January 1st, 2017, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Ive been away from the homebrew scene for most of this year but im starting to jump back into things, yesterday YiFan Lu one of the pioneers of PSVita Hacking posted a state of the psvita hacking article in which he gives his insight in to how its going and the future of the project he and the team called molecule are working on.
Heres an excerpt
Since we entered the scene with no drama, no bullshit, and no corruption, we will leave in the same manner. Firstly, all our work are either already open sourced or are in the process of being tidied up and released. Second, we have extensively documented all our findings on the Vita with the exception of our TrustZone (lv1) hacks which we left out at the request of other hackers who wish to try the challenge without aid. Lastly, we revamped the process for setting up development and making homebrew is easier than ever.
It all sounds awesome to me and as I own a PSVita which is currently collecting dust, I cant wait to get some homebrew on it.
Read the full article here --> http://yifan.lu/2016/12/31/state-of-the-vita-2016/
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January 1st, 2017, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
EasyRPG Player has been released for the PSVita by carstene1ns and Ghabry, Easy RPG Player is an open source implementation of the RPG Maker 2000/2003 engine, heres whats new in this release:
Two of the bigger achievements in this milestone are a completely new audio interface and huge performance improvements. These changes had the biggest impact on the Wii version, for the first time you can experience completely working audio and a constant frame rate (in most situations).
Download Here --> https://easyrpg.org/player/downloads/
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January 2nd, 2017, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Today eight years in the making Project Metafalica relocalization effort for Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica for the PlayStation 2 has been released. In addition to sporting a completely retranslated script that uses the Japanese original script as its source, it features multiple bugfixes for issues that were introduced in the localization and also for bugs that were already present in the original Japanese release.
Project Page --> http://www.at2.metalbat.com/
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January 4th, 2017, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest and the first of many PSVita Homebrew Posts, heres more details:
luaIrc is an IRC client for PS Vita wrote with Lua Player Plus Vita, allowing you to chat with your friends whenever you want.
- Multichannels support: You can join multiple channels and switch towards chats easily.
- New messages detection: When a new message is detected on an inactive chat, the channel name will change color in the channel list.
- PART, QUIT, JOIN, PRIVMSG, PING, NAMES, TOPIC commands detection.
- Auto-detection of PSN Nickname for default nickname usage.
- (Optional) History logs save.
- Possibility to see the whole list of connected users.
- Channel's topics support.
- Private chats support.
Download Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/luaIrc
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January 4th, 2017, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
vOpenTyrian is a port of OpenTyrian to the PlayStation Vita handled. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter.
The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.
Chngelog of vOpenTiryan-16-09-19 :
• Add keyboard support (fix saves and highscores)
• Fix configuration loading
• Change default buttons
More details here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...ct/vOpenTyrian
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January 4th, 2017, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
Another World Vita is a port of the classic game Another World for PSVita. Based on the 0.2.1. version created by Gregory Montoir.
About :
Another World, also known as Out of This World in North America and Outer World (アウターワールド Autā Wārudo?) in Japan, is a 1991 cinematic platformer action-adventure game designed by Éric Chahi for Delphine Software. The game tells a story of Lester, a young scientist who, as a result of an experiment gone wrong, finds himself in a dangerous alien world where he is forced to fight for his survival.
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January 4th, 2017, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
First of all if I am not mistaken this should be the first vita exclusive homebrew game 
It is a TetrisAttack/Pokemon Puzzle League like game with fully working AI : are you good enough to beat it?
Enhancements :
As the Version suggests it is a very early Version and not much except of the basic game are working.
Planned are:
• Graphical improvements (Help is always needed at that end : it takes a lot of time)
• Blocks
• Stones
• Character
• Much more...
• Single Player Campaign
• Online (only if the game is played much because server cost money)
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...-Tetris-Attack-
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January 4th, 2017, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
psp2shell is an utility/remote shell (library+client) to ease the development process on ps vita devices. psp2shell is an utility/remote shell (library+client) to ease the development process on ps vita devices.
The client is currently available for linux x64 (ubuntu) and windows x64 (wip).
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/psp2shell
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January 4th, 2017, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
rinCheat is a multifunction plugin which allows you to do several stuffs during your gaming phase.
• Realtime cheats with cheats database support.
• Realtime memory scanner with (partial) heap scanner and main thread stack scanner.
• Decrypted savedata exporter/importer with multiple saveslots.
• Improved screenshot feature (no compression) in any game and any situation.
• FTP Server during gaming phase.
• Possibility to change console clockage with CPU, GPU, BUS, GPU Crossbar support.
• Possibility to disable Auto Suspend feature while in game.
• Possibility to stream PSVITA screen to PC while gaming.
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/rinCheat
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January 4th, 2017, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
TrackPlug is a simple plugin allowing you to take track of the time you spend in your games.
How to use:
The plugin will automatically take playtime info. You can use the TrackPlug vpk application to see current playtime status for every game you started at least once.
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/TrackPlug
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January 4th, 2017, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
Custom Themes Manager is a simple application for PlayStation Vita that allows you, as the name implies, to fully manage your Custom Themes direcly from the console. The user can browse, view, download and install Custom Themes from the online repository of psv.altervista.org on his PSVita directly from the same application, without the need to use the Internet Browser, external apps or mods to the database or to connect the console to a PC. This application also includes a function to completely uninstall any Custom Theme you don't like anymore so as to free up space for new themes, again without the need of a PC or having to format the whole Memory Card. Included also an useful feature to create and restore (in case you need) a backup of your own database (app.db file). Finally, the application also includes a handy function to reboot your PSVita, saving you the trouble to manually shutdown and restart it, useful to correctly apply changes and avoid any bug after Custom Theme(s) installation or uninstallation.
v1.0 features list:
— First public version —
• GUI with the use of the system font (thx to libvita2d)
• Ability to connect to the online repository of psv.altervista.org directly from the app and browse between hundreds of available Custom Themes
• Ability to view a preview of homescreen and lockscreen directly from the app
• Ability to read all the details available for the Custom Theme in the repository, such as author, version, description and, above all, the tests results
• Ability to show all the Custom Themes available in the online repository as a grid with thumbnails or as a simple list, all at full user's choice
• Ability to switch between the view modes keeping the selected Custom Theme: this means that if you select a Custom Theme in grid view mode and then switch to the list view mode the Custom Theme selected on the list will be the same you selected in the grid view mode. Of course it works also vice-versa.
• Ability to download all the preview images of the Custom Themes available in the repositories at once, so as to speed up the performance of browsing in future
• Ability to download any Custom Theme in this repository directly from the app
• The program includes an automatic function for extracting ZIP packages of the Custom Themes
• The program performs a check on data extracted from the ZIP package of the Custom Themes, asking the user for a confirmation before proceeding to write data into the database. This way if the downloaded data got corrupted or if occurred errors while extracting the ZIP package, the user can delete the downloaded files and prevent the writing into the database to avoid any corruption.
• Ability to view the title of all the Custom Theme currently installed in the database in a handy list with real-time thumbnail preview of the Custom Theme taken directly from its files currently on the Memory Card
• Ability to know how many space take in total the Custom Themes currently installed on PSVita directly from the home page of the list of Custom Themes installed.
• Ability to view additional information about the Custom Theme which is currently installed on the Memory Card, such as author, path, preview images (these always loaded directly from the Custom Theme's files) and how many space the Custom Theme takes individually on the Memory Card
• Ability to uninstall any of the installed Custom Themes. The uninstallation procedure includes, in addition to remove the related row from the internal database, even the deletion of all the Custom theme's files from the Memory Card, all done automatically by the program itself.
• For clarity and ease of use, the list relating to Custom Theme installed will NOT include the Official Themes, since those are easily uninstallable from the PSVita Theme and Backgrounds Settings.
• Ability to view the amount of files in the application's cache
• Ability to manually clean up the cache of the app through a specific function.
• Ability to manually create a backup of your database (app.db file)
• Ability to manually restore a previously created backup of your database (app.db file)
• Ability to use the left analog stick to quickly scroll the lists.
• Ability to instantly reboot the console directly from the application, so without having to turn off and on manually.
• All the available commands will be always visible to the user on every page thanks to a footer in the page.
• The program will NOT create any folder inside your Memory Card, in fact all the downloaded files will end up in the application's cache located into savedata0:/, so when you'll choose to remove the program you'll delete all the data downloaded automatically, for a complete cleaning.
• Ability to view the changelog for application's updates directly from the PSVita official app menu.
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...Themes-Manager
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January 4th, 2017, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
This is a port of the Ludum Dare #22 entry by Notch called Minicraft.
Minicraft is a 2D top-down sandbox game where your final goal is to "kill the only other sentient being in the world, making sure you’ll be alone forever" as stated personally by Notch whn he first released this game.
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/Minicraft
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January 4th, 2017, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
Save valuable space on your memory card by shrinking unneeded manuals, language and video files to 0-Byte files.
Game Shrinker automatically searches for manuals, language (text, audio, images) and video files in the game directories and offers you the possibility to shrink them to 0-Byte.
Shrinking files to 0-Byte is usually better supported than completely deleting them and reduces the chance of crashes and getting stuck when the file would usually be accessed by the game. Depending on the game and file, you still cannot shrink every file, though.
Game Shrinker comes with a "Try-A-Dummy"-Feature, which let's you temporary replace a file with a dummy-file. After you tested the game you can then decide to make this change permanent or undo it. (This saves you from having to reinstall the game if you shrinked a file that is obligatory for the the game)
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en.../Game-Shrinker
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January 4th, 2017, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
uae4all is an Amiga 500/1200 emulator ported to the ps vita.
- install vpk
- put disks (adf) in "ux0:/data/uae4all/roms"
- put kickstart roms (kick13.rom, kick31.rom) in "ux0:/data/uae4all/kickstarts"
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/uae4all
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January 4th, 2017, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
This is a classic pong clone I created as a throwback to the origin of video games. This is also my first homebrew game and I designed it to resemble the original Pong by Ralph Baer.
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/Pong
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January 4th, 2017, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
rinCheat SE (SE stands for Savedata Extension) is a stand-alone homebrew extension for rinCheat.
rinCheat SE allows you to apply several cheats to your savedata with few passages.
You can select your savedata slot and your preferred cheats from the official database that will be automatically updated at homebrew start.
rinCheat SE also works as a database updater for rinCheat since when it will download database updates, it will update both rinCheat and rinCheat SE updates.
It supports both rinCheat and vita-savemgr.
Current available games in our database can be seen here (Savedata tab): https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/ri...atabase-Status
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...ct/rinCheat-SE
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January 4th, 2017, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
ONEluaVita V2R0
ONElua was originally a lua interpreter for the PSP, which is currently being ported to the PSVita with Henkaku and all the possibilities it offers !
Okay, but what is an interpreter? Basically with this tool (interpreter), you can create your own homebrew and applications, introducing and translating your ideas through the built in ONElua and of course native LUA.
Although there is still much to be done, such as including the sound and SaveData modules are our priorities, but we believe our first version has enough to create homebrews decently ! We are also attentive to your ideas, to all the mistakes that can be find and which will be much help to further refine the interpreter.
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...ct/ONElua-Vita
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January 4th, 2017, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
A small endless game where you must dodge the stars.
This is a port (or rather, a rewrite, written at the same time the PC version was being written) of a small game made for Programming classes at my university. I've decided to rewrite it in Lua. It's rather incomplete because the original game isn't finished either, and I'll add most features from the PC version once that one is finished. Probably. 
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...Starfield-Vita
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January 4th, 2017, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
The Zett has released a tutorial for 6.61 Adrenaline eCFW for PS Vita , heres the details and video tutorial:
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January 4th, 2017, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
The rather awesome Team Molecule have released a new version of HENkaku for the PSVita, this if you don't know is the main piece of Homebrew for the PS Vita Scene,
Anyway heres whats new:
taiHENkaku brings plugin support
Tons of stability improvements and refactored codebase to be more streamlined
VitaShell 1.43 fixed problem with built in updater
To install this latest release go here --> http://go.henkaku.xyz/
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January 5th, 2017, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
A release for the Gekihen contest, which is a Coding contest for the PSVita, heres the full details of this release:
This is a basic & minimalistic 2D puzzle game using vita2Dlib by xerpi and my contribution to this contest! The game isn't meant to look pretty with a lot of fancy graphics but further stay in a somewhat "text-based-adventure-way". This release has 54 Levels currently and there also is a level editor for even more fun.
Big thanks to everyone in the scene for making homebrew finally possible and of course special thanks to gdljjrod, Largeroliker, Red Squirrel, Nzaki & Tuxbot for their translations!
Now go and have some fun! (And yes, all levels are winnable!^^)
More Details Here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...t/StarKiller2D
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January 5th, 2017, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
The PSVita Scene is rocking, heres a release that lets you control your PSVita with a wiimote:
ViiMote is a homebrew plugin that lets you use your PSVita with a WiiMote. Setting it up is pretty simple as you can use the Vita’s settings application. Installing the plugin is also pretty straightforward if you only need to edit taiHEN’s config file (config.txt). This is all possible because Nintendo uses Bluetooth for the Wiimote instead of something proprietary.
Pairing instructions:
◾Enable viimote.skprx in taiHEN’s config.txt
◾Go to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth devices
◾Press the 1 and 2 button simultaneously on the Wiimote for 2 seconds
◾The Wiimote should connect automatically
Download Here --> https://github.com/xerpi/viimote/releases/tag/1.0
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January 5th, 2017, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
More PSVita News, now where did my 6 year old put my psvita, Xerpi has released an app that lets pair a dualshock 3:
DS3Vita is a plugin for taiHEN/taiHENkaku created by developer Xerpi. This plugin allows you to use a DualShock 3 controller on your Vita/PSTV. It is a bit more fiddly than his other plugins DS4Vita and ViiMote but it does the job for whoever needs it.
Download Here --> https://github.com/xerpi/ds3vita/releases
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January 5th, 2017, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
frangarcj has released an app called Oclock which is an overclocking app for the PSVita, heres more details:
Oclock Vita is a plugin developed by frangarcj and it is a simple overclocking plugin so you can get better performance out of your games. Nothing more, nothing less. It is created for the taiHEN framework so it is compatible with all taiHEN/HENkaku-running PS Vitas. Finally everyone gets access to overclocking!
Changelog for v1.2
◾Force clock settings on games that change clock on runtime
◾Fix left / right menu controls
Download Here --> https://github.com/frangarcj/oclockvita/releases
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January 5th, 2017, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
The PCSX2 Team who are behind the PS2 Emulator for Windows have posted a little new years update:
The PCSX2 development and tester team wishes you a happy new emulation year, with new rigs and less PCSX2 bugs! We are a bit late to the party but we were *hic* busy...coding Razz
P.S. Progress report won't be long Wink
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January 5th, 2017, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Over at GBA Dev a new release of mGBA has been released, mGBA is a GBA Emulator for Windows, 3DS, Wii, PSVita, heres some of the news:
mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.
Up-to-date news and downloads can be found at mgba.io.
A new release of mGBA, version 0.5.2, is available. This version is a bugfix release, which contains many stability and accuracy fixes. An extensive list of changes follows after the cut.
• Game Boy support
• Support for encrypted CodeBreaker GBA cheats
• Emulation of Vast Fame protected GBA carts (taizou)
• Tile viewer
• Threaded rendering mode
• Libretro: Memory map and achievement support (leiradel)
• GUI: Add UI control remapping
• GUI: Add fast-forward
• Wii: 240p support
• 3DS: Adjustable screen darkening
• Ability to temporarily load a savegame
• Load specific files out of archives
• Automatic BIOS detection
Supported Platforms:
• Windows Vista or newer
• OS X 10.7 (Lion)[3] or newer
• Linux
• FreeBSD
• Nintendo 3DS
• Wii
• PlayStation Vita
Download Here --> https://mgba.io/
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January 10th, 2017, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Source http://wololo.net/2017/01/09/ark-3-6...o-works-3-613/
ARK for 3.60 has been released! Now, you might say, “Oh, isn’t there Adrenaline already?”. You’d be right but ARK has some advantages over Adrenaline (and some disadvantages).
What’s ARK?
ARK is a cross between VHBL and a full eCFW. You don’t get the PSP’s XMB but you can still play PSP games unlike VHBL. You get a VHBL-esque file manager but you can execute EBOOT.PBP files without having to convert them to a strange VHBL format. ARK for 3.60 has been ported by fellow developer “qwikrazor87” who mentioned that he was going to port it before Adrenaline landed.
More info at source above
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January 10th, 2017, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Source Wololo
Hacker Marcan of team Fail0verflow has been working on Linux for PS4 for more than a year, and demonstrated it running on firmware 4.05 along with 3D acceleration, in December during the 33C3 convention in Germany. A couple days ago he twitted that he is getting close on getting Vulkan to work on the PS4.
What is Vulkan?
Vulkan is a set of APIs for graphics rendering, a bit like DirectX or openGL. Many actually see it as the spiritual successor of openGL. For the end user, what this typically means is that in the long term, games and applications using Vulkan will have better graphics and better rendering. Graphics hardware has been evolving at a crazy pace, and it needed open source graphics APIs to follow. That’s pretty much where Vulkan comes in play.
Marcan has been working on porting the AMDGPU open source graphics drivers from AMD onto Linux for PS4. I assume Vulkan compatibility will be an intentional side effect of this port.
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January 10th, 2017, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you after Custom Firmware News for the PS3 will love this news from Eurasia
"The REBUG Team (Evilsperm, Cyberskunk, Habib, Joonie and Abkarino) has released REBUG 4.81.1 DECR LE Cobra 7.31 custom firmware along with Toolbox 2.02.10 DECR ED for PS3 development models DECR-1000A and DECR-1400A. You can find more info about these development consoles over at psdevwiki.com. Please consider donating for their hard work, check the official site for more info (donation link on the left). This custom firmware is based on the original firmware 4.81 release. You can find the related downloads here as usual.
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January 18th, 2017, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Vitashell is a file manager for the PSVita, Vitashell was written with the help of the Vita2D library and it includes a decent GUI that’s customisatiable via themes. You may toggle between FTP and USB modes in VitaShell 1.5 or newer. With VitaShell, you can also listen to music, view pictures, compress files and extract ZIP and RAR files.
changlelog of VitaShell 1.51:
◾Fixed bug where ‘Please wait…’ was shown instead of a specifc USB message.
◾Fixed VPK installation crash.
◾Fixed bug where ‘theme.txt’ was always reset.
◾Updated to newest libftpvita.
Download here --> https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/V...eases/tag/1.51
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January 18th, 2017, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
VitaMote is an application for Android that allows you to use your PSVita as a controller. This release features improvements such as:
◾Analogue stick support
◾Improvements in key reception and combos
◾Changes to IME button on the app to make it easier to configure
◾X,O,Triange and Square have been remapped for better Android support (A,B,X,Y)
Download Here --> https://github.com/SonryP/VitaMote/releases/tag/v1-beta
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