July 2nd, 2004, 16:33 Posted By: bonkeymutt
I'm looking for people who play a ton of rpg's and are good writers. I'm the webmaster and editor in chief of PSNews.net, and we need more reviews on RPG's. So, if you are interested in writing reviews for mainly RPG's (all other reivews are welcome too) for the PS2, please reply to this thread or send an email to webmaster@psnews.net. Thanks!
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July 3rd, 2004, 17:46 Posted By: Azkamidaka
I am using nero When I tried to copy my Xenosaga disc everything was running smoothly until needed to insert blank media for the copied data. I tried to use a Fujifilm DVD+R 4.7 GB disc but Nero told me that the blank wasnt big enough. What am i doing wrong and how do i successfully create a backup of my game?
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July 4th, 2004, 07:29 Posted By: ruud_da_dude_10
My ps2 is now broke. I think it has a noisy mechanism and it can be fixed. Im selling it on ebay and have a low reserve price. The bundle includes a controller,(rrp £10) a dvd remote and reciever (rrp £19.99) and two top ps2 games that are wwe smackdown 3 (rrp £15) and wwe smackdown 4 (rrp £15) and obviously the console itself so if you are intersted reply to this topic and i will give you the link.
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July 8th, 2004, 06:03 Posted By: nemojazz
Hi All,
Don't know if anybody can help me on this, would apreciate is soembody could.
Right, I have sony PS2 chiped with the Latest Messaias chip.
I have some PS2 games on DC-R and DVD-R that I need to copy and my PC has a 4xDVD+R/+RW and I have NERO 6 installed.
Question is can I burn the Games from DC-R/DVD-R to CD+/DVD+ ? And if not how can I ?
Thank's in Advance
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July 11th, 2004, 04:46 Posted By: wraggster
Ole has ported over to the PS2 the SCUMMVM interpreter, heres the news from this release:[br][br]PS2 port features[br]-----------------[br]- graphics (2d drawing routines taken from tutorials by Tony Saveski)[br]- sound (SjPCM by Sjeep)[br]- dual shock controler support (ps2dev libs)[br]- memory card support (ps2dev libs)[br]- cdrom support (libcdvd by Hiryu & Sjeep)[br]- virtual keyboard[br]- PAL and NTSC[br]- SKY ans Simon engines are not compiled - scumm only build[br][br]More information and the download can be found at this Page [br][br]The author does mention that its a buggy release but hey its still something new for the PS2 [br][br]Leave bug reports or screenshots etc
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July 12th, 2004, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to Bloomberg for its article discussing a seeming lack of development kits for Sony's forthcoming PSP handheld, and the logical possibility the system "may be hampered by a lack of new games" when the handheld "goes on sale in Japan before yearend." According to the news article: "Sony has yet to send the final development kits for PlayStation Portable to any of its outside game publishers, said Yoshiko Furusawa, a spokeswoman with Sony Computer Entertainment in Tokyo. Sony had already sent the final kits to publishers for its best-selling PlayStation 2 home video-game console at a similar stage before its debut in March 2000, Furusawa said." Hirofumi Otsuki of Sega added: "We don't know if we'll meet Sony's schedule... PlayStation Portable details still seem to be in development."
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July 19th, 2004, 16:28 Posted By: Trunks2
Hi i was wonderung if it is possible 2 use a normal pc webcam on the ps2 as my eyetioy camera is broken beond repair and it's cheaper to get a pc webcam than a ps2 1
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July 21st, 2004, 21:46 Posted By: KameSama
Hi, im nutorious for scratching/damaging my PS2 games. I have a DVD burner and was wondering what software I need to go about backing up my PS2 games onto DVDs.
My playstation is modded already because I play alot of games from over-seas.
Thanks for your help.
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July 22nd, 2004, 14:14 Posted By: joeside
Any ways, im new to thisforum but it seems pretty gay with these jew like admins. I see we cant talk about backing up games, which is pretty gay seeing how that defeats the point of an internet forum "freedom of speach". doesn anyone know of a good ps2 forum that doesnt have lame administrators. thanx-big ps2 fan
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July 23rd, 2004, 04:33 Posted By: kezlad
I am trying to find the best football/soccer game that is available. Not on price wise but graphics and popularity rating. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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July 24th, 2004, 12:13 Posted By: leo178
[glow=red,2,300][/glow] I burned Goldeneye onto a
CD-R disk and it plays fine on my DVD player but when I try to play it on my PS2 it just says "Unable to Read Disk". Is there any way to fix this? Should I try a DVD-R disk? Please help! ??? ???
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July 26th, 2004, 22:43 Posted By: Yabba03
PS2 For sale:
Comes in box with 2 controllers and 1 memory card.
Excellent condition....
3 games included:
- Pro Evolution Soccer 3
- Medal of Honor Rising Sun
- Need for Speed Underground
Looking for a price of around £100
Payment made through PayPal
Contact me via e-mail at samanthaburke@hotmail.com or through MSN Messenger
Can ship to most places just ask
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July 27th, 2004, 11:54 Posted By: phuggett
Hey People,
Can anybody let me know where I can find info on trying to repair my PS2. I have spent a load of money buying the thing and find it shameful that I have to pay either Sony, or someone else for info or to repair it.
I think it is a problem with the magnets.
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July 29th, 2004, 03:55 Posted By: tas
hi I am planing on bying armoured core nexus from lik-sang.com but i live in new zealand and have a pal ps2 it has basicly the same build as thi brit and aus ps2 and i was wondering if any body had any luck trying to load armoured core nexus (ntsc]j) with swap magic 2.0 thanks
First POST : 8) ;D
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