July 17th, 2013, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Strong response to motion control interface game suite leaves Sony hopeful for an expanded version
Sony is contemplating developing its PlayStation 4 tech demo The Playroom into a full consumer release.
The demo, conceived by both hardware and software teams within Sony so as to demonstrate the PS4's various inputs and control methods to the trade and press, met with great interest at E3, and as a result may be expanded to reach a wider audience, reports Polygon.
The website quotes SCEA senior producer Tsubasa Inaba at a recent New York event stating: "Conceptionally it follows the DNA of [the PS Vita's] Welcome Park. That's actually the perfect example. Our R&D teams for hardware and our software teams worked to put that application together. It was a very similar situation for this one."
According to the report, Sony is now considering releasing the collection of toy-like games to a public that it was never desitned for. And Inaba claimed The Playroom is already inspiring other internal teams to craft titles for the package.
Asked if the game suite would come pre-installed on the PS4, Inaba said: "Perhaps. We hope to have a more definitive answer to that question in the next month or two."
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July 17th, 2013, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Something is wrong with Shuhei Yoshida, president of SCE Worldwide Studios. All the rumpled indie developers on Sony’s Boeing 777, which has been idling for hours on a Dubai runway, notice as soon as he finally emerges from his private cabin. Beneath his usual fawn blazer he wears a new-looking M83 tee instead of his standard Oxford shirt. His elegant silver glasses have been replaced by chunky hipster frames. His sensible haircut is bizarrely pomaded upwards at the back, and a wallet chain swings from the belt loop of what are clearly women’s jeans. A faded nightclub stamp is visible on the back of his hand.The game designers are on the plane as part of Sony’s new initiative to entice indie developers away from Steam and Ouya. One-hundred-and-fifty devs were invited to spend seven days on a junket with Yoshida, stopping at Hard Rock Cafes in seven different countries for reasons that remain entirely unclear. But what indie developer could pass up a week of global wining and dining on Sony’s tab while getting an inside track on the latest indie-friendly initiatives? Remembering their good fortune, the passengers shake off their shock at Yoshida’s appearance and start a tentative round of applause. This is cut short when Yoshida suddenly darts down the aisle shouting “YOLO!”, wantonly pouring cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon around as the developers frantically scrabble for their plastic cups.Back at the head of the aisle, Yoshida turns to face the baffled developers. He’s now radiating his usual refreshing candour and good humour. After some warm, polished introductory remarks, he segues into his prepared spiel for the gathered developers, who are picking suspiciously at the vegan meals they’ve just been served. Yoshida turns on a laptop projector and pulls up a slideshow. The first slide looks like the wiring diagram for an immensely complicated machine. But the developers, knowing better, groan in recognition – it’s a flow chart depicting Sony’s developer submissions process, with its 666 labyrinthine steps. Many of them are arbitrary, some seem deliberately cruel, and more than a few are potentially fatal.Pausing dramatically, Yoshida draws an organic Natural American Spirit cigarette from inside his jacket and casually sticks it in the corner of his mouth, but backwards. Lighting the filter and inhaling deeply, he coughs violently, turning red. Still, he manages two more determined drags. The developers look on in horror as the stench of burnt cellulose fills the plane. Once Yoshida’s coughing fit passes, he chokes out a sigh of relief and presses on. Until recently, he admits, indie developers who wanted to get their games on PSN or Vita had to jump through all sorts of hoops, including relinquishing creative control, washing Yoshida’s Lotus 2-Eleven Roadster and maybe even drinking noxious cocktails of condiments (“because it’s funny,” according to company policy). A wrong move in the submissions process could even land a developer in gruesome experiments with the PlayStation Move and tank controls.Yoshida says that he randomly ran into a certain hot young developer – who spent five years making a celebrated indie game where you stare at a motionless glowing orb as a metaphor for time or love or something – at a “musical concert by the American five-piece indie rock group Deerhunter, who have described themselves as ambient punk, though they incorporate a wide range of genres”. He makes no attempt to hide the fact that he’s reading from a Wikipedia printout. At the back of the plane, an embarrassed-looking young man self-consciously crosses his arms over the Deerhunter logo on his shirt. According to Yoshida, the developer had confided that the main reason he wouldn’t make games for Sony was that he didn’t want to die. The president pauses significantly, rubbing his neck and smearing the tribal tattoo that’s plainly been drawn on in Sharpie. “Our submissions process was literally killing game designers,” he says reflectively. “That got to me.” Then he pulls up the next slide, which elicits a chorus of gasps.Titled Sony’s New Indie Submissions Process, the slide displays a giant smiley emoticon ringed with talking points such as ‘One Step!’ and ‘Non-Lethal!’ alongside more obscure items such as ‘No Baby Blood!’ and ‘Seapunk!’. Yoshida explains that as of now indie developers who want to release games with Sony simply have to “come chill at my house and listen to phonograph records of dubstep music”. If Yoshida likes your haircut, Sony will take care of the rest. In addition, he says, Sony will no longer charge exorbitant sums for dev kits, patches, basic logons, and the privilege of not wearing a proprietary electro-convulsive monitory collar. Instead, developers will receive the basic tools they need for free and pursue their visions without fear of corporate meddling or reprisal by way of a remotely triggered incapacitating shock. Finally, Yoshida says, Sony contracts need no longer be signed in babies’ blood; the blood of any mammal will do. The president disappears into his cabin, not to be seen again for the rest of the junket, as the indie developers open their veins.
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July 17th, 2013, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
This open-world RPG-shooter was this year’s Watch Dogs at E3: the big Ubisoft surprise no one saw coming. Swedish studio Ubisoft Massive worked on Far Cry 3’s multiplayer mode, but while that was a hived-off addition to Ubi Montreal’s tropical open-world game, The Division has been built from the ground up with multiplayer in mind.The titular group is a government agency set up to deal with the fallout from a pandemic, based on a 2001 real-world study that revealed just how quickly America would fall apart. Years later, it comes to pass: an outbreak on Black Friday, the busiest US shopping day of the year, wreaks chaos within days. Players are dropped into New York City three weeks after the outbreak, and it’s in tatters. It’s still beautiful, Massive’s new Snowdrop engine helping create a recognisable, believable Big Apple in midwinter, with swirling snowflakes ticking the E3 particle-effects checkbox, and steam billowing out of vents and manhole covers. When we head indoors, the use of light and shadow is remarkable, powered by dynamic global illumination, a truly next-gen technique; current consoles have no problem lighting a static scene, but open a door and everything goes to pot. The tricks don’t end there, either. There’s no map screen – an augmented-reality overlay of the area appears beneath your feet. Menus, meanwhile, are a virtual pop-up from your agent’s wristwatch.Mechanically, this is a tactical, thirdperson cover shooter that rewards teamwork – very much in the Clancy mould. Following the template set down by Assassin’s Creed’s viewpoints and Far Cry 3’s outposts, here you’re tasked with restoring a police station before you can begin work on the surrounding area. We free a couple of cops who have been locked up in their own cells, scavenge some food and water for ourselves, and head back outside.
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July 17th, 2013, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
PS4 CGI won’t be indistinguishable from reality, but the leap in tech will enable developers to truly explore the possibilities of emotional expression in games, says Mark Cerny.PlayStation 4s lead system architect told us at last week’s Develop In Brighton 2013 conference that he believes PS4 can kickstart a new golden age of game diversity, before moving on to the subject of new technology enabling greater emotional expression in games.“We are at the point in the PlayStation 4 generation where we will forget sometimes that we’re looking at CGI rather than captured video,” Cerny said.But if CGI is reaching the point where it is indistinguishable from video, why not just use video, we asked. “I don’t think it will be indistinguishable,” said Cerny. “I just think that at times we’ll be able to forget, and it will depend on lighting and depend on the scene. But there will be moments when you forget. I don’t think we’ll be consistently able to be at that point so if you used video, you really would be drawing attention to the fact that the actors really don’t exist in the game’s world.”Cerny was speaking to us as part of a wider discussion about the game industry’s preoccupation with photorealism, in which he also recalled his time in the late nineties at Crystal Dynamics at the height of the FMV era.“We [at Crystal Dynamics] weren’t as far ahead as EA was,” he said. “EA did Road Rash with full-blown shoots in exactly the era of the game with professional actors, stunt people and the like. They were really feeling that was the future. As an industry, we have gotten to that story-driven place that we thought we were going to get to. It just took 15 years longer than we thought it would.”When asked why he thinks it took games so long to reach that point, Cerny replied: “If you look at games and you look at film, in film no matter how much cheap your production is, you have access to emotion because you have access to the human face. But in games that’s the most expensive thing – the human body is the most expensive thing you can try to put in your game – at least a human who looks like a human.”“So it takes tens of millions of dollars to do what film can do on many levels for just a few hundred thousand dollars. It took a while for the technology to get to the point where we could really put something compelling in there on the narrative side.”You can read why PlayStation 4s lead system architect also believes that PS4 can help kickstart a new golden age for games through the link.
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July 17th, 2013, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has kicked off a new giveaway that allows US PSN members to use PlayStation Trophies in a special memorabilia auction.
The platform holder will be offering different items, one per day until July 30th, and each will go to the user that bids with the most Trophies, according to PlayStation Blog. Sadly, the giveaway is only available in the US.
Items up for grabs range from an Infected costume from The Last of Us, various weapons of Skyrim's hero Dragonborn, the cutlass wielded by Assassin Creed IV's Captain Kenway, concept art and outfits from Sony titles like Killzone and Infamous.
All users have to do is log into BidForGreatness.com with their PSN details. The site will then work out how many gold trophies they have available. Then they make bids on the items they want, cross their fingers and hope for the best.
And yes, Sony says your trophies will still appear on your account after the auction.
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July 17th, 2013, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
PS4 architect Mark Cerny has shed new light on Sony’s DualShock 4, stating that it was made to please FPS fans and revealing that at one point Sony had considered biometric sensor strips for the controller.
Speaking with Stuff, Cerny confirmed that the company looked into touch sensors designed to track data relating to a player’s emotions – ultimately deciding to leave them out from the final design.
“Would it help to measure the galvanic response of the skin? We tried out a tremendous number of things – and then we went to the game teams to ask them what they thought they could use from the controller.”
Cerny also spoke on how the official design was created with first-person shooter fans in mind.
“Historically we have heard many times that our controllers have not been ideal for first-person shooters, so we wanted to make sure we had something that would be much better for that genre.”
“We tested the throw of the triggers, the position of the triggers, how much pressure it takes. We looked at the joysticks, the dead spot, we looked at convexity and concavity. I haven’t heard a negative comment about it yet. For a controller with a very different form factor that was just amazing to see.”
The PS4 and DualShock 4 are due out later this year.
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July 18th, 2013, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft's stealth blockbuster will be in GAME stores after trading hours next weekend – but gamers won't need their night-vision goggles to get their hands on it.
Instead, GAME will be welcoming customers with open doors as 10 stores around the UK host the latest in the retailer's series of lock-in demo events, this time centered around Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
Sam Fisher's latest outing will be available to play in selected stores on Friday, July 26th and Saturday, July 27th. The game will be released for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and PC on August 23rd.
Consumers can register for a space at the event either in these stores, or by tweeting the relevant store's Twitter account. Places are first come, first served.
More than 5,000 customers have already attended GAME's lock-in events, and the retailer will be hosting more later in the year.
Here's a full list of the participating stores:
Friday, July 26th
- Lord Street, Liverpool
- Victoria Centre, Nottingham
- Cribbs Causeway, Bristol
- Back of the Inns, Norwich
- North End, Croydon
Saturday, July 27th
- Arndale Centre, Manchester
- Mill Lane, Solihull
- St Davids 2 Centre, Cardiff
- Oracle Shopping Centre, Reading
- West Quay Centre, Southampton
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July 18th, 2013, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft CEO says some retail partners seeing big demand for Xbox One and PS4, believes open-world will be key for all genres
It's difficult to quantify the buzz surrounding the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launches, but Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot offered some slight illumination on the matter in an investor conference call today. Guillemot said retailers he's talked to have been very positive about the preorder situation.
"Some retailers--not all of them--are saying their preorders are two times what they saw for the last-gen launch," Guillemot said.
The executive also spelled out Ubisoft's strategy for the next generation, saying, "Open worlds are the clear direction where game genres are evolving."
Guillemot said the open-world twist has been redefining genre after genre for years, starting with Grand Theft Auto and action games. He said The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim did it for role-playing games, while Ubisoft's own Assassin's Creed series and Far Cry 3 brought open-world approaches to the adventure and first-person shooter genres. Looking forward, Guillemot said Ubisoft's The Crew will do the same for driving games.
In the past seven years, Ubisoft has made nine open-world games, "by far an unmatched performance," according to Guillemot. That output has been aided by the publisher's production capabilities, splitting up games between huge teams situated in studios around the world. Guillemot said the publisher's experience with open worlds and globally distributed development will be a major differentiator for the company in the new console cycle, giving it "a unique capacity in the industry" to release open-world games on a regular basis.
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July 18th, 2013, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
The next generation consoles are on the way to store shelves this fall, but some major retailers are already putting a halt to pre-orders. GameStop has halted PS4 pre-orders, putting people on waiting lists, and Toys R Us has also stopped taking PS4 pre-orders. The Xbox One is sold out at Best Buy for the Day One edition, and Amazon has also halted orders for that version. What's going on?
There are a couple of possibilities. One is that so far Microsoft and Sony haven't allocated very many units to different retailers, and demand is stronger than initial estimates. The stores could have under-ordered, or Sony and Microsoft have been unwilling to release more units to the retailers because of potential supply issues down the road. In the past, new consoles have had initial problems to overcome in manufacturing, often with chip yields - the original Xbox had that problem, as did the PS3. Rumors are that Microsoft may be having some yield issues on Xbox One chips, which would lead to the company being cautious about guaranteeing units to retailers.
"The larger issue that should be worrying Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo is the possible arrival of a new generation of consoles from three even bigger competitors: Apple, Google, and Amazon"
The more sinister theory is that Microsoft and Sony could be creating an artificial shortage in order to win marketing points by claiming the console is sold out. That seems unlikely, because the companies directly benefit by getting the maximum number of consoles out to gamers as quickly as possible. Profits come from software sales, and if people don't have the hardware they won't be buying software. It's most likely that Microsoft and Sony are just being very careful about what they promise to retailers. If the manufacturing problems get solved in time, more units can always be allocated for pre-orders.
The larger issue that should be worrying Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo is the possible arrival of a new generation of consoles from three even bigger competitors: Apple, Google, and Amazon. All three are rumored to be in development on consoles that would sell for $99, play mobile games and provide a vast array of media content.
Meanwhile, Microsoft and Nintendo are making initial marketing moves to boost console sales for the holidays by giving key potential customers some hands-on experience. Nintendo set up a special promo event at over 100 Best Buy stores during the week of E3, giving consumers the chance to play some of Nintendo's new titles for the holidays. Apparently the program was very well-received. Microsoft is planning the same sort of thing for the upcoming San Diego ComicCon, where someXbox One titles will be offered up for playing.
The gaming market is far larger than the console business alone these days, and the mobile gaming market is growing especially quickly. Marketing has become the biggest single issue facing mobile game makers, with discovery of an app as the key concern. That usually means advertising on mobile networks to let people know your game exists. Mobile advertising has grown an astonishing 83 percent over the last year to reach $8.9 billion worldwide. Mobile ads both provide revenue to game developers and aid in game discovery. There are over 100 advertising networks on mobile right now, and trying to map out campaigns for even a small fraction of these networks is a daunting task for marketers and even more so for developers without marketing acumen. Some companies are popping up to address this concern, like Grow Mobile, which is offering a mobile marketing dashboard to allow developers to track multiple ad campaigns from one place and gauge the effectiveness of each.
The marketing challenges in gaming continue to grow, and marketers need to get more creative to meet those challenges.
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July 18th, 2013, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Angry Birds Star Wars has invaded virtually every major mobile and desktop platform; as of October 29th, it will have a footprint on nearly every modern game console, too. The sci-fi bird flinging title will ship to the US that day for the 3DS, Wii, Wii U, PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360, with international customers getting their turn on November 1st. Regardless of the platform, there's a few rewards for patient gamers -- the console editions will carry a raft of competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes, as well as 20 exclusive levels. We're slightly surprised that there aren't PS4 and Xbox One ports just to complete the picture, but the launch is still good news for those who'd rather play ABSW on the big screen than give its sequel a try.
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July 18th, 2013, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Music Unlimited has long been Sony's preferred musical portal on the PlayStation 3, but for those who enjoy video to accompany their music, there's a new option available to folks in the US: Vidzone. It's an ad-supported music video streaming service -- not unlike the Vevo app Xbox 360 users enjoy -- that's been available to PS3 owners in Europe for years. Now, their US counterparts can enjoy the 55,000 videos in its library and can view them via genre-based channels or build their own custom playlists. Should you prefer content that's a little less produced, the service also delivers artist interviews and plenty of live events, too. And, whenever you find a new favorite video, you can share it on Facebook. Sound good? You can grab the app yourself from the PlayStation Store or install it directly from the XMB's TV/Video Services option.
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July 18th, 2013, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 4 isn't the only next-gen console that claims to offer near-instant access to digital games -- Microsoft's Xbox One apparently does as well, according to a statement issue by Redmond to Engadget today. "Consumers will be able to sign on to any Xbox One console and have access to all their digital games. Once the required data -– a fraction of the entire game -– is on their hard drive, they can jump into the action while the rest of the game finishes downloading in the background," the statement reads. It also notes that you can already enjoy much of that proposed functionality on the Xbox 360, though it requires significantly more effort than we're hoping will be required on the Xbox One.
The Xbox One supports similar functionality with disc-based games, allowing you to immediately jump in and play while the game is installed to the HDD. Of course, you'llstill need the disc in the drive for it to play; at least that's the case now, after Microsoft walked back its Xbox One DRM strategy. Microsoft also teased today's news in its original Xbox One announcement PR: "Unleashing the virtually unlimited power of the cloud makes everything more convenient and accessible, from allowing games to be installed in segments so that gameplay can start quickly to updates downloading in the background."
We've yet to see Sony or Microsoft's play while you download functionality in action on their respective next-gen game consoles, but we've got a smattering of major press events sprinkled across the next several months leading up to this holiday when the consoles launch. But hey, we understand your suspicion -- if we don't get a chance to see it in action soon, then we'll start to worry.
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July 18th, 2013, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
 Sony proudly showed off its PlayStation 4 hardware for the first time at E3, and now we're getting a peek at what developers are working with this generation thanks to the FCC. The DUH-D1000AA prototype Development Kit for PS4 is listed in these documents, tested for its Bluetooth and 802.11 b/g/n WiFi radios. As one would expect, the diagrams show it eschews the sleek design of the consumer model for extra cooling, a shape made for rack mounts plus extra indicator lights and ports. Also of note is a "max clock frequency" listing of 2.75GHz, and although we don't know how fast the game system will run by default, it's interesting to hear what all that silicon may be capable of (as a commenter points out below, that may relate to the system's 8GB of GDDR5 RAM) while maintaining a temperature between 5 and 35 degrees celsius. Hit the link below to check out the documents for yourself, after seeing this and the system's controller become a part of the FCC's database all we're left waiting for isMark Cerny's baby.
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July 19th, 2013, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
The PS4 launch price is a statement of intent on how focused Sony has become, the CEO of Professor Layton studio Level-5 has said.
Akihiro Hino told Japanese magazine Famitsu that the PS4 RRP was "the number-one surprise of E3".
"I think anyone can look at that and think this is cheap! Putting cutting-edge PC specs into a game machine that costs just a few hundred dollars really brings across how serious SCE is about this generation," he said (via Polygon).
During its E3 press conference in June, Sony confirmed a Christmas PS4 release date in Europe and the US and a PS4 price of £349 / €399 / $399, undercutting the Xbox One price by $100. The PS4 price is also some $200 cheaper than the original PS3 RRP.
Hino, whose studio is working on an unannounced, 'network-focused' PS4 title (which some speculate is Ni no Kuni 2), also complimented Microsoft for its Xbox One price.
"I think the Xbox One is pretty cheap considering what you get with it as well, but with this PS4 price point, they'll have to do something to oppose that."
In June, Microsoft's former chief executive Don Mattrick defended the Xbox One price by claiming the corporation is "over-delivering value against other choices".
The Xbox One will launch at £429 in the UK and $499 in the US, and comes bundled with the next-generation Kinect sensor. Sony, meanwhile, is believed to have removed the PS4 camera from its release day bundle to keep the PS4 RRP far below Microsoft's.
Meanwhile, Capcom producer Motohide Eshiro also spoke with Famitsu about E3 and the state of the industry. Though he said new consoles were exciting to witness, he remarked that western developers "showed off a lot of FPSes and third-person shooters that pursued photorealism and endless detail".
"As for the gameplay, I felt there wasn't much innovative," he added.
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July 19th, 2013, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom currently has no plans to release Ultra Street Fighter IV for Xbox One or PlayStation 4, a developer at the studio has confirmed.
Posting on Twitter, Yoshinori Ono, Capcom's head of games development, confirmed that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC are the only targeted platforms for the update.
Capcom announced Ultra Street Fighter 4 during Evo 2013. Billed as a major new update for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, the update will introduce five new characters, six new stages and new modes and features.
Four of the five new characters have been confirmed as: Rolento, Poison, Hugo and Elena (pictured below). The fifth character, who has "never been in a Street Fighter game before", remains unannounced. The six new stages include Pitstop 109, Mad Gear Hideout, Cosmic Elevator, Blast Furnace, Half Pipe, and Jurassic Era Research Facility.
Ono also recently said he's not currently working on a new Street Fighter game for Xbox One and PS4 as he doesn't currently have the research and development budget or the staff.
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July 20th, 2013, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Tools provider Havok is working with Konami to provide advanced simulation technologies to deliver a graphically advanced football experience for Pro Evolution Soccer 2014.
PES 2014 uses advanced Havok Physics, Havok Animation Studio and Havok Cloth technology for a comprehensive simulation of each on-field player, and is the product of several years of collaboration between Havok and Konami Digital Entertainment.
Havok says this will enable each player’s movements to be naturally represented according to the individual players’ mass and physique, and each uniform reacts realistically according to the players’ moves and speed.
“Player movements and physics are key components of a lively game, so it’s a true honor for Havok to power these elements in Konami’s incredible PES 2014,” said Arnaud Saint-Martin, Asia regional director at Havok.
“The Pro Evolution Soccer team has been dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in a football game, and in these years, Havok has worked with this talented team to integrate Havok’s technology to help take the realism of PES even further. We think football fans will appreciate how Havok technology will blur the line between the sport and simulation, and provide a football experience that looks as real as can be.”
Tadahiro Manmoto, Asia developers relation manager at Havok added: “Pro Evolution Soccer needless to say is a leading sports franchise played worldwide. It is really an honor that PES 2014 integrated Havok technologies to bring even more advanced experiences to football fans all over the world. I'm confident players will be excited by more realistic representation of players in the field. We are so proud that Havok technologies and dedicated support helped make it possible.”
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July 20th, 2013, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Although there are indications that there’s a decent appetite for Xbox One and PS4 in the West, the same can’t necessarily be said of Japan.
Kotaku reports the Japan.Internet.com poll found that only 2.5 per cent of respondents intended to purchase an Xbox One during its launch window, whenever that might be. 16.1 per cent are interested in Microsoft’s machine although 81.3 per cent said they have zero interest in purchasing one.
The numbers surprisingly weren’t that much better for PS4. 10.9 per cent want to buy one in the launch window, 25 per cent are interested and 64.4 per cent have no intention to buy.
Note that the poll questioned just 1,066 individuals, 53.1 per cent of whom were male. Half own a games console already and only 14 per cent were teenagers and 16 per cent in their twenties. The majority were 40 and above.
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July 21st, 2013, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has announced Everybody's Golf PS3 will launch on PSN on July 24 priced at €14.99/£11.99.
The game will arrive in America a day earlier priced at $19.99 under the title Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational PS3.
It originally released as a Vita launch game before making its way to PS3 in Japan last September.
The game supports cross-platform online play, while downloadable content is cross-buy, meaning those who own the Vita version will be able to unlock all of their DLC on PS3.
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July 21st, 2013, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
I can't blame it on the sunshine (and I'm certainly not going to be casting any accusations towards the moonlight or the boogie either), as handheld gaming's really come into its own these past few months, and it's done so in the face of early adversity. When Nintendo's 3DS launched in 2011, it did so at a time when entering an iPad-saturated market seemed like a suicidal folly. When Sony's Vita launched later that year it was a more foolish proposition still, its concept of triple-A games shrunk down to fit in your pocket working against so very much common sense.And for the first year of both handhelds' lives the naysayers were proven more than right. The Vita and 3DS' baby-steps were awkward enough to make you wonder if either was ever going to truly find its feet, Nintendo hastily slashing the price mere months after release while Sony's device slipped into obscurity as fast as its sleek lines would allow. As both approached their first anniversaries it wouldn't have been much of a stretch to ponder if that would be the only birthday either would enjoy.Something's changed though, ensuring an upturn in fortunes that's been quite remarkable, and one that's encapsulated the individual strengths of Sony and Nintendo. The release of Fire Emblem: Awakening, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Luigi's Mansion 2 on 3DS has been a gutsy reminder of Nintendo's strength in depth when it comes to its first-party offerings, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has tipped the handheld towards being the real star of the first half of 2013. The eShop's been on scintillating form, too - Kokuga, Hiroshi Iuchi's first game as director since Gradius 5, launched quietly last week, while on Thursday, the West has its first chance to play one of Millenium Kitchen's brilliant games with Attack of the Friday Monsters. If any console can boast a finer line-up come the year's end I'd be genuinely surprised. Kokuga's not Iuchi at his best, but its release is still worth celebrating.
The only serious contender I can see right now is the Vita itself, which is slowly coming into its own with what's shaping up to be a fine summer. Hotline Miami's already found an unlikely home on the device, the stuttering neon violence bursting beautifully on that brilliant screen, and it's the first of several top-tier ports that have found in the Vita a perfect home. Vlambeer's Luftrausers has designed its blend of WW2 dogfighting and Eugene Jarvis aesthetics for the Vita's panoramic screen, and Spelunky feels like it was always destined to be played on the move, in bed or just about whenever you can find an excuse to enjoy Derek Yu's masterpiece.And even as Sony's been smart enough to move away from the Vita's original premise, positioning it at the heart of its warm indie embrace, there are still big-hitters on the immediate horizon such as Tearaway, Rayman Legends, Killzone and the Final Fantasy 10 remakes, with Gamescom due to reveal more that's in the works.With the current generation winding down and a couple of new consoles waiting in the wings, both the Vita and the 3DS are playing on a stage that's muted, of course, but they're still putting on star turns. There's more to it too, I think. As audiences get older - or rather read as I get older - there's been a shift in playing habits, and a step away from epic all-night couch sessions. Gaming time's a precious commodity, all the easier to be grabbed with both hands on a morning commute or in that drowsy half hour in bed before falling asleep. As someone who bounced off the sugary snacks of mobile gaming after a couple of years, the chance to play the best of Nintendo and indie gaming on the move is irresistible right now.
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July 21st, 2013, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE’s head of academic development says Sony are helping to improve teaching with their PlayStationFirst Academic Programme, which is strategically vital for the future of their business. PlayStationFirst is now open for expressions of interest from universities who want to access PlayStation 4 dev kits in 2014, once developer demand has been met.Dr Maria Stukoff says: “Our aim is to increase the quality and teaching of game courses and therefore we demand universities reach a certain level before they can register on the full programme. Engaging with academia means that SCEE is actively taking part in shaping the future of game development education and offering pathways for students to get skilled-up whilst learning about the industry, the players and the products.”PlayStationFirst is a Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) and SCE Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS) partnership programme which introduces aspiring developers, computer scientists and researchers to Sony’s dev tools while they are at university. Institutions on the scheme get access to cut-price dev kits and other benefits as Sony invest in a generation of developers who they hope will become PlayStation-savvy.Stukoff adds: “It is of huge strategic importance to the future of our business. Technology for gaming is evolving at an ever-increasing rate while traditional markets are changing. The next-gen of indie developers are currently in education and PlayStationFirst provides this talent group with unique access to our professional PlayStation tools and support and to choose PlayStation as a platform of choice to learn their craft to create fun news gaming experiences.”The PS4 academic licencing programme will begin in 2014. “We’d like to start sooner,” explains Stukoff, “but the main challenge is that all most PS4 dev kits will be sucked up by the keen demand of PlayStation registered game developers. However we are offering immediate access to PS Vita SDK, our latest console which has a lot of similarity with the approaches taken on PS4, so as an example the Visual Studio based approach taken by the Razor optimisation tool is common across both platforms – and so students getting experience today on PS Vita will be able to smoothly migrate to PS4.”Sony’s interest in indie – which is increasingly cited as the career route of choice by young developers – has been reinvigorated by high-profile success stories such as Journey. And its commitment to small-budget development was reiterated by Mark Cerny at the Develop conference. Stukoff explains that PlayStationFirst should be seen as a route to next gen publishing by aspiring developers. “Since the dawn of PlayStation, SCE has provided access to universities to explore our full professional SDK and tools. Providing access to the PS4 SDK is a natural step for us, especially when building upon the complementary skills PS Vita development has to offer. This is about finding the talent and enabling that talent to get skilled-up and be future-fit for PlayStation publishing opportunities.”Citing examples such as Sheffield Hallam University’s puzzle game Bounceback, which was published by the university’s own studio Steel Minions for PSP in 2012, Stukoff adds: “We are really keen for students to publish their games on PSN and will continue to promote channels for student games to feature on PlayStation whilst studying. Playground Squad, who are based in Sweden, have published various PlayStation mini titles such as ‘Swap Zap!’ and are about to release their first PS Vita title. So, watch this space…”PlayStationFirst-registered universities will gain access to support akin to help offered to commercial game developers, a feature unique to Sony’s programme says Stukoff. “Alongside providing online training we offer mentors from all disciples of our studio. Furthermore we are actively support educational events, student game jams and completions hosted by our University members.”Since its launch three years ago, PlayStation first has tripled its number of partners to 100. Now the scheme is expanding to not only cover Australia, Middle East, Europe and the UK by offering the same support and access to our hardware to Universities in America and Japan.Universities interested in taking part in PlayStationFirst should email applications@ps-edu.scedev.net to discuss registration. Once SCEE send out the official application form, they will review applicants. Institutions have to fulfil a set of academic and PlayStation oriented criteria to demonstrate the use of PlayStation technologies as a critical part of the teaching curriculum. Institutions who do not meet Sony’s criteria can work towards elgibility for the programme by gaining access to other platforms such as theMove.me SDK and PlayStationMobile.“PlayStation 4 is setting the pace for global indie development, we are very excited that through PlayStationFirst we are able to offer registered Universities access to PlayStation 4 for the next generation of soon-to-be Indie developers,” adds Mick Hocking, vice president studio group at London and Evolution Studios. “Now is the time for new talent to get skilled up on PS Vita and explore the future of PlayStation game development.”
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July 21st, 2013, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
If you're unwilling to wade into the calm, inviting waters of the Day 1 console launch pool this year, the Sony Store is offering refurbished 320 GB PS3 Slims for $200.
Cheap Ass Gamer user timro33 posted about the sale on the site's message boards this afternoon. The deal is for the second-generation PS3, a model that doesn't offer the original build's compatibility with PS2 discs. It does, however, play physical PS1 and PS3 games, a technical feat that its imminent successor will not be capable of.
Refurbished PS3s carry the same warranty as their untroubled, factory-fresh counterparts, so you'll have the same luck avoiding the console's pigmentedtake on the white flag as anyone else should you decide to buy one.
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July 21st, 2013, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
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July 21st, 2013, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
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July 22nd, 2013, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
As usual, Deank updates his favorite manager to version 4.46 to follow the 4.46 firmware from Sony.
Following the withdrawal of the scene Rogero, it is not yet known for her custom is for the manager. Deank announced not have done to follow the custom of Habib, a member of Tortuga Cove is the first to have released a custom 4.46. 's new / fixed: 4.46.01 - Support for Custom Rogero 4.46 - Support for customs 4.46 - Update the translation turk - Fixed a bug with the Blu-ray
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster
Since we know that Rogero will no longer custom, he had to rely on others to take up the torch to continue to follow the firmware from Sony. This is done, the first custom 4.46 out just a young Russian developer (according to her) named Habib.
Features: - Built around firmware 4.46 - Options [Install Package] and app_home present - Compatible with REACTPSN - Added patches no Blu-ray/BlueTooth - Patch LV0 to disable checks CoreOS ECDSA - Patch LV2 support for peek and poke - Patch LV1 to support the peek and poke - Patch to disable LV1 LV2 protections - It can run games signed until 4.46 - Can be installed from any custom firmware it - Can be installed since the official 3.55 - Can be installed on console YLOD software Thanks to the-green for the information.
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:23 Posted By: wraggster
Rogero, returns once again after announcing his departure to update the CFW.
WARNING make a backup of the console and its Nor / Nand before use. This custom has been tested on many PS3 models by different testers and no problems were encountered. Like all custom, it must be installed carefully and following the appropriate instructions, nobody can be held responsible in case of damage. 's new / fixed: - Patch ReactPSN to work offline without the need to connect to PSN - Added patches noBD / noBT to allow installation on consoles or card reader with Bluetooth absent - This custom can be installed from the XMB on official firmware 3.55 or custom 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.40/4.41/4.46 - The HDD can be changed and custom reinstalled without problem - Lv1 patched to disable protections Lv2 - Lv1 patched for peek and poke - Lv1 Hash Check Core OS patched to the risk of brick on consoles not dehashé - Lv2 patched for peek and poke - QA Flag enabled by default - bybass RSoD screen to allow consoles with RSoD start - PSN / SEN access but not recommended - it can run all games without patching up 4.46 eboot - Can be used directly with a hardware downgrade flash with the new "Auto Nand and Nor PS3 Patch 4.46 " - MD5: f8edbf7b45180f823f4298b388ecfb9b Thanks to the-green for the information.
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:23 Posted By: wraggster
To follow the evolution of its firmware, Rogero updates its program for the PS3 patch and facilitate the downgrade by not going through the Factory mode.
New / fixed: 4.46a - Best management drag and drop, no need to dump in the same folder as the executable - Fixed a problem with Windows XP 4.46 - Added patches Rogero 4.46 - Compatible with Windows XP Features : - No need to downgrade the Factory - Detecting "METLDR" non Downgradable - Support for unified Nand - Support for consoles 3.56 Factory
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster
uf6667 updates Bitstream chip ProgSkeet 1.2.
New / fixed: 130715 - Merge bitstreams Nor and Nand 130713 - Updating bitstreams uf6667 also said he is preparing new bitstreams for older versions 1.0 (white), 1.1 (blue) and 1.2 alpha (green) . ProgSkeet The archive includes all versions 1.1 and 1.2 as well as software programming Infectus Programmer. Thanks to the-green for the information. ProgSkeet Bitstream
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
Developers Uf6667, Ago, and Bmx update their program to the chip ProgSkeet. Windows version.
They worked on a lot since the last version, and some corrections were surely forgotten changelog. 's new / fixed: - Added a speedometer - Improved flash mode 'Single Word' - Added detection the state of the chip - Back to libusb-win32 library because it is easier to use, according to the comments, the libusb0 lib will be added - Added tooltips - Improved speed, 70 seconds to 16 MB Spansion - Improved Buffer Mode and Single Word ', a 16 MB Spansion flash is fully 40s (without reading and erasing), 3 seconds per sector mode Single Word' - Auto-detection of Nor through "CFI dump button" They indicate also work on Linux and Mac versions of the program. Thanks to the-green for the information. WinSkeet Website: dayton360mods
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
This story was written back in 2007 by Bruce Schneier, several years before fail0verflow found a weakness in the random number generation to retrieve the crucial private PS3 keys in OFW 3.55 (and below). Quote: 'Break the random-number generator, and most of the time you break the entire security system. Which is why you should worry about a new random-number standard that includes an algorithm that is slow, badly designed and just might contain a backdoor for the National Security Agency.' ... 'Even if no one knows the secret numbers, the fact that the backdoor is present makes Dual_EC_DRBG very fragile. If someone were to solve just one instance of the algorithm's elliptic-curve problem, he would effectively have the keys to the kingdom.' Can anyone confirm if this indeed is the reason the PS3 implementation of ECDSA was flawed?"
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July 22nd, 2013, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
zecoxao over at ps3hax.net explains why we will never see native CFW (Custom FirmWare) for new PS3 consoles like CECH-30xx and 40xx (Super Slim). In short, for CFW to work the private keys are required to sign, and the only reason those were found for 3.55 (and older firmwares) is the mistake Sony did when implementing the ECDSA algorithm which was discovered by fail0verflow back in 2010, a mistake Sony presumably corrected in newer firmwares. He also explains how it is possible with existing keys to run homebrew on ODE devices like 3k3y and Cobra on these new PS3 consoles by setting self files to run as mounted 'fake' discs, because there are way less restrictions to run selfs from disc than in packages (pkg). The way forward for any 100% software solution, that is not relying on ODE hardware, seems to be game exploits, which is pretty much the current cat-and-mouse situation on PSP (or PSVita emulating PSP) with HEN (Homebrew ENabler).
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July 22nd, 2013, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for Windows, OSX, Linux and the Sony PSP.
Code: Select all
*Compatibility with Windows XP
*Many fixes and speed improvements to accurate TMEM (pretty much is flawless at this point!)
*Better game pad support, also game pad can be connected or disconnected at any time.
*Many graphical bugs fixed (DK64,Banjo Tooie, Zelda, Ogre Battle, SSB, Bomberman, MRC, etc)
*FSAA 4X filter
*Smoother gameplay and less laggy audio
*Updated libraries to latest version (GLFW, zlib, etc)
*Bug fixes and speed improvement to dynarec
*Correct rounding conversions (Fixes South Park Rally)
*Fixed crash in 007 TWINE
*Code clean ups and some other small changes
Code: Select all
Initial release for W32 port
download attached
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July 22nd, 2013, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game has been announced by partners Activision and Nickelodeon.
Called simply Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes, the title is due for a boxed release on Xbox 360, Wii and 3DS on October 25th in Europe. It features four-player drop-in local co-op (on the console versions).
"We're thrilled to debut this new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game for our younger Turtles fans," Nickelodeon’s senior VP of entertainment products Sherice Torres stated.
"Jam-packed with all the ninjas, nunchucks and non-stop action Turtles fans crave, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is set to delight fans around the globe when it launches in time for the holidays."
A separate digital Turtles game called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is currently in development for Xbox Live, PSN and PC.
Activision and Nickelodeon announced their licensing team-up back in February.
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July 23rd, 2013, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Forget Xbox One and PS4, as EA pledges to keep investing in current generation FIFA.
On the eve of the next generation, FIFA 14 for PS3 and 360 promises to be the most advanced FIFA ever, the publisher told MCV.
The firm has overhauled the game's Ultimate Team mode, which is now the most popular section in the game, with 35 per cent of FIFA owners playing it.
That's even more than the game's staple career mode. 3.4m gamers are playing it every day, with almost 1bn games played since FIFA 13 launched late last year.
EA hopes to make Ultimate Team even bigger with FIFA 14 with a string of updates. It has also taken the game mode on tour to educate retailers and show it off to the press, something the firm has never done before.
New to Ultimate Team this year include new chemistry traits, which dictate how players interact with others on the pitch. EA says it hopes this will make the mode even more strategic gameplay. There's also new customisation options, which lets users change player roles and kits. Meanwhile, the transfer market has been significantly upgraded, so that finding specific players is a lot easier
And this comes with a brand new tiled interface, which can be found throughout the game.
There is another big change coming to Ultimate Team, which EA plans to announce at Gamescom.
The changes to Ultimate Team yet another update to the game's running, shooting and defending mechanics, which was revealed to the press earlier this year.
For those unfamiliar with Ultimate Team, it is a unique game mode where gamers take on the role of a manager, who must buy players to improve their team. The stats of these players are dependant on how that player is performing in the real world. For instance, if Wayne Rooney is scoring goals in real life, then his stats will rise in the game.
These players are acquired through in-game cards. Consumers can pay for these cards via in-game currency, or buy them using real-world money. EA tells us that the 'vast, vast majority' of Ultimate Team users don't pay anything.
FIFA 14 is coming to pretty much every platform, including DS, 3DS, Wii, iOS, PSP and PS2 (alongside the expected PS3, PC, 360, Xbox One and PS4) on September 27th. There's no Wii U version of the game. EA told MCV this was because EA Sports fans just haven't bought that platform yet.
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July 23rd, 2013, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git (2013/07/22) is compiled. Soywiz's Psp Emulator is a PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator, emulator for windows. This emulator born as a proof of concept of an emulator made in D. Now it's getting more and more compatible with homebrew, and gaining in features and speed. The emulator was based in it's first version on great Noxa's C# pspplayer emulator.
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git Changelog:
* - Moved projects into folders
- Delete old projects and files
- Small changes
* - Fix VertexReader on 64 bits
- Set default DisplayScale to 2
- Dispose ISOs in GameList when reading
- Fix Shift/Ctrl hotkeys
- Improved GUI synchronization with the PspDisplay
- Small changes and refactorings
* - Improved a lot sceDisplay (much more accurate)
- The VBlank is now generated by the DisplayComponentThread instead of the GUI
- __sceSasInit and __sceSasSetVolume fixes
- Small changes
* - Fixed keyboard events in main window
- Added support (again) for homebrew/direct vram rendering (not using GE)
* - More work
* - More work
* - Some refactorings
- Improved GE flow
* - More work
* - Some cleanups
- Implemented vi2s and vi2us
- Fixed game list GUI synchronization
- Fixed GpuStateStruct size (2048) and reduced base size
- Support for scissors
- Implemented sceGeSaveContext and sceGeRestoreContext
- Implemented sceAtracGetRemainFrame
- Implemented scePowerRegisterCallback
- Fixed sceKernelPowerLock
- Fixed sceKernelDelayThread* now Astonishia Story works again
- Fixed MemoryStick :: CommandType.CheckMemoryStickStatus now lumines detects the memory stick (and probably other games)
- Added readonly to some static fields
- More random work
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July 23rd, 2013, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PPSSPP Git (2013/07/22) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #2881 from raven02/patch-3
Fix rendering mode switching issue in old & new UI
* remove if
* Fix rendering mode switching issue in old & new UI
* Merge pull request #2883 from unknownbrackets/gpu-minor
Use GE state accessors more often
* Use GE state accessors in the texcache.
* Use stencil GE state accessors.
* Use the texture-related GE accessors.
* Use the light computation/type GE accessors.
* Use lightning GE state accessors where appropriate.
* Add and use some color/alpha test accessors.
* Add logic op/color masking GE state accessors.
* Implement some stencil test GE state accessors.
* Add type safe getter for texture and clut format fields.
* Add clut GE state accessors.
* Add some texture-related GE accessors.
* Add some more lighting related accessors.
* Add some more GE state accessors for light/etc.
* Add accessors for several lighting related values.
* Update native (load the GL_QCOM_alpha_test OpenGL extension if available)
* Merge pull request #2879 from raven02/patch-1
Typo fix and few more items added to system UI
* Fix wrong order , put GPU last
* Add 'Enable cheats' and 'Screenshots as PNG' to general UI
* Duplicate 'Display Raw Framebuffer' option
* Frame Skipping should be start with 0 and it is working now
* Typo fix and few more items added to system UI
* Quickfix for crashes switching rendering mode
* Merge branch 'raven02-master'
* Remove _ suffix and hide the GPU mode on GLES2
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
* Consolidate Rendering Mode
* Warning fixes, improve error msg
* Merge pull request #2878 from unknownbrackets/ccc
Fix UTF-16 surrogate pairs and sceCccEncodeUTF16() return value
* Fix retval and surrog pairs in sceCccEncodeUTF16().
Surrogate pairs fixed by native update for typo (missing ++.)
* Correctly output NULs, etc. (i.e. UTF-16.)
* Remove erroneous ifdef from newui pause screen.
Now the continue button shows on all platforms.
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July 23rd, 2013, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded r86182 is compiled. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Fix debug messages when the debug file pointer isn't inited on OS X. This only affects the Debug build.
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July 23rd, 2013, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r5704 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
gsdx ogl:
* allow to switch renderer with F9
* skip first frame in stat of the replayer
* drop msaa. Fxaa and internal resolution will do the job
* move texture attachment from texture object into device object (allow to keep sanely the state)
* split the write buffer and attachment setup
* completely split sampler and texture input setup
* redo GSDeviceOGL::CopyOffscreen to avoid an extra copy.
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July 23rd, 2013, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
rpcs3 wip Git (2013/07/12) is compiled. rpcs3 wip is a branch of rpcs3. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.
rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )
rpcs3 wip Git Changelog:
* - Fixed PPU G_3f_0 Decoder.
* - Implemented RAW SPU.
- Implemented memory mapping.
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July 24th, 2013, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
In recent years the Square Enix E3 booth has resembled that of your stereotypical Western publisher.
For two years we’ve had Lara Croft and Agent 47 dominate the firm’s showcase. The stars of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts were there, just hidden away behind the banks of Tomb Raider demos.
So it was refreshing to find a more traditional Square Enix at E3 this year. Complete with bug-eyed characters, ridiculous haircuts and unnecessarily large swords.
For the team at Square Enix, E3 was about the return of Final Fantasy – a series that has floundered after a series of missteps. Final Fantasy XIII didn’t quite achieve the praise expected of a Final Fantasy game, while the MMO Final Fantasy XIV was nothing short of terrible.
Meanwhile, Bethesda and Elder Scrolls have knocked Square off its perch as the king of the RPG.
The big Square Enix news at E3 was Final Fantasy XV, which was unveiled during Sony’s pre-E3 press briefing. But there were two other major titles on the show floor, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
It’s the latter that has a crucial role to play in Final Fantasy’s rebirth. Because although XIII was a mixed-bag, XIV was a disaster. Criticised by everyone – from fans to Square Enix’s own CEO – its Metacritic score limped in at 49.
But rather than cast it into the bargains bins to be forgotten, Square decided to fix it. Naoki Yoshida, a games veteran best known for his work on the Dragon Quest series, was recruited to lead a new version of XIV called A Realm Reborn which will finally arrive on August 29th.
“We have remade everything,”?Yoshida tells MCV. “We can say with confidence that this is a completely new game. The original Final Fantasy XIV was a shock to a lot of fans. It did a lot of damage and we lost a lot of our users’ trust. To regain that trust we need to do something that takes time. We have to show them that we really mean it when we say we’re sorry.”
“We have remade everything. We can say with
confidence that this is a completely new game.
The original Final Fantasy XIV was a shock to a
lot of fans. It did a lot of damage and we lost a
lot of our users’ trust. To regain that trust we
need to do something that takes time. We have
to show them that we really mean it when
we say we’re sorry.” Naoki Yoshida - producer, Final Fantasy XV
It’s unusual to hear a company talk so openly about a game it got wrong. But XIV’s failure had a dramatic impact upon Square Enix.
“It humbled us a lot,” says Yoshida. “At the time of the first game, there was this feeling that we could do no wrong. And there wasn’t really a communication with the players, we just did what we thought was great and didn’t listen to the fans.
“In the two and a half years since I joined the project, I have made it a point to listen and make a game that players want. And this stance has not just transformed Final Fantasy XIV, it has transformed the entire company.
“Square Enix now has these radio and TV shows to speak to fans. That mistake we made two and a half years ago has woken up the company.”
It’s not just about listening to the fans, the Final Fantasy team are now listening to each other, too.
“We do feel it is a rebirth for the Final Fantasy series,” says Yoshida. “Each game in the series up until now has been made by a different team that operated independently. We’ve now made it a company motto that we will get together and move to the future as one entity. That’s why you see Final Fantasy XIII, XIV and XV pushing forward as one.
“We still have separate teams working on these games, but the big difference here is that the leaders of these teams are working together, communicating with each other.”
And this new approach seems to be working. The early buzz from the A Realm Reborn beta is that the game is significantly better than its predecessor, and Yoshida believes Square Enix has cracked the problem of making MMOs work on console.
“We wanted to create a game that’s not only for fans of Final Fantasy, but also the MMO genre and console RPG fans,” he explains.
“We’ve put a lot of work into the interface of the PS3 version, and we think it’s revolutionary. It will allow people on PS3 to play with PC users, but not be at any disadvantage.
“Instead of building the PC controls so they are closer to the console version, we are trying to bring the console controls closer to what it’s like on PC. That has meant making this new system that gives players using a controller almost the exact same level of freedom as players on a keyboard and mouse.”
The console versions – both current and next-gen – are intended to open A Realm Reborn out to the widest possible audience. There may even be a tablet version one day.
“This build of Final Fantasy XIV has been a real challenge. We have put a lot of time, money and effort into building it. So we want as many players to experience it as possible.”
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July 24th, 2013, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Agent, an elusive supposed PS3 exclusive that has been long forgotten by many could still feature in Rockstar’s plans.
Siliconera reports that Take-Two has registered two new trademarks for Agent, both of which are for use with video games.
Agent was first announced in June 2009. It was at the time described as being set in the 1970s with “players travelling across the globe tackling a world of espionage and assassins”.
Sony’s Jack Tretton said at its reveal that Sony “expects Agent to have the same must have value as Grand Theft Auto”.
Since then little has been said of the title, with the last official comment being Take-Two’s confirmation that it was still in development in mid 2011.
In 2010 Michael Pachter claimed that Agent was handed to Sony as an exclusive to make up for the decision to make Grand Theft Auto IV a multiformat title.
“GTA IV was going to be a PS3 exclusive, but Microsoft paid Rockstar and Take-Two to make it a non-exclusive, and they paid them a lot,” Pachter reckons.
“Sony said to Take-Two ‘You've got to give us something else’ and the something else was a zombie game that Rockstar wanted to work on. But while Rockstar was in the planning phase, Dead Rising came out and Left 4 Dead was announced. Rockstar realised they were up against a saturated market and Valve. And ‘what can we possibly do that will be any better than what Valve's done?’.
“They started again and that's when they came up with the idea of The Agent, which nobody actually knows what it is. That is the back story.”
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July 24th, 2013, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Colin Sebastian says supply chain checks show Microsoft's new system gaining momentum, fate of Wii U rests on holiday software lineup
Microsoft's reversal on controversial Xbox One user restrictions may be paying off. According to an investors note from Baird analyst Colin Sebastian today, the Xbox One appears to have recovered from its early stumbles.
"Despite losing the headline battle at E3, Microsoft's Xbox One appears to be regaining some momentum, in part due to the used and online policy tweaks. Importantly, our supply chain checks suggest Microsoft may have the benefit of a 2-3x unit advantage at launch compared to Sony's PS4."
Sebastian expects both systems to run into supply shortages at launch. He added that the $100 price gap between the Xbox One and PS4 won't matter as much in the launch window as the core audience of early adopters are less likely to balk at paying a premium for the system they want. Even so, Microsoft is "working with channel partners to lessen the gap," Sebastian noted.
As for the Wii U, Sebastian said Nintendo's console continues to struggle. He said it needs a price cut, adding that "the fate of the platform will likely rest on the popularity of Nintendo's holiday software lineup."
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July 24th, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PS4 dev kit passed by the FCC roughly a week ago, and now its consumer-oriented counterpart has passed through Uncle Sam's offices. Not only do the federal documents show the consoles' polished exterior, but they once again note a "max clock frequency" of 2.75GHz, teasing just what kind of horsepower sits inside the black parallelogram. Though there isn't much more to note in the agency's files, a duo of system labels marked with "Made in China" and "Made in Japan" hint that Hirai and Co. will be manufacturing the hardware in both those territories. Mark Cerny'swunderconsole won't be hitting store shelves until later this year, but it already has the appropriate paperwork to make the trip stateside.
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July 25th, 2013, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Strategy guides for a major blockbuster game, eh? Who'd have thought it?
Brady Games has won the rights to publish the official guide to Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto IV. In fact, it's rolling out two in time for the game's September 17th debut.
The Signature Series guide features a complete walkthrough of the main missions, as well as details on the unique abilities of the three main characters.
This will be accompanied by maps of the new game world, as well as more detailed maps of the mission areas.
It also includes information on all of the side activities, from arms trafficking to tennis, and tips on making the most money out of the available properties, businesses and trading on the stock market.
The Signature Series guide retails at £14.99 – but for £19.99, consumers will be able to pick up the hardcover Limited Edition guide. This adds a collection of GTA V illustrations and comes with an exclusive lithograph of official GTA V artwork.
Both are available to pre-order now from GAME.
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July 25th, 2013, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
EA has announced that those who buy into the current-gen FIFA 14 launch in September will not lose their Ultimate Team progress if they go next-gen.
FIFA 14 launches on all manner of platforms (although not Wii U, remember) on September 27th. However, a shiny new Frostbite-powered next-gen versions will arrive alongside the Xbox One and PS4 later this year.
The good news for Ultimate Team players is that EA has confirmed they will be able to carry their efforts over from both PS3 to PS4 and Xbox 360 to Xbox One.
Data carried over includes “their FIFA 14 Ultimate Team full roster, in-game items and in-game currency (coins)”. Players will also maintain their current division in Seasons mode and will be offered “a one-time choice to transfer their FIFA Points”.
Added EA: “All changes made in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team will be reflected in both consoles so fans will be able to compete with their squads on either console throughout the season.”
Sadly there appears to be no plans to allow FIFA 13 players to port their Ultimate Team progress to FIFA 14.
“Our fans invest an enormous amount of time and energy into FIFA Ultimate Team as they craft their own unique squads, and recognizing that investment is absolutely essential,” EA Sports senior VP and group GM Matt Bilbey stated.
“We will ensure that no time will be wasted and fans will get full value for the investment they make from the start of the season on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 to their move to their new console.”
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July 25th, 2013, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Feature film adaptation of racing franchise has entered development, 50 Shades of Grey producers attached
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment is a Japanese videogame company specialising in a variety of areas in the...
Need for Speed isn't the only driving game heading for the big screen. According to Hollywood blog The Wrap, Sony Pictures has begun development on a film project for its long-running racing sim Gran Turismo.
The only names attached to the project so far are producers Mike De Luca and Dana Brunetti, who are also co-producing the upcoming adaptation for 50 Shades of Grey along with the best-selling book's author E L James.
The report included no mention of a release date for the Gran Turismo movie. The next installment in the game series, Gran Turismo 6 for the PlayStation 3, is expected to release this holiday season.
Previous attempts to bring racing games to theaters have generally crashed and burned. Midway inked Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to appear in a Spyhunter film, but the movie stalled and Johnson only lent his likeness to 2006's would-be game adaptation, Spyhunter: Nowhere to Run. Midway tried again with Vin Diesel signed to appear in both the game and movie versions of Wheelman, but once again, the film project stalled. Ubisoft would eventually acquire the game out of Midway's bankruptcy and see it through to release in 2009.
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July 25th, 2013, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed this week's European PlayStation Store releases.
This week's highlights include the latest entry in the Everybody's Golf series on PS3 and hacking platformer Stealth Inc. For more information on the latter, read our Stealth Inc review.
PS3 games
- Do Not Fall: Run For Your Drink - £7.99/€9.99
- Dynasty Warriors 8 - £49.99/€59.99
- Everybody's Golf - £11.99/€14.99
- Shaun White Skateboarding - £11.99/€14.99
- Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Cross-Buy) - £7.99/€9.99
- Call of Juarez Gunslinger + Far Cry Blood Dragon -£19.99/€24.99
Vita games
- Mahjong Royal Towers - £2.39/€2.99
- Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Cross-Buy) - £7.99/€9.99
PlayStation Mobile
- Chaos Rings - £6.49/€7.99
- Tileogo - £0.99/€1.29
- Attack of the Mutants - £0.40/€0.49
- fishFishFISH - £0.79/€0.99
- Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stasis Interrupted - £7.99/€9.99
- Dust 514 - Battle Kit (£0.79/€0.99), Battle Kit With Skill Booster(£1.59/€1.99)
- Everybody's Golf - Kat From Gravity Rush Playable Character & Costume (£0.79/€0.99), Northern Fox Country Club (£1.99/€2.49), Various balls (£0.40/€0.49 each), Various clubs (£0.59/€0.75 each)
- God Of War: Ascension - Mythological Heroes Pack And 24-Hour 2X Xp Booster - £9.99/€12.99
- GRID 2 - Peak Performance Pack - £3.19/€3.99
- Guacamelee! - El Diablo's Domain (Challenge Level) - £1.99/€2.49
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - Gamindustri Memories - Free
- Injustice: Gods Among Us - S.T.A.R. Labs Mission Pack -£1.59/€1.99
- Stealth Inc - The Teleporter Chambers - £2.79/€3.49 (free for first 2 weeks)
- Street Fighter X Tekken - Sfxt 1St Gem Slot Expansion +1 (Free), Sfxt Sf/Tk Shared Assist Gem Pack 3 (£2.39/€2.99)
- Time And Eternity - A Hint Of Swimwear - £2.39/€2.99
Vita DLC
- Dead Or Alive 5 Plus - Cheer Girl costumes - Eight costumes, £0.79/€0.99 each
- Everybody's Golf - Kat From Gravity Rush Playable Character & Costume (£0.79/€0.99), Northern Fox Country Club (£1.99/€2.49), Various balls (£0.40/€0.49 each), Various clubs (£0.59/€0.75 each)
- Guacamelee! - El Diablo's Domain (Challenge Level) - £1.99/€2.49
- Stealth Inc - The Teleporter Chambers - £2.79/€3.49 (free for first 2 weeks)
PS3 Sing Star
- Negrita - Magnolia - £1.15/€1.39
- Gianluca Grignani - Il Re Del Niente - £1.15/€1.39
- Soul Asylum - Runaway Train - £1.15/€1.39
- Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah - £1.15/€1.39
- Wham! - Club Tropicana - £1.15/€1.39
- Robbie Williams - Rock DJ - £1.15/€1.39
- Mecano - Hoy No Me Puedo Levantar - £1.15/€1.39
- The Wanted - Lightning - £1.15/€1.39
- The Wanted - All Time Low - £1.15/€1.39
- Drängarna - Vill Du Bli Min Fru - £1.15/€1.39
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July 26th, 2013, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
GDC Europe has added a slew of new talks to the conference taking place from August 19-21 in Cologne, Germany.The creators of Oculus Rift will be giving a talk on the new HD version of their virtual reality device and its impact on the video game industry as a whole. They will also have a sample of the headset available for attendees to check out on the show floor.Sony’s Chris Ho and Richard Stenson will be giving a talk entitled “PlayStation Shading Language for PS4,” in which they will discuss cross-compatibility with PC hardware as well as the advantages of the PS4′s hardware capabilities.AMD developer relations manager Layla Mah’s talk will feature “low-level detail” on how AMD’s Graphics Core Next architecture can be utilized in the next generation of consoles.Finally, Nintendo has announced two talks at the conference focused on developing for the Wii U. First, Svyetoslav Pidgornyy and Martin Buchholz will advise on how to use HTML and Javascript, while James Steele and Wayne Johnson will talk Unity.
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July 26th, 2013, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
In what is likely to become a recurring theme, GameStop has revealed a Grand Theft Auto V specific trade-in offer.
The UK website has released a list of 200 games, any two of which can be handed over allowing GTA V to be had for just £4.97.
However, this offer differs from Amazon’s GTA V deal in that it still requires consumers to pay the full £39.97 up front. When the game arrives in the post on release day it will come with an envelope that can be used to post off the two trade-in titles. A user’s bank account will then receive a £35 refund within 10 days.
Games listed in the promotion include GTA IV, Just Dance 4, LEGO Indiana Jones 2, NHL 13, Star Wars Kinect, Mario Party DS, Injustice Gods Among Us, Little Big Planet Karting, WRC 3, Zelda: Skyward Sword and Defiance.
The full list, including the required formats, can be found here.
UPDATE: MCV has been informed that GameStop's deal went live before Amazon's.
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July 26th, 2013, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
The developer of indie RPG hopeful Liege has just confirmed PlayStation 4 and Vita versions of its JRPG-inspired Kickstarter success.Liege has so far earned $49,392 - three times its initial $15,000 target.PS4, Vita and Linux support was unlocked when the campaign reached its $48,000 stretch goal. The next milestone will be Wii U support - when the campaign hits $51,000.Nintendo has already given its approval for the game to release on Wii U, Codagames revealed.Earlier stretch goals included adding horses, boats, ships, ports and the sea and "bigger battles".Codagames is otherwise known as John Rhee, an independent games designer who quit his job outside the industry earlier this year to work full-time on Liege."Liege is an interactive epic about ordinary people like us, placed in fantastic, larger-than-life circumstances," Rhee described. "In equally vague terms, it's a game about family, power, love, death, and other way serious, totally heavy things."There are three days left in Liege's funding drive if you're interested in pledging.
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July 26th, 2013, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will be showing off more about PS4 at Gamescom this year, starting with a press conference before the world's biggest games show.
The platform holder will once again host its conference on the Tuesday before the show (August 20th), returning to the Saatenhaus am Rheinpark in Cologne.
The conference will kick off at 7pm Central European Time (6pm in the UK), while doors will open at 6pm CET.
Sony has previously used the Gamescom press conference to announce price cuts for the PS3 and new line-ups for Vita, but the world will no doubt be hoping for more details on the release of PlayStation 4.
Rumours suggest Microsoft may also be holding a press conference at Gamescom but these have yet to be confirmed.
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July 26th, 2013, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Precursor Games is once again attempting to crowd-fund Shadow of the Eternals, the spiritual successor to GameCube horror title Eternal Darkness.
The developer previously said it planned to launch another Kickstarter campaign after pulling the plug on the first one, which only raised $128,000 of its $1.35m target.
The new Kickstarter appeal has added PlayStation 4 to its list of potential platforms, providing funds raised reach an unspecified target, according to CVG.
"As Precursor Games is an officially licensed PlayStation 4 developer, we have added the next-gen console as a stretch goal," the company wrote on its Kickstarter page.
"Should we be fortunate enough to sufficiently exceed our target goal, we will work towards releasing Shadow of the Eternals on the PlayStation 4 platform. We hope that this is as exciting for potential PlayStation 4 buyers as it is for Precursor Games."
Precursor also revealed it is working with David Hayter, voice of Solid Snake, according to CVG. Hayter will play lead character detective Paul Becker, which the voice actor says "will be a blast as he is both complex and conflicted".
Shadows of the Eternals' fundraising efforts have been troubled to say the least. Originally a independent appeal on Precursor's website, the project met controversy over the T's & C's surrounding any donations.
Precursor then launched a Kickstarter, but warned that Shadows of the Eternals may never be released.
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July 26th, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Digital Foundry says 3.5GB reserved for operating system, 1GB of which could be given back to devs
For industry watchers who follow spec sheets, one of the Xbox One's disadvantages against the PlayStation 4 was that Microsoft was reserving a chunk of its console's RAM for always-on applications, leaving game developers only able to access about 5GB of the system's 8 GB total. But according to a report fromEurogamer's Digital Foundry, Sony is imposing similarly strict limitations on the PS4, guaranteeing developers only 4.5GB of the system's own 8GB of RAM.
According to the report, Sony's current PS4 developer documentation describes the system as reserving 3.5GB of memory for the operating system. However, depending on availability, developers may be able to reclaim an extra 1GB of that to use for games. Digital Foundry noted that earlier Sony documentation indicated that only 512MB would be kept from developers, although those specs were based on a machine with only 4GB of RAM in total.
While it imposes a lower ceiling on developers, the reserved RAM of both systems would reportedly allow for greater flexibility of programs that run in the background, as well as quicker switching between tasks. In Sony's case, the company was said to be flexible about the amount reserved for the OS, so there is a potential for the 3.5GB reservation to be reduced over time.
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July 28th, 2013, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will host its Gamescom press conference on August 20, the platform holder has confirmed.
The event will take place at the Saatenhaus am Rheinpark in Cologne, starting at 7pm CET (6pm UK), reports MCV.
Sony conferences are typical at Gamescom, with the firm having used the event to announce the first slim PS3, hardware price cuts and major software titles.
Microsoft will host its press conference on the same day, and it will be critical for both firms to impress, with the expected arrivals of Xbox One and PS4 looming ever closer.
With Sony expecting Microsoft to tackle Europe more aggressively, it was indicated to CVG by a Sony insider that PlayStation is "prepared to do whatever it takes" to ensure success in Europe - its first step being to ensure there is no PS4 delay across Europe.
While Xbox One has been given a November launch window, Sony is yet to be more specific than its projected "holiday 2013" launch for PS4.
Industry analysts have deemed it in both firms' best interest to launch first in order to grab an early spotlight over the competitor.
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July 28th, 2013, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
The latest entry in the World Rally Championship racing series, WRC: FIA World Rally Championship 4, has been announced by publisher Bigben Interactive.
Bigben, which has taken over publishing duties from previous holderBlack Bean Games, says it will release World Rally Championship 4 on Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Vita this October.
In development at Milestone Studios, which also made the last two series entries (WRC3 pictured) and most recently MotoGP 13, the official game of the 2013 FIA World Rally Championship will feature all the rallies from the 2013 calendar, complete with all leading teams and drivers.
According to the official announcement:
Following the path taken with the previous chapter of the series, WRC 4 will feature a new amazing mix of elements with high graphical detail and real in-game sound. All these improvements are possible thanks to the community's feedback. The main characteristics that will be included into this new game are: loyalty to the license, an exciting game experience, accessibility for first-time players and a dynamic and competitive online game mode.
Among new features of this 2013 edition, players will have the chance to experience new lighting conditions, new weather effects depending on the stage, and a brand new Career Mode to put the player into real driver's shoes . Realism and immersion are two of the most important pillars of the development, with impressive 3D environments and an HDR system that will grant the best in-game performance.
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July 29th, 2013, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
via http://pdroms.de/playstationportable...5-psp-lua-misc
RenPSP is a Lua-based clone of the Ren’Py Visual Novel engine for Playstation Portable.
Here are some new features:
+ Added ICON0 and PIC1 design
+ Support for game description files (see desc.lua on any game folder)
+ Game preview backgrounds on main menu (only on Windows version for now)
+ Screenshots are now saved in ms0:/PICTURE/RenPSP
+ Sounds can now be disabled upon game boot
+ Support for $renpy.save() and $renpy.load() functions
+ Menu selection scrolling
Bug fixes:
+ Background loading from save game
Released with several mini-VNs:
+ a test game to demonstrate some features
+ “The Question” by LSF Team (Revised)
+ “9 мая” by IIchan Eroge Team
+ “Ripples” by Ayu Sakata (Revised)
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July 29th, 2013, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2013/07/23/release...for-vita-2-12/
Here it is, the long awaited VHBL release for Qwikrazo87′s VHBL port to the Vita Firmware 2.12!
So, before we give you the files, a bit of disclaimer: This VHBL port runs through an exploit in the game Gamocracy one: legend of Robot. We announced that game secretly to our community members over the past few weeks, and publicly a few days ago. Since then, Sony have pulled the game from their stores, and if history repeats itself, the next Vita firmware update will have a patch for the game. Bottom line is, if you read this article and don’t already have the exploited game installed on your Vita, you missed the opportunity.
Most of the development and testing has been done on the US version of the game, which goes with code number NPUZ00259. As is often the case, the EU version of the game (NPEZ00374) is also exploitable, but we discovered late in the game that it was available to some people using a trick involving a PS3, so it was less extensively tested.
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July 29th, 2013, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.dashhacks.com/psp/homebre...p-is-here.html
Breakout has been a hit for decades with good reason. The fact is that simple gameplay ideas are the ones that catch on the most. As has been the case with most copies of this arcade classic, the object of the game is to simply use your paddle to keep the ball up in the air. All the while you'll be trying to hit blocks with your projectile. Destroying all of them will take you to the next more difficult level.
As far as Jairo David's PSP version is concerned, I'm proud to announce he has progressed all the way to version 2.0. This brand new revision includes fifteen new levels, sound effects, an options menu, help files, records for each section, and brand new background music. The complete changelog can be found at the download link, but I'm sure you already know what you're getting into. This game is in Spanish natively, but past experience should help you get around quite easily. With its interesting and colorful interface, this homebrew gives SNES favorites like Arkanoid a run for their money!
download attached
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July 29th, 2013, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Tearaway will now be released on November 22, a month later than planned, developer Media Molecule has confirmed.The studio has explained on its blog that it needed “a little more time than we anticipated to finish the game; to tie all of the mechanics, story and amazing visuals together into the adventure that we want you to play.”The UK studio had originally intended to release the game on October 22, and added: “We’re really, really sorry for the minor delay, we promise you hand on heart that the wait will be worthwhile!”Our most recent time with the game suggested that it will be – you can read our Tearaway previewthrough the link.
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July 29th, 2013, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Deep Silver’s Saints Row IV has once again been blocked from release in Australia.
“A three-member panel of the Classification Review Board has unanimously determined that the computer game Saints Row IV is classified Refused Classification,” a new statement from the Australian Classification Board confirmed.
“In the Review Board’s opinion, Saints Row IV could not be accommodated within the R 18+ classification as drug use related to incentives and rewards is not permitted.”
Last month Saints Row IV became the first game to be banned in the territory since its introduction of a new supposedly mature-friendly R18+ certificate.
The Board said its decision then was based on “visual depictions of implied sexual violence which are not justified by context” and that “the game includes elements of illicit or proscribed drug use related to incentives or rewards”.
It is unknown whether the game will be amended and re-submitted to the territory for a third attempt at classification.
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July 29th, 2013, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
During the heyday of optical storage we saw a 400GB Blu-Ray flavor (shown above) and even 1TB discs in the lab, but lately such development has waned. Sony and Panasonic have teamed up to move things along, however, saying there's a need for reliable long-term storage that only optical disks can provide. The pair will develop a "next-generation standard for professional-use optical discs," saying that a 300GB flavor could be ready in two years or so. Though geared towards industries like cloud storage and digital cinema at first, the tech could eventually trickle down to consumers, too. Given rapid developments in on-demand streaming and cloud gaming, however, there might be nothing left for us plebes to archive by then.
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July 29th, 2013, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
So it seems that PlayStation 4 owners will have more friends than their Xbox One counterparts -- well, you know, in theory, at least. Sony announced this morning, by way of rather chipper Q&A video, that the PS4 will have a Party Chat to call its own, along with friends lists that support up to 2,000 users -- that's double the number that Microsoft announced toward the end of May (though, all said, both numbers are a big improvement over the last gens' 100-person cap). Good news for social PlayStation gamers, though you might want to start saving up now -- that's a whole lot of extra birthdays gifts next year.
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July 30th, 2013, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Vivid Games' Real Boxing will arrive on Vita on August 27 in US and a day later in Europe.
The game will cost $9.99 on the US PlayStation Store and €9.99/£7.99 in Europe and UK respectively.
Powered by Unreal Engine 3, Real Boxing released on iOS devices in November 2012 to a mostly positive reception.
The game sees players play the role of an amateur boxer who fights his way up to pro status and challenges for the world title...
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July 30th, 2013, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Platform puzzle adventure Dokuro will be the latest game to join the US Instant Game Collection tomorrow, July 30, offered at no extra cost to PlayStation Plus subscribers.
At $13.99 for regular PSN users, the Vita exclusive game puts you in control of Dokuro, a hero who must switch between his hero and skeleton forms on a mission to rescue an abducted princess from his formal master, the Dark Lord.
Vita owners will also be treated to discounts for PixelJunk Monsters HD Ultimate (Regular Price: $14.99; PS Plus Price: $11.99), while Max Payne 3 will go on sale for as little as $7.99 to PS Plus subs.
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July 30th, 2013, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that Vita can only be used as a PS4 controller if specific games have that functionality programmed into them.
A Twitter follower asked Yoshida if it was possible to use a Vita as a second controller for multiplayer games.
He replied that it wouldn't be possible unless developers added that functionality for their game.
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July 30th, 2013, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
Irrational Games has released the first details of Bioshock Infinite’s DLC, with each of the two chapters taking very different approaches to extending the original game’s universe.The first, Clash In The Clouds, is an all-out action pack, featuring four new maps entitled Raven’s Dome, The Ops Zeal, Duke and Dimwit Theater and Emporia Arcade. It also includes 60 Blue Ribbon Challenges – achievements by any other name – which when completed unlock items (“Voxophones, Kinetoscopes, concept art and more,” says Irrational) in the Columbian Archaelogical Society.It “presents players with a series of unique, intense challenges and a whole new gambit of combat opportunities,” says Irrational. “Players will combine a diverse toolset of weapons, Vigors, gear, Tears and Sky-Lines in four new areas inspired by the classic BioShock Infinite environments.”
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July 30th, 2013, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
FIFA 14 for Xbox One and PS4 may be looking impressive, but that hasn’t impacted the current-gen games, says EA.
The game’s producer Sebastian Enrique tells MCV that the firm is full throttle on both current and next-gen versions of the game, and that the development team still has it all to prove despite the success of last year’s game.
“It’s always a huge challenge making FIFA,” he said. “We are not resting on our laurels. Just because next-gen is coming, it doesn’t mean current-gen is being left behind. We are doing everything to make the current generation of FIFA fantastic.
“We have everything left to achieve. We are super ambitious. Usually when we build the game, and we decide what we are putting in it, there are three things we try to do – innovate, polish and listen to the community. There is still a lot of things we want to do.”
He added: “We don’t think we’ll ever create the greatest football game. Every time we ship, I see the flaws and see how it can be much better. I always want more.”
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July 30th, 2013, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
4.2m Facebook users saw the news that Spurs winger Gareth Bale will be the cover star in this year’s FIFA 14.
That’s includes over 2m fans who aren’t fans of the FIFA Facebook page.
It’s one of several impressive stats that came out following the reveal of the pack art last week.
EA says that when it challenged fans to guess the identity of the FIFA 14 cover star, it received 23,000 comments. Meanwhile #FIFA14UKCover and ‘Bale’ trended on Twitter in the UK on the announcement day.
A special video starring Gareth Bale that was released alongside the announcement secured well over 565,000 views in a week on YouTube.
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July 31st, 2013, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that the PS4’s Party Chat functionality will not be locked behind the new PlayStation Plus paywall.
In addition, functionality such as Netflix and free-to-play games will also be freely accessible to non-subscribers.
This, along with the fact that PSN Friends Lists will be able to support up to 2,000 people, was confirmed in PlayStation Access video that can be seen below.
Also reiterated and/or confirmed:
- Sony has plans to support 3D content with the promise of “more news soon”
- PS4 will NOT support DualShock 3 but WILL support PlayStation Move
- The PS3 was ‘Piano Black’. PS4 is ‘Jet Black’
- The XMB will from PS4 onwards be known as the PlayStation Dynamic Menu
- A user’s PSN avatar and username will be carried over from PS3 to PS4
- The PlayStation camera uses its four microphones for both directional audio input and output
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July 31st, 2013, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick says the firm encourages console makers to be "as open-minded as possible" as they set the foundational policies for their next generation consoles.
Policy has been a focal topic of the games industry in recent months, the spotlight largely on Microsoft as it makes multiple drastic revisions to its controversial Xbox One policies in response to widespread consumer criticism.
In an overarching statement on next-generation console policies during a financial results call today, Zelnick's message was one of maintaining consumer-friendly flexibility.
"Our own view is that meeting consumers where they are is the best way to run a business and you want to make sure that your policies reflect the way people like to consume product," he said.
"We've always been ecumenical about platforms, channels, geography and business models. We are not a rule-based company. Our goal is to delight consumers and the way we do that is by being flexible - bringing them the best products wherever they are, on whatever platform they want to consume it.
"We try to be good partners with the console makers - they are our bread and butter, we support them as they do us. We recognise that they set these policies and we encourage the policies to be as open-minded as possible. But you can rest assured that we will always be a leader in being flexible and consumer-friendly within the purview of the policies that the console makers set."
Microsoft demonstrated a willingness to make major sweeping changes to its Xbox One policies when it shockingly ditched the Xbox One DRM system that stood at the core of the new console's online-focused E3 sales pitch.
And previous concerns that the Xbox One marketplace would dismiss indie devs - by not featuring distinct Xbox Live Arcade and Indie channels - were at least partially dispelled when the firm announced plans to allow self-publishing and offer development capabilities on every Xbox One.
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July 31st, 2013, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag's PlayStation-exclusive levels have been shown off in more detail by developer Ubisoft.The content features an older Aveline de Grandpré, the heroine of last year's PlayStation Vita title Assassin's Creed: Liberation, and will be written by that game's lead scribe Jill Murray.The hour-long "short story" is divided into three bonus missions for PlayStation 3 and 4 owners, and will pick up a while after Liberation's conclusion."It's a ways forward so Aveline is a bit older," AC4 lead writer Darby McDevitt explained in a new post on Ubisoft's official blog. "It's not directly related to the end of her story. If Assassin's Creed 4 is like a novel, Aveline's missions are like a short story."PS3 and PS4 owners will access the content via Black Flag's modern day section, set within Templar company Abstergo Entertainment."The present-day is set in Abstergo Entertainment - which is this fun, hip company to work for... at first," McDevitt continued. "You are able to access the Aveline stuff because your coworkers are working on retrieving different genetic memories from all kinds of different people."Last night Ubisoft revealed more details of Black Flag's multiplayer portion, specifically itsnew co-operative Discovery mode.
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July 31st, 2013, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Real Boxing will hit Vita with the old one-two, hooking into North America on August 27 before sucker punching Europe the day after. Developer Vivid Games revealed the Unreal Engine 3 powered sim, which first came to iOS last year, will be priced $10/£8/€10 on PSN.
Real Boxing professes to provide what it says on the box, with UE3 visuals supporting what Vivid says is "accurate simulation gameplay" that takes advantage of both the portable's physical and touch controls. It features career and training modes, and both local and online multiplayer including newly announced rank-based tournaments for those who feel their belts could be bigger and shinier.
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July 31st, 2013, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Markets encouraged by strong performance of core franchises and digital sales
Take-Two Interactive
Analysts are beginning to bet on the sales of Rockstar and Take-Two's Grand Theft Auto V, due this year on September 17.
Colin Sebastian of Baird expects the company to ship around 13 million units in the launch window with full year sales of around 20 million units.
Doug Creutz of Cowen & Company estimates full-year sales of around 18 million, although he admitted that "it remains essentially a guessing game on where the title will come in between 15 million and 25 million units."
Last night Take-Two revealed quarterly sales of $142.7 million, down 37 per cent. But strong sales of core gaming titles Borderlands and BioShock Infinite, along with digital revenues that are up 128 per cent year-on-year, will encourage investors that the publisher has a very good handle on the current console and PC gaming business.
BioShock Infinite has shipped 4 million units to date while Borderlands 2 has shipped over 7 million units.
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August 1st, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
John Riccitiello, the former CEO of Electronic Arts, is confident that the Xbox One and PS4 consoles will surpass the reach of their predecessors.
"I think they'll be bigger than the last generation, actually," Riccitiello told Games Industry in reference to the next-gen console's potential user base.
"The last generation can be described as supercharged engines - they had super-powerful boxes. But the entirety of the online communication and being able to connect to your friends and all that stuff, a seamless, smooth, social experience, was just masking tape - barely put together," he argued.
Riccitiello says the rise of fast broadband internet and its deep integration, combined with seamless user interfaces is what will help propel next-gen machines above their current counterparts.
"Remember that this was eight years ago. Most people were just moving on from their 28k modems. Now these are fully functioning, fully integrated online computers connected to the best screen in your house," he said.
"You put a super computer under your TV, plug it in with one connection and it works. It knows who you are, it knows what your games are and it's unbelievably simple; it's not like PC plug and play, it's just plug and play. The next generation of consoles are going to be a massive improvement on user interface. So I think that's going to matter," he said.
Riccitiello shares the notion of Microsoft senior vice president of Interactive Entertainment Business Yusuf Mehdi, who has suggested that the multi-functional capabilities of both next-generation consoles could help them attain a user base more than three times as large as the current generation.
John Riccitiello resigned from his position as EA's CEO on March 30, 2013. Since his appointment in 2007, Riccitiello had helped modernise EA from a straightforward triple-A publisher into a jack-of-all-trades company that delivered goods across social networks, mobiles, consoles and the digital PC space.
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August 1st, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed the contents of the latest European PlayStation Store update, which includes Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Mafia 2 and Spec Ops: The Line for Plus subscribers.
Non-subscribers can look forward to PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD, Cloudberry Kingdom and R.I.P.D, in addition to DLC for LittleBigPlanet and BioShock Infinite.
PlayStation Network New Content
PlayStation Plus Exclusive deals
- Need for Speed Most Wanted
- Mafia 2
- Spec Ops The Line (Not available in UAE)
- NBA 2K13 (UAE only)
- LEGO The Lord of the Rings
- When Vikings Attack
- Rayman Legends - Digital Preorder PlayStationVita - Price: £28.49/€34.99
- Rayman Legends - Digital Preorder PlayStation3 - Price: £36.99/€44.99
PS3 games
- Cloudberry Kingdom - Price: £7.99/€9.99
- Invizimals: Hidden Challenges - Price: Free - Availability: France and Italy only
- Narco Terror (Trial available - except in Germany) - Price: £7.99/€9.99
- R.I.P.D.: The Game - Price: £5.99/€7.49 - Availability: Not available in Germany, New Zealand
- Superfrog HD - Price: £6.49/€7.99
- The Last Bounty Hunter (Trial available) - Price: £6.49/€7.99 - Availability: Not available in Turkey
- Turbo: Super Stunt Squad - Price: £34.99/€44.99 - Availability: Bulgaria, Greece, India, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine
- Zeno Clash 2 (Trial available, except in Germany) - Price: £8.99/€11.25
PS Vita games
- Invizimals: Hidden Challenges -Price: Free - Availability: France and Italy only
- Pixeljunk Monsters: Ultimate HD - Price: £7.99/€12.99 - Availability: Not available in Australia, New Zealand
- Superfrog HD - Price: £6.49/€7.99
PlayStation Mobile
- iBomber Defense - Price: £2.19/€2.79
- Ten By Eight - Price: £2.39/€2.99
- Roll In The Hole - Price: £1.19/€1.49
- Bioshock Infinite: Clash in the Clouds - Prices: £3.69/€4.49
- Breakquest: Extra Evolution - 100 Balls - Prices: £1.59/€1.99
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Cod: Black Ops 2 Vengeance (available from 1st August) - Prices: £11.59/€14.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 - Bgm Pack 1(£1.59/€1.99) - New Stage & BGM Pack 1 (£2.39/€2.99)
- God of War: Ascension - Mantles of the Gods - Prices: £0.59/€0.75
- Injustice Gods Among Us - Martian Manhunter - Prices: £3.99/€4.99
- LittleBigPlanet 2 (Cross-Buy) -
- Sackboy's Casual Friday Costume Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
- Rastafari Dream Costume (£0.79/€0.99)
- Rebel Costume (£0.79/€0.99)
- Homesick Costume (£0.79/€0.99)
- Espresso Life Costume (£0.79/€0.99)
- Game Writer Costume (£0.79/€0.99)
- Time And Eternity
- A Hint Of Fishing (£2.39/€2.99)
- A Touch Of Love Item Pack (£0.79/€0.99) Availability: Not available in Russia
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August 1st, 2013, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has added a fresh round of games to its European PSN summer sale.
The discounts listed below should be live now and will run until August 14, at which point new titles will be added to the sale.
In addition, a large range of Need for Speed content has beendiscounted for one week until July 31.
PS3 games:
- Injustice: Gods Among Us, Was €59.99/£47.99/AU$88.95, now €39.99/£29.99/AU$49.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- The Walking Dead - Survival Instinct (not available in Russia), Was €59.99/£49.99/AU$89.95, now €29.99/£19.99/$39.95, Additional 15% discount for PS Plus members
- Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 (not available in New Zealand), Was €39.99/£31.99/AU$58.95, now €24.99/£19.99/AU$29.95, Additional 20% Discount for Plus Members
- Trine 2, Was €11.25/£8.99/AU$16.95, now €5.49/£4.49/AU$8.05, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Dirt 3, Was €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- 3 on 3 NHL Arcade (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar), Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.49/£2.79/AU$5.15
- Deathspank (not available in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, India, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey), Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Joe Danger, Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship (not available in Finland, Norway, South Africa, Turkey), Was €49.99/£39.99/AU$64.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I, Was €7.99/£39.99/AU$6.49, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Fat Princess, Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- God of War Collection, Was €29.99/£19.99/AU$39.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- LittleBigPlanet, Was €14.99/£10.99/AU$17.95, now €7.49/£5.99/AU$11.05, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Lemmings, Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Sony 3D Game Collection, Was €29.99/£23.99/AU$43.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, Was €29.99/£19.99/AU$39.95, now €14.99/£10.99/$17.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Malicious, Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Super Stardust HD Complete, Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Linger in Shadows (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar), Was €2.99/£2.39/AU$4.35, now €1.49/£1.19/AU$2.15, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- MotorStorm 3D Rift (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar), Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €6.49/£5.19/AU$9.55, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Castle Crashers (not available in Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, New Zealand, Qatar, Ukraine), Was €13.99/£10.99, now €7.99/£6.49, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Rocksmith Metal Rock (not available in Turkey), Was €19.99/£15.99/AU$29.95, now €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45
- Rocksmith Alternative Rock (not available in Turkey), Was €29.99/£23.99/AU$43.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$29.95
- Rocksmith Rush (not available in Turkey), Was €11.99/£9.69/AU$17.95, now €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75
- Rocksmith Queen (not available in Turkey), Was €11.99/£9.69/AU$17.95, now €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75
- Rocksmith Foo Fighters (not available in Turkey), Was €11.99/£9.69/AU$17.95, now €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75
- Rocksmith Fall out Boy, Was €11.99/£9.69/AU$17.95, now €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75
- Rayman Origins, Was €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
- Retro City Rampage (Cross-Buy), Was €11.25/£8.99/AU$16.95, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
- Planet Minigolf (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine), Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
PSP/PS Vita games:
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona Full Game [PSP] (not available in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Ukraine, UAE), Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.95, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Was €29.99/£23.99/AU$43.95, now €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Persona 2/Persona 3 Portable bundle, Was €49.99/£39.99/AU$73.95, now €21.99/£17.99/AU$32.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Persona 3 Portable, Was €29.99/£23.99/AU$43.95, now €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Retro City Rampage (Cross-Buy), Was €11.25/£8.99/AU$16.95, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
- Drawslasher, Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship (not available in Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine), Was €34.99/£29.99/AU$47.95, now €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Urban Trial Freestyle, Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
- Star Wars Pinball, Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
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August 1st, 2013, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom will bring Monster Hunter Frontier G to PS3 and Wii U later this year, according to a translation of the latest issue of Famitsu by Siliconera. The MMO is an update to 2007's Monster Hunter Frontier, which is already available for Xbox 360 and PS3. Those two platforms should have recently received an update to Monster Hunter Frontier G2, according to the game's preview site. Even though the game will eventually be the same across all four platforms, PS3 and Wii U versions will have separate servers from PC and Xbox 360.
Like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Frontier G will be compatible with the Wii U's Game Pad and Pro Controllers. However, Siliconera notes that it will not make use of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk control configuration. Frontier G will be available as a free download with physical copies available for 6,090 yen ($62), and will require monthly fees. The game will launch on November 20 for PS3 and December 11 on Wii U.
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