August 1st, 2004, 16:25 Posted By: sjhamp
Will European PS2 games work on a UK PS2. I have seen a couple of games on e-bay I'm interested in being sold by a Belgium seller. The picture of the game box shows it is a PAL version. Are all European PAL games the same version for every country in Europe or is there some sort of region lockout for each country. Advice appreciated.
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August 2nd, 2004, 14:41 Posted By: smartec
Please Help.
My Boot CD for the Mega Memory 16MB Module is broken.
Where can I download the image data so I can Burn a Copy ?
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August 2nd, 2004, 21:57 Posted By: Zxero
Hello, I was just wondering how I can use emulators and homebrew stuff (mainly hte media-player) without a modchip. I tried the independance day exploit, but I could not get it to work (I downloaded the .NPO files, extracted them, changed the titles.DB files, then repackeged them into a X-Port file and sent it to my memory card). I used the slus_00220 for the TITLES.DB, and I pout the disk in, but it just loaded the game.
I need some help, thanks.
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August 3rd, 2004, 08:12 Posted By: NK1
I am looking for advice on a perculiar problem theat i am experiencing with my PS2.
I have noticed that when i put a DVD in the drive, the reading disc message appears then dissapears after about 1 second as if there is nothing to read.
Also when there is no disc in the drive and you try to open the tray, it gets stuck and the only option is to force it open with something.
Could these problems be due to dust in the mechanisms fixable by a lens cleaner or is it somehting more serious.
thank you
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August 7th, 2004, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Nicolas Plourde has ported the classic game Quake to the Playstation 2 console. "The game is now fully playable but without sound. You will need a usb keyboard and mouse supported by the ps2."[br][br]You will need either the shareware or full retail of Quake for the Data files to play this port of Quake.[br][br]Download from Here
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August 8th, 2004, 11:32 Posted By: mr.death
I need to open my unit up to clean the laser but can't seem to figure out how to open the thing up! Anyone????
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August 8th, 2004, 18:52 Posted By: wattybotts
This topic has been moved to [link=http://www.dcemu.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=deleted;action=display;num=109201578 0;start=0]Deleted Posts[/link] by LyonHrt.
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August 10th, 2004, 22:31 Posted By: superintendent
Okay I originally bought my PS2 in the UK but then I moved to Singapore. A few months ago I had a mod chip put into my PS2, I am not sure what kind it is but it was one of the newest at the time. Now the ps2 can play any type of game from any country and also (edited) . I have 9 original and (edited) and I also have a steering wheel with pedals. I have two original controllers, 1 stand, and 1 original 8 mb memory card.
I am looking to sell all of this.
Anyone want to make a bid? Please email me as superintendent_andrew@hotmail.com
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August 11th, 2004, 15:01 Posted By: Prestige
Hi guys,
Im new with this forum, so i dont know the rules fully.
Im thinkin of getting my ps2 chipped, do you guys have any suggestions. I've got a version 7 if thats any help.
How does the swap disk compare to the mod chips?
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August 11th, 2004, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
Just had the chance to try out the Max Evo by Datel, the new PS2 Product that enables the PS2 owner to play MP3s, Media Files (Avi etc), and finally the most important, Genesis emulation on the PS2 without a modchip.[br][br]Read the full review Here
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August 11th, 2004, 22:22 Posted By: user1
IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HELP IN ANY WAY PLEASE PLEASE CONTACT ME ukconsoleworld@yahoo.com and i will get back to you asap.
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August 12th, 2004, 04:02 Posted By: Coldcell
Hello, I actually bought my PS 2 in a country in Asia. I played it there perfectly fine.. but right now I'm in Canada. I'm unable to turn it on Is it because of the power cable?
Can it be fixed by just buying a power cable to the PS 2 from local store?
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August 13th, 2004, 09:07 Posted By: hangtuah
I want 2 remove the scratch on the games cause the ps2 console cant read the game. There was shops who do the repair, does it works ?
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August 13th, 2004, 21:28 Posted By: glibs
Hey, my Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is getting worn down and I want to make a backup to use, I have DVD-R discs and I was wondering if you burned a game onto dvd-r if you wouldn't need a mod chip.
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August 15th, 2004, 10:31 Posted By: kezlad
The problem with trading in is that you only get about £2.00 in return of the game. I was thinking of trading the FIFA football 2003 game in and they said that you will only get [glow=green,2,300]£2.00[/glow] for the trade. How unfair is that!
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August 15th, 2004, 13:43 Posted By: gameaddict81
This is a chipped playstation 2 console which has been chipped with I think a Magic chip. Its self boots DVD's perfectly, cd's might take a couple of tries. It has some scratches on the top. The PS2 works perfectly.
It includes a memory card and one original PS2 controller
The games which are included are
1.) Grand theft Auto 3
2.) Resident Evil veronica X
3.) Cricket 2002
4.) Return to castle Wolfenstein
5.) Grand Theft Auto Vice City
6.) Pro Evolution Soccer 2
7.) Gran Turismo 3
8.) Final Fantasy X
9.) Enter the Matrix
10.) Contra
11.) World Series Baseball 2K3
12.) Need for speed underground
13.) Pro Evolution Soccer 3
14.) Midnight Club II
15.) Simpsons Hit and Run
16.) TMNT
17.) Cricket 2004
18.) Superman shadow of Apololips
19.) Primal
20.) Medal of Honour frontline
21.) Need for Speed hot pursuit 2
22.) Capcom VS SNK 2
23.) Indiana Jones
24.) Xenosaga
25.) Conflict Desert Storm
26.) NBA 2K3
27.) Smackdown Shut your mouth
28.) Formula1 2003
29.) Soul Calibur 2
30.) ATV Offroad fury 2
31.) Virtual Tennis 2
32.) Cue Club
33.) Amplitude
34.) Shinobi
35.) Burnout 2 (Scratched)
36.) Kingdom Hearts
37.) Sonic Heroes
38.) Tekken 4
please email me on gameaddict81@yahoo.co.uk if you want to buy this. Please offer above 100 pounds. The person with the highest offer will get the ps2
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August 15th, 2004, 17:51 Posted By: pageyboy
hi every1, we are the owners of this very large website.
we are looking for 2 members to be moderators of the games section of the site, so we thought we would look here.
register then pm me, pageyboy and you will be mod asap
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August 16th, 2004, 12:39 Posted By: yunie_16
i have a pal playstation 2 and i would like to know how to get import games to work. please help! :'(
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August 17th, 2004, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Evilo has released a new version of his NeoGeo CD emulator for ther PS2, heres whats new:[br][br] - Mainly a bug fix regarding the loading/booting code :[br]Lots of people had problems while running the emulator,[br]so I made a more robust code that should allow to [br]run it even launched from your toaster now [br]- fix controller bug (stop responding after a while) [br][br]As the emulator has currently some issues with detection of some games, I will release a non official dev build to allow everybody to test the emulator. Please note that this version will no be maintained once the problem will be fixed [br][br]Download Here
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August 17th, 2004, 13:59 Posted By: swordstalker
i have been remembring when codemasters made the best racing games ever(colin mcrae 1+2,micro mchines)
where r they
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August 17th, 2004, 19:31 Posted By: real_neo
My question is Can I put the images of HD Loader or HD advance (or simular program) onto my hard drive via PC and then put that hard drive into my PS2 and use that to play my backed up games. Im pretty sure I can load the backed-up games image onto a hard drive that way but im not sure if it can do with the Applications. If I can do this please explain.
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August 18th, 2004, 02:43 Posted By: Spanky82
I am looking for a second hand PS2 at a reasonable price. Games thrown in as well as controllers etc would be a bonus however I only really want it to play the GT series of games on!
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August 22nd, 2004, 13:11 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure most of you know but if you dont theres a great Homebrew game for the PS2 called Beats of Rage, now i would like to hear from anyone who has had it working, and has tried Dreamcast mods to see if they work on it.[br][br]Tutorials, guides will be most welcome[br][br]Heres the link to Beats of Rage for those who are new to this http://senileteam.segaforums.com/
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August 23rd, 2004, 08:53 Posted By: mobile_medic_uk
I am after any faulty or broken PS2 hardware. If you have anything then please let me know.
Mobile Medic UK
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August 23rd, 2004, 11:53 Posted By: WALLACE
Does anyone know if the house of the dead is available on the ps2 as we have just bought a new ps2 and after playing house of the dead in an arcade we would love to be able to play it at home. any info on availabllity and where to purchase would be of great help. MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE.
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August 24th, 2004, 09:31 Posted By: jimjiber
I just got my PS2 modded with a Matrix Infinity and all seemed well. Then after 20 minutes gaming the PS2 switched off and the red light started flashing.
I emailed the mod guy and he says that the fan is probably disconnected and to take it back for him to reconnect.
Thing is he lives miles away and I don't have a car.
Do you guys reckon it would be simple enough for me to do this with the right diagrams? I would not touch anything else and I have quite a bit of experience rummaging around in my PC and adding drives, RAM etc.
So, is it worth the risk or am I highly likely to cock it up?
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August 31st, 2004, 09:10 Posted By: Coolboy
Hi guys, I'm a newbie and I need help running the PS2 media player on my PS2.
I've downloaded from the site in zipped form and then I extracted on a folder in my hard disc.The folder contains some readme files and a .cue but also the main .bin file(32MB).
I opened Nero 6 and then:
I go to file->new->Create CD ISO-> and I drag the bin file in the ISO folder. Then I burn it at 8x on a CD-R.
But my PS2 didn't load it. Later i made a new CD-R with both .bin and cue. files but it didn't work too!
Am I doing something wrong? Please help me!!
Note that my PS2 is V7 modded with Magic 3.6 chip!
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