November 1st, 2005, 09:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has opened their site, MovieSquare, a site designed for buying and downloading music, movies, and other media for the PSP. Currently, there are 268 titles on the site, with more content being added every month. Downloading a movie costs 1029 yen (~$9 USD) while merely streaming the movie costs 315 yen (~$2.70 USD).
Currently, there spans 268 titles over 12 genres, and while the downloads and streaming of said titles will cost money, if a PSP owner just wants to see a trailer, then it won't cost them a single penny (or yen). The media for this site is downloaded directly to the PC in a compressed file format, and once unzipped can be transferred to the PSP through a USB cable; no extra equipment is required to access this feature.
There is currently no news on whether a feature like this will make it Stateside, but who knows? Anything can happen...
Check it out here --> http://www.jp.sonystyle.com/Nws/Movie/index2.html
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November 1st, 2005, 09:14 Posted By: wraggster
Right, you guys deserve a proper answer so here it is :
Ever since the last escapade with sage a few months back, i havent had the heart to continue with the project so much, qubitz and i decided to revamp the entire project in a way that would make the memory issues a thing of the past, starting with a powerful base engine we planned to refine every last bit of the shell, we started on that and exams time came for qubitz, since he wasnt around muich to code or discuss the project, i plodded on with the development guidelines writing up everything so we both had clear lines of where the project was to go, the older sources (the ones you can see from the video) were discarded, because although they worked, the code behind them was messy and poorly written, qubitz, who i will openly admit is a much better coder than myself, was to write the base, to which we would then both add code to, looking at each others submittions in the CVS branch so we would know fully where each other were, this worked well for a while but as i said, qubitz's exams kicked in and we gradually stopped working on the project, and as such i finally decided to publicly announce a temporary termination on the development, not because psix is dead, or as most people will say "omg pulled a yoshi and running with the money!", but so people wont sit there asking where it is when its obvious we both neither have the time nore patience to deal with it.
There are a small small handfull of people who have the 3 eboots from the older code (from the videos), one of which decided that because we didnt have time to work on the project, he'd email me asking "give me the source or i'll leak the beta", now really, i don't give a crap about the old beta so if in the next few hours, or days, that old beta (which even i myself dont have anymore, all i ahve is the files from the CVS trunk), then do not judge psix by the quality of the beta, because the beta is slow, buggy as hell and incomplete.
Myself im unable to work on it much because i've been working overtime for various companies with design, the big christmas rush is always a stressfull sleepless time of the year, and when im looking at several design jobs to do just in one morning to give an example, then you can sort of picture how much time it gives me for the rest of the things i do.
I have alot of things to buy in the run up to christmas, partys to arrange, a bike that needs a servicing and engine rebuild, so any time i have free from working is either spent shopping or sleeping, i'm in my 20's, i'm at the point in my life where its me that sorts out christmas and gets to be santa , i cant just sit back and enjoy it like i was nine years old again.
And as to why i don't wish to release the source, 3 reasons ;
1) we've spent this long on it, we don't want to give it up so freely
2) it would just create 20+ clones, just like what happened with LUA shells (lame)
3) I don't want to wake up at some point next week to see Yoshi and SXT releasing "SXT-OS beta" and claiming "omg its all our code we just used fluffs idea!"
Lastly to point out again, psix is not dead, its just temp-terminated, we'll be back to finnish it when we both have more time to work on it.
Also, Fluff has released some old sources, here is what he had to say about that:
"Wah wah wah it doesnt look like psix wah wah wah", yeah it doesnt, it's a very old version, but it isn't a jpg!
Anyway if people want to go ahead, point their fingers at me and cry fake, they can go do that, just don't lump Qubitz in with that because all he has done for psix is code, and code well, hes never posted info about it or asked for donations right?, so leave him well out of it, if i'm to "go down", im not taking a decent stand-up bloke with me.
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November 1st, 2005, 09:27 Posted By: wraggster
Virtue has released an app that makes your PSP into a very expensive Alarm Clock, heres the info from the readme:
--- How To Use: ---
Uset the cursor to edit the alarm settings to your desired time. Set the hours, minutes, and seconds.
Once you have your time set, press Start to Start the alarm.
--- v0.5 Includes: ---
Standard Alarm Clock System
Custom Alarm
--- Using Custom Alarm: ---
Simply put your .wav into the sounds folder, and name it alarm1.wav
--- Future Verions Will Include: ---
More Custom Alarms
Stop Watch Feature
Graphical Layout
Anything Else I See Fit
Download via the comments (until a page is made)
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November 1st, 2005, 09:35 Posted By: wraggster
There are rumours of a PSP Modchip being worked on in the scene but as you should know, until they surface for real it should be regarded as vapourware until the news comes from a valid and respected source (and by that i dont mean sites that want a /. for news/releases that arent theirs etc).
Heres whats been posted on other sites of the features:
"– Full control Input through the psp’s screen and controls
– Separated From The motherboard
– Custom Interface
– Built In 88mhz Processor
– Dual Memory Cores (allowing For expansion)
– Software completely open source
– Completely internal
– Allows play of import UMD films
– Complete override of software on the psp
1.Homebrew Mode Only Allows software to be run off memory stick
2.Normal Mode Allows of chip’s default features and signed code on the memory stick
– CPU Clocking allows speeds of up to 365mhz which may damage the CPU so we don’t recommend it
– And through an optional cable you can connect a USB hard drive to the chip requires you to use the chips own software you can not use it directly with the psp’s firmware
– Full Instructions
– Requires One standard watch battery which will be included in the package"
Some curious claims there and im sure those who are more tech savvy will rip those claims or validate them. Remember that Sony will if real will throw all their legal weight at the company that releases these rumoured modchips for PSP that have a price of $22.99 being floated around.
So until proper confirmation has been released take any news as a pinch of salt, ill be glad to hear what teams like Team Xecuter and others have to say on the matter.
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November 1st, 2005, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game Released:

PoPoLoCrois is sure to be an instant favorite for the new generation of PSP users. This classic fantasy story features brand-new sequences from the animated TV series, new playable adventures, plus exciting battles with rich, vibrant colors and cell-shaded 2D graphics. You'll be hooked on the delightful characters and animated storyline that is fun for all ages.

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November 1st, 2005, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PS2dev
Here is a fast on-screen keyboard-based text input concept,
requiring only two (!) keystrokes to enter any character.
- entering ANY character by only TWO KEYSTROKES
- QWERTY (QWERTZ) keyboard layout
- based on a 7x9 char template with CapsLock Function
How does it work?
The on-screen QWERTY keyboard is divided into 7 blocks, each one with a square shape,
containing 3x3=9 on-screen buttons. The first keystroke selects such a block,
More info at the link above:
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November 2nd, 2005, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Tedzero has released a new version of his Browser that allows the PSP to browse and transfer files to any computer that its connected to, heres whats in this version:
– File Manager module Included. Now you can copy/delete files/folders within PSP, rename files.
– Navigate to a folder on PSP and from the menu click Play MP3, it will queue all the mp3's in that folder.
– I have created custom controls, so the UI will look different and feel different.
– Navigate to a folder on PSP and from the menu click Play MP3, it will queue all the mp3's in that folder.
– Home button exit.. (It was a bug fix).
– New Background.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/tedzerobrowser.shtml
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November 2nd, 2005, 04:26 Posted By: corned
I'm thinking about purchasing USBeXtreme for PS2, to play my PS2 games from an external hard drive. I have a Samsung external hard drive that I am planning on using. I'm just wondering if anyone out here has any comments on USBeXtreme (if you've had problems with it, or if you love it). Thanks.
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November 2nd, 2005, 09:17 Posted By: wraggster
Synopsis has released a new Timer utility for the PSP. Timer is a PSP Lua tool for timing things such as laps, program execution time, contractions.
It shows Start Time, End Time and Duration, plus it records a history of your times.
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November 2nd, 2005, 09:30 Posted By: wraggster
It seems theres been some discussion on other Emulation forums about the PSPGBA emulator not releasing the source as should be done to comply with GPL, i contacted PSP298 the coder behind the PSP port of Visual boy Advance and he has today released the source to what is the best GameBoy Advance emulator for the PSP so far.
The V1.1 release has a new GPL license included so that sould please any that were concerned over the sources not being released
Download both new files here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspgba.shtml
Thanks to PSP298 for this exclusive release for PSP News 
(Just remember folks the news and release came from this site and not other sites who are steal news and screenshots at will and are only in the scene for the money and no other reason)
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November 2nd, 2005, 18:12 Posted By: mdsp
Whats up all... I was just wondering if there is any good NES emu for PS2... I tried IMBNES and didnt work... now i wanted to try INFONES... i just wanted to get some advice if on how to use this... I only have Swap magic disk to work with...
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November 2nd, 2005, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Who knows how many different games have been set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but of them all, Star Wars Battlefront was the #1 best selling title of all time. Now the sequel is here on PSP, and whether you want to fly a TIE Fighter, play as Boba Fett, slaughter Gungans, or just about anything else, this title has it all. Across 13 maps, some of which come from Episode III, the gameplay could be described as similar to EA's Battlefield 2, but set in the rich universe of Star Wars. There's three single player modes, from Instant Action, which is just what handheld owners need sometimes, to Galactic Conquest, the campaign mode which takes place in either the Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War era, or Challenges mode as either an Imperial Enforcer, a Rebel Raider, or a Rogue Assassin.
Imperial Enforcer turns you onto the dark side, sending you to planets like Naboo to massacre the Gungans, or to the Wookies home planet Kashyyyk, and has you come back with ships full of brand new fur coats Playing as a Rebel Raider is similar to capture the flag, but having you locate fallen comrades, contraband and other goodies, then take it to your check point, and takes place both on land and in space. Finally Rogue Assassin challenges you to locate your target, snipe them, and then get out of there so you live to do it again another day. In addition to regular deathmatch and more, Star Wars Battlefront 2 also supports up to four players cooperatively or competitively over Ad-Hoc wireless. As you'd expect from Star Wars, all the vehicles and famous faces you love are here and playable, and in stock this week, the force is exceedingly strong with this one!
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November 2nd, 2005, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Another big seller of PSP stuff have the TV Adapter for the PSP in stock, heres the info from Lik Sang:

The TV Adapter for PSP (PSP2TV) lets you hook up your PSP to your home television via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. It also lets you connect and use a PS2 controller on your PSP. The installation requires you to open and modify your PSP console, you need to replace the front face plate with the one included. This device is recommended anyone who wants to play their favorite PSP title on the big screen.
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November 3rd, 2005, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
-Version 1.01 changes the way questions are chosen. Now, question answers are selected by using the arrow keys, followed by hitting the X button with the desired answer chosen.
-Includes all questions from Question Packs 1 & 2
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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November 3rd, 2005, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Evil Dragon webmaster of what is the best File Archive for the PSP Scene bar none (others have copied him but they pale in comparison), he runs a monthly click for devs fund where if people click the google ads on his site (which doesnt cost you a thing) then your basically donating to a coder of your choice, so its very good and much better than some sites who ask for $$ and the coders who are the scene get nothing. anyway heres this months news:
It's time again to vote - which coder should get the money I get from my google ads in November?
Just click and we'll know
Heres the people to vote for:
psp298 (PSPGBA)
Toc2rta (found exploit for 2.0 Version Changers)
Shine (LuaPlayer)
Ruka (NesterJ)
Christophe Thibault (UAE)
PSPMillionaire (PSPMillionaire)
Vote here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13134
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November 3rd, 2005, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have done a great feature on the new PSP TV Kit by Team Xtender:
While Lik Sang and lots of consumers fail to understand what is supposed to be so hot about a PSP Adapter Kit costing over 100 bucks, two "teams" are still in wartime mode about it. "PSP2TV" and "PSPonTV" give each other trash every day god makes, "east-coast vs. west-coast", gangsta rap style. While all this "let's get personal" trash talkin' is funny only for a short while, what you hardcore gamers really care about is how the product gets installed, when it's available, what's the price point and how good the adapter is. That's exactly what we will get covered in-depth across this hands-on report of the first PSP Adapter Kit, which has just hit our warehouse today, and ships within 24 hours.
First Impressions
Out of the colorful box you get the TV Adapter connector offering both Video outputs and a Dual Shock 2 slot, a flat-circuitry (to fit inside your PSP, see below), three face plates (blue, silver and black), a bunch of screws and screw drivers, AV and S-Video cables, plus, last but not least, a 16-page installation guide with all the step-by-step pictures you need in order to get the job done. The TV Adapter Kit does not come as a Multinorm NTSC/PAL product (as initially announced). It is available in two different models, PAL or NTSC. There is a switch on the back of the adapter to select between 4:3 and 16:9 display ratios (once you got the troublesome installation step performed successfully of course).
The installation procedure is not the hardest we have ever witnessed inside the Lik Sang testing labs, but then again, that is kind of part of the job here. For end users and potential customers out there, it is important reading about the major installation steps that we describe amnd illustrate with pictures hereunder. This is to make sure that you are, first of all, willing do perform such an installation, and, more importantly, that you are capable of taking care of the operation all the way without "screwing up" your beloved Sony PSP, if you'll excuse my French. The modification does not require soldering at all but does require a lot of precision. If your hands are easily shaking or if you are the clumsy type of guy (like me!), just forget about it or find yourself a professional installer in your entourage. There is indeed dismantling of small pieces in a tight handheld system involved, not to omit that you will also have to put every bit back together in the end too. Don't risk it if you are not qualified. If you are an experienced D.I.Y. hobbyist who has had his fair share of playing around with electronics, like many of my Lik Sang teammates for example, you probably have seen worse than that in your life already.
Read the rest of this excellent review and basically a tutorial on how to install the PSP TV Adapter at Lik Sang
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November 3rd, 2005, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that PlayStation 3's online function won't feature a central service similar to Xbox Live. Instead it will have an 'open architecture' that allows games publishers to decide how they want gamers to get online with their games.
With Xbox Live, publishers have to work with Microsoft, which is something that prevented EA's Xbox games going online until 2004. It seems a similar service to Xbox Live does not appeal to Sony as its approach focuses on giving flexibility and freedom to individual publishers.
However, it hasn't worked especially well for PlayStation 2's online performance, which is well behind Xbox Live in popularity.
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November 3rd, 2005, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Next week, Advance Theory plans to release the PSPAdvance software, which appears to be a media player, content download system, and community application all-in-one. It also promises to free users from Sony’s format restrictions, as it supports MPG1, MPG2, MPG4, DivX, Xvid, and MOV formats. Advance Theory has even promised that the full version (the demo only runs on 1.50 and below) will run on firmware version 2.50—albeit with ads
Seems that Joystiq linked to the wrong site (who seem to do anything to get visitors) so heres the correct link --> http://www.pspadvance.com/
Check out a video of PSP Advance here --> http://pspadvance.com/UsingPSPAdvance.wmv
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November 4th, 2005, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP is an amazing console, Games, Photos, MP3s and Videos and then with the homebrew scene you have Emulators, Applications and Homebrew Games, so its no wonder that people want to play thier PSP on a TV, now the 2 devices that want our cash are the
TV Adapter Kit (PSP2TV)
and also the
TV Adapter Kit (No Modification)

So Which is best on all counts, let the debate begin 
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November 4th, 2005, 09:12 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Advance is big news at the moment although the truth is its been around for at least a month in its new form, well one of our members has done a review on PSP Advance, i myself have been too busy to try but here seems an honest review from Sitexec:
<blockquote>Well, i read the hype, so i gave it a try, here are some of my thoughts.
The pspadvance is a lua based player, for tv, music, and a lot of other things. On installing, i noticed that there was a lot of worthless stuff and software included within a simple drag and drop. There were chatroom buttons, needless profiles, and a lot of garbage. Once i let the program install the PSPADV and PSPADV~1 dirs which i coulda done with a zip, i quickly uninstalled their worthless software. Now on to the acctual application.
The setup is as follows, you can try their program, with some occational ads as they say. Heres what i found.
First off, avi/divx/mpeg emulation is no where to be found. The one peice of video they do have which is a linken park video is also a cheat, the video itself contains no sound, there is a mp3 that plays along with it to give you the illusion of sound. So Video player function, basically worthless.
Secondly, MP3 playing is great, except for one amazingly big flaw. Ads pop up every min. If you try to delete the ads, the program will freeze when the ads are supposed to show. The mp3 visuals are good, but the adds kill the program and was the main reason i deleted it.
Third, clicking on their web browser claims their "program", which is acctually a collection of lua scripts, will be avalible on UMD soon. Not sure whether sony would support that, only time will tell.
Finally, their program that installs on your pc is horrible. why do i need a program to make my drag and drop of files easier. It basically ads lack of functionality.
As a 1.5 user, i think this would be a great program, a good web browser(even though all they have is a jpg of a browser) if a few things were changed.
1. Get rid of ads, within 2 songs i was sick of them, they are the same 6 ads, if i dont want it the first time, why would i want it the 10th. It was the main reason i deleted this program. If you want to make money, either make it pay only, even $10 would be a good buy if the next couple things are fixed as well.
2. Acctually get some kind of video working besides a little cheat running 1 avi file. I tried atleast 10 different videos with different bitrates and types and none worked. $10 would be worth a simple strong video player that could play divx/avi/xvid/mpg1/2.
3. Get ride of a bulky install. It placed 3 new icons on my desktop, it had to sync to my psp for no reason. Transferring files with it was a nightmare. Currently, the psp is open, drag and drop files, why they would want to make that MORE complicated, i have no idea.
Currently i would give this a 4 out of 10, it shows good base, but there are a few things glarring that make it basically to annoying to use. If they fix video, get ride of ads and simply make a better program, and get rid of their bulky install, and acctually play video, i would gladly pay 10$-20$ for it, and would rate it atleast a 9 out of 10.
As it stands, its basically an mp3 visualizer with ads. No REAL video or webbrowser implimentation. 4/10</blockquote>
Thanks to sitexec for the review , if you disagree or indeed agree then reply to his review here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13335
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November 4th, 2005, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GIbiz
Almost a year after the PlayStation Portable was released in Japan, Sony has announced plans to launch a new budget range for the handheld under the label PSP: The Best.
Hit titles will be repackaged and resold at the lower price point of 2800 Yen (just under 20 Euro) - full price PSP games currently retail for around 5040 Yen (24 Euro). The first batch of games will be released on November 17, and will be comprised of Metal Gear Acid, Minna No Golf Portable, Vampire Chronicle, Mojipitan, Ridge Racer, Lumines and Armoured Core Formula Front.
The next wave of titles - Need for Speed Underground, Derby Time, Dokodemo Issho, Poporo Crois Monogatari, Tales of Eternia and Rengoku - will follow on December 1.
Sony launched a similar range, PS2: The Best, nearly three years ago. To qualify for inclusion, each title must have sold at least 100,000 copies. Sony did not disclose whether PSP games must meet the same criteria.
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November 4th, 2005, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Rob_PSP has just released PSP-PDA v1.2 for the PSP.
PSP-PDA is a PDA program with a notepad, music player, image viewer, address book, calendar, calculator, and clock. Here are the changes to this version:
Added: Music Playlist, right trigger switches between file manager and playlist.
Added: P-Sprint keyboard emulator by Arwin
Added: Stopwatch and Timer
Added: Goto Month in Calendar
Added: View Week and Month Events in Calendar
Added: Theme support including theme by Pochi
Added: Additional icons by Cancan
Modified: Keyboard input now wraps around
Modified: File->Save now also manually saves Address book and Calendar
Fixed: Notepad carriage return bug
Fixed: Calendar event bug
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp-pda.shtml
Dragaron & cancan have made some great icons and more for PSP-PDA here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13171
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November 5th, 2005, 10:47 Posted By: wraggster

Just when you are getting into that racing game, the battery dies on you.
And it always runs out when you are as far away from the charger as you can
get! The PSP back-lock battery system from www.psptree.co.uk is a new gadget
that claims to double the life of your battery. When it was removed from the
packaging, the first thing that I noticed was how light-weight it was. It
contains a 1800 mAh Lithium battery battery which the packaging claims can
give up to 3 hours extra power for your PSP. The exterior of the unit is the
same colour as the PSP and has an AC adaptor socket on the side so that you
can charge it at the same time as using it. It also has an LED which tells
you that it is on. It clamped and clicked on to the PSP with ease, using the
2 metal holes on the PSP to lock it in place. It had a firm fit once
installed. A wire attaches from the unit to the AC socket on the PSP so that
you can either use the PSP battery or switch over to the back-lock battery.
I charged and discharged the unit fully 3 times before-hand as that gives it
the highest chance of reaching full capacity, On the test run, I managed to
get 2 hours 24 minutes from the device which was a little short of the 3
hours stated, but I may have been using the PSP more intensely than in the
manufacturers test. Even so, this gave a hefty life extension to the PSP
battery, which many users say does not have nearly enough life in it.
Verdict: A neat, lightweight device recommended for anyone looking to have a
decent back-up for their PSP battery.
Pros: Lightweight, easy to fit and
use, decent battery life.
Cons: Manual switch-over from PSP battery.
Stockist: www.psptree.co.uk, price £11.99
Thanks to Simon for the review 
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November 6th, 2005, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
On quiet days its nice to look at whats just around the corner, heres a few PSP items to look forward to in the next few months:

A voice-activated translation software application designed originally to teach English to Japanese PSP owners. Outside of pure translations, Talkman lets players play games to test their fluency of a language.
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Memory Stick Pro Duo Video Recorder

Hori's Memory Stick PRO Duo Video Recorder allows you to record movies and TV shows directly to your Memory Stick PRO Duo. Four different recording modes allow you to control the amount of space used on your Memory Stick.
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SOCOM: FireTeam Bravo

As the SEAL commander, the player will be supported by an AI teammate executing traditional SOCOM team-based tactical, stealth and action gameplay. After successfully completing a level, players can replay the mission in an entirely new way through the "Instant Action" option, with different objectives, enemy and object placement.
In addition, multiple players will be able to form clans and take on their friends for team based high-action gameplay in SOCOM Fireteam Bravo via a Wi-Fi connection.
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Sony PSP Giga Pack

Available for a limited time starting in November, the PSP Giga Pack includes an unprecedented added-value package of accessories, including the PSP System, a 1GB Memory Stick PRO Duo, battery pack, AC adaptor, USB Cable, and an all-new PSP Stand.
More Info
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November 6th, 2005, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Following the release of the NTSC version a few days ago here comes the Pal version,

The TV Adapter for PSP (PSP2TV) lets you hook up your PSP to your home television via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. It also lets you connect and use a PS2 controller on your PSP. The installation requires you to open and modify your PSP console, you need to replace the front face plate with the one included. This device is recommended anyone who wants to play their favorite PSP title on the big screen.
More info Here
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November 7th, 2005, 09:19 Posted By: wraggster
Its the FINAL day to submit your entrys for the PSP NEWS & Lik Sang 30 Day Coding Comp, heres an update of all the info:
The contest will run from October 8th 00:01am 2005 to November 7th, 2005.
The contest will end at 11.59pm gmt , (the end of November 7th , 2005).
Software can be for any version PSP.
Submissions for the contest should be sent to bluebolshi@hotmail.com or messaged to wraggster on the DCEmu UK forums or posted in the Private Developers Forum
Submissions must be new or updated releases and ones that havent been publically released before the winner of the contest is announced.
Submissions will be posted over a 2 day period or less if the amount of entries is small starting November 8th.
Multiple entries are allowed although only the best entry will win prizes.
Entries must be freeware so that when tournament ends they can be distributed.
This competition is open to anyone and all software for the PSP.
The Judging will be done by 5 selected DCEmu Forum Members after a poll decides who the top 5 entries are (the poll will run for 2 days).
The winner will be announced on the 12th November 2005.
One main prize of a complete package of essential PSP accessories:
Logitech PlayGear Amp
External 3200mAh Battery Pack
Power Charging Cradle
Hori Portable Pouch Style (Ash Black)
Airform UMD Pocket (Black)
USB Transfer/Recharge Cable (2in1)
Liquid Crystal Filter
Good Luck 
So not too long now, remember you can enter as many times as you want and we accept any PSP Software including new unreleased versions of older publically released software, for example if a PSPGBA 30day Comp edition came out it could be entered, so hopefully you understand.
If you have sent me an email to my hotmail account it might pay to also PM me on the forums as hotmail seems to have stopped at least 1 entry getting to me.
Remember if you enter you have a good chance 
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November 7th, 2005, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
We’re not sure what kind of crazy amounts of free time 18 year old Tyson Ibele had to whip up this demo Sony Style commercial, but hot damn, if you’re a fan of that transformer video where Shockwave breakdances, you’re gonna love this. (Yes, that’s a PowerShot flipping into a PSP at right.) No, Sony didn’t pay this kid for his work, but if they were smart they might. Wanna whip us up a couple Engadget videos while you’re at it, Tyson?
Screenshot and link to Movie file in the comments:
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November 7th, 2005, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has released a telnet client for the PSP, and its called Peldet v0.2
Heres the info:
I've been working on a telnet client for psp.
Currently has about all the basic stuff you need including:
Ability to chose which wifi to connect to
Chose where to telnet to
Give it a test. Its good enough that you could connect to a MUD and have a play. Text input is done through p-sprint, so check out its site to see how to use that, link is in the readme.
Download via the comments:
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November 7th, 2005, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
PSPages has released the 3rd magazine for the PSP in their release series, heres whats new:
Yep, the time has arived, the 3rd issue of PSPages is finally here after a one week delay. You won't be dissapointed though. With 115 pages, its sure to fill a gap for quite a while. We have listened to our readers, and our screen shots are now full screen. Yay!
Theres a couple of minor changes in this issue which you might spot, as well as the staff page containing some rather GTA inspired titles. So enough of this, just go download it and enjoy.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspagesmagazine.shtml
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November 7th, 2005, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
- 100 questions added. Total questions is now 750.
- Ability to walk away with money added by hitting R
- Some typos in questions fixed.
- Audience Poll code updated.
- Total Earnings added to end of game screen. Will add up every time you play, whether in one sitting or also if you turn the game off and play again later.
- A few more responses to answers added.
- Music bug fixed after hitting X at the check screen.
- Font changed
- 50/50 sound effect corrected.
- Audience Poll music now loops until X is pushed.
- Money amount colors changed to orange.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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November 8th, 2005, 09:23 Posted By: wraggster
Durante has released an Excellent looking game for the PSP, heres whats posted on his Site:
Crystalise is an action/puzzle game for the Sony PSP.
It uses a highly modified version of Shine & Nevin's LuaPlayer.
Most of the functionality is contained in about 2600 lines of Lua code, but I implemented some fairly game-specific performance-critical methods in C. I also rewrote most of LuaPlayer's graphics code to use OpenGL and added some (graphical and other) features.
All images and sound effects were also made by me, so you should be aware that this is programmer's art.
Heres a screen:
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/Crystalise.shtml
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November 8th, 2005, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Smashin Git posted this news in our Submit News forum --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13506
Chris Swindle has just released his port of SMSPlus v1.2, a SMS / Game Gear emulator.
It has fullspeed, fullscreen, sound and zip support. To go back to the file selector press both shoulder buttons.
This is from his readme,
This is the initial public release of SMSPlus1.2 for the PSP, here are the details:
Future changes:
- Add loading and saving of SRAM
- 2 player link up cable emulation
- Allow option of keeping the aspect ratio
- Tidy up source and release
- SMSPlus 1.2 core used
- Zooming of SMS & GG to fullscreen on the PSP
- 60fps with sound
- ZIP ROM support
- Go back to fileselector with L & R shoulder buttons
- Buttons:
X - Button 1
O - Button 2
Start - Start (on GG)
Thanks go to Charles MacDonald (the original author of SMSPlus) for
developing a portable SMS emulator, and everyone who is working on PSPSDK.
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November 8th, 2005, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
After the recent release of S.O.C.O.M 3 on PS2, the U.S. Navy Seals have taken their team-based tactical stealth action over to the PSP. For the first time ever you can have 16 player battles on your handheld, either through ad hoc or online gameplay, and all on the games 12 brand new PSP exclusive multi-player maps. Furthermore, there's two exclusive handheld multi-player modes that weren't in the PS2 title either, the first of which is deathmatch titled "Free For All", while the second is named "Captive". Protecting your hostages from the opposite team, captive mode is very similar to "suppression" from SOCOM 3, but here players can be brought back to life after being killed. Those who do also have SOCOM 3 however, can unlock extra multi-player skins, weapons and more by syncing mission data through a USB connection.
Single player wise, as the SEAL commander, you and your team can work through 14 missions, then replay it afterwards in an entirely new way through the "Instant Action" option, with different objectives, enemy and object placement. Many such missions take place in a new PSP exclusive area, Chile, and you can customize all missions to your favorite types like hostage rescue, demolition and others. Helping keep the action portable friendly, there's multiple save points, which also eliminate having to replay a failed mission from the beginning. To ensure the PSP don't lose out despite missing some extra triggers and an entire analog stick too, some functions are mapped to simply double tapping a button or such, and work great. Lastly there's also a lock-on system, but ensuring SOCOM stays strategic, those using it while running will have less chance of hitting than someone standing still. Well now that you've been briefed; get ready to gear up and head on into battle this week with SOCOM: FireTeam Bravo on PSP!
More info and to buy SOCOM: FireTeam Bravo go here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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November 8th, 2005, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
The entries are in and ill be posting them all on a page tonight, then ill contact the 5 people i have chosen to review the entries and hopefully a winner can be chosen quickly from them.
thanks for your time
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November 9th, 2005, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP NEWS & Lik Sang 30 Day Coding Comp are now here for you to see, heres a rundown of those entries and the persons involved:
The Entrants
William Edmeades - Loki (#1)
This is not a complete game but rather an insight to making this game and a demo of the game itself. I do not expect to win anything as it is not finished or tuned to perfection as it still has problems which can be easily solved and changed. I do not have the time at this moment to complete this project but if people find it interesting and want it completed, I will try my hardest to complete this project.
Do anything you want with this release, if you dont like it, Kill it. I will try to release a good LUA game with plenty of comments in the near future as long as everything that i plan goes well.
Stéphane Lévesque - Ikuzo (#2)
This game work on firmware 2.0, & 1.5
Deniska / NOIZ2SAv07 (#3)
NEW IN V0.7:
- tate mode: lot's of people requested this feature...More room for action & better scaling. looks and controls much like "Star Soldier"
Note: I desided to create a separate tate-mode version, since it's using different sized graphics. If you like the horizontal mode, stick to v0.6 for now.
- !!!!nicer graphics: customizable backgrounds, wireframe mode, semi-transparent shapes.
- new blue color scheme. If you like the original graphics, ovewrite the files in images directory with the stuff from images_classic.
You can still create your own color schemes/backgrounds/hud. Just edit the files in images directory.
- 50% new soundtracks..
- Menu graphics logic adjustments.
- Numerous optimizations and bug fixes.
- src code included..
Mike Haggar - PSPicross 0.2(#4)
Picross (a.k.a. nonogram, pic-a-pix, griddler, etc.) game for the PSP. Made in LUA for PSP.
Xul8t0r / Submission (#5)
Press X to start the game. Use the analog controller to move the pointer, and use X to fire a missile. You can only have one missile in the water at the time. Look at the small square in the down-left corner to see when you can shoot. Green means that you can shoot, while red means that you cannot. Try hitting the bigger boats for most points. You have 20 missiles, and there's 30 boats to hit. If you run out of missiles, or there's no boats left, then the game is over. You can press start at any time to quit the game.
PSmonkey / Quake 3 Bsp Map Viewer (#6)
This is a simple app writen over the past 2 days that lets you view a
quake 3 bsp map file on the psp. This is early alpha build!!
l33th4x0r / Connect 4 (#7)
2 player connect4
The downloads and screenshots can be found here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp.shtml
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November 9th, 2005, 03:35 Posted By: wraggster
The latest rumor, generated from several patent sites, claims that Sony has secured a patent for a disk technology that prevents the use of used, as well as pirated, software. From the registered patent description:
”A device and method for protection of legitimate software against used software and counterfeit software in recording media… A specific title code is read, and if this title code has been registered, the main unit shifts to a normal operation. If the code has not been registered, verification software is initiated… If matching does not occur, the disk is processed as illegitimate software… Since only titles for which legitimate software has actually been purchased and which have been initially registered in the machine table can be used, resale (so-called used software purchase) after purchase by an end-user becomes practically impossible.”
Does Sony plan to employ this technology in the PlayStation 3? Not likely. If so, PS3 owners would not be able to rent (used) games or borrow their friends’ games—or even purchase used games! Sure, the technology could be used for Blu-Ray movies, but for games? It just won’t go down like that… right?
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November 9th, 2005, 09:30 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has released a new version of the excellent Eboot Loader (Homebrew and Emulation Boot Loader) for the PSP Firmware 2.0 users, heres whats new in this latest release:
v0.8 : Usability, compatibility
- Added capability to reboot the PSP without holding the power button.
During any EBOOT, just hold Left Trigger, Right Trigger and START
buttons for 1 second to exit the loader and reboot back to the PSP
- Separated menu binary from loader binary, to allow custom menu creation.
Included custom menu by Calum.
- Added kernel-mode override facility - allows the loader to attempt
to load apps marked as kernel-mode, that don't really require
kernel access. This doesn't enable a huge number of apps, but it
does enable a few - e.g. ScummVM 0.5, PSPChess, Nethack. Expect more
progress in the future.
- Relax requirement to resolve all NIDs. Now you can choose to ignore
failed NIDs in the hope that they aren't required.
- Improved USER_LUA stability (by incorporating the 0.7 USER_LUA patch)
- Added PowerTick() call to prevent display dimming during play
- Skip calling .init code by default
- Allow easier co-existence of multiple loader versions.
- Improve memory and thread manager semaphoring.
- Added all remaining VSH-mode NIDs, thanks to Vampyre's work.
- Moved working EBOOT list to new web-page.
- Filled in some missing opcodes from the disassembler
- Added syscall dereferencing to disassembler
- Added hook to sceKernelCreateThread, to improve thread monitoring
- Reduced screen spam during loading, by moving it to debug-only build
- Attempt to load more of the ELF sections into RAM if appropriate
- Retired hokey malloc implementation during file load, use proper
memory blocks now.
Heres a list of newly working homebrew etc with this release:
New Working applications in this release:
- PSP Chess
- Nethack
- ScummVM PSP Beta5
- ODE Test
- Sudoku 1.0
- C64 PSP 0.2
- Ikuzo
- PSPGenesis 0.18c
- Germ-PSP 4k Intro
- PCE for PSP 0.7
- DOOM screen offset now fixed
Download Now via the comments.
Excellent work Fanjita 
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November 10th, 2005, 09:23 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has released an application that changes the default speed of the PSP to use the full 333mhz speed on games, heres what the readme says:
This app tries to overclock the v2.0 PSP so that UMD games will run faster.
I know that it doesn't work with GTA:LCS, but you might find something that
it does work for.
Follow these steps carefully or it won't work.
- Copy LOADER2.PNG to /psp/photo/loader2/loader2.png, and then view it with
the PSP photo viewer. Set it as wallpaper.
- Put LOADER2.TIF into the same folder. This must be done after you set the
- Put A.BIN into the root (topmost) folder of your memory stick.
Now open the LOADER2 folder with the PSP photo viewer. You should see a
corrupt data icon for LOADER2.TIF. This means the overclocking is now
active, and your PSP is running at maximum speed.
The overclocking should stay active until power-off, or until some application
resets the CPU speed. Unfortunately, for most UMDs this seems to be when they
are run.
Let me know if you find any UMDs that this does work for.
Download via the comments and let us know if you get any UMDs running faster.
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November 10th, 2005, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP has enjoyed a good few months atop the homebrew scene but from today the homebrew world gets a bit more interesting, a new console called the GP2X will make waves like no other in our scene for the foreseable future, heres more info on the GP2X:
GP2X UK have posted news that all fans of homebrew and emulation on consoles will be happy to hear, finally the GP2X is released and shipping, the console for those that dont know is a Portable Linux Based console which already has ports of Quake, Quake 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Amiga and Gameboy Emulators being worked on and that is nothing compared to whats not been publically revealed. One very cool addition is the fact that it has a TV out thats compatible via software with any region.
Heres a screen of the Box
More information at both GP2X UK & GP2X News
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November 10th, 2005, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
One of the team who gave the PSP Scene the ability to play Homebrew on the V1.5 PSP Firmware (via KXploit) has passed away today having lost his battle against Cancer.
What was posted at PSP-Dev
"Today is a sad day for Scene, and specialy for us... Our founder, and the man who always was the heart of the group has deceased this morning because of a cancer that was his fight for months.
CybBlade, we will miss you, rest in peace my friend"
My heart and thoughts go out to the family of CybBlade at this extremely sad time and we thank him for his great work for our scene.
A truly sad day for the PSP Scene.
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November 11th, 2005, 03:28 Posted By: wraggster
Neodiscs.com have posted a new accessorie called the PSP Powerbank 3, heres the info:

TRIPLE BATTERY PACK ! Compact shape designed for PSP and multi-function supported: Battery(4400mHA) + Charger + Cradle, the Power Bank 3 is built in 4400 mHA Li-Polymer battery cell which is certified by UL, it can provide 3 times more regular battery life for the PSP, in addition, the Power Bank 3 is designed with advanced power management control IC, it can control the charge and discharge work efficiently and safely. Made in Taiwan, it is a high quality product compared to almost all similar products made in China.
- Play PSP with or without PSP battery.
- 3 in 1 Design: PSP Cradle + Charger + Battery.
- Built in 4400 mAH Li-Polymer Battery cell (UL certified).
- Designed with advance power management control IC inside.
- Power Bank 3 can be charged by default PSP power adaptor.
- Power Bank 3 can provide power to charge the PSP battery
- No need to plug in the PSP power adaptor.
Price = £39.95
also Neodiscs.com have the Sandisk 1GB Mem Card for £49.99 for one week only so it says on the site.
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November 11th, 2005, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster

Divineo USA have today posted that they have the PSP2TV adapter by Team Xtender in stock, for those that dont know what it is, heres a summary:
The PSP2TV first appears to be a simple docking/recharging station for your PSP, but it is much, much more! In fact with the PSP2TV, you will be able to play your PSP with any Playstation 2 controller on your TV. It is compatible with all TV's, and installation is done in less than 5 minutes ( er i dont think thats correct). PSP2TV is a must have for all hardcore gamers!
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November 11th, 2005, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster
AnonymousTipster has released a great looking new game for the PSP, heres what he says:
Well, this game has been a long time overdue, and I haven't been able to put as much time as I would have liked into the graphical front as I've been concentrating on getting all the levels at the right difficulty. Gameplay comes first. The idea is that you're driving a car, and have to either run through all the gates, or just get to the finish. Simple really...
Hopefully you'll enjoy this game once you get past the blocky models.
P.S. I've personally ensured all the levels are possible, just persevere and you'll get them in the end
Download and Screens Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/ThrottleX.shtml
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November 11th, 2005, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
Survey gives Sony's console 5 per cent lead over Xbox 360
With just weeks to go until the Xbox 360 hits European shelves, a survey has revealed that UK gamers are most looking forward to the arrival of the PlayStation 3.
The survey, which was conducted by research firm XTN Data in September, found that of the 1000 respondents questioned, 32 per cent were planning to buy a PS3, while 27 per cent said they would purchase an Xbox 360. The survey did not ask respondents for their opinion on Nintendo's Revolution console.
"This comes despite huge efforts by Microsoft to launch in time for the vital Christmas period and before Sony's 2006 launch," said XTN Data founder Greig Harper. The Xbox 360 is due to launch in Europe on December 2.
The survey also found that 11 per cent of those questioned use filesharing software to download games illegally. The most downloaded titles are Rome: Total War and The Sims 2, with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas topping the bill - it's downloaded an average of 75 times per hour.
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November 11th, 2005, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GamesIndustry
<blockquote>The early signs suggest that videogames retail is facing another Christmas of hardware shortages, with the PSP already in short supply in the UK - so where does media-friendly desirability end and a revenue-damaging understocked channel begin, asks Rob Fahey.
It's a common complaint in the UK, and probably in most of the rest of the world - Christmas seems to begin earlier and earlier every year. The decorations appeared in some shop windows before Hallowe'en was upon us, you can already buy mince pies and Christmas cake slices in Starbucks, and stores and catalogues have been urging us to consider gift ideas for months. This year, another traditional sign of British Christmas arrived early - namely retail shortages of a Sony console.
It's only the beginning of November, and already it's looking grim for anyone who wants a PlayStation Portable for Christmas. A trawl through London's high street stores will prove fruitless unless you're extremely lucky indeed; a trawl through central London's top retailers last week revealed that not a single unit of the PSP was available. "They come in and go straight back out again," we were told in more than one store. Online, the story is not much better; Amazon cites four to six weeks as its delivery estimate for orders made at the moment.
We can already imagine the outraged headlines as we get closer to Christmas and the mainstream press discover that this year's must-have toy is nowhere to be found - and, of course, when the inevitable ridiculously priced auctions are found on eBay. Even now, almost two months from Christmas, some enterprising - or gouging, depending on how you look at it - London retailers will happily sell you PSP hardware for around twice the standard retail price.
A little shortage, of course, never hurt Sony too badly. Grabbing the headlines and making your product into the most desirable and sought-after toy for Christmas is no bad thing. What every retailer must cross their fingers and pray for, however, is that this year genuinely does see a little shortage, and now the huge shortages which crippled videogame sales last December, as a critical lack of slimline PS2 consoles lopped 2004's traditional winter sales spike off near the root.
One thing is clear; Sony's projection of a worldwide launch for the PSP last Christmas was not merely a bit wide of the mark, but was hugely, vastly inaccurate. Twelve months after the PSP hit retail in Japan and was originally projected to hit retail worldwide, Sony still can't supply ongoing demand for the console, despite the eventual vastly staggered launch.
There's a school of thought which says that as long as the device is selling, in the long run, it doesn't matter - but looking at this Christmas, the potential for frustrated retailers to be sending even more frustrated consumers away empty-handed is worrying. Xbox 360 will also be thin on the ground, and if consumers can't get their hands on either of the hot consoles this Christmas, the money that would have been spent on videogames won't burn a hole in their pockets through to early 20006 - it'll go instead on other desirable products. Expect a lot of new iPods to take the place of PlayStation Portables under Christmas trees this year; revenue that will be permanently lost to the games business.
Besides the immediate worry over Christmas, there's also a wider concern about Sony's overall ability to deliver on its hardware commitments. If the can could miss its targets for the PSP by such a huge margin, what message can the industry take away about the prospects for the launch of the PlayStation 3? Already, many commentators expect the PS3 launch to be a painful process; Sony could do with delivering a little reassurance to its long-suffering partners that it's actually going to improve its performance on launch date and unit targets this time around.</blockquote>
Im not sure about the availability on the streets but online stores Success HK, Divineo China and Lik Sang have all informed me they have plenty of PSP consoles in stock.
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November 11th, 2005, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtenders PSP2TV has today been given a once over by the Gaming Network known as IGN, heres what IGN thought of the Device:
Final Impressions
The blocky image quality is obviously a disappointment, but it's not necessarily a deal-breaker. Framerate and color is nice, and you can get used to some of the resolution loss. We've used Sony's own equipment for capturing PSP video, and it's far from perfect as well. We'll be testing the other video utilities that come down the pipe, but unless Sony makes a UMD player for PS3, this will likely be the best solution to put PSP video on a TV set for a while.
Still, the scaling quality sometimes makes beautiful PSP games look like PS1 games when put up on the big screen. We would have loved for that Turbo switch to have been replaced with a brightness dial or something else to help pick up the picture quality. And the blockiness seems like a problem with the PSP2TV box rather than a technical impossibility in putting PSP-sized pictures on a TV. Pixels are getting dropped, and your TV needs all of the pixels it can get (up to its resolution, of course) to make PSP games look as great as they do on the handheld system. Fortunately, this seems to be something that might get fixed in the future -- now that our PSPs are modified and have an output plug, a new PSP2TV dongle with better filters (albeit more expensive filters) might make everything better if Team Xtender makes a better PSP2TV sometime down the line. We'll also be in touch with the PSP2TV's makers to see if maybe there are any options for making the picture come out a little better (don't think of this as a review just yet -- we're still putting the PSP2TV through its paces.)
Overall, it's a good solution to the problem, and the actual install and hardware construction is a hell of a lot better than we've seen from products by other developers (we've bought Memory Stick components that didn't even fit in the Memory Stick slot, so it tells you something that we were able to put this together and have it look like a brand new PSP without a lot of prior assembly experience.) The video quality is short of perfect, but for a direct-feed solution, it's the best you're going to get for a while, and it's possible that it might get better in the future. The price is also not bad for what you're getting in the box, although whether you'll feel good about dropping $120 for a mod to put PSP video on TV in the first place is up to you. You'll be seeing a lot more of PSP2TV on IGN, as it's our only PSP video output solution at the time, so keep an eye out for examples of its video qualities to see if PSP2TV is right for you.
If you are interested in purchasing the PSP2TV, you can check your local MOD or import shop, including Lik-Sang and others. Shipments should be in stores as you read this.
Post your views of the review in the comments 
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November 12th, 2005, 04:34 Posted By: wraggster

chaosmachine has posted in our Emulation Forum --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13718 a new release for the PSP written in Lua, heres what he says:
The Icarus Project is a remake of a great, but little known, puzzle game called Daedalean Opus (aka Puzzle Road in Japan).
Daedalen Opus was released by Vik Tokai, for the Nintendo GameBoy, way back in 1990. Due to it's unpronounceable name and weird-looking box art, this game did not receive much attention from the public.
However, the gameplay is actually very fun, and well suited to the portable format. In fact, it might just be the best puzzle game you've never played.
The Icarus Project keeps the same gameplay as the original game, but the levels, graphics, and music have all been redone for the PSP.
The Icarus Project features:
- 15 levels, each one more challenging than the last.
- High-Quality graphics, unique to each level.
- Music from Vivaldi, Bach, and Corelli, rendered in classic Chip-Tune style.
- Highly polished controls and menus.
- Automatic progress saving.
- Hours and hours of very addictive gameplay (You've been warned!).
Download via the link above or this page --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/icarusproject.shtml
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November 13th, 2005, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all quick update on the comp, i do have 2 of the judges results but still waiting for 3 others, ill give it till the end of today to get the results in or appoint new judges ( 5 is the amount we need), anyone interested in judging must be able to judge quickly and get the results back in less than a day so we can announce the winner of the contest.
From the results i have its too close to cal so far 
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November 13th, 2005, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
Decalgirl.com are one of the worlds biggest and best for Skins for the PSP, basically these SKins allow you to change the colour of your PSP without taking it apart etc. Heres some of the newest skins:
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November 14th, 2005, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version Info:
- 100 questions added. Total questions: 850
- Questions will no longer repeat until all questions in that dollar amount have been gone through, even after the game has been turned off. Used questions are saved to files. To clear the questions in case this becomes too slow delete everything in the Qstats.lua file and set all numbers in Counts.lua to 0
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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November 14th, 2005, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial game released, heres the info:

In Crash Tag Team Racing players will be able to fuse two cars together on the fly to form a super vehicle outfitted with a turret gun with the all-new "clashing" technology. Players can continue their adventures on foot with out-of-car action, allowing them to traverse an amusement park-like world where they can interact with other characters, collect items and complete mini-missions.
More info at Lik Sang here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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November 14th, 2005, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
PSP3d.com have posted some great news with videos of a new exploit for the Firmware V2.5 PSPs, heres the info they posted:
"Incuded are 2 movies 1 shows my software as 2.5. And the other shows My psp view the included EBOOT and lock up because the EBOOT contains the overflow.tif from the MPH downgrader. After it locked up I cut the power and rebooted. My psp worked fine after I rebooted it. No downgrade yet from this. but the EBOOT included bypasses the TIF patch because the psp TIF patch does not affect the EBOOT handler"
Interesting news, download the videos from the link above and let us know what you think ?
Remember the site above is the official source and not other sites who dont like linking to release sites.
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November 14th, 2005, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Miemt11 has released a new Video Conversion program for the PSP, heres whats posted:
PSPDOTmp4 is simply Video Encoder 2005
Feature the fastest AVI to PSP compatible MP4 converter (Support PSP FW 1.00 onward) A 60 sec avi video only need 24 sec to complete encode (System: P4 2GHz or Athlon XP 2000+)
Latest Version 0.1
Version 0.1 Build at NOV 14 2005
1: File select from any directory
2: Save to any directory
3: Bitrate option
4: Screen size 320x240 or 368x208
5: FPS option
6: With THM output
7: Output as MPEG-4 SP
also a new release again today:
Version 0.2
1: Now support Title edit
Download both files and leave feedback/credits etc Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13814
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November 15th, 2005, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sonicadvance1 has released a new game for the PSP called Dodge.
The object of Dodge is to dodge as many obstacles as you can.
Here is the info:
About the game:
Object is to try to dodge as many obstacles as you can.
There is a big pink square that comes up every so often that can grant you more slow time, more health, or more lives.
D-Pad: control ship
X: Slow down all but the special block
What I hope to put in the next release:
Smart enemies
Even out difficulties
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dodge.shtml
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November 15th, 2005, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Scotsman
GAME, the computer games group, today admitted that it could not meet the huge demand for the new hand-held Sony PSP console.
And in a double blow, the retailer said first-half losses had widened sharply to £14.7 million from £3.5m because of software selling at cheaper prices and consumers being more picky about how they spend their cash than before.
Game said PSP orders had been so strong that all units had sold out in its 397 stores in the UK and Ireland within three weeks of its debut.
Many customers who have paid a deposit for the PSP have not received their console even though Sony dispatched 200,000 units to the UK following its launch on September 1, Game said.
Chief executive Martin Long said only a limited number of units had been delivered by Sony in past days, preventing Game from replenishing store shelves.
But he dispelled fears that the company could suffer similar woes to last Christmas when an "unprecedented breakdown" in the supply of PlayStation 2 consoles led to sales falling by a fifth.
"Sony are very confident about their shipping target for the year which is about one million [PSP] units," Mr Long said.
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November 15th, 2005, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres more details, make of them what you will:
OK to end fear of the Exploit Here are the inner workings
Tradional PBP and SAVEGAME Layout
-ULUS100xxxx or EBOOT
--Param.SFO (tells how the psp handles the file: e.g. title - update ver. 2.51)
--icon0.PNG (icon)
--icon1.PMF (almost like a short movie clip <500kb
--pic1.PNG (background for pile that appears when you look at the file)
--SND0 (background sound-not in most saves or EBOOTs)
--Data file/data.psp (name vary depending on game saves...data.psp is the name when in eboots)
--Data.psar(only in eboots)
Well my Exploit contains...
--Param.SFO (tells how the psp handles the file: e.g. title - update ver. 2.51)
--icon0.PNG (icon-overflow.tif)
--icon1.PMF (blank PMF found in iso rip kits)
--pic1.PNG (background for file-framebuffer)
--SND0.AT3 ( small randow sound clip)
--Data file/data.psp (from v1.5)
--Data.psar(from v1.5)
--Pic0.PNG (overflow.tif)
My Original Idea For The Exploit
1)the icon0 would be set to the overflow.tif
2)pic1 the framebuffer image
3)the 2 data files as 1.50s data files
4)SND0.AT3 a music file >20mb
5)ICON1 the blank pmf found in iso rip kits
6)Param file set to be read as updater version 2.51
7)pic0 overflow.tif resized to 272x480
Only one thing from my original blueprint wasn't used : the AT3 file is 5kb
How This Works
This works by overloading the psp audio with a glitch sound, and overloading the image handler with overflow.tif, thus in conjuction overriding the TIF patch.
Does that mean much to you ?
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November 15th, 2005, 08:22 Posted By: wraggster
Joreofiorio35 has written a clone of Stepmania in Lua for the PSP, heres what the coder wrote in the read me file:
Hi, this is my Stepmania Port for PSP. I have been working on this for the past couple weeks because I needed something like this for the psp. Only seconds after I posted version one, someone had P.M'ed me that he was making his own DDR for the PSP that would read DWI's and SM files, etc. Then I knew I could stop working, his would be way better than mine! But for fun I continued and this is what I have so far, so thanks for trying this out!
Version 2.0 Supports the Following:
4th-192nd Notes
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November 15th, 2005, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.insertcredit.com/
Astonishia Story, the source material for one of the most popular games for the GP32 (it was even a pack-in with a special black version of the console), was apparently released on the PSP, under the radar (mine, at least!). The 2D Korean RPG, with its semi Grandia-esque battles has gotten a minor facelift, largely in the magic effects department, and of course the game also takes advantage of the PSP's lovely screen. The GP32 version was called Astonishia Story R, and deviated from the original in...various mysterious ways (ie, I don't actually know), but the PSP version is a port of the original PC game from 1994. It still holds its own today though, due to the very detailed animation, and 2D in-game cutscenes (you can see some footage of ASR in our GP32 Guide). Check the Astonishia website for a gameplay movie, and some screens.
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November 16th, 2005, 03:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPHacks.Net
<blockquote>We are pleased to announce the commencement of a PSP Homebrew Application Coding Contest co-sponsored by PSPHacks.net and RK Digital.
The demand for a standalone PSP Flash Player is well known among the PSP Community, and we are positive that an award might motivate an individual or group to prioritize this project.
What we require this application to do, In order of priorities (meaning the lower on the list the more expendable they are):
1. SWF Format playback - Faithfully play back .swf media full screen, the newer the Shockwave File format, the better
2. Keyboard Emulation - Map PSP buttons to navigation (same way keyboard navigation would work on a PC app)
3. Actionscript Support
4. Kiosk Mode - Boot PSP directly into .SWF file and on subsequent restarts (optional)
Schematics and test media files will be provided to aid in development.
A very basic Flash player based on Mplayer is built into FileAssistant, which is open source and should be used if helpful.
Additionally, there exists ongoing Open Source Flash Initiatives which should also facilitate a PSP port. More info can be found at:
The Award is $500 and will go to the individual or group who delivers the most advanced application by the deadline.
The 2nd Award is that which is given back to the PSP Community, a fully functioning, polished, Open Source PSP Flash Player Application. Please respect the spirit of Open-Source and collaborate - in the case of a group submission, we will help in determining which players made the most significant contributions and should therefore receive more.</blockquote>
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November 16th, 2005, 04:34 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP NEWS & Lik Sang 30 Day Coding Comp winner is now to be announced, heres a quick rundown of the entrants:
The Entrants
William Edmeades - Loki (#1)
Stéphane Lévesque - Ikuzo (#2)
Deniska / NOIZ2SAv07 (#3)
Mike Haggar - PSPicross 0.2(#4)
Xul8t0r / Submission (#5)
PSmonkey / Quake 3 Bsp Map Viewer (#6)
l33th4x0r / Connect 4 (#7)
The downloads and screenshots can be found here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp.shtml
Heres the scores:
NOIZ2SA By Deniska 37.5
IKUZO By Stéphane Lévesque 36
Quake 3 BSP Map Viewer By PSmonkey 33.5
PsPicross 0.2 By Mike Haggar 32.5
Submission By Xul8t0r 21
LOKI By matthew edmeades 21
Connect 4 By l33th4x0r 14
The winner for the contest was NOIZ2SA By Deniska with a score of 37.5 out of 50 Points followed closely by Ikuzo on 36 and then PSMonkeys Quake 3 BSP Viewer.
I would like to thank Lik Sang for sponsoring the first 30 Day Coding Contest for the PSP. I would also like to thank the 7 coders whos entrys i received and finally the 5 judges from our forums who helped choose the eventual winner.
Heres a screenshot of the winning entry:

Congrats to Deniska , please message me with your address etc
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November 16th, 2005, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
Some exciting news posted at Lik Sang:
This week brought with it the US version of Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion for PSP, and according to GameSpot it's "just what the doctor ordered for RPG fans". A turn-based role-playing game, the adventure plays out in the fantasy world of El Philden, a place consumed by a bitter war. As its citizens fight to survive, one is taken by the darkness, the sister of lead character Avin, a 17 year old boy. As time passes and light returns, wounds heal and lives move on - except for one. As you fight to find Emilee, the game features hundreds of unique characters to interact with, including 14 playable party members.
Character artwork for the full 100+ characters was drawn especially for this PSP title by the famous Minako Iwasaki, and the game developers are the legendary Nihon Falcom; creators of the "Ys," "Brandish" and "Sorcerian series". The result is a classic style RPG with modern 3D graphics, and over 50 solid hours of gameplay. With the inclusion of a pets system too, you can select a furry friend to assist you in battle and collect items. Finally one upping the Japanese original released this June, the US edition here offers improved load times. Again out now, PSP owning RPG fans can at last gorge themselves on a meaty adventure.
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November 16th, 2005, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster

A voice-activated translation software application designed originally to teach English to Japanese PSP owners. Outside of pure translations, Talkman lets players play games to test their fluency of a language.
Product Features
Can convert between 4 languages; English, Japanese, Chinese, Hangul
Comes with USB monaural condenser microphone that attaches to the PSP
Mic frequency 100Hz - 10KHz
More information Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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November 16th, 2005, 15:27 Posted By: hemsjones
o.k ive been playing this game for some time now, and i still dont know how to do the specials not the regular specials (like holding r and pressing square) im talking about the finishers. for any gamers out there if you know put me on.
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November 16th, 2005, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
New product for PSP from SuccessHK

Super hard plastic give your console a fully protection. Play your favorite PSP games with your PSP in its case using the precision cut-outs that give you access to every jack, control, and trigger. The lid adjusts to any angle and acts as a sun visor when playing outdoors. The package also a set of dust prevent cap.
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November 16th, 2005, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
According to French gaming site, jeux-france.com, Hideo Kojima has confirmed (via his blog) the development of a new Metal Gear title for the Sony PSP. To be clear, this is not another Acid sequel. Apparently, Kojima got together with Shinta Nojiri (Metal Gear Acid 2), Noriaki Okamura (Zone of the Enders), and several others to toss around ideas. Eventually, the group Hideo Kojima deemed several suggestions “satisfactory,” thus beginning the initial phase of production. Could this mean that the Metal Gear Solid series is finally headed to the PSP?
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November 16th, 2005, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version Info:
- 100 questions added. Total questions: 950
- Reset Questions option added to start menu. Will clear all previously asked questions.
- More sound effects from the show added.
- Total times won a million displayed.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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November 17th, 2005, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
The special holiday promotional packs from Sony have arrived to our warehouse yesterday evening. We are in the process of shipping all preorders, but we of course have much more stock for all new purchases. In fact, we have good stock of all things Sony PSP right now, from Standard Pack to Giga Pack, and of course some Value Packs too, be it in Jet Black or Ceramic White.
The PSP Giga Pack is the latest arrival in the family and includes a few additional goodies that were not bundled neither with the Standard Pack nor the Value Pack earlier: you get a Sony 1GB Memory Stick Duo card instead of 32mb, a Sony PSP Stand, a USB Cable, a Cleaning Cloth, plus the PSP Console in either Black or the Japan only White, Headphones, a Remote Control, Soft Carry Case, AC Adapter (100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, works worldwide) and a battery pack. The Giga Packs come with Firmware 2.50
At the same time, Sony has overhauled the software line-up available in Japan, first of all by launching the Talkman (translator between English, Korean, Mandarine and Japanese), but also by re-releasing dozens of the biggest hits from last year at a budget price. From today on, big names like Ridge Racers, Metal Gear Acid, Minna no Golf or Lumines are shipping for only US$ 34.90, under the label "Best Version".
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November 17th, 2005, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK posted this new PSP Accessory

The i.Sound PSP Speakers are designed exclusively for the PSP game console. With high efficiency drivers, bass bosst and surround effect buttons all of your favorite games and movies can be heard with crystal clear sound.
Requires 4 AAA batteries(not included)
Superb Sound
High Efficiency Drivers
Foldable/ Fully Portable
Telescoping R/L Speakers
Bass Booster Button and Surround Sound Effect Button
More info at Success HK
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November 17th, 2005, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Rhythm Team have updated their Musical app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Inspired by classic drum machines such as the Linndrum and Roland TR-series, PSP Rhythm has been created to use the simple, yet effective 16 step style drum sequencer. PSP Rhythm incorporates the use of audio sample playback instead of drum synthesis.
Version 2.0 has been directly influenced by one of our favorite modern drum machines, the Elektron MachineDrum. The most significant change between ver. 1.5 to 2.0 is our use of "parameter locks" (as used by the MachineDrum). Parameter locks enable you to change the pitch, volume, and pan per step to create moving, changing melodies and effects. This control over your sounds will give you much more creative freedom and allow you to not only use drums, but to use instruments in your music. Song Mode has been enhanced with a mixer function, allowing you even more versatility with your song writing. The user interface has been made more intuitive and easy to use.”
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPRhythmComposer.shtml
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November 18th, 2005, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Psilocybeing has released pIRC for the PSP, heres the info:
This is pIRC, an IRC client for the PSP, using the wireless internet connection. It is a hacked together version of danzels 'peldet' Telnet client. Many thanks to him for releasing the source code!
So far, it can connect to a server, join a channel, and send messages to that channel using p-sprint.
You won't be able to send raw commands, so to quit you will have to make do with the power button for now 
I'll work on tidying up the recieve code, so we can actually SEE what people are saying, instead of all the information the server sends with messages.
Heres the info from 3 quick releases:
Moved code over to the newer version of peldet, making it easier to modify
Source included in package
Improved message handling
Exit button(hit start, with an empty p-sprint box)
Initial release, limited features
This will be a brief readme, but it should have everything you need to hear in it.
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November 18th, 2005, 08:12 Posted By: wraggster
PsPmad has posted in our LUa Forum a new game for the PSP, heres the description from PsPmad:
hear is a little game that i will improve in the next release
right now it is a dodge and and shoot game its based on the
computer Game Little fighters 2 im trying to put all features as the computer
game. But right now all u have to do is dodge the Fire balls or shoot them with
a energy bomb of ur own .
X = Shoot energy bomb
D-pad = Move character
Future improvments:
Character selection Screen
More Characters
Adhoc(When Its Avalebal)
New Menu Screen to choose controls
and Easy, Medium, And Hard
And Much more to Come..................
Downloads and screenshots can be found here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=89
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November 18th, 2005, 08:18 Posted By: wraggster
The GP2X has been available a week now and even non Koreans are getting to grips with it, in that week we have seen Snes and NeoGeo Emulators and ports of Quake, Quake 2 and Hexen and even 3 puzzle games, keep your eye on the GP2X scene via our GP2X News Site.
Theres much more to come also.
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November 19th, 2005, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
News from GI.Biz
Namco and Electronic Arts have announced plans to co-publish the latest instalment in the award-winning Katamari Damacy series for PlayStation Portable in Europe next year.
Titled Me and My Katamari, the game follows the adventures of the Prince as he is tasked with creating new katamari islands for homeless creatures to inhabit. The PSP version will feature a Wi-Fi mode for up to four players, and a cast of characters that will include many new faces.
Players will have lots of options for customisation at their disposal - there will be new masks and headgear to choose from, and characters can wear up to three accessories at a time. The game's controls have been specially overhauled to suit the PSP.
With its quirky, original gameplay - which revolves around picking up objects by rolling a giant ball around - the first Katamari Damacy PS2 game was a huge hit in Japan, but never made it to PAL territories.
However the sequel, We Love Katamari, became a bestseller in North America and is now down for a European release - also courtesy of Namco and EA - early next year.
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November 19th, 2005, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
ntba2 has released a new version of myPS2.
- added ELF loader for running ELFs from MC,HDD,CD or USB
- browse pictures from USB
- copy files from/to USB
- added a config file (mc0:/SYS-CONF/MYPS2/CONFIG.INI) to adjust horiztonal and vertical screen offset
I also added a small installation dialog that will help you to setup a partition when the program detects that there is no myPS2 partition on your HDD.
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November 19th, 2005, 03:31 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Advance Team have released their software to the masses, heres the full information.
Due to overwhelming response from users, we have decided to release the latest version (and all future versions) of PSPAdvance as FREEWARE. In the spirit of the PSP community, we believe that everyone should have full access to all of the great features of this program. If you were one of the many who pre-ordered, you should have recieved a refund letter. If you have not recieved a refund (check your email first!), submit a ticket to our support center. We appreciate your continuted support.
"PSPAdvance is a Media Player, Content Download System and Interactive Community application for PSP. Its revolutionary application that enables users to maximize the device's potential without having to convert files or remain hostage to Sony's expensive software and restrictive firmware updates. It also operates on your PSP and interacts with the desktop application. You can download, share, manage, and play all forms of media (yes even divx and xvid movies). It is essentially WinAmp, iTunes, Kazaa, webcam chat, IRC, and a visualisations engine all in one.
The PSPAdvance team are working on putting in many new features which include real-time streaming of music and media from the internet to your PSP, more games, magazines, and content, and much more. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you informed on new releases!
Product Overview:
PSP Advance is a fully featured media player and content resource for the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP).
PSP Advance Core Offerings:
1 PSP Media Player
2 Interactive Live Web Cam Chat
3 iTunes (style) Content Resource
Media Player Application:
1 PSP Advance is a first of its kind fully featured media player exclusively built for the Sony PSP device that easily syncs with the user’s PC
2 The Media Player Application resides both on the user’s PC desktop and on the PSP device itself
3 PSP Advance is first media player application that allows for all formats of audio and video files to run without the need for converting to be compatible
1 PSP Advance includes an Audio/Video Instant Messenger feature that will allow the PSP Advance user community to communicate and share information
2 Features
– Audio and video communication
– Both group and private chat options
– Invitation to view content
– Simultaneous media play and IM functionality allowing for conversation on content currently being viewed by participants
Content Resource:
1 The PSP Advance website: the exclusive resource for previewing content available for the media player
2 Content Categories
– Video, Audio, Games, Photos, Skins, Wallpapers, Ring tones
– Original and licensed content
PSP Advance Features:
1 Provides Content
2 Custom Visualizations and custom skins
3 Graphic Equalizer
4 Multi-format Video Capability without conversion
o MPG1, MPG2, MPG4, DivX, Xvid, MOV (Place movies in the "x:\PSP\VIDEO" folder on the memory stick)
5 One click PC to PSP synchronization via PSP Detect Technology
6 Built in Programming for plug-in updates
7 Built in PSP games
8 Photo Sharing and Storage"
Download Here --> http://www.pspmx.com/site/downloadpage.html
Let us know what you think of it (its 16mb in size)
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November 19th, 2005, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
News from DevkitPro
A windows build of Insight providing both Playstation Portable and arm-elf debuggers has been provided. This has been built from the current CVS HEAD.
The arm-elf debugger appears to allow debugging of thumb code again although there are still some problems. Problem reports are welcomed via the devkitARM mailing list. This package is provided as a 7zip self-extracting archive. Work is proceeding on Visualboy Advance 1.8.0 and an SDL build suitable for use with Insight will be provided in due course.
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November 19th, 2005, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
The Winner of our PSP 30 Day Coding Competition has once more released a new version of the port of the Abstract shootemup for the PSP, heres whats new in this latest version:
"NEW IN V0.8
- ogg vorbis support: original soundtracks by Kenta Cho provided for stages 1-5 and 3 ENDLESS modes
- tracker music support (s3m, xm, mod) is still in place (tracker music is provided for stages 6-10)
- custom ogg, s3m,xm,mod music support: replace existing stg00.*,stg0.*-stg9.* files in sounds directory with your favorite music (there are plenty of mp3/wav/atrac --> ogg converion tools available on the net).
- minor code optimizations.
Note, that ogg decoding requires more CPU cycles. So you may want to keep tracker music for late & action packed stages of the game to make the things run faster.
You can reset the High Scores by deleting the noiz2sa.prf...
You can still customize almost all other aspects of the gameplay or chose the "classic" settings - just read the atatched documentation.
PS: It appears that there is another port of NOIZ2SA development taking place at snv.ps2dev.org. This, more straight forward, port approach is based on the most recent versions of SDK, SDL as well as other recent PSP libraries. While it is still not as fast & polished as this version of the game, it definitely worth keeping an eye on."
Download from the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14096 or from our page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/Noiz2saPSP.shtml
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November 19th, 2005, 13:22 Posted By: wraggster
Having followed the PSP scene before Nems Hello World release, infact 8 months before that release. I have seen it all, ive seen the emergence of a great console with a fantastic homebrew scene and excellent commercial games. The PSP like every console starts off with millions of sites and a lot of them have invaded the homebrew arena and claim they are the sole source but as you know theres no one source even if people cant see that.
The first few months since the release of Hello World was the most work ive ever endured for one console scene with the great Japanese coders releasing many new versions of emulators sometimes 2 and 3 times a day, of course that cant carry on and the release of UMD loaders and the sad newsposting of these loaders at sites that claim to be for homebrew did a lot of damage as many coders refused to see their emulator in between warez loaders.
Software releases like Lua Player has enabled a mass of inexperianced coders to release software for the PSP and we owe a lot to Shine and Nevyn for the excellent release they brought to our Scene.
Fanjita and his work on the Eboot Loader for v2.0 PSPs has also been an awesome piece of work.
Theres been so much great software released that at some stage it will slow down and that time is coming, eventually you will see a couple of releases per week and hopefully that will be enough to keep people interested in the Homebrew and Emulation scene for the PSP but as new Commercial games are released with Firmware that closes the doors to homebrew even tighter will you keep with homebrew or go to the commercial gaming side.
In the future we will see much more use of ASM and maybe just maybe we will see full speed GBA, PSX and a possible playable N64 emulator.
Whatever happens we will be here in the long run 
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November 20th, 2005, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
I knew there was rumblings of this for a while but it seems Sony have finally got their wish and the PSP Wiki Uploader and not the PSP WIki Website has been forced to close, some other PSP Sites who dont check their news properly have posted that the whole site has been took down, luckily it hasnt but its a blow for the scene. Reasons why they did it arent clear at the moment but if they come after homebrew sites we will know then, although any site foolish enough to host loaders etc had better watch their back.
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November 20th, 2005, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Times
Leading retailers have already run out of this year’s must-have gadget, the PSP — a handheld Sony Playstation — while others are down to their last few thousand. The revelation is bad news for Playstation fans and shareholders in retailers such as Game Group and Dixons.
Sony insisted this weekend that more stocks were on the way to stores — although shop staff reported deliveries were sporadic and as few as 10 units were being delivered to individual stores. “We are a victim of our own success,” said a spokesman for Sony.
Amazon, the online retailer, has warned customers it cannot guarantee delivery before Christmas and on Ebay, the online auction site, PSPs are being sold at a big premium to their retail price. The Sunday Times contacted Dixons, Comet, Currys, Argos and HMV stores across the country. None of those contacted had any PSPs in stock.
“We are out of stock at the moment because we’ve had so many orders for them,” said a shop assistant at Dixons. “The chances are there won’t be any for a long time. That’s nationwide.” However, a spokesman for Dixons insisted that a number of its stores still had PSPs in stock.
At Game in Manchester a shop assistant said: “All the units that are arriving tomorrow have been reserved.”
In September Martin Long, the chief executive of Game Group, reassured shareholders about the availability of PSPs. A spokesman claimed that the stores had received a new delivery on Thursday. The shortage could have a long-term effect on retailers. Christmas is a key trading period and if fewer units than expected are sold this season, software sales in 2006 will be hit hard.
Microsoft will launch the latest version of its games console, Xbox 360, this week. Industry observers have already expressed similar concerns about a shortage in the run-up to Christmas.
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November 20th, 2005, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Use Custom Questions added to start menu.
- Custom folder added. Inside this folder is a Question adder in which you can add your your own questions. Adding questions is as simple as typing in the dollar amount, typing your question, four choices, and the answer and clicking Save Question. Please read the ReadMe file for complete details. Using "Use Custom Questions" from the start menu will use your questions in the game. There has to be at least one question per dollar amount or the game will not enter the custom mode.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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November 20th, 2005, 23:01 Posted By: pkmusicmaker
I have now wasted plenty of cd-r's and I seriously have no idea what else to try. I can't get any emulators to run on my ps2. I have Swap Magic 3.6 and every single time i try and get it to read my disc, it says "not a valid ps2 disc." I've tried SNES Station and IMBNES. I got IMBNES to work on my computer using a psx emulator, but even that won't read on my ps2.
I've seen many different variations of instructions and I've tried them all. Some say for SNES station you need to include the Install file, some say you don't need it. Does anyone have a set way that works? PLEASE help, I wouldn't ask if I hadn't tried everything I knew already. Thanks everyone.
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November 21st, 2005, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released GPSP, heres the info:
Hi Guys,
This is the first version of a program for the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP)
that provides a practical GPS Graphic User Interface (GUI).
The GPSP software for Sony PSP runs under LUAplayer 0.11 or later
LUAplayer is free. If you haven't downloaded it, you will need to get it running
on your (*)1.50 firmware PSP in order to try this out for yourself.
Screenshots and downloads via the comments
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November 21st, 2005, 03:55 Posted By: wraggster
The UK has been in the news lately because of the shortage of PSP consoles but if you are desperate to get a PSP then an import console may be the best way, the only thing wrong with import consoles is that you cant play Region 2 UMDs on say a Region 1 PSP but games are Region free so even if you update the firmware you should be OK.
Our Friends at PSPTree have plenty of PSP in stock and they are from the UK, SpelKontroll a Swedish site has loads in too. The Divineo Network have shops worldwide for PSP and then you have the 2 shops who have a great reputation and probably the cheapest too, they are Success HK and Lik Sang
If you really are desperate for a PSP then one of them will fit the bill, but one word of advice, use Airmail for delivery and you should miss those horrid import taxes.
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November 21st, 2005, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Source: Slashdot
Capcom has announced Capcom Classics Collection for the PSP, featuring 20 games and wireless multiplayer. Featuring twenty classic games, wireless ad hoc multiplayer, and horizontal and vertical screen orientation, Capcom Classics Collection Remixed is sounding like the retro collection to buy in 2006. Some of the twenty games included in the collection are 1941, Avengers, Block Block, Captain Commando, Magic Sword, Quiz and Dragons, Street Fighter, Strider, Three Wonders, and Varth. Some of those titles aren't exactly well known, but the inclusion of Strider is sure to excite many a gamer. This was one of the notable absences of the recent Capcom Classics Collection for PlayStation 2 and Xbox, so the inclusion of the game on PSP version is a real feather in its cap.
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November 21st, 2005, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamesradar
Ubisoft has released new shots of its huge movie tie-in adventure Peter Jackson's King Kong for PSP.
The game puts you in control of the intrepid explorers of Skull Island who have to fend off prehistoric bugs in their attempt to capture King Kong, then, in different parts of the game, you control of the bad tempered ape itself.
Peter Jackson's King Kong will be out for PSP on 9 December
Screens at the link above 
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November 21st, 2005, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster

Team Xtender are releasing a new line of PSP Accessories, heres the info from their site:
Team X-tender is proud to present our XCM Series of PSP accessories.
As shown we have created a beautiful UMD case that is made of high quality translucent clear plastic. This unit can hold up to 24 UMDs, rotates 360 degrees and is also fitted with 4 ultra BLUE LEDs for lighting up in the dark!!!
Along with the UMD stand we have also created the XCM UMD pouch, which carries up to 4 UMDs and 2 memory sticks. This pouch loops on to your belt or can be carried with a sling.
You can find these accessories at our official resellers.
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November 21st, 2005, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
The question above, "Is Piracy Damaging the PSP and the Homebrew Scene?"
Lets cast our minds back before the first "UMD Loader" was released, we were enjoying masses of great releases on a daily basis, the japanese coders were ruling the roost and the homebrew scene was thriving then the first UMD Loaders came along and then sites that had posted homebrew were now posting these releases and some were even posting the downloads but to be fair all those sites gave the real homebrew scene a kick in the teeth.
I remember one newsposter saying in a newspost that Pro Evo was released and it worked on some loader, needless to say this was a newsposter on a rather big site who was saying its ok to warez.
Now Sony have forced PSP Wikis Loader offline (not the whole site that certain sites have reported wrongly), does this mean they will come after homebrew sites or just target those who blatently report on loaders and have the downloads and discussion in their forums.
Well i hope its the latter and then maybe the Real Homebrew scene can carry on and say good ridance to the piracy of new PSP titles.
In the quest for visitors some site ops take the easy road to get visitors whether they actually post the files or not but its better to stay legal than risk Jail and fines just to get a few visitors.
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November 22nd, 2005, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster

Source Gizmodo
So you’ve got two comparatively similar aspects to any new devices—odd and different. This falls under different. Six design students over in the UK took notice to how people were playing their PSPs. Some leaned against a wall, others forward in a chair. The students then designed statue-like furniture out of the poses that are actually quite comfy when playing a PSP. These life-sized statues are being touted as “furniture” and that they are designed to “enhance gameplay”. I’ll buy it, but they scare the hell out of me.
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November 22nd, 2005, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has once again updated his excellent Eboot Loader for V2.0 Firmware PSP Consoles, heres the info from Fanjita:
<blockquote>With this release, and probably for the next few, the focus is on adding extra supported applications and new techniques to the loader. As a result, a few apps that used to work will probably be broken. I've taken the decision to just live with that, and fix everything up in a couple of releases' time, because attempting to fix up newly-broken EBOOTs is too time
consuming. Every release from 0.8 onwards on is capable of working unaffected alongside previous releases, so this shouldn't be a big deal.
Important changes in this release:
- Introduced a configuration file, to allow tweaking of EBOOTs by end-users. See loader085.cfg for details.
- Improved kernel-mode override patching logic - makes a lot more apps run.
- Attempt to kill surplus system threads, for stability.
- Run loader from reserved memory for increased stability.
- Tidied up some memory reuse in ELF section header handling
- Bundled graphical menu now filters to only display the names of EBOOTs for selection - all the surplus fluff is hidden. Also now handles v1.5 kxploit-style homebrew directory structure.
- Added option to allow L+R+START reset to go back to loader menu, rather than main menu.
New supported EBOOTs:
- SNES9xTYL 0.2c
- TCGS Car
- ASTC (Another Silly Tetris Clone)
- Moppi's Flower Demo
- Tail Tale
- Scrabble Assistant - loads but hangs?
- PSP Revolution
- Heretic PSP
- SMS plus 1.2
- Crystallise 1.0
- Binary Clock
- A-Blit demo</blockquote>
Download this excellent update via the comments 
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November 22nd, 2005, 08:04 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the first of 2 new (or ones i missed ) commercial PSP releases.

Significantly rebuilding this entry into the Armored Core series for PlayStation Portable (after the Japanese edition delivered a hardcore sim experience that did not feature the combat action gameplay of the series), Agetec's Armored Core: Formula Front - Special Edition utilizes the complex AI designing and wireless head-to-head action of the original version, and adds action-based player combat interaction to give PSP players the intense fighting gameplay they crave from Armored Core.
Screenshots and more information at Lik Sang
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November 22nd, 2005, 08:06 Posted By: wraggster

Another new Commercial release, heres the info:
A two-pack port of the PlayStation editions of Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Boy and Girl comes to PSP with adventures and romantic entanglements for both male and female players.
More information at Lik Sang
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November 22nd, 2005, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Some great News from Lik Sang

The Sony PSP looks cool, stylish and sexy. But it's everywhere, in everybody's hands, from hardcore to casual gamer, from Slashdotters to Paris Hilton and J-Lo. If you are the kind of geek-chic gamer who likes to stand out from the masses, the fact that Sony has already shipped over 10 millions of the Jet Black handheld gives you headaches. If you want an exclusive gem to be unique, we just got the right thing: replacement faceplates in 5 different colors!
The faceplate installation is very easy, even for a non-tech user, as it only requires removal of 7 screws, and lifting a front cover, no soldering involved whatsoever. The exhaustive installation manual fits on one single page and is available for download as a PDF file right here: guide for replacement faceplate installation on PSP. Still, you have to be aware and it is our duty to point out that by removing these 7 screws and by performing this little faceplate swap, you will indeed void the manufacturer's warranty on your precious PSP system. Please ponder that in when making the decision whether to go for it or pass on it. Please also note that the replacement faceplates come without buttons, you will have to switch those from the original factory faceplate into the new one that you are about to put up. There is a protective glass for the screen attached to each faceplate.
The replacement faceplates come in 5 different flavors at the time being, until new editions are released: sexy red, pure white, translucent blue, liquid silver and transparent are your options. Both the translucent blue and the transparent versions let you wear out the guts of the machine. The Liquid Silver comes with a special metallic chrome layer and is therefore slightly more expensive than the other four models. The latter retails for US$ 38.95, while all other standard tones sell for US$ 32.95 only. Bulk discounts on 5+, 10+ and 20+ quantity orders are available for resellers and shops.
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November 23rd, 2005, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has unveiled Mobile.Station, a new web portal specifically designed for the PSP's web browser.
By accessing Station.Sony.com, PSP users will be automatically redirected to the new mobile site which features a PSP system-friendly interface, videos, PSP wallpapers, links to many other popular mobile websites and much more.
Mobile.Station has been designed specifically for use with the PSP, from its console-friendly user interface to the multiple links to other useful web sites. SOE's PSP portal includes three sections, Media, Games and Links. Media has numerous downloadable trailers for both SOE games and Sony Pictures releases formatted for the PSP system screen, screenshots of SOE games, new wallpapers for the PSP system and add-ons for SOE games. The Games section contains information on recent and upcoming titles from Sony Online Entertainment, including both console and PC titles. The Links area will help PSP system users quickly and easily access many other web services formatted for mobile devices, ranging from news and sports to humor, shopping and dining.
Update 2.0 for the PSP system added an integrated web browser that works with the PSP system's wireless internet capabilities. PSP system users need to update to 2.0 or higher in order to gain access to the new browser and to visit SOE's new portal on their PSP system.
Visit the new Mobile.Station on a personal computer at http://mobile.station.sony.com.
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November 23rd, 2005, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
bakablah has updated Psilocybeing’s pIRC app, heres whats new:
Revision history from version 0.3
- Improved stability, would not crash after first couple minutes of joining
- added ctcp version autoreply
- able to tell the difference (and to show it) between channel message and private message
- can tell the difference to:
- Notice message
- Action messages (/me slaps joe bloke around a bit with a trout)
- Join/Part/Quit messages
- Fixed a bug where the program would crash when it joins a specific type of irc server (Unreal3.2.3)
- much importantly! much more colorful and pretty than the previous version!
- improved channel joining time!
pIRC is an application that allows you to connect to IRC with your PSP via WiFi. This was all based upon Danzel’s peldet program. To connect with your PSP you must have a WiFi connection and edit the file named ‘config’ with an IP address, port, nickname and channel.
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November 23rd, 2005, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
Every Wednesday Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, an opinion column about consumer technology, multimedia, and digital entertainment:
The XBox 360 is a great networked media client for Windows XP regardless of whether its host is running Media Center software, but it is surprisingly poor at handling such media on its own. The 360’s hard drive can not be used for storing content other than the same ripped CDs the original XBox allowed, and Microsoft’s “integration” with iPods and PSPs is limited to playing content from these devices.
This represents a partial retreat from the last media-savvy game device launched from a major manufacturer. Perhaps because the PSP is less likely to be connected to a fast and reliable network and because Sony has a vested interest in Memory Stock Duo purchases, the PlayStation purveyors have so far favored local storage to network streaming for the PSP (although the latest firmware does enable it to stream video across a network using Sony’s Location-Free TV system).
Sony took another step toward bolstering the PSP’s media features recently with the release of its PSP Media Manager. Available for just under $20 online or $30 in a box (which also includes a USB cable and five free songs from the Connect music service), the offering attempts to bring Sony closer to the tight integration of hardware and software that Apple has benefited from with the iPod and iTunes. Sony’s decision to charge for the software seems short-sighted compared to Apple’s approach with iTunes. Unlike iTunes, which is a useful music jukebox even to those without iPods, PSP Media Manager has almost no incremental value to anyone but PSP owners.
In addition to replicating several features that have been available from third-party offerings, such as transferring and transcoding several formats for photos, music and video and backing up saved game files, PSP Media Manager includes a media-focused Web feed reader that enables the downloading of podcasted music, photos and videos. And, for those challenged by other ways to get their CDs into digital form, the software can handle the process itself, although I wonder if it would work with Sony-BMG’s XCP copy-protected CDs that were recently pulled from the market.
Speaking of which, it’s encouraging to see that PSP Media Manager pulls no funny business. While the software will transcode ATRAC, it converts the Sony-developed compression codec and other formats into standard MP3 files at a choice of bitrates (although it doesn’t offer variable bitrate transcoding). In terms of podcasts, the software is a bit ahead of the PSP itself as audio podcasts are dumped into the same folder as other music, instead of a separate menu branch like on the iPod.
PSP Media Manager did not start out endearing itself to me due to a forced registration process that took two attempts to communicate all the “required” data that I needed to send to Sony. However, from there it soon proved itself to be a welcome improvement from previous maligned media manipulators such as SonicStage and Connect. For example, in contrast to RnSK Softronics’ iPSP, which costs the same as Sony’s downloadable program, PSP Media Manager didn’t hit me with a string of error messages when launched without the PSP connected.
Also unlike iPSP, which assumes you want to send folders whole-hog to the often space-constrained PSP, Sony’s software uses an easy browsing model based on a two-pane view to transfer from your PC to your PSP. You can also drag files directly from Windows explorer to the PSP pane to have them transferred. User interface niceties include photo thumbnails that get larger when you mouse over them and universal preview for any media using its default application.
The one difficulty I encountered was getting PSP Media Manager to recognize the Motion-JPEG AVI files taken by my Canon digital camera. However, other PSP transcoding tools I tried failed at this as well. iPSP froze when I chose such a file. PSP Video 9 got the furthest with it, but would up converting only the audio from the movie.
Alas, also unlike iPSP, PSP Media Manager has no Mac version available. For Windows users, though, Sony’s software is a polished companion to its namesake hardware, one that would likely return its development costs in higher-capacity Memory Stick Duo card sales if Sony made it freely available. It makes content easy to grab for that shiny black slab.
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November 23rd, 2005, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
New For PSP from Success HK

If there's one PSP peripheral you really shouldn't be without, it's Action Replay MAX. It has everything you need to get the absolute most from your favourite PSP games. There's an Action Replay Memory Card, with an amazing 64Mb of storage space, a USB 2.0 cable to connect your PSP to your PC and a CD containing PC software which allows you to manage your saves, MP3s and movies, as well as download more materials from the CodeJunkies server (internet connection required).
The AR MAX disc gives you easy access to thousands of saves, which you can transfer to your PSP using the supplied USB Cable, and store on the supplied MAX Memory 64MB memory card. You can also upload your own saves for other people to download and use.
But there's more to Action Replay MAX for PSP than game-busting. With MAX, you can put the PSP at the centre of your digital lifestyle. Want movies on the move? No problem. Transfer videos to your handheld, storing them on memory card and converting them to a format playable on your PSP. MAX supports avi, mpg, mpeg, vob, wmv, mov, mpe and 3gp. Also supported are MP3 music files so you can use your PSP as a portable music player. No wonder they call it the Walkman of the 21 st Century! And by transferring image files using MAX, you can use your PSP as a portable photo viewer. How cool is that?
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November 23rd, 2005, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
December is going to witness the blade-twirling Prince of Persia prancing onto Sony's PSP in Prince of Persia: Revelations, which is kind of Warrior Within but with new content - additional puzzles, new maps and redesigned levels, yadda yadda. A new trailer from the game is stabbing a sword tipped with trademark PoP action into our eyeballs and twisting it around a bit in an effort to make them pop out.
It may be that if you've already played Warrior Within then it'd be more fun going down to your local park and flicking dog poo with a stick at people than playing Revelations, but we'll have to wait and see.
Watch the trailer at C&VG here --> http://www.computerandvideogames.com....php?id=129945
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November 23rd, 2005, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster

Kristof has released a new version of the Commodore 64 Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
V0.3 :
What's new :
- Sound !!! (Thanks to Pop Kid for Help)
- 333 Mhz mode is available in menu.
- New keyboard (by WiDDy)
- Add fullscreen modes (croppped / stretched).
- Smooth pixels option
- Support .tap and .prg
- Wider dead zone on analog joystick
- Add dark background behind menu
Bug fixed :
- Hang in menu corrected
- Entering menu pause game
- Select=Menu Start=Pause
- Listbox displayed in menu
- Shortcut SQUARE and CIRCLE disable when keyboard is on
- Analog stick is activated for both joystick at the same time
- Can go back for file explorer
- Sound stopped when in menu or pause.
What is still not working :
- problems with "true drive emulation" option (not working at all).
- some title are really slow (WOTEF D64 is very slow, WOTERF t64 is fast, strange)
- Using arrows is not easy for diagonals (analog stick is better)
- Sprites get stuck in walls in Paradroid (linked to SID emulation, random numbers)
- Some (perfectly working) disk images fail to load with "?LOAD ERROR"
Awesome news Kristof , download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspvice.shtml
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November 23rd, 2005, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
LordOfCodes has released PSP Button Tester, version 1.0
Heres the info
- Displays which button is pressed
- Displays the analog stick coordinates
- Displays the integer value of all pressed buttons as hex (useful for beginners in developing)
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November 24th, 2005, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Modsyn has released version 1.2 of his PSpoof program for the PSP.
Heres the info:
Tested using Fanjita's 8.5 loader and USERLUA provided with the 7.0 loader.What it does:
This application allows you to send any file from your memory stick to another PSP via the "Photo Sharing" function. It simply adds your file to a valid jpeg file so the PSP thinks nothing's fishy. Note that the PSP won't allow you to send any image over 2MB. A workaround is in the works.
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November 24th, 2005, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
JoshDB has released v1.12 of his D&D Character Creation program (DDCC).
Heres the info:
Hey guys, here's a simple D&D Character Creation program. This is really a time saver if you play D&D and have your PSP handy. It has nice, polished graphics and an image font.
You pick your class and race and then it gives you your...
Base Attack Bonus
Ability Rolls
Ability Modifiers
Saving Throws
You also have the option to re-roll your ability scores without going through the whole thing again. More is on the way, such as starting equipment packages, spell lists, and more.
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November 24th, 2005, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Psmonkey aka Nexis2600 has released a new version of his Quake 3 BSP Map Viewer at his site hosted on the DCEmu Network here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
Heres the info:
This is a simple app that lets you view a quake 3 bsp map file on the psp. Development is on going so this is far from final!
// Suported Features
.) Renders Quake 3 Bsp Maps.
.) Suports Polygon Surfaces.
.) Suports Mesh Objects (statues, candles, etc).
.) Preliminary Bezier Suport. (only some draw).
*Note: For debuging purposes, the bezier control points will be rendered as lines.
.) Suports Vertex Coloring.
.) Suports 24bit RGB or 32bit RGBA Uncompressed TGA Images
.) Simple Camera Navigation.
Download and give credits and feedback at PSMonkeys Site here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
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November 24th, 2005, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Art has updated his GPSP - GPS for PSP, heres whats new:
GPGP V2 - All screens update on the second, as opposed to every two seconds like some screens in the first version.
Bug fix for the leading digit of clock on the clock screen.
Lead zero blanking for the tens digit on the clock screen.
Two tone background for compass screen.
The pic circuit Hardware and Software have been updated.
Thanks to Art for a great release, download via comments:
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November 24th, 2005, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Arguably the best Snes emulator on the PSP and a contender for the best emulator so far has been quiet of late, but heres what Laxer3a posted on the official forums:
"Hi everybody !!!
Laxer3A at the keyboard...
Yes, we are still alive.
Actually yoyo, TZ and I met in Paris last month for the first time in 3 years of friendship over the internet.
And I would like to thanks our generous donator who paid two times our food in nice restaurant !!!
Yoyo did some stuff and I did some stuff on the emu.
But we have been VERY BUSY in our professional life for quite a long time.
Here is what is changed compare to the latest released version :
- Prototype of the netplay feature.
- Optimized code for mode7 "with no rotation" (like many RPG maps)
I would like to say that we are sorry to have not given any news but plz understand that we have a VERY BUSY working life too and that some time we want also to stop doing programming and do something else on our free time.
See you. "
Thanks to both 1timeuser & plungmonies for this news.
Remember where you seen the news reported first 
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November 24th, 2005, 08:00 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has released his latest breakthrough for v2.0 Firmware PSPs, a WiFi demo
Heres the info:
“I'm pleased to announce that after a lot of hacking, I finally managed to get my first working wifi app running on v2.0 firmware, under the EBOOT loader.
It's very far from being neat and tidy (if you thought the original loader exploit was inelegant, you won't like this one), but it does work.
At the moment, the only thing that runs is a heavily-modified version of PSPPet's wifi sample application, but it's not a large step from here to being able to load generic wifi apps into the loader.
Attached is the zip containing the demo, and here's how to load it:
1. Extract all the files to the memory stick, starting at the top-level folder but preserving the directory structure.
2. set the LOADER2.PNG file as your PSP background (open it with the photo viewer, press triangle, select 'set as wallpaper')
3. fully turn-off your PSP. This step is important, the loading mechanism is currently very sensitive. Even if you do it perfectly it may take a few goes for it to work properly.
4. Turn on the PSP, go to the photo viewer, open the 'loader2' folder.
5. you'll see 2 thumbnails displayed, one is a black square, the other is a corrupted data icon. If you get this without your PSP freezing, then stage 1 of the loader is complete. (pictured above)
6. Now quit the photo viewer, and open up the web-browser. Let it finish loading up your home page.
7. Now, the moment of suspense. Hold LTrig+RTrig+SELECT for a few seconds. The screen should flicker, then load up the familiar EBOOT loader. Keep the buttons held down until the loader screen has appeared. It often freezes during the screen flickering stage. If it does freeze, then you have to hold the power button for 10 seconds, then try again from step 4.
8. If the loader came up successfully, then select the 'wifi multi-test .03' program, and run it in the usual way.
9. Select the mini-telnet program from the menu.
10. The screen shows your PSP's IP address. You can telnet to that address from any computer with a telnet client (e.g. on windows, start a command prompt (cmd.exe) and type 'telnet <ipaddr>').
11. Once connected, anything you type in the telnet client will show on the PSP screen.
12. To quit, you currently need to hold the power button for 10 seconds - the usual loader exit buttons aren't properly working yet.
I'll be incorporating this support into the v0.9 EBOOT Loader, with the 'wifi mode' being an alternative way of running the loader, rather than the main way (don't worry!).”
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November 24th, 2005, 08:13 Posted By: wraggster
E has updated his PC Engine emulator for the PSP with another great release, heres whats new in this latest version:
– Sprite bugfixes for F1 Circus 92 and Y’s 1&2
– Incomplete Supergrafx support
– State saving modifications:
Old data cannot be used. There's a high probability that the format will change again.
To do:
– Sound corrections
– Mounting improvement and state saving correspondence
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/huepsp.shtml
Download a Zipfile with 200 Legal Public Domain/Freeware Homebrew roms Here --> http://xbox-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/pcengine-roms.shtml
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November 24th, 2005, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
We have today received stock of the three most popular Car Mount Kits for the Sony PSP from automobile tuning accessories specialist Arkon, located in the USA. All three models are multi-directional, as they are built with three ratcheting joints that allow your PSP to be positioned in almost any angle. They can attach either to your Windshield or Dashboard and offer a spring-loaded mounting cradle. They have all been specifically designed for the Sony PlayStation Portable and are therefore in perfect size and shape. All three models retail for a very affordable price.
Multi-Angle Windshield Mount For Sony PSP

Multi-Angle Dash Mount For Sony PSP

Multi-Directional Mount For Sony PSP

Visit the link above for much more info.
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November 24th, 2005, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
CoverBuddy is a cute piece of software that makes your PSP somewhat useful. Using your Wi-Fi network, you can access iTunes and control it with your PSP. It’s $20 and works with Mac OS X, though a Windows version is planned. Could be worth the bucks if you are wandering around your house a lot, don’t have SONOS, and spent the cash on a PSP expecting fun things.
Source - Gizmodo
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November 25th, 2005, 03:03 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Tree sent me this news:
"PSPTree.co.uk announces new PSP Screen Replacement service in the UK for £85
inc VAT and delivery back to you.
PSP Screen replacement
If you are in the unfortunate position of having a broken PSP screen, send
it to us and we will replace it with a brand new Sharp TFT screen. Our
service will ensure that your PSP is fixed within 5 working days. If you
have broken your screen, it's not the end of the world. You don't need to
throw your PSP away! We can fix you up for much LESS than the factory
charges for screen replacement.
So if you have:
* Dead pixels
* Screen display problems
* Cracked LCD screen
* Colour issues
then send it to us for a screen replacement. All you have to do once you
place your order is to send your PSP to us and include your order number in
the parcel together with any special instructions.
Our price includes:
* Repair and despatch within 5 working days of receipt.
* Labour to install NEW LCD screen.
* Replacement TFT LCD screen
* 3 month repair guarantee (parts and labour)"
PSP Tree also let me know they have the following in stock:
WRC - PSP game
PSP Giga pack with 2 game bundle
PSP Giga pack on its own
Prices are high because of shortage in UK.
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November 25th, 2005, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Source Eurogamer
Vivendi has released three new trailers for the PSP version of Crash Tag Team Racing - and they're now available for download.
CTTR is being brought to you by Radical Entertainment, the studio behind The Simpsons: Hit and Run, and features on-foot exploration as well as plenty of combat racing action.
Just as in the PS2 game (which we reviewed earlier this month), CTTR has a unique "clashing" system which lets you fuse your car with an opponents in the middle of a race. Then you can choose whether to stay in the driver's seat, or take over weapon duties and blam your way across the finishing line.
The PSP version has a wireless co-op mode plus a tournament mode, where each player competes alone in a series of races and the overall winner is determined at the end.
Crash Tag Team Racing PSP is out today.
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November 28th, 2005, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
bakablah has updated Psilocybeing’s pIRC project to v0.5c.
pIRC is an application that allows you to connect to IRC with your PSP via WiFi. This was all based upon Danzel’s peldet program.
Heres whats new:
- Fixed another bug which some users complain that it does not work with some specific irc servers, it is found out that the new channel joining method didn't take into account of some irc server pings the user initialy while some don't, hopefully this will provide more stability then all other previous versions
- Source code included with added comments and findings
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November 28th, 2005, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
While i prefer to import consoles from the likes of Lik Sang and Success HK who i find are a lot cheaper a lot of you dont like to take the risk of importing, now it seems in the UK that prices and demand for the PSP has risen massively so heres a store you may not or may be interested in checking out, heres the deals:
PSP BUNDLE #1 - Value Pack + 1GB Memory Stick
Price Ex VAT: £187.19
Price Inc VAT: £219.95
PSP BUNDLE #2 - Value Pack + Logic 3 Travel Kit
Price Ex VAT: £161.66
Price Inc VAT: £189.95
PSP BUNDLE #3 - Value Pack + Logic 3 Sound Grip
Price Ex VAT: £164.21
Price Inc VAT: £192.95
PSP BUNDLE #4 - Value Pack + Logic 3 2.1 Sound System
Price Ex VAT: £178.68
Price Inc VAT: £209.95
Good or bad thats for you to decide, more info at Neodiscs (UK)
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November 28th, 2005, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Neodiscs have several new PSP accessories, heres the info:
Logic 3 PSP Travel Kit

The Travel Pack for the PSP provides a total package. With a number of highly useful accessories including Retractable Earphones, USB Charging Cable and USB Data Cable and Car Adaptor. All contained in a soft touch Carry case which provides storage and protection for your PSP & UMD's
Carry Case with wrist strap, and storage area for PSP & 4 UMD’s.
Car Charger (used in conjunction with USB Charger)
Retractable USB Charger
Retractable USB Data Cable
Retractable Earphones
Logic 3 PSP Sound Grip

Logic3 Sound Grip, a portable speaker system which incorporates handgrips to ensure that PSP won’t slip out of hands during gameplay.
Sony’s PSP fits into this Sound Grip, maintaining elegant style, design, and contours the console. Sound Grip allows easy access to all controls and has ports for earphones and power. Includes stand, batteries and carry-case.
Portable Speaker and Grip for PSP
1W RMS (0.5+0.5W) - 2 Myra speaker drivers
High Quality Class D amplifier
Mains / Battery operated - 2xAAA batteries (supplied)
Can be used with PSP AC Adaptor.
Pass through ports for Power & Earphones
Stand for display
Case to carry Sound Grip, PSP console & accessories.
Logic 3 PSP 2.1 Sound System

Logic3 Sound System, a combined portable 2.1 speaker system and recharging docking-station designed exclusively for Sony’s PSP to create a ‘mini theatre’ to play movies or music.
This system produces astounding sound using a high class amplifier, deep bass sub-woofer and 3D surround-sound circuitry to pack a punch more powerful than its compact size suggests. Includes mains adaptor, carry-case and line-in cable.
Key Specifications / Special Features:
2.1 Sub-woofer Speaker System
12 Watts RMS
Operates from AC Adaptor (included) or Batteries 4xAA
Internal 3D surround sound processor
Docking station for PSP re-charging
Blue soft-light illumination
3.5mm Stereo line-in for playing other audio devices
Dimensions: 104 x 278 x 38mm (H x W x D)
Weight - 550g
Carry Case for Sound System & PSP console.
Subwoofer - 2.5” Woofer 4ohm 6 Watts RMS
Satellite Speakers - 30mm full range speaker 4ohm
Neodymium aluminium speaker cones 6 Watts RMS
3.5mm Stereo Line-in (Cable provided) to allow gameplay , or play back of other audio devices including MP3, CD player, MiniDisc etc.
Control features
Blue LED Power indicator
Volume up/down
Power on/off
3D Surround Sound on/off
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November 28th, 2005, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
Source - MPH Website
Use with precaution, i am not responsable for possible damage <-
Allows to launch a firmware from the memory stick.
The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool.
v1.3 :
- Beta version with another core
- Load 1.00, 1.50, 1.51, 1.52, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50 firmware
Download at link above
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November 28th, 2005, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
A new Commercial PSP Game has been released, heres more info:

A portable version of the creature-hunting game by Capcom's Resident Evil Outbreak creators. The PSP edition features 1-4 player multiplayer hunting, bonus minigames, a virtual pet raising feature, and cross-system features with the PS2 Monster Hunter 2.

Many more screens and info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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November 28th, 2005, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
JiniCho has updated the PMP (PSP Media Player) to version 0.06. PMP is a homebrew multimedia player which AVI files in Divx or XviD format.
whats new :
Including jonny's idct optimization.(many thanks to jonny) doing overlay using gu. I refered the document from http://www.multimedia.cx/yuv-3d-rgb.txt.
.mp4 playable.(with sound) you can use your favorite true type font. locate "default.ttf" into "PMP/font" directory.(it's buggy)
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November 28th, 2005, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Edisoncarter has released a trainer for GTA: LCS (North American version)!
Here is some detailed info of this trainer:
Here it is! The first and only cheat device for Liberty City Stories!
I implemented a few basic cheats to start with. There's much more to come!
Infinite Health and Armor
Set Wanted Level
Set Time
Set Weather
Spawn Anything
Yes, the Hunter is in the game! To fire the chain gun, press SQUARE+X. Be careful with the spawn choices, some of the silly stuff to spawn like Ferry, Train, and the later Dodo choices will crash your game. Dodo 164 is the one that works. I left the full list in so people can have their own go at trying it. Maybe the boat spawns only work near water, for instance.
I don't have a UK/Euro version yet. I have to wait for the UK copy I ordered from Lik-Sang.
It looks like this currently only works on FW 2.0. So far everyone trying it on 2.5 is reporting failure. Someone who has FW 2.01 needs to try it. I should be able to fix it for 2.5 in a future version.
Unzip the archive to your memory card so the files go in PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10041S0. This replaces the first save on the card.
To start CheatDevice, simply load it like a saved game. Do not load CheatDevice again when it's already running! Your game will probably crash!
You're supposed to be able to load another game save while CheatDevice is running, but it sometimes crashes. At least you can load the CheatDevice save and play around in there. For me at least, I can load another game save once after loading CheatDevice, then if I need to load again, I press L1+R1+UP to unload it, then load it again.
Disclaimer: THIS CAN CRASH YOUR GAME, SO USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Don't use this for doing missions or when you're planning to save your game.
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November 29th, 2005, 08:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have done it again and released a new firmware update, is this because of the rumours of the exploit in v2.50 or some great new feature 
Heres what plungmonies posted in our Submit news forum:
Sony has released an update to the PSP’s firmware. The new version, v2.6, adds support for the WMA codec in Music, RSS feeds in the web browser — including podcasts, and downloads of video data that supports copyright protection (via the browser). Other small language tweaks were also made. The update is currently only available through the PSP’s Network Update option and requires 18MB of space — Sony’s official Software Update page does not yet reflect the new version.
PSPVault also posted this news about the new firmware:
Added RSS function.
Added Volume Adjustment to LocationFree player
Simplified Chinese (GB18030) and Traditional Chinese (Big5) added as character sets
Can now download movies from Electronic Music Distribution services directly to the Memory Stick Duo.
Windows Media Audio added as supported format. WMA9 Professional, WMA9 Lossless, and Windows Media Audio with Digital Rights Management are not supported.
Windows Media activation added *requires connection to the internet
For those who install it tell us what you think, remember you CANT RUN HOMEBREW OR EMULATORS ON THE NEW FIRMWARE
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November 29th, 2005, 08:59 Posted By: wraggster

Sammy Fatnassi has released an excellent looking card game for the PSP, heres what PSMonkey/Nexis2600 posted about it:
Quick card game I made to initiate myself to Psp programming.
-Card game were you have to remove all cards from the board.
-To remove cards, match 2 of them together that either have
the same value or have value that follow each other. (BUTTON X)
-You can only access cards that without any other cards on top.
-If there's no possible match on the board, you can use the cards
from the deck (BUTTON Triangle).
-If even then, there's no possible mathc, you can discard the
current deck card, and pick the next one (BUTTON Square).
-Match same: 800pts, Match follow : 40
Downloads and more screenshots in the release thread in the DCEmu Network forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14482
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November 29th, 2005, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
In its apparently ongoing bid for omnipresence, the Sims franchise is set to debut on the PSP next month, as Electronic Arts today announced that The Sims 2 has gone gold for Sony's handheld.
Already available on the PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, and mobile phones, The Sims 2 is set to ship for the PSP December 13. While it's built around the series' formula of balancing a simulated person's wants, needs, and motives, the PSP Sims 2 has a few exclusive features. The game is set in the unusual Sim city of Strangetown, and features five new neighborhoods and 20 locations built specifically for this edition of the game.
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November 29th, 2005, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster
New accessory for sale at Success HK

Product Features of High Capacity Rechargeable Battery Pack
Enlarge the battery capacity of your PSP console
Extend your play time
Easy to install
Hi-Tech Lithium Polymer
More Description of High Capacity Rechargeable Battery Pack
This product is compatible with PSP console and the capacity can be exteneded to 4300mAh after installing the original battery
The price is a low $10 too.
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November 29th, 2005, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang posted this article:

This week insanely fast shooting chaos returns to the PS2 with Chaos Field New Order. Lightening fast reflexes and a steady head are needed to dodge your way through the swarms of bullets heading towards you here. Using a slash move however lets you counter certain types of enemy fire, and as you can see from the boss in the movie below, this is used to add brilliant new play styles to the classic genre. With varied attacks, lock-on weapons, plenty of power-ups and a special attack meter, there's a lot of depth to be found in this shmup.
Furthermore you can choose from three different characters, Hal and his balanced ship, Ifumi with her focus on better reinforcement and maneuverability, or Jinn whose prototype ship may be slower, but packs a lot more punch. Extra innovations come into play with the ability to switch between two fields. Rather than just move around the flat screen, you can come up to a higher field where there's often more items, or down below where you can get a better shot at your attackers, but of course they get a better shot at you too. Not to say you'll be safe up top that is, and sometimes you'll fight two bosses at once, one on each field. Fans of these action packed shooters will find everything they love here, but beyond that, a whole lot more too.
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November 29th, 2005, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
When introducing Pro Evolution Soccer 5, the European version of Winning Eleven 9, we'd write it's "arguably the greatest soccer videogame of all time", but looking around, there's little argument Thierry Henry from Arsenal and John Terry from Chelsea are both big fans themselves, and grace the cover of what is the greatest soccer videogame of all time.
In stock now as part of our new European range of PSP games, all pre-orders are getting processed as these lines are written. New orders are welcome anytime, will be on their way within just 24 hours, and of course as you'd expect from Lik-Sang, ship free worldwide. For those who were holding out buying Winning Eleven 9 for an English version, before you know it you’ll be kicking off on your PSP with the full quality of the PS2 release. In fact Japan's Famitsu magazine even gave the Japanese PSP edition an incredible 36/40, one upping the PS2 release which received a 35/40 score.
One of the biggest features in PES 5 is in the way the players have been reworked to move more realistically than ever, and more animation means the control is more refined and demands greater accuracy. Passes must be weighted properly and shots taken carefully - not snatched at while running or having just turned on the spot. The sweetest of goals will now feel even more so, but to keep you up to speed, the training mode has been extended and rewards efforts with points used to unlock secrets.
We welcome the addition of new tricks as well, such as trademark moves like Ronaldinho's 'flipflap'. Beyond that you can make use of Wing Back and Second Top positions this time, enjoy weather effects like rain and snow, then take footie fever to four new stadiums, Mestella - Valencia (Spain), Riazor - Deportivo la Coruna (Spain), Newlands - Ajax Cape Town (South Africa) and Saitama - Urawa Red Diamonds (Japan).
Furthermore, the game lets two players battle it out with full wireless multi-player action, and all stats from each match such as goals for and against, wins and losses etc are tallied up and saved, giving proof to your star player's bragging rights. Linking up to the PS2 edition of PES 5, you can also transfer teams and other saved data between versions. Then for those solo matches, you can perfect your skills within six different leagues and a host of cup tournaments. Licenses for Arsenal, Chelsea, FC Porto, Dinamo Kiev, Galatasaray and the Rangers found their way into this magnificent soccer gem, filling up 57 national sides, and 136 club teams.
Lastly the Master League mode that lets you guide a lowly team to glory now allows player-managers to monitor individual team members and see when their health declines, again adding depth to the title. Players that you create yourself also have more factors determining skill and ability.
To be able to play virtual football whereever you have some spare time has long been the dream of many a fan, but now with Pro Evolution Soccer 5, a console quality soccer sim is at your very finger tips.
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November 29th, 2005, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
The USA site has now been updated with whats new:
Features updated in system software version 2.60 include the following:
[RSS Channel] has been added as a feature under [Network]. [Volume Adjustment] has been added as an option in the [LocationFree™ Player] control panel. [Simplified Chinese (GB18030)]* and [Traditional Chinese (Big5)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar. * The option has some limitations. For details, see "About the Internet Browser's Chinese fonts". Copyright-protected video data provided by a content provider or other services can now be downloaded directly to a Memory Stick Duo™ using the [Internet Browser]. For details, contact the video content provider. Note that some content providers may charge fees for obtaining or using copyright-protected video. Downloadable copyright-protected video may not be available in all countries and regions.
Music data in WMA (Windows Media® Audio) format can now be played under [Music]. (This applies to music saved on Memory Stick Duo™ media.)
WMA9 Professional, WMA9 Lossless and copyright-protected WMA files are not supported. Note that you must activate the [Enable WMA Playback] setting to play music data in WMA format.
[Enable WMA Playback] has been added as a setting under [System Settings]. A connection to the Internet is required to activate this setting.
Full info here --> http://www.us.playstation.com/psp.as...SoftwareUpdate
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November 29th, 2005, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
thepixelatedpoo has released a new game for the PSP, heres what the coder says:
Due to popular demand, I renamed my homebrew to "lunar lander". I also changed the title screen. People new to my lunar lander homebrew, you pilot a ship and you try to land on the landing pad(blue)with a speed of less than 15.
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November 30th, 2005, 03:10 Posted By: wraggster
Source - SonyXteam
2 days ago we gave some psp3d members a nandwritter tool with an inclueded nand to flash with for testing purposes since we couldn't afford to brick any more psp, we created it all and it indeed comes from us, the deal was that they test it and if it did work they would post the final version as an exclusive on their website.
they bricked a psp (so it doesn't work) , now they claim it downgrade any "virgin" psp to 1.00
They even supplied the nand binary we provided they don't seem to care if it's copyrighted content!!!! (you can know it's from me, just hex edit it and search for my username (Mathieulh) also you will notice that there are not only english texts inside it, it means it comes from an 1.50 psp)....
(to be more specific it comes from my own 1.50 European psp with changed backgrouds using the debug unit backgrouds (the same as the ones in the bogus update...))
However it's IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to downgrade to 1.00 using the provided nand since it's a 1.50 nand!!
Let me now explain how the tool works.
It flashes the WHOLE nand data into your psp, whether your psp is "virgin" or not, should'nt matter.
We allready tried to write the nand using page writting, however it failed and bricked one of our own psp, the tool they leaked (since it's a beta and a potential psp bricker and that we never allowed them to release that version, the deal was to test it, ) was meant to preform a block writting and had high chances to work.
Using it will brick your psp for sure!
Also know that psp3d did nothing to create this program! On their website they claim that we both created it.... They don't even own the sources or the nand dumper !! (we can post them if you don't believe us) they didn't manage to use an undocumented and tricky API such as scenand, didn't discover how to remove the nand writting protection, how to dump the nand, etc etc.....
In fact they didn't code a thing and were here only for test purposes, next time we will just create a testing section on the forums here....
By the way it didn't remove the region coding either, howver if it worked it would have switch the psp to region 2.
And again, no there was no way it could have downgraded to 1.00 since we don't even own a 1.00 nand yet !! (and neither did them since they don't know how to dump it)
And yes we know where the region is located, but since we didin't figure out how to write on the nand correctly we don't know how to create a region changer yet.
We would need more people to test, or a psp with hardware access to the nand chip with something such as a jtag device, and yes we think (we are very confident in that point) that we know how to create hybrid firmwares, but we don't have thousands psp to brick....
If we don't find other testers I am affraid we wont be able to continue our work regarding the nand flasher.
In fact I might share a nand for educational purposes, I am still thinking about it.
So if you follow the scene closely youll have noticed news about the 1.50 to 1.0 dowgrader but for now avoid it, this site doesnt want you to brick a PSP just because others want a quick news story
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November 30th, 2005, 04:23 Posted By: wraggster
In the UK and other countries theres a shortage of PSP consoles being reported and not only that but the Ceramic White PSP still hasnt shown its face and for those parents or indeed anyone trying to buy a PSP it seems the market price has shot up and it seems that stores or the suppliers to the stores are bumping the prices up to make sure that the public pay a premium.
Heres a list of stores, the location and pricing so you can compare yourself:
PSP Tree - UK - Value Pack - £249
Divineo Sweden - Sweden - Standard Pack - 2290kr
Divineo Italy - Italy - Value Pack - 224.99 €
Divineo Germany - Germany - Value Pack - 269.99 €
Divineo France - France - Value Pack - 299.99 €
Divineo UK - UK - PSP Pack + 1 Gig Stick + USB Cable - £229.95
Divineo Spain - Spain - Value Pack - 249.95 €
Divineo China - China - PSP Console Regular Pack - $ 229.95
Lik Sang - HK - Sony PSP Standard Pack - $ 229.95
Success HK - Standard Pack $219
NeoDiscs - UK - Value Pack - £179.99
So looking at the worldwide shops above it seems that on price alone before shipping etc that Success HK is the very best shop with a price of $219 or £120 in UK Money, the best UK store is Divineo UK with a high price of £229 but you do get a 1gb Memory Stick, finally on mainland europe the prices vary quite a bit with Divineo Italy being the cheapest on 224.99 €.
Thats only a few stores but im only putting reputable ones in my mini report but the difference in prices is staggering, if you or the person you are buying for isnt bothered about UMD Films then Importing from Hong Kong could be the best option?
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November 30th, 2005, 08:20 Posted By: wraggster
Team Hitmen have released a new version of PSPInside, version 0.9q. PSP Inside is a multipurpose PSP hacking and information tool, heres whats new:
- [gpz] fixed a bug that prevented USB from working, yay :P
- [gpz] fixed some bugs in user-mode build
- [gpz] added some checks to prevent accidential crashes when trying to access address 0
- [gpz] added cop0 control register names
- [gpz] made a user-mode build for use with the 2.0fw
- [gpz] added python script to make disassembly output nicer (provided by sherpya)
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November 30th, 2005, 08:28 Posted By: wraggster
Those who visit http://www.dcemu.co.uk will know we have the best Dreamcast news coverage because we have opened up our news system to let all coders post news and not just coders but others beside.
The news forum which shows up on PSP News is done is such a way that only i am allowed to post news at this time but at the request of others and my own feelings this will change, soon all admins and those with PSP Coder & Staff rankings will be available to post which should mean we are even faster at delivering the most up to date news and because the forums can be uploaded too it makes this site the perfect vessel to release software for not only the PSP but all consoles.
As soon as i can get Martin64 to implement this then we will see the start of a new revolution for our great site 
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November 30th, 2005, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
It seemed as though Sony glossed over any sort of new video functionality with 2.60 firmware for the PSP, but it turns out that’s not entirely true. In addition to the Podcast and Windows Media Audio support that was added, Sony threw in compatibility for “Copyright-protected video data provided by a content provider or other services.” Now it’s been cleared up, and we’ve got an explanation for you after the jump.
Back when 2.00 firmware was announced, So-net (Sony Communication Networks) quietly launched a PSP-centric video distribution service in Japan called Portable TV. At launch, the service featured only free content, but gave the promise of rental-based content in the near future. It turns out that future is now: Sony held a press conference yesterday in Japan to unveil the “new” version of PortableTV, which is fully compatible with the PSP’s browser, thus eliminating the need for a PC to get video from the service. Fire up your PSP’s browser, navigate to the site, download videos directly to your Memory Stick Duo, and oogle at the sexiness that is the H.264 codec.
What’s more? Some of the rental videos are available at a resolution of 480 x 270, dispelling the rumors floating around that such video resolution wasn’t possible from a Memory Stick Duo. Don’t expect to see video encoders capable of creating compatible video at this resolution anytime soon, though — not only are the videos distributed by Portable TV heavily encrypted with Sony’s DRM technology (which itself requires firmware 2.60), they’ve made no announcements about updating their PSP Media Manager software to incorporate these new capabilities. Still, we’ll keep our fingers crossed.
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November 30th, 2005, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his awesome trainer for Grand Theft Auto : LCS (USA) to version 0.1c.
Heres whats new:
More weather choices
Firmware 2.5 supported!!
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November 30th, 2005, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
The <a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl" target="_blank" >GP2X</a> never promised high end graphics like the PSP & Xbox 360 but it did promise an Open Source environment for developers to port or write software to the new console that pretends to be a media player also and since its release only a few weeks ago it has delivered, today the <a href="http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/openttd.shtml" target="_blank" >port of Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe</a> adds to the rather impressive list of ports which include REminiscence the Flashback Engine, Quake, Hexen and Countless other Emulators and Games. Free is good 
Remember to keep your eye on our sister site GP2X News --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/
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