June 1st, 2018, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Wololo has posted news concerning developments on the PS4 Scene:
With the amount of new releases every day from the PS4 scene, it’s very easy to get confused as to what is possible and what is not with a hacked PS4 today.
My perception is that we still don’t have a “noob friendly” way to build homebrew for the PS4. However it is great to know that a few teams and individuals do intend to make some Toolchains available to the community sometime soon, for firmware 5.05.
via http://wololo.net/2018/05/31/ps4-5-0...ew-sdk-status/
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June 1st, 2018, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some news for those on PS4 Firmwares above:
Mathieulh has made a few statements in the past few days/weeks that are completely clear:
1) A group of hackers (himself at the very least) have access to kernel exploits (or better) that Sony haven’t patched yet. He’s proven it by revealing some content from the 5.55 kernel a few days ago.
2) There’s no planned release of any exploit for firmware 5.50 or above, that he’s aware of. Again, given how spot-on he’s been recently, that’s probably as good a prediction as you’re going to get for the time being.
Of course, nothing’s impossible. My experience on the hacking scene tells me a PS4 exploit for 5.5x will happen eventually, but it’s hard to tell “when”. Given how recent the 5.05 exploit was, my personal opinion would be that people who want to jump on the hack bandwagon sooner than later should try and get a PS4 running 5.05. If those are getting too expensive for you, my second suggestion is: buy a second PS4, and keep one on a shelf until the firmware it’s on gets hacked. That’s what I did for 4.05 (it waited on a shelf for about 16 months).
via http://wololo.net/2018/05/29/ps4-exp...-50-5-53-5-55/
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June 6th, 2018, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome to see the PS4 scene progressing well, heres the latest news:
Developer Wildcard has updated his kernel dumper for the PS4. The tool supports firmware 4.05, 4.55, and 5.05.
For those of you interested in digging into the PS4 Firmware, you’ll want to have a look into this tool which lets you dump the PS4 kernel for further analysis. This includes, but is not restricted to, looking for vulnerabilities in the firmware. (And if that’s your thing, you’ll probably want to have a look at Belf, the recently released ida pro loader for PS4 Elfs)
Since some people were apparently having issues dumping the kernel through the original technique of a network socket, Wildcard has added direct support for dumping on the usb drive.
There’s no compiled payload release though, so you’ll have to build the payload yourself from source.
via http://wololo.net/2018/06/06/ps4-ker...s-dump-to-usb/
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June 10th, 2018, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
The cheater app for the PS4 has just been updated:
Hackinformer informs us that handy-dandy PS4 Cheater app, has now been updated from the previous exploitable firmware v4.55 to the latest of holy grail's of firmwares the v5.05, which opens up now cheating in some of the latest PS4 games like GoW.
There are a few ways to cheat on the PS4 from trainers/mod menus for games like GTV 5, to Game Save Editors like the Save Wizard, to even in-game injection with PS4 Cheater for FW4.05, 4.55 and now 5.05. The PS4 Cheater is an app that lets you find cheat codes by changing the values of the game and then injecting them on the fly, think of it as a cheat engine for the PS4.PS4 Cheater
Now the PS4 Cheater is not the easiest thing to get working and it does not work for every game like some games have encrypted values that can’t be changed on the fly. Some game addresses change from level to level or some changes won’t work at all and change back to their default value automatically. Also, this can be a very tedious and time-consuming but when you do manage to change something in the game it’s all worth it in my opinion
Click to expand... Grab the updated downloads below, and then head over to our PS4 Cheating Forums which are hosted right here on MaxConsole UnderGround!
NEWS SOURCE: PS4 Cheater updated for FW5.05 (via) HackInformer
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/p...-fw5-05.47158/
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June 10th, 2018, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some news from Eurasia:
This news update is long overdue, but there are reasons for that. Back in 2015 marvin96 posted a story here at EurAsia titled PsNee, an open source Arduino based stealth modchip for PSX (Sony Playstation 1). The project development progressed over at assemblergames.com until the website was shut down for several months in 2017, during that downtime I forgot about the project, but fortunately the developers didn't and moved the project to psxdev.net, and now there is also a PsNee Project at GitHub. There has been a lot of progress and this impressive open source modchip is now working stable according to several reports. The source code is multi-region, meaning it will unlock PAL, NTSC-U and NTSC-J machines, handles antimod games while remaining stealth, it supports Arduino ATmega based boards and ATtiny MCU.
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3688
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June 11th, 2018, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some great news for PSVita owners (like myself)
A couple of hours ago, TheFlow revealed that he had been working on another exploit chain for the PSVita during the last month and now, he has almost pieced it together! That by itself is great news since it means that even after he releases the exploit he’s been promising, he’ll still be sitting on yet another hack for a higher FW. This is great since Sony will presumably release a firmware update to patch his FW 3.65-3.68 hack.
However, the good news doesn’t end there as TheFlow also announced that he will be releasing his upcoming hack in September 2018! This new ETA is more specific than ‘not before next September’ which he revealed to us a short while, so that means that in 3 months or so, you’ll be able to hack your PSVita/PSTV running FW 3.61-3.68!
Obviously, this is very exciting news since those stuck on a firmware higher than FW 3.60 will be able to hack their PSVita/PSTV to make it more useful but there are still things to look out for!
What should you do now?
This is the question on everybody’s mind after major news and it’ll be explained here so that you won’t regret any impulse actions!
You should do the following:
- If you have a PSVita/PSTV running firmware 3.60, stay there or use TheFlow’s CFW Updater if you really want to install firmware 3.65. Currently, you should not update since FW 3.65-3.68 still aren’t hackable since TheFlow hasn’t released his upcoming hack just yet!
- If your PSVita/PSTV is running firmware 3.61 or 3.63, you’re safe to update to firmware 3.65 NOT firmware 3.67/3.68!!
- You should update to firmware 3.65 because TheFlow’s upcoming hack won’t support firmware 3.61 and 3.63. However, you shouldn’t update to firmware 3.67/3.68 because they won’t be getting untethered HENkaku (HENkaku Ensō) so you’ll have to reapply HENkaku/taiHEN every time you reboot!
- Those on firmware 3.65 should stay there for the above reason.
- However, if your PSVita/PSTV is running firmware 3.67 or 3.68, there isn’t much to do at this point except for waiting.While not necessary for hacking the PSVita, HENkaku Ensō will save you the headache of having to reapply taiHEN every reboot!
You’re safe to update to FW 3.68 if you’re on FW 3.67 so that you can still use PSN since not much has changed between the two.
As usual, patience is key here and nagging TheFlow won’t get his hack released any faster. That means that you should patiently wait till September arrives for TheFlow’s release since after all, he doesn’t owe you anything!
TheFlow’s Twitter (further updates): https://twitter.com/theflow0
via http://wololo.net/2018/06/09/theflow...exploit-chain/
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June 11th, 2018, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
In the age of cheap smartphones with surprisingly good specifications, some may think that buying a 6.5 year old portable console that was a commercial failure doesn’t make sense. However, that isn’t exactly case since many talented scene developers have worked hard to make the PSVita more and more worth buying!
What is HENkaku and what can I do with it? In a few words, HENkaku/taiHEN is a native hack for the PSVita that runs on consoles running FW 3.60 BUT it will eventually (sometime later this year or next year) be available for consoles running FW 3.65-3.68 thanks to TheFlow! HENkaku was originally released in late July 2016 and that gave a new lease of life to the PSVita but what did the community’s efforts result in?
Hacked PSVitas offer you:
- First and foremost, you can emulate the PSP and PSX natively via Adrenaline, TheFlow’s ePSP hack. This is especially great for people, who like me, have their PSP damaged up beyond reasonable repair! Adrenaline has XMB built-in, can use plugins and run PSP homebrew which means that it’s great for people wanting to experience the PSP’s glory days again!
- Talking about emulation, there are many RetroArch cores available for the PSVita and some standalone emulators such as mGBA, pFBA and Basilisk II.
- Apart from emulators, there’s also a great selection of native homebrew with a great number of open-source game ports, Lua games and regular apps that aren’t games.
- Some examples of homebrew available include VitaQuake III, Tetromino (an excellent Tetris clone that also has a Touhou mod available), StarKiller 2D (a PSVita exclusive), Chocolate DOOM, a Half-Life port, various fan-made Zelda games and Blackout (a great Lights Out clone written in Lua).
- A decent selection of plugins which improve the UI (ShellBat), dim the screen further than default (VitaBright), let you overclock games (oclockvita) and use a DS3/DS4 on your Vita (ds3/4vita) among others.
- The ability to play backups. I know it’s like the elephant in the room but it’s no use trying to hide it considering there are websites and even a subreddit dedicated to it.
adapters so you won’t have to spend a fortune on an overpriced Vita Memory Card!
- Many other things such as editing save data with GoHAN, reading books/PDFs with Bookr MOD Vita and learning to code via Lua Player Plus or ONELua.
- Obviously, you can do other things that Sony wanted you do in the firstplace such as play PSVita games, browse the internet and use PS3/PS4 Remote Play. Talking about native PSVita games, you should surely check them out if you’re an anime fan!
via http://wololo.net/2018/06/09/is-the-...th-it-in-2018/
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June 19th, 2018, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
FIFA 18 was the best-selling game across EMEA for a second consecutive week.
It was the best-selling game both physically and digitally, boosted by recent PR and marketing activity surrounding the World Cup.
The game beat off new competition from Vampyr, Focus Home Interactive's new RPG from Life Is Strange developers Dontnod.
Vampyr's results are missing Xbox One's digital sales - the nature of these charts is that some data may be late coming in and cannot be verified in time. These instances should hopefully reduce as the charts become more frequent - this is only the second EMEA combined digital and physical chart.
This GSD chart is the new charts project from ISFE, run by B2boost. Most major publishers contribute to the charts, but there are some notable absentees such as Bethesda, Nintendo and PUBG Corp.
Also, not all countries contribute retail data to the project yet. Including the UK as GfK currently holds the exclusive rights to retail sales data - this will change from January next year.
However, it's a vast improvement over most available charts, which are typically missing all digital download data. And over time, GSD will become the default charts across the majority of EMEA markets.
PlayStation's pre-E3 sales activity has had an impact on this week's figures, with God of War up from No.5 to No.2, Gran Turismo Sport rising 72 places to No.5 and Horizon Zero Dawn up 56 please to No.8.
There are four PS4 exclusives in the Top Ten, with Detroit: Become Human dropping down to No.6 from No.2 after a week on sale.
via https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articl...a-games-charts
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June 19th, 2018, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some good news for PSP fans:
To celebrate SRW A Portable’s 10th anniversary, this is a full translation of the game into English. This translation was born out of friendship, respect for the original work and their authors, and love for Super Robot Wars and their related anime series. Over the 5 years of the project, the Steel Soul team tried to build a translation that would convey the original experience - in the story, in the graphics - to English speakers. They sincerely hope that you enjoy your time with A Portable, even if it comes kicking you hard with its difficulty!
Please read the readme before asking questions on how to patch the game.
The team:
- Translation of battle quotes, items, names, titles, spirits, weapons, bonuses, skills & abilities: TheMajinZenki
- Edition of battle quotes & story: JeftahX, SSJCyberSonic, KyrilSolin
- Texan accent editing: Blaine_Kodos
- Programming, graphics, various reviews: BlackDog61
- Early testing: Lord Oddeye, deets, Greenrose, Kaio Shin
- With expert consulting from Kingcom, Dashman, JamRules & furrykef
- Using Klarth’s (great!) TableLib and also sjisdump
- Thanks to AGundam, MrWorm, Sporky McForkinspoon, MarsRaven, cj_iwakura and others for their interest and helps here and there.
Notes from the Translator: During the robot selection, one may notice that the robot commonly known as “Ash Savior” has been renamed “Aschenretter”. Steel Soul wanted to share an explanation of the reasoning behind the change. This stems from another name change: the Weiss Savior, renamed to “Weissretter”. This robot comes from Super Robot Wars OGs (it was not featured in the original GBA release), as a parallel to Excellen’s Weissritter. It just so happens that “Savior” translates to “Retter” in German, so it seemed interesting to make the parallel between the two names even more evident by making them share the same name convention (Excellen’s Weissritter and Lemon’s Weissretter). Now, with the Savior part changed to Retter, the basic robot name had to be changed too, to match the new naming convention, so Ash Savior was renamed to a full German name: Aschenretter. It being a playable unit, one can still opt to rename it “Ash Savior” during robot selection, according to preference.
Bright’s biography has been completely rewritten, as the original one was incredibly bare. A more detailed biography was written, including new bits of trivia, similarly to other biography entries in game. Hopefully the few who actually go and check the encyclopedia entries will appreciate the change.
Another point deserves adding a few words: the portrayal of the speech pattern of some characters, mainly Jack King, Hidler and Lamia.
- Jack King (from Getter Robo) is meant as a very stereotypical American, in Japan. His original lines tend to be hard to understand because he uses a lot of gratuitous Engrish. To convey that in translation, it was decided to play his “Texas” origin up, giving him a heavy Southerner’s accent during editing.
- By choosing to play as Lamia in the Super Route, one will probably notice that the character of Hidler speaks in a… peculiar way. Started a bit as a joke, it was decided to write him with a highly stereotypical German accent, due to the obvious reference. Some German words were added here and there to spice it up (mostly words that are similar to English), and capitalized nouns like in their grammar. Some messed up things are bound to be found here and there, but they should give players a good laugh out of this silliness (while sincerely hoping none of the German players get offended by this!)
- Regarding Lamia, the portrayal of her speech quirk deserves an explanation. In the Atlus release of OG2, her speech problem was portrayed as a stutter, something that opinion doesn’t really work in the translator’s opinion (why would the other characters call it a weird accent, or think she’s trying to be funny?) In the original Japanese script, Lamia has a “bug” in her speech function, which makes her polite speech (”keigo” in Japanese) come out wrong, with redundancies within words and awkward phrasing overall. It was decided to write this quirk as a mix of awkward words positioning, and inserting made-up words created by mixing two different words of similar meaning. This way, it seems like she’s trying to sound polite, formal or cultured while failing miserably, which suits the reaction of those who listen to her.
Usage: incompatibilities with the Japanese version:
- Using a Japanese “intermission” save will actually prevent some texts from being translated (as they come from the save itself). “Continue” (suspend) saves from the Japanese games will probably have undesired side-effects.
- Savestates from the Japanese game won’t work properly (as the memory layout is different).
- Hacks to give yourself more money, skills and others may or may not work.
- The save editor still works, although it is unable to render text properly or let you rename your hero & robot in a way the English game likes.
Known Limitations:
- Renaming heroes and their robots is more restricted than it would be in modern entries in the SRW series, and entering a long name can result into a “bad display of text”. The game will assume the name is less than 80 pixels, and the number of characters in the name is limited, but the game doesn’t check the pixels at the time you rename heroes/robots, so it’s up to you to be reasonable.
- The “Gundam Deathscythe Hell” has the hell of a long name. The team couldn’t get themselves to use an abbreviation for it, so it does “overflow” out of the small status box at the bottom of the screen when the cursor hovers over it.
- Puru appears after Puru Two in the Pilotpedia. Black couldn’t find how to change that, though that shouldn’t prevent anyone from enjoying the game.
- A unit that is underground will be offered to surface with a menu item that reads “Land” (like it would for a flying unit). While this isn’t elegant, there are few units that go underground and we wanted to keep a verb here (rather than going with “on surface” or things like this). It’s still fairly understandable.
- The combo attack “Darkness God Finger” has Domon’s line incorrect (as it is the same line in Japanese for another attack). It still sounds cool, though. If you have a fix for this, we’re interested!
- This translation has been tested on PSP “fat” with 6.60 ME-1.8, PSP-2000 with 6.60 PRO-B10, PSP 3000, and the ppsspp emulator. Other setups may or may not work.
Limitations from the original game:
- Like the original game, the Counter skill item doesn’t really grant thepilot who uses it the Counter skill (although the Pilot will list it in his/her skills). Black couldn’t find a fix for this - do let the team know if you have one!
- The battle animation for the Stoner Sunshine has Shin Getter Robo split into Getter Robo machines instead of their newer counterpart.
- The battle animation for the Dendronium’s large beam saber uses red, instead of pink.
- The battle animation for one of Light’s attacks cuts the audio for his attack a bit short. But who understands Japanese, anyway, right?

A note from the programmer: As a first game translation ever, this project has been an interesting challenge for Black. He thrived to give the best quality he could - even with limited assembly skills. In all honesty, this has been a great learning exercise. The game is overall on the “easier to get into” from a programming side, thanks to its being on the PSP (which offers a great emulator with debugging capabilities, has known graphical formats, has known assembly toolchains and whatnot), and thanks to its internal structure. As a sharing of experience with others, Black would like to mention that he set out hoping for this to be a project for “2 years or so”. It ended up as 5 years, and they felt very busy, for the most part, turning both the translator and programmer into no-lives. But they were great, and Black strongly believes that this translation reached this state thanks to the great relationship that was established and entertained. This is a prety big game, when one thinks about it: 58 missions, 26k lines of story text, 13k lines of battle quotes, 7k short lines of other text, 490+ weapons, 428 mechs, 88 playable characters among a cast of 199, 61 musics. So that would count as 2 takeaways: always care for the people in your team, and don’t ever think you understand how long the project will take. Black hopes the friendship shows through in the translation.
via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=19055
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June 19th, 2018, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news for PSvita fans:
The long awaited exploit for the PS Vita has finally been given a release date. When we first received news of the exploit, we were told it would likely release in 1-2 years, but luckily Vita hacker TheFloW mangaed to find a second exploit for 3.68 and get us an earlier release. The exploit will work on firmware versions 3.65 to 3.68 you do not need an official Sony memory card or an internet connection to use it. If you are on 3.65, you will be able to install HENkaku Ensō, but unluckily those on 3.67 and above won't be able to. I've included a guide for updating to stock 3.65 from 3.61/3.63.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/henkaku-...july-1.507616/
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June 26th, 2018, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Some awesome news for PSVita Fans:
On July 1, renown PlayStation Vita hacker TheFloW will be releasing his latest work, a kernel exploit for Vita systems on OFW 3.65 and higher. Prior to its launch next month, though, he uploaded a teaser video, which shows his new hack installing VitaShell. This is the second major exploit for the system, the first of which was Henkaku for OFW 3.60. The video states that the jailbreak is called h-encore, the short for hacks/homebrew encore.
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