February 1st, 2013, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Console giant may unveil next-gen system on February 20th
A website has appeared teasing a big announcement from Sony's Playstation division on February 20th at 6PM EST.
The company has been hinting the unveiling of its next generation console, with one executive suggesting it could come before E3.
The site is mostly fluff, providing only the time and date of the announcement alongide a lot of icons familiar to any Playstation owner and a mailing-list sign up.
If this isn't a console announcement, many in the industry will be eating their hats.
"Sony is inviting investors and media to the Feb 20 event; that means console announcement. I'm genuinely excited, although I will be in LA," said analyst Michael Pachter over Twitter.
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February 1st, 2013, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.edge-online.com/news/playstation-4-revealed/
Development sources with working knowledge of both next generation consoles have told us that PlayStation 4 will be more powerful than the next Xbox, will ship with a redesigned controller and launch by the end of the year in Japan and the US. PlayStation 4’s European launch will follow in early 2014.Sony is set to reveal its next PlayStation on Wednesday February 20th at an event dubbed ‘see the future’. Sony Computer Entertainment released a teaser video last night to announce the event. Below, our sources revealed what to expect from PlayStation 4.The controllerSources close to the hardware have revealed to us that PS4 will ship with a redesigned controller which is the same size as an existing DualShock but features a small touchpad in place of the existing Select, Start and PS buttons. The tech is based on Vita’s rear touchpad, and is similarly responsive in use.A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online. The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet.The launchWe’re told that PlayStation 4 will launch in Japan and the US by Christmas, with a Euro rollout following in early 2014, the delay attributed to the complexities involved in European distribution. Alongside the console, Sony will also introduce a new, improved iteration of its PlayStation Eye peripheral, which remains compatible with the PlayStation Move controller. Move will be available at launch, but it’s not clear yet whether it will be bundled with the hardware.
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February 2nd, 2013, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is about to take the wraps off of its next-gen console
Update: While Sony has yet to say anything other than the announcement will concern the future of the PlayStation business, The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that it's confirmed through a source that the February 20 announcement will indeed be that of the next-gen PlayStation console.
Original story
Sony has released a teaser video for an upcoming announcement on February 20, 2013. The company launched the video with a tweet inviting players to "see the future" alongside a related website with a mailing list sign-up.
Many are speculating that the announcement could be for Sony's next PlayStation console. Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter noted that investors are being invited to the event.
"Sony is inviting investors and media to the Feb 20 event; that means console announcement. I'm genuinely excited, although I will be in [Los Angeles]," tweeted Pachter.
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February 2nd, 2013, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Grand Theft Auto V could sell around 18 million copies in Take-Two's fiscal year and even topple the mighty Call of Duty series from its anual chart dominance, predicts industry analysts.
Sterne Agee's Arvind Bhatia estimates development costs for the game total around $137.5 million, reports Games Industry. That's taking into account a 250-strong development team working over five years. He also estimates a marketing spend of between $69 million and $109.3 million.Despite huge costs, and the recent delay from Spring to September, Bhatia thinks Take-Two is poised to make big returns on its investment.
The firm could sell anywhere between 15 million and 25 million, generating operating profit from $193.6 million to $390.8 million respectively, according to Bhatia's estimates.
He also says GTA V could even outsell this year's new Call of Duty, and that only Activision's FPS series stands a chance of forcing GTA to settle for second.
As reported yesterday, Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz has suggested that Rockstar may be planning to eventually release the game on the next generation of consoles in some form, following news of its delay to September.
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February 2nd, 2013, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
The next generation PlayStation will launch in Japan and the US by the end of 2013 but will not be released in Europe until "early 2014", according to a newEdge report.
The PS4's rumoured delay is due to "the complexities involved in European distribution", Edge claims.Sony declined to comment when approached by CVG.
The article also states that Sony is developing an "improved iteration of its PlayStation Eye peripheral" that will be compatible with the PlayStation Move controller.
Sony revealed on Thursday that it would be making an important announcement February 20 - widely understood to be the global unveiling of its next generation system.
Edge also claims that the PS4 will ship with "a redesigned controller which is the same size as an existing DualShock but features a small touchpad in place of the existing Select, Start and PS buttons".
"The tech is based on Vita's rear touchpad, and is similarly responsive in use," the publication claimed.
"A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online. The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet."
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February 2nd, 2013, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
There was a line, delivered by former PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai in 2006, that likely still haunts him to this day.
He said: "The next generation doesn't start until we say it does".It's probably the most unprofessional quote you'll have heard from a games industry executive - a mad moment when arrogance blends with disrespect - but such a claim was hardly out of character back in the days of PlayStation dominance.
With the first and second PlayStations, Sony shattered a thirty-year curse and produced two market-leading consoles in succession. It wasn't a tight race either - the PS2 typically had about two-thirds of the home console market and, by the end of it, sold three times more than the GameCube and Xbox combined.
What else was Hirai supposed to think?
The eventual downfall of PlayStation is well documented. Some would say that 70 million PS3 sales is hardly a failure - but that's not so reassuring considering Sony has slipped from total dominance to fighting for a third of the pie.
It was a calamitous fall from grace that was entirely self-inflicted. PS3 was produced at a time when Sony's self-belief reached a critical mass - the system was painfully ambitious, comically expensive and loathed by coders. In key territories across Europe, PS3 arrived about 18 months after the launch of the Xbox 360 and cost as much as Microsoft and Nintendo's consoles combined.
Amidst the turmoil and resignations and eventual fight back, Sony learned a key lesson: The next generation waits for no one.
On February 20 a new PlayStation will be revealed (our sources have confirmed this morning, having tipped us off a few weeks back).While recent alleged leaks of PS4 specs had triggered the inevitable debate on whether it's going to outperform the next Xbox, a Sony insider told me that this isn't going to be the focus at the company.
The war won't be won by producing the most powerful system, the person said. Sony is focusing attentions on fighting the Xbox business head-on with a well organised and timely console launch. No long waits, no executive hubris, no historic calamities.
Of course, this morning an industry insider offered a poignant reminder: "Victory will go not to those who make the most noise, but those who make the most impact".
But perhaps he is unintentionally praising Sony - the company that caught the entire industry off-guard on a grim Thursday in January. There is no doubt that the PS4 press conference announcement will have frustrated Microsoft execs in Redmond, specifically because it's so obvious that Sony has seized the moment after years of next-gen silence.
The company will undoubtedly reveal PlayStation 4 before the next Xbox is announced, and there's renewed speculation that the system will be released first too.
Hirai's unfortunate quote about the next generation was symptomatic of a wider problem within PlayStation - something which became a stabbing wake-up call for the business. But Sony's new eagerness to gazump Xbox and announce its console first shows that - through all the gloom and disorder - it has learnt hard lessons.
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February 2nd, 2013, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's highly anticipated successor to the PS3 is set to launch later this year in Japan and North America, but not reach Europe until early next year, according a report by Edge.The report attributes the delay to "complexities involved in European distribution." This wouldn't be the first time this happened as the PS3 launched in November 2006 in Japan and North America, but didn't reach Europe until the following March.Sources also indicate that the PS4 will ship with a redesigned controller similar to the DualShock 3, only with a small touchpad in the center where the Select, Start and PS buttons currently reside. The touchpad will be based on the same technology as the one on the back of the Vita.Another new feature of the controller is a "Share" button that will allow players to snap screenshots and record video to distribute online. Evidently, the console will continually record the most recent 15 seconds of footage, which players will then be able to edit or upload online. Sources claim it can capture all this footage with no processing penalty.While Orbis only has 4GB of GDDR5 RAM - compared to Durango devkits' 8GB DDR3 RAM - Sony noted that it's pushing for the final console to bump it up to 8GB. However, GDDR5 is quite snazzy and capable of moving data at 176 gigabytes per second, which should negate the sort of performance issues the PS3 suffered from. Our tech expert (texpert?) at Digital Foundry, Richard Leadbetter, was skeptical of these claims. "There has never been a system with 8GB GDDR5, ever. I think this is just wishful thinking," he noted [Update:Nvidia's $3,200 Tesla "super computer" dual GPU card is an exception but even this is essential two 'systems', each interfaced with 4GB of GDDR5].
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February 2nd, 2013, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda confirmed the North American release dates for the PS3's long-overdue Skyrim DLC expansions today. Dragonborn is first up on February 12, followed by Hearthfire a week after on February 19, with Dawnguard finishing things up on February 26.
As Bethesda announced last month, each expansion is going half-off during the week of its release, although the publisher has yet to announce specific prices. Meanwhile, the PC release of Dragonborn is scheduled for February 5.
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February 2nd, 2013, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Well here is the first Updated PSP Custom Firmware 6.20/6.35/6.39/6.60 for the Year 2013 which was made available just a few hours ago . Are you a fan of of Pro Custom Firmware . IF you are then you will be happy to know that PSP CFW 6.20/6.35/6.39/6.60 PRO-C2 is now available for the PlayStation Homebrew community for those PSP who are running PRO CFW on their PSP System . Feel free to download PSP CFW 6.20/6.35/6.39/6.60 PRO-C2 via our download section below . ChangeLog
Fixed bug in NoDRM Engine
•Homebrew Compatible – Run your own unsigned applications, both user and kernel mode.
•Plugin Compatible – Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins.
•ISO / CSO Game Dump Playback – Backup your own UMD discs via USB and play them from Flash Storage.
•2g+ Memory Range Unlock – Use the previously locked RAM range within your own homebrews.
•NODRM Engine – Use your bought DLCs, no matter on which PSN account you are currently logged in.
•PSX Emulator Unlock – Play your PSX classics, yes – all of them. Not just PSN titles.
•And a lot more…
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February 4th, 2013, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Good news: Sony has revealed a new PlayStation console! But it's not what you think. Instead, there's an Ice Silver editionPlayStation Vita reaching Asian countries from February 28th onwards. The new hue is attached to a WiFi model and marks the fourth special color we've seen in just over a year since the Vita hit shops, joining the more ostentatious blue, red andwhite shades from 2012. Hong Kong residents will pay HK$2,280 (US$294) to stand out from the crowd on the 28th, with launches also known to be coming later to Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. There's no word on if or when silver might reach other parts of the world, although Sony might not want to wait too long for any further expansion -- it's likely that a color addition will be the last thing on gamers' minds in a few weeks' time.
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February 4th, 2013, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has released the first official details regarding downloadable VR Missions for Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance.
The publisher has confirmed that VR Missions will be delivered to the Platinum Games-developed action spin-off as a DLC pack containing 30 missions - and it'll be "PlayStation exclusive" in North America.According to the announcement, the DLC's PS3-exclusivity is only effective in US - indicating that gamers in Latin America, Europe, and Japan will be able to buy the DLC on both Xbox and PS3.
Missions will range from "combat training, tactical maneuvering, stealth-based approaches and more ... in original stages not seen the in the game's campaign" explains Konami.
You'll be able to take control of Dwarf Gekko in the VR Missions.
The announcement made no mention of the character-specific DLC stories which reports last week claimed were in the works alongside VR Missions.
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February 4th, 2013, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda has confirmed Europe release dates for Skyrim's PS3 DLC, after last week's US release dates announcement.
Dragonborn, Dawnguard and Hearthfire will all arrive on the European PlayStation Store in February, a day after their respective US release dates, the company's confirmed.All three add-ons will be marked down to 50% during their first week of release in both the US and Europe. The PC edition of Dragonborn is due February 5.
The EU PS3 release dates are:
Dragonborn releases Tuesday, February, 13Hearthfire releases Tuesday, February, 20
Dawnguard releases Tuesday, February, 27
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February 4th, 2013, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
A updated PlayStation Homebrew game is now available to the PSP Homebrew community . this awesome game known as Simple Shoot Alpha 4.60 was made available just a few hours ago to the homebrew community . this updated version has some pretty good graphics, Not as best as other game, But pretty good and stable for a PSP Developer who is creating and releasing his first ever homebrew game . So if you are playing a older version of Simple Shoot Alpha on your PSP System, then go ahead and download this awesome well done homebrew game from our download section below . When game start all enemys is off,we must press start and set on(right arrow)
moving – Dpad or analog (we must set in menu , default is Dpad)
X – Shoot down
^ – Shoot up
[ ]- Shoot left
O – Shoot right
4 kind of ammo
Main Menu
Unlimitet SS
Options with save
When hp is 0 we die.
Mob spawn only in 3 places.
Game is faster
Download Attached
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February 5th, 2013, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9867
The Swiss famuex hacker Total Noob is back again with a new revision of its eCFW for the PlayStation VITA. eCFW The new version TN-V adds support XMB Tanat expected by the scene as well as access to PSN / SEN directly from eCFW! Without a previous novel in this area, especially when knowing that TN-V will be used exclusively (at least for the moment) the fault UNO firmware 2.02 of the VITA.
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February 5th, 2013, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
yaPSXe Git (2013/02/04) is compiled. yaPSXe is a PlayStation 1 emulator still in its early stages. It is written in C++ and developed in VC++ 2010. Author is making it public at this stage in the hope that it might attract the attention of other emulator developers who could help get this project off the ground.
yaPSXe Git Changelog:
* cleanup
* cleanup
* cleanup
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February 5th, 2013, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
PPSSPP Git (2013/02/04) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #592 from unknownbrackets/dlist
Fix crash with GE interrupts
* Fix crash with GE interrupts.
* Merge pull request #588 from unknownbrackets/atrac
Attempt to read the atrac size from the file
* Attempt to read the atrac size from the file.
* Merge pull request #587 from Xele02/qt_work
[Qt-desktop] Add support to USB gamePad
* Add support to gamePad using SDL
Add a dialog to config gamepad bindings
* Merge pull request #589 from Orphis/dlist-rewrite-part1
Dlist rewrite part1
* Interrupt handler reorganization for easier GE interrupt support
* Correctly savestate std::maps with non-uint keys.
* Use proper draw sequence in PPGeDraw
* setCompiledSdkVersion accepts any version as in the CFW version
* Merge branch 'module-blacklist'
* Blacklist the sceSsl module as well.
* Blacklist the ssl library too
* Disassemble a few more Ge ops.
* Merge pull request #586 from unknownbrackets/threadqueue
Implement a proper thread ready queue
* Fix alarm test by not interrupting when disabled.
vblank was interrupting/rescheduling when interrupts were disabled.
That's bad.
* Don't log idle => idle context switches.
* Use the new ready queue for thread switching.
* Make the new queue only have ready threads.
* Add a priority-indexed ready queue (not used yet.)
Also, not actually only ready threads yet.
* Merge pull request #585 from raven02/master
Build fix
* Build fix
* Merge pull request #582 from raven02/master
Add few new stubs seen from Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team
* Add few stubs seen from Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team
* Usec2Sysclock fixes
* Another bites the dust (blacklisted modules)
* Disable non-through RotateUV, according to Raven02 it seems it's not needed although I have my doubts 
* Merge pull request #583 from unknownbrackets/audio-minor
Atrac finish flag fix
* Properly set the finish flag at the end.
* Approximate atrac as compressing to 1/3 the size.
* Always return <= max samples for atrac. * Fix atrac looping, oops. * This atrac logging hack isn't needed now. * Merge pull request #580 from mikusp/sceKernelTimeWrap Wrap sceKernelTime functions * Wrap sceKernelTime functions * Fix RotateUV. Apparently the rules are reversed in through mode. * Prefixes are allowed on vcst, not that it makes much sense to use them.
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February 5th, 2013, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Unofficial MVSPSP Emulator v2.3.2 is released. This is a Unofficial build updated by IsmaMj. MVSPSP Emulator is a NeoGeo emulator for PSP. MVSPSP Emulates NeoGeo (SNK) arcade games. It has good compatibility, speed, and sound.
Unofficial MVSPSP Emulator v2.3.2 (02/02/13) Changelog:
Re-translate To Spanish With Clean Tradution.
Fixed Menu Crashes.
Fixed Bang Bang Buster.
Added Japan MVS (J3)
Added Japan AES
Added Unibios MVS (Hack, Ver. 2.3 Old)
Added Unibios MVS (Hack, Ver. 2.3)
Added Unibios MVS (Hack, Ver. 3.0)
Added Neo Open Bios (Hack, Ver. 0.1 Beta)
-Fixed Buttons But Have Many Freezes.
Raster Effect Of Unibios From v2.0 To 3.0.
Now AdHoc Show All Bioses.
Max. 1024 Roms In The Folder.
The Length Of Roms Has Been Increased To 10. (Before 8)
GAME_HACK = Green (New)
GAME_NOT_WORK Color Changed To Red.
GAME_BADROM Color Changed To Gray.
Extracted From Others Builds:
Fixed Support For Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (set 1), From BoomerCE.
Fixed Support For The King of Fighters 2003, From BoomerCE.
Thanks To Davex Cheats Support.
PSP Compatibility Mod By Herz. (Unstested)
-Spanish = For PSP in Spanish Language.
-English = For PSP in English Language.
-Japanese = For PSP in Japanese Language.
Enable UI 32BPP GUI Option.
Rominfo/Zipname Mod:
Enable Roms GAME_NOT_WORK. (kog, svcpbc)
Deleted All Homebrew Roms/Crap Roms.
Deleted Zipnamej Loading Only Zipname.
Change fatfursa To fatfurspa.
Change lastbldh To lastbladh.
Change tophunta To tophuntrh.
Change Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move (Set 2) To Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move (Bootleg) (Unstested)
Change Crc p1 Of Soccer Brawl (Set 1) [a2801c24 To 17f034a7] And m1 [2f38d5d3 To cb37427c] (Unstested)
Change Crc 000.lo.rom [e09e253c to 5a86cff2]
Rominfo/Zipname New Adds:
Added Alpha Mission II/ASO II - Last Guardian (Prototype) (Unstested)
Added Burning Fight (Prototype) (Unstested)
Added Choutetsu Brikinger - Iron Clad (Prototype, Bootleg) (Unstested)
Added Bang Bang Buster.
Added Bang Bead (Prototype).
Added Idol Mahjong - Final Romance 2 (CD To MVS Conversion). (Unstested)
Added Treasure Of The Caribbean.
Added Baseball Stars Professional (Set 2).
Added Ghost Pilots (Set 2).
Added Jockey Grand Prix (Set 2).
Added King Of The Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (Prototype). (Unstested)
Added The Last Blade/Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka No Kenshi (Set 3). (Unstested)
Added Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (Korean Release). (Unstested)
Added Quiz King Of Fighters (Korean Release). (Unstested)
Added Soccer Brawl (Set 2).
Added The King Of Fighters '97 (Korean Release). (Unstested)
Added The King Of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest (Korean Board 2). (Unstested)
Added The King Of Fighters '96 (Set 3).
Used From Other MVSPSP Builds: Thanks To Borracho2x
Added The Last Hope (CD To MVS Conversion)
Added Choutetsu Brikinger - Iron Clad (Prototype)
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February 5th, 2013, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita is one year old in the UK. Hoorah!
And to celebrate, Sony has announced a two-week price promotion that will see significant discounts of Vita software on the PlayStation Network.
Highlights include Lumines, Rayman Origins and Dungeon Hunter: Alliance for £13.99 as well as MLB 12 The Show for £11.99.
The vast majority of the games also offer an additional ten per cent discount on top of the sale price for PS Plus members.
Here’s the list:
A-men – £7.99 -> £5.99
Army Corps of Hell – £34.99 -> £15.99
Asphalt Injection – £19.99 -> £9.99
Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend – £19.99 -> £14.99
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance – £29.99 -> £13.99
Escape Plan – £9.99 -> £5.19
Everybody's Golf – £11.99 -> £6.99
F1 2011 – £31.99 -> £15.99
Hustle Kings – £6.49 -> £3.19
Little Deviants – £11.99 -> £6.99
Lumines: Electronic Symphony – £29.99 -> £13.99,
Michael Jackson The Experience HD - £19.99 -> £9.99
MLB 12 The Show – £23.99 -> £11.99
ModNation Racers: Road Trip – £11.99 -> £6.99
MotorStorm RC – £4.79 -> £2.39
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale – £29.99 -> £14.99
Reality Fighters – £11.99 -> £6.99
Rayman Origins – £29.99 -> £13.99
Ridge Racer - Ultimate Edition – £19.99 -> £9.99,
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen – £34.99 -> £15.99
Street Fighter x Tekken Vita – £39.99 -> £24.99,
Super Stardust Delta + Advanced Star Fighter Pack Bundle – £7.99 -> £3.99
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack – £5.49 -> £2.79
Top Darts – £6.49 -> £3.19
Touch My Katamari – £24.99 -> £15.99
Unit 13 – £29.99 -> £14.99
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February 5th, 2013, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
You like the games in Sony's PlayStation 3-based social network, Home, but not the endless Quincying? We can fully respect that, and we're glad to tell you that Sony's doing something specifically catered to your wants, fictional person -- today, PlayStation Home Arcade launches on the PlayStation Vita, bringing arcade games from the network to Vita with none of the awkward virtual dancing found on PS3. The software previously popped up on the Vita's store, but Sony wasn't saying a word at the time -- and now we know why. To access PlayStation Home Arcade, grab the free download from the Vita's PlayStation Store gateway; we're not seeing it pop up in the store just yet, but keep your eyes peeled! When it is available, to access the games, open up the application and download away -- they range from free to $1.49. For a full list of titles and the official word from Sony, head past the break. For a horrifying demonstration of Quincying, watch .
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February 6th, 2013, 14:54 Posted By: wraggster
Take Two CEO Strauss Zelnick has said that the publisher is preparing an array of next-gen releases, which don’t cost a great deal more to develop than current-gen games.During an investor conference call after Take Two’s latest financials, Zelnick was asked if next-gen titles will require far greater investment to develop. “We don’t have any reason to believe our development budgets will change significantly,” he said. “If anything we have become – group-wide – much tighter in terms of how we spend our money. We can’t say specifically, but no we don’t expect to see a meaningful change in what it costs us to release these top quality products.”Elaborating on the topic of ‘cross-generation’ releases, Zelnick continued: “Navigating this part of the cycle is a challenge and i’m actually really pleased with the way we’ve done it. Obviously we’ve released our major release schedule for the coming period and we’re excited about that. We can’t talk much about next-gen, because we’re not the ones to talk about it first, but rest assured that around here we think as far ahead as we possibly can and everyone’s really excited about the possibilities. And i’m very confident that we’ll navigate the transition when it does occur successfully.”Zelnick also said that the company was looking forward to the release of Bioshock Infinite in March, and that the GTA V delay won’t affect the performance of the title. Looking further forward, he added: “In terms of next-gen, as we all know – first of all nothing’s been announced yet – but assuming the consoles are coming when some of us at least think they are, that’s obviously a very light installed base initially and i’m confident that this company will have an extraordinary array of offerings for next-gen when the time comes.”Zelnick’s comments on development costs could be linked to what we expect from PlayStation 4. Our sources have suggested that the development environment is considered PC-like and more developer-friendly – a potential factor in keeping development costs down.
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February 6th, 2013, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
Gearbox Software's Borderlands 2 is on track to become the highest-selling release in the history of the 2K Games label.
During a call with investors, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick revealed that Borderlands 2 has sold almost 6 million units since it launched last year, making it one of the publisher's key long-term IPs.
"Borderlands 2 continues to expand its audience and remains on pace to become the highest selling title in 2K's history," Zelnick said. "It has also been the largest contributor to our digitally delivered revenue this year, driven both by strong sales of full-game downloads and high attach rates for the titles out on content, especially the Borderlands 2 season pass."
Take-Two's digital revenue in the third fiscal quarter was up 244 per cent year-on-year, accounting for 23 per cent of the company's total revenue. Borderlands was the most significant contributor to that growth, and Zelnick emphasised Take-Two's commitment to expanding its digital business on all fronts.
"Does that mean that these games will transition into a situation where you are constantly putting out new episodes and that bridges you from release to release? We don't see the business shaping up that way, but it does mean that the life cycle is extended greatly and we'll continue to experiment with what this means creatively for consumers," he said.
"I also think as you see tablets roll out and become the more and more important game platform that episodic treatment of games may become much more relevant for tablets given the perceived price point limitations for a tablet."
Take-Two is currently developing new online opportunities in Asian markets. NBA 2K Live launched on the Tencent portal in China in October last year. Speaking to investors, Take-Two COO Karl Slatoff claimed that the game is "building momentum" in the region, giving the company renewed confidence in its plans for further launches in Taiwan and the Philippines.
Other online projects in development for Asian territories include Pro Baseball 2K and Civilization Online.
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February 6th, 2013, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
If you're looking for a convenient arcade experience, put those quarters away, wash your hands and sit right down. PlayStation Home Arcade is now on Vita, offering classic arcade games alongside Icebreaker and Wipeout 2D, both of which are free during the initial games lineup.
Also free is a demo of Scribble Shooter. The following games are $1.50 each, all playable via PSN on the Vita and PS3: Frogger, Time Pilot, Asteroids, Centipede, Astrosmash Gen2, Shark! Shark! and Mad Blocker. Download the Home Arcade app for free in the Vita's PlayStation Store.
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February 7th, 2013, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released the charts the top-selling games on the EU PlayStation Store in January.
A lack of big new titles meant some older classics and discounted titles dominated the top spots in the month.Here are the full lists broken down into four categories; full PS3 games, PSN-only titles, Vita games and PSone/PS2 classics:
Full PS3 game downloads
- Saints Row: The Third (Re-entry)
- Just Cause 2 (5)
- Sports Champions 2 (RE)
- Far Cry 3 (1)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (RE)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution (RE)
- Lord of the Rings: War in the North (New)
- Borderlands 2 (RE)
- Red Dead Redemption (RE)
- Max Payne 3 (RE)
PSN games:
- Journey (6)
- The Cave (New)
- Sonic Adventure 2 (RE)
- The Walking Dead - Season Pass (4)
- Mass Effect (1)
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD (5)
- Okami HD (7)
- Hydrophobia Prophecy (RE)
- Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (RE)
PS Vita games:
- Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (1)
- Retro City Rampage (New)
- Table Top Tanks (RE)
- Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified (3)
- Table Ice Hockey (RE)
- MotorStorm RC (10)
- Uncharted: Fight for Fortune (2)
- Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (5)
- Plants vs. Zombies (RE)
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita (7)
PS Classics:
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (1)
- Final Fantasy IX (RE)
- Final Fantasy VII (7)
- Final Fantasy VIII (10)
- Crash Bandicoot (3)
- Spyro The Dragon Trilogy (2)
- CTR: Crash Team Racing (4)
- Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (5)
- Final Fantasy VI (RE)
- Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (6)
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February 7th, 2013, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Vita forecasts cut, but electronics giant is pulling out of financial dive
Sony’s PlayStation business has declined 15 per cent year-on-year, while the electronics maker continues its effort to cut its losses across its entire corporation.
PlayStation sales decreased 15.1 per cent year-on-year to 268.5 billion yen ($3,086 million) for the period October to December 2012, due to significantly lower sales of PS3 and PSP hardware. Operating income decreased 29.2 billion yen year-on-year to 4.6 billion yen ($53m).
This was partially offset by the sales of its new handheld system, PlayStation Vita, introduced in December 2011. But as a result of the “slow penetration”, Sony has now amended its forecasted sales since its November 2012 report. It now expects sales and operating income to decrease significantly year-on-year.
“In the game business, Sony is working to expand sales and operating income through the introduction of an attractive software line-up and through offering game software on mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets,” said Sony in its quarterly report.
Sony’s games division is looking leaner following the closure of three of its first-party studios, Bigbig, Zipper Interactive and Studio Liverpool. The latter was one of the oldest games studios in the UK, having been founded as Psygnosis in 1984. All of the aforementioned studios developed their swansong titles for the PS Vita.
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February 7th, 2013, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has confirmed that former Wii U exclusive Rayman Legends is now also to be released on Xbox 360 and PS3.
The game was once scheduled as a launch title for Nintendo’s machine, and had been expected to arrive some time this quarter.
All three SKUs – Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360 – will now be released in early September.
It’s the second game to ditch its Wii U shackles following confirmation of a similar move from Tecmo Koei’s Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge earlier today.
“We heard from many Xbox and PlayStation owners and Rayman fans who told us they really wanted to play Rayman Legends on their current system,” Ubisoft’s EMEA chief marketing and sales officer Geoffroy Sardin stated.
”We decided to give the fans what they wanted while at the same time broadening the audience exposed to this innovative and memorable game.”
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February 7th, 2013, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 4 will go on sale for at or above ¥40,000, a new report claims.
That equates via a direct conversion to $425 or £270. Of course, don’t be surprised to see a mark-up outside of Japan, so the likely conclusion is that we’ll be seeing a £300+ machine hitting the streets later this year or early next.
Sony will quite possibly release multiple SKUs, too, meaning a high-end offer of perhaps £400.
The news comes from the Japanese press via CVG, which rightly points out that the advanced nature of the tech in Sony’s upcoming machine means the cost likely represents Sony selling units at a loss.
Also rumoured is Sony’s intention to utilise the streaming games technology it acquired when it swooped for Gaikai last year. PS3’s controversial Cell chip is also to be given the boot, although that’s something we’ve known for some time now.
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February 7th, 2013, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
The chief executive at Ubisoft has said that the next cycle of Microsoft and Sony consoles will "bring innovation that will be fantastic for the industry".
Yves Guillemot told investors on Thursday that the next generation systems "have fantastic potential" - though added that is was duty-bound to not disclose specific details.New systems traditionally cultivate original IP during their first two years of release, which may be the source of Guillemot's claim, though there is speculation that the next PlayStation will adopt new ideas such as biometric readings.
Sony is expected to announce its next generation home console at a press conference in New York on February 20, weeks before Microsoft reveals its Xbox successor.
Guillemot, who said Ubisoft has managed to hit the upper-end of its sales targets, assured that next generation development costs will not be significantly more expensive.
"What we've said is that, for the first two years of those machines, the costs will not increase because we can use a lot of the engines that we've already created," he said.
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February 7th, 2013, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
The PS Vita edition of Assassin's Creed 3 is edging close to the 600,000 unit sales milestone, Ubisoft has said.
Speaking at a investor meeting earlier today Yves Guillemot, the publisher's longstanding chief executive, said that about a quarter of the game's revenue was driven by download sales.He added that, following a positive Q3 financial report for investors, the corporation would maintain its strategy of releasing key games early on new systems.
A spokesperson for Ubisoft added: "We wouldn't discount PS Vita - if you have the right product at the right quality - it could work".
CVG's Assassin's Creed Vita review hailed the game as "a triumph on handheld".
At the meeting the company also revealed plans to publish a new Assassin's Creed gameduring the 2014 financial year.
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February 7th, 2013, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
The Capcom Arcade Cabinet app for PSN and XBLA launches on February 19, staggering the releases of 15 classic games through May 21. All 15 games are from the 1984 - 1988 catalog, sold individually or in bundles. Purchasing all five game packs or 15 individual releases adds two free games to your haul, both to be announced at a later date.
Games include Black Tiger, 1943: The Battle of Midway, Ghosts n Goblins, Legendary Wings, Commando, Pirate Ship Higemaru, Avengers, Section Z and more. Each game runs $4 (320 MSP) and each bundle is $10 (800 MSP), except for Game Pack 1, which is $5 (400 MSP) and includes Avengers, 1943: The Battle of Midway and Black Tiger. Avengers and 1943 are not available as individual games on XBLA. PSN and XBLA get the Black Tiger demo; players on XBLA will have one credit to play with before restarting, while PSN players get unlimited credits, effectively giving them the entire game for free.
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February 8th, 2013, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Third parties, as well as Sony itself, must take responsibility for elevating the PlayStation Vita out of its current rut.
That’s the opinion of Sony’s CFO, executive VP and corporate executive officer Masaru Kato, who told investors (as reported by Seeking Alpha): “One thing clear for us that in terms of profitability – we have to do a better job in promoting the PlayStation Vita mobile product.
“How do we do that? Well, gaming business software is the name of the game. So as a fundamental measure, we are putting a lot of resources, not just first party, but also asking third parties to put out more attractive software. That's the basics.”
Kato remained coy on the notion of a price cut for the device, however, saying that while price will always be considered improving profitability in the mobile and handheld space is of paramount importance.
Added Kato: “The other things – marketing, pricing of the product etc, I cannot talk about pricing of this platform. But those are the things that we are looking into to improve our profitability in the mobile handheld gaming business.”
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February 8th, 2013, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai's Ni No Kuni wasn't just last week's top retail game, it was also the top seller on PSN.
The stylish RPG beat GTA: Vice City (No.2) and Hitman HD Trilogy (No.3) in MCV's weekly European PSN Top Ten. The chart includes sales for the week ending February 1st.
The PSN Chart is somewhat different to the Xbox Live Arcade one because PSN allows for full game downloads from the moment a game is available at retail. There is still a delay between the retail release of an Xbox game and when it is available on it service.
THE PSN EUROPE CHART IN FULL (Week ending, February 1st)
1. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Namco Bandai
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – Rockstar
3. Hitman HD Trilogy – Square Enix
4. Far Cry 3 – Ubisoft
5. Bayonetta – Sega
6. The Cave – Sega
7. Demon's Souls – Namco Bandai
8. Devil May Cry HD – Capcom
9. Zombie Driver HD – Exor Studios
10. Resident Evil 6 – Capcom
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February 8th, 2013, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Love your PlayStation 3, but prefer Microsoft's controller layout? You've got options, the latest being Gioteck's GC-2 PS3 gamepad. Adopting the Xbox 360 controller layout, the GC-2 appears to do an admirable job of repositioning your thumbs, but its appeal lies in how much you'll have to twiddle those digits. Hidden among the controller's bevy of commonplace features (wireless connectivity, a turbo button and force feedback) is a thumbstick sensitivity toggle -- allowing gamers to switch between four different levels pressure sensitivity. Hardly revolutionary, but it's nice to know there are options when in-game settings don't cut it. PlayStation 3 owners can pick up the GC-2 now for $40, and Gioteck says a Wii Uvariant will be available in April. See the full press release for yourself after the break.
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February 8th, 2013, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
As Sony Computer Entertainment warms up its blue lighting and double-checks its playlist for February 20th, one unnamed SCE official says that the PlayStation 4 will act as more of a home entertainment hub than what we've seen in the past. They added, according to the Nikkei, that the main selling point won't be the rumored eight-core AMD64 CPU or other hardware specs, but how it opens up new styles of play -- something Nintendo is also focusing on. Sony is going to push the new console as a home entertainment "nerve center," with a focus on the hardware's ability to connect and share to mobile devices -- the rival that's pulling gamers away from traditional consoles. Edge had previously mentioned the possibility of a dedicated share button on the next-gen controller, though that remains a product of the rumor mill at the moment. No discussion on any Gaikai-powered cloud gaming just yet, but following its unveiling later this month, the report states that the new PlayStation should launch before the end of the year. A bit of a shame, then, that it's still only February.
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February 8th, 2013, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is "almost sure" to bundle a next generation PlayStation Eye device with every PlayStation 4.
That's according to a new rumour published onVGLeaks, which backs up a recent Edge report claiming that Sony is developing an improved iteration of the PS Eye peripheral that will be compatible with the Move controller.Referred to as 'Dual Camera', the device is said to contain a pair of wide-angle cameras, each offering a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, while sound is processed by a four microphone array working at 48 Khz,
The site claims the device supports head and hand tracking as new game inputs, adding that it's unclear if it'll support body tracking in the future.
On the non-gaming side of things, the Dual Camera is said to be capable of supporting video chat, and recognising and signing users into PS4.
Sony is expected to reveal PlayStation 4 at an event taking place in New York on February 20.
The next generation console will launch in Japan and the US by the end of 2013 but will not be released in Europe until "early 2014", Edge recently reported.
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February 9th, 2013, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
If you are a fan of Soldiers of Future , Then you are going to love this latest version which now reaches Beta 3 . This awesome game is a pretty good game to play, the graphics are nice and clear for a homebrew game as well as the details that when into this game, Feel free to read a bit more below about Soldiers of Future Beta 3 and it’s features that are included in this released . The game is shooting and survive as long as possible in a small world or scenario, in which two enemies will try to eliminate you at all costs, even though soon delete them regenerate time to follow behind you.
Accounts with a limited amount of bullets and health bar but conforming eliminating your enemies you can score points (if you can shoot the head you get 10 points instead of the 5 points you get for annihilation) to redeem for more health or more bullets for it from the right side of our stage there is a pressing square module that can change your points and the left side we have two containers, one of them by pressing square you can regain your health and on the other recharge your bullets.
Being a single beta stage but we hope in a future release new updates, new upgrades and more scenarios.
Digital Pad Left, Right: Move your character.
Square: Running.
Triangle: Activate Shield.
Trigger A: Put mine.
X: Jump.
O: Shoot.
Start: Pause the game.
Soldiers of future beta03
New menu.
New energy and health bar.
Less delays (lags).
Added Weapon: mine (mine is placed with the R button).
You can buy mine.
You can use a shield with the triangle button.
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February 10th, 2013, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
Aliens: Colonial Marines will receive four add-on packs starting with the launch of the Bug Hunt DLC in March. Bug Hunt has players cooperatively taking on waves of enemies in three new maps. The other three content packs, a mixture of campaign and multiplayer DLC, will be available by the end of August.
All four of the DLC packs will be available individually and for Season Passholders, which Sega confirmed is "a $29.99 / 2400 Microsoft Point bundle that offers a savings of almost 40% over buying the content individually." The Season Pass can be bought on Steam right now for $27, and will make its way to Xbox 360 and PS3 in the near future.
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February 10th, 2013, 10:33 Posted By: wraggster

We've just discovered the best thing about the new PSN store. Yes, buying things through your browser is convenient, but this is better.
Now, we can load up a video preview of new PS3 dynamic themes. That means that we can capture them as GIFs and make sure everyone sees what is going on in the lawless Wild West-style landscape of "premium" decorations for your PS3.
And what is going on this week is this eye-searing, seeing eye, the "Santa Cruz Target" dynamic theme. Load this up, and finding your PS3 content becomes a game – a game of navigating the menu as quickly as possible before you fall into some kind of trance or get a massive headache. See it in motion – and be seen by it – after the break.
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February 11th, 2013, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like at least three Sony properties will have new game announcements alongside the PS4 next Wednesday.
LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule has added a mysterious “?” to its list of titles on its website, the contents of which is an embedded YouTube video of Toyah Wilcox performing It’s a Mystery on Top of the Pops.
In addition, Evolution Studios game director Paul Rustchynsky – the man behind PlayStation Vita release MotorStorm RC – tweeted a simple “10 days!” last night, again pointing to Sony’s much anticipated press gathering.
That means LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm join Killzone in the likely list of games to be revealed alongside PS4 next week.
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February 11th, 2013, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s February 20th PlayStation reveal will bring with it the first news of Killzone 4, rumours claim.
VideoGamer says it has word from an “industry source” that the Guerrilla Games developed title will be announced alongside the PS4 and will most likely be a “launch window” title for the console.
It’s likely that Sony will choose to announce its new hardware with a number of first party titles.
Other possibilities (based on nothing but idle speculation) include Gran Turismo, Uncharted, SingStar, Everybody’s Golf, WipEout, LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance and perhaps even God of War.
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February 11th, 2013, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has launched a new YouTube app for PS3 in Australia, New Zealand and multiple European countries.
Located in My Channels under TV & Video Services on the home screen, the new app has been specifically "designed for the big screen and PS3 controls", according to YouTube marketing manager Peter Sherman.
"The new app brings you more content, like your subscribed channels, and more ways to find videos, with better search tools, more ways to watch YouTube by pairing your smartphone, and more language options," he said on the PS Blog.
- Search: Finding the videos you want is easier than ever, with search suggestions and instant video results while you type.
- Your subscribed channels: Sign in to find the latest videos from your YouTube subscriptions, whether it be official music videos or the PlayStation channel.
- Your phone as a remote: With a quick pairing process, you can control YouTube on PS3 with a smartphone. Find a video on your phone and with a simple button press it'll play on the big screen. While the video is playing you can control it from the phone, or keep browsing YouTube for the next one.
- Language Support: Set your language on your PS3 and use the new YouTube app in your language. The following languages are supported: English, Swedish, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Dutch and Russian.
The new app is available now in Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Russia and the United Kingdom.
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February 11th, 2013, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
In preparation of tomorrow's descent of Dragonborn DLC onto PS3, a newSkyrim update is available for download today. Version 1.8 not only prepares the game for the DLC, but institutes a few general bug fixes, including a game crash when using the "vampiric grip" ability and instances where duplicate NPCs would show up in the game world.
Tomorrow kicks off a three-week release schedule for Skyrim DLC on PS3, catching up the platform first with Dragonborn, followed by Hearthfire on February 19 and Dawnguard on February 26. Since September, Sony and Bethesda have been working together to bring the tardy DLC packs to PS3.
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February 11th, 2013, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
DeanK has released more updates to the already amazing multiMAN for the PS3.
The last couple new updates are 'minor', but feature some interesting additions like support for PS2 disc add-ons for PS3 games like 'SingStar', improvements to the PS1 BIN+CUE compatibility and more!
Check out the full changelog for v04.19.04 - v04.19.05:
There is a minor update online (04.19.04):
* When creating backups from PS1 discs, CUE+BIN+toc files will be created
* Improved PS1 CUE files processing
* Updated 8 language files
When you backup PS1 discs (original or copies) mM will create a CUE sheet file for each disc. Also for compatibility with IRIS, mM will save a .toc file in the same folder, too.
multiMAN 04.19.05 minor update is available online and in the web column (CEX/DEX/STEALTH).
* Added support for PS2 disc add-ons for PS3 games like SingStar:
- "[PS2" prefix in folder name required
- Example: /dev_hdd0/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Pop] where [PS2 Pop] contains a backup of your PS2 disc
You can have up to 10 [PS2] add-on discs per PS3 game. In the screenshot above the following folder structure was used:
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance <--- This is the PS3 game listed in the Game column
mM detects the add-on PS2 discs and will list them in the pop-up menu when you load the game:
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Pop]
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Disney]
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Party]
To have a PS2 disc to be listed in the pop-up menu the folder name must start with [PS2 like in the examples above.
[Hermes] option for BD-ROM Emulator must be used and a PS3 disc is required. Later for the PS2 swap you'll need an original PS2 disc.
Don't forget that you can backup your original PS2 discs in folder format using mmOS.
Thanks to @Portnyashka for the tests and suggestions.
p.s. PS1 BIN+CUE compatibility is now improved a bit.
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February 11th, 2013, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
aldostools has now updated his PS3Tools bundle to version 2.0.64, which now includes lastGAME Customizer, which allows users to utilize the customization options that multiMAN's lastGAME applet provides, allowing users to create PKG files that mount games and AVCHD movies directly from the XMB, without having to launch multiMAN's GUI (lastGAME = multiMAN without GUI), and PS3 ConsoleID Finder, which allows users to find the PSID, IDPS and the ConsoleID from a LV1 (hypervisor) or LV2 (GameOS) dump created using multiMAN's mmOS, Rebug's Toolbox, or the MemDump applications, and as always, there are many other updates made to the other applications that this bundle provides.
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February 13th, 2013, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
A third instalment in the Batman: Arkham series will be released this financial year.
The low-key confirmation comes from Warner’s CFO and chief administrative officer John Martin, who told investors last week that: “We also have a strong games release this year, which will include the next release in the Batman Arkham franchise.
“So all in all, we expect Warner to post another very strong year in 2013. And with a little luck, the year should be as good or maybe even a little bit better than 2012.”
VG247 adds that its sources reckon series creator Rocksteady Games is not handling this new title.
MCV reported last month that 15 domains associated with the Arkham franchise have been registered, with Batman: Arkham Universe seemingly the front runner.
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February 13th, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
The Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 'Revolution' download content pack will be released for PS3 and PC on February 28, Activision has confirmed.
Revolution features four new multiplayer maps (Hyrdo, Grind, Downhill and Mirage) and a bonus weapon in the form of the Peacekeeper SMG.It also introduces a new Zombies level called Die Rise and game mode called Turned in which "a lone human player fights for survival and points against a field of zombie players".
Revolution will cost $14.99 standalone, or is included in the Season Pass deal which costs $49.99.
It arrived on Xbox 360 on January 29 weighing in at 1.86 GB and priced at 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.28/$15).
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February 13th, 2013, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Fumito Ueda has issued a statement about elusive PS3 title The Last Guardian just days before Sony reveals the PS4 in New York.
The game has been in development since 2007 and has been the subject of a number of rumours over the last two years regarding cancellations and development hitches.
And, of course, there was Ueda’s departure from Sony in late 2011.
But now the developer has said on his personal website that work IS still ongoing. But it falls to Sony, not him, to announce a release date.
“As some of you may have heard, I left Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio some time ago to pursue my creative passions,” he wrote. “Nevertheless, I continue working on The Last Guardian as a freelance contributor.
“While it’s been a long time coming, The Last Guardian remains under my creative supervision and is still in development by an incredibly talented team. I should also mention that details regarding The Last Guardian’s release is solely decided by Sony Computer Entertainment, not myself. Please keep an eye out for their official announcement.
“Moving forward, it is my intent to continue my involvement with The Last Guardian project, as well as pursue new creative projects with a fresh perspective. As I rekindle my passions as a creator, I look forward to seeing where it will take me, and I deeply appreciate your support during this transition.”
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February 13th, 2013, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Fresh rumours concerning the form of the PlayStation 4 controller have been published online.
According to a VG247 source, the controller is "more or less" the same shape as PS3's DualShock, but the Start and Select buttons have been have been moved to accommodate a front touchpad.The report also claims that the L2 and R2 shoulder buttons have been remodelled, and that the previously rumoured 'Share' button doesn't exist.
Edge recently reported: "A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online. The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet."
If the latest rumour turns out to be accurate, the removal of the Share button wouldn't necessarily result in Sony dropping support for the above-mentioned feature.
In January, a senior games studio source working on an upcoming Sony game told CVG that the new system's controller has undergone numerous iterations, few of which resemble the DualShock build that has become synonymous with PlayStation. Versions of the new PS4 pad include biometric sensors on the grips and an LCD touch screen, they said.
Edge has also claimed that the next generation console will launch in Japan and the US by the end of 2013 but will not be released in Europe until "early 2014".
Sony is expected to reveal PlayStation 4 at an event taking place in New York on February 20.
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February 14th, 2013, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
via http://techbliss.org/threads/scummvm...-all-cfws.139/
ScummVM v1.6.0git2625-gadc338c compiled and signed by myself for all CFWs
Change Log:
For a more comprehensive changelog of the latest experimental code, see: Please login or register to view links
1.6.0 (????-??-??)
New Games:
- Added support for 3 Skulls of the Toltecs.
- Added support for Eye of the Beholder.
- Added support for Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon.
- Added a new save/load chooser based on a grid of thumbnails. This is only supported for resolutions bigger than 640x400. The old chooser is still available and used for games without thumbnail support. It is possible to select the old one as default too.
- Rewrote VideoDecoder subsystem.
- Added Galician translation.
- Added Finnish translation.
- Added Belarusian translation.
- Using the mouse wheel on a slider widget now changes the value by the smallest possible amount. This is more predictable than the old behaviour, which was to change the value by "one pixel" which would sometimes not change it at all.
- Updated MT-32 emulation code to latest munt project snapshot.
- Added FluidSynth settings dialog, mainly for reverb and chorus settings.
- Improved audio support for Amiga and AtariST versions of Future Wars. Now music fades out slowly instead of stopping immediately. Sound effects are now properly panned, when requested by the game.
- Resolved multiple UI issues with the original save/load screen.
- Added advanced savegame functionality, including savegame timestamps and thumbnails and the ability to load and delete savegames from the launcher. It's now possible to use the ScummvM save/load dialogs.
- The F7 key (previously unmapped) now always shows the ScummVM load screen. The F10 key displays either the original save/load screen, or the ScummVM save screen, if the user has selected to use the ScummVM save/load dialogs.
- Now that the game is freeware, there is a small extra help text showing the available commands in the in-game terminals when the player uses the 'help' command. Previously, players needed to consult the manual for the available commands. Since this reference to the manual is a form of copy protection, this extra line can be toggled by the ScummVM copy protection command line option.
- Simplified the movie speed options, and added a custom option for The 7th Guest. Movie options are now "normal" and "fast", with the latter changing the movie speed in T7G to match the faster movie speed of the iOS version. The game entry might need to be readded in the launcher for the new setting to appear.
- Added music support for the Macintosh version of I Have No Mouth and, I Must Scream.
- Implemented Monkey Island 2 Macintosh's audio driver. Now we properly support its sample based audio output. The same output is also used for the m68k Macintosh version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
- Improved music support for the Macintosh version of Monkey Island 1. It now uses the original instruments, rather than approximating them with General MIDI instruments, and should sound a lot closer to the original.
- Added sound and music support for the Macintosh version of Loom.
- Handle double-clicking in the Macintosh version of Loom.
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February 14th, 2013, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/14/major-s...-vita-browser/
Security researcher David Vieira-Kurz of website MajorSecurity.com recently reported a critical security issue on the PS Vita web browser. 2.05 is impacted as well, so technically all Vita owners are currently at risk with this issue.
The issue is a possibility to spoof the url displayed in the url bar through very simple javascript operations. This would allow a malicious website to let you believe you are accessing your bank’s website for example, or the PSN, and trick you into entering your credit card number, or some password that would immediately get stolen. More precisely, while the user sees something such as “playstation.com/psn” in their url bar, the real website serving the content can be anything such as “mymaliciouswebsite.ru/stealyourpassword”.
The vulnerability is extremely easy to put in place with a few lines of javascript, and a proof of concept page can be found on MajorSecurity’s website here. We tested and confirmed the issue is still here on 2.05. The security company contacted Sony several times back in January, but a patch has yet to be deployed.
Am I the only one concerned that Sony seems to be eager to fix our harmless homebrew exploits faster than actual security issues which would allow third parties to steal your personal information? I’m sure I’ll have fanboys go against me for that, but at the end of the day, how much credibility can we give to a service company that puts its own interests before that of its clients’ security?
If you’re running on 2.05 or less (which we currently all are), you are definitely at risk, so it is recommended that you don’t go to those fishy websites you use to enjoy on your vita… until Sony fixes the issue.
Oh, and as I’m sure some of you will ask… no, I don’t think anything here can be leveraged to turn this into a “useful” exploit for the scene
Source MajorSecurity (thanks to The people who mentioned it to me a looong time ago… I was away and didn’t have much time to confirm)
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February 14th, 2013, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/14/no-more-vita-exploits/
Over the past year, we’ve seen a continuous stream of exploits releases (almost one per month since April last year), and even 2 kernel (psp) exploits. But it seems the trend has stopped, with no new major announcement on the horizon. TomTomDu80 has a psp user mode exploit, which he ported to VHBL, but most likely no plan to release it for 2.05 (or that would have happened already).
There are still many usermode exploits avaliable on the psp emulator, but it is likely that porting most of them to VHBL is either difficult or impossible. It is also possible the people with the skills to do so don’t think it’s worth it anymore. Unlocking homebrew features of the PSP emulator is fun (and it feels “clean” too, as it is definitely not impacting Sony’s major business), but I know lots of you are waiting for a native PS Vita hack, and some hackers probably feel the same.
On that front, there’s currently two major leads. One is YifanLu’s UVL (although this seems to have been on a pause for quite some time now), and SKFU’s own work which we described here. (And we still have to see this one with our own eyes). Hope is here, but there is no telling how long it will take before we see a release for any of those. In both cases, the authors put in balance the hight risk of Sony fixing the Vita’s firmware as soon as the exploit is out, which would make it mostly useless (per opposition to, for example, keeping the exploit secret and use it to investigate the console’s internals a bit more).
Sony has done a great job at securing the Vita, even though the customers are sometimes the ones who pay the price of that increased security. No system is 100% secure, but I would say we’re reaching a point where the amount of time and knowledge required to hack Sony’s consoles makes it now difficult for your typical “hobbyist” to make it through. Just like the PS3 scene got crippled by money-centric solutions, I wouldn’t be surprised if dongle types of hack surfaced one of these days for the Vita. In hindsight I don’t think this (or the PS3 dongles) has to do with hackers greediness, but we’ve reached a point where only a money-backed solution would allow devs to spend the right amount of time and energy into hacking modern devices. Not that I’m happy with this, but I think the days of simple buffer overflows, and being able to execute whatever binary we want in the ram are behind us.
Do you think we’ll see a hacking breakthrough for the vita in 2013?
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February 14th, 2013, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
via http://pcsx2.net/
After popular demand, I decided to create a video for everyone who prefers following a configuration step by step instead of reading one.
Also, since there are tons of 'best' configuration videos for PCSX2 floating around the web, it should be better to have an official one which we will support 
If there is enough demand, I might create additional videos for speed configurations or high end/quality configurations. Set quality to 1080p and enjoy!
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February 14th, 2013, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
After rumors Xbox720 and PS4 rumors to pass a new version of the Sony handheld console.
A new patent filed February 7, shows us a new Vita redesigned with new USB ports, HDMI and a new electrical connector which can be connected to devices not yet presented. We are close on 20 February and the announcement of Sony of "the future of the PlayStation" and sources speculate that Gamerxchange: - A 4g replace the 3G model during this year. There would be no price reduction, it would remain the same for an improved hardware - Wifi Version remain at $ 249 - 4G To support this, a major update could take place providing many requested features such as the ability to organize applications into folders - It could be unveiled along with rumors for the PS4 - A reduction in the price of memory cards may be held more or answers February 20 at E3 from 11 to 13 June. thank you to RomAnOCrY for information.
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February 15th, 2013, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Quite why developers are scrapping to take credit for Aliens: Colonial Marines is a bit of a mystery.
But you can understand why the world is interested. The game had immense potential and, who knows, it could still fulfil some of that by selling strongly. The TV ads are very good at least.
So that the end result of six years’ development has been so vigorously panned by critics is of course a disappointment.
The first to shoulder the blame is naturally developer Gearbox, but the narrative that has formed is perhaps not what you might expect. Rather than lashing out at Gearbox for producing a sub-standard game, the community instead began to speculate that perhaps the real issue was Gearbox’s focus on the successful (and very good) Borderlands 2.
Did it simply farm out the “dull IP fodder” to another studio?
Of course not, Sega said. Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford himself said that around 80 per cent of the game was produced in-house.
But that’s not what TimeGate said. A rep on its forum claimed that the Section 8 developer did around half the work. And now on source has gone further still, saying that Colonial Marines is to all intents and purposes a TimeGate title.
“TimeGate definitely played a much bigger role in the development of Aliens than either Gearbox or Sega is letting on,” an anonymous source told Rock Paper Shorgun.
“Aliens: Colonial Marines is essentially TimeGate’s game. From my understanding, almost all of TimeGate has been working on it for a few years, and they are not a small studio.”
The source went on to call Pitchford’s claim that TimeGate handled about 20 per cent of development duties a “fabrication”.
“Preproduction is a very insubstantial period in a game’s development,” the source added. “For him to say that the contribution was equal sans preproduction is basically saying it’s equal. You can see that Randy’s math isn’t really adding up. If TimeGate did half, and Gearbox did half, where does that leave Demiurge, Nerve, and Darkside?”
Unsubstantiated claims on Reddit, meanwhile, would have us believe that Sega was on the verge of going legal on Gearbox after becoming increasingly frustrated at the studio’s decision to focus talent on other titles such as Borderlands 2 rather than on the Alien game.
Once the extent of Sega’s displeasure became clear, Gearbox apparently outsourced much of the work on the game to others – specifically TimeGate, Demiurge and Nerve.
However, when the schedules for Borderlands 2 and Colonial Marines clashed, Gearbox successfully convinced Sega to postpone the game yet again, partly because TimeGate was allegedly well behind schedule with the development of the single player campaign.
Once Borderlands 2 was successfully shipped Gearbox finally returned to Aliens, and was less than impressed with what it found. It even went as far as to scrap some of the single player levels completely and start again. But with Sega’s patience running out Gearbox was forced to go to certification. The rest, as they say, is history.
Of course, another interesting element to this story will be Colonial Marines’ commercial performance. While the online world of gaming is up in arms, do not forget that the vast majority of consumers remain blissfully unaware of the furore.
With a strong marketing campaign behind it and what remains a killer IP, the game could yet prove a commercial success.
Roll on Monday…
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February 15th, 2013, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s new Red and Blue PS3s are now available in the UK.
However, those wishing to grab the red version – perhaps for Valentines Day? – will need to head down to GAME following the retailer’s exclusivity agreement on the hardware.
Or alternatively you can buy it online here.
The Blue version isn’t exclusive to any particular outlet although it might be a little hard to track down, althoughAmazon has them in stock and ready to ship tomorrow.
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February 15th, 2013, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
What you see above is the next PlayStation's controller, at least in some version of prototype, seemingly connected to a development unit for the next PlayStation (codenamed "Orbis"). The image popped up on Destructoid a few hours ago -- we've spoken with development sources who confirmed it to be a recent version of the next PlayStation's controller and a beta unit of the dev kit, though it's not clear how much the pictured controller will match up with the final product (and the console will assuredly look quite different from the dev unit). Sony's expected to show the PlayStation 3's successor ata New York City event next Wednesday, February 20th, wherein a new version of the company's classic DualShock controller is expected to be unveiled.
Corroborating reports, the pictured controller features a rectangular touchpad in between the standard d-pad and four-button setup, though it's missing the rumored Share button. It's also unclear if the blue light seen atop the controller serves a function -- a stand-in for Move support, perhaps? -- and our sources were unable to clarify. What looks like a speaker grill can be spotted just above a newly lowered PlayStation button, which seems to indicate some form of Wiimote-esque sound functionality built into the controller.
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February 15th, 2013, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
 Patents, we love 'em. When else do we get to peek directly into the idea-pantry of big companies like Sony. On the shelf today is this application for an "Input device, system and method," which as mundane as that sounds, actually appears quite the contrary. The flat, tablet-like illustration is described as having six-axis motion sensors, joystick controls, and illuminated edges that "provide a similar functionality to that of the illuminated ball of the Playstation move." So, this would work not only as a physical surface (it has touch sensors too), but also as a motion tracking device in conjunction with theEyeToy. That's not all, though, as there are plenty of references to a pair of stereoscopic cameras "of a type typically found in mobile phones and other compact devices" at each end of the touch surface -- allowing it to create depth maps. The result described in the application is an area above the "EyePad" where objects can be recognized, and perhaps incorporated into a game. We're not making that leap, either, as it's Sony itself which refers to existing controllers of "systems or entertainment devices such as the PlayStation 3." Of course itwould be a leap to connect it to, say, a forthcoming announcement. While this all sounds really exciting, we can't help feeling like we've heard that product name somewhere before..?
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February 15th, 2013, 14:54 Posted By: wraggster
The Activision-published Angry Birds Trilogy has passed 1m unit sales at retail.
There are two ways to interpret that stat. On the one hand, many scoffed at the idea of selling games that can be downloaded for 69p on smartphone at a far higher RRP on a disc.
On that basis 1m sales seems pretty impressive.
The other side of the coin, of course, is that the digital version of the game has sold well in excess of HALF A BILLION copies. On that basis the comparison is less kind.
Angry Birds Trilogy is available on Xbox 360 and PS3, and supports both Kinect and PlayStation Move. A 3DS version is also available.
Activision has also confirmed a release for both Wii and Wii U some time in 2103.
“Angry Birds' proven formula for fun and addicting gameplay translated perfectly to the big screen and the consumer response has been overwhelming,” Activision’s VP of sales and marketing Jennifer Mirabelli stated.
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February 15th, 2013, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
via http://techbliss.org/threads/prboom-...-all-cfws.137/
PRBOOM Plus R3 by Robo Hobo signed by myself to work on ALL CFWs
Changes in Release 3:
Fix random stalls during game play while loading level data
Fix Chainsaw and Super Shot Gun not being selected with weapong cycling
WAD installer now installs PWADs as well as IWADs
Extra options can be selected for a game by pressing triangle on the loading screen
Changes in Release 2:
Update core to prboom-plus
Support Widescreen aspects
Fix control mapping
Allow both sticks to be mapped as buttons
Allow the movement keys to be remapped
Fix high pitched audio
Fix button repeat speed in menus
Loader can now copy WAD files off of USB devices
Release Notes:
PrBoom supports an on screen keyboard and soft mouse, to change the input mode hold either L3 or R3 for 1 second. An icon will appear on the screen to indicate the current input mode.
Install the PrBOOM package on your jailbroken ps3 using normal means. Once installed either use FTP to copy supported Doom wads to '/dev_hdd0/game/HBDM90000/USRDIR/wad', or place them on the root of an attached USB drive and PrBoom will copy them for you.
When starting PrBOOM SDL will be in joystick mode, The default controls are:
Left Stick: Move Forward and backward + strafe
Right Stick: Turn
Fire: R2
Use: R1
Run: L2
Turn Around: L1
Dpad: Change Weapons
Start: Open Menu
Select: Show Auto Map
In the menu:
Dpad: Navigate
Cross: Activate Item
Square: Go Back
In the loader:
Dpad: Select game
Cross: Start game normally
Triangle: Start game with advanced options
Square: Scan USB devices for WADs
Circle: Exit to XMB
In the advanced menu:
Dpad Up+Down: Select Option
Dpad Left+Right: Alter option
Dpad Left: Clear PWAD list (-file)
Dpad Right: Add new PWAD to list (-file)
Square: Toggle option
Cross: Load Game
During the level intermission you must press whatever button is mapped as 'Use' (default L1) to continue.
The first page of the input configuration menu displays and allows you to remap any control that can have a joystick control set to it.
Playing with a USB keyboard is supported, however you may need to remap any buttons on modifier keys (Alt, Shift, and Control).
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February 15th, 2013, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://techbliss.org/threads/dosbox-...-all-cfws.136/
DOSBOX 0.74 PS3 by Robo Hobo compiled and resigned by myself for all CFWs
Install package, then FTP or MMOS to copy your DOS games to:
Launch DOPSBox, and enter the following:
mount c ~/
You're in DOS country now. (Enter dir and you should see the games you copied there.) USB mouse and keyboard are supported, and use of a keyboard in particular is highly recommended. A software mouse & keyboard are also built in.
Using soft mouse and keyboard
When loading the application PS3 game pad one begins in Mouse Mode. In mouse mode the left stick moves the cursor, Cross sends a left click, and Square sends a right click. Pressing L3 will turn on keyboard mode.
In keyboard mode, the left stick moves the cursor, pressing cross presses the highlighted key. When a key is highlighted and any button is pressed (other than Cross, Square, L3 and R3) that button will be mapped to the key, in mouse mode pressing the button will be the same as pressing the key on the keyboard. Press L3 to return to mouse mode. This is useful, for example, to map the DPad to the keyboards arrow keys.
In mouse mode, press R3 to enter joystick mode. In this mode the game pad acts as an SDL joystick.
Editing dosbox.conf
Advanced configuration can be carried out by editing dosbox.conf, which is located at:
Note that /.dosbox is a hidden directory, so you may need to make hidden files viewable in your FTP client. (You may also need to run DOSBox once before dosbox.conf appears.) FTP the file back to your computer and open it in a text editor. The Please login or register to view links details all the configuration options.
There are still some performance bottlenecks. In testing cycle values above 10000 provided the most issues. Tweaking some values in dosbox-0.74.conf may help to improve performance.
- There are still some usability issues with the on screen keyboard. If a lot of typing is necessary you may consider hooking up a physical one.
- Using the fluidsynth midi synth requires a soundfont is sf2 format. Place the file on the PS3 and edit dosbox-0.74.conf to set the value 'midiconfig' to the full path to the file. It's also necessary to change the 'mididevice' option to the value 'synth'.
- There is currently no PS3 optimized loader. The DOS commands needed to launch the game need to be type every time you start the app. You can reduce the typing by adding common lines to the dosbox config file's autoexec section.
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February 15th, 2013, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
Aldostools has just updated his tools collection to version 2.0.66, which brings fixes to PKG ContentID and PS3 Game Integrity, adds a key used in the SCETool data folder, adds a new column-displaying feature in the Bruteforce Save Data application and the newly released PS3 Games Database tool, which as the name states, is a PS3 game collection database application to aid with file/game management built with loving care from the man who sees DeanK as an inspiration, but however, users will need to build the database themselves in a .CSV file format
For the changelog, read below:
- I have fixed the "Convert RAP to RIF" feature in the context menu. It was not working properly, due a missing key in the ./scetool/data folder
- Also fixed the PS3 Game Integrity 1.3.1... there was a bug introduced in 1.3 that caused improper content.md5 per folder
- Also included the Bruteforce Save Data 2.4.4 and the latest PS3 Cheats Editor 2.6.2 (just minor changes)
- Updated PARAM.SFO Editor 2.8
- Last night I created a new tool: PS3 Games Database.... it is an initial release and I believe could evolve in the future.
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February 15th, 2013, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
LMAN has now released version 1.3 of his PSN PKG Decrypter & Extractor application, which now allows automatic decryption of DLC files and dumping of EBOOT files to ISO format, and as well as that, it now allows batch processing features and the elementary warning alerts and abortion options if users run out of free HDD space.
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February 15th, 2013, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.co.uk...ting-lgpl.html
Even after several E-Mails SONY does not want to react on this case. A short summary of the violation:
SONY did release "Facebook for PlayStation VITA" several months ago. SCEE is listed as developer/publisher of the software. Once you have downloaded the app, you can view it's licenses by clicking the "?" tab in the mainscreen of the app.
A screenshot collection of those can be found at:
Inter alia, here you can see that the open source software "Webkit" is used which is licensed as LGPL software. Like PlayStation Mobile, the PSV Webbrowser and some other software, SONY has to provide the source code of the modifications made to the LGPL software.
Normally SONY publishes source code which they are forced to share at http://www.scei.co.jp/psvita-license/, but as you see the Facebook app's Webkit source is missing...
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February 15th, 2013, 15:53 Posted By: wraggster
This is a multi-function tool for managing backups on PS3, PS2, PSP, and Vita. Here is the full changelog!
- Added PARAM.SFO Editor
- Added 2 more themes (BlueMoon, ComicColor)
- Added MD5 Checker (Get MD5 of a file / Compare 2 files’s MD5 Hash / Check MD5 Hash with aldostools MD5-Database)
- Opened PS Vita section
- New Reporter (More features added)
- New Offline Mode (Use PS Multi Tools offline – most features are disabled)
- Other fixes (Translation fixes, missing setup languages, bad coding, …)
Download attached
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February 15th, 2013, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
Over at the ChronoCrash Forums, Magggas has released a new Beats of Rage Mod that should work OK on Dreamcast, PSP, Xbox, Wii and the Open Source Consoles such as Dingoo, GP2X Etc.
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February 16th, 2013, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have just released a new Teaser Video which builds things up nicely for their rather massive PlayStation Meeting on Wednesday 20th February – it’s called ‘Evolution of PlayStation: The Beginning’ and is a retrospective look back at the history of PlayStation, chronicling the creation of Sony Computer Entertainment and the launch of the original PlayStation console and the DualShock Controller.
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February 16th, 2013, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Halfbrick has just sent word that over one million Playstation owners have now taken flight with Jetpack Joyride.
The news comes at the same time as an update for the Vita version of the game, which adds Twitter support amongst other assorted upgrades.
"We want to extend a massive thanks to the dedicated team at Big Ant for bringing Jetpack Joyride to Sony's passionate and thriving online community," said Phil Larsen, CMO of Halfbrick. "Our amazing fans continue to exceed expectations, paving the way for more exciting releases further down the line."
The free-to-play endless flier made its debut in September 2011 as a paid iOS title.
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February 16th, 2013, 02:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's next-gen strategy needs to rethink the business model, not the hardware specifications
Next week, Sony will start to take the wraps off its next-generation home console strategy. We already know, or at least think we know, a surprising amount about the hardware the company will unveil. Credible specifications for PlayStation 4, under the codename "Orbis", have been floating around for some time, while reports of a significantly redesigned Dual Shock controller with an integrated touchpad interface are well-established.
It's a testament to how much the games business has changed in the past decade, however, that despite having information about hardware specifications and controller design, we really know nothing about Sony's plans. We know what will be in the box, but never has that been so unimportant. Nobody sane doubts Sony's ability to competently construct a box that sits under a television and plays games that look nicer than the ones we've got now (and similarly nice to the ones that will be played on Microsoft's rival under-telly-box).
What many people do doubt - with good, if sometimes exaggerated, reasons - is Sony's ability to make that box relevant to a wide audience of consumers, to attract the very best of development talent to it and to turn it into a must-have device, if not for the mass market, then at least for the high-spending core consumers who make up the backbone of the games industry. In that regard, the PS4's specifications barely warrant a tick-box on the sheet headlined "Sony's Future". Controller design is more important, definitely, but still only a small part of the puzzle.
So what does Sony need to tell us next week in order to make that puzzle start to make sense? Firstly, it needs to demonstrate that it knows it won't build a successful new platform off the back of hardware specifications. Given the drastic changes in management and direction we've seen in the past half-decade, I very much doubt that we're going to get a repeat of the bombastic, hardware-focused announcement of the PS3 - the opening shots of a specification war that turned out to be an irrelevant sideshow, as PS3 and Xbox 360 ended up evenly matched for all intents and purposes, and Wii happily trounced the pair of them in sales anyway. If, however, next week's show really is all "look how shiny our polygons are!", it'll be cause to seriously worry about whether Sony has a future in this business at all.
Instead, next week needs to be about the rest of the puzzle. It needs to be about distribution, and platform, and pricing - not of the hardware, but of the software. Most of all, it needs to be about the business model. Sony needs to show the world that it's been paying attention as platforms like iOS, Android and Steam have torn up the rulebook and fundamentally shaken the relationship between developers, publishers and platform holders.
I'm not talking about turning PlayStation 4 into a great platform to play Angry Birds on, or stepping up to the pointless war against tablets and mobile phones that exists only in the heads of enraged internet comment posters. I'm talking about engaging with the fact that right now, as a developer working on a great new idea, you can go out and find hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest in bringing your game to market on a console - a process which will probably also strip you of ownership of your IP and of creative control of the game itself, let alone its marketing and so on - or you can release it on tablets, smartphones and PCs for a cost as close to zero as makes no odds. This isn't about Angry Birds any more; it's about Minecraft, or Thomas Was Alone, or The Room, or Dear Esther, or New Star Soccer, or Proteus, or FTL. The problem consoles face in the next generation isn't that people are playing simple casual games on phones - it's that developers of complex, interesting and engrossing games are bringing them to phones, tablets and PCs rather than jumping through the ludicrous hoops it takes to get a game onto a console.
This is, I believe, essentially the point which was being made by former Xbox engineer Nat Brown when he slammed Microsoft for its handling of the console over the past five years. The world has changed dramatically during that period of time, and consoles have, for the most part, stood still. Their hardware remains the same as it was seven years ago, during which time mobile phones, tablets and even laptops have undergone revolutions in design, power and connectivity - and if their hardware now looks dated, their business model looks nothing short of archaic.
I am not joining the crowds declaring that the $60 software era is over. It's not. That business model still works for certain titles - titles that carry a huge reputation and a huge marketing budget. I am a passionate advocate of the free-to-play business model (when it's done right - there's no question that in the wrong hands, it can be absolutely horrible and even abusive), and I think it must have a place on future consoles - but it's not the only model, nor can it be a panacea.
What Sony needs to do, rather than simply saying "yes we'll support free-to-play", is open up their business model and make it truly flexible. Put distribution and billing systems in place that allow developers to figure out the model that works best for them - whether that's free-to-play, subscription, episodic, a $10 download or a $60 download. Take a cut of all the revenue that flows through the system, but otherwise step back and allow the negotiation on pricing and business model to be one between creators and consumers, not one imposed rigidly by a corporate behemoth in the middle of it all.
I have some confidence that Sony might, against the odds, actually understand this. The firm has been more open than its rivals up until now - it has allowed some Steam integration on the PS3 (it's a pipe-dream, but imagine, for a moment, if PS4 were actually a target platform for Steam just as OSX and Linux are now?), and has allowed MMO developers to fiddle with the business model to their own ends. Moreover, the company fundamentally understands the importance of getting innovative, attention-grabbing games onto its platform - it's to Sony's great credit that in an era where the bulk of interesting indie development ends up on Steam or iOS, it accrued titles like Journey and The Unfinished Swan to its portfolio, but while occasional curated hits are important and fantastic, they aren't enough.
Consoles are, ultimately, the AAA platform. They're the platform where expensively developed games with high production values are sold at a high cost to consumers who care deeply about the pastime and are willing to devote significant disposable income to it. That's fine, and it's a lucrative corner of the industry - but it's not enough. Consoles cannot just be a playground for publishers with millions to spend, because that's not where game development is headed, as an industry. Where the indie developers have blazed a trail, more established firms are now following - recognising that, at long last, they have an option other than prostrating themselves at the gates of the platform holders' walled gardens. If Sony's announcements next week doesn't address that, its entire strategy for the next five years must be called into question.
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February 16th, 2013, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
All eyes will be on Sony next week, as the company intends to show the world the future of the PlayStation business during a New York press event. While we get a glimpse of the upcoming PS4 hardware, it'll be interesting to see what Sony does to keep consumers invested in its current PS3. It's likely that a price drop will be announced either at the February 20th event or shortly thereafter.
In fact, when GamesIndustry International asked Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter if we should expect a PS3 price cut in the near future, he tersely responded, "February 21st." In a second email, he told us that it should come down to $199 and that Microsoft will probably match that price on Xbox 360 by this year's E3.
Of course, there's no guarantee that PS3 will see a price cut next week, but it's certainly a safe bet that Sony will cut the MSRP before the PS4 hits the market. Sony's strategy thus far has been to bundle in more games and bigger hard drives, and the company briefly sold PS3 bundles for the low price of $199 during last year's Black Friday period. Most bundles now are selling for $299 (there's a $269 Uncharted 3 bundle) but it wouldn't surprise us to see a $50 cut and new bundles soon, especially with God of War: Ascension coming in March and The Last of Us in June.
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February 16th, 2013, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
We're just a few days away from Sony's February 20th "see the future of" PlayStation event where we expect to see the next edition of its home console, and the rumor mill is buzzing. The latest one tonight comes from the Wall Street Journal, with a report that connects Sony's $380 million purchase of cloud gaming service Gaikai last year with a method to provide backwards compatibility on the PlayStation 4. The WSJ reports Sony has been "investing heavily" in preparing Gaikai for an influx of PS4-equipped gamers, while also developing better cameras for its Move and the DualShock+touchpad controllerswe've seen recently.
What's not revealed however, is any potential pricing plan, or whether cloud games will work users existing cloud saves. While buying fully digital copies of games we already own is less than appealing, if Sony can implement something like the abandoned UMD-to-PSP Go "good will" plan, then there may be benefits for all.
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February 16th, 2013, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
The last time CVG met with its sources to discuss the PS4 pad, our insiders indicated that Sony was determined to experiment with its next controller.
Yesterday a photo of the prototype controller (yes it's real) suggested that's exactly what it's done. [UPDATE: Another alleged leaked PS4 controller picture has appeared online]A combination of motion control, touch and traditional analogue buttons promise to make Sony's latest joypad a very special prospect indeed. Move-like pointer tracking flirts with a touch pad (not a touch screen, dev sources tell us) to both compliment and replace traditional inputs, while a rumoured 'share' button could potentially transform the social aspects of PSN overnight.
However, Sony traditionally considers a range of controllers before opting on the final one, meaning that the picture that has leaked may not be of the final design. Matching our own analysis with new info from developers with access to PlayStation development kits, below are what we believe are the key features of Sony's new PlayStation controller...
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February 16th, 2013, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.co.uk...-not-know.html
Like the PlayStation3, the PS VITA also has several commands implemented in it's webbrowser which can trigger several system functions. Here are a few:
This command simply shows the webbrowser memory usage. The resulting content is displayed by using the data URI scheme. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme)
This command supports several arguments, the most usables are:
- psns:browse?category=
- psns:browse?product=
By defining a category or product ID, this command will redirect you to the PSN Store and show you the chosen category/product. A few examples:
- psns:browse?category=PN.P3.US-PN.P3.GAME.US-BASE
- opens PS3 store US region
- psns:browse?product=IP9100-PCSI00002_00-MUSICUNLIMITED00
- opens Music Unlimited product
The syntax for categories works as follows:
Common Console ID's are:
- P3 --> PS3
- VT --> PS VITA
Common Store ID's are:
This command will inmediantly prompt you to the PSN Stores' redeem function, taking the arguments with it.
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February 16th, 2013, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Amazon and Sony Computer Entertainment have recently started a new promotional offer outside of the winter sales in 2013.
This offer is aimed at players or those wishing to occasionally watch Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D as it is a special Playstation 3. From January 21 to March 3, Sony reimburse the consumer of the sum of 50 euros for the purchase of a PS3 Super Slim 12 GB The refund will be delayed, within 6 to 8 weeks. The offer will be valid for the 30,000 first orders. It is important to note that many packs are compatible with the offer: - Pack Black 12 GB PS3 + Fifa 13 - Pack Black 12 GB PS3 Uncharted 1 + Essentials + LBP + Essentials GOW 3 Essentials - Pack Black 12 GB PS3 + PS AllStars Battle Royale - Pack PS3 12 GB Black Book Of Spells + + + Wonderbook Discovery Pack - Pack PS3 12GB Black + LBP Karting - Pack Black 12 GB PS3 Starter Pack + Sports Champions + 2 - Pack PS3 12GB Black + Skylanders Giants + Portal + 2 + 1 small figurines figurine giant + Coupon Book Of Spells To enjoy now, here it is: http://www.amazon.fr/gp/feature.html...3&linkCode=ur2
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February 17th, 2013, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Bungie's future rests on Destiny; we get a glimpse of what Activision calls the first "shared world shooter"
Bungie has begun unveiling Destiny, the grand game project that's been in the works for years. The future for Bungie, and a significant part of Activision's future, is depending on the success of this game. Bungie and Activision brought members of the press to Seattle to start revealing information about the game and to create some excitement and anticipation for Destiny. The process also raised many questions that have yet to be answered.
A full day of meetings were held for the assembled press, beginning in mid-morning and lasting until mid-afternoon. After a tour of Bungie's studio, Bungie COO Pete Parsons and several key Bungie employees discussed major aspects of Destiny. Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg joined them for a question-and-answer session. The most curious feature of this entire day was that no actual gameplay was shown; the closest we came was a few seconds of in-engine footage to demonstrate a feature of the new graphics engine.
What is Destiny? The next game from Bungie is "ambitious in its scope, innovative and creative in its approach, elevated in its tone, and is the kind of ass-kicking trek through the universe that only Bungie could create," said Hirshberg. "Very few games transcend their medium and their genre to truly become part of popular culture. We believe that Destiny could become one of those rare games."
Destiny's more than just Halo on steroids, though. "As we saw Destiny coming together, we realized that it didn't belong to a genre that we could quite pin down," Hirshberg said. "It has elements of a first-person shooter, it has elements of an open-world sandbox, and it has elements of a persistent world, and brings them all together in a new way that seems very fresh. We realized that to refer to Destiny as any one of these pre-existing genres is almost to under-promise or undersell the experience we think it could bring to gamers. We realized that we needed to coin a new phrase and a new way to reference what this game is. I think what Bungie is creating with Destiny is the world's first shared world shooter."

The game takes place in the future, on Earth and throughout the Solar System, in a style art director Christopher Barrett calls 'mythic science fiction.' Players will take on the role of a Guardian of Earth's last city, fighting against a variety of aliens amid the shattered remnants of an interplanetary empire. The settings revealed through concept art appear vast and awe-inspiring, evoking a sense of wonder and a desire to explore. Barrett noted that they have generated more concept art for this game than for all previous Bungie games put together.
Bungie co-founder and project director Jason Jones said that "we're doing something really ambitious, and I hope by the end you'll agree it's a little crazy." Jones started off with a simple declaration: "If you enjoy first-person shooters, Destiny's going to be the best first-person shooter you've ever played." Bungie is looking to create a much broader appeal, though, by including many more (unspecified) elements to the game that will have a broad appeal. Destiny will (somehow) let players of all skill levels have fun, so you won't need to be an FPS expert to jump in and have a good time. From all the deliberately vague descriptions of the gameplay, it seems like Bungie wants Destiny to appeal to a much broader audience than just Halo or Call of Duty players. "Absolutely," Bungie's Parsons agreed. He's a fan of World of Warcraft, and Skyrim, and other games, and he hopes that the range of experiences in Destiny will bring in many gamers who are not classic FPS players.
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February 17th, 2013, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
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February 18th, 2013, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Eerily similar previews for Bungie and Activision’s new multiplayer shooter appeared online yesterday evening. Destiny’s reveal was light on footage, short on details but long on promise and threat. Our visit to Bungie’s Bellevue studio was a glimpse into how games will be made in the next generation and beyond – not as games but as brands, as destinations, as hobbies in themselves; each one the only game you’ll ever need.Both Bungie and Activision joked that Destiny was among the industry’s worst-kept secrets and writer Joe Staten spoke openly about the Activision/Bungie contract which surfaced during the Zampella/West court case last year. Even then it was a contract detailing the most ambitious game series imaginable – a decade’s worth of content signed up and paid for years in advance, and a brand designed from the ground up to be too big to fail.It used to be that Hollywood and the games industry would make a piece of media – The Matrix, Halo, Call of Duty – and be so surprised by the title’s success they would leap into action and build a whole world of spin-offs and sequels. Halo was a game, not a series; the Haloverse came later, but Destiny is pre-built to last a decade – four biennial games, four DLC expansions – each game a ‘book’ in the Destiny story and each book containing multiple chapters which will expand as new missions and maps unlock in the weeks and months after release.
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February 18th, 2013, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will cut the price of Vita on February 28 in Japan, the company has announced. The under-performing handheld will drop from ¥24,980 (£174 / $269) to ¥19,980 (£139 / $215).Earlier this month, Sony revised its sales forecast for the console from 16 million units – which it predicted last May – to seven million units by March 31 this year.A new colour, Ice Silver, will become available on the same day as the price cut, and will come bundled with Phantasy Star Online 2.Sony won’t be drawn on whether price cuts will spread to other regions, but with the console’s relatively poor sales it seems inevitable. A price cut alone won’t be enough to make the hardware attractive, however, and Sony will have to ensure more games make it to market – especially as it gears up to announce the next generation PlayStation this week.
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February 18th, 2013, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
SCEJ President Hiroshi Kawano introduced a PS Vita info session earlier today. Detailing "everyone's PlayStation Vita," he announced a price drop for Japanese models right from the outset. Starting from February 28th, the price will drop down to 19,980 yen for both the 3G (previously 30,000 yen) and WiFi (once 25,000 yen) models. Yep, both will receive a substantial price-cut alongside a a 7-day free trial of PS Plus (including Uncharted, Ridge Racer and four more titles free during February), plus a free download campaign for its TorneTV service until the end of March. No word on whether the rest of the world will benefit from the same price reduction, but we've got in touch with Sony Computer Entertainment to check. Maybe we'll hear more on Wednesday.
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February 18th, 2013, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
DICE has revealed new details about Battlefield 3's End Game DLC.
Set for release in March, the Battlefield 3 End Game DLC will feature four new maps and fresh vehicles, while introducing Air Superiority and Capture the Flag modes.
PS3 Battlefield Premium members will get first access to the End Game DLC, followed by Xbox 360 and PC Premium subscribers, and then everyone else. New details about the maps follow straight from the horse's mouth, along with fresh screenshots:
Operation RiversideOperation Riverside - Supported game modes: Capture the Flag, Air Superiority, Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, Team Deathmatch, Squad DeathmatchDistinguishing features: This fall themed map houses an electric power substation at its center, with a small river flowing along its axis. The layout of the bases in Operation Riverside caters somewhat towards infantry action rather than all-out vehicle warfare. It's generally speaking an infantry-friendly landscape where soldiers can go by foot between the bases, while ground vehicles need to take more roundabout roads to traverse the environment.
Across the river giving this map its name, players can find a spectacular jump in the form of a partly destroyed wooden bridge. A lot of other ramps have been carefully placed in the environment on Operation Riverside to make sure that the map is full of exciting options for riders of the new dirt bike.
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February 18th, 2013, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix's hi-def remastering of Final Fantasy X made a surprise appearance during Sony's Vita-focused broadcast. After its announcementnearly 18 months ago, we've heard very little about the spruced-up re-release, which is coming to both PS3 and Vita. However, in this morning's broadcast series producer Shinji Hashimoto assured fans the game is still in development, and that an announcement of further details in coming "soon."
The broadcast offered some very brief first footage of the remaster, which only showcased characters Tidus, Yuna, and two of the aeons, all in their in-battle animations. As if to prove it all wasn't an elaborate ruse, Hashimoto then held up a Vita with the game running on it (see below the break), which you can see for yourself by watching a replay of the Sony broadcast here (head to the 32m30s mark for the FFX footage).
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February 19th, 2013, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Cloud gaming on Sony’s next generation machine could enable cross-platform play
PlayStation 4’s streaming technology could allow consumers to play games on mobile devices, sources close to Sony have said.
A report in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the successor to PS3 will use streaming technology to deliver games via the internet, as well as offering them on disc. The streaming technology comes courtesy of Gaikai, which was purchased by Sony last summer.
Using this technology, it is thought that cross-compatibility with mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, will be possible, allowing players to take their console game experience on the move.
Sony’s handheld, PS Vita, currently enables certain games to be cross-compatibility with PS3, with games such as Wipeout 2048 and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale offering ‘cross play’ multiplayer.
The new PlayStation will also allow players to share achievements on social networks through more refined links to Facebook or Twitter, while also enabling content such as sharing footage of gameplay via YouTube, people familiar with Sony's plans said.
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February 19th, 2013, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Dutch studio Abstraction Games will be porting Hotline Miami over to PS3 and Vita for a spring release.Original creator Dennaton Games and publisher Devolver Digital will be overseeing the project, which will enable cross-buy across PS3 and Vita. Since its release on PC last year, Hotline Miami has gone on to sell over 300,000 units.“The Devolver Digital team is hyped to see Hotline Miami hit PS3 and PS Vita,” said Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker. “However, this Cross-Buy thing might prohibit me from achieving my long-standing dream of wearing a gold plated PS Vita around my neck. Total bummer.”
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February 19th, 2013, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
It’s nearly here. After years of speculation and weeks of rumour, tomorrow night we will finally get our first look at Sony’s next console.
But what exactly will Sony be telling us tomorrow night? Bear in mind that a PS4 launch could well be as much as nine or ten months away (or longer if we’re in for some bad news), so we’re unlikely to see every piece of the jigsaw revealed.
But what we’re certain to get is more than enough to get the whole industry incredibly excited and our first indication of what form the next generation is going to take.
Here MCV looks at what you’re likely to hear and what’s likely to be kept under wraps:
- To discover the machine’s name. PS4 is the obvious and reasonably likely favourite, but after eschewing the name ‘PSP 2’ in favour of PlayStation Vita with its 2012 handheld launch, a more creative name for the new home console is possible. The console’s development codename, Orbis, is quite unlikely.
- To see the hardware. Although possibly only in rendered form. Oh, the hours we’ll spend analysing the ports and sockets on the machine’s rear…
- To see the new controller. Although of course we think we’ve already seen it. But at the least we should get official confirmation of its new features such as the touch pad, Move sensor and headphone jack and some idea of how it all ties together.
- Some first party games, such as Killzone 4. And who’d bet against an appearance from the likes of Uncharted and even, god forbid, Gran Turismo?
- Some third party titles. It’s a guessing game as to what they may be, but with the likes of Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313 thought to have been shown off in their next-gen form as long ago as E3 2012, you’d think Ubisoft and LucasArts (and others) are gagging to show off their shiny new products.
- Guest appearances from publishers and developers. Plenty of UK publisher execs are travelling to New York tomorrow, and we don’t think it’s for the airplane food…
- To hear the term Unreal Engine 4. Again, all evidence suggests that Unreal Engine 4 was ready to be one of the big features of E3 2012 until platform holders changed their plans and decided to keep shtum about their next-gen machines. Tomorrow’s announcement should open the floodgates.
- Streaming technology. After all, Sony didn’t acquire Gaikai for a laugh. Whether or not the streaming tech will provide the backbone to PS4’s backwards compatibility remains to be seen.
- Confidence. After the world-conquering success of PS2, Sony has for much of the PS3 era been almost apologetic in its approach. But that’s the past. We’ve not known Sony so confident for years. With Nintendo stumbling and Xbox at a crossroads, Sony sniffs a real opportunity with PS4.
- Surprises. MCV has it on good authority that the internet hasn’t unearthed everything the PS4 has to offer just yet…
- To hear anything about the price. An announcement on this will likely not be made until far, far further down the line – probably in part to do with the fact that Sony itself is most likely undecided. The need to balance the books AND price the console attractively is possibly the single biggest quandary Sony faces, and that decision will be made as late as possible. £300 in the UK? We’ll have to wait a little while to find out.
- A specific release date. Worst scenario? 2013 for Japan and 2014 for Europe, as has been previously suggested. All we ask for is four little words: Worldwide. Launch. In. 2013.
- Any concrete specs. We may well get some headline figures or some useful marketing speak (50,000,000 times the power of PS3!) but the machine’s innards are likely to remain a mystery until the internet gets a hold of it. Or Sony issues a press release and proves us completely wrong.
- The Last Guardian. Because the world simply isn’t that nice a place.
- Giant enemy crabs or massive damage.
- A new Final Fantasy title. The Agni’s Philosophy demo was one of the big talking points of E3 2012, and with it running off architecture said to very closely resemble what we’re getting in PS4, the stars do seem to be aligning on this one. Unless you believe Square Enix that it was nothing but a tech demo. BECAUSE WE CERTAINLY DO, HONEST.
- A launch title from Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream. It probably won’t be Beyond: Two Souls, which does indeed look like being a PS3 title. But could we see a game based on the Kara E3 2012 tech demo? The internet seems to think so.
- Grand Theft Auto V? Preferably without a tattoo. Actually, no, what are we saying? We want a GTAV tattoo on Kaz’s head.
Sony’s PS4 launch event takes place on Wednesday February 20th at 11pm UK time. MCVuk.com will be reporting live from the ground in New York.
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February 20th, 2013, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 4 will be released in US in November 2013, reports Kotaku citing a 'reliable source'.
Kotaku says the information comes from the same source who revealed the codenames for both Sony and Microsoft's next-gen consoles, 'Orbis' and 'Durango' respectively.According to the report, Sony will launch two versions of the console in November 2013, with prices of $429 and $529, although it doesn't detail exactly how the two SKUs will differ. It also notes that pricing won't be officially confirmed at tomorrow's PlayStation Meeting event, and that this will possibly be announced at E3 in June.
The report goes on to claim that the PS4 will be controllable using smartphones or tablets, including the ability to speak with PS4 friends and buy games directly on said devices. Games purchased remotely will apparently be automatically downloaded to the console.
Additionally, it claims that Sony's 'PlayStation Plus' service will be replaced by a new subscription service called 'PlayStation World' and that, like Xbox Live on Xbox 360, "most" of the PS4's online features will require a subscription to use. There's no indication of whether or not this is related to the recently registered 'PlayStation Cloud' domains which sparked rumours earlier today.
The PS4 will also apparently allow you to spectate your online friends playing a game even if you don't own the game being played - which sounds similar to spectator features in cloud gaming service OnLive, which lets you watch live gameplay streams of other players.
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February 20th, 2013, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Multiple domains recently registered by Sony/Gaikai suggest that the platform holder could be preparing to announce a new 'PlayStation Cloud' service attomorrow's PlayStation Meeting event.
Superannuation has dug up domains for 'playstation-cloud.com', 'playstation-cloud.org' and 'ps-cloud.net', all registered on February 15 by Gaikai - the cloud gaming service which Sony acquired in July last year.This comes just as the industry braces for what it expects to be the unveiling of Sony's next-generation PlayStation 4, or codename 'Orbis', at tomorrow's NYC event.
A report last week claimed that the PlayStation 4 will be capable of playing PS3 games via cloud streaming service Gaikai.
If true, this would provide a feasible solution to the issue of backwards compatibility on the new console - a feature that would be otherwise difficult to achieve due the likelihood of a vastly differing internal architecture to PS3.
Sony has kept quiet on its plans for Gaikai, other than to say that while it "will be focused on Sony's game machines", that "expanding the technology to other Sony products is absolutely within the frame".
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February 20th, 2013, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
The first pack of games for the Capcom Arcade Cabinet app is out today on PSN and XBLA. 1943: The Battle of Midway, Avengers and Black Tiger launched on the app, which will see the release of four other game packs through May 21.
This first game pack is available now for $5 (400 MSP), and every subsequent game pack will cost $10 (800 MSP). Each individual game will launch for $4 (320 MSP). The second pack is scheduled to arrive March 5, and includes Ghosts n Goblins, Gun.Smoke and Section Z.
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February 20th, 2013, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
The RetroArch team, have updated their multi-system emulator to version,
* [NEStopia] Famicom Disk System support. For Android users - put disksys.rom
into the same folder as the FDS ROM you're trying to load. For everyone else -
put disksys.rom into your system directory.
- Y Button will switch sides of a disk.
- If you get any problems of the sort DISK A / B ERR 07' - pressing Y button again or letting it run its course should do it.
- NOTE - Famicom Disk System loading is slow, so you might be tempted to fast forward through most of it. However, I'd advise caution when doing so and to savestate regularly in case 'fast forwarding' can negatively affect disk loading.
* [FBA core] Various changes/fixes
- Hook up Eco Fighters controls (Turn 1/Turn 2 bound to L and R buttons)
- Hook up Pnickie controls (Turn 1/Turn 2 bound to L and R buttons - press
one of the buttons to progress beyond start screen)
- Hook up Continental Circus controls - Brake 2/Brake 3 (L1/L2 buttons)
and Accelerate 2/Accelerate 3 (R1/R2 buttons)
- Hook up Gun Smoke controls - Start button (needed to progress beyond
title screen)
- Hook up Mighty Pang controls (P1 Shot1/P1 Shot2/P2 Shot1/P2 Shot2)
- Fixed Varia Metal palette
- Fixed Fairyland Story palette
- Fixed Return of the Invaders palette
- Fixed Act-Fancer palette issue
- Endian fixes in the following games (PS3/360/Wii/Gamecube) -
- Surprise Attack
- Rollergames
- Ultra Man
- Oh My Gods
- Moonwalker (Sega System 18 bootleg) [magicseb]
- Hyper Pac
- Snow Bros 1
- Honey Dolls
- Fixes pitch issue in Gals Hustle (will possibly fix more games as well)
* [FBA core] [For Wii/Gamecube/Xbox 1 only] The main FBA version now has CPS1/CPS2/
Neogeo and Mega Drive/PC Engine drivers removed. To play CPS1, use FBA Cores CPS1.
To play CPS2, use FBA Cores CPS2. To play NeoGeo, use FBA Cores Neo.
* [FBA core] Made FBA Cores CPS1 - use this to play CPS1 games (all CPS1 ROMs
fit into memory on Gamecube).
* [Android] Fixed regression where a button bound to AKEYCODE_BACK would 'exit out'
of RetroArch.
* [Android] Fixes Madcatz fighting stick being autodetected properly.
* [Android] Input autodetection expanded -
- iControlpad
* [Gamecube] Made RetroArch cores 'standalone' - ie. no core switching.
* [Xbox 1] Add Low RAM mode - this needs to be used to play games that won't otherwise fit into RAM,
such as Street Fighter Alpha 3/Vampire Savior and other big ROMs in FBA Cores CPS2/NeoGeo/FBA.
* [Unzipping [All consoles/Android]] Moved from rzlib to miniz/minizip -should increase compatibility
with ZIP archives
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February 20th, 2013, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
multiMAN has received another big update:
v04.20.00 (BASE) officially introduces the new mM payload (supporting only the 3.55 CEX/DEX, 4.21 CEX/DEX, 4.30 CEX and 4.31 CEX firmwares). Check out the full info and changelog:
NOTE: It is a BASE version, which means that it can be installed over ANY previous version and is also suitable for first-time users.
* Introducing the new mM payload which makes mM independent and easy to port for various firmwares
* Supports only 3.55 CEX/DEX, 4.21 CEX/DEX, 4.30 CEX, 4.31 CEX
* BD-ROM Emulator option in Settings can be set to "Enable / Disable" - no more "Hermes"/"Standard"
* Compatibility-wise it is better than "Standard" and "Hermes".
* This payload overwrites 252 bytes of strings in LV2 memory (and not 4000 bytes of code like other payloads), it doesn't use syscalls and doesn't rely on firmware functions, executes fast and improves performance
* Added option in settings "Redirect /app_home":
--- Disable (/app_home will not be mounted at all)
--- Enable (/app_home as used in previous versions - points to the game - for disc-less)
--- Toolbox (on Rogero firmwares with pre-installed toolbox if you play from discs only - it allows you to return to stealthMAN without restart)
* For 3.55DEX and 4.21DEX mM now supports split-games, adds better disc-less compatibility and also allows loading of PS1 backups in BIN+CUE format from internal/external.
The new payload allows for some tweaks and there is 80% chance that games that didn't work disc-less will now work.
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February 20th, 2013, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/18/release...e-information/
After the announcement of TN-V we now have some more information to give, including when you can expect to get your hands on it!
Total_Noob’s TN-V is coming along and in the mean time people have had questions about what TN-V will be like and when the release will be so hopefully this will clear some of these questions up.
6.60 TN-V is a Custom Emulator Firmware (CEF) for the PSVita. TN-V will be a complete XMB experience on your Vita making use of the UNO 2.02 exploit (right now there are no plans for any other exploit support). TN-V is the whole PSP environment emulated. You’ll basically have a working PSP inside of your Vita with TN-V however with some features there are either problems or are not working like videos, sensme, or parts of the camera feature. Everything else you’d expect is supported.
Now, with TN-V the PSX compatibility has been increased compared to ARK, however its roughly the same. Another thing that will still not work with TN-V is PSX sound; again something that will most likely not happen because of ColdBird leaving the scene. For the technical side of things for those asking why, to recap, it is because the PSP used a second processor called the Media Engine to emulate a PSX’s sound. The Vita doesn’t emulate this processor when emulating the PSP so we can’t get normal PSX audio working. Another outcome of this is that with TN-V you wont be able to access videos unless another solution is found.
Some of the features of TN-V include but are not limited to:
•Full Internet Radio feature
•MS Speed up feature
•Ability to use and play music through XMB
•Access to the camera (Some issues with saving and other issues)
•Almost all plugins are going to work in example dayviewer or CXMB (A CTF Theme loader) will work.
•An install function to the game_plugin_module which allows moving ISOs and extracting archives.
•Vast homebrew support (Unsuccessful homebrew launch will now return to the VSH with an error code instead of crashing.)
Lastly, regarding the release date of TN-V, we now have a better estimate in mind and you can expect to get your hands on it sometime in March 2013. Furthermore, due to the fact that TN-V is a very ambitious project with a lot of hard work going into it, depending on the amount of bugs that need to be fixed and whats left to be done to ensure a quality release it could be sooner or later than that however that time frame should be pretty solid.
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February 20th, 2013, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/19/total_n...-on-vita-2-05/
Scene website dashhacks revealed a few days ago that Total_Noob has a (psp) kernel exploit that works on firmware 2.05.
Total_Noob never ceases to amaze, and he just explained that he has access to a (psp) Kernel exploit that works on the Vita firmware 2.05. As he described to dashhacks writer HolmesInFive, his upcoming TN-V (with XMB support) will work on 2.05 through a new kernel exploit, but he has no plan to release that exploit.
TN-V will be publicly released for firmwares up to 2.02, but no kernel exploit is publicly available for firmware 2.05 so far. People running on firmware 2.05 have currently no publicly known way to run (psp) homebrews, either through user or kernel mode. This includes obviously Total_Noob’s Custom firmware “CEF“.
PSP Kernel exploits have always been rare, and it makes sense that TN keeps this new one for his own investigation, assuming this is the only one he currently has access to. Who knows, maybe this will end up being released eventually.
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February 20th, 2013, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Head of SCEJ Hiroshi Kawano has outlined the reasons for the recent Vita price cut in Japan, explaining to Japanese games magazine Famitsu that research conducted by the platform holder suggested that software and price were the Japanese public’s main concerns.According to Polygon’s translation of the Famitsu article, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan president Hiroshi Kawano said: “The biggest reason [for the price drop] is that we simply want to have more people playing the PS Vita. Based on our research, there are two broad reasons why people who may want to try the Vita aren’t purchasing it. One, they want to wait until there’s a game they want to play on it. Two, the price is a little out of reach for them.”Kawano also noted that after a year on sale, the handheld was behind projected sales figures. “Certainly, at the present time, maybe we’re a little behind the numbers we originally pictured. I feel we have a ways to go in terms of getting across the good traits of the PS Vita, along with everything the software has to offer. Also, I want to keep pushing for more games that people want to play, since like our research showed, that’s one thing blocking customers curious about the Vita from making a purchase.”Sony will be increasingly “on the offensive” in pushing Vita this year, added Kawano. “We have the new price down; now it’s time for software. Just with what’s been announced so far, we’ll have more games coming out this year than last, and they’re being launched on a regular basis throughout the year. I think that’ll make users feel they’re always getting enough, and we’re prepared to push these titles as needed. We’re going to be actively on the offensive in 2013.”
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February 20th, 2013, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
The Sony party may be about to board the PS4 train tonight, but let’s not forget the other half of the PlayStation empire.
Sony confirmed a Japanese price cut for the PlayStation Vita this week – a move it hopes will reverse its fortunes in its homeland as it continues to be significantly outsold by Nintendo’s 3DS.
And speaking to Famitsu (via Polygon), SCE Japan president Hiroshi Kawano admitted that the machine – sales forecasts of which have now been lowered three times by Sony – is failing to perform.
"Certainly, at the present time, maybe we're a little behind the numbers we originally pictured," he admitted. "I feel we have a ways to go in terms of getting across the good traits of the PS Vita, along with everything the software has to offer.”
However, Kawano reckons the new lower RRP is the first step in reversing the machine’s fortunes.
"The biggest reason [for the price drop] is that we simply want to have more people playing the PS Vita," he stated. "Based on our research, there are two broad reasons why people who may want to try the Vita aren't purchasing it. One, they want to wait until there's a game they want to play on it. Two, the price is a little out of reach for them.
“What we also learned in this research is that people who do own a Vita have tremendous satisfaction with it; it's the kind of platform where you get a feel for how good it is once you touch it. But we found that the price was too big an initial hurdle for this, and this sparked a long internal debate within SCE."
Of the software issue, as well as an upturn in the number of games coming to the system Kawano also wants customers to focus on the quality already available.
“I want to keep pushing for more games that people want to play, since like our research showed, that's one thing blocking customers curious about the Vita from making a purchase,” he explained.
“There are about 100 titles released [in Japan] in a year's time, and I want to get across that we've got a lot of really good games. Like with our other platforms, we're developing the Vita system with the idea that it'll have a lifecycle of ten years and change, so I think we need to do everything we can to flesh out the service going forward.
"We have the new price down; now it's time for software. Just with what's been announced so far, we'll have more games coming out this year than last, and they're being launched on a regular basis throughout the year. I think that'll make users feel they're always getting enough, and we're prepared to push these titles as needed. We're going to be actively on the offensive in 2013."
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February 20th, 2013, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
The world has united in memory of nearly two decades of PlayStation ahead of the reveal of the PS4 in New York tonight.
The hashtag #PlayStationMemory is currently the No.1 trending topic on Twitter worldwide – one hell of an achievement for Sony’s marketeers. And a great start to what is sure to be near-blanket coverage of the new console across the press from midnight tonight.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
The console cycle rumbles on, but the biggest threat to Sony and Microsoft is the consumer's right to choose
If you have even a passing interest in the games industry, there's a good chance you've spent much of the last week thinking about boxes.
Nintendo's latest box, perhaps, which has limped from an inauspicious start into a post-Christmas funk that has analysts wringing their hands with delight (or dismay, depending on where they placed their bets). Or maybe its Sony's new box, source of the raging torrent of rumours and half-truths that have clogged the news-ways this month. Indeed, if you're given to nostalgia, the boxes on your mind may even be the three sitting beside your TV or gathering dust atop the wardrobe, soon to be little more than futuristic doorstops.
"My interest in a new generation of consoles ends at 5pm sharp, when another working day draws to a close"
Historically, I have greeted these moments of transition with barely concealed glee, hungry for every nugget of information about the hardware that, in an ideal world, would dominate my spare hours. But not this time. Where in the past my personal and professional lives would have blurred into a single, nebulous whole, these days my interest in a new generation of consoles ends at 5pm sharp, when another working day draws to a close. Beyond my duties as a journalist, the best I've been able to muster is bemused apathy.
In retrospect, my relationship with consoles has always been somewhat fractious. My earliest gaming memories are not of Link or Sonic, but of Footballer of the Year on the Spectrum 48k - and believe me, I had no say in the matter.
Sega and Nintendo consoles were an ever-present feature of my young life, though only ever from afar. My parents lacked the resources to endlessly indulge my whims. There was never a compelling enough justification to opt for a Mario-machine over a home computer that offered far more than just endless cruelty to pixelated animals. Consoles were an isolated fantasy-land erected specifically for my pleasure, with a £40 cover-charge every time I wanted to get back inside. To my parents, the comparatively flexible Amiga 500 was in the best interests of the family.
I looked at the SNES and saw exclusive access to the best games anywhere, but my mother saw only hostility. She turned away from consoles then, and I now feel it's time to do the same.
And let's face facts, there's very little left to lose. The personal computers of today are infinitely more affordable, accessible and adaptable than those in 1987, with a wildly diverse catalogue of available games, while the consoles of today have lost virtually all of the unique qualities that lent credence to their nose-thumbing, members-only attitude. Ease of use was a cogent argument when Microsoft Windows was a new concept, but not when millions are playing on smartphones and Facebook, not when the acceptable face of PC gaming is the Steam UI, and not when EA and Ubisoft are both studiously building their own PC-focused communities and store-fronts.
"The box with the best chance of prospering in the near future will be the one with the most decisive strategy for not really being a box any more"
Microsoft, Sony and even Nintendo may well be surprised at how many people can live without the Halos, the Uncharteds and the Zeldas if the industry remains as tractable as it has in recent years. The unfortunate position in which early adopters of the Vita and the Wii U have found themselves is regrettable - adrift in the wastelands of their respective software schedules - but they weren't short of people advising them to wait and see. In a sense, though, that's almost irrelevant, because the decision to purchaseany console is largely a matter of faith, and the wisdom of that decision is dictated by forces far larger than an individual consumer's $400. Case in point: my first console was an Xbox; I kinda wish I'd gone with a PlayStation 2.
The delay of Rayman Legends on the Wii U seemed to open a nerve, prompting an outcry from both the public and its development team, and forcing Ubisoft into alargely meaningless conciliatory gesture. But beneath the indignation is a publisher simply making the only smart call under very difficult circumstances. Whether those circumstances are specific to the Wii U or significant of a wider issue facing all consoles remains to be seen, but make no mistake: third-party exclusives will be a rarer beast over the next seven years than they were in the last, and PSN and Xbox Live will have to get an awful lot better to offer much consolation.
For the time being, this is all just a matter of opinion, but in the event that I'm not just a cynical crank, what can the new consoles offer to fight the entropic forces dragging on their moulded plastic cases? In the last few weeks, I've heard it all: Open development and distribution channels to independent studios. Block used games. Embrace the cloud. Encourage products that fall between the traditional $10 and $60 price-points, including those that cost nothing at all.
For me, however, it's already too late. Even if the next iterations of the Xbox and PlayStation delivered all of the above they would still merely be flirting with aspects of the games business that the PC has pioneered, and may well perfect in the next few years. It is clear to me that the box with the best chance of prospering in the near future will be the one with the most decisive strategy for not really being a box any more. At that point, the decision to purchase one amounts to little more than subsiding the console companies as they figure out the precise ways in which they will cease to be relevant. The only question is how much of my money will be invested by the time they figure it out.
"Essential and disposable are supposed to be binary states, and yet the console companies shove us between one and the other as their needs dictate"
This is not a prediction that the general public will abandon consoles wholesale. This is not a screed about the inevitable collapse of Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo. Rather, this is a personal account of why the console proposition now feels like a needless limitation. I have little interest in the snackable world of mobile and social games. I am the target market for Xbox and PlayStation, but I no longer need a console to access what they offer. It is time to walk away, and the rewards for doing so will tower over the clutch of AAA games I'll miss in my absence. I'd like to think that publishers are smart enough to realise that the PC now needs to be treated with equal care and consideration when it comes to their key products. And if they fall short, well, so be it - at least the console companies won't be alone in losing a customer.
As a journalist, I have covered the sweeping changes that have wracked the industry these last few years from every angle and at exhaustive length, and it just so happens that, as a consumer, I am not immune to the fallout. My future is more likely to be a Steambox with Big Picture Mode than an Ouya, Gamestick or Apple TV, but I have time to consider the multiplicity of options - roughly equivalent to the amount of time it will take for my Xbox 360 to reach the nadir of its planned obsolescence. Essential and disposable are supposed to be binary states, and yet the console companies shove us between one and the other as their needs dictate. Well, not me. Not any more.
In the rush to make accurate calls about the industry's future, it's easy to forget that the only meaningful gesture an observer can make is where to put their dollars. The console cycle ends when we say it does. For me, it's already over.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Sony tonight announced its much-rumored next video game console, the PlayStation 4. Sony Computer Entertainment prez and CEO Andrew House announced the console with little more than a logo and a handful of concepts. We're sure to hear more as the night goes on, and we'll be updating this post as we learn more.
Lead system architect Mark Cerny -- legendary game dev and, to us, creator of Marble Madness -- came up next. He said that development of the PS4 started five years ago. Cerny said he's been exploring how to evolve "the PlayStation ecosystem," and he started by speaking to the limitations of PlayStation 3. Cerny said he's been aiming to make sure "nothing gets between the platform and the game." An image of an old-timey hunter shooting space invaders in the sky is used as an example -- here's hoping the PS4 doesn't mean we'll be taking plastic guns and shooting pixels in the sky.
"We were able to create in PlayStation 4 a system by game creators, for game creators," Cerny said. As far as specs, he said it runs on x86 architecture, a "highly enhanced" PC GPU, and 8GB of system memory. Cerny next unveiled the DualShock 4, which looks an awful lot like the leaks we saw recently.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is sending $10 vouchers for free PlayStation Network credit to "loyal" customers of the service, although it's not clear what constitutes that loyalty exactly. Multiple PSN users from North America, both on Twitter and theNeoGAF forum, are reporting they received messages this morning with $10 credit enclosed. We've also received a tip confirming the credit being added to a user's PSN account. Meanwhile, some users are reporting they received $5 credit, and a Twitter search suggests that freebie was sent out last week.
The $10 credit message (see below the break) reads: "Thank you for being a loyal customer and fan of PlayStation Network. As a token of our appreciation, we've sent you $10.00 to spend on the PlayStation Store."
So far, the free credit is apparently restricted to North American customers, and there aren't any clear patterns as to who's entitled to it and why; we've reached out to Sony for more details. Sure, the timing suggests this is all about stirring up further buzz amongst the already fervent PlayStation Fourplay, but free stuff is pretty much always lovely.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 players can get their hands on Resident Evil 6's multiplayer DLC modes, which have been available on Xbox 360 since December. 'Predator' tasks one player with being the Ustanak, a giant bioweapon, while other players band together to take it down. 'Survivor' can be played in solo or with a team, with downed players resurrected as zombies to hunt human prey. Finally, 'Onslaught' pits two players against each other as they battle waves of enemies, each kill chain sending that many more enemies to the other player's area. Each mode is priced at $3.99 on PSN.
On top of the DLC modes, Capcom has also dated a collection of all released Mercenaries maps, including maps that were previously exclusive to pre-ordercustomers. This one-stop Mercenaries map pack bundles together Rail Yard, Catacombs, High Seas Fortress, all available now for 80 MSP ($1) each, plus Stage Map Pack A (160 MSP/$2) and Map Pack B (160 MSP/$2). This collection will be available on Xbox Live worldwide and PSN in North America on March 5; European PS3 owners can snag the pack on March 6.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Andrew House has confirmed that Sony’s next home console will indeed be called PlayStation 4.Sony kicked off its PlayStation Meeting this evening by talking of its next box as being “Developer-led, consumer-inspired and powerfully and thoughtfully engineered by Sony Computer Entertainment.”Andrew House’s rhetoric was based on unifying, simplifying and streamlining its next platform – and building it around the gamer.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is eking more out of its Gaikai acquisition than we thought -- it's using the streaming game technology to allow for remote play on the PlayStation Vita. From a brief demo on stage, the company showed gameplay of the PS4 title Knack on the Vita with little apparent degradation in the visual quality -- it's not leaning on the smaller system for visuals. There was also a hint that remote play might not be exclusive, although there's nothing specific in this regard. Not every game will support remote play, so don't expect it to be a ubiquitous feature -- but it may help justify the Vita as a companion.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard some hardware numbers, but now we're hearing more how the PlayStation 4 will actually work in practice. Alongside connections to other Sony hardware, the highlight that caught our attention was hat you'll be able to leap back into your game by pressing the power button. From off. Better still, there's also a secondary custom chip for uploads and download and with that, the PS4 will let you play your new titles as you download them. The rest of the game will continue to be piped into that presumably ample hard drive. You can also share (with that new button, presumably) 10 seconds of video, trimming and uploading your own gaming highlights to your buddies -- heck, you can even stream it, with allies 'tagging' in and taking over the controller.
In fact Sony will make social networks far more integrated, with "real people", photos and companion mobile apps to augment this. In fact you'll be able to browse video remotely from the likes of your smartphone, tablet or Vita. The system itself will also learn your preferences and download content it reckons you'll like. Personalization is shaping up to be a big focus for Sony.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 4 architect and Marble Madness creator Mike Cerny has announced a new game for Sony's upcoming console called Knack, which he'll be directing.Using Unreal Engine 4, Knack will star a little robot orc-looking thing that can sometimes turn into a hulking giant that looks a bit like Zelda antagonist Ganondorf if he were made out of building blocks.The art style is cartoony and recalls Cerny's last gen work on Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter.We'll update as we find out more, get more assets, etc.
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February 21st, 2013, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
The new PlayStation 4 has 8 GB of RAM, which is a huge industry-leading number. But it's even crazier when you realize that the Playstation 3 only had 512 MB of RAM—256 for the system and 256 for video. The Xbox 360 has the same.
The new RAM will enable the new "suspend/resume" functionality that allows you to instantaneously start and top playing by hitting the power button. It's also a huge—and maybe unsurprising, given more than six years have passed—upgrade. Makes us really excited for what else all that new memory might enable the console to do.
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February 21st, 2013, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony finally uttered the words PlayStation 4 at its global unveiling event in New York.
We've cut through the hype and waffle to boil down the facts for you:
- It's called the PS4.
- The system architect is Mark Cerny, famed US games developer. Cerny has been discussing what developers want from a platform for the last five years.
- Spec wise, Cerny said the device has a "Supercharged PC architecture" with a X86-based CPU, enhanced PC GPU, 8GB of unified memory and HDD storage.
- The PS4 comes with a new controller, the DualShock 4.
- DualShock 4 has, as predicted, a track pad and new form factor, and a share button and headphone jack.
- DualShock 4 also has a built-in sensor which means the pad doubles as a motion device, tracked by a new Kinect-like stereo camera called a 'Light Bar'.
- Tech demos from Epic Games (Unreal Engine 4) and physics and animation specialist Havok showed that established third-party tech firms are already all over the platform.
- As a proof of the device's developer-friendly nature, Cerny showed a game he is working on, called Knack. A new IP.
- PS4 has a sudden sleep mode that suspends gameplay and means titles can be resumed at the exact point you left off.
- The machine also has always-on video recording, compressions and decompression functions so you can upload clips of your gameplay.
- The online service will use real names with social networking linked to other devices. It's not clear yet if this will force the PlayStation Network to be re-adapted (likely) or is an entirely new system (unlikely). Sony's description of combining Facebook, Twitter, PSN and PS4 points to the former.
- Gaikai lets you stream PS4 games to PS Vita.
- There is no native backwards compatibility, but Gaikai in time will be able to play every former generation/device PlayStation game via its cloud services.
- Killzone: Shadowfall is due, from Guerrilla Games. It's very handsome.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s PlayStation app will enable users to turn their smartphones and tablets into a second screen to use in conjunction with the upcoming PS4 console.
These second screens could give access to a range of in-game data functionality, including a dedicated screen for viewing maps.
The app will also act as a way for PS4 users to buy games on the move and download them to their consoles via Wi-Fi.
Announced yesterday, the PS4 is powered by a ‘supercharged PC architecture’ and X86-based CPU, ‘enhanced’ PC CPU, along with 8GB of DDR5 RAM and HDD storage.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony last night put months of speculation to bed as it finally unveiled its PlayStation 4 console during its global launch event in New York.
The system's reveal ushered in the next-gen wave of consoles, as gamers wet their lips at both the system itself and the bounty of new games and IP detailed for the console by big name developers.
But as the specs of the new system were reeled off, I found myself, as a PC gamer, largely underwhelmed.
Sure, I was admittedly blown away by the potential of the device, as developers had the oft-referred to "creative console" show off its motion capabilities – none more captivating than developer Media Molecule's new title, which allowed for digital sculpting using the PlayStation Move controller.
But in my eyes, the PlayStation 4 is, and always will, play catch up to the PC. This might be an obvious statement to make, but one that should still be made.
Let's start with the PS4's innards.
Spec-wise, the console is powered by a "supercharged PC architecture" and X86-based CPU, "enhanced" PC GPU, along with 8GB of DDR5 RAM and HDD storage.
Take away all of the buzzwords and the system already loses much of its next-gen glamour.
A harder look at the device's supercharged PC architecture reveal the Playstation 4 to be powered by what is essentially a mobile processor, which is reportedly clocked at just 1.6GHz in order to maintain a relatively low power draw.
Next up is the "enhanced PC GPU", which is believed to be based on AMD's Graphics Core Next tech, offering a custom made GPU that packs 1152 Radeon cores. This would put the graphics unit on par with something similar to the GeForce GTX660 – an already mid-range PC GPU.
And a HDD? This needs little discussion. Nothing about a HDD is next-gen, given that SSDs are readily available. Yes, the PS4 is set to heavily feature the cloud and web streaming, but still, it'd have been a nice touch and one I sincerely doubt would have too much of an effect on pricing.
Following the reveal, PC Gamer priced up a PC capable of mimicking the PlayStation 4, which came in at around £430. Not too far off the rumoured £300 mark Sony's new console will be offered at.
Moving on to games, and the PS4 didn't fare much better.
Again, the event did showcase a variety of new IP, which showed off the potential of the device with regards to its motion sensing capabilities.
But one of the key features highlighted was the PS4's ability to instantly record, share and live stream gameplay. Something that PC games have long practiced in with the explosion of eSports and titles such as League of Legends and Dota 2.
Then came the PS4's associated publishers and their next-gen titles. Both Square Enix and Ubisoft showed off titles that were already revealed at last year's E3 show, including Watch Dogs – a game, which even then, was running on a PC.
Even PC favourite Blizzard crashed the event. But only to announce that Diablo III – a title already acquainted with the PC for close to a year now – would be a launch title for the PS4, all be it with a reconfigured control system. Ooooh, aaaah.
And with that, the evening came to a close. Console gamers rejoiced, whilst PC gamers mumbled a collective "meh" and returned to their nineteenth play through of Diablo III on hardcore mode.
The Playstation 4 is, and will be impressive. I don't doubt that for a second. But temper expectations – it remains a console. A next-gen console, but one living in the shadow of the PC.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony WWS SVP insists Jonathan Blow is just the start for independent studios on Sony's new console
Speaking to Develop Sony Worldwide Studios senior vice president Michael Denny has insisted that the PS4 will offer support to indies.
At last night's high profile PS4 announcement event in New York, support for indies was mentioned briefly a handful of times, with Jonathan Blow taking to stage to debut a new trailer for his long-in-development project The Witness.
But as the games development community digested all the details from the show, numerous indies took to Twitter, keen to hear just how important independent studios were to the console, and uncertain that they were a significant factor on Sony's priority list for the PS4.
Denny, however, has stated that indies are important to the PS4 and SCE.
“At PlayStation we want the broadest content we can possibly have, so of course we want the best big triple-A games, and the biggest genres out there," Denny told Develop today. "But we also want other content as well. We want broader content and interesting content, and often that comes from smaller indie communities.”
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February 21st, 2013, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Street Fighter creator Yoshinori Ono reveals Capcom's new game engine Panta Rhei
Capcom unveiled yet another new IP last night in the form of RPG Deep Down for PlayStation 4.
Deep Down – although this is only a working title at the moment – is a fantasy action game that pits players against fire-breathing dragons and other monsters. It is being developed by Street Fighter creator Yoshinori Ono.
The title uses a brand new game engine, codenamed Panta Rhei. It was shown off during last year's PlayStation 4 reveal and you can see the first footage below.
It is the third notable new IP from Capcom to emerge in the last year, following thesuccess of last year's Dragon Dogma and this year's hotly-anticipated Remember Me.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
But next-gen console may not hit Europe till 2014
Sony will launch its next generation console, PlayStation 4, in the US this year during the build-up to Christmas, it has revealed.
The "Holiday 2013" release date is a quick turnaround given that the system has only just been officially announced, with Sony stating that further reveals surrounding the hardware capabilities will also be unveiled in the run up to launch.
It also stated it would unveil more details at a later date about games from third-party developers and publishers, indies and SCE Worldwide Studios over the next few months.
Despite a 2013 launch for the PS4 in the US and Japan, the UK’s release date may yet slip into 2014.
Speaking to Eurogamer, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said it was too early to announce if the console could be launched simultaneously worldwide.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
New lead character Delsin Rowe able to direct, manipulate and transform into smoke
Sucker Punch has revealed the latest entry into its popular superhero series, InFamous: Second Son.
The first game in the franchise not to feature Cole McGrath, players now take control of new lead character Delsin Rowe, with events taking place in Seattle seven years after InFamous 2.
Rather than electrical superpowers as with previous titles, Rowe has the power to direct, manipulate and transform into smoke
InFamous: Second Son was developed using Sucker Punch’s own internal game engine.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Retailers aren't waiting for a price to sell next-gen console
Sony hasn't named its price for the PlayStation 4, but that hasn't stopped a handful of retailers from listing their own.
As soon as the PS4 presentation ended, ShopTo, UK retailer game GAME , and Australian retailer EB Games opened pre-order reservations for the console.
Of these, GAME is the only retailer to not actually list a price, instead taking £20 deposits.
ShopTo has set the sticker price at £399.85, noting that this is discounted 11 percent from £449.99.
EB Games is taking orders for nearly double that - 899.99 AUD.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Despite a heap of speculation, there will be no attempt by Sony to block used games being played on the PlayStation 4.
Months of talk and even an unearthed patent led some to think a pre-owned ban was coming, but it seems Sony has sided with the consumer and its retail partners.
Though the PS4 was officially announced tonight, and some details of the product's specifications and features were provided, Sony neglected to mention whether or not the console would let customers play second hand games.
When pressed on the issue by Eurogamer's Tom Bramwell, head of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida was at first evasive, and possibly stalling for time.
"Do you want us to do that?" he asked.
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February 21st, 2013, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
It was, of course, simply a precursor to E3 designed to build anticipation for a more in-depth showcase, but Sony’s PS4 reveal was notable for its generous doling out of revelations and game footage. As a result, the company appears to have won over game developers with its savvy, if not necessarily catchy, pitch. Reaction online has inevitably been more mixed, but the general feeling among those who will be creating games for PS4 is that Sony is making all the right noises and, more importantly, fixing past ills.“It was very encouraging to hear the developer- and consumer-friendly messaging,” says Eidos life president and UKIE board member. “Dumping the Cell processor and moving to a PC architecture with an X86-based CPU with 8GB super-fast system memory is great news for developers, and promises lightning-speed performance.“The ‘Share’ button should be well-liked by gamers wanting to show off their realtime game footage with their friends. What we don’t know, and need to know soon, is how much will it cost, and the European street date. But overall it was a very positive announcement by Sony and should give everybody a great reason to go to E3 this year.”Super Stardust and Dead Nation developer Housemarque was a huge advocate for PSN and Sony hardware in the current generation, and, as company CEO Ilari Kuittinen tells us, will continue to be so in the next.“It was great to hear how focused Sony was on games during the PlayStation 4 announcement,” he says. “The new console sounds really developer friendly, and we believe that this time the console transition is much easier for many developers as you’re probably able to use a lot of your existing technology and tools instead of writing everything from the scratch.“Having 16 times more memory than PlayStation 3 is also very helpful, and the extra horsepower the machine has can be used for creating new kinds of gameplay experiences that weren’t possible during the previous generation. We’re certainly looking forward to creating awesome challenges for the PlayStation 4 in the future.”Frontier Developments founder David Braben was similarly impressed, though he criticised Sony’s decision to keep the actual hardware hidden away.“It was exciting to watch the rollout of PS4 last night, and great to see Sony’s emphasis on developer support too,” he says. “Lack of pricing information is not unexpected at this stage, but I’m quite surprised they didn’t show a version of the box itself – psychologically it feels wrong, and more importantly it makes evangelism for the machine in the media harder.”From all the coverage today, Sony’s clearly not wanting for column inches. Though Braben’s concerns make sense, the major revision of the hitherto gently iterated Dual Shock controller probably offers enough iconic imagery for now.Futurlab managing director James Marsden’s highlighted Sony’s apparently more open ethos for its new hardware – an ethos in stark contrast to the more locked-down strategies of its past.“I thought Sony’s change of attitude toward their platform was most refreshing,” he says. “When PS3 launched, Sony’s firstparty publishing wouldn’t entertain the idea of funding 2D games on the system, let alone quirky indie games. Fortunately that attitude appears to have radically shifted, and bringing Jonathan Blow on stage to talk about his new game was very exciting.“We’ve obviously benefitted from a great deal of support from PlayStation for our indie efforts, but the message has never taken centre stage like that before. It’s great to see. The support was pretty strong from third parties too; I sensed that those in console game production really want PS4 to succeed, ourselves included.”As a result, he tells us, FuturLab will be registering for a PS4 licence today. Team Meat’s Edmund McMillen, however, is in less of a rush, but was similarly taken with Blow’s appearance.“I didn’t even realize [the PlayStation Meeting] was happening till long after it was, if that says anything,” he admits, “And the only thing I saw of interest was The Witness. I thought that was a smart move on their part to get a timed exclusive for it because that games going to be a big one.“Other than that its not something I’m super-excited about – if it turns out to be hugely popular ill develop for it. Honestly, all the new systems probably aren’t going to be super-exciting seeing as we are just inch worming when it comes to tech at this point in the game.But what indies want is a strong digital platform that pushes digital downloads and makes it easy for devs to develop for – if the PS4 offers that, then its a good system for indies.”Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail described the presentation as solid, pledging his support for the platform. “It had a great and accessible pitch on the hardware and the interconnectivity between devices,” tells us. “The Share button sounds amazing and they seem to have thought well about where gaming might be headed. Luckily, the focus seemed to be on the games. The first half of the software pitch was pretty great – although the latter half kind of fell flat with big, empty announcements and a boyband on stage. Just the fact that they had The Witness on stage was a pretty big gesture – and it was amazing to see their dev relation people immediately hitting Twitter after the announcement to encourage interested developers to get in touch.”“Sony has been trying to play to the strengths of the indie community for a while now. Of all console platforms, they’ve been the most approachable and flexible for the past few years. In our mind, the most flexible environment for developers will ultimately be the most interesting console in this next generation. In short, we really like were Sony seems to be taking things. We’re really looking forward to working with them again somewhere in the near future.”
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February 21st, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony worldwide studios president Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that current-generation PSN titles will not transfer straight to PS4, but that the company will try to make digital purchases playable “in some form.”That form could refer to Sony’s longterm plan of making its entire PlayStation back catalogue available on a number of devices, including PS4, through Gaikai-powered cloud streaming.The wildly different architectures of the PS3 and 4 will make a wholesale import difficult, Yoshida explained to Engadget, but the company will attempt to transfer games that don’t require excessive processing overheads for emulation.It highlights one of the disadvantages of digital distribution, at least from a consumer perspective, as downloaded game collections cannot be sold on. Looks like we’ll need to keep our PS3s under the TV for a little while longer, then.
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Blizzard has released the first screens of the PlayStation version of Diablo III on Battle.net.The game will be released on both PlayStation 3 and 4, and will be based on the existing PC game – including Paragon levels, the Infernal Machine event, Monster Power, Brawling and a number of other post-PC-release updates.There’s no clarification yet as to whether the PS4 version will take advantage of its host hardware’s higher ceiling, or be ostensibly the same as its PS3 counterpart, but Blizzard will show the PS3 game at PAX East next month.The blog post does, however, mention some of the changes being wrought for the console release, including, “customized controls, a new user interface, and a dynamic camera perspective.”
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
CD Projekt RED’s upcoming RPG The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be coming to PS4, the studio has confirmed.No firm release date has been set for the game, which will be coming to the next generation Xbox as well, but it will surface in 2014 as a simultaneous release on “all high-end platforms available”, according to studio head Adam Badowski.“After yesterday’s PlayStation Meeting we can finally promise: The Witcher 3 is coming to the PlayStation 4,” he continued. “The new hardware gives us the opportunity to create something great.“We are able to work with the new console from its birth and this allows our in-house REDengine 3 to push the graphical limits of what the PlayStation hardware can display. The console is fresh and has some innovative solutions that we’re looking forward to using in our game.”The studio revealed its new engine, which will also power RPG Cyberpunk, at the beginning of the month.
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
While Fumito Ueda’s recent statement sparked speculation that The Last Guardian would now be heading to PS4, it was conspicuous by its absence at yesterday’s PlayStation Meeting.While Ueda has parted company with Sony Japan and Team Ico, he remains the project’s lead and last week said that details of the game’s release remain solely in the charge of Sony, adding, “Please keep an eye out for their official announcement”.It was the timing of the statement, just ahead of the PlayStation Meeting, combined with its long delay that led many to believe that the project had shifted formats.Of course, Sony could be holding the game back for an E3 reveal, and there is a slim possibility that the game, if it ever sees release, will launch on PS3 and PS4 – though it seems unlikely that the struggling development team would be able to find the resources to handle both versions simultaneously.We’ll have to wait until June to find out more.
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
This long console cycle should not be repeated, says Ubisoft.
The firm, which took to the stage last night to reveal Watch Dogs for PS4, told MCV that new consoles invite more creativity and more innovative titles. And that the publisher doesn't want to wait seven years for PS5.
But CEO Yves Guillemot says there's certainly plenty of innovations on, and 'revolutionary social features', for PS4 that will keep his teams busy for some time yet.
"No we don't want to wait seven years for the next one," he said.
"We will have cloud gaming that will improve over time, for sure. And we certainly have enough novelties for a few years.
"The consoles have taken a long time, we've been saying it for a long time. It's really once those consoles come that we can let creative people more risk, and they feel they can take more risk because new consoles can be more open.
"They have so many features that they can play with. It's easier to be a creative person with new consoles, because after four years of people using all the capacity, it's harder to be innovative. With PS4, we will see new ideas and new ways to approach gamers. And that will excite consumers and excite creators."
He adds that he believes the firm's developers will be able to get the best out of PS4 faster than it did PS3, because the device is built on familiar PC architecture.
"PS4 is a great machine, we'll be able to make things look fantastic," adds Guillemot.
"Because the teams are working hard on their projects, I think we will see good things from the start. Sure, in two years engineers will figure out how to do a lot more. But these machines are easier to build on than before, so we should be able to reach their potential quicker."
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sony says it's 'surprised' by complaints that the PS4's design was not revealed.
The firm's European chief Jim Ryan told MCV it was more important to show the device's capabilities over its form factor, and that there's plenty more to reveal about the console over the next 10 months.
"There seems to be a disproportionate amount of noise about [the PS4 no-show] and I really don't get it," he said.
"It was so much more important to describe what the device is capable of, rather than what it looks like. The show was long enough as it was and there's only so much you can do at these things. Let's focus on the games. It was pretty tough cramming that into two hours.
"Sony does design well. That's one thing we do well. And it will be nice. But we will reveal it at the right moment. It is not like the conference was the start of the end of process of PlayStation 4. There's a long time between now and holiday season 2013. And you and I will be talking about lots over the coming months. We will reveal the design at the right moment. I don't think it was a big deal, I'm surprised so much has been made out of it."
Ryan wouldn't reveal if that holiday 2013 date will include Europe. But tells MCV that we should not presume the console is coming out in 2014 instead.
"We're not saying if Holiday 2013 includes Europe at this stage," he added.
"We are only saying we will launch the system before the end of 2013, we're not saying in which parts of the world. But don't infer anything good or bad from that. You can take that anyway you want, but you shouldn't."
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony confirmed PS4 will have firmware updates, but hopes to make sure they don't prevent consumers from playing games.
PS3 owners currently have to wait for firmware updates before they can use their console, but Sony Worldwide Studios Boss Shuhei Yoshida says the platform holder aims to relegate them to the background.
"The work is still going on," he told Eurogamer. "It's about the implementation phase. It's all about how it gets implemented. So we have to wait for the final product, but our goal is always like that.
"So there will always be firmware updates, but what we want to achieve is [putting them in the background].
"It's already been done. Like the PS Plus service actually does it, where it's downloaded but it doesn't install. So it's kind of half-baked.
"We wanted to make it so people don't have to wait for anything. If you have one hour of your time, you want to spend one hour playing games, and that's our goal."
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Insatiable, that's what the games industry is.
Despite the fact that Sony revealed a bucketload of information about the PlayStation 4, footage of several impressive games, the promise of more from over 70 companies, a sleek new controller, and enough specs to please any tech-head, there was one thing missing: the console itself.
But Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has assured PlayStation fans that this is nothing to worry about, joking that the platform holder needs to save something to show off at E3.
"The console is just a box," he told Polygon. "The controller was very important to show because it has the share button, but the console is just a share button."
Yoshida added that Sony's goal for last night's reveal was to explain the philosophy of PS4, summed up by its five pillars: Simple, Immediate, Social, Integrated and Personalised.
Expect to see more of the box at E3.
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February 22nd, 2013, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Bookies Paddy Power is taking bets on who will win the next generation console war – PS4 or the next Xbox
The firm believes Sony's console will win, putting them at 8/13 to sell more than Microsoft (they're on 6/5).
It's one of Paddy Power's novelty bets, and as we know little about the next Xbox, it's all a bit of a guess. This is the bookmaker that had Far Cry 3 as 66/1 to be Christmas No.1. The game made No.2. If only Ubisoft had sold a few more units, I'd have been minted.
The company is also taking bets on which of the consoles will be the most powerful. Again, Sony has been given the edge at 2/5, with the next Xbox at 7/4.
Paddy Power's spokesperson said: “The PlayStation 4 has received plenty of well worn thumbs up from gamers but while Sony currently have the edge it’s still all to play for in the console wars.”
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Although 'Holiday 2013' is US launch window for PlayStation 4 that doesn't necessarily mean it will hit UK before the close of this year.
That's not a huge surprise - Sony games platforms have never had a simultaneous worldwide launch, and Europe traditionally is the last to get PlayStation hardware.
Speaking to Eurogamer, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said that it was still too soon in the production process to know if it can launch in multiple territories.
He said: "It's too early to say. For one thing the system has to be complete and we have to understand the manufacturing pace of it. Then we have to kind of look at the demand predictions and we have to decide whether we can go global or like [the rumour]. So it takes more time for us to know that.
"Europe is an enormously important market. That's no question. So I hope European consumers can play PS4 as soon as it's available somewhere, but I'm not making promises."
Sony unveiled the PS4 at a big media event in New York.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
It's been seven years since we had a new home console from Sony. The unveiling of the PS4 breaks a very long silence, and puts pen to paper on a new chapter for the company. The dramatic question, of course, is whether this might be the final chapter; there'll no doubt be plenty of answers offered to that question over the coming days, weeks and months, and I'll not insult your intelligence by pretending that the vital clues to Sony's survival or demise - or indeed, that of the home console as a category overall - were tucked away in Sony's New York presentation.
"Cerny is a veteran, well-respected and widely liked. His talk was full of tacit acknowledgements of mistakes made and how they're being rectified"
What was tucked away in there, though, was a glimpse of a few things that were vastly more important than any of the games - many of them little more than glorified tech demos at this early stage, and many others already confirmed as multi-platform releases. Yes, any game platform is really about the software, but software relies on the platform - and "platform" is an increasingly nebulous combination of hardware, operating system, online services and business model, interlocking into an ecosystem that's an essential framework for game developers and publishers.
So I'm going to be a bit clinical, in defiance of my own "it's about the software, stupid" instincts, and ignore Sony's game presentations - because honestly, if the company is on the right track at all we're going to see so much stuff at E3 that we'll soon barely even remember what was shown at the initial announcement. Instead, I want to think about what the presentation told us about Sony's platform and how it's going to relate both to players and to creators.
Firstly, Andrew House - who is a much more confident and likeable frontman than many others the industry has thrown up over the years, even if he constantly gave the impression that he was itching for a Powerpoint presentation full of graphs to really get his teeth into - was quick to hand over to Mark Cerny, the company's PS4 hardware lead. Cerny's position is far from being symbolic, but it is a powerful symbol. He's a veteran, well-respected and widely liked developer who's working on his own game for PS4 alongside creating the hardware. That's a vast change in approach when compared to the PS3, whose creation was led by hardware engineers - and Cerny's talk was full of tacit acknowledgements of mistakes made and how they're being rectified.
It's basically an optimised PC, Cerny told the audience, going on to outline in brief an x86-based console architecture whose only remotely exotic components were those designed to make developers' lives easier, such as the system's ultra-fast RAM. It'll stream downloads in the background. The company has focused heavily on a small but vital part of the experience - getting users into a game and having fun as quickly as possible - building in systems such as a handheld console style "suspend" function, rapid wake, a simplified and improved dashboard UI and a variety of technologies aimed at making downloadable games faster to access and play.
"Sony described a console which could, if done properly, provide a relatively open platform for developers to publish their games"
The messages were clear - PS4 is going to be an incredibly developer-friendly platform, with an architecture that's more familiar and easier to get up and running on than any console before it, and it's going to be an incredibly gamer-friendly platform, taking away barriers between the player and the game which had existed on PS3.
That's all good stuff. It speaks to a company that's learned from its mistakes and corrected them in a dramatic fashion - no more than you'd expect after seven years of ruminating on them, of course, but still perhaps more than Sony's more uncharitable detractors might have expected. The absolute basic thing which Sony needed to get right with the PS4 was this; it had to be a great platform to develop for, a great platform to discover content on, and a great platform to play content on. As consoles go, what was revealed in New York seemed to be best-of-breed on those counts (though it's worth noting that I'd be a little shocked if Microsoft isn't similarly solid).
What's more important, though, is what wasn't said outright. There were hints and implications dropped throughout the comments made by Cerny, House and others that suggested that Sony intends to make PS4 more open than ever to developers. There were mentions in the opening comments of the presentation of free-to-play and episodic business models, and of a business platform that would support wholesale experimentation. Later on, reference was made to welcoming self-publishing on PSN. It's not clear whether these comments imply a continuation of existing PSN policies (as was pointed out by many posters in comments on my column last week, Sony is far more open to small developers and self-publishing than either of its console rivals, although serious barriers to entry do remain) or a genuine opening up of the PlayStation ecosystem - I suspect something in between is the case, but even that is a big step in the right direction.
Another step in the right direction is the company's intelligent use of its Gaikai acquisition - seemingly under the continuing direction of David Perry, who has consistently been a moderate and sensible voice regarding the huge potential but genuine limitations of cloud streaming technology. Using the tech to give the PS4 access to back catalogue titles and instant-on demos is a no-brainer. Using it to give access to live-streams of games currently being played, and adapting it to build an OS-level function through which you can upload clips of any game instantly is actually quite brilliant. I suspect that the importance of this feature will be largely lost on many within the industry itself, not least because none of us is getting any younger, and the internet's "video natives" are mostly in their teens and early twenties - but be absolutely assured that video streaming, "Let's Play" video series and clips of popular games are already a huge deal for a vast swathe of the audience for games. In years to come, I suspect that PS4's integration of the tech will probably feel absolutely essential, rather than being a speculative side-feature, and that already-derided "Share" button on the controller will get far more of a workout than the social-network-phobic types decrying it on Twitter (oh, the irony!) could ever imagine.
"In three words, the core message of Sony's presentation was 'we've been listening'"
There were bum notes - PS Vita hardly impressed as the console's answer to the Wii U Gamepad, given that Vita itself has been a miserable flop - but the picture that I see building up from all of these features and tweaks to the platform model is overall a positive one. Hence my own positivity about what was, unfortunately, a rather over-long and poorly stage managed presentation. Sony announced a console that's easy for developers to get to work with, and implied that they'll hold the door open for self-publishing and business model experimentation on the platform - hopefully resulting in a much more vibrant and varied market for games than any other console has managed in the past. They announced a console that's deeply integrated with social networks at an OS level, but which actually does something useful with that integration - giving you the tools to share meaningful content (rather than pointless "Hey I finished a level!" automated status updates) and utilising the social graph as a content discovery tool. That final bit is important; Sony described a console which could, if done properly, provide a relatively open platform for developers to publish their games, while simultaneously being a great discovery platform - a crucial weakness of most existing "App Store" style platforms.
PS4 is, of course, going to be a platform that's largely sold off the back of big-budget AAA titles - and I suspect that much of Sony's effort has gone into making life easier (and cheaper) for the creators of those titles. However, the benefits of that effort will trickle down to smaller developers, and the ecosystem it creates stands to turn the PS4 into a platform that appeals beyond the audience for conventional AAA games. Nobody rational doubts Sony's ability to sell a new console to the few tens of millions who form the "traditional core"; PS4's challenge is to prove that it can have a life beyond that core, a relevance in an age of tablets and mobiles, a raison d'etre in a time when "it plays games" applies to an ever-wider range of consumer electronics with an ever-increasing level of truth.
The company didn't entirely prove its point in two slightly over-long hours in New York, but it pointed in the right direction. In three words, the core message of Sony's presentation was "we've been listening". Until the gritty details start to form around this new console and its strategy, that core message is just about enough.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
With Gaikai and digital downloads PS4 will be a very digitally-focused platform, but Shuhei Yoshida doesn't dismiss retail
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In a special roundtable with Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida the morning after his company officially unveiled the PS4, the executive made it clear that digital - whether downloads or the cloud - represents the future of the PlayStation business, but for now retail cannot be ignored.
Responding to a question asked by GamesIndustry International, Yoshida acknowledged that "digital is the fastest growing business for us and for industry as well." He noted that Sony's been seeing record digital sales every month. Currently, the company sees higher digital sales on Vita than PS3, he said, because all the content is available digitally on Vita. This is a trend that he does see extending to the PS4 in time, as more and more business from both Sony and third parties will be done digitally on the new console.
That said, Yoshida did not want to diminish the importance of retail to the PlayStation ecosystem. Apart from the obvious fact that retail will sell the PS4 hardware and accessories, there is still a segment of consumers who enjoys buying the physical disc, and retail helps to spread awareness as well to educate some consumers on the products, he said.
"We believe retail will still play a key role to get games in front of people," Yoshida commented. He noted that some consumers gain information from store employees who are knowledgable about some of the games, and he also pointed out that retailers are getting more aggressive in selling digital content themselves. Ultimately, the retailers will shift their business to meet consumers' needs, he said.
Elsewhere in the roundtable, after apologizing that we couldn't see the hardware, Yoshida noted that the PS4 and the DualShock 4 are still undergoing some final tweaks, and he said that we should be able to get to experience the final product at E3. That product is one that could be quite expensive, possibly more than most consumers would like. We asked him how Sony might balance internal corporate pressures to meet shareholders' demands while simultaneously arriving at a price point that won't drive away consumers. It's a delicate balance.
"That's our job. We are not building a factory to make a custom chip this time around. That helps," he said, referring to the complex process it took to manufacture the Cell chip for PS3. Yoshida would not elaborate any further on price or when we might hear about an MSRP on the console.
Yoshida was also asked about the very idea of maintaining a console business itself. After all, if the ultimate goal is to use Gaikai and the PlayStation cloud to get all games on all devices with a screen and internet connection, then PlayStation becomes a sort of subscription service. "At that point we aren't selling hardware. Maybe we are selling controller," remarked Yoshida. "Are you suggesting Sony should get rid of its hardware business? That's a Kaz Hirai question," he continued, while adding that Hirai "has been quick to make drastic changes within Sony... compared to past Sony management."
Perhaps PlayStation will become a service in future, but for now Yoshida sees the hardware as a vital part of the business, enabling developers to bring the best games to market. By providing dedicated hardware, software and services all integrated into one platform, Sony "can provide something special for players. That's why we're making PS4," Yoshida stressed.
Part of the advantage of providing hardware is being able to offer features like remote play of PS4 games on PS Vita. This is something that Yoshida believes in strongly, to the point where he said he's asking all developers to make sure their titles not only work well on PS4 but also on Vita via remote play. Some developers can also add in Vita specific features like touch screen controls. "I'd like to see developers take advantage of the extra Vita functionality," he said.
Yoshida also responded to a question about the viability of dedicated consoles and handhelds in a market where tablets and phones are providing experiences for cheap or free. Does the less than stellar reception for Vita thus far or the meager57,000 units Wii U sold in January portend bad things for PS4 and consoles in general? Yoshida doesn't think so.
"We have to provide consumers something really compelling," he said. "We don't believe in the idea that consoles won't sell as much anymore. In the end we have to provide games that consumers want to play." It's a demand and supply issue, he said. "If we don't provide something great, then people won't buy."
Yoshida acknowledged that PS4 might not be able to win over the mainstream consumers who are satisfied with games on phones or tablets. "Many people are happy just playing games on phones or tablets; they don't want to spend extra money on hardware or spend much money to buy games. For those people it's going to be very hard to convince them but there are many others willing to spend to get a great experience," he concluded.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 4 presentation communicated a new, developer-centric message from the company and it seems to be mostly resonating with those of us in the media. The big piece of the puzzle that may take a long while to be figured out is price. This will be of critical importance to Sony's bottom line and to potential customers. Too high and PS4 will flop; too low and profit margins will be nonexistent.
Speaking with GamesIndustry International during the PS4 event on Wednesday night, Inside Network analyst Billy Pidgeon said that ideally Sony needs to come in at $299 to make the new console a success this holiday season.
"I'd like to see maybe two models, one under $300 and one under $400 would be ideal. $299 is the magic price point. I think this current generation took way too long to get there. It has to be under $400 and honestly if they could subsidize it further and take more of a hit, it might be worth their while in the long run," he commented.
For both Sony and Microsoft, Pidgeon believes that sales in the first 12 months will be slower than the last generation as more consumers now get entertainment from other devices. What that means for Xbox 360 and PS3 is that Microsoft and Sony will still rely on sales from the current-gen systems to boost their respective bottom lines.
"Uptake during the first year is going to be slower than people expect. And to keep a viable business in terms of profit margins, they're going to have to do their best to keep their current-gen platforms viable as they're perhaps moving into next-gen more slowly than they did last time," noted Pidgeon. "Historically, we've seen generational transitions where the previous generation just dropped off a cliff when the new console came out, but that would really hurt either Sony or Microsoft if that happened."
Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter recently predicted that Sony would price the PS4 around $400 or possibly as high as $449.
How Sony finalizes its plans may also depend on what reaction we see from Microsoft and its next Xbox. It's highly likely that we'll see the next Xbox at E3 and rumors are swirling that Microsoft could even unveil it as soon as late March during GDC.http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...ic-price-point
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
With PS3 and Xbox 360, cost of development saw a significant increase from the previous generation. Now next-gen's on the horizon, and many are anticipating another big bump up in costs (Epic's Tim Sweeney said a few months ago that costs could double). If you ask Hermen Hulst, managing director at Killzone developer Guerilla Games, however, next-gen shouldn't be a burden on developers' bottom line.
Speaking as part of a first-party developer roundtable attended by GamesIndustry International immediately following the PS4 reveal, Hulst noted that while costs are going up on PS4, it's not as dramatic as some would have thought. For example, on Killzone 1 and 2, team sizes maxed out at 125, he said, and for the new Killzone Shadow Fall on PS4, the team is now at 150 people.
Hulst said that a lot of his company's resources have gone into making development easier with better, more efficient tools. It's about making development smarter, he said. Hulst added that Guerilla is in constant conversation with lead PS4 architect Mark Cerny and many other developers to the point where they have weekly, or bi-weekly calls.
"It's not as scary as some people led you to believe," Hulst concluded on the financial aspect of next-gen development.
When the developers were asked about relying on graphics and how that won't work anymore since PS3 games already look quite good, Matt Southern of Evolution Studios, who unveiled Drive Club for PS4 today, commented that there's still plenty of room on the visual side to wow gamers. "No game has been able to recreate the real feeling of sitting inside a Ferrari," he said, and with PS4 he feels he's come much closer to that goal. Hulst added that the newer technology is now allowing developers to do much, much more overall. Whereas in the past they may have had to choose between more characters or a larger environment or better AI, now game makers can integrate all these things at once without bogging down the hardware.
One of the important features of the PS4 will be its Gaikai integration and the PlayStation cloud network. With all games being available to demo with just a click, developers will have to think about how they design their titles to grab players' attention more quickly. Making a mediocre game nowadays is a very, very risky proposition. Steven Ter Heide, game director at Guerilla Games, commented that it simply means you have to make great games. If a developer creates a great experience, then there's no need to worry.
Evolution's Southern was ecstatic about the Gaikai functionality. He remarked that a game trailer is a bit of an oxymoron, that trailers are bizarre, and games should have demos because they naturally demand an interactive experience. He said Dave Perry's vision means every single PlayStation game can be sampled, and "it's genius but obvious." He noted that "it's perfect for the PlayStation catalog."
Ultimately, the developers at the roundtable seemed incredibly enthusiastic about the vision that Sony is communicating with PS4. "I was very happy it's so forward looking," Steven Ter Heide said. "Technology is becoming an enabler rather than being about specs. It's about what it means to me rather than it's got X amount of memory."
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
The only hardware shown on-stage during Sony's PlayStation 4 event was the retooled DualShock controller, the DualShock 4. No box. No PS4 Eye. No new version of Move. As for the console itself, its absence makes some sense in light of today's news from SCEA prez Jack Tretton that the console's internals are "still in development in terms of final specs and design." So, how final is the only piece of hardware Sony was willing to trot out? "It's near final. It's just gonna be small tweaks being done," Sony Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida told us in an interview this morning.
Sadly, he also admitted we won't be able to touch any of it anytime soon. "By E3, I think" was the best he could offer. He blamed Sony's hardware folks for not allowing access, despite him pleading with PR to give hands-on time. "I was just asking our PR team can we just let you touch this stuff. Our hardware guys don't want you to find out some detail that ..." he said, trailing off. "Some dirty secret?" we asked. "Of course," he responded with a smile.
Moving on to Vita and the Remote Play functionality on PS4(which allows you to play any PS4 game on your Vita, via streaming), Yoshida said that -- unlike with the PlayStation 3's Remote Play functionality -- Sony's asking devs to try their game via Remote Play on Vita before submitting final code for publishing. He also said that, using Remote Play, developers could implement Vita-specific controls. "Some PS Vita games make use of the edge of the screen to add contextual buttons -- that works really well, I think, and it's easy to see. So that kind of thing I'd like to see developers do on PS Vita over Remote Play," Yoshida explained.
He also apologized for not showing the final box, getting out ahead of the inevitable question from the room full of journalists. But hey, we sympathize -- Sony's gotta savesomething for E3, right? PlayStation Plus on PlayStation 4 may also be on that list; when we asked Yoshida about its presence on the next Sony game console, he coyly answered, "I know the answer, but we're not talking about it. I'm a subscriber, so I'd like to see it." Us too!
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony head of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida is a gregarious, smart, talkative interviewee. And that's exactly why it was so weird that he fully waffled when we asked him to address whether or not the newly unveiled PlayStation 4 will play used games. "That's my expectation, that PS4 games will work on [the] hardware. That's my expectation," he told us in an interview this morning. When we pushed to clarify what he meant, Yoshida stuttered. "Ummm ... yeah. We have to really name our system services to explain more about it," he added.
That's a similar answer to what he told Eurogamer last nightat Sony's big PlayStation 4 announcement event, vagueness and all. Yes, used games "can play on PS4," but does it require a license repurchase? Perhaps you have to belong to an as-yet-unidentified PS4 online network? It's not entirely clear, but there seems to be a caveat to the statement, "Used games work on PS4." Sony, however, isn't saying what that caveat is just yet. Of course, current-gen consoles all support buying any used, physical copies of games and playing them on their corresponding game consoles
Yoshida also confirmed that games will launch at retail as well as digital, but, well, you probably already guessed that from theincluded Blu-ray disc drive.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Despite showing a variety of games running on the newly announced PlayStation 4, Sony PlayStation's US head Jack Tretton says the console's "still in development in terms of final specs and design." He told All Things D as much in an interview this morning; the PlayStation 4's specs were detailed in a press release by Sony last evening, which detail the internals as an 8-core 64-bit x86 "Jaguar" CPU built by AMD, a Radeon GPU comprised of 18 "compute units" which push out 1.84 TFLOPS, and 8GB of GDDR5 RAM.
Tretton also said he "hopes" that the PlayStation 4 won't cost $599 at launch (the PlayStation 3 launched in two models, at $499 and $599). "When I think about the console, you open it up, you look at it, you certainly look at it when you insert a disc, but for most people, it's behind a cabinet or on a shelf somewhere and you spend all your time looking at the screen," Tretton said.
Sony's focus last night, however, was all games. As for when we'll see the elusive box? "There will be multiple opportunities to share the look of the console between now and launch," he said, "We just didn't choose this first event as the time to show it." In speaking with Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida this morning, we confirmed that we'll get to go hands-on with the PlayStation 4 "by E3," which goes from June 11th to the 13th.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Despite the PlayStation Vita getting a recent price cut in its home country of Japan, Sony says it isn't getting a similar price adjustment in North America. The Vita recently dropped from 30,000 yen (3G) and 25,000 yen (WiFi-only) to 19,980 yen, but Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida tells Joystiq that that same price drop won't happen in the US. He cited exchange rates as the primary reason -- Japanese Yen has dropped in value to (currently) 0.93 cents to every US dollar, meaning Sony actually loses money in exchange on products sold outside of its home territory.
The Vita launched in February 2012 and has suffered frompoor sales throughout the past year -- Sony's hoping to revitalize that a bit with PlayStation 4 connectivity. Via Remote Play, all PlayStation 4 games are streamable on Vita. Whether that'll be a feature that consumers use is another question altogether; Remote Play exists on PlayStation 3 already, and it's not what we'd call a great experience.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, the PlayStation 4 is capable of pushing out a 4K video signal. Sony president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida confirmed as much to Joystiq in an interview this morning, where he said that the PlayStation 4 will play video that was recorded in the super high-def resolution, but the games currently being made for it aren't in 4K.
Sony made a big 4K push at CES 2013 -- it was all Sony president Kaz Hirai would talk about in our interview, and Sony's booth reflected the company's 4K initiative. It seems that the company's not getting too far ahead of itself, however, recognizing that few consumers buying a PS4 this holiday will own the still-nascent TV tech.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Shuhei Yoshida has dished the dirt on how the company's latest camera accessory will work. The PlayStation 4 Eye comes with a pair of 1,280 x 800 cameras, four microphones and an 85-degree field of view. The two lenses are designed to be used in a variety of ways, including triangulating the 3D space, gesture recognition, Kinect-style body tracking, and in conjunction with accessories like theWonderbook or DualShock 4 controller. "It's not just a way to identify your player number, it also works like a PS Move," Yoshida said of the new DualShock's light bar. "It's an extension of the PS Move technology that we incorporated into the DualShock so that the camera can see where it is."
The Sony Studios chief used a PS Eye-style AR game as an example, saying that with the original camera, one lens had to do everything. With the new unit, one camera will concentrate on capturing the action and ensuring good picture quality, while the other is dedicated to motion tracking. Another reason that the Move functionality was incorporated into the DualShock is to enable the console know where you're sitting in relation to the TV (and your on-screen character). The company is also aiming to enable users to take 3D pictures and video and store it on the console. As for the microphones in the new Eye and how that'll impact interaction with the PlayStation 4 on a system level, Yoshida wasn't giving up any details. Though he said it'll be incorporated into games (a la Kinect voice commands on Xbox 360 games), he wouldn't give up whether you could use your voice to control the PlayStation 4 on a system level.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich says Sony's "best chance at changing momentum" in a "stagnated" console market is to launch PS4 before Microsoft's next console.
Speaking in response to yesterday's PS4 unveiling, Divnich said, "Sony's best chance at changing momentum is being first to market."He elaborated in an official press release. "There are pros and cons to both announcing early and potentially being the first market," said Divnich, "but what it comes down to is the current sentiment in the market.
"If the market is vibrant, thriving, and innovation is still occurring, you generally want to abstain from being first to market with a new technology. In our current climate, console sales have stagnated. We've squeezed nearly every bit of innovation out of the current platforms and consumer interest in high-definition gaming is waning."
He went on, "Sony's timing was perfect. Sony is in a perfect storm of circumstances that will cause immediate hype, interest, and excitement across the entire industry for their next platform.
Elsewhere, Divnich said, "It was wise of Sony to announce the hardware and key features early in the year. By announcing early and at an isolated event, it allows Sony to capture 100% of the attention of gamers, technology enthusiasts, and industry insiders."
Divnich was upbeat in his response to Sony's press conference as a whole.
"Sony is taking their next generation platform in the proper direction. Judging by today's presentation, Sony is putting a strong focus on game content and connectivity, which is the lifeblood of any platform, and we are ecstatic that an entirely new generation of content is right around the corner."
Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 at a New York press conference on Wednesday.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3's DualShock 3 controller will not work with PlayStation 4.
Despite Sony showing the currently-available PS Move controller being used with PS4 during the console's unveiling event on Wednesday, the firm says the new console will not support the use of the standard DualShock 3 controller."No, [the PlayStation 4] doesn't support DualShock 3 but it does support PS Move," clarified Sony Shuhei Yoshida to Polygon.
The reasons are unclear since the DS3 controller uses the same industry-standard Bluetooth 2.0 tech as the Move controller to connect with PS3, which suggests PS4 will have Bluetooth 2.0 capabilities.
A Sony rep interrupted further questioning regarding the use of other PS3 peripherals with PS4, such as the wireless Bluetooth headset. "I don't think we're addressing additional peripheral support at this time," they said.
Yoshida added, "That doesn't necessarily mean it won't work."
Sony revealed the new DualShock 4 controller during yesterday's PS4 press conference, confirming features such as a 'Share' button, a two-point capacitive touchpad, an internal speaker, headphone jack, and a lightbar for Move controller-like functionality.
The firm also said it has refined its controller tech to reduce input latency.
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February 22nd, 2013, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Tucked away during last night's PlayStation 4 reveal, buried among all the new game announcements, hardware specs and controller discussion, was a little device that could actually have a surprisingly big say in the outcome of the next-gen console war - the PlayStation 4 Eye.
[PS4: All the news | All the facts | Every video of all the games | Official pictures | PS4 Specs]
The PlayStation 4 Eye is the successor to the PlayStation Eye, and the EyeToy before that. There's one very crucial difference, however - whereas previous Eyes were essentially little more than souped-up webcams with motion and colour detection, the PlayStation 4 Eye is a long bar with two cameras built in.
That second Eye literally adds an extra dimension to the PlayStation 4's player recognition abilities, since it lets the device use both cameras to track depth and figure out where a player is standing in the room. Yes, just like with Kinect.
The immediate reaction to this should be obvious - the PlayStation 4 Eye isn't just there to read the LED bar on top of the DualShock 4 controller and allow for PlayStation Move-type motion controls. It's also there to challenge Kinect, and attempt to offer the same sort of depth-based controller-free gaming Microsoft has been promoting for the past few years.
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February 22nd, 2013, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Last night's PS4 unveiling event showed Sony is a company committed to digital distribution and the cloud. Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshidaechoed those sentiments during follow-up interviews, telling Destructoid that the digital business is quite booming for Sony, especially on the PS Vita – which has more people purchasing content on a monthly basis than on PS3.
"Digital business is the faster growing business," Yoshida said. "We do not publish numbers, but every month it's almost a new record that the purchase on Vita is higher than the PS3, because everything is available [digitally]."
Among the things we anticipated from last night's event was a price drop for the PS Vita in North America. Sony lowered the price in Japan last week, but during our own interview with Yoshida, he confirmed no such plan exists for North America.
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February 22nd, 2013, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Extended real-time tech demo shows off dynamic lighting, subsurface scattering and GPU-powered particle effects
Epic's latset development platform Unreal Engine 4 has been confirmed for the PlayStation 4.
The tech and development outfit showed off a stunning new version of its Elemental tech demo, previously debuted at last year's E3 exhibition.
The video displayed a number of the engine's key features for developers such as dynamic lighting and shadowing, real-time reflections, subsurface scattering and GPU-powered particle effects.
The demo was also run completely in real-time.
“We are thrilled to build onto our long-established success with PlayStation,” said Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney.
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
The week’s headline news was actually a little predictable. As we revealed a few weeks ago, PS4′s new controller has a Vita-style touchpad on the front and comes with a ‘share’ button, a nod to the console’s more social outlook. PS4 will also be PC-like and easier to develop for, and arrive ‘holiday 2013’, though question marks remain over whether that includes Europe.Consumer-centric and developer-inspired were the early beats at PlayStation Meeting, and beyond any mere game announcement, the most striking part of Sony’s presentation was the shift in tone.Hyperbole was mixed with humility – with PS4, Sony wanted to show that it was listening. This week served as an unspoken apology for PS3’s troubled launch and a tacit acknowledgement that the game industry simply won’t wait around for Sony much longer, and neither will consumers.Mobile and tablets will be part of the PlayStation experience, Sony said. And its own second screen, Vita, was part of that. We noted some months ago that what the struggling Vita needed most was PS4, and clearly Sony thinks so too. Here it was pitched as a companion device to PS4, with David Perry demoing Remote Play live to the audience.If it was indeed live. In the flurry of interviews that followed PlayStation Meeting, SCEA head Jack Tretton made some interesting comments about how Gaikai, streaming and the cloud fit into the PS4 vision. What we saw was ‘aspirational’, rather than part of PS4’s day one offering. It’s a choice of words which might remind some of the infamous ‘target footage’ masquerading as realtime play we saw before PS3 arrived.It was this part of the pitch which seemed most elusive. Appropriately for all David Perry’s talk of the cloud, we didn’t come away with anything tangible during his segment. Every suggestion of instant-play demos and back-catalogue downloads was qualified by rather woollier language. It was fifteen minutes of what Sony would like to do with Gaikai’s technology, rather than what it will do for launch day.
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
The streaming and cloud functionality that Gaikai boss David Perry described at PlayStation Meeting were “aspirational” rather than confirmed day one PS4 features, says SCEA president and CEO Jack Tretton.David Perry’s section of PlayStation Meeting was arguably the most intriguing part of the PS4 reveal. It promised, among other things, Remote Play through Vita, one-button ‘try it now’ instant demos, the ability to play games as you download them, access to back catalogue titles and a host of social sharing features.When asked by Forbes about PS4’s cloud and streaming capabilities, Tretton said: “I think it’s aspirational on the device, as opposed to us standing up there, pounding the floor and saying the day this thing ships all this stuff will be there.”“I think it’ll absolutely be there for the device, but I don’t know whether it will be there for day one on the device. I think a lot of these are things that we’re gonna do over time. And with that said, I think there will be a tangible example of all the things that we showed. It’s just a question of how deep it will go, how many games it will involve.”
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Despite the coming price cut for Japanese consumers, PlayStation Vita won’t be discounted in North America any time soon, according to Sony.Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who has been very vocal this week following the PlayStation Meeting on Wednesday, told Joystiq that no such saving was planned for other regions right now.Yoshida cited the exchange rate as the main barrier to any such move, but it shouldn’t be forgotten that the DS has a less profound lead over Vita in the west than it does in Japan – where Nintendo’s console was outselling Sony’s 13 to one last June - so Sony has less reason to employ drastic measures just yet.Sony will no doubt also be pinning its hopes on the release of PS4 boosting sales, as it will also employ Vita as a controller.
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
The city remains largely unimpressed by Sony’s prospects as an investment after this week’s PS4 announcements.Seeking Alpha advised its readers against buying Sony shares, saying: “What investors really need to consider is what they are getting when they purchase a share of Sony. A very poor balance sheet, and a chain of losses reveal that not even the PS4 can stop Sony’s slow decline.““Even though the PS4 could be a huge hit for Sony, the company’s poor financials and large exposure to interest rates should deter investors away. There is also much more information the company plans to unveil on the PS4, and investors should also wait until they hear about the new Xbox.”Bloomberg’s report noted: “The PlayStation 4 makes its debut amid an industry shift toward mobile play on smartphones and tablets, raising the question of whether gamers will shell out several hundred dollars for a new device.”It also quoted BGC Partners’ Amir Anvarzadeh as saying: “This enhanced PlayStation experience is simply not revolutionary to overcome big disruptions facing the industry. Sony’s heavy emphasis on the social aspect of PS4 seems a bit too ambitious to deliver on.” The new console “is unlikely to deliver sufficient cash flow to turn around the company’s credit profile,” added a Fitch Ratings report.“It’s unlikely that PS4 will boost Sony’s sales and profit in the long term,” Ichiyoshi Asset Management’s Mitsushige Akino told Bloomberg. “Only core gamers buy game consoles like the PS4.”Speaking to Reuters, Inside Network Research analyst Billy Pidgeon added: “[PS4] looks good and had a lot of great games but the industry is different now. It’ll be a slow burn and not heavy uptake right away.”
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony may have kept shtum about PS4’s multimedia capabilities at its big reveal event, but don’t for one minute think that’s because the machine hasn’t got any.
In fact, bullish SCEA president and CEO Jack Tretton reckons PS4 will have the beating of any potential market rival.
“If you wanna have an event to talk about multimedia capabilities, we’ll proudly stand up and list all the media partners that we have, and the fact that we’re the number one most used Netflix device around the world,” he toldForbes.
“But the 3.1m people that streamed [Wednesday's event] and that stayed up at all hours depending on what country they were in, they were there to see games.
“People that want to hear about multimedia applications don’t stay up until 4:00am in the morning to see presentations. We know that the people who were watching were gamers. We know that the people that are the primary purchasers of our boxes are gamers, and that is the audience that we cater to first and foremost.
“But I will stack up our non-game services with any competitor out there. I think we’re gonna have more than our fair share of great content outside of the gaming world.”
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will offer perhaps its strongest ever PlayStation Plus line-up next month.
The subscription service offers gamers the chance to download a range of titles for free each month that they can keep and play indefinitely as long as they remain subscribers.
The March lineup, frankly, looks fantastic, entitling PS3 users to download EA’s sci-fi RPG epic Mass Effect 3, Tecmo Koei’s fighter Dead or Alive 5 and digital title Joe Danger: The Movie.
PS Vita owners, meanwhile, will get access to Konami’s fantastic Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and puzzle outing Puddle.
This month’s selection, which will no longer be available once the new titles arrive, was also pretty decent – Square Enix’s Sleeping Dogs, Sega’s Vanquish and indie hit Limbo, as well as Wipeout 2048 and Lumines Electronic Symphony on Vita.
PlayStation Plus subscriptions typically sell for around £39.99.
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
It has in some parts of the media become the talking point of Sony’s big PS4 reveal this week.
We saw the controller, we saw some games and we heard about key services – but the physical console remains closely guarded.
Well, that’s what we presumed, anyway. The truth seems to be far conspiratorial – Sony hasn’t yet finalised the design. And to express just how in-development the unit remains, even the boss of SCE Japan, Hiroshi Kawano, doesn’t know what it will look like.
"If I'm being honest, I also haven't seen its final design,” he told 4Gamer, as reported by Kotaku. “Even the controller we showed today, I saw the final design around yesterday or so. I've seen numerous prototypes from when it was still codenamed 'Jedai', and I heard that an onboard touch pad was in the final specs."
Of course, in reality what the box that will sit under your TV will look like is in reality perhaps the least important aspect of the device. You play the games and use the services, not stare at the plastic, right?
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
The Australian arm of games retailer EG Games has gone live with PS4 pre-orders at an eye-watering AU $899.
In real money that equates to over £600 – to be specific, current exchange rates pin it at £606.55.
There are two important things to note, however. Firstly, the placeholder price will be based purely on guesswork and not on official pricing. Indeed, the site admits that the “final price is yet to be decided”.
Secondly, Australia is a pricey region for gamers, so don’t expect that price to translate directly across the globe.
In the UK retailer GAME is allowing customers to pre-order the machine for a £20 deposit, though it has not announced its final price for the hardware as of yet.
Rumours seem to point to a possible £300 price for the machine, although don’t be surprised to see it come in higher – especially if Sony launches entry-level and pro-level SKUs.
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
MajorNelson, the social media face of Microsoft’s Xbox, made time for a little dig at rival Sony yesterday.
Sony’s decision to move first in the next-gen battle leaves Microsoft now pondering when it should announce its new machine, but in the interim the company clearly doesn’t want Sony stealing too much of the limelight.
“Announce a console without actually showing a console? That's one approach,” he wrote yesterday.
He’s referring, of course, to the fact that Sony didn’t actually reveal the PS4’s new look at its New York press event on Wednesday.
Of course, Microsoft knows that the move gives Sony an extra card up its sleeve that it can deploy at very short notice should Microsoft finally decide to reveal its machine.
And it also suggests that Microsoft has a fully designed console ready for demonstration, right?
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
The official specs are in for the PlayStation 4 and what we have is, by and large, confirmation of existing DigitalFoundry stories - with one outstanding, exciting exception. At the PlayStation Meeting yesterday, Sony revealed that its new console ships with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, not the 4GB we previously reported. It was a pleasant surprise not just for us, but also for many game developers out there working on PS4 titles now and completely unaware of the upgrade - a final flourish to the design seemingly added in at the last moment to make PlayStation 4 the most technologically advanced games console of the next gaming era.
"Sony has a hardware video encoder and it knows how to use it! The sharing of gameplay over IP was one of the impressive elements of the presentation."
PlayStation 4 official specs
Here's a look at Sony's released specifications for PlayStation 4. Aside from the substantial RAM upgrade plus the removal of dedicated compute resources, it's effectively a match for the leaked specs previously circulating.
- Main Processor:Single chip custom processor. CPU is an x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", 8 cores. GPU is an AMD next-generation Radeon graphics engine rated at 1.84 teraflops with 18 unified Compute Units.
- Memory: 8GB GDDR5 with 176GB/s bandwidth.
- Hard Drive: Built-in
- Optical Drive (read only): BD 6x CAV, DVD 8x CAV
- I/O: Super-Speed USB 3.0, Aux (for PS4 Eye)
- Communication:Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T), IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)
- AV Output: HDMI, Analogue AV out, optical digital audio output
From an engineering perspective, it's a remarkable achievement. Sony itself doesn't fabricate memory, it buys from major suppliers who advertise the parts available months (sometimes years) ahead of delivery, so we have a decent idea of what options the platform holders have on the table in creating their next-gen systems. The GDDR5 memory modules - the same used in PC graphics cards - are only available in certain configurations, with the densest option available offering 512MB per module. The startling reality is that unless Sony has somehow got access to a larger chip that isn't yet in mass production and that nobody knows about, it has crammed 16 memory modules onto its PS4 motherboard. To illustrate the extent of the achievement, Nvidia's $1000 graphics card - the GeForce Titan - offers "just" 6GB of onboard GDDR5.
The availability of these modules has also been something of a moving target throughout the development of PlayStation 4. In many ways, the genesis of the new console has been an exercise in Sony learning from the harsh lessons brought about by the PS3's custom architecture. The split RAM memory pool didn't work out so well and a unified RAM set-up was always considered a must for the new console. Early rumours suggested that GDDR5 availability could even limit PS4 to just 2GB of memory, with 4GB at one point looking rather optimistic. What changed at Sony and encouraged them to go all out with its final design is not clear, but the chances are it would have been well aware of the RAM advantage offered up by its upcoming Xbox competitor, which - certainly up to its beta hardware at least - features 8GB of more bandwidth-constrained DDR3. What shouldn't be understated is the amount of extra cash this is going to add to PlayStation 4's BOM (bill of materials) - this is an expensive, massive investment for the company.
So what does this mean for Sony and for next-gen gaming in general? First up, unless Microsoft has radically upgraded its graphics and memory configuration for Durango in the last nine months (an engineering nightmare unlikely to happen - it can't really add more chips as Sony has done), the PlayStation makers have less to worry about in terms of any direct hardware comparisons with their competition. GDDR5 latency is higher than DDR3 but the bandwidth advantage is substantial, while confirmation of the impressive Radeon graphics core puts to bed the era of PS3 developers struggling with sub-par GPU hardware. However, more importantly, many developers attest that it's the amount of RAM available that defines the longevity of a fixed platform. Historically, a console generation is typically defined by a 6-8x increase in technological power - both Microsoft and Sony have pushed the boat out with a 16x boost to system RAM over their current-gen predecessors - the strongest indication of any that these new machines are built to last.
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February 22nd, 2013, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Former Epic designer offers cheers for DualShock 4, jeers for Vita integration and returning IP
Former Epic Games design director Cliff Bleszinski is taking a break from active game development, but he's clearly still keeping tabs on the industry. After Sony's PlayStation 4 press conference earlier this week, Bleszinski posted his thoughts on the show to hisTumblr blog, offering some praise, some scorn, and three keys he sees as crucial to winning the next-generation console wars.
Starting with the positive, Bleszinski lauded the decision to have Mark Cerny introduce the hardware, saying the veteran developer was "perfect" in the role and likening him to an American version of Peter Molyneux for his captivating sincerity. Bleszinski also gave high marks to the new DualShock 4 controller, saying it appeared to have more comfortable thumb sticks than its predecessors, and a more solid build all around.
It wasn't all praise from Bleszinski. For one, the developer questioned the decision to make Cerny's family friendly Knack among the first wave of PS4 games.
"I can't help but wonder why one would make a younger skewing title such as that for the early cycle of a console when the first buyers are usually the earliest adopters who are the older crowd with the most money," Bleszinski said.
He also took issue with some of the returning series Sony showcased. He was disappointed to see Guerrilla making another Killzone instead of a new intellectual property, and was similarly dismayed by Sucker Punch's reveal for Infamous: Second Son.
"There is never a better time to launch new Intellectual Property in video games than at a console transition. Gears and Halo 'got' this."
Cliff Bleszinski
"Infamous games are fantastic but never seemed to sell as well as they should have and it feels like someone in marketing got nervous launching an all new world so they had to fall back to the Infamous branding," Bleszinski said. "Watch Dogs stole E3 last year partially because it was a whole new 'thing' and not 'Assassin's Creed: 2024' edition...There is never a better time to launch new Intellectual Property in videogames than at a console transition. Gears and Halo 'got' this."
Sony's continued attempts to push PlayStation Vita integration during the event were another sore spot for Bleszinski. The second-screen experience Sony is chasing may be something consumers want, but the developer said people already have all the second screens they need with their cell phones and tablets.
Finally, Bleszinski laid out the three big keys that he thinks will determine the winners and losers in the next generation. The first key is the games, naturally. The second key is the ecosystem, as Bleszinski pointed out that getting iTunes and the App Store just right were instrumental in Apple's success.
The third key for success in the next generation will be the ability to adapt, Bleszinski said. New hardware should be able to pass "the Minecraft test," which is basically a question of whether or not the platform is open and flexible enough that it could spawn the next Minecraft-style hit.
"If the hardware is great and the system sound then the biggest deciding factor will be how much each console creator allows the community to take over in an organic fashion," Bleszinski said. "It sounds like the Sharing feature is a great step. The next one? Indie games, mods, user levels...you know, the things that the PC is so darned good at."
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February 23rd, 2013, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 users cannot transfer PSN games due to radically different hardware, says Yoshida
PSN users will not be able to transfer their library of digitally downloaded games to the PS4, it has been revealed.
Speaking to Engadget, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida confirmed that due to the completely different hardware underlying the PS4 compared to the PS3, PSN will not be compatible with the new platform.
The PS4 features a custom chip that contains eight AMD x86-64 cores, while the system’s GPU features 18 compute units that can generate 1.84 teraflops of processing power.
And given the dramatic changes in the underlying architecture from the PS3, current PSN games would likely need to be re-developed for the new platform to function properly.
This also follows the news that the PS4 will not be backwards-compatible with the PS3.
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February 23rd, 2013, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Traditionally, the best-loved game consoles have almost always come from Japan. From the early days of Nintendo vs Sega to Sony entering the market in the ‘90s, Japan has coughed up the consoles the rest of the world wants to play games on. But the past eight or so years have seen the rise of the Xbox 360 and the decline in popularity of consoles made in Japan. Nintendo still dominates the handheld space but Wii U has so far failed to set the world alight. Is Japan’s hardware going the same way as its games?
Sony’s unveiling of the PS4 at Wednesday’s PlayStation Meeting 2013 would suggest it is, for now at least. Although Sony Computer Entertainment has become one of Japan’s most iconic game companies, its next console has an American passport. Apparently designed in the US, with American lead architect Mark Cerny taking the stage at a New York press conference at an awkward time for the Japanese (8am Thursday), PS4 is rich in exciting new features – and clearly many of these were born in the States.
Ken Kutaragi’s mad policy of creating exasperating bespoke processors is out the window, with a more dev-friendly “supercharged PC” chipset in its place. While Japanese media companies avoid streaming their content at all costs, for fear of damaging their highly controlled retail income, California-based Gaikai will power PS4’s exciting content delivery. And of the games shown at this week’s event, only two and a half were from Japan (Capcom’s Deep Down, Square’s vaguely promised Final Fantasy title and Cerny’s Knack, developed in collaboration with Sony’s Japan Studio).
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February 23rd, 2013, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 4 retail games won't leap up in price compared to the current generation's typical $60 titles, according to SCEA CEO Jack Tretton.
Speaking with CNBC, Tretton said games on the next-generation console - ranging small downloads to full-price retail titles - will cost anything between $0.99 and $60."I think people are willing to play if they see the value there," he said in response to questioning over the rise of cheap gaming via smartphones and tablets.
"I think there's more choice than ever for consumers. We're going to welcome free-to-play models," he said, adding that paid games will range "from $0.99 up to those $60 games."
Tretton called low-cost smartphone and tablet games "additive experiences", brushing off the notion that consoles are being rendered irrelevant. "If you really see where the heat is for the true gamer, it's on the console. It's still that big-form experience," he said.
Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 at a New York press conference on Wednesday.
The PS4 release date is set for "holiday 2013", likely across Japan, Europe and the US.
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February 23rd, 2013, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
If there's one resounding positive to be taken from the PS4 conference that lurched into the early hours of Thursday morning it's that Sony placed an emphasis on games, and it delivered a message aimed square on at gamers. The conference may have lingered a little too long, but be grateful that in a running time that reached over the two hour mark there was barely a minute handed over to the new console's multimedia capabilities.At a time when people are feeling increasingly marginalised by machines they bought to play games with, it's a welcome ratio - and come the revelation of Microsoft's plans for its future Xbox later this year, it's a ratio I expect to be switched. Sony's listening to us, it seems, and it's done well to align itself strongly with the core gamer. Like Nintendo, it's realised that it's the core gamers that are the early adopters - and unlike Nintendo, it's got the relationships and the processing power to craft a proposition that sticks.And so the PlayStation 4 is a console that empowers the player, and although its philosophy was delivered alongside a bucket of corporate swash, I find the idea of a dedicated machine built with the modern gamer in mind quite intoxicating. Like Tom I think it misses Ken Kuturagi's buccaneering spirit, but these are more conservative times and we're more demanding players - plus the relative ease of development for the machine should ensure that the church of PlayStation is broader than ever before, which can only mean more of what we'll be investing in this machine for.
So if it's games that are truly going to define the PlayStation 4, it's odd that the one title I'm left wanting to play after the dust has settled is Bungie's Destiny - which is the one game I knew about days beforehand, and the one that I'll also be able to pick up on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and, in all likelihood, the next Xbox. For all the emphasis placed on software, and for the breadth they suggested - there's The Witness waving the indie flag, there's Knack shooting for the younger demographic and there's Watch Dogs which is the one game which actually may go on to sell in significant numbers - there was nothing that really defined the difference the next generation is going to offer us.Sony's own offerings were an oddly limp bunch, all failing to tap into where exactly the PlayStation 4's appeal lies. I'm a fan of Sucker Punch and a fan of the Infamous games, but I'd convinced myself that the series was being quietly retired while the Washington state developer was freed to move on to exciting new ideas. Likewise, Guerrilla's new Killzone could be a stretch for a series that was already over-reaching itself come the third instalment, while DriveClub, Evolution's racer with a bombastically banal title, didn't suggest it was going to offer much more to its genre other than more authentic steering wheel stitching.Switch back to the PlayStation 3's early days, and for Sony's assembled worldwide studios there was a sense of a generation change not only in terms of console power but also in terms of maturity. We went from Ratchet to Resistance, from Jak & Daxter to Uncharted, and I was hoping that some of the PlayStation 4's games would also have grown up with us rather than being suspended in adolescence.I was, in fairness, perhaps being a little naïve in thinking that the days of awkward launch titles were behind us, and that's at least one tradition that the PlayStation 4 will likely be carrying forward. We want the games that accompany the reveal of a console to define it, as Sony surely does itself - this is an opportunity to communicate what's so great about the PlayStation 4 through the glorious power of software.
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February 23rd, 2013, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
At Digital Foundry, we're on record as being rather partial to the PlayStation Vita and while we've looked at major titles such as Uncharted: Golden Abyss and WipEout 2048, coverage opportunities have been limited - something we're acutely aware of and aiming to address in a series of upcoming pieces that delve deeply into the character and capabilities of the hardware.
Our first stop is Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants, who've recently released a fully featured PlayStation Vita version of the Stranger's Wrath HD remake, the original PS3 release having garnered an impressive 9/10 Eurogamer review score. It's an interesting initial port of call: it's no secret that Sony's handheld device lacks some degree of horsepower compared to the current-gen consoles, and some might say it occupies something of a middle ground between the capabilities of the PS2 and the PS3. With that in mind, a visually enhanced version of a last-gen game seems like an ideal fit for PS Vita and a good place to begin our revisitation of the hardware.
In this tech-skewed developer interview, the game makers talk us through the process of developing for Vita, revealing some new insights on how the hardware is utilised and some of the tricks of the trade in squeezing more performance out of the mobile chipset. Backing up the coverage is another first - Digital Foundry articles rely heavily upon video assets for judging aspects such as graphical features and performance and, thanks to some customised hardware, we can finally acquire direct-feed Vita visuals to pore over at our leisure and share with you.
But first, it's over to Just Add Water programmer Peter Memmott and JAW CEO/Oddworld development director Stewart Gilray to get some idea of what actually happens when a new piece of gaming technology arrives on the doorstep...
Digital Foundry: New hardware arrives in the office with a bunch of tools and docs. So how do you go about assessing the capabilities of a platform as different and unique as PlayStation Vita?
Peter Memmott: A good place to start is with the docs themselves and also the many code samples that are provided. These give you a hint as to what the hardware might be capable of and whether it will meet the demands of your project. One concern that we had at the beginning was how we would fully utilise the quad-core processor. For us it turned out that this was one of the keys to unlocking the full capabilities of the Vita.
Digital Foundry: Criterion Games told us that the development tools for Vita were in a different world compared to the other consoles they had worked with - which we assume is all of them. What's your assessment of Sony's offerings in this regard?
Peter Memmott: I would agree with that in general. I think the only real similarity to the PlayStation 3 are the online libraries, otherwise everything else is quite new. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as you need to get as close as you can to the hardware and this ultimately means having to cope with significant differences developing between different platforms.
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February 23rd, 2013, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
A patent describing a "method for validating legitimate media products" attributed to Sony Computer Entertainment America surfaced earlier this week. Originally filed in August 2011, the patent elaborates on a process by a which a piece of media could be detected as legitimate (not pirated) by comparing two load times against a benchmark for the media.
As seen in the flow chart above, the patent also describes a secondary validation stage in which a serial number and "user identification information" are checked against "reliable data, such as that sourced from the manufacturer or developer of the media title." Examples of the user information could include account names, location, IP addresses, the speed of the user's connection and product license numbers.
The secondary validation cycle would account for load time errors due to hardware issues, but would also be skipped entirely if the first cycle (the load time benchmark comparisons) checks out. Whether the "load time" method for combating piracy is used in future hardware efforts by Sony is unknown.
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February 23rd, 2013, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Armored Core: Verdict Day, the latest entry in From Software's military mech series, will be released in North America on Xbox 360 and PS3 this fall, Namco Bandai has announced. After some confusion with the source URL (it says "summer") we confirmed with Namco Bandai direct that fall is indeed the launch window.
Verdict Day puts humanity in a war over valuable natural resources, with a persistent multiplayer mode made up of territories where each faction battles for control. Factions are broken up into squads, in which up to 20 players can join up and play together – if you're playing alone or offline, AI will fill in the gaps.
Operator mode gets beefed up in Verdict Day – the tactical top-down game mode where you act as battle overseer now lets Operators see the cockpit views of individual pilots, mark targets and set rally points in real-time. Verdict Day also checks for an Armored Core 5 save file and lets you transfer your custom mech.
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February 23rd, 2013, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
SuperDaE told me back then, during our first long-distance call from New York to wherever he was Down Under, that he got that a lot. He swore to me that he really was Australian. Over the next month he would tell me many, many things that were hard to believe. I'd eventually be able to confirm half of it. I was left to wonder about the rest.
He'd claimed to know about the next Xbox and PlayStation, claimed to really have two prototype versions of the next Xbox. He said he'd had access to next-gen games, that he had Homefront 2 and Sleeping Dogs 2, that he'd played Gears of War 3 a year before it came out and that—after he drunkenly told Epic about it—they'd sent him a poster. He could send me a photo, if I wanted to see it.
A month after we'd first talked, he'd convinced me he'd done many of the extraordinary things he'd said. I'd changed my impression of him from possibly being a disgruntled, anonymous game developer to being a hacker—a really good hacker. "I'm more than that," he told me with a laugh during one of our many calls. "I'm just an image."
Our most recent phone call happened on Saturday, February 16th. We talked for two hours, me trying to confirm things he'd said before. He told me his wildest stories yet. I asked him if he expected to wind up in jail. "Possibly," he told me.
At that moment, he sounded naive. Possibly?
"I try to be optimistic," he said. "But yes."
On Tuesday, February 19, members of the Western Australian computer crimes police force raided the home of SuperDaE, aka Dan Henry, aka Dylan. They had a warrant. Dylan—that's his real first name (he asked that his last name not be used)—said they had an FBI agent with them. They took his computers. They took piles of papers. They took a souvenir cup that was shaped like a penis. He says they took his phone, froze his assets.
"I've lost everything," he told me when I found him again on Twitter a couple of days later. He said his life was in ruins. "Was what I did wrong?" he asked me. "Did I really deserve it? As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat."
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February 23rd, 2013, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Good news for ya fans of Mario Kart PSP , A updated version has just been made available to the Playstation homebrew community . Mario Kart PSP 4.8 is the latest PSP homebrew game to be released to the PlayStation community . If you are a fan of Mario Kart , Then you are going to love this PSP Homebrew version . The graphics and game play are pretty awesome and the users will enjoy it . So go ahead and download this awesome homebrew app known as Mario Kart PSP 4.8 for the PSP System via our download section below . Changelog:
- Added 5 new Enemies in Retro Mode
- New theme song
- New Main & Settings menu
- Updated Credits
- 4 New multiplayer maps
- New Multiplayer Menu
- Updated EBOOT information
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February 23rd, 2013, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
What hacks do we have for the Playstation Vita right now?? Well, I’m gonna sum it all up for you.
The Playstation Vita (Formerly known as the NGP) is a handheld game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the successor to the Playstation Portable. It was released in Japan and many parts of Asia on December 17th 2011, and in the rest of the world about a year ago. The Playstation Vita includes 2 analog sticks, a beautiful 5 inch OLED touch screen, Wi-fi, Bluetooth and optional 3G.
VHBL (Vita Half Byte Loader) is a homebrew Loader for the Playstation Vita running within the PSP emulator. It allows you to play fanmade games and emulators on the PS Vita. It has access to the usermode part of the PSP game and only allows to play homebrew. It does not allow you to play backups.
CEF and ARK(Kernel)
This is the second level in exploits and allows the usage of backups as well as homebrew, still in the psp emulator. It is the highest access exploit available to the public right now.There are various versions of it made by Total_Noob and the Pro team.
•CEF TN 6.60
1.TN A
2.TN B
3.TN C
4.TN V (In development)
ARK can be found here. There are also various menus developed for TN A, B, and C. they are :-
•XMBMenu (In development)
Vita Usermode
Here, we are out of the sandboxed PSP emulator. The people who are currently known to have this are yifan_lu and SKFU, and their work is not public yet (at least not in a shape usable by the end user). But when the time comes, there will be HUGE possibilities for the Vita’s system and we will be able to get more out of it.
Currently there is only one known kernel exploit on 2.05 and 2 usermode exploits, which haven’t been released yet. The UNO exploit on 2.02 could potentially be the last public one. Read about it here.
Well, There you have it! all that we have for the Vita right now!! Will we have full kernel access to the Vita??
Only time will tell…..
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/22/ps-vita...ave-right-now/
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February 24th, 2013, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r5569 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
microVU: Fixed random Unknown Opcode messages. Turns out the bios blanket writes MOV VF00, VF00 and NOP (for lower, upper respectively) ops to the VU's on boot, apparently some game designers new this and just left it being ran as part of their programs. Our problem being is it was writing it to the VU MicroMem in the wrong order!
All fixed now 
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February 24th, 2013, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded SVN r83100 is compiled. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
dfcdrom CDRreadCDDA fix;
Link cable emulation for Linux. pcsxr must be configured with --enable-sio1 option. Emulation accuracy is quite low, but all games work well. Around fifty games was tested. Port to Windows will be some later.
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February 24th, 2013, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PPSSPP Git (2013/02/23) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #766 from raven02/patch-1
* Add glClearColor(0,0,0,1);
* glClearColor(0,0,0,1);
* iOS needs a back key as well due to lack of hardware buttons.
At least until a gesture can replace this function.
* Enable color and depth buffer write before clearing.

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February 24th, 2013, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
yaPSXe Git (2013/02/23) is compiled. yaPSXe is a PlayStation 1 emulator still in its early stages. It is written in C++ and developed in VC++ 2010. Author is making it public at this stage in the hope that it might attract the attention of other emulator developers who could help get this project off the ground.
yaPSXe Git Changelog:
* deletion
* added support for keeping the aspect ratio + config option
* misc
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February 25th, 2013, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 is most likely the most powerful console of this generation and is host to a lot of fantastic games. Even though i have between me and my son near on 50 games for the PS3, my fave at this time is Grand Theft Auto 4, What i would like to see on the PS3 is a full speed port of the Dreamcast Emulator NullDC working at FullHD resolution.
Whats Your Favourite Game Ever for the PS3 & What Would You Like To See on PS3 ?
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February 25th, 2013, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Id Software's technical director praises new console design
Graphics guru John Carmack has given the specs of the PS4 his blessing.
Though previously underwhelmed by the next-generation consoles, the id Software co-founder has taken a more positive tone now that the key specs have been revealed.
"I can’t speak freely about PS4, but now that some specs have been made public, I can say that Sony made wise engineering choices," he said over Twitter.
It remains to be seen whether Microsoft's new console will gain Carmack's approval, but it should be noted that Carmack's objections had little to do with computing power.
"Sony and Microsoft are going to fight over gigaflops and teraflops and GPUs and all this," he told Games Industry International. "In the end, it won't make that much difference."
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February 25th, 2013, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 4 games will be digital-first, flexibly priced and, eventually, part of a cable TV-style subscription service, according to Shuhei Yoshida.Sony’s head of worldwide studios told The Guardian that PS4’s digital storefront will accommodate every kind of pricing model.”We’re shifting our platform more and more to the digital side – PS4 will be similar to PS Vita in that every game will be available as a digital download, and some will also be available as a disc,” he said. “The Witness will be a digital release and because of the flexibility of the digital distribution scheme, we can have more small games that might be free or available for a couple of dollars, or different services like free-to-play or subscription models.”He added that the longer-term aim for PS4 is to turn it into a service-led platform through the use of Gaikai’s cloud technology.“As more and more services and contents become available digitally, we’ll have more of an option to create attractive packages,” he continued.“So hypothetically we can look at different models – like a cable TV company. We could have gold, silver or platinum levels of membership, something like that. We can do subscription services when we have more content – especially now that we have the Gaikai technology available. With one subscription you have access to thousands of games – that’s our dream.”
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February 25th, 2013, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Having previously named 53 European studios as confirmed PS4 developers, Sony has now revised the list to just 28 companies.
Furthermore, none of the studios that made the initial list are included in the revised version. SCEE told Joystiq that the original information was “erroneous”.
Studios no longer named include Minecraft creator Mojang, Angry Birds’ Rovio and Burnout/NFS dev Criterion.
There are some great additions though, including Hitman’s IO Interactive, UK outfit Ninja Theory, standalone DayZ developer Bohemia, 2K Games, Sumo Digital and Witcher 3 creators CD Projekt.
No changes were made to the lists of US or Japanese developers.
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February 25th, 2013, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has announced an HD remake of cult RPG Kingdom Hearts.
It’s called Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX and will be released exclusively on PS3 in the UK this autumn.
The disc will contain fully remastered versions of both Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories – the latter of which never previously saw a PAL release.
Also included in the bundle will be HD story videos from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, as well as the usual PS3 whistles such as Trophy support.
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February 25th, 2013, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
UK retail may be advertising the PS4 as due in 2013, but its arrival in Europe before Christmas is anything but guaranteed.
Indeed, SCEE UK MD Fergal Gara is happy to confirm that the machine definitely will launch in 2013, but won’t go anywhere near specifying the regions in which it will arrive.
When asked by Digital Spy “if it's the case that one region will get the PS4 this year?” Gara replied: "At least. It will launch this year, but the precise details as I say for exact dates, exact regions, is it all or some of them? We don't know.
"We will launch it this year. Exactly what regions, what timing, is being worked through. Which regions in 2013 – is it all of them, is it some of them? Is there some degree of phasing? We'll reveal that in more detail later but we can't yet."
It would be a shame for Sony to miss the key European (and possibly American) Christmas shopping period – particularly if Microsoft has plans on getting its new machine out of the door by then.
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February 25th, 2013, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
After all the press events, TV cameos and probing interviews, what do we really know about the PS4? The announcement of the next-gen console is a prime example of having an abundance of specs and a lack of knowledge. Although Sony put out a sheet of stats about the console's processor and memory, many of the words it used -- Jaguar cores, compute units, unified memory -- are more ambiguous than they may sound.
Nevertheless, even with all these foggy bits, there are some things -- five, in fact -- that we probably can predict about the PS4's hardware. They're listed after the break in order of decreasing certainty. All the way from confident logic down to... well, not quite flailing around with a butter knife during a power cut, but you get the picture.
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February 25th, 2013, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
How enormously smart of Sony to seize the moment and "go first" without actually going first.  What we saw on that electrifying Wednesday evening was merely a concept of a console, flatteringly portrayed by Sony executives and yet invisible to the scrutiny of critics. We heard of a "super-charged PC" ready for developers to exploit, an operating system as slick and baggage-free as an iPhone, a console sentient enough to predict what its owners want.What we didn't see, of course, is how exactly Sony is going to achieve this. Let's not forget that Sony initially said the PS3 was an immensely powerful system that could change the colour of the sun whilst checking your emails, and look what happened to that.So it's completely understandable that there are tough questions about Sony's grand promises (example; David Perry's ambition to stream every single previous PlayStation game would require an astronomical effort to untangle twenty years of old licensing agreements).But as the Redmond-heads at Xbox mock their closest rival for not showing that sparkly box (in a sort of passive-aggressive Twitterism), they may not have noticed just how expertly Sony has played its hand.The market has been desperate for new consoles for more than two years, and Sony has placed itself at the centre of that frenzy for next-gen. It puts pressure on Microsoft to respond, and gives the Xbox team a benchmark to meet. Yet PlayStation 4 is only a philosophy right now - there's not much of the console that Microsoft can measure, let alone leapfrog.Yes, the mass-media may be a tad grumpy about being flown to New York just to see a logo, but this time Sony is shrewdly showing just some of its cards. The world is thrilled that PlayStation 4 is no longer speculation, and yet all the secrets of the machine won't be revealed until the second half of the year - by then the Next Xbox will be too close to the manufacturing phase for Microsoft to take into account the key features of its rival.Maybe Kaz Hirai was actually onto something when he said in January: "Why go first when your competitors can look at your specifications and come up with something better?"
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February 25th, 2013, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has said it is aware of the challenge Microsoft's impending Xbox 720 reveal presents, but isn't letting the competition dictate its strategy.  Speaking to Bloomberg Business Week, Jack Tretton, chief executive officer of SCEA, said the company is confident in that holiday 2013 is the right time to launch its next console regardless of what Microsoft may offer."We've always had different competitors, we were in the space before Microsoft and we may be in the space after Microsoft," said Tretton."We've seen competitors come and go, I think we're mindful of what we do. Quite frankly we believe that anything that adds attention and success in the gaming industry is good for us. We're aware of our competition but we march to own strategy and we're very confident that holiday 2013 is a great time to bring out PlayStation 4."In the interview, Tretton was also quizzed on the role that new casual audience will have to play in the PlayStation 4, given that the reveal event was seemingly targeted at the hardcore market."There's a lot of the story still to tell," he replied. "We wanted to focus on the games and talk to our gaming audience... The gamers got it, that's who we're talking to.""I think those [casual] consumers are great, they're additive. They play those bitesized free experiences, those five minute experiences, it demystifies gaming and hopefully they move up the food chain to a dedicated console."But if you're a dedicated gamer who plays a console you understand the difference between a tablet and smartphone experience, so I don't see them as a threat. But we recognise that our gamers are very communicative, they're using other devices, and we want to involve them in the PlayStation universe regardless of of where they are or what device they're using."Although Sony has specified a holiday 2013 release date for the PS4, it qualified this by saying the release would be in "at least" one region this year. The precise details on the PS4 Europe release date haven't been nailed down.Developers and other industry professionals have told CVG they expect Microsoft will reveal the next-gen Xbox for the first time in April.Ustechs, the company used for media briefings such as the E3 2012 press conference, recently registered the domain XboxEvent.com.
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February 25th, 2013, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Diablo 3 on PC/Mac required an internet connection to play. But it doesn't sound like Diablo 3 on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 will."You can have four people on the same screen - no split-screen, we just zoom the camera out. Or if you're offline..." Sony's John Hight trailed off, interrupted by GameTrailers host Geoff Keighley in a post-PlayStation Meeting interview (via ).The suggestion seemed to be that you could play four-player same-screen co-op offline with friends.Keighley was expressing his surprise at the new evade system Hight mentioned for Diablo 3 on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Hight didn't go into too much detail but suggested that it will allow you to hop out of the way enemies.The always online requirement of Diablo 3 on PC/Mac helped preserve the integrity of the Auction House and, more importantly, the Real-Money Auction House. Whether either will exist PlayStation isn't known.Hight was on the couch with Blizzard creative director Chris Metzen. He mentioned that the paper dolls of Diablo 3 on PC/Mac will disappear on PS3/PS4 in place of a 3D model that changes depending on the items equipped.Hight said Diablo 3 was "much further along" on PS3 than it was on PS4. He mentioned that the team had only just seen the DualShock 4 controller, but that there were some "thoughts" about how the touchpad could be used for Diablo 3.Diablo 3 on PS3/PS4 will have all the updates present on PC, including PVP brawling. There's no specific word on when the console version will launch.
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February 25th, 2013, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/25/tn-v-wi...-all-exploits/
Total_Noob’s XMB CEF for the PS Vita will support all exploits when it releases.
So recently we reported that TN-V would one only be for the UNO 2.02 exploit but we can now confirm that it will support all exploits that have been previously released. All users with a kernel exploit on firmwares 1.61-2.02 will be able to use TN-V. If you can use eCFW right now then you’ll be able to use TN-V.
If you happen to be on a lower firmware without an exploit and happen to have a PS3, the Open CMA copying trick still works (I have not had time to personally test this, but reports are that it’s still working.) Furthermore, just to add clarification there are no exploits available and most likely wont be one for firmware 2.05, a usermode (VHBL) exploit will probably be the next to release; which is not capable of TN-V or anything other than homebrew. Also to address some other concerns, TN-V will not support USB functionality with the case being that primarily the USB is not emulated in the PSP emulator.
TN-V is set to release in March 2013.
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February 26th, 2013, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Two PlayStation Vita apps from international waters are making their way to North American Vitas this Spring, Sony announced today. Both Friend Network and Imaginstrumentsare headed to the PlayStation Network on Vita, and neither was given a price -- each is free in its given country of origin (Japan and Europe, respectively). The former is a social networking app that encourages new relationships (with strangers! gross!) through a variety of minigames, and it stars little known PlayStation mascot Toro. You can also integrate Twitter and Facebook to find real life friends, with the ultimate goal for reaching 100. The latter is a music app that enables some light music composition; think of Imaginstruments as a pared down Korg synth. Take a look at each app in action, just beyond the jump.
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February 26th, 2013, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will celebrate the Vita's first birthday in US with a sale on the PlayStation Store.  A total of 13 games, including PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale and ModNation Racers: Road Trip, will go on sale as of tomorrow's US PS Store update.As usual, PlayStation Plus subscribers will get deeper discounts than regular users, with prices slashed by over 50 per cent.Here's the list of discounted titles:Title (regular price - sale price - PS Plus sale price) - Escape Plan - ($14.99 - $10.49 - $7.34)
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational - ($35.99 - $25.19 - $17.63)
- Hustle Kings PS Vita - ($9.99 - $6.99 - $4.89)
- Little Deviants - ($17.99 - $12.59 - $8.81)
- MLB The Show 12 PS Vita - ($17.99 - $12.59 - $8.81)
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip - ($17.99 - $13.99 - $9.79)
- MotorStorm RC Complete Edition - ($11.99 - $8.39 - $5.87)
- PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale - ($35.99 - $25.19 - $17.63)
- Reality Fighters - ($17.99 - $12.59 - $8.81)
- Smart As - ($26.99 - $18.89 - $13.22)
- Sound Shapes - ($14.99 - $10.49 - $7.34)
- Super Stardust Delta - ($9.99 - $6.99 - $4.89)
- Unit 13 - ($26.99 - $18.89 - $13.22)
Sony has also confirmed that Plants Vs Zombies Vita joins the US Instant Game Collection tomorrow, making it available to US PS Plus subscribers at no extra cost.And the Gamers' Choice Awards Winners Discounts will also go live this week. More details on that on the PS Blog.http://www.computerandvideogames.com...a-us-ps-store/
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February 26th, 2013, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 4 could employ a multiple-tier subscription service, offering different levels of access in a style similar to a cable television company, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida tells The Guardian.
"We could have gold, silver or platinum levels of membership, something like that," Yoshida says. "We can do subscription services when we have more content – especially now that we have the Gaikai technology available. With one subscription you have access to thousands of games – that's our dream."
Yoshida says the PS4 will have more digital content than its predecessors, at least: Every game will be available as a download, while some will still be sold at retail. This makes it easier to host smaller games such as Jonathan Blow'sThe Witness, and it supports a broader range of payment models, such as free-to-play or subscription-based games.
"We're shifting our platform more and more to the digital side," he says. "PS4 will be similar to PS Vita in that every game will be available as a digital download, and some will also be available as a disc."
Yoshida previously confirmed that current-gen PSN games won't run nativelyon PS4, though emulation or cloud service plans aren't out of the question.
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February 26th, 2013, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance was already pretty crazy, being a sci-fi character action game about a cyborg cutting people up into pieces, based on a military stealth game. New DLC announced by developer Platinum Games brings the insanity into uncomfortable new levels.
For example, "VR19: Unarmed Combat Training" contains side-scrolling, unarmed brawling gameplay. That's part of 30 new VR missions, including one set in a dark room. These are the PS3-exclusive missions we'll be getting in North America.
"Soul of the Snake" is a special wooden sword ... that speaks in Solid Snake's voice when used. "Passionate feelings are alive and well for the cardboard," according to the Google Translation of Platinum's post. We'd translate it more naturally, but that's too wonderful to change.
The second announced DLC puts you in the shoes of enemy cyborg, and sneering jerk, Jetstream Sam. And the third DLC lets you play as LQ-84i ... the robot dog. Platinum didn't offer a timeframe for these, except for the DLC missions due in Japan in April, and noted that all the images were of content currently under development. All we know is that Platinum won't be accused of saving cut content from the main game for DLC, since we don't know where that "and now you're the Blood Wolf" chapter would have fit in.
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February 27th, 2013, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Console giant takes tentative steps into freemium business model
PS3 owners are being offered the chance to download the multiplayer part of Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 3 for free.
The developer and Sony have decided to split the game into chunks as PS3 takes further tentative steps into the burgeoning free-to-play sector.
Players will be restricted to a Level 15 cap, after which they can choose to pay for an extension to Level 25 or to remove the cap completely all the way up to Level 75.
Any advances made while being capped will be remembered and automatically implemented if a player pays up, Joystiq reports. Naughty Dog has also pledged to continue developing for the title, with two men at the studio dedicated exclusively to it.
A host of other premium DLC will be available, too, including extra characters. The game’s co-op components and single player section will also be made available as premium downloads.
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February 27th, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Daniel Kaplan on how the console giant can make development easier on its next-gen hardware
Sony must address the PS4’s openness and remove barriers to development seen on current generation hardware, Mojang’s Daniel Kaplan has told Develop.
The Minecraft studio’s business developer said he hoped Sony’s new console would make creating games easier by removing the need for development kits, confusing non-disclosure agreements and other weird agreements currently acting as barriers to development.
He added that he was happy however that Sony had fixed issues with waiting times on long updates with the PS4, which he said had been “quite a disaster” on current platforms.
Sony revealed at its PS4 unveiling that game and firmware updates could now be run in the background while users continue playing games.
“Something I really hope that they will also address is the openness of the platform and making development easier for the developers, such as no need for dev kits, no need for special weird agreements, no need for confusing NDAs and stuff like that,” said Kaplan.
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February 28th, 2013, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Console maker throws development arsenal at next-gen hardware
Sony has confirmed that all of its studios are developing games for the PlayStation 4.
SPeaking to IGN, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida said "it is fair to say" that the console giant was putting all of its first-party developers on its next-gen console.
Several of these teams have already demoed their projects at the PS4 unveiling last week, including Guerrilla Games with Killzone 4, Sucker Punch's InFamous: Second Son and Evolotion Studios' DriveClub.
Sony has a number of other first-party studios, such as Naughty Dog, SCE Santa Monica, SCE San Siego, Guerrilla Cambridge and Media Molecule.
This is obviously a big commitment from Sony, and signals a great deal of confidence in its new platform.
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February 28th, 2013, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Mike Bithell’s Thomas Was Alone will be released on PS3 and Vita this spring in a deal between Bossa Studios, SCEE and Curve.Originally released on PC and Mac last summer, Thomas Was Alone will now arrive on Sony platforms, with Curve Studios on hand to port the new versions. The PS3 and Vita versions will include a new director’s commentary.Mike Bithell said of the deal: “I am incredibly proud to see Thomas getting a mainstream console release and the guys at Curve Studios are doing an awesome job making this version special. Thomas took over my life for the last two years so it’s great to see it reaching an even wider audience”.We awarded the original a 7 in our Thomas Was Alone review in August 2012.
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February 28th, 2013, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sony revealed the PS4 controller, its spec and some of its network capabilities at PlayStation Meeting last week. We sat down with Sony Worldwide Studios senior vice president Michael Denny after the event to gain further insight into the philosophy driving the creation of Sony’s fourth PlayStation and how developers fit into its vision for the platform.Why reveal PS4 now?I think there’s been a lot of speculation out there about when nextgen is coming. It just felt right. We wanted to do the announcement in stages, as it were, throughout the year leading up to launch, and this event was very much about just introducing people to the concept of PlayStation 4, the philosophy behind it, why make the choices of architecture we did, why we wanted to get the world’s development talent on board, and why we wanted to place gamers very much at the heart of what we’re doing. I know there’s lots of questions that come from people in terms of other areas and business models, but, for us, that’s later in the year.Can you explain the thinking behind the new controller?Obviously the game interface is a crucial part of any gaming system, and so, the starting point is what can we improve on the current DualShock 3. So the sticks and the trigger buttons have been tightened for more control, there’s less latency. The control’s rumble has been improved, the Sixaxis has been improved on it, and then there are the extra features on it as well. So, there’s the Share button, the light bar, and the touchpad.When we started this process, we got development teams in early and, as you can imagine, there’s every feature in the world that’s on the smorgasbord for us to choose from, and it really depends on developers’ feelings for what they can do with the different interfaces.So, there are many prototypes that haven’t been announced and [we] aren’t here to announce, but, for example, you understand how a touchscreen works on a lot of mobile devices and mobile gaming. Translate those to some games in terms of some grab moves, perhaps, some pinch moves, some melee moves, but also in terms of going to more of the GUI and perhaps an inventory system just off button. So there’s lots of ways of playing with it and in [the] prototype stage, the feeling was for most developers that they could use that to good effect. Wait and see, get your hands on the demos as they come out. Is the hardware more cost-effective than, say, the PS3 was on launch because it mainly consists of standardised PC components? We’re aware that the CPU and GPU are also on one chip.I think that’s a fairly good assumption, but the reason for choosing the architecture we did was first and foremost informed by what the game development community wanted, to produce a system for ease of development and richness of development. For example, clearly decisions like having 8GB of on-board high-speed system memory is a fantastic win for the ease of development, but [also] the richness of the content they can produce.That 8GB, how was that decision reached? There were rumours of it being only four, and it’s more expensive than DDR3 obviously. How was the cost-effectiveness balanced with what developers wanted?Those are exactly the sort of choices you’re presented with, and you make those decisions. As Mark [Cerny, lead on PS4 hardware] was explaining, it was absolutely vital to us as we’re putting the gamer at the heart of this new system as our clear focus, that we wanted the best content possible on there. So that legislates, that leads to the decisions, informed by all our great development teams and third party partners as well, as to what the best choices should be. Of course there [are] implications of all those choices, but absolutely that’s the right decision for PlayStation 4 for the system we want to devise.
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February 28th, 2013, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
The developer of Deadly Premonition believes the title can reach more than just core gamers with the upcoming Director’s Cut for PS3.
The title was originally released on Xbox 360 in 2010 and became a cult hit despite wildly mixed reviews.
The game’s director Hidetaka Suehiro, better known as ‘Swery’, believes the game has yet to realise its true potential.
“Deadly Premonition has been a cult game for core fans but I believe it can be much more accessible for all kinds of gamers,” said Swery. “By making the Director’s Cut, new players will be able to discover this unique world much easier than before.”
Despite seeking a broader audience, he is reluctant to roll out more ports of the original for other formats.
“If I had the chance to bring Deadly Premonition to these other formats, I might work on it. But I’d like to start a new project," he added. “It might be Deadly Premonition 2 or a prequel or something."
Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut will be released for PS3 on April 26th in the UK.
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February 28th, 2013, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
They’ve both epic, open-world titles, but Ubisoft has touted a key difference between its title Watch Dogs and Rockstar’s rival Grand Theft Auto V.
That being that it is being developed natively on next-gen.
“With Watch Dogs we hope to create our biggest brand, like when we launched Assassin’s Creed six or seven years ago,” Ubisoft’s executive director for EMEA territories Alain Corre told Edge. “What we want with Watch Dogs is to try and crack a new genre, which is the open-style GTA genre.
“Yes, Grand Theft Auto is one of the biggest brands in the industry and everybody respects the brand and we’ll have fun playing the next one too. But I think Watch Dogs’ positioning is also on next-gen, bringing a lot of features – connectivity, interactivity, companion gaming and so on which is bringing some freshness to the genre.
“Watch Dogs is a next-gen native game. We are trying to implement in this game all of what the next-gen is bringing – more connectivity, more immersion and to make the game more interactive.”
The publisher remains aware, however, that it still has a current-gen battle on its hands. With GTAV due out in September, even if Rockstar’s game also decides to straddle the generational boundaries there’s still plenty of spend to be won on Xbox 360 and PS3.
“While the next-gen is further advanced, we will also optimise all that we have and feed that into the current-gen consoles,” Corre added. “Our engineers say that it will be possible to have a great experience on both next-gen and current-gen.
“We are going to try and optimise as much as we can and try to respect the abilities of the current-gen so that the experience that players have on current-gen is great – that’s really important for us.
“Watch Dogs is super-important on next-gen, of course, but it is also on current-gen because it will take a while before every gamer we have will play on next-gen. We must respect our current situation.”
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February 28th, 2013, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Consumer voters have recognised Journey and The Walking Dead in the 2013 PSN Gamers' Choice Awards. The winning games are now included in a special cut price promotion.
Journey also scooped Best Indie Game, while Assassin's Creed III was voted the Best PS3 Full Game. Gravity Rush was the most popular PS Vita title. The full list is below.
- Best PSN Exclusive Game - Journey
- Best PSN Game - The Walking Dead
- Best Indie Game - Journey
- Best PS3 Full Game - Assassin's Creed III
- Best PS Vita Game - Gravity Rush
- Best PSP Game - Unchained Blades
- Best PlayStation Classic - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Best mini Game - Velocity
- Best PlayStation Move Enabled Game - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Best Competitive Multiplayer Game - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Last year gamers selected inFamous Festival Of Blood, Resident Evil 4 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood as some of their top titles, with the PlayStation Community Award going to Limbo.
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February 28th, 2013, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
"We've partnered with some of the biggest and most influential social networks in the world, including Facebook and Ustream, to bring gamers' friends into games like never before," former Gaikai CEO David Perry told attendees of Sony's PlayStation 4 event last week. It was the only mention Ustream got during the show, despite the video streaming service playing a critical role in Sony's next video game console. In-tandem with the PlayStation 4's new DualShock 4 controller and its "Share" button, users will be able to quickly upload saved gameplay video clips or directly stream their game out to the internet. The console's lead system architect, Mark Cerny, expanded on the importance of the Share button and its implications to the PlayStation 4 during last week's presentation. "Social play is so important to PlayStation 4 that we've added in hardware to support it, in the form of dedicated, always-on video compression and decompression systems," he said.
We saw a bit of the game sharing / streaming interface during Sony's presentation, but were left wondering about specifics: how will discovery work? and what of other, non-gaming Ustream content? Thankfully, Ustream CEO Brad Hunstable was able to offer up most of our answers in a recent interview. "Our goal is to allow discovery in a very clean user experience, both in discovery on the console itself and on various platforms that the content'll be available on (like Ustream, Twitter, and Facebook)," Hunstable said. He wouldn't speak to the specifics of how that discovery will work, nor would he say if you'll be able to sign-in simply using your PlayStation Network ID or if you'll have to sign up for a separate Ustream account, but he stressed that the decisions being made are, "based on what's easiest and best for the gamer." That same rubric is (thankfully) being applied to functionality. "The goal is to make sure it's very easy -- one click of a button, super simple -- and most importantly make sure it looks really, really good. And is viewable wherever people want to watch it from," Hunstable said.
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February 28th, 2013, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Ustream viewers were really engaged by Sony's big PlayStation 4 hullaballoo last week -- around eight million folks tuned in to the live broadcast on Ustream, with a whopping 1 million concurrents at peak viewing. On average, said viewer watched the two hour and five minute press conference for one full hour. To put that in perspective, the average Ustream viewer in general watches a given broadcast for 20 minutes, effectively meaning the average PlayStation 4 event viewer tripled the norm.
Ustream CEO Brad Hunstable told Engadget that the numbers are emblematic of his company's worldwide infrastructure strength, and a good example of why Sony chose Ustream for sharing game footage and streaming on its next console, the PlayStation 4. "Game consoles are global in nature," Hunstable pointed out. "We need to be able to serve both, from broadcasting out of the console and to the viewers, on a global basis. To be able to do that, you need an infrastructure footprint that's on a massive scale. We're the only ones that have that."
The video streaming company boasts offices around the globe -- "two in the US, one in Europe, and two in Asia; 180 employees strong," Hunstable told us -- and it already has partnerships with a variety of media and electronics companies, from Viacom to Panasonic. Despite the PlayStation 4 partnership, Hunstable said Ustream's game console plans extend beyond a single next-gen box. "We're absolutely free to work with all partners. Our vision is to have Usteam be ubiquitous. We wanna power the world's live broadcasting. If that happens to be on a gaming console, which increasingly it is, we wanna have a place there." Of course, we've yet to hearMicrosoft' next-gen plans, but it sounds like nothing's off the table for Ustream just yet. "There'll be a lot more coming for certain, not just about this announcement but all of the things that we have in store for gamers around the world," Hunstable teased.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
 The new series instalment was seemingly leaked via marketing materials this week, which showed a hooded figure surrounded by pirates.According to an Examiner report, the game's main character is Edward Kenway, father of Haytham Kenway from Assassin's Creed 3, and an Assassin and known Privateer.Black Flag is claimed to be set during 1715 in the Caribbean, with Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas among the islands that will be visited.Weeks ago a Reddit poster who claimed to have seen promotional materials for the game said Black Flag would carry a strong focus on naval combat. A 'leaked' Black Flag screenshot (source: Examiner)
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February 28th, 2013, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
A week after the announcement of the PlayStation 4, detailed hi-res images of the consoles interface have emerged.Sony has released a set of hi-res images showing off profiles, game pages, video and photo sharing, social pages, and gameplay streaming, as well as how the system will appear on mobile devices.You can check out the images below, thanks to Gematsu 
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February 28th, 2013, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE senior vice-president Michael Denny appears to have claimed that Gran Turismo 6 will remain a PS3 title, despite the recent unveiling of the PlayStation 4.  Speaking to Silicon Republic, Denny insisted that the PlayStation 3 will continue to be supported with new software, citing "GT6" and a "new Assassin's Creed" game - despite neither of those projects being officially announced yet."It's important for our content to have that kind of longevity because, as I was saying [about the PS Vita], the games that come through are going to get better and better over time."While Denny's statement doesn't rule out a possible Gran Turismo game in development for PS4, it does suggest that Sony and Polyphony Digital hope to capitalise on the considerable install base of the PS3.Grand Turismo 6 was announced in 2010 when series creator Kazunori Yamauchi talked openly about the project in an interview. No official release date is set.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
Sony consulted with a select group of PlayStation-owned studios as it was building the DualShock 4 controller for PS4, according to two developers at Guerrilla Games.  In an interview with CVG, Guerrilla game director Steven ter Heide said the new DualShock is "a great controller for an FPS"."We've been having these discussions about putting a headset jack in there because everybody should be able to go online and have a chat, and they put it in there and it's awesome," he said."It sounds like a lot of really simple features that we've put in there but they make all the difference because it's in one comprehensive package. For example, there are little tweaks to the indentation on the sticks, where you have your thumbs on them, we've slightly raised them so there's a little bit more precision. They're slight changes but they make a huge difference."He added that Sony took on feedback from a number of developers within the Sony Worldwide Studios network. Evolution Studios, for example, offered feedback on the motion control aspects with racing games in mind.Guerrilla co-founder Hermen Hulst said the DualShock 4 was "a big step forward from what we have [on PS3]"He went on: "It feels incredibly accurate, in your hands it feels solid, it feels really high quality with the materials that have been used, it feels like you're in control and particularly with that feeling of being a Shadow Marshal, this big hero guy with extra capabilities, it's very suitable."And like we said earlier, we've been feeding back on what it should be for so long that I think we have what we wanted to have. It's very suitable for Killzone."Sony revealed the near-final DualShock 4 controller at its PlayStation Meeting last Wednesday. The impression the company wanted to project is that Sony has built its new hardware with developers in mind.ter Heide said: "This was the first time we did this with PlayStation, where you get the entire group of core developers together and consistently give very deep, profound feedback on everything system-related, and that's really awesome."The guys who made [the system] are no longer in an ivory tower in Tokyo, it's shared with us and not just with us, but with Evolution, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, everybody and together we've built the machine."Elsewhere in the interview Guerrilla confirmed that Remote Play would be a standard feature for Killzone Shadow Fall - allowing the game to be streamed onto Vita.Sony is planning for Killzone Shadow Fall to be among the PS4 launch games later this year. ThePS4 release date is set for "holiday 2013" in at least one of Japan, Europe and the US.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has discounted LittleBigPlanet games, costume packs, level kits and other content on the PlayStation Store to coincide with this week's release ofLittleBigPlanet 2 Extras Edition.Perhaps most notably, Vita owners may want to pick up LBP Vita, which we gave a score of 9.2 and called "the best LBP on any format" in our LittleBigPlanet Vita review.The following discounts will last until March 13: Full games
- LittleBigPlanet (PS3) - Was €14.99/£10.99; now €9.99/£7.99
- LittleBigPlanet 2 - Was €19.99/£15.99; now €14.99/£10.99
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita - Was €34.99/£29.99; now €24.99/£19.99
- LittleBigPlanet PSP - Was €7.99/£6.49; now €3.99£3.19
- LittleBigPlanet Karting - Was €49.99/£39.99; now €34.99/£24.99
DLC- Move Pack - Was €7.99/£6.49; now €5.99/£4.79
- Disney Princesses Costume Pack 1 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €2.99/£2.39
- Toy Story Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €2.99/£2.39
- Watchmen Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €2.99/£2.39
- Pirates of the Caribbean Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €2.99/£2.39
- Invizimals Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €2.99/£2.39
- The Muppets Premium Level Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Pirates of the Caribbean Level Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Toy Story Level Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Metal Gear Solid - Level Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Final Fantasy Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Gravity Rush Costume Pack - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 2 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Heroes Costume Pack 5 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Men In Black Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Pirates of the Caribbean Costume Kit - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 3 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 4 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 1 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Disney Princesses Costume Pack 2 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 2 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 3 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Costume Kit 1 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- The Muppets Costume Kit 1 - Was €5.99/£4.79; now €4.49/£3.69
- Marvel Level Kit - Was €4.99/£3.99 each; now €3.59/£2.99
- Monsters Level Kit - Was €3.99/£3.19; now €2.99/£2.39
- History - Level Kit - Was €3.99/£3.19; now €2.99/£2.39
- Tron: Legacy Mini Pack - Was €2.99/£2.39; now €1.99/£1.59
- Killzone - Costume Kit - Was €2.99/£2.39; now €1.99/£1.59
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February 28th, 2013, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
The chief executive at Ubisoft has insisted that the company will continue to support Vita and has suggested that undisclosed projects are being prepared for the console.  Yves Guillemot appeared to say in an interview with Dutch publication Inside Gamer
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February 28th, 2013, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
It sounds like Diablo 3 on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 may not connect to Battle.net at all."While we think cross-platform play would be awesome, there are currently no plans to allow connectivity between PlayStation Network and Battle.net," wrote Blizzard community manager Vaeflare on the Diablo 3 forum (via Blue's News)."As a result, the characters on your Battle.net account and PlayStation account will also remain separate."There being no connection to Battle.net may mean there are no plans to have an Auction House or Real-Money Auction House in the PlayStation versions of the game.This tallies with Blizzard allowing offline play in Diablo 3 on PlayStation 3 and 4. The PC and Mac versions, remember, require an internet connection to play.Diablo 3 on console also introduces an evade ability for characters as well as a redesigned UI and inventory.Blizzard intends to have Diablo 3 up and running on PS3 at PAX East at the end of March.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
European PlayStation Plus members who pre-order BioShock Infinite get extra bang for their buck, with a 10 percent discount on the Season Pass through launch day, and a round of in-game incentives when the game hits on March 26.
Plus pre-orders in Great Britain, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand get a custom shotgun and sniper rifle, a 3x Tonics upgrade and additional in-game money for free one week after launch. Check it out in full on the PlayStation Blog.
Plus members in the US can pre-order BioShock Infinite now too, but without all those pesky free bonuses.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
During a recent investor conference call, Electronic Arts' chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen specifically referenced having seen "the new Battlefield" running on a PlayStation 4. EA has not announced Battlefield 4 as coming to Sony's new flagship box, though it's hardly a stretch to envision the military shooter on the new platform.
Jorgensen shut down the implication that EA's absence from Sony's PlayStation 4 press conference last week meant its support of the new system wouldn't surface until 2014 or 2015. "I'd say between now and E3, you're going to see a lot of stuff from us," he said.
"The technical power on the platform is going to allow us to do a substantial amount of things that we've never done before," Jorgensen continued. "I've seen the new Battlefield and it is stunning, I mean it is just amazing; what the imagination of the game developers are allowed to do with that much power."
We've reached out to EA for more information about Jorgensen's statement and will update with any new information we receive.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
Retro City Rampage has been around the block a few times, establishing a steady launch stream across PC and consoles since October. Now that the gamehas had time to settle on XBLA, PS3, Vita and Steam, developer Brian Provinciano has a clear, surprising favorite: Vita.
"Indies should definitely jump onto the PS Vita," he tweets. "RCR's sold much more on PSN than XBLA and more on PS Vita than even PS3."
Retro City Rampage was part of the PS Plus Instant Game Collection, but Provinciano's praise doesn't include those numbers. PSN sales, both in units and revenue, eclipsed XBLA and even Steam on their own, and any PS Plus action is an extra bonus.
"Steam's done far better than XBLA too, but PSN has still done the best," Provinciano says.
While Vita is the "easiest console platform to develop for," XBLA clearly falls behind in Provinciano's estimation. Getting on XBLA required two rounds of pitching, paperwork and negotiation, each time taking more than six months. "It's absurd. They don't make it easy," Provinciano says.
He continues, "It cost more to do the XBLA version than all other SKUs combined. Made more on all other platforms. XBLA: 'a learning experience.'"
Provinciano has an idea why Retro City Rampage is doing so well on Vita: "Sony promoted the game incredibly well and Vita players are hungry for games! Make them more!" Provinciano will cover his multi-platform development process and resultant sales at GDC 2013, with a talk titled, "One Man, 17 SKUs: Shipping on Every Platform at Once."
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February 28th, 2013, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
Take-Two and Sony have yet to sign a deal regarding Irrational Games' BioShock Vita installation – yes, the one that Irrational co-founder Ken Levine announced way back at E3 2011. Levine told IGN that while he wanted to see BioShock on Vita happen, it was out of his hands.
"I've got my fingers crossed that that's going to happen because it's something I want to do, but until somebody starts signing the checks, there's nothing I can do," Levine said. Later he continued, "At the end of the day, I work for Take-Two and they need to be able to fund that development, and they need to make sure they have a deal in place that makes sense for them and makes sense for Sony."
In March 2012, Levine expressed regret over announcing BioShock Vita without anything to show for it.
"I ideally wouldn't have talked about the Vita game when I did," he told Joystiq. "It was understandably important that, you know, Sony wanted us to share that information." The information that Irrational wants to create a BioShock Vita game is vastly different than Irrational actually developing one, of course.
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February 28th, 2013, 11:44 Posted By: wraggster
Through April 1, every $50 spent using your "SEN Wallet" gets you $10 back. That's fancy talk for putting money into your PSN account and spending it. Sony has a list of suggestions on the PlayStation Blog, including pre-orders of MLB The Show 13, BioShock Infinite, and more, but any purchase adding up to $50 will do.
This is a really great time to get a year of PlayStation Plus and start loading up on all the included games, especially with an extra three months added to your order through March 4 – though as that costs $49.99, you might have to top up with, like, an avatar.
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February 28th, 2013, 14:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/02/28/ark-all-you-need-to-know/
ARK eCFW was released 1 month ago and has been the eCFW of choice for many of you. Sadly, updates are sparse and lots of questions remain unanswered. People contact us regularly about ARK with questions that actually have simple answers. Here is a quick reminder of what ARK can do for you. Below is the FAQ from Coldbird’s blog. Important reminder: ARK is currently not available for Vita OFW 2.05What is Ark?
Ark is a PSP Emulator CFW for PS Vita.
It enables you to take full control of the PSP Emulator inside your Vita, allowing you to play back ISO, CSO and PBP files without the limitations put in place by the PSN.
What are the most obvious benefits?
play games that never made it to the PSN store like…
umd titles
psx games
homebrews / emulators
foreign games
play decrypted dlc
speed up file access (and lessen the game loading times by up to 70%)
use plugins (for example – create game screenshots using prxshot or cheat in games using tempar)
copy data without cma (using homebrews like Coldbird’s FTP Server)
and much more…
Is my Vita supported?
At the moment, the public version of Ark supports the following games (and firmwares):
2.0 ~ 2.02
There are however a lot more games and firmwares supported in internal work-in-progress revisions.
How do I return to the Launcher when I’m inside a game / homebrew?
Press Left Shoulder Button + Right Shoulder Button + Start Button + Down Button at the same time!
How do I transfer files into my PSP Emulator?
Smuggle them into the Emulator by adding them to a PSP Savedata Folder and using CMA to transfer it.
Install Coldbird’s FTP Server and use a FTP Client like Filezilla to transfer files wirelessly.
How do I add / enable PRX plugins?
Copy the required PRX files into your PSP Emulator.
Create a plugins.txt file in your Ark Savedata Folder.
Add one (or more) lines for your plugin to plugins.txt; examples below:
What are those VBOOT.PBP files?
Inside the PSP Emulator EBOOT.PBP files are read-only. To make writing Homebrew files as easy as possible we had to rename them to a file name that wasn’t locked down by Sony.
So, whatever was named EBOOT.PBP on PSP, becomes VBOOT.PBP on Vita.
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February 28th, 2013, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=3201
D_Skywalk Estwald and releases a version of Iris Manager for the greatest pleasure of all those who want a different Multiman Manager.
New / fixed: 2.16 - New V8 payload that deletes syscall 36 and uses 8 instead for referrals - Added method Multiman for games from disc-less / app_home (thank you for commenting Deank how it worked ). This improves compatibility 2.15 - Fixed a problem with authentication Ps3 disk during the copy, if a problem occurs, the disc will be ejected and reloaded, but control was added to make it happen less often or n 'nothing happens - Added button "Square" to eject / load the disc - Now the disc stops after two minutes of inactivity - Added L3/R3 to change the category of games. L2/R2 Buttons are no longer useless. - Added "libnet" with syscall and FTP jjolano version 2.3 (version 3 exists, but it has no source code) - Added Japanese system font Western to display the title of the game (you can not add the Japanese language or other texts by this method) - Some settings on the psx_payload 2.11 - Fixed a problem with the emulator Ps1 - Fixed a problem with sentences UTF8 - Fixed a problem when exiting the application after using the virtual keyboard 1.2 - Added Norwegian language as - Fixed a problem with names too long to add a routine 2.00 - Port Project in PSL1GHT V2 (hence the jump version) - Added language, press "Start", then "Tools" and under the second option "Pitinglis" - Fixed a problem with FTP files - Fixed a problem when two asynchronous transfers. - Added a new option in the "Tools" for those without a reader, you can run the Ps1 ISO 1.60 Beta 4 - Improved ps1_emu emulation. Now games like Vagrant Story or Resident Evil work - Some fixes the payload - payload_storage mode added to allow the launch of ISO PSX Cheats disk with the disk in the drive - Fixed some bugs, such as copying files when the disk USB is almost full - Added detection flag all payloads. This serves to Multiman for example if the syscall 8 is inactive Quick Instruction: - Install IrisManager - Create a folder "PSXGAMES" at the root of internal or external hard drive - Inside, create a folder with the name of the game and put ISO / BIN / IMG in Example: / dev_HDD000/PSXGAMES/FinalFantasy7/FF7.iso For Ps3 games, rename the folder GAMES in GAMEZ on the external drive. 2.16 Backup Manager Iris Official Site: gitorious.ps3dev.net
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February 28th, 2013, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's first-party devs involved in next-gen console creation from the start, says Herman Hulst
Sony went to extraordinary efforts to ensure that the PS4 was designed precisely as developers wanted.
"We've been very closely involved in the development of the machine," Guerrilla Games co-founder Herman Hulst told The Guardian.
"We've had [PS4 system architect] Mark Cerny over several times. We got the entire group of core developers together and gave deep feedback on everything system-related.
“It's no longer designed in an Ivory tower somewhere in Tokyo, it's shared with us, with Naughty Dog, with Sony San Diego – and together we've built the machine.
“As Mark said at one point during the launch event, it's a console for gamers by gamers."
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March 1st, 2013, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
The custom APU that will be found inside Sony’s PS4 is by far the most powerful AMD has ever produced, the chip maker has said.
APUs (accelerated processing units) are a relative newcomer to the computing world and are designed to offer an additional processing option that operates alongside a machine’s CPU.
The custom PS4 APU, which has been designed with Sony, will be at the heart of the console’s graphical output.
"Everything that Sony has shared in that single chip is AMD [intellectual property], but we have not built an APU quite like that for anyone else in the market,” AMD global business unit head of marketing John Taylor told The Inquirer.
“It is by far the most powerful APU we have built to date, it leverages [intellectual property] that you will find in our A-series APUs later this year, our new generation of APUs but none that will quite be to that level of sheer number of cores, sheer number of teraflops."
AMD has also confirmed that a cut-down version of the PS4’s Jaguar based APU will be put on sale to the public later this year – albeit without the same number of cores and minus some of Sony’s key design input.
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March 1st, 2013, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
To keep the buzz going from its recent PlayStation 4 announcement event in New York, Sony's just released some high-res screenshots from the upcoming console's user interface. While we already saw many of them at the big event, there's a few intriguing images showing how the tablet or smartphone interface might look, along with shots of the social and video editing aspects of the UI. Other screens show the home, sharing, game streaming, user profile and friend feed pages, so hopefully the gallery below will whet your appetite until we can all actually see, you know, the console.
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March 1st, 2013, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
We knew Polyphony has been working on Gran Turismo 6 since 2011 at least, meaning we had our hearts set on playing it shortly after the launch of the PS5. Turns out we may get the game a little earlier, as in this year on the PS3.
This is according to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Senior Vice President Michael Denny, speaking with Silicon Republic (audio here): "Look at the games coming out on PlayStation 3 this year, like The Last of Us, like Beyond, GT6...."
Sony confirms that GT6 is in development and has been since 2010, but offers no additional comment about a release this year.
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