March 1st, 2005, 19:41 Posted By: kurt_cobain
how can i do for burn pvcs(atari 2600 for ps2) on a cd?
some people told me to crate a txt file called files.txt, i use pefu alpha 2( this program is used to create files.txt files)but the cd don´t load.
obs1: in the manual of pvcs, says: load on memory card and cdrom, but, dont work on cd(when i buy som usb to usb cable, i will try use the naplink)
obs2: when you downloaded the emulator from the oficial pvcs website(http://pvcs.ps2-scene.org/)the zip or rar files don't contains the file system.cnf. i am not a hacker or a programmer, but some people told me and i belive the cd rom doesn't work without these file.
please help me, if some one has a tutorial in english or portuguese, please post or send for this email: kurt_cobain_8@msn.com.
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March 3rd, 2005, 10:16 Posted By: spike92
I am stuck on hte mission where you need to do a U turn and chase the car but I keep crashing and losing the car!!!!
It's doin my head in!!!!! :'( HELP ME PLEASE :'(
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March 5th, 2005, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
Ole has released the first official version of his port of UAE the Amiga emulator to the PS2 (which comes in 2 flavours ECS and AGA), heres whats new in this release:[br][br] Major changes of the port:[br]- more cpu cores[br]- AGA support[br]- up to 4MB of memory for ECS and up to 2MB for AGA[br]- more precise timing[br]- sound emulation (preliminary)[br]- 'options dialog' for disk swapping[br]- 2nd joystick emulation (on 2nd joypad)[br]- virtual keyboard[br]- host:/ independent[br] [br][br]Download ECS/AGA versions and Source Here
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March 12th, 2005, 13:31 Posted By: hbk2005v1
Hi i have tryed to get this to work but cant there seems to be a folder missing in the root of the iso its called cnf its only small so if any 1 has it that would be great thanx please reply bck cos this is urgent peace
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March 12th, 2005, 21:05 Posted By: woody
Why is it i can back up some games and not others, i am using the slide tool. could it be the disks, i am using yellow datawrites. Any ideas
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March 18th, 2005, 00:34 Posted By: pollup
im using games such as mortal kombat 3 on snes station.. is there a way to get the game to run on really low sound setting so it runs smother? or do i just have to turn sounds off.. ?? if anyone has any recommended setting please let me know.. thanks.
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March 20th, 2005, 12:45 Posted By: marcoooooo
when i buy the latest slimline ps2 will it be possible to modify it with a modchip?? i heard this wouldnt be possible...does anyone here know ??
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March 25th, 2005, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
Is Sony opening the door to some sort of truce between Blu-ray and HD-DVD? It’s seems way late in the game to be talking about unifying the two warring high-def disc standards, esp. considering how much HD-DVD and Blu-ray hardware is already in the pipeline, but incoming Sony prez Ryoji Chubachi said an interview earlier today that they “haven’t totally given up on the possibility of integration or compromise,” and that Sony, which is backing Blu-ray hardcore, understands that having “two rival formats is disappointing.” (You can say that again, brother.) This is actually the second time this year that a top Sony exec has indicated that they’re willing to work things out with the companies that are backing HD-DVD (like Toshiba and NEC), but the question is, what are they going to do to make it happen? If there was an easy or obvious compromise to be found it probably would have happened already. Where was all this conciliatory talk two years ago?
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March 26th, 2005, 03:14 Posted By: wraggster
Not many sites get myback up and i have no problems at all with sites with ads/banners, you dont have to click em and theres reasons they are there, but sites that Ban for no reason what so ever are the lamest of them all, i myself was banned from ps2ownz a while ago for letting them know that a newspost claming some nintendo ds emulator was playing commercial games was wrong and even more annoying that the site they linked to was not the authors site and not a mirror page and the cheeky buggers even had a .com addy for this emulator,
anyway i ponted this out and got banned.
I dont always like the way PS2Newz is with newsposts but at least they arent a bunch of idiots like ps2 ownz
the funny thing they tried to make me pay to be unbanned, as if anyone would.
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March 29th, 2005, 01:28 Posted By: Jace
I've been doing roms for years but not untill I just recently got my DVD+/-RW have I even attempted ISOs. Now so far what I know from reading is that there are a few programs that bypass the MODchip deal. I also read you need some cheat device to help in the process i.e. Gameshark or action replay. So far the only cronstructive place I've found to download ISOs is ISOhunt. I have CD Mage and will shovel out more specific information when promted to if need be. So far the only game I'm looking to play and download is specificly God of War which I am currently d/l.
P.S. I havn't been a newbie in so long I don't know what people do to them nowadays. I just keep replaying the Counterstrike animation in my head hoping it goes better than that. lol. Thanks in advance.
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March 29th, 2005, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Three years ago, Northern California technology company Immersion Corporation brought a suit against Sony Computer Entertainment and Microsoft Corporation claiming patent infringement of its proprietary technology used in the controllers for the companies' home consoles: the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and Xbox.
Microsoft settled out of court with Immersion in 2003, avoiding messy legal proceedings for $26 million, which also got Microsoft a 10 percent stake in Immersion.
Sony, on the other hand, left the decision up to the courts, a move that appears to have cost the company a serious chunk of change. Last Thursday, United States District Judge Claudia Wilken ordered the electronics giant to pay Immersion $90.7 million in patent infringement damages. The fine stems from the $82 million awarded to Immersion by a jury's decision on September 21, 2004, plus prejudgement interest of $8.7 million tacked on last week, which Sony unsuccessfully objected to.
The tiff involves Immersion's technology that creates the "rumble" feature that causes controllers to vibrate in sync with events in games. The court found in favor of Immersion's claims that Sony's Dual Shock controllers, the standard sticks for Sony's PlayStation and PlayStation 2, and several of its games infringe on two of its patents.
The Oakland, California, court also ordered an injunction stating that Sony is to immediately stop selling the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, both versions of the Dual Shock controllers, and 47 games found to use the vibration technology, including Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Gran Turismo 3. The injunction only effects sales in the United States.
Sony immediately appealed the decision and has been granted a stay of permanent injunction, allowing Sony to sell its products as normal during the appeals process. However, Sony will have to pay a licensing fee to Immersion for the duration of the stay.
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March 30th, 2005, 08:31 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3607&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Just how classic games don't feel the same when played with a keyboard, for some Sega fans certain PS2 titles just don't feel the same without the good old Saturn pad in their hands. Being arch enemies with the original PlayStation, back in the mid 90's no one would have believed we'd ever see the Saturn controller with an officially licensed PlayStation logo on the front, but here it is! Along with six front buttons, two triggers, a great D-pad for fighters and schmups, and a very ergonomical shape, start and select buttons have been added.
Arch enemies yes, but the Saturn was beaten down by PlayStation on the economical side of things. There's no doubt it couldn't be topped at 2D beat 'em ups however, and back in those days, the Virtua Stick was considered the best arcade stick ever made, and still is today by many old school gamers. Based on Sega's own Arcade Cabinet joysticks, the heavyweight stick has also been brought to PlayStation, complete with its large rapid fire buttons and micro-switches for smooth reliable movements. Both the controller and arcade stick were released last Thursday, just before Easter break, and are in stock and shipping within 24 hours.
For long time Sega followers, don't forget we also stock the Sega AGES titles as they are released in Japan. Coming up are Fighting Vipers then Dragon Force, a port that keeps the classic 2D look we love, but adds so much new stuff it's the first Sega AGES release to require a DVD-ROM! Also for the US though, Sega Ages Phantasy Star Trilogy is due May 1st, and includes additional storyline content, enhanced soundtracks, and improved visuals.
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March 31st, 2005, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
An internal preview event for Sony's next-generation PlayStation console which was planned for March has been cancelled, according to a Reuters report, but the firm denies that its development has fallen behind.
According to Reuters Japan, in a report partially translated by US website GameSpot, the March preview was going to reveal general details about the next generation PlayStation, with the console itself going on show for the first time at E3.
But Sony told Reuters that it had decided to cancel as holding the event so soon "would pressure game publishers." The company was quick to point out that the cancellation did not mean development was falling behind, and said that it is still planning to exhibit the new console at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo.
The Japanese event went right up to the wire, according to some reports which claim that senior Sony officials had booked flights to the event before the cancellation was announced.
It's expected that Sony will reveal the console in a special preview event in the days ahead of the Expo. Rivals Microsoft and Nintendo are also expected to debut their next-generation consoles at this year's E3.
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