March 5th, 2018, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the news a lot of you PS3 Owners have been waiting for, the previously unhackable SuperSlim PS3s may be soon hackable:
Currently, the only way to mod an PS3 SuperSlim is via ODE hardware, and its not perfect, you end up with 'disc-swapping' and 'file injection' and other issues, and the only other way is an very long time wasting 'game injection' method via your PS3 HDD and USB Backup, and you have to redo the whole long process for each new game added.
But no more, soon the world of the un-crackable PlayStation's consoles will be set free for all to enjoy on the latest official Sony v4.82 firmware, all tho there will still be some tiny quirks leftover, it will still be a ton easier to finally be able to Jailbreak the SuperSlim. 
[COLOR=#141414][FONT=Lato]STLcardsWS said:[INDENT]What will this future exploit provide?
- "Install PKG Files" unlocked on XMB (Retail / Debug PKGs,) *No PS3 Homebrew Support
- PS1 Emulator Support
- PS2 Emulator Support
- PSP Emulator Support
- PS3 Backup Support (Convert your PS3 Game to Digital PKG - npdrm* (requires game update for disc game backups to work))
- New Resigning Tools
What you need to know about the legacy PlayStation emulators?
- PS1 emulation is very good on the PS3, most games will play fine
- Ps2 emulation is hit and miss on the PS3 (slightly more then half PS2 titles will work fine)
- PsP emulation is roughly about a 40% success rate for the PS3
- PS3 Backups - Require a Game Update
Heres a video:
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March 5th, 2018, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
If you like to cheat then this is the app for you:
A cheat application for the PS4, its from a Chinese developer, but its super-easy to work with!
Great little app, works well. Within seconds, I was able to max out PP on the Dead Rising 1 HD Remake and I'm no expert so if I can do it, anyone can do it!!
If anyone is used to RTM modding on ps3 or the cheatengine on PC, you should be able to pick this up very quickly. It is a very simple tool to use.
FYI, if anyone cares to dig in, PM me your findings and I'm going to start a spreadsheet and will upload to google docs to keep track of codes.EDIT--Gary was nice enough to give us a section on the forums so I've been adding to that instead.
Please feel free to pitch in!!
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> http://bbs.duowan.com/thread-46185705-1-1.html
via http://www.maxconsole.com/forums/ps4...eat-codes.266/
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March 5th, 2018, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Wow i take a few days away from the Homebrew arena and theres massive news, heres one part of it:
Let's not beat around the grass here, we all know not all ducks just want 'homebrew' and with the previous v4.05 PS4 setup, they were limited in the grains they could enjoy, but now with the dropping of the 'v4.55 holy grail' they can enjoy much better quality of feed.
m0rph3us1987 said:
PS4 holy grail payload for 4.55 is here.
Special tnx to @flat_z. I hope ppl. are finally going to built some serious homebrews. You now have everything you need to start!
Happy coding...
Just remember if you're now playing the latest shit, don't forgot to feed the ducks aka (purchase some grains), or they might just get angry and stop you from crossing the road soon into the better playground area called 5.0x 
NEWS SOURCE: @m0rph3us1987 (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...eleased.46540/
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March 5th, 2018, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
How awesome is this PS4 News, doesnt help me i am on firmware 5.05 but i wont be updating any time soon:
Mathieulh Tweets that the next step in higher PS4 'firmware' exploits has now been released by @qwertyoruiopz
PlayStation 4 v4.55 exploit now available, courtesy of @qwertyoruiopz !
qwertyoruiopz said:
NEWS SOURCE: @qwertyoruiopz (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/playstation-4-exploit-v4-55-released-by-qwertyoruiopz.46529/
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March 5th, 2018, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who are Linux fans will love to hear that the PS4 and firmware 4.55 is now avaible for linux, heres the news:
Valentinbreiz announced via twitter that he and Vultra have updated the PS4 Linux loader payload for supported systems with firmware 4.55. According to the developer, the supported systems so far are all CUH-11XXX and some CUH-10XXX models, with CUH-1008A confirmed not working.
To get started you need two USB sticks (one is technically sufficient, but it's recommended to use a dedicated one with Linux installed). The first USB stick is used for the initialization process and the second one contains Linux and is ext2 formatted. The first one should be FAT 32 formatted and have bzImage and initramfs.cpio.gz on the root directory. You can get them on the developer's Github page. With that USB stick plugged in on any USB port, the PS4 is booted up. Next step is to start the payload, which is done by launching the PS4 web browser and using netcat to send the PS4-Linux-Loader.bin to the PS4. As another option, the developer suggests using his own PS4 Payload Sender tool.
Now in Rescue Shell, the first USB stick is removed and the second one plugged in. With an external keyboard, you have to find your second USB stick by typing the command fdisk -l. It is identified as /dev/sdc1 etc. Next commands to execute are mount /dev/sdc1 /newroot and exec switch_root /newroot/ /newroot/sbin/init. After that you should be good to go. If you have any questions, please post them in the linked discussion topic below.
Instructions Source
Discussion thread
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/ps4-linu...e-4-55.497882/
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March 9th, 2018, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
Multiman is the killer app for the PS3 which binds everything together, now its being worked on for the PS4, which means for me, no updating the PS4 beyond the firmware i have at the moment which is 5.05 which is currently not hackable, heres the news regarding Multiman:
This is some exciting PS4 Homebrew News, arguably one of the top PS3 homebrew "multiMAN by developer deank" looks to be making an appearance on the PS4 soon. While the developer behind the project none other then deank himself does state it will be different experiance then the PS3's version. Deank, who brought us PS3 multiMAN (App), webMAN / S-MAN (Plugins) as just a few of the projects the developer developed on the previous generation (among many other scene contributions), looks to join in on the PS4 with his recent purchase of a 4.55 PS4, Recently developer deank seen the PS4 Exploit Coverage here on psx-place and then sought out looking for a console and well then before you know it, the developer had these screenshot (see below) to share with us today..Always good to see Dean back in the dev chair on consoles, because it's only means some exciting things are on the horizon for homebrew.
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3668
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March 9th, 2018, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you with Superslim versions of the PS3 are going to like this news, basically the PS3Xploit is coming to you, heres the details from Eurasia:
The upcoming version 3 of the PS3Xploit has support for PS3 SuperSlim, in other words all consoles previously not supported by custom firmware (CFW) are covered. As you can imagine this is a pretty big deal, lots of PS3 users are waiting with high expectations, and what does that usually lead to? Leaks and drama... Anyway, as it turns out the leaked version is incomplete and buggy, also has the potential to brick consoles, so skip that one and wait for the final public release due in a few days. If you want more information, check Team PS3Xploit's warning over at psx-place.com. Sorry for the late post, but at least I kept my promise of not leaking the news prematurely. How about that? A hacker with integrity."
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3667
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March 9th, 2018, 14:10 Posted By: wraggster
Didnt even realise that a PS5 was in developement but obviously Sony looking to the future, heres the news:
It is that time of year again, Spring is in the air, and rumors are fresh as we fast approach the big upcoming E3 2018 conference at the start Summer, nothing better then get the rumor-mill going at full-pony-power with the latest PlayStation 5 rumors, details, patents, etc. 
Marcus_Sellars said:
PS5 dev kits went out early this year to third party developers.
HydrogenNGU said:
Now that 'cat (crab?) is out of bag (trap?)' < old-school sony puns here, for old-timers like myself > I can mention that I had an exclusive chat with 'Last of Us 2 developer' a few months ago, and they already had alpha versions of these new PlayStation's in their studio for a while, and its basically PS4-Pro with PS-VR built-in BUT (here the big BUT) with add-on NVidia GPU processor so it can render 1080p VR and dual player native 4K, but still since its 'PS4-Pro' under the hood be fully backwards to older PS4 games/discs.
Take all these rumors of course with a 'dash of salt' made from sad Xbots fans, and dream of ponies jumping into our homes by 2020, and we end this news post with a series of 'attached' pictures from the recent Sony patent filed that shows an improved force-feedback VR controller, without those stupid 'bulbs' attached to them, at least finally someone in Sony had a 'bright design idea'. 
NEWS SOURCE: @HydrogenNGU (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/pl...elopers.46583/
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March 9th, 2018, 14:13 Posted By: wraggster
Not sure everyone will be your friend if you cheat but theres an updated release of the Cheat App from the Other day:
Great little app, works well. Within seconds, I was able to max out PP on the Dead Rising 1 HD Remake and I'm no expert so if I can do it, anyone can do it!! If anyone is used to RTM modding on ps3 or the cheatengine on PC, you should be able to pick this up very quickly. It is a very simple tool to use. FYI, if anyone cares to dig in, PM me your findings and I'm going to start a spreadsheet and will upload to google docs to keep track of codes.
Our admin @GaryOPA was nice enough to give us a section on the forums so I've been adding to that instead. Please feel free to pitch in!!
EDIT: Getting this to work on 4.55 is a little more complicated than on 4.05.
Download the 4.55 cheater (attached below)
Download jkpatch for 4.55 (attached below)
Extract both
Copy the payload.bin from jkpatch to the PS4 Cheater directory and replace the payload.bin that is there
Go to webpage or userguide on the ps4, click on the 4.55 menu, then click on original
Once you get the "All Set" message on the PS4
more info http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...4-v4-55.46547/
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March 9th, 2018, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
The Flow is the god of the PSVita Hacking scene and with that it looks like HENkaku/taiHEN (with Ensō) for PlayStation Vita v3.65 will soon be here, heres the info:
The PlayStation Vita Scene is finally moving forward from the v3.60 standard, but sadly you can't yet install it directly on newer firmwares.
What do we know right now and what will get get?
A couple of hours ago, TheFlow told us that he was able to find the offsets to run HENkaku Ensō on firmware 3.65 thanks to @Mathieulh’s devkit. After finding the offsets, TheFlow took a leap of faith and ran the Ensō code on his PSTV which fortunately, booted up into firmware 3.65 with HENkaku enabled!
This means that TheFlow has successfully ported Ensō to firmware 3.65 and you’ll be able to enjoy games that require firmware 3.61-3.65 (not the 3.67) pretty soon IF YOU HAVE A PSVITA CURRENTLY RUNNING FW 3.60.
As TheFlow decided not to release the actual exploit chain, presumably so that Sony can’t patch it for higher FWs, this hack will work like some earlier PSP CFWs in which some firmware modules are written before reboot. As a result of this, you won’t be able to hack consoles that are currently running FW 3.61-3.65 just yet.
TheFlow has also cautioned against reinstalling the 3.65 PUP (firmware file) or erasing HENkaku when using this hack. Both these things can’t be done by accident through normal usage so regular users will be safe.
What should I do and not do?
Right now, this is what you should or shouldn’t be doing:
- If you’re on firmware 3.60, don’t update to firmware 3.65 (or 3.61-3.67 for that matter)
- If you’re on firmware 3.61-3.65, don’t update further. The lower the firmware, the better your chances of getting a hack are.
- If you’re on firmware 3.60, stay there. Lower firmwares should preferably be updated to FW 3.60 via the DNS method if you want to hack your device.
Right now, all you can do is wait a little. TheFlow has promised a release by the end of March and is already accepting bubble designs for the CFW updater bubble he’ll be releasing for FW 3.60 soon.
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/he...ng-soon.46579/
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March 9th, 2018, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster
Some news from GBATemp regarding a dangerous leak of the PS3 exploit:
There are reports of an unfinished version of PS3Xploit v3 leaking onto the internet, that is said to be compatible with all PS3 models, including PS3 Slim and Super Slim consoles. The original PS3Xploit was released last year and worked on all PHAT models as well as some Slim models. The developers suggest to stay away from the leaked exploit or it can potentially brick your console. However, it seems the official version is not far away from release and users should simply wait for it. esc0rtd3w, one of the developers, stated that in order to use the exploit, an activated PSN account is needed and he strongly suggests not to use your main account for this.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/ps3xploi...-brick.498305/
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March 9th, 2018, 14:23 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you not interested in Homebrew and Hacking will be interested to know that a new official firmware for the PS4 has been released:
PlayStation 4 users will be excited to know that Sony's latest PS4 update is bringing custom wallpaper support to their consoles. Now you can choose any 1080p image from your USB to use as your system's wallpaper (4K for PS4 Pro). Also added was Play Time Management, which is part of the parental controls, and can lock the device after a set amount of time. You can now also use tabs and folders to sort your games, a feature right out of 2006. A supersampling option was added for PS4 Pro users, which makes games appear sharper and clearer, even if you're not using a 4K TV. Lastly, there's been a few UI updates, to both the quick menu, and on the tournaments page.
As far as the hacking scene goes, it appears there's been no full confirmation on if the 5.0x webkit exploit still functions, or was patched out. As always, if you're interested in the scene, stay at the lowest firmware you can.
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March 10th, 2018, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Today we have a port of ‘Fade to Black’ by usineur, Fade to Black is a 3D action-adventure game released in 1995 that is the successor to the famous Flashback game from 1992. The game was developed by the France-based Delphine Software and was published by Electronic Arts.
Thanks to ‘usineur’, a veteran in porting open-source games to the PSVita, you can now enjoy Fade to Black with 3D hardware acceleration thanks to his port of f2bgl and VitaGL.
It is important to note that the game has the following issues:
Music and sounds are disabled
Pressing the PS button to suspend the game will crash it
The port is based on version 0.2.3 of f2bgl not version 0.2.6, which is the latest version, so there are bugs that were fixed in version 0.2.4-0.2.6 of the engine
I couldn’t find a way to make the game function and I tried the demo files and full CD release files and none worked.
Download https://github.com/usineur/f2bgl/releases/tag/vita-1.0
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/10/fade-bl...-acceleration/
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March 10th, 2018, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Some excellent news for PS4 Hacking Fans:
SiSTRO and Xvortex have released PS4 PKG2USB, a tool for the PS4 that allows owners of a hacked console to run their games from and external hard drive. The tool is compatible with both 4.05 and 4.55 consoles.
This is a PS4 payload (based on Vortex’s dumper) to dump and run fake PKGs on USB.
- USB drive must be formatted to exFAT
- works only with fpkg (not official pkg)
- game/app have to be before installed as usually on internal storage
- copy ps4-pkg2usb.cfg to usb root
- edit config title_id with game/app title_id
- always use the same USB port that when you installed game
- to reinstall game to internal hdd, remove and reinstall as usual
download https://github.com/CelesteBlue-dev/ps4-pkg2usb/releases
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/05/release...ble-4-05-4-55/
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March 10th, 2018, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
VVildcard777 has updated his 4.05 PS4Hen to support firmware 4.55
VVildcard777’s PS4Hen is open source, while Holy Grail isn’t. Having an open source version of the PS4Hen could bring faster improvements to the scene ultimately. Especially given some of m0rph3us1987’s recent statements.
From the Readme:
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March 10th, 2018, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
VitaQuake is a port of the engine of the famous Quake game that was released in 1996. VitaQuake is a fully fledged port
VitaQuake version 2.9 brings about the following:
- Better performance and less RAM usage thanks to more optimised code.
- Gyroscope support so that you can control the game by moving your Vita around.
- The HUD can now be transparent.
- Improvements to the game engine such as fixes when it comes to drawing shadows.
- Many other bug fixes.
download http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php...rt=190#p421734
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March 11th, 2018, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
VitaQuake II is a port of Quake II’s engine for the PSVita. Quake II is a massively popular game that was released in late 1997 by id Software as a successor (but not a direct sequel) to Quake I.
VitaQuake II was created by Rinnegatamante last year and has the following features:
Renders at native (960×544) resolution at a pretty decent framerate (around 60FPS most of the time) thanks to VitaGL
Full sound and music support
Support for the full and shareware versions of the game
Multiplayer support
Many other features including dualshock rumbling for DS3/4 users.
VitaQuake II version 1.5 brings about the following:
3D hardware acceleration support thanks to VitaGL. This allows the game to be rendered at the Vita’s native resolution (960×544) while still giving a buttery smooth 60FPS most of the time.
An FPS counter
The right analogue stick is now more sensitive and precise thanks to fixes from rsn8887 and Shroom King
The game can now render shadows and has an option to turn these on and off.
download https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/vitaQuakeII
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/11/vitaqua...lution-psvita/
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March 12th, 2018, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Even though this seems a great release ill miss it for obvious reasons, heres the news:
TheFloW has released 3.65 HENkaku Enso Updater for PS Vita handhelds currently on firmware 3.60 which updates to a custom firmware with henkaku based on 3.65. This gives you the possibility to access the PSN store (as long as Sony allow it) and play games released for firmwares 3.61-3.65. The drawbacks are that you will be unable to downgrade back to 3.60 if needed, and homebrew only compatible with 3.60 will fail on 3.65 (needs to be ported first). Also, if you for some reason end up with a semi-brick and need to reinstall the firmware you will be stuck on 3.65 without the ability to run homebrew."
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3669
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March 12th, 2018, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Beats of rage comes back to the PSP:
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.
via https://pdroms.de/playstationportabl...-psp-misc-port
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March 12th, 2018, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Adrenaline is an ePSP hack for the PSVita that was developed by TheFlow. It is also one of the most popular pieces of software for hacked Vita/PSTV consoles since it allows users to play PSP games and use homebrew while offering a whole slew of other features. Adrenaline has the following features:
Support for all PSP/PSX games, even compressed PSP ones.
Support for all types of homebrew including those that require 64MB of RAM
Save States
As you can see, Adrenaline gives you the full XMB experience which you can further customise to your liking!
Plugin support
Ability to use different partitions for PSP files (ux0,ur0,uma0,imc0)
Many other features including the ability to use the right analogue stick (with appropriate game specific plugins) and internet support
What got updated in Adrenaline-6.1?
Adrenaline-6.1 brings about the following:
Support for firmware 3.65 and 3.67.
This release is very important for those who have gone ahead and updated to firmware 3.65 with TheFlow’s recently released CFW updater. Adrenaline-6 will not work on firmware 3.65 or 3.67 due to the different offsets needed so you must update Adrenaline before using it on these firmwares (you can only use it on hacked FW 3.65 right now)
Interestingly enough, Adrenaline-6.1 doesn’t seem to include some commits merged into the main branch after the release of Adrenaline-6. For example, the ability to shut down your Vita from the Adrenaline menu can be found in the main code branch but it isn’t included in the Adrenaline-6.1 release. If you’re on FW 3.60, Adrenaline-6.1 will work just fine but there’s no real
You’ll have to reinstall the PSP firmware files even if you had installed them before!
download https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/A...eases/tag/v6.1
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/12/adrenal...65-3-67-added/
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March 12th, 2018, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to Wololo heres a real status for all of us PS4 owners:
There’s been a lot of misinformation, or misunderstandings, about the status of hacking for firmwares 5.xx, or, technically, for any firmware above 4.55 (so yes, this includes 4.70).
Hacker Qwertyoruiop has somewhat clarified the situation, but some people seem to either read too much between the lines, or not enough in some cases. So here goes my attempt at clarifying:
OK, remember this part and get it through your hard skull
In order to fully hack a PS4, you generally need a combination of two exploits: 1) an entry point from one of the user processes, a.k.a a usermode exploit. This is typically a webkit exploit (but could also be an exploit in any other user app of the console, such as a game). And 2), a privilege escalation exploit (often referred to as “kernel exploit”), in order to get “root” access, in other words full access to the console.
The usermode exploit gives you enough access to run a bit of code: enough to run the kernel exploit which will unlock “real” access to the console.
Without both of these, you can’t really do much: A kernel exploit alone doesn’t give you anything, because you don’t have a way to actually activate it from anywhere. Conversely, a usermode exploit alone gives you some level of control on the console, but typically not enough to do anything “fun” (note that on that part, things could evolve with time: on some consoles, usermode exploits have led to great homebrew loaders such as *cough* VHBL *cough*)
The status of PS4 Hacking as of 3/2018
If you own a PS4 running firmware 4.55 or lower, congratulations, you can Jailbreak your PS4 and do a bunch of cool stuff with it.
If you’re above 4.55: Hacker Qwertyoruiop has stated that Sony patched his kernel exploit on firmware 5.50. This automatically implies that he is in possession of a kernel exploit that apparently works up to firmware 5.05 included, but not on 5.50. Clear enough?
In the exact same tweet, he explained that he has improved the recently disclosed Webkit exploit (remember: usermode exploit) and tested it on firmware 5.50. This confirms that webkit exploit is valid up to firmware 5.50 included. And you can actually play with it on your PS4 from the url provided by the hacker (http://crack.bargains/550/). Remember what I wrote above, though: a usermode exploit is fun, but does not give you much to play with without a kernel exploit.
Qwertyoruiop has also said he updated to firmware 5.50, and confirmed it by showcasing the Webkit exploit. He strongly implied that he is now looking for kernel exploits on the latest firmware.
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/12/ps4-hac...-qwertyoruiop/
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March 14th, 2018, 09:45 Posted By: wraggster
The Holy Grail for PS3 Consoles has now been released, basically the PS3 on any console type is hackable, heres the news:
Dust off your PlayStation 3 console, slide open the cover on your SuperSlim, throw out your game discs, as PS3Xploit v3.0 is here for all!
PS3Xploit Tools v3.0 Help
- HAN style packages allowed (Patched external modules ecdsa)
- PSX/PSP Free license type allowed (Patched sceNpdrmHeader check)
- Resigned ACT.DAT & RIF allowed
- Cinavia protection removed on HDD content
- OFW Package Manager
- Debug pkg file support added (optional)
- reactPSN alternative solution for OFW users
Quick Instructions:
- Install OFW Package Manager (HAN Initializer)
- Enable HAN (HAN Enabler)
- Install PKG (etHANol Resigned)
- Inject License (etHANol Resigned)
- Fake PKG = Only needed for Custom psx/ps2/psp
- Debug PKG = Only needed for custom retail PS3 pkg
- Retail PKG = install it as is
- HAN ACT/IDPS Dumper ONLY Needs Run Once
- HAN ACT/RIF Copier and HAN Enabler Need Ran Once Per Content
This will dump your activation file (act.dat) and your IDPS.
- Load Exploit Page
- Select Dump Path From Dropdown Box (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click "Initialize ACT/IDPS Dumper" button
- When init ready, click "Dump ACT.DAT & IDPS" button
- The browser will close automatically by default
This will write back a modified act.dat and *.rif file
- Use habib's resigner tool to resign rif and create new signed_act.dat
** It is recommended to resign all the pkgs that require Han enabler **
** Packages which are converts and packages which needs rif activation ** - Place act.dat in resigner directory and drag matching rap file onto exe
** keep original act.dat in a safe place ** - Place new rif file on USB drive as well
- Load Exploit Page
- Change RIF File Name to match your target
example PS2 Placeholder: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333 - Select Root Path where act.dat/*.rif is located (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click "Initialize AC/RIF Copier" button
- When init ready, click "Copy Files" button to transfer to HDD
PS3 HAN Installer:
This will copy files from USB to Flash Memory for OFW Package Manager
- Extract all files from "han_supportfiles.zip" on target USB drive root
- Load Exploit Page
- Select Root Path where these files are (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click "Initialize HAN Installer" button
- When init ready, click "Launch HAN Installation" button to copy files and reboot
- Once rebooted, you can now use the HAN Enabler and Debug Package Enabler
PS3 HAN Enabler:
This will initialize HAN using previously copied files to allow OFW Package Manager and other patches
- Load Exploit Page
- Click "Initialize HAN Enabler" button
- When init ready, click "Enable HAN" button to activate patches
- Once browser closes (default option) you can install HAN packages from XMB
PS3 HAN Debug PKG Enabler:
This will allow Debug Package types to be installed
- Load Exploit Page
- Click "Initialize HAN Debug PKG Enabler" button
- When init ready, click "Enable Debug PKG" button to activate patches
- Once browser closes (default option) you can install Debug packages from XMB
- Reboot console before installing updates or retail/fake retail error will occur
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://ps3xploit.com/help/han.html
OFFICIAL SUPPORT: --> http://www.psx-place.com/forums/PS3Xploit/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...eleased.46635/
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March 19th, 2018, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release for the PS3 which should make installing packages easier:
Its only been a few days since the PS3Xploit v3.0 SuperSlim Jailbreak was released and already scene developers are producing great new tools for it, to help make it easier to handle pkg installs, on your non-CFW-compatible, but now fully 'HAN Enabled' PlayStation 3 console. 
DeViL303 said:
The feature people have been waiting for, Packages served from PC to PS3, with no messing around editing xml etc. It could well be a game changer..literally!!  pink1 said:
What does it do?
- Scans the program folder for pkg's, extracts the icons & creates a package_link.xml.
- Creates a pkg with a package_link.xml to remove the need for putting a new xml on the usb.
- Patches category_game.xml to...
More info http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...from-pc.46649/
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March 19th, 2018, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Are you a fan of Linux ?, if you are this will really interest you:
eeply has released a fork of the PS4-Linux codebase, which now supports PS4 Slim and Pro models. More specifically, the developer has implemented the required HDMI output driver, which was apparently the one thing not working for recent models of the PS4 in the existing Linux implementation.
According to early feedback, getting Linux to run on the PS4 is a bit of hit and miss at the moment, due to some instability (which can cause the occasional freeze at startup) and the fact that it is tough to find the right files to work with. Nevertheless, multiple people have reported that they got Linux to properly run on the PS4 Pro or PS4 Slim, and I’m sure “all in one” packages will surface on your regular scene websites very soon.
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/19/linux-p...-slim-ps4-pro/
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March 19th, 2018, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that the internet was wrong last week, heres some new news:
Hacker Qwertyoruiop, who’s been one of the most productive hackers of the PS4 scene, has stated that he doesn’t have a 5.50 Kernel exploit for the PS4 at this time. He added he is not looking for one at the moment.
We recently gave a detailed explanation on the current status of PS4 Jailbreak in 2018, and that explanation still holds: if you’re on firmware 4.55 or below, great, you can hack your PS4. If you’re above 4.55, but on 5.05 or below, we know Qwertyoruiop (and probably others) has a kernel exploit, but no official word on a release. As for 5.50, the latest PS4 firmware, it’s confirmed again: there is no knowledge of a kernel exploit existing for that firmware at the moment.
With some major hacking groups such as Fail0verflow turning their eyes to the Nintendo Switch scene, and Qwerty just announcing he “doesn’t have time” for the PS4 currently, there’s a possibility that the hunt for kernel exploits on the latest PS4 firmwares could slow down dramatically.
As I’ve stated before, if you are not the lucky owner of a 4.55 PS4 or below, and are having a hard time finding one, your best option in my opinion is to buy a second PS4, and store one of your consoles on a shelf until a hack comes for it (disclaimer: this is what I did in 2016 with my – at the time – 4.01 PS4) . Owning two consoles nowadays is the only reasonable way to enjoy both hacking and regular gaming.
via http://wololo.net/2018/03/19/qwertyo...rk-short-term/
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March 19th, 2018, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Rinnegatamantehas in a week took Quake III’s source code and made the Vita port go from totally unusable (not rendering anything) to seemingly playable!
Right now, Rinnegatamante has achieved off the following:
Properly rendered menus
Game maps that look pretty well rendered with only smaller bugs present
Good framerate at native resolution, he said that it’s running at around 30FPS. He also tested VitaQuake III at 480×272 (PSP’s native resolution) and said it runs at above 30FPS all of the time
Bot matches
Quake III seems to be working pretty well as of right now but work still needs to be done!
Dynarec support. Dynamic recompilation greatly increases game performance which will ultimately give the user a much better experience.
Currently, VitaQuake III looks to be in advanced stages and Rinnegamante seems to now be focusing on optimising the game and fixing the remaining issues.
news via http://wololo.net/2018/03/18/quake-i...amers-rejoice/
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