February 2nd, 2018, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Yahtzee game for the Playstation Vita, heres the release notes:
Yakzee is a PSVita version of the American dice game called Yahtzee. The main goal of the game is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations.
As with dragaron’s homebrew games (like Sudorku and others), it’s very well made and has the following features:
- Touch screen controls that work flawlessly.
- The ability to play against 3 opponents. These are the CPU, another player or a Ghost opponent. The ghost opponent is a recording of your highest score while playing that mode.
- You may also change the name or picture of any player by touching their player picture.
- The main player’s records (wins, draws and losses) are updated regardless of the op
ponent you play against.
- Something that I personally think is cool is that you have to shake the PSVita itself to roll the dice!
Download https://github.com/dragaron/Yakzee/releases/tag/v1.00
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/01/yakzee-...ay-yahtzee-go/
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February 8th, 2018, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Like the Nintendo Switch scene the PS4 Hacking Scene has been mad lately and heres some more great news:
Volodymyr Pikhur has released a presentation of a 'rest mode' hack for PS4. Quote: 'This presentation will talk about how custom Southbridge silicon, responsibe for background downloads while main SoC is off, didn’t help to secure Playstation 4. It will explain how a chain of exploits combined with hardware attacks will allow code to run in the context of the secure bootloader, extract private keys, and sign a custom kernel.' Thanks goes to Wololo for the heads up, his story is here. This seems to work on firmware 5.xx but can't confirm at the moment.
More here http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3660
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February 8th, 2018, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an app for the PS3 which im not familiar with, heres the release details:
PS2 Netemu Selector v1.4 is released. PS2 Netemu Selector is a PS2 Emulator for PS3. Application for changing ps2_netemu file versions on firmware 4.81, 4.82 (CEX, DEX, DECR (decr untested)). Based on modified version of XMB Manager Plus (XMBM+) Installer. For original installer readme check file "READMEinstaller.markdown".
PS2 Netemu Selector v1.4 Changelog:
Added submenu to enable/disable debug menu for every emu
Now after choosing emu you will be taken to next screen with option to enable/disable debug menu. So you can have emulator that show temperatures with enabled debug menu now.
To access debug menu run ps2 game, and push PS button. Current patch allow to show this menu only one time per run.
download https://github.com/kozarovv/PS2_Netemu-Selector
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/02/ps2-net...ector-v14.html
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February 8th, 2018, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Hacker Motoharu has released version 2 of psvpfstools. Psvpfstools 2.0 can decrypt in particular: gamedata, addcont, savedata, trophies, appmeta, addcont root.
Full changelog, from the source:
Support of icv.db format (savedata, trophies etc)
Keystone and Sealedkey parsing and Keystone sanity check
Complete rewrite of unicv.db parser (to accomodate icv.db)
Support of Merkle trees (related to icv.db)
Cleanup and improvement of crypto engine (more reversing done)
Improvement of different places in the code that had unknown behavior (reversing)
Bug fixes that were in previous versions
download https://github.com/motoharu-gosuto/psvpfstools/releases
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/05/psvita-...vpfstools-2-0/
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February 8th, 2018, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
VitaBackup is a simple tool that could save you a lot of headaches caused by losing important files to your PSVita. This homebrew utility lets you backup up the following important pieces of data by just pressing a few buttons:
- Encrypted and decrypted save data.
- Trophy information
- System Settings and User Information (handy to have if you restored your PSVita or are switching to another one)
- User and Hardware IDs
- Software licenses, these are linked to your PSN account
- The application database or, in layman’s terms, the layout of the icons on the screen. – It’s a very good idea to back this up if you’re messing around with how some bubbles look!
- Activation data – The importance of the activation file isn’t as great thanks to NoNpDrm and ReNpDrm. That being said, having it could still save you some time and headaches when it comes to setting up the aforementioned plugins.
VPKs – You can tell the program to backup VPKs found in ux0:/vpk/ for some reason. (VHBB doesn’t download/cache its VPKs there so I personally don’t really think that this option is necessary)
download https://github.com/joel16/VitaBackup/releases/tag/1.00
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/05/vitabac...e-much-easier/
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February 8th, 2018, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
oct0xor has just released PS4 Registry Editor, a tool that lets you edit some registry files on the PS4.
For now, the tool lets you edit existing entries in the following files: system.dat, system.idx, system.eap, system.rec. Currently, the developer says, PS4 Registry Editor does not let you add new entries as it does not support rebuilding the registry. This might come later.
download https://github.com/oct0xor/ps4_registry_editor
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/08/release...ditor-oct0xor/
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February 8th, 2018, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Yi Fan Lu has posted some news concerning his continueing Vita Hacking attempts:
For the last couple of months, I’ve been developing an HDMI mod for the Vita on my free time. I thought it would be a fun project to practice my hardware design skills even though the end product would not be too useful (the VitaTV already exists). Unfortunately, this project did not end in success but I want to write about it anyways so you can see what I’ve been doing with some of the leftover money from my adapter project.
The Vita’s SoC (named Kermit) has two MIPI DSI output ports. On OLED units, the first port is connected to a custom 40-pin high speed board-to-board connector that mates with an AMS495QA01 OLED panel. On LCD units, the same port goes to a ZIF connector. The second port is unused on handheld Vitas and is connected to an ADV7533 on the PSTV. On development kits, both ports are used (one to OLED and another to ADV7533) and I suspect that’s why the SoC has two ports in the first place. I would like to comment here that the Kermit SoC does not have native support for HDMI/TMDS signaling and therefore any rumors of handheld Vita consoles having HDMI output capabilities are false. No, that “mystery port†does not have video output capabilities (it is a USB host port with a custom physical connector).
Can we hook up the unused MIPI DSI port? Unfortunately no because those pins are not routed so it is impossible to get to them, so instead the idea is to “hijack†the DSI output to the OLED panel and let the same signals drive a custom board that can convert it to HDMI. This requires us to solder some wires to the video signals and thanks to the OLED datasheet along with some connectivity tests, it was easy to locate test points for the desired signals.
more here http://yifan.lu/2017/12/31/vita-hdmi-mod-attempt/
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February 13th, 2018, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
VitaBackup is an easy backup utility that lets you make a copy of important system files. With this utility, you can back up the following files with just a few button presses:
The following got updated/added in VitaBackup 1.1:
- A new Light theme was added. This looks quite nice with its blue and white colours!
- The VPK (ux0:/vpk) option was removed – It was pretty useless anyway in my opinion
- The backup process was restructured so now you make custom backups by modifying the ‘path.txt’ file found in ur0:/data/VitaBackup. (In my opinion, you get all the backup options you’ll ever need but it’s useful if you wish to back up user files such as a ‘ROMs’ folder for your retro games!). Sadly, there’s no compression when the files are packed into a TAR archive so your backups can get quite large if you back up user stuff.
- The home button can’t be pressed when the application is backing up files nor can the device auto-suspend.
- Some UI refinements and bug fixes
download https://github.com/joel16/VitaBackup/releases/tag/1.10
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/11/vitabac...i-refinements/
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February 13th, 2018, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
VitaQuake is a port of the original Quake engine for the PSVita/PSTV that was created by Rinnegatamante.
VitaQuake version 2.8 brings about the following:
- Colored lights are now supported – This makes the game look even more pleasing!
- Underwater shadows were fixed.
- The renderer itself got many bug fixes so that the game could be accurately rendered without any issues.
- The icon and start-up banner got updated thanks to work by Ch3lin
- The analogue sticks’ accurarcy was increased when aimining and deadzone was improved thanks to work by rsn8887
- Other bug fixes and improvements
download http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php...421513#p421513
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Some theory behind the release of Horizon Zero Dawn for the PS4:
As we’ve mentioned a few weeks ago, PS4 game piracy is a possibility on hacked consoles running firmware 4.05. In practice, the games that can be run this way are limited to games that require firmware 4.05 or lower. This is for two reasons:
- A hacked PS4 is required to decrypt and dump games before releasing them to warez distribution channels. Since firmware 4.05 is the highest publicly exploitable firmware, this means the game needs to require firmware 4.05 or less in order to run and be dumped.
- Even if 1) was bypassed somehow (for example by someone running a private exploit on a higher firmware) games requiring firmware 4.06 or above to run, would not run on a hacked 4.05 PS4. In this scenario, we would see releases of 5.xx games on warez sites, but practically nobody would be able to run them.
We know that for point 2), it is theoretically possible to lower the firmware requirement of a given game, as long as the game does not actually require features from the higher firmware. This does not solve point 1), which is that in order to decrypt and run the game, one needs to run an exploit on a console with a firmware higher than 4.05.
Recently, a copy of Horizon Zero Dawn has been circulating on warez sites. The first release of the package file apparently originated from Russia (the first version of the pkg file only contained Russian audio for the game, although further releases have included English audio). And this warez release has been confirmed running on hacked PS4s 4.05, while Horizon Zero Dawn actually requires firmware 4.07.
We’ve been asking around to confirm if maybe the Russian release of Horizon Zero Dawn has a lower firmware requirement (4.05) than other regions, but from the replies we’ve received so far this does not seem to be the case.
This means that an individual, or a group, somewhere, could have been using a private exploit on a higher firmware (we know some people have access to 5.xx exploits, see here and here), and in the process confirming the method shared by Barthen to reduce firmware requirements of some games.
more here http://wololo.net/2018/02/21/mysteri...warez-release/
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a great release for those of you who like to read on the PSVita:
Thanks to developer ‘pathway27’, you may now use the Vita’s great OLED screen (if you have a Fat model) to read all the books and comics/manga you want.
What is Bookr Mod Vita?
Back in March of 2017, Bookr Mod Vita 0.1 was released as GekiHEN contest entry. Unfortunately, version 0.1 didn’t do much as it only opened TXT files but fortunately, the developer has decided to work further on it and the result is pretty awesome to say the least!
The UI is exactly like that of the PSP version that this homebrew is based upon!
First of all, this is a work in progress build so not everything works but the basics function correctly. This is what’s currently working:
The reader can handle PDF, CBZ, ePub, FB2 and HTML files thanks to muPDF
Basic controls, such as changing pages and whatnot, work fine
The UI itself is intact and mostly functioning.
download https://github.com/pathway27/bookr-m...ses/tag/v0.2.1
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/20/bookr-m...rectly-psvita/
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February 22nd, 2018, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Some awesome news for PSVita fans who at present cant get homebrew on their handheld:
TheFlow has finally revealed what he’s been up to on the Vita. It seems that he’s finally going to give us the missing piece of the puzzle that the Vita scene has been missing for quite a while and that is a hack for FW 3.61+.
What TheFlow has revealed
Through a series of tweets, TheFlow has told us the following:
Exactly a year ago, he found a user entry point that he could further exploit to run unsigned code on the Vita by chainloading a kernel exploit.
HENkaku Enso will soon be coming to a Vita/PSTV running FW 3.65 near you!
Then, in the last two weeks, TheFlow worked 8 hours a day on exploiting firmware 3.67 as he had University holidays. Now, he has a full chain exploit for firmware 3.67 which could be used to port taiHEN to it! He also mentioned that he achieved this without a devkit which shows that he pulled off an even greater feat!
Now, the part that some of you will automatically balk at. He doesn’t plan to release his work right now but don’t worry, it will eventually be released! TheFlow stated a rough ETA which puts the release of a public hack for FW 3.67 either at the end of this year or sometime next year.
On the bright side, he said that he could port Enso to firmware 3.65 (but you’ll still need to be on firmware 3.60 to install it) sooner than he could release his hack for FW 3.67.
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/18/theflow...-fw-3-65-3-67/
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February 22nd, 2018, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Al-Azif has updated ps4-exploit-host a lot since the last time I talked about it.
With multiple developers adding their own flavor of the PS4 4.05 Jailbreak, ps4 Exploit Host know ships with no less than 6 versions of the jailbreak (versions from SpecterDev, idc, lightningmods, and XVortex), most of which are derived from SpecterDev’s original release, but include fixes, or additional payloads that will run in particular PS4Hen, the tool required to install launch unsigned packages.
PS4 Exploit Host lets you pick the exploit version you want to run, and although the amount of choice might be confusing, you’ll find lots of support on our forums or other scene sites to know what version of the exploit is good for you. Hopefully, at some point everything will converge to a single exploit/payload giving us all features.
PS$ Exploit host also fixed lots of bugs, added embedded support for the FTP Payload as well as the possibility to select the exploit from the PS4 rather than the PC.
Since we last tested PS4 Exploit Host, this swiss army knife of PS4 4.05 Jailbreak also stopped being a pure python script, and instead is providing compiled versions for multiple platforms. I liked the python script, but I guess a compiled Windows binary will do too.
download https://github.com/Al-Azif/ps4-exploit-host/releases
via http://wololo.net/2018/02/14/ps4-exp...ersion-0-3-20/
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