November 1st, 2006, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Weltall
cwcheat for Dark Alex 2.71SE B' custum firmware.this is a cwcheat built to work fine with 2.71SE without the presence of devhook and with all function intact. plus being loaded without
devhook permits to avoid game exiting crash!
it has all the function of cwcheat 0.1.6.
this means that you can:
-cheat in your games (the db and the config are loaded from ms0,
if you don't have them it will still work only it will go for default
config and you will have an "empty" db)
this means that you can put a default cpu/bus clock that will be set when
loading in the config file (change the cpu clock in the menu and save the
config in the config menu) but also you will be able to change in every moment
and without touching the flash the cpu/bus frequence!!
-use remapsp to change the annoying buttons of some games
-my screenshootbmp mod which uses volatile ram to do the screenshoot stopping the
game for less than one sec!
1-make a reflash folder in the root of your memory stick and copy the included
pspbtcnf_game.txt (if necessary change it accordly)
2-copy cwcheat.prx in a easy to access ms position
3-startup an app to write to flash (eg: pspfiler)
4-copy cwcheat.prx in the kn folder in flash0:/
5-reboot your psp in recovery mode
6-select Advanced ->
7-select flash pspbycnf_game.txt(2.71) (BE EXTREMELY CAREFULL WHILE SELECTING THIS)
8-select Back
9-select exit
1-load the included installer (thanks to Cpasjuste for it) from the 1.50 GAME FOLDER
2-press O
cwcheat will be loaded everytime you load an iso or an umd either with UMD and NOUMD mode.
now you will need only to copy the cheat.db and a cwcheat.lng
(if you aren't an english speaker) in the ms0:/dh/
thanks for this version goes out to Dan4o2 and to Cpasjuste for his installer
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November 1st, 2006, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Everett posted a great tutorial on modding his PSP to have lighting on the L and R buttons, heres an excerpt:
Sony decided to make the PSP shoulder buttons transparent, leaving modders an excellent opportunity to make the device look way cooler with lighting. Llamma has done a write up on adding lights to the buttons. I wanted a similar effect, but not for the lights to be on all the time—I wanted the buttons to light when they are pushed. This is how I did it.
First Try
My first attempt at this can be seen here. I finished lighting the left button and left the right for another day. As you can see in the old writeup, I got a lot of my information from Llamma’s write up, with some obvious changes. When I opened the PSP back up to do the right side, I decided to completely re-do the left (I wasn’t optimistic about the durability, and I also ran into some shorting issues with the wire I used. It turned out that the varnish insulation was unreliable, and it occasionally shorted to the metal frame it ran through, which was grounded.). The second time around, I deviated from Llamma’s instructions even more.
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November 1st, 2006, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
Alatnat posted this news/release:
I've updated a few bug fixes and improved some stuff.
Here's what's new in the AnimatedSprite Class\Library:
-Fixed image reloading bug in function AnimatedSprite.addImage(i mg,name)
-the draw function now checks to see if the sprite is being drawn on the screen and if it isn't it doesn't draw to the screen.
-sprite animation reversing now works!
Here's what's new in the requireC function:
-now if it doesn't load the lua file requested, it write's to a text file called stderr.txt to tell you loading problems.
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Via Alatnat
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November 1st, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Via Perooz
David DeAngelo is the author of “Double Your Dating - What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women”, and has taught thousands of men how to be more successful with women and dating. In this issue of the Double your Dating Mobile Magazine you will find The Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail With Women—And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One Of These Deadly Common Mistakes…
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November 1st, 2006, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to GTA Portable.com heres the tutorial for getting the new GTA Vice City Stories working on your PSP v2.71:
Now here is the fun part. You remember Cheat Device by Edison Carter? Well thanks to PRX's and DevHook, Cheat Device will be sporting support for another game, VCS! Wouldn't you just love to have all the enjoyment that you got in LCS with Cheat Device in VCS? Well you can enjoy all this and more! All we have to do is wait for Edison Carter to reprogram Cheat Device. Now just because VCS makes you upgrade to 2.81 means you have to. If you have 1.5 or 2.71 SE-A with DevHook you can play the game with out 2.81!
Here is what you do,
1. choose what firmware version 2.71
2. Go into“other menu” then choose “UMD SFO VERSION”
3. In that menu, choose “2.xx to 2.00″
4. If you want to play at 333 MHz change the clock speed to 333MHz
4. launch the firmware and start the UMD
Can people verify this works ?
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November 1st, 2006, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JustChris:
It's my first game for PSP, Pick-O-Mania. From the screenshot below you might think of Lumines, but it is not like Lumines. You just eliminate adjacent blocks to earn points, and scores increase greatly the more blocks you remove at a time. I just finished enough of the game for there to actually be a game- just the scoring, simple rules, and no menus yet.
This is the first playable version so things are still kinda buggy. For one thing I still gotta fix the way blocks collapse into empty spaces when you remove them. Let me know if you found other bugs, crashes, etc.
arrows - move cursor
X - remove blocks
triangle - shuffle board (makes new blocks) and resets score
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via justchris
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November 1st, 2006, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance lets you create a four-member strike force of Marvel Super Heroes. If you had to assemble a team of the best heroes, who would you pick? Choose wisely, because this is an alliance for the ages -- the team you create will face incredible evils, from the most exotic locations on Earth to the neighboring solar systems. Partner, battle and interact with more than 140 characters from the entire Marvel Universe, in a multi-mission quest with an innovative combat system. Command the largest roster of Super Heroes ever, as you determine the fate of a universe. Control the fate of the Marvel universe - The missions you accept, the objectives completed, and how you interact with other characters throughout the game will have a direct impact on how the story plays out Fight in no-holds-barred combat while airborne, on the ground and even submerged underwater -- in a destructible environment, where objects such as lampposts and chairs can become dangerous weapons
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November 1st, 2006, 03:23 Posted By: wraggster
The death of LIk Sang is one thing but Sony have also got the likes of Play Asia running scared and they also wont ship any PSP Consoles or games to Europe, does anyone find it annoying that the console is region free and yet they are still blocking the imports of PSP games from Japan etc.
Thank god for Success HK for providing all the world with US and Japanese games.
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November 1st, 2006, 09:40 Posted By: happy_mak
The new colors for PSP are announced officially in Japan.
The pink PSP goes on sale on November 22,
The silver on December 12
and metallic blue on December 21st
I would love to get the metallic blue, well i dont have the cash on me unfortunately...
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November 1st, 2006, 11:40 Posted By: happy_mak
Well the PSP meets Samantha Thavasa, that is to say Sony wants girls to shell out more.
Well a designer pouch, a rabbit fur strap, a heart charm strap and a toto bag with the pink PSP is what the content says on the Japan playstation site.
URL : http://www.jp.playstation.com/info/r..._samantha.html
and ouch, its pricey, with the pouch at 15750 yen around(@140 dollars) and straps at 8925 yen (@70 dollars) and the toto bag is as they usually are priced higher at 26250 yen (@240 dollars).
Well might be a fashion statement for some, and yes it looks cute, hmm now I am eager to check if any ladies on the tokyo subway actually sport this PSP anytime...
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November 1st, 2006, 12:16 Posted By: Vibestar
This is a installer for DA 2.71SE B'for the cheatDevice v1.0d PRX for GTA:Liberty City Stories for use without DevHook.

Some people asked about it on the forums. So I decided to combine 2 apps to this one. It works the same as Weltalls great cwcheat for Dark Alex 2.71SE B' .
At first I want to state that this is not my work. I just combined two homebrew applications togheter and tweaked the eboot a little to have the right text.
Most of the credit goes out to Edison Carter for his CheatDevice v1.0d PRX for GTA:Liberty City Stories, Weltall for his cwcheat for Dark Alex 2.71SE B' custom firmware and to Cpasjuste who coded the installer for Weltall.
But save some credit for me ....
The installer writes to FLASH0 . I'm not responsable of any damage of what happens,
since this software is provided free and without warranty.
Have fun cheating 
Made a xtra version for people that already have installed cwcheat for Dark Alex 2.71SE B'. This way both cheatdevices can be run.
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November 1st, 2006, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has issued a warning against websites attempting to take advantage of PlayStation 3 pre-orders.
The company issued a statement stating that websites offering discounted or bulk shipments of the new home console have not been arranged with any cooperation from Sony or its partners.
"Such offers are not done with any cooperation from SCEA or its parent company," reads the statement.
"SCEA strongly recommends against consumers pursuing such offers, as their legitimacy cannot be confimed. We recommend consumers purchase PlayStation products only from authorised SCEA retailers and resellers," it said.
The move comes as the firm prepares to launch it next-gen console in the US and Japan later this month.
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November 1st, 2006, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Phil Harrison says the company is already working with developers on "about 40" exclusive titles that fit into its e-Distribution Initiative (EDI) - the PlayStation 3 equivalent of Xbox Live Arcade.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz' Rob Fahey as part of an interview being serialised on semi-official Sony blog Three Speech, Harrison said that EDI had been "a call to action to the development community to encourage them to create games specifically for us, that we would fund, that we would publish, in the online sense of the word, and distribute online".
"We're developing about 40 products that fit that strategy right now," he added. Sony presented one of these titles - flOw - for the first time at the Tokyo Game Show, with others like Calling All Cars (David Jaffe's title, formerly known as Criminal Crackdown) also generating a lot of interest.
"My strategy was to encourage developers to push the machine technically, creatively, artistically - to innovate in lots of different ways. But don't be restricted by ghettoising games into a particular genre, or a particular display mechanic, because what we've seen on other systems tend to be retro 2D games, and we're pushing the 3D capabilities of the PlayStation 3. Plus, the fact that every PS3 has a hard disk drive means that we're not restricted by the size of the download, and that has a huge impact on the kind of game design that you can do," he continued.
"We're seeing an emerging strength in developers creating games specifically for downloadable content. We're seeing that as a really interesting way of stimulating creativity, experimentation... And it makes me feel as excited as about the games that we saw at the beginning of PS1, when there was a lot of really interesting innovation happening in the marketplace. I think we'll see that on PlayStation 3 as well."
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November 1st, 2006, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
Its been a long wait but the PSP Camera otherwise known as Chotto Shot is now shipping for the PSP, heres some Pics:

Heres details and specs (via pspvault)
The camera is called the "Chotto Shot". It can record still images at resolutions of 480 x 272 or 640 x 480. Videos can be recorded at 480 x 272, 30fps for as long as 15 seconds. Recording options include a timer, frame, and "watchdog recording." Included editing software allows you to apply 72 different effects, background music, captions, and so on. Videos can be played on the PSP itself, and can also be exported to AVI for watching on your PC. The package will also include a storage case for the camera.
The Hong Kong Store Play Asia is shipping them today with a retail price of US$ 49.90 (~26.50 GBP).
They arent shipping to UK or Europe though, so whos interested?
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November 1st, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
The pick of the PS3 launch line-up is Namco's Ridge Racer 7, after receiving four nine ratings in highly influential Japanese mag, Famitsu.
As you'll know if you've ever skimmed over the mag, Famitsu puts games to a panel of four reviewers and in this case they all gave the PS3 Ridge Racer a nine rating, resulting in an overall score of 36 out of 40.
RR7 topped the PS3 titles reviewed in the latest issue, apparently receiving praise for its online modes and refined drifting mechanic.
Meanwhile, Resistance: Fall of Man got one nine and three eights, and giant-crab game Genji: Days of the Blade bartered three sevens and an eight.
Slightly lower down the rating scale, Famitsu gave Sega Golf Club four sevens but Gundam: Target In Sight conjured up four eights - but we know how the Japanese love their mechs.
Frighteningly, there's only ten days left until the console reaches Japanese stores on November 11, and a few more until the November 17 launch in the US.
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November 1st, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via CVG
Courtesy of Sony's Media Manager for PSP - releasing on November 3 - you can entertain yourself will all sorts of fun file transfering between the PSP handheld and a PC.
Elaborating a bit, users can swap video, photos, documents, podcasts and music to and from PSP via drag-and-drop. Numerous file formats are supported by the software and it'll convert the files for you too.
In addition, there's a simple content management system and Media Manager also lets you transfer Internet Explorer favourites to PSP plus backup games saves and move game saves between Memory Stick Duo.
Media Manager for PSP will be available to download for £7.99
(details should be appearing on yourpsp.com) and appear in shops in boxed versions for £14.99.
Vouchers to download Media Manager for PSP will be included with specific PSP bundles.
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November 1st, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Apparently, there was a huge war in the 14th century - back when people couldn't go on killing sprees on PS2 so they did it in real life instead - over who would be the successor to the French throne.
And that's the battle that Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War brings to life. The tactical war sim, set in Medieval Europe, will have players command armies in brutal battles in huge open environments.
You control a rogue commander and his army in clashes with the British and French forces with infantry, archers, and cavalry at your disposal. As well as winning battles, you have to build up your reputation as a successful commander in order to attract better troops to your squad.
If it's as epic as Koei promises, this could be one neat strategy game. Our only curiosity is why the in-game screens look like it's running on PS2. Check them out below.
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War is due to release on PS3 in Q1 2007.
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November 1st, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
David Jaffe's forthcoming PlayStation 3 downloadable game, Criminal Crackdown, isn't called that any more. Instead, it'll go by "Calling All Cars".
But why? Well, according to his blog, the idea was to give it an identity far removed from existing game names - something that they couldn't guarantee in the rush to get things sorted ahead of the game's unveiling last month.
"We were in a mad rush to reveal the game at GAMER'S DAY a few weeks back and all the legal checks had not yet come down giving us permission to use that name," Jaffe explains.
"Unlike some other companies that seem to have no problem giving their games titles that SOUND pretty darn close to other games, Sony likes to give us as much room as possible between our game names and other game names. Which is nice. But challenging as well because there have been A LOT of video games made over the last 30-35 years so it makes it tough to find a name that is fresh and appropriate and fun, while at the same time being something that will not get you thrown into a court room."
It's happened to him before, it turns out - the name-changing, that is. Apparently Twisted Metal was going to be called Urban Assault, then Cars And Rockets, then High Octane before eventually settling, while "God of War went by the name Dark Odyssey for at least two years".
"So with ALL that said, Criminal Crackdown is dead. I assume it's because MS has a very sweet looking game called CRACKDOWN coming out and the titles were just too close for comfort... but I am just guessing," he adds.
"I wonder if we'll also have to change the title of GOD OF WAR 2 to something else since GOD OF WAR 2 sounds a bit too much like GEARS OF WAR? We'll see," he then says, perhaps explaining what he was on about earlier in the post. Fight! Anyway, "Calling All Cars" is quite good.
And the game, which Jaffe recently billed as "cops and robbers meets basketball", hopefully will be too. It's one of the titles due out through Sony's e-Distribution Initiative (think Xbox Live Arcade on PlayStation 3) - something Jaffe said recently that he's very much enjoying developing for.
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November 1st, 2006, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you trying to get the most out of Mercury Meltdown - Ignition's excellent new PSP puzzle title - might want to cast an eye over a few exclusive new videos on Eurogamer TV.
Here you'll see how you can shortcut levels at different stages in the game using what ought to be obstacles to your advantage. And don't worry - when you get this good, you'll be able to save your own replays to Memory Stick and send them to your friends.
You can also save off Ghost data, so your friends can watch you outperforming them time and again as they struggle to improve, just as I've made mine do. Hahaha. Actually, I'm not sure they're my friends any more.
Check out the Videos at Eurogamer
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November 2nd, 2006, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
While the grown-up desktop-dwelling Airborne might be grounded for many more months, the pocket-dwelling PSP edition known as Medal of Honor Heroes is getting closer to its objective with every passing day. So to while away those weeks of waiting between now and its 17 November launch date, why not indulge your irises with the clip concealed by the movie tab above?
A click there will reveal just how this, the first PSP version of MoH, trawls through the series' history to create a greatest hits of its Brylcreemed warriors and weapons. But, while you reprise the roles of Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson, Sergeant John Baker and Lieutenant William Holt, you also get to see a whole host of new locations and levels including Holland and Italy.
And continuing this mixture of the old and the new, there will be a 32-person-strong online option that at the same time allows you to collect and unlock 20 classic characters from the games many variants and versions.
But plenty of new features have also been packed into the 15 missions and maps so there is an ad-hoc WiFi mode that allows eight gamers to jump into quickfire battle or to join in a 16-aside deathmatch, if you have a nearby PC to use as a game server.
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November 2nd, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
It took a while to translate and localize, but Final Fantasy XII is finally out in a non-Japanese form. Yeah, sure, some of you have been bragging about your ultra-super-advanced copy you've been playing for months, or the one you got lucky and picked up from CompUSA last weekend, but for the rest of us -- we're just playing it now.
Is it the ultimate Final Fantasy experience? Apparently it's close enough, and the controversial battle system will grow on gamers.
Gamespot (90/100) Purists be damned: "While Final Fantasy XII takes some liberties with the series' conventions, it sticks closely to most of the good ones, delivering another memorable and highly recommended experience in the process."
IGN (95/100) Nothing but praise: "When does a game with momentous hype and anticipation actually live up to media, consumer, and competitor expectations? ... 'When you're playing Final Fantasy XII.'"
Game Informer (93/100) The plot is the thing: "Led by a politically charged story that instantly seizes your imagination with riveting events and an extraordinary cast of characters, Final Fantasy XII rides onto the PlayStation 2 with its sword held high, delivering one of the year's most exhilarating adventures."
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November 2nd, 2006, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game released at Play Asia:

What starts in the city is settled in the canyons as Need for Speed Carbon immerses you in the world’s most dangerous and adrenaline-filled form of street racing. You and your crew must race in an all-out war for the city, risking everything to take over your rivals’ neighbourhoods one block at a time. As the police turn up the heat, the battle ultimately shifts to Carbon Canyon, where territories and reputations can be lost on every perilous curve. Represent your car class, your crew, and your turf in Need for Speed Carbon, the next revolution in racing games.
Key Features• Survive the Canyon
All-new Canyon Duel and Drift race modes are the ultimate test of skill and nerve, where one wrong turn could cost you more than the race.
• The City Is Yours for the Taking
Race for control of the city block-by-block by taking down rival crews on their turf, then defeat their crew leaders in life-or-death races in Carbon Canyon.
• Customise Your Dream Cars
The revolutionary new Autosculpt™ car customisation tool gives you the power to design and tweak your crew’s cars in every way imaginable.
• Represent a Class
Afiliate with the Tuner, American Muscle, or Exotic car classes and prove once and for all who makes the best set of wheels. A new physics model makes each class handle and drive differently.
• Build Your Crew
Strategically choose your crew members and then use their skills on the road and in the garage to help you win races and customise your cars.
Price: US$ 42.90 (~22.79 GBP)
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1l21.html
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November 2nd, 2006, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from Velar:
Hello Everyone!There's going to be Tekken Resurrection tournament on Sunday in GAME (oxford street) in London.check this info http://www.playstation-tour.com/
it seems there's nothing else said on that website except the date of the tournament...see you there anyway.
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November 2nd, 2006, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Zouzz has released a new version of his Rapid Dump app for the PSP:
This application will allow you dumper quickly the flash0: /entiérement or only following files: opening_plugin.rco, gameboot.pmf and topmenu_plugin.rco.
Update of version 0.2 for firmware 1.5:
- addition of the total dump of the flash0: /
- addition of a sound at the end of the dump
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November 2nd, 2006, 02:07 Posted By: TacticalBread
Edison Carter has released a cheat device for Grand Theft Auto VCS.
This is a preliminary ALPHA release for developers to start writing cheats with. This version includes all of Cheat Maker except for Construction Mode, plus a few of the built in cheats are enabled.
* Vehicle Spawns - a lot of the vehicle numbers will crash. I didn't put upper or lower limits on it yet, but when you get into objects like "cellphone", you know it'll crash if you try to spawn that. We need to start a list of what works and what crashes.
* Step Through Walls - works.
* Power Jump - this was so funny, I left it broken.
* Screenshot - should work.
* Video Recorder - should work.
* Step Up/Down - works.
You need to run VCS through DevHook to use this. You can install the PRX by running the installer or read the instructions in readme.txt if you prefer to do it by hand.
- edisoncarter
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November 2nd, 2006, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Activision announced the development studios working on the upcoming Shrek videogame. Shrek the Third, based on the upcoming feature film, is coming May 2007 for Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PC, PSP, DS and GBA.
Shaba Games is set to handle the console versions, Vicarious Visions is taking on the DS and GBA titles, Amaze Entertainment is working on the PSP game and Beenox is developing for the PC.
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November 2nd, 2006, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
I remember sampling Tales of the Tempest back in December of last year. It's been rough sailing since then for this first DS tales game, but the game at last made it out this past week, strange names like Tilkis Barone, Forest Ledoyen and Lukius Bridges in tow. DS RPG fanatics in Japan at last have something to play other than Final Fantasy III.
As rough as the game's development schedule was, it can't compete to the experiences of Caius Qualls on the night of the game's opening. Caius's village comes under attack, and the only way to defeat the beasts is for his father to transform himself into beast form. This comes as a surprise to Caius, who was unaware that his father was a Lunkatz, an oppressed race that can transform between human and beast forms. But the surprises were just beginning, as it turns out that Lunkatz's father isn't really his father, but has been his caretaker since his parents were taken away.
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November 2nd, 2006, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Death Jr. gets a bit more attention than it may deserve, simply because it was the first PSP game ever to be shown. We were wowed by its impressive non-GBA quality graphics, but when we got our hands on the original, we were a little underwhelmed by its gameplay. The sequel was supposed to fix the problems of the original game, but it appears that the critics are still a little negative on this franchise. Maybe they focused too much on the tech? Let's find out:
IGN (71/100) wants to believe in the franchise, but they end up disappointed: "The game is still sloppy in execution despite its best qualities -- it's time for DJ to grow up and scythe straight. The story again makes little sense, despite some funny sequences, and it feels short with only three bosses and little to revisit stages for on your second play."
Games Radar (60/100) fails to find any originality in the gameplay: "You know that game where you run around and hit things repeatedly? It's the same one with floating platforms, simple combos and a camera that almost gets it - ringing any bells yet? Oh wait, that's practically every third-person run-and-jump game made in the last eight or nine years, and even though it's a marked improvement over the original, Death Jr. 2: Root of Evil still falls squarely in the "pretty OK" department."
GamePro (80/100) loves the game, more than GTA: "Death Jr. 2 is definitely a game that works for those of you who just love hacking at things. Levels spawn swarms of enemies with complex AI that keep coming at you unless you attack their regeneration area. The creative randomness of the enemies is delightful. After all, not too many games have llamas, chickens, hamsters, gorillas, possessed trees, gigantic centipedes, and mechanical spiders going for you all at once.."
There's a pretty wide range of opinions on this game so far, but one thing's clear: this game is much better than the original. But does that say much? The game is now available.
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November 2nd, 2006, 03:16 Posted By: wraggster
Female gamers in the UK can finally get their hands on the newly released Pink PSP, heres a screen of the new colour PSP:

The New Colour comes with the following:
Sony PSP
AC Adaptor
Battery Pack
Memory Stick Duo (32MB)
Headphones with Remote Control (White)
Pouch & Wrist Strap (White)
Exclusive P!nk UMD
The Pink PSP Is Shipping at Amazon UK for £159.99.
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November 2nd, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
New release from the undead:
Ok well here is my first game, Right now it is in BETA stage. I plan on adding more levels and settings(like time trial) and possibley scrolling backgrounds. Right now their are three settings, with one level for each.
Please leave comments, and suggestion and tell me what you think about it. I am very proud of my first release even if its in beta stage, I also plan on adding better GFX
in the folder I have included windowsluaplayer so you can test on your comp.
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via the undead
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November 2nd, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Elpresi:
Simply follow the onscreen instructions. The objective is to gain money. You must guess if the next draw card is higher or lower than the last card shown. If you fail, you lose your money. You can stop anytime and reclaim your winnings. Good luck.
The money is saved automatically. If you lose all your money (usually happens), the game gives you 20 free credits.
Good luck!
All card graphics are from the KDE project, visit www.kde.org
Music is taken from the Internet, credits go to Steven Stojanovich
Coding is done by me , elpresi. Find me at www.elotrolado.net .
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November 2nd, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted that they have the latest Need for Speed game, i already posted about the game but being as SuccessHK post to europe then its worth a repost:

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November 2nd, 2006, 09:14 Posted By: XioN980
wally*won_kenobie posted a fantastic piece of news on Strmnnrmn's blogg today!
People stop being morons..
I followed up on strmnNrmn, emailed 71M a good friend of his..
StrmnNrmn is fine and 71M is going to pass on some information from me for him..
Please stop this crap as it makes it harder for him to check the blog when the time come s :P
I have to agree with him when it comes to people being morons, there are over 250 posts to his last piece of news and half of it has nothing to do with the development of his emulator, which is the point of his blogg. The next release will be ready when its ready
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November 2nd, 2006, 09:58 Posted By: tophead420
This is just a few backgrounds that I made usin the AIO mod for custom firmware I used it to take pics of my gameboots and some pics I found on the net. Well anyways the end result was pretty good I got some awesome looking pics out of it then all I had to do is change them to the proper format to be flashed. You need to use X-flash to install these (its all in the read me. I might release more of my backgrounds but Im not sure if I will, just depends on how well this pack goes over. Hope you guys like um
heres a pic of one of them

(Im on dial up so i had to upload it on send space) Heres the link-http://www.sendspace.com/file/8mz7b5
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November 2nd, 2006, 13:20 Posted By: MikeDX
Dark alex has released another update to his wonderful custom SE firmware.
This release includes a version bypass, allowing you to play GTA;VCS from the umd! So all those of you who "backed up" your umd to play it on you 2.71 handhelds, you now have no excuse!
- Added SFO version bypass to real umd's. (this should enable gta vcs umd to be played).
- Fixed the problem of error 0x8002012D in certain games when plain modules is enabled.
Because the problem is gone, the updater will reset the option of plain modules to enabled.
If for some reason you still have that error, report it and disable the option, but it should be fixed now.
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Silicon Knights president Denis Dyack has said he believes the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are on the same level when it comes to performance.
Speaking to Dean Takahashi of the Mercury News, Dyack said, "Maybe the PS3 has more processing power. The 360 has more available memory. It's pretty much a net, net.
"The public perception of the PS3 was that it was much more powerful. To developers, they look even."
Dyack did go on to say that their could potentially be more power in the PlayStation 3 - but that it's harder to harness. "You have to get the timing right," he said, referring to the challenge of keeping all the Cell's sub-processors running.
Dyack is also less than sold on the platform holders' favourite resolution, 1080p, arguing that the difference between it and 720p is "questionable".
"All of our games are likely to be 720p because of the faster refresh rates," he told Takahashi. "There are all kinds of trade-offs. It takes a lot more RAM to do 1080p. You'll reserve RAM for the textures. 720p is just less pixels. [But] There is definitely a huge difference from 720p and analog."
Silicon Knights is currently at work on the first game in the Too Human trilogy for Xbox 360, which is being built using Unreal Engine 3. The studio has yet to consider making games for the Nintendo Wii, with Dyack stating that it remains to be seen whether the "controller stands the test of time".
On the question of who will win the next-gen console battle he said, "It's a tough one. Microsoft is looking really good. Everyone is looking pretty good. At the beginning, everyone thought Sony would walk away with it. We won't know for sure for two years."
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
Just days after news emerged that Sony has cut its shipment target for the Japanese launch of PS3, it's been announced that the console will hit Hong Kong and Taiwan on November 17.
According to an article on Digitimes.com, the announcement was made by Tetsuhiko Yasuda, managing director for Sony Computer Entertainment Asia.
He said the 60GB model will be priced at TW$17,980 (EUR 425) in Taiwan, while the 20GB version, which won't go on sale until December, will cost TW$14,980 (EUR 355).
Although Yasuda did not offer any shipment projections for Hong Kong and Taiwan, he did say that SCE intends to sell 1 million PS3 units in the territories.
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy XII producer Akitoshi Kawazu has questioned whether games should be targeted at different global markets - something Square Enix doesn't practice.
Speaking in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Kawazu said, "When we're making [FFXII] we really don't think in terms of Japanese players, American players, European players. I think if you stop and start looking at features, and saying, this will work in Japan, this won't work in America, this will work in America but won't work in Japan - then it's very difficult to make anything at that point.
"Ultimately, we're making all of our decisions based on what we think will make for the best game," he continued.
"I think this is something that's true not just in gaming, but in general when you're creating something - you have to make something that first and foremost, you think is appealing and is going to have an interest to people. In that regard, we really don't think about what particular market group we're developing something for."
However, Square Enix does treat markets differently with regard to when games are released - Final Fantasy XII, for example, won't be out in Europe until nearly 12 months after the Japanese launch.
"Naturally, in a perfect world, we would also love to have the game released simultaneously worldwide. Realistically speaking, there are a lot of reasons that make that impractical," Kawazu explained
"There is very much a movement within the company to try and shorten the time it takes to do that, but there are a lot of practical things that make it difficult, and hopefully in the future it can be made a little bit shorter."
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac has revealed that it's full steam ahead on a Ratchet & Clank game for PlayStation 3 at the studio.
Reportedly dishing the dirt in a fan newsletter and saying the game is in "full production", the developer refused to spill further beans but did hint that more on the sequel will be unveiled soon.
Insomniac, of course, is also behind PS3 game Resistance: Fall of Man, an alternate reality-themed FPS.
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
After at least five hundred versions of the Dynasty Warriors Japanese army slashers on PS2, its developer is turning its attention to Europe for PS3's Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War.
Instead of playing a legendary general leading his armies to glorious victory, you'll be mucking in as a mercenary company, fighting for either the French or English as you choose (although, to be fair, we can't see too many of you picking the French without an incentive). It's possible to switch sides throughout the war, with performance on the battlefield more important than loyalty.
While Dynasty Warriors veterans should be at home with the button-hammering, combo-building combat, there'll be a little more strategy involved in using the right units in the right situations - and we're hoping for some PS3-flexing destructible castle walls in the sieges.
Currently looking a little ropey compared with the majesty of Medieval 2 on PC, Bladestorm still has plenty of time before its mid-2007 release to flick all the 'look hot' filters on. But Dynasty Warriors was never a looker - it's all about the action.
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
We'd known Resident Evil 5 was a fair way off, with developer and publisher Capcom deciding not to show any of the next-gen zombie-blaster at this year's Tokyo Game Show, but a recent interview with the producer of Capcom's Xbox 360 stormer Lost Planet suggests we might be lucky to see it on shelves next year.
Speaking to French gaming website Xbox Gazette, producer Jun Takeuchi explained his game's engine was being shared among several Capcom titles: "Dead Rising, Devil May Cry 4 and maybe Resident Evil 5 will be using the same engine."
That doesn't mean that you can squint at Lost Planet, imagine those are zombies running around under the Mediterranean sun, and know what to expect, though, as Takeuchi clarifies: "As for Resident Evil 5, we do plan to use the same engine but will be making a number of changes - you could say we will be tuning it to run like a GT car."
Don't be too alarmed, though, as even if Resi 5 doesn't have an engine yet, its team is likely still elbow-deep in work on it - prototyping its new features before slotting them into what will become the finished game. We'll still be itching like T-virus victims while they polish it to better-than-Resi-4 standards (is that even possible?) but we know it'll be worth the wait.
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November 2nd, 2006, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
2 new PSPs are to be released soon both made up of 2000 crystals each in the case, The PSPs are called Passion of Flowers and Black Cobra and will set you back a nice 899€ ($1143 USD).
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November 2nd, 2006, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
The rumor -- PlayStation 3 pre-orders sold on eBay will be cancelled by EB-Gamestop -- was a stretch when it first surfaced two days ago, and now EB-Gamestop's director of public & media relations Chris Olivera has officially debunked it. "Are we canceling pre-orders that appear on eBay? The answer to that is no," Olivera confirmed.
eBay will continue to moderate PlayStation 3 (and Wii) pre-order auctions using these guidelines:
Only one of each console can be listed per eBay account prior to the launch of the console
The seller must only accept payment through PayPal, and have at least 50 feedback with a 98% or greater positive rating so that they qualify for PayPal Buyer Protection
The pre-sale item must be listed in the 3, 5, 7 or 10-day formats, and cannot use Buy It Now
The listing must include a photo of your pre-order receipt in the description
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November 2nd, 2006, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
We said it before, and we'll say it again: Grand Theft Auto is stale. But we can't knock the hustle. Rockstar has settled into a niche that continues to sell. Why change?
Some critics' thoughts:
1UP (90/100) - "The empire-building facet, though reminiscent of purchasing businesses in the first Vice City, is quite significant ... The other additions aren't nearly as significant, but they are welcome ... [but] some serious series flaws stubbornly refuse to budge, a fact that grows harder to ignore with each passing entry ... It's a shame Rockstar chose not to fix obvious flaws that have been called out repeatedly, but the weight of the total experience more than counterbalances this disappointment".
Game Informer (second opinion) (82.5/100) - "I've pimped, extorted, and murdered my way to the top so many times now, the thrill of criminal indulgence has finally begun to fade. This is more of the same from the franchise, with a few more serious themes thrown in. But if you've already drunk your fill of the free-roaming gangbuster cup, then this mix is going to taste a little stale."
GamePro (75/100) - "[It's] a big shame that lot of that personality has gone missing ... the characters and dialogue don't have the same snap nor does the game exhibit the same goofy and utterly loveable 80's style. Instead, the game is gritty and dull to a fault ... Vice City Stories retains the same problems that plagued past titles. The auto-aim function doesn't work well, the AI isn't particularly smart, and some missions are completed more through trial and error than anything else."
Current overall average: 87/100
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November 2nd, 2006, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
A wise SPOnG staffer once said, “A man who’s tired of theme parks is tired of life”, and by extension, if you don’t get just a teensy-bit excited about this new trailer of forthcoming theme park creator, Thrillville, then you really need to see your doctor about upping the anti-depressants.
The game, which had many kids-of-all-ages quite excited at E3 this year, is being distributed by Atari in Europe and is simply described as, “a nonstop party in a theme park that you create.”
Plus it has the additional bonus of not involving hours of pointless queing and spending extortionate amounts of money on cold, tasteless junk food (but surely that’s all part of the fun?!, Lardy Ed).
If nothing else, the fact that it’s being developed by David ‘Elite’ Braben’s Frontier Developments should pique your interest.
You can take enormous amounts of self-satisfaction by building and riding your own dream rollercoasters and rides (from wooden, corkscrew and inverted coasters to merry-go-rounds, trains and all your favourite carnival rides). Oh, oh and you can also make and race go-kart tracks, play mini-golf on courses and play a range of four-player party games, from bumper cars to classic Midway arcade shoot-‘em-ups, with mates.
The game’s storyline involves you ensuring the punters in the theme park you’ve inherited from your eccentric Uncle Mortimer are kept happy, in order to fight off the ever-present threat posed by the nefarious Globo-Joy corporation.
In addition to good management and park-building skills this involves getting involved close-up, face-to-face with all your punters, chatting and joking with them to make sure they’re enjoying themselves.
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November 2nd, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
A kitten dies every time the PSP loses an exclusive game. Thankfully for us PSP owners, it appears that PSP games that get ported to other systems lose something in the translation (like multiplayer in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, or well, everything in Lumines). However, the PS3 version of once PSP-exclusive Cash Money Chaos seems to lose only one thing: price. The game will be downloadable to the PS3, as part of Sony's new digital distribution strategy. Sony went on record saying that PLAYSTATION 3 downloadable games won't cost more than $15, which means this game will certainly cost less than the PSP's UMD version. Bah humbug!
At least it seems like the game plays well, according to our overlords at Joystiq. They note that once the PSP version comes out in February, you'll be able to play multiplayer between the PSP and the PS3 versions. I'd love to see that functionality extended to even more games soon.
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November 2nd, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
The fastest blue mammal in the history of entertainment wants to burrow in your pants. Sonic the Hedgehog is just intrusive that way. He takes his 90s "attitude" and red shoes and rockets just about anywhere he pleases. But that's a huge part of why the gaming public has stuck with him for so long. Now SEGA stands ready to preach the Sonic gospel to PSP owners everywhere with the upcoming Sonic Rivals.
The PSP title has more in common with the original 16-bit Sonic than the upcoming next-gen version. Players control Sonic as he dashes along a two dimensional track. Only it looks far better than before, since the developers made the game look three dimensional - a lot like Viewtiful Joe. The gameplay follows a strict 2D track but the environments and characters benefit from 3D modeling. The effect works well and makes the game look the part of a next-gen handheld game. But visuals will only take a game so far in this industry. If a title places style over substance - few will take the bait.
It looks like Rivals wants to sidestep this dangerous practice. SEGA representatives strolled into the IGN office the other day to show off the latest build of Rivals. It has undergone improvements across the board, most noticeably in the framerate, though. The early demo on display at E3 2006 did a good job of showing where the game would end up, but this latest version had all the pieces in place. One such piece, the actual story, shows up in full form. It still has everything to do with the maniacal tendencies of Dr. Eggman -- just as any Sonic fan would want. This time, he has blasted through the world capturing all of Sonic's fans and trapping them.
This sets Sonic, along with cohorts Knuckles, Shadow and Silver, on the road to sweet justice. As fate would have it, this road has a lot of racing in it. Even though developers are quick to note that Rivals is not a racer, that's practically what you spend most of your time doing. Having said that, there's a lot more to Rivals than slamming on the accelerator and hoping for the best. Each course in the game has a different theme and accompanying obstacles. Sonic and crew need to bounce on platforms and blast through barriers, not to mention deal with twists, turns and the ever-present spikes. It's a lot for a posse of heroic mammals to handle. Especially since, they need to fight each other along the way. Hey, it's not called Sonic Rivals for nothing.
The game splits into two main modes, the biggest of which is single-player. Here, you choose a character and jet through stages in linear fashion. The game has you go through themed zones, each of which breaks into three acts. And it's not just racing and obstacle avoidance, either - you need to contend with a string of nasty boss fights. Apparently, you fight these with full control of you character, not at all like the on-rails races that comprise most of the game. The look of the bosses is reminiscent of the old-school ones - something fans will certainly appreciate.
One of the strongest elements of Rivals, apart from the single-player element, is multiplayer. You can join or host races, as well as choose your character and the track you want to play. To make things more interesting, you can choose to wager certain cards (found during the game) in every multiplayer encounter. You can also opt to trade them, too, if gambling violates your principles - or if you just don't want your friends to gank your hard-earned cards. Multiplayer sounds fairly straightforward, but it offers a deal of fun..
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November 2nd, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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November 3rd, 2006, 01:51 Posted By: grin.ch
That's right! A Cheat Device for use w/ GTA:VCS by Waterbottle, folks! This allows you to play GTA:VCS w/ some of the original cheats from teh first Cheat Device by Edison Carter...
5 Cheats Includes:
Infinite Health/Armor
Infinite breath
Infinite Health/Aromor -
self explitationary
Superman -
lets you fly, kindof like construction mode in lcs. Nice way to explore places you can't access
You need to hide the menu to use this. press L+left.
Inifite Breath -
Why rockstar implented the die on surface feature I 'll never know, but atleast this gets rid of it
Teleport -
/\ saves your position to a file. X teleports you to the selected location
teleports gets saved in the "ms0:/teleport" folder in files named from 1-20.
If you want to edit the name it show, edit the last part of the file.
Bouncy! -
You can bounce around.. dontgetit.gif
Instructions - -
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and put it into X:/dh/kd
then open up X:/dk/271/flash0/kd
and open up the file named "pspbtcnf_game.txt"
try and find a line that is "ms0:/dh/kd/devhook.prx" (press Ctrl+b or F3 if you need to search).
and add the line ms0:/dh/kd/VCSCHEATER.prx after it.
Now just run vcs and the cheater should start.
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November 3rd, 2006, 02:07 Posted By: Hungry Horace
The PSPUAE team have released version 0.61 of PSPUAE. See below for details on the changes.
This major updates have been contributed by thinkp, the latest coder to join the team, whilst FOL has continued the trend with some minor clean-up work.
Please feel free to welcome thinkp to the PSPUAE site and the team. He should already know his work on improved save-state funtionality and control setups is greatly appriciated by myself!
V0.61 - thinkp update
- - optionfiles with names (name_of_the_disk.options)
- savestates with names (name_of_the_disk.asf)
- auto-save options when saving state (in folder STATE )
- auto-load options when loading state (from folder STATE )
- auto-load options when inserting disk
- assign keys in controls menu with amiga keyboard
(press square to open/close keyboard and cross to select, triangle to delete button)
- assign keyboard keys to the 4 d-pad directions in combination with the l+r shoulder buttons
(set 'Directional Buttons' in controls menu to 'Keys')
- mouse speed option in hardware menu (from 5 [fast] to 1 [slow])
- hi-res mouse speed option in hardware menu (from 5 [fast] to 1 [slow])
- dual joystick control - same joystick on d-pad AND the analogue stick
- Added folders for all files, now only the main EBOOT is in main folder (FOL)
The official release pack, direct from PSPUAE.com is attached below. Enjoy!
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November 3rd, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
We've obviously been having some fun with our PlayStation 3 since it turned up last week, and we thought we'd snap a few screenshots of the games we've been playing so you can join in.
First up is the MotorStorm gallery, where you can see how the game's incredibly destructible cars fall apart at high speed and how the screen gets all blurry when you're going really fast across those bumpy tracks.
Second is Ridge Racer 7, looking mighty shiny. Just look at those glistening rocks. It's sort of like racing through an angry upside down glacier.
Then of course there's Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man, with its alien (or is it mutant?) packed English towns that need cleansing. We're particularly proud of the man-standing-on-his-head picture.
Obviously all the code we have is preview builds and not necessarily representative of the final games yadda yadda. Watch out for more on each of the games, and some others Sony's been nice enough to give us, in the near future.
Screens Here
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November 3rd, 2006, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
There's been plenty of controversy about Rockstar's PS2 title Bully, but does it actually have anything to teach players? Ian Bogost looks into whether the game actually has a social message, explaining: 'Taking Bully seriously means acknowledging that the game has something to say about the world, not just that the world has something to say about it. It means assessing how effectively the game tackles the topic of bullying and how meaningful its claims about it are.' His conclusion? 'Sweeping away all the dust that Bully left in the wake of its release, it's hard to defend the game, not because it might be a pubic nuisance or a danger to kids, but because it could have been so much more of a scathing critique of high school social politics than it turned out to be.
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November 3rd, 2006, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
As part of its earnings announcement today, megapublisher Electronic Arts revealed the release window of two of its highest-profile games. Crysis, Crytek's hotly anticipated PC shooter, and Army of Two, the co-op actioner for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, will now both arrive after the end of EA's current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2007.
"We have made some adjustments to our SKU plan that will move a couple of titles into fiscal 2008, specifically Army of Two and Crisis," EA chief financial officer Warren Jenson told analysts during a postearnings conference call.
During the same call, Jenson also confirmed that several sequels to EA's most important franchises are in the works. "Yes, there's a Sims 3 in development and it's likely to be a fiscal '09 title," said Jenson, meaning the game would hit stores before April 2009. The executive also confirmed that the Sims franchises will also be coming to two next-generation platforms--the Wii and the PlayStation 3.
"There is a Sims title that is being specifically developed for the Wii platform," said Jenson. "The Sims II holiday edition on PS3" is also coming, said the executive, indicating the game will arrive either in the 2006 or 2007 holiday season.
Several other new titles were unveiled during the call. "There will be another Lord of the Rings [game]... There's a new SimCity game in the pipeline and the next-generation version of Black. Those things alone are all new, relative to fiscal '07," said Jenson. It was unclear whether Jenson meant the games would arrive before the end of EA's 2007 fiscal year, or were just new to the company's financial plan for the 12-month period.
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November 3rd, 2006, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
Guitar Hero II, the rhythm-based rocker for the PlayStation 2, is getting some rock-star power to help promote its Los Angeles launch. On hand to debut the game to retail will be Dave Navarro, former guitarist of Jane's Addiction and The Red Hot Chili Peppers and former cohost of the reality show Rock Star: Supernova.
Navarro will meet fans and sign autographs at the Best Buy in West Los Angeles when the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. on November 7. Gamers can get their Guitar Hero SG guitar controllers signed by the musician, whose former band, Jane's Addiction, has a song featured in the game.
Game publisher RedOctane today also announced the list of real-world music-gear manufacturers that will be featured in the game. Gamers will rock out with digital versions of equipment from BOSS Effectors, DW Drums, Eden Bass Amplification, EMG, Epiphone, Ernie Ball Strings, Gibson Guitar, Guitar Center, Hofner, Kramer, Krank, Line 6, Mesa Boogie, MusicMan Basses, Orange, Randall Amplifiers, Roland, VHT, and Zildjian.
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November 3rd, 2006, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
We posted the Alpha release yesterday and already Edison Carter has updated that release, heres what he posted:
Here's the first release of VCS CheatDevice 2.0! This version includes all of Cheat Maker except for Construction Mode, plus a few of the built in cheats are enabled.
Vehicle Spawns - a lot of the vehicle numbers will crash. I didn't put upper or lower limits on it yet, but when you get into objects like "cellphone", you know it'll crash if you try to spawn that. We need to start a list of what works and what crashes.
Step Through Walls
Power Jump
Video Recorder
Step Up/Down
Inf Health & Armor
Set Time
You need to run VCS through DevHook to use this. You can install the PRX by running the installer or read the instructions in readme.txt if you prefer to do it by hand.
IMPORTANT NOTE: After installing, wait at least 30 seconds before turning off USB or pulling out your memory stick. The PC caches your changes and doesn't write them out until a while later. If your memory card gets corrupt, use chkdsk /f X:
I advise against saving your game after using cheats. Please note that when you spawn vehicles, you are using a game cheat that will lower your criminal rating!
Thanks to ADePSP for the installer!
Updated to make it pause the game while doing captures, snapshot and video recorder. Added inf health & armor and set the clock.
Renamed to vcscheatdevice.prx. If you installed the ALPHA, you need to edit your pspbtcnf_game.txt file and change cheatdevice.prx to vcscheatdevice.prx.
Cheats go in ms0:\cheats\vcs
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November 3rd, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
New at Play Asia

Vice City, 1984. Opportunity abounds in a city emerging from the swamps, its growth fueled by the violent power struggle in a lucrative drugs trade. Construction is everywhere as a shining metropolis rises from foundations of crime and betrayal.
As a soldier, Vic Vance has always protected his dysfunctional family, his country, himself. One bad decision later and that job is about to get much harder. Kicked out onto the streets of a city torn between glamour and gluttony, Vic is faced with a stark choice - build an empire or be crushed.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ivj.html - Remember Play Asia dont sel to Europe 
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November 3rd, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
New at Play Asia:

In Killzone: Liberation, two months after the events of Killzone, most of southern Vekta is still under Helghast control The rules of war have been cast aside with the Helghast General, Metrac, employing brutal measures in order to seize the initiative and strengthen his position further. Returning as Templar, players will be sent on a mission to undertake a covert operation to save hostages captured by Metrac, while ISA troops continue the fight for liberty.
Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.12 GBP)
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1d7r.html
Sadly No Shipping to Europe
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November 3rd, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Multiple characters to choose from - Characters can be customized as they level up into different Hero Classes and then even further into Legendary Classes.
Player can choose from numerous Pets and Companions to play with. Gameplay will encourage the player to constantly switch between unique Pets and Companions to use their special powers.
Face over 100 monsters including well known monsters from the Dungeon Siege world as well as many new creatures.
Multiplayer Cooperative Campaign allows you to play with a friend. Each player can bring a Pet or Companion adding up to a four party experience.
15 hours of gameplay with 2 different modes Mercenary and Elite.
Over 100 stunning spells and abilities.
Tons of powerful weapons and armor
Naval vehicles that allow access to remote areas of the game world.
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony for the PSP® system is an all-new adventure, created from the ground up specifically for the handheld system. It features all-new playable characters and a freshly designed, non-linear, single player campaign as well as support for Ad Hoc co-operative games.
Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.12 GBP)
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mlu.html
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November 3rd, 2006, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
We've been sent some nice visual diagrams and a bit of blurb this morning on Virtua Tennis 3's freshly announced employment of the PS3 controller's tilt action.
You can use the tilt action to move your player (tilt the controller forward to move a sports star forward, left to move them left etc.) and also to perform a variety shots and serves - in a similar way to a tennis racquet, and without using the buttons or analogue sticks, explains Sega.
Will it be as good as Wii Sports? Let the debate begin!
Diagrams Here
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November 3rd, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
EA may have dropped enough hints in its investor conference call this week to cater to every taste - from the Sims and SimCity to Road Rash, Rings and Black - but in the more immediate future the news was less positive, with both Crysis and Army of Two experiencing delays.
Crytek's first-person shooter Crysis - one of the most hotly tipped PC titles of the next 12 months - will now be released in the 12 months following the end of the present fiscal year. In other words, sometime from April onwards.
PS3 and 360 co-op curiosity Army of Two - in development at EA's Montreal studio - has also been moved back to the fiscal year beginning April 2007, although since it was always down for release in 2007 anyway it's probably not fair to describe it as a delay. Oh well. Call it karma.
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November 3rd, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts CFO Warren Jenson has warned that PlayStation 3 units will be hard to get hold of in the US this Christmas following the console's launch on November 17.
In a conference call Jenson said, "We're thinking that with PlayStation 3 in North America, the [shipment] range is probably 500,000 to 800,000." Sony has previously stated it plans to ship 2 million consoles to the US and Japan by the end of the year.
Jenson observed that the middle of EA's predicted range is "approximately what Microsoft sold last year on the Xbox 360" - adding, "I think from a consumer standpoint, it’s probably going to be as challenging to find a PlayStation 3 this year as it was to find an Xbox 360 last year."
EA also predicted that between 900,000 and 1.4 million Nintendo Wii units will have shipped in North America by the end of 2006. The publishing giant put the figure for Europe at between 200,000 and 900,000 units.
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November 3rd, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
The bad news just keeps on coming for Blu-ray. First, Sony halved its U.S./Japanese launch shipments of its Blu-ray powered PlayStation 3, blaming a shortage of blue lasers. Then, in the last two weeks, both Sony and Pioneer delayed the releases of their new Blu-ray players, refusing to cite reasons. And this week, at Blu-ray backer LG's annual dealer show, a previously announced LG Blu-ray player was nowhere to be found. LG product development director Tim Alessi had this to say: 'we will provide an announcement when the time is right
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November 3rd, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
In what is a hell of a turnaround even by Sony's standards, the beleaguered Tokyo giant has announced that it really is going to bestow the PlayStation 3 upon the peoples of Hong Kong and Taiwan on November 17 after all. It had previously stated that those countries would have to bide their time alongside our European brethren until March 2007.
The increasingly confused Alzheimer's sufferer went on to mumble something about letting the rest of Asia have their PS3 fun a week after its pals in Japan, yet still on the same day US nerds get to stand in lines for hours. Shortly after, Ken Kutaragi was seeing looking for his reading glasses underneath the cat.
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November 3rd, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Set in the untamed West of the late-1800s, GUN is a free-roaming action-adventure game that takes players to a world without laws where greed, lust and murder are rampant. As Colton White, a vengeful gunslinger, players must straddle the line between good and evil as they showdown against corrupt lawmen, a murderous preacher, renegade army psychopaths, merciless outlaws and unforgiving Native Americans, while waging war on horseback, collecting bounties, and commandeering trains. Players travel through an action-packed landscape of high mountain wilderness, deserts and bustling territorial towns in an epic story of betrayal, greed, and revenge.

Price:USD 37.84 GBP19.00
SuccessHK ship worlwide all PSP Consoles and Games.
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November 3rd, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: splodger15
Ok here it is my first Lua game it is very simple and basic but will be updated in the future
better cars
better graphics
and more
Also i would like to thanks and give credit to these people here who have helped be out with this game:
As i said this is very basic and just a first release but it will get better.
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November 3rd, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: Vega
Got bored today so decided to put together a background pack. 100 backgrounds without any nasty watermarks. Plus... check out the DCEMU wallpapers. Made quickly... but just as effective as a 5 hour photoshop effort.
Simply dump any wallpaper or the whole unzipped folder into your "PHOTO" folder.
Seeing as there are 100 wallpapers... Im sure there is something there you will like 
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November 3rd, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: kando
It also allows for, get this, Online Play at 333mhz, and to get that to work, do the following:
If your going to host or join a game, turn the CPU down to 222mhz, and let the WiFi Connection be made, and then one a wifi connection is made, turn the CPU back up to 333mhz. This has been tested With VCS so far, and it works flawlessly, so dont shoot the messenger.
If the game goes funny with wifi when trying to connect at 222mhz, knock the CPU speed down to 133mhz and everything should be fine, and then clock back up to the desired speed.
24-BIT Blitting - So much better than the last one, and will display the current clock for around 1 second, and pause the game whilst doing this.
Every CPU speed - we now have 333, 266, 222, 133 CPU speeds
START+SELECT to Change Speed - START+SELECT will cycle through the speeds it should go down the Speeds then when it hits 133mhz go back to 333mhz on the next cycle.
Known Issues:
Ari: "Splinter Cell and Ridge Racer won't boot up with this, at any clock speed. GTA still works fine, though. That's all I tested."
Nikolaos: "i have tried it myself and have found that socom does not work at all online using any cpu speed."
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November 3rd, 2006, 22:25 Posted By: buildit92
Sony has released another demo for the psp. It's a ape academy 2 - banana catch' minigame demo where you have to collect the bananas. 1 or 2 player demo. this demo requires 2.82 . Im not sure if you can change the firmawre and still have it work. So thats it.
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November 4th, 2006, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
You know, it's not everyday that you can knock $100 off of the US retail price on one of the hottest gaming systems in the world. But if you find yourself in Hong Kong on November 17th, you'll be able to legally acquire a PS3 (60GB) for HK$3,780 ($486), or if you prefer to wait until December, you can get a 20GB model for HK$3,180 ($408). Now US MSRPs will be in the neighborhood of $600 and $500, respectively -- so Hong Kong's getting a substantial savings, for sure.
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November 4th, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Last month, Ubisoft revealed in its quarterly financial report that it was prepping Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 for release early next year, but it didn't announce platforms for the title. Interestingly enough, online retailer GameStop is now taking pre-orders for the generally expected Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, as well as an edition for the PlayStation Portable. Beyond a shipping date of March 1, 2007 (likely a placeholder), and price tags of $59.99 (Xbox 360, PS3), $49.99 (PC), and $39.99 (PSP), the product listings contain no information on the game.
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November 4th, 2006, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
IGN posted several photos of PlayStation 3 game cases today on their website. While as thick as both PS2 and PSP disc containers, new PS3 cases are actually shorter than the aforementioned by a good inch. But what's up with the cloudy plastic box top? Its molded void takes away from the cover design.
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November 4th, 2006, 02:45 Posted By: Vega
Just viewed the UK advert for Tekken Dark Ressurection on TV about 5 minutes ago... I checked out You Tube and what do ya' know.. someone has uploaded it. Its actually quite decent compared to other PSP ads. Check it out.
Those little dusties are pretty funny 
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November 4th, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Badboy
Changelog v0.5b:
-USB Support (Triangle to activate/deactivate) [don't use while the PSP copy something, it can brick your PSP]
-Change bootsound (opening_plugin.rco)
-Screenshot function (press L-Trigger, saved to PSP/PHOTO/271c_01.png ...)
Changelog v0.5:
-Check for atleast 50% Battery
-Dump/Flash registry
-Dump complete Flash0 & Flash1
-Choose which background to flash
-Fully changed Source Code
-Some Mistakes corrected
-Eboot Icon added
-New programmer
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November 4th, 2006, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
There were way too many PSP games released in the past few days, and it seems like the big media sites are struggling just to play through all of them to give us reviews. Power Stone Collection, a port of the original Dreamcast brawlers, is now available on the PSP. How did it fare to the critics? Let's see:
GameSpy (80/100) likes the frantic nature of the multiplayer matches: "With so much going on at once, you'll occasionally lose track of your character (especially during four-player matches), but you'll probably be having too much fun to notice much. If you missed it back when Sega was still making systems, now's your chance to give this well-remembered series a try."
1UP (70/100) notes that Dreamcast fans will love this, even though the game hasn't aged too well: "While as nice as it is to see a classic arcade-style game get its due, what the world really needed wasn't a regurgitation of Power Stone 1 and 2; it needed Power Stone 3, brought up to spec with advancements in game design and all the things players have become accustomed to in other games."
Games Radar (60/100) thinks single-player is no fun: "The lack of online support severely hinders the chance you'll be seeing a lot of multiplayer action – and even if there were online support, there's nothing like sitting down in front of the TV with three friends and bashing each other's brains out. Sorry PSP, this one just isn't for you."
It is unfortunate to see such mixed reviews for the game. If you've played it on Dreamcast, you know what you're getting yourself into. Even without Infrastructure support, you may want to take this game out for a spin. Who knows? Maybe we'll get other Dreamcast games this way.
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November 4th, 2006, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his excellent Cheat Device for the game GTA Vice City Stories.
Heres the release info:
You need to run VCS through DevHook to use this. You can install the PRX by running the installer, or read the instructions in readme.txt if you prefer to do it by hand.
IMPORTANT NOTE: After installing, wait at least 30 seconds before turning off USB or pulling out your memory stick. The PC caches your changes and doesn't write them out until a while later. If your memory card gets corrupt, use chkdsk /f X:
I advise against saving your game after using cheats. Please note that when you spawn vehicles, you are using a game cheat that will lower your criminal rating!
Version History:
Teleport - With 25 locations so far and more to come. I'm not through all the missions yet so it's still sketchy on the east island.
I was getting tired of all the driving back and forth to pick up missions. (sheesh, why can't these people live closer to where they work)
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November 4th, 2006, 03:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from Art
COMING SOON: X-Flash V16 - Basic support for 2.71 SE-B
- The same program runs on 1.50 and 2.71 SE, and behaves accordingly
after the PSP firmware version is auto detected.
Due for X-Flash V16 (DA 2.71 SE support features):
- Disable Wave Effect (disables wave effect properly, so you don't
even see it for that second while your wallpaper loads)
- Custom Monthly Backgrounds, including Plain Black Backgrounds.
- Custom Font (sample font included is now the ASCII font).
- Disable Network Update Icon functionality.
- Custom Name Plate picture (Easter Egg "Art" name plate is disabled
in 2.71 SE since only basic pictures work).
- Firmware Dump (At least 21 Mb free space required for 2.71 SE).
- Registry Backup and Restore Tool.
- Custom Gameboots (Plain black gameboot doesn't currently work).
Currently Disabled (not working for 2.71):
- Debranded intro and gameboot screens.
- XMB Menu Label editor.
- Firmware Version Spoofers.
- Coldboot and XMB sounds.
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November 4th, 2006, 03:12 Posted By: wraggster
Carish our expert on the French PSP Scene has given us some news of a Pong game by Albandu51, heres the translation:
here is my pong with new designs.
- you can play alone against the psp.
- you can play at 2 players with a single psp using up and down for right player and triangle and cross for left player.
- 7 random backgrounds from Bourmlt (bourmlt@noos.fr)
- select button to go back to menu while playing.
- start button to restart the game.
- pause function with L and R triggers , press again to continue.
- in 1 player mode the first who score 8 points win.
- in 2 players mode the score is infinite.
- select game with cross or scare button.
- auto usb connection if a cable is plugged.
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November 4th, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: TCLCloud
Its been a while but it I think it was worth the wait. So here is my new portal, which has-
60 Games
10 Applications
4 Flash Cartoons
All demo links on demo page
Game Saves Page
10+ video downloads
Video links
4 wallpaper pack downloads
50+ wallpaper downloads
20 RSS Channels video and audio
20+ Links on Links Page
Portal 117 Live
Credits page

1. After Unziping folder place Portal 117 Folder in D:\PSP\COMMON to make D:\PSP\COMMON\Portal 117
2. On your PSP Browser type file:/psp/common/portal117/portal117.htm
3. The main portal page should load up, from here you can select Portal 117 Live, Games, Apps, Videos,Demos, Wallpapers, RSS and Podcasts
and Links, i would suggest adding the main page to your bookmarks or setting it as your home page
Things left to do-
1. Keep the Portall 117 Live updated
2. Add Game Save downloads
3. Add more flash games and apps
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November 4th, 2006, 17:31 Posted By: Art
New for X-Flash V16b:
- Wave Effect Removed from opening intro screen as well as XMB menu.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Debranded Coldboot intro screen.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Debranded Gameboot movie.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Plain Black Gameboot Movie.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
The same program runs on 1.50 and 2.71 SE, and behaves accordingly
after the PSP firmware version is auto detected at startup.
See readme for list of supported features for 2.71 SE.
Cheers, Art.
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Windows Labeleditor for X-Flash
News from Hellcat:
From version 15 on, X-Flash supports saving the labels from it's buildin menu editor to a file.
With this little app you can edit the "Labels.XF" file from X-Flash on your PC, save it into the X-Flash folder on your memstick, to then re-load and finally apply your new labels to your PSP using X-Flash.
That's it. Plain and simple :-)
*** This program needs the ".NET Framework 1.1 Runtime" installed! ***
If you don't already have it, you can get it via MS Update, the MS download site or the additional link posted in the release thread.
How to use
Just run the XFME_win.EXE.
After a few splash screens you'll end up in the "editor".
Select a label you want to change in the list on the left and type in the new caption.
The program automatically takes care of the correct length - you can't enter more chars as the original length and if your new label is shorter than the original it's automatically padded with spaces.
Once you're done with editing click on the TRIANGLE button of the PSP image, that makes up the apps window, to save your new labels.
You can also click on the SQUARE button to load an existing labels set file.
To quit the program, click on the POWER or the HOME button and then on YES or ENTER on the "Are you sure" screen.
Have fun! :-)
X-Flash Windows Menu Editor:
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Runtime:
Via Hellcat
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November 4th, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: not here anymore
Hey All, new gPSP (Gameboy Advance Emulator for the PSP) build by a cool dude from Japan.
What's new:
.Analog pad assign in key config
.Sound buffer size option
.Controls timing tweaked
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November 4th, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have the new PSP Game and because they post WORLDWIDE ill post news of it again:

In Killzone: Liberation, two months after the events of Killzone, most of southern Vekta is still under Helghast control. The rules of war have been cast aside with the Helghast General, Metrac, employing brutal measures in order to seize the initiative and strengthen his position further. Returning as Templar, players will be sent on a mission to undertake a covert operation to save hostages captured by Metrac, while ISA troops continue the fight for liberty. Vehicles - Killzone - Liberation also allows players to drive vehicles including tanks and hovercrafts to help defeat the powerful and intelligent enemy Challenge Games - Players can compete in challenge games to sharpen their skills and earn new abilities. Multiplayer Functionality - The multiplayer functionality in Killzone - Liberation takes full advantage of the wireless capabilities of the PSP hardware, with two distinct styles of gameplay - 1) Two player cooperative gameplay in the single player mission 2) One to six player games over six multiplayer maps Gameshare Mode - Killzone - Liberation will feature gameshare mode where players can share demo levels of the game with other PSP system owners

Buy at SuccessHK
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November 4th, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: Destroyer699
Ookm has posted news of a new Hardware variation for the the PSP.

Nothing else is known whats new at this time but with Sony being unable to crush the homebrew scene via firmware updates this may be their latest weopen.
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November 4th, 2006, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Another PSP Release from SuccessHK that has full Worldwide shipping

Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony for the PSP system is an all-new adventure, created from the ground up specifically for the handheld system. It features all-new playable characters and a freshly designed, non-linear, single player campaign as well as support for Ad Hoc co-operative and competitive multiplayer games. 15 hours of gameplay with 2 different modes Mercenary and Elite Multiplayer Battle Arenas allow a concise, fun party experience for players who don't have time for a full campaign
Price:USD 39.35
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November 4th, 2006, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Another PSP Release from SuccessHK that has full Worldwide shipping

Power Stone Collection brings the great action of the Power Stone series together on one disc! Arcade mode allows a single character to put their skills to the test against a lineup of computer controlled opponents. Unlock a variety of bonus features, including weapons, characters, galleries, additional modes and more. As an added bonus, the four additional characters from Power Stone 2 have been made available for Power Stone, bringing the total to 15 playable characters! Upgraded camera system - Players get a wider view of the action, tailored for the PSP screen Toggle between wide, mid and close range views of the action at any time Unlockable bonuses including new weapons & items Ad hoc multiplayer
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November 4th, 2006, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Another PSP Release from SuccessHK that has full Worldwide shipping

FIFA Soccer 07 gives you the power to shape your club's destiny. Relish every scintillating victory over bitter rivals and fume through every gut-wrenching poor performance at home. Savor the spine-tingling stadium atmosphere, home and away, as your team battles their way up the league table. Listen as your supporters chant your players' names and bellow all the rousing club songs through rain and shine. From the first whistle of the season to heartbreak of cup failure, play your games according to the real-world schedule. Take to the Pitch for the glory of your club.
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November 4th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Propel posted this news/release:
Well, here's my newest application. It's a periodic table of elements. It shows the element name, symbol, number and weight. I plan on adding more. But for now, here it it. All the coding was done by me, and so were the graphics. Except the EBOOT graphics are based off of Leomania's template. I did encrypt the lua files, but for good reason. So I will not be releasing the source unless I feel like it. And it's at v0.9 because I know there will be one or two bugs in it. So if you find a bug, post it here. I'll be updating to v1.0 soon. And yes, I have only included the 1.00 version, because I think that everyone should be able to use this. If you're on 1.50 with no custom firmware, I HIGHLY recommend getting it, because it could save you. If you still won't upgrade, kxploit it yourself.
Let me know if there's something wrong.
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November 4th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Aeolusc
Changes since 0.6 Alpha?
[!] Accessory Tool: added 150, 150F and 271F to installtion directory list
[!] Removed all devhook api(thus it works when write to flash0 for 2.71SE, do it at your own risk, I won't give any support), but you may use Change Clock function only if you set clock to 'no change' in devhook
[!] Fixed mem leak in search menu
[!] Reverse search mem back to use static memory to improve compatiblity
[!] Fixed input issue caused by continous press
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November 4th, 2006, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
badboy released a new version of his customiser:
Heres the details:
Here's a new version of the customizer, I think it will be the last version to be released because X-Flash is now working on SE
Changelog v0.6
-If battery is lower than 50%, the program asks whether it is to start (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
-Restore defaults (gameboot, font, sound, menu texts and wallpaper)
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November 5th, 2006, 06:39 Posted By: kando
News/release from Coldbird:
Greetings, Coldbird here Buds!
Yep... its out... The first Revision of my Universal Module Flasher~
This is both a Help for Developers and Endusers~ Cause the Noobies finally can install all the Modules they want with little to no Trouble...
And Devs... well... they can finally do Installer Packages for their Stuff
read Here for an example i give on how to flash screenshot.prx permanantly.
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November 5th, 2006, 07:19 Posted By: kando
lmtlmt posted this news/release:
here is my newest app psp fart-o-matic 0.1 it is a fatr machine and all you have to do is press cross, square, circle or triangle for different farts. and press start to exit.
in the next release i am going to work on getting louder farts on the app and burps are currently being added, here is a screenshot adn the file is below
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November 5th, 2006, 10:17 Posted By: wraggster
A Wal-Mart employee sent Joystiq what they say is the Wal-Mart playbook for the Wii and PS3 launch. Saying they received the info from the "Wal-Mart Wire" and even printed out the information to send us proof. Sadly, the tipsters email address didn't work when we went to double check the info; however, after NeoGaf's Wal-Mart ad find, we'll run with what we've got, but emphasize that it is still a rumor.
Software and accessories are not street dated, stores can put those out upon receipt
Price is $249.24 (75 cents cheaper and matches NeoGaf poster price)
11/16, Wii product will arrive direct to Wal-Mart stores. Same day, the accessories for Wii will be set out
11/18, at 10PM, tickets will be passed out for midnight sales
Start selling Wii on 11/19 at 12:01AM
Our tipster said he had 50 Wii tickets, but the actual amount of units arriving is unknown.
Software and accessories are not street dated, stores can put those out upon receipt
11/9, PS3 peripherals will start shipping to stores
11/11, PS3 interactives (kiosks) will be in final install stages at stores
11/14, PS3 software will start to ship
11/16, PS3 arrives in stores
At 10PM or earlier on 11/18 [sic] (we are guessing he meant to write 11/16) employees will pass out tickets for midnight sales. There are 50 tickets for PS3, but actual units arriving is unknown.
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November 5th, 2006, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SG57:
Just thought this would be a nice addition to the TIFF library of apps so... Here is a port of the LUA calculator (best out actually - besides the emulation of a TI-XX) which was created by Shine. So... props Shine
Anywho - Ill explain the current features, the controls and some bugs.
Basic Math (+, -, /, *)
Negative Number Support
Basic Trig Functionality (sine, cosine)
Square Root Function
Other useful routines (x/2, x^2)
Few more functionalities
Easy-to-use GUI
Good for everyday math (depending on math level)
Source Code Included
D-Pad: Navigation
X/Cross: Select Button Currently On
HOME: Exit
Bugs / Lacking:
Decimal Support - its in there but rounds decimal to whole number. This means sine, cosine get rounded making them a tad pointless. I hope with me releasing the source, this gets changed upon (note - its only a problem since my manual atoi/itoa function only supports string -> int conversion, not string -> long/float.
Tangent - lacking as I cant find the correct NID at the moment. Once again, i hope by releasing the source this gets looked into. All one must do is stub and link the tanf function, than uncomment the tan routine (in ProcessKeys)
No Character Limit - this means one can keep entering a number/s and have it go off screen adn appear on the next line and whatnot. I really dont feel like fixing this (too lazy to apply scientific notation :P) as it just crashes your PSP after randomly coloring the calculator's display so... If your not gonan bother to use this app like it was intended for - than dont use it at all...
Difficulty Running - I dont know about you all, but after upgrading to SE-B'', ive had difficulty running my TIFF homebrew without it freezing up/crashing on boot up so... If you cant get it to start after the 10th time, dont give up as i can assure you it works
Thanks everyone for all the support and requests im recieving as it helps alot. Just look A rough port of a decent calculator (id have to say its better than decent ) only took ~1 hour... Randomly porting a snowfield demo took 20 minutes... Keep the emails/PMs coming
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November 5th, 2006, 10:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Yoyomacy:
This is the updates fbrowser, now fbrowserXP, created by fchaos and yoyomacy, this can fully replace lowser
fBrowser by fchaos and yoyomacy
This is a file browser script meant to replace Lowser, but not required. You can browse folders, execute Lua scripts, and view .PNG images.
Lua Player is required for this!
- Stick the fBrowser folder into the Applications folder of your Lua Folder.
If you want to make this script start when you start Lua Player...
- Go to the System folder.
- Open system.lua in notepad or another text-editing program.
- change "Lowser" to "fBrowser"
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November 5th, 2006, 10:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the Unique Warrior:
Its the Final Release I hope you use it .....
Art started xFlash and he has worked on psp's Flash more then me ,
So I won't release any updates
--------uFlash v.200---------Final release------
-------by The Unique Warrior-------
- New futures added :
- Coldboot changing (only with Menu Edit ( attached with the file))
- Debranded Gameboot
- topmenu_plugin.rco flasher
- Flashing the background for all months. (name it background.bmp put it in flashfiles/background) then choose month
- New security:
-Battery status
- It now works fine with 2.71 SE-B''
- Final release.
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November 5th, 2006, 10:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
PSP continues to prove itself as one of the best platforms for music games out there. Pump It Up is a game very much like Dance Dance Revolution, and it's insanely popular in Korea. PSP Vault discovered a new listing for a PSP version of the popular dancing game on Sony's official Korean website.
The homebrew community embraced dance-style games through projects like PSP Revolution. However, DDR and its clones require you to input buttons that correspond to up, down, left and right. Pump It Up uses diagonals and a center button: how will these be mapped on the PSP? Puzzling, no?
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November 5th, 2006, 12:54 Posted By: magixien
Psx-P is now on a brand new alpha 2 version.
(the port is now from PCsx 1.6 beta)
Yoshihiro now works on a new version based on PCsx beta 1.6
The result is better and the compatibility list is now bigger.
The speed is not relly good but quicker, really quicker than the first release.
This version is internal and not released.
Two videos ''live and clean'' on youtube:
Official thread (in french): http://www.pspgen.com/modules.php?na...rder=0&thold=0
Have a nice day !
Webmaster of www.PSPGen.com official site of Psx-P
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November 5th, 2006, 14:03 Posted By: lmtlmt
Here is my newest app, the ice age sound board, basically you have to select the sound you want to play and press x on it, sometimes the selecter rectangle wont line up with the square, but it will still work, press start to exit, hope u enjoy it
ps, the memory stick light will keep flashing unless a sound is being played, you can only move the selecter when the lights are flashing
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November 5th, 2006, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have announced preorders for 2 new PSP System packs at thier store, heres details on both:
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops [Konamistyle Limited Premium Pack]

Box contents
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
PSP Console Camouflage (PSP-1000CA)
Original PSP Case 'Skin of a Warrior'
Strap 'Tail of a Killer'
3 Pins
Price: US$ 449.00 (~237.70 GBP)
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1oqi.html
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops [Premium Pack]

Box contents
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
PSP Console Camouflage (PSP-1000CA)
Original PSP Case
3 Pins
Price: US$ 349.00 (~184.76 GBP)
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1oqh.html
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November 5th, 2006, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
Magicxien has posted news of the latest WIP news from Psx-P the Playstatiion Emulator for the PSP:
Heres the translation:
Here thus two news vidéos showing two plays turning on Psx-P: Ridge Racer to allow you to compare with the version that you have in hand and especially that of FF7. Contrary to PS1P, here you see the loading of the play starting from the interface of the PSP. Thus not of possible cheating.
In the current version of this emulator, speed of execution always rather slow but with good is progressed since the first release. The list of compatibility of the plays increases even if there are always bugs to be treated.
Yoshihiro with completion rewrites Psx-P starting from PCsx 1.6 beta and this version in video is thus now Alpha 2 and either beta.
Still not of dynarec in sight and you will be able some on this subject at the time of next the news to more come from here a small hour.
Videos Here -->
Its great to hear news from the Psx-P camp lets hope that the release of source on the nest release happens so that the problems that attacked the first release dont reoccur.
Im rather sad to see the comment about PS1P, not that i have to defend if the emulator is real or not as i have it sitting on my PSP but well in the end all will be revealed.
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November 5th, 2006, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPGen comes news of yet another PSX Emulator for the PSP Announcement called YAPSxP, heres the translated details:
A third bearing of PCSX? you undeceive this future emulator does not have strictly anything to have with PCsx. It is not finalized yet bus Hlide is in full writing “from the scratch” of this emulator.
Before speaking to you about this new project, it thus should be explained a minimum how it was born and why. Hlide is the programmer who had proposed to program Dynarec de Psx-P.
These ideas and the theory advanced to make function this Dynarec knew to convince us of its capacities. We thus put in contact Hlide and Yoshihiro. If the goodwill seemed to be on the two sides, Yoshihiro forever given its sources to Hlide for reasons which are clean for him and which it will explain you directly on our forum if he wants of it But it is its choice and it should be respected.
At all events, Hlide had always stated its desire for developing another more powerful project because, in his opinion, PCsx is not adapted for a bearing on PSP and will never give a real satisfaction. It however sincerely wanted to take part in the creation of Dynarec de Psx-P, feeling able to carry out two projects without parasitizing one with the profit of the other.
This project is still on paper and it misses in Hlide some technical information but it knew to interest some other developers in the project and feasibility seems more than obvious to us.
Note that PSPGen will be the official site of YAPSxP and that we will open a dedicated site.
OK heres what Hilde himself said about this new project:
Indeed, tired to await the hypothetical source of Yoshihiro which to me was promised so that I integrate a dynarec, I decided to only leave in the adventure.
How was born this adventure?
The starting point of my adventure, it was to propose a dynarec which could be carried out at least twice more quickly than the PSX could not make, by hoping that the remainder of the emulation will not exceed other half of the resources available: in short to allow to emulate the PSX in fullspeed. A chalenge, in fact.
Why I PCSX does not begin again?
It is simple, this source is absolutely not adapted for the PSP. It is not particularly optimized because it is written for GCV survitaminés in gigahertz which naturally manage realities of double precision double precisions. If you try to generate this code for the PSP, you will obtain a at the very least ineffective monstrous code because the PSP nativement does not manage the realities with double precision double precision - very much used in the GTE for example: the PSP will row in the plays of action 3D which make massive use of the GTE. Approximately, it is what you obtain with PSX-P.
What currently contains YAPSxP?
- The dynarec CORE0 (R3000AF) which will be declined in CORE1 then in CORE2, once the emulation of the GTE (in progress) and the entirely implemented COP0.
What will contain YAPSxP?
- The management of a standard pad (already written but not tested)
- The management of graphics (GPU, there I touch on the manner of proceeding)
- The management of the video (MDEC, lives the VFPU!)
- The management of the images (CDR, euh… that will not impassion me masses that…)
What is what YAPSxP will not contain, at least initially?
- savestates
- safeguards
- the sound (I do not despair to do it one day)
- in short, the remainder
Here are, the sources will not be LPG as I had envisaged at the beginning. I am in the active life thus one will not have to hope to see it turning completely for Christmas: he will not serve anything to ask for to me the date of a first release. I do not believe that PCSX was done in one month in the beginning. However that does not make a month that I begin this project, but the dynarec is in very good way and should promise not badly with the management of the GTE and COP0.
NOTE: if there are talented developers among you who would like to contribute on parts that I do not hope to implement for the first release, you can always contact me by PM.
- CORE0, dynarec which is carried out like an interpreter, primarily for the need for Proof Of Concept and déboggage.
- CORE1, dynarec taking again the base of the CORE0 but by carrying out a block with as much as possible instructions generated in order to release sufficient resource CPU for the remainder to emulate. Already tested with happiness on a pre version.
- CORE2, dynarec with additional optimizations which will make it possible the emulator to be a little more “intelligent”.
So yet another PSX Emulator for PSP project, lets hope we see a release from one of the 3 one day soon.
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November 5th, 2006, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
Dreadnought has released a belated Halloween edition of his Mario Dont Drop the PSP Game:
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November 5th, 2006, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
Carish has yet again given me a translation of a new Lua Game released at XtreamLua
PSP-Metronome V0.2
Willytarno from XtreamLua forum has released a new version of his homebrew psp-metronome.
You change the time delay with [up] and [down] , start the metronome with [start] ,
then you use [start] again to go back to delay set screen or [select] to exit.
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November 5th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has released a new version of his CheatDevice for GTA Vice City Stories
Heres the full info:
You need to run VCS through DevHook to use this. You can install the PRX by running the installer, or read the instructions in readme.txt if you prefer to do it by hand.
Download (for US or EU): CheatDevice21.zip
IMPORTANT NOTE: After installing, wait at least 30 seconds before turning off USB or pulling out your memory stick. The PC caches your changes and doesn't write them out until a while later. If your memory card gets corrupt, use chkdsk /f X:
I advise against saving your game after using cheats. Please note that when you spawn vehicles, you are using a game cheat that will lower your criminal rating!
Version History:
Fun with gravity!
Heavy car or bike
Make your car indestructible
More teleport locations
There's a pretty good list of teleport locations now. It really makes getting to the missions easier if you've decided making your own trip-skips isn't cheating.
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November 5th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Carish has gave me news and a translation of another release from the French PSP Scene:
Yet another XtreamLua forumer , Dr.Download , has posted today his new homebrew : Dr.Flash 0.3 (not an lua app this time)
It's a mod flash tool for fw271Se. note that it's all in french , but should be mainly understood by english speaking people. all you got to know is 'Haut' means 'up' , 'Bas' means 'down' , 'Droite' - 'Right' , 'Gauche' - 'left' , 'Carre' - 'Square' and 'Rond' - 'Circle'. everything else is english friendly I think.
Here the translation of his post:
Originally Posted by Dr.Download
I have just finish a software who will help many , it allows you to flash and mod the 2.71SE.
I have released this software to make it easier for all your flash procedures for the PSP.
The soft has been successfully tested tens times but there are always risk of bricking, neither me or the releaser could be responsible of your use of it.
* Use of 2 Mods with the 2.71SE (could be changed if you copy your prx in flash/mod1 and flash/mod2 folders.
Modules included are:
* Edison Carter's Cheatdevice (last version).
* Cpasjuste's Over Clocking Module (star+select to choose CPU speed).
* Change your gameboot (copy your gameboot.pmf in flash/ folder).
* Remove SCE Logo so you can have a better view of your gameboots.
Dr.Download (me^^) >> Coder : Realisation of Dr.Flash.
Dark_Alex >> 2.71SE's coder : for the 2.71SE without what we would be boring.
PSP_Maniac >> Beta Tester : For the considerable risks he took for testing it.
Here are the links:
XtreamLua Dr.Download original post
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November 5th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Takka has released a new release of his Unnofficial version of the GBA Emulator GPSP for the PSP:
Heres the crappy translation:
In the plural values of idle_loop_eliminate_target correspondence (up to maximum of 8). It is to be the intention of doing, but because it does not have the object software, it is corresponding truly or, it is unclear. Please try trying the method which has the software and the data of the object. When the effect has been produced, because it is thing, also the source releases.
Yep the translation is rubbish 
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November 6th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from joek2100:
This is a modified version of the opensource mp3 prx for irshell.
It will play mp3 files from ms0:/PSP/MUSIC (no subdirs).
It has random and sequential play modes, pause, next and a builtin "overclocker".
Copy install and psp to the memory stick and run Coldbird's Universal Module Flasher. Source is included.
(The the left of the select button)
Note + Left Trigger = pause/resume playback
Note + Right Trigger = next song
Note + Square = switch playback mode between random and seqeuntial
Note + Triangle = Change CPU speed
To clarify, this is to play music while playing games.
Right now, installing as an xmb module will work, but the sound will get messed up after using usb.
I will fix this for the next version.
If this doesn't work for you, please tell me if you have any other modules installed.
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November 6th, 2006, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
Even though we're basically on the eve of Sony's big launch of the PlayStation 3, we still had a few outstanding questions about some of the minutiae of the console. Yeah, we're dorky sticklers for detail like that. So here are a few interesting facts about the PlayStation 3 you may (or may not) be interested in knowing:
After plenty of gameplay the console is cool -- or at worst warm -- to the touch on every surface. In a side by side test with the Xbox 360, the console is comparably virtually silent, and the Blu-ray drive is significantly quieter than the 360's DVD drive.
USB keyboards and mice will be plug-n-play, no fuss at all. Who really wants to browse the web with a PlayStation controller anyway?
Bluetooth mice and keyboards will not work with the system at launch.
Any (A2DP) Bluetooth headset should theoretically work with the system, though Sony will have a recommended hardware list.
The EyeToy is the only USB webcam that will work with the system. The original PS2 EyeToy should still work with the PS3.
There are currently no plans for VGA out on the PlayStation3.
The system will not support more than seven controllers.
There are currently no plans for a cheaper, wired version of the SIXAXIS.
With its media playback software one can have in-game custom soundtracks, as with the Xbox 360, Wii, etc.
Despite rumor, Sony insists the US is still officially targeted for a 400k unit launch; Japan is still set for a mere 80k. Sony execs are actually expecting an upturn in unit production before launch, so those numbers may actually go up.
Some titles have an option to install some amount of game data (in addition to saved data) to the drive. Genji can install 4GB worth of data to decrease load times (quoted to drop from 12-15 seconds down to 3-4); this game data can be removed at any time without affecting your saved games.
The drive can be upgraded, although not on any official basis (read: YMMV, do so at your own risk, you may void warranty, etc.).
You cannot leave voice or picture messages for other users on the PlayStation Network, only text.
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November 6th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster

Success HK have just lowered the price of the SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 4GB to a new lower price of $123 which is just under 65 pounds for UK people.
For those after a Legit Memory Card with no rebate rubbish its a good price, SuccessHK also do the 4GB Hard Drive at $108 but to be honest i prefer to have a smaller memory card in my PSP.
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November 6th, 2006, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
That grabbed your attention eh, a Chinese company has made a PSP Lookalike called the V191 thats also a Phone, takes SD Cards with 256mb built in and is also a 1.3meg Camera, MP3 and MP4 Player oh yeah and it also plays games.
Heres a Screen:

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November 6th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has been on the backend of a lot of criticism surrounding the impending launch of the long-awaited PlayStation 3. From the less than impressive number of consoles going to retail on day one (only 400,000 in the USA on recent estimates) to the alleged 'Betamax 2.0' Blu-ray format, many are predicting that the PS3 will be the banana skin that will cause Sony to slip up after dominating the games industry for the last ten years.
However, in an interview with our friends over at Next-Gen.biz, Jack Tretton (executive VP in charge of making the US PS3 launch as smooth as possible) candidly reveals that he too is as concerned with the slow production of the all-important Blu-ray laser diode, the potential Achilles' heel of the PS3. "I'm like everybody else. I'm saying 'come on! Just build 'em, man! What's so complicated?' But think about what that blue laser diode has to do. It has to read audio CDs, standard DVDs, Blu-ray DVDs, PlayStation 1 games, PlayStation 2 games, and PlayStation 3 games. Six completely different formats that have nothing to do with each other and you're going to have one device that's going to read all those".
So should we be cutting Sony some slack? Tretton thinks so, stating that "We've had three very successful platform launches. We've dominated for well over a decade. It's a fair question to ask 'can Sony do it again?' but I'd love to get a little bit more benefit of the doubt". Unsurprisingly he denies that the Japanese giant will fall from grace with consumers. "Obvious!" we hear you cry, but the facts are hard to ignore: even now the PS2 is outselling the Xbox 360, five years after it was outselling its predecessor.
Next-Gen conclude the interview by cheekily asking when does Tretton think the PlayStation 3 will overtake the Xbox 360 in North America.
"The honest answer is we can't overtake them until we ship more units than they've sold. But we will ultimately accomplish our goals. Our goals aren't necessarily about overtaking Xbox 360 or overtaking Wii. It's our goal to maintain our leadership position. If there are 125 million television households in North America, we'd like to be in all of them. Right now we've made it into about one out of three so there's two out of three households that we're not in".
November 17 is crunch time for Sony: sales figures for the Holiday season will give an early indication of whether Tretton's optimism is justified or whether Sony will have to resign itself to third place behind Nintendo and Microsoft. Let battle commence!
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November 6th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Ah, Sony. Where did it all go wrong? It seems nothing the Japanese giant does at the moment hits the money, and alas, those new PSP adverts will do nothing to change that.
In times past Sony has been responsible for some of the most weird but innovative ads in all the craziness that is adland. However it seemed to lose its way over the recentish 'black versus white' adverts which were accused of being racist and now it has decided to go in an entirely different direction for its new PSP campaign.
With heavily-accented Mexican dustballs.
You may well already have been irritated by the ads on TV, which end with the baffling tagline "PSP - it's like carpet you can watch outside". Which of course is meant to symbolise the... erm... no, it makes no sense to us.
See if you can figure out what's going on by now checking out the ads online here. Answers are welcome in the comments field below, if you have any...
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November 6th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison has gone on the record about his views of the PlayStation 3, concluding that the inclusion of Blu-ray may be stretching Sony too far.
In an interview with semi-official blog ThreeSpeech.com, Big Phil revealed what we've all been thinking: that Sony may have bitten off more than it can chew with the Blu-ray format. He stated "we have overreached in production of the blu-ray component - I can't deny that. But that's the price you pay for adopting brand new, leading-edge technologies that will be future proof. We will resolve those issues - we are already catching up. We will continue to catch up on the production, and as you know, we haven't changed our full-year forecast of six million units, so we're only talking about a ramp-up issue."
Harrison also addressed the last-minute inclusion of HDMI on the 20GB version of the PS3. He admitted that "the reason for the change was in reaction to a market trend, which is that much more displays are being sold with HDMI, earlier, than had been previously forecast."
He even had an answer for those of you wondering how such a change to the machine specifications can be made so close to launch time. "The criticial question," he says, "is not 'when do you start manufacturing', but 'when do you start assembly'. The HDMI port - whether it's enabled or not on the machine is an assembly issue, not a manufacturing issue. The parts have been procured, clearly, in anticipation of this announcement. It's not like we're going to make a decision of that magnitude and then call up our suppliers and say, 'oh, can we have a few more HDMI ports?' Clearly this had been well planned."
This trouble with machine production has been a constant source of Sony-bashing, with Harrison admitting that "there's no denying that we've had some very public challenges. Today, it looks like a very difficult situation - but in the weeks, months and years to come, this will pale into zero."
Bold words from Mr. Harrison, but time will tell whether Sony's bold new console will rise out of the quagmire of criticism that it has found itself in recently.
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November 6th, 2006, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has confirmed its release date for Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII, which had been down for release on PlayStation 2 this month.
As it turns out, those of you waiting for this one will be able to pick it up on 17th November.
Starring Vincent Valentine, out of FF VII (obviously), Dirge of Cerberus delves into the world of the old-days PSone game three years after its events.
Valentine has to battle against an organisation called Deepground, and in the process players will experience various new aspects added to the game since its Japanese release - over 40 new missions, an Ex Hard mode and "improved moves and abilities".
sadly there won't be any online play, because we never got the hard disk over here and, we suppose, it must require one, but never mind.
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November 6th, 2006, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's new PR boss Dave Karakker has been talking about his challenges handling publicity for the PlayStation 3, explaining how Sony will be switching things up: 'We were allowing media to drive the message for us, and interpret it for us. So allowing someone like Peter Moore, who's a good friend of mine, to stand up there and say negative things about Sony, there wasn't anybody refuting that. People just took that for face value. Now we're very aggressively defending our turf.' He also defend the lack of universal achievements on PS3: 'Frankly, how I view it is I don't care if you're great at Madden if I'm playing you in Resistance. Because that doesn't tell me you're that much better in Resistance. An overall score doesn't really tell me much, it tells me you've spent a lot of time online, it tells me you spend a lot of time playing games, but it doesn't tell me how good you are at a particular game.
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November 6th, 2006, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Game release for the PSP, heres the full details:

Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.19 GBP)

Lumines II for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system is the highly anticipated sequel to the extremely addictive puzzle-based video game, Lumines. Take control of squares made of four smaller block pieces that are dropped into the playing field one at a time to form same-color rectangles. The vertical "timeline" sweeps across the playing field from left to right and wipes the same-color rectangles from the playing field. Unmatched blocks pile up, and the game ends when the pile gets to the top of the playing screen. Features mind-blowing graphics and some of the hottest artists from today including Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, The Chemical Brothers, Beck, Hoobastank, and much more!
More info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ivi.html
Sadly Play Asia dont ship PSP Games to Europe
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November 6th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Game release for the PSP, heres the full details:

Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.19 GBP)

Follow the antics of DJ, Pandora, and their friends as they try to keep from getting into trouble
Play through story mode as DJ and Pandora with 2-player co-operative play
Encounter over 60 unique enemies and bosses in a seamless blend of 3D platforming and intense shoot 'em up action
Acquire melee combos and upgradeable weapons such as the Flaming TP Thrower, Shiny Sparklies, and enhanced C4 Hamsters in Smith & Weston's shops
Death Jr. and Pandora return in an all-new twisted adventure as they accidentally unleash Furi, a creature of nature hell-bent on becoming the ultimate evil! In order to stop Furi and her hordes of unnatural minions, DJ and Pandora must traverse demented locales like the Toy Graveyard, the River Styx, and the Waffle House, home of the best acid syrup covered waffles in the world.
More info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ivl.html
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November 6th, 2006, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Game release for the PSP, heres the full details:

Price: US$ 34.90 (~18.54 GBP)

Every Extend Extra is a unique "puzzle shooter," brought to the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system by Q ENTERTAINMENT, the creators of the critically acclaimed hit Lumines. Every Extend Extra delivers an addictive gameplay experience through a fusion of arcade-style shooting action, cutting-edge music and visuals. Players evade enemy attacks and then use perfect timing to blast their foes in a colorful display of explosive chain reactions. The bigger the chain reaction results in the higher scores and larger rewards.
More Info / Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mly.html
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November 6th, 2006, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster

Price: US$ 22.90 (~12.16 GBP)
A complete walkthrough of the entire game.
Detailed area maps.
In-depth listing of items and equipment.
Expert boss strategies to defeat even the toughest boss.
Extensive bestiary.
Signature Series guide features bonus foldout and more!
Pages: 352
Dimensions 10.25 X 8.48
More info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mlt.html
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November 6th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Emulation64
PCSX2 (A PS2 Emulator) has updated it's news page with the following:
To celebrate the upcoming PCSX2 0.9.2 release we have recorded a 7 minute 38 second long video of Tekken 4's arcade mode being completed with Nina!
Head over to the Downloads>Videos section to grab it or click here!
PCSX2 0.9.2 will add increased compatibilty, improved graphics for many games, improved MTGS stability and an abundence of features that you'll get to see in the future.
For now bask in some Tekken 4 action and note the fighting wigs (ahar now you get the title) are no longer present - as zeroGS has also had it's fair share of improvements!
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November 6th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
N64Francois has today released a South Park Themed version with new graphics and sounds etc of his Pokemon Keeper game which are both Bejeweled clones, ie puzzle games.
Heres a screen

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November 6th, 2006, 22:01 Posted By: eat
This is a simple Homer Simpson soundboard i made for Lua player enjoy

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November 6th, 2006, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Turkeyman has posted news of an excellent new graphics engine for the PSP/PS2, heres the long post he made:
Hey people,
I just wanted to expose some stuff I've been working on for a year or 2.
Firstly, I have been working on a well defined cross platform engine for about 2 years which I call 'Mount Fuji'.
Not being happy with any existing freely available options, my goal with it was to create a fully fledged game engine which is properly optimised for each system, which doesn't rely on any typical (and often flakey) cross platform libraries.. So I hit the hardware as directly and optimally as I can on all supported platforms (which will hopefully grow to 'all' platforms)..
The logic here is that its as small and tight as I can make it while still being fully functional, and it provides a consistant interface to all aspects of the game.
Additionally, I provide an art and asset pipeline for getting data from art and asset creation packages into the game.. Since platforms ideally read optimised raw platform specific data at runtime from a platform specific game archive, there are a suite of tools to convert to system specific formats from many common source asset formats.
Its fairly well developed now. For the interested, I have placed the current interface documentation on the net here:
Or the main page:
Also of moderate interest (and I'm sure many who read this forum have already seen floating around), I've been working on a game based on my engine. You can see it here:
Its a little japanese themed action RPG style hack and slash (or at least it will be soon)..
Its coming along surprisingly well, and I've finally found some excellent art talent and its starting to come to life.
I'll hopefully release a small demo in the next little while.
And now for the crux of my post :P
As you can gather, my engine (and my game also) is a fairly ambitious task. Its moving along surprisingly well but maintaining all those platforms is becoming difficult to do on my own in what little spare time I have these days..
I wanted to find if there was anybody in the PSP and PS2 scene that would be interested in helping me maintain the platform ports. This wouldn't require too much of your time, just build the game from time to time and see if it still works properly on each platform. As I work I tend to introduce bugs that may break compilation or compatibility with one platform or another, and it would be nice to have a couple of people helping me catch these bugs..
Ideally, I'd like to find someone that can see the importance of such an offering in the homebrew scene (allowing people to easilly make commercial grade games as an alternative to simple LUA applications for example) and would help me optimise each platform aswell.
Since I dont have a lot of time anymore, I usually just get something running and move on to the next thing.. I have a list of optimisations a mile long (most of them are simple things too) that I just haven't had time to get in there.
Please dont look at this like a cop out, and looking for someone else to do my dirty work. Trust me, I'd love to do it myself, I just dont have as much time as I'd like anymore, and I'm also dividing it between engine development and my game, and I thought my engine may be of some interest to the community.
The other thing that I'd like to know is if such an offering would be of actual interest to anybody in the homebrew scene, and if they'd be keen to work on their own homebrew based on my tech?
I know a lot of programmers enjoy writing their own engine code, but I know a lot of people also just want to get their game idea up and running as quickly and easilly as possible. And I'd offer my full support here.
This would help me out in a lot of ways. Mainly, having some others working off my technology would help raise issues and problems that I hadn't considered while working on my own game, and also find bugs that slip through the cracks :P
Anyone interested in assisting me with the platform maintainance would have to have good understanding of the systems at the hardware level, however anyone with any reasonable programming experience would be good to have working on their own project, as their success would be a good reflection of the interface design.
Comments and criticism welcome.
Any additional details, I'd be happy to provide..
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November 6th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Yahoum has released a new version of Lua Tennis for the PSP, the game actually plays like Pong on a Tennis Background.
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November 6th, 2006, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Another DCEmu exclusive news again and i must say that i was disapointed with news posted saying PS1P is fake, to the person or websites saying that well your full of excrement , i have in my hands Beta 4 tonight of the Emulator tonight and also a Video of Ridge Racer running on PS1P, the Video is a tad choppy because it was done on a crappy camera but youll see the full video from the PSP turning on etc, something which some one pointed out that the Final Fantasy didnt.
Anyway heres the Video link this time at Youtube:
Now whilst i enjoy Beta 4 Please watch the video and give feedback via comments. Thank god theres a menu now , nothing more annoying than having to upload to the PSP every 10 secs a different game.
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November 6th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
In the aftermath of the Lik Sang Closing scandal and now Play Asia also stopping PS3 Preorders/selling to Europe there must be hundreds of us who had preorders cancelled.
I had my Wii preorder cancelled and im now unsure if i should get a US or UK Wii.
Have any of you preordered with anyone else since the cancellation ?
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November 7th, 2006, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster

Hey folks last week i posted that Play Asia were selling the new PSP Camera also named Chotto Shot but they dont ship to Europe, well just found a new website that does and with Free Shipping.
The store is Yes Asia and they are selling it at US$51.49 [~£27.08].
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November 7th, 2006, 07:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Worthplaying
If you're a theme-park game equipped with intuitive, console-friendly building features as well as a fully integrated social mechanic, do you really need anything else? If you're Thrillville, the answer is simple: "Yes. Definitely." In order to further bring home the eclectic theme-park experience, LucasArts and Frontier Developments have loaded up their November 21 release for PS2, PSP and Xbox with more than 20 diverse minigames not unlike those you might find along the midway at your local amusement park.
"We wanted to re-create the feeling of the theme park, where there is just so much different stuff to do," says David Walsh, Managing Director at developer Frontier. "In addition to the building, riding and socialization aspects of the game, the way to achieve that was to pack in tons of different gameplay via minigames. Further, we made sure that the whole thing hangs together really well - so there's always a reason for you to play that links back to the main game."
Though they can be accessed completely outside of the core game via Party Play mode - an excellent feature for those wanting to challenge up to three friends - mastering certain minigames plays an important part in single-player Career mode. "In order to gain your Uncle Mortimer's confidence and gain access to his other parks, you'll need to complete a certain amount of tasks, such as besting a challenger at certain minigames," explains Dave Cerra, associate producer at LucasArts. "For example, a kid named Tim Twinklefingers may start talking smack and challenge you to beat his score in a quirky, Japanese-inspired 2D platformer called Sparkle Island. If you're good enough, you'll take the next step toward advancing to the next park; if you're not, you might have to find another way."
From first-person and 2D shooters to arcade-style racers and action/adventure experiences - even playable miniature golf and go-kart racing on courses that you can design yourself - Thrillville's unique mix of minigames alone is enough to entertain any gamer for hours. But which individual games rise above the rest? Frontier posed the question to those who know it best - the dedicated testers in its
quality-assurance department - to the following results:
Luftwaffe 109
"I like Luftwaffe 109 because the graphics look great," says Stephen Tuffery. "You really feel like you are in WWII behind enemies' lines, flying high up in the air in your very own airplane. The background changes from day to night, making the action more intense. There are four airplanes to choose from, each with its own different style, that can dogfight, drop bombs and fire different weapons. The end bosses are very impressive (especially the enormous zeppelin airship), and you can play up to four players."
Auto Sprint
"Anyone who doesn't like Auto Sprint as much as I do most likely isn't any good!" boasts Adrian Fife. "I'm now able to maneuver the vehicle with near-perfect accuracy, taking perfectly timed corners in order to cut inside my opponent's vehicle, as well as break my opponents down while observing their heads drop, one by one, as I constantly make new time-slicing, fastest-lap, hall-of-fame history!...Whew!"
"I've always loved top-down racers such as this," adds Simon Brace. "They take me back to when I was a kid and used to go and play a game just like this in the cafe just down the road. I think that's what's great about all of our minigames: For younger players, they're just fun side games, but for the older players they'll bring back memories of playing on arcade machines in their childhood. Ahhh...happy days!"
Sparkle Island
"Sparkle Island battle can be a pretty cool minigame in Party Play mode," says Pete Gent. "We've had some pretty intense battles leaping around like ninjas trying to steal the last few [little chick-like things that you collect called] Feeyos from each other. The 30 levels for cooperative mode also make it one of the more challenging minigames available to the player in Thrillville."
Event Horizon
"My favorite is our side-scrolling shooter Event Horizon on hard - what a challenge!" enthuses Michael Brookes, Frontier's QA manager. "This is the one minigame that kept the testers trying time and time again to complete it. It reminded me fondly of the horizontal shooters I played in my younger days. The varying weapon types add a strategic element to the game, each weapon type being better in different circumstances than others. And as for the second-level boss - just watch out for the lasers!"
Mini Golf
"If you thought Mini Golf was fun, wait until you play TIMED Mini Golf!" says Michael Michael. "You must perform skillful putting shots under the pressure of a countdown, so make sure you complete the course before the timer reaches zero. Better yet, in co-op mode, every successful putt you make adds extra valuable seconds onto your teammate's timer. Whether you fail or succeed depends on the performance of your teammate (and vice versa), so concentrate, and don't let the timer put you off. Breathe, relax, don't panic...you have plenty of time to make the shot."
Saucer Sumo
"Saucer Sumo is my favorite minigame within Thrillville because it is very simplistic to pick up but will take an age to master," says Stuart Fraser. "It is a simple concept - bash or be bashed out of the ring - and collecting power-ups improves your chances of defeating your opponents. The real art is to know when to dodge an attack as you see your friends go flying off, pulling yourself back onto the ring with a well-timed boost and knowing when to hang around for power-ups."
"There are minigames, and then there is Saucer Sumo," agrees Cerra. "This deceptively simple game is has swept up the testing team here at LucasArts. Reputations live and die based on Saucer Sumo. People enter the test lab with controllers in hand and leave with tails between legs. Don't miss the power-ups or you're toast."
An entire list of minigames follows:
RC Wars Smash, bash, destroy and conquer in remote-control CARnage!
Saucer Sumo Front up and shove until you're the last one standing in this frantic mechanized sumo-fest.
Shooting Galleries: Ghoul Gunner, Star Sniper, Prospector Stakeout and Blackbeard's Booty. Use your supernatural combo skills, alien accuracy, gunslinger reflexes and piratical cunning, respectively, in these shooting galleries with a pick-up-assisted twist.
Luftwaffe Air War Win the battle for air superiority in this awesome WWII arcade vertical-scrolling shoot-'em-up.
Event Horizon The amazing side-scrolling arcade space shooter is an alien fragfest with weapons galore.
Sparkle Island Jump! Shoot! Rescue and protect the Feeyos from Uasgi-san's Mekagoo in this enthralling 2D platformer.
Auto Sprint Burn rubber in some motorsport arcade mayhem as you race for the finish line.
Trojan Quest Hack, slash and strategize through this top-down arcade battler.
Mini Golf Test your miniature-golf strokeplay on the ramps, jumps, obstacles and windmills of courses YOU design.
Shootzones: The Haunting, Robot Invasion, Wild Frontier and Pirate Raiders. These four differently themed first-person shooters invite you to fight everything from ghouls and aliens to outlaws and pirates.
Bumper Cars It's "bump or be bumped" in Thrillville's ramjet-assisted take on this classic fairground attraction.
Saucer Soccer Show your soccer skills in Thrillville's frantic flying-saucer version of the world's most popular game.
Trampolines: Spooky, Sci-Fi, Wild West and Adventure
Four unique trampoline settings require you to perform sick tricks and combos to secure the high score.
Race Tracks: Go-Karts, Formula Thrillville, Monster Trucks, Dune Buggies and AntiGrav Racer Design race tracks for five differently themed vehicles: go-karts, high-performance cars, monster trucks, dune buggies and futuristic cars, respectively.
Entertainer Strut your funky stuff and hit the beat to pump up the Thrillville crowds.
Groundskeeper A frenetic race against the clock to BlowVac Thrillville clear of gunk.
Mechanic Link up the circuit boards, beat the clock, and keep Thrillville running smoothly.
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November 7th, 2006, 07:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via Siliconera
NIS revealed two of the extra stages in Disgaea Portable for the PSP and they contain some familiar faces from Disgaea 2. Adell and Rozalin make cameos in Disgaea Portable as extra bosses in two of the extra stages. Adell has his signature Vulcan Blaze attack and Rozalin has Rose Liberation to use in battle. Disgaea Portable is being sold in two flavors. The game alone runs for 5,040 yen ($42) while a limited edition that comes with the 2 CD soundtrack and a single of the Japanese theme song sells for 7,140 yen ($60). While there is no word of a US release yet, the hardcore fanbase is likely to convince NIS America to bring Disgaea Portable to North America.
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November 7th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
We PSP fanboys love to play demos. We've been blessed with a plethora of demos for Loco Roco, but it seems like they're not done quite yet. A key observer on the PlayStation forums noticed that YourPSP described plans on releasing a Christmas-themed demo of Loco Roco to supplement the Halloween demo that came out about a week ago. Considering how the game is about eating everything in sight, wouldn't a Thanksigiving themed demo also be appropriate?
Another noteworthy demo to come out later this year is the highly anticipated PSP-exclusive Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Jeux-France reported about a week ago that an issue of Famitsu reveals the producer's intentions to have a playable demo available by the end of the year. If it comes around the time of the other Loco Roco demo, it seems like PSP fanboys will have a lot of free demo playing on their hands this holiday season.
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November 7th, 2006, 15:38 Posted By: scarph
News/release from MiG
Right then, im sure now you'll all know what this is all about, and i've decided to go through the project and try and eliminate all the problems people are having.
Right then, one major change in this release... to enable overclocking, you will need to press Start + Rtrigger anywhere, like in the XMB or in a Game, which will then enable the current method of Start and Select to change the clock speed.
if the Overclocking mod is disabled the CPU will be returned to its default clock of 222mhz, i can change this if people need to. anyway, when disabled, this program shouldnt affect your psp, it should just listen for keypresses quietly in the corner :P
Anyway, next thing.
- ALL CPU speeds i could think of have been added - 333,300,266,222,166,133,5 9,29 have all been added... there is a dodgey bug with 29mhz though, sometimes it wont tell you its in this mode, and the screen have like a dodgey shake, but that is in the XMB only, in games 29mhz shows.
Dont also be impatient when the cpu is in 29mhz, because pressing start and select wont change the cpu speed instantly, as the CPU clock speed is so low, but some people wanted it for the xmb, so meh.
I think i've sorted a lot of bugs with this, and this is partly due to being able to disable the overclocking program...
In fact, i might do it so that you can disable the program without it defaulting the cpu speed, it seems like a daft idea if the stability increases..
A few spotted so far...
Dont overclock instantly and then press Start on the photo menu, your psp will freeze, and will need rebooting.
sometimes you will get random lockups
i need people to tell me whether problems exist whilst the OC module is enabled or disabled, so i can figure out whats going off.
A better installer, no coldbirds installer wont work with my mod, i need to be able to flash pspbtcnf.txt and pspbtcnf_game.txt, something his installer doesnt do at the mo..
Config files... once i get round to doing it you will be able 2 set the cpu speed for each game, blah blah yackety yack, i'll not disclose much on this as the final plans arent sorted for it.
Find the OC Module Attached.
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via migs
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November 7th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Phil Harrison has admitted that the company "overreached" with its decision to include a Blu-ray drive in PlayStation 3.
Referring to the shortages of blue diodes that forced Sony to postpone the console's European launch until March, Harrison told GamesIndustry.biz's Rob Fahey, "we have overreached in production of the Blu-Ray component - I can't deny that".
"But that's the price you pay for adopting brand new, leading-edge technologies that will be future proof. We will resolve those issues - we are already catching up."
"We will continue to catch up on the production, and as you know, we haven't changed our full-year forecast of six million units [by March 2007], so we're only talking about a ramp-up issue. We're not talking about the fundamental design of the product itself," he added.
"There's no denying that we’ve had some very public challenges," he had said. "Today, it looks like a very difficult situation - but in the weeks, months and years to come, this will pale into zero."
Speaking as part of an interview being serialised on Sony's semi-official Three Speech blog, Harrison also addressed the issue of HDMI's late inclusion in the lower-end PlayStation 3, the 20GB model.
"The reason for the change was in reaction to a market trend, which is that much more displays are being sold with HDMI, earlier, than had been previously forecast. Not just Sony, but all the other TV manufacturers," he said.
"Although we didn't say it at E3, I think that the unspoken assumption was that we would always merge everything into HDMI eventually. We just made that decision earlier."
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November 7th, 2006, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has criticised Microsoft's just-announced TV and movie download action for Xbox Live Marketplace for requiring a hard drive to take advantage of the service - or in other words, it's not a feature that's available to owners of an Xbox 360 Core system unless they fork out for an HDD.
"PlayStation 3's content is designed for everyone to enjoy right out of the box, no matter which configuration you purchase. We would never segregate or shut out any of our consumers from our entertainment experience because they didn't buy the top of the line system. Both PlayStation 3 versions available on November 17 include hard drives for downloading content," a Sony spokesperson said in a statement appearing on Next-Gen.biz.
We've contacted Microsoft for an official response to this but so far have had nothing back. If we do hear anything, we'll let you know right here.
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November 7th, 2006, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Entirely new iteration of latest CM title shouting from the dugout on Xbox 360, PS2 and PSP
In Q1 2007, Xbox 360, PS2 and PSP will be slipping into sheepskin coats for the arrival of Championship Manager 2007.
Developed by Gusto Games, the 2007 console outing is said to be an entirely new iteration of the football management sim. Spilling details, CM publisher Eidos told us, "Key changes include the ability for managers to design their own set piece drills on the tactics pitch, test them on the training ground and then utilise them in a match.
"They can also interact with their team by providing stirring words to motivate them before and during matches, and with the advanced media system, how the player reacts towards the press, players and other managers, can mean the difference between them becoming a media darling or on the end of the next hate campaign".
On top of that, both Xbox 360 and PSP versions feature multiplayer modes - Xbox Live Online Battle Mode, and head-to-head Battle Mode via a wireless connection for PSP - with the former platform version additionally benefiting from the likes of downloadable season data.
Plus, expect numerous Challenge Modes at both international and club level to accompany the traditional 20-season play mode, a new transfer system "allowing intricate player negotiations", we're informed, a dynamic news and media system, comprehensive player and club data, a refined match AI system and the introduction of two new English leagues, Conference North and South
Ive got mine preordered at Amazon UK for a while 
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November 7th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Here's a quick blast to let you know that PS3films.com has been updated with a new video focusing on the high definition aspects of Sony's next-gen console.
We could waffle on for a little bit longer about the video, which shows the likes of an exploding house interior quickly followed by tranquillity - zebras eating grass and a giraffe chewing leaves - but we'll just shut up and let you watch it for yourself.
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November 7th, 2006, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 may be a few months off yet in Europe, but the third-party elements of the launch line-up are starting to take shape.
According to reports, Activision has confirmed that Call of Duty 3, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Tony Hawk's Project 8 will all be around for the European launch in March, just as they are in the US.
Other publishers have previously said to expect their launch line-ups to translate to Europe too, with Ubisoft in particular noting that Blazing Angels and Rainbow Six: Vegas will be released here whenever the PS3 materialises. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which Ubisoft co-publishes, will also appear then.
Other third-party titles on the cards for the US launch include Fight Night Round 3, Madden, Need For Speed Carbon and Tiger Woods from EA, Full Auto 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog from SEGA, NBA 2K7 and NHL 2K7 from 2K Sports, and Ridge Racer 7 from Namco Bandai, although the latter is more likely to be published by Sony in Europe.
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November 7th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
GameDaily has up an article grading the current and next-gen consoles on their past and (apparently) future performance. Ratings come with an explanation, which is good because some of them seem just a bid dodgey. Only a B+ for the PS2? Really? From the article:
"Considering the competition, the PS2's $129.99 price tag seems downright diminutive. The slim PS2 comes sans fan (meaning potential overheating for long-winded players) but the compact design makes it a must-have for anyone with limited space in the entertainment center. The DualShock 2 is arguably one of the best game controllers of all time and extras can be snapped up for a mere $20 for head-to-head or online multiplayer action."
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November 7th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Carl Bialik from WSJ writes
"An unlikely but growing group of rock stars are also avid players of Guitar Hero, a PlayStation title that uses a miniature plastic guitar to let gamers pretend to be, well, rock stars, the Wall Street Journal reports. From the article: 'Michael Einziger, the 30-year-old guitarist for the hard-rock band Incubus, says he was "shocked at how hard it was" to play the videogame's version of his song "Stellar." He admits he was handily beaten by his then-14-year-old sister, Ruby Aldridge, when the two of them squared off earlier this year. "It doesn't have anything to do with playing guitar," Mr. Einziger says. "It's all rhythmic." When the four members of the punk-pop band the Donnas got together to play Guitar Hero last week, guitarist Allison Robertson took some good-natured ribbing from her bandmates, says drummer Torry Castellano. That's because Ms. Robertson had a hard time playing along with the band's own song "Take It Off." "Expectations for her are pretty high because she's the guitar player and because she's so good at videogames in general," says Ms. Castellano.'"
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November 7th, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
Like a particularly devastating "summon" spell, Square Enix bombarded North American retailers last week with 1.5 million copies of Final Fantasy XII. The publisher announced today that the mass shipment represents the largest day-one North American availability of any game in the publisher's history.
Final Fantasy XII set that record due in part to another Square Enix milestone. While it was far from the first Final Fantasy game Square Enix has released, Final Fantasy XII was the first time the publisher had ever set a concrete street date for one of its North American product launches. While all of the company's previous games shipped out on a certain date and gradually went on sale as the games arrived at different retailers over the course of a few days, Square Enix made sure all of its retail partners received their copies of Final Fantasy XII early and held onto them until the official October 31 release date.
Even if every last one of those copies has been sold, Square Enix still has a ways to go before the game duplicates the success it experienced overseas earlier this year. Final Fantasy XII has already racked up more than 2.4 million sales in Japan since its release there in March of this year.
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November 7th, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers this weekend were quick to react when forums lit up with news that Best Buy's online store was accepting preorders for Sony's PlayStation 3 game console, due to go on sale November 17.
Unfortunately, those who completed the online preorder form this weekend discovered today that their actions were for naught. The retailer sent those consumers notice that their preorders were being "cancelled."
"Thank you for your recent visit to BestBuy.com," today's e-mail began. "Unfortunately, your preorder for the PlayStation 3 gaming system will be cancelled."
Stating that its online store system "was not intended to take preorders on the PlayStation 3 gaming system," the company said any gamer who managed to preorder a console would not be charged.
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November 7th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
A long time ago on a part of the internet not so far away, we brought you the first info on Star Wars: Lethal Alliance on PSP and now we're back with more screens to please your corneas and a way to exercise your clicking finger by securing the other screens behind the images tab.
Set mere months before the start of Episode IV: A New Hope, you will play a Twi'lek mercenary named Rianna Saren who, along with her heavily armed security droid Zeeo, is trying to infiltrate Empire-controlled planets and ultimately steal the plans of the Death Star. Which might prove useful at some stage.
And instead of using lightsabers, the pair relies on blasters and combining their own skills to explore each level, uncovering new areas and battling foes as infamous as Darth Vader and Boba Fett, along with more familiar fodder such as Imperial droids and Stormtroopers. And while you'll fight through places that you've already scorched with laser fire such as Coruscant and Mos Eisley, you'll also get to explore the previously unseen planets of Despayre, Danuta and Alderaan.
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November 7th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Let's face it; Red Octane would have had to sabotage (please add that song on version III) the first Guitar Hero to not get this sequel right. The original was already a blast to play. Add a new playlist (Freebird!), refine the graphics, increase game modes, and voila! Insta-hit. With a current average review score of 96/100 thanks in part to two perfect scores, here's what early critics are saying:
Gamebrink (91/100) on improvements: "With a better song list, high quality audio for the most part, expanded and improved modes, and all the fun of the original, Guitar Hero 2 is one of this busy holiday season's best games."
IGN (95/100) on being a great sequel: "Guitar Hero II takes everything that made the original game great and cranks it up to 11, maybe even 12...This is the nearly-perfect sequel to one of our favorite games in basically forever, and it's an absolute must-buy."
Gamespy (100/100) on being addictive: "It's everything good about videogames in one package, forever encouraging you to play 'one more song!' until it's 3AM and the neighbors are yelling for you to turn down that racket."
GameDaily (100/100) on being perfect: "The sequel improves greatly on an already superb product with an in-depth training mode, a song list that holds up just as well as the original, and multiplayer that includes cooperative play. Everyone should rock out to Guitar Hero II -- it's one of the best games of 2006."
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November 7th, 2006, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release for PSP:

Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.22 GBP)
Fast paced arena combat - Quick, action-oriented battles that can be squeezed in at work or school and feeds the addictive desire for another quick rematch
Networked Multiplayer -Head to head duels up to 8 player tournaments using wireless connection
Tournament structure -Focuses single player gameplay that is easy for casual gamers to understand and provides a solid structure for multiplayer games
Highly polished "sports-broadcast" style presentation - Communicates key information using the play-by-play style and vocabulary of popular sports broadcasts
Downloadable content - Using the USB connection players can connect to a PC and download new vehicles, challenges, music and customized arenas
BattleZone is an intense arena-based vehicular combat game set in a world of professional motorsport - the sport where man and machine merge to survive in the most competitive and dangerous arenas on the planet.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1m6p.html
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November 7th, 2006, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Asian version of Gangs of London released, heres the full info:

Immerse yourself and become part of an elite criminal underworld. Now you can control a team of gangsters to orchestrate the most ruthless takeover of the London Underground. Use brains and brawn to stamp your territory as you make your way to the top in your effort to control the city. Play through a fully realized free roaming London in powerful action packed mission perfectly tailored for portable play.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1lwg.html
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November 7th, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia are doing another of their Weekly Specials and this week its the game Mercury Meltdown for a killer price of $8.90, heres the info:

From the publisher: Once again taking control of the liquid Mercury 'blob', players must avoid various obstacles and hazards to reach the end goal. The Mercury blob itself has now been given an overhaul and has 4 varying 'states' Normal, Solid, Fast and Slow. These states allow for larger more complex levels, which in turn mean a greater challenge and more enjoyment to be had for the player.
The number of levels has more than doubled now 160+, and with the newly added feature of Downloadable Content more levels will be made available at a later date. Wireless 2 Player modes have also been an important addition, with 5 sub games each providing a challenge against the computer or a friend.
Sony's PSP™ puzzle game Tama-Run (also known as Mercury Meltdown) is now available at discounted US$ 8.90 only.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 5 units per customer.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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November 7th, 2006, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have now announced the pricing of their PS3 Bundles, heres the info:

Sony Playstation 3 20Gb Japan Version with 3 Games Bundle Pack
Accept Bank T.T. or Paypal payment only.
Release Date: 11-11-06
Japan, 20Gb Version
3 Games included:
Ridge Racer 7 Jap ver, Genji Days of the Blade Jap ver, Gundam Target in Sight Jap ver
Price:USD 1,148.39
Sony Playstation 3 60Gb Japan Version with 3 Games Bundle Pack
Release Date: 11-11-06
Japan, 60Gb HDD Version
3 Games included:
Ridge Racer 7 Jap ver, Genji Days of the Blade Jap ver, Gundam Target in Sight Jap ver
Price:USD 1,277.42
OK thats a bit out of my price range
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November 7th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: benh
I have found some more deatils on the chotto shot camera addon for the psp,
- The UMD and camera requires 2.80 to run
- The UMD comes with 2.82
- Images taken are sent to psp/photo/CHOTTO_SHOT/
- Videos taken are sent to psp/video/CHOTTO_SHOT/
- There are two settings for taking photos indoor and outdoor mode
- Videos taken are in BHC format but you can convert them to AVI
- You can only take 15 seconds of video but with good audio and sound quality
- the photo editing UMD can add allsorts of effects to photos prision bars, smiley, happy, flames, stars etc and also titles like happy birthday etc
- You can also have the camera in panoramic veiw
- The UMD disc is required to take videos and photos
The quality of the videos and photos is pretyy good but to get good quality you need to have the picture size on 480X272 not the other setting
Heres what is included in the package
- Chotto camera
- Camera case
- Editing UMD software (Half japanise, half english but undertsandable)
- Software manual (all japanise)
- First step guide (all japanise)
- Camera attachment instructions (section for english)
and here is the chotto shot japan advert
hope you found this interesting
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November 7th, 2006, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP game released at SuccessHK
SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Systems Worldwide

Death Jr. 2: Root Of Evil brings back Death Jr. to the PSP system -- in an all-new adventure in a spooky tree house of terror! Teaming up for even more firepower, DJ and Pandora will take on a variety of possessed enemies as they progress through an adventure that seamlessly blends smooth platforming, intense combat, complex enemy AI and a unique sense of humor. Destroy spirits and enemies with all new upgradable weapons like the C4 Hamster Mark II's, Pandora's Tommy Gun, Cherry Bomb Launcher and the Flaming TP Thrower!
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November 7th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP game released at SuccessHK
SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Systems Worldwide

Rush lets you stage off-the-wall jumps and high-flying stunts as you take the wheel in pimped-out, juiced-up street racers. Go bumper-to-bumper with a friend in a dynamic drag race or full-throttle cruise mission using handheld, wireless functionality. Now, with your PSP, you can go all-out with cars from the infamous RUSH series.
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November 7th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: splodger15
I have updated to v0.2, the cars have been updated they look better now instructions a menu and a credits have been added. I would like to thank gunntims0103 for helping me with the menu and benh for helping me out before. Keep a look out for more releases in the future
In next release v0.3
Would have fixed the car issue hopefully ( So the cars will move into random places)
Music ( not sure what music to do though)
Maybe a track (if possible).
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November 7th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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November 8th, 2006, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from access_denied:
v1.0 is out. This will most likely be the last release. I've fixed a couple of bugs, and added the number of electrons in each shell. I think this program has done it's job. I don't see a need to add any more features. So here it is, and again, I'm not releasing the source. I usually would, but it took me over 3 hours to get all the information in the elements into a table. If I release the source, people can easily steal my work, and there will be 20 periodic tables out by tomorrow. So here it is. Again, tell me if there's any problems.
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via access_denied
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November 8th, 2006, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Nicko01 has released a new Lua Game called Dots, you must avoid the green squares but connect with the red.
Simple fun
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November 8th, 2006, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
An advert has been put up in a central London train station boldly proclaiming "PlayStation 3--Order now for Christmas" with a phone number in red underneath beginning with the prefix 0906, the equivalent of a 1-900 in the states. Above the number is a photo of the console and controller, against a background of seasonal snowflakes...and some fine print at the bottom reading, "Calls cost £1.50 per minute."
Brits desperate enough to get their hands on the next-gen console ahead of its official European release date in March will find themselves with an approximately £7.50 (around $14) phone charge for the four-and-a-half-minute call.
The recorded message starts by telling callers that the order line is owned and run by a sole proprietor company called Mastercash. Under British law, sole proprietor companies do not have to officially register their information with Companies House, whereas limited companies do. The address given for the company is in Merseyside, and GameSpot traced it to a self-catering apartment building, which describes itself as "luxury short break, holiday and corporate accommodation on the Liverpool waterfront."
The female voice on the recording goes on to inform potential customers that this phone line service will give British consumers possibly their only chance to get their hands on a PS3 for Christmas--and explains the situation to anyone who doesn't already know. "The official release date for the PS3 is November 17, 2006," the recording says. "But the official release date in the UK has for some reason been pushed back to March 2007. With the PS3 being so popular, the supplies the shops do get are expected to have been preordered and sold out on the same day."
The voice then explains that because of this, the PS3 Mastercash will be delivering will therefore be either a Japanese or an American console, but will come with a UK power supply and all other relevant cables. This aspect of the deal seems particularly dodgy, as Sony has previously made its intentions to sue any companies "grey importing" the new PS3 console very clear indeed.
The caller is then asked to leave his or her details, including a contact phone number and a mailing address so that the company can them call back, "to make you aware of the package content and options of additional games and accessories, along with all pricing info." The voice then adds that a caller's order is in no way binding, and that Mastercash reserves the right to cancel any or all orders "at any time it sees fit to do so." Naturally, all orders are also subject to availability.
0906 numbers are premium numbers in the UK and can be bought for prices beginning at £49. Companies can then choose from a variety of different tariffs, ranging from 10p (the owner gets .25p) a minute, through to the most expensive charge offered, £1.50 a minute, of which the owner will pocket £1.03 directly.
GameSpot contacted Sony for comment and a spokesperson said that the company would be looking into the ads.
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November 8th, 2006, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Article from PSPFanboy
Dave Karraker isn't the only Sony executive to face the mic in the past day. Engadget, went face to face against Peter Dille, about PLAYSTATION 3 and PSP. Just like Karraker, Dille says that the PSP does not compete directly with the DS:
We're not focused on competing with the DS head to head against the consumer they're going after. If we were, you'd see a very different top-down strategy. You'd see a very different technology that would deliver to games geared towards kids. Which is for the most part what they're doing. And so when people talk about how we're doing vis-a-vis the Nintendo DS, again, it's not the whole story. We're selling a device to guys our age, who are using it to play games, to play movies, to access video on the net, music, etc. And it's a very different product than Nintendo DS... You can look at the software that they sell. All their licensed kid stuff. So, what we're doing with the PlayStation Portable is really establishing a new marketplace, and establishing, frankly, a new beachhead. And that takes time. Having said that, it's the fastest selling platform we've launched to date. We're up to 20 million units worldwide, and that's off to a great start. So, we just need to sort of set people's expectations based on what we're trying to do, not compete against a kid machine.
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November 8th, 2006, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
This summer Sony created a training website for Canadian Wal Mart employees. The access codes got leaked when a store visitor saw a manager put up internal documents around the store.
After logging in, Sony marketing spin quotes can be found while employees read, learn & test their PS3 knowledge. Here’s the real gem:
“Welcome to your PS3 Retail Online Training. We trust that you will find the following information valuable and assist you in understanding and explaining PS3 Technology to your customers and staff. … The Cell Processor is essentially as powerful as 3 Xbox 360 CPU’s or 35 PlayStation® 2 CPU’s”
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November 8th, 2006, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games today announced that GTA: Trilogy will be making its way to the PlayStation 2 this holiday season, on December 4. The set includes GTA: 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. Already released on the Xbox last year, it is a great collectors item, and coming at only $39.99, it's something to buy if you haven't bought all titles in the trilogy yet. Although, considering you can get them all on the PC at almost the same price, there is no reason getting it other than it being just a gift or something to put next your GTA collection.
The question that needs to be asked though, is this the final release of a Grand Theft Auto product on the PlayStation 2, or will Rockstar milk more from Vice City by bringing Vice City Stories to the PlayStation 2 ? If so, they definitely need to fix all the bugs and crazy A.I. in the game...
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November 8th, 2006, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from XMB-PSP
I missed this yesterday, my bad :P
Some of you may already know that Ahman, the developer for iR Shell, has continued updating his very poopular shell past the final release of 2.2 as a special edition but, only to beta testers. Over this time iR Shell has built up some very nice new features, and you thought it couldn't get any better! There is not an exact release date for this but he does say it will be soon! So, stick around for the very latest updates on this.
There were far to many updates to add them all here so I've included a few of the really juicy ones to get you going. You can check out a change log for each of the 10 SE releases by following the link at the bottom of the page.
iR Shell SE Features
* Allow the use of the 4th brightness setting (maximum) on the LCD. Normally, you can only set the 4th brightness when connected to a power adapter. This new version allows you to activate the 4th brightness anytime by pressing "Left Trigger + Brightness". The setting will also carry over to Devhook firmware emulation when iR Shell is active. To return to normal brightness, press "Brightness" button.
* iR Shell Restart key (L+R) under devhook will reset your PSP back to iR Shell under fw 1.5, provided you've installed the iR Shell custom firmware mod.
*Allow redirection of PSP keypad to PC Keyboard or PC Joystick via USB. Devhook 2.71 fw emulation is also supported which means you can use a PC Joystick for Socom or Syphoon Filter.
* Updated the launch XMB function, so you can leave the game disc in the UMD drive when launching XMB. It will now detect your disc type. If you've a UMD Video disc, it will launch the movie automatically. If it's a UMD Game disc, it will skip the auto-launch and just goes to XMB.
* This version allows you to choose a bitmap image or pmf movie as splash screen. The included sample is a xbox360. You can try to make your own splash movie. However, it seems pretty complicated.
* Use iR Configurator to choose startup splash type.
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November 8th, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Martek:
Since 2.71SE-B'' there is no program that can order your mediafiles correctly. Even PSP Brew can not do this at this moment.
Because of that I have created my own one, but in the first release it just can order Homebrews.
This tool is designed to work with every Firmware you have just to choose your PSP-device and order what is shown!
The following versions will have a lot of more features and a list of what will come you can find here:
Find PSP-device automaticly on startup
Install, delete and update Homebrews
Order movies
Order music
Order pictures
Manage Savegames
Edit RSS-Feeds
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via martek
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November 8th, 2006, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from access_denied:
OK, so here's my newest release. It only took me about 1 hour to make, but it's still pretty fun. All it is, is a 37 question test, quizzing you on some new age knowledge. It's not really an IQ test, but meh. Tell me if there's any bugs. I spent 15 minutes testing it, and didn't see any, but you guys might spot some. So, here you go. Test your knowledge!
Oh, and there is no graphics in this application. It's all text.
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via access_denied
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November 8th, 2006, 02:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from Fol of PSPUAE Team
Hi, just to update you on the progress of the FAME C core intergration into PSPUAE.
Ric has been working hard, as he almost has a stable beta ready. Ric has said, that in his early stage tests, Ric has had 5 to 7 FPS more speed. His next step is make it stable enough for us to test it with some Pre-Selected games as Ric pointed out he hasnt really tried any games.
This is good news for PSPUAE, but remember, FAME C is still in the very early stages.
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November 8th, 2006, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster

Finally via YesAsia all those living in the UK and Europe can buy the game DJ Max Portable. Heres the info about the game:
English Version
Contains one new song "River Flow" (composed by Planetboom), not found in the original release
DJing and Bemani fans listen up!
From the Korean game maker Pentavision comes a special PSP™ version of the web-based and mobile music mixing game DJ Max. The game resembles Konami's popular beatmania series: You take the position as DJ and are challenged to hit the correct button(s) on your PSP™ handheld at the right time to complete the song.
The game is now completely in English and makes DJ Max easy to understand and to pick up for persons without any Korean knowledge. With more than 50 tracks to choose from (including K-Pop, Techno, Breakbeat, Hip Hop, Rock and other popular genres), every music game fan will find a tune of his taste. Lyrics of all songs are included in the game's manual as bonus.
Prior song selection, you will have several options available, such as speed & fader adjustment, mirror mode selection and more. After completion of a song, you will receive a summary of your performance, including a combo & break counter, rating and score.
Your achievements are saved into a Ranking Chart. Additionally, you can unlock new tracks and items in the Gallery Mode.
Depending on the difficulty level, DJ Max can be played in either 4 button (left, up, triangle, circle) or 6 button mode (left, up, right, square, triangle, circle). You can further manually increase the speed with the L/R buttons.
DJ Max contains a number of game modes and extras as listed up below. Be warned that rookies might have their difficulties in the beginning; DJ Max's difficulty level is adjusted to experienced gamers.
Portable Game Mode
Rookie DJing: Easy difficulty 4 button mode. 10 tracks are selectable from the start.
Pro DJing: Normal difficulty 6 button mode. 11 tracks are selectable from the start.
Club DJing: Expert difficulty 4/6 button mode. Select a music theme and unlock new genres.
Unlimited Mixing Stage: Choose from 40 tracks from the start in either 4 or 6 button mode.
Gallery: Shows your disc collection and a number of images and videos once you have completed parts of the game.
Ranking Chart: Your high scores are saved here.
Options: Adjust settings such as Gear Display (left/center/right), Sound (speaker/earphone), Control Settings & Save Settings
All 58 tracks that are included on the Collector's Edition double disc soundtrack album are also stored on the UMD. The player includes useful functions, such as random and repeat play. Ideal to chill out and listen to DJ Max Portable's sound on the go.
M/V Clips
Select from 39 music videos to play back from the start. Here you can sit back and relax and watch DJ Max's music videos without being challenged as DJ at the same time.
DJ Max Portable (International Version) is completely in English and contains one new song.
YesAsia are selling it for US$52.99 [~£27.87] and with free worldwide shipping.
edit: Just in case anyone who is looking to buy it is a member of play-asia and not YesAsia, they are currently also selling it for the same price: Play-Asia
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November 8th, 2006, 03:30 Posted By: buildit92
Sony has released a new psp demo. its a new UMD demo. ATV Offroad Fury Pro. i picked mine up from Circuit City. also i picked it up with a SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault demo . it works on 2.71 fw. Im not quite sure if it is an old demo or a new one. but i just felt like sharing it with psp gamers. in the demo you can pick from multiplayer or single player. in single player you can pick from 4 diffrent races. 3 are quad and motocross races and the other is a car race. and you cant play as motobikes. i cant get screenshots, the attachments arnt working for me, sorry.
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November 8th, 2006, 04:12 Posted By: mavsman4457
A couple of months ago it was somehow rumored that the downloadable PS1 games would be selling for up to $15. Many people were upset and expressed their distress that they would have to pay for games that they already own. There's some new news today about the pricing. The games will sell for a maximum of $5. Now, that's a pretty good price but I'm not upgrading any time soon. Nothing can beat the price of games that I will be playing on PS1P, PSXP, and YAPSxP. Anyway, here's the link: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20...field_05.shtml
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November 8th, 2006, 04:16 Posted By: mavsman4457
PS3 is going to be a revolutionary system in many ways and as of late, most have been focusing on the SIXAXIS, the Cell, and the incredible graphics. Well you might want to watch out for the Eyetoy and what comes with it because you'll be amazed as to what it can do. Here's a little preview:
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November 8th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: jak66
Another day, another mod of lmtlmt's (Exchange Rate Beta)
So whats new this time
-Rapid add to conversion value with /\,[],O,X
-Fixed mistake in last release where 1st menu used X and 2nd used O
-Removed unessesary code
You need LUAplayer to use this (only tested with LUAplayer0.17dk2, but should work with other versions)
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November 8th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Next-gen shots of the mech action shooter for PS3 and Xbox 360
Check these screens out - if the game looks anything like this when it finally launches in spring next year, we'll be impressed.
Armored Core 4 (yes, Armored without the 'u') is the latest in the series of mech-based shooters developed by FromSoftware - the guys responsible for ChromeHounds on Xbox 360.
From the looks of it, the game will let players battle their spectacularly large fighting robots in an icy arctic-like setting, a futuristic city full of skyscrapers, and even over the open sea.
ChromeHounds looked nice, but its slow-moving robots lacked excitement. Hopefully, these jet-powered mechs in AC4 will provide more of a thrill.
Screens Here
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November 8th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Every game on the PlayStation 3 will use the same universal sign-in and the same online ID, Sony has confirmed - even titles which do not use the central buddy list and messaging systems offered by the console.
Speaking to our sister site this morning, the UK producer on launch title Resistance, Dan Brooke, said that he "wishes to be clear that Resistance uses the PlayStation online ID to sign into the game. There is no separate login for Resistance and the online ID you create will be the same you use for all titles."
The clarification comes after Ted Price, head of Resistance developer Insomniac Games, revealed last week that despite having extensive online functionality, the game will not be using the central buddy list offered by the PS3; instead, players will build an in-game buddy list unique to the game.
Resistance is also set to offer advanced community features such as clan support, party support, match-making and ranking. At present the PlayStation 3 operating system does not offer centralised support for these features.
However, contrary to some reports which have appeared in recent weeks, gamers will not be expected to sign up new accounts for each game they play, as the PS3 will handle a single sign-in ID for this purpose.
This system is similar to how online games worked on the PlayStation 2, where users had a single Central Station ID which identified them in every game on the system - although unlike the PS2, the PS3's network adapter is built in and configures itself automatically in most network environments, and the system boasts persistent internal storage for network and sign-in details, as well as for downloaded content.
However, the PS3's service still falls significantly short of Microsoft's highly regarded Xbox Live system, whose voice chat, messaging, buddy lists and so on are not only a core part of the service, but are utilised by all online titles on the console.
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November 8th, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Atari founder Nolan Bushnell points out that PS and PS2 got lucky with their release, 'It wasn't anything brilliant that they did. With the PS and PS2 it was timing. They had the right pricing at the right time [and were] almost the accidental winner.' But he seeing things this time around different 'It would not surprise me if a year from now they'll be struggling to sell 1 million units.
I think hes going to be wrong :P
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November 8th, 2006, 21:14 Posted By: Vega
Smackdown vs Raw 2007 for PSP has been delayed worldwide. Im guessing maybe for firmware updates? Who knows. Here in the UK and U.S, we were due our copies of Smackdown this Friday (10th November).. however... the game has been delayed until 28th November (U.S) and sometime in December for UK.
Strangely enough, the PS2 and X-Box 360 versions are still due for release this week.
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November 8th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster

No its not a double post just a quick one to say that SuccessHK have Battlezone at their store, (with lik sang gone SuccessHK are probably the best source of PSP games and consoles for the UK and Europe for those wishing to import)
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November 8th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Price:USD 24.71
Product Features of Playstation 2 Xploder HDTV Player for PS2
PS2 Component RGB cable.
HD playback for all PS2 games.
Xploder HDTV conversion software.
480p, 720p, 1080i or VGA signal input.
More Description of Playstation 2 Xploder HDTV Player for PS2
The Xploder HDTV Player takes your PlayStation 2 gaming to the next level, enabling you to play your PS2 games on your HDTV in High Definition. The Xploder HDTV Player software lets you choose High Definition (HD) settings (1080i and 720p) to give a clearer, crisper picture quality for all PS2 games. Improve your PlayStation 2 console’s built-in DVD player so it plays DVD movies in HD and Enhanced Definition (ED) mode (480p); a higher resolution for improved movie playback quality. The Xploder HDTV software disc is loaded before the PS2 game is inserted, and this then converts the video signal into a high definition 480p, 720p, 1080i or VGA signal*, resulting in a crisper, clearer picture for all your PS2 games. A PS2 Component RGB cable is included to connect to component video connectors and play games in 480p, 720p or 1080i mode.
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November 8th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
KOEI Corporation today announced that GITAROO MAN® LIVES! has reached gold status and is set to ship to North American Retailers on November 14th, 2006.
Consumers can learn more at the official Gitaroo Man Lives! minisite at www.koei.com.
GITAROO MAN LIVES! is the bittersweet tale of U-1, an ordinary young boy who dares to dream of becoming a skateboard master in order to attract the attention of Pico, the most popular girl in school. It is a heartwarming story of a boy triumphing against all odds and overcoming Kazuya, the school bully, winning the girl, and embarking on a journey of young love... then again, looking at U-1, perhaps not.
Actually, it is a spectacular story in which the last descendant of the legendary Gitaroo Man must use his magical guitar to save the planet Gitaroo from the evil Gravillians. This updated version of the original classic is optimized for portable play, and features new songs for the all-new Duet Mode.
Key Product Features
Music is the weapon in this fabled rhythm game where you help beautiful loser U-1 transform into rock legend Gitaroo Man and find true love.
For the first time ever, share the spotlight in new Duet Mode while jamming to previously unreleased Gitaroo songs Metal Header and Toda Pasión!
Battle for rock supremacy in Vs. mode via wireless (ad hoc).
Includes all 10 colorful stages from the original including, “Flyin' to Your Heart”, “Bee Jam Blues”, and “Born to be Bone”.
Music styles range from Rock, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Latin and more!
Single Play, Vs. and Duet Play with three levels of difficulty.
Music by COIL, with visual design and illustrations by pop artist 326.
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November 8th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
TyRaNiD posted this news/release:
Considering the lack of new recently thought I would release a version of PRXTool. I've put up a win32 build (link) as some people always seem to have trouble on that platform
So what is new? Well I've added a reasonably comprehensive and tweakable disassembly engine, party cause I felt pspdasm just didn't seem to do the job properly for various reasons. When used with PRXes it will resolve almost every reference in the code, printing strings inline if they point to that and obviously with libdoc it will resolve function imports and export etc. Oh and I also added preliminary variable import support
Have fun.
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November 8th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Another year, another SOCOM title. Sure, this one has new maps and got prettier. But does this sequel make any real advances, or is the franchise showing its age?
Yahoo! Games (90/100) thinks SOCOM goes above and beyond what a handheld game should do: "In terms of pacing, community, and great gunplay, this is the closest you'll get to a handheld Counter-Strike. And as far as handheld shooters go, this is as good as it gets."
GameDaily (80/100) is shocked by the remarkable AI: "Sony once again proves that a handheld version of the long-running action game series can work just as well as the console editions. The multiplayer is as strong as expected, with up to sixteen players being able to jump in and enjoy three different games. But the real shocker is how stacked the single player experience is... The presentation and AI on enemy soldiers is also worth noting as they are both much improved and quite impressive."
Game Informer (75/100) still doesn't like the controls, but thinks the PSP game is superior to its PS2 counterpart: "Oddly enough, the single-player campaign is still more enjoyable than its PS2 brother. At the very least this does a better job of walking you through the first level and teaching you the ropes... But FTB's saving grace is its multiplayer, the only real reason to play this game. A lot of the single player problems evaporate when you go online and sample any of the eight multiplayer modes FTB 2 has to offer."
It doesn't appear as if Fireteam Bravo 2 offers any significant advances to the franchise. However, the critics generally agree that it'll give you an experience that's unparalleled in handheld gaming. You can dig that right? The game's now available in stores.
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November 8th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Sega recently announced Sega Genesis Collection is now available in stores ... on the PS2. In the press release, Sega said the PSP version will ship later this month.
This really surprises me, because I've been expecting the two versions to ship simultaneously, and even IGN still has the PSP version with a Nov. 7 ship date. However, if we can believe Gamestop, they have the game set at a pre-release date of Nov. 16.
Sega gave no reason for the delay, but did mention the game will be rated "T" for Teen. I guess 15-year-old Genesis games can be too much for those 12-year-old kids out there.
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November 9th, 2006, 00:31 Posted By: HellsPlumber
The origional Power Stone and Power Stone 2 games where some of the most remembered games ever to
hit the Dreamcast.Now,like many of Capcoms games,it has been ported over to the PSP so PSP owners can enjoy the same thrill
of Power Stone on the go.
The graphics and sounds are exactly the same quallity as the originals,so theres no improvement there.
One of the things that playing this game brought to my attention was the similarity between the PSP's control layout
and the Dreamcast's control layout. Because the buttons are in almost the exact same positions,the
game plays just like the original. One of the new features is the abbility to change the screen ratio. This means you can play the game full screen,zoomed,or original,depending on which you prefare. One of the things that the original game was
lacking was the abbility to switch camera mode,which sometimes made gameplay harder. Thankfully,
different camera modes have been added in the PSP version.
The AI is the same as the original game. The players are hard to beat at first,but once you
know all of the moves,they seem really easy to beat,making playing the game a few times feel repetative and boring.
Playing as differnt characters gives you different moves which can also make the game easyier or harder to
beat. But if you get sick of fighting the NPC's then you can have a 2-player game against a freind with the
"gameshare" function,which allows you to send a playable demo to a freinds PSP to have a 2-player battle with them.
Sadly there is only a gameshare option of Power Stone 2 and not Power Stone.
There are many items that can be used in Power Stone and Power Stone 2 to help you or the enemy
such as swords,bombs and petrol bombs. In Power Stone,new items can be unlocked everytime you
complete a 1 player game. Some of the un-lockable items are completely new to the PSP port,such as
Footballs,giant boots and Twin Potion. There are alot more items available in Power Stone 2 thanks
to its "mix" feature,which allows you to combine 2 items you collected in the game to make one,or
sometimes two,new items. Aswell as unlockable items, Power Stone also has unlockable character. By beating the single player game,you can unlock the character from Power Stone 2. This was not on the original game.
Another unlockable in the original games was the mini-games that you could download to the Dreamcast's VMU(Visual Memory Unit)and play on the go. This has also been ported and allows you to play unlocked mini-games on a on-screen VMU.
Overall,this is a great port for previous Power Stone fans or new players thanks to it being a pick-up-and-play game.It has 2 games and a VMU game mode so is great value for money and it has plenty of unlockables giving this game an extended lifespan.
The single player game mode on Power Stone 1 can get repetative. The Gameshare option on Power Stone 2 is a great addition but there should be one for Power Stone too.
A great game for all ages.
By HellsPlumber
Please visit my site:
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November 9th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: JKKDARK
From kotaku:

"Devoted reader Jonathan "I'm not the lead singer of Korn" Davis risked life and limb to get us this shot. Three of the hardest of the hardcore (or least sane of the hardcore, you decide) already have their mushy butts in line at a Burbank, California Best Buy, prepared to be the first through the doors when the PlayStation 3 goes on sale next Friday. Nine days from now. Looks like the rest of you can skip this location.
Still, if you're going to be in line for over nine days, you had better have the right supplies. Plastic penguin? Check. Lawn chairs? Yup. Toilets? Those potted plants will do.
The dream of scoring a PS3 at retail seems less and less like reality as the days pass. Thanks again, Jonathan"
3 guys are already camping, and the console only gets released in 9 DAYS!
I wonder if one of them is Video_freak, he is also from Bay Area 
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November 9th, 2006, 05:22 Posted By: happy_mak
Over 150 new stages to be downloadable soon for the Kangaeru EXIT game of which I have uploaded the details at the following link.
The stages will be downloadable from November 24. Now thats a big bonus I would say.
I think Sony needs to learn this in terms of Locoroco. Free demos are always good, but they could better that idea from the business sense by launching new stages, like Halloween or soon to come Christmas. This will atleast boost the game UMD sales.. now why the hell am i giving tips to sony anyways....
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November 9th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his firmware modification tool for the PSP.
X-Flash V16b (Dual Firmware Support)
The same program runs on 1.50 and 2.71 SE, and behaves accordingly
after the PSP firmware version is auto detected at startup.
New for X-Flash V16b:
- Wave Effect Removed from opening intro screen as well as XMB menu.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Debranded Coldboot intro screen.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Debranded Gameboot movie.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Plain Black Gameboot Movie.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
Currently Supported for 2.71 SE:
- Debranded Coldboot Intro screen.
- Debranded Gameboot screen,
- Disable XMB Menu Wave Effect, and Coldboot Intro Wave Effect
- Custom Monthly Backgrounds, including Plain Black Backgrounds.
- Custom Font (sample font included is now the ASCII font).
- Disable Network Update Icon functionality.
- Custom Name Plate picture (Easter Egg "Art" name plate is disabled
in 2.71 SE since only basic name plate pictures work).
- Firmware Dump (At least 21 Mb free space required for 2.71 SE).
- Registry Backup and Restore Tool.
- Custom Gameboot movies.
Currently Disabled for 2.71 SE:
- XMB Menu Label editor.
- Firmware Version Spoofers.
- Coldboot and XMB sounds (may be fixed in a later version).
- Plain Black PSP About Screens (may be fixed in a later version).
- Some Easter Eggs won't work because they rely on version spoofs,
detailed name plate picture, etc.
Note: many considerations have been made to ensure this release works
smoothly on both supported firmware versions.
Features pertaining to Dark_AleX Custom Firmware POC for 1.50 are
disabled in 2.71 SE, including the prompt for it's auto installation at first
time use. Writing mp3 file to flash feature is disabled for 2.71 SE due to
lack of space left on flash0 after 2.71 SE is installed. Custom Gameboots
are limited in size to 500Kb when using 2.71 SE for the same reason.
I may increase this slightly to accomodate the Prince Of Persia gameboot.
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November 9th, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster

Jeri Ryan - The verdict is in — the star of Shark is television’s sexiest lawyer. Plus BORAT - If it weren’t for the intrepid efforts of Kazakhstan’s premiere journalist, Americans might not know anything about the glorious country next to, uh, those other –stan countries. Hear from the man unraveling 30 years of diplomatic policy one Jagshemash! at a time.
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via perooz
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November 9th, 2006, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has released a new version of his CheatDevice for GTA Vice City Stories, this new minor version features a new rocket boost cheat, as well as new gravity cheats.
Heres the full info:
You need to run VCS through DevHook to use this. You can install the PRX by running the installer, or read the instructions in readme.txt if you prefer to do it by hand.
Download (for US or EU):
IMPORTANT NOTE: After installing, wait at least 30 seconds before turning off USB or pulling out your memory stick. The PC caches your changes and doesn't write them out until a while later. If your memory card gets corrupt, use chkdsk /f X:
I advise against saving your game after using cheats. Please note that when you spawn vehicles, you are using a game cheat that will lower your criminal rating!
Version History:
Fun with gravity!
Heavy car or bike
Make your car indestructible
More teleport locations
There's a pretty good list of teleport locations now. It really makes getting to the missions easier if you've decided making your own trip-skips isn't cheating.
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November 9th, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Genji: Days of the Blade get a 6.4 and Tony Hawk's Project 8 gets 7.3, not great scores. But the interesting thing is the Xbox 360 version of Tony Hawk's Project 8 gets 7.9!
......frame-rate problems hit the PlayStation 3 version of the game significantly harder than the Xbox 360. Other than the choppy frame rate and slightly sharper graphics on the PlayStation 3, some of which is only noticeable when using an HDMI cable on a high-end HDTV, the games look roughly the same. But there are other, more significant differences between the two versions. The Xbox 360 version has online support for up to eight players, including a new game mode called walls, which gives your skater a tall trail behind him that behaves sort of like the light cycles in Tron--if you hit another player's wall, you're out. The Xbox 360 version also uses its online support to present a lot of different online leaderboards. Much like Amped 3, many of the different goals in the game have their own individual leaderboard, which adds some competition to the single-player game and gives you a reason to keep on playing the same goals again and again. Without this, the PS3 version feels sort of flat by comparison.
The PlayStation 3 version of the game distinguishes itself by offering complete support for the Sixaxis controller's motion-sensing abilities. You can set it to just control functions like balancing, if you like, or you can move and execute tricks with it, as well. It works, but it lacks the precision offered by the D pad, so it's a neat experiment that's pretty good at showing off what the Sixaxis is capable of, but you probably wouldn't want to play through the game this way. The PlayStation 3 version also installs a 264MB cache file onto the system's hard drive when you first put the game in your system. Presumably, this is done to help speed up loading, but the load times don't seem much better than the Xbox 360 version of the game. If you're in a position where you have to choose between the two versions of the game, the Xbox 360 version offers a more complete package.....
Early days of course, but still a nice early battle win for Xbox360, in the next gen war.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 PS3 Review and Xbox360 Review
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November 9th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
A whopping 40 million PS2s have now been sold in Europe according to SCEE, trumping PSone's 39 million unit sales figure. Crazy, crazy numbers.
Not surprisingly, SCEE president and CEO David Reeves has said the company is extremely proud of PS2's "continuing success". "In the last month or so sales of PlayStation 2 throughout Europe and PAL territories has exceeded 100,000 units per week, which is extremely pleasing and proves the format is as popular now as it ever was."
"Through the continual development of new and innovative gaming titles, in particular the social gaming phenomena such as EyeToy, SingStar and BUZZ! PlayStation 2 will remain the computer entertainment system of choice for new and experienced gamers alike," Reeves added.
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November 9th, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Sony has said that PlayStation Portable owners who plan to use the handheld as a remote media player for PlayStation 3, or to use it to play games downloaded from the PS3's online network, will need to download the version 3.0 firmware due out later this month.
In theory that means that Japanese and US gamers won't be able to use this element of the PS3's functionality at launch, but Sony aims to tidy things up pretty quickly judging by reports from the US.
PS3 owners who want to access the PlayStation Network will also be expected to download the version 1.10 firmware for the console as soon as they get it home and plug it in for the first time, with the patch available by visiting the "System Update" area of the system menu in the cross media bar.
Based on our experience with the debug console, that won't be hard to figure out, and reflects Sony's longer term strategy of - much like the PSP - treating the operating system as a work in progress, with a greater range of functionality likely to be introduced in the weeks and months beyond launch.
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November 9th, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts has decided not to pursue its plan to port NBA Live 07 to PlayStation 3, deciding instead to focus on the upcoming next-generation version of NBA Street.
That's according to EA Canada PR Manager David Tinson, who told IGN that the developer is "concentrating [its] efforts on creating a spectacular NBA Street: Homecourt". That title is due out on PS3 and 360 "early next year", he added.
In other words, basketball fans will have to wait until the release of NBA Live 08 before the series takes its PS3 bow.
That comes as a bit of a surprise, not least because Sony actually had EA demonstrate the game during its E3 2006 press conference, where Live was one of the few games shown off in playable demo form.
Not that the PS3 will suffer from a dearth of EA titles at launch, with Fight Night Round 3, Need For Speed Carbon, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 and of course Madden NFL 07 down for release in the US on 17th November.
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November 9th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
With just over a week to go before the PlayStation 3 launches in North America, SCEA boss Kaz Hirai has confirmed that there will be no change to the price point of the system - despite the cut announced to the Japanese price in September.
"We are very comfortable with the pricing we have announced," Hirai told news agency Reuters this week, going on to claim that Sony has had "tremendous support" from retailers regarding the price point.
That means that when the PS3 appears in North America on November 17th - six days after the Japanese launch this weekend - it will be priced at $499 for the 20GB model, and $599 for the 60GB model.
There has been an undercurrent of speculation over the pricing of the 20GB model ever since PlayStation boss Ken Kutaragi announced a significant price cut to the Japanese 20GB model at the Tokyo Game Show in September. In Japan, that version will now retail for 49,980 Yen - around $425.
However, the other change to the 20GB model which was announced by Kutaragi at TGS will benefit US consumers, as the HDMI video connector - which had originally been for the 60GB PS3 only - will be included on the 20GB version of the console in all territories.
The US is also getting a better deal than Japan in terms of availability of the system, with 400,000 units of the PS3 due to ship to US retailers for November 17th, while Japan will see only 80,000 units in stores this Saturday.
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November 9th, 2006, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Reuters has some last minute discussion on the high price of the PS3, as well as their plans for shipping 2 million units by December. From the article:
"'We are very comfortable with the pricing we have announced and have gotten tremendous support from retailers for that price point,' Hirai said on the sidelines of the Dow Jones VentureWire Consumer Technology Conference. 'So it is full steam ahead with the pricing of $499 and $599.'"
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November 9th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Just as the long-awaited PlayStation 3 games consoles go on sale in Japan this Saturday, Sony will also be offering the first software update. The firmware update, offered as a free download, adds support for the PlayStation Network online service."
From the article:
"In late November the company also plans to offer a firmware update for its PlayStation Portable (PSP) games device. The update will bump the firmware to version 3.0 and add PlayStation Network support. With the new firmware in both devices the PSP will be able to access contents stored on the PlayStation 3 via a wireless LAN connection using a system Sony has dubbed 'Remote Play.' It will also make it possible to purchase and download PSP games content."
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November 9th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: Jpdeathblade
Article from Xp Max Forums: http://xpmax.cjb.net
Great News: Super Mini Halo Alpha well be released shortly (sometime before thanksgiving), to give you something to play over the break. Traffic is due to increase as well. Im shooting for 5 to 10 levels of gameplay out of the 25 scedualed for the game. This way you get new content but not too much. The very first beta level will appear as the last level in alpha (not counted in the goal for levels of 5-10)
Some of the graphics have been improved, as sell as a new format. The release will be one file that will contain everything for the game. This includes the Eboot Protocall (ICON0 and The AT3 Song), Edit folder that has all the files that can be edited for your pleasure (15 different colored MC and grunts to play as of defeat). Also every build will be in this! There will be the 1.0 version that works on 1.0, and 2.0 to 2.71 se-b''. There will also be the 2 folder 1.5 version as well as the 2 folder version made for 2.71 se for those using the 2.71 kernel. A great release..
Future Plans include More playable characters (Cortana, Brutes, Jackels, etc) As well as those silly secret characters (Loco Rock, Xp Max CD, etc). The secret characters may be released over time as well as through contests so stay posted...and check out our myspace at http://www.myspace.com/xpmax151
Via - SMH Alpha
Another Quick Announcement: We are also working on a second game (if you haven checked the fourms), it plays alot like super smash brothers. But this time its not going to be halo related, tho there will be halo characters =P
this project is under raps till its first beta release scedualed for sometime in december but dont hold me to that =P
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November 9th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Earlier today, during a meeting with Atari, we had an opportunity to get our hands on an alpha version of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for the PlayStation Portable. Currently scheduled for release in February, the turn-based strategy game adheres quite strictly to the D&D 3.5 rule set but is most definitely being developed with newcomers as well as hardcore D&D fans in mind. During the hour or so that we were able to spend with the game on this occasion, we took a good look at the character-generation system (there are no drow or half-dragons, sorry) and then put our new character and his party to work in a couple of early missions.
There are seven different races available when you create a new character in Dungeons & Dragons Tactics, including humans, dwarves, gnomes, elves, half-elves, halflings, and half-orcs. After opting for one of those and settling on your gender, you'll be able to choose from no fewer than 13 different classes for your new character, which include barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, psion, psychic warrior, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard. Depending on your class choice, you'll be able to choose from up to nine different alignments for your character, which include good, neutral, and evil variants of lawful, neutral, and chaotic.
With all of that taken care of, your next task will be to assign points to your character's various attributes, skills, and feats. It's right about here that D&D newcomers could potentially start to feel out of their depth, so although the whole process is about as user-friendly as possible, Kuju has also included options to have your points assigned automatically--taking into account your race and class choices. The last thing you'll need to do before setting out on your first quest (there will be more than 40 in total) is to choose the portrait that will represent your character in cutscenes and party-selection screens and, completely independent of that, determine the look of his or her 3D character model by choosing from a handful of different head and body options. The 3D models for party members and their enemies are nicely detailed, particularly given that you're unlikely to see them up close very often during the normal course of play.
Everything about Dungeons & Dragons Tactics is looking great right now, in fact, and the environments that you'll be questing in are certainly worthy of a mention. We saw two very different environments during our meeting: an outdoor battlefield at Estmanndal (the game's first level) and a series of underground caves and tunnels. The battlefield counted wide-open spaces with trees, walls, and barricades to provide cover among its features, and all of them looked great and cast realistic shadows. Our goal on that particular mission was to stop an enemy who was carrying a flag from escaping, and after checking out our party's skills, it quickly became obvious that there were several ways for us to go about achieving that goal. To be perfectly honest, a lot of the skill and spell names didn't mean an awful lot to us when we saw them appearing in the easy-to-navigate action menus, but with a quick press of the triangle button, we were able to call up brief explanations of each of them--a good example of Kuju going the extra mile to make the game as accessible as possible without bogging down experienced players with details that they already know.
Torches are useful in caves, but carrying one might mean leaving your shield or another useful item behind.
The underground caves and tunnels had a very different feel about them, not only because we had to concern ourselves with light spells and torches, but also because the gameplay involved a lot more exploration--which was invariably rewarded with treasure chests full of loot. The enemies that our party of level-one characters came up against while underground were skeletons and zombies mostly, so it was fortunate that the party we'd assembled to go into the level included a cleric. You'll get to choose different members (either premade or created from scratch) for your party before every quest, and while you'll never know exactly what kind of enemies to expect, taking the time to read through the prequest conversations between characters and such will often afford you a few hints.
Our progress through each of the areas that we saw today was slow, not only because we were experimenting with different characters that we knew very little about, but also because--in the interests of grabbing as much loot as possible--most of our characters became encumbered and weren't able to move as quickly as normal. As a result, we didn't get to see nearly as much of Dungeons & Dragons Tactics as we'd have liked.
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November 9th, 2006, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
Everything that captures the British zeitgeist is not destined for the same direct commercial success as, for example the “Wassup” Bud advert. It has to be said that the recently-revealed Little Britain videogame is such an example.
According to reports, Blast Games has signed the franchise for release on PlayStation 2, PC and PSP, with the latter portable title coming after the home versions, which are currently slated for January of 2007. Blast has some excellent IP in its stable, including right to The Flintstones and Beverly Hills Cop and it has to be noted that signing Little Britain is something of a coup.
However, the chances of it turning into a worthy gaming option do look slim. If we could offer Blast any advice, it would be to contract Jeff Minter to develop the mini-game-driven title. He might be expensive but his involvement will appeal to gamers, a slightly bigger target audience than the unfortunate kid who was doing his best Ali G impersonation just weeks ago
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November 9th, 2006, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game Preorder at SuccessHK:

While this action adventure game flexes a bit of the PlayStation 3's graphical muscle with its mythical Japanese scenery, its rather shallow, derivative gameplay makes it difficult to recommend.

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November 9th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game Preorder at SuccessHK:

In Resistance: Fall of Man, US and British forces band together in a last-ditch effort to save England from a horrific scourge -- the Chimera. This parasitic species infects other life forms with a virus that rapidly mutates victims into new Chimera. In mere decades this race has ripped apart populations across Asia and Europe and by 1951 has landed on the shores of England. You play the part of US Army Ranger Nathan Hale fighting alongside a group of British resistance soldiers to free the country from the Chimera and to halt their spread across the globe.
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November 9th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game Preorder at SuccessHK:

Ridge Racer has traditionally been about fictional car makes and models and, with Ridge Racer 7, you're going have tons of rides to choose from, and lots of options for customizing them. Dubbed the "machine connector," the customization tool in Ridge Racer 7 lets you make a multitude of cosmetic changes to your cars, with new rims, paint jobs, decals, and body kits for various segments of your ride. More importantly, you can also affect the handling of your car with new engine parts, nitrous kits, and plug-ins. With the nitrous setups, there are a number of different options: kits with more than three nitrous "cells" to fill up, giving you more boosts to access; nitrous systems with less capacity but more power; or nitrous kits that feature a single cell of nitrous. This last one seems more flexible, as you can enable and disable the nitrous simply by pressing and letting go of the nitrous button; traditional Ridge Racer nitrous systems use an entire cell of nitrous once you've pressed the button. Plug-ins are additional parts you can add to your car to give it a specific advantage, such as guaranteed rocket starts off the line and many others.

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November 9th, 2006, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game Preorder at SuccessHK:

Sega Golfclub Featuring Miyazato Family lets you pick between 3 siblings, then take some swings on the golf course
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November 10th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via Chubigan
There’s a unique situation at hand when the PS3 launches in November: it succeeds two other Sony consoles that are still being strongly supported...one that has dominated the console industry for the last few years, and one that has not done quite as well in sales as expected. While the PS2 will continue to be supported and live on its own for the next few years, it is the PSP that opens a world of potential to the PS3...one that could help sales of both the PSP and PS3 over the next few years.
Why It’s Different.
Before we get to talking about the PS3 to PSP connectivity’s future, it is first important to note why this is different than any other console to handheld connectivity that has failed beforehand...namely, the Gamecube and GBA.
The GBA has a huge install base that easily surpasses any handheld on the market today. Couple that with the Gamecube and you have a recipe for success, no? Unfortunately few games supported the connectivity, and the whole idea dropped off before the Gamecube’s support waned. But why?
There are a few major reasons: one, the GBA is just not powerful enough to do much outside of providing maps and information to Gamecube games. The second and biggest reason is the adaptor users needed to purchase...while it was only $10, it was still an entry fee that needed to be bought before connectivity could happen. Players asked themselves...did they really want to pay $10 to, say, download Pac-Man on their GBA temporarily? Not many games aside from the one Zelda game that focused around the entire concept gave enough reason to make the investment, however small it was.
There were more reasons, namely the fact that you needed a specific cartridge for it to work and the fact that the connectivity was not supported inside the Gamecube hardware, but rather software only. This was not really Nintendo’s fault, as they’ve learned from this enough to make the DS and Wii more easily accessible. While previous generations separated handhelds and consoles with a big, thick line, as we move onto the future the gap is closing. While no plans have been announced by Nintendo to use the DS and Wii together, it will certainly happen.
Which brings us back to the PSP and PS3...the main benefit being if you have a PSP and PS3, you’re set to go, whether it be via USB (with the controller cable you already get with the system) or Wi-Fi. There’s no deciding whether or not you want to invest in a cheap cable, or if you need a certain game to get the content...the accessibility is already there, and its ready when you are.
PS3: Your Media...on Demand.
One of the most important things to note about the PSP to PS3 connectivity is that it’s ready to go right outside the box. We won’t have to wait a few months for the first firmware update to come in; it’s available right on November 17th, whether it be downloading media or buying PS1 games for your PSP.
The great thing is that the PSP isn’t recognized as just another USB hard drive, rather the PS3 takes the content as its little media cousin on the go (going as far as to display your name you chose for the PSP way back when you first booted it up...remember that?)
The great thing about all this is how you can stream content from your PS3 directly to your PSP...while it’s limited to the house at launch, in the next firmware update we’ll see it expand to across the world. Anything that’s on your PS3 media wise, you can stream it directly to the PSP. On the other hand you can plug in your PSP and stream any media you have on it to the PS3.
Yeah, I know...this is all news you’ve heard before. But when you hear people say the PSP to PS3 connectivity will likely fail, and you see all these options on day ONE with NO extra equipment to buy, it’s hard to see how it could “fail” at all. It’s only going to get better from here.
How so? We’ll, let’s find out.
PS3: Your Bank of Awesome.
The PS1 downloads are going to be quite excellent to have for the PSP on launch day...just buy a $5 PS1 game, hook up your PSP and start gamin’! According to Sony soon after the holidays we’ll even be able to play downloaded PS1 games on the PS3.
Once that happens you’ll see a whole new level of sharing and swapping...play some PS1 on the PS3, then transfer that save over to your PSP and continue where you left off. Once you get back home plug that PSP in, sync saves and continue yet again on the PS3. That’s pretty sweet if you ask me.
The problem we may run into is the size of PS1 games...you may need a big memory stick if downloads range from 200mb to 1GB. How are you going to be able to fit all those games on just a 2-4GB stick? Maybe it won’t be such a problem since you can swap them out when you get home, but what about going on a trip?
That’s where the PS3 comes in. Acting as a bank of your PS1 game library, you can directly access your PS3 with your PSP in, say, a hotel room. Then perhaps sometime in the future we’ll get a program on the PSP that shows all the PS1 games on your HDD back home. Now you check off what games you want to download, and leave the PSP plugged in as you go to bed. The PSP can automatically delete the PS1 games already on the memory stick and start to download the games you’ve chosen, then automatically shut down when the 2-3 hour process is complete. When you wake up, bam! Your new PS1 games are ready to go. Heck, maybe you could even sync your PS1 saves to the PS3 from your hotel room while you’re at it. The potential is not only possible, but probable. The tech is there, and it’s only a matter of time before Sony utilizes it.
A New Level of Connectivity
The PSP is ready to be the online network buddy of the PS3. It’s only a matter of time before Sony includes a Friends icon for the XMB that lets you see what friends are online at any given time, and perhaps even message them right through the PSP. Not only can the PSP do this, it’s vital if Sony wants to make their online system as robust as they want it to be.
The fact is, this might not happen right away. For all I know the PSP could have this included in the 3.0 update we’ll get this month. As of right now the PS3 online structure is still undergoing work, and the launch titles will not take advantage of it immediately (though perhaps a software update can fix some of the small things like friend lists). But come next year...heck, as soon as Motorstorm hits we’ll get the first title that utilizes Sony’s network platform to the fullest (seeing as it was delayed till next year to include online). And when it does, the PSP’s inclusion into the Sony Network will be absolutely necessary.
Expanding the Horizon
We’ve seen the PSP sync up to the PS2 in some promising ways, such as swapping save data with a game or unlocking PS2 content on your PSP with SOCOM, for example. We’ll see that supported yet again on the PS3, but maybe we’ll even see it expand even more.
Let’s take a sports game for example. Perhaps it’ll allow you to save a bunch of replays you’ve accumulated over the course of a session that includes some incredible scores and moves. Then you select “PSP Transfer” and the PSP downloads a small application that allows you to cut these clips in a Windows Movie Maker type fashion. The game will compress all the replays you have into some lower-quality vids that the PSP can deal with easier and you can start cutting away, adding some music and making transitions. Then when you get back to your PS3 you can upload the data to the game, which takes the video timelines and music and uses the information to cut the HD footage into an HD montage on the PS3, which is easily streamed via the PSP to show friends. Cool, wouldn’t you say?
Let’s take it a bit further. Let’s say GTA4 comes out on the PS3 and it takes place in a NYC type area. About a few months later GTA: San Andreas Stories comes out for the PSP (or another Stories game based off of a GTA locale). Once it does a patch is released for the PS3 GTA4 version. So you’re crusin’ down the NYC streets in your Cheetah when you see a mission icon that says “Connect PSP to download mission” when you go near it.
So you connect the PSP and get a new mission for the GTASAS game, which is available on the main menu. But when you start up the PSP downloaded mission you get a cutscene that uses the GTA4 characters, not the GTASAS characters. They start to reminisce of a job they did in San Andreas, and soon after the cutscene ends you’re not playing your GTASAS character, but rather a lower-poly GTA4 character in a flashback scene in San Andreas. Complete it and you get more backstory of the PS3 game. It works like the cutscene in San Andreas where you fly to do a job in Liberty City, except Liberty City wasn’t actually there, it was just a part of some buildings...but using the PSP, you can actually have the entire city at your disposal.
The possibilities for PSP content are endless...but what about utilizing the PSP for use with a PS3 game?
It’s All in the Dev’s Hands.
We all saw the demo at E3 in which a PSP was used as a rear view mirror for the F1 game. While it gives us insight as to what the PSP and PS3 can share, it didn’t exactly catch the world on fire.
The thing is, we might not see the PSP used for an in game PS3 controller for quite some time. The software support is something we might see once the PSP and PS3 numbers increase over the years, but I don’t see it happening right out of the gate. When it does happen, there’s quite a bit the PSP can do. Perhaps you can set up cameras around a level and use the PSP as the security monitor to see if any enemies are sneaking up behind you, or use the PSP as an in-game radar that shows the entire map. Those are the types of examples that will likely be more widespread than say, using the PSP like a controller (which was the sole purpose of the GCN to GBA connectivity, and failed as a result).
The nice thing about these examples is that they don’t require another PSP game purchase or anything like that...its just streamed media right to the PSP. Anyone can take advantage of it, which is vital for its use in games.
I’m almost certain devs like Polyphony will create some kind of “car garage” application for the PSP that allows you to store your bought cars from GTHD to the PSP to view, and perhaps tune up and such. Maybe we’ll see the PSP used as a way of transitioning to different minigames...remember those arcade machines you could play in Prey? Just hit a button and download that little minigame right to the PSP. Heck, you could get live video updates from a commander on your PSP while you’re fighting in a futuristic battlefield on the PS3. It’s something that dev’s will do when the PSP and PS3 sales numbers are just right...and that might not be too far off.
The PSP needs the PS3, and vice versa. Both need strong sales to propel software support over the competition. By having all of these connectivity options out the game, users might start craving both the PSP and PS3...which is exactly what Sony needs right now.
It’s gonna be hard to pass up either one in the next few years. Count on it.
Well, we have less than two weeks until the launch of the PS3. TWO WEEKS!!! Come back for two more Launch Horizon blogs, including an interview that both PS3 e-Di fans and PSP owners alike might find interesting.
Till next time!
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November 10th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Via Chubigan
There’s a unique situation at hand when the PS3 launches in November: it succeeds two other Sony consoles that are still being strongly supported...one that has dominated the console industry for the last few years, and one that has not done quite as well in sales as expected. While the PS2 will continue to be supported and live on its own for the next few years, it is the PSP that opens a world of potential to the PS3...one that could help sales of both the PSP and PS3 over the next few years.
Why It’s Different.
Before we get to talking about the PS3 to PSP connectivity’s future, it is first important to note why this is different than any other console to handheld connectivity that has failed beforehand...namely, the Gamecube and GBA.
The GBA has a huge install base that easily surpasses any handheld on the market today. Couple that with the Gamecube and you have a recipe for success, no? Unfortunately few games supported the connectivity, and the whole idea dropped off before the Gamecube’s support waned. But why?
There are a few major reasons: one, the GBA is just not powerful enough to do much outside of providing maps and information to Gamecube games. The second and biggest reason is the adaptor users needed to purchase...while it was only $10, it was still an entry fee that needed to be bought before connectivity could happen. Players asked themselves...did they really want to pay $10 to, say, download Pac-Man on their GBA temporarily? Not many games aside from the one Zelda game that focused around the entire concept gave enough reason to make the investment, however small it was.
There were more reasons, namely the fact that you needed a specific cartridge for it to work and the fact that the connectivity was not supported inside the Gamecube hardware, but rather software only. This was not really Nintendo’s fault, as they’ve learned from this enough to make the DS and Wii more easily accessible. While previous generations separated handhelds and consoles with a big, thick line, as we move onto the future the gap is closing. While no plans have been announced by Nintendo to use the DS and Wii together, it will certainly happen.
Which brings us back to the PSP and PS3...the main benefit being if you have a PSP and PS3, you’re set to go, whether it be via USB (with the controller cable you already get with the system) or Wi-Fi. There’s no deciding whether or not you want to invest in a cheap cable, or if you need a certain game to get the content...the accessibility is already there, and its ready when you are.
PS3: Your Media...on Demand.
One of the most important things to note about the PSP to PS3 connectivity is that it’s ready to go right outside the box. We won’t have to wait a few months for the first firmware update to come in; it’s available right on November 17th, whether it be downloading media or buying PS1 games for your PSP.
The great thing is that the PSP isn’t recognized as just another USB hard drive, rather the PS3 takes the content as its little media cousin on the go (going as far as to display your name you chose for the PSP way back when you first booted it up...remember that?)
The great thing about all this is how you can stream content from your PS3 directly to your PSP...while it’s limited to the house at launch, in the next firmware update we’ll see it expand to across the world. Anything that’s on your PS3 media wise, you can stream it directly to the PSP. On the other hand you can plug in your PSP and stream any media you have on it to the PS3.
Yeah, I know...this is all news you’ve heard before. But when you hear people say the PSP to PS3 connectivity will likely fail, and you see all these options on day ONE with NO extra equipment to buy, it’s hard to see how it could “fail” at all. It’s only going to get better from here.
How so? We’ll, let’s find out.
PS3: Your Bank of Awesome.
The PS1 downloads are going to be quite excellent to have for the PSP on launch day...just buy a $5 PS1 game, hook up your PSP and start gamin’! According to Sony soon after the holidays we’ll even be able to play downloaded PS1 games on the PS3.
Once that happens you’ll see a whole new level of sharing and swapping...play some PS1 on the PS3, then transfer that save over to your PSP and continue where you left off. Once you get back home plug that PSP in, sync saves and continue yet again on the PS3. That’s pretty sweet if you ask me.
The problem we may run into is the size of PS1 games...you may need a big memory stick if downloads range from 200mb to 1GB. How are you going to be able to fit all those games on just a 2-4GB stick? Maybe it won’t be such a problem since you can swap them out when you get home, but what about going on a trip?
That’s where the PS3 comes in. Acting as a bank of your PS1 game library, you can directly access your PS3 with your PSP in, say, a hotel room. Then perhaps sometime in the future we’ll get a program on the PSP that shows all the PS1 games on your HDD back home. Now you check off what games you want to download, and leave the PSP plugged in as you go to bed. The PSP can automatically delete the PS1 games already on the memory stick and start to download the games you’ve chosen, then automatically shut down when the 2-3 hour process is complete. When you wake up, bam! Your new PS1 games are ready to go. Heck, maybe you could even sync your PS1 saves to the PS3 from your hotel room while you’re at it. The potential is not only possible, but probable. The tech is there, and it’s only a matter of time before Sony utilizes it.
A New Level of Connectivity
The PSP is ready to be the online network buddy of the PS3. It’s only a matter of time before Sony includes a Friends icon for the XMB that lets you see what friends are online at any given time, and perhaps even message them right through the PSP. Not only can the PSP do this, it’s vital if Sony wants to make their online system as robust as they want it to be.
The fact is, this might not happen right away. For all I know the PSP could have this included in the 3.0 update we’ll get this month. As of right now the PS3 online structure is still undergoing work, and the launch titles will not take advantage of it immediately (though perhaps a software update can fix some of the small things like friend lists). But come next year...heck, as soon as Motorstorm hits we’ll get the first title that utilizes Sony’s network platform to the fullest (seeing as it was delayed till next year to include online). And when it does, the PSP’s inclusion into the Sony Network will be absolutely necessary.
Expanding the Horizon
We’ve seen the PSP sync up to the PS2 in some promising ways, such as swapping save data with a game or unlocking PS2 content on your PSP with SOCOM, for example. We’ll see that supported yet again on the PS3, but maybe we’ll even see it expand even more.
Let’s take a sports game for example. Perhaps it’ll allow you to save a bunch of replays you’ve accumulated over the course of a session that includes some incredible scores and moves. Then you select “PSP Transfer” and the PSP downloads a small application that allows you to cut these clips in a Windows Movie Maker type fashion. The game will compress all the replays you have into some lower-quality vids that the PSP can deal with easier and you can start cutting away, adding some music and making transitions. Then when you get back to your PS3 you can upload the data to the game, which takes the video timelines and music and uses the information to cut the HD footage into an HD montage on the PS3, which is easily streamed via the PSP to show friends. Cool, wouldn’t you say?
Let’s take it a bit further. Let’s say GTA4 comes out on the PS3 and it takes place in a NYC type area. About a few months later GTA: San Andreas Stories comes out for the PSP (or another Stories game based off of a GTA locale). Once it does a patch is released for the PS3 GTA4 version. So you’re crusin’ down the NYC streets in your Cheetah when you see a mission icon that says “Connect PSP to download mission” when you go near it.
So you connect the PSP and get a new mission for the GTASAS game, which is available on the main menu. But when you start up the PSP downloaded mission you get a cutscene that uses the GTA4 characters, not the GTASAS characters. They start to reminisce of a job they did in San Andreas, and soon after the cutscene ends you’re not playing your GTASAS character, but rather a lower-poly GTA4 character in a flashback scene in San Andreas. Complete it and you get more backstory of the PS3 game. It works like the cutscene in San Andreas where you fly to do a job in Liberty City, except Liberty City wasn’t actually there, it was just a part of some buildings...but using the PSP, you can actually have the entire city at your disposal.
The possibilities for PSP content are endless...but what about utilizing the PSP for use with a PS3 game?
It’s All in the Dev’s Hands.
We all saw the demo at E3 in which a PSP was used as a rear view mirror for the F1 game. While it gives us insight as to what the PSP and PS3 can share, it didn’t exactly catch the world on fire.
The thing is, we might not see the PSP used for an in game PS3 controller for quite some time. The software support is something we might see once the PSP and PS3 numbers increase over the years, but I don’t see it happening right out of the gate. When it does happen, there’s quite a bit the PSP can do. Perhaps you can set up cameras around a level and use the PSP as the security monitor to see if any enemies are sneaking up behind you, or use the PSP as an in-game radar that shows the entire map. Those are the types of examples that will likely be more widespread than say, using the PSP like a controller (which was the sole purpose of the GCN to GBA connectivity, and failed as a result).
The nice thing about these examples is that they don’t require another PSP game purchase or anything like that...its just streamed media right to the PSP. Anyone can take advantage of it, which is vital for its use in games.
I’m almost certain devs like Polyphony will create some kind of “car garage” application for the PSP that allows you to store your bought cars from GTHD to the PSP to view, and perhaps tune up and such. Maybe we’ll see the PSP used as a way of transitioning to different minigames...remember those arcade machines you could play in Prey? Just hit a button and download that little minigame right to the PSP. Heck, you could get live video updates from a commander on your PSP while you’re fighting in a futuristic battlefield on the PS3. It’s something that dev’s will do when the PSP and PS3 sales numbers are just right...and that might not be too far off.
The PSP needs the PS3, and vice versa. Both need strong sales to propel software support over the competition. By having all of these connectivity options out the game, users might start craving both the PSP and PS3...which is exactly what Sony needs right now.
It’s gonna be hard to pass up either one in the next few years. Count on it.
Well, we have less than two weeks until the launch of the PS3. TWO WEEKS!!! Come back for two more Launch Horizon blogs, including an interview that both PS3 e-Di fans and PSP owners alike might find interesting.
Till next time!
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November 10th, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTAportable
UK based gaming site, Eurogamer today put up the first part of their walkthrough for Vice City Stories. In the first part, they cover full mission guides for the first few missions, as well as giving top tips when playing the game.
The tips include completing special side missions in the early part of the game, such as Paramedic that gives you infinite sprint, and Vigilante missions giving you stronger body armor. Another good tip is that the bigger your empire, the bigger your wallet.
The second part of their walkthrough will include all storyline missions and secrets.
Walkthrough Here
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November 10th, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
O~3 Entertainment, publisher of Alien Hominid and Konductra, today announced that a new block busting game called Puzzle Scape is headed to the PSP next month. Puzzle Scape will feature 3D visuals combined with fast-paced gameplay. O~3 is hoping to inject its new game with that necessary but elusive element of all great puzzle games: easy to learn, difficult to master.
In Puzzle Scape, players arrange blocks of different colors into chains that are exploded by cubes of same-colored blocks. Eliminating the blocks increases the level and players can gather a variety of power-ups by creating long chains. Level-ups introduce new elements into the background puzzle scapes. There are four different background themes: cells, flowers, machines and dreams.
In architect mode, the player tries to build objectives as fast as possible, and in artist mode the goal is to play for survival and high score. Both single player-modes can be played with a partner in cooperation or in 'duel mode' over wireless connection. Puzzle Scape also features multiplayer for up to eight-players in Bomb Run mode, where everyone plays the same scene and tries to be the first to destroy enough blocks to win the game. The game also includes a demo that can be sent to a friend.
Puzzle Scape has been developed by Farmind, a console game developer, utilizing 3D technology developed by Pixelgene. After its US release, the game will be made available for Japan and Europe.
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November 10th, 2006, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Sony recently sent out a survey to Ratchet & Clank beta testers, and after a series of expected questions about the game, it moved on to more... interesting matters. One question asked users which feature they find to be of least value in the system, and can be eliminated. What?! There's absolutely no reason to get rid of any of PSP's features, even if they're sparingly used. I know I use every single feature listed in their survey, but the one I could probably live without would be the ability to view photos (but how will I add wallpapers to my system?).
Why would Sony ask such a terrifying question? Are future firmware upgrades taking up too much space? Maybe the functionality of the system has expanded beyond what the firmware internal memory is capable of holding. Let's hope not, because I want my PSP to do everything it possibly can.
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November 10th, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Jamiefuller posted this news/release:
Hi All,
This is my new project, I wanted to create a 2 player game with a chat client built in, I remembered an old game from my childhood (yep way before computers took over) there was a great 'board' game called 'Downfall' by MB. the challenge of programming that grabbed me and so I began.
I have fully written the gui, and its looking good, its a bit strange to play and the networking isnt in place yet so you cant actually complete anything.
This game also features an MP3 player which scans your music folder for tracks, you can select which track is playing by pressing and holding the left trigger to bring up a control panel. then use the cursors to control it.
let me know what you think, I am considering dropping the project as the bit I wanted to write is now written and I dont have another PSP for testing networking but if there is enough interest I will complete it.
control the 'cogs' by moveing the curosr over them with the analogue stick and pressing 'Cross' to turn anti-clockwise and pressing 'Circle' to turn clockwise.
move the pointer over the right side of the scren to active the chat window and then use the dpad to control the onscreen keyboard.
If someone else would like to finish the project instead I'm quite happy to release the source.
Via Jamie fuller
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November 10th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SG57:
This neat little beauty allows anyone who uses it, to open a Master Lock. This is a port of Yeldarb's PSPick v0.2 although all used was the algorithim and information (help screen info and whatnot)
Nice usage of my new demo: Plasma Field
Find combination to any Combination Master Lock
Ability to find crucial number to find the reste - the last one
Easy-to-use interface (easy on teh eyes as well) and built-in instructions and general information on what's going on.
Same abilities and disabilities as PSPick v0.2 pretty much
Open Source - good teaching tool to utilize TIFF SDK effectivly (to an extent)
They are printed in the app - but what the heck:
Opening Screen:
X - Continue
Middle Screen:
D-Pad Up/Right - Increase Lock's Last Number
D-Pad Down/Left - Decrease Lock's Last Number
Start - Continue
Ending/Results Screen:
Triangle - Go back to Opening Screen/Start Over
HOME - Exit (and warm your heart )
As you know, this is a port of PSPick v0.2 - released over a year ago in July 2005 - Master Lock producer company may have changed their algorithm
I only made this as something to do in my spare time - Im still working on BlockDude, but school is giving me the middle finger what with homework and projects, but luckily, i dont have it on Friday, so...
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November 10th, 2006, 04:13 Posted By: dagger89
The source code from http://pcsx2.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pcsx2/ has been compiled for you in this prerelease. Please note that this is an UNOFFICIAL binary release, compiled only from the source code available on sourceforge, quality of the final 0.9.2 will be higher than this build!
Everything (except for the bios) is provided in this release.
Whats new in 0.9.2?
1) Frame skipping! yes its finally here and it can speed your games up too full speed!
2) VU Skip which is the same as frame skip but it skips alot more and is unstable
but its faster than normal frame skipping!
3) Increased MTGS support which is now more stable and gives a huge boost to dual core
4) The new SPU2 plugin which now supports XA audio playback!
If you are having problems with the hosted link, or if its corrupted:
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November 10th, 2006, 13:08 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Elder Scrolls and Sonic both to miss 17th Nov, NBA Live 07 cancelled
Sony's PlayStation 3 line-up has lost two of its key third party support struts with the news that Sonic the Hedgehog and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will both miss the 17th November launch.
Sonic will now arrive sometime in December, according to SEGA representatives, but the news was worse for Xbox and PC hit Oblivion, which has been set back until the first quarter of 2007.
In a separate announcement, Electronic Arts revealed that NBA Live 07 - demonstrated during Sony's E3 2006 showcase - will no longer appear on the format, with the publisher aiming to make Live 08 the series' PS3 debut.
Instead EA wants to concentrate its resources on next year's release of NBA Street: Homecourt for the Sony system and Microsoft's rival Xbox 360.
The changes to Sony's day-one line-up mean that Activision's Call of Duty 3 and Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Vegas will be among the most critically significant third party titles in the line-up - with both having already launched on Xbox 360.
In terms of exclusives, PS3 will headline with Resistance: Fall of Man from Insomniac Games, internally produced NBA 07 and Genji: Days of the Blade.
Those titles will be supported by Full Auto 2 (SEGA), Ridge Racer 7 (Namco Bandai), Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (Namco Bandai) and Untold Legends (Sony Online Entertainment) as second and third party exclusives.
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November 10th, 2006, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
The Dual Charge AC has dual-USB inputs allowing two pads to be charged simultaneously from any plug. The unit also doubles as a charge for any other USB electronics.
The HDMI Cable is capable of full 1080p video output and the Charge Link lets you power up SIXAXIS while playing at the same time.
We'll have info on the UK list of third-party peripherals nearer the March launch.
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November 10th, 2006, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has whacked its PlayStation 3 User's Guide onto the Internet, giving you the chance to explore the console's functionality through the medium of badly worded paragraphs. (No change there, then.)
For instance, you might like to know what you can download and upload using the PS3 web-browser, or to get an overview of the PS3 Store.
You can also see how the Friends stuff works, and investigate the sorts of photo, music and video the PS3 will play back from storage devices and the console's internal hard disk. It also helps explain all the system settings, so you can see clearly what's alterable
More Info
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November 10th, 2006, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Eidos is bringing back Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and interestingly the PS2 version of the game will now support use of the Buzz! controllers.
Due out on PS2, PSP and PC this December, the new Millionaire game will include the voice of Chris Tarrant, along with a new range of questions made up by the people who actually do them for the show.
There'll be four-player multiplay, as well as a "play or pass" mode where you can force another person to answer a difficult question.
The PS2 version sounds like the one to go for, though, with EyeToy support also included so you can put your face in the game.
Via Eurogamer
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November 10th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison has declined to offer a guarantee that the PlayStation 3 will hit Europe in March as previously announced.
In an interview with Official PlayStation Magazine, excerpts of which have been published on Sony's "semi-official" ThreeSpeech blog, Harrison said, "Given that all of our previous statements about launching in Europe simultaneously with the US and Japan turned out not to be the case, I would not like to make any definitive statements on that.
"It’s not my job to comment on hardware supply issues other than to say some very smart people are working very hard to catch up," he continued.
"In fact, the ramp up is already starting to happen in supply and output, just obviously too late for us to have launched in Europe at the same times as the US."
In the same interview, when asked if the PS3 browser will let users visit any site and download files, Harrison replied, "No. It has to be done through the store. Although it’s built on the same technology as the open Internet browser, it’s a special version. That’s completely understandable from a DRM point of view. But some streaming sites, such as music on MySpace, will work."
Harrison said he is "delighted" that the PS3 is launching with a stronger first-party software line-up than the PSone, PS2 and PSP, adding, "Bearing in mind that we launched PS2 with Fantavision as a first party title - great game though it is - it’s by no means the game on which you would rest an entire format."
He went on to confirm that the PS3 will launch in North America with Resistance, Genji, NBA and Motorstorm, and revealed that a downloadable demo for F1 will be available from day one.
"That's a pretty compelling line-up," Harrison concluded.
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November 10th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
In sharp contrast to US reports that consumers are already lining up for the upcoming stateside launch of the PlayStation 3 on November 17, Japanese consumers are having to get decidedly more creative.
With reports that Sony cut its estimate of hardware for the Japanese launch by 20 percent--to roughly 80,000 units--many retailers have had to manage consumer expectations, as well as their own. Smaller stores initiated preorder programs for a very limited amount of units, while some chains decided simply to eliminate preorders entirely. Established chains such as Yodabashi and Bic Camera have opted to either sell units to whoever is lined up at their stores at 7 a.m. on launch day or hold raffles on the units they have to sell. Sony's online store in Japan, which took preorders for the PlayStation Portable before the system's December 2004 Japanese launch, is having nothing to do with the launch--offering none of the hotly anticipated consoles to gamers in Nippon.
The actual process of lining up for units, regardless of the number available, is turning out to be decidedly more challenging than it was for the PSP's Japanese launch, as well as the PlayStation 2's Japan launch in March, 2000.
While some stores are allowing consumers to line up, others are discouraging overnight camp outs. The Yodabashi Camera in Shinjuku, Tokyo's venerable electronic establishment, is informing passersbys and hopeful loiterers that they must disperse--in Japan, throngs are considered to be a public nuisance and the store risks being reprimanded by authorities and prevented from selling units at all.
This is a considerably different situation than the PSP launch in 2004, when hundreds of consumers were arranged in a serpentine line that sprawled through most of the area around the store. Still, despite the presence of police officers who are discouraging the crowd from congregating, it is expected that the growing crowds will shape themselves into a proper line as the evening wears on.
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November 10th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster

Already a Plucky PS3 owner in Japan has updated his 20GB PS3 Hard Drive to a much nicer 120 GB, the full pictorial progress can be seen on Ruliweb.
Heres the screen showing the new hard drive size.

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November 10th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: Unicorn
I have succesfully used the recent Universal Module Flasher for SE-FW R2 by coldbird, in order to be able to install AdePSP Video plugin for DevHook on our PSP's 2.71SE-B". Doing so, we can capture photographs or little videos without needing DevHook, while playing comercial games. We will also be able to play our videos using SVCPlayer directly on our PSP.
Thanks to a friendly tutorial about how to modify PSP Flash to Enable Plugins on SE-B by ciu0ud (in Spanish), I realised that we could use Module Installer to Flash Dark_Alex's Custom Firmware without any effort.
You can check controls and much more on the Readme's included.
Installation is as simple as copy content to your Memory Stick, execute "Video Plugin for 2.71SE-B" from Game Menu, and start to capture while playing a comercial game.
Spanish developers are investigating how to capture from XMB menu and Homebrew. We have already get some results, but we want to make some more test, so nothing fails.
Don't thank anything to me, I only got the idea of mixing this plugin with Module Flasher.
More information about it (in Spanish) on psp.scenebeta.com, a Spanish Homebrew community.
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Edit: I want to add to this post that ADePSP doesnt support yet this plugin on 2.71SE-B (only support for DevHook plugin). He is working on a fully compatible version with this Custom Firmware, please, dont bother him if something goes wrong.
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November 10th, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft may be happy with a second Christmas without next-generation competition from Sony, but it wants to go head-to-head with its rival so that consumers can finally compare the two console offerings.
Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz, Xbox boss Neil Thompson also stated that he only sees Nintendo's Wii as a product that will compete with 360 in the most basic sense this Christmas – as a product that may steal consumer pounds.
When asked about Microsoft's reaction to the news that the PS3 would not launch in Europe this side of Christmas, Thompson replied: "In some ways it would have been good if it had, because then people could have really made the comparison. Sometimes it's worse when you're fighting a myth, than when you're fighting reality."
"In a lot of ways we'd like people to put the system side-by-side and see whether people want a platform where they're paying for Blu-ray straight away. Is Blu-ray that important to you that you want to buy into that platform right now and spend GBP 500 doing that? Or do you want a gaming system that has more high-definition gaming content today, has a better online service and provides you the choice of whether you want to upgrade to the next-generation of DVD platform in the future?"
"We would have quite liked to have gone head-to-head on those issues because we feel very strongly that we have an incredibly compelling offering," he added.
And despite Nintendo warning retail channels its Wii console may sell out in Europe this Christmas, Thompson is adamant that the new system will not encroach on Microsoft's space.
"It has the potential of taking consumers spend and wallet share away from us in general, but at a product comparison level it's not competing with us at all. It's an innovative, low-definition product," said Thompson.
"People will make a clear decision as to whether they want that sort of product – a kids toy – or they want high-definition gaming and entertainment and all that it brings."
"They are only a competitor in so much as they'll take consumers pounds and I'd like to have as many of those as I can," he concluded.
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November 10th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
A PSP version of PS3 car carnage mash-up Full Auto 2: Battlelines is in the pipeline.
Developed by Deep Fried Entertainment, the handheld iteration retains the vehicles-decked-out-with-weapons-and-armour theme and drops players into destroyable environments where they race against and destroy the opposition.
The destructible element plays a key role in the gameplay, with the destroyable environments dynamically changing track conditions to block competitors and opening new paths. And opponents can be crushed by falling debris caused by exploding missiles. Ouch.
In addition, the PSP version features exclusive content. This includes a new 56-event story mode for single-player, 15 cars designed for the handheld outing that you can get behind the wheel of, new weapons and multiplayer modes - supporting 1 to 4 players - created specifically for Full Auto 2 on the machine.
Full Auto 2: Battlelines is down for a spring 2007 release. And yes, those screenshots are apparently from the PSP game.
News and screens at CVG
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November 10th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
An official headset for trash-talking during online play on PS3 is in the pipeline, but before it arrives Sony has told CVG that you'll be able to configure Blutooth mobile phone headsets to work with PS3 in much the same way.
In the PS3 firmware is a Blutooth Settings menu where, as on-screen text explains, you will be able to configure link-ups with headsets, microphones and headphones that are Blutooth compatible.
This means that instead of waiting for official peripherals, you can get your PS3 talking online, among other things, using products already available.
It is not yet known when official Sony headsets will arrive, but we'd expect not too long after US launch. Check back all next week for our massive hands-on impressions of severeal PS3 games as well as the mighty hardware.
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November 10th, 2006, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
The final day before the long-awaited launch of Sony's PlayStation 3 in Japan has dawned. Now, with only hours remaining until shops open their doors to start selling the next-gen console, GameSpot took it to the streets to see what the situation was. Were lines forming, as they had in the US? Had the Sony faithful turned out in droves? Or--confronted with fewer and fewer consoles on sale--had gamers given up and stayed home?
The lights of Akihabara.
The first place GameSpot checked out was the Shinjuku Yodobashi Camera store, where back in 2004 Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi showed up to celebrate the official launch of Sony's first foray into the portable gaming market, the PlayStation Portable. Though one would expect to see a line of gamers forming as early as 4 or 5 p.m., security guards were constantly breaking up any groups of people, telling them that they were not allowed to loiter during business hours as it creates problems for neighboring stores.
But as time passed into late evening, crowds nonetheless began to gather around the store, and by 8 p.m., the mass eventually grew to over 300 people. Approximately an hour later, Yodobashi staff began directing the crowds into an orderly line, and were expected to start giving out numbered tickets for rights to a PlayStation 3.
Getting a closer look.
A similar scene was spotted at the Akihabara Yodobashi Camera store, but in a larger scale. At 9 p.m., the store was already teeming with more than 600 people. Although the store staff was not ordering people to create an orderly line, customers took the duty into their own hands and were already lined up around the block waiting for the store to open--the line was organized into orderly rows of two people side by side. Here, there were a considerable number of homeless people lining up as well. Most likely, they are being hired by scalpers to pick up PS3 units.
While the Yodobashi Camera chain drew gamers in good numbers, other stores, including the Shinjuku Bic Camera, Sakuraya, and Akihabara Sofmap, had absolutely no people lining up as of late evening.
With the initial shipment of PlayStation 3 units expected to be 80,000 units--or lower--for the whole country, many of the stores decided that they just don't have enough units to sell at launch and have decided to sell them through raffle drawings Saturday morning. At those places, no lines were formed as of press time. However, it will likely be a different scene tomorrow morning, when the stores start handing out the raffle tickets.
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November 10th, 2006, 22:35 Posted By: Art
X-Flash V16d (Dual Firmware Support)
The same program runs on 1.50 and 2.71 SE, and behaves accordingly after the PSP firmware version is auto detected at startup.
New for X-Flash V16d:
Bug fix to V16c. Firmware detection routine was blocking firmware version 2.71 SE-B3, and possibly any SE version later than the original SE-B.
This version will block firmware other than 1.50. 2.71 SE-B, or 2.71 SE-B3.
New for X-Flash V16c:
- Custom Coldboot Opening Sound (firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Custom Coldboot Opening Sound with Echo Effect
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Built in Air Wrench Coldboot Opening Sound
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Delete Coldboot Opening Sound
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Apply Biult in Custom XMB Click Sound
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Apply Biult in Custom XMB Error Sound
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Allowed larger custom Gameboot Movie (619Kb Max) to support
the Prince Of Persia (Blood & Claw) Gameboot Movie.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Improved Biult In Plain Black Gameboot movie by DarkStone
(black movie from V16b sometimes pixelates with 2.71)
- Fix to "ascii" nickname Easter Egg.
Menu editor can now be started with Select button or
from the menu to use the Easter Egg.
(firmware version 1.50)
- Implemented Real Time checking for low RAM condition caused by Mikmod loading the music module too many times in one session. This would probably never be an issue, since you would have to
play the ASCII credits demo or Free Space very many times to consume all available RAM.
- Fixed "Hello Nickname" welcome screen for 2.71 SE.
- Various other minor fixes/enhancements.
Currently Disabled for 2.71 SE:
- XMB Menu Label editor.
- Firmware Version Spoofers.
- Plain Black PSP About Screens (may be fixed in a later version).
- Some Easter Eggs won't work because they rely on version spoofs,
detailed name plate picture, etc.
Note: many considerations have been made to ensure this release works smoothly on both supported firmware versions. Features pertaining to Dark_AleX Custom Firmware POC for 1.50 are
disabled in 2.71 SE, including the prompt for it's auto installation at first time use. Writing mp3 file to flash feature is disabled for 2.71 SE due to lack of space left on flash0 after 2.71 SE is installed. Custom Gameboots are limited in size to 618Kb when using 2.71 SE for the same reason.
I am always interested in correcting any problems that may be found.
X-Flash Windows Menu Editor
X-Flash supports saving the labels from it's buildin menu editor to a file. With this little app you can edit the "Labels.XF" file from X-Flash on your PC, save it into the X-Flash folder on your memstick, to then re-load and finally apply your new labels to your PSP using X-Flash.
That's it. Plain and simple :-)
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Cheers, Art.
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November 10th, 2006, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
New Press release:
Prevent children from playing unsuitable games on the PlayStation 2 with Xploder Parental GameLock
Product Overview
Xploder Parental GameLock is a combination of unique proprietary software and an innovative locking device (X-Lock) - it is the only system available to help parents and guardians control the content of their children’s PS2 gaming.
It is difficult for parents/guardians to stay abreast of all of the latest game releases, let alone keep up to speed with their suitability for children. Xploder Parental GameLock means parents can leave their children to play PS2 games unsupervised, whilst safe in the knowledge that they will not be viewing unsuitable content.
Xploder Parental GameLock software incorporates publicly available data from worldwide certification bodies including BBFC, PEGI, ESRB, OFLC and USK. By combining this data with the unique X-Lock device, parents can simply lock the required age settings into the console, allowing only suitable games to be played. Updates are available via a broadband enabled PS2 or can be downloaded to a USB device and parents can add new game details via the easy-to-use menu system.
The Xploder Parental GameLock is simple to use, and is already pre-installed with age ratings for thousands of PlayStation 2 games. The on-screen installation wizard allows parents to simply set their child’s age and Xploder Parental GameLock ensures that no games with a rating that is higher than the age selected can be played. Once the X-Lock and memory card (required for use, not included) are in place there is no need to remove the device as the GameLock data is stored on the user’s memory card and is accessed each time the PS2 is turned on. (continued…)
Market Overview
Video games appeal to a wide spectrum of ages and it is understandable that games styles and content reflect the diverse audience that gaming now attracts. The gaming industry, with assistance from various Governments are taking significant steps to restrict the sales of more adult themed games to minors, with the implementation and enforcement of age ratings systems.
However the media is currently awash with stories of the alleged bad influence that some games are having on today’s younger generation. Realistic graphics often depicting scenes of a violent, sexual or criminal nature have led to the banning of certain games in certain stores worldwide and law suits being filed against games publishers in the United States for what is deemed to be inappropriate content. Therefore many parents are keen to ensure that their children are not exposed to what they deem as unsuitable images and scenarios.
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November 10th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
'The most bizarre game on PSP.' 'An explosive third-person shooter that's hotter than a chilli burrito.' 'A must-have for hat and chicken lovers.' Whatever quote Eidos splashes over its promo posters for Chili Con Carnage, it's unlikely to do the game justice. You see, it's quite simply the most over-the-top, wonderfully stupid and downright funny game we've played on PSP yet.
Set in the same universe as Total Overdose, Deadline Games' Max Payne-meets-Mexico PS2 shooter, Chili Con Carnage's hero Ramiro Cruz returns as the gun-slinging gringo out to exact revenge on the mob bosses that killed his father. Starting out in the seedy underbelly of Los Toros, Ram must run, gun and grenade his way through seven areas of the city, each divided into smaller sections packed with objectives to complete and sombrero-wearing bad guys to knock off.
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November 10th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Every Extend Extra started as a freeware PC app that was transformed by the music-loving Q? Entertainment folks. With flashy skins, and groovin' music, does Every Extend Extra continue the music puzzling legacy of Mizuguchi, or does it fall flat on its face? Let's see what the critics have to say:
CVG (90/100) thinks the game is just as good as its Lumines predecessor: "With all the impressive music and visual tech pushing Every Extend Extra, its easy to forget that when you strip it all away there's a unique and addictive shooter lying underneath. As with Lumines, E3 is a game for those who appreciate a simple yet brilliantly-realised, score-driven experience - otherwise you might just be put off by the limited amount of raw content the game has to offer."
IGN (81/100) thinks the game's a bit too short-lived, but its pretty looks keep it coming back for more: "Nine stages may not sound like a lot, and truthfully, it's not. But for some cosmic reason it satisfies nonetheless. Each one provides such a distinct arena, complete with unique musical tracks and background animations, that moving through the game gives players an actual sense of accomplishment."
The Mizuguchi-worshipping 1UP (60/100) gave a surprisingly low review, saying the game's flashy nature is a bit too distracting: "It's extra flashy, extra chaotic, extra confusing. Q Entertainment's unique sense of style is in full effect, but for once that's maybe not such a good thing. All of Mizuguchi's trademark flash and pizzazz actually detract from the experience."
With the exception of 1UP, it appears that the critics enjoy the E3 experience. And although it might be too short, or too flashy, the original Every Extend is included as a nice bonus. The game is now available for the budget price of $30. I'm buying it just for the awesome box art.
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November 10th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ookm of a new button changing app for the PSP:
copy dh/kd/271CtrlP0okm.prx to MemoryStick
add line
to ms0:/dh/271F/flash0/kd/pspbtcnf.txt
and ms0:/dh/271F/flash0/kd/pspbtcnf_game.txt
** see pspbtcnf.txt.sample, pspbtcnf_game.txt.sample
if in MemoryStick root have CtrlP0okm.bin
then it will use it to Hook the Button
use PSP sio to add External JoyStick
v1.28 :
Add FindExAddrByNid
v0.96 :
Initial release
CtrlP0okm.bin sample
when press LTRIGGER it will Dump the Kernel Memory
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November 10th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News /release from the_darkside_986 :
This is a new release of my simple EBOOT calculator designed to fill in functionality that Sony neglected in their firmware. (Even M$ Windows comes with a free calc in the OS.)
I know there are other calculators but this one strives to be a simple, fast EBOOT. Also, it is now released under the GPL - an open source license. The source code is included in the download .zip file along with 1.0 and 1.5 eboot folders.
Screenshot: (the text in the calc screen window is NOT that bright. It is dark but my screen cap must have gotten corrupted somehow. I was using the graphics.h saveImage() function.)
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via the darkside986
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November 10th, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xandu:
Hey folks!
This is my release of the L:UA Periodic Table Standalone BETA. It has analog movement to choose your element:
When you choose the element, it displays a list of handy properties of the chosen element and its picture:
It's still in BETA stages right now, so I still need to put the Lanthanides and Actinides and fix some bugs.
It has 2 or 3 missing elements, which will be added in the next version.
Since this is a Standalone BETA, it will be added to my L:UA in the next release.
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via xandu
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November 10th, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Any people in Japan or elsewhere who has a PS3 and games then please post your reviews in our Submit news forum, any pics too 
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November 11th, 2006, 04:29 Posted By: DPyro
Check it out. Sony has recently put online their user guide for PS3. Find out more about Photos, Video, Internet and Remote Play on the PS3!
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November 11th, 2006, 05:06 Posted By: rdetagle
News/release from be2003:
I was very bored and decided to make a simple module that would be used on the 2.71 se-b" firmware...
It's called VSHUSB because it is used in the VSH and puts the PSP into USB mode and can be used while doing other activities in the VSH...
simple controls are in the README
the RAR is prepackaged with UMF by Coldbird so all you have to do is put the INSTALL folder in the root of the memory stick and the UMF folder in /PSP/GAME150/ and run.
Tried this myself, works pretty good.
Nice work be2003! 
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November 11th, 2006, 08:07 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese arm of analyst and financial firm Merrill Lynch has revised down Sony's forecast and cut its target share price, in anticipation of the launch of the company's PlayStation 3 next-gen console.
Japanese news service FISCO has reported that the company's target share prices of Sony has fallen from ¥4,700 to ¥4,000 (from $40.05 down to $34.09). In addition, Merrill Lynch is estimating a multi-billion dollar operating loss for Sony based on its PlayStation 3 launch.
The group has said it expects Sony to lose a total of ¥738.9 billion ($6.3 billion) over the next 5 years based on manufacturing and sales costs of the PlayStation 3, which includes complex elements in both its CPU and optical drive arenas.
It was Merrill Lynch estimates that earlier this year described the console as an “expensive and difficult-to-manufacture product” based on the “problem points” of the the Cell processor and Blu-ray disc drive, and put manufacturing costs of the console at around $800 at launch, falling to $320 over the following three years.
That followed more estimates from the company that suggested the PlayStation 3 would not be launched until late 2006 in Japan and early 2007 in North America. Sony refuted the comments at the time, as it was still aiming for a spring 2006 launch. Though both of these regions will be seeing the launch of the console over the coming week, the European PS3 launch has been delayed into early 2007.
Via Gamasutra
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November 11th, 2006, 08:09 Posted By: wraggster
For those frustrated with the Xbox 360's limited video playback features (and for those of you angry at PS3 for not upscaling DVDs), here's something to smile about: video playback on Sony's new system seems to have no restrictions of any kind. Barring a lack of support for your chosen format (which of course will never make anybody happy since there are 5 zillion media formats out there and no media player can play back everything), the PS3 will play back videos without issue, even at full HD quality.
This is good news after the PlayStation Portable unfortunately delivered less-than-ideal video playback maxing out in consumer releases at 320x240 anamorphic instead of full 480x272 (although this PSP fault is likely due to support of outdated Memory Stick Video Format restrictions, some blame this on Sony's fear that UMD would not sell if users were allowed to make full-resolution video ... indeed, Sony's own Japanese P.TV site offers encrypted videos at full-res, but consumer compression applications can only make small-resolution PSP videos.) Here with PS3, we were able to play videos at 720p and even 1080p off of a Memory Stick after first compressing them to the AVC format. (Our tests used Sorensen Squeeze, but any AVC compressor should be able to do the job.)
We also tested PSP-sized AVC and MP4 files, which played back just fine. Some of these videos were odd-sized videos, and they also played back without issue. We have not yet been able to put the system through a stress-test to see if the PS3 is able to play videos that do not conform to standard broadcast or PSP-supported q-pel formats, but we will be testing this soon -- so far, this seems to not be an issue.
In addition to AVC, PS3 will also be able to play MPEG1, MPEG2, and standard-profile MP4 videos, all common formats and all formats easily found in consumer-level (and freeware/shareware) video compression applications. We were able to test MPEG2 and MP4-SP, and both formats worked just as any other video format on PS3, without issue. You cannot, however, reformat videos -- you can copy them from device to device, but unlike with music files, you can't re-encode them under a more preferred or tighter codec. We also loaded an AVI file into the PS3, and while it recognized that a file was loaded, it showed the AVI file as Corrupted Data, just as on PSP.
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November 11th, 2006, 08:10 Posted By: wraggster
When you pop a CD into the PlayStation 3, it will of course wind up under the Music heading of the Cross Media Bar. After you've agreed to the privacy policy agreement for nabbing track info online, the system will name your CD and its individual tracks. As you scroll through the tracks, you'll see its name, the artist and album its from and its track length.
Pressing Triangle, you're able to play a track, import it or view more information. By choosing Information, you'll see not only the track, album and artist info, but its genre and how large the file size will be if you import it. Import settings are located under Settings->Music Settings in the XMB, and you can choose to rip tracks as an AAC, MP3 or ATRAC file. For each of these, you have a number of bitrate options. MP3 will hit 320kbps at its highest rate.
We imported Dredg's Live at the Fillmore disc. It runs over 76 minutes in length, essentially maxing out a CD's capacity. The ripping process took somewhere around six minutes.
The storage process looks to be the same as the PSP where the albums are stored at the root, rather than going Artist->Album->Song. You are able to change the sorting type, be it by artist, album or so forth, but everything is only divided on one level. Playback controls are much like you'd see on the PS2, with rewind, fast-forward, pause, play, etc.
Update: By pressing the PlayStation button, you'll bring up the Cross Media Bar again, allowing you to multi-task while your music still plays. If you being a movie or start playing a game, playback will stop, but at least you're able to listen to music while browsing the web or manipulating data.
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November 11th, 2006, 08:11 Posted By: wraggster
In our first look at the PlayStation 3's media playback features, we initially the system to be limited by its directory structure design -- unless media was stored in the proper folder, it would not be read by the PS3. But surprise! With a tap of the Triangle button, the PS3 becomes a fully-formed directory searcher, and can indeed find and play music, photos, videos or playlists from anywhere on most any media device.
The PS3 itself is designed to browse only the folders it is designed to browse -- the root-level VIDEO, MUSIC, and PHOTO folders (as well as the standard MP_ROOT and DCIM folders shared across many media devices.) It will load media directly from the system and load them onto the PS3 menu in the proper media setting, so if you choose Photo on the PS3 menu, it will show the images in your PSP or Memory Stick or Compact Flash or SD card or USB keychain folder. More importantly, it will not show media not in those proper folders -- unlike on a PC, it does not have a "media search" function to find multimedia elsewhere on your external device.
But never fear, because there is also a "Display All" feature when selecting your Memory Stick or other USB-connected device that allows you to browse the entire directory structure, and thus load whatever's on the drive that the system recognizes. This indeed works for any media type. We were able to run music from an iPod and pull video from a random spot on our USB mini-drive. It's a hidden option that some may not notice at first, and sorting through folders isn't exactly easy (an iPod is full of all kinds of dummy files that are not music, for instance, and the folders are not named after the albums or songs stored in them -- if you can sort your media for proper playback on PS3, you're going to want to), but at least the option is there. Thank the Lloyd!
And how does connecting a media device work with PS3? We tried a number of devices. The first was an iRiver unit -- the iRiver H10 player. This unit is notorious for difficulty in driver functionality and mounting on PC and Mac systems -- the unit requires custom drivers instead of mounting as a standard USB device. As expected, the unit did not mount and was not able to offer music playback. This was one of the few cases we've had where the PS3 just could do nothing with the device, as usually, there's a way around the problem.
After that, we plugged in a standard 20GB full-size Video iPod. The PS3 recognized the iPod just fine, even displaying on the screen that the unit was in fact an iPod. However, the directory structure Apple chose for iPod is not something that PS3 recognizes (or at least does not recognize in the latest update, v1.10.) The iPod will mount, but no video, audio or photo tracks can be found on the standard XMB menu. Jump into "Display All", however, and it's a totally different story -- you can see the Calendar and music directories, and can browse as deep as you need to in order to find the files. As we mentioned, finding music on an iPod is difficult sometimes because iTunes makes a number of Apple-needed files (images and encryption notes and things like that) in the folder, and also avoids common folder names. However, it works fine in a pinch, and it may be possible that Sony could add iPod folder browsing to the PS3's abilities in a later update.
Finally, we plugged in a PSP (and also an offloaded PSP Memory Stick). As expected, the PSP is recognized as a PSP and is mounted as a USB device, and the music plays back from the PSP-mounted unit or any given Memory Stick just fine, so long as the folders are set properly. The PS3 recognizes both the PSP/MUSIC folder structure as well as the new MUSIC root folder added in PSP v2.80 (and now a common folder for Memory Stick formatting), and you can do anything in the PS3's music feature set with a PSP (including playback, file transfer to and from PS3's HDD, file naming, etc.) A quick note, however: the PS3 will not recognize nested folders (folders inside other folders) unless you use "Display All", which shouldn't be a problem for most Memory Stick users since the PSP has the same limit, but it is frustrating in some ways since neither device natively lets you put your music with albums inside artist folders, as many do on their home PCs.
The "Display All" thankfully fixes some issues we had with the PSP's version of the XMB menu seen on PS3, and hopefully Sony will add some more support functions to PS3 in the future.
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November 11th, 2006, 10:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:

No doubt, every new video game console launch is a fascinating event for all gamers. More than six years after the PlayStation2™ launch in Japan, it's finally been time for Sony's next generation console to hit the market. The PlayStation3™ has officially been launched in Japan today, Saturday November 11th, 2006.
Highly praised by its makers, the PlayStation3™ now finally has to prove its true power and acceptance in the market. Despite its relatively high price compared to the Xbox360™ and yet to be launched Nintendo™ Wii, there has been a big rush on the console in Japan. With only 80,000 consoles expected to be available in the market today, thousands of video game enthusiasts have been lined up hours before stores were expected to open this morning at 7am local time.
We have compiled an overview of today's PlayStation3™ launch lineup, along with further information, including shipping schedule details, region compatibilities, image galleries and more.
Launch Lineup - 5 Japanese PlayStation3™ games in stock today
Today's launch date line up includes the two console models (20G/60G), two first party, a number of Hori/Logitech licensed accessories and finally five game releases.
PlayStation3 Console (HDD 60GB Model) JPN US$ 999.00
PlayStation3 Console (HDD 20GB Model) JPN US$ 899.00
PS3 Wireless Controller (SIXAXIS) JPN US$ 49.90
PS3 Memory Card Adapter JPN US$ 19.90
Genji: Kamui Souran / Genji: Days of the Blade JPN US$ 59.90
Miyasato Miyoshi Kyoudai Naizou: Sega Golf Club JPN US$ 64.90
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight JPN US$ 64.90
Resistance: Fall of Man JPN US$ 59.90
Ridge Racer 7 JPN US$ 64.90
GT Force RX JPN US$ 109.90
Monaural AV Cable JPN US$ 8.90
S Terminal Cable JPN US$ 14.90
SD Memory Card 1GB JPN US$ 49.90
SD Memory Card 256MB JPN US$ 27.90
SD Memory Card 512MB JPN US$ 34.90
Stereo AV Cable JPN US$ 9.90
Wireless Keyboard 2.4GHz US$ 69.90
The PlayStation3™ uses the same Multi AV out as the PS One™ and PlayStation2™, which makes PlayStation2™ compatible Component, S-Video and other leads compatible with the PS3™ as well. Check out our full range of PlayStation3™ compatible cables.
Also don't forget, the PlayStation3™ plays Blu-Ray movies. We are carrying a variety of Japanese Version Blu-Ray Movies.
Play-Asia.com Shipping Schedule - FREE PS2™ Games with every PS3™ Console
Almost every customer with a confirmed PlayStation3™ console preorder is expected to receive a shipping confirmation e-mail today, remaining orders will ship on Monday. We further have limited supply of the 20GB Model in stock to ship within 24 hours. Supply on the more demanded 60GB Model is tighter and new orders for this model are currently estimated to be processed within 1-5 working days.
If you want a PS3™ console so be shipped right away, we recommend you to order the smaller 20GB model.
The PS3 Memory Card Adapter has not come in yet due to insufficient supply in the market. We hope to receive a shipment next week, along with more PS3 Wireless Controllers, which are also sold out at the moment. All as of now confirmed PS3™ console orders that contain either of these two accessories will be split shipped to avoid delays.
There's no shortage on PlayStation3™ software for the time being, all five launch titles are stocked at Play-Asia.com to be shipped within usually 24 hours.
Last but not least, for a limited period of time and as long as supplies last, Play-Asia.com will include two FREE Asia/Japanese version PlayStation2™ games of our choice with every PlayStation3™ console purchase (20GB/60GB Model).
PlayStation3™ Region Compatibility
Each PlayStation3™ Console has been designed to play back PlayStation3™, PlayStation2™ and PlayStation™ software as well as Blu-Ray and DVD Movie discs. Territorial lockout exists on most of these formats. Based on our information gathered so far, every PlayStation3™ game released so far appears to be region free. However we will try to reconfirm this during next week when the first US PS3™ consoles and games are available.
Japanese PlayStation3™ Console Region Encoding:
PlayStation3™ Software to be confirmed
PlayStation2™ Software NTSC/J only
PlayStation™ Software NTSC/J only
Blu-Ray Movies Region A (Japan/USA/Asia)
DVD Movies Region 2 (Japan/Europe)
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November 11th, 2006, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
A pamphlet included in the US retail PlayStation 3 hardware bundle has shed some light on the release dates for a few of the next-gen system's upcoming exclusives.
According to IGN, the pamphlet reveals that despite MotorStorm enjoying a December release in Japan, where the PS3 goes on sale today, it won't be released in the US until February.
Meanwhile, Factor 5's dragon-'em-up Lair (which smacks a bit of Dynasty Warriors in our early build) is down as March, along with Heavenly Sword from UK-based Ninja Theory.
The good news, we suppose, being that those games could all wind up as European launch titles - if they stick to the proposed dates. Ha.
Via Eurogamer
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November 11th, 2006, 16:41 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese launch of the PlayStation 3 has shed some more light on the contents of the day-one firmware update, 1.10, which had previously been billed as a patch to enable PlayStation Network access.
Well, translations of the Sony Japan update page, and early sightings of the equivalent firmware data from Sony America, suggest that it does a bit more than that - tweaking a bunch of multimedia settings, allowing for downloads in the Internet browser and PS3 Store among other things.
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November 11th, 2006, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
For the hearty souls willing to brave the chill of a November night in Tokyo, it didn't take more than a few minutes past midnight to know if a PlayStation 3 would be theirs--those lucky gamers were handed a numbered ticket which guaranteed them a unit. Then, it was just a matter of waiting out the hours until the stores of Shinjuku and Akihabara opened their shutters.
But for the general masses that woke up at more reasonable hours Saturday, the best they could do was to secure a raffle ticket and hope that lady luck was on their side when they returned to the store when the raffle was being held.
Counting down the hours.
While there may have been enough PS3s for the hardcore gamers who wanted them badly, there was no denying that Sony's Japan allocation way too slim to match the demand.
As the countdown to the PlayStation 3 launch in Japan ticked down to its last minutes, GameSpot editors headed to Shinjuku's Yodobashi Camera, where SCEI president Ken Kutaragi made an appearance during the PSP launch back in 2004.
Prepping for the first sales.
SCE head of worldwide studios Phil Harrison was spotted for a short moment just before the scheduled launch time, at 7AM, but most eyes were peeled for Kutaragi, who was expected to show up and reprise his leading the PSP launch in '04.
Kutaragi did eventually appear at the store as we had expected, but unfortunately, it was well over an hour after the opening hour and drama of the launch activities. He had picked the Bic Camera main branch outlet in Yurakucho to hand out the first console--to a young eager customer from China we were told.
We have a winner.
At Shinjuku's Yodobashi camera, the first person on line was a 22-year-old student who had been waiting in line since 6pm on Friday. While he looked tired and worn from the long wait, he shined a grin as he walked away with PS3 and Mobile Suit Gundam game.
Similar scenes were taking place in other locations throughout Tokyo, most selling PS3s without preorders or raffle tickets. The Ikebukuro Bic Camera had over 1,200 customers with numbered tickets, while the Shibuya Tsutaya, the official launch location for Microsoft's Xbox and Xbox 360, had about 300 units to sell.
For others, the rain continues--as does the wait.
While hardcore gamers returned home happily with their PS3, it was another story with the general public who weren't aware that the PS3 would be supplied in only limited numbers.
From around 8am on, we saw dozens of people approaching stores only to see Sold Out signs in front. It was pretty apparent what was going to happen next.
To see how things were going at stores giving away the raffle tickets, we went to the Shinjuku Bic Camera to see if there was a line. To our surprise, over 400 people had formed a line by around 9am--when the store was scheduled to hand out raffle tickets. But soon, a staffer came out and held up a Sold Out sign at the end of the line, telling the unlucky stragglers they no chance at all at buying a unit.
A similar scene was happening at Sakuraya, which only had about 20 units each of the 20GB and 60GB models. There was still a line of about 200 people even after the scheduled closing time of the raffle ticket distribution.
In Akihabara, Sofmap's main branch had about 300 people lined up to get raffle tickets, with everyone holding umbrellas to cope with the heavy rain. Similar to the line at Shinjuku Bic Camera, a staffer eventually came up and held up a Sold Out sign, turning away any additional people trying to line up after 9:30am when the store was to hand out its tickets.
Generally, those waiting in line to get raffle tickets were a very different group from the customers who waited overnight. The crowds we saw in the overnight lines consisted of hardcore gamers, foreigners, and homeless people hired by scalpers. They were mostly male, and many of them wore heavy clothing to survive the cold, additionally prepared with portable chairs and handheld gaming machines.
On the other hand, the lines that formed at raffle locations this morning consisted of more casually dressed people with a good number of female customers, parents with children, and a few elderly folks lining up to buy a PS3 for their grandchildren perhaps.
Sony seemed to have anticipated there might not be enough PS3s for the casual consumers at launch, which would explain why the company seemed to have been holding back on its mass market ad campaign. While Sony had posted numerous billboards at train stations and had run a flight of TV ads in prime time, the company didn't begin its push until just a week ago. In comparison, Nintendo has been running Wii ads on TV for nearly a month, even through the console isn't due until December.
Given the high demand of the PS3, the console is already selling at inflated prices on auction sites. The 60GB model, which sold for an average price of 59,800 yen ($508) at retailers is selling now for around 90,000 yen ($765) on Yahoo Japan's Auction site. The 20GB model, which retails for 49,980 yen ($425), is going for 70,000 yen ($595).
Sony expects to ship 100 thousand units every week after today's launch, which should give it total sales of about 400,000 units by the time the Wii is released in December. Coincidently, Nintendo expects 400,000 units to be available Day 1 of its launch in Japan.
Then the console race in Japan begins in earnest.
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November 11th, 2006, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Getting a preorder for the PlayStation 3 has been nothing but hardship for many gamers in Japan, since it was expected that trying to buy a unit without one would be next to impossible. However, it may turn out that lining up to buy on launch day isn't going to be as difficult as it once seemed.
Around the time of the 2006 Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced that its day-one shipment of PS3s in Japan on November 11 will only be 100,000 units. In 2004, the company shipped double that number of PlayStation Portables, which sold out in a matter of minutes. To make things worse, recent industry reports have been saying that the actual shipment could be as low as 80,000 units.
Most retailers have kept their expected PS3 inventories secret, but a few places disclosed figures that brought a chill to gamers without preorders. Laox announced that they would be receiving only 10 to 20 units for each of their stores in Nakano, Toyosu, and Atsugi, though it kept its Akihabara branch figures undisclosed. Best Denki's Shinjuku branch and GEO's Ishikawa branch revealed that they will be getting only five units each, despite both of them being nationwide chains.
Finding a PS3 preorder on the Internet seemed equally unlikely. Amazon Japan closed its preorder offer just 20 minutes after it opened last month. The online shop for national chain Tsutaya overloaded, closing down in just five minutes. Gamers praying that Sony would offer a massive number of preorders at its official shopping site were also disappointed. Two weeks ago, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan announced that it won't sell the console at all online.
Many national chain stores announced weeks ago that they wouldn't be taking preorders at launch due to a lack of units. Established chains including Sofmap, Kojima Electronics (no relation to the Metal Gear Solid producer), and most Bic Camera stores opted to hold raffles on launch day and sell units to the lucky winners.
The last resort for getting a PS3 console at launch was going to be stores that were going to sell the units on a first-come, first-served basis. And as it turns out, it pays off to never give up.
Lucky PlayStation 3 happy magic ticket!
GameSpot made the rounds through the stores of Tokyo around midnight. To our surprise, when we reached Akihabara's Yodobashi Camera, Tokyo's biggest electronics store, at 1:30 a.m., the huge line of over 600 people had disappeared, with only a small row of about 70 or so people milling about the store's entrance.
Looks, however, can be deceiving. The line had actually grown to a size of nearly 1,500 customers, and Yodobashi employees decided to move everyone into the store's basement-level parking lot. All the customers that were moved were given numbered tickets that guaranteed them a PS3, although some people in the back were told that they may not be able to choose between the 20GB and 60GB PS3 models. The 70-odd people outside weren't guaranteed a PS3, but they decided to continue lining up with hopes that there may be some leftovers or cancellations.
Inside the parking lot, most of the people seemed lively, probably because they knew they were going to get a PS3. They might have also been happy that they didn't have to wait for days outside. The man in the very front of the line had only arrived at 10 p.m. the previous night, while the last customers, who had tickets numbered in the mid-1400's, hadn't shown up until midnight.
Another store, the Laox Asobit City, also had a large number of people lining up for the PS3, although nowhere as many as the Akihabara Yodobashi Camera. As mentioned above, Laox has been one of the few chains that revealed the number of PS3s it will sell in most of its stores, so we expected the Akihabara line to be about 30 people by midnight, at most. But by 1:30 a.m., the line stood 250 strong, and an employee was shooing people away from its end, saying the store had no more units to sell.
At the Shinjuku Yodobashi Camera, there were a total of approximately 780 people waiting to buy a PS3. Similarly to the Akihabara branch, the people in line were given numbered tickets that guaranteed them a unit. And at the line's end, there was a sign that read "sold out." According to one of the customers in the rear, he was able to get a ticket despite showing up as late as 10:30 p.m.
So what happened when the clock struck midnight? In a word, nothing. Unlike in the US, Japanese retailers don't begin selling their consoles once the date changes, forcing gamers to hold out until morning.
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November 11th, 2006, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
If you plan on picking up a PlayStation 3 anytime soon and are worried about the dent that the system and its peripherals will put in your wallet, you may want to consider picking up some USB adapters for the PS2's Dual Shock 2 controller. These relatively cheap adapters are made for using a Dual Shock 2 on a PC, but they seem to work quite well with every PlayStation 3 game that we've tried. You need to switch on the analog button when you plug them in and they're missing the PlayStation button that brings up the Cross Media Bar, but other than that they seem perfectly functional.
With that, we assumed that Guitar Hero and its sequel would work perfectly well on the PlayStation 3. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. When you pop in a PS2 or PSone game, you're prompted to tap the PlayStation button on the controller. For what reason, we're not sure, but as Guitar Hero's SG controller doesn't have this button, you can't actually activate it. You also can't quick-swap from one controller to another as the second part of the problem lies in that you need to turn on analog control, but again, the SG guitar doesn't have an on/off button for analog play.
Yes, this sucks. Yes, we really hope someone releases an adapter sometime soon.
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November 11th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder for PS3 from SuccessHK
Price:USD 57.74

Call of Duty 3 delivers the intensity of World War II combat closer than ever. In this next-generation game, you'll experience the Normandy Breakout -- the historic campaign that made the liberation of Paris possible and brought the Allies a step closer to Berlin. Travel with four ordinary Allied soldiers -- American, British, Canadian and Polish -- as they're thrust onto an authentic, living battlefield for unprecedented combat, with advanced High-Definition graphics, detailed Character animations and explosive on-screen action. Call Of Duty 3 delivers the most immersive and cinematically intense war experience ever. Play as an infantryman, or commandeer multiple-occupancy vehicles like tanks, jeeps & motorcycles

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November 11th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder for PS3 from SuccessHK
Price:USD 58.74

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 takes golf gaming to new level of realism. Experience the next generation of technology as Tiger Woods comes to life -- you'll see and feel each emotion in detail, as it's displayed onscreen in the faces and movements of the golfers. Play under pressure just like pros, and go further in your game with the enhanced career mode. Featuring 15 of the world's top players, including Tiger Woods, John Daly, Vijay Singh, Ian Poulter, Michael Campbell, and Annika Sorenstam, the most decorated golfer on the LPGA Tour New Gameface tool with deeper modifications, more apparel, equipment licenses, and specialty items Challenge up to three players in five new game modes, or play in online tournaments complete with money lists, full stat tracking, league leaders, and more Work on your game or take on a friend in Match Play, Battle Golf, 21, OneBall, and more

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November 11th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder for PS3 from SuccessHK
Price:USD 57.74

Blazing Angels: Squadrons Of WWII lets you experience WWII's most epic and action-packed air battles. You and your squadron Blazing Angels will do your best to turn the tide of the war. Whether it's the Battle of Britain, the attack of Pearl Harbor or the fierce fighting for the deserts of North Africa, you'll be there -- fighting for freedom in realistic air combat.

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November 11th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder for PS3 from SuccessHK

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas is the fifth title in the Rainbow Six series, and pits players against terrorists who have taken the city of Vegas hostage.

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November 11th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Although it was never confirmed, rumors of a semi-active Sleep Mode to be included in PlayStation 3 surrounded the days leading up to launch. It made sense, of course, since the PlayStation Portable uses the same menu as PS3 and has a Sleep Mode, and also the PS3's network features require it (or at least recommend for it) to be plugged in and active all the time. Unfortunately, the final retail PS3 units do not seem to have anything more complex than the PlayStation 2's own Standby Mode.
Standby Mode is your basic PlayStation shutdown sequence -- like PS2, the system shuts down and the lights turn red, and it's off (it just takes a lot longer on this system than PS2 did.) There is also a switch in the back of the system, but as with PS2, you're supposed to leave it in Standby mode rather than switch it off completely -- remember too that you can also start the system up with a push of a button on the controller this time. There is not a nifty Sleep Mode like on PSP, however, which was designed for the portable but could have been very nice on a console as well. Sleep Mode on PSP allows you to flip a switch and turn the system somewhat off -- the screen is black and the disc stops spinning, but the RAM stays loaded so that the system can quickly be turned back on even after you've had it in Sleep for days, picking up exactly where you left off in your game or video playback. On PSP, this is of course a necessary feature to make the system pocket-friendly, and it also helps save batteries. It's not as necessary on PS3, but we would have liked to have seen it on the system -- it'd make those few minutes waiting for the initial load of huge, streaming games like GTA rarely a problem since you could slip the system into Sleep rather than left on in Pause mode when you finally feel the need to take that hour-long dump you've been holding off for the past three straight, sleepless days while playing.
We haven't been able to test yet to see if the PS3 does anything in its Standby Mode other than await being turned on (it will charge a PS3 controller if it's connected to USB, that's about all we know so far), but at the moment, Standby Mode isn't all that thrilling. There doesn't seem to be any always-on feature like the Wii's Connect 24, and SCE had already confirmed that it has no plans for the kinds of Push Content that will will do (where the system will find media and automatically download it to your machine -- a somewhat intrusive imposition on your storage space that is more than paid off for by the "Christmas Morning" feeling of switching on your system and finding something new installed to it.) The PlayStation Network is still not yet fully operational, so we haven't tested to see if there is any kind of feature built into Standby with the new online system (maybe it can download files and then shut itself down so you can shop before going to bed?), but we doubt there'll be any surprises there. We are curious to see if the PS3 is at all receptive to PSP commands for the new Remote Player feature, as it would be a bummer to have to leave your PS3 on all day long every day if you wanted to access it remotely to show a friend a video or listen to your music rips while out in the yard. It would be interesting to know if there's any possibility of adding Sleep in future versions of the PS3 system software.
Look for further tests of the PS3's least thrilling features as we play with the hardware more.
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November 11th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
We know that the PS3 can surf the Net thanks to the included browser on the Cross Media Bar, but just how fully featured is the web application? We took our retail PS3s out for a spin on the Web to see if there were any hiccups that users might run into with their new systems.
One thing that we discovered is that while the PS3 can open up and display multiple browser windows, you can easily run out of memory if you access pages that are media or plug-in heavy. At one point, we tried loading up the IGN homepage, followed by Ifilm and ESPN, and promptly received a message stating that the console was out of memory for the browser application. This forced us to close a window so we could continue our web surfing. We did find that connecting a USB keyboard and mouse was infinitely easier to use than the standard keypad that was brought up by the browser, so if you're planning on doing a lot of web surfing with your system, you may want to look at disconnecting these two peripherals, which work as soon as you plug them in.
We also discovered that while the PS3 has extremely limited plug-in support. While the homepage of the console is set to Playstation.com, Flash rotations on that site runs much slower than that on a normal computer. We're guessing that's because the PS3 has an outdated version of Flash included in the system software; sites that use the latest Flash plug-ins, like Ifilm to help deliver trailers and movies, were rejected during browser use. What's more, we didn't find Quicktime or Windows Media plug-in support, so watching trailers on the Quicktime site or clips off our own site from the PS3 didn't work as well as we'd hoped.
Finally, we also discovered that there's a limited amount of support for downloading content from the Web to your PS3 via the browser. We weren't able to transfer a file from a website to the hard drive on the PS3 -- in this case, our footage of Motorstorm's intro; instead, we were prompted to select a location to save a file to on an external storage media, like a portable hard drive or thumb drive. What's more, if you want your PS3 to recognize this file, the folder it's placed in has to be in the same directory structure that the PSP or PS3 acknowledges or it will remain unknown to the system. What's more, the same limits on the Cross Media Bar for the PSP exist for the PS3: it only goes one level deep, so don't expect to lay files in a multiple folder-deep directory tree.
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November 11th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Article from IGN
The PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable are like two peas in a pod, sharing and sharing alike all the way down to the common XMB menu -- these two were made for each other. We connected up our PSP to the final retail PS3 (updated to version x1.10) to see how well the duo worked together.
Remote Play
The highly-unexpected PS3-to-PSP Remote Play feature is unfortunately not yet active at this time -- the feature is listed on the PS3 menu and is functional, but because the PSP will not be updated to the necessary v3.0 until later this month, the PSP cannot reciprocate the feature. We did notice a few things about the feature, however. For one, the set-up seems to have some manual functionality to it, as the PS3 asks for the PSP's SSID (which should be displayed on the PSP once it's updated to v3.0 -- we don't know yet how long this SSID will be.) The menu will not let us get past that, but assumedly, from here the PS3 and PSP would begin auto-searching for each other and then it'd go from there. On the Remote Play feature set, we were able to test the mode and were a little surprised (and somewhat disappointed) that the PS3 actually has to kick out of HD mode to 480p when it switches to Remote Play -- it'll take 1080p video and stream it to your PSP, but the PS3 has to take time resetting itself (and your monitor) for the mode.
Media Playback
The PlayStation 3 will mount just about any time of USB drive and, so long as it has the proper directory structure, will take its media from that system. PSP mounts as a USB Memory Stick device -- nothing special, but since PSP folders are the same as PS3 folders, your PSP Memory Stick should be pre-formatted out of the box.
One of the first things you'll notice is that the PSP itself is recognized as a PSP -- the menu will say PSP, will list a PSP icon, and will even pull the name of your PSP as the media device you are using (for example, our Japanese Ceramic White PSP showed up as "Gandalf", as we had cleverly named it Gandalf the White way back when we bought the system.) Your media will show up in its proper place from the PSP, with Music, Video and Photos loading from the PSP to PS3 easy enough. In a nice extra feature, you can tap triangle and browse a full media structure on your PSP Memory Stick -- you actually see what folders files are stored in and can see not only the currently-chosen media type but also whatever media type is available to check out.
File loading is as fast as your Memory Stick allows, and in our tests, there was no delay at all loading tunes and videos off a connected PSP -- it all runs about as fast as a PlayStation Portable does. You also have the option of copying media from here, either from the PSP to PS3 or the other way around. (This same option is available for all USB connections.)
One of the disappointments so far with PS3 media playback: no thumbnails of most media types unless it's on the HDD. Pictures, it does fine with -- it loads thumbnails of your pictures right away. Video, however, will neither load the standard bitmap thumbnail (in the old MP_ROOT folder) or auto-generate a running thumbnail from the video itself. (In an aside, it seems that Sony was incorrect in stating video thumbnails were "realtime" on the menu when running from the hard disc -- instead, the PS3 generates and stores a thumbnail video for the file, similar to how the PSP used a THM file for its thumbnails.) And most surprising of all, Music folders did not display their album thumbnail, a common feature on media players -- it works on PSP, but it doesn't work yet on PS3. (Note that this may simply be a feature to be added later, as even CDs ripped and auto-labeled for Album/Artist/Song do not include album art.)
On a final couple of notes, the PS3 does not have the ability to modify or browse PSP saves -- game saves and PSP applications do not appear anywhere on the PS3 front-end when reading from a PSP unit (or loading a Memory Stick). You also cannot use the built-in Memory Stick formatter to format a stick on PSP -- you must take out the Memory Stick and plug it into either the Memory Stick slot (with adapter for the smaller Memory Stick Duo format) or USB Memory Stick device. Signs also appears to point to a lack of the PS3 to play downloaded games off of anything but PS3's internal hard disc -- when we formatted our Memory Stick for PS3, it did not have a GAMES folder as on PSP, although it did create a PS3 root folder and an "Updates" folder for downloading PS3 updates from the web and loading them onto PS3 (if you can't connect your PS3 up to a network connection.) One bit of good news is that the PS3 can offload game saves -- PS3, PS2, or PS1 -- to the PSP's Memory Stick, making saves perfectly portable (so long as they're not locked saves, as a few PS3 saves will be.)
Gameplay Cross-Play
There is not yet a PS3 game out yet that uses the PSP for any purpose -- the first should be Formula One (although we haven't heard much about that "Wing Mirror" feature since last E3, so we're assuming it's still in at this point), and we do not yet have a test version of that game. However, PS2 games that cross-link to the PSP work fine, as this is a simple matter of connecting the PSP up as a USB device.
We'll have more on PSP and PS3 cross-compatibility in the near future as more abilities are added to both systems.
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November 11th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Article from IGN
The PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable are like two peas in a pod, sharing and sharing alike all the way down to the common XMB menu -- these two were made for each other. We connected up our PSP to the final retail PS3 (updated to version x1.10) to see how well the duo worked together.
Remote Play
The highly-unexpected PS3-to-PSP Remote Play feature is unfortunately not yet active at this time -- the feature is listed on the PS3 menu and is functional, but because the PSP will not be updated to the necessary v3.0 until later this month, the PSP cannot reciprocate the feature. We did notice a few things about the feature, however. For one, the set-up seems to have some manual functionality to it, as the PS3 asks for the PSP's SSID (which should be displayed on the PSP once it's updated to v3.0 -- we don't know yet how long this SSID will be.) The menu will not let us get past that, but assumedly, from here the PS3 and PSP would begin auto-searching for each other and then it'd go from there. On the Remote Play feature set, we were able to test the mode and were a little surprised (and somewhat disappointed) that the PS3 actually has to kick out of HD mode to 480p when it switches to Remote Play -- it'll take 1080p video and stream it to your PSP, but the PS3 has to take time resetting itself (and your monitor) for the mode.
Media Playback
The PlayStation 3 will mount just about any time of USB drive and, so long as it has the proper directory structure, will take its media from that system. PSP mounts as a USB Memory Stick device -- nothing special, but since PSP folders are the same as PS3 folders, your PSP Memory Stick should be pre-formatted out of the box.
One of the first things you'll notice is that the PSP itself is recognized as a PSP -- the menu will say PSP, will list a PSP icon, and will even pull the name of your PSP as the media device you are using (for example, our Japanese Ceramic White PSP showed up as "Gandalf", as we had cleverly named it Gandalf the White way back when we bought the system.) Your media will show up in its proper place from the PSP, with Music, Video and Photos loading from the PSP to PS3 easy enough. In a nice extra feature, you can tap triangle and browse a full media structure on your PSP Memory Stick -- you actually see what folders files are stored in and can see not only the currently-chosen media type but also whatever media type is available to check out.
File loading is as fast as your Memory Stick allows, and in our tests, there was no delay at all loading tunes and videos off a connected PSP -- it all runs about as fast as a PlayStation Portable does. You also have the option of copying media from here, either from the PSP to PS3 or the other way around. (This same option is available for all USB connections.)
One of the disappointments so far with PS3 media playback: no thumbnails of most media types unless it's on the HDD. Pictures, it does fine with -- it loads thumbnails of your pictures right away. Video, however, will neither load the standard bitmap thumbnail (in the old MP_ROOT folder) or auto-generate a running thumbnail from the video itself. (In an aside, it seems that Sony was incorrect in stating video thumbnails were "realtime" on the menu when running from the hard disc -- instead, the PS3 generates and stores a thumbnail video for the file, similar to how the PSP used a THM file for its thumbnails.) And most surprising of all, Music folders did not display their album thumbnail, a common feature on media players -- it works on PSP, but it doesn't work yet on PS3. (Note that this may simply be a feature to be added later, as even CDs ripped and auto-labeled for Album/Artist/Song do not include album art.)
On a final couple of notes, the PS3 does not have the ability to modify or browse PSP saves -- game saves and PSP applications do not appear anywhere on the PS3 front-end when reading from a PSP unit (or loading a Memory Stick). You also cannot use the built-in Memory Stick formatter to format a stick on PSP -- you must take out the Memory Stick and plug it into either the Memory Stick slot (with adapter for the smaller Memory Stick Duo format) or USB Memory Stick device. Signs also appears to point to a lack of the PS3 to play downloaded games off of anything but PS3's internal hard disc -- when we formatted our Memory Stick for PS3, it did not have a GAMES folder as on PSP, although it did create a PS3 root folder and an "Updates" folder for downloading PS3 updates from the web and loading them onto PS3 (if you can't connect your PS3 up to a network connection.) One bit of good news is that the PS3 can offload game saves -- PS3, PS2, or PS1 -- to the PSP's Memory Stick, making saves perfectly portable (so long as they're not locked saves, as a few PS3 saves will be.)
Gameplay Cross-Play
There is not yet a PS3 game out yet that uses the PSP for any purpose -- the first should be Formula One (although we haven't heard much about that "Wing Mirror" feature since last E3, so we're assuming it's still in at this point), and we do not yet have a test version of that game. However, PS2 games that cross-link to the PSP work fine, as this is a simple matter of connecting the PSP up as a USB device.
We'll have more on PSP and PS3 cross-compatibility in the near future as more abilities are added to both systems.
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November 11th, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Boston Herald
With the holiday shopping season inching upon us, I’ll be writing soon about Sony’s new PlayStation 3 (launching Nov. 17 for $600) and Nintendo’s new Wii (launching Nov. 19 for $250), as well as games for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 ($400). But there is yet another great gift option: Sony’s handheld PSP.
After a year and a half on the market, it’s still pricey at $250. But scores of good games come out for PSP every month. It is sort of a luxury item, but I love it. It fits in my pocket, yet the screen is splendid. Here’s a look at some classic PSP games and a few newbies.
Newish ‘‘LocoRoco” is a holy-cow game, as in, holy cow this is a cute, addictive, bizarre blast. You play as a yellow, happy blob. You roll along a cartoon land, picking up items along the way, like in ‘‘Sonic the Hedgehog” but gentler, merrier and slower. You don’t have feet to run. Instead, you press buttons to turn the world sideways, and gravity forces you to roll along. I imagine that kids, adults who aren’t allergic to cuteness and female gamers would eat this thing up. It’s rated ‘‘E.” Grade: A.
The new ‘‘Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories” and 2005’s ‘‘GTA: Liberty City Stories” may be the most entertaining games available for the PSP, if you’re into shooting people, robbing them and driving fast cars through city streets. Rated ‘‘M.” Grade: A.
‘‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’07” is the signature sports title for PSP, I think. It has lush greens, gorgeous action and swinging is easy to figure out. It’s easy at first, very difficult later on. Rated ‘‘E.” Grade: A.
This summer’s ‘‘Field Commander” is one of the most fun role-playing games I’ve played on any system, and I don’t love role-playing games. You send tanks, helicopters and soldiers along a chesslike path to beat competing armies. It’s a great brain game with nice artistic flourishes and fairly difficult. It’s rated ‘‘T.” Grade: A-.
‘‘SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo” is more ambitiously entertaining than it sounds. You go undercover and save the world from terrorists. The fun is in negotiating intricate, moderately difficult battlefields, or shooting against other gamers. Also out now is the sequel-worthy ‘‘SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2.” The original is rated ‘‘M,” the sequel ‘‘T.” Grade: A.
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November 11th, 2006, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
The new PSP Hardware revision known as Ta-086 has had new images surface in China
Images Via Comments, What secrets the TA-086 holds in unknown at this time but as soon as we find out we will let you know.
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November 11th, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: Zion
Hi all.
As promised I have finished the "secret" game i told you about earlier in the week.
The game is based/type of PSPRevolution/Dance Club game, and is my most advanced game yet.
Game Features
Fully Automated Dancing Character.
Multiple Animated Lights on Dancefloor.
4 Levels.
The aim of the game is to press the arrow buttons on your psp that corrospond to the arrows displayed on screen.
This is my most Advanced and impressive Game release so far so please check it out. 
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November 11th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Yongobongo posted this news/release:
Currency Converter for PSP Version 2
I have just updated the currency converter, with some simple updates:
-Now in EBOOT format
-More Currencies
-Better GUI
Compatible with:
1.00 - 2.71 and 2.71 SE-B (and SE-A)
This will not work on LUAPlayer windows!!
This is KXploit format, so it will definately work on 1.50, and 2.71SE-B.
Enjoy guys!
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November 11th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
the_darkside_986 posted this news/release:
Presenting to the fine members of the psp homebrew community:
A playable demo of my upcoming game Die, Critters, Die!.
What is this? This is like Frogger, except you run over the animals with your car. The controls are simple: use D-pad OR analog stick to move car around to dodge deer and traffic cones and try to hit the cute little possums and bunny rabbits. No real objective except gaining a high score before running out of health. The start button is used for starting the game and pausing.
This is just a demo, but the final game should be released around the end of the year or beginning of next. It will have three built in levels as well as the ability to mod levels and objects using a plain text file.
Did I mention, this is written in C not LUA! LUA is good though but I have known C/C++ for a long time. I wrote this using a game engine for the PSP that I am developing.
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November 11th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Martek posted this news/release:
Now I have uploaded the next public release of my program PSP Media Administration v0.5!
I hope I have fixed all known bugs, but if there are some more bugs I will fix them as soon as possible!
Here the complete changelog:
Now can set Order to: Homebrews, Videos, Music and Pictures (Videos do not have any preview pictures yet but that will be added to next version)
Delete not needed savegames
Possible to show preview to these filetypes if you want to order pictures: jpg,jpeg,png,bmp (gif,tiff will be added to next version)
Autodetect PSP
Two DateTime styles added: Month/Day/Year and Day-Month-Year
Now can set order also to homebrew _ with Kxploited folder homebrew_~1%
Prompt error message in selected language if getting an error with DateTime errors
WinXP style Drive selection
A few little bugfixes
Now I will list all features I will add in future Versions, so these features are NOT included yet!
change Name of Homebrews
change MP3 ID3 Tags
show and change preview pictures from videos
better style of preview pictures (some have white parts that should be black)
more Compatible filetypes to pictures(gif,tiff)
convert iso to cso by simply drag & drop them from explorer to my prog
convert Kxploited Homebrews to 1.0 Homebrews by simply drag & drop them from explorer to my prog -> this will also make homebrews compatible with 2.71SE like IRSHELL that are not compatible without editing them =)
Show real names of Homebrews
Show pictures of ISOs
Edit favorites of your browser
Edit RSS feeds(not sure yet)
Better Design with more information in the listbox
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via martek
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November 11th, 2006, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Mailas G has posted a new release of his excellent looking Megaman game for the PSP, heres whats new:
You guys deserve and update. Its been so long, but hey, just remind you that its finally here! Phew. But the bad part is, not much has been done like i promised. I apologize for that but the bullet system was pretty hard to do.
The score tally is unfortunately not up, as for I havn't set any collisions for the bullet path yet. I apologize, for all you can do now is shoot with the Right button, and sqaure button. Hey, atleast its multiple bullets 
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November 11th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Takka has released a new release of his Unnofficial version of the GBA Emulator GPSP for the PSP:
Heres the crappy translation:
The acceleration of save state
With this environment
With sony 1G [memosute] approximately 25 seconds - > approximately 2.5 seconds (acceleration of approximately 10 times)
With san disk 4G [memosute] approximately 2.5 seconds - > approximately 2.5 seconds (almost the change)
Yep the translation is rubbish
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November 12th, 2006, 02:20 Posted By: happy_mak
The PS3 auctions are in full swing or so it seems from the Yahoo Japan Auctions site.
Going at double the official prices and sometimes even 3 times is being witnessed presently.
It has also been said that many a group of chinese youngsters have been the majority PS3 buyers, expecting to sell them out for some handsome profits. The Japanese popular community board 2ch is full of all these discussions at present.
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November 12th, 2006, 07:25 Posted By: quzar
Play Asia will start shipping tomorrow for the new Genesis Collection for PSP.
Already out on PS2, this collection features a slew of great Sega classics:
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Kid Chameleon
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2
USD $38 (with shipping to US)
Sega Genesis Collection for PSP U.S. version
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November 12th, 2006, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Kotaku is running an article prompted by an email from a foreign student in Japan. The reader unveils the sad reality of the modern gaming industry. Japanese businessmen made ample use of homeless people and Chinese nationals to obtain PS3s for re-sale. There was also a large amount of pushing and shoving, some fights, and almost no police presence at the most crowded stores."
From the article:
"Based on my observations of the first twenty PS3s sold at Bic Camera, they were all purchased by Chinese nationals, none of whom bought any software. After making their purchase, television crews asked for interviews but all were declined. These temporary owners of PS3s would then make their way down the street where their bosses waited. After several minutes, a dozen PS3s were rounded up, as their Japanese business manager paid out cash to those who waited in line for them. I witnessed a homeless-looking Chinese man, in his sixties or seventies get paid 20,000 yen for his services and was then sent away.
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November 12th, 2006, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
Japan's Impress Watch media site took delivery of a retail PS3 unit today, and quickly began putting it to various tests. It took the system apart (see check out this article for pics of the innards), confirming that every PS3 does indeed include the PS2's Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthesizer combo chip as an assist for backwards compatibility. More importantly, at least if you're interested in saving some cash, the site conducted a hard disk test to see what happens when you put a new hard disk into the system.
According to Impress, the 20 Gig PS3 includes a Seagate LD25.1 hard disk running at 5,400rpm and with a cache of 2 megabytes. The 60 Gig PS3 has a Seagate Momentus 5400.2 running at 5,400rpm with a cache of 8 megabytes. The site investigated what would happen when you replace the hard drive with a Seagate 7200.1 series 100 gigabyte hard disk running at 7,200rpm and with 8 megabytes cache. This hard disk was purchased at a standard PC parts shop in Akihabara for the equivalent of around 180 dollars.
You'd expect a faster hard disk to speed up the transfer of game content from the Blu-ray disk during game installation. But that's not the case. The three hard disks took approximately the same amount of time to install Ridge Racer 7 (9 minutes, 45 seconds) and Gundam (8 minutes, 13 seconds). The site speculates that the bottleneck during the install is reading from the Blu-ray disc rather than writing to the hard disk.
There also isn't that much difference when playing games that have been installed. Impress reports hardly any difference between the three hard disks when going from Ridge Racer 7's stage select to the start of a stage.
Finally, the site put one more PS3 multimedia feature to the test. It transferred a large amount of data from compact flash to the hard disks in order to compare write speeds. The 20 gigabyte hard disk performed the worst, taking 4 minutes 56 seconds for the transfer. The 60 Gig and 100 Gig hard disks took 4 minutes 28 seconds. It appears that the cache size of the latter models is more important than the speed jump to 7,200 rpm for the new 100 Gig hard disk.
As its final judgment, Impress recommends that, for now at least, users should avoid a 7,200 rpm drive due to cost and potential heat concerns. Instead, the emphasis should be placed on hard disk size and cache size.
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November 12th, 2006, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
Via Neogaf:
OK. Some guy claims to have asked support and got the reply "If u swap it and it stops working during the warranty period we can't support that. If u use the original HDD and it still doesn't work and the drive you tried to swap in didn't break the PS3 we will honor the warranty"
Seems like there's no problem at all here. The cant be expected to support some problem caused by a crap HDD from a different company. Just the fact they're letting us use off the shelf HDDs is makes me happy enough! I just sent an email asking support how they confirm the drive you tried to swap in didn't mess up your unit. I'll post the reply when I get it.
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November 12th, 2006, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have posted details on how to Install another Operating System on the PS3, heres the instructions:
1. Insert the disc or storage media that contains the installer in the system.
2. Select (System Settings) under (Settings) in the home menu.
3. Select [Install Other OS].
The system searches for the installer. When the installer is found, its content and location will be displayed.
4. Check the content of the installer, and then select [OK].
The installer starts. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the operation.
More details Here
Anyone tried installing anything yet, post your details via Comments
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November 12th, 2006, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
It was heralded as the next big driving force behind PS2’s entry into the mass market, but retail has reacted angrily to the launch of the Pink PS2 earlier this week after Sony chose to limit its availability.
GAME, Woolworths, Argos and Toys R Us were the only retailers offering the machine this week.
A Sony spokesperson told MCV: “These four retail partners have been asking us to supply a Pink PS2 for some time – thus they are the route we have chosen to trial with.”
However, other major retailers were only recently told of the move.
“Sony told consumers about it but we weren’t given any information,” CHIPS joint MD Don McCabe told MCV. “Customers asked us about it and we simply didn’t know what to tell them.”
Indie retailer Simon Gough of Media Entertainment added: “Every website and magazine told us that the ‘Pink Pound’ would save Christmas. Little did we know that we would be shafted by Sony yet again.”
But Sony’s chosen retailers are still endorsing the product. Woolworths trading manager for games Gerry Berkley told MCV: “Pink PS2 is an item that will help increase the mass-market appeal of the games industry and we’re very pleased to support it.”
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November 12th, 2006, 11:48 Posted By: wraggster
Via XtremePSP
Its that time of the month, and you know what that means! The new issue of XTREME PSP is now available to download. Issue 17 contains all the usual content from previews and reviews to homebrew games and more and it's over 90 pages long, perfect for the commute to or from work. Previewed in this issue are Jeanne d'Arc, Crisis Core: FFVII and more, reviewed games included NHL2007, Scarface and Infected..
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November 12th, 2006, 16:03 Posted By: FOL
Hi, just thought I would post an update on the progress of FAME C.
Ric uploaded a very early Alpha of PSPUAE with FAME C core yesterday. Before I go any further, its not for release as yet, as it is an Alpha and it is still buggy. So please dont ask for it to be released, it will be released when it is ready.
It looks promissing, as there is a noticable speed increase (THIS DOES NOT MEAN FULLSPEED). Ric has already stressed the fact that this is an alpha and there is still plenty of room for optimisations, to make it better. We are currently testing it, for bugs / problems, so please be patience.
In tests I have done so far, most games seem to gain from 1 to 10 (Approx) FPS. This is approx as im still testing.
you can keep track of the progress at http://www.pspuae.com
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November 12th, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
It's not exactly an Xbox Live Video killing app here from what we can tell, but it looks like Sony's Japanese broadband unit, So-net, has added content download support in conjunction with PlayStation 3 firmware 1.10. That is to say, if you're a proud owner of a new PS3, you'll be able to acquire digital media over their P-TV service, with video in 720p or even 1080p. Details are still sparse as we're waiting for our Tokyo branch to fill us in, but the 8Mbps H.264 downloads appear restriction free (although we doubt you can actually get them off your PS3). We'll let you know more as we do (like exactly what content this pertains to, prices, IPTV, etc.), but since it's So-net something tells us it could be a little while before digital movie downloads make it to US customers.
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November 12th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you hoping to ditch your old PlayStations when the new one turns up might want to bear the following in mind: early reports suggest that the system maintains the region-coding that governed PS2 and PSone games.
PlayStation 3 is famously region-free, playing PS3 games from any region, but IGN reports that this does not extend to games that are backwards-compatible. We're unable test that theory though, sadly, as our debug unit only plays PS3 software.
The region lock on old games also applies to films, IGN adds.
And for those of you wondering how that compares to the PS3's competitors the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii, both are region-locked on old software.
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November 12th, 2006, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
I dont have a PS3 at the moment and to be honest im never paying silly over inflated prices for a console again but to those that have does the Action Replay Max Evo work on the PS3.
If so then we will have Genesis emulation already on the PS3 albeit via a PS2 Disc, anyone verify one way or another via comments
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November 12th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
You will be happy to hear that both the Playstation 2 keyboard by Logitech and the PS2's EyeToy work on the Playstation 3. The keyboard, and I believe this is true of all USB keyboard, allows you to enter text in any text field and requires no set-up.
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November 12th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Izumi Kawanishi has revealed new details on the PS3, here they are:
- Using XMB and web browsing won't need the fan. Playing Blu-ray will spin the fan, but the load is still low. The fan spins steadily while gaming.
- The picture/audio quality for video playback is excellent. Though Cell does not presently do much post processing, they are researching it.
- High Definition videos are converted to LPCM and outputted via HDMI.
- No DVD upscaling for the time being. But they are looking at user needs and have a plan for the support.
- The Blu-ray player's response is fast. The interviewer says he believes that the PlayStation 3 is the fastest among Toshiba, Sony, Matsushita HD players/recorders he tested.
- By pressing the triangle button the XMB shows the folder tree structure just like windows explorer.
- It can connect with USB mass-storage devices such as PSP, but not with ones with special transfer methods such as iPod and Walkman. They are currently working on Walkman support.
- They decided not to reveal the RSX clock speed.
- The EE+GS embedded in the PS3 does emulation for PS1/PS2 for initial shipments PS3, so no graphics upgrade for the time being. The software emulation technology is almost complete but not ready for the launch. As soon as it is ready, the EE+GS unit will be removed.
- In Remote Play with PSP for the 60GB version, the PS3 resolution becomes 480p (16:9) and converts the screen to MPEG-4 Simple Profile at around 1Mbps to send it to the PSP. All control is transferred to the PSP and you can control the PS3 by pressing the PSP buttons. BD/DVD and other copyright-protected materials can't be sent. As for games the support will come in the near future.
- Downloaded PS1 games are transferred from a PS3 to a PSP via USB cable. PLAYSTATION TV (the demo kiosk) starts the download service too.
- The web browser can open up to six pages simultaneously max. 64MB memory is always reserved for XMB functions (I.E. instant messaging, voice chat, etc.)
- Installing Linux creates a new HDD partition separately from the PS3 partition. After the setup, you can choose which system to use at the boot menu. You can choose to auto-boot Linux too.
- Aside from Linux, SCE's developers are still seeking the way to publish proper software development environment for the PS3 main OS and PSP for general users. But right now the PS3 main OS can run only signed applications (while PS3 Linux can run whatever applications on it).
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November 12th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony may have included the PS2's CPU and GPU with every PlayStation 3 system, but the system still appears to be having some problems with backwards compatibility. Just in time for the PS3's second anniversary (the second day it's been on the market in Japan), Sony passed on the specifics.
Now accessible at the Japanese PlayStation.com site is a page for seeking out the backwards compatibility status of PS2 and PS1 titles. The Japanese page can be accessed here. By inputting the title, publisher name, release date or product number (an eight digit code containing four letters followed by a hyphen then four numbers), you can seek out the status of the 7,841 titles in Sony's database.
A warning about this search engine. It's a bit tough to read, as it lists all versions of individual games separately. A game might have its main version listed separate from its limited edition, its budget version, its second budget version, and so forth. This is one of the reason you'll find over 350 games listed under Konami, although Konami hasn't actually released that many games.
Most of the titles have the following message next to them "Currently, there have been no reports of major problems during play." Whether or not the games actually don't have a problem, or there is a problem but Sony hasn't found it yet, is up in the air.
We did find a few problem titles by looking through the list. Here's a quick run down.
Tekken 5: A number of modes don't play background music properly.
Xenosaga Episode II: The opening movie sometimes stops and sometimes doesn't properly play background music.
Code Age Commanders: Problems (including data loss) with save game data.
Radiata Stories: Background music during movie scenes may not play back properly.
Star Ocean Till the End of Time (includes Directors Cut): Movie scenes may not have proper sound playback.
Driving Emotion Type-S: BGM may not properly play back during races
Gran Turismo 4: The screen may freeze following the title demo.
Hot Shots Golf 3/4: Some sort of problem with the controls becoming unresponsive
Operator's Side: The game freezes at the logo screen when started up with the Seamic controller
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams: Screen will occasionally appear 2cm to the right
Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition: The screen will not appear correctly in some instances. The S.F.II Movie cannot play properly.
Megaman X7: There are times when the background music won't play properly
Devil May Cry: The screen will sometimes freeze during the title demo
Onimusha: During movie playback, the sound will occasionally stop
Suikoden III: Cannot read PS1 data during the game.
Silent Hill 2: When going from the title screen to the demo screen, the screen may freeze
These are the major problems we found looking through the numerous pages for Sega, Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Sony and Konami.
Some problems, including those for Ace Combat 5, Oz, SOCOM and so forth, were fixed with the System 1.10 update. Sony still lists those problems in the database.
We also noticed a few recurring problems, sometimes based off a common feature, sometimes carried across an entire series of titles. The PS3 Virtual Memory Card specifications do not allow for PS2 games to read PS1 data, which is something that's apparently used in Suikoden III and a few other titles. Most of the microphone-compatible games seem to have problems. Konami's dance/music games seem to have a number of problems.
In addition to the software compatibility issues, Sony has made public the issues that arise due to hardware differences between the platforms, specifically the PS3 not using physical memory cards, not using a multitap, not having rumble built into its controller and other issues related to different hard disk and USB specifications.
As previously announced, you can keep using your PS2 game saves by purchasing a Memory Card Adapter (which is currently harder to find in Japan than actual PS3 units, it seems). Once you have the adapter, you'll be able to transfer your save files to the PS3 hard disk. The only catch is that games whose save icon displays a "No Copy" icon in the PS2 browser cannot have their data copied over.
The PS3 can't use a multitap. However, Sony states that this shouldn't be a problem with the system's ability to recognize seven Sixaxis controllers simultaneously.
Regarding USB peripherals, Sony states that some software that use such peripherals may not run properly on the PS3. It asks that users conduct the manufacturer of such products. As noted above, games using a microphone peripheral seem to have problems.
HDMI also gives problems to PS2 games. Sony states that as of 11/11, when the PS3 is connected to your entertainment center using HDMI, PS2 and PS1 games will output only in 2ch digital. When switching to Dolby/DTS modes for PS1 and PS2 games that are compatible with these sound systems, you'll get no sound output. For now, Sony recommends using an optical cable for such titles. This, of course, will require that you go into the settings menu and change the audio output cable.
The PS3 has no i-Link port, so you can't replicate the i-Link link-up feature from PS2 titles. The i-Link port was used as a bonus in only a few titles and was removed from future PlayStation 2 revisions.
Games that use the hard disk will currently not run. The problem is that the built-in PS3 hard disk cannot currently be used as a PS2 hard disk. We haven't tried it out ourselves, but this means games like Final Fantasy XI and Nobunaga's Ambition Online won't work.
For now at least. The good news is that Sony plans on making hard disk based PS2 games compatible in a future system software update. The list of titles that will work once this magic system update is carried is basically just Nobunaga's Ambition Online, Final Fantasy XI and the Play Online viewer, and Front Mission Online in all their variations, including expansions.
Other backwards compatibility problems will also, hopefully, be fixed in future updates. It's doubtful that the PS3 will every be fully backwards compatible, though, as even the slim model PS2 doesn't play back some PS2 titles properly.
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November 12th, 2006, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
According to Gamespot, the Scarface video game topped the PSP's US sales charts in October by selling over 37,000 copies. This is distressing for two reasons. Firstly, the game sucks. Secondly, 37,000 copies sounds much too low a number to be the top selling game on any console. For comparison purposes, the new Pokemon game on the Game Boy Advance sold more than 150,000 copies (with the DS version selling more than 140,000).
According to PCVS Console, PSP software did not manage to break into the top 30 sales at all this month. This is especially distressing considering the slew of great new releases that were released in October. Will this discourage publishers from supporting the PSP? Should Sony fanboys worry that even the supposedly-dead Gamecube ranked more titles in the top 30?
Hmm the PSP does have some great titles but the downloading of ISOS for use seems to be causing massive damage to the PSP, even the best games are being warezed almost right away which does major harm to the PSP as a long time commercial product.
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November 12th, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Must be a slow news day as ive seen on a few sites today that the PSone games that are to be downloadable at the release of the Firmware 3.0 for PSP have been named. Well let me quote our excellent Japanese news poster Happy Mak: (Who posted this on October 26th)
The official emulator titles for November have been announced (in japan). There are 9 in all going to be available from later part of November. Well 9 is a small number. I had perceived a big library available right at the start actually !!!
These will be available on the Playstation Store under the section "Game Archives"
BIO HAZARD DIRECTOR'S CUT (Resident Evil to the west)
Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1
Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.2
BishiBashi Special
Everyones Golf 2
Silent Bomber
Tekken 2
Mister Driller
And yes it will require the latest firmware..so i guess most of you will keep themselves out or so?
So to all those sites posting a shoddy translation please change to the names above , thanks as always to Happy_Mak for his excellent news that we non japanese cant translate because crapy google etc cant translate the Japanese language properly.
Just a shame that Sony didnt stick some killer titles in that bunch above eh ?
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November 12th, 2006, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
If theres one thing wraggster is (yeah me) is that i love Theme Parks, the best we have in England in Alton Towers but to be fair it doesnt touch the ones in Florida (where i went this summer and 100% loved the place well apart from the wank drivers :P) so a game with Theme Parks and especially Rollercoasters really entices me.
Check out the 10 new screens of Thrillville via comments and pray this bast reaches the US and Europe.
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November 12th, 2006, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
If you think Autumn Reeser is the same conniving, manipulative, dean-seducing vixen she plays on The O.C., you’ve got a lot to learn. Also in this issue… The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning promises plenty of blood, gore and gorgeous women. Enter star Diora Baird. Plus much more.
Download at Perooz
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November 12th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
The new trailer for Spider-Man 3 hits theaters later this month attached to prints of the new James Bond flick, Casino Royale. But fans don’t have to wait that long to check it out. Download the new Spider Man 3 trailer on Perooz.com
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November 13th, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
OPM stands for Official PlayStation Magazine. You'd think that because it's sponsored by Sony, it would have slightly inflated scores for the games. But that doesn't seem to be the case ... at all. In fact, it appears that OPM is dishing out some painfully low scores on games that have been reviewed favorably by most other publications. For example, Killzone: Liberation only got a 7.5, Ace Combat X got a 6.0, and most surprisingly of them all: Lumines II got a measly 6.0. I've been playing my review build for quite some time, and I find it to be much better than the original, and that says a lot. What's with these horribly low scores, OPM? Do they have a grudge against the PSP?
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November 13th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Many of you who are bored with the Homebrew Scene or just not adapted to it will See Sonys PS1 Emulator as a way of trying some of the greatest games of the last 15 years, is it a carrot you will all bite or will you show patience.
Will you Update your Firmware when the time comes or stay as you are, answers via comments
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November 13th, 2006, 08:15 Posted By: Art
Due for X-Flash V16g COMING SOON:
- Support for firmware versions 2.71 SE-A, and possibly 2.71 SE-B2.
- Support for firmware version 2.71 SE-C if it has arrived.
- Detection of 1.50 registry files being used with 2.71 SE
installations with the option to write a new 2.71 registry.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
- Donations screen where the nicknames of donators will appear.
- Plain Black PSP About screens.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
X-Flash V16f (Dual Firmware Support)
The same program runs on 1.50 and 2.71 SE, and behaves accordingly
after the PSP firmware version is auto detected at startup.
New for X-Flash V16f:
- Fixed biult in Plain Black Backgrounds. (firmware version 2.71 SE)
New for X-Flash V16e:
- Fixed 2.71 SE file inflation bug. Several rco files, once modified,
were being written back appended with zeros to match the larger
size of their 1.50 firmware counterpart. This causes more
consumption of memory on flash0, and possible verify failures if
there is no remaining space. This bug has been present since V16.
- Set PSP nickname to "raw" to find an option to perform a
complete 32Mb binary flash dump. The raw dump routine is
an sdk sample. (firmware versions 1.50 or 2.71 SE)
- Biult in Plain Black Wallpapers are 1x1 resolution to collectively
save approx 70 Kb of space over the stock XMB backgrounds.
(firmware version 2.71 SE)
Note: many considerations have been made to ensure this release works
smoothly on both supported firmware versions.
Features pertaining to Dark_AleX Custom Firmware POC for 1.50 are
disabled in 2.71 SE, including the prompt for it's auto installation at first
time use. Writing mp3 file to flash feature is disabled for 2.71 SE due to
lack of space left on flash0 after 2.71 SE is installed. Custom Gameboots
are limited in size to 618Kb when using 2.71 SE for the same reason.
I am always interested in correcting any repeatable problems that may be found.
Check out Hellcat's Windows Label Editor for X-Flash!
Cheers, Art.
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November 13th, 2006, 08:37 Posted By: happy_mak
Sony has officially announced that certain Playstation One and PS2 titles are running into problems mostly with reports of screens freezing or background music related issues.
They have also put up a support site and i checked the details of a few games which have run into problems.
One is Tekken 5 a PS2 title which freezes on certain actions of which i wrote a small write up at my blog here
Also links to the support site and press release etc, albeit they are in japanese only.
Just this morning i replied to wraggsters post that am gonna update to firmware 3.0 for my PSP to enjoy EMULATION, now i am having some serious reconsideration here.
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November 13th, 2006, 10:36 Posted By: Psyberjock
Here's a mod I just finished on my PSP. It was damn hard and took 30 hours over three days. I decided to do this mod because this PSP was bought used and the previous owner pulled up the silver ring on the UMD tray. It was included with the PSP but was scratched to hell and bent. I decided soon after I bought it that I would replace it, but it took a year before I decided what to do with it.
I used Llama's LED instructions and Everett's Push LED Mod instructions to assist me in my main board soldering points. The rest I dreamed up myself.
I mostly made things up as I went so I didn't take any work in progress pictures since I never knew which way I was going to go next.
That being said, I probably won't make a how-to. Considering the difficulty level of this mod, if you can't figure it out yourself, you'll probably just break your PSP or UMD tray. I used to mod my dreamcast and xbox, and this is by far the hardest thing I've done so far. If I get a lot of requests, I'll describe it and maybe make some graphics, but I doubt I'll take the PSP apart again for fear of having to solder some things again.
Bit more about the mod and pictures: UMDs work, the pictures show my PSP with a UMD in the tray and without. You'll notice on the last picture my electric tape peeled a little bit inside my UMD tray. A little light leaks through, but isn't an issue. One problem that I do have is that my UMDs stick a little bit when I want to take them out. I can take them out easily, they just don't kick out like they used to. I hope that will correct itself as things settle into their new shapes and positions. Also, I do have tatami floors. That's what the woven reeds are from. I do live in Japan afterall.
Well, here's the pictures: (note: I watermarked these myself and did so as a tribute to my favorite homebrew site. No one asked me to do so and I request that you leave them intact.)
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November 13th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: Vega
Looks like Sony just won't give this concept up. Heres the new dustball ad which aired last night in UK
This one is based around music downloads. I couldn't help but imagine a homebrew dustball ad while watching this... seeing the PC connected to PSP made me think instantly of homebrew for some reason.
Anyway . . . yet another crazy advert from your good friends at $ony.
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November 13th, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
It's amazing it hasn't been done before but Sony is finally allowing third-party developers and publishers to have a crack at creating party games that'll work with the awesome BUZZ! controllers.
Eidos has confirmed that its PS2 game Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Party Edition, will be BUZZ! compatible and launch on November 24.
While we're sure it'll all work fine and be a great family game this Christmas, please let this be the last spin-off of Millionaire. The whole format is getting a little tired now...
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November 13th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
An official headset for trash-talking during online play on PS3 is in the pipeline, but before it arrives Sony has told CVG that you'll be able to configure Blutooth mobile phone headsets to work with PS3 in much the same way.
In the PS3 firmware is a Blutooth Settings menu where, as on-screen text explains, you will be able to configure link-ups with headsets, microphones and headphones that are Blutooth compatible.
This means that instead of waiting for official peripherals, you can get your PS3 talking online, among other things, using products already available.
It is not yet known when official Sony headsets will arrive, but we'd expect not too long after US launch.
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November 13th, 2006, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Tetsuya Mizuguchi, creator of lots of excellent games including Lumines and Rez, will be joining us on the web tomorrow lunchtime to field questions from you, our beloved readers.
It's a cunning way, you see, to highlight the release of Lumines II on PSP this Friday, which you can read more about in our recent first impressions, or at www.lumines2thegame.com.
Mizuguchi won't mind if you have a broader range of questions though - he has, after all, worked on lots of stuff in the past and recognises that you all want him to update you on whether he's working on X, Y or Z or what his favourite colour hat is.
The web-chat will be taking place at 12.30pm tomorrow - i.e. lunchtime - so why not block out the time and come join us? We'll post full details of how to get involved tomorrow at noon so you'll have time to get your biscuits in order.
In the meantime, why not drop a few questions into this comments thread? If they're any good, we'll lead off with a few of them tomorrow.
Remember this is UK time.
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November 13th, 2006, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Sony's working on a way of recording PS3 game footage and sharing it with your friends online, according to Phil Harrison.
Speaking to the Official PlayStation Mag in an excerpt on the semi-official Three Speech blog, Harrison said that it was the plan for a specific, as-yet unannounced title, but hinted that it was in Sony's thoughts in a general way too.
"We're actually already working on it now," he said when asked about sharing video footage. "There are two ways to do it. One is as pure video actually saved direct from the gameplay experience, but that creates quite a large data cloud.
"The more efficient way of doing it is to record game input and then share that to each user. We are doing that in a very innovative way on a game that we haven't shown anybody yet," he revealed.
And speaking of video footage, Harrison also reckons that production on Killzone - one of the infamous trailers shown during Sony's E3 2005 conference - will put it in a position to be shown off in 2007.
"With Killzone, the expectation internally and externally is very high," he said, "and I won't show it until it's going to exceed people's expectations. It will be next year before we show it again, but it's coming along very well.
"The team are working very hard, they know exactly what they have to do and there's no doubt they will achieve it, but there's nothing to be served by something that doesn't satisfy my goals for the project.
"I can tell you, though, that some elements already exceed the trailer," he added.
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November 13th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony sold 88,400 PlayStation 3 consoles over the weekend in Japan according to Japanese magazine company Enterbrain, which publishes Famitsu.
The number falls around halfway between the 100,000 launch-unit target Sony was aiming for and the 80,000 figure reported in the Nikkei Shimbun prior to launch.
The best selling games were Namco Bandai's Ridge Racer 7 and Gundam: Target in Sight, both of which sold around 30,000 units.
The near-instant total depletion of hardware stock has led to a huge number of Internet auctions for so-called "used" PS3 consoles spring up, some with asking prices more than twice that charged by retail.
It's a trend that's even being felt in Europe.
Some web-based importers have decided not to sell the console to clients in the European Union after Sony enjoyed success in its attempts to stifle Hong Kong-based Lik-Sang, which went out of business recently.
But one London-based importer is known to be offering the console, along with its five launch titles, for GBP 1500.
Via Eurogamer
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November 13th, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
The PS3 launch is likely to remain Japan's most unusual for many moons to come. The man on the street expected Sony to put its considerable marketing clout in full motion months ago, but the first PlayStation 3 commercial arrived only few days before the launch. No ads could be seen in the streets of Tokyo to inform the public that the launch of a new PlayStation console was imminent. In contrast, Wii is everywhere, but it's also true that Nintendo has to explain what it is about to introduce to market. So on Friday November 10, the day before PS3's launch, the absence of queues in Tokyo came as no shock. Just a surprise.
The uncertainty about the number of units going on sale may have convinced people to stay at home. While Sony announced 100,000 units would be available, the Nikkei Shimbun later confirmed that only 80,000 would ship for launch, and created huge confusion in the mind of gamers and stores alike. Shops in Tokyo's famous Akihabara district were allocated 100-150 units. In total, more than 1,000 people would get a PS3 there. Much smaller game shops could secure only a couple of units. Tsutaya in Shibuya, which normally plays host to countdown events - as it did for PS2 and Xbox - only had 300 machines confirmed. A few major retailers like Bic Camera or Yodobashi Camera were expecting much more, at least 1,000 units, the former expecting 1,200 units at its main store in Ikebukuro and 1,100 in Yurakucho (the business district in central Tokyo). Meanwhile, Yodobashi Camera was getting more than 1,000 units at its game-oriented shop in West Shinjuku and another 1,000 units at its new huge centre in Akihabara. Even so, the scarcity of pre-order campaigns was marked.
Uncertainty about shipments forced many stores to sell their units on the launch day itself - obvious nervousness about running pre-orders schemes keeping pre-release hype at bay. Very few online shops went with pre-orders. Even Sony's PlayStation.com website refused to offer hardware pre-orders, just software. So basically, getting a PS3 on day one meant queuing, possibly a couple of days before the release. And even that wouldn't definitely secure you Sony's new console.
In Akihabara, stores shunned PS3 pre-orders in the face of expected shortages, but also to counter the "Chinese" issue. Since the launch of the PS2, Chinese buyers have become a common sight in Tokyo, working in large groups to secure as many units as possible. With PSP and DS Lite, they became organised into networks, even employing local homeless people to increase their chances of success. To avoid troubles (particularly with angry Japanese gamers), the Akihabara stores decided to sell most of their units via lottery. People were given a coupon with a number. At a given time, winning numbers were announced, and the person with the right coupon was able to buy their PS3.
This almost worked, as most of the foreign buyers gathered on locations where "normal", first-come first-served sales were taking place. And indeed, at Ikebukuro's Bic Camera and West Shinjuku's Yodobashi Camera Game, Chinese was by far the most common language heard in the long queues snaking through the streets. While some South Koreans were also present, a large European presence was also noticeable. In front of the Japanese media, many of them confirmed they were here to get a PS3 and sell it online.
The PS3 was sold out at Shibuya's Tsutaya six hours before the official launch. The first buyer was waiting in front of the store for 30 hours. Even Bic Camera's store in Ikebukuro saw all its 1,200 units sold out by 6am, despite stores across Tokyo apparently only putting the machine on sale from 7am. Ken Kutaragi and others officials chose Yodobashi's Akihabara and Bic Camera's Yurakucho centres for the official countdown event.
In Akihabara, the lottery kicked off. People were anxious to know if they had a winning ticket and also if their number would get them a 60GB unit, not the 20GB version. The 60GB pack was the model desired. In places like Ikebukuro or West Shinjuku, coming at the end of the queue meant getting a 20GB pack. People in front were given paper to fill so they could select the desired model of PS3, games and accessories.
The PS3 was sold out in Japan before sales actually started.
Queues were closed as the number of people queuing matched the number of units delivered to the store. No date was confirmed for the next shipment. As for the games, stores acknowledge the line-up was far from stellar, and this worked in favour of Ridge Racer 7, certainly the most reliably bankable launch title. On average, buyers spent a little more than 70,000 yen (EUR 463 / GBP 311). Rapid shortages of some accessories indicated low stocks of hardware other than the machine itself.
Real problems did not wait for the machine to go on sale. The police had already been in action in Akihabara the day before. A few cases were reported of units being stolen while the trucks were delivering precious shipments to stores.
It is too soon to evaluate any technical issues the PS3 is facing as users are exploring their new acquisitions. SCEJ has already posted an online database with the details on each game. Most of the PS2 online games seem not to work properly on the machine - Final Fantasy XI, Front Mission Online and Nobunaga Online most notably. Even Gran Turismo 4 is experiencing troubles. SCEJ indicates that those issues should be fixed with patches soon. Some users are already reporting PS3 games freezing during play and some other technical issues.
Handicapped by the limited number of units available, the PS3 launch may not have been the huge success the PS2 was. But all the stores are happy that the machine is now out there. This is, and will remain, an incredibly important event, if a low-key one.
We'll be bringing you news from the US PlayStation 3 launch on 17th November, where 400,000 units are confirmed for retail.
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November 13th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed that the PlayStation 3 is still on track to launch across Europe in March 2007.
The clarification comes after Sony's Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison told the Official PlayStation Magazine that he "would not like to make any definitive statements," regarding the timing of the PS3 launch.
But SCEE has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the previously announced target is still in sight, with the publisher's corporate communications boss Nick Sharples stating: "We are still very much on track for a March launch in Europe".
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November 13th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
What do you do if you have one of the first few thousand PlayStation 3s in the US? Take it apart
A little more than a year ago I was one of the lucky few outside of Microsoft to see the inner workings of an Xbox 360. This weekend I had the chance to once again delve into the inner workings of a truly next-generation console.
Like the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 console comes in two flavors identified mainly by the hard drive capacity: the low end model contains a 20GB hard drive and the high end model contains a 60GB hard drive. Additionally, the 60GB version also contains an 802.11b/g adaptor for wireless internet connectivity, a flash memory reader and chrome finishes. Today we will mostly focus on the 60GB version. There are other contractors working on supplying the PlayStation 3 components, but virtually the entire console is assembled by Asustek -- the same guys who make several of the Apple MacBooks.
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November 13th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the full list:
- Call of Duty 3
- Genji: Days of the Blade
- Madden NFL 07
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
- NBA 07
- NBA 2K7
- Need for Speed Carbon
- NHL 2K7
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Ridge Racer 7
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
- Tony Hawk's Project 8
- Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
Are there really any AAA titles there?
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November 13th, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Major new Game release for the PS2, heres the details:

Dual Guitar Shredding: Guitar Hero II™ takes the guitar rock experience to new volumes by allowing players to play 3 different guitar tracks: Rhythm, Bass, and Lead .
Follow up to an Award Winning Soundtrack : Guitar Hero II™ follows up on the award winning soundtrack of Guitar Hero™ with over 55 new tracks.
New Modes: Guitar Hero II™ introduces all new multiplayer modes like: cooperative, pro-face off, and face off, letting 2 Guitar Heroes conduct their own symphonies of destruction.
Shred School: Guitar Hero II™ features an all new practice mode, allowing Guitar Zeroes to become Guitar Heroes with enough practice.
Rock the Rhythm, Lead, and Bass Guitar tracks in the follow-up sequel to the Best Music Game of the year of 2005. Form your guitar duo and shred riffs cooperatively or go head to head in all new multiplayer modes. With over 55 tracks to rock out to, you'll go from Guitar Hero to Guitar god in one press of a fret button. Choose from multiple rock characters and jam at concert venues that grow in size as your rock career progresses! You’ll start your rock career playing small clubs and bars, but if you play well you’ll work your way up to stadiums and arenas.
Guitar Hero SG Controller
Strap on your Guitar Hero SG Controller, plug it in, and CRANK IT UP! The Guitar Hero SG Controller feels just like a real guitar, making it the ultimate way to jam on your PlayStation®2. With the Guitar Hero SG Controller, you turn into a rock star every time you play Guitar Hero!
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1d7o.html
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November 13th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial release for PSP, heres the details:

The Ultimate Compilation – Activision Hits Remixed for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system features more than 40 Atari 2600 classic games, such as River Raid, Demon Attack and Laser Blast - more than any other compilation available today.
Wireless Multi-Player Functionality – Using the PSP system’s wireless capabilities, players can experience the multiplayer classics by either alternating turns or gaming simultaneously with friends.
Gaming On The Go – Well-suited for handheld gaming on the go, the Atari 2600 games are short, bite-sized titles which include tons of variety and mid-game saves for all titles so that at any time players may exit and never lose their progress.
Flashback To The 80’s – Enjoy the classics while jamming to a great soundtrack from the 80’s including such songs as “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell, “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister , “I Ran” by A Flock of Seagulls and more.
Retro Unlockables Galore – Gamers can achieve in-game goals to unlock 80’s memories including timeless Atari 2600 television ads, Activision patches, original game manuals which include tips, developer photographs and more.
Gamers can be a flying ace, a race car champion, a tennis star and a space pioneer all in one afternoon.
With multi-player support, wireless functionality enables players to game together, either by alternating turns or simultaneously, and a “Game Share” feature allows two friends to play together using only one copy of the game. Activision Hits Remixed also features a rockin’ 80’s themed soundtrack, modernized front-end graphics and a host of retro unlockables.
More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mky.html
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November 13th, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Last month, retailer GameStop began accepting "limited" preorders for the PlayStation 3, asking customers to put down $100 in advance for the system, with a modest expectation of eight units per store in most cases. Now it appears the largest gaming specialty chain in North America won't be receiving even that many systems.
A GameStop representative told GameSpot today that the company received launch allocation numbers from Sony, and that it won't be able to fill its existing PS3 preorders. The representative declined to comment on how many systems GameStop expected to receive, or how short of that figure the company's share of systems would be.
"We are beginning to notify our customers that our initial shipment of PS3 systems will not be what we expected," the representative said. "As this is not an ideal situation, we are asking employees to wait to purchase systems until the second shipment. We are anticipating having systems to cover reservations before Christmas."
For launch day, preorders will be filled in the order they were received, and those who had a preorder but are denied a system on day one will receive something for their troubles. GameStop will give those unfortunate customers (as well as unfortunate employees) a free used game or DVD valued at $19.99 or less when they eventually wind up purchasing the system.
Those who reserved a system won't need to wait long to find out if they can expect a system on launch day. Starting tomorrow, customers who preordered a PS3 will be contacted personally by phone and updated on the status of their reservation, the rep said.
And while it might be a nonissue considering the clamor for consumers to get their hands on the coveted systems, GameStop is also asking anyone with a confirmed preorder to pick their systems up by Saturday evening.
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November 13th, 2006, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Takka has released a new release of his Unnofficial version of the GBA Emulator GPSP for the PSP:
Heres the crappy translation:
bug fix of sound I/O
It has reached the point where [suparobo] and the like moves.
Yep the translation is rubbish, this is just a bug fix release
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November 13th, 2006, 23:56 Posted By: Zion
Over the last couple of months, there has been a slow decline on the PSP homebrew scene.
Several superb coders have left the scene with PSMonkey & ZX-81 two of the biggest names to leave.
StrmnNrmn has been unusually quiet too...
With all that and the upcoming 3.0 firmware release which apparently is going to include the ps1 emu, will people just update?
Forget the scene all together?
Im getting saddened by the slow decline on the PSP homebrew scene which has been one of the biggest homebrew scenes in homebrew history....
Lets Hope it picks up soon 
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November 14th, 2006, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
New releases for the US this week:
PSP Game Releases
Activision Hits Remixed
EA Replay
GitarooMan Lives!
Hammy Goes Nuts
Hard Rock Casino
Luxor: The Wrath of Set
Metal Slug Anthology
Mortal Kombat Deception: Unchained
NFL Street Volume 3
Pimp My Ride
Pocket Racers
Rayman: Raving Rabbids
Sega Genesis Collection
Shrek Smash 'n Crash
Star Trek: Tactical Assault
Warhammer: Battle for Atluma
Xiaolin Showdown
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force
PSP UMD Releases
The Da Vinci Code
All available at Amazon.Com
Via PSPfanboy
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November 14th, 2006, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Some dude called Maddox posted this on his site:
You may know Sony most readily as the company that recently recalled something on the order of every laptop battery ever made because of a small glitch (they explode). Then there was the "rootkit" debacle, where Sony secretly installed hidden bullshit on your computer. One of Sony BMG's presidents handled the situation with the delicacy of a gang rape with this quote: "Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" Good point, shit-head! And before that, Sony was known for its shitty optical drives in their PS2s, resulting in a class action lawsuit. The word "shitty" in the previous sentence is a bit misleading, since I also use the word to describe Renée Zellweger's life, and having to void your warranty by adjusting a cog to fix a misaligned laser inside your PS2 is slightly shittier.
Not content with the reaming they give consumers with their shoddy products and condescending attitude, Sony determined that it didn't have enough bad press, so they decided to wield their giant gnarled cock of corporate greed again, this time training it on a small-time import shop called "Lik Sang." Lik Sang was a haven for nerds who wanted to import games and systems from other countries. It turns out that Lik Sang broke some major laws that not only earned them the scorn of Sony, but pissed Sony off to the point where they sued Lik Sang into oblivion. So what was this grave infraction committed against Sony that not only threatened the very foundation of this giant multi-national corporation, but warranted destroying the lives and careers of a group of dorks running a gaming website? Simple: they committed the mortal sin of selling Japanese PSPs to European gamers. Oh no! Not that!
When I read the law suit, I did a double take to make sure I read it correctly. Sony is suing to prevent people from selling PSPs? Great move, morons! Because if there's anything Sony needs right now, it's fewer people buying PSPs. In fact, PSP sales are part of the reason Sony expects to lose $1.7 billion dollars in their gaming divison by March. That means that I and anyone else who makes any money at all between now and March (or at least manages not to lose more than $1,699,999,999.99) will officially make more money than Sony's gaming division. I rule.
This isn't the first time Sony bullied a gaming website for selling PSP imports. In June of 2005, Sony sued a website called ElectricBirdLand (Sony literally hired men in dark sunglasses to deliver the papers to the defendant, because Sony is insecure about the size of its penis), stating that the sale of Japanese PSPs to the UK could hurt their ability to exploit the "excitement and anticipation of the market." Hey Sony, you know what else could help you exploit the excitement and anticipation of the market? The PSP not sucking:
Sony's strategy towards portable gaming seems to be to take the same shitty first generation Playstation games that weren't great to begin with, and make them portable so now we can take an example of Sony's utter-inability-to-stop-sucking with us everywhere we go. SNORE. Nobody wants to buy movies in your stupid proprietary format, assholes!
So why does a company that relies on consumer satisfaction and brand recognition treat its fans with such contempt? Because...
Sony hates you.
Sony would love nothing more than to see you and your family suffer. Sony is like that psycho-ex who you had a few good times with, but was too clingy and the sex got boring. Now it's over and Sony is still stewing about it by leaving you voice mail asking for another chance and promising it "can change."
Tough shit Sony. We've moved on. We're dating your younger, hotter sister, Wii. Even your fuglier step-sister, Xbox 360, looks hotter than you do. At least she's been around the block a few times and knows how to turn tricks. You've got nothing, and it's going to stay that way until you stop being a crabby old ****.
Wow that was a tad controversial, anyone got an opinion on what was posted?
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November 14th, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from azy_xbox123 of a Lua App that allows you to password protect your PSP:
I would advise upgrading to 2.71SE to get the full experience of this!
Boot Protector V1
Consult your firmware folder then the readme within or the forum discussion thread for help!
1. USB disabled by high demand and higher security!
2. At the MOMENT I am unable to encrypt the files but instead I have hidden the password file and obscured the file type!
3. Slight GFX Update
4. Various bugfixes including the proper exiting on 2.71SE
If someone knows of a tutorial for encrypting lua files then please post here!
Again default password coded in is: 34903
Default password written in the hidden file: 55555
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via azy_xbox123
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November 14th, 2006, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from access_denied:
OK, this is my first app coded in C. It's a port of my PSPeriodic Table from Lua. It's ASCII graphics, so it doesn't look good, but it gets the job done. So here it is
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via accessdenied
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November 14th, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Matiaz:
Ok, sorry for the long long delay I f****d up my PSPSDK, had some lack of time and motivation, but nonetheless, here's PSPpaint 0.6.
New in this version:
- You can open existing images (I know, shoulda been in 0.5 already )
- Fixed the bug which makes PSPpaint unable to save if there are more than 10 images in the PSPpaint folder
- Font support, grab any TrueType font and rename it to font.ttf and copy it to the paint folder to customize the user interface to your liking
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via matiaz
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November 14th, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK (yes i posted this before but successhk post worldwide so for people in europe this is good news.)

Every Extend Extra is the world;s first "puzzle" shooter" - an addictive mix of timed arcade-style shooting and electrifying sights and sounds. Players must survive enemy attacks and achieve perfect timing to blast foes with explosive chain reactions. The bigger the reaction, the higher the score, the greater the glory.

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November 14th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK (yes i posted this before but successhk post worldwide so for people in europe this is good news.)

Lumines II is the sequel to popular puzzle-action game. Gamers control squares made of four smaller block pieces that are dropped into the playing field one at a time to form same-color squares. The vertical "timeline" sweeps across the playing field from left to right and wipes the same-color squares from the playing field. Unmatched blocks pile up, and the game ends when the pile gets to the top of the playing screen. Advance through many action-packed levels, each with its own musical theme and sound effects. Numerous new skins

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November 14th, 2006, 10:49 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Survey says PS2 fans are more loyal than GameCube owners
A new report by analyst Compete has revealed that almost half of US consumers considering the purchase of a PS3 are in for a surprise when it comes to the console's price.
The report, which surveyed active current gen console gamers during the month of October, found that 48 per cent of those thinking about buying a PS3 thought it would cost under US $300.
Almost 60 per cent of respondents in the same category said they thought the cost was too high on being told the real price (US $499 / $599 for the 20GB / 60GB versions). Of all those surveyed, 73 per cent said they think the price is too expensive.
Around 63 per cent of PlayStation 2 owners say they may pick up a PS3 - but the figure is lower for Nintendo's new console, with just 39 per cent of GameCube owners considering a Wii purchase. Almost the same number - 40 per cent - of those who bought a GameCube may buy a PS3 this time around.
Compete calculated the demand for consoles amongst US consumers
using data from online retailers, and found that an average of around 418,000 people show an interest in the Xbox 360 each month. Demand for PS3 exceeded that for Xbox 360 for the first time in September, with the Wii repeating the feat in October. At present, with the North American launch of the console just days away, demand is highest for the PlayStation 3.
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November 14th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: splodger15
joek2100 has released an update to the MP3 PRX module we’ve all grown to love
v0.3 [and v0.3a] improve greatly on stability preventing many crashes as the playlist no longer requires extra allocated memory.
0.3a: Added more CPU speeds
Added a brightness toggle including maximum brightness(the one that normally requires your psp to be plugged in) (NOT E+X)
Controls (The Note button is to the left of select):
Note + Left Trigger = pause/resume playback
Note + Right Trigger = switch playback mode between random and sequential
Note + D-Pad Left = previous song (only in sequential mode)
Note + D-Pad Right = next song
Note + Triangle = Change CPU speed
Note + Square = Toggle On Screen Display (default off)
Note + Circle = Reload list of mp3 files (needed if you change the files in the music folder using usb)
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November 14th, 2006, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
New shots of Kuju's PSP dungeon crawler level up inside
Atari is proud to announce that D&D Tactics is the first Dungeons & Dragons game to grace Sony's handheld.
The hack and slash adventure is currently planned for release next March.
Screenshots at CVG
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November 14th, 2006, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
According to Japanese gaming bible Famitsu, the top three selling games at the PlayStation 3 launch in Japan over the weekend were Ridge Racer 7 (30,300 units), Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (30,000 units) and Resistance: Fall of Man (20,889). Our calculator skills tell us that the grand total of software sales was 84,189 units.
Over on the hardware side of things, PS3 sales over the weekend were 54,600 for the meaty 60Gb version and 33,800 units of the lite 20Gb model. Thanks to the calculator we can say with complete confidence that a total of 88,400 units of PS3 hardware were sold.
So that means there were more PS3s sold than games. Either Japanese gamers went mad for Blue-ray or a lot of people went and bought one for the sole purpose of selling it on and making a tidy profit. And that's cheating if you ask us...
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November 14th, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
David Braben, who also created classics like Zarch and Virus and more recently new Theme Park-style PS2 outing Thrillville, believes that Sony has got some key decisions absolutely right, despite widespread criticism of the company's approach to the PS3 launch.
Braben, who's also working on the next-gen political thriller The Outsider told CVG, "I'm very wary ...at the moment there's a fashion to knock Sony and I think it's a big mistake. The fact that they have succeeded very well twice, they're one of the few companies to have gone outside core gamers. Don't write them off."
The Elite creator compared the current situation to the days of Sega's ill-fated Dreamcast saying, "The Dreamcast was a great machine but it was really killed by the press and the industry before it got out. It was a perception thing."
However Braben believes that Sony's decision to forgo a closed Microsoft Xbox Live service could prove a big win for the embattled company and could also be a key component of the PS3's success.
"I think the important thing with PS3 is it could do very very well. It's got the web browser and people are saying, 'yeah big deal' but it's the philosophy behind it, the fact that you can go to any site ...for example you know Phil Harrison demoing YouTube on the machine.
"That shows a very different [approach]. It's not a narrow gateway, highly controlled by one person. A game can drive you to a specific site for that game, with tons of stuff to download for it for example. I think that is very very positive."
Braben - echoing Ken Kutaragi's own assertions - also argued that outside of the hardcore gamers, the wider public might perceive the PS3 not so much as an expensive gaming machine, but rather a cheap personal computer or a hybrid of the two.
"When you put it together with the fact that it supports a keyboard and things like that, people may start to regard it more as a cheap PC than an expensive console. Or a new thing that's somewhere in between."
Finally Braben had words of love for the PS3's next gen DVD, concluding, "Blu-ray? People are writing [it] off way too early. I think that's extremely exciting, I want one. "
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November 14th, 2006, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sports Interactive and SEGA have announced that the Xbox 360 and PSP versions of Football Manager 2007 are finished and due out on 1st December.
Plus there's some news on features exclusive to the 360 version. For a start, you'll be able to use the recently released Xbox Live Vision camera to stick your face in the game.
You'll also find a new Fantasy Draft mode, where eight players compete in a round robin, picking players from the game's huge database to build their fantasy squad, and then engage in cup competition or leagues via Xbox Live.
SI MD Miles Jacobson says the team's been listening to feedback on previous console versions - "particularly regarding the control system on the Xbox 360" and is "confident of providing the best console and handheld management experiences to date".
"With loads of new features on each game and great improvements throughout, we want to prove to people that we are not just a PC developer anymore and can entertain on all platforms," Jacobson added.
And of course, for the 360 version there are the requisite Achievements to gather - with the game offering up 50 in all - although if the last release is anything to go by it'll take quite a while to accumulate the lot. Still, management's not easy, is it? Just look at Steve McClaren
Via Eurogamer
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November 14th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
When Microsoft's Xbox 360 was released almost a year ago, one of the knocks on the system was that it wasn't fully backward compatible with original Xbox games. The 360, which uses a different CPU and GPU from the original Xbox, can play some Xbox games through software emulation. However, the emulation has so far only been applied to a few hundred titles.
Sony, too, had planned to go the backward-compatibility route. To avoid the emulation pitfalls encountered by Microsoft, the company put PlayStation and PlayStation 2 hardware inside the PlayStation 3. However, it appears that even this approach to backward compatibility is having its problems.
On its Japanese Web site, the electronics giant has said that some issues are arising when attempting to run certain PlayStation and PS2 games on the PS3, according to Bloomberg. Sony has not stated how many games are being affected, but Reuters claims approximately 200 games in the PS and PS2 catalog have some issues.
A Sony spokesperson told GameSpot, "We are aware that a select number of titles have compatibility issues but these problems will be fixed with a software upgrade that will be available in the near future."
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November 14th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games today announced that it has finally found a publisher to bring its 2004 PlayStation 2 hit Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to the Land of the Rising Sun. Capcom will localize, publish, and distribute the game in Japan in January. Capcom has plenty of experience importing Rockstar's criminal elements into Japan. The company was also responsible for bringing Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to the country.
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November 14th, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
European gamers will be able to reserve their preferred nickname for use on PS3's online service as early as this Friday, when Sony's console launches in the US.
Aware that us poor Euro cousins won't be getting our hands on the system for some time, Sony will enable anyone, regardless of location, to sign up at PlayStation 3's official site and register a username for when we eventually play online.
Currently the link above points to a page explaining the first step of signing up, however the form isn't yet online. Japanese gamers have already been given access to PS3's online platform, but this move by Sony means that your precious tag won't be snaffled by an early-adopter stateside. You can register from 17 November so prepare your nickname and get ready.
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November 14th, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
We all heard the news; the PS3 isn't fully backwards compatible with every PlayStation game. Of the 8,000 or so games in the PlayStation universe, roughly 200 of them won't work as advertised. It looks like the backcompat issue is yet another black mark on Sony's already stumbling reputation ... but is this really that bad?
Business Week is one of those groups who apparently think background music not playing right in Radiata Stories during cutscenes is going to topple the Sony empire like Visigoths over Rome (alright, a bit extreme). They claim "the bad publicity could ultimately leave Sony at a disadvantage compared with Microsoft and Nintendo." We find that a bit of a stretch when Sony's got bigger issues out there and we haven't heard a peep from Microsoft's backwards compatibility efforts since August.
Yes, Sony does have a few bruises from their blunders this past year; however, since the PS3 is on a completely different operating system (remember, we have to download emulators just to get DOS or even Windows 95 stuff working on Windows XP) such incompatibilities are expected. If anything, the meager number of games that aren't 100% perfect -- and how minor the problems are with the bulk of the 200 -- is incredible.
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November 14th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of SONY PSP Game Porter
Slip-Free design
Multi-inner spaces for different accessories
Durable material
3 available styles
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November 14th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
DaveX posted this news/release:
Hi everybody!
First, let me apologize for my poor english language skills. (I'm not native english speaker).
I have modified the original source code from NJ CPS1PSP emulator, to add a "rewind" feature like someone of you have tried before on other emulators (like ZSNES or nesDS). To activate rewind you have to press both "R + START".
This release have only been tested on a PSP 1.5 with Harleygs Custom firmware and option "nokxploit = true", so i can't tell you if it will run with other firmware versions, devicehooks, etc.
I hope someone it find useful. Bye!
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via davex
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November 15th, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
In his latest interactive entertainment notes, Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian has made his predictions on the 'battle royale' set to take place this week as the Wii and PS3 see their official US lanches.
Says Sebastian, "This week represents a significant milestone in the interactive entertainment universe," though, he hastens to add, "the significance of the launches for the software publishers is largely symbolic, as the new consoles will not likely be meaningful drivers of software sales until later next year when we expect the installed bases of the PS3 and Wii to reach more critical mass."
Still, "excitement surrounding the hardware launches backed by significant marketing budgets from Microsoft (Xbox 360), Sony (PS3 and PSP) and Nintendo (Wii and DS) – should benefit overall industry trends through the holiday."
On retailers' struggles to secure and supply a continuous flow of hardware, Sebastian adds that Lazard continues to expect shortages for most stores: "Our channel checks with retailers indicate that there is strong interest in both the PS3 and Wii; most stores sold out of pre-orders quickly."
"We expect Sony to deliver 150-200k units to stores in the United States for the launch; consumers without pre-orders may find it difficult to locate an available system. We estimate sales of approximately 750k PS3s domestically by year-end. We expect a more robust launch from Nintendo, with at least 1.2 million units sold in the U.S. and up to four million units shipped worldwide by year-end."
"Due to the limited initial installed base of the platforms, we believe the financial impact over the holiday period will be more significant for hardware manufacturers and video game retailers (such as GameStop) than for software publishers."
In addition to predicting a strong push for Xbox 360 products due to a shortage in PS3 supply, Sebastian also says the newly launched consoles may not have as significant an impact on holiday sales.
He adds: "We expect less than 15% of software sales to come from the PS3 and Wii this holiday; the more numerous Xbox 360, PS2 and handheld platforms (DS and PSP) remain key drivers of growth," though, he predicts, "this fifth major platform transition is likely to be the largest product launch in the industry’s history."
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November 15th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 Video 9 is a free video conversion application developed by Red Kawa. It allows you to convert your computer video files (like avi, divx, mpeg, etc.) into the specific video formats that are playable on the PlayStation 3.
PS3 Video 9 can also be combined with Videora, another software application, and together they can let you automatically download and convert video for your PlayStation 3 using BitTorrent and RSS technology.
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November 15th, 2006, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Dickydick has posted his port of Java to the PSP, heres the info from his site:
It can start.. Java on your PSP..!! They opened it up!
This is just the text (console output only) kvm targetted on java devs. But anyway enjoy.
I’m still busy making the full fledged midp 2.0 binary…
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November 15th, 2006, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
[RO]man posted this release:
This is a tool for unpacking the PS3 update package 1.10 available for download
from http://www.jp.playstation.com/ps3/update/
Quick&dirty, src included, BIG endian structures/files, only for devs, etc...
SCE format is now interresting; we've seen it mentrioned in PSP loader, haven't we? 
... and the semi-encrypted ELF
struct SCE{
char magic[4]; //"SCE\0"
int version; //? = 2
short encrypted;//? = 1 not; 0 encrypted
short unk; // = 1
int sizeofplain;//?
int64 sizeofhdr;
int64 sizeofcompresseddata;
data.... your input here 
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November 15th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Today THQ announced that WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2 is now available at retailers. A PSP version is scheduled to be made available later this month.
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 adds a number of new features designed to heighten the gameplay experience. Environmental hotspots let players exploit multiple objects found in and around the ring, as well as from crowd members, in the pursuit of inflicting damage on their opponents. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw features a new season mode with branching storylines and a new analog control grappling system. The game is also packed with new features, including an expanded General Manager Mode, updated rosters for both Raw and Smackdown, and enhanced online multiplayer play with voice chat.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 is rated "T" for Teen and is available for the suggested retail prices of $49.99 on the PlayStation 2 and PSP and $59.99 on the Xbox 360.
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November 15th, 2006, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
The videogame formerly knows as Cash Money Chaos has been given a name change. In the first quarter of 2007, Sony plans to release Cash Guns Chaos on PSP. As we all know, guns are more fun than money. Despite the name change, the game itself remains the same. You play as an alien captive, forced to enter a twisted game show in order to save the human race.
Cash Guns Chaos is kind of like The Running Man, but it might actually be funny. Supporting eight-player wireless competition, CGC has the potential to become your next PSP addiction.
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November 15th, 2006, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Today Konami announced that Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force for the PSP has shipped to retail stores throughout North America. Yu-Gi-Oh's first appearance on the PSP throws players into a new Duel Academy storyline and features a "tag team dueling mechanic" that lets gamers team up with allies for strategic card games.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force takes place in the Duel Academy, an elite school for young duelists, and follows students of the Slifer Red dormitory as they go head to head with the opposing Ra Yellow and Obelisk Blue student associations. The ability to set up tag teams is new to the competition this year. Each teammate utilizes a different deck, which allows for more strategic opportunities. The game also features a larger selection of cards than any previous Yu-Gi-Oh! videogame, giving players more choices in building their decks and new animations for each card as they are brought into play. As the Yu-Gi-Oh experience is based on competition, ad-hoc wireless multiplayer is available for two duelists.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force is rated "E" for everyone and carries a suggested retail price of $29.99.
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November 15th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Ahman posted this news/release:
This isn't an iR Shell plugin. I've enhanced the pspvnc to support firmware 2.71. The original version was created by NHD and later enhanced by Zx-81. I only made a few lines of code changes to make it run under firmware 2.71, so all credits should go to NHD & Zx-81. Source code & binary are both included.
For those who dont know what VNC is it stands for Virtual Networked Computing, which means you can use your PSP to control stuff on your PC.
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November 15th, 2006, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from access_denied:
I found quite a few bugs in the last one, so I fixed those, and I also added a little cosmetic change. It makes it easier to tell which elements belong to which group so here it is.
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via accessdenied
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November 15th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Across the galaxy of young stars on TV these days, nobody is burning brighter than the girls of One Tree Hill. Also in this issue, after traveling thousands of miles making his new movie, Kazakh reporter Borat shares his views on the great U.S. and A. Plus much more…
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November 15th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
As arguably the most anticipated PS3 launch title, Resistance: Fall of Man has a lot riding on its shoulders. So how good is the alternate history first-person shooter with an alien twist favoring in early reviews? Pretty good with positive things being said about the game's single campaign, co-op, and 40 multiplayer online modes. With a current average of four reviews equaling 90/100, here's what hasty critics are saying:
GameZone (95/100): "It would have been a remarkable title a year into the life of the PS3, but as it is a launch title, it is even more remarkable. With incredible graphics, an evolving story, great action and weapons, Insomniac and Sony have nailed the launch of the game and system seamlessly."
IGN (91/100): "From start to finish, Fall of Man is one hell of an outstanding roller coaster ride that every last PS3 owner needs for day one ... Above all else, it's the multiplayer elements that truly ascend this one to the next level. It's a must have for sure."
GameBrink (91/100): "When you kill an enemy it doesn't disappear and when you blow up part of the near fully destructible environments the pieces don't go away either. The obvious power of the PS3 and the masterful coding work of the developers let everything stay on screen all the time while never taking a frame hit. This is an incredible accomplishment for a launch game on any system."
1UP (85/100): "Resistance falls a little short of being the hoped-for "Halo-killer," but with a package that would be considered complete by any standards, it delivers a launch classic, and it lives up to its billing as the PS3's killer app."
Via Joystiq
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November 15th, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
Takka has released a new release of his Unnofficial version of the GBA Emulator GPSP for the PSP:
Heres the crappy translation:
Addition of video mode
Without the filter mode of mode and 1.75 times (the top and bottom 4 dot added is cut off)..
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November 15th, 2006, 11:58 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Partnership continues with hit PS2 GTA game
While many western companies struggle to penetrate Japan, Rockstar continues to bravely push into the market with the announcement that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas will be shipped to the region.
As with the last two Grand Theft Auto games, Capcom will take on the publishing, localisation and distribution duties of the hit PlayStation 2 game.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with be released in Japan in January 2007.
And we think it takes too long for Japanese games to be released here
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November 15th, 2006, 12:01 Posted By: Darksaviour69
200,000 units for 'symbolic' launch
Ahead of the launch of the PlayStation 3 in the US, Lazard Capital Markets believes Sony will only be able to ship between 150,000 and 200,000 units to retail shelves.
The figure is half that promised by Ken Kuturagi back in September after the announcement of a delay to the consoles launch in PAL regions.
"We expect Sony to deliver 150-200k units to stores in the United States for the launch; consumers without pre-orders may find it difficult to locate an available system," said Lazard's Colin Sebastian.
"We expect sales of approximately 750k PS3s domestically by year end," added Sebastian. "We expect a more robust launch from Nintendo, with at least 1.2 million units sold in the US and up to four million units shipped worldwide by year end."
However, Sebastian noted that launch numbers are mainly a marketing tool, stating: "The significance for the software publishers is largely symbolic, as the new consoles will not likely be meaningful drivers of software sales until later next year when we expect the installed bases of the PS3 and Wii to reach critical mass."
Sebastian also believes that sales of software for the newly launched consoles will not have a significant impact over the coming Christmas period.
"We expect less than 15 per cent of software sales to come from the PS3 and Wii this holiday. The more numerous Xbox 360, PS2 and handheld platforms remain key drivers of growth," he concluded.
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November 15th, 2006, 12:26 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Having previously pledged both Sonic the Hedgehog and Full Auto 2: Battlelines to the PlayStation 3's US launch, now it turns out SEGA won't be there with either.
Sonic has already been set back until December, and now it looks like Full Auto 2 is suffering the same fate, with a spokesperson telling IGN that it's "targeting an early December ship date".
Full Auto 2 - the sequel to a fairly mediocre Xbox 360 original - is also due out on PlayStation Portable, as announced on Friday.
The PS3 version's absence means that the PS3 launch line-up has shrunk even further, with fellow day-one title The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion already having been dropped back to Q1 2007 by Bethesda Softworks.
So that reduces the current launch line up to 7:
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
Genji: Days of the Blade
Resistance: Fall of Man
Blast Factor
NBA '07
Ridge Racer 7
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November 15th, 2006, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via CVG
Ziff Davis will close OPSM after the January 2007 issue, saying PS3 will allow for a "more efficient distribution of game demos, videos, and trailers."
A statement from the company said, "With this next generation of game consoles, the days of having to bundle a disc with a magazine to distribute games-related content are over. And the disc has clearly been a major driver for consumer interest in premium-priced, platform-specific magazines in the past, when the magazine disc was the only way gamers could get such content."
A falling subscription install base and a decline in print ad revenue were also named as key factors behind the closure in January.
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November 15th, 2006, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
In case you missed it, Pirates! is an action/adventure game where you take the role of a (drum roll...) pirate captain, looting, pillaging and yaar'ing your way to pirate fame and fortune.
PC Zone quite liked it, giving it a score of 88 and calling it a game that "effortlessly takes the best of every style of gaming and mixes it into a consistent and enduringly charming whole."
The PSP version will apparently feature additional features such as wireless Ad-Hoc multiplayer for up to four players, widescreen graphics, new treasure hunts and more.
"We love the new possibilities from handheld systems like the PSP system," said Mr. Meier in the press release. "Pirates! for the PSP system allows players to shape the heroic life of a pirate while embracing the pirate's way of life - always on the go!"
Sid Meier's Pirates! PSP is expected in shops on Febuary 23, 2007.
Screens at Link Above
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November 15th, 2006, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Taiwan branch of Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong has announced day one PS3 shipment figures for the territory, according to a report on DigiTimes.com.
Taiwan will get 500 60GB PlayStation 3 units on launch day, November 17. Of that allocation, 150 consoles will go on sale at a special launch event in downtown Taipei.
The remaining 350 units will be divided equally amongst outlets including electronics retail chain Tsann Kuen, Fnac branches and Sony's own franchise stores.
As previously announced, the 60GB PS3 will retail in Taiwan for TW$17,980 (EUR 425). The 20GB version, which won't go on sale until December, will cost TW$14,980 (EUR 355). Sony is aiming to sell 1 million PlayStation 3 units within Hong Kong and Taiwan.
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November 15th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison has confirmed that allowing users to create their own content forms a major part of the company's strategy for PlayStation 3.
Speaking in an interview with Official PlayStation Magazine, excerpts of which have been published on Sony's "semi-official" ThreeSpeech blog, Harrison said, "The area that I’m most excited about at the moment is empowering user-created content. Embedding the user creation tools into the game application and opening it up to a cloud of users.
"I have to be really careful not to give the game away because we're keeping this secret, but don't think about it in terms of maps, think of it in terms of behaviours, environments, physics, rules... All the tools that you could want, but in a very consumer friendly way."
Pointing to Second Life as "a very, very powerful metaphor for where we're going", Harrison went on to say that users would be able to use a USB mouse to find "a deeper level of finesse, that you could get in terms of pixel manipulation and paint programs or fine tuning things". (The PS3 also supports USB keyboard input throughout.)
"We've got two things in development," he specified. "One in this building and one with an external developer that, when we do share them with you, I think you're going to go 'Ah now I know what he was talking about.'"
News that Sony is considering how to make use of content creation facilities is likely to draw comparison to Microsoft's XNA Studio Express suite, which is already up and running in beta, and will soon allow users to make their own playable Xbox 360 games using simple tools - albeit for the cost of a subscription fee
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November 15th, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Following the announcement that the US Official PlayStation Magazine is to close, Future Publishing and Sony Computer Entertainment have confirmed that the UK version will continue.
"This is a matter between Ziff Davis and Sony US. In the UK and Europe, Future continues to enjoy a long and successful relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe," a Future spokesperson told GamesIndustry.biz.
"This deal has been further cemented this week with the release of our third Official title in the UK - the brand new Official PlayStation Magazine, which focuses on the PlayStation 3."
A spokesperson for Sony UK added, "We are fully committed to and supportive of OPM, and will continue to be for the forseeable future."
The announcement that OPM US is to close was made earlier today, with Ziff Davis citing an increased focus on digital media and content distribution as the reason.
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November 15th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Point your eyes down the page at the first images from Skate, EA's Tony Hawk-rivalling skateboard title, which is set to hit PS3 and Xbox 360 next year.
The shots give you an idea of the bright, colourful look Skate is aiming for, as well as the real-world inspired locations that'll be busy with real-world dangers, like roaring packs of traffic to skitch on.
With a "unique" control scheme that developer EA promises will capture the true feel of skating, in comparison to the "typical button mashing gameplay of past skating games" (no points for guessing the series that quote's aimed at) and a trick-busting mechanic that ought to produce a different looking flip, grab or move every time, Skate already has us interested.
Screens Here
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November 15th, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
One of the more unusual games making its way to PS3 is Eye of Judgement - a game that uses EyeToy magickery to transform a round-the-table hand of mythical-flavoured card battling into an on-screen spectacle of swords 'n' sorcery.
And now developer Sony has shuffled us some photos to illustrate how the game is played. Click the images tab above for the full deck.
It all looks pretty straightforward - place your cards on the special, rune decorated E of J mat, the watchful table lamp-style EyeToy registers what cards are laid and dutifully beams the data to your PS3. You then watch as the paper flat monsters are conjured on-screen in 3D and duke it out with opposing, fire-breathing foes.
Of course, until we've had a hands-on, we won't know how well the card registering technology works or, indeed, if the game's actually any good. We're guessing that playing in a clinically white room is entirely optional and that you will actually be required to turn your PS3 on.
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November 15th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 S-Video AV Cable
High quality cable included
Superior picture quality
High transmission rate
Stereo sound
For most video devices
More Description of Playstation 3 S-Video AV Cable
Improved standard graphics
S-Video and composite video cable
Stereo sound
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November 15th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 Sony Original Playstation 3 Wireless Controller
Official 6-axis wireless controller
Connects via bluetooth (wireless) or USB (wired)
Lithium Ion rechargeable battery pack built-in
Battery running time: Around 30 hours
Play & Charge technology: Recharge battery pack when connecting via USB
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November 15th, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 Sony Original Memory Card Adaptor
Official Memory Card Adapter
Enables PlayStation?and PlayStation2?memory card data transfer to PlayStation3?HDD
USB Connection
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November 15th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm has posted some new screens of the new Hardware revision for the PSP and this info:
PCB Ver. : TA-086
CPU Core : CXD2967GG
Media Engine : CXD5026-203GG
MCP : K5E5658ACM-D060 1.8V/1.8V
Test report :
Factory FW2.81 (BoxCode L)
can HardDown to FW1.50
and run official FW2.71 UpDate EBOOT.PBP
HardDown = Hardware method DownGrade
SoftDown = Software method DownGrade
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November 15th, 2006, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
ZX-81 has informed us of the release of a new Intellivision Emulator for PSP released today:
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPInt the Intellivision Emulator for PSP.
For those who haven't seen previous versions, Jzintv is an emulator of the Intellivision videogame system written by Joe Zbiciak running on many systems such as Linux, Unix, Windows and MacOS.
See official jzintv site for further informations.
What's new in version 1.0.7 :
- Emulator menus reorganisation (new menu for settings)
- Icons and background images modification
- The percent of battery left is now displayed in the emulator window
- Add a watchdog to automatically return to the emulator menu
when the battery is very low (< 5%)
- New feature to save and load a distinct setting file for each games
- Delete files option (in the file selector)
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
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via ZX-81
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November 16th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
New Press Release:
Fire International releases the World's first PS3 media management software to coincide with North American launch on 17th November 2006.
Convert, manage and transfer your digital media collection on both PS3 and PSP.
‘It's like iTunes for PS3' - comprehensive media management solution featuring an all-new user interface for PS3 AND PSP.
MOVIES - PC and DVD movies (with HD media support for PS3).
Convert movie files into AVC (.MP4) for playback on PS3 & PSP; including High Definition digital movies (PS3), non copy-protected DVDs, Xvid, DivX, MPEG 1&2, and AVI formats. Multiple video output selection allows optimum settings for both PSP and PS3, with PSP files automatically renamed in line with the PSP file format structure.
MUSIC - CDs, iTunes and digital music files.
Transfer music from your existing iTunes database. Convert your CDs to MP3 with auto completion of artist, track and album details via the online database. Attach album artwork to your MP3 music files. Simply drag-and-drop MP3, AAC and WMA files to your memory card or USB device for playback on PS3 and PSP.
IMAGES - Photos and digital images.
Manage your photo and image gallery for viewing on PS3 and PSP. Preview thumbnail images from within the Xploder software and simply copy them across to your portable memory device for viewing on the PS3 or PSP.
GAMESAVES - Access, download and manage the latest gamesaves for PS3 and PSP from the Xploder database. The in-application RSS feed sends alerts as new gamesaves become available for download to keep you ahead of the game.
Maximise your investment! - Xploder Movie Player and Media Manager is the perfect accessory to ensure that you get the most from your PS3 from DAY ONE!
Jason Cooper, Fire International, comments "As an official MPEG 4 Patent Licence holder, we're delighted to be first to market with such an advanced media management solution. It's a great credit to our team that it is available on day one of the North American release of PlayStation 3."
Available from major retailers from December 1st and to download from November 17th from www.xploder.net
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November 16th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
New Press Release:
Fire International releases the World's first PS3 media management software to coincide with North American launch on 17th November 2006.
Convert, manage and transfer your digital media collection on both PS3 and PSP.
‘It's like iTunes for PS3' - comprehensive media management solution featuring an all-new user interface for PS3 AND PSP.
MOVIES - PC and DVD movies (with HD media support for PS3).
Convert movie files into AVC (.MP4) for playback on PS3 & PSP; including High Definition digital movies (PS3), non copy-protected DVDs, Xvid, DivX, MPEG 1&2, and AVI formats. Multiple video output selection allows optimum settings for both PSP and PS3, with PSP files automatically renamed in line with the PSP file format structure.
MUSIC - CDs, iTunes and digital music files.
Transfer music from your existing iTunes database. Convert your CDs to MP3 with auto completion of artist, track and album details via the online database. Attach album artwork to your MP3 music files. Simply drag-and-drop MP3, AAC and WMA files to your memory card or USB device for playback on PS3 and PSP.
IMAGES - Photos and digital images.
Manage your photo and image gallery for viewing on PS3 and PSP. Preview thumbnail images from within the Xploder software and simply copy them across to your portable memory device for viewing on the PS3 or PSP.
GAMESAVES - Access, download and manage the latest gamesaves for PS3 and PSP from the Xploder database. The in-application RSS feed sends alerts as new gamesaves become available for download to keep you ahead of the game.
Maximise your investment! - Xploder Movie Player and Media Manager is the perfect accessory to ensure that you get the most from your PS3 from DAY ONE!
Jason Cooper, Fire International, comments "As an official MPEG 4 Patent Licence holder, we're delighted to be first to market with such an advanced media management solution. It's a great credit to our team that it is available on day one of the North American release of PlayStation 3."
Available from major retailers from December 1st and to download from November 17th from www.xploder.net
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November 16th, 2006, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
MDK. Giants. Armed and Dangerous. Infected. After Burner. Which of these does not belong?
If you guessed After Burner, take a victory sip. It's the one that, you know, isn't a wacky third-person shooter. At least, not with a character on the screen. It's the classic Sega flight combat shooter franchise that became so memorable back in 1987, and now Planet Moon is bringing it to PSP with After Burner: Black Falcon.
This will be the first non-character based shooter, the first game where humor isn't a driving force, and the first established franchise game for the developer -- quite a change of pace for a company known for original games.
"Planet Moon's focus has always been in creating original IP," explains CEO and co-founder Bob Stevenson. "That said, some of the founders had a lot of fun working on classic Sega IP years before starting our own company. I actually worked on a Sega Genesis version of After Burner with Neil Young (EA) and David Perry (Shiny founder) about 14 years ago... Nick Bruty (Planet Moon's president) also worked on a number of Sega tiles including Outrun."
Full Article
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November 16th, 2006, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Sony has been sending out some really interesting surveys lately. First, they asked which features could be removed from the PSP (hopefully, users said none). Now, they're asking users if they're interested in mobile television for the PSP. They give users two options: streaming using LocationFree player, or by subscribing to a mobile TV service for $10 a month. Personally, the latter seems much more enticing.
Considering how Japan has an official PSP media download service called PTV, it makes sense for Sony to expand that to other markets as well. What do you think: should Sony offer portable TV for you? And would you subscribe at that price?
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November 16th, 2006, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
IvorDog has released a new DuckHunt game for the PSP:
Hi everyone - 1st post, 1st release!
Improve your analog stick skills with Ivor Dog's Duck Hunt! The game with the title you really don't want to say too fast! ;-)
The zip includes 1.5 and 2.x EBOOTs (but has only been tested on 2.71 SE-B''). See the Readme.txt in the zip for installation & playing instructions
It's a pretty simple aim & shoot game, done to help myself learn C programming on PSP. Thanks to the tutorials at www.psp-programming.com for getting me going! The only thing the game is missing is any noises - if anyone can point me towards some good resources for getting FX and music in it'd be appreciated!
Hope you like it - I've got a few more ambitious/interesting project ideas to do next!
Ivor Dog
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November 16th, 2006, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Team280 have released a new Tiff homebrew game in French called Mastermind, which is a great looking puzzle game for the PSP.
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November 16th, 2006, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita and Ditlew have just released a new ELoader (Homebrew Loader) for the PSP, heres the release details:
It's been a long wait for 2.80 PSP owners, eager to get their hands on some homebrewing goodness. But hopefully today's news will prove that the wait has been worthwhile.
Noobz are proud to announce the release of the latest eLoader, version 0.995 (hey, we're scared of the big 1.0, OK?), also known as "Kriek". We know you don't want to read too many words before getting into the action, so - what's new?
The biggie - support for v2.80 firmware. v2.80 is still only user-mode support, and there are some minor syscalls that can't be resolved. But in general, the vast majority of user-mode homebrew works fine.
Another biggie - this release includes an experimental new way of using eLoader, called xLoader. xLoader allows you to run homebrew directly from the PSP's XMB menu, just like on a v1.0 PSP. Usage is a lot like Dark Alex's HEN C, but the underlying technology is very different. Because it's experimental, and a lot of work to fix up for each firmware, it's currently only supported for v2.80 firmware, and compatibility is a little lower than standard eLoader. Make sure to view the README file (displayed during installation) for more information.
You can now use the power switch to enter suspend mode in any homebrew that normally supports suspend mode on v1.5 firmware. This works in eLoader on firmwares 2.5-2.71, and in xLoader.
The built-in PSP on-screen keyboard now works in xLoader.
The Installotron is now included in the eLoader installation, so that in principle, you may never need to manually install any homebrew ever again. Installotron also now includes an option to automatically modify EBOOTs to make them suitable for xLoader.
Stability and compatibility is mostly improved over v0.99, although some homebrew is less stable, especially on v2.00 firmware. You may want to keep 0.99 and 0.995 side-by-side on firmwares that can run both.
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Visit the Official DCEmu Eloader and Tiff Exploit Forums
Via Noobz
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November 16th, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
New release from eiffel56, heres the translated details:
With this program it concerns the PRX Loader for firmware 2,71 SE. PRX files are modules, which can be reloaded in the enterprise. The users of the Custom firmware know that perhaps still. With it one could e.g. load the VSH Extender. I tested the whole extensively, before I mean PSP gebricked have. And it functioned marvelously. NO warranty, it uses nevertheless on OWN DANGER!!!
Unpacked simply contents of the file MS_ROOT on your MEMORY stick. If you start your 1,50 Homebrews out instead of from GAME150 from GAME, must you still change.
Afterwards you start simply the Installer. Load before your Akku enough and make the load cable drann. The installation goes fast and simply. The Installer can unflashen the whole then also again.
As the first time must configure to it the whole. That is accurately alike everything as in the Custom firmware. That comes therefore which I Dark_Alex config parsing routine uses ^^.
Best take you to test the VSH Extender for the Custom firmware. There is ne config thereby. Those config must in /PSP/SYSTEM.
If go you are settled on your network update Icon. The part is from now on the PRX Loader. Waits briefly and the PRX should be loaded.
Much fun!
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- any german dcemu members who want to post a better translation then please do 
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November 16th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: MonkeyBoy1916

kid101skater of DeviantPSP has just created his own Flashing Application for the PSP. Currently it has support for 1.50 and 2.71SE, and it has been extensively tested. You have to remember that with all Flash modifying tools you can brick your PSP, so be extremely careful using these kinda of programs.
Currently the files have to be on the root of your memory stick for it to flash them, if the files are missing it will give you an error message and exit back to the XMB. Lets thank Lil13Lazin for doing the graphics aswell.
Current Features:- Flash a Gameboot
- Flash Font
- Flash 01.bmp
Features to come:- Ability to flash all Wallpapers
- Flash Dumper
Warning: As with all flash modifying tools, this can brick your PSP, so be very careful when using this. Also kid101skater, DeviantPSP, and DCEmu are not responsible if your PSP bricks because of this.
[Via DeviantPSP]
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November 16th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
We're still amazed it hasn't been done sooner (or Thunderblade, for that matter), especially in high-def, next-gen glory. But the PSP version is showing promise.
If developer Planet Moon is to be believed we'll be treated to "all-new multiplayer modes, customisable jets and over-the-top gameplay."
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November 16th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Lucky gamers who manage to get their hands on an imported PS3 ahead of the delayed European release date can still use the PlayStation Network, despite the UK service not being live.
The UK PlayStation Network will not be up and running until March 2007 when the PS3 launches here but, interestingly, if you have an imported console in UK you will still be able to get onto the US network simply by entering a US address.
The US network has just gone live ahead of the launch tomorrow, so you will have access to English versions of the demos already available. There's a decent selection in there, including Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm, NBA07, Formula One Championship Edition and others.
Two downloadable games - Blast Factor ($7.99) and Cash Guns Chaos ($9.99) are also live. Charges are made using local currency, unlike Nintendo's and Microsoft's equivalent online services, which adopt their own points system, so that saves extra complications.
The hardest part of course will be actually getting your hands on a PS3.
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November 16th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Colin McRae: DIRT will hit PS3, Xbox 360 and PC in 2007 and it'll be the first game to use the firm's new proprietary engine dubbed, Neon.
It's been in development for over 18 months with a team of over 30 tech experts giving feedback on how to fine-tune the racing engine.
The power of Neon was naturally promoted by Gavin Cheshire, VP of Codemasters, who states that it "provides us with so much more scope and possibilities than an update of existing tech would have ever allowed. The most obvious result is in the visual detail and physics that produce incredible particle effects."
Of course, you can expect the usual array of officially licensed vehicles, covering 12 car class categories including 2WD, 4WD, Classic and RWD cars, including Colin McRae's prototype R4 and Travis Pastrana's X Games-winning Subaru Impreza. And the best part is that these cars are fully destructible, which also goes for the environments. We've been told that you can expect everything from small trees snapping on impact through to full-blown, car plus tree wraparounds if the crash is horrendous enough.
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November 16th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Online auction site eBay has taken tough measures against users attempting to sell PlayStation 3 consoles in both the US and UK.
As of yesterday morning, British eBayers have been forbidden from selling PS3 units and games on the site until February 2007. Even then, each seller will only be able to offer one PS3, which must have been purchased within the EU.
Sellers must also guarantee dispatch within 30 days and can only accept payment via PayPal.
In the US, only sellers who have already taken part in 50 auctions or more and have at least 98 per cent feedback may offer PS3 pre-orders, according to an Associated Press report.
In addition, sellers must guarantee 30 day dispatch, provide a photo of the pre-order receipt and list items as auctions rather than "but it now" items which people can purchase instantly.
eBay's Catherine England told the AP that the measures had been introduced to avoid a repeat of previous console launch situations which saw "a high number of well-intentioned sellers unable to meet obligations due to restricted supply".
Reports are also circulating that Japanese gamers are driving up the price on PS3 orders in the Far East in order to disrupt the practices of sellers who queued up to buy a console they specifically intended to resell.
PlayStation 3 launches in North America tomorrow.
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November 16th, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
With just a day to go before the PlayStation 3 launches in North America, GamesIndustry.biz took a tour of retail outlets to find out how things are shaping up on the ground.
The tour took in several retail outlets in Austin, Texas, including a Best Buy store where a clerk named Kris was putting together a PS3 display. Tickets will be given out at 7am tomorrow, an hour before the store opens.
Kris said there is more hype for the PS3 than Xbox 360 last year, noting that his store has 26 units - 20 of the US $599 60GB variety, and six US $499 20GB models. "I expect 50 Wiis," he added.
It was a different story at the Toys R Us store across the street. Gum, who’s been with the company since 2004, was a veteran of the Xbox 360 launch. He said they are sold out of pre-orders. "Last year, there was fighting," he recalled. "They’re tired of it. I’m tired of it."
Last year, police were called. This year, the line will begin 48 hours before launch, but the store "will call" the police again, Gum warned, and people "will be arrested" if necessary. Wearily, he offered one final piece of advice: "Just wait for it."
Jeremy, a Best Buy employee responsible for security, said, "Simon isn’t allowing people to line up." The Simon he mentioned isn’t a particularly strict colleague, but Simon Property Group - which manages the retail centre and has a special policy ready for the PS3.
"I don’t know why they’re doing this, since Simon allows lines for Thanksgiving and for the Xbox 360 launch," Jeremy added.
A representative from Simon Property Group, Diane, explained, "Across the country, we’ve had some very bad experiences." As a result, their properties will be closed until four in the morning on launch day. Off duty police officers and tow trucks will enforce the restriction.
"This is not our business, we’re not a campground. That's our policy... No one thinks about the liability until something happens."
Simon claims to be the number one shopping mall owner in the United States, with about 280 properties - primarily malls, community shopping centers, and outlet centres - in 38 states. In short, this is the company that acts as landlord to most major retailers.
"I can’t tell you; we have people lighting barbeque pits, people defecating in the parking lot, people that are throwing Frisbees… It’s not safe," Diane concluded.
"I know I wouldn’t want my young teenager or my college student out in that environment."
The company remains firm on the no camping rule: "We do have off-duty police officers to enforce it." The possibility of a mad dash once doors open has also been raised. "I don’t know what to say about it. But the police officers will make sure it’s orderly," Diane said.
Other stores appeared calmer. At Gamestop, a manager named Daniel explained that word of pre-orders leaked out over the Internet, and the store is obligated for all PS3 and Wii units.
He claimed that Sony is only providing 300,000 units at launch, despite promising 400,000. "I don’t know if I should trust them now," Daniel said.
The silver lining he offers is that people who pre-order the PS3 won’t have the cash to pay for them when the time comes - "It’s more likely than we’d like to admit." And after 48 hours, the pre-order will expire, making the unit available for the next buyer.
CompUSA has taken a novel approach. They did pre-orders, but anyone purchasing a 42 inch television got a free reservation. As one clerk remarked, "The six we’re getting will be sold out."
At Circuit City, a clerk named David said they’re getting six PS3 units, guaranteed. He noted that there are people camped outside, and they'll get the consoles first. "I say, just give it to ‘em. They’ve been there since last night."
The campers include a number of University of Texas students, who have been there since 7pm on November 14.
"We were driving back to Austin from Dallas," explained Tim, "And we just thought of a way to make some good money, because they’re selling for like US $2000 on eBay." So, the students decided to camp out, get a few PS3s, and sell them.
"We’ve talked to some of the managers. They’re just surprised that we’re here so early. Usually people come today, but they’re letting us camp out, so that’s pretty cool."
Will Tim be tempted to open the box, just for a look or a quick gaming session? "I need the money more than entertainment."
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November 16th, 2006, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
The most hardcore of hardcore gamers were out in abundance in New York City Wednesday night, all hoping for a chance to score a PlayStation 3.
Gamers lined up outside SonyStyle Plaza in midtown Manhattan knew their best chance of getting a PS3 was waiting in front of that store. While other retail outlets were stuck with only a handful of systems, the PS3 bash there promised hundreds of Sony's next-gen console for sale.
Herded without opposition by Sony security guards, hundreds of gamers lined the street and even began wrapping around the corner of the next block. Spirits were high as a pseudo-commune formed, each participant allied by an equal goal--get a PS3 on November 17.
A fragment of the line in New York City.
Throughout the huddled line, the hopeful were crammed close together and sat in folding chairs more suitable for the beach than the hard asphalt of Manhattan. Diversions included gaming on PSPs, idle chit-chat, the occasional Nintendo DS, and the classic book. While most were receptive to the slightest bit of media attention, some campers covered their faces, perhaps protecting their "being sick and can't work" alibis.
Though one would expect harsh weather in New York at this time of the year, the weather seemed forgiving for those in line, hovering in the 60s and merely overcast. The weather gods appear ready to test their determination Thursday night though, as thunderstorms have been forecast for the area.
The gamer with the claim to being first in line is New York native Angel Paredes, who arrived at the store Monday evening. Though his commitment to getting a system day one was met with some resistance from his family, the temptation was too much to deny.
Ain't no party like a PS3-waiting party...
"I've been waiting for this system for over a year," Paredes told GameSpot. His family, who now understand his plight, have supplied him with food and even held his space in line for a few hours while he went home, showered, and revisited the luxury of having a roof over his head.
Though the launch of the system is still a full day away, those in line exuded a feeling of being in the home stretch. Paredes and the other hopeful PS3 owners are doing this together and have built a common bond.
"I've made a bunch of new friends," said Paredes, smiling and gesturing to those in line behind him.
Though there is the temptation of hawking a system for profit for all those who are lucky enough to score a PS3 on Friday, most of those waiting in front of the Sony Store in New York seemed content to keep theirs. However, a few dissenters did seem to opt for the quick cash.
"I'm totally happy with my Xbox 360 right now. I've got Gears of War sitting at home," said a man in line. "I may get a PS3 later, but for now, I think I'm selling mine."
Hopefully for those in line, the wait will culminate in a brand new PS3 early on Friday morning. Sony plans on kicking off its launch festivities at 9 p.m. EST, with the first PS3 sold in North America being handed out to Paredes at midnight. Those waiting at the end of the line be warned--Sony has announced that only the first 400 in line will get into the party and have the chance to buy a console. As for the others? Well, there's always the next shipment.
Waiting was not an option at some other New York City stores.
In contrast to the SonyStyle Plaza, a few major retail locations in the popular shopping area of Times Square were near empty. Both Toys "R" Us and Virgin Megastore in the famed district were barren. One employee at Virgin confirmed to GameSpot that the store only expected about five units for the system's launch.
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November 16th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Though the PlayStation 3 does not officially go on sale until November 17, Sony isn't wasting time getting the console's online services ready. Those lucky enough to get a pre-launch PS3 can now register for an online account, check out the PlayStation store, the PS3 equivalent of Xbox Live Marketplace, with the console's browser, and download the system's first demos. Rudimentary options for friends lists and messages are also available.
Though registration is free, those looking to hook up their PS3s with Sony's online service will need a valid credit card. Once signed up, gamers can choose an avatar from several pages of Sony-centric art, including pictires from the Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, God of War, and SOCOM games.
The online store is currently populated by trailers for Lair, Genji: Days of the Blade, Warhawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, NBA 07, Calling All Cars!, Motorstorm, Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom, and Cash Guns Chaos. Several free demos are also available, including those for Blast Factor, Formula One Championship Edition, Motorstorm, Cash Guns Chaos, Resistance, and NBA 07. Sony is also offering two downloadable games--Cash Guns Chaos and Blast Factor, each priced at $7.99.
But it isn't all about games. There are also Blu-ray disc trailers for Black Hawk Down, House of Flying Daggers, Ultraviolet, and more.
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November 16th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
It takes a unique brand of dedication to line up and wait for the privlege of lining up and waiting somewhere else.
As of 4 p.m. Wednesday, a line of about 65 people had formed across the street from Sony's flagship PlayStation and Sony Style stores in the Metreon at the corner of Fourth and Mission Streets. While there's no doubt the line is for the PlayStation 3, Sony corporate mandated that no "official" line was allowed at the Metreon before 8 a.m. Thursday, so this line formed on Minna St. as a place to wait until there's an official line to join.
Counting down the hours at the Metreon.The line was a calm affair, most people lounging in beach chairs or milling about in the balmy 60-degree weather. They were hunkering down for the long wait until the following morning, when what they hope will be an orderly transition to official status is expected to be facilitated by Sony staffers.
To manage the transition from rogue gathering to official PS3 queue, the fifth person in line, Gieson from the East Bay, had created a list. "As long as no one bum rushes, it'll be fine," Gieson said.
With tent, cards, and cooler, these UCSF grad students wait out the night in relative comfort.Sony staffers inside the PlayStation store made it clear that they could disperse the currently building line at any time, but privately added as long as those in line remained peaceful and orderly, breaking up the line was unlikely.
The first in line, Chris from San Francisco, said he and his friends decided to start the camp out on a whim. They came by the Metreon today at 5 a.m., and noticing there was no one waiting and no lines formed, they quickly went on a supply run--securing tents and food--returning around 9 a.m. to camp out in the pole position. Most of the crowd had made no more preparation than wearing heavy coats and lugging some additional clothing and food.
Milling around, with the PlayStation store in the distance.A group of five grad students from the University of California San Francisco passed the time playing cards and tossing a football. The group, all bio-physics researchers, planned to sleep in shifts and keep an eye peeled for foul play. However, once in line, plans have a way of changing. One of the group expressed concern for how they would pass the time until the 8 a.m. transition to a Sony-sanctioned line, saying, "I don't know if sleep's a realistic option."
Those in line signed a list to preserve their spot.The line members' vigil should come to an end Friday at 12:01 a.m., when Sony's PlayStation 3 game console officially goes on sale. And while Sony's big launch event is taking place at SonyStyle Plaza on Madison Ave. in Manhattan, there will be plenty of activities happening in San Francisco to report on.
Expect more coverage from the PlayStation Store in San Francisco as well as the New York City launch party tomorrow night.
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November 16th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Aye Chihuahua hombre! We've got a sombrero full of hot-like-tamales shots from the upcoming PSP combo-clocking action shooter, Chili Con Carnage - jiggle your jalapenos to the images tab above for a butchers at the whole spicy selection.
Following in the footsteps of the console and PC title, Total Overdose, Chili Con Carnage sees Ramiro 'Ram' Cruz come swaggering back through the saloon doors for more gringo-fuelled gun-play in the Mexican border city of Los Toros.
Rather than knocking out a handheld port of Total Overdose, developer Deadline assured us in a recent question and answer session that Chili Con Carnage would be a "reinvention" of the original, with reworked story, level elements and gameplay mechanics all squeezed in alongside three brand new modes.
Out early in 2007, if you're looking for frantic, fully portable shootouts, we suggest you keep an eye on Chili Con Carnage as it promises to be a tasty burrito blast of action.
Screens and News at Gamesradar
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November 16th, 2006, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
Stand-alone SixAxis pads purchased in Japan do not come packaged with the USB cable required for charging the controller's battery, GamesRadar has discovered. This leaves the single cable included in PS3's box as the only way to charge your pads, regardless of how many you buy.
As we revealed last week, our friends at PSM3 sent an intrepid reporter across to Tokyo to pick up one of the world's first PS3's. They also grabbed an extra controller - only to find that it was supplied without an accompanying charge cable when the pad's package was opened.
Sony UK states that it is unable to comment on whether this situation will be the same when PS3 launches in the UK. "We won't know about the UK until closer to our own launch," we were told.
Fortunately, GamesRadar can confirm that standard mini-USB to USB cables will function as a stand-in - although the wire provided with PS3 is longer and more suited to gaming. But it could work out cheaper to pay around £4 for a regular wire than cough up for the officially licensed cable that will no doubt appear if the same SixAxis situation occurs over here. Or are we just being cynical?
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November 16th, 2006, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gizmodo
ISuppli took apart the PS3, sourced all the components and found it to have some serious engineering mojo.
With the PlayStation 3, you are getting the performance of a supercomputer at the price of an entry-level PC
The premium model costs $840.35 to make (Which sells at a loss for $600.)
The Xbox 360 on the other hand, costs $323 to make, these days. So, what we're trying to get at here is that the PS3 is a good deal. A lot of bang for the buck. A Bargain.
A wonderful surprise, for us, and for Sony. Good job, guys!
But I suppose we could have figured it out for ourselves if we'd considered how much the PS3 costs per pound. Fat ass.
Did you know the WiFi module is only $15 bucks? Hit the jump to see the price per component for everything else.
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November 16th, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Ok, even though we didn't think Sony would ever pull together enough components to actually launch this thing (which probably explains the two week queue), the PlayStation 3 is finally upon us. You've witnessed the PS3 getting unboxed, getting some playtime, and getting ripped apart, but now you can finally hop off that fence you've been occupying and decide which console suits you best. Although you may lust after Sony's sleek and sexy new toy, chances are that you won't snag it on day one -- unless you don't mind getting shot at while you wait in line, of course. Nevertheless, the initial wave of first reviews are in, and those fortunate enough to have already given the highly coveted machine a few hours of their time have spoken. Generally, reviewers felt that ported titles didn't do much to take advantage of the PS3's extra horsepower, and a Business Week reviewer "walked away more impressed with what it could do than with what it currently does." Moreover, nearly everyone mentioned the obviously high pricetag, but somehow felt that the PS3 packed a big enough punch to justify it, and CNET even went so far as to state that you'd "feel you got your money's worth, from both a gaming and multimedia perspective." So whether these reviews send you shooting out of the office in hopes of landing a good spot in line, or solidify your feelings that the Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii would better suit you, be sure to read on before swiping any card anywhere.
CNET (8.8 out of 10; Excellent)
Business Week (4 out of 5)
DigitMag ("Very versatile")
ITWorld ("I want one, but perhaps not immediately")
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November 16th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
As final PlayStation 3 units continue to trickle into more and more hands, additional details about how the system works and what it can and can't do are hitting the web. The latest (rather major) tidbit is how the console treats the upscaling and downscaling of 720p titles on televisions that don't support that resolution -- specifically those that are only 1080i capable.
As it turns out, gamers who own older HD sets that feature only 480i, 480p, and 1080i resolution input capabilities will have to settle for the display quality being downsized as the game boots in its 480p mode rather than upscaling the image from its more desirable 720p mode to the TV's 1080i. We tested this development on older HDTV sets with games designed for 720p but not 1080i -- Resistance: Fall of Man, NHL 2K7, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, and Need for Speed Carbon. Sure enough, the system downshifted all four titles to 480p rather than moving up to 1080i. This issue came up with either a digital HD video connection (using an HDMI cord) and an analog HD video connection (using component cables.)
The PlayStation 3's competitor, Microsoft's Xbox 360, does upscale 720p games to 1080i if the HD set supports the latter resolution but not the in-between and commonly-employed 720p resolution.
IGN contacted Sony representatives for comment regarding this feature, but SCEA spokespeople have yet to return our phone calls as we went to press (we'll update this story when they do). It is not known yet if this is purely a software issue or a deeper technical problem and whether or not this lack of upscaling might be resolved on launch PS3 systems in future updates of the hardware via downloadable firmware patches.
For the laymen, 720p is a high-definition format that offers a complete 720-pixel line frame on the screen at 24 to 60 frames per second (progressive), while the 1080i signal is presented as two 540-pixel fields that when displayed back to back look like a complete image (interlaced). The difference being that a 720p picture offers quicker refresh rates while 1080i offers more detail with stationary imagery. The maximum resolution of the PlayStation 3 (and currently the maximum for available HDTV sets) is 1080p. It is thus capable of displaying all major standard-definition and high-definition video outputs wherever HD standards are employed (in PS3 games and Blu-Ray Movies, most commonly), but as has already been reported about PS1/PS2 games and DVD playback, it does not currently upscale any lower resolution images to higher image standards.
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November 16th, 2006, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
In a two-part Q&A, Playstation marketing chief Peter Dille discusses the PS3 ad campaign, Microsoft's blogger superiority, why Ludacris is his kind of celebrity and more."
From the article:
"Emotion is a big part of the category. You've seen the baby spot, which kicked off the TV effort. The whole thought behind that was, look at the wide variety of emotions the PlayStation 3 can elicit. The other theme we're setting up is that the power of the PlayStation 3 is so awesome that anything placed in close proximity is witness to this awesome power. So this baby doll is whipsawed through a gut-wrenching range of emotions, from laughing and crying to reverse crying. That's going to set up a series of spots where you'll see the power of the PlayStation 3 in this white room environment."
N'Gai also has a great piece up looking at why screenshots are no longer effective marketing for next-gen games.
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November 16th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp. said on Wednesday that online software upgrades to its new video game console, the PlayStation 3, will fix glitches that make some older PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games not run properly on the PS3.
Kaz Hirai, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment America, told Reuters that more than 8,000 PS2 games will play on the PS3, and that so-called "firmware" upgrades will address problems found with about 200 games since sales of the PS3 started last week in Japan.
"We are aiming for perfect compatibility. Our goal is 100 percent compatibility," he said in an interview. "We are trying to get there as quickly as possible."
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November 16th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Gamasutra is reporting on the possibility that there may only be 150,000 - 200,000 PS3s available tomorrow. Kotaku has heard that this may stem from removal of the 20 GB units from the shipment to the U.S., though this is just speculation at the moment. Several bloggers have noted that their local videogames store has notified them of lowered availability, so it doesn't seem that this is outside the realm of possibility. From the article:
"'Due to the limited initial installed base of the platforms, we believe the financial impact over the holiday period will be more significant for hardware manufacturers and video game retailers (such as GameStop) than for software publishers.' In addition to predicting a strong push for Xbox 360 products due to a shortage in PS3 supply, Sebastian also says the newly launched consoles may not have as significant an impact on holiday sales."
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November 16th, 2006, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp. is taking a big loss on each PlayStation 3 console it sells but end users are benefitting from "supercomputing performance" at the price of a cheap PC, according to research company iSuppli Corp., which dismantled the console to analyze the parts inside.
Console makers often sell their hardware at a loss with the hope of profiting from the games that run on them. But Sony's loss on each PlayStation 3 will be unusually deep, according to iSuppli's estimates released Thursday.
The combined materials and manufacturing costs for each device come to US$805.85 for the model with a 20G-byte hard drive, excluding the cost of the controller, cables and packaging, iSuppli said.
With a suggested retail price of $499, that would mean Sony is taking a loss of $306.85 on each console it sells. The differential for the 60G-byte model is less, with the cost exceeding the price tag by $241.35.
By comparison, the materials and manufacturing costs for the HDD version of Microsoft Corp.'s rival device, the Xbox 360 are $323.30, iSuppli estimated. That's less than the suggested retail price of $399.
"It's common for video-game console makers to lose money on hardware, and make up for the loss via video game-title sales. Still, the size of Sony's loss per unit is remarkable, even for the video-game console business," iSuppli said.
Most of the cost comes from the PlayStation 3 console's processing power. The multi-core Cell processor alone, which was co-designed by Sony, Toshiba Corp. and IBM Corp., and is the gaming device's main processing engine, accounts for about 10 percent of the cost of each machine, iSuppli said.
The research company also highlighted Sony's use of dual graphics chips from Nvidia Corp. and Toshiba, and its use of four 512M-bit DRAM chips from Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Sony's motherboard probably costs the company $500 in total, compared to $204 for the Xbox 360, iSuppli said.
This is all good news for customers, who get all that computing power for a relative bargain. iSuppli called the PlayStation 3 an "engineering masterpiece," with a motherboard that looks more like that of an enterprise server or network switch than a games console.
The console provides "more processing power and capability than any consumer electronics device in history," iSuppli said.
The PlayStation3 made its debut in Japan Saturday and is being rolled out worldwide this week and next.
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November 16th, 2006, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
No doubt, there will be lines of hardcore gamers waiting outside retailers across the country late Thursday night, and all expectations are that every PS3 available will be sold before Christmas. That certainly would be good news for Sony, a company that could use a dose of holiday cheer.
Simply put, the PS3 is about more than just gaming for Sony: It's about selling high-definition DVDs and televisions. It's about making investments in cutting-edge technologies pay off. Most of all, it's about improving a once-admired brand that's been badly tarnished over the past year by the recall of hundreds of thousands of laptop batteries, the controversial installation of so-called rootkit software on music CDs, and a government investigation into the company's static random-access memory (SRAM) business.
"They've been kind of beaten down by all the different things going on," said Adrienne Downey, a senior analyst with Semico. "They've really been hoping that the PS3 would be a turning point for the company. If they can get a successful launch of the PS3, they can begin to rebuild mindshare among consumers who were beginning to think that the Sony brand is not what it used to be."
For more than a decade, Sony has dominated the game console business. Between its original PlayStation, which launched in 1994, and its PlayStation 2, which arrived in 2000, Sony has sold well more than 200 million consoles and overtaken the previous leader, Nintendo.
"The PS3 is hugely important for the company right now," said Richard Shim, a senior analyst with IDC. "They're reeling from a series of events [and the PlayStation] has really been the go-to product for them for the last few years."
Holding on to the game console market won't be a cakewalk. Sony has to contend with Microsoft--whose own next-generation console, the Xbox 360, has been on the market for a year and which has already sold more than 6 million units--as well as with Nintendo, which is launching the much-hyped and well-regarded Wii early Sunday morning.
The PS3 is seen in many circles as a technological marvel with stunning graphics, a motion-sensitive controller, a Blu-ray player, and impressive networking capabilities. But the console has also been beset by its own set of blunders--release delays, problems with its blue diode lasers, compatibility issues with older games, and expected supply shortages that could last until spring.
And some worry that its price--$599 for a top-end model--is too high to appeal to a wide audience, even as Sony has had to subsidize the machine's $800 manufacturing price tag. Like Microsoft, Sony is willing to lose money on the console with the hope of making it up on games sales.
There's little doubt that the PS3 will sell like gangbusters in the early going. But the question remains as to how it will sell in the long haul. Some believe it is well-positioned to ultimately win the console war with Microsoft and Nintendo due to intense brand loyalty from video game players and due to new technology.
But if it doesn't live up to expectations, the PS3 could put a real hurt on several other elements of Sony's overall strategy.
First, the company is counting on the PS3 to put Blu-ray players in millions of households and drive sales of Blu-ray movies and other content. Some even think that Blu-ray buyers may choose PS3s because its price is significantly lower than standalone Blu-ray players are expected to be.
"The PS3 is critically important to the future of Blu-ray," Semico's Downey said. "Sony's been betting on the PS3 to launch Blu-ray for some time now, so they're really hoping [it] will sell well and take off and get Blu-ray into all those households."
If the PS3 doesn't sell well, "would Blu-ray still win?" asked Ted Schadler, an analyst with Forrester Research who has predicted the format's ultimate victory over the competing HD DVD. "My bet is that it would. But it would be a slower victory. The PS3 is like an accelerant [for Blu-ray], like gasoline on the fire. It could delay the clear winner [of the Blu-ray/HD DVD war] by a year if this thing bombs in the market."
Similarly, Sony and partners IBM and Toshiba have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the creation of the Cell processor, the PS3's brain. Some industry watchers believe that the investment is riding on the console's success.
That said, Tony Massimini, chief of technology at the analyst firm Semico, said he sees the importance of the PS3 to the processor and the infrastructure but believes that the companies behind the Cell will push it regardless of PS3's fortunes.
"Initially, the PS3 is important. But in the long term, it's [just] one of several markets," said Massimini, referring to high-definition video equipment and other products that can use the Cell. "I don't think it would necessarily [be a problem] for the Cell [if the PS3 fails]. Too much has been put into it."
Sony also hopes the PS3 can play a big role in the digital living room.
Richard Doherty, president of the analyst firm Envisioneering, said the PS3, which ships with high-speed, gigabit capability, could be the device that enables consumers to bring in all manner of multimedia content to their homes for years to come, much of which Sony will surely try to sell directly or at least get some revenue from.
Sony acknowledges the importance of the PS3 to its future. "I think we've [the PlayStation group] contributed up to half of the bottom line profits to Sony," said Jack Tretton, vice president of sales and marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America. "We're a key pillar in the Sony strategy. [But] with that comes a lot of expectation and a lot of pressure."
The console could have a big effect on sales of Sony high-definition TVs, Sony's movies on Blu-ray DVDs, and the company's music library, he said.
"In the past, we were in the gaming business, and the gaming business had very loose ties, if any, to other [Sony] divisions," Tretton said. "With PS3, we have very direct ties."
Ultimately, Sony has great hopes for the PS3. But the ragged lead-up to the product launch early Friday morning has reminded many of how much the electronics giant has riding on this release.
Sony's "legacy is that they're an engineering company, and that's what they hang their hat on," Shim said. "So if they're unable to put out a product that doesn't have bugs, then that hits them right in the heart of their competency."
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November 16th, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Those who camp out for system launches know ahead of time that they'll have to endure a number of hardships to walk away with a new game console on day one, but being shot probably isn't among them.
A drive-by BB gun shooting hit four people at a Best Buy store in Lexington, Kentucky, last night according to reports from the local CBS affiliate, WKYT. Three of the people hit were camped out in line to buy a PlayStation 3 when it goes on sale Friday morning, while the fourth was a WKYT reporter covering the line for a story.
Two of those hit reportedly packed up and left the line, saying "a PlayStation 3 simply isn't worth it." The third customer remained in line, telling WKYT "I'd do it again, even if I get shot again."
A representative with the Lexington Police Department told GameSpot the shooting happened about 8 p.m., with nobody requiring medical attention, and none of the people hit by the BBs filing a police report. While the police are keeping an eye on the line, he said there have been no more incidents at the Best Buy, and no reports of lines from any other retailers in the area.
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November 16th, 2006, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
With the PlayStation 3's North American debut just hours away, the natives are growing restless. San Francisco natives, that is, who are gathering outside the city's Metreon shopping complex, site of the flagship SonyStyle store. Whether they were perched on the sides of metal barricades or seated comfortably in collapsible lawn chairs, the hundreds-strong crowd had gathered for a single reason--to be one of the lucky 400,000 American gamers to get their hands on a PS3 on launch day.
It all began around 8 a.m. Wednesday morning, when a plucky quintet of Sony enthusiasts put down stakes. Due to liability reasons, the crowd was not allowed on the sidewalk in front of the Metreon. Instead, they were ushered by security guards hired by Sony to a line on Minna Street, a small alleyway across from the gleaming temple to the gods of commerce. According to those on the scene, by late Wednesday night, the line had grown to around 500, at which point security guards cut it off, shooing away stragglers.
By early Thursday, however, the throng had swelled to more than 700 people, and San Francisco Police Department officers were dispatched to maintain order. Despite that, the façade of civilized behavior almost sloughed away around 7:30 a.m., when Sony employees ordered most of the crowd to relocate onto the sidewalk immediately in front of the SonyStyle store on Fourth Street. Immediately, many began to rush to the front, and, according to those waiting in line, "things got ugly" when a scuffle nearly broke out. However, the eager gamers were coerced back by promises from SonyStyle store officials that the first 750 people in line were guaranteed PS3 units--indicating that the retail outlet was flush with stock of the sought-after console.
By 8 a.m., the scene had grown more chaotic. The line was divided in half, with the first 500-odd people in line waiting on Fourth Street and several hundred more relegated to Minna Street. But while the Minna crowd was tightly controlled by a half-dozen security guards and the same number of SFPD officers, the Fourth Street line was relatively unattended. While baristas from a certain ubiquitous coffee-shop chain handed out free samples, dozens of newcomers armed with lawn chairs, laptops, and PSPs glommed onto the back of the Fourth Street line. By 8:30 a.m., the queue had snaked around the corner onto Howard Street, passing the pedestrian overpass to the Moscone Convention Center.
Despite the deteriorating sense of order, a Sony rep on hand said that everyone in line--which was pushing 1,000 by 8:45 a.m.--was still guaranteed a PS3. However, if the crowd's size continues to increase at the same rate it had this morning, that could swiftly change. However, as of press time, an SFPD rep could not comment on specific crowd-control plans, saying only that officers would be dispatched should the SonyStyle store--or any other retailer--call for backup.
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November 16th, 2006, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
In recent times, New York City has rid itself of the stigma of being a grumpy city. While in office, then-mayor Rudy Giuliani "cleaned up" much of the city, and tragic events, including the World Trade Center bombings, have helped the metropolis' citizens bond.
Now it appears as though one thing may rip them apart--the PlayStation 3.
In stark contrast to the jovial atmosphere of last night, emotions of those waiting in line today to purchase PlayStation 3s are reaching fever pitch. Gamers who were on the cusp of getting a PS3 last night have now been edged out by line-cutters looking to take advantage of the situation.
Outside the SonyStyle Store in Midtown Manhattan, several gamers voiced their disgust at the way the line was being managed, complaining of seeing their place in line move further back because of line jumpers.
At the Circuit City in Union Square, several gamers told GameSpot that people have been cutting the line since mid-week, with the most coming in the last hours.
"There's no management of the line here," said one hopeful PS3 owner. "People are just jumping the line, there were even fights last night. It's totally messed up."
Employees of Circuit City told GameSpot that the store will have 100 PS3s for sale, but will also raffle off an additional 100 consoles beginning at 10 p.m. with the support of a New York City radio station.
Local news stations are also covering the escalating tension, reporting that some gamers have moved about 100 feet backwards since they first got in line.
The weather doesn't look to help matters, either. An overcast morning turned into a blustery afternoon with winds picking up--the leading edge of an incoming thunderstorm. Rain and winds up to 35 miles per hour are expected straight through the console's midnight launch.
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November 16th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
A PlayStation 3 pre-order up for auction on eBay ended just 45 minutes ago as of the writing of this post, fetching over ten thousand dollars. If this guy doesn't get his pre-order, and we have a feeling that's going to be happening a lot tomorrow, can the winning bidder get out of it? Yes, according to the notes on the auction, although you still have to pay for shipping (wtf?). His wife is getting in on the bling action as well, "my wife is first in line at our local Walmart and she is also garunteed a PS3 so I will have 2 of them at midight."
We don't know anything about the winning bidder except he's apparently a Florida Gators fan. Let's hope he didn't type an accidental zero in there when bidding ... 10k for a PS3 is quite a stretch from the $600 asking price. We've emailed him for some answers, hopefully he hasn't had to hock his computer to pay for this baby.
The guy who is reselling 100 PS3s is probably crapping his pants right now. Just keep the receipts for the Ferrari and the yacht in Bermuda. Impulse buys can be a real bitch.
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November 16th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
A survey by ABI Research has revealed that those interested in next-gen consoles are generally current-gen gamers. Of 1725 consumers polled, 18% said they were looking to buy a new game console, compared to 28% of active gamers. This boils down to 42% of PS2 owners, 55% of Xbox owners and 54% of GCN owners looking to get a new console.
"Not surprisingly, the interest in the new generation of consoles grows significantly among the already converted," says research director Michael Wolf. "While we think that the market of console owners will likely expand beyond its current bases, we believe that the market for the next 1 to 2 years will be driven by current console owners upgrading to the new generation."
While fewer PS2 owners indicated interest in acquiring a next-gen console, loyalty to Sony products was measuredly higher than the competition. 60% of PS2 owners that are looking for a new console are likely to get a PS3. This is greater than the 45% of Xbox owners looking to buy an Xbox 360 and 46% of GCN owners looking to buy a Wii.
"We believe that Sony's much larger installed base combined with higher loyalty among current generation owners could translate into significant gains for them if they can, in fact, convert these prospective owners," said Wolf. "Microsoft and Nintendo, while still seeing strong overall loyalty, do not enjoy the same intensity."
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November 16th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
ZX-81 has released a minor update of his Intellivision Emulator for PSP :
Here is a new version (v1.0.8 ) with a minor bug fix
(save settings didn't work properly in v1.0.7).
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November 17th, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Forget next-gen console launches and fancy HD graphics, the big release this week is Sega Genesis Collection on PSP. Featuring more than 30 games, the $29.99 collection is a Genesis fan's dream. While the Sega Genesis Collection was released last week for PS2, the PSP version features several different games, including completely different unlockable Sega arcade games.
If you're looking at some long plane trips for the upcoming holidays, you may want to give Sega Genesis Collection a look. Phantasy Star IV will last your 80 hours on its own. Enjoy.
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November 17th, 2006, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Konami announced that the first-person shooter Coded Arms had become a Greatest Hits title on PSP. The Greatest Hits Coded Arms retails for just $19.99. The lower price should give little excuse for picking up this game prior to the release of its sequel, Coded Arms Contagion, in 2007.
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November 17th, 2006, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Ufox has released a new version of his app for the PSP, heres the details:

Heres whats new:
PSP Content Manager is a handy PSP content management software.
You can use it to preview and manage PSP content stored on memory stick
or on PC's harddisk with same folder structure used on memory stick.
File management, item sort, hombrew edit/installation, MP4 title modifying,
MP3/WMA/ATRAC tag edit and more are implemented features of this single application.
+ Support 2.71 SE Custom Firmware
Added a new "2.71 SE" list to manage homebrews and ISOs/CSOs in folder GAME, GAME150, GAME271 and ISO.
+ Can Load and Preview ISO Files in RAR Archives
"UMD ISO" list can manage RARed ISOs.
"Transfer to PSP" function will decompress RARed ISOs to PSP memory stick directly.
It will take 3 seconds at least to load a single RARed ISO file.
+ Can Edit Parental Control Level of Homebrews and ISOs
Parental Control Level can be edited in edit window for homebrew,
and in ISO preview window for ISOs.
+ Tab Buttons can be Draged & Droped
+ Fixed a PMP Framerate and Length Calculation Bug
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November 17th, 2006, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Press release from Talismoon:
We’re just so excited by our latest spot of customization magic that we thought we’d give you a sneak peak at what’s to come. With the Talismoon upcoming range of Evolve ‘Wild Jungle’ edition for the PSP and Xbox 360, gamers will be treated to extreme levels of comfort thanks to a soft ‘like fur’ finish, as well as refreshing and unique new look. Both sets of faceplates for PSP and Xbox 360 will come complete with everything needed for a pain-free install, and each fur faceplate pattern will be unique. Initial stocks will consist of a ‘cow’ or striking ‘leopard’ fur finish and will go on sale for approximately $14.99 relatively soon.
Please note no animals were hurt in the production of the ‘Evolve Wild Jungle’ edition faceplates. More information on the series will be released in the coming weeks.
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November 17th, 2006, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
It's all a bit similar to Xbox Live in that you can download playable demos and trailers of upcoming games for free.
Demos available to download at the moment include Formula One Championship, NBA 07 and more importantly Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man.
If you're one of the ten people in the world who owns a TV good enough to do Blu-ray justice, you'll also find a bunch of trailers up there for your viewing please.
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November 17th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
L.A. Noire, The Darkness and Grand Theft Auto IV among the ones to watch. Prepare to be astonished says company boss
Day one launch titles from the company have been confirmed as NBA 2K7 and NHL 2K7 with a College Hoops 2K7 coming in January and Major League Baseball 2K7 in "late winter". Spring and summer 2007 see the arrival of The Darkness with NBA 2K8 and NHL 2K8 following in September.
But the games we really want see, L.A. Noire, The Darkness and Grand Theft Auto IV, are all a way off. The promising-looking shooter BioShock still seems to be 360 exclusive.
"We applaud Sony for helping raise the bar in the next generation of gaming," said Take-Two boss Paul Eibeler. "As the hardware transitions to the next generation, Take-Two is working hard to position itself to emerge as a leading next generation publisher, with our focus on delivering quality titles and harnessing technologies like Sony's cell processors and blu-ray storage capacity, as well as its proprietary SIXAXIS wireless controller.
"We're not asking gamers to wait until we can evolve into the technologies. From day-one, our development team will astonish gamers with the fullest, deepest and most entertaining titles on the market."
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November 17th, 2006, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 goes on sale this morning in the US and lines of gamers are already queuing up to get their hands on one. Or maybe more if they plan on selling them on for a profit.
Sony aims to ship around 400k units into America. though some analysts believe only 150,000 to 200,000 units may reach the US in time for today's launch.
People queuing up over night for the launch braved armed robbers in Springfield. Three gamers were targeted at a store and police managed to recover their wallets just in time for them to hand over a month's wages to Sony.
Somewhere in the region of 2,200 systems have already appeared on eBay, with the highest one selling for a ridiculous $9,100 (with free shipping).
And the cost of PS3 is also hitting Sony in the financials. A report on Bloomberg reports Sony will lose at least $307 on each unit of PlayStation 3 sold. The size of this loss is greater than Microsoft's loss around $153 per 360 sold when it went on sale last December. iSuppli analyst Andrew Rassweiler said, "The ratio of cost to retail price is much greater here than it was on the Xbox 360." But Sony sees PS3 having a ten-year product life cycle, so there's plenty of time to claw back the lost cash.
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November 17th, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 has launched across the US, with Sony's CEO Howard Stringer and president Kaz Hirai handing out consoles at the SonyStyle store in Manhattan, New York.
The first three consumers in line were given their PS3s for free, as was another person lucky enough to find a special ticket in a gift bag.
Sony had also rolled out a few celebrities for the launch - rapper Ludacris, DJ D-Nice and Karime Adibebe, the latest Lara Croft model, the most notable.
Over in San Francisco, Sony staged a suitably over-the-top deliver of consoles, with SCEA vice president Jack Tretton arriving by mock armed guard to deliver the first batch of units. The boxes were actually empty, but Sony clearly enjoyed playing to the hype.
Inside the flagship PlayStation Store, over 700 PS3's were piled high, waiting to be picked up by an eager crowd sporting wristbands that guaranteed them a unit.
There was real drama elsewhere, with The Sacramento Bee reporting that at least four PS3s were stolen from a store in California by armed men on Thursday morning, while three eager consumers queuing for consoles on Thursday were mugged when they left their camping spot.
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November 17th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Rising Star Games has announced that it's bringing Rainbow Islands to PSP.
It'll be the third of RSG's "Evolution" games (its DS remakes are all suffixed "Revolution"), following updates to Space Invaders and Bubble Bobble.
Apparently it's due out in Q1 2007, although the publisher isn't saying much about it other than it will "follow the Evolution philosophy of creating innovative, original extrapolations of classic game designs whilst harnessing the 3D power of the PSP".
RSG also says that it'll be announcing more of its packed 2007 schedule in the coming weeks, so watch out for more Taito related remakes, presumably, and perhaps some other stuff.
Via Eurogamer
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November 17th, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
It wasn't until about 6 p.m. that the first raindrops of the day began to fall in New York City. The sprinkle was but a sign of things to come from the thunderstorms overhead, as by 8 p.m., a torrential downpour blanketed the streets of The Big Apple.
The weather was a fitting metaphor for the launch of the PlayStation 3 at the SonyStyle Store in midtown Manhattan, as what started with a few eager gamers early in the week turned into massive crowds by Thursday night.
Local radio DJ and Karima Adibebe were an odd pairing on stage.
As if by plan, the skies parted almost exactly when the first prospective PS3 owners entered the SonyStyle Store. Gamers' tempers that had turned sour earlier in the day were now sunny, as those who got in all knew they were guaranteed the chance to purchase one of the highly sought-after systems.
Though Sony's obvious intent was to "get this party started," the crowd was much more interested in getting to a cash register and taking home a PS3 than snacking on complimentary miniature hot dogs. Nevertheless, the emcee hyped up the console, saying, "Forget everything you know about gaming" as the PS3 was going to redefine it.
Charlie Murphy joked about getting friendly with a future PlayStation.
Various other celebrities entertained the crowd, including Karime Adibebe (better known as the new Lara Croft), rapper Ludacris, rapper-turned DJ D-Nice, and Charlie Murphy, who looked forward to future consoles "because you'll be able to have sex with them."
The suits also made a prominent appearance, with Sony Computer Entertainment America president Kaz Hirai joined onstage by Sony Corp. CEO Howard Stringer, who made a rare appearance at a Sony gaming event. Stringer followed Murphy with a joke of his own--which promptly bombed. Hirai was his normal jubilant self, at one point leading a "PS3! PS3!" chant.
Stringer (left) and Hirai kept it real on stage.
Not everyone was in the mood for laughing as an almost week-long ordeal was coming to an end for most of them. While some played the demo stations scattered throughout the grounds, most were content to nibble on the complimentary snacks or even take naps.
Sony gave its most hardcore fans a treat. The first three gamers in line were awarded with a free PlayStation 3 and a few games. Sony also gave away a console to one lucky gamer who found a "golden ticket" in his gift bag.
As midnight approached, the first person in line, New York native Angel Paredes, was escorted into the SonyStyle Store where he was handed the first North American PS3 by Hirai and Stringer. The console's box also included a personal autographed message from Hirai. Paredes, his voice hoarse from interviews and arms tired from repeatedly hoisting the console, was a good sport, standing still for the multitude of photographers and offering a few words for anyone who asked.
The first three gamers in line were comped their PS3s.
Once the media buzz died down, the rest of the attendees were ushered in to get what they had been waiting for all week. Though the consoles' next destinations were unknown--many are expected to be posted on eBay for a quick proft--the next destinations of the new PS3 owners was clear--go home and get some rest.
While Sony's 400 guests wore exhausted smiles, those who just missed the cut off had another task ahead of them. According to the hundreds of gamers who remain lined up outside the building, Sony was planning to sell another batch of PS3s at 7 a.m. Friday.
The new line for waiting for a PS3.
Some in the new line claimed that they should have been in the event tonight, but line cutters pushed them back. One gamer told GameSpot, "Tonight I was number 402. Yesterday I was number 277."
Still, their spirits were high. After all they'd just been through, what's another seven hours?
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November 17th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
THREE! TWO! ONE! WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!" That was the sound the crowd outside the Metreon made as the clock struck midnight, ringing in the first seconds of November 17, 2006. After waiting up to 48 hours nonstop on the pavement--be it in lawn chairs, improvised street furniture, or a humble pair of shoes--the 700-strong crowd let out a upbeat primal scream. Despite the fact many were in line just to resell the console, there was an undeniable exuberance in the air ushering in the first minutes of the PlayStation 3 era.
Few had as much enthusiasm as Chris Tonibio, 21, who had the distinction--some would say dubious distinction--of being the first person in line outside the Metreon. "My friends and I just came by on Wednesday morning just to check it out," the dazed gamer told a throng of reporters. "When we saw there was no-one in line, we called up some people and said, 'Hey, let's all get PS3s,' and they all came down."
Tonibio's party began their camp-out at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning. At 11:59 p.m. Thursday night, he and his four friends were ushered into the lobby of the Metreon, the shopping and entertainment complex formerly owned by Sony. Tonibio then had to run a gauntlet of photographers from the game and mainstream press, most of which were intent on destroying his retinas with amassed batteries of flashbulbs.
Slightly blinded and very disoriented, Tonibio shuffled past the press into the PlayStation store and was presented with one of the first PS3 units on the West Coast by Sony Computer Entertainment executive vice president Jack Tretton. After some brief words and a hearty, prolonged handshake, the ever-smiling executive sent the dazed gamer on his way--which then put him inside a circle of aggressive and often uninformed television reporters.
When asked what he would do after he took the console home, the weary Tonibio said one word: "Sleep." He also readily admitted that he had not yet purchased any games, though the first title he planned to pick up was the highly rated Resistance: Fall of Man. When one particularly ill-formed reporter facetiously asked him how he felt "about making history," Tonibio stared blankly before simply saying, "What? Uh, I dunno. I'm really tired."
Then, as soon as it began, Tonibio's 15 minutes of fame appeared to be up. As he headed for the exit, the rest of the line began to file in. With some 700 consoles to hand out in the next several hours, the PlayStation store officials wanted to keep things moving. Many members of the press quickly obliged, themselves eager to join Olympic gold medalist and pro snow- and skateboarder Shaun White at the Sony post-PS3 launch after-party at Jillian's, a cocktail lounge in the Metreon. As for the rest of the people in line, most quickly departed once they had completed their purchase--either to go play their PS3, post it on eBay, or simply get some shuteye.
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November 17th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
On the press invite for Sony's PlayStation 3 launch party at the Metreon shopping complex, Sony listed a series of events leading up to the first sale at midnight, Pacific Standard Time. At 8 p.m., the electronics giant had scheduled the "dramatic delivery of PlayStation 3 shipment," which presumably meant the stirring moment when the first batch of 700-odd consoles would finally arrive at the flagship PlayStation Store.
At 8:15 p.m., a San Francisco Police Department SUV pulled up in front of the store on the partially blocked Fourth Street, sirens blaring. An officer jumped out, ostensibly due to a noise complaint, and ordered the DJ outside to stop spinning old-school hip-hop at high volume. Once the beats had receded, two SFPD motorcycle patrolmen pulled up Minna Street, followed by a trio of black SUVs.
The three SUVs screeched to a halt in near unison, blocking the width of Fourth Street. A dozen-odd security guards in crisp suits piled out, talking into palm-held microphones like those used by the US Secret Service. But while they looked like the president's bodyguards, the phalanx of agents weren't protecting a head of state. Instead they fanned out to protect the arrival of a large silver semi truck, which pulled up inside the protected perimeter.
As the back door of the semi pulled up, Sony Computer Entertainment American executive vice president Jack Tretton emerged from the crowd, flanked by two fearsome bodyguards. He reached inside the truck, took out one of the many boxes inside, apparently at random. From said box, he produced two PlayStation 3s, which he held aloft with no small amount of pomp and circumstance.
Workers quickly piled the rest of the boxes onto carts, which were wheeled inside the PlayStation Store faster than a liver transplant onto a medivac helicopter. The crowd outside, most of whom wore wristbands guaranteeing them one of the consoles, understandably went wild. Over six years after the PlayStation 2 caused a similar launch fervor, its successor had finally come to America.
Ironically, though, the boxes the crowd was cheering contained something other than the PS3--namely, air. Yes, the "dramatic" delivery was in fact just a staged event for the press, cameras, and soon-to-be-PS3 owners. Though the boxes were authentic--even bearing air-freight stickers with a Shanghai origin and Los Angeles terminus--the boxes paraded in front of the crowd were in fact empty.
Once inside, the PS3 boxes were quickly broken down by PlayStation Store staffers, who whooped and high-fived each other a la Borat, believing their ruse had worked. The flattened containers were then taken behind a curtain--where over 700 PS3s already sat pre-packed in PlayStation bags, waiting for the stroke of midnight to be handed out. Inside the store, store workers unpacked hundreds of PS3 games, including Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, Resistance: Fall of Man, and Tony Hawk's Project 8. Though the arrival had been a hoax, the throng outside would soon experience the PS3 for real.
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November 17th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Let the PS3 eBay entrepreneurship begin! Just a few hours after the PS3's official launch (or hadn't you heard?), systems are appearing on eBay and this one happened to catch our eye. A premium PS3 hailing from Michigan just went for $9,000. That's $9,000 actual dollars, people. Do you know what you could buy with $9,000? Surely, something of greater value than a video game system. To each his own, I guess.
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November 17th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Two gunmen robbed a line of people waiting to buy the Playstation 3 outside a Wal-Mart store in Putnam, Conneticut early Friday morning, shooting one man for resisting, police there said.
The masked gunmen, one armed with a handgun, the other with a shotgun, confronted the line of 15 to 20 people about 3 a.m. and demanded their money. After the robbery and shooting the two fled and the victim was taken to a local hospital. His condition was unknown today.
Good thing they didn't try to take on that Colorado Best Buy line, they would have been shanked, or tackled into next week
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November 17th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards acknowledged Thursday that amid his criticism of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., a volunteer member of his staff asked the world's largest retailer for help obtaining a hot new Sony Playstation 3 for Edwards' family.
Edwards, a potential 2008 presidential candidate, told The Associated Press that the volunteer "feels terrible" about seeking the game unit at Wal-Mart while his boss claims the retailer doesn't treat its employees fairly.
"My wife, Elizabeth, wanted to get a Playstation3 for my young children. She mentioned it in front of one of my staff people. That staff person mentioned it in front of a volunteer who said he would make an effort to get one. He was making an effort to go get one for himself," Edwards said.
"Elizabeth and I knew nothing about this. He feels terrible about this. He made a mistake and he knows he should not have used my name," Edwards said.
Wal-Mart had noted in a news release Thursday that on the same day Edwards was criticizing the company in a conference call with union-backed activists, the volunteer staff member had asked a Raleigh, N.C., electronics department manager to obtain a PS3 for the ex-senator's family.
Earlier Thursday, Edwards had said in a statement e-mailed by spokeswoman Kim Rubey: "We instructed no one to contact Wal-Mart on our behalf."
From Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., company spokesman David Tovar said the Edwards staff member left a voicemail at the Raleigh store and identified himself as an Edwards staff member.
When the manager returned the call, the staff member again identified himself as working for Edwards, and Wal-Mart said it confirmed it with Edwards' office. The retailer issued a written statement Thursday accusing Edwards of not wanting to wait his turn.
"While the rest of America's working families are waiting patiently in line, Sen. Edwards wants to cut to the front," the Wal-Mart statement said.
This summer, Wal-Mart hired Edelman executive Leslie Dach as its public relations director and put him on the company's executive team. Analysts predicted the retailer would likely become more aggressive toward its critics.
Edwards, the Democrats' vice-presidential candidate in 2004, spoke Wednesday to supporters of union-backed WakeUpWalMart.com on a conference call launching the group's holiday season campaign to pressure Wal-Mart for better labor standards.
In the call, he repeated a story about his son Jack disapproving of a classmate buying sneakers at Wal-Mart.
"If a 6-year-old can figure it out, America can definitely figure this out," Edwards said.
Previously, Edwards has appeared at WakeUpWalMart rallies.
Edwards said the volunteer was "a young kid" unaware of what he called flawed Wal-Mart policies. He called the Wal-Mart statement an effort to divert attention from its own problems.
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November 17th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
OK, we were willing to believe that PS3 pre-orders were regularly going for over $2,000 on eBay. We even entertained the possibility that selling prices of over $30,000 might actually be legit. But someone willing to pay just short of $100 million for a PS3? That's nearly half the gross domestic product of Tonga!
The sad part is that it's hard to tell from the bid history exactly when the auction went from serious pre-order offer to joke-bidding extravaganza. Our best guess is that by the time eBay user mrsophistication placed the first six-figure bid, all logic and good sense had gone out of the proceedings. We can't help but feel bad for jason_138, who bid Sony's asking price of $600 only to be outbid by tens of millions of dollars. Better luck next time Jason.
Now that the PS3 has gone from pre-order possibility to actual retail product, will we see average auction prices decrease, or will short supplies lead to continued bidding frenzies throughout the holiday season?
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November 17th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: gunntims0103
heres a very interesting program created by alatnet. here what he has to say
Heh, i guess i haven't updated this maxscript for some time now...
Started to work on it some more.
Preview/Download Mirror Link:
- Export 3D models to lua code format:
-- Export options include:
--- Export models by world pos instead of by object pos.
--- Export models that have textures.
--- Export Target Cameras.
--- Export models that have use Standard Materials or Multi-Materials.
--- Export models with helpful or detailed information such as:
---- How many Vertexes, Edges, and Faces the model has.
---- Labels where the materials are.
---- Labels when the code of the model starts and ends.
---- Labels the vertex of the model code.
--- Export the code to a file (3ds max only!) or to the listener.
New Features:
- The ability to have the utility in a window or on the side panel.
- Export 3D models to lua code format:
-- Export options include:
--- Export Target Cameras.
Features To Come (hopefully):
- Export 3D models to C\C++ code format.
- Export 3D models to PSPGL code format.
- Export Spotlight to Lua, C\C++, or PSPGL code format.
- Export grouped 3D objects (whether model, camera, or spotlight).
- Export Animated Scenes.
- And posibly some more stuff.
How to use Gmax2PSP:
- Start up Gmax.
- Create or open a scene.
- Link the objects you want to export to a box object named frame (for cameras link them to a box object named frame_cam):
-- Select all of the objects to be exported.
-- Click the button that has 2 white box objects (one at the top-left of the button and another to the bottom-right) and a red chain between them (it's near the top-left of Gmax).
-- Click and drag the selected objects to the box object named frame, while dragging you will see dotted lines going to the cursor from the selected objects.
-- Run Gmax2PSP:
--- Go to the Utilities tab (it's to the right of Gmax and has a picture of a hammer).
--- Click on MAXScript (NOT Visual MAXScript!).
--- Click on Run Script.
--- Find and open Gmax2PSP.ms.
--- Underneath the button Run Script there is a drop down box, click and select Gmax2PSP.
-- Click on the options you want to be used or not used for the export process.
-- Click on the export code format you want (Lua currently supported only other selections will disable the export button untill the next release that supports it).
-- [Extra Step if Exporting to the Listener] Open the Listener window (it's above the Run Script button and it's the button below the MAXScript button).
-- Finaly, click Export Now!
-- Progress bar at the bottom of Gmax shows the status of the exporting.
-- If there is any errors exporting like an error on TVertex or something, then there is something wrong with your model and you will have to fix it and re-run Gmax2PSP. I will supply a list at the end of this post for ways to fix some of the errors, any other errors that are not listed please post the error message and the gmax scene that you are trying to export and I'll try to fix the error within the scene. If I fix the error within the scene, I will update the list and pm you the fixed gmax scene. If you find and fix an error that is not listed and deals with the gmax scene, please post the error message and what you did to fix it. If the error is not in the Gmax scene and posibly in Gmax2PSP, I will try to track down the bug and have that bug-fix in the new version.
-- [Extra Step if Exporting to the Listener] Run the program, with the listener open, called GrabListener. This will save the export to a file, name it as you like.
-- [Side Note if Exporting to the Listener] If the listener doesn't show up after Gmax2PSP has finnished exporting the 3D models to the Listener, you may want to hit Open Listener again. It will display the exported code and won't be erased.
Error and Fix List:
- "Gmax2PSP Error: 'frame_cam' object was not found."
-- You have the Export Cameras option enabled, but you do not have the box object that is named frame_cam. Do not worry, the export will continue and will not effect the outcome of the export.
- "Gmax2PSP Error: There are no cameras link to frame_cam"
-- You have the Export Cameras option enabled and you have the frame_cam box object, but you don't have any camera's linked to frame_cam. Do not worry, the export will continue and will not effect the outcome of the export.
- "Gmax2PSP Error: 'frame' object was not found."
-- You do not have the box object named frame.
- "Gmax2PSP Error: There is no geometry linked to frame"
-- You have the box object named frame, yet you have not linked any thing to it to be exported.
- "Gmax2PSP Error: Review the end of the listener to see which cameras are not target cameras."
-- There are some cameras that you were trying to export but are free cameras, not target cameras. There is a list at the end of the listener window that tell you which cameras are not target cameras.
- "Gmax2PSP Error: Review the end of the listener to see which models don't have materials."
-- There are some models that do not have materials applied to them. There is a list at the end of the listener window that tell you which models do not have materials applied to them.
- "Gmax2PSP Error: Exportation Canceled!"
-- Hate to state the obvious, but, you had canceled the export,
- "-- Runtime error: Mesh TVertex index out of range: 3.0"
-- You have not checked the box that says "Generate Mapping Coords." when creating an object. To set this, click the tab that has a blue tube-like thing that (when the mouse is over) says Modify. Assuming that you did not change anything to the object, there should be only one item selected that is underneath the Modifier_List drop down box. If not click on the item that does not have a light-bulb to the left of the item. You should have something called parameters underneath the item selection box. At the end of it there should be something called "Generate Mapping Coords.".
a screen shot-

i thought this was interesting for lua coder and c/c+ coders who want to create 3d models and things for games
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November 18th, 2006, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
Having acquired the official World Superbike Championship licence, Italian developer Milestone is set to release the next instalment of its hyper-realistic biking sim early next year for PS2, Xbox 360, PC and PSP.
Announced at the Milan Motorcycle Show with SBK World Champion Troy Bayliss in attendance the game promises to deliver the full range of tracks and bikes from the World Superbike racing series, complete with 170mph elbow bashing overtakes and death-defying crashes.
A refined version of Milestone's superbly authentic bike handling model will power the new racer, though several selectable assist modes and a sliding scale of difficulty are included to prevent biking newbies tearing their hair out in frustration.
Zooming around the one-circuit demo on show in Italy it wasn't long before we were pulling huge wheelies and gratuitous power slides to the tune of 1000 CCs of screaming metal. Although the playable game on show was stuck firmly in easy mode, Milestone assures us that hardcore bike nuts will be able to ditch the stabilisers and enjoy the game's true-to-life realism - though perhaps without the weeks spent in plaster cast, eh guys?
Superbike 2007 arrives on PS2 and PSP in April next year, with PC and 360 versions due in November. Tune in next week as we quiz the game's producer Simone Bechine on all things Superbike, and corner Troy Bayliss for a cheeky chat about his recent spanking of Rossi and co. in the MotoGP season finale.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

With Talismoon range of Evolve ‘Wild Jungle’ edition for the PSP and Xbox 360, gamers are treated to extreme levels of comfort thanks to a soft ‘like fur’ finish, as well as refreshing and unique new look. Both sets of faceplates for PSP and Xbox 360 controller come complete with everything needed for a pain-free install, and each fur faceplate pattern will be unique. Styles consist of a ‘cow’ or striking ‘leopard’ fur finish.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
PLAYSTATION®3 allows a third-party system software to be installed on it besides its system software provided by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Such third-party system software is referred to as "Other OS".
Installing an “Other OS" on PLAYSTATION®3 requires two files. One is the “Other OS Installer” distributed by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (which is called installer hereafter), and the other is the “Other OS boot loader” (called boot loader hereafter) provided by the third party.
The installer installs the boot loader of an "Other OS" on a boot‐loader‐dedicated storage area of PLAYSTATION®3. Once the boot loader of an "Other OS" has been successfully installed, it automatically starts up instead of the PLAYSTATION®3’s system software at every power on by selecting it as”Default System”in the menu of the PLAYSTATION®3’s system software.
The installer installs only the boot loader of an "Other OS". It is assumed that any further installations, such as the installation of "Other OS" files on the built-in hard disk of PLAYSTATION®3, are performed when the installed boot loader starts up. For more details, please contact the provider of the boot loader you are using.
Please note that we can accept no inquiries or requests about any "Other OS" and the boot loader. If you have any inquiries or requests on an “Other OS" or the boot loader, please contact the provider directly.
More info --> http://www.playstation.com/ps3-openplatform/index.html
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November 18th, 2006, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Around midnight Pacific time on the 17th, Sony updated their Open Platform website needed to install PPC Linux on the PS3. The FTP Site contains the CELL Linux ADDON CD image, which has the bootloader (kboot/otheros.bld) and instructions needed to install Fedora Core 5, PPC. A full install from DVD takes about two hours. Most all hardware is supported except for graphics accelerator support (framebuffer only, up to 1920x1200)
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November 18th, 2006, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
The North American launch of the PlayStation 3 really began at Wal-Mart. Sony’s well publicised events in San Francisco and New York were aberrations. There, many hundreds of fans were able to secure a system; for the country between those two cities, the story was quite different.
At four in the morning, in Austin, Texas, the streets were deserted; the temperature was four degrees Celsius. Some people already had their PS3s. Inside a Wal-Mart Super Centre, a store employee named John was stacking televisions.
Just hours before, the store made its limited stock of units available to those waiting in line. It happened at midnight, and that was it, John said.
"It was pretty painless... Except for the 20 people waiting in line hoping someone’s credit card would get declined."
The store only had six units to sell: "Four of the good ones, two of the ham-strung ones." Other Wal-Mart stores were promised ten units, but only got six.
The night before, a vendor stocking the shelves with Wii games commented that the situation was "crazy", noting that Wal-Mart is the largest buyer in the world. He observed that a branch of Sam's Club (a warehouse chain also owned and operated by Wal-Mart) across the street "only got two units".
Nor was this unique to Wal-Mart. Most retailers, including Circuit City, GameStop and Toys R Us, came up short, reporting an average of six units per store. Several mentioned originally higher shipments than they received.
So for most hopefuls, the morning began at 4am, in the parking lot of a Best Buy. And that store emerged as the most successful retailer, consistently having more than 25 units per location.
It should be noted that lines at stores and camping was, by and large, based on the number of units available. If there were 26 units, 28 people would wait. Others might wander by, but once informed of how the numbers worked out, they moved on.
Local newspaper reporters and television film crews also made good use of the opportunity to find human interest stories - and there were several.
At one Best Buy, Vladimir was the first in line, having started queuing on Wednesday night. To keep the punters going, and to seize the opportunity for a bit of promotion, Red Bull girls arrived to hand out free drinks, while Best Buy supplied doughnuts, hot chocolate and pizza.
Vladimir said that he was a fan, but "the system I’m getting here is for a friend in Iraq that doesn’t have the privilege of getting it over there". While many in line planned to sell their units, he noted that no one was hiding the fact.
"That’s the beautiful thing about this country. You have the option to do that. If that’s what you want to do, by all means, do it," he said.
At the other end of the line, Carlos clearly had too many people in front of him to get a system. "I don’t know," he offered as an explanation of why he was still there. "Seeing how it plans out." A self-proclaimed Sony fan, he mentioned that all the launch titles look good.
At a Sam’s Club, a sign clearly stated they had "One units" (sic). Outside his tent, a camper named Dustin huddled with his girlfriend Jessica. He said he enjoys the seclusion "instead of a bunch of people crowded around me. Probably angry people... I like to know I’m the only one here, and I’ve got it". Dustin will get his PS3 at 7am, and hopes to sell it for US $5000 - the highest figure mentioned by those in lines.
At a Best Buy in North Austin, Ryan Bishop was going up and down the queue doing a roll-call. An employee himself, he joined the line in 22nd place, and as an avid gamer, he was hoping to get a 60GB system for personal use.
During the 5am roll call, an older couple arrived at the end of the line. Ryan added them to the list (numbers 51 and 52), making sure they realise only 36 units are in the store.
Standing in line was an accident. Ryan had come in to check the employee schedule when he learned that the policy had been changed. So at 2pm on Thursday he joined the queue because, "I’ve been hyping this thing up for a long time now."
General managers at several Best Buy locations had been able to broker deals with Simon Property Group, allowing the people to line up overnight. "It’s been really fun, up until it got really cold in the last hour," Ryan said. .
Off-duty police were also there. "They’ve been really low-key." One officer himself calmly commented that "it’s not the end of the world", and that it had been a quiet night.
"We’ve been following eBay prices all night," Ryan explained. "The most recent average is $4000." Josh, who was standing at the front of the line, plans to sell his. "I’d rather get two-and-a-half-grand and wait a few months."
There was a definite camaraderie among those in line. The roll call allowed them to leave and purchase food, or warm up inside their cars, while keeping a place in line. If they missed a roll call, everyone was moved up. There was even a dog, Rusty, waiting patiently to purchase a PS3.
At 7am, store employees handed out tickets to those in line. At 7.30, a pickup truck drove by, filled with hoodlums throwing water balloons at an already cold line of people. The off-duty officer gave chase.
At 8am the doors opened and groups of ten were brought in. By 8.30, all units had been sold, and everyone had left the store - which opens for regular business at 9am.
All in all, the launch ran like clockwork. According to store manager Scott Parson, "everyone that did come in, and had a ticket for it, was extremely happy".
Parson went on to note that Best Buy as undergone some changes recently: "We’re all about the customer now. That’s the way we’re going to be successful." he said.
Of course, they'll have to do it all again on Sunday, when the Nintendo Wii launches in North America. Will it be the same story? "Very much so," said Parson.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
With the PlayStation 3 already having been launched in the US and Japan, Europeans are facing a long wait--it won't be released in Europe until a still-unconfirmed day in March 2007.
Those who feel they just can't wait are being increasingly frustrated in their efforts to obtain an imported console for Christmas. Recently, Hong Kong-based import specialist Lik Sang closed, and Play-Asia.com suspended its exporting of Sony products to Europe. Just yesterday, popular auction Web site eBay.co.uk reported that it would be banning delivery of PS3 consoles to the European Union unless they had actually been bought in the EU.
Other adverts have been springing up for the sought-after console in the back of magazines and on Web sites--and one company has put up a series of adverts in popular commuter stations in the UK stating, "PlayStation 3: Order now for Christmas." Consumers were given a premium £1.50-a-minute phone number to call, which asked them to leave their details on a recorded answer phone service, and were assured that they would be called back when the consoles became available.
After being informed of the ads, a Sony spokesperson told GameSpot, "SCEE is currently investigating it further. We have also forwarded the details onto Trading Standards, and urge all consumers to wait until the official European PS3 launch in March, before purchasing a unit through recognised retail partners."
Trading Standards is an arm of the Trading Standards Institute, a private agency that monitors the actions of advertisers in the UK.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
There was little doubt that online auctions for Sony's PlayStation 3 would be commanding exorbitant prices after the system's launch at 12:01 a.m. this morning. With expected shortages around the country and gamers and scalpers alike camping out for days just for a chance at landing one of the systems, prices on preordered systems were routinely hitting the $1,500 mark a month before the system went on sale.
Now that the PlayStation 3 has hit the market and sellers have their systems in hand, prices for online auctions are soaring. A quick survey of eBay Friday morning found more than 10,000 listings for PS3 systems (although many had been taken down), with three auctions won by bids of $15,000 or more. However, it seemed most systems were going for between $2,500 and $5,000, with one "lucky" bidder snagging a PS3 for $2,250.
Auctions for Nintendo's Wii were less plentiful (a search yielded more than 1,100 listings for Wii systems) and were commanding lower sale prices, but some of the $250 consoles were going for several times their retail price, with one bundle including games and accessories topping the $1,400 mark.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Reports of PlayStation 3 launch-related crimes are mounting, as two more robberies related to the debut of Sony's next-generation console have surfaced.
Two men armed with handguns stole five PS3s from an Ohio EB Games store, Englewood Police Department Detective Alan Meade confirmed for GameSpot today. Meade said the two men entered the store around 9 p.m. Thursday night as a pair of employees were closing up and ordered them into the back storeroom. The robbers took the systems and left the store without incident.
Meade said there were no other reports of PS3-related crimes in Englewood, but that the incident has prompted the department to make preparations to prevent a repeat of the incident when the Nintendo Wii goes on sale this Sunday.
"We will certainly be keeping an extra watch on the places that will be selling these systems," Meade said.
A second incident also emerged from Connecticut, where a man waiting in line for the PS3 was shot and hospitalized last night by two men armed with guns. This morning, a man leaving the Buckland Hills Mall in Manchester was mugged by multiple assailants in the parking lot, according to Manchester Police Department Sergeant Chris Davis.
Davis said one of the criminals had been in the mall's EB Games when the victim purchased his PS3, then called his friends in the parking lot, who approached the man on his way to his car. In all, "four or five" men pushed the victim to the ground, grabbed the system, and fled in a nearby car. However, Davis said one of the suspects was pushed out of the car as it was leaving the scene; police apprehended him and are working to catch the rest.
The victim posted his account of the incident on Sony Computer Entertainment America's official message boards, and made a plea for someone with an extra system to offer it to him at a reasonable price.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 troubles continue to roll in. First the (admittedly minor) backwards compatibility issues, then we find out the PS3 can't run 1080i, now a new issue has come to light: some folks are having a rough time getting HDMI to work right.
The guys over at The Man Room have unpacked their PS3 (sans-ceremony) and immediately plugged it up to their HDTV using HDMI cables. The result was less than optimal; they were greeted by flickering that required some resolution changes -- our guess is HDMI can't output 480p, though not a big deal since who wants to play on 480p anyway -- to get the dashboard working right. Just when they thought it stopped, popping in a Blu-ray movie resulted in the same thing, which they said would sometimes stop and sometimes continue (the guys never really gave a definitive answer on what they did to fix it).
The Man Room postulated that the PS3 has some HDMI handshaking issues and their apparent resolution is to keep rebooting until it works right. HDMI is supposed to be Sony's main firearm in its arsenal against the 360; some gamers are going to have to put in a lot of work on top of hard earned cash to get their PS3 running properly. We recommend just keeping at it and pray for a firmware update from Sony to keep it fixed.
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November 18th, 2006, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Feel the pressure of competing against the top golfers in the world’s best tournaments in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 07. All-new universal facial capture or UCAP technology brings realism and emotion to the golf course like never before, while players see and hear the crowds around them with enhanced playing environments. Course content doubles in this year’s version of the world’s best selling golf game franchise. Compete for The FedExCup, the new PGA TOUR championship playoff system against the world’s best golfers, including newly added Luke Donald, Michael Campbell, Steve Elkington, and Annika Sorenstam.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pec.html
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November 18th, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster

A comprehensive walkthrough of the entire game.
Detailed area maps.
Extensive listing of available items and equipment.
Expert boss strategies to defeat even the toughest foe.
Tactics for each mode of gameplay including all online and offline quests.
Game secrets revealed!
Signature Series guide features bonus foldout and more!
Pages: 224
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mls.html
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November 18th, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: gunntims0103
here is a lua game created by yoyomacy
heres what he has to say
After a long 2 weeks, i am finally releasing a game that i have coded 100% with not help of those damn tutorials. Here it is, luaAirForce
This is the first version of many to come, if you would like to see something in this game, please leave feedback here and i will add it on the next version
Bugs To Fix:
Change bullet color - cant be seen infront of mountains
Fix game over to main menu - it says press X but its actually SELECT
Make animation - make fireball animation when enemyplane is hit
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November 18th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Team280 have updated their Mastermind game for the PSP with new binaries for the v1.0/1.5/2.80 PSP Firmwares and in English too.
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November 18th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Podcast:
The PSP Show #24 - Or GTA:VCS To Give It The Short Name
(MP3 11.7mb 12 minutes 49 seconds) LISTEN HERE
Time for the next show, and time to take a propoer look at Vice City Stories. And along with the news, I need some help from you all to sort out my Dad’s first PSP - which he’s getting for Christmas.
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November 18th, 2006, 02:00 Posted By: gunntims0103
This is a hombrew manager for mac users created by cactusjack901 heres what he had to say
This is the 2nd release/working release of our SE-B installer/Homebrew manager, enjoy
- Current Futures:
-- Installing Hombrew on GAME , GAME150 , GAME271
-- Installing Music.
-- Futures to be added
- TIFF hombrew install
- Photo Install
-- And Other
Team: S.F.I Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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November 18th, 2006, 12:24 Posted By: JKKDARK
A new version of the PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows
This release brings several important changes to PCSX2, enhancing compatibility and adding several new aspects to the emulator.
* ADMA has been added to PCSX2, most (if not all) game videos
will playback audio, many games now have their music and speech effects.
* Counter fixes stopping games hitting long pause syndrome, or crashing.
* Enhanced MTGS / DC stability, great for those with Dual Core CPUs.
* IPU improvements, more game videos will now run.
* VIF fixes, allowing for many games to run or look better.
* VUrec fixes, improving ingame graphics when under VU recompilation
Also included with this release is the new Patch Browser and Patch Finder, the patch browser, allows you to search memory with the tools and functions you would be used to with a cheat searcher.
The Patch Browser will allow you to enable and disable parts of the patch during gameplay, eg; enabling Infinite Lives etc!
HOWEVER!! - These features are not completed yet,
enumerator's and other features are not present, and the patch browser
lacks functionality! You can still use the patch finder, and an example
XML file with notes is included with this release (in the root dir of
PCSX2), and the new format XML files can be used by PCSX2!
PCSX2 0.9.2 also comes with a new zeroGS plugin, which increases graphical support for several games and fixes some of the bugs found in the previous version(s).
We're going to save ourselves some hassle next! We're aware many people want to play Final Fantasy X on PCSX2, as you maybe aware the game is now fully playable, however we would like to make two very important notes:
* PEOPS CDVD plugin must be used!
* MTGS can cause some crashes, they are rare, but if the game crashes, switch to single core mode for awhile!
We are releasing via torrent initially, please seed for as long as possible, we recommend uTorrent as a client! Direct download from the site will be available once initial flood has hit!
::Files Pack - 7zip format, grab 7zip from www.7-zip.org
::Installer Pack - Executable installer, for the lazy types!
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November 18th, 2006, 15:31 Posted By: gunntims0103
this is the second release to luaAirForce from yoyomacy. Heres what he had to say
This is the second version of the game with added stuff
-bullet now visible anywhere
-ammo added
-when planes are shot there is an explosion -animation
-some planes need to be shot twice
-level = speed increases
-and whole lot more
screenshots to come later possible a video too, if someone can take a few it would be greatly appreciated
thanks for the help -Tactical Paper-
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via yoyomacy
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November 18th, 2006, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
N64Francois has released a Xmas themed version of his Bejeweled clone for the PSP,
Heres the translated whats new:
- Addition of 3 musics for Skin Xmas Keeper - Operational Management of time (when you lose, your re-initialized score and you return on the 1st level) - Light modification of scoring and the gameplay - Put on line of one 4th demonstration which integrates the skin “Xmas” and all last updates
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November 18th, 2006, 15:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
Translation via dcjoedog
Playstation Now Underground : Hello, Alex, first things first, a very big THANKS in the name of all the users in the Scene of PSP for the impressive work that you are doing.
Dark_Alex: Thanks
PSNU: Tell us something about yourself. Age, occupation, interests, etc.
DA: I am 23 years old, I am currently a student in technical engineering in computer science, and as for interests, computer science and cats.
PSNU: What made you interested in programming for the PSP?
DA: Not really sure, I've been programming for devices like it for a while. I remembered that I already programmed in java for mobile phones but that had too many problems, and also for pocket PC, so the following one, for me, was the PSP.
PSNU: In your opinion, what is the present state of the Scene and what is the direction that it must take?
DA: It's good, many interesting things have happened these last few months with the discovery of exploits in 2.5-2.71 and the dawn of custom firmware. I suppose that the direction the scene must take is to keep this momentum, to continue discovering exploits that allow to load unsigned code, to continue decrypting firmwares, etc.
PSNU: Is there something that you wish to do for the PSP but you see that it is not possible at the moment?
DA: I would have liked to do custom firmware without the necessity of bootstrapping it to 1.5, but at the moment it is impossible
PSNU: You can explain to us what is bootstrapping?
DA: Bootstrapping is the starting of the PSP. It begins with the boot-up program that is loading the first modules of firmware, which in turn load the rest of modules as well.
PSNU: Do you think that SONY will make it difficult to decrypt 3.0?
DA: No matter how difficult they make it, it's just code that can be decompiled. They cannot make magic, their archives must decrypt somehow, and that way is somewhere in their code
PSNU: We would like to know if you have thought about continuing with the HEN-C for the unfortunate users of the TA-082 motherboards, or is it already finalized.
DA: I might work on it more if I can find some more time.
PSNU: Will you include some great improvements for version C of the 2.71SE?
DA: Aside from support for the .DAX format and usbhost not that much more to put. The ability to change the speed of the CPU is also something to add.
PSNU: Don't you think that it's already time for Booster to release the source code of Devhook? What improvements could you/would you wish to make to it?
DA: Booster was thinking about releasing them, but first he wants to eliminate the code that disassembles the firmware to avoid any problems, although I doubt that it is illegal.
PSNU: Any news on what he's been up to?
DA: A beta of a DevHook running on 2.80 exists, that also works for 2.81 (2.82 not tested yet). ISO support is missing, and it has many problems which causes your PSP to hang. Last I heard was that he was keeping himself occupied with the Nintendo DS (I do not have any idea of what he is doing for that scene)
PSNU: Any idea why this beta is having so many problems? The rest of firmwares were easily emulated once they were decrypted.
DA: I don't know, it can that the problems have to do with the fact that the firmware is loaded from the Memory Stick and that Sony may have had in hand in that. Maybe if it was loaded from the flash memory there wouldn't be any of those problems…
PSNU: You seem to know the limits of the PSP well enough, do you think that someday we will get a decent emulator for the PSX or N64 working?
DA: One for the Playstation could be made if somebody dedicates a long time to it(months). And for N64…well, I do not believe that it can go full speed unless it is made for a specific game.
PSNU: Did the idea to make 2.71SE come to you when you saw the DualBoot or something like that?
DA: Well I had the knowledge and I knew it was something that could be done because there was enough space in flash to do it, but I never seemed to be able to get around to doing it. Then while working on HEN and getting to know more about 2.71, I decided to do it because it seemed like it would be easy to do.
PSNU: What you would say to the people out there that still don't trust in 2.71SE and are still using what is called the last good firmware (1.50)?
DA: I say that they should at least give 2.71SE a try, it doesn't bite.
PSNU: Out of pure curiosity… What is your favorite game for the PSP?
DA: Tales Of Eternia, but to be truthful, I haven't played any games in a long time.
PSNU: Thank you again for granting us this interview
DA: Don't mention it
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November 18th, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
As the PlayStation 3 launches today in North America, the parent company of Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive reaffirmed their strong position with the console to become a leading publisher of the platform. They announced that they have a total of 20 titles currently in development stages for the PS3, with 6 of them being from Rockstar Games.
One of them of course includes Grand Theft Auto IV, scheduled for release in October of next year for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Another includes the recently announced crime thriller, L.A. Noire, that's also set to release in 2007. Speaking to a QA Tester that works for the developer, Team Bondi, not so long ago, I learned that they're currently only developing the game for the PS3, but the possibility of porting it to Xbox 360 cannot be ruled out as of yet.
Take-Two's CEO, Paul Eibeler, said in today's press release that it's their focus to harness technologies like Sony's cell processors and blu-ray storage capacity, as well the PlayStation 3's SIXAXIS™ wireless controller. With Rockstar North being a much less lazier developer than Rockstar Leeds, hopefully we can expect GTA: IV to make use of the motion-sensitive controller that comes with the console.
Another thing that Paul Eibeler said in recent months during webcasts, two to be exact, is that with the episodic content that will be released numerous times after the release of GTA: IV, they'd like to create additional revenue streams. Now we can probably already have assumed this would be the case, but with two additional episodes promised for the game, as well as other downloads, it seems you'll have to pay a lot more than the initial $49 or $59 if you want to enjoy the full capacity of the game.
Of the remaining 4 titles currently in development for the PlayStation 3 from Rockstar Games, some of them include extensions of blockbuster Rockstar Games franchises, according to the release. During Sony's keynote at E3 in 2005, they showed footage of a western title from Rockstar for the PS3. So we can assume there'll probably be some sort of sequel to Red Dead Revolver.
Expect to see full coverage of GTA:IV, and perhaps L.A. Noire, from our side in the months to come. This will likely be from another domain, although news for it will be indexed on GTAPortable.com if there's not another portable GTA title next year.
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November 18th, 2006, 16:05 Posted By: gunntims0103
New release via Access_Denied
Well, here it is. A password protection program for the PSP. After a coldboot it automatically boots a password Program. There is no way to exit the program without the password. That's why that as of now, there is no way to change the password. I have left this out for pretty good reason. But if there is enough feedback about it, I will add it in. The universal password is 8314. Note that this REQUIRES 1.5 to get the full functionality. If you have a custom firmware, you MUST remove it as this program requires a certain custom firmware. After removing it, run the three flashers that come with the download. You may delete them afterwards except keep the config file flasher, as you might need it later.
*You are using this at your own risk. I am not responsible for ANY damages. Although I have personally tested this on my PSP, there is a chance something could happen. It's not my fault.*
UPDATE: I have attached an UN-flasher for this. It removes the custom firmware, the EBOOT.PBP and the config.txt. It's a slightly modified version of Slasher's custom firmware remover. Thanks Slasher. REMEMBER, use at your own risk!
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via accessdenied
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November 18th, 2006, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
Theme Park fans and PSP Gamers will want to check out the new video of ThrillVille at Games Trailers, infact while your there, theres 4 of them to take a looky at.
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November 18th, 2006, 16:22 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via psp fanboy
The PS3 and PSP are going to be great friends. Sure, they won't be able to play with each other when the PLAYSTATION 3 comes out, but they will in the future, and the possibilities are exciting. chubgians, IGN's ultimate PSP fanboy, recently wrote a massive essay on how PS3-PSP connecitivty can succeed where GCN-GBA has failed. Some of the key points to note:
* The two systems were made to work with each other: look at the XMB. Also, there's no extra cables to buy: just use the PSP's wi-fi connection, or the USB cable that's connected to the controller.
* Even without any software, you can access content on the PS3 from your PSP. With the Gamecube, your GBA cables were useless unless you had a game that supported it... and those were quite few in number.
* Accessing the Friends feature of the PS3 from the PSP will be incredible: imagine, a universal play experience on your PS3 and PSP. It's starting with games like Cash Money Chaos.
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November 18th, 2006, 16:22 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via psp fanboy
The PS3 and PSP are going to be great friends. Sure, they won't be able to play with each other when the PLAYSTATION 3 comes out, but they will in the future, and the possibilities are exciting. chubgians, IGN's ultimate PSP fanboy, recently wrote a massive essay on how PS3-PSP connecitivty can succeed where GCN-GBA has failed. Some of the key points to note:
* The two systems were made to work with each other: look at the XMB. Also, there's no extra cables to buy: just use the PSP's wi-fi connection, or the USB cable that's connected to the controller.
* Even without any software, you can access content on the PS3 from your PSP. With the Gamecube, your GBA cables were useless unless you had a game that supported it... and those were quite few in number.
* Accessing the Friends feature of the PS3 from the PSP will be incredible: imagine, a universal play experience on your PS3 and PSP. It's starting with games like Cash Money Chaos.
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November 18th, 2006, 16:23 Posted By: christophe
magixien posted this news:
Useless to present what is Psx-P because I imagine that everyone knows that Yoshihiro continues to develop this Psx emulator for PSP. To make you benefit from these last projections, it decided to publish this weekend a new playable version of its emulator.
For recall, PSX-P is an emulator intended to emulate the PS1 of Sony. It is a bearing of PCsx
What is nine doctor?
This emulator with known a certain number of changes since its first version and Yoshihiro with taken again more once its work with zero.
The last version to date in date will be published in the weekend even if it is still far from the laid down objectives. Compatibility was widened and I hope to be able to say some to you more before the release because I do not have yet this version in hand.
Why a public release finally?
Yoshihiro was said that it was time to give pleasure with all those which support it and to forget the few jealous ones which tests décrédibiliser its work of bearing. It makes of sound to better try to make turn this emulator but the obstacles its difficult to cross.
The setting on line will be accompanied by the sources but these last will be given, initially, only with some programmers referents in the field of the PSP so that they can judge evolution of the product.
Should be an interesting weekend, lets hope and pray we get no more of the source release problems that marred the first great release.
via magixien
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November 18th, 2006, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster
Tfact has released a binary of his Unnoficial Version of Exophases excellent GBA Emulator for the PSP.
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November 18th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: Dee-Lite
Here is the boys at planetboredom.net doing their usual stuff by smashing up consoles on launch day
Here is the latest installment featuring the PS3 being purchased from Young and Dundas in Toronto
then smashed to pieces in front of queing fans
Expect to see a Wii smash in near future 
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November 18th, 2006, 21:23 Posted By: masonman
This package includes:
*BHB 3.0
-with bhb chat
-analog test
-hightscore share
-and more
*word processor
-with keyboard and various format options
*Fun Balls
-pong type game with good graphics
*South Park Wars
-with cool platform two player action
*Portable Graphic Art
-with like 20 tools including copy, paste, color inversion, x,y inversion, spray, and many more
*Mowser(my lowser)
-with clock, file operations, text veiwing, binary reading, photo veiwing and much more
*PAD (PSP aided drafting)
-with polygon, line, box, and other tools
Extract to your apps folder, and if desired, replace your lowser folder with my mowser folder.
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November 18th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: masonman
This is my last release of BHB.
this final includes:
bhb chat, name input, highscore share, anolog test, cheats, unlockables and visual changes, along with a new menu.
extract zip to your applications fdolder in your luaplayer.
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November 18th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster

Play Asia have posted that they now have the 20GB version of the PS3 for retail at Price: US$ 899.00 (~480.72 GBP) In stock, usually ships within 24hrs
Pity they wont ship to Europe but if you know a pal in a country outside Europe get them to ship it 
Box contents
PlayStation3 Console (HDD 20GB Model)
PS3 Wireless Controller (SIXAXIS)
AV Cable
LAN Cable
Power Supply (110V)
Manual (Japanese)
More Info / Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mgl.html
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November 18th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster

Play Asia also informed us that the 60GB version of the PS3, ie the one with all the balls on is also in stock on a 1 week shipping whatever that means.
Price: US$ 999.00 (~534.19 GBP)
CPU: Cell Processor
GPU: RSX @550MHz
Sound: Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell-base processing)
Memory: 256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz, 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz
Storage: HDD Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1
USB ports: Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
Memory Stick standard/Duo, PRO
SD standard/mini
CompactFlash (Type I,II)
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g Bluetooth
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Controller: Bluetooth (up to 7), USB 2.0 (wired), Wi-Fi (PSP™), Network (over IP)
Screen size: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI out
Supports PlayStation™, PlayStation2™ and PlayStation3™ discs.
Supports DVD Video and BD (Blu Ray Disc) Video
again no shipping to europe
More Info/ buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...-j-70-p62.html
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November 18th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Would you give up a PS3 for the rest of your life to win a $7500 computer? PC Gamer convinced one guy to do just that at the Sony Metreon in San Francisco.
After being offered a $7500 gaming rig complete with 30" LCD, former Sony fanboy Neil contractually signed off his right to ever own a PS3 console. Sure, he can still buy a Wii (and possibly go over to a friend's to play PS3), but you don't realize how much these new gadgets are intrinsically worth until someone offárs you a boatload of money to never own them. What do our faithful readers think? Would you take a deal to never own...let's say play...a PS3 for a certain amount of compensation?
More Info
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November 18th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via news 4 gamers
The PS3 launched this morning in North America. Many of you have been standing in line for hours (some even days) to get your hands on one of the 400 000 PS3s that Sony have shipped to retailers. Though recent reports suggest that the number of PS3s available on launch day will only be 200 000. To make things even worse eBayers have been paying homeless people to stand in line for days making it even harder for real gamers to get their hands the much anticipated next-gen console from Sony.
watch homeless waiting for ps3 via
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November 18th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi System Emulator for the PSP, heres the systems it covers:
Bandai Wonderswan
Atari Lynx
NEC PC Engine
SNK Neo Geo Pocket
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Nintendo Gameboy
Heres the amusing translation from Japanese to English:
(1) the number of scan lines from 159 was modified in 160 and compatibility improved.
It is thought that speed has decreased with this correction.
(2) drawing acceleration processing it is in the midst of mounting.
(3) volume of sound was adjusted the beefsteak toe.
Yeah its crappy, but its a new emulator to try 
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November 19th, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Noobz posted this news:
There has been a lot of confusion about how to use xLoader. Here are a few tips in an attempt to clear things up.
Step-by-step instructions:
Install xLoader, using either the auto-installer, or by following the instructions in the readme.txt file in the ZIP package.
Install some homebrew - perhaps by using the Installotron, which you can run from eLoader (it doesn't work well in xLoader).
Use the PatchSFO tool to ensure that your homebrew is ready for xLoader (see below for instructions).
Now browse to your PSP's photo menu, and open the folder 'xLoader 280'. If everything has worked, you will see 2 file icons, one a round blue circle, the other a 'corrupt data' icon. So long as your PSP hasn't crashed at this point, then xLoader is now running.
Alternatively, highlight the 'xLoader 280' folder and press START, to attempt a slideshow of the images in the folder. The PSP will complain that there are no pictures to show - this is OK, so long as the PSP hasn't crashed, then xLoader is now running.
Browse to the homebrew you want to load, in the PSP's 'GAME - Memory Stick' folder, and press X or O (depending on your PSP region) to start it.
The screen should go white, and then some text about eLoader appears briefly, followed by the homebrew starting. If your PSP crashes, then the homebrew you're trying to run is either not installed correctly, or it's not compatible with xLoader.
Some general info:
There's plenty of useful and important information in the README file - click here to read it again (because of course you read it when you installed Kriek, right?).
If you haven't downloaded it already, you should grab the PatchSFO utility (see below). You can also install it via Installotron. If you run PatchSFO, then you'll be able to at least attempt to run all your homebrew via xLoader. Without PatchSFO, the XMB won't even try to start most homebrew.
Sometimes you'll find that the eLoader and xLoader TIFFs stop working. If that happens:
Try running a disk checking tool on your memory stick. For Windows, you can use 'chkdsk', or the 'Properties - Tools - Error Checking' option that comes up if you right-click the memory-stick drive icon. On a Mac, you can try the 'First Aid' option of the Mac Disc Utility. This seems to fix about 95% of problems.
Try reinstalling eLoader.
Try starting with a different method - if you normally start with slideshow (using the START button, then try just opening the folder (with the X or O button) - and vice versa.
eLoader will usually crash if you try to run it when xLoader is active. Just hold the power switch on your PSP for 5 seconds to reset it, then turn it back on again. This removes xLoader from memory.
Finally, a tip for Installotron:
Installotron currently can only cope with one network connection in your PSP's configuration - it will always try to connect to the first one in the internal list. So, if you're having trouble connecting, you could try deleting all access point configurations except for the one that you're trying to connect to.
Heres the PatchSFO Tool and details:
This program is used to patch the EBOOT files to make them compatable with firmware 2.80. This application goes through all of the applications installed in MS0:/PSP/GAME/ and patches them so that they will start with xLoader.
This was a tool that we used during testing and we thought it would be useful to users, the source is provided as well so that if anyone wants to build this into an nice application, you can do.
It will presumably also work for making homebrew compatible with Dark Alex's HEN C, although we haven't tested that to confirm it.
Source is included in case anyone wants to extend it and make it prettier.
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November 19th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: DPyro
For those few who were able to get a PlayStation 3, Sony has a form where you can determine which previous games will work with the PS3. Future firmware updates will continue to increase the compatibility list.
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November 19th, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Birdman1 has just released the version 11 of his font pack series. In this release he has made another folder that contains images for most of the fonts. This release has improved file sizes and more.
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November 19th, 2006, 00:18 Posted By: JKKDARK
PlayStation 2 emulator for PC. Some problems were fixed, that's why it's a fast release.
PCSX2 0.9.2 R2 - Files Pack
PCSX2 0.9.2 R2 - Installer Pack
This fixes an assortment of issues found briefly after 0.9.2's original launch. It is strongly advised that people get this build of 0.9.2 over the initial release.
* Compatibility regression with Vampire Night resolved.
* Final Fantasy X now works for most regions.
* Fixes Crash when using config>patches
* Frame Limiting is now more accurate.
* Improved zeroGS, Disgaea 2 menus are now solid.
* P.E.Op.S SPU2 updated to include threaded mode (usefull for video recording).
* Screen Saver / Power Saving now disabled when running PCSX2.
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November 19th, 2006, 02:10 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via abc news
Nintendo strikes this weekend with its new Wii gaming console and Sony's PlayStation 3 has already sparked rowdy crowds, a buying frenzy and even violence — and the holiday season has barely begun.
In the gaming world, it's all out war.
Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are fighting for a piece of the $20 billion video gaming industry. Following the PlayStation 3 launch this past week, Nintendo will launch its Wii gaming console Sunday evening.
Nintendo's strategy is to release the lowest-priced console on the market and to focus on the game content, not the graphics.
"The whole strategy behind the Wii is to bring gaming back to the masses," said Reginald Fils-Amie, president and COO of Nintendo North America.
Sony is making a different play. Its $600 PlayStation 3 offers graphics better than anything on the market. Sony says it had 400,000 consoles available at launch, but for diehard fans, that may not be enough.
"It can't be a marketing ploy because Sony has been losing money hand over fist," said Adam Sessler, host of G4's Xplay. "They're trying to get out as many as they can."
Sony is even hiring private jets to bring in 100,000 new devices each week for the holiday season.
Gaming insiders said Sony is playing catch-up. The company is losing about $300 per console because of all the extra technology they have added to stay competitive.
"It's a way to create this hub inside your house so that there's one central spot where you can be buying Sony products," Sessler said.
The bigger battle may be between Sony and Microsoft, the maker of the Xbox 360. The fight is over the future of entertainment, and the battlefield is your living room.
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November 19th, 2006, 05:42 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via daily press
People can “Play Beyond” but they will also have to pay beyond if they must have the newest creation from Sony.
The 400,000 Playstation 3 systems that hit the market Friday created a craze across the county.
There was a high demand for the systems that Sony says offer an array of multimedia options from playing music, videos and games to downloading photos, browsing the Internet and video chatting with other game fanatics. This demand created long lines at stores and even violence.
It was reported that nearly 700 people stood outside a Sony Style store in New York and more than 800 at a store in San Francisco.
With a small supply of the systems distributed in the Untied States, most stores only carried 10 to 30 consoles. In Montrose, Wal-Mart was the only location to receive any.
Employee Jessica Kaiser said she was working at 12:01 a.m., Friday when the systems went on sale. The store didn’t set them on the selves and Kaiser said they sent anyone asking to layaway. She said the store had 12 systems, having both versions that sold for $500 to $600.
Now that all the store shelves are empty, game fanatics have few options if they must have a PS3. The consoles are going for up to $3,000 on E-Bay.
Leo Mitchell has been playing video games since 1989 when Nintendo and Sega were first released. He said he was one of the first to purchase a Playstation 2 when it hit the market, but this time he’s holding off.
“I’m going to wait a couple of years because the first batch always has a few bugs,” he said. “PS2 did the same thing.”
Elisha Curtis, Hastings’ store manager, said she received a memo from Sony that stated only 25 to 30 percent of older games are working with the units.
Hastings didn’t receive any consoles this time but it is possible that it might for Christmas. She said it all depends on Sony. The store’s phone lines were busy both Thursday and Friday with callers wanting to know if Hastings was carrying the PS3.
No violence broke out in Montrose, but other cities weren’t as lucky.
The Associated Press reported in Hartford, Conn., that two armed men tried to rob a line of people waiting in line and shot one man who refused to hand over his money.
In Chicago, a line of 300 people gathered outside Best Buy. Police were called after fights broke out when people were accused of cutting in line.
The PS3 sold in minutes across the nation. Today, gamers will have a chance to get their hands on Nintendo’s new “Wii.” The company hopes to supply 4 million systems to stores across the nation, but sellouts are still expected.
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November 19th, 2006, 05:47 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamesarefun
Speaking to CBC News, Sony Computer Entertainment of Canada's marketing and public relations manager Matt Levitan announced that North American gamers who missed out on the launch will have another chance to grab a PS3 next week.
"We are getting a second shipment next week, probably around the middle of next week. We'll know by Monday or Tuesday when they will be available.
"We are flying in shipments from Japan and China, and will probably ship them directly to retail" [instead of to Sony's warehouses], he said.
Levitas expects 4 or 5 additional shipments by the end of 2006, with each shipment containing a quarter of the units that were available at launch. He unfortunately didn't state what that number was. If Sony's original 400K launch number is to be believed, that means another 400-500K in the next six weeks.
So if you live in the US region and you missed out, here is your second shot at getting a PS3.
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November 19th, 2006, 13:48 Posted By: kid101skater

Well you guys we all knew this day would come. Me and dread have worked very hard to release this new version. There are many new improvements, features, bug fixxes. this version we have been anticipating a released really bad. The new features include. Me and dread struggled with eboot loading the most but after everything failed we found out we were correct in the first place due to dreads brilliant mind got mine and his idea working! Big thanks to tarek ( lil13lazin ) for making these graphix. He made the main gui. Birdman made the 2nd gui skin. THERES A SKIN CHOOSER
- Bug fixxes
- Mp3 player addons
- Skin Chooser
- Umd Loading
- File Browser
- Eboot Loading
----- Eboot loading loads via file browser at the momment until we can get it working under game menu. Some more features to come soon. To give u a heads up some of the features will include.
- Mp3 player adjustments
- Some minor fixxes
- More things under options
- Calander
- Secret addon coming soon
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November 19th, 2006, 22:13 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via kotaku
Before the Playstation 3 hit, the console was selling for $2,000 to $3,000 a pop. The day the console hit, the average price of a Playstation 3 on eBay was $2,900.
But as of Saturday that price had already dropped to closer to $1,100. That was short-lived. The question is, would you stand around in the cold and rain for two to three days for less than $500 profit?
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November 20th, 2006, 00:26 Posted By: DPyro
Yoshihiro has released anew version of his Playstation Emulator for the PSP, heres a translation from French to English:
Here's a new version of PSX-P emulator PS1 for PSP. Still very far off, Yoshihiro with nevertheless decided to put online this version to give pleasure with those which support it since the beginning. The great news is especially the setting on line of the sources which will make it possible other programmers to join the project.
What's up doc?
This emulator with known a certain number of changes since its first version and Yoshihiro with taken again more once its work with zero.
The last version to date is in fact a version which always turns very slowly but which offers an increased compatibility. Note that the presence of the BIOS is advised and according to plays' that goes better with or without. For FFVII, you will have to be armed with patience because starting is long, very long, really very long but it goes… (with the BIOS scph1001.bin).
We count on you to give us returns and to offer a new list of compatibility in our forum.
******** PSX-P alpha 0.2 public SRC release by Yoshihiro ********
Known BUGS:
In PSX-P impossible to leave the emulator with HOME thus HOME to decontaminate share defect.
To leave, use L + R + X
**** New and operation ****
GPU to use PEOPS Software 1.17 of Pete Bernett with the SDL;
Addition of the FPS and the resolution of the PSX in real time (decontaminated in release public)
Optimization of the HW rootcounter for Vsync mult share 3;
Config.Bias to add can be modified with the flight to regulate Speed automatically
not finished: =;
Memorycard To fix GFX Fixed for the majority of the plays; =).
Operation of PSX-P in the menu of the roms;
Button X to launch the *.BIN' S/*.ISO' S and also the *.EXE' S/*.PSX' S PlayStation;
Button O to launch the iso' S with Bios psx which this lance in first As the console;
Button START for booter the bios and capacity to publish the memory cards;
Button Triangle to leave emulator under the screen of selection of the roms;
Obligatory files in repertory PSXP;
./SaveState/ *.sav
Addition of the save state and load state
// Function in game only
To return with XMB PSP: L + R + X;
Save state: L + R + START;
Load State: L + R + SELECT;
Special button PSX L2: the button Home;
Special button PSX R2: the button Notes music;
To activate config CPU DYNAREC on PSX-P it is necessary to define - DPSP_DYNAREC
In Makefile.
Official Dev. of PCSX Version PC:
Writing leaves:
principal coder: linuzappz
Co-coders: shadow, Nocomp, Pete Bernett, nik3d;
Original Greatz of PCSX Version PC:
Duddie, Tratax, Kazzuya, JNS, Bobbi, Psychojak, Shunt
Keith, DarkWatcher, Xeven, Liquid, Dixon, Prafull "
Special thanks to:
Twin (we Love you twin0r), Roor (for you too coils),
calb (Thanks for help  ), now3d (for great help to my psxdev stuff  ;
Yoshihiro Greetings: :
PacManFan, Groepaz from hitmen, Looser, MaGiXieN, Hlide, MrTuto_Alek, Snap06, Mathieulh, Dark_Alex, Fanjita, PSMonkey, Zx-81, Mickeyblue, ds2kx, Zeus, and all the people who supported me in this project.
The versions proposed on PSP-GENERATION were compressed in order to have only to decompress them over the ms of your PSP. It is necessary to have winrar installed (winrar is much better than winzip).
- Download the version adapted to your firmware.
- Connect your PSP and pass in mode USB (tuto here if)
- Click with the right button on the file which you downloaded.
- Choose to extract the files…
- Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP
- Support on OK and it is all.
Where to put the bios?
In BIOS directory of the PSXP directory (in ms0: /PSP/GAME/psxp/bios)
Where to put the roms?
In the Rom directory of the PSXP directory ( in ms0: /PSP/GAME/psxp/rom)
Check out the PSX-P Compatability List Here
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November 20th, 2006, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
Ok, so we're admittedly jealous that not only does this engineering user have a PlayStation 3 in his possession, but has the time to load up Fedora Linux on it while we yearn to just sneak in a few minutes of long-awaited gameplay. While we're sure this hardcore fellow went to great lengths to get his paws on a highly-coveted unit, his endearing patience in firing up a launch title is quite admirable, and he's apparently got Linux not only installed, but up and functioning as well. While we knew that the Yellow Dog variety would be making its way over to Sony's latest console, we're thrilled to see that all the Linux hype has a backbone and a new home to boot. So if you're just dying to see what Fedora Core looks like on a Cell processor, make sure you peep the video after the break.
Video Here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/NnAn3h7kTM4
Via Engadget
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November 20th, 2006, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alatnat of a new version of his 3D modelling app:
You wanted it, well you asked for it!
Gmax2PSP with C\C++ exporting!
- The ability to have the utility in a window or on the side panel.
- Export 3D models to lua code format:
-- Export options include:
--- Export models by world pos instead of by object pos.
--- Export models that have textures.
--- Export Target Cameras.
--- Export models that have use Standard Materials or Multi-Materials.
--- Export models with helpful or detailed information such as:
---- How many Vertexes, Edges, and Faces the model has.
---- Labels where the materials are.
---- Labels when the code of the model starts and ends.
---- Labels the vertex of the model code.
--- Export the code to a file (3ds max only!) or to the listener.
New Features:
- New layout.
- Export 3D models to C\C++ code format:
-- Export options include:
--- Export models by world pos instead of by object pos.
--- Export models that have textures.
--- Export Target Cameras.
--- Export models that have use Standard Materials or Multi-Materials.
--- Export models with helpful or detailed information such as:
---- How many Vertexes, Edges, and Faces the model has.
---- Labels where the materials are.
---- Labels when the code of the model starts and ends.
---- Labels the vertex of the model code.
--- Export the code to a file (3ds max only!) or to the listener.
Features To Come (hopefully):
- Export 3D models to PSPGL code format.
- Export Spotlight to Lua, C\C++, or PSPGL code format.
- Export grouped 3D objects (whether model, camera, or spotlight).
- Export Animated Scenes.
- And posibly some more stuff.
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November 20th, 2006, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
The video player died in our minivan a few weeks ago, sending my kids into a death spiral of Wiggles withdrawal. In retrospect, it would probably have been better never to have the video player, but it seduced us with the promise of hypnotically transfixed children who would never again ask, "Are we there yet?" I had to have it back, only better. So I built a video server for the minivan.
What I wanted for the van was the equivalent of what we had already working at home, where MythTV running on a $300 Linux box stores every episode of Arthur, Dora the Explorer, Dragon Tales, Rolie Polie Olie, Cyberchase (my son Channing's favorite), Jimmy Neutron (my favorite), and many other programs -- more than 500 shows in all. It's squeaky-clean content in every sense, including the best of all -- no peanut butter fingerprints. I just had to find a way to move this capability to the car for almost no money.
My output device of choice was the Sony PlayStation Portable or PSP -- a handheld game system with a widescreen LCD that plays movies beautifully. We had one, thanks to a grandmother who had no idea that two-year-olds don't get such things for their birthdays, and when they do get them they try to flush them down the toilet.
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November 20th, 2006, 03:19 Posted By: wraggster
Unique warrior updated his PSP Files content manager for Mac users, heres whats new:
Its all good every one ....
- Current Futures:
-- Installing Hombrew on GAME , GAME150 , GAME271
-- Installing Music.
Download like : Mac Content Manager
New Futures:
--Installing Devhook
--Installing Photo (TIFF)
--Fixed a bug (if the files was not transfered it said it was transfered)
Coming Futures:
--Installing Save Data's
--Save Data Backup
-- AND MORE!!!!
via unique warrior
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November 20th, 2006, 04:44 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via igniq

The Cartoon Network show “Robot Chicken” is giving Sony fans a chance to win their very own PlayStation 3. All fans need to do is create a funny home video and submit it.
The grand-prize winner will appear in an episode of “Robot Chicken,” which runs during the Adult Swim block on Comedy Central. They’ll also get a PS3 and a game. Two runners up will also win PS3s.
I honestly began looking into writing a “Robot Chicken” post after watching an episode the other night that poked fun at the Mario Bros. Imagine Mario and Luigi in Vice City or Yoshi in Raccoon City. The folks behind “Robot Chicken” did. Let’s just say none of the fearless three survived long. The zombies in Raccoon City really dined well. It was hysterical!
At any rate, instead of pointing you to a video of that episode, which I didn’t find (silly Cartoon Network doesn’t have this one on iTunes), I found the giveaway instead. Sounds like a pretty neat way to land a PS3 if you’re a comedic genius and good with a camera.
theres also a pretty hilarious commercial going around on adult swim with the aliens and ps3. Check it out.
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November 20th, 2006, 07:32 Posted By: gunntims0103
so iv started coding my clone of PSP Ferdora. Its based off of fedora linux for the ps3. It will be more like a shell/app for the psp. Where you can access your homebrew, listen to music, and view pics. If you can do this all through Lua of course.
What i need
-images of fedora (start screens,app indexs,options)
any help on this project would be very appreciated
im hoping on having a beta or release out tommorrow
keep you posted
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November 20th, 2006, 17:47 Posted By: Darksaviour69
We know that the online community/media, have add a good dig at Sony in the last few months (with good reason). But the main stream media have still been loving the PS3... until now!
The New York Times have posted a review of the PS3 which, generally states the PS3 is a big let down...
Howard Stringer, you have a problem. Your company’s new video game system just isn’t that great.
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Sony Computer Entertainment
A view of the screen of “Resistance: Fall of Man,” one of the games for the new Sony PlayStation3.
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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The controller of Sony PlayStation 3 looks like earlier ones.
Ever since Mr. Stringer took the helm last year at Sony, the struggling if still formidable electronics giant, the world has been hearing about how the coming PlayStation 3 would save the company, or at least revitalize it. Even after Microsoft took the lead in the video-game wars a year ago with its innovative and powerful Xbox 360, Sony blithely insisted that the PS3 would leapfrog all competition to deliver an unsurpassed level of fun.
Put bluntly, Sony has failed to deliver on that promise.
Measured in megaflops, gigabytes and other technical benchmarks, the PlayStation 3 is certainly the world’s most powerful game console. It falls far short, however, of providing the world’s most engaging overall entertainment experience. There is a big difference, and Sony seems to have confused one for the other....
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November 20th, 2006, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via engadget
There are two schools of thought when it comes to destroying a brand-new, $500 videogame console: some scholars feel that bashing the hell out of it with a sledgehammer in front of dozens of fuming fanboys is the way to go, while other academics would rather rip out the guts and replace them with something much, much less functional. Well we've already seen the SmashMy___ gang pointlessly assassinate an innocent PlayStation 3, so now it's time to check out what cruel and unusual punishment the folks at The Real PS3 Grill have meted out to their own shiny rig. Taking a cue from online Photoshop jobs that imagined Sony's console as a very expensive George Foreman Grill (complete with a fist-pumping Ken Kutaragi), these sadistic modders decided to hollow out their fresh purchase and replace all the high-tech magic with a common tabletop griddle. Their mission statement claims that the project was carried out to garner fame and glory, and for a very brief amount of time, they will indeed be on top of the world. Soon, however, everyone will forget about this amusing distraction in favor of playing their new gaming systems, while all these guys will have are a hopelessly outdated PS2 and a couple of leftover steaks.
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November 20th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
The American version of the PlayStation 3 backwards compatibility database is now online, allowing you to search through hundreds of PS2 and PSone games and see if they work on Sony's new console.
All you need to do to see if a game works is type in its name (e.g. "ICO") and hit Submit. There are additional search filters for publisher and platform, and if you get a hit the page lists the game by title, with publisher and product number, and a description of its current state (e.g. "Throughout gameplay and FMAs, the screen flickers.")
Sony has previously admitted that the console doesn't run about 200 of back-catalogue titles, although the company hopes to improve the situation in the near future through firmware updates - with some previously broken titles (notably in Japan) already implemented via the 1.10 upgrade.
The good news, such that it is, for European PS3 consumers is that by the time the console materialises here next March, the situation should be much improved.
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November 20th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Early adopters of the PlayStation 3 have reportedly managed to get a variety of emulators up and running on the system - including hugely popular arcade machine emulator MAME, and a NES emulator, with videos of games such as Super Mario Bros and Pac-Man being posted to YouTube over the weekend.
The emulators are allegedly up and running on Fedora Linux, the Linux operating system which was released for the PlayStation 3 this month, and which is generating plenty of interest from those interested in expanding the multimedia functions of the console.
Admittedly, the videos are dodgy quality, and the Mario video is particularly suspect, since it cuts away at the point when the system reboots. However, we'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now - this seems to be down to bad camerawork more than any kind of subterfuge, since the video is correct in all other respects, right down to the Fedora desktop and the "boot-game-os" command line switch used to boot back into the standard PS3 operating system.
All of which is... Well, a bit obvious really. PS3 runs Linux, emulators are freely available on Linux, therefore it stands to reason that PS3 can run emulators - but there had been some doubt over whether Sony was really about to allow such nefarious activities on its device. Noses are likely to be particularly out of joint at Nintendo and Microsoft over this move, since it effectively means that PS3 owners with a modicum of technical know-how will be able to play (illegal, lest we forget) ROM versions of games which they'd rather sell you, for money, on the Virtual Console and Xbox Live Arcade services.
Sony, for its part, has indicated that its own PlayStation Store download service is going to focus on new, original content and on distributing PSone and PS2 games digitally - so it doesn't really have much to fear from the ROM piracy scene at present, especialy since early mutterings from the beard 'n sandals brigade suggest that one of the technical restrictions on PS3 Linux is that it's not capable of tapping the system's 3D graphics power, without which emulating 3D games would be extremely difficult.
As to why people might choose to play 20 year old games on their PS3 rather than settling down with one of the console's launch titles... Well, the comments thread is right there. Off you go. Play nicely!
Mame Video here -->
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November 20th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Whatever you or I may think of the PS3, GTA publisher Take Two loves it - and unlike "all men", who I am informed by a female friend are "weaselly little rats, oh except you of course", Take Two isn't afraid of commitment.
To illustrate the depth of its love, the publisher has revealed that it's currently working on no fewer than twenty games for the PS3 - including, admittedly, NBA 2K7 and NHL 2K7, both of which launched in North America last Friday so you'd rather hope that they've finished working on those ones.
So what else is in store? Well, according to Take Two, seven of the games in development are from Rockstar - including, of course, Grand Theft Auto IV, which will launch in mid-October next year, and will be coming out simultaneously on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Also in the pipeline from Rockstar is L.A. Noire, which is being worked on by Team Bondi, an Aussie developer founded by senior development refugees from SCEE London, and what's described as "extensions of blockbuster Rockstar Games franchises". Your guess is as good as ours on that front, but as a reminder, Rockstar's other franchises include Max Payne, Manhunt, Bully / Canis Canem Edit, Smuggler's Run, Midnight Club and Red Dead Revolver.
Take Two will also be publishing Starbreeze's The Darkness on PS3 (and other platforms) next spring, which will hopefully be a treat for fans of the developer's previous title, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - and then there's a plethora of American sports titles, lincluding College Hoops 2k7 in January, NBA 2K8 and NHL 2K8 next September, and other unnamed titles.
So there you have it. Take Two and PS3 are sitting in a tree, and they don't care who in the playground knows it. Unlike "bloody immature boys who don't know what the hell they want, oh except you of course, do you have any more of this wine", according to the aforementioned female friend.
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November 20th, 2006, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gizmodo
ADS announced InstantVideo To-Go, a nifty little $79.95 widget that supercharges compression of video into that oh-so-sweet H.264 format. The company calls it the first hardware-based H.264 conversion device for PCs. This little USB key is a video transfer accelerator that lets you convert any video into that butta-smooth format specifically for playback on an iPod or PSP, and lets you accomplish that feat five times faster than real time.
So what this means is you can take a DVD's worth of video and crunch it down for 320x240 playback on your iPod or PSP in 20 minutes, something that can take five hours to do with software encoding. And this baby can do that with a slew of media formats, too, including MP4, MP3, AVI, WMV, MOV, RM, JPG, and TIFF. Yeah, ADS. This we gotta try.
More info at Homepage --> http://www.adstech.com/products/intro/products.asp
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November 20th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
Now that the Playstation 3 is out the door, Sony is refocusing some of their energy on getting people to buy their somewhat forgotten Playstation Portable this holiday season.
The marketing campaign includes a new television spot, bulked up PSP Spot download stations, an online ad campaign and a second big-ass PSP billboard, this one located in Las Vegas.
I caught the new Find Me ad on television last night and I kinda thought it sucked. It was way too short, almost as if they had chopped it up to save on airtime, and didn't touch on gaming at all.
I know the PSP is a multimedia device, but Sony better start selling video and music content for it before they try to use that as a selling point.
Fortunately, Sony didn't completely forget about gaming. As of January, just in time for missing the holidays, there will be more than 6,000 PSP download stations at retailers around the country.
The spots are currently loaded with a smörgåsbord of content:
-- Outrun
-- Worms
-- Dungeon Siege
-- MLB 2006
-- Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins
-- Lumines 2
-- Every Extended Extra
-- MX vs ATV
-- Race Driver 2006
-- Daxter
Game Trailers
-- NFL Street 3
-- Bounty Hounds
-- LocoRoco
-- Lemmings
-- PSP Greatest Hits
-- PSP Educational
Game Sharing
-- Lemmings
-- Lumines 2
-- Every Extended Extra
-- LocoRoco
You owe it to yourself to check out the demos for Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins, Every Extended Extra, Daxter and Lumines 2 at the very least.
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November 20th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released:

Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
Untold Legends™ Dark Kingdom™ will set the standard for next-gen RPGs through never-before-seen graphics delivered in true high-definition and all-new action-RPG combat featuring physics-based gameplay. Immerse yourself in a truly epic fantasy adventure that comes to life through engaging storylines and action-packed battles filled with heart-pounding combat, magical spells and brilliant SFX. Dark Kingdom will feature online gameplay and expanded online game options through the PLAYSTATION®3 Computer Entertainment System’s online service. Prepare to experience the next generation of console gaming. Prepare to experience Dark Kingdom. Let the MADNESS begin….
More info / Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppg.html
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November 20th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released:

Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
Gang tackles: experience the reality of true multi-player tackling
Player-specific moves: running backs and defensive linemen will mimic their individual, real-world counterparts
HD stadium models: see the whole stadium – and city-specific local landmarks – from any angle. The “twelfth man” is more vibrant than ever with fully-animated crowds.
HD player models: high-res player uniforms, individual faces, and even hair physics!
3D grass with dynamic field degradation as the game progresses. Puddles of water will even appear when it rains!
Unleash the power of the PS3 with Madden NFL 07! Stunning visual fidelity and innovative new control features will redefine the way you experience NFL Football, blurring the line between gaming and reality as never before seen.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppb.html
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November 20th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released:

No Region Protection
Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
Nine months have passed since Zeon forces invaded the Earth. At the brink of annihilation, the Earth Federation Forces are mobilizing to launch a massive counter assault against the occupying forces. Make your choice to either defend or invade the Earth! Powered by the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, Mobile Suit Gundam: CROSSFIRE throws you into the midst of futuristic war zones brought to life in ultra realistic graphics. The call for arms has been made! Form your own mobile assault force, strategize their next moves and battle with them side by side while you command them to triumph. Master your Mobile Suits. Become the ultimate weapons of war.
More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pp5.html
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November 20th, 2006, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released:

No Region Protection
Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
NBA ’07 hits the hardwood on the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system loaded with incredibly detailed and lifelike graphics supported in High Definition at 1080p.* Immerse yourself in the most competitive and engaging NBA experience as NBA ’07 places you in the arena and on the floor like never before. Feel the passion from the hometown crowd as you nail a game-winning jumper. Compete at the highest level while playing and watching the most fluid and athletic animations ever. Play your heart out and leave everything on the court in NBA '07.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pp7.html
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November 20th, 2006, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released:

No Region Protection
Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
Voted best next-generation NBA hoops franchise by both press and gamers, NBA 2K7 will continue its legacy of dominance this year on the hard court. With incredible graphics, tight control and a revolutionary shooting game, NBA 2K7 is poised for another run as #1 rated NBA simulation.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pp8.html
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November 20th, 2006, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released

No Region Protection
Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
Cinemotion - Breathtaking next-gen visuals and groundbreaking presentation bring the on-ice action to life with intense NHL emotion and energy.
ProControl™ 2K7 - Expanded controls bring a deeper level of action to the ice with new genre-defining gameplay mechanics.
Franchise Focus - Refined franchise logic mirrors today’s NHL as division rivalries heat up, home ice takes on new meaning and balanced lines play a deeper role.
Skating Perfection - All-new turning, crossover, gliding, and puck handling animations deliver a fresh look and impeccable feel to each on-ice stride.
The legacy lives on! NHL® 2K7 reigns supreme as the category leader in innovation, design and critical acclaim with 4 straight years as the #1 rated* NHL video game. 2K7 marks a 2nd year of next-generation domination with a groundbreaking presentation system and all-new controls, delivering yet another year of truly immersive and authentic NHL action
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppa.html
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November 20th, 2006, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game Release:

No Region Protection
Price: US$ 64.90 (~34.58 GBP)
Continuing its illustrious history, Ridge Racer® 7 returns as a title on the PLAYSTATION®3 platform. Drift around corners at speeds over 160 mph taking the lead as Ridge Racer 7 brings gamers a driving experience unlike any other. With a new platform comes new territory as RR7 promises to reinvent itself, allowing players to choose from 40 different machines and over 20 courses. With reversed courses, the total grows to over 40, most in the series ever! Players can further enjoy the drift racing experience by taking part in the new customization mode, opening up the experience with up to 375,000 visual customization and 7,150 tunable combinations. With full support of Sony’s new network service, Ridge Racer fans have an entirely new world to explore and drift through!
More Info / buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pp3.html
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November 20th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles introduces a lush, 3D world that will test the players' Ninjutsu skills as Naruto, the feisty orphan who wants to become the most respected and admired ninja of all time. A brand new story drives the missions as players experience the trials and tribulations of a ninja-in-training - fierce competition from fellow students and constant challenges from their teachers. Players can collect status-boosting chips and plates to customize all aspects of Naruto's abilities and face-off against multiple enemies using either close combat moves or long-range weapons like shurikens and explosive cards. With familiar characters like Kakashi, Sasuke and Neji that can swoop in for assistance, Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles offers mini-games and lethal attacks straight from the popular anime series to satiate any aspiring ninja.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mlo.html
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November 20th, 2006, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Mortal Kombat®: Unchained™ delivers the deepest fighting game ever with the lethal intensity that helped establish the Mortal Kombat® franchise as the ultimate fighting game of all time! With multiple fatalities per character, multi-tiered interactive backgrounds, extensive game modes, six new fighters, and a new endurance mode Mortal Kombat: Unchained revolutionizes the fighting game genre once again.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ivf.html
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November 20th, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
New guide released:

For PC, Xbox360 and PS3
Pages: 432
Detailed maps for every part of the world and every major city, plus special maps for every key section of the main quest.
Specific chapters on how to create your character and maximize your abilities and skills.
Over 400 full-color pages packed with information on everything you need to know about the massive gameworld of Oblivion.
Walkthroughs for every quest in the game, including the main quest, all faction quests, as well as miscellaneous and freeform quests.
Sections on various gameplay systems including stealth, combat, magic, spellmaking and enchanting, alchemy, and more.
Detailed bestiary chapter to help you best deal with the denizens of Tamriel and Oblivion.
Includes new chapters on Knights of the Nine and Oblivion downloadable content.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1p7u.html
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November 20th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via pspworld
Sony, in an effort to get more consumers interested in the Sony PlayStation Portable, today unveiled several new or existing marketing initiatives to get the word out and bring in more dollars during the holiday season. These efforts include the "Find Me" national television advertising campaign, which "show one PSP owner's quest to find his love interest, armed only with his PSP system and a 4 GB Memory Stick PRO Duo filled with her photos, videos, and music. Spider-Man 2 movie clips, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2, and ATV Offroad Fury Pro are also shown to emphasize the PSP system's broad content offering."
Other marketing initatives include interactive PSP Spot Download Station kiosks at retailers such as Circuit City, GameStop, Target, and Toys "R" Us which let gamers download to their PSPs game demos, movie trailers, music clips, mini-strategy guides, wallpapers and more; two online campaigns; a dedicated RSS channel for PSP content delivery and a giant PSP billboard in Las Vegas at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd. and Tropicana Ave., complementing a similar billboard that has been live in New York City since 2005.
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November 20th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ign
November 20, 2006 - Today Sony unveiled several new marketing campaigns designed to extend the momentum of its handheld system, the PlayStation Portable, into 2007. Among these new efforts is a television ad campaign titled "Find Me," an online marketing campaign, and the presence new PSP Spot Download Stations at select retailers.
"The PSP system has already been established as a popular gaming handheld, but it was designed to do so much more -- from playing music and videos to sharing photos and accessing the Internet," said Peter Dille of SCEA. "These marketing initiatives deliver the broader PSP brand message and offer PSP owners the entertainment experience they're thirsting for from a content perspective. We're excited that these new efforts place a spotlight on the PSP system by delivering value to existing PSP owners and reaching new audiences at a time when gift-givers are looking for what's hot in entertainment."
Of particular interest are the PSP Spot Download Stations. Beginning this month, consumers can take their PSP system to participating retailers, and download gaming and entertainment content directly to their PSP system. The list of retailers participating in this campaign includes Circuit City, GameStop, Target, and Toys "R" Us. These interactive kiosks will offer game demos, movie trailers, music clips, mini-strategy guides, wallpapers and more.
Currently the available demos include Outrun, Worms, Dungeon Seige, MLB 2006, Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins, Lumines 2, Every Extend Extra, RAce Driver 2006, and Daxter with more coming in the future months. By January 2007, PSP Spot Download Stations will be available at more than 6,000 retail locations across North America.
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November 20th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: gunntims0103
heres a new release of LuaAirForce by yoyomacy
Yes, its finally here, LuaAirForce V.3, this update is mainly GFX upgrades, i think most of us can agree these are better gfx than the last version and instead of the old fart bullet, now its a missile, and another thing added was a tanker, more code effiency making game run faster
here is a screen, more screens to come, sorry for bad quality it is windows lua player
if you find any bugs please tell me
download, screenshot, and give feed back via comment
via yoyomacy
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November 20th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
Those with homebrew on their PSPs have enjoyed a featured called "custom gameboots" for quite some time. These gameboots replace the PSP's default introductory sequence when launching a game. Players that were bored with seeing the PSP logo appear in front of a plain white background made cooler intros, usually involving anime characters, or ironically, gameboots from other machines.
It's been revealed that custom gameboots now work on PSPs with firmware 2.80. However, the method used is somewhat complicated that those without strong technical skills will certainly brick their PSPs trying to use it. "There are absolutely no safeguards in place when you use this program, and it allows you to do anything to any of the files in flash0. On firmware 2.80, even replacing a single PRX module will nearly guarantee a brick. We feel it's important to keep you guys safe, so we're going to keep this relatively quiet until a safer method can be published."
It appears that Sony's official firmware 2.80 has been cracked open like an egg. Expect the development community to continue to develop more and more interesting uses for the PSP as the weeks go by.
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November 20th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Ok heres some none too pleasing news via pspfanboy
Matt T. sent in a very hot tip. It appears that the online manual for PSP version 3.0 is up and running. Thankfully, it doesn't have any features removed. However, it confirms our fears that a PS3 is necessary to download games to the PSP. Here's the proof:
"Play PLAYSTATION®Network titles downloaded from (PLAYSTATION®Store). A PLAYSTATION®3 system is required to use this feature."
What??? Didn't Peter Dille confirm that you didn't need a PS3 to download games to the system? Sony's got a lot of explaining to do...
So Sony do you think every PSP owner can afford a PS3 or is this some cockup in the manual ?
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November 20th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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November 20th, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via palgn
Buy a PS3. Play Mario and Pac-Man.*
It's so new that it's still collecting four-figure sums on eBay, but already some PlayStation 3 owners have got a selection of emulators running on the console. Super Mario Bros. and Pac-Man are just two of the titles that have been spotted playing on PS3 hardware over at video site YouTube, with other videos showing how users have also got the MAME arcade machine emulator running on the system.
Not that any of this is hugely surprising. Sony has let it be known for some time that the PlayStation 3 will be capable of running Linux, and with emulators widely accessible on the operating system, it was only a matter of time before this kind of thing emerged. Whether or not allowing Linux on the PS3 is actually a fairly cunning bid by Sony to undermine the commercial efforts of Microsoft and Nintendo's Xbox Live Arcade and Virtual Console services is another debate entirely of course...
*Or don't. Because it's illegal. And Sony does read what we post.
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November 21st, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gizmodo

The New York Times has had a week to spend some time with the PS3, and boy howdy they sure don't like it. While they say it "certainly delivers gorgeous graphics," it doesn't look any better than the Xbox 360. And that's the nicest thing they say about it.
Their laundry list of complaints include the fact that you need to plug the controller in before using it wirelessly, no HD cables included in the box, not being able to download content in the background while you play, not being able to play your own music over games, and so on and so forth. They go on to say that Sony has "forgotten that all the transistors in the world can't make someone smile." Ouch.
The author, one Seth Schiesel, seems about ready to go crawling back to his beloved Xbox 360 and never look back, but we think he might be being a bit hasty with his damning judgment. The PS3 might have some annoying bugs in its software, but in a few months once some updates have come down the pipe we're sure a lot of these little nitpicks will be made moot. Let's give it a chance here, Seth. It's not like the Xbox 360 hasn't gotten upgrades since it came out.
What do you think?
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November 21st, 2006, 00:02 Posted By: MonkeyBoy1916

With the new ability to flash files onto a 2.80 PSP, kid101skater ( a.k.a Kevin ) of DeviantPSP has succesfully made his Deviant Flash application compatible with 2.80. Now this Flash Editing application works on 1.50/2.71SE/2.80. Of course with the new flashing abilty on 2.80 you should be very careful as its not stable yet.
It will flash the files if they are on the root of your memory stick, the program will do a check for those files, if the file you want flashed is not there it will show an error message then exit back to the XMB.
No New features were added yet, just support for the xLoader on 2.80.
Current Features:- Flash a Gameboot
- Flash Font
- Flash 01.bmp
Features to Come:- Ability to flash all Wallpapers
- Flash Dumper
Warning: This can BRICK your PSP if used incorrectly, please be careful when editing the Flash.
Note: If anything happens to your PSP because of this app, Kevin, DeviantPSP, nor DCEmu is to blame, you used it at your own risk. Also, for 2.80 support it only works via xLoader, no eLoader.
[Via DeviantPSP]
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November 21st, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via next gen
Some gamers will be torn between two loves, as fast food chain Taco Bell wants to give one gamer free tacos for life… in exchange for a new PlayStation 3.
ImageIn perhaps the best offer since The Simpsons’ “hundred tacos for a hundred dollars” deal, Taco Bell will reward $12,500 in Taco Bell Bucks to the first person who trades in his or her PS3 to the Mexican-style fast food chain.
But this isn’t just about some taco tycoon snagging a hard-to-find PS3. Taco Bell and Taco Bell Foundation intend on giving the PS3 to the Stanton, California teen center of the Boys & Girls Club.
The first one to send his or her name, e-mail and phone number to tacobellnews@tacobell.com about the offer will receive the Taco Bell Bucks, which are redeemable at store locations. The restaurant did warn that whoever receives the Bucks is responsible for payment of any taxes that would be incurred.
“The PlayStation 3 is on every teen’s holiday wish list,” said Bob Fulmer, executive director of the non-profit Taco Bell Foundation. “That’s why we’re offering one lucky individual tacos for life in exchange for giving Boys & Girls Club teens a gift that will keep them in the game.”
The offer expires December 1 at 6 p.m. PST.
And for those curious, $12,500 will get you around 20,000 of Taco Bell's basic tacos, or about a taco a day for the next 54 years.
This is 100% serious. Who would do this?
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November 21st, 2006, 00:49 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ars
We've posted about the issues the PS3 has with sets that don't support 720p as an available resolution, but it looks like you may have issues with Blu-ray movies if your set doesn't support 1080p resolutions. While most HDTVs support 720p—making that a limited problem—there are a ton of televisions that don't support 1080p, including mine. IGN.com weighs in on the subject:
While IGN has previously reported about the 1080i-only problem, we are receiving word of a problem with 720p-only sets as well, as the Blu-Ray player does not seem to be set to kick up to 1080i or kick down to 480p when set to play in 720p. IGN had previously listed 720p amongst the formats playable in BD Video settings since our test TVs did not run into this problem (and also, because we didn't think thrice that Sony would mess something as basic as 720p video playback up since lack of 1080i is made clear on game boxes, and also, we wanted the internet to be even more mad at us...) and we are currently investigating the situation. We are hearing conflicting reports from readers about the situation -- some that have not had troubles (but whose sets may be auto-upscaling where the PS3 fails it), some that have configured the system as usual and have been clearly been limited to only 480p Blu-Ray playback...
My set runs at 720p native, but can upscale to 1080i. I have all resolutions except 1080p selected as available with the PS3. While the Blu-ray image looks pretty nice on my display, I do suffer from an annoying amount of grain on the screen. I'm not sure what's happening here—it's possible that the PS3 is scaling the image down only to have my television scale the image up—but it's very annoying. I thought it was just an issue with my set or something wrong with the disc until I read about other people having issues with grain on 720p sets.
Offered as more evidence that something is wrong with the playback, here is a snippet from a review of the Talladega Nights Blu-Ray disc:
It doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with the source material, which looks as clean as a whistle. Grain is almost absent from the transfer, with solid blacks and consistent color saturation.
The disc is noted for not having grain and a solid transfer. There is something wrong with how it's showing the image on my television. Isn't beta testing new hardware fun?
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November 21st, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: cools
From Yashamaru:
"I have been working on a simple Pac-Man clone for a little over a month now. It all started with some old code I made for a game that couldn’t use it. I added this code to a Pac-Man ghost and next thing I know the Game enters Beta stage (that means it’s playable, but it’s not done). Since it’s in Beta Stage now, I have built a public release. As with all my releases they are gifts to everyone using or making homebrew as a thanks for all the great apps/games I have got."
I think this is a wonderful addition to the PSP Homebrew scene!

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November 21st, 2006, 02:46 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via insidebayarea
The lines have vanished; the squabbling has ended and the newest video game consoles are either on eBay or in fans' living rooms.
Welcome to the next generation.
In one of the busiest weekends ever for the industry, Sony and Nintendo released competing visions of the gaming future. In one, Sony has built a machine for tomorrow with its PlayStation 3.
The console features the vaunted Cell processor, Blu-ray disc drive and enough media options to combat the threat of obsolence.
On the other side, the Nintendo Wii doesn't feature any newfangled graphics card or computer chips. The unit is basically a juiced GameCube, but what sets it apart is its motion-sensing controls that provide a new way to play games.
And no matter how much power is under a console's hood, it's the games that will determine the success for each console, and right now, Nintendo has the edge.
Game time
Anytime a "Zelda" game is released for a coming-out for your console, it will generate buzz. The franchise is one of those sacred cows in gaming, and the latest sequel, which was originally slated for the GameCube, looks to be a triple-A title for Wii.
Sporting a grown-up Link, "Twilight Princess" boasts one of the deepest quests in the series. It also makes interesting use of the Wiimote and Nunchuck controllers.
Using the new scheme, players can shoot arrows, swing swords or go fish. It's the perfect launch title because the classic series has such a large fan base and
enough notoriety to draw in Nintendo's nongamer audience. Coming in a close second is "Excite Truck," a racing game that incorporates more of the motion-sensing controls. You steer by tilting the controller left and right; you catch air and dive down by tilting down and up.
Although it's a new way to play, "Excite Truck" is easy to learn because of the intuitive controls and simple focus. The title eschews the complexity of simulations such as "Gran Turismo" and leans toward the straightforward gameplay of the arcade-driven '80s. But more importantly, "Excite Truck" shares a trait with other Wii launch titles such as "Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz" and "Rayman: Raving Rabbids" _ it's fun. This is a system you can share with gamer and nongamer friends alike because the motion-sensing controls are accessible to everyone.
On the other hand, the PlayStation 3 launch titles are more of a mixed bag.
A majority of titles are ported over from other systems, meaning that gamers won't play as much original content as on the Wii. But what players will see from Sony's black box are more realistic graphics, traditional gameplay and some motion-sensing features. At the top of the launch list is "Resistance: Fall of Man."
Developed by Insomniac Games, the first-person shooter takes place in an alternate history prior to World War II in which a virus called the Chimera takes over Europe and Asia. The war setting is one of the best ways to show off what the PS3 can do. The system impresses with its ability to keep track of bullets, soldiers and enemies in a firefight, but on top of that, the console renders this in high-definition.
This epic vision is an impressive feat and shows how Sony's machine can paint with a broad brush, but the real test will be if developers can use it for more intimate scenarios and detailed graphics, such as in "Gears of War."
Looking at other conventional titles, NamcoBandai's "Ridge Racer 7" stands out as another solid game. This time around, the arcade racer integrates tuner elements in a career mode, letting players buy parts to speed up their cars.
Traditionally, NamcoBandai has always supported Sony's new systems with a new chapter from its racing franchise. The original "Ridge Racer" for the PSOne was one of the first titles on the system, and it revealed the potential for polygonal graphics. Although "Ridge Racer 7" doesn't break new ground, it does enough with online play to justify a look. But for Sony to succeed, it will have to re-establish its relationships with outside studios. Unlike the Wii, which will likely have more specially built games, Sony will compete directly with Microsoft's Xbox 360, and exclusive titles such as "Metal Gear Solid 4" will be what draws gamers to one system.
"Exclusivity is important," said Peter Dilly, Sony's senior vice president of marketing. "We have games that show what the system can do. These are the things that drive hardware."
Featured attractions When you look at the rival consoles, the rivalry looks eerily familiar to the battle Sony and Nintendo are waging in the portable market. In terms of features, the Wii, like the Nintendo DS, is more focused on new types of gaming while the PS3 boasts a plethora of media at its disposal like its smaller cousin, the PlayStation Portable. Call it the Swiss Army knife of your entertainment system.
The PS3 can satisfy videophiles with its much-ballyhooed Blu-ray drive; for music lovers, it rips CDs and blares music in surrounded sound. In addition, it also has a photo mode and Internet browser that lets gamers check Web sites such as YouTube from the couch. As for the Wii, Nintendo's interface isn't as slick as Sony's Cross Media Bar. It's more on the cutesy side with Internet channels specializing in news and weather. Another quirky feature is the Mii creator, a program that lets you make your own in-game avatar.
But one thing these companies have in common is the hurdle of getting their consoles in the hands of gamers. Both systems will be one hard-to-find gift this holiday season.
Right now, the Wii will be easier to buy than the PS3. Nintendo reportedly released 1 million units at launch, with 4 million expected by the end of the year. Sony reportedly had 400,000 PS3s at launch.
But Sony executives have said they will replenish that supply by shipping the systems by air. Dilly said he was "optimistic" that Sony will meet its goal of 1 million units by the end of the year. For those who couldn't get a machine, he had this advice: "Be patient and persistent. We're shipping products on a daily basis. If you don't get one today or tomorrow, check back later."
Who do you think came out a winner? The ps3 or the Wii.
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November 21st, 2006, 03:38 Posted By: Jpdeathblade
From http://xpmax.cjb.net
Hello All,
I am pleased to announce Super Mini Halo Alpha (or SMH 1.5). As you know we worked on this and we got a pritty sold build. There are nine levels and the beta level. That is about all I can tell you =P you will have to play the game for yourself.
Here is some more stuff from the readme:
| Xp Max Productions Presents: |
| Super Mini Halo |
This is a Halo mod for the game Super Mini Mario. All the folders are changed so you can have this with other mini mario games (except games that are SMH like super mini homer).
- Custom graphics and music for loadup
- Custom in game graphics based on characters from halo, Custom levels, and fully playable on just about every version of the psp! Please visit our fourms ( http://xpmax.cjb.net ) and donate to help us put out the next version of SMH, or something even better!
Version History:
- Super Mini Halo Version 1.50
- New Levels
- New Graphic Patch
- Fixed 'Turning Cheif' graphic glitch
- Changed ending 'Door' to 'Cortana'
- Changed 'Bush' graphic
- Added 2.71 SE and 1.00 Versions of SMH
- Created SMH Pack containing:
- SMH Version 1.50 for 1.00
- SMH Version 1.50 for 1.50
- SMH Version 1.50 for 2.71
- Eboot Protocall Folder (Icon0 and SND0.AT3)
- Graphic Edit Folder to change characters and backgounds in the game
- New Readme.txt file
- Super Mini Halo Version 1.00
- Added sound effects (wav files).
- Data organised in folders (GFX, LEVELS, MUSIC and SFX)
- Added proper clipping to scrolling offset.
- Short 'Invulnerality' time after master cheif dies (mario flashes).
- ? boxes can be destroyed (still no items implemented, sorry, too busy with other stuff).
- Each 100 coins collected master cheif gets extra life.
- Better "gravity" effect under water (swimming master cheif).
- Other minor enhancements.
- Custom load music and graphics
- Custom monster and player graphics
- Custom background
- Levels and graphics by Xp Max Productions Devlopment Team
- JpX (aka Bob151jr aka JpDeathBlade)
- X God 0
- Q & 1/2
- Mwr247
- OarsmanofStyx (aka Styx)
- AntiFlagis 2
- XVampireHeart91X
- Red_Name
- i3lueEagle
- FierBoy789
- Double A Ron
- SprintMaster
- RunePownage
- Special Thanks to:
- Bungie for Halo
- Sony for their PSP
- Nintendo for Mario
- PSPSMM.tk for SMM version 3
- Banditmax.com for paying the bills (visit them today, support SMH)
- DcEmu for hosting the game
- Invisionfree for out fourms ( http://xpmax.cjb.net )
- Any SMH fans out there for playing the game.
D Pad - Move Master Cheif
X - Jump
UP - Enter Doors
Start - Pause
Select - FREEZES PSP!! To recover hold power up for 5-10 seconds
- PSP 1.00
- Extract 'SMH' folder to your 'MS0:/PSP/GAME' directory
- PSP 1.50
- Extract 'SMH' and 'SMH%' folders to your 'MS0:/PSP/GAME' directory, DO NOT change or edit folder or item names or the game will not work.
- PSP 2.71
- Extract 'SMH' folder with graphics/music (without Eboot) to 'Ms0:/PSP/Game' directory. Extract 'SMH' (Eboot only) and 'SMH%' to 'MS0:/PSP/GAME150' directory, DO NOT change or edit folder or item names or the game will not work.
Now for the download links:
Mirror 1 Rar - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8B4PCFL6
Mirror 2 Rar - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TBJDGYVR
Mirror 1 Zip - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XO135WRM
Mirror 2 Zip - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ORANV0X7
Via [Xp Max Productions Fourms]
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November 21st, 2006, 04:41 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ign
No price drop just yet.
November 20, 2006 - Sony seems to be doing everything (aside from dropping that darn price) to sell the PSP over in Japan. Today, the company announced yet another PSP bundle along with some accessory packs to compliment the year end PSP lineup.
Coinciding with the 12/21 release of Bandai Namco's Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, Sony will release the (deep breath) PlayStation Portable Tales of the World Radiant Mythology Special Pack. Priced at 28,000 yen, this bundle includes a metalic blue PSP (PSP-1000MB), a copy of Radiant Mythology, a 32 megabyte Memory Stick Duo, a strap, a special pouch and a cloth. All this comes in a Radiant Mythology themed box.
While the Special Pack includes everything that's needed to get into PSP gaming, those who picked up a core PSP unit will want to look at the two accessory packs Sony announced today. The Play! Game Pack includes a 32 Meg Memory Stick Duo, pouch, strap and cloth. The Enjoy! AV Pack includes a white remote control headphone set, a USB cable, a stand and a cloth. Both bundles will retail for 3,500 yen and will be released on 11/22.
These bundles and accessories are due for release exclusively in Japan.
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November 21st, 2006, 05:22 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via palgn
Display PlayStation 3 content on the PSP.
The long awaited firmware update for the PlayStation Portable is now here, as Sony has released the online manual for the firmware and it reveals a few interesting tidbits.
According to the manual you'll be able to play content that is displayed on the PlayStation 3. Whether that actually means you'll be able to play PlayStation 3 titles on the PSP in some reduced form is anybody’s guess, but you're not able to play Blu-Ray discs or DVDs, as the material is copyrighted. Other things you may send from the PlayStation 3 could include music, video or photos. You'll also be able to set your PSP to automatically connect to the internet at a certain time to download new content automatically.
Finally, Sony has also enabled the ability to choose whether a UMD starts immediately once you insert the UMD, which is a handy feature. All in all it sounds like the 3.0 firmware update will be quite feature-packed.
heres some features
Remote Play - Remote play is a new feature in Firmware 3.00 that allows you to remotely control your PlayStation 3 from your PSP. This also includes the display of PS3 content on the PSP. "You can display a PLAYSTATION®3 system screen on a PSP™ system and play content that is on the PS3™ system. To use this feature, you must adjust the necessary settings on the PSP™ system and the PS3™ system." Using this new mode of playback, one can control the Photo, Music, Video, and Internet Browser features of the PlayStation 3 from a remote location via their Playstation Portable.
Video Compatibility - In this updated version of the Playstation Portable firmware, you are also able to play a few new video formats. The Motion JPEG format (M-JPEG), is an "informal name for multimedia formats where each video frame or interlaced field of a digital video sequence is separately compressed as a JPEG image" (Wikipedia). The PlayStation Portable plays both the Linear PCM and the μ-Law versions of the Motion JPEG video format. In addition, you will now be able to access the Camera (functionality) from the photo option menus, for quicker easier access when taking photos or video. Another nifty function is the ability to finally turn off Auto Play for inserted UMD Discs via UMD Auto Boot.
PlayStation Games - Here's the big tip you've been waiting for. Finally, Sony is going to drop their highly anticipated PlayStation One emulator onto the PSP. From the manual however, there seems to be a unavoidable catch. If you don't have a PS3, your not going to be enjoying PlayStation One games emulating on Sony's PlayStation One emulator for PSP anytime soon. From the manual it states that you must connect to the Playstation Online store with your PSP connected to the PlayStation 3 in order to download and play the games. In addition, they mention that you can in fact share the games, but you must activate the other system in the Friends menu as a PS3 Network Account.
3.0 firmware for the psp is now out. Check your network updates.
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November 21st, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Media Manager from Xeno
Heres whats new:
+ Complete rewrite of DB code. Can now handle larger amounts of items quickly
+ Added support for Homebrew (1.0 and 1.5 formats) and Demos
+ Added Save Game Manager
+ Added support for .RAR files
+ When adding a video to the DB, Glyph now reads the movie title from the file itself, insead of just reading the name.
+ Added dialog showing erronous files ( path does not exist / already in transfer list / coud not tranfer etc.) when manipulating files
+ Music tags (Artist, Album, etc.) are now editable from the main window.
+ Added a "predicted" space bar on the PSP data window, to show how much memory the items on the sync list will take up.
+ Added a logging function, for debugging purposes
@ Size of groups is now stored in the DB, and not calculated when viewing the groups
* Fixed crash if an assigned video thumbnail file does not exist (through moving or deletion)
* Fixed crash if trying to create the DB in the opening wizard if there are no watch folders defined
* Fixed repeated code excecution in the main view
* Fixed possible memory leak in thumbnail conversion process
* Fixed files not being added to the DB if more than 5 were selected at once
* Fixed crash when adding files to the DB with names containing strange characters
* Fixed Glyph maximizing properly
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November 21st, 2006, 11:34 Posted By: TCLCloud
Via PSP117
Been working on the portal as always, and got a few major updates to report. Firstly, I am working on direct demo links in the portal, and hopefully that should be working soon, but it will take a while do do each one, so dont expect anything today. Also the game save links have been fixed for the next version. The next version will be version 2. And hopefully there will be 2 versions, a white version and a black version, for the diffferent PSPs and tastes. Have a look at the new homepage style-

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November 21st, 2006, 13:00 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Developer fears publishers may begin to abandon format
Karl Jeffery, CEO of developer Climax has told GamesIndustry.biz that Sony must act to reverse poor performance of the PSP before publishers begin to abandon the format.
The out-spoken development boss, who's company has recently released a new ATV Offroad Fury title for the system, is concerned that the Nintendo DS is trouncing the PlayStation Portable, while Sony is doing little to support its own handheld.
"To be honest and frank about it we worry about the future of the PSP," said Jeffery.
"In terms of sales of the actual units, it's not doing so great. The DS is going gangbusters, the sales volumes are going up exponentially. But the PSP worrys us, because we're sitting here thinking about what Sony is going to do to get the platform back on track and we're not hearing much from them."
Jeffery believes there are two ways to reinvigorate the format – redesign the handheld to create a more ergonomically appealing unit, and develop a serious digital download content strategy.
"Personally, I love it as a platform to develop for, it's very powerful and it's a great machine. But it's a big bit of kit to lug around and the battery life's not great. Perhaps they could bring out a 'PSP Lite' or something along those lines," said Jeffery.
"Another thing that would be smart is to get into a downloadable games model, which Sony hasn't really done yet. There's wi-fi possibilities and memory stick features that could be used - we can see where Sony could take the platform to re-energise it, but it's very disappointing at the moment when you look at the installed base and the sales of the games that are out there - it's not a compelling prospect for many publishers."
When asked whether he thought publishers may begin to abandon the format, Jeffery replied: "That's my instinct, yes. Maybe Sony has got something planned, but at the moment it's very worrying. It's probably the platform we're most worried about."
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November 21st, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
If Sony and Ken Kutaragi hadn't been wrapped up in finalising business terms for independent publishers on PS3, Sony's next-gen system would have a lot more third-party exclusives according to a Newsweek blog.
Titles such as Grand Theft Auto IV and Assassin's Creed could have been coming to PS3 first, but, "neither company's top executives could get an answer from Kutaragi. PlayStation's Japanese headquarters was effectively radio silent, and without Kutaragi's signoff, the normally independent American and European branches had no authority to reach agreements on the exclusives they believed could be valuable to the PS3 cause," says the report.
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November 21st, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Players can hook the PS3 up to a broadband internet connection download a content to their built-in HD drives and surf the web - and this is what it looks like.
These English-language screens show the PlayStation Store, where users will go to buy and download games and game content, demos, HD film trailers and PSone games (to play on the PSP), all neatly separated by tabs.
You can also see the multi-page-viewing functionality of the PS3's web browser, with five windows open at once in smaller tabs on the screen.
Like Nintendo's online services, users can sign up to the PlayStation network and use its features, including online gaming, for free.
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November 21st, 2006, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
To help others it might be a good time to say which PS3 game impresses you most and why ?
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November 21st, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Via eurogamer
With the PSP now capable of playing old-days PlayStation games downloaded using the PS3, Sony has announced when it's, you know, going to release some to download.
It's going to happen tomorrow, apparently, with various titles set to go on sale from the "Game Archives" area of the Japanese store for 525 yen (GBP 2.35 / EUR 3.50) each.
Initially PS3 owners will be able to nab Resident Evil Director's Cut, two volumes of Konami's Antiques MSX Collection, Bishi Bashi Special, Arc the Lad, Jumping Flash, Hot Shots Golf 2, Silent Bomber and Tekken 2.
Buyers will then be able to play these titles on PSP. Sony has said it will release an upgrade that allows for them to be played on the PS3 itself in 2007.
Sony's expected to sort out details of American releases in the very near future.
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November 21st, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Via eurogamer
With the PSP now capable of playing old-days PlayStation games downloaded using the PS3, Sony has announced when it's, you know, going to release some to download.
It's going to happen tomorrow, apparently, with various titles set to go on sale from the "Game Archives" area of the Japanese store for 525 yen (GBP 2.35 / EUR 3.50) each.
Initially PS3 owners will be able to nab Resident Evil Director's Cut, two volumes of Konami's Antiques MSX Collection, Bishi Bashi Special, Arc the Lad, Jumping Flash, Hot Shots Golf 2, Silent Bomber and Tekken 2.
Buyers will then be able to play these titles on PSP. Sony has said it will release an upgrade that allows for them to be played on the PS3 itself in 2007.
Sony's expected to sort out details of American releases in the very near future.
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November 21st, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newsnight in the UK a current affairs TV program have covered the releases of the Wii and PS3.
Check out the Video on youtube -->
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November 21st, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
These are not meant to be, in anyway, complete reviews of the games, just quick impressions for each. I grade games from A to F. There is no A+ or F-. As a baseline for 360 owners, I just gave Gears of War an A-.
Blast Factor (C+): Retro shooter with an interesting twist, but not enough to be original.
Cash Gun Chaos (C): Fun little title, probably not worth $10, but still worth playing.
Dark Kingdom (D+): Role-Playing game with sub-par next-gen graphics and crappy controls.
Genji: Days of the Blade (C+): Button masher with impressive graphics and camera issues.
Gundam Crossfire (B): Fun, quasi-technical mech fighter with a steep learning curve and insane difficulty.
Madden 07: (C+): Madden 07, just with a tad better graphics and mostly useless motion controls.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (B-): Addictive slug-fest with amazing character choices.
NBA 07 (B+): Fast-paced, graphically impressive baller.
Need for Speed Carbon (C): Unimpressive graphics, generic racing.
Resistance: Fall of Man: (A-) Addictive, though not entirely original shooter with decent single player campaign and amazing online play.
Ridge Racer 7 (B-): Amazing arcade racer with intuitive controls and impressive graphics.
Tony Hawk's Project 8: (C-): Annoying controls, more of the same.
Excite Truck (B): Fun in short bursts, but not deep enough to be a mainstay.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (C-): Annoying, derivative crap with a new control mechanism.
The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess (B): Another Zelda adventure with a few neat twists and interesting controls.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion (B): Nice port of the DS title, though a little too similar to the portable version of the game to be worthwhile for those who have played it.
Wii Sports (B-): One step above mini-games, fun, but more toy than game.
I'll make sure to add quickie grades as I play through more games.
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November 21st, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kotaku
Man, I sure hope Sony does something to fix Remote Play because as it stands it's nothing more than an interesting odditiy.
All it does now is let you play music, videos and pictures that are stored on your Playstation 3's harddrive. While you can also browse around a mirror image of the PS3 Menu, which is a copy of the PSP Menu, you can't do much else. You can use the PS3's Internet browser, instead of the PSP's, you can read and send messages through the PSP, but in general it seems sorta worthless.
Initially, I thought the music playback was choppy, but after testing it a few times I realized that playback was choppy for the first few seconds, but quickly smooths out. The single neat thing about Remote Play is that while listening to music stored on your PS3 your PSP also gets treated to the mellow visualizer, which is kinda neat.
In theory, you are supposed to be able to play games you purchased at the online Playstation store on your PSP, but the directions are pretty damn confusing. There's nothing that tells you, for instance, which games you can or cannot play from the store. So my assumption is that all of them are playable on the PSP, though I suspect I'm wrong.
I'm in the process now of downloading Cash Guns Chaos to my PSP. That's right, you have to download the damn thing, you can't just copy it from your PS3 to your PSP's memory card. That right there is genius design. This will be the third time I download this eternally slow 326 MB file from the store.
I'll do a post when I get it on my system and working, probably in a year since the download is still stuck at zero after ten minutes.
Even if I did like the PS3 access granted to the PSP, it still would have issues. For instance, you have to leave your PS3 both on and in Remote Play mode to be able to use Remote Play on your PSP. And, worse still, right now it only works within your home.
Pretty worthless all around.
Any agree or disagree ?
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November 21st, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kotaku
Man, I sure hope Sony does something to fix Remote Play because as it stands it's nothing more than an interesting odditiy.
All it does now is let you play music, videos and pictures that are stored on your Playstation 3's harddrive. While you can also browse around a mirror image of the PS3 Menu, which is a copy of the PSP Menu, you can't do much else. You can use the PS3's Internet browser, instead of the PSP's, you can read and send messages through the PSP, but in general it seems sorta worthless.
Initially, I thought the music playback was choppy, but after testing it a few times I realized that playback was choppy for the first few seconds, but quickly smooths out. The single neat thing about Remote Play is that while listening to music stored on your PS3 your PSP also gets treated to the mellow visualizer, which is kinda neat.
In theory, you are supposed to be able to play games you purchased at the online Playstation store on your PSP, but the directions are pretty damn confusing. There's nothing that tells you, for instance, which games you can or cannot play from the store. So my assumption is that all of them are playable on the PSP, though I suspect I'm wrong.
I'm in the process now of downloading Cash Guns Chaos to my PSP. That's right, you have to download the damn thing, you can't just copy it from your PS3 to your PSP's memory card. That right there is genius design. This will be the third time I download this eternally slow 326 MB file from the store.
I'll do a post when I get it on my system and working, probably in a year since the download is still stuck at zero after ten minutes.
Even if I did like the PS3 access granted to the PSP, it still would have issues. For instance, you have to leave your PS3 both on and in Remote Play mode to be able to use Remote Play on your PSP. And, worse still, right now it only works within your home.
Pretty worthless all around.
Any agree or disagree ?
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November 21st, 2006, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp. may have missed its goal of having 400,000 PlayStation 3 consoles in U.S. stores for the video-game player's Nov. 17 debut, analysts said.
The number of machines available was ``even lower than expected,'' Kaufman Bros. Equity Research analyst Todd Mitchell said today in a research note. Analysts including Michael Savner at Banc of America Securities and Anthony Gikas at Piper Jaffray & Co. also predicted a shortfall.
Limited supplies haven't satisfied demand for PlayStation 3, leading some customers who obtained consoles to sell them on the Internet at markups of several times to their retail price. Parts shortages forced Sony to reduce its year-end goal for worldwide shipments of the new console by half, to 2 million, in September.
``We shipped as many PlayStation 3 units into the North American market as possible and continue our efforts in supplying systems to retailers nationwide through the holidays,'' Sony spokeswoman Kimberly Otzman said today in an e-mail.
The company is airlifting in shipments weekly, and aims to have 1 million units in U.S. stores by the end of the year, Otzman said. She didn't say how many shipments were on hand for the launch.
American depositary receipts of Tokyo-based Sony fell 67 cents to $40.12 at 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. Each ADR is worth one ordinary share. They have declined 1.7 percent this year.
Tokyo-based Sony has struggled to assemble the consoles due to a shortage of a laser used in its Blu-ray DVD player.
Short supplies of the consoles led customers to line up for days outside stores across the U.S. Some people who purchased the $499 and $599 machines sold them on Web sites such as Ebay.com for as much as $5,000.
Lines, Markups
More than half the 150 stores checked by Kaufman Bros. said they wouldn't have enough units to cover preorders, according to a Nov. 16 research note by retail analyst SooAnn Roberts. She predicts Sony will ship no more than 200,000 units to the U.S. this year.
Savner said in a Nov. 7 report that Sony would miss its target. Gikas said in a Nov. 16 note that he expected 200,000 PlayStation 3s available at the U.S. launch and 400,000 by year- end.
Toys ``R'' Us Inc., the second-largest U.S. toy seller, expects more PlayStation 3 machines to arrive next week, spokeswoman Kathleen Waugh said in an interview. She said the company received enough PlayStation 3s at launch to cover preorders.
``They gave us allocations for the holiday season last week,'' Waugh said. ``We wish we could have gotten more.''
Nintendo Co.'s Wii, which was introduced in the U.S. on Nov. 19, ``is doing phenomenally,'' Waugh said. The Wayne, New Jersey-based company's Times Square store sold more than 2,000 units in a few hours, she said.
Wii is sold out in some stores, although the company expects to be ``in great stock through the holiday season,'' Waugh said. The Wii appeals to Toys ``R'' Us core customers of families and children, she said.
Customers who want a PlayStation 3 will probably wait and buy more games for their PlayStation 2, Mitchell said in an interview.
``If there is a substitution, it would be more for the Xbox 360,'' Mitchell said. ``Demand for PS3 is from hard-core gamers, who wouldn't opt for a Wii. It's not an alternative to PS3.''
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November 21st, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres all the latest PS2 releases from today:
Galaxy Angel Animation-ized Box Set JPN US$ 169.90
Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers (Broccoli Best Quality) JPN US$ 34.90
J-League Winning Eleven 10 + Europe League '06-'07 JPN US$ 64.90
K-1 World Grand Prix 2006 JPN US$ 64.90
PlayStation2 Console Pink (SCPH-77000PK) JPN US$ 179.00
PlayStation2 Satin Silver (SCPH-77000SS) JPN US$ 179.00
The King of Fighters NeoWave (SNK Best Collection) JPN US$ 34.90
Twinkle Star Spirits: La Petite Princesse (SNK Best Collection) JPN US$ 34.90
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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November 21st, 2006, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has tapped VoiceAge Corporation to enhance the online audio in Resistance: Fall of Man. While IGN editors have had little difficulty with online voice chat, VoiceAge is expected to "dramatically enhance voice communications" by allowing for greater clarity and a more dynamic range.
"VoiceAge is proud to contribute to the impressive realism of playing Resistance: Fall of Man on the PS3 online with many other players -- with this added capability Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment America are poised to deliver an unmatched game-playing experience," said Laurent Amar, President of VoiceAge. "People are essentially social beings with a strong attraction for teaming and communicating. Therefore, the addition of reliable and high quality voice to online multi- player experiences will enhance the naturalness of communication between the players."
VoiceAge hopes other companies will see the improvements in Resistance and make use of the technology. Of course, that will come at a price, so it's uncertain how many publishers will spend the extra dimes for better online audio.
No timetable has been set for implementing VoiceAge's technology into Resistance.
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November 21st, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
With a tilt of your wrists, the dragon you're riding dives toward the water below. With another movement of your hands, as if pulling back on imaginary reins, the scaly beast pulls out of the dive into level flight, flapping its wings.
That's how the unreleased game "Lair" will work on the Sony PlayStation 3, which launched in the U.S. on Friday. Like Nintendo Co.'s Wii console, which went on sale two days later, it uses a motion-sensitive controller in an effort to make games more intuitive to play.
The controllers make a higher level of realism possible, too: in the sports game bundled with the Wii in the U.S., the stick-shaped controller doubles as the handle of a virtual tennis racket or golf club.
The technology behind motion-sensing has been around for a while, but recent technical advances have radically brought down the price -- and the size. The new game controllers are the first gadgets that promise to bring the technology into the hands of millions of people, and manufacturers are now using motion sensors in other consumer products, including cell phones.
The technology is a wonder of miniaturization and precision. Here's how Benedetto Vigna, head of the unit at Switzerland-based STMicroelectronics NV, which makes a motion-sensing chip for Nintendo, explains how it works:
When you wave around the new Nintendo controller, two tiny, flat pieces of silicon inside it, each weighing about a millionth of a gram, flex against silicon springs that hold them in place.
The movements are minute, or to put it another way, they're on the scale of 10 to 100 hydrogen atoms stacked side by side.
But these tiny movements can be measured with incredible accuracy. A charge is applied between the moving pieces of silicon and two nearby sensors. Faint fluctuations in that charge, as small as that of 10 electrons, are picked up by a chip that translates it into an understanding of how the controller is moving.
The two moving weights, which fit together on an area less than a millimeter square, have different roles. One has two sets of springs, which allow it to move from side to side and back and forth. The other weight is a flat piece anchored almost like trampoline. It senses vertical movement. This way, the chip can distinguish motion in all three dimensions of space.
Analog Devices Inc. of Norwood, Massachusetts makes a similar chip, which goes into the main Wii controller, the stick-like Wii Remote. According to Analog Devices, ST's chip is used in the auxiliary Freestyle controller (popularly known as the "Nunchuck") that connects to the larger controller for some games. ST said it was not allowed to say where exactly its chip is used.
Sony Corp.'s "Sixaxis" controller for the PS3 also has an accelerometer. The six axises the name refers to are the three dimensions of space, plus three axises of spin. The company hasn't revealed who makes the chip.
The Nintendo Wii Remote one-ups the Sony controller by including an infrared camera. It picks up signals from a sensor bar the owner attaches to the television set. This enables the remote to "know" where it is in relation to the screen, so the player can use the controller to point to things on the screen -- a useful feature in shooting games (and a lot of games are shooting games).
So where has this technology been until now?
Accelerometers have been used to guide missiles and aircraft, said Richard Marks, who worked on an underwater robot before his job as head of special projects at Sony Computer Entertainment America.
"We had a $25,000 inertial system that was probably comparable," to the one in the Sony controller, he said. "These things have become so much less expensive."
In the past, accelerometers were large mechanical devices, with springs or liquids that sensed orientation and movement. The reason they can go into game devices now is that they're made not by assembling mechanical components, but with the same techniques used to make computer chips.
Vigna described a method of successively adding and etching away layers of silicon on large platters with hundreds of individual chips to build up the mechanical part of the accelerometer. The platters are then broken up into individual chips. That means the chips can be made consistently and cheaply with precision down to the micron -- one millionth of a meter, or about one hundredth of the width of a human hair.
Other so-called microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, that are made in similar ways include chips in video projectors (where they flip thousands of tiny mirrors to build up the image) and in inkjet heads. MEMS technology is seen as a fertile field and is related to another hyped area, nanotechnology (which deals with even smaller scales).
The auto industry started using silicon accelerometers in the late 1980s for the sensors that activate air bags, Vigna said, and each successive generation since then has become smaller and cheaper.
"What ST is doing now is bringing this from the automotive industry to the consumer," Vigna said.
ST says their chip now costs "less than $1 per axis," but wouldn't say exactly what Nintendo is paying.
Accelerometers have made their appearance in game equipment before. In the late 1990s, Microsoft Corp. put out a game controller with a limited "tilt" function, but it never did well. In 2001, Nintendo released a Game Boy Color cartridge that sensed motion, but it worked only for the included game.
But with the Sony and Nintendo controller, accelerometers look set for a breakout in consumer devices.
Laptop makers, including Sony, Lenovo Group Ltd. and Apple Computer Inc., are using them to detect when a computer is in free fall. This signals the read/write heads of the hard drive to park, preventing damage when the laptop lands.
ST has big hopes for the cell-phone market, and is in talks with three phone manufacturers, according to Vigna.
Nokia this year launched a "sports" cell phone, the 5500, with an accelerometer that not only controls a game, but works as a pedometer as well. Other potential uses for such a chip in a phone include managing the user interface: pat the phone or flip it over to send a call to voicemail, Vigna suggested.
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November 21st, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video converter for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
4.042 changes:
Changed minimal requiriment. Now ffdshow must be installed.
No sound extration for gain detection anymore.
In case of good normalize working now, default normalize value 100% for all formats now.
Fixed work with AviSynthWrapper.
Now sound extract only for formats with AAC sound (nero crash with wrapper).
Fixed aspect bugs for AVI and MP4 output formats.
From main installer removed ac3acm and x264vfw - ffdshow full replace it.
In case of use less removed x264vfw + VirtualDub engine.
In log changed time stamps system and logic.
Now in log added process time and overall encoding time.
Volume level now possible detect and apply in preview - check "Normalize on Preview" checkbox. Detection working one time only and take 8 seconds only.
Changes list possible look from Help menu now.
Added ffdshow installation check.
XviD4PSP 4.042 Full SendSpace
Xvid4PSP 4.042 update SendSpace
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November 21st, 2006, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex told teknopsp that he his to release a new version of his homebrew loader:
Well I guess Ill release the C Version and hen D next week, but right now I can't spent too much time on it.
The new stuff in SE C will be:
Speed Selection
The selection of plugins from MS
Some omitted protections to improve the creation of homebrew in the 2.71 Kernel, especially since there's a possible emergence of an irShell for 2.71.
Games from USB will be possible by loading a plugin from MS.
We look forward to the release 
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November 21st, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
A modified PSAR Dumper has already dumped the new firmware, early detective work shows there are new modules pops.prx and popsman.prx also the file system on the Flash0 was changed.
More info as we get it.
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November 21st, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gizmodo
Here's a clip of the PS3 and PSP playing well together over WiFi. If you've forgotten, Remote Play is a mode on the PS3 that lets you use a PSP handheld as both a controller and a remote screen for the Playstation over WiFi. The thing is, all you can do is browse the net, which you can already do on the PSP. And you can hit up the vids, photos, and videos on the PS3. But not access the Blu ray discs. Too bad, streaming downsized Blu ray over WiFi would be pretty fantastic.
Also, the PS3 becomes unusable in any other form while its in Remote Play mode. And...
In remote play, the PS3 becomes an access point, and the PSP needs to hook up to it Ad Hoc. At least that's how it went for us. Mainly, because the PS3 wouldn't let us set up an AP that was WEP, it wanted to go to WAP on our G network. Anyhow, its fine: the PS3 remained connected to our main internet access point while this was going on.
Also, the PSP isn't doing any sort of PS3 interface in emulation. It's actually streaming a video of the PS3 interface over WiFi. Like the LocationFree TV. In fact, its probably using the same code, since the PSP has the LocationFree client built in.
view clip via gizmodo
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November 21st, 2006, 23:28 Posted By: gunntims0103
new via dailytech
Sony working to resolve upscaler issue with older HDTVs
DailyTech reported last week that Sony's PlayStation 3 has issues with upscaling to 1080i resolution. The problem stems from the fact that some older HDTV's can only display in high definition resolutions of 480p or 1080i -- 720p is not an option for these TVs. For a PS3 title running in native 720p resolution, a PS3 will not upscale to 1080i, but will instead downgrade to 480p.
According to GameDaily BIZ, Sony has acknowledged that this is a problem for the PS3. The following statement was provided by Sony Computer Entertainment America:
A small number of older High Definition television sets found in the United States only have 1080i inputs for HD signals. Those televisions will currently only play some PS3 titles at 480p resolution. PS3 games render images at either 720p or 1080p for High Definition and you need 720p input on the TV to play select games that do not support 1080p. This is an issue on the side of the individual television sets, which do not accept 720p input, so when a game outputs an HD signal only at 720p, these select TVs have to display the game at 480p instead.
A fix is in the works, but there was no timetable given on availability.
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November 21st, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA announced today that Sonic Rivals has shipped to retailers exclusively for the PSP. As part of his 15th birthday celebration, Sonic is taking out his enemies on the PSP for the first time.
Sonic Rivals pits Sonic and crew against each other in a madcap race for the finish line. Players can choose from Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, and the new character Silver, each with his own unique storyline. Rivals features classic 2-D gameplay in a three dimensional world. The game features both singleplayer and multiplayer modes.
Developed by Backbone Entertainment, in conjunction with SEGA, Sonic Rivals is retailing for a suggested price of $39.95.
via ign
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November 21st, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Here comes an action role-playing game from the makers of Ys and the Legend of Heroes. The title, Gurumin: A Monstrous Journey has already shipped in Japan and now stands ready for its American debut. A preview copy made its way into the IGN offices the other day to show itself off. It looks a lot like its Japanese predecessor, though it benefits from additional spit n' polish. And of course, it boasts localized voice work and narrative tidbits.
A Monstrous Journey stars a little girl named Parin. She has just moved to the adults-only town of Tiese to live with her grandpa, the mayor. No, not that kind of adults-only town. Tiese looks like a standard cutesy RPG village. But there is a total lack of children in town, which makes Parin's arrival an interesting development for the townsfolk. Especially a local miner who asks her on a date. The 12-year old says no, of course, but that doesn't stop our persistent suitor from asking again later in the game. Interestingly, he offers to upgrade her weapon (a giant drill), but only if she'll agree to date him. Woo hoo!
Full article here
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November 21st, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via punchjump
Sony Corp. may not reach shipment projections for the Playstation 3, Bloomberg reported on Mon.
The PS3 dropped to U.S. retail on Nov. 17 in $499 and $599 SKUs.
Sony said that it shipped 400,000 units to U.S. retailers for launch.
Multiple analysts predict that fewer than expected units were released to retail stores and expect Sony to deliver from 200,000 to 400,000 in the U.S. by year end, down sharply from the company's goal of 1 million units.
Sony cut its shipment forecast to U.S. and Japan to 2 million units from 4 million due to a delay in the blue laser diode for the PS3's Blu-ray Disc drive.
In the U.S., buyers bombarded retail to purchase the PS3. Many retail stores like Wal-Mart and Target held stock of ten units or less. Best Buy stores advertised a minimum of 26 units and was able to meet or exceed that quantity.
In Japan, the PS3 has sold 81,639 units when it debuted on Nov. 11. Game offerings like Namco Bandai's Ridge Racer 7 and Mobile Suit Gundam: Target ranked in the top ten game sales.
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November 21st, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
A user on the PlayStation forums took a picture with his digital camera of a store offering PSP firmware upgrades... for only $4.99! I do get quite a number of silly e-mails from readers asking how to upgrade the system's firmware. Is it so difficult to visit Sony's official website? Is it so difficult to put a UMD that features an upgrade into one's system to update? Is it so hard to use the "Network Update" feature? WHY?? Why can't people figure this out?!
As long as there's simpletons using the machine, there will always be a market for capitalizing store managers. Is he a smart business man? Or is he just exploiting others for a free feature?
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November 21st, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
New release from jasonUK
Extract 3.00 (encrypted only, need new keys)
Press CIRCLE, the other options don't work. If you try SQUARE ("decrypt all") it extracts the data files which aren't encryped and skips the PRXs
3.00 DATA.PSAR goes into root of memory stick, use PBP Extractor to get it.
(Can read PSAR files up to 18mb [3.00 PSAR is 16.7mb])
Cheers to Dark_AleX for psardumpermod, and zshadow for the buffer fix
Stuff to note about the firmware:
- No more ./vsh/resource/1.bmp, 2.bmp, 3.bmp (etc.)
Instead, there's now just a 1-12.bmp which is grey. The firmware probably applies a colour overlay onto this.
- audiocodec_260.prx and mpegbase_260.prx
Audio/video codecs from 2.60..?
- Just 1 certificate in "./data/cert" folder
Discuss anything else you find.
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via jasonuk
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November 22nd, 2006, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from joek2100
This is a modified version of the opensource mp3 prx for irshell. It will play mp3 files from ms0:/PSP/MUSIC . It has random and sequential play modes, pause, next and a builtin "overclocker".
Copy Install and PSP folders to the root of your memory stick. Then run UMFR2 For GAME mode and/or UMFR2 For VSH(XMB) mode depending on where you want the module to be loaded.
Whats new:
0.3b adds an independent volume control and makes the on screen display work better.
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via joek2100
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November 22nd, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ars
November 21, 2006
One of the interesting points I keep seeing over and over in the comments for the PS3 review is pointing out that the 360 had some issues at launch, and yet they didn't affect the final score as much as Sony's unfinished software has. I'll freely admit to that: the 360 had one or two problems at launch and I had a wishlist of things that I looked forward to Microsoft fixing, but the score was still high. Why?
Because the 360 wasn't going up against anything else that provided even a fraction of what the 360 delivered. The PS2 barely had an online strategy, and while Xbox Live was fun on the first Xbox it really came into its own on the 360. So when you surveyed the market at the 360's launch, it stood head and shoulders above its competition. It had some flaws, but what it did, it did incredibly well, and added a ton of features to gaming. It blew the current-gen systems out of the water in terms of functionality, user interface, and media playback. It introduced a truly integrated friends list, as well as custom soundtracks in all games. Even better? In the following year they fixed and improved everything that bothered me about the system. Right now the 360 is a highly refined, user friendly and intuitive system. You can buy it right now for $400.
Now the PS3 is released at $600, and we should look around the market again. The 360 offers background downloading and download queues. The PS3 does not. The 360 is always ready for you to shop for games; on the PS3 it takes going to a different option, logging in to another service, and waiting while the page loads. Buying anything is a pain in the butt. You can't have custom soundtracks in every game, or even many games. The online service is lacking, and so is your buddy list. The Blu-ray playback is broken on many sets, as is the resolution in games. While the 360 added a lot of features to gaming, the PS3 has removed many. It's missing features that its main competitor has, and it's launching at a higher price. Sure, it has a Blu-ray player, and when that starts working correctly on more TVs I might enjoy it more. Right now it doesn't like my television, so the image quality isn't what it should be. It's a broken system. The PS3 right now is more expensive, for an inferior online and media experience. It got a relatively low score at 6, with the caveat that once these software problems are fixed the score could easily rise. Look at what Microsoft was able to accomplish in a year; with some updates the PS3 could easily surpass the competition in terms of features and useability.
The problem is, I'm not willing to give the PS3 a year to see how much better it gets. When I review a piece of hardware, I do it based on what it does now, not what it might do in some nebulous future. I also look at what it's competing against, and what features that product has. Right now the PS3 is broken in many ways, and unfinished in almost every other; its competitor is brilliantly designed and less expensive. You can't compare the PS3 in a review in the modern market against how the 360 launched. You have to look at it based on how the 360 plays if you bought it today.
Sony needs to get their software fixed pronto, and make sure their system can actually use HDTV sets. Until it does, in features and overall usability it simply can't be competitive in the marketplace.
I will say this, though: with the ability to read files from so many types of media and through USB, the built-in WiFi, and the Blu-ray player, Sony could blow the 360 out of the water in value if it can just get everything working. As an investment, I'm confident that the PS3 is going to kick ass in the future. It's just hard to stomach the issues when you have paid $600 now for the system.
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November 22nd, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: Unicorn
TechnopodMan from psp.scenebeta.com spanish forums has just released an original Homebrew. Im sure that most of you remember the nice Dragon's Lair .
It's only a demo for now, but TechnopodMan (the coder, djpcboard on psp.scenebeta.com forums) is working hard to bring to us the complete version as soon as possible. In this DEMO version, you will be able to try to complete the first (very short yet) level in 5 tries. We can see the game menu too.
I advise you: this download is quite big (specially due to the videos and voices included, its about 14Mb), and the author says that the final version will be quite much bigger...
I also want you to know that voices and text are in spanish...so if you want to learn this language...its your oportunity ;-).
I'm sure that the final version will deserve the amount of space on our Stick...I am waiting impatiently
Enjoy ;-)
I forgot, this has been coded in LUA, but you dont need LuaPlayer to be able to play this Homebrew.
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November 22nd, 2006, 01:14 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via wfaa
He may be the only person who spent last week standing in line for a PlayStation 3 for charity.
"Gamers in general, you know, they're not bad, they just have a bad rap," said Craig Skistimas.
Skistimas runs a gaming web-site from his parents' kitchen counter-top in Flower Mound.
Starting last Monday, he camped out in a Best Buy parking lot so that on Friday he could be first in line.
He sold the PS3 online and donated the proceeds to a charity that gives video games to kids in hospitals.
"You're benefitting gamers, you're benefitting kids in hospitals, and it's really a win for everybody involved," he says.
Throughout the week, Skistimas and a few colleagues produced video blogs chronicling his week-long wait in line.
The blog was posted at various websites making Skistimas a web celebrity among video gamers.
"So I was chatting with hundreds of people every day, and just talking to them about the auction. Are you really in line? Yeah, I'm really in line."
Skistimas donated about $2,000.
"It's done nothing but good, nothing but good. It was definitely an awesome experience. If I could do it again, I'd do it over three times," said Skistimas.
This is by far the best news iv heard for the Ps3. What are your thoughts?
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November 22nd, 2006, 01:18 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via a+e
For a good deal of information -- but perhaps not complete info -- on the problems with playing some past-generation PlayStation games on the PS3, go to: playstations site
When there, you can plug in game names and search for the compatibility lowdown. For instance, plug in "Gran Turismo" and you'll see this for "Gran Turismo 4":
"Description: When the title is left inactive on the Main menu, the title hangs on a black screen at a random time."
Check it out for the games you're concerned about and let me know what you think.
On the PR front today, Sony released some tidbits that qualify as news:
-- The biggest selling launch game for the PS3 was "Resistance: Fall of Man," followed by "Madden 07."
-- Sony is crediting the PS3 as having a halo effect on PlayStation Portable and PS2 sales (love, just love, that the e-mail said a "halo" effect): The company says PSP week-over-week sales increased +29% at its top 5 retailers (week ending Nov. 20) and PS2 week-over-week sales increased +24% at our top 5 retailers (week ending Nov. 20).
Two other important supply notes, although they're extremely general and may not be that useful to PS3-hunting consumers. Sony's e-mail said:
"-- PS3s will be airlifted in to the U.S. on a weekly basis through the end of the year. A new shipment has already arrived and will be available at retail by Black Friday" (this Friday)
" -- We are still focused on reaching our goal of 1 million units in the pipeline by Dec. 31 in the U.S."
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November 22nd, 2006, 01:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamasutra
Sony has issued an official statement on the launch of the PlayStation 3 console in North America, indicating that new systems are being airlifted in weekly, and that they "couldn't be more pleased" with the response from consumers.
According to Sony's statement, the initial allocation of systems "sold out within hours", and the biggest selling game of the PS3 launch were Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man, followed by EA title Madden '07.
The $599 60GB model was the top selling SKU (over the $499 20GB model), and Sony remarked that the buzz around the PS3 had "a halo effect on other PlayStation products", noting that PSP week-over-week sales increased +29% at the company's top 5 retailers (week
ending Nov. 20), and PS2 week-over-week sales increased +24% at the company's top 5 retailers (week ending Nov. 20).
For those waiting to purchase PS3s in North America, after overwhelming launch demand, Sony revealed that "PS3s will be airlifted in to the U.S. on a weekly basis through the end of the year. A new shipment has already arrived and will be available at retail by Black Friday."
The company also re-iterated its goals for the end of the year, though did not comment on specific amounts of PS3s shipped thus far: "We are still focused on reaching our goal of 1 million units in the pipeline by Dec. 31 in the U.S."
The full statement from Sony's PR head David Karraker regarding the launch is as follows: "Sony Computer Entertainment America couldn’t be more pleased with the response we have seen from consumers since the launch of PLAYSTATION 3 on Friday. This truly demonstrates the power of the PlayStation brand and further validates our belief that consumers see real value in an entertainment system that will define the next decade of digital entertainment."
"At this point, we are focused on getting as many new PS3s to the North American market as possible for the holidays, including airlifting systems to the territory on a constant basis. With PS3 manufacturing now running smoothly and product being aired in weekly, we're focused on our goal of shipping a million units to retail by the end of the calendar year. Due to the immediate nature of these shipments, we will not be providing weekly updates on North American supplies."
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November 22nd, 2006, 03:03 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via kotaku
Sony faceman and bringing of all tidings Playstation 3 Dave Karraker delivered some interesting PS3 launch details earlier today.
Although Sony, like Nintendo, isn't talking specific numbers they have confirmed that their console sold out "within hours."
Biggest selling game: Resistance: Fall of Man, followed by Madden '07
The $599 60GB model was the top selling SKU (over the $499 20GB model)
PSP week-over-week sales increased +29% at our top 5 retailers (week ending Nov. 20)
PS2 week-over-week sales increased +24% at our top 5 retailers (week ending Nov. 20)
Dave Letterman used the system launch to mock Pres. Bush, Wal-Mart used it to attack Sen. John Edwards and Nike used it to create a pair of shoes that no one will be able to buy.
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November 22nd, 2006, 04:00 Posted By: gunntims0103
The French homebrew group known as Team 280 released the latest version of Mastermind, now called Mastermind v1.0
Heres whats new:
Feature : two languages (english / french), scores has been added. A new (and more longer) music by Cloos added.
Feel free to report every bug / comments on this release.
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November 22nd, 2006, 06:35 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gwn
Shipments at launch were down 50% according to new reports. Will Sony be left behind?
According to many online publications, the number of PS3s Sony were able to ship on launch day was far less than their already reduced number of 400,000. According to one site, the number of systems they actually shipped to stores was less than 50% of this number, which means less than 200,000 consoles were available on the 17th.
At the current rate of production, some sources are speculating that Sony may not meet their end-of-year targets, and could in fact produce fewer than 400,000 consoles by new year.
Production difficulties for the PS3 are the direct result of placing two new technologies in the console. Namely, these are the Cell processor and the Blu-ray disc drive. Reports state that:
* Approximately 10% of Cell Processors that come off the assembly line are usable (compared to 70%-90% for most other processors)
* All the Blu-ray diodes (laser that reads the disk) have all been diverted to the PS3 because of their inability to manufacture them fast enough.
* Less than half the stores asked by Bloomberg Online said they had enough PS3's to fill just their preorders.
No doubt Microsoft and Nintendo will pick up a lot of sales this Christmas from gamers who want a new system, but are unable to source a PS3. Nintendo are in an especially good position to capitalize on Sony's production issues, as their Wii console has enjoyed considerable success thus far and is not plagued by any of the production issues as the PS3.
Will the ps3 shipments come in time, or will sony be left behind?
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November 22nd, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPVault
Apparently there is some sort of tiny bug in firmware 3.0 (more like a loophole), leaving Sony no choice but to release a "firmware 3.01" tomorrow.
The origin of this rumor came from an SCEE admin named SslustWhether. This was on the Dutch yourpsp website, but according to this guy, Sony is indeed going to be releasing an update. Whether this is true or not, we can't really tell. All we can do is pay close attention to the Network Update, as well as keep an eye out for anymore news. Hypothetically, I wouldn't expect more than a security patch is to come of this, but the more important issue lies in the possibility of an exploit in the firmware 3.0 we currently have. Homebrew or other exploits running on a firmware that was supposed to destroy homebrew would definitely make things interesting.
Please remember this is just a rumor, and there could be no firmware release anytime in the near future. If we do hear anything more, or there is an update, we'll let you know!
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November 22nd, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPVault
It seems Sony responded even more quickly than we thought. One of our members, XmyfirstpspX, has informed us that you can now update your PSP (if you so choose) to firmware 3.01, via the Network Update. Currently this update doesn't seem to offer anything worth upgrading, just the usual security patch(es).
Heres the changelog notice only 1 change
PLAYSTATION®Network titles are supported under [GAME].
[Remote Play] has been added as a feature under [Network].
[Online Instruction Manuals] has been added as a feature under [Network].
Timed recording has been added as a feature under [RSS Channel].
A visual player has been added as a feature under [Music].
3-speed fast forward and fast reverse has been added as a feature under [Music].
[Camera] has been added as a feature under [Photo].
[UMD™Auto-Start] has been added as a feature in [System Settings] under [Settings].
Revisions to strengthen security have been added.
There we have it people, nothing but revisions to security. Once again, I'd hold tight and see what this is about.
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November 22nd, 2006, 10:05 Posted By: happy_mak
I do not own a PS3 and hence cannot speak much
on the Game Archives downloads but a japanese
gamer has spelt the things on his blog PSPGadgetz
First he bought in 3 games
Bio hazard
jumping flash
tekken 2 was around 542 MB and it was a painful
one hour of copying to mem stick (his mem stick
was slow or so he feels)
By default the L2 and R2 are allocated to analog
button by default!!!!
Left = L2
Right = R2
L2+R2 = UP
This was pretty difficult playing a fighting game
tekken , as per him
Screen Modes available are Original Normal Full, but
the time lag between changing these modes is quite a
lot as per his blog.
The memory stick lamp stays ON throught the game
play for some reason and that is troubling to him.
OBVIOUS, the mem stick taken to other PSP does
not load the game since that PSP was not assigned
a "usage ticket" by the PS3. So you necessarily
need to register that PSP with the PS3 (max 4 or
so i heard)
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November 22nd, 2006, 13:36 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Launch units falling short is 'nothing new' - Intat
With the PS3 officially available in modest numbers in both the US and Japan, Electronic Arts' vice president and general manager of Europe has told GamesIndustry.biz that he would like to see more units available when the console hits stores shelves in March next year.
Jens Uwe Intat believes that from Sony's perspective the launches have been a success, with the console selling out across North Amercia and Japan.
"We think they have obviously just put into the market a fairly small amount of machines and sold them all," said Intat. "And there also seems to be a decent media hype around the arrival of the PS3 so if I put myself into Sony's shoes I would think it went well," he said.
"For the launch of new hardware, you will never be able to have as many [units] out there as people would like. It's better this way around, than having new hardware sitting on shelves," he added.
When asked what EA would like Sony to do differently for the European launch, Intat replied: "We would obviously like to see more units. For sure, they will not have enough, but they can never have enough."
Intat also revealed that as a publisher EA has recently been taking hardware manufacturers' launch estimations with a pinch of salt, expecting final numbers to fall shy of the figures spouted by execs on the run-up to release.
"What we've really been seeing on the last hardware launches from all manufacturers is that there has always been deterioration in the amount of units on the run-up to launch, so it's nothing new," commented Intat.
"The first day is not overly important for us, it's more important that the machine keeps on selling. That's why it's important that the hype and momentum keeps running because the installed base builds up over time, not in the first week."
Depsite Sony's well-publicised manufacturing struggles, the publisher is still confident the PlayStation 3 is on track to hit European retailers this coming March.
"We have no reason to believe that it's not," said Intat. "We hope not just as a business but as consumers, that it does show up."
And although Sony's market-leading console is not launching in PAL territories before the end of the year, Intat still believes there are plenty of opportunities for publishers' to take advantage of the early launch in 2007.
"We hope the machine is going to arrive in Spring so consumers can start to enjoy it throughout the summer. With the hardware launching in March you build a decent installed base by September, and the you have a lot of word-of-mouth support for that machine when the Christmas season starts. By the end of next year there should be a very substantial installed base," he said.
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November 22nd, 2006, 15:33 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
here is my latest update of Boxy II, it has been a while because i was very busy with my studies.
Dj_Gordon has made two skins for this game and they are very beautifull, i'll hope he would like to make some more
here are the 2 new skins:


The changelog:
- Buttonswap (cross and circle)
- line under the letters you edit in the gameoverscreen
- Ingame sounds
- menu option to set the volume of the sounds
- menu option to set the sounds on/off
- Spiced up the menu a bit
- new skin (Wood by Dj_Gordon)
- new skin (Smile by Dj_Gordon)
- skins in theme directory can have whatever name you want, you can add up to 100 extra themes. Just copy them to the themes directory
- reordered some code hope it helps with the crashes
- cycle theme no multiple times.
- no more crashes after fourth start of a game
Here is the file to download: Boxy II release 0.5
As always i hope to get feedback from all of you,
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November 22nd, 2006, 16:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via bdtonline
High-tech toys for grown-ups are proving to be all the rage this holiday season.
However, finding these new high-tech toys could be a little difficult for holiday shoppers, particularly those in the market for a next-generation video game console. In a frenzy not seen since perhaps the Cabbage Patch doll craze of the 1980s, many folks desperately searching for a Playstation 3 are going to the extreme across the country.
Rowdy crowds across the nation captured headlines last week, and in many instances required police control, when the initial 400,000 shipments of PS3’s were sold within a matter of hours. There were even reports of people being shot and mugged over the $600 next-generation console. I don’t think that’s every happened before over a video game system.
The frantic search doesn’t stop with just the PS3. The new Nintendo Wii also is apparently flying off of store shelves across the country. The launch of the cheaper $250 motion-controlled controller system apparently went a bit smoother than the PS3 launch, with no reports of rowdy or out-of-control crowds causing trouble while in search of the Nintendo-based machine.
Following the mad midnight race for a PS3, I had several people ask me if I was among those waiting in line. After all, I had the week off — utilizing my last week of vacation for the year. The answer was a resounding, “No.”
No, I wouldn’t pay $600 for a video game system. And no, I wouldn’t wait in line all day and night for one.
However, I did recently purchase an Xbox 360, and I must admit it is a pretty nice next-generation system.
Microsoft’s Xbox 360 launched during the 2005 Christmas season, and caused a similar frenzy among holiday shoppers due to an initial shortage of systems last Christmas.
I’ve owned a lot of different video game systems throughout the years, including the original Atari 2600 as a child. However, I can safely predict that I will not be among those desperately searching for a PS3 or a Wii this holiday season.
Nevertheless, it’s amazing to see that folks are already selling these things for as much as $2,000 or higher on eBay auction sites. As of Tuesday afternoon, a keyword search for Playstation 3 had netted thousands of matching entries on eBay, including some auctions going for as high as $2,500.
Maybe I should have waited in line, bought one, and then sold it for triple its price on eBay. While it might have been a good financial move on my part, it wouldn’t have been worth waiting anywhere from 24 to 48 hours in line for one of the only 400,000 initial consoles released last week.
The race is officially underway for those hard and seemingly impossible to find high-tech gadgets of the 2006 holiday season. This year, it’s not so much the children as it is the young adults and grown-ups who are eager to get their hands on a new next-generation video game console.
It seems video games aren’t just for kids anymore, and that’s probably a good thing given the violent content and adult themes prevalent in so many of today’s games that are seemingly geared toward an older market — and not children.
Clearly, a video game that equips the virtual player with a multitude of firearms ranging from shotguns to flame throwers, and allows the virtual player to carjack vehicles or open fire upon a crowd of unsuspecting pedestrians, isn’t something children probably should be playing. What happened to the simpler and more kid friendly days of Pac Man?
As crowds descend upon shopping centers across the region Friday for one of the biggest shopping days of the year, their search for those hard-to-find toys and high-tech gadgets won’t become any easier.
However, it’s a trend we see repeated almost every holiday season. There is always that one big in-demand toy or gadget that is so difficult to find — whether it is the Cabbage Patch doll, a Tickle Me Elmo or the Playstation 1, 2, 3, 360 or Wii.
Although that one hard-to-find and in-demand toy or gadget may not be easy to acquire, more traditional gifts are once again bountiful this holiday season, including clothes, furniture, appliances, and jewelry. While a PS3 may be tough to find, plenty of other high-tech toys and gadgets for adults abound — flat screen televisions, DVD recorders, camcorders and more.
In the end, everyone will probably find something they are looking for this holiday season.
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November 22nd, 2006, 19:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamespot
Koei makes Fatal Inertia and Bladestorm multi-platform, announcing both will come to Microsoft's next-gen console.
It would appear that the PlayStation 3 may not have as many exclusive titles as previously thought. First came the announcement in September when Ubisoft said that the much-publicised Assassin's Creed--which had previously been billed as a PS3 title--would be coming to the Xbox 360 and PC as well.
Producer Jade Redmond told GameSpot in an interview that the reason for this was that Ubisoft had at first been unsure how many consoles it could support, but that it had "always wanted to share our next-gen vision with everybody."
Then came an article earlier this week, by Newsweek correspondent N'Gai Croal, in which he states that both Assassin's Creed and Grand Theft Auto IV were originally intended to be exclusive for Sony's next-gen console, but Haz Hirai's "slowness" in finalising the deals meant the developers decided to port to Microsoft as well.
Today, two more games which were previously presumed to be PS3 exclusives have been announced for the Xbox 360 as well: Koei's aerial combat racing game Fatal Inertia and its miltiary actioner Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War.
Fatal Inertia is the debut title for the Toronto-based studio Koei Canada, which is led by Takazumi Tomoike, creator of the Dynasty Wars series, and Koei co-founder and chief advisor Yoichi Erikawa. The game features "an evolutionary sport mixing high-performance street racing, rally, and demolition derby."
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War is set in the first half of the 14th century in Medieval Europe, and players will assume the role of a mercenary leader commanding troops in real-time.
A Koei spokesperson confirmed to GameSpot that Fatal Inertia and Bladestorm would be launch titles for the PS3's 2007 debut in Europe, but wouldn't comment further on the Xbox 360 versions of the game.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:02 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via punchjump
For the lucky consumers who nabbed a brand new Playstation 3 at launch and have been busy playing beyond, congrats! For the customers who have experienced technical difficulty with their new system, we feel your pain.
Punch Jump reported on Tues. that it purchased a defective 20GB PS3 unit that incurred disc malfunction. Following a call to the Sony Computer Entertainment America Consumer Service line, we learned the steps that the company will take to service defective units.
For customers that require a unit replacement, Sony will overnight a box containing four items: A box, pre-paid UPS shipping label, a letter, and a visual aid.
After Sony receives the unit it will take 3-5 business days to process and ship the replacement unit to the customer. The customer service representative told us that it will not provide automatic shipment notification; however, if customers call the Sony hotline, they can provide them with the tracking number to follow the package. The replacement unit will require signature confirmation in order to be delivered.
If the defect is not due to a physical malfunction, the Sony representative may guide users toward holding onto their unit until a System Update can correct the problem.
While Sony did not offer shipment of a new unit prior to shipment of the defective unit, the replacement incurs no charge to the customer and the service representative was friendly and explanatory through the return process.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:04 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via psxextreame
it appears the massive shortages haven't rained on Sony's parade. SCE's Director of Corporate Communications, Dave Karraker, spoke favorably about the PlayStation 3 launch in an official statement released yesterday.
"Sony Computer Entertainment America couldn't be more pleased with the response we have seen from consumers since the launch of PlayStation 3 on Friday [November 17], stated Karraker. "This truly demonstrates the power of the PlayStation brand and further validates our belief that consumers see real value in an entertainment system that will define the next decade of digital entertainment. At this point, we are focused on getting as many new PS3s to the North American market as possible for the holidays, including airlifting systems to the territory on a constant basis. With PS3 manufacturing now running smoothly -- and product being aired in weekly -- we're focused on our goal of shipping a million units to retail by the end of the calendar year. Due to the immediate nature of these shipments, we will not be providing weekly updates on North American supplies."
Furthermore, Karraker outlined several interesting statistics- the two biggest selling games were Resistance: Fall of Man and Madden NFL 07, the 60GB model outsëld the 20GB model (well duh, 80% of all shipped PS3s were the 60GB model), and PS2 and PSP sales increased for the week; 29% for PSP and 24% for PS2.
But perhaps most encouraging are Karakker's comments regarding the holiday availability of the PS3:
"A new shipment has already arrived and will be available at retail by Black Friday. We are still focused on reaching our goal of 1 million units in the pipeline by Dec. 31 in the US."
Somehow, some way, it seems more and more likely that consumers might actually see PS3s on store shelves for the holiday season.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Rainbow Six Vegas is one of the more eagerly anticipated next-gen shooters of the next few weeks, but ironically Ubisoft's not enjoying much luck with it - as the PSP version continues to slip, and reports from the US suggest the PS3 edition's been held up too.
The Xbox 360 and PC versions of Vegas are now due out in Europe on 1st December (the 360 having been originally down for this Friday), but the PSP version is listed as 15th December in Ubisoft's latest schedule - confirmed by retailers.
Meanwhile, the UK branch of the French publisher doesn't actually list the PS3 version yet, expecting it to ship at launch next March, but reports from the US suggest it's no longer due out in the PS3's current "launch window". Which puts it in good company at least, alongside the likes of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Eek.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Ghostlight plans to bring Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 to European PlayStation 2 owners in early 2007.
Following on from what it describes as the "resounding success" of the first RPG (highly rated around here), DDS2 will be released on 16th February.
Described as a new and final chapter in the game's story, DDS2 sounds as though it concentrates on refinement and modification rather than outright revolution - there's one new character (Roland), a "Berserker" mode in battles (where characters exist in a state halfway between human and demon), and a system of "Karma Rings" for modifying stats.
It will also be possible to import saved data from the first DDS to unlock hidden bonuses and stat boosts, says Ghostlight - with certain decisions made in the first game having an impact on the gameplay in the second.
Sounds intriguing - expect us to dispatch one of our pointy-hatters in its direction next February.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
The list of developers known for their ability to produce hits has some overlap with the list of developers known for their ability to hold onto games as long as it takes until they're "done." Polyphony Digital and Blizzard Entertainment are two such companies; now it appears that the developers of Gran Turismo and a startup, Flagship Studios (headed by veterans of Blizzard's Diablo franchise), could each be carrying on that tradition of tardiness.
Product listings on GameStop.com for Polyphony Digital's Gran Turismo HD and Flagship's Hellgate: London both indicate that the games won't be shipping for another year.
Hellgate: London has already been a featured product of Namco's at two straight Electronic Entertainment Expos, and if the GameStop release date is accurate, it would likely earn the trifecta this year. However, a Namco Bandai representative told GameSpot that Hellgate's release date is still "to be announced."
As for Gran Turismo HD, it was slated for "this winter" as recently as last month, so a bump of nearly an entire year would be a little surprising. Then again, the still-unreleased Gran Turismo 4 Mobile for the PlayStation Portable was originally set for an early 2005 release in the US, so a delay on the PS3 edition wouldn't be that surprising.
Via Gamespot
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres what Gamespot posted:
The latestPlayStation Portable firmware, originally meant to be released on November 11 to coincide with the Japanese launch of the PlayStation 3, was released earlier today. But just hours after version 3.00 was made available by Sony, the firmware was upgraded again, to 3.01. The 'update to the update' patches a security hole which is rumoured to have left open a way of bypassing the homebrew block on the handheld. The update isn't available for download on www.yourpsp.com yet, but users with a Wi-Fi connection can go to the 'network update' section on their PSPs and access the update from there.
So a way to get homebrew working on v3.0 was reason for the update eh. Very interesting
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Originally aimed for release on Xbox, Dark Sector has been polished up and enhanced for release on PS3 and Xbox 360 - and this first footage gives some hints about hero Hayden Tenno and his mutating abilities.
The footage also offers a glimpse of the mutant and human enemies you'll be butchering when the new-look survival-actioner finally hits next year. Tap the movies tab above for the video.
Towards the end of the movie you'll see Tenno seem to make a three-pronged blade appear in his hand. But look closer and you can see that his entire arm is sheathed with what looks like metal - we reckon the blade is an extension of his hand, rather than a separate weapon, although you'll also see him ready to hurl the boomerang-esque weapon.
Set in a controlled, ravaged zone somewhere in Soviet country, Dark Sector looks somewhat like a mix of Resident Evil 5's deserted city streets and Stalker's mutant-fighting danger-zone gameplay. Which sounds ace to us. We'll hopefully have more on Dark Sector's intriguing brand of violence soon.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
via Gizmodo
This custom-built PS3 is constructed of a PS2, PS1 and high-performance duct tape (do the math). It can be yours today, if you win the bid on Ebay. Don't miss out on the fun that is the PS3!
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
So the PlayStation Network is free, right? Well, nothing is free. Somebody's got to pay for it, and if it's not you or me, it sure as hell ain't gonna be Sony. It's a business, not a charity!
Several industry insiders report that to cover demo download costs, Sony is currently considering charging third party developers. Here's what Sony is apparently thinking: Every time an individual downloads a demo, a service charge will be passed onto the third party developer. So they will pay for you to try out their games, instead of vice-versa. Unconfirmed, but it seems that this way the PS3's online service stays "free," Sony cuts its loses and third party developers get reamed.
A decision has yet to be reached, and Sony is hashing things out at the moment. But, if this sails through, expect the PS3 to have few third party demos, but loads of Blu-ray movie trailers.
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November 22nd, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via joystiq
American Technology Research believes that Sony may have only shipped 125,000 to 175,000 PS3 units in North America at launch, 15K of which were sent to retail as demo kiosks. That's far cry from the originally planned 400,000 number. If true, this estimate is in line with November 14 analyst predictions that Sony would be unable to hit its already limited launch inventory.
The report also suggests Sony won't be able to hit its desired 2 million units shipped by year's end, and they don't expect the company to adjust forecasts: "To be crystal clear, we don't expect it likely that Sony will update any of its hardware numbers before it reports its December quarter in late January. We believe that the December NPD report of North American November retail hardware is shaping up to be 125k to 175k, but outside of NPD and other local (Japan) market reports, we expect Sony to remain mum and focus on delivering units to retail."
We'd stay mum too, otherwise, BB-gun enthusiasts would be bustin' some caps up on Sony headquarters.
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via joystiq
An analysis of eBay auctions from the last week shows that the average selling prices for the Wii and PS3 have fallen precipitously from highs reached late last week, though the systems still auction for significantly more than their retail prices. At the same time, supplies of the systems on the popular auction site have skyrocketed since launch, with thousands of auctions closing for each system every day.
Average auction prices for both systems reached a high last Friday, with the Wii going for an average of over $580 (roughly 233 percent of retail) and the PS3 averaging nearly $2,400 sale prices (an astounding 397 percent of the retail price). Since then, prices have come down to more reasonable but still inflated levels, with Tuesday's Wii auctions ending at an average of just over $400 and PS3 auctions averaging just under $1,200.
Unsurprisingly, the number of completed auctions for each system peaked on the day after launch, with campers trying to turn their systems around for a quick profit in one day auctions. Over 6,000 PS3 auctions finished on the 18th and over 7,000 Wii auctions were completed on the 20th. PS3 auctions have slightly outpaced Wii auctions thus far, with nearly 15,000 Sony systems auctioned in the past week compared to just under 14,000 Wiis.
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via zx-81

Here is a new version of PSPThom the emulator of the Thomson TO7 home computer !
What's new in version 1.0.2 :
- Bug fix in Render mode x1.25 (missing pixels)
- Add help menu
- Increase the volume
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Medal of Honor™ Heroes, available exclusively for the PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) system, will give gamers the chance to take all the epic, authentic World War II (WWII) action of Medal of Honor (MoH) on-the-go. While building on the key tenets of the franchise including historical accuracy and authenticity, Medal of Honor Heroes is the newest addition to the critically-acclaimed Medal of Honor™ franchise which was credited with pioneering the First-Person Shooter (FPS) WWII genre when it debuted for in 1999. This marks the exciting debut for a Medal of Honor game on the PSP system.
With an entirely unique storyline and PSP-specific feature set, players will experience a totally new single player campaign and choose from six different Multiplayer modes within 15 different maps, while participating in wireless Multiplayer sessions with up to 32 players. Or choose to play with up to 8 players across the room in a local Ad hoc game. "Quickplay" missions in skirmish game mode, allow players to jump right into the action or customize mission scenarios for added re-playability. Relive your favorite Medal of Honor moments by unlocking over 20 classic characters to use in multiplayer games.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1l1z.html
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Pink version of the PSP has now been released at Play Asia, its already available in the UK and i even brought my daughter one for Xmas , gotta say that the colour even though is pink looks cooler than MY Black and Silver PSPs.

Price: US$ 199.90 (~106.37 GBP)
Box contents
PlayStation Portable System (PSP-1000PK)
Battery Pack
AC Adapter (100-240V)
Buy at Play Asia here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1p3t.html
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 brings together 20 of Capcom's golden arcade games on one disk. Turn your console into a time machine and step into memory lane to relive the glory days of yesteryear. Multiplayer games allow you to challenge all your friends. Unlock cheats to help you beat your favorite games. Unlockable training videos give you the upper hand in performing powerful moves. Gallery gives you a glance at the original art while giving a history lesson on the games.
More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mln.html
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

Dual Guitar Shredding: Guitar Hero II™ takes the guitar rock experience to new volumes by allowing players to play 3 different guitar tracks: Rhythm, Bass, and Lead .
Follow up to an Award Winning Soundtrack : Guitar Hero II™ follows up on the award winning soundtrack of Guitar Hero™ with over 55 new tracks.
New Modes: Guitar Hero II™ introduces all new multiplayer modes like: cooperative, pro-face off, and face off, letting 2 Guitar Heroes conduct their own symphonies of destruction.
Shred School: Guitar Hero II™ features an all new practice mode, allowing Guitar Zeroes to become Guitar Heroes with enough practice.
Rock the Rhythm, Lead, and Bass Guitar tracks in the follow-up sequel to the Best Music Game of the year of 2005. Form your guitar duo and shred riffs cooperatively or go head to head in all new multiplayer modes. With over 55 tracks to rock out to, you'll go from Guitar Hero to Guitar god in one press of a fret button. Choose from multiple rock characters and jam at concert venues that grow in size as your rock career progresses! You’ll start your rock career playing small clubs and bars, but if you play well you’ll work your way up to stadiums and arenas.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1d7n.html
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

28 classic Sega Genesis games in one low priced package.
Includes Altered Beast, Golden Axe I-III, the original Sonic The Hedgehog, Phantasy Star II™, Shinobi: Return of the Ninja Master™, Ecco the Dolphin™, and much more.
Includes glimpses into next-generation titles yet to come from Sega.
Bonus content, including unlockable arcade titles and interviews with original Sega Genesis developers.
For the first time ever on the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system and the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, players can experience celebrated Sega Genesis® titles including mega hits like Sonic The Hedgehog® and Golden Axe ™. This collection is a comprehensive look at the massively successful Sega Genesis era – a must-have for gamers today.
Full Game List:
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Kid Chameleon
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mlm.html
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November 22nd, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
News/Release from Denitro
PSP Revolution v0.3 is complete!
For those that are new to the game, PSP Revolution is a StepMania/DDR style game based on music and rhythm where sequences of arrows scroll up the screen in beat to a song. When the arrows reach the indicator at the top of the screen, you must hit the corresponding button. Up / Down / Left / Right buttons are used in conjunction with /\ / X / [] / O buttons to hit the arrows. The difficulty of the song is indicated by the number of feet that are lit up in the song select screen. The difficulty of most songs can be changed by pressing Left or Right while in the song select screen.
Since this is a game based on music, Headphone or Earphones are recommended for the best sound experience!
Additional songs can be downloaded from sites such as http://www.bemanistyle.com, http://www.flashflashrevolution. com and http://www.stepmania.com. Some songs/packs may be in .smzip format and can still be extracted using Winzip or Winrar.
Highlights in this version include: MUCH improved gameplay and song compatibility, New step detection based on timing windows, New score system very similar to MAX 2, Dynamic background changes, and many many more...
Also included in this release is a new theme by Renpatsu you can select in the Options Screen.
Full Changelog:
-Added 2 "Hide" mods in song option screen - Dark and Blind
-Added 1 "Effects" mod in song options screen - Dizzy
-Added support for dynamic background changes read from .SM files with option to toggle on and off
-Step hit detection now based on a timing window that is consistent across all BPM ranges
-Set timing windows on step hits set to be identical to In the Groove (which is very close to StepMania Judge 4)
-Added .GIF and .BMP file support
-Added song background scaling options and sampling modes into system options screen
-Song select screen now shows a song's lowest and highest BPM speed
-New grading and scoring system based off of DDR MAX 2
-Score Screen Redesigned
-Song Preview Music now plays proper section of a song instead of from the beginning
-Added a slight delay to preview playback for a better feel when selecting songs
-Combined the top arrow base file with the top arrow file to save a draw each frame
-Song background images now scale to fit the PSP screen by default
-Max song image size supported increased to 1024x768+
-Changed logic for main menu music playback when selecting themes
-Screenshots now saved as .JPG's to the PSP's photo folder (1.5 firmware doesn't show .PNG's)
-Top arrow animation changed to flash at 1/4th the songs current bpm, and step animation frames sync to match
-Changed song loading so that .SM file is preferred over .DWI file and will always be used first if available
-Normalized difficulty text to be consistent using Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard, Challenge, and Other
-Improved in game score display to be animated and always display 9 digits
-Song and pack lists are now sorted alphabetically
-Added a noise-shaping and dithering algorithm to mp3 playback for increased audio accuracy
-New step explosion effects that are now colored to match type of hit
-Added an option for a delay to exit a song with the R-trigger (2 seconds by Default)
-Added theme metrics support for more game customization. See the instructions.txt in the theme folder.
-Song and Pack names that are too long to display will now scroll
-Added 3 new arrow colors and better separated step colors by where in the current beat the step falls
-Up and Down on D-pad may now be held for fast scrolling of pack and song lists
-Current theme selection and CPU speed are now saved and reloaded when restarting the game
-Improved resource handling to maintain a higher amount of free linear memory space
-Greatly receded memory usage of step and beat information when a song is loaded to play
-Significantly decreased game and song load times
-Improved syncing for a few songs which were still off, such as a few in the DDR 8th mix pack
-Fixed a bug that caused a rare sound glitch in the beginning of certain song files
-Fixed themes loading of custom sound effect (.wav) files
-Fixed bug(?) in libTremor that was causing slight instabilities due to an ~7KB memory leak on song changes (OGG library)
-Correct theme is highlighted when entering/re-entering the theme change menu
-Fixed banner support for jpegs
-Changed screenshot logic to prevent cases of overwriting older screenshots
-SMANIAC(SM) and Challange(DWI) steps feet color set to purple
-Freezes and and BPM changes no longer cause sync issues in songs
-MP3 and OGG audio that is not encoded at 44.1 kHz is now resampled to play correctly
-Fixed playback of 1 channel (Mono) OGG song files
-Fixed bug that caused speed mods to loose accuracy
-Fixed instabilities when running with an eLoader

Have Fun!!
The PSP Revolution Team,
--Babak Delkhoon (DeNitro - Programming)
--Matt Sachse (Devin923 - Graphics)
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via Denitro
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November 22nd, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Last Friday's PS3 launch in the US stimulated a significant rise in PSP and PS2 sales.
For the week ending November 20th, Sony has confirmed that PSP week-on-week sales increased by 29 per cent, while 24 per cent more PS2 units were sold.
The information came from Sony’s top five US retailers, including GameStop and Wal-Mart.
Sony's head of corporate communications David Karraker said the buzz surrounding the PS3 release had provided “a halo effect on other PlayStation products”.
North America’s 400,000 PS3 stock allocation sold out on the day of the console’s launch. Sony expects to have shipped one million PS3 units to the territory by the end of 2006.
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November 22nd, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Last Friday's PS3 launch in the US stimulated a significant rise in PSP and PS2 sales.
For the week ending November 20th, Sony has confirmed that PSP week-on-week sales increased by 29 per cent, while 24 per cent more PS2 units were sold.
The information came from Sony’s top five US retailers, including GameStop and Wal-Mart.
Sony's head of corporate communications David Karraker said the buzz surrounding the PS3 release had provided “a halo effect on other PlayStation products”.
North America’s 400,000 PS3 stock allocation sold out on the day of the console’s launch. Sony expects to have shipped one million PS3 units to the territory by the end of 2006.
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November 22nd, 2006, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sony your getting crappier at these firmware updates, yeah you can bully shops into submission but the PSP Hacking scene takes a big poo on your firmware updates.
Heres the news from noobz:
So. Firmware 3.00 has been out for 2 days. Firmware 3.01 has been out for less than one day. Does anyone want a dumper and decrypter for them? We thought you might.
We're proud to present a mod to the PSPPet's PSARDumper, that will decrypt all known firmware update PSARs - just extract the PSAR from the EBOOT in the usual way, copy it to ms0:/data.psar, and run the dumper.
You can download it here. Full source is included, but please don't ask us how we made it. We could tell you, but we'd have to kill you...
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November 22nd, 2006, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The insanely pretty and ambitious Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is finally coming out soon. December 5th, to be exact. Gamespot seems to have a near-complete version in their hands, and they have a very detailed video preview, featuring tons of new never-before-seen footage of the game in motion.
They seem to have nothing but praise for this fully loaded sequel. From the graphics, to the gameplay, to the storyline and presentation-- it appears that Konami has taken no shortcuts for this game. I could say more, but I'd rather let the video do the talking.
Video Here
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November 22nd, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all its great that people are able to boot linux on the PS3, to the general user however Linux is just too hard.
Now back in the Xbox Emulation days a pal of mine called DC Grendel released an Apple 2 emulator for the Xbox that used Linux but was transparent so was a fully legal emulator for the Xbox. It didnt really get much notice by the Xbox scene but maybe that same idea could be used on the PS3.
Thoughts anyone ?
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November 23rd, 2006, 05:35 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via tech
It’s becoming more clear that Sony’s new Playstation 3 is not just a toy for gamers, but a toy for hackers as well.
We’ve seen it with past consoles. Hackers always manage to create “hacks” and “mods”, despite the claims by gaming console manufacturers that their new system is resistant to piracy. What makes the PS3 vulnerable to attacks?
The answer to this question lies in the PS3’s heart, the ’Cell‘ processor. The Cell processor started out as a joint project of Toshiba, Sony and IBM in 2000, and today is powering the PS3. IBM states the Cell’s security architecture is designed to prevent only software based attacks, so modding a PS3 would require a hardware addition or modification.
Hardware modding is the fundamental tool of all hackers. Once they have physical access to the PS3 the fun can begin.
The PS3 could not have made this easier, as many owners have already swapped out the PS3’s hard drive for a larger one with reports of the system accepting and formatting the new drive. This may seem like a small start to modding, but to hackers, it’s a wide open door. Is Sony’s Phil Harrison hinting that this is the best way to hack the PS3 when he says: “I’d be amazed if the Playstation 4 has a physical disk drive.”
Methods similar to the XBox 360 hack (where the authentication protocol between the optical disc drive and the console have been attacked) have been the number one thought on hacker’s minds, judging by posts at various sites.
One idea is that a Blu-Ray disk could be simulated by using a laptop and a Blu-Ray emulator. As the Blue-Ray application programming interface is publicly available, this attack may be one of the first seen.
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November 23rd, 2006, 05:44 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via engadget
Hot on the heels of the big 3.0 firmware update for the PlayStation Portable, Sony's finally let loose its pricing plans for the forthcoming PS1 game downloads, although the downloads themselves are still apparently a few weeks away (unless you're in Japan, in which case you can get your Tekken 2 fix today). When they do show up, however, you can plan on dropping between $5.99 and $10.99 for the games, with each taking up between 140MB and 550MB on your Memory Stick Duo. The biggest sticking point for many PSP users, however, is that, as previously reported, you can't just download the games directly to your PSP -- instead, you have to download them onto your PS3's hard drive first and transfer 'em to your Memory Stick Duo from there. No problem for some but, last we checked, there's a heckuva lot more people with PSPs than PS3s, and at the rate things are going, that looks like it'll be the case for a while yet.
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November 23rd, 2006, 05:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release from Cools:
Well I took a break from monopoly to code this. An international version of the SMS portion is coming!!! (PSP SMS International) Whats new you may ask? Well theres newline support (a little buggy, but works), Verizon Text Messaging support, and a whole bunch of internal changes. There's a background changer, just press select to bring up an Options menu. Press square to go into the background changer and Square to go back to the regular menu and triangle to get out of the options menu. Backgrounds are from: chrisk, XSonic, Siouxsie, thethingexe, Deanaw22, and kozine! There are 12 interchangeable backgrounds.
Have fun!
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November 23rd, 2006, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from -TacticalPaper:
Release of CTP1.0 T.E.
New features since 1.0:
-Turkey Run away
-Turkey Chase
-Turkey Shoot
-Turkey 2 player
-Turkey Ending
Yes, it is indeed for the holiday tomorrow, not just a hell of a coincidence. Turkey shoot mode is where you chase the turkey and shoot at it with x until its health is 0. File SHOULD be attached.
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via tacical paper
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November 23rd, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via psp2k
There is yet another upgrade of PSPHost available now primarily for a big bug fix!!
PSPHost 2.0 has no new features but does have two major bug fixes, the biggest one being the simple fact that on a lot of computers (mine not included) NETHOST would not stay running, it would close straight away after enabling it.
So after a hunt for possible reasons why PSPHost 2.0 is here which fixes this bug.
Other fix was the timer for detecting servers was slowed down to stop using as many resources
Hopefully this should be a stable enough version for me to be able to spend some time on introducing some new features again 
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November 23rd, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: Darksaviour69
A poor kid waited in the line in BestBuy Boston. He queued for 40hrs. He decided to sell his PS3 on ebay, make a racket, like all the others...... but instead of starting the bidding at $0.99, he made it Buy it Now: $0.99!!
him queuing for the ps3
good news for the quick buyer, geeqnastie.
The Full Info
You are bidding on ,
Brand New SONY Playstation 3 (PS3) 60 GB Premium System Console New In Box !!
Free 2 year WARRANTY - *worth $100
WARRANTY DETAIL@ www.bestbuy.com/replacementplan
phone # @ 1-888-539-6883
(covers even the system defects)
2 Free Games of Your Choice - Choose 2 games from the Link Below (All the games available on the market )
* I have Resistance - Fall of Man - , NBA 2K7 , Tony Hawk's Project 8 on hand
1 Extra Controller (You will Receive 2)
1 Blue-Ray Movie : Talladega Nights - Ballads of Ricky Robbin
Free Shipping from Boston
I Waited In the line of BestBuy in Boston. I waited there from Tuesday 14th, November 2006.
I was the longest person to be waiting there (40 hrs)
100% FEEDBACK (the last feedback received on 20th Nov, 2006)
You can get the 2-year warranty ONLY when the time of purchase.
have a GREAT NEW YEAR with your Playstation 3 !!!!
Check it out here

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November 23rd, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of SNK classics such as King of Fighters would love to see a selection of the firm's classic Neo-Geo titles available to download on Sony's PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Arcade.
We've all seen how well Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting recently did on Xbox Live and the call's already been made for more retro fighters to be released.
Speaking to CVG Soichiro Hosoya, director of SNK game titles, said, "We've discussed an online delivery service for our classic NeoGeo titles through next-gen formats and Sony Computer Entertainment has agreed to our propositions." All good then in the world of PlayStation, though what the games will be and when they'll launch haven yet to be confirmed.
But the firm has yet to hear back from Microsoft about the possibility of the games heading to Xbox Live Arcade. "We've been sending our propositions to Microsoft for a while, but it will depend on their policy for the Xbox Live Arcade," continued Hosoya. "Of course, we wish to launch our NeoGeo titles through Xbox Live Arcade but we cannot tell whether they'll accept our offer or not at present."
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November 23rd, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
It might not look a million miles ahead of the PS2 editions, but Gran Turismo HD will look sweet in motion with the PS3 spitting out some crazy resolution on a stupidly large HD TV.
And it'll no doubt be brilliant to play - although we're hoping to see graphical improvements made before this hits shelves next year.
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November 23rd, 2006, 17:55 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via computerandvideogames
You might want to keep your guard up when passing mince pies over these new screenshots from Fight Night Round 3 on PS3 - it looks so realistic, a fist may well fly out the screen and punch you on the nose. Should you be a boxing fan, you should be able to spot numerous famous masters of the art in the images.
We're feeling the pain of the guys on the ends of those fists. Enjoy.
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November 23rd, 2006, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
By now many of you will have PS3 Consoles, well we at PS3 Evolution and DCEmu would like to see reviews by our users, the game playing public are often better reviewers than some overpaid journalist.
So if you have a review please post it in our Submit News forum and we will do the rest.
Get your reviews noticed by many thousands and the best will be put up on our site as well 
We Accept any Gaming and Hardware for PS3reviews 
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November 23rd, 2006, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Another day another eBay PS3 scam. Look, we know the supply of PlayStation 3s are limited and demand is high before the big, 4-day break. But folks please, a little caveat emptor... this is eBay for crissake. Oh sure, Schnezy's listing is dubious as hell: titled, "Sony PlayStation 3 PS3 NO RESERVE, HOT HOT HOT" and even supported by a picture of the console itself. And seeing all the features and specs spat out on the page certainly clutters the one, very important bit of text at the very bottom: "note: you are not bidding on an actual ps3, you're only bidding on an e-mail address (Hot_PS3s@hotmail.com), winning bidder will recieve password." But hey, you've gotta read the text son. So enjoy your new Hotmail email address Mr. Notoriousgoat(se?) -- it may be an $890 markup from free, but it's still cheaper than an email address for millionaires in the long run.
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November 23rd, 2006, 18:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony America has acknowledged that there's a problem with upscaling on the PlayStation 3 in its current form, and has pledged to fix it.
Basically, some older HDTVs are happy to do 1080i (interlaced, 1920x1080 resolution) but not 720p (progressive, 1280x720 resolution). The PS3's reaction to this ought to be to "upscale" the 720p image so it's what the 1080i user sees.
However what actually happens is that the PS3 kicks out a 480p image, meaning that people's televisions are left displaying what amounts to not much more than a PS2-size image.
(To put it another way, these people reckon they should be seeing 921,600 pixels, but in actual fact they're only getting 408,960. And they want those extra 512,640 pixels, boy howdy.)
Sony says that this lack of upscaling happens because the television itself needs to have a 720p input in order to display games that don't support the higher resolution 1080p (progressive, 1920x1080) image. (It's good to see everyone's trying to make this simple and easy to comprehend, isn't it?)
"This is an issue on the side of the individual television sets," a statement from SCEA confirms, "which do not accept 720p input, so when a game outputs an HD signal only at 720p, these select TVs have to display the game at 480p instead."
All of which gibberish, however, can be happily set aside given that Sony's working on a solution that will be rolled out in a forthcoming firmware update.
via eurogamer
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November 23rd, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: benh
Hi all
Now if you use the UMD software for the camera you can only take 15 seconds of video but, in the new 3.00 firmware, they have added built in camera software that lets you record any amount of video provided that you have the space on your memory stick. I tried this it works, i recored more than 5 minutes!
I have also had a look at the other features, there are 5 different modes of camera to do including sketch, toy camera, text, distort and normal, there are 4 different sizes of pictures you can take from full sized ones to small ones. you can choose the image quality, you can choose the white balance, change the exposure, you can change other settings and you can look at the photos and videos you have taken while still on the camera, this also works for the video!
so the camera software built into the psp is better in someways than the UMD software!
What do you think?
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November 23rd, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Ok we all knew it was coming but who was a tad annoyed when you found out you need a PS3 before your gonna get PS1 games on your PSP.
So you need a PSP ($199), Mem Card ($100), PS3 ($600 if your lucky) and the cost of the games ($5-$10)
Over 900 Dollars to play PSone on your PSP from new. Thank God we have a great homebrew scene.
Sony messed up again, now its time to encourage those Devs with the tools to develop a PSone emu for free.
Now i do know of a great Coder (Who Knows his PSX Emulators) who is looking to develop a PSone emu for the PSP but doesnt own a PSP and the PSP would need to be a v1.5, so if any of you have a spare one even if its got a dead UMD drive and is that firmware then PM me and ill give you details. (serious people only)
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November 23rd, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK:

Product Features of SONY PSP PSP Official Camera + Chotto Shot Software
Official SONY product
Comes with Chotto Shot UMD software.
No region protection, works on all version of PSP
Software version: Japanese
More Description of SONY PSP PSP Official Camera + Chotto Shot Software
Official Sony PSP product. Comes with Chotto Shot UMD software.
SuccessHK ship Worldwide 
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November 23rd, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK:

Medal of Honor: Heroes lets you become each of the main characters from the Medal Of Honor series. Players can unlock over 20 classic MoH characters to use in multiplayer games adding both variety and personality to their online experience. Travel through 12 unique environments, from rocky coasts of Italy, to the rainy streets of Holland and snowy fields in the Ardennes.
SuccessHK Ship Worldwide
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November 23rd, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SuccessHK:

College Hoops 2K7, the #1 rated college basketball game four years running on both Xbox and PlayStation 2, returns for its sophomore season on the Xbox 360 and is set to make its freshman debut on the PlayStation? system. Leadership makes a difference this year as team chemistry plays a vital role in a team’s performance—especially come tournament time. The college atmosphere is fully realized with updated mascots, improved crowd interaction and more fight songs. With over 325 NCAA Division 1 schools and the deepest legacy mode around, College Hoops 2K7 defines the college basketball experience.
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November 23rd, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Some rumour news that can be taken with a pinch of salt until its released but apparently a coder who released the SE customizer will be releasing a 2.80 downgrader tommorow.
No other details are known and for now its just a rumour.
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November 23rd, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: mavsman4457
With Black Friday coming on tomorrow there are gonna be some good deals so those of you who don't have a good memory stick might want to camp out for Black Friday at Circuit City and pick up this 1gb mem stick because people will be racing through the doors for it. Or you could just go to this website and order one online hassle free.
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November 23rd, 2006, 20:36 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gizmodo
The PS3. Everyone thinks its washed up. Too old to fight. Not prime time anymore. Maybe the PS3 just needs to travel the world. Do some soul searching. And find out what it's really fighting for. Go PS3.
This is a pretty funny Ps3 advertisment depicting the Ps3 as rocky, Training and traveling the world.
video thru youtube via gizmodo
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November 23rd, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Via Elation
QUASI88 is a NEC PC-8801 Emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
Addition of keyboard lock
Addition of [kibodokonhuigu]
Addition of analog input
Adding clock modification to the menu
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November 23rd, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt;
It's one of the most popular racing games of recent times in Australia, and V8 Supercars 3 Shootout (released as TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge in the United States) on PSP looks set to continue the high quality of past titles. As a matter of opinion, we think it's definitely one of the best looking racers on the system, and in the prolonged absence of a portable Gran Turismo, it has an excellent and accurately modelled feel to the handling that said series might be a little envious of.
For Australian racing enthusiasts, it's always nice to see local cars, tracks and drivers take centre stage. This has always been a major point of attraction for fans of the V8 Supercars series. The PSP iteration is no different in this respect. In the Quick Start mode, players can initially choose from either a Holden Commodore VZ or a V8 Ford Falcon BA. From here, you can select from the default racing team and driver for each make.
Featured in this version is a comprehensive list of the biggest in Australian and international racing. Ricky Cole, Steven Brady, John Hartshorne, Piers Johnson, Matt Griffin and dozens more fill out the ranks.
Quick Start, as the name implies, takes you straight into the action - a continuous championship that pits you against 20 other drivers on a world tour of tracks. It's a continuous championship, too - bowing out of a race will affect your overall standing and you'll start the next track at a serious disadvantage. However, if you're new to the series, we'd heartily recommend working your way through the early stages of the World Challenge mode before jumping straight into the races - if not, you're liable to end up pressed against the cement embankments more often than you'd like.
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November 23rd, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
How do you fill in the gaps of a legendary story with a tale that's been eagerly awaited as long as a system has been released? If you're Kojima Productions, you proceed very carefully, especially with your trademark character. Ever since the PSP was released, Metal Gear Solid fans have been clamoring for an action title with the scope of the console titles. Although the turn based strategy of the Metal Gear Acid titles was a temporary solution, the desire for a true action title has never actually been fulfilled until now. In less than two weeks, Konami and Kojima Productions will raise the curtain on Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, the latest chapter in the Metal Gear saga.
The story of Portable Ops is designed to answer a number of questions from Snake Eater and lay the groundwork for later Metal Gear titles. While we won't go into a lot of details, we'll highlight some of the basic plot details that are well known. Portable Ops starts on November 10, 1970, which is six years after the events of Snake Eater. Mysteriously, Snake is kidnapped, drugged and thrown into a South American jail cell, where he finds himself interrogated by Lieutenant Cunningham, a former CIA agent. Cunningham is searching for information related to the Philosopher's Legacy, the much sought after secret from Snake Eater. Cunningham isn't particularly easy on Snake, and leaves his cell after torturing him for a while.
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November 23rd, 2006, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Sure, we've already taken a long, hard look at SEGA's forthcoming Virtua Fighter 5 for PlayStation 3 here at IGN. However, given yesterday's fleeting office visit by our friendly, local SEGA PR chap, we thought we have a quick stab at the game to see how things are coming along.
If you're a fan of the legendary series, you're probably already well aware of Virtua Fighter 5's two new characters - the Lucha Libre-inspired El Blaze and Monkey Kung-fu-ing Eileen. Both were present and correct in the build we played - as was the newly-implemented 'Offensive Move' technique, enabling you to dodge blows by circling around your opponent while moving in out out, pressing diagonally on the d-pad.
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November 23rd, 2006, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
This franchise has come a long way since it was released on the 3DO back in the mid-90s. I remember how frustrated I got having to slow down to a near stop just to successfully navigate a curve. But now, the Need for Speed franchise is one of the best around, and it seems Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City continues the franchises forward progression.
PGNx Media (87/100) - It's one of the rare times where you should purchase both the console versions and the PSP version since both offer different yet extremely compelling racing.
Games Radar (80/100) - We're definitely keen on the PSP version, serving up some solid racing fun that'll get your heart pumping and your fingers moving. Just be sure to get by with a little help from your friends.
IGN (70/100) - Own the City simply feels like more of the same. Sure, there's an open city and wingmen that'll take out your opponents during a race, but neither of these are huge, game-changing additions.
I haven't had the chance to play the game yet, but from these reviews, it seems like a pretty decent game. Hopefully, EA continues the Need for Speed franchise on the PSP.
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November 23rd, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via pspfanboy
When we first announced that Sega Genesis Collection was heading to the PSP with nearly 30 games to play on, many of you nearly pissed in your pants. At only $30, the collection is quite a steal, especially compared to Virtual Console prices ($8 for one Genesis game). What did the critics think of this orgy of games?
Gamespot (81/100) calls it a winner - "The Sega Genesis Collection is one of the most satisfying, well-put-together classic game compilations to date... Even if you were an avid fan of the Genesis back in its heyday, chances are you never got around to playing a number of these games, many of which are still quite fun and remarkably challenging even by today's standards."
Modojo (80/100) also thinks it's great - "This is still a wondrous trip down memory lane, with loads of 16-bit titles to invest hours in all over again. It's almost enough to make you want to go to the flea market and hunt down a lumbering old Sega CD unit. Almost."
Deeko (75/100) thinks there's great stuff in a sea of crap - "I'll freely admit that many of the games in the collection are pure garbage, but for the most part, you're getting a wide assortment of games that literally covers the entire Sega Genesis spectrum - with four full length role-playing games to really keep you busy being the creme de la creme!"
There's a ton of compilations coming out, but to be honest, it seems like this one is the best of the bunch. Too bad it's missing Streets of Rage.
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November 23rd, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Xandu has posted a new release of his Mario game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Hey folks!
This is a little update of Super Mario Power Coins!
-Ability to run by pressing the square button while moving
-Ability to change characters : Mario, Luigi (for now)
-GFX improvement
-Fixed some bugs
Next version might include:
-Analog movement
-More characters
-New level backgrounds
-New enemies
-Level difficulty choice
-More to come...
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via xandu
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November 24th, 2006, 00:21 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via playfuls
I gotta tell you the truth, if I do one more "next-gen madness" piece of editorial with two dozen stories mashed into a single post, I'm gonna go cuckoo. If I haven't already. Like 25 years ago. But anyway, I decided to take one story at a time from here on, and to start off (actually continue) this next-gen madness, how about some... PlayStation 3 emulation? (as it turns out, there are also a couple of dozen stories on this topic, but what the hell!)
After a not-so-smooth launch that drove the waiting crowds into a frenzy, leading people to do some very evil things to those poor geeks (check the last story), Sony's PlayStation 3 was finally launched in North America last week. And with it came the scanned PS3 manual, the PlayStation Network (accessible from anywhere, and not so free for third-party publishers), the PS3 Store (with some PSX games), the PS3 backward compatibilty list, the PS3 SIXAXIS controller that doesn't time out, the PS3 HDD replacement, the banned PS3 European imports on eBay, and of course the smashed PS3 (looks pretty solid, compared to the Wii).
Phew, where was I? Ah yes, emulation. There's actually two things to talk about here: games emulation, and other kind of software emulation. In both cases, the starting point is running an alternative operating system, so let's start with that.
Even before the console's launch, it was already known that the PlayStation 3 would allow you to install alternate operating systems. But only afterwards did the first such "Other OS" - Fedora Core 5 Linux - become available. The installation procedure for Fedora Core 5 (or any other future OS) on the PS3 is not quite simple... at all. So before you do anything (stupid), make sure to read every little thing you find on the "Open Platform for PlayStation 3" website. Yes, it's been updated, so now you can actually see how the "Other OS" installation works, in theory.
In practice, a more detailed installation procedure for Fedora Core 5 can be found on QJ.net, along with various requirements and warnings you should again check in advance. If all goes well, it should look something like this.
So now that there's Linux on PS3, what could possibly be the next step? Why, emulating Windows under Linux on PS3, of course! Microsoft, eat your heart out, because Windows XP seems to be running a-ok in those pictures there. My next step would have been to see if any MMOs (well, one in particular) can also be run on PlayStation 3, but then again I live in Europe so for now I can only watch what others are emulating. Which brings me to... the games. The non-PlayStation games, that is.
And once again, what could possibly be the next step? Why, emulating Nintendo games on the PS3, of course! Sony, eat your heart out, because Mario is trampling all over your shiny new system, thanks to Linux' ability to run MAME - and thus plenty of old arcade games.
More traditional Internet browsers can also be used on the PS3, instead of the console's restrictive browser. And soon enough more operating systems will be ready to boot on Sony's console. The next one will be Yellow Dog Linux 5.0, scheduled for release this Sunday on November 26 (check the link for details).
So there you have it, the PlayStation 3 is now officially one big open platform, if not a full-fledged computer!
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November 24th, 2006, 00:41 Posted By: CoderX
Message From Retro the dude from the PSP_Assult Video Series
According to Ookm the purpose of flash_fatfmt.prx is intended to setup and partition the PSP's internal flash.
Having taken a look in to the matter myself it appears that there is a security change in this module that would prevent unsigned code from executing kernel calls to the 3.01 flash, - Meaning, (Only Signed Sony Updates can write to flash)
The good news with this is that in the event of an exploit, the 3.0 flash can still be modified
The Problem, downgrading 3.01 is going to be a challenge unless flash_fatfmt.prx is in someway bypassed.
via Retro'
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November 24th, 2006, 06:13 Posted By: XioN980
This news was posted at PSP Gen:
YaPsxP thus becomes yapse4psp and this project will be the first of a series of projects under the name yapse4all. This emulator will be programmed specifically for the hardware of each console, like the PSP and GP2x. Hlide managed to find a support and of the assistance near programmers like Exophase, and the co-operation of zodttd (the creator of Psx4all). PSPgen is the official site of this emulator and if you post this news on another site, think of giving the appropriations to PSPgen.com.
YaPsxP has been renamed yapse4psp. PSP will Be the first console in A series of projects one the name yapse4all namessake. Indeed, this emulator will Be developed for handled' S, (PSP years GP2x) specific hardware. Hlide has found the suport and assistance of talented programmers such Exophase, and the co-operation of ZodTTD (the creator of psx4all). PSPgen is the offcial site of this project. Yew posting news one your site, please give credit to pspgen.com
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November 24th, 2006, 06:30 Posted By: XioN980
Not sure if its fake or not but this was posted on StrmnNrmns blogg:
strmnnrrmn said...
I have had many problems with my internet connection and other family problems in the past few weeks, but I am still hoping to release a new Daedalus by the end of the year which will have great speed improvements.
The name is mispelt so it may be fake but it's still interesting (possible) news. He may have had to make a new account at blogg spot
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November 24th, 2006, 07:48 Posted By: wraggster
Dragula96 posted a new release of his Lumines Clone for the PSP, heres the details:
LUAmines is a Lumines clone
coded in lua script
There are a total of 10 levels, each with it's own skin and music..
new additions:
* added new "single skin" mode
* replaced all skins with new better looking ones
* finaly re aligned HUD to background.
* Some other misc stuff.
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November 24th, 2006, 15:18 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Introducing, the $1 dollar PlayStation 3 Auction!
That's right. I am selling the whole package for $1 USD.
On Nov. 17th , I paid $1,700 CAD (about $1,500 USD) for the 60 gigabyte console, two games ( Resistance: Fall of Man and Marvel Ultimate Alliance ), and extra wireless controller -- including the $750 I offered to someone in exchange for their spot in line at my local London Drugs store.
Buy-it-now, though, and it will be yours for $1 dollar -- no strings attached.
The successful bidder will need to be on Santa's Good List for 2006. If you would like to be on Santa's Good List, write to Santa and explain to him why you should be on the Good List. You can do this at: www.onedollarplaystation3.com/goodlist
Ebay auction
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November 24th, 2006, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
The PS2 psychological horror game was due out today, but RoR publisher 505 Games has announced that it "has taken the decision not to publish Rule of Rose in the UK at this time" following "discussions with our retail and publishing partners".
Rule of Rose was on the receiving end of negative publicity earlier this month when news broke that Europe's justice commissioner Franco Frattini had taken issue with the game's content.
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November 24th, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
Hideo Kojima, legendary developer and creator of the Metal Gear Solid series, has revealed his disappointment at the lack of a rumble feature in Sony's PS3 SixAxis pad. "I miss the rumble," he's said in a recent interview, adding "even now I hope it will come back".
The reasons behind Sony's decision to create the SixAxis controller without rumble haven't ever been officially confirmed, although most suspect that the cost of including the rumble technology put off the PS3 creator. It seems, though, that developers like Hideo Kojima are eager to welcome back the feature.
There are plans, however, for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots to use SixAxis' motion-sensing capabilities, with Kojima confirming during the chat with Official PlayStation Magazine UK that he "can't say how we'll use the motion-sensing functionality specifically but we'll use it for sure". Will we be wrestling with the pad to choke a guard? We'll just have to wait and see.
Kojima also hinted at some interesting gameplay aspects of MGS4, suggesting that it will be possible to make mid-game allies: "You may decide to stick with nation 'A' or 'B' in the game's war, or you could destroy both".
This will have interesting consequences in-game: "Sometimes Gekkos (the weird, hooting robots in the trailers) will spot you as you're the enemy, but sometimes you're not necessarily the enemy to them". Whatever the word on rumble, Kojima's Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is certainly promising to rock our worlds.
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November 24th, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Kids, if you're going to commit a crime, make sure you do it right.
Sacramento Police have arrested Tauryn Robert Hodge and Gerald Anthony Keys, two 19 year-old GameStop employees, in connection with the "armed robbery" of four PS3s from the Elk Grove, California store last week. Sadly, they were not caught on CCTV wielding sawn-offs and screaming "GET ON THE F**KING FLOOR OR THE ASSISTANT MANAGER GETS IT".
Police suspect the two simply stole the PS3s outside of work hours, then called in the cops with claims of an "armed robbery". Their plan fell apart when detectives "felt there was more to the investigation than meets the eye". Nice to see some Transformers fans amongst America's lawmen.
Via Kotaku
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November 24th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released compilation of Sega Genesis classics from Play Asia:

28 classic Sega Genesis games in one low priced package.
Includes Altered Beast, Golden Axe I-III, the original Sonic The Hedgehog, Phantasy Star II™, Shinobi: Return of the Ninja Master™, Ecco the Dolphin™, and much more.
Includes glimpses into next-generation titles yet to come from Sega.
Bonus content, including unlockable arcade titles and interviews with original Sega Genesis developers.
For the first time ever on the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system and the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, players can experience celebrated Sega Genesis® titles including mega hits like Sonic The Hedgehog® and Golden Axe ™. This collection is a comprehensive look at the massively successful Sega Genesis era – a must-have for gamers today.
Full Game List:
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Kid Chameleon
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mlz.html
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November 24th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game released:

Re-imagined by the creative minds at Q Entertainment, GUNPEY delivers an addictive puzzle game experience, combined with exciting music and visuals for the ultimate game on the go. The player's objective is simple - or is it?
Lines of various shapes climb up the screen over five columns, and you must connect all the lines over the five columns, filling the screen from left to right. If an incomplete line reaches the top of the screen, the game is over!
With a variety of challenging modes, original music that changes pace and rhythm as you accomplish more combos and multiplayer capabilities; this is the game to pick up for the holidays.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mm0.html
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November 24th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via yoyomacy
It is here...LuaAirForce 0.4 With lots and lots of new features, this a game you wouldnt want to miss. Before getting into details, i would like to thank -Tactical Paper- becuase he helped me so much in this game, same with pspgamer and cools. NOW the fun and details, this list includes every feature put after the first version was released:
-New menus
-Smaller Files
-Health bar
-button smasher mode (kill a slow moving boss thats comming towatrds you if you dont he will touch you and you die.. button smasher mode is difficult, cuz you can only shoot 5 bullets at once at the screen and if you shoot more the first bullet you shot will disappear, so it might not reach the plane, its challenging but doable)
-space out levels more
-more weapons
-ultra speed survival (how long can you last in super speed)
-Planes now scroll off screen instead of popping off
-Animation when planes are shot
-Bullet now has tracer-like red on it
-At certain levels the speed ACTUALLY increases
-Ammunition limit added
-Points are gained when enemies are shot
-Code was cleaned up a bit, runs smoother
-Sometimes explosions stop midway through and sit there untill planes move off screen, especially at high speeds with the small planes
-No more Bullet.lua, combined with game.lua
-Minor buggies were fixed
-Start or Select now exit the game
- ONLINE DUAL (please do not use this feature for a few days because the server is currently down)
Online feature is using your wireless internet router, face someone by obth starting at the same time, and you can see your opponents score, and see who can go longer and last longer
If any bugs are found please post them here.
Thanks goes to -Tacticalpaper-, pspgamer512, and cools for their help.
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via yoyomacy
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November 24th, 2006, 18:48 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Yongobongo
This version is a port to firmwares using eLoader, or 2.71 SE.
It should work - If it's not working, notify me here - I know how to fix it
~New Features~
File browsing - Went from a Text-Based Opener (type the name, it opens it) to a fully featured File browser for Opening PNG files Thanks to Fuzzie 360's AWESOME LowserLIB. I have modified it to support JPG and TGA loading as well, all credit to Fuzzie!
Multiple Format Saving Menu - Ah, this is also awesome! Press circle and a little menu comes up asking you which format to save the image as. Either TGA, JPG or PNG! Saves it to PSP/PHOTO and it tells you whether the save was successful or not
Bug Fixes - Self explanatory
New for yPaint v0.4b
* Now compatible with all eLoader versions and 2.71 SE!
* New intro screen (better looking )
This is version 0.4B. It is compatible with eLoader versions and SE-B, as well as 1.00.
It is not K-Xploited, 1.50 usersplease use 0.4a
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via Yongobongo
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November 24th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via aeolusc
This is a prx mod written for DevHook 0.4+, which is used to view/search
and modify/lock data in memory while playing game.
HOWTO Install
1. Run accessory tool CMA.exe, select target for installation and click
Install button.
2. If you wanna get it work on custom firmware 2.71SE, put folder SECMInst
into your GAME150 and run it to write a tiny bootstrap into flash0 safely.
3. Start game, press [Volume UP] + [Volume DOWN] button to call up the menu.
If wanna dump memory or use fuzzy search, plz confirm that there're at least
24M free space on MemoryStick (sugget 48M for unknown search).
2006-11-25 v0.6c
[!] Limit search alignment due to the MIPS CPU instructions (greatly improved search speed)
[!] Fixed bug that memory table list is cleared after loading memory table data
2006-11-24 v0.6b
[+] Added installer to install/remove bootstrap loader into/from 2.71SE flash0 (2.71SE is available in Accessory Tool firmware list now)
[!] Fixed input problem again
[!] Fixed crash on wakeup from sleep mode
[!] Fixed memory usage, kernel partition 4 is no more used, user mode memory(partition 6) is used instead (if the user mode memory is used out by game, you can not read text then)
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November 24th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Yongobongo
browsR v0.1
The file browser/manager for PSP!
What is it?
browsR is a file browser/manager capable of Music playback, text viewing, picture viewing, file/folder deleting and more!
Please note this is the first release, and I will try to improve according to your responses!
I made this for my upcoming shell, so here's a taste!
Compatible file types
These formats are the currently compatible playback/viewing formats in browsR You can still see other formats, and delete them
* MP3
* IT
* XM
* S3M
* 669
* BMP - MUST be 24 bit
* Static ELF
* LUA Package
These are then current usable formats, but you can still browse for, and delete all other files/folders
All feedback/help is appreciated!
Thanks guys!
And if you make a skin, please share it! Because my background is certainly not fabulous
Plans for next release
* Skin Support
* Copy/Paste (Maybe?)
* IR File transfer (Have to find out about this one)
Enjoy browsR!
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via Yongobongo
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November 24th, 2006, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Just got home from shopping and eaten my Fish and Chips and came on the PC to check my emails and my pal Anonymous Coder has emailed me to say that a pre release of PS1P will be hapening tonight, PS1P is of course the Playstation Emulator for the PSP, this pre release will only support one game as a tester to see reactions etc.
Not sure what game he will choose as that one game but tell us via comments and ill try and get him to make a build for that one game.
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November 24th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
From December 11, PSP owners will be able to download a free Christmas-themed level of the bizarre Japanese tilt-'em-up, LocoRoco from www.yourpsp.com.
You won't need to own the game, you just log onto the website on your PC, download the files and copy them to your memory card to get playing.
The snow-covered level will feature a new Christmas tune, new enemies in Christmas costumes, sleighs, reindeers and some "unexpected surprises" too.
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November 24th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Just for the people not to worry, Booster has now resumed his work on the psp (especially devhook) after several months of inactivity due to beeing working on another console's scene (I am not sure I can name it so I wont).
I am sorry, for now I cannot give any ETA current devhook betas, still be sure to know serious improvements were done.
May the scene be with you
Cheers to Dark_Alex/Moonlight Yoshihiro, Fanjita, Ryoko_no_usagi, Groepaz, Booster, Tyranid, Nem, MrBrown, psppet, emu_kidid and Shadowsan from GCOS, gcmods operators, every one who supported us, and every devs who I forgot to mention on this signature :thumbup:
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November 24th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released at SuccessHK

The game is set in Soleanna, the beautiful city of water. In his first adventure set in the human world, Sonic meets a beautiful princess named Elise, whom he quickly befriends, but Princess Elise is abducted by none other than the calculating Dr. Eggman who is working under dark and sinister motives,to destroy this special kingdom of hers. In order to restore safety and serenity, Sonic must maneuver his way through a series of adventures and challenges where he will encounter and interact with a bevy of allies and enemies, and ultimately go head to head against the menacing doctor to thwart his malicious plans. Along the way, Sonic encounters a mysterious character named Silver. Blocking him with unique supernatural powers, even the Blue dude with ‘tude will find it difficult to out-maneuver the enigmatic Silver! As Sonic speeds through the huge kingdom, the mysteries unravel.
Sonic The Hedgehog melds top-tier animation production values with next generation art, physics and game design to create the most intense, high velocity Sonic adventure yet! Featuring interactive 3D environments, a large cast of new and returning characters, and a blistering sense of speed, get ready for the reinvention of Sonic The Hedgehog!
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November 24th, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Game released at SuccessHK

Ridge Racer has traditionally been about fictional car makes and models and, with Ridge Racer 7, you're going have tons of rides to choose from, and lots of options for customizing them. Dubbed the "machine connector," the customization tool in Ridge Racer 7 lets you make a multitude of cosmetic changes to your cars, with new rims, paint jobs, decals, and body kits for various segments of your ride. More importantly, you can also affect the handling of your car with new engine parts, nitrous kits, and plug-ins. With the nitrous setups, there are a number of different options: kits with more than three nitrous "cells" to fill up, giving you more boosts to access; nitrous systems with less capacity but more power; or nitrous kits that feature a single cell of nitrous. This last one seems more flexible, as you can enable and disable the nitrous simply by pressing and letting go of the nitrous button; traditional Ridge Racer nitrous systems use an entire cell of nitrous once you've pressed the button. Plug-ins are additional parts you can add to your car to give it a specific advantage, such as guaranteed rocket starts off the line and many others.
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November 24th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game preorder at SuccessHK

What starts as a friendly competition between Sonic and Knuckles quickly gets intense as other rivals jump into the action! Utilize boost moves and power-ups as Sonic’s rivals try to trip, shove, and vault over Sonic while hurtling towards the finish line at breakneck speed! Negotiate wildly twisting 3D tracks, avoid hazardous traps and hazards, and watch out for the insidious Dr. Eggman and his myriad of contraptions! Whether playing alone or against a friend, it’s always a two-player experience based on tightly designed gameplay mechanics to support high-spirited competition and ultra-tight races!
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November 24th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via weltall
this is a new version which completes the work of REV.A and updates the UMF installer.
Among the changes we have the possibility to change brightness with the screen button on the four brightness level (0 -> 25 -> 50 -> 75 -> 100 -> 0 -> ...) also with only the battery and the screenshoot function is available in two versions and changeable from the config menu: the fast version which was builtin in 0.1.6 and the slow but more compatible version which was builtin in 0.1.6 REV.A. At the moment the only games affected by problems with the fast version of the screenshoot function are the two GTA so if you don't use them you can disable the compatibility mode and have a faster screenshoot experience
this is the complete changelog:
0.1.6 REV. B for 2.71SE
-now it's possible to use both the screenshoot version (the high speed/less compatible,
and the high compatible/slower version) just by changing the options in the config submenu
NOTE: the high compatible version is default
-now it's possible to change the brightness by using the screen button (what's used normally
to change brightness) and put the screen at 0% -> 25% -> 50% -> 75% -> 100% brightness
NOTE: this is disabled as default so if you want it you must enable it under the config menu
0.1.6 REV. A for 2.71SE
-now the screenshoot function can work in two ways (the faster custum mode,
and the more compatible mode from the screenshoot prx from nekokabu)
-for this version the screenshoot function is locked to the compatibility mode
it will be setupable in a next version
-the clock is now changed when exiting cwcheat menu (it should fix games like burnout
locking up cwcheat when changing clock sometimes)
-changed the installer with the coldbird one
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via weltall
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November 24th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game preorder at SuccessHK

Following in the footsteps of its NDS cousin, Bubble Bobble Evolution takes the classic gameplay of the original to remarkable extremes in a truly unique update of the bubble-popping arcade legend.
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November 24th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game preorder at SuccessHK

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops redefines the stealth action genre for handheld gaming systems with an original storyline that follows from the events of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and boasts ground-breaking online play that lets gamers recruit comrades to form a unique fighting force.
The single-player campaign of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops follows the events of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, as Naked Snake establishes FOXHOUND in an attempt to hunt down the treacherous FOX unit, which has started a bloody revolt in South America. Set in 1970, the game will be the missing link in the ongoing Metal Gear saga, as players will learn more about returning characters such as Para-Medic, Major Zero and Sigint and also witness Naked Snake's greatest tragedy ?a loss that sets into motion the events of later games in the Metal Gear Solid timeline.
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November 24th, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game preorder at SuccessHK

In a story paralleling the next-generation console versions of the game, the PSP version will feature exclusive new content and all-new characters as Las Vegas finds itself in chaos and Rainbow operatives are forced to defend one of the most recognizable cities in the world. The future of Las Vegas and global security is in your hands ?will you be able to save Vegas?
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November 24th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Via Pocketgamer:
Put down your weapons, the shootout is over. A two-week long exclusive poll of Pocket Gamer readers has revealed that dual analogue sticks are the hardware upgrade most desired for the next version of Sony's PSP.
In what was admittedly a tight vote, 28 per cent of voters plumped for the two sticks upgrade, versus the 27 per cent who'd most like to see Sony make the screen touch sensitive.
The result won't surprise anyone who's played the likes of Star Wars Battlefront II. Control of certain kinds of games has been a bugbear for PSP gamers from day one. While developers have increasingly successfully compensate for the console's control limitations (for example, GUN: Showdown generous auto-aim feature) there's no doubt the single analogue stick has lessened the PSP's ability to pull ahead of DS in certain genres where its technical smarts would otherwise serve it well, such as first person shooters.
The results in full
What would you most like to see in PSP 2.0?Dual analogue sticks 28%
Touchscreen 27%
Built-in mobile phone 21%
Built in camera and mic 16%
Clamshell case 5%
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November 25th, 2006, 00:16 Posted By: TCLCloud
via PSP Demo Center
In the US Sony have been updating the PSP Spots with downloadable demos, and it looks like some might be on the internet soon-
"I have recieved a number of demo's from a resource.
As soon as I fix my psp to test them, I will post them.
These are the games:
Bomberman JP
Bomberman US
Frogger: HC
LocoRoco 4 US
Namco Museum: BC
Star Soldier JP
Syphon Filter US
and hopefully more to come..."
All i can say is watch this space!
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November 25th, 2006, 00:35 Posted By: benh
Hi all
In this artical I am going to review the PSP camera and the software that came with it in the 3.00 update (I am not reviewing the UMD software, it is the software that came with 3.00)

Name - chotto shot
Weight - 15g
Price - £30, $43, 5,000 yen
Resolution - 1.3 megapixel
The software that came with the 3.00 Update is located under the Photo menu of the XMB, you must first plug the camera in to the USB socket before you can run the software.
Photo mode
When you start the software from the XMB the camera starts up in photo mode, the basic controls are..
- L button to look at other pictures you have taken
- Up and down buttons to zoom in or out
- R button to take photo
- Triangle to bring up the options menu
- Select takes you to movie mode
- Circle takes you back to the XMB
When you are looking at the screen to take the photo at the bottom there are details displayed about your current settings
- Where you have chosen to sace ur photos to
- What image quality you have
- Chosen picture size
- White balance option
- It also displays a sort of help thing where it tells you which buttons to press
The camera in photo mode has a X2.8 digital zoom and the pictures are saved in .jpeg format
If you press triangle a menu of options appear on the screen like in the music player, video player and picture viewer and these options for the photo mode are...
- Record - Takes a photo
- To movie mode - takes you to movie mode
- Review - Lets you look at all other taken photos while still on the camera
- Settings - Lets you choose main settings including to change the shutter sounds, there are a selection of 5 shutter sounds to choose from, There is also the option to choose where you store your taken photos and there is a reset file number option
- Display - This either displays your chosen settings and help text or either hide this information
- Zoom in
- Zoom out
- Image size - choose from 320 X 240, 480 X 272, 640 X 480 and 1280 X 960
- Image quality - Fine quality or standard quality
- White balance - This is where you choose what type of enviroment you take your photo in, if you wanted to take a photo in daylight you will choose the daylight option, If you are in dark places you can either have Fluorescent or Incandescent or if your not sure what to choose put it in automatic and the camera should do all the work for you
- Exposure adjustment - goes from -1.5 to + 1.5
- Effect - This chooses the type of mode you want your camera to be in you can either have sketch, toy camera, Distortion, text ot you can just have it normal
That is all the details of the software in camera mode, on to movie mode.
Video mode
When you press select or go to movie mode from photo mode the basic controls are..
- L to review taken videos
- R to record video
- Select to go back to photo mode
- Triangle to bring up the options menu
- Circle to go back to the XMB
When you are in movie mode and looking at the screen just like in photo mode it displays your settings at the bottom of the screen, it displays..
- Movie film type
- Image quality
- where you save your videos to
- how much you have recored (timer)
The camera in Movie mode has a X1.4 digital zoom and the videos are saved as motion jpeg format video and also this peice of built in software lets you record an unlimited amount of video provided that you have space on your memory stick.
Just like in photo mode if you press triangle a menu comes up like in the music player, movie player and the photo viewer, the options on this menu are...
- Record - Start Recording video
- To photo mode - Takes you to photo mode
- Review - Lets you look at videos you have taken while still on the camera
- Settings - Lets you choose main settings including to change the shutter sounds, there are a selection of 5 shutter sounds to choose from, There is also the option to choose where you store your taken photos and there is a reset file number option
- Display - This either displays your chosen settings and help text or either hide this information
- Zoom in
- Zoom out
- Movie size - This is where you choose how big your video is you can choose from 320 X 240 (15fps), 320 X 240 (30 fps), 480 X 272 (15fps) and 480 X 272 (30fps)
- Image quality - you can choose from fine quality or standard quality
- White balance - This is where you choose what type of enviroment you take your photo in, if you wanted to take a photo in daylight you will choose the daylight option, If you are in dark places you can either have Fluorescent or Incandescent or if your not sure what to choose put it in automatic and the camera should do all the work for you
- Exposure adjustment - This goes from -1.5 to +1.5
And that about covers it for the camera and software that came with 3.00.
The only other thing i could mention is that this is something that could be added to in future firmware updates, sony could add more camera effects, more white balance options, more shutter sounds etc, something that can always be added to.
So what do you think to this?
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November 25th, 2006, 04:06 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via dragula96
Version 0.06b 11/24/2006
-- Optimized control scheme
controls less choppy now and act more like the real game
-- Added Shadow Effect when moving left/right
game is running on a good stable 54 fps
instructions on updating to 0.06b:
download the full game if you havent already here:
then download the patch attached on this thread
then just replace the index.lua with the new one.
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download via dragula96
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November 25th, 2006, 06:11 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via cinemablend
Trinigy and SCE have joined together to bring end-users the ability to develop games for the PS3, using the Vision Engine. What’s even better is that gamers could be seeing projects that otherwise wouldn’t even have been considered for the PS3, as possible ports for Sony’s next-gen console.
The recent announcement by Trinigy has put the Vision Engine as a top middleware component for the Playstation 3. This is coming off of their recent announcement for having multi-threaded support for multi-core systems, which logically coincides with their PS3 association. So games being designed using the Vision will have a lot of multi-core support to take advantage of all that raw horse power bundled up in the PS3. Added to this, developers will already have built-in support for the Ageia PhysX, making the Vision an engine to be reckoned with.
But what of the games currently being designed for the PC, using the Vision? Well, I asked Trinigy’sFelix Roeken if it would be possible for current projects for the PC to make a seamless transition over onto the PS3. His responded with the following... “Naturally - as a rule of thumb - the earlier a multi-platform approach is planned within a game production the easier the porting will arise (e.g. with regard to art assets, shaders used and multithreading paradigms).”
However, given the compatibility of the Vision 6.0 multi-core PhysX supporting engine, he continued on to say “I remember we managed to port a full PC-based game prototype of a client of us to Xbox360 within a week in fact - but this was an emergency case and should not be made a rule.” I’m sure it’s a rule us gamers wouldn’t want enforced, given that the games would probably end up being crappier than a collaborative rap CD by Kevin Federline and John Cena.
But with more than 60 titles in the making, using the Vision Engine, you can visit Trinigy’s Main Website for more information regarding their partnership with Sony and some of the game titles currently in development.
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November 25th, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: gunntims0103
new Mod release via JEMdev
Ok, before you say, hey killing dolphins is wrong, just remember its a game,
anyway this is yet another mod of Die Critters Die by me.
Basicly your a patient of a mental institution who gets bored one day, and desides its time to kill some of the other other white meat, now, simply fed up with normal human, and critter carnage, you decide that, oceanworld is sounding just right around now.
This time the mod comes fully ready to go with the eboot included, no need for the original game!
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via JEMdev
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November 25th, 2006, 15:29 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via winnydows of his Video Converter for the PSP.
4.043 changes:
Rewritten Preview, EditAVS, SaveAVS logic.
Normalize on preview don`t crash on DVDs anymore.
Fixed bug 4000. Was if switch beetwin MPEG2 > IPOD > MPEG2 output formats.
For MPEG2 encoding locked minimal video (1000) and audio (128) bitrate.
Fixed MPEG2 encoding in 3-pass mode.
Lame updated to 3.97.
Now in always used pictiming version of x264.
x264 updated to R601.
Fixed bug - if import d2v file, change output name and press preview - program crash.
Fixed work with VirtualDubMod.
Fixed FLV import.
Fixed bugs in End Do and Priority boxes.
Fixed resume encoding jobs added in previous session.
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November 25th, 2006, 16:35 Posted By: MonkeyBoy1916
At First I wasnt Planning on releasing this until I was 100% done with it, but being as with my PC issues ive decided to release it as is as v5, then later on create 1 final version, v6. For those that dont know, this is a mod of the homebrew PSP Revolution, which is basically Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) for PSP, mine is modded with Anime Songs, graphics, menu's and such. Enjoy.
I wasnt planning on releasing it this way, but with my PC issues I cant continue my normal work on it, instead ill make v6 the final release.
Nobody has the right to use any of my work without my permission. I have seen others do just that, and I had their mods taken down. If you come to me and ask me, I dont see a reason why I would say no, but all credit for my work goes to me and my team.
Installation instructions:
Fw 1.50:
Drag the folders inside the 1.50 folder into your
"ms0:/psp/game/" folder.
Fw 1.00 & 2.0+:
1st: Drag the folder inside the 1.00 folder into your
"ms0:/psp/game/" folder;
2nd: Go to the "__SCE__Anime_Style_v5" inside
the 1.50 folder and copy all but the Eboot.PBP to your
"ms0:/psp/game/Anime_Style_v5" folder.
--Updated to PSP Revolution v0.3
--Graphical Changes
-Eboot Completely redone ( Song/BG/ICON )
-Main Menu Redone
-Song Select Menu Redone
-Failed Screen Redone
-New Score Screen, Updated for v0.3
-Options Text Edited
-Loading Bars Redone
-Some Song Backgrounds redone
-Some Song Banners Redone
-Other Graphical Changes ( You will see ^_^ )
--Song Updates
-28 Naruto Songs Added ( Just so many good ones, I couldnt resist )
-5 Bleach Songs Added
-One Piece Anime Added, with 1 Song ( More to Come )
-Gundam Anime Added, With 2 Songs ( More to Come )
-FLCL ( Fooly Cooly ) Anime Added, with 7 Songs
Coming in v6:
-7+ More Gundam Songs
-5+ More Inuyasha Songs
-2+ Yu Yu Hakusho Songs
-Updated Graphics
-Most New Naruto BG's Redone
Id Like to Thank:
-RomTheStampede ( He's helped me so much, way too much to say )
-KyyubiDX ( Great help with Naruto songs and Main graphics )
-Liam15 ( Great help with Anime Style v4 )
-Galeth ( Help with Bleach Songs )
-4NONYMOU5 for Score Screen, Options, and song select buttons.
-DeNitro and friends for making PSP Revolution.
-DeNitro for helping me fix my beats for v0.3
-The Original Creators of all the songs used
-Original Creators of Pictures and Backgrounds used
-Anyone im forgetting, thanks
Note: None of my work may be used for Otaku Style, I will enforce it.
UPDATED LINK: Anime Style v5 by MonkeyBoy1916
It may be a large file, but you have to remember how many songs are included, also that MP3's cant be compressed anymore than they are. You also need a 256mb Memory Stick or higher, the download itself is 155mb, I cant compress it any farther as its mostly MP3's.
If you have any problems, feel free to contact me here or at my Home, DeviantPSP
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November 25th, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release/update via Yongobongo
browsR 0.2
The file browser/manager for PSP!
What is it?
browsR is a file browser/manager capable of Music playback, text viewing, picture viewing, file/folder deleting and more!
Please note this is the first release, and I will try to improve according to your responses!
I made this for my upcoming shell, so here's a taste!
What's new in 0.2?
* Splash Screen R.I.P
* Password Protection for those *Personal* files
* Fixed up the bugs
Compatible file types
These formats are the currently compatible playback/viewing formats in browsR You can still see other formats, and delete them
* MP3
* IT
* XM
* S3M
* 669
* BMP - MUST be 24 bit
* Static ELF
* LUA Package
* True Type Font (Preview on screen)
These are then current usable formats, but you can still browse for, and delete all other files/folders
About the password protection
Password is hidden in a file called "Password.PW", edit it in notepad to change your pin!
When using the pin:
Right/Left - Change selected figure
Up/Down - Change number
Cross - Submit pin
If password is correct, browsR will open! If password is incorrect, it will freeze up the PSP, forcing a cold-boot or it will exit to the XMB
Plans for next release
* Skin Support (Icon positioning, icons, font, background - Fully customizable hopefully!)
* Copy/Paste (Maybe?)
* IR File transfer (Have to find out about this one)
* Media Base At Start-Up
* Maybe make in like a click-to-view interface?
* Flash0/Flash1 Support [READ ONLY]
PM me if you have a feature to recommend!
Enjoy browsR!
My shell is coming soon! Yay!
And please, share your skins! Who knows, I may make yours the bundled one!
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via Yongobongo
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November 25th, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via the Washington Post
There was a showdown between the Nintendo Wii and the Sony PlayStation 3 at The Post's game testing lab last weekend.
Here's how it went down: I invited a bunch of my friends, five guys and three gals, over to check out the new systems. Few of them play or care about video games, but they were all curious to see the PlayStation 3, the cutting-edge game console that sparked real-world mayhem on its release Friday.
The Nintendo Wii system controls use motion-detecting technology. In a tennis game, the wireless control can be swung like a racket. (By Shizuo Kambayashi -- Associated Press)
By comparison, most of my friends arrived having heard little about Nintendo's new system. But, as it turned out, that device was the hit of the party.
Here's the deal with Nintendo's Wii system, in case you missed it. The system's controls contain motion-detecting technology. In some games, you don't have to punch any buttons to play. In a tennis game, for example, you swing the wireless controller like a racket. When you hit a ball in the game, the controller shudders as if you'd hit a real ball. The controllers also contain speakers that make a satisfying "thwok" whenever you connect.
It's the same for the bowling, baseball and boxing games designed for the system. Players in all those games use motions with their hands, arms and wrists that roughly replicate the movements you'd make in the real world.
The graphics on the Wii aren't the system's strong suit, however. One of my friends, who liked the system, summed up its games' looks as "cheesy."
Speaking of graphics, I gave the PS3 an unfair advantage in this department. You could have called it a fixed fight if my friends had fallen for the new PlayStation over the Wii because the $600 Sony system was running on a new $4,500, 50-inch plasma TV set from Pioneer, borrowed from the company just for this test. The $250 Nintendo, meanwhile, was running on an old tube set half the size of the plasma screen.
It was that tube set that got most of the traffic. While the people in my group preferred looking at the PS3's games, they preferred playing the Wii.
My friends played the Wii's sports games against each other all weekend, using goofy, cartoony avatars called "Miis" that they constructed to represent themselves in the game. Give a couple of newlyweds a pair of Wii controllers, pop in the boxing game and the entertainment value is priceless. We started out playing the game sitting down, but eventually we took to our feet to get a better range of motion with the controllers.
I have never seen a bunch of non-gamers get into this stuff like this, and I have never heard anybody laugh so much while playing any video game. A few of them now say they plan to buy the system for themselves.
My friend Andy has always seemed to dislike video games, but he was immediately taken by the Nintendo system in a way that I -- and he -- did not expect. "I'm surprised by how much I like it," he said. "The controller is so intuitive."
A few minutes later, he was cursing the PS3. Most of my friends who picked up the PS3's controller ended up frustrated. The typical game for the system requires players to have memorized where all the buttons are, and it's much harder to just pick up a controller and have a good time. Some of the verdicts they offered are unprintable.
My friend Jon, a technophile who likes racing games, reached first for the PS3 and wrestled with the menus and controls for the driving game Ridge Racer. Eventually, we played some races on the system and enjoyed some crisp and realistic-looking racetrack scenarios. But, for a while, he gave up on that and watched Andy and me fall over the furniture as we boxed each other on the Nintendo system. "I'm having more fun just watching you guys play that," he said.
Jon gave the PS3 a thumbs up in at least one area. He was eventually impressed with the quality of the Blu-ray movie format when we watched "Talladega Nights," the movie that Sony is including with the first shipments of the PS3.
The Nintendo Wii system controls use motion-detecting technology. In a tennis game, the wireless control can be swung like a racket. (By Shizuo Kambayashi -- Associated Press)
Game developers say the PS3 is so powerful that they haven't exploited the system's full potential. I have no idea what the system is capable of, but I can testify that you have to be pretty sharp-eyed to tell much of a difference between the first batch of PS3 games and Xbox 360 versions of the same titles.
When it comes to accessing all of the multimedia features that Sony is promoting with its console . . . well, I still prefer the Xbox 360's approach.
With the Xbox 360, a Microsoft product, using the interface and getting online has been easy and almost as intuitive as using an iPod. Trying to get online with the PS3, on the other hand, was a vale of tears because I didn't have a USB-compatible keyboard to plug into the console, and using the game controller to enter my user information was a tedious process that I gave up on twice.
Imagine filling out a mortgage application on a cellphone. It's something like that.
So I headed out of town for Thanksgiving to spend some time with my girlfriend's family. Just to be safe, I locked away the expensive and hard-to-find PS3 in an undisclosed location, where it is being guarded by ninjas and feral dogs. The thing has some features I look forward to exploring some more, but that can wait.
The Wii, on the other hand, rode shotgun with me for some show-and-tell action because Nintendo got one feature right with the system on Day One:
It's just darn fun.
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November 25th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
Dark_Alex has released a new version of his Homebrew Enabler for the PSP, heres whats new:
* Fixed a bug in a patch bad done in a delay slot that caused some umd games not to work when HEN was running (this issue was fixed in SE before)
* Fixed a bug in the loading of big user prx's, that affected a plain prx of socom2 umd, and some homebrew prx's.
* Bypassed a crappy SCE protection that prevented the umd to be mounted if the application was run from the memory stick.
* Usb mass storage couldn't be loaded by homebrews in non-devhook version because semawm.prx is sign checked. HEN now applies the algorithm to reverse the sign check, letting this and the rest of firmware
* modules to be loaded by a homebrew.
* Added a SDK for HEN/SE.
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via dark_alex
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November 25th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release from charnold of his Wolfenstein3D type game for the PSP

The changes:
- 3 default button control sets
- now you can actually see and evade the enemy shots :-)
- player and enemies use 2 different weapon types with separate bullets
- maps can have different door textures per level, hidden doors, invisible switches and a switch can open multiple doors (thanks to JEMdev for the ideas!)
- enemies can kill each other
- faster rendering of the 3d models
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via charnold
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November 25th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Dark_Alex has released a new version of his Custom Firmware for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Load of plugins from the ms
- Changes in the HEN core:
* Fixed a bug in the loading of big user prx's, that affected a plain prx of socom2 umd, and some
homebrew prx's.
* Bypassed a crappy $ce protection that prevented the umd to be mounted if the application was run from
the memory stick
* Usb mass storage couldn't be loaded by homebrews in non-devhook version because semawm.prx is sign checked.
HEN now applies the algorithm to reverse the sign check, letting this and the rest of firmware
modules to be loaded by a homebrew.
- Added a SDK for SE-C/HEN-D. (in a separate download).
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via dark_alex
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November 25th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Dark_Alex has released a new SDK (Devkit) for the PSP, heres the details:
This SDK is to be used in HEN-D (or later) and in SE-C (or later)
All functions from systemctrl.h and kubridge.h can be accesed in both, HEN and SE.
Functions from systemctrl_se.h are SE specific.
For Devs Only
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via dark_alex
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November 25th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Ok firstly sorry to all those who have been waiting all day, it was meant to be released last night but as always problems occur but instead of the emulator just supporting one game it wil support all (depending on compatibility), i actually have the release from AC now, but im awaiting an email before i release on behalf of him.
As soon as i get the email i shall release it.
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November 26th, 2006, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster

After the disapointing PS1 Emulator release by Sony which requires you to have a PS3 heres some better news.
Tonight Finally is the release time of PS1P the PlayStation Emulator for the PSP - AN Exclusive for the PSP News site at DCEmu. Its been a long wait but our friend Anonymous Coder has now agreed to release the first Alpha of his Playstation Emulator for the PSP.
This release was to be a Single Game release but AC contacted me today and changed his mind so thats great for you all, heres what he emailed me:
The wait is worth it. I'm releasing a version that will run anything. ISO, BIN, Z and ZNX.
The rest you know. scph1001.bin and images in the __SCE__ps1p directory.
This version has some compatibility problems which I plan to fix soon, for example the FF7 intro movie doesn't run. You can play the game though, just get past the intro using a standard PC emulator (PCSX, ePSXe, ...) and copy over the memory card file ( mcd001.mcr or mcd002.mcr).
Use L+R+ up/down to tweak the CPU timing.
I think L2 and R2 aren't working at the moment too.
P.S.: to make things clear. This emulator has nothing to do with PCSX, psx4all or any other emulator already released. The only thing I did was use for the game selection screen, the same font code that psx4all uses--it's from some GP2X demo/app.

So its time to get trying the emulator, remember PSP News is the exclusive place where this is being launched.
Now this emulator plays a heck of a lot of games and a big number are playable with some even at full speed, some will be slow also, but try as many as you can 
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Compatibility Reports at the PS1P Compatibility List

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November 26th, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: TCLCloud
Via PSP117
Finally the new version of Portal 117 is released, after a month of waiting! Lots of improvements over previous version, mainly graphically.
This version contains-
70 Games
10 Applications
4 Flash Cartoons
All demos directly downloadable
10+ video Downloads
65+ wallpaper downloads
35+ RSS Channels video and audio
20+ Links on Links Page
Portal 117 Live

1. After Unziping folder place Portal 117 Folder in D:\PSP\COMMON to make D:\PSP\COMMON\Portal 117
2. On your PSP Browser type file:/psp/common/portal117/portal117.htm
3. The main portal page should load up, from here you can select Portal 117 Live, Games, Apps, Videos,Demos, Wallpapers, RSS and Podcasts and Links, i would suggest adding the main page to your bookmarks or setting it as your home page
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November 26th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: Raydar
A small British company have announced that their latest horror project will be released free of charge for the PSP and iPod Video platforms. The release date for the film is sometime in early 2007 and will be offered as a direct download.
The film is called "Last Evil of the SS" and its website can be found here.
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November 26th, 2006, 21:15 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via lame
here is Version 0.2 of my SmallNethostGui.
Changelog since V0.1
*NEW* Values are stored in an ini file, not in the registry
*NEW* ported to Delphi, no need of NET2.0
*NEW* GUI functions for usbhostfs included
*IMPROVED* Port Handling, no need to activate it manually
*REMOVED* "runas" functionality
* Put nethostfs.exe and usbhostfs.exe (usbhostfs_pc.exe) in the same folder where the GUI is located and start the program
* On program start the last options are loaded and stored at the end of the program.
* Browse the folders.
Save mode is automatically activated now !!!
* Choose your options (see below)
* Start the choosed HostFS with the "<-- GO HostFS -->" Button.
* Click Window minimize to move program to system tray, click icon in tray to open again.
* Select HostType: Choose your HostFS System, usbhost or nethost
* USB Verbose Mode: Choose your level of usbhost verbose mode (see usbhostfs.exe -h)
* Path: The folder which is used for the hostfs Application
* Port: The Port for the nethostfs.exe Application
* Password: The Password (if needed) for the nethostfs.exe application, activated with the checkbox beside
* The command is shown below the Options.
Shortcut buttons:
* Six buttons for loading and saving predefined Options.
* If checkbox “SaveMode” is activated and a button is clicked each value like Folder, Port, Status of Checkboxes etc. are stored for each button separately.
* If checkbox “SaveMode” is inactive the stored values are loaded.
* The actual path from a button is shown by ToolTip if your mouse cursor is over a button.
If you start the Gui first and finish the program directly you find
the new created "sng.ini" in your folder which contains the following values:
nethost=.\nethostfs.exe # path to nethostfs.exe, manual to change here if needed
usbhost=.\usbhostfs.exe # path to usbhostfs.exe, manual to change here if needed
Path=C:\ # Standard path
HostType=0 # HostType, 0=nethost, 1=usbhost
VMode=0 # USB VerboseMode 0=none, 1=v, 2=vv (see usbhostfs.exe -h)
Port=7513 # Port for nethostfs.exe
Password=Password # Password for nethostfs.exe
EnablePassword=0 # Password enabled 0=No 1=Yes
ReadOnly=0 # Nethost ReadOnlyMode 0=no, 1=yes
Example Button section
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via lame
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November 26th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Fredddy
icy tower is a very fun game in which you control harold the homeboy and jump all the way up the icy tower. The objection of the game is to try and score the most pionts by jumping. You can also use combo jumps which will score you more pionts. Fredddy is a german homebrew creator that codes in lua and this is his first homebrew game.

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via Fredddy
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November 26th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Well been a busy day, that busy the server went down twice but luckily things have calmed down a bit now, anyway i have some info from Anonymous Coder about PS1P, here goes:
The CPU thing is adjusting the counters relative speed. Note it has a % at the side. It's like making the PS1 CPU run faster or slower. The right value is at 100% (obviously) but the default is 700% (good for FF7 :P). Lots of games runn better at something lower than 700. It does nothing to the PSP CPU so you can set it as high as you want. But after some point it actually starts to be slower.
There's save state, L+R+left to save, L+R+right to load (or the opposite).
Analog can be used for controlling (as if it was the d-pad).
The BIOS must be called scph1001.bin and be placed in the __SCE__ps1p directory along with the BIN, ISO, IMG, Z or ZNX images. Other BIOSes should work too but rename them to scph1001.bin because the emulator looks for this file specifically.
People can use PocketISO (google for it or the FPSEce page) to compress images to Z and ZNX.
The ePSXe memory cards must be renamed to mcd001.mcr and mcd002.mcr and placed in the __SCE__ps1p directory.
So there you go, hope that helps, now back to newsposting 
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November 26th, 2006, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
Following in the footsteps of Boston, Portland's Transit Authority, TriMet, has removed ads for Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: Vice City citing multiple rider complaints. While Boston's Transit has taken a stance that it will not remove the ads due to contractual issues and First Amendment Rights, Portland has seen fit to remove them all together no matter what the consequences. Trimet stands to lose upwards of $71,000 for broken contracts.
TriMet said it does not accept ads that promote or encourage illegal activity. After a review, the transit agency decided to pull the ads, saying the national agency who purchased the ad space didn't alert them to the game's nature.
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November 26th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Resistance: Fall of Man was billed to be the defining game for why Blu-ray exists in the first place. Resistance developers Insomniac stated that the game took up 22GB of space and that all those bits and bytes were necessary to make the game work. It would seem that ripping the disk in Linux shows otherwise.
A NeoGAF forum member by the name of squatingyeti posted a long list of padding files on the Resistance disk; the padding took up approximately 17.75GB of space. Padding is frequently used to push data to the outer edges of the disk to improve read times, but Blu-ray is supposed to be a constant read over the entire disk.
It is possible that the data isn't fully true and we would like to see some confirmation. However, if this report that 81% of Resistance is just empty filler and could fit on a single-layer DVD is true, will this put a hole in Sony's claim that Blu-ray is absolutely necessary this generation? The padding isn't needed to make the read speeds any better and (if true) is a lame way for Sony to justify Blu-ray for gaming.
[Update 1] We got our answer, the entire thing is blown way out of proportion. There are still padding files, but they are a relatively meager 420MB per region.
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November 26th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
We may see Devhook for PS3 Soon, heres what Deadsoulasis posted:
No your eyes dont trick you ....its very close......
As we unpack the PS3 games we notice its very close to the PSP.
Testing my 'Load game off hard drive' for the past week.Ive noticed the file differences and winhex'ed the files.No surprise that the eboot's are similar in hex.
As for now my Beta PS3 Loader will be soon online no sooner then December 10th....for tester's on there own machine's.
And as of this morning ..Ive successfully loaded Ridge Racer 7 and Resistance both running off a Hard Drive ..(albit external) No BR disc in drive.
Id like to thank PSP's Booster and Dark_Alex for devhook/custom firmware's....without it I wouldn't have be able to find a way ...
Dont ask me for files,code,or how to do it.
There is 3 beta testers as of now and December 10th it will be online for download ...and before you ask.Its free.It will require your bio's to be Re-flashed and BR-drive though.
Thank you.
PS3 loader coming December 20th.2006.
Prepare yourself
Prepare your Hard drives
Its coming.........
We shall see if this becomes real later in December
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November 26th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
After the intervention of the Cabinet's Consumer Protection Commission, Sony Computer Entertainment Asia has agreed to replace PlayStation 3 game consoles if they have "serious defects," according to the Central News Agency. The commission was cited by CNA as saying that some of the PS3 game consoles launched in Taiwan had defects such as a tendency to overheat or jammed memory cards.
After a recent meeting between the commission and Sony, the vendor has agreed to replace PS3 game consoles that are determined to have "serious defects," CNA said.
According to CNA, Sony has so far replaced two PS3 game consoles that had problems with the power switches.
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November 27th, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has contacted us to let us know that they may have spoken a bit prematurely. SCEA's Dave Karraker, Sr. Director, Corporate Communications, informed GameDaily BIZ that they currently cannot confirm that this 1080i issue will be resolved via a firmware patch. The official line is now that they are "looking into the issue and haven't stated any actions that will be taken regarding it."
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November 27th, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
We all got excited when the PS3s finally arrived. But that initial high wore off in shockingly short order. As talk circulated around the office from everyone playing the games for reviews it became clear that beyond Resistance, the launch lineup dropped off pretty sharply. It didn't take long for the gut feeling to develop that PS3 might just have the worst reviewed set of launch games in modern videogame history.
As it turns out a Sony console did indeed have the worst reviewed crop of launch games, but not the one we thought. The original PlayStation holds the title, with the nine (out of 12 release games for which Gamerankings has a composite score) racking up a lackluster 70.4 average score.
And not only isn't PlayStation 3 the worst reviewed launch lineup in recent memory, it's not even the worst in this latest "next-gen" round of launches. Believe it or not, that distinction goes to the Wii, despite having Zelda. Its 20 games combined for a 71.3 average, making it actually the second worst launch next to the PlayStation. With PS3 coming in at 73.4, that gave the crown to Xbox 360, which averaged 77.3 for its launch library.
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November 27th, 2006, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via Evilo
Time for a new release, no ? this one adds enhanced USB support (that wasn't working correctly before) and others little fixes to the "PS2 core" (see the changelog in the zip file)
the PS2 Luaplayer get more and more compatible and Luamines6b (by Dragula) is working perfectly "out of the box", so enjoy ! (be sure to get his last 6b patch)
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November 27th, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via gaming.homebrew
This is the awaited 2.71 SE-C easy installer 1.0 . This will allow you a easy more safe way to install 2.71 SE-C. This was released via a german site so the translation might be a bit choppy.
It says that the Read me is in german. SO a translation will have to come soon. I don't quite understand it myself. If anyone can download and translate it would be much appriciated. The Read Me is very iimportant and i don't advice that User's go ahead without reading it.
Thank you
-don't try any of this on a TA-082 motherboard!!!
-Make sure your PSP is FW 1.5. There's a bunch of stuff about the prior SE-B version that the weblator had a hard time understanding*, but the gist of it revolves around having 1.5 on your PSP. So the safest bet is to have 1.5 on your PSP.
-find someone who can understand German. Readmes are very important.
hopfully the Read Me will be translated in english soon, the download is to big to be uploaded here so you'll have to download via the link provided.
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download via gaming.homebrew
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November 27th, 2006, 03:22 Posted By: Hungry Horace
FOL has been kind eough to write this out for me to cut and paste for you all......
Hi, sorry we have been abit quiet lately, but we have all been working hard on updating / improving. More so Thinkp and Ric.
The menu layout has been completely redone (took me awhile, thanks to thinkp for fixing my errors).
I have added full screen (thanks to Ric, Wink, just need Ric to improve it as we discussed).
A lot of new features have been added.
PSPUAE 0.62 beta 8
- new option 'CPU to Chipset Ratio"
- new option 'Disable Key Combos"
- new option 'Toggle X+O"
- quick config combos
L+R+Up : zoom in
L+R+Down : zoom out
L+R+Right : more frameskip
L+R+Left : less frameskip
L+R+Triangle : toogle CPU speed (leds: light red = max, dark red = real, purple = chipset)
L+R+Square : toogle Floppy speed (leds: light green = turbo, dark green = normal)
L+R+Circle : toogle leds on screen
- dual mouse support
- fixed combos for L+Cross, R+Cross, ...
- SaveStates save a config file in the Config folder
- Savestates are now much smaller, due to memory compression being added
(for screenshots see newspost on www.pspuae.com)
:thumbup: looking to be another great release!
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November 27th, 2006, 03:55 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release/plugin via suloku
Here's a plugin, made with the fantastic Dark_Alex's SDK, that allows us to autoboot into a 271 kernel aplication, instead of a 1.5 kernel one. Great for IR Shell.
How to use:
-extract to ms0:/seplugins
-add he prx to vhs.txt
-enable the prx from the recovery menu.
It will load the eboot at ms0:/seplugins/EBOOT.PBP
note: XMB can be launched from irshell with no problem.
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November 27th, 2006, 07:05 Posted By: ExcruciationX
News has been a little slow since the release of PS1P, so here is something to check out.
ExcruciationX, from our forums, has created a video tutorial for people too chicken to upgrade to the "Golden Firmware".
EDIT: I upscaled and converted it to WMV, so everyone should be able to watch it now.
My voice is quiet in the video, so turn it up, and you should hear it fine.
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November 27th, 2006, 12:08 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Video downloads hoped to boost ailing hardware performance
The PSP has received a boost from major record label EMI Music UK, with a deal that will allow users to download music videos direct to the Sony handheld.
Admitting that the performance of the PSP has been disappointing, MD of HiFi Entertainment Bela Molnar, the company offering EMI content via its online store, believes this deal is what the format needs to revive flagging interest in the machine.
"The quick downturn of the UMD market has left many of the big believers of the format disappointed, including us," said Molnar.
"We knew that the PSP market is huge, but it needed a different platform to provide content to users."
EMI Music UK's entire music video library will be made available to users of psp-playlist.com, downloaded directly to the a memory stick and priced between GBP 1.89 and GBP 2.19.
"PSP owners are substantial in number and content hungry," said Graeme Rogan, commercial manager of digital media for EMI Music UK.
"This deal will give consumers of the PSP format access to videos from EMI Music UK's rich back catalogue, generating incremental sales for our artists," he added.
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November 27th, 2006, 15:00 Posted By: Darksaviour69
A PlayStation 3 owner is inviting people to hack their way into his console - with the first person to manage it winning the machine itself.
Shimpinomori's website is offering a PS3 with a 160GB hard disk, Linux pre-installed, Resistance: Fall of Man and an HDMI cable to anybody who can break in and swap a few files around.
The website itself is running on the PS3, he says, and in order to win the console bundle interested parties need to do a "clean" hacking job ("no DOS, no dirty attack which saturate the Internet tubes") and then swap out the photograph of a baby holding a PS3 box currently displayed for another file, send an email and post some notices on a forum.
As you can see from the site itself though, nobody's managed it yet.
The hacking contest is running until January 2007.
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November 27th, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Ker-ching! eBay sellers have been reaping profit when flogging PS3s on the auction site, with Sony's console going for an average of $1,186 per pop between November 17 (launch day) and November 24.
Spotted by Next-Gen.biz, the figures come via eBay's Marketplace Research, which states that 14,675 PS3s were sold online during the period.
Crunching these stats and fiddling with our abacus reveals that there are sellers out there who have made around $600, and some no doubt more. PS3's 'small' version retails at $499, while its bigger-spec brother is $599.
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November 27th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China who ship worldwide have started selling PS3 Games, heres the list of in stock:
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight
Genji: Kamui Souran / Genji: Days of the Blade
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ridge Racer 7
Miyasato Miyoshi Kyoudai Naizou: Sega Golf Club
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November 27th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Hideo Kojima, currently developing Metal Gear Solid 4 on PlayStation 3, says he's missing the rumble functionality.
"The controls in MGS3 got a little complex, so you'll have a little more direct control in MGS4," he told Official PlayStation Magazine in a preview feature. "That said, I miss the rumble and even now I hope it will come back."
Bad luck for Kojima though - with Sony's Phil Harrison saying as recently as last month that he has no regrets about the loss of rumble and thinks the "six axis of input puts the player in control in a much richer, deeper way".
As to whether the motion sensor is a worthy replacement in Kojima's view, MGS' mastermind doesn't seem to be sure yet. "We can't say how we'll use the motion-sensing functionality specifically but we'll use it for sure," he told OPM.
Kojima also offered a bit more detail on how the futuristic warfare of MGS4: Guns of the Patriots will play out, reportedly explaining how players will be able to align themselves with a particular nation, influencing the way they're perceived by enemies and those creepy hopping robots out of the trailers.
After the game's recent trailer displays though, particularly at the Tokyo Game Show, what we really want to know is who the young Snake was at the end? Alas, apparently we're no closer to finding out, but Kojima does admit that he included the scene to mess with us.
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November 27th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Via eurogamer
Robbie Bach, the president of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division, has said that he believes Sony is focusing on too many different areas - and is feeling the strain as a result.
Speaking to the San Jose Mercury News, Bach defended Microsoft's decision to introduce new music player Zune to market, rather than a new gaming handheld.
At present, he said, the company's priority is to make sure that, "The second holiday for Xbox 360 is set up right, that we've got the quantities we need, that we've got the games we need, and anything I do to distract those guys is probably a bad thing.
"I think Sony, frankly, suffers a little bit from this problem, which is they're spread really thin across all these areas. And trying to do PSP, competing with Nintendo, PSP to DS; competing with us, 360 to PS3, I think it does strain - it would naturally strain any organisation," he added.
When it comes to competing with the PlayStation 3, "Right now we are thinking about how to cost reduce the Xbox 360. That seems to be the first order of business," Bach said.
"You have to ask the question, over the life cycle, who has the cost advantage? Who can price most effectively? Who can reach the price points quicker? That has a huge impact on what gets driven.
"Most publishers are doing their initial development work on the Xbox 360. That plays to our benefit. Because we are out there first, we have a bigger installed base of consoles. We can drive down the manufacturing curve sooner and faster. And because we designed a box that was fundamentally easier to manage on costs, we’re going to have that advantage," he concluded.
According to Bach, Xbox 360 will be "a great logical choice" for gamers who want to buy a new console this Christmas season, particularly as PS3 shortages continue - adding, "Our value proposition is just better."
He said that Microsoft's decision not to introduce a 2006 holiday price cut for Xbox 360 "was not that hard", explaining, "When your competitor is supply constrained, it’s not clear what price buys you.
"Sony is going to sell as many units as they can ship in the US. I don’t know that a lower price would make a difference in the outcome. As you go out into later years, cost and price are both important issues."
When asked how long it will be before Microsoft starts making money on Xbox, Bach replied, "To be clear, we have said that in fiscal 08, entertainment and devices makes money. That’s not exactly Xbox. We don’t break profit down by business. And there are parts of entertainment and devices that make money. Xbox doesn’t. Xbox has to make significant progress to enable E&D to get there."
However, Bach added, "We feel we are on track."
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November 27th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Guerrilla Games is to release downloadable chapters for its action sequel Killzone on PS3, internet reports are claiming.
Details are sketchy, but it looks like the content will be appear post release of the full game and comprise of new levels or chapters, potentially continuing the single-player storyline.
Whether they are huge standalone episodes (similar to Half-Life 2's Episode 1 and 2) or smaller levels remains to be seen. According to the reports, gamers will be able to download the content via PlayStation Store - for cash.
Sony was unavailable for comment on the reports at the time of writing, but we'll let you know should we receive confirmation.
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November 27th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
PlayStation 3s aren't the only thing fetching high prices at the auction house these days. Even PS3 sneakers (like the things that go on your feet if and when you leave the house) are commanding a premium. This limited edition pair of PlayStation 3-themed Nike Air Max sneakers (which normally retail for under $200) are currently valued at $4010 USD at shoe auction site Blue Sole (we can't believe shoe auction sites exist either ... we love you, Internet!).
Even though the insole features the PS3's "Play Beyond" tagline -- and unlike those working NES sneakers -- these aren't actually working PlayStation 3s. So what does your $4010 dollars (and counting!) get you? The aforementioned insole, the console's US launch date stitched on the back, a hologram "Swoosh" (a Nike first!), two pairs of shoelaces, a patent leather upper that mimics the PS3's heatsink (?), and "mechanical drawings of the PS3" inside the shoe. For some reason, the auction site doesn't have images of the really exclusive, bid-inducing stuff like, uh, the insole and mechanical drawings, but if staring at that 11.17.06 stitching gets your check-writing hand all twitchy, then rest comfortably knowing that "100% of the funds from this auction will go to charity." We don't know what charity, but you've got a week to find out. The auction ends on December 4th.
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November 27th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: eidechse34
Fredddy from the German PSPSource.de forums has released his next version of "LUA Icy Tower". This is a clone of the game "Icy Tower" from Free Lunch Design. In the game you are harold and have to jump up a tower and try not to fall down the screen.
But the game is getting faster after some time...
This is version 0.3 now and fredddy has added some more features to his game:
- Added sounds and music
- A new character with animations (this is the real "harold" now)
- The jump is better. If you press X longer you'll jump higher.
- After some time the game gets faster and so it gets more difficult.
And this won't be the final release. Fredddy wants to add more things to the game and the next version will be out soon!
The link to the original news article at PSPSource
P.S. Sorry for my bad English 
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November 27th, 2006, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Twice the content, twice the action - Over 15 hours of gameplay continuing the story of Yoshitsune and based on the historical battle between the Genji Clan and the Heishi Clan.
Swap between four playable characters at any time - Take advantage of each of the four characters' unique fighting style or unleash devastating team-based fighting combos by interchanging characters between attacks.
Exquisite combat - Gracefully articulated swordplay captured by Mitsuhiko Seike, Japan's finest sword fighter, provides the heart and soul of intense authentic action.
Massive Battles - Lead Yoshitsune and his men against hundreds of warriors as your strive to reach, and defeat, the enemy warlord in epic battle sequences based on Japanese history.
Beautifully detailed battlegrounds - From shimmering details of the great naval battle of Dannoura to epic monumental horseback encounters at Ichinotani, Genji: Days of the Blade truly harnesses the power of the PLAYSTATION®3 to deliver next-generation visuals.
The Tale of a Legendary Samurai Returns
Set three years after the last chapter of Genkuro Yoshitsune’s life, Genji: Days of the Blade™ continues to expand on the historical accounts of feudal Japan. Genji: Days of the Blade unveils beautiful next generation visuals and sword slashing gameplay as an exclusively developed title for the PLAYSTATION®3.
Genji: Days of the Blade will capture the attention of the hardcore gamer / early adopter eager for a “traditional” action/adventure gaming experience. Featuring more than double the amount of gameplay, more diverse levels of fighting, and more playable characters - all underlying an epic tale of a warrior’s honor, Genji: Days of the Blade promises to deliver a genuine next-generation experience on the PLAYSTATION®3
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppc.html
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November 27th, 2006, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Players dive into a deep frightening story that rewrites the 20th century and pits the United States and Britain against a horrific species of unknown origin.
Encounter a wide variety of fluidly moving characters and creatures that exhibit more sophisticated behaviors and interact with their environments more realistically.
Greater processing power on PLAYSTATION®3 and Blu-ray Disc™ technology enables more immersive visual and sound effects that heightening the chaos of large-scale warfare.
A powerful rendering engine allows a greater variety of highly detailed and interactive environments for a console FPS experience, including large battlefields and sprawling military command centers.
Engaging single player campaign, a co-operative mode and one of the most complete multiplayer offerings in a console game.
Insomniac Games has combined its passion for creating exotic weapons and vehicles with a proprietary physics system to create a unique human and alien arsenal.
In Resistance: Fall of Man™, the U.S. and Britain band together in a last-ditch effort to save Europe and Asia from a horrific scourge. In mere decades, the Chimera – a species of unknown origin propagating a virus that converts other life forms into more Chimera – has overrun Russia and all of Europe. Humanity’s hope for survival is slim, and the tide of the battle rests on the shoulders of U.S. Army Ranger, Sgt. Nathan Hale.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppd.html
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November 27th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has been saying that it sees its new next-gen machine, the PlayStation 3, as more of a computer than a console. Terra Soft Solutions is now making Yellow Dog Linux 5.0 available for download for the PS3, taking that idea a step closer to reality.
The operating system will be rolling out in three stages. The first starts today, November 27, and users can obtain the software from YDL.net. The second starts December 11, when customers can buy DVDs from the Terra Soft store, priced at $99.99--the final phase is due sometime during the week of December 25, when downloads will be available via public mirrors. Once the software is released for download on the public mirrors, it will be free of charge.
To install Yellow Dog Linux, users must first split the PS3's drive into two partitions so that the GameOS and Linux can run on dual partitions. The gamer will also need a USB keyboard and mouse to run the operating system. The installation manual is available on Terra Soft's Web site.
According to the manual, when Sony Computer Entertainment designed the PS3, "it was fully intended that you, a PS3 owner, could play games, watch movies, view photos, listen to music, and run a full-featured Linux operating system that transforms your PS3 into a home computer."
The manual adds that Yellow Dog Linux would make available several new uses for the PS3. It reads, "Everything you need to browse the web, check and compose e-mail, do your school homework or take your office work home is included."
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November 27th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Some opportunists saw the recent launch of the PlayStation 3 as a chance to make a quick $1,000. Their plan was to rough it in front of a store for days in hopes of getting one of the hard-to-find consoles and reselling it to cash-flush gamers willing to pay a premium for the system.
Popular online auction site eBay was the online marketplace of choice for most people looking to sell or buy a PS3, and the company revealed some of the numbers from the console's first week in North America.
eBay released data on its sales for Black Friday, the popular shopping day immediately following Thanksgiving, and tucked between the sales numbers of Tickle-Me Elmos and fruitcakes was information on sales of the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360.
For the period between and including November 17 to November 24--the PS3's first eight days on sale--14,675 PS3s were sold through the online site for an average price of $1,186. eBay did not separate information for the PS3's two models; a 60GB version retails for $599 and a 20GB version sells for $499.
Those who hawked preorders fared slightly better. From October 19 to November 24, which included what eBay calls"pre-sale activity," 28,233 PS3s (or preorder rights to the machines) were sold for an average price of $1,370.
Numbers of the more readily available and cheaper Wii weren't too surprising. From the $250 console's debut on November 19 through Black Friday, 26,708 Wiis were sold on eBay for an average price of $412. Preorder madness wasn't as great for Nintendo's console--29,452 Wiis were sold for an average of $427.82 from October 19 to November 24.
The Web site also released information on sales of the Xbox 360, reporting that 331 systems were sold between November 12 and November 24 for an average of $421.
Prices for both the PS3 and Wii on eBay have been falling sharply since their much-hyped launches. A quick glance at listings on the site shows that most PS3 auctions (which still number more than 10,000) aren't exceeding $1,000, and most Wiis aren't going for more than $300.
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November 27th, 2006, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Some teenaged GameStop employees decided it would be a great idea to report on the day before launch that the four PS3 consoles were stolen from them at gunpoint.
Police say they discovered that the "robbery report was bogus", and that there may have been more people involved. The four PS3s still haven't been recovered, but you can bet these two kids are busy stashing the consoles where the cops can't find them. That, and hoping they don't have to go to PMITA prison
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November 27th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: masonman
This is my new program coded in lua.
this program has:
variable tile size/number
various mapping and drawing tools
multiple frame veiw
animation veiwer
dynamic saver
loop rate changer
and more to come, as i have a f'd up ankle and cant skate for a while.
to do:
implement menu system with sounds
integrate into eboot for .gif extention saving
to use:
extract contents to your luaplayer/applications folder and run
you have ten dividers per frame and ten frames per screen (will be more able to change later on) fill in your frames, then press start to save and veiw animation, then start to go back to edit menu.
any further questions, contact me.
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November 28th, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
via redkawa
Red Kawa File Server is a free file server developed by Red Kawa. Our free file server allows you to view and copy files from your computer (where the server running) to your PlayStation 3 (PS3) or PlayStation Portable (PSP) video games system over your wired or wireless computer network.
To learn how to setup and use Red Kawa File Server, please visit our tutorials section for screenshots and more detailed explanations about the features of Red Kawa File Server.
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November 28th, 2006, 02:04 Posted By: mcshortcut
Dark-Alex.com was created by a spanish moron and its a exact copy of the original Dark Alex Page (dax.lan.st aka Dark-Alex.org) even the Warning on the official site was copied.... BEWARE!!! Every single file is available for download (different size/checksum) and every single file causes your PSP to brick!!!
http://www.dark-alex.com <----Fake Bricker site
Only Official Dark-Alex Pages:
They already updated on the official site dark-alex.net
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November 28th, 2006, 04:06 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ve3d
November 27, 2006 - If you thought Xbox Live's 50 meg Arcade games were a bit on the cheap side, Sony plans on capping their equivalent games at 500 megs:
FiringSquad: Microsoft has a policy of not releasing an Xbox Live Arcade game that will be larger for one of their memory cards to carry. Will there be a similar policy for PS3 downloadable games?
John Hight: We've arbitrarily set a limit of 500MB to keep download times reasonable. Since we've got plenty of HD space we can accommodate even bigger games and a lot of them.
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November 28th, 2006, 04:07 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via engadget
We'll be the first to admit that the whole "smash this object" craze is getting a tad out of hand, but the latest rendition of demolishing a perfectly functional PlayStation 3 is just revolting. While we've witnessed Nintendo's Wii being cautiously dissected and publicly mangled, a couple of mountain men (and their canine companions) decided to take their newly purchased 60GB PS3 to the woodshed. After rambling about and capturing their mountaineer lifestyle in perfect fashion, they decide to crush the box with a large chunk of timber, only to make matters worse by busting out the ole hacksaw. Further abuse was bestowed care of a gas-powered chainsaw, and for the finale, it was set ablaze to cheers of evil laughter. While the motive here is certainly clear, and the tools used to inflict punishment are indeed respectable, you'd think someone willing to trash $600 (not to mention to probable near-death experience trying to acquire one) would actually show the PS3 within the box. But alas, no "real" proof is ever shown, so be sure to peep the YouTube vid after the break and chuckle at this glaring oversight.
youtube video via engadget
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November 28th, 2006, 04:13 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamedaily
If you bought your HDTV a few years ago, there's a good chance it doesn't support 720p resolution. And unfortunately, if you hook up a PS3 to these TVs, the only image you'll see will be in 480p, not 1080i. Microsoft's Andre Vrignaud believes this may not be fixable either...
As you probably have heard by now, some owners of older HDTV sets have been having trouble getting proper high-def visuals from the PlayStation 3. The PS3 outputs HD visuals for PS3 games in either 720p or 1080p, and if your HDTV does not support 720p, the PS3 won't upscale the picture to 1080i either.
While Sony initially told us that they are working on a fix (and still are apparently) that would come via a firmware patch, the company has since retracted its statement. Worse yet, it's not clear if this problem even is fixable via a patch because the PS3 hardware would appear to lack the necessary scaler.
Posting about his general PS3 impressions on his Microsoft Ozymandias blog Andre Vrignaud, director of technical strategy for Xbox Live, commented, "...it appears there's no internal hardware scaler in the PS3. As reported, it appears the PS3 is unable to output a consistent signal to your TV based upon your desired selection (ie, what your TV supports). This means that while I might want to play Resistance in 1080i, if the game doesn't support it the console drops down to a lower-common denominator of 480p. The game then tells me that if I want to play in the best quality, I need to quit out, go to the dashboard, change the PS3's resolution to 720p, and then relaunch the game. Oh, and when I return from the game, I'm obviously still at 720p, and not the 1080i I'd prefer to navigate the dash with. I experienced this myself and I can tell you it's hugely frustrating."
He continued, "This issue also affects people who have older HDTVs that only support 480i/480p and 1080i (not 720p - this was pretty common with earlier CRT HDTVs). These folks have no way to scale the game's output to 1080i, and are thus forced to play in 480i/p. This smells of the console being rushed to market, and I'm not holding out any hopes for any significant fix. It's bad, and feels like something Sony would have fixed if possible. My guess is the 'fix' they're working on is going to be a bit of streamlining in the dashboard (perhaps a switch to automatically change back to 1080i/p when returning from a game), but the core issue isn't going to be fixed. I hope I'm wrong, though, for the sake of all those folks having problems."
If Vrignaud is correct, and the resolution problem for owners of older HDTVs can't be fixed, then Sony has unfortunately alienated a larger group of people than they might think—people who don't want or can't afford to upgrade to a shiny new HDTV and who might very well put their money into a console from Microsoft and/or Nintendo.
For more of Vrignaud's (somewhat biased) impressions of the PS3 hardware, check out the blog linked above.
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November 28th, 2006, 04:15 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ign
A strategy game with the word "Chaos" in the title? Who'd have guessed?
November 27, 2006 - Japan's fantasy-strategy specialist Idea Factory has at last announced its first PS3 title. Set for Japanese release in February 2007 is Mist of Chaos, the latest game in the Neverland series.
Mist of Chaos takes place in Ades, a land that's hidden by a mist. Ades is split into Zedeen, Priterion and Kamuikoku kingdoms. Players select one of these kingdoms and attempt to unite the land under one common rule.
It shouldn't be too shocking to learn that Mist of Chaos has the strategic gameplay Idea Factory fans have come to expect from the company. Battle scenes are presented in 3D, with separate cut-in animations used for near and long-distance attacks. The game will also use movie scenes for some skills.
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November 28th, 2006, 04:21 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ve3d
November 27, 2006 - It looks like Sony is is going all-out for KillZone on the PS3:
Today, the long silence on the game was broken by the Dutch newspaper de Volksrant. In an article titled, "A video game more expensive than the most expensive film," the daily highlights the next-gen Killzone and its developer, Amsterdam-based and Sony-owned Guerilla Games. The piece's name comes from the fact that the game is costing more to develop than the priciest film in Dutch history, director Paul Verhoeven's World War II thriller Black Book (Zwartboek).
While Black Book cost more than 16 million euros (approximately $21 million), Guerilla won't mention specific numbers for Killzone's budget. "Our budget tops [the film]," said Killzone director Arjan Brussee. "We're working on the biggest multimedia project in Dutch history."
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November 28th, 2006, 14:35 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Sony has patched PlayStation 3 up to version 1.11, which is coincidentally also the number of people in Europe who actually own a PlayStation 3.
The update doesn't appear to do much, besides relocating the online account management button to the "Friends" menu and taking 15 minutes to download (cursed Internets), but we are also told that it sorts out some minor security issues, so WATCH OUT TERRORISTS.
Anyway, for more on what the PS3 can do, be sure to refer to the online manual, which is useful on the basis that it details things like the audio formats it supports, even if it does neglect to mention how rubbish iPod support is and things like that.
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November 28th, 2006, 14:58 Posted By: tophead420
I was looking around on a few websites on how to upgrade my psp from 2.71 SE-B" to 2.71 SE-C. I had got everything I needed except the SE-C update so i went to DAXs website when I seen this article:
As you can see this fake Dark_AleX has totally made the real Dark_AleX's life hard. Bring him many many legal problems. Does this mean no more awesome custom firmwares, decrypters, and so on from the amazing Dark_AleX, I hope not because Dark_AleX has brought alot to the community and opened a new era in psp development. I personally hope that he stays and continues work on his great projects but I also support his decision to stay or leave. So I thought I would pass this on to all of you out there who love Dark_AleX's work. Hope to see you stay man
The good news is it seems that the Fake site www.dark-alex.com has been taken down
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November 28th, 2006, 14:59 Posted By: Darksaviour69
"A lot of Sony's effort has been focused on helping first party"
GDC boss Jamil Moledina has told GamesIndustry.biz that many studios are holding back on starting PlayStation 3 projects due to the challenges of developing for Sony's new console.
Speaking in an exclusive interview, Moledina said, "It's a relatively complex platform to develop for, considering it has a very unique multi-core processor with the Cell. A lot of developers are new to figuring out how to work with that structure, as well as the RSX, the graphics processor.
"A lot of the developers I know are waiting out on the first round and focusing on handhelds; they're creating DS and PSP titles because that's actually a much simpler migration from the current-gen," he continued.
"It's always a challenge for developers to dedicate resources to next-generation titles like this - consider the cost, resources, and time it takes to make these games."
But according to Moledina, things will change as third-party developers get more support from the platform holder. "A lot of Sony's effort has been focused on helping first party understand how to develop games for it," he stated.
"I think you're going to see that knowledge shared more robustly now that those first-party titles are in the can, as it were, or close to being complete."
Moledina said he is confident that the PlayStation 3 will be a success, despite the fact that, "A lot of the games that I really wanted to play aren't launching right now, like Heavenly Sword, Lair, MotorStorm... It reminds me very much of the original PlayStation 2 launch, where there were a hatful of pretty good titles.
"I've had a chance to play around with the PlayStation store, that looks pretty cool too. I think it's going to build up very nicely. So I'm generally optimistic about the platform's prospects," he concluded.
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November 28th, 2006, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft's upcoming movie-tie in listed as a European PS3 launch title
In a typically EA fashion, the game based on the movie will be released on every gaming platform under the sun. Yep, that means Wii, 360, PS3, DS, GBA, PSP, PS2 and even PC. Possibly even Teletext at this rate!
March 23 is the date for your diaries, Turtle fans. Currently the PS3 game is listed as "launch" only by Ubisoft.
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November 28th, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Bad news for PlayStation 3 importers: MotorStorm's Japanese release date has been pushed back a week until 14th December.
The game had been due to make its first appearance in Japan on the 7th, and Sony's reportedly blamed the delay on production-related hiccups, but it doesn't sound like much to worry about.
MotorStorm's Western release date is somewhat later than its Japanese equivalent (March, most likely) because the team aims to finish an online component for the later launch date. The Japanese version will be offline-only.
Look out for a review of the Japanese version in mid December, then.
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November 28th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted this news:
After waiting for 2 months , the new batch of DMS4 S.E Pro is finally in stock. All the back orders will be shipped at once. Thanks for being patience waiting.
More Info:

DMS4 has been at the forefront of the modding scene since it's conception. Development allows evolution and advances to make improvements and refinements. The Special Editions (S.E.) of the DMS4 offer new advantages and refinements to two very popular products.
DMS Tech. have continued devlopment to make several main improvements to the DMS4 range, the new S.E. versions of Lite and Pro offer:
Optimized PCB layout
Optimized PCB size
Actel chip now has smaller package size
Hardware code revised to over increased stability and patching performance
Revised the installation point of Q, which now becomes C on the V12-V13 and V14 series of PS2 consoles.
(Installation on V1-V11 remains unchanged)
Serial flash technology
Improved error checking
Improved filtering of noise
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November 28th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA :

With Talismoon range of Evolve ‘Wild Jungle’ edition for the PSP and Xbox 360, gamers are treated to extreme levels of comfort thanks to a soft ‘like fur’ finish, as well as refreshing and unique new look. Both sets of faceplates for PSP and Xbox 360 controller come complete with everything needed for a pain-free install, and each fur faceplate pattern will be unique. Styles consist of a ‘cow’ or striking ‘leopard’ fur finish.
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November 28th, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
New figures released by online auction site eBay have revealed that gamers eager to get their hands on a PlayStation 3 are willing to pay more than US$ 1000 for the privilege.
In the week following launch, a total of 14,675 PS3 units were sold - with that figure including both the 20GB and 60GB versions. The average sale price, again for both versions, was US$ 1186.39 (just over 900 Euro).
Adding on figures for pre-sale activity from October 17, the number of units sold stands at more than 28,200 - with an average price of just under US$ 1370.
The Nintendo Wii also sold well on the auction site, although sellers didn't turn quite such high profits. The average price for the Wii, which sells for US$ 249.99 in shops, was US$ 412.53 (314 Euro) - and just over 26,700 units were sold.
If taking account of pre-sales from October 19, the total number of Wiis sold was 29,451, and the average price was around US$ 428.
eBay also revealed that just over 330 Xbox 360 units were sold between November 12 and 24, retailing for an average of US$ 420.62 (320 Euro).
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November 28th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Art’s X-Flash now includes support for Dark_AleX’s 2.71 SE-C. Alongside that there are two other changes:
* Fixed parental control feature for as the parental control level was previously ignored by X-Flash when running under 2.71 SE.
* Startup checking is significantly faster with all supported firmware versions.
This software enables modification of certain PSP firmware behaviour, it is to be used with caution and at your own risk.
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November 28th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: tophead420
As you all know kando and LordSturm have found a way to get the 3.00 visualizer on 2.71 SE-C so i decided to see what other goodies they have in store for use and i found that they also have the 3.00 vsh on 2.71 SE-C. Looks like al of you who wanted 3.00 should have stayed on 2.71 SE firmware because now we 2.71 SE users are gonna get the benefits of 3.00 heres the link to the video:
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November 28th, 2006, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
While selling a PS3 soon after launch day probably paid some hefty dividends for those lucky enough to secure one, pistol-whipping someone in order to make it happen probably isn't worth the trouble. Apparently a cash-strapped (or completely crazed) Massachusetts duo couldn't quite weigh the consequences before taking action, and are now under arrest for "attempted murder and robbery." One gunman, William J. Robertson, is already being held under a $1 million (or about 600 to 700 properly eBayed PlayStation 3s, whichever you prefer) bond, while his 17-year old partner in attempted larceny remains "on the loose." While we knew the PS3 launch would potentially bring out the worst in people, unloading ammunition to get your game (or profiteering) on is just taking things a bit too far -- so while camping out weeks in advance for a next generation console may surely pay off in the short-term, we'd say pulling a criminal stunt to get one probably won't.
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November 28th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
John Hight, director of external development at Sony's Santa Monica studio, has confirmed that PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download remakes of classic titles - just as Xbox 360 owners can currently do with Xbox Live Arcade.
Speaking to Firing Squad about the new service, dubbed "e-Distribution Initiative", Hight said, "Sony's third party publishers will undoubtedly provide updated versions of classic arcade games."
He also said that - unlike with Live Arcade - Sony won't confine developers to producing games that don't take up more than 50MB of storage space.
"We've arbitrarily set a limit of 500MB to keep download times reasonable," he admitted. "[But] Since we've got plenty of HD space we can accommodate even bigger games and a lot of them."
The PS3 Store already offers games which exceed the Live Arcade-standard 50MB limit, such as Blast Factor and Cash Guns Chaos.
But while Sony's console may have hard disk depth on its side, its interface could be lacking. Live Arcade can sort downloaded items into categories, launch games automatically, and allow for background and automatic downloading - while the PS3 simply presents the user with a long list of downloaded games and demos in the Cross Media bar.
With several firmware updates likely before PS3 launches in Europe next March, it'll be interesting to see what shape the respective services are in when the first PAL units hit the shops.
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November 28th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
This week, the obvious became official: The first batch of the PlayStation 3 is gone. "All PS3s brought into the US last week sold out," Dave Karraker, Sony Computer Entertainment America's senior vice president of corporate communications, told GameSpot. "Feedback from our retail partners is that demand is still incredibly high and that PS3s put on store shelves were quickly snapped up by holiday shoppers."
Though he declined to give a specific quantity of day-one PS3 stock, the executive did say that Sony was on target to bring 1 million units to North America by year's end. "We will continue to utilize airfreight delivery for the PlayStation 3 to ensure a steady stream of systems for North American consumers through the end of the year," promised Karraker. Some retailers, such as GameStop, have already reported receiving a second batch of the console, which is still fetching upward of $1,000 on eBay.
Demand also appears to be high for Sony's current-generation platforms. Though he didn't give specific numbers, Karraker said sales of the PlayStation 2 rose 116.5 percent during the week of November 26 when compared to the week prior. The PSP fared even better, enjoying a week-over-week increase of 280.5 percent. First-party software sales for the PS2 and PSP increased 120.6 percent and 167.9 percent, respectively; third-party software sales percentages were not provided.
Via Gamespot
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November 28th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
This week, the obvious became official: The first batch of the PlayStation 3 is gone. "All PS3s brought into the US last week sold out," Dave Karraker, Sony Computer Entertainment America's senior vice president of corporate communications, told GameSpot. "Feedback from our retail partners is that demand is still incredibly high and that PS3s put on store shelves were quickly snapped up by holiday shoppers."
Though he declined to give a specific quantity of day-one PS3 stock, the executive did say that Sony was on target to bring 1 million units to North America by year's end. "We will continue to utilize airfreight delivery for the PlayStation 3 to ensure a steady stream of systems for North American consumers through the end of the year," promised Karraker. Some retailers, such as GameStop, have already reported receiving a second batch of the console, which is still fetching upward of $1,000 on eBay.
Demand also appears to be high for Sony's current-generation platforms. Though he didn't give specific numbers, Karraker said sales of the PlayStation 2 rose 116.5 percent during the week of November 26 when compared to the week prior. The PSP fared even better, enjoying a week-over-week increase of 280.5 percent. First-party software sales for the PS2 and PSP increased 120.6 percent and 167.9 percent, respectively; third-party software sales percentages were not provided.
Via Gamespot
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November 28th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has again taken action against Final Fantasy XI cheaters, banning more than 11,500 accounts, in turn, removing roughly 5 billion Gil from in-game circulation. The mass crackdown has affected users on all platforms (PC, PS2 & Xbox 360), as administrators targeted a range of illegal activities:
Use of 3rd-party tools to enhance character movement (approx. 1,100 accounts banned)
Use of 3rd-party tools to bypass game mechanics (e.g., timing of ability use) (approx. 6,400 accounts banned)
Engaging in Real Money Trading (RMT) (approx. 4,000 accounts banned)
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November 28th, 2006, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Survive the Canyon: Leave the streets to battle rival bosses in the canyons outside the urban center. All-new Canyon Duel and Drift race modes are the ultimate test of skill and nerve, where one wrong turn could cost you more than the race.
The City Is Yours for the Taking: Race for control of the city block-by-block by taking down rival crews on their turf, then defeat their crew leaders in life-or-death races in Carbon Canyon.
Customize Your Dream Car: The revolutionary new Autosculpt™ car customization tool gives you the power to design and morph your car in every way imaginable.
Represent a Class: Affiliate with the Tuner, American Muscle, or Exotic car classes and prove once and for all who makes the best set of wheels. An all new physics engine makes each car handle and drive differently.
Build Your Crew: Strategically choose your crew members and use their skills on the road and in your garage to help you win races and customize your cars. Designate any member of your crew as a wingman and trigger his special skill to knock out your rivals.
Over 50 Real-World Licensed Cars: Featuring over 50 licensed cars including the all new Ford Shelby GT500 and Mazda Mazea speed 3. Each and every car is tuneable so you can customize their look and performance to suit your crew.
The battle for the city is won in the canyon as Need for Speed™ Carbon immerses you in the world’s most dangerous and adrenaline-filled form of street racing.
As the police turn up the heat and force the races to the outskirts of the city, the battle ultimately shifts to Carbon Canyon, where territories and reputations can be lost on every perilous curve. Racing has never felt so dangerous where every turn is a matter of life or death.
For the first time in a Need for Speed game, build a crew and race in an all-out war for your city against rival crews and opposing car classes. You’ll risk everything to take over rival neighborhoods one street at a time.
Each crew member has unique skills that you trigger during races to give you the winning edge over opponents. Call on a Blocker to create a distraction and slow down other racers or activate a Scout to lead you to shortcuts on the track.
Use your creativity to design your crew’s cars with the revolutionary new Autoscuplt™ car customization tool that gives you the power to turn every vehicle into the car you’ve always wanted. Using next generation morphing technology every car can have its own unique look like never before.
Need for Speed Carbon features a fresh new story line using full motion capture technology. Unlock the mystery of what happened “that fateful night” and reclaim your reputation. The game features star talent Emmanuelle Vauiger as Nikki, your ex-girlfriend who will help you on your journey to uncover the past.
Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1peb.html
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November 28th, 2006, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Two years after the death of the devil king, the Netherworld became embroiled in chaos, full of devils that had designs on the throne of the devil king. Just woken from a deep slumber, Laharl did not even know of his father’s death, and had to join in the battle for the throne with his numerous subordinates.
Amongst them, there was the angel-in-training Flonne who once had her mind on assassinating the devil king, but was now exploring the devil nature and thus tagged along with Laharl, as well as the servant of the dead king, Etna, who seemed to have her own motives. The struggle to become the rightful successor to the throne started to expand from the Netherworld.
Buy Here -> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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November 28th, 2006, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Weekly Special from Play Asia:

An epic tale of war, romance and betrayal...
On the continent of Efferia, humans and a race known as the Yason uneasily co-exist in the throes of an endless war. Calintz, the leader of a mercenary group, the Tears of Blood, encounters a mysterious girl, Reith, who has no recollection of who she is. Little does he know, this chance encounter will change the future for all of Efferia...
The popular Korean RPG if finally making its debut on the PSP™. Several improvements compared to the PlayStation2™ versions have been made, including a better battle system and implemenation of different customs for the main characters as well as a new Gallery Mode.
Magna Carta Portable for PSP™ is now available as Japanese language Asia release version at US$ 10.90 only.
Buy from Play Asia
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November 28th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Booster the author of Devhook has let it be known that a new version will be released in the next few days.
Great news for Firmware v1.5 owners 
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November 28th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Our story begins long before young King Henry VI finds himself possessed by demons. Years ago, a great war was waged by mankind against the demonic minions of the god of death, who were attempting to enter the human world. Five brave heroes created five bracelets, which they used to seal away both the death god and the king of the demon kind.
As King Henry ascends the throne during the 15th century, France and England have been at war for one hundred years, and Henry's caretaker Beaufort has had enough. He calls upon the power of the death god (the one sealed away by those five heroes of legend), who proceeds to possess the young king.
So that explains how Henry got demonized (this, incidentally, is unrelated to the insanity that would inflict Henry during mid-life). How the British army found its ranks filled with trolls and beasts isn't so clear. One thing's definitely sure, though. Level 5's latest, and its first new title since last year's Rogue Galaxy, may bear the name Jeanne d'Arc, but it's based only loosely on the real life Joan of Arc figure. Change a few names here and there, and few would recognize this game as having any historical background.
The in game Joan, like the real one, hears the voice of God commanding her to do certain tasks, although our Joan appears to be a bit more than 12 years old when she gets her first communiqué early in the game. God tells her to use the power of a mysterious bracelet that appears on her wrist -- one of the five bracelets that were used to defeat the baddies in the past -- in order to defeat her enemies, namely the British army (trolls and all).
There's a lot of text-based dialogue in Jeanne d'Arc, and a surprising number of fully-voiced animated movie sequences, but I wouldn't call the game story-based. In the seven hours that I've managed to play so far, the story has felt a bit disjointed, as if you're checking in on Joan every now and then rather than following her along a continuous path.
The focus with this title is on gameplay, and if you're into Japanese style strategy games, that should be just fine. You'll recognize the grid-based strategy from games like Final Fantasy Tactics. You take turns with the enemy forces, moving your party of warriors across a grid and making use of magic and physical attacks.
The game presents you with winning conditions, sometimes requiring that you defeat a particular enemy or all the enemies, sometimes requiring that you simply get from point A to point B. There are also losing conditions; you might have to make sure that a particular character doesn't die.
Making things particularly difficult is a turn limit. You're required to clear your final objective before your move count reaches a specified amount. This keeps you on the offensive, rather than letting you wait around for enemies to come in and attack. Since you don't have time to double back and take care of enemies in the distance, you might find yourself getting surrounded late in battle if you're not careful. If you're not used to thinking in a Japanese strategy game, you'll probably die a few times with Jeanne d'Arc.
Also unique to Jeanne d'Arc is the effect characters have on one-another during battle. When incurring attack, adjacent party members absorb damage from the targeted character. Position is also important on offense, as performing one attack will leave certain grid positions in a "burning" state, meaning extra damage if you perform your next attack from there.
The game also requires a good amount of planning in the build up to battle. In my play time, I've managed to get thirteen characters in my party, although only five or six can be brought into a given battle. You have to chose wisely between the various classes of characters, which include archers, axe wielders and swordsmen. One thief character even has the ability to erect ladders and bridges, useful for scaling walls and crossing chasms. A few characters, Joan included, can transform for a limited time into more powerful alter egos. You earn new transformations as the game progresses.
In addition to creating a party, you also have to make sure your characters are equipped well for the battle at hand. You can equip swords, armor and shields, but the big twist with Jeanne d'Arc is in its accessory system. Accessories give your characters special attacks, magic spells and updated parameters. The number of accessories you can equip varies by character and increases as you go up in level. At my current point, Joan can equip six accessories, while a few characters are limited to just three slots.
How you equip your character affects their battle performance in ways besides added attacks. Your characters are assigned one of three elemental values depending on their equipment. Enemies also have this property. The elementals are set up like paper-rock-scissors, giving certain characters advantages over others. You're free to survey the battle field ahead of time to make sure you equip your characters appropriately to deal with the current set of enemies. Like the turn count, the elementals are something that you must pay attention to, or you don't have a chance of emerging victorious in battle.
As should be expected from this genre, you don't actually control Joan and your other party members outside of battle. All progression takes place on an over world map which grows with new areas once you've cleared past locations. The progression in my play time has been completely linear, but you're free to go back to past locations to pick up items at a shop or enter a free battle mode.
Jeanne d'Arc suffers from some of the flaws that tend to plague games of this type. Preparing your characters for battle with new equipment and accessories is too much of a chore. This is a problem with many strategy games, although on the bright side, there's a lot to consider with Jeanne d'Arc, so perhaps being forced to take your time is a good thing. Despite flaws like this, Jeanne is surprisingly polished for Level 5's first grid-based strategy title.
It's also the developer's first PSP game. There are some signs of this, with a bit too much loading for comfort, a few visual effects that don't look so hot in practice, and some occasionally slow enemy AI routines, but on the whole, the game's presentation holds up well. The visuals have a solidity to them that's comparable at times to PS2 titles, and the game does something I don't recall having seen in a PSP game before: a load-free transition from a movie scene to an in-game cut-scene.
Jeanne d'Arc may stray a bit from the real story of the heroine that serves as its namesake, but if you're into Japanese strategy games, that shouldn't be too much cause for concern. I've played through 10 chapters and died at least once on most of them, but I keep coming back for more. I plan on continuing, at least until Joan gets executed by British trolls.
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November 28th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has updated the sources to his CPS1, CPS2 and Neogeo MVS Emulators over at his site
With any luck someone will compile the sources 
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November 28th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Congratulations, Dave Mirra BMX Challenge! You are officially called the worst game on the PSP, according to IGN. "You might as well save yourself some cash and just stab yourself in the eye," says IGN reviewer Chris Roper. It seems like terrible level designs, muddy graphics, incomprehensible physics, and stupidly easy difficulty have crafted one of the most painful gaming experiences on the handheld yet. Thankfully, the game only lasts for two hours, giving the reviewer some hope. Any longer, and he may have killed himself.
But don't just take IGN's word on the quality of this game. GameSpot had some equally harsh words to give it: "The biggest challenge in Dave Mirra BMX Challenge, it seems, is actually enjoying it."
Feel free to leave us a comment if you're an unlucky sap that bought this game. We'd love to hear from you.
Via PSPFanboy - The Game got 2.0 out of 10 :P
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November 28th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPVault
In the event that you live in Japan and will be able to attend Square Enix's "Jump Festa 2007," you will have the pleasure of being one of the first to experience the highly anticipated Crisis Core-Final Fantasy VII- at the event.
Square Enix has announced on the Jump Festa 2007 homepage that the game will be playable by the general public at the event.
Jump Festa 2007 is scheduled to take place on December 16th and 17th at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
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November 28th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via Tampabay
Largo, Florida - The holiday shopping season is here and that also means to watch out for the Grinch. A 13-year-old Pinellas County boy found that out the hard way on Friday when he was the victim of a strong armed robbery.
Police say the boy had just bought a portable Sony PSP system for $200 at the Largo Mall, when another teen came up from behind and stole it.
Casey, who didn't want his last name used, was with his younger brother and grandmother at the time. Casey says he and his brother chased after the suspect, but eventually gave up pursuit.
Casey, Victim of Robbery:
"I said, 'Give me my PSP back!' and I ran and I was right behind him, but I didn't do anything. I didn't know if he had a gun or not."
Casey said what bothered him the most was not losing his new video game system, but the fact that the suspect shoved his 73-year-old grandmother to the ground. Casey said that really made him angry.
Police are continuing to investigate.
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November 29th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
We are to launch a new version of the PSP News SIte soon and need your help in choosing which colour theme we will go for, heres the options

The new look is already in place on our Nintendo Wii, PS3 and Xbox360 Sites, which are 3 of the best news resources for Each Console.
Click the Poll and help choose the new colour for PSP News.
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November 29th, 2006, 08:48 Posted By: Wally
The PSP scene has been pretty boring lately, I have sold half of my PSP games as they suck which the money goes towards my Wii preorder, Zelda: Twilight Princess and a WiiPlay Wiimote Pack (Not available in the U.S ) I am looking forward to this console's release on the 7th of December 2006.
Anyway Daedalus Spiff Up v1.3, intended for release on the side of R9 but it has been 3 months since an update Don't give up on R9 guys, it will come soon.
As usual here are what fixes are included in this release.
OOT being the game that we all love (Though you should get a N64 to play it) is a bit complicated for me at the moment, i am awaiting a reply from strmnNrmn via email which will help me solve those issues. Oh I dont plan to start from the start of OOT, Will do the temples which may help with everything. Marketplace and intro are now fixed
Road Rash : Still trying to figure out why some of the guys only have wheels for a bike but its fun!
Mortal Kombat 4: Menu text,Characters, background i think is related to mirroring.. Powers etc are fixed.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Added ingame stuff however doesnt work properly yet.
Super Smash Bros:
Still working out how to fix this game up good, getting somewhere though
S.C.A.R.S Added Most ingame stuff still not 100%
Sin and Punishment: Works quite well on level 1, never tried level 2, guessing more stuff to implement
Quest 64: Various Fixes (Hasnt been checked yet)
San Fransisco Rush - Isnt quite normal but getting there
As Usual some games might have been fixed up which arent listed here..
Hello to Jarret Cale (Jeremy), Geoff Lapaire (Kyle), Joel Gardiner(FPSdoug), Miranda Plant(Anastasia) , all the Pure Pwnage IRC / Forum members (www.purepwnage.com) (<3 ya all u are da best!), Cake lovers, Dosgames.com forum, lots of PSP sites, Mactalk Australia (www.mactalk.com.au), Dcemu Staff, Infernomax, sRoon, StrmnNrmn, Skaterdude, PSP_Demon, all those who hang out in FishBowlLounge (Hokie, Hitcher!, Boki, Tierra whoever else, I miss ya guys ).
Oh on final note: Special thanks to 71M for contacting strmnNrmn on my behalf to ensure he is ok, i really appreciate this, however I have yet to receive any response from StrmnNrmn himself.
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November 29th, 2006, 10:01 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Kando has set up a new forum thread for some v3.00 PSP hybrid firmware investigation. He claims that 'Birdman' (Not to be confused with the bird from Sesame Street) and 'James' have managed to get v3.00 loading in Devhook. However there is a little bit of bad news as you can read here. IT does look promising .
thought this could use a new thread:
after coming home, looks like birdman and james got their heads together, and birdman figured out how to get 3.00 to load in devhook
the only problem is the individual resources are still pulling off of the flash0.
so the bad news is that it will NOT be released tomorrow, but know we are hard at work.
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November 29th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: blackrave

Released today by mat17, PspIrda is a homebrew app which uses the PSPs IrDa port to transfer between the PSP, PDAs and cell phones.
The compatibility list isn't that big for now (doesn't work with my SE K300i), but hopefully mat17 will update this genius app. This first release was more a proof concept.
The speed is quite slow, and the GUI isn't to die for either, but this has great potentiality in my point of view.
Here's what the author said:
PspIrda is a Irda Obex file transfer program ie you can transfer files between your psp, your cell phone, your palm, your pc and all the devices compatible with this protocol.
The irda stack used in this program is not from me. Its author ask to not promote work derivate from his work with his name so you will only find it in the copyright file of the program. Thank you for your great work Mr ... !
This version 0.0.1 is a proof of concept.
I know the GUI is ugly but it wasn't the objective of this release.
The objective was to release something functional to test it with your devices and to have feedback on the compatibility.
The main problem of this release is the transfer speed. It's slow, really slow; the speed is 9600pbs. It's not a limitation of the technology which can go up to 115200bps but of the pspsdk which doesn't include any function to configure the speed of irda port of the PSP. The developers at ps2dev.org are doing an amazing job with the pspsdk and I'm sure they will find us a way to change this.
Working configurations:
PSP -> Nokia 6131
Nokia 6131 -> PSP
Configurations to test:
PSP -> PC (windows, linux, ...)
Cell phones -> PSP
PSP -> Cell phones
PSP -> Palm
Palm -> PSP
everything you imagine!!!
I need your feedback! Give me the results of your tests and don't forget to indicate the exact configuration of the test.
If the test doesn't work, I've included a debug version which outputs a debug.log in the pspirda directory which contains the data exchanged between the 2 devices. You just have to try a transfer with this version and send me your file and the corresponding debug.log. Use a small file for the test (less than 1ko) or the log will be huge.
This program is released under a BSD license.
Compiled for firmware 1.5. Require OSLib (OSLib is only required if you want to compile it from the sources.
Otherwise just use it as any normal homebrew).
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November 29th, 2006, 17:45 Posted By: tophead420
I was doing my normal rounds checking for new news on the PSP when I stumble across this PRX pack. This pack will make it alot easier on those of you who dont know how to get them to work, all of the prx's were tested and working by whom ever compiled this pack (tho some didn't work for me mainly the cheat devices and irsmp3 in game). This pack contains the following prxs:
lcscheatdevice.prx - Liberty City Stories Cheatdevice
vcscheatdevice.prx Vice City Stories Cheatdevice
irsmp3v.prx - Listen to mp3's in XMB
irsmp3.prx - Listen to mp3's in games
capture.prx - Take photos and videos of your XMB
Brightnessmod.prx - Use the 4th brightness level without the AC adapter
Note that some of these may not work for you. A few haven't worked for me but this will make things alot easier on those who don't know how to use prxs on 2.71 SE-C
Edit: Sorry for all of you who read this and wanted the prx pack i totally forgot to attach the prx pack to my post sorry for the inconvenience (seems im having trouble uploading to Dcemu so i upped it to sendspace)
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3umg7s
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November 29th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: eidechse34
Via PSPSource.de
The German LUA developer Fredddy has released a new version of his homebrew game LUA Icy Tower. This is a clone of the very popular freeware game Icy Tower from Free Lunch Design. You have to jump up a tower, but if you fall down you lose. And be carfully because the game gets faster. The game is really addictively.
Version 0.4 includes this new features:
- The steps have always the same distance
- A new score counter, now everytime you've reached a platform you get 10 points
- A pause function was added. You can activate it with "Start" and continue the game with X.
- Now there are new graphics, I (eidechse34) made them with the original Icy Tower font. I know, this font isn't very good to perceive.
- Some Bug fixes, e.g. your highscore won't be overwritten anymore if it is lower then the previously one and if you go left/right at the beginning you don't fall down.
This was a free translation of the German news article at PSPSource
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November 29th, 2006, 21:51 Posted By: kando
Team FWI (kando, LordSturm, birdman, JamesBDX)
TEAM FWI - birdman PROUDLY PRESENTS..........
iso's can be run
hen-d programs work
umd's work
camera works
visualizer works
in game - wifi
Web browser
xmb - wifi
ps3 remote connection
(most of these are now known not to work because we are still useing 2.71 kernel, if we can hack msreboot.bin we can get 3.0 kernel)
Nessassary matirials:
- a psp with se-c (no other version will work)
- the 3.0 psardumper/decrypter (attacheed below)
- the 3.0 psar file
- the basic needs file (attached below)
- a hex editor
- create a 3.0 dump useing psardumper.
- you will then have a F0 file in the root of your memory stick.
take the VSH, DIC, KD, FONT, DATA folders out of the F0 folder and put them in the root of your memorystick.
- useing a hex editor (not notepad) redirect all the lines pointing to flash0:/ to fatms0:/ in the following files:
- i used xvi32 a free hex editor, in it there is a simple replace function replace: flash with fatms
Files to fix (all are located in vsh/modules) (all are prx's)
- camera_plugin
- common_util
- dialogmain
- game_plugin
- htmlviewer_plugin
- htmlviewer_utility
- lftv_main_plugin
- lftv_plugin
- libfont_hv
- msvideo_main_plugin
- msvideo_plugin
- music_main_plugin
- music_plugin
- netconf_plugin
- netplay_client_plugin
- opening_plugin
- paf
- pafmini
- photo_plugin
- premo_plugin
- rss_subscriber
- sysconf_plugin
- video_main_plugin
- video_plugin
- vshmain
- For vshmain do the replace command, then do ctrl+f and search for index.dat, replace its fatms0:/ with flash0:/ if you dont you will get a RSoD.
one file in kd - cert_loader.prx must also have flash replaced with fatms.
once this is done, load up the devhook i included, select 271F
- dont try loading system settings or power settings, power settings will freeze your psp and system settings will give you an internal error
flash1 emulation? (if you have a 3.0 flash1 pm me)
TEAM FWI (firmware investigators)
Birdman - 3.0 hybrid devhook maker
Kando - 3.0 hybrid flash maker - initial discoveries
JamesBDX - 3.0 hybrid flash maker
Lordsturm - original idealist
credits also go to:
booster - for devhook (need i say more?)
dark_alex - for all the amazeing things he has done, dark_alex is one of the most infulencial people to the psp scene, withount him, i dont even want to think of where we would be.(in this hack, we his used se-c and 271F modules)
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November 29th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: kando
Booster has released a new version of his Devhhok application for the PSP, this release now supports 2.80 Firmware emulation on a V1.5 PSP.
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DCEmu is only interested in the UMD Emulation aspects of this release and not any ISO aspects so do not discuss ISOs
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November 29th, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: blackrave
suloku has updated the Autoboot plugin for FW 2.71SE-C to v0.2.
This is a brief introduction to what it does:
"It allows to autoboot into an aplication under 2.71 kernel when powering on the psp or exiting a hombrew. For example, you can use a devhook launcher with autoboot and you can start your psp with your devhook and 271F setting activated."
Please read the readme file for more information and help.
* Added hability to go to the XMB with holding L at boot.
* Added hability to go boot inserted umd with holding / (triangle) at boot.
* Added checking for inserted umd when holding / (triangle) at boot.If not present, it will go to the XMB
* Added checking for file existence. If the file to be launched doesn't exist, it will go to the XMB.
* Added 1.5 kernel booting when WLAN switch is OFF to launch an aplication under 1.5 kernel.
* 2.71 kernel aplication will be launched when WLAN switch is ON.
To do:
* Add a ini file for custom file paths.
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November 30th, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: blackrave
lame is back with a new version of the useful app SmallNethostGui. Here's what lame has said about it:
"nethostfs.exe is a tool to open your pc folders over (and for) the network (like usbhostfs.exe do it over usb) for the PSP (and others i think). With the right app, like irShell 2.x, you can access the opened folders. Best example is to stream your pmp files to the integrated PMP AVC player from irShell 2.2 over wifi."
There are two versions; full and lite.
The full includes the GUI, readme, usbhostfs, and nethostfs, while the lite version has only the GUI and readme.
Please read the readme for more information and help.
v0.2.1 (29-11-2006)
*NEW* "/cygdrive" option to open all the folders for PSP
*CHANGED* nethostfs path back to Windows format (seems to have better compatibility)
*IMPROVED* Internal coding
*ADDED* nethostfs.exe/usbhostfs.exe/dll's/readme to the package
V0.2 (26-11-2006)
*NEW* Values are stored in an ini file, not in the registry
*NEW* ported to Delphi, no need of NET2.0
*NEW* GUI functions for usbhostfs included
*IMPROVED* Port Handling, no need to activate it manually
*REMOVED* " runas" functionality (no need for)
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November 30th, 2006, 00:26 Posted By: blackrave
This is Dsoft20's first release, and this is his explanation of the game:
"The objective of the game is to make points by moving the bar left and right and changing the color to match the bars that come down."
So, basically:
You move the bar with L and R buttons to the left and right to make it catch the falling bars with corresponding colours.
You can change the colour of your bar with the left dpad and the circle button.
Dsoft20 has future plans for this including updated graphics, high scores, bug fixes and music, so stay tuned for updates for this cool game.

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November 30th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: PSP Galaxy
As we enter the holiday season, only one magazine dares to guide you through its treacherous waters. That magazine is PSP Galaxy, sponsored by Play-Asia. With a certain amount of cunning and derring-do, Issue #16 brings you the following fantastic features:
-Coverage of the eGames & Entertainment Expo
-Review of Wrapstar's PSP Skins!
-Reviews: Killzone Liberation, GTA: Vice City Stories, Lumines II, Power Stone Collection, Need for Speed Carbon, Passport To... and more!
-PC Review of Sam & Max Episode 1: Culture Shock
-Movie Review of Borat!
-Terranova's Japanese R&D!
-Another installation of our free comic!
-Not to mention all the old favourites - news, Prime's Rant, Cooking with Mof, Mof vs. Prime vs. Jebus, Movie Watch...
-It all amounts to a nostril exploding 105 pages!
So pick up (or preferably download) this latest issue of PSP Galaxy, and enter your festivities with style! Well, as much style as possible when reading stuff off your PSP. Which is a lot.
Comment on Issue #16 here!
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November 30th, 2006, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
Fresh from Konami's gentle loins we've got 30 new stealthy screenshots of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, which hits PSP next year.
While a full-on solo stealth mission is there for the taking, multiplayer seems to be the big focus for the latest handheld MGS, in which you can unlock new characters via wi-fi depending on whereabouts you are in the world.
There's no solid European release date yet apart from a vague '2007', but we're guessing we'll see it sometime in Q1.
News and screens at CVG
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November 30th, 2006, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
As the shortage of PlayStation 3 units continues in the US and Canada sales of PS2 and PlayStation Portable are booming, according to Sony Computer Entertainment America.
In a statement, communications boss David Karraker said the top five retailers in North America were reporting a week-by-week rise in PS2 hardware sales of more than 115 per cent over the Thanksgiving period. Sales of PSP units, meanwhile, were up by 280 per cent.
Sales of first-party software are also up, according to SCEA. PS2 game sales rose by 120.6 per cent, with PSP software sales increasing by almost 168 per cent.
Sony has yet to publish figures for exactly how many PlayStation 3 units have been sold in North America since the console launched there on November 17.
However, Karraker did confirm that all PS3s shipped to the US last week have been sold, adding, "More are already on their way for this week.
"Feedback from our retail partners is that demand is still incredibly high and that PS3s put on store shelves were quickly snapped up by holiday shoppers," he went on.
"We will continue to utilise airfreight delivery for the PlayStation 3 to assure a steady stream of systems for North American consumers through the end of the year."
As previously announced, Sony plans to ship one million PS3 units by the end of the year.
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November 30th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster

While we've been busy covering the hell out of the Wii and PS3, The Onions seems to have made it a little simpler.
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November 30th, 2006, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Along with Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper, the Ratchet and Clank series is one of the PlayStation 2's most beloved original franchises. With that in mind, it only makes sense that their stories would extend beyond the PS2's lifetime and onto other platforms. And while Sly Cooper's fate still remains somewhat of a mystery, the other two IPs are already moving forward. Daxter, for example, made quite a splash when it appeared on the PSP earlier this year, whereas the PS3 Ratchet and Clank is already in full production. It's the New Year, however, that holds the most immediate news -- with yet another Ratchet adventure is heading our way on the PlayStation Portable
The release in question is Size Matters, the first official development from the former Insomniacs at High Impact Games. Though smaller in format and viewing dimensions, the game itself doesn't appear to be watered down in concept at all. Then again, if you've been following our coverage you already know that fromour previews written in April, May, and September. If you haven't read them, however, but still want to know what's going on then worry not: Size Matters still has plenty of big levels, lots of weapons, and that classic Ratchet and Clank sense of humor.
Full Article at IGN
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November 30th, 2006, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
Blu-ray. The Cell Processor. The RSX graphics chip. The PS3 was supposed to be the most insanely advanced gaming machine ever created. It was supposed to be able to deliver visuals well beyond anything capable on console or PC. According to Sony, the next generation wasn't supposed to begin until PS3 arrived.
So why is it, then, that all these PS3 games look just the same as they do on the Xbox 360?
When the PS2 first launched, Sony demanded that all games on the system be enhanced visually over their rival platform counterparts. The PS2 represented the next generation of gaming, and software was required to support this notion. With the PS3, Sony seemingly has no such requirements, offering us only that it "expects and encourages publishers working on PS3 titles to take full advantage of the technology and features that PS3 provides." Well, encouraging may not be enough. And promises for better looking games in the future don't really cut it. The PS3 is here now, it costs an extra $200 (at minimum), and the visual difference is questionable.
Don't believe us? We put the PS3 lineup to the test. We captured images and video of several games and their Xbox 360 counterparts - using the same exact capture device, with same type of connection cables, running at the same exact resolutions. Now you tell us, are we just missing something or was the next generation here all along?
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November 30th, 2006, 03:22 Posted By: wraggster
The all-time weakness of the yen against the euro and pound could "save" the delicate economics of the PlayStation3 games console, and rescue Sony from an estimated four years of losses on its complex machine.
New calculations by UBS suggest that if the historic strengths of sterling and the euro against the yen continue into 2007, Sony will make only a tiny loss on each console when the PS3 is launched in Europe next March.
Recent reports by independent engineers who have stripped the PS3 to its component parts suggest that each unit is currently costing Sony a little over Y90,000 ($763). This in turn causes the company a loss of about Y30,000 every time a PS3 is sold in the US or Japan.
But based on analysts' assumptions that the high-end PS3 will be sold at retail for about €590 ($757) in Europe and Britain, Sony will be losing less than Y3,000 per unit when the revenues from those markets are translated back into yen.
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November 30th, 2006, 03:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
The National Institute on Media and the Family has just released their annual Report Card, and are advising parents to avoid buying certain games for their kids. All of the titles feature "M" ratings, but meh... parents are too busy to actually look at ratings! Here are the games to avoid, with PSP titles bolded:
Gangs of London *
The Sopranos
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories *
Reservoir Dogs
Mortal Kombat: Unchained *
Scarface: The World is Yours
The Godfather: Mob Wars *
Saints Row
Dead Rising
Just Cause
This list tells me one thing: the PSP really is for the mature crowd. Four of those titles are either exclusive, or enhanced on the PSP, making this system easily much more evil than the childish DS counterpart. At least the Institute recommends Loco Roco for the holidays, which should distract the kids from downloading porn onto their systems.
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November 30th, 2006, 03:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
The Sega Genesis Collection has been earning some good reviews from critics. Featuring 28 games at a bargain price, it's certainly a steal (especially compared to the insane prices of Sega's Virtual Console offerings). However, Modojo points out the titles that could've been part of this collection to make quite possibly the greatest game anthology ever. Here's but a sampling of their suggestions:
Gunstar Heroes Treasure's action game is beloved by hardcore gamers everywhere. It's probably not included in the Collection simply because people like myself will be buying it on the Wii Virtual Console... at least two times.
Toe Jam & Earl Yet another game that Nintendo Wii owners will be downloading. Classic platforming.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Well, the first two are in the collection.
Sonic & Knuckles See above.
Streets of Rage It's only like, totally, the best beat-em-up, like, ever created.
Streets of Rage 2 See above.
Disney's Aladdin I think this breaks the rules, as the game was developed by Capcom. However, this is licensed platforming at its best.
Michael Jackson's Moowalker No comment.
Considering how many more classics remain in the Genesis library, it wouldn't surprise me if Sega didn't make yet another compilation of these games, and more. In fact, if Sega made a compilation of just these games alone, they'd be more than worth the price of admission. C'mon Sega! Let me give you more money!
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November 30th, 2006, 15:13 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Japanese publisher reveals break-even figures
Namco Bandai must sell over 500,000 units of its PS3 titles before it begins to make a profit, according to president Takeo Takasu.
The price of graphics alone costs the second-largest Japanese publisher one billion yen (EUR 6.5 million), more than double that of titles for Nintendo's Wii, according to a report by Bloomberg.
"We have to sell at least 500,000 copies per title worldwide to make a profit on PlayStation 3 games," said Takasu.
Namco Bandai released Ridge Racer 7 and Mobile Suit Gundam for the PlayStation 3, both of which were the highest-selling games on the weekend of release, shifting around 22,000 units each.
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November 30th, 2006, 15:17 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Thanksgiving sales "exceeded expectations"
Electronic Arts CEO Larry Probst has said he believes that just 200,000 PS3 units made it to the US for the console's launch - half the number promised by Sony.
Speaking at the Reuters Media Summit, Probst said that EA previously assumed the shipment figure would be lower than the 400,000 unit target set by Sony. However, he said, "Where they ended up was a bit of a surprise."
Sony has repeatedly stated that new shipments are being sent to the US on a continuous basis, and Probst predicted that between 500,000 and 800,000 units will have been shipped US by the end of the year. "We think they'll get into that range," he stated.
The PS3 launched in North America on November 17, just two days before the Wii and a week before Thanksgiving weekend.
"Bottom line, I would say that the first holiday weekend met or slightly exceeded expectations," Probst said, adding that the Xbox 360, PS2, PSP and Nintendo DS all selling solidly.
"Clearly the Nintendo Wii had a spectacular holiday," he went on, noting that sales of the new console exceeded EA's expectations.
Probst believes it's far too soon to tell who will win the next-gen console battle, however - and that it could take as long as five years to find out.
Sony has yet to reveal US shipment and sales figures for PlayStation 3, but Nintendo recently announced that 600,000 Wii units were sold in the eight days following launch.
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November 30th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: blackrave
Winnydows has released a new version of the great video conversion tool XviD4PSP.
A lot of new things this time.
4.044 changelog:
- VirtualDub updated to 1.6.17.
- ColorMatrix updated to
- Updated About form.
- Pass and Preset don't locked to Profile anymore, but still changed on Profile change.
- Clean button now refresh Temp tab too.
- Changed work with Error jobs. Now encoding don't stop on error job.
- Fixed Sorry.Errors messages on jobs without errors.
- Saturation, Brightness, Contrast now sticky.
- Fixed audio bitrate reset.
- Mencoder updated to svn-21000.
- x264 updated to 603.
- Now used SSE2 buid of NeroAacEnc.
- For Athlon and P3 user created special updates.
- Now default AVC level = 5.1. For formats MP4 PSP, MP4 PSP 2.8 - 2.1. For MP4 iPOD - 1.3. For MP4 iPOD 640 и PMP AVC - 3.0. This must more enhance quality of PMP and MP4 for PC.
- Fixed Autocrop for D2V files import.
- Maximum bitrate foe MPEG2 now 9800.
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November 30th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: blackrave
New release of Poxman from KiwiDoggie is out now.
Poxman is the official, coded from scratch PSPHacking101 game. You can play as either Pox, Ragable, or Pox's wife, Deathgrrrl in a game of suped up tag which sports some appealing features
In Developement:
WiFi Play - Play against your friends! No matter how far away they are! (Progress - Completed)
Character Select - Choose who you want to play as!!! (Progress - Todo list)
AI - Play alone versus an intelligent AI opponent. (Progress - Todo list)
Improved GUI and Menu - In summary, a badass menu (Progress - Complete)
Improved Gameplay - Need I say more? (Progress - There is no limit to perfection 
This is KiwiDoggie's comment:
"A while back Butterballer360 stopped working on poxman and left it to me to fix any bugs and release it. Well I fixed the bugs but i lost the file(.zip) and almost a year later while cleaning out my files i found it. So here is the release of POXMAN 2.0!!!
I am still working on a patch for this game so go out there and play tag!"
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November 30th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will ship just 500,000 to 800,000 PlayStation 3s in North America by the year's end - significantly less than its initial forecast of 1 million - EA CEO Larry Probst has told Reuters.
In comparison Nintendo says that it has managed to sell 600,000 Wii consoles in just is first week on sale, and forecasts 4 million consoles for North American stores by the year's end.
According to Probst EA had set a lower bar for initial PS3 shipments, but "where they ended up was a bit of a surprise. We think they'll get into that range," he told Reuters, and pointed out that console and software sales were typically sluggish to begin with because of low supply.
Probst also made the intriguing claim that 20,000 of the 200,000 shipped launch PS3s were sold on eBay, which when sold is surely enough money to feed the starving children of Africa and still have enough left over to pay for Ken Kutaragi's kitchen extension.
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November 30th, 2006, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
Kutaragi led the team that created PlayStation but the recent issues surrounding the introduction of PlayStation 3 seems to have taken their toll in the boardroom.
A Sony statement explained, "Kutaragi will continue to oversee the entire SCE group as chief executive officer, and will fully exercise his power to reinforce and further accelerate the development of the PlayStation business."
Hirai has led the firm's US business since 2003 and assumes the new Tokyo-based role today.
Jack Tretton, currently head of Sony's US gaming business, will replace Hirai as boss of Sony America. "Given his experience and exceptional reputation in the industry, I can think of no better person to assume the helm of the PlayStation brand in the US, Canada and Latin America," Hirai said.
David Reeves has also now been appointed vice president at Sony Computer Entertainment. All move are effective from Friday.
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November 30th, 2006, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
Team Omega has updated their top selling Duo 3 for PS2 which now becomes Duo 3 Gold!
Fully in stock today!
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November 30th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai must sell over 500,000 units of its PS3 titles before it begins to make a profit, according to president Takeo Takasu.
The price of graphics alone costs the second-largest Japanese publisher one billion yen (EUR 6.5 million), more than double that of titles for Nintendo's Wii, according to a report by Bloomberg.
"We have to sell at least 500,000 copies per title worldwide to make a profit on PlayStation 3 games," said Takasu.
Namco Bandai released Ridge Racer 7 and Mobile Suit Gundam for the PlayStation 3, both of which were the highest-selling games on the weekend of release, shifting around 22,000 units each.
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November 30th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts CEO Larry Probst has said he believes that just 200,000 PS3 units made it to the US for the console's launch - half the number promised by Sony.
Speaking at the Reuters Media Summit, Probst said that EA previously assumed the shipment figure would be lower than the 400,000 unit target set by Sony. However, he said, "Where they ended up was a bit of a surprise."
Sony has repeatedly stated that new shipments are being sent to the US on a continuous basis, and Probst predicted that between 500,000 and 800,000 units will have been shipped US by the end of the year. "We think they'll get into that range," he stated.
The PS3 launched in North America on 17th November, just two days before the Wii and a week before Thanksgiving weekend.
"Bottom line, I would say that the first holiday weekend met or slightly exceeded expectations," Probst said, adding that the Xbox 360, PS2, PSP and Nintendo DS all selling solidly.
"Clearly the Nintendo Wii had a spectacular holiday," he went on, noting that sales of the new console exceeded EA's expectations.
Probst believes it's far too soon to tell who will win the next-gen console battle, however - and that it could take as long as five years to find out.
Sony has yet to reveal US shipment and sales figures for PlayStation 3, but Nintendo recently announced that 600,000 Wii units were sold in the eight days following launch.
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November 30th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
A radio gag offering a PlayStation 3 for any listeners who gave up their kids backfired on the radio show's host as over a dozen listeners rang up to accept the offer.
Dave Ryan, the host of Minnesota's KDWB morning show, said that he would give a PS3 to anyone who would hand over their baby for 24 hours. But what was supposed to be a joke mocking just how far people would be prepared to go to get a PS3, was taken seriously by many listeners.
Those who rang up included a woman prepared to let her child go for three days saying that she was going to sell the PS3 to save money for holidays. The ages of the children varied with a one-month-old baby being offered up in exchange for the next-gen console.
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November 30th, 2006, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 is not, it's fair to say, perfect. Yet it's not the complete mess that some fanboys would have you believe, either. In truth, it's just imperfect. Like most consoles (except for the SNES). Anyway, some of those imperfections affect online play with the PS3. And those are the ones that bother us most.
We've been playing Ridge Racer 7 online every day for the past three weeks, and largely without complaint. A few recurring problems have, however, started to sap our Ridge Spirit (whatever that is). For one thing, intermittent Bluetooth downtime suffered by the Sixaxis has led us drifting helplessly into track barriers. That's a hardware fault, but a software anomaly was also experienced at this blogger's test location of Kyoto, Japan, where yesterday a race was won without any true racing:
Our Meltfire motor lined up in pole position on the starting grid, we took off at a good pace, then checked our rear-view mirror to see the other nine racers involved, lagging about 200 meters behind. A second later, they were gone. All our competitors had disappeared, leaving us to amble around the Aviator Loop circuit and, very smugly, pick up some serious Online Battle Points. That was a one-off (although we secretly hope it happens again).
Unfortunately, the Bluetooth deadzone niggle -- caused by automatic Bluetooth re-syncing -- continues to niggle. Worse, having to occasionally connect the Sixaxis via USB in order to manually re-sync its Bluetooth connection is something of a downer. And we want uppers. So, Sony, please release all the firmware updates you can. We've not written you off yet.
Via joystiq
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November 30th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
You have to wonder if Sony Online Entertainment was so co-dependent during the development of the Champions of Norrath games that they had to abandon the successful series when partner Snowblind Studios was bitten by the superhero bug. Instead of leveraging EverQuest's popularity for the launch of the PlayStation 3, SOE decided to stick with their more generic Untold Legends setting, which debuted on the PSP nearly two years ago. But with its paltry 18-20 hours of gameplay, lack of SIXAXIS support, and all of three pre-customized characters to choose from, Dark Kingdom ends up being little more than a rushed launch title, not the next-gen Norrath many people were hoping for.
IGN (65/100) wants more PS3 and less PSP: "Apart from the repetitive combat system, there's a ton of gameplay issues that you'd hope would've been fixed with the transition over to the PS3. Load times are surprisingly long when you're accessing new levels. Rocks and boxes, as well as hills or background objects can cause your character to freeze in mid-jumping animation for at least five or six seconds. You'll also run into a lot of camera problems during combat, where the camera will unexpectedly zoom in or out during a fight."
GameSpot (60/100) thinks Dark Kingdom is ill-suited for looters: "Gear lust is one of the more prominent driving forces in dungeon crawlers, and it's here that Dark Kingdom comes up short. Pieces of armor with different names and radically different effects look identical on your character, limiting the joy of equipping new gear and seeing how it looks on your increasingly badass adventurer. Your character will use the same basic weapon, as well as most of the same combo attacks, from beginning to end."
GameSpy (60/100) hopes Sony is planning to make better use of the PS3's storage capacity: "What surprises me the most about the whole pre-formed character shtick is how confining it seems for a next-gen console with the power of the PS3. Look at the character customization options in Oblivion and you might understand where I'm coming from with this. All that power and I only have three options to choose from?"
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November 30th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: blackrave
Darkwolf released today an app that can make the PSP a sensor bar for the Wii, from what I can understand. It has not been tested yet, so Darkwolf can't guarantee it works, so please, if anyone has a Wii, can you test it and post results? Thanks.
This is from PSBs readme file:
- simply load psb from xmb, plce your psp on top of, or under your TV and point
- the ir port located at the top of your psp facing your holding your wiimote.

- this has not been tested with a wii console and is currently only a proof of concept basic design.
- may work better with 2 psp's scince there is only one IR led on each psp.
- anyhow this may not work with only one psp and the more the merrier.
- basic coding by me (DarkWolf)
- Graphics by me
- DEbug by OMAR_OMAR2
- special thanks to creators of luaplayer
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November 30th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Take a look at this peeps Joe Stranger has made a awesome two analogue stick modification for the PSP. It does actually work but reaching the right trigger becomes a bit of a problem. Credit also goes to cybertrot from acidmods.
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November 30th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: blackrave
With Buena Vista as sponsors, Q Entertainment is having an online video mixer contest where you can put together an own track with loops, beats, and riffs; gameplay footage, dancers, and floating shapes.
Submissions will only be accepted until December 31, and the winner will head to Miami this spring for a Winter Music Conference and get to meet Junkie XL.
Only US residences are eligble to enter the contest, but anyone can create a track and show it off to friends. 
Read more about the contest and make a track at Lumines Official Site
Does anyone want to share their tracks?
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November 30th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Ok, so the PlayStation 3 wasn't exactly the most flexible high def device out of the gate; despite Sony's claims, DVDs aren't upscaled, there's no component out, and from what we've heard, even though its HDMI 1.3 output technically supports 1080p/24 (for the uninitiated, that's 24fps to match a film master print), we understand it's not yet playable as such. (Note: we've yet to try 1080p/24, as we don't have any media mastered thusly.) However, this could change according to a translated Impress interview of Sony PS3 A/V developers. Obviously something is bound to be lost in translation, but if the text reads correctly then the PS3 will not only be getting software SACD support, but it'll also get user-selectable internal YCrCb image processing (instead of RGB -- although we've yet to hear of component output plans), 1080p/24 support, and will finally allow for DVD upscaling as well. We have no idea exactly when this will happen (or why this wasn't made clearer to us US-dwelling videophiles) but apparently Kutaragi-san and the gang are on the case -- godspeed, PS3 team.
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November 30th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like screwed up resolution support isn't the only kink Sony needs to iron out of its fancy new PS3 system. Reports are rampant of SIXAXIS controllers having quite a bit of trouble staying synced via Bluetooth. Pretty much the only way to rectify the problem is to plug the controller into the PS3 via USB and manually re-sync it, but that's little consolation when your controller locks up in the middle of a Resistance deathmatch or mid-drift in Ridge Racer 7. There are similar reports of a Wii-controller mishaps, but it seems the SIXAXIS has it particularly bad. No official response from Sony yet, but we'll be keeping an ear out.
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November 30th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony may be aware that something is just not right. There's a reshuffling of management occurring withing Sony. Kazuo Hirai is set to head their videogame unit, as Ken Kutaragi has been bumped to the Sony board. Jack Tretton, former COO for SCEA, is now the president and CEO of that arm of the company. There's no word on the reasoning behind these position shifts. On the same day, Namco announced that they must sell 500,000 games to begin making profit on PS3 games. A Financial Times article confirms speculation on how hard it will be for Sony to make money, as analysts with UBS predict that 30 games must be sold per PS3 for them to break even."
To add insult to injury, EA CEO Larry Probst has said PS3 numbers were lower than expected. Current thinking is that Sony managed to ship roughly half of the 400,000 units they were promising.
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December 1st, 2006, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
NJ yesterday released the sources to his CPS1, CPS2 and NeoGeo MVS Emulators and thanks to EvilDooinz we have compiled binarys of all 3 emulators, heres whats new via elations translation:
Reverted the masking process in Street Fighter ZERO 3 to what it was previously.
This doesn't mean that I've checked everything, so don't pay much attention.
I've rewritten the sprite management processing, and as it was more effective then I had anticipated, I'm updating this.
It looks as though CPS2 games that were on the verge of reaching 60fps, such as T.Hawk's stage in Street Fighter IIX, etc... are now running at 60fps.
(of course, this is at 333MHz with Vsync Off/Raster Effects Off) I'd bet that you can even play games such as Street Fighter Zero with Raster Effects On with no problem.
There just isn't enough memory for MVS, so there's nothing I can do about that.
Download all 3 Emulators and Give Feedback over at the Release Thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...t=44305&page=2
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December 1st, 2006, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Any videogame born of the Star Wars license should rock. Taking the caliber of the source material, it seems like a logical thing to assume. But as most astute gamers will attest, that's simply not the case. It was in times past, back in the glory days of the PC, but not anymore. On the contrary, gamers now receive the announcement of a new Star Wars project with concern. After all, there's almost nothing worse than perfectly good geek material gone to waste.
The latest title to come down the pipeline is Star Wars: Lethal Alliance for the PlayStation Portable. It's only the second Star Wars title in development for Sony's handheld, which makes it even more of a special occasion than usual. To give IGN a look at the latest build, the folk at Ubisoft set up a demo at their offices in San Francisco. They only wanted a few particular levels talked about, which turned out fine since they provided a nice cross section of the action. The brief tour took place in a variety of Star Wars locations, including the Death Star, Tatooine and Danuta. At the heart of the adventure sits a curvaceous space pirate by the name of Rianna Saren and her sidekick droid, Zeeo.
After a life of petty crime and mercenary work -- usually against the Empire that enslaved her years earlier -- she decides to get serious. After an encounter with members of the Rebel Alliance, Rianna is tasked with sneaking into a secret research facility and stealing plans for the Death Star, which is still under construction. Along the way, she'll meet up with familiar faces like Kyle Katarn and throw down with the best the Empire has to offer. Her previous line of work did a fantastic job of getting her ready. Rianna has an arsenal of weapons at her disposal. She's also ridiculously limber and athletic, making her a fast-moving target and a tough opponent to beat in hand-to-hand combat. Plus, she can join with Zeeo, her droid, to perform a number of combo attacks and hack into enemy networks.
Full Article at IGN
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December 1st, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3, impressively, uses barely anything when off; the Watt display on the Kill-A-Watt metering device showing between 0 and 1 watts.
When sitting idle at the crossbar navigation system, the equivalent to the Xbox 360 dashboard or the Wii's home menu, the PS3 used anywhere from 185 to 205 watts. When doing similar work the Xbox 360 uses 145 watts and the Wii just 15-20.
Now, for the gaming. We tested with three games and found consumption to be lowest when playing Tiger Woods 07, registering at 185-190 watts, and highest when playing Formula One Championship Edition, which demanded a rather more disconcerting 217 watts on average. By comparison the Xbox 360 comes in at 165 watts during gameplay with the Wii using only around 120. Finally, during Blu-ray playback the PS3 continued to draw a surprising 205 watts, just to spew the rather craptacular Ricky Bobby to my HDTV.
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December 1st, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
The Metal Slug Anthology is finally coming out next week on the PS2, Wii and PSP. Of course, there's really only one platform you'll want this on: the PSP. Handheld 2D carnage to go sounds like a blast, and this new trailer proves it. But with Metal Gear also coming out on the same day, PSP gamers will have a rough choice to make. (Of course, the best course of action would be to get both!)
Video Here --> http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/7755
Via PSPFanboy
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