July 1st, 2006, 08:14 Posted By: Yeldarb
PSP-Programming.com is hosting its first homebrew contest. This is the perfect opportunity for experienced developers to showcase their skills and a great way for all of you aspiring coders to jump into the scene.
It should be a ton of fun for all! (not to mention there are some cool prizes going to the winners)
If you're wondering how to get started, a great place to visit first is PSP-Programming.com's tutorial section. The tutorials should give anyone a stable foundation to make their creative vision a reality through code.
Good luck to all, you have a month before the contest ends, so start coding!
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July 1st, 2006, 09:54 Posted By: wraggster
At last its released the worlds first real downgrader for v2.5 and v2.6 PSP Consoles by Dark_Alex, Mathieulh, and Yoshihiro has been updated to a working version. Remember that unless you know and are confident of what you are doing then do not use this downgrader, heres a guide that Freeplay wrote:
Here, have a guide:
FOR 2.50/2.60:
Get the appropriate ZIP file from the very first post in this thread. password - I_USE_AT_MY_OWN_RISKS
There should be an EBOOT.PBP file in the ZIP file.
On your memory stick, go to PSP, then GAME. Make a folder called DOWNDATERTEST.
If you have a 1.50 dump, copy the DOWNDATER folder to the TOP LEVEL of your memory stick.
For example, if your memory stick is O:\, copy it there.
This folder should contain two folders and two files:
DOWNDATER\DUMP\ (containing the 1.50 dump)
DOWNDATER\PRX\ (containing the 1.50 UPDATE .PRX files)
* The two files and two folders mentioned above
* eLoader
Now... Go into GTA, go into eLoader, and run "DOWNDATER TEST".
The Memory Stick light will blink for about 2-3 minutes.
Afterwards, your PSP should reboot.
You should get the blue "Reset to defaults" screen. Press O.
The PSP will reboot again. You will have to define basic settings again.
You might notice a "Disc could not be read" error.
If you do, take the battery out, put it back in, and reboot.
Good luck, folks!
Make sure you dont have a PSP version TA-082 which can easily be spotted by opening the UMD Drive and looking in the top-right corner for the text "IC1003" If you see those digits you cannot downgrade or even use the PSP Modchip.
Authors website--> http://www.sonyxteam.com/
Me or other DCEmu Staff Members will add to this newspost throughout the day, but for Now....
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Reports of Bricked Consoles are still coming in so unlike other sites desperate to get a few visitors I urge extreme caution. Remember unless your 100% sure then my advice is dont use
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July 1st, 2006, 10:13 Posted By: Zion
My second release! Snake is a modified version of the original lua game created by "Shine".
My input is a few modifications to it 
Credit goes to "Shine" for creating the game.
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July 1st, 2006, 11:36 Posted By: mameuser
NJ has updated his NEOGEO Emulator for PSP to beta 4
Heres the excellent Translation by our great forum member b8a
Top News:
-Updated NEOGEO Emulator for PSP beta 4.
As nothing major as been updated, there's no reason to go out of your way to update to this version.
Download details:
binary Download beta 4 (18:00 Switched out the file since there were some slight problems with the Japanese environment)
*As this update has no direct relation to the emulation, there's no reason to go out of your way to update to this version.
-Made it so that it displays the game name, not the zip file name, in the browser.
If the zip file is displayed in red with the zip file name, that means that the zip file name is incorrect. (In that case, please rename the file to be match up with MAME 0.106)
-For what's changed, please read the readme.txt.
-I think the basic portions are finished, so I'm going to get working on fixing the CZ80 bugs. When the fixes are complete, I'll make the next release (planning on Release Candidate 1). It'll probable take quite a bit of time, so please be patient.
beta 4 What's Changed (from the readme):
-Made it so that it displays the game name, not the zip file name, in the browser. If it's a correct zip file name (a MAME 0.106 file name), then the game name will be displayed. In the event that that it's not correct, the zip file name is displayed in red (and will not launch).
*For users of the Japanese environment, please copy the file/folder that you get from decompressing the included resource_jp.zip to the ngepsp directory. This will make it so that the game names will be displayed in Japanese.
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July 1st, 2006, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

An adventure spin-off for the monkey-rolling franchise. Players will discover that in Super Monkey Ball Adventure their monkey balls now have a whole host of new abilities, including sticking to walls, hovering and the ability to become invisible. Super Monkey Ball Adventure also contains 50 new puzzle levels and six new party games to challenge gamers of all ages. Players can select Aiai, Meemee, Gongon, or Baby to adventure their way through five different Monkey Ball Kingdoms to complete quests by solving puzzles and ultimately uniting the feuding Monkey Kingdoms and defeat the Naysayers who have sucked all the joy from the Monkey Ball world.

Buy at SuccessHK
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July 1st, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
I do feel sorry for anyone who has bricked thier PSP today andl happy for those who successfully Downgraded but really is downgrading the best way to go?
With the recent news of an exploit thats for the same firmware are we not jumping the gun a bit, yeah some sites that want the extra pull of visitors this downgrader brings and revenue (yes a lot are in only for that), but why sacrifice playing the newest games to play homebrew and more importantly sacrificing your expensive PSP.
Theres hope on the forums here and at PS2Dev of the exploit that was originally posted there (and not at some sites as they would have you believe) that soon a new exploit for kernal mode willbe usuable.
Sometimes its better to be patient and wait for a new killer exploit an lets be fair GTA Liberty City stories isnt the only game there must be an exploit in.
So lets have some discussion on whether downgrading is really the best option?
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July 2nd, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony are to release a Playstation One Emulator in their PSP handheld Console but several years ago they were extremely anti PsOne emulators and took 2 Software Developers to Court and actually brought one of those companies.
Back in 2001 Sony, after trying to put the Mac Based Playstation Emulator Virtual Game Station produced by Connectix out of buisness since 1999 brought the company and since then nothing has been heard of from the emulator.
Around the same the Bleem Company introduced the world to its Playstation Emulator for the PC and the world was amazed at both these emulators, Bleem also released 3 Single Game Playstation Emulators for the Dreamcast which actually played PSOne games at a higher resolution thus making Sony extremely annoyed and worried.
Both emulators brought PSone emulation to their respective systems and threatened Sonys PS2 sales which worried Sony no end, one of the sales features of the PS2 was the fact it played PSOne games, but to see the best games playable on the Rival Dreamcast or Windows/Mac computers was something Sony would not stand for.
So after many legal battles Sony won and both companies were either Sold to Sony or just folded.
PSone Emulation in the PSP
If you have never used VGS or Bleem then you have missed out on 2 of the finest emulators released ever, Sony releasing their own PSone emulator for the PSP should be very interesting, especially if its using code from either VGS or Bleem.
A PSP magazine this week claimed that 7000 games will be playable in some form on the soon to be released PSP Emulator which gives further credence to what im saying above.
Over the next few months we shall see the emulator released and then we can put it under the microscope.
Its amazing that a company who went after emulator coders so much years ago is now releasing its own commercial emulator.
Got an Opinion or a Comment then please respond
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July 2nd, 2006, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Fluff has posted that a new free version of the Shell for the PSP is coming soon and this news:
Psix upon next beta release, will include a fully functional and full featured backup system. Psix will now save your configurations, so no having to setup your stuff again after exiting psix, additionally, the audio player will be upgraded with a fully functional playlist with save/load playlist functionality, as well as a fully operational audio visualizer.
Homebrew scanning has been modified so that the old bug of multiple instances of the same application is no longer an issue.
The release will be sometime in the future although its not known when.
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July 2nd, 2006, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Youresam has released a new version of Netlib for the PSP heres the release details:
Introducing.. netlib v2.0!
New features:
-Switched to UDP, for faster data sending/recieving
-Added Alert-Me-When
With netlib v2.0, you can create an online lua game easily! You can send and recieve data, AND, still have a rock solid 60 FPS.
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via youresam
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July 2nd, 2006, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Those PSPHacking 101 guys have released a new release of their Commutecast, heres whats new:
CommuteCast Episode 5
- Pox & Ragable are interviewed in The Washington Post
- 2.50/2.60 Kernel Access
- Downgrader Test for 2.50/2.60
- P2P insurance
- PS3 Games price hike
- Internet Explorer 7 beta 2
Check it out here
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July 2nd, 2006, 06:09 Posted By: MasterChafed
I present to you Halo 2d! Of course it is in extremely early stages of development. There are currently no animations but he jumps with a good feel of gravity and moves left and right, although when moving left he does not turn left. Now that I have a concept out there, is there anyone who would like to help me develop this game?
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July 2nd, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: benh
This is my third release of my famous flash snake game.
I will not be releasing another version of flash snake because im moving onto another flash coding project but dont worry expect to see another version of flash snake in a couple of months.
So here it is flash snake version 2.0 enjoy!
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July 2nd, 2006, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
The Downgrader for v2.5 and v2.6 PSP Consoles by Dark_Alex, Mathieulh, and Yoshihiro has been updated to a Final working version. Remember that unless you know and are confident of what you are doing then do not use this downgrader,
Heres whats new in this release:- Added a checking for the AC adaptor. Now it's necessary in order to begin the downgrade.
- Removed the logs, they could cause problems with people with 32 MB memsticks.
Also i want to explain a couple of things:
- The "Disc cannot be read" problem. This is caused because the hardware restart that the downdater does, doesn't restart the umd device. There were a more proper way to reinit the psp, but it wasn't working in this exploit. Not a big problem really, since after you restart manually the psp, the problem is gone.
- DO NOT USE dumps of other firmwares. As important as the files, is the IPL (Initial Program Loader), which is written by a library of the Sony 1.50 updater, that is hardcoded to write the 1.50 IPL. heres a guide that Freeplay wrote:Here, have a guide:
FOR 2.50/2.60:
Get the appropriate ZIP file from the very first post in this thread. password -
(copy and past, password is case sensitive)
There should be an EBOOT.PBP file in the ZIP file.
On your memory stick, go to PSP, then GAME. Make a folder called DOWNDATERTEST.
If you have a 1.50 dump, copy the DOWNDATER folder to the TOP LEVEL of your memory stick.
For example, if your memory stick is O:\, copy it there.
This folder should contain two folders and two files:
DOWNDATER\DUMP\ (containing the 1.50 dump)
DOWNDATER\PRX\ (containing the 1.50 UPDATE .PRX files)
* The two files and two folders mentioned above
* eLoader
Now... Go into GTA, go into eLoader, and run "DOWNDATER TEST".
The Memory Stick light will blink for about 2-3 minutes.
Afterwards, your PSP should reboot.
You should get the blue "Reset to defaults" screen. Press O.
The PSP will reboot again. You will have to define basic settings again.
You might notice a "Disc could not be read" error.
If you do, take the battery out, put it back in, and reboot.
Good luck, folks! Make sure you dont have a PSP version TA-082 which can easily be spotted by opening the UMD Drive and looking in the top-right corner for the text "IC1003" If you see those digits you cannot downgrade or even use the PSP Modchip.
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Please check out our Original Release Thread and read throughly before trying to Downgrade.
As always my adivce is do not use if your not 100% sure and confident
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July 2nd, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has released a new Version of his NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP, this release comes in 2 flavours, normal and with raster effects, heres the translated news from his page:
* As for beta 4 bug being many, the shank. You think that just a little it stabilized with RC1.
* Luster effect corresponding edition was released to reference. In the past compared to speed improving
It is, but without being the speed which you can play, the shank. This is the limit.
Yet again translation via google is rubbish but a new release is always worth a try.
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July 2nd, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: Zion
After a few hours work, a much better game the result!
The background is back, sprite movement is in, a loading screen and title have been added.
and sprite's are fixed (no more green boxes)
There is still loads to do mind. Gravity, More characters, AI, RPG elements, collision detection etc.
But never the less, its a worthy update!
Screenshot :

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July 3rd, 2006, 07:22 Posted By: wraggster
Ruka has released a new beta of his Nes Emulator for the PSP,
improvements are:
Support Wifi Network Play(Adhoc)
GPU processing improvements.(about 20% speed up!)
Sound timing Fixed.(But still not fixed in Network play)
Ruka wishes that the beta not be uploaded anywhere so download direct from him at his site here --> http://rukapsp.hp.infoseek.co.jp/PSP...re/NesterJ.htm
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July 3rd, 2006, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
From the site:
Something a bit different this week, as I [temporarily] hand the show over to Wayne Turmel, from TPN’s Cranky Middle Manager Show. He’s jsut completed an interview with Matt Manuel, from Electronic Arts. Ever wonder what it’s like to manage in the world of Video Game production? How do they grow managers in a business that didn’t exist 20 years ago? Manuel is in charge of a development team at Electronic Arts (he’s the guy in charge of FIFA 2006, the project and the people). So what does a Lead Development Director actually do? This ain’t an easy place to work, folks. It takes a “high level of commitment” which is a nice way of saying it’s all about overtime…..
Don’t forget you can listen on your PSP by going to the PSP web browser, and entering psp.thepodcastnetwork.com/feed as the URL - you’ll be asked if you want to add the show to your RSS channel. Say ‘yes.’
More Info
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July 3rd, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster

I didnt even know this was released until i went to Asda yesterday but LocoRoco is toping the charts already in the UK.

Amazon UK are selling LocoRoco for 29.99 in the UK for those after the game.
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is counting on the PlayStation 3 to revive the company's overall fortunes later this year, but the console's been hit by a analyst double whammy today as the US folk who forecast get their teeth into the prospects for Sony's next-gen console.
And it's not good news for the Japanese giant, with two analysts double teaming Sony's prospects in conversation with our colleagues on Next-Gen.biz.
First up is DFC Intelligence's David Cole, who told Sony to beware the Ides of November while making the shocking prediction that the PS3 could come third in the race between the next-gen consoles. Cole said, "It now appears clear that this new generation of console systems is going to result in a big shake-up in the game industry power structure. While it has always been clear that Sony's dominant market share was destined to decline, there now appears to be the distinct possibility the PlayStation 3 could end up third in market share behind both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii."
Advertisement:Cole does go on to admit, "We should emphasize a third place finish for Sony is only one of several possible scenarios," before hedging his bets a bit further by adding, "We have no way of knowing exactly what sales will be and which platform will be the market leader." Hmm, surely that's what analysts are paid to do?
However, Cole added, "We say the PlayStation 3 could end up in third place that is a worst case scenario for Sony. Furthermore, much will depend on variables such as Sony's execution and most importantly how rapidly they can bring down the PS3 price." It seems clear even at this stage that analysts believe the PS3 price is way too high, and must come down if Sony seriously wants to compete against both Microsoft and to a lesser extent Nintendo in 2007.
While Cole's dire prognostications won't exactly be news to Sony, the ubiquitous PJ McNealy also felt compelled to chuck in his tuppence ha'penny last week, opining that the console's complexity could be a real issue in the early stages and that that could hit Sony's profits.
McNealy said, "We've learned the Sony Playstation 3 is not just a game console. It's a movie platform. It's also a super-computer. This is now the most complex box that's ever been built in this industry. It's going to have a Cell processor, it's going to have a Blu-ray drive. The number of pieces that are going into this box are even more astounding [than the Xbox 360]."
However, McNealy added that he thought Sony would smooth things out in the manufacturing process in 2007 when it aims to produce up to the one million PS3s a month to meet expected demand. But McNealy once again identified that oh-so-large price tag as a crucial component. Then, said McNealy, "The wild-card becomes, [whether] people still want to spend six-hundred bucks on the box."
But are the analysts right? Pretty much everyone agrees the PS3's price tag is on the swollen side, but is it conceivable that the follow-up to current-gen's best seller might fall to third in the console battle? Your thoughts are welcome in the comments field below.
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
New Accessory from Divineo China

Connect your PSP/NDS to the internet, play online games, organize your files and surf the net from almost anywhere in the house EASILY, CHEAPLY and WIRELESSLY.
How it works? SIMPLE! Just plug our WiFi LINK adapter into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. Then a wireless internet connection has been done, go ahead for online-enabled multiplayer games with PSP/NDS gamers from all over the world.
If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi LINK too.
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

With its comfortable, over-the-ear design and snazzy hi-tech look, Communicator Headset for PSP is an essential purchase for gamers on the move. It’s fully WiFi-compatible too; the ideal companion for Datel’s own WiFi MAX.
Communicator Headset works with any PSP game with voice chat. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an earpiece for crystal-clear sound, Communicator Headset lets you bark out your orders or taunt your opponents as you play.
Take Sony’s brilliant SOCOM: US Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo. During online play, it’s essential that you communicate with the rest of your squad. Plan your strategies, warn your comrades in arms of impending danger and make sure everyone is doing the job they’re meant to be doing. With Communicator Headset, you can hear every word your buddies utter, and your own instructions are never lost in the heat of battle.
With more and more Sony PSP games making use of microphone communication, and for those inevitable occasions where listening to the in-game sounds is the only option, Communicator Headset is the ideal choice.
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July 3rd, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sonic the Hedgehog and Full Auto 2: Battlelines will be PlayStation 3 launch titles, according to SEGA of America's Scott Steinberg.
Steinberg, SoA's veepee of marketing, also revealed that Virtua Fighter 5 would ship in March 2007.
Speaking in an interview with US website GameDaily, he said SEGA's Wii titles would adopt a similar strategy. Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz will be there at launch, while Sonic Wild Fire (working title) is due next March.
There's also a suggestion that Full Auto 2's PS3 exclusivity will expire shortly after launch, which would make sense given that the first title appeared only on Xbox 360. When Steinberg had it put to him that way, he laughed.
Similarly, the Xbox 360 version of Sonic the Hedgehog will ship shortly after the PS3 version launches with the Sony console.
Asked about the relative costs of developing for next-gen consoles, Steinberg said the Wii was the most affordable, but added that you didn't have to spend oodles on the other formats. "Next-gen games don't automatically cost $20 million dollars," he pointed out - which is just as well.
Steinberg believes SEGA is in pole position as a Wii third party - and often refers to the console's "family" approach. While others struggle to grasp the new controls, he says, "SEGA is already thinking about its second generation software."
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July 3rd, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Release:

Take the Risk, Take the Reward - Put your car up against the best in Ad-Hoc wireless racing for pink slips with the winner taking the competitors ride
Roll With a Crew - Create a crew with your friends and lead them against rival teams to see who owns the city
Compete In New Multiplayer Modes - Use the PSP’s wireless functionality to challenge others in multiplayer games like Eliminator, Relay, and other race types
Customize Your Ride - Over 100 new real aftermarket parts to modify your vehicle
New Locations, Tracks, Cars, and Crews - Race at high speeds through the narrow streets of Chinatown or on the outskirts of the city in Angel Raceway in over 60 real cars against new crews
Taking full advantage of the wireless features of Sony PSP, Juiced: Eliminator pits player versus player in fierce online street racing. Compete against the best in wireless racing with the ultimate wager on the line: Pink Slips. Form a crew with your friends, and lead them against rival crews in wireless showdowns with pink slips at stake. Compete in brand new multiplayer modes including Eliminator and Relay races that will push you and your crew’s skills to the limit. Juiced: Eliminator brings the street to you. Choose your vehicle from over 60 real cars, including eight brand new models, then trick your car out with over 100 new customizable aftermarket parts. Race your vehicle online, or earn street cred through single player career mode. Take the risk, Take the reward.

More info/Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1glv.html
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July 3rd, 2006, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a wait till its released then we know announcement of a PSX(PSOne) Emulator for the PSP,
First a screenshot

Heres the info so far:
That is a screenshot(actually I just took a picture of my psp) of my Playstation 2 Psp project called "Psxxx", I recently started a new job which may prove to be too demanding for me to keep up with the homebrew scene; after making a few suggested improvements and cleaning up the code a bit; IM gonna turn it loose on world, and hopefully someone will develop a full featured emu.
I've been holding off on releasing a version of this and kind of keeping the development a secret because I wanted to wait until I had something worth showing anyone in the first place; Thanks go out to Zad3r for fixing many of my mistakes, and doing almost as much as I have for this project.
Theres two seperate zips, one regular and the other hard coded for FFVII isos(Three Seperate eboots).
the source for both will be included in the Zip they are tested and working for PSP firmware 1.5 only.
Optimized for Final Fantasy VII(USA)(3 disc)
(won't load "Greatest Hits" version)
* There is no audio support.
* Limited controls
* Many roms won't boot.
* Most other roms have serious graphics problems.
* Requires a Playstation Bios(not provided for legal reasons)
Like the new N64 Emulator "announced" yesterday its best to not get over excited at this point but fingers crossed its the start of a very Cool new PSOne Emulator for the PSP.
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July 3rd, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
A Fixed release of the emu has occurred
A regression bug was fixed. Now Makai Kingdom, Grandia II, Rez, and Taito Legends should work. It is recommended that you redownload 0.9.1.
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PCSX2 the PS2 Emulator for Windows has been updated, heres whats new:
This release brings a significant speed increase to the majority of games, this is due to a complete rewrite of the EE and VU recompilers. Various other improvements have increased compatibility with games, you will be able to check your game against the included compatibility list, which lists nearly 1000 titles (Please note at time of release list is not guaranteed 100% accurate).
Whilst the new recompilers are a major improvement, the recompilers are not 100% accurate at present, this may result in a number of broken games.
A further release will be created in the future enhancing upon the overall compatibility of the new recompilers. This is part of a new release schedule where we plan to be releasing more frequently; however, do not make requests for releases or ask when such a release will be produced.
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July 3rd, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony are soon to reveal their PS1 Emulator for the PSP which could support up to 7000 games and if they price it right then will most people who enjoy Homebrew as it is now be tempted to update to a new firmware which could kill homebrew for the foreseable future.
All the firmware updates so far have offered us little apart from Flash and the lockouts to Homebrew but to use an Emulator to lock out homebrew could be the smartest move yet by Sony, the PS1 is what most teenagers and slightly above grew up with and is quite a weapon against homebrew.
My Question to you is this, if Sony release the emulator and it runs good enough and cheap enough will you upgrade to a new homebrew killing firmware ?
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July 3rd, 2006, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Vid Converter for the PSP/PC, heres whats new etc:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP and PC.
Interface changed with windows theme.
Correct corrupted PSP icons.
Version 4.002 will have DVD support and multi file join.
4.001 changes:
Fixed HDTV WMV input.
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July 3rd, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
PSPOwnage posted this new game release for the PSP:
Basically you try to not get hit by any of the birds flying past you. If you happen to touch a bird, your health will go down. If your health reaches '0', you lose. After every 25 'Dodged' birds, you will progress to the next level. Stay alive as long as possible.
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July 3rd, 2006, 22:45 Posted By: MasterChafed
I have released my first public Alpha of Halo 2d lua game for the PSP. I hope you enjoy.
Whats fixed:
1. Walking animations now stop whenever you stop pressing the button
2. The horrible lag caused from blitting images over and over is gone.
I also added a title screen.
Expect more in the near future.
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July 3rd, 2006, 23:27 Posted By: IndianCheese
NOTE: If you have 2.70+, this does not apply to you 'cause you need homebrew for this.
I have accidentally found a way to run Game Sharing programs on with 1 PSP. You don't even need the UMD! However, you will need the UMD to obtain the program just one time. Here is what you need:
Ok, here is what you do:
- Put in the Namco Battle Museum UMD
- Run iR Shell
- Go into the UMD folder
- Choose PSP_GAME
- Choose USRDIR
- Choose DAT
- Copy UPLOAD.DAT somewhere onto your Memory Stick
- Go to Memory Stick where you pasted UPLOAD.DAT
- Rename it to UPLOAD.BIN
- Highlight it and press X
- Confirm "Launch User Application?"
- Game Sharing portion of Namco Battle Museum will start
This is great if you want to take the classics with you without taking the UMD or if your friend has it and you don't. Not sure if this can have any further development in the Game Sharing hack field, but it sure is interesting!
I have attached a video of me running it. .
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July 4th, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
So we finally got some solid release deets on BenQ's anticipated BW1000 3-in-1 Blu-ray burner (also known as the "Trio): it'll be coming out in late August, and set you back 799 euros, or a little over $1,000. As you'll recall, that grand is buying you an internal drive that writes to BD-R discs at 2x speed, to DVDs between 4x and 12x, and to CDs at 32x speed, while obviously playing back Blu-ray content at full 1,920 x 1,080 resolution as well. You're also getting the usual suite of features designed to dampen vibration and ensure data integrity, which will come in especially handy for folks who can't afford to be wasting those initially-expensive next-gen discs. Keep in mind, though, that this model won't be the only option available to you by the time it hits stores, so make sure to check out the supported formats and features on competing units from Pioneer, Samsung, Panasonic and Philips before you lay down all that cash.
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July 4th, 2006, 03:57 Posted By: dalejrrocks
Hey everyone,
Today Whazilla & I are proud to bring you another great piece of homebrew - PSP Development Library Installer.
This is an automated PSP Development Library Installer. It requres no compiling or downloading. It currently supports SDL, SDL_Mixer, PSPGL, LibBulletMl, LibTremor, Jpeg, libpsp2d, libpng, libmad, zlib, and libmikmod. It is based on the newest versions of the libraries available. This installer is mainly for precompiled toolchain/sdk, but hopefully we will be able to add cygwin support later in the next release. And more libs 
Make sure that you read the readme to get a detailed list of tested/untested libraries, and to get install instructions.
This is a part of my "The Quick and Easy Way To Start Developing in C/C++" tutorial, which can be found in the PSP Development section under the stickies. Or Here. Check that out!
We hope that this will help people solve problems with installing libraries and get into developing for the PSP in C/C++!
Dalejrrocks & Whazilla
IMPORTANT: People have been saying that .zip file is broken, so please use 7-zip to unarchive it and it will be fine because that's what I packaged it with! www.7-zip.org .thanks for the link , kaiser!
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July 4th, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
New game coming soon that sounds great, heres the info:
CollecTic is a game by Jonas Hielscher
The game CollecTic is developed as a part of my graduation project for the Masters program Media Technology at Leiden University in 2006. The game is developed for the Sony PSP and uses the standard features of the console, especially scanning for wireless access points to the Internet.
The game concept
CollecTic can be played anywhere, where WLAN access points can be found by a PSP. The objective of the game is to search for different access points, to collect them and to combine them in a puzzle in order to get points. In the game, the player has to move around in her/his local surrounding, using her/his PSP as a sensor device in order to find access points. By doing this, the player is able to discover the hidden infrastructure of wireless network coverage through auditive and visual feedback.The game is designed as a single player game, but it can be easily played competitive after each other or at the same time with two PSPs.
Finding and collecting access points
If the PSP receives a signal of a wireless access point, the point will be visualized as a geometric figure (square, triangle or circle) with a specific color and size. The form and color are defined by the unique Media Access Control address (MAC address) of the access point. The size of the form is determined by the signal strength of the access point. If a player wants to collect a bigger form s/he has to come closer to a spotted access point. All visible figures are starting to blink and to play a sound after each other. The length of time a figure blinks, depends on the strength of the signal. The kind of sound depends on the form and color: the form determines the waveform of the sound (sine, triangle or square wave); the color determines the note (frequency) of the sound. If the player presses the button corresponding to the figure that lightens up, s/he collects the figure, meaning the access point. The collected shapes will be placed in the big black square on the screen. During the game, an access point can only be collected once. So, in order to find new access points the player has to move around.
The puzzle in the black square
The collected figures in the black square can be arranged in a grid of three by three. If a maximum amount of nine shapes is collected, or if the player presses the x button, the grid will be checked for three equals in a row. The rows will be checked for same shapes and same color. Combinations of same shape, color and size give extra points. Several equal rows at the same time will also give extra points (Combo bonus).
More info --> http://www.pixelsix.org/collectic/#download
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July 4th, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Any italians who visit here will be glad to know a new version of the homebrew installer in their language has been released.
Check out the Release Site for more info.
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July 4th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
nekokabu has released a new screenshot grabber for the Devhook application, why you would want screens is beyond me but its a neat little app:
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July 4th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Zero.Wing has released a new game based on the Matrix Trilogy, heres the release info:
* A game written in LUA for the Sony PSP
* A fan game based on The Matrix Trilogy
* A rhythm - action game, without the rhythm! (or the action?!?)
* Stop the code before before it falls to the bottom of the
screen by pressing the corresponding button in time.
* If you miss a code stream then you will lose 3 points.
* If you press a button and there is no code stream in the
corresponding column then you will lose 2 points.
* To defeat the machines and advance to the next level you must
reach 100 points.
* Completing a level unlocks a card for your collection, go to
the Gallery from the Main Menu to view your cards.
* Finish all 10 levels to complete the game.
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via zerowing
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July 4th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has released a new Version of his NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP, heres the translated news from his page:
* RC 2 modification point
* Being next, it becomes ver.0.1.
It was the schedule which adds various performance, but functional addition above this seems that is unreasonable in connection with memory capacity. In the future perhaps becomes only bug correction.
rominfo.dat was renewed. Please be sure to superscribe the new file.
ROM the converter was renewed.
[rasutaehuekuto] corresponding edition was usually integrated to edition.
The item " of Raster Effect " is added most on Game configuration.
By the fact that it makes Enable luster effect becomes effective.
Furthermore, this setting is retained individually in every game unlike the setting of other things.
It corresponded to the game below.
Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) SVC Chaos - SNK vs CAPCOM (JAMMA PCB/set 2) Jockey Grand Prix V-Liner (set 1) V-Liner (set 2)
Those which presently do not operate in correspondence schedule become with two below.
With the following version somehow it is we would like to correspond.
The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan/JAMMA PCB) freezing immediately after the starting. Cause obscurity.
Because The Irritating Maze analog input process is not drawn up, operational failure.
Yet again translation via google is rubbish but a new release is always worth a try.
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July 4th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
I posted the announcement of this emulator yesterday and until we know for sure its not a leg pull (fake) - which to be honest can be said of any unknown coder- i will post this warning and not link to the site, that said heres what Seni0r posted:
For the most part IM turning the PSP project over to Zad3r(So he'll get the C&D letters from Sony instead of me ha ha ha!) who will most likely be uploading some screens of his "Resident Evil(psxxx)" project sometime later today or tomorrow, he talked about posting a video for me(Because all I have is a shitty pencam)but I cant confirm that because he's been offline for most of the night.
As soon as more info comes you know where to see it 
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July 4th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Edge Online has another fantastic feature, discussing the creation process behind GTA. From the article:
"One of the defining moments of the series happened in early 1996, not long after Baird joined the team. 'At that time, we were still a series of small missions,' he says. "We had a long, long brainstorming session where we picked up on an idea for one long level containing multiple missions proposed by one of the level designers, Paul Farley. We took this and expanded it into the open-ended structure that the game shipped with. This meant a big expansion of the scripting and improvements to game systems — they had to handle the game running over multiple missions instead of the short structure.'"
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July 4th, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp. has taken out an 80 billion Yen (545 million Euro) three-year floating-rate bank loan - marking the first time the company has borrowed funds in ten years.
According to Bloomberg.com, more than 20 Japanese lenders will contribute to the loan, which will be used to "diversify funding sources."
The report suggests that Sony has "tapped the country's expanding syndicated loan market as it offered a cheaper source of cash at a time when investors in corporate debt are demanding higher yields before an expected rise in Japanese interest rates this year."
Sony spokesperson Shinichi Tobe told Bloomberg that the loan offers more flexibility than bonds, and that the company had ended up borrowing more funds than initially planned.
Fellow spokesperson Koji Kurata added that the funds will be used "for general purposes", according to Bloomberg. Sony intends to invest 460 billion Yen (3.13 billion Euro) in semi-conductor manufacturing and 100 billion Yen (68 million Euro) in an initiative to develop liquid-crystal displays with Samsung.
Sony is also facing costs associated with the manufacture of the PlayStation 3 and the launch of the new Blu-Ray disc format - both of which are due to roll out this year. Last year the company embarked on a three-year cost-cutting exercise that will see the loss of 10,000 jobs. ...
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July 4th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
With the release of the game just over a week away and the premiere of the film at the end of the month, we thought we'd share a few shots of Cars for PSP with you.
Cars is a spin-off of the Pixar film of the same name and has you initially taking control of leading car Lightning McQueen as he attempts to capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship.
The PSP edition is actually quite different to console versions of the game - it's a tidy arcade racer that might appeal to gamers who enjoyed Ridge Racer. Story mode takes you through 25 different events, with victory rewarded with more characters and tracks being unlocked.
While the setup isn't particularly innovative many gamers may be surprised at just how well this cartoony racer handles.
Screenshots and News at Gamesradar
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July 4th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
From the publisher: The renowned Tales of series comes to the PlayStation® 2 with the extraordinary depth of an RPG and the furiously fast real-time battles of an authentic fighting game. In development for several years, Tales of Legendia offers fantastic 3D graphics, dynamic battle scenes and an emotionally-charged storyline. The game utilizes technology from Namco’s renowned Soulcalibur® fighting game series, allowing players to battle huge monsters with a battle system that feels more like a fighting game using X-LiMBS, Namco’s new Crossover Linear Motion Battle System.
Namco's PlayStation2™ RPG hit Tales of Legendia is now available at US$ 9.90 only.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 4th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
ZX-81 a resident coder on our forums continues on his major streak of releases, heres the latest for today:
Hi All,
Loic Daneels has updated his keyboard files pack for Pspcap32 (Amstrad Emulator for PSP). It contains now the mapping for more than 470 CPC games !
Many thanks to him for his awesome work !!!
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July 4th, 2006, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Launchelf app for PS2
Heres whats new:
LaunchELF v3.79 (2006.07.01)
-Changed "MISC/Configurator" to "MISC/Configure"
-Fixed a bug that made TextEditor unable to save files on HDD
-Added PathPad_Lock as a CNF variable. Text edit this to a non-zero value if you want to prevent any changes to your PathPad array. This will then prevent the commands to clear or set PathPad entries from having any effect. You can still use them, but not change them.
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July 4th, 2006, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita the man behind Eloader and a judge of one of our Coding Competitions has posted his thoughts on the future, heres the item of interest:
people have been asking what the future is for eLoader, and the new kernel-mode exploit on v2.5 and v2.6. We've been looking at the exploit, and trying to convert it into something more usable.
Right now, our aim is to develop something that no longer needs the full eloader to run homebrew. The ideal would be to hack the kernel in memory, so that temporarily it will allow homebrew to be run directly from the PSP's XMB menu. In theory, now that we have kernel-mode access, this should be possible, but it could take some time. In the meantime, I'm sure that others are probably also working on similar ideas.
We're busy with our normal lives at the moment, so please don't ask when something will be ready. The additional pressure simply discourages us from working on the PSP projects.
Nice to here of a non eloader project for the future, whats your thoughts ?
via fanjita
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July 5th, 2006, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Xtrusion has posted a new downgrader for v2.50/2.60 PSPs.
I launched it in Spain 2 days ago and it's becoming very popular. There is a lot of people thanking me for building this easy method. Well, now I've made an english translation.
This is a easy and safe installer to help people to downgrade. A voice explain the requeriments and the steps to downgrade, and the automatic setup install the necesay files to downgrade!
Light version doesn't contain the DOWNDATER folder, so it's totally legal to download and spread it.
This Downgrader is good for newcomers as it is more friendly and totally talks you along the processes, this can be used as an alternative to the other downgrader released.
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As with all these downgrader releases only use if 100% sure, read other comments before using
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July 5th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
PSPOwnage has updated his game for the PSP, heres the release details:
New Features include...
- Powerups
----- Speed; Move faster, shoot faster.
----- Bullet; Your bullets now go through the blocks = massive killings!
----- Shrink; Shrinks your block, making it easier to dodge incoming squares.
----- Invincibility; Makes you invincible!
- Story Mode & Dodge Mode now available
- Added Help menu
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July 5th, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster

DeNitro & Devin923 are back with a new release of PSP Revolution, heres all the info from this great release:
Thanks for trying out PSP Revolution 0.2
PSP Revolution is based off the popular game Stepmania and is compatible
with Stepmania (.SM) and Dance With Intensity (.DWI) song files.
To install additional songs, copy them into pack folders in
"\psp\game\pspr\songs" just as you would in Stepmania
To Install, copy contents of 1.0 or 1.5 folder (depending on your firmware version)
in to your "\psp\game" folder.
If you are using firmware 1.0 eboot, you must also copy the folders out of the
1.5 folder, make sure NOT to overwrite the 1.0 EBOOT.PBP
"Plaguemix Series" songs are by Plaguefox ( www.gamecast.org) and were downloaded
directly off the songs section on www.stepmania.com
"Dancing WipEout" songs are by W1p3out and
downloaded from ( http://ddrmulhouse.free.fr/W1p3out_s...Eout_v2_0.html)
For the best music experience we recommend playing with head/earphones.
This version has a different folder tree than the last, so it's reccomended to backup your old song folder from your memory stick, removing 0.1, and installing 0.2 fresh.
The songs included in this version are different than the songs that were included in this version, so remember to copy them into version 0.2 before you delete them if you want to keep the original songs!
For most game screens:
X - Select/Accept
/\ - Go Back / Cancel
Song Select Sreen:
[] - Song Options
LEFT / RIGHT - Change Song Difficulty (some songs may only have 1)
Main Game:
UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGT are used in conjunction with /\ / X / [] / O to hit arrows
Version History:
7/04/06 - 0.2
-Added theme support for loading custom graphics
-Added an options menu to the song select screen accessible by pressing SQUARE)
-Arrow Speed Modifiers available in the song options menu (see above)
-Preliminary support for song Freezes (Like in Sandstorm)
-OGG Music files are now supported
-JPG Background files are now supported
-Beginner "feet" color added
-Music preview plays for selected song at song select screen
-Marathon songs are now supported
-Letter grades are now awarded at the song score screen
-Song difficulty selection is now sorted easiest(left) to hardest(right)
-Holds are now active a little longer after button release
-Song select screen now scrolls the list with more than 18 entries
-Missed steps now are now counted as soon as they go out of "boo" range
-Combo numbers are now outlined for more definition
-Top arrows are lit up to match the song's beat
-Game now runs at the default CPU speed (222mhz) (reduces battery usage)
-Graphics mode now 32-bit
-Combo counter during gameplay now displays up to 4 digits
-Putting the PSP into suspend mode during a song will return game to main menu when resumed
-MP3's (along with OGG's) are now streamed from the Memory Stick during play
-Speed improvement when flipping through song lists
-Much improved error handling throughout the game
-Support for a wider variety of song banners (will rotate/resize them into place)
-Increased Song Compatibility
-Changed how some song's are synced
-Arrow's should no longer "drift" slightly out of sync during the duration of a song
-Fixed reading of interlaced PNG files which would previously crash song select screen
-Fixed rare cases of broken hold notes
-Fixed rare case of songs missing the first couple of steps
-Fixed bug where holds very close to a step on same column being hit with the step hit
-Fixed missing difficulty text during game and score screen
-Pressing several buttons at once no longer crashes song select screen
-No longer need to change the folder name for v2.0+ Eboot Loaders
-Fixed a small memory leak which could cause crashes after numerous songs are played.
-Fixed a bug where arrows would stop coming up during gameplay
-Other minor bug fixes
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July 5th, 2006, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Gamesindustry
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Sony Computer Entertainment has defended itself against accusations of racism over a controversial advert for the new 'Ceramic white' PSP.
The advert, which has appeared on billboards in the Netherlands, shows a white woman gripping a black woman by the jaw and features the slogan: "PlayStation Portable White is coming." Many websites and forum posters have protested that the advert is racist and are campaigning for its removal.
A Sony spokesperson has responded by stating that the ad does not have a racist message and that is part of a wider marketing campaign, telling GamesIndustry.biz: "The marketing campaign for the launch of the White PSP in the Benelux focuses on the contrast between the Black PSP model and the new Ceramic white PSP model."
"A variety of different treatments have been created as a campaign to either highlight the whiteness of the new model or contrast the black and the white models. Central to this campaign has been the creation of some stunningly photographed imagery, that has been used on large billboards throughout Holland."
According to the spokesperson, "All of the 100 or so images created for the campaign have been designed to show this contrast in colours of the PSPs , and have no other message or purpose."
It seems the controversial ad is unlikely to appear outside Holland, with a representative from Sony's UK office telling GI.biz: "I would like to confirm that we categorically are not running this advert creative in the UK."
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July 5th, 2006, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of X-Flash for the PSP which is a firmware modification program for the Sony PSP:
Heres whats new:
New for X-Flash V10!:
- Change cursor clicking, and Icon selection sounds in the XMB menu!
- Auto restore option removes all modifications performed by the
program, and leaves the PSP in it's original state with a single
button press.
- New implementation of mp3 feature added as normal option with option
to delete the song from flash.
- Parental control implementation using standard PSP parental control
- Battery level checking at startup to allow mobile use without mains
- Some custom labels for the XMB Music icon.
- Increased overall speed of operation, aded dither effect for menu
enhancement. Program code optimization.
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July 5th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Raf and the PSP Radio Team have released a new version of the Homebrew Web Browser for the PSP which also comes as a PSP Radio Plug In, heres the release info:
New stand alone and plugin release, still based on links2.1-pre22
I decided to try and write a new video driver, as there were too many problems with the SDL based driver.
I made a new driver based on the framebuffer driver. Sandberg helped make Danzeff work on this new version.
What's new: r1206
(raf) New driver based on the linux framebuffer driver. This new driver access video RAM directly. Most of the graphic problems with SDL seem to be gone; but theres some new problems (the menus don't clear correctly).
(sandberg) Using direct VRAM version of Danzeff to free up the memory used by the previous SDL version.
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July 5th, 2006, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have issued a warning that basically says theirs a risk of fire or worse from these batteries.
Although i reckon its more than likely they dont want you getting more powerful batteries at half the price of their Official batteries.
Take with a pinch of salt methinks 
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July 5th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP game released:

Rain Wonder Trip is a quizz quizz/adventure game featuring Asia's most popular R&B singer Rain. In the game, player goes on a trip with Rain and discovers everything there is to know about him and his life through multiple series of quizz and never seen before videos.

More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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July 5th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP game released:

An RPG based on the Studio Gonzo anime film from the manga by Miyuki Miyabe. In the PSP game, you take on the role of an original main character and work through a story featuring Wataru, Meena and the rest of the main Brave Story cast. The game's turn-based battle system focuses on three concepts from the original story: bravery, growth and friends. As you attack your enemies, you build up a Brave Power meter, which indicates your courage. Once maxed out, you can perform a special attack. You build up your weapons by collecting gems and can even perform combination attacks with your two battle companions.
More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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July 5th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP game released:

Already revered in the arcades for its personable characters, explosive graphics, and lightning-fast gameplay, Tekken 5 delivers the same intense fighting action home. Boasting an improved fighting engine, speedier combos, and a return to the old-school Tekken stage design, Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection boasts more than 30 diverse combatants with dozens of special moves for each of them. This PlayStation Portable version is an update to the original arcade game, with new backgrounds, two new characters, and tweaks in the AI and gameplay.

More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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July 5th, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster

Thanks to Sterist for the alert, Heres some great news, the Major Hong Kong and Worldwide Supplier Success HK are seling the Sandisk 4gb Memory Card for the PSP for $147 a drop of 12 dollars from their previous low price and now on a par with the Datel 4gb offerings and without the bulkyness.
Unless you want to buy Sonys $250 dollar version :P
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July 5th, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Our old friend Internet Reports appears to have outdone himself this time. He's been going round telling everyone that the UK will get 150,000 PS3s in time for launch, and that he got the info from Official PlayStation Magazine.
Speaking to our sister site, GamesIndustry.biz, a Sony spokesperson said: "We have yet to confirm allocation for the UK territory. We're on target to ship 2 million units globally at launch and 6 million units by end of fiscal year."
OPSM, meanwhile, is denying that it ever made a definitive claim. What the mag actually says, as part of its post-E3 coverage, is: "Estimates suggest that UK stock allocation is likely to be in the region of 150,000 units, so don't expect to be able to walk into a shop and snatch one off the shelf on day one."
Apparently that 150,000 figure was based on analysts' reports.
So just how many PS3s are we likely to get? Well, chances are it'll be more than 150,000, since the UK is an important market for Sony. The machine is due to launch here on November 17th, priced at £425 for the 60GB model - Sony has yet to confirm whether we'll also get the 20GB version.
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July 5th, 2006, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Talking about its PlayStation 3 E-Distribution Initiative, the company's intended Xbox Live Arcade 'killer', SCEA's John Hight has laid down a challenge to Microsoft, commenting that: 'Some of our [digitally distributed first-party] games, by virtue of their design and hardware demands, simply couldn't work on Xbox 360.'"
More from the article:
"The PlayStation Beyond submission site has been online since GDC 2006, when Sony's Phil Harrison announced its presence, and explains further of the concept: 'The E-Distribution Initiative (EDI) will provide an alternative publishing opportunity for the direct download of games and other content to the user. The EDI will be managed by Sony Computer Entertainment's development and studio organizations in North America, Europe, Japan and Asia (collectively known as SCE Worldwide Studios).'
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July 5th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA has confirmed details of two software titles which will ship alongside Sony's PlayStation 3 this November, cementing the publisher's commitment to supporting the next-gen platform.
In a recent interview with US website Gamedaily.com, SEGA of America's VP of Marketing, Scott Steinberg discussed the publisher's strategy for all three platform holders, revealing the first glimpse of third-party software support for the launch of Sony's PS3.
"We've got Sonic the Hedgehog in its original naming convention… It'll be a launch title for the PS3. We have Full Auto 2: Battlelines, that's shipping with the launch of the PS3. Then Virtua Fighter 5 will be in March," Steinberg said.
As momentum builds for the arrival of Sony's new machine, software support from third party publishers is key to generating consumer enthusiasm and demand for the machine.
The much publicised price-tag, which is considerably higher than its rivals, may be off-putting to consumers outside of the hardcore gaming audience without the draw of a stellar software line-up from day one.
Few publishers have confirmed release dates for their PS3 titles, although some, such as Activision's Call of Duty 3 and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, have been issued with a tentative November release slot on retail product pages.
Although SEGA is fully committed to supporting all three next and new-generation platforms, the publisher's confirmation of launch day releases for the PS3 is welcome news and marks the first of what will hopefully be a slew of third-party publisher announcements in the lead up to Sony's November launch...
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July 6th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Emulation on the PSP is at an amazing level and with access to Kernal mode for 2.6/2.5 users maybe coming soon it may mean that the N64 emulators can get a speed boost through that, same for GBA etc.
Its very hard to spot a fake until its revealed and at the mo we have 2 emulators causing such eyebrow raising, we have the PSX Emulator and also the Ultrahle port, yes its most likely doable to see both and also its most likely they could both be fakes, unless its release news or say from a known coder and not one someones never heard of then take it as fake until proved otherwise.
OK what next for PSP Emulation, well so far we have seen lots of different emulators for many systems released but i wonder if the PSP can handle a Virtual Boy emulator, yes it was a failure but interesting none the less, also a Daphne Laserdisc or a 3D0 emulator all 3 systems would be great reborn on the PSP.
What would you like to see next on PSP Emulation ?
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July 6th, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Vid Converter for the PSP/PC, heres whats new etc:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP and PC.
Interface changed with windows theme.
Correct corrupted PSP icons.
4.004 changes:
Fixed 2 pass divx encoding.
For buttons Open, DVD, Save AVS, Save As now program remeber different path.
Added auto DVD search when button DVD pressed.
Added titles and audio tracks selection for DVD and VOBs.
Fixed autocrop again fixed.
For DVD sound now extraсted with DGIndex.
Add multi file join function.
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July 6th, 2006, 07:08 Posted By: Kaiser
Fresh after their brilliant work on the 2.5/2.6 downgrader, Dark_Alex, Mathieulh, and Yoshihiro have started working on a 1.50 to 1.00. The downgrader uses a newly discovered method similar to that of the 2.50/2.60 downgrader. This downgrader is exciting news as the coveted firmware 1.0 gives PSP users complete access to the PSP's hardware. The team has discovered a method to patch the file so that it would write the 1.00 IPL instead of the 1.50 IPL, thus making it possible to load 1.00 firmware on to the PSP.
Remember the downgrader must be run on a 1.50 PSP, it doesn't currently work on any other version. It also does not automatically restart your PSP after the process finishes. This small issue should be fixed by the time the downgrader is released to the public however. You may have to reset your PSP to system defaults after running the downgrader as it doesn't do this automatically.
- Sadly this downgrader will not work on TA-082 hardware PSPs, seeing how there's currently no way to get those down to 1.50 in the first place.
Apparently the testers of this downgrader have reported no PSP bricking yet. This is great news as I'm sure the public version will be even safer for those including my self eager to try 1.0.
Of course there is some downsides to firmware 1.0. You cannot run Devhook or any UMD loaders under 1.0 . This isn't because it's impossible; it's because they're specifically coded for 1.50. Programs such as Flashmod or X-Flash don't work either, since the files in flash0 under 1.00 are not the same as those under 1.50, and overwriting them could brick your PSP. However with the ability of custom firmware to be installed on 1.0, these greviances should only be temporary and I wouldn't be suprised if one day you would be able to boot all UMDs and all your firmware with no tools or tricks.
The scene will only continue to thrive as PSP coder continue to defeat Sony in the great battle of the firmwares 
UPDATE: The Downgrader has been released! Remember there is a risk to brick your PSP whenever you write to the flash memory. Be sure to have your battery charged and your PSP plugged into the power source to make sure you do not lose power while doing this.
Password for the .rar is:
Here are the downgrade instructions from the readme.txt
Instructions for the existing 1.0 user:
- Copy the downhelper100 folder to /PSP/GAME/ and start the program.
- It will dump your flash and your ipl to the memory stick. After finished, the program will exit. Send the folder created at the root of your memstick called DOWNDATER to someone with 1.50 to let him downgrade.
Instructions for the 1.50 user:
- Copy __SCE__downdater100 and %__SCE__downdater100 to /PSP/GAME/
- Get the DOWNDATER folder from someone with 1.00 and put it in the memstick.
- Get the official Sony 1.50 update and put it under /PSP/GAME/UPDATE
- Start the program.
Note: you need to set the language of your psp to either english or japanese before starting (anyways, it will advice you if you don’t have that requirement and it will exit safely) Also, connect the PSP to the AC adaptor.
- After a confirmation with the X button, you psp will be flashed to 1.00.
DO NOT REMOVE the memstick and DO NOT shut down the psp.
I can not empahasize this enough; As with any program that rewrites the PSP's flash memory - you may possibly brick your PSP. With that in mind, use with caution and at your own risk!
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July 6th, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game:

Race to the finish line as you live all the fun and excitement of the Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, "Cars." Play as all your favorite characters as you help Lightning McQueen capture the coveted Piston Cup Championship. The game is a story-based racing adventure game that relives all of the key moments of the movie. It features more than 10 playable characters from the film and an open world environment with more than 50 races.
More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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July 6th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that SCEE president David Reeves and SCEA boss Kaz Hirai have been made executive vice presidents of the company's corporate executive group.
According to a statement posted on Sony's corporate website, partially translated by GameSpot, "both Kazuo Hirai and David Reeves will be deeply involved in corporate strategy for the SCE Group from now on, in addition to handling business in North America and Europe."
Reeves joined Sony Computer Entertainment in 1995, and took over from Chris Deering as president in 2004. Hirai has also been with the company for just over a decade now, and became SCEA president in 2003.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
The executive overseeing the new PlayStation 3 digital distribution project has said he believes it will benefit not only Sony and other publishers, but will also open up new opportunities for developers.
Speaking to Gamasutra, John Hight - director of external production at SCEA Santa Monica - said: "Certainly being able to sell globally on-line makes it easier to reach international and remote markets. On the business side, it also lowers our cost of sales and eliminates inventory risk. It should help curtail used game sales and piracy."
"This new form of distribution will lower the barriers of entry for new developers," he continued.
"We can try out new ideas in a low risk, quick feedback environment."
Hight confirmed that Sony is firmly committed to developing games for digital distribution within its own first-party studios - unlike Microsoft, which has focused mainly on looking to third parties to supply games for Xbox Live Arcade. According to Hight, Sony will "fund development for first party games, and we are open to self-funded games."
So what type of games is Sony looking for? "We're looking for fresh, new ideas that fully exploit the power of PlayStation 3," Hight said.
"Our first party projects are all unique to PS3. Some of our games, by virtue of their design and hardware demands, simply couldn't work on Xbox 360."
As previously announced, Sony's E-Distribution Initiative is designed to offer an alternative means of bringing games to consumers, and will be managed by SCE Worldwide Studios.
Hight said that developers interested in taking part in the project should create a high concept or, preferrably, a working prototype of their game, and register on Sony's developer website.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Q Entertainment studio is busying itself, following the success of Lumines and Meteos. It's working on two new puzzle games for the DS and PSP, to be published by Bandai-Namco, which Mizuguchi himself will exec-produce.
Both games are inspired by the obscure 1999 WonderSwan title Gunpey: the PSP will get a game called Gunpey-R (short for Gunpey-Reverse), while Oto wo Tsunagou! Gunpey Reverse (which will surely be renamed for the European market) will grace the DS.
Gunpey is, as you would expect from the makers of Lumines and Meteos, a simple puzzle game - based on movable squares containing diagonal lines, which you must shuffle until you form a line from left to right, at which point the pieces disappear. Gunpey-R for the PSP will employ the "skin" concept from Lumines, in which players collect themes with associated music and animations. The DS version will major on stylus-based manipulation, and each panel cleared will liberate a sound, which players can use to make their own music.
Bandai-Namco has announced that both titles will reach Japan this autumn, but has remained tight-lipped about any European release. We'll keep you posted.
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July 6th, 2006, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
Dirty, dirty, dirty. However, enough about our out-of-work hours lifestyle, because we'd like to draw your attention to new screenshots from PS3's MotorStorm, which are spitting in our eye this afternoon in a spewing-out-grit-and-gravel kind of way.
MotorStorm's an off-road racer, just in case you were unaware, and you'll be able to park your backside on dirt bikes, ATVs, rally cars, monster trucks and other petrol-powered beasts besides and burn it up hell-for-leather in the wilderness.
Screens HERE
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July 6th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released at SuccessHK

Get the jump out of the gate and grab the holeshot. Take the inside line as you battle for 1st place against 7 other riders pushing your bike's power and handling to the limit!
Launch into a gravity-defying inverted 360 before crossing the finish line to the roar of the crowd. Earn more cold hard cash from contest wins and sponsorships. Use the money to modify your rider's attributes, purchase equipment upgrades or buy access to freeride environments complete with new goals and objectives.
Accept the MTX: Mototrax challenge: beat the pros and become the ultimate MX athlete in the fastest, most complete motocross game offering a thrilling career mode to boost your fame, fortune and adrenaline!
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July 6th, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has released a new Version of his NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP, heres the translated news from his page:
It becomes formal edition. In the future there is no frequent renewal the former way. It does not add functionally, bug correction and improvement of speed become future job, probably will be.
The emulation of watchdog was modified. With the game where the SRAM protection of part catches, reset occurs when starting, but because it is normal operation, please do not make the air.
It tried to be able to modify the language setting and machine mode of the system.
Setting item is added to the Game configuration menu.
Furthermore, the fact that it is corresponding is " MVS BIOS " only.
* As for AES BIOS when setting is modified, because it stops accepting input, not yet correspondence.
* Because setting has been modified with BIOS itself, it cannot modify uni-bios.
* Because as for Debug BIOS it is not well understood, not yet correspondence.
It corresponded to the analog input of irrmaze and popbounc.
Respectively, the Key configuration menu has become private ones, the item “of Analog sensitivity " is added. With this item sensitivity of the analog pad can be modified in 3 stages.
irrmaze (The Irritating Maze/ultra electric current the stick) especially it does not set nervously and the [te] usually analog input has become effective.
Also the operation with digital input with the direction button on up and down left and right is possible.
popbounc (Pop 'n Bounce/[gatsuporin]) with standard digital input has become effective. When it makes analog input, operating the dip switch, please start static test mode, modify cookstove Torah in PADDLE.
Sound emulation precision of [saundotesuto] it improved.
From the conversion, it abolished the appointment of sample rate, it reached the point where always it plays back with 44100Hz.
Yet again translation via google is rubbish but a new release is always worth a try.
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July 6th, 2006, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi Console Emulator, now it supports
PC Engine
Famicom (NES)
He modified and use the source codes on Rin and NesterJ to bring the new consoles into his emulator.
Updates include SaveState Management fixed, Thumbnail Generator fixed, Wonderswan has had fixes to scrolling and processing and the Nes part has had the rom data fixed.
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July 6th, 2006, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
PSP owners, mark your calendars for next week (we're not sure of the specific day, so just put a red streak through the entire week)! Next week's issue of Famitsu will reportedly contain the exclusive scoop on a big PSP game. The game is said to be a sequel to a hit title, but this is all that's been revealed so far.
What is this big game? Like you, we'll have to wait until next week to find out. Next week's issue is due out on 7/14, but the info should leak out a few days prior to that.
Any thoughts ?
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July 6th, 2006, 23:52 Posted By: EvilDooinz
hello, I have released a beta of my homebrew sudoku game. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
clean gui
easy controls
1 puzzle
1 theme
More puzzles
More themes
Save game
Time status
Score system
High score board
You can download it on my website or Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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July 7th, 2006, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows is at it again and released 2 new versions in quick succession of his video conversion tool for Windows PCs:
heres whats new:
- Fixed "Index was outside the bounds of the array".
4.005 :
- AVI and MP4 output resolution doesn't change by default.
- If Resolution hasn't changed, crop & resize don't apply.
- For AVI %u0438 DIVX input set DirectShowSource decode by default (produce much better quality).
- Fixed unlocking of join button.
- Added dvr-ms files import, but audio lost sync.
- Changed dependency between codec and formats.
- Added XviD codec output.
- Enhanced AVI quality.
- lame_enc.dll updated to 3.96.1.
- After DVD encoding extracted tracks removed from temp folder.
- Fixed MP4 PSP creation.
- Fixed join of video files.
- Manual vob adding fixed.
- Fixed mp3 encoding. pmp_muxer don't exit anymore on invalid mp3.
- Optimised mencoder monitoring.
- Removed Mencoder AviSynth engine for MP4 files creation. Produce invalid mp4 and have low speed. x264 much better engine.
- Optimised AVS import.
- Added new HQ engine for DVD encoding. DGMPGDec. Produce very high quality, but need decrypted dvd.
- Added manual crop and black border correction.
- Added frame rate conversion option.
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July 7th, 2006, 09:23 Posted By: mameuser
NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP 0.5 beta
Originally Posted by NJ
Planning an update in the next few days
Items being changed/Items being fixed from 0.4.5
-Changing the NeoGeo emulation to use the same processing as NGEPSP.
-Due to the above, you will loose compatibility with state data from past versions.
-Change it so that you can enable/disable raster effects, just like NGEPSP.
-The field in ssideki2 that wouldn't display even with raster effects enabled will now be displayed.
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July 7th, 2006, 14:42 Posted By: b8a
Another incremental NEOGEO emulator update from NJ.
Massive thanks to the awesome b8a for his translations 
Originally Posted by NJ
NEOGEO Emulator for PSP 0.1
NJ ( http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/)
This is a NEOGEO (MVS/AES) emulator for the PSP. Since the PSP memory is too limited, it's a stretch to run large sized games, but I think pretty much all of the games work.
Directory Setup
All of the directories are automatically setup the first time the program is launched.
+- NGEPSP/ (root directory)
| |
| +- EBOOT.PBP NEOGEO Emulator binary
| +- ngepsp.ini software config file (create by emulator)
+- cache/ (directory for sprite cache file)
| |
| +- mslug_cache.zip (example: Metal Slug)
+- config/ (directory for key config file)
+- memcard/ (directory for memorycaard)
+- music/ (directory for play list (sound test))
+- nvram/ (directory for SRAM)
+- snap/ (directory for screen shot)
+- roms/ (put BIOS and rom files here. (zip compressed)
| |
| +- neogeo.zip (NEOGEO BIOS)
| +- samsho.zip (example: Samrai Spirits)
| +- ...
-It's nessecary for all of the ROM image files to be compressed to zip files. Other than the fact that it can't handle files that span folders, it's basically exactly the same as MAME. Also, it does not support ROM sets that MAME doesn't support.
-Collect the BIOS in a file called neogeo.zip, and place it inside the roms folder.
-It is nessecary that the zip file names for every game "Exactly match the ROM set names of MAME 0.106".
-It doesn't matter what the ROM file name is for any of the games, but it is nessecary that the "CRC matches MAME 0.106's ROM set's CRC".
-This supports uni-bios, hack BIOS, etc... but, as a basic rule I don't recommend their usage. It's possible that certain games may not run.
*The BIOS setting screen is displayed by pressin the L trigger when in the file browser. Pleas launch your game after you have "Made sure to have set this setting first". Should you get the error message "ERROR: CRC32 not correct. "Europe MVS (Ver. 2)"", this is not set correctly.
-Other than the when running a game and when at the main menu, I've made it so that in all of the menus control help is displayed by pressing the R trigger. If there's something you don't understand, press the R trigger. I'm sure you'll understand once you've seen it, so I'll limit the details.
-The menu for changing games settings, etc... is displayed by pressing the L trigger while a game is running.
About Japanese Resource File
-The included de-compressable file, "resource_jp.zip", is used for a portion of the menus to diplay Japanese. Only copy this file to the ngepsp folder if you wish to display Japanese.
About The Track List For Use With The Sound Test
-The format is as follows.
If you use a Japanese resource file, the track names can also be displayed in Japanese.
$title: Enter the game name to be displayed in the title bar.
$pre: Enter a 2 digit bank 16 base number, etc.. to be added before the playback command. For most games, "07" should be fine.
$stop: Enter a code used to stop playback of the track as a 2 digit 16 base number. I think that for most games, entering "03" for the reset code, and "20" for the stop code should work fine.
$start: Declares the beginning of the track list.
$end: Declares the end of the track list.
The track list should be entered between $start and $end. Please don't enter blank lines or comments. The processing is pretty rough so it'll freeze. The format is, after the 2 digit 16 base number, the track name is written in between to half-width space characters.
$title=Metal Slug
02 Neo Geo Logo
2b The Military System
2c Nazca Logo
Incidentally, a large portion of the included track list was made by referencing Mame E2J's Bridge M1 list.
-A memory card file is created for each game. Also, the memory card is in a constantly recognized condition.
-The games below run in MAME, but are unsupported in this emulator.
svcpcb SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (JAMMA PCB)
kf2k3pcb The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan / JAMMA PCB)
mslug3b6 Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 bootleg)
cthd2003 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
ct2k3sp Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)
kf2k2pls The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (set 1, bootleg)
kf2k2pla The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (set 2, bootleg)
kf2k2mp The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus (bootleg)
kf2k2mp2 The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (bootleg)
kof10th The King Of Fighters 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
kf2k5uni The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
kf10thep The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
kof2k4se The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)
ms5plus Metal Slug 5 Plus (bootleg)
kf2k3bl The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg, set 1)
kf2k3bla The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg, set 2)
kf2k3pl The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)
kf2k3upl The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg)
svcboot SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (MVS) (bootleg)
svcplus SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Plus (set 1, bootleg)
svcplusa SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Plus (set 2, bootleg)
svcsplus SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom Super Plus (bootleg)
samsho5b Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (bootleg)
lans2004 Lansquenet 2004 (Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad bootleg)
ms4plus Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)
What's changed
-Since there was a possibility that the stack would be corrupted by a portion of the menu, I've fixed it. It was a minor fix, but since it was on the dangerous side, I've updated it.
-Fixed an issue with not being able to open the BIOS select screen after playing a game once.
-The first time this version is launched, all of the config and nvram files are deleted. (I should have done this with 0.1, but I forgot to set it)
Now the official release. There won't be frequent updates as there have been previously. I won't be adding new features, from here on my work will probably consist of fixing bugs and on improving performance.
-Changed the watchdog emulation. A reset is performed when launching certain games with SRAM protection, but this is by design, so please don't worry about it.
-Made it so that you can change the system language and the machine mode. Added the settin item "Game configuration" to the menu. However, only "MVS BIOS" is supported.
*AES BIOS is no longer supported since input is no longer recognized if the settings are changed.
*uni-bios is a change of the BIOS itself so it can't be changed.
*Debugg BIOS isn't supported since I don't really understand it.
-Added support for analog input in irrmaze and popbounc. Added the menu item "Analog sensitivity" under the "Key configuration" menu, which is dedicated to these. With this item you can set the analog pad sensitivity to one of three levels.
irrmaze (The Irritating Maze / Ultra Denryu IraIra Bo)
It's already setup so that the analog input is recognized as standard without specially changing the settings. Digital input is also possible for Up, Down, Left, and Right directions using the digital controls.
popbounc (Pop 'n Bounce / Gapporin)
Digital input is turned on by default. When switching to analog input, use the dip switches to launch test mode, and then change the controller to PADDLE.
-Improved the quality of the sound test sound emulation. Plays back at a standard 44100Hz by specifying the sample rate, rather than converting.
-Change it so that if it can not find the specified BIOS file on launch, the BIOS setting screen is automatically displayed.
-Also fixed various other bugs.
Q."Could not allocate GFX3 memory." is displayed and it won't launch.
A.This means that it could not allocate sufficient memory needed to run the game. Please create a cache file using the included ROM converter. Also, please refer to list.txt for ROM size and whether cache is used or not.
Q.Absolutely no sound is played for some games.
A.Since there isn't enough PSP memory, the sound isn't played for a certain portion of games. These could be played back if I could just recieve a list of the detailed PCM data address and the tracks used, etc...
Q.ROMs that work with NeoRAGE don't work with this emulator.
A.Maybe you should just use NeoRAGE. Only MAME's ROM set is supported.
Q.The ground isn't displayed in the Tokuten Oh series.
A.Try activating Raster Effect. It'll probably start running unbelievably slow, but given the processing capabilities of the PSP, further speed improvements are impossible.
Q.It's slow when using cache. But I'm using one of the fast SanDisk models.
A.Memory Sticks are incredibly slow. Saying it's slow is in comparison to main memory and hard disk, so you've got the wrong idea if you think that a fast Memory Stick will solve this. Until it's possible to add main memory or a HDD, or something along those lines, there's nothing you can do about this.
As soon as NJ says that the releases are going to slow down, you know that's a sure sign that they're going to pick up (!_!)
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July 7th, 2006, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
What an utterly ignorant life we - well I, really - lead. You see, we - as in the royal 'we' - have only just discovered that a Miami Vice movie is out this year. Duh. Unsurprisingly, there's a videogame tie-in (called Miami Vice: The Game, aptly) that's heading with exclusive bells and whistles on to Sony's PSP. We've got a new trailer from the Vivendi-published project for you to view.
Miami Vice: The Game's a third-person shooter that follows the undercover operations of narcotic officers Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs. Actually a prequel of sorts to the film, the game's storyline finds players infiltrating the seedy underbelly of South Beach and ultimately attempting to bring down an organisation run by a South American drug lord.
You'll be able to play either Crockett or Tubbs, and should you find a like-minded drug-busting pal can team up for co-op in wireless mode. Along with the shooty action, there'll be the likes of high-speed boat chases and a rep-building system that allows you to penetrate deep into the underbelly of the drug world.
Miami Vice: The Game has been developed by UK outfit Rebellion and should be out in a couple of weeks' time.
Trailer at link above
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July 7th, 2006, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Since the PS3 official unveiling, we've been hearing Sony execs extolling the virtues of the machine in increasingly astonishing ways. Most memorably, Ken Kutaragi telling gamers they should start working harder, because the console's going to be pretty damned expensive.
It seems that Sony's attitude hasn't escaped those on the development side of the industry and now videogames luminary Jeff Minter - of Llamasoft fame - has stepped up to give Sony a piece of his mind.
Writing in the latest issue of Edge magazine, Minter describes Sony's attitude as seeming "incredibly arrogant". Says Minter, "They seem absolutely certain that even when they say that it's going to be considerably more expensive than existing consoles, and that maybe there won't be that many titles actually available at launch, nonetheless us eager customers will rush out in droves to buy it because, hey, it's a new PlayStation."
Minter argues, "Just making the shiniest, most expensive harware doesn't cut it these days. Sure the PSP was beautiful, shining, pretty and posh, whereas the DS was definitely the ugly sister. But hey, the ugly sister is better in the sack".
For Minter, you see, it's all about the games and, at the moment, he feels the PS3 is distincly lacking in that area: "Yeah, you've got the lion's share of the current market, but don't get smug, Sony. Nobody likes smug, and it's not an attitude that has served companies well in the videogames industry."
He continues, "We need games, not smugness, games that will make me want to get hold of the PS3 rather than a bunch of stuff either identical or broadly similar to what I'll be playing on my 360. I want sweet Feisar temptation, not a bit of snotty attitude."
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July 7th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Gamespot revisits a rumour that was floating around last month, which claims Assassin's Creed won't be a PS3 exclusive. From the article:
"Further doubt of PS3 exclusivity was thrown into the mix this week when Web sites began reporting that Ubisoft confirmed at the Interactive Digital Entertainment Festival last week that the game would be coming to the Xbox 360 and PC. Which Web sites? It's not quite clear yet, though the rumor appears to have spawned on European-based Web sites. For those of you who predicted that Ubisoft would deny any other platforms for Assassin's Creed, pat yourself on the back. A rep told GameSpot News: 'Assassin's Creed is coming to the PS3. No other announcements have been made.'"
Given the costs of next-gen game development, I don't think we're going to be seeing very many exclusives this time around.
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July 7th, 2006, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
A Sony PSP ad promoting the new Ceramic White model of the system in the Netherlands is causing an international stir. Gaming Web sites and message boards have lit up with debate over the ad this week after a picture went up on digitalbattle.com, and now California Assemblyman Leland Yee and the San Jose/Silicon Valley chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have made their feelings on the issue known.
In a statement titled "Sony stoops to new low with racially charged ad," Yee said he was "deeply disappointed" in the publisher's decision to run the ad, which features a white woman holding a black woman by the jaw in a threatening manner. Sony has said the ad, one in a series that features the white woman promoting the system in a variety of ways, was designed to show the contrast between the colors of the new and old PSPs, and has "no other message or purpose."
"Whether in the US or abroad, using differences in skin color to articulate the fact that your video game console now comes in white can be interpreted as insensitive at best and racist at worst," Yee said.
Rick Callender, president of the San Jose/Silicon Valley chapter of the NAACP, echoed Yee's displeasure.
"The days of blacks being portrayed in minstrel shows are long gone, and with good reason," Callender said. "The minstrel show was an awful chapter in history and this ad smacks of that age and time. It is even further unacceptable that some corporations still think it is ok to use racially charged media images. The latest Sony ad conjures up bad memories of when stereotypical and offensive images of people of color were accepted means of selling a product. Sony should immediately apologize and discontinue these archaic advertising tactics."
This is not the first time Yee has taken exception to actions in the gaming industry. He authored California's violent game restriction law (currently being challenged in the courts), and was among the first to call for a rerating of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as a result of the Hot Coffee scandal.
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July 7th, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Like many a festivalgoer before them, attendees of this year's Lollapalooza will face a delicious conundrum: how to navigate a sea of sonic delight, with 130 bands set to play on eight stages over three days in early August.
The Perry Farrell-founded music fest, set for August 4-6 in Chicago's Grant Park, has linked up with Sony to give PSP users access to a wide range of Lollapalooza content, including wallpapers, artist bios, song snippets, and--best of all--a downloadable program guide.
This year's Lollapalooza boasts one of its most diverse lineups in years, including the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kanye West, Jack White's Raconteurs, Wilco, the Flaming Lips, Gnarls Barkley, Common, Queens of the Stone Age, The Shins, and the Violent Femmes.
The first batch of content, including several trailers, wallpapers, and an interview with Farrell, is available at the Sony PSP site now. In the coming weeks, the site will add artist schedules for all eight stages and a venue map.
There will also be a handful of contests going on at the event that attendees can sign up for using their PSP.
And if you haven't yet decided if you're going to the event, Sony is also holding a PlayStation-Palooza Fever sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip for two to the show as well as a PSP loaded with Lollapalooza content and some games.
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July 8th, 2006, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game on sale at SuccessHK

This version of Juiced is built specifically for PSP, with unique multiplayer games and and an expansion on the crew and pink-slip racing features. The game was built from the ground up on PSP, with new cars, tracks, characters and game modes. The built-in wireless connectivity on the PSP lends itself to expanding the multi-player options, including multiplayer crew races, pink slip racing and the all new ‘Eliminator?mode where the slowest driver per lap is removed from the competition, and the winner is the last one left in the race.

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July 8th, 2006, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has to be one of the busiest in the PSP scene, heres a new beta release of his Neogeo cd emulator for the PSP
heres the rough google translation
NEOGEO CDZ Emulator 0.5 beta for PSP
Modification point beta 1
NEOGEO emulation modification to the same processing as ngepsp.
Because structure inside is modified substantially attendant upon description above, it became not be able to use the state data of the time before. (It has become not be able to select Load)
It corresponded to raster effect. When you can try with ngepsp, it is understood, but for rather heavy processing, when it makes effective, effective speed falls substantially.
Windows below dragging from edition, trouble of the game was corrected.
The land is not indicated with 1.ssideki2 raster effect as effective.
2.karnovr Jean the background of stage/round 1 is not indicated.
Part effective speed improved with the game.
(Gal Ford of true theory samurai spirits opening and the like)
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July 8th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
German CT magazine found a huge whole in the copyright protection of Blu-ray and HD DVD movies.
Blu-ray and HD DVD are supposed to be highly secure. There is AACS and HDCP, which when enforced make it impossible to copy movie data from a disc.
The premier German computer magazine found now out that you can make copy each frame of a movie by just pushing print screen on a computer. They tested this with the Blu-ray Sony Vaio VGC-RC 204 and the HD DVD Toshiba Qosmio G30 notebook.
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July 8th, 2006, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Xeno has released a new version of his media manager app for the PSP,
Heres whats new:
- Fixed "Runtime 9 Error"
- Fixed crash when adding music files with ID3v1 tags
- Fixed default DB path not saving to options
- Fixed Glyph not shutting down properly if the "Glyph Setup Wizard" is closed before completing the setup
- Fixed center pane not showing any DB items
- Fixed freeze when transferring music without a trackname and/or artist
- Fixed "Add .zip" runtime error
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July 8th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Media Player for PS2 updated:
whats new:
- fixed "...the .srt subtitle file which is selected by entering "Select subtitles"
menu can't be loaded with .avi if they are stored in mass:..." bug. Thanks to
"magusneo" for the remark;
- added remote control support and removed gamepad support for slot 1:
* for PS2 models without built-in IR sensor AND WITH rom1:RMMAN module an external
IR sensor should be plugged into slot 1;
* for PS2 models without built-in IR sensor AND WITHOUT rom1:RMMAN module SMS looks
for mc0:/SMS/RMMAN.IRX module which is just a copy of rom1:RMMAN module from PS2
models where this module is present. An external IR sensor should be plugged into
slot 1;
* for PS2 models with built-in IR sensor an external IR sensor has no effect;
* for PS2 models without built-in IR sensor AND without rom1:RMMAN module AND
without mc0:/SMS/RMMAN.IRX module remote control support is disabled;
* Button mappings in SMS file browser:
- "Reset" - turns console off;
- "Enter" - equivalent to "cross" gamepad button;
- "Play" - equivalent to "cross" gamepad button;
- "A-B" - display about;
- "Menu" - display SMS menu;
- "Top menu" - activate device browser menu (ignored in the device browser);
- "Subtitle" - equivalent to "circle" gamepad button (ignored in the device browser);
- "Program" - equivalent to "square" gamepad button (ignored in the device browser);
- "Return" - equivalent to "triangle" gamepad button (ignored in the device browser);
* Button mappings in SMS player:
- "Pause" - pause;
- "Menu" - player menu;
- "Play" - resume;
- "Reset" - equivalent to "triangle" gamepad button;
- "Return" - equivalent to "triangle" gamepad button;
- "Stop" - equivalent to "triangle" gamepad button;
- "Scan >>" - equivalent to "right" gamepad button;
- "Scan <<" - equivalent to "left" gamepad button;
- "Display" - equivalent to "square" gamepad button;
- "Time" - equivalent to "cross" gamepad button;
- "Audio" - equivalent to "circle" gamepad button;
Note that in order to get remote control (with "external" IR sensor) working while
preserving gamepad and memory card functionalities unaffected a modified SIO2MAN
module is created (based on Marcus R. Brown code from SVN and my own disassembly
works) and integrated into SMS (source code of it can also be found in SVN).
Thanks to "Mr.Worm~~" and "Rathunter" for testing;
- added 'FMP4' fourcc recognition. Thanks to "ntt2005" for the research/note;
- added support for "simple" M3U list. Only relative paths are supported;
- updated some IOP drivers from ps2sdk;
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July 8th, 2006, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi Console Emulator that supports
PC Engine
Famicom (NES)
This was just a bugfix release
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July 8th, 2006, 05:31 Posted By: HardHat
You are Gunnar, as seemingly average every day sheep, with a gun. You can run and jump and well, shoot. But somehow, you've ended up in the evil Shephard's gauntlet. You need to make it to the end. But it isn't as easy as it looks. The Shepard has fixed it so that you need to collect 50% of the fruit to leave a level. Work hard, and you can move on.

I was working on a game for the PS2DEV competition a while ago, and I didn't finish, but I submitted anyway. It seems to take a team a while to achieve critical mass. So within a week we made a major new update with sound, smooth scrolling, and twice as many levels. Still we weren't done, and so we went back and worked for two more weeks to produce version 1.2 of Jump Gunnar Jump. It is now finished, I believe. So on that note we've started a sequal. Since it's ready for you to play, I wanted you to try it out.
For 1.5 users, I highly recommend NO-KXploit-Patcher -- it could change your life. I use 2.6 normally, but when I use 1.5, I prefer No-Kxploit over all of those % folders.
Here are the release notes for version 1.2:
- 30 levels included now
- Added doors; red, blue, green, yellow. keys are needed to open these doors.
- Added teleporters (activate with square)
- Updated enemy: Climber is replaced by a new Red bug (only graphics, behaviour stays the same)
- New terrain: slippery ground
- Added slippery slopes to engine, graphics and level editor.
- Fixed chests: open with bombs and fruit will pop out
- New sound effects for doors, teleporters and keys
- Updated level editor with new terain types.
- Added icon to the EBOOT.PBP file.
- Added horizontal sliding (momentum)
- Animated evil duck (Anders)
- Shield now works.
- Almost a complete rewrite of the engine
- General improvements on the sprite sheet
- quicker stops on regular ground
- nicer background with 2 layer parallax.
Download jumpgunnarjump1_2.zip
For a Windows version (useful for playtesting new levels, and for moding) look at the PSPSMM website.
For feature requests visit the wishlist wiki
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July 8th, 2006, 10:30 Posted By: shadowprophet
Vettacossx, Is at it again!Does this man ever sleep? lol, This time he has brought us a nice new assortment of SMW Skins, This version 2 pack has some nice new additions hes created, here is what he had to say..
hi vettacossx here from JMV MODS DCemu
heres--> SMW skins vs2 another lil
update for our SMW skins pack hope you guys enjoy
heres whats new
characters change colors properly
YOSHI ( my fav)
DC-Homie Goomba
Stewy griffin ( family guy)
Strobing Toad
METAL SLUG ( thanks to nick 666 for the request )
JMV takes request from members for any of there mods !!! Remember DCemu
members only
Thanx again to Vettacossx Keep up the great work bro!
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July 8th, 2006, 10:41 Posted By: shadowprophet
A Few more updates on the Vettacossx front!!
Hes also created three really nice JGJ Mods That I know sevral people have been wating for,Myself included lol!
Here is what He had to Say,
here are 3 more JMV Mods for the homebrew game JGJ (2d side scrolling
1--MegaMan X mod NEW!
2---Stewy's Got A Gun (Family Guy) mod NEW!
3--Halo psp mod has been updated to its second version ( the third will be
EXTREMLEY BETTER I PROMISE) backgrounds n such..the new JGJ engine.
Awesome work!, Keep The mod fires burning Bro!
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July 8th, 2006, 10:56 Posted By: b8a
NJ keeps hammering away at those updates. Here's the translated notes for each version from his web site:
NEOGEO Emulator for PSP 0.1.3 (bugfix)
*When changing a MVS BIOS to AES in Machine Mode, there are games that are caught by protections and can't be launched, however, this is simply the way it works.
This feature was only ever intended to be, at most, a bonus novelty.
-0.1.3 (bugfix)-
-Fixed a timer processing bug that I discovered while working on the update to ncdzpsp.
-Fixed a problem where there was a possibility that you wouldn't be able to exit the software after a reset was fired from watchdog and would fall into an endless loop.
NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP 0.5 beta 2
(from the readme)
As this is a beta version, there are probably plenty of games that won't work.
What's Changed beta 2
-Fixed the timer processing.
-Fixed the watchdog processing.
-Updated the state save version. Compatibility with previous versions is lost.
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July 8th, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Xtrusion has posted a new downgrader for v1.50 users to downgrade to v1.0 consoles.
This Downgrader is good for newcomers as it is more friendly and totally talks you along the processes, this can be used as an alternative to the other downgrader released.
As with all these downgrader releases only use if 100% sure, read other comments before using
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July 8th, 2006, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
I'm keeping up my once-a-week Magazine scan, but I decided to mix it up a bit this time. I know there are a lot of loyal Sega Saturn fans reading this, but I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the first issue of Playstation Magazine from September of 1997.
After posting the fanboy mags for Nintendo and Sega, why shouldn't we look at the ultimate Sony fanboy literature as well.
In this issue, you will find a number of good introductory topics. First off all, "Top 25 Playstation Games of All Time" (pg 26) rounds up the best titles up until the date of the publication. I found it interesting to see how different the prime Playstation library was before Final Fantasy VII made it big.
"Know Your Playstation" (pg 58) served as a beginner's guide to the hardware options availible to new Playstation owners. The writeup may still be handy if you are looking into buying a used machine.
There are also a number of other interesting pieces in the issue such as Very early talks about the PS2 (pg 12), a Strategy Guide for the first disc of Final Fantasy VII (pg 66), and a Preview of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (pg 37).
I'd love to hear of any other little tidbits from the issue that you found interesting.
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July 8th, 2006, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
from Gamedaily
As always, we can't determine who will come out on top for some time to come. However, based on what we currently know of all three consoles, Sony is in the worst position, taking the biggest gambles. If Sony's gambles pay off, the company could dominate the gaming industry for the third straight console cycle. Sony is taking some big risks, but is seems as though the outcome will keep all three consoles neck and neck for some time. If Nintendo is able to garner enough mainstream support from non-gamers, it could be enough to turn the tides completely and give the classic company the top spot once again. Whatever the case may be, it's an interesting time to be a gamer (or perhaps a non-gamer) as we head into what could be the greatest console war ever.
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July 8th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
PSP’s impressive start in the handheld market has been soured this week as rival console Nintendo DS began to pull ahead in the race for portable supremacy.
The latest industry estimates suggest that the June 23rd launch of DS Lite, while deemed unspectacular by some at the time, has boosted hardware sales for the year so far ahead of Sony’s PSP.
And Nintendo is eclipsing the competition in the software charts – this week’s biggest selling DS game New Super Mario Bros outsold top PSP title Tomb Raider: Legend by a ratio of over five to one. The Nintendo format also claimed the prize for being the overall top-selling full price console platform this week.
As the summer months shift gamers’ focus toward handhelds, the sector as a whole seems to be gaining strength all the time.
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July 8th, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3d
Homer has just released a C library which has functions to read the ID3 tags in an mp3 file (or any other file that has ID3 tags).
The demo should explain pretty much everything that you can do with the library, but if you have any questions don't hesiatate to ask.
Current features:
-Read ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags (all versions)
-Write ID3v1 tags
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July 8th, 2006, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
The Pod Cast Network has posted a new podcast for you to listen to, heres the details:
The PSP Show #16 - Gentlemen, Start Your PSP’s!
(MP3 12.1 mb 17 minutes 38 seconds) LISTEN HERE
This edition of The PSP Show features…
The News, with the PSP’s PSone Launch Titles, The Sony Battery Pack warning, Tunnelling with your PSP, Gunpey-R being ported, Dev Hook and Downgraders, and some quick thoughts on UMD game announcements.
Codemaster’s Micromachines v4 comes under the reviewing microscope.
You’ve all been asking about the extra game demos I have - let’s try to clear a few things up.
Your chance to win a copy of Micromachines in our first Competition
More info --> http://psp.thepodcastnetwork.com/
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July 9th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: NabZ
Ok guys, im new here as you probably gatherd from my post count. Well anyway, im here to release my first portal for the psp, called Xeno.
The portal consists of the following:
(note: i only created the portal, not the content)
PSP Windows Xp
Treasure Island Of Dizzy
Sonic Blox
Easy Chess
City Jumper
Create A Ride
12 Hole Xmas
Moon Lander
Bow Man
Fall Down 3
Gravity Ball 2
9M Soccer
Ping Pong 3D
Roacket Man
Please remember this is the first release of Xeno. More content will be added in the future.
Install Directions:
Simply upload the XENO folder into the root of your memory. Then navigate your psp web browser to 'file:/XENO/index.html'.
Enjoy, any feedback will be appricated.
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July 9th, 2006, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a cool looking Shooting PSP game from Harry1:

Heres the info:
well I had some spare time so i made this game for fun its called shootout its a shooter made in lua
have fun
the controls are:
- analog to aim
- X to shoot
- R to use grenade(when the power bar is full)
- kill the bad guys
Its version 0.1 so the enemies are predictable
It looks like 3d but its 2d
Credits goes to slasher for helping me out a little bit.
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via harry1
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July 9th, 2006, 13:39 Posted By: wraggster
In an article published on Thursday, LA Times Staff Writer David Colker claims that the leap to high-definition flicks is marginal.
"I've looked at Blu-ray and HD DVD on 42-inch and 50-inch screens, which are now popular sizes for home use," he said. "The upgrade in image quality from DVDs was subtle - nothing close to the kind of leap we saw when switching from VHS tape to DVDs in the late 1990s."
Bill Hunt, editor of DVD enthusiast website The Digital Bits, agrees.
"This is really for the early adopters at this point," he told the LA Times. "The average Joe is not going to jump in when it's $1,000 or even maybe $300."
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July 9th, 2006, 14:36 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo Italy have posted on their site that they are now selling the best for homebrew PSP Firmware v1.50 on their site.

It comes in a kit with a 2GB Sandisk Memory Card, Headphones, Case and Screen Protector for 299.99 €
They are also selling a White PSP Kit with Firmware 1.50 for 349.99 €

Also Divineo Sweden are selling the V1.50 PSP on their site for 2890 Kr
So for those of you who want a v1.50 PSP then theres at least a good option now 
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July 9th, 2006, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
The major hardware for consoles store Divineo now has the Undiluted Platinum - PSP Modchip for sale at some of its stores, heres the info:

Divineo Italy are selling the Modchip for 89.99 €
Divineo Spain are selling the Modchip for 89.95 € and are also selling lots of deals with the modchip.
Divineo Germany are selling the Modchip for 89.95 €
There you go, if your from non english speaking countrys you now have another great option to buy the PSP Modchip.
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July 9th, 2006, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster

I knew about this release for days now and can finally reveal that a coder named Ric and with the help of Hungry Horace have updated the Amiga Emulator for the PSP along with a new site for it,
Heres whats new with the Amiga Emulator for PSP:
Lets get the ball rolling then shall we....
here it is, thanks to Ric's latest efforts in updating the pspuae code, and FOL's determination to tidy-up his homebrew!
It's identical to the 0.51 version, except without the Xploit icon and stuff.
Some of the newer features of pspuae include:
4 channel sound mode
Savestates re-introduced
Kickstart Rom Selector
Firmware 1.5 compatibility
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July 9th, 2006, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Raf and the PSP Radio Team have released a new version of their Links Homebrew Web Browser for the PSP, heres the release notes:
What's New for Links2 PSP Port
links-2.1pre22 PSP r1214 ( 2006-07-08 )
(raf) Updates to pspgu driver:
-Default resolution is now 960x544 (Its scaled down to the PSP's 480x272)
-Links scaling is now disabled (as it used too much memory, and was one of the main culprits of memory errors)
-Font size changed from 12 to 24, so it is readable without zoom (at 960x544)
-Zoom (along with new virtual resolution of 960x544 implemented using a kind of double buffering).
(raf) New button mappings:
UP/DOWN = scroll up/scroll down (former R+UP/DOWN)
R+UP/DOWN = page up/page down
L (held) = zoom (while L is held). Use analog stick to move around.
L+CROSS = toggles zoom lock. (Once locked, the analog will control the mouse. Use L+analog to move zoom window).
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July 10th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
News from Moppi Productions
Memon was fooling around with some console coding and ported the flower effect from ASM'04 invitation to PSP and Nintendo DS.
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July 10th, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
Grand Theft Auto IV: ever since Microsoft confirmed its existence at this year's E3, the interweb has been alive with buzz, rumour and the usual horde of speculation about what Rockstar's next magnum opus will contain.
However outside of the logo, release date, the promise of episodic content on 360 and the odd hint on who might be working on the game, we really don't know a great deal more. However clearly some people are so excited by the prospect that they're not willing to wait and have started making their own GTA IV images.
That's the case this morning as, hot on the heels of the first bit of fakery a new alleged GTA IV screen has been doing the rounds over the weekend. It's total rubbish and not the real deal of course but we just thought we'd give you a glimpse so you can check it out for yourselves and s****** at this Photoshop foolery.
We quite like the copyright notices on this one, but really they're kidding no one. All prospective GTA IV fakers, you're brief now reads 'must try harder'.
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July 10th, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
New From Divineo UK

Pack Contains
Movie Charge Stand: Illumiated PSP stand with 20-degree viewing angle.
Charge and display your PSP vertically.
Soft Carry Case:
Transport, protect and store your PSP and UMD discs.
DataCharge USB Cable:
Recharge your PSP from any powered PC USB connection or PlayStation2 console.
In-Car Power Adapter:
Power and Recharge your PSP on the road.
Speaker and Earphone Splitter:
Share your PSP audio.
Removable Screen Protectors:
Protect your PSP screen from scratches.
2 UMD Cases:
Protect your PSP screen from scratches
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July 10th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Want to control how your kids play on their SlimLine PS2? - Now you can with the Game Guardian from Joytech.
Only Play, When YOU say!
Controls video gaming playtime.
Electronic Time turns off console.
Simple to use.
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July 10th, 2006, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
We've been tempering our enthusiasm about the possibility of next-gen hybrid HD DVD / Blu-ray player -- mostly because of Samsung and their fear of commitment -- but Ricoh's new lasers have got us feeling a little more optimistic. Using a 1mm thick diffraction plate with concentric grooves on each side, the new lasers can recognize what kind of disc you've inserted into a drive (be it CD, DVD, HD DVD or BD) and adjust the beam to play it. The ability to write data is further off because of the extra fire power necessary to make up for light lost to diffraction, but until the price of blank media comes down, we won't be worrying about that too much anyway. Ricoh is hoping to start supplying manufacturers with these by the end of this year, so barring any legal and or licensing nonsense, Samsung (or others) could actually make good on their original plan to be the "world's first" to market with a hybrid player by early 2007. We won't be holding our breath, though, not on this one.
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July 10th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 could be backwardly compatible with pretty much every original PS2 and PSone game according to IBM's Tom Reeves, the man who's in charge of semiconductor and technology services at IBM.
Speaking to Electronic News, Reeves, who was discussing the intricacies of PS3 chip design and manufacture, said, "Sony are very concerned about quality and backward compatibility. They want to get this right. They tested game after game after game. When there were about 40 Playstation One games that didn't work properly, that didn't pass their criteria for quality."
So we could be in for a massive list of back 'pat titles on PS3 encompassing pretty much every original release, providing Sony of course wants to go that route. Recent indications are that a mass of original PSone games may be heading for the PSP, a more likely and indeed suitable platform for the now rather aged PSone catalogue. By comparison, Microsoft's Xbox 360 emulates original Xbox titles, with just over 200 currently available for play on your 360.
Reeves also explored the (remote) possibility of a slightly dumbed down budget PlayStation 3 which could be powered by fewer Cell processing cores, making for a much cheaper machine. Reeves admitted it could happen but, "I don't think Sony has thought about offering that."
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July 10th, 2006, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
News from The Register
Sony will this Summer ship a 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo memory card, the company announced today. With the company's array of MemoryStick, Pro, Duo, Pro Duo, Micro, Tiny and High Speed variants, the "revitalised" packagin design Sony promised is probably more welcome than the higher storage capacity.
The 4GB Pro Duo offers a minimum write speed of 15Mbps. It will ship with an adaptor for devices with a standard-size MemoryStick slot. Sony said the product will retail for around €170 ($217/£118) when it ships.
OK thats cheaper than the $250 price we have seen but still some $70(£40) higher than what SuccessHK sells its 4GB Memory Card for, Official or Sandisk product i know which way my wallet would reach for.
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July 10th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Taiwan printed circuit board (PCB) makers Unimicron Technology and Nanya Printed Circuit Board (NPC) will start shipping PCBs for Sony's PS3 in the third quarter, with samples already approved by Sony, according to the Chinese-language Apple Daily.
Compeq Manufacturing is still waiting for sample approval from Sony for PCBs to be used in the new game console, the paper said.
Unitech Printed Circuit Board wil start shipping PCBs for Nintendo's handheld game console in the third or fourth quarter of this year, while Yu Fo Electronic will become the largest supplier of Xbox 360 PCBs, stated the paper, adding that Foxconn Advanced Technology (FAT) stands a good chance of landing orders for PCBs to be used in Nintendo's Wii....
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July 10th, 2006, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his great movie converter for the PSP which converts Xvid and much more, heres the release info from the previous 2 releases:
4.008 changes:
Fixed AVS input.
Fixed encoding to PMP AVC (can`t find error).
Now old extracted sound tracks remove before extract new one.
Fixed adding bad DVD with incorrect time stamp.
Fixed encoding DVDs created with Adobe Premiere.
Added check for DGindex hidden process. On start program check and kill DGindex process if process exists.
4.007 changes:
Added import TS files.
Fixed "index out" error in aspect 16:9 and Safe Crop.
Fixed - if preview form start with MP4 PSP codec must be AVC.
Switch to manual crop don`t reset crop settings anymore.
Fixed preview form design
Fixed BH and BW (black borders). Now possible correct this manual.
Added Start Frame and End Frame options.
Decode engine added in file list.
Input parametrs corrector form get 23.976 fps value. Used in HDTV WMV.
Paramters form rewriten.
Now progrem can shelf dtect resolution and time on complicated files.
DGMPGDec now used as default decoder for vob ts mpg mpe mpeg.
Enhanced remeber of path for Open Save Save-AVS.
Now for formats MP4 PSP, PMP 2.01, PMP AVC used 200% volume normalize, and for others 100%.
Tested AVC input. Install latest ffdshow and clips will encode with sound.
Fixed autocrop of short files.
Autocrop button added. Auto crop from menu removed. Button better.
Now fo files vob ts mpg mpe mpeg always used autocrop.
D2V file don`t generate twice if file already exists.
Now automatic generate d2v file after pressing Save AVS button (only if need).
Now delay detected and written to avs even in preview function.
Checked MP4(AVC) input. Just install latest ffdshow for encoding mp4s with sound.
Fixed sync sound for DVD and ts mpg mpe mpeg.
Poligamy enabled (more than one app in one time).
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July 10th, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
A few days ago at GameDaily, the latest in a series of articles about the PS3's price was posted. This one centers around the 2 different SKU models and how the $500 and $600 models are indeed warranted, if not a bargain. To summarize their points:
$500 SKU
No HDMI support outta the box -- Sony will offer some AV device to get you your HD fix or you won't need HDMI to view Blu-Ray's 720p or 1080i resolutions.
No wireless internet connectivity -- move your router closer to the TV to give your game machine a wired connection. Recall for XBox360 owners who bought the $400 machine, the wireless adaptor was $100, so arguing price is a moot point if we can simply move a router around.
No card reader support -- if you're using it as a game machine, there's not much point to moving pictures from a camera or saving games onto cards with the 20GB hard drive.
Conclusion: $500 PS3 is for those of us who just want to game. We don't care so much for HD, heck, a lot of us don't have an HD TV to play it on. Even if so, there's probably some component cables to boost the resolution.
$600 SKU
This is a Blu-Ray multimedia machine. Gaming is optional (but recommended). Standalone Blu-Ray players come in around $1000. So you're winning on $400 already, plus a 60GB hard drive, plus complete PSX and PS2 backwards compatibility. If that doesn't sound like a pretty good deal, what else do you need? The $600 PS3 is pretty much half the price of its separate pieces (Blu-Ray Player, 60GB drive, PSX and PS2).
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July 10th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar and their parent, Take-Two Interactive, have had a ton of hot coffee poured on their laps lately (pun definately intended) with the FTC investigating the sexy add-on to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, grand jury supoenas, closing of two corporate buildings, plummeting stocks and overall sadness. With all this junk going on, many people from Rockstar games have apparently dashed off in the night and oddly enough according to GameDaily BIZ and their list of people who left, a large majority were people in Public Relations or Marketing. The two are fairly related, the former more consumer oriented and the latter business, so what does this portend?
Perhaps the end of Rockstar is nigh -- their "on the edge" style of gaming may finally have crossed the border and the employee's know it. At least, those who have to talk to people outside of their walls. It will be harder to garner support for their games with all these issues arising and these PR and Marketing people vacating is practically a guarantee that there is little support left for Rockstar. On a positive spin, perhaps Rockstar is cutting costs and eliminating shoddy employees. Will there be a GTA5? If the world backs off of gaming censorship, indeed.
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July 10th, 2006, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Crave today announced World Championship Cards for the PlayStation 2 and PSP. The game features more than 30 varieties of classic card games including Bridge, Gin Rummy, Solitaire, Cribbage, Hearts, Spades, and Crazy 8's. The non-stop casual action doesn't stop there, as multiplayer features allow players to compete online, and PSP users can also play wirelessly against others who fear the Internet. PS2 and PSP players can even compete against each other. Fancy that!
For those who want to get creative with their casual gaming, World Championship Cards includes a create-a-character mode that allows variations of personalities, skin tone, hair, clothing, and hats to choose from. The PS2 version will also support the EyeToy and USB Headset, though Crave has not announced exactly how the accessories will be used.
The game is expected to carry an MSRP of $14.99 for the PlayStation 2 and $19.99 for the PSP. We will casually report new details as they pop up.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Perhaps hoping to capitalize on some of the success of Red Octane's breakout hit Guitar Hero, publisher Konami has made a filing with the US government to trademark the moniker "Guitar Revolution"--a title that shares the nomenclature found in the company's other music and rhythm games.
The trademark, filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office on June 29, is littered with selected keywords and phrases used to describe the company's new endeavor. Among the trademark's listed descriptions are "video game controller in the form of an electronic toy guitar, sold as a unit," "stand alone electronic game machines with electronic toy guitars," and "coin-operated video games."
If Konami does release a guitar-based rhythm game, it won't be unfamiliar territory for the Japanese company. In 1999 it released the arcade and PlayStation game Guitar Freaks, often seen as the inspiration for last year's Guitar Hero on the PlayStation 2. Red Octane's Guitar Hero has since spawned a sequel and scored critical praise, industry nods, and more than 400,000 copies sold, despite a hefty $70 price tag.
The name of Konami's trademark--"Guitar Revolution"--also fits snuggly into Konami's current line of other Revolution music-based games: Dance Dance Revolution and Karaoke Revolution.
Konami had not responded to a request for comment as of press time.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
With the World Cup now officially over, what do Europeans have to look forward to? It's definitely not Blu-ray, as many companies in the Blu-ray camp won't be ready to deploy into Europe until January 2007. Pioneer says it doesn't have any "concrete" plans for their European launch, but they'd have something figured out by CES 2007 in January.
Luckily things look better for the US Market and we won't have to wait until 2007 to get our next-gen fix. The cause for this delay can probably be placed onto the shoulders of the PS3, as the "yields for Blu-ray laser diodes are still low due to a high technical barrier, with only Sony and Nichia being the only suppliers". With the PS3 being a must-sell by 2006, every other manufacturer gets the back seat until yields are up. Thanks Sony! You deserve a Zidane special for that one.
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July 11th, 2006, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 3 will play almost every PlayStation game, a senior IBM staffer has claimed. It's not clear how many PSOne titles won't play, but according to Tom Reeves, VP of semiconductor and technology services at IBM, even 40 of them was too high a number for Sony.
In an Electronic News interview, Reeves said: "Sony is very concerned about quality and backward compatibility. They want to get this right. They tested game after game after game. When there were about 40 PlayStation 1 games that didn’t work properly, that didn’t pass their criteria for quality."
Sony's PlayStation chief, Ken Kutaragi, first promised the PS3 would play PlayStation and PS2 games back in September 2003. However, how well the next-generation console will do so and across how many titles has always been open to question, especially once Microsoft shipped its Xbox 360 console, which still plays only a sub-set of original Xbox titles, using emulation software. As of June 2006, the 360 will play only 227 Xbox games, though ongoing updates to the emulation code regularly add more to the list.
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July 11th, 2006, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
The next generation of optical media is riddled with safety and anti-piracy mechanisms (think the AAC encoder on Sony's music program Sonic Stage ...what a pain). With this encryption in mind, movie producers felt they could rest easier, knowing their works of art (debatable at times) could not be plundered by CyberPirates, or Cyrates.
But avast, mateys! A loophole has been discovered and it's fairly elementary. The first Blu-Ray enabled PCs have the ability to take a lovely full resolution screenshot whilst a movie is playing. Manipulate that Print key (Prt Sc for the hunt n' peck typists out there) so it takes pictures to match the frames per second of the actual movie and you've got a pirated video track! Snag the audio separately and voila -- a super HD movie free for distribution.
Sony and Toshiba are going to counter this with updates for the video players and graphics card that will close the loophole before too much damage is done. Still, kudos to the magazine c't that found said loophole and Heise Security for bringing it to our attention.
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July 11th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Kojima posted this news thats really for devs only:
I needed video for my app, and wasn't too keen on porting a complex library from windows, squashing bugs etc so I decided to write my own, so this was born. Pvf. It includes a windows based command line encoder which converts avi to pvf and it includes a psp C++ based(uses classes so no c I don't think) playback library.
http://www.savefile.com/files/9354107 <Encoder (6.7mb. My god, it's full of dlls! Windows only - Ask for source if you wish to port )
Instructions: Simply drag and drop your windows avi file over the app and it will produce the pvf equilivent for you, informing you of it's progress.
http://www.savefile.com/files/5185915 < PvfLib (NOTE:Tested on 1.5firmware only. I cannot be sure it works on older/new revisions)
http://www.savefile.com/files/3037812 < Psp xxploited demo for 1.5 firmware.
The playback library generates a _frameRgb pointer for each frame which is in pspGL format. (I.e 3 bytes, rgb, 0-255 each )
I've tested it within my 3d engine and it playsback perfectly and pretty fast.
The library uses zlib for both compression and decompression, although you only require it to be installed in your psp environment. the pc side is an exe so not required in cyngwin.
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July 11th, 2006, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Uberone:
Hi all, its Uber0ne here and i just wanted to release a final version of eChanger for eMenu. I know alot of people have the ability to downgrade now so I mainly released this just because I dont like leaving work unfinished. Also this will still be of use with people who have a TA-082 PSP. In this version I included minor updates that arnt really noticable. The main part of this release is the windows app that automatically puts the files you select on your computer into the appropropriete place on the PSP.
Please note this only supports up to 10 screens.
Also there is a link to a nice site to optain emenus here... http://geeky4life.googlepages.com Feel free to send me an email with a psp request I would appreciate knowing what the homebrew community wants.
Thanks, Uber0ne
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July 11th, 2006, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
Bundy has released a new game for the PSP, heres the details:
Catch Bawls before your power bar runs out. You gotta use your hands to catch them. Forgot to mention, for now it only goes up to level 5.
It's my first game, coded in C.
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via bundy
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July 11th, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
TheEmulatorGuy posted this news/release:
This is my ID3v1 and v2 editor and reader. It features:
- ID3v1 reading and editing
- ID3v2 reading (will not display tags with padding correctly)
Here's an explanation of the editing:
Press circle to edit a ID3v1 tag. For genre+track number, use the up/down arrows to change. For others, use left/right arrows to decide which character to change, and up/down to change it. If you would like to delete a character, press square. To save, press circle, or to discard changed, press cross.
I realise the editing is pretty tricky (especially Genre). I'll implement a new system (as well as a new design) on next release. This should be treated as a beta and as such you can expect alot more.
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July 11th, 2006, 02:48 Posted By: wraggster
A release from the Chinese PSP Homebrew Scene, this is a Media player for the PSP which supports these files:
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July 11th, 2006, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
Another release from our Chinese counterparts, ereader is a text and html and supports a wealth of graphical formats, heres whats new:
2006-07-10 v1.31
[!] Fixed crash imported by lyric implementation while changing mp3 tracks
[!] Lyrics are shown in middle of line now
[!] Set line-space to 1 for lyric
[!] Switch from mp3 with lyric to ones without lyric clears lyric display
2006-07-09 v1.3
[+] Added lyric reading and display function (lyric file should be put with mp3 files with an alternatived extension name lrc)
[+] Added lyric options in both file list menu and book reading menu
[+] Added cut to file manipulates (shortcut: R, paste shortcut is moved to START)
[+] Added error recovery (reset options that might causing crush when did't quit successfully)
[+] Added id3v2 tag support for mp3 by importing ZXeno's id3lib(if cannot read id3v1, try id3v2)
[!] Fixed a tiny image paging bug
[!] Improved mp3 resampling performance
[!] Optimized lots of codes, improve stablity
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July 11th, 2006, 07:29 Posted By: shadowprophet
Vettacossx Has brought us another great mod for JGJ!, This time its a boondocks Mod!!!
And from what ive seen of it, Oh yes it does rock!!
It does indeed rock!
Here is what he had to say about this great mod!
Heres another mod for everyone by JMV this time ive assembled a special lil mod after one of my fav. adult swim cartoons THE BOONDOCKS ....in this mod you play as riley in his white (godfather like) suit with a huge gun, some bombs
of course and a vengefull disposition...but dont think for a second that rileys brother huey wont try to stop you from completing your mission of
chaos....after all you remember when they tryed to kidnap opera!..lol...well this one took me a lil more time than i thought but its all the better mod for it! I hope you guys have as much fun as I did with this one
(remember for 1.5 use NO-Exploit tool on this) just drag and drop it into
the MS0:/psp/games/ and enjoy!!
Thanks again to Vettacossx For his continued contributions to our great scene!! His work is the bomb!!
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July 11th, 2006, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
June 1944. Allied forces had successfully breached Hitler's Atlantic Wall and gained a foothold in northern France in the first steps to liberate western Europe. But the impressive feat of planning, arms and sheer bravery was shortly to be followed by some of the bloodiest fighting that would be witnessed by French soil during World War II. From mid July to late August, Allied troops pressed forward in an effort to free Paris from the clutches of the German Army, and the conflict, labelled Normandy Breakout, was nothing short of brutal. It's this ferocious confrontation that developer Treyarch has chosen to focus on for Call of Duty 3.
An in-depth preview of Call of Duty 3 will be gracing these pages shortly, but we couldn't resist posting some new info, a couple of new screenshots and footage from the sequel to whet your appetite.
The media reveals CoD 3's opening level, which concentrates on the Allied assault on the French town of St. Lo. Originally an objective on D-Day plus one, the town finally fell into Allied hands some 40 days after the beach landings. It had been reduced to rubble by heavy Allied bombardment which it was assumed would make the town easier to capture. However, when the Allied tanks and troops rolled in, it materialised that the shelling had in fact had the opposite effect to that desired.
To date, we've only witnessed the Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty 3 in operation, but speaking to Activision we were informed that the PS3 version of the FPS will be virtually identical, while the Wii iteration will, obviously, be a little more unique. When asked whether the game will make use of the tilt functionality in the PS3 controller in any capacity, the publisher cryptically answered "We'll see". However, it was a little more forthcoming on the Wii version, saying that the console's motion-sensing tech will be employed, although we should expect CoD 3 on Wii to look slightly different to the Xbox 360 and PS3 outings. More details on Call of Duty 3 on Wii should be released in around a month's time.
With Call of Duty 3 pencilled in for a late 2006 release, it should appear around, if not on, Wii and PS3 launch days. In fact, gossip is nailing the sequel down as a PS3 launch title, but we've received no confirmation on this from Activision as yet.
Anyway, enjoy the media and keep those eyes peeled for the preview - and further footage and screenshots - hitting these pages soon.
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July 11th, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai's American arm has confirmed that a version of recently revealed handheld puzzle game Gunpey is getting a release on Western shores - well, in the land over ye olde pond anyway - lining up for an end-of-year debut. Accompanying this news are first screenshots from the title, which we've uploaded here for you to pass mince pies over.
Originally the concept of legendary developer and Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi, Gunpey's been re-imagined for PSP and Nintendo DS by Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Q Entertainment studio. In a nutshell, players have to flip lines located in squares as they - the lines, not the players - climb their way up the screen, with the objective of connecting the lines from left to right to make them disappear. It'll all be accompanied by music and funky backgrounds, with two-player multiplayer being stuffed in to boot.
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July 11th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: Zion
The game is very much still in alpha stage. but is improving day by day.
im working on sprite animation, but want to code it in a new way, so its
taking a bit of time. I have nearly got the interactive conversation
aspect done, but i want to refine it a bit more.
Added in this release :
Ingame Menu,
Proper Title Screen Menu,
Collision detection,
Eboot, rather than loading via lua player,
Two (cpu) controlled characters.
Another update soon, hopefully..
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July 11th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: Raydar
Friends, summer is upon us. Many of us will be taking off on our vacations and camping trips - you know the score by now. The latest version of PSMoz is here!
Here we have the ultimate version, entitled WHITE NOISE, which contains a redesigned audio file. The ultrasonic sound is now several times more powerful than before and is less audible to human ears. This latest version has been tried and tested and is certainly more effective than previous versions.
How the effect is achieved:
- Ultra high pitched sound mimics the tone emitted by male mosquitoes.
- White Noise (dead sound which interferes with the PSMoz effect) has been almost completely removed.
I don't want to say that this will be the last release, but I can't think of anything which would enhance the audio file any more. If anyone wants to compile this into an EBOOT, drop me a line.
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July 11th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
With Sony continuing to come under fire from critics over its Blu-ray strategy, the Japanese giant's next-generation DVD technology has received a boost from Midway boss David Zucker.
the US publisher's CEO and president dismissed fears that PS3's Blu-ray-inflated price tag is a significant issue, while predicting that success for Sony's next-gen console will provide a major leg-up for the new DVD format in its war with Toshiba's rival HD-DVD standard.
"There's a lot in the PlayStation 3; think about the fact that you get Blu-ray, the next-generational leap in DVD - you get a Blu-ray player in the machine," Zucker said.
"When you think about that and some of the feature sets that come with it, including the hard drive, it seems like a reasonable price for the early launch. Presumably that price will come down over time as they move through the console cycle."
Asked how significant a bearing the next-generation DVD battle would have on the console market, he added: "I think it's an important part of the puzzle. The other side is, if PlayStation 3 is huge, the gamer helping to drive that, that's going to have a big impact in helping Blu-ray DVD technology. It's going to work both ways."
Following a solid E3 showing, spearheaded by stunning next-gen action title Stranglehold, Zucker was also keen to highlight the dramatic turnaround in product quality the publisher has achieved, following a period of extensive reform.
"We've improved the quality of our games over the past couple of years; we're doing a much better job on the marketing side now," he commented. "You're going to see as we go into 2007 fewer, bigger, better titles that really move the dial in terms of quality and their impact on the industry."
Elsewhere in the interview, Zucker stressed the importance of Europe to Midway's global ambitions, and praised the achievements of territory boss Martin Spiess, who joined the publisher in May 2005.
"Martin Spiess has done a great job over the past year," Zucker enthused. "We've actually now got our own offices in the UK, France and Germany, the biggest three markets over there, so I'm very happy with the progress. Europe's a big focus and we're expecting big things for Rise & Fall over there - we're very excited.
"In 2004 (Europe's share of our overall revenue) was 18 per cent. Our goal is to get to 35 per cent by 2007, which is similar to what a THQ or Activision does with publishing revenues. Martin has assured me he's going to get us there and I think he will."
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July 11th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamespot
Debate over a recent Sony billboard in the Netherlands advertising the release of the Ceramic White PSP in the region was fittingly white-hot last week. That's when an ad featuring a Caucasian woman holding a black woman by the jaw in a threatening manner was decried as racially insensitive.
Today, one of those who criticized the ad and condemned Sony for running it, California Assemblyman Leland Yee, instead commended the publisher. According to a statement from Yee, Sony has pulled the advertising campaign and apologized to anyone offended by it.
"I am pleased to see Sony taking responsibility for their racially-charged ad and appropriately pulling it from the marketplace," Yee said. "Sony did the right thing by recognizing their insensitive mistake and apologizing for offending many of their customers."
Yee was backed in his condemnation of Sony by representatives from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the civil rights education group Sojourn to the Past. Sony originally defended the ad, saying its only intent was to contrast the colors of its two models of PSP. It still didn't sit well for Rick Callender, president of the San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP.
"Their attempt to contrast colors clearly created controversy and sparked painful feelings in the global community," Callender said. "Hopefully in the future, Sony will employ a better litmus test to their ad campaigns to determine if they will be sour to the taste of worldwide consumers."
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July 11th, 2006, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
There's lots of talk of Blu-ray movies shipping, and now here's the first software to ship on Blu-ray disc: the entire ComicBase art archive, a good candidate for the massive storage capability of Blu-ray because it consists of over 150,000 cover scans, filling up 26GB of Blu-ray goodness. We knew Blu-ray was good for something.
Comic book mavens tell us that ComicBase is the best, most extensive database and cataloging system for comic books in existence. Version 11 on Blu-ray disk will be shipping July 14, but you'll pay dearly for all that content, $399
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July 11th, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
So there have been bits and pieces of what purported to be a leaked internal QA on the subject of the PlayStation 3 doing the rounds of late. And what do you know - those involved with the emerging platform say it's all legit. It's been pieced together and here it is. You can make of it what you will:
- PS3 is a computer system
- PS3 is one product with different configuration
- PS3 launch date : Nov 11 (Japan), Nov 17 (US/Europe)
- PS3 price : 20GB : JPY 59,800, USD499, EUR499 (incl. VAT) / 60GB : JPY Open, USD599, EUR599 (incl. VAT)
PS3 Business Strategy
Q1. Why will you launch two models with different specs for PS3 ?
A1. PS3 is a computer system and as such, various configurations can be considered. In future, larger HDD may be required for larger content to be saved on PS3. Considering the fact that, nowadays, network connectivity is spreading within the homes, we have decided to introduce a configuration with basic ports. However, these ports, excluding HDMI, are expandable with adaptors available on the market.
Q2. How can users connect PS3 to TV without HDMI output ?
A2. PS3 supports most displays via the AV multi output. Visual quality through AV multi output is comparable to that through HDMI.
Q3. Do you have two color variations of black and silver for two different models ?
A3. This model comes in one color (clear black) only. There may be color variations in the future.
Q4. What is the initial launch quantity for PS3 ?
A4. 2 million units will be shipped worldwide at the launch timing (for the first 3 weeks), cumulative 4 million units by the end of December and cumulative 6 million by the end of March 2007 (we do not disclose the breakdown by region).
Q5. Will you launch the PS3 in the Asian region at the same timing ?
A5. Yes.
Q6. What is the breakdown of the production shipment figures for each model ?
A6. We will decide the breakdown according to the market situation.
Q7. Are you planning to launch another model which has different HDD or interface in the future ?
A7. Like PCs, other configuration with the different HDD capacity and I/O can be considered in the future.
Q8. Where will you start manufacturing PS3 ?
A8. We will start manufacturing in Japan and China simultaneously (we don't disclose the names of manufacturing companies).
Q9. When will you start manufacturing PS3 ?
A9. We will start assembly from summer. Manufacturing of the main semiconductors has already started.
Q10. MS's Xbox360 was launched a year ago and has a head start. How do you feel about it ?
A10. We have set the best launch timing for PS3.
Q11. How is the PS3 network service going to be ? Will you also start the service from day one ? What are the differences between Xbox Live and PS3 network services ?
A11. Apart from providing basic features and functions, the most important element is content and services. Downloading music in SingStar, purchasing or exchanging game data as we demonstrated at E3 press conference and many other new ways of enjoyment will be provided.
Q12. Will the network service be charged ?
A12. Basic services available free for current PCs will be free of charge but content and specific services will be charged from the beginning.
Q13. Are the specifications and design final ?
A13. Very close to final.
PS3 Price
Q14. Why did you set such a price for 20GB HDD model ?
A14. We have set this price so that many users can enjoy PS3.
Q15. Why is only 60GB model open price for Japan ?
A15. Each RHQ decides the price of PS3.
Q16. You have announced in April that more than 100 billion yen of operating loss will be caused from Game segment in FY06. Will the PS3 price have any impact on the forecast ? Was the introduction of two models factored in at the earnings announcement in April ?
A16. There is no change in forecast.
Q17. Won't having two models increase cost ? Can you expect the economy of scale with two models ?
A17. We don't have two different models. It is one model with different configuration just like with PCs. Therefore, economy of scale can be pursued.
Q18. When do you expect to start making profit with PS3 business ? It has been reported by Nikkei (dated May 1st) that the "PS3 business will make profit of over 100 billion yen in FY07." Is it true ?
A18. At the early stage after the launch, PS3 expects losses due to start-up cost, etc. However, there is no change in our business model to make profit from both hardware and software. As we have accomplished with PS2, we aim to make PS3 business profitable as soon as possible, by expanding the platform and continuing our cost down measures by reducing the number of components used in the hardware and cutting the cost of key components including semiconductors. However, it's too early to comment on the timing of the turnaround. We have never told Nikkei that "PS3 business will make profit of over 100 billion yen in FY07."
Hardware Functions
Q19. Are there any additional or modified features from E3 last year ?
A19. Please refer to the specification sheet for details.
Q20. You had previously announced that there would be two HDMI ports, but why does the PS3 with the 20GB HDD not have a HDMI port ? Can Blu-ray content be enjoyed in high quality graphics without HDMI ?
A20. High quality HD images can be enjoyed equally with the 20GB HDD product via the AV multi port (1080p output is also possible with the TV equipped with the D5 input). Analog output from BD will be supported until 2011 and all software published until they can be enjoyed. Standardization of visual image output via home network (e.g. DLNA) is also currently under way.
Q21. There were 2 HDMI ports in your original announcement, but why does the 60GB PS3 have only 1 HDMI port ?
A21. Because standardization of image output over the network such as DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) is currently under way, it will become possible to transfer images to multiple displays in ways other than using the HDMI port. It is also possible to connect PSP through the network as a secondary display and enjoy PS3 content remotely (although it depends on the software).
Q22. Can you enjoy progressive images with PS and PS2 titles ?
A22. Not only does PS3 convert images from SD to HD, it also converts interlace to progressive images (upward conversion is done by the PS3 system).
Q23. Can you enjoy full HD PS3 software content with a standard TV ?
A23. Not only does PS3 convert images from SD to HD, it also converts 1080p to 720p (downward conversion is done by the PS3 system).
Q24. Is 60GB HDD large enough for PS3 ?
A24. 60GB is 3 times the capacity of Xbox360 and at the moment we consider it enough to save online game data as well as to transfer various data from other PCs and CE/AV products. If there is need in the future, it is also possible to upgrade storage capacity by exchanging HDD to Serial-ATA 2.5" HDD available on the market.
Q25. Why isn't 20GB PS3 equipped with Memory Stick/SD Memory card/Compact Flash slots ?
A25. PS3 is a computer system. Storage devices can be expanded by using adaptors available on the market.
Q26. The 20GB PS3 does not come with Wi-Fi 802.11, but does this mean that it cannot be connected to PSP ?
A26. Home networking is spreading around the world. With the use of widely available wireless LAN adaptor with USB port, connection to PSP is possible.
Q27. Why did you reduce the number of USB ports from 6 to 4 ?
A27. PS3 is a computer system. Number of ports can be expanded by using adaptors available on the market.
Q28. Why did you reduce the number of Ethernet ports from 3 to 1 ?
A28. We had one input (WAN) and two outputs (LAN) in mind, but given that nowadays network connection is spreading within the homes, we considered that one Ethernet connection to a router would be sufficient.
Q29. Will Linux OS be adopted as you have planned ?
A29. Yes. PS3 is a computer system and Linux OS is adopted as one of the standard OSes.
Q30. How much noise reduction level have you achieved ?
A30. Approximately 29dB (A) (equivalent to slim-line PS2).
Q31. You mention that PS3 adopts a breakthrough six-axis sensing system that lets you control intuitively as if the controller has become part of your body. How does this work ?
A31. "3-posture-axis" of roll, pitch and yaw, plus "3-dimension acceleration information (X, Y and Z)" can be detected in high-precision and in real-time (no more specific details to be given).
Q32. Why did you change the design of the controller to that of PS and PS2 ?
A32. We received many feedback after E3 last year and created the PS3 controller by refining and improving the world's most popular PlayStation controller that shipped more than several hundred million units worldwide, while inheriting its basic concept and design.
Q33. Can the new features be enjoyed with all PS3 titles ?
A33. It depends on the title, but we expect that software developers would proactively make use of the new PS3 controller.
Q34. You say that PS3 provides backward compatibility of PS and PS2 titles, but would you insist that you offer complete backward compatibility even if vibration feature does not work ?
A34. There is no major difference in gameplay even without the vibration feature. We hope a lot of users will support the new PS3 controller with new ways of enjoyment.
Q35. The controllers shown at the booth are all wired, but will the actual product be wireless ?
A35. Yes. We are using wired controllers since there is too much interference with so many wireless devices on the show floor.
Q36. Will PSP be used as a remote controller ?
A36. We will consider the possibility.
PS3 Software
Q37. We hear rumors from software developers that there are not enough development tools being shipped. Is this true ?
A37. As evident with many game titles demonstrated at E3, development of PS3 titles is duty in progress.
Q38. How much is the estimated price range of the software titles for PS3 ? Is it the same price as PS2 ?
A38. As a platform holder, we are not in a position to comment on this. As a first party title developer/publisher, we assume a wider price range since software can be delivered through various media including packaged discs and network.
Q39. Are all titles shown at E3 (press conference and booth) launch titles ?
A39. Many of the playable titles shown at E3 are likely to be released at or around launch. Some titles shown as (demo) video may also become launch titles.
Q40. Do all titles shown at E3 support 1080p ?
A40. "Gran Turismo HD E3 2006" is demonstrated at 1080p with frame rate of 60 frames per second. As for other titles, some are 1080p and some 720p.
Q41. How many launch titles do you expect to have ?
A41. We expect the best launch line-up in history.
Blu-ray Disc (BD)
The PS3 will be one of the first BD players on the market with full "BD Live" capability (the ability to access the internet from within the disc and download additional content to the player's internal memory - as well as the ability to enjoy unique, "web-enabled" interactive features, such as bringing up web sites, actor information and bios and related topics in windows (picture in picture) whilst continuing to play the main movie.
The marketing tagline for Blu-ray is Beyond High Definition. The key messaging to support this is :
More High-Def Content
90% of major Hollywood studios, the world's two largest music companies, PLAYSTATION 3 and leading gaming companies all support BD. That means more HD movies, more HD concerts, more HD games and more for you !
More Hi-Def Capabilities
Full 1080p resolution, up to 7.1 channels of surround sound, 50GB of storage capacity, real time internet and network connectivity and interactivity and backwards compatibility with existing DVD libraries.
More Hi-Def Products
Over 85% of the leading consumer electronics companies and the four largest PC brands all support BD.
Region Coding
BD region coding is a simplified version of the DVD region coding system. For BD, the regions are :
Region A - USA and Japan
Region B - Europe, Australia and New Zealand and most of the old PAL territories
Region C - Russia and Asia
BDA specifications stipulate that all BD players, including PLAYSTATION 3, must incorporate region coding and will be single region. It is up to content providers whether or not to apply region coding to their content - all PLAYSTATION 3 games will be region free and will therefore play on any PLAYSTATION 3 regardless of where it was bought.
The technical description of the Controller from the press release is :
"The controller for PS3 employs a breakthrough technology of high-precision, highly sensitive six-axis sensing system that does not require any devices other than the controller itself for seamless interactive operation, thus eliminating additional setting to TVs. With this technology, ways to enjoy PS3 will be further enhanced by accessing PS3 through the network, while retaining the six-axis sensing capability. In addition to "3-posture-axis" of roll, pitch and yaw, "3-dimension acceleration information (X, Y and Z)" can be detected in high-precision and in real-time. In addition to standard key input available in existing controllers, more natural and more intuitive manipulation will become possible as if the controller has become part of your body."
This is an overly technical description, and there is a need to simplify the USP for consumers in terms of features and benefits. The new PS3 controller employs cutting edge technology and is a major and key element of the overall PS3 package.
What this means for users is :
-- The new controller for PS3 enables the user to direct characters, vehicles, aircraft and other game elements in the Yaw, Pitch and Roll axes (3 of the six axes mentioned above) without the use of the traditional directional buttons.
-- In addition, the controller's sensors can detect acceleration in each of the above axes (providing the remaining 3 axes), allowing the user to determine the speed of movement of the object being controlled.
-- There us no requirement for any additional sensors in front of the display.
-- The new controller will also allow users to freely navigate the PS3 controls as well as access, move around and operate the PS3's navigation system (Cross Media Bar) using the same sensor based control system.
-- PS3 will come with a single controller
-- Up to 8 controllers can be used
Not all "Day 1" games will employ the innovative features of the controller, but over time, every developer will use the features.
Have you been forced into this "six-axis" approach by losing the "DualShock Vibration" court case against Immersion ?
Not at all. The technology used for the DualShock is now almost 10 years old. Whilst it was revolutionary when PS One launched, technology has moved on, and SCE is always at the forefront of the technology wave. For the PS3 controller, we are using breakthrough technology, right at the cutting edge of what is possible today.
What about the media reports we have seen suggesting that not all PS2 and PS One titles will be backwards compatible ?
Kutaragi San made clear at the Playstation Business Meeting in March that all titles that complied with the TRC (Technical Requirements Checklist) - essentially a blueprint of how to develop a game on the Playstation platform, would be backwards compatible. Nothing has changed from that statement.
In a few instances, developers have applied short cuts or workrounds in the development process to extract the maximum performance from their games. In some cases, these may be not fully comply with the TRC and additional work may be required to make these titles compatible. Our target nevertheless remains 100% backwards compatibility.
The lack of a vibration function when playing PS One or PS2 games on the PS3 does not affect the gameplay (and we can therefore say that there is full backwards compatibility).
This document provides some potentially useful sound bites and perspectives on the announcements to be made at E3. It is not exhaustive, and should be read in conjunction with the PS3 Q&A. The key points about PS3 are :
-- PS3 is being positioned as a computer system, and not a computer entertainment system. Like other computer systems, it can be upgraded through the use of readily available industry standard adaptors.
-- There will therefore be two initial configurations of PS3, not two versions.
-- With the exception of the HDMI socket, every aspect of the 20GB model can be upgraded using readily available, industry standard adaptors.
-- No SCEE decision has yet been taken on the split of PS3 configurations for the SCEE market.
How would you position the difference between the two versions of the PS3 announced this week ?
Firstly, the PS3 is a computer system. There may be two configurations but the key elements are standard - Blu-ray disc, Cell chip, Giga-bit Ethernet to provide an always-on connection to the network, and a pre-installed hard disk drive (HDD) as standard.
The difference between the two versions is more to do with the customer who will buy the PS3. The 60GB HDD version comes fully-equipped to exploit the very latest in HD display technology. It also has a full suite of interfaces (I/O connections), including an HDMI connection which will allow it to support full HD (1080i/1080p) flat panel displays. This version is positioned at the consumer who has either adopted HD, or who is planning to upgrade to HD display technology in the next few years.
We also recognise that there are many potential PS3 owners out there who are either happy with the quality of their existing TV, or have perhaps recently upgraded to a digital TV and do not plan to upgrade further for the time being - for them an HDMI socket is not essential. For these customers, who will not initially need the PSP/PS3 wireless connectivity, the 20GB version may be more appropriate, and will be better value.
Like other computer systems, it is possible to upgrade the configuration of the PS3. For both models, it is possible to upgrade the hard disk to any industry standard Serial-ATA 2.5" HDD.
For those with the 20GB version, owners who wish to utilise Memory Stick/SD Memory Card/Compact Flash slots or Wi-Fi 802.11 connectivity to PSP can make use of widely available USB wireless LAN adaptors and other industry standard adaptors. Note : The only non upgradeable element of the 20GB version is the HDMI slot, which can not be added later.
PS3 games will look brilliant on a standard TV, but stunning when viewed on a HD display.
TV Connectivity
The issue of connectivity between the PS3 and the display is very complex and depends on the type of TV (Analog, Digital or HD Ready), the maker of TV (until recently, only Toshiba TVs have component AV connections as standard in Europe, most other Euro TV sets use SCART which can not carry an HD signal) and specification of TV (the very latest HD Ready TV sets have wider connectivity options than earlier HD "capable" TVs from the same manufacturer which may have lacked HDMI), and finally the configuration of the PS3 model purchased.
The issue of which cables to supply with the different configurations of PS3 has yet to be decided
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July 11th, 2006, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via Spong
So it looks as though Famitsu, by way of print or the Global Earthwide Meganet, will reveal a massive PSP title at some point this week. The magazine's journalists cryptically tell us that it's a furthering of an existing franchise, leading to some wild speculation as to what PSP owners - somewhat underwhelmed with the console's software library to date - can expect.
Devil May Cry has been mooted, as has the true successor to the Final Fantasy VII obsession, an obsession still without remedy or cure amongst RPG gamers. God of War for PSP has its believers, and Kingdom Hearts is a front-runner, though it's more likely that GOW would see a Western debut appearance on PSP.
SPOnG's guess is an all-new PSP Sonic, a guess we thought of in a hurry after remembering that our first guess had already been revealed. How about this: tell us in the forum what you expect it to be. If you're right, we'll buy you the game and send it to you. If you don't have a PSP, we'll send you something else, which might be rubbish, might be amazing.
The Disney RPG looks a fave to us 
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July 11th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Electronics company Ricoh has announced that it has mystically created an "optical component that reads and writes all disk formats-Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD, as well as DVD and CD-with one pickup and one objective lens," says a report at EETimes. July 12-14 is the International Optoelectronics Exhibition outside of Tokyo and the device will make its public debut at that time.
How does it work? Diffraction, friends. Diffraction:
"The diffraction plate is placed between lasers and an objective lens. The diffraction grating is designed to adjust a light beam to an optimum incident ray relative to the objective lens so that light focuses on the proper position for each disk format." Neat.
Does this bring a short stop to the console/format wars before they have even begun? Would Sony ever consider delaying the PS3 further to incorporate this type of technology? That is doubtful and doesn't really matter too much, most likely. Initially this technology is just for disk players, but someday it may reach console merit. Until then, the wars will continue, if only on gaming/multimedia consoles.
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July 11th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new PSP project coming soon, some info:
Nanodesktop is a library for programming of embedded platforms. It makes more easy to program embedded platforms as PSP (Sony Playstation Portable), The Nanodesktop library is totally written in C for maximum performance. It is the base for porting of OpenCV under PSP platform. If you have a platform in which you cannot run traditional windows environments, as X-Windows (TM), you can try Nanodesktop library. Nanodesktop provides graphical routines, and other routines for open and close files, for loading/saving images, for memory manager, for mouse emulation. It also provides integrated file manager routines.
More info --> http://visilab.unime.it/~filippo/
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July 12th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has released a new version of his Neogeo Emulator for the PSP.
heres whats new via translation:
- 0.2 -
state save/load performance was added. Because remainder operation verification has not gone,
Perhaps there is trouble.
The bug where the JAMMA PCB edition of KOF 2003 does not operate was corrected.
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July 12th, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cools:
This is a custom luaplayer which adds the some of the functions from Lua Player .17dk_2 and youresam's netlib version, with all the functions from Lua Player .20 except module loading. If you
want the Aplications Folder from Lua Player .20 just download .20 from luaplayer.org and replace the Eboot. This has not been tested on 1.5 (only 2.00 tiff, i'm going to downgrade soon...)
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July 12th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
The PSPHacking 101 guys are back with a new commutecast, heres whats included:
Episode 7 of CommuteCast is now out on the feed
- Pox and Ragable give the latest of their modchip process
- Devhook 0.43 with 2.60 emulation process
21 minutes
More info etc
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July 12th, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher posted this news/release:
Well, not to leave out the people with a TA-082 mother board, I've made this. A simple gameboot.pmf flasher for 2.6ers(there's confirms of this working on 2.5 as well)! based off the work of hitchikr, neural, DarK_AleX, Yoshihiro, and Mathieulh.
Just simply put the gameboot.pmf in the root of your memorystick, run the program, and it'll flash it directly to your flash0:/vsh/resources/ folder.
Some people may have noticed an opening_plugin.rco flasher and a topmenu_plugin.rco flasher; well those were based off my program here, I just didn't have a chance to release the original yet
* There's always a risk of bricking your psp while flashing something. Although this has been tested and confirmed working; you are using this at your own risk. I am not the one to be held responsible if infact you do brick your psp while using this software.
* I'm not 100% sure on this one, but I believe the MAX gameboot.pmf size is 1mb. Please avoid flashing gameboots that are any larger. If you flash anything larger than 1 mb, you may end up with a brick.
* Thanks to TMK for the idea, and for helping me test it
Remember that only use if you are 100% confident we take no responsibility for damage to your PSP, download for the curious via comments
via slasher
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July 12th, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Zilt posted this news/release:
Here's a _very_ early release of my multiuser 3d world client. I wasn't planning on releasing this for another couple of weeks until more features were completed, however, that doesn't seem to be the psp homebrew way  So, with this release, you can
see 3 skeleton based 3D animated characters. Two of them are NPCs and just cycle through 7 different sets of animations.You are the 'paladin'. The walk/run animation is blended depending on speed ( use the analogue stick ). The camera is
Features I had to disable to get this out now:
- client/server code
- bezier models
- keyboard entry ( very different style then danzel's)
- skeleton performace improvements ( >50% is spent
on normal calculations!! Almost fixed... )
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July 12th, 2006, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming release of the PSone emulator by Sony is their attempt to stop a lot of homebrewers and make a bag of cash in the process.
Now if a coder on this scene were to release a Full Speed or near full speed PSOne emulator for PSP would this be the catalyst for Sony to punish the coder/release site and the homebrew scene as a whole ?
Lets be realistic, its very likely a full speed PSOne emulator can be done by porting one of the great PSone emulators to the PSP, but Sony have been known to get pissy in the past with PSone emulators for Windows, Mac and Dreamcast.
If such a release were to happen what do you think would be Sonys Reaction ?
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July 12th, 2006, 04:18 Posted By: mameuser
-StrmnNrmn posted this news update about his N64 Emulator for the PSP:
Here are a few of the significant graphical fixes I've made so far for R6.
Firstly, I managed to fix the horrible flickering that happened when running various roms (Paper Mario was a good example). It turned out that I was making an assumption that roms executed exactly one display list per frame. I assumed that each display list would clear the screen, render everything, and then wait for the screen to flip. As it turns out, some roms execute multiple display lists per frame. In the case of Paper Mario it executes 2 display lists per frame (one which clears the screen, then another which renders everything). By making sure that I only flip after the second display list executes, I avoid the flickering (the actual solution is a little more involved but this is the general idea).
The next significant glitch I've fixed was to do with backface culling of triangles. Basically, when I ported the graphics engine over from the PC version, I forgot to implement the two or three lines of code which handles this. It was a very small fix, but it corrects a number of significant graphical issues (notably all the walls getting in the way in Quest 64).
Finally, I've managed to track down and fix a significant memory leak in the texture handling code. I believe this was causing many of the random crashes that were occuring when leaving the emulator running for several minutes or more (basically through running out of memory). Before applying the fix I found that the Super Mario 64 would crash within 4-5 minutes. After applying the fix I've been able to run Mario with no problems for over 30 minutes.
I'll keep you posted as to when you can expect a new release. I'm quite excited about the memory leak fix, so I'd like to get a new release out as soon as I can implement some of the other things I promised for R6.
PS I know I've been crap at replying to emails  I'm hoping to get this release out and then I'll spend a few hours sorting out my mailbox and replying to various comments here.
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July 12th, 2006, 06:23 Posted By: Kaiser
gizmo356 from our forums has released his first LUA game demo. Here's what he had to say about his first forray into coding...
Hey guys, this is my first go at lua so dont expect much. MasterChafed is helping me with the animation so that will be in the next release. So feel free to give feed back and if its critisism, please keep let it constructive. Remember its an only an ALPHA and I 'd be interested to find out which direction you guys think I should take this.
Check out the original release thread here.
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July 12th, 2006, 08:43 Posted By: ninja9393
This is an extreamely early metroid lua game
I am a new lua coder
Its story is supposed to thake place after fusion and The SA-X is supposed to escape from samus body
I am looking for beta testers
Version 0.01 (public beta 1)
Metroid fusion background
samus moves
Things to do
samus moves only in a line not up and down
menu credits etc.
Thanks to Master Chafed and gizmo356
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July 12th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gizmodo
Our pencil-necked gamester in-laws at Kotaku gathered a rumor today, where an employee of the vast retail empire Target noticed that Sony's proprietary UMD movies had suddenly disappeared from his store. Could it be the doomed format's death rattles are beginning to bear their certain, inevitable fruit?
I work at a local Target store, at the electronics department. I walked in today and noticed something missing, other than my desire to be working, it was the PSP UMD movies section. Thinking it was moved I searched then finally decided to ask around. To my suprise, my boss told me that Target wasn't going to be selling them anymore. Now I'm not sure if its in every store, but I decided to give the other targets a call in my city, and they also said they had pulled them. So, not sure what that means, but with so many people saying the UMD movies are pretty pointless, and sales being sluggish, I cant help but wonder if PSP movies are soon to go the way of the Betamax.
We saw this coming months ago, as did nearly everyone else. Maybe one of these days Sony will finally realize that every proprietary consumer format it's introduced has tanked. Add one more to it with the UMD, where its absence from Target is probably just the beginning of its one-way trip to the ash heap of history.
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July 12th, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
New on preorder From SuccessHK

The 2007 edition of EA's college pigskin franchise. NCAA Football 07 is all about turning the tide and features an all-new momentum system where big plays, defensive stops, and special teams keep you in constant struggle for momentum and can change the game at any time. Unprecedented graphics produce living stadiums that capture every moment in complete detail, including the authentic stadiums, mascots, and marching bands.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
New on preorder From SuccessHK

Asgard, the realm of the gods, remains locked in an eternal struggle between the benevolent Aesir and the demonic Vanir. With the end of the world approaching, Odin, Lord of Asgard, summons Lenneth Valkyrie to his side. Possessing the ability to hear the thoughts and feelings of men and women in their dying moments, he charges Valkyrie to search Midgard, the world of mortals, to recruit and train the souls of worthy warriors to join the ranks of the Aesir in the Sacred War.
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth brings the classic PlayStation game console title, originally released in 2000, to the PSP system with completely new CG cut scenes. Lenneth introduce new fans to the spectacular combo attacks, unique side-scrolling environment, and gripping storyline that first captivated players six years ago. The game also features new scenes to help bridge the storyline with part 2 on PS2.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
New on preorder From SuccessHK

Blade Dancer is a fantasy RPG featuring anime-style characters, animated movie sequences, full 3D visuals and network play. The game places you in the role of Shane, who as part of his training heads off to a island. There, he meets a strange girl, Ferris, who he must help in the midst of great troubles.
Blade Dancer includes fully 3D fields, with a battle system slightly different from normal random encounter systems -- strike a beast, and you'll end up entering battle. One of the big elements of the game is its "Crafting System," where you combine items that you've collected into new items. The game stores recipes for you, although the more adventurous will want to try out their own creations. The game also features networking systems for up to four players to connect together.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

The 2007 edition of EA's college pigskin franchise. NCAA Football 07 is all about turning the tide and features an all-new momentum system where big plays, defensive stops, and special teams keep you in constant struggle for momentum and can change the game at any time. Unprecedented graphics produce living stadiums that capture every moment in complete detail, including the authentic stadiums, mascots, and marching bands

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July 12th, 2006, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

Based on the arcade game, this is a fighting game in the Dragon Ball Z universe, developed by Craft and Master (whose team members include former Street Fighter producer Noritaka Funamizu. Super DBZ is a cell-shaded fighter featuring your favorite Dragon Ball characters. Each character has his own special abilities, with Frieza making use of warps and Trunks using swords for up-close attacks. The game uses a four button setup. Two buttons are reserved for strong and weak attacks. One button is used for guarding with another used for making your character jump. The guard and jump button can be pressed together to execute a dash move. Super DBZ features both ground-based and air-based fighting. Stages are multi-layered, and you can move between different areas, taking the fight to an area that's more advantageous to your character.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

An adventure game based on Columbia Pictures' CG-rendered movie, Monster House is a thrill-ride tale about three kids who must do battle with a mysterious home that is determined to eat every trick or treater in sight on Halloween. The Monster House videogames allow players to experience key moments of the movie as all three playable characters from the film as they explore the house room by room, while also taking on unique adventures that were inspired by the film.

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July 12th, 2006, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has updated yet again his Video Converter for Xvid and more for the PSP, heres the details:
4.010 changes:
Fixed adding files from CD-DVD.
DirectShowSource again use by default. More stable than AVISource.
To avs script added ConvertToYV12() line. I hope this line help encode some unencoded files.
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July 12th, 2006, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info:
It is moving from sheet coating to spin coating for the BD disks and will complete that by the end of the year, it said.
By then, US factories will be producing five million disks a month, Europe will be producing 2.5 million BD disks a month, while so will its Japanese factory.
By the end of the year, Sony will be making 10 million disks a month, including production for Playstation 3, it said.
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July 12th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Last week, Japan's Famitsu Weekly announced plans for an exclusive scoop where it would unveil a PSP sequel on the pages of this week's issue. The surprise title turned out to be Monster Hunter Portable 2nd, the sequel to Japan's best selling PSP title to date.
But the fun isn't over yet for PSP owners. This week's Famitsu is home to the promise of a PSP scoop in next week's issue. The magazine promises first details on a new simulation RPG for the system. From what we can see, this will be an all new title, and not a sequel.
Of course, we'll have to wait until next week's issue hits stands to find out what's going down. Until then, get all hyped up and feel free to speculate away! .
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July 12th, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Surprise, surprise. Japan's best selling PSP title to date is getting a sequel. Following up on its promise of a big PSP scoop, the latest issue of Famitsu contains first word on Monster Hunter Portable 2nd, a sequel to Monster Hunter Portable. The title was originally hinted during the February release festivities for Monster Hunter 2 on the PlayStation 2.
MHP 2nd starts players off in a new home base, Pokke Village, which features a female chief. The main field of play this time is the snowy mountainous region surrounding Pokke Village. Other areas of play include a forest, a desert, a volcano and a swamp.
The snowy mountain area appeared in Monster Hunter 2. MHP 2nd lacks the day-night-season time flow system of that title, which allowed for conditions to change as you played. Instead, the PSP title features quests which take place at specifics times of the day.
In a show of the PSP's power, Capcom has been able to reuse, wherever it deemed appropriate, model and background data from Monster Hunter 2 in MHP 2nd. Some of the new PSP weapons, including the samurai blade, the hunting horn and the long bow, have also made their way over following a debut in the PS2 sequel.
The one area that's missing from Famitsu's report on the game is mention of infrastructure mode support. The original Monster Hunter Portable had ad-hoc local wireless play, which was a bit disappointing considering the PS2 Monster Hunter titles were all about online play. For the sequel, the Famitsu article only mentions wireless play and the availability of downloads, leading us to believe that infrastructure support isn't on the cards. We'll have to wait for clarification on the issue from Capcom.
Of course, the 650,000 Japanese gamers who picked up the original ad-hoc only Monster Hunter Portable probably won't mind one way or the other.
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July 13th, 2006, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
New press release from Sony:
Sony’s new Memory Stick® Entertainment Packs are designed for people who want to experience the full range of multi-functional features on their PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system.
In concert with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Sony Electronics will be making 1GB and 2GB Memory Stick Duo™ Entertainment Packs available that will be bundled with an installer DVD. With the installer DVD loaded into a personal computer, you can use the complimentary unlock code in the package to select, unlock and transfer one of four Sony movies optimized for PSP playback from the DVD to the Memory Stick media.
The movies to choose from are: “Hitch,” “S.W.A.T,” “The Grudge” or “XXX: State of the Union.”
While the Memory Stick Duo cards included in the Entertainment Pack can be used with any enabled device, such as Cybershot® cameras, HandyCam® camcorders and some Sony Ericsson mobile phones, a movie transferred from the bundled DVD is viewable exclusively on PSP system.
“The Memory Stick Entertainment Pack bundles fun with function,” said Mike Kahn, senior manager for Memory Stick Media at Sony Electronics. “This collaboration with Sony Pictures provides a quick, simple way to get a full-length movie onto Memory Stick media at no extra charge.”
“We had great success on the big screen with each of the movies offered in the Memory Stick Entertainment Pack,” said Mike Arrieta, senior vice president, digital distribution and mobile entertainment, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. “We expect consumers to have renewed enjoyment from these movies on the go as we make them available on Memory Stick media cards for the PSP system.”
The 1GB (MSX-M1GSTEP) and 2GB (MEX-M2GSEP) Memory Stick Entertainment Packs will be available next month for about $60 and $100, respectively, online at sonystyle.com, across the country at Sony Style® retail stores (www.sonystyle.com/retail), and at authorized dealers nationwide.
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July 13th, 2006, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sometime in 2000, Sony patented a process that would 'verify a disc as legitimate, register the disc to that particular game console, then wipe out verification data so the disc would be rendered unreadable in other PlayStations'. Despite unrest in the gaming community over this technology, the company has repeatedly stated they have no plans to use it in the PS3. The LA Times explores this persistent debate, examining why Sony developed the tech and why gamers are nervous. From the article:
"Whatever Sony's plans, the tempest [over the patent] illustrates the changing nature of ownership as millions of people accumulate vast collections of digital entertainment. Few people realize that when they buy software or music or movies, they are actually buying a license to use, watch or listen. That's why it violates copyright laws for people to sell copies of their music collection."
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July 13th, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
CKemu posted this news:
PCSX2 a PlayStation 2 emulator, is as ever getting constant development, recent WIP has been posted on the official site:
Work has never stopped since the release of PCSX2 0.9.1, infact it rarely does
Refraction has made significant fixes to counters, making games much more stable, for instance Final Fantasy X-2 is now stable enough to be classed as "playable". Disgaea will play story scenes without freezing, and Resident Evil 4 is much more stable during gameplay!
Saqib, has been bustling away with IPU, more and more games are playing videos, without looping or crashing mid-way through playback, effecting games such as Grand Theft Auto III, Final Fantasy X and WipEout Fusion.
Zerofrog, busy as ever has been fixing vuREC0/1 issues, and making those games that do go 'Ingame' look correct, including Rayman M, Silent Hill 2, and a personal favourite WipEout Fusion.
Saqibs IPU fixes combined with ZeroFrogs work on the graphical issues (I bugged him to death about this game :P ) have made WipEout Fusion playable! So head to the Videos section to watch this game for the first time running brilliantly on PCSX2, also checkout the recent Final Fantasy X-2 Video.
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July 13th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
themouton has updated the rather excellent Super Tomato Numbers game for the PSP
Heres the translated info:
I launch out, I present a small play to you on PSP. The name is null, it is Super Tomato Numbers.
The goal of the play is to leave tomato all these infames malicious numbers while passing by all the boxes. Can be that one day there will be the princess tomato to save!! Each box with a number, it indicates the number of times where it is necessary to pass above (clearly?).
It is necessary to arrive on the last one puts, the white checkerwork, to finish the level.
For the moment there is that 5 types of boxes.
27/06/2006: New version. Correction of 3 bugs:
planting of the play during a part in progress, it was a problem of release of memory. (Edict: finally I always have planting )
at the beginning of a part the tomato always moves while looking at downwards
the stopwatches was too fast.
Nice to see the french PSP scene with some releases 
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July 13th, 2006, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
N64Francois has released an excellent Pokemon Themed Puzzle game for the PSP thats a clone of Zoo Keeper, heres the release info via Translation:
I present my second project to you on PSP: Pokémon Keeper. This time, I wanted to cross a course: to attack me with a commercial play which I adore (one of my plays preferred on DS). Pokémon Keeper is in fact a clone of Zoo Keeper/Zooo (left on GBA, DS and PS2). The great difference is that it is necessary to capture of Pokémon
The gfx of my let us pokémons “are inspired” by Pokémon Link (play which has just left on DS).
Pokémon Keeper is carried out with OSLib de Brunni (I am astonished that there are no projects PSP carried out with this Lib, because it is very simple to use and very complete!)
- Management of the score
- Management of time
- Addition of the sounds and musics (3 musics of 5 min)
- Detection of the “movement impossible” (when it is not possible any more to make lines of pokémon)
Another great release that was unposted by English sites (afaik).
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July 13th, 2006, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Another release from the French PSP Scene and another from N64Francois, heres the translated info:
I present my first project to you on PSP: Wario Mastermind.
I wanted to make very very simple to start: Mastermind (and yes, still one…)
It is the little brother of Luigi Mastermind over GBA, but this time at the colors of Wario.
The rules of the game are explained low.
I benefit from it to thank Brunni for his Lib and YodaJr for his Tutos without which I would never have succeeded in coding anything on PSP
:: Final version of Wario Mastermind PSP: Wario Mastermind v1.0
:: Here changes:
- Optimized Code and correction of some bugs
- Addition of a time meter (limit of 3 min by part)
- Addition of music/sounds (with possibility of stopping the basic music)
How to play:
:: The goal of the play is to decipher a secret code made up of 4 symbols (parmis 6 on the whole), by proposing combinations and by using the indices answered by the console.
The secret code cannot be composed of doubled blooms.
The indices returned by the console after each proposal for a combination are:
- Black Pawn: if a symbol is well placed
- White Pawn: if a symbol is badly placed
To in no case the position of the symbols is not revealed!
:: Keys:
- Right Left/: To move the cursor
- Cross: To pass the screens, To select a ball
- Round: To erase the line in progress
- Triangle: To play/Put in pause the music
- Start: To leave
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July 13th, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Smealum has released a great new game for the PSP and another from the French PSP Scene (its Francais Night tonight), heres the translated info:
I.E.(internal excitation) 0 is the play preceding (in the history) Earth Invaders on DS. This play does not have however anything to see with this last on the level gameplay; indeed, Earth Invaders was a shoot' EM up, I.E.(internal excitation) 0 for its part is a play platform/ventures beat' EM up.
0.01: First “playable” version presented. One can almost nothing make there.
0.2: Version only releasée on IRC; some additions like the vents.
0.4: First “true” version; one can finally smash the enemies and move more quickly than the light.
0.436667819: Addition of teleportation/dodging.
0.436667820: Correction of animation from when the character falls (thank you Yoda for the remark)
0.5a: Loading of the maps since external files. Possibility with the players of creating their clean map.
0.5b: Small finely of selection of map. Allows to have several maps at the same time. 48 maximum for the moment.
0.5b2: “Security” of the selection of map. Addition of “a true” death. Correction of various steps badly of bugs. It has this version which version 0.5 will resemble, true finely and some splash screens moreover
How to play:
- 2 times GAUCHE/DROITE: Dash
- HIGH: To regenerate its ki (when one is not in flight)
- LOW: Défendre/se téléporter derrère the enemy (so in a hurry at the good moment) (when one is not in flight)
- Stick: To move
- X: To jump; To fly/attérir
- O: Kick
-/: Blow of fist
- Square: Ki blast (swell of energy)
- R: uSpeed
- L: To reverse gravity (to go to the ceiling)
- L+R: To leave (I use that to test death etc Ca will not be in the final version)
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July 13th, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: shadowprophet

Vettacossx the modder of the millenium continues working tirelessly to bring you all the joy of your favorite characters to life in Mod form, This time hes updated his halo JGJ Mod to V.3!!
Here is what he had to say about this update!!
I finished updating the halo mod for jgj to the most recent engine. Theres alot of new things in the newest version of the engine for jgj so heres
another JMV MOD for all my fellow DC-Homeiz
background added,
yellow and orange chests that blow up after 1 bomb,doors,
( doors are opened by finding the corisponding COLOR key.....for the door you want to open exampl: red keys open red doors ect..)
Thanks again goes to Vettacossx for improving the quality of homebrew For all to enjoy!!
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July 13th, 2006, 08:00 Posted By: shadowprophet

Another great JGJ Mod from Vettacossx has just reached my doorstep!! This JGJ Mod Is awesome and its sure to get a few laughs!! Osama VS Saddam, A comedy Mod!! This one cracks me up!! It's sure to be a vettacossx classic!! Here is what he had to say about this Awesome Mod!!
Well we have decided to do a PACK of COMEDY MODS for next our few projects. An awsome idea from the guy who puts the M in JMV MODS Mysteryman of DCemu! The first of four jgj mods we are working on.. MYSTERY HAD A GR8 IDEA!!! Lets make them laugh!!! SOME FUNNY MODS first off is the already complete Osama VS saddam 1 of 4. Next mystery suggested a pee wee mod so we are doing PEE WEE GOES POSTAL mod. Then its on to the O.J. DID IT! mod and then last but certainley not least, Is the PNJJ short for PLEASE NO JESUS JUICE- as you may have guessed this is a mod where the lil boy shoots his way out of michel jackson park (neverland ranch) I think its called ....lol...
( for those who do not know JGJ is a 2d sidescrolling shooter homebrew game
jump gunnar jump...keep in mind that if you use 1.5 run the no-kxploit tool on this HAVE FUN!!! )
*Awesome Work vetta This stuff is Classic, I love it And im sure others will too! Keep up the awesome work !!
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July 13th, 2006, 14:51 Posted By: motz
After a very very long delay, PSPWeekly Issue 13.5 has been released! This issue will be the last by myself, and is being taken over by our great PSPZones forum moderator Vesra.
Among many features including a brand new look and template, this issue contains:- News
- Previews
- Cheats
- Updates
- Fanjita's Corner
- and more!
PSPWeekly Issue 13.5 : Download
Enjoy and please send your questions for Fanjita's Corner to motz@pspzones.com. I will still be communicating with Fanjita for this purpose only.
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July 13th, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
The Lord of the Rings is not dead! New RPG to be unleashed on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
EA's swept its cloak back and thrust its pelvis forward to slap us in the face with The Lord of the Rings: The White Council, a new Tolkien-tastic RPG that's weaving its magic on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. You may actually recall that this title was 'accidentally' revealed back in January, but now we have official word dressed up in shiny role-playing attire.
The White Council's due next year, and is described as an epic, open world adventure that's been inspired by Peter Jackson's Rings movies and features an original storyline "derived from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings novels". According to EA, as a dwarf, hobbit, elf or man, you'll be able to explore Middle-earth and ultimately become a hero allied to the White Council.
Furthermore, we're told "A combination of stunning graphics and expansive environments, along with the freedom of movement demonstrates the innovation and quality of the next-generation RPG, where players can create their own adventures." Erm, okay then.
Unfortunately, we've yet to be bombarded with first screenshots from The White Council, but it's only a matter of time.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
God of War was, hands-down, one of the best game's of last year in our books, thanks to its deep, involving combat system, searing level design and stunning production values. Needless to say, we're itching to get our mitts on the sequel.
According to David Jaffe, creator of the series, it looks like God of War 2 is shaping up to be something special indeed (although you could argue he would say that). Posting in a recent blog entry, Jaffe revealed that the game is coming along "very, very nicely."
"I played a bunch of levels last week and it's really, really fun", Jaffe continued. "The art and music is much better than the first game and there is some damn fine level design going on in the new game."
In fact, Jaffe is so pleased with his team's work on God of War 2, he's sure a third game will be on the cards. Echoing sentiments expressed by game director Cory Barlog in our recent interview, Jaffe explained, "As Cory and I have said to the press, this is the second act of a bigger story. And when you are making a game, you never really know if the game will turn out good enough to merit another one in the series.
"But after last week, I can say I am very confident of our chances to be able to complete the GOD OF WAR trilogy. You never know, but that's me just putting it out there."
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July 13th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamespot
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe was the big winner in this year's Develop Industry Excellence Awards, which took place last night at the Hilton Metropole in Brighton on the UK's south coast. It took home three awards, whilst other notable winners included Bizarre Creations and Criterion.
The event was attended by around 400 members of the UK and European development community, and over 60 companies were nominated in four main categories for a total of 18 awards.
SCEE won the Publishing Hero award for its achievements throughout the past year, as well as two awards for Buzz! The Music Quiz--the first for New Console IP (Intellectual Property), and the second for Innovation in the Buzz! controllers.
Liverpool-based Bizarre Creations won two awards for their work on the Xbox 360--the Best Use of Online, which related to Geometry Wars 2 on Xbox Live Arcade, and the night's biggest accolade, the Grand Prix award for Project Gotham Racing 3.
Another UK studio, Criterion, also scooped two gongs in the ceremony. Best Art/Sound was awarded jointly for arcade racer Burnout Revenge and sumptuous shooter Black, and it also took the Best In-House Development Team accolade as well.
In the Studio Category, BigBig won Best New UK/European Studio, Rebellion was named Most Improved Studio, Gameloft won the Mobile Studio award. Rockstar Leeds took the Best Handheld Studio title, thanks in large part to the success of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories on PSP.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gizmodo
Following up a post from yesterday, we heard a Target employee noticed prerecorded movies distributed on Sony UMDs (an acronym meaning UnMitigated Disaster, um, rather, Universal Media Disc) were suddenly absent from the store where he worked, and from other Target locations, too.
Now our beloved brothers at Kotaku have found confirmation from another reader, saying the chain has decided to devote shelf space to other products, but noted that Target will keep trying to move those slow-selling PlayStation portable UMD disks on its web site.
Kotaku sleuths further confirmed by calling a couple of local Target stores, which admitted that the doomed UMD products were indeed no longer on sale at Target retail outlets. Can every other store in the world be far behind? Die, UMD, die! And every other proprietary format! And the horse you rode in on!
I also noticed that Lik Sang have pulled UMD films too.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
From Joystiq
UMD movies aren't doing so hot nowadays, so why don't we experiment with movie playback from MemoryStick ... y'know, the way people have wanted it since day one? Sony, in their infinite wisdom, crippled video playback from MemoryStick on the PSP by barring playback at the handheld's scrumptious native resolution of 480*272 and instead maxing it out at 320*240 (QVGA). So instead of building an iTunes-like store where we could download movies and TV shows right into our little players, they asked us to pay for their proprietary and overpriced (but full resolution) UMD movies.
Fine, so they screwed up. But here's their big chance to make it all up. They've created these simple, easy-to-use 1 and 2GB MemoryStick Entertainment Packs. It's simple, really:
Buy the MSX-M1GSTEP or MSX-M2GSEP MemoryStick Entertainment Packs for $60 or $100, respectively at your local retailer.
Load up the enclosed DVD into your (Windows-only?) computer and select one of four (pretty lousy) Sony Pictures movies.
Use the enclosed code to unlock one (just one) of these movies, which can then be transferred to your PSP. Oooh, what to choose?
Figure out how to transfer your movie using the PSP's arcane file system, since they still don't include the mediocre (but nevertheless shockingly absent) Media Manager software.
Watch your movie straight from your Memory Stick in (what we assume is) delicious 480*272 resolution. You're happy, your battery is happy!
Alright, so it's not iTunes simple, but they're trying. Next step: let us play our own movies on the damned thing in full-res. Do that, and I'll be whistling PSP all day long.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony and Nintendo can try to differentiate their target markets, but the reality is that their upcoming consoles will still compete against one another. That's obvious, but if recent Japanese anticipation polls say anything, it's that Japanese gamers prefer to wait for the strong PlayStation brand until a "significant PS3 price-drop." In the interim, they could be swooping up Wiis if the console's motion controls and virtual console deliver.
Put on by Otona Fami (a Famitsu publication), the poll solicited the opinions of gamers, retailers, and developers, with gamers having the lowest interest in the PS3 at 16.7% and developers with the highest level of interest at 27.3%. Expected launch sales aside, it looks like the Japanese still haven't warmed up to the idea of at least a long-term $500-600 PlayStation console.
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July 13th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SuccessHK

Miami Vice: The Game puts players deep undercover as narcotics officers Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs in the rich, glamorous and decadent world of present-day Miami. In this thrilling third-person action shooter, players must build up the nefarious reputation necessary to infiltrate the seedy underbelly of South Beach, and ultimately bring down the organization of an "untouchable" South American drug lord.

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July 13th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has released a new beta build of his Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:

Heres the google translation:
Modification point beta 3
Because [komandorisuto] was not read, correction.
Because operativity of [huairuburauza] deteriorates rather, zip which is added with 0.4 it abolished the title_x.sys display function of the game which was compressed.
Usual it is thing, but you think that there is no compatibility of save state. Because you think, that each time it modifies to formal edition, in the future you do not write.
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July 13th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has released a new beta build of his Neogeo MVS Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:

Mainly a bugfix release that fixed the King of Fighters 2k3 game and Save/load state function was added.
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July 13th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
In the midst of listing its remaining games for 2006, Electronic Arts today revealed NFL Street 3, currently slated for PlayStation 2 and PSP. While the company isn't listing too many details just yet, the third iteration in the franchise adds at least one surprising twist: aerial moves.
In addition to standard ground-based running, passing, and pummeling, NFL Street 3 will let players leap off the ground with "stunning aerial moves." Not only will the stylish moves win you bonus points, but you can use them to grab items and game modifiers hovering above the field.
The new Street also gives you Gamebreaker control and adds new Power moves to both offense and defense.
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July 14th, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: shadowprophet
Its a great day for 1.5 psps isn't it? Today with special thanks to Jas0nuk and his amazing patience for my barrage of questions, He lead me to the file that made devhook legal, via a special patch that was created by Mtwomg, This is Devhook 0.44 that emulates firmware version 2.7 on 1.5 psps!!! Complete with working web browser with flash support and rss!! (on 222 mhz anyway).
This is all ready to go!
Remember special thanks goes to Booster ,For createing Devhook, Mtwomg, For Makeing it legal, And Jas0nuk, author Of the devhook umd only version patch for 0.42, Without these three people, This Program wouldnt be possible on this site!!
1. Download DevHook 0.44 from here
2. Go into the MS-Root folder in the DevHook download and copy the dh and psp folder onto the
root of your mem-stick
3. Download pbp unpacker
4. Download 2.60/2.71 update from 2.6/2.71
5. Open the update with pbp unpacker and extract all the files to wherever you want (the file needed is the data.psar)
6. Get the data.psar from the extracted update and put that onto the root of your mem-stick
7. On the psp choose devhook installer and start that, then when you are in the eboot start the installer, at the end if you want to copy your flash1 read what is says on the screen, which should be something like "press O to copy flash1 registry files"
8. Download the decrypted 2.60/2.71 dump from somewhere I have a link but cannot provide it (the reboot.bin will be what is needed from the decrypted dump)
8.5. (Only if you're setting up 2.71). Copy ms0:\dh\260\flash1 to ms0:\dh\271\.
9. Now from the decrypted 2.60/2.71 you downloaded you will need the reboot.bin, copy the reboot.bin into ms0:\dh\260\flash0 (or ms0:\dh\271\flash0 for 2.71) and also copy it into ms0:\dh\kd and replace the one that is currently in there
Mini Guide courtesy of chriscooke109
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Just so as you all understand, this means that every single PSP Game released should now be playable on Firmware v1.5 Consoles, an awesome day for homebrewers and a great way to legally play your UMDs Games on older firmware.
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July 14th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Just to guage what people think are the not to be missed items to buy for their PSPs im asking the question Whats The Ultimate PSP Set Up?
For me it would be a Metallic Dark Blue PSP, 4 GB Mem Stick. Logitech Stereo and the Logitech Case.
But thats me, whats yours ?
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July 14th, 2006, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
Have your say and tell us which is the best PS2 Modchip Ever, help newcomers choose the very best modchip for their console.
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July 14th, 2006, 11:40 Posted By: MasterChafed
Well, here it is folks, the Halo 2d alpha 2. Not much to see here, except menu music, revamped healthbar, and an ammo system. I decided to release it like this because i didn't want people to have to wait for me to get back to work to enjoy it. So, enjoy.
p.s. i left all of the upcoming sprites in there as well, so you can get an idea of whats coming up 
HUGE HUGE THX TO PSPDEMON FOR ALL THE OVERNIGHTERS HE PULLED TO PRODUCE THE BACKGROUND THE HEALTH BAR, AND THE AMMO BAR. THX MAN. the rest of the people that have helped me are in the credits at the end of the demo, sry pspdemon for forgetting.
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July 14th, 2006, 14:14 Posted By: SmashinGit
Steffano Russel has released a new version of his PSP Brew Software for the PSP, PSP Brew is great for Converting Eboots and changing icons etc on releases.
This whats new, Google Translation.
New languages: Dutch and Danish - Fixed crash if exist network unit disconnected.
Fixing an error when sorting homebrew.
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July 14th, 2006, 14:56 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
This the X-Flash V12 release.
Just some things to note with this release.
The original Dark_AleX Custom Firmware modification does not work under
MPH firmware launcher 1.3.7. Simulation mode works correctly, but the firmware
dump will probably become unuseable with any firmware launcher if the
custom firmware files are applied in simulation mode.
You can add to the config.txt file that X-Flash V12 writes in ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM,
but do not edit the section that X-Flash creates if you want to use
the configurator (you only need to change the file manually if you wish
to add prx files).
The only qualification for png file type is that it must be 480x272 resolution.
I did not encounter any problem when using any png of that resolution.
New for X-Flash V12:
- Support for applying Dark_AleX's latest custom firmware mod
and reversal of it, complete with ASCII graphics configurator.
- Implement Freeplay & Fluff's Name Plate picture mod in the PSP's
about screen. name_plate.png is checked for size and resolution.
- Program checks existence of Xflash/Dump, and Xflash/Registry folders
when required, and creates them if they do not exist.
- Program checks for firmware dump before simulation mode starts.
- Program checks for at least 16Mb free space on memory stick before
firmware dump if the Xflash/Dump folder doesn't already exist.
- Menu code optimization.
Cheers, Art.
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July 14th, 2006, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska posted this news at his site:
It has been awhile since the last blog update. A few people inquired on the status of this development, so here is the info:
The project is still very much active.
I desided to re-write it from scratch since the previous version was too buggy and limited in functionality. I went away from SDL graphics libs - they exibited very unpredictable behavior and switched to custom graphics lib, mostly borrowed from lua player.
Furthermore, I desided to dump yahoo as the map donnor (with it's US & Canada only coverage) and start milking Google maps.
Google has worldwide map coverage, better map graphics and more of less open API for map manipulation.
I am pretty much done with scaling, xy <==>lat/lon conversion, basic attractions display, NMEA sentences parser, scripts to acquire maps
The new version has support for regular, satelite and hybrid maps...
I was able to load and display a farely large map:
40000sq km at street level resolution with 8 zoom levels. The size of it got pretty big: ~550MB.. but memory sticks are getting cheap nowdays :-)
The map interface and behavior are very similar to Google maps...
I am still waiting for my GPS order (Holux GPSlim236) to arrive, so I could start working on GPS connectivity...
If everything goes well I should be able to release a more or less stable version in a week or two, so keep checking the site :-)

More screens and info over at Deniska`s site on the DCEmu Network here --> http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/
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July 14th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
In a small news addition to VERY EXCITING word on Half-Life 2's manoeuvring onto Xbox 360 and PS3, it's currently in doubt whether Valve Software's Source version of the massive multiplayer game Counter-Strike will be included in or with the next-gen console versions of the dev's FPS sequel - according to IGN.
On PC, Counter-Strike: Source featured in the retail boxed version of Half-Life 2 and in Valve's 'Source Premier Pack' and 'Valve Complete Pack' purchasable on Steam. It may turn out that Counter-Strike: Source on Xbox 360 and PS3 will be offered as a free download to those who purchase Half-Life 2 if it's omitted from the next-gen HL2 boxes (what a crazy dream) or - and the cynic within says this is more likely - released as a separate paid-for product.
But we'll just have to wait and see.
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July 14th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has revealed that Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence - Hideo Kojima's MGS rejig with online shenanigans - is set for release in Europe this October.
Coming on three discs, the game will include an enhanced version of MGS3: Snake Eater on disc one while disc two sports a bunch of new modes, including a fully-online version of the game and recreations of the original MSX Metal Gear titles. There's also a three-and-a-half hour movie recut based on the game's cinematics on disc three.
Enhancements to the original game include a new 3D camera based on the system from upcoming MGS4, enabling gamers to view the action from any angle, while online modes on disc two range from Sneaking Missions, Capture Missions and Rescue Missions to the more traditional Death Matches and Team Death Matches.
Elsewhere on the discs, you'll find the Demo Theatre, enabling you to watch any of the games cut-scenes on a whim, a Duel Mode where you can take on Boss characters from MGS3 head-to-head and a Secret Theatre showcasing a bunch of spoof movies, including the return of Raiden.
So yes, all this can be yours this October in Europe. The jig of feverish anticipation shall now
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July 14th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Ignition will be bringing NeoGeo Battle Coliseum to European PS2s this autumn, the UK publisher announced today.
Battle Coliseum is a beat-'em-up in which players draw on characters from a range of SNK titles including World Heroes, Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, Samurai Shodown, Last Blade, Metal Slug and Kizuna Encounter.
As well as just-plain-fighting, you'll be able to create your dream twosome of SNK characters thanks to the two-on-two Tag Team battle system, which allows allow for team attacks.
We're also told to expect six hidden characters. See if you spot any in the screenshots that accompanied the announcement.
Battle Coliseum forms part of the recent SNK Playmore publishing deal extension Ignition signed - along with the likes of King of Fighters XI, King of Fighters Maximum Impact 2, SNK Vs Capcom Card Fighters and Metal Slug Anthology.
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July 14th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
New to buy/preorder from SuccessHK

World Racing 2 brings back the intense, realistic racing action of the first one, with all-new gameplay options. The races are still here, but now they're augmented with mission modes, scenarios, tuning options, and new cars. There's also a sophisticated 3D Landscape Engine, creating miles of 3D locations inspired by real-world locations. Race with more than 40 cars from 16 brands, over 100 challenging tracks, with technical and optical modifications plus a huge variety of licensed accessories and lifestyle products.
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July 14th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has released a new version of the NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP, heres the translated whats new:
- 0.2.2 -
BIOS while executing way raster effects is always made effective, modification.
During of game executing depends on the value which is set with the menu.
(Modification for the operation improvement of uni-bios v2.0/v2.1/v2.2)
Drawing deleting the excessive processing of the part.
* Therefore exactly from first release about January, also pause is good, being the case that,
With this version renewal stop. Reopening is undecided.
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July 14th, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Binaryone has released a new Tetris game for the PSP, heres what he posted:
This is a tetris game I wrote just for fun. I got the music off of some website. The only things missing are the high scores and time. Ill add that when I get a chance. Have fun  (I do hehe)
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July 15th, 2006, 04:35 Posted By: Kaiser
A coder by the name of theHobbit has just released Game Music Emu v0.1, a port of Shay Green's Game Music Emu library for the PSP.
From the readme:
- This uses the Game_Music_Emu sound engine that supports the following formats:
GBS Nintendo Game Boy
VGM/VGZ Sega Master System/Genesis/Mega Drive/Mark III/BBC Micro
GYM Sega Genesis
SPC Super Nintendo
NSF Nintendo NES (with VRC6, N106, and FME-7 sound)
- plus i have added support for PSX (psf playback) using sexypsf port by yaneurao.
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July 15th, 2006, 13:37 Posted By: wraggster
Figures from Nintendo claim that combined sales of both Nintendo DS hardware iterations amounted to just under 600,000 in June – a figure with which NPD’s estimates of 593,000 agree. PSP sales for the month were put at 221,000, with no information yet available for the Game Boy Advance – which had previously beaten both new portable formats in the U.S.
NPD has also revealed a figure of 277,000 unit sales for the Xbox 360 – above previous estimates, but still below the PlayStation 2 total of 312,000 units. Xbox sales were put at 24,000 with no figures available for the GameCube.
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July 15th, 2006, 14:35 Posted By: shadowprophet
Umm hi. this not some joke, This is the proof of custom Firmware concept By Dark Alex. Theres so much to be said about this, That ill let the readme tell you, However, Know that You risk Bricking your psp If you try this, There have been many success stories with this tho,
Some features that this can do are.
Execute normal pbp's (1.00 ones, no-kxploit)
meaning you wont need to have 2 folders in your PSP/GAME folder to make homebrew run.
hide corrupt icons. (it's not enabled, look at the file /PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt to see how to enable this feature)
So, even if you still have the two folder homebrew setup. you can still hide the corrupted icons.
skip the gameboot logo at startup.
Very useful feature
Recovery mode:". Hold R while starting your psp, will boot Recovery mode.
Recovery mode is not more than a simple application that will let you to use the usb, and execute a program under ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP, that could be, for example, a sony updater or the 1.50 -> 1.00 downgrader
This allows you to recover potential bricks caused by the writing of bad fonts /videos/sounds... to flash.
( This wont let you recover critical things like overwriting prx file in flash)
With this, you may have a chance to unbrick your PSP, if the brick was caused by writing bad fonts/videos/sounds the flash. (Again this wont allow you to recover things like overwriting The prx files)
Autoexecution of a program at the startup. See the configuration file at /PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt to see how to use it.
To install this Just unzip and copy the psp folder on to your memstick, And click yes on any overwrite warnings.
access the file "config.txt" in PSP/SYSTEM with notepad , to do any changes that need be with this mod later.
This is a pretty user friendly program so other then these things you will know what to do once you get there 
Again, All I have to say is, Try this at your very own risk, Know that you do run a risk of bricking your psp by trying this!!
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July 15th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
The release of the downgraders for 2.5/2.6 PSPs has delivered a blow to the Modchip Makers of the Undiluted Platinum PSP Modchip who can only really sell it to those with Bricked PSPs and those on v2.7 & 2.71 and you musnt have the TA-082 Hardware revision.
Surely a lot of you now value the Modchip as useless unless your going to use the latest firmware and also the ability to use v1.5 because of the Modchip.
Id really like to hear opinions on this.
Oh and something to make you laugh, its been pointed out to me that 2 PSP websites have posted the exact same PSP modchip review, cut and pasting gone mad eh :P
Once MikeDX posts his proper review we shall spread that to the masses 
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July 15th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Virons & Dreadnaught have released a new homebrew game with a rather funny title, take on the evil Sony empire.
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July 15th, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Meo has released a new Lua Volleyball game for the PSP, heres the info:
Here is the first working version of Slime Volleyball PSP! It's out of BETA, but it is still not 100% perfect. I am extremly happy with how well it is doing however, two people are able to successfully play multiple games. There is now a menu, credits and easy exit, scoring and much more.
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July 15th, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamespot
Sony has been having some trouble with patent disputes of late. In March 2005, Immersion Corporation won its lawsuit claiming that Sony's DualShock PlayStation and PlayStation 2 controllers infringed on its force-feedback patents. A judge ordered Sony to pay more than $90 million in damages, and earlier this year denied an attempt from the electronics giant to have the decision overturned.
Now Sony's in the middle of another patent fight, this one brought against the company by Pennsylvania-based Agere Systems. According to court documents, Agere (which has a pair of offices in Texas) has filed suit against Sony and a number of its divisions for willful infringement of eight patents in a number of its products, including the PSP, PlayStation 2, and based on announced specifications, the PlayStation 3. Sony VAIO computers, Handycams, Walkman players, Memory Stick Duos, and Location Free TV are also named as infringing offerings on some of the patents. The patents in question run from a "wireless local area network apparatus" to "barrier layer treatments for tungsten plug."
Agere is asking that each branch of Sony be made to provide an accounting of all gains made through their alleged infringements, and that the company be awarded damages to adequately compensate it based on those figures. Agere also claims that Sony knew about the patents and willfully infringed on them, so it is asking the courts to boost the damages awarded as much as three times what it would have been otherwise.
In its defense, Sony has denied all claims of infringement. It is arguing that it actually has the rights to use seven of the eight patents through a 1989 cross-licensing deal with AT&T and Lucent (whose microelectronics group eventually became Agere Systems). Sony also contends that some of the patents (including the one it doesn't claim a right to use) were not properly obtained because Agere omitted important information when it filed for them. Finally, Sony believes the patents in question are invalid anyway, and has asked the judge to declare them as such.
Agere denied Sony's counterclaims last month and has issued a demand for a jury trial.
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July 15th, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new cracking release for devs from Alatnet, heres the info:
This is a program that simplifies the creating of makefiles for the use of creating c\c++ homebrew.
I plan to have a way to have quick library inserting in later versions.
If you would like to help out, you can help out by posting libraries that the pspsdk uses for c\c++ homebrew.
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July 15th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Cools has released a new version of LuaPlayer v0.20 Mod 2, basically this is a version of the Lua Player with additional features.
Whats new:
Functions Added:
System.setCpuSpeed(Speed) and Gum.lookAt()
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July 15th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sulpher Dragon has released a new version of his image editing software for the PSP, heres the info:
Use this neat little program to swiftly resize images to fit your PSP screensize. Ideal for creating backgrounds for both 1.50 and 2.00+ PSPs.
This is a WIP and any feedback is welcome.
Changelog for 0.20:
> Help button added
> 100% button added (resizes the image to its origional dimensions)
> Added tool-tips
> Other small changes
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July 15th, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
I missed this earlier in the week but better late than never
Meo has released a new game called Slider PSP, heres the details:
I have finished coding my first official game for PSP. Entitled Slider PSP, this is a puzzle game where you have to slide square panels into the correct order.
You will need LUA Player to use this application. To install, extract to the Applications folder of LUA Player. A folder will automatically be created.
To make your own number images for Slider PSP, please use the included executable to generate them. The source code for this program is also included. Any comments and suggestions are welcome
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July 15th, 2006, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
I hope im wrong but it seems too unlikely to be true.
The N64 port of Ultrahle
Ultrahle was made for x86 PCS and so the Xbox Port was very close and easy enough to do because of system similiarities. Now a week or two ago a PSP website posts an exclusive newspost about this emulator coming to PSP and yes the story sounded good, the idea of working on perfecting one game is probably the best way to get single games working on the PSP, but the coders name they posted who was a GBA coder cannot be found on the internet, screenshots mean nothing and just because some newsposter puts a fancy story round it doesnt mean its true.
Fake or Truth - Most likely Fake
The PSX Emulator
The day after on another site that covers PSP (and steals all our news) posted a news story about the port of a PSX Emulator to the PSP with a site that was extremely well thoughtout to get the highest place in google, now since then nothing has been posted there and i PMed the coder on the forums at the site and got banned, my thoughts behind that are that its a very obvious fake.
Fake or Truth - I would say Fake
Looking back it seems that both sites will post any news and even fake it themselves just to get visitors, now we have all been duped but the timing of the original storys was just too close for comfort.
Ill be happy to be proved wrong but i dont see it happening, lets encourage those coders who we know are real and back them all the way.
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July 16th, 2006, 09:23 Posted By: shadowprophet

Vettacossx Has Done it again! This Time hes created Shadowprophets Blazing Bats- JGJ mod!!
I have to say im personaly fond of this one lol
( for those who do not know JGJ is a 2d sidescrolling shooter homebrew game
jump gunnar jump...keep in mind that if you use 1.5 run the no-kxploit tool on this HAVE FUN!!! )
I Love this one, Keep up the great work vetta!!
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July 16th, 2006, 10:45 Posted By: shadowprophet
I found this on one of my regular visits to irc,
Inside the readme is no Address to a source page.
But this is the proof of concept (unflasher) By a Coder known as Slasher, I cant be certian if this is our slasher we have at Dcemu or an unrelated slasher. But none the less. I must warn you. As with all apps that flash your psp firmware you run the risk of bricking your psp by useing this!!!
Here is what the readme had to say..
This program is meant to 'Unflash' your POC Firmware recently released by DarK_AleX.
Just simply run the program, and it will undo any changes that the POC firmware did.
This software is a use at your own risk program. Writing to the flash is always dangerous, and although this program has been tested and confirmed working, the author takes no responsibility if you happen to brick your psp. Use at your own risk!
- Slasher
Well thats all there is to say about this, Again Though, Remember by downloading and useing this app you run the risk of bricking your psp!!
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July 16th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Firmware Modification program for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Support for Dark_AleX Custom Firmware modification.
This version does not yet have the capability to reverse the mod,
but this (and more) will be implemented shortly.
Flash writing is verified.
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July 16th, 2006, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday it was highlighted to me that 2 sites had posted the same review and the second site even went as far as to watermark the images from the first review, now this brought outrage (not from us we just laughed ) from members and visitors of both sites.
Well today the 2nd site has posted that the review was actually a Press Release that was sent out, now this is worrying, what the hells going on when a company is sending reviews out as press releases, the other worrying thing is that neither site really mentions this but they really promote the review.
Now this modchip isnt cheap and what the PSP scene needs is truthful and unbiased reviews because the price of these modchips can be up to $99 and more.
I wont mention the sites as most know who they are and theres probably more who posted this "Press Release Modchip Review" but be honest with the scene and your visitors.
Im sure other people will want to comment on this
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July 16th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Phil Harrison, big boss of Sony Computer Entertainment, sat down for a short session with Joystiq's Conrad Quilty-Harper and cleared up a couple of the more embarassing quotes from other members of Sony. About Sony's arrogance, he said: "There's always going to be a risk when you are market leader for ten years that we start to lose perspective; and we have to make sure that we don't lose perspective." He then reassures Conrad Sony is not being arrogant, but are always in the spotlight and any quotes will be dissected into whatever spin is being sought.
About the statement "Microsoft is copying Sony"? Phil claims the quote was taken out of context, which is kind of hard to do when it was practically verbatim. Even so, as being the leader in the industry for about ten years, not only is it easier to get more hate than praise (if you think bashing President Bush is bad now, imagine how it would spiral out of control in four more years!), but it's also easier for the leader to get an inflated ego. As such, less people may support the PS3, but saying Sony's arrogant? Taken out of context, indeed. Really, this interview with Phil Harrison did not seem to clear much up at all except the people at Sony really believe in what they say. But should we?
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July 16th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D:
KaotiK DesignZ and PSP 3D are proud to release a new version of the X5 portal for PSP, catering to and allowing developers to produce new features and capabilities for the browser-based portal. Modability support was a highly requested feature in the last release, and a place for use of the homemade additions to the portal was not available. Now, we have done the hard work for you, and have introduced an all-new section in X5 specifically for your creations.
Alteration of the packaged documentation, source codes (for the core of X5, not the additions area), and core images are not allowed, but redistribution of your own version with new features is allowed, so have fun, and be sure to read the included documentation before producing. You can also download this directly from your PSP using the "Software Update" feature available on X5 ver 2.00.
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July 16th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D:
Arguru and PSP 3D have just released the first work-in-progress alpha of Turrican PSP, a clone of the popular Metroid/Turrican games. The engine still lacks some basic stuff, such as working level transporters, additional enemies, etc. Levels are... will be non-linear, meaning you can include links in the level maps to move to a specified point in a level, a bit like Metroid. Permanent power-up items can as well be placed in the way; you will need some items to achieve certain parts (ie: double jump, morphing, ball, etc). Well, if you have played Super Metroid, you'll get the point, and if you haven't played it yet, what are you waiting for?
Turrican PSP is NOT FULLY PLAYABLE yet, and we aren't sure when it will be or how long it will take to finish, but if the progress ceases, source code will be released to public (which, hopefully, it won't). The game has been tested on a 1.50 FW PSP, but most probably won't work under GTA/eLoader because of the insane memory requirements at this time, unless you cut the .WAV sound files, which will essentially reduce RAM load. Modding instructions (following the footsteps of SMM) have not been included yet, but feel free to mess around with the text-based level generator, although any mods for this version might not be compatible in future releases (please give credit to authors if you release any mods for this game).
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July 16th, 2006, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
benja32 has released a new Lua Car racing game for the PSP, heres the release info:
Here my first homebrew, PSP RACER 0.01 BETA VERSION.
This game is coded in LUA, for the moment it contains already the menus, selection of car, one can already walk with a car on the road but does not contain a car “enemy”. I hope that you will like this play.
- Button SELECT to take screenshots. They will be in the file screenshot psp racer
- Button START to return on the menu during the play
- there are 7 cars in selection for the moment
Remain to be made:
- Add “enemy” cars
- Add music
- Add different decorations
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July 16th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
qwerty has posted a new game called PSP Dance, heres the info the coder posted:
How to play:
Hit the button when it shows up on the screen. Your character will do something when you press it, wave his arms, whatever. You probaly cant see it since it goes by so fast in this version.
Press R when you have a 100 crowdsurf points (or more wink) to get to the other cardboard box and get a 2* multiplier. Since is the first version, it has some bugs, like the multiplier stays on when its supposed to be off, stuff like that. the next version will be way better.
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July 16th, 2006, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
MyTunesRSS is an application for accessing your iTunes library from any computer connected through a network. You can browse and search your library with any browser, use existing playlists or create new ones. From all this data you can create RSS feeds or M3U playlists in your browser and use them with appropriate programs. So you can play your iTunes tracks on today's clients like the Playstation Portable.
MyTunesRSS is a GUI for configuring and starting a server and a web application. When the server is running, you can access the web application with a browser. The web application is password protected, so only you can access it.
You can browse your library by album or artist and you can search for tracks. Besides the exisiting iTunes playlists you can create new ones from the browser. You can create RSS feeds or M3U playlists from any album, tracks of an artist or a playlist. You can also simply download tracks, e.g. for getting them on your Playstation Portable without a USB link. Applications like VLC for example can also get streams from videos in your library.
Since MyTunesRSS is pure Java, you can run it on any platform supporting Java 1.5 and iTunes.
You can download MyTunesRSS for free and use it as long as you wish. If you like the program and use it on a regular basis, you are encouraged to donate a small amount through PayPal.
Visit the official site to download --> http://www.codewave.de/products/mytunesrss/
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July 17th, 2006, 13:34 Posted By: shadowprophet
Okay first things first, These have been tested and DO work, I tested them personally. But you must know, That before you may flash a custom firmware tweak you have to unflash any previous custom firmware tweaks With slashers unflasher before you continue!! Its important that you always remember this, Flashing custom firmware on top of already flashed custom firmware does not work And may cause a brick,,SO make absolutely certain to remove any custom firmware tweaks with slashers unflasher before you use these!!
Okay first up is the file cfp0.1.rar This is a nice one here. This is a custom firmware tweak from a coder known as harleyg, This has Much deeper recovery mode options compared to the original POC recovery mode, Including the recovery of certain prx files and the ability to customize your clock speed.Not only do you gain more advanced recovery mode features by hold the r key on psp boot up. But this round you gain the ability to hold the l key to auto load devhook on psp startup as well (provided your devhook folders are named devhook and devhook% prospectively) Remember this firmware tweak comes with a config file that needs edited to your preference in the psp/system folder just like dark alex's
Seconded is the file Recovery.elf.rar This is also from harleyg, What this is, Is just the recovery mode features from the cfpo.1.rar file in case some people didn't want to use harleyg's app, you can add this patch to dark alex's POC custom firmware flasher a gain harleyg's advanced recovery mode options that way 
And last but not least Is the custom firmware recovery.elf tester By none other then Jasonuk,
This allows you to test a recovery.elf from the root of your memstick to see if its safe before you take the dive into flashing.
Again I can not stress enough Even if you know what your doing, You can brick your psp by trying these, These are firmware tweaks!! Know that you run the risk of bricking your psp By trying these!
Download and try these at your own RISK,
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July 17th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Atari has agreed to sell the Driver franchise and most of developer Reflections' assets to Ubisoft in a deal worth EUR 19 million.
The move is part of Atari's streamlining plans, says CEO Bruno Bonnell, who believes that the company's racing game interests will be adequately represented by the Test Drive series.
"We are focusing the energy of the company on a select number of franchises in order to optimise their impact among consumers and increase shareholder value," he said in a statement marking the sale.
"In the driving category, we consider Test Drive our key franchise which will require more resources and attention to build it as a landmark of its genre."
Atari will maintain sell-off rights for all Driver games for three months, except for the most recent title, Parallel Lines, which it will retain until the end of calendar-2006.
80 members of British developer Reflections' staff are to become employees of Ubisoft.
After seven years of games spanning two generations of console hardware and PC, along with several handheld titles, the Driver series is firmly established.
The original was critically acclaimed, but subsequent titles have failed to hit the same heights - although the series found itself back on track in its most recent instalment, which drove the game closer to Rockstar's blockbusting Grand Theft Auto series in concept.
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot believes it will form a platform to build upon, pointing out that more than 14 million units of Driver games have been sold so far.
"We look forward to leveraging the unique knowledge of the Ubisoft studios to ensure that Driver will be one of the leading brands of the next generation of consoles," Guillemot said.
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July 17th, 2006, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Remember parents that Xmas is coming in 5 months, dont buy your kid a PSP just because it says it on the screen, be sure to do a check on it or you could end up with one of these:

Anyone spot any more fakes, then let us know.
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July 17th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
More on the UMD Movie Issue from Spong
As most movie and games industry pundits seek to write off the UMD as a viable format to host film releases, it looks as though Sony is set to rethink its offer to studios and retailers, with DVD movie combo packs set to ship with Sony Memory Sticks and PSP encoding software.
It was reported earlier this year on SPOnG that major studios were backing away from the format, and recently reports have flared talking of major US retailers backing away from UMD movies, or discontinuing their sale altogether.
Sony's answer, or at least the first stab at an answer, is to release Memory Stick Entertainment Packs. Two versions will be released, a one GB version (MSX-M1GSTEP) and a two GB (MEX-M2GSEP) version. In the US pricing will be $60 and $100 respectively, the same Sony asks for it's standard first-party Memory sticks.
Each pack will come complete with an installer DVD housing four Sony Pictures movies, Hitch, S.W.A.T., The Grudge, or XXX: State of the Union, and software that will install them onto the PSP ready-encoded. The only shortcoming right now is the resolution, with Sony offering the movies at a resolution of 320x240, much lower than the 480x272 the hardware can manage.
We'll bring you up to speed with this interesting development as more information is released.
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July 17th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
jockyw2001 posted this news/release for the PSP.
First off what is the VLC PLayer:
PMP VLC Player plays mediafiles:
A) from memorystick
* Videos from PSP/VIDEO
* Music from PSP/MUSIC
B) from Optixx' PMP Server via WiFi (requires Python)
C) transcoded and streamed from VLC via WiFi (requires VLC 0.8.5)
Heres the new release info:
This one has AVC hardware video decoding support. Now you can see live TV and DVDs on your psp in high quality. That's 25 frames per second and in full screen (480x272).
1) added AVC hardware video decoding support for high quality streaming and playback from memstick (requires the also supplied VLC 0.8.5 with x264 support for PSP)
2) scaling does now work correctly (pressing start during playback toggles screen mode if picture resolution < 480x272)
3) pressing right trigger in main menu now really connects to network and the IP address is shown
4) up to 5 video and 5 music directories can be added in pmp.ini
5) network path no longer displayed in filenames, except for the selected entry
6) the supplied VLC 0.8.5 package automatically installs the required pspfiles.html file
7) solved several vlc and net directory buffer issues where there was crap at the end of the listing
8) the supplied VLC 0.8.5 can be used to encode video files, DVDs, live streams, capture device sources etc. to AVC avi files
9) fixed a bug where the previous track in the playlist was played again
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July 17th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
According to an article over at T3, a leaked Sony document details a few secrets about the PS3 and its internal Blu-Ray player. The Playstation 3 will be one of Sony's first pieces of hardware to use the "BD Live" technology, which allows Blu-Ray players (not limited to the PS3 -- most Blu-Ray players will incorporate this technology given a year or two) to go online and download new content whenever a disc is inserted.
Thinking spyware? Adware? Pssh, please. Think more like movie trailers, actor biographies, or exclusive web-sites which can be accessed by the disc and/or saved directly onto your player for viewing later on. Sony says these downloadable contents can "also be shown, at least by the PS3, in a picture in picture window while the main movie is still playing." That doesn't seem really useful, but if you want to surf a secret website whilst a movie plays on, knock yourself out. Still, this downloadable content secret from Blu-Ray is pretty keen. Any ideas of good random content that will magically be downloaded onto your PS3? A movie soundtrack, at least a sample of, would be pretty cool.
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July 17th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
This one's for the Action-RPG fan in all of us. Over at Firing Squad, an interview was held with senior producer Kevin O'Hara where some questions about the new Sony Online Entertainment game, Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom, were answered. This is SOE's first PS3 exclusive title and it follows the previous two titles, released on the PSP.
How's the storyline? Basic MMO fare (although this isn't an MMO, just an A-RPG) about kingdoms waging war, but the twist is the game begins when the war ends. The king of your kingdom discovers a new source of power, thanks to tampering with the darker side of the arts. His secret? The suffering of his citizens. Depending on who you play as, your objective is different. Seize the throne? Kill the king and leave the kingdom? Find a way to bring salvation to the people? Take your pick, role-players.
Fast and tactical gameplay (although it sounds very much like the Dynasty Warriors system), pick up n' play action, advanced physics and particle effects, cooperative mode (online and off), and future downloadable content/extras make this worth a glance, even if the concept of HP and free-roaming aren't your cup of tea. Or coffee. Water? Check out the other screenshots at Firing Squad and see if any tickle your fancy. Granted, the graphics aren't superb, but this is still fairly early in development. Backgrounds look pretty good, though.
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July 17th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Tekken fans over in Korea can sample a new PSP Pack with 1gb Mem stick and the Tekken Game.
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July 17th, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP Fanboy
I gotta admit something to you all - Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion is one of my favorite PSP games. I don't know if it's the quirky storyline, cheesy translation or those cute, lovable characters, but all I know is I dig playing it. And I'm equally excited to play Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch, which actually came out before A Tear of Vermillion in Japan. And ya know what? It recently shipped in the States, but does this sequel/prequel improve upon its Legends of Heroes?
Portable Review (72/100) appreciates the game's graphics: "The overworld graphics involve 2D characters inhabiting 3D worlds, for a unique, yet classic look. At the same time, numerous FMV sequences add a new layer of imagery to the game's atmosphere."
IGN (61/100) thinks gamers will feel unrewarded with putting too much time in the game: "Ever get the sense that you've sunk a number of hours into something without necessarily getting a result from it? That's kind of what Legend of Heroes II is like. The game's plot feels extremely generic and bland regardless of how much time you put into it, and while there are a number of interesting features with the battle system and the inclusion of the pets, these are somewhat flawed with some over balancing issues."
Gamespy (50/100) is bored to sleep by most of the game, but notes "About the only potentially fresh-seeming feature is the pet system, which gives you a cute little furball to tag along on your world-changing adventures."
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July 17th, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
News from I4U
The problem of fake memory sticks has been already around for a while. Now Sony started to act and is suing several companies in Japan for selling fake memory sticks online.
Fake memory sticks are also offered on eBay in the United States. So beware, when purchasing low priced sticks. The differences are hard to tell. There are not only fake Sony branded sticks, but also fake Sandisk memory sticks out there.
The fake Memory Sticks are mostly made in China and Taiwan. The pirated copies are usually priced half.
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July 17th, 2006, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Bawls has released a new version of his Anti Theft PSP app, heres all the info:
ok this will most likely be the last release. This is an app that will help return your psp if it is stolen and the thief access' the memory stick via usb, this app will send you an email with his IP . this file is only about 3 kb so it should not concern people about space. just have this on your stick just in case.
ok here is what this release is about :
# should send a popup to everyone on the network that that person stole the psp.
OK to get started.
1.Right click on my computer and click properties
2. Go to the Advanced tab
3. Click on Enviormental Variables at the bottom.
4. You will see 2 white boxes. one above the other. click into the lower one labeled System Variables.
5. Click New
6. A box will popup asking variable name and variable value
Variable Name = thief
Varable Value = false
7. After you Add the info click the OK box. Keep clickin the ok box until you have exited to your desktop.
Great now you are considered the PSP owner
drag all the files in the attachment into the root of your psp (X:/)
now you have to setup your email
1. Right click the .htm file and click edit or open it with notepad
2. Near the end you will see a crazy email adress (asdf92j4509sdjfi340i5df@ gmail.com)
3. replace this with your email adress. In my case it would be trainstroker@gmail.com
4. save this .htm file and close it
Great now the rest is optional
there are 2 .ico files for you to choose from. you can find more online but for now lets use one of these 2. by default you are using psp.ico. if you wish to change that do the following
1. open autorun.inf with notepad or right-click and click edit
2. change icon=psp.ico to icon=whatever_icon_you_wa nt.ico
ok now to change the PSP title
1. open autorun.inf with notepad or right-click and click edit
2. Change label=PSP to label=Phils Amazing PSP or whatever you wish.. just be sure to not change label= just whats after that.
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July 17th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Homebrew scene since it started (and yeah we were here way before it started) has delivered some masterpieces of Emulators, Games and Applications, many of the very best released by the excellent coders who come to our site and forums.
To newcomers it must be overwhelming the amount of releases, so as a little project for those who are bored and feel the need to post, whats the very best that the PSP scene has to offer.
Lets see what releases are said over and over again 
Post your answers via the Comments
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July 18th, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: Wally
Strmnnrmn has updated his blog and hopefully will release his emulator tomorrow.
This is what has been posted
I don't mean to tease, but I am hoping to release the next build of Daedalus PSP tomorrow. I've spent the last couple of days polishing a number of graphical issues and I need to set myself a target date otherwise I'll just keep tinkering for ages  I'll have a longer post tomorrow with details of the changes that have made it into R6.
-StrmnNrmn Source: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
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July 18th, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Reports of a sequel to Square Enix's MMORPG version of its Final Fantasy series
With that long-rumoured console version of Blizzard's World of Warcraft seemingly nothing more than a mere fabrication based on wishful thinking, it's pretty much been left up to Square Enix's Final Fantasy XI to cater to the console-owning MMORPG crowd. Fans should be thrilled to hear then that the company may well be thick in the throws of development on a next-gen sequel.
According to a news item on Nikkei.net, as reported by Gamespot.com, "Square Enix will develop a sequel to Final Fantasy XI [...] or three platforms: Sony Computer Entertainment's next-generation PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, and the Windows Vista PC operating system."
:While the original game eventually landed on PC, Xbox 360 and PS2 (just not in Europe in the latter's case), the follow-up appears to be truly next-gen, with Square Enix making the switch to Sony's brand new console. Of course, with no official word from the company at the moment, this one's firmly in the realm of 'rumour'. But, if we hear otherwise, we'll let you know.
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July 18th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Acquire's Tenchu-style Japanese stealth-'em-up, Shinobido, is on its way to PSP later this year, and Famitsu's shed some light on how the handheld version will work.
Like the PS2 game, which came out here under the banner of Shinobido: Way of the Ninja on July 7th, the PSP game focuses on assassinating people and completing a range of missions in a feudal setting.
According to the Famitsu report, partially translated by GameSpot, there are National Tour, Mission Play and ad-hoc multiplayer modes - the latter offering four-player battles for those with the requisite hardware.
There'll also be a level-editor, and you'll be able to use the PS2-PSP USB connection to import characters, and levels made using that game's editor, which can even be played in multiplayer.
The general thrust of the single-player side is to complete various missions - whether it's taking out a group of evildoers, guarding somebody or ferrying something across the map - to earn experience points and unlock new levels and characters, of which there will be 30.
It's all due out on October 26th, and, assuming they're the same
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July 18th, 2006, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Buena Vista Games and Q Entertainment have announced the track-listing for PSP puzzler Lumines II - and it's a bit different to the original's, to say the least.
As designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi said during the Develop Conference last week, there are some big, recognisable names on there - although all have "just the right tone, mix and energy to incorporate into the game," he reckons.
The original game featured music from popular Japanese group Mondo Grosso, but Lumines II's listing will be a lot more familiar to westerners, with Beck, Gwen Stefani, New Order and the excellent Go! Team jostling with the likes of Fatboy Slim and Mizuguchi fave the Chemical Brothers.
The western flavour of the new puzzler, which is due out in November in the USA, is also reflected in the Microsoft/Q Entertainment Lumines Live collaboration, which debuted at E3 with a Madonna song in the background.
It won't all be western tunes though - BVG notes that Mondo Grosso - Japanese artist Shinichi Osawa - will return with exclusive tunes, while tracks from Ken Ishii (DJ/producer) and TECHRIDERS, both from Japan, also appear on the soundtrack.
Lumines II, which builds on the block-manoeuvring puzzle play of the original handheld title, includes more than 60 skins, wireless two-player ad hoc gameplay, new battle modes, 3D backgrounds and streaming video.
The full listing of songs announced today follows. (Starred entries will also have music videos in the game - the others are TBC.)
Beck - Black Tambourine *
Black Eyed Peas - Pump It *
Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar *
Fatboy Slim - Gangster Trippin' *
The Go! Team - Bottle Rocket *
Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl *
Hoobastank - Born to Lead *
Junior Senior - Take My Time *
Junkie XL - Breezer
Ken Ishii - TBA
Missy Elliot - Lose Control *
Mondo Grosso - various, exclusive to game
New Order - TBD *
Stigmato Inc - Reality Check
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July 18th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you playing Sony's not-at-all-bad World Tour Soccer 2 on your PSPs might want to head over to www.yourpsp.com today and download a new game mode, called Ole.
Like the All-Rounder mode, you can't score a goal until the correct number of people have been passed to - the difference being that the number changes each time you receive the ball. If you lose possession, the counter resets and you have to aim for a new target.
It's just a 674Kb download, and is one of three extra modes Sony's planning to release for the game through its website in the near future.
News via Eurogamer
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July 18th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
A disturbing article from the GameWorld Network,
its starts like this:
The PSP was doomed to fail from the very beginning. With high development costs, a lack of hit games, the UMD movie format, its poor E3 performances, and the competition it faces from the formidable DS Lite, the PSP is now on its last leg. As the following paragraphs reveal in detail, the PSP has started down the road of no return and with each passing moment digs itself farther and farther into its grave.
It all started on March 24, 2005. The PSP was to end Nintendo’s dominating presence in the handheld market just as the Playstation and Playstation 2 took the home console market. The PSP has far superior graphics, a bigger screen, and multimedia functionality. All this extra power did come at a price. The PSP was $100 dollars more than the DS and $170 dollars more than a GBA.
The PSP’s power also had a price for developers who would now have to spend upwards of ten times the amount of money to develop a PSP game as opposed to a GBA game. In 2005 a survey by The Japanese Computer Entertainment Suppliers Association reported that the average development costs for a PSP game was the same as a GCN game and just short of a PS2 game.
and ends like this:
In the end the PSP still has a very steep hill to climb and currently there are many more reasons not to invest in this system than there are reasons to purchase one. Overall the PSP’s game library lacks hit software, UMD movies are on their way out with a very weak MemoryStick option replacing it, the past two years at E3 have been near disastrous, the DS Lite shines brighter in every aspect, and finally gamers budgets are going to be very strained over the course of the next ten months at least as we all rush to buy the Wii, PS3, or an Xbox 360.
There comes a time in every system’s life when you know there really isn’t any hope left, we’ve all seen it with Virtual Boy, Dreamcast, and N64 just to name a few. At first it’s hard to accept and though there might seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel it usually turns out to be a new system with a promise that it will be better this time around. Bottom line: Trade in the PSP while you can still get a decent deal!
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July 18th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamesradar
To celebrate the launch of Miami Vice The Game on PSP this Friday, we've teamed up with publisher Vivendi to offer a pair of tickets to the premiere of the new Miami Vice movie, plus a copy of Miami Vice The Game on PSP. Five runners-up will each receive a copy of the game.
The movie premiere will be held at the Odeon Cinema in London's Leicester Square on Thursday 27 July 2006. The winner will be among the Hollywood's VIPs, so remember to dress the part; the dress code says 'with style', so don't disappoint your public!
Starring Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx, the Miami Vice movie is based on the classic 1980s TV show, while the PSP-exclusive game is based on the new film and lets you choose between Tubbs and Crockett as you tackle Miami lowlife. Link up with a friend via the co-op mode and you can watch out for each other in tense gunfights. Using the source material admirably, Miami Vice The Game should certainly keep the show's fans happy - and newcomers too.
To be in with a chance of winning these excellent prizes, just answer the following question:
Which two famous actors are playing the lead roles in the new Miami Vice film?
a) Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer
b) Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx
c) Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter
To enter, Click Here to email us with your answer, name, daytime phone number and full address. The closing date for entries is Monday 24 July 2006.
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July 18th, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
If you were wondering just how developer Neversoft was able to make the animation in upcoming Tony Hawk game, Project 8, look so authentic, this new video should give you all the answers.
The footage sees pro-skater Steve Williams donning the ping pong-balled suit and shoes to be motion captured. The footage shows Williams performing a series of relatively simple tricks and then shows how they have been recreated in the game.
Williams is just one of the many pro-skaters involved with Project 8 and will appear in the game's main story mode to teach the gamer's created skater new tricks and also guide them to secret areas in the huge open gaming area.
The Tony Hawk engine has been rebuilt from the ground up to make the most of the next-gen consoles and make it the most realistic-looking skating game yet.
More info
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July 18th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
We've gathered up a bundle of fresh shots of Sonic Rivals, the new blue hedgehog title from Sega coming out for PSP this winter.
The game pits our prickly hero against other characters from the Sonic universe in highly competitive racing. The challenge is to race to the end of the tracks while avoiding the myriad of obstacles set up by the villainous Dr Eggman. Racers are allowed to shove and vault over each other in an attempt to reach the finish line first.
Sega's aim is to capture the spirit of original 2D Sonic gameplay, but in 3D, so expect the action to reach supersonic speeds.
News and Screenshots HERE
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July 18th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Now we hear from our beloved basement-dwelling brothers at Kotaku that Microsoft spokespeople are saying that Blu-ray discs are apparently "hard to make." There's an extra layer of copy protection on Blu-ray discs, called BD+, and that makes the manufacturing of those disks a whole lot more complicated.
In a recent podcast, a couple of Microsofties decried the difficulty of manufacturing Blu-ray discs, saying that the recording surface of the discs is very close to the top layer, and because it's protected by just a thin coating it requires a much more precise duplication process. On the other hand, HD DVD manufacturing is more akin to garden-variety DVDs, where its data is protected between two layers of protective plastic.
Keep in mind, though, that those two Microsoft podcasters have a vested interest in HD DVD, which is the format of choice for the company's Xbox 360. Even so, the ease of manufacturing HD DVDs, plus the simplicity of converting an existing DVD plant to HD DVD also translates into lower-cost duplication facilities. This can't be good for Blu-ray.
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July 18th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via Joystiq
The latest issue of Game Informer (trust us, or buy/borrow/steal a copy) reports that Lumines II is almost identical to its acclaimed predecessor. The draw will be new unlockable skins, which, this time around, include licensed music videos from artists including Black Eyed Peas, Fatboy Slim, Hoobastank, and Missy Elliot. It's a risky deviation from the standard set in the original, as much of the sequel's soundtrack contains songs that were played out many seasons ago. Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" ... ? No thank you.
With all the technical intricacies of the PSP, one wonders why Lumines II isn't being sold, at least in addition to a full-fledged UMD release, as a downloadable utility (for Lumines), which in turn would give us access to an online store where we could purchase additional skins that include music videos -- or better, bundles that include multiple skins that need to be unlocked through gameplay. But this sounds eerily similar to another future puzzler we've heard of ... Lumines Live, anyone?
Buena Vista Game is pimping the Lumines franchise for all it's worth. Go 'head -- that's the business. It's just a shame that there's not more of a collective effort to exploit the potential of the PSP. Instead, we've got a near-identical sequel being hustled to us on UMD for $40.
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July 18th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
In an act of poll balance and contrary to a recent Famitsu poll, the PS3 is more popular than Wii according to a recent Amazon Japan poll. PunchJump writes: "The overseas retail division of Amazon.com has published a graph that represents customer interest in each platform, with the 60GB PS3 edging out the Wii. The 20GB PS3 was the least popular among customers."
Add the two PS3 editions together, and sales-wise, the PS3 should outsell Wii by about 33% if the Amazon Japan pollsters are correct. Does a lack of a 360 option mean that Microsoft's console isn't even on the radar anymore?
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July 18th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
News from Joystiq
GameTrailers has a new preview vid for Gun Showdown, the PSP extension of last year's multi-platform romp through the Wild West. Short-lived as the original adventure was, developer Neversoft was praised for the game's compelling narrative and addictive gunplay. Showdown retains the familiar free-roaming style, but UK-based Rebellion has added new story missions, quickplay modes, and a variety of wireless multiplayer content (including Texas hold 'em) to GUN's portable cousin. Get back in the saddle at the end of Q3.
Check out the Trailer
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July 18th, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Release:

Soul Road: In the story mode that is based on the original, relationships with partners can be improved with battles and talking with them.
Mission Battle: The famous scenes in the animation series are recreated, allowing the player to play as his/her favorite character to the heart's content.
Soul Vs: Versus mode utilizing wireless LAN function (Ad Hoc mode).
Vs CPU: Mode where the opponent (CPU controlled) and stage can be chosen freely.
Urahara Shop: Mode where extra elements like hidden characters and rare images can be assessed and read.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ect.html
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July 18th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Remember that neat little "secret component" everyone was talking about last month in regards to some extra hardware? You know... the next-gen Eye Toy? Well here's the return of it as Sony has filed big number 2006-178948, which is the patent for a new camera that "will recognize every move and position of an object and will translate these actions accordingly to an object inside a game." What used to take multiple cameras now takes one, thanks to a patented mapping technique.
It's like motion capture for the average Joe. But what ever happened to that Israeli company called Prime Sense? Weren't they supposed to come into the scene with their own interactive device which sounds a lot like this one? Well at any rate, Sony is on the move to get this camera inked in their name. Let's hope they don't step on any toes with this, because they haven't had the best of luck in the patent area lately.
Could the camera also have videoconferencing features added into it as well? Thanks to Avistar and company (and the magic of licensing), this new Eye Toy could be your next long-distance video phone. Yet another testament to Sony's desire to bring the PlayStation brand out of "For gamers only" territory and into a wider audience.
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July 18th, 2006, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Seems a lot of people hopped on the rumor-wagon this past week. Regrettably, Squeenix debunked this rumor today by denying any FFXI sequel altogether. They say the gameplay footage of their next-gen MMO is a completely independant project, original in title and story. Some may say "great! FFXI was terrible! Now then, back to WoW..." while others may say "Aw, poo, no Vana'Diel on my PS3..."
What kind of newfangled MMO could Squeenix be working on, then? It's hard to think about what a new, original project could be like, since the MMO world has pretty much two options: fantasy world or post-apocalyptic world. Would they go to the latter? More like a Final Fantasy 8 world, but online? It's more futuristic at least. Or it may be unrelated to the Final Fantasy franchise altogether. Anybody have thoughts on what Square could possibly toss at us?
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July 18th, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
The Japanese PSP development community still may not get the whole "online" thing, but at least a few are trying. Set to join the small list of infrastructure-aware PSP publishers is Konami, who will release Mahjong Fight Club: Zenkoku Taisen-Ban (National Competition Version) for the PSP on 9/28.
Mahjong Fight Club, based off a popular arcade series, was a launch title for the PSP in Japan. For this update, Konami has added online play, allowing for players throughout Japan to compete with one another. Players make bets using "orbs."
Now that a mahjong game has shown the light, let's hope some of the higher profile releases follow, so that we won't ever have to use the word "ad-hoc" in our articles again.
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July 18th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Well heres great news for you people stuck on v2.71 PSPs, Chubigan has posted on his site about the release of a Flash Games package, heres the info;
So what's new with you? Been playing the PSP lots eh? You probably are starting to realize the kind of mess all of these flash games make on the PSP Bookmarks page. Well, in this Very Special update I've got just the solution: this PSP Arcade menu I've whipped up for yall!
Yes, now you can go to just one page and select a dozen games instantly!
For the Lite pack, just throw the image and html document into the same folder that you keep all your flash games. For the full pack, place in the root of the memory stick. Then type file:/yourfolder/psparcade.htm into your browser and game away
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July 18th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: shadowprophet
Harleyg Has done it again This time he has released an update to his custom firmware!
This firmware update has sevral new features and some changes. First up the recovry mode is deeper, Yet again!!
With these updated features
New style and menu/sub menus.
Clockspeed configuration.
USB mode.
Update vshmain.prx and recovery.elf.
Remove patch.
Launch update eboot.
Replace index.dat.
Other Features include
No kexploit (Can run 1.0 formatted eboots).
No annoying corrupt icons.
No intro.
Also this reound the boot controlls have changed.
WLAN switch down: Loads Devhook
WLAN switch up: Loads XMB
HOLD on: Loads configuration and recovery mode
X: Launches autoboot eboot
Some things about this file
How to:
For new users
Copy the customfirmware and customfirmware% to PSP/GAME and the SYSTEM directory to PSP.
Launch the "Harleygs custom firmware patch 0.2" eboot and press X when prompted.
For current users
Copy the vshmain.prx and recovery.elf to the root of the memorystick, then boot the PSP
in configuration and recovery mode.
Go to the recovery/backup menu and flash the new recovery.elf and vshmain.prx.
I can not stress enough Even if you know what your doing, You can brick your psp by trying these, These are firmware tweaks!! Know that you run the risk of bricking your psp By trying these!
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July 18th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson Entertainment has an exclusive trailer of the game Rengoku 2 for the PSP, heres the info:
Deadly. The best-selling action shooter is back once again for your PSP. Featuring beefed-up gameplay, new weapons and equipment, Rengoku 2 offers a new challenge in the form of The Seven Deadly Sins. Defeat them and reclaim your humanity!
Trailer HERE
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July 18th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Freshmilk has released a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the release details;
Not much to say as of yet...
because this game is far from complete.
Note: TTR stand for "Table Top Rally" just in case you were wondering...
At the moment i have a fully operational game with an intro, man menu, credits, and an erase high score feature... this game uses a kernal command (USB) so i don't think it will work with the e-loader, although you can try if you want...
I need help with getting this finished though. I need someone whos better than me at designing cars - because at the moment i have an empty garage and 2 car; you and the enemy... please PM me to help, see the credits for more details...
* More Cars with better graphics
* Garage
* Better Graphics
* Clean up the LUA code
* Hide Corrupted Icon (for some reason it cannot be renamed)
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July 18th, 2006, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Iamjeff has released a clone of the tiger telematics game for the PSP, heres the release info:
finally finished my first game...
major updates from the version i posted yesterday.
lowered key repeat time.
added main menu with level selector.
added actual graphics (however crappy they may be).
there are now 50 levels, instead of 10.
in the future, i might consider adding sound, music, or different modes (random puzzles or "create your own" puzzles), but for now i'll leave it at this, unless anyone spots any major bugs that need to be fixed.
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July 18th, 2006, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from LIK SANG

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - PSP
As Square Enix work towards releasing the US version of Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria on the PS2 this Sep 26th, they've also been busy bees porting the incredible 2000 original from the PSOne to the PSP. Based on Norse mythology, you play Lenneth Valkyrie who collects the souls of those who die tragic deaths, then converts them into powerful soldiers ready for a final apocalyptic battle between the Æsir and Vanir, Ragnarok. Taking you back to the good old days, dungeons play out as 2D side scrolling affairs with non-random turn based fight scenes and a whole lot of magic. The fantastic fighting system was one of the reasons this game achieved such a cult following in the first place, and thankfully still holds up brilliantly today.
There's 24 playable characters to be found, and as you progress through the adventure your strength builds up to a truly incredible amount, where later in the game you'll be dishing out damage points in the millions! The game has been re-designed to take full advantage of the PSP's 16:9 widescreen, and replacing the original static cut scenes are completely animated FMV sequences. Several brand new scenes also help tie this and upcoming prequel together. With the US release arriving this week, and all PSP games being region free, everyone the world over can now experience the gripping storyline that first captivated players six years ago.
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July 18th, 2006, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from LIK SANG
With Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix succeeded in creating a brand inside the bigger universe its FF series represents. Aiming for a wholesome package with their "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" - consisting of four parts - which includes the already released Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for mobile, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children for DVD and Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus for PS2. Now, the fourth piece falls into place with Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core on PSP. Anime aficionados will appreciate the visual style of it, ads for the game so far suggest a similar design to Before Crisis. What we are looking at for the first FFVII title for Sony PSP is basically an Action-RPG. Quality can be expected, as production is headed by Yoshinori Kitase (director of the original FFVII) and Hajime Tabata, while character designs are handled by the Square Enix legend Tetsuya Nomura. Crisis Core is a furious prequel to Final Fantasy VII that focuses on Zack and Sephiroth. Project Genesis rings a bell?

Cloud's mate from his time with the elite organisation SOLDIER, Zack appears to come off as the main hero in this instalment, eager to prove himself within Shinra's military ranks. Sword-fighting galore ensues as usual, and boy does the tale look promising in the trailer released! Angeal represents an all-new character for the series, accompanying Zack and wielding a giant sword very similar to Cloud's in FFVII. Those who played Before Crisis will welcome the return of Tseng, a high ranking member of the Turks. Players will progress via events and fast-paced battles, where director Tabata hinted at an unrevealed fresh battle system being included in the final game. Stepping into the shoes of a soldier during that historic time in the FF chronicles, should be one of the most exciting experiences Crisis Core will have to offer.
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core will seemingly turn out to be a brilliant gaming stint, where Anime influence and FF Action-RPG gameplay should beautifully blend. We certainly can't wait, the US version is due out in August and pre-orders are of course accepted already (Free Shipping Worldwide, as with all import games on Lik-Sang.com). The cool thing is that the game will work right out of the box on any PSP system globally. Region-free by nature, the PSP is a godsend, as you won't need to worry about import compatibility issues here. Simply insert the UMD and start playing!
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July 19th, 2006, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
First off id like to say that i wouldnt put a custom firmware on my PSP because i dont feel the need, but what concerns me is the threat of Legal action from Sony because of the custom firmware, are they fully legal, are the downloads legal?
What also concerns is that there could be a potential time bomb bricking code within a firmware released at some time that could render your PSP dead.
Also Sony will strike back, we know that they are preparing an attack on the devhook releases with extra code to prevent future firmware hacking and with all the info that the PSP scene presents publically you can guarentee they will be applying fixes, esp because their PSone emulator is coming soon.
What do you think about the issues ive raised, do you have your own concerns, reply via the comments.
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July 19th, 2006, 01:25 Posted By: BrooksyX
Taken from blogspot:
"I had to pull a long shift at work (14 hours!) so I've only just got in. I'm in the process of rebuilding a release build, updating docs, zipping things etc and should have a new build uploaded by 1am (BST). It looks like blogger.com is down at 5pm (PST) so if I don't post an update soon, check the SourceForge site for the update"
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July 19th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: BrooksyX

StrmnNrmn posted this news/release of his Nintendo64 emulator for the PSP.
I've got to keep this short as blogger.com is going down in 5 minutes
Change log:
[+] Added over 50 new combiner modes
[+] Added support for c-buttons
[+] Load roms from ms0:\N64 in addition to local roms directory
[!] Fixed backface culling issues
[!] Correctly implemented flipping to avoid flickering with certain roms
[!] Plugged memory leak in texture handling code, fixing various crashes
[!] Fixed issue which caused screenshot function to hang the emulator
For R6 I've mostly been focusing on fixing a number of graphical issues (namely adding combiner modes to popular roms). I've also managed to add a couple of nice usability improvements (in particular mapping the c buttons to the dpad, using the circle button to toggle back to the n64 dpad). I've also been able to track down a couple of bugs that affected stability.
I've still not decided what to concentrate my attention on for R7. The main areas are:
* Speed
* Compatibility
* Graphics
* Usability
These are all quite broad areas, but it would be good to get a feeling for what people are most interested in seeing improved. Any comments would be most appreciated.
* I should point out that I had dozens of people suggest this to me via email and through comments on this blog, so I can't take any credit for this idea 
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July 19th, 2006, 02:44 Posted By: jman420
Hello all, I once again have a release of a Lua app
Its a remake of Y's the Vannished Omens originaly for Sega Master System, now for Lua..
It includes Character animation, walking behind buildings, scrolling backgrounds, and soon will have collision.
Its not programmed with all the newest techniques, but I felt that I should keep it simple and still functional..
The game also includes LuaPlayer v.20 and is modified to play from the boot screen
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July 19th, 2006, 05:44 Posted By: mameuser
Jonny has released a new version of his excellent Media Player for the PSP:
- Speed increase (640x272 MPEG4-SP goes at ~28fps).
- Fixed some audio problems (random pops, mainly audible with headphones).
- Added loop option (x + right trigger to toggle).
- New key mapping:
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July 19th, 2006, 12:22 Posted By: odino
NJ has posted some excellent WIP news over at his site of his latest project for the PSP, A CPS1 Emulator, CPS stands for Capcom Play System which supports some of the best Arcade games ever.

Our excellent translator b8a has posted what NJ posted on his site:
Originally Posted by NJ
Under Development
CAPCOM CPS1 Emulator for PSP
Development Status:
Video emulation: 50% - row scroll not implemented.
Sound emulation: 10%
Input emulation: 80%
CPU emulation: 80%
As I've achieved my initial goal, I decided to go ahead and post the news.
Everything other than scroll 2's row scroll, screen flip, and rotation (which probably won't be implemented), the video emulation is complete, and everything else is far from ready. SFZ CPS Changer version is also currently working.
It feels like Final Fight and Street Fighter 2 are a little on the slow side.
This is just at the stage where I've just got it working and I haven't made any optimizations yet, but it's guaranteed to get even slower when Row Scroll is implemented.
As for CPS2, the M68000 memory access causes a drastic drop, so I think it'd be pretty challenging to accomplish.
Not to mention that there's not enough memory for most of the games.
Excellent news for the PSP Scene.
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July 19th, 2006, 16:05 Posted By: Briggzy11
...Slasher has created a plugin for the P.O.C custom firmware created by Dark_Alex that will allow you to play MP3 files while accessing areas on the XMB of your PSP, heres what he had to say about the release...
..."This allows you to listen to mp3s ANYWHERE in the XMB!
Currently supports up to 100 songs in the ms0:/PSP/MUSIC/ folder!
Controls -
LTRIGG + LEFT = Switch song(to the left)
LTRIGG + RIGHT = Switch song(to the right)
LTRIGG + SQUARE = Stop current MP3
LTRIGG + CROSS = Pause/Unpause
Known Bugs -
- Make sure to stop your current song before loading up a homebrew or UMD, else crashes.
- When exiting out of USB mode, music may mess up. Just switch the current song to fix that.
Place the mp3XMB folder(and all its contents) in the ROOT (ms0:/(here)). This is very important! It MUST be in the root. Then, just simply point the P.O.C. Custom Firmware to load the RUNMEmp3.prx. ex) loadmodule0 = "ms0:/mp3XMB/RUNMEmp3.prx"."
Download and give comments thank you 
NOTE :- I have tried this however I could not get it to work. I hope somebody else manages to get it to work anyway.
As this is only a plugin it should not harm your PSP however there is always a chance of BRICKING your PSP as this is still part of the Flash.
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July 19th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
This thing has been around for quite a while in prototype form, but Sony has finally gotten around to joining the pack and unveiling a PC drive for their own format. The BWU-100A Blu-ray burner doesn't have a whole lot of surprises -- other than that purple faceplate which will most likely totally clash with your PC case -- but the $750 pricetag is a nice move. It also manages all three lasers types, allowing it to read and write single layer 4.7GB DVD+R/+RW/RAM discs, 8.5GB DVD+R Double/Dual Layer Discs, and CDs. With 2x burning speeds for BD-R or BD-RE media, you can fill a 25GB Blu-ray disc in 50 minutes, and we're guessing 50GB discs should fill at a similar rate. Sony also touts the ability to move 1080i HDV camcorder footage natively to the BD-AV format for home playback, with a whole four hours fitting on one 50GB disc. The drive should be out in August, and is available for pre-order now.
More info
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July 19th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Yeah i posted this yesterday but Lik Sang will ship anywhere unlike play asia, heres the info:

Sony Computer Entertainment brings Japanese PSP owners the third entry in its Bleach: Heat the Soul fighting series. Based off one of Japan's most popular animated shows, part 3 seems to take things to the extreme with a cast of 33 fighters!

More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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July 19th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released

After a next-gen and puzzle edition of the popular franchise, Bomberman finally stars in his own classic-style bomb action game! Bomberman marks the debut of the determined hero on the PSP system (after two other spin-offs only released in Japan), with several new handheld gaming twists and classic party multiplayer action. Players can enjoy an original single player Bomberman adventure or play wirelessly in classic multiplayer action, complete with new items and game sharing.

More info/buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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July 19th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released

Portable Island Tenohira Resort is an all new entertainment tool for one to enjoy the leisurely atmosphere of a vacation. In this game, there is no fixed way to proceed, and one can even play the game while engaging in other activities. You can explore in natural settings like the jungle, volcano and desert, collect insects or seashells, or experience island life, the ultimate escapade from the city.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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July 19th, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released

There was a kingdom once ruled by a king known as the Pillage King. But as he constantly wages wars with no end, he is finally driven by the people into the dungeon he created. But the council, wary of his return, sends a mercenary group to confirm that he is dead. As a member of this group, the main character falls into a trap. Although he barely manages to escape, he falls into coma for a year. When he wakes up, he finds out the remaining mercenaries already left, leaving him behind. Later, the main character hears rumors about the spirit of one of the mercanries roaming the dungeon. The main character decides to enter and explore the dungeon again...
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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July 19th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Release:

Ultraman must battle his greatest enemies in this new 3D brawler spawned from the PS2 entries. A total of six Ultramen appear in the game, including Ultraman Ace, Ultraman Seven, and Ultraman Tarou. New to the series is Ultraman Mebius, the latest Ultraman hero.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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July 19th, 2006, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
According to Forbes, the Commercial Times reported that Taiwanese ASUSTeK Computer Inc. will be delivering PlayStation 3 consoles to Sony starting this month. The news comes amid concerns that Sony may not have enough Cell and RSX chips to meet production goals of 2 million units for launch. The report also states that, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd, also a Taiwanese company, will soon begin making the PlayStation 3 consoles for Sony too. Total monthly shipments from manufacturers are expected to be 200,000 units per month
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July 19th, 2006, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Late last month, San Diego-based DFC Intelligence raised more than a few eyebrows when it said that Sony could very well end up last in the next-gen gaming race, behind competitors Microsoft and Nintendo. Today, the research firm released an industry briefing, and its song remains largely the same.
DFC begins by saying that Sony is currently the "king of the video game market," but with the PlayStation 3, it is clear that Sony is "handing its competitors a golden opportunity." The firm believes that the premium PS3's $600 price tag will put off potential consumers, hurting the overall gaming market and possibly putting Sony dead last in terms of installed user base.
It's not just the launch price that DFC believes could hurt Sony. Sony CEO Ken Kutaragi has gone on record as saying that the PS3 is more like a computer than just a gaming console, and, according to DFC, could see upgrades such as a writable Blu-ray drive or improvement to the system's memory.
While this may appeal to gearheads, DFC believes it will mean the price of the PS3 won't drop at the rate of normal consoles. "By fixing its hardware standard for several years," DFC argues, "video game console systems have been able to significantly lower prices over time by not having to upgrade to the latest technology."
"We believe that under Kutaragi's techno-elite PlayStation 3 strategy, the PlayStation 3 could end up with a market share more resembling Apple products [in the PC sector] as opposed to the dominant PlayStation 2 market share."
As for the other consoles, Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii, DFC sees scenarios where both of them could become the leader in installed base.
Even though the firm doesn't see an end to the 360's woes in Japan, it sees its strength in the North American market as reason why it could be the market share leader. The Wii, on the other hand, has "the biggest opportunity" because of its low price and potential to "expand into a much more mass market audience."
"By letting Sony and Microsoft split the hardcore teenage/twenty-something video game marketplace, the Wii could end up number one in market share for the next generation," said DFC.
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July 19th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
That's right boys and girls, Best Buy Canada is touting bold game prices on their website. For the ripe price of $74.99, these jokers don't come cheap. But if you thought the next-generation of gaming was going to cost you anything less than an arm or a leg, you might as well dust off your cartridges.
Does this really come as a surprise though? With a console as steep as the PlayStation 3, it'd be naive to think the games would be bargain-priced. As much as I'd like to say "Keep your eyes out for an amended page" or be wary of the current costs, we may be kidding ourselves thinking that next-gen games are going to be anything cheaper than 75 bucks a pop.
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July 19th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Edorul posted this news:
I've continued my portage of Nehe tutorials to PSPGL.
You can find it here:
In this archive you will not find Nehe tutorials 13, 14, 15 and 18.
Because for 13, 14, 15 we need a font system and for the 18 we need too many functions not implemented in PSPGL.
In order to port some of those tutorial I needed to modify PSPGL. You will need this version in order to compile and run all the tutorials.
You'll find my modified version of PSPGL here:
The modifications are (you can also read "_change.txt" in the archive for a more detailled list):
- you can modify the keys repeating with function "glutKeyRepeat" (beware this function doesn't exit in real OpenGL)
- a bug in glFog is fixed
- I made Display Lists "flavour" functions: it's not as efficient as the real one but (at least) it's compatible. Not all PSPGL functions are supported in Display lists but you can modify them easily (glTexCoord4f IS THE PERFECT SAMPLE FOR DISPLAY LISTS MODIFICATION but don't forget to add function's prototype and an enum element at the end of "pspgl_internal.h", add function code in "glDisplayList.c" and function's name in __pspglFunctionToCall array allways in "glDisplayList.c")
Some last words :
- I do not plan to port much more Nehe tutorials.
- I hope if you modify some fuctions to make them compatible with display lists you'll send me the code (write PSPGL in the subject of the mail else it will be automatically erased)
- I hope someone will fix the clipping problem in PSPGL!!!!!
- if you make some cool stuff PLEASE SHARE it with the PSP community and post your code 
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July 19th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Today Electronic Arts announced the launch of NCAA Football 07. The game has been shipped to retailers and is available across North America for Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, Xbox, and PlayStation 2 video game systems.
NCAA Football 07 immerses players in the life of a student athlete more than any past version of the title. The new momentum system makes every play count as players struggle to attain that crucial extra yard. NCAA Football 07 on Xbox 360 brings some of college football's most famous grounds to life with realistic stadiums as well as a new Smart Fan feature. Furthermore, the PS2 and Xbox versions feature the new Campus Legend mode which simulates the life of a college-football player. On the PSP, players can square off against friends and rivals in Wi-Fi online multiplayer matches.
NCAA Football 07 is developed by EA Tiburon and is available on Xbox 360 for a suggested price of $59.99, PSP for $39.99, and both the PlayStation2 and Xbox videogame systems for $49.99
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July 19th, 2006, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Are you ready for some portable gaming so zany that your first reaction will be WTF? D3Publisher of America today announced that its PSP mini-game-filled WTF, otherwise known as the family-friendly Work Time Fun, will be heading to stores on September 26th, just in time for school.
For those unfamiliar with WTF, the game is essentially a collection of mini-games that are rather zany in nature. Players will earn cash (fake, in-game cash -- don't get your hopes up) for completing each of its more than 30 crazy mini-games. Money can be spent to unlock more games or hundreds of unique prizes, or even "real world" items for your PSP, like a bar calculator or ramen timer. In addition to the singleplayer aspect, WTF will also allow for multiplayer Wi-Fi play in five of its mini-games.
Screens at link above.
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July 19th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
THQ announced today two more superstars expected to appear in the lineup for WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 -- the first multi-console SmackDown release in the franchise's history. The two wrestlers in question, Booker T and Chris Benoit, join the already-confirmed roster of Triple H, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, and Shelton Benjamin -- making for what amounts to roughly 12% of the entire list of final grapplers.
Perhaps the biggest news of the day, however, is the fact that SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 will be available for public play at the San Diego Comic-Con later this week. The event begins on July 20 (through the 23rd) at the San Diego Convention Center and will include a number of games from a number of different publishers. The build of SmackDown on-hand at the show will include all of the wrestlers listed above, except for the two revealed today.
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July 19th, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
The latest issue of Famitsu is home to an announcement that's sure to please PSP owners who love Japanese games. The magazine has first details on Jeanne d' Arc, an original strategy RPG from Dragon Quest VIII and Rogue Galaxy developer Level 5. The game is set to be published in Japan by Sony Computer Entertainment.
Jeanne d' Arc takes place in a fictitious world inspired by the real life history of Jeanne d' Arc, known more commonly in English as Joan of Arc. The game's background story begins far in the past, during a long war that came to be known as the "War Against the Gods of Death." During this time, dark gods attempted to use their demon armies to enter the human world. Five heroes who were chosen to face up against the gods created five bracelets to seal the demons away.
The story jumps forward to the 15th century AD as France and England battle during the 100 Years' War. You play as Jeanne as a 17 year old girl. Just like the real life Jeanne, the in-game version was born in the village of Domremy in France's northern Lorraine region. Jeanne is taking part in a festival one day when she comes under attack by a demon, the likes of which she's never seen. She hears a voice from the heavens, ordering her to kill the demon. As Jeanne takes a sword in her hands and defeats the beast, a bracelet similar to the five created by the five ancient heroes appears on her right arm, and she finds herself unable to remove it.
Jeanne is instructed by the voice to summon her childhood friend Lian and Roger, a former soldier, and make a trip to Chinon Castle (Chateau de Chinon) in order to lead France towards victory against attacking demons and the English army.
Once you've gotten past all the story, Jeanne d' Arc looks like your typical turn-based strategy game. At a glance, the game resembles a Nippon Ichi title, except with full 3D visuals that appear to actually push the PSP hardware.
You start off battle by selecting the units you'd like to use. You then take turns with your enemy as part of player and enemy phases. When your turn comes around, you're free to move your units around and can make use of a variety of attacks in order to meet the stage's winning conditions.
Level 5 has added a few twists to the strategy formula. When you strike an enemy, it releases energy, which lands in a nearby square, turning it into what's called a "Burning Site." If a unit -- either an ally or enemy -- moves into that square, it receives a temporary shot of power.
On defense, you make use of a system called "Connection Guard." Units that are within a certain distance of one another have blue lights surrounding them. This indicates that their defensive stats have risen, as friends are in the vicinity to protect against incoming attack.
Jeanne d' Arc is being produced by Level 5 president himself Akihiro Hino and directed by Ken Honmura. The game is currently 70% complete and is being planned for Japanese release this winter. Stay tuned for more details to follow!
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July 19th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: shadowprophet

Wow Hears a really nice Mod that just landed on my doorstep this morning! Halo-Turrican Is quite simply the Best Mod i've played thus far! This mod is amazing, Quite possibly vettas best work yet!!,
You guys have to try this one!! Here is what our friendly neighborhood supermodder had to say about this awesome release!!
Heres Halo-turrican-mod JMV mod developments The best halo mod yet hands down done with psp3d's new arguru game turrican... I've done a lil GFX and SFX modding with a very nice halo theme!
So have a look if you like halo,turrican or metroid fusion this mod is for you!!!... thanks to :
arguru and team for the most promising homebrew since SMM!!!!... ranks up
there with ...callisto,smw and smashbros gp!!! and there L.A.S.T sfx heavy metal theme !!
There are 1.0-2.6 supported versions included in the zip along with a read me as always stay tuned to DCemu psp news to see what JMV has up there sleeves next?! ....enjoy!!
About this file, The original file was to large to upload in one peace, So I had to split it up. Just download both parts into the same directory and highlight part one extract normally and winrar will do the rest!
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July 19th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: ninja9393
my new metroid game w/ a bunch of new features such as
new in v 0.5
new sprite
new background
shooting isnt in cause i want it perfect for the next release
still to do
bassicly a lot of things that arent east
this alpha is for everyone
hope u like it
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July 20th, 2006, 03:38 Posted By: Briggzy11
This program created by Team n:exp allows you to edit the game saves of your PSP games on either your PC or your PSP. This is only a beta at the moment and will only support games under version 2.00. Here is a quote from the release thread:-
"We are (I am) not responsible for damage to your save data in Memory Stick. And we don’t support for this program excluding problems with bugs.
1. What is this software?
This is binary editor for PSP savedata.
2. How to launch this program?
Copy “PSP” folder in archive to the root of the Memory Stick. If firmware version is 1.00, you can remove CWORKS_S folder.
3. How to edit PSP savedata?
please look manual-en.html
4. Credit
Coding, Graphics, Document by lS[UMD/2kdlSU].
The download includes the HTML formatted manual, additional docs, and of course the EBOOTs!
Download and Give Comments Below Please 
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July 20th, 2006, 06:54 Posted By: Kaiser
uo_Ograniser is a homebrew that allows you to organise 1.5 homebrews (KXploited ones) and remove corrupted data icons on the XMB menu of your 1.5 PSP. Originally developed and released by modsyn (named Ogranise-w_SCE_**), this 'UnOfficial' version extends the core functionalities of the original program by allowing you to do more things like keeping your favourite homebrew on top of other titles without a USB connection. For the safety conscious, this program does not write to the flash memory so there is no risk in *BRICK'ing*
your PSP.
What's New In This Version?
Although this homebrew-mod is only an initial release, it is packed with many
features. To start off with, the user interface has a facelift! This new
version sport a new graphical interface, menus and backgrounds to improve the
end-user experience.
You may now sort your homebrew titles automatically in alphabetical ascending
or descending order! If you are still unsatisfied with the order arrangement,
the manual sorting (positioning) tool will allow you to place your favourite
homebrew to your favourite spot.
Say goodbye to the corrupted data icons that may show up on the XMB menu! New
feature to this version: uo_Ograniser allows you to repair (rename) the
existing homebrew folders in your game folder automatically by removing those
corrupted data icons. This one-time process is completely safe***, you may even
reverse the process if you wish to restore the original folders name.
And finally, before you could answer 'Yes!' to begin the organising
(finalizing) process, safety checks will be kicked in to make sure your PSP
have sufficient battery life or it is plugged into an AC-adaptor before you are
allowed to perform read/write operations on your memory stick.
Of course! A progress bar indicator will show the percentage of completion
during those long organising process. Upon completion, a summary report will be
generated to give you a brief report on the folders that were processed and
each individual success failure result.
Side Note: **Ever wondered why ORGanise is spelt OGRanise? Well, I must say I'm
clueless too to begin with, maybe modsyn has the answer to this question?
***Dark_AleX and a few others have recently developed custom firmwares for 1.50
PSP, and one of the features enable you to hide corrupted data icons from your
XMB menu. The downside of it is you may risk *BRICK'ing* your PSP because these
applications write directly to the flash memory. Another disadvantage is if you
have a lot of homebrews in the game folder, it can cause a noticeable slowdown.
via Hoshizora
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July 20th, 2006, 07:03 Posted By: Kaiser
Edorul has ported Nehe tutorials 11 to 20. Here's what he had to say.
Nehe11-Nehe are adaptations of cygwin versions of Nehe tutorials modified in order to run on a PSP.
You will notice in each folder a working Makefile, "psp-setup.c" needed to compile pspgl programs and "copy.sh" that permits to copy directly your program to your PSP without living cygwin, just type "./copy.sh".
All parts I've modified are maked by "@@@".
To get those tutorials working you'll need the modified version of PSPGL I made (it handles display lists and resolve some bugs). You'll find it there:
As you saw Nehe13, Nehe14, Nehe15, and Nehe18 are missing:
- Nehe13, Nehe14, Nehe15 : because they need a buit'in font system.
- Nehe18: because it needs too many functions that are not coded in pspgl (gluQuadricNormals, gluQuadricTexture, gluCylinder, gluDisk, gluSphere...)
Known bugs:
- in Nehe12: in this program default light have a strange result everything seems dark unless you rotate the cubes enough. In this case there is no color applied on various cubes (lighning bug ??? or color material bug ??? or both ???)
Check out Edorul's official dev site here.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
It's been confirmed that Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi will deliver the pre-show keynote for this year's Tokyo Game Show when the event kicks off on September 22nd.
Kutaragi's speech will be titled 'The next-generation as created by the PlayStation 3' and it's thought that he could make some important announcements regarding Sony's future plans - particularly since the launch of the new console will be less than two months away. Last year's pre-show keynote was delivered by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata - who took the opportunity to unveil the Wii's unique remote controller.
Square-Enix president Yoichi Wada will also address visitors to the show with a speech that will focus on the problems and challenges facing the games industry. There will also be speeches on the MMO and mobile markets, and Epic Games' Jay Wilbur and Mike Capps will be on hand to discuss Unreal Engine 3.
The Tokyo Game Show will take place at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan, from September 22nd - 24th. It's already being billed as the biggest TGS ever, with record consumer and industry attendance anticipated.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
The first trilogy for Sony's portable wonder, Anime Beat'em Up Bleach Heat the Soul started off with a rather small character cast. The second incarnation already sported an extended pool of fighters to choose from. Now, with Bleach Heat the Soul 3 upon us, we look at an extremely crowded character selection screen of 33 (seriously!), featuring all your favorite sword adepts from the show, including eleven returning from Heat the Soul 2. Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Yasutora, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Shigekuni, Soifon, Gin, Kira, Hinamori, Byakuya, Renji, Sajin, Shunsui to name but a few plus Bankai versions including for example Ichigo, Renji, Toushiro, Byakuya and other Shinigami and "Final Form" appearances: They are all here! The goodness continues with a new pack of combos, relentless Beat'em Up action plus explosive graphics to boot. To show that the sky ain't the limit anymore, the developers have even moved the spirit meter down to the bottom of the screen. While the eleven homecomers offer the same movesets as seen in past versions, in Heat the Soul 3 all characters can now dash across the screen.
Now that pre-orders have been taken care of, we have enough stock for any new orders at just US$ 49.90. Eligible for our famous Free Shipping Worldwide promotion, get it right to your doorstep without having to shell out anything for delivery! As with all releases for PSP, Bleach Heat the Soul 3 works on any PSP worldwide due to the system's region-free capabilities. Straight out of the box, just insert the UMD and play, completely hassle-free!
Story-wise, Bleach Heat the Soul 3 sees Kurosaki Ichigo aiding a mysterious girl, who has lost her powers while saving him in the past. It's for this very Kuchiki Rukia, that Ichigo undergoes a tough training regimen, headed by Urahara Kisuke. In the course of this, Ichigo finally reaches full Shinigami status, allowing him to unleash the true powers of his Zangetsu, our main hero's cherished cold steel. Since it is considered close to blasphemy to infuse normal people with Shinigami forces, the hapless Rukia gets imprisoned inside the Senzaikyu, the palace of atonement. It's then, that Ichigo and his sword brothers make their way into the Soul Society...
A tremendous Beat'em Up effort, Bleach Heat the Soul 3 won't disappoint. A huge roster of characters with unique fighting styles each storm through diverse stages that allow you to bring the explosive Anime action with you wherever you go. Bleach gaming at its best: if merely watching the show doesn't kick your mule anymore, here's your twitching fingers' relief right there.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
It's been an unlikely wet fantasy of followers of games based on Anime/Manga ever since the first Naruto title hit a gaming platform. As soon as a cooperation between Q Entertainment, the fresh production studio formed by Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Lumines, Meteos, Ninety-Nine Nights), and Anime big guys 8ing was announced, anticipation soared. We are talking about a brilliant cross-over that brings together popular Shonen Jump franchises Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Naruto in the release of Battle Stadium D.O.N. for PlayStation 2 and GameCube! Imagine the possibilities, who wouldn't want to take part in a battle, where Son Goku faces Naruto Uzumaki? Or Luffy against Hatake, Freeza vs. Chopper, Vegeta fighting Rock Lee, etc.? Brace yourself for epic standoffs, where four players can have a go simultaneously.
Both the PS2 and GC versions of Battle Stadium D.O.N. are in stock as of today, pre-orders have been shipped out already, while new orders are very welcome for US$ 64.90 each (delivered!). Cool thing about the GameCube copy is that it plays perfectly on all GC systems world-wide if you use the Freeloader, which works as an easy Import Game Enabler.
Another addition is a new combo system called "Burst", which gives you a chance to change your character's form when entering that mode after building up your power. Fighting takes place on a 2D plane, where familiar stages like Tenkaichi Budokai Arena from Dragon Ball Z, Pirate ship "Going Merry" (One Piece) and various Hidden Leaf Village spots (Naruto) let you fight it out in colorful, lovingly crafted locations. Furthermore, look forward to legendary environments Planet Namek, Room of Spirit and Time, West City, Giant Jack, Valley of the End or Forest of Death for example. There's lots of interactivity and power ups to use on top. Killer action throwing fast-cut visuals at you, in an never-ending onslaught of battle screams, while colorful flashes of martial arts moves thunder across the screen. Don't forget to breathe once in a while!
Some might think of Battle Stadium D.O.N. as a console Jump Superstars, which graced the Nintendo DS a while back and has been fully embraced by the gaming community the globe over. Now a similarly genius playstyle can be enjoyed on the "big" platforms with this release. Battle Stadium D.O.N., after all is said about the related Japanesque Anime and Manga craze, is simply a fun, hysterically engaging Beat'em Up; it will pump you up so much that upon announcing your "last go", it might still keep you playing through another long, rewarding gaming night.
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July 20th, 2006, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
DFC Intelligence's game analyst David Cole has released a new report on the next-gen video game market, and he's especially harsh on PS3 plans: 'The high price of the PlayStation 3 is going to slow overall industry growth, especially for software,' and '...if Sony does not change its current strategy for the PS3 the system will probably end up in third place in installed base.' He also suggests that 'the PS3 would be more than 35% of the monthly household income' of average families in some world territories. When will the backlash end?"
The bottom line is that, even if they ramp up to 200,000 units a month starting this month, they're still not going to hit their 2 million unit goal in time for a November launch. Shortages and the high price tag will mean this is going to be a very weird Christmas console season.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev
Well I said I was finished with the current track of PSPLINK but having found little time to work on the v2 branch here is an update to the v1 branch.
So what's new? Ability to reboot psplink into a differnet operating mode (i.e. game, vsh or updater) and have it persist. Useful I would expect for developing vshmain.prx replacements. Ability to run usbhostfs_pc as a daemon, when in this mode the shell is lost but you can send commands to it by passing commands from pcterm prefixed with '@'. Ability to use multiple PSPs on the same PC over USB by setting the product ID on the PSP and on usbhostfs_pc instance. Added a new tool to dump kprintf output via the normal printf channels. Readded tab completion to pcterm, only tab completes local filenames and directories but can be useful if pcterm is running in the same directory as the mounted host.
Well that's it. Oh and if you are in the Helsinki/Finland area turn up to Assembly (3rd to 6th August) where i'll be doing a seminar on PSP development etc. I don't promise it will be interesting however 
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July 20th, 2006, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D
Arguru has just updated us on his latest progress on Turrican PSP, a homebrew clone of the popular Metroid/Turrican games. He plans to publish the new update and brief mod instructions soon, but don't expect this new update to be released until end of July, as he is working on adding quite a new features to the hand-coded engine.
Future release to include:
- 2 new enemies: "jumping erechnoids" and erechnoids eggs (map opcode 'e' for the egg breed).
- Boss engine (fN map opcode, only one defined yet "The Gauntlet", more to come).
- Raining / Dark fog effect switches opcodes (more weather effects to come).
- Possibly more.
One of the main goals of this piece of homebrew is to maintain high quality standards, equivalent or better than even retail UMD games. In the end, Turrican will hopefully have a FPS greater than or equal to 60. That's just how it's meant to be played!
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July 20th, 2006, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSP3D
Ever wanted to make your own iteration of Doom/Quake? RevolutionX, Mista Bones, and Static have just released the first version of WAD Dumper PRO, a PC application which opens, allows you to edit and examine WADs, and save changes to WAD filetypes. WADs are used in a variety of modular 'pak' games, such as Doom and Quake, and contain the core information of the entire game. By editing the files inside, from the sound files to the graphics, one can essentially compile their own version of Doom, which can then be loaded on the PSP. Props to the entire team for this release, can't wait to see some new WADs!
Features in v1.0 include:
- Graphics preview.
- Sound preview.
- Separate WAD file dumping allowed.
- Complete WAD editing available (tutorial will be posted next version).
- WAD files listing.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamepro
A member of Target's "Guest Relations" team has confirmed to GamePro that the retail giant no longer carries UMD movies for the PSP.
"[UMD movies] have been discontinued and aren't available at any of our stores," the e-mail reads. This comes as final proof that the company has discontinued its UMD movie selection in its brick and mortar stores, though the company still lists a sizable selection on its web site. It's unknown if the company will stop selling UMD movies online, as well.
In a story last week, GamePro reported that a customer service representative indicated that UMDs were no longer for sale at Targets nationwide. This latest e-mail officially confirms the news.
As the seasons pass and new models... become available, we'll discontinue some older merchandise. That's how we keep our shelves stocked with the unique, up-to-date merchandise you've come to expect from Target."
-- customer service e-mail from TargetSony's portable UMD movie format has struggled for acceptance since the PSP's release in early 2005. A recent Reuters story suggested that Wal-mart also considered pulling all UMDs from store shelves. In the Reuters piece, one unnamed movie executive says that UMD situation is "awful," and that "[UMD movie] sales are near zilch." The studio exec then twists the knife, saying "It's another Sony bomb -- like Blu-ray."
Two months ago, the NPD Group, a national sales-tracking service, weighed in with a grim assessment of the UMD's future. The report concluded that, if studios continue to drop support, "the outlook for the UMD format is bleak."
Lets hope theirs some cheap UMDs for sale 
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July 20th, 2006, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPfanboy
Despite a huge marketing push in Japan, IGN reports that our beloved Loco Roco has debuted at seventh place in its first week of sales. That's better than most weeks, but I was hoping that it would be able to beat the seemingly invincible New Super Mario Bros (which is a great game). Hey, at least it beat the now more than one year old Brain Age... by one position.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:38 Posted By: wraggster
Chubigan posted this article in response to the recent PSP is Dead Article posted a few days back:
Did you hear? The PSP is dead. It’s a handheld with no reason to exist. You own one you say? Better sell it while you can. It’s all over.
Wait a minute, you say. Who am I to say that it’s all over for the PSP? Well, I do have Joystiq on my side. And didn’t you see that Gamespot one year anniversary special video? Nearly all of them comment how they haven’t touched their PSP in weeks, months, etc.
You know this isn’t true. Here in the states, the PSP and DS sales have been neck and neck, with the PSP outselling the DS in May, only to have the DS take the lead in June. In Japan, the DS is a cultural phenomenon, yet the PSP overtook all consoles to be second in sales. Worldwide, the PSP has sold over fifteen million (yes, SOLD and not shipped). There are hundreds of PSP titles currently in development.
Yet nearly every week, there’s a gaming site that has nothing but dire doom for the PSP. This begs the question...why do gaming sites hate the PSP?
The Arguments
There are a certain number of things that journalists love to say about the PSP. I’m not confusing fact with opinion here...obviously anyone can say, “I don’t care for the PSP library,” have their reasons, and be exactly right. What I don’t understand are the certain connotations pinned on the PSP, and the certain phrases that seem to be a quick cut to the PSP’s jugular, yet obviously make no sense either. To name a few...
“The PSP lacks a killer app/doesn’t have a good library.”
Killer App. Every console has one. The DS has New Super Mario Bros. The Xbox has Halo. Sony has...not a single one.
Well, let’s back up and define killer app. It’s the game that everyone wants when they buy a console...if you’re buying a DS, you better get NSMB. Right now the 360 doesn’t quite have a KA, but come Halo 3 everyone will be rejoicing for their exclusive title. The PS2 lacks a clearly definable killer app, if only because many of them have gone multiplatform. Is Grand Theft Auto really the PS2’s killer app even though it has appeared on the Xbox? What about Metal Gear Solid? Yup, that one went multiplatform back in the day as well...and even though it looks like MGS is solidified as the exclusive Sony franchise, it still can’t be the one title that defines the PS2 (the PS3 is a different story). So where is the PSP’s one game that everyone can agree is the absolute must buy?
Metal Gear Ac!d 2...one of the most underrated games on the PSP.
Unfortunately, no one can agree. And I say unfortunately because people who see that no one can define a PSP KA automatically assume the handheld doesn’t have one.
Is it Wipeout Pure, whose graphics are incredible and downloadable content has spanned an entire year? No, because the handling/gameplay is a unique one that doesn’t appeal to everyone. What about Syphon Filter, who’s online multiplayer/voice chat and excellent story rival that of even console games? Why not Daxter? Hey, yeah...why NOT Daxter?
Oh Daxter, how you woo me with your fuzziness.
Daxter unfortunately lacks the character to carry a system. The game is amazing, but as far as Daxter being the definitive mascot for the PSP...no, he just doesn’t fit. For an example of someone who does fit, I turn to the long lost Crash Bandicoot. Remember those great Nintendo bashing commercials Crash used to do? He oozed mascot potential. The moment he went multiplatform was the day that the entire franchise slowed to a crawl...and the opportunity was lost.
Just looking at this game puts a big smile on my face.
Could Loco Roco be the killer app? It all depends on Sony. When you see a DS, Mario is not far from it. Sony needs to get as many Rocos around the PSP as possible, and MAKE the game the killer app. It has potential. It will sell well. It will be awesome.
“My PSP has been gathering dust over the last few months...”
My first reaction is always, “well, maybe you should find a less dusty place for your PSP then.”
This is something that comes up time and again. The connotation, of course, being that since their PSP is gathering so much dust, the game library must be slim’ pickings. Unfortunately if you’re not playing with your PSP every day of the week, then it’s obviously the PSP’s fault for not keeping you entertained, right?
Hey, my 360 has gathered dust over the last few months, but it was never an issue for me. I knew there would be a game released sooner rather than later that would get me back to my 360, and that game happened to be Prey. Quite the awesome game.
So why do so many make it a point to address how dust ridden their handheld gets? It’s a simple little jab that doesn’t mean much, but over time it’s gotten a little bit silly. Yes, your PSP is dusty. That’s why Sony included a cloth with every PSP, idiot. Use it and get back to me later.
“All I’ve been doing with my PSP lately is watch movies and listen to music.”
One of the more idiotic and ironic comments you can find all over the message boards...and it’s completely ridiculous. People love to say this as a way to jab into the PSP, almost as if there aren’t any games worth buying so they’re forced to, you know, take advantage of the other features Sony has put on the PSP.
Think about how insipid that comment is for a moment. Sony put the music and movies functionality so, you know, people would actually use it. So when you DO use it...how the hell can you complain about it? Do people actually watch movies on the PSP while simultaneously thinking, “man this sucks...I wish there were some decent games to play on the PSP.” If I ever thought that while watching a movie, I’d put my PSP down immediately, go outside, and enjoy the summer air. Thankfully that’s never happened to me and my skin is a radiant white that hasn’t mixed with those deadly UV rays you hear in the news these days (there’s a reason the PSP doesn’t play well in the sun: Sony is protecting you from global warming. Yet another reason why everyone should own one.)
I want to take a quick moment to point out something that everyone seems to glance over. The PSP has AMAZING functionality. Take a look at this amazing table I created thanks to a year of computer lab training on Excel-
But seriously, that damn computer lab taught me nothing.
Yes, I realize that last feature is a low blow, but seriously MS...fix it!!
Obviously that chart doesn’t tell the whole story. The browser is a bit limited and slow at times. Some stuff needs to be addressed (like jumping anywhere in a music file). The movie functionality needs improvement, as it’s a bit hard to put movies on the PSP without reading up on it first.
But for a handheld, that’s freaking amazing. Freaking. Amazing. But who the hell cares when there aren’t any games to play on it, right? Am I right?
“The PSP library pales in comparison with the DS.”
That statement is more opinion than fact, yet I see that printed as fact more often than not. Thankfully it’s easy to prove otherwise.
Using Gamerankings.com (which averages a multitude of respected and large gaming sites review scores), 22 PSP games scored in the top 80%. 21 DS games scored in the top 80%, and I’m being generous since Nintendogs is listed three times. (Three DS games made the top 90% however, whereas no PSP game has just yet.)
Opinions may vary, but there’s the cold hard evidence right there: journalists agree (whether they realize it or not) that both systems have a great selection of games.
“UMDs are dead.”
Yeah, UMD’s are dead. People are quick to blame the movie studios for putting UMDs at DVD prices with no extras...but I’ll go one step further and blame Sony. They priced their first UMDs at $20, with no extras, and kept that price and structure for every single one of their movies. They ruined the UMD movie format, and because of that the PSP got a bad rap for being another failed Sony product (even though it’s only the UMD movies that aren’t selling, and nothing else). This will pass eventually, as long as Blu-Ray keeps the promise of being the next-gen DVD format everyone hopes that it will.
When will this sexy beast come to the states anyways?
Right now it’s easy to see why the PSP is getting so much flak. Sony is going into the PS3 with a huge attitude of being number one. Well, they are number one. Will the PS3 keep them there? No one knows. But hey, the PSP isn’t number one...so let’s report on that and show how Sony’s arrogance (“taking handheld gaming out of the ghetto”) got them in second place!
It is easy to see how journalists aren’t touching their PSPs. After a five day working schedule of doing nothing but playing games, reviewing games, playing more games, working under deadlines, etc...would you really want to come to your PSP over the weekend and play some X-Men Legends? The PSP delivers the console experience for many, something that journalists don’t even consider wanting. Does everyone remember how unexcited IGN was about the PSP before it was released?
Now look at the DS. It’s mostly incapable of delivering a console experience. That’s not the purpose of the handheld. The purpose is to deliver exclusive games that you can’t play anywhere else, and it’s easy to see why game reviewers love it. I can’t see myself playing Tomb Raider Legend on my PSP when I’ve played it several times on my 360, wrote a review on it, and then get home only to play it on the PSP for fun, can you?
Obviously this journalistic mentality will go away once the console wars are in full swing. But to declare the PSP dead, when sales, developers and sometimes even the website’s own review scores declare otherwise...well, it’s ****ing ridiculous.
Long live the PSP.
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July 20th, 2006, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Podcast Fans, heres a new show for you, details:
This edition of The PSP Show features…
The News, with Sony suing Memory Stick cloone manufacturers, the MyTunes RSS java application and the US sales figures for the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS and GBA.
Eidos’ Tomb Raider: Legends gets a bit of attention as I examine Lara Croft’s latest addition up close.
A few days left to win a copy of Micromachines in our first Competition
Check out the Podcast etc HERE
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July 20th, 2006, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster
db26 has released an excellent looking Tetris Attack game for the PSP, heres the details:
Not my first time working with C, but my first time working with anything on the PSP, besides a short Pong demo I put together before this release. (Which I obviously didn't release because I think we have way more than enough enough Pong ports.) It's not exactly completed yet, but it's definitely in a state where it can be released now. The only real issue with the gameplay is that chains are not currently counted into scores. But, that should change soon. I will be on vacation for the next four days, so I decided to realease it a bit pre-maturely. The graphics are a bit basic in many aspects, but the project was thrown together for a quick release.
Current issues:
Chains are not counted yet.
Blocks don't stop rising while blocks are matched but not yet deleted.
Other blocks can be added to combos before deletion of already made matches.
What's to come:
Better score-keeping. (currently only stores high scores... Not names.)
Skins/Themes during game progression.
Different Modes of gameplay. (currently only "Endless Mode")
Flashier graphics.
Optimization. (it hasn't seemed to matter yet, but I haven't used pointers at all except for fading in the intro. This is "Java laziness" getting to me...)
Vs. Mode? (maybe if I'm feeling ambitions)
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July 20th, 2006, 15:50 Posted By: wraggster
Iamjeff has followed up his release 2 days ago with another great release for the PSP, heres the details:
A clone of the electronic Hasbro game introduced in the 70s.
Press START to start a new game.
Press TRIANGLE for green.
Press CIRCLE for red.
Press CROSS for blue.
Press SQUARE for yellow.
Press LTRIGGER to turn sound on/off.
Press RTRIGGER to repeat last pattern if you lose.
(this can only be used after you lose, you can't
repeat a pattern in the middle of the game, so
pay attention!)
Score is shown in the center, highscore is written to
your memorystick after you lose.
There won't be a main menu--I can't think of a good reason for one.
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July 20th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Consumers will have to pay a hefty £150 deposit to pre-order PS3 hardware, if a revolutionary new allocation scheme by Sony is introduced.
In an exclusive report published in tomorrow’s issue of MCV, it is revealed that the format holder is currently discussing the radical new plan with senior retail buyers as it looks to manage a limited initial hardware supply this Christmas.
The £150 deposit scheme is being considered to ensure that allocation can be more fairly managed. In particular, it is believed that Sony is looking to avoid the ‘eBay phenomenon’ that occurred with the launch of Xbox 360 whereby some consumers who managed to acquire more than one unit – on deposits as low as £5 – sold on their extra machines for well above the RRP.
Sony has confirmed that it is in talks with retail about the scheme.
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July 20th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Youresam from our forums has released a new version of Netlib, heres the info:
After spending hours trying to make a game work, I though the problem was in netlib, and sure enough, it was.
The bugfix is very simple, I just commented a line that was adding to a number it shouldnt.
The bug was that after creating an AMW with 2 PSPs, you couldnt create any more AMWs.
NOTE: The ZIP only contains the server files (source + executable), if you are currently hosting netlib, please use the new version of the server.
Thanks for your cooperation.
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July 20th, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
uNn99 has updated his tool for PMP Video, heres the details:
AVItoPMP - Advanced Tool for converting video into .pmp format:
- friendly interface
- uses the fastest video encoder - "Mencoder"
- supports .avi, .mov, .vob, .mpg, .wmv (auto rescale may not work with some videos, other than .avi)
- auto determines source resolution and calculates rescaled resolution (auto saves aspect ratio), but also has an option to use wide-screen resolution or use auto-crop before rescaling to wide-screen (also saves aspect ratio)
- video section has all commonly used mencoder options
- supports 2 codecs - "DivX" and "XviD"
- supports 2 encoding modes: constant bitrate and variable bitrate ("quantizer")
- has an "Preview" function - test your settings before encoding the entire film!
- supports 2 audio encoders: "BeSweet" and "Mencoder"
- supports subtitles (tested on english and russian subs)
- supports a queue of jobs
- supports saving settings into .ini file
- works with non-english paths and filenames (tested on russian)
P.S. About found bugs, plz post here.
And your desires and requests about programm are certainly welcome ;-)
Heres whats new:
Bug: The option to encode only a fragment from the movie doesn't work with streamcopy on.
Download links (1.0.2):
AMD cpu build - http://lagoff.net/download/avitopmp/AVItoPMP_AMD.rar
P4 cpu build - http://lagoff.net/download/avitopmp/AVItoPMP_P4.rar
P3 cpu build - http://lagoff.net/download/avitopmp/AVItoPMP_P3.rar
Only exe - http://lagoff.net/download/avitopmp/AVItoPMP.exe
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July 20th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Fuxer posted this release:
(its a flash game for 2.7 users and us "happy" 1.5 devhooked users) Guys this is the first game i ever finished for psp.Its actually a remake from an old atari game wich i used to play alot at the time.I made some simple graphics (loco roco type) and i hope you will enjoy it.
For those who dont know this game,its a simple point collecting game. You have to make the frog jump from 1 place to the other and eat as many flies you can in the given time limit,wich is 120 sec.
At the end,the game will give you your final score.
As i said,enjoy it
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July 20th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
JasonUK the master of the Legal Devhook UMD Version has released a utility for use with Custom Firmware, heres the readme:
VSHExtender module for 1.50 by jas0nuk
Version 0.1
Partially based on BOOSTER's code but largely rewritten for 1.50 firmware.
This module adds 'extensions' to your 1.50 VSH/XMB that can be accessed via keypresses.
It should be used with the Dark_AleX custom firmware or a similar custom firmware that allows you to use external modules.
- Press HOME + SELECT in the XMB to change the CPU and GPU speeds, steps are 133/66, 222/111, 266/133, and 333/166
- Press HOME + CIRCLE in the XMB to change the CPU speed to 30MHz and the GPU to 50MHz. This makes the XMB become a little laggy but is fine for playing AT3 music or AVC video as this is hardware decoded
- Press HOME + L TRIGGER to execute ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/DEVBOOT.PBP - this is yet ANOTHER way of booting DevHook instantly into 2.71 firmware, but now you can do it after startup
- Press HOME + R TRIGGER to get battery percentage, voltage and temperature information.
.. is very simple, just add the line
loadmodule0 = "ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/vshex.prx"
to your config.txt in ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM.
Alternatively, if this line is already taken by another module, add it as
loadmodule1 = "ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/vshex.prx"
or loadmodule2 = "ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/vshex.prx"
or loadmodule3 = "ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/vshex.prx"
Then copy vshex.prx from the SYSTEM folder in the attached archive into your ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM folder
( Note: the archive is a little messed up, SYSTEM should be inside PSP, not outside :/ )
This mod has been tested by me countless times, and works fine with Dark_Alex's custom firmware and it's variants, such as LordSturms' and harleyg's 0.1 and 0.2 custom firmware.
Please make your feature requests and bug reports here.
Currently requested features
- Battery meter - DONE!
- "AutoUSB" (press a button combo and USB is activated instantly, and a warning is shown on the screen until it is deactivated with the same keys)
- AIOMod.prx compatibility
- Customizable button combos
- Backlight deactivator
Most of these will make it into 0.2
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July 20th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Miemt11 has posted news on his site after quite an absence from the PSP Scene:
It been a long time.......... and I almost forget about my loving PSP 1.5... I had lot of thing to do (Job) and little time for other...BTW, I still working go GBA for PSP Ver 0.03 (skip 0.02 interin release) and no news does not been anything.
I may just release it when it time (x month).
A new release of his GBA Emulator eh, great news for the scene , check out his other projects on his site hosted here at DCEmu here --> http://miemt.dcemu.co.uk/
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July 20th, 2006, 22:36 Posted By: shadowprophet

Wow!! Another Awesome Vettacossx Release has just graced my presence!! This round We have an equally stunning mod both visually and acoustically. This one Is based on metal Slug!! And its the complete bombdigity! But who better to tell you about that then Vettacossx himself!! Here is what he had to say about This awesome Release!!
Hi its vetta again wasup guys I did this mod themed with metal slug for our
friend nick 666 of the forums because with all the new engines floating around
to play and tinker with I managed to forget about a certain metal slug mod
request so without further ?ADUE?( lmao)
JMV mods brings you metal slugg turrican mod based on the arguru turrican
engine with some sweet music you halo turrican users are familiar with, thanks goes out to sp,arguru and nick666 for this mod. And as always enjoy jmv mods of DCemu pspnews!!
About this file. Like the last, this file was too large to upload in one peace, Just download both parts and let win rar do the rest,
Thanks Goes out to Vettacossx for keeping the mod fires burning on frighteningly hot levels,
Your a true credit to the community Bro keep up the great work !!
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July 20th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
TMK posted this news/release:
Well, this is a new release of Sonic Battle Arena.
Sonic Battle Arena is a 2D fighting game coded in Lua by TheMarioKarters, Vaza, and Popcorn Devil.
The main feature of this release is WiFi online play thanks to netlib and youresam. This makes Sonic Battle Arena the PSP's first online fighting homebrew!
Remember, this is only at beta stage and is still buggy!
Available Characters:
D-Pad Right/Left= Move
O/D-Pad UP = Jump
X = Attack
Start = Exit in-game
1.0/2.0+ Users place SBA in PSP/GAME
1.5 Users place SBA and SBA% in PSP/GAME
What happens is, once you press R at the main menu, you select your character with the D-Pad, then press X.
You'll then connect to Netlib using Connection 1. Be sure your WLAN switch is on!
After you select your character, two things can happen. If someone is waiting, you will join them. If no one is waiting to play, you will wait for someone to join.
To cancel waiting for someone, press start, dont do anything else.
There is currently no way to tell who you're playing, or to communicate with them. We hope to add a chatroom of some sort into later releases.
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July 20th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: HellsPlumber
I have finally released the 2.7+ Homebrew Menu. For those who havent heard of this before,It is a Menu written in flash for the PSP. It has 4 different categorys;
The Games and Appications categorys have Flash homebrew games and applicatinos (obviously ). The network category has network enabled stuff and the tools category has built in tools.
It also has a Custom Homebrew Loader so you can play your downloaded flash homebrew.
Anyway,the download is here:
There will be updates every so often givin the homebrew menu new features and there will be booster packs that will add new games and applications.
Thanks to all the people who email me and the guys at the homebrew menu forums. Thanks guys
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July 20th, 2006, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
hoshizora has released a new version of uo_Ograniser heres the info and whats new:
uo_Ograniser is a homebrew that allows you to organise 1.5 homebrews (KXploited ones) and remove corrupted data icons on the XMB menu of your 1.5 PSP. Originally developed and released by modsyn (named Ogranise-w_SCE_**), this 'UnOfficial' version extends the core functionalities of the original program by allowing you to do more things like keeping your favourite homebrew on top of other titles without a USB connection. For the safety conscious, this program does not write to the flash memory so there is no risk in *BRICK'ing* your PSP.
Whats New:
v0.9.0a [2006.07.21]
New: The following KXploit folder naming conventions are supported
(this updated version adds support to format 4 & 5):
1. foldername
2. folde 1
3. __sce__foldername
4. folde _
5. foldern________________________1
New: Screen capture in Splash screen
New: Homebrew installation guide in Readme
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July 20th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: IndianCheese
If you have downloaded the portal before 7.21.06 at 10:45 A.M. EST, you need to redownload and install it to fix various issues with it.
It's finally here--the one we all have been waiting for...version 2.0! There are so many new features I don't know where to start!
- 11 new games
- 2 new links
- Toolbar
- ICP Download Network
- Graphical touch-ups
- Built-in Google Search
- Integrated PSPWXP and X5 (if installed)
- 1st Time users' guide
- Everything freakin' works!!!
It is also released in either EXE installer or ZIP archive format. Download below! For installation instructions, go to http://www.icpphlashportal.tk/ and click the Download button.
EXE Installer:
ZIP Archive:
NOTE: A few beta testers have informed me that they received "Content cannot be displayed" errors when using the EXE installer, which works fine for me. Please note that the run path when installed is "file:/psp/game/icpphlashportal/home.swf". Also, after installation, you will notice an EBOOT.PBP file under the game menu. This is just a decoration to cover up an otherwise Corrupted Data icon.
And please don't link to the download link on the portal site. That would severely hurt my bandwidth.
Thanks, and enjoy!
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July 21st, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
The recent price drop of Datels 4GB Hard Drive to $99 and the Sandisk Memory Card down to $147 has brought bigger storage down to a much more affordable price, last i remember Sonys 4GB option was to be released with a $220 price.
So you have the 2 Storage Options above, the Sandisk Memory Card is 47 dollars more expensive but fits in the PSP and doesnt add any weight or dimensions to the PSP and from reports writes faster and is better for movies.
The 4GB Datel Drive breaks the 100$ barrier which is around £54 but it is bulkier and theres reports of stutters in movies.
OK taking the 2 Storage Options in and the price, size and compat problems etc, Which is the best Storage Option for the PSP ?
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July 21st, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sodr has released a new version of ThemePSP, heres the details:
Here is my second update of my theme installer; ThemePSP.
New Stuff (ripped from the read-me):
- New much nicer GUI!
- Options screen now added! You can now completle choose if you just want to install eg. the font and the BG of a theme
- Can install Themes for DevHook FW 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 26 and 2.71 (the program can't install custom menu names for fw 2.xx
due to a diffrent standard between the fw's)
- Removed the bundled 'GTA style Theme' to reduce the file size
- If you try to intall a theme 4 times in a row the program will automaticlly quit instead of freeze (the freezeing was caused by an unknown bug)
- Updated ThemePSP Creator Pack with the correct image resolution (300x170 pxl)
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via sodr
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July 21st, 2006, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
In April, as anticipation for the Electronic Entertainment Expo was building up to its annual crescendo, a rumor circulated that the hit Xbox 360 and PC role-playing game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was heading to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable.
The source of the rumors, a poster on the Gaming Age Forums, said the information came from a Bethesda Softworks release schedule that listed both the PS3 and PSP editions of Oblivion and gave a November 6 release date for them. Those rumors are about to get another burst of momentum, as GameStop has updated its retail site with a product page for a PS3 version of Oblivion. GameStop is taking preorders for the game with a very familiar expected shipping date of November 6. Sadly, the retailer's site is still devoid of any mention of Oblivion for the PSP.
In other release-date fun, GameStop has pushed back Stranglehold on its release schedule. At E3, Midway gave the game a "Winter 2006" release, but the online retailer now lists a shipping date of February 15, 2007, for the Xbox 360 version of the game. The same date also graces one of a pair of PS3 product pages for the game. The other PS3 listing gives a November 1 shipping date. Curiously enough, the retailer has no product page for the PC version.
If that delay is true, it seems nobody informed Midway about it. A representative of the publisher told GameSpot today that the company is still aiming for "a fall or holiday 2006" release for Stranglehold on all three platforms.
Please note, while retailer listings frequently jump the gun on publishers' product announcements, they should not be taken as final confirmation of a game's existence, nor should the absence of a listing be considered as proof that a game isn't coming to a given platform.
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July 21st, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamespot
The Universal Media Disc, the proprietary format for Sony's PlayStation Portable, has shown signs that it may go the way of the Sony-made Minidisc and Betamax. Though movies formatted on UMDs quickly generated excitement in the industry after the portable's launch, subsequent disappointing sales have caused many movie studios to scale back their support.
In an interview with United Press International, senior vice president of marketing for SCEA Peter Dille says Sony hasn't yet given up on UMD movies. But in order for UMD movies to stay afloat, Dille says movie studios are going to have to understand the PSP owner.
"SCEA has been providing the Hollywood studios with data on the PSP consumer, both from a demographic and psychographic point of view, in an effort for them to better tailor their product offering to this new and emerging market," he said. "As such, we have seen studios cutting back on releasing their full content on UMD, as unlike the DVD market, the PSP consumer is targeted. We are committed to helping the studios better understand our product and our consumer and will continue to educate them as we evolve and enhance the functionality of the PSP."
It may take more than a few charts and graphs to keep the latest home video releases on UMDs alive. Gamers have been ripping DVDs onto memory sticks for as long as they have been playing Lumines, and even Sony recently announced memory-stick movies called Memory Stick Entertainment Packs.
Retailers are also questioning the future of UMD movies, as Best Buy and Wal-Mart have reportedly cut back on UMD shelf space and Target has nixed the format altogether.
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July 21st, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
According to a BusinessWeek Online report, some developers are actually steering resources away from the PS3 in favor of the more affordable Wii from Nintendo and even the Xbox 360. Hirokazu Hamamura, president of publisher and game industry researcher Enterbrain, believes that Sony's next-gen console might not be a smash hit the way previous PlayStation systems have been. "Many developers think the console's initial high price will lead to slow sales and are holding off on creating games for Sony," Hamamura explained.
"At its autumn games preview on July 13, for instance, traditional Sony ally Electronic Arts spent far more time showing off innovative Nintendo games than it did titles for the PS3," emphasized BusinessWeek. "EA announced six Nintendo Wii launch titles and showed long working demos for two of those. But it offered only a short clip of a car-racing game for PS3. EA says it's still testing the potential of the PS3."
Ultimately, developers and analysts agree that in order for the PS3 to be a success in the long run, Sony will have no choice but to bring the cost of the system down as fast as possible. "It's likely Sony will have to discount more...and faster" than planned, commented JP Morgan analyst Hiroshi Takada.
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July 21st, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
We thought we were past this whole "Sony copied Nintendo copied blah" stuff, but CVG via Tech-On points out that the new patent we blogged about earlier could possibly be perceived as another pass at Nintendo's Wii controller. You know, besides the other one.
If you take a close look at the odd picture that comes along with the patent, you will notice a pen-like apparatus used in conjunction with the camera. This is for image-mapping and converting movements into the 3D environment. But what exactly are we seeing here anyway? I don't think Super Scribbler 3D is in the cards, so could it be a controller not unlike the Nintendo Wii's?
Even more motion-sensing from the Sony camp could backfire. But not if they decide to bring us back our old controller in favor of this new motion-sensing one. Of course, Nintendo fans would have something to say about it if this pen-like device stepped up to replace the DualShake as we currently know it. And then again, maybe we're shooting in the dark here and it's nothing to give any attention to at all. Your thoughts?
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July 21st, 2006, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
According to StreetInsider.com, Sony has made an agreement with Collaboration Properties, Inc. to license an extensive patent worldwide. The agreement is for the standard terms and conditions for the field of videoconferencing. But this covers Sony's "video conference apparatus as well as other products including video-enabled personal computer products and Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation products." Let's think about this. Using video for computer products and possibly the PS3? This sounds like a preemptive strike to halt any future lawsuits from Sony's new EyeToy. Or maybe in response to this. So does this mean the PS3 will have the ability to videoconference, virtually slap the people on tv, or create Wii-like games? A lot of bases are covered, but there's always dirt covering the corners. Hopefully this helps a little bit, though.
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July 21st, 2006, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Some good news from IGN today. Epic's Unreal Engine 3, the most talked about graphics engine for next-gen consoles, has been licensed by Sony Online Entertainment. Sony Online has already released statements about using the engine for their future titles, including an unnamed MMO based on the DC Comics universe. This may be a good substitute for the voided Endless Saga. Although the MMO isn't limited to PS3, it's still at least one coming to the PS3.
SOE president John Smedley had this to say about the license aquisition: "The combination of a top-notch graphics engine and a robust set of design tools will enable our teams to deliver incredible and innovative game content for next-generation consoles and the PC." Hooray! Right? Well, until we actually can play this engine ourselves to judge its hyped awesomeness, let's just assume this is a good thing.
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July 21st, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
In case you missed our report yesterday, Famitsu broke the news on Level 5's oft rumored PSP project, officially titled Jeanne d' Arc. Today, we have additional details from a Famitsu interview with producer and Level 5 president Akihiro Hino, and Jeanne d' Arc director Ken Motomura.
Jeanne d' Arc is a strategy RPG featuring grid-based strategy elements. While only a few details have been revealed on the game's strategic battle system, the storyline, which blends French history with videogame style fantasy, has drawn lots of attention. Also contributing to the hype is that Level 5's past two titles were Dragon Quest VIII and Rogue Galaxy, both well received.
Level 5 decided that it wanted to make a strategy RPG prior to the launch of the PSP, Hino disclosed to the magazine. With the launch of the PSP, Hino felt that he had to make a game for the system, so he and Motomura began discussing a concept for the title. Hino felt that a game based off historical happenings could be interesting, and the idea that floated into his mind was the French hero Jeanne d' Arc (known more commonly in English as Joan of Arc).
The deciding factors for going with this particular part of history were that Level 5 had yet to make a game with a female hero and that the middle ages setting would fit well with a strategy RPG. However, Hino also wanted to add magic and monsters to the mix, resulting in the historical fantasy setting of the game.
Arriving at this unexpected setting was just the first step. Level 5's development staff went through a lengthy process of determining what to do with the game's characters and scenario. It was a long time before actual game development started, commented Hino to the magazine.
With the mix of history and fantasy, you might be wondering just how much emphasis the game places on either side. According to Hino, Level 5 started off by strictly following the history books, and added its own creative arrangements afterwards. When playing the game, the first half is meant to follow history, with the last half having a greater focus on "if" elements.
Characters are split half and half between real and fictitious. Sometimes quite literally. One character who actually exists in real life takes the form of a lion in the game in order to show his strength.
Regarding gameplay, Hino stated that Level 5's goal was to make a battle system that would be suitable for both newcomers and hardcore fans of the strategy RPG genre. The development staff looked at previous strategy RPGs, removed areas it thought to be too hard core, and added new elements. As mentioned in yesterday's preview, original elements include the Burning Side and Connection Guard systems. Other new systems, including the "Skill Stone" and "Transformation" systems, are a mystery now, but will be properly unveiled at a later date.
Level 5 seems to have a whole lot of content planned for its first PSP title. We can expect around 150 characters, including guest appearances from Level 5's other titles, and between 40 and 50 stages. The stages, according to Motomura, are meant to take between 10 and 30 minutes, as the team doesn't want to battles that last too long.
With a Japanese release set for this Winter, we expect to get a closer look at Jeanne d' Arc in the not so distant future, and maybe even get some hands on time at the September Tokyo Game Show. Strategy RPG fans should stay tuned!
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July 21st, 2006, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
Will i ever get to bed tonght, not if the PSP scene has anything to do with it, but its always nce to be first with the news 
Ric has released a new version of his Amiga emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
This is a Maintenance Release to Fix some Bugs
v0.52 - maintenance release
- Corrected 0 byte memory bug when loading/saving options
- Renamed the SAVESTATE folder to STATE
- Added 5 additional savestate slots
- Corrected some text strings
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July 21st, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony BRAVIA is offering free exclusive, PlayStation®Portable content to support their highly anticipated sequel to the ground-breaking ‘Balls’ ad. The collaboration will form part of a wider European digital marketing campaign surrounding the new ad for the brand’s range of market-leading, high definition LCD TVs.
More info
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July 21st, 2006, 08:12 Posted By: Kaiser
kozine has released a new flashing app for 1.5 PSP's. Here's what he had to say about the release.
Hey guys,
Here is my latest project. You havent heard from me for a little why but this is what ive been working on.
Aqua-set is a flashmod for 1.50 firmware PSP's. Currently,
this does not contend with Art's Xflash at all but I wanna
catch up lol. Anyhow, Currently, as this is an Alpha version,
treat this as a proof of concept. In this version you can:
Change Wallpapers
Change Font
Change Gameboot
Change Bootsound
Not alot but it does work Im hoping to add a theme installed
if I have permission from SodR. I am also going to try and
include a custom firmware installer.
via kozine
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July 21st, 2006, 09:35 Posted By: BrooksyX
Here is my Lua game Sonic Adventure 2D.
It is my first Lua game, so i am using it to learn the language.
Currently Moving and Jumping is supported and more features will be added later.
Please let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.
edit here is a screenshot:
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July 21st, 2006, 15:33 Posted By: wraggster
A concern raised with me about the legality of Custom Firmwares and also Devhook (Not the legal UMD version).
Lets look at Devhook, apart from the UMD version that we have at PSP News the other versions play illegal content and thus not only damage the PSP (i couldnt care less about Sony losing money but if the console was to die then that would be a shame), but they do incredible harm to the real homebrew scene, a scene that likes to stay legal, the sad thing is is that most PSP sites post both homebrew and the more dodgy stuff and glorify it too, some to the extreme of getting it on the big sites like Slashdot, but this isnt the way we want the homebrew scene to be, yes its ok to post hacks and exploits but anything with ISOs is very dodgy.
Then you have the Custom Firmwares, now as far as i know no one apart from Sony is legally allowed to have their firmware for download, i know they even went after sites like lik sang for having a mirror of the firmware, Now the custom firmware releases are good and all but the legality issue is one that should make all PSP webmasters take notice, remember if you host the file and it bricks a PSP then surely the likelyhood of being sued is there.
The real shame is that the PSP Scene which is the biggest ive known isfacing harm and with that bringing a lot of warezers to the homebrew arena.
Id like to hear from Devs, Hackers and any Legal experts their views on the issues above.
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July 21st, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: TeamOverload
Since you need to be on your PSP for that site, I will quote it:
LocoRoco Rewards Starting on July 19 to August 19, you will be able to get exclusive LocoRoco prizes!
For a limited time only, we will be giving away special LocoRoco Thank-You Gifts to everyone who plays "LocoRoco Download Demo 1.01" and successfully leads lots of LocoRoco's friends to the goal.
By typing in the password that appears in the upper right corner of the final screen, you will be given prizes such as new BGM sound files and original wallpaper files based on how many LocoRocos you saved.
Note: This offer is good only with the "LocoRoco Download Demo 1.01"
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July 21st, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: Accordion
a new 3D engine for the psp has been made for free use, and a new demo has been released today, which is absolutely incredible
heres some info from the site at
3D Engine
Mixed 2D + 3D
Powerful and customizable 2D GUI
Character animation system
Particle effects
Dynamic Lights
Powerful 2D with alpha, blend, etc..
Six image formats supported
Eight mesh formats supported
Fonts support
Collision and physics integrated
Powerful terrain system
and much more ...
LTE 3D Engine is based on Irrlicht 1.0 (http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net)
LTE 3D Engine is developed by SiberianSTAR (siberianstar@hotmail.it) and Ky@ (superberta@gmail.com)
LTE Editor is developed by Ky@ (superberta@gmail.com)
Special thanks goes to Jeremy Fitzhardinge for his PSPGL (http://www.goop.org/psp/gl) and for helping me, and to PSMonkey."
from the credits it would seem this is the new engine psmonkey is planning for his projects such as IRIS, the demo certaianly looks that way anyway
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July 21st, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: shadowprophet

Two Great Vettacossx Turrican Mods have landed on my doorstep today guys!!
First up is Devel may cry!! This mod is truely jaw droping!! You can tell Vetta Has been working overtime to make all our homebrew dreams come true!!

Then we have simpsons Homers Rampage Dawd Mod, This one is for the simpsons fan in all of us!

After trying both these mods, and picking my chin up off the floor,lol, Im left wondering whats next from our Bro Vettacossx, And then of course I went to make this post and found that Vetta indeed has Gave us some insite to his future works of wonder!!
Vettacossx Things to come
Resident Evil mod.
MegaMan X mod.
SONIC X mod.
METROID (of course).
ff7 BARRET mod.
ff7 VINCENT mod.
and any other request I get from my fellow DCemu PSP-NEWS members enjoy 
About these file's. Like the last, these file's were too large to upload in one peace, Just download both parts of each file, and let win rar do the rest,
Wow, Talk about a busy man!! lol Thanks again goes to Vettacossx Who Has taken the modding scene by storm!! Keep up the great work Brother!!
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July 21st, 2006, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Brian Lara International Cricket is stepping up to the crease once again in a 2007 edition that's heading to PS2, Xbox 360 and PC, Codemasters has announced this morning.
The game will launch in March next year to coincide with the ICC Cricket World Cup 2007, and cricket fans will no doubt be pleased to hear the sequel features - officially, no less - ICC Cricket World Cup 2007 content.
Brian Lara 2007 will build on the gameplay witnessed in the previous title (Brian Lara International Cricket 2005), according to Codemasters, with a promise that "extra depth" will be added to batting, bowling and fielding. The game engine is being revamped and licensed players, official teams, stadia, kits and equipment from the ICC 2007 tournament are being stuffed in.
In addition, fans can expect a fully licensed ICC Champions' Trophy competition and exhibition matches including One Day Games, Test Matches and exciting 20-over run fests. Plus, PC and Xbox 360 versions of the title will release with multiplayer, LAN and online for the former platform and Xbox Live action for the latter.
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July 21st, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
A question mark has lingered over Sony's UK release plans for the 20Gb PS3 in the last few months - i.e. will it launch here or won't it? It has to be said, things have been looking doubtful but - all of a sudden - there's a wee ray of light at the end of the tunnel for old Blighty residents hoping to see the 'dinkier' model skipping to these shores.
While nothing is set in stone, SCE UK's David Wilson told GamesIndustry.biz today that the likelihood is that both 60Gb and 20Gb PS3 models will be made available on these shores. He explained that Sony is, at this time, in "a period of open consultation with retail and consumers to decide on the best way to approach the impending launches of both SKUs."
But even if the 20Gb PS3 is given the green light, it may be that both models don't launch simultaneously in the UK on November 17 - PS3's European launch day. Wilson went on to say that Sony will be talking more about its designs for PS3's launch in the next few weeks.
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July 21st, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Take-Two Interactive today announced that the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) inquiry concerning hidden sexual content in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has formally closed. All outstanding matters pending before the FTC have been settled and no penalties or fines have been assessed. Although Take-Two was not fined, the company will be subject to civil penalties of $11,000 for future violations. 'We look forward to putting this behind us and focusing on what we do best - creating videogames,' said Take-Two President and Chief Executive Officer Paul Eibeler
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July 21st, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
THQ has released the first PlayStation 2 shots of WWE SmackDown! vs Raw 2007 and in the process has confirmed two new superstars for the game's roster.
Before these two shots (see Booker T on the images tab above) appeared the only screens available were generic next-gen shots designed to show off the incredible detail we should expect from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.
These latest shots are slightly less glossy but just as impressive; the skin textures aren't as authentic and the arena's crowds aren't as populated, but they are certainly an improvement on last year's game.
The wrestlers in the shots are of course Booker T and Chris Benoit who join Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Triple H and John Cena as the only WWE Superstars to be confirmed for the 2007 edition so far.
Apart from these screenshots there's been little news on WWE SmackDown! vs Raw 2007 of late but, as we move towards its November release, we expect the full roster to be confirmed and more details about the next-gen season mode to come to light.
Screens Here
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July 22nd, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Firmware Modification program for the PSP:
- Support for applying Dark_AleX's latest custom firmware mod
and reversal of it, complete with ASCII graphics configurator.
- Implement Freeplay & Fluff's Name Plate picture mod in the PSP's
about screen. name_plate.png is checked for size and resolution.
- Program checks existence of Xflash/Dump, and Xflash/Registry folders
when required, and creates them if they do not exist.
- Program checks for firmware dump before simulation mode starts.
- Program checks for at least 16Mb free space on Memory Stick before
firmware dump if the Xflash/Dump folder doesn't already exist.
- Menu code optimization.
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July 22nd, 2006, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Recently, Next-Gen.biz wrote up a snippit relating to the Taiwanese manufacturer, Asustek, who are major producers of the Playstation 3. Relating to the leaked reports of completed PS3 units being shipped to Sony, Asustek gave a mighty wag of its finger to the media for leaking such information. The report may damage their clients, they say. But, how would the report of shipping completed units before deadline be damaging? Perhaps other clients were supposed to have projects completed first but Sony got dibs?
Asustek refused to comment on the actual shipping of units. If they did start shipping retail units to Sony, who would want to grab one right now? Not much to do with it... perhaps display it on a shelf, play a Blu-Ray movie or two, or test its endurance. Perhaps Asustek's shipped units are for use at the Tokyo Game Show, since no actual numbers were released, it could have been a handful.
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July 22nd, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Normally, rumors should be treated just as rumors and taken with a couple dozen grains of salt, but every once in a while one comes along that is, at the very least, fun to debate. According to Kotaku.com, a reputable source recounted an off-the-record conversation with Ken Kutaragi regarding his motives. He is said to be interested "only in consoles and technology. He does not care about the market." There's internal strife at Sony, since many disagree with Kutaragi in that respect. Not to mention twin-K's stance on the PS3 being for a "specific customer" and not a machine for all people (a la Wii's angle).
Another point of noticeable dischord is an inability to agree on what the PS3 actually is. Some say a game machine, some say a movie player. But no one is saying it's akin to a PC? Hmm. I thought that was a Sony angle, but apparently it wasn't even mentioned. The split in what the PS3 is causes a rupture in the market as well. People wanting a game machine will be put off by the Blu-Ray inclusion and people wanting a movie player aren't interested in a game machine.
Development costs were also mentioned. The source claimed that "many small and medium-sized developers are not making PS3 games, because costs are astronomical. Instead, they are switching to the Wii, the DS and the Xbox 360." More or less, but the last statement from the source claiming everyone thinks the PS3 is a risk is a bit off, since we've mentioned quite a few supporters now and then. Again, grain of salt. What does everyone think?
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July 22nd, 2006, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of Launchelf for the PS2 has been released, heres whats new:
-Changed some incorrect strings in the supplied example LAUNCHELF.CNF
-Merged JPG viewer contributed by Polo
-Merged EE timer functions contributed by Polo
-Modified paste progress calculations for better precision
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July 22nd, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Following this week's unveiling in Famitsu, Sony Computer Entertainment has opened up a website for Jeanne D'Arc, an original PSP strategy RPG from Level 5, the maker of Dragon Quest VIII and Rogue Galaxy. The Japanese language page can be accessed here.
The site has some content you'll want to check out, so here's how to navigate. The five navigation bars on the top right of the flash section take you to "World View," "Story," "Character", "System", "Movie" and "Download" pages. Currently, system and download are inactive.
While waiting for more content, we'd suggest going to the movie section to download the promotion movie. It's full of gameplay and animated sequences and should convince you of how much potential this game has.
Check out the video at the link above
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July 22nd, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
If you took the time to attend Sony's PSP University at the San Diego Comic Con this morning here is the only news of note you missed.
Turns out the PSP will work as a remote for the PS3. According to the speaker it will have additional functionality and interactivity with Sony's next-gen PlayStation 3, but more details weren't revealed.
Other info and bullet points you missed (not much news to anyone who has kept up):
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Pursuit Force are "great games" and "great reasons to own a PSP."
Ads for PSP Greatest Hits Collection which will be released on July 25.
Clips from upcoming games like Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.S. Fireteam Bravo 2, and Gangs of London (all of which look pretty cool).
Movie Trailers of movies coming to UMD format like Napoleon Dynamite and Office Space
PSP's firmware update next Thursday will offer RSS Video feed support for its web browser (it already supports RSS audio feed)
Thursday's firmware update will also have a demo of World Tour Soccer 2
There are no plans to improve text entry on the PSP and no plans for a first-party keyboard
Sony is in discussion with wireless providers to create more internet hotspots for your PSP to connect easily to the web
Video out is something they know is important and are working on getting done
Sony Connect is working on a way to provide downloadable movies (similar to the music they currently provide), but are held up trying to find a system to protect intellectual properties
If you stuck around through to the end of class Sony handed out 32MB Memory Sticks with demos and game trailers, too. Score!
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July 22nd, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from AMN
Fans of the original Power Stone get ready for the series triumphant return on the PSP. The series originally appeared on the Sega Dreamcast and was enjoyed by many. Some compare the title to Super Smash Bros with its party type fighting genre and gameplay. Capcom has finally decided it's time to give the series another go and release it on the PSP. Later this Fall the PSP will receive Power Stone Collection, which will feature the first Power Stone as well as its sequel, will also feature a bunch of new PSP exclusive features as well.
With the release of Power Stone Collection for the PSP expect the same great gameplay and feel from the original Dreamcast versions. When the title releases later this year expect fast-paced gameplay, sharp graphics, a solid single player arcade mode, and plenty of multiplayer modes.
The arcade mode will allow players to play through a variety of levels and battle a number of opponents. Instead of the traditional one-on-one fighting like most fighters Power Stone mixes things up so in some matches you'll be battling one opponent then the next match four opponents. This adds a nice mix to the traditional formula. Perhaps you might want to check out the training mode before taking on the tough opponents in the single player mode though. In training mode you will be able to hone all your abilities, skills, items, and weapons. Remember practice makes perfect.
The PSP will feature a new multiplayer mode with Ad/Hoc support allowing you to play all your friends who own a PSP. The game will also feature Game sharing mode and will allow up to three others to play using a single UMD disc. With the transition to the PSP screen Capcom has upgraded there camera system. Not only will players get a wider view of the action, tailored for the PSP system’s widescreen, but they can also toggle between wide, mid and close range views of the action at any time.
Everyone knows that whenever they play a good fighter they always want a picture of the move they pulled off so they can brag to their friends. Well know you can do that in Power Stone Collection with the all new Screenshot mode. Pause during the game and simply adjust the camera to take the perfect picture of the perfect move.
Power Stone Collection is set to hit the PSP later this year. This will be a breathe of fresh air for PSP owners with the games fast-paced gameplay, cartoony graphics, and great line-up characters.
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July 22nd, 2006, 13:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
NCAA Football 07 owners (IGN included) were shocked earlier this week to discover a rather disturbing flaw in the running game. Instead of marking a player as down once he lost forward momentum or was tackled, the game instead marked a back as down at the point of initial contact. This one glitch rendered much of the ground game unusable, as players discovered many of their first down runs cut in half, or even cancelled out entirely. Irate owners of the title took to message boards, posting videos of the glitch, as well as demanding that some action be taken to solve the problem. After confirming this issue in the retail version of the game, IGN contacted EA Sports directly to get an official comment on the situation.
EA Sports did address the issue. A spokeswoman told IGN that "EA is aware of the problem" and will be working on a patch to solve the glitch found in the game. While there is no ETA on when the patch will be available to the public (because it will need to go through rigorous testing), EA Sports said that it is committed to making sure that the problem doesn't crop up again, and is looking into exactly what caused the incorrect yardage marking.
So take heart, portable football fans -- there will be some redressing of the running game soon. We'll let you know when the patch is available as soon as possible.
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July 22nd, 2006, 13:10 Posted By: wraggster
IGN have done a review of the new Tekken game for the PSP, heres the conclusions:
IGN's Ratings for Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
9.0 Presentation
Story modes for more than 30 different characters, tolerable load times, an excellent interface, Game sharing, and some of the best production values on PSP are just the beginning.
9.5 Graphics
One of the single-best visual experiences for the PSP yet, Dark Resurrection does have ghosting and jaggies, but does everything else damn-near perfectly. Great art too!
9.0 Sound
This could be the best Tekken soundtrack yet, the voice-overs sound great, and the audio effects are all top level.
9.0 Gameplay
Hardware d-pad problems aside, the fighting engine here is the best on the platform. Tough AI, dozens of fighting styles, an endless array of moves, and a number of modes go a long way.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
Uploadable and downloadable ghosts, addictive mini-games, and a kick-ass dojo mode accompany a deep character customization feature and the best "versus" gameplay on PSP.
Outstanding OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Full Review HERE
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July 22nd, 2006, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPworld
Did Sony Computer Entertainment America senior vice president of marketing Peter Dille let the cat out of the bag too early? In his interview with UPI regarding the future of the PSP, which we reported on yesterday, Dille said “this fall EA is publishing PSP-specific versions of its popular Def Jam, Medal of Honor and Godfather franchises”. The mention of Medal of Honor is a new one apparently and not covered in EA’s recent announcment about games coming out for the PSP this fall.
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July 22nd, 2006, 17:13 Posted By: SukkoPera
mstest is a small bash script which uses several commonly installed UN*X tools to test the performance and wealth of a Memory Stick through a PSP.
At the moment, it is only tested on Linux 2.6, and it might require changes in order to run on different kernels. Note that it *MIGHT* also run on Windows, by using CygWin or MinGW. Please report if you succeed in running it on a
different system .
The program can be downloaded at http://www.nogood.it/sukkopera/misc/mstest-0.1.tar.bz2
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July 23rd, 2006, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Fluff posted this news detailing the next release of the shell thats being released soon:
We've added a new member to the psix team, DefBase, additionally there has been some mighty fine skins being made on the forums, some of which will be selectable in the next version of Exis, which should be out soon.
New skin?
Here it is, keep in mind that this may change a little in between now and the next update, Hopefully Feldors skin "Dark Exis" will be ready for the release of the update too.
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July 23rd, 2006, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have released a new content pack for the PSP, heres whats in it:
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light Wallpapers (ESRB = E10)
God of War® II Trailer (ESRB = RP)
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Media (ESRB = M)
Micro Machines V4 Media (ESRB = E10)
Lollapalooza 2006 Festival Schedule
Lollapalooza Artist Bios
Ozzfest 2006 Wallpapers
Vans Warped Tour Wallpapers
Vans Warped Tour Music Samples
Vans Warped Tour 2005 GAP Video
Sounds good eh,
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July 23rd, 2006, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste posted this new release and news:
Hello here, i have work on a new shell for the psp (yet another psp shell  ).
I have worked hard on the eboot loader/stream part of the appz and im really happy of the result.
It should be possible to launch almost all homebrew games and emulators with streaming possibility unlike IrShell.
Its why i release an early beta of "My Psp Shell", i know that people will help to test this base and find bugs
Many more to come.
Also i have a question about the lastest PSPLINK, i dont really understand the new reboot mode (@game @vsh ..).
Can somone give me more information about this ? (maybe tyranid if you read this).
Thanks in advance.
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July 23rd, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony are to release a new official firmware next week, we dont know for sure if this is the PSone emulator firmware but what would be in your wish list,
Lets see what we can come up with
- Wifi Radio
- Wifi TV
- PSone Emu
Anyone got any better suggestions? Post in the comments if you have 
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July 23rd, 2006, 10:36 Posted By: Kaiser
MTWomg has done it again by patching the great Devhook program (created by Booster) and making it clean for us. Devhook 0.45 includes new controls for flash emulation and a few other new memory-stick protecting measures. In laymens terms this new version is more stable then ever before and in the world of Homebrew risk its always nice for safer eboots.
I've also included a token guide for those who may be new to Devhook. Remember that the version mistakingly number reads out as v0.44.
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July 23rd, 2006, 19:34 Posted By: PSPCRACKER
Pox and Ragable have just finished their episode of PSP Hacking 101 MOD CHIP. The new episode features a complete, what you'll need and how to install the Undiluted Platinum modchip on your PSP.
you can download it here: psphacking101.com
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July 23rd, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Cpasjuste has released a new version of his Streaming Homebrew Shell for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 2 :
- Pslink USB Shell now fully working in usbhost mode, you can connect to you psp while running your favorite homebrew using pcterm.exe then use the power of psplink.
(Change cpu speed on the fly, load/start prx, take screenshots, debug psp, and many more, type "help" in the USB SHELL to see available commands).
- Launch your own Psplink scripts from the gui, (Use usb shell help to see available commands, or psplink pdf).
You can test it with the inclued "loadvsh.sh" file in MyPspShell folder.
- Load and Start .prx modules files.
- 2 ways for launching homebrews, prx modules and scripts :
- Direct start : leave "My Psp Shell" in sleeping mode, allowing USB SHELL connection, work on most homebrews in ms0 or usbhost0 mode.
- Kill MyPspShell then start : usefull for homebrews requiering a lot of memory (eg: snes9xTYL in nethost mode, Callisto in nethost mode..).
- Easier installation for all custom or non-custom firmware PSP.
- Resolved a big memory stick corruption bug on 1.50 PSPs without custom firmware. You should now be able to use all features of "My Psp Shell" without problem,
including the launch of the Dark_Alex 1.50 custom firmware (START button).
- SceKernelExitGame bug almost fixed, quit homebrew should bring back to "My Psp Shell" now.
- Some bug fixes.
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July 23rd, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Kojima has released a new Opensource 3D engine for the PSP, heres the details:

Here's the first alpha of raptor 3d, It's a hybrid engine that is a port of MiniB3D by simon harris, and my own engine Trinity, both of which are open source pc gl engines.

It's wrote against the latest svn version of pspgl and as such requires you have it installed before using this.
Currently the project is a single file containing a small demo and the engine, by alpha2 maybe 3, it will be organized into seperate files for each class.
Current engine features:
SceneGraph with child/parent relationships.
Multi-texture material (Only 1 one texture supported atm, need to do multi-pass stuff)
Full suite of entity maniuplation functions, including position/rotate/lookat/scale etc.
Matrix class.
2D Engine using pens for fast orthogonal 2d rendering of rects/lines 2d textures.
2D Gui, with windows, buttons, plugin styles and more, including full mouse cursor emulation via the nub, dpad and action buttons, sliders, canvas etc
Full support for static b3d files made popular by the blitz3d Application.
Font renderer.(Uses texture based fonts)
Logger (Create text logs and log output via Logger->Log())
And some other stuff.
Next version will add boned animation via b3d and more including multi-pass texturing.
As this is open source, I'd be happy to have others contribute to the engine or even put it on the svn if enough people use it
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July 23rd, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster

NJ the coder of the Best Neogeo MVS and Neogeo CD emulators for the PSP has now released the first dedicated CPS1 Emulator for the PSP:
Heres the translated whats new:
The game of QSOUND does not operate yet.
Because the idea contest is omission but, is difficult, this way.
* With old game of large demon boundary village and the like, dip switch of demonstration sound and continuing permission
Inscription becoming opposite, it increases. You correct with the following release, it is with.
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July 23rd, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of a Tetris game for the PSP that was released in July 2005, this release has several fixes and moved to the new PSPsdk and other new features.
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July 23rd, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: Kaiser
I'm sure many people thought this project would end up as vapourware when I first posted news on Jman420's little project. Here I am today happily reporting we have the first screenshots of it running with 3D character models and rendered backgrounds. Its only a matter of time before the team releases a tech demo.
Here's what the lead programmer Hardhat had to say:
Well, I finally got some debugging done. I'm now loading the cameras successfully, and the displaying the backgrounds correctly. I don't yet use the camera, but that'll come soon. I've made a build to show off my modest progress. I'm sending it to the team, but I'm posting some screen shots too.
Generic Survival Horror Clone #1 Team: Jman420, Hardhat, accordian boy, Meyitzo,Sumo X, NeoDudeMan and rmedtx.
Remember to check out the project page and the development thread.
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July 24th, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Jbird has released Alpha Triple Triad which is based on the card game from Final Fantasy VIII, heres the info he posted:
I've Chosen to release this WIP
It Shows The Core Menu and the Buying of Cards for your decks.
Press Square to place card on board.
Dual color menu (Black or White)
Buy cards for your hand
Multiple Unlockable Card Backs (viewable in this Demo only)
Multiple Unlockable Game Boards
2 Save Files
Continue a game in play
Known Bugs in this Release:
-from the NEW GAME and CONTINUE menu if you
chose cards and then back out you cannot use these cards again.
-The playing is screwed up right now but im still working on the rules.
To Do:
-*FIXED*-Cards on Board thing.
(The whole reason for the menu)
See Below Photos
-The Extra rules need to be incorporated.
(If any one wants to Help....)
-There are about 30 more cards i wish to include.
(cannot due to memory restrictions with lua.i can get them to show and be playable but wanted to leave room for the extra rules and features before i tried to add them.)
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July 24th, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: tommydanger
Hi all o/
I want to introduce you Tommys PSPVBA v0.1
It's based on Zx-81 PSPVBA v1.1.0 so it should work on on both 1.5 and 2.0+(untested) firmware.
First of all, it isn't any faster, my main focus for this release was more features. Features that I like and miss in the original PSPVBA (though great great work ZX-81 o/ )
Here are the new features:
-improved rombrowser
--displays romsize
--marks roms red that are incompatible
--ability to delete roms in the rombrowser
-multiple rom settings
-autoload last played rom at startup
Usage is based on PSPVBA by Zx-81, however there are some new functions:
To delete a rom, go into the rombrowser - select one and press LTRIGGER. It will then inform you that you're about to delete the rom, press X and you're done.
As you may know PSPVBA only support roms up to 16MB, if the rom you are trying to load is greater than 16MB it will print out a warning and will also inform you that you're trying to load a rom that will not work properly.
To save your rom settings, simply save your settings in the main menu and it will save the settings exclusively for this particular rom. Just load another one and save the settings like before and you have saved the settings exclusively for this particular rom. I think you get it When you try to load a rom and there is already a settings file it will load this file instead of the default one.
Source is included.
See COPYING.txt for more info.
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July 24th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: Wally
StrmnNrmn said this on his Blog today.
I've had a fairly productive weekend. I've been working on a few improvements on the dynamic recompiler, and I've managed to both decrease the amount of memory it's using (by approximately 10-12%), and increase the emulator's speed (by around 7-10%).
I don't want to get into too many details just yet, as I'm planning on putting together a more detailed post with all the gory details (and a few graphs  later in the week.
In a related change, I've also managed to identify and fix an issue (read 'bug') with the dynarec that may have been causing stability problems on v1.0 firmware PSPs. This may explain some of the differences in stability users of the different builds have been seeing.
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July 24th, 2006, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
According to the German THQ site, there will no longer be a PlayStation 3 SKU of THQ's WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007. Despite being announced in May for the PS3, the game appears to have been shelved for the time being. Or has it? A site admin for the German THQ site had this to say:
WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2007 will not be published for the PS3: the title is still coming for PlayStation 2, PSP, and Xbox 360. The background is that the PS3 version became substantially delayed and would be finished much later, so the development team would rather concentrate their resources on the three other platforms. Future games in the SmackDown! series will appear, however, for PlayStation 3. Still if something should change in the present planning, it will be announced here.
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July 24th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster

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Team Xtender have announced the upcoming release of a new range of faceplates for the PSP:
We present our Smooth as Silk XCM Face Plate series. With various faceplates to choose from, your PSP is going to look brand new everyday.
The Smooth as Silk faceplate has been colored using a special process that makes the faceplate extra smooth, enhancing your gaming experience.
New mold. New lens. Special smooth coating . The best quality plastic.
What's in the box
- Includes the digital pad (D-Pad) & analog stick
- Includes all face buttons (start, select, volume, display, audio & home)
- Includes all 4 main action buttons (2 sets)
- Includes screw driver.
- The first 3 colors will be Black, White , Yellow ,pack separately in blister package.
Expect them at a seller near you soon
Check www.teamxtender.com for updates and more cool teamxtender products.
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July 24th, 2006, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Hideo Kojima spilled this info:
No way it will fit on a DVD9. Wouldnt give me a number as how big the game will be. Said he couldnt do that, and nothing is been confirmed as how big the final game will be, cause "there still making it." But went on about how Sony is pushing HD content and in no way will it be possible to fit it on a normal DVD, and BD is totally necessary for MGS4.(he kept calling it BD) I brought up compression, but he didnt seem like he liked that idea. Forgot what he said. Basically they dont want to do that. I dunno. This lead into a question about resolution.
-MGS4 will be 1080. Im assuming 1080p, but he said 1080. He said Sony is "forcing" them to do it in 1080. He hesitated when he said this. Im thinking he could not find the right word, and chose to say "forcing." But didnt really mean that. As he continued to talk about it I assumed he meant "pushing". So anotherwards Sony is really pushing for 1080p on MGS4, and he said thats what it will be.
- wouldnt reveal whos grave it is. said you will have to wait and see.
-Expect MGS4 to be in playable form next E3. He gave me a "hint" as he put it, and said to expect it to follow like all the MGS games have done in the past. In that they were always shown in playable form for the first time in the same year they were released. Which all happened to be at E3. so its releasing in 2007, so expect it at the 07 E3. I sugested TGS but this is what he told me
- still learning the PS3 A lot of things are moving along nicely, but they are also struggling with other things. Because of this he told me this is the biggest MGS team ever, and they have tons of people working on the game. Since its a next gen PS3 game. Made it seem like it was kinda hard to develope on PS3 thus far.
-Tilt controller might be used for cracking necks. I asked him about the tilt controller, and he said there testing a lot of things out. I said how I thought it would be really cool if you could crack guards necks with the controller. He laughed and sai another team member came up with the same idea, and there testing it out. He kept reiterating the fact, "ther estill making it"
Kojima has idea's about another ZOE wouldnt confirm anything. But said he thought Kojima wanted to do another one, but is busy with MGS4 right now. Didnt know wether he meant there are already plans for a next ZOE, or already has ideas for it. Whastever it is, it means will will most liekly see a ZOE3 sometime in the future.
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July 24th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi Console Emulator, that supports
PC Engine
Famicom (NES)
This is a bugfix release
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July 24th, 2006, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPFanboy
IGN was one of the first outlets out of the gate with a Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth review as they awarded it an Editor's Choice award, but now, more reviews have been pouring in. While this is another port, which some people don't seem to like, it seems like it's one of the best RPGs yet for our beloved PSP. However, that may not mean a whole lot since the PSP's RPG library is nothing to write home about. Will Lenneth change all that?
IGN (85/10) gets right to the point by saying it's "the best RPG that the PSP has received to date."
1UP (80/100) appreciates the change of pace Lenneth brings to the table. "As an originator, Valkyrie Profile is an inspired maverick in a field of me-too RPGs, beautiful to look at and exciting to play."
Gamespot (75/100) thinks it's a decent game, but only fans of the genre may have fun with it when they said, "A solid port of a one-of-a-kind role-playing game that is endlessly appealing to genre fans who are looking for something different, but it's a bit too dense for everyone else."
So there you have it. While Lenneth doesn't appear to be anything spectacular, it should offer someone itching for some RPGing on the go a lot of fun.
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July 24th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Preview News from IGN
Hitting shelves a few weeks after its big brother, ATV Offroad Fury 4, Climax Studios' ATV Offroad Fury Pro aims to give gamers a full-fledged and original take on the series for portable racing. The PSP title separates itself from the fourth game on the PS2 by including unique race modes, vehicle classes, Legend tracks and much more.
Just prior to E3 this year, we had a chance to get our first look at the game. While Sony had gone all out at that event and basically told us everything about the game, the company held an event in downtown San Francisco this past week to give us an updated look at the latest build and see how the game's progressing.
For the first time on the PSP, the ATV series will have its own entirely original title. Rather than being an updated port of one of the PS2's Offroad Fury games, ATV Offroad Fury Pro has been built from the ground-up with the PSP in mind. This means better controls that take the PSP's analog stick into consideration, and what we've played shows that Climax has very much indeed improved the series' playability on the portable. Control is generally much smoother than it was in the past, making navigating hills and tight turns much more natural.
The graphics engine has also seen a nice overhaul. While it obviously doesn't look as great as the forthcoming ATV Offroad Fury 4 on the PlayStation 2, Fury Pro does pack quite a graphical punch on the system. It's running quite well at this point, and even though the outdoor areas can be quite expansive, everything plays quite smoothly with little to no pop-in. Good stuff here.
One pretty cool thing that the game will contain is, in addition to its brand-new original tracks, a collection of "Greatest Hits" tracks from the first three ATV Offroad Fury titles in the PS2. Coupled in with the new vehicles like MX bikes, buggies and trophy trucks, these classic tracks should make for a nice revisit while tackling them in an all new way with the new rides.
We had a chance to check out one of the Endurocross tracks with an MX bike. These are essentially Supercross tracks except that they're specifically designed to make you die. That is, they're scattered with logs, bits of water and other not-so-good-for-your-bike objects. Difficult, yes, but fun as hell. You're basically at the will of the track and the goal is essentially to crash the least amount of times as possible.
A ton of stuff can be traded between ATV Offroad Fury Pro on the PSP and ATV Offroad Fury 4 on the PlayStation 2. The Legend tracks, for example, can be opened on the PS2 by connecting the games together, as are the mini-games. Created tracks can also be swapped between the systems as both games will utilize the same construction parts.
ATV Offroad Fury Pro is currently scheduled for release sometime in October, shortly after ATV Offroad Fury 4 on the PlayStation 2.
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July 24th, 2006, 02:54 Posted By: Zion
I have finally re-coded and released....after a Long delay, an update to my pic viewer------thats why it says v2.0..lol
Here it is at last.....i took a 40 minute break from coding my game to re-code
my picture viewer app....
It is now a automated Picture slideshow with background music. Kind of like windows media player...
There may be another update in the future...i dont know....i might make it a windows media style app....in which you could easilly add even more music and pics to it.
use with lua player, just browse to z-mix folder then to music.lua.
You can also use your own pictures and music with this version...read the readme!
Sorry about the large file size...
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July 24th, 2006, 07:25 Posted By: arobase
Please notice the new version of sudoku for luaplayer
Sudoku is a logic-based placement puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9×9 grid
made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various digits given in some cells (the "givens"); each row, column, and region
must contain only one instance of each numeral.
This game is translate in English, French, Italian (Thanks to Allesandro), German (thanks to Gery),Spanish (thanks to Souleater) and
There is a lot of various backgroung made by Gery.
You can have 4 differentes levels to play (Easy,Mean,Hard,Expert).
Now You can play in limited time
How to use it:
R: Allows to increment the number to be placed on the grid
L: Allows to decrease the number to be placed on the grid
Cross: Place the number on the selected box
Square: Delete the number posted of the selected box
Triangle: Show the whole grid to help you
Picture of the new menu with the levels

An example of background

Source http://www.atelecharger.info/
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July 24th, 2006, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
The Darkness is Starbreeze Studios' follow up to the acclaimed Chronicles of Riddick and today, three fresh screens have slithered in to creep out our Monday morning.
In the comic-to-game adaptation, you'll take on the role of mafia hitman Jackie Estacado, who inherits a demonic power known only as The Darkness - which basically allows him to extend dark tentacles from his body and use them as weapons, or to reach things on very, very tall shelves (okay we made that last bit up).
Anyway those shady appendages will certainly come in handy as Jackie tries to survive the attentions of both the police and his relatives in the Francetti Mafia in this horror shocker.
Scheduled to appear on both Xbox 360 and PS3, The Darkness should certainly be a cracker if it lives up to Riddick's illustrious heritage and might have Alone in the Dark, and possibly even Resi casting nervous looks over their shoulders as it's set to debut before the end of this year.
Screens Here
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July 24th, 2006, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
MotorStorm was one of the most controversial PS3 titles at E3 2005, with critics pointing to an FMV marathon which would probably bear little resemblance to the finished game.
However, a year and a bit down the line there's every sign that MotorStorm is starting to shape up rather nicely and could offer one of the premier PS3 racing experiences around the console's release this November.
You now have a chance to judge for yourself courtesy of a brand new trailer which has just revved on all cylinders to deliver some crunching indications of the off-road antics in store. All manner of souped-up motors, plus quad and trail bikes feature in this minute's worth of gameplay footage and there's even an articulated lorry if you want to deploy some seriously heavy off-road machinery.
Trailer HERE
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July 24th, 2006, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, has been a seminal release on both PC and Xbox 360 this year, re-inventing the RPG for the next generation and re-invigorating a genre which had too few 'must have' titles to appeal to a wider audience. Well, as we reported in April, it seems potential PS3 owners won't be denied their share of the spoils either, with a new product page on US retailer GameStop listing a PS3 version of the game, with a launch date set for the sixth of November, confirming earlier whispers that the title would hit PS3 and PSP.
It's no real surprise, given Oblivion's success on other formats, but quite a delight to see it confirmed in virtual print (well if GameStop aren't whistling out of their nether regions that is). So what can we expect from Oblivion on PS3? Well naturally we've put in a call to Take-Two to try and confirm the existence of the PS3 version, but since they're not answering their phones this morning, we can indulge ourselves in a little harmless speculation.
There's almost certainly going to be downloadable content which has proved such a success on Xbox 360 but who knows if existing modules like The Thieves Den will be included or come as optional extras. More intriguingly, will it attempt to make use of that tilt functionality for some sword swinging action? Only Bethesda knows, but - for the moment at least - it's not saying.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
We could probably build a small fort out of the boxes of all of the Tony Hawk's games released so far, but the franchise is still skating smoothly with new next-gen offering Project 8 hitting the park later this year.
This new Project 8 gameplay movie shows off the visually-pleasing next-gen version of the game, which, along with a brand new game engine, features pro skaters who've been stuck into proceedings using fancy 3D body scan technology. Along with this technical tomfoolery, Project 8 promises more goals, side-missions and mini-games than any other Tony Hawk game before. Let's hope it manages to breathe new life into the ageing series.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 skates in on PS2, PS3, PSP and both flavours of Xbox this autumn.
View the trailer at the link above.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
THQ has confirmed to Eurogamer that the next instalment in the WWE SmackDown series will not be appearing on PlayStation 3.
A statement from the publisher reads: "The highly anticipated WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 is scheduled to ship for Xbox 360, PSP and PlayStation 2 in November.
"Consistent with our goal of delivering the highest quality content across all next-gen platforms, we have decided to postpone the debut of the SmackDown series on PlayStation 3 until the holiday 2007 timeframe."
In other words, they're by no means abandoning the PS3 altogether. SmackDown 2008 will indeed be available for Sony's next-gen console when the game hits shops next year.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster

News Via Gizmodo
Joy to the world, another dock. At least this time it's not for the iPod, but for the Sony PSP. From RockRidgeSound comes the PST-02 Sound Terminal, a PSP dock that tries to make us believe that 2.1-channel stereo sound is some sort of major scientific breakthrough. The dock, which will be available in both black and white, features a 2.75-inch subwoofer to drop all those low frequency, hip hop beats. Word.
The speakers proper pump sound out at 2.4 watts, if 2.4 watts is enough to constitute "pumping." Like every other dock on this planet, it can accept other audio sources because of the inclusion of a 3.5-mm stereo input as well as charge the intended device. Jupiter be praised.
The PST-02 Sound Terminal hits Japan early August for around $68.
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July 24th, 2006, 15:38 Posted By: MasterChafed
Ok, long time, no update, but here it is, the new alpha for halo 2d. This one includes scrolling backgrounds! (finally). I hope u enjoy. Also, this only works with Lua Player .16 not .20. Enjoy.
note: I am only releasing this on dcemu so don't post it Qj.net
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July 24th, 2006, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
Kojima has already updated his Opensource 3D engine for the PSP
Heres whats new:
This version adds visualizers. Visualizers are a plugin based(I.e to create one you inherit the base visualizer class) and each surface has one.
A visualizer's job is to take and sync data, bind it's resources, then render.
Currently there is one visualizer, VL_VertexArray which as the name suggests adds vertex arrays to raptor, so you should see a big speed up from the last release.
The source is still engine/demo all in one, not seperate it yet. (I don't have a great ide so it's easier for me to keep it all in one atm)
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July 24th, 2006, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has updated his Capcom CPS1 emulator for the PSP to Alpha 2, heres the translated whats new:
It corresponded to the game of QSOUND.
Dip switch inscription of the old game was corrected.
Japanese resource the file was added. Method of using is the same as NGEPSP.
QSOUND processing is light, is. To 22050Hz perhaps it is good. Sprite of the scroll surface does not draw with [panitsushiya]. The pattern where VRAM for sprite is not enough somehow. Next becomes beta, but you think that time is required for adjustment for a while.
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July 24th, 2006, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
News From Shacknews
Sony held a presentation during Comic-Con on Friday entitled "PSP University." There was little new information given, with the main goal of the hour-long affair to trumpet various PSP successes and upcoming games and initiatives. Here's a rundown:
- 120 games are currently available for PSP, with over 200 by the end of 2006.
- There are currently over 350 UMD movies and TV shows available. Sony Pictures and Fox still have UMD products in the works.
- Sony stated that in the United States, PSP is about a million units ahead of Nintendo DS, though a representative admitted that DS Lite had a particularly strong debut showing.
- Sony Connect is working on bringing more downloadable video content to PSP, but must first devise a sufficient copy protection method.
- PSP firmware version 2.80 will be released next Thursday and will include RSS video support. Sony strongly encourages keeping the system up to date with the latest upgrades.
- The Greatest Hits program will come to PSP next Tuesday, making certain games available for $19.99 in the US. Those titles will be Ape Escape: On the Loose, ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails, Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee, Twisted Metal: Head On, and WipeOut Pure.
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories has been the most successful PSP title, followed by Madden NFL 06, then SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo.
- Sony may at some point revise certain aspects of PSP, including its speakers and analog nub. However, there are no plans to modify the d-pad.
- Sony has no plans to modify the text entry system for PSP, or to release a keyboard peripheral. However, it is possible that a third party will release a keyboard at some point.
- Sony is looking into the possibility of a video output solution for the system, but ultimately it is up to Sony's Japanese operation.
- According to Sony, the most wanted feature among fans for PSP is functionality with PS3. Thus, PSP will serve as some kind of remote control for PS3. The next most wanted feature is PlayStation games on PSP, which the company has announced will be coming. Fans also requested a camera peripheral, which will be coming this fall. The company is not yet allowed to divulge the camera's megapixel count.
- A Sony representative shared the company's stance on homebrew development: "Overall it's frowned on. Our tech guys have gotten madder and madder lately, and it does void your warranty."
So the tech guys arent happy with the homebrew scene eh, i think we can expect them to work all out to kill off the devhook utility
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July 24th, 2006, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
SephZero has posted some mysterious screens on his website, the screens have Simpleamp on them, so is a new release around the corner, well we will have to wait and see.
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July 24th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Jaapie has released his rather excellent Flash Portal for 2.71 PSP firmware users, this release has 4 apps and as many as 23 games in it and features such releases as PSPTunes.
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July 24th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
We posted about this rather excellent looking new 3D engine for the PSP the other day and now the SDK and Docs have been released too, heres some info about the engine:
3D Engine
Mixed 2D + 3D
Powerful and customizable 2D GUI
Character animation system
Particle effects
Dynamic Lights
Powerful 2D with alpha, blend, etc..
Six image formats supported (.bmp, .png, .jpg, . pcx, .tga, .psd)
Eight mesh formats supported (.md2, .bsp, .x, .3ds, .obj, .dmf, .dae, .ms3d)
Fonts support
Collision and physics integrated
Powerful terrain system
and much more ...
More info/download here --> http://www.ltestudios.com/index.php
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July 24th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sammy Fatnassi has released PSP Kanji, heres the release info:
I've been wanting to create a kanji learning tool for the longuest time, so I finally started on it. This version will allow you to browse Kanjis splitted in the different japanese grade associated with them. Future release will actually include quiz, learnings tools, etc... The source code will eventually be
public, once I'm satisfied with it  Any comments is welcomed.
--- New Version 0.1 ---
-Prototype version, got some nicely animated
windows, displaying kanjis infos.
-Mostly worked on the ground work.
To do
-Add different quiz mode
-Add ability let user create their own kanji list for quiz
-Add support for french.
-Work on GUI
-Add shadow to fonts
-The fantastic Kanjis compilation Kanjidic compiled by Jim Breen
( ftp://ftp.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo/index.html)
-File Assistant Team I got inspired to start on my project after playing around with that nice piece of software. The slick interface got me thinking.
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July 24th, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: Kaiser
deniska posted this rather interesting DIY guide over at his site (deniska.dcemu.co.uk) showing a rather interesting way to make your PSP connect and communicate with a GPS device.
Here is a farely simple way to connect your PSP to a GPS receiver:

You'll need:
- Holux GPSlim236 (~$100)
- Intec G6704 PSP Remote Control (~$11). Alternatively you can rip the connector of your original remote control.
- USB (Mini B) cable ($5-10) (don't use the included USB power cable)
- 1K 1/4watt resistor (>$1)
- Electric tape ($2 roll)
- Soldering iron
- Multimeter (for checking the connector pins, alternatively you can use just a circuit made out of a low voltage bulb and a battery)
- Razor blade (to cut and clean stuff)
Basically, you just need to cut the USB cable and PSP remote plug, figure out which wires go to the connector pins, listed below, and connect them according to the diagram:

Use caution when connecting the wires, make sure all of them are carefully insulated. You don't want to short any of them, since this may brick your PSP or GPS device.
Also, GPSlim 236 spec says that the TXD voltage may range from 3.2 to 5 V, so 1K resistor may not be enough to lower the voltage in some cases. So buy a few resistors: 5k,3k,2k,1k and see if your circuit works with a bigger value resistor first..
Once your cable is finished, test your setup with a little GPS viewer program that I wrote:
The source code is included in the zip...
Note, the program is written to work in kernel mode, so I doubt that it will work on 2+ fw..
Perhaps someone can look in to how to adjust it...
Here is the screenshoot: 
So, waht's the point you ask? I am planning to plug this in to the upcoming map viewer applcation, which, of course will be able to point your gps location on a google-like map in real time... and scroll the map as you move along...
Special thanks to Art and futaris for helpping me out with serial port comm problems...
Almost forgot a disclaimer: As always, I am not responsible for any damages...
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July 25th, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: N1ghtshade
Unfortunately V.20 appears to never havve made it in the news forum. But lucky you! You get to see the awesome improvements from 1.0 without the boring middle step!
This version comes in two flavors. Light and Dark. Sorry in advance about the text on the light backgrounds, I couldn't find a color that would show up any better than white. It's pretty readable.
okay! features:
Google Search changed to Google Search Mobile
Integration with Gmail
Google RSS Reader Mobile
Javascript Games
"hot" Extensions (can be downloaded and used without a computer. Firefox Help and Add-ons)
A link collection of PSP-friendly Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Brief weather report from London (If you don't live in London youcan get more from wunderground.com)
Active Bookmark sychronization!!!
Install instructions:
1. Install the folder FoxGlove into the root of your memory stick.
2. Create a folder called extensions in the COMMON directory (if there isn't one you'll have to make it, inside the folder psp)
3. Point your Browser at file:/foxglove/foxglove.html [HTML not HTM]
4. Make it your homepage! Enjoy!
5. READ THE README TO USE FOXMARKS ACTIVE SYNC. most users will not be able to use it without setting it up first
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July 25th, 2006, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
To compliment yesterday's next-gen trailer, Activision has released a fresh selection of screenshots showing off Tony Hawk's Project 8, which kick-flips into the shops later this year.
So what new gameplay elements can we expect from Tony Hawk's next-gen outing? Well, Activision promises brand new game objectives like film and photo goals, an enhanced physics system and a new "impress the locals" function, where you can pull off tricks for civilians and gain yourself "respect." Drive-bys and board-pimping are unfortunately unconfirmed.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 lands on PS2, PSP, PS3 and both Xboxes in the autumn.
Screenshots at Link Above
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July 25th, 2006, 15:03 Posted By: wraggster
It's been all quiet on the Metal Gear front since the stunning fourth instalment was detailed at this year's E3. But despite being in the thick of development, series mastermind Hideo Kojima recently found time to attend the San Diego Comic Con, where one intrepid message board user managed to extract a few fresh tidbits of MGS4 info.
According to the photo-filled message board post, Kojima revealed at the Comic Con that MGS4 will be fully playable at next year's E3, dashing any hopes of hands-on action at this year's Tokyo Game Show. Apparently, Kojima also blurted that the MGS4 team is aiming for 1080p support in the game at Sony's request, and that he is currently trying out several ideas with the PS3's motion sensing controller, including using it to snap enemy's necks.
Talking about his other big series, Kojima also apparently revealed that he has an idea for a new Zone of the Enders game, which should please fans fearing poor sales had put an end to the series.
In other MGS-related news, Kojima Productions also revealed today its plans for the Leipzig Games Convention, where no less than four MGS titles will be on show. Guns of the Patriots will apparently be represented via a "spectacular video trailer," although it's unclear at this point whether it will be a new trailer of simply a rehash of what we've seen at E3. Brand new we'd suspect and indeed hope.
We'll be on hand at the Leipzig Games Convention next month to find out.
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July 25th, 2006, 15:05 Posted By: D0N
Most of you will probably know by now that Rockstar will be releasing a sequel to the massive hit, GTA Liberty City Stories. We now understand that the US will see the game on October 17th of this year, while the UK can get their hands on a copy three days later. The box art was found on the official website, and it looks like this:

I'm sure we'll all be looking forward to the release of this, and don't worry, I'm sure Booster will have updated his Devhook a few good times before then, to let you play it on 1.5!
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July 25th, 2006, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
nVidia chief Jen-Hsun Huang has gone on record with the San Jose Mercury News to sing the praises of the PS3 and its associated Blu-ray technology, even going so far as to call the console's delay to incorporate Sony's next-gen disk format a 'master stroke'.
The nVidia CEO was supremely confident that the company had backed the right horse this time around after his nVidia originally supplied the GPU for Xbox One, while this time it's providing GPUs for both the Nintendo Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3.
Huang said, "I don't think that working with Sony is wrong. There is no way that is going to be wrong. There are many wonderful things that Sony did. I'm excited that they made Blu-ray high-definition storage as a standard part of the PlayStation 3 platform."
Huang continued, "To postpone it by a few months so they could include Blu-Ray was a master stroke. When that comes out, it's going to look so much more advanced than last-generation game consoles. I think that was a wonderful call on their part."
The nVidia chief also had a warning for Microsoft saying, "I'm not sure how Microsoft is going to do in this transition. They are clever and they will figure out a way. I'll make a prediction that Xbox 360 can't possibly be a DVD-only device by Christmas of next year."
Huang also believes that Blu-ray is the format that is set to dominate proceedings for the next decade, opining, "The important thing is you cannot announce a game console for the next ten years and not have Blu-Ray ...If I'm going to buy a next-generation game console, I'm going to buy a console with next-generation media. It's going to last ten years."
The nVidia boss isn't apparently bothered by the PS3's uber price tag either, making a direct comparison to the PS2's price point when it was launched, "PlayStation 2 was launched seven years ago in Japan at about $399. If you use inflation, it's the same price, approximately."
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July 25th, 2006, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
New From Divineo China

- One chip for v1-V16 (ie works with Jap/NTSC/Pal)
- Auto Boot all media
- DVD All CODE *
- 21 Wire Installation
- Boot from browser
- Direct Boot of DVD9 Games
- Plays PS2 original imports
- Plays PS2 Backups on HK Silvers
- Plays PS2 Backups of originals (cdr/dvdr)
- Plays PS2 EA Backups (Without Patch)
- Plays PS2 Original Imports EA Sport
- Gameshark / Action Replay compatible
- The ability to disable the modchip.
- Plays PSX originals/imports/backups
*( as long as your PS2 supports the relevant TV system standards)
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July 25th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
New From Divineo China

Talismoon hands free car mount for PSP (cradle holder) is made out of the toughest material to ensure quality holding and a long lasting product.
Very simple to install, it keeps your PSP at reach while driving or just sitting in the car. With all the applications available and soon coming on PSP, it is a great accessory for the PSP hard core user!
And as always with Talismoon, it comes with a low price tag for such quality product!
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July 25th, 2006, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Rockstar shed a tiny bit more light on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories this week, revealing that it will cost $49.99 in the US and £34.99 in the UK, and releasing the box artwork for both territories.
The game's due out on PSP in October (17th in the US and 20th in Europe), but Rockstar's been pretty tight-lipped about it so far, other than to say the game will feature "a new storyline, new missions and gameplay" - the same line it took with the PSP's Liberty City Stories, of course.
The UK box art suggests that at least a couple of familiar characters will be returning - again aping the style of LCS, which was set before the storyline of Grand Theft Auto III, and featured turns from younger versions of characters like Donald Love.
UK box artwork.
Indeed, there are plenty of parallels between LCS and VCS - the concept, the release timing, the developer (Rockstar Leeds) - and this has led to suggestions that it will follow its predecessor onto PlayStation 2 after a spell of PSP exclusivity.
Rockstar hasn't answered our questions about that yet. If it follows the LCS pattern though, expect VCS to retail at full price on PSP and reappear later for a budget-like figure on PS2. Indeed, Rockstar billed LCS on PS2 as a chance for the larger PS2 installed base to play the game for the first time, so unless PSP sales go up by about 80 million in the next 12 months we'd be very surprised by its continued absence from PS2 shelves.
Particularly, of course, since Grand Theft Auto IV is still over a year away, and on next- rather than current-gen formats, and therefore unlikely to see its sales cannibalised by the earlier release of a PS2 VCS.
We'll let you know more about Vice City Stories when they write it down for us on big cardboard signs and wave it in front of our faces so we don't have to move much.
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July 25th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 will "last 10 years" thanks to its choice of Blu-ray as its optical disc format, according to the graphics chip company that has worked on both PS3 and the original Xbox.
PS3 will last longer than its competitors as the Blu-ray Disc is the future of high-density storage, Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO of graphics chip company nVidia, told US site Mercury News. The tech boss said it would be an "impossible scenario" for any company to "announce a games console for the next 10 years and not have Blu-ray," and he believes that this will be evident when consumers choose their next-gen console.
If this turns out to be true it partly backs up Sony's claims that its technology is 'future proof', with most games consoles becoming outdated in around five years.
Huang then explained that Sony will be able to make up ground on Xbox 360, despite being released much later and delaying its development so that it could include Blu-ray, stating, "when [PS3] comes out, it's going to look so much more advanced than last-generation game consoles."
The CEO also mentioned that nVidia is "a good 10 years" away from photorealistic graphics, which is good timing, as that's when it seems we could be expecting PS4.
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July 25th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Capcom's 2D PlayStation2™ fighter Capcom Fighting Jam at US$ 12.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
The ultimate head-to-head brawler! Capcom® Fighting Jam™ includes popular characters from five classic titles in the Street Fighter® and other Capcom series: Street Fighter II®, Darkstalkers®, Street Fighter® III, Red Earth and Street Fighter® Alpha. Players must strategically use their combat systems to defeat their opponentas they square off in battle. The character change system allows players to choose a combatant for each round of the battle. Choosing the right fighter based on the strengths of the fighting systems will be the key to victory!
Capcom's 2D PlayStation2™ fighter Capcom Fighting Jam (aka. Capcom Fighting Evolution) is now available at discounted US$ 12.90 only.
More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 25th, 2006, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Analysts, schmanalysts. Punch Jump news posted an article Friday regarding Sony's manufacturing costs for the PS3 and the outcome, determined by analysts. Each PS3 unit, regardless of the SKU, costs Sony $750 dollars to manufacture. After a year, the analysts predict, Sony will get hit with a $2 billion deficit. To Sony, that may not be much, but that really is a damage dealing amount regardless of your company's current position.
Sony expects to make up for the pitfall with positive game sales. If their expectations fall short, there's danger to be had. Especially since manufacturing and development costs are high,
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July 25th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has updated his Capcom CPS1 emulator for the PSP to Beta 1, heres the translated whats new:
beta 1
< Bug correction > slammast (mbomber) correcting the bug which has been frozen.
slammast (mbomber) the button of Key Configuration only two correcting the bug which is not indicated.
Portion of sprite is not indicated with such as punisher correcting the bug where.
pang3 (Euro/Japan) correcting the bug which cannot be started with EEPROM error.
varth (US) correcting the bug which cannot be started.
Correcting the bug whose early button setting is strange with [kuizugemu].
< It tried not to be able to start the game which becomes operational failure with additional modification > MAME.
The fact that it becomes the object is the following four: Turning the picture, it tried to be able to indicate the game of kodb, sf2m1, sf2m2 and the sf2m3 vertical picture.
Only the corresponding game the item of Rotate Screen is added by Game Configuration, initial value has become Yes. Because the picture resolution of PSP is not enough, considerably the picture becomes small, but please be patient.
Furthermore, originally in order the monitor to play, in vertical ranging former side it is the picture where the picture which faces is correct. When we would like to reset to this picture, please designate Rotate Screen as No.
It tried to do the picture flip emulation of CPS. It becomes effective to the case where item of specification is modified with setting the Dip Switch, but it is not necessary usually to operate.
When indicatory direction of the picture is modified, in combination with the input button to direction, it tried to modify automatically..
Yep the translation is rubbish, with any luck someone will do a better job and insert that later 
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July 25th, 2006, 21:01 Posted By: motz
PsPmad has released his XxPsPmadxX Custom Firmware Patch v0.1. Here is what he has said about this release:
This Custom Firmware was tested by me. *You will still use it at your own risk*
this Custom Firmware includes Autobooting Button configuration. which means you
will be able to choose which button you would like to push to autoboot your
favorite Homebrew,Emulator,and ect....
-Release Note-
Autobooting Button configuration
RTRIGGER enters Recovery Mode ("Thanks Harleyg for his Recovery 0.2")
Look in the config file for more information.
* No kxploit
* No corrupt icons
* No intro
-Available Button Configurations-
*rtrigger is used for Recovery mode so i didnt implement it*
-Next Release-
Autobooting Combo Button configuration (ex. R+L autoboot)
You can check out the thread and download here.
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July 26th, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Sony's Greatest Hits program, where top-selling older titles are rereleased with new packaging and a budget price tag, was officially introduced to the PlayStation Portable today. Effective immediately, five of Sony's first-party PSP games--Wipeout Pure, Twisted Metal: Head On, Ape Escape: On the Loose, ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails, and Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee--are available for a suggested retail price of $19.99.
While the first wave of hits is limited to first-party games from around the time of the system's March 2005 launch, Sony has said that third-party games will achieve Greatest Hits status later this year. Specifically, Lumines, Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade, Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix, Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition, and Star Wars Battlefront II are all due to go easier on gamers' wallets.
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July 26th, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Densha de Go! Pocket Toukaidousen Hen for the Sony PlayStation Portable will allow tired, bored Japanese train commuters the luxury of at least trying out a different commute. According to news agency Goo, this installment of the railroad simulation covers the Tokkaido Line, which connects the scenic cities of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe--an area that covers 28 train stations and 75.9 kilometers of track. A variety of trains, from locals and expresses to sleeping cars, will be available.
This latest title will adopt some elements that made Densha de Go! Final for the PlayStation 2 a success, such as assuming the role of conductor rather than driver. The scoring system uses the Chain System found in Final, which awards a score multiplier that increases if the player continuously does well. The game will also have an easier Enjoy mode for those seeking less simulation and more action. Densha de Go! Pocket Toukaidousen Hen will go on sale in Japan July 27 for 3,990 yen (about US $34).
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July 26th, 2006, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Kotaku
It looks like Sony has is finally starting to wake up to the massive potential of LocationFree TV on the Playstation Portable. Last night the company sent out a poll to members of the Playstation Underground asking for impressions on the service which can transmit live television to a Playstation Portable via WiFi and an overpriced gadget.
The poll, which is on the jump, specifically asks if Underground members haven't purchased the device necessary to watch television on their PSP because they are waiting to see if it will be built into the Playstation 3. As you've probably noticed, if you're a regular reader of Kotaku, this is one of my favorite pet theories.
The poll also asks how much a gamer would be willing to pay for an add-on that would let you watch television or a DVD player wirelessly on your PSP and about the viability of the TiVoGo Service which the PSP can make use of.
It certainly looks like Sony is finally pulling their heads out of the hole and starting to think about ways to make the Playstation Portable a more viable multimedia platform.
I'm not worried about the games for the PSP, I know they will come and have been coming, but multimedia is really going to take some work.
Hit the jump for all of the poll questions. Brian Crecente
Dear PlayStation® Underground™ member,
Have you heard about Sony's LocationFree™ wireless service or TiVo's TiVoToGo™ service? Do you know that you can watch regular television, DVDs and the Internet on your PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system? We're wondering what PSP system owners know about this new technology, and whether or not you think it's a cool idea. Tell us your thoughts. Simply take our short survey.
The PlayStation Underground
How long have you owned your PSP®(PlayStation®Portable) system?
Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
Over 1 year
Prior to our email, did you know that you can stream TV programs from your home to anywhere you have access to the Internet on your PSP system using LocationFree™ from Sony?
Which do you view as the biggest benefit of using LocationFree TV?
Access to live TV content
Ease of use
Access to DVDs while traveling
Cost of system
Access to DVR programs
Do you use LocationFree to watch TV content on your PSP system?
What is your primary reason for not purchasing LocationFree?
Need more information
Too expensive
Waiting to see if the PLAYSTATION®3 will act as a LocationFree device
No ability to access a wireless hotspot
Not aware of the LocationFree wireless service
Not interested
How much would you expect to pay for the LocationFree device?
$100 - $150
$151 - $200
$201 - $250
$251 - $300
$301 - $350
$351 - $400
Prior to our email, did you know that you can view saved TV programs on your PSP system using TiVo's TiVoToGo™ service?
Which do you view as the biggest benefit of using TiVoToGo for the PSP system?
Access to my TiVo content
Ability to watch TV when and where I want
Ease of use
Using the latest portable technology
Viewing TiVo content on the PSP system screen
Do you use the TiVoToGo service for your PSP system?
What flat fee would you expect to pay for the TiVoToGo service?
$1 - $10
$11 - $20
$21 - $30
$31 - $40
What is your primary reason for not using the TiVoToGo service for your PSP system?
Don't know enough about it/need more information
I don't have a TiVo DVR that supports TiVoToGo
Ease of use/no wireless router setup
Waiting to see if the PS3 will be able to transfer saved video to my PSP system
Use a different service/method to watch video on my PSP system
Lack of hard drive on PSP system
Not aware of the TiVoToGo service
Not interested
Don't own a TiVo
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July 26th, 2006, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Ive followed the news around various hacking sites and it seems its true that Sonys UMD Tools otherwise known as UMD Composer have been leaked onto the internet, the set contains:
System File Editor 1.0
UMD Image Checker 1.10
UMD Image Generator 1.2.7
UMD Stream Composer 1.5
UMD Stream Viewer 1.5
Youll need to have some good understanding of the Japanese language to use the tools and also because they are official tools they are illegal for any site to host or post a link to the files.
Still interesting though.
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July 26th, 2006, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Article Via PSPFanboy
Back in April, a supposedly leaked release list from Bethesda Software, showed PS3 and PSP versions of the insanely popular Xbox 360 & PC RPG, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The rumor was squashed when Bethesda commented: "At present, we have no announced plans to bring Oblivion to any platforms other than PC or Xbox 360." Well, the rumors of a PSP version of Oblivion are back, most notably because EBGames now shows a product listing for said rumored product. With the rumors of a PSP version of Half-Life 2 abound, maybe there's a lot more power in the PSP than we could've ever imagined.
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July 26th, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Uberone has released a new version of his Homepage creator for the PSP, heres the info:
Call me a liar if you may it has been around a week since i said i would release the newest version of PHC. Well here it is the much anticipated PHC v1.5(LOL anticipated).
Most of the time no one even bothers to read a file in all capital letters. This file is know as the README. I decided to just copy it all here so there is no confusion
First off a few people seemed to get confused from the last release. They though this would automatically make the links go into your bookmarks. All this does is make a custom page with custom links that you have to assign as your home page. To assign it as your home page navigate your browser to file:/home.html
then go into tools>Settings>Home Page Settings>Use Current Page.
Whats everything means.
--Linking Text and Links--
Linking text is the text that you click on to take you to the site you entered in the "Link" box.
--Background Color--
Background color is pretty much self explanatory. You can put color codes, RGB, or just the name of the color.
Example if wanted to display the background as red i would type "Red", "#FF0000", or "RGB(255,0,0)"
Sites for RGB colors can be found here http://www.pitt.edu/~nisg/cis/web/cgi/rgb.html
Sites for Color Codes can be found here http://webmonkey.com/webmonkey/reference/color_codes/
++New features.++
MANY Bug fixes
Ability to add a background color
No more easter egg
Solves world hunger
Or...wait maybe the last one isn't included in this version
++Upcoming Features++
Colored text links (most likely next version).
Ability to have a background picture.
Will detect links from last input and not delete them every time program is used
Solving world hunger.
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July 26th, 2006, 02:00 Posted By: BrooksyX
Taken from http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/ :
Further dynarec optimisation
I've spent the last couple of evenings working on adding support for additional instructions to the dynamic recompiler. With every instruction I add, the generated code becomes a bit more efficient as I can avoid various bookeeping work (such as flushing all the cached registers out to memory.)
I've added code to handle the following ops:
* MULT, MULTU (multiply, multiply unsigned)
* DIV, DIVU (divide, divide unsigned)
* MFLO, MFHI (move from lo/hi)
* MTLO, MTHI (move to lo/hi)
* LB, LBU (load byte, load byte unsigned)
* LH, LHU (load halfword, load halfword unsigned)
So far I'm seeing around a 5-6% speedup with these changes (on top of the 10-12% speedup I talked about on Sunday). I am generating slightly more code as a result of this work, but given the large savings I made over the weekend this isn't much of an issue.
My next job is to look at optimising the remaining load/store instructions - I just have LWU/SB/SH to do (ignoring the 64 bit instructions for now). Once that's done I'm going to have a look at optimising sequences of load/store operations by caching the base address between uses. I think that should give a significant speed up for memory intensive chunks of code.
Awesome news for the N64 emulator for the PSP 
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July 26th, 2006, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
Sulpher Dragon has released a new version of PSP Cropper for the PSP, heres the info:
Quickly Crop your images to fit the PSP screen, Resize or Crop for your 1.50 PSP or your 2.00 PSP! Use it for backgrounds or any homebrew requiring specific sized images.
Added a cool new feature where a big PSP swings down with a preview of your background on it
Little changes here and there, like animated buttons and transparencies.
Included Official SONY backgrounds incase you want to revert to them.
Problem with X-Flash: Maybe its my fault, but I couldnt flash the background to the PSP without tricking X-Flash. It did however give a warning saying "High-Res Background" but I have tested this on my PSP and it works fine.
However saying that, any damage done by this program to PSP or PC is done so at the users own risk!
Requires DirectX8
Changelog for 0.30:
<> Aesthetic Button Name Changes + Animations
<> PSPreview Button - An approximated view of the wallpaper on a PSP
<> Shortcut to origonal PSP backgrounds
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via sulphur dragon
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July 26th, 2006, 11:34 Posted By: b8a

NJ has once again updated his CPS1 emulator, this time adding some control fixes and features.
Translated news from his web page:
cps1psp beta 2 binary Download
*replaced rominfo.dat
rominfo.dat for beta 2 Download
*forgot to update rominfo.dat in the zip file.
If you already downloaded beta 2, use this link to download and then replace this file.
If virthu (Varth (US)) doesn't work you're probably missing varthu.zip.
The nessecary files are the parent set varth.zip and the subset varthu.zip.
The contents of varthu.zip are as below.
vau23a.bin ??CRC32 fbe68726
vae_28a.rom??CRC32 7a0e0d25
vae_29a.rom??CRC32 f2365922
vae_33a.rom??CRC32 5e2cd2c3
vae_34a.rom??CRC32 3d9bdf83 Please read readme_cps1.txt to see what's changed.
-Known bugs in beta 2-
Street Fighter II! - Champion Edition (V004) doesn't work. As with NGEPSP, I personally really don't care about bootlegs, so I won't be fixing this. Accordingly, it probably also won't work on any version here on out. Basically, you should consider yourself lucky if you get a bootleg set to work. Translated "What's changed" contents of readme_cps1.txt:
beta 2
-Fixed a bug where the controls for length-wise games did not correctly reflect the rotation.
-Added Service Coin and Service Switch to Key Configuration.
beta 1
<Fixed Bugs>
-Fixed a bug causing slammast(mbomber) to freeze.
-Fixed a bug where the Key Configuration for slammast(mbomber) was only displaying two buttons.
-Fixed a bug with punisher, etc... where a portion of the sprited wasn't being displayed.
-Fixed a bug with pang3(Euro/Japan) where it wouldn't launch due to an EEPROM error.
-Fixed a bug where varth(US) wouldn't launch.
-Fixed a bug where the initial button setup on quiz games was odd.
<Added - Changed>
-Made it so that games that won't run in MAME won't launch. The effected games are the following 4: kodb, sfm1, sfm2, sfm3
-Made it so that the screen for length-wise games can be displayed rotated. For the effected games only, there is a Rotate Screen option added to Game Configuration and the default value is Yes. The resolution of the PSP screen is quite low and the resulting screen is small, but you'll just have to live with this.
Also, the screen turned on it's side is the correct way of diaplaying the screen. In order to return to this display, set Rotate Screen to No.
-I've made it so that it performs CPS's screen filp emulation. It's activated by changing a specific option under Dip Switch setting, but it normally isn't nessecary to change it.
-Made it so that the input buttons automatically adjust when the direction of the screen display is changed.
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July 26th, 2006, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a brand new SingStar PS3 trailer this morning showing off the game's brand new next-gen features, including an iPod-style download service.
Along with the download service, the video shows off the PS3's revamped microphone, which comes in a new sleek, silver design with increased sensitivity compared to the current model. With this new extra-sensitive mic and the huge choice offered by the PS3 download service, our post-pub rock ballads are going to sound better than ever. Particularly given Sony's plans for a new wireless mic to accompany Singstar, we'll be able to shake our booty in complete freedom.
There's no official date for SingStar PS3 yet, but we reckon it'll be inked in for release alongside the console launch in November.
Trailer Here
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July 26th, 2006, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
KOEI unleashes a brand new gameplay and character trailer for its uber-hardcore turn-based strategy sequel
If you're the kind of person who sleeps with your calculator and starts frothing in the pants when somebody slings a bunch of numbers your way on a whim, you've probably already relished the joys of Nippon Ichi's uber-hardcore turn-based strategy fantasy RPGs.
Although we'll readily admit we're not quite smart enough to keep track of all the stats the developers' titles regularly throw our way, we're looking forward to Disgaea 2 immensely - largely because we've had great fun being utterly bewildered by Nippon Ichi's previous title Makai Kingdom recently.
In celebration of the game's European release on PS2 later this year, KOEI has unleashed a brand new trailer, serving the dual purpose of introducing some of Disgaea 2's characters, as well as showing off some of its gameplay shenanigans. Check it out on this page, eh?
Trailer Here
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July 26th, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Atari has stepped up to distribute Naruto: Ultimate Ninja on PS2 in Europe this November.
It's Namco Bandai's game, technically, but since the Japanese company doesn't handle its own releases over here it's palmed it off to Atari.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja - previously known as Naruto: Narutimate Ninja, and not to be confused with the Xbox 360 game of the same being produced by Ubisoft - lets you take control of 14 characters from the Naruto anime.
Which, since you might not know, is about a young ninja-in-training called Uzumaki Naruto, who learns ninjitsu with classmates Sakura and Sasuke under the tutelage of a chap called Kakashi.
Inevitably they wind up on adventures, but Ultimate Ninja is more of a beat-'em-up, with four gameplay modes (story, mission, free battle and practice) offering plenty of one-on-one bouts to test your mettle.
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July 26th, 2006, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Amidst all the arguments over PS3's hefty price tag, how much the world really cares about Blu-ray, and how important Xbox 360's steadily growing lead will prove, self-styled 'industry loudmouth' and Epic boss Mark Rein has revealed an interesting take on the next-gen battle from a developer's perspective.
Comparing the situation for developers last year ahead of the launch of 360, Rein believes Sony's efforts to get final dev kits out to studios compares favourably with those of its bitter rival.
"Developers were just getting final PS3 hardware [around E3], which is a long time before ship," Rein told Eurogamer TV. "Developers did not have finished Xbox 360 hardware last year at E3. So Sony's actually maybe in a better place vis-a-vis Microsoft in relation to launch."
"I think Sony's in a good spot with the PlayStation 3," he added. "I know we're getting some great results with it back at our house, so I would expect other developers will be as well."
And speaking of Epic games in development, while 360 action title Gears of War was undoubtedly one of the more visually amazing titles on show during May's gaming spectacular, Rein promised that improved tech will mean that the final version will raise the bar still further.
"[The E3 demo] was using our single-threaded rendered. We have our new Gemini multi-threaded rendered working in the engine right now," Rein explained. "The final game's built on it, it gives us better frame rates and more fluidity - UT 2007 will also benefit from it. It only gets better from here. So if you were impressed with Gears of War at E3, the finished game's going to be much better, it's going to be spectacular."
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July 26th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Eurogamer
Sony is launching a new PSP download service this Friday, offering everyone who can get to a participating store the chance to grab free game demos, music tracks, movie trailers and more.
GAME is just one of the stores participating in the launch, and will be opening the wireless floodgates at its stores in Oxford Street, London and Crown Walk, Milton Keynes.
There's been no mention of a specific promotion at the London store - though we're sure there'll be something on offer - but we do know that the Milton Keynes store are working with Sony to create a LocoRoco Funday and giving away a ceramic white PSP with software.
Similar to Nintendo's Wi-Fi Download Stations for the DS, content will only be accessible whilst the machine's on, so you can't store it to a memory card and play it on the bus home, sadly.
It does give you a fair crack at the whole try-before-you-buy thing though, and might just open your minds to some new games and content you might otherwise have overlooked.
Sony's hoping to roll the service out fully next year, but in the meantime, you can head over to the PlayStation Spot website for a list of participating stores up and down the UK.
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July 26th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that a total of 10,000 PlayStation 3 development systems have been sent out to 208 companies from 11 different countries.
This beats the amount of dev kits given out for PSone and PS2, and includes systems given out to all the heavyweights of the gaming world such as EA, Konami, Sega, Rockstar and Activision.
Sony is keen to make this clear, as a response to continued speculation over the amount of third-party support the new console will get due to the supposedly high development costs for the next-gen machine.
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July 26th, 2006, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt from the intereview:
Besides the PS3 association, PS1 games will soon be available to download. What can we expect?
At a point this fall, which hasn't been determined yet, you'll be able to download PS1 games to play on your PSP.
How will the controls work when converting a PS1 game to be played on the PSP?
For the most part, most games will be playable. If there's a dual analog game, then it's going to be a little more difficult to have that mapped over correctly. But for the most part, virtually every PS1 game should be playable.
Do you have a price set for how much each game will cost to download?
No, we're still working that out. That's a dual U.S./Japan deal that still being discussed.
There have been rumors about a possible PSP 2 that will have a hard drive and no UMD use at all. Is there anything you can say about that possibility?
Nothing yet, but there are plans in place of how we're going to grow the console. We've talked about how the PSP at its very base is going to be how you see it today in terms of form factor design and whatnot. As far as what is included in any next-gen PSP we haven't even gotten into yet. We're looking more at enhancing the current version.
The rest of the great interview can be found at Joystiq
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July 26th, 2006, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Xvid and more video converter for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
Fixed MP4 PSP output.
Fixed work on Windows XP 64.
Replace EXE file in install folder. Instalation will don`t work. Just run EXE from XviD4PSP folder or wait final release.
Important note: MP4 PSP output work correct only in 29.970 output fps. If output fps 23.976 sync lost. Need found special profile for ATOMChanger. If somebody find this profile I will very glad and add this profile to final release.
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July 26th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Mark Fennel has posted this on his website:
The PSP client is a front end to the Xbox Media Center allowing for the control and selection of music from the PSP.
The client is built in flash, and requires the PSP Firmware update 2.6 or higher to run. It may also run (and should) on the homebrew flash player as well (untested). You also need to have a wireless network.
This application has been optimised to work on the PSP, so interaction is limited to the directional imput keys and a select key. This application should also work on any device with a flash player (v6 and above) and arrow keys, there is an option to choose which is the select key (By default it is the space bar)
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July 26th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
The summer heat might drive some people to the beach, but to others, it's the respite of the living room sofa that beckons. Well, it's a good thing Square Enix just revealed its final summer lineup. The company plans to ship four different titles to keep as many people away from sun's deadly rays as possible.
"This summer, Square Enix is releasing titles that will truly appeal to all audiences," said Daishiro Okada, President and COO, Square Enix, Inc. "The line-up brings new titles for some of Square Enix's most beloved series with games for casual and young gamers, as well as gamers 'on the go,' the revival of a cult hit, a new take on a renowned franchise and the ability to play together. We're excited about providing entertainment that will bring in new fans as well as delight our existing ones."
First up, there's Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, a remake of the 2000 title Valkyrie Profile that shipped for the original Playstation. The game promises new features and bonus content, as well as non-linear gameplay. The story, as with most RPG offerings, sees players struggle against supernatural forces that threaten, well, everything. Lenneth shipped July 18 for the PSP.
Next, something for all the Final Fantasy fans out there. Dirge of Cerberus follows the frenetic exploits of Vincent Valentine, who most RPG fans know appeared in the seminal Final Fantasy VII. The North American release features all-new missions, a retooled camera system and faster paced action. Look for it to ship August 15, 2006 for the PS2.
On the Nintendo front, Square will release Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime for the Nintendo DS. The game puts the DS to good use through Multi-Card gameplay for up to four players. Also, the system's Single-Card Download feature lets gamers start a 16-player session. And, of course, the dual-screen/touch-screen format let Square Enix design an experience only the DS can provide. Rocket Slime will ship to stores September 19, 2006.
Finally, Square has moved the release date for Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria to September 26, 2006, up from the previous date of November 2006. In Silmeria, players will get the chance to dive into Norse mythology and control a group of fighters with a unique battle system.
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July 26th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
Article from IGN
Today Namco Bandai announced that Tekken: Dark Resurrection has shipped and will be hitting stores across North America in due time. This game marks the debut of the series on the PSP, and contains a variety of new features that should please fans.
The newest installment features two new characters, Lili and Dragunov, as well as the return of many classic Tekken fan-favorites including Jin, Paul, and Kazuya. The game not only features the standard battle, but also a variety of mini-games including Tekken Bowling and Gold Rush modes. Also new to the series is the inclusion of a "Ghost" mode, which allows players to save and upload their "ghost" data as well as download other players' data from the Internet to their PSP.
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July 26th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamepro
Those rumors about a PlayStation 3 or PSP version of the hit RPG The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Hogwash, says Bethesda representative Pete Hines.
Oblivion on the PS3? Not at the moment, says Bethesda. The PS3 Oblivion product page listed on GameStop.com is "just an assumption" Hines told GamePro today in response to recent rumors. There are "no announced plans for any other version right now," Hines said.
The mysterious PS3 Oblivion product page lists a release date of November 6, 2006. But aside from a mocked-up box image and a price of $59.99, the page lists virtually no other details.
That sound you hear is millions of PSP and prospective PS3 owners giving out a simultaneous sigh
The PSP Oblivion product page is even more mysterious, listing only a release date: March 15th, 2007.
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July 26th, 2006, 19:54 Posted By: RCON
I want to let you know that another version of PSP Rhythm is out, version 6.0. Lots of new features and enhancements have been put into this release!
- New user interface with programming grid, graphical knobs for parameters, oscilloscope.
- Sample Loading from Pattern Mode with up to 1000 sample folders with 1000 samples each.
- New skin format and support for up to 1000 skins.
- Mute/Solo function.
- Export Pattern and load it back as a sample.
- Bass Line synth reprogrammed.
- Time Stretch Effect.
- High Pass Filter Effect.
- Lots of bug fixes and performance enhancements.
Thank you!
Louie Iturzaeta
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
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July 27th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: motormaniac
Hey Everyone, Motormaniac here.
I have created my first portal. Its called Double X PSP-Portal. THis is just he alpha version. Expect Udates. Follow the README to learn how to install.
v2.70+ psp only, it includes flash games.
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hey all, ive updtated this a while ago. Click on currently updtadting doublex psp portal in my sig for the latest version
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July 27th, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: shadowprophet
Vettacossx has yet to fail to impress me with his modding skills! This round is no exception!
With this entry we have Blazed Bender Mod from futurama! This turrican mod is just what us futurama fans need to tide us over in that long long wait for the four new dvd movies currently in production!
Here is what our friendly neighborhood super modder had to say about this release!
here's a turrican mod for you guys this one is theme? futurama hope you
guys have fun and as always enjoy JMV mods ...
BTW sorry if ive been away more often lately i picked up tekken dark resurrection today and valyrie profile the other day as well so ive been enjoying my
legal dev hook!!! thanks DCemu
About this file. Like the last time, this file was too large to upload in one peace, Just download both parts of of the file, and let win rar do the rest,
*Awesome Bro. I could'nt have asked for a better mod myself, being a huge fururama fan as I am!
Your the best bro!!
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July 27th, 2006, 01:40 Posted By: Wally
Hi all,
The aim of this list is to bring lots of hope and fun into daedalus and also to make game testing less of a hassle.
I have ceased all activities on the monkey64 compatibility list for now until it suddenly pops up out of nowhere and testing has to be done (Wont be as fun without dynarec).
The list is located at:
All updates will be posted in comments
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July 27th, 2006, 06:56 Posted By: PSPdemon
Here is the first in a more to come PSPool pack that has Tables and Balls...
mainly there are...
- Balls -
-new set of balls in many colors
-old set of balls with more colors added to them
- Tables -
-40 PSPool tables...( you'll have to look at the pack to see what they are )
remeber.......if you want to make a ball work in game.... just rename the ball to the appropriote color ( eg. "orange.bmp" to "red.bmp" )
and to use a new table..... rename whatever table you want to "table.bmp"
Hope you Enjoy,
Thanks for Everything,
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July 27th, 2006, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Judging by these latest screens from the PSP's GUN Showdown, we're pushing for a name change to The Good, The Bad And The Pretty!
The miniaturised Wild West adventure is bringing its violent mix of good cowboy, bad cowboy action to the PSP in end-September, with five new missions, new weapons (including throwing knives) and tons of mini-games.
And although the gameplay spews violence like a cowboy spitting out chewing tobacco, it'll probably paint a rather picturesque view of the ol' West too. And did we mention it's mighty purty? Now isn't that a treat?
News and Screens at CVG
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July 27th, 2006, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA

Talismoon Displex offers a simple solution for this widespread customer problem.
With this new type of special polishing paste, end users have for the first time the possibility of eliminating the scratches in their displays quickly and cost-effectively in a do-it-yourself process.
Displex is a patented product, simply because it WORKS! Efficiently! Scratches are removed and screens appear like new!
Has anyone ever used this on their PSP or DS etc, id love to know if it works ?
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July 27th, 2006, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
ZOO Digital says Premier Manager 2006-2007 will be out in time for the start of the new Premiership season.
And just in the nick of time, too - it's out on August 18th on PS2 and PC, with the first games kicking off the very next afternoon.
ZOO promises a "massive overhaul" in terms of navigation and player database, with the option to manage in England, Spain, Italy, France, Germany or Scotland in both domestic and European competitions.
The full game will cost just £19.99, and arrives in time to side-step the usual battle between Football Manager, LMA Manager and Championship Manager, the latest versions of which are all due out later in the year.
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July 27th, 2006, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Article Via Gamesindustry
Japanese electronics and entertainment giant Sony has announced a 32.3 billion Yen (219 million Euro) profit for the quarter ended June 30th, thanks to a resurgence in profitability at its consumer electronics division.
The firm, in the same period last year recorded a 7.3 billion Yen (50 million Euro) loss, also saw revenues in the quarter leap by 11 per cent year on year to 1.74 trillion Yen (11.8 billion Euro) as sales surged in both the electronics and the Sony Pictures movie divisions.
However, the videogames division of the firm recorded an operating loss for the quarter as revenues plummeted by some 30 per cent and the costs of developing the PlayStation 3 continued to mount. Sales of the PlayStation 2 hardware and software were down for the quarter - as, disappointingly, were sales of the PlayStation Portable.
The results have spurred speculation that Sony may be about to turn its fortunes around after several years of weak financial results and painful restructuring efforts. The firm's British chief executive Howard Stringer - who became the firm's first non-Japanese CEO when he was appointed a year ago - has continued the firm's restructuring efforts, and now appears to be reaping the rewards.
As well as announcing its first quarter results, Sony also took the opportunity to update its forecasts for the full year - maintaining its profit target of 130 billion Yen (881 million Euro), but raising its revenue target marginally from 8.20 trillion Yen (55.6 billion Euro) to 8.23 trillion Yen (55.8 billion Euro).
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July 27th, 2006, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan and the East Japan Rail Company have announced a deal that will provide Sony PSP rentals to passengers riding in first-class "Green Car" seats on Hayate trains. The offer begins October 1 and ends March 31, 2007. To be eligible for the campaign, customers must purchase a travel package through View, JR East's official travel agency.
Sony Japan sees this campaign as an opportunity to market the PSP to a wider range of age groups. The comfy Green Car seats are often thrown in to sweeten travel packages, meaning they are used by vacationing families and senior citizens traveling in the off-season, not just professionals riding on expense accounts. The rental package consists of the PSP, headphones with in-line remote, and software titles selected by Sony Japan.
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July 27th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
We've uncovered a trailer for Gangs of London, Sony's brutal Getaway-esque action game due for PSP release in September. And boy is it violent.
The game allows you to take control of one of five different gangs vying for control of the UK capital. The action takes you through 60 missions of driving and bloody combat, with a tactical element to it where you can swap between gang members on the fly.
There are five game modes - Gang Battle, Free Roaming, London Pub Games, Game Sharing and story mode, which is presented with stylish graphic novel-style cutscenes that are reminiscent of Max Payne.
Multiplayer allows up to five gamers to get involved in the mayhem that might be a bit too violent for anyone of a sensitive disposition.
Movie and News at Gamesradar
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July 27th, 2006, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video converter for the PSP. This release converts Xvids and more:
Heres whats new:
4.014 changes:
ChangeFPS() replaced to higher quality ConvertFPS().
Fixed missing ConvertToYV12() line.
Fixed MP4 PSP output. Now sure .
Fixed work on PCs never starting VirtualDub or VirtualDubMod before.
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July 27th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
The official Mercenaries 2 board has been hopping lately and the lead designer, Scott Warner, has addressed many question, a few of which are interesting. The first to strike a "hmm, neat" chord was this tidbit: " There will be an initial load when you pop the Mercs 2 disc in but there will be no loading in the game world itself." Hooray! Loading sucks. Especially when trying to cross to a different side of the city in, say, the Grand Theft Auto games. No load times is good news. While unrelated, the only other game boasting little or no load times is the PS2 RPG, Rogue Galaxy. Looks neat for those Skies of Arcadia lovers (imagine... pirates, but this time, in space!).
Now to address the subject line. Scott has admitted, "We estimate that we are currently only tapping around 30% of the PS3's potential power." But... Mercenaries 2 looks pretty nice already! Is this really news, though? Look at the first titles on most any system and compare them to titles a year later. There's a huge difference. Heck, just compare Final Fantasy 7 to Final Fantasy 8. Or... Halo to Halo 2? Not as good an example... whatever. The point is -- Sony's initial titles are already on par with competition graphically and a year behind. Granted the 360 isn't at optimum potential (usually happens at the end of a console's life), but with so much room to improve, we're all in for a treat! And a war! Look for Mercenaries 2 sometime in 2007
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July 27th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Be2003 posted this news
Well this is my second lua library and it is fully featured with two functions. j/k
There is alot more todo but this is a start...
version 0.1
Not much to say here
This is the first build and with only 3 functions it has an ugly hack:
Added Adhoc.init(id) initializes the adhoc, id is a 9 character string containing your very own game productid, you can make it up for your game, just remember it.
Added Adhoc.term() terminates the adhoc
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July 27th, 2006, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Non-games have taken us on adventures in brain training, English and even cooking. Now, the genre is shooting for the stars with Sega's latest offering, Homestar: 21st Century Navigator.
Homestar brings a planetarium to your PSP. The title features five million stars, viewable under a variety of options. You can select to view all the way up to magnitude 16, although if that's too cluttered, you're free to focus on only the bright order 1 and 2 stars. You can also chose to view natural phenomenon, with the title recreating eclipses and Aurora effects in accordance with statistical data.
As far as edutainment games are concerned, Homestar seems to stray towards the "edu" side of things. In addition to selecting different stellar bodies such as galaxies and planets for a closer visual look, you also have access to textual descriptions of everything. The software even provides background details on the history of the constellations.
The "tainment" side of things comes from the included Fantasy Theater mode. In this mode, you view a scripted tour of the planets and stars, with voiced narration filling in the details. The title includes over 15 chapters.
In developing Homestar, Sega has enlisted the help of world renowned planetarium creator Takayuki Ohira, who developed the famous Mega Star series. His role in Homestar is as supervisor, continuing the tradition of non-games having supervisors outside the game industry overseeing their production. Serving as producer at Sega is veteran Tetsuo Shinyu, who previously worked on Hundred Sword, Derbu Tsuku and Nouryoku Trainer (a PSP version of Brain Age).
Homestar is set for Japanese release on 10/19 at a budget price of 3,280 yen. The title has yet to be announced for US release.
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July 27th, 2006, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
This question was answered at Comic Con by Sony but what whould you consider the most important?
Ability to connect PSP to PS3
Ability to play PSone games on PSP
Mini hard drive
Video output
Digital camera
Instant Messaging
Text Messaging
Answer Via the Comments
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July 27th, 2006, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Fanboy have posted full details of whats new about the firmware:
You can now download video and image content under [RSS Channel];
You can now register devices via a wireless LAN access point under [LocationFree Player];
You can now play AAC files with file extension .3gp under [Music]; and
You can now play content saved in "Music," "Picture" and "Video" folders on a Memory Stick. (Apparently, this means you don't have to rename video files, and you can play them without using special folders.)
Have you upgraded, then let us know if its any good or not
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July 27th, 2006, 22:51 Posted By: motz
PSPWeekly 14 has just been released. Many of you will know that I have been editor of PSPWeekly right up until PSPWeekly Issue 13 and it is no longer in my hands. The new PSPWeekly team have released their first issue, which is Issue 14 and have brought a new and unique style of writing to PSPWeekly. You can download the new version of PSPWeekly from the link below.
Thanks for your support and downloads during my time as editor and I hope you continue to read future issues of PSPWeekly. 
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July 27th, 2006, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
PSP-Maniac has released a new version of his game for the PSP
after i made the first poke the penguin i thought that the game was boring so it needed a little update. here is the changelog:
2 play : down controls the black glove
circle controls the white glove. when poked a number of times the penguin drops on the side and is dead. so call a friend and play Poke the penguin.
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via pspmaniac
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July 27th, 2006, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm has posted this news on his Hardware Hacking Site:
PSP Multi Firmware module will support TA-082 on NEXT Ver.
so if your TA-082 PSP is FW2.50 or FW2.60
don't update !!! :P
For those of you who dont know Ookm is somewhat of a PSP hardware genious who let us know that TA-082 PSPs wont be supported by the Undiluted Platinum Modchip.
Should be interesting times ahead for the PSP Scene
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July 27th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Over at the Jap Impress site which is the best source of new PSP screenshots and news - if you can read japanese 
Check out the screenshots HERE
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July 27th, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Worthplaying have 10 new screenshots of the game B-Boy for the PSP, dunno what B-Boy is then heres some info:
B-Boy uses a dynamically controlled fighting system to help you battle the best b-boys on the planet. Over the course of an in-depth "B-Boy Life" mode, players build up a crew and battle against real-life superstar b-boys including legendary and original b-boy in-game host Crazy Legs.
Screenshots Here
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July 27th, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac197 posted this new release:
A simple interface for utilising the freetype2 library
Version 0.1
-= Features =-
-- Supports multiple fonts
-- Smooth anti-aliased font appearance
-- Fonts cached for faster access
-= Installing freetype2 =-
Samstag is also the author of 'flib' which is another library for freetype2 development
... and the reason I created Fontloader
-= Samples =-
In the 'Samples' directory within this archive there is example code on how to integrate
Currently there is only an example using Psilocybeing's graphic library, but I intend to
create examples for GU and possibly even PSPGL.
/Samples/Graphicslib/ -- Psilocybeing's graphic library sample
The sample and the fontloader.h are well commented so implementation should be simple.
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via insomniac197
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July 27th, 2006, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
uber0ne has updated his Echanger app for the PSP, heres the info:
Well I know I told you guys the last release was the final. Something about that just bothered me though. I knew something was wrong in the code that made it take forever to load. I have since fixed this problem though and now everything is instant. I would like to add that i promise this will be the last version seeing as there is nothing else i can do. I know that there is not much need of this in the homebrew scene anymore due to the fact of downgraders. But some people do choose not to downgrade and some have TA-082 motherboards.
eChanger is a program that allows you to change your eMenu background on the fly. It is useful if you like a little variety in your life. It supports up to 10 eMenus. Just place them in the X:/PSP/eLoader/ folder and name them emenu1.png - emenu10.png or use the program that comes with(MUST HAVE .NET 2 FRAMEWORK) Well here it is. As always constructive criticism is welcome.
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July 27th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Jeremy1026 has updated his Guess the Number game for the PSP, heres the release details:
Back on March 1st 2006 I released Guess the numbeR v1.0, and the other day I decided that I was going to update it. So I did, and I came up with v1.5.
v1.5.............Changed interface.
Added menu.
Added difficulties.
Added sound.
Added instructions screen.
v1.0.............No Changes (duh.)
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via jeremy
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July 27th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster

Got the latest firmware and want to win free gifts then this LocoRoco Demo is right up you street, heres the news about the free gifts:
Starting on July 19 until August 19, you will be able to get exclusive LocoRoco prizes!
For a limited time only, we will be giving away special LocoRoco Thank-You Gifts to everyone who plays "LocoRoco Download Demo 1.01" and successfully leads lots of LocoRoco's friends to the goal.
By typing in the password that appears in the upper right corner of the final screen, you will be given prizes such as new BGM sound files and original wallpaper files based on how many LocoRocos you saved.
Note: This offer is good only with the "LocoRoco Download Demo 1.01"
Heres the Link to the Site for the Gift Promo
Download the Loco Roco Demo Via Comments, remember youll need the latest firmware
Buy Locoroco here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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July 28th, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Today with the release of the new 2.80 firmware came the release of this puzzle game demo.
Heres an excerpt from the Preview by Eurogamer:
Meltdown's mercury has transitioned to a completely different state. The process of delivering your delicate blob of liquid metal from start to goal, running the gamut of endless obstacles, undulating surfaces and narrow ledges, rarely frustrates for reasons the developer didn't intend.
As well as quicker load-times, there are useful indicators, handy stabilisers and thoughtful options everywhere. A colour chart means that you can negotiate the levels that involve separating your mercury into smaller blobs, spray-painting them and then mixing colours without loading the Dulux website in the background; there's near-instant auto-saving after every level; you can change camera controls and even your mercury skin without exiting to some mother-menu; you can pause the game and roam around the level in free-look to get a feel for the challenges ahead; you can take on the 16 levels that make up the "lab" hub you're working through in any order, with more labs unlocked based on constituent progress rather than having to finish everything.
When you download and unzip then put the eboot.php in a folder called "UCJS10043" in your Game directory.
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July 28th, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: GeEkPiE
Captain Morgan's compatibility results
It looks like Captain Morgan has put a lot of effort into doing compatibility testing with Daedalus R6. Thanks Cap'n! (thanks for your email too - I promise I'll get back to you just as soon as sort this issue out!)
Don't miss Wally*Won_Kenobie's R6 compatibility list, which is also excellent. Wally has been collecting missing_mux.txt files for me too, for which I am indebted 
A great optimisation/bugfix..
..with a catch.
This week I've been posting about various speedups I've been making by implementing various opcodes in the new dynarec engine. Although I have implemented most of the commonly used opcodes now, after my previous post I decided to add some temporary logging to the emulator to see how often the remaining unhandled opcodes were being used. Two that immediately jumped out at me were JAL (Jump And Link, which is used to perform a function call) and JR (Jump Register, which is used to return from a function call.)
These two instructions are very heavily used, and I was surprised to realise that I'd not implemented them! They're pretty easy to code - in fact, due to the way I construct the instruction traces that are fed into the dynamic recompiler I could effectively ignore the JAL instruction and JR just required a couple of lines of code.
So far so good. I was expecting a modest speedup - maybe another 2-3% on top of all the previous changes I've made this week. After compiling and running the new code, I was amazed to see an improvement of over 10%! Surprised with the figures I was seeing, I did a full rebuild and checked the results again with several different roms. They all showed the same kind of speedup.
I've been programming (and more importantly debugging) long enough now when I should trust my instincts - call it my programming 'Spider-Sense' tingling if you will, but I knew something didn't quite add up . In situations like this in the past, rather than taking an unexpected speedup for granted I've spent time investigating the root cause to find out exactly what's going on. At the very least I'll simply satisfy my own curiosity, but often I'll find some useful information along the way too (e.g. other related improvements and optimisations etc.)
So I started looking through the code and rerunning a few roms to try and get a handle on what was causing such a significant improvement. After a short while I realised that all the roms were now generating a lot more potential traces for the dynarec engine to consider for recompiling. This confused me even more, because this behaviour should slow the emulator down rather than speed it up. Another puzzling thing was that the only observable behaviour of my changes should be the speed of emulation - but it looked like my change was somehow changing the flow of execution in the rom.
After bit more head scratching and debugging, I finally realised what had happened. In making my changes, I had inadvertently fixed a bug in the dynarec engine that was causing the recompiled code to jump back out to the interpreter whenever a JAL instruction was encountered! This bug had been in the dynarec engine since the first day or so, but because its only side effect was to slow down the emulator rather than something more obvious (i.e. a crash!) it had remained undetected for a couple of months.
So I had figured out what the reason for the 10% speedup was, and I could finally get to bed safe in the knowledge that I had fixed a nasty, subtle bug along the way. Brilliant!
It was only then that I noticed a couple of new problems that I hadn't seen before: The emulator began hanging in places that had previously been fine - such as Peach's letter at the start of Mario 64. On the occasions the emulator managed to get past that point, I found out that Mario wouldn't move or jump (but strangely the c-buttons and pause menu worked fine)

I've spent the last couple of evenings trying to figure out why fixing one bug is causing another. I've finally managed to find a way of reliably reproducing a hang within a few seconds of starting the emulator up. This is important because my best chance of identifying and fixing the problem is to be able to run the PC build of the emulator with my 'fragment simulator' enabled. The simulator is very slow however (about 100x slower than running the emulator normally), which is why it's important to find a way of reliably reproducing the bug very early on in the emulation.
So that's what I've been up to over the past couple of days, and why I haven't been able to reply to people's emails or comments on this blog. Now that I can reproduce the bug in the fragment simulator I'm confident that I can get to the bottom of it. I'll keep you posted with any developments and try to go through emails/comments just as soon as I've cracked it.
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July 28th, 2006, 01:10 Posted By: shadowprophet
After some final tweaks to his latest mod, Venture Bros Full GFX, Vettacossx is ready to unleash it upon the world! Here is what he had to say about this latest creation!!
This is a venture bros. themed turrican mod with Brock as the main guy a
request by GSLOP of the forums..turrican is a 2d sidescrolling shooter for the psp made by arguru..
WHATS VETTA MEAN BY FULL GFX MOD?(all the GFX have been moded of course!)
and a new charicter as always
About this file. Like the last time, this file was too large to upload in one peace, Just download both parts of of the file, and let win rar do the rest,
Great Work Vetta! keep em comeing bro!
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July 28th, 2006, 09:07 Posted By: branin
New Yahtzee game released for the PSP, heres the details:
Created by Jeremy1026.
Please provide feedback at Jeremy1026@playitonline.net
Donations are greatly appreciated and will go towards further funding for future projects. My paypal is Jeremy1026@gmail.com.
Special thanks to, yoursam (for helping to solve my problem with the Small Straight code) and branin (for helping to beta this version for me and creating the pic1.png/icon0.png).
Unzip 'yahtzee.zip' and place the folders in '1.5' in x:/PSP/Game/.
The two folders will be created and will be ready to run from your PSP browser.
Select "Yahtzee" from the PSP browser (under Game->Memory Stick.)
At opening screen press 'X' to start the game.
Roll the dice with 'Circle'
Select which die/dice you want to hold with 'Up', 'Down' and 'X'.
After your third roll you will have to select where to score your final roll.
Select what category you with to place your roll with 'Up', 'Down', and 'X'.
v1.0................Game created.
To Do
Add highscore table.
Add sounds
Other Ideas? E-Mail them to me at Jeremy1026@playitonline.net
this game was created by Jeremy1026 he has asked that you poste the above on your news. as said this was created by Jeremy1026 , and some graphic work has been done by Branin ( me ) thank you.
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July 28th, 2006, 09:25 Posted By: motz
An internal SCEE Q+A re. PS3, from E3, has made its way onto the web. It’s an interesting read - in many ways they would have been better off just releasing this, it would have better communicated some of their points.
Playstation 3 / E3 2006 QA
- PS3 is a computer system
- PS3 is one product with different configuration
- PS3 launch date : Nov 11 (Japan), Nov 17 (US/Europe)
- PS3 price : 20GB : JPY 59,800, USD499, EUR499 (incl. VAT) / 60GB : JPY Open, USD599, EUR599 (incl. VAT)
PS3 Business Strategy:
Q1. Why will you launch two models with different specs for PS3 ?
A1. PS3 is a computer system and as such, various configurations can be considered. In future, larger HDD may be required for larger content to be saved on PS3. Considering the fact that, nowadays, network connectivity is spreading within the homes, we have decided to introduce a configuration with basic ports. However, these ports, excluding HDMI, are expandable with adaptors available on the market.
Q2. How can users connect PS3 to TV without HDMI output ?
A2. PS3 supports most displays via the AV multi output. Visual quality through AV multi output is comparable to that through HDMI.
Q3. Do you have two color variations of black and silver for two different models ?
A3. This model comes in one color (clear black) only. There may be color variations in the future.
Q4. What is the initial launch quantity for PS3 ?
A4. 2 million units will be shipped worldwide at the launch timing (for the first 3 weeks), cumulative 4 million units by the end of December and cumulative 6 million by the end of March 2007 (we do not disclose the breakdown by region).
Q5. Will you launch the PS3 in the Asian region at the same timing ?
A5. Yes.
Q6. What is the breakdown of the production shipment figures for each model ?
A6. We will decide the breakdown according to the market situation.
Q7. Are you planning to launch another model which has different HDD or interface in the future ?
A7. Like PCs, other configuration with the different HDD capacity and I/O can be considered in the future.
Q8. Where will you start manufacturing PS3 ?
A8. We will start manufacturing in Japan and China simultaneously (we don’t disclose the names of manufacturing companies).
Q9. When will you start manufacturing PS3 ?
A9. We will start assembly from summer. Manufacturing of the main semiconductors has already started.
Q10. MS’s Xbox360 was launched a year ago and has a head start. How do you feel about it ?
A10. We have set the best launch timing for PS3.
Q11. How is the PS3 network service going to be ? Will you also start the service from day one ? What are the differences between Xbox Live and PS3 network services ?
A11. Apart from providing basic features and functions, the most important element is content and services. Downloading music in SingStar, purchasing or exchanging game data as we demonstrated at E3 press conference and many other new ways of enjoyment will be provided.
Q12. Will the network service be charged ?
A12. Basic services available free for current PCs will be free of charge but content and specific services will be charged from the beginning.
Q13. Are the specifications and design final ?
A13. Very close to final.
PS3 Price
Q14. Why did you set such a price for 20GB HDD model ?
A14. We have set this price so that many users can enjoy PS3.
Q15. Why is only 60GB model open price for Japan ?
A15. Each RHQ decides the price of PS3.
Q16. You have announced in April that more than 100 billion yen of operating loss will be caused from Game segment in FY06. Will the PS3 price have any impact on the forecast ? Was the introduction of two models factored in at the earnings announcement in April ?
A16. There is no change in forecast.
Q17. Won’t having two models increase cost ? Can you expect the economy of scale with two models ?
A17. We don’t have two different models. It is one model with different configuration just like with PCs. Therefore, economy of scale can be pursued.
Q18. When do you expect to start making profit with PS3 business ? It has been reported by Nikkei (dated May 1st) that the “PS3 business will make profit of over 100 billion yen in FY07.” Is it true ?
A18. At the early stage after the launch, PS3 expects losses due to start-up cost, etc. However, there is no change in our business model to make profit from both hardware and software. As we have accomplished with PS2, we aim to make PS3 business profitable as soon as possible, by expanding the platform and continuing our cost down measures by reducing the number of components used in the hardware and cutting the cost of key components including semiconductors. However, it’s too early to comment on the timing of the turnaround. We have never told Nikkei that “PS3 business will make profit of over 100 billion yen in FY07.”
Hardware Functions
Q19. Are there any additional or modified features from E3 last year ?
A19. Please refer to the specification sheet for details.
Q20. You had previously announced that there would be two HDMI ports, but why does the PS3 with the 20GB HDD not have a HDMI port ? Can Blu-ray content be enjoyed in high quality graphics without HDMI ?
A20. High quality HD images can be enjoyed equally with the 20GB HDD product via the AV multi port (1080p output is also possible with the TV equipped with the D5 input). Analog output from BD will be supported until 2011 and all software published until they can be enjoyed. Standardization of visual image output via home network (e.g. DLNA) is also currently under way.
Q21. There were 2 HDMI ports in your original announcement, but why does the 60GB PS3 have only 1 HDMI port ?
A21. Because standardization of image output over the network such as DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) is currently under way, it will become possible to transfer images to multiple displays in ways other than using the HDMI port. It is also possible to connect PSP through the network as a secondary display and enjoy PS3 content remotely (although it depends on the software).
Q22. Can you enjoy progressive images with PS and PS2 titles ?
A22. Not only does PS3 convert images from SD to HD, it also converts interlace to progressive images (upward conversion is done by the PS3 system).
Q23. Can you enjoy full HD PS3 software content with a standard TV ?
A23. Not only does PS3 convert images from SD to HD, it also converts 1080p to 720p (downward conversion is done by the PS3 system).
Q24. Is 60GB HDD large enough for PS3 ?
A24. 60GB is 3 times the capacity of Xbox360 and at the moment we consider it enough to save online game data as well as to transfer various data from other PCs and CE/AV products. If there is need in the future, it is also possible to upgrade storage capacity by exchanging HDD to Serial-ATA 2.5″ HDD available on the market.
Q25. Why isn’t 20GB PS3 equipped with Memory Stick/SD Memory card/Compact Flash slots ?
A25. PS3 is a computer system. Storage devices can be expanded by using adaptors available on the market.
Q26. The 20GB PS3 does not come with Wi-Fi 802.11, but does this mean that it cannot be connected to PSP ?
A26. Home networking is spreading around the world. With the use of widely available wireless LAN adaptor with USB port, connection to PSP is possible.
Q27. Why did you reduce the number of USB ports from 6 to 4 ?
A27. PS3 is a computer system. Number of ports can be expanded by using adaptors available on the market.
Q28. Why did you reduce the number of Ethernet ports from 3 to 1 ?
A28. We had one input (WAN) and two outputs (LAN) in mind, but given that nowadays network connection is spreading within the homes, we considered that one Ethernet connection to a router would be sufficient.
Q29. Will Linux OS be adopted as you have planned ?
A29. Yes. PS3 is a computer system and Linux OS is adopted as one of the standard OSes.
Q30. How much noise reduction level have you achieved ?
A30. Approximately 29dB (A) (equivalent to slim-line PS2).
Q31. You mention that PS3 adopts a breakthrough six-axis sensing system that lets you control intuitively as if the controller has become part of your body. How does this work ?
A31. “3-posture-axis” of roll, pitch and yaw, plus “3-dimension acceleration information (X, Y and Z)” can be detected in high-precision and in real-time (no more specific details to be given).
Q32. Why did you change the design of the controller to that of PS and PS2 ?
A32. We received many feedback after E3 last year and created the PS3 controller by refining and improving the world’s most popular Playstation controller that shipped more than several hundred million units worldwide, while inheriting its basic concept and design.
Q33. Can the new features be enjoyed with all PS3 titles ?
A33. It depends on the title, but we expect that software developers would proactively make use of the new PS3 controller.
Q34. You say that PS3 provides backward compatibility of PS and PS2 titles, but would you insist that you offer complete backward compatibility even if vibration feature does not work ?
A34. There is no major difference in gameplay even without the vibration feature. We hope a lot of users will support the new PS3 controller with new ways of enjoyment.
Q35. The controllers shown at the booth are all wired, but will the actual product be wireless ?
A35. Yes. We are using wired controllers since there is too much interference with so many wireless devices on the show floor.
Q36. Will PSP be used as a remote controller ?
A36. We will consider the possibility.
PS3 Software
Q37. We hear rumors from software developers that there are not enough development tools being shipped. Is this true ?
A37. As evident with many game titles demonstrated at E3, development of PS3 titles is duty in progress.
Q38. How much is the estimated price range of the software titles for PS3 ? Is it the same price as PS2 ?
A38. As a platform holder, we are not in a position to comment on this. As a first party title developer/publisher, we assume a wider price range since software can be delivered through various media including packaged discs and network.
Q39. Are all titles shown at E3 (press conference and booth) launch titles ?
A39. Many of the playable titles shown at E3 are likely to be released at or around launch. Some titles shown as (demo) video may also become launch titles.
Q40. Do all titles shown at E3 support 1080p ?
A40. “Gran Turismo HD E3 2006″ is demonstrated at 1080p with frame rate of 60 frames per second. As for other titles, some are 1080p and some 720p.
Q41. How many launch titles do you expect to have ?
A41. We expect the best launch line-up in history.
via PS3Insiders
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July 28th, 2006, 12:31 Posted By: shadowprophet
Vettacossx has been working overtime tonight!
He has just finished his SS goku Turrican Full GFX mod!
Here is what he had to say about his most recent masterpeice!!
well at first i didnt think i was gonna be able to pull off dbz with the turrican engine but it seems i was wrong!!!...though i admit this was a challenge
....im looking foward to takling
SS4 GOGETA NEXT thanks for your votes... it looks like our characters for
the future DBZ line up of turrican mods will be:
GOKU takes the win by double the votes of any other! as predicted by SP
SS4 GOGETA--- tie for second
TRUNKS----- tie for second
KRILLIN ----tie for third!
KORIN -----tie for third
so there you have it the DBZ most requested characters and your next mods by
JMV as always enjoy and thanks for your support!
About this file. Like the last time, this file was too large to upload in one peace, Just download both parts of of the file, and let win rar do the rest,
Great Work Vetta! I cant wait to see SS 4 gogeta mod!!
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July 28th, 2006, 14:30 Posted By: wraggster
There's few things we like more than spanking our plank of a morning here on CVG, and sometimes we even follow it up with a spot of Guitar Hero as well (badumtish!). However after playing the original 'till our fingers bled, we're more than looking forward to additional axe-wielding mayhem with the advent of Guitar Hero II later this year.
You should too, given this array of fresh screens which have just erupted into our Friday morning, suggesting part deux will be even more saucy looking than GH I - we can almost see the queue of groupies stretching around the block, as we lovingly caress screaming melodies from our axe of justice. Ahem.
Still, pretty screens aside, GH II will undoubtedly be all about the finger-numbing, axe-shredding gameplay and we'll be warming up our digits with some Satriani-like arpeggios in anticipation of GH II's debut this very November.
However, if you haven't already checked it out, the official Guitar Hero website is well worth a visit, with great links, pics and a community of fellow shredders to shoot the breeze with. You can even upload pics of yourself wielding the axe in your best god of rawk pose! In the words of Spinal Tap's rock legend Nigel Tufnell, this one will undoubtedly go up to Eleven.
Screens and News at CVG
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July 28th, 2006, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Powergy5 is an extra or replacement AC adapter for your PSP, at a low price. It holds all the safety stamps such a product required, and is ideal for people often playing in 2 different places, no need to carry around the AC adapter anymore!
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July 28th, 2006, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via Eurogamer
Ready At Dawn, the studio behind rather excellent PSP adventure Daxter, has confirmed that a second game for Sony's handheld is already in development.
In an interview RAD president Didier Malenfant said: "We're working on a new PSP game which is using a licensed property. Just like Daxter, it's a project we pitched to the people who owned the rights to the property as opposed to having a publisher come to us with an idea.
"Just like Daxter, it's our very own take on the licence and I'd be very surprised if this doesn't become one of the most anticipated PSP game when it's announced," he added.
The new game is "already light years away from what Daxter achieved in terms of performance," according to Malenfant.
"We're going to push the limits once again with this game, and I'm very excited about this."
Malenfant also confirmed that the engine RAD used to make Daxter is now being licensed to third parties. "The response has been awesome so far, especially when the developers realise that the best part about it is not just the rendering engine but the complete content creation pipeline that we provide with it.
"We're calling it the "Ready At Dawn Engine"," he stunningly revealed.
There's no word on when the new game will be released, which is hardly surprising since they haven't said what it's called or which licence its based around. But we'll keep you posted.
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July 28th, 2006, 15:33 Posted By: wraggster
First, the good news: Sony is profitable again, beating expectations with its most recent earnings report. For the quarter ending June 30, 2006, the electronics giant reported net income--what laypeople like to call "profit"--of 32.29 billion yen ($279.4 million). The figure was a massive improvement over the same quarter in 2005, which saw Sony take a 6.58 billion yen ($56.9 million) loss. The company credited its turnaround to strong sales of digital cameras and improved currency exchange rates.
Now, the bad news: Sony's financial gains were hindered by a big shortfall at its game division, Sony Computer Entertainment. The department saw a year-on-year decrease of 29.1 percent in revenue, dropping from 172.8 billion yen ($1.5 billion) to 122.5 billion yen ($1.06 billion). In turn, SCE's operating loss ballooned by 20.9 billion yen ($181 million), going from 5.9 billion yen ($51.1 million) to 26.8 billion yen ($232.1 million).
One factor in Sony's misfortunes was its current-gen platforms. The PlayStation Portable was a bright spot, seeing a year-on-year increase of 4.2 million units in quarterly software sales to 9.1 million units. However, PSP hardware sales were down a modest 70,000 units to 2.02 million units. Quarterly PlayStation 2 hardware sales fell much further, sinking nearly 1 million units to 2.54 million. Software for the console was also off, falling 2 million units to 33 million.
But while the PS2 and PSP's fortunes were mixed, they at least brought revenue into Sony's coffers. The same can't be said for the yet-to-be-released next-generation console, the PlayStation 3, which was, by Sony's own admission, a financial sinkhole. "The [quarterly financial SCE earnings] deterioration was due primarily to the recording of charges associated with the preparation of the launch of the PS3 platform, in addition to continued high research and development costs associated with PS3," said Sony in its earnings report. The company did not give specific financial figures for R&D costs for the PS3, which will ship worldwide in mid-November.
[UPDATE] But while (obviously) no PS3s are in the retail channel now, that will soon change. As part of its report, Sony repeated that it plans to ship 6 million units of the next-gen console during its current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2007. During that same period, the company says it will ship 10 to 11 million PS2s.
Sony's forecast added to analysts' resurgent optimism about the game industry. "We believe that the prevailing negative sentiment in the sector is beginning to wane somewhat ahead of the launches of Sony's PS3 and Nintendo's Wii," said Lazard Capital Markets senior researcher Colin Sebastian. "While a slowdown in current-generation product sales is still possible in [the second half of 2006] as consumers await the release of new hardware, we note there are a few offsetting tailwinds, including a stronger software release schedule and easing year-over-year growth comparisons."
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July 28th, 2006, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster

News from Playasia:
Enterbrain and Capcom's cooperation continues with yet another Capcom related special issue of Japan's number 1 video game magazine publisher. The Famitsu PS2! No. 8/25 PSP Special Vol.5 contains PSP™ footage on a total of 68 pages, including previews of upcoming games.
The special issue further ships with a UMD™ disc featuring playable demos of Capcom's upcoming PSP™ games Power Stone Portable, Goku Makaimura and Capcom Classics Collection (1943).
The Famitsu PS2! No. 8/25 PSP Special Vol.5 is in stock today, available as long as supplies last at US$ 18.90 only.
More info / buy here ---> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 28th, 2006, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

With its comfortable, over-the-ear design and snazzy hi-tech look, Communicator Headset for PSP is an essential purchase for gamers on the move. It’s fully WiFi-compatible too; the ideal companion for Datel’s own WiFi MAX.
Communicator Headset works with any PSP game with voice chat. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an earpiece for crystal-clear sound, Communicator Headset lets you bark out your orders or taunt your opponents as you play.
Take Sony’s brilliant SOCOM: US Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo. During online play, it’s essential that you communicate with the rest of your squad. Plan your strategies, warn your comrades in arms of impending danger and make sure everyone is doing the job they’re meant to be doing. With Communicator Headset, you can hear every word your buddies utter, and your own instructions are never lost in the heat of battle.
With more and more Sony PSP games making use of microphone communication, and for those inevitable occasions where listening to the in-game sounds is the only option, Communicator Headset is the ideal choice.
More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1d0b.html
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July 28th, 2006, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
While the consumer electronics and content industries worry that the battle between Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD will set company against company to the disadvantage of all, Europe's antitrust officials appear to fear that having two rival high-definition video disc formats isn't competition enough.
To whit, the European Commission has asked the consortia behind both technologies to detail their intellectual property licensing terms, the BBC reports.
The EC is seeking reassurances that neither group will restrict access to their technologies, either to hardware makers or to disc suppliers. Not that they're likely too - successfully winning the hearts and minds of consumers will largely depend on widening access to a given format as much as possible.
With the exception of an HD DVD-equipped notebook from Toshiba, neither next-generation optical disc format has yet to be launched in Europe, though that's likely to change before Christmas. At the very least, Sony will be pushing its PlayStation 3 as a Blu-ray player when the console launches in November.
In a statement, Sony said the EC gave it no indication that the organisation is investigation any complaint into the new formats, or that officials have any specific antitrust worries.
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July 28th, 2006, 16:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Register:
Sony will today launch its PlayStation Portable-oriented Wi-Fi hotspot network, though with only 11 sites, perhaps 'network' isn't the right word, particularly given the 7,500 hotspots that are part of rival Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection for the DS.
PlayStation Spot is centred on game retailers in London, Milton Keynes, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The service provides PSP owners with a way to download content, including games demos, songs, videos and pictures. The material is only available via PlayStation Spot.
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July 28th, 2006, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
CKemu posted this on the official PS2 emu for Windows site:
Final Fantasy X: 35-128 FPS
Grandia 3: 37-60 FPS
...Yes you read that correctly, and no it's not April 1st!
WAIT!!..Okay so you knew there would be a catch
MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) has recently become much more stable thanks to zerofrog and his recent improvements to zeroGS (a GS plugin for PCSX2). MTGS allows for people with Dual Core CPU's to run PCSX2 at significantly improved speeds by putting the graphics side of PCSX2 onto a seperate core.
zeroGS itself has also gone through a major overhaul, making it significantly faster, even without the use of MTGS, so the Single Core crowd will also see a speed boost via this plugin!
zeroGS offers more features in the up coming release, with improved AA, wireframe mode, video recording, bilinear filtering and pre-defined resolutions to choose from.
So whats the catch? Well zeroGS requires Pixel Shader 2.0, so you need a graphics card capable of this shader model (I recommend the GeForce 6600GT for budget users).
The other catch is somewhat obvious, you will need a Dual Core CPU to support MTGS mode, eg; AMD X2's, Opterons and of course the new Conroe.
So when does this new zeroGS come out? Well for now no ETA, and please don't be nagging us about it!
Enough of the text, lets move onto my favourite section - eyecandy!
The shots where taken on the following spec machine:
Opteron 165 1.8Ghz @ 2.5Ghz (9x280)
1Gb DDR550 Dual Channel @ DDR560
Gainward BLISS 7900 GTX 512Mb
SoundBlaster Audigy 4
Note FPS is reduced by ~50% in these shots because they where taken with Bilinear Filtering, and 4xAA enabled:
Screens Here
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July 28th, 2006, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
A Japanese analyst posted this news:
Developers may love it, and many gamers seem to have already warmed to it, but that won't stop Nintendo's Wii finishing behind Sony's PlayStation 3 in the next-gen battle. That's the view of Yuta Sakurai, leading analyst at Nomura Securities in Tokyo, who has suggested that the PS3 will outsell the Wii by a bulky 60 percent. By 2011, he believes PS3 will have shifted 71 million units, compared to an estimated 40 million units for Wii at the same stage.
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July 28th, 2006, 16:39 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has again updated his Video Converter for the PSP which is great for Xvid converting:
Heres whats new:
4.015 changes:
Added two AVI decoders more. OpenDMLSource & AVIFileSource. OpenDMLSource support import AVIs size > 2GB.
Very funny, but now MP4 PSP output fixed! Sure! Was missing ATOMChanger.ini in full release.
Added block from 48000khz selection for PMP output.
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July 28th, 2006, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
Gawd has released a great new homebrew game for the PS2, heres the release details:
Cute little bunnies are out on a gore game of deathmatch. This is a multiplayer only (2 to 4 players,) game for the Playstation 2.
Originally developed by Brainchild Design (BCD) in 1998, it has been made freeware and the sources were published in 1999. Lunatics on the internet made this piece available for any thinkable platform, and now for your PS2.
Dott, Jiffy, Fizz, and Mijji are out for blood! Your blood!
This is the first version to be released for Playstation 2. It only supports the default level, which is embedded inside the .elf binary for easier distribution.
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July 28th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Gawd posted this news:
Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to release neither the binaries or the sources for this project.
So, the only thing I can do, is use my unlimited bragging rights. The game is almost completable (one logic bug left,) and the 16bit sound samples are faulty (but you cant see that from the pictures
This is, of course, my unofficial version. I coded it myself, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Magic Productions.
Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/gawd0r/...7594134644752/
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July 28th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
Sources tell me that the rumored Playstation Portable version of Oblivion are true. The game is being ported by Climax UK and while I couldn't find out what form the game would take, I'm told that UMD space isn't as big a concern as some might think. The PSP version won't have 512x512 textures, instead relying on something closer to 128x128 textures and true color will likely be replaced by 16 color. Both of these moves greatly reduces the amount of space the final game would likely take up
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July 28th, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
With Nintendo's DS stealing the limelight recently, thanks to the launch of its Lite model, coupled with the machine's meteoric success over in Japan, Sony's PSP been somewhat stuck at the sidelines of late - despite a slew of quality games in recent months.
Now, speaking to Joystiq.com, Sony's senior PSP product manager John Koller has addressed the issue of PSP's place in the market, commenting on how he feels the success of the DS has affected Sony's own handheld ambitions: "There has been no impact on sales", Koller assured, "We have had steady sales since before the DS Lite and to today. Looking at it objectively they've had a very successful launch, obviously, and I think they're seeing a lot of Nintendo loyalists jump back in the market and there's a lot of retail initiatives to trade in your old DS for a DS Lite."
Koller continued, "If you look at the numbers, they did very well in June. But, if you look at our numbers since launch until now, we have outsold the DS by approximately 900,000 units in North America. Statistically speaking they had a holiday head start on the PSP, so in terms who have sold more overall has been a back and forth."
Comparing the difference between Sony and Nintendo's approach to the handheld market, Koller suggested, "They live in the gaming part of our competition and they have made a sharp turn to sort of the shorter Brain Age-type of games, which I think has been really successful for their consumer. I think they cater to more of the younger consumer whereas we cater to more of the older one, 18-24 target. We've had the longer, deeper software titles whereas they have gone shorter and more kid friendly."
Of course, Sony's PSP USP - if you will - has been the handheld's extensive multimedia capabilties, with Koller confirming the machine was always supposed to be about more than games: "It always was multifunctional. There was the appearance right at launch that it was going to be pigeonholed into just a gaming machine. We didn't necessarily want to go down that route. Gaming will always be at the heart of this. But, this has other benefits then just being a gaming system."
However, Koller acknowledged this jack-of-all-trades approach could damage the PSP's image in the long-run, with success boiling down largely to the way the machine is marketed: "We've learned lot of things. The first thing was how we market the product. You don't want to be all things to everyone because then you're nothing to no one. So, we've really tried to make gaming the heart of what we do and added many multifunctional elements to differentiate ourselves from the DS or the Video iPods."
As for the future, with UMD support from major Hollywood studios starting to dwindle, Koller explained the company is increasingly looking toward the internet for content distribution, "The UMD situation is an area we have been adapting to all along. How we operate in the download area is key. That's ultimately where we want to be as far as overall content like music, movies and games. We want to be in a place where a target consumer can easily access content to put on their Memory Stick. That's not to say we wouldn't want to continually utilize UMD, because we do. There's a tandem marketing push there."
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July 28th, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is expecting to post significant losses in the current quarter, which could have a major impact on numerous divisions within the group as production and launch costs for its next-generation console spiral.
According to Reuters, Sony's senior vice president, Takao Yuhara, said that a possible increase in valuation loss on microchips used in the PS3 could have a massive impact on the group.
"We might see valuation losses of a size that we cannot laugh away in the quarter," Yuhara stated.
Sony posted a profit of 32.3 billion Yen (219 million Euro) for the quarter ended June 30th, attributed largely to growth in flat TV sales and a general surge in profitability for its consumer electronics and movie divisions.
However, the games division saw a 30 per cent drop in revenues and a massive operating loss as a result of the PS3 development, which looks set to dive further into the red as the company prepares for its November launch.
Analysts remains sceptical of an ongoing success, as it's more than just the games division at stake. Although Yuhara is confident that the company can recoup losses within a five year period, the company's huge movies division is also banking on the success of Blu-ray, and the PS3's Cell processor is set to be incorporated in a wide range of the company's consumer electronics devices.
If sales of the PS3 meet or exceed expectations, the entire group will benefit, and Blu-ray could become the dominant optical storage format. However, that success is far from guaranteed, and the ramifications of the PS3's failure to dominate the market will affect the entire organisations financial stability.
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July 28th, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Tony Montana, the antihero of Brian De Palma's Scarface, never settled for just a piece of the pie. He wanted the filling, the crust, the tin, and the whole bakery in his quest to dominate the Miami drug trade.
Now it seems as though Montana's digital counterpart is also expanding his empire. Vivendi Games today announced that Scarface is headed to the PSP in early October. However, it will be an entirely different game from its console counterparts.
Titled Scarface: Power. Money. Respect., the game will combine turn-based strategy with real-time combat. Would-be kingpins will try to take over the drug trade in 1983 Miami by eliminating rival cartels turf by turf. The game will have two main modes--a story-driven single-player mode and a wireless multiplayer mode that supports up to four crime lords.
While Scarface has spread out onto the PSP, it appears that another crime family from the entertainment business has taken over the turf war on the Xbox 360. After a prolonged period of confusion surrounding Scarface: The World is Yours' appearance on next-gen systems (a 360 version of the game was confirmed in May 2005, but has since fallen off of online retailer lists), a Vivendi Games rep confirmed to GameSpot that the game is not headed to the Xbox 360.
Via Gamespot
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July 28th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
With the tactical turn-based war wager, Field Commander, marching its way into shops today, we've joined forces with Ubisoft to successfully secure 10 copies of the game to give away to lucky GamesRadar readers.
Field Commander is perfect handheld fodder and brings a much needed slice of strategical square-hopping warfare to PSP. Oversee a diverse selection of land, sea and air units and command them in the theatre of war as you test your military mind muscle against shady, threat-to-the-world organisations.
In addition to battling against automaton armies, up to two players can trade some friendly (ish) fire by taking turns on one PSP or by hooking up using ad-hoc or online modes. Field Commander also provides a nifty mission creator that allows you to custom-make your own campaigns, maps and all.
To be in with a shout of taking siege of your own copy of Field Commander, simply answer the following question correctly:
Which of these historical figures was NOT a military commander?
a) Erwin Rommel
b) Genghis Khan
c) Mahatma Gandhi
To enter, click here to email us with your answer, name and full address. The closing date for entries is Friday 25 August 2006.
Via Gamesradar
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July 28th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
These new images reveal what EA's lacklustre gangster game, The Godfather, will look like when it arrives on PSP later this year. Titled The Godfather Mob Wars, it's a mix of card-based, territory map-fiddling tactics and third-person action that seems well suited to Sony's gleaming handheld.
Take a look at these shots and you'll see two types of gameplay. All of the travelling, car-jacking and street-pounding has been sliced away and instead you'll be lining up your grunts on the territorial map, shuffling cash and triggering missions - like bank heists, intimidations and brawls - by selecting a single territory and leaping straight into the action.
The card-based gameplay comes into play on the map screen. Each of the 250 cards gives a different bonus, so a bribe card sees the police ignoring your misbehaviour, while a favour card can give you an advantage during battles. Success in each mission earns you new cards and extra money, which you can use to buy weapons and all those other trinkets that gangsters splash their cash on.
While it might sound like the illegitimate son of Metal Gear Acid and Liberty City Stories, at least it's not a tired, half-hearted PS2 port. If the tactical challenge is strong enough and the action short, snappy and satisfying, The Godfather Mob Wars could earn a place in anyone's family of games.
Screenshots and News at Gamesradar
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July 29th, 2006, 02:19 Posted By: HellsPlumber
I put this in the news section because it tells of future PSP hardware, gives info on hacking and hints that sony may allow homebrew in future.
I was searching the net and found an interveiw with Japanese technology Web site ITmedia, Kawanishi that revealed possible plans for the PSP. Read it and then come back here.
Firstly,it says:
"Kawanishi explained that security issues prompted the team to leave out some Javascript support, such as allowing scripts to access the UMD"
This shows that If Javascript is expanded,then the Flash memory would be accesable and a downgrader could be made.
Then it says:
"He commented that a keyboard and mouse are possibilities"
We have yet to see these and they where not on any PSP plans.But lets hope they are released
"When asked whether the PSP will support downloadable games, Kawanishi simply stated that the idea is under consideration. He also added that it would be interesting if users could develop their own simple games and distribute them online."
Does this mean $ony will allow homebrew in the future?
Is he talking about some kind of software $ony will release to make games?
Is he trying to make it sound like $ony is in favour of homebrew and trying to get its reputation back?
Or does this guy just not know what he's talking about? 
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July 29th, 2006, 07:16 Posted By: psiko_scweek
Hello all,
Just figured Id pop by and let you all know about a game that Ive been working on,
Its a remake of Shadowgate, for the PSP written in both C and Lua. Attached is a screenshot, of the first room that you go to.
The game is going to try to be a faithful remake of the original Shadowgate, but is being designed for PSP from the ground up, the game is also going to have some differences when it comes to how the gameplay is. Eitherway, enjoy the screen and give feedback if you want!
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July 29th, 2006, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
Team Shadow have released a new version of their rather excellent MP3 Player for the PSP, heres the release notes:
- id3 v2 skipping (to avoid header read errors)
- .mp3 songs buffering
- clock work frequency reduced to 266 to enhance battery duration
- new audio functions: NORMAL, SHUFFLE and REPEAT
- improved graphic visualisations: EQUALIZER, OSCILLOSCOPE and BOTH
- Audio Gain Volume
- Fast rewind / Fast forward
- main graphical restyling
- enhanced graphical core
- various bugs fixed
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July 29th, 2006, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
Memory technology developer Rambus Inc. hopes the widely-anticipated graphics performance of the upcoming PlayStation 3 (PS3) games console will push PC makers to adopt the company's technology, Rambus CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Harold Hughes said in an interview last week.
The PS3 will go on sale next year and is widely expected to set a new standard in gaming graphics. The PS3's ability to render realistic images will raise peoples' expectations of their PCs, and vendors will have to respond by boosting PC graphics performance, Hughes predicted.
"That's where the next generation of PCs will go," he said.
New processors by Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. will help deliver this performance but memory will need to match the faster processors and that's where Rambus comes in with its XDR technology, said Hughes.
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July 29th, 2006, 12:43 Posted By: motz
Art has released another version of X-Flash, bringing it to X-Flash Kerrang Build 4. Here's the changelog:
Kerrang Build 4 (29/07/74):
Fixed in program sound effects to come out of both speakers instead of just the left speaker.
Program also displays Mikmod Sound Library version on startup.
Added support for analogue joystick in XMB Menu Editor, Document Reader, and Custom Firmware Configurator.
Improved XMB Label Editor with faster cursor movement, and changed text is highlighted.
Kerrang Build 3 (28/07/06):
Full XMB menu editor allows the user to change most XMB text labels to anything desired.
Input is through video game hi score style text entry method. It also has Read, Reset, and Save features.
Various minor enhancements.
Kerrang Build 2 (23/07/06):
New Easter Egg is a hidden hand gesture.
The Easter egg is not unlocked by performing flash write operations.
Implemented ASCII graphic sliding delay bar for Auto Restore, and
Program Exit functions. This is to prevent accidental use of those two functions.
The file PSP/SYSTEM/config.txt file can be deleted from the configurator screen by
pressing the square button.
Various fixes to ASCII graphic animations.
Kerrang (22/07/06):
New Hand Gesture aSCII animations used for indication.
Test for new interface style.
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July 29th, 2006, 12:49 Posted By: wraggster
Remember a while back when we reported that cell processors weren't being produced very satisfactorily? Well, according to an article at the Inquirer, IBM executives are now claiming cell processor yields are on or above their targeted average yield. Good thing, too. No one wants to send their newly bought PS3 back to the manufacturer for repairs or end up with a defective system. Happens to every system (red circle of death (360), disc read error (PS2)) except GameCube, really. Has anyone had trouble with their 'Cube? ...Does anyone have a 'Cube? Why not? It's a great non-online party system. Nothing beats a round of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Getting back on track, IBM released statements that translated somewhere along the line as "yields for a large, complex part like the Cell are expected to be low at the start of production and improve steadily thereafter". So the bad yield rumor reported earlier was indeed true and accurate, but not unexpected by IBM. We may want to try to steer clear from the Asustek manufactured PS3's though, since they have connections with the cell processors with lower yields. Might be difficult, with 4 million units on their way to Sony. Still, Sony has said they only use the highest yield processors created, so perhaps the junky ones are in a landfill, next to the E.T. game for the Atari 2600.
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July 29th, 2006, 12:57 Posted By: wraggster
Those people on v2.80 firmware can now sample the delights of Video Podcasts, well for those that are on that firmware head on over to our pals at PSPFanboy and check out the vids on offer.
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July 29th, 2006, 13:01 Posted By: wraggster
Jap site Impress Watch has took both the Sony and Sandisk cards for a performance test and Sonys cards performed miserably compared to their rivals.
Now with that in mind why would you pay anything from $70 to $100 dollars more for a 4GB Card when you can buy Sandisks card for $147.
Nice to know that Cheaper is better sometimes 
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July 29th, 2006, 13:09 Posted By: wraggster
New Audio cast for those of you who like such things, heres the info about it;
This time we cover…
Things that happened since we’ve been gone
The new firmware update
Gangs of London and Sony UMD Tools leaked on internet
Homebrew Review
Check it out here --> http://pspmagic.wordpress.com/
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July 29th, 2006, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
Xodiac 21 has released a preview release of his Sonic game for the PSP written in Lua, heres what he posted;
yea, i've been workin on this all day, my sonic avol 1-4 bundle!, i cleaned up some of my codes and dropped the file size a bit but the main point of the pack was for convience of all 4 sonic avols in 1.
before I go on, let me point out that this is a PRE-RELEASE! i removed my sonic avol 4 (in progress) source but it's still on the menu for my norm. release in a few days!
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via xodiac21
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July 29th, 2006, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from Cheatsync
What is that I here you all cry...? What do you mean portable...? Well, I mean a full on homebrew version of the ever so popular online tool with all the online features and more (apart from percent submerged which didn't do anything anyway by the way)...
That's right, all you lucky PSP owners with firmware 1.5 can now pimp out cars (for Grand Theft Auto LCS) to your hearts content without ever having to use that pesky USB cable because this version runs straight off your PSP...
On top of all that you can have customizable colour palettes and even choose your background music as it also double as a basic MP3 player...
If that isn't enough for you i've provided you with 4 save slots to save work in progress... If you get bored working on one car then just save it and load up another one you were working on... When done, Export to the game, load up LCS and try it out... Still not right, hard reset, load up Pimp My Garage Portable again and fix it... It will remember where you were up to...
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July 29th, 2006, 13:44 Posted By: wraggster
Hippie has released a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the release details;
To play Stereotype Volleyball, you will need a second person, one for either end of the PSP. The objective of the game is to reach 10 points, which
means that your opponent will have none. To gain a point, defeat your opponent by making it land on the ground. As you play more, you will develop more tactics into the best ways to do this and how to control for such a move. You can also gain a point if your opponent mucks up a shot, resulting in them dropping the ball. Watch out however! If you
are scored against, or you too muck up a shot, you will lose a point. When one player gains a point, the other will lose. This means that to win, one player needs to reach 10, and the other 0, as both players start on 5 points each.
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July 29th, 2006, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Mooser posted a new release that works like X-Flash, heres what he posted;
This program lets you flash a background , font, gameboot and bootsound to the psp version 1.50
1. put the PSP folder in the root of your memory stick (ms0:/)
2. put your ltn0.pgf-ltn15.pgf/gameboot.pmf/01.bmp-12.bmp/opening_plugin.rco In a folder called moose
3. then you click on MooseFlash
4. You will be brought to the menu
5. and select what you want with X and Restore that(whats highlighted)With CIRCLE
PSP-Maniac for compiling my source and editing 1 error
Kozine For menu snippets from his source
*****Note: even though confirmed working flashing can always brick your psp*****
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via mooser
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July 29th, 2006, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
RacerS has released PSP Gamepad for PC, heres the info:
*What is it?
Play games on your pc via psp and a wifi router.
This is my first tool for psp.. so please don't be harsh on me. I saw that there was another tool that utilizes PPjoy, but if you don't fancy installing 3rd party drivers on your pc this is a good alternative. Unfortunately the analog stick isn't working yet.
I've also included all the sources for those who are interested. The windows application was coded with VB6. If you see an error about MSWINSCK.OCX I've put a copy in the src folder, move it to the same folder as the exe.
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July 29th, 2006, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Miemt11 is the coder of quite a few great projects for the PSP and is hosted here at DCEmu , heres what he posted yesterday on his site:
Hi, finally got some time before my trip again ()
Project 1: GBA for PSP
Lot of code had change from the last release, mainly on mode0/1/2/3/4/5 and code CPU emulation.
Speed wise, increase greatly about 2.8 time.
Sound are better now but still got a lots of pop pop sound
Maybe when there is no more room for improvement, I will use the second CPU.
Project 2: PMP Simple Converter
All the code almost complete, need to do a bit more debug before release. Stay Tune...
new feature
1: Add a multi-pass encoding mode
2: Add a direct DVD video to PMP format (help those with DVD disc)
3: Add a aspect ratio converter (optional)
4. Add a sub title support
5: Completely New 3D Style GUI
6: Add audio enhancement mode (optional)
7: New skin resolution 600x520 pixel
8: Add an Advance video cropping and resize option
Project 3: Secret 3D Emulator
Guess from spec below....
Main CPU : R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 50MHz?, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS : 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM : 512 Kilobytes
Sound CPU : Z80 (Encrypted Kabuki Model)
Sound Chips : Capcom Q Sound (PSX Sound chip is ignored)
Main RAM: 2/4/8 Megabytes depending on game.
Video RAM: 2/4/8 Megabytes depending on game.
Sound RAM : 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor : 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects : Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Resolution : 256x224 - 740x480
Colours : 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
If i didnt know better id say he was working on a PSOne Emulator for the PSP
Check out the news on his site --> http://miemt.dcemu.co.uk/
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July 29th, 2006, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Over at Chubigans he has posted a new Flash Game to get playing on your PSP.
Heres the info:
This is a five level puzzle game that is very simple, yet very hard later on. Just try to get the yellow ball through the maze by clicking the arrows to shift the walls, but don't push the gray ball out or its game over.
How to use:
Download the swf file. Then make a folder in the ROOT of your PSP memory stick (where the MP_ROOT and PSP folders are.) and title it "flash" or whatever you'd like.
Next, place the swf file in that folder. Go to your PSP web browser and type file:/flash/game.swf and away you go!
Note that you MUST have 2.7 firmware installed on your PSP, and have activated flash in your browser.
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July 29th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: Xiro
StrmnNrmn posted this news of his Nintendo64 emulator for the PSP.
I'm very pleased to be able to say that I've finally managed to fix the nasty bug I blogged about on Thursday.
I'll go into more details in a later post, but in essence the problem was due to very rare situations where the trace recorder would exit a trace when there was still a branch delay instruction pending. This caused the fragment generator to inadvertently skip the branch instruction, causing the odd behaviour I was seeing.
For reference, here are some updated figures for Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart (initial results are from a previous post). Generally the current changes seem to indicate an overall speedup of 20%-25%, which is great for a few days work. What's even better is that I've still not implemented all the optimisations that I have planned for R7, so hopefully these numbers will look even better soon.
StrmnNrmn has gained up to 5FPS on some games on this news.
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July 29th, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
HaxxBlaster has released a new Lua app that will also be usuable to Lua Devs, heres the info:
This vote tabel i created, can be used in real time(the stand alone version) or be used in a Lua application.
It contains:
A stand alone version, wish allows you to cange the values of the votes.
A function wish Lua developers can use in theyr Lua applications. Everything is inbuildt in a function, for easy use for Lua developers.
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via haxxblaster
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July 29th, 2006, 21:38 Posted By: F9zDark
Heres a Public Service Announcement and we at DCEmu fully agree with the statement ahead
With the recent slew of custom gameboots coming down the pipes, many here may be jumping for joy at the prospect. But there is a problem with them: they may be illegal.
The problem arises from the tools that produce them, which, if you are unaware, were leaked a few days ago ( you can read about it here: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=30167 ) Some members have claimed to have downloaded these leaked tools and others have outright released what they have made with them.
With the limited understanding of the laws in the US that I have, I firmly believe that these gameboots are illegal.
Just like developers need to get a license to develop software for the PSP that will be 'official' software, so too do developers need to get a license to use the UMD software package that was leaked.
The license also applies to any information released using the products. If the party isn't licensed to use the software, they aren't licensed to release anything they make with it.
This package may have been included as part of PSP dev-kits, which, if you are a homebrew developer, you already know that all software made with these dev-kits, if acquired illegally, are illegal (and no self respecting homebrew site would knowingly allow those files to be hosted on their servers).
This legal problem can and very well be the end of homebrew sites as we know them, if something is not done about this.
Sony has a vested interest in these tools and what can be made with them, and I believe that if we allow for dicussion of these tools and files made. released, and distributed using these tools, that we can gurantee that Sony will have more than enough reason to shut down homebrew sites.
So far, we have maintained an image of legality, to which Sony may have some respect for us. But Sony could probably shut this or any site down at will, without proper evidence for it. So just imagine how easy their job would be, if they had evidence for it...
Let's not give Sony a reason to shut us down.
Message from Webmaster
Can all PSP visitors and members please not at all upload or link to gameboots on DCEmu servers, any material should be deleted ASAP or risk being banned.
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July 29th, 2006, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
David Rudie has released Wifi Controller for the PSP, heres the release notes:
A little about this first...
Mikko Monone wrote the original controller program for the PSP and the server for the PC. After using his program on the PSP it seemed it was missing some things. The start button exited the program and select didn't work. It had a display for the buttons you would press, and while it was functional, I like a little more detail to be displayed. I then wrote my own controller from scratch and only borrowed a small portion of his code (the packet creation). Here is a link ( http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=4197 ) to the thread
that started this all in a way for me.
What this does...
This basically turns your PSP into a controller for your PC (running Windows).
I'm going to attempt to explain how to get this working.
1) Open the PSP directory and edit the proper wifi.cfg for your PSP version and set the IP of the computer you are going to use this on.
2) Copy the correct director(y|ies) to your PSP depending on whether you have a 1.0 or 1.5 PSP. If you use a custom firmware mod that allows the use of single EBOOT.PBP files on a 1.5 PSP then you can use the 1.0 directory.
3) Download and install PPJoy.
4) After it is installed open up your Control Panel and run Parallel Port Joysticks.
5) When the window comes up click Add... at the bottom and then Add on the next screen.
6) It will want to install some drivers so either have it scan automatically or point it to the directory you install PPJoy to.
7) After it is done installing, click the PPJoy Virtual joystick 1 in the menu and click Mapping...
8) Choose "Set a custom mapping for this controller" and click Next.
9) Axes = 2 (X Axis and Y Axis)
Buttons = 8
POV hats = 1
10) X Axis = Analog 0
Y Axis = Analog 1
11) These buttons are up to you to set. I left them all default but changed Button 7 and Button 8 to be correct because they ARE WRONG default.
Button 1 = Digital 0
Button 2 = Digital 1
Button 3 = Digital 2
Button 4 = Digital 3
Button 5 = Digital 4
Button 6 = Digital 5
Button 7 = Digital 11
Button 8 = Digital 10
12) Directional button POV
North = Digital 6
East = Digital 7
West = Digital 9
South = Digital 8
13) Run the SocketText.exe program. It will open a Command Prompt window. Just minimize it and forget about it. If it just opens and closes, something went wrong. Good luck.
14) Now start the program no your PSP and it should connect to your computer and basically be working. You'll find out in the next step.
15) Go back to your control panel and go to Game Controllers. Click on the PPJoy Virtual joystick 1 and choose Properties. On the screen that comes up you should be able to press buttons on the PSP and have them show as working on the screen. I recommend calibrating the Analog Stick too.
16) Enjoy!
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July 29th, 2006, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
user112 posted the release of Argon a SMS-based media player for the PS2:
- Nothing, except the menu itself, is working, not even thumbnails.
- No support for CD/DVD and HDD, only host: and USB (so, you can only start it from there).
- No media change notifications - only parses folders at startup.
Controls - directional buttons, X - confirm, O - cancel.
The next step would be adding video and mp3 support, hopefully with EEUG's support. That shouldn't be a problem, cause it's already based on SMS.
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July 29th, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
DAB-Hacker has released a Flash Media Player for the PSP with 2 sample songs included. Only for those with firmware 2.70+
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via dabhacker
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July 30th, 2006, 06:05 Posted By: Zion
Okay, i took another small break from coding Zelda (a 15 minute one ) , to make a spinoff game for "lua wormz".
Basically, its a worms racing game.....
try it! 
Will be updated in the future 
Only tested on lua player 0.16. dont know if it runs on newer versions...
use luaplayer 0.16 !
Screenshot :

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July 30th, 2006, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
If Sony are serious about the UMD as a video format you would have thought that by now they would have released a standalone UMD Player or even a PSP Console, imagine playing your games on the TV and handheld when ever you want?
Maybe it would only appeal to PSP owners but what a killer idea eh?
or maybe just maybe theres a UMD slot in the PS3?
Anyone have any thoughts on this ?
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July 30th, 2006, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Scene has released some fantastic software, some hacks that beat Sonys efforts by a mile and must make their tech guys jealous but the one hack thats not really been done yet is the one that allows you to play UMD Movies region Free, yes you may not like UMD Movies but its one id like to see cracked.
Anyone got an hack (doable of course) they would like to see ?
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July 30th, 2006, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Scene is a worldwide scene and today we have news of a Russian PSP Magazine thats actually of a high standard, everyone here at DCEmu Labs were impressed with the 3 magazines released by the team over at PSPX, check it out for yourself over at this address --> http://www.pspx.ru/
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July 30th, 2006, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
DreaDNought has followed up his release of the Sony vs Hackers game with a new game where Mario must catch the PSP, one thing comes to mind is that Mario would probably give the PSP a good kicking because its taking some cash from his Nintendo masters, but anyway..
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July 30th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster

SamuraiX and the team over at Bor Revolution have posted a new Dev Build of the fighting game Beats of Rage which is also known as OpenBor (ill let others explain the differences. heres whats new:
New Features:
Entered by Fugue
Give all your grabbable enemies a height value. Give a player a non-looping VAULT animation. Instead of putting the offset point at the player's feet, put it at the location you want the player to rotate around. For instance, if you want the player to grab the enemy's shoulders and flip over them, put it where the player's hands are. Also, add a blank frame (one whose graphic only has the transparent color in it) with a delay of 1 before the VAULT animation begins.
Now, start up the game and go grab someone. Press jump. The player will play their vault animation, and their offset will be centered on the enemy, at their head level. Once the animation is finished, the player will turn around.
At the moment, all it does is put you behind the opponent.
The blank frame with a delay of 1 is just there to take care of a bug that we've been unable to fix so far. It's really hard to see the blank frame, even when you look for it, so it shouldn't be a problem.
One more thing- for now, don't try vaulting when next to a wall. Currently, it'll just put the player inside the wall. This will be fixed later.
New attack types:
There are three new attack types: attack2, attack3, and attack4. They work just like shock, burn, and attack. The only difference is that they don't change to the last frame of the normal FALL animation when their FALL animation is finished (shock and burn both do this). These also have custom PAIN, FALL, and DEATH animations, naturally (PAIN2, FALL2, DEATH2, PAIN3, FALL3, etc.). Also, there are new SDIE and BDIE animations, which will be played when a victim is killed by a shock attack or a burn attack, respectively.
If this animation is present, players will use it instead of the last attack in their atchain when they hold down attack for three seconds and let go.
ATTACK4/Attack chains:
There's now a new attack animation, ATTACK4. The only way that players will use it, though, is if you specify it with atchain.
You can now pretty much set up your basic attack string in any order you want. If you use the new atchain command, you can specify up to five attacks (Although there are only 4 ATTACK animations right now, more could be added very easily). Just give it five numbers in order. 0 means don't use any attack (i.e. end the attack string), 1 means ATTACK1, 2 means ATTACK2, and I think you can guess the rest.
If you use this, you should fill any unused steps in the combo with 0 (i.e. a 3-hit combo should be something like atchain 1 2 3 0 0), although it isn't neccessary.
Enemies can also use ATTACK4 just ATTACK1, ATTACK2, and ATTACK3. Just give it a range.
Unless you're using the new CHARGEATTACK animation, the last attack in a player's attack chain will be used if players hold attack for 3 seconds and let go (even if the last attack isn't ATTACK3).
That's it for my stuff.
Entered By SamuraiX
MAX_SPRITES increased to 5000 from 4000
MAX_SOUND_CACHE increased to 256 from 128
p1lifex & p2lifex:
New controllable variables for "x" Place new variables in "levels.txt"
p1lifen & p2lifen:
New controllable variables for "Number of Lives" Place new variables in "levels.txt"
p1name & p2name:
New controllable variables for "Name of Players" Place new variables in "levels.txt"
e1name & e2name:
New controllable variables for "Name of Enemies" Place new variables in "levels.txt"
AutoGameSave for DOS & SDL
Automatically Saves current level during gameplay to file nameofgame.sav under SAVES folder. Can be loaded from "Load Game" under the main menu.
AutoHiScoreSave for DOS & SDL
Automatically Saves HI Score in nameofgame.hi under SAVES folder. Hi score is only saved prior to shutdown and only loaded once pakfile has been selected to play. This fixed the curroption of having different characters on different games played.
PSP, DC, DOS, SDL Merged to one Source File OpenBOR.C
Lastly, Do visit http://borgeneration.com since they are hosting the releases.
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July 30th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
MPH has released PSPLZMA, what is that you ask, well heres a discription taken from the wiki:
LZMA, short for Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm, is a data compression algorithm in development since 2001 and used in the 7z format of the 7-Zip archiver. It uses a dictionary compression scheme somewhat similar to LZ77 and features a high compression ratio (generally higher than bzip2) and a variable compression-dictionary size (up to 4 GB).
Heres whats in this release:
Portage of :
LZMA SDK Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov
- Only extract and check function without password.
- Read function is performed by a 128ko buffer.
- Write function doesn't use memory.
Use the parameter f=off to disable filters on executables files when you compress your archive else theses functions cannot decrypt the archive (only one coder supported).
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July 30th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Jeremy1026 has updated his Yahtzee game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Well, I released v1.0 on friday, and I had some positive responses, but also had some requests for the game. I did my best to fulfill some of those requests. I added a highscore, so you can show off to your friends how good you are at rolling computer generated dice. And I added 2 player mode, so if that same friend as previously mentioned thinks that your highscore is fake, you can just beat them and show them who's who.
As always, more information can be found in the readme. Have fun with this version, and keep the feedback rolling, its the best way to help make the game better.
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via jeremy1026
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July 31st, 2006, 08:51 Posted By: SmashinGit
PSPMaster is a Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator made for the Sony Play Station Portable system. It was made 100% in C language by [Bo]Trops and compiled using GNU C.
The emulator uses the old Marat Z80 emulator by Marat Fayzullin, some parts of SMS Plus by Charles Mac Donald, and is heavylly optimized for the PSP system.
PSPMaster is running at full speed without frame skiping when the YM2413 sound emulation is disabled. Please do not change default options if you don't know what you are doing.
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July 31st, 2006, 13:39 Posted By: Hungry Horace
FOL has released another great update to the PSP Amiga emulator over on www.pspuae.com - building on the rock-steady work put in by Ric.
This finally gives a speed increase in loading times, as there is now support for the Turbo Floppy Drive speed.
Please note, that using this option is less compatible than using 100% drive speed, although the majority of ADFs seem to have no problems.
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July 31st, 2006, 15:21 Posted By: wraggster
In news so crushingly predictable, we should probably have written this story up randomly one quiet afternoon when there wasn't much else to do, Microsoft's Japanese Xbox 360 general manager Takahashi Sensui has lambasted (or at least 'had a grumble about') Sony's PS3, describing it as "too expensive" for a games machine.
Speaking to Japanese site Mainichi, Sensui stated that despite its high price, the PlayStation 3 would not offer a significantly better experience than the Xbox 360, "Gaming is the essential role of Xbox 360 and the experience is in no way inferior to any other console."
In other news, probably of minimal interest to anyone living outside Japan, Sensui also confirmed that no price drops for Microsoft's next-gen console are on the horizon and that, while there are no plans for an HD-DVD ready version of the machine, if the standalone player is a success, Microsoft would investigate all options.
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July 31st, 2006, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via Insert Credit
According to an entry on 2ch, a new PSP Gundam game is in the works (scheduled for an October release). Apparently titled "Gundam Battle Royale" it will feature over 80 playable mobile suits from the Universal Century timeline.
It also appears to be based upon the Capcom arcade games and uses a similar system to that of Gundam SEED (arguably the best of the Capcom Gundam efforts, despite the anime being a bit shallow and derivative). Interestingly, it's also rumoured to support infrastructure versus (so you too can now have your ass handed to you by an 8 year old Japanese kid).
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July 31st, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

An exclusive PSP edition of Capcom's legendary platforming game, directed by the original's creator Tokurou Fujiwara. The game makes use of a 3D graphics engine, giving depth to the visuals, but plays in a side-scrolling perspective and similar art design to stay true to the original. Your goal is to work your way through side-scrolling stages, defeating enemies and using your best platforming skills. The game lets you build up your skills as you progress. You start off with just a basic jump, but eventually gain a double jump and even the ability to fly. You'll also earn lots of magic spells along the way. The game promises a greater number of spells and weapons than ever before. New for Goku Makaimura is non-linear gameplay. You're no longer on a fixed path from start to end. The levels include branching points and even warp points. By using a warp point, you can warp back to previous levels and collecting items that you might have missed.

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July 31st, 2006, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v0.8,
Heres the translated release notes:
ver0.9+ releases size reverse and date reverse were added to ○filer file alignment. File when deleting and the paste, when operation everything cancelling, the bug which causes memory leak was corrected. HACKER MODE was added. Pushing the L while button, when you push the R button, it becomes HACKER MODE, operation of the file becomes possible vis-a-vis the FLASH device. When you push once more, it returns to normal mode. Warning: It is due to the operation of the flash device, in regard to some trouble of PSP itself with this one it does not owe responsibility. Please use in self responsibility. ○ picture the viewer special PNG picture (with 2 colors without the pallet the thing) the bug which cannot be indicated was corrected.
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July 31st, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: Kramer
eLoader(GTA) w/ USB for FW2.50/2.60 v1.01 by 0okm
Thanks hitchhikr, John_K & PSPPet
To use this boot up eLoader(GTA)
then run "USB for eLoader GTA"
after that you can use Triangle to turn on USB mode 
via http://0okm.blogspot.com
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August 1st, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release of a new PS2 Product coming soon:
In response to the announcements that both the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 will utilise High Definition formats for next generation game development; It has been confirmed that Xploder will launch the HDTV Game Player to allow millions of Playstation 2 owners to upgrade their PS2 consoles, so that they can experience their favourite PS2 games in true High Definition quality via their HDTV sets.
PS2 lovers can now experience their games with enhanced image quality - standard PS2 games can be played in High Definition using the Xploder HDTV Game Player. You can also exploit the true capabilities of your HDTV set RIGHT NOW and benefit from crystal clear picture quality on all your PS2 games.
The Xploder HDTV Player is designed to allow you to make the most of your existing kit by providing everything needed to connect the PS2 to your HDTV.
Available for both PAL and NTSC PS2 consoles, the Xploder HDTV Player allows you to:
- Select a HD 720p or 1080i setting to give a clearer, crisper picture quality for all PS2 games.
- Play games in Enhanced Definition (ED) TV 480p mode; a higher resolution for improved image quality.
- Choose from a variety of superior VGA options.*
Driven by proprietary Xploder software, you simply put the disc in the PS2 console and use the simple on-screen interface to select the optimum configuration for your system (HD, ED or VGA modes) from the options menu. The details are automatically saved to your memory card, so there’s no need to reconfigure the settings every time you use your console.
The supplied high-quality RGB Component Cable connects the PS2 directly in your HDTV to ensure superior image quality.
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August 1st, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new app that works with Devhook, heres the info:
This is a prx which works under devhook and can cheat every devhook-compatible game under firmware emulation This works trought raw-relative cheat codes like action replay, codebreaker, gameshark, xploder, etc. Other than this, it has support to other function which are usefull for cheat finder and normal users (like battery, cpu/bus clock, devhook version, ms free/total space information)
The latest updates are always available on
http://www.consoleworld.org and http://weltall.consoleworld.org
The latest database version is available from
If you make a cheat we would like to add it on the main database 
if it's a long cheat or if you have a lot of cheats just contact me
if you found any bug just report it on bugzilla:
This project originally started in march with some
simple tests of prx functionality (like loading 1.50
vsh) then with the help of sincro (which developed
a loader and a cheat searcher) it evolved in a cheat
device. But later in April this was discontinued because I couldn't anymore contact sincro and problems with runumd.Then... devhook with firmware emulation came... and also some prxs appeared... so i decided to take againthat project and i ported successfully it to devhookas a builtin prx without any loader (so the old loader was removed from the project) and now it works as a
in-game menu and cheat device.
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August 1st, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Xvid converter for the PSP, heres whats new:
Fixed missing volume normalize line if button save avs was pressed.
Fixed encoding AVIs with AC3 sound.
Fixed DVD encoding (change sound track bug). Was only if channels number different from default.
Fixed work two new decoders - OpenDMLSource and AVIFileSource.
Now even for AVI with AC3 possible use NicAudio decoder and Dolby Surround II.
Added scanning of AVS import. If line ConvertToYV12() missed, line added automaticly. Also automaticly added Dolby Surround II downmix for multichannels AVS.
Now in job list displayed output fps.
Added monitoring bugs on start.
Added checking for bad ac3 files.
Added option ac3 over DirectShow. Used for bad ac3.
Speedup AVS import.
Now in info line added channels information.
Fixed preview files with space.
To menu Apps added my gui for MediaInfo.dll.
Added Clear button. Delete trash after not finished jobs.
Speedup analise of hard files such as wmv hdtv.
Added recheck frames for DVD import. Fix incorrect target size and time. Working only after Preview button pressing or if d2v already exists.
Now better aspect and crop detection for DVD.
Added checking for ReadOnly save path.
Again sound extracting with VirtualDub before encoding - more stable than redirect.
Fixed autocrop.
Added import od D2V files.
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August 1st, 2006, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Taito and Global A Entertainment announced this past week their latest collaborative effort. Global A. is developing Heaven's Will, a sci-fi action game to be published for the Japanese PSP this October through Taito.
In Heaven's Will, you play as Nes, who awakens one day having completely lost his memory. The name "Nes" is (if you allow for Engrish logic) actually short for "Nameless." Nes finds himself trapped in a labyrinth, and it's your job to get him to safety.
Each floor of this labyrinth has a time limit within which you must reach the exit. Expectedly, this is no easy task, as you're faced with the dungeon's array of traps, as well as attacking foes.
Nes has a few helpers as he makes his way through the labyrinth. Each floor houses multiple EO (Experiment Object) characters who have special mutant powers. By partnering up with this characters, Nes gains new abilities, useful for finding the exit. The game features over 60 EO characters, although you can only have three in your party at once.
Heaven's Will looks like another PSP game that will likely stay in Japan, so interested portable gamers will want to check with their favorite import store for availability later this year.
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August 1st, 2006, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Sony Computer Entertainment teamed up with Climax last year for Tenchi no Mon, one of the PSP's earliest action RPGs. Now, the two companies are hard at work on a sequel, Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden.
This sequel takes place on the continent of Sema, which lies far to the west of the original's Ouka continent. In Sema, there exists a great gate called Sema Gate, which rises to the heavens. People use this gate as a means of establishing direction, as it can be seen from anywhere on the continent.
One day, the gate begins to change color, turning red slowly but sure from the ground up. This causes great fear in the people of Sema, as some 300 years back a great disaster in which many lives were lost was preceded by a similar change to the gate.
You play as two characters: Rou, a male warrior, and Shunka, a female sorceress. These two head off to the gate in order to prevent a similar disaster. You're free to switch off between the two characters based on the situation, and can make use of over 200 skill types in battle.
Progression through Tenchi no Mon 2 is different from that of the first. The game is now mission based, with the story advancing as you clear missions that you've taken up from a guild.
There's still quite a bit being kept under wraps for Tenchi no Mon 2, but seeing as how the original made its way over to America under the name Kingdom of Paradise, we'll definitely keep you posted on this sequel. A Japanese release is set for 10/19.
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August 1st, 2006, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
e-MSC have interviewed LiraNuna (a coder) who has left the DS Scene to move to the PSP Scene, heres an excerpt:
1.- Who is LiraNuna and how do you start in the homebrew world?
My name is Liran Nuna, and I have started my way 5 years ago with GBA homebrew. I've never actually did anything usefull, except for a few small techdemos. After the DS was released, I was very excited and started to work on it right away.
2.- Can you tell us the most important projects yo have made for Nintendo DS?
My first 'real' project was NDS WinS (Later renamed to WinDS), Which was a semi operating system (or Windowing System). WinDS gave me 2nd place on GBAX 2005 Coding competition, where I won my virgin 1.5 PSP.
After a while, I became more experienced with the DS's HW and started even more complicated projects, which were never released (such as HornetDS and NDjS) and then started a 'simple' RPG engine that became Tales of Dagur today.
Read the Full Interview
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August 1st, 2006, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPfanboy
In case you didn't notice, Miami Vice knocked off Pirates of the Carribean from the top spot in this weekend's box office, outselling it by nearly $5 million. But will the video game version have the same success as its theatrical sibling? Publisher Sierra sure hopes so.
Miami Vice: The Game, which uses Resident Evil 4's over-the-shoulder camera style, enables players to take control of Crockett and Tubbs through such wonderous locales, such as a mansion or warehouse in their attempt to infiltrate the South Beach underground. I gotta say, I'm about damn tired of publishers slapping on "The Game" at the end of licensed video games. Do they think we're that dumb to not discern the difference between a video game and a DVD?
Deeko (75/100) felt a bit of deja vu when playing the game: "It also seems that I keep doing the same thing over and over every day. Enter this building, hide behind that barrel and shoot that scumbag."
IGN (66/100) appreciated the game but felt it was hurt by problems more development time could have fixed: "Atrocious enemy AI, poor level design, occasional bugs, and short play time hurt what's otherwise a pretty fun little game."
Gamespy (50/100) thought the game was rather bland: "The closest that the game comes to being rather fun is in the Drug Wars-inspired segments, but they're not enough to carry the game alone."
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August 1st, 2006, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPFanboy
Fanboys love the numbers game, because nothing tells you the quality of a system like the profit margins of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Sony revealed that as of a week ago, 20 million PSPs have been shipped worldwide. Mind you, these are not representative of sell-through numbers, but it is impressive nonetheless. You can see that the PSP is far more successful in the American and European markets than in the Asian ones (Note: JPN includes shipments to the rest of Asia). Although the PSP has been successful, it appears that Sony's not meeting its own sales expectations: you may remember that Sony anticipated shipping 20 million PSPs in 2006 alone. In order to do that, it'll need to ship 15 million more by year's end. Will the Christmas season prove to be the injection of sales Sony's looking for?
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August 1st, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
DreaDNoughT & kid101skater have released a new version of the game starring Mario where he has to catch falling PSPs, although hes more likely to laugh when one smashes.
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August 1st, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Jeremy1026 has updated his Yahtzee game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Updates in this version include bug fixes and minor sound additions. Bug fixes include not scoring certian 'Three of a Kind' and 'Full House' roll patterns. As always, for more information refer to the readme.txt.
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via jeremy
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August 1st, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
[Bo]Trops has updated his Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator made for the Sony Play Station Portable system.
The emulator uses the old Marat Z80 emulator by Marat Fayzullin. VDP source is based on SMS Plus by Charles Mac Donald. All the source is heavylly optimized for the PSP system.
PSPMaster is running at full speed without frame skiping when the YM2413 sound chip emulation is disabled. Please do not change default options if you don't know what you are doing.
To play PSPMaster you will need a PSP with the firmware 1.5 installed. To install, just download and decompress the file "pspmaster.zip" to the root of your PSP memory stick.
Changing PSPMaster language:
PSPMaster read menu strings from a script file. These files are in languages directory. To create a new language just translate the strings in the file "english.c" using a simple text editor like Windows Notepad.
Changing the default theme:
You can change the default emulator font by changing the script file "theme.c" in theme directory. The background image displayed in menus is in the file "bg.bin". You can create your own background image by using the background generator.
The background generator convert a windows bitmap file into a PSPMaster background file.
Heres whats new:
- Fixed a bug in the Master System background render code.
- Fixed a bug in the state files.
- Fixed a Game Gear screen shot bug.
- User can select the language file from the main menu.
- Start to rewrite render routines in assembly to gain some
speed. Function Render_UpdateBgCache() done.
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