October 1st, 2009, 10:47 Posted By: LyonHrt
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October 1st, 2009, 10:52 Posted By: LyonHrt
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October 1st, 2009, 10:52 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Source: pspgen.com
The beginning of the week was very hectic side of the PSP scene, thanks to Yoshihiro, a member of the team GENyUS. He first proposed a firmware installer, and has recently posted a utility to play on a Custom Firmware PSP games require the latest firmware.
What are its features?
* Install official firmware 6.00
* Install custom firmware 5.50 GEN-B2 on any PSP flashable
* Install any official firmware
* Convert Kit Despertar del Cementerio V8 kit XGEN Pandora able to flash any PSP2000 (excluding TA088v3) and PSP1000 directly 5.50GEN-B2
What's new in version 2?
* XGen Updater:
Changing the location of "Flash install CFW 5.50 GEN-B2, which is now in the forefront of the menu
Support Official Firmware 6.0 and added a test tool for the latest encryption keys Sony
The VSH Menu has been corrected for Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B2
* XGen Pandora : Changing the location of "Flash install CFW 5.50 GEN-B2, which is now in the forefront of the menu
The VSH Menu has been corrected for Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B2
One option for the test kit Despertar del Cementerio V8 that will get you started on the M33 firmware from your memory card
What are the differences between XGen Updater and XGen Pandora?
The differences between these two utilities is that XGen Updater will directly install the Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B2 on the console.
The Pandora XGen will update the kit Despertar del Cementerio v8 to install it on 5.50 GEN-B2 when used (instead of 5.00M 33).
Thanks to the author:
My Hearing and Chris-m for the beta test on PSP Slim.
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October 1st, 2009, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment has moved to play down concerns from some sections of the retail sector surrounding the imminent launch of its PSPgo handheld, telling GamesIndustry.biz that most companies "were really quite fine with it".
The news comes a day ahead of the release of the new download-focused device, and following several weeks of reports centred around a number of retail stores across Europe which are refusing to stock the hardware.
But according to the PlayStation Portable product manager in the UK, Claire Backhouse, the reaction was a lot more muted than anticipated.
"We were very aware of concerns when we went into it and I actually expected a lot more negative responses than we actually got," she explained. "They were really quite fine with it."
"They see it as a way of getting people into the store because it's new interest, a new product. And they've had such strong sales as well of PSP 3000 almost off the back of it," she added.
Blackhouse went on to explain her view that those sales were in part due to a knock-on effect of bringing out a new tier of hardware.
"If you bring out a new product, people aspire to that but they might not buy it, they might buy the PSP 3000 instead. Especially if they're part of a family - dad might buy the PSPgo but the kids might get PSP 3000s. I think that works quite well for us."
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October 1st, 2009, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has upped its commitment to digital content with the release of over 100 games on the PlayStation Store as it launches its new handheld, the PSPgo, across Europe and the US.
The revised hardware goes on sale from today, and is supported by new PSP games, classic titles previously available on UMD and Sony's latest digital initiative – the PSP Minis.
Clare Backhouse, product manager for the PSP in the UK, told GamesIndustry.biz that Sony intends to ride the pre-Christmas market and grab early gaming adopters before increasing marketing in the new year to focus on a wider audience.
"I think we're quite lucky we're launching two months before Christmas - I think that'll really help boost sales," she said. "With the campaign as well that we've gone for it's quite targeted. I think we'll see the early adaptors, the gamers, the technology guys getting into it first and I think it'll sell quite strongly prior to Christmas.
"Then you always have a bit of a lag in January and maybe you'll see at the start of the new financial year, next year, it pick up again with a wider audience I imagine. That's when we'll start talking about other entertainment functionalities as well," she offered.
Already live for US consumers, the PlayStation Store has been updated with over 100 downloadable games, including the highly-anticipated Gran Turismo from Sony, and multiple titles from all major publishers including Electronic Arts, Activision and Capcom.
Designed for shorter play sessions, the handful of PSP Minis so far includes Subatomic Studios' Fieldrunners, EA's latest take on the classic Tetris and Alien Havoc from Creat Studios. Minis are priced between £2.49 and £3.99 in the UK.
Sony has also released the 6.10 firmware update for the PSPgo, allowing Bluetooth tethering options and revising the handheld's media capabilities.
Tethering – which only works on the PSPgo – allows users to connect via Bluetooth to a device such as a mobile phone and use it to connect to the internet. A new-look MediaGo update also enables users to connect to the PlayStation Store via the PC and manage music, video and images.
The console retails for around £225 in the UK, with Sony yesterday telling GamesIndustry.biz that it expects around 60 per cent of sales for the new system to come from PSP-3000 users trading in their old machines for the new model.
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October 1st, 2009, 13:46 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard plenty of arguments for high priced products before -- many of them from Sony, oddly enough -- but this has to one of the odder ones. Sony UK's Claire Blackhouse says that Sony was actually expecting a greater backlash from retailers than it got in regards to the PSP Go, and that many retailers are seeing the new launch as a way to get consumers into stores, at which point they'll realize they're too poor for a PSP Go and might end walking out with a PSP-3000 instead. Sadly, the logic sounds pretty sound, though Claire's own suggestions that some families might get a PSP Go for dad and PSP 3000s for the kids seems a little fantastical -- kinda hard for dad to rock those Hannah Montana UMDs, yeah Sony?
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October 1st, 2009, 13:54 Posted By: wraggster

Denizens of PlayStation Home should warm up the internet connection for tomorrow, as the latest and greatest update to the virtual hang out service will hit Thursday, October 1.
Version 1.3 of Home, as previously detailed, will add universal game launching from within the service. No need to stop doing the Running Man just to start up a Resistance 2 fragfest, as any title can be launched from Home as of tomorrow.
Of course, there's more to it than that, including new items, emotes and clothing categories. Plus, Home residents will be able to preview wearable items and furniture in real time. And soon you'll be able to eat shrink cakes and take pictures with an in-Home camera! Truly, we have finally jacked into the Matrix.
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October 1st, 2009, 15:03 Posted By: wraggster

Info stole from Amazon:
The new PSP Go system is a sleek and lightweight system at just 160g, around 43% smaller than the PSP 3000. the sophisticated and stylish design incorporates a sliding 3.8-inch display screen, delivering the same high resolution and vibrant visuals as the current PSP-3000 model.
Leveraging PlayStation Network and digital content exclusively, PSP go system features 16GB of internal memory as well as expandable storage via Memory Stick Micro (M2) to store plenty of games, videos, photos, and music. The PSP go system is designed for the digital lifestyle, offering on-demand entertainment to consumers who want to download content directly to their device anytime, anywhere* over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. RemotePlay features also allow remote access to files on your internet connected PS3 via wireless internet when you're on the move.
Games include LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm Arctic Edge and Gran Turismo and many more available for download in the future.
Buy at Amazon UK
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October 2nd, 2009, 05:26 Posted By: wraggster
PSP CheatUp is an application designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes through the use of the PSP’s Wifi and a wireless internet connection. Currently the application can automatically detect and install cheats for CheatMaster Fusion, coderPR, CWCheat and NitePR. .
Feature Summary
The following features are available in PSP CheatUp:
Download and install cheat updates for most PSP cheat engines.
Update application from PSP.
Display the Changelog and Gamelist of the last download cheat update.
Display the last update date, time and filesize of the cheat database.
Changes in version 0.20
Added: Application can now be updated from the PSP (Other > Check for Update).
Fixed: Crash when showing Gamelist or Changelog if cheat archive has not been downloaded.
Fixed: Bug which caused old cheats to be removed even if user says no. Please note that old cheat files will still be overwritten by the new ones, this is meant to prevent nitePR, CMF and coderPR files from being removed if codes don’t exist in the DB.
Other: Application now checks to ensure you have downloaded cheat archive before allowing the user to install cheats.
Other: The user is now presented with an overwrite message before allowing them to install cheats.
Other: If the cheat database is already the same as the one on the server the user will no longer be prompted to update.
Changes in version 0.25
Added: Support for DarkCheat, DayPR, FreeCheat and IcyPR (note most/all other nitePR clones including MKULTRA should use the nitePR option).
Fixed: The CWCheat POPs database is no longer erased as there is currently no POPs database included in the download.
Fixed: Improved the error handling of the Wifi download code.
Other: Removed random background colours so the lateral menu colour matches the background colour.
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October 2nd, 2009, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via psspita
Welcome return to the scene of Mediumgauge that, after months, updates its useful homebrew PSP Filer, this time at version 6.2. For the few who did not know this program, PSP Filer allows you to fully manage the content of your memory stick. It would indeed be possible to move or create new folders, run homebrew, open file format .zip / .rar and also back up your UMD.
More in the changelog below.
Changelog v6.2 - 6.1:
Note: v6.2 is only a bug-fix release of v6.1.
- Fixed a bug that was crashing the program when opening a file. RAR
- Changed the directory structure and 3.00 to 1.50 kernel
- Changed the name in the XMB for 1.50 kernel and 3.00
- Fixato a bug that occurs after editing a file
- Fixato a bug that occurs after editing a file in RAMDISK
- Fixato a bug that was crashing the Filer if you edit a file of 0 bytes
- Added the ability to copy files over PSP-2000/3000> 32MB on RAMDISK
-- Changed the default name given to back up the UMD
- Fixato a bug that was crashing the filer if, during the backup of UMD, he was a bad sector
- Added an option to transfer files via Ad-hoc (only for kernel 3.xx)
- Fixato a bug that would restore the Filer to the folder defualt boot
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October 3rd, 2009, 03:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder jas0nuk, who also PSPident issue a new update for PRXdecrypter, homebrew can extract and decrypt PRX modules present in all the official updates, custom firmware, games and even demos. Among the novelties of this release, the 2.25, the addition of keys dell'EBOOT. Bin for firmware 6.00 and the last 6.10.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v2.25:
- Added keys EBOOT.bin 6.00/6.10
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October 3rd, 2009, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
As we know from Previous newsThe new PSP Go! currently mounted a motherboard TA-091 and installed the 5.70 firmware as of departure. Now the site CnGBA.com come the first photos of a new motherboard for the fourth review of the Sony console. It is the TA-094 and almost certainly increases the protection from any type of hacking. At the hardware level, therefore the new consoles have enough armored, given the now well-known pre-IPL.
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October 4th, 2009, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
After the Game Decrypter, Yoshihiro released a patch that makes it compatible irshell, the best alternative to shell XMB originally developed by the coder Ahman, also compatible with the latest Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-B2.
To follow the instructions to apply the patch and two links for download: one containing only the patch, the second link is a pack that includes the latest version of iR Shell, and also the patch to be applied to start the shell on 5.50GEN - B2.
Instructions for the patch:
E 'must be present on your PSP, the latest version of iR Shell available
- Copy the folder 550 in January irshell PSP / GAME
- Start the
- Press to patch irshell
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October 4th, 2009, 14:52 Posted By: wraggster
news via sceners
From Freeplay we have this video (watch it by reading more), in where he has updated an exploit for working on the PSPGo models.
Even though the name of the game neither sound is shared, you can bet that this is real, an old exploit that has been modified in order for working on this models... and also on all firmwares and models. However, it looks to be just user-mode.
Looks like there are many other exploits that might still work, but if Sony made the right decitions on the 6.00+ upgrades, most probably a kernel jump won't be available. At least considering what we know atm.
vsh 6501@release_610,v55286@release_610,20090918:
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October 4th, 2009, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
New update from homebrew jas0nuk for his PRXdecrypter, in connection with version 2.3. This program allows you to extract and decrypt the modules. Prx contained in the official firmware, in custom firmware, in games and demos. PRXdecrypter also allows you to decrypt the file EBOOT.bin, as well as the Game Decrypter recently released by Yoshihiro.
More to follow.
Changelog v2.3:
- Added the option "Analyze files" which shows information about the files unmodified
- User module keys Appearances 6:00
- Fixed some bugs related to the decryption - extra data added to the decrypted files
- Rewrote the kernel modules 2.xx + to allow so fewer external files and a cleaner code
- Rewrote the part of code compression on
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October 4th, 2009, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from raing3
PSP CheatUp is an application designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes through the use of the PSP's Wifi and a wireless internet connection. Currently the application can automatically detect and install cheats for CheatMaster Fusion, coderPR, CWCheat and NitePR. The cheat files are hosted by GBAtemp.
Feature Summary
The following features are available in PSP CheatUp:
Download and install cheat updates for numerous PSP cheat engines.
Update application from PSP.
Display the Changelog and Gamelist of the last download cheat update.
Display the last update date and time of the cheat database.
Changes in version 0.26
The following changes have been made in version 0.26:
Added: Support for starPR and HackME.
Added: Detection of bluePR.
Fixed: Download errors which happened after a failed download attempt.
Fixed: If no cheat engine was active no item would be selected by default in the cheat engine select lateral menu.
Other: Increased message buffer sizes to 16KB so I can show you longer update messages and notices.
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October 4th, 2009, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspking
Our Developer uPSP_08 has just released a new version of his homebrew PSPMoney. With this tool you can convert to different currency.
Now a total of 35 currencies (for gold and Iraqi dinar away)
New intro screen with loading bar
Exchange rate updates are now coming from the European Central Bank
The language is automatically selected (can also be set manually)
All code is now in a file, sort code and improves
All the necessary images / variables are loaded at the start => run faster in the program itself
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October 4th, 2009, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
news via gxmod
Pleaser brings us his latest homebrew, it's Taupe Chrono. The goal is to hit as many moles as possible in the allotted time. To hit a mole, you must press the button corresponding to the hole. Note, however, the moles are rogues, more moles you hit, they become more numerous.
You have 100sec or 1 minute 40 seconds to hit the moles.
You can choose between 3 levels of play, "Easy", "Medium" and "Difficult".
Each level of difficulty decreases the time during which the moles are in the air.
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October 4th, 2009, 16:14 Posted By: wraggster

The new 250 PS3 Slim might be listed "in stock" on Amazon.co.uk, but it's not arriving until October 6th according to the online retailer. This particular model, however, is up for sale right this instant at some unnamed retail store in Europe -- even though it's hanging out behind a rather messy help desk in this particular shot. Either way, folks in Europe with a hankering for hard drive don't have long to wait!
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October 4th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster

Who knows what it is about the PSP that engenders such a loyal following of hackers -- both on the hardware and software side. Some of the hardware hacks we've seen are no doubt more impressive than others, but they're all united in a common disregard for warranties and for the most part a deep affection for LEDs. The first PSP Go mod we've seen, done up by roro3030 over at AcidMods, keeps things simple with some strategic, tasteful white LED placement. It's all internally powered and pretty seamless, and provides a nice jumping off point for a community that will be no-doubt eager to consume the PSP Go as a new challenge -- even if the rest of us are busy making frowny faces at that endlessly derided price tag. Video of the lit-up Go is after the break.
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October 4th, 2009, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
Wow, as if we needed more incentive to not invest in the PSPgo, a new trend has arisen during the first day of Mini availability. The same games cost more on the PSP/PSPgo than they do on the iPhone/iPod touch.

Unfortunately, the system is setup to charge the consumer at maximum from the get-go. Games from the App Store start at free. PSP Mini games start at $5.
The fact of the matter is, the iPhone gaming experience isn't all that great. Full-fledged PSP titles should cost more than tiny downloadable apps any day. But there's no good reason for gamers to pay a premium on PSP titles that are available for less on other platforms, just because they generally pay more for games.
There are multiple fingers to be pointed here. Sony, for not allowing free games, which would inspire some price competition. Sony again, for skimming who knows how much off the top of the price point. (In comparison, it's known that Apple takes 30% off of the iPhone App Store sales.) And the publishers, who decide to set their games at prices of up to two or three times the cost of the iPhone version.
But the worst part? Not only is the content of overlapping titles generally no better than the iPhone; sometimes it's worse.
You see, PSP Minis can't have any network or online features. Nor can they support camera peripherals (a major focus of DSiWare innovation) or DLC. Kotaku just reviewed iPhone port Hero of Sparta. On the PSP it costs triple what you'll pay at the App Store. Their review? "Simplistic controls, muddled graphics and abysmal sounds turn what was a fantastic iPhone game into a oddly disjointed Playstation Portable experience." Kotaku's review of Tetris was much better. But you know what? Tetris costs twice as much on the PSP as it does the iPhone.
Some will say, well, you get what you pay for. But that's entirely our point. If you glance across the two platforms, you aren't getting what you're paying for. You're either getting less, or you're getting a lousy port or, best case scenario, you're getting basically the same thing for more.
Granted, PSP Minis are very new (they just launched today). The platform is young. And kudos to Sony for making the digital leap.
But Sony's most loyal fanbase—those frequenting PSN and checking out Minis on day one—shouldn't subsidize a company's foray into the new digital era. Especially given the relatively high price of the PSPgo, at least compared to other portable devices with a lot more processing power, I think the option for free game downloads—at least for a few approved titles—would be a reasonable thank-you.
I mean, even Apple, who doesn't provide the most open platforms in the world, has realized the merit of free app/game distribution. One, they're already making money off the hardware. And two, getting someone visiting iTunes will also get that someone to at least get a glimpse of what else iTunes is selling. Lure them in with a free game and they'll be more likely to purchase one later.
Stop pricing these games so high, Sony. Open up your platform, just a crack, make yourselves competitive with the App Store. Because, at the end of the day, we'd all prefer to be playing these iPhone games with full-out controllers. But right now there's quite a lot more iPhones and iPod Touches out there than PSPgos. Don't blow your (only?) shot to win us back.
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October 4th, 2009, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Screwing around with the sorting feature on the PSPgo, someone's found there's only one way to arrange games and folders - by their expiration date. Expiration?
Renting a movie off of the PSN, now, that's something that would expire, and we're all familiar with that. Fareo at the Retail Gamer posted these shots with the same quality applied to games. And, purely speculation here, he reasons that since PSPgo owners are no longer able to rent games from GameFly or anywhere else - lack of the UMD drive and all that - such a service would only make sense. Wouldn't it?
Sure. This isn't a completely foreign concept. Sony's also surveyed the acceptability of such an idea.
Here's another screen proving the point.

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October 4th, 2009, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Im on holiday at the moment, main reason for my rather sporadic newsposting but im trying my best, but anyway to all those who have brought a PSPGo so far, how does it feel to you ?, is the gaming experiance better?, have you brought any games so far using your PSPGo.?
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October 5th, 2009, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster

News via gxmod
There is still some time, Sony announced that future users of the PSP Go no longer have the option to remove the battery, all for a matter of hacking the machine, including the famous Pandora battery as assessed on the first generation PSP.
Yesterday a photo was published showing that the battery is not really united in the console, in fact the only thing "preventing" it to be removed is a sticker "Warranty void if removed" (Warranty void if removed) .
The Pandora is therefore perhaps not dead yet? Only the future will tell.
Are PSP Hackers to take on the PSPGo and destroy Sonys new vision of a digital only future?, they lost the battle with UMD PSPs now lets see if we can beat them on the digital front.
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October 5th, 2009, 14:52 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Stunning environments with tracks modeled after the rugged, snow-covered Alaskan landscape creating the most treacherous racing conditions yet
Eight vehicle classes, including the nimble Snow Cat and more forceful Snow Plow designed to help you tackle the Alaskan terrain
Global leaderboards to show off the top ranked players in all game modes, including single player Time Attack
Robust vehicle customization lets you upgrade various parts including wheels, exhaust, spoilers, sponsorship stickers, and liveries
Customizable soundtrack that lets players add music from a memory stick to create a full list of customized tunes for each race
MotorStorm's breakneck racing festival moves to the unpredictable terrains and harsh temperatures of Alaska. In true MotorStorm style, players will throw traditional offroad driving and caution to the wind where the ultimate goal in the festival is to not only win, but to survive.
Lunatics must race against vicious opponents in arctic conditions and deal with the dangerous Alaskan terrain featuring sudden avalanches, broken ice bridges and three different, and completely unforgiving, racing altitudes.
The game features MotorStorm's breathtaking racing action alongside online multiplayer where you can race against other players using Infrastructure Mode on PSP® system to make it to the summit of the online global leaderboards.
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October 5th, 2009, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Compete in time, point and collection based challenges with the option of playing through the story or fueling the excitement with added goals
Expansive sandbox type gameplay and real time destruction allows gamers to destroy what they want, when they want, WHERE they want!
Twist your way through crazy objects and comical characters expanding your tornado by auto collecting or implementing the advanced chain collecting-mode for more skilled players to snuff out villainous creatures
Harness the power of a raging tornado and battle the forces of evil in an effort to save to world! Sinister forces have deceived you to believe that your destructive behavior will save an epic hero. In reality, you’re working for evil. Take control of a dynamic tornado as you tear through open environments chewing up the landscape and spitting out everything in your path. The more you destroy, the bigger you grow as you work against time based, collection and point challenges in the search for hidden elements and enemies from another world. Watch the debris fly as you leave a trail of destruction, as you battle bosses and defeat the forces of evil. The world is your playground, tear it up!
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October 5th, 2009, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

track listing
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend
All Along The Watchtower - Bob Dylan
Back Round - Wolfmother
Cigarettes, Wedding Bands - Band Of Horses
Deadbolt - Thrice
Demon(s) - Darkest Hour
Fame - David Bowie
Gamma Ray - Beck
Gratitude - Beastie Boys
Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp
In My Place - Coldplay
L.A. - Elliott Smith
Lonely Is The Night - Billy Squier
Lust For Life (Live) - Iggy Pop
Make It Wit Chu - Queens Of The Stone Age
Runnin' Down A Dream - Tom Petty
Sex On Fire - Kings Of Leon
Six Days A Week - The Bronx
Sneak Out - Rose Hill Drive
Song 2 - Blur
Woman From Tokyo ('99 Remix) - Deep Purple
No One To Depend On (Live) - Santana
Done With Everything, Die For Nothing - Children Of Bodom
Scatterbrain (Live) - Jeff Beck
Living room legends will rock any way they want in Guitar Hero® 5.
The entire set list is at your finger tips from the start, featuring genre-defining hits from some of the biggest rock artists and bands of all time, including The Rolling Stones, The White Stripes, Kings of Leon, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Santana and Vampire Weekend.
You will take complete control as Guitar Hero 5 allows you to personalize and customize how you experience music by being able to play with any in-game instrument combination -- multiple vocalists, guitarists, bassists and drummers, in any game mode.
With the game’s all-new Party Play Mode, getting the band back together has never been easier. You can now jump in or drop out of gameplay seamlessly, without interrupting their jam session. Elevating the Guitar Hero® series to new heights with unmatched social gameplay, an enhanced style, new in-game artists and more rock legends, Guitar Hero 5 features new surprises and challenges that will fire-up long-time fret board fanatics and create a new generation of addicts.
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October 5th, 2009, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Craft your own unique sound like the professionals
Arrange full-length songs in minutes using Timbaland's library of loops and sounds
Perform professional-sounding music right out of the box
BEATERATOR brings the power of music-creation to the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, PSP (PlayStation Portable) go system and PlayStation Network. ROCKSTAR GAMES and multi-platinum selling producer TIMBALAND have designed an incredibly simple to use and portable music making application that allows everyone to create their own music anywhere.
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October 5th, 2009, 19:00 Posted By: DPyro
Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 3 video-game console outsold Nintendo Co.’s Wii for the first time on a monthly basis in Japan in September, after a price cut, according to market researcher Enterbrain Inc.
From Aug. 31 to Sept. 27, 309,939 PS3s were sold, a monthly record for the console in Japan since it became available in November 2006, the Tokyo-based research firm said in a faxed statement today. Nintendo’s DS Lite and DSi handheld players came a close second with a combined 297,060 units.
Source: Bloomberg.com
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October 5th, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has told GamesIndustry.biz that sales of PSP hardware are up over 120 per cent in the UK, following the launch of the PSPgo.
Sales of the PSP-3000 have also grown, as the hardware benefits from the release of the long-awaited Gran Turismo for PSP on UMD and EA's FIFA 10, which this weekend broke records for the franchise.
"PSPgo has performed in line with our expectations, driving 100 per cent incremental volume for the category and has benefited the broad PSP portfolio with PSP-3000 also enjoying a big lift," said SCEE in a statement.
"PSP software sales also having been a standout with both new releases GT PSP and FIFA 10 performing well."
The new PSPgo launched last Thursday and sells in the UK for around GBP 224.99. Early adopters are able to download a free copy of Gran Turismo PSP until October 10, and UK consumers can also access a deal which allows them to download another three games for free if they register with Sony online.
When contacted by GamesIndustry.biz this morning, Chart-Track in the UK said it would not reveal any independent sales data for the PSPgo.
"It's a new format and we are simply not revealing the figures for public consumption," said director Dorian Bloch.
Update: Sony has clarified that sales of the PSP hardware are up over 120 per cent compared to the previous week. The PSPgo sold as many units as the PSP-3000 during the period.
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October 5th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: Shrygue
Eurogamer reports that five UK retailers have cut the price tag of Sony's PSP Go handheld after its initial launch. Argos is selling it at £220 while Amazon UK, GAME, HMV and Play.com have cut it down to £200.
Astounding but not surprising, still would this price drop tempt any of you to get one? Leave feedback via comments.
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October 5th, 2009, 21:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Square Enix has passed over a localised version of the Japanese Final Fantasy XIII trailer, which was showcased at the Tokyo Game Show a few weeks ago. It's the perfect excuse to watch the glorious seven-minute long trailer all over again. But if you don't like the sound of English boys and girls, hit this link to watch it in Japanese. We won't hold it against you.
English trailer at CVG right here
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October 6th, 2009, 04:19 Posted By: wraggster
news via gxmod
Walar proposes a homebrew 3D PHYN3D. The goal is simple, find Suzanne (a monkey's head) through the six levels of play
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October 6th, 2009, 04:30 Posted By: wraggster

Sony may still have officially been using the less-than-imaginative "Motion Controller" name for its, um, motion controller at the Tokyo Game Show last month, but it looks like some developers working with the technology weren't sticking as close to the script, and may have revealed the project's proper codename. As Joystiq notes, Sega producer Yasuhito Baba referred to the device as "Sphere" during an interview at the show, and Polyphony Digital's Kazunori Yamauchi also seemed to respond to the "Sphere" name without missing a beat when asked if Gran Turismo would support the peripheral. So, certainly less of a mouthful, and not exactly the worst of names if true -- in fact, it's such a good codename that none other than Microsoft has already adopted it for one of its projects.
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October 6th, 2009, 04:37 Posted By: wraggster
As of last week the Playstation Store is the only place PSPgo owners can go to pick up their games. Just how do the prices of the Sony-operated online store compare to the prices of the same games sold as used at retailers?
We checked with four online retailers and online shopping services to see how their prices compared to the ones found in the online Playstation Store. The results? A little surprising.
With only half of the top-rated Playstation Portable games (shown in order of ranking) currently available online, it's hard to do a meaningful comparison. It is interesting that the inability to find a particular used title can drive up the price in a store, but doesn't seem to impact its price online.
While the difference for many of the available games online often isn't substantial, the Playstation Store's relatively high price for a game like Wipeout Pure, which has been around for awhile and will run you nearly half the price in a store, is troubling.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of the PSPgo have got off to a slow start, online retailer ShopTo has told GamesIndustry.biz, and the console's lack of physical software has meant consumer incentives in the form of bundles haven't been possible.
"PSPgo has seen a slow start for ShopTo and we have kept stock quite tight in consideration. We remained at the RRP for PSPgo so that we can achieve the maximum margin considering that there will be no further software sales for this format for us as an e-tailer," said the company's CEO Igor Cipolletta.
Sony insisted yesterday that sales of its updated handheld were in line with expectations and that sales of PSP hardware overall were up over 120 per cent following the PSPgo's launch last Thursday.
PSP product manager Claire Backhouse recently told GamesIndustry.biz the company was anticipating sales of PSP-3000 would increase off the back of the new model's release. "If you bring out a new product, people aspire to that but they might not buy it, they might buy the PSP-3000 instead. Especially if they're part of a family - dad might buy the PSPgo but the kids might get PSP 3000s. I think that works quite well for us."
But despite these assurances, Cipolletta hasn't seen a rise in PSP-3000 sales. "PSP-3000 has not yet seen an uplift and until the stronger software titles are released we don't expect a significant upturn," he commented.
"We had a fantastic pre-order quantity for the PS3 slim and consumer appetite for that has remained strong with the great bundle deals promoting the new release games such as FIFA 10 and NFS Shift."
The important difference between the two new hardware SKUs is software, said Cipolletta. "Not being able to bundle the PSPgo with physical software or accessories means that the consumer offer is standard and then price becomes the key issue."
Some retailers have already begun discounting the console's price however, just five days after its launch. This morning, HMV, GAME, Play.com and Amazon all starting to offer the hardware at GBP 199.99, down from the RRP of GBP 224.99.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
"EyePet is now out of holiday," a SCEA representative told us rather succinctly, confirming an initial report from Gamervision. The PlayStation Eye-enabled virtual pet has been stealthily pushed out from its planned November release into the increasingly crowded waters of 2010. SCEA explains that its marketing team "will spend additional time to continue educating consumers and retail channels, setting the table for a successful product launch." Essentially, not enough people are excited about EyePet yet for it to warrant a holiday release.
Initial plans had EyePet releasing in two varieties: alone; and bundled with the camera. However, considering another big Sony product -- also coming in early 2010 -- requires use of the Eye, Sony may pursue a completely different marketing plan altogether.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
You read enough of these and you begin to understand why giant corporations have huge legal divisions. A Florida man filed a class-action suit on Friday saying his PS3, purchased Jan. 3, 2009, was bricked by September's firmware 3.0 update.
John Kennedy filed his complaint against Sony Computer Entertainment America on Oct. 3 in, where else, federal court for the Northern District of California. That would be San Francisco.
The suit's complaint mentions two things: one, "that as a general rule, Sony ‘encourages' PS3 owners to install the latest version of system software, Sony required users to install the Firmware 3.0 update." Two: a Sony forum featured enough complaints about the Firmware causing console failures that Sony responded with a firmware FAQ.
At this point we put on our hushed baritone court-reporter fine-print voice: Class members demand declaratory relief, compensation and restitution for breach of implied warranty, negligence and unjust enrichment.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Hi-end next generation arcade style controller
Turbo (20times/sec) function can be set up on all buttons.
With toggle switch, the stick control can be directed to PS3 controller's directional pad, left stick, or right stick controls.
The 8 main buttons are designed and placed on same layout as the arcades.
Recommended for fighting, action, shooting, FPS, and other games that are available through PlayStation Network.
Sanwa stick and buttons
Play your action and fighting games that way it should be played; in the arcade style. You can set turbo on all buttons to speed up your fight and make your string of combos smoother.
The layout and size of the buttons are loyally made according to the arcade game machines to give you the most realistic arcade gaming experience as possible. The controller is compatible with all sorts of games available on the PlayStation Network, so get your controller as you start downloading.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Supports PC (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista) & PS3
Tripple Mapper software supported. True feeling with Mouse, Keyboard and Joypad support.
Joypad USB2.0 firmware
Highest class 8 directions lever and micro switch buttons
Two vibration feedback motors
Turbo function support
The Fanta Stick is compatible with both PlayStation3 and PC, so if you enjoy games from both platforms, this is the controller for you. The chic, silvery stic is easy to install and use, the package comes with the installation CD and manual, so there is no need to look for help through the internet every five minutes.
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October 6th, 2009, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection faithfully recreates eight of the most memorable tables from the golden age of pinball in photorealistic 3D. Working closely with Williams to ensure authenticity of each of the games, the collection is highlighted by some of the most popular and innovative Williams pinball tables, including Gorgar, the first-ever talking pinball machine, Black Knight, which introduced "Magna-Save" and Bonus Ball, and Space Shuttle, which took the pinball industry by storm in 1984.
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October 6th, 2009, 16:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released on worldwide import ($2 shipping worldwide ) from Superufo.com.

The highly acclaimed Gran Turismo franchise makes its equally highly anticipated debut exclusively on the PlayStation Portable (PSP) system, introducing the most ultra-realistic racing experience ever on a handheld. Buckle up as you prove your driving skills on 35 tracks and trade and share over 800 stunning cars. With its unrivaled graphics, ad hoc multiplayer support for four racers and bonus feature for Gran Turismo 5 on the PS3, Gran Turismo continues to lead the pack, now on the PSP system.
Dynamic Vehicle Roster
Developed by Polyphony Digital Inc. for PSP
Over 800 vehicle models
Over 30 Tracks from Around the World
Players can share and trade the vehicles they have acquired throughout the game with others
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October 6th, 2009, 19:13 Posted By: Zack
Hello everyone.
So I've finally finished the long delayed update to LuaPlayer Euphoria V7.
There are huge improvements across the board, and a host of new features.
Here is the change log :
Info :
So obviously there has been huge improvements to LuaPlayer Euphoria and it is now shaping up to be a much more stable feature packed LuaPlayer. The VFPU math library should be used as a replacement for most of the math functions (as it's way way way faster). ie : instead of math.floor() use Vfpu.floor().
Source :
The source code is now available to developers also @ Google Code.
Looking for developers :
I am also looking for any interested developers to help me with this project, as it's becoming a bit much for me, and progress is too slow with just one developer. If your interested send me a pm or post in the release thread @ RetroEmu.com.
As usual if you get stuck, find a bug, want some tutorials etc, head on over to the Official Forum.
Future plans :
- Add VLF library
- Fix the damn wifi (which i cannot seem to do)
- Add adhoc support
- Add Tilemap support with collision, and multiplatform map editor
- Add more 3d stuff
- Add Chipmunk physics library
- ?
For a full list of all the functions (new and old) added by LuaPlayer Euphoria, please see the "Functions List.txt" file included in the download. (An online documentation system with samples is being worked on.
To see samples of all of the functions (new and old), please look in the samples directory, included in the download.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy this release!
Download @ Google Code
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October 6th, 2009, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Tekken 6 is set to be bundled with 250GB PlayStation 3s in the shops, if a rather official-looking image that's appeared on the internet is anything to go by.
According to this report, the bundle - which was apparently pictured on an official Sony website - will cost an estimated 349 Euros and presumably be out for Christmas.
When contacted, SCE UK told CVG: "We're not doing that bundle but one of the territories might be."
250GB PS3 Slim bundles currently in the shops are set to be joined by Uncharted 2 on October 16.
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October 6th, 2009, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
SNK Playmore is bringing Metal Slug back in a big way on the PSP. The publisher announced Metal Slug XX (Double X) today in Japan. This new entry in the classic side scrolling arcade action shooter series is set for Japanese release on December 23.
Series fans can look forward to more of the Metal Slug we all know and love. While SNK Playmore promises high quality sprite visuals that make the most of the PSP hardware, we're certain you'll recognize the game as Metal Slug when looking at the first screenshots we've posted.
On the content side of things, SNK Playmore is promising seven stages, some with branching paths. Two players can team up for the stages thanks to the included ad-hoc co-op mode (both players will need their own copy of the game, though). The Combat School mode from the original Metal Slug X is in here as well, featuring over 70 missions.
There's no word yet on a US release, but a new Metal Slug sounds like a perfect addition to the PSP library anywhere in the world! We'll let you know if we hear anything.
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October 7th, 2009, 06:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspitalia
It 'was released a new revision, the 1191, the Jpcsp, the emulator PSP for PC sviulppato in JAVA homonymous team. This update corrects some bugs to improve the stability of the emulator. I remember that for proper implementation of the program, which allows you to run some homebrew like those found in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
More to follow.
- Rev1191: Fix for PlayChapas: texture_buffer_width Can Be Smaller than texture_width: AVOY
- Rev1190: refixed based ge command. (please see line 3986 if it does not break games, fix lighting in few games)
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October 7th, 2009, 06:38 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Just for the hell of it; the always brain-boggling Rubik’s Cube… Exter has released v3.0 with a few additions/changes worth demonstrating.
Oooh, what?! You didn’t even see it coming… You wish you could solve a Rubik’s Cube that fast.
Rubik’s Cube v3.0 changes:
Remade the menu system.
View angle is now be changed from the menu.
Custom Backgrounds.
Custom cube skins.
Void cube.
Large cube controls can now be used on small cubes (using Control Scheme ‘B’).
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October 7th, 2009, 06:59 Posted By: wraggster

If we were tickled by how quickly the PSP Go was hacked, we must say that we're surprised at how long it took for this bad boy to get KIRFed. And as most shanzai manufacturers do, they packed as many features into this portable as they could: 4.3-inch display (compared to the PSP Go's 3.8-incher), all kinds of retro gaming support (including NES/Famicom, Gameboy / Gameboy Color, SNES, SFC), a camera of some sort, FM radio, microSD card slot (the device's only form of storage), TV out, and generous video codes: RM, RMVB, AVI, WMV, ASF, MPG, MPEG, MPE, MP4, DAT, and MOV. Not exactly "aspirational" at $84, but we'll take it nonetheless.
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October 7th, 2009, 15:21 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
mc707 issue a useful program for PC called Eboot Patcher. This application will allow you, once decrypted file EBOOT.bin games that require firmware 5:55 with programs like Game Decrypter or PRXdecrypter, to patch this file to make the game compatible with custom firmware 5.00M33, 5.03MHU (ie the Custom Firmware Enabler) and 5.03GEN-A.
- Decrypt the EBOOT. Bin the game chosen with Game Decrypter or PRXdecripter (recommended second) and copy the files on PC
- Start PC program Eboot Patcher (the executable is named Patch.exe) and clicking on Browse, select the EBOOT. Bin by patch
- Click on Go! to patch the file
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October 7th, 2009, 15:38 Posted By: wraggster
After a disappointingly anti-climactic reveal at E3, Sony's PSPgo finally arrives on retail shelves this week - or at least, on the shelves of the majority of retailers who are supporting the device, while a fringe of refuseniks continue to decline to sell a console they'll never be able to sell games for.
This unseemly spat with a small group of retailers is far from the biggest pothole on the PSPgo's rough road to launch. The console, its functionality and its price point have been confusing, annoying and disappointing a broad cross-section of consumers, market commentators and industry professionals since the system first took a bow in Los Angeles.
The most obvious and oft-repeated criticism of the platform is the most simple - it offers no upgrade path for existing PSP owners. If you've bought a PSP previously, and own some UMDs for the machine, forget about the PSPgo. Lacking a UMD drive, it won't be able to play your discs - and after hinting at a service which would swap UMD copies for digital downloads, Sony has now announced that it'll do nothing of the sort. An offer of a few free games from a limited list for previous PSP owners is fairly weak compensation (and so far available only in Europe).
Of course, having to re-purchase content in a new format isn't an entirely new experience for consumers - although we've had it easy in recent years, since our CDs could be ripped to create MP3s, and our DVDs play perfectly happily on our Blu-Ray players. One could compare the move from UMD to digital download as being similar to moving from a tape Walkman to a CD Walkman - same content, slightly improved user experience, but you had to buy all your albums again.
That's not a defence which is likely to calm any of the consumers annoyed at Sony's back-pedalling on the whole UMD conversion issue, though. The affair stings all the more because it carries such a heavy burden of "I told you so" for many consumers and professionals alike. UMD has been utterly despised since the outset, marked out as a doomed format since the day it first crawled, ill-conceived and unloved, onto store shelves.
The reality has always been that UMD sucks battery life, contributes to massive load delays and makes the console ridiculously noisy for a handheld. Sony argued its corner for years, and even now protests that it will continue to support UMD-toting PSP owners with the PSP-3000 hardware. For now, that's fair - but it's still obvious that PSPgo is a major step down the road to obsolescence for the format, and it doesn't change the fact that if you want Sony's new console, you'd better be prepared to pay for your games and movies again.
This isn't necessarily an unsurmountable problem for the PSPgo. After all, if the hardware is attractive enough, consumers will, ultimately, suck down their pride, open their wallets and buy into the new system. Good hardware design and compelling features can overcome almost any level of consumer antipathy, in the long run.
It remains to be seen whether the market judges the PSPgo to be worthy on those grounds. The machine is certainly attractive enough, handily ticking the boxes marked slim, light and sleek. Personally, I remain totally disappointed by Sony's lack of foresight regarding additional functions for the system - including things like a camera, microphone or GPS module as part of the hardware would have seriously set this apart from its predecessor. Like much else with the device, this feels like a missed opportunity.
Again, I can see the counter-argument to that point - that including those devices (tiny, inexpensive hardware, to the extent that even Apple's low-priced and diminutive iPod Nano now sports a camera) would have pushed the cost of the system up. Perhaps that's the case - it certainly brings us neatly to the question of cost, at least.
The PSPgo is too expensive. Vastly too expensive, for what the system is - nothing more than an existing PSP in a nice case, with the UMD drive removed and a bit of cheap flash memory slapped on in its place. There's precious little extra functionality, no new headline feature to shout about - no camera, no touchscreen, no GPS, no 3G connectivity. It's just a PSP with a big memory card and a nice bit of industrial design. In itself, that's not a terrible thing - but what I've just described should be positioned at the same price point as the previous PSP models, which should then receive a price drop to open up a new market segment. Instead, PSPgo is being positioned in a "premium" segment of the handheld market - a segment of which, to be blunt, I'm not convinced of the existence, at least not in any great scale.
The irony is that the question marks and uncertainty around PSPgo contrast most strongly with another recent Sony hardware release - the universally acclaimed PS3 Slim. This was exactly how hardware redesigns and relaunches should be handled. Announced only weeks before hitting retail, the PS3 Slim created huge excitement in a short space of time. Recognising that it brought with it a smaller form factor and minor benefits rather than revolutionary change, Sony positioned it alongside a price drop for the whole console range - and reaped the reward in the form of vast, vast sales. Along with fantastic software like Uncharted 2, it has set the PS3 up for a fantastic winter season - probably its healthiest quarter in the market so far.
The PS3 Slim launch showed Sony firing on all cylinders, understanding its market and its competencies and creating a product, business model and marketing drive that drove the PlayStation - temporarily, at least - right back to the top spot in this business. The fire and intelligence that drove Sony through the PS1 and PS2 eras is still there - but on PSPgo, it seems to be utterly lacking.
Upstream consumers don't like it, because it offers them no upgrade path. It's too overpriced for downstream consumers. It desperately wants to compete with iPhone, yet balks at emulating any of the functionality that would allow it to do so. It feels like a solid concept that was tugged in every direction by competing needs and ideas within Sony, and has ended up unloved and directionless. The market may well judge otherwise - for Sony's sake, I hope it does - but from where I'm standing, PSPgo looks like an extremely weak launch. This was an opportunity to redefine the PSP and bring the fight to the doorstep of the firm's rivals in handheld gaming - but that opportunity, sadly, has sailed right past
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October 7th, 2009, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
The managing director of the UK's largest independent games chain, Chips, has told GamesIndustry.biz he expects the PSPgo to "fail miserably".
Revealing his views on the newly released digital handheld, Don McCabe said: "My own personal opinion is that it's a no-go. I've been to a number of presentations to see if there's anything there and I don't feel it'll go anywhere to be honest.
"I'm 99.9 per cent sure it's going to fail miserably, in which case it's going to put back other potential people coming into that digital space."
This failure could be a positive for retailers of course, who stand to lose out on sales of software and trade-ins if digital sales completely take over from boxed ones. "From a retailers point of view the PSPgo is a good idea," he said.
"I heard from someone at Sony saying 'this steps our authority on the digital space and signals our intent,' and actually what I think is that they'll scare the crap out of anyone else who tries to follow."
McCabe's comments follow those of ShopTo CEO Igor Cipolletta, who confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that sales of the PSPgo for the e-tailer have got off to a slow start. Part of the problem, said Cipolletta, is that retailers are unable to discount the console's relatively high price in the form of bundles, due to the absence of physical software.
But a secondary issue, said McCabe, is that while publishers see tremendous growth possibility in digital downloads, they are currently struggling to make profit from them.
"Everybody looks at Apple and says two billion downloads - well, yeah but out of two billion downloads I'd say maybe 70 per cent of those have been free. And of the ones that they've paid for they'll have paid pennies for.
"Apple's a tremendous success story for Apple, it's not a tremendous success story for anybody else."
As such, digital is a pipe dream at the moment, added McCabe, who compares its current state as "like the dotcom boom".
"It's going to come, no matter what, but a very small amount of people are actually going to go on to make any money out of it. One or two will make serious money and they'll be held up as 'you too can do this'. Whenever you see anyone producing fantastic figures, just ask them how much they actually made from it."
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October 7th, 2009, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Amercia's Jack Tretton has said that the company is willing to take more risks than its competitors, although he sees both Microsoft and Nintendo's financial positions as enviable.
"We like to see ourselves somewhere in the middle. We don't have unlimited money, we cater to a more mass market audience, we're willing to take a little bit more risk than a competitor like Nintendo," Tretton said in an interview with Forbes.
"We like to say the environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry, because we have a brand that can play on a worldwide basis - young and old, male and female - where our competition tends to be relegated to either select regions or select consumer audiences."
Nintendo has been catering to the same audience for 20 years, according to Tretton, and reaps the financial benefits of knowing its consumer.
"[Nintendo] know what they do well and they stick to it," said Tretton. "They deliver a casual, youth-oriented entertainment experience, it's very enjoyable after 20 years, and they make money. They print money. Their profitability is their key focus. I think that's enviable."
Microsoft has time to be patient in the long-term with its videogame business, said Tretton, in part due to the amount of money it can afford to pump into the console market.
"I love their money. I mean, they've got more money than God," he said.
"They can afford to be more patient. We're very profit-driven. We're interested in a return on investment in a fairly short period of time. I think Microsoft's will to go at it from a much more steep curve in terms of profitability."
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October 7th, 2009, 22:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Nicolas Doucet, a producer and art director at Sony Computer Entertainment's London Studio, has suggested that PS3 titles The Getaway and Eight Days have not been completely axed but instead "just put to one side".
The title's had been presumed cancelled after Sony said in June 2008 that production of both games would "cease immediately due to the redistribution of resources and budget". At the time, a Sony UK representative assured CVG that both titles had been "completely cancelled" and wouldn't be resurrected at a later date.
"I would not say they have been abandoned, just put to one side," Doucet, who's currently wrapping up work on EyePet, told GameKult (via GameSpot). "The studio just wanted to focus on its strengths, EyeToy and SingStar. Given the potential of EyePet, priorities have been changed, but the other projects aren't dead yet."
Doucet added that "much work had been done" on the titles. "I think they were just over halfway through. They had a plan, everything was ready... Most importantly, The Getaway and Eight Days are still there."
We've contacted Sony for further comment.
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October 8th, 2009, 04:24 Posted By: wraggster
Last Friday, a blog entry at Capcom Unity (that was mysteriously pulled) revealed the names and dates for a number of "UMD Legacy" titles for re-release on the PlayStation Store:
October 8: Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Dark Tower October 15: Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max October 22: Capcom Puzzle World October 29: Maverick Hunter X November 5: Megaman Powered Up This list completes the lineup of un-UMD'd games promised three months ago (and tosses in Capcom Puzzle World for good measure). While Capcom has neglected to price any of these titles, previously released Legacy games are currently $19.99 each on the PlayStation Store. Unsure of the veracity of the pulled info, we confirmed with Capcom's Chris Kramer who told us that the "titles are correct and the dates should be fairly accurate" though he did admit that it's "hard to pin down digital release dates almost until they happen."
Still unaccounted for? Those PS1 old-timers you've been waiting forever to buy again: Dino Crisis, Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3.
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October 8th, 2009, 04:26 Posted By: wraggster
PSP minis are supposed to introduce bite-sized iPhone-esque games to Sony's handheld. While minis feature small file sizes and reduced functionality, they certainly don't carry smaller price tags. The first batch of minis have all been priced between $4.99 and $9.99, making them no cheaper than the average PlayStation Network exclusive. Which sounds like the better deal for $9.99? Yet another version of Tetris ... or the 3D online multiplayer shooter Syphon Filter: Combat Ops?
Even worse, many of these minis are priced higher than their iPhone counterparts. While Hero of Sparta costs $1.99 on iPhone, it costs $5.99 on PSP. Fieldrunners costs $2.99 on iPhone, but $6.99 on PSP. We chatted with SCEA's Eric Lempel to talk about the lack of apparent value in the minis program. He explained that Sony has no hand in determining the prices of minis. "As far as pricing goes, the publisher of the title sets the pricing," he explained. When quizzed if publishers were allowed to create a $1.99 game on PSP, he told us: "Yes, absolutely."
Lempel agrees that publishers must seriously think about the kind of prices they're setting on the Store, to ensure their content offers the same value as other PSP titles. "I think they have to carefully look at that, carefully price their content. Minis was intended to be something a little different and we wanted to see a lot of different types of content through minis. If it's not priced correctly, consumers may be turned off at the proposition and say 'I'd rather just go for this kind of stuff instead of minis.'"
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October 8th, 2009, 04:31 Posted By: wraggster
The PSPgo launch was not without controversy, but it seems to have reinvigorated the Playstation Portable market.
Last week I checked in with Sony Computer Entertainment of America to ask how the PSPgo was impacting hardware sales and what sort of impact they were seeing on the Playstation Network.
It's had a very positive impact, Patrick Seybold, Sr. Director, Corporate Communications and Social Media for SCEA, told Kotaku today.
The launch of the download-only device has "generated strong consumer interest in the overall PSP platform and the PlayStation Network's digital content offering," he said.
In the three days following the launch of the PSPgo Seybold says that their "top retail partners" saw a 300 percent lift in PSP hardware sales compared to the same period the prior week in the U.S. Seybold says that the launch also generated a "significant increase in revenue for PlayStation Network, driven by a 200 percent lift in PSP game downloads purchased from PlayStation Store" in North America.
Sony declined to give any specific sales numbers for this story.
The platform owner did that they think the growth will continue.
"With several blockbuster games launching digitally and on UMD in the coming weeks — from LittleBigPlanet to Assassin's Creed Bloodlines —," Seybold said, "we expect this momentum to continue and look forward to a strong holiday season for both the PSPgo and PSP-3000."
Seybold's comments echo what officials in the U.K. have said, pointing to a jump in sales the week of release.
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October 8th, 2009, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
Yoshihiro has just released a new version of Game Decypter, the now famous program that allows you to patch the file EBOOT.bin game that, for proper operation, requiring only the firwmare 5.55. In this new release, v4.0, the coder has introduced compatibility with the 5.00M33 Custom Firmware 5.03GEN and without having to use PC programs such as the Eboot Patcher released yesterday by the coder mc707.
More to follow.
- Button : Allows you to patch the games to make them compatible with CF 5.50GEN
- Button : Allows you to patch the games to make them compatible with CF 5.00M33 and 5.03GEN
- Fixed some compatibility issues with the CF-A and 5.03GEN
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October 8th, 2009, 21:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A PS3 demo for Bayonetta has gone live on the Japanese PSN Store, for those who can't wait for it to arrive on our end.
The demo apparently features an extended version of the Angel Metropolis stage seen in the 360 demo, but doesn't have the Clock Tower level in it, according to PS3Center. It's a hefty 1195MB file of sexy gun slinging action.
We expect Sony to confirm today's UK PSN update any time now. Hopefully it'll be in there too, for those of you too lazy to create a Japanese PSN account.
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October 9th, 2009, 03:42 Posted By: NineByNine
There are new test builds up for PSPKVM 0.5.4. We don't have an official release as yet (Max, project lead, seems a bit too swamped to do the merge), but these should be pretty stable, and have been tested a fair bit and not just by me, so I figure I'll post 'em up now. See the project wiki 'Test builds' page at http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/pspkvm/wiki/TestBuilds for the download links.
Notes on additions/changes:
- AMS folder system added. Lets you sort/file your Midlets a little more easily if you've a lot installed.
- Much better/more robust multilingual/font support. Now supports all 12 specified fonts for J2ME (system, mono, and proportional fonts in normal, bold, italic, bold-italic), as well as a 'fallback' font convenient for massive pan-Unicode or Han (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) font sets that don't typically have different weights. Demo distros at that testbuild site come with Deja Vu and Firefly Sung fonts already in--makes for very good multilingual support--see captures at http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/psp...lDemonstration.
- Cyrillic and Greek script support for the semichordal virtual board
- Wider diacritic support for the semichordal board--with Cyrillic/Greek... see more details at http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=253327.
- A new 'in-GUI' config system for some of the features formerly set in the .ini file.
ETA: PSPKVM is a Java 2 Microedition (J2ME) VM for the PSP--meaning it allows you to run 'Midlets'--small Java applets designed for phones and smartphones--on your console. There are thousands of midlets available, covering applications from web browsers, IRC and ssh clients, through spreadsheets and a huge number of games. In addition, since PSPKVM supports the Multiple VM (MVM) J2ME extension, you can run multiple midlets at once--effectively making your PSP a multitasking console.
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October 9th, 2009, 04:08 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has released a new version of his file app for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Fix some bugs in release 6.1 and 6.2 related to archives format. RAR
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October 9th, 2009, 04:35 Posted By: wraggster
In the second part of our interview with SCEA's Eric Lempel, we chatted about the simultaneous release of PSP Go and PSP minis. In addition to discussing the hands-off approach Sony is taking with the pricing of minis, we talked about the possibility of the minis program moving to PS3, and eventual Mac support for the PSP's MediaGo application.
Joystiq: Are any Sony first-party studios working on PSP minis?
Eric Lempel: Right now, to my knowledge, they're not. That could change, again, but right now, I don't believe any of the studios are working on minis.
What determines the pricing of PSP minis?
There are a couple of rules, or maybe there's just one rule. They have to come in at $9.99 or under.
If someone wanted to release at $1.99, they could?
Yes, absolutely.
full interview --> http://www.joystiq.com/2009/10/08/in...d-umd-convers/
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October 9th, 2009, 04:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America has revealed that sales of the PSP in the region rose 300 per cent in the three days following the launch of the PSPgo.
As well as an increase in hardware numbers, game downloads via the PlayStation Store also climbed 200 per cent, according to corporate communications director Patrick Seybold.
"The launch of PSPgo has generated strong consumer interest in the overall PSP platform and the PlayStation Network's digital content offering," he told Gamasutra.
"With several blockbuster games launching digitally and on UMD in the coming weeks - from LittleBigPlanet to Assassin's Creed Bloodlines - we expect this momentum to continue and look forward to a strong holiday season for both the PSPgo and PSP-3000."
Sony Europe said earlier this week that sales of the PSP hardware were up 120 per cent following the launch of new hardware, although retail partners such as ShopTo and Chips have been disappointed with sales due to a high price and no physical software.
In the UK, major retailers began discounting the hardware almost immediately after release, selling the PSPgo for £199.99, rather than the £224.99 asking price.
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October 9th, 2009, 04:39 Posted By: wraggster
It's a big week for Grand Theft Auto trailers! First we got a new Episodes from Liberty City clip, and today, Rockstar sent out a trailer for the PSP version of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, which comes out on October 20. We didn't realize it was so soon!
Of course, if you have a DS, it comes out a lot sooner -- seven months ago, in fact -- but no matter how many times this wonderful game is released, it'll be exciting every time. The graphical update on the PSP version looks nice, even if the trailer makes it hard to actually see the game.
If these moving images aren't enough, check Kotaku for some new screens. And yes, two trailers counts as a big week.
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October 9th, 2009, 04:48 Posted By: wraggster
Needless to say, none of this applies to the Americans in attendance, but for international PSP Go buyers looking forward to taking advantage of Sony's PSP Go Rewards program, the always user-friendly DRM seems to be putting a solid kink in those enjoyment plans. According to a growing number of users at the official European PlayStation boards, an error by the name of 80109D53 is causing downloaded titles to not play back on the new handhelds. We're told that Sony is aware of the issue and is toiling away in an effort to fix things, but for now, it seems as if you can sidestep some of the risk by downloading your trio of free titles (which Sony offers if you're an existing UMD owner) directly to the PSP Go rather than sideloading 'em from a PS3. Any others having this issue? Figured out a solution? Shoot your mouth off in comments below.
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October 9th, 2009, 04:50 Posted By: wraggster
Three years and $300 worth of price cuts later, PS3 may finally hit the top of the hardware sales charts in America. EEDAR's analyst Jesse Divnich predicts 400,000 PS3s were sold in September, edging out both Wii and Xbox 360 sales (375k and 370k units respectively).
It's far from a landslide victory for Sony, but it may be the start of a turnaround for the long-beleaguered platform. If the hardware maintains momentum, the next issue Sony will have to tackle is software. While EEDAR's hardware numbers peg PS3 at the top, its software charts only show one PS3 game in the top 10: Batman: Arkham Asylum. With the remainder of the chart dominated by 360 and Wii games, it's clear Sony still has a long way to go in the console wars.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on 2 dollar worldwide shipping

Anchored by the characters and events of the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" animated series, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes reveals a new and exciting chapter of the Star Wars saga. Containing the series' unique graphical style, a story conceived by the writers of the television series, multiple playable characters across two classes and co-op gameplay it is a must-have title sure to enthrall both new and more seasoned fans alike.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on 2 dollar worldwide shipping

The sixteenth release in Electronic Arts' popular NBA series, NBA LIVE 10 reinvigorates the classic professional basketball franchise with significantly improved gameplay features. These new additions are combined with enhanced defensive controls, 30 levels of achievements and two-player online multiplayer support to provide players with the most authentic NBA video game experience available to date.
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October 9th, 2009, 05:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on 2 dollar worldwide shipping

The sixteenth release in Electronic Arts' popular NBA series, NBA LIVE 10 reinvigorates the classic professional basketball franchise with significantly improved gameplay features. These new additions are combined with enhanced defensive controls, 30 levels of achievements and two-player online multiplayer support to provide players with the most authentic NBA video game experience available to date.
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October 9th, 2009, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder indrora issue a new update to its PC program Ebootr, an editor came to the EBOOT.PBP file version 1.5 which is proposed as an alternative to the always excellent PSPBrew. Among the novelties of this release, there is the addition of an editor file format. SFO, were also fixed some bugs in previous versions,
More to follow.
Changelog v1.5:
- Added file editor. SFO
- Fixed some bugs that occurred when saving files
- Program Simplified
- After adding a few odd functions for. SFO
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October 9th, 2009, 16:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

This crystal case is designed for PSP GO. Its size is appropriate for the small PSP GO console, so that the console can perfectly fit into it. It prevents your console from getting scratched and damaged. The transparent exterior also shows the elegancy of the crystal case itself. For PSP GO users, this crystal case is a necessary accessory.
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October 9th, 2009, 16:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

The fourth generation of hardware released for the PlayStation 3 entertainment platform, the PlayStation 3 120GB system is the next stage in the evolution of Sony's console gaming powerhouse. Loaded with a mix of multimedia features and functions available on earlier PlayStation 3 models, as well as a series of new advancements and refinements, the PlayStation 3 120GB system is destined to push the envelope in the realm of Next-Generation entertainment.
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October 9th, 2009, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will deliver the most accessible, engaging and visceral sandbox shooter of the year, with a huge variety of equipment, weapons and tactics available
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will give players the freedom to handle military crisis situations on their initiative
As an epic single and multi-player campaign weaves the narrative, players will fight as infantry soldiers in battle, drive tanks in armoured assaults, and infiltrate the enemy in covert special operations utilizing a wide variety of realistic military weapons from knives and rifles to machine guns and grenade launchers
The 220km2 battlefield gives players a multitude of tactical decisions on how to best accomplish missions
Taking gamers as close to war as they'll ever want to get, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is the much anticipated return of the genre-defining military conflict simulator. Set to deliver the total combat experience, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will challenge players to survive the chaos and rapidly evolving situations of modern warfare in a new contemporary theatre.
Players will experience the intensity, diversity and claustrophobia of a modern conflict from the unique perspectives of an infantry marine, a helicopter pilot, a Special Forces officer or a tank commander, each engaged against the full force of the Chinese PLA on a scale never previously experienced in a military action title. Gameplay simulates an immense conflict between advanced forces and provides unparalleled scope with different military disciplines, vehicles and equipment for players to utilize.
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October 9th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Some shiny new shots of Final Fantasy XIV Online (that's fourteen) have surfaced, showing open green fields and pointy-eared people.
Like Final Fantasy XI, FFXIV takes the fight online in what Square hopes will be this generation's big MMO for consoles. We expect it to be nothing less than epic.
Pretty shots are below, and there's more over on Andriasang.
Screenshots and trailer at CVG
More images at Andriasang
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October 10th, 2009, 05:47 Posted By: wraggster
Here's one reason why PSP minis are more expensive than their iPhone counterparts: the ESRB. Sony doesn't enforce any control over the pricing of minis, but they do mandate getting approval from the ESRB ratings board. That, apparently, has been a significant hidden cost some developers didn't expect. "You have to invest some money into dev kits and into getting ratings for your game. The costs of ratings such us ESRB is significantly more then we had realized," Fieldrunners developer Sergei Gourski told Gamasutra. According to a posting at GameDev.net, the cost of getting an approval is $2,500.
Content developed for the iPhone doesn't need to go through the ratings board, an oversight which, surprisingly, has yet to attract a media call-to-arms. Should the ESRB succeed in courting Apple as the defacto ratings system for the iPhone, the high cost of approval should curtail one of the largest problems facing the iPhone store today: having too much content, a sentiment shared by Minigore developer Kimmo Vihola. Vihola noted that "[Apple's] process is starting to crack from the seams," and pointed out that Sony's turnaround time on minis is much faster than Apple's store. Sony takes three to five days for approval, while Apple varies "from a couple of days to up to six weeks."
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October 10th, 2009, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
DekraN releases a new update for his homebrew LUA developed AlphaBase, excellent bash Debugging for our PSP. Among the new features in this release, v3.6, adding the command 'Envelope', 'cenv', 'menv', 'cpu2' and 'tree'. Were optimized all the many commands and has already introduced the ability to create multiple environments simultaneously AlphaBase to manage multiple user executions (draw a line, rectangle, print image, and more).
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v3.6:
- Added the commands 'Envelope', 'cenv', 'menv', 'cpu2' and 'tree';
- Removed the commands 'ffind' and 'mfind' since merged with 'find'. Same thing goes for the command 'sys', deleted nle and unified command 'with';
- Removed all controls on the system for handling temporary file: 'ffind', 'fman', 'twrite', 'tread', 'seek' because they were impractical, show some annoying bugs and the system of recognition of the path LUAPlayer HM7 is also not without problems;
- Renamed the commands:; 'help' in 'hlp', 'make' in 'dirs', 'update' in 'upd', 'dofile' in 'DFILE', 'extract' in 'ext';
- Optimization and fixati All controls;
- Optimized all the commands concerning the type of DTE (Directly Executing Template, Direct execution and temporary storage of native functions), implementing the native functions instead LUA LoadString dell'alquanto expensive method temp.lua old versions of AlphaBase. Now, for example, the calculator is 200 times faster than the previous year. Same thing goes for Helper functions (and in general all comansdi DTE);
- L'E. M.T. (Main shaft of the Environment), has been highly renovated, combining all the files in the folder AUF AlphaBase HM7/aufs, and all the commands in AlhaBase HM7/cmds /;
- The script has been divided into: SCRIPT.LUA and a-utils.lua, which contains all the functions LUA AlphaBase. This contributes to a significant increase in speed;
- The command 'info' gives security information, such as for example the system password, the account PSN, the PSN account password, the access point (SSID) and password 1 and the point d ' Access 2 and the password;
- Now if a file or a folder is not in the root folder (AlphaBase HM7 /), the script will give you the name of this startup file and the error code AB, given by 100 plus the ID of the file (More will be implemented ahead even those for run-time with the systematic management of exceptions);
- Now you can assign a command IPR (which requires the input parameter, which will then subsequently taken into account by the CEU (Control Processing Unit), an input that contains the CPS (the separation of complex parameters). For that, it was necessary to move the last parameter position in all the commands that require it.
- Added a fairly intuitive Handler Commands LUA, which allows you to create new commands after having declared their course on the function (ab_nomecomando ()). With this system, you avoid the annoying and sometimes dangerous manipulation of the array itself containing all the commands;
- Added Multi-System Environment. You can now do more executions User (draw a line, rectangle, print an image, set a timer, write with sources) AlphaBase in multiple environments simultaneously. To create a new environment, type "Envelope (ENV)", where ENV, optional parameter is the name assigned to it, and you can switch to the left or right the current environment simply by pressing L or R buttons, respectively;
- Added new checks at the beginning of the program and optimize existing
- Speed of the script increased approximately 20%;
- Syntax of the Environment is highly optimized;
- Syntax of Language is highly optimized;
- Code clean and highly optimized;
- Eboot renewed;
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October 10th, 2009, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
A few days after the last release, the coder EXTER issue a further update on his homebrew PSP game Rubik's Cube, based on the famous cubo.Giunto hours to version 3.01, this fast update fixes a bug that did not allow to load the scores obtained in resolution of "Void Cube".
More to follow.
Changelog v3.01:
- Fixed a bug that did not allow to load the rescue, the scores obtained in the resolution of "Void Cube".
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October 10th, 2009, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on worldwide $2 shipping:

Jigsaw has killed your partner and destroyed your life. Now he has trapped you in an abandoned insane asylum that he alone controls. If you can defeat his brutal traps and survive, you may just discover the truth behind what drives this twisted serial killer. SAW is a third-person perspective, survival horror game based on the SAW film franchise, which has grossed more than $665M worldwide and sold more than 28 million DVDs. The game features many of the deadly mechanical traps seen in the film, as well as terrifying new ones. Players will pit their wits against Jigsaw as they navigate his world in an attempt to evade and escape his gruesome traps, while also struggling against his minions in brutal combat by using weapons found within the environment. SAW, the video game, is based on a treatment from Zombie Studios and the creators of the SAW franchise, Leigh Whannell and James Wan. The timeline for the game takes place between the movies: SAW and SAW II, giving the game its own story, yet fitting within the narratives of the movies. The story centers on Detective David Tapp who awakens in a decrepit, abandoned asylum. He has been captured by his longtime nemesis, Jigsaw. Obsessed with catching this serial killer, Tapp’s mission has consumed him and ruined his family, resulting in divorce, mental imbalance, and abandonment. Worse yet, this frantic hunt destroyed Tapp’s career while he watched his long-time friend and partner get killed by one of Jigsaw’s traps. Now Jigsaw has the upper hand and has captured the detective. Tapp must play a deadly game—the likes of which he has been investigating for years—to escape, and in order to do so he must survive the lethal traps and puzzles that Jigsaw has put in place for him and others. But each victim has a dark connection to Tapp. Will Tapp save them? Can he survive his obsession to find the Jigsaw killer?
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October 10th, 2009, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on worldwide $2 shipping:

NBA 2K10 will be THE choice for any sports fan who wants to play the most fun basketball videogame on the market. From the kid on the neighborhood court to the most elite NBA athletes, everyone will be playing NBA 2K10 this season.
Set the standard for all basketball videogames
Deliver an even better basketball experience this year with all-new gameplay components
More realistic Signature Style animations
All-new presentation elements
Unrivalled online system
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October 10th, 2009, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on worldwide $2 shipping:

Anchored by the characters and events of the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" animated series, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes reveals a new and exciting chapter of the Star Wars saga. Containing the series' unique graphical style, a story conceived by the writers of the television series, multiple playable characters across two classes and co-op gameplay it is a must-have title sure to enthrall both new and more seasoned fans alike.
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October 10th, 2009, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com and on worldwide $2 shipping

NARUTO Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising will incorporate multiple modes of play including two-player cooperative or versus play via ad-hoc local wireless network. Original Mode lets players experience the Gaara Retrieval Arc as they battle enemies through lush, 3D anime inspired environments. Scenario Mode introduces all-new side-missions to pick up Skill Scrolls which increase your character’s abilities including attack, defense, health and other numerous indicators reflected through all modes. Akatsuki Mode will let players gain control of members of the Akatsuki organization for the first time in a brand-new storyline, discovering the Akatsuki's true intentions while Naruto was searching for Gaara. Finally, find out who the best ninja is with Versus Mode by battling against a friend or the computer in one-on-one fights.
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October 11th, 2009, 04:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
Exploit universal video or fake? After doubts, doubts, accusations, convincing answers by Freeplay, news bounced from one website to another, it's time to take stock of the situation. The movie released just over a week ago that showed the first Hello World for PSP Go has been around the world in a few days, clashing with different views of those who takes the part of the author and those who for one reason or another, they felt compelled to criticize his work. Today to put an end to this thing we thought MaGiXieN PSPGEN of that in a few minutes of video (strictly in French ...) shows us that everything is working perfectly on the new console and that, contrary to what the skeptics thought to exit the program just press once HOME button (the one with the PlayStation logo on the Go) without reconfirming the menu.
Once again then Freeplay proved sincere and available, but you what do you think you convinced?
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October 11th, 2009, 04:48 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview for Sunday's edition of The Washington Post (posted today), the Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime says the PSPgo might have "a fundamental concept problem in terms of 'Who's it for?' and 'What's the benefit?'"
"I have the utmost respect for all our competitors," he told the Post, "but it's interesting to try and answer the consumer question of 'What's in it for me?' in that product."
Other tasty morsels: If it knew then what it knows now, about the ravenous demand for the machine, Nintendo still wouldn't have priced its Wii above $250 like its console competitors. He said the lower price point was integral to the console's acceptance in the mainstream.
Fils-Aime also added that Nintendo has no interest of getting into the phone business; on the other hand, it feels well-positioned to deal with any threat from Apple's mobile gaming devices because of the "fabulous experience that can only be brought to life on the DS."
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October 11th, 2009, 05:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
PSPKVM is a Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) CLDC/MIDP Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Multilingual support demonstration captures:
PSPKVM Running Opera Mini:
0.5.4 Test 7 (Uploaded Oct. 10, 2009) ¶
* a Danzeff-style virtual keyboard
* a fix merged from the trunk (fixed there post-branch) causing the QWERTY board to open in lower-case mode by default.
In addition to these user-level features, there are also internal interfaces added (in the com.pspkvm package) to support direct reading of analog stick state (necessary to implement the Danzeff board) by VM and MIDlet code.
Note that the Danzeff-style board is slightly expanded from the standard layout to support PSPKVM features--it adds a ´return´ key for multiline text fields, along with ´select´, ´copy´, and ´paste´ keys supporting the PSPKVM´s cross-Midlet clipboard. The additional keys can be found in the ´number pad´ of the virtual board.
To use the Danzeff-style board, select it in the VM configuration midlet´s virtual keyboards setup screen.
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October 11th, 2009, 15:54 Posted By: wraggster
A new GBA Emulator for PSP has been released, heres the details thanks to pspitalia:
It 'was just released a new update for the Game Boy Advance emulator gpSP-J, as amended and improved by an unknown Japanese coder, dell'Unofficial developed by Takka gpSP. Usual incomprehensible changelog does not allow us to know the new features introduced with this new release. We may think that there have been improvements related to the stability genereale emulator. You just need to personally test the program and assess any progress.
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October 11th, 2009, 15:58 Posted By: wraggster
A new Snes Emulator for PSP has been released, heres the details thanks to pspitalia:
More than a year since the last release back on tiptoe s9xTYLmecm SNES emulator with a new improved version. The changelog is pretty meager, for the moment were fixati some minor bugs and was only slightly increased the speed of emulation throughout the game, it was instead an excellent level of stability.
Follow the link to download.
091011-2 Changelog:
- Bugfix
- Improved emulation speed
Updated to revision 4 now - download attached
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October 12th, 2009, 04:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The Japanese汁ダークhas again updated the PCE for PSP, very good emulator NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16Historical, 8-bit console multiprocessor produced by NEC in the late 80s and never imported in Italy.
PCE for PSP v0.83a2:
- Improved support multiplayer Ad - Hoc
- Improved support for connection via multitap Ad - Hoc
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October 12th, 2009, 14:53 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
New and latest updates from DekraN for his homebrew LUA developed AlphaBase, excellent bash debug for your PSP. This final release, the v3.6.2, fixes some bugs in the program and further streamlines ii commands implemented in several versions. I remember AlphaBase is completely open-source.
More to follow.
Changelog v3.6.2:
- Bug fixato nell'AUFS I.G.C. (Items Garbage Collector). Now you can re-store the data on tracer input, the macro commands and controls the INPUT screen coordinates AUF in their files at the end of the program (obviously to make sure that we exit the using the command '(q ) uit ');
- Fixato a bug in the command 'share', which did not work because of an incorrect call to the function AlphaBase fixString;
- Fixato a bug in the command 'set', which did not work due to ill-structured enumeration of the variable that contains the parameters of the command;
- Fixato a bug in the command 'list', which did not work if you wanted to list an archive;
- Fixato a bug in the command 'play2', who did play the song immediately after it loaded;
- Removed the safety information in the command 'info';
- Optimize the commands 'ext', 'play', 'play2';
- Renew the E. M.T. (Main shaft of the Environment), removing the folder aufs / from the root "AlphaBase HM7 /". Now all files are completely optional to configure AUF;
- Syntax is highly optimized for the Environment (also renamed the command 'loadex' in 'load2');
- Syntax of Language is highly optimized;
- Code optimized;
- Eboot renewed;
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October 12th, 2009, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
The coder Chinese Cooleyes returns with an update for his homebrew PMPlayer Advance video player for PSP with some advanced features and also allows the viewing of movies in PMP format. This update, which brings the program to version 3.0.6 introduces support for .3 gp video file format and also for subtitle format .ass / .ssa.
More to follow.
Changelog v3.0.6:
- Added support for subtitle format. Ass,. Ssa
- Added support for .3 gp video file format
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October 12th, 2009, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
Superufo.com have today got in stock Black and White PSPGo Consoles that they ship worldwide (only store i know who ship to UK/Europe)

On sale at superufo for $267 or around 168 pounds
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October 13th, 2009, 04:21 Posted By: wraggster
A story Friday discussed the development costs of an indie game for the PSP versus the iPhone. While getting an ESRB rating does cost money, the board reminds that a different rate structure will likely apply to PSP Minis titles.
ESRB spokesman Eliot Mizrachi contacted Kotaku to remind that the ratings authority has a different rate schedule for smaller games. "The ESRB has a reduced fee of $800 for games that have development costs under $250,000," Mizrachi said, "which would likely apply to virtually all PSP Minis."
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October 13th, 2009, 04:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13622.html
PSPKVM is a Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) CLDC/MIDP Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Multilingual support demonstration captures:
PSPKVM Running Opera Mini:
0.5.4 Test 8 (Uploaded Oct. 12, 2009) ¶
The binary packages available for this release are:
* CFW build, full package (15 MB--build for consoles running custom firmware)
* CFW build, package without fonts (5.5 MB--as above, but without the fonts--see note below)
* FW 1.5 build, full package (15 MB--build for consoles running OFW 1.5)
* FW 1.5 build, package without fonts (5.5 MB--same as above, but without the fonts--see note below)
Note re ´fontless´ packages ¶
Please use the packages without fonts if you´re just upgrading from a previous test package, and/or don´t want or need Deja Vu or Firefly Sung included with your KVM. These packages are proving extremely popular, and the traffic is giving the server a workout. And note especially that if you´re just installing the new package over a recent test build, you´ll still get everything you had before if you use the smaller packages to update your install. This just saves you and us moving some 10 Mb you already have (or don´t want or don´t need).
New in this release ¶
This release is identical to test build 7, but adds the following:
* The Danzeff and semichordal boards now implement ´smart display´ in which they move out of the way of input in large text fields as you type.
* Icons have been added to the configuration and network setup screens in an attempt to make this a little easier to use for non-English users, until we can get some translation going for these screens.
* Network setup has been overhauled, in an attempt to address occasional issues with lost connections that cannot be reestablished without a VM restart. In case of a lost connection, you should now be able to reconnect from the Wifi manager midlet, without restarting the VM. Please report whether this works for you in the shoutbox at http://pspkvm.org.
* The Danzeff display has been made slightly more compact as compared with the previous build.
* The readme has been updated and is now included with the binary packages.
Notes on upgrading from these packages ¶
If you´re upgrading from a recent test build, and wish to preserve your settings (set in the .ini and the in-GUI config system), do not overwrite the pspkvm.ini and vmsettings.cfg files in your pspkvm directory with those from the package. Your system should run fine, and this will preserve your previous settings.
Download --> http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/pspkvm/wiki/TestBuilds
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October 13th, 2009, 04:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13623.html
DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Changelog Revision 432 ==> Revision 434
Revision 434
[!] Clean Scene will be enabled per game basis on roms.ini
[!] Enabled Clean Scene for around 20 games, and enabled Double Display for two more games.
Revision 433
[+] Implemented Clean Scene (Takes care various rendering glitches)
[+] Added a hack for Tooie to skip fillrect
[!] Removed South Park Rally hack (our mtx logic is wrong anyways, and Clean Scene takes care of the ghosting)
[!] Removed Dynamic Loop Opt from menu (will be enabled per rom basis on roms.ini)
[~] A couple of changes on UpdateFrame function
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October 13th, 2009, 04:43 Posted By: wraggster

We were fairly impressed by Blaze's knack for impressive but questionably useful gadgets when it introduced a three-cart contraption for the DSi last month, but it looks like it's truly outdone itself with its latest peripheral. While it's possible that it's the result of some miscommunication or a bet taken to its limits, it does appear that the company is indeed set to release a controller that can only be described as a Wiimote for the PlayStation 3. Of course, it's still a bit light on specifics, but Blaze says its so-called Motion Freedom 3D Controller will open up "unthinkable gaming possibilities," and let you "become one" with games like Sega Tennis and Tiger Woods Golf. It's even been "ergonomically designed from the ground up." How can you possibly go wrong?
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October 14th, 2009, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Ericsson's Aino, its first PlayStation 3 compatible mobile phone handset, has gone on sale in the UK.
Announced earlier this year, the phone offers Remote Play functionality and works like the PSP to let users access and control their PlayStation 3 on the go via a local network or wi-fi spot.
The handset retails at GBP 399.99 without a contract, with Orange acting as the only contract provider currently. Confirmation on which networks will enable Remote Play use through 3G is yet to come according to PlayStation Network product manager James Thorpe, speaking on the official PlayStaion blog, although it will be possible.
Featuring a three inch touch screen, the phone allows users to browse and control the XMB interface, access DRM free media saved on the harddrive and sign into the PS3 network. Users of PlayTV will also be able to watch and record live television from the handset.
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October 14th, 2009, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
We recently discussed the release of the PSP Go, which drew criticism for many design choices that were of dubious value to consumers. Now, Phaethon360 sends in a story about why Sony felt the need to improve upon the old PSP. "As a format, the UMD was holding the entire platform back. Few people (if anyone) bought into the UMD movie hype Sony attempted to thrust back in 2005. Very soon after that, people realized they could rip their DVDs to a memory stick with the same quality. It's ironic how, as the price of Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo dropped and size increased, PSP UMD sales decreased along with it. It doesn't take too many Howard Stringers to figure out what the problem was." Indeed, Sony was complaining of rampant PSP piracy for quite some time. They cited "legal and technical issues" for not supporting the transfer of UMD games onto the PSP Go; undoubtedly they couldn't find a way to keep pirated games from being copied.
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October 14th, 2009, 15:52 Posted By: wraggster

We've given HD DVD's bastard child China Blue HD its due for a good start in its native land, but now that U.K. Importer GBAX has made a few units available it's time for English language buyers to at least consider this Blu-ray alternative. Of course, with a £259.99 ($413.22 U.S.) pricetag for this plain TCL player, AV and HD cables, plus 14 CBHD movies (The Aviator, Blood Diamond, The Invasion, The Island, Flood, Poseidon & 8 Chinese-only flicks) to get you started the barrier to entry is high, but as shown in the unboxing / preview video -- embedded after the break, watch for ninjas -- the experience is very familiar. As Format War Central points out, the 220/240Hz power cord makes things complicated for the U.S. and other places outside Europe, but hardcore HD DVD holdouts are used to a world filled with only Warner and Universal movies already, so why not give the other blue laser flavor a try?
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October 14th, 2009, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster

You know, one day we hope to be as rich as those cats at Mega 64. The troupe's latest video -- an alarming look at one of the PSP Go's lesser-known features (courtesy of IGN) -- shows us just how stacked with loot these guys really are nowadays. We're not going to give the ending away, but let's just say the whole thing is a fine way to burn a neat stack of Benjamins. In the end, it's alright -- we bet they got paid a lot more than $300 for their work.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:04 Posted By: wraggster
Gran Turismo 5's Kazunori Yamauchi says he could give you his studio's next entry in the venerable racing-sim series right now ... but he won't. Speaking with Famitsu last week (translated by 1UP), the Polyphony Digital studio head explains that while "We could release it any time we want," he's more interested in trying to give the game "that classic GT-style." And though "daily progress is slow," the Japanese developer assures us that "it's still going forward at a steady clip."
Unlike the PSP iteration's somewhat lackluster feature set, Yamauchi intends on going "way beyond gamer expectations" with GT5, even confirming the export of cars earned in GT PSP to next March's PS3 sequel. We're hoping he goes way beyond our expectations as well and delivers the game to other territories in a more timely fashion.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

Brütal Legend is an action-adventure that marries visceral action combat with open-world freedom. Set in a universe somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Spinal Tap, it’s a fresh take on the action/driving genre, which in this case is full of imitation cover bands, demons intent on enslaving humanity and Heavy metal tunes. Featuring the talents of comedian, actor and musician, Jack Black as super roadie Eddie Riggs, as well as cameos by some of the biggest names in metal music it's a wild ride in the belly of the beast that is not to be missed by gamers and Metalheads alike.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

Trust, cooperation and alchemy are vital in this high speed 3D actioner. Form a tag team with someone you know and trust, be it Al, Roy or Liza, make use of the strengths of these people to take down your opponents. From physical combat to alchemy, single attacks to tag combo, the more trust there is between you and your partner, the more damage you can deal.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

This USB cable is specially designed for PSP GO. It connects your PSP GO to USB devices, so that you can enjoy the music, videos, games and other ways of entertainment freely on your TV. You can also transfer the data to and from the PSP GO console.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

This crystal case is designed for PSP GO. Its size is appropriate for the small PSP GO console, so that the console can perfectly fit into it. It prevents your console from getting scratched and damaged. The transparent exterior also shows the elegancy of the crystal case itself. At the back is a stand that can support the console, so that you can place it on a desk for easy viewing. For PSP GO users, this crystal case is a necessary accessory.
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October 14th, 2009, 16:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released from Superufo.com

This bluetooth headset is designed specially for PSP GO, the latest console. With this headset, you can enjoy the advanced level of audio quality from the games, videos or music on your PSP GO, thanks to the stereo sound. The earphones are with 1 side or 2 sides, so that users can choose whichever they find more convenient.
The price is a decent USD 13.42 which is a bargain when you see that Play Asia has the Official Sony Bluetooth set listed at Price: US$ 52.90
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October 14th, 2009, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

- Digtial and analog modes
- Rubberized grip for maximum control
- Left and right shift paddles for quick shifting and gas-brake pedals
- Easily mounts to table or counter with suction cups for stability
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October 14th, 2009, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Cross battle adapter 2.0 is an adapter that allows you to connect your Xbox 360 wired controller to your PS3 console for use with PS3 games.
The XCM Cross Battle Adapter 2.0 is built with a new function for swapping the controller’s triggers and bumpers. You can also swap the functions of A,B,X,Y buttons (Example: Set the function of A button to the X button or set the function of B button to the Y button, etc) and swap the functions of 2 analog sticks as well! The PS3 Six Axis mode is also supported. The best adapter in the industry just got better!
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October 14th, 2009, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Protect your Sony PSP Go console against scratches and shocks with this easy to install protective case. With hands free viewing movie stand function. Made with high transparent material keeps your console screen as sharp as original. Virtually indestructible polycarbonate armor protect with console and screen from everyday wear or tear.
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October 14th, 2009, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

All-in-one novel design based on human hand shape, the new hand grip pad for PSP GO manufactured by Dragon is suitable for longer time use. With hands free viewing movie stand. You can direct open console without any interfere.
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October 14th, 2009, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
RACE! PSP is a Neo Geo Pocket/Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator for the Sony PSP.
Machine Translation
RACE! 2.16
Only inside of emulating Japanese Ver.
Since English had been internally fixed BIOS,
Japan only has it changed BIOS
Caution! ) ROM files are not displayed in Japanese
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October 14th, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux - Changelog - Download.
Avoid NullPointerException in sceAudioOutput2GetRestSample.
demos from pspsdk to test morphing.
basic morphing support for vertex position,normals,color,texture mapping.
Implemented sceAudioOutput2GetRestSample and sceAudioOutput2ChangeLength. First translation of the dither matrix´s values. Added more error codes to SceKernelErrors.
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October 14th, 2009, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Changelog Revision 434 ==> Revision 435
[+] Re-enable optimization of JAL, JALR in the PSP code generator (Small Speed-up)
[+] Optimized ADDIU logic in the PSP code generator (Small speed-up)
[+] Simplify some logic for the Dynarec (Very Small speed-up)
[+] Added "Advanced Options" menu containing containing options that generally break more ROMs than they help. (Also for testing and bug reporting)
[!] Fixed saved Controller Configuration not being loaded on ROM Initialization (Bug #25)
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October 14th, 2009, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=2473
I found the JTag port for the Blu-ray Reader on the PlayStation 3. Last night after finishing the research meeting I went looking for information about BD integrated reader, as you know I would not support full backups but sony is screwing us over, so I think it's time to be less hesitant and think more selfishly. While checking the back of the reader PCB I saw that there are terminals without a connector, these terminals belong to a connector which connects ’something’ and through Internet I found the points used in a JTag, including the TDO, TDI, TMS etc.
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October 14th, 2009, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from pedroduarte0
More and more I start to feel the frustration of the time demanding task of doing homebrew which is unfortunately incompatible with my current life. This is intrinsic to C/C++ stuff, greatly amplified by the use of gcc based development tools with little debugging support. There were moments when I really wish for a RAD language + environment for the PS2… Nevertheless, it’s still more gratifying than doing everything quickly and with little effort.
About the ps2doom,
I managed to improve the audio quality of the sound for Doom2 WAD (although unnoticeable)
Discarted LIBSD requirement and adopted freesd-1.01 so older japanese models should able to play this and in theory, it should be more compatible with PS3 homebrew loading (don’t ask me anything about this, I don’t own a PS3 neither I’m interested in making it fully compatible, if it isn’t already)
Digital pad buttons are now usable
Added libconfig support (thanks misfire for the gift to the community) and this allowed me to add a simple way to make the controls completely reconfigurable without having to code boring GUI configs. The drawback is that you need to edit a config file or use a tool at PC side, this is not done at the PS2, sorry. This broke some things recently at the control system, nothing that a little debugging wouldn’t solve
So, after I finish the issue mentioned just above, it’s really for a new sparkling release.
I still have some plans regarding music (not to give details for now) and some other good stuff.
Although the sources are available through the assembla repository (see old post) I will sooner of later put everything into a google code project. I’d like to make the code compilable with current ps2sdk gsKit+SDL or with the minimal modifications first.
Wish me luck.
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October 14th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/
Valantin has released a modified version of the Homebrew Sorter, which enables them to order at will and ISO HB originally developed by Sakya. In this release, we added a GUI created with OSlib Mod 1.1.0, Graphics library designed by Brunni and modified later by the same Sakya.
More to follow.
UPDATE: Valantin has just released beta 2 of its amended Homebrew Sorter. E 'can now also order the categories of HB.
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October 14th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/
New update from the coder Bubbletune for his very useful plugins Game Categories, prx useful to sort the homebrew / ISO for each category of membership now in version 5. This release does not introduce any new, but fixes all the bugs and incompatibilities to the previous version of the plugin.
More to follow.
Changelog v5:
- Fixata the incompatilibit* with some firmware and related problems
- Changed the internal structure of the prx to decrease memory usage
- If you change the language with the corresponding VSH game_categories_xx.txt, this is now loaded automatically
- Fixed some compatibility problems with some themes that use the space padding
- Introduced support for UTF-8
- Languages Japanese and English had been exchanged in this release that problem was fixato
- The plugin caused a crash when searching the Internet: fixato
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October 14th, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Rumours are swirling that a sequel to PS3 exclusive InFamous is on the way.
It's all thanks to actor David Sullivan, who posted the following message on his Twitter page: "First voiceover / motion capture audition today for a videogame. Re-casting of Cole in the sequel of Infamous. 'I'll melt your face.' e.g."
At least, G4 says that's what he posted - the message has since mysteriously disappeared.
However, he has issued a response to a question about whether there is indeed a sequel on the way: "Not really sure. Would be very cool if there was and I was a part of it."
His latest post reads, "Thank you all for your interest and your support. I will continue to keep you updated on things I book which are, in no way, private." Whoopsie.
Sony has so far declined to comment on the whole thing, unshockingly.
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October 14th, 2009, 21:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Two big questions from the Tokyo Game Show Final Fantasy XIII trailer have at long last been answered courtesy of Shounen Jump. Want the name of that mysterious black-haired girl? Want the know what form Sazh's summon takes before it turns into that sweet hot rod? Then read on!
First up, mystery girl. Her name is Oerba Yun Fang. The description in Jump describes her as a strong lady with lots of mysteries.
Here are just two of the mysteries we've already come up with.
First, something we saw in the TGS trailer. Yun Fang is a l'Cie like Lightning, Snow and the rest of the good guys . But her comments in the TGS trailer suggest that she's on good conditions with the government that's trying to rid Pulse of her kind. Mysterious!
Second, something about her name. You might remember the name Oerba from Vanille's full name of Oerba Dia Vanille. Is it just a coincidence that the two have the word Oerba in their name? Mysterious!
While Yun Fang's tone in the TGS trailer suggested that she might be a villain, she's actually a playable character. It appears that she uses a sphere as her weapon. She's paired with one of the most recognizable summons of them all: Bahamut! Bahamut in FFXIII isn't as large as one might expect given his name, but he does have massive claws.
The talk of summons brings us to Sazh. The TGS trailer showed Sazh's summon transforming into a sports car, but we never got a good look at the summon in full bipedal form. At long last, Jump has revealed the summon to be Brynhildr, and not Ifreet as many had assumed given the fire-like visuals in the transformation sequence.
Brynhildr looks massive when standing next to Sazh. He wields a giant axe, but we're not sure how much we'll be using it! We like seeing Sazh in his hot rod, so we'll be switching Brynhildr to driving mode whenever possible.
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October 15th, 2009, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Aside from providing a venue for a wonderfully childish gender bending game, PlayStation Home initially failed to offer PlayStation 3 users much of a playground. But the various Home spaces and minigames implemented by third-party developers have changed Sony's thinking, according to platform director Jack Buser: "In the early days when we built Home, we really were building a social network for gamers ... through that, over the last year, it's developed into a game platform, first and foremost."
Speaking at a San Francisco meeting -- documented in detail by Gamasutra -- Buser described Home-based games as a "low-risk and high-margin" opportunity for developers. "Home is a high definition environment where you can create extremely polished games but with very rapid development cycles," he explained. "You can have small teams of developers -- a couple of engineers and a few artists -- crank out very sophisticated social gaming experiences in very small amounts of time."
Buser also highlighted the value of community input in the "evolution" of Home, though he didn't indicate whether Sony had also stopped listening to that guy in the office who's really into Snow Crash. But even that guy might see the sense in Sony's vision, which is "about social, repeatable, fun, and dynamic games that are always changing and being fun for people."
We haven't seen the "killer app" yet (we're still waiting in line), but renovating Home into a social games platform -- even if it's built atop the PS3's actual game platform -- seems like a much better use of all that segmented real estate
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October 15th, 2009, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 owners may be getting a long-requested feature with the console's next firmware update: cross-game voice chat.
While the feature has been rumored to be in development for months, a post on the official PlayStation forums today may have inadvertently confirmed its imminent release. "Naughty Dog Dev" ReklissAbandon wrote in response to player requests for enemy spectating in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves that PlayStation 3 cross-game chat might make that request unfair.
"But I will suggest it anyway," ReklissAbandon wrote. "Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross game chat. So if players use that instead of in game communication then they would also be able to communicate enemies positions."
That post was quickly deleted, leading some posters to take that as further confirmation that cross-game voice chat was coming, but not yet ready to be announced.
Cross-game text chat was added to the PlayStation 3's firmware earlier this year with version 2.70. Cross-game voice chat was said to have been ready to go earlier, but falsely rumored to have been held back by one publisher in particular.
We contacted Sony Computer Entertainment to verify that slip of the keyboard, and received the following response: "As you know, we haven't made any announcements on upcoming firmware and don't comment on rumor or speculation."
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October 15th, 2009, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fortune hunter Nathan Drake returns in UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves™, a pulse-pounding third-person action-adventure/shooter created by award-winning developer Naughty Dog. Down on his luck, Drake is lured back into the treacherous world of thieves and mercenary treasure-seekers he had sought to leave behind. When a mysterious artifact propels Drake on an expedition to find the legendary Himalayan valley of Shambhala, he finds himself embroiled in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse against a fugitive war criminal who’s after more than just the fabled riches of the lost city. Caught in a web of deception and plunged into an increasingly deadly pursuit that tests the limits of his endurance, Drake will be forced to risk everything – but has his luck finally run out?
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October 15th, 2009, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Customize your world by customizing your cars. Modify paint color, wheels and rims, different hood options, side skirts, rear bumpers and spoilers
There are over 30 playable characters of which 15 are brand new - Doc Hudson academy of student racers, Chick Hicks academy of student racers, Motor Co Pit Crew, Not Chuck, Guido, Tater, Tater Jr., Bubba, Trophy Girl, Chick Hicks Pit Crew, Doc Hudson Pit Crew, Vin Racer along with major boss characters who are Chick Hick’s protégés; El Machismo, Candice and Stinger
Experience eight racing environments, four of which are completely brand new; Radiator Springs Speedway, Santa Carburera which takes you to the beaches, Motoropolis City where you can experience street racing and Autovia which gives you off road racing in the desert
Experience the reaction you get based on performing stunts throughout the game from paparazzi taking your picture to the crowds going wild
Experience new mini games: Mack Track Challenge based off of the Mattel toy, three different games based on Disney Pixar's Cars Toons episodes (El Materdor, Mater the Greater, & Tokyo Mater), plus many new original games like Photo Op, Auto Cross, Tractor Stampede, and Transporter
In the Cars Race-O-Rama video game, players get to race against new characters through action-packed tracks to win the Race-O-Rama trophy as their own personalized Lightning McQueen. Join Lightning McQueen in Radiator Springs as he prepares his academy of student racers for the Race-O-Rama competition. Lightning finds out that Chick Hicks has his own set of academy student racers who don’t always compete fairly. These student racers are preparing to race in the same competitions in order to propel Chick Hick’s academy to the #1 spot. The races take place at various tracks from the beaches, into the cities and off to the Baja desert. Along the way, racers are upgrading their abilities and customizing their look. The finale consists of a fully modified, ultimate Lightning McQueen racing against a fully modified Chick Hicks for the Race-O-Rama trophy. Let the race begin!
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October 15th, 2009, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Download model may paint a positive template for the future
In today's published blog, Develop's executive editor Owain Bennallack has suggested that despite its failings, the PSP and its approach to digital distribution may be a fundamental force in forging a future template for the rise of download platforms.
"PSP is the most successful hardware ‘failure’ that the games industry has ever known," said Bennallack, before arguing that a 'less is more' model means that developing PSP Minis model offers studios a number of advantages.
"What’s immediately attractive to iPhone developers is the lack of rival titles," argued Bennallack, later adding: "The relatively high cost of a PSP development kit compared to cheap or free equivalents for Xbox Live or iPhone should deter the riff-raff.
"Sony is also said to be promising a more transparent approval process than the murky yea-or-nay-ing on iPhone, where it sometimes seems a product is listed or barred depending on whether the backroom boys have a hangover."
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October 15th, 2009, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
This opinion piece takes stock of Sony's PlayStation Store, examining its flaws and the areas Sony needs to improve as their gaming systems come to rely upon it more and more. The problems and suggested solutions involve everything from UI elements to demo availability to pricing inconsistencies.
"Some people may say that the Microsoft Points scheme is a little confusing, but it is consistent. If a game is 800MSP in the US, it's 800MSP everywhere else. What a MSP is worth is up to the store, but for the most part they're close. The PlayStation Store on the other hand can be all over the place. While most games in North America keep to the same price point — such as $9.99 or $14.99, converting that over to Europe is another thing entirely. For example, Flower came out earlier this year for $9.99USD. In Australia a $10USD game gets converted to $12.95AUD. Or does it? Bomberman Ultra just came out, and it's $15.95AUD. Heavy Weapon gets released for $12.95AUD, while Capcom’s previous efforts, like Commando 3, convert to $15.95. The same thing also happens for more expensive titles. Both Battlefield 1943 and Fat Princess were released for $14.99 in the US, but in Australia they're priced at $19.95AUD and $23.95 respectively.
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October 15th, 2009, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
This opinion piece takes stock of Sony's PlayStation Store, examining its flaws and the areas Sony needs to improve as their gaming systems come to rely upon it more and more. The problems and suggested solutions involve everything from UI elements to demo availability to pricing inconsistencies.
"Some people may say that the Microsoft Points scheme is a little confusing, but it is consistent. If a game is 800MSP in the US, it's 800MSP everywhere else. What a MSP is worth is up to the store, but for the most part they're close. The PlayStation Store on the other hand can be all over the place. While most games in North America keep to the same price point — such as $9.99 or $14.99, converting that over to Europe is another thing entirely. For example, Flower came out earlier this year for $9.99USD. In Australia a $10USD game gets converted to $12.95AUD. Or does it? Bomberman Ultra just came out, and it's $15.95AUD. Heavy Weapon gets released for $12.95AUD, while Capcom’s previous efforts, like Commando 3, convert to $15.95. The same thing also happens for more expensive titles. Both Battlefield 1943 and Fat Princess were released for $14.99 in the US, but in Australia they're priced at $19.95AUD and $23.95 respectively.
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October 15th, 2009, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster

See that there? That's a whole gaggle of 250GB Uncharted 2 PlayStation 3 Slim bundles ready and waiting for owners in a Spanish retailer. Of course, SCEA won't mention if this thing is ever coming to US soil, but hey, that's what importers are there for. Anyone managed to pick one up yet? Let us know in comments!
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October 15th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

With the tiny size of PSP GO, some users may find it inconvenient because their hands get tired quickly from holding such a small-sized console. To remedy this problem, this hand grip is designed for users to hold the grip, instead of the console, so that they will feel more comfortable even after prolonged use.
price is $2
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October 15th, 2009, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
RichDevX has released his Homebrewed PS3 System File Editor:
Homebrewed Playstation System File Editor v0.80 Beta
Time's Up!
- localized titles
- new sfo generation
- more options
- bug fixes
Tip: If you have located a bug, don't hesitate to message us on Twitter.
Included Hellcat.sfo for SniperSnake, as he really wanted it 
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October 15th, 2009, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for PSP takes one of the highest rated handheld games of all time and enhances it with a slew of new features and some brand new missions designed specifically for the PSP. In the lead-up to launch, we're going to take a look at some of those features, illustrated with brand new screenshots at the official Chinatown Wars website.
In one of the new PSP-exclusive missions, “Factory Fun”, Huang is nearly met with a flamethrower to the face by some hostile Yardies, and must turn the tables on them, sending an entire room full of… illicit crops up in a blaze. Keen Grand Theft Auto fans may pick up on a slight homage here to “Are You Going to San Fierro?”, a classic mission from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. After surviving the drop of a pin-pulled grenade once the Yardie boss has been pumped full of lead, Huang must escape the warehouse unharmed... and with only the slightest hint of something burning.
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October 15th, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
The JPCSP team have posted some status info and screens of their WIP java written PSP Emulator for Windows:
Jpcsp is still a Work in progress emulation. During it's lifetime , several improvements has been done and slowly but stable it's progressing. More games can now consider playable so here are some peak shots from PipeMania, Myst , Ultraman , Kazook , pacman world and real madrid
Marcin ploska added morphing support to our GE fixing a few bugs on our GE. Below you can see some screenies from pspsdk that have been improved!. I submit both before and after shots so you can compare Great job Marcin!
Check out the Site here for all the screens --> http://www.jpcsp.org/
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October 15th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from monkeykong
Etch A Sketch Release 1 by monkeykong (gamer31992@yahoo.com)
Extract the folders EtchASketch and EtchASketch% to ms0/PSP/GAME150
if you're using a custom firmware.
Otherwise, extract to ms0/PSP/GAME.
-D-pad for horizontal movement and face buttons [] and O for
vertical movement to replicate the real thing.
-R "shakes" the Etch A Sketch, leaving the cursor in the same place
that you left it.
-You can also press SELECT for an unlimited number of screenshots,
to be saved in
"Etch A Sketch" is a registered trademark of the Ohio Art Company.
This program is not intended to gain any profit for its creator.
This is a standalone EBOOT of luaplayer 0.20 set to load my app on startup. This may have been done before in C++ or Lua. I made this to learn to code, not to make a killer app for the PSP.
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October 15th, 2009, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mrx256
This is the second version of my IPv4 calculator app for PSP. The new version now uses Intrafont for the fonts instead of the default LUA font. Converts Internet Protocol version 4 addresses and subnets to binary form and back to IPv4 form.
This app is coded in LUA for LUAPLAYER HM 8.1, and comes bundled with it for easy installation.
Copy "IP_CALC" folder to your GAME folder.
Example: ms0:/PSP/GAME/
Run the application from the XMB.
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October 15th, 2009, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has released a new version of his filebrowsing and more app for the PSP
version 6.4:
○ filer
Corresponding to · 7z archives. The total size of the PSP but after expansion
Not only expand the memory size is less than that.
/ * Please donate (only US $ 10), if you feel Filer useful.
Paypal & credit card will be accepted. * /
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October 15th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released for PSP:
Just to let you know that as The PSP Show’s new Facebook Group has passed 50 members, I’ve drawn the winner of the first prize raffle. I’ll draw another winner when we pass 100 members, so join now!
As it’s October 1st, the big launch day is here, The PSP-Go and Gran Turismo hit the stores. The Go will be reviewed after a long-haul flight and a weekend in Vegas in a few weeks time, so for now it’s on with the real driving simulator and to see if all those reviews from published a fortnight ago are true.
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October 15th, 2009, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's back to the two-SKU configuration with PS3 "slim," today announcing that the 250GB model of the system previously announced for everywhere but the US will be coming to these shores on November 3. The machine will sell for $349, which is just $50 more than the $299, 120GB model. 50 bucks for an extra 100GB ain't too bad, considering Microsoft's hard disk pricing.
There's still not a peep about whether we can expect any of the 250GB bundles other territories will be getting here in the States, but we're activating full-on Pester Mode, target: SCEA.
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October 16th, 2009, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed a new stand alone 250GB PlayStation slim model, to be released next month.
The new hardware will launch on November 3, and will sell for $349.99 in North America.
"The PS3 platform is poised for a tremendous holiday season," offered Scott Steinberg, vice president of product marketing for Sony US.
"The new 250GB PS3 provides consumers with another compelling hardware option and speaks to the growing consumer appetite for digital content from the PlayStation Network – particularly high-definition content that showcases the power of the PS3 system."
The new model is the same form factor as the recently released 120GB slim model, and is aimed at consumers looking for more storage for digital content.
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October 16th, 2009, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has said that he fully expects the PlayStation 3 to have outsold the Xbox 360 in September, but Microsoft will still outperform its console rival in the long-term.
Speaking ahead of the release of NPD data for the month – since moved back until Monday due to processing issues – Greenberg also said that price cuts on rival hardware was of no concern to Microsoft.
"It is not a real concern to us – in fact, I can tell you to that when NPD releases September sales... we fully expect PlayStation 3 will come in as the console with the most units sold for the month," Greenberg told Game Informer.
"This is frankly not a real surprise to us or the analysts that follow this industry, as it is typical to see a short term bump following the introduction of new hardware and pricing into the marketplace."
Since Sony introduced a new slim PlayStation 3 and a price cut, the company sold over one million units in three weeks. The entire industry in the US is expected to have rebound during September, after six months of slumping sales.
Despite being outsold in September, Microsoft is looking at the long-term view, said Greenberg.
"What I can tell you is we remain confident that Xbox 360 will not only outsell PS3 for the full calendar year, but for this entire generation."
Greenberg pointed to Sony losing money on sales of PlayStation 3 hardware, asking if it was a sustainable business, and stating that Microsoft has diversified to attain profitability.
"It’s about the entire ecosystem and investing in the future; something we are very focused on," he said.
"There is also the whole financial side of the equation that people rarely seem to pay attention to. Sony, for example, has publicly noted that they lose money on every console they sell and with the price cut, they’re now losing even more money – so even with the PS3 in the market today at $299, you have to question if their business model is sustainable.
"I believe this generation Microsoft has really diversified the business model and the economics of the industry today is that our business is about not just hardware, but also software and services.
"These multiple revenue streams provide not only economies of scale for us and our partners, but award us the benefit of having a profitable business, which in turn allows us to continually invest in the future and remain focused on delivering new experiences and expanding our audience," he added.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
What do Undead Knights, Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising, NBA 2K10, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes and Cars: Race O Rama have in common? All of these are PSP games released on UMD after the PSP Go's October 1 launch -- and all are currently without a digital equivalent. Owners of the Go system are unable to play these games because they simply aren't available on the PlayStation Store.
Once again, Sony's hands-off approach to the PlayStation Network means third parties are responsible for getting their content on both UMD and the PlayStation Store. "It's up to individual third parties to decide if and when to publish their UMD releases on PSN. Most, if not all, are on board, as this is a revenue opportunity for them," we were told by Eric Lempel, SCEA's director of PlayStation Network operations. Namco, the one publisher that returned our request for comment, noted specifically that "there are currently no plans to release Akatsuki Rising on PSN right now," despite its October 6 release on UMD.
We highly encourage Sony to make simultaneous digital releases of PSP games a requirement for publishers, not merely a suggestion. The company previously issued a mandate for PS3 games to include trophies in 2009 -- a similar policy must be enforced on the PSP. Without it, there's no guarantee that all future PSP games will ever be playable on the PSP Go.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar is throwing some support behind PSP's digital distribution initiative and has added several titles in with today's PSN update, with more soon to follow. The initial offering included Manhunt 2 ($29.99), Midnight Club L.A. Remix ($19.99) and Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition ($19.99).
1UP reports that soon the entire Grand Theft Auto PSP line-up (including Chinatown Wars at launch) will make its way to the PSN, along with The Warriors and Beaterator. The publisher also plans to launch a Rockstar storefront on October 22, just to show it's as serious about supporting PSP digital distribution as a guy sticking a gun in your face and stealing your car.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Beautiful, compelling, and at times unforgiving, Demon's Souls is the hardcore RPG experience PS3 owners have been waiting for since the platform's launch. Revolutionary online features define your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Unprecedented in its depth and subtlety, peerless in its relentlessly challenging gameplay, Demon's Souls is the ultimate action RPG. The game features: - A hardcore RPG challenge - In this brutal land, death is inevitable, but not final. Combining the best features of an action game and RPG, you'll slice, smash, shoot, and cast magic against some of the most horrible, vicious enemies ever encountered. Are you strong enough to face up to the impossible and win? - Ground-breaking online capabilities - Network features go far beyond any previous RPG, allowing players to leave hints for each other, replay death scenes, cooperatively revive dead players, or invade and wreak havoc in another's game. Not merely an add-on feature, multiplayer options are vast, and uniquely focused on changing and intensifying the single player experience. - Freeform and flexible - The open-ended structure of the game means that there is no single path, but rather a wealth of options. Set your own pace and progress as you like. Build exactly the character you want by creating a detailed avatar, nurturing the right stats, and customizing your skills and equipment.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Become a photo journalist in the wild yonder of Africa in a videogame featuring amazing, realistic animal models and vast landscapes to visit. Africa's animals and plants are all rendered in stunning photorealistic detail. As a photographer, you'll use licensed, real-world photography equipment to complete assignments and capture everything from bathing hippos to a cheetah on the hunt. Explore the land, find new animals, and earn a name for yourself as a professional photographer!
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October 16th, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Obscure II is the sequel to the acclaimed survival horror game Obscure. Two years ago, at Leafmore High, a group of young teenagers were trapped inside their school and hunted by monsters that had been released by the maniac headmaster. Some of them survived that terrible night, while others perished. Now, the survivors have picked up their lives and joined college.
But all is not right on Fallcreek University; strange black flowers have suddenly sprung up everywhere on the campus. While experimenting with these flowers in class, a dangerous substance is discovered that induces strange but vivid dreams.
But a handful of students find out that there is more to the flowers than anyone could have expected; when the seeds finally germinate, a bad trip suddenly turns into a horrible reality...
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October 16th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Disney Sing it: Pop Hits is the only video-based karaoke video game that delivers the latest hits in pop music and lets you and your friends belt it out and have the ultimate fun singing experience. Disney Sing It: Pop Hits features hits and music videos from some of your favorite Disney stars and shows, as well as other hit artists featured on Radio Disney including Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, Colbie Cailat, Demi Lovato, Hannah Montana, Jessy McCartney, Coldplay and One Republic.
Grab the mic and take centerstage in single player mode or take the karaoke challenge with your friends in multiplayer modes. Warm up those vocal chords and learn how to sing from a pro in the expanded Sing It Pro mode led by Disney Channel Favorite, Tiffany Thornton from Sonny With A Chance.
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October 16th, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

For centuries, an epic battle between humans and evil lords has been raging, destroying everything in its path. Throughout that time, heroes and legends have risen above the chaos, only to eventually disappear into the pages of history. The would-be hero, the narcissistic evil lord, the crossbow-wielding princess...These three were the champions of their eras and even now, still have one last part to play. The civilized world continues to be laid siege to by relentless evil adversaries and all that remains are the ruins of castles and the bodies of the faithful knights who once proudly protected them. As the last wandering sage and final hope for humanity, it is up to the protagonist to somehow transcend time and death to unite these legends and their unique powers in one last battle against the ultimate evil lord.
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October 16th, 2009, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Gorgeous colors and detailed tracks fully rendered in 1080p at 60 frames per second
Play through the tracks as you complete challenges for Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals
Enjoy Single Races, Time Trials, Speed Laps, Tournaments, and Zone mode
Play custom races or tournaments offline, single-player or split-screen with a friend
Compete with up to 8 players online, with Voice Chat support
Enjoy the licensed soundtrack featuring top artists, or race to your own tunes with custom soundtrack support
Get ready to race at blazing speeds and experience futuristic, adrenaline-filled racing action! The iconic anti-gravity racing franchise is back and moving at light speed with WipEout® HD. Delivering 1080p High Definition visuals running at a breathtaking 60 frames per second, WipEout HD features a selection of the best tracks taken from previous versions of the wipEout franchise, meticulously crafted and fully reworked to showcase the processing power of PS3. Features eight racing teams, classic tracks from previous Wipeout releases, five gameplay modes, plus 8-player online racing and Trophy support, all set to a hard-hitting techno soundtrack of nine fully-licensed music tracks remixed in Dolby™ 5.1 surround sound.
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October 16th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux - Changelog - Download.
r1201 Removed debugging code introduced in r1200 by mistake
Improved sceKernelGetSystemTimeXXX: system time is reset to 0 at each program start on PSP.
avoid NullPointerException in sceMpegAvcDecode(mpegLastDate).
We currently cannot change context within a sceMpegRingbufferPut-callback.
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October 17th, 2009, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
With this week's release of Uncharted 2, Naughty Dog's Evan Wells is likely finding it difficult to catch his breath while being buried in praise -- praise which is most certainly deserved. In an interview with VG247, Wells offers his opinion on the impact of motion controls on the future of gaming and he even rolls his sleeves up and wades into the console wars, addressing the always present question of platform superiority.
In regards to motion controls, Wells doesn't expect the new tech promised to "supplant the traditional gaming controller any time in the near future," citing that there are just too many games that benefit from traditional controllers. He says these games "would lose something significant" when redesigned for a motion control experience, painting a picture of a future where these new motion-based titles are offered next to more traditional experiences.
As for comments that Uncharted 2 could never work on the Xbox 360, Wells stresses that a platform does not dictate a game's worth and "the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it's on the Xbox or PS3." He says that great "programmers and great artists are going to make a great game" and we all know Uncharted 2 certainly had both in spades. In the end, it's not like the Xbox 360 would benefit from having Uncharted 2, anyway. We all know two identical entities can't occupy the same space at the same time.
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October 17th, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
The coder Bubbletune has released a further update for its useful plugins Game Categories, prx that will enable you to sort the homebrew / ISO present on your memory stick, according to the category. This new release, which bears the plugin to version 7 and was released a short time away from version 6, solves some bugs that were unexpectedly crash some PSP.
More to follow.
Changelog v6-7:
- Some Fixati crash
- Changed the name of the configuration file to avoid problems with the new format (the file of previous versions will be deleted).
- Finally fixati crash that occurred on some PSP when pressing one of the icons
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October 17th, 2009, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspgen/pspita
The team announced in January to be at work on a new update to the Custom Firwmare 5.50GEN, remember that it's installed on all PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (except TA-088v3). This update C will launch several UMD / ISO, in order to work properly, require the 5.55/6.00 firmware without having to patch in which the procedure is necessary to use the recent Game Decrypter.
The release is scheduled for Sunday evening. So stay with us for updates.
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October 17th, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
The Japanese汁ダークcoder has released a new update to the PCE for PSP, emulator PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, Console produced by NEC in the late '80s. The program, now in version 0.83a3 is proposed as an alternative to PSPHugo, emulator of the same platform designed by French zx-81.Maggiori information to follow.
- Fixed another problem in ad-hoc mode
- Fixato a bug in the Desktop Menu
- Fixato a bug that, after setting a wallpaper, did not allow a correct view of the characters
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October 17th, 2009, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
One of the first, if not perhaps the first ever, developed exclusively for homebrew play with a PSP, the Go! Cam and a good dose of imagination. Go! Fall, still a work in progress of Total_Noob, is a simple mini-game where you must try to collect some objects (you can use default images or create new custom) The focus on a background as uniform as possible and moving an object with well defined edges so that you leave an outline on the screen easier to trace. The explanation may perhaps seem more complex than it is really, I will leave you the video demonstration.
The coder also plans a Go! Run, where we can control the character's movement in the environment that surrounds it, and Go! Pong, the classic pong with special effects and controlled exclusively by the cam.
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October 18th, 2009, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux - Changelog - Download.
sceKernelStartModule: do not return an error when the module has no entry point
Basic implementation of sceGuTexLevelMode when mode=1. Not really sure about it, testing required.
Additional native compiler code from Homebrew Kurok.
Removed debugging code introduced in r1200 by mistake...
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October 18th, 2009, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Changelog Revision 435 ==> Revision 436
[~]Fixed a compiler warning
[!]Fixed Batch Test framework to not need Asserts to compile [Bug #47]
[~]Fixed typo on the Advanced Options Menu [Bug #53]
[!]Fixed Paper Mario not playable for more than ~30 seconds [Bug #44] Note: Still has freezing issues just not as often]
[~]Leveraged similarities between the PSP and N64 Float registers [Smaller Code] Note: More work to be done with other registers
[~]Reverted part of changes in 432 so KnownValues are handled again. [Small speed-up under certain circumstances] Note: Need to finish testing these so faster code is earlier in logic
This release is mostly to fix stability issues.
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October 18th, 2009, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via aep
PSPKVM is a Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) CLDC/MIDP Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Multilingual support demonstration captures:
PSPKVM Running Opera Mini:
PSPKVM Test Builds ¶
There are currently a few ´unofficial´ or test builds up, for testing various features.
(Note: these are generally in .tgz format--or gzipped tarballs. Notes on handling these, if you´re new to them, are here.)
Warning: known critical bug in test packages--upgrade to build 10 ¶
There is a known bug in some of the test packages which can cause corruption of your folder store in the AMS. To avoid this bug do not remove marked midlets. After doing this and doing a subsequent ´move´ operation, you will not be able to start your VM.
The bug affects all test packages prior to test build 10 which have the AMS with the folder system and the ´mark´ commands in the menus. Build 10 has the fix for the bug and recovery code allowing you to start again if the store is already corrupted. We strongly suggest you upgrade to this package.
If you have not yet upgraded, and you inadvertently do mark a midlet and then remove it, and haven´t yet performed a move operation, you may still evade this problem by either (a) using the ´Unmark all´ command or (b) just shutting down the AMS. Do not attempt to perform a move before doing so.
0.5.4 Test 10 (Uploaded Oct. 15, 2009) ¶
Changes in this build -- summary ¶
* Bugfix: ´zombie midlet´ bug in which marked, removed midlets would reappear on a subsequent move has been fixed. Loading code has also been modified to allow loading of the folder system in the AMS even after a crash due to this bug. If you got locked out of your VM because of this, using this build will let you back in.
* Bugfix: missing utility/symbols file no longer brings down the VM when opening virtual keyboards using it.
* Bugfix: unused menu items removed from Danzeff board.
Build 10 is otherwise identical to build 9.
0.5.4 Test 9 (Uploaded Oct. 15, 2009) ¶
Changes in this build -- summary ¶
X/O key use can be switched to ´Western´ standard system-wide, virtual keyboard fixes/optimizations.
Changes in this build -- enhancements ¶
* The X/O keys are now fully switchable system-wide, for Western-style accept/cancel use. Use the VM Configuration midlet / Keymap settings menu to set these keys. The settings take effect immediately after you exit the configuration midlet.
Note that for midlets whose keymaps or device settings you´ve customized, you´ll have to set the accept key yourself in the Device Settings screen if you wish them to change too (and if you haven´t changed them already). Set ´Select´ to ´Cross´ and ´Num0´ to ´Circle´ to emulate the default Western layout, in this case. Midlets whose device settings you have not customized will use the default ones, and so will pick up the change without additional tweaking.
Note also that the old com.pspkvm.acceptcross setting for native dialogs is gone. The setting in the VM config midlet will affect these dialogs, the AMS, and the default keymap setting. Set it to ´Western´ to use X=accept, to ´Eastern´ to use O=accept.
* Keystroke handling in the Danzeff board has been tightened for faster response.
* The ´smart display´ feature in the semichordal and Danzeff boards, wherein the board displays move to stay out of your way when you´re typing, has been optimized and streamlined.
* Smart display in the semichordal board now places the small layout correctly.
* The semichordal board´s large display has been greatly reduced in size, and its appearance brought more into line with the Danzeff display. Status display for the live keymap has also been added (Cyrillic/Greek/Roman).
* The Danzeff board now has a status bar which displays selection state.
* The diacritics (accents) deadkey glyphs for the semichordal display have been modified to make them easier to read.
Changes in this build -- bugfixes ¶
* smart display-capable boards now move properly on all key entries.
* the Danzeff board now displays correctly when the system is using the internal font.
* thread shutdown for the Danzeff board´s analog stick monitor has been fixed; threads previously remained around when the board was absent. They now start when the board appears, and exit when the board disappears.
* prevented all virtual boards from crashing constrained fields (numerical, URL, etc.) due to pasting in of text containing constrained characters. Internal interfaces now sift input correctly.
* renamed utility.ttf to utility.sym so people stop assuming they can just delete it.
Notes on upgrading from these packages ¶
If you´re upgrading from a recent test build, and wish to preserve your settings (set in the .ini and the in-GUI config system), do not overwrite the pspkvm.ini and vmsettings.cfg files in your pspkvm directory with those from the package. Your system should run fine, and this will preserve your previous settings.
Note re pspkvm.prx file ¶
Previous test releases inadvertently included a ´pspkvm.prx´ file in the package. If you´ve copied this to your console, it can be removed from the install directory with no ill effects.
Downloads --> http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/pspkvm/wiki/TestBuilds
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October 18th, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: Zack
Via : RetroEmu
So I have been working on this for a bit tonight (I am really sick atm )
However I did feel well enough to at least get out of bed for a few hours and wrap up Snes9X Euphoria for a release.
It is based off the last version of Snes9xTyl by rukka.
My main objective for this version was speed. A lot more can still be done to optimize the emulator and get more speed, but for now (given my health) this will have to do 

The only game I have tested with my version is Kirby Super Star, which I know had terrible FPS with other Snes9X releases (usually < 30Fps)
With my build, using the following settings, Kirby Super Star runs @ a minimum of 44Fps and a max of 60fps with the usual fps being 50fps.
Settings :
Renderer : PSP Accelerated
FrameSkip : 3
This does not generate a jerky experience, it finally feels playable 
Other testing :
Donkey Kong Country : Same settings as above :
Min FPS : 58
Max FPS : 60
The speedups should be global, every game should be a lot faster now
Future :
I plan on improving speed more, improving stability and applying the changes from Snes9X1.51 to Snes9X euphoria also (which is running off the 1.42 code base)
I hope you enjoy this release and if you have any bugs please post them in the : Snes9X Euphoria - Official Forum
There seems to be some graphical bugs in the menus in Kirby Super Star (and maybe other games), these will be fixed in later revisions.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the release 
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October 19th, 2009, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Telltale Games' CEO Dan Connors has told GamesIndustry.biz he's "very impressed" with the step Sony has taken towards a digital future with PSPgo.
"I think kudos to Sony for continuing to push the envelope," he said. "You look at the number of games that are selling on the iPhone and it's a pretty safe idea for them.
"I'm very impressed with the step that they're taking and as we continue to move towards handhelds, it's certainly going to be part of our plan."
Speaking further about the digital distribution model, Connors acknowledged that while his own company has successfully built a business around releasing episodic, digital games, it's not as straightforward for the big publishers to transition to the model.
"When Telltale started we set out to be an episodic company - we set out to build from the ground up to be episodic.
"I think for other companies that have been around and have been in the retail ecosystem for a long time, it's a major change in thought process and production process and business mindset. And if you're going down one road and you're keeping your business going from one business model, making a dramatic shift in that business model is a huge step to take."
Of the companies that are currently exploring the route of episodic releaseson console, Lionhead is perhaps the most prominent, having recently made Fable II available for download in episodes. However, Connors believes there are drawbacks to how Lionhead has chosen to release the game with the first episode being made available for free.
"The first one satisfies the need for the product and when it comes time to sell the second one, they've already had enough Fable," he said. "Unless they can make something really compelling in the story to move people to the next one, then they run into the problem of converting them into paying customers."
Connors also revealed he believes the Wii "has really rocked things", particularly in changing the type of gameplay experience people expect to be delivered and gaming's demographic.
Between 2000 and 2004 games "stagnated", he said. "They seemed to be really trending towards just serving a specific audience and demographic."
"You started to see more and more shooters and driving games and sports games, and other games weren't being explored."
However between the Wii and the release of games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero, "[they] have really changed the face of things," said Connors.
And in the future he sees the next big step coming from increased connectivity between social networks, handheld devices and core games.
"I think that's going to be a very interesting area where people are going to start moving to where there's going to be some type of game that's going to be able to connect people, through multiple ways, through their Facebook account and through their iPhone and however people want to do it. I can't say what it will be, but I think it's going to be an exciting area."
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October 19th, 2009, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Latest Call of Duty becomes the first in the series to get an 18 certificate from the BBFC
The BBFC has confirmed that it has granted Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 an 18 certificate – making it in the first in the series to receive the highest age restriction.
All previous titles in the series have been rated at either BBFC 18 or PEGI 16+. And considering the gratuitous flesh-burning and execution scenes seen in the last game, World at War, the violence level in the new title must be quite extreme.
There isn’t much in the way of information in the BBFC’s ruling, though it notes that the game contains around 40 minutes of cut scenes. The rating was arrived at based on 45 minutes of in-game footage.
Some media outlets have also noted that the certificate refers to the game simply as Modern Warfare 2, with no mention of Call of Duty – reigniting the long-running debate.
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October 19th, 2009, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Custom and slim design for your PSP GO. Made with high quality leather mix with Nylon material prevents any scratch with PSP GO console. Special design with small pocket for placing 3-piece M2 memory cards. With movie stand function, you can enjoy watching videos with your PSP GO. Firmly with PSP GO console and never loosened by built-in special design of "Plastic Mount".
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October 19th, 2009, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster

Welcome to another PSP2 rumour. This one comes courtesy of Bright Side of News, who also brought us the nVidia DSi rumour last week. BSN believe Sony began working on PSP2 in 2008 and have contracted Imagine Technologies to to implement their PowerVR SGX543 chip in a new PSP revision scheduled for release in 2010. After a few paragraphs of technical mumbo-jumbo, they speculate on the nature of the device:
After analyzing the performance at hand, it is no wonder that Sony chose to go with PowerVR for the next-generation PlayStation Portable. While the exact details of the SoC are still in question, our take is that Sony could go with quad-core setup at 400MHz [8GPixel/s], paired with a dual-core CPU based on ARM Cortex architecture. This would put Sony direct in line against Tegra-powered Nintendo DS2, PowerVR-based Apple’s iPhone 4G and Palm Pre2.
They conclude by saying they are confident the new PSP will launch within the next 12 months, although they can’t say when in order to protect their source. Then they provide a handy list that shows all the companies using ARM processors for their portable hardware in 2010:
Apple iPhone 3G s / 4G = ARM Cortex + PowerVR SGX HTC = ARM Cortex + PowerVR Microsoft Zune HD = ARM11 + GeForce 6 Nintendo DS2 = ARM Cortex + GeForce 9 Nokia platform = ARM11 only Palm Pre 2 = ARM Cortex + PowerVR SGX RIM BlackBerry = ARM9 only Samsung = ARM Cortex + PowerVR SGX Sony PSP2 = ARM ? + PowerVR SGX
Food for thought:
1. Is PSP2 the same as PSP-4000? I honestly can’t tell anymore. Rumour has it, though, that PSP-4000 will feature the triumphant (?) return of UMDs. So many rumours!
2. Is PSP-4000 the same as PSP Phone? Why in God’s name would a phone feature a UMD drive? Perhaps they are two different SKUs?
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October 20th, 2009, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
DekraN issue a further update on his homebrew LUA AlphaBase developed, the now known bash debug PSP. In this release have been further optimized some of the commands and fixes some bugs. I remember AlphaBase is completely open-source and are being developed to rewrite the homebrew in the C programming language
More to follow.
Changelog v3.6.5:
- Optimize the commands 'time', 'set' and 'Envelope';
- Fixato a bug in the command 'Envelope', which showed an error message LUA calling, if you pass the current environment (EC) or the work environment (WE) as a parameter Envelope / ID;
- Fixato a bug that did not allow to stop a timer if this had been initialized with the mode parameter to 1 (repeat);
- Code optimized;
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October 20th, 2009, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
As announcedThe January Team has just released the new custom firmware update for the C 5.50GEN that will launch a UMD / ISO that require firmware 5:55 and 6:00 without having recourse to any procedure patch. Remember that this release is restricted to holders of PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (TA-088v3 excluded). To simplify it even with custom firmware older, the team has thought to include the January update in a new version of the program XGEN Updater.
More to follow.
Start with an apology announcement published a few minutes ago on PSPGEN, where the team apologizes to all those who in these last hours they decided to upgrade to the new revision C, cf Gen in the hope of being able to use all UMD games / ISO requiring firmware 5:55 without using any type of patch. Before putting the new online version, we are told, had not yet planned to implement this new feature, which was then added by Yoshihiro last 24 hours after the usual routine tests. To avoid too much postpone the date of issue, the team decided to publish their work immediately, even before new checks on the stability and compatibility with all models of PSP.
To fix all the problems that have come to create in the previous release will be issued before long time (but probably not in the coming hours ...), a new CF 5:50 GEN-D without bugs or problems during installation.
Installation - Notes:
Minimum requirements for installing and tips:
- PSP-1000 or 2000 (except TA-088v3) with at least CF 4.01M33. And 'it's better to start the update from CF 5.50GEN-B2
- E 'recommended a formatting Flash 1 before and after the installation of the new custom firmware and even the Memory Stick
- Disable all plugins
.: Installation:.
- Copy the firmware 5.50, renamed 550.pbp in the root directory.
- Extract the contents of the package XGEN Installer for 5.50GEN-C and copy the UPDATE folder in PSP / GAME
- Start the application in the game> Memory Stick
- Select the option Install Flash CFW 5:50 GEN-C
.: Note Post-installation:.
- You will need to reset all the configurations of Recovery, including VSHMenu and providing no-UMD
The news 5.50GEN CF-C:
• Launch games that require higher fw and 5:51 (UMD or ISO) without having to resort to prodecure patch
• Start demos that require higher as MGS and 5:51 FW: Peace Walker
• Connection to the NDP by MediaGate
• E 'XGEN can use the Updater to install the firmware Journal 6:10
Known bugs:
• You can start ISO irshell. Problem solved with a new installation of the patch irshell 5.50GEN.
• There are problems with the playback of 480x272 video, will be resolved shortly
• The option Speed Up MS CF will arrive on 5.50GEN
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October 20th, 2009, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ollin
This is my first release of homebrew i coded in LPHM v2 some time ago...
It is a simple a Poker Blind Timer for the PSP.
Just check it out and enjoy or delete it...
Tested on:
5.00 M33-6
Credits to:
To everyone who ever made a tutorial ! ! !
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October 20th, 2009, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
PixelJunk developer Q Games has said that it's not likely to port any more games to Sony's PSP handheld due to piracy.
The PixelJunk series has been exclusive to the PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3, with the success of releases PixelJunk Monsters, PixelJunk Racers and PixelJunk Eden prompting Q Games to port a version of Monsters to the PSP.
But founder Dylan Cuthbert has said anti-piracy measures are unlikely to stop any hacking of his games, and he was shocked to discover users openly discussing piracy of Monsters Deluxe in chat rooms.
"I don't think we'll port anything else to the PSP, we have to see how [PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe] does as there's a lot of piracy," Cuthbert told fans via Twitter.
"Because Monsters is such a good fit it is being pirated I think, maybe the pirates will buy the full version out of guilt?" he added.
Asked by a fan if the company could combat piracy by adding serial numbers to code, Cuthbert said that "unfortunately the pirates could just hack those kinds of things out," and that "a PSP demo is in the works but I don't think it makes any difference to piracy."
"It was a shock to login to a [PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe] chat room and hear them talking about how they were all playing ripped versions," added Cuthbert.
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October 20th, 2009, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Jack Tretton has written an open letter to gamers in the US talking up the company's sales performance in September and highlighting some of the PlayStation platform's key plus points.
"Nearly half a million of you purchased a PS3 in September," he wrote. "Amazing. Welcome to the PlayStation Nation and to what will be one of our best holidays yet," he continued before going on to detail the SKUs for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable now available.
"We are in the midst of one of the most exciting times for PlayStation as we continue to redefine entertainment experiences for consumers, both at home and on the go.
"The PSPgo is driving additional momentum for the entire PSP platform. In its first three days on store shelves, top retail partners experienced a 300 percent lift in overall PSP hardware sales compared to the previous week. During this time, the PlayStation Network also experienced the largest number of downloads ever for a single week period."
He also highlighted the strong critical reception for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, which as he pointed out claimed a Metacritic rating of 96 with 64 perfect scores, and looked ahead to more PlayStation-exclusive releases in the future.
"There simply has never been a better time to be part of the PlayStation family and we look forward to providing you with the best entertainment content and experience for many, many years to come."
The letter follows strong hardware sales for the PlayStation 3 Slim in the US in September, where it outsold both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii for the first time - although its highest-ranking software placing was sixth, as Microsoft's Halo 3: ODST squashed the rest selling over 1.5 million units.
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October 20th, 2009, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Jack Tretton has written an open letter to gamers in the US talking up the company's sales performance in September and highlighting some of the PlayStation platform's key plus points.
"Nearly half a million of you purchased a PS3 in September," he wrote. "Amazing. Welcome to the PlayStation Nation and to what will be one of our best holidays yet," he continued before going on to detail the SKUs for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable now available.
"We are in the midst of one of the most exciting times for PlayStation as we continue to redefine entertainment experiences for consumers, both at home and on the go.
"The PSPgo is driving additional momentum for the entire PSP platform. In its first three days on store shelves, top retail partners experienced a 300 percent lift in overall PSP hardware sales compared to the previous week. During this time, the PlayStation Network also experienced the largest number of downloads ever for a single week period."
He also highlighted the strong critical reception for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, which as he pointed out claimed a Metacritic rating of 96 with 64 perfect scores, and looked ahead to more PlayStation-exclusive releases in the future.
"There simply has never been a better time to be part of the PlayStation family and we look forward to providing you with the best entertainment content and experience for many, many years to come."
The letter follows strong hardware sales for the PlayStation 3 Slim in the US in September, where it outsold both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii for the first time - although its highest-ranking software placing was sixth, as Microsoft's Halo 3: ODST squashed the rest selling over 1.5 million units.
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October 20th, 2009, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 sales in Australia are healthy, and the hold console has been selling over 10,000 units per week since early September. Sales of the PSPgo, which launched October 1 and is AUD$50 than the PS3, have been hardly robust.
According to Australian paper The Age, a source with access to official GfK sales figures divulged that the PSPgo sold fewer than 1,000 units in its first full week on sale in the territory.
Michael Ephraim, managing director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia and New Zealand, told the paper that the sales figure was "not under 1000 but it's slightly over 1000" and called the release a "soft release". Major retailers like EBGames, Ephraim noted, have refused to carry the product.
"Clearly we haven't done massive numbers but it's not something that we're concerned about ... because there are still some issues that we need to work through," Ephraim said. An upcoming pre-Christmas PSPgo update will allow users to read e-books, and initially, a broad selection of comics will be offered with more to come in the future.
Next year, a download video service will be launched.
"I suppose the applications are going to catch up with the device," said Ephraim. "The connectability to the PS3 and those other applications will start making this device even more viable."
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October 20th, 2009, 22:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has declined to comment on rumours that Killzone 3 is "deep in development" and will be released next year.
This is in response to Official PlayStation Magazine's "The Secret Games of 2010" article (via Destructoid), which claimed readers could "pencil in" Killzone 3 as well as Resistance 3 and a Call of Duty: World at War sequel.
Killzone 2 launched in February this year and earned 9/10 here on Eurogamer.
Resistance 2 was of similar calibre, and appeared a few months earlier that Killzone 2, in the autumn of 2008. Insomniac has just finished work on Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, which Ellie is reviewing as I type.
Activision rotates Call of Duty duties between Treyarch and Infinity Ward. The latter will deliver Modern Warfare 2, so Treyarch presumably has something in the can for next autumn.
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October 20th, 2009, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is now out for the PSP, and Rockstar has added new features to the Rockstar Social Club to celebrate the eagerly anticipated release.
Today sees the introduction of two new features to the Rockstar Social Club to help players of both the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable versions of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars enhance their play. First up is the Peking Duck Hunt, an arcade-style web-based game that allows PSP players to earn cash for their game while they aren't playing, much like Mr. Wong's before it. Then there's the Chinatown Wars Guide Map, an interactive map that shows the locations of every Drug Dealer, Security Camera, Rampage, and Stunt Jump in town, tracking what you and your friends have accomplished to see who is the rightful owner of bragging privileges.
Rockstar has also added new papercraft models from the game, including Ling and Uncle Kenny, an assortment of weapons, and several vehicles straight from the streets of Liberty City.
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October 20th, 2009, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

One Super Sized story and 6 action-packed campaigns featuring Wolverine, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Silver Surfer and Falcon
Team up with a friend to electrocute enemies, wrap them in webs, and save Super Hero City
2 bonus unlockable campaigns featuring Spider-Man and Dr. Doom
Choose from over 20 Marvel characters from the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Avengers series and use their unique super powers to smash, bash, and zap your enemies
Create your own combo attacks to takedown the competition with unique character powers
Go head-to-head with your friends and fight as your favorite Super Hero or Villain
Welcome to Super Hero City! Assemble your squad and fight your way to victory to save the citizens of Super Hero City from the evil schemes of the super villains in this multi-player adventure game inspired by the action-packed animated Marvel TV series.
Fight through campaigns full of adventure or wage an all-out battle in the streets of dynamic environments as you mix and match heroes and villains with their own unique powers and abilities.
Hero up! Pick your battle–fight for good, fight for evil or just fight for fun!
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October 20th, 2009, 23:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Hideo Kojima of MGS fame has straight up promised to make a sequel for the revered PS2 series, Zone of the Enders.
This follows a statement from Kojima last week when he said a ZOE sequel was "top of the list" of games he wants to make. That gave us hope, but posting on his blog, Kojima promises ZOE 3 will definitely come, he just can't say when.
"We'd like to make an Anubis [Anubis is the Japanese name for ZOE2] sequel at some point," said Kojima. "Also, we feel that if we do it, we'd like to make Anubis succeed this time. I already have a game plan and method for sales in my head. However, we don't know if it will be green lighted. The production lines within Kojima Productions are currently full."
He goes on to add: "I cannot make a promise about time. However, I can promise a sequel," according to Andriasang's translations, which had better be accurate. We need that sequel in our lives. Why? The mad lasers in the above screenshot of ZOE2 is why.
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October 20th, 2009, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience incredible layers of gameplay depth with excitement of first-person action and vehicular combat
Features life-like character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable vehicles
Players can freely join or leave the game at anytime
Game creates thousands of unique, randomly generated missions, weapons and situations
Allows multiple players to share same game experience simultaneously online
A sci-fi / action RPG from acclaimed developer Gearbox, Borderlands combines the best in first-person action with player customization and vehicular combat for incredible layers of gameplay depth.
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October 21st, 2009, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

With over 15 different endings, every action you take will cause a chain of events to occur, allowing for multiple outcomes and replay-ability. Every action has a reaction and the following consequences open up new paths to explore
Craft your own unique weapons from over 200 different parts and materials, creating the ultimate weapon that suits your taste and fighting style. Create lethal blades, spears, pole axes and more while discovering new abilities and skills with increased use. Become a master of one or of many. The choice is yours
Performing different feats will reward a player with Samurai Points and a Title, which in turn will unlock new features and characters within the game. Fight honorably in the way of the samurai, live your life as a bandit or strive to uphold the government. These choices will net different points and values, encouraging multiple play throughs to unlock everything
Fight your opposition with force or take the diplomatic route, using subtle gestures like the unsheathing of your sword. With an extensive dialogue tree, weapons combo system and more, this hybrid title delivers on multiple fronts
The consequences of your actions will determine your fate. Choose to fight along side good or evil during the tumultuous time of the Sengoku Era and carve your name into history. Become a hero or become infamous, the choice is yours.
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October 21st, 2009, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster

Sony seems to be working on a lot of controllers these days. They have a motion controller scheduled for next year and, maybe in the future, this remote-like thing.
A design patent application for this unannounced device was filed in the US by Sony Computer Entertainment. The document is light on details, but calls the device a “hand held game controller”.
It seems like this controller is being developed in the USA since all of the inventors are from southern California. More specifically, one of them works at Sony’s Electronics Design center in Los Angeles.
What could this be for? The way it’s designed to be held doesn’t look optimized for motion controlled sword swinging. Perhaps, it’s a quiz style controller for Sony’s Buzz series.
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October 21st, 2009, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
A large bulk of people who buy a Sony PS3 are not interested in using the Blu ray player and have never tried to watch a Blu ray movie, claims a new research study. This is despite Sony Computer Entertainment bragging about the benefits of their player inside the PS3 console.
A large bulk of people who buy a Sony PS3 are not interested in using the Blu ray player and have never tried to watch a Blu ray movie, claims a new research study. This is despite Sony Computer Entertainment bragging about the benefits of their player.
According to an August study by NPD Group, 34% of PS3 owners had never tried to watch Blu-ray movies on their machine. Two-thirds of PS3 owners had watched Blu-ray movies, however, which is a higher percentage of owners who watched DVDs on the PlayStation 2 at a similar point in its lifecycle, according to NPD.
"It's at a fairly high level, where it took years for PS2 owners to use [that console] for DVD," NPD analyst Russ Crupnick he said. "Most PS3 people think of it as a gaming device, but there is a reasonable level of awareness and intended use for Blu-ray."
When NPD asked PS3 owners in August why they purchased the console, 58% said it was mostly to play games; 34% said it was for enjoying games and Blu-ray movies equally; and 8% said mostly for Blu-ray movies. The responses were consistent with similar NPD research a year earlier.
The researchers claim that the new PS3 is now working its way into the households of casual gamers. They might be less enthusiastic about new technology than earlier buyers, however, and NPD believes these new buyers might use the machine even less as a Blu-ray movie player.
PS3 owners who have had their machines for some time tend to buy more Blu-ray movies than DVDs, according to NPD, while newer owners buy more DVDs than Blu-rays.
"Newer owners are somewhat more oriented to DVD than Blu-ray," Crupnick said. "The later you get into an adoption cycle, the more you're not getting the super aficionado. These are people who are tougher to convince about the benefits of Blu-ray and who are sensitive to price."
Sony is hoping to drive momentum for the PS3 by launching a higher capacity 250GB model for $599 on Nov. 3. This is $200 dearer than the same model in the USA.
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October 21st, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
CJPC writes on PS3News.com:
We suspect that the 3.00 and 3.01 PS3 Firmware updates, which contain the BD firmware patch file BDPT_FIRMWARE_PACKAGE_306R.PKG, is the main contributing factor to the failed drives.
The PS3 Devs want to get ahold of some BD drives that have been bricked by the update in order to prove that the PS-SYSTEM 306R Firmware patch in the update is responsible for the damaged drives.
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October 21st, 2009, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
New revision 1212 of Jpcsp, a PSP emulator for the PSP developed in Java.
Recall that using the program, which allows you to run some homebrew like those already in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
Changelog 1199-1212:
Revision 1212: Fixed misinterpreted colors in image capture.
Revision 1211: 2 more native code sequences
Revision 1210: Small fix for compiler homebrews
Revision 1209: - added first draft of sceFont module (using a font for faked sceFontGetCharGlyp
Revision 1208: Fix small problem: 3 syscalls were using the same code.
Revision 1207: More sceMpeg findings ...
Revision 1206: Try to avoid NullPointerException in ThreadMan.nextThread ()
Revision 1205: sceUtilityOskInitStart: provide simple GUI to edit OSK entry.
Revision 1204: sceKernelStartModule: do not return an error when the module has no entry point
Revision 1203: Implementation of Basic sceGuTexLevelMode when mode = 1. Not really sure about it,
Revision 1202: Additional native code compiler from Homebrew Kuroki.
Revision 1201: Removed debugging code introduced in R1200 by mistake ...
Revision 1200: Basic implementation for sceUtilityOskInitStart (). GUI to edit the text is missi
Revision 1199: Updated sceDisplayGetVcount () and sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount () to match the PSP.
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October 21st, 2009, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
The Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D is complete and will be released tomorrow evening at 20.00. This is what you can read about PSPGen. This new update, of course, keep all the features of 5.50GEN-C but it will solve all the bugs that caused problems for most of the users. The update will allow the execution of C games that require firmware 5.55/6.00 but, unexpectedly, did not execute correctly the older titles, there were also problems when installing the custom firmware itself, and some could not even use the internet browser . As already said the release is scheduled for tomorrow unless they are found more problems in these last hours of testing.
We'll keep you notified of updates and in full, you will find a video demonstration of the new Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D.
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October 21st, 2009, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
There are many commercial software and not aimed at converting video, but Handbrake is foremost among all the extreme ease of use.
Handbrake converts any video container but his specialty is the direct conversion from DVD to formats compatible with PSP / MAC, all executed very few mouse clicks, also complements the function of decryption inserted media evading any supplemental protections.
HandBrake svn2845:
- Added automatic update feature to sottobuild
- Improved core video conversion
- Support for Two-pass encoding with the new theora 1.1
- Updated x264 codec to the latest version available
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October 21st, 2009, 02:56 Posted By: Zack
Via RetroEmu
Hey everyone. I would first of all like to say thank you for all the positive response towards my work and for all the bug reports.
For the record, I know I have been stated as saying use frameskip 3 to get good speed, but even without it it is faster than the previous snes emulator releases. I re-wrote parts of the renderer, I didn't just hike up frameskip and claim mine was faster. This might not be the case for every game and might not be by much, but it is faster.
Also I'm not doing this for a popularity stunt, or just to claim "mines better than yours". I am doing this because I love the Snes and want to see it emulated at proper speed on the PSP and was sad to see it abandoned. I do not claim to be the worlds greatest coder, or emulation guru. Like everyone else I am learning on a daily basis. Programming is a hobby for me, I don't do it for a living. I know there is a lot more work to be done, so please bear with me.
This build isn't really any faster than the previous one, it's mainly a stability release. I will be back to speed improvements in the next release.
Changes :
So that's it. It finally seems stable, I know this emulator has a bad rep for being terribly unstable but it really seems solid now.
I hope you enjoy this release and if you have any bugs please post them in the : Snes9X Euphoria - Official Forum
Note : To get the best performance I recommend the following settings :
Render : PSP Accelerated
Frameskip : 3 (frameskip @ 1 seems to be sufficient for most games to play at 60fps)
Note : The PSP Accelerated renderer can be buggy, it works fine in most games but certain games may have graphical errors which render them unplayable. If this happens I recommend switching to the PSP Accelerated + Aprox soft renderer.
If you downloaded the R2 release, please download the new R2.1 release as it fixes a bug with loading a new rom (it would crash the psp) - Same link
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October 21st, 2009, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
Entertainment chain HMV will support the UK midnight launch of Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
The publisher is hosting a big screen event at Leicester Square in London on October 9, with HMV's Torcadero store opening at midnight to begin selling the highly anticipated title.
The game comes in various SKUs – the basic game controversially had its RRP pushed up to £54.99, while a limited Prestige edition of the game will retail for £119.99.
In the US, retailer Best Buy is opening over 500 stores at midnight to meet consumer demand.
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October 21st, 2009, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster

Ben Heck] may be the coolest person ever (take that [Adam Savage]). You would think that after producing so many laptop versions of gaming consoles he would grow tired or we would be bored of them. But no! We love each and every new production – including his latest laptop-ified Ps3. Not too much in the terms of ‘new’ comes from his latest article, but it does reaffirm some things including: why make what you can buy, cheap foam sheet should be purchased by the ton, and use the screws from an overheated Xbox 360 when you lose the Ps3 originals. Oh, and [Adam] we were just kidding, you know we will always love you.
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October 21st, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
As expected, the team PSPGEN has just released the awaited update to the Custom Firmware D 5.50GEN obviously restricted only to owners of PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (except TA-088v3). This new update solves all the problems that arose with the 5.50GEN-C a few days ago.
More information about the installation process in complete.
Installation - Notes:
Minimum requirements for installing and tips:
- PSP-1000 or 2000 with at least CF 4.01M33 (except TA-088v3) (CF recommended 5.50GEN-B2)
- Remove any custom themes and set the default
.: Installation:.
- Copy the firmware 5.50, renamed 550.pbp in the root directory.
- Extract the contents of the package XGEN Installer for 5.50GEN-D and copy the UPDATE folder in PSP / GAME
- Start the application in the game> Memory Stick
- Select the option Install Flash CFW 5:50 GEN-D
The news 5.50GEN CF-D:
• All options 5.50GEN-B2
• Launch games that require higher fw and 5:51 (UMD or ISO) without having to resort to prodecure patch
• Start demos that require higher as MGS and 5:51 FW: Peace Walker
• Connection to the NDP by MediaGate
• E 'XGEN can use the Updater to install the firmware Journal 6:10
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October 22nd, 2009, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has sold over 60,000 slim PlayStation 3's in Australia since the model was introduced on September 3.
According to the company, the console has been outselling rival hardware from Nintendo and Microsoft during the period, with Sony about to kick off a new promotion to further boost sales.
"I can confirm that in excess of 60,000 units of the PS3 120GB have been sold since launch," a spokesperson for sony told GameSpot. “I can also confirm that since the launch of the new model on September 3, total sales for the period since introduction have outperformed our competition.”
Sony is also now offering a free slim PS3 console to consumers who buy a Bravia LCD TV, with guaranteed delivery before Christmas.
Earlier this week it was revealed that sales of the PSPgo failed to make much of an impact in its first week on the market, with around 1000 units sold.
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October 22nd, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
The excellent Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is this week's headline attraction on the European PlayStation Store.
Our praise-laden review should convince you that £29.99 is an asking price worth parting with, unless you want the UMD, which is inevitably cheaper.
Elsewhere, you might like to try demos of NBA 2K10 or Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron (PSP). Plus, there's new content for Midnight Club: Los Angeles and Cross Edge.
There's only one extra PSP Minis game, Red Bull X Fighters, today - and it costs four quid.
Of the discounts, Riff: Everyday Shooter is most alluring, at £3.99/€4.99.
Over to music watch, and Queen invade Rock Band while some rockers I've never heard of appear for Guitar Hero.
PS3 Demos
NBA 2K10
PS3 Game Content
EyePet: Wild West Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
EyePet: Lucky Dip Pack 1 (free)
Midnight Club Los Angeles: Police Car Pack (free)
Cross Edge: Power-Up Pack + (free)
Guitar Hero 5: Classic Rock 2 Track Pack ("Freeze Frame" by Geils Band, "Lay It On The Line" by Triump, "Show Me The Way (Live)" by Peter Frampton) - £4.39/€5.49 (£1.59/€1.99 each)
Rock Band: Queen Pack 01 ("Another One Bites The Dust", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "Fat Bottomed Girls", "I Want It All by Queen", "I Want To Break Free", "Killer Queen", "One Vision", "Somebody To Love", "Tie Your Mother Down", "Under Pressure") - £9.19/€11.25 (£0.99/€1.49 each)
PS3 Premium Themes
EyePet (£1.59/€1.99)
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (£1.59/€1.99)
PSP Games
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (£29.99/€34.99)
Hannah Montana: Rock Out The Show (£23.99/€29.99)
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 (£31.99/€39.99)
Marvel Superhero Squad (£29.99/€34.99)
Astro Boy: The Video Game (£23.99/€29.99)
G-Force (£29.99/€34.99)
PSP Minis
Red Bull X Fighters (£3.99/€4.99)
PSP Demos
Star Wars Battlefield: Elite Squadron
PSP Game Content
Hannah Montana: Musician’s Wardrobe Add-on (free)
Hannah Montana: Hannah Montana Fashion Add-on (£1.19/€1.49)
Hannah Montana: Moment Maker Effects Add-on (£0.79/€0.99)
Hannah Montana: Rockstar Stage Props Add-on (free)
Rock Band Unplugged: "All I Want" by The Offsrping (£0.99/€1.49)
Rock Band Unplugged: "The Rock Show" by Blink 182 (£0.99/€1.49)
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October 22nd, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
The excellent Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is this week's headline attraction on the European PlayStation Store.
Our praise-laden review should convince you that £29.99 is an asking price worth parting with, unless you want the UMD, which is inevitably cheaper.
Elsewhere, you might like to try demos of NBA 2K10 or Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron (PSP). Plus, there's new content for Midnight Club: Los Angeles and Cross Edge.
There's only one extra PSP Minis game, Red Bull X Fighters, today - and it costs four quid.
Of the discounts, Riff: Everyday Shooter is most alluring, at £3.99/€4.99.
Over to music watch, and Queen invade Rock Band while some rockers I've never heard of appear for Guitar Hero.
PS3 Demos
NBA 2K10
PS3 Game Content
EyePet: Wild West Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
EyePet: Lucky Dip Pack 1 (free)
Midnight Club Los Angeles: Police Car Pack (free)
Cross Edge: Power-Up Pack + (free)
Guitar Hero 5: Classic Rock 2 Track Pack ("Freeze Frame" by Geils Band, "Lay It On The Line" by Triump, "Show Me The Way (Live)" by Peter Frampton) - £4.39/€5.49 (£1.59/€1.99 each)
Rock Band: Queen Pack 01 ("Another One Bites The Dust", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "Fat Bottomed Girls", "I Want It All by Queen", "I Want To Break Free", "Killer Queen", "One Vision", "Somebody To Love", "Tie Your Mother Down", "Under Pressure") - £9.19/€11.25 (£0.99/€1.49 each)
PS3 Premium Themes
EyePet (£1.59/€1.99)
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (£1.59/€1.99)
PSP Games
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (£29.99/€34.99)
Hannah Montana: Rock Out The Show (£23.99/€29.99)
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 (£31.99/€39.99)
Marvel Superhero Squad (£29.99/€34.99)
Astro Boy: The Video Game (£23.99/€29.99)
G-Force (£29.99/€34.99)
PSP Minis
Red Bull X Fighters (£3.99/€4.99)
PSP Demos
Star Wars Battlefield: Elite Squadron
PSP Game Content
Hannah Montana: Musician’s Wardrobe Add-on (free)
Hannah Montana: Hannah Montana Fashion Add-on (£1.19/€1.49)
Hannah Montana: Moment Maker Effects Add-on (£0.79/€0.99)
Hannah Montana: Rockstar Stage Props Add-on (free)
Rock Band Unplugged: "All I Want" by The Offsrping (£0.99/€1.49)
Rock Band Unplugged: "The Rock Show" by Blink 182 (£0.99/€1.49)
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-13700.html
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux - Changelog - Download.
sceFontXXX: also accept fontAddr==0 as long as we have no real font list implemented.
Implemented video command ORIGIN_ADDR: should fix all the games displaying "Unknown/unimplemented video command [origin_addr](int=0,float=0.0)". I´m still not sure when the origin address has to be reset. Fixed sceDisplayGetFrameBuf (4th parameter is not an address). Added current GE image dump after each PRIM command when capturing (helps debugging).
Fixed a compiler problem introduced by r1220
VideoEngine.PRIM: avoid a lot of memory read errors when an invalid vertex address is detected
Small performance improvement in Compiler: - no memory access check for reference to $sp - optimized addi, addiu, or, ori and branching instructions to handle simplified cases where one the register is $zr Tuned debug logging.
One native method for "Archer Maclean´s Mercury ULES00011" from profiler output.
Fix again in sceKernelLoadModule(): handle HLE modules loaded from flash0 and module names are case insensitive
More sceFont findings: sceFontGetNumFontList, sceFontGetFontList
Fixed image capture for PSM_8888 textures
Also added dynamic module loading in sceUtilityLoadAvModule
Added dynamic module loading for sceUtilityLoadModule/sceUtilityLoadNetModule. Added missing generic sceFont module (under HLE.modules)
Fixed syscall number (spotted by fiveofhearts).
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: Shrygue
Website MotionJoy provides signed Dualshock 3 drivers for Windows XP, Vista and 7 which will work for both 32 and 64 bit systems. These drivers allow the following features of the controller to work such as:
- Rumble function
- USB connectivity
- Bluetooth connectivity
- The use of the trigger buttons
- The use of both analogue sticks and buttons
- Support for the use of the SixAxis Motion sensor
- Support for use as a Windows Media Centre Remote
- Support for emulation of Xbox 360 controllers with Xinput driver
Once installed, driver and button assignments can be changed using the DS3 tool.
To download and install the driver, get it at the website. Remember, make sure to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS carefully to ensure successful installation. Please make sure to obtain the right driver for your system. ie, 32 bit drivers will NOT work on 64 bit systems and vice versa.
Download the drivers here
Help and installation instructions here
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October 22nd, 2009, 22:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via VG247
Famitsu has new scans of Final Fantasy XIII in it’s latest issue.
It mostly shows new girl Oerba Yun Fang, shown at the end of the English Tokyo Game Show trailer, with her summon Bahamut.
You can find them over at FF-XIII.net.
Meanwhile, IGN has managed to translate the exact same article, which confirms the PS3 version of the game will recieve no install at all. Oh, and there obviously will be trophies.
Find more through there.
Game is out in Japan on the PlayStation 3 on December 17. Europe and US get it on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in spring 2010.
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...a-vidzone.html
Boring, no rly interesting news around so I'll try to keep you interested with this little discovery. Tested and working on a retail machine.
Not only the lame PS3 internet browser is able to play flash files, the music application Vidzone is also. Here a little example:
The startup Vidzone logo and the main menu layout are simple .swf flash files. Write your own flash file format 5 and simply replace those two files to run it standalone by starting Vidzone:
First replace: /dev_hdd0/game/NPEA00135/USRDIR/VidzoneChannel.swf
Second replace: /dev_hdd0/game/NPEA00135/USRDIR/HDForms.swf
I won't explain how to replace files on HDD again, you should know that by now. I'm still experimenting so find out what is possible yourself in the first time.
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
The update of the Custom Firmware D 5.50GEN had to solve all the problems encountered by users with the previous 5.50GEN-C. But even with this last update have been some reports of bugs, like the one linked to the online component of some games like Fifa10 that will be corrected with an additional bug-fix update: the 5.50GEN-D2. This is the statement by Yoshihiro on PSPGEN. Was not announced any release date but we will keep you informed in case of updates.
More to follow.
5.50GEN-D2 Bug-Fix:
- Fix TKIP WLAN for games like Fifa10, MotorStorm and other
- Fix Video Output for titles that require 5.55/6.00
- Fix recovery menu with the options dedicated to the Pandora Battery
- Removed the splash screen PSPGEN; will be replaced with a screen that will alert the proper functioning of the decrypter
We thank you for reporting psp-ceramic
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ktix007
I've finished this new version of Game Dev Helper and it includes a very interesting new feature: A menu creator. This menu creator will let you make a simple menu with images in Lua Hm 7 or Lua Hm v2 without knowing anything about programming! Game Dev Helper is available in English, Catalan and Spanish. You can change the language in "Opciones/Idioma".
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from silmarilion

Hi there, i hope anyone still remember this .
For those who haven´t heard of the app, GameMusicGear is a multi format music player for the PSP inspired on Oldplay for the gp32 and winamp. Please send any comment or suggestion to the mail found in the readme.
Here is the changelog:
Version 1.3
+ add New in_sap plugin based on ASAP engine by Piotr Fusik.
+ add Scrolling text in playlist for large file names/titles.
+ add Some gfx changes and new icon, specially in the config app.
+ add Texture compression using libtxc_dxtn library by Roland Scheidegger and
Franck Charlet to save some space: dxt1, dxt3 and dxt5 modes available.
+ add New volume boost algorithm with +3, +6 and +9 dB amplification. You can
change it pressing CROSS + ANALOG UP/DOWN. ** USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK **
+ add Improved the in_psf plugin, several types of reverb and interpolation
were added and should sound more like the real psx. If you find some
heavy track you can try changing this settings.
+ add Improved visual plugins!.
* fix Increased heap size of in_gme.prx because some vgm files were not working, thanks
to Marcus Vin*cius for pointing that one.
* fix Increased the size of the song info and picture in fullscreen visualizer.
* fix Replaced a lot of global variables in the main app to improve performance
and stability of the app.
* fix Load from zip, rar, etc. is now working with psf, minipsf and vgz plugins. Except for some
large rar files.
* fix Real sleep mode is now working  .
- del Removed fade support since i changed the sound boost algorithm.
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October 22nd, 2009, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sleepper & M@x of a new version of the Java Games emulator for the PSP:
Streamlined command handling in Virtual boards--all boards now allow direct entry of commands registered by midlet authors without going through the interim text context layer. Semichordal and Danzeff boards also bind appropriate keys to OK and CANCEL command types if the midlet author registers them correctly. Allows single keystroke return from full-screen text fields in many midlets, including Opera Mini. See 'Fast confirm/cancel' in the wiki page UsingTheSemichordalBoard (the keys in the Danzeff board look the same).
Added experimental, compact 'floating' version of AWF virtual board (see AWFFloat).
Changed colours of Danzeff/semichordal keys to make distinguishing them easier.
AMS warns when you attempt to move a folder into itself or into its own child.
Changed Config midlet 'Exit' to 'Done'.
AMS allows deleting of non-empty folders.
Improvements to smart positioning system in virtual keyboards, so they move properly around one-line textfields in forms.
(non-UI/non-user) added Java interfaces exposing native to J2ME control mapping--necessary to get AWF board operating properly when keys are remapped by user or 'Western' X/O mapping is selected.
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October 23rd, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Developer Bioware made a surprise announcement this morning for PlayStation 3 owners.
Dragon Age: Origins is now planned to ship on November 3, the same date as both the PC and Xbox 360 versions.
"We're excited to confirm that all three versions of Dragon Age: Origins will be available to fans on November 3 in North America," said Ray Muzyka, Group General Manager, RPG/MMO Group of EA, and Co-Founder, BioWare.
"The Dragon Age: Origins development team was able to polish the PlayStation 3 version to our high standard of quality and we are ready to deliver the richest and deepest role-playing fantasy experience across all three platforms."
Dragon Age: Origins was originally scheduled to ship "later in November," BioWare told IGN in early August.
"We are really happy with the results on the PS3. It was our first experience and we were really impressed with the power of the machine," added BioWare's Mark Darrah in a liveblog chat.
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October 23rd, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The MAG public beta looks to be helping Sony iron out a fair few chinks in the game, as it has just released a patch that includes" over 8,000 updates and fixes".
Here's a list of the most important stuff:
- Framerate improvements in all environments
- Vote/ Kick implemented
- Art and lighting updates to all levels
- Art updates to weapons, vehicles and objects
- Animation improvement and updates
- Client patching improvements
- Design tuning on all environments (attacker/defender, out of bounds, sightlines, routing...)
- Tuned all skills (skill point expense, skill trees, skill effects)
- Tuning pass on experience rewarded for all actions (resuscitate, heal other, destroy turret, destroy motor pool....)
- Tuning pass on player & leadership experience progressions
- Full audio tuning pass
- Bunker, APC, and Spawn camera adjustments
- Lowered initial spawn times for attackers and defenders for all gametypes
- Update Major/Minor victory and loss percentages and conditions for all gametypes
- Updated Domination gametype scoring values
- Improved weapon feel and hit feedback
Sony handed the beta out to 16,000 gamers who applied for an access code via the PS Blog.
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October 23rd, 2009, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
It 'was just released a new update for the homebrew s9xTYLmecm, the excellent Super Nintendo emulator for the PSP. Not many news trickling in this release. Were however made some improvements to processes meanings chart with a resultant increase in speed for different video mode emulator.
- Some improvements in the process graph, with consequent increase in speed mode "PSP accelerated", "PSP accel. + Accurate. Soft.", "PSP accel. + Approx. Soft."
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October 25th, 2009, 08:57 Posted By: wraggster

Sony's PSP Go hasn't had the warmest reception of all time or anything, but does it really deserve all the negative vibes being flung its way? The UMD-less console leaked way earlier than Sony intended, but after a proper launch and you inevitably trekking out to snag one, we're curious to know whether or not you're enjoying things. Would you have kept UMD support? Would you have added more internal memory? Enlarged the screen? Offered it in neon yellow? Be sure to spill your thoughts in comments below, and you'll get a few bonus points if you're coming from the world of an original PSP. Promise!
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October 25th, 2009, 09:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

Pro Evolution Soccer is a video game built on pride, the pride that comes from making the most realistic soccer experience one can have within the world of gaming. Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 does not disappoint and this year, the voices of fans world-wide have been heard. Based in Japan, Winning Eleven Productions has instituted a host of anticipated changes that make PES 2010 the best yet. In PES 2010 you'll find yourself on the largest stage in digital soccer: The Champions League. Imagine you're in a 1-1 tie in stoppage time against Manchester United. You've broken their defense and are sprinting full throttle into a man to man match of wits and reflexes with Edwin van der Sar. Do you have what it takes to punch it in for the win?
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October 25th, 2009, 09:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Superufo.com

Based on the wildly popular card game and television show, Bakugan: Battle Brawlers, is a video game experience requiring skill, strategy and imagination. Featuring a fierce assortment monsters, uncanny powers and amazing environments in an alternate dimension called Vestroia, the game lets you and your own unique Bakugan join forces with Dan and his fellow Brawlers as they battle to save Vestroia and ultimately, Earth from destruction.
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October 25th, 2009, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
As promised, the Team has just released the January update awaited bug-fix for the Custom Firmware 5.50GEN. This update, called D2, finally solving all the problems present in earlier versions, including those related to for online titles such as MotorStorm and Fifa10 Arctic Edge. Has also been corrected also options for Pandora battery present in Recovery.
More information about the procedure for installation in complete.
It 'requires a PSP-1000 or PSP-2000 (except TA-088v3) with CF 5.50GEN-D
- Copy the folder GEN-D2 in PSP / GAME
- Start the application in the game> Memory Stick
- Press install the update
What corrects 5.50GEN-D2:
- Fix TKIP WLAN for games like Fifa10, MotorStorm and other
- Fix Video Output for titles that require 5.55/6.00
- Fix recovery menu with the options dedicated to the Pandora Battery
- Removed the splash screen PSPGEN; will be replaced with a screen that will alert the proper functioning of the decrypter
- The game Evangelion Jo now works correctly
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October 25th, 2009, 15:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
ZiNgA BuRgA, author of the well known tool RCO Editor, releases a new PC application useful for manipulating files RCO that integrates a user-friendly GUI. RCOmage is the famous tool, not so long ago in alpha stage, which allows the creation of animated themes. In particular it is possible to extract the contents by doing a dump into an XML file, modify it and rebuild in a few steps a new RCO usable on PSP. To use the program you must have installed Visual C + +, both links are available for download below.
RCOmage app source thread here
Visual C++ 2008 SP1 from Microsoft here
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October 25th, 2009, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
Yet another update by the Japanese汁ダークfor his emulator NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, A historic 8-bit multiprocessor console produced by NEC in the late 80s and never imported to Italy.
PCE for PSP 0.83a4:
- Improved support multiplayer AD_HOC
- Added soft reset function (+)
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October 25th, 2009, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
New update from Bubbletune for his very useful plugin Game Categories, prx that will enable you to sort the homebrew / ISO present on your memory stick, according to the category. This update, which brings the plugin to version 8, fixes some bugs present in previous release and adds the ability to completely hide the files not cataloged.
More to follow.
Changelog v8:
- Fixato support UTF8
- Improved Mode Context Menu now shows that a greater number of elements
- Added the ability to hide files not fully cataloged (see readme)
- Fixato a bug that caused some crashes
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October 25th, 2009, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
E 'available for download a new revision of Jpcsp, the emulator PSP for PC developed by the same name that comes to revision 1230. ICORD who use the program, which allows you to run some homebrew like those already in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
Following the complete changelog of the latest releases and a link to download.
Rev1230: Update after first rendering iaddr (analog to VADDR). This should fix graphics
problem for games using indexed vertex.
Avoid using ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when TBIAS_MODE_CONST.
Improved performance of CaptureImage (buffered IO).
Rev1229: Small improvements for debugging purpose only.
Rev1228: Do not update at end of VADDR PRIM command when vertex is indexed.
Dummy BBOX / BJUMP implementation, not yet functional.
Rev1227: Small performance optimizations here and there: trying to use MemoryReader
whenever possible. MemoryReader Improved performance for FastMemory.
Rev1226: Trying to avoid ConcurrentListModificationException when leaving Jpcsp.
Rev1225: Implemented the video OFFSET_ADDR command. It is sharing the same value GeList
as ORIGIN_ADDR (checked on PSP).
Rev1224: sceFontXXX: fontAddr also accept == 0 as long as we have no real source list
Rev1223: Implemented video ORIGIN_ADDR command: should fix all the games displaying
"Unknown / unimplemented video command [origin_addr
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October 25th, 2009, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from retrobits
I really wanted to play Laserix 2 again on my 5.00 M33 slim -- Its one
of my favorite homebrew games ever on the PSP. So I did a quick port
of Laserix 2 to PGE (Pheonix Game Engine) the past few days. Since
the game was implemented originally in Lua, this was not too
difficult. It should run fine on all custom firmwares, greater than
3.xx phat or slim. PGE is really a great game development platform.
I am very impressed with its performance.
original readme from fafenstein:
Laserix is a flash game created by Jason Storhed, a video game
designer student. This game is just 100% fun and perfect transpose to
PSP !!!!. I have tried it once and became a big fan! After a couple of
days, and few broken PSPs, I finished the 13 levels. Oh no! What am I
gonna do !!! I contacted Jason, to ask for more, but he was busy with
his exams. So guess what, I decided to create my own levels.
Now you can play 52 levels (incuding the 13 orignals masterpiece) and
try to finsih the game. Good Luck and have a blast!!!
Laserix is a laser that should go through all diamonds on the grid.
The only way to do it, is to use mirrors, in the right position and
adjust them to define the right laser path. Laserix is a real "Chinese
puzzle". There is no need for 3D or video. The game is just fun!!!
Thanks again to Jason, who design the game and let me used the source
code to create new levels.
You can see jason site or find the 1st version in flash to play on pc
I would like to say a little thx to lumo and Shine for their sites,
and to Eliotstein and Regis for levels and test.
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October 25th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from retrobits
Finally got Noiz2sa running 100% on my 5.00 M33 slim. I didn't really change anything, other than repacking the EBOOT with PBP Unpacker and including a NOIZ2SA.PRF from an old 1.5 kernel memory stick I had. If the PRF file is not present, the game will freeze after about a minute.
Have fun with this awesome shoot em up!
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October 26th, 2009, 06:22 Posted By: NineByNine
PSPKVM 0.5.4 (final) is now officially released. This is release incorporates a host of enhancements and bugfixes trialled in the recent set of test builds and aimed at increasing useability, improving multilingual support, easing doing text input and generally smoothing out the user interface.
See the downloads page on SourceForge at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pspkvm/files/ -- several package versions are available for new and existing users.
The complete changelog is now a bit long for a news post and is available with the build packages. In summary, however, highlights relative to release 0.5.3 are:
* an improved backend typeface system supporting much, much larger TrueType fonts (tested successfully with 18 MB of font files attached), and supporting italic, bold, and italic-bold faces across all system faces, and adding support for a fallback font slot appropriate for massive pan-Unicode and Han character fonts. See demonstration captures in the wiki at http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/psp...lDemonstration
* a new Danzeff-style virtual keyboard
* extensive multilingual support (most if not all languages using Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts supported) added to the existing semichordal virtual keyboard
* speed enhancements and improved support for use in large text panes for all remaining virtual keyboards, including the Chinese-input-supporting AWF virtual board--a floating 'smart placement' system overlays the boards over the text, but moves them as you type so you can't type under them
* modifications to event handling in all virtual keyboards greatly streamlining GUI mechanics--you can now confirm and cancel text entry with far fewer keystrokes then previously
* fixes to streaming multimedia support
* a folder system in the Application Management System, allowing the convenient management of large numbers of installed applications
* an in-GUI configuration system now supporting the configuration of a number of features and subsystems (font system, virtual keyboard setup) previously only adjustable in the .ini
* the ability to switch the X/O key use to 'Western'-style X-for-accept system wide
* networking improvements allowing easier recovery in difficult connection situations
* additions to the built-in font supporting most Cyrillic characters and common typographic symbols ('typesetters' quotes, em-dashes, etc.)
Many thanks from the development team to all who tested and reported on the test builds.
(And onward to 0.5.5.)
Note that there is currently no OFW-compatible (1.5 kernel) release. Users interested in one please contact us via contact methods offered at http://pspkvm.org -- we have had difficulty testing these.
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October 26th, 2009, 16:25 Posted By: wraggster
Netflix is to bring its film streaming rental service to PlayStation 3 from next month following its securing of a deal with Sony.
The US service, which makes thousands of films and TV episodes available for subscribers to stream directly to their TVs, has been available on the Xbox 360 for over a year.
As its exclusivity period with the console has been nearing an end however, Netflix has voiced its intention to bring the service to other platforms, with Netflix CEO Reed Hastings saying last month that it aims to be on all the games consoles, Blu-ray players and internet TVs.
The Sony deal will mean that any US Netflix member will be able to stream content via a PlayStation 3 at no extra cost. The technology will be enabled by an instant streaming Blu-ray disc that will be sent free to members.
"The PlayStation 3 system has always been about more than just gaming, and it will soon be the only platform in the industry to offer consumers such a variety of convenient options for enjoying movies and TV shows," said Jack Tretton, president of SCEA.
"Whether you want to watch content on Blu-ray disc and DVD, download it from the PlayStation Network’s video delivery service, or stream videos instantly from Netflix, the PS3 system is the only solution that offers it all."
"As instantly watching movies and TV episodes streamed from Netflix becomes an increasingly popular way to enjoy the Netflix service, our goal is to rapidly expand the devices that stream to our members," added Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.
"As a leading game console and Blu-ray disc player, bringing Netflix to the PS3 system is a real win for both Netflix members and PS3 system owners."
According to Microsoft figures, over one million Xbox 360 users downloaded and activated Netflix in its first three months of availability and have watched over 1.5 billion minutes of of video since it launched in November last year.
The PlayStation 3's install base is nearly nine million in the US, while Netflix had 11.1 million subscribers as of September 30.
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October 26th, 2009, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Modern Warfare is one of the best first-person-shooters in recent memory. What if the sequel was not only a FPS. What if it was also a third-person-shooter?
Someone snagged an early copy of Modern Warfare 2 in France on the PS3 and streamed it on the internet. If it's real, the game appears to feature third person mode. If it's not real, then it won't. Easy as that.
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October 26th, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
Planned for Halloween (31 October) the release of new version of custom firmware 5:03 GEN-B for HEN, bootable ChickHen by introducing new and exciting information for the owners of the PSP-2000 (TA-088v3) and PSP-3000 firmware uprights Journal 5.03. More details to follow ....
Innovations introduced:
• Compatible with PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 firmware v3 with official 5.03.
• Compatibility with titles PSX (POPS).
• Compatibility with the UMD / Backup protected.
• Compatibility with the UMD / Backup that require FW 5.55 +
• Available on Jan VSHMenu.
• Access to Recovery through the VSHMenu.
According to the Team GEN, the Custom Signing 5:03 GEN-B for HEN was tested thoroughly and it seems that has not reported problems with games that require FW 5.55 +. More news will be disclosed by the Team on the day of release.
Stay Tuned!
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October 26th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
New update available for CTF Tool GUI, PC program developed by coder patpat that allows you to create themes for the CXMB PSP-compatible addition to allowing the extraction of files from format issues. Ctf ready. In this release, v3.1, there are important innovations. Were, however, fixed some bugs in the previous version and improved the conversion of the following files: vshmain.prx, topmenu_plugin.rco and htmlviewer_plugin.prx.
More to follow.
Changelog v3.1:
Note: The following files were removed from the archive:
- 5:50 Folder: game_plugin.prx, game_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, music_main_plugin.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx
- Folder SUPPORT: common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx
These files have been removed because, for a range of domestic policy of PSP-ITA, are not allowed to post on the forum.
To seek, you must use the PSARDUMPER and extract them from their firmware.
- Fixed a bug in extracting files from themes 5.03GEN
- Fixed more bugs related to the function of extracting files from CBC
- Improved file conversion vshmain.prx
- Improved file conversion topmenu_plugin.rco
- Improved file conversion htmlviewer_plugin.prx
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October 27th, 2009, 16:27 Posted By: wraggster
The recent announcement that the Netflix movie streaming service will be appearing on the PlayStation 3 is only an "intermediate step" designed to circumvent the company's existing exclusivity deal with Microsoft, claims Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter.
As announced yesterday, the Netflix deal will allow existing subscribers to stream movie titles, at no extra cost, via the PS3. However, while the service is integrated as part of the dashboard on the Xbox 360, the PS3 will require a separate disc to access the same features.
In a new investor note Pacther suggests that the disc is necessary in order not to conflict with existing arrangements for the Xbox 360 - although the specific details of Microsoft's deal with Netflix has never been made public.
"We believe that the exclusive arrangement limits Netflix’s ability to appear on the 'dashboard' for the PS3 or the Wii, but because both devices have open architecture Internet browsers built-in, the solution proposed for the PS3 would likely not violate the terms of Microsoft’s exclusivity," said Pachter.
"We anticipate that a similar arrangement will be announced for the Wii in the next 12 months", he added.
Pachter claims that the Netflix service on Xbox 360, which is only available in U.S., has gained Netflix an extra 600,000 to 800,000 new subscribers. He expects the Sony deal to have a similar effect, with up to 200,000 new subscribers in the final quarter of this year.
Despite predicting healthy growth for Netflix over the coming years, with estimates of an annual userbase of 1.5 to 2 million customers, Pacther has left the company's stock rating at neutral.
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October 27th, 2009, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Erik Estavillo made headlines in the gaming blogosphere last summer for his $55,000 lawsuit against Sony, launched in retaliation for being banned from the PlayStation Network. As predicted, the judge dismissed his case after determining the First Amendment did not apply to Estavillo's claim.
Estavallo isn't going to be stopped by a mere district judge's ruling, though. In addition to filing an appeal, Estavillo is also filing another lawsuit against Sony -- this time, a civil suit seeking $180,000 in damages; more than three times the amount of his original, dismissed suit. According to GamePolitics, Estavillo will once again opt out of using a lawyer, choosing to represent himself for both upcoming cases. We wish Estavillo the best of luck.*
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October 27th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

A dream comes true! Use your Xbox 360 wired controller on your Playstation 3 with XCM Cross Battle Adapter. Also feature a Rapid Fire function and Plus version supports rumble and all PS3 versions.
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October 27th, 2009, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Ultra slim case of semi-metallic amazing color for your PSP GO protection. Virtually indestructible Polycarbonate material of armor case to protect with console from everyday wear or tear. Hands free viewing movie vertical stand function. Easy to install and remove, no tools needed. Available in four colors: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
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October 27th, 2009, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

Raise your fists and get ready to fight to the brutal finish. The battle comes alive with bone-jarring realism as you pummel your opponent and do your utmost to inflict maximum damage. Your fists are fast and your grip is strong, but will it be enough to help you dominate in the ultimate King of Iron Fist Tournament?
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October 27th, 2009, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Superufo.com

A sci-fi/action RPG from acclaimed developer Gearbox, Borderlands combines the best in first-person action gaming with elements of a traditional role-playing game (RPG). The excitement of this hybridization is further magnified by the game's groundbreaking content generation system which allows for a near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization, making the game's single player, multiplayer and online campaigns not to be missed.
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October 27th, 2009, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The advanced high definition graphics and 3D animation technologies create the most impressive HD visuals in Tekken history
Master 40 unique fighters representing the world’s top martial arts styles! The character line-up includes 34 beloved characters, such as Jin, Heihachi and Kazuya, as well as 6 brand new characters with unique fighting styles and combo systems!
Prove your supremacy against players from around the world with online VS mode!
Venture beyond the traditional boundaries of a fighting game in the brand new Scenario Campaign Mode. Jump into single player or two player online co-op campaigns to experience the intense drama and large-scale battles that unfold
Create new characters and customize them with every imaginable detail. Customize their hairstyles, apparel, fashion accessories, tattoos, etc. Then take your own ultimate fighters online!
Punch your enemies through concrete walls or kick them through floors to open a whole new battleground. The stages go through dynamic changes ranging from a sudden attack helicopter crash to vehicle explosions!
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October 27th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac senior community manager James Stevenson has said it could take another two to three years before developers truly start to max out the PS3.
"There's always ways we can become more efficient. The PlayStation platforms are built with a very high ceiling and I think that's part of the success Sony has had in creating these platforms with really long life spans," said Stevenson.
"The first couple of years are all about developers getting games up and working. You see what Naughty Dog has had the chance to do in the past two years. You've seen what we've been able to do in that time. This is where it gets exciting.
"The PS3 still feels like a young system and I feel like it's finally hitting its prime. You've got the Slim, it's at a good price point now and sales are really picking up.
"I still think you're not going to see the PS3 really maxed out for another two to three years. We're using all of the PS3 right now, but you can always be more efficient in the way you use it."
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October 27th, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
You can add these 20 gorgeous screenshots to your list of reasons why Gran Turismo 5 will be well worth the agonisingly long wait.
They show Toyota cars looking shiny on PS3, with super-detailed interiors. Scroll down to see them.
20 screenshots here
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October 27th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
The coder spike_132000 releases the first stable version of PSP Installer program, which will allow using a Wi-Fi to download your favorite homebrew directly from PSP without having to resort to using a PC then. After downloading the archive you choose, you can then install the content on Memory Stick.
More information and a screenshot homebrew to follow.
Changelog v1.0:
- Quatto categories: Games, Applications, Themes and Rescue
- Fixato a bug in the Browse menu
- Fixato a bug related updating of the database
- Added System Update homebrew
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October 27th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jojojoris
Hello everyone,
I created another precompiled toolchain for windows
This is my beta release. I tested it on my vista machine and i successfully compiled the samples.
It's still beta and i think i still forget some cygwin dll's for some tools.
I'm going to add more libraries so stay tuned.
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October 27th, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Killer-Loop
Hey ho,
here is a small lua script for the xml files of CueCards, (tiny programm for learning vocabulary and definitions) originaly planded to load even anki files, but i took a look at it and dont know where to stat, so it has to be done later ^^.
This one only can read wcu files and it has to be placed as test.wcu in the CueCard 4 psp folder.
ATM it only can display the db!!
Give me some feedback to advance my script.
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October 28th, 2009, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster

Sub-$200 Blu-ray players certainly aren't new -- heck, some guys have been doing it since the year 2008 -- but you'll never catch us kvetching about a little more competition. JVC has today introduced (in the briefest way possible, might we add) its newest Blu-ray player just ten months after deciding to play the BD game here in the States. The ultrathin (and "now available") XV-BP11 should slide into just about any AV rack, bringing Blu-ray / DVD playback, AVCHD support, HDMI 1.3, a USB socket and compatibility with a slew of audio formats. Curiously enough, the outfit doesn't bother to mention if this thing is Profile 2.0, but we're guessing (read: hoping) that it wouldn't do something as ludicrous as charge two bills for a Profile 1.1 deck in late 2009. Then again, we've seen zanier things go down...
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October 28th, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Firm says "device opens up unthinkable gaming possibilities"
Blaze will release a motion-sensing controller for PlayStation 3, MCV can reveal.
The Blaze PS3 Motion Freedom 3D Controller boasts a design similar to Nintendo’s Wii Remote, but features a directional D-pad, analogue stick and a full selection of controls found on the traditional PS3 pad.
“The Blace PS3 Motion Freedom 3D Controller thrusts the PS3 gamer into the very heart of the action by employing the latest motion sensing technology which before now has only been the reserve of Nintendo Wii gamers,” said a Blaze spokesperson.
“This device opens up unthinkable gaming possibilities allowing you to interact and become one with the hottest PS3 sporting and action titles.”
Two of the games set to make use of Blaze’s new device are Sega Superstars Tennis and titles from Electronic Arts’ Tiger Woods PGA Tour series.
“Sega Superstars Tennis becomes a whole new ball game when you use the controller to smash your opponent into submission, effortlessly and consistently firing deadly accurate backhands and meteoric volleys,” added the firm’s spokesperson.
“With the Tiger Woods golf series, you can put yourself on the virtual golf course when you use the Freedom 3D controller as your club of choice to send the ball home with pinpoint accuracy.”
Blaze’s PS3 Motion Freedom 3D controller arrives ahead of Sony’s own motion sensing device, which uses the PlayStation Eye to track positioning.
The device was unveiled during Sony’s E3 2009 press conference and is scheduled to arrive in spring next year.
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October 28th, 2009, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Sony may surprise industry watchers and consumers when it eventually comes to making an announcement about the PSP's next major evolution.
While the platform holder released its latest PSP model, the UMD-free PSPgo on October 1, developer talk on the Tokyo Game Show floor in late September was of the system's next iteration, PSP-4000, which it is claimed will support Sony's proprietary UMD format when it launches in 2010.
Sony has come in for some criticism regarding its handling of the PSPgo since it was officially announced at E3 in June. Multiple retailers and consumers have complained about the system's hefty price tag. Some in the former camp remain unconvinced about the benefit of stocking the system due to its inability to support physical media and hence game trade-ins and second hand sales. Others in the latter camp have been unimpressed by Sony's UMD-to-digital solution for upgraders. In Europe only, a "PSPgo UMD rewards scheme" offered those who upgraded from older models to the PSPgo a choice of three free titles from a select list as compensation for the fact that they couldn't play their old games on their new handheld.
Perhaps more interesting is what we don't know - what's going on behind the scenes at Sony. While the company stressed at the time of the PSPgo's announcement that it intended to support "a shared strategy" between physical media and downloadable content, many assumed its focus would inevitably shift to the latter as time went by and that the new handheld represented the platform holder finally breaking away from its much criticised UMD format. After all, the firm said in July that it had "planned to release a PSP model without a UMD drive since the very beginning" and that it had simply been waiting for the digital distribution market to mature.
Sony has claimed that PSPgo's introduction has bumped up PSP platform sales in the US, the UK and Australia, but there's been no publicly released sales data to support this yet. In fact, the system sold just 1,000 units in Australia in its first week, with Sony acknowledging that the numbers weren't "massive" but claiming it was unconcerned "because there are still some issues that we need to work through".
So has a potentially disappointing commercial start forced Sony to take a step back from pursuing a digital-only strategy, or was that never the company's intention in the first place? Nothing's clear at the moment, but just days ahead of the PSPgo's Japanese launch on November 1, some members of the country's development community appear convinced that physical media will play a major role in the platform's future.
Sony Computer Entertainment UK declined to comment on this report.
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October 28th, 2009, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
A video of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has leaked onto the internet, showing the player participating in the massacre of innocent civilians in an airport.
The video, which is poor quality but appears genuine, first appeared on YouTube yesterday but has been removed "due to a copyright claim by Activision". It can still be seen at LiveLeak (via Kotaku). GameSpot reckons it's from the same source as the first footage of the game's third-person mode.
The footage shows the fourth level in the game's first act. The level begins with the player emerging from a lift in an airport with four other men, dressed in suits and Kevlar vests and carrying machine guns. After a short pause, the men open fire, mowing down crowds of civilians and causing panic and screaming. The player joins in, and is seen shooting wounded people as they crawl for freedom.
The airport scenes are familiar from the official trailers released so far, although this is the first indication the player would take the side of the terrorists.
The pre-mission briefing (which is in French) suggests that the player is an undercover agent, infiltrating the terrorist organisation of a man called Makarov.
"Yesterday you were a solider on the front, but today the front is a thing of the past. Uniforms are too. War is everywhere, and there will be victims," says the voiceover.
"Makarov... obeys no law. He has no limits and stops at nothing: torture, human traffic, or genocide. He's guided by no ideals, respects no rights, no countries. He trades blood for money. He is our new friend."
It ends with dire warnings about how much it will cost the player to "get close to" Makarov.
The first Modern Warfare tackled some politically sensitive themes and imagery head-on, and it seems Infinity Ward is looking to top that in the sequel. It has guaranteed itself some sensationalist headlines in the process. But has it gone a step too far?
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October 28th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is pushing back the release of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 for the PSP until January, when the global marketing team gets finished telling the world about it.
The third entry in the Fireteam Bravo series of PSP games was originally scheduled for a release next month, but the rest of the world wasn't quite prepared. According to a post on the PlayStation Blog, Sony's global marketing team only recently acquired new assets for the game that they will use, I am assuming, to market the game globally. Apparently the game will be sufficiently marketed by January 10th, at which point it will be released into the wild. The SOCOM team's Mark Rogers tries to make fans feel better:
I understand that this move is disappointing to some in the community, however as a result, you will be seeing a lot more of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 in the following weeks! – stay tuned.
In essence, they are sorry you won't be actually playing the game, but hey - there'll be plenty of advertising and marketing available in the coming weeks to help you remember that you aren't playing it! See? Everybody wins.
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October 28th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

One of the coolest jobs in the world is the DJ! Feel the rhythm in your blood and the sway to your music as you swipe at the discs in DJ Hero. You have another mission, you have to save your best friend in the family action game Ratchet & Clank Future.
From the publisher: Expanding upon the revolutionary easy to pick up/challenging to master gameplay mechanics developed and refined in Guitar Hero®, DJ Hero™ delivers an all-new interactive music experience that allows players to rule the party and not only experience, but to hear music in an all-new way.
With over 100 individual songs, including hip-hop, R&B, pop, rock and electronica, DJ Hero delivers the most diverse and international collection of music ever assembled in a music game.
Created exclusively for DJ Hero, the turntable controller immerses fans into the authenticity of DJ culture and a sea of music as they utilise and master various DJ techniques including scratching, blending, cross fading and sampling.
It leaves room for creative expression with a variety of effects and player chosen samples and scratches, transforming a face in the crowd into the life of the party.
The realistic DJ game is available for your home consoles today:
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) ASIA US$ 139.90
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) ASIA US$ 139.90
Nintendo™ Wii
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US US$ 129.90
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
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October 28th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

One of the coolest jobs in the world is the DJ! Feel the rhythm in your blood and the sway to your music as you swipe at the discs in DJ Hero. You have another mission, you have to save your best friend in the family action game Ratchet & Clank Future.
From the publisher: Expanding upon the revolutionary easy to pick up/challenging to master gameplay mechanics developed and refined in Guitar Hero®, DJ Hero™ delivers an all-new interactive music experience that allows players to rule the party and not only experience, but to hear music in an all-new way.
With over 100 individual songs, including hip-hop, R&B, pop, rock and electronica, DJ Hero delivers the most diverse and international collection of music ever assembled in a music game.
Created exclusively for DJ Hero, the turntable controller immerses fans into the authenticity of DJ culture and a sea of music as they utilise and master various DJ techniques including scratching, blending, cross fading and sampling.
It leaves room for creative expression with a variety of effects and player chosen samples and scratches, transforming a face in the crowd into the life of the party.
The realistic DJ game is available for your home consoles today:
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) ASIA US$ 139.90
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) ASIA US$ 139.90
Nintendo™ Wii
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US US$ 129.90
DJ Hero (w/ Turn Table Bundle) US N/A
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October 28th, 2009, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

An original new adventure and story that answers many of fans’ most-asked questions and wraps up the story arc that started in Ratchet & Clank® Future: Tools of Destruction and Ratchet & Clank® Future: Quest For Booty
Non-linear levels with plenty of hidden areas to explore, and new gadgets like the Hoverboots that let Ratchet soar to new heights
All-new Clank gameplay and special “Time” abilities that bring new meaning to “past selves”
The series’ renowned arsenal gets even larger with brand new weapons, as well as weapons that players can customize with various modifications
New space gameplay that gives players the opportunity to engage in space battles, explore the surrounding star system, and discover hidden items and collectables
After discovering that Clank’s disappearance was engineered by Dr. Nefarious, Ratchet races to rescue his best friend. Unfortunately, he discovers that Clank’s capture is just the beginning of Nefarious’s latest diabolical plot. In this follow-up to the best-selling series, Ratchet & Clank® Future: A Crack in Time puts players into the role of both Ratchet and Clank as they attempt to reunite and save the universe. Along the way, both will finally uncover the hidden truth behind their origins, and discover their ultimate destinies. As the duo come closer to reuniting, they’ll have to ask themselves the biggest question of all: Do Ratchet and Clank’s destinies lie with each other? Or is it finally time for the universe’s greatest duo to separate for good?
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October 28th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
We have the PSPgo already, but Japan doesn’t. The download-only handheld launches this Sunday and Sony Computer Entertainment Japan prepared a lineup of games to launch with it.
Some of them like Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops are UMD legacy titles. Others such as Persona 3: Portable, Echochrono, and Disgaea Infinite are brand new.
Here’s the list of games you can digitally import on Japan’s PlayStation Store this Sunday:
LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival (2,800 yen)
Echochrono (2,800 yen)
Motorstorm: Arctic Storm (3,800 yen)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Universal Tuning (4,000 yen)
Persona 3 Portable (5,040 yen)
Disgaea Infinite (2,500 yen)
PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe (2,000 yen)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (2,300 yen)
Shadow of Memories (3,200 yen)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (1,500 yen)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ (1,000 yen)
Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinee (1,000 yen)
Armored Core Formula Front International (2,300 yen)
Tenchu: Time of the Assassins (2,300 yen)
King’s Field Additional I (1,200 yen)
King’s Field Additional II (1,200 yen)
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny (6,280 yen)
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (2,800 yen)
Namco Museum (2,800 yen)
Mojipittan (2,800 yen)
Ridge Racers (2,800 yen)
Nunpla & Oekaki Puzzle (980 yen)
Kiniro no Corda (1,200 yen)
Dynasty Warriors Mahjong (1,200 yen)
Uncharted Waters IV: Rota Nova (1,200 yen)
Zero Shiki Kanjou Sentouki Ni (3,150 yen)
Carnage Heart Portable (3,800 yen)
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October 29th, 2009, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from PixelDragon
Hi All
I'm back with an updated version of PSPedict, now V0.2.
Three extra edict files have now been included.
Computer Terms (10,547 entries)
Legal Terms ( 3,232 entries)
Life Sciences (31,382 entries)
Download PSPedict V0.2
Source Code:
Download PSPedict V0.2 Source Code
(I would suggest people new to programming C do not use my source as a learning tool,
basically because it will be a mess and my knowledge is not that great )
Original release (V0.1) thread
[RELEASE] PSPedict V0.1 (Japanese Dictionary)
Changelog for V0.2:
- Included support for other EDICT files, Computer Terms, Legal Terms
and Life Sciences. Unfortunately, Proper Names is just too large to
include. The extra EDICT files can be loaded via the Menu (the icon
is next to the exit icon and looks like a book with an up arrow).
Please be aware that study lists and found sets now are exclusive to
their own EDICT files. This means that when you have the Computer Terms
edict open, you can only view found sets and study lists relevant to that
EDICT file. This is because found sets and study lists use an index rather
than saving the actual contents of an entry. This is also to conserve memory.
- Added Ini file support to store search/sort options. If there are
any problems with the file, just delete "PSPedict.ini" in the data
folder and the file will be recreated when you next launch the app.
- Match Whole Word has been enabled for Kana/Kanji. What this basically
does is expect to match the whole string only. For example, if you search
for hiragana 'hi' with match hole word enabled, if a string has 'hima' the
match will fail. Strings consisting of 'hi' only will be matched.
- Fixed the screen flow slightly so it is more natural. For example, if you
exit out of the On Screen Keyboard (OSK), you will now return to the screen
where you opened the OSK.
- Deletion of previously saved found set files is now implimented. This can be
done from the "Load a Found Set" menu item.
See the readme in the download file for full information.
Simply copy the contents of the folder "PSPedict" to the
game folder of your psp, e.g. "X:\PSP\GAME" where X: is
the drive letter for your PSP. If you are asked to overwrite
any files, select yes/yes to all.
Please note, installing a new version will not overwrite your
saved found sets or study lists.
Todo list
- Looking at the possibility of including support for Tanaka Corpus example scentences, can't
promise anything though.
- Tried looking into using the full OSK as suggested by tinmanx, but couldn't find a way.
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October 29th, 2009, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Activision, quick to patch a wound, has explained that Modern Warfare 2 is "designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism".
The publisher spoke after a leaked video showed shocking footage of the player massacring innocent civilians.
"Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 features a deep and gripping storyline in which players face off against a terrorist threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. The game includes a plot involving a mission carried out by a Russian villain who wants to trigger a global war," Activision told Kotaku.
"In order to defeat him, the player infiltrates his inner circle. The scene is designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism."
Furthermore, Modern Warfare 2 - rated 18 by the BBFC - offers a warning that "an upcoming segment may contain disturbing elements", and allows you to skip the playable section.
Risky. Ground-breaking?
Modern Warfare 2 will be released on 10th November for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
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October 29th, 2009, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a bundle of treats for stat fans to celebrate nine years of PlayStation 2.
Around 140 million people across the globe own a PS2. In the US alone more than 500 million games have been sold and there's a PS2 in one in three homes.
More than 485 developers have produced nearly 10,000 games for the console. SOCOM is one of the most popular franchises, with more than 530 million hours of online play logged - equivalent to 60,000 years.
Happy birthday, PS2. Here's to another nine years. Unlikely though.
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October 29th, 2009, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released on Worldwide Import ($2 Shipping) from Superufo.com

Beautiful, compelling, and at times unforgiving, Demon's Souls is the hardcore RPG experience PS3 owners have been waiting for since the platform's launch. Revolutionary online features define your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Unprecedented in its depth and subtlety, peerless in its relentlessly challenging gameplay, Demon's Souls is the ultimate action RPG. KEYFEATURES - Ultimate hardcore RPG challenge - In this brutal land, death is inevitable, but not final. Combining the best features of an action game and RPG, you'll slice, smash, shoot, and cast magic against some of the most horrible, vicious enemies ever encountered. Are you strong enough to face up to the impossible and win? - Ground-breaking online capabilities - Network features go far beyond any previous RPG, allowing players to leave hints for each other, replay death scenes, cooperatively revive dead players, or invade and wreak havoc in another's game. Not merely an add-on feature, multiplayer options are vast, and uniquely focused on changing and intensifying the single player experience. - Freeform and flexible - The open-ended structure of the game means that there is no single path, but rather a wealth of options. Set your own pace and progress as you like. Build exactly the character you want by creating a detailed avatar, nurturing the right stats, and customizing your skills and equipment.
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October 29th, 2009, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released on Worldwide Import ($2 Shipping) from Superufo.com
This game is retailing at 32 Dollars so about 21 Pounds with shipping not bad for one of the biggest games of the year and its the US Version so for English speakers thats great news.

PSP owners, rejoice - Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, Metacritic.com's highest-rated DS game of all-time is now available for PlayStation Portable. Specifically retooled for the PSP platform, this is a full-fledged game that stands on its own. With an all-new, deep story and visuals complete with upscaled widescreen graphics, enhanced lighting, animations and including all new story missions, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars promises a powerful experience on the PSP, and one not to be missed.
Head-to-head and co-op multiplayer mayhem
Noticeable boosts in graphic and sound quality
A massive world complete with pedestrians, weather and traffic patterns etc.
Mature storyline with over 70+ story missions
Addictive drug dealing side game
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October 29th, 2009, 21:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
This week's PSN update is in the house and there's lots going on. make the most of it though, as there's not much planned for next week's. "This is advance warning about next week; we are only releasing a small update next week as we have some behind the scenes work (nothing exciting, but necessary) underway, so we'll have minimal time to update the store - normal service will resume from the 12th however."
Extract of PSN update list
PlayStation Store via PS3
Special Offers
- Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack (PS3) (£3.99/€4.99) (Ends 2nd November)
- Riff Everyday Shooter (PS3) (£3.99/€4.99) (Ends 5th November)
- SOCOM Fireteam Bravo (PSP) (£9.99/€12.99) (Ends 5th November)
- Future Cop: LAPD 2100AD (PSone Classic) (£2.39/€2.99) (Ends 5th November)
- Syndicate Wars (PSone Classic) (£2.39/€2.99) (Ends 5th November)
- Hi-Octane (PSone Classic) (£2.39/€2.99) (Ends 5th November)
- Championship Bass (PSone Classic) (£2.39/€2.99) (Ends 5th November)
- Street Skater (PSone Classic) (£2.39/€2.99) (Ends 5th November)
- Street Skater 2 (PSone Classic) (£2.39/€2.99) (Ends 5th November)
Downloadable Game
- Hasbro Family Game Night (£31.99/€39.99) PEGI 3+
Trial and Unlock Key
- Zombie Apocalypse (Trial free, Unlock Key £7.99/€9.99) PEGI 18+
Demos (free)
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Ratchet (Krell Canyon Demo) PEGI 7+
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Clank (Great Clock Demo) PEGI 7+
- Fat Princess Demo PEGI 16+
- Trine Demo PEGI 12+
- Dragon Ball Raging Blast Demo PEGI 12+
Add-On Game Content
Pain - Elvira Character (£0.79/€0.99) PEGI 12+
LittleBigPlanet - Halloween Mask (free) PEGI 7+
EyePet - Lucky Dip Styling Pack 2 (free) PEGI 3+
Full PSN update list here
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October 29th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen/pspita
Brief update regarding the custom firmware 5:03 GEN-B, cf Gen new revision of the uprights for a PSP 2000 TA-088v3 and all the PSP 3000 with firmware Journal 5:03 integrating support for backups of our UMD requiring firmware 5:55 or higher, including those protected. In this video are performed some tests on the headlines of this type, among which we find Full Metal Alchemist, Gran Turismo, Soul Calibur Broken Destiny is in ISO format and through UMD.
Recall that this new CF team will be made available in January only two days.
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October 29th, 2009, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2009/10/29/its-alive-wagic091/
Finally! It feels like ages since we last did a release. I hope you waited for us and didn’t throw your PSP away in exchange for a XBox in the meantime
The new version of Wagic is here, and the amount of new stuff that ships with it is simply awesome. I’m glad to say that some talented designers and coders recently joined our small team, dramatically improving a game that was already said to be competing with commercial software in terms of quality and replay value.
So my thanks for this release go to Jhotun (art), Jeck (art and code), Psyringe (decks), Daddy32 (code), and of course the people who have been working on Wagic with me for months now: abrasax, leungclj, Dr.Solomat, and J.
Thanks as well to the people who provide new contents on the forum everyday. You can already grab extra cards in various flavors (Naruto, Final Fantasy,…), and themes to customize your experience.
What is Wagic?
Wagic is an heroic fantasy card game in which you battle against the computer. It is available for the Sony PSP, Windows, and Linux. In Wagic, you create a deck of cards which symbolizes your army, and fight against the AI. As you win games, you earn credits and unlock cards that you can buy in the shop. With better cards, you improve your deck (or create new ones) to beat more AI opponents and unlock other game modes. Wagic is free and open source. It is currently available in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
What’s new?
Ok, so what’s new with this release? Well, the changes that you will most likely see at first are graphical. With the help from professional designers and developers, we got new graphics and a new user interface. Lots of customization features, as well as new cards have been added. Get ready to get some Zendikar action
Around 500 new cards. Wagic now allows you to play with more than 3500 cards out of the box. Wagic allows you to play with cards from Zendikar, Magic 2010, and 30 other expansions. This is not counting all the extra content you can get from the forum at http://wololo.net/forum: Naruto, Final Fantasy, and lots of other user-created sets.
New shop GUI, with original graphics(see the cool screenshots above). Many thanks to Jhotun for the background image!
New user interface inGame. It is highly customizable, check the options. Wagic now has some smooth animations, you’ll love the new manapool!
Deck Statistics in the deck editor now show you how well your deck performs against the AI, and various useful information (average mana cost, etc…)
New Profile and Theme systems to customize your play environment. Check the Jade Theme! Also come to http://wololo.net/forum to get new themes!
Various card bug fixes
Deck Editor improved, you can now rename your decks directly in Wagic without an external text editor
Improved card graphics (Thanks J and Jeck)
Parser: new keywords (@damaged, @tapped, deathtouch, initimidate, “other” keyword for targets, “this” keyword for targets, kicker, “X” as part of abilities cost, shuffle
New caching mechanism, no need for you to setup the “size” of your cache anymore, the cache automatically uses as much Ram as possible.
New cool Game manual, check it out, it teaches you how to play Wagic!
Small AI improvements
More than 20 new AI Decks (Thanks Psyringe,Niegen,Abrasax and everyone who contributed)
Added an exception plugin to prevent the PSP from crashing in case of a bug. Instead, you’ll get a blue screen. (Thanks to Sakya at ps2dev)
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October 29th, 2009, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from LightAlex
Hey there,
My friend Arnold just posted this on his site VSH Volume Remap
VSH Volume Remap By ArnoldBronson
What is does is remap the volume buttons onto the dpad up and down so that you cna change the volume of the PSP.
This is so that people who have non-functioning volme buttons can still change their volumes.
It's a VSH plugin with toggle, therefore you can change back and forth easily to change the volume.
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October 29th, 2009, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
Back from Las Vegas safely (and to a tiny package with 16GB of on board storage waiting for me – more on that next week), and lots to talk about, including the flying game that got me through one leg of the transatlantic flight, IL-2 Sturmovik!
Throw in the latest news and thoughts from around the world on the Playstation Portable, and you’ve got another PSP Show!
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October 30th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of PlayStation 3 hardware have grown during the second quarter to 3.2 million, compared to 2.4 million in the previous year.
However, losses grew in Sony's Network Products & Services Division – the group responsible for PlayStation products – to JPY 58.8 billion, from JPY 40.6 billion in 2008. Sales were down 24.2 per cent to JPY 352.6 billion.
"In the game business, the deterioration in profitability was mainly due to a decrease in PS2 hardware and software unit sales, and the impact of the appreciation of the yen," said the company.
Sales of the handheld PlayStation Portable were down marginally from 3.2 million to 3 million, while PlayStation 2 sales fell from 2.5 million to 1.9 million.
Sony sold 23.9 million PlayStation 3 games during the period, up from the 21.2 million in 2008, while PSP sales were also up to 12.9 million, compared to 11.8 million.
Sales of PlayStation 2 software dropped drastically, from 23.2 million in 2008 to 11.1 million.
The entire Sony business posted a loss for the fourth consecutive quarter of JPY 32.6 billion from July to September, compared to a profit of JPY 11.05 billion in 2008.
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October 30th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of PlayStation 3 hardware have grown during the second quarter to 3.2 million, compared to 2.4 million in the previous year.
However, losses grew in Sony's Network Products & Services Division – the group responsible for PlayStation products – to JPY 58.8 billion, from JPY 40.6 billion in 2008. Sales were down 24.2 per cent to JPY 352.6 billion.
"In the game business, the deterioration in profitability was mainly due to a decrease in PS2 hardware and software unit sales, and the impact of the appreciation of the yen," said the company.
Sales of the handheld PlayStation Portable were down marginally from 3.2 million to 3 million, while PlayStation 2 sales fell from 2.5 million to 1.9 million.
Sony sold 23.9 million PlayStation 3 games during the period, up from the 21.2 million in 2008, while PSP sales were also up to 12.9 million, compared to 11.8 million.
Sales of PlayStation 2 software dropped drastically, from 23.2 million in 2008 to 11.1 million.
The entire Sony business posted a loss for the fourth consecutive quarter of JPY 32.6 billion from July to September, compared to a profit of JPY 11.05 billion in 2008.
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October 30th, 2009, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
BSkyB’s On Demand director says service “may very well” hit Sony’s console
Microsoft is planning to make lots of noise about its recently released (though temporarily troubled) Xbox 360 Sky Player service – but the signs are that PS3 owners may soon be getting some of the action, too.
Speaking to VideoGamer, Sky’s director of On Demand Griff Parry said of PS3 Sky Player: “It may very well happen in the future.”
If the deal does come to fruition, it would drastically increase PS3’s multimedia credentials – Sony’s console already sports one of the best versions of the iPlayer on the market and is of course the only machine capable of playing hi-def Blu-ray movies.
Alongside the console Sky and iPlayer services, Netflix is also expected to in the near future announce a deal with Nintendo, meaning that movie rental service will be available on all three current-gen home console in North America.
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October 30th, 2009, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking at the London Games Conference yesterday, Sony's director of PlayStation Home in Europe said the virtual world accrues users who spend money and stick around for long stretches, but Home is nonetheless "not a priority right now."
"It's been a long road," Pete Edwards said, according to Edge Online. " We've proved there is a market out there and we've got a lot of people that spend a lot of time in [Home]. It's not a priority right now but there is a business model there."
Edge Online noted that Edwards himself said European users spent an average of 56 minutes in Home per session. So it's not like Sony's shelving or shutting down Home; he's just saying that investing further in its business model is not part of the strategy right now. Still, publicly deprioritizing PlayStation Home speaks loudly enough about how Sony feels about this project a year later.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pet EyePet and he purrs, tickle him and he laughs, roll a ball and EyePet will chase it
Modify fur length, color and pattern and choose from over 250 unique outfits
Draw new toys for your EyePet and watch as they transform into three-dimensional toys in-game
Record your favorite EyePet moments and creations, and then share them online
Say Hello to EyePet, the Newest Member of Your Family! EyePet is virtually projected into your living room where he can play and interact with your family. Complete in daily challenges to make your EyePet more agile, expressive and intelligent. Draw new toys for your furry playmate and watch as they come to life on-screen. EyePet is family entertainment at its most imaginative. Isn’t it time you welcomed an EyePet into your life?
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October 30th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Record and play back performances, and apply special effects
Attempt to outbid opponenets on predicted scores
Harmonize with friends to earn higher scores
Earn pins and themes to customize console wallpapers
Disney Sing it: Pop Hits is the only video-based karaoke video game that delivers the latest hits in pop music and lets you and your friends belt it out and have the ultimate fun singing experience. Disney Sing It: Pop Hits features hits and music videos from some of your favorite Disney stars and shows, as well as other hit artists featured on Radio Disney including Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, Colbie Cailat, Demi Lovato, Hannah Montana, Jessy McCartney, Coldplay and One Republic.
Grab the mic and take centerstage in single player mode or take the karaoke challenge with your friends in multiplayer modes. Warm up those vocal chords and learn how to sing from a pro in the expanded Sing It Pro mode led by Disney Channel Favorite, Tiffany Thornton from Sonny With A Chance.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Exclusive new gimmicks to challenge yourself!
Extensive new modes, fun new backgrounds and characters to move to the beat!
track listing
50 tracks on disk for all skus, featuring major licensed master tracks including:
“Disturbia” / Rihanna
“Closer” / Ne-Yo
“One Step At A Time” / Jordin Sparks
“My Prerogative” / Bobby Brown
“Pocketful of Sunshine” / Natasha Bedingfield
“Viva La Vida” / Coldplay
“Boogie Wonderland” / Earth Wind & Fire
“Space Dance” / Danny Tenaglia
“I'm Coming Out” / Diana Ross
“Feel Good Inc.” / Gorillaz
DanceDanceRevolution®: Taking the revolution to another level! DanceDanceRevolution enhances the entire series' across all platforms! DanceDanceRevolution is sure to be the life of the party and get you into shape with outrageous multiplayer fun, huge smash hit soundtrack, entirely new modes and more! There is now a DanceDanceRevolution for everyone!
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October 30th, 2009, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Exceptional dynamic comic-style cut-scenes including voice output
30 missions with 30 to 40 hours of sinlge player gameplay!
Dozens of unlockable extras and more than 250 research-able items on six different tech-trees
4 campaigns with 2 different fractions, supported by a comprehensive story plot
It's the 23rd century: The earth's natural resources are virtually exhausted and the ruling multinational conglomerates are searching for new raw material deposits in space in order to avert the impending catastrophe.
One planet turns out to be a real El Dorado in this respect. But as the human conquerors in their armed mecha encounter the extraterrestrial inhabitants a dreadful war breaks out.
The player researches into new technologies and continues to rearm his mecha in Mytran Wars. Battles are thereby fought in wonderful 3D landscapes - against the merciless AI or other human opponents in various multiplayer modes.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

MotorStorm has ripped-up the Monument Valley desert, it’s obliterated everything that stood in its path on Pacific Rift, and now it’s set for a whole new challenge. Battling the frozen wasteland of Alaska’s Arctic Edge.
MotorStorm Arctic Edge delivers brutal off-road racing in the breathtaking yet lethal and unpredictable setting of Alaska. With temperatures plummeting, sudden avalanches, broken ice bridges, and three different racing altitudes, Arcitc Edge is the most inhospitable environment the Stormers have ever faced. With grip at a premium, and in addition to the six vehicle classes from the original MotorStorm, two new vehicles have been introduced to combat the ice, the cold and the snow - the Snowcat and the Snow Machine. One has the power and size to blast through packed snow, while the other has the grip and pace to combat most of what the sub-zero conditions can throw at it.
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October 30th, 2009, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
SNES emulator for Sony PSP. Based on source code of Snes9xTy. The main purpose of the emu's author is to improve the speed of emulation.
SNES emulator for Sony PSP has been updated. Changes:
- fixed graphical bugs;
- improved speed of special effects emulation.
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October 31st, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/
Jeff Lait offers the 112th frame of his Rogue like "Powder" for many platforms including the DS, PSP and GBA.
Thanks go to Jonathan Buchanan Powder for porting to the Wii! Whee!
Largely this version is bug fixing. The most important bug to fix tile loading was with that made it difficult to use custom tiles. I hope I have these squashed, and the Ibson Gray tiles should now * actually * be present. In addition, Chris Lomaka has granted us some new tiles! Yay!
Thanks to Snow Leopard SDK deleting the old one and upgrade me being compling blindly on a remote mac hidden in an underground bunker somewhere, this is likely a 10.5 + only release.
* Your tame creatures now have a heart beside them badges to identify them as such.
* Switching to a different res tile will no longer cause a crash. (Inu)
* Building the tile choice list now comes from the internal allbitmaps.h rather than being hardcoded, so Ibson the Gray's tiles will show up as expected. (Inu)
* Entering a level with active lava / water from a level Which has no active lava / water, when the new level is already created and previously visited this game, will no longer stop the updating of said lava and water. (Nathan Bogue)
* Hopefully backspace will work on OSX. (Nathan Bogue)
* Jumping in space if you lack prohibited spacewalk. (Nathan Bogue)
* Jumping when buried prohibited. (Nathan Bogue)
* Kobold thieves are properly pluralized. (Nathan Bogue)
* Living frosts are now bloodless. (Nathan Bogue)
* Digging upwards on special levels has more significant results. (Nathan Bogue)
* Remove the console window on Windows.
* Shattered trees will drop their occupants. (Nathan Bogue)
* Items that fall down holes will no longer be mapped. (patch by Richard Quirk)
* PSP Makefile should be happier with newer devkits. (patch by Joe Buck)
* Left and Right on menus will scroll fast, just like L and R do, but this also applies to the command menu where L and R are the quick keys bind. (patch by Joe Buck)
* [SDL] Shift-arrow will swap with a critter, Alt-arrow will jump. (patch by Andreas Bohm)
* Ctype.h is included in map2c.cpp now. (Ben Hjelt)
* New tileset from Chris Lomaka.
* One new room.
* Load game shows up first in the menu if it is available to make it harder to accidentally choose new game. (Enrique Garcia Cota)
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October 31st, 2009, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder Zing Burg, author of the known tool RCO Editor, has released a new update for its new program RCOmage, PC application useful for manipulating files RCO GUI that integrates a user-friendly and indispensable for the creation of animated themes. This release, v1.0.1, fixes a few bugs in the previous version.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v1.0.1:
- Fixed a crash when converting WAV-> VAG
- Fixed a bug related to the sound when converting WAV-> VAG
- Added the ability to compile the functions to read in stdin
- E 'can use \ to separate directories on Windows
- Slightly increased the speed of gimconv
- "- Xml-only" removed to the dump, use "- RESD"
- Modified slightly posts
- Fixed a bug related to XML
- Fixed a bug related to the creation of folders
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October 31st, 2009, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from clizana
Goear PSP is a homebrew created to search and download songs to the memory stick from the music site goear.com (also called the youtube of mp3's).
It's in English, Spanish and a third language fully customizable (in the webpage you can see the template in "idiomas").
The homebrew comes with a third language, that is an example. Also in the link above can be downloaded the template to create other languages.
If you don't want a third language just delete it from the GoearPSP folder (the language file is language.lng).
Triangle: Change Language
Circle: Enter the text for a new search
Square: Fast download*
Cross: Download* and select the filename
L1: Prev. Result page
R1: Next Result page
Select: Help
*The music is downloaded in ms0:/MUSIC/
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October 31st, 2009, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster

For the most part, we'd say that Sony addressed the concerns of many when it introduced the PlayStation 3 Slim. The console was smaller, cheaper and easier on the eyes, and of course the 120GB hard drive didn't hurt matters either. That said, we know that the redesign didn't please everyone, and we've heard more than a few PS3 diehards complain about the new design. If it were you designing a newer, less expensive PlayStation 3, what would you have done differently? Kept PS2 backwards compatibility? Colored it white? Added HD DVD support? Don't be scared to get a little crazy -- besides, they call that "innovation" in the corporate world.
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October 31st, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
And finishing off the PlayStation Home priorities controversy, the service/virtual world's community manager has told users on the official Home forum that the Sony executive was misquoted in reports that he'd said Home is "not a priority."
From CydoniaX:
Allow me to put your minds at ease about this recent press. The coverage of what Pete Edwards said at the London Games Conference was not only a misquote, it was a misreprentation of what he actually said.
Edwards was saying that monetizing Home was not as big a priority as building a great platform, with a compelling environment and a strong community. Home is still a top priority for Sony and will continue to release quality content and provide a positive experience to our users.
And yes, we will continue working on fixing bugs, login problems, and other user issues.
Additionally, Michael French, the editor-in-chief of Develop Magazine, which hosted the event in question, tweeted to Stephen Totilo this afternoon that Edwards was in fact misquoted: "Edwards was definitely misquoted at our event. His point was that Home is a community platform first, and 'a business' second"
So this should all make Sony's position on Home crystal clear. It's not dead, it's not going away, it's still a priority and it continues to have the full support of the company.
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October 31st, 2009, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
On Sunday, Sony will release the PSP Go in Japan and systems there don’t come with an ESRB app or a Patapon 2 demo. SCEJ loaded different software like a Room demo.
Room is a mobile social application designed for the PSP. Users will be able to blog, play mini-games, and meet up in virtual spaces with Mii-like avatars. The free service is scheduled to come out this winter, but PSP Go purchasers will get a chance to play with a piece of it early. An avatar creation demo will be preloaded on every PSP Go. Avatars made with the program will be compatible with the final version of Room.
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan also put demos of Minna no Sukkiri and Hot Shots Tennis on the PSP Go. A public Hot Shots Tennis demo hasn’t been released either so PSP Go purchasers will get a first look at Clap Hanz’s latest project too.
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October 31st, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
We have just heard about from colleagues that the French PSPGEN Custom Firmware 5.03GEN for HEN-B, intended for holders of PSP-2000 with TA-088v3 and PSP-3000 with official firmware 5.03, is released during the day today. The release was in fact postponed until tomorrow evening because it was found a bug that makes it impossible to start the demo of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. This bug is related to the Custom Firmware Recovery Menu and use the version.txt to start the demo.
Course we will keep you informed in case of further news.
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October 31st, 2009, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
Its been a long while since Dark Alex and the M33 team have graced us with a new Custom Firmware and recently the PSPGen Team seem to be the new kingpins with their releases of Custom Firmwares, but for you the people who actually use the Custom Firmwares, Which is your favoured Custom Firmware and Why ?
For those that have used both please discuss the strengths and weaknesses, your opinions will mean a lot to many new comers and experianced PSP homebrew users.
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November 1st, 2009, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
A leaked video of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 caused controversy this week when it revealed a level in the game involving terrorists shooting civilians in an airport. Activision confirmed the video's legitimacy, adding that players will be able to skip over the gameplay should they find it too offensive.
We put up a poll to gauge reader reaction to the video. Around 22,000 of you responded over the course of two days.
Here are the results!
Question: Does the leaked Call of Duty footage show a scene that goes too far?
43% - It is fine
34% - I haven't watched it, I don't want spoilers
13% - I have no interest in Modern Warfare 2
10% - It is tasteless
As you can see, close to half of IGN readers had no problem with the airport scene. Meanwhile, the other half decided not to watch the video or thought it was tasteless.
Where do your opinions fall? Do you think developer Infinity Ward went too far?
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