February 1st, 2010, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
Q Entertainment is having a good hard think about whether to bring Rez HD to PlayStation Network.
That's according to the company's Twitter page, where the following message was posted: "What would a game like Rez HD sell for on PSN? $15? This is no indication that it's happening, but we're researching if its feasible."
Those who like the sound of that idea might want to register their interest as another message reads, "This isn't something we need to do, or will necessarily develop. I'm doing some informal polling to take back to our bizdev ppl."
Rez HD was released on Xbox Live back in January 2008, priced at £6.80. Like the PS2 original it was a hit with the critics, scoring 10/10 on Eurogamer.
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February 1st, 2010, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
With all eyes on Final Fantasy XIII Square's been a little quiet with the incoming spin-off, Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Not for much longer though - more info should with us this month.
According to Sony, the developer wants to show off more of the game within the next few weeks. According to PS Blog man Jeff Rubenstein, "They're eager to get some posts on the blog in February", about the game.
Versus XIII is a completely separate story from FFXIII, which is out on March 9, but set in the same universe. Its release is still totally up in the air.
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February 1st, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Network-exclusive reality series "The Tester" will begin February 18th. The competition will have the above real gamers vying for a chance to win a glamorous testing job at PlayStation. Until April 8th, the PlayStation Store (for PSP and PS3) will update every Thursday with new -- and free -- episodes of the series.
Should "The Tester" successfully sidestep traditional employee recruitment and take off, don't be surprised if Sony announces "Who Wants to be Our Janitor?" next season.
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February 1st, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Shadow of Destiny is a game unlike any other PSP game available where players can embark on a unique murder mystery, they’re own! The setting within the game will span over 500 years deep into the past to secure the details of why and how they were murdered. What you do in the past will affect the present
Solve various different puzzles while finding clues to reach the killer
Shadow of Destiny is the same game from highly rated release in 2001. It has the same mysteries, characters and look and feel as before, but now for the PSP
Imagine you are ambling down the street late one night when suddenly you are attacked and stabbed to death in the back. You wake up in a dark room where an unfamiliar face offers to “help you change your fate” and gives you a time-travel device. The next thing you know, you are in a café exactly 30 minutes before you were murdered with an imagination full of questions. This is the story of Ike – the main character in Shadow of Destiny. Assume the role of Ike using the special time travel device and embark on a quest to solve the most important mystery ever; your own! SOD will offer fun and brain stretching experience as they travel through time, collect clue, unlock new scenarios along the way to finding your killer and the motive.
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February 2nd, 2010, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
If EA is planning to release a PS3 version of Mass Effect 2, it's keeping schtum.
CVG checked in with the publisher this afternoon to ask if it was keen on releasing a PS3 version of the game, and all we got was a short, sharp: "No comment on that one." Delivered in a polite manner, we may add.
The comment comes after Polish site Kikoo claimed that there is some source code of the PC version of the game that suggests a PS3 iteration has been created.
So the PS3 version's not officially alive, but it's not officially dead. Doesn't do anything for the anxiety, hey PS3 fans?
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February 2nd, 2010, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
A Sony Computer Entertainment Europe executive has said that he expects Gran Turismo 5 to come out "this fall, before Christmas", while confessing the release date is "not yet decided".
The comments come from James Armstrong, boss of SCEE's Portuguese arm, in an interview with Spanish site Canarias Al Dia. They were spotted by GT Planet.
It was Armstrong who originally suggested that GT5 would be out in late 2009, a position held by Sony right up until a March 2010 Japanese release date was announced at last year's Tokyo Game Show. A summer Western release was mooted before the Japanese launch was delayed.
A new release date has yet to be given for the PS3's motorsport opus, so it's disappointing but hardly surprising to see Gran Turismo 5 heading towards the end of the year.
GT5 has now been in development for five years at a cost, according to creator Kazunori Yamauchi, of of some $60 million.
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February 2nd, 2010, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is lowering the price of PSP and PS3 Minis in February.
The first sale starts this Thursday, 4th February and runs until Thursday, 18th February. Kahoots, Vempire, Breakquest, Majohngg Artifacts and Dracula all drop from £2.99/€2.99 to £1.74/€1.99.
Fieldrunners and Pinball Fantasies go from £3.99/€4.99 to £3.46/€3.99, and Bloons falls from £3.49/€3.99 to £1.99/€2.49.
The European PlayStation blog also promises you free Minis during February, as well as wallpapers, themes and that sort of thing. Specifics aren't mentioned yet.
Minis are small downloadable games originally only for PSP and PSPgo, but now compatible with PS3.
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February 2nd, 2010, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster

¥21,000 ($232), Japan, March 4. All of the foregoing should be irrelevant information because we're absolutely, positively, definitely sure you're not going to actually buy one. Right? Look, even if you genuinely don't object to Blossom Pink as your color scheme, and if you quite rightly find yourself attracted by the handy soft pouch for ensconcing your new PSP-3000 in, don't you care about what other people might think? And that's entirely aside from the generic and lazy expectation that women will buy anything so long as it bears a hue from the pink portion of the spectrum. Either way, this bundle of corporate greed and malevolence is coming in about a month's time, if you're weird enough to care.
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February 2nd, 2010, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
On December 17, role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII went on sale for the PS3 in Japan. It was priced at ¥9,240 (US$102). Want to sell back your copy?
In a little over a month and a half, the used game is fetching ¥1,500 (US$17) from major Japanese game retailer GEO. By comparison, used games Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 on the PS3 commands ¥4,800, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 merits ¥4,500 and Musou OROCHI Z is priced at ¥3,100.
The lower end of the scale looks like this: Uncharted is worth ¥1,500, NBA Live 10 is ¥2,000, Grand Theft Auto IV is ¥2,500 and Dragon Ball Z Raging Burst is ¥1,500.
Remember, these are buy-back prices. The games will then be sold at higher prices. What's more, the prices do not reflect the quality of the games, but rather, the supply and demand. Most likely, low buy-back prices means that many players, who have probably already finished the title, are selling back the game.
In Japan, renting games is not wide spread and permitted in the same way it is in the West. Instead, players buy games and keep the disc, booklet and case in pristine condition so they can sell back to the titles to shops like GEO.
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February 2nd, 2010, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
It's safe to say that the PSPgo hasn't had the reception that was expected of it. Sales haven't been crazy, and most seem to have completely ignored the system's launch entirely. With this kind of negativity surrounding the PSPgo, it's no wonder that Sony wants to do something about it. According to someone close to Sony, they are. Sources have confirmed with Gamervision that a PSPgo "relaunch" is imminent, complete with a marketing blitz in hopes to rekindle some sort of excitement over the handheld. What else will the relaunch entail? There are a number of possibilities, and there's little doubt a price drop might be among them.
Even when compared to the other issues the PSPgo has, the high price seems to be paramount for keeping it out of gamers' hands. It's more expensive than the other models by almost $100, and doesn't even have all of the content the regular system has. Even if they don't drop the price, a massive media blitz would be a great idea, and odds are whatever is done will have a healthy dose of Kevin Butler as well. Those ads seem to have struck a cord with fans and haters alike, especially when compared to the companies earlier attempts at advertising.
We're not certain when this is supposed to start, but with GDC right around the corner I'd expect to hear a little more in the near future. We'll keep you posted.
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February 2nd, 2010, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
Upgrading Joyau, the only Ruby interpreter available for the PSP, by its author Kode. This interpreter allows the creation of small 2D games using the Old School Library (OSL), and use many of the original Ruby interpreter functions. This version corrects some bugs in previous releases, integrated some additional libraries, and added a useful screen for debugging.
- Fixed some bugs in previous version
- Added support for some libraries present in ruby stdlib
- Added libraries BigDecimal, digest, fcntl, squeeze, strscan, zlib, enumerator, thread, and NK
- Added debugging screen
- Other minor changes
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February 2nd, 2010, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
New update from Mediumgauge PSP Filer, application, now at version 6.6, which in addition to managing the full content of your memory stick, there will also launch homebrew, open file format .zip / .rar, dump your UMD and much more.
Changelog v6.6:
- Fixato a bug that did not allow the exact calculation of the size of the directory
- Fixato a bug in the audio player
- Fixato a bug that caused a crash when you start a UMD
- Added the duration of playing an audio file player
- Fixati more bbug
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February 2nd, 2010, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dan369:
After a long, long wait i've finally released the map editor to version 0.02 of psp mario. I've been very busy with exams, coursework etc.
So this is more useful for the creative people, again, please read the 'README' file. It contains everything you'll need to know, controls, how to submit levels etc.
For a run-down of the changes:
-Code improvements with rendering
-Collision layer updated with the latest resources from the engine, coins, koopas/red/green added.
-Also the possibility to chose mario/luigi's starting position included.
Now just a heads up for v0.03 of the game(PSP Mario - The New Worlds), it is still being worked on, i've done a bit of a re-code with certain parts like the animation, controls etc. Like i said the controls in the previous versions weren't that good, mario just stood still when he stopped walking and the jumping wasn't great in-game either. So i've been revamping the controls, there's a few bugs with the enemy collision code as-well, but yes i did take a little break from the whole coding world for a month or so hence why this has been released til now.
If i had to give a date, it would be sometime during March maybe early April.Hope you guys like it
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February 2nd, 2010, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from lilmnm
Well heres a bug Fix of the latest DayPR fixed the scrolling bug where it didnt show the last cheat in the Hacks tab. I also added a Extra Cheat File thingy ma bob .-. where you can load a new set of cheats.
Please Read the README.txt included
And please contact me right away if you notice any new bugs
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February 2nd, 2010, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from bboyjcm
A plugin that will help you disable/enable your Power Switch whenever you want.
Useful for keeping your Custom Firmware Active (chickhen) & protecting your game progress
from any accidental shutdown.
Compatibility Update
-Enables/Disables your psp power switch
-Block & Unblocks your psp power switch with the same button combo
-Works In VSH & Game Mode
-Compatible with ChickHEN , GEN Firmware & M33 Firmware
-Works for both PSP Phat & PSP Slim & PSP Brite
-Credits,Readme and Changelog are now updated
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February 2nd, 2010, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
This Thursday PlayStation 3 owners can take their guitar controllers into battle with Fret Nice, a rhythm platformer created for the PC by Swedish students, brought to the PlayStation Network courtesy of Tecmo.
Tecmo surprised us at E3 last year with the addition of Fret Nice to its lineup, which traditionally consisted of more "hardcore" titles like Ninja Gaiden and Undead Knights. In comparison to those two, Fret Nice is a relatively light-hearted game, in which players help members of the band Vibrant Chordblasters save the world from the oppressive Hair Bangers. To accomplish this goal, players will rock out on their guitar controllers, pulling off riffs to defeat enemies.
It's an amazing concept, and an excellent use for those guitar controllers gathering dust in the corner of your living room.
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February 2nd, 2010, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Miles
Squaro PSP is a port of the game Squaro, created by Marc Lebel ( www.squaro.fr).
The purpose of Squaro: finding rounds to complete.
For that there are in each box a number from 0 to 4, which corresponds to the number of rounds to complete among those at the four corners of this box.
All grids have a unique solution.
- General --
Cross: OK
Triangle: Back
Select: Change language
- Selection grid --
Start: Starting grid
L and R: Switching between levels
- Basics --
D-Pad: Move
Cross: Fill / Empty circle
Triangle: Return to selection grid
Start: following grid once the grid current completed
Thank you to Marc Lebel for game creation and approval for the PSP version.
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February 2nd, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
The long-rumored, recently leaked existence of PlayStation 2 games joining the "PS One Classics" line comes a bit closer to reality, at least in the mind of PlayStation senior VP Peter Dille who calls the digital re-issues a "terrific opportunity."
In an interview with IGN, Dille says that the PlayStation folks are "working really hard on" bringing more PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games to the PlayStation Store, not quite an official announcement, but another glimmer of hope.
"From our side, we're going through our own studio organization and trying to make sure all these old games are out there so that we can lead by example, but we're also communicating with all the third-parties about the success of the Final Fantasy games, and other PS1 and PS2 classics," Dille tells IGN. "By all means, I think people can look for more of that because once the third-parties see how this works, it's just found money. There's not a whole lot of work that has to go into it and once we can get it up on the network, it finds an audience pretty quickly."
With PS2 backward compatibility all but dead on the PlayStation 3 going forward, it would seem like some of that "found money" would be an attractive option for Sony. About as attractive as the rumored addition of Dreamcast games to the PS3 would be for me.
Maybe we'll hear something official closer to GDC or E3 this year.
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February 3rd, 2010, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
At this past E3, Square Enix said Final Fantasy XIV would launch on PlayStation 3 and PCs. Looks like an Xbox 360 version is in development too.
A staffer at Square Enix Japan let the proverbial chocobos out of the stable. In her Linked In profile she notes Final Fantasy XIV is a PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 title. Whoops! An Xbox 360 version hasn’t been announced yet. Honest mistake or a slip of the tongue?
Akama also says there are lines currently working on The 3rd Birthday and Final Fantasy Agito XIII too.
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February 3rd, 2010, 12:27 Posted By: Zack
Via Retroemu.com
Hey guys!
About : Battery Warning plugin is a PSP plugin that shows a message on screen when your battery reaches 15% or less charge. Works in VSH/GAME + Homebrew Games & Apps.
Why bother when the PSP LED blinks when the battery is low? Well lets face it, who can honestly say when they are stuck into a game that they even notice the LED blinking at all, also added to that, the fact that when your playing a game your thumb practically covers the whole light, it's not an ideal method of warning 
I lost the source to V0.2 because my external HDD died so I had to start the project from scratch.
Screenshot :

So here are the changes :
Changelog :
* Added ability to turn the message off. Press L+R+Select to disable the message once shown.
* Changed message to display remaining battery percentage and time remaining (in mins)
* Message now doesn't get hidden behind objects.
* Message now clearer to read (again).
* Reduced flickering substantially (still flickers in certain games)
Future :
In the next release there will finally be the configuration manager. I have started it and it wont be long until it's finished. However been that in essence this is more of a new plugin than a updated version (since I had to start from scratch) I want to be certain people enjoy the same level of success with it as I do before bothering to release a customization manager.
Thanks and enjoy!
EDIT : New version attached. V0.3.1
Changes :
* Message upon battery reaching full charge (Whilst charging) - (See screenshot)
Removing the power cable or pressing L+R+Select will disable the message.

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February 3rd, 2010, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
David Braben has kick-started his new column in Develop by exploring the current state of game narrative.
The Develop Legend Award winner opened his account by opining that narrative could turn out to define the current generation of software, and is therefore “a foolhardy thing to ignore.”
Briefly fixing the discussion on Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2, Braben revealed high praise for the game in all aspects save for one, wittily observing: “There might as well have been a lava level, for all that the story mattered to me”.
Said Braben: “My point is when we look back at it from the future – when the combat is no longer best in class – it will feel dull, like those almost storyless cowboy films of the '50s (not featuring John Wayne), shown endlessly on TV in the early ‘70s, but that have thankfully now been forgotten.”
He added that talented storytelling is coming ever more to the fore in the game sector, citing Fallout 3, Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins as great examples of non-linear storytelling.
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February 3rd, 2010, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
From tomorrow a number of PlayStation Minis titles will go on sale for two weeks, with savings of between 50p and £1.50. The cuts come as part of what Sony is calling ‘Minis Month’.
The discounts will come into effect tomorrow (February 4th) and run until February 18th. A fresh bout of Minis marketing will also kick-off to help promote Sony’s fledgling service, with the PSP YouTube channel being the main focus.
The PSPgo has come under the spotlight in recent weeks following poor sales numbers in Japan. UK unit sales – tellingly – have not been revealed, but are believed to lag far behind those of its UMD-equipped predecessor the PSP-3000.
Here are the offers in full, as listed by the PlayStation blog:
Fieldrunners – €4.99/£3.99 now €3.99/£3.49
Kahoots – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Vempire – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Breakquest – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Pinball Fantasies – €4.99/£3.99 now €3.99/£3.49
Bloons – €3.99/£3.49 now €2.49/£1.99
Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Dracula: Undead Awakening – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
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February 3rd, 2010, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
From tomorrow a number of PlayStation Minis titles will go on sale for two weeks, with savings of between 50p and £1.50. The cuts come as part of what Sony is calling ‘Minis Month’.
The discounts will come into effect tomorrow (February 4th) and run until February 18th. A fresh bout of Minis marketing will also kick-off to help promote Sony’s fledgling service, with the PSP YouTube channel being the main focus.
The PSPgo has come under the spotlight in recent weeks following poor sales numbers in Japan. UK unit sales – tellingly – have not been revealed, but are believed to lag far behind those of its UMD-equipped predecessor the PSP-3000.
Here are the offers in full, as listed by the PlayStation blog:
Fieldrunners – €4.99/£3.99 now €3.99/£3.49
Kahoots – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Vempire – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Breakquest – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Pinball Fantasies – €4.99/£3.99 now €3.99/£3.49
Bloons – €3.99/£3.49 now €2.49/£1.99
Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
Dracula: Undead Awakening – €2.99/£2.99 now €1.99/£1.74
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February 3rd, 2010, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
Head tracking and, for the PS3 version at least, stereoscopic 3D features are both being lined up for MotoGP 10/11 (the sequel of MGP 09/10, which Capcom will release on March 31).
Lead designer Greg Bryant told CVG: "We haven't looked into Natal yet for MotoGP 09/10, but we're definitely going to be looking into it for MGP 10/11 because I personally think the future for that application is through head tracking in racing games."
"We did a lot of testing with other games for competitor analysis and one that came up was the classic Grand Prix Legends. You can set that up with full head tracking and a steering wheel, and it's one of the most compelling racing experiences. Now that that developers have that technology available to them we certainly want to harness that for the next iteration of the game," he told CVG.
The PS3 is in for extra treats, too. "One of the other things that I'm really excited about it that the PS3 going to support 3D technology as well. So when you combine that with the PS Eye and theoretically doing the head tracking through that. I think that's going to be absolutely awesome."
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February 3rd, 2010, 18:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony bigwig Peter Dille has explained that the real reason for PS3's slow start was poor levels of stock; the pump was "primed".
"The shortcoming was getting a lot of people whipped up and having them wait in-line and then only having a very, very limited amount of hardware supply globally, which meant that we had a kind of start and stop effect with our launch, which is hard to recover from," Dille told IGN. "It was a speed bump that we had to overcome and we overcame it.
"There is nothing but momentum behind the PS3 at this point," he added. "We're off to the races." It's not a question of "if" the PS3 will overtake Xbox 360, Dille went on to say, but "when".
"I mean, we've got 31 million [units sold] worldwide right now - they've got 39 million [units sold]. I don't even need to go out 10 years," he quipped.
"I'm not going to make any predictions for your interview today other than we'll pass them, but you look at where we are today and where they are today, and they had an opportunity to sprint as far ahead of us as possible when they had the head start.
"Well, we're breathing down their necks and they can see us in the rear-view mirror and it's not going to take too long to pass them." Sales of Sony's PS3 overtook Xbox 360 on a monthly basis in the US following the release of the PS3 Slim. There, in the whole of 2009, Microsoft's console finished just 400,000 units ahead of Sony's machine.
In Japan, there's a gulf between PS3 and 360. Sony's console now goes toe-to-toe with Wii, while Xbox 360 sells around 5000 a week alongside the PS2. To date, the PS3 has sold over 4.5m units in Japan, while the 360 has managed over 1m.
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February 3rd, 2010, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's senior VP of marketing and head of the PlayStation Network has said that Sony is now "breathing down the necks" of Microsoft in terms of console sales, and predicted that while the PS3 will fulfil its planned 10 year lifespan, the 360 won't be around for as long.
"We can be passionate fans, but I don't think they'll be around in 10 years so I'm very confident we'll pass them within that time frame," Peter Dille said in an interview with IGN.
"I mean, we've got 31 million [units sold] worldwide right now - they've got 39 million [units sold]. I don't even need to go out 10 years. I'm not going to make any predictions for your interview today other than we'll pass them, but you look at where we are today and where they are today, and they had an opportunity to sprint as far ahead of us as possible when they had the head start.
"Well, we're breathing down their necks and they can see us in the rearview mirror and it's not going to take too long to pass them."
Speaking specifically about the PlayStation Network, Dille also backed up recent comments by Kaz Hirai that Sony was looking into charging for new additions to the service.
"It's been our philosophy not to charge for it from launch up until now, but Kaz recently went on the record as saying that's something we're looking at. I can confirm that as well. That's something that we're actively thinking about," he said.
Dille added that the company is pleased with how the PlayStation Home space is performing, saying that December saw the highest traffic yet for the service.
"The average time people spend in Home is about 60 minutes. If you think about that, it's a lot of time. I know you can sit down and game for hours and time gets lost. But think about watching a TV for a half hour or how much time you might spend on a website - there's are kind of bite-sized chunks of time. But to spend 60 minutes on Home is a pretty sticky experience."
People are also spending money in Home. Virtual items become profitable from the day they launch "because it doesn't cost a lot to create a virtual t-shirt," said Dille. And those items also become drivers for gaming content, he added.
"People walk around in Home and if they see someone wearing an artifact from Uncharted or God of War, they might ask, 'Where'd you get that?' and they might go back to that specific game space, learn more about it, become a fan of that game and then go buy the Blu-ray disc."
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February 3rd, 2010, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
DICE has said that PlayStation 3 gamers will be able to get in on the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 demo fun from February 4.
Here's the word:
STOCKHOLM, Feb 03, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio (NASDAQ:ERTS), today announced that the PlayStation(R)3 computer entertainment system players in North America will now have access to the Battlefield: Bad Company(TM) 2 demo* on February 4.
Available via the PlayStation(R)Network, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has been recognized by critics worldwide for its incredibly detailed, huge sandbox environments, vehicular warfare, destruction, and squad play. Its dedicated servers that allow for smooth, seamless online play help it stand above the competition.
The Battlefield: Bad Company 2 demo features Port Valdez, a new vehicle focused map where up to 24 players can compete against each other in the game's Rush multiplayer mode. Players have access to five land and three air vehicles including Main Battle Tanks as well as the fast-moving Quad Bikes and Mobile Armored AA.
The fight is also packed with plenty of infantry combat fought alongside the waterline towards a great oil industrial landscape in the Alaskan mountains.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be in stores on March 2, 2010 in North America and March 4, 2010 in Europe for the Xbox 360(R) videogame and entertainment system, PlayStation 3 and the PC.
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February 3rd, 2010, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Pleading from the NiGHTS fan community has persuaded SEGA and Sumo Digital to include the flying jester in their upcoming kart racer, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.
He's not a playable racer, but appears as flagman, starting and ending each race. You can find a picture over at NiGHTSintoDreams.com (via Kotaku, thanks to Pete Brolly for the tip), along with a post from Sumo's S0L explaining that it was the fansite's impassioned requests that persuaded them to include the character.
"I have to admit the main reason he's in was after we saw your heartfelt pleas, especially those of DiGi and TRiPPY, we had to make sure NiGHTS was in and played an important role. After all, we really didn't want them to burn all their collection now. So whilst he's not playable, he very much made it in, and as a result of the huge amount of support for the character that you all showed."
S0L couldn't say whether NiGHTS would also appear as a playable character in future DLC: "That's a question I can't answer right now - it all depends on how well the game does."
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February 3rd, 2010, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
The most common charge leveled at the Xbox 360 by Playstation 3 devotees is that Microsoft dares to charge for its Xbox Live service, unlike the free PSN. Not for long!
Back in November, a presentation slide revealed that Sony had a paid subscription plan in the works for PSN. And now Peter Dille, the head of PSN, had this to say in an interview with IGN:
Will we charge for it or why don't we charge for it? It's been our philosophy not to charge for it from launch up until now, but Kaz recently went on the record as saying that's something we're looking at. I can confirm that as well. That's something that we're actively thinking about. What's the best way to approach that if we were to do that? You know, no announcements at this point in time, but it's something we're thinking about.
Now the question is what exactly will they be charging for. Will they charge for online multiplayer, like Xbox Live? Or will they offer up some new premium goodies to entice people to pay up while leaving the current offerings up for free? In any case, it looks like there's soon to be a little less ammo in the console wars. But don't worry, Sony fanboys: you still have Blu-ray. No one can take that away from you.
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February 3rd, 2010, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
I just want to take anyone from Sony who's related to the development of the PS3 platform in any way, and shake them until the saboteur witch doctors hired from Nintendo and Microsoft lose their hold.
The latest idea from the Sony braintrust? No more big downloadable titles. So you'll still be able to download little arcade games, but future titles the size of Warhawk will no longer be offered on PSN.
Meanwhile, Microsoft has assembled an impressive library of $20 titles on the 360, and they're intelligently slapping games like, say, Mass Effect on there before Mass Effect 2 comes out. This kind of strategery is good for the game studios, sure, but more importantly, it's convenient for the consumer.
Anyway, Sony is having none of that. Why? Because their platform is heavily invested in 50GB-wielding Blu-ray (which requires hefty installs for some games all the same).
You want to know the chief problem with Blu-ray, Sony? It's that you can't download it. You aren't out of the console fight yet. Pick yourself up, dust off your gloves and attack the world with every tentacle that is Sony's larger development monstrosity.
I grew up listening to a Walkman. This shit kills me.
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February 3rd, 2010, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster

Hey there, why so glum? You've overfilled your PS3's internal storage with mission-critical data and don't have anywhere else to stash your incoming Best of Miley Cyrus compilation? Fear not, Sony's got you covered with a pair of officially licensed external HDDs built by Buffalo. They look remarkably similar to standard issue USB portable drives -- so much so in fact that one of them is a rebadged unit that Buffalo already retails in the US -- but let's not nitpick here. The two drives on offer come with a generous 500GB of storage and their prices aren't too bad with the rebadge setting you back around $130 while the more stylish HD-AV500U2 above will cost around $168. You could of course ignore Sony, buy any drive you like and jack it into your PS3; it's just that these aren't too terrible as far as unnecessarily licensed peripherals go. Both drives will be hitting Japan in March to coincide with the Torne DVR adapter release.
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February 3rd, 2010, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster

Tecmo is bringing its girly beach volleyball, gambling and picture taking game to the PSP with Dead or Alive: Paradise. How does the ESRB describe it?
The Entertainment Software Rating Board is responsible for rating titles in the U.S. market and is a source for often unintentionally wonderful descriptions of games. Check out the blurb on Dead or Alive: Paradise:
This is a video game in which users watch grown women dressed in G-string bikinis jiggle their breasts while on a two-week vacation. Women's breasts and butts will sway while playing volleyball, while hopping across cushions, while pole dancing, while posing on the ground, by the pool, on the beach, in front of the camera. There are other activities: Users can gamble inside a casino to win credits for shopping; they can purchase bathing suits, sunglasses, hats, clothing at an island shop; they can "gift" these items to eight other women in hopes of winning their friendship, in hopes of playing more volleyball. And as relationships blossom from the gift-giving and volleyball, users may get closer to the women, having earned their trust and confidence: users will then be prompted to zoom-in on their friends' nearly-naked bodies, snap dozens of photos, and view them in the hotel later that night.
Parents and consumers should know that the game contains a fair amount of "cheesy," and at times, creepy voyeurism-especially when users have complete rotate-pan-zoom control; but the game also contains bizarre, misguided notions of what women really want (if given two weeks, paid vacation, island resort)-Paradise cannot mean straddling felled tree trunks in dental-floss thongs.
Paradise cannot mean straddling felled tree trunks in dental-floss thongs. Oh?
The ESRB has given Dead or Alive: Paradise a Mature rating.
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February 3rd, 2010, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Supply power to your PSP GO, PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP-1000, NDSi-XL, NDSi, NDSL, NDS, iPod, Nano, Shuffle, iPhone 2G/3G/3GS ,Nokia mobile phone and other AV electronic appliances in your car with this car-lighter adapter which provides power supply to the rechargeable lithium battery pack.
It comes with a red light indicator that will light up when the console/device is charging.
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February 3rd, 2010, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sega continuing their quest of putting everything in Phantasy Star Portable 2 they possibly can added items from Resonance of Fate.
Does that character look familiar? Some Phantasy Star Portable 2 character is cosplaying as Leanne aka Reanbell in the Japanese version, End of Eternity. You can download a clothes pack with Leanne’s default outfit and B-84 gun. Like other Phantasy Star Portable 2 crossover content, these items are free. Just log on with a Japanese PlayStation Network account to get them.
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February 4th, 2010, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Up to four characters can take part in battles simultaneously and party members can be switched mid-battle
New Blindside battle system fuses evasion and offense, enabling players to confuse and ambush enemies by quickly moving out of their line of sight when targeted
Pilot the Calnus spaceship for the first time in the series and journey to various planets of the STAR OCEAN universe
Features breathtaking CG movies by Visual Works, the cutting-edge studio whose previous work includes cut scenes for the acclaimed FINAL FANTASY® series
In addition to English and Japanese voice options, the PlayStation 3 system version will include English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese language options for STAR OCEAN fans around the world
The year is A.D. 2087. In the aftermath of World War III, Earth has been ravaged and the population decimated by a deteriorating environment. The countries that survived have joined together to form the Greater Unified Nations and turned their eyes skyward…to space. Edge Maverick and his childhood friend Reimi Saionji are chosen as pioneer members of the Space Reconnaissance Force, which was created to seek out new worlds beyond the stars. Their ship, the Calnus, takes its place on the lunar launch pad along with four other starships of the first reconnaissance fleet. These ships – humanity’s last hope – blast off one-by-one and sail into the awaiting wormhole that leads to the vast star ocean. And so, Edge and his crew begin their voyage in search of a new haven for humanity...and a second chance.
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February 4th, 2010, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
Electronics giant Sony has posted operating profits of $1.6 billion for its third fiscal quarter – its first profit in five quarters.
The results are a big improvement on the $197 million loss seen in the same period the year before.
Increased sales for Sony’s Blu-ray operation paved the way for a 22 per cent increase in profits at the B2B & Disc Manufacturing Division, totalling $110 million.
There were also strong results at the Networked Products and Services Division (which houses Sony’s PlayStation operations), with the period brining an operating profit of $213 million – up $277 million year-on-year.
Sony has now halved its forecasted full-year loss from $415 million to $207 million.
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February 4th, 2010, 19:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony spokesperson Patrick Seybold has played down yet more suggestions the new PS3 wand is called Arc.
This time the suggestions have come from THQ boss Brian Farrell. According to VG247, he referred to the wand as Arc in a recent conference call.
However, Sony spokesperson Patrick Seybold has since told everyone to calm down. "We haven't announced the name of our Motion Controller," he wrote on his Twitter page. "He referred to it as a rumored codename."
US journalist N'Gai Croal responded by asking, "When will the Vice President of Peripheral Nomenclature announce the real name?"
Seybold replied, "You'll be among the first to know when we do."
Reports that the wand's name is Arc began to emerge last month. Other rumoured names have included Sphere, Gem and Kaz Hirai's Magic Wonder Stick of Electronical Joy maybe not the last one.
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February 4th, 2010, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony believes that the best is yet to come from PS3 - and that it will only really 'push the boundaries' of what is possible from the machine in years to come.
The format holder has repeatedly said it has a ten-year plan mapped out for the platform.
SCE Worldwide Studios Europe VP Michael Denny said today that he believes PS3's hardware will eventually be pushed by a game in the same way that God Of War II pushed PS2 to the max.
"It is our challenge to continue to improve our games by pushing the boundaries of what is possible," he told MCV Magazine.
"The longer the lifecycle, the more opportunities we have to do that. On PS2, eight years into its lifecycle, we launched God Of War II, arguably the best-looking game on the platform.
"That progress is only possible with time. That's what makes PS3 so exciting. We are only three years into its lifecycle." What do you reckon they've got in store for us, readers? We'd like to fly at some point. Or at least hover.
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February 4th, 2010, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's financial results this morning have yielded some good news for the consumer electronics giant: it shifted 6.5 million PlayStation 3s between October and December 2009, says VG247.
That's a rise of 2 million consoles and over 44 per cent from the 4.5 million Sony sold in the same period in 2008. A price cut amd the new PS3 Slim model did their bit, and the launch of Modern Warfare 2 probably helped, too.
Things weren't so rosy for PS3's stable-mates, though. The ageing PS2, which celebrates its tenth birthday this year, slowed from 2.5m to 2.1m sales.
Of more concern to Sony will be the fate of the PSP handheld, which despite the launch of the PSPgo dropped almost 18 per cent of its fourth-quarter sales, falling from 5.1 million units in 2008 to 4.2 million in 2009.
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February 4th, 2010, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's financial results this morning have yielded some good news for the consumer electronics giant: it shifted 6.5 million PlayStation 3s between October and December 2009, says VG247.
That's a rise of 2 million consoles and over 44 per cent from the 4.5 million Sony sold in the same period in 2008. A price cut amd the new PS3 Slim model did their bit, and the launch of Modern Warfare 2 probably helped, too.
Things weren't so rosy for PS3's stable-mates, though. The ageing PS2, which celebrates its tenth birthday this year, slowed from 2.5m to 2.1m sales.
Of more concern to Sony will be the fate of the PSP handheld, which despite the launch of the PSPgo dropped almost 18 per cent of its fourth-quarter sales, falling from 5.1 million units in 2008 to 4.2 million in 2009.
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February 4th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
THQ boss Brian Farrell has promised to show the new Red Faction: Guerrilla game at E3 2010 this summer.
The as yet unnamed follow-up will be released in the publisher's next financial year (April 2010 - March 2011). Farrell said all this in a recent investor call, his favourite place for new announcements, the rogue.
There's no official word what to expect, although a more fully-rounded experience built on the same technology RF Guerrilla technology seems like a good guess. Strong sequels appear to be a feature of this generation, what with Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed II and Mass Effect 2 doing so well.
Read our Red Faction: Guerrilla review for the full story.
Farrell also said Homefront will be released on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 before April 2011.
That's the shooter set 20 years in the future when North Korea has invaded and occupied the US. Kaos, developer of Frontlines: Fuel of War, is at the helm, and there's even talk of sequel already. Must be confident.
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February 4th, 2010, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
America's ESRB organisation has apologised for classifying Dead or Alive: Paradise as a PSP game filled with "creepy voyeurism" and "bizarre, misguided notions of what women really want"; "Paradise cannot mean straddling felled tree trunks in dental-floss thongs," the Mature rating summary read.
The post has now been neutered. It was posted "in error" and the ESRB has said that the listing "improperly" contained "subjective language".
"Our intention with rating summaries is to provide useful, detailed descriptions of game content that are as objective and informative as possible. However they are ultimately written by people and, in this case, we mistakenly posted a rating summary that included what some could rightfully take to be subjective statements," ESRB spokesperson Eliot Mizrachi said in a statement.
"We sincerely regret the error and will work to prevent this from happening again in the future."
The ESRB, unlike the BBFC, provides voluntary ratings for games - no one need take any notice of them.
Dead or Alive: Paradise follows female characters from the fighting series on holiday on a hot, tropical island. They play various mini-games and wear tiny bikinis. Boobs bounce and camera angles are risque. The official marketing slogan is, "Paradise in the palm of your hand."
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February 4th, 2010, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Online multiplayer demos for Aliens vs. Predator and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 await you on the PlayStation Store today. They're both free, so there's no reason not to give these two newcomers a spin.
There's also a free sampler for brilliantly inventive PSP game Half-Minute Hero. Do try it, our review will explain why.
Today's other big arrival is Final Fantasy VIII, which is meant for PSP but can also be played on PS3. And this costs eight pounds, conveniently.
The rest you'll find below.
PS3 Demos
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer (free)
Aliens vs. Predator multiplayer (free)
PS3 Game Content
Topatoi: Episode 2 (£4.79/€5.99)
Dragon Ball: Revived Warriors Pack (free)
EyePet: Lucky Dip Pack 11 (free)
InFamous: - Gigawatt Blades Pack (free)
Guitar Hero 5: 30 Seconds to Mars track pack ("Attack", "From Yesterday", "Kings and Queens") - £4.39/€5.49 (£1.59/€1.99 each)
Rock Band: Going Country Pack 03 ("Gone (Montgomery Gentry)", "Me and My Gang", "On the Road Again", "She Things My Tractor's Sexy", "Suds in the Bucket", "Swing") - £4.99/€7.99
Age of Booty: Map pack 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (free)
Dante's Inferno: Free Soul Pack (free)
Dante's Inferno: Small Soul Pack (£0.79/€0.99)
Dante's Inferno: Medium Soul Pack (£1.59/€1.99)
Dante's Inferno: Large Soul Pack (£3.19/€3.99)
PSP Demo
Half-Minute Hero (UK only)
PSP Games
Final Fantasy VIII (£7.99/€9.99)
Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks (£23.99/€29.99)
Astro Boy: The Video Game (£23.99/€29.99)
PSP Minis
Spaceball: Revolution (3.99/€4.99)
LittleBigPlanet: Savannah Costumes, The Gardens Costume Pack (free)
LittleBigPlanet: Savannah Theme Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
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February 4th, 2010, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Online multiplayer demos for Aliens vs. Predator and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 await you on the PlayStation Store today. They're both free, so there's no reason not to give these two newcomers a spin.
There's also a free sampler for brilliantly inventive PSP game Half-Minute Hero. Do try it, our review will explain why.
Today's other big arrival is Final Fantasy VIII, which is meant for PSP but can also be played on PS3. And this costs eight pounds, conveniently.
The rest you'll find below.
PS3 Demos
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer (free)
Aliens vs. Predator multiplayer (free)
PS3 Game Content
Topatoi: Episode 2 (£4.79/€5.99)
Dragon Ball: Revived Warriors Pack (free)
EyePet: Lucky Dip Pack 11 (free)
InFamous: - Gigawatt Blades Pack (free)
Guitar Hero 5: 30 Seconds to Mars track pack ("Attack", "From Yesterday", "Kings and Queens") - £4.39/€5.49 (£1.59/€1.99 each)
Rock Band: Going Country Pack 03 ("Gone (Montgomery Gentry)", "Me and My Gang", "On the Road Again", "She Things My Tractor's Sexy", "Suds in the Bucket", "Swing") - £4.99/€7.99
Age of Booty: Map pack 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (free)
Dante's Inferno: Free Soul Pack (free)
Dante's Inferno: Small Soul Pack (£0.79/€0.99)
Dante's Inferno: Medium Soul Pack (£1.59/€1.99)
Dante's Inferno: Large Soul Pack (£3.19/€3.99)
PSP Demo
Half-Minute Hero (UK only)
PSP Games
Final Fantasy VIII (£7.99/€9.99)
Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks (£23.99/€29.99)
Astro Boy: The Video Game (£23.99/€29.99)
PSP Minis
Spaceball: Revolution (3.99/€4.99)
LittleBigPlanet: Savannah Costumes, The Gardens Costume Pack (free)
LittleBigPlanet: Savannah Theme Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
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February 4th, 2010, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia:

Set 50 years after the climactic events of the original Red Faction
Red Faction®: Guerrilla™ allows players to take the role of an insurgent fighter with the newly re-established Red Faction movement as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force.
Red Faction: Guerrilla re-defines the limits of destruction-based game-play with a huge open-world, fast-paced guerrilla-style combat, and true physics-based destruction.
Replacing Bourne Conspiracy as the weekly special is Red Faction Guerrilla is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 19.90 only.
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February 4th, 2010, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

God Eater takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where monsters, Aragami, destroyed everything. You are the user of the God Eater, the only weapon with enough destructive powers to take on these massive creatures.
High speed hunting ensues as soon as you spot one of these beasts. Call your friends to aid you during your quests by turning on the adhoc networking mode or take them on one on one.
You can change the shape of your weapon depending on your distance and the type of Aragami you are fighting. By absorbing the cells of the monsters, you can unleash the full power of the God Eater for a limited time. Look for the chance in battle to turn the tables around.
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February 4th, 2010, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
NES emulator for Sony PSP has been updated. Changes:
Changes from 0.61 (based on nesterJ 1.12 by Takka, based on nesterJ 1.11 by Ruka)
From suloku:
- Added rewind mode coded by Davex
- Added mirror and rotated screen modes by Davex
- Added sepia color palette by Davex
From byemu:
- Added support for a LOT of boards and mappers, including mapper 163 (NJ063 Final Fantasy VII Advent Children among others)
- PAL-NTSC selector
- Added Chinese interface language
- Added FAT ROM read mode, which enables Chinese filenames while browsing
- Added a new cheat function to make changing games easier.
- ROM support up to 4M
- Increased exception handling, prevention of reading the game crash
- Roms can be deleted. Press [] (square) in the rom list interface.
- Added and increased a custom rom database (byemudb.dat)
From 1.12 by Takka:
- Ported to 3.xx firmware (full user mode);
- Fixed sleep mode issues;
- Fixed saving issues (sram and states).
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February 4th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
From the forum LAN.st comes an interesting news for the PSP hacking scene. And this time, there appears to be the usual fake. The coder pspjoke, with the help of noob81, worked on saving some PlayStation Store titles, with the hope of finding at least one crash that turned out to exploit. It seems that the work has paid off and that there is an exploit for firmware 6.20, compatible with all models of PSP is currently available. The news is tagged as a rumor, because they are not available or demonstration video files nor even to keep the game in question will be promptly removed from the PlayStation Store and patches. On the forum, though, came LAN.st confirmations on the possible use of this new crash.
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February 4th, 2010, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from suloku
Basically added support for game categories Browser mode and repeated categories (they are merged and you sort homebrew as if they where in the same folder).
The merging is because game categories plugin merges the categories the same way, so this is more convenient for sorting.
All the actual categories are displayed when sorting the categories. If you have repeated categories it would be wise to keep them toguether, I'm not sure which sorting method uses game categories for this case.
Beta 4 changelog:
- Categories with the same name are now merged (just like game categories plugin does).
- Repeated categories are all but the first one found shown by path instead of name when sorting.
- Displays an icon0.png file that can be put inside a category directory (like irShell )
- Full support for game categories plugin Browser mode.
- Minor graphic updates.
About Browser mode support:
Browser Mode sorts hombrew from oldest to newest and uses eboot.pbp's date and time. The support for this mode consists on changing that dates so the top list hb will have the oldest date and the bottom list hb the newest. This is an option (disabled by default) because I don't like messing with the eboot.pbp's propierties (the other two modes game categories plugin offers sort from newest to oldest by the folders date propierties).
While enabled, the sorting will be made for both folders and eboot's propierties, so you will have the same sort order in any mode. Keep in mind that Browser mode sorts categories alphabetically, so even if you sort the categories from hbsorter that won't change.
Also, if you already sorted your homebrew and found it didn't work for Browser mode, just enter hbsorter, enable Browser mode and enter each category and save the list.
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February 5th, 2010, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher pledges to make release of FFXIII to be a "true event"
Millions of pounds will be spent on the marketing campaign for Final Fantasy XIII, MCV understands.
The publisher plans to make the game’s launch “a true event” with a heavyweight TV campaign that will kick off on March 1st and run through Easter and into April, including spots during football matches.
“We aim to make Final Fantasy XIII not only the biggest game release, but one of the biggest entertainment releases of Q1,” said UK product manager Grant Tasker.
Square Enix has also arranged its biggest ever investment in video-on-demand media, and expects its national bus-side advertising to reach an estimated 75 per cent of the UK’s population.
Final Fantasy XIII will hit 360 and PS3 on March 9th.
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February 5th, 2010, 18:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A second instalment in the EyePet series is on the way, according to Gamekyo.
Our new best friend Cyrille from Eurogamer France has done the translation for us. "After enchanting babies (a lot) and adults (a little less), EyePet will return on PlayStation 3 - probably this year," the article says.
"George Fornay (vice president of Sony Europe) made the announcement in a recent interview, saying we can expect the launch of a second episode, which is still a work in progress, soon." Sony has yet to comment. Zut alors.
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February 5th, 2010, 19:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Sega has confirmed that the Collector’s Edition of upcoming Japanese gangster title Yakuza 3 will be the only SKU released in PAL regions.
Kotaku reports that, despite the extras, the game will carry a standard RRP.
Included in the package will be a copy of the PS3 game on Blu-ray, a CD soundtrack, interactive beginner’s guide to the series’ history and four pieces of DLC.
The game will be released in the UK on March 12th.
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February 5th, 2010, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
The Eidos bit of Square Enix has announced on Twitter that there is a "Just Cause 2 demo on its way".
Square Enix London Studios community manager Mike Oldman subsequent tweeted: "I'll have more news on the demo soon enough, for now though just relax safe in the knowledge that there's one on the way - and it's awesome."
Just Cause 2 from Avalanche Studios is due out for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on 26th March, and puts players in control of grappling hook lover Rico Rodriguez as he takes on the corrupt locals of fictional tropical island Panau.
You can attach one end of a grappling hook to a passing plane and snap the other to a sentry to get him out of the way.
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February 5th, 2010, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Rebellion has apologised for problems affecting matchmaking on the PC and PS3 versions of the Aliens vs. Predator demo released yesterday.
While the Xbox 360 version was not affected, PC owners had issues joining games until a Steam patch was issued later in the day, and PS3 problems may be ongoing - Rebellion has said it's investigating reports.
"The full game features the ability to browse for and create games but for the purposes of simplicity the demo was limited to matchmaking, alongside the ability to set up groups with friends which mitigated yesterday's issues for many.
"We're really sorry that this issue tainted a day in which we saw many people get hands-on with AVP for the first time and we're hugely gratified by the positive feedback to the game."
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February 5th, 2010, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced plans to release a PSP version of ModNation Racers.
Like the PS3 version developed by United Front Games, the PSP ModNation Racers is a kart racing game where you can make your own avatar and racetracks.
It promises "all of the features of the PS3 version", including the ability to create, upload and share courses.
It also promises single-player and multiplayer modes just like its big brother, and will be released at the same, as-yet unannounced time.
Multiplayer will be six-player over ad-hoc, apparently.
The PS3 version of ModNation Racers recently went through an open beta on PlayStation Network and is scheduled for release this year.
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February 5th, 2010, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
A tiny but significant factoid in Sony's earnings report from the WSJ: "Sony loses about six cents for every dollar of PS3 hardware sales."
Educated guesser of component prices iSuppli had deduced that Sony was finally eking out a little bit of profit on every PS3 Slim they sold, thanks to lower costs, but apparently, not the case! They're hoping to cut production costs by 15 percent by March 2011. Hey, at least PS3 sales were up 44 percent. On the other hand, no one's buying the PSP Go. Sony cut their sales estimates by third for the year.
Sony did actually make money this quarter—the first time in a year—but it was by essentially ravaging the company to cut over $3 billion in costs: A fifth of its plants are gone, along with 20,000 jobs.
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February 5th, 2010, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
VG247 has posted an interview with Forza Motorsport 3 director, Dan Greenwalt. Perhaps the most interesting bit is Greenwalt's explanation of why developer Turn 10 was so intent on making the game run at 60 frames per second. According to Greenwalt, racers that run at 30fps have "visual shuttering artifacts," which developers are forced to cover up with motion blur. This, he said, takes up GPU resources for other features. Beyond that, he noted that the 60fps benchmark was essential to the "feel" of the game and the responsive nature of the controls. "I'm sure you would get a similar response from Infinity Ward regarding Call of Duty," said Greenwalt.
When asked what he thought about Gran Turismo 5, and whether he was looking forward to it, Greenwalt said that "all good game developers look at what their competitors are doing." He stated that he has been "a long-time fan" of the series, though he added, "At this point, after so many missed releases, it's nearly impossible to say what GT5 will be or when it will ship." That said, Greenwalt believes that Gran Turismo 5 will be "a good racing game." Not exactly "No game competes with us," is it?
The interview also covers some interesting statistics, like the fact that players have driven over 1.1 billion miles in online Forza 3 races. Check out the full interview for more stats and insights on the game's development.
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February 5th, 2010, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

During battle players can transform into the giant White Knight, gaining the ability to challenge large enemies as well as troops of soldiers throughout the adventure
Using a wide array of sliders and customization options, players will be able to create a unique character in White Knight Chronicles and this avatar will join the adventure in single player mode as well as online
Engage in an easily accessible, active turn-based battle system that caters to players of all levels. Execute straightforward attacks or utilize the fully customizable combo system to allow players to combine attacks for maximum damage
Experience the first true RPG action game on PS3 that incorporates a variety of online gameplay elements
Players will traverse through 13 stages as well as visit up to six towns/villages to visit and purchase items at shops or interact with NPCs. Stages include lush fields, open desert, vast wastelands, tunnels, and ruins
Players are provided with a camera called the Crystal Camera and take pictures throughout the journey. Pictures can be set on the top of their GeoNet page
White Knight Chronicles is an epic fantasy tale about two kingdoms in midst of a longstanding war. The King of Balandor, wishing to put an end to the war, invites the duke of Faria to his castle to celebrate his daughter's coming of age. But this celebration is sabotaged by the Magi, a rogue sect seeking to steal the White Knight, an ancient weapon of war sealed beneath Balandor castle, in order to take over the world. During the ensuing chaos, a young man named Leonard accidentally unlocks the power of the White Knight as he attempts to save the princess. With this power, Leonard manages to fend off the Magi attack, but not before they escape with the princess.
With the kingdoms in chaos, Leonard is entrusted with the mission to find the Magi and rescue the princess. With the help of his trusted companions, they travel throughout Balandor and beyond on a quest to save the princess before the Magi unlock the other knights. The journey is fraught with danger, with Magi warriors at every turn, mythical beasts and monsters to battle, and forbidden powers revealed. As Leonard learns more about the power of the Knight, he realizes that unsealing all of them could trigger a calamity that could end the world.
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February 6th, 2010, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://xorloser.com/?p=162
As I’m sure everybody heard, the memory access exploit for the PS3 hypervisor was released recently by geohotz. I was finally able to replicate his hack so I thought I’d take the time to help out others who may also have trouble due to being linux n00bs like me If I were to post everything at once it would be too much work and I’d never get around to it, so I’ll post bits at a time to ensure I actually do post it heh. Today’s post will talk about the software side of the exploit.
Please note that the geohotz exploit software was hardcoded for the v2.42 firmware, I have made a small fix that attempts to dynamically support all firmware versions. I have only tested and used it on v3.15 however.
Fixed PS3 Exploit Files - download via comments
The first step is to install Linux on your PS3 which means of course that this will not work on a slim PS3. I tried a few different Linux distros and after various different issues I settled on using Ubuntu v8.10 since this is the same version that geohotz used. I suggest using the “alternate” version since it includes a gui which the “server” version does not. You can download the 636MB image below, I suggest using the legal torrent below to save the bandwith of the Ubuntu servers.
Ubuntu for PS3 v8.10 alternate – Direct Download
After downloading, burn the image to a CD-R and install as you would any OtherOS install. There are many generic and also Ubuntu specific guides for doing this, so I won’t cover that here.
Once you have Linux up and running you should log in using the username you created during install. Now open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal). You can enable the root account by creating a password for it by typing “sudo passwd”. You then enter your current users password once and then the new root password twice. The root account will now be usable.
Now type “su” and then enter the new root password to get root access. Create a dir to put everything in. You could probably create this in your home directory, but I created it in the root of the filesystem so that I can share it between root and my user account as well as setting up access to it via samba from my PC. To create the dir do “mkdir /ps3share”, you can call it anything you want, I call it ps3share because I share it with my PC over samba. Now allow all users to read and write to it by doing “chmod a+rw /ps3share”. Finally give ownership of it to your normal user account by doing “chown username:username /ps3share” where username is your username.
Next you need to get the “fixed” exploit software onto your PS3. Using a USB flashdrive is easiest. Copy the extracted files onto it from your PC, then insert it into your PS3. It should automount and bring up an icon on your desktop. Double click the icon to open the file browser. Right click on the USB drive in the filebrowser and choose to “Open in New Window”. Then on the left side of the file browser select “File System” and then “ps3share”. Now drag the files from the USB drive into your “ps3share” directory.
I have included a binary of the exploit file for those of you who don’t want to build it yourself, but for those who do here is how. First you need to fix the location of the kernel headers so they can be found by the build scripts, so do “mv /usr/src/linux-ports-headers-2.6.25-2/ /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.25-2/”. Now change to the directory with the exploit source in it “cd /ps3share/ps3_exploit_fixed/src” and then build it by typing “make”. There will be a lot of warnings but it should create the file “exploit.ko”.
You are now set to run the software side of the exploit. DO NOT run it from this terminal while in the GUI, it should only be run from console mode. If you do run it you will not see anything happening, but your PS3 will suddenly become really slow and you will have to turn it off. More about the running of it in a future post.
A summary of the commands to enter at the terminal is below:
sudo password
(then enter users password once, then the new password for root twice)
(then enter root password)
mkdir /ps3share
chmod a+rw /ps3share
chown username:username /ps3share
(where username is replaced by your username)
Now copy the exploit files into /ps3share
.mv /usr/src/linux-ports-headers-2.6.25-2/ /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.25-2/
cd /ps3share/ps3_exploit_fixed/src
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February 6th, 2010, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
Raing3 developer releases a new update for PSP CheatUp, homebrew that enables us to keep your database applications (Cwcheat, FreeCheat, nitePR, DayPR ...) that allow you to use cheats and codes on our games for PSP. This new release, which brings the application to version 0.50, introduces some new features related to the updating of the database.
Changelog v0.50:
- Agguiunto support for downloading third-party cheat and alternate database
- New prefixes research NitePR
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February 6th, 2010, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Though Sony's overall bottom line is back in black, what held it back from an even bigger celebration cake was its core electronics brand, and no stranger to that sector is the PlayStation group. Both Joystiq and The Wall Street Journal took a more careful look at the numbers, and there's a few points worth noting. PS2 sales took a year-over-year dip, down from 2.5 million to 2.1 million. PSP took a larger hit, down to 4.2 million from 5.1 million. The PS3, however, is a mix of good and bad news. The good news: 6.5 million in unit sales, up from the 4.5 million prior. That said, it turns out Sony has yet to pull its home console away from "loss leader" status -- WSJ reports the company is still losing "about six cents for every dollar of PS3 hardware sales," i.e. if Sony were to sell the consoles to retailers for $300, it'd technically be taking a hit of $18 each time. That's nowhere near the estimates when the PS3 first launch, and additionally Sony's CFO Nobuyuki Oneda is promising a 15 percent reduction cost by March 2011, which should go a long way. Lets' not forget the company still makes money on Blu-rays and software sales, but in the meantime, hang tight little buddy, you're this close to being profitable all by your lonesome.
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February 6th, 2010, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Blog is brimming with PSP announcements today. First, they confirmed ModNation Racers for PSP, which we mentioned back in July.
We also have news about Echoshift, a time bending Cursor 10 meets Echochrome puzzle game where you create an exit path by replaying the same level with a cast. Japan got it in November 2009 and Jigen Kairou (the game’s name in Japanese) had nine worlds, 63 stages, and free downloadable content.
The North American version only has 56 stages. A SCEA staffer says there will be more levels available as DLC so the extra stages could come at a later date, but why cut them out in the first place then?
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February 7th, 2010, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
For over a month since the last release, developer cooleyes Releases Update to PMPlayer Advance, PSP video player, now in version 3.0.8, with some advanced features and also allows the viewing of movies in PMP format. This new update brings compatibility with FLV file format and fixes a bug related to the decoding of the AVC file.
Changelog v3.0.8:
- Support for FLV
- Fixed a bug in the decoding of the AVC file
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February 7th, 2010, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
Hideo Kojima has claimed that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will allow players to "rediscover the fun" of earlier MGS games - but reassured fans that the title doesn't dumb down the series.
Speaking in the latest issue of the UK's Official PlayStation Magazine, Kojima said creating the PSP title was a challenge to his team - who have spent more time working on PS2 and PS3.
When asked about the simple presentation of Rockstar's PSP release GTA: Chinatown Wars, Kojima replied:
"I am not aiming at old-style gameplay [for Peace Walker]. What I want to do is rediscover the basic fun of what MGS has to offer, and push the limit in a 3D form."
He added that his team were aiming to both push the PSP hardware and create a 'fresh, enjoyable experience' with Konami's Peace Walker.
On the difficulties of developing for PSP after his acclaimed PS3 work, Kojima commented:
"Most of the staff work on more sophisticated hardware, such as PS3 and you can't really do the same things [on PSP]. As a games designer it is really challenging, because you have to come up with ideas to overcome issues. There are many of these."
He added: "But there are good things on PSP, too. On the PS3, there was a massive workload, and I didn't have time to come up with new tricks.
"This time [we] could really concentrate on it. It may be good for the staff, too - stepping down on the technology and wringing out ideas to make the impossible, possible."
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is due for release later this year, following a delay which Hideo Kojima himself called "a crime".
He's right, you know: We can't wait.
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February 7th, 2010, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://xorloser.com/?p=175
This post will deal with the hardware required to trigger the PS3 hypervisor memory access exploit. The purpose of the hardware is to stop the PS3 from saving a change to a value that we don’t want changed. The PS3 saves this changed value by writing the value to RAM. Therefore in order to stop it from saving the changed value we need to stop this write from occurring.
The PS3 sends the write command to the RAM over some control lines, so we interfere with these control lines when the write command is sent. The result we want is having the PS3 think it has successfully written the value to RAM, but the RAM didn’t receive the write command due to our interference and so it did not perform the write operation.
The easiest (and moderately safe) way to interfere with these control lines is to ground them. This is done easily enough by connecting a wire between one of the control lines and ground. The tricky part is timing it just right so that it only interferes with the write we want to stop, and not anything that occurs before or after this write. This might be achievable with costly equipment and a lot of work, however geohotz used the simple method of “luck”. This involves repeatedly preparing the situation to best favour the chance of overwriting the correct write command and then continually grounding a control line until either something crashes that shouldn’t or the mark is hit stopping the write operation from occurring. At this point the exploit has been successfully triggered!
Now that you know how it works it is time to implement it. A connection is required to the control line that will be grounded as well as a connection to ground. These two wires then need to be connected to each other momentarily. If you were to try and do this manually as fast as you could you might connect them for a millisecond or so, however RAM control lines are very fast so 1ms is going to interfere with way too many commands. Instead these lines need to be connected to some hardware that is able to bridge the connection between then for very small periods of time at once. Geohotz suggests a connection period of 40 nanoseconds.
There are many ways that some hardware can be made to perform this short connection. Geohotz used an FPGA he had on hand in order to do it. Others have suggested using a 555 timer, however I have not heard of anyone having any success with this method. I used a small sx28 microcontroller I had on hand due to using it for a project some years ago. It runs at 50MHz with an instruction cycle of 20 nanoseconds, which means it should be fast enough to provide the 40 nanosecond connection required.
The first step is to take apart your PS3 in order to expose the top side of the motherboard. Once you do so look for one of the following areas on it depending on what version PS3 you have.
This first picture is from an old 60GB PS3 which came with the 4 USB ports and the card readers. You can see I have soldered a wire to the side of a resistor. This is the connection to the PS3 RAM control line that you need to solder on. I suggest you route this wire down and then to the left of the two pronged power plug you can see. My wire continues downward in this picture, but I found that doing so caused interference in the wire that would unintentinally trigger RAM corruptions. To avoid this you should route it to the left underneath the power plug so that it then comes out of the left side of the PS3 case. You can use a long wire during installation, but try to keep it short when you finalise its routing and final positioning. You can see I used a hot glue gun to ensure any stress placed on the wire will not pull at the solder joint.
This second picture is from an 80GB PS3 with 2 USB ports and no card readers. This was the model that was out just before the “fat” PS3s were replaced by the “slim” PS3s, so it is a newer motherboard revision where there are two RAM chips on both sides of the motherboard instead of all four on one side. In this picture I have circled the trace you should solder to for your RAM control line connection. In order to solder to this I used a craft knife to carefully scratch the paint off the top of the trace to expose the copper underneath which I then soldered a wire to. Once connected you should route this wire straight down towards the front of the case to best avoid interference in the wire from other parts of the PS3. Once again try to keep the final wire nice and short.
Next you need to get a ground connection. This is done the same way for both motherboard versions and is very easy. You can just wrap a wire around any of the metal screws that screw into the metal shielding that covers the top of the motherboard. You don’t even need to solder it, just wrap it under the screw head and screw it into place This wire should be routed out of the console next to to your other control line wire.
The above two wire connections are common to any implementation of a hardware trigger. The following is specific to how I did my hardware trigger but you may implement your trigger however you want. Note that I initially tried wiring 5 Volts of power out next to these lines but doing so continually resulted in unwanted interference in the control line causing the PS3 to crash while booting.
For my hardware trigger I used an SX28 microcontroller which I bought years ago as part of this programming kit. To use the SX28 you need the SX28 chip, a way of programming the chip (usually an SX-Key or SX-Blitz) and an oscillator to drive the SX28 chip at 50MHz. All of these are included in the above programming kit. Maybe if enough people buy from them and mention xorloser they’ll send me a USB version of the SX-Key instead of my old serial based one :/
Below is a crappy schematic of my circuit which I drew in windows paint. Please note that I am using the programming kit I mentioned above which utilises the SX-Key programmer in place of an oscillator while the SC-Key is attached. I do not have an external oscillator so I’ll leave the hooking up of that to you. Just take note that you do need either an oscillator or SX-Key attached in order to make the chip run.
This SX28 sourcecode is the last piece of the puzzle. Program this to your SX28 chip using the free SX-Key Editor software from the Parallax. Once this is all hooked up to your PS3 you should be able to send a “pulse” (grounding of the control line) to the PS3 by pressing the switch. You should use a temporary-on push button switch to do so since it will keep sending pulses every 100ms if the switch stays connected. The LED on the right side of the schematic is just there to give the operator some feedback. It will light up when a pulse is sent to let you know that the circuit is working as it should. I should mention that if you look at my SX28 sourcecode you will see that it appears as if I am sending a 360 nanosecond long pulse. I do not know how long the pulse is that actually gets sent as I do not have any hardware that I can measure the pulse with (yet). Possibly there are hardware induced delays that occur when changing the direction of the port which means that although I am waiting 360 ns, it still only sends a pulse that is about 4o ns. To arrive at the 360 ns value I tried many values making the pulse as short as I could until it didn’t trigger anymore, then I increased it just a little bit to get the shortest pulse that still works.
Phew, this is finally the end of this post. My next post will tie it all together along with some software I have written to dump your own hypervisor and more. Cya.
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February 8th, 2010, 12:52 Posted By: wraggster
Fresh details of Rockstar’s mysterious upcoming title delivered by US mag Game Informer
As has been suspected for some time, Rockstar has confirmed that the long-in-development La Noire is no longer a PS3 exclusive and will in fact be released on Microsoft’s Xbox 360 as well.
After a prolonged period of silence on the game, developer Team Bondi has at last shed some light on the title via US consumer mag Game Informer.
Amongst the details, as posted by AGB, is the fact that the game promises a ‘revolutionary’ facial motion capture technology that supposedly delivers hugely realistic performances from the in-game characters.
There will be a dialogue choice system similar to that found in Mass Effect that will be particularly useful in scenes where players must interrogate suspects.
Crime scenes are depicted in a very lifelike style meaning players will have to be eagle-eyed to spot clues. Any details about objects that are examined will be automatically recorded in a notebook, the contents of which can then be used to challenge testimonies.
There’s no firm release date for the game as of yet, though a 2010 release looks increasingly likely.
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February 8th, 2010, 12:55 Posted By: wraggster
Polyphony Digital has sold over 55 million Gran Turismo games, with sales for the latest Gran Turismo PSP now standing at 1.8 million.
The PSP game was released last October, coinciding with the launch of the PSPgo.
Gran Turismo Prologue sales are also nearing 5 million, according to figures released by the developer.
Polyphony's next instalment to the series, Gran Turismo 5, was recently delayed for another month, pushing back its expected March release date. A date hasn't been confirmed for Europe yet.
Here are the full sales figures:
Gran Turismo – 10,850,000
Gran Turismo 2 – 9,370,000
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec – 14,890,000
Gran Turismo Concept Series – 1,560,000
Gran Turismo 4 “Prologue” – 1,350,000
Gran Turismo 4 – 10,980,000
Gran Turismo 5 “Prologue” – 4,650,000
Gran Turismo PSP – 1,800,000
Total – 55,450,000
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February 8th, 2010, 12:55 Posted By: wraggster
Polyphony Digital has sold over 55 million Gran Turismo games, with sales for the latest Gran Turismo PSP now standing at 1.8 million.
The PSP game was released last October, coinciding with the launch of the PSPgo.
Gran Turismo Prologue sales are also nearing 5 million, according to figures released by the developer.
Polyphony's next instalment to the series, Gran Turismo 5, was recently delayed for another month, pushing back its expected March release date. A date hasn't been confirmed for Europe yet.
Here are the full sales figures:
Gran Turismo – 10,850,000
Gran Turismo 2 – 9,370,000
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec – 14,890,000
Gran Turismo Concept Series – 1,560,000
Gran Turismo 4 “Prologue” – 1,350,000
Gran Turismo 4 – 10,980,000
Gran Turismo 5 “Prologue” – 4,650,000
Gran Turismo PSP – 1,800,000
Total – 55,450,000
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February 8th, 2010, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Jamie MacDonald, the former VP of Sony Worldwide Studios who was responsible for bringing motion control to the home consoles as early as 2003 with EyeToy: Play on PS2, has warned that delivering affordable motion technology and compelling games will present a challenge for both his former employer and for Microsoft.
"I'm very much looking forward to the motion controllers from both Microsoft and Sony, as you might expect given my background with EyeToy: Play," said MacDonald, speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz. "The Natal games that I've seen look very interesting and I'm sure that Sony will come up with some great stuff, not least because of the motion control heritage they've got at London Studio where I was."
But there will be key challenges for both companies, said MacDonald. They will need to avoid simply replicating the sort of fun gamers can already experience on the Wii, because they are more powerful machines that people expect more from. But they'll also need to make sure they don't miss out on the casual audience altogether.
They'll also need to approach the design of motion games with a new focus - "We learnt really early on in the development of the EyeToy that you have to be careful - it's too physical for traditional long-form gameplay. You aren't going to stand there waving your arms around for two hours - you'd be completely knackered," he said.
"You have to take a different approach to game design, you have to use a different rhythm and focus to succeed in game design when using that kind of input."
The motion control technology will need to be "bulletproof" too, MacDonald added. "You can't risk breaking the player's suspension of disbelief so you don't want to get too leading edge with your technology because then it might break."
"But then there's a trade off between performance and the cost of goods - a consumer-friendly price point," he said.
"When I was at Sony, and I think it's still the case, the bundled EyeToy and SingStar games would come in at the top price point but [still the same] price of a triple A title - you weren't paying a premium for the hardware. And that worked well - but it only worked because the cost of goods was reasonable.
"I have no idea what the cost of goods are for those two new systems, but it'll be one of the challenges that I'm sure Sony and Microsoft are on top of. It's not trivial though, to design compelling games for these systems while, at the same time, making sure you've got the price points right."
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February 8th, 2010, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Metismo releases library for easy mobile porting
Mobile technology firm Metismo has released an OpenGL ES library for the PSP.
Originally developed as part of its Bedrock mobile porting technology, as profiled in this month's issue of Develop, Metismo has decided to release the OpenGL ES package as a static library that can be linked to the SN Systems compiler.
Supported features within the library include lighting; fogging; vertex buffer objects; uncompressed, palletised and additional DXTC compressed textures; fixed and floating point data type adherence; and internal vertex array conversion to optimal PSP formats.
“While we developed the OpenGL ES support as part of the broader Bedrock technology it became apparent that for some developers a standalone OpenGL ES package for the PSP was particularly beneficial,” said John Chasey, CEO of Metismo.
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February 8th, 2010, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rebellion's multiplayer Aliens vs Predator demo was downloaded 14,000 times on Xbox Live over the weekend - but the developer has told PS3 fans it is "really sorry" for a bug that left them unable to use the game's matchmaking system.
Rebellion released released an Aliens vs Predator demo patch patch on Friday to fix the matchmaking error on the PC version of the game - and told CVG today that it is working "as fast as possible" with Sony to patch the PS3 version.
However, the demo has really shone on Xbox Live, where it is carrying an impressive user rating.
Senior Producer Dave Brickley told CVG today:
"Just looking at how the demo's been rated on Xbox Live tells its own story - 14,000 downloads in a few days and an approval rating of 4.5/5, we're absolutely delighted with the response.
"Someone described it as being an Avatar day - people's perceptions were turned upside down but having had time to get to grips with the combat system and the three species the comments are almost humbling, they see what we've done is deliver something genuinely new and fresh, a real reason to stop playing what they are currently, and we just can't have asked for more than that - and they've only seen one mode.
"The way we went about it I think raised eyebrows - lack of the tutorial which you get with the single player meant it's initially a daunting prospect but we released a video which explains all the intricacies and that's helped people evangelise the system and in fact even help others learn it as they've returned to give it another go.
"The most gratifying aspect is seeing people totally get into the species themselves and just get lost in the experience, even working together as teams even though it's not a team mode that's on offer." Discussing the PS3 problem, Brickley added:
"The one unforeseen issue was the matchmaking on PS3, that really came out of left field and we've still got Sony engineers helping us look into what is at fault. I understand why people question how it wasn't spotted sooner but we just can't replicate that kind of scale in normal testing.
"Had we left Create and Browse Games in there as with the full game the problem wouldn't have been so serious. Bottom line is we're really sorry to all those PS3 owners and are working as fast as possible to find a solution which will help them enjoy the demo too."
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February 8th, 2010, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PSM3 magazine has given Quantic Dream's curious psycho thriller a healthy 88 percent score (and that's 18 percent more than it gave Final Fantasy XIII).
"The narrative takes precedence over everything else," says PSM3. "It's essentially a nine-hour film that you nudge along by following on-screen button prompts, although you feel more connected with the action than this might suggest."
It goes on: "The only reason you won't like Heavy Rain is how little it feels like a 'game'. At least in the traditional sense. The only bit that feels distinctively gamey is when you're using Jayden's futuristic visor to track down clues at crime scenes ... Think the detective scenes in Batman: Arkham Asylum, but much more detailed and involving."
PSM3 says the game delivers its branching story though, and this makes for inevitable replay value. "As soon as you finish the game, we guarantee you'll immediately start a new game to explore the scenes you almost certainly missed, or alternate dialogue." 88's a good score. Not quite the revolution you may have hoped but we're playing it now and we like it too.
The news comes after Official PlayStation Magazine's Heavy Rain review rewarded the game with a 9/10, whilst GamesMaster gave it an equally impressive 91 per cent.
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February 8th, 2010, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Live in Korea? You’re the ones Sony are targeting with their upcoming Persona 3 Portable PSP bundle. The bundle comes with the game, a Turquoise Green PSP-3005, 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, and clear folders for those who pre-order the game.
Korea, unless Atlus USA has a big surprise for us, is the only region to get a Persona 3 Portable hardware package. Atlus and partner company Baruson Creative translated the text to Korean, something not many RPG publishers bother to do in the region. The limited edition bundle releases on Feb 12, 2010 for 272,000 won ($232).
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February 9th, 2010, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
New build available, 1338, for Jpcsp, the emulator PSP for PC developed in Java. I remember that in order to use the program, which allows you to run some homebrew like those already in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Rev1338: Fixed module loading modules for using a stub size not divisible by 20. Added new icons from J_BYYX.Added missing "try ... catch" statements in VideoEngine that were causing compilation errors.
Rev1337: Use Nullpointer exception instead of returning null in the method to transform inputstreams to strings as it already throws a exception. Reworked one of the client methods since the method does not return null on empty files but the empty string.
Rev1336: Introduces a method to transform into inputstreams strings and use it where that was happening.
Rev1334: Slightly simpler get StrackTraceElements of
Rev1333: Properties already have a way to specify a default value
Rev1331: GUI changes from J_BYYX: icons for menu items
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February 9th, 2010, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Game’s community developer commits to simultaneous release for Future Soldier
Having omitted any mention of the PS3 from its formal announcement of new shooter Ghost Recon Future Soldier this morning, Ubisoft has now confirmed a multiformat release for the game.
Ubisoft community developer Aymeric Evennou said on Twitter: "To those who wondered, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will also release on PS3 : same experience, same development team and same release date."
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier community developer Kimi Matsuzaki added that Ubisoft “will tell more about the PC version later”.
The game is due out on Xbox 360 and PS3 this Q4, with an Xbox 360 beta due in the summer.
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February 9th, 2010, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Someone must be buying the endless stream of Sackboy costumes for LittleBigPlanet, because Media Molecule's still churning them out, this week releasing new costumes to mark Valentines Day and Chinese New Year.
The valentines 'Lurve Pack', contains four new love-themed Sackboy costumes and 15 new stickers, so you can spend Valentines Day making a level of love for your missus as an excuse to stay in the warm playing PS3, instead of taking her for an expensive meal. The DLC only costs $2.99 (usually around £2).
The Chinese New Year costume pack gives you two new suits for free. They'll be on the PS Store from this Thursday but get cracking because they'll both disappear on Feb 25. Pics are over on the PS Blog.
In case you missed the news, MM breathed new life into the game's single-player venture with the huge Pirates of the Caribbean update, which added all new water mechanics.
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February 9th, 2010, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The mystery surrounding those two final Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition Mercenaries Reunion characters has been solved courtesy of Japan's Weekly Famitsu magazine. In its latest issue, the magazine reports that Rebecca Chambers and Barry Burton will make it into the revamped Mercenaries mode as new playable characters.
This is the last bit of information before Gold Edition hits the Japanese PS3 next week under the name Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition. Worldwide, the game is coming to PS3 and Xbox 360. All the content, including the Mercenaries Reunion characters, will be made available to current RE5 owners via paid downloads.
In addition to the new character reveal, Famitsu also printed the first review of Gold Edition. The magazine's four reviewers awarded the game a high 10, 9, 9 and 9 (each score is out of 10). The new Lost in Nightmares episode earned praise for its strong puzzle element which hakens back to the classic Resident Evil. While the new episodes are short, they have "random elements" and score attack opportunities.
Sounds like a worthy update both for new buyers who go with the disc version and for current owners who go for the downloads.
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February 9th, 2010, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It seems not even Final Fantasy XIII producer, Yoshinori Kitase, and director, Motomu Toriyama know what Square boss Yoichi Wada meant when he said the firm may cease to create "this type of game".
Wada told Edge last month: "But whether we are going to continue to internally create this type of game remains to be seen, because I actually feel that the team that was involved with Final Fantasy XIII should next move on to create and generate some 'next generation' forms of play."
The PS Blog asked Kitase and Toriyama to clarify what he meant, to which they said: "We don't know exactly what he meant by that. We don't really know what he meant by this style of game."
"If you consider that during Final Fantasy XIII's development, at peak time the team consisted of over 300 people. It was a huge team, plus it took a several long years to get the game finished. So, if Mr Wada meant that we would never make another Final Fantasy title with the similar number of people, taking as long as FFXIII did, we would agree.
"Obviously in the future we want to be much more efficient ... In the future our teams will be smaller and more effectively run. We suspect that is what Mr Wada meant by his statement." The Official PlayStation magazine gave Square's RPG stunner a 9/10 score. Sweet. PSM3 wasn't quite as impressed. Can't win 'em all, huh?
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February 9th, 2010, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
BioWare's Dragon Age: Origin has now shipped over 3 million units, according to EA data.
The game has also won over 30 industry awards, and holds an average review score of 91 on aggregate review site Metacritic. An expansion pack for the game, named Origins - Awakening, is due to launch on March 16.
"This is a tremendous start for the Dragon Age franchise and we are extremely pleased with the great reception the game has already received from critics and fans worldwide," said Dr Ray Muzyka, co-founder of BioWare and group general manager of the RPG/MMO Group of EA. "Our team is dedicated to crafting high quality, engaging new adventures and stories in the world of Ferelden for our fans!"
The Dragon Age figures come just days after it was confirmed BioWare title Mass Effect 2 had shipped over two million units in its first week on release.
As part of its Q3 2010 financial results, released yesterday, EA also revealed part of its release schedule for fiscal 2011.
Among them is a new Dragon Age title for console, handheld and PC, expected to be released in Q4 2011 - so between January and March 2011.
Other games listed for that quarter were Dead Space 2 on console and handheld, an unnamed shooter from Epic, a Need For Speed title and new Sims and Spore titles.
Q3 2011 games, which will account for this Christmas, include Crysis 2, FIFA Manager 11, The Sims 3 on consoles, two EA Sports Active titles and a new Harry Potter game.
All Points Bulletin (APB) is down for a Q2 release on PC, and other Q2 releases listed are a Medal of Honor title, FIFA Online, FIFA 11 and a MySims title.
Q1 lists Skate 3, Need for Speed World Online, 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11.
EA reported a 25 per cent fall in revenue in its latest Q3 financials, but also a reduction in profit losses from $641m to $82m.
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February 9th, 2010, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
EA may be revamping Wii game Dead Space: Extraction for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.
It will remain on-rails and become an "interactive horror experience" in "full HD", according to a survey fished out of the internet by Kotaku. A tentative price of $15 (£9.60) was mentioned.
The survey added that EA was also planning a Dead Space strategy game for PSN and XBLA called Planet Cracker. Here players will mine resources from planets and protect their spoils from space pirates. Planet Cracker will offer "in-game rewards" for Dead Space 2, similar to Lionhead's downloadable Pub Games for Fable II.
Both games - Dead Space: Extraction and Planet Cracker - were listed as bonuses for people that pre-order the sequel or presumably splash out on flashy special editions.
Dead Space: Extraction was released in September last year and fetched 8/10 on Eurogamer. Dead Space 1 was released a year earlier in 2008 and picked up 7/10, but won over a sizable crowd.
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February 9th, 2010, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Q Games boss Dylan Cuthbert has said PixelJunk Shooter 2 will be far more than a "re-hash".
"Normally sequels are just a re-hashing of the ideas in the original, but for PixelJunk Shooter we still have a ton of ideas on the drawing board and the engine has lots of potential we want to use before moving onto our next idea," Cuthbert told G4TV. "It would be a waste not to use it to try out more stuff."
Cuthbert said there will be "a number" of new suits included to make use of some of the "brand new ideas for fluid gimmicks". He didn't mention a release date.
Q Games hasn't historically dwelt on IP, having moved from PixelJunk Racers to PixelJunk Monsters to PixelJunk Eden in swift succession. Check out our PixelJunk Shooter review for an idea of what to expect.
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February 9th, 2010, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

Looks like Panasonic's push to lead the 3D pack continues unabated. It's been just over a week since the company announced the opening of its first Blu-ray 3D authoring facility and now word's coming out of Tokyo's Yurakucho District that the world will soon be getting not one but four devices, including the DMP-BDT900-K, a pretty straight forward player that features the latest Advanced AVC encoding engine and a generous helping of ports (including two USB, Ethernet, two HDMI outs, one component out, and an SDXC compatible memory card port). If playback alone doesn't float your boat (and we don't blame you), three of the new models include 3D Blu-ray recorders, including the DMR-BWT3000 (2TB), DMR-BWT2000 (1TB), and DMR-BWT1000 (750GB). All the aforementioned recorders sport 2Digital BS / 110°CS TV tuner, 1 Analog TV tuner, i.Link, SDXC memory card slot, Ethernet, VIERA Link, VOD Services, and BD-Live. Both the 2TB and 1TB models come with a pair of HDMI ports, while 750GB model owners will have to make do with one. All three are pegged to burn BD-RE discs at 1x, BD-R at 6x, and BD-R LTH, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, and DVD-R DL formats. Akihabara is reporting a street date of April 23rd, 2010.
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February 9th, 2010, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Peter Moore, formerly the big cheese in charge of Xbox, is now the head of EA Sports, but he's lost none of the forthrightness that's made him a popular man to interview in the past. In his latest sitdown with CVG, Peter expressed his admiration for the nascent OnLive cloud gaming service, but also noted that he remains uncertain as to whether it will actually work when millions of people decide to play the same game at the same time -- a reservation we probably all share. He did point out that the sort of readily accessible gaming OnLive represents was in his company's plans, and would be expanded with more browser-based games. Finally, as someone who's seen the PlayStation 3 Arc controller in action Peter should be well qualified to assess it, and he describes it as a "great complement to what's out there," claiming that it brings a substantially different experience to Nintendo's Wii Remote.
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February 9th, 2010, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP strategy game series that kicked off with the brilliantly titled Holy Invasion Of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do To Deserve This? will get a new, less legally conflicting name, according to its publisher.
NIS America said in a statement today that the Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman series "had a conflict of interest with an existing IP" and will henceforth be known as What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? The unnamed intellectual property is presumably, you know, the Warner Bros. owned Batman franchise.
How does this impact you? For starters, the original version of the game, released through the PlayStation Network last year, has been yanked. It will be temporarily unavailable until NIS America can do a decent scrubbing of any infringing implications toward Batman.
NIS America has also delayed the sequel to May 4, changing the game's name from Holy Invasion Of Privacy, Badman! 2: Time to Tighten Up Security! to What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2. Hmph.
Sounds like those of you who may have downloaded the original Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! have yourself a digital collector's item.
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February 9th, 2010, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Among the handful of Ubiscoops about 2010's releases coming out of today's investor call, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot brought up the tactical Tom Clancy franchise Ghost Recon. Beyond the already revealed platforms for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Guillemot detailed the franchise's further ubiquity, saying the next Ghost Recon game will "be on all platforms: 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, [and] DS." He noted that the Wii version of Ghost Recon will "be done by a different team" with a "different approach ... created for that Wii population." Presumably, the game will involve standing on the balance board to approximate a sniper's breathing -- and it'll also be made up entirely of mini-games. Whoa, whoa -- calm down there killer. We're just joshin' ya!
He also confirmed something we've been mentioning for months now: "There will be more competition in the first eight months than in the last four." Get your calculators and spreadsheets out, folks -- early 2010 is gonna be a bruiser like we've never seen before (on our bank accounts, that is).
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February 10th, 2010, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The underwater nightmare is not done yet, Rapture and the Little Sisters now drag you into the dark depths once again into the splendid, fallen utopia. The mutated people and the general menace within the glass walls are more powerful than ever, you need both brain and brawns in the game to survive.
From the publisher: Set approximately 10 years after the events of the original BioShock, the halls of Rapture once again echo with sins of the past. Along the Atlantic coastline, a monster has been snatching little girls and bringing them back to the undersea city of Rapture.
You are the very first Big Daddy as you travel through the decrepit and beautiful fallen city, chasing an unseen foe in search of answers and your own survival.
Multiplayer in BioShock 2 provides a rich prequel experience that expands the award winning BioShock gameplay. Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject in the underwater city that was first explored in the original BioShock.
Players will need to use all the elements of the game’s toolset to survive as the full depth of the BioShock experience is refined and transformed into a unique multiplayer experience that can only be found in Rapture.
The game is available on your favourite home consoles and the PC. The Asian versions are available today, US versions will come on Friday (Feb 12) and the Japanese versions will come in March.
Bioshock 2 JPN US$ 68.90
Bioshock 2 ASIA US$ 49.90
Bioshock 2 US US$ 64.90
Bioshock 2 (Special Edition) ASIA US$ 109.90
Bioshock 2 JPN US$ 72.90
Bioshock 2 US US$ 64.90
Bioshock 2 ASIA US$ 54.90
Bioshock 2 (Special Edition) ASIA US$ 109.90
Bioshock 2 (DVD-ROM) US US$ 54.90
Bioshock 2 (DVD-ROM) ASIA US$ 44.90
Bioshock 2 (Special Edition) (DVD-ROM) ASIA N/A
Game Guides
BioShock 2 Limited Edition Strategy Guide US US$ 34.90
BioShock 2 Signature Series Guide US US$ 19.90
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February 10th, 2010, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster

Comic books and military themed novels have their games, now an epic poem will get the same treatment. Travel through the nine circles of hell and battle the Satan for your beloved Beatrice. Each level represents a sin, look for the tormented souls and admire that grotesquely beautiful world.
From the publisher: An abducted soul. A lifetime of sins. A journey to the depths of despair.
Based on the immensely influential classic poem, Dante’s Inferno takes you on an epic quest of vengeance and redemption through the Nine Circles of Hell.
You are Dante, a veteran of the Crusades who must chase his beloved Beatrice and try to free her soul from Lucifer’s grasp.
As your pursuit takes you deeper into the pits of Hell, you must battle ever more fierce and hideous monsters—while also facing your own sins, a dark family past, and your unforgivable war crimes.
Do the pictures of Hell live up to your expectations?
The game is available on the most graphically capable consoles. The US and Asian versions have arrived (except for the PSP version, which comes in March). All Japanese version will come next week (February 18th):
Dante's Inferno US US$ 64.90
Dante's Inferno JPN US$ 74.90
Dante's Inferno (Death Edition) ASIA US$ 49.90
Dante's Inferno US US$ 64.90
Dante's Inferno JPN US$ 74.90
Dante's Inferno (Death Edition) ASIA US$ 59.90
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February 10th, 2010, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
There are "many stories" that could be told within the BioShock universe, the sequel's audio lead has told CVG.
Speaking in our recently-published BioShock 2 interview, 2K's Michael Kamper said the series has some "pretty intense fans" who'd lap up any sort of brand expansion.
"Rapture is probably one of the most unique places ever invented," he told CVG. "I have to imagine that there are many stories that could be told within its walls. But right now we're just focused on making a successful launch for BioShock 2."
On expanding the BioShock 2 brand to other media, such as comics, toys and films, Kamper said: "Personally I would love to see all of those things available but I can't speak to future plans regarding any brand expansion.
"We have some pretty intense fans who I know would just devour all of that material and 2K's dedication to quality would make sure that every product would be something worth spending your money on."
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February 10th, 2010, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has just revealed plans to release a premium edition of Yakuza 3 on PS3 when the Tokyo-set brawler arrives in UK shops on March 12.
The fatter bundle, which Sega confirmed to CVG will cost £49.99, will come packed with:
4 pieces of DLC
- Battle for Survival - Take on all the bosses of Yakuza 3 as Kazuma
- All-Star Tournament (7 character tournament)
- All-Star Tag Tournament (8 team tournament)
- Haruka's Request - This unique series of challenge missions will send you on a task of exploration throughout the entire Yakuza world, playing mini-games and entertaining Haruka.
31 track soundtrack
Yakuza Who's Who - learn how all the characters are connected and who turned from rivals to allies in this fully animated guide
There are some pre-order-only goodies too. According to the official PR: "Consumers who pre-order the game will receive the Challenge Pack which will allow them to enjoy 2 player mini games, competing against their friends at Pool, Bowling, Darts and Golf. They will also be able to customise their principle characters with four alternative costumes for Kazuma, Haruka and Rikiya."
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February 10th, 2010, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
New revision available for Daedalus X64, the only emulator of the Nintendo 64 present on the PSP homebrew scene. New in this update improves overall stability of the program. Was also introduced support for roms format. Bin. I remember that the revision 430, to start the homebrew you need a PSP with custom firmware 3.71M33 least.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog rev.460:
- Implemented DLParser_S2DEX_Bg1cyc
- Added a handler for odd length PI
- Defined GBI2_Quad properly> GBI2_Line_3D moved to 0x08 (Fixes the HUD on Spider Man)
- Use SetNewVertexInfoVFPU directly
- Made only gLogSpDMA debug as well as other bits that should not be exposed to release build
- Small code clean up
- Support for bin roms
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February 10th, 2010, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Amsterdam/New York - Playlogic Entertainment, Inc. (Nasdaq OTC: PLGC.OB), an independent worldwide publisher of entertainment software, today announced that starting February 11th, Fairytale Fights fans will be able to download Treasure Pack 1 in the PlayStation Store through the PlayStation Network on PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. Treasure Pack 1 will be available for Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft in the Xbox LIVE Marketplace at a later date.
Treasure Pack 1 is the first downloadable pack released for Fairytale Fights, the hack n' slash platform-adventure game developed by Playlogic Game Factory. The pack includes new characters playable in story mode and the new PvP arena's. New characters include:
- Bones: a two foot tall calcium lover
- Princess Afia: the mysterious princessfrom a sparkly land far far away
- Grandma Red: Little Red Riding Hood's grandma
- Puss in Boots: everyone's favorite feline
Treasure Pack 1 also features three new awesome arenas to paint red with the blood of your foes! Each arena is carefully designed to test players' combat skills. The new Pvp arenas include:
- Time to Die
- Rooftop Rumble
- Cannon Ball Bay
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February 10th, 2010, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from rosera
Just a quick release - I found the source to Chucke Egg at the weekend and ported it to the PSP.
The Zip contains a README.PSP with keys and stuff.
For those of you who have never heard of chuckie egg (is that even possible) its an early platform game made famous on the BBC B Micro. Its simple, but very addictive, even my kids with their new fangled graphics have enjoyed playing it.
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February 10th, 2010, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nippon Ichi America has said it will rename its quirky PSP title "Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This?" immediately due to a "conflict of interest with an existing IP".
This applies to the original game, released last year (check out our review), and the sequel, which has been delayed to 4th May in the US to implement the change.
The game has also been pulled from the US PlayStation Store until it can be re-branded. The new name is "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?"
There's no word on what the IP was that threw up the conflict, but everyone assumes Batman. We've contacted Tecmo Koei, which distributed Badman in Europe, to find out whether the news is any different in these parts.
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February 10th, 2010, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SouthPeak has announced that 3D Dot Game Heroes will launch in Europe on 14th May, just a few days after its US release.
The game is already available in Japan, hence we've already reviewed it. 7/10, since you're asking.
3D Dot Game Heroes is a PS3 action adventure game in the retro style. Expect pretty visuals, massive weapons and some fun parodies of classic Japanese RPGs.
Those who just can't wait might like to get themselves along to the Midlands MCM Expo, taking place at the Telford International Centre on 20th February. There you'll be able to go hands-on with the game, a first for Europe.
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February 10th, 2010, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA's dated Resonance of Fate (once End of Eternity) for 26th March in Europe.
This is the PS3 and Xbox 360 role-playing game being made by Star Ocean: The Last Hope developer tri-Ace.
Eye-catching features are a Steampunk world and semi-real-time gunfights with an in-built chain attack system.
The story's based around a tower-like Basel structure that is now the only place mankind can survive. You, as heroes Vashyron, Zephyr and Leanne, will gradually uncover the secrets of the world.
There will be plenty of customisation both for characters and their weapons, too.
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February 10th, 2010, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony hasn't exactly been coy about positioning the PS3 as a platform for 3D gaming and movies, but now SCEA's John Koller has revealed that multiple 3D firmware updates will arrive on the PS3 by this summer:
3D is a major part of our initiatives in 2010 and we're currently developing 3D stereoscopic games to come in conjunction with the launch of Sony's 3D compatible BRAVIA LCD TV in summer 2010. The amazing thing about the PS3's technology is that all PS3 units that exist in homes and markets will be able to play 3D stereoscopic games as well as 3D BD movies through separate firmware upgrades - something that other platforms are unable to do. We'll be announcing actual game titles separately later, but we think that 3D stereoscopic gaming has a ton of potential, particularly in placing consumers within the actual experience.
It's interesting to note that 3D gaming and 3D Blu-ray will represent separate firmware updates for the PS3, most likely as the 3D Blu-ray update will be focused solely on bringing the PS3 up to the HDMI 1.4 standard (note: as some have pointed out, the full HDMI 1.4 spec is not firmware updatable, but Sony is addressing 3D Blu-ray movies—a key component of the update—somehow) while the gaming update will be for, well, whatever Sony is doing with that.
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February 10th, 2010, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Dylan Cuthbert, boss of PixelJunk creators Q Games, has told G4 that few gamers bother hooking their PSPs up to the PlayStation Store.
"At this time, we have no plans for more stuff on the PSP", he told the station's blog. "I don't think it's piracy that has deflated sales, I just don't think many people hook their PSPs up to the PSN store yet. We only enjoy making games if at least a few people play them! So everyone, hook your PSPs up to the store and download some games!"
Maybe people are still scarred by the way you used to have to connect to the PlayStation Store, before the PSP got wi-fi access to it? That was an awful process. Those scars run deep.
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February 11th, 2010, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
LittleBigPlanet, Pain, Flower and Resident Evil 5: Alternate Edition are just some of the existing games that are being updated to support Sony's new motion wands when they arrive later this year, and Sony says it's looking at more of its franchises, too.
Speaking with the Official PlayStation Magazine UK, Michael Denny, senior VP of Sony Worldwide Studios Europe, said: "When you give our development teams exciting new technology, it's great to see the experiences they come up with.
"And that's both in terms of new concepts and new games, but also the application of those technologies to our existing franchises."
He later added: "We are both working on new games and looking at applications to our existing franchises."
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February 11th, 2010, 19:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Nippon Ichi has confirmed to Eurogamer that this week's "Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman!" name change does apply to Europe as well and has dated the sequel in the process.
The second game in the newly renamed "What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!?" series will be released over here on 7th May.
As in the US, the name change will mean the original Badman game, which we reviewed last year, also disappears from the European PlayStation Store to allow Nippon Ichi to update it. Hopefully it will be back soon.
NIS America hasn't officially commented on the "existing IP" with which the game's former name was considered to be in "conflict of interest", but everyone reckons it's Batman, obviously. Stupid Dark Knight always getting up in people's grills. Jerk.
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February 11th, 2010, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine is in, and it's got the first review of God of War 3, giving Kratos' third outing a 9/10.
Is it better than the recent rip-off (but pretty bloody good) Dante's Inferno? Yes, says the review in issue 43 of OPM, and it even destroys the first two GoW games too.
"They fall a long way short of the series' long-awaited PS3 debut. Like, a really, really long way - this is on a scale PS3 has never known. It makes not only its predecessors seem small, but the competition too. Darksiders and even the very decent Dante's Inferno have nothing to compare with Kratos' almighty comeback," it reads. So why a 9 and not a 10? "The game is inches from scoring 10/10, and it's only the familiarity of the core gameplay (standing on the shoulders of giants) that makes it feel less than the very, very best. But it's definitely the biggest, and if this is the finale (and the corpses littering the stage by the end of the game suggest it might be), then God Of War III gives PlayStation's toughest hero the send-off he deserves," says the review.
You can read the full review in the latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK, on sale February 16.
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February 11th, 2010, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Aliens Vs Predator senior producer Dave Brickley says the brutal FPS isn't just another "me too" shooter, and so won't need to clash directly with the FPS top dogs, Modern Warfare 2 and Halo 3.
In an interview with CVG, Brickley said: "Those are really awesome games, and it's not hard to see why they are so dominant. Which is why it's nice not to be going into such a competitive market as a 'me too' shooter.
"FPS is just one of three strands in Aliens vs Predator, and it's that three species approach which means we have a unique opportunity to tear people away from what they may be enjoying," he added.
"Even as an FPS it's a very different proposition - we've carried the survival / horror ethos across from the single player into [the multiplayer modes]."
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February 11th, 2010, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a new 3D Blu-ray Disc player and upgrades to existing players so that they will be able to show high-definition 3D movies too. The company introduced the BDP-S470 Blu-ray Disc model and upgraded existing home theater systems, which will be able to play Blu-ray movies when related firmware for the devices is released later this year. Movies based on the Blu-ray 3D specification, which was finalized by the Blu-ray Association in December, can be shown on the players
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February 11th, 2010, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be supported by day-one downloadable content in line with EA's Project Ten Dollar plan.
Senior producer Patrich Bach from developer DICE toed the new line in an interview with WorthPlaying.
"We have an in-game store where you get free content or you can buy new content to the game, so it's a very integral part of the game that we will have a long post-launch campaign," he said.
"I think people will be thrilled to see what's in that already. On day one, you will get some really cool stuff."
Last month DICE executive producer Karl Magnus Troedsson said that the game would provide "a good bit of stuff for free", as well as paid DLC.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is due out for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on 5th March.
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February 11th, 2010, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar's 1940s crime thriller LA Noire may change how actors are captured and recreated in games for ever.
Developer Team Bondi is using groundbreaking technology developed by sister company Depth Analysis to capture all aspects of a performance at once - audio, visual and movement - and recreate them quickly and en-masse to characters in-game.
"Traditionally, one minute of facial animation could take a couple of animators a month. The idea is that we can mass-produce. We can produce about 20 minutes of final footage a day, and it's seamless - I don't even have character artists or animators working with me," Depth Analysis' Oliver Bao told Game Informer (via VG247).
Getaway creator and Team Bondi boss Brendan McNamara said even games like Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect 2 have characters that look like "goldfish" in comparison. And lip-synching is a problem no longer.
This time-consuming method has allowed McNamara to realise a 2000-page script that calls for performances by over 300 actors. When you consider that an average film is between 95 and 125 pages long, the scope of this game is staggering. Hollywood director Michael Uppendahl is on hand to help, and will direct stars like Aaron Staton.
And for LA Noire, this technology represents far more than bragging rights.
"It's obviously cool technology, but the key thing for us is that when you're interrogating someone, you can read their faces and tell if they're lying," said McNamara. "That is a key component of the gameplay."
Interrogation is a cornerstone of LA Noire. Evidence can be gathered at crime scenes and witnesses interrogated. Anything of interest will be recorded automatically in a notebook. Eventually, lead character Cole Phelps can sit down with suspects and challenge their statements, choosing between coax, accuse and force responses - like in Mass Effect 2, these options represent the general tone of your dialogue choice, not the words themselves.
The game of LA Noire follows Phelps through the ranks of the LAPD, where he'll progress from beat cop to the desks of traffic, vice, burglary and arson. Eventually he'll make it to homicide detective.
Along the way he'll have to work with different partners, and he'll come to realise that the force itself is filled with people that have far less than saintly dispositions.
"Who he is at the beginning is completely different from who he is at the end. There's a journey. In most games - even my old games - who someone is at the beginning is who they are at the end. You don't get that in movies or literature - people change. We want you to go on a journey with him. We're trying to pull that off," McNamara explained.
LA Noire's painstakingly recreated world of 1947 Los Angeles is another talking point. It's the biggest and most detailed areas Rockstar has ever made - and Rockstar makes some big and detailed worlds (GTAIV). Over 180,000 photographs of post-war Los Angeles were sourced and scanned, producing a city as accurately recreated as is humanly possible.
What's more, 90 per cent of the crimes in the game are based on real capers of the time. And they're far from slapstick romps.
"Some of them were too wild to use," realised McNamara. "One was about a preacher walking down Broadway with a bullwhip, whipping non-believers. [Laughs] We thought that was a great story, but we didn't know how to work it in.
"There was a guy in Santa Monica who was driving a four-engine plane down the street at midnight. He had an accident because he didn't have lights on the plane - if you came up with that in a design meeting, people would throw you out!"
LA Noire is in development for PS3 and Xbox 360 and will be released this autumn. That's the plan.
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February 11th, 2010, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Not only are used copies of Final Fantasy XIII not worth very much money, new copies of the game are cheap, cheap, cheap. Great news if you haven't bought the game.
The PS3 game went on sale on December 17 for ¥9,240 (US$102). Shops have been buying back the game for ¥1,500.
Retailer Sofmap in Tokyo's Akihabara has stacks and stacks of Final Fantasy XIII. Yours for ¥3,980 ($44), but this is a limited time sale promotion. To point to this as a sign that FFXIII was some sort of failure in Japan is a mistake. It's not that at all.
However, it does show that retailers might have ordered too many copies of the game and are trying to unload copies. Bad for them, but good thing for consumers! If you haven't already, go pick up your copy at 59 percent off. Do it.
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February 11th, 2010, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Gravity Crash developer Just Add Water has announced a brand new game for PSP, PS3 and iPhone. Vektar Beat is a "rhythm/puzzle game" that will presumably feature vector-styled graphics. Taking a page from WiiWare's Bit.Trip franchise, Vektar Beat is just the first in a series of Vektar mini-games.
While details are scant, there's good reason to play close attention to the game. Just Add Water plans on charging as little as $1 for the game on the Minis service, introducing pricing parity between the App Store and the PlayStation Store for the first time. For PSP owners frustrated at overpriced Minis, Vektar Beat represents an interesting experiment.
Vektar Beat is scheduled for release in the Spring. Further details are scant for now, but tonight's episode of the PS Nation podcast should reveal much more.
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February 12th, 2010, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
The coder bbtgp issued today on the forum of lan.st PSARDUMPER a new version of the application can decrypt the files contained nell'EBOOT. Pbp various official firmware. This new version is able to decrypt all the files even the last firmware 6.20, unlike the New PSARDUMPER 6:20 v0.1 MOD Lime which did not provide all the PRX / RCO dell'EBOOT. Pbp.
More information and a link to download below.
- Copy the EBOOT. Pbp decrypt the firmware in the Memory Stick root directory
- Copy the folder newpsardumper to PSP / GAME
- Start the
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February 12th, 2010, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony and Microsoft have revealed new online user stats, following both firm’s latest NPD results.
Microsoft say that the Live community has grown to 23 million – both Gold and Silver users – marking a high rate of Live adoption from the 39 million 360 consoles sold worldwide.
Sony, meanwhile, says that it has clocked over 40 million PSN accounts, coming from a mixture of 33.5 million PS3 owners and 56 million PSP units sold.
Speaking on his PlayStation blog, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton said the rise in PSN came with a 155% jump in digital sales between 2008-2009.
Sony recently fuelled rumours that the PSN service will implement subscription charges.
Microsoft added that 2.3 million Live users logged into Xbox Live over January – a new record for the platform holder.
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February 12th, 2010, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony and Microsoft have revealed new online user stats, following both firm’s latest NPD results.
Microsoft say that the Live community has grown to 23 million – both Gold and Silver users – marking a high rate of Live adoption from the 39 million 360 consoles sold worldwide.
Sony, meanwhile, says that it has clocked over 40 million PSN accounts, coming from a mixture of 33.5 million PS3 owners and 56 million PSP units sold.
Speaking on his PlayStation blog, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton said the rise in PSN came with a 155% jump in digital sales between 2008-2009.
Sony recently fuelled rumours that the PSN service will implement subscription charges.
Microsoft added that 2.3 million Live users logged into Xbox Live over January – a new record for the platform holder.
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February 12th, 2010, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
Modern Warfare 2's first DLC pack will arrive in early April, a reliable source has told CVG.
The official word from Activision on the add-on pack's release - which will be an Xbox 360 timed exclusive - is that it's planned for "spring". Our source's claim would put its release bang in the middle of that season.
There's no word yet on what Modern Warfare players should expect in the first DLC pack, and last month community man Robert Bowling wasn't exactly bursting to enlighten us.
"We're still figuring out what the DLC will include, until we know for sure, I can't comment on what to expect yet," he said via Twitter. We're after more maps, simple as.
Activision was unavailable for comment.
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February 12th, 2010, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Inventive PSP RPG Half-Minute Hero has slipped to next Friday.
Rising Star was supposed to deliver the game today, and apologised on Twitter for the "302400 half-minute" delay.
Half-Minute Hero has a familiar role-playing tale broken into 30-second gameplay chunks. The result is frantic and impossible to put down.
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February 12th, 2010, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
New update available for the Game Boy Advance emulator gpSP-J, as amended dell'Unofficial Takka gpSP developed by coder. Unfortunately the changelog in Japanese does not allow us to understand the new features introduced with this release.
via pspita
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February 12th, 2010, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The Japanese coder TMK, resuming work Takka, issue a new update for PSPMame, porting to the PSP of MAME, Application can emulate multiple platforms arcade. Among the novelties of this release, adding a filter for the display order of roms. Enclosed you will find the source of the program.
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February 12th, 2010, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Nippon Ichi's financial problems could mean good things for PlayStation 3 owners next year. The Japanese publisher announced today a plan to help it recover from expected losses. The PS3 features heavily in the plan.
For the current year, Nippon Ichi recently lowered its sales and profit earnings. The company originally expected sales of 1,788 million yen and a modest operating profit of 30 million yen. It now expects sales of 1,131 million yen and a massive loss of 299 million yen.
The company's recovery plan for the upcoming fiscal year calls for a more focused lineup, with just eight new releases, six of which are original titles. Included in the eight is a new PS3 Disgaea game of some form.
Nippon Ichi also hopes to recover through a greater focus on overseas markets. The PS3 benefits here too, as the company said that the PS3 and North America would be central to its overseas business expansion.
Expect to see a good deal of Prinny in the coming year, especially if you're a PS3 owner.
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February 12th, 2010, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's not long now until you'll have Square's latest RPG epic in your hands (March 9), and you never need an excuse to glare at more awesome Final Fantasy XIII screenshots.
We've got 25 below for you, and we'll have a lot more on the game soon, including a chat with the producer, Yoshinori Kitase.
Screenshots here
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February 12th, 2010, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Jack Tretton has said PS3 is doing very nicely thank you, adding that the only way is up.
"2009 was a great success for the PlayStation brand in a market that continues to be impacted by a down economy," he wrote on the US PlayStation blog. "I wanted to thank you for making this past year the best yet for the PS3."
Tretton went on to cite NPD figures which state consumers spent 15 per cent more on PS3 software last year - even though software sales across all platforms were down 9 per cent. The PS3 was the only console to enjoy double-digit growth in the US last quarter.
December was a good month for Sony, with a million consoles and 7.3 million games sold. January hardware sales were up 36 per cent year-on-year.
According to Tretton, sales of Uncharted 2 have surpassed Sony's "lofty expectations" and the game outsold the first instalment in the series, with 3 million copies sold worldwide. MAG is also doing alright, with more than have a million copies shifted and 270,000 matches played.
"We've also successfully established that we're not just a disc-based powerhouse, but we're also a digital powerhouse," said Tretton. PlayStation Network revenue was up 155 per cent year-on-year in December. Apparently, "More than 40 million of you all over the world are coming to PlayStation Network to access multimedia content and to enhance your social gaming experiences."
The Sony boss cited Heavy Rain, God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII as reasons to be cheerful, adding, "Not to mention the many other games we're keeping up our sleeves." Then there's the motion controller, of course.
"Thank you again for making PS3 your entertainment device of choice. We look forward to your continued excitement for the brand," Tretton concluded.
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February 12th, 2010, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's senior director of corporate communications Patrick Seybold issued a statement after last night's NPD numbers for January, explaining that the company's flagship console may be a bit difficult to find at retail over the next few months. "We're working very hard with our retail partners to meet consumer interest, but the demand is tremendously high for the PS3 and we expect tight inventory in the coming months," Seybold notes in the statement.
As this is the first we've heard about any sort of PlayStation 3 hardware shortages, we followed up with Seybold to make sure he wasn't only warning about future supply issues, but also explaining January's sales of the console. He told us: "Yes. The strong demand carrying through the holidays was evident and early in the month we [knew] there was going to be limited supply of the PS3 at retail in January. We're working closely with the retail channel to meet this demand, but expect tight supply for the coming months."
The upcoming supply issues may also be a result of Sony's "upcoming line up of the industry's most anticipated games" -- games like Heavy Rain, God of War 3, and ModNation Racers. Seybold additionally points out that "this momentum is fueled by a stellar holiday" and the recent releases of games like MAG and BioShock 2.
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February 12th, 2010, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
It may not have charted in the January NPDs, but Uncharted 2 has stealthily beaten sales of the first game in the series, according to PlayStation's Jack Tretton. We can think of a number of reasons why: Certainly, the growing install base of the PS3 has something to do with franchise's growing success; and perhaps the addition of multiplayer makes Uncharted 2 a more attractive purchase than the first game; or maybe it's simply because it's pretty darn good.
Uncharted 2 sales are "now closing in on three million copies sold worldwide," according to Tretton. Considering those figures, it's clear that Sony management should have one directive for developer Naughty Dog: "Make another one, please!"
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February 12th, 2010, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Just to prove we're willing to go the extra mile for you here at Joystiq, we taught ourselves Norwegian just to bring you the latest from David Cage's interview with Norwegian publication Dagbladet. Sadly, Mr. Cage's answers were not in Norwegian, meaning we wasted $8,000 and what our instructor Jokkum Frantzberg called "a very good ear for Norwegian." The entire project was not in vain, though, as we managed to find this quote from Cage regarding his upcoming Heavy Rain.
"If you are talking about Motion Control, this is something we initially considered for Heavy Rain. The very first version of the game design was based on motion control, but it was not feasible at the time," he said. Dagbladet later helped us confirm via one of Cage's reps that he had hoped to design the game for the PlayStation Motion Controller originally, but felt the tech simply wasn't far enough along.
Cage went on to add, "I have a lot of interest in Sony's motion device and there is a good chance that we announce something about it in the coming weeks." We don't know what he'll announce, but we certainly hope that it'll be in Norwegian.
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February 12th, 2010, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Up to four characters can take part in battles simultaneously and party members can be switched mid-battle
New Blindside battle system fuses evasion and offense, enabling players to confuse and ambush enemies by quickly moving out of their line of sight when targeted
Pilot the Calnus spaceship for the first time in the series and journey to various planets of the STAR OCEAN universe
Features breathtaking CG movies by Visual Works, the cutting-edge studio whose previous work includes cut scenes for the acclaimed FINAL FANTASY® series
In addition to English and Japanese voice options, the PlayStation 3 system version will include English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese language options for STAR OCEAN fans around the world
The year is A.D. 2087. In the aftermath of World War III, Earth has been ravaged and the population decimated by a deteriorating environment. The countries that survived have joined together to form the Greater Unified Nations and turned their eyes skyward…to space. Edge Maverick and his childhood friend Reimi Saionji are chosen as pioneer members of the Space Reconnaissance Force, which was created to seek out new worlds beyond the stars. Their ship, the Calnus, takes its place on the lunar launch pad along with four other starships of the first reconnaissance fleet. These ships – humanity’s last hope – blast off one-by-one and sail into the awaiting wormhole that leads to the vast star ocean. And so, Edge and his crew begin their voyage in search of a new haven for humanity...and a second chance.
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February 14th, 2010, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster

Sonia Im, Square Enix's North American spokeswoman has said the company is investigating a batch of suspicious screenshots purporting to compare Final Fantasy XIII on the PS3 and Xbox 360, yet are apparently the same image with different control overlays.
Via Twitter late yesterday evening, Im said, "We are looking into how the #FFXIII altered screens ended up in our presskit & will update asap. This was obviously not intentional ..."
In a subsequent message, she adds: "..Aside from easily being proven as altered, and this method not being one we use, we don't feel there is a need to enhance the X360."
"Enhance the X360," is probably not the best choice of words for that constituency, but that's the minefield into which Square Enix should have known it was tiptoeing by doing a screen compare. Especially for this game, and especially given what it represents. To blow it with this kind of foul-up is about the worst outcome imaginable. The admission of the mistake is a good start, but it would have been better not to make the decision that led to it in the first place.
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February 14th, 2010, 13:52 Posted By: wraggster
SOCOM: Tactical Strike and Confrontation developer Slant Six Games gives the franchise another go, picking up where Zipper Interactive left off with SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 for the PSP.
There are weapons of mass destruction in the fictional country of Koratvia, and it's up to you and your crack team of Navy SEALs to track them down before it's too late. Players take on the role of Wraith (whom some will remember from Fireteam Bravo 2), in command of his own strike force this time around, issuing orders to his three teammates and generally trying not to get his ass shot off in the process.
Slant Six Games hasn't had the best track record with Sony's squad-based tactical shooter franchise so far, having delivered a very laggy and buggy PlayStation 3 version in Confrontation and a frustrating mess of a tactical strategy game in Tactical Strike for the PSP. Why the hell would Sony gamble the consistently solid Fireteam Bravo series by putting it in Slant Six's hands?
Full review --> http://kotaku.com/5470502/socom-us-n...re-in-the-hole
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February 14th, 2010, 13:54 Posted By: wraggster

It's not often that the ESRB describes a video game with such vigor as the ratings board did with Tecmo's Dead or Alive: Paradise. It's equally rare for a publisher to thank the ESRB for calling its game "creepy."
But that's how Tecmo Koei America is promoting the mini-game-filled, jiggle-packed Dead or Alive spin-off.
"Thank you ESRB for labeling the game 'cheesy,' 'creepy' and 'bizarre,'" read a new press release sent our way. Sure, that press release also highlights the marketable points, that Dead or Alive: Paradise lets players "mingle, flirt, play, take snapshots and challenge them in mini-games found throughout the island." And there's a Valentine's Day card, of sorts, that asks you to "get your heart on." Clearly Tecmo is not offended.
So, armed with that knowledge, maybe having looked at some of the game's older screens and the its NSFW trailer, it's time to judge. Creepy? Or just bizarrely cheesy?
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February 14th, 2010, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Nintendo Gameboy/Sega Master System/Game Gear for Sony PSP based on MasterBoy has been updated. Changes:
-load roms 5% speed up;
-fixed mario error;
-can now play metroid with color patch;
-new name EmuMaster;
-new images.
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February 14th, 2010, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Geohot is back with a new post on his blog:
Today I verified my theories about running the isolated SPUs as crypto engines. I believe that defeats the last technical argument against the PS3 being hacked.
In OtherOS, all 7 SPUs are idle. You can command an SPU(which I'll leave as an exercise to the reader) to load metldr, from that load the loader of your choice, and from that decrypt what you choose, everything from pkgs to selfs. Including those from future versions.
The PPU is higher on the control chain then the SPUs. Even if checks were to be added to, for example, verify the hypervisor before decrypting the kernel, with clever memory mappings you can hide your modified hypervisor.
Ah, but you still didn't get the Cell root key. And I/we never will. But it doesn't matter. For example, we don't have either the iPhone or PSP "root key". But I don't think anyone doubts the hackedness of those systems.
I wonder if any systems out there are actually secure?
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February 14th, 2010, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Bositman has posted some great news concerning the next version of PCSX2:
It has been a long time since the last news concerning PCSX2, so I thought I'd bring you up to date
Development of the new 0.9.7 version of the emulator with the all new GUI is going strong and soon all the old GUI functionality will be implemented. After that it's bug hunting time and then a beta release!
In this news post I'll present some of the exciting new features of the new GUI builds, for those of you who haven't checked it out yet!
Click the images to view them in normal size
All new menus, for improved usability and faster configuration
On the fly suspend and resume, perfectly stable, safe and fast
On the fly setting switching or even plugin switching
Compatible with Aero Glass and Windows eye goodies
Threaded GUI, for better responsiveness, usability and error handling
Simplified plugin configuration dialog, with more options
Console output will no longer slow down the emulator when flooded thanks to threading
Saving states done in the new thread, so gameplay doesn't even flinch when you save
New CPU configuration, more user friendly and noob proof with a restore defaults button
New GS configuration, with more options like Turbo and Slow motion FPS adjustments
New Speed hacks configuration, with more warnings ( like anyone reads them!) and a restore defaults button
All options have tooltips (text that appears after you leave the cursor on a control for some secs) explaining what each of them do
Screen shot button in every dialog (lower left corner) to easily take shots of your configurations
That's it! Hope you like the new look and functionality, we are doing our best to make PCSX2 as user friendly as possible. Of course there are still some features not shown here, we have to keep something to surprise you!
There is no set date for the beta release, since there are still a bunch of bugs lying around but it's safe to say we are getting close
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February 14th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.pcsp-emu.com/news.php?readmore=23#comments
Well i probably have a long time to make a news update , that doesn't of course means that pcsp developing isn't continue . There are a lot of new additions on pcsp , the most noticable is the add of VFPU code and WIP add on save system. (puzzle bobble can now save/load save files).
Below are some screenies from lemmings and Worms , they have bugs but it show some progress in games that used to show nothing so far 

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February 15th, 2010, 08:33 Posted By: wraggster

We'd already heard that the PS3 wouldn't need anything more than a simple firmware update to make the jump to 3D, and it looks like we now have the first evidence of that very firmware update. It's obviously not ready for public consumption just yet, but a debug build of the 3.20 firmware is apparently now making the rounds among developers, and it quite clearly includes a "3D Video Output" option in the settings -- as evidenced by this image courtesy of VG247. Still no word of an exact release date for the firmware, unfortunately, although it should be out sometime this summer.
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February 15th, 2010, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
Some might have been disheartened to hear that Crysis 2 was swapping the lush rainforest environment of the first game for a more familiar city setting, but developer Crytek has promised to deliver a "unique" take on New York in its upcoming shooter.
"I Am Legend and The Day After Tomorrow were unique and both 'owned' a version of New York," Crytek president Cevat Yerli told Edge. "Ours, likewise, is in harmony with the Nanosuit. In Crysis, we changed that island in ways the player didn't expect. Expect bigger here. It'll be a New York City like none in games or cinema."
Executive producer Nathan Camarillo said: "It was a large island in Crysis but you weren't interested in every square inch. There were large expanses, funnels and action spaces, and we're doing the same with New York. It's a comparable size.
"You have this freedom to explore these small pockets and go really deep on details, but seeing all of New York isn't necessarily that exciting, and it's not great for pacing or telling the kind of story we want. It's a constrained freedom," he continued, adding that the action will span "three storeys up and down".
"We know what was good about Crysis, what we needed to improve and what was fun about the game, and we can build on a core we no longer have to find. We can have those signature moments that only Crytek can do in realtime - those five big things you'll remember forever."
Publisher EA said recently that Crysis 2 will launch before December 31, 2010 for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.
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February 15th, 2010, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Specialist media group Future Publishing is to launch PSN's first interactive magazine show in partnership with Sony and alongside the Official PlayStation magazine that it has published since 1995.
The weekly offering, called PlayFirst, will be available to UK gamers from March, priced at 99p per episode, or £8.99 for a three month subscription.
Each show promises HD reviews and previews, as well as exclusive download content. Six premium video slots per episode will also be made available to advertisers.
Talking about type of content the show will offer PSN users, Tim Clark, editor-in-chief of Future's Official PlayStation portfolio told GamesIndustry.biz he was confident it would be unique and compelling enough to justify the 99p price tag.
"Yes, the PlayStation Store is full of content, and one part of our offering is filtering the best stuff out - which can be pretty intimidating when you're talking about over a million LittleBigPlanet levels," he said. "But fundamentally FirstPlay is an editorial offering, bringing you really authoritative coverage of the biggest and best PS3 games - all in hi-def. And in terms of editorial content, there really isn't anything on the UK PSN currently."
The team – partly made up of existing Official PlayStation editorial staff – had worked closely with Sony on the show, he said, but editorial independence wouldn't be affected by that relationship.
"Obviously, just as the Official PlayStation mag is, FirstPlay will be an enthusiastic brand advocate for PlayStation but I'm not worried about interference at all. I've been working with Sony for almost a decade, and in that time they've never pressured us over scores or tone. That same hands-off approach to the editorial will be the same here. I actually think the freedom Sony give us - is testament to their confidence."
"The finished product looks great," added Ray Maguire, senior VP of SCEE and MD of Sony in the UK. "Future has blended the impartial editorial stance it takes with the Official PlayStation magazine and delivered it in the digital arena of PSN. The result is dynamic, fast moving but also encourages a thirst for consumers to delve further through the printed edition, creating a great, complimentary, online and offline experience."
Maguire said there were no concerns that the new show would confuse consumers by offering demos and content similar to that available through the official PlayStation Store.
“The fundamental role for PSN is to offer consumer choice. FirstPlay still offers an impartial view on all things PlayStation. Consumers are aware of the Official PlayStation proposition and the PSN simply allows for a more dynamic delivery medium whilst not detracting from the more, in depth, editorial found in the printed edition," he explained.
Following FirstPlay's launch in the UK, the show will be rolled out across other PAL territories and selected European countries later this year.
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February 15th, 2010, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has said that shortages of PlayStation 3 hardware could be imminent, following strong demand for the console over the holiday period.
According to a statement issued by the company's senior director of corporate communications, Patrick Seybold, following the release of January's NPD figures, demand for the console at retail has been exceptionally high over the last couple of months.
"We're working very hard with our retail partners to meet consumer interest, but the demand is tremendously high for the PS3 and we expect tight inventory in the coming months," he said.
January's US sales figures showed the PS3 experienced the highest year-on-year growth of all the consoles, amounting to 36 per cent. The console sold 1.36m units in December - a higher number than Xbox 360, just behind on 1.31m.
"The strong demand carrying through the holidays was evident and early in the month we [knew] there was going to be limited supply of the PS3 at retail in January," Seybold added, speaking to Joystiq. "We're working closely with the retail channel to meet this demand, but expect tight supply for the coming months."
In response to the shortage, Amazon US has restricted customers to one PS3 per household.
"As you may know, the PlayStation 3 120 GB is in great demand. In an effort to provide as many customers as possible with the opportunity to purchase PlayStation 3 120 GB, we are limiting the total number of [...] units that can be purchased. As a result, each household may only purchase one PlayStation 3 120 GB unit," the website currently reads.
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February 15th, 2010, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters has confirmed to CVG that it has a new shooter IP in the works - from the mastermind behind Criterion's Black.
The firm is set to begin a recruitment drive for developers to join its Guildford Studio and work on the game - teaming up with new hire Stuart Black.
Black was the Senior Designer on Criterion/EA's seminal 2005 shooter. Yes, the clue's in the name on that one.
A rumour of Black's appointment first appeared in this month's Official PlayStation Magazine UK (they've got moles all over the place, you know).
VP of Codemasters development Gavin Cheshire not only confirmed the appointment to CVG today - but added that two more impressive industry vets were working on a new title with Black.
Former Game Director at Sony Computer Entertainment London Studio Tom Gillo has been signed up as executive producer, whilst Andrew Wilson - previously Senior Producer on Split/Second at Blackrock - becomes Senior Producer. The duo will lead an 80-strong development team working with Codemasters' famed EGO engine.
"Codemasters' Guildford Studio is key to our overall development strategy and this year has opened further positions across its design, programming and art teams," he said. "With Stuart Black directing the vision for our new IP in production, deployment of EGO and key development figures heading up a highly skilled team, our Guildford facility offers great potential for development talent based in the South East who want to join a growing studio and work on original titles."
Now, this is where it gets interesting: The 'Next Month' page in the current issue of Official Xbox Magazine UK says that the mag's next edition will feature: 'The world exclusive reveal of the shooter that everybody asked for...'
The release marks Codemasters' first new IP since the reboots of DiRT, GRID and Op Flashpoint.
Could this be to Black what Perfect Dark was to GoldenEye?
Fingers crossed, people. Fingers crossed.
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February 15th, 2010, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has admitted that some Final Fantasy XIII screenshots it released last week, which purported to show the PS3 and 360 versions of the game but were virtually identical, were "altered".
In a statement to Kotaku, the company said that the screens were intended for "pre-production", "non-promotional" use, and their release was a mistake.
It was Kotaku that noticed that the screens were absolutely identical save for the controller button prompts.
Square Enix said it would release new screens soon, but argued that the two console versions were as close as could be anyway. "Unfortunately we did mistakenly include screenshots taken for pre-production (non-promotional use only) in our latest release of assets," ran the statement.
"Screenshots from the final game intended for the press kit will be released shortly. As shown in our recent demo tour and Microsoft's X10 event, there is no material difference between the two consoles."
North American spokesperson Sonia Im said on her Twitter: "These were not meant to be released as a comparison of FFXIII on the two consoles... Aside from easily being proven as altered, and this method not being one we use, we don't feel there is a need to enhance the X360 FFXIII... This was obviously not intentional."
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February 15th, 2010, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Remember Metal Gear Online - the online component of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots? Konami's announced a new six-versus-six competition for it.
The tournament will be Europe-wide and furnish the winning team with MGS4 Edition Astro Audio headphones. These cost around $200 to buy and come with their own amp to plug into your consoles - high-end audiophile stuff. Want.
The team that finishes second receive six Astro Scout Backpacks, and third place get Astro MLG Mission bags.
Runners-up will be given Reward Points redeemable in the MGO in-game store.
The tournament starts on Friday, 26th February at 7pm GMT/UTC.
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February 15th, 2010, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain won't be out until February 23, but there could be an announcement regarding the game's controls in the very near future.
"If you are talking about Motion Control, this is something we initially considered for Heavy Rain," Quantic Dream boss David Cage told website Dagbladet. "The very first version of the game design was based on motion control, but it was not feasible at the time. But all the controls of the final version of Heavy Rain is still based on motion."
The game currently uses PS3 DualShock SIXAXIS controls to do things like shake a carton of orange juice. But will the PS3 exclusive title make use of Sony's new motion controls?
"I have a lot of interest in Sony's motion device and there is a good chance that we announce something about it in the coming weeks," Cage added.
The new Sony motion control was scheduled for this spring, but has since be pushed back until later this year.
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February 15th, 2010, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
In North America, PS3 owners have Qore, a paid PSN program. In Europe, there's now FirstPlay.
Available through the PlayStation Network, FirstPlay features HD reviews and previews as well as exclusive downloadable content. The program is from Sony Computer Europe and publishing group Future, the folks behind the Official PlayStation Magazine.
"As PlayStation 3 moves the gaming experience to a more social and competitive online environment through the PlayStation Network, so it becomes critical that we're offering gamers the very best content and services through this channel," said Ray Maguire, Senior Vice President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK. "FirstPlay is a great example of this."
Each episode is 99p, while a three-month subscription costs £8.99.
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February 15th, 2010, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Gaijin Entertainment Corporation plans to publish 1C's PC combat racing game Death Track: Resurrection, on PS3. At least, the publisher secured an ESRB rating for a PS3 version, which it probably wouldn't do if it didn't plan to release the game. Death Track: Resurrection, released last year, is about a violent racing competition set far in the future, in which cars have weapons and stuff. As a rookie driver, the player must make their way up the tournament ranks by driving well and not exploding.
Resurrection is the sequel to a PC game, Deathtrack, created by Red Baron/Tribes developer Dynamix and originally released in 1989. That actually goes a long way toward explaining how you can have "Death Track" and "Resurrection" in the same title. It's the death track that was resurrected.
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February 15th, 2010, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit Team have released a new build of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Wii, PSP, Dingoo, GP2x and Wiz
OpenBOR is a continuation of Beats Of Rage originally created by the wonderful
folks over at http://www.senileteam.com
As fans of the 'Streets of Rage' series that originally appeared on the SEGA
megadrive/genesis, we always wanted to see streets of rage 4. But the waiting
proved futile, and streets of rage 4 never came. That's why we tried to correct
this mistake and fill the void by making the ultimate tribute to Streets of Rage:
Beats of Rage!!
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February 16th, 2010, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...ck-patent.html
Recently a new patent by a SONY employee was published on the patent site at faqs.org. It seems it is SONY's answer for Geohot's progress. Take a look here:
"A method, system, and computer-usable medium are disclosed for controlling unauthorized access to encrypted application program code. Predetermined program code is encrypted with a first key. The hash value of an application verification certificate associated with a second key is calculated by performing a one-way hash function. Binding operations are then performed with the first key and the calculated hash value to generate a third key, which is a binding key. The binding key is encrypted with a fourth key to generate an encrypted binding key, which is then embedded in the application. The application is digitally signed with a fifth key to generate an encrypted and signed program code image. To decrypt the encrypted program code, the application verification key certificate is verified and in turn is used to verify the authenticity of the encrypted and signed program code image. The encrypted binding key is then decrypted with a sixth key to extract the binding key. The hash value of the application verification certificate associated with the second key is then calculated and used with the extracted binding key to extract the first key. The extracted first key is then used to decrypt the encrypted application code."
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February 16th, 2010, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase has told CVG he thinks motion control wouldn't work for a Final Fantasy game - because it would be "too exhausting".
"These new type of controllers are very interesting, but we're not sure that people would like to spend up to 100 hours playing a conventional Final Fantasy title with these type of controllers," Kitase told us.
"It could be too exhausting if you were always swinging a sword around for battles. So we will have to see what the future holds," he added.
We played Zelda: Twilight Princess for 60 hours on Wii with no problems. Just saying.
LittleBigPlanet. WipEout HD and Resident Evil 5 will be among the numerous games getting motion control updates for PS3's wand later this year.
Kitase recently also told CVG, in response to FFXIII reviews, that the FF team "try not to listen to the critics too much".
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February 16th, 2010, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed it will be holding a session devoted to the upcoming PlayStation 3 motion controller at this year's GDC in San Francisco.
Entitled 'Introducing the PlayStation 3 Motion Controller', the session will be hosted by David Coombes, SCEA platform research manager, and Kirk Bender, SCEA developer support.
The 60 minute presentation, which is geared at programmers, will take place on Thursday, March 11 at 3pm.
GDC 2010 will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco from March 9-13.
Speakers from Epic, BioWare, Naughty Dog and Bungie are among the hundreds confirmed and the event's keynote will be delivered by Sid Meier of Firaxis.
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February 16th, 2010, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sales of Slim PS3 are running over 20 per cent ahead of internal expectations
Following warnings from the US over the weekend about PS3 hardware stock shortages in the region, Sony UK has admitted to MCV that the console is also in short supply in the UK.
However, the platform holder hopes that the problems will be eased in the near future.
“Since we launched the slimline PS3 model, the demand has been overwhelming – running over 20 per cent ahead of our expectations,” sales director Mark Howsen told MCV.
“Whilst it is hugely pleasing that PS3 slim has been greeted so enthusiastically, we understand that this has lead to some stock issues, particularly with the 120Gb model. We are doing our best to address these issues and hope to catch up in the next few weeks.”
Sony will no doubt be keen to make sure there are plenty of machines in the shops ahead of arrival of a number of key releases in the coming weeks, including Heavy Rain (February 26th), Final Fantasy XIII (March 9th) and God of War III (week ending March 19th).
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February 16th, 2010, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Asked yet again what he'd think about remaking PSone classic Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase - producer of FFXIII and director of FFVII back in the day - has said he'd be "really interested" in such a project.
"I'm really interested to see this more complete form of Final Fantasy VII portrayed more realistically with the voice and animation and all the subtle expressions there," he told GameTrailers (via VG247).
"I'd be interested to see that and to make that, it would be a great experience. I don't get tired of people asking that question," Kitase added, apparently without sarcasm, "so I'll continue to answer my thoughts as long as people keep asking."
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February 16th, 2010, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a Japanese release date for Torne, the new PS3-compatible digital video recorder.
Torne is a bit like PlayTV, the Hrecorder released in Europe back in 2008. Once hooked up to the PS3 with a USB cable, it allows the user to view a programme guide and search for shows via genre or keyword.
You can also pre-programme the unit to record at certain times and it will do so regardless of whether the console is on standby, or being used to play a game or watch a film. Torne can record to either the PS3's internal hard drive or an external device.
Torne will launch in Japan on 18th March, priced at ¥9980 (£70) or as part of a 250GB PS3 bundle for ¥42,800 (£300).
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February 16th, 2010, 21:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Yesterday, we would have slammed your head in a freezer door for suggesting that Street Fighter IV could be released on the touch screen-only iPhone. Today, that game is a reality. What platform next? PSP, hopefully.
And it's not just us that want it, but Capcom itself too, as the developer's project manager Natsuki Shiozawa reveals. Posting on her official blog, Shiozawa says she and many of her colleagues at Capcom want the technical fighter to appear on Sony's portable (according to Examiner).
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny and Tekken 6 both made the transition fairly smoothly so we don't see why not. We'll bet our house it works better with PSPs buttons that with iPhone's touch screen. Good luck with that if you buy it...
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February 16th, 2010, 21:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Criterion Games has given details on two new bundles for its agro-racer Burnout Paradise. They might not be making any more DLC for it, but they're still pushing it.
As explained on the dev's website, "For a limited time only there are two incredible value deals for you to get your hands on Burnout Paradise and the entire package of downloadable content that we've released since launch.
"Purchasing all of these packs individually would cost over $100 but act fast as this amazing offer is only available for a very limited time." Here are the deals, which are coming to a Euro PSN near you "soon".
Burnout Paradise Complete Edition ($29.99)
For those of you yet to sample the award winning Burnout Paradise you can get the full game and every piece of the premium downloadable content released for an incredible price of just $29.99. The complete edition includes:
- Burnout Paradise Full Game with all free updates including Paradise Bikes and a full day/night cycle
- Big Surf Island - All new Island to explore complete with the Dust Storm Buggy, new races, stunt runs and collectables to discover.
- Party Pack - Pass-the-pad family fun for 2-8 players
- Time Savers - Unlock all the cars and bikes in the original game.
- Legendary Cars Collection - The Flying Jansen 88 Special, Awesome sounding Manhattan Spirit, Superb Cavalry Bootlegger and of course the GT Nighthawk.
- Toys Collection - The Fan-favourites in extra special toy form. Small but virtually indestructible.
- Boost Specials - If you're serious about competing, these are the cars for you. Multi-boost technology in the Hawker Mech and the Infinite Boost power of the Extreme Hot Rod
- Cops and Robbers - Take to the streets to chase down the gold as either Cops or Robbers in this new Online Game Mode. Includes All New Police liveries for all your favourite burnout cars.
Burnout Paradise Complete DLC Bundle ($19.99)
This is the one to get for all of you excited about the range of add-ons to Burnout Paradise but have yet to take the plunge.
Get all of our premium downloadable packs for this super value price.
- Big Surf Island
- Party Pack
- Time Savers
- Legendary Cars Collection
- Toys Collection
- Cops and Robbers
- Boost Specials
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February 16th, 2010, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
TimeGate has sent word that Section 8 is coming to PS3 via the PlayStation Network with new content and platform-specific optimisations.
SUGAR LAND, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PlayStation3 system fans will get their chance to "burn-in" and join the fight on Section 8, TimeGate Studios' sci-fi multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS). Section 8 gives players an unprecedented amount of strategic control by introducing groundbreaking approaches to FPS gameplay with dynamic in-game objectives, customizable loadouts and deployable equipment.
"We're sure fans will agree that Section 8 is a breath of fresh air for gamers tired of stale, 'me-too' multiplayer first-person shooters that fail to innovate."
.The PlayStation3 system version will ship with a full single-player campaign, instant action mode (with full bot support) and a robust multiplayer mode which includes 11 multiplayer maps, three of which are not included at retail on any other platform. Expect extensive improvements when the full version of the game becomes available for purchase and download on Sony's PlayStation Network in Spring 2010.
Section 8 is the first title on the PlayStation3 system to include support for TimeGate Studios' proprietary TGNServer technology, which allows gamers to host 32 player games from their home PC. Players can configure map rotations, change server variables and set a remote admin password to administer the server in-game.
Section 8 caters to FPS players with two genre-changing features: "burn-in" spawning and dynamic combat missions (DCMs). Burning-in effectively ends spawn-killing by allowing players to drop anywhere on the map from 15,000 feet in real-time. DCMs add a new layer of unpredictability to multiplayer matches with mission objectives activated in real-time.
"Section 8 will be an unforgettable experience for first-person shooter fans on the PlayStation3 system since there's nothing quite like it on the PlayStation Network," says Adel Chaveleh, CEO, TimeGate Studios. "We're sure fans will agree that Section 8 is a breath of fresh air for gamers tired of stale, 'me-too' multiplayer first-person shooters that fail to innovate."
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February 16th, 2010, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
If you dreamt of turning your PlayStation 3 into a DVR take a look at Torne. This nifty device plugs into a PS3’s USB port and saves recorded TV programs to the hard drive.
Torne also has a PSP export feature and awards users trophies. Seriously. You can earn trophies by watching TV, but a full list has not been revealed yet.
Sony is selling Torne in Japan on March 18 as a standalone device for 9,980 yen ($111) and with a 250 GB slim PlayStation 3 for ($476).
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February 17th, 2010, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

An almost limitless combination of custom missions, gear, weapons and difficulty settings
Allows new ways for players to interact, expanding on the team orientated, authentic, military action that the SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo franchise is famous for
Unlock gear and weapons, earn medals and ribbons as you complete objectives, either offline or by teaming up on-line
Strong contemporary narrative supported by cutting edge presentation
Lead your SEAL Fireteam in an action-packed special op hunt for weapons of mass destruction and an ex-KGB agent in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 for the PSP system. SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 lets you join forces with like-minded players on a crucial mission of national security involving realistic military action, tactics and teamwork wherever and whenever you want.
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February 17th, 2010, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The game takes place in an era where giant, unpilotted airships fly across the land. You are an unofficial leader in the town protection team, pick up your axes, saws and crowbars and anything handy, and let lose your destructive instincts.
You are to take apart the airship before they fly over, and possibly crash over your town. Some of these monstrous air ships are ridiculously shaped and some of them resembled Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle. Your player character looks like a sesame seed on it. Challenging game, right.
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February 17th, 2010, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DSPSP
Here is the testversion of pspmulti 0.26,full version comes soon!
-New Plugins
-Game Maze
-Game Categories Support
Notes: Tetris only starts without GC!
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February 17th, 2010, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Audio Boost Plugin v2b
Working Well In Games 30% boost in sound
Small lag in XMB
Try It YourSelf And Reply
With audioboost you can higher the volume limit of your PSP.
Press HOME+R to enable audioboost.
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February 17th, 2010, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Preyker
- Things I left out due to time reasons:
> Endingsequence(-"movie")
> Multiplayer
> reworked help menu
- In case you get stuck during the game, you can activate cheats in the Lua code (script.lua).
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February 17th, 2010, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Caux
The world has changed during your coma. Influenza A H1N1 was right of humanity and 99% of the
population died. Yet something happened, the dead came back and very hungry.
be part of the 1% who survived is perhaps not a chance.
compatible with any custom firmware PSP all

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February 17th, 2010, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Rob Dyer, SCEA's senior VP of publisher relations has said that while Microsoft is more likely to attract third-party developed exclusives such as Mass Effect, it doesn't have enough first-party studios delivering the same level of content as Sony.
"They have very few first-party studios at Microsoft," Dyer said, in an interview with IndustryGamers. "Bungie's next Halo is the last one, Rare rarely puts out anything, you've got Peter Molyneux with his Fable stuff... but they don't have first-party development studios inside at Redmond or anywhere for that matter. We do.
"So rather than putting their money behind that, they've been going to Epic or Valve or BioWare to do what they did with Mass Effect, and that's where they throw their dollars."
"We're not going to compete with Microsoft on that front," he added. "But what we have is a global business here. Our global business is bigger than 360's and will continue to get bigger than 360, and people are seeing that. We passed them in Europe and they don't even exist in Japan, and we're going to catch them and pass them here in the US as well."
The PS3's $299 price point has "resonated", Dyer said, to the extent that many US stores are now seeing shortages.
But the even better news, he added, is how the increase in the console's installed base has translated into software sales.
"They had a year's head start against us, so we've been playing catch-up ball," he said. "Before the price cut, they had a two-to-one advantage; if you were a third-party publisher looking at the index, you should have been selling twice the number of units on the 360 as you would on the PS3."
However, that hasn't been Sony's findings, and Dyer says the ratio is down to 1.6 to 1.0 - "What we've been finding is that outside of the shooter category we literally over-index every single category - sports, fighting, action/adventure, music, etc."
"We do better for our publishing community than 360 does," Dyer stated, drawing attention in particular to Madden, which he says had an index of 1.4 to 1.0. "That's only going to get better and better as the installed base continues to grow."
"We're not going to get the exclusive games," he admitted. "The Mass Effects, Gears of Wars and Left 4 Deads aren't going to happen nearly as often."
"But we have our own first-party development and exclusives like Final Fantasy XIV and Agent. Exclusives just aren't as commonplace as they were during the PS2 days.
"What is going to be the driving force is either exclusive ad campaigns, like the Madden campaign, or exclusive content like we had with Batman.
"The PS3 version outsold the 360 version, and what we've said to [developers] is, 'if you take advantage of what the PS3 can deliver – more content on the Blu-ray disc, better graphics, being able to get more of what the player wants onto the disc – you're going to see those sales translate'."
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February 17th, 2010, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Ericsson handsets are the latest hardware to support Sony's growing digital service, the PlayStation Network.
The company has already said that product ranges including Bravia TVs, Vaio laptops and Blu-ray players will feature the service in the future, allowing the company to unify hardware with a single online delivery solution.
"Leveraging PSN we are building a new network service that will connect many more network-enabled products," said CEO Howard Stringer, speaking at the Mobile Word Congress. "To satisfy the demand for more open systems and broaden the array of network devices connecting to our network we are committed to extending that service to Sony Ericsson mobile phones.
"As part of these initiative we are also exploring consistent user interfaces across Sony and Sony Ericsson products to ensure a seamless and integrated experience for the consumer," he added.
Sony Network Entertainment is currently tasked with unifying hardware with PSN, with the group headed up by former Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai.
Sony Ericsson's Aino handset is already PlayStation 3 compatible, allowing users to access content on their hard drive and features such as PlayTV.
"At Sony our strategy of paring network services with hardware and software is the foundation on which we will deliver those applications and more," offered Stringer. "We're already utilising the rapidly growing PlayStation Network, now with over 40 million registered accounts, to reach new digitally savvy customers around the world.
"PSN is a not-so-secret weapon – last November the PSN video delivery service launched in four new countries – the UK, France Germany and Spain. In its first five days alone, despite the struggling European economy, revenue from those four countries was 40 per cent of the worldwide revenues for PSN's video delivery service – a testament to how critical the European market will continue to be."
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February 17th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy Versus XIII might not make its planned debut appearance at this year's E3, according to producer Testuya Nomura.
"We were hoping to debut it at E3, but we're not sure now," he told Japanese gaming bible Famitsu, reports Andriasang.
Apparently the delay has been caused by Square Enix deciding to revise the action-RPG's world map. "For displaying characters on the world map, we were originally planning on using the method used by FF#, with a small Noctus running about on the screen," Nomura said, Famitsu deciding to obscure which game in the Final Fantasy series he was referring to.
"But that didn't look too great, so we ended up switching to the method used by FF#." FFVII and FFX, maybe?
Next to nothing is known about Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which was first mentioned as far back as E3 2006 and remains a PS3 exclusive, despite Final Fantasy XIII's appearance on Xbox 360. Nomura has mentioned that the battle system might combine aspects of the Kingdom Hearts series and a third-person shooter. It's not the only FFXIII spin-off in development, with the PSP's Final Fantasy Agito XIII a similarly unknown quantity.
You'll just have to content yourselves with the main event for now: Final Fantasy XIII is out here on 9th March.
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February 17th, 2010, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom UK has poured cold water on reports that the Wii's Monster Hunter Tri will get a PSP version, saying, "This is a rumour."
Hong Kong's Gamewave magazine started the story. Its latest issue carries what looks like a mocked-up Monster Hunter Tri Portable logo on its cover and says the game will be out by the end of the year, according to Siliconera.
Capcom UK spokesman Leo Tan was sceptical, telling Eurogamer: "If Capcom was to announce a new Monster Hunter Portable game, the chances of its first appearance in any magazine other than Famitsu are pretty slim.
"We are not even remotely close to announcing a new Freedom/Portable game in the West, and I've certainly not heard of an imminent announcement in Japan. This is a rumour," said Tan.
"LULLLZZZ!" he added.
A new Monster Hunter on PSP has to be a safe bet, given the stellar sales of the series on the platform to date. But it seems we'll be waiting for a bespoke third game in the handheld series, rather than a port of the third home console game.
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February 18th, 2010, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Your used (or torrented) copy of SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3, the latest entry in the SOCOM series for the PlayStation Portable, may be missing something: online play.
Sony is taking new measures against rampant piracy of PSP games and discouraging used purchases of the latest portable SOCOM by requiring players to register their copy of the game online. According to a new IGN interview with John Koller, director of hardware marketing at SCEA, you'll need a voucher or a legit digital download of the game to enjoy online multiplayer.
Both of those are included in new retail copies of the UMD version and in games purchased from the PlayStation Store. Those going the used (or stolen) route will need to drop an extra $20 for an "online entitlement" voucher.
Publisher Electronic Arts has taken similar measures recently, offering content for "original purchasers" of Mass Effect 2 and The Saboteur. We suspect Sony and EA won't be the only game makers riding this bandwagon in the near future.
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February 18th, 2010, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
This week, both Sony and Microsoft have moved forward with plans to integrate their console's online networks with handheld devices. Thing is, they're doing it wrong.
While Microsoft's WM7 interface looks amazing, the way it's making use of Xbox Live is wasteful. Counter-productive. Same goes for Sony; while it's admirable the company wants to allow PS3 and PSP users to access the PlayStation Network from Sony Ericsson phones, the execution is lacking.
Why? Because both companies, crippled by an inflexible corporate structure, are hung up on the word "exclusive".
How mobile access to your console accounts should work is via a universal app. A common program you can install on an iPhone, an Android phone, a Nexus One, a Windows phone, a Sony Ericsson smartphone. Because that's the variety of phones we, as console owners, possess. While every 360 owner has a 360, they don't all own the same phone.
It's a philosophy certain sections of these giant companies are in tune with. Microsoft, for example, has an application for competitor Apple's iPhone, for its Bing search engine. It also releases Office software for the Mac, despite Apple's computer being, in many respects, a rival to Microsoft's own ambitions in the personal computing space.
Microsoft does this because, to the people working on Bing and Office, it makes business sense. It's catering to a market, and in doing so, making money. The problem is, not all sections of these companies employ such common sense. They're cut off, operating in isolation (and in some cases even competition), so what may seem a logical idea to one area seems like heresy to another.
Clinging to outdated notions of "exclusivity", then, both Microsoft's Xbox Live Mobile and Sony's PlayStation Network will be available only to people owning phones sold by those companies. Own a 360 and an Android phone? You're shit out of luck, you can't use it. Own a PS3 and an iPhone? Same deal.
It's just so...disappointing. Here, years after the release of these consoles and the dawn of the smartphone era, and the first officially-sanctioned services to bring consoles and smartphones together are dead on arrival, rendered useless by the fact that the world's most popular phone platforms - a list that does not include anything running Windows Mobile (business customers so don't count) or anything made by Sony Ericsson - are cut out of the action.
Sure, there are home-made options - 360Live on the iPhone is particularly good - but in 2010 we shouldn't be relying on fan-made projects. I should be able to pick up my iPhone, and while way from home, be able to check my friends list, my Gamerscore and my PSN trophies on something supported by the console manufacturer. Hell, that's just for starters. I can do that stuff with Twitter and Facebook already. In a perfect world, we'd be able to send messages to other users and queue up our downloads as well.
But we can't. And probably never will. Instead, one day in the future, we may actually meet a person that was able to take advantage of all these neat new services. And they'll say how neat they were. And how it was such a shame he was the only person he knew that ever used them, since all his friends already owned iPhones or Androids....
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February 18th, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
With Street Fighter IV about to make an unexpected trip to the iPhone, it's understandable that Capcom has handheld ports on the brain. Could the PSP be next?
Answering some fan questions on her blog, Capcom's Natsuki Shiozawa has revealed she'd like to see the game appear on Sony's handheld. As would anybody wondering why the game would be ported to the iPhone and not to a handheld more suitable for rapid button pressing.
Like, say, a PSP.
Still, if Capcom is thinking handhelds, and SFIV sells well on iPhone, a PSP port surely couldn't be far away.
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February 18th, 2010, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
Right on time, Sony's detailed today's PlayStation Store update, which includes Assassin's Creed II DLC, a Yakuza 3 demo and Peggle Nights for PS3.
Full list follows...
PlayStation Store via PS3
Special Offers
(Available until the 4th of March)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (was - £11.99/€14.99 now - £5.49/€6.99)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD (was - £11.99/€14.99 now - £5.49/€6.99)
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - Old West Map Pack (was - £7.99/€9.99 now - £3.99/€4.99)
Tom Clancy's End War Faction Elite Pack (was - £3.19/€3.99 now - £1.59/€1.99)
Shaun White Snowboarding The Glamour Pack (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £2.39/€2.99)
Brothers In Arms D-Day (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Prince of Persia: Revelations (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
Bug's Life (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
minis month
(Available until the 4th of March)
Tetris (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Sudoku (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Bowling 3D (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Yetisports Pengu Throw (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.74/€1.99)
Red Bull X-Fighters (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Let's Golf (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £2.49/€2.99)
Stand O'Food (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Spot the Differences (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.24/€1.49)
Downloadable Games
Revenge of the Wounded Dragons (£6.29/€7.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Peggle(£6.29/€7.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Demos (free)
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
Yakuza 3 Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: Not available in Germany
Digger HD Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Alien Zombie Death (£2.49/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and Russia
Retro Cave Flyer (£2.49/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal
Add-On Game Content
Assassin's Creed II
Sequence 13 Bonfire of the Vanities (£3.19/€3.99)
Sequence 13 Bonfire of the Vanities & Secret Locations (£5.49/€6.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All locales
Resident Evil 5
Desperate Escape (£3.99/€4.99)
Lost In Nightmares (£3.99/€4.99)
Costume Pack 1 (£1.59/€1.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All locales
Burnout Paradise
Complete Edition Bundle (Full game and all DLC packs) (£23.99/€29.99)
Complete DLC Bundle (£15.99/€19.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Hoth Mission Pack (£7.99/€9.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: Not available in Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and UAE
Buzz! - National Geographic Kids Quiz (£6.29/€7.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Dante's Inferno - Florentine Dante Costume (£1.59/€1.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: Not available in Russia
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast - Saiyans Pack (free)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All locales
Rock Band
Fascination by Alphabeat (£0.99/€1.49)
Let Forever Be by The Chemical Brothers (£0.99/€1.49)
Stray Cat Strut by Brian Setzer (£0.99/€1.49)
Weightless by All Time Low (£0.99/€1.49)
Otis Redding Pack 01 (£4.39/€6.59)
Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song) (£0.99/€1.49)
I'm Sick Y'all (£0.99/€1.49)
I've Got Dreams To Remember (£0.99/€1.49)
Love Man (£0.99/€1.49)
(Sitting On The) Dock of the Bay (Take 2) (£0.99/€1.49)
(contains the following tracks which are also sold separately)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Czech Republic, Greece, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and UAE
Guitar Hero 5
Blink-182 Track Pack (£4.39/€5.49)
Adam's Song (£1.59/€1.99)
All the Small Things (£1.59/€1.99)
First Date (£1.59/€1.99)
(contains the following tracks which are also sold separately)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and United Arab Emirates
Videos (free)
FIFA 10 Ultimate Team Trailer
Dynamic Themes
Flower Dynamic Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Premium Themes
Resident Evil 5 Custom Theme (£1.19/€1.49)
Amazing Peaks Theme (£1.19/€1.49)
Haemorrhage Theme (£1.19/€1.49)
Premium Avatars
MAG Raven Badge (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG Raven Character (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG S.V.E.R. Badge (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG S.V.E.R. Character (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG Valor Badge (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG Valor Character (£0.20/€0.25)
Wallpaper (free)
Topatoi Wallpaper 5
PlayStation Store via PSP and Media Go
Special Offers (also available via the PS3 store)
(Available until the 4th of March)
Brothers In Arms D-Day (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Prince of Persia: Revelations (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
Bug's Life (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
minis month
(Available until the 4th of March)
Tetris (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Sudoku (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Bowling 3D (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Yetisports Pengu Throw (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.74/€1.99)
Red Bull X-Fighters (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Let's Golf (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £2.49/€2.99)
Stand O'Food (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Spot the Differences (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.24/€1.49)
Downloadable Games (also available via the PS3 store)
SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 (£24.99/€39.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Half-Minute Hero (£23.99)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Released in UK only (further locales to be added)
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days (£23.99/€29.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
SEGA Rally (£13.99/€17.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Demo (also available via the PS3 store) (free)
Thexder Neo Demo
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
minis (also available via the PS3 store)
Alien Zombie Death (£2.49/€2.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and Russia
Retro Cave Flyer (£2.49/€2.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal
Add-On Game Content (also available via the PS3 store)
The Wedding Theme Level Kit (£2.39/€2.99)
The Wedding Theme Costume (free)
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February 18th, 2010, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
Right on time, Sony's detailed today's PlayStation Store update, which includes Assassin's Creed II DLC, a Yakuza 3 demo and Peggle Nights for PS3.
Full list follows...
PlayStation Store via PS3
Special Offers
(Available until the 4th of March)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (was - £11.99/€14.99 now - £5.49/€6.99)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD (was - £11.99/€14.99 now - £5.49/€6.99)
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - Old West Map Pack (was - £7.99/€9.99 now - £3.99/€4.99)
Tom Clancy's End War Faction Elite Pack (was - £3.19/€3.99 now - £1.59/€1.99)
Shaun White Snowboarding The Glamour Pack (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £2.39/€2.99)
Brothers In Arms D-Day (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Prince of Persia: Revelations (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
Bug's Life (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
minis month
(Available until the 4th of March)
Tetris (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Sudoku (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Bowling 3D (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Yetisports Pengu Throw (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.74/€1.99)
Red Bull X-Fighters (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Let's Golf (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £2.49/€2.99)
Stand O'Food (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Spot the Differences (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.24/€1.49)
Downloadable Games
Revenge of the Wounded Dragons (£6.29/€7.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Peggle(£6.29/€7.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Demos (free)
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
Yakuza 3 Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: Not available in Germany
Digger HD Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Alien Zombie Death (£2.49/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and Russia
Retro Cave Flyer (£2.49/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal
Add-On Game Content
Assassin's Creed II
Sequence 13 Bonfire of the Vanities (£3.19/€3.99)
Sequence 13 Bonfire of the Vanities & Secret Locations (£5.49/€6.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All locales
Resident Evil 5
Desperate Escape (£3.99/€4.99)
Lost In Nightmares (£3.99/€4.99)
Costume Pack 1 (£1.59/€1.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All locales
Burnout Paradise
Complete Edition Bundle (Full game and all DLC packs) (£23.99/€29.99)
Complete DLC Bundle (£15.99/€19.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Hoth Mission Pack (£7.99/€9.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: Not available in Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and UAE
Buzz! - National Geographic Kids Quiz (£6.29/€7.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Dante's Inferno - Florentine Dante Costume (£1.59/€1.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: Not available in Russia
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast - Saiyans Pack (free)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All locales
Rock Band
Fascination by Alphabeat (£0.99/€1.49)
Let Forever Be by The Chemical Brothers (£0.99/€1.49)
Stray Cat Strut by Brian Setzer (£0.99/€1.49)
Weightless by All Time Low (£0.99/€1.49)
Otis Redding Pack 01 (£4.39/€6.59)
Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song) (£0.99/€1.49)
I'm Sick Y'all (£0.99/€1.49)
I've Got Dreams To Remember (£0.99/€1.49)
Love Man (£0.99/€1.49)
(Sitting On The) Dock of the Bay (Take 2) (£0.99/€1.49)
(contains the following tracks which are also sold separately)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Czech Republic, Greece, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and UAE
Guitar Hero 5
Blink-182 Track Pack (£4.39/€5.49)
Adam's Song (£1.59/€1.99)
All the Small Things (£1.59/€1.99)
First Date (£1.59/€1.99)
(contains the following tracks which are also sold separately)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and United Arab Emirates
Videos (free)
FIFA 10 Ultimate Team Trailer
Dynamic Themes
Flower Dynamic Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Premium Themes
Resident Evil 5 Custom Theme (£1.19/€1.49)
Amazing Peaks Theme (£1.19/€1.49)
Haemorrhage Theme (£1.19/€1.49)
Premium Avatars
MAG Raven Badge (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG Raven Character (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG S.V.E.R. Badge (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG S.V.E.R. Character (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG Valor Badge (£0.20/€0.25)
MAG Valor Character (£0.20/€0.25)
Wallpaper (free)
Topatoi Wallpaper 5
PlayStation Store via PSP and Media Go
Special Offers (also available via the PS3 store)
(Available until the 4th of March)
Brothers In Arms D-Day (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Prince of Persia: Revelations (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PSP) (was - £15.99/€19.99 now - £7.99/€9.99)
Lilo and Stitch: Trouble in Paradise (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
Bug's Life (PSone) (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.19/€3.99)
minis month
(Available until the 4th of March)
Tetris (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Sudoku (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Bowling 3D (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Yetisports Pengu Throw (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.74/€1.99)
Red Bull X-Fighters (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Let's Golf (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £2.49/€2.99)
Stand O'Food (was - £3.99/€4.99 now - £3.49/€3.99)
Spot the Differences (was - £2.49/€2.99 now - £1.24/€1.49)
Downloadable Games (also available via the PS3 store)
SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 (£24.99/€39.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Half-Minute Hero (£23.99)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Released in UK only (further locales to be added)
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days (£23.99/€29.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
SEGA Rally (£13.99/€17.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Demo (also available via the PS3 store) (free)
Thexder Neo Demo
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
minis (also available via the PS3 store)
Alien Zombie Death (£2.49/€2.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and Russia
Retro Cave Flyer (£2.49/€2.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal
Add-On Game Content (also available via the PS3 store)
The Wedding Theme Level Kit (£2.39/€2.99)
The Wedding Theme Costume (free)
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February 18th, 2010, 16:19 Posted By: wraggster
Full game priced at £6.29 with expansion Peggle Nights costing £3.19
The long-awaited arrival of the 60m+ selling action puzzle series Peggle on the European arm Sony’s PlayStation Network is finally upon us, publisher Sony Online Entertainment has announced.
The standalone original title costs £6.29 to download off PSN with expansion pack Peggle Nights coming in at £3.19. Both games can be played on PS3 and also on Sony’s PSP thanks to remote play integration.
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February 18th, 2010, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
SOCOM: US Navy SEALS Fireteam Bravo 3 has become the first PSP game to require online activation in order to unlock all of its features.
The Sony game, released in the US on Tuesday, came with a voucher code that had to be redeemed online in order to unlock online play.
As well as deterring piracy - which Sony has stated as the primary reason for the move - it will also undoubtedly discourage pre-owned sales, since those buying a used copy of the game will need to purchase the voucher at a cost of $20 if they want to play online.
Speaking to IGN, SCEA director of hardware marketing John Koller said that Sony was in the process of investigating and trialling anti-piracy opportunities, but he couldn't say if online activation would be introduced for all future PSP releases.
"Today's consumers are more tech savvy and better connected to the internet than ever before. Piracy continues to be an issue of concern for the PSP platform. SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 is a trial run for a new initiative we are exploring for the platform," said Koller.
"We will continue to explore this as an opportunity for the platform going forward, but we have no announcements to make on future iterations at this time."
Piracy remained an issue on the PSP platform, admitted Koller, although he said that the introduction of the PSPgo and the subsequent increase in legally downloaded titles had helped minimise that impact.
"No one will dispute that piracy has a negative impact on software sales. We're continuing to take proactive steps in the fight against piracy and believe this new initiative will be of benefit to the gaming industry," he added.
The move follows EA's introduction of 'Project Ten Dollar', where premium DLC is included as a free download for those buying a new copy of a game, but those buying a second-hand copy are forced to pay for it.
Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins both implemented the feature across their various patforms.
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February 18th, 2010, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Disney Interactive Media bossman Steve Wadsworth has added to the confusion over what the PS3 motion controller will end up being called.
In his speech at the DICE Summit yesterday, Wadsworth referred to "Sony's Gem", according to Game Informer. But isn't Gem just a codename, as Sony said last year?
Or is it called Arc? No, wait, that's a codename too, like Sony said. Our money's on Kaz Hirai's Electromagical Joywand.
In the same speech Wadsworth discussed Epic Mickey, the forthcoming plartformer from Warren Spector and Junction Point. At the moment it's exclusive to the Wii - but that could change what with the advent of new motion controller systems like Project Natal and Gem / Arc / KHEJ.
"We have a very large audience base that has Wiis in their home," Wadsworth said, as overheard by Gamasutra. "That's not to say that we won't go to other platforms [in the future]."
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February 18th, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
LucasArts is to open a store in PlayStation Home's mall, selling costumes and trinkets relating to the worlds of Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
Kotaku has pics: there are Storm Trooper outfits, Indiana Jones outfits, an Imperial officer's uniform, lightsabers and T-shirts. Apparently you'll also be able to buy accessories for your personal space.
We're not entirely sure if the LucasArts store is coming to the European version Home, since it's mentioned in the US PlayStation Blog post on future Home updates but not in the European blog's equivalent.
There are other updates definitely coming to both sides of the Altantic, mind, including the MotorStorm Carrier, a social space on a decommissioned aircraft carrier, and rather lovely personal and game spaces devoted to LocoRoco.
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February 19th, 2010, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heads up, dear readers -- we know you're excited to check out the recently released Assassin's Creed 2 DLC, Bonfire of the Vanities, but before you blindly snatch up the new content from your console's designated online marketplace, make sure you check the descriptions. There are actually two different versions of the Bonfire DLC: one that includes the new Bonfire of the Vanities game sequence and the three secret Templar lairs which were included in the game's "Black Edition" (560 / $6.99); and one that only comes with the new sequence (320 / $3.99).
Make sure you purchase the one that suits your needs! We'd hate for your enjoyment of the new stabbing opportunities to be sullied by buyer's remorse.
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February 19th, 2010, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, Xbox 360 owners got the first look at Fable 3, the newest Peter Molyneux game. Don't feel left out, members of the PlayStation Family -- you've got your own Molyneux game on the way! An old one!
The ESRB has rated the PlayStation version of Magic Carpet for release on PS3 and PSP, meaning it'll join last week's release of Populous: The Beginning as PSOne Classics at some point in the future. Why settle for being a king when, for the low price of $5.99, you could be a wizard on a flying carpet!
If that doesn't grab you, you'll also be able to pick up Sorcerer's Maze at some point. While not a Molyneux game (it's a low-budget Arkanoid-style game published by XS Games) it is also about a sorcerer (not sure about the "maze" part). And how can you refuse that box art, even in a digital version with no box?
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February 19th, 2010, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster

SX Messaged me about the release of a new Openbor Mod thats the first of its kind with Completely hand-drawn graphics, music and sound.
Author: Demitri
Description: An unknown disease scourge a little town on the mountains...
Platform: SecurePAK Edition
Notes: Please note this is just a BETA demo, the final product may be slightly different. This mod works fine on OpenBOR v3.0 Build 2397 or less. Any build above that show bugs.
Should work with Openbor on Dreamcast, PSP, GP2x, Wiz, Wii and Dingoo.
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February 19th, 2010, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
E 'available for download a new revision, the 1357, the Jpcsp, the PC application developed in Java that allows us to run some homebrew like those included in the archive below. I remember that, for proper functioning of Jpcsp, you need to install Java on your PC.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Rev1357: Started implementation of proper async file operations: - Installed a dummy loop async handler
Rev1356: Avoid Java Exceptions when exiting Jpcsp.
Rev1355: Small improvement in logging of sceKernelPowerTick ()
Rev1354: Small code cleanup of MemoryReader
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February 19th, 2010, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
The DaedalusX64 team have released a new version of the Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP, heres whats new:
Revision 466 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Feb 18 20:24:28 2010 UTC (10 hours, 19 minutes ago) by Salvy6735
[!] Moved blender out of PSPrender.cpp to its own file.
[~] Refactored blender.
[+] Implemented various FOG_ASHADE blenders
Revision 465 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Feb 18 07:59:01 2010 UTC (22 hours, 44 minutes ago) by Salvy6735
[~] Fixed freezing when only one rom was present (Yamagushi)
[+] Added recommended settings screen (Yamagushi)
Revision 464 - Directory Listing
Modified Thu Feb 18 02:22:53 2010 UTC (28 hours, 20 minutes ago) by Salvy6735 [*] Remove old previews.
Revision 463 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Feb 15 21:47:51 2010 UTC (3 days, 8 hours ago) by Salvy6735
[+] Implemented a new GUI (Yamagushi)
Note : New GUI still experimental, and is considered work-in-progress
Current previews will appear blurry on the new GUI, correct re-sized previews will be available soon.
Revision 462 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Feb 15 21:41:51 2010 UTC (3 days, 9 hours ago) by Salvy6735
[~] Added correct save type for F1 World Gran Prix 2(it boots now)[*] Updated readme
Revision 461 - Directory Listing
Modified Mon Feb 15 21:37:37 2010 UTC (3 days, 9 hours ago) by Salvy6735
[+] Added NOOP4/NOOP2 blender
[!] Minor code clean up
[!] Corrected regression from 459
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February 19th, 2010, 19:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The GAME website seems to indicate that the God of War III demo will be generally available as of 25th February.
The demo, which originated on the show floor at E3 last year and went out to US Qore subscribers earlier this month, is available today for people who pre-order the game via the UK retailer.
"Details of how to access the early demo will be emailed to you on 19th February," according to the small-print (thanks VG247). "Anyone who orders after this will be emailed on 24th February. As of the 25th February the demo will no longer be exclusive to Game.co.uk."
We've asked Sony whether this means the demo will be released on the PlayStation Store next Thursday, 25th February.
God of War III is due out for PlayStation 3 on 19th March. Check out our Eurogamer Expo hands-on for more on why it's kind of a big deal.
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February 19th, 2010, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
According to a Sony US PR man, PS3 stand to benefit from the Wii publisher backlash.
Recent times have seen several publishers reconsider their support of Wii as mature / hardcore titles fail to make an impact, while Nintendo's own games rule the roost. Sony America's senior vice president of publisher relations, Rob Dyer, sees his chance to pounce.
"What publishers have said is they're not going to spend the resources on Wii," Dyer told Industry Gamers. "In my job, we compete against Microsoft and Nintendo, and we're competing for resources. So when I walk into a publisher, I ask, 'Where are you guys pushing your resources?' In the past, it was 'Look how hot the Wii is,' or 'Look how hot the DS is,' and 'We should put resources there.'
"They did that and realized, 'You know what, third-party product just doesn't sell on that platform.' So now they're taking those resources, coming back to us and saying, 'Sony we're going to be able to provide you with that exclusive content,' or 'We're going to put more engineers on it and figure out to maximize the Blu-ray and get more out of PS3.' That's what we're seeing now." The same probably goes for Xbox 360, but Dyer's hardly going to admit that.
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February 19th, 2010, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
There are universal TV remotes, so why not universal video game console controllers? Sony's recent patent filing indicates that could change.
The Sony patent, which was filed in August 2008 but appeared online on February 18 of this year, reads: "Just like remote controls, game consoles, and thus game controllers, are becoming widespread. It is not surprising to find more than one game consoles in a household, especially when competing game console manufacturers attempt to attract unconventional consumer groups in the gaming industry. As understood herein, it would be useful to have a universal controller that would be able to work with a variety of game consoles."
This controller would feature a touch sensitive liquid crystal display that would display various button layouts depending on the consoles. For example, a Nintendo console would pull up a Nintendo controller layout, a Microsoft console would pull up a Microsoft controller layout and a PlayStation console would pull up a PS controller layout.
The patent also notes that this controller will have a speaker and rumble. Though, this is interesting. From the patent: "This document describes an adaptable or universal game controller which can be used to emulate the controllers of popular game consoles, such as, without limitation, the PlayStation.TM. made by Sony, a controller made by Nintendo, X-box.TM. game controllers made by Microsoft, Amiga CD-32.TM. controllers, Atari Jaguar.TM. controllers, Gravis Gamepad.TM. controllers, Sega controllers, and Turbographics controllers, one or more of which terms may be subject to trademark protection. For ease of exposition trademark symbols will not be further used herein."
Those consoles are all old. Is the PS3 getting a proper virtual console and an actual universal controller to go with it?
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February 19th, 2010, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Though we're pretty eager to explore the back stories of Heavy Rain's quartet of protagonists and even take control of the nimble fingers of the Origami Killer, it seems those of us in North America will have to wait an extra week to get started on the prologuing. GameStop, which, among other retailers, is offering a code for the first Heavy Rain Chronicles DLC episode as a pre-order bonus with the game, recently updated the title's listing on its site, stating, "due to a delay by the publisher, this content will not be available for download until Thursday, March 4, 2010."
SCEE confirmed to VG247 that the delay wouldn't affect the DLC's European availability on "day one," so it would appear that the delay is particular to North America. We've contacted Sony America to find out what we can about it -- we just can't wait to find out why Madison is such an exhibitionist.
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February 19th, 2010, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Square Enix, apparently, is all about the cosplay. Just today, the publisher announced that it'll be rewarding the first 50 people dressed in "Final Fantasy costumes" who arrive at the March 9 launch event for Final Fantasy XIII with a free copy of the game's soundtrack. Oh, and also, Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase and art director Isamu Kamikokuryo will be there, signing whatever you want.
The release further entices attendees with "high-profile DJ and TV presenter Alex Zane," who'll no doubt be spitting hot fire into a mic all evening. The event kicks off at 5:30PM at the Oxford Street HMV in London and runs until the sun comes up -- or 7:30PM, whichever comes first.
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February 19th, 2010, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via 1up
Valkyria Chronicles fans have one more downloadable content pack to look forward to before the portable sequel hits in the summer. Today the Sega America blog announced that the fourth pack will be releasing next week. We heard hints of this way back in September, but now we finally know when to expect the pack. It will hit next Thursday with the PlayStation Store update.
The pack is titled "Challenges of the Edy Detachment," and features the colorful cast of characters from the "Enter the Edy Detachment" DLC. Instead of playing as the mixed squad, however, Edy's cadre of soldiers will instruct players on how to become experts at the various classes. This means you can use your own preferred Squad 7 members for the challenges, even as Edy's friends are the ones barking orders. Challenges will include missions for the Scout, Shocktrooper, Lancer, Engineer, Sniper, and Tank. We've heard no mention of a price, but the other packs have all come in at $4.99 when they were first launched, so this one is likely to cost the same.
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February 19th, 2010, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Yet more amazing internet detectives have uncovered an alternative camera mode for the recently released Lost in Nightmares DLC for Resident Evil 5.
In order to unlock the new camera mode, which frames the action in a similar fashion to the mansion-based originals, all you need to do is talk to the front door a few times until it says "?" instead of the usual investigation prompt (thanks Kotaku).
Lost in Nightmares is out now for PSN and Xbox Live and puts you in control of Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine in a puzzly, extended version of events leading up to one of Resident Evil 5's flashback cut-scenes.
We thought it was amazing, handing down a whopping 9/10 in this week's review.
Lost in Nightmares costs £3.99 / €4.99 on PSN or 400 Microsoft Points (£3.40 / €4.80) on Xbox Live.
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February 20th, 2010, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Looking to get a little more mileage out of your copy of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed before the sequel arrives? As we knew from yesterday's PSN update, PS3 owners can now download the Hoth mission which came bundled with the "Ultimate Sith Edition" re-release of the game -- however, 360 owners will be able to follow suit on Tuesday, February 23. The DLC is going for $9.99 on the PSN, leading us to assume it'll cost Xbox Live Marketplace browsers a cool 800.
The mission on Hoth follows the events of the Tatooine sidequest, and tasks the Secret Apprentice with shutting down the Rebellion and squaring off against Luke Skywalker. Remember, these extra missions are non-canonical -- meaning the fate of the aforementioned frostbitten Force-wielder is up in the air.
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February 20th, 2010, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts is bragging that its Battlefield: Bad Company 2 demo on PS3 and Xbox 360 has been downloaded more than 3.5 million times since its release last month. Yes, demo bragging is officially a trend now.
Particularly as this is the second time EA has chosen to crow about its BFBC2 demo. Nine days ago it said the demo had been downloaded 2 million times. That was on the heels of EA claiming another 3 million downloads of the demo for Dante's Inferno, which I can't even type without hearing Bill Withers.
Over the life of the console demo, Battlefield Bad Company 2 has already seen 500 million kills to just 25 million revives. That's a lot of teammates not givin' a damn. There also have been 100 million vehicle kills, to just 30 million destroyed vehicles.
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February 20th, 2010, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

As the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough. However, the United States Marine Corps are humanity’s last line of defence, and as such they are armed to the teeth with the very latest in high explosive and automatic weaponry
As the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims. Although equipped with an array of powerful, exotic weapons and tracking equipment, honour ultimately dictates that you must get in close and take your trophies face to face
As the most deadly species in the universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares - the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades
Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer gaming’s defining moments
Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.
Bringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.
Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.
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February 20th, 2010, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

An almost limitless combination of custom missions, gear, weapons and difficulty settings
Allows new ways for players to interact, expanding on the team orientated, authentic, military action that the SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo franchise is famous for
Unlock gear and weapons, earn medals and ribbons as you complete objectives, either offline or by teaming up on-line
Strong contemporary narrative supported by cutting edge presentation
Lead your SEAL Fireteam in an action-packed special op hunt for weapons of mass destruction and an ex-KGB agent in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 for the PSP system. SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 lets you join forces with like-minded players on a crucial mission of national security involving realistic military action, tactics and teamwork wherever and whenever you want.
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February 20th, 2010, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new beta version of the Amiga emulator PSPUAE has been released.
A bit late, but as promised.
Here is the BETA with AGA support. Still needs alot of work (so dont expect great speeds).
I will try to make more time to get it working better, still need sound sorted and HDD support.
To use AGA at the moment, you need to select it on first boot under quick start configuration.
I am aware that the menu is screwed up on chipset selection. Its on the to fix list, Wink.
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February 21st, 2010, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hakuryu188
List of functions:
turn off the backlight after 4 secondes if no key is pressed
turn off the screen after 15 secondes and down the CPU to 111Mhz if no key is pressed
if you press HOLD, the screen and the led turn off
L-TRIGGER and Joy UP ==> Down the backlight at the minimum (25)L
R-TRIGGER and Joy UP ==> UP the backlight at the maximum (99)
START + R-TRIGGER ==> Setup menu
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February 21st, 2010, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
PixelJunk Racers may be considered the least awesome of the PixelJunk series, but that doesn't look like stopping Q Games from releasing a sequel.
According to D'toid, a listing for PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap for the PlayStation 3 has appeared on the ratings board's website.
There's no further description offered so we're a bit clueless as to what it'll feature. Got to think racing cars and tracks though.
PixelJunk Racers was the first game in the series and landed on PSN in 2007.
Anyone out there up for a sequel or was the original enough?
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February 21st, 2010, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster

Cops in Oklahoma City are looking for a 43-year-old woman who they say met a 14-year-old boy in PlayStation Home and ... yep, you can see where this is headed.
Authorities say the woman, Annamay Alexander of Deltona, Fla. (It's always Florida ...) met this boy via Home and sent him some terms-of-use violating messages, such as a picture of her in her underwear. In early January she drove up to Oklahoma City to seduce him.
An affidavit says Alexander later met the boy's mother under the ruse of talking about the boy's desire to marry her daughter. This flipped out the mom, as you can well imagine (she wasn't told the daughter was 9, either). She told Alexander GTFO and never speak to her son again. Alexander didn't follow the instructions. Mom later intercepted two phone calls from Alexander, then found sexy texts on his cell and PlayStation, plus the aforementioned picture.
Alexander, who is a married mother of three, referred to herself as the boy's wife and left subtle messages such as: "My body is yours to do whatever you want with," and "I love you and we are going to get married." The victim then confessed to having a sexual relationship with her and is said to be suicidal now. Alexander is looking at stalking and statutory rape charges but is still at large.
This is a harrowing story for any parent; it's creepy and gross to me, and not just because this obviously unhinged woman looks like Dennis Quaid in a wig. But if Home is to blame then so is the phone company.
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February 21st, 2010, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to 5pb, the PlayStation Portable is getting a doujin horror game called Corpse Party: Blood Covered… Repeated Fear.
Sticking to the original made with RPG Maker source material, Corpse Party: Blood Covered… Repeated Fear uses sprites to tell the story of high schoolers trapped in a haunted elementary school. The game has multiple endings some with grisly fates for the main characters. Instead of blood splashing all over the place, Corpse Party details deaths in text boxes.
Team GrisGris remade Corpse Party for PCs last year. 5pb’s PSP port is an update of that.
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February 21st, 2010, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mootjeuh
Hi all,
I modified the screenshot plugin I made a couple of days ago. First, I renamed it because it's no longer the team PCT's idea, but mine.
Anyway, there's now a config file where you put in the button that will take the screenshot.
I did my best to reduce the size from 500 to 200 KB. And it now only eats 64 KB of the ram =D
While taking a screenshot, you can press circle to cancel it.
I will add the ability to take screenshots in different extensions.
And I give the source code on demand
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February 24th, 2010, 17:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Santa Monica has revealed that God of War III will not require installation before play.
Head of development, Christer Ericson, dropped the bomb on Twitter.
"God of War III does not do an HD install," he said. "The 5MB listed on box-back is for save game only."
"There is no HD install option for [God of War III]," he later added. Earlier today we learned that the third God of War game takes up at least 35GB of Blu-ray disc space. And the European version will be even bigger and in the "low 40s", according to Sony Santa Monica team member Tim Moss (via VG247).
God of War III will be released on 19th March. Check out our God of War III competition to stand a chance at winning the Ultimate Edition of the game (plus tons of posters and t-shirts).
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February 24th, 2010, 17:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Last May, Kojima Productions launched a teaser site with either a "S" or a "5". It was a number "5". And it belongs to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.
According to Konami spokesperson Jirou Oishi, Peace Walker was named Metal Gear Solid 5 during the planning stages. These are concept logos for the game.

Peace Walker no longer carries the "5", but for Konami, the title lives up to its the number. "This game is an MGS5-class game," Hideo Kojima stated in July 2009. "I am supervising, designing, producing, directing, and editing this title together with the MGS4 team."
Metal Gear: Peace Walker will be released on April 29 in Japan, May 25 in the US and May 27 in Europe. The game will require "hundreds of hours" to complete.
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February 24th, 2010, 17:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
There's a good chance that many of you were going to play through Yakuza 3 without messing with the hostess club segments or the Answer x Answer arcade quiz game. Now, it's a certainty.
"The content between Yakuza 3 US/UK and Yakuza JP is a little different in that we took out certain bits in order to bring the game to the west in the time alloted for us to do so," a Sega rep told IGN. "The parts we ended up taking out were parts that we felt wouldn't make sense (like a Japanese history quiz game) or wouldn't resonate as much (such as the concept of a hostess club)." You may have gone on a karaoke date with Rina in the demo. In the original game, you meet her in a hostess club, and have to buy her gifts and learn about her in conversations. Now, we suppose, she'll just randomly call you like she did in the demo. Somehow, the dating won't be affected, as the Sega rep assured IGN that "the story experience was the same as the Japanese version."
Who can blame Sega for cutting some of the more culturally Japanese elements from this role-playing game about modern Japanese culture? After all, it must have been in a rush to release on the same day as Final Fantasy XIII.
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February 24th, 2010, 18:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
Despite reports to the contrary this morning, the famous Sony Computer Entertainment brand is not going to die.
Kotaku reported this morning that as from April 1st the SCE brand would be no more, with Sony preparing to scrap the moniker in favour of a new arm of the company called SNEP – or Sony Networked Entertainment Platform – which would house a number of operations including PlayStation, Bravia and Vaio.
This was thrown into doubt, however, when Dow Jones claimed that the SCE brand was to survive as a spin-off of the new SCEP business.
An SCE UK spokesperson has now confirmed to MCV that Sony’s plans apply only to Japan, and that the SCE brand is to remain intact.
“This is a rather complicated manoeuvre involving the legal entity SCEI in Japan. It has no effect on any regional HQ. SCEA, SCEE etc are totally unaffected.”
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February 24th, 2010, 18:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Computer Entertainment America PR exec Rob Dyer has admitted that piracy is a major problem for the PSP handheld, despite what he sees as a strong slate of games.
"I think we had a great line-up last year. The biggest problem that plagued PSP was piracy; we have not been able to slow that down," Dyer told Industry Gamers (via VG247).
"Publishers, when they put out good games, are not getting the same sales results that they got a few years back. So piracy's been a big issue and we're working on that very diligently to bring about some solutions," he said. Dyer said that third-parties have not been sufficiently put off to stop PSP having a bumper 2010 of releases, hinting that some big announcements are on the way.
"That said, we still have a very robust line-up this year from third parties on the PSP, starting with Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I won't go through the whole line-up because I want our third-party partners to make those announcements, but there are some big, big titles coming out this year and you'll see those announcements at GDC, DPS (Destination PlayStation) or E3."
Dyer said the PSPgo was partly intended to answer the piracy problem, but admitted that gamers found it confusing and overpriced. "We wanted to find a way to give the consumers what they want, so if they didn't want to go to a retailer they could stay at home and download. And we were hoping really to eliminate the piracy issue," he said.
"Did the PSPgo confuse [consumers]? Yeah, I think the higher price point didn't help matters any either."
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February 24th, 2010, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
The Openbor Team over at Lavalit have released a new version of Openbor the Beats of Rage Game and Engine for PSP, Dreamcast, Dingoo, Wii and GP2x and Wiz,
Heres whats new:
r2716 | sumolx | 2010-02-23 13:32:05 -0500 (Tue, 23 Feb 2010) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /Makefile
M /tools/win-sdk/MinGW.7z
Updated MinGW DirectX to version 8.
Recompiled SDL library using the newer DirectX.
Fixed Windows Sound Delay.
r2715 | sumolx | 2010-02-21 11:26:51 -0500 (Sun, 21 Feb 2010) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /sdl/sblaster.c
Restored buffer size back to 4096 as it was causing issues.
r2714 | sumolx | 2010-02-20 23:11:24 -0500 (Sat, 20 Feb 2010) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /sdl/sblaster.c
Decreased sampling from 4096 to 512. Hopefully this fixes sound lag.
r2713 | sumolx | 2010-02-19 23:35:18 -0500 (Fri, 19 Feb 2010) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /resources/meta.xml
M /version.h
A /xcode
A /xcode/mac
A /xcode/mac/OpenBOR.xcodeproj
A /xcode/mac/OpenBOR.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Xcode IDE for mac now supported.
r2712 | plombo | 2010-02-19 17:53:46 -0500 (Fri, 19 Feb 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /source/gamelib/endian.h
A 16-bit integer byte-swapping function had an 8-bit integer as its return type. Fixed.
r2711 | sumolx | 2010-02-18 17:11:55 -0500 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /source/tracelib/tracemalloc.c
Fixed dereferencing 'void *' pointer.
r2710 | sumolx | 2010-02-18 16:39:14 -0500 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /source/tracelib/tracemalloc.c
GCC complaining about defined but not used. Fixed.
r2709 | sumolx | 2010-02-18 16:33:00 -0500 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /source/tracelib/tracemalloc.c
GCC complaining about defined but not used. Fixed.
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February 24th, 2010, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14656.html
DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for the Sony PSP.
Revision 467
[~] Minor code clean-up (Excess white space, comments and declarations)
[!] Fixed DLParser_GBI1_LoadUCode (Prevents some uCode detection related crashes.)
[-] Removed M_BADTASK (Unneeded handled by default. Messages supressed on public build)
[+] Updated roms.ini to include more compatibility and settings info
[!] Complete refresh of previews with High Res previews for new GUI
Note: Full download is now ~32MB
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February 24th, 2010, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://xorloser.com/?p=230
I haven’t gotten around to doing an update in a while due to work (and a little relaxation) taking all my time. Rather than wait till I have finished all of the stuff I wanted to before posting again I decided to post some tidbits to tide you over until the rest is ready. Before I do so I’d like to make the following clear as no matter how many times I say it, people believe what they want to believe instead:
It seems someone took some initiative and made some software themselves to dump the hypervisor once they have the correct hardware and software. So for anyone who has used that and dumped their own hypervisor I present this PS3 HV Dump setup script for IDA.This script will setup function tables including the hypercall (syscall) table, mmcall table, OPD, TOC, GOT. It will find common functions such as puts and printf and very importantly it will fixup all rtoc references which are used to access global variables and strings.
To use the script you should extract it somewhere and then from within IDA select “File->IDC File…”, then navigate to where you extracted the file and select it. Please note that this script could overwrite your previous work, so please run backup your idb/i64 file before running it. I recommend running it on a freshly created database by loading your hypervisor dump into IDA as “ppc” at ROM address 0 and then running this script as detailed above before doing anything else.
The other tidbit I wanted to share was the updates to the PPC Altivec plugin source code which I had forgotten to include in the recent releases, but which a few people have since asked for. Here is the PPC Altivec plugin v1.6 for IDA v5.6 with sourcecode. If anyone makes any fixes or adds support for new functions please pass these updates back to me so I can share them on this site.
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February 24th, 2010, 20:42 Posted By: bandit
XCM Cyberchrome case is a replacement case for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) Slim. No word on price or release date. When we have more information, we'll be sure to keep you in formed.
Source: Email
Images via comments.
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February 24th, 2010, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
After a month off the coder Silmarilion back with a new update for its GameMusicGear, a multiformat audio player inspired by some players for the PC known as WinAmp. In this version we notice several improvements in the functioning of the program, including some found time to stop running processes and speed the execution of some plugins simply by moving the lever of power in the HOLD position, an option to remove individual tracks from active playlist and save the playlist on Memory Stick for later use, and the introduction of some update to the plugins in the archive. In addition were also fixed several bugs and reinclusa the skin "rockmax" forgotten by mistake in the previous package.
Then we find the complete list of changes in this release and the link to download.
- New Capcom QSound's (QSF) plugin based on the SDK Audio Overload by R. Belmont and Richard Bannister. NOTE: The plugin has no support yet compressed and takes around 10 seconds to load a song: (.
- Testing new HOLD Mode: when you press the hold switch will automatically turn off the screen, and all the OJ operations will be stoped. This will help some CPU heavy plugins, like in_psf and in_uade. But I still need to make it compatible with the remote.
- Option to remove items from the playlist browser. Must open the browser and press R to switch to the playlist.
- Save the playlist feature with a simple text input dialog.
- Added option downsample to 22 kHz in_psf know most soundtracks can be played without lag (but i recommend using the hold mode for that purpose). You can enable it in the input plugins setup screen.
- Updated blargg's File_Extractor library to version 1.0.0. Which Allows faster browsing of compressed files. And now some large avi files can be Decompressed (tested some psf soundtracks around 20 MB). NOTES: Big compressed files can take several seconds to decompress.
- Updated adplug core to version 2.2.
- Updated vgmstream core to revision 734. And in_stream renamed plugin to in_vgmstream to be more specific. NOTE: I have not written all vgmstream supported file formats in the in_vgmstream.plugin since there are a LOT of formats now, I just put some for testing purposes, so you have to add them manually.
- Release source code of plugins based on the GPL and other licenses that require release of source code. The archive is called gmgear_plugins_src.7z
- Increased priority of audio thread cpu and reduced rate of most plugins. The gui became a little slower but i guess it's worth it since most plugins now works around 122 MHz.
- Fixed several bugs in in_psf with some soundtracks: Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Popolocrois, Brave Fencer Musashi, and some others. Most soundtracks should play fine now. If you find a track that does not work please let me know.
- Fixed a bug in in_vgm (in_gme.prx) when loading a compressed file from a subfolder VGZ.
- In_psf not properly stopping when changing song.
- Bug in terebi.skin when reaching the bottom of the playlist.
- Rockmax.zip skin file was missing in previous release, sorry.
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February 24th, 2010, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
You know, the battery in a portable console is never enough, if still not enough then the famous "Hold + the torch that allows you to save" a couple of notches "turn off the display completely and reducing the frequency of CPU clock Today we give you a new alternative to solve this problem.
These SMB (yet another editor's note.) Prx recently updated by its coder Hakuryu188 via a convenient menu that lets us configure some options for reducing power consumption, including the ability to automatically turn off the LCD is the button hold that after a set time, and disabling the blinking LED that indicates a level of charge too low.
Then we find an image and a link to download demo, inside the package also includes the source of the program.
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February 24th, 2010, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Jpcsp Team have posted a new version of the PSP Emulator for Windows:
Latest fixes on jpcsp has fixed a few more games inc Silverfall , Pirates and Untold Legends - Brotherhood of Blade. Enjoy
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February 24th, 2010, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NickyP

A Phantasy Star beat em up? No way? Yes way. Read the readme, view the How To Play animation in game. The game is 4 players, so PC executable is included if you don't want to play alone. 3 different game modes, 21 playable characters altogether.
Have fun!
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February 24th, 2010, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jojojoris
Hello everyone,
It took a little longer but here it is.
WARNING:The Load and Save feature don't work. The app will crash if you try. The save/load state with the L and R-trigger works well.
It isn't fully working but you can enjoy the bigger canvas and analog support.
PSPLife V0.2
+Added seperate menu/game/help/credits screen.
+Added option to change the raster size.
+Added option to change the CPU Speed.
+Added analog stick support.
+Added XMB icon (created by cmbeke)
+Added feature to save and load a savestate (temporary)
+Some GU optimalisation
-Dpad now only moves one pixel at the time so it should be easier to create complex structures.
-Fixed bug #001: You can activate a pixel while running the simulation.
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February 24th, 2010, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
Just released is the latest SOCOM title on the PSP, Fire Team Bravo 3, and its the expected mix of tactical stealth movement and A-Team like blazing machine guns. But is it a good game?
You’ll find out in today’s PSP Show, along with the latest news and hardware sales figures for Sony’s Playstation Portable.
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February 24th, 2010, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Become one of history’s greatest warriors and fight as a team to conquer heavily‐armed fortresses, infiltrate enemy strongholds and more
New aerial combat! Fight in the air and on the ground! Enemies will make clever use of the terrain and space, and attack from nearly every direction
New “Fury” transformations give characters even greater supernatural abilities and attacks, including lightning fast speed and the ability to fly
Build and modify weapons using supplies gathered during battle. Equip your warrior with any weapon you create
Online play supports VS. and Co‐op play, as well as voice and text chat
Choose up to 3 AI‐controlled officers to fight along side you in single player play
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February 24th, 2010, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

An active puzzle combat mechanic blends the fun and skill of puzzle games with the strategy and adventure of RPGs for a truly epic gaming experience
Seek out hidden treasures and equipment that only true Heroes should have by battling your way through dungeons throughout the Asharin Empire
Challenge your friends locally or online to a puzzle battle to see who will reign supreme as the ultimate champion of the Asharin Empire
Test your puzzle skills in 5 mini-games that will unlock items and provide even more enhanced abilities
No matter what mode you are playing in, Single Player, Versus, Quick Battle, or Mini-Games, your Hero will acquire skills and experience, unleashing new ways to experience the game
Customize your Hero’s puzzle combat style by using mighty weapons, enchanted armor, special battle skills, and more
Enter the dark and savage lands of the Asharin Empire as you battle to avenge the atrocities the Empire brought upon your tribesmen. On your challenging quest you will fight fierce beasts and battle hardened warriors with a new puzzle combat mechanics that will test your skills. This new puzzle combat system is based on real time action so players will have to think fast and posses sound strategies to best their opponents.
As you progress through the adventure you will level up your character through a diverse skill tree full of magical and physical attacks. Players can collect a wide variety of weapons and armor by winning them in combat and purchasing them at vendors. Players can also venture into the depths of the many dungeons to search for rare and powerful items. Expanding on the already high replay value of the main storyline, players can challenge your friends to duels, level up your character in Quick Battles, or play Mini-Games to unlock new spells, items, or potions.
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February 24th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Konan High is an elite school for the banchous, and to climb to the top of the hierarchy, you have to beat the king, Akutsu Eichi. As a first year who stepped into the school the first time, you have a lot of foes to beat.
From the school yard to the rooftops to the sports grounds to the toilets, you have to fight through the whole school and leave your mark on all the furnitures. This is a school where you have to frequently remind the guys that your punches are rock solid.
Customize your appearance in the parlor, you can change your skin color, get tattoos and even a girl. There is a romance subplot in this game where you may date one of the three heroines.
Connect with another bancho through the adhoc networking mode and show him who has the better kick.
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February 24th, 2010, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play a game of tennis in your living room, it doesn't matter whether you are a pro or a complete beginner, the sports game is designed for the whole family. Veterans, check out the most challenging modes or turn on the adhoc network function of play with the best players, novices, it's never too late to learn.
There are more characters, more clothes to change into and more courts to play in. You can create your own character, there are more choices you can make related to the appearance of the characters. Challenge modes are revamped, with more foes and skills than ever to play with.
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February 24th, 2010, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

As the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough. However, the United States Marine Corps are humanity’s last line of defence, and as such they are armed to the teeth with the very latest in high explosive and automatic weaponry
As the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims. Although equipped with an array of powerful, exotic weapons and tracking equipment, honour ultimately dictates that you must get in close and take your trophies face to face
As the most deadly species in the universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares - the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades
Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer gaming’s defining moments
Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.
Bringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.
Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.
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February 24th, 2010, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
When the PS3 launched, 120MB of its 512MB of RAM were dedicated at all times to the OS. (To put that footrpint in perspective, the Xbox 360's OS only used 32MB.) Luckily, Sony has refined their system.
Over the course of several updates, the PS3's OS has been weaned off RAM, its dependence cut to just 50MB—including the in-game XMB upgrade—meaning that an additional 70MB of RAM is available for game developers to use as they see fit.
No, that's not enough extra oomph to revolutionize the PS3 as a brand new console, but it's likely we'll see a slightly nicer lighting effect (or an equivalent) some time because of it.
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February 25th, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster

Our favorite pseudonym company out there, Sand Dollar Enterprise, is back with a pair of new filings with the FCC pointing to a refresh of the PlayStation 3 Slim hardware. We don't know specifically what has been overhauled inside, though the two new SKUs, CECH-2101A and CECH-2101B, mimic the coding scheme of the current hardware, which is CECH-2001A and B. The alphabetical differentiation relates to different hard drive sizes inside, with 120GB and 250GB options available today and likely to be replicated in the forthcoming consoles. Looking at the FCC's radio testing, we find the same 802.11b/g and Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR transceivers as are in the current Slim, leading us to believe the changes are elsewhere or, as PS3 News suggests, maybe Sony has just found new manufacturers for the same chips and had to run them through the validation committee again. It's just that the latter is far less exciting than the idea of Sony starting up an upgrades war with some tasty springtime spec bump.
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February 25th, 2010, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation classic Grandia will make its way to the PSN this Thursday, February 25, at a price far less than what you'd pay for a new or used copy. For $10, North America can finally access the RPG that's been on the Japanese PSN since April 2009 -- and on the Sega Saturn since 1997.
Grandia stands out from other JRPGs with its exciting combat system, which was obviously in its infancy during the first installment. In fact, we've been waiting for another high-profile game to iterate Grandia's turn-based battle system for years. Y'all just wait, when Joystiq publishing is off the ground, we'll iterate the heck out of it.
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February 25th, 2010, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home has expanded quite a bit in 2009, with 50 spaces and over 100 games now available within Sony's virtual world. It has been a modest success, but perhaps it's fallen shy of the lofty expectations placed on it when it was initially unveiled at GDC nearly three years ago. Since then, Sony's online service has managed to cut advertising deals with Red Bull, the US Army and Fox -- but has Home been able to maintain interest?
According to a report by Brandweek, advertisers are largely ignoring PlayStation Home, opting to pursue opportunities on Xbox Live instead. Ad agency Publicis Denuo's John Rafferty told the site that "from moment one, it kind of felt clunky. And once you got through that, there wasn't much there." Regardless of the robotic nature of the service, the high cost of entry is proving to be a huge barrier against Home, with "labor-intensive six-figure deals" required to create content for the community.
Jack Buser, director of PlayStation Home, argues that it offers "a chance to cut through the noise and actively engage directly with a large, targeted, and highly desirable consumer base." However, it appears that advertisers that want to work with Sony are interested in pursuing a different relationship -- one with the PlayStation Network itself. "Sony is a little more conservative in embracing their system as an ad platform," the report notes. However, the addition of the What's New screen, and advertising on the PlayStation Store, show that the Sony team is adapting, slowly transforming the PS3 into a system that advertisers can genuinely pursue.
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February 25th, 2010, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster

The PSP2 has been in the rumor mill for a long time now, even a year or more before the announcement of the PSPgo at last year’s E3. How about we add yet another rumor to the already massive list, this time from Shane Bettenhausen and the 4 Guys 1UP podcast. Shane is most well known for his work in Electronic Gaming Monthly and is currently the Director of Business Development at Ignition Entertainment.
In the podcast Shane let slip about seeing PSP2 and a new Nintendo portable at this years E3 convention in June.
“I think the big story of E3 is DS 2 and PSP 2. I’m really excited to see that,” he further commented that the”DS and PSP both existed in completely different sides [...] if those two put out similar products at the same time, it really evens the playing field.”
We will see just how accurate Shane is when E3 rolls around this June or before knowing Sony’s ability to keep a secret. In the mean time, what do you think of Shane’s claim of a new PSP2 at E3?
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February 25th, 2010, 21:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via 1up
Bungie is currently focusing on Halo Reach, but there's no doubt that they're also looking ahead to the day when they really go independent. For now though, the studio remains vague about their future projects, including whether or not they will be going multi-platform.
Asked by Computer and Video Games whether or not the studio is planning to work with the PlayStation 3, Bungie community manager Brian Jarrard said, "I mean, I think our whole future's kind of undefined right now and it's definitely not something we're going to be comfortable getting into too much detail about.
"We've had another team internally [other than those making Reach] for quite a while now - they've been working on the genesis of what will become our next big thing.
"It's a little premature to get into specifics, but you know I think we have a really good mix of old blood and new blood in the studio." Bungie announced its independence from Microsoft back in 2007, but they've continued developing exclusively for the Xbox 360 over the past few years. Unsubstantiated rumors suggest that they will be working with Activision.
It'll probably be a bit before we he hear anything concrete, if only because Microsoft will want Bungie to focus on Halo Reach. We'll see what happens after it arrives this fall.
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February 25th, 2010, 21:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Examiner
As we reported earlier in the week, Heavy Rain is having some problems with freezing, locking up, and glitches. In the comments section of that article, you'll find many who experienced some kind of problem. At first, it was thought to be due to the 230MB patch, but it appears that may not be the case after-all. The issue has finally been addressed by a Sony developer on the PlayStation forums. He reassures everyone that this problem is only occurring in a low population of machines, Sony is working on a solution to release to the public so everyone can enjoy the game without a problem.
One thing he does make note of, is do not shutoff the system if the screen goes black. Wait 5 minutes before acting on this black screen and then make a decision from there. It doesn't mean the game crashed.
He posts:
Hi folks, this is just to let you know that the issues reported in this thread and elsewhere are being looked into. We're currently trying to establish any common factors for people who are experiencing game freezing so if you are having trouble please be as thorough as possible with regards to your PS3 setup - are you using a launch version of the console or a brand new slim, playing in standard or high definition (I'm not suggesting that these are potential causes, just making the point)... any information you can give may help to find where the issue lies.
One word of advice we've had already is to avoid switching off your PlayStation while the game is in black screen as this may be affecting your save game. There have been a few reports of incidents where game saves have taken longer than would normally be expected - and with a black screen present it may leave the assumption that the game has crashed. In these circumstances we recommend you wait at least 5 minutes before rebooting - while it's highly unlikely a save will take this long, it's better to be safe than sorry.
While incidents of problems with the game are very low we're working to ensure that everyone gets the Heavy Rain experience they expect. As soon as there is any further information we'll update further. The same developer then left this response on the forums offering a possible fix. Remove all peripherals from the system. It may not fix the problem, but it's worth giving it a try.
Thanks for the responses so for, I'll pass these on to the right people to help in establishing potential causes for these issues. Obviously I'll keep you up to date with all further information that comes along, and please do continue to post any findings you have and I'll make sure the team are informed.
One other thing to try, that I mention purely because I've seen it happen in another game, is to try removing any peripherals to have assigned to your PS3 - Blu-ray remotes, Buzz! controllers, guitar controllers etc - while it's unlikely that this is the cause I'm keen to rule out the obvious to begin with. Let us know if you are still experiencing any problems. With Sony now working on a solution, we should see some kind of patch, hopefully, within a week's time. Once an official solution if released, we'll let you know.
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February 25th, 2010, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
A new daily build of Scummvm has been released for the Wii, Iphone, Dreamcast, PSP and GP2X, heres the release news:
It's time once again to go out and test all your favorite ScummVM games as we gear up for another release of our humble little software. We have several new games announced as supported:
Blue's Art Time Activities
Blue's Reading Time Activities
Dragon Historie
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
Spy Fox 3: Operation Ozone
So, go grab your favorite games, and play through them using a daily build. If you find any bugs, report them on the bug tracker. Once you've completed a game, please report it on the forums so it can be added to the release testing wiki page. When reporting, make sure you provide the version, language, and platform of the game you're testing. Any other questions? Go see the Release Testing guidelines.
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February 25th, 2010, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
Sakya releases a new version of OSLib MOD, libraries to handle two-dimensional graphics and audio to PSP originally developed by the developer Brunni. This new release fixes some bugs and introduces some general improvements.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v1.1.1:
-Added support sfont (see example)
-Added network functions (taken from PGE LUA). Check net.h
-Added oslDrawStringLimited (limits the length of a string on screen)
Fixed-loading intraFont using the Virtual Filesystem
-Fixed other bugs by STAS
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February 25th, 2010, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hakuryu188
Hello all ^^
I've make a plugin, this plugin hide/unhide your movies in your memory stick.
To Hide/unhide, press R, CIRCLE, JOY DOWN

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February 25th, 2010, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Well, we've already heard some rumors that Sony was considering a relaunch of sorts for the PSP Go, and it looks like at least some execs from the company are now starting to speak publicly about why such a move might be necessary. In an interview with IndustryGamers, SCEA Senior Vice President of Publisher Relations Rob Dyer admitted that the PSP Go did "confuse" customers, and that the "higher price point didn't help matters any either" -- not exactly the sort of thing you hear Sony say every day. Does that mean we'll be seeing updated hardware or a lower price anytime soon? Dyer unsurprisingly wouldn't say when pressed, adding only that Sony is "going back and re-communicating" with consumers.
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February 26th, 2010, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A unique emotional experience that makes you “feel” as if you’re IN a psychological crime thriller
Stunning graphics, animation and technology combine with a strong narrative that delivers a movie-like experience
Mature content, reflecting a realistic world setting that explores powerful themes
Accessible gameplay via intuitive, contextual controls and interface
Experience a gripping psychological crime thriller filled with innumerable twists and turns, where even the smallest actions and choices can cause dramatic consequences. The hunt is on for the Origami Killer, named after his calling card of leaving folded paper shapes on victims. Four characters, each with their own motives, take part in a desperate attempt to stop the killer from claiming a new victim.
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February 26th, 2010, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Last Rebellion is an orthodox turn base fantasy RPG at first glance. All the elements are there, the swordsman, the sorceress, hideous monsters and an absoutely stunning landscape.
However, the game system, designed by the staff in Nippon Ichi Software, make this game standout in a fascinating way.
Switch the swordsman Nine and the sorceress Aisha around for different battles, sometimes physical strength gives you the extra edge, sometimes it's magic. Aim to disable your opponents by hitting specific body parts, for example, slow them down with a blow to the legs and their attack power to their arms.
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February 26th, 2010, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In a frantic battle to the checkered flag, Sonic and friends speed around tracks set in medieval castle ramparts, lush rainforests and bustling cities, all taken from the visually rich and varied universes of Sonic and SEGA. Fan favorites such as Dr. Eggman, Tails, AiAi, Amigo and many more will join Sonic in their custom built vehicles, revving their engines and jostling to stay ahead of the pack. Each character will speed around the track in cars, planes, motorbikes, and in Aiai’s case – a banana mobile! Secret short cuts, swift handling and avoiding strategically placed obstacles are certainly the best way to get to the top of the podium.
But winning is only part of the fun in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing! Each character has a specific All Star move – such as Super Sonic, Banana Blitz and Tails Tornado – that allows a quick way for competitors to get back into the race! Power ups and weapons can also be collected around the tracks and used against the opposition to ensure they don’t become a threat to that number one position.
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February 26th, 2010, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Metal Slug the horizontal shooter is breaking new grounds in the Sony PSP platform. The new game makes use of the wide screen to display some high color resolution graphics. You can use the LAN facilities and ask friends to participate in the war with you.
When you get a friend to join the frontiers with you, you'd be able to take care of enemies in different parts of the stages. Besides the main mission, there is a new combat school mode where you get to play with 70 weapons and learn warfare tactics under a tsundere beauty.
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February 26th, 2010, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A complete walkthrough of each of the single-player campaigns.
CHARACTER COVERAGE: Detailed data on playing as the Marine, the Predator, and the Alien. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of each!
WEAPONS: In-depth stats for each character and the weapons specific to them
MULTIPLAYER STRATEGIES: Exhaustive strategies for each mode of gameplay
BOSS TACTICS: Expert tips to defeat even the toughest foe
Platform: PS3, Xbox 360, and PC
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February 26th, 2010, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has a lineup of armored female figures with movable joints called Busou Shinki in Japan. They’re linked to a cash-op MMO and soon a PSP game.
A teaser site for Busou Shinki: Battle Masters popped up on Konami’s servers with little information. We know its PSP game and it’s slated for summer.
As a point of reference, the PC game has players train and battle Busou Shinki. No word if the upcoming PSP game is going to be the same or a Busou Shinki meets Love Plus dating sim.
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February 26th, 2010, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Zipper has released a big patch for MAG.
Changes were described on the European PlayStation blog as "dramatic" and include revamps for every single weapon as well as sped-up gear and weapon swapping and a clamp-down on various exploits. You'll also be given more warning when a BOOM! - bomb is about to explode.
This update is patch 1.03, and the entire contents are listed below.
- Overhauled tuning of multiple weapons of all types (see "Weapon" section below)
- Improved speed of weapon and gear swapping by approximately 500 milliseconds.
- Fixed bug in SVER's Aralkum Mechanical Acquisition map and Absheron Refinery Domination map that allowed players to defuse a charge planted on a repaired gate or door.
- Added a "solid tone" sound effect near the end of a charge's beeping detonation timer so that players know when the charge can no longer be defused and that they should vacate the area.
- "Medium Improved" Armor now works as intended with the speed properties of Medium Armor and a defensive value greater than Medium, but less than Heavy Armor.
- Changed resuscitated player's camera orientation to match the last camera direction used while incapacitated instead of the pre-harm camera.
- Players no longer lose XP if a teammate is killed by an objective explosion caused by a charge they planted.
- Respec Point requirements in Barracks have been changed from 3K, 5K, 10K, 17K, 26K, and 26K-Repeat to 1K, 2K, 3K, and 3K-Repeat.
- Lowered the amount of damage necessary to kill an incapacitated enemy.
- All fired projectiles (RPGs, Turret Rockets) have been given a steadier aim.
- Mines that haven't been triggered are no longer removed from the map when the dead player that deploys them respawns unless that player changes their Loadout (note: The maximum number of mines you can plant cannot exceed the number you initially spawn with).
- Fixed bug that prevented "fully-resuscitated" players with more than 100 health points from receiving their full HP.
- Fixed bug that caused players to take unnecessary damage from both friendly and enemy vehicles when touching them.
- Players no longer lose leadership points after entering "Veteran Mode."
- "From the hip" firing for Light and Medium machine guns have stronger recoil and are less accurate when moving.
- Tuned weapon damage for all three factions.
- Modified all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs) so that they're less effective at long distances.
- Made Battle Rifles more effective.
- Reduced accuracy bonus for using iron sights and reflex sights so that players can no longer snipe with weapons that aren't intended to do so.
- Increased damage values for all rockets to make them more effective (ex: three rockets can now destroy a DE turret).
- Shooting through thin materials (fences, tents, etc.) will be more consistent.
- Increased spread on shotguns.
- Improved animations for rocket launchers.
- Fixed bug that caused the recoil animation to end early or stop animating if a player was firing their weapon for a long period of time.
- Changed detonation time on smoke and poison gas grenades to prevent them from exploding in mid-air to eliminate unintended FX issues.
- Added realistic fogging effects to sky-domes.
- Fixed most conditions that caused players to be caught in a "respawn loop" which kept restarting the respawn queue when the countdown clock reached 0.
- Changed in-game conditions to make it less likely to experience in-game freezes.
- Improved client-side stability.
[*]Improved client-side stability.[/LIST]
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February 26th, 2010, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Five new screenshots of Gran Turismo 5 have emerged on the internet.
They showcase Ferrari, Dodge, Mercedees and Lexus as some of the super cars featured in the game and look absolutely beautiful. (Thanks GTPlanet)
The last word from Sony on GT5 was that it was expecting a release date somewhere in Autumn, but with all the delays the racing sim has had so far Sony may as well just throw a calendar at us and say, "It's one of them".
Hopefully the images here will keep you going in the meantime.
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February 26th, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony America boss Jack Tretton has said that PlayStation 3's position now proves what the company was saying all along about a 10-year console cycle.
"I'd love to flashback to 2006 and bring people forward to 2010 and say, 'Now what do you think about Blu-ray? About the technology?'" Tretton told Fast Company.
"We've just passed the third year of the PlayStation 3 and we're just hitting our stride. And I don't think anyone is saying, 'This is a five-year cycle; what's new on the horizon?'
"I can't even imagine what can be done technically beyond the PlayStation 3 in the near future.
"A question I often get is when we are going to see PlayStation 4. When somebody can craft the technology that exceeds what we're able to do on the PS3, but we are still just starting to harness it." Speaking of which, Tretton also compared the company's PS3 motion controller plans with those of Microsoft on Project Natal and found the latter wanting.
"We introduced motion gaming with the EyeToy for PlayStation 2. It was an incredible experience," he said.
"But it was somewhat limited in terms of the type of gaming experiences..."
"You have to tip your hat to Nintendo for introducing the motion gaming using their controllers, doing it in a more social fashion. I'm not an expert on Microsoft's technology, but we all know that it was not homegrown. It's certainly technology that we worked with before. We had the experience with the PS2 and EyeToy." Having a controller in your hand makes the difference, Tretton argued.
"We're able to take advantage of the camera, take advantage of the ability to identity yourself in 3D space, but then have controls in hand to do things like shooting and swinging an object, and much more accurately than ever done before," he said.
"You can have it as an element of a game, you can do it as a dedicated game, you can do it in a social gaming atmosphere. There is no game where you say, 'Our control isn't going to apply there.'"
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February 26th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Hideo Kojima's shift to PSP development raised questions about what platform the Metal Gear Solid series will continue on. Thankfully, the man himself has signed up to Twitter in order to provide an answer.
"It's not that PSP is the main platform for the future MGS series. Peace Walker is a test to see what type of expansions are there if MGS is brought to a portable. We're not just rising vertically with development on next generation systems, but also horizontally, trying to expand gameplay," Tweeted Kojima, translated by Andriasang. An old logo for MGS: Peace Walker revealed recently that the game had once been known as Metal Gear Solid 5, and added fuel to the fire.
Hideo Kojima will be the hands-on leader for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which has dazzled crowds - Eurogamer included - with four-player co-op and impressive production values. Kojima says you really have to see it to believe it.
"It's difficult to show the interest and freshness of PW through video," he Tweeted. "Cameron's Avatar was a huge hit because of the 3D video. That can't be communicated through text and a trailer. It's something you won't understand unless you experience it for yourself in the [cinema]." Kojima Productions does already have a new Metal Gear Solid game for consoles in development, called MGS: Rising. Kojima, however, will take a back-seat on the project and allow other team members to call the creative shots.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be released on 28th May. Metal Gear Solid: Rising has no release date.
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February 26th, 2010, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
Developer mc707, two months since the last release, releases an update for EDecrypt, application for PSP that allows us to decrypt / patch file and prx EBOOT.bin. This new version, 1.3.1, adds some new features and fixes some bugs present in earlier builds.
Installation - Changelog v1.3.1:
- Copy the folder EDecrypt in PSP / GAME
- Copy the file to decrypt in ms0: / enc /
- Start menu EDecrypt Game
- Press X to decrypt the files or square to decrypt the files and patches for CF M33
Changelog v1.3.1:
- Added digital signatures for new controls on firmware
- Files can now be patched ELF decrypt
- It 'now possible to decompress previously compressed files
- Improved memory management. The PSP with 64MB of RAM can now decrypt files of around 25MB
- Fixati bugs
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February 27th, 2010, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
God Of War creator David Jaffe has revealed that he no longer "connects" with specialist press review scores - and prefers reading fan feedback online.
Speaking to The Official PlayStation Magazine (UK), Jaffe said that games journalists are "going out of their way to praise the artistic for its own sake at the expense of video games".
He added: "Don't get me wrong - a good review makes my night, but I no longer find myself connecting with what a lot of reviewers go for and so it doesn't matter as much to me any more."
Jaffe's rumoured to be hard at work on a new Twisted Metal game, but he's yet to confirm the whispers.
UPDATE:We've clarified the original headline of this article - 'David Jaffe: I don't care about reviews' - after the man himself had a bit of a pop at it on his blog. It's okay: We can take it on the chin.
We felt that the previous headline was a fair short-form interpretation of his comments to OPM - but we're not in the business of misrepresenting people. So to be clear: Mr Jaffe does care about reviews of his games - especially when they're good ones. Just not as much as he used to.
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February 27th, 2010, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Valve has told CVG that it didn't put its "best foot forward" on PS3 with The Orange Box - and that it is working to "get better" on the system.
The PS3 version of The Orange Box - a huge commercial and critical success on Xbox 360 - was criticised by some quarters after Valve outsourced its development to EA.
The game was marked down by reviewers - with frame rate issues becoming a common bugbear.
Valve writer Chet Faliszek told CVG:
"We thought that the Orange Box didn't put our best foot forward with the PS3 community. We don't want to do something like that again on the PS3. We want to give PS3 owners the best possible experience.
"Some of that will come from us learning and getting better. Before we can go onto the PS3 again, we want to make sure we're better at developing for it."
The comments come after Faliszek said that Valve would develop on PS3 "down the road".
He also told CVG that Valve wouldn't be making 'sh*tty party games' for Natal.
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February 27th, 2010, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
A U.S. District Court for the Central District of California has dismissed a lawsuit against Sony Corporation of America and its related gaming branches (SCEA and SOE) which alleged the company denies access to its services for people with disabilities. According to court documents, plaintiff Alexander Stern argued that his "visual processing impairments" prevent him from enjoying titles manufactured by Sony and its game divisions.
Stern had filed the suit last October, claiming Sony's practices had violated Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). According to Game Politics, the court stated that in order to prove a violation of Title III of the ADA a plaintiff must show: "(1) [the plaintiff] is disabled within the meaning of the ADA; (2) the defendant is a private entity that owns, leases, or operates a place of public accommodation; and (3) the plaintiff was denied public accommodations by the defendant because of [the plaintiff's] disability."
In the dismissal notice (PDF), the court ruled that because Sony is not a "place of public accommodation" it was "not liable" for violating Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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February 27th, 2010, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
We know full well what the PS9 will be capable of, but what of the successor to the PlayStation 3, the PS4? Jack Tretton doesn't seem to know, telling Fast Company that he "can't even imagine what can be done technically beyond the PlayStation 3 in the near future." We'd theorize it involves more high-definitionier graphics than ever before.
Tretton continued to reiterate the same "ten year" message -- the proposed shelf life of the PS3 -- that the Sony team has followed since even before the launch of the system. With 2010 marking the fourth year of the PS3's life cycle, it seems increasingly likely that Sony will stick to that goal. Of course, that's not to say the "PS4" won't ever be realized. We'll see the PS4 "when somebody can craft the technology that exceeds what we're able to do on the PS3," Tretton offered. However, he doesn't expect that eureka moment to come any time soon, adding "we are still just starting to harness [the PS3]."
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February 28th, 2010, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from http://www.codetactics.com/

Hi everyone. Justin and I (the codetactics team) have just released v 1.01 of Mobile Assault (formally known as Apollonia).
It's been more that 6 months since we released 0.04a and a lot of improvements have been made. The most notable changes are:
- New title
- iPhone build
- More missions
- Textured units
- Upgrades
- More airstrikes
- Online leaderboard (so you can see iPhone v PSP users)
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February 28th, 2010, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
In late 2008, a Pennsylvania teenager playing SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals got kicked out of a tournament for using a cheat mod. So he took revenge by crashing the PlayStation web site for 11 days.
Sony got the last laugh, however, in the form of a federal grand jury investigation, which quickly led to the perpetrator, a high school honors student in Latrobe, Pa. The hacker pled guilty to four felony charges in juvie court. Reports say he got access to the site's servers and let loose a virus that brought everything down.
His methods weren't described in detail but an expert contacted by a local TV station said they weren't so sophisticated that someone else couldn't pull it off. I bet Sony has stronger protections in place now, though.
The teen pleaded guilty to four counts: unlawful use of a computer, criminal use of a computer, computer trespassing and the distribution of a computer virus, in exchange for prosecutors dropping 11 others, some related to a March 2009 cyber attack.
Kudos to WTAE-TV of Pittsburgh for not only getting the name of the game (it was left out of other reports), but also using the correct console in its footage - although I'm wondering what those shots of Madden have to do with it.
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February 28th, 2010, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
CRI, a Japanese middleware provider, are promoting what they call File Magic Pro; software that allegedly reduces the load times in PSP games by half via game compression and expansion, and file placement optimization.
Among the games that already implement this solution are Persona 3 Portable, Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, Valkyria Chronicles 2, and Mana Khemia 2 Portable.
Perhaps Square Enix would be interested in utilizing it for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep before releasing it in the west? After all, they’re already making other tweaks to the game.
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February 28th, 2010, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster

For anyone wanting to transfer large files over a short distance without a local area network, having to do the USB stick shuffle is a huge pain. Load, unload, delete, repeat. Sure you could buy a higher capacity stick, but they're expensive and still have limitations. Infinitec is looking to bust through the memory barrier with its new USB streaming technology.
Rather than storing a handful of gigabytes on each stick, the Infinite USB Memory device (IUM) stores zero gigabytes. Instead, it creates an ad hoc wireless network between your laptop and whatever other USB enabled device you want to connect to. You can stream movies to your PS3 or Xbox 360, send images to your once non-wireless printer, or even transfer files between computers by making your whole hard-drive available on the network. Best of all, there are no drivers to install - aside from a one-time "pairing" process that installs the awesomely titled "Infinite Portal" onto your computer - and it works with all operating systems.
Of course, the fact that it's wireless means you can only transfer files within the IUM's range, so there will still be a use for regular old flash memory sticks. There's still no word on pricing or technical specs, but we'll keep an eye out.
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