable characters, 2 game modes (both have the same stages, but are played differently), and 3 stages with a boss. One game mode is also 4 players, so I included the PC-Windows version of OpenBOR in this release (like I usually do). This will also work on all other ports of OpenBOR, so if you have the Wii one, load it up and have fun.
Be sure to read the readme.txt, and also view the HowToPlay animation ingame. Also check out controls1.png to see my recommended control scheme.
Have fun, guys.
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January 7th, 2011, 09:19 Posted By: Vega
PS3 Dev KaKaRoTo has done it again, this time taken from his latest tweet!
First downgrade from 3.55 to 3.41 successful, Thanks to Xtse! Method not yet ready for the masses because of risk of bricking the ps3.
KaKaRoToKS Twitter
More updates to follow 
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January 7th, 2011, 12:12 Posted By: Vega
More PS3 news, this time around coming from GeoHot. He updated his site today with a very innocent looking line, "I made a video". However, what that video contains will change the face of PS3 forever. He demonstrates what many of you have been waiting for, homebrew on an official 3.55 console
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January 7th, 2011, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Phone - somehow still unconfirmed by Sony - may pack a punch at least three times stronger than PSPgo.
Inside the new device is a 1GHz processor, 512MB RAM and a Qualcomm Adreno 205 graphics chip, according to Engadget's roundup of a Hong Kong forum-based leak.
The screen measures four inches, apparently, and can pump out a resolution of 854x480 pixels.
The PSPgo, on the other hand, has a 333MHz CPU, 64MB RAM and a 3.8 inch screen capable of a 480x272 resolution.
In short, the PlayStation Phone gives it some welly, although the two systems' inner-workings aren't directly comparable.
That's because the PlayStation Phone is a phone, lest we forget - one with a 5 megapixel camera, front-and-back microphones, 512MB ROM, microSD slot, micro-USB connection and a touch-screen for navigation and, you know, dialling phone numbers.
Games, meanwhile, will be launched through a PlayStation Pocket menu. Could this be the true name of the phone?
Sony was expected to announce the PlayStation Phone at the ideally-positioned Consumer Electronics Show 2011 this week, but it didn't.
All eyes now turn to the Game Developers Conference 2011, which starts 28th February in San Francisco.
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January 7th, 2011, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster

Well, that was quick. It was just two days ago when the elusive PlayStation Phone popped up on a Hong Kong forum, and now it's back again in full exposure thanks to Chinese website IT168. It's now confirmed that said Xperia-branded device is powered by a Qualcomm Adreno 205 GPU, along with what's likely to be a 1GHz Snapdragon QSD8255 as featured on the HTC Desire HD. Interestingly, Neocore is reporting an impressive 59.1fps benchmark, which is a huge improvement from our exclusive look back in early December. Quadrant also reports a high score of 1,733, but hey, there's no saying that this is the final build, so the graphics performance may get even better.
Other tidbits found in the latest leak include the generous battery capacity of 1,500mAh, the 854 x 480 resolution on a 4-inch LCD, a 5 megapixel autofocus camera with LED flash sans 720p video recording (although it's probably just that the leaksters didn't look in all the submenu in the camera app), 512MB RAM, 512MB ROM, a microSD slot, SIM slot, micro-USB, and a second mic on the back for active noise cancellation * la Nexus One. Interestingly, the still-empty game launcher app is now called "PlayStation Pocket." We're still unclear just what the app will run; will it be PSOne games (the company has written an emulator before), PSP games, or an entirely new lineup? (In contrast, the PSP Go has a 333MHz processor, 64MB RAM, and a 3.8-inch 480 x 272 display -- albeit on different, not-quite-comparable architecture.) Hopefully we'll know soon enough, eh Kaz?
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January 7th, 2011, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster

Sony announced details and release dates for three different PSP-3000 bundles in Japan. Most eye-catching among them is the Dissidia 012 "Chaos & Cosmos" pack, including the above Pearl White PSP with what looks like Yoshitaka Amano character art. It will be released March 3 in Japan, bundled with the game, for ¥22,890 ($275). Unlike the game's title, this thing is a pleasure to look at.
Sony also revealed two more Monster Hunter Portable 3rd bundles, this time functionally normal PSP-3000s rather than the special hardware released in December. The New Hunters Pack comes in black/red or white/blue, and includes the game and an exclusive cleaning cloth, for ¥19,800 ($238). It'll be released on February 10.
Finally, the PSP Value Pack For Girls isn't bundled with, or themed for, any particular game. It's just ... "for girls." Which means, of course (sigh) that it's pink. It also includes a carrying case with a little bow on it, a pink cleaning cloth, and pink earbuds. It's also ¥19,800, and will be released on Feb. 17.
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January 7th, 2011, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2443
Sdw released a version of its 1st draft Vectrex Emulator for PS3.
The project, named PS3Vecx is still under development but is usable in its current state. For now the audio portion is not implemented, nor the ability to define the path containing the ROMS (some games have been integrated into the hard code).
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January 7th, 2011, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Mathieulh's PSP and PS3 game package (pkg) decrypter and extractor for Windows. Source code included.
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January 9th, 2011, 05:50 Posted By: bandit
Yesterday, we posted the news and video of Geohot jailbreaking 3.55 firmware and now, he has released the jailbreak. This works for homebrew only.
it's jailbreak time
open the zip, you know how to install
3.55 only
would be pirates, don't waste your time
do not mirror file, link to geohot.com
here is the package from the video
no donations accepted right now, don't get scammed
old homebrew will not work
new homebrew signing tools coming soon...
Note: Current pkgs (homebrew) will not install/run as they will need to be signed for 3.55. Only his "HELLO WORLD" will work...at the moment. So please be patient.
Extract and copy the update file — PS3UPDAT.PUP — to /PS3/UPDATE on a USB mass storage device. Connect that device to your PS3 and flash it through Settings -> System Update.
If you installed KaKaRoTo-created PUPs, this will not work. You will need to go back to OFW 3.55.
*UPDATE 1/9/11*
Geohot has released the signing tools...
homebrew signing tools
don't mirror
linux and windows
make_self_npdrm makes valid NPDRM selfs from elfs
it does not contain any info on decrypting or removing NPDRM
NPDRM is required for interoperability of our homebrew applications
package_finalize turns your debug packages into psuedoretail packages
psuedoretail packages install on a geohot jailbroken PS3
i'm excited to see what you will create
open source SDK @ PSL1GHT
This allows you to sign homebrew .pkgs. All this is legal as was made with PSL1GHT which is an open source SDK.
Source: Geohot
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January 9th, 2011, 19:23 Posted By: DPyro
Quote from his site:
Originally Posted by Geohot
it's jailbreak time
open the zip, you know how to install
3.55 only
would be pirates, don't waste your time
do not mirror file, link to geohot.com
here is the package from the video
no donations accepted right now, don't get scammed
homebrew signing tools
don't mirror
linux and windows
make_self_npdrm makes valid NPDRM selfs from elfs
it does not contain any info on decrypting or removing NPDRM
NPDRM is required for interoperability of our homebrew applications
package_finalize turns your debug packages into psuedoretail packages
psuedoretail packages install on a geohot jailbroken PS3
i'm excited to see what you will create
open source SDK @ PSL1GHT
File's available at his site
Update: Source code is now available
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January 9th, 2011, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12821&f=19
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January 9th, 2011, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/08/w...0verfl0w-hack/
A few days ago, team of developers fail0verfl0w revealed major issues in the security system of the PS3. This was quickly followed by major discoveries in the PS3 code, that seemed to mostly show that Sony was relying way too much on obfuscation for the security scheme of the PS3. One of the consequences of this was also the discovery of some critical information regarding the PSP security.
Independent devs all around the world started releasing their own tools to go further in revealing the PS3 internals.
After being quiet for many days, Sony said in a short statement to technological website Edge:
“We are aware of this, and are currently looking into it. We will fix the issues through network updates, but because this is a security issue, we are not able to provide you with any more details.”
Given the details of the security flaw, which basically gave away the entire signing/encryption mechanism on the PS3, including parts that cannot be updated by a simple software update, the statement by Sony is really surprising. Are they trying to mitigate the buzz around this hack?
Several devs involved in this breakthrough stated that Sony cannot patch this without a hardware upgrade… maybe Sony will soon patent a way to upgrade your PS3 Hardware through network
That being said, it isn’t impossible that Sony revoke some of their keys to play some cat and mouse game with hackers…To me the best move would be something similar to what is done with the XBox: ban people who use a hacked console online. This way hackers can still have fun offline with the hardware they purchased, while normal players still enjoy a good gaming experience online…
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January 9th, 2011, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://blog.coldbird.co.cc/?p=372
I’ve read the comments on the previous post and many people have been wondering where the download link to 6.35 PRO HEN is.
Well the reason there is none over here is because we decided to post public builds only on the chinese forums.
However, as the public builds aren’t up to date to the latest changes and fixes, I’ve decided to make a Nightly Test Build available for those that want the newest fixes and features early for Testing Purposes.
Good Morning btw. Greetings, Coldbird.
UPDATE 6th January 2011: Added PS1 Classic Sharing Support to Nightly
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January 9th, 2011, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/09/r...n-pro-635-636/
Developers Coldbird and Virtuous Flame started releasing a work in progress of 6.36 support, named Hen PRO 6.36 alpha, has been made available. Firmware 6.36 is a special firmware available only for people who bought Monster Hunter Portable 3. And since apparently there’s more than 4 millions of you, no doubt that this alpha Hen will be useful.
Unfortunately, Wagic and some other major homebrews such as Mobile Assault or the Duke3D port don’t work yet on this Hen. (Which is really surprising since most of those work in HBL), so for personal reasons I would recommend people to stick to Total_Noob’s 6.20 TN Hen, at least until these isues are fixed on the 6.35 PRO.
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January 9th, 2011, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 3 has been a tough nut for hackers to crack.
Generally, this generation's consoles have been as about as sturdy as a block of Country Life butter sitting in a bowl of hot water, but, unlike its younger brother the PSP - which can now play everything from Amiga to Nintendo DS games - the PS3 has put up a strong fight.
But despite its valiant efforts hackers have chipped away at it and it seems the PS3's pirate free shores are about to suffer a multi-fleet invasion.
After a group of hackers created what they called the 'PSJailbreak' Sony quickly responded by implementing and firmware update addressing the issue and unleashing its crack legal commando unit to put the kibosh on any retailers selling the pesky USB stick.
That was just the calm before the storm though; prolific hacker George 'Geohot' Hotz has since blown the system wide open by decrypting the root key and making it freely available online. The question is, how much will this hurt Sony and the PS3?
Piracy has been the monkey on Sony's back ever since it stepped into the home console business. Every console since the original PlayStation has been a victim, with the PlayStation 2 notoriously popular among pirates. But times have changed.
Pirating PS2 games was simple enough that everyone and his kid brother could do it, whether it was installing a modchip or using a slide card and boot disc, all it took was an hour and a PC.
However, the complexities of the PS3's architecture and media format will likely prevent the propagation of piracy reaching the same heights as the PS2's.
Given the console's 'connected' nature, it's likely that Sony will release regular patches to combat pirates, even if they can't fix the core issue, we're betting they'll make it as hard as possible for people to continue downloading games.
Putting up roadblocks at every new corner is a tactic that seems to have proven quite successful for Microsoft, which regularly banned modded consoles, bolstered its Xbox Live feature offerings and locked miscreants out of these online features.
Most PS3 owners are heavily involved with their consoles on a service level, using features such as iPlayer, VidZone and the PlayStation Store for their media consumption. Would they sacrifice these services by modding their machine?
Uncharted developer Naughty Dog has said that it just about squeezed Uncharted 2 onto a Blu-Ray disc, that's around 25 gigabytes worth of data, does anyone really have the time, patience and more importantly the appropriate internet connection to download a file of that size as well as burn it onto a Blu-Ray disc?
But what do you lot think? Will the emergence of this PS3 Jailbreak have an impact on Sony and its console? If so to what extent and what do you think Sony will do to address the issue?
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January 9th, 2011, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster

Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. It's been literally less than 48 hours since we saw the first in-depth Chinese-language preview of Sony's still yet-to-be-confirmed PlayStation Phone, and believe it or not, we've got another one. (Our resident translator Richard Lai suggests this might be the same PS Phone just being passed around the various websites.) It's just as long and arguably just as in-depth with an absolute ton of comparison pics with the PSP Go, the Xperia lineup, a DSi, a Droid... the list goes on. Much of what's written is the same, and the PlayStation Pocket app is still a mystery. The preview does say a third-party emulator was downloaded and tested, with 70 percent success, but that doesn't actually tell us anything. Anyway, even if you don't know Chinese, hit up the source and bask in the glory of a ton more pics.
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January 9th, 2011, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
The developer max840 releases VGPSaver v1.00 (acronym for VSH, GAME, POPS Saver) a handy homebrew that allows you to create backup copies of files vsh.txt , game.txt and pops.txt used by CF and to enable HEN plugins. This can be useful for those with a large number of plugins and would quickly change from a combination of plugins to another without having to enable / disable manually or via PC. The homebrew is compatible with CF m33 and GEN, which with 6.20TN-A and B.
Changelog and downloads:
.: Changelog:.
- Language selection: English or French
- Function to create a backup
- Ability to rename a backup
- Ability to delete one or all of the backup
- Ability to restore a backup
- Ability to delete the application configuration
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January 9th, 2011, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
Small but interesting coming soon on the next update del'HEN 6.20TN the German coder Total_Noob . According to the same coder report on the forum pages PSPKING, the next 20.6 TN-C will not only fix the bugs in the current security flash0 TN-B, but will also add support for online play. HEN Currently only allows access to the NDP, but precludes any possibility of online multiplayer game.
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January 9th, 2011, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
New release for one of the best PSP homebrew-game scene. The developer has nataku92 be updated to version 1.82 its CSPSP, the excellent PSP port of Counter Strike, which also allows online multiplayer challenges thanks to the dedicated server. This new update does not introduce innovations in the gameplay but fixes some bugs in previous versions.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.82:
- Fixed a bug that caused the message appears in the wrong end of a round
- Fixed a bug which prevented displaying more than 10 players in the scorecard
- Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect time display respawn
We thank you for reporting ChuckBasss
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January 9th, 2011, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2449
riku.kh3 released a signed version of the CFW 3.55 Geohot of Comgenie's Awesome Filemanager 0.06 .
As a reminder, this is a file manager PS3 that will allow you to explore the contents thereof, copy or delete files without having to go through an FTP connection.
This version works only with the so CFW 3.55 of Geohot.
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January 9th, 2011, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2452
Pheak_ESP released a signed version of the CFW 3.55 Geohot of Mednafen , a multi-system emulator Mednafen (developed by Robo Hobo) for emulation of NES consoles, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PC Engine, PC-Engine CD, Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket, and WonderSwan.
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January 9th, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/
Its been a month now since I released anything for PS3 so here is something new. Its a flight sim although I’m not really sure if that is the correct term considering that its not simulating real world flight. I started it almost a week ago and intended it to be like a one day project that I would be able to just throw together and then return to working on my other games. But I kept running into problems and its still heavily flawed and incomplete.
It uses sixaxis motion controls for steering, L2 and R2 make you spin, L1 is for shooting and R1 is for acceleration. Pressing select inverts the controls for turning up and down.
There is no credit screen yet but there is a LOT of borrowed stuff that went into making this game. I’ll list it all out later.
Feedback is as always greatly appreciated. Its a genre that I’m not particularly familiar with (the only flight sim I’ve ever played much of was the PC version of Incoming and that was ten years ago) so I could definitely use some guidance. Whats your favorite thing about modern flight sims?
Some suggestions on the enemies behavior and movement would be especially appreciated. At the moment I find it to be simultaneously too easy and too difficult. As long as you keep moving its almost impossible to get hit by the enemy blasts. But unless you just stop and turn around its also fairly difficult and time consuming to ever shoot them. Slowing their move speed would make it impossible for them to keep up with you but increasing it would make it impossible to turn and shoot them well you are still moving. Slowing their turn speed would make it even easier to avoid being shot by them but increasing it would once again make it impossible to turn and shoot them well you are still moving. Maybe having them alternate between actually following you directly and just circling around you might work…
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January 10th, 2011, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony already has 20 exclusives lined up for the PlayStation 3 this year, the platform holder has boasted.
Speaking on the official PlayStation Blog, Sony's social media guru Sid Shuman said, "nearly every major PlayStation series is making an appearance in 2011 - even Kratos is in on the action with his guest turn in the new Mortal Kombat.
"Add third-party publisher PS3 exclusives and upcoming PSN games and upcoming PlayStation Move games and you've got a 2011 that's jam-packed with PS3-exclusive titles."
Here's the full list of games that Xbox 360 loyalists won't get to play this year:
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel (March)
Hyperdimension Neptunia (February)
The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection (Spring)
inFAMOUS 2 (2011)
Journey (2011)
Killzone 3 (22nd February)
The Last Guardian (Holiday 2011)
LittleBigPlanet 2 (18th January)
MLB 11 The Show (8th March)
MotorStorm Apocalypse (Spring)
No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise (Autumn)
PixelJunk Shooter 2 (2011)
PlayStation Move Heroes (Spring, 2011)
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (Autumn)
Resistance 3 (6th September)
SOCOM 4 (2011)
Sorcery (2011)
Twisted Metal (2011)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (1st November)
Yakuza 4 (15th March)
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January 10th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
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January 10th, 2011, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
One week after Sony's PlayStation 3 private cryptography key was obtained, FreeBSD is up and running on the PS3. Nathan Whitehorn writes: 'Yesterday, I imported support for the Sony Playstation 3 into our 64-bit PowerPC port, expanding our game console support into the current generation. There are still a few rough edges due to missing hardware support, but the machine boots and runs FreeBSD stably. These rough edges should be smoothed out in time for the 9.0 release.
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January 11th, 2011, 21:19 Posted By: spyke1
I will be releasing the 2nd game in the Zelda french homebrew trilogy (Zelda - Oni Link Begins) next week. I'm testing the game now and will be releasing it as a beta initially, due to my lack of time to play all of the way through the game. When I've finished testing the game you will know, because it will get a 1.0 version number in the sourceforge site (not available yet).
The reason it's been taking so long is do to other obligations as well as memory leaks in the original code. The PSP's low memory makes these very problematic compared to the Windows version. Thankfully the Dingux peoples port fixed most of the memory bugs, so I am using theirs to locate the memory bugs (though I decided not to use their source code for the port due to numerous system specific changes).
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January 12th, 2011, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
With the news that infamous iPhone hacker George Hotz has enabled homebrew via a custom firmware patch, speculation is now moving on to what Sony will do to stop unauthorised code running on the PlayStation Network. What exactly can the platform holder monitor from your machine and what steps can Sony take in banning you from the PlayStation Network?
First of all there's an important distinction in the unofficial hacker's "code of conduct" to be aware of: these guys believe that once you buy a machine, you own it and you have the right to run your own programs on it, even if the inevitable consequence of this (by their own admission) is that piracy becomes possible on what was previously a "backup"-proof system. However, hackers are equally adamant that the PlayStation Network, or Xbox Live for that matter, is a service that users subscribe to and for which they have no ownership rights at all. In short, if you do decide to run your own code on a system connected to such a service, you're on your own and should be prepared for the consequences.
Thus far, educated estimates put the amount of Xbox Live bans at well over one million consoles, accounting mostly for users who modified their DVD drive firmwares to run games burned onto DVD. However, Sony has been remarkably restrained in its response to the Jailbreak even though PSN has been vulnerable for some weeks over the last few months. Does the company have the tools to track Jailbroken consoles and if so, why haven't we seen the banhammer fall already?
First up, what does Sony know about what's going on with your console? It is true that when the PS3 boots up - whether you have a PSN account or now - the machine itself communicates with a string of Sony servers, as recently posted on NeoGAF, and a log of applications run on the system is almost certainly transmitted. Similarly, the game you're running at any given point also shows up on your PSN profile, and the chances are that if you run a game from within a "backup manager", then the manager - not the game - will be displayed attached to your PSN account.
According to the terms and conditions of the PlayStation Network, this effectively makes you fair game for a PSN ban of which many variations exist - a timed suspension or even a lifelong ban. The amount of access Sony has to your machine is greater than you probably suspect: the company even has the means to irrevocably disable your console should it so wish, and if that happens, it will remain non-functional whether you're online or offline.
However, despite the options Sony has available, to date there have been no ban waves that we've been aware of, despite Jailbroken consoles being easily detectable. Sony's approach has been very responsible - issuing security updates via new firmwares that automatically lock Jailbreakers out of the PlayStation Network as opposed to issuing outright bans. Sony effectively offers PS3 jailbreakers the opportunity to "go legit" in order to preserve their PSN access.
It was the right solution for its time: a system update is inconvenient for the end-user but for Sony it would be far more of an issue in dealing with the unwelcome publicity of a ban wave. Just the logistics of the customer relations element also makes this the most reasonable approach: why deal with thousands of emails, requests for info from the press and - yes - potentially banning a small amount of innocent users when a new firmware prevents any of this from happening?
Microsoft went the nuclear option with its various ban waves of course, but there is a difference between modifying DVD firmware and running a PS3 jailbreak: opening up your 360, re-flashing the drive and reassembling the machine demonstrates a singular purpose in running burned games. With the USB jailbreaks, all machines were vulnerable and any one could run the dongle on any machine whether they owned it or not. Sony may well have a list of "suspect" consoles, but arbitrarily suspending PSN access without a proof of sustained usage would be an over-reaction. As a knock-on effect, it would obviously stop these people spending money in the PlayStation Store. Updating new firmware and locking out the compromised systems while offering offenders the chance to "go legit" has clearly been the platform holder's MO thus far.
In the short term, expect to see Sony do exactly the same thing. Firmwares 3.42 and 3.5 worked in locking out Jailbroken consoles with the minimum of fuss. Hacks to get compromised consoles onto PSN were neutralised relatively quickly and you can expect the current access Jailbreakers have to PSN with Geohot's hacked software to be revoked imminently with a new system update.
In future firmwares, expect internal checks to be carried out during run-time and on boot to ensure the integrity of GameOS - these are trivial for Sony to code, invisible to the legitimate end-user and much more difficult to reverse-engineer. However, the long term challenge facing the platform holder is a lot stiffer now - the collapse of the security set-up means that any kind of code can be installed on any PS3.
Where Sony is going to face real difficulties is in preventing determined PSN cheaters from adjusting and patching their games. The latest hack isn't just about patching GameOS any more: jailbreakers can change map data, roll back patches and even adjust the game code and re-encrypt it to look like an official update. Determined cheaters could probably use DNS hacks to install suspect code on their console even without the requirement of a custom firmware in the first place. Over and above this, leaving GameOS to the mercies of the hackers could see them reverse-engineer the ways in which PSN games are purchased and activated on the console, opening up another wave of piracy Sony would rather not have to deal with.
The chances are that threats like this are just too big to ignore, and it's surely just a matter of time before Sony's current "soft touch" approach to dealing with Jailbroken PS3s on PSN becomes a thing of the past. If the situation escalates, expect that ban hammer to hit without warning: at the end of the day, running unapproved homebrew code of any description while connected to the PlayStation Network is just a really bad idea...
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January 12th, 2011, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
With PS3 open territory for hackers and pirates, many have been wondering what action Sony will take to secure its system. The platform-destroying piracy rampant on PSP makes it clear exactly how much is at stake. To date, Sony's response to the jailbreak has been limited to mandatory firmware updates and revoking PSN access to those that refuse to use official system software.
However, a report by Digital Foundry claims that Sony can take far more drastic measures. Even if you've never signed up for a PSN account, your console will communicate with Sony servers every time it boots up. That initial load process is used to upload error logs, download updates to the "What's New" module, and a list of recently-run applications, including any unauthorized backup manager software.
Sony has yet to ban any consoles for taking advantage of the jailbreak, but the terms and conditions of the PlayStation Network make it clear that Sony has the authority to carry them out. Thanks to the system's constant self-reporting feature, "the company even has the means to irrevocably disable your console should it so wish," rendering affected PS3 consoles unusable, online and off. But will Sony ever use such a drastic measure? And if so, how will the hacker scene retaliate?
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January 12th, 2011, 05:37 Posted By: bandit
Sony has sent their MIB (lawyers in black suits) to the door step of George Hotz aka "geohot"!
Charges include:
- 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(2)(C) – Confidential Information On Computer
- 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(4) – Intent To Defraud And Obtain Value
- 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A) – Knowing Transmission of Code
- 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(B) and (C) – Intentional and Reckless Damage And Loss
- 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(6)(A) – Trafficking in Password
- 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(7)(B) – Intent to Extort
Geohot recently posted the PS3 'root key', video of his 3.55 jailbreak along with his signing tools to install and run homebrew.
It seems Sony has decided they have had enough of this, and as of Jan. 11, 2011 have filed a lawsuit against George Hotz, which will be filed under the court docket of 'C 11-00167 JCS'.
Geohot has updated his website with two court papers, which you can also find attached here now:
As of 1/11/2011 7:20 PM EST, I have been served with papers, see below...
old front page, with relevant info removed, is here
contact me geohot ... gmail
any legal fund donation things you see are 100% fake as of now, don't get scammed
What is also interested is that the court filings also show that Sony is also going after the members of Team fail0verflow and are listed as named aka Bushing (Cantero), Sven (Sven Peter) and Marcan (Hector Martin) as defendants!
Marcan via Twitter:
Ah, so Sony decided to sue everyone under US law. Guess I won’t be visiting the US in a while…
Fail0verflow via Twitter:
Source: PSX-Scene via Geohot
Files attached via comments
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January 12th, 2011, 13:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/10/m...never-replied/
There was a pretty interesting live discussion between Magixien and Mathieulh yesterday on pspgen.com.
Mathieu of course mentioned the recent work about the PSP keys found in the PS3 hardware. He stated that with the open source Kirk implementation [recently released by Draan, based on hints by Mathieulh and team work by a bunch of talented devs <-- may I say I hadn't seen so many "PSP All stars" in a forum thread since the Pandora days?], anybody with enough skills could create an application to sign user mode homebrews for the PSP, “with 1 or 2 hours of work”.
He also confirmed that kernel mode would be more of a challenge, as the Kirk implementation on the PS3 is incomplete [I almost feel relieved for Sony here]. If you’re (extremely) computer savy you can have a look at the technical discussions on this subject here.
The discussion also went on the Utopia project, an open source firmware project for the PSP (Mathieulh’s “pet” project on the PSP back in the old days, which sadly was never really completed due to lack of support from the scene… Mathieu if you read this, some of the code in Utopia was a key factor in running the first homebrew with HBL. So, although it is true that few devs contributed directly to the Utopia project, it was still a very useful project for the scene)
Magixien and Mathieu then mentioned the upcoming security in the PSP2 and the 3DS (unsurprisingly, they expect these two consoles to have quite stronger security than their older sisters, but said we can’t really know before the actual devices hit the market), however, Mathieulh half-jokingly said that the security on the PSP/PS3 was not good, and that Sony should consider hiring people who have stronger skills in security (such as ex-hackers) for their next consoles. He mentioned as an anecdote:
About two years ago I sent an email to Sony, and told them: “I know how to prevent the copy of UMDs on your PSP”. I gave them all the details on how to proceed, it worked and …well it made UMD copy basically impossible on the PSP. They never took my idea into account, they never replied to me. That tells us a lot about their way [of dealing with security]
I personally think that Sony should have some kind of bat-signal that triggers when people like Mathieulh offer their services for free in matters of security
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January 12th, 2011, 13:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
A good alternative to 6.20 TN is certainly offered by various HEN 6.3x PRO that are still to be finalized and for which there are few applications. Fortunately there is a remedy as the developer patpat who has just released the plugin CXMB for 6:35 PRO, by which we can load from Memory Stick our favorite topics.
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January 12th, 2011, 13:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
DedDinO_94 has released a new update for Alpha Tris, homebrew LUA that developed in the famous port on our PSP game TicTacToe (Tris). This new version, 3.0, improves many aspects of gameplay and introduces a renewed graphical interface.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v3.0:
- New GUI
- Code rewritten from 0, are now used only 2 Script
- New system of rescue options
- Improved AI level is difficult
- Improved speed considerably HB
- Now, when you run the Homebrew, the CPU is automatically set to 111MHz
- File translation updated
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January 12th, 2011, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
New update for PSPKVM , the Java emulator for the PSP that allows our small but powerful console to become even more versatile, giving us the ability to use Java applications designed for the mobile world and not only (OperaMini to mention one of the most popular applications on PSPKVM).
In the box to follow the changelog and download.
Changelog and downloads:
- Support MP3.
- AMS improved UI
- Improved i18n support
- Fixed a bug on TrueType fonts
- Optimization connection (solved problems random disconnects)
- Fixed and platformRequest HttpInstaller
- Increased the HTTP buffer for faster download
- Optimized graphics
- Minor bugs fixed
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January 12th, 2011, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
New review, 632, X64 to Daedalus, the famed Nintendo 64 emulator for PSP. The build today does not introduce new features but fixes some bugs, thus improving the overall stability of the emulator that I remember, it is also compatible with the latest available HEN.
More to follow.
Rev.632 Changelog:
Revision 632
- Merged from Daedalus-Dev branch:
- Implemented blendMode maker (blendmodes can be made in real time now, and now is really easy for anyone to make blendmodes) - Corn
- Fixed Display Debugger not working in Paper Mario - Corn
- Debug build compiles again (got broken in 630) - Corn
- Corrected That Caused regression DKR and other games to crash
- Disable loop opt for Cybertiger (fixes crash When starting the game)
- Corrected regression That broke pokeballs in Pokemon Stadium 2
- Merged from branch Daedalus-N64:
- Delay initialize MediaEngine. So That We Can suspend if we do not use Async Sound. (If you use async sound once, before you exit to XMB, you can not suspend anymore.)
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January 12th, 2011, 19:42 Posted By: wbb
Hello all!
After a long time I updated "Modo - a ultra simple mod player" for the PSP. It also plays sid files & more.
Some small changes:
* Player still responsive when CPU load gets to high, eg. clock setting to low
* No more 25Mhz mode
* Option menu, press Start button during playback
* Added "nocheck" parameter to modo.cfg to disable file checks, improves speed of file browser
For screenshots and a list of supported formats visit:
Enjoy some classic tunes.
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January 12th, 2011, 22:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
The industry will finally find out what form the PSP2 will take at a press event in Tokyo on January 27th, trade sources have confirmed to MCV.
Claims emerging this morning about an impending reveal for the long-rumoured PSP2 are true.
Publishers were informed late last year of the plans, with some of Sony's biggest parties already at work on titles for the high-specced device.
The date of the reveal itself is just the beginning, however.
This Friday's copy of MCV magazine has some exclusive industry insight - some of which will come as a huge surprise. Check back for the full story on MCVuk.com.
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January 12th, 2011, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America is suing notorious hacker George Hotz and more than 100 others, including members of fail0verflow, for publishing root key details and cracks for the PlayStation 3.
Last year Hotz published an exploit for the PlayStation 3, but it wasn't until this year that hackers fail0verflow released information on how to completely circumvent security measures for the system, leaving it wide open to exploitation.
The hardware manufacturer alleges the defendants "circumvented effective technological protection measures" for the PlayStation 3 and other copyrighted works, and "trafficked in circumvention technology, products, services, methods, codes, software tools, devices, including but not limited to the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm Keys, encryption and/or decryption keys, dePKG firmware decrypter program, Signing Tools, 3.55 Firmware Jailbreak, and/or any other technologies that enable unauthorized access to and/or copying of PS3 Systems and other copyrighted works."
Sony alleges the defendants have violated the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the Copyright Act and related state and common laws covered by the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act, according to legal filings published by Hotz.
Sony is seeking a Temporary Restraining Order against Hotz, along with an Order to Show Cause and Order of Impoundment claiming "it will suffer irreparable harm unless Defendant Hotz's violations are enjoined."
The restraining order would stop Hotz from trafficking any circumvention technology or providing any links to websites offering circumvention technology, and from accessing the PlayStation 3 system in order to obtain code or information, or publishing any code or instructions or assisting others to do so.
The impoundment order gives Hotz 10 days to deliver any hardware or software to Sony's legal team which store circumvention technology.
At the time of writing details of the PS3 Jailbreak and a video from Hotz were still available freely online.
Hm, they will never stop it no matter what they do but going after so many shows how pissy they are about the situation.
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January 12th, 2011, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster

We figured Sony would follow up last night's temporary restraining order against Geohot and fail0verflow for distribution of the PS3 jailbreak with a copyright infringement lawsuit, and well, here it is. It's actually pretty straightforward, as far as these things go -- Sony alleges that George Hotz, Hector Martin Cantero, Sven Peter, and the rest of fail0verflow are:
Violating §1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which forbids bypassing access control measures;
Violating the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which forbids accessing computers without authorization;
Guilty of contributory copyright infringement for encouraging and helping others to crack PS3s as well;
Violating the California Computer Crime Law, which is the state computer fraud act (think of this as a backup fraud claim);
Violating the PlayStation Network's Terms of Service (which feels meaningless, really);
Interfering with Sony's relationships with other PSN customers (also meaningless);
Trespassing on Sony's ownership right to the PS3 (this one feels weak) and;
Misappropriating Sony's intellectual property (another weak argument, but there in case the copyright argument fails).
Sony's asking the court to forbid Geohot and fail0verflow from distributing the jailbreak and turn over all computer hardware and software that contain the jailbreak code, as well as unspecified damages and attorneys' fees. Yep, these boys done got sued -- and we're sure there'll be some serious fireworks once they lawyer up and fight right back.
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January 12th, 2011, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster

What must surely be the industry's worst-kept secret just got even further out of the closet with a new suite of pictures showing not the outside but the inside. After all, we've already seen the outside at every possible angle, even in motion playing games. TGBus is the source here again, its disembodied hands apparently completely bored with actually playing games, so they broke out the Torx and spread it asunder. See for yourself on the other end of the source link, and feel free to contact your local Sony representative and tell them what a great job they're doing on keeping this thing quiet.
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January 12th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster

A Sony Europe representative has informed Joystiq that the company is aware of a current issue with PlayTV, the HDTV DVR add-on for PS3 available in the region. Users have reported encountering a system-crashing bug after applying the most recent premium update to the device.
"We are aware that since the latest PlayTV update, certain issues have arisen," a company representative told Joystiq. "We are working to fix these and hope to have a solution very shortly." A Joystiq tipster suggests the issue can be fixed by reinstalling PlayTV, though doing so will erase all data, including the paid update.
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January 12th, 2011, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
Almost two years between the last update of the mode, the fantastic multi-format audio player has stood for years thanks to some unique features.
He learned to play the most popular forms of audio consoles and computers to 8 / 16 bit, plays the much more modern but mp3/ogg important thing for a player (or console) portable music, reduces battery consumption considerably thanks to 'use a little CPU intensive.
In detail the characteristics of the player and the current version of the changelog.
Method 2011:
Support for many music formats:
* Trackers: 669, IT, MED (MMD1 only), MOD, MTM, S3M, STM and XM module formats.
* C64: SID and MUS (HVSC song length database support)
* Atari ST: YM, SC68 and SNDH
* VGMz & GYM (Sega Master System / Sega Genesis aka Mega Drive * / some derivats)
* GBS (Game Boy)
* NSF & NSFe (Nes)
* AY (Spectrum / Amstrad CPC)
* SAP (Atari XL)
* Modern: Vorbis / Ogg and MP3
* Sleep timer
* Adjust clock settings from 80 to 222Mhz (depends on playback format)
* When Player still responsive to CPU load gets high, eg. clock setting
to low
* No more 25Mhz mode
* Option menu, press Start button During playback
* Added "nocheck" parameter to modo.cfg to disable file checks, Improves
speed of file browser
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January 12th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
New release for Ultimate Recovery Menu v2.0 , the alternative to the Recovery Menu created by a quintet of respect: Ceikor,-blue7, Hackman, and Namenloser Total_Noob.
This new release is essentially to solve the problem of buffer overflow in the previous year. In more have been added fake therefore not accessible in previous revision (Mexico, Debug I and II).
It 'important to remember that the compatibility of this modification of Recovery is guaranteed only with a PSP that Montini CF 5.50 (both gen Prometheus).
E 'must be avoided in any case the installation on TA-088v3 PSP 2000 and PSP 3000, the penalty brick. .
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January 13th, 2011, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Super Nintendo emulator for Sony PlayStation 3 has been updated. Changes:
*- Autodetection of Super Scope/Mouse/Multitap had a bug in it - after you
loaded a Super Scope/mouse game and then tried to load a multitap-compatible
game, the game would attempt to hook up the Mouse/Scope instead due to an error
in a switch/case statement. Fixed this.
Autodetection now works as expected. Please upgrade to 4.4.3 as soon as possible
to avoid inconvenient problems.
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January 13th, 2011, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2471
MagicSeb, a member of our forum, provides a compiled version (PKG) for firmware 3.41 and 3.55 of the PS3 port of ScummVM (initial port done by Lousyphreak).
Installation on 3.41 Firmware
1 - Install PKG via the jailbreak
2 - Turn off the console
3 - Reboot without the jailbreak and play!
You will also find an archive for CFW 3.55 pkg GeoHot. MagicSeb with no console 3.55 e, PKG has not been tested.
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January 13th, 2011, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/carne...ts-site-75577/
Dave Touretzky, a Research Professor in the Computer Science Department and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon University, has challenged Sony's legal standing in the case against PS3 hackers and mirrored Geohot's site on the university's servers.
Mirror of GeoHot's PS3 Jailbreak -- January 11, 2011
Our friends at Sony are having another bad day: i.e., doing something breathtakingly stupid, presumably because they don't know any better. This time they're suing George Hotz for publishing PS3 jailbreak information, as reported by EnGadget and Attack of the Fan Boy. Hotz's jailbreak allows PS3 owners to run the software of their choice on a machine they have legally purchased. His site is geohot.com.
Free speech (and free computing) rights exist only for those determined to exercise them. Trying to suppress those rights in the Internet age is like spitting in the wind.
We will help our friends at Sony understand this by mirroring the geohot jailbreak files at Carnegie Mellon.
Note to Sony lawyers: No doubt you're eager to rack up another billable hour by sending legal threats to me and my university. Before you go down that unhappy road, check out what happened the last time a large corporation tried to stop the mirroring of technical information here: The Gallery of CSS Descramblers. Have you learned anything in ten years?
David S. Touretzky
Research Professor of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
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January 13th, 2011, 21:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Sony isn't going to take Nintendo's 3DS challenge lying down.
The format-holder is preparing a swift reveal for the true PlayStation Portable successor, due at Christmas. As was reported yesterday, the first announcement is pencilled in for January 27th.
Most importantly: the format-holder is pitching the device as a high-end portable equivalent of its next-gen home console, with rich games content to match.
Sony has told licensees the device ‘is as powerful as the PlayStation 3’.
High-level sources told us they expect Sony to start outlining its 2011 handheld strategy within days of Nintendo events in Amsterdam and New York detailing the 3DS Easter rollout plans.
Article continues below
The new PSP is expected to arrive within the Q4 period, perhaps as early as October, and includes a HD screen with twin-stick controls in the familiar ‘brick’ form factor.
Sony has already consulted publishers about launch timings and the first wave of games.
It is specifically requesting richer, more in-depth content to differentiate its device from app-centric Apple and Android devices.
Plus, securing HD handheld games will help build launch excitement amongst publishers, developers and consumers over the next nine months.
Sony is already plotting to reveal more at GDC and E3 after this month’s first tease.
‘PSP2’ will even use a media format to make sure retail has a part to play in the console’s lifecycle by selling physical software.
But the device will also provide access to plenty of downloadable content, smaller games and apps via PSN – and maybe even incorporate a phone, but not as a primary function.
This next-gen PSP is separate from the games-oriented phone sister division Sony Ericsson is working on, which is due for its formal unveiling at Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress in February. That device runs Android and downloaded apps and smaller games, plus potentially older PSone titles.
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January 13th, 2011, 21:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation 3 exclusive first-person shooter Killzone 3 contains over 70 minutes of cutscenes.
That's according to the BBFC, which has just slapped an 18-rating certificate on the gritty sci-fi FPS.
Predictably, Killzone 3 contains "strong bloody violence and strong language". Thankfully, it was passed with no cuts made.
The age rating comes as no surprise. Last year Guerrilla Games' Steven Ter Heide told Eurogamer that swearing had been curtailed for Killzone 3, but it was still "firmly aiming" to be an 18-rated game.
"Our sound director is here today and we said to him, 'Go through the entire database and, anything that's got s*** or f*** in it, just get rid of it - we don't want to hear it ever again!" he said.
"We feel the dialogue in there shouldn't be gratuitous; it should be about advancing the story and natural responses. It shouldn't be off-the-scale swearing.
"We've toned it down a little bit to make sure that the story comes across in the way we wanted it to come across," he added. "That's definitely one of the points we took on board from Killzone 2."
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January 13th, 2011, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will likely force the PlayStation 3 hackers to stop distributing the tools they created and released online it alleges are directly responsible for enabling piracy - at least temporarily.
It's bad news for George Hotz, aka Geohot, who led a group of high-profile hackers that successfully circumvented Sony's security measures designed to prevent gamers from running unofficial programs on the PS3.
According to legal documents published by Hotz on his blog, Sony believes the hackers have infringed areas of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) in obtaining the encryption and decryption keys of the console without authorisation, and that the defendants are directly responsible for enabling piracy via the tools they created and released online. A comprehensive round-up of the allegations can be found on Digital Foundry.
"A DMCA action was pretty much inevitable once word of this got out," said Jas Purewal, a games lawyer at Olswang and writer of Gamer/Law. "Difficult for me to see how Hotz will be able to avoid a successful DMCA claim, personally.
"So, all in all, no great surprises here - Sony really had no choice but to take these actions."
So, what's next for Hotz and the Fail0verflow hacking team now Sony has filed suit?
"In practical terms, it seems they [Sony] are applying for a restraining order and injunction against Hotz, which if successful would at least stop him distributing the hack," Purewal said.
According to Alex Chapman of Sheridans Solicitors, it's too early to comment on the merits of the claims in the case, but he described Sony's move as "a very early step in the action" and "ex parte", which means that a decision may be made without hearing from the defendants.
"Usually there will be a return date which will be an opportunity for the defendants to make their representations and for the Judge to consider the case more fully," Chapman explained to Eurogamer.
"Ex Parte applications are generally made where there is some urgency and the courts in those cases don't necessarily decide on the merits of the case but on the 'balance of convenience'.
"In this case Sony is asking that the information on the websites is taken down. It will be saying that the publication of these hacks/cracks causes it damage that cannot adequately be compensated in damages and the defendants are not inconvenienced by taking it down - since they can be compensated in damages."
Chapman suspects that the court will likely agree with Sony's request – for now, but that doesn't mean Sony will be victorious in the lawsuit.
"When courts look at cases where the disclosure of information like this is likely to cause a company irreparable damage they invariably do make the order requested, at least until the applicable return date," he said.
"This is important because if the defendants 'lose' this part of the action it does not mean that they have lost the whole case or that they are liable, just that they have to take down the content as the balance of convenience favours Sony."
Both Hotz and the Fail0verflow group have responded to Sony's lawusit.
"I am a firm believer in digital rights," Hotz yesterday told the BBC. "I would expect a company that prides itself on intellectual property to be well versed in the provisions of the law, so I am disappointed in Sony's current action.
"I have spoken with legal counsel and I feel comfortable that Sony's action against me doesn't have any basis."
The case continues.
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January 13th, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Piracy on the newly-hacked PlayStation 3 could be worse than on the notoriously compromised PSP, according to the co-founder of Ubisoft subsidiary Massive Entertainment.
Martin Walfisz told GamesIndustry.biz that due to the nature of the security breach, Sony will struggle to detect which consoles are running illegally procured software, meaning the situation could quickly go from bad to worse for the platform holder.
"If that hack works as reported, I don't believe that Sony can regain any control," he explained.
"They could try to employ a similar system to Xbox Live, so that people running hacked systems won't have access to PSN. But Sony won't be able to stop people from running pirated game copies as long as the machines are not hooked up online.
"And given that it seems that users won't even need a hardware mod-chip to play pirated games, I don't believe that Sony can even detect which users to lock out from PSN."
"They way the PS3 seems to have been hacked, it is now completely open," Walfisz continued, pouring further salt in Sony's wounds. "The hackers can create pirated copies that completely mimic the official Sony digital signature, making it extremely easy to use pirated copies of games, without the need for any hardware chip modifications.
"I would assume that pirated copies can be stored on the HDD as well, making it so easy to use that PS3 piracy, given time, might even surpass the handhelds."
Walfisz went on to explain that the only way Sony could properly combat the situation would be by releasing new hardware – an unrealistic proposition given the huge cost involved.
"I don't think that they can do much. Once a console is hacked this completely, the hardware manufacturer can't really do anything," he said.
"They could maybe update their hardware for new console sales, which would be a long and expensive process, but that won't stop users from running pirated copies on the current hardware. And updating the hardware needs to be done in a way that doesn't prevent users from running already-released games. I doubt that can be done."
Sony recently announced it planned to tackle the hack "through network updates".
Earlier this week it began legal action against modder George Hotz and his Fail0verflow team, claiming they infringed areas of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in obtaining the encryption and decryption keys of the console without authorisation, making them directly responsible for enabling piracy.
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January 13th, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Piracy on the newly-hacked PlayStation 3 could be worse than on the notoriously compromised PSP, according to the co-founder of Ubisoft subsidiary Massive Entertainment.
Martin Walfisz told GamesIndustry.biz that due to the nature of the security breach, Sony will struggle to detect which consoles are running illegally procured software, meaning the situation could quickly go from bad to worse for the platform holder.
"If that hack works as reported, I don't believe that Sony can regain any control," he explained.
"They could try to employ a similar system to Xbox Live, so that people running hacked systems won't have access to PSN. But Sony won't be able to stop people from running pirated game copies as long as the machines are not hooked up online.
"And given that it seems that users won't even need a hardware mod-chip to play pirated games, I don't believe that Sony can even detect which users to lock out from PSN."
"They way the PS3 seems to have been hacked, it is now completely open," Walfisz continued, pouring further salt in Sony's wounds. "The hackers can create pirated copies that completely mimic the official Sony digital signature, making it extremely easy to use pirated copies of games, without the need for any hardware chip modifications.
"I would assume that pirated copies can be stored on the HDD as well, making it so easy to use that PS3 piracy, given time, might even surpass the handhelds."
Walfisz went on to explain that the only way Sony could properly combat the situation would be by releasing new hardware – an unrealistic proposition given the huge cost involved.
"I don't think that they can do much. Once a console is hacked this completely, the hardware manufacturer can't really do anything," he said.
"They could maybe update their hardware for new console sales, which would be a long and expensive process, but that won't stop users from running pirated copies on the current hardware. And updating the hardware needs to be done in a way that doesn't prevent users from running already-released games. I doubt that can be done."
Sony recently announced it planned to tackle the hack "through network updates".
Earlier this week it began legal action against modder George Hotz and his Fail0verflow team, claiming they infringed areas of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in obtaining the encryption and decryption keys of the console without authorisation, making them directly responsible for enabling piracy.
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January 14th, 2011, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is preparing to release the true successor to the PlayStation Portable before the end of this year, possibly as early as October.
That's according to a report by retail paper MCV, which suggests Sony is seeking high-end gaming experiences to help distinguish the hardware from current games offerings on mobile and tablet devices.
Reports that Sony was wooing publishers emerged last year during GamesCom, again with chatter of a 2011 release.
The PSP 2 is expected to be similar to the original PSP rather than the PSPgo, supporting physical as well as digital media and Flash storage.
Prototype hardware is said to feature a touch-sensitive panel at the back of the console, along with more traditional handheld controls.
An official reveal of the PSP 2 is expected on January 27, just ahead of the release of Nintendo's 3DS in Japan the following month.
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January 14th, 2011, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
More court documents have surfaced in the suit between Sony and PS3 hackers, mostly declarations on the part of each of Sony's lawyers in support of the restraining order against George "GeoHot" Hotz and other hackers. One document contains over 280 pages of "evidence" to provide cause for enjoining them against further hacking -- said evidence consisting of full, copy-and-pasted pages from Twitter accounts, forum posts, and news stories relating to the recent discoveries of the PS3's private and root keys.
Also included are summons for the hackers, and a document from Sony declining to bring the case before a magistrate judge, requesting a district judge instead. According to PSX-Scene, there's also evidence that Sony sent $1 to Hotz's PayPal account through his email address, in order to prove he is accepting donations, even though he hadn't actually requested donations.
NeoGAF's Sangreal also obtained responses from the lawyers representing Hotz. The opposition statement claims that the California court has no jurisdiction over Hotz or any of the other defendants, and that Hotz has no connection to the other hackers.
More substantially, Hotz's attorneys' statement asserts that "Defendant Hotz has not produced, manufactured, sold, nor does he have any intent whatsoever to produce, manufacture, or sell, any devices that facilitate piracy." It dismisses Sony's use of other piracy cases for precedent, because those cases involve hardware used to circumvent the PS3's protection, and not software. Moreover, the statement makes the point that enjoining Hotz from his programming activities won't do anything. "Sony's own pleadings admit that the code necessary to jailbreak the Sony PlayStation computer is on the internet," the statement reads. "Sony speaks of 'closing the door', but the simple fact is that there is no door to close. The code sought to be restrained will always be a Google search away."
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January 14th, 2011, 06:50 Posted By: bandit
As posted on Geohot's website, he stated the following:
I will be on G4's "Attack of the Show!" tonight (1/13/2011) at 7PM EST
For those who missed it or do not have the channel G4, you can view the 5 min interview below discussing jailbreaking the PS3 and the lawsuit against him by Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA).
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January 14th, 2011, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
George 'Geohot' Hotz, one of the people responsible for the recent PlayStation 3 security breach, has claimed his actions will ultimately be deemed legal in the case brought against him by Sony.
"Right now, still legally, you can go to my website and download my Jailbreak for your PS3," he told G4TV's Attack of the Show.
"What it lets you do is install homebrew applications, which have been developed by anyone. You can develop your own application or go download some and put them on your Jailbroken PS3."
He believes his earlier iPhone jailbreak being allowed by the courts under the DMCA sets a precedent for the PlayStation case.
"Currently the difference is the DMCA says specifically mobile phones, but the same precedent should apply. If they decide a phone is a closed system, where the manufacturer controls all the software that runs on it.. If you can Jailbreak one closed system, why can't you Jailbreak another?
Hotz felt that, were he to win the case, it could open the door to more legally-permissible console hacking. "This case is about a lot more than what I did and me. It's about whether you really own that device that you purchased."
Hotz also claimed that his hack will not allow the running of bootlegged games. "The way piracy was previously done doesn't work in my Jailbreak. I made a specific effort while I was working on this to try to enable homebrew without enabling things I do not support, like piracy."
The reason he was being sued, he claimed, was simply for "making Sony mad."
Confirming that he had hired two layers to help him fight back, he commented that "the adrenaline is definitely flowing. It's exciting, it's scary at the same time."
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January 14th, 2011, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 jailbreak threatens to wreck havoc on the PlayStation ecosystem in ways beyond just piracy. The integrity of the PS3 trophy system hangs in the balance, as hackers have supposedly created an app that unlocks trophies in games automatically. CVG reports that the tool has been used to unlock trophies in BUZZ! and the notoriously challenging PAIN. Oddly, the tool apparently doesn't work in games like Resident Evil 5 and Batman: Arkham Asylum, meaning it isn't quite foolproof yet.
Obviously, a compromise like this undermines the entire point of the trophy system. Sony's Eric Lempel explained to us that the PSP couldn't support trophies due to the unsecured nature of that platform. "If people can artificially inflate their rankings ... it kills the whole [Trophy] system," he explained. Unfortunately, it appears Sony now faces the same issue on the PS3.
"We are aware of this, and are currently looking into it," a SCEE representative commented. "We will fix the issues through network updates, but because this is a security issue, we are not able to provide you with any more details."
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January 14th, 2011, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Despite not making December's NPD top 10 list, Gran Turismo 5 sold 560,500 units last month in the US and Canada. IndustryGamers got the number straight from the NPD Group -- a number which looks like an apparent dropoff from Sony's late November launch numbers, which heralded 5.5 million units shipped worldwide, 1.25 million of which were in North America alone.
And hey, let's not kid ourselves: a good amount of December's "sales" figures are also accounted for in November's "shipped" figures. All of them, in fact -- 1.14 million copies of Gran Turismo 5 have been sold in the US and Canada thus far, a representative from NPD told us this afternoon, leaving approximately 110K copies from the initial shipment still on store shelves.
That said, plans for periodic support in GT5 were highlighted by developer Polyphony Digital as recently as last month. Add that to the fact that the 2011 Formula One season is just around the corner, and we'd say it's likely that racing fans will continue to pick up the game as early 2011 progresses.
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January 14th, 2011, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
A former Ubisoft exec believes that Sony will not be able to combat piracy on the PlayStation 3, which was recently hacked. Martin Walfisz, former CEO of Ubisoft subsidiary Ubisoft Massive, was a key player in developing Ubisoft's new DRM technologies. Since playing pirated games doesn't require a modchip, his argument is that Sony won't be able to easily detect hacked consoles. Sony's only possible solution is to revise the PS3 hardware itself, which would be a very costly process. Changing the hardware could possibly work for new console sales, though there would be the problem of backwards compatibility with the already-released games. Furthermore, current users would still be able to run pirated copies on current hardware."
An anonymous reader adds commentary from PS3 hacker Mathieu Hervais about Sony's legal posturing.
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January 14th, 2011, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
A California court today asked that Sony show it has jurisdiction over the hacker who publicized a 'jailbreak' for the PlayStation 3 console. Judge Susan Ilston, in the US District Court for the Northern District of California, said Sony has to show that George Hotz, a hacker who posted a method of 'jailbreaking' PS3 consoles, has some connection to California if Sony is to claim damages for his work on the PS3."
For his part, Geohot has moved quickly to fight back against Sony's accusations. His legal team issued a statement (PDF), and also pointed out, "On the face of Sony’s Motion, a TRO serves no purpose in the present matter. The code necessary to 'jailbreak' the Sony Playstation computer is on the internet. That cat is not going back in the bag. Indeed, Sony’s own pleadings admit that the code necessary to jailbreak the Sony PlayStation computer is on the internet. Sony speaks of 'closing the door,' but the simple fact is that there is no door to close. The code sought to be restrained will always be a Google search away.
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January 14th, 2011, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/14/e...nt-developers/
A few days/ hours ago, in a move to support homebrews and fanmade applications, Sony publicly released a major part of the encryption/decryption keys of the Sony Playstation3, in the form of a website screenshot included in one of the legal documents provided in their case against Geohot.
These documents are legally hosted on several servers all over the world, including the website of the district court of Northern California (through the PACER system), a direct proof of Sony’s good will to open the console to independent developers.
You can't unsee it.
A part of the keys is missing, but this seriously weakens the security of the PS3. Sony stated that they do not condone piracy, but no doubt that pirates in the world will find the missing bits, and use these keys in order to run illegal copies of games.
Please note that unlike Geohot, the district court of Northern California apparently accepts donations for the keys, but for US citizens there is a way to make that tax deductible it seems. More info at http://www.pacer.gov/ , or google for “Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC v. Hotz et al”
(To people reading this and who didn’t completely get it, this is irony. Of course it is easy to prove that Geohot released these keys before Sony, but it’s still very funny.)
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January 15th, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/14/r...are-by-neur0n/
Developer neur0n released yesterday what seems to be a 6.35 CFW, which he updated to version “beta 2″ a few hours ago.
I says “seems” because I wasn’t able to test this. According to neur0n this works only on PSP2000 models for now (and I don’t have a PSP 2000), the files don’t ship with any Readme, and my Japanese is broken enough that I’m not entirely sure about the usage. Nevertheless, the sources (mamosuke’s website and Neur0n’s twitter) are trustworthy, so I’m posting this for the people brave enough to give it a try.
Neur0n insists that this is a Beta version, and that you shouldn’t use it if you don’t have a pandora battery handy. This will only work on hackable psp 2000 models. If you have a ta88v3 or any other model (psp1000, psp3000, pspgo), do NOT attempt anything with this. This is a full custom firmware, so if you install this on an unhackable motherboard you will get a permanent brick.
If you’re brave enough to figure out how to install this and test this work in progress on your hackable psp2000, please show us some videos
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January 15th, 2011, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
After the push and pull on the actual feasibility of the downgrade to 6.35 and the statements by the developer Davee said that the upcoming release the special tool, finally Hellcat , author of the famous Recovery Flasher to get back to live with a little taste of the version 1.65 . In the video he made Recovery Flasher shows how the new (still in testing) can easily downgrade starting from 6:35 PRO , ie, the exploits of HEN created for the demo of Everybody's Sukkiry, installing the FW 6.20.
At present, the function has been tested only on downgrade FAT PSP Slim and not TA-088v3. Then we are waiting for new developments.
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January 15th, 2011, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/
Just a moment ago I finally got a homebrew game of mine to actually work on Geohots patched 3.55 firmware! I have no idea why its working (I did everything exactly the same as I have tried with That Other Space Shooter which I’m still having problems with) but whats important is that it does work. So here is Neo Race v0.2 for PS3. There have been no changes to the game since the last time I posted it back in December. Its just been signed and repackaged.
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January 15th, 2011, 11:51 Posted By: Atien
FRONTIER 1337 is a port for PSP from the 1993 Atari version of the game "FRONTIER - Elite II".
I just made a quick update to Frontier 1337 in order to make it work on firmwares > 1.50

As always, for a better framerate result, set the level of shape detail to 'low' in the setup screen (start button), and disable things like 'Space dust, clouds etc' and 'Background stars'...
Don't try to change commander's name when you are saving your game. If you want to change it, rename the file in the savs folder.
You can find useful informations about the game on the official website, or about FRONTIER - Elite II in general at Frontierverse
Just unpack/copy FRONTIER_1337 folder to MS_ROOT/PSP/GAME
If you want sound, download the MUSIC and SFX packages, and place them in the FRONTIER_1337/data folder.
Analog-stick - Move the cursor through the screen.
SQUARE - Used like the left mouse clic to select things with the cursor.
CROSS - Used like the right mouse clic.
Hold CROSS + Analog-stick - Roll the vessel.
Hold CROSS + SQUARE - Fire laser beam.
Hold CROSS + D-pad UP - Zoom-in with the camera in external view.
Hold CROSS + D-pad DOWN - Zoom-out with the camera in external view.
D-pad - Rotate the camera in external view, and make ravel the galactic chart or the stockmarket list.
TRIANGLE - Rear propulsion to increase speed.
CIRCLE - Front propulsion to decrease speed.
L and R triggers - Choose the functions that where directly available on PC with F1 to F10 keys.
L + R - Validate the choosen function.
Start - Go to the option screen.
Select - "p" key for now... to get through the police arrest thing.
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January 15th, 2011, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster

By now we all know that Sony filed a lawsuit against Geohot and fail0verflow for their distribution of PS3 jailbreak firmware and asked the court for a temporary restraining order (TRO) to stop said distribution of the offending code. Well, according to Geohot, the court denied declined to rule on Sony's motion earlier today. Geohot has reposted the code online, so it seems safe to say that the TRO is back for now, and the jailbreak can once again roam the internet unencumbered by any legal decrees. The decision, while favorable to the defendants, has little effect on the outcome of the litigation itself, so Hotz and company aren't out of the woods just yet. We'll keep you posted on the status of the order, and will also watch as the case progresses for the real fireworks to start.
Update: Looks like we jumped the gun and got the story a little wrong, but thanks to our readers we've discovered that the judge declined to rule on the TRO. Instead she tabled the TRO issue because she was not satisfied that the Northern District of California has jurisdiction to rule on the matter because Geohot hacked the PS3 in New Jersey.
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January 15th, 2011, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
John Koller, director of hardware marketing for PlayStation, acknowledged to the Wall Street Journal that Microsoft's 8 million shipped Kinect units amount to a "very impressive" figure, though he assured that his company is still "happy where we are in the market" with Move. As of the end of November, Sony had shipped 4.1 million units of its motion controller and believes it has an edge over Microsoft in the race to earn the hard-won affections of the "hardcore" consumer. That's you, right?
"The limitations are such that you can't create all the games you want to do," Koller suggested of Kinect, implying that Microsoft's controller-less technoloy lacks the precision control necessary to support so-called "core" titles -- just what Sony has in mind for Move in the coming months.
The apparent strategy involves "layering on more and more core titles," Koller explained, and there are at least two Sony titles around the corner that fit the bill.
While Move was intended to launch with core support in SOCOM 4, that game's delay to April, coupled with Killzone 3 in late February, means that Sony will have two of its core franchises equipped with Move support in the market within a few months. Microsoft and Kinect? Still zero.
In a recent preview of Killzone 3's Move controls, our own Rany Nelson concluded, "I am now committed to using the Move for my first full playthrough of the game. Not only does its integration seem justified to me, but I'm sold on its improved accuracy and greater sense of immersion over the DualShock controller." Koller and Sony sure hope a lot more of us core-types will be sold, too.
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January 15th, 2011, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster

Despite being entrenched in full-on legal warfare, George "GeoHot" Hotz managed to find time to make an appearance on G4's Attack of the Show last night to discuss his history and, more importantly, his current suit with Sony. While Hotz himself doesn't support piracy, the code he and other prominent hacking outfit, fail0verflow, helped produce to allow the PS3 to run unsigned code can be used for such a thing ... but that's not why Sony is suing him. In his own words, he's being sued for "making Sony mad."
Hotz says that with his jailbreak tool, he made "a specific effort while working on this to try and enable homebrew without enabling things [...] like piracy." Of course, that doesn't console Sony at all -- people are doing things on the PS3 that Sony never meant for.
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January 16th, 2011, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Wondering why there's such a hullabaloo over that PS3 security breach? According to Martin Walfisz, who co-founded Massive Entertainment (but left the company shortly after its purchase by Ubisoft to focus on development of new DRM strategies), it's because it's the end of the world. Well, okay, maybe it's not that bad -- but Walfisz paints a pretty grim picture for Sony, telling GamesIndustry.biz, "If that hack works as reported, I don't believe that Sony can regain any control."
Walfisz predicts that Sony could employ a system similar to Microsoft's anti-piracy measures through Xbox Live, blocking hacked PS3s from connecting to the PlayStation Network; though if the hack works as reported, and doesn't require a mod chip to function, Walfisz worries Sony won't be able to detect which users are playing pirated games -- though Sony claims it can and will shut down "jailbroken" consoles. What's worse, Walfisz adds, "I would assume that pirated copies can be stored on the HDD as well, making it so easy to use that PS3 piracy, given time, might even surpass the handhelds." Piracy is pernicious enough on exposed systems, but super convenient piracy? Yikes.
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January 16th, 2011, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
A California court today asked that Sony show it has jurisdiction over the hacker who publicized a 'jailbreak' for the PlayStation 3 console. Judge Susan Ilston, in the US District Court for the Northern District of California, said Sony has to show that George Hotz, a hacker who posted a method of 'jailbreaking' PS3 consoles, has some connection to California if Sony is to claim damages for his work on the PS3."
For his part, Geohot has moved quickly to fight back against Sony's accusations. His legal team issued a statement (PDF), and also pointed out, "On the face of Sony’s Motion, a TRO serves no purpose in the present matter. The code necessary to 'jailbreak' the Sony Playstation computer is on the internet. That cat is not going back in the bag. Indeed, Sony’s own pleadings admit that the code necessary to jailbreak the Sony PlayStation computer is on the internet. Sony speaks of 'closing the door,' but the simple fact is that there is no door to close. The code sought to be restrained will always be a Google search away."
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January 16th, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
The Codetactics Team has released today a new update for Mobile Assault, the homebrew-game (formerly known as Apollonia) inspired by the Strike series that will allow you to control a helicopter battle in order to destroy buildings and enemy vehicles. The release today, which brings homebrew to version 1.6, introduces a new mission and fixes some bugs related to gameplay.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.6:
- New units: Chinook
- Added a new mission
- Three new developments
- Improved texture dell'Apache
- Fixed a crash in the mission "Recon"
- Fixed a crash when they were destroyed a number of units
- Fixed a bug related to messages in-game
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January 16th, 2011, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9456
The German developer Deutschland 1 , pspking.de forum member has just launched the new version of its recovery menu and VSH Manager for PSP Flashable 100x and 200x.
Quick reminder that recovery menu replaces the conventional recovery menu of PSP in CFW D GEN and M33 and therefore can do their job of managing the settings of the PSP and a beautiful option that débrickage the PSP if it brig is a mechanism by X and this just through the menu revovery the launch of the PSP which can be accessed by pressing the R button on the console for the ignition ..
new / fixed:
-Added a SHIFT official installer from MS (ms0: / UPDATE.PBP).
-Addition of older versions of original firmware (3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 3.95, 4.01).
UMD Dumper added.
New-design (thank you to BAM (TZX)).
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January 16th, 2011, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2483
Flukes1 announced it would soon issue on IRC all the information necessary to obtain complete control of the safety of lv1 and lv2 the PS3.
With this access, many options should now open including the launch of the PS3 from the XMB was the least sensitive with CFW 3.55 of Geohot.
A video presentation will be announced by tomorrow. Flukes1 trying to avoid ending up also in the crosshairs of Sony, it will not publish that information for such access and patch the firmware. Then free developers to build tools to simplify operations.
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January 16th, 2011, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2481
pspLT offers a PC Engine emulator modified to work without a dongle on the PS3 jailbreak using firmware 3.41.
Features :
- Support for Zip files
- Cue files can use external audio format Ogg Vorbis and WAV (PCM, ADPCM, etc.) (do not work on PS3 at the moment)
Installation :
- Put the PKG on a USB key or other device supported
- Install PKG using a dongle jailbreak
- Once the PKG installed on your system, you no longer need to launch the jailbreak dongle emulator.
- Post your ROM to the root of your USB / USB disk in a folder named PCEUROMS
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January 16th, 2011, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2482
The developer of the emulator anonymous PS3Sx proposes a new version of its port of the Sega Megadrive emulator Genesis GX (EkeEke) on the PS3.
New / fixed:
- Fixed sound problems
- Updated with the latest code Genesis Plus GX
- Many special assignment using the buttons now work (Super Street Fighter II and Mulan for example)
- Redesigned interface, approaching that of SNES9x/FCEU
- Configurable Controls
- Ability to specify a path for SRAM / savestate / directory
- Many other fixes and improvements.
You will find packages for firmware 1.92, 3.41 and 3.55 to CFW Geohot.
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January 16th, 2011, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mcidclan
Note : This Homebrew isn't only reserved for Go!Cam owners. 2 different modes are available, with or without Go!Cam.
Please read the following instructions before playing.
Slide and !Live, ultimate attack.
Slide and !Live, ultimate attack, is a game in which you embody a ball that would have to cover different levels where 5 bricks type with different properties can be met.
BLUES are static bricks, your ball will bounce at the time of an impact.
BLACKS will make you lose some time, if you touch one of them,
the current level would restart, but the time will continue forward.
BROWN are temporary bricks, they will be destroyed if an impact occurs.
PINKS increase the ball's speed if an impact occurs.
The GREEN brick indicates the end of the current level, your aim is to reach this one.
2 modes are available, with or without Go!Cam.
1) With Go!Cam.
Last version's POC (Proof of Concept) (Slide and !Live)
YouTube - Slide and !Live
A tracking system allows you to simulate an accelerometer on your PSP.
So, you would have to make the ball slide to the green brick.
/!\ How to use the tracking.
Your aim could be your head (Head Tracking) or some object.
In every cases, make sure that the elements are distinguishable and placed in a lit room (The best would be a white-lit room, yellow lits interfere with the tracking).
Detail with Head Tracking :
Your PSP in you hand, you can be standing or be seated, back to a white wall.
It's highly recommended to wear a white T-Shirt, to make your head highlighted. Make sure the room is well-lighted and that no objects or poster are fixed on the wall.
After this :
- Orient your Go!Cam towards what you want to aim.
- Go to Play Game and wait the camera's flow display.
- Make sure that the aim is centered compared to the red square.
- Confirm the aim by pressing Triangle.
- During the game, you can press Triangle to show or hide the Go!Cam flow and/or a red reference following the aim.
Important :
- Keep the same distance between the Go!Cam and the aim.
- Your moves would have to be slight and supple.
Indicators :
in this mode, arrows will show you the direction in which you're inclinating the PSP, corresponding to the direction towards your ball will slide.
2) Without Go!Cam.
When the tracker is initailiazing,
press Square to access without Go!Cam mode.
Here, the ball doesn't slide in the space, it is submitted to the gravity!
Use the D-pad to throw the ball where you want.
An arrow shows the adequate moment to bounce.
If the ball is in the momentum of an old throw,
you can throw it again in the same direction to increase its speed.
12 Levels are available for the Go!Cam mode and 20 for the without Go!Cam mode.
3) Commands :
Start : Pause (to have a break, but the time is still running).
Circle : Previous windows (non-available during the transitions).
L + R : Restarts the current level.
Triangle : Confirms and starts the tracking. Show/Hide the tracking's informations.
Select : Starts or stops the background music.
Square : Skips the Go!Cam init and runs the game in without Go!Cam mode. Hides/Shows the informations panel during a game.
D-Pad : Throws the ball, in normal mode.
Right button : Next page.
PSP Slopes : Makes the ball slide in the PSP slope direction.
This Homebrew requires that the player has to be patient, player that would have to get used to the 2 gameplays.
Download Link
Slide and !Live, ultimate attack
What's new?
Levels totally revisions,
Added a sound context,
Added a new brick type,
Use of pspCamTrackLib v2.0.3,
You're now able to hide the informations panels during a game.
Enjoy !
Thanks to FlavR from XtreamLua for the translation. 
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January 16th, 2011, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/law-f...ge-hotz-75976/
Geohot's law firm has issued a press release vowing to fight Sony tooth-and-nail in defense of their client.
January 14, 2011
Law Firms defend Sony's Accusations against George Hotz
San Francisco, California – Today, attorneys Stewart Kellar and Yasha Heidari announced they intend to vigorously defend the baseless accusations asserted by Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (“Sony”) against Mr. George Hotz.
“Make no mistake,” Stewart Kellar, intellectual property attorney and e-ttorney at law™ stated, “this case is not about Sony attempting to protect its intellectual property or otherwise seek bona fide relief from the court. Rather, it's an attempt from Sony to send a message that any individual using Sony hardware in a way Sony does not deem appropriate will result in harsh legal consequences from a multi-billion dollar company, irrespective of any legal basis or authority for such action.”
Sony recently filed suit against a number of individuals, including Mr. Hotz, a 21-year-old computer prodigy who is well-known for his accomplishments and innovations in the field of phone and computer development, such as for creating the ability to provide for iPhone interoperability between various cellular network carriers. Citing unfounded concerns and a dubious legal basis for jurisdiction, Sony seeks relief from the Court due to Mr. Hotz re-enabling core functionality of the Playstation 3.
“I think it is quite telling that Sony, who is legally required to provide notice to Mr. Hotz before seeking any special relief with the Court, decided to e-mail Mr. Hotz a copy of their motion at 7 p.m. when a hearing was scheduled for the next morning at 9 a.m. in California, while Mr. Hotz does not even live in California. Sony is seeking various unreasonable relief, such as seizing Mr. Hotz's personal property and computers. Luckily, the Court postponed the hearing,” said Yasha Heidari, Esq., managing partner at Heidari Power Law Group, LLC.
Mr. Kellar added, “This case not only has profound implications for the parties involved, but it also implicates core property rights for every consumer out there.” Recently in April of 2010, citing the fact that the Playstation 3's terms and conditions reserve the right to modify the PS3's settings and features, Sony inexplicably issued an “upgrade” that removes the end user's ability to utilize the PS3's OtherOS functionality. Consumer familiar with the PS3 know that OtherOS is a powerful tool that is critical in allowing its users to utilize the PS3 as a personal computer. Sony had previously touted the PS3's OtherOS as a major selling point and feature that would receive Sony's continued support. Yet, despite this, Sony took the position that consumers must either choose to upgrade the PS3 to play newer game titles and lose OtherOS support, or ignore the update to keep OtherOS but be prohibited from playing newer titles.
Mr. Heidari stated, “While most companies issue firmware upgrades to increase a product's abilities over its life cycle, Sony has taken the unacceptable and draconian approach of decreasing the PS3's capabilities by actually destroying a core feature of the PS3. Imagine taking in your car for an oil change and having the manufacturer remove your car's air conditioner, radio, and half its horsepower because of fears that other hypothetical individuals might abuse their vehicles. It just doesn't make any sense, and it's a slap in the face to the consumers that put their support behind the product.” Mr. Kellar proclaimed, “This case rests on Sony's misguided belief that it has the unfettered ability to control how consumers use the products they legitimately purchase.”
Both attorneys agree that Sony's interpretation of the law is quite troubling. The attorneys state they hope the judge will deny Sony's motion, but regardless of how the judge rules, they fully intend to defend Mr. Hotz in this action, which has wide-spread implications for consumers globally.
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January 17th, 2011, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Frustrated by Modern Warfare 2 hacks? Infinity Ward feels your pain. But don't blame the developer. Blame Sony and the PlayStation 3's compromised security.
Infinity Ward's creative strategist Robert Bowling, aka fourzerotwo, took to the official Infinity Ward forum to discuss the PS3's recent troubles.
"Sony has recently acknowledged a breach in security on the PS3 which resulted in games to become exposed to exploits and hacks," Bowling said. "Modern Warfare 2 is no exception to this security exploit and we understand that some of you have experienced problems with stats and other issues associated with this."
Apparently PS3 Modern Warfare 2 players are susceptible to hacks that affect their statistics and, in some cases, delete their progress. One gamer, ktell, described the problem on the Infinity Ward forum.
"This issue is really out of hand. I can't log on without getting deranked, vulgar messages across the status bar on the bottom, etc. etc. Infinity Ward should be policing the lobbies looking for exploiters and banning them. It may be a Sony glitch (although the hacked files are related to MW2's game data), but Infinity Ward can at least patrol their own games.
"I mean seriously - I spent 27 days playing that game, unlocking, ranking up etc. Now all my challenges, perks, guns and kill streaks are gone? And my KD is like 10 million to one now?
"Un-f'ing real. You should at least be able to restore my account to where it was. What's up with that?
"This is horrible, just horrible."
According to Bowling, Infinity Ward is powerless in the matter.
"Games rely on the security of the encryption on the platforms they're played on, therefore; updates to the game through patches will not resolve this problem, unless the security exploit itself is resolved on the platform.
"Regretfully, Call of Duty games are receiving the bulk of the hacker's attention, due to its high player counts and popularity. However, the number of legitimate players severely outweighs the bad apples."
Bowling's advice: only play with friends.
"If you are concerned about playing with players who are hacking, I encourage you to play exclusively with friends by utilizing the party or private match options in Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty 4 to avoid such players as much as possible until this issue is resolved by Sony.
"At this time, we do not have the ability to restore or adjust individual stats."
Looking to the future, Bowling promised gamers that Infinity Ward will not rely on platform holders to stop hackers from ruining its future projects.
"Let me assure you, while we are very reliant on Sony updating their firmware and security to address the core problem of this issue, we are looking at every option available to us to help any user affected.
"This only applies to legacy games such as Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2. In the future we plan to adjust our approach to not rely solely on platform security and reduce the ability for this to happen in our games, as has already been displayed by the work Treyarch has done on Call of Duty: Black Ops to prevent similar measures."
Eurogamer has asked Sony for comment.
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January 17th, 2011, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
The initial hearing of Sony's lawsuit against PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz has already resulted in a delay to the case.
San Francisco district court judge Susan Illston questioned whether it was appropriate to hold the case in California, given Hotz's breaching of PS3 security was attempted in his home state of New Jersey.
However, Sony's lawyers argued that the hack was revealed via California-hosted services Twitter and YouTube, and in addition Hotz allegedly received fan donations via another California-based site, PayPal.
With the State debate raising doubt about where online-centric lawsuits should physically be held, Illston worried that "If having a PayPal account were enough, then there would be personal jurisdiction in this court over everybody, and that just can't be right.
"That would mean the entire universe is subject to my jurisdiction, and that's a really hard concept for me to accept."
The ruling on these "serious questions" has been pushed back to an as-yet undecided time.
Sony hopes to force Hotz to surrender any and all computer equipment used to create the hack, as well as unspecified damages and the removal of the jailbreak from its hosting sites. At the time of writing, the hack remains freely downloadable.
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January 17th, 2011, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/16/f...ew-on-the-psp/
Developer kgsws (remember the MOHH exploit?) posted on/talk a few hours ago a homebrew that runs on a PSP without “any” hack. This is the results of days of experimenting with the PS3 Firmware, in which keys used for signing PSP applications were discovered by Mathieulh.
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January 17th, 2011, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/17/r...pter-by-bbtgp/
After the Proof of concept released yesterday by kgsws, developer bbtgp just released a tool that can sign any Homebrew for the PSP.
I haven’t tested it yet, but I’m sure many people will give it a try and see if we can finally run any homebrew on OFW without the use of a Custom Firmware. Unless I misunderstood something, this is user mode only, I don’t expect this to run any kernel application, so forget about iso loaders, or a “signed CFW” for now… which is probably good anyways.
According to bbtgp, this has been tested on a regular “hello world” prx, and worked fine on both a psp1000 and a psp3000.
Update 2: Initial tests show that this works with very simple homebrews, but not with more “complex” ones (yes, I tried with Wagic). Just keep in mind how HBL started though
Update 1 : bbtgp slightly updated his package to make it more user friendly. He says: ” modded build.mak and included sample. Set ENCRYPT=1 in the makefile for other programs to encrypt them”
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January 17th, 2011, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster

Just because it's the the latest in a long-line of unannounced, but comically well-known PlayStation products – remember the PSP Go leak and the months-long PS3 Slim reveal? – doesn't mean the PlayStation Phone can't take some time off. It's tough, spending all that time under wraps, only to be furtively pulled out for a massive ten-page exposé or a video shoot. So it's with great joy that we share the latest video of Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play gaming handset; finally, some light is shed on the PlayStation Phone.
Watch! As the curiously long-fingernailed gentleman spins the device around, revealing its every curve. Gasp! As he toggles the slide-out gamepad back and forth. And it's all happening in broad daylight, far from the fluorescent din of an assembly line (or a Chinese gadget blogger's basement). See for yourself after the break.
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January 17th, 2011, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-16223.html
PSXjin is a Sony Playstation emulator for Windows based on PCSX. Quote: "PSXjin is the rerecording version of PCSX with many customized features designed to aid in recording movie input files and a new SPU core."
PSXjin v0.1.4
PSXjin is an evolution of PCSX-RR, it add new GUI features, fixes movie bugs, and contains a new SPU core
PCSX-RR v0.1.2
PCSX-RR is a special version of PCSX
with many new features such as
input rerecording, cheat support,
RAM search, RAM watch,
customizable hotkeys, etc.
What´s New?
New SPU! Should be more accurate and reduce a LOT of movie desyncs
-Eliminated the major cause of desyncs that could occur when rerecording.
-Added a few hotkeys for Ram Search.
-Fixed the dialog title for WIN32_LuaRunScript().
-Lua scripting.
-Fixed a possible cause of desync in GPU_writeDataMem; only seen when frameskip was enabled (for ex. with Fast Forward). As a side effect of this, Fast Forward is now ~25% slower.
-Screenshots are now taken correctly and they get saved as PNG.
-Added "-lua" command line option.
-Added "Maximum Speed", "Run Lua Script", "Stop Lua Script" and "Reload Lua Script" hotkeys. They will need to be remapped if you´ve used previous versions of PCSX-RR.
-Various minor improvements in the "-RR" code.
-My computer gets 10% slower due to the "pcsx.exe.manifest" file, so it doesn´t come within the release archive anymore. You may want to remove it from your PCSX-RR folder too if you have a slow system.
-PCSX ignores the CDR plugin disc-switching functionality, so that is only controlled by the core now.
-CDR plugin is automatically closed and then opened after switching discs to force a reload of the CD ID.
-Fixed heap corruption when movie files were outputted. (ume.drink)
-Certain PAD plugins didn´t work before; now all of them should work fine for input recording. (ume.drink)
-Random crashes during FMVs were fixed.
-Added RAM Poke.
-Spaces can now be used in command line arguments.
-Added "-memwatch" and "-readonly" command line options.
-Plugin filenames changed to gpuTAS.dll, spuTAS.dll, etc.
-TAS CD-ROM Plugin now uses SaPu´s CDR plugin.
-RAM watch can now watch signed values.
-Fixed mistake made since v0.0.7, where the emulator version in the movie file was always "6".
-The movie replay dialog now shows the emulator version that was used in the making of the movie file.
-Cheats don´t return the previous value anymore after being deactivated.
-Fixed bug where temporary memory cards made for a movie were kept even after the movie was stopped.
-Added hotkey for RAM Poke and removed default hotkeys for "Configure X Plugin", since they cause a lot of crashes.
-Removed option to set custom plugins and bios folders. Now PCSX-RR will only use the default "./bios" and "./plugins" folders.
-Probably fixed a crash in some systems regarding movie playback.
-PCSX-RR and TAS plugins use their own registry entries.
-Other minor stuff I can´t remember.
-Fixed major bug where Read-Only mode wasn´t Read-Only at all. Thanks to Atma for reporting it.
-Movie file can record two new actions: "Resident Evil 2/3 fix Enable/Disable" and "Parasite Eve 2 fix Enable/Disable". Also, hotkeys for these actions were added.
-TAS Video Plugin is now compatible with .kkapture.
-"Record Avi..." menu option replaced by "Record AVI Help...", which takes you to a help wiki page on Google Code.
-Added "Linuzappz Iso Cdr Driver 1.4" into the archive.
-Fixed bug where the frame counter no longer went red to indicate a lag frame. Thanks to Atma for reporting it.
!!!IMPORTANT!!!: savesates made with v0.0.6 are no longer compatible with v0.0.7. You have to make these again while replaying the movie file.
-New movie file format capable of recording more actions. Also, now it can have embedded memory cards, cheats, etc.
-New hotkeys: "Play Movie From Beginning", "VSync Advance", "Start/Stop AVI Capture", "Cheats Enable/Disable", etc.
-New options: "Pause After Playback" (core) and "Movie Sync Mode" (SPU).
-Command line parameters support.
-Minor misc optimizations and fixes.
-Configurable hotkeys.
-Cheat editor.
-RAM search.
-RAM watch.
-GPU updates GUI even if no real frame is being drawn.
-Pause, Frame-Advance and Save State work on FMVs now.
-Input rerecording stuff written from scratch. It uses an internal buffer, so hard drives will be a lot happier now. Also, it may hopefully fix some desyncs.
-New movie file format.
-Fixed a nasty bug where input from Controller 1 wasn´t written to the file for one frame. Some movies made with v0.0.1-3 won´t work anymore, unless they´re hex-edited. Movies made with v0.0.00006 and older will still always sync, even if they didn´t on v0.0.1-3.
-No more GPU crashes at all.
-Hotkeys work with CPU in interpreter mode too.
-PCSX doesn´t hide the mouse cursor while running.
-New program icon + manifest file.
-Some new hotkeys like: Increase/Decrease Speed, Save/Load Current State, Select Save Slot, Start Recording/Playback, etc.
-There are thousands of new lines of code in this version, and most of them were taken from other open-source emulators, so, a huge thanks to the authors of Dega, FBA, FCEU/FCEUX, Gens, Snes9x and VBA.
-Possible workaround for desync issues. PCSX now works as FBA: each time you press "frame advance" it will advance until the next frame is drawn, which means you will see the frame counter jump two numbers or so after a single "frame advance" in most games (those games which run at ~30FPS, for example). Also, "Pause" and "Save State" functions will wait until the next frame is drawn too. It may be annoying if you try to save a state or pause in a 600 frames long static "loading..." screen, but this prevents a LOT of desyncs, and you will quickly get used to it anyway. Of course this isn´t 100% desync-proof, but it has helped very much with some of the games I´ve tested: PaRappa the Rapper, Metal Gear Solid, Ghost in the Shell and Skullmonkeys. Other games may or may not notice changes regarding desyncs.
-Fixed another bug reported by Atma, where the frame counter didn´t stay red after a lagged frame. But this won´t be so useful anymore, anyway, since some games "frame advance" two frames or more from now on, and you may miss the lagged frame.
-Fixed bug where movie-mode did change from "recording" to "replaying" or from "replaying" to "recording" after trying to load a nonexistent savestate.
-PCSX won´t crash anymore at start if you try to use any other GPU plugin besides P.E.Op.S.
-Fixed bug reported by Atma, where if you tried to resume emulation at the middle of a movie, it desynced.
-PCSX won´t try to read anymore an extra frame after the movie ends. Also, if your movie file header says "10" frames, it will only play 10 frames, even if there are more frames inside the file. This prevents movie length cheating.
-New movie file format.
-New dialogs for recording and replaying.
-Option to record mouse, standard or analog controllers.
-Now movies record/replay both player 1 and player 2.
-GPU keep messages/counters updated even if emulation is paused.
-GPU shows emulation status (paused) and movie status (recording/replaying).
-GPU display both players input.
-"P.E.Op.S." SPU plugin should sync with all movies made with "No Sound 0.4".
-"Start recording from savestate" option.
-Frame counter shows total movie frames.
-Pause automatically at last frame of playback to prevent movie end.
-Savestates made while recording/replaying a movie are now named like this: "movieFilename.pxm.000", "movieFilename.pxm.001", etc.
-Most of the rerecording stuff was rewritten from scratch, so it may have new bugs. Please report them if you found any.
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January 18th, 2011, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
The BBC iPlayer boasted more programme requests in December than ever before, helped along by a big jump in PlayStation 3 usage.
According to the BBC, iPlayer show requests from PlayStation 3s shot up 31 per cent month-on-month to top seven million – a healthy chunk of the 145 million total.
In comparison, Wii users posted around four million requests to the BBC's online TV and radio streaming service, despite the console's greater UK install base. That's up from around three million the month before.
Xbox 360 users, on the other hand, made zero programme requests – Microsoft is still refusing to host the service on its console. In late 2009, a BBC source told The Telegraph, "Microsoft only wants to offer its users access to platforms it can charge for as this is the model it is pursuing."
"This does not fit with the BBC's model and Microsoft will not budge at the moment. It is really frustrating for those involved on the BBC side who want to make sure iPlayer is rolled out on as many popular entertainment platforms as possible."
In November, UK Xbox chief Steve McGill told Eurogamer, "There are conversations going on. The thing for us is, how do we add some magic sauce to that so that it's different? A lot of people are watching that on their PC. How many people are going to watch it on the console unless we add something different?
"That's one of the things we talked about when Sky came out - how we could make it more intuitive, the social side of things, party mode environments... We put those together with Sky and launched our service. So you should talk to the BBC."
The top five iPlayer programme requests for December panned out as follows:
Top Gear USA Road Trip: 1,294,000
Top Gear Middle East Special: 1,260,000
The Apprentice Series 6 Episode 12: 892,000
The Apprentice Series 6 Episode 9: 849,000
Come Fly With Me Episode 1: 783,000
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January 18th, 2011, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Valve is to bring a number of Steam features to the PlayStation 3, the first time the leading PC digital service has featured on a home console.
The PlayStation 3 version of first-person puzzler Portal 2 will feature cross-platform multiplayer gaming, voice chat and cloud storage of game saves.
"We made a promise to gamers at E3 that Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 would be the best console version of the product," commented Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of Valve.
"Working together with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases."
In addition, PlayStation 3 owners will be able to unlock a Steam Play version of the game for PC or Mac for free by linking PlayStation Network and Steam accounts, when the game is released this April.
"We designed the Portal 2 PS3 experience to be very straightforward for gamers," added Josh Weier, project lead on Portal 2 at Valve.
"PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites."
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January 18th, 2011, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
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January 19th, 2011, 21:01 Posted By: spyke1
The second game in the French homebrew Zelda games has been released for the PSP. The BETA version of "Zelda - Oni Link Begins" is available now for download.
The game is a sequel to the popular "Zelda - Return of the Hylian". In this sequel Link is cursed and occasionally transforms into an evil version of himself called "Oni Link". Due to this curse he is exiled to another dimension.
The game is somewhat harder than the previous one, as well a being longer. You start the game with no sword, and only the ability to pickup and throw objects through most of the first dungeon.
I consider this release BETA due to the fact that I have not played all of the way through the game yet, so there could still be bugs in the later levels. That being said, the game is complete with no known bugs and is available for early adopters.
You can report any bugs/issues on this website or the sourceforge site.
Thanks to:
Vincent Jouillat (Original programmer)
Shin-NiL for finding the memory leaks in his Dingo port.
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January 19th, 2011, 21:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Activision could shut down the PlayStation 3's Black Ops servers as a response to a "huge number of connection problems with the game" according to reports.
The response comes in a blog post from independent journalist Jason Koblovsky who contacted Activision about connection problems he and other PS3 Black Ops players have been experiencing.
He claims to have gotten the following response from an Activision representative:
"Well I have nothing else to offer and I too follow forums and have many friends who play and enjoy the game for all of its features. As an avid gamer, I would also disagree with any legalities involving a single aspect of a game as online experience may change at any time."
"The publishers have the right to shut down the servers for their game at any time as well which based on the number of reported posts from users may be a viable solution over the free PSN." It's an odd response and, in our opinion, not at all likely to happen, but Activision has been getting plenty of aggravation recently when it comes to Call of Duty online.
Reports on Monday said that Modern Warfare 2 has been overrun by exploits and hacks with Infinity Ward pointing the figure at Sony, saying the problems can't be fixed until the security of the PS3 is addressed.
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January 19th, 2011, 22:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation Plus members will get automatic access to the impending SOCOM 4 beta, Sony has announced.
The news came courtesy of the EU PlayStation Blog's Twitter feed, although no firm start date was revealed.
Things will work slightly differently in the US however. There, anyone picking up a specially-labeled copy of Killzone 3 when it launches next month can expect to find a code within granting them access to the beta.
Chris Roper from developer Zipper Interactive told the US PlayStation Blog, "To get early access to the beta, look for the SOCOM 4 callout on the front of all eligible copies of Killzone 3 (including both the standalone and Helghast Editions).
"Inside the box you'll find a PSN code that you'll be able to redeem for your early access as soon as the beta goes live." PlayStation Move-compatible squad shooter SOCOM 4 is due for release later this year. Its predecessor, SOCOM 3: US Navy SEALs, launched on PlayStation 2 back in 2006 scoring 6/10 from Eurogamer's Matt Martin.
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January 19th, 2011, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling has warned that the key level PS3 hack which surfaced last month has created the opportunity for players to run several exploits in multiplayer bouts of Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2, which the company can do nothing to prevent until Sony fixes the larger problem.
Hacked servers running the games can be used to reset players' scores, change perks and enable debug mode special abilities such as auto aim and incredible movement speed. Bowling believes that these problems will be unfixable until Sony can address the key hack.
"Games rely on the security of the encryption on the platforms they're played on," Bowling posted on the Infinity Ward forums. "Therefore, updates to the game through patches will not resolve this problem completely, unless the security exploit itself is resolved on the platform."
His advice to players was to steer away from public matches where they might encounter hacked servers, and to report any oddities to Sony customer support. A reputation for hosting hacked matches could prove disastrous to the hugely successful series, as players migrate to more secure platforms.
Addressing the problem in future CoD games will not be a problem, Bowling told readers, but the existing titles simply cannot be fixed via patching.
The PS3's security was laid wide open at the end of last year as hacking group Fail0verflow, building on the work of George Hotz, or Geohot, discovered that Sony had made an elemental error in its otherwise rigorous PS3 security and released details of the hack to the public.
The group has since been issued a restraining order by Sony, in a case which is currently under review due to jurisdictional complications.
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January 20th, 2011, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
It's nothing that runs counter to the ongoing whispers we've heard so far, but according to Bloomberg and its pair of sources, Sony Computer Entertainment's Tokyo event on January 27th is indeed the platform from which it'll unveil the next PSP, and next month at Mobile World Congress will be where we finally meet -- officially, that is -- the PlayStation Phone. Next week's press conference will also reportedly "outline a strategy to use its networked entertainment services to share games, movies and music among handheld products, TVs and other devices." Not much else to say at this point, so just sit back, relax, and wait for the other guys to do their presentation, first.
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January 20th, 2011, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/18/r...ty-on-the-psp/
Things are going very fast. For those who are just joining us: until now there were basically two solutions to run homebrews on a PSP. Either you had a hackable PSP on which you could install a “Custom firmware” (CFW), or you owned one of the new models (basically every PSP that was sold since summer 2008), and had to rely on some “exploits” such as the Patapon exploit, which was used to run HBL (a homebrew loader), and later on a HEN (Homebrew Enabler).
CFW or HEN, that was basically the choice we had so far to run homebrews.
Then came fail0verfl0w, and Mathieulh. A group of developers found a critical security issue in the PS3 system, which led to a full analysis of the PS3 firmware, in which some keys used for PSP Game encryption were found. After a few weeks of hard work involving many developers, tools started to emerge. I’ll spare the details for now, but it is basically possible to sign your own games (I’m talking here about games you created, not games you get on the PSN), and run them directly on a PSP without any “classic” hack, or without a Custom Firmware.
Yeah, we're superheroes, you love us
In the video below I’m showing Wagic running on a 6.35 PSP3000. Note that I cold reboot the console, to show that no exploit is running there.
The tools to sign your homebrews, although not entirely user friendly yet, can easily be found with our friend google (and if not now, tomorrow they will be). I used prxEncrypter by bbtgp and fix-relocations by JJS.
These signing techniques still rely on some external data, and Sony could probably fix this in further firmwares by creating a whitelist of allowed Eboots. Will they actually do it, or are they now focusing on the PSP2? For now, this is only user mode (yes, liquidzigong did sign his Hen, but this Hen still relies on a kernel exploit to work, and that’s easy to fix…), which should keep us away from any form of piracy, at least for now (and, alas, from plugin support or CFW as well)
Download and Install Wagic for OFW
1.Download Wagic from the official Wagic download page
2.Unzip the archive at the root of your PSP
3.Replace PSP/GAME/WTH/EBOOT.PBP with the EBOOT.PBP in this file
4.Run the game on an official firmware
Signing tools used
•PrxEncrypter by bbtgp
•fix-relocations by JJS
How to sign your homebrew
This assumes you have access to your homebrew’s prx. If you only have the EBOOT, you can extract the prx with pbp unpacker (data.psp == your prx)
1.if your prx has relocations type 7, run fix-relocations on it (fix-relocations mygame.prx) (if you don’t know, run that anyways, it shouldn’t hurt)
2.run PrxEncrypter on your prx (prxEncrypter mygame.prx)
3.run pack-pbp the way you usually do it in a makefile (pack-pbp EBOOT.PBP PARAM.SFO icon.png NULL pic0.png pic1.png NULL data.psp NULL )
4.That’s it
There are still lots of limitations (no kernel mode, prx should be less than 5MB, no static elf support,…), but tools are being progressively built to make this easier, so I’m sure that as I type this, more convenient tools will already be available. I spotted some tools that allow to sign static elfs by embedding a loader inside of the eboot.
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January 20th, 2011, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/19/6...-from-the-xmb/
Since we started signing homebrews, we’ve been seeing a continuous flow of releases (by the way, check this thread in which you’ll find a bunch of signed homebrews, thanks to toBsucht)
As reported by many sites already, liquidzigong released a signed version of 6.35Pro, the Homebrew enabler made by developers Virtuous flame and coldbird. In simple words, if you’re on 6.35, you don’t need to run the Hen through the sukkiri Demo, you can run it directly from the XMB, which, let’s admit it, is extremely convenient.
Now, I see questions coming. Yesterday, I did say that homebrew signing was only for user mode applications. But the Hen gives you kernel access… Did I lie yesterday? Not at all. The Hen is a user mode application that uses a Kernel exploit in order to gain Kernel access (if the Hen was a Kernel application in the first place, we couldn’t run it from HBL…). So, the signature allows devs to run a Usermode application which triggers the Kernel exploit, and returns directly to the XMB in Kernel mode.
Another question is: why would we use the Hen now that we can sign homebrews? Well, here the answer is the same as “why would we use a Hen rather than HBL”? Some homebrews require Kernel access and won’t run even if we sign them. Some people want plugins. Some people want isos…
Also for those who wonder, although the “signing” bit will be tricky to patch for Sony, the Kernel exploit used in the Hen (it’s the same exploit in TN Hen and 6.35Pro, of course) is extremely easy to patch, and if Sony take the time to release a new firmware update, the Hen will not work on it anymore, signed or not.
I tested it on my PSP 3000 in 6.35, and it works fine, although some PSP2000 owners have reported some failures running this version of the Hen.
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January 20th, 2011, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
If the recent release dell'HEN 6:35 PRO has given new hope to the holders of official firmware 6.35, hrimfaxi also looks at the "past" simplifying the lives of those who believe that change to its PSP to ChickHEN , best known for HEN Firmware 5.03, realizing a signed version.
It will now almost instantly activate the HEN, leaves behind the awkward "picture" now has a single EBOOT to launch via XMB.
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January 20th, 2011, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
After months of development, was finally released from the version 1.65 of developer Hellcat Recovery Flasher , we remember the famous homebrew is capable of dealing with partial brick and is useful for backup / recovery flash. Today's release fixes a compatibility problem with the 6.20TN and introduces several new features (including the downgrade 6.35PRO-> 6.20 of which we have shown a ' preview ).
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.65:
- Fixata compatible with the 6.20TN
- Added check for 6.20TN and 6.35PRO
- It is now recognized if it is security enabled on the flash0 6.20TN
- Are now detected and PSPgo PSP-4000
- It 's now possible to restore the flash for firmware 6.00, 6.10, 6.20. E 'can also perform a clean installation of the firmware itself
- Added hidden decryptazione modules, allowing downgrade 6.35 +
- Added a new firmware pack: 6.20
- Added to the main pack to release the firmware 5.50GEN
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January 20th, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
New update from DELC oder raing3 on his time , the plugin that allows PSP owners Raplay of Action to improve the functionality and use the codes in cwcheat . This new version is compatible with HEN 6.31/6.35 provided you use the vesion lite attached archive.
- Change default button to Select and add user customizable delay
- Finish adding the cwcheat code types to the readme.
- More fake addresses (PSP Model, Random Number, PSP Specific Number).
- Test the 0x06 (pointer) code types (Especially offset negative ones) to As They May Not Work Properly
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January 20th, 2011, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
The PSP scene has recently been enriched by HEN, tools, homebrew signed and CF. Just between them there is a project that began to be perfected through the crowd with each release, but far of being perfect. Let's talk about CF 6:35 Custom v4 by the developer neur0n . Currently this new CF to 6:35 can be considered a beta, has many limitations but also the promise. Its main limitation is to use it only on PSP 2000 with the exception of TA-088v3 (8C or higher) . It 'is interesting to note that this new release of 6:35 Custom introduces support for the Prometheus ISO Loader (attached to the archive), which expands, albeit slightly, the features.
At the present state of things, the utility to install the CF is reduced to the mere possibility of access to and use of the contents of the NDP, unlike the other ways of "hacking" at this moment.
The project is therefore to be considered still in beta, and therefore subject to future improvements.
NB: Please note that the 6:35 Custom can be installed not only on the PSP 2000 TA-088v3 .
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January 20th, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's going on tour next month with a new campaign called PlayStation Access. This allows people of the UK to try new PS3 games long before they're released in shops.
The inaugural event happens in London on Friday, 4th February, and finishes two days later on Sunday, 6th February.
From there, PlayStation Access heads to Glasgow, Scotland, where you can play from Friday, 18th February. Again, events come to a close on Sunday.
Sights include developer sessions, FIFA tournaments and Gran Turismo 5 time trials. Drive well and you could win tickets to the football creme de la creme: the Champions League final at Wembley in May.
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January 20th, 2011, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
George "Geohot" Hotz broke open iPhone and broke open PlayStation 3. Apple wasn't happy and Sony has taken Hotz to court.
What would Microsoft do if Hotz broke open Windows Phone 7?
In fact, Microsoft wants to send Hotz a Windows Phone 7 handset so he can get cracking.
"Geohot, if you want to build cool stuff on WP7, send me email and the team will give you a phone - let dev creativity flourish," tweeted Brandon Watson, Windows Phone 7 team lead.
Hotz's jailbreak for PS3 allows homebrew applications and pirated games to run on the console. Sony's trying to stop him distributing it, but Hotz is fighting The Man every step of the way.
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January 21st, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...3-ps3-windows/
I haven’t been posting as much lately but here is something new I’ve been working on. I know I start too many new things but new is interesting and I assure you that I will eventually be going back and updating That Other Space Shooter, Neo Race, Cubicle Shooter, Neo Tanks and all my other stuff. I’ve actually already made a few improvements to That Other Space Shooter and I’ll probably post that sometime soon.
The Untitled Project is (or will be) a sandbox (massive and open ended streaming city) science fiction (think cyberpunk not space opera) RPG.
The setting and a few other things are different but it is in a way a spiritual successor to what The world Drowns would have been. This time around though I’m just doing all the art assets myself.
Use the left analog stick to move
right analog stick to move
X to jump
left/right on the directional pad to turn on/off a test texture
up/downt on the directional pad to increase/decrease the draw distance
The demo will occasionally freeze when loading. I know why it does this and will be correcting it soon.
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January 21st, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/eff-c...-geohot-77266/
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit digital rights advocacy group, has posted an article on the upcoming Sony vs. Geohot court battle.
Sony's core arguments — that it can silence speech that reveals security flaws using the DMCA and that the mere fact of a terms of use somewhere gives a company permanent and total control over what you do with a device under pain of criminal punishment — are both sweeping and frightening, and not just for gamers and computer researchers. Frankly, it's not what we expect from any company that cares about its customers, and we bet it's not what those customers expect, either.
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January 21st, 2011, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2011/01/19/...eal-easy-like/
The irony in this one… Man… Sony must be pissed. From the devs talking at Wololo’s end is carlosgs with an EBOOT, this one itself is signed, that, get this — signs other [unsigned] EBOOTs! A homebrew to sign other homebrew for official firmware (OFW).
That is awesome! Cheers to everyone involved once again.
Please note: You may not be able to sign absolutely everything, but things are shaping up nicely
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January 21st, 2011, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2011/01/20/...6-37-released/
Sony makes a move… Available now via Network Update is a new official PSP firmware version — version 6.37. Whatever you do — do not update — not yet.
What’s new? This, apparently… “This is a minor update that improves system software stability during use of some features.” Yeah, eh.
We’ll keep you posted.
Update: Mathieulh shares some insight on 6.37…
To all the people that care about kernel mode on psp, the scepower exploit is fixed in the 6.37 firmware . Avoid the update.
“Signed” usermode apps just run fine mind you. (although they fixed a couple of (now useless) usermode exploits.)
This means signed [user-mode] homebrew still works on firmware 6.37; ISO loaders and other kernel mode dependent homebrew will not … for now.
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January 21st, 2011, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster

Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry in a thrilling journey across the Mojave Wasteland.
A word of warning, however - while Vault-Tec engineers have prepared for every contingency, in Vegas, fortunes can change in an instant. Enjoy your stay.
Things get brutal when the war between the factions break out. You get new moves and a hardcore mode that differentiates the veterans from the beginners. Be aware that your actions will have affect your progress, your every decision is recorded by the reputation system, so make your own future today.
This week's special is the blockbuster Fallout: New Vegas. The game is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 19.90 only. This Asian PlayStation3™ version is region free and completely in English.
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January 21st, 2011, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2511
Squarepusher proposes a new version of his port of Snes9x (SNES emulator) PS3 (FW 1.92 + / FW 3.15/FW 3.41/CFW 3.55).
New / fixed:
- Fixed image on CHRONO TRIGGER when switching from normal mode or battle mode
- Fixed buttons X / Y of two players that did not work
- Fixed loading a ROM file with a cheat code then loading another ROM without file cheat codes, file cheats precedent was not discharged.
- Fixed controls of the Super Scope
- Added: better controls of the Super Scope
- Fixed: Some games are blocked when using unequal controls (Doom)
- Added: Auto-detection of accessories
- Added: patterns for controls that are now number 3 (Default, Custom or New)
- Added option for protecting backups SRAM to avoid crushing them.
- Added: ability to insert cheats during a game via a virtual keyboard ([L2 + Right Stick - Netherlands] with the default control scheme)
- Added: Backup screen resolution
- Added: Throttle Mode (this mode allows you to run games at full speed (fps) possible by the PS3 by disabling the sound and VSync
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January 21st, 2011, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Rumor has it that Sony is looking to the PC games market to help solve its growing piracy problem on the PlayStation 3 — with the introduction of serial keys to its games. According to 'a very reliable source' quoted by PS3-Sense, Sony is attempting to address the recent revelation that it failed to properly secure the private signing key for its flagship console — leading to clever tinkerers producing third-party firmware that allows unofficial software and illegitimately downloaded games to run on unmodified hardware — by looking to the PC retail market for solutions. Unlike the PS3, the PC doesn't have a hardware DRM system built in to it — despite attempts by groups like the Trusted Computing Group, formerly the Trusted Computer Platform Alliance, to introduce such a thing — relying instead on software-based DRM and a surprisingly old-fashioned guarantee of a game's uniqueness: a serial key.
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January 21st, 2011, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster

Know what's awesome? Guns! Especially when they're capped with a glowing pastel ball. This more "realistic" alternative to the $20 Sony PS3 Move gun attachment is from Blaze and will set you back £9.99 (about $16) when it begins shipping at the end of February. Bring it to a Texas bar and we hear you'll get a complimentary Shirley Temple. Yeehaw!
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January 21st, 2011, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
For those who are currently unable to downgrade FW to 6.3x, the only possibility for change is through its bootable HEN exploit Everybody's Sukkiri (over the signed versions have appeared recently). One flaw of these HEN is the lack of well-known as a quick menu VSH Menu is available instead issued 6.20TN nell'homebrew enabler.
To remedy this problem include the developer TOcean with his Light VSH Menu for 6.3XPRO reached the V4 release in two versions for the PSP Go! and earlier.
Following further information.
Changelog, installation, features and downloads:
.: Changelog:.
Version 4:
-Customizable controls for vsh menu features (Including vsh menu-button launch).
Accurate-brightness control (100 stages Rather Than the usual 4 or so using a custom key-combo, L + R + up / down as default).
-Power button lock (Completely disables the power switch in the XMB, I can not standby / poweroff).
Several black-screen / freeze fixes.
-Entering vsh menu now disables XMB controls (no more games while accidentally launching in the vsh menu).
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January 22nd, 2011, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Total_Noob has just released on French portal PSPGEN the long-awaited update of its firmware for HEN 6.20. As expected, today's update introduces the ability to use the online services for titles that support the infrastructure, are also fixed some bugs in order to improve the overall stability of the Homebrew Enabler.
More to follow.
Changelog TN-C:
- The PSP-2000, Go 3000 and who have more RAM than the 1000, will use the additional memory
- Support for online gaming
- Added server for the TN Network Update
- Fixed a bug in VSHMenu that did not change the CPU frequency when it was set to default
- Digital Comics: Fixed a crash
- Removed the option FAKE index.dat from VSHMenu but the feature is still present (copy the version.txt file in ms0: / seplugins)
- HEN Signa PRXEncrypter now can be launched directly from the XMB without having to use the HBL
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January 22nd, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Implemented crypto functioning:
- Created a CryptoEngine to handle all crypto operations;
- Added custom classes for AES128 (CBC and with CMAC) and SHA1 algorithms' handling;
- Implemented KIRK commands 1, 4, 7, 10 and 11;
- Partially ported and integrated PRXDecrypter's code with the CryptoEngine;
- Improved PSP file struct based on new findings;
- Implemented full EBOOT.BIN/PRX version 2 (post firmware 2.80) decryption.
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January 22nd, 2011, 18:30 Posted By: bandit
Hermes, famous for his payload work, has released his first custom firmware (CFW) today. Unlike the other CFW's available, Hermes decided to release a CFW based off of 3.41 firmware. The firmware basically allows you to jailbreak your console on 3.41 without the need for a dongle, useful for those not planning to update to 3.55. We must stress this is still a beta release and when flashing a custom firmware there is always a chance of bricking.
Read more: PSGroove.com - Hermes CFW 3.41 Version 1.0 (BETA) Released http://psgroove.com/content.php?682-...#ixzz1Bmnlf8WG
tested IN:
CECHC04 (my model, 3 times with different changes, FAT 60GB)
CECHL04 (FAT 80 gb)
CECH2504B (slim)
CECH2404A (slim)
CECH2004A (slim)
CECH2004B (slim)
Hermes CFW 3.41 version 1.0 (BETA)
WARNING! This modified firware is tested only by two persons (it is experimental!!!) with this models:
CECHC04 (my model, 3 times with different changes, FAT 60GB)
CECHL04 (FAT 80 gb)
CECH2504B (slim)
CECH2404A (slim)
CECH2004A (slim)
CECH2004B (slim)
I cannot be sure if it can brick others models (don´t use this CFW if you have buy your console with 3.50+, you can brick it!)
I am not responsible if this CFW brick you console: I have taken all possible precautions using SHA1 hash to avoid errors building the firmware, etc, and other problems (i include too my own patch utility to be sure you apply the patch correctly).
Building the firmware:
Put original PS3UPDAT.PUP (3.41 v2) with patch.bat and run patch.bat. It must create CFW341_PS3UPDAT.PUP.
Put CFW341_PS3UPDAT.PUP as PS3UPDAT.PUP in one pendrive (usb:/PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP) and try toupdate normally from the device.
If it say "you have this version yet" try the restoration - recovery method (pressing POWER. Ask about this method if you don´t know in the forums)
- LV1 patch for undocumented v1_undocumented_function_114 (kudos for flukes1/graf_chokolo) 1 byte, don´t worry! XD
- LV2 peek/poke patch (original from psgroove)
- vsh.self patch to enable .self (same patch as psgroove-hermes_v4B. To launch self requires the payload working)
- nas_plugin.sprx patch to enable packages (same patch as psgroove-hermes_v4B. You can install PSL1GHT original packages but requires
geohot make_self_npdrm without one payload working)
- category_game.xml modified to enable packages (kudos for KaKaRoTo)
With this options PS3 works with Homebrew signed (use make_self_npdrm in the EBOOT.BIN).
Install payloadhv4.pkg and launch it to load the psgroove-hermes_v4B
NOTE: payload code is experimental. I need to work in the application and the payload to add news features.
don't worry about the source code now: this is a beta test version yet, but the source code will soon available.
Source: ElOtroLado, PSX-Scene & PSGroove
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January 23rd, 2011, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster

We're only four days away from a supposed January 27th unveiling, but apparently there are still more juicy PSP2 rumors left to dole out -- Japan's often-reliable Nikkei newspaper reports that the handheld machine will sport a crisp OLED touchscreen and 3G data from NTT DoCoMo when it arrives later this year, with the latter enabling multiplayer action and even full video and game downloads over the Japanese cellular network. What's more, the paper confirms that the screen will be physically larger and powered by some potent new silicon. So, how will Sony differentiate this PSP2 from the PlayStation Phone and tempt you to buy both? The game system won't make calls.
Note: In case you're not familiar, the image above is a relatively ancient reader mockup, and likely not representative of the final product. It is pretty sexy, though.
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January 23rd, 2011, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster

Square Enix has revealed the "Ultimate Pack" for Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection, the PSP release of Final Fantasy IV and The After Years, coming to Japan on March 24. This Square Enix E-Store exclusive is rather lovely to look at and comes with an artbook, game guide and 17-track audio CD, called "Final Fantasy IV The After Years Sounds Plus."
Five of the tracks on the CD have yet to be decided (Square Enix is asking Japanese Square Enix Members to vote for them from a list). Even if you aren't a member, you can still listen to samples of all the tracks in the running.
Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection, and the Ultimate Pack, have not been announced for release outside of Japan.
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January 23rd, 2011, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP2 will have support for a 3G network connection, but won't be able to make phone calls.
That's according to Nikkei (via Andriasang) who says the new console will be supported by a 3G service provided by NTT DoCoMo in Japan - the country's largest mobile carrier.
This will give the system an always-on connection for online gaming and downloading games and movies, but it will not be a phone.
It's also reported that the system will have Wireless LAN features for when the player is within reach of a zippier WiFi outlet, but the 3G will offer a more permanent internet connection - rather like iPad. The paper makes no mention of subscription fees or pricing details.
The paper also says the machine will have an OLED screen, and a new processor developed especially for the new console that will handle 'high resolution visuals'.
These details come just ahead of a reported event later this week called the 'PlayStation Meeting' where, according multiple reports, Sony is set to finally reveal the PSP2.
Exciting times.
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January 23rd, 2011, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/23/r...-37-and-below/
If you’re on a Firmware 6.36 or less, there’s a high chance you already know about the Homebrew enablers available for you, which are as close as you can get to a Custom Firmware nowadays. Homebrews, plugins, Kernel mode, everything you want to do with your PSP is now doable (Sony still hasn’t added youtube support in the official firwmare, while we’ve been enjoying it on CFW for almost 3 years now… but if you’re running one of those Homebrew enablers, you already know that.)
Of course, Official Firmware 6.37 patches the Kernel exploit used by the HEN, as well as the exploit in the Game “minna no sukkiri”.
But this is no news anymore, we can now sign user-mode homebrews for the PSP, and 6.37 doesn’t patch that. This means that if you’re on 6.37, you still have a possibility to run user-mode homebrews (which represent the majority of homebrew games and utils)… as long as they are signed.
Of course, you can look for signed homebrews (there’s a good list here), and run them directly on your machine. Often though, you will run into a homebrew that is not yet signed. Yes, you can sign homebrews yourself on your PSP. But maybe you won’t want to bother. Or maybe the homebrew you want to play has limitations that prevent it to be signed (*cough* scummVM *cough*). Such as homebrews that are too big, or homebrews compiled as static elf. Unless you’re very tech-savvy, don’t try too hard figuring out which ones will work or won’t, the best way is to try…which is frustrating.
What I’m saying is: don’t trash your perfectly fine collection of unsigned homebrews, HBL is still here for you, in a shiny new version that you can run from the XMB.
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January 23rd, 2011, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
New update for the Daedalus X64 now known (and sometimes hated) Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP, which now comes to revision 636. This release adds to the considerable improvements made by some 634 other innovation of the graphic interface of the emulator. Recall that the Daedalus X64 can be signed to run it on OFW.
Following cumulative changelog and download link.
Changelog e download:
.: Changelog :.
- Updated About Screen.
- Added message boxes for reset settings confirmation.
- Added new quit window.
- Fixed Dpad+Analog UI Bug
- Fixed 2 Rom UI Bug
- Fixed Graphical UI Bug
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January 23rd, 2011, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9480
Long ago there were no new versions of emulators on the Nintendo portable Sony.
Today a new version of the famous NES emulator for the PSP, namely 1.12 NesterJ More has just been updated with as major innovations:
- Better support for different ROMs.
- Support the game "King of the continent."
- Some various improvements.
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January 24th, 2011, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.qj.net/psp-development...at-client.html
YamaIRC is an Internet Relay Chat(IRC) Client for the Zune HD and PSP devices.
It currently supports all the basics of IRC from PM's to Actions(/me) to Joining/Parting Channels. It features Multi-Channel support, Selectable User Lists, Built In OSK, MyChannel Private Messaging Window, New Message Alerts, and more.
This is only a beta release, bugs are to be expected, let me know about em, and ill do my best to fix everything.
My Forum can be found at Evolved Entertainment • Index page
Change Log: Replaced wifi connect screen with official wifi screen. (Should fix everyone who couldnt connect there wifi.)
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January 24th, 2011, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.qj.net/psp-development...-9-signed.html
Tripprog is a fun little program I've written that produces a hallucination-like effect. It generates ten random numbers; three for the background color, three for the foreground color, and four for the foreground's dimensions. I wrote something I'm really happy with, almost exactly how I want it. I thought I'd post it.
Pause function
Custom background editor
Grayscale effect
Tripprog makes a good music visualizer, and a good background for other PRX plugins. Tripprog has been signed for official firmware 6.37 or lower, without any hacks or exploits. Download links are below. There is one small bug, when you set a custom background color without grayscale, and then toggle to grayscale, your custom color will be overwritten with the neutral color.
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January 24th, 2011, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
If the rumours are correct, Sony will lift the lid on PSP2 – arguably the industry's worst kept secret – later this week in Japan. And Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens has further fuelled speculation by telling Eurogamer that suggestions the console is as powerful as PS3 are "true".
Speaking to us at last week's Nintendo 3DS event in Amsterdam, industry veteran Cousens said, "We're at the tip of the iceberg" of portable gaming, as "mobile phones have only just got going" - with 3DS and PSP2 set to join the fray.
On the subject of Sony's next handheld – whose existence has never been officially confirmed by the company – Cousens said: "In portable areas, you're going to have statements, which are already out in the press, saying PlayStation Portable 2 is as powerful as the PS3 - which is true.
"So you're going to get mobile devices as powerful as what were considered notebooks. I just think it gets bigger."
The PSP2 is said to have touch controls on the reverse of the unit and 3G support that enables gamers to play online games and download software and movies. It is expected to release this year.
Meanwhile, the UK publisher boss was full of praise for 3DS, arguing that its arrival "jump-starts the industry this year - I think it's going to be absolutely enormous and open software opportunities for the creative process".
On the price of the hardware, Cousens said he didn't expect it to "take too long for that to fall below the £200 mark," adding: "Presumably there's margin in there for them to do that."
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January 24th, 2011, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
If the rumours are correct, Sony will lift the lid on PSP2 – arguably the industry's worst kept secret – later this week in Japan. And Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens has further fuelled speculation by telling Eurogamer that suggestions the console is as powerful as PS3 are "true".
Speaking to us at last week's Nintendo 3DS event in Amsterdam, industry veteran Cousens said, "We're at the tip of the iceberg" of portable gaming, as "mobile phones have only just got going" - with 3DS and PSP2 set to join the fray.
On the subject of Sony's next handheld – whose existence has never been officially confirmed by the company – Cousens said: "In portable areas, you're going to have statements, which are already out in the press, saying PlayStation Portable 2 is as powerful as the PS3 - which is true.
"So you're going to get mobile devices as powerful as what were considered notebooks. I just think it gets bigger."
The PSP2 is said to have touch controls on the reverse of the unit and 3G support that enables gamers to play online games and download software and movies. It is expected to release this year.
Meanwhile, the UK publisher boss was full of praise for 3DS, arguing that its arrival "jump-starts the industry this year - I think it's going to be absolutely enormous and open software opportunities for the creative process".
On the price of the hardware, Cousens said he didn't expect it to "take too long for that to fall below the £200 mark," adding: "Presumably there's margin in there for them to do that."
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January 24th, 2011, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's announced the first details of a new '11 for 2011' PS3 game sale on the US PlayStation Store.
From tomorrow, it'll be offering 11 PS3 games - including MotorStorm 3D Rift, Costume Quest and Space Invaders Infinity Gene - for half their regular price.
The deals will run in the US, Canada and Mexico until Monday, January 31. Here's the full list and pricing:
Costume Quest - $7.49 sale price; $14.99 regular price
Deathspank Thongs of Virtue - $7.49 sale price; $14.99 regular price
Hoard - $7.49 sale price; $14.99 regular price
Soldner-X2: Final Prototype - $6.49 sale price; $12.99 regular price
MotorStorm 3D Rift - $4.99 sale price; $9.99 regular price
Peggle - $4.99 sale price; $9.99 regular price
Space Invaders Infinity Gene - $4.99 sale price; $9.99 regular price
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January 24th, 2011, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sony intends to spill its handheld beans at 6:00am UK time on Thursday
The long-awaited announcement of the PSP2 will take place in Tokyo at 6:00am UK time on Thursday January 27th.
The specific time of the press briefing was revealed by Nikkei, as translated by Andriasang.
The meeting itself is being referred to as 'PlayStation Meeting 2011', meaning there may even be news regarding the PS3 on the agenda as well.
However, it's not yet clear whether Sony's detailing will come with an embargo, and the possibility remains that the platform holder may attempt to shush attendees for an unspecified period after the gathering.
Nikkei has expressed its intention to live blog the event, though, suggesting that all information will quickly be made publicly available.
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January 24th, 2011, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
Neur0n The developer has released a new update for its Custom 6:35, only on a bootable Custom Firmware PSP-2000, except TA-088v3. This release fixes a bug that prevented the launch titles and UMD games bought from PSN. Are also updated both the NID Resolver and the Recovery Menu.
More to follow.
- Updated NID Resolver
- Updated the Recovery Menu
- Fixed a bug that prevented the opening of UMD and PSN titles
NB: Please note that the 6:35 is the Custom installation on PSP 2000 except TA-088v3.
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January 24th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
The downgrade from firmware 6.20 to 5.3 in the case of PSP 3000 is the fundamental distinction between models 03G and 04g. Recognition is not always easy, but to address this problem we think the coder J416 with his PSP Checker Module v1.0 , a tool that started on the PSP to control the model tells us we have the inclusion of the information contained in the version . txt.
From the various tests proved the existence of the model 09G in the market with basic firmware 6.30.
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January 24th, 2011, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
Codestation The developer has released today a new version of the plugin RemoteJoy based on release 0.19, compatible with firmwares 6.3xe then even with the latest HEN recently released. RemoteJoy I remind you that you can view on a PC screen images that appear on the LCD of the PSP. Below you will find two files: the original version of RemoteJoy v0.19 and update today. There will be sufficient to replace the file with the basic version of RemoteJoyLite.prx present in RemoteJoyLite v0.19 for fw 6.3x
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January 25th, 2011, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Added experimental implementation of PRX decryption version 1.
Fixed a bug in PRX version 2 decryption.
Fixed a bug in NativeCodeManager (spotted by Itaru).
Improved sceIoIoctl cmd 0x01F30003 based on new findings.
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January 25th, 2011, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9489
The signing of the firmware has become the preferred work of our dear developers on the PSP scene, Virtuous Flame and her friend Coldbird the origin of new HEN PRO 6.31, 6.35 and 6.36 for launching homebrew on the PSP, add honey cake today, having just signed their homebrew enablers so that they can be launched directly and easily from the XMB, this means we need a demo, and vulnerability to HBL run software in-house, what better?
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January 25th, 2011, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/geoho...esponds-78241/
Lawyers representing George Hotz (geohot) have moved for a dismissal of Sony's case against him, citing lack of jurisdiction in California. PSX-SCENE's WikiLeaks documents are attached but here are some highlights.
The only evidence it has put forth to prove Mr. Hotz has entered the PSN Agreement is an improperly authenticated screen shot of a PSN Network account with the username “Geo1Hotz.” Declaration of Gilliland Exh. A. Mr. Hotz does not own or have access to this account. Mr. Hotz does not live in Rhode Island, does not use the name “Geo1Hotz” which, in contrast to Mr. Hotz‟s common handle, utilizes capital letters and a numeral, and Mr. Hotz was not born in 1995 as in the screen grab. Id. Sony further falsely states that Mr. Hotz is “reffered to online as „GeoHot.‟” This is untrue. All exhibits submitted by Sony purport to show that Mr. Hotz goes by the internet name “geohot” without any capitalized letters or numerals.
In the present case, Sony cannot demonstrate that Mr. Hotz‟s activity could even arguably be construed as expressly aimed at California. To the contrary, the sole alleged tortious activity alleged in this action involves Mr. Hotz-- who is located in New Jersey-- purportedly improperly accessing portions of his own Playstation Computer-- which is also located in New Jersey. Sony's primary allegation is that Mr. Hotz violated the circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) by allegedly circumventing control access to the Playstation Computer. Sony also includes various other inexplicable claims for good measure, including Mr. Hotz violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the California Computer Crime Law for allegedly "exceeding access" to Mr. Hotz's very own Playstation Computer, as well as for Mr. Hotz purportedly "trespassing" on the very Playstation Computer he lawfully purchased and owns. Sony also alleges that, by engaging in such conduct, Mr. Hotz has breached the PSN TOS (which is actually not applicable to Mr. Hotz as demonstrated above). Nonetheless, this suit centers around the allegation that Mr. Hotz improperly accessed portions of his Playstation Computer.
Sony thinks that an unnamed defendant called “Bushing” resides in California but this person remains a Doe defendant, is not named as a defendant, and has not been served with process. Further, all evidence put forth by Sony regarding “Bushing” is improperly authenticated hearsay. This court should not rely on Sony‟s speculation of a Does defendant‟s place of residence to assert jurisdiction over a nonresident who is actually named with an address that has been identified, in New Jersey. Further evidence in this matter is found primarily on the internet.
Contrary to Sony‟ assertions, most of the physical evidence and Mr. Hotz himself, are located in the state of New Jersey. The bulk of Sony‟s claims regard evidence found on Mr. Hotz‟s media devices and in Mr. Hotz‟s testimony as a witness. Other than those items, the bulk of the evidence Sony puts forth may be found on the internet which is accessible just as easily in New Jersey as in California.
Sony relies on the unsubstantiated residency of the unnamed defendant “Bushing” as a basis for California being the best forum. However, “Bushing” has not been identified, named, served, or connected with Mr. Hotz in any way that would warrant bringing the only identifiable defendant out to California. If “Bushing” does exist and can be ascertained at a later date, Sony would have to amend the complaint to properly name him/her which has not occurred. Thus, New Jersey is an alternative forum that exists to provide Sony with adequate relief. If Sony can obtain jurisdiction by merely including a hypothetical defendant by the name of “Bushing” that may live in California, then any Plaintiff can file suit in California and obtain jurisdiction by adding “Bushing” as a defendant.
It would appear that Sony has not met the burden of proof to keep the case in California and the judge will likely dismiss. We'll keep you updated as things progress.
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January 25th, 2011, 20:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix developer Tetsuya Nomura has told Final Fantasy fans anxiously awaiting news on the release of mysterious PlayStation 3 exclusive Versus XIII to forget about it for now.
The game will take more time than Type-0 and XIII-2, he explained to Japanese magazine Dengeki PlayStation (translated by Andriasang), because Square Enix is trying to do "a number of incredible things".
This is something he hopes players understood from the Japanese-exclusive trailer, released last week as part of a Square Enix Tokyo press conference.
Given Type-O and XIII-2 are slated for release this year, Nomura's comments suggest Versus XIII will launch during 2012 at the earliest. Our next update on the game will come at the earliest at E3, Nomura told Dengeki.
Little is known about the action-RPG, despite the fact it was first announced in 2006 alongside sister title Final Fantasy XIII.
The main character is a chap called Noctis Lucis Caelum. He's a prince, and is quoted as saying, "Fools set the rules in this world. Just take a look around. It's Undeniable." Cheer up, mate.
Noctis is said to have great physical ability and a secret power that only the royal family possesses. During combat commands for Magic, Item, Summon and EX-ARTS are available.
Combat is party based, granting players control over a maximum of three characters at a time. During early parts of the story the game will swap party members in and out for you. However, as you advance in the story, you'll be able to freely switch out members.
Interestingly, the game has a realtime event system that seamlessly transitions attacks and other gubbins into the flow of gameplay. Examples given include a plane crashing into the road and a beast attacking when Noctis reaches a bridge.
Development of this aspect of the game takes a long time, said Nomura.
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January 26th, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
At £9.99 a month on top of the cost of the game, PC and PlayStation 3 MMO DC Universe Online is too expensive for some gamers. For creator Sony, however, the superhero RPG offers great value because gamers regularly receive free content updates.
"Certainly we want people to feel they are getting the value to that subscription," Sony Online Entertainment spokesperson Ryan Peters told Eurogamer.
"We understand we're asking a lot and the equation I always give to people is that it's similar to DLC - if you were getting DLC from Red Dead Redemption every month, I'd probably sign up for that because I buy every piece of DLC they throw at me.
"We're trying to keep it on par with that kind of experience where it's compelling and you feel like you're getting good value.
Sony revealed to Eurogamer that "a really cool iconic character" will hit the game in February, "Something that casual and hardcore followers of the DC brand are going to have a strong familiarity with - who knows, it may even be relevant to the time of year right?" Who could it be?
"People on the console are a little more hesitant because this is a different scenario for them, whereas an established MMO person would say, 'OK, I play an MMO' Peters added. "I would say two thirds of them are subscription-based and there's certainly a free-to-play marketplace out there.
"It's not so much a re-education process as saying, whatever price you're paying in your country, $15 in the States is a ticket to the movies and I guarantee you're going to get much more time and enjoyment out of this - especially the movie I saw last night which was The American with George Clooney which was awful. It was absolutely awful. 16 Euros to watch it in my hotel was the worst investment.
"I thought, there was a month's subscription to DCUO right there, and I thought that was a better investment."
DCUO launched last week and entered the UK all-formats chart in tenth spot. It is the fastest-selling SOE game ever.
"The players feel they're getting exceptional value for the money they're putting in," Peters continued. "I'm not going to say, 'Hey, sign up for a lifetime subscription' and then drizzle some content in there. I want you to feel there's something constantly for you to access, something that draws you back into the game.
"Our goal is to constantly give you something to do when you log in."
Peters dismissed talk of DCUO eventually going free-to-play, as so many MMOs have done in recent years.
"To be frank, I don't think there's any internal thought about why we would change our model - we're talking about a game that's a week old," he said. "We haven't had an opportunity to prove ourselves to the players on that content delivery.
"Internally, we have some awesome content planned and once people get over that hump of, 'Oh my gosh, we're paying for a game, it's not DLC, it's packaged as something else,' it'll be fine.
"In the PC landscape, sure free-to-play has become more and more popular, it's more competitive from an MMO standpoint. We did something kind of different with EverQuest 2 where we actually have a free-to-play server running in parallel with a paid-for service. It brought a lot of new people into the game and there's a different mentality and gameplay on that server - that works for us and is a different approach in terms of free-to-play across the board."
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January 26th, 2011, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/01/25/6...ader-by-davee/
I know, I’m 24hrs late on this one… real life does that to people.
As he announced a while ago, Davee release a downgrader for people who are on OFW 6.35/6.31 and want to go back to 6.20. You already know it works, but I tested it for you on my psp3000 (Davee, I actually trust you so much that I didn’t even try on my phat before that )
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January 27th, 2011, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Those lucky gits at Engadget have posted the worlds first preview of the Playstation Phone, lets hope its hackable 

[news]Oh yes. After all the unbearable teasing since we unveiled the first ever photos of the PlayStation Phone, we've finally managed to get hold of the real deal for an in-depth preview. Honestly, we couldn't wait any longer with this thing floating around in China; we'd otherwise have to wait until MWC, where we expect the phone to be launched as the "Xperia Play" (and we shall refer to this name henceforth). Before you pop the cork for us, do bear in mind that what we're seeing here is subject to changes, so don't be alarmed by any missing features or exposed cables in our preview. When you're ready, head right past the break to find out what Sony Ericsson's cooking up.[/news]
Check it out at Engadget
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January 27th, 2011, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
Once again, we stand on the precipice of a major Sony press event with a mountain of evidence suggesting that the announcement of a new, PlayStation-branded gaming console is mere hours away. Much like the leaks surrounding the PS3 Slim in the weeks preceding its revelation, the rumors buzzing about the PSP2 -- not to be confused with the Xperia Play smartphone (though we wouldn't blame you if you did) -- are wide-ranging and, oftentimes, pretty darn conclusive.
We've collected all the major points of the PSP2's nebulous history and arranged them in as comprehensive and critical a manner as we can muster below. Of course, we can't speak with absolute authority about the accuracy of any of the suggestions therein -- Sony will perform that arduous task for us at 1 AM ET tonight, during its Tokyo-based press conference -- but, with luck and determination, we should be able to separate the credible wheat from the impossible chaff.
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January 27th, 2011, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
More and more rumors grow on the internet, as Sony invited journalists to a press conference (the “playstation meeting”) that will be held in a few hours in Tokyo, apparently to announce the PSP2.
Two analog nubs, awesome OLED touch screen, 300TB of Ram, insane graphics and screen resolution, CPU equivalent to that of the PS3, dual cameras, and apparently, it flies, makes coffee, ships with a Nintendo 3DS emulator, and could be providing 3G support with a subscription to the major operator Docomo (for the lucky ones among us who live in Japan…nah, don’t cry, I’ll upload pictures once I get one )…
Well, we’ll probably know which of all that is true in a few hours… As far as I’m concerned, I can’t wait for the PSP2 announcement, to see if the next gaming device I’m getting is a 3DS, a PSP2, or a Nokia NGage (wait, I probably meant an iPhone 5 here…)
The real characteristics?
Joke aside, it seems we have a clearer idea of what the PSP2 will look like. French website 01net announces the following, based on feedback from “trusted sources” (most likely devs who’ve had a debug unit to work on). Some of the features below have been confirmed by trusted game developers, or the Nikkei, Japan’s most known economy newspaper.
•Won’t fit in a pocket
•Will have a touch surface on the back, and a touchscreen on the front
•2 analog nubs
•OLED screen, “comfortable” (slightly bigger than on the PSP?)
•display resolution: 960×544 (4 times the number of pixels we have on the PSP)
•CPU: 4-cores ARM Cortex 9
•GPU:PowerVR SGX 543 MP4+ (that’s a 4 core with 128MB VRam to be confirmed)
•Wifi, 3G, bluetooth (which could allow to connect the PSP to a Playstation phone according to some sources)
•GPS, accelerometer, microphone, front and back cameras
Err… wow… Seems Sony is (again) not targeting the casual gamers here… What do you think?
What would be your Portable device of choice if you had to buy one this year?
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January 27th, 2011, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
PataPork, a user of our forum, updates its PRX Encrypter GUI program, an excellent application that will allow you to signare your favorite homebrews, thereby allowing the boot on the official firmwares. This new update, which updates the program to version 1.1, adds support to the developer StaticLoader bbgtp and optimizes the code by introducing some new features.
More to follow.
Changelog v1.1:
- Returns the buttons to sign disabled if the file name of the textbox is empty
- Added a check of the actual existence of the selected file
- Added a confirmation message that will be shown at the end of the process of signing
- Added support for ELF StaticLoader created by bbgtp (Augmented Compatibility)
- Added a function to create a EBOOT.PBP from a DATA.PSP (Requires ELF StaticLoader active)
- Added a check for the selection of the target folder for the file to be signed
- To use the Static ELF Loader is required PSPSDK
- The LITE version is omitted prxEncrypter.exe file that must be placed in the Libs folder
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January 27th, 2011, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
The coder plum today released a new update for Light VSH Menu, the Quick menu of the XMB (already included in the various Custom Firmware) is intended for those who use the HEN for 6.3x firmwares. The update today, bringing the plugin to version 0.5, fixes some bugs and adds compatibility with the HEN 6:36 PRO.
More to follow.
Changelog v0.5:
- Support for PRO 6:36
- Fixed some bugs
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January 27th, 2011, 03:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2544
Kakaroto responds to a crisp interview on the future of Linux on PS3.
Some excerpts:
- Could Be The Reason Why We Have not Heard of any "custom firmware" Allowing Linux installation? Now it just impossible to make today With tools?
Why we have not heard of a CFW that lets you install Linux? Is it because it is impossible with current tools?
No, it's possible to make Perfectly. Already Demonstrated Fail0verflow The team was running Linux natively PS3 Slim. However, it's not ready yet, Because There Are a Lot of Differences Between The GameOS otheros system & the system, so There Are A Few Things That Need To Be Fixed in the Linux kernel Before It Becomes usable again.
No, it is quite feasible. FailOverflow the team has already demonstrated in running Linux on a PS3 Slim natively. Anyway, it's not ready yet, because there are many differences between the system and GameOS otheros, so there's some stuff to fix in the Linux kernel before it usable again.
Some Of The Fail0verflow membres du team are Currently Working on That, and I think That, considering Their skills, Everybody Is Waiting Patiently for Them to Finish Their Works, The INSTEAD OF duplicating effort. Once it is Working Correctly, and There Are Virtually No Risk of bricking the Machine, Then It Will Be Released By The people responsible.
Some members of the team FailOverflow are currently working on it, and I think that given their talent, everyone waits patiently for them to finish their work, instead of duplicating efforts.
- Could be possible to Surpass The hardware limitations HAD Before Linux thanks To The Jailbreaking?
Would it be possible to exceed the hardware limitations that were imposed through jailbreaking?
Yes, definitely. Installing Linux by year as "approved firmware, It Means That Will now run Linux Under GameOS priviledges, Giving It Access to the full hardware SPUs all [of CELL processor] are available, tea est disponible graphics card, etc. ...
There Will Be No more limitations Because The hypervisor [the "security" Intermediary Among All the real hardware & the software] is 'Trusting' Linux now.
Yes, absolutely. By installing Linux as firmware approved / signed ", this means that Linux will run with the privileges of GameOS, giving full access to hardware, to all processors, the graphics card ...
There will be more limitations because now the hypervisor [security among all hardware and software] "will trust" to Linux.
There Will Soon Be a Linux firmware pour la PS3, And Then "any application That Runs on Linux ported to Work Can Be On The PS3. We Could aussi start seeing custom firmware XMB [the "visible" part of GameOS] Running with a Linux backend.
There will soon be a Linux firmware for the PS3, and all applications running on Linux can be worn on PS3. We'll start to see CFW XMB [the visible GameOS] running Linux in the background
Source: http://www.chw.net
Marco07 thank you to the information and article .
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January 27th, 2011, 04:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pcsp-emu.com/news.php?readmore=47#comments
Hlide here again.
You probably read an old post where I stated some games might randomly freeze when vsync limiter is ON. I must admit I was completely unmotivated and didn't make any progress until I decided to get back to pcsp development today and finally pinpointed what I think to be the cause. Vsync thread uses a timer to emulate a vsync event at 60 Hz. But the timer (windows has a 32-bit timer) handled uncorrectly a 32-bit overflow. Superfruit game was always exhibiting this issue when this overflow occured. Superfruit game now plays fine with vsync limiter ON.
As a result, a minor version may be released soon - or a major version if EBOOT decryption is added in the month.
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January 27th, 2011, 04:02 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow and Hilde have released a new version of the PSP Emulator for Windows:
Heres whats new:
A new minor version is here. Don't expect too much updates , the most important ones are the fix of freeze bug when you use vsnyc limiter and better opengl extension detection. Also for older cards there is software emulation of some OcclusionQuery where this is not available.
Here is the changelog
- added gl_Core : now occlusion_query, vertex_buffer_object and framebuffer_object are now correctly detected to fill core functions if not
- added a software version of BBOX in gl_OcclusionQuery
- correct handling 32-bit overflow of timer seems to fix the "freeze" bug with some games when vsync is ON
You can d/l pcsp from download section or from the following link:
A version with pcsp-udb (the pcsp frontend) is also available from the following link:
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January 27th, 2011, 04:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/break...es-live-78713/
Sony has issued official firmware version ***** via PSN.
It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT update until it has been confirmed safe.
Details soon.
A new PS3 system software update, v3.56, will be released soon. This is a minor update that adds a security patch.
UPDATE #1: As expected, the new firmware kills all homebrew. The update includes a new .self file with a new, previously unknown, key inside. This means all homebrew tools will have to be updated in order to restore functionality. More to come.
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January 27th, 2011, 08:53 Posted By: Kaiser

Sony has finally unveiled what everyone has already speculated, heard and hoped for. The PSP2, which is simply going by a codename of Next Generation Portable or NGP, boasts a high-resolution OLED screen and impressive hardware both under the hood and in its outward functions. Need any proof that Sony is taking ques from Apple and their interference in the portable gaming market with its touch devices? The PSP2 is touch-sensitive! The new handheld will come with new internal matchmaking software called LiveArea which is intended to connect you with nearby PSP2 gamers for multiplayer gaming and socializing.
Here is a rundown:
* CPU, RAM, GPU: This is still to be determined, but Sony claims it's as powerful as a PS3!
* Storage: Unidentified "new media" for games, on-board Flash storage
* Display: 5 inch OLED with 960 x 544 resolution
* Wireless: WiFi, 3G, GPS
* Inputs: Touchscreen, touch sensitive back panel (!?), D-pad, L/R shoulder buttons, standard PlayStation buttons, SIXAXIS controls
Sony showcased a handful of games alongside the reveal of the new PSP, including demos of old PSP favourites like Wipeout and Hot Shots Golf and also big killer app brands common on the PS3 such as Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet. Sony also made sure to show off some new titles such as Little Deviants, Reality Fighters and Gravity Daze. Sony says the new portable console will also play PSone games supported via its PlayStation Suite platform (also surprisingly showing up on Android devices) and will be backwards compatible PSP games previously downloaded through the Playstation Store. To demonstrate this backward compatibility, Capcom's Jun Takeuchi demoed Monster Hunter Portable 3rd for the PSP on the new handheld.
Keep Checking DCemu for more updates on this exciting machine. Here's hoping that upon release the machine will be saying "Hello World!" in no time.
Heres Some Videos:
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January 27th, 2011, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
The first batch of games announced for Sony's brand new NGP (Next Generation Portable - a.k.a PSP2) handheld are as follows.
Hot Shots Golf
Gravity Daze
Reality Fighters
Smart As
Little Deviants
Monster Hunter Portable 3
Dynasty Warriors
Call of Duty
We were also treated to a few technical demonstrations of existing games running on NGP. While not confirmation of their NGP existence, it's a liberal hint that the appropriate teams are working on something.
Tech demos included:
Epic Citadel by Epic Games
Dungeon Defenders
Metal Gear Solid 4
Yakuza 4
Lost Planet 2
The NGP was announced at the PlayStation Meeting event in Tokyo, Japan this morning. Sony president Shuhei Yoshida took to the stage to say these games were "part of many titles currently being developed".
"I get extremely excited when I think of all the new worlds that will evolve on NGP with innovative game developers," concluded Yoshida, before leaving the stage.
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January 27th, 2011, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has joined Sony's Next Generation Portable jamboree in Japan today to announce a Call of Duty game for the brand new handheld.
Senior VP Philip Earl represented the publisher on-stage at Sony's PlayStation Meeting event, promising that the NGP Call of Duty game would raise bars, do deep and immersive things and so on. He did not announce any specifics.
Call of Duty joins an already-illustrious list of games for the brand new handheld, due out this holiday season. Other confirmed shooters include Killzone and Resistance from Sony's partners.
Call of Duty's only previous appearance on a Sony handheld was Call of Duty: Roads to Victory, derived from Call of Duty 3. The name did not prove to be appropriate.
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January 27th, 2011, 22:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
BioWare has fixed the PS3 Mass Effect 2 bug that was corrupting save files and throwing away hours of gamers' time.
That fix will be part of a patch that also speeds loading and level streaming; adds telemetry (an information reporting system); corrects spelling mistakes (!); alters the picture in Shepard's Cabin so that it reflects the love interest chosen during the interactive comic; and eradicates a bug causing the PSN download version of ME2 to crash in Shepard's Cabin.
But alas, the patch first needs to be delivered to Sony for validation and distribution. BioWare - wrote community manager Chris Priestly on the company forums - will do this "ASAP". Friday is his best estimate of when the patch will be submitted.
"First, we are sorry some of you have had problems playing Mass Effect 2 on the PlayStation 3 and want to thank you all for providing feedback on our forums on both the freezing and resulting save game issue that some of you have experienced.
"We're currently testing the patch thoroughly, we expect to be finished our quality passes on Friday. This patch is then being delivered to Sony ASAP for verification and distribution." Priestly said BioWare had data showing that only a "very few people" encountered the save game problem.
He went on to explain that "there is a very simple work-around to ensure the freezing and corruption issues are minimised".
"Simply restart your game every few hours," Priestly said.
"By shutting down and restarting your game, you will not encounter the corrupted save issue."
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January 27th, 2011, 22:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Treyarch's launched a 'hotfix' for the PS3 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops addressing a number of issues that came to light following the launch of Patch 1.06 yesterday.
According to the developer, the quick fix addresses "wonky Killstreak selections" and control configurations resetting to default settings.
Community manager Josh Olin also said about an hour ago that he's working on an ETA for the latest Black Ops Xbox 360 patch, Title Update 6.
Yesterday, Treyarch released Black Ops PS3 Patch 1.06, which was designed to address numerous issues with the shooter, add a few new features and tune the gameplay.
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January 27th, 2011, 22:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's PSP2 will NOT be digital-only, despite the suggestions of some high-ranking execs at the firm over the last year.
Sony's New Generation Portable (NPG), as it's being called, will still carry physical media - but the firm's done away with PSP's UMD in favour of a new flash memory-based card format. This will be dedicated for NGP software titles.
A Sony statement sent to CVG reads: "Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store the full software titles plus add-on game content or the game save data directly on to the card.
"By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich and immersive games." NGP will come equipped with two cameras on its front and rear, as well as three motion sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass.
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January 27th, 2011, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...hronous-gaming
Sony has moved to calm excitement that its Next Generation Portable will allow users to game online while out and about using its 3G function.
Actual simultaneous gameplay will "depend very much on the degree of data traffic that's being driven by that online game" SCEE boss Andrew House told Eurogamer.
What is perhaps more realistic, however, is asynchronous gaming.
Explained House: "One area that I'm particularly excited about is the idea of asynchronous gaming, whereby the game experience is existing either on a PS3 or on your NGP, and then the 3G ability is the real-time, you know, 'you're under attack, you've got to go do something,' messaging, just keeping that link with you, which clearly is not very heavy in terms of data traffic, but creates a whole different sense to the experience."
Multiple versions of the NGP will launch from late 2011, each with Wi-Fi capability. Only one, however, will also feature 3G.
"The first thing to clarify, which I'm not sure the presentation did a perfect job of doing today, is that all of the devices will have Wi-Fi capability; a separate SKU will have 3G," House said.
"So the user gets a choice. Wi-Fi is available wherever, which clearly is the most important aspect of connectivity and that connected experience; 3G will be a subset of that."
Sony is currently "working hard" on 3G partnerships. House confirmed there will be some cost to the user for 3G services.
"You'll hear more from us around that aspect of the strategy as we get closer to launch."
During Sony's Tokyo press conference this morning the hardware manufacturer emphasised the NGP's connectivity features.
LiveArea is what Sony's calling the user interface that controls the NGP. "In essence, it's Xbox Live and Facebook features embedded in the handheld's front end," reported Oli Welsh live from the NGP unveiling in Japan.
While showing PlayStation 3 exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 running on NGP, game developer legend Hideo Kojima talked about cloud computing.
"When he launched Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on PSP he dreamed of a cloud computing future, and that game was an experiment for it. "NGP allows this cloud computing," he said, cryptically.
"What I'd like to realise is playing on your PS3, and when you go out, you put the game on your NGP, and when you come back home, you can once again use your PS3 and large screen TV.
"This dream is going to come true in the near future. And right now, I'm working on this project of the dream. I'm sorry, I can't reveal this now. But we'd like to present what we're doing at E3."
Sony has confirmed that users will be able to access PlayStation Store from both 3G network and Wi-Fi, which can be chosen depending on the network environments or the volume of content. Existing PSN IDs will be used on NGP.
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January 27th, 2011, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Has Sony's imminent PS3 firmware update stopped George "Geohot" Hotz's jailbreak from working?
Update v3.56 contains "a security patch" and "will be released soon", Sony bigshot Eric Lempel wrote on the US PlayStation blog.
Hotz's hack heaves open the PS3 architecture to allow homebrew applications and, by association, pirated software to work.
Sony has taken Hotz to court not to destroy the hack but to prevent the jailbreak from being distributed far and wide online. But Hotz has turned out to be one tough cookie, rebuffing the seriousness of the case with a superb and topical quip.
"When does the PSP2 come out?" Hotz was quoted as saying. "No, I'm kidding."
Sony's destruction of the jailbreak hack will be done via firmware. How long that will take - and whether Hotz will keep out manoeuvring it - remains to be seen.
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January 27th, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Andrew House has told press that there will be multiple versions of the new PlayStation handheld at launch, with only one model featuring 3G capability, a service which will cost the owner each time it is used.
Speaking to Eurogamer, Euro boss House confirmed that multiple SKUs will be available when the Next Generation Portable launches in late 2011, and not to expect to be able to use the 3G model to play online in the same way as you might at home - network and data streaming restrictions will apply.
"The first thing to clarify, which I'm not sure the presentation did a perfect job of doing today, is that all of the devices will have Wi-Fi capability; a separate SKU will have 3G," House said.
"So the user gets a choice. Wi-Fi is available wherever, which clearly is the most important aspect of connectivity and that connected experience; 3G will be a subset of that."
"One area that I'm particularly excited about is the idea of asynchronous gaming," he added. "Whereby the game experience is existing either on a PS3 or on your NGP, and then the 3G ability is the real-time, you know, 'you're under attack, you've got to go do something,' messaging, just keeping that link with you, which clearly is not very heavy in terms of data traffic, but creates a whole different sense to the experience."
House also confirmed that the use of 3G will carry a cost, but would not be drawn on which network would be carrying the service, or pricing.
"You'll hear more from us around that aspect of the strategy as we get closer to launch," he said.
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January 27th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed its new approach to mobile gaming for smartphones, revealing the PlayStation Suite designed to bring familiar console experiences to portable handsets.
Acknowledging the evolution of portable gaming through smartphones and other devices, Sony president Kaz Hirai admitted that "the environment surrounding portable gaming has undergone a radical transformation since the launch of PSP," at the PlayStation Meeting today in Tokyo.
The PlayStation Suite is aimed at taking the brand beyond consoles onto mobile handsets, specifically Android smartphones and tablets, along with the PlayStation Certified service which will help developers test and QA games for Android.
Describing it as a "hardware neutral game framework" enabling "PlayStation quality" content for multiple mobile hardware, PlayStation Suite content will be available before the end of the year, with a dedicated PlayStation Store for Android.
""We envision PS Suite as an initiative that is essential to the world of portable entertainment," added Hirai.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Following a brief delay, a San Francisco court has granted Sony a temporary restraining order against hacker George "Geohot" Hotz - the man who cracked PS3 wide open.
Hotz, along with the help of hacking team 'fail0verflow', kicked off 2011 by revealing to Sony and the rest of the world that they'd finally cracked open the deepest layers of the PS3's defense against running unauthenticated code, leaving the machine wide open to "homebrew" (and piracy).
Hotz is now banned, via the temporary injunction granted this week, from "offering to the public, creating, posting online, marketing, advertising, promoting, installing, distributing, providing, or otherwise trafficking" any information or software to circumvent PS3's security.
He can't "provide links from any website to any other website", or "engage in acts of circumvention of TPMS in the PS3 System to access, obtain, remove, or traffic in copyrighted works," according to PSX-Scene, via Joystiq.
Basically, before he can even say "PS3", a big lawman with a funny wig will lean through his window and say "SHH!"
It has been recently rumoured that Sony will overcome the PS3's recent security breach by shipping new games with unique PC-like serial codes which users will have to input on their consoles to launch titles.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Ever since his candid and humorous E3 2009 Sony keynote introduction -- wherein he thanked the audience for showing up despite the big news (PSP Go) having already been leaked -- we've always had something of a soft spot for Jack Tretton. We managed to have a sit-down with the SCEA President-CEO following the company's big Tokyo meeting, a non-working NGP unit in tow. For a brief moment, Tretton "confirmed" that PlayStation Suite games (currently slated for Android devices) would work on PlayStation 3. We asked rather directly, to which he responded, "Yes, they will. Yeah." By the next question, however, he explained that he might've misspoken and wanted to clarify that Suite is only NGP right now. It should come as no surprise, then, that there was no talk of Suite for any other devices, be it Bravia sets or Google TV. Tretton said there was at least one compatible Android device currently on the market but wouldn't elaborate -- given the 2.3 requirement, we're presuming he meant the Nexus S.
We weren't able to get him to budge on the issue of the NGP's price, but we did ask him to opine on the Nintendo 3DS's $250 tag. Instead of offering friendly competitive jabs, he said only, "I think if the quality's there, then the people will find a way to buy it, within reason... I think that if you could create content that consumers sees compelling, they'll find money that they didn't think they had." A bit too reminiscent of former boss Ken Kutaragi's old adages, but hey, it's not like we expected a sub-$300 sticker, anyway. Some other highlights:
Tretton wouldn't definitively say whether or not original PSP titles are in Suite's future -- "at this point, it's PlayStation One games, but I think it can go in a number of directions." This runs a bit counter to what Kaz Hirai said earlier in the day, but either he might've misspoken or the translator erred.
The controller overlay we saw used as an example at the event was just that -- an example, with no guarantee of future use.
That "holiday 2011" launch applies to at least one territory, but Sony was "ambiguous for a reason" (i.e. simultaneous global rollout is a dream but far from a promise.) We probably won't have a clearer image until fall rolls around, sometime after E3.
No discussion on battery life, but Sony is "certainly look to improve upon [original PSP]." For what it's worth, that one measured about 4.5 to 7 hours at launch, and Sony eventually sold an extended-life pack.
PS Suite will have non-gaming apps.
A WiFi-only version? "We haven't made any determination on models yet," which is infinitely more vague than the confirmation of non-3G SKUs from SCEE president Andrew House.
Will Sony or a Sony partner make a flagship device to show off the Suite? A, dare we say, PlayStation phone? "Stay tuned" was all Tretton would say, followed by a laugh. Hey, at least we acknowledged the elephant in the room.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Ever since his candid and humorous E3 2009 Sony keynote introduction -- wherein he thanked the audience for showing up despite the big news (PSP Go) having already been leaked -- we've always had something of a soft spot for Jack Tretton. We managed to have a sit-down with the SCEA President-CEO following the company's big Tokyo meeting, a non-working NGP unit in tow. For a brief moment, Tretton "confirmed" that PlayStation Suite games (currently slated for Android devices) would work on PlayStation 3. We asked rather directly, to which he responded, "Yes, they will. Yeah." By the next question, however, he explained that he might've misspoken and wanted to clarify that Suite is only NGP right now. It should come as no surprise, then, that there was no talk of Suite for any other devices, be it Bravia sets or Google TV. Tretton said there was at least one compatible Android device currently on the market but wouldn't elaborate -- given the 2.3 requirement, we're presuming he meant the Nexus S.
We weren't able to get him to budge on the issue of the NGP's price, but we did ask him to opine on the Nintendo 3DS's $250 tag. Instead of offering friendly competitive jabs, he said only, "I think if the quality's there, then the people will find a way to buy it, within reason... I think that if you could create content that consumers sees compelling, they'll find money that they didn't think they had." A bit too reminiscent of former boss Ken Kutaragi's old adages, but hey, it's not like we expected a sub-$300 sticker, anyway. Some other highlights:
Tretton wouldn't definitively say whether or not original PSP titles are in Suite's future -- "at this point, it's PlayStation One games, but I think it can go in a number of directions." This runs a bit counter to what Kaz Hirai said earlier in the day, but either he might've misspoken or the translator erred.
The controller overlay we saw used as an example at the event was just that -- an example, with no guarantee of future use.
That "holiday 2011" launch applies to at least one territory, but Sony was "ambiguous for a reason" (i.e. simultaneous global rollout is a dream but far from a promise.) We probably won't have a clearer image until fall rolls around, sometime after E3.
No discussion on battery life, but Sony is "certainly look to improve upon [original PSP]." For what it's worth, that one measured about 4.5 to 7 hours at launch, and Sony eventually sold an extended-life pack.
PS Suite will have non-gaming apps.
A WiFi-only version? "We haven't made any determination on models yet," which is infinitely more vague than the confirmation of non-3G SKUs from SCEE president Andrew House.
Will Sony or a Sony partner make a flagship device to show off the Suite? A, dare we say, PlayStation phone? "Stay tuned" was all Tretton would say, followed by a laugh. Hey, at least we acknowledged the elephant in the room.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster

Sony has appended a "Holiday 2011" release date to its next-generation portable system (codename: NGP), but hasn't offered a timetable for individual regions. Will it be a worldwide launch? Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton didn't provide an answer in his interview with Engadget, opting to pin Sony's strategy on providence.
"I know that's rather ambiguous, and that's for a reason," Tretton said. "I think our goal is always to launch holidays when the majority of sales are done. You want to have a worldwide simultaneous launch. Having said that, this'll be our sixth platform launch, and it's very difficult to have the quantities to be able to launch on a worldwide basis on the same date." Tretton noted that the goal might overshoot reality -- leading him to pare down the initial promise. "I think our goal is, we would get at least one territory out by the end of holiday 2011."
A clearer plan should become visible by fall, well after unforeseen production challenges have been dealt with. Tretton added that Sony had its challenging experience with PlayStation 3 to inform the NGP's road to mass production. "I think we'd look to avoid repeating that, but when you're dealing with new technology there are always roadblocks."
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January 28th, 2011, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster

The NGP's memory storage capabilities are puzzlingly absent from the hardware specifications released by Sony today. During the PlayStation Meeting 2011 press conference, the company briefly introduced a "new game media" format, a flash memory-based card on which retail titles will be sold (replacing the clunky, power-sucking UMD). These SD-looking game cards -- said to be proprietary -- will feature extra storage for relevant data, including games saves and add-ons.
"NGP adopts a new game medium, a small flash memory based card, dedicated for NGP software titles," a Sony press release later confirmed. "Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store the full software titles plus add-on game content or the game save data directly on to the card. By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich and immersive games."
But where will users store non-game data? The NGP's LiveArea UI suggests that multimedia applications will be integral to the handheld, and many of these apps will obviously require data storage -- not to mention the storage requirements for downloadable games. While Sony has not mentioned an internal flash memory component of the NGP, SCE Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida revealed to Game Informer that the device will feature "two slots" for memory cards; one for the new game cart format (which Yoshida confirmed would be proprietary -- not SD) and a second port for additional storage.
Whether the additional slot has been designed for Sony's existing proprietary Memory Stick (the "Micro" version is used for PSP Go memory expansion) has not been specified. "At this point, all we're saying is it is proprietary storage capabilities," SCEA boss Jack Trenton told Engadget, "we're not getting into defining what it is yet."
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January 28th, 2011, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Next Generation Portable does many things – including 3G – but it is not a phone.
"Deliberately no," Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Andrew House told Eurogamer. "We've avoided it."
"We think that voice capability carries with it a whole other set of expectations, and we want this to be first and foremost the ultimate gaming experience.
"We've elected not to complicate that proposition overly by trying to have it be all things to all people including voice and a conventional phone. Clearly [PlayStation Suite] addresses an already vibrant phone marketplace that serves that consumer very well."
PlayStation Suite is a new service which will deliver classic PSone content to Android smartphone devices.
Sony boss Kaz Hirai promised PlayStation Suite, which launches later this year, will bring "legendary original PlayStation content" to mobiles. No specific titles were announced, but a snowboarding game was briefly demoed, with a virtual D-pad and buttons clearly displayed on the phone screen.
"We envision PlayStation Suite as an initiative that is essential to the world of portable entertainment," he insisted.
Yesterday Sony's PlayStation Phone – what we now know is called Xperia Play – was suffered another leak with the publication of a detailed hands-on video. Sony is expected to announce it next month.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is pushing stereoscopic 3D hard – in televisions and in games on the PlayStation 3 – but the feature is absent from the recently announced Next Generation Portable.
While Sony explored stereoscopic 3D for the NGP, it decided against its inclusion. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Andrew House explained why in a new interview conducted this morning in Tokyo.
"We view 3D as having the greatest potential, in the near term, in what I would call a dedicated entertainment environment," he said.
"And that's in the home, around the television, and where it's a shared experience. I think that's really important. We struggle a little bit to see how that 3D, shared experience translates to portable devices as they currently stand."
In a statement, Sony revealed more detail on its exploration of the tech.
"In the development process, we had studied the possibility of introducing stereoscopic 3D feature to NGP, but decided not to install it. After careful consideration of our goal of offering users the ultimate portable entertainment experience with a revolutionary user interface we have decided to focus on the features and specs announced today first.
"SCE will continue to play an important role within Sony group by promoting 3D in tandem with Sony Corporation's 3D compatible BRAVIA LCD TVs to deliver the sublime 3D entertainment in the living room and without having to go to the cinema. We will continue our effort to provide users with true 3D entertainment experience that only Sony can deliver."
The absence of 3D from the NGP is made all the more noticeable by Nintendo's glasses-free 3DS, due out in March.
While House admitted the NGP is "in competition" with 3DS, he insisted it has more than enough features to stand out.
"I know you'll think me coy, but our wish when we enter markets is to grow the overall market and landscape, and find new audiences. So in that space, I think we're more or less generally competing for consumers' time, and that's where we place the highest premium.
"It's our job to deliver fantastic experiences that merit the consumers' investment of their time with our devices.
"We feel very confident that we have very sufficiently differentiated ourselves from the competition with spec, and in particular the connectivity and network features and interfaces that are all pretty revolutionary. That will set this device apart."
Sony will roll out the NGP worldwide from late 2011. Pricing is yet to be announced.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
The NGP lacks mass market appeal, according to a top industry analyst, and may fail to resonate with the mobile gaming generation, predicts another.
A trio of talking heads chimed in with their opinions of Sony's new PSP successor to IndustryGamers following the hardware reveal earlier today. While all were impressed by the system's feature set, there was less consensus regarding its market potential.
"[NGP has a] strong software lineup, but unlikely to hit the mass market," speculated Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian.
"While clearly differentiated from the more casual games that have made the iPhone a phenomenal success as a videogame platform, it remains unclear whether there is mass market potential for high-end portable games. We note that Sony's PSP did not meet initial sales expectations despite offering the highest quality graphics on a portable device at that time."
Mike Hickey of Janco Partners, though excited by the portable's "muscular hardware specs", echoed Sebastian's concerns.
"We suspect Sony's NGP will face considerable market competition from smartphones, tablets and Nintendo's 3D's gaming handheld," he explained.
"We believe Sony's PSP and PSP Go failed to resonate with today's mobile gamers; and view the NGP as an evolution not a revolution from the aforementioned. The mobile gaming market moved aggressively away from Sony's interpretation of a mobile game experience, and it's not clear to us that the NGP is mapping to that new market."
Of course, no analyst round-up would be complete without Wedbush Morgan's beloved Michael Pachter and, surprisingly, he was the most enthusiastic of the three.
"It's a pretty impressive device," he gushed. "There is a lot to like, and Sony has a huge library of content. The device looks pretty powerful, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some pretty sophisticated games, and the 3G capability and relationship with Android means we'll see a ton of Android apps on the device as well.
The Pach-Man predicted strong launch sales for the device, but speculated its long-term success would live or die on the strength of the software support.
"I suppose it will sell incredibly well for the first year (would bet 15 million or so), and then it will succeed or slow based upon the availability of software, much like the original PSP. I think it's a huge step up on the PSP, and think that the memory card-based games (a la DS) make a lot of sense."
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January 28th, 2011, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
A 1UP report quotes Sony head of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida saying that the NGP handheld will have "about the same [battery life] as the original PSP." The PSP's battery life varies considerably from around 3 hours if the UMD disc drive was whirring away, to much longer if played off flash storage. Sony's official estimate for average PSP operation time is 3-5 hours.
Meanwhile, Eurogamer has Sony Europe honcho Andrew House saying the device will have a "good, solid battery life because of two factors." The dual delights of life extension are apparently the card-based media (instead of UMD, which requires moving parts) and the OLED screen. Those potential power savers are joined by energy-sapping features like a four-core CPU, 3G, and other factors, helping explain the PSP-like battery life.
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January 28th, 2011, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
The more responsible gaming hardware enthusiasts among you have probably reserved your excitement over the recently announced NGP until you learn the device's ever-important launch price. Given the impressive specs of the handheld -- as well as Sony's infamous tendency to overcharge for its new gaming hardware at launch -- we wouldn't blame you for worrying. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Andrew House recently provided Eurogamer with the first potential hints about the console's MSRP, saying, "I can't put a ballpark on it in terms of figures, but what I would say is that we will shoot for an affordable price that's appropriate for the handheld gaming space."
However, Sony's not going to be giving the things away; House also shot down a Eurogamer source who claimed Sony would be selling the device at a loss. House explained, "we would want to have our hardware be profitable, in addition to our software," later adding, "We've experienced both sides and we know which one we like to be on!" That seems like a tricky balancing act: How exactly is Sony planning on introducing new (assumedly high-investment) technology at an affordable consumer price point and still hope for the NGP to remain profitable? Wizardry? Alchemy? Both?
As far as a firm number, Game Informer was the only outlet able to get anything out of Sony's biggest wigs -- when GI brought up the enormous launch price of the PS3, Sony Computer Entertainment president of worldwide studios Shu Yoshida laughed, and replied, "It's not going to be $599." We're glad events unfolded in that order -- had he said "It's not going to be $599," then laughed maniacally, we would have started to get really nervous
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January 28th, 2011, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Deunan the coder of Dreamcast Emulator Makaron, gives his verdict on Sony winning the court case against Geohot
Might as well follow up on my last entry - geohot got served with TRO just now.
I read the papers he got served and I'm confused. While I fully expected DMCA to be used at some point... how exactly does SONY get to use it in a CIVIL lawsuit? You can do that in US courts? If so, your legal system is completly wacky.
At first I thought SONY was just trying to present a case, and DMCA was only mentioned to express urgency and necessity of the TRO. You know, like by saying "He is a bad guy, Your Honor, he must be stopped before he does more damage". So I can fully understand statements like "breach of contract" and "interference with contractual relations". This is what SONY claims and must prove - obviously it remains to be seen if they can do that.
But the main reason for ordering TRO was mostly DMCA violation. How the hell does that work? Violating DMCA is penal offence/crime. Someone, please, explain it to me how does SONY get to motion anything in a civil case based on that? And more importantly, how does a judge rule in a civil case with penal law? Because this blows my mind...
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January 28th, 2011, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has told Final Fantasy XIII fans it's probably a good idea to keep hold of their save files if they plan to play direct sequel Final Fantasy XIII-2 – there could be a surprise in store for them if they do.
Exactly what the surprise is, however, is unknown. All we know is the development team is investigating the possibility of giving something to players who have save data in place.
In an interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu (translated by Andriasang), Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama revealed more details on the hotly anticipated Japanese role-playing game.
Kitase and Toriyama divulge story details that discuss the ending of Final Fantasy XIII throughout, so beware of spoilers.
The role-playing game features a brand-new story and an evolved battle system. It will be a darker tale than Final Fantasy X-2, the last direct Final Fantasy sequel.
Final Fantasy X-2, released around two years after FFX on PS2, followed X's Yuna and her friends Rikku and Paine in more of an action-adventure style than usual, a move that proved intriguing to some but still divisive.
XIII-2 sounds as though it will stick closer to the XIII template in combat terms, although some changes to the battle system will be unveiled later in development.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is due out for PS3 and Xbox 360 in PAL territories next winter.
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January 28th, 2011, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
Are you a Playstation 3 owner? Do you play online Call of Duty: Black Ops? Do you also happen to be running it on hacked firmware or cheating via server hacks? If you meet all 3 conditions in order, you may find yourself getting barred from playing Cod:Bops online.
Reports from Ripten says Sony's recent v3.56 firmware update in response to the PS3's total hacking early this January has earned some players permanent bans, though some say they're innocent. So tell us, have you been affected? Tell us via comments below.
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January 28th, 2011, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Is the Next Generation Portable capable of running a blockbuster third-person shooter such as Gears of War 3? According to creator Epic, a Gears of War style "experience" would be "appropriate" for Sony's shiny new handheld.
Sony unveiled the PSP successor, which features two thumb sticks, at a Tokyo press conference yesterday.
Speaking to Eurogamer following the unveiling, vice president of Epic Games Mark Rein emphasised the NGP's graphical power.
"This is the kind of machine that a Gears of War-style experience would be appropriate on because it has the control layout that games like that are designed for and can produce some pretty compelling visuals," he said.
"Activision announced Call of Duty for the device so of course a Gears-style game would also be appropriate."
Much has been made of the NGP's graphical horsepower, with some insisting it is capable of producing PlayStation 3 quality visuals.
When asked for his honest assessment of this claim, Rein replied: "This device is certainly in the same class as PlayStation 3. With Unreal Engine 3, we're able to produce some pretty spectacular visuals on this device already, and we're just getting started."
During Sony's press conference Epic founder Tim Sweeney took to the stage to confirm Unreal Engine 3 support for NGP and showed the Epic Citadel iOS tech demo running on the new handheld.
"This is made possible by Sony's multi-core GPU, which is roughly 4x as powerful as any portable we've previously seen," he said.
Sweeney went on to introduce a demo of Trendy Entertainment's UE3-powered Dungeon Defenders, a PC, PSN and XBLA game. Converting from PS3 took a week, apparently.
Rein went into more detail on the game, and confirmed that PS3/NGP cross-platform play is possible.
"Dungeon Defenders is essentially a PS3 game brought to NGP," he said. "At CES this year, Trendy showed Dungeon Defenders on a Tegra 2 mobile device playing multiplayer against a PlayStation 3. Trendy told me they're planning to have NGP players playing against PS3 players. So this part is already a reality.
"All they need to add is the ability to save your status in the cloud so you can pick up and play on another device and they're done. That's not a hard problem to solve and I suspect Sony will offer a good solution for that via PSN at some point."
But what of Epic itself? Does it plan to develop NGP games?
"Right now we're concentrating on Unreal Engine 3 and we're very excited with the results," said Rein. "Multiple UE3 licensees tells us they're building games they plan to ship on NGP and I suspect we'll hear more about that throughout the year."
Summing up his feelings about the device, Rein was unable to single out his favourite NGP feature.
"This is a bit of a cop-out but I'd say it's the complete package; multiple control methods, great screen, an OS that gives you low-level access to the hardware, great processing power on both CPU and GPU, GPS, 3G, dual cameras – all this on a high-end portable gaming device. There's a lot to like there."
Sony is expected to begin rolling out the NGP from late 2011.
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January 28th, 2011, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is asking PSP developers to release downloadable versions of their games so they can played on its new NGP handheld.
Speaking in an interview with Japanese site Impress Watch, as translated by Andriasang, Sony boss Kaz Hirai explained that Sony's new handheld device will be backwards compatible with PSP titles but only those that have been made available as downloads.
As a result, Hirai added, Sony has asked developers to release digital versions of their games.
Hirai also explained that PSP games will run completely through emulation on its new portable system, which was unveiled in Tokyo earlier this week. Users will be able to transfer over any games already downloaded on their PSP as long as they are still within the download limits set by PlayStation Network.
The majority of PSP games are currently available as downloads through PlayStation Store. However, there are a few notable exceptions, including most recently Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
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January 28th, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
It finally happened. Sony unveiled the PSP2 yesterday and, like polite birthday boys and girls who found out about a surprise party months (and months) in advance, we all gasped and stood with looks of faux-surprise on our faces.
While the announcement of the PSP sequel - codenamed Next Generation Portable (NGP) - might not have been anything close to unexpected, many gamers will have been pleasantly surprised by what Sony has managed to produce.
The NGP is looking like a bit of a powerhouse as far as portable gaming is concerned, and we can't wait to see what its true capabilities really are.
But as with any announcement, there was a LOT to take in. Here are some key facts you might have missed that illustrate what the Sony NGP is all about:
British company ARM, which has built NGP's CPU, usually gears its creations towards good battery life, according to TechRadar. Sony's pitching battery life between 4-6 hours.
NGP contains an ARM Cortex-A9 core (4 core) CPU. This is well ahead of other recent mobile devices, whose manufactures have only recently begun installing Dual Core in the latest handsets. The iPad also uses ARM Cortex designs in its system on a chip (SOC).
Sony has dubbed the curvaceous chassis of NGP 'Super Oval Design'. The platform holder claims it has been specially created to ensure more comfort in longer play sessions than PSP1.
Sony claims that the combination of two touchpads and thumbsticks allows for "touch, grab, trace, push and pull" moves of the fingers.
NGP's GPU - SGX543MP4+ quad-core - is built by Imagination Technologies, another British company based in Hertfordshire.
NGP's quad-core GPU setup is four times as powerful as top-of-the-range current mobile platforms.
Every game for NGP will be provided with Sony's LiveArea, where users can share info and communicate other players. Additionally, NGP users will be able to view an Activity log, constantly updated with accomplishments from those playing the same game.
NGP has a five inch, 960 x 544, 16:9 OLED screen. In terms of resolution, that's almost the same as the native rendering resolution of both Alan Wake on Xbox 360 and Call of Duty: Black Ops on PS3. The original PSP sported a 480 x 272 display, for those of you who love to compare.
The NGP resolution is in the same ballpark as the iPhone 4's Retina Display, which is 960x640. The Apple phone has a much higher pixel density though, since its screen is only 3.5 inches.
NGP operates with more than 2.5 times as many pixels as the Nintendo 3DS. That's even when you consider the 800x240 stereoscopic resolution of the Ninty handheld.
The console packs a Six-Axis motion sensing system behind its screen. That includes a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer - that's one motion sensor more than the iPad (which is missing a gyroscope) and one less than the PlayStation Move, which also houses a Terrestrial Magnetic Field sensor.
Sony has dropped the UMD format in favour of Flash cards, which can store the full software titles plus add-on game content or the game save data directly.
Flash cards with more capacity will be made available in the future to allow for bigger games, according to Sony.
Despite all this killer tech, Sony said NGP won't cost as much as $599 - the price at which the PS3 launched.
82 third-party developers have already signed up to work on the NGP. That's 48 in Japan, 16 from North America and 18 from Europe
You might not get it by Christmas: Sony has only confirmed that "at least one" territory will see a pre-Xmas launch.
There are 14 titles confirmed so far, including iterations of Killzone, Call of Duty, Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance and WipEout.
It's here for the long term. Yoshida-san told Kotaku: "The portable is a totally different beast. It's still emerging and in a transitional stage. We are developing a platform to last a long time."
Its size is 182mm x 18.6mm x 83.5mm. Let's compare and contrast to other console lengths: the original PSP is 169mm, the DSi is 137mm, the 3DS takes up 134mm and Apple's diddy little iPhone 4 is just 115.2mm.
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January 29th, 2011, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
We had quite the interview with Sony's Jack Tretton, but we certainly didn't corner the market on hot new NGP details -- Eurogamer and Game Informer quizzed the company's Andrew House and Shuhei Yoshida, respectively, and came out with some important tidbits about the quad-core gaming handheld, particularly regarding pricing. Though Tretton seemed to suggest we'll see a price somewhere northward of the Nintendo 3DS's $250, Yoshida was quoted as saying "It's not going to be $599," laughing off the idea that the system would cost as much as the PlayStation 3's infamous appraisal at launch, and House said that Sony "will shoot for an affordable price that's appropriate for the handheld gaming space."
While none were willing to cough up a real ballpark estimate, the SCEE president revealed one way that the cost might come down: pushing out a lesser model, a strategy we've seen before. House said that while all devices come with WiFi, "a separate SKU will have 3G," making us wonder which of the handheld's other groundbreaking features might carry a premium. After all, OLED screens don't come cheap.
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January 29th, 2011, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster

Don't feel like a Sports Champion? Feel like a PlayStation Move Hero instead? Then, you'll want to go to Toys R Us to get your hands on the newest PlayStation Move bundle. For $99.99 (the same price as the current bundle), you'll get a PlayStation Eye camera, one PlayStation Move controller and a copy of the Ratchet/Sly/Jak mash-up game, PlayStation Move Heroes. The bundle does not include a navigation controller -- odd, considering the box says it will "enhance your gameplay."
Like the standalone game, this will be available on March 22nd.
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January 29th, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-16290.html
Rockbot is a free (GNU-GPL) remake of the game Megaman / Rockman. The game is made with the SDL library, and ported to Linux, Windows, Dingoo and Playstation 2.
After more than two months, we finnaly bring to you a new version.
Go to our downloads section to get binaries for Linux, Ubuntu 10.04, Windows, Playstation 2 and Dingoo (Dingux).
The changelog from beta7 is:
corrigir problema de botões no menu (corrigir esquema de read_input e game_mode)
array de teclas deve ser INT e não CHAR
estrelas maiores devem ser cinza
melhorar “pisca” do player quando invulnerável (está muito rápido)
inimigos tem que ter um hit-timer para ficarem invenc*veis por um segundo, como os players
direcionar debug para arquivo stdout.txt
spiked chain não deve ser destru*da no hit
chefes tem que ter um hit-timer para ficarem invenc*veis por um segundo, como os players
EDITOR: implementar fator de zoom
direcionar debug para arquivo stdout.txt
ajustar sensibilidade do análogo para PS2 e PC independentemente
implementar direcional digital no PS2
corrigir problema em que player muda tipo de animação no meio do pulo
refinar velocidade e gravidade do pulo
corrigir problema em “got weapon” onde não anda para o meio se passou dele
teleporte voltado para esquerda não está aparecendo
corrigir problema de pulo+espinhos depois de barreira
descobrir porque player fica invulnerável após morte (hit == 1?)
melhorar dano de espinhos
plataformas que se movimentam “derrubam” jogador para dentro das paredes
itens colocados via editor não estão funcionando corretamente
p*lula só deve ser barulho se HP OK – pular sobre escadas ainda está dando problema
corrigir pequena discrepância na posição vertical da tela (área cinza)
implementar morte para 2 jogadores (player reaparece na mesma tela, junto do player que está vivo – não pode ter 2 mortos simultâneos)
(URGENT) corrigir scroll para 2 player mode
(SERIOUS) em 2 player mode, ESC não sai do jogo (PC)
criar flag LINUX, WIN32 e colocar PC (Linux e Windows) no projeto – ajuda com alguns ifdefs
tecla de quit deve funcionar apenas em PC e Dingux
(URGENT) objetos só testam player 1
(SERIOUS) na água, se esbarra em uma parede, volta a gravidade normal (devemos testar meio do player/terrain apenas)
menu deve ser chamado indepententemente para betabot e rockbot
(FEATURE) betabot must shot two projectiles at once
colorcycle deve ser aplicado também sobre n*vel 3 de tiles
implementar sistema de checkpoints (no loadMap, se a posição do mapa for < RES_W, é checkpoint) – na versão 0.2 isso será uma lista em stage
congelamento de tempo só pode parar um único chefe (magebot)
animação de hit deve seguir o player/npc
animações de hit devem sumir quando o player morrer ou trocar de tela OK – new gravity system more similar to megaman games
(SERIOUS) quando atingido, se está segurando o botão de pulo, está pulando automaticamente
add a animation state for transition between stand and moving called OK – add a “scroll lock” terrain type, similar to boss door, but without doors animation/sound
(URGENT) blocks are falling
to not block top and botton in colision. if player leaves by bottom, dies (holes).
fix door/scroll-lock right to left (infinite loop) OK – show 3rd level on “ready”
dying makes the music reset to apebot’s OK – (SERIOUS) stage intro dialog is showing again when player dies
must show player and NPC on boss dialog OK – (SERIOUS) moving left/right platform not working
(URGENT) crashing when loading a stage after beating a boss OK – teleporter is returning to the first used one always
implement teleporters return (for 8 bosses room in skull castle) OK – (URGENT) create a new type of terrain that is meant to be checkpoint
(URGENT): npc grtempaphics are using filename as key. this is wrong, as we can have different NPCs with same graphic file, must use name instead.
(URGENT) when beating a boss and dying, is returning to previous stage (must set checkpoint to new stage)
(see checkpoint terrain) – boss door 1 must save checkpoint – novos npcs: c) DONE – morcegos d) DONE – shooters de teto (atira uma na diagonal, uma reto) e) shooters laterais
allow user to define NPC direction in editor
different damages according to weapon type for bosses OK – (SERIOUS) ready is showing in the top-left after first blink in Dingux, similar problem for Destrin ship
(URGENT) fix jump on stairs
(URGENT) items placed with editor are not being shown in game (do not allow dot in the name)
(URGENT) player is heatting the head too soon
colorcycle is not working well in intro (have to add one extra colorcycle in the start with a very small timer)
user key reading in intro is too slow, so keypresses are being lost (had a bug with new/load screen not showing)
(SERIOUS) item colision check is bad (falling from jump item if a bit to the left) (removed reducer)
(URGENT) intro and dialogs are out of place (showing dynamite in spike)
only show weapons adquired
jump should not pass the screen maximun (y + ph > 4), but must keep the gravity calc
add jet and coil “you got”
TEST – jump is slow in Dingux: need to refactory in order to move the same amount (x axis), but faster (more yinc)
(URGENT) with the new jump gravity system, player if “kicking” in the water
fix star speed by using sdl_surfaces for stars/bg instead of fill_rect
(SERIOUS) check weapon damage in bosses, seems like it is not working
moving cursor in weapons menu should move only to the first available weapon, not empty positions
fix got weapon sound effect repeating
need small music for castle intro
check and improve color-cycling in the game intro (is failing in the dingux)
adjust timings in intro
IA para Apebot
ending (rockbot or betabot over train)
show boss energy
player2 energy must be placed under p1
thinner energy bars
(URGENT) [PS2] intro feeezes (probally due to colorcycle)
INITIAL_HP must be used in NPCs only for bosses
[PS2] the “you got” second line is showing trash
(URGENT) [PS2] teleporters are sending player to the wrong place
[PS2] trash appearing in credits
(URGENT/RE-TEST) [PS2] corrigir problema de botoes do player2 no PS2
The Nintendo DS port is still absent, and should be our focus for RC2.
We hope you enjoy and, if find any problem, tell us.
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January 29th, 2011, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t276797-sony-send...kedown-notices
Judge Illston has granted the TRO against George Hotz despite the venue issue still being contested by Hotz's attorney. And I'm out of town. Since CMU has a west coast campus in California and is therefore subject to her jurisdiction, I have disabled my mirror until I can get back to Pittsburgh and look more closely at the current state of things.
Then early this morning DMCA takedowns started to get received by the various scene developers, first kmeaw, a good coder behind a working CFW, got one:
<< kmeaw > I have just received a DMCA takedown notice
Next graf_chokolo, a now world-famous coder for his wonderful PS3 'decryption' skills, posted the following on Xorloser's Blog, that his GIT has been taken down by Sony:
Originally Posted by Xorlosers blog
graf_chokolo says:
January 29, 2011 at 2:04 am
SONY took down my GIT repo :-) Who still needs my source code just email me and i will upload it for you :-) Still working on ENCDEC reversing :-) It’s fun :-)
And recently KaKaRoToKS has tweet'ed that he also has gotten a DMCA notice:
Originally Posted by KaKaRoToKS
Looks like github has received DMCA takedown and my repository are now unavailable Twitter
So are these people going to stand up for what they belive in or crawl under their beds and hide?
The suenami is coming.
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January 29th, 2011, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster

[Lossfresnos65] must be planning to do a lot of travelling because he’s entombed his PlayStation 3 in a Pelican case. Inside you’ll find some diamond-plate bezel to cover the console itself and used to surround the 19-inch high-definition television that is mounted to the lid of the case. In the picture above you see the door that lifts to reveal foam cutouts for a TV remote and two six-axis controllers. There’s no battery and no wireless Internet, but connection for the power cord, Ethernet, component video, and HDMI have an external port on the base of the enclosure. There’s also two fans to keep everything cool, and on the front you’ll find two USB ports and a headphone jack. After the break he shows off the finished product but there’s no internal build photos to be found. We linked his forum post at the top as ask him and perhaps he’ll deliver the goods.
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January 29th, 2011, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
PCSP the PSP Emulator for Windows had a release a few days ago but the team behind it have posted an update about issues with the release
It appears there is a bug with pcsp and single core cpus. It is very likely that pcsp will freeze from parallel threads that it tries to syncronize. There is already a fix for that for all you ppl that still using old machines with single core (who does anyway).
A bug fix version will be release shortly among with a very interesting feature.
Stay tuned
Hlide here again,
Ok I think I understand what it happens. The emulator has a state : normally it is RUNNING when interpreting a PSP game. Some events like Audio, Vsync, Clock may occur and try to set this state to an event state so the emulator thread is leaving the interpreter to handle the event. In a multi-core processor, each event has its time-critical thread running on one core whereas the emulator thread is running on another core. So a core tries to set a state to make the other core to suspend interpretation and handle event in the emulator thread. I made some changes in code prior the correction I did for 0.5.1 because I feared an event state might be set when the emulator was already set to another event set (a vsync event occuring when the emulator state is set to an audio event state) and might fix the freeze issue. It didn't but I left this code after fixing the real issue. However I never realized that code might not work properly for a mono-core as those threads will be executed in a sequential order and might create some hell slowness or worst responsiveness (because of an active polling added).
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January 29th, 2011, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Are you a Mac owner, well hows about a new version of the PS2 Emulator just for you
Work on 0.9.7 is in progress and with very promising results some of the changes are making it into the 0.9.6 build which is probably going to be the last for this version. You can download it here
The main improvement is proper implementation of memory protection handling for pcsx2, which should give 25-50% performance boost depending on the game.
This build is only for Snow Leopard 10.6.3 or newer and includes updated ZZOgl 0.21.213 and zerospu2 installed by default
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January 29th, 2011, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...3-ps3-windows/
Here is an update to The Untitled Project.
The world is slightly larger.
There are 500 somethings scattered around for you to collect.
The game now saves everything the first time you start it up and again any time that you find one of the collectibles.
It loads that save file when you return to the game.
Every building now has at minimum one door on the ground floor.
Every building now has an elevator.
There are now skywalks connecting even buildings that are immediately next to each other.
There is a mini map of the city (it doesn’t rotate or zoom or show your position on it or do anything like that yet).
There is a ghost mode added for testing purposes in which you can fly forward with collision detection and gravity turned off (press down to enable/disable it).
I think that is everything aside from some less noticeable tweaks (turning is faster for example and sewer manholes are slightly wider and I removed some unnecessary polygons from the walls).
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January 30th, 2011, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's taken some strong steps against PS3 cracking in the past week -- not only has it taken to the courts and won a temporary restraining order against Geohot and fail0verflow for cracking the console, but it also released firmware 3.56, which locked things down again. Unfortunately, that restraining order doesn't mean anyone else has to stop a-crackin', and wouldn't you know it: 3.56 was cracked open in less than a day by KaKaRoToKS, who was behind one of the first 3.55 custom firmwares. Now that the 3.56 signing keys are out, we'd guess updated custom firmware is soon to come -- and we'd bet Sony's lawsuit will just inspire an entirely new wave of people to jailbreak once those hit the scene. Way to put that genie back in the bottle, Sony.
Update: We're hearing that new custom firmware isn't on the table quite yet, because Sony changed most of the locks, and is reportedly actually storing the all-important ECDSA private key with random-number cryptography this time around. Be warned: if you upgrade to 3.56, there's no easy way back down. In related news, Github complied with a DMCA takedown notice to remove KaKaRoToKS's repositories, so you'll have to head on over to Gitorious (at our more coverage link) to get at the fail0verflow tools.
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