December 1st, 2009, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed that it sold over 440,000 PlayStation 3 units over the Thanksgiving week in the US.
The week includes the traditional Black Friday sales, where many retailers discounted software and hardware to kick off the busy Christmas sales period.
"The 2009 holiday season got off to an amazing start for PlayStation, with all key retailers showing a significant increase for PS3, PSP and key holiday titles over Black Friday and the holiday weekend," offered Patrick Seybold of Sony Computer Entertainment America.
"In today’s economy, consumers are drawn to items that offer the most value for their money, making the PS3 an ideal choice for those who want a comprehensive gaming and entertainment system all in one package... we have no doubt the momentum and demand will continue and consumers will prove that entertainment this holiday season is going to be defined by PlayStation," he added.
The 250 GB PS3 sells for around USD 349 in the US and comes bundled with games including Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Little Big Planet GOTY Edition.
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December 1st, 2009, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
IW's Robert Bowling reports on his twitter account that Infinity Ward is giving 2,500 Modern Warfare 2 cheaters the boot. The news comes as the war between IW and MW2's fans rages over the decision to go with IWnet hosting instead of dedicated servers. Unhappy players were quick to come up with hacks that would allow their own servers and various other changes."
Despite the dedicated-server complaints, Modern Warfare 2 has sold ridiculously well.
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December 1st, 2009, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home will open a Winter Wonderland on 10th December; a fantasy land of snow and elves and Santa's Grotto.
But unfortunately not all is well there and Santa will need your help to complete preparations and make Christmas a triumph. Rewards are promised to those who help, and mini-game tasks are designed to be frolicking good fun.
There will be a winter market with special clothes and items for avatars to buy, including what looks like a fetching duffel coat, satchel, hat and glove combo - judging by the screenshot on the European PlayStation blog.
A photo elf will even chuck-in a free festive border should you be snapped by him.
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December 1st, 2009, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe is offering one of three free games to new owners of the PSPgo.
Users who set up or sign in to an existing PlayStation Network account via the PSPgo are offered a choice between Gran Turismo, Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines and MotorStorm: Arctic Edge. In Germany, LittleBigPlanet replaces Assassin's Creed.
The offer is open from today until January 10. When originally launched in Europe in October, SCEE offered Gran Turismo free to early adopters of the console.
The system has been discounted at retail from the RRP of GBP 224.99 to around GBP 199 in the UK, with some retailers such as HMV offering the handheld for as little as GBP 149 for a limited time.
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December 1st, 2009, 19:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
SCEE has responded to this morning's report that Heavy Rain has picked up a February release date in Japan.
"I can't comment on Japan i'm afraid," a company spokesperson told CVG, adding "we haven't confirmed a release date for the UK yet". Overnight several Japanese retailers, including Amazon Japan, listed the February 18 date for the PS3 exclusive.
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December 1st, 2009, 19:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq

The Final Fantasy series has been known to have some truly epic box art in the past, such as the man vs. machinery motif of the Final Fantasy VII cover, or the lovely, all-inclusive tableau featured on the front of the last entry in the core franchise. Imagine our surprise when we received the images above from Games Press -- it seems the cover for the UK version of Final Fantasy XIII will be considerably more simple than the box art of its predecessors.
We've posted larger versions of the two boxes in the gallery below. Check them out, but don't let those eyes of yours wander. Yes, we know her skirt is hiked to a precarious degree. We also know that the baby Jesus is watching your every action.
Larger box art scans here
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December 2nd, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
The Japanese ClassG coder has released a new update to its plug macrophytes, prx come to version which allows you to configure key combinations you can do with the push of just one, adjust the sensitivity of the analog stick and set the auto-fire for a given key. This release fixes a bug related to compatibility with the Pops.
More informations below.
Changelog v3.0.1.2:
- Fixed a bug related to POPS
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December 2nd, 2009, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
Alternative to ChickHEN R2/ChickHEN mod for PSP owners in 2000 and 3000. Using this version of MHUSPEED you can access all'HEN in less time, even with custom themes active in the dashboard, and there are greater chances of success. The installation and use patterns are the same as the old release, however, found to follow all the details, a demonstration video and a link to download.
Details / Video:
- Works with custom themes active
- Faster than ChickHEN
- Less likely to crash
- Copy the file in the root of the Memory Stick speed.bin
- Copy (and overwrite if required) PICTURE folder
- Navigate to the Photo section of the main menu until the first image of the folder (below) is loaded
- Enter the folder mhuspeed and move slowly down with the Down button
If after several attempts, the procedure does not restore the system settings.
- JPEG originals m0skit0
- Speed.bin original dave
- Exploit of matiaz
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December 2nd, 2009, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from spike_132000
Hey Guys, how is everyone this evening? Well... just thought I would drop by and...
(by Richard Sparrow (aka spike_132000))
What?!? :
It is an application that will automatically download and install homebrew games and apps, saves, wallpapers, movies, music... anything really... but only if the repository that you select has those files for download!
-> New Scrolling Menu System, no page system anymore!! Scroll up and down through the menu's!
-> Repository System, this allows other people to host games, apps, anything really! So im not so depended on anymore
-> Install anything to anywhere on the PSP System, not just restricted to certain folders because PSPInstaller now treats the zip file as if it is the ROOT of the memory stick when it installs things!
-> No repetative Start WLAN, Stop WLAN, it's needs to be on for the app to work now otherwise, you'll get kicked out It will initialise at the start of the application! If you switch your WLAN Switch to off while the app is running and your not in the middle of downloading something it will tell you that Wireless is needed, if your downloading something, then it will just wait on that screen forever (NO FIX FOR THIS).
-> Major credits where credits due (Check top screenie for list)
!! - !! - !! Please Comment, Bug Report, Suggestions, Thanks !! - !! - !!
M33 Users:
This was created and tested using 5.00M33-6, It does definately work on this version.
GEN Users:
There was reports of a Wireless Dialog loop on some GEN Firmwares. Make sure you have the latest version of GEN installed before attempting to use PSPInstaller.
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December 2nd, 2009, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wethegreenpeople
Well, I made a small program that allows you to play sound effects on your psp, its pretty basic but I think it is really fun :P It's a quote from my original post.
I now introduce to you... SoundEffects! v1 LOL Sounds effects allows you to use some sound effects HAHA, I can think of at least three things I do every day that needs a drum roll :P so this program is just 6 different sound effects for you to use ( I plan on adding more) And um yea, like I said this is really kinda basic because it is my first HB and I'm still learning, but I think it's fun. So yea, if I make a v2 I will add more sound effects and better graphics. And maybe a menu... car sounds, people sounds and so on. So, just to sum up it is a sound board with sound effects.
Sound effects:
Drum roll
Please try it out, tell me what you think, how I could improve it (I know their are many ways but maybe you guys know some more HAHA)
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December 2nd, 2009, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster

Once upon a time Universal was the hybrid disc king, with plans to release up to 90% of its 2007 HD DVD titles on the dual sided discs, but we know how that ended. Now the company is back to its old tricks, ready to ship the first BD-59 discs with a 50GB Blu-ray / 9GB DVD configuration promising movie and all available special features in whichever format is desired. The expensive answer to a question no one was asking or the perfect way to add future proofing and extended compatibility to new movie purchases? We'll know more once a price is announced for the Jason Bourne trilogy of movies -- seeing their first individual Blu-ray releases -- due on January 19.
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December 2nd, 2009, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Harmonix has confirmed to Joystiq that Rock Band Unplugged has "run through [its] planned slate" of DLC. Following two weeks of Rock Band Unplugged DLC being absent from our Rock Band Weekly feature, we decided to check in with the developer to see if this was the end of the road for the portable rhythm game's downloadable track support.
Harmonix stated it is "very pleased with the performance of the Rock Band Unplugged game on PSP, the Rock Band PSP bundle and PSPgo starter kit" and appreciates Sony's support of the title, which currently has around 100 tracks via disc and DLC combined. The developer states that the DLC team is currently focused on the ambitious "Rock Band Network, weekly console DLC, and unannounced future projects." Harmonix isn't ruling out future Unplugged DLC, as it may be "part of event releases," but it appears that weekly updates are done for now.
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December 2nd, 2009, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
A release date has been announced for the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.
According to Famitsu magazine (as translated by Kotaku), the game will be released on 18th March. There's still no word on a European release date.
MGS: Peace Walker is a PSP exclusive and stars Naked Snake. You'll find previews, trailers and screenshots over on the gamepage.
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December 2nd, 2009, 11:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPgen
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December 2nd, 2009, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Third party peripheral company Logitech is working on a UMD drive add-on for the PSPgo, a source has told CVG.
Neither a price or release date was given, but we were told that the device will plug into the PSPgo, allowing users to play their UMD games on the portable.
"The only problem is that it'll make the PSP a little bulky", said our source.
Logitech's UK office told CVG: "We're not aware of it, so it may be something the US office is working on." We're awaiting a response from it and Sony.
PSPgo is able to store and play games from either its internal memory or a memory stick. The news remains rumour for now, but if true, we imagine a UMD reader would insert into the PSPgo's memory stick port on the left side of the console, as did some hard disk add-ons that were released for the older PSP models.
Developer talk at the Tokyo Game Show in September hinted of a plan by Sony to release another iteration of the handheld, a PSP-4000 that would support Sony's UMD format, for release in 2010.
The lack of a UMD drive is, among other things, a widely criticised aspect of the new PSPgo, rendering built up collections of UMD games useless for its owners, who'll have paid a whooping £225 for the pleasure.
We'll keep you informed on this.
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December 2nd, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rogue Warrior is a story-driven shooter that provides team-based tactical combat set in massive, contiguous levels using Unreal 3 streaming technology. Central to the game's single and multiplayer experience is the idea of a freeform battlefield, where players are given the freedom to choose how to complete a given objective, allowing for creativity and surprises, rather than heavily scripted events and tightly contained spaces traditionally used in this genre.
An advanced AI system allows NPCs to react and fight realistically, see and hear others, and respond as a team. Rogue Warrior offers a new take on the multiplayer experience, with 10 gameplay modes and a system whereby maps are created using tiles that are selected by each team. Rogue Warrior's tiling system allows users to experience over 200 maps in both day and nighttime settings. In addition, the campaign features solo and on-the-fly cooperative play for up to four players, where anyone can join or leave an existing campaign game at any time without having to go to menus or save progress.
In Rogue Warrior, you play Dick Marcinko, leader of an elite SEAL unit trapped behind enemy lines in North Korea on a covert mission to assess the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. When war breaks out between North and South Korea, you must try to lead your team back into South Korea while greatly outnumbered and with no support and limited resupply. Your journey will take you through a variety of never-before-seen environments inside of North Korea, including submarine pens, shipbreaker yards, prison camps, and more.
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December 3rd, 2009, 02:36 Posted By: NyghtcrawleR
Wagic v0.9.2
Wololo released an update for his Wagic homebrew a couple weeks ago. Wagic is a card game similar to Magic: The Gathering. You have the ability to create your own decks, earn money to buy cards, and play against many ai decks. The official release can be found here: LINK
Graphical Mod:
Now for even more good news. We now have the graphical mod to accompany the game that makes the game look and feel much more like MTG. Added are card images and a completely rethemed game.
You can see some screens below of the mod in action:

The link to the post with all the info about the mod is found here as well as the links for download: HERE
The direct link to the modded game download: HERE
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December 3rd, 2009, 11:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/index.php
Just for you all to know. Open PS2-Loader (Project) 0.5 has been released (the project was previously known as "Open USB-Loader Project"). It is the first released 100% OpenSource-Gameloader for the PS2 (that also means, it doesn´t use the 2 USBA-Modules anymore, which were used in earlier versions). It currently supports USB-Loading and a unique thing to this loader, loading of games from SMB/Windows-Shares/LAN for games installed in the USBA-Format.
Great news for USB Homebrew Loading:
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December 3rd, 2009, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
The SingStar series has now sold over 20 million units, Sony has announced, five and a half years after the London Studio's singing game first launched on PlayStation 2.
Sony's landmark sales figure coincides with the release of a new update for the game, which adds a number of features and fixes issues such as missing songs caused by its previous update.
Features added include assorted top 10s on the SingStore - such as most downloaded tracks, and top festive tunes - and the ability to view purchasable SingStore songs directly from the song selection screen.
A child-friendly cartoon version of the end-of-song feedback and rating screen has also been introduced.
Sony has updated the SingStar series on a regular basis since 2004 with instalments spanning pop, R&B, the '80s and ABBA hits.
Earlier this year, Sony confirmed 16 million units had been sold across PAL regions alone.
Localisation within Europe has been crucial in hitting those numbers, it said, with the game available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Croatian and Russian.
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December 3rd, 2009, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Traveller’s Tales’ Jon Burton foresees the end of physical media for games
Sony’s handheld ‘for the digital lifestyle’ will die out if its downloadable software keeps to UMD prices, according to Traveller’s Tales director Jon Burton.
“I’m betting on Sony making PSPgo games much cheaper than the UMD versions, or the PSPgo will die,” he said.
Burton’s comments came from this week’s Develop Jury Service – a new feature that puts a pressing question to a group of developers and industry execs.
Burton held the majority view that digital content will eventually eclipse physical, but said the change would happen quicker if downloadable games offered better value than their disc-based counterparts.
“I own a PSPgo but don’t want to buy LittleBigPlanet, for instance, as I can get it 20 per cent cheaper on UMD from Amazon and could resell it once I’m finished with it. But if I download it, I get no discount, and no chance to resell – how annoying is that?”
He went on to describe what he saw as a “stalemate” between platform holders and retail businesses.
“At the moment the [UMD and PSPgo] prices are kept at parity as the platform holders need physical stores to sell their consoles and PCs, so don’t want to undercut them.
“But once they realise they can use outlets such as supermarkets for bulk distribution of consoles, then they can slash the prices for downloaded content and that will signal the beginning of the end.
"At the moment it’s kind of a stalemate as both sides think they need each other and no-one wants to blink – I’m betting on Sony making the first move by making PSPgo games much cheaper than the UMD versions, or the PSPgo will die."
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December 3rd, 2009, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Konami’s PSP-only Metal Gear Solid title arriving in the UK on May 28th
Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be released on the PSP in the UK on May 28th next year, publisher Konami has confirmed.
Described as “the next true chapter in the story of the legendary Special Ops expert Snake”, the game is a sequel to PS2 classic Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Unlike titles such as Metal Gear Acid, Peace Walker is very much a ‘proper’ stealth instalment in the series.
“Metal Gear Solid fans should prepare themselves for the next chapter of Snake’s story,” series creator Hideo Kojima stated.
“Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will answer many of the series’ unanswered questions and showcase a different, more collaborative side to tactical espionage.”
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December 3rd, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
15 years ago today in Japan, the original PlayStation went on sale. It wasn't until a year later that it hit US and European shelves, with Ridge Racer satisfying gamers years before GTA was ever a twinkle in Rockstar's eye.
Helping Sega pioneer disc-based gaming, the original PlayStation went on to sell over 100 million consoles until it was discontinued in 2006. Check out the official birthday site for PlayStation here for a trip down memory lane—when PlayStations were much smaller and lighter than they are today, and didn't need to install patches every 20 minutes
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December 3rd, 2009, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's announced that the GT Academy competition will begin this year on 17th December.
That may be unremarkable, but on the same day a special demo of Gran Turismo 5 will be released.
That sampler of Polyphony's game offers up a Time Trial platform to qualify for the Academy. Race a Nissan 370Z as fast as you can around a new GT5 circuit before 24th January 2010 to take part.
Head over to the European PlayStation blog for pictures and videos.
Gran Turismo 5 was once penned for release this year but is now expected in March 2010, although no specific date has been announced by Sony Europe.
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December 3rd, 2009, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has told CVG it's not banning players who utilise the so-called Javelin glitch to cheat in online multiplayer games of Modern Warfare 2.
Xbox players exploiting a recently discovered Javelin glitch will be suspended from Xbox Live, said online boss Stephen Toulouse, as reported earlier this morning.
"Using a glitch in a game to get an advantage is explicitly called out in the ToU. It's not like people are doing it by accident," he reasoned. A Sony rep, however, told CVG today: "I don't believe we are banning people for using the glitch." So expect exploding corpses to be more prominent on Sony's platform, then. And no, we're not telling you how to do it because cheating's dirty (Google will do that for you).
Better hurry though as IW are already working on a patch to address this issue on PS3. Thanks for the spot eagle-eyed CVG reader allygray69.
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December 3rd, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Every year Sony Computer Entertainment Japan recognizes the biggest selling domestic titles on the PlayStation platform with the PlayStation Awards.
The ¥500,000 (US$5,700) "Gold Prize" is given to titles that ship between 500,00 and 1 million units. This year's winners are Yakuza 3 and Resident Evil 5 on the PS3 and DISSIDIA Final Fantasy on the PSP.
The ¥1,000,000 ($11,400) "Platinum Prize" is given to titles that ship between 1 and 2 million units. This year's winner is Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP the Best.
A special prize was also given to the top five downloaded games on the PS3 PlayStation Network. Those titles are GOMIBAKO, Minna de Spelunker, Katsuragi Misato Houdou Keikaku, Bomberman Ultra and Battlefield 1943.
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December 3rd, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Every year Sony Computer Entertainment Japan recognizes the biggest selling domestic titles on the PlayStation platform with the PlayStation Awards.
The ¥500,000 (US$5,700) "Gold Prize" is given to titles that ship between 500,00 and 1 million units. This year's winners are Yakuza 3 and Resident Evil 5 on the PS3 and DISSIDIA Final Fantasy on the PSP.
The ¥1,000,000 ($11,400) "Platinum Prize" is given to titles that ship between 1 and 2 million units. This year's winner is Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP the Best.
A special prize was also given to the top five downloaded games on the PS3 PlayStation Network. Those titles are GOMIBAKO, Minna de Spelunker, Katsuragi Misato Houdou Keikaku, Bomberman Ultra and Battlefield 1943.
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December 3rd, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Since the launch of the PSP Minis digital platform alongside the PSP Go back in October, Sony has showed little more than a passing interest in promoting its bite-sized game service. After playing a decent chunk of games at launch and then barely hearing a whisper since, we've been wondering when the company would show more support for Minis. If what we're hearing from a handful of reliable sources is true, however, the PSP Minis will finally get some attention in the near future as they become playable on the PlayStation 3.
It'll happen "before Christmas," says one source (confirmed as "this month" by others independently), allegedly with the entire selection of Minis (and presumably upcoming releases) to be playable on PlayStation 3 consoles -- with a resolution bump to boot. As for Sony: "We don't comment on rumor or speculation.", so we'll have to leave it in the rumor department for now.
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December 3rd, 2009, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Since the launch of the PSP Minis digital platform alongside the PSP Go back in October, Sony has showed little more than a passing interest in promoting its bite-sized game service. After playing a decent chunk of games at launch and then barely hearing a whisper since, we've been wondering when the company would show more support for Minis. If what we're hearing from a handful of reliable sources is true, however, the PSP Minis will finally get some attention in the near future as they become playable on the PlayStation 3.
It'll happen "before Christmas," says one source (confirmed as "this month" by others independently), allegedly with the entire selection of Minis (and presumably upcoming releases) to be playable on PlayStation 3 consoles -- with a resolution bump to boot. As for Sony: "We don't comment on rumor or speculation.", so we'll have to leave it in the rumor department for now.
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December 3rd, 2009, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
New revision available, 1265, for Jpcsp the PSP emulator for PC developed in Java. This update also fixes some bugs in builds earlier and thus improves the overall stability of the program. For proper use of Jpcsp, which allows you to run some homebrew like those included in the archive, you need to install Java on your PC.
More to follow.
Rev1265: Implemented signal handling in GE commands: SIGNAL command, sceGeContinue. This might reveal graphics in some games (eg when displaying "END without FINISH"
or "Unsupported sceGeContinue"). Avoid displaying "Unknown / unimplemented video command [0xFF
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December 4th, 2009, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sega’s sci-fi becomes the latest title to feel the brunt of the OFLC’s ban-hammer
High-profile 2010 release Aliens vs Predator has become the latest in a long line of titles to fall foul of the famously strict Australian Classification Board, and will not be released in the region next year.
In a statement released to GameSpot, the OFLC stated that “the game contains first-person perspective, close-up depictions of human characters being subjected to various types of violence, including explicit decapitation and dismemberment as well as locational damage such as stabbing through the chest, mouth, throat, or eyes”.
The report also took exception to the Predator’s predilection to collecting ‘trophies’ from its human victims and the fact that “bloodied eye sockets” are left when eyes are either stabbed or gouged.
However, the Australian arm of Sega has not ruled out a possible appeal, stating: “We will continue to investigate all options available to us, including the possibility of appeal.”
Sega Europe have apparently already stated that it has no intention to tone down the violence in an effort to appease the also famously strict German ratings board.
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December 4th, 2009, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster
Sucker Punch's PlayStation 3 title InFamous has sold 1.2 million copies worldwide since release, Sony figures have revealed.
The news, announced on Sony's US blog, coincided with that of a price drop to USD 39.99 for the game in the US.
In addition, new free content in the form of a 'Gigawatt Blades' super power will be made available via the PlayStation Network on December 10. The game's original soundtrack will also be released on December 8.
InFamous was released in North America and Europe in May this year. It is available in the UK as a Platinum title for GBP 20.
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December 4th, 2009, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
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December 4th, 2009, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster

There's one thing (and one thing only) that we know about House, MD. He seriously loves nearly killing people before saving them. Well, that, and he loves chilling out with a PSP Go. What, you hadn't heard? Yeah, seems old Dr. Greg is pretty into gaming in his downtime -- you know, when he's not downing Vicodin or collecting clues. There's one more piece of evidence after the break.
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December 4th, 2009, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
When Square Enix enlisted to localize Modern Warfare 2 for Japan, the publisher went above and beyond the call of duty. The game would be issued a complete Japanese-dialog makeover -- whereas the first Modern Warfare localization was simply subtitled -- in response to a "strong desire from Activision to widen the entrance for beginning FPS players," as Square Enix told Famitsu. However, some gamers are reporting that the extra effort has fallen short, citing numerous translation errors in the localized game. [Insert your Bill Murray joke here.]
Additionally, Japanese site My Game Flash has rounded up other complaints about the localization, most notably an alteration to the sensationalized "No Russian" mission. Rather than delete the mission (as in the censored Russian version), Square Enix had the Japanese version of the mission adjusted to restrict the player from participating in a terrorist assault on an airport. If the player does engage civilian targets, it's game over.
Square Enix has posted an update on the Modern Warfare 2 Japanese site describing the full Japanese language and subtitle tracks and warning of the "No Russian" edits, but has not announced plans to patch the translation errors or change the limitations on the censored mission. The publisher has cited technical limitations, which prevent selectable English and Japanese language tracks. Head past the break to see some footage of the Japanese version of MW2, courtesy of andriasang.
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December 4th, 2009, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Tony Hawk: RIDE’s revolutionary motion sensing skateboard controller allows players to physically control the action by performing movements and gestures that directly translate into amazing tricks in the game. The game’s intuitive controls and multiple difficulty levels make it easy to pick up and play, making this an exciting party game for people of various ages and skill levels.
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December 4th, 2009, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Real-time deformation continuously changes the track beneath you with every lap. Dig up the track and force the competition to carve a new race line
Fine-tune, tweak, and customize each vehicle’s initial stock set-up to dial in the tailored factory precision that’s suitable for a victor
Streamlined multiplayer interface lets you challenge your friends and brings players of all skill levels together with competitive mini-game
When conquering the off-road, MX vs. ATV has always provided the best riders in Motocross, authentic licensed events as well as parts and gear from the latest manufacturers in the sport
Control your ride! Battle for position and avoid catastrophic disaster as you blitz through motocross mayhem. Fight for traction and dig up the track to force the competition to carve new race lines. Dual controls let you tear it up with death-defying stunts and high-flying freestyle action. Grip tight and hang on, off-road gaming has been redefined.
Think fast and hang on to your ride as you take independent control of the rider and take the ultimate test of mettle. Fight for traction and dig up the track as you tear it up with death-defying stunts and high-flying freestyle action. Hone in your skills through havoc-laden environments that come alive, creating ever-changing conditions.
Rush through raging rivers, slash though swampy everglades, and blaze through desert dunes as the terrain gets altered with every turn. Gain on your opponents lap after lap as you force the competition to carve new race lines, but beware, they can do the same to you.
Grapple an assortment of unique off-road beasts such as MX bikes, ATVs, Sport Buggies and Trucks to become the champion of champions. Every victory brings you closer; every upgrade equips your ride for victory. Fine-tune, tweak and customize each vehicle the way you want it, you are in control.
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December 4th, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rogue Warrior is a story-driven shooter that provides team-based tactical combat set in massive, contiguous levels using Unreal 3 streaming technology. Central to the game's single and multiplayer experience is the idea of a freeform battlefield, where players are given the freedom to choose how to complete a given objective, allowing for creativity and surprises, rather than heavily scripted events and tightly contained spaces traditionally used in this genre.
An advanced AI system allows NPCs to react and fight realistically, see and hear others, and respond as a team. Rogue Warrior offers a new take on the multiplayer experience, with 10 gameplay modes and a system whereby maps are created using tiles that are selected by each team. Rogue Warrior's tiling system allows users to experience over 200 maps in both day and nighttime settings. In addition, the campaign features solo and on-the-fly cooperative play for up to four players, where anyone can join or leave an existing campaign game at any time without having to go to menus or save progress.
In Rogue Warrior, you play Dick Marcinko, leader of an elite SEAL unit trapped behind enemy lines in North Korea on a covert mission to assess the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. When war breaks out between North and South Korea, you must try to lead your team back into South Korea while greatly outnumbered and with no support and limited resupply. Your journey will take you through a variety of never-before-seen environments inside of North Korea, including submarine pens, shipbreaker yards, prison camps, and more.
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December 4th, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Real-time deformation continuously changes the track beneath you with every lap. Dig up the track and force the competition to carve a new race line
Fine-tune, tweak, and customize each vehicle’s initial stock set-up to dial in the tailored factory precision that’s suitable for a victor
Streamlined multiplayer interface lets you challenge your friends and brings players of all skill levels together with competitive mini-game
When conquering the off-road, MX vs. ATV has always provided the best riders in Motocross, authentic licensed events as well as parts and gear from the latest manufacturers in the sport
Control your ride! Battle for position and avoid catastrophic disaster as you blitz through motocross mayhem. Fight for traction and dig up the track to force the competition to carve new race lines. Dual controls let you tear it up with death-defying stunts and high-flying freestyle action. Grip tight and hang on, off-road gaming has been redefined.
Think fast and hang on to your ride as you take independent control of the rider and take the ultimate test of mettle. Fight for traction and dig up the track as you tear it up with death-defying stunts and high-flying freestyle action. Hone in your skills through havoc-laden environments that come alive, creating ever-changing conditions.
Rush through raging rivers, slash though swampy everglades, and blaze through desert dunes as the terrain gets altered with every turn. Gain on your opponents lap after lap as you force the competition to carve new race lines, but beware, they can do the same to you.
Grapple an assortment of unique off-road beasts such as MX bikes, ATVs, Sport Buggies and Trucks to become the champion of champions. Every victory brings you closer; every upgrade equips your ride for victory. Fine-tune, tweak and customize each vehicle the way you want it, you are in control.
But victory is never complete, take on friends around the world via the Play®Station Network connectivity. Battle on-line to see who reigns supreme within individual events, progressive event series, and Mini-Games.
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December 4th, 2009, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nickxab
This an application that lets you to watch TV in yur psp with the wifi.
It is a modification of the PSPTube that can play some streams.
It uses P86's HighMemMod for better buffer speed. 
Now it contains 52 TV streams.
################################# INSTALATION ######################################
Copy the PSP folder in the memory stick root.
Now for the streams.
Open the folder called "streams" that contained in the archieve and you will see
some folders with names from countres.Take the channel(s) you want and put it/them
in the favorites folder in the /PSP/PSPLT/ folder.
Also there is a folder called "" that has the streams from the j13dj's version.
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December 4th, 2009, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from spike_132000
Hey Guys, here are the files needed to make your own REPO for use with PSPInstaller!!!
If anyone is having problems please tell me And I am here to help!
I created a new topic for this because the REPOPrep and Installer are two totally diffrent things and so I can support for both of them.
Repo Installation Guide
1) Upload All these files to your Server
2) open REPO.LUA and modify the $directory_to_repo$ to lead to the folder containing the repo folder.
eg :
3) Add your list of ZIP files to the list including NAME, DESCRIPTION and FILENAME including .ZIP extension
All Repo's must have 1 game, 1 app, 1 theme and 1 other (At this moment in time).
Name and Description can be any characters and may include one \n.
Name could include Author of program and version made for.
ZIP file must contain, NO SPACES or NO DOTS, any required spaces should be replaced with _. The only .
that should be in the filename is the one for .ZIP .
Do not include the G, A, O or T folder names in these.
Remember to change the "XXX_list_max = x" to show how many games, apps, theme's and other you have.
4) Save your REPO.LUA
5) Rename REPO.LUA to something UNIQUE to your server. Ie, Meqsoft's Repo is called MEQSOFT.LUA. Make sure it's in Capital Letters
6) Send the link to your REPO.LUA file to mail{~@~}rsparrow.co.uk and put PSPInstaller REPO in the subject line.
If you are having any problems with your Repo System please email mail{~@~}rsparrow.co.uk.
Thanks for adding to the PSPInstaller Network
Adding ZIP files to your REPO
When PSPInstaller download's a ZIP file. It will treat the ZIP file like the ROOT of the memory stick and will
extract the contents of the ZIP to the ROOT of the memory stick.
If your installing something to the game folder. Your ZIP file must be as follows
Basically, your zip file should contain a PSP Folder, in that folder should be a GAME Folder, and in that one should
be the actual GAME folders, within them being the EBOOT.PBP's and whatever other files.
PSPInstaller will not install games and applications properley if they are not structured properly in the ZIP.
A FILE1.ZIP file has been included with this package. with just a PSP and GAME folder so you get the idea.
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December 4th, 2009, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks
Let me ask you something… How long have you been reading these here words we write? If you date back to June 21st, ‘08 you may remember The Utopia Project. If not, that link a few words back, click it. Now let me grab a coffee real quick while you catch yourself up…
The Utopia project is an open source lightweight kernel for the PSP. The kernel is planned to occupy a little more than 1MB of RAM with a 2MB maximum. Everything will be fully documented with the necessary tool base for debugging, development, etc…
Utopia is based on the reverse engineering of the 3.71 IPL. Once completed and stable the Utopia kernel will be implemented as a new operative mode in future custom firmwares.
All right… So I look at it like this… Should enough skilled developers step forward and involve themselves, the potential dopeness of Utopia is irrefutable. Utopia is targeted at peeps who’re using their PSP strictly for custom firmware and homebrew purposes. Fair enough. There is a good number of PSP-1000 and 2000 non-TA-088v3’s out there. And hey, who knows, maybe the IPL on later models will be hacked by the time Utopia is primed.
So let’s make this happen, expeditiously… If you’re a developer with some muscle to back it up — you should enrol and contribute to Utopia — read Mathieulh’s post right here.
Related Utopia Project Links:
SVN: http://svn.lan.st/utopia/ or https://svn.lan.st/utopia/
TRAC: http://trac.lan.st/utopia/ or https://trac.lan.st/utopia/
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December 4th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
As mentioned earlier we had two days ago after an announcement by the team in January that promised soon the two new updates 5.50GEN-D3 and 5.03GEN-C, the date of issuance of this update has been moved to December 15. But why so late? As we had already been explained, these two new versions of the CF is already well advanced, but all are currently working to introduce additional features (among which are cited the speedup seen on Memory Stick CF GEN is the ability to play online via PSN) and at the same time, ensure that all new titles released in this period on the territory of Japan is fully compatible and require no additional patches to be used.
Still not entirely convinced? So check out the complete list of new features that are to follow, you will probably change your mind ...
We'll see between 11 days.
Details CF:
Q: What's new in the new custom firmware Gen?
- Compatibility with all new games purchased from PlayStation Store are not currently used (see Tekken 6)
- Compatibility with the same games listed above purchased on UMD
Q: Will you be adding other features in the next update?
GEN is currently the team working on 3 new features in the near future, will be placed nell'update (already in the D3 or later).
- Support for the new Go! Cam (the black one sold bundled with the game Invizimals)
that will allow us to play Invizimals and Eye of Judgment without official firmware
- Support NIDS firmware 6.0
will enable us to launch the latest Digital Comics SensMe and also by CF, their icons are present but the two software can not begin
- Internet update
CF have seen in M33, which will allow us to do the update to a higher version with the PSP connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi without using PC
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December 5th, 2009, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
via Joystiq
Now that Assassin's Creed II has been out amongst the crowds, slinking its way into millions of consoles, gamers are stumbling upon some of its secrets. While you may be stuck tracking down those last few feathers, others are discovering ancient beasts and, according to CVG, game-breaking glitches.
Some gamers apparently found themselves stuck controlling Desmond in the Hideout after DNA Sequence 11, a direct result of shutting off their system after the game autosaved. When they later booted the game back up, they were unable to return to the Animus and continue Ezio's 15th century adventure. CVG didn't comment on whether this was affecting Xbox 360 or PS3 gamers, or both.
We've contacted Ubisoft to see if this is the first it's heard of the issue and also urge you to contact us if you've encountered it.
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December 5th, 2009, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster

As of yesterday, the PlayStation brand has been around for fifteen years. Sony celebrated the milestone with a special logo. What did Hideo Kojima and Metal Gear Solid artist Yoji Shinkawa do?
They autographed PSPs. Kojima’s signature is on the top one. Shinkawa signed and drew a picture of Snake for his.
How can you get one of these one-of-a-kind PSPs? Pick up issue Vol. 460 of Dengeki PlayStation and try your luck in the contest.
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December 5th, 2009, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Upcoming PlayStation Network title Record of Agarest War may sound tempting to fans of strategy RPGs, but if you've got a 20GB system (or even a 60GB system), you may want to be careful.
Why? Because a representative from the game's North American publisher, Aksys Games, has revealed that the download-only title will be between eight and ten gigs in size. That's one hell of a big download.
Won't be a problem for anyone with a more recent system (80, 120, 250), but man, an 8-10GB download...it doesn't seem so long ago Microsoft were trying to keep online games under 50mb.
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December 5th, 2009, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
QMixer first release of a homebrew that simulates a number of programs for PC (Virtual Dj) dedicated to mix audio, developed by the two Spanish coder Qarl and Soulless. QMixer integrates a simple file browser to browse the folders of Memory Stick and, thanks to two separate plates, gives us the ability to control and run two different tracks and mix them while using the crossfade indicator positioned at the center, the four customizable effects controlled by the respective keys can also be played overlay what we are listening.
Following some pictures and a link to download.
- File browser integrated
- Two dishes to upload different audio tracks
- Volume control for each track
- Effect crossfade
- Four sound effects, one for each button (cross, circle, square and triangle)
- Indicators and Controls Play / Pause, Stop, separate volume
- Ability to change the effects
- Ability to change the look of the program
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December 5th, 2009, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nickxab:
Hi guys !
This is my first application for the psp.
################################# WHAT IS THIS ? ###################################
This an application that lets you to watch TV in yur psp with the wifi.
It is a modification of the PSPTube that can play some streams.
Now it contains 52 TV streams.
Now it has the HighMemMod for better buffer speed but it still needs a quick
internet connection.Maybe it will need to buffer for 1-2 minutes until you
watch the channel.
################################# INSTALATION ######################################
Copy the PSP folder in the memory stick root.
You can use it with the bubbletune's game categories plugin too. 
Now for the streams.
Open the folder called "streams" that contained in the archieve and you will see
some folders with names from countries.Take the channel(s) you want and put it/them
in the favorites folder in the /PSP/GAME/PSP LIVE TV/ folder.
Also there is a folder called "" that has the streams from the j13dj's version.
#################################### CHANGELOG ########################################
0.2 -> Added 24 more streams.And the HighMemMod.
0.3 -> Some bug fixes and i removed the HighMemMod cause it cuse me this bugs.
0.4 -> The HighMemMod added again and it works fine now.
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December 6th, 2009, 05:50 Posted By: qbradq
I am pleased to release a development version of my PSP port of the Frotz Z-Machine interpreter, Frotz-PSP! Attached is the installation package with full GPL v3 source code and instructive readme.txt .
This application enables you to play interactive fiction games such as the Zork trilogy and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on your PSP.
Note that the Frotz Z-Machine interpreter is a wonderful piece of GPL software created and contributed to by Stefan Jokisch, Galen Hazelwood, Jim Dunleavy, David Griffith, Alembic Petrofsky, and Daniel Schepler, an possibly others. All I did was to port it to the PSP and add a non-keyboard interface and a few other minor features.
As I am not terribly well versed in interactive fiction I decided it would be best to release this not quite finished version to get some feedback from users. This version is very usable and works very well with the Zork games. Saving and loading works (although it is somewhat slow), entering text, copy and pasting text, and selecting text from the output window all work well.
I would like to get feedback about wanted features, game compatibility and bugs.
Project Home Page (with readme)
New to IF? Still want to try Frotz-PSP? Try downloading one of the Zork games (I recommend Zork 2) for free from the rights holders here (NOTE TO MODS: This is a 100% legal download from the rights holders, not a ROM download). Grab the DATA/ZORK2.DAT file from the download and put it somewhere on your PSP. Then read this getting started guide to help you along.
NOTE: Interactive Fiction games are not like MUDs. These are more like graphical adventure games. Very little combat, no leveling, lots of puzzles and exploration.
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December 6th, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
According to a rumour at CVG, peripheral manufacturer Logitech are developing a UMD drive add-on for PSPgo. "The only problem is that it’ll make the PSP a little bulky," mentioned CVG’s source.
The lack of a UMD drive is what has most hurt perception of the PSPgo in the portable games market, so it really isn’t all that surprising that a peripheral for UMD support is under consideration. It would also explain why no one from Sony has really addressed the issue of existing PSP users being able to transfer their UMD games to the PSPgo so far.
Bulky PSPgo vs. PSP-3000 with a built in UMD drive. To be fair, we’ll imagine the UMD drive lets you install any game to the PSPgo so you can sit on a couch and play it with a PS3 controller. Your choice?
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December 6th, 2009, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
The latest installation in the popular dating-sim, Tokimeki Memorial 4, was just released in Japan for the PSP on Thursday. The cast in this game includes returning characters, as well as many new ones.
Tokimeki Memorial 4 is also available on cell phones through I-mode, a popular wireless internet service in Japan. While this game takes place in the same world and includes the same characters as the PSP game, it has a different story and will provide a different experience. It focuses on the protagonist meeting his childhood friend, whom he hasn’t seen in three years and takes place the month before graduation.
Also, if you finish Tokimeki Memorial 4 on the PSP, you’ll get a secret password that can get you “something” in the mobile version. No information has been disclosed as to what this “something” is.
This time, Konami is including downloadable content for the PSP version as well. These items don’t actually affect gameplay, but fans will happy to know that, through the PSN, they can download the opening movie, character BGM, the different versions of the ending song. On the day of release, the opening movie – sung by Japanese VA Oogame Asuka, the “Sweet Ending” ending song (also sung by her), and the “Bitter Ending” ending song (sung by Sakaguchi Daisuke and Nakamura Keiichi), were made available. The opening is free, while there will be a charge on the two endings.
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December 6th, 2009, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dan369
Firstly, let me just take you through what the game is, what to expect from it and what about the future?
What The Game Is?
This game is my own personal attempt at trying to clone super mario bros., it has taken a long time to get to this stage and when i say 'my own' i do mine just me, from the beginning to now it has been only me coding this by myself in my own spare time, sometimes i do get stuck and ask for a bit of advice from a few people but that's it. So for me this is well...a great achievement really i was very proud with v0.01 but this is a step above. If your expected a perfect clone then this isn't for you. I'd personal say that about 97% is the same with a that 3% being different (updated graphics, controls obviously etc.)
What To Expect?
Basically the game itself is a tech demo, it isn't no full Mario experience with loads of levels, for a level count there is still only 1 level in this game. I've released this mainly to get feedback, what people like/don't like, improvements & what should be added next?
The game is a step above v0.01, with alot of improvements, the full list is underneath:
-Everything from Version 0.01
-Collision between enemies
-Mini-Mario Logic implanted into the game (i.e you can't smash the brick blocks!)
-Full Green Koopa A.I including Idle state, Shell state.
-Coins have been added, stand alone coins ain't 100% done yet.
-Coin Blocks Have been added, note: that so far coin blocks are only in '?' blocks, there isn't any hidden coins in any of the Brick Blocks but I'll add that soon
-Red Koopas are also added into the game, but the A.I isn't 100% (Red koopas don't fall off ledges, but that's all that needs to be done with them)
-Added a few more of the classic sound effects like the Coin, Kick etc. (i can't seem to find the Brick block one, where you as little mario hear the 'thund' sound )
-Had to re-do the map format, this means that previous created maps won't work, I'll release the updated editor during the week sometime.
-(Even though you don't see this, i have the level system up & running, which will switch you from level to level)
-Fixed a bug with Mario dying (where he'd just keep falling & falling)
-A lot of other minor fixes which i honestly can't remember, its been so long
What About The Future?
The future is very bright for this game, probably the next update will be sometime around spring when i hope to enter the NeoFlash Compo for the first time , but immediate plans would be:
-Finish Red Koopas & Stand Alone coins
-Add Invisible blocks
-Add coins into special Brick Blocks
-More levels (Defiantly!)
-Finish off Level system (needs some touching up even though the base is their)
-Start on Big Mario additions
So if you want to help me then just download the game & tell me what you think, but one thing in advance i did say this is only a Tech Demo!, so please don't wine about it needs more levels, if you download this expecting a vast amount of levels to play then i warned you.
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December 6th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
It’s a fact, no matter what; you learn something new everyday… And now, everyday you use your PSP, you’ll be learning 2 new things, maybe more… Whatever fate has in store for you, and how ever many times you (re)boot or exit from a game when Playboy21’s FactXMB is loaded… Press L+R Trigger; learn a fun fact. That’s that.
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December 7th, 2009, 10:11 Posted By: wraggster
Target Entertainment has inked a deal with Sony Europe to develop products based on the PlayStation brand.
The licensing company already holds the rights to create product based on Sony's intellectual property, and plans to develop "a range of high spec/high fashion items including apparel, accessories and gifts".
Target now has access to logos for all PlayStation formats, as well as DualShock 3 controller designs and marketing symbols and phrases. Products will be aimed at 18-40 year old adult males, and boys aged between 7-14.
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December 7th, 2009, 10:15 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of electric-powered action adventure InFamous will be getting a free downloadable treat this month.
As of 10th December, you'll be able to download the Gigawatt Blades superpower for free. Previously the power was only available to those who pre-ordered the game.
InFamous was released exclusively for PS3 back in May. Since then more than 1.2 million copies have been shifted around the globe, according to Sony.
Rumours that a sequel is in development began to emerge earlier this year, but nothing official has been announced.
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December 7th, 2009, 10:16 Posted By: wraggster
Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling has said that a fix for the Javelin exploit in Modern Warfare 2 is imminent on both PS3 and Xbox 360 and already in place on PC.
"#MW2 on PS3 just got update 1.05 which includes some improvements to matchmaking. Patch 1.06 is still coming down the pipeline," Bowling tweeted on Saturday.
"PC has the Javelin update already and is constantly getting matchmaking tweaks," he added a few minutes later.
"1.06 is the Javelin fix, care package glitch fix, and addresses areas where players could get into geo. Like rocks on Afghan," he continued.
"For those playing #MW2 on Xbox 360. The same fixes that are in 1.06 are coming to you, it's currently in Microsoft cert. Out of my hands."
The Javelin glitch causes players to explode while holding the Javelin weapon, as witnessed in this Break.com video.
The benefit (I'm still playing Viva Pinata so have no idea if this is accurate) appears to be that you can score more points suicide-bombing people in this situation than you lose by dying.
As a result Xbox Live has been handing out temporary bans to people who abuse it, although Bowling also tweeted that "PSN chose to not take any action against glitchers."
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December 7th, 2009, 12:30 Posted By: wraggster
Activision's reboot of the Tony Hawk franchise has failed to enter the top 40 All-Formats chart in the UK.
Tony Hawk: RIDE was developed by start-up Robomodo – the first time the series has not been developed alongside internal team Neversoft – and ships with a skateboard peripheral for around GBP 99.
Some online retailers such as Play.com are listing the game as 'sold out', suggesting only a limited amount of stock was available to retailers.
As well as being criticised for its high price, reviews in the specialist press have not been pretty, with GameSpot, Eurogamer, Giant Bomb and Wired all laying into the game and helping to tarnish it with a Metacritic rating of 48/100.
Tony Hawk has said that he's proud of the game and its controller, despite the poor reception.
"Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game. I'm proud of what we created; it's innovative, responsive and fun," he wrote on Twitter.
Despite missing the All Formats charts, the game entered the Xbox 360 chart at 32, and fared a little better on PlayStation 3 at 29. The game did not make the Wii charts, according to data from GfK Chart-Track.
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December 7th, 2009, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
Buzz! Quiz World hits PSN on December 17th
Sony has announced that Buzz! Quiz World will be available to PSP owners on December 17th.
The game will be released as a PSN-exclusive title, and will boast more than 3,000 trivia questions, according to the US PlayStation Blog.
It will also be the first PSP Buzz! title to be compatible with downloadable Quiz Packs for extra questions, which will be released at a later date, as well as MyBuzz user-generated content.
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December 7th, 2009, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's independently-developed PSP Minis may soon be playable on PS3.
Both Joystiq and Pocket Gamer have heard from a collection of separate sources that this will happen before Christmas. What's more, the transition to PS3 will supposedly bring a resolution bump for the bite-sized games.
PSP Minis - a platform for small, independently developed downloadable games - is Sony's attempt at recreating App Store fever. However, the SDK is more expensive (around €1200) and games are limited to 100MB size and cannot have wireless multiplayer nor DLC.
"We do not comment on rumour or speculation," a Sony representative told Eurogamer.
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December 7th, 2009, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
AMD and CyberLink, which recently integrated SENSIO 3D technology into its PowerDVD player, are already touting a 2010 CES demo promising to show off their implementation of "the forthcoming Blu-ray stereoscopic 3D standard." While the world continues to wait for an announcement on what the 3D Blu-ray standard will actually entail (backwards compatible 2D combo discs, and Full HD stereoscopic technology are definitely on the list) AMD is ready to leverage its position as a contributing member of the Blu-ray Disc Association and make sure that when discs hit the market -- likely around the time Avatar is released at home -- it has compatible software and hardware available. We've prepped and ready for the glasses-required trials that promise to be featured at many booths during next months Las Vegas experience, so a note to potential exhibitors: sports and videogames are the best bet for an impressive 3D showing, bring Space Harrier 3D for extra bonus points.
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December 7th, 2009, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
Pro skateboarder accuses critics of being ‘snarky’ as game fails to enter UK Top 40
Globally recognised pro skateboarder Tony Hawk has spoken in defence of Activision’s Tony Hawk: Ride, accusing many critics of failing to give the game the credit he feels it deserves.
“Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game,” Hawk said on his Twitter profile. “I'm proud of what we created; it's innovative, responsive and fun.”
The star then added to The Sudbury Star, courtesy of VG247: "[Critics] were ready to discredit it before they even tried it, and if it didn’t play exactly how they imagined it then they passed it off.
"I don’t agree with people who say the board’s not responsive. I think that they’re just not giving it a fair shake. I brought this idea to Activision, and I saw it through, I’ve been playing it every step of the way and I am very proud of it."
The comments came ahead of the news that Tony Hawk: Ride has failed to enter the ELSPA GfK-ChartTrack All Formats Top 40 in its first week of release.
It’s aggregated Metacritic rating currently stands at 48 (for the Xbox 360 version). The RRP for the game in the UK is £99.99.
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December 7th, 2009, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

For the first time ever, take full control of Ben and the Omnitrix to access his alien forms: Echo Echo, Goop, Brainstorm, Chromastone, Big Chill, Humungousaur, Spidermonkey, Swampfire, Jet Ray, and Cannonbolt to manipulate fire, harness electricity, freeze enemies, plus lots more!
Players will journey to never-before-seen and exciting alien home planets on an action-packed intergalactic adventure as they travel in an upgradeable spacecraft and blast through asteroid fields and enemy ships
Battle against a roster of Ben’s most infamous villains and foes, including his ultimate nemesis, Vilgax
Greatly improved visuals and effects makes BEN 10 ALIEN FORCE: Vilgax Attacks the most advanced game in the series
The game’s art style and sound effects authentically represent the television series, with all voice acting provided by the original television cast
Players will experience an action packed adventure in the vast ALIEN FORCE universe, as they take Ben and the Omnitrix into outer space and alien home planets for the first time ever in the series. In an original storyline developed exclusively for the game, Ben will use ten of his alien forms – Echo Echo, Goop, Brainstorm, Chromastone, Big Chill, Humungousaur, Spidermonkey, Swampfire, Jet Ray, and Cannonbolt – and their special powers to battle his greatest enemy, Vilgax and an extreme team of fearsome foes in an effort to thwart a grand scheme to conquer the universe one planet at a time.
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December 7th, 2009, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Personalize the experience with hundreds of player names to choose from to create your own profile, which BUZZ! comments on
Answer over 5000 new general knowledge questions including hundreds of pictures and videos
Download additional quiz packs exclusively from PlayStation®Network and extend your quiz experience
‘Get Your BUZZ! Face On’ with PlayStation®Eye support – take pictures during your games at key moments and relive the excitement
Personalize and customize your ultimate trivia experience! New customization features allow you to set your BUZZ! quiz experience exactly how you want to play. Choose the rounds, choose the topics, play a short or long game, or even play without BUZZ!! Plus an all-new name and profile feature makes the game’s commentary personalized to you, your friends and family. Now you’ve got the power to play BUZZ! any way you want.
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December 7th, 2009, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Authentic broadcasting presentations from the all-star announcing crews of Dick Vitale, Brad Nessler, and Erin Andrews of ESPN, and Gus Johnson and Bill Raftery of CBS Sports bring every moment to life like never before
Choosing from multiple sets that include the Dribble Drive, Princeton, Flex and more, run an offensive system that best fits your school’s strategy and personnel
NCAA Basketball 10 features the 20 Toughest Places to Play voted by you, the fans, as the most hostile and intimidating environments in college basketball
Enjoy a true-to-life college basketball experience as real-life RPI ratings and stats from every Division I school are imported in-game weekly—absolutely free!
Make a run for the Final Four with more than 100 improvements, including player movement, rebounding, off-ball collisions, alley-oops, size-ups, and more
Improved Coach Feedback System and Team Tempo Control enables you to execute your gameplan to perfection
Get your hands on the most authentic college basketball experience ever, in NCAA® Basketball 10. Enjoy ultimate control over your team’s strategy and style of play, including real Motion Offensive Systems including the Dribble Drive, Princeton and Flex to name a few. See the game like it has never been seen before, with authentic broadcasting presentations from the all-star announcing crews of Dick Vitale, Brad Nessler, and Erin Andrews of ESPN, and Gus Johnson and Bill Raftery of CBS Sports. From the broadcast table to the hardwood - it’s all there in NCAA® Basketball 10.
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December 7th, 2009, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Though the November NPD sales report won't be released until later this week, gaming industry analyst (and possible soothsayer) Michael Pachter has predicted November's biggest players in the gaming hardware and software markets. Unsurprisingly, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the highlighted title in his report -- not only does the report claim the game sold around 6 million units last month in the U.S. (for about $350 million), it credits the game with pulling the industry out of a downward spiral that it's followed for seven of the past eight months.
The report also awards a large gold-star sticker to the PlayStation 3, which is predicted to have sold 700,000 units in November, an 85-percent year-over-year sales increase. Despite the two upswings, Pachter's report ends on a decidedly dour note, stating, "as 2009 draws to an end, it is clear that it will end as a horrible year for video game publishers." Pachter suggests that sales will drop off once more in December. Happy holidays, gaming industry professionals!
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December 7th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
THQ announced today that it will be giving gamers their first look at UFC Undisputed 2010 at the Spike Videogame Awards, set to air on December 12 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. The game's official announcement will come with gameplay footage that's interspersed with commentary from real UFC fighters as well as a special UFC guest appearance.
This year's UFC 2009 Undisputed is nominated for "Best Individual Sports Game" at the 2009 VGAs. Fans can head over to Spike.com and cast their votes for the awards.
The Spike Videogame Awards will air on SpikeTV on December 12 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.
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December 8th, 2009, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that the European beta for ModNation Racers will take place during a couple of weeks in "early 2010", offering "exclusive European content".
The announcement on the European PlayStation blog comes as US gamers are promised a beta running from 18th December this year until 10th January.
ModNation Racers is a PS3-exclusive racing game where you can build your own tracks and customise your own cars, then share the lot online with friends.
If that all sounds a bit LittleBigPlanet, that's because it's being billed by Sony as the latest in the loose family of "Play Create Share" titles for which Sackboy is the poster-child.
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December 8th, 2009, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
While Capcom may be keen on uniting Japanese and Western development teams, star creator Jun Takeuchi (Resident Evil, Lost Planet) isn't so sure.
"Cultural differences don't allow for the smooth collaboration between Japan and developers overseas," said Takeuchi in an internal interview on Capcom's website. To that end, only music and language were imported for Lost Planet 2.
However, Takeuchi has created Lost Planet 2 with a Western audience in mind.
"I think [Westerners] really appreciated our familiarity with this Western genre and how we added a Japanese twist to it by incorporating our own ideas and materials, thus setting it apart from normal Western third person shooters," said Takeuchi, who was more concerned that a third-person shooter wouldn't resonate with his native Japanese audience.
He went on to say that Western gamers "prefer" exploring a realistic world and making the hero an "alter-ego" of themselves, which is an element Lost Planet 2 hopes to capture with its new character customisation system.
Takeuchi reckons his team have put "much more" effort into this sequel and had more time to focus on content thanks to the labour-saving advancements made to the new MT Framework engine.
Lost Planet 2 will be released on PS3 and Xbox 360 this winter (early 2010) and follow on PC.
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December 8th, 2009, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA decided to bring Valkyria Chronicles 2 to the PSP — not the PS3 like the first game. Why?
According to producer Shuntaro Tanaka, it would take the team three years to make another PS3 game, and that's considering the fact that SEGA already has assets that can be used in the game as well as improved PS3 game development "know how".
Putting the game on the PSP was a much faster solution. Tanaka hopes to see the franchise expand on the PSP and the PS3.
Fans are hoping to see another PS3 game.
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December 8th, 2009, 19:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
As fans of Sega's Yakuza series (known as Ryu ga Gotoku in Japan) will quickly point out, the lengthy wait for localized versions is somewhat of a disorganized crime. With two PlayStation 3-exclusive installments already available in Japan (and a third on the way), Sega Europe's online community manager, Kevin Eva, offers an enthusiastic answer to the impatient question: "YAKUZA 3 IS COMING TO THE WEST." So enthusiastic, it seems, he's already busting some CAPS.
Writing on the European PlayStation Blog, Eva confirmed that Yakuza 3 will hit the US, Europe and Australia in March 2010, and emphasized the game's adherence to its cultural origins -- not to mention Sega's budget. "As part of the lengthy localisation work Yakuza 3 will feature full English subtitling," he wrote, "whilst maintaining the rich Japanese voice actors that bring an extremely engaging atmosphere to the game – this will no doubt please the purists out there!"
Plus, you wouldn't want to upset those rich Japanese voice actors by replacing them. Who knows how well they're connected?
Finally, we got an answer to the subject. Now then, who's excited?
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December 8th, 2009, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that PSP Minis will be compatible with the PlayStation 3 from December 17. The next PS3 firmware update will come with a Minis emulator that will enable users to download the digital games for use on the PS3 as well as the PSP.
PSP Minis are 100MB or smaller digital games that launched alongside the PSPgo. Sony has said on its European blog that the "majority" of the current games available will work on the PS3 when the firmware update launches.
"If you buy a Minis game from the 17th it will work on both platforms so if you have a PS3 and PSP you will only need to buy it once and it will be available to download to your PS3 and your PSP," PlayStation Network product manager James Thorpe confirmed via the blog.
Users that have already bought a Minis game for their PSP however will still be able to play the game on a PS3 by going to their download list in the Store and downloading the game again for free.
The Minis emulator is one of two key features the new firmware update 3.15 will introduce. The second feature will be a PS3 data transfer feature that will allow users to easier transfer saved data from one PS3 console to another.
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December 8th, 2009, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that PSP Minis will be compatible with the PlayStation 3 from December 17. The next PS3 firmware update will come with a Minis emulator that will enable users to download the digital games for use on the PS3 as well as the PSP.
PSP Minis are 100MB or smaller digital games that launched alongside the PSPgo. Sony has said on its European blog that the "majority" of the current games available will work on the PS3 when the firmware update launches.
"If you buy a Minis game from the 17th it will work on both platforms so if you have a PS3 and PSP you will only need to buy it once and it will be available to download to your PS3 and your PSP," PlayStation Network product manager James Thorpe confirmed via the blog.
Users that have already bought a Minis game for their PSP however will still be able to play the game on a PS3 by going to their download list in the Store and downloading the game again for free.
The Minis emulator is one of two key features the new firmware update 3.15 will introduce. The second feature will be a PS3 data transfer feature that will allow users to easier transfer saved data from one PS3 console to another.
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December 8th, 2009, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

- High speed transmit signal
- Support AV (Stereo-Mono) sound signal
- Support surround sound system
- Support high-resolutions of super-terminal signal
- Direct playback music on any sound-system or speaker
- Direct playback games, movies, music and photos on TV system
- High quality, efficient and functional of super-terminal of stereo sound S-AV and AV multimedia durable cable
- Compatible with any versions of PSP GO consoles
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December 8th, 2009, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Immerse yourself in James Cameron’s world. Peer deep into the heart of Pandora and see James Cameron’s universe, from your own perspective
Engage in a massive conflict between two worlds. Fight for you cause; RDA or Na’vi. Customize more than 60 RDA and Na’vi weapons, combined. Choose your skills: 20 for each clan. Drive all of the vehicles and ride the animals. Expand the battleground in online multiplayer
Develop your character and acquire new skills Create your very own character and acquire skills as you progress through the game
James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game is the official video game based on the highly anticipated film James Cameron’s Avatar. The video game will take you deep into the heart of Pandora, an alien planet that is beyond imagination. Gamers will encounter the Na’vi, Pandora’s indigenous people and discover other life forms the likes of which have never been seen in the world of video games before. When conflict erupts between the RDA Corporation, a space-faring consortium in search of valuable resources, and the Na’vi, gamers will find themselves thrust into a fight for the heart of a planet and the fate of a civilization.
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December 8th, 2009, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Immerse yourself in James Cameron’s world. Peer deep into the heart of Pandora and see James Cameron’s universe, from your own perspective
Engage in a massive conflict between two worlds. Fight for you cause; RDA or Na’vi. Customize more than 60 RDA and Na’vi weapons, combined. Choose your skills: 20 for each clan. Drive all of the vehicles and ride the animals. Expand the battleground in online multiplayer
Develop your character and acquire new skills Create your very own character and acquire skills as you progress through the game
James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game is the official video game based on the highly anticipated film James Cameron’s Avatar. The video game will take you deep into the heart of Pandora, an alien planet that is beyond imagination. Gamers will encounter the Na’vi, Pandora’s indigenous people and discover other life forms the likes of which have never been seen in the world of video games before. When conflict erupts between the RDA Corporation, a space-faring consortium in search of valuable resources, and the Na’vi, gamers will find themselves thrust into a fight for the heart of a planet and the fate of a civilization.
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December 8th, 2009, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fight and sabotage your way through a stylized open-world 1940s Paris – from the top of the Eiffel Tower, to the riverbanks of the Seine, the cathedral of Notre Dame or the prestigious Champs-Élysées
Use a broad range of weapons and explosives to perform your blockbuster sabotage as you single-handedly hunt-down your enemies to dismantle and destroy the Nazi occupation
Use gameplay systems like Climbing, Sneaking, and Stealth Kills to infiltrate the Nazi occupation to perform acts of Sabotage Once you've blown your target to pieces, leverage the intuitive cover system and assortment of weapons to blast your way to freedom
This version of Paris was designed to leverage the unique abilities of The Saboteur. Being a Saboteur is all about surprise attacks and Paris' rooftops are the perfect path for your secret operations
The Saboteur introduces a innovative new feature that is both an iconic visual style, and a compelling gameplay element. See and feel Paris change around you as you progress through the game. Go from a dark and oppressed black and white policed state, to a bright and inspired world where the citizens fight back
From high performance racecars to military vehicles, as the Saboteur, you can drive any vehicle that comes along to escape your pursuers
Play as Sean Devlin, a street-tough Irish racing mechanic seeking personal redemption in the first open-world action game set in Nazi-occupied Europe. Now, it's time for payback—with the help of the French Resistance, British intelligence, an arsenal of weaponry, and your own street smarts and brawn, you must exact revenge on those who aimed to destroy your life. Motivated by retribution and armed with tactics of sabotage, blow up zeppelins, derail trains, implode bridges, destroy armored tanks, and level enemy facilities in the name of vengeance.
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December 9th, 2009, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has apparently revealed that the 360 version of its latest RPG epic, Final Fantasy XIII, will feature compressed audio and video, presumably to help squeeze its considerable heft onto the DVD format.
Despite this, the game will still ship on multiple discs on 360. The PS3 version, however, will come completely uncompressed on a single dual-layer Blu-ray disc, according to a report.
A dual-layer DVD holds just under 9GBs of data. A dual-layer Blu-ray disc can swallow up to 50GBs worth of 1s and 0s.
The actual differences to your eyes and ears will hopefully be near unnoticeable, but we know what some of you are like with your magnifying glasses. If you're one to nit-pick you may lean towards getting the PS3 one.
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December 9th, 2009, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment has filed a patent for an "Expandable Control Device Via Hardware Attachment" - the PS3's new motion-controlled magic wand, in other words
According to the patent application one model for the wand consists of a handle, a connector and a removable attachment. Another model has an attachment which "provides additional communication capabilities".
Examples given for use of the wand include flying virtual kites, karate fighting and sword fighting. The light-up ping pong ball is said to be able to provide feedback - "such as being when the player is "hit," to indicate the amount of life left, to flag when the controller is occluded from view of the camera, etc."
The application also suggests the controller may feature a battery which can be removed. You'll be able to use an alternative power source while it's recharging. Another model works like the DualShock 3 - you connect a USB cable to charge the battery while it's still attached to the controller.
Looks like there will be an attachment which can store data files and transfer them between the controller and the PS3. "The files can be used to identify a specific user, to configure the controller or the base system, to load a game, to add features to existing games, etc.," reads the patent.
"For example, one file is a game that is loaded to the base station for playing, another file contains karaoke songs that can be used in a sing-along game, another file contains new player rosters and statistics for an update to a sports game, etc."
The application also suggests you'll be able to store information such as your preferred game settings before you go round your mate's house. "The player can then use the attachment in a different gaming system to play with other players using the configuration obtained from the original gaming system."
Other add-ons mentioned in the filing include a baseball bat attachment which "includes lights along its length that can be used for interactivity purpose, such as indicating the strength of the swing or the location where the imaginary baseball hits the baseball bat attachment during a swing".
Then there's an attachment containing beads which rattle when the controller is shaken, "thus making the controller operate as maracas or as a child's rattle". Another one features a microphone for "karaoke or voice-command entry". In one model the microphone is directional and "attenuates or completely eliminates sounds coming from preconfigured directions".
Perhaps most interesting is the biometic add-on. One model for the controller "includes a thumb reader used to validate the identity of the person holding the controller by analysing the biometric data provided by the attachment". This data can be used to disable the controller or PS3 if an unauthorised user tries to have a go.
The biometric data could also be useful when it comes to save games. "For example, a game in the base station can be restarted at a point where the player last stopped playing the game," reads the filing.
All very exciting. Here's hoping the PS3 magic wand is still on track for that spring 2010 release.
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December 9th, 2009, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
It's as upsetting as it is admirable, but everything Simon Cowell touches seems to turn to gold: And now he's fixing his sights firmly on the video games industry.
According to an interview with the high-waisted mogul in this month's GQ, Cowell is teaming up with Topshop entrepreneur Philip Green to launch an entertainment empire dubbed 'the new Disney'.
Unsurprisingly, part of the venture involves video games – a market which Cowell admits he has as yet failed to capitalise on.
"I should have had 20 games [by now]," said Cowell. "If you've got a game that's worth more than our shows and we're in 100 countries, something is a bit out of control.
"X-Factor should have been the initial vehicle to have Activision come to us and say: 'You've got all the [consumer] traffic. Can you help launch Guitar Hero?'"
After the interviewer reminded Cowell that his shows on both sides of the Atlantic didn't heavily feature guitars, Cowell replied: "I'd put guitars on my show to get Guitar Hero."
According to the article, Cowell phoned Sony CEO Howard Stringer 'the other week' and asked him to meet with Green to thrash out an agreement over future video games.
"He came to London and we got on well," said Green. "Without being rude or conceited, he knew what we were on to was going to shape the future... He sent his Board [over] from New York."
He added: "I said [to them]: 'Look at what we can do together. You've got massive manufacturing capability. You've got retail business. You've got PlayStation. You're one of the biggest TV suppliers in the world. He [Cowell] is one of the most watched men on TV!... Suddenly, people started to say: 'You're right.'"
Green also mentioned Guitar Hero to higlight his belief in Cowell's huge potential in the video games market:
"Look at Guitar Hero," said Green. "It's a billion dollar business. [Simon's] got more viewers, more hits, more everything - and he hasn't even got a website!"
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December 9th, 2009, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's social networking app, Home, is a year old this month and it's celebrating with a load of free content including personal spaces, hats and other goods.
For a limited time, you'll be able to nab the Tree House or MotorStorm Pacific Rift Camp spaces free of charge. Sony's also marking the festive season by opening a new Winter Wonderland space.
"This space will evolve over time as you help Santa's bumbling elves complete the festive decorations. Make sure to visit Santa in his grotto regularly so you don't miss out on any of the mini-games. Finally, being the festive season, you'll also find plenty of gifts and other rewards that will make this space somewhere to visit daily," it explains.
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December 9th, 2009, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nvidia has announced that 3D Blu-ray movies will begin appearing in 2010. A spokesman confirmed that the Blu-ray Association — to which Nvidia is a contributor — had settled on the “proper parameters [for] what constitutes a 3D Blu-ray” and claimed the first 3D Blu-ray films would hit the shelves 'towards the end of Summer 2010.' Nvidia will support the standard through its 3D Vision technology, using bit rates of around 60Mbits/second – twice that of a standard movie — although HDMI 1.3 'should have sufficient bandwidth” to ensure smooth playback. New files will be encoded using the MVC-AVC format, which is based on the AVC format currently used by Blu-ray movies.
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December 9th, 2009, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
If you're one of the unlucky Assassin's Creed 2 players who've been wandering around the Hideout for days, with no way to get back into the playground of Ezio's memories, you'll be relieved to know that a new freedom patch is on the way. It'll launch for PS3 today and on December 11 for Xbox 360.
The patch promises to fix the Sequence 11 glitch and many others (the list may contain spoilers for you), including a bug that allows Ezio to walk on air in "extremely rare occasions." We didn't know about that one, but now we're going to miss it.
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December 9th, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Metal Slug the horizontal shooter is making new grounds in the Sony PSP platform. The new game makes use of the wide screen to display some high color resolution graphics. You can use the LAN facilities and ask friends to participate in the war with you.
When you get a friend to join the frontiers with you, you'd be able to take care of enemies in different parts of the stages. Besides the main mission, there is a new combat school mode where you get to play with 70 weapons and learn warfare tactics under a tsundere beauty.
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December 9th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Final Fantasy XIII is coming out next week, be prepared for the sleepless nights. Square Enix is releasing a series of lemon flavored elixirs for the gamers. They contain caffeine, vitamin B1 and B6, take a break and take a swig and you'll be fully charged for the next stage or the next battle.
The cans are all in opal white with multicolored glints and the character portraits rests on the foreground. Series one contains multiple images of Lightning, Snow, Vanille, Yun Fang, Hope and Sazh. The second series has Chocobo, Sera, Jihl and Yaag and the three main characters.
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December 9th, 2009, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63023
Jimmi and I proudly present version 0.5 of the PS2 remote debugger.
In this release, we significantly improved network transfer rates and game compatibility by optimizing/replacing code on the IOP side.
In detail, the changes are:
0.5 (Dec 8 2009)
- Replaced existing network modules with EEUG's SMSMAP.irx and SMSTCPIP.irx, and
optimized them for use in ps2rd (see below). This way, we almost doubled TCP
transfer rates to about 1MB/s.
- SMSMAP: try to force 100Mb/s full duplex mode.
- SMSTCPIP: modify lwIP TCP/IP stack to save as much IOP RAM as possible.
- Disabled netlog support and shrinked size of RPC buffer in debugger.irx.
- Reduced footprint of dev9.irx and added dev9x device driver to it.
- Do not use syscall 251 to store original vector of SifSetReg().
- Tweaked Makefiles (less verbose etc.)
- Added compiler flags to ntpbclient: -O2 -s -m32
- Fixed games:
Castlevania: COD - Demo
Devil May Cry
ICO - Demo
Maximo VS AoZ - Demo
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Soul Calibur 2
Soul Calibur 3
TMNT - The Movie
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Legend
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December 9th, 2009, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
"Hack" to use the patch Fatmsmod 371 PSP model 1000 with custom firmware 5:50 GEN-D2. In this version have not changed the main components of the patch, but through a workaround noSpoonX the coder has also allowed us to install the CF newer. Recall that this mod greatly enhances the performance of the Memory Stick in reading (ie during the start of backup copies of games or homebrews) and fixes some problems with large memory and / or fake.
The process has been fully tested only on PSP Fat, to follow you'll find some pre-installed and the link to download.
Before installing make sure you have:
- A PSP 1000
- ... with Custom Firmware installed 5:50 GEN-D2
- The battery charged at least 78%
- GENDMS folder inside PSP / GAME
Caution: This program writes on the flash0 of the console. PSP-ITA is not responsible for any damages arising from its improper use.
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December 9th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
Some time ago we had submitted the proof of concept of a project in the developing world, it was multitasking, a homebrew that allows us to handle multiple processes simultaneously displayed within windows Windows-like.
Today Carlosgs, author of the application, issue a new version corrected and improved, which increases the performance and ease of use. Some of the most important improvements concern the ability to display text files / pictures, the addition of specific combinations of keys fast and code optimization in general.
- Added TXTer-PNGer, two readers of text files and images available in browser
- Added combination R + left / right, which corresponds to ALT + TAB to quickly change the window
- Added combination R + X that allows us to move a window from anywhere, without clicking on the title bar
- Improved management of the cursor movements are softer so it's more comfortable to move
- Added cursor theme "Human" from Gnome
- Optimize management of CPU
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December 9th, 2009, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
Continuing the development of Jpcsp. And 'in fact available to download a new revision, the 1270, for the PSP emulator for PC developed in Java. This update fixes some bugs found in earlier builds and thus improves the overall stability of the program. The application, which allows you to run some homebrew, requires the installation of Java on your PC to be launched.
More to follow.
Rev1270: usability improvements
Rev1269: Fixed callbacks in interpreter mode
Rev1268: Added more support sysmem
Rev1267: Changed the way title.txt is read to match the way icons are read
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December 9th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via N0ePDA_PSP
"How Fast are you?" is a little game, with which you can prove how fast your fingers are. You have to press alternately the L/R-Trigger Buttons to gain Points. It also does have a Highscore, so your best Score will be saved and permanently visible.
So battle with your friends or just have a fun.
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December 9th, 2009, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
New release from lilmnm
Well i couldnt find a nice installer so i decided to write this one and it can now be changed to be used for any kind of installation to anywhere on the psp (flash0- flash3, and to anywhere on the psp)
Yes even though this is as a CSO i got bored and decided to use this method instead of having An EBOOT because well really for Sh!ts and giggles .-.
Well as the title says the source is included and is VERY well commented on (i went crazy)
so enjoy and have fun
The DayPR that is being written is one thats still Rev.6 -- Beta! but with a few holiday themes
(btw for those that are wondering about DayPR source, it has been partially released on google code at daypr-cheat-device - Project Hosting on Google Code Also the code for this installer is there also just not this commented on)
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December 10th, 2009, 08:54 Posted By: wraggster

The DaedalusX64 Team have released a new version of the Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP, heres whats new:
Revision 446 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Dec 9 19:00:52 2009 UTC (12 hours, 48 minutes ago) by Kreationz
[!]Fixed Rev 445 won't compile
Revision 445 - Directory Listing
Modified Wed Dec 9 06:28:45 2009 UTC (25 hours, 20 minutes ago) by Salvy6735
[!] Several minor changes
[~] Couple of changes done on BranchZ, now the outside of Clock Town in MM is visible
[~] Removed ShadowOfEmpire_Dl ucode and replace it with a simple check[*] Added proper copyright headers. We been porting several enhancements from Rice Video plugin 
[+] Two blendmodes for Paper Mario [NintendoBoy13]
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Check out our Daedalus Compatability List Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23616
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December 10th, 2009, 12:25 Posted By: wraggster
That new PS3 firmware we mentioned yesterday has gone live.
The 3.15 update includes the option to transfer data between two PS3s in order to help people who need to move their stuff to a new console.
It also introduces the option to download and play PSP minis on the PS3 via an emulator.
However, the minis themselves will not be made available until next Thursday, 17th December, when Sony hopes to have "the majority" of existing ones available.
Beyond that, all future PSP minis should work on both PSP and PS3.
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December 10th, 2009, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Telltale Game's website is hinting that detective duo Sam & Max could return in 2010.
A new page has popped up with the message, "What's new for Sam & Max?" above the date 2010.
Click on the star constellations around the sides of the page and you'll also get to see some concept art. Looks like a sci-fi theme is in the works.
But will the gameplay revolve around the same point-and-clicking we're used to? Here's hoping Telltale reveals more details soon.
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December 10th, 2009, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
Silver-haired EA boss John Riccitiello has referred to Sony's new motion-sensing PS3 wand as "Gem".
"In the coming year, both Sony and Microsoft have announced new controllers. Motion sensor controls, Natal and Gem, these are likely to bring new consumers into the marketplace," blurted Riccitiello during UBS' Annual Global Media Conference yesterday, as overheard by IGN.
Sony's responded and said that no official name has been announced.
The PS3 motion-sensing wand will be released this spring. Four can be used at once, handy for Vishnu, and they'll rumble until the cows come home.
Meanwhile, Microsoft's Natal carries no date, although an autumn 2010 release appears to be everybody's best guess.
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December 10th, 2009, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
Theoretically, if you were to strap a PS3 Slim, projector and substantial weight in batteries to your body, you could play games on a big screen anywhere. Well in practice, someone actually did that:
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December 10th, 2009, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
We never heard much more of the rumored Sphere codename for Sony's PlayStation 3 motion controller since it cropped up a few months ago, but it looks like we now finally have another name for it besides "PlayStation Motion Controller." That word initially came from EA's John Riccitiello, who let slip the name "Gem" during his talk at the UBS 37th Annual Global Media Conference when speaking about Sony's and Microsoft's new motion controllers. Just odd enough to work? Well, not so fast, as Sony would only go so far as to confirm to Kotaku that Gem was "an early code name for the product," adding that they "haven't announced final name at this point." Not exactly a full-on non-denial denial, to be sure, but it would seem that the door for Gem is at least open a tiny crack.
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December 10th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
D3 Publisher has a quirky city planning game set in Japan. It’s called Machi-ing Maker 3 and it includes real-life brands like Tsutaya and Uniqlo. You may have heard of this series before under the name Metropolismania. Natsume brought two of the PlayStation 2 games here before D3 acquired publishing rights.
In Machi-ing Maker 3 you can plot your own little version of Japan just like this.
See the Pizza-La and Uniqlo buildings? Those are on the list of 34 common Japanese companies integrated in the game. Players will also be able to place Circle K and Family Mart stores plus fast food shops like Mos Burger and Yoshinoya all in the interest of growing their city.
Machi-ing Maker 3 is scheduled to come out on January 28 for PSP.
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December 10th, 2009, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
Almost a month after the initial release, the coder ac-Portugal releases the first update for Lua MP3, a player file format. Mp3 developed programming language LUA. This update introduces some new features and fixes some bugs in the first version of the program.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v0.2:
- Boot Removed
- If there are no drivers required, the program will ask you to install
- Removed the battery icon and replaced with the percentage
- E 'can access the options in any section of the program
- E 'can increase / decrease the brightness of the screen
- Added scrollbar to the list of music files
- Ability to enable / disable the joystick in the options
- If the HOLD button is activated, the screen will turn off the console
- It 'possible to delete music files from the list by pressing the
- The time and the percentage of battery power are present in every section of the program
- Improved some parts of code
- Warning when the level of battery charge is below 5%
- Single configuration file
- To exit the program, you must now use the key
- Fixed some bugs
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December 10th, 2009, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
New update from Moscas for his Goblins PSP, utlity-One PC that comes to version
Goblins PSP will allow you to make backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete your backup UMD, and launch programs like RemoteJoy USBIsolader, upgrade your custom firmware and manage your plugins. This new release does not bring substantive improvements, but the addition of splash-screen for the contest. But with the next update will add new functionality.
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December 10th, 2009, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via pegasus2000
We're working hardly.
In the next Nanodesktop 0.5 a new professional support for SDL library (called ndSDL) will
be included.
The new technology is fully compliant with the code coming from x86 world: it supports
SDL, SDLGfx, SDLNet, SDLMixer, SDLTTF, and SDL Image, with hardware acceleration
and full integration with Nanodesktop environment.
Some weeks after the next release, in Italy a new initiative will start: the Nanodesktop
Games Initiative. Several games have been already ported from the x86 world with few
rows of code (thanks to the advanced emulation technology provided by ndSDL) and
they will be made freely available to the people.
The next ndPython, instead, shall integrate the PyGame library. In this way, you can
execute all games that in x86 world are developed in Python.
(PyGame library)
ndPython shall integrate also the numpy library, that shall make it compatible with
several Python scientifical applications.
Nanodesktop 0.5 will integrate also a set of video codecs for video playing/decoding.
So... stay tuned.
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December 11th, 2009, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Having been presented for its first year of public existence as a social platform, PlayStation Home is about to be pushed in a new way: As a social gaming platform.
"We have developed a forum for developers to come in and develop 3D social games," Buser told Kotaku during a Sony Playstation 3 showcase in New York. The goal is to spawn the development in Home of what Buser calls "mini-MMOs."
PlayStation Home has primarily been shaped as a social space up until now, enabling online-connected PS3 users to interact with each other in virtual movie theaters, courtyards, malls, houses and game-themed spaces. Users in Home chat together, dance together and flirt together — any quick visit to Home will verify that that last activity is quite popular.
Some of the spaces in Home have allowed PS3 users to play. There is a hedge maze in one space, a poker table in another. Ratchet & Clank's Home space includes a scavenger hunt and shooting game (pictured above); Uncharted 2's has a multiplayer modification of Risk. Those latter spaces, Buser said, are hints of where this could be going.
You would go to Home not just to hang out, but to play 3D "casual" games.
Buser had no mini-MMOs quite ready to announce yet, but was confident that the gaming expansion of Home is underway. The service turns one year old tomorrow, but Buser was cagey about how, if at all, that anniversary would be celebrated. Time, if not to launch mini-MMOs, to drop the "beta" tag from the project's status? Not something he could talk about now, he said.
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December 11th, 2009, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has updated the PlayStation shops with some downloads and that.
Pick of the bunch is undoubtedly the spiffing PixelJunk Shooter from Q-Games, which goes for £6.29 / €7.99, while Call of Duty Classic also pitches up for an enormous and bewildering £11.99 / €14.99.
Otherwise it's a bit pedestrian, although there may be some gems among the PSP minis. We'll do another roundup of those in due course. See below for the other additions on PS3 and PSP.
PS3 Games
Buzz! Junior: Dino Den (£3.99 / €4.99)
Call of Duty Classic (£11.99 / €14.99)
Hyperballoid HD (£3.19 / €3.99)
PixelJunk Shooter (£6.29 / €7.99)
PS3 Demos
Fairytale Fights
PS3 Add-ons
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast - Alien Warriors Pack (free)
EyePet - Lucky Dip Styling Pack 8 (free)
High Velocity Bowling - Animal Patterns, Winter Holiday, Ginger PAINful Xmas and Jarvis PAINful Xmas Packs (£0.79 / €0.99 apiece)
PAIN - PainBall (£1.59 / €1.99)
Rock Band - Songs, basically. Some of them.
Guitar Hero 5 - Same. (More details.)
PS3 Motion Comics
Uncharted 2 - The Eye of Indra Skins and Comics Bundle (£2.39 / €2.99)
PS3 Wallpapers
Dante's Inferno - Anger Circle (free? Doesn't say!)
PSP minis
Beam 'Em Up (£2.49 / €2.99)
Dynogems (£2.49 / €2.99)
Herales Chariot Racing (£3.49 / €3.99)
Let's Golf! (£3.99 / €4.99)
Telegraph Crosswords (£3.49 / €3.99)
PSP Add-ons
Cover Girl - N1: Positive Attitude, N2: Diplomacy, N3: Confidence (free, answers on a postcard)
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Additional Quests 8 (free)
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December 11th, 2009, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has updated the PlayStation shops with some downloads and that.
Pick of the bunch is undoubtedly the spiffing PixelJunk Shooter from Q-Games, which goes for £6.29 / €7.99, while Call of Duty Classic also pitches up for an enormous and bewildering £11.99 / €14.99.
Otherwise it's a bit pedestrian, although there may be some gems among the PSP minis. We'll do another roundup of those in due course. See below for the other additions on PS3 and PSP.
PS3 Games
Buzz! Junior: Dino Den (£3.99 / €4.99)
Call of Duty Classic (£11.99 / €14.99)
Hyperballoid HD (£3.19 / €3.99)
PixelJunk Shooter (£6.29 / €7.99)
PS3 Demos
Fairytale Fights
PS3 Add-ons
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast - Alien Warriors Pack (free)
EyePet - Lucky Dip Styling Pack 8 (free)
High Velocity Bowling - Animal Patterns, Winter Holiday, Ginger PAINful Xmas and Jarvis PAINful Xmas Packs (£0.79 / €0.99 apiece)
PAIN - PainBall (£1.59 / €1.99)
Rock Band - Songs, basically. Some of them.
Guitar Hero 5 - Same. (More details.)
PS3 Motion Comics
Uncharted 2 - The Eye of Indra Skins and Comics Bundle (£2.39 / €2.99)
PS3 Wallpapers
Dante's Inferno - Anger Circle (free? Doesn't say!)
PSP minis
Beam 'Em Up (£2.49 / €2.99)
Dynogems (£2.49 / €2.99)
Herales Chariot Racing (£3.49 / €3.99)
Let's Golf! (£3.99 / €4.99)
Telegraph Crosswords (£3.49 / €3.99)
PSP Add-ons
Cover Girl - N1: Positive Attitude, N2: Diplomacy, N3: Confidence (free, answers on a postcard)
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Additional Quests 8 (free)
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December 11th, 2009, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Jonathan Blow’s celebrated indie game Braid will become available to download from PSN on December 17th.
Publisher Hothead Games has announced that the title will cost just €9.99 (around £9) for PS3 owners.
The game, ‘a puzzle platformer’, allows players to manipulate time and control protagonist Tim.
Braid won plaudits when it first arrived on Xbox 360 last year for its innovative touches - such as player's inability to die or lose.
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December 11th, 2009, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
When first released, every PlayStation 3 lost Sony about $200. Then, they figured out how to cut costs and broke even for a while. Now, with the cheaper PS3 Slim, they're back to losing money, albeit a lot less money.
iSuppli's latest PS3 teardown finds Sony losing a mere $31.27 less than its manufacturing costs. Of course, these figures don't take into account software development, marketing or any of these other not-insignificant costs that go into putting the PS3 on store shelves.
But hey, it's nice to see Sony not absolutely bleeding money, even after a significant price cut.
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December 11th, 2009, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday, a trophy tip-off presaged today's announcement of Borderlands' second DLC package. Well, there's another such leak today, showing 11 new trophies for LittleBigPlanet's Pirates of the Caribbean DLC and Water update.
There are 2 silver and 9 bronze trophies becoming available with the new content, reports PS3Trophies.org. They will raise the total trophies to 70. Pricing and release date still are unknown.
Here's the list:
• PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN Booty Master - Collect all of the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN prize bubbles
• Beast Slayer - Destroy the KRAKEN boss
• Ace Port Royal - Ace Port Royal
• Ace Pirate Town - Ace Pirate Town
• Ace The Frigate - Ace The Frigate
• Ace Cursed Bay - Ace Cursed Bay
• Ace The Kraken!!! - Ace The Kraken!!!
• Tributary - Publish a level containing WATER
• Salty Dog - Complete 20 community leves that contain WATER
• HMS Interceptor - Complete the race in Cursed Bay with at least 4000 points left on the clock
• The Bends - Achieve a Score of 7000 in the Diving for Treasure Survival Challenge
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December 11th, 2009, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Huzzah! No more of your intense Headquarters Pro matches will be interrupted by gargantuan, killer shockwaves expelled by morally dubious combatants. That is to say, Modern Warfare 2's Javelin glitch, which enabled a dirty, cheating player to instantly detonate upon death, was fixed earlier this morning by a patch for the Xbox 360 version of the game. According to a recent tweet from Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling, the PS3 version of the game has already received the patch.
In addition to removing the Javelin's unadvertised self-immolation feature, the patch also fixes the equally insidious "unlimited care packages" glitch, and fixes a few areas where players could exploit gaps in the game's geography. In a perfect world, Infinity Ward would have also sent parcels to the houses of anyone who leveraged these exploits -- parcels full of bees. The bad kind. The kind you see on the Discovery Channel. The ones that can kill a full-grown elephant with a surprisingly small swarm.
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December 11th, 2009, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
NIS America sent us a final release date for Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, and it isn’t sometime in February like our pre-release copy says. The game will be in stores on March 23, 2010.
The North American version of Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love is being made for two consoles, PlayStation 2 and Wii. However, the two disc premium box containing a poster, art book, and Japanese and English voice acting on separate discs is only for the PlayStation 2. The Wii version has one disc with English voiceovers and none of the goodies. NIS America says they’ll make it up to Wii owners by giving them a “killer bargain.”
Nice to see what appears to be the swan song of PlayStation 2 RPGs for North America get a fancy box set. Bummer that Wii owners won’t be able to purchase the same package, but at least they’re getting Sakura Wars. In Japan, Sakura Taisen V was a PlayStation 2 exclusive.
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December 12th, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
Now considered him to be abandoned, by 'summer of last year we no longer have heard in recent days but the surprise: the Utopia project was not put into oblivion, MathieuLH and other coders are (again) at work to complete the work. But what is Utopia, a new custom firmware? A homebrew? A hack for all the PSP into service? None of that. Utopia will be a new kernel (Definition) Open-source software for the PSP, which will completely replace the original system software, whose code will be rewritten from scratch and will remain available to all without any restrictions. The possibilities for development of homebrew / emulators with a firmware like this are many, to have a better idea about Utopia, please read the FAQs, some of them are listed below.
If you are particularly interested to contribute to this project you can see a part of Source available.
Kernel definition
In computing, the kernel is the core of an operating system. This is a software with the task of providing the processes running on developing a secure and controlled access to hardware. As can be executed simultaneously more than one, the kernel also has the responsibility to allocate a portion of computer time and access to hardware to each program (multitasking). (...)
1. What exactly UTOPIA?
The UTOPIA project is a kernel open-source (source code will be made public and editable by everyone!) Optimized for the development of homebrew.
2. So UTOPIA is not a new Custom Firmware?
Absolutely not, it is "only" a kernel.
3. Which existing kernel was based UTOPIA?
Utopia is NOT based on Linux nor on any other open-source project.
It 'a project based on a long reverse engineering sull'IPL Firmware 3.71.
4. E 'as a Kernel 1 .50, the 2.xx or 3.xx?
Exactly, it's like on a Kernel mentioned, and indeed seem to take the place of the now obsolete Kernel 1.50.
5. Still contains PRX or lines of code owned by Sony?
Absolutely not, UTOPIA will be free from any code copyrighted Sony!
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December 12th, 2009, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pront0.org
I want to release my latest project , the ultimate byte sizer written in
c# + lua. The Ultimate Byte Sizer is a simple package dir like .rar but
the PBS will be not smaller than the same files in a dir (non compression).
The UBS is perfect for homebrews were work with the flash and the ms.
*description : pbs is the file format were the ultimate byte sizer generate
How I create a PBS(Personal Byte Sized) ? :
1. Open Bytesizer.cfg with an text editor
2. Write the files that you want to crypt in the files_ex table and
update the files_isg with the number of files you want to crypt.
3.then save it .
4. After that put the files into the "DUMP" dir
5. Then start "make.cmd" and wait .
6. if "dump.pbs" is complete your dump is finished
How i decode a PBS ? :
1. Run Bytesizer.exe
2. Choose your pbs File
3. Choose the dir there want to extract in
4. Click on Extract - finished
How i can use UBS for my Lua Homebrews ?
Download here the PBS Lua PSP Sample :
The latest version of UBS (0.32):
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December 12th, 2009, 11:41 Posted By: wraggster
Gran Turismo 5 is out in Japan next March. In the West? Sometime later, Sony yet to nail down even a firm release window, let alone a date. Recent comments from SCEA suggest, however, it won't be any time soon.
Sony Computer Entertainment America's Chris Hinojosa-Miranda has told Destructoid that the game is currently - and vaguely - gunning for a "summer 2010" release.
Which, if correct, means June 2010 at the earliest. Bummer.
Wonder if the European version will be out earlier...
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December 12th, 2009, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster

Friends are constantly giving us their old electronics. We love it because our junk box is a never-ending pile of possibilities. We’re really starting to amass a collection of LCD screens that are not easily interfaced and this project gives us some hope for the future. [Philip] has been posting about using an FPGA as a driver for a replacement PSP LCD screen.
Many projects source cell phone LCD screens that have their own driver chip that can be addressed over SPI for use with a simple microcontroller. More complicated screens need a more involved control scheme and this is where the Field Programmable Gate Array takes over. [Philip] lays out the steps he’s using to implement his controller, from setting up the correct voltage levels, to planning for coordinate addressing, and even some of his follies with reverse current. We think this would be a great way to introduce yourself to FPGA projects.
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December 12th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love will probably be the final PlayStation 2 RPG for North America. In Japan, Namco Bandai is squeezing out one more Summon Night game for the PS2.
Summon Night Granthese: Sword of Ruin and the Knight of Promise strays from the tactics gameplay established in the core series. Summon Night Granthese is a 3D action RPG starring Lost and Millet. Being equipped with a sword, Lost is a close range fighter. Millet doesn’t deal as much damage as Lost, but she uses a gun so she can stay out of harms way. Both characters can summon creatures from the series to help in battle.
Namco Bandai has Summon Night Granthese slated for spring 2010.
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December 13th, 2009, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, as part of a network wide feature we are adding affiliate sections to each of our sites in order to give users who visit dcemu more sites to visit that post news about the consoles we cover.
If you have a PS2 site and are interested in affiliating then please reply via this thread.
a link on the homepage of each site is whats required.
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December 13th, 2009, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, as part of a network wide feature we are adding affiliate sections to each of our sites in order to give users who visit dcemu more sites to visit that post news about the consoles we cover.
If you have a PS3 site and are interested in affiliating then please reply via this thread.
a link on the homepage of each site is whats required.
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December 13th, 2009, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
One of the least surprising "World Exclusive" reveals during last night's Video Game Awards show was the unveiling of Harmonix's next single-band opus, Green Day: Rock Band. In case you missed out on the late-to-the-party announcement, you can check out the debut trailer after the jump. If you don't feel like watching a streaming video at the moment, we'll summarize: It looks a heck of a lot like when you play those Green Day DLC songs on Rock Band 2.
The MTV Games press release that landed in our inbox shortly after the trailer aired contained one particularly interesting piece of news -- unlike The Beatles: Rock Band, all of the tracks in Green Day's outing will be exportable to the core Rock Band games. In addition, all the Green Day DLC released so far for the music platform, as well as the three 21st Century Breakdown tracks that will hit this Tuesday, will be compatible with Green Day: Rock Band. No release date has been given thus far, but the presser specifies that its coming to the Wii, PS3 and 360.
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December 13th, 2009, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
Another update Jpcsp, PSP emulator for PC developed in Java and now in revision 1277. To start the program that allows the execution of some homebrew, remember, you need to install Java on your PC.
More to follow.
Rev1277: Fixed ISO file reading: some files were missing in large directories. This should fix some games displaying "umd file not found".
Rev1276: Basic implementation of sceKernelSuspendDispatchThread and
Rev1275: Restart the list-processing after a SIGNAL without callback
Rev1274: sceKernelSleepThread / sceKernelWakeupThread: Implemented wakeupCount
Rev1273: fixes in TRXKICK - do not reset after baseOffset RET command - more robustness in VideoEngine when processing errors (abort list display when displaying more than 5 errors) - pspdisplay: reload after new GE GE previous to storing memory
Rev1272: sceKernelReferThreadStatus: fill waitid of waiting object with ID
Rev1271: Fix for small swizzled images (eg texture_height == 1). Do not display "unknown command 0xff video" just after a PRIM command.
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December 14th, 2009, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
Disney's making a new Tron game to act as a prequel to the upcoming 3D movie Tron: Legacy.
Unveiled at the Spike Video Game Awards at the weekend, Tron: Evolution will be developed by Propaganda Games and be released next autumn on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
Propaganda, you may remember, resurrected the Turok licence early last year. We'll forgive you for forgetting.
A video for Tron: Evolution shows two characters throwing disc blades at each other and driving around on light bikes.
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December 14th, 2009, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
Although Sony had previously said it would be 17th December before PSP minis were ported for use on the PS3's new emulator, the official blog reveals that five are compatible as of now.
They are: Dynogems (£2.49 / €2.99), Heracles Chariot Racing (£3.49 / €3.99), Let's Golf! (£3.99 / €4.99), Telegraph Crosswords (£3.49 / €3.99) and Beat 'Em Up (£2.49 / €2.99). We'll be taking a look at the emulation soon.
Sony hopes to have all the existing PSP minis available for the PS3 by Thursday. In the meantime, why not read our PSP minis roundup, where many of them are reviewed?
PSP minis are Sony's answer to the Apple iTunes App Store, or Nintendo DSiWare, offering cheap and cheerful downloadable handheld games made by indie developers. The platform holder decided to open them up for use on PS3 last month and the latest optional PS3 firmware, 3.15, introduces baseline compatibility.
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December 14th, 2009, 10:27 Posted By: wraggster
Hothead Games' PS3 adaptation of Braid is due out on the European PlayStation Store this Thursday, 17th December.
The game will sell for €9.99, according to the developer, which usually translates to £7.99 in Queenlucre.
Braid was released on PS3 in the US last month and for Xbox 360 last year, when it picked up a whopping 10/10 on Eurogamer.
For those wondering what all the fuss is about, all the fuss is about a time-manipulation platform-puzzle game with dreamy visuals and an ambitious, albeit rather florid storyline.
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December 14th, 2009, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 is still being sold at a small loss according to the latest estimates from market research firm iSuppli, with Sony predicted to be able to break even in the near future.
iSuppli's analysis of the 120GB PS3's internal components has lead it to put a figure of USD 336.27 on the cost of parts and manufacturing for the console. The hardware sells for USD 299.99 in North America and the equivalent of USD 438 in the UK and USD 318 in Japan.
The falling cost of components is likely to see the cost of manufacturing continue to fall in 2010, with iSuppli analyst Andrew Rassweiler commenting: "In light of these factors, the PlayStation 3 probably is already at or near the tipping point for profitability."
iSuppli suggests that Sony was previously losing USD 49.72 on every sale of the console (although which model this figure refers to is not specified) despite a higher price point.
"Since the introduction of the PlayStation 3 in late 2006, Sony has subsidised the price of every console sold, a deficit the company has made up for with game sales and royalties," said Rassweiler.
The single most expensive component within the PS3 continues to be the Blu-ray drive at USD 66, followed by the Nvidia Reality Synthesizer graphics chip at USD 45.82 (down 21 per cent on the version from older PS3 consoles). The cost of the famous Cell chip has also dropped by 19 per cent to USD
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December 14th, 2009, 13:07 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 Slim was a decent attempt at reducing both the size, and the cost, of the original PlayStation 3. But did you know Sony were considering making some more drastic changes?
In an interview with Nikkei, SCE's Masayuki Chatani, from the company's strategy planning department, has revealed that not only were Sony looking at making the Slim even smaller, but that they were looking at some fairly radical solutions to the problems of HDD sizing.
One of those was to use flash memory instead of the conventional HDD the PS3 currently uses, which would have cut down on the size, running costs and even noise levels of the console.
Another was to leave local storage out of the equation altogether, and instead rely on the PlayStation Network to save all of a user's game data, personal files and settings (similar to how Gmail works, for example).
Chatani says Sony "considered both options", but in the end, "felt that the price would be too high for the amount of storage capacity the PS3 needs", so they stuck with a conventional HDD.
He also says, when comparing the Slim with the PS2's redesign - a model that made far more drastic cuts to the dimensions of the console than the Slim has managed - that reducing the size of the PS3 even further was a possibility, but that in order to do so, the machine's power supply would have to have been made external (as it was on the PS2 Slim), which "would have imposed restrictions on transport and use, making it harder to use freely."
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December 14th, 2009, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster

PSP minis are now available to download and play on both the original target platform and PlayStation 3, an impressive feat achieved through the use of a software emulator added with the recent 3.15 version of the PS3 system software. Right now, Sony is working on full compatibility for all available minis, but a selection of them are currently available to try out now. Digital Foundry delved into its pockets and bought Heracles Chariot Racing, Echoes, Let's Golf, Stand o' Food and Breakquest for analysis.
Getting a fully-featured PSP emulator working on the PS3 is no mean feat but it is perhaps not surprising that Sony targeted the minis first: many of them are 2D and few of them really push the three-dimensional capabilities of the hardware. Based on our tests, it does very much suggest that the emulator is a work-in-progress with performance levels up against the same game running on PSP changing quite drastically according to the title you're playing.
Perhaps the first thing you notice when booting up a mini is the upscaling. While many of the open-source emulators out there like to offer the ability to run games natively in whatever resolution the user chooses, Sony's emulator stays with the original 480x272 and upscales accordingly, leaving small black border on all sides. Presumably this is the perceived "safe area" Sony has allocated to make sure that no precious game resolution slips into the overscan area of many displays.
Writing emulators is never easy, especially for relatively recent platforms and in many senses it's a miracle that Sony is able to run native code at anything approaching real-time speeds. However, it's clear that there is plenty of work to be done in getting the code up to scratch and ready for "show time" with the average, non-mini release.
You can fully expect Sony to be doing just that, based on past form. The PSone emulator built into the PSP firmware is a good indicator: just like the PSP code on show here, it's entirely software-based, and it has gradually evolved over time (though it has to be said, it was excellent from day one). So fingers crossed that these technical issues will be resolved and that the process of easily syncing game progress and high scores between console and handheld will be addressed.
For now, targeting the PSP emulation at the minis exclusively is a very smart move: it serves to put the range back into the spotlight, it'll drive some more sales based on the novelty factor, and it's a good proving ground for Sony to test its emulation code.
Longer term, once performance is more solid, you can bet that Sony will be offering full-fat PSP back catalogue games for download - perhaps when PSP2 is available, perhaps sooner. Having PSP software compatible with 30 million more devices potentially means big bucks for both platform holder, developer and publisher alike.
Full Article --> http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/di...sis-blog-entry
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December 14th, 2009, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster

PSP minis are now available to download and play on both the original target platform and PlayStation 3, an impressive feat achieved through the use of a software emulator added with the recent 3.15 version of the PS3 system software. Right now, Sony is working on full compatibility for all available minis, but a selection of them are currently available to try out now. Digital Foundry delved into its pockets and bought Heracles Chariot Racing, Echoes, Let's Golf, Stand o' Food and Breakquest for analysis.
Getting a fully-featured PSP emulator working on the PS3 is no mean feat but it is perhaps not surprising that Sony targeted the minis first: many of them are 2D and few of them really push the three-dimensional capabilities of the hardware. Based on our tests, it does very much suggest that the emulator is a work-in-progress with performance levels up against the same game running on PSP changing quite drastically according to the title you're playing.
Perhaps the first thing you notice when booting up a mini is the upscaling. While many of the open-source emulators out there like to offer the ability to run games natively in whatever resolution the user chooses, Sony's emulator stays with the original 480x272 and upscales accordingly, leaving small black border on all sides. Presumably this is the perceived "safe area" Sony has allocated to make sure that no precious game resolution slips into the overscan area of many displays.
Writing emulators is never easy, especially for relatively recent platforms and in many senses it's a miracle that Sony is able to run native code at anything approaching real-time speeds. However, it's clear that there is plenty of work to be done in getting the code up to scratch and ready for "show time" with the average, non-mini release.
You can fully expect Sony to be doing just that, based on past form. The PSone emulator built into the PSP firmware is a good indicator: just like the PSP code on show here, it's entirely software-based, and it has gradually evolved over time (though it has to be said, it was excellent from day one). So fingers crossed that these technical issues will be resolved and that the process of easily syncing game progress and high scores between console and handheld will be addressed.
For now, targeting the PSP emulation at the minis exclusively is a very smart move: it serves to put the range back into the spotlight, it'll drive some more sales based on the novelty factor, and it's a good proving ground for Sony to test its emulation code.
Longer term, once performance is more solid, you can bet that Sony will be offering full-fat PSP back catalogue games for download - perhaps when PSP2 is available, perhaps sooner. Having PSP software compatible with 30 million more devices potentially means big bucks for both platform holder, developer and publisher alike.
Full Article --> http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/di...sis-blog-entry
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December 14th, 2009, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
During an interview with Nikkei Japan, Sony's CTO Masayuki Chatani touches on the growing number of ways the PlayStation 3 has to accept payment, including the dreaded "monthly fees."
Last month during a Sony investor presentation, the company made mention of a potential subscription service for the PlayStation Network. While there's still nothing to announce on that front, Chatani once again brings up the possibility of monthly fees while discussing the cost of maintaining the PlayStation Network.
Servers and the like have running costs, and we would face difficulties if our business depended solely on the sell-and-forget model. After we sell the hardware, though, we continue to sell products such as content and services. We expect to see considerable growth in digital content, such as game download services, avatar items and the like. We can also accept payment in a growing number of ways. In addition to single-payment packaged software, there are also schemes like monthly fees or per-item charges. I think this variety of payment methods will bring about a diverse range of playing methods, too.
It doesn't sound to me like Sony would be charging for the PlayStation Network as much as they would be offering additional services and content on top of what players already get for free on PSN. Of course that's merely speculation.
Would you be open to paying a small monthly fee for easy access to downloadable content and items, or would you prefer to pay as you go?
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December 14th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: royale
I have just released PSP-Maps version 2.2, with some minor updates, and a cool feature 

You can now easily cache all zoom levels for a given area.
Here is the changelog:- replaced radius scan with recursive scan
- allow bigger disk cache
- updated urls.txt for Google Maps
This version is available on my website: http://royale.zerezo.com/psp/
Or as usual in attachment to this thread.
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December 15th, 2009, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Five months since the last release, the team JJS has released an update to the excellent PSPdisp, application that lets you use your PSP as an additional monitor to your PC with a resolution of 960X544. This update, which brings the program to version 0.4, introduces some new features and fixes some bugs in previous releases.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v0.4:
- New USB driver based WinUSB
- The former USB driver based on libusb continue to be supported
- New rules for recording audio for Vista / 7
- To increase the transfer rate via USB
- New Uncompressed not apply any compression to the images thus involving a reduced load to the CPUs and a better quality of the images
- The frequency of the PSP CPU is now amended to the USB mode
- Increased the number of characters for the IP address / server name
- The IP address is now displayed in the WLAN card in the options window
- E 'can now, in case of malfunction, completely disable streaming audio
- New option to hide the mouse pointer in the event of inactivity
- Added an option during installation to create an exception in Windows Firewall for PSPdisp
- Fixato control CPU speed for WLAN
- Fixati WLAN problems encountered in version 0.3
- PSPdisp is now in SideShow mode if the screen resolution is changed
- Fixati some bugs related to GUI
- More bug fixati
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December 15th, 2009, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, as part of a network wide feature we are adding affiliate sections to each of our sites in order to give users who visit dcemu more sites to visit that post news about the consoles we cover.
If you have a PSP site and are interested in affiliating then please reply via this thread.
a link on the homepage of each site is whats required.
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December 15th, 2009, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
EA today announced a demo for ARMY OF TWO™: THE 40th DAY will be available as a free download on the PlayStation®Network and Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace on December 17th. The demo will include most of the first level in the game, where the iconic two-man private military team of Salem and Rios find themselves trapped in Shanghai as it falls under attack. Players will experience the focused co-operative action that has made THE 40TH DAY one of next year’s most anticipated games. A demo for the PlayStation® Portable (PSP®) will also be available for free on the PlayStation Network in North America on January 7th and in Europe on January 14th.
ARMY OF TWO: THE 40TH DAY is the sequel to the 2008 multi-platinum co-op shooter. Players must work as a team to survive relentless enemy assaults and escape the city as it collapses around them. THE 40TH DAY delivers an organic and immersive cooperative adventure with one of the most robust weapon customization systems ever found in a videogame. Players can mix and match weapon parts found in the world and execute strategic two-man tactics that create a one-of-a-kind co-op action experience.
“THE 40TH DAY is non-stop action in an explosive Shanghai. The game has been designed with a focus on co-op gameplay and it has been our goal to refine this core experience in all aspects of the game,” said executive producer Reid Schneider. “The demo will give players the opportunity to experience this evolution and the new co-op moves and tactics available to players at any time in the game.”
For more information on ARMY OF TWO: THE 40th DAY or to pre-order the game please visit: www.armyoftwo.com.
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December 15th, 2009, 10:39 Posted By: wraggster
Alawar Entertainment are announcing the release of Hyperballoid HD for the PlayStation® 3. The game is now available exclusively through the PlayStation® Network in Europe for the price of 3.99 EUR. North American and Asian releases are forthcoming.
Hyperballoid HD puts a surreal spin on a classic arcade style, inviting players to smash their way through one hundred unique and challenging levels contained within two visually stunning game worlds. This addictive game includes a unique trophies system and supports 1080p high-definition graphics as well as all standard resolutions. With outrageous animation, smooth controls, over-the-top power-ups, a bass-heavy techno soundtrack, and realistic physics developed exclusively for the PS3™, Hyperballoid HD truly is a next-gen brick breaker.
"Hyperballoid HD is the second Alawar Entertainment game available on the PlayStation Network," says Kirill Plotnikov, vice-president of publishing. "We're developing even more console and mobile games, including several titles slated for release on Sony platforms next year."
Hyperballoid HD is based on the popular Hyperballoid casual game that Alawar originally developed for PC. Alawar's first PSN release, Magic Ball, was released in January 2009 and remained on the service's top-ten best-seller list for two months.
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December 15th, 2009, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has once again hinted at plans to charge for online services via the PlayStation Network, specifically mentioning the prospect of monthly fees - although for exactly what products remains unclear.
In an interview with Nikkei Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment executive vice president and chief technology officer Masayuki Chatani was asked how Sony was managing the high costs associated with running a service such as the PlayStation Network.
"We would face difficulties if our business depended solely on the sell-and-forget model. After we sell the hardware, though, we continue to sell products such as content and services," he said.
"We can also accept payment in a growing number of ways," he added. "In addition to single-payment packaged software, there are also schemes like monthly fees or per-item charges."
Although there was little context to his answer it may be that in terms of monthly fees Chatani was only speaking in reference to specific titles, such as massively multiplayer online games.
However, there have been persistent rumours that Sony may be considering an Xbox Live style subscription model for the PlayStation Network a whole.
Last month Kaz Hirari stated categorically that current services would continue to be offered free of charge, although the company may begin to charge for unspecified new premium content and services - some using a subscription model.
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December 15th, 2009, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has applied to have the Australian classification of the forthcoming Aliens vs. Predator reviewed, after the company stated it would not censor the game to ensure a release.
The game was initially refused a 15+ age rating, the highest available in Australia for videogames, essentially banning the game from release. Unlike other titles, such as Valve's Left 4 Dead 2, developer Rebellion has indicated it has no intention of censoring the game to achieve the lower rating.
However, website Refused Classification has found evidence that Sega intends to have the ruling reviewed, with the ratings board due to convene this Friday to consider additional submissions.
As the Refused Classification website points out, although there is no 18+ age rating for games in Australia the country's rating system is generally more liberal than that of the UK and US and the content of Aliens vs. Predator could still be considered suitable for a 15+ rating as is.
The Australian government has recently begun a period of public consultation concerning the possible implementation of a mature 18+ age rating for videogames, with citizens being asked to submit their views on the subject.
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December 15th, 2009, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix gears up for December 17th release of hyped RPG on PS3 in Japan
Western gamers still face a long wait for the release of Final Fantasy XIII, but the Japanese anticipation has reached fever-pitch ahead of the release of the PS3 version of the game this Thursday.
Publisher Square Enix is well aware of the likely mania that will greet the game’s release and has confirmed that it has already shipped 1m copies of the title in the territory, according to Kotaku.
A further 150,000 copies will arrive at retail in time for Thursday morning and an additional 150,000 will be in place for the weekend.
For comparison’s sake, Square Enix shipped 2m copies of PS2 predecessor Final Fantasy XII prior to its release in 2006.
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December 15th, 2009, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster
Infinity Ward knows about the unlimited ammo bug in Modern Warfare 2 and is working hard on a solution.
"Yes, it'll be eliminated soon enough," the developer's community liaison Robert Bowling said on his Twitter.
The bug, spotted by increasing numbers of gamers on forums (thanks, Kotaku), breaks ammo counters and in some cases removes them entirely - meaning the bullets never run out.
Apparently this originates from modded consoles but can spread to non-tampered machines while playing online. The bug manifests differently for obedient gamers, however, who'll have to reboot their machine and clear the cache to rid themselves of the glitch.
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December 15th, 2009, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
The first real TEKKEN god of Europe and Australia has emerged victorious at the TEKKEN 6 grand regional final held at Proud Gallery Camden in London at the weekend.
Following the series of brutal TEKKEN 6 tournament events held across Europe and Australia since October, finalists flew in to London from as far afield as Australia, Greece, Switzerland, Netherland, Belgium, Italy, Israel, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Finland, France and UK to take on the best of the best in the regional final.
In the end it was Norman 'GenN1us' Chatrier from France who swept the international competition aside to snatch victory in a white knuckle contest which tested the speed and skill of some of the world's best TEKKEN 6 fighters. The top ranked players from each tournament including London final will be flying to Japan in 2010 for the grand final to determine the world's #1 TEKKEN god.
Everyone can feel the thrill of ferocious one-on-one TEKKEN 6 tournament competition with online versus play via PlayStation®Network and Xbox Live®. Download the free update to ensure the optimum online performance and gameplay experience against the best fighters from every corner of the globe.
The king of fighting games, TEKKEN 6 for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) is available now. For more information on the game visit www.tekken.com.
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December 15th, 2009, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Boolat Games unleashes a new trailer of Topatoi, that features footage of both of the game's episodes: The Great Tree Story and the newly announced The Pillar of Skies.
New trailer is available for download at http://topatoi.boolat.com/ep1ep2teaser.mp4
Streaming video at YouTube can be reached there:
Topatoi is a puzzle-oriented PlayStation 3/PSN platformer, that sticks to the old school traditions of the genre, including emphasis on the original concepts and unique immersive gameplay. In short, the core of Topatoi's gameplay is based on the fact that player controls a small explorer vehicle that works like a spinning top.
Episode 1, The Great Tree Story, is currently available worldwide. Free demo can be downloaded to have a glimpse of the game. Episode 2, The Pillar of Skies, is currently slated for an early 2010 release, possibly January or February. More details will follow, so stay tuned for the updates. Check the official website at http://www.topatoi.com for more information, including screenshots, in-game videos and trailers.
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December 15th, 2009, 18:55 Posted By: Zack
Via : RetroEmu.com
It has been a long time since the last LuaPlayer Euphoria release. In my absence a user named Walar has committed the following changes :
New Features / Changes :
[+] Added Zip file System.
[+] Wrote a new IntraFont system.
[+] Wrote a new Sony osk system.
[+] Wrote a new Sony Message Dialog system.
[+] Added Zip lua samples[*] Updated intrafont, osk and Dialog lua samples[*] Blit image to image fixed. (Note you need to un-swizzle your images prior to blitting or it won't work.
He doesn't have time to commit to the project full time, however, I am going to be devoting a lot more time to the project within the next few weeks (after the Christmas period) so don't worry I will be back to normal service soon and have the following planned :
* Wifi support with Sony interface : AlphaDingDong is working on this and should be done soon.
* Sony SaveData support : With interface.
* Xm, sm, mod etc support re-added : But keeping the same usage as the Wav, Ogg, MP3 and At3 functions for ease of use.
* VLF library support.
* + Plenty more 
Functions, Features & Guides List :
A new wiki has been set up to make accessing LuaPlayer Euphoria's documentation a lot easier. The wiki is located here : http://lpe.retroemu.com
Note : It is currently a work in progress. All guides, functions and features will be posted there in time.
There are new samples in the download to demonstrate usage of all the new functions and the improved ones also.
See new_functions2.txt for a full list of all the new/changed functions (located in the download).
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the release!
As usual please post all bug reports or feature requests here : RetroEmu.com
Download @ : Google Code
Note : There are now two downloads. FULL is the version to get if you have never downloaded LuaPlayer Euphoria before or want to get the new samples...
Update is the version to get if you already have LuaPlayer Euphoria and just want the latest binary files.
Source code for this version currently is not committed to google code. It has been a while since I last did a commit and just cannot seem to get it to work without it erroring out on me. Will be uploaded as soon as I work out why it won't allow me to commit.
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December 15th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
The DaedalusX64 Team have released a new version of the N64 emulator for the PSP
Heres whats new:
[!] Fixed regression from rev 377 on init othermodes which caused several objects on OOT and MM to appeared semi-invisible (thanks madmax2069 and Bigshot232 for reporting it)
[+] Implemented G_MW_POINTS (FIFA should be playable)
[+] Several blendmodes were added for Majora's Mask - NintendoBoy13
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December 15th, 2009, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ollin
Hi folks!
This is the first version of my little racegame called don't drink and drive.
Originally Posted by README
d.d.a.d (don't drink and drive)
version 0.1
by Ollin
***Lua Euphoria v7***
1. Unzip/Unrar
2. Copy the extracted folder to PSP/GAME
3. Play it
1. Choose a difficulty in the menu.
2. Choose a the colour for your car.
3. Press play and start the game.
4. Stay on the road
5. If you leave the road the car will damage
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December 16th, 2009, 08:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
As announced a few days ago, the team in January released the new custom firmware 5.03GEN-C-specific consoles (PSP 2000 TA-088v3 and PSP-3000) using the ChickHEN firmware 5.03 to execute arbitrary code certificate. This update brings compatibility with the latest games (see Tekken 6) together with additional new features.
In track you can find all the features of the new custom firmware and the installation process.
Installation - Features:
News update C
• Compatible with all games / demo versions downloaded from the PlayStation Store
• Compatible with all games in UMD unpatched
• MS patch for the ISO speed (beta version untested)
• Network Update CF
Games tested backup, running unpatched
• Tekken 6
• Gundam vs. Gundam
• Phantasy Star Portable 2
• Naruto
• J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou 6 Pride J
• Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Accel 3
• James Cameron Avatar The Game
• R-Type Tactics II Operation Bitter Chocolate
• Bleach Soul Carnival 2
• Battle Spirits Kiseki no Hash
• Yamada
• 2000 with TA-088v3 PSP or PSP-3000 with firmware Journal 5:03
ChickHEN • R2: For installation you can refer to > THIS < Help
• Extract the contents of the PC
• Copy the folder GEN-C (CF 5.03GEN-C/PSP/GAME contained in the package)
• Start the Quick Updater 5.03GEN-C present in the Game> Memory Stick
• Once the update program will have three options:
- X to install the update
- Rim to restore the original version.txt
- R1 to exit the
• then press the X button to install the CF-C 5.03GEN
• After installation, press X to restart the PSP
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If anybody can write a tutorial for those who are not as experianced that would be awesome.
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December 16th, 2009, 08:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/ pspgen
A few hours away from the release of Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-C, in January the team completes the work and issue the expected 5.50GEN-D3 for all PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (excluding those with motherboard TA - 088v3). Again, this update introduces new features and compatibility with new release titles like Tekken 6 and others. The update was included in a new version of the program XGEN Updater.
Following a mini-guide for the installation and complete list of the novelty of this Custom Firmware.
Installation - Features:
Minimum requirements for installing and tips:
- PSP-1000 or 2000 (except TA-088v3) with at least CF 4.01M33. E 'advisable to start the update from CF 5.50GEN-B2
- Set the theme and the original background for the XMB
.: Installation:.:
- Copy the firmware 5.50, renamed 550.pbp in the root directory.
- Extract the contents of the package XGEN Updater for 5.50GEN-D3 and copy the UPDATE folder in PSP / GAME
- Start the application in the game> Memory Stick
- Select Flash Install CFW 5:50 GEN-D3
.: News of CF 5.50GEN-D3:.:
• Compatible with all games / demo versions downloaded from the PlayStation Store
• Compatible with all games in UMD unpatched
• MS patch for the ISO speed (beta version untested)
.: Games tested:.:
• Tekken 6
• Gundam vs. Gundam
• Phantasy Star Portable 2
• Naruto
• J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou 6 Pride J
• Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Accel 3
• James Cameron Avatar The Game
• R-Type Tactics II Operation Bitter Chocolate
• Bleach Soul Carnival 2
• Battle Spirits Kiseki no Hash
• Yamada
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If anybody can write a tutorial for those who are not as experianced that would be awesome.
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December 16th, 2009, 12:38 Posted By: wraggster

Silent night? As if! Be ready for a big clash on Xmas! www.my-liga.com home of the free Online Leagues and Tournaments invites all Modern Warfare 2 players to the exciting 1on1 „Operation Snowstorm“ tournament.
In close cooperation with the publisher Activision and the website ps3-talk.de myliga. com is looking for the virtual elite soldier!
In 8 preliminary tournaments made up of 64 players each the two final participants qualify for the „Operation Snowstorm“ tournament. Played will be the single-elimination mode, 1on1.
Participation is free as always and absolutely worth it, as the winner will receive a very special prize!
The one and only elite soldier who will wipe out all his opponents will grab a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Prestige Collectors's Edition including a night vision device, worth about 150 €! Participation in this competition is, as always completely free! Interested participants may register on the corresponding tournament site at http://mw2.my-liga.com.
Launch is sheduled for tuesday, december the 29th at 8 pm (CET) with the first of 8 preliminary tournament.
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December 16th, 2009, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster

SplitFish Ltd., will ship the much anticipated wireless DUAL SFX EVOLUTION, PC crossover controller in time to hit stores for CHRISTMAS 2009. SPLITFISH first revealed this REVOLUTIONARY latest addition to its line of innovative controllers for PlayStation®3 at E3 and GAMESCON 2009, as part of SplitFish's brand-new Frevolution X System. SPLITFISH will have the new DUAL SFX EVOLUTION in stores by end of DECEMBER 2009.
The DUAL SFX EVOLUTION will be a sport, action and casual player's dream with the freedom to punch, wrist flick and swing the controller to trigger your favorite pre-programmed melee shots, kicks and checks - not to mention a fast action button layout and motion integration when you want it for driving, snowboarding or skateboarding. Please check out our video links from our website (Video Tips by zDD / user submitted videos) or:
If you want more interaction with your action titles - this is a perfect upgrade or replacement to any standard stick controller for all games. This is a revolutionary, wireless, upgradable, two part, FREVO - adjustable analog stick controller that promises a superior new level of intuitive experience for console gamers of any skill level. The fully featured controller gives all the best analog stick control can offer PLUS it offers up assignable dual independent wireless motion for sixaxis or analog stick emulation as well as "wrist flick" button triggering. No other controller provides Sports and other Action game title fans this level of enhanced, intuitive, performance capabilities - made specifically for fan favourites like FIFA, MADDEN, H.A.W.X., Fight Night, and even has some fun functions for LITTLE BIG PLANET.
For more information on the Dual SFX Evolution and other SplitFish developments , please visit: www.splitfish.com.
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December 16th, 2009, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster

Peripherals specialist Pinpoint Consumer Electronics announce today it has entered into an agreement to market officially licensed World Wrestling Entertainment video game accessories.
These products include Crystal Cases for Nintendo DS Lite and DSi, a Console Case that fits both portables and a PSP Console Case. Each product features The Undertaker, John Cena and Rey Mysterio from the WWE Universe of characters. And the packaging features the official WWE hologram of authenticity.
“We are really excited to add these product lines to our ever-growing portfolio of products. WWE is the leading brand in sports entertainment and is enjoyed by over 4m people in the UK each week. We believe these items will prove popular at retail with such a loyal and committed fan base” commented Pinpoint’s Product Manager Tom Armstrong
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December 16th, 2009, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
India's largest games services company has today revealed its forthcoming line-up for PSP Go, WiiWare, PC and Mac. Over the next few months, 12 new titles will be released across the various formats - to complement the two already published - as the company completes its move from independent developer to publisher.
Among the games scheduled to be published for PSP by GameShastra include DEFLECTOR, CRIME SPREE, BEE WARS, ROUTE 66, PACHISI, TIGER TROUBLE, TUMBLE BUGS 2 and FLICK SPORTS FISHING - all due for release between now and the end of the year. They'll be joining D-CUBE PLANET and CIRCLES, GameShastra's two other PSP Go games currently available in the PlayStation Store.
In addition to the eight new titles above, next March will see the release of ARCADE HOOPS and WORLD CUP TABLE TENNIS, also on the PlayStation Store.
Cricket comes to WiiWare in early 2010 in the form of BALLE BAAZ, a thrilling simulation of one of the world's most popular sports. Rounding out the 12-game line-up is TAJ MAHAL, a casual hidden object game for PC and MAC set within the confines of one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World - available in January.
"This is an exciting time in the evolution of GameShastra," says Prakash Ahuja, CEO, GameShastra, Inc. "The move into self-publishing is a logical step for us, and we're already working with some significant players in the games industry to bring a host of original and licensed titles across multiple formats. 2010 will see GameShastra become one of the most significant publishers in the business, and we can't wait to enter what will undoubtedly be the biggest period in the firm's history."
The full release schedule is as follows:
Deflector - PSP Go - Dec '09
Route 66 - PSP Go - Dec '09
Crime Spree - PSP Go - Dec '09
Pachisi - PSP Go - Dec '09
Tiger Trouble - PSP Go - Dec '09
Tumble Bugs 2 - Wii Ware - Dec '09
Bee Wars - PSP Go - Jan '10
Flick Fishing - PSP Go - Jan '10
Taj - PC / Mac - Jan '10
Balle Baaz - Wii Ware - Feb '10
Arcade Hoops - PSP Go - March '10
World Cup Table Tennis - PSP Go - March '10
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December 16th, 2009, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster

developer Q-Games is pleased to introduce the next title in the PixelJunk™ series, PixelJunk™ Shooter. In PixelJunk Shooter, players take control of a subterranean vehicle to explore diverse underground caverns teeming with mysterious, deadly creatures.
At the heart of PixelJunk Shooter is a complex and dynamic fluid simulation system, which fills the game world with flowing liquids and hazardous gases, and provides the game its distinctive style. Blast holes in walls, melt solid ice, ignite gas filled caves, or use your ship itself to drill past scorching hot magma – the fluids react in real-time to the player’s actions and to other liquids, creating unique and exciting situations with every play.
The goal of the game is to keep cool (the player’s ship is susceptible to overheating) whilst finding and rescuing the many helpless survivors stranded underground. Players will need to master the deformable terrain, the flowing liquids and the fierce life forms. as they proceed deeper into ever more challenging environments.
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December 16th, 2009, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
The Latest Screens for the upcoming PSP title SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo 3 are here and for someone who loved the other Socom games on the PSP i am waiting like mad for this one, heres the screens:

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December 16th, 2009, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Tecmo Koei reckons melons are what you PSP owners want, so Dead or Alive: Paradise is what you'll get.
Out early next year, the handheld game recreates beach volleyball with female Dead or Alive characters clad skimpily in bikinis and tight tops.
There are new islands and "naughty" modes to explore, the publisher told Eurogamer, plus the addition of DOA's casino dealer Rio to the roster.
The marketing line for the game? I'm glad I/you asked: "Paradise in the palm of your hand."
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December 16th, 2009, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP version of Savage Moon will be released via PSN on 22nd December for £6.29 or €7.99.
That's what producer Ana wrote on the European PlayStation blog and frankly I believe her.
Savage Moon's a tower defence game that takes place high in the sky in a place we call space. The PSP version, subtitled The Hera Campaign, has two new species and a brand new interface, plus unlockable vengeance mode and soundtracks.
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December 16th, 2009, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster

What better day than a Wednesday to launch Sony's new digital comic book service on the PSP?
I'm not sure how it works in other countries, but here in the U.S., comic book fans have received Pavlovian conditioning that starts them drooling once the clock rolls over from Tuesday to Wednesday. Wednesday is when the new comic books arrive, making it a fitting day for Sony to launch its digital comics service for the PSP. Of course there's still no sign of DC Comics, but Marvel and Disney fans are sure to be pleased.
I've been a Marvel reader for most of my life, but with Green Lantern Blackest Night event going on and my recent love affair with Vertigo's Fables series, I'm not sure I'll be putting down my DC books long enough to purchase digital Marvel comics anytime soon.
The comic store goes live at 5PM GMT in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. North America will get it when they get it - which is noon West Coast time, according to the PlayStation Comics Twitter.
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December 16th, 2009, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
After a strong 2009, Sony plans to focus its efforts in the coming year on some new initiatives -- notably the still unnamed and, with a "Spring 2010 release," curiously under-promoted PlayStation Motion Controller, 3D games, and the PlayStation Network. In a recent GamePro interview, Sony marketing head John Koller said the company will be focusing on these "three big pillars" going forward, and detailed its plans to expand on each. "I think the areas that are going to be really critical to our success will be family games, as well as shooters and sports games ... they're areas that quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching," he said of the company's motion controller plans.
Without getting too specific, the PlayStation Network will apparently be seeing the addition of "a number of very critically demanded features" in the coming year, while the company strives to reach day-and-date release parity between UMD-based PSP games and their digital counterparts from third-party devs on PSN. He even teased the concept of "placing you as a consumer into the game physically" -- an idea he called "the Holy Grail of gaming." We get the feeling 2010 is going to be kind of a weird year, folks.
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December 16th, 2009, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita/pspgen
A few hours away from the release of Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-C, in January the team completes the work and issue the expected 5.50GEN-D3 for all PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (excluding those with motherboard TA - 088v3). Again, this update introduces new features and compatibility with new release titles like Tekken 6 and others. The update was included in a new version of the program XGEN Updater.
Following a mini-guide for the installation and complete list of the novelty of this Custom Firmware.
* UPDATE *: This night the team in January has accidentally released an incorrect version of the CF 5.50GEN-D3. The correct file is now available for upgrade. The archive is available in full as ever.
* Update2 *: As you know, were distributed three 5.50GEN archives of the CF-D3. One currently attached to the news, appears to be the correct update file and coincides perfectly with the EBOOT on this PSPGEN.
Installation - Features:
Minimum requirements for installing and tips:
- PSP-1000 or 2000 (except TA-088v3) with at least CF 4.01M33. E 'advisable to start the update from CF 5.50GEN-B2
- Set the theme and the original background for the XMB
.: Installation:.:
- Copy the firmware 5.50, renamed 550.pbp in the root directory.
- Extract the contents of the package XGEN Updater for 5.50GEN-D3 and copy the UPDATE folder in PSP / GAME
- Start the application in the game> Memory Stick
- Select Flash Install CFW 5:50 GEN-D3
.: News of CF 5.50GEN-D3:.:
• Compatible with all games / demo versions downloaded from the PlayStation Store
• Compatible with all games in UMD unpatched
• MS patch for the ISO speed (beta version untested)
.: Games tested:.:
• Tekken 6
• Gundam vs. Gundam
• Phantasy Star Portable 2
• Naruto
• J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou 6 Pride J
• Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Accel 3
• James Cameron Avatar The Game
• R-Type Tactics II Operation Bitter Chocolate
• Bleach Soul Carnival 2
• Battle Spirits Kiseki no Hash
• Yamada
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December 17th, 2009, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster

Littlewoods.com are running a special offer on the PSP Console and Grand Turismo 5 game with a voucher for £180.00, heres the details:
£195.00 and further £15 off with voucher code
LINK : http://cli.gs/SdveGL
Voucher code/offer = ZG246 - £15 off your first order of £25 or more when you open a credit
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December 17th, 2009, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen/pspita
The team issued a fourth version of the Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D3, for all the PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 (excluding those with motherboard TA-088v3). This new update will contain the final version of the CF 5.50GEN-D3 and improves the way SPEED UP for Memory Stick. Also introduces support for irshell D3 (which will be released shortly) and fixes a bug related to VSH menu.
More to follow.
Installation - Changelog:
Minimum requirements for installing and tips:
- PSP-1000 or 2000 (except TA-088v3) with at least CF 4.01M33. E 'advisable to start the update from CF 5.50GEN-B2
- Set the theme and the original background for the XMB
.: Installation:.:
- Copy the firmware 5.50, renamed 550.pbp in the root directory.
- Extract the contents of the package XGEN Updater for 5.50GEN-D3 and copy the UPDATE folder in PSP / GAME
- Start the application in the game> Memory Stick
- Select the option Install Flash CFW 5:50 GEN-D3
.: Changelog:.:
- Fixed a bug in the VSH menu that did not allow the Slim PSP owners to view the content of the Memory Stick
- Introduced support for irshell D3
- Improved version of SPEED UP MS
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December 17th, 2009, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has announced that it will release a playable demo of Hideo Kojima’s eagerly-awaited METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER today.
With METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER recently confirmed as a May 28th launch, Konami is giving people the chance to get an early taste of the new game with an extensive English language European demo. Available via the PlayStation®Store, the free demo titled “METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER: DEMO-OPS” showcases four mission types featuring new content previously playable only on the show floor of the Tokyo Game Show, and more.
METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER marks the return of the world-renowned stealth-action series. Hand-crafted by series creator Hideo Kojima, the all-new sequel delivers an original game design, story, and scenario as it picks up where Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for the PlayStation®2 leaves off.
The game is set in Central America in 1974, as players take control of the famed Naked Snake (Big Boss): the legendary hero who had once saved the world from the brink of nuclear war. Snake has now turned his back on his mother country and established ‘An Army without a Government’ in South America, and is approached by visitors from ‘A Nation without a Military’ to investigate suspicious activity in the peaceful paradise of Costa Rica. Amidst the turmoil of the cold war, Costa Rica alone had managed to be a beacon of peace in a region torn by conflict, but all of that may change.
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December 17th, 2009, 15:24 Posted By: wraggster

VEEMEE have released details of the first virtual London Pub releasing on January 7th 2010 in PlayStation Home, priced at €4.99.
Based on your favourite London watering hole, situated on the banks of the river Thames overlooking The Houses of Parliament, The London Pub personal space comes complete with a multi-player darts game, a roaring open fire, comedy beer pumps, crank phone calls and hand dryers that don’t dry your hands (they’re only virtual you know).
Commenting on the upcoming release of The London Pub, Caspar Thykier, CEO at VEEMEE said, “We’re really excited to be launching such a high quality, interactive PlayStation Home space, themed around such a famous and quintessentially British icon. The London Pub in Home is sure to become a favourite hang-out for the ever growing community of Home inhabitants, and is the perfect place to relax, meet friends and play games after a hard day at work.”
Priced at €4.99, less than the price of a round, The London Pub personal space allows PlayStation Home users to meet up, hang out and become their very own pub landlord.
“Time, ladies and gentlemen, please!”
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December 17th, 2009, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
Handheld video games will enter a new age of visual excitement in January at the annual CES trade show with the introduction of the V-Screen from RealViewTM Innovations, a developer of optical technology located in Ireland. Designed specifically for the Sony® PSPTM , the V-Screen provides patented "Depth-Enhancing" screen technology that makes 2-dimensional content appear more clear, bright and realistic than ever before, similar to a 3D experience. The V-Screen will be on display at Booth #5621 North Hall.
A New Visual Experience
The V-Screen uses patented optical technology first developed for the medical world in order to enhance depth cues hidden in existing images. Now video gamers can experience the same depth-enhancement technology with PSPTM 1000, 2000, 3000 and Slim. Equally impressive, the V-Screen doesn't require any software, electronics or head gear. It simply attaches to the PSPTM as a flip-up screen that includes a protective shell to guard the PSPTM from exterior damage.
Product Highlights:
• Patented Depth-Enhancing Technology Improves Visual Impact of PSPTM Games and Videos
• Works with PSPTM 1000, 2000, 3000, and Slim
• Works with all mediums including video games, videos and movies played on the PSPTM
• Sturdy, Form Fitting Case Protects Screen and PSPTM from Exterior Damage
• Fast, Easy Flip-Up Screen
• No Software or Electronics Required
• Available January 2010
• Suggested Retail $39.99 US
• Booth #5621 North Hall
"The V-Screen offers substantial visual improvement for the PSPTM," stated Eamonn Ansbro, Optical Engineer and Co-Executive Director of RealView Innovations. "Our team of developers has collaborated on an array of technological projects ranging from medical imaging, industrial and military optics, to astronomy and 3D imaging. All that expertise has been used in developing the V-Screen, creating an entirely new visual PSPTM experience."
The V-Screen will be available at retail in the United States and Europe January 2010.
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December 17th, 2009, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 3 has sold over 4 million units in Japan – 4,020,563 to be exact – since the system was first launched.
And as of December 13 2009, Nintendo's Wii has sold 9,048,012 units to date in the region, according to Enterbrain, as translated by Kotaku.
The PlayStation 3 was first launched in Japan on November 11, 2006, and the Wii on December 2, 2006.
In December last year, sales of the PlayStation 3 stood at 2.6 million units, and the Wii at 7.5 million in the region.
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December 17th, 2009, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has launched its first microtransaction based MMO in Home, Sodium One, developed by Nottingham-based studio Outso.
Sodium One offers smaller games within a larger framework, with the first five levels of mini-game Salt Shooter available for free, and additional content unlockable after purchasing virtual items, priced between 99 cents and USD 4.99.
"The launch of PlayStation Home in 2008 pioneered new ground in interactive entertainment and, since then, increasing support and enthusiasm from our PS3 user and game publisher communities have helped to make this a tremendous first year for the platform," said Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing and PlayStation Network, SCEA.
"Today we further push the envelope with the launch of PlayStation Home's Sodium, an evolving space that leverages the incredible computing power of PS3 to deliver truly unique, and visually stunning social gaming experiences that you won't find on any other platform."
Sodium One also offers socialising areas, such as a bar, where players can interact and chat freely.
According to Sony, over 10 million PlayStation 3 users have visited Home averaging 60 minutes per visit. Launched a year ago, over 250 community events have been held in Home
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December 17th, 2009, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s recently released range of downloadable bite-sized games Minis are now available to play on both PSP and PS3 thanks to the release of a new firmware update for the home console.
Any Minis title purchased from this point on will be playable on both machines. Those who have already downloaded a Minis title for the PSP can re-download their games on their home consoles at no extra cost.
There are a couple of exceptions, however – both Tetris and the upcoming Bowling remain PSP-only titles for the time being.
Here’s the complete list of Minis titles now available:
Alien Havoc
Beam’Em Up
Blast Off
Bubble Trubble
Circles, Circles, Circles
D-Cube Planet
Dracula – Undead Awakening
Funky Punch
Heracles Chariot Racing
Hero of Sparta
Let’s Golf
Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2
Pinball Dreams
Pinball Fantasies
Puzzlescape mini
Red Bull X-Fighters
Route 66
Spot the Differences!
Stand O’Food
Telegraph Crosswords
Tiger Trouble
Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam
Zombie Tycoon
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December 17th, 2009, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has claimed that its PSPgo has sold more than it had expected at this early stage in its lifecycle.
This is despite the company's controversial decision to ditch UMD disc functionality in favour of purely digital content distribution, leading some to tout PSPgo as a competitor to iPod Touch.
“We are over-forecast on what we thought we'd be selling on PSP Go, so we've been very pleased,” Sony America’s PlayStation marketing boss John Koller told GamePro.
Koller went on to say that retail’s attitude towards the machine has been a complication, but one that Sony intends to overcome in 2010 by ensuring that new PSP titles are available on PSN at the same time they arrive at detail.
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December 17th, 2009, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Platform holder insists there’s life left yet in the age-old but still popular console
PS3 may at last be finding its feet in the international marketplace, but Sony insists that it will continue to wholeheartedly back its PS2 console throughout 2010.
“We have a very firm stance – we're going to continue to support the PS2 wholeheartedly,” SCEA’s head of PlayStation marketing John Koller told GamePro.
“The PS2 obviously had a price drop this year, which gets forgotten because of the PS3 noise, but it's still selling exceedingly well. It's a new demographic, a consumer that's maybe a ‘lost gamer’ or a consumer that's new to gaming.
“With this economy, coming in at $99, a lot of these consumers are choosing between a PlayStation 2 and a Wii, and you're looking at a PS2, which is $99 and carries 2000 games.
“It's been a very, very strong year with the PS2, and we're going on our tenth year. It's pretty unprecedented, and we're not looking to slow down anytime soon. Next year will be another year where the PS2's going to be fully supported. A lot of key games and titles are coming, both first and third-party. It's going to be another big year for the PlayStation 2.”
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December 17th, 2009, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America exec John Koller has said the company is confident in the power of the PS3's new magic wand.
"We look at motion control as being that much more than what exists on the market," he told GamePro. "The Holy Grail of gaming is placing you as a consumer into the game physically. When we provide further details, people will see exactly where we're going."
According to Koller, the PS3 wand will work with games from "a real wide variety" of genres. "The areas that are going to be really critical to our success will be family games, as well as shooters and sports games," he said.
"Those are going to be the areas that will really define success, because they're areas that quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching, from a differentiation standpoint."
Sony's "three big pillars" for 2010 are motion control, 3D gaming and PlayStation Network. You can also expect plenty of firmware updates, excitingly. "A lot of what you'll see in terms of changes to the PS3 are going to be done through firmware for the foreseeable future. There's a lot features and functions we have planned there. I think that 2010 will be a big year for that," predicted Koller.
Then there are the games, of course. "Going into the back half of the year, we have a number of key launches. We haven't really announced all of them yet, but the titles that will be launching at the time are going to be very exciting," Koller said.
"Some of the big franchises, as well as new IPs have new ways to game, not motion control gaming, but in other ways. It's going to be a really strong lineup."
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December 17th, 2009, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster

Hothead Games today announced that Jonathan Blow’s Braid is now available for download via the PlayStation®Network in Europe. Already recognized by Metacritic as one of “The Best Games of 2009” for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, European gamers can fill their virtual stockings with this amazing indie title for only €9.99.
Players explore the human condition and manipulate time with our hero Tim in the lush, painterly world of Braid. The game takes you from a house in the city on a journey through a series of worlds to solve puzzles and rescue the princess. In each world, you have a different power to affect the way time behaves, including the ability to rewind, create parallel realities and utilize time dilation to overcome the many obstacles in your path. There is no filler in this game; every puzzle shows you something new and interesting about the game world.
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December 17th, 2009, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix Ltd today announces VAGRANT STORY®, the classic RPG adventure originally released in 2000, will be available to download from the PlayStation®Store on PlayStation®Network across PAL territories from 22nd December 2009, priced €5.99.
The original PS one® release secured immediate critical acclaim on its launch with Famitsu awarding it 40/40. Famed for its darkly compelling narrative, unique battle system, and atmospheric 3D world, VAGRANT STORY is a genuine classic.
As the VKP’s (Valendia Knights of the Peace) elite Riskbreaker, Ashley Riot, you must pursue a group of cultists into a deserted city of Leá Monde in an attempt to rescue the kidnapped son of a Valendian dignitary. But all is not as it seems, and everything you once believed will soon be called into question as you contend not only with the cultists, but rival political factions, the city’s restless fallen, and your own dark memories.
Larry Sparks, Vice President Brands PAL Region of Square Enix Ltd. comments, “VAGRANT STORY is one of only a handful of games to be honoured with Famitsu’s highest possible score and it’s a great pleasure to be releasing the game in Europe. For the first time in years VAGRANT STORY will be easily accessible to original fans and new gamers wanting to experience a true classic.”
VAGRANT STORY is available in all PAL countries where the PlayStation®Store is available.
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December 17th, 2009, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Claims that 3D enabled players for the home will be big business next year
Analyst Futuresource is predicting 3D enabled Blu-ray hardware will be a major factor in the 2010 tech landscape, thanks to a concerted industry effort to drive the products.
The Blu-ray Disk Association recently finalised its ‘Blu-ray 3D’ specification, which has apparently opened the gates for investment from vendors for new home devices, riding off the back of successful 3D cinema releases.
It expects momentum for 3D Blu-ray drives to begin at the forthcoming CES show in January, followed by a surge of products launches in Q2 2010.
“Following the success of 3D in the cinema there is a major industry push to establish 3D in the home,” said Jim Bottoms, director of Futuresource, “Today’s announcement by the BDA ensures a unified route forward. The quality and experience of high definition via Blu-ray disc is unparalleled, and for those consumers not yet convinced by the HD experience, 3D will be another key selling point and a highly persuasive reason to upgrade.
"Our research shows that 3D-enabled BD players will be available in Q2 next year to support the major push on 3D TVs that will start at CES and build throughout the year. Further interest will be driven by owners of PS3 consoles, which will be able to play ‘Blu-ray 3D’ content."
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December 17th, 2009, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster

Sony and Square Enix have sure taken their time building up anticipation for this one, but the new limited edition Final Fantasy XIII PlayStation 3 is now finally available in Japan, and our pals at Joystiq were lucky enough to wrangle one for an unboxing. As you can see, this one definitely takes things further than the rather understated Final Fantasy VII limited edition PS3, with it boasting a stylish matte white finish and a slightly glossier rendition of the character Lightning in pink -- and, of course, a matching white controller. Hit up the link below for the full unboxing.
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December 17th, 2009, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has detailed the upcoming Assassin's Creed II downloadable content packs it announced just recently.
The first, the Battle of Forli, is due out in January for $3.99 and features six new memories. It focuses on Ezio's work to protect the town of Forli from the invading Orsi family, and fleshes out Caterina Sforza, who you encountered briefly in the main game just before you went off to Florence.
The second pack, the Bonfire of the Vanities, is due out for $4.99 in January, and unlocks a new area of Florence. Ezio has to liberate the city from Savonarola, who has taken it over thanks to an Apple of Eden.
Apparently there's a new move in the latter pack - the spring jump - while video of the first add-on suggests that you get to fly around in Leonardo's whopping bat gizmo again, in between hauling people into hay bales and so forth.
Both add-ons will correspond to the missing "Sequence" numbers in the Assassin's Creed II Animus timeline.
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December 17th, 2009, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster

While, at time of writing, the Gran Turismo 5 demo is unavailable in the US or PAL territories, it is currently available from the Japanese PlayStation Store. And is 100% "import" friendly.
If you've figured out how to create a Japanese account (here's a guide if you haven't), you can get the demo right now, and do so in the knowledge that the whole thing is in English (like the Prologue demo, it detects your system's language and adjusts accordingly).
Strangely, though, the demo is only a bit over 200mb in size, and is...well, as you'd expect from 200mb in 2009, it's pretty scarce. Actually, it's very scarce, as after only an half an hour I was already bored with it. Unless you're genuinely expecting to compete in the Time Trial Academy (the winners of which will get a shot at racing real race cars), there's not much here to keep you busy.
Maybe they should have thrown another track in there, add another car or two...
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December 17th, 2009, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
The Blu-ray Disc Association this morning confirmed the finalization of "the Blu-ray 3D specification." What we're trying to tell you is this: 3D films are heading to your PlayStation 3 next year and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Sure, you probably don't own a 3D-ready television just yet, but that's okay, because we've been assured that nearly everyone will have one by 2014.
If you're like us and aren't quite ready to make the 3D jump just yet, the BDA thankfully notes that our quaint old "2D" films will still be supported. But don't let that lull you into a false sense of safety -- embedded within today's announcement is the fact that 3D technology "allows every Blu-ray 3D player and movie to deliver Full HD 1080p resolution to each eye [our emphasis]." That's right, folks -- they're targeting each eye individually! Sounds like a great time to invest in the burgeoning eye patch market.
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December 17th, 2009, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, there is a Gunbird 2 remake (!) and it’s coming to PSP in February 2010. PM Studios, the group that brought DJ Max to North America, is publishing Gunbird 2 Remix as a PlayStation Network download.
This version has been updated with hybrid 3D/2D graphics. Otherwise, it’s the Gunbird 2 you know and love. You’ll be able to choose six characters (sorry, no secret succubus in this) and see character specific endings. PM Studios mentions “special two player endings” so it sounds like Gunbird 2 Remix, at the very least, will support ad-hoc play.
PM Studios is also extending their reach into Europe. PAL gamers will be able to get Strikers 1945 Plus and an updated version of DJ Max Fever as PlayStation Network downloads in January 2010. Gunbird 2 Remix will be available in both regions in February 2010.
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December 17th, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14170.html
jps2 is a JAVA port of the PS2 Emulator PCSX2 based of the source of pcsx2 and Jpcsp.
r70adjust delay var.
r69Implemented bc0 table, init EE Hardware registers and counters.
r68Finished mmi1 instructions.
r67Implemented PADDUW,PEXTUW and PSUBUW.
r66More MMI opcodes. but this revision has some compile errors.
r65some adjusts for eclipse in mac.
r64More preferences implemented. More icons. Comments in SIO.java for build, no more compile erros in svn.
r63Adjust for make version.
r62Fixes for mac integration
r61Implemented fullscreen switch for main window. Started gs plugin config panel.
r60Change processors threads to min priority.
r59MMI0 opcodes implemented.
r58PPACB impl.
r57more MMI opcodes.
r54some updates
r53create hardware package.
r51more plugins started.
r50added 2 gpr registers, why? pcsx2 use as HI,LO?!!?!
r49some adjusts in ZZOGL port. C pointers are confused.
r48Init MMI instructions impl.
r47New formatter, good for arrays.Some ZZOGL GIF fixes.
r46Porting ZZOGL to Java and jps2 . Source from Zedron
r45Changes in plugins config plataform
r44Package to remember VU implementation.
r43debug statistics.
r42some clean
r41Counters and HW registers.
r40Moved Counter class to iop package, renamed to IOPCounter, because EE has counters too.
r39Init of EE Hardware Registers.
r38Remove debug info
r37more fixes and implementations. hard work
r36Adjust EE to use 128 GPR registers.
r35Adjusts and new implementations (copy of pcsx2 code )
r34adjust for accept 4mb bios file.
r33logs folder
r32svn ignore to app cfg properties
r31implemented ConfigManager, bios cfg started.
r29Probally no used files.
r28some EE implementations
r27implemented write protection verifier.
r26implemented write protection verifier.
r25fixed MFC0 operation, implemented write protection verifier.
r24defined formatter.
r23Created wiki page through web user interface.
r22adjust svn ignore in bios folder
r21restructured project svn tree.
r20restructured project svn tree.
r19[No log message]
r18implemented memory cleaner.(for not allocate again, only fill zeros)
r17adjust emulator start/stop
r16Fixed size
r15Implemented some mac integrations
r14Add libs for mac UI integration
r12[No log message]
r11new memory manager.
r10new project internal structure.
r09added log4j in project.
r08Adjust project build path.
r07Adjust project build path.
r06adjust svn ignore in bios folder
r05adjusted native folder for lwjgl jar.
r04lwjgl natives for linux,mac and windows. solaris in separed folder, because files has same names of linux files.
r03some cfg files and libs
r02some sources...
r01Initial directory structure.
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December 17th, 2009, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14169.html
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux -
Implemented fake sceKernelPollMbx() (for "Phantasy Star Portable").
Avoid NullPointerException when exiting
- Added a fake return for sceSasSetADSR, Heatseeker goes a lot further - Cleanup for light commands.
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December 17th, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
The Light-Wolf coder released Plugin Manager, a homebrew that allows you to view the plugins in our PSP without getting into the Recovery.
In the simple on-screen list shows those who are on the PSP will be colored green, those present on the various text files but will be absent on our console instead of red.
Future versions could be added a GUI and / or introduced new features.
List of plugins supported
• Game Categories
• FX powerSproof
• XMB controller
• XtreamParticle
• CoderPR
• VSH Menu Color Change
• PNG Screenshot
• DayViewer
• LedBatterie
• macrophytes
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December 17th, 2009, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
Two months since the last release, the Chinese developer release it Cooleyes version 3.0.7 of its program PMPlayer Advance video player for PSP with some advanced features and also allows the viewing of movies in PMP format. In this update, fixes a bug that prevented the proper display of the subtitles.
Follow the link to download.
Changelog v3.0.7:
- Fixed a bug related to the display of subtitles
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December 18th, 2009, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
The Code Monkeys are to fling their pick-up-and-play party game, Manic Monkey Mayhem on to other gaming platforms in 2010.
Following a successful launch on Nintendo’s WiiWare platform, Manic Monkey Mayhem is set to ape the fur-spitting fun of its party game onto Apple’s iPhone/iPod touch with a mini version for Sony’s new portable download console, PSPgo in Q1 2010.
“Our fury monkey friends have been well received by the press and players alike so we have kept them well stocked up with bananas. Manic Monkey Mayhem was submitted to Apple recently and we are giggling like apes at the prospect of the game being released on the iPhone, as well as other gaming platforms in the New Year” commented Janet Smith, Administrative Director at The Code Monkeys.
Free Manic Monkey Mayhem wallpapers are available to download for the iPhone via the app store. Chose your favourite monkey character or screen shot.
Manic Monkey Mayhem is vibrant looking, pick-up-and-play, evening of fun with more bananas than the produce section in Morrison’s. It’s also compatible with the Balance Board which offers a perfect way to peel off a few layers after the festive season indulgence.
With a range of games types to unlock, Manic Monkey Mayhem should definitely be enjoyed as one of the recommended 5-a-day.
Follow banana-smoking Clint and seething Furious George (Furious George is furious), 2 of the adorable characters from the game on Twitter @manicmonkeygame and find out what the monkeys want for Christmas on the Facebook group
Visit the official website at www.manicmonkeymayhem.com
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December 18th, 2009, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster

Konami today announced Assault Heroes for the PlayStation®Network. A direct port from the critically acclaimed title on Xbox LIVE® Arcade, Assault Heroes makes its way onto an all-new platform for non-stop action with explosive graphics that push the boundaries of a timeless 2D action arcade game.
“Assault Heroes was an extremely successful title on Xbox LIVE® Arcade, so it was only fitting for us to bring it over to the PlayStation®Network, where all gamers could get a taste of the intense arcade action,” said David Daniels, Director of Marketing of Konami Digital Entertainment Inc. “As the demand for downloadable content grows, Konami continues to deliver quality titles and judging by the track record of Assault Heroes, this was the perfect game to bring back for fans to enjoy on an entirely new platform.”
Players begin the game as the only surviving members of an elite Special Forces Unit tasked with uncovering a classified weapons program hidden deep within a secret underground lab. Featuring vibrant graphics and intense environments such as enemy war camps, Assault Heroes offers an arsenal of weapons including devastating flak cannons, flamethrowers and grenades to navigate through the levels. Assault Heroes also features interactive destructible battlefields and underground areas to discover, as players are able to explore environments by foot, speed boat onto sea, or traverse through the lands in a heavily armed 4x4 artillery vehicle. Missions can be played in single player mode or in 2-player cooperative mode with a friend locally or online in order to strategize their plan of attack. As an added bonus, competitive rankings on the online leaderboards can also motivate players to execute the sinister alien force and fight their way to the top of the charts.
Assault Heroes will be available for download in 2010 for the PlayStation®Network. For more information, please visit http://www.konami.com/downloads
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December 18th, 2009, 11:07 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has announced that Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable) will be one of the first titles playable online using the adhocParty application when it launches on December 22nd.
Ad-Hoc Party mode will allow Monster Hunter Freedom Unite gamers the freedom to embark together on quests without the need to be in close proximity of their fellow hunters. From devising strategies to executing attacks, players will need to work together as a team in order to hunt down the hundreds of ferocious beasts that await them and progress through the wide range of quests on offer.
“The success of activity such as the Gathering Hall in the UK, a dedicated venue setup to facilitate multiplayer hunting sessions, proves that people are keen to play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite with friends and the new adhocParty service will make it even easier for gamers to team up and play together not just in their own country but throughout Europe” commented Michael Pattison, Senior Director, Marketing, Europe.
For more information about the world of Monster Hunter visit www.monsterhunter-freedomunite.com or www.encyclopedia-gigantica.com
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December 18th, 2009, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has won its appeal with Australia's Classification Board against the banning of Aliens Vs Predator meaning the game will be released in the country after all.
At the start of this month it emerged the game had become the latest to be refused classification in the country for not fitting the criteria for a 15+ age rating - the highest a game can be awarded there.
"The game contains first-person perspective, close-up depictions of human characters being subjected to various types of violence, including explicit decapitation and dismemberment as well as locational damage such as stabbing through the chest, mouth, throat or eyes," said the board's report.
And in a statement, Rebellion's Jason Kingsley said he agreed the game was unsuitable for non-adult players but was disappointed Australia's laws meant AvP could not be released there. A sanitised or cut down version would not be released, he added.
But Sega has won its appeal against the decision, meaning the original game will be released with a MA15+ rating. The game has received an 18 rating from the BBFC with advice that it contains "very strong bloody violence and gore and strong language".
"It is with great pleasure that we announce the success of our appeal," Sega Australia's general manager Darren MacBeth told Kotaku. "We are particularly proud that the game will be released in its original entirety, with no content altered or removed whatsoever. This is a big win for Australian gamers. We applaud the Classification Review Board on making a decision that clearly considers the context of the game, and is in line with the modern expectations of reasonable Australians".
Last week, Australia's Attorney General Michael Atkinson defended the decision to ban Aliens Vs Predator from release, saying: "You don't need to be playing a game in which you impale, decapitate and dismember people."
"I accept that 98 per cent, 99 per cent of gamers will tell the difference between fantasy and reality, but the one per cent to two per cent could go on to be motivated by these games to commit horrible acts of violence," he added.
Earlier this year, EA lost its appeal to release Left 4 Dead 2 in the country and a sanitised version of the game was released instead.
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December 18th, 2009, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix’s hotly anticipated RPG enjoys bumper day one sales
Long-awaited RPG Final Fantasy XIII was finally released on PS3 in Japan yesterday and has, according to Kotaku, already sold over 1m copies in the territory.
The exact numbers aren’t available with Square Enix simply stating that sales of the game had “exceeded one million copies”. That number does not include any units sold as part of the Lightening Edition SKU, either.
Final Fantasy XIII will be released in the UK and Europe in March next year.
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December 18th, 2009, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster

Today Flying Fish Works officially presents new screenshots to their upcoming product “Hellion: Mystery of the Inquisition”. Presenting impressions form the actual game code the team is demonstrating the way of fighting and the power of the holy sword. “Hellion: Mystery of the inquisition” is in development for XBOX360, PS3 and PC and is targeted to hit the shelves in Q3 2010.
“Hellion: Mystery of the inquisition” is an extraordinary First-Person-Shooter set in the 13th century. As an armed man of the newborn Inquisition, the player will battle heretics, execute exorcisms, face demons and unintentionally become part of a political and religious intrigue. It is an epic journey through different medieval cultures full of real-life characters, wild animals, rough warriors, powerful Templar knights, deadly assassins and, ultimately, horrifying demons.
Find out more about “Hellion: Mystery of the inquisition” on the official website: www.hellion-game.com
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December 18th, 2009, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home now has more than 10 million users, Sony has revealed.
It announced the figure alongside three new Home spaces themed on Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time and MotorStorm. According to Sony, a Home game space should now be a paramount part of the marketing strategy for any new game.
"PlayStation Home is fast becoming the meeting place of choice between users and developers," said Dan Hill, European Home business manager at SCEE.
"Every new game space enhances the overall experience for consumers, offering more variety, more choice and more enjoyment from a PlayStation Home session. The more game spaces there are, the better it gets, and the number of spaces keeps on growing.
"For developers, there's no better way of driving interest in their titles than giving fans a hands-on, interactive experience based around the game itself. A game space in PlayStation Home ought to be a core element of every studio's marketing strategy for new titles."
This week Sony also launched Sodium One, Home's first microtransaction based MMO, which introduces mini-games, purchasable virtual items and socialising areas such as a bar to users.
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December 18th, 2009, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster

A survey sent from IPSOS Online Research indicates that Sony is considering premium subscription plans for the PlayStation Network, detailing potential prices and premium services, including full hour game trials, free access to PSOne Classics, and cross-game voice chat.
Reader Brenna sent us PDF files containing the Sony survey, which begins with the following bit of text:
Sony is considering offering a premium PlayStation Network subscription in the future. The subscription offering would provide new premium features you could choose to pay for and are in addition to the features currently available for free such as access to online multiplayer gaming (current features would remain free).
Following the introduction is a series of definitions of terms such as Token Wagering - a set number of tokens given to subscribers per month that can be used to be on games and exchanged for PSN content - and Cloud Storage Space for Games, which would allow players to save their game online rather than on their hard disk, protecting their data.
Other notable services listed as potential premiums include loyalty reward programs, automatic updates, member-exclusive Facebook Connectivity, an online music service and music video service, Hulu TV catch-ups, member-only game content, discounts, demo-sharing (sharing exclusive member-only demos from your full games with friends), and Netflix without a disc.
By far the most attractive premiums are full title trials, which give the user one hour access to full PlayStation 3 games, and free access to PSOne Classics, PSP minis, and premium themes.
The list also indicates that some eagerly awaited features could be subscriber only, such as cross-game voice chat. Having waited so long for the feature, I doubt fans would be particularly happy to have to pay for it.
The chart below details four potential plans, with three costing $69.99 a year or $9.99 a month - more than an Xbox Live Gold subscription, and one running $4.99 a month and $29.99 a year.
We've contacted Sony for comment on the survey, but have yet to hear back as of press time. Just keep in mind that companies regularly test the waters by sending out questionnaires like these, and they by no means represent any concrete plans on Sony's behalf.
It seems as if they simply want to gauge customer reaction to the various plans and features. Your reactions, please?
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December 18th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
While Army of Two's focus has always been cooperative gameplay, EA Montreal's Eric Chartrand is responsible for designing the competitive multiplayer aspects of The 40th Day. In an interview with with That VideoGame Blog, Chartrand notes that one of the big changes for the AoT sequel is to adapt the multiplayer aspect, and make it play differently from the campaign mode. Whereas the story can feature designed bottlenecks (such as doors that require both players to open), multiplayer cannot, simply because humans play differently than AI. "The toolset we use in single-player has to be different from the one we use in multiplayer," Chartrand explains.
Interestingly, Chartrand notes two games as his main inspiration for The 40th Day's multiplayer offerings: the decade old Counter-Strike and the recently-released Killzone 2. "What works in Counter-Strike is that you don't get progression," a stark contrast to the level-up gimmick common in most online shooters. "So why it works is because the gameplay in it. The second-to-second, the movement of the character, the shooting, the intensity of the combat is still fresh, even ten years after. So that's why we wanted to craft an experience that is as close to this as possible."
Chartrand has even more praise for Guerrilla's FPS. "Killzone 2 has great maps, probably the best maps out there," he admits. However, what inspired Chartrand the most appear to be the game's community features, particularly its stats-laden website. "This link between stats, profile, friends, leaderboard ... all the community aspects, I think the Killzone guys did a very good job and we strive to imitate them."
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December 19th, 2009, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster

Having so far been released only in the United States, the God of War Collection will finally be released in PAL territories in 2010. Only, there's a catch.
See, in the US, it was released in convenient, standalone form. But the only way PAL customers will be able to get their hands on a copy is if they grab the European version of the God of War III Ultimate Edition, as it'll be included within, along with a ton of other stuff.
Who knows, there might still be a chance the collection will be released individually early next year, but with the God of War franchise not as big in Europe as it is in the US (hence the fact the collection hasn't yet been released), I wouldn't hold my breath.
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December 19th, 2009, 16:32 Posted By: wraggster

A PSP accessory advertisement in the latest issue of British trade mag MCV contains an odd selling-point: that it's compatible with the PSP-4000. A console which does not exist.
See for yourself in these pics. It goes a little beyond "typo", since they actually created a little bubble logo for the console. So it's either an elaborate, embarrassing mistake (which, to be honest, seems more likely), or accessory manufacturers 4gamers figured that nobody outside the "industry" would bother reading MCV's mag, so they could slip mention of a fourth iteration of the original PSP in there and hope nobody noticed.
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December 19th, 2009, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster

Okay, it looks like we've figured the mystery around the mutliplayer mode I previewed earlier and the online beta that some of you have been playing. Squad Deathmatch is new to Battlefield while what's going on in the beta is "old."
EA publicist Jino Talens says it better in this email:
Squad Deathmatch is a brand new mode to BFBC2, so we're still testing and building it out to the way we want it in the final game. The PS3 beta out now is a general term used in the industry when a game is released early to the public for testing purposes, but the game overall is still in early Alpha.
Glad we got that cleared up. Now I can get back to lusting after tanks.
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December 19th, 2009, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

track listing
Van Halen:
Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
And The Cradle Will Rock
Atomic Punk
Beautiful Girls
Cathedral (Solo)
Dance The Night Away
Eruption (Solo)
Everybody Wants Some!!
Feel Your Love Tonight
Hang ‘Em High
Hear About It Later
Hot For Teacher
I’m The One
Ice Cream Man
Jamie’s Cryin’
Little Guitars
Loss Of Control
Mean Street
Pretty Woman
Romeo Delight
Runnin’ With The Devil
So This Is Love?
Somebody Get Me A Doctor
Spanish Fly
You Really Got
Me Guest Acts:
Alter Bridge – Come To Life
Billy Idol – White Wedding
Blink-182 – First Date
The Clash – Safe European Home
Deep Purple – Space Truckin’
Foo Fighters – Best Of You
Foreigner – Double Vision
Fountains of Wayne – Stacy’s Mom
Jimmy Eat World – Pain
Judas Priest – Painkiller
Killswitch Engage – The End Of Heartache
Lenny Kravitz – Rock And Roll Is Dead
Queen – I Want It All
Queens of the Stone Age – Sick, Sick, Sick
Tenacious D – Master Exploder
The Offspring – Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
Third Eye Blind – Semi-Charmed Life
Weezer – Dope Nose
Yellowcard – The Takedown
Guitar Hero is back and you get to rock with the ultimate party band, Van Halen! Experience the hot licks and scissor kicks that made Van Halen the legends they are today. 25 epic Van Halen tracks, three scorching Eddie Van Halen signature solos, and 19 guest acts give fans the most comprehensive arena rock set list to date.
With over 80 million albums sold worldwide, Van Halen is one of the most influential rock bands of all time. Led by Eddie Van Halen’s revolutionary guitar playing and David Lee Roth’s unique brand of showmanship, the band has cemented their place in the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame since they dropped their self-titled album in 1978. Van Halen is one of only five rock bands that have had two albums sell more than 10 million copies in the United States.
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December 19th, 2009, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sega announced another group of totally out of place items for Phantasy Star Portable 2. On December 22, players can purchase Christmas themed gear from the PlayStation Store. Yes, that said “purchase” as in these items aren’t free.
Female avatars can grab a Santa dress for 300 yen ($3.30).
While male avatars get a 300 yen ($3.30) cartoon reindeer suit.
Sega also created two holiday weapons: a Merry Christmas grenade launcher and Christmas tree spear. Each one costs 200 yen ($2.20). This collaboration is over the top, but there’s something about dressing in a cartoon reindeer suit and fighting dragons with a Christmas tress that is awesome. Hopefully, Sega of America won’t miss out on a chance to add equally ridiculous items to the North American version, if one ever comes out.
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December 20th, 2009, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
It's hard to put too much credence in a survey. Not only is it easy to fake (although this one sounds fairly legit and has popped up elsewhere), but the questions posed could be purely theoretical. That caveat aside, there's a bunch of very interesting stuff in this list of features we just got from someone who claims to have done a survey for Sony about its plans to charge for "premium" PlayStation Network content. The actual subscription costs flung around ranged from $20 to $60 a year, or alternatively $6 to $9 a month, and while some features might sound familiar to Xbox Live members, there's plenty of innovative stuff here that we wouldn't mind seeing pop up on either platform, including:
Customer Service Priority Access
Exclusive Experiences with Sony Brands
Extended Console Warranty 3 Years
Access to Beta Games
Early Access to All Store Content
Member Demo Sharing of Full Game
Cross-game Voice Chat Access
Full Title Trial - 1st Hour Is Free
Token Wagering
User-to-user Challenges
Free Access to PSOne Classics, PSP Minis, and PS3/PSP Themes
Discounts on Store Content
Member Only In-game Content
Trophy Alerts
Cloud Storage Space for Games
Online Music Service
Online Music Video Service
Automatic Downloads and Updates
Loyalty Program Rewards
Facebook Connectivity
Catch-up TV
Netflix Access Without Disc
What a mouthful! There are definitions of all these after the break, and while the survey seems to imply that not all of these would be available in whatever paid service Sony launches, we could imagine quite a few PS3 users (ourselves, for instance) shelling out cash for some of the perks listed -- as long as they can swallow their Xbox Live Gold-deriding pride.
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December 20th, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
Update to the plugin DayViewer of Total_Noob, allowing us to display information as the day of the week and the level of battery charge as a percentage next to the clock in the dashboard. In this new release has finally added support for all Unicode characters, including accented letters so that from now be displayed properly, it introduces the ability to display next to the seconds and minutes and hours were fixed several minor bugs .
Changelog v6.0
• Added compatibility with all special Unicode characters, now also accented letters are written correctly
• Added the ability to display the seconds hour
• Compatible with all CF 3.71 and higher
• Added support for the format YYYY / MM / DD
• Fixed a bug that slowed the XMB
• Fixed a bug in displaying the battery level
• Fixed incompatibility with other plugins
• Rewrite the configuration file
Changelog v6.1
• fixato a bug that, in early-stage prevented the reproduction of bootsound
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December 20th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
The coder roe-ur-boat has released a new update for Autostart PRX, plugins, now at version 5.5, by which you can launch the console launch, up to 10 different programs by simply pressing a button. This new release fixes some bugs in previous versions.
Changelog v5.5:
- Fixed a bug that did not allow to return to a screen, if the screen is off
- Fixed a bug that caused continuous LED flashing at startup
- Simplified the menu of options
- Other improvements
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December 20th, 2009, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
Pspflashsystem developer has released a new update to its plug TimeBatteryPercent, application that allows us to see how much charge the battery directly to the main menu and that, thanks to additional features, is a perfect alternative to DayViewer of Total_Noob. This new release, v3.0, introduces compatibility with all custom firmware from 5.00M33 and fixes some bugs of previous versions.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v3.0:
- Compatible with all CF from 5.00M33
- TimeBatteryPercent the format of patches (12H, 24H) of the various date formats
- Fixati the following bug related to the percentage of battery time: 343% and 22: -23)
- Now, if the battery is not inserted in the XMB shows "?" or otherwise of negative numbers
- Are now removed automatically unnecessary characters like double spaces
- Improve and speed up the display of various information in the XMB
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December 20th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
Almost two months since the last release, the Japanese coder Takka released a new update Eboot Exchange tool that allows you to decrypt and patch the EBOOT. Bin titles that require firmware higher than the one installed on your PSP. Remember that the specificity of Eboot Exchange is that the procedure is performed directly on the patch this ISO file on the Memory Stick. This new update, which brings the program to version 2.6 +, introduces compatibility with the latest titles (firmware 6.10), thanks to file pspdecrypt.prx amended by coder mc707.
Changelog v2.6 +:
- Support for titles that require 6:10
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December 21st, 2009, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster

ALIEN ZOMBIE DEATH – PSP Mini - Coming January 2010
Somewhere far far away in a random solar system, a lone space man dies… horribly. Take control of said fateful space man as he battles to his end against the dreaded Alien Zombies! Using a standard laser gun and a few pickups along the way, make sure you take out as many of those Alien Zombie suckers before they take you down. Its that simple. It’s Alien Zombie Death.
Things to know:
- Available in Jan 09 as a downloadable PSP mini. Price is likely to be around £2.50 / $5.00
- Game play is very retro. Very platform-y. Very shoot-em-up-y. Very fun.
- 14 levels. So, method and location of death is completely up to you.
- A menagerie of Alien Zombie fiends. Fat ones. Green ones. Flying ones. Burpy types.
- Hey… it’s PomPom game. Only slightly weird people need apply.
Video trailer loveliness: http://pompomgames.com/?p=114
Keep your eyeballs on www.PomPomGames.com for more announcements.
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December 21st, 2009, 11:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has said that the SOCOM: Confrontation expansion pack Cold Front will be released in Europe on 7th January, although pricing is still to be confirmed.
Cold Front came out in the US last week and consists of a new area in Eastern Europe populated by five new maps, new weapons, new Trophies, a new specialisation system, and more importantly SNOW! And SNOW EFFECTS! SNOW GEAR!
There are more details on the official PlayStation blog, where you can also read a comments thread full of people complaining about discrimination and things like that. SNOW!
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December 21st, 2009, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
Traveller's Tales director Jon Burton has said he is more excited about the Sony motion controller than Microsoft's Project Natal, although he admits the latter's technology is "amazing".
"I was actually more impressed with Sony's motion capture solution than Microsoft's Natal," Burton told Develop.
"[Natal is] exceedingly clever, but the lag on the input and lack of physical buttons is really going to restrict the kind of games that can be done with it."
Meanwhile, Burton expects the Sony controller to be "cheap" and "accurate", and of course it has buttons, which are all the rage.
But the LEGO Everything veteran also admitted that the Natal software was "nothing short of amazing" given its ability to "get anything resembling mo-cap, live in real time, from effectively a single camera".
The Natal sensor bar and camera combination is at the core of Microsoft's vision for controller-free gaming, which many expect it to launch for Xbox 360 in 2010.
Sony, meanwhile, has said to expect its as-yet unnamed motion controller next spring. The device uses the PlayStation Eye camera and handheld wands to track movement with unerring precision.
Check out Digital Foundry's extensive hands-on and analysis of Project Natal to see whether Burton's fears of lag are justified.
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December 21st, 2009, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
How can it not be? A new Metal Gear Solid, a new Kingdom Hearts, a new Valkyria Chronicles, maybe even that new Resident Evil with be released, all tailor made for the PlayStation Portable are due next year.
Granted, many of the highlights of 2010 are either remakes, spin-offs or tinier versions of their higher-definition siblings bound for the PlayStation 3, but maybe you'd prefer to play them on the go to begin with. Although 2009 wasn't too shabby—Gran Turismo, LittleBigPlanet, Half-Minute Hero, Resistance: Retribution, etc.—we're going to go out on a limb and say that next year could be much stronger in the games department—but we'll not make any bets until Capcom releases a proper Resident Evil Portable screen shot.
Let's have a look see. And, of course, please suggest your own personal PSP highlights from the coming year
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December 21st, 2009, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster

The second Operation Flashpoint®: Dragon Rising™ downloadable content – the ‘Overwatch’ pack – will be available for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft® today and will follow shortly for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PC, Codemasters® has announced. The ‘Overwatch’ DLC delivers two game-changing multiplayer modes and new Fire Team Engagement (FTE) missions.
Showcasing the new content and modes featuring in the DLC, a new ‘Overwatch’ gameplay video is now available from www.flashpointgame.com. Players are shown engaged in electrifying combat, deploying a range of military assets from short and long range weaponry to armour and helicopters in tense battles for superiority in the new game modes and FTEs.
The ‘Overwatch’ DLC extends the unique Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising experience in solo, co-operative and adversarial play. In new multiplayer mode Blindside the PLA must complete objectives in the shortest time possible while the USMC defends in tense, tactical engagements. An additional new mode, Supremacy, tasks opposing forces to occupy strategically vital positions featuring force multipliers like gun emplacements and air strikes.
These new multiplayer modes are complimented by two exhilarating new FTEs. In Friendly Skies, PLA anti-aircraft artillery prevents US airborne reinforcements inserting into the combat zone. Players must remove that threat and then defend the position from a PLA counter attack. In Hostile Takeover, intel reveals enemy movement in the village of Armudan, a perfect base for launching attacks deep into enemy territory. Gamers must flush out the PLA, establish a perimeter and hold their ground against a new enemy assault.
Head to www.flashpointgame.com for the new video and further information on the ‘Overwatch’ pack. The ‘Overwatch’ pack will be available from Xbox Live Marketplace (400 Microsoft Points) today and will be available on the PlayStation Network (£3.19 / $4.99 / €3.99) and PC (free to download) soon.
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December 21st, 2009, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
If all the talk of tinsel and snowmen is getting you down, PlayStation®Network Video Delivery Service and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEE) is offering the perfect antidote to festive madness. From today until the 23rd December a selection of classic Horror films will be available for only 99p.
Customers will be able to download the following movies straight to their PlayStation®3 (PS3™) and PlayStation®Portable (PSP™) games console for viewing at home or on the go:
• Candyman II: Farewell to the Flesh
• Evil Behind You
• Poltergeist III
Visit http://videostore.uk.playstation.com/ for more information about the PlayStation®Network Video Delivery Service.
Poltergeist 3 the pick of the bunch for me
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December 21st, 2009, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
Features that could be offered to PlayStation 3 users willing to pay a premium PSN subscription have been detailed in a survey.
According to an IPSOS Online Research questionnaire, published in full by Kotaku, Sony is considering a range of premium features including the ability to save game data online, access to beta games, cross-game voice chat and a full title trial which will let subscribers play one hour of a game for free.
Other services listed are free access to PSOne Classics and PSP Minis, discounts on Store content and a music video service.
The questionnaire proposes four different plans - three of which would cost the user USD 69.99 per year (or USD 9.99 per month) and one for USD 29.99 per year (or USD 4.99 per month).
It adds that Sony is considering offering a premium Network subscription in the future which would be in addition to the features that are currently available for free and would remain so.
Last month Sony boss Kaz Hirai admitted the company was looking into the possibility of a subscription model for online services.
"SCE will further increase sales by offering users new entertainment through the combination of hardware, software, peripheral and PlayStation Network," he said in a presentation to investors. "Especially in the online area, we are studying the possibility of introducing a subscription model, offering premium content and services, in addition to the current free services."
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December 21st, 2009, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster

If this PS3 ad were a bit more honest, it might read, "Destroy 7000 enemies along with your relationship with your wife."
By Mexican ad agency Diagonal, this new series of posters are part of Sony's latest, slightly less esoteric branding initiative for the PS3 in which the console actually does things rather than, I dunno, whatever we call this (NSFW) or even this.
I'm not sure the ads are completely clear to those who don't know the PS3's function set to begin with, and frankly, I prefer watching 30 seconds of art to a spokesperson listing a product's merits. But then again, I'm not a Sony shareholder.
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December 21st, 2009, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Jpcsp is a Sony PSP Emulator in Java by shadow, one of the PCSX2 Coder, for Windows and Linux - Changelog - Download.
Implemented new compatibility option "Use Viewport"
Fix for sceUtilitySavedataInitStart save mode 8. This might fix programs reporting not enough capacity available on the MemoryStick
Fix for sceMpegRingbufferConstruct: do not return an error if the 2mb cap was used. BTW, I´m not sure if this cap is still useful...
Fix for ORIGIN_ADDR and OFFSET_ADDR: baseOffset is saved on the CALL stack and restored at RET.
Fixed pspdisplay to also store Alpha-value of colors. This might fix display problems affecting the whole PSP screen.
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December 22nd, 2009, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/sho....php?tid=20650 / http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1

EDecrypt v1.3
Based on PSARDumper's sources.
Recompiled and optimized by mc707.
How to use
1. Copy EDecrypt folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME
2. Copy encrypted file(s) to ms0:/enc/
3. Execute EDecrypt v1.3 on PSP
4. Press X to decrypt file(s) or [] to decrypt and patch file(s) for m33
Version history
- added many keys
- added 6.10 key
- patching routine
- logging to file ms0:/enc/done/log.txt
- multiple files processing
-added keys for 0xC0CB167C tag
-improved functionality
-added 6.0 FW keys
Todo list
1. Reorganizing to get rid pspdecrypt.prx
2. Encrypting routine
3. Possible: patching Custom Firmware checking
4. Expanding non-encrypted files
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December 22nd, 2009, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via exophase/pspita
this plugin re-enables the psn network on the list of games outlined below, and is now in 100% complete working order and "SHOULD" work with any umd
my homie Smokin created little big planet patches.
UCJS-10090 Resistance JAP
UCUS-98668 Resistance US
NPUG-80114 Syphon Filter Combat Ops
UCES-01264 Little Big PlanetEU
UCUS-98744 Little Big PlanetUS
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December 22nd, 2009, 10:36 Posted By: wraggster
Did you miss the first release of Holy Invasion of Privay, Badman!? Don't worry if you did, because it appears NIS America is readying a spectacular bonus for the upcoming sequel. According to an Amazon.com listing, the "complete original game [is] included for free." Yep, it's two games for the price of one, and who doesn't like a promo like that?
It's unclear if this bonus will apply only to the UMD version of the game, or if the PSN version will also benefit. Considering how often PSP Go owners have been screwed, we wouldn't be surprised if the digital release arrived late with no discount and no prequel bonus.
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December 22nd, 2009, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher preparing to revitalise long-running survival horror series with innovative upcoming Wii release
Konami has described its upcoming title Silent Hill: Shattered Memories as a landmark entry in the survival horror series.
The game is due for release on Wii, PS2 and PSP on February 5th, making it the publisher’s first major release of 2010.
Early reviews for Shattered Memories have been very positive, supporting Konami’s claims that this will continue the success of the long-running horror series.
Product manager Martine Saunders told MCV: “The Silent Hill series is one of Konami’s many jewels in its crown, and Shattered Memories is by far the most important advance in the series to date.
“Silent Hill is a strong series with excellent recognition. The review scores from the US version are universally high, and the groundswell of opinion from UK press has also been unanimously positive.”
Konami is putting its full marketing weight behind Shattered Memories, hoping that the expected positive reviews will raise awareness of the game’s arrival in the same way the US press did.
The publisher is preparing a strong in-store presence for the game and is in discussions with its movie partners about potential horror tie-ins.
Shattered Memories is based largely on the original Silent Hill but Saunders is keen to stress that the game is much more than a simple port, thanks to some interesting new features added by UK developer Climax.
“The key to the game is that it changes constantly,” she explained. “While the game shares certain plot similarities with the original PSone title, Shattered Memories is an incredible new take on it.
“The game is constantly monitoring the way the user plays the game and responds to situations, and duly adapts to their decisions.
“This ‘psyche profiling’ means that characters and situations will differ depending on how the user reacts.
“Two different people playing the game will not experience the same reactions as each other, while other smaller differences will play out as the title continues.”
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December 22nd, 2009, 16:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

track listing
Van Halen:
Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
And The Cradle Will Rock
Atomic Punk
Beautiful Girls
Cathedral (Solo)
Dance The Night Away
Eruption (Solo)
Everybody Wants Some!!
Feel Your Love Tonight
Hang ‘Em High
Hear About It Later
Hot For Teacher
I’m The One
Ice Cream Man
Jamie’s Cryin’
Little Guitars
Loss Of Control
Mean Street
Pretty Woman
Romeo Delight
Runnin’ With The Devil
So This Is Love?
Somebody Get Me A Doctor
Spanish Fly
You Really Got
Me Guest Acts:
Alter Bridge – Come To Life
Billy Idol – White Wedding
Blink-182 – First Date
The Clash – Safe European Home
Deep Purple – Space Truckin’
Foo Fighters – Best Of You
Foreigner – Double Vision
Fountains of Wayne – Stacy’s Mom
Jimmy Eat World – Pain
Judas Priest – Painkiller
Killswitch Engage – The End Of Heartache
Lenny Kravitz – Rock And Roll Is Dead
Queen – I Want It All
Queens of the Stone Age – Sick, Sick, Sick
Tenacious D – Master Exploder
The Offspring – Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
Third Eye Blind – Semi-Charmed Life
Weezer – Dope Nose
Yellowcard – The Takedown
Guitar Hero is back and you get to rock with the ultimate party band, Van Halen! Experience the hot licks and scissor kicks that made Van Halen the legends they are today. 25 epic Van Halen tracks, three scorching Eddie Van Halen signature solos, and 19 guest acts give fans the most comprehensive arena rock set list to date.
With over 80 million albums sold worldwide, Van Halen is one of the most influential rock bands of all time. Led by Eddie Van Halen’s revolutionary guitar playing and David Lee Roth’s unique brand of showmanship, the band has cemented their place in the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame since they dropped their self-titled album in 1978. Van Halen is one of only five rock bands that have had two albums sell more than 10 million copies in the United States.
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December 22nd, 2009, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
From Alien Breed for the PSP to Valkyria Chronicles downloadable content, if it's Sega and it's on the PlayStation Network, it's now on sale.
Announced this morning by Sega's assistant community manager David Beavers on the PlayStation Blog, the Sega Mega Sale drops the prices of every piece of downloadable Sega goodness on the PlayStation Network by 40%. That includes downloadable content for PlayStation 3 games Sonic Unleashed, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Valkyria Chronicles, as well as Sega's full lineup of downloadable PSP titles for your PSP or PSPgo. For those of you who, like me, "upgraded" to Sony's latest handheld, this would be an excellent time to fill up that 16GB of memory with games like Crush and Super Monkey Ball Adventure. It won't make the tears go away completely, but they'll sting a bit less.
Check out the full list of sale items below, or just hit up the PlayStation Store and browse. The sale runs between today's PlayStation Network update and January 7th, so you've got plenty of time to shop.
Alien Syndrome
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
Full Auto 2: Battlelines
Gunstar Heroes
Iron Man
Sega Genesis Collection
Sonic Rivals
Sonic Rivals 2
Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Sonic Unleashed Apatos & Shamar Adventure Pack
Sonic Unleashed Chun-nan Adventure Pack
Sonic Unleashed Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack
Sonic Unleashed Holoska Adventure Pack
Sonic Unleashed Mazuri Adventure Pack
Sonic Unleashed Spagonia Adventure Pack
SONIC: Very Hard Shadow Missions
SONIC: Very Hard Silver Missions
SONIC: Very Hard Sonic Missions
Valkyria Chronicles Edy's Mission "Enter the Edy Detachment"
Valkyria Chronicles Hard EX Mode
Valkyria Chronicles Selveria's Mission "Behind Her Blue Flame"
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December 22nd, 2009, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
The Xenon + + coder releases an interesting application for those who use the PSP to emulate the old glories with the help of PS1 Popsloader. These Popsloader Extracter: a simple tool that allows you to obtain dall'EBOOT official firmware, then only needed for Popsloader prx. The files are then saved directly into the appropriate folders in seplugins. The archive are also the source of the program.
Following are some screenshots of the program and the link to download.
- Copy the folder popsext in PSP / GAME
- Copy eboot firmware you want (for example 3.00) in the root and rename 300.pbp
- After starting the application in this Game-> Memory Stick, press x to extract the prx needed.
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December 22nd, 2009, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
Play online without upgrading to the latest official firmware? It is now possible with PSNabler, a convenient plug in a patch that allows us to access the multiplayer via the PlayStation Network without forcing them to forego the benefits of a CF. Installation is easy, simply copy a few files in the package folder seplugins and activate the menu recovery, then we start one of our backups (does not work with titles in UMD).
A list of currently supported games, which includes two different versions of Resistance which is Little Big Planet, is reported to follow with their identification codes, but remember that PSNnabler may not work on custom firmware older.
* UPDATE *: The coder has released an update for Redha PSNabler, which is introduced to be compatible with the game PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe.
UCJS JAP-10090 Resistance
Uçuş US-98668 Resistance
NPUG-80114 Siphon Filter Combat Ops
Little Big PlanetEU UCESA-01264
Little Big PlanetUS Uçuş-98744
NPUG-80248 PixleJunk Monsters Deluxe
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December 22nd, 2009, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2009/12/22/...v3-3-released/
Have you been a good boy (or girl) this year? If you have and you’re anticipating Santa bringing you a new sleek ‘n sexy PlayStation Portable, then you best be preppin’ for complete PSP hackage with DJB’s PSP Pandora Deluxe v3.3. It includes everything you need to get started, and then some… Otherwise, enjoy your lump of coal.
The PPD download landing page details the nitty-gritty.
PSP Pandora Deluxe v3.3:
Added XGEN Installer v5
Updated the following Support Tools:
CXMB (for 3.71-5.50 Firmwares) (XMB)
Hold+ 3.8 (XMB)
PSP Filer 6.4 (XMB)
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December 22nd, 2009, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released for PSP:
Just in time for the Christmas rush (and you never know, might be some more before the year is out) and it’s the return of the GTA franchise to the PSP, albeit via the Nintendo DS. But should that stop what could be regarded as the best GTA variant on any mobile platform?
You’ll have to listen to the show (and the latest news from around the PSP world) to find out.
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December 23rd, 2009, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...3&view_reply=1
More than two years since the last release, the Genesis Vids coder releases a new update for Masterboy, homebrew able to emulate the console Game Boy Color, Master System and Game Gear was originally developed by the developer Brunni. This new update, which brings the program to version 2.05, fixes several bugs in the emulation of the various consoles and increases the speed of loading the file format. Zip.
Changelog v2.05:
- Fixati some bugs in the emulation of games for Game Boy
- Fixati at startup glitches in the emulation of games for Sega Master System
- Fixati at startup glitches in the emulation of games for Game Gear
- Speed loading file format. Zip increased by 10%
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December 23rd, 2009, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster

Here's the thing. Merely dipping something in 22 carat gold does not necessarily mean we'll like it better... but it's a semi-decent start. Now, we know a PS3 literally covered in gold and diamonds isn't exactly "news," nor is it anything we haven't seen before with other consoles. It is, however, a stark reminder that being super rich often leads to gaudy, tasteless, nearly criminal displays of ridiculousness. Hit the source link if you want to order one from purveyor Stuart Hughes for a mere £199,995 (that's about $320,000).
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December 23rd, 2009, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster

ooking for a good fighting stick? Japanese peripheral maker Hori is releasing its latest Real Arcade Pro stick, the V3 SA, on December 24. That's, like, tomorrow.
Priced at ¥12,800 (US$140) for the PS3, the V3 SA version has a slightly curved front instead of a sharp edge like some other older fighting sticks. It's easier on the hands. The stick and the buttons are all up to Japanese arcade spec.
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December 23rd, 2009, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster

A week on from its launch and there's a new batch of comics for sale on the PSP comic store. Anyone up for some new Transformers, 2000AD or Fantastic Four, head on through.
Both the North American and PAL stores have been updating, but licensing the way it is, the update isn't universal. So we'll list both separately.
* 2000AD Prog #1660 ($1.99)
* Ghost Rider (2005) #1-6 ($1.99 each)
* G.I. Joe: Cobra #1 ($0.99)
* G.I. Joe Origins #1-2 ($0.99 each)
* Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft #1 ($0.99)
* Nanovor #1 ($0.99)
* The Fantastic Four (1961) #1-15 ($1.99 each)
* The Mighty Avengers (2007) #1-6 ($1.99 each)
* Transformers: All Hail Megatron #7 ($1.99)
* Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse: Birds, Bees, Blood & Beer #1-4 ($0.99 each)
* Ghost Rider (2005) #1 : The Road To Damnation #1- #6 – Marvel (£1.19/€1.49) Ages 15+
* The Fantastic Four (1961) #1 – #15 – Marvel (£1.19/€1.49) Ages 3+
* The Mighty Avengers (2007) #1 – #6 – Marvel (£1.19/€1.49) Ages 9+
* 2000AD Prog #1660 – 2000AD (£1.19/€1.49) Ages 15+
* Locke and Key: Welcome to Lovecraft #1 – IDW (£0.79/€0.99) Ages 17+
* Nanovor: Game Day #1 – IDW (£0.79/€0.99) Ages 9+
* Transformers: All Hail Megatron #7 – IDW (£1.19/€1.49) Ages 12+
* Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse #1 : Birds, Bees, Blood & Beer #1 – #4 – ID (£0.79/€0.99) Ages 17+
While I prefer the feel of a new comic in my hands, it's nice seeing reasonable prices on a digital shopfront for once.
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December 24th, 2009, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
Here, on the eve of the eve of Video Game Gift Giving and Receiving Day (known in some cultures as "Christmas" or "Festivus") comes a heartfelt plea by the fine men and women of the Christian Civic League of Maine, who join us under a common banner of misusing semicolons to bring us this message; "All decent people should denounce the video game 'Modern Warfare 2;' and join in opposing the sale and use of such games."
Yes, Modern Warfare 2's controversial "No Russian" mission -- erroneously titled the "Massacre Level" here -- has once again brought the full weight of the nation's outrage (represented here by the Christian Civic League of Maine). The group reminds us of the "well-established cause and effect relationship between video games and school shootings" and cautions that "the ready availability of drugs, violent video games, and outrageous rock music is a witch's brew which will eventually lead to tragedy here in Maine." Speaking of witches, GamePolitics points out that the group has outed the owner of a local book store as a witch (and a Democrat!) and claims she "cast a spell" on the Administrator of the League.
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December 24th, 2009, 11:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released :

Metal Slug the horizontal shooter is breaking new grounds in the Sony PSP platform. The new game makes use of the wide screen to display some high color resolution graphics. You can use the LAN facilities and ask friends to participate in the war with you.
When you get a friend to join the frontiers with you, you'd be able to take care of enemies in different parts of the stages. Besides the main mission, there is a new combat school mode where you get to play with 70 weapons and learn warfare tactics under a tsundere beauty.
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December 24th, 2009, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

SNK Playmore collects their hot NEOGEO era games and ports them to the PlayStation2. The ports did not only get revamps, but also a new online battle modes.
To all those who might have missed a game when it is first released or for those who prefers to reclaim their memories in one batch, you can get the whole collection in two box sets. Each carries 6 games, the set is perfect both for playing and for collecting.
The first set contains Gara Densetsu Battle Archives 1 & 2, Mark of the Wolves, Ryu ko no ken - Ten chi jin, Samurai Spirits 6 ban shobu and Sun Soft Collection.
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December 24th, 2009, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

SNK Playmore collects their hot NEOGEO era games and ports them to the PlayStation2. The ports did not only get revamps, but also a new online battle modes.
To all those who might have missed a game when it is first released or for those who prefers to reclaim their memories in one batch, you can get the whole collection in two box sets. Each carries 6 games, the set is perfect both for playing and for collecting.
The second set contains King of Fighters Orochi, 98 Ultimate Match, Nesutsu chapter, World Heroes Gorgeous, Fuun Super Combo and Bakumatsu Roman Gekka Kenshi 1+2.
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December 24th, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
The JPCSP Team have released a new version of their PSP Emulator for Windows written in Java, heres the release notes:

A lot of fixes and improvements to GE engine , making a lot more games to work
A lot of new stuff to hle that improves compatibility
Better sound
More speed
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December 24th, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
The PCSP Team have released the first official version of their PSP Emulator for Windows, heres the release news:
Merry Christmas. PCSP team wishes you the best and we would like to make a present for all you. D/l our official v0.1 release from d/l section.
Any problems should be mention to our forum section.
There is also a small guide under Articles section
From pcsp team
Merry Christmas
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December 24th, 2009, 22:34 Posted By: ThePspTester
Hey and Merry Christmas!
I just coded a game extra for xmas
Your job is to catch all the presents which are falling out of the sky
But beware! You're only allowed to loose 10 presents - not more!
Can you brake the highscore?
- Levels are getting more difficult every 5 levels
- Highscore
- Nice sound and graphics
It's in german but i think it's easy to understand
Try it out !
Dowload here
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December 24th, 2009, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63226
Just in time for Christmas, (or your favorite holiday) Ifcaro, jimmikaelkael, and Volca have released a new binary of this ever improving homebrew loader.
Here's the recent changelog:
Open PS2 Loader ChangeLog:
Version 0.6
- Switched to whole new IOP core
- Changed some compatibility modes effect
- Added compatibility for DVD9 layer1
- Improved overall speed for both SMB/USB
- Support for more embedded NAS devices
- Support for multiple partitions
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December 24th, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2009/12/24/c...for-christmas/
Before PSPGo owners start jumping of joy all over the place, let me be clear: this information is probably not useful for you if you thought you would get the joys of homebrews and underground PSP on your PSPGo or on your PSP3000 or on your TA88v3.
A few days ago Datel announced a new Action Replay software, compatible with all models of PSPs, including the PSPGo. The PSP scene was quite suspicious regarding this announcement. Today the product page features a Demo that anyone can download and try. I tried this Demo, other people tried the full product, and, yes, Action Replay runs on an official firmware.
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December 24th, 2009, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from N0ePDA_PSP
Messure stuff with your PSP, without any ruler!
Lay the thing you want to messure on your PSP Display after you've started OnScreenMessure. Then move the dot to the start of the thing and press X. Then move the second dot to the end of the thing and press START to messure. The length will be given in cm!
Press SELECT to restart or correct the second dot with the arrow keys.
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December 24th, 2009, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2009/12/24/m...10-1-released/
Ho ho ho, here’s our present to all Homebrew fans: A new version of Wagic, full of Christmas joy!
We’ve worked very hard in the past two months to fix bugs and add features, so I hope you’ll enjoy this new version. Many thanks go to the people who have given their time for this release, especially Abrasax, Daddy32, Dr.Solomat, Ilya B, J, Jeck, Lakeesha, Leungclj, Psyringe, Yeshua. I also especially want to thank Raphael for fixing the purple screen bug, a bug that had been in Wagic for several months now.
What is wagic?
Wagic is a fan-made heroic-fantasy card game, in which you fight with your army against the computer. As you win battles, you earn credits that allow you to improve your deck and unlock more cards, and extra game modes. Wagic started as a small project, but has grown over the years, and is now often compared to commercial video games for its replay value and its high quality graphics.
Wagic is free, runs on Windows, Linux, and the Sony PSP. It is available in many languages, and fully customizable. you can create your own themes, your own cards, and even your own rules. Because Wagic is community driven and open source, it gets regularly improved with original contents and mods.
Complete Changelog:
More than 1500 new cards. Wagic now allows you to play with 5149 cards, from more than 50 expansions, including Magic 2010, Zendikar, Revised, Alara, Conflux, shadowmoor,…
Added a “cheat” mode (don’t ask, I didn’t add it, I can’t tell you how to unlock it )
Deck statistics improvements
Bug fixes with audio
InGame music
Language is now an option, no need to wait for patches, you can choose English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, or Portuguese
New parser abilities: PreventAllcombatDamage, becomes…, horsemanship, myTurnOnly, asSorcery, myUpkeepOnly(and similar…), 0 mana activated abilities now work, equipment, threshold, cycling, protection from(target), nofizzle, autohand, autograveyard
Minor AI improvements, and bug fixes
New theme: final Saga (thanks to Ilya B)
New theme: Christmas (thanks to Lakeesha)
External rules system now allows you to create your own rules. Check mtg.txt in res/rules
“Purple Screen of despair” issue solved, thanks to Raphael and Yeshua.
New feature: Trophy Room
New feature: Tasks. Get more credits by fulfilling the quests given to you by the shopkeeper!
hundreds of bug fixes for specific cards
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December 25th, 2009, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster

A lot of people wrote about the V-Screen 3D kit for the PSP when it was announced. Jokes may have been made! But now Ars has actually tried one, and their results are surprising: It's not perfect, but it works.
According to Ars, the V-Screen uses an old trick, popular with flight sim devotees, whereby a fresnel lens—at a size slightly larger than the device's screen—is placed a short distance away from the display. This magnifies the image a bit, and more importantly, adds a sense of depth. For 3D games where depth in important, like racing games and FPSes, the effect is apparently "more compelling than it sounds on paper," to the point that "it's going to be hard to back to playing the games on a standard screen."
There's no doubt that this is a faux-3D setup, but it's also fairly cheap—$40, to be exact, which might not buy you honest 3D, but it'll buy you the sensation. Like a Fleshlight, for your eyes! Yes.
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December 25th, 2009, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
More on the very interesting news from Datel:

Now this is interesting. Datel, which is well known for enabling all sorts of hacks on varying consoles, seems to have just introduced a refreshed version of its Action Replay PSP. What's new, you ask? Why, PSP Go support, of course! In the item description, we're told that those using this on Sony's UMD-less portable console will have to install it directly on the inbuilt memory, but one of two things has to happen (in theory, anyway) for that claim to be true. The first is that Datel is now an official Sony partner, which is about as likely as you getting a Foleo for Christmas. The other is that Datel found a way to run unencrypted code on the PSP Go, and if that's the case, we've got an idea that the homebrew junkies in the crowd will be all over this in search of further exploits. Hop on past the break for a promo video, and if you're down with shelling out funds for something that may or may not work as advertised, it's all yours for $24.99.
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December 25th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Sony Playstation emulator has been updated. Changes:
- Fixed FF7 Chocobo Racing crash bug with Internal HLE BIOS.
- Fixed freeze issue with Japanese version of I.Q. Final.
- Better support for Alcohol 120% .mdf/.mds images.
- Input plugin has been rewritten using SDL for GNU/Linux port.
- Prelimiary Mac OS X (Intel) support (may contain bugs and dynarec is still not working yet).
- Hide the GNOME panels in fullscreen mode when using the OpenGL plugin.
- GTK UI: Added a toolbar in mainwindow, improved Memory Card dialog box.
- Added Telnet-based debugger (based on PCSX CVS). Removed PCSX-df debugger.
- Added Portuguese (Brazilian) translation (courtesy of Tibério V*tor).
- Other minor bugfixes/tweaks.
News source: http://pcsxr.codeplex.com
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December 25th, 2009, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps2homebrewing.wordpress.com/
Recently I’ve tried PSPKVM, the PSP port of Sun’s open-source JavaME implementation phoneMEFeature and that little thing is amazing!
Having a Java virtual machine brings immediately so many new possibilities for the already vast PSP homebrew scene and I thought it would be incredibly wonderful if a PS2 port would exists!
Just imagine browsing the Internet with a PS2 and the Opera Mini of the Bolt browser, using a MSN Messenger clone, using Google Earth just for the kick, or playing those phone java games some people like.
The sad thing is that I personally have now the skills for doing it but simply don’t have the time for such a project… Maybe it could be more doable with some other devs collaboration. Is any interested and experienced dev reading this?
So, I was hoping to bring out a new release of PS2Doom with some features, but those who are waiting need to wait just a little bit more. Probably it will be out before the end of the year.
So, Merry Xmas for those who celebrate it!
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December 25th, 2009, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
The coder Smokin Redha and continue the development of plug PSNabler, prx which allows us to access the multiplayer via the PlayStation Network also using a PSP with custom firmware. This new release introduces support for three new games: MotorStorm Arctic Edge, Rock Band: Unplugged and Thexder Neo. Addition, to facilitate the installation of the prx, we created an application that will copy the necessary files on your Memory Stick.
More to follow.
* UPDATE *: RedHat and Smokin PSNabler released the final version of which is introduced support for the European version of Resistance Retribution. From now will only be issued patches for individual games can be found on the web page dedicated to the project PSNabler.
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December 25th, 2009, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
More than five months since the last release, the coder Becus25 Xenogears and update their custom firmware Enabler application that allows you to toggle through the ChickHEN firmware 5.03, the functions of the M33 Custom Firmware on PSP-2000 and PSP-3000 . The program brings me to version 3.70. This new update fixes some bugs of previous releases but introduces support for games that require firmware higher than that installed.
Changelog v3.70:
- Improved uninstalling system
- Improved the patching system
- Fixed some bugs
- Code reviewed
- Patch MHUSpeed
- Custom Menus version.txt
- Menu of Custom MAC Spoofer
- Menu MHUFS
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December 25th, 2009, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
New release available for Eboot Exchange, the program devised by Japanese Takka that allows you to patch the EBOOT. Bin of games that require firmware higher than the one installed on the console and everything is done directly on the ISO on the memory stick. This new update increases the maximum size of EBOOT.bin supported, which passes from 8MB to 10MB.
Changelog v2.8:
- Supports up to 10MB EBOOT.bin
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December 26th, 2009, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://raing3.co.cc/news/psp-cheatup-0-40/
PSP CheatUp was designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes of any PSP cheat engine through the use of the PSP's Wifi and a wireless internet connection. The cheat files are hosted by GBAtemp.
Feature Summary
Display the Changelog and Gamelist.
Filter available games by region.
Search available games and codes.
Update application from the PSP.
Update cheats for most PSP cheat engines.
Change Log
Added: Region filtering (EU, US and JP) for GameList.
Added: GameList search function (if search term is a Game ID available cheats are listed).
Fixed: Problem extracting files from ZIP archive which aren't compressed.
Other: CMF and NitePR cheat files are only extracted if the file size is different to the file in the archive.
Other: Will now load on 6.xx custom firmwares.
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December 27th, 2009, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from CoD3r-D
Psp alarm program
Works on 5.50 GEN-X,5.03 GEN-X,CFWEnabler,5.00 M33-X
* 3000-2000-1000
* Sleep Mode Alarm with support for custom MP3 Audio file.
* Power Off Mode Alarm that plays sound in XMB. (Plugin Required - Seperate Package)
* Uses 12 Hour Time system (AM/PM), no more Confusing time conversions
* Display's Hour's and Minutes remaining as the Alarm time is being set; updated in real time.
* Alarm can be set up to 23 hours 59 minutes in future, Check for (Invalid - Readjust message).
* Alarm Accurate to the Second.
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December 27th, 2009, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

FRAGnStein is a PC/PS3 controller that is compatible with all PC and PS3 games. Use the mouse for targeting prey while moving with the left hand Grip. You get full 6 axis motion control.
Between the Mouse and Grip, the FRAGnStein contains all the normal PS3 controller buttons making it ideal for that first person PC shooter game style you’re used to.
Go Big:
For PC use it does not get any better - you can use the Mouse just as any other normal mouse but with the high res adjustable 2000 CPI. Silky smooth no lag game play. Connect your PC to your big screen TV and go with BIG PC game play.
Programmable, digital sniper buttons and upgradeable firmware provide unprecedented levels of accuracy. FRAGnStein is also a full featured wireless PC gaming WASD controller.
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December 27th, 2009, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Sony PSP emulator has been updated. Changes:
-Added CRT libs with release. That will fix problems with people that doesn’t have vc regist installed on their pc.
-Fixed the issue with controller image doesn't appear in config dialog
-A better way to handle fakesyscalls . For issue 14 : http://code.google.com/p/pcsp/issues/detail?id=14 . Enabling hle misc will give the unknown NID number. -Added dummy Kernel_Library module . Tested with Resistance game.
Implemented the following scePower module functions:
News source: http://www.pcsp-emu.com
History of PCSP
PCSP is initially a mix of two projects - mine and Shadow's.
JPCSP was a great experience for me to develop and improve the interpreter of the PSP processor called Allegrex. A lot of PSP emulators were written but none of them were able to emulate all the instruction set properly - especially the big set of VFPU instruction set which allows fast 2D and 3D computation in games. But JAVA is not the Graal for speed and optimisation and I was still hoping to make one able to run on the future gaming handheld Pandora I ordered.
So the need of a C/C++ version of a PSP emulator became evident. Coincidently, Shadow was preparing one and asked for my help, so we decided to merge our works and to join our forces. After Shadow created a new website for PCSP, an unknown coder called Otenki came and offered his great assistance. Orphis and Gigaherz also joined us recently in the coding - they used to be coders from JPCSP and their addition in this project is a great help.
I'm heading this project from the scratch with Shadow as a co-leader. But for several months I has been absent because of my flat moving and my work. Otenki improved GE (Graphics Engine - GPU part) a lot. Big thanks to him. There was also a big migration for wxWidgets to Qt thanks to Shadow. HLE like threading still needs some improvement to make the other games pass the loading stage. And I should also add VFPU implementation which is still missing here (I was waiting for JPCSP's to be running perfect). Hopefully, JPCSP's vfpu implementation seems to be correct now (most vfpu computation in 3D games seem right), so it may be time to implement into PCSP. All the devteam hope we can all achieve better than we did for JPCSP.
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December 27th, 2009, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
kranoldweinreich has released a new version of the Port of Vice the Commodore 64 emulator for the PS2
Heres whats new
Hi there,
a new release. Includes a minor fix regarding settings read from configuration file (and not shown in menu) & save snapshot to disk or usb or memory card.
Have fun!
Download and Give Feedback at the release thread Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...=181503&page=2
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December 27th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
The coder Japanese汁ダークupdates its PCE for PSP homebrew, emulator for the PSP of PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, 8bit console produced by NEC in the late '80s. This new update brings the program to the first beta version 0.83.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v0.83b1:
- Fixato a bug related to Auto frameskip
- Improved system SaveState
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December 28th, 2009, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Just because Sony said that the PS3 would have a ten year life span, that doesn't mean the company isn't apparently moving forward with the PlayStation 4.
According to insider info (along with some speculation!), Japanese website PC Watch is reporting that Sony is looking to alternatives to the PS3's Cell architecture, which some developers have found to be challenging. One early alternative include Cell and Intel's Larrabee. Wanting a bit more horsepower, Sony has apparently abandoned this plan. Sony was also apparently considering a modified version of the Synergistic Processor Unit, but is now supposedly working on designs that include a mulit-core CPU.
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are all believed to be exploring new system architecture. And with the exception of a possible Wii HD, PC Watch Impress states that it takes 24 months to produce new consoles, making 2011 difficult for new hardware and 2012 or even as late as 2013 more possible.
However, PC Watch Impress notes that new handhelds will pre-date new home console hardware — so by that assumption, the PSP2 will be released before the PS4.
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December 28th, 2009, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
PC Watch's Hiroshige Goto, citing a number of unnamed sources familiar with Intel's long-awaited Larrabee project, claims that Sony once considered using Intel's proposed architecture in the eventual successor to the PS3, presumably named the PlayStation 4. It was rumored that Intel was pursuing a relationship with Microsoft and Nintendo for their next-generation Xbox and Wii consoles, but considering the recent downsizing of the Larrabee project, it appears Intel was unsuccessful at wooing a major partnership.
According to Goto's sources, Larrabee simply didn't offer the sheer power Sony was looking for. Instead, Sony is likely to pursue one of two options for the PS4: use a modified and improved version of the Cell architecture (as previously rumored), or develop a "normal" multi-core CPU akin to the chips found in personal computers and the Xbox 360. The latter option, of course, would help woo back developers turned off by Cell's unconventional design. However, an unnamed SCE executive isn't counting Intel out of the game yet, noting "Larrabee can help us to plan PS5 and PS6, but it cannot make it into PS4."
Considering Sony has yet to decide on an architecture for PS4, it's clear that Sony's next-generation console is still years away. Good thing too, because by Sony's calculations, PS3 still has seven years of life left in it.
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December 28th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SamuraiX:
All Platforms Released with SecurePAK Support - Build 2603
New Console: Wii by SX
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic and Gamecube Controller Supported
Rumble Support for Wiimote and Gamecube Controllers
Up to 4 Player Support
Horizontal/Vertical Wiimote Recognition
Graphic Filters: HQ2X, LQ2X, TV Scanline and much more (though some need fixing)
Only SDL Video is used the rest of the IO Handling is done natively
Menu Preview System and Audio player are disabled. (SDHC is very slow)
File Caching supported for Quick Realtime data loading
USB Mode Not supported, Must be run from SDHC Card
For now must use hardcoded path (sd:/apps/OpenBOR)
Not tested hence 99% sure widescreen mode does not work
Now I'm off to enjoy Christmas, then get back to Dreamcast, my gift to you a!!
New Console: Dingoo by Shin-NiL
File Caching supported for Quick Realtime data loading
SX: Dreamcast Booting Fixed. Reminder bor.pak is hardcoded.
To All:
Feel free to post any specific data about your port, fixes, changes, etc...
All Platforms Released with SecurePAK Support - Build 2605
SX: Menu Pak loading fixed on all platforms.
All Platforms Released Build 2613
SX: Wii is now mixing at 48Khz instead of 44.1Khz.
SX: Nunchuck analog control can now be enabled in Control options menu. Configurable, as it could be setup as a 2nd set of directional movement or simulate button presses if disabled.
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December 29th, 2009, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia:

The most wanted man in the universe slams into gaming!
Become Riddick and break out of the galaxy's most deadly prison in this compelling 1st person action experience - The Chronicles of Riddick™: Escape from Butcher Bay.
Set before the events of both Universal Pictures' upcoming summer release, The Chronicles of Riddick, starring Vin Diesel, and the 2000 breakout hit Pitch Black, which first introduced Diesel as enigmatic anti-hero Riddick.
The game tells the story of Riddick's dramatic escape from the previously inescapable triple max security slam Butcher Bay, home to the most violent prisoners in the universe.
The ticket to freedom is this week's special. The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, the Asian PlayStation3 version is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 19.90.
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December 29th, 2009, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pugee, Airou and the new comic relief character Chacha are here to spend the coldest days of the year with you. These funny animals are all dressed up to make you laugh.
Airou has his mittens and knitted sweater, Pugee is dresssed like a sheep. In other circumstances, you might find it funny, in these winter days, you'd see some wisdom in Pugee's choice of wardrobe.
Chacha the turnip man proves to be the only one not afraid of the cold, or perhaps he has already fainted. Look at the swirly eyes. The pastel hues of these straps goes well with almost any color scheme and they bring out a warm, homey atmosphere.
The home is where Pugee, Airou and Chacha are. These animals are waiting for adoption, come take them home:
Monster Hunter Mini Plush Doll: Airou JPN US$ 5.49
Monster Hunter Mini Plush Doll: Cha Cha JPN US$ 5.49
Monster Hunter Mini Plush Doll: Pugee (Pink) JPN US$ 5.49
Monster Hunter Mini Plush Doll: Pugee (Sheep) JPN US$ 5.49
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December 29th, 2009, 14:43 Posted By: Art

Hi Guys,
Here is the AVEC GPS V8 release. I haven't touched it for a while.
This one has greatly optimised projection routines for much faster screen rendering.
Everything else is untouched and the PSP clock speed is still the default 222MHz.
Both serial GPS and PSP-290 USB GPS versions of the program are updated and included in the zip file.
Cheers, Art.
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December 29th, 2009, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...n-process.html
First: Merry X-Mas to all of ya!
To continue, I want to grab the news I just read. Datel may had success in cracking the PSP's encryption process and sign EBOOT's to run their own software on official firmwares, including the newest and the PSP Go hardware.
Why do I post it as I only focus on PS3 you may wonder, but hey the PS3 just got it's PSP emulator to be able to run the PSP Minis. I didn't do any research on that yet, but well I guess it's the same as with the normal PSP games you could play on the PS3. The package file is extracted to PS3 HDD and runs the unpacked PKG files including the PSP EBOOT.BIN.
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December 29th, 2009, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
The coder N0ePDA_PSP releases a new version of its OnScreenMessure, a rather bizarre homebrew that allows us to measure small objects with our PSP ... How? Simple, we support (gently, ndr.) Face of the object that we want to measure on-screen, move the analog stick with two markers at the beginning and end of the stretch where we want to know how long we can see it in real time in centimeters or inches. Same thing to measure an area, even circular. To change the mode of measurement between line or area, use the keys back, and for change units press the SELECT button.
• Adding units in inches
• Now you can measure a circle
• Added support analog
• Added a background
• Adding a font
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December 29th, 2009, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
One (more) convenient to organize homebrew plugins present on our Memory Stick created by max840. The interface is always very simple, the integrated file browser allows us to browse through different folders to choose the prx that we prefer, with the on-screen keyboard can add or delete one or more plugins from the different text files (vsh/game/game150 / pops. txt) and decide which to activate. To install Ultimate Plugins Manager UPM is necessary to copy the folder that you find inside the package in PSP / GAME.
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December 29th, 2009, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
New update from the developer for Kode Joyau, l 'sole interpreter of the Ruby programming language that comes to the PSP version 0.25. This new release introduces new features and other improvements. For more information you can consult the ReadMe file included in the archive or on the go official website of the project Joyau.
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December 29th, 2009, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
This news is near on a month old but ive only just found it on ps2dev forums so here goes:
News from Sashz:
Current release is here: http://mail.pdaxrom.org/downloads/PS3/livecd. It uses lxde as desktop environment. PS3Boot is included. To boot from CD burn ISO image or unzip archive to boot from memory card.
What news:
Midori 0.2.1 (WebKit based webbrowser)
Ekiga 3.2.6 (SIP audio/video phone)
Pidgin 2.6.3
gcc 4.4.2
* Leafpad
* Terminal
* Image viewer
* mtPaint
* Ekiga
* Midori
* Pidgin
* Transmission
* XChat
* AbiWord
* Gnumeric
* ePDFViewer
* Audacious
* Mplayer
* Geany
LiveCD also includes ppu-gcc and spu-gcc (gcc 4.4.2).
Boot options:
noswap - disable swap in vram
video=ps3fb:mode:N - set video mode N. Default mode 3
Connect to network:
Default DHCP is used. There is no network utility for manual settings yet.
Connect to wireless network:
Click on interface wlan0 network icon. If wireless networks is detected, choose preferred from the list. For private network you need enter password.
Bluetooth bluez installed.
More details is here: http://wiki.pdaxrom.org/index.php/Bootable_CD_for_PS3
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December 29th, 2009, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

A high speed transmit signal cable for PSP GO. Enable displays with natural and vivid colours. Support 10801 and 720P/480P LCD, Plasma, HD or HD II TV System. Support Stereo Signal and Dolby 5.1 surround sound system. Direct playback music to surround sound systems or speakers. Direct playback games, movies, music and photos on LCD, Plasma, HD or HD II TV System. High-definition, resolutions and functional of multi-media durable cable. Compatible with any version of PSP GO console.
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December 29th, 2009, 18:45 Posted By: Zack
So I finally got motivated to do some coding. Since I have not coded anything now (in what.... 1>2 months?) , I decided to do a small project (that presumably has been done already), to get me back into the swing of things.
So I present to you : Battery Warning Plugin V0.1. My first ever plugin in fact.
Features :
Screenshot :
(Quality varies by game, text is sometimes semi-hidden...Will be fixed in next version)
GTA : Liberty City Stories

Assassins Creed : Bloodlines


Future :
Even though this was just a fun little project to get me back into coding, I am open to continuing development of this plugin if people are interested. I am interested to hear suggestions or new features that could be added to this plugin, although I am sure something far superior to this already exists 
Side Note :
I am also continuing development on LuaPlayer Euphoria and Snex9X as of now. Development wont be as fast as it was in the past due to some changes in my personal/social life, but there are now in active development now, as opposed to hibernation 
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December 29th, 2009, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14275.html
"FPSEce is a PlayStation emulator for your Windows mobile device. The name means First PlayStation Emulator for Windows CE (which now is called Windows mobile).
FPSEce v0.10
-completely rewritten core and interface!
-supports many new games
-supports g-sensor on Toshiba TG01, more to come
-new on-screen multi-touch button-assignment
-supports some bluetooth-gamepad (i.e. BGP 100)
-And more...
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December 29th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SamuraiX: of a new release of Openbor for the Dreamcast, Wii, Dingoo, Gp2x and PSP.
All Platforms Released Build 2615
SX: Fixed Wii Controls.
SX: Fixed OpenBOR's usejoy command for all platforms.
SX: Updated Dingoo's toolchain and libSDL_image.a provided by Shin-NiL.
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December 29th, 2009, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Hilde posted this news today:
This crash usually occurs at loading of any game. It means your pc is too old because it cannot run our emulator as it contains SSE/SSE2 codes to emulate the FPU part of Allegrex. I would never have expected from people to use such old PC without SSE/SSE2 isntruction set.
But on the other hand, I do not see the point to discard SSE/SSE2 optimizations to allow some old PCs to run our emulator. So I guess those people need to upgrade their PCs if they really want to play this emulator when it has more playable games.
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December 29th, 2009, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DSPSP
this is the english version 0.23 of my homebrew PSPMulti!
This homebrew can:
Convert your UMD to an .cso file
Install Plugins e.g Hold,Gamecategories,Dayvi ewer...
Play Games e.g Sonic,Minesweeper,Snake,T icTacToe and Pong
And also you can make your math-homework with the calculator or OnSreenMessure.(Quit OnSreenMessure with the HOME Button)!!!!Have Fun with this little Homebrew! I hope you like it!
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December 30th, 2009, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NickyP

Here's a late Christmas present for everyone! A tower defense-styled Fire Emblem game, and the very first of it's kind for OpenBOR. Has 11 characters, 4 game modes (2 must be unlocked), and is up to 4 players (not on the PSP version, sorry )
The archive is a .7z, so if you don't have WinRAR or 7z installed you better get it! Everything you need is included in the .7z. To install it, place FE.PAK into PSP/Game/OpenBOR/Paks. I've also included the PC version of OpenBOR, in case you wanna go multiplayer.
Other than that, be sure to read the readme for further instructions/information, and check out the How To Play option ingame. Have fun, everyone!
One last fun fact: I released this one on the exact same day as MegaMan The Power War Ep. 1, 5 months ago lol
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December 30th, 2009, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from raing3
PSP CheatUp was designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes of any PSP cheat engine through the use of the PSP's Wifi and a wireless internet connection. The cheat files are hosted by GBAtemp.
Feature Summary
Display the Changelog and Gamelist.
Filter available games by region.
Search available games and codes.
Update application from the PSP.
Update cheats for most PSP cheat engines.
Change Log (0.41)
Added: cheat.db file extraction can be overridden for CMF by holding L trigger when before installing cheats.
Other: Removed 6.xx compatibility due to causing compatibility issues.
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December 30th, 2009, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from CoD3r-D

Psp alarm program
*New Pic
*Works on 5.50 GEN-X,5.03 GEN-X,CFWEnabler,5.00 M33-X
* 3000-2000-1000
* Sleep Mode Alarm with support for custom MP3 Audio file.
* Power Off Mode Alarm that plays sound in XMB. (Plugin Required - Seperate Package)
* Uses 12 Hour Time system (AM/PM), no more Confusing time conversions
* Display's Hour's and Minutes remaining as the Alarm time is being set; updated in real time.
* Alarm can be set up to 23 hours 59 minutes in future, Check for (Invalid - Readjust message).
* Alarm Accurate to the Second.
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December 30th, 2009, 15:44 Posted By: bandit
There has been many modders who has taken the same path as Ben Heck and some even doing things we've never seen before. A modder has just finished up his latest creation, a WVI (wireless visual interface) for Sony's PlayStation 3 console. The purpose? To transmit signals to and from the PS3 by way of this handy handheld. A 1.2GHz wireless transmitter is used to get the controller commands to the PS3, and the same is used in reverse to get the video signals from the console to the homegrown device. The device itself utilizes a 5-inch LCD, 4,500mAh Li-ion battery (complete with a LED capacity meter), an AV input, headphone jack, USB port and a button for every last DualShock command.
- 4500maH Li-ion battery's and recharge circuit with built in
- LED capacity meter.
- 5" widescreen LCD
- AV in port, headphones, usb mini and charge
- 1.2ghz wireless AV receiver and (obviously) ps3 remote.
Video shows no sound because he blew a TA7176AP chip on the sound receiver board, so while there is sound, its really crap quality until he gets it changed.
Also, modder will be selling the device once he has solved the sound issue.
Source: Engadget / Ben Heck Forums
Images via comments.
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December 30th, 2009, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster

Should you be the sort of person who doesn't mind fiddling around with alpha level software, you'll definitely want to know about the BlueMaemo Bluetooth emulator. Available via the Extras-Devel repository on your N900, this app allows the device to mimic other Bluetooth gadgets, such as keyboards, mice, and yes indeedy, gaming controllers. Its developer Valério Domingos humbly points out that the purpose of connecting up to a PS3 is purely for menu navigation and easier text input, though we've no doubt a few hardcore Nokia loyalists will try using this in an action game to prove the N900's superiority. You may follow Valério and his ongoing refinement of the app in the Maemo.org link below, or you can jump past the break to see the full controller layout and an instructional video on how to hook things up -- it's in Italian, but you should be able to grasp what's going on senza problemi.
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December 30th, 2009, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster

Before PlayStation became a household name Sony was working on a CD drive for the Super Famicom. You probably heard this story already and know the end result – a plastic gray console.
In between splitting with Nintendo and finalizing the design for the PsOne everything was on the table. Concept art for potential PlayStations like this model were floating around. The big difference here? This PlayStation reads “game cassettes” and is built like a discman.
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December 30th, 2009, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
The developer patpat released today a new update for CTFtool GUI PC software that allows you to create themes for the CXMB PSP-compatible addition to allowing the extraction of files from format issues. Ctf ready. This new update that brings the program to version 3.6, fixes some bugs related to conversion and the creation of themes.
Following the full changelog and the link to download.
Changelog v3.6:
Note: The following files were removed from the archive:
- 5:50 Folder: game_plugin.prx, game_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, music_main_plugin.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx
- Folder SUPPORT: common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx
These files have been removed because, for a range of domestic policy of PSP-ITA, are not allowed to post on the forum.
To seek, you must use the PSARDUMPER and extract them from their firmware.
Changelog v3.6:
- Fixato a bug in the creation of themes CBC 5:03 through the "Drag & Drop"
- Fixato a bug in the conversion of subjects from 5.00 to 5.50
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December 30th, 2009, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DSPSP
here the version 0.24 of my multifunctional-homebrew!
With this homebrew you can:
Play Games e.g : Pong,Sonic,Minesweeper,Ti c Tac Toe and PSPTunnel!
Convert your UMD to an CSO File,and play this!
Do your math-homework with the calculator or write a short letter with the notepad!
Install Plugins e.g: Gamecategories_v12,Hold,D avees Mac Spoofer,Dayviewer,Ultimat e VSH Menue,Mp3 Plugin,CW Cheat and PSPInfo Plugin!
Some other functions are there too but i don´t have much time so i dont tell you =D
-Game PSPTunnel
-Tool OnSreenMessure
-2 little Bugs fixed
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December 31st, 2009, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
Dragon Age: Origins may seem expansive enough, but BioWare has already proven willing to inflate the game further with DLC and talk of retail expansion packs. And according to an unidentified retailer listing spotted by Eurogamer.cz, the first of those expansions, titled Awakening, will supposedly arrive in Europe on March 19.
According to Eurogamer's summary, the expansion will star a new player character with a new origin story, new areas and enemies, for about 15 hours of new content. The expansion will also raise the level cap. Eurogamer speculates that EA will announce this expansion sometime in January, though we can't fathom how that information would be extrapolated from a retailer's erroneously hasty listing
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December 31st, 2009, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
After the ESRB rating for Game Arts' Thexder Neo listed it as a PSP and PS3 game, Square Enix released the downloadable shooter remake on PSP only, leaving PS3 retro fans vexed and un-Thex'd. However, a post on Square Enix's Facebook page reveals that the transforming spaceship/robot will make an appearance on PS3 after all.
"With PS3 graphic THEXDER NEO becomes more THEXDER," Square Enix PR staffer Akira Kokushoh said, suggesting that the new version isn't just a direct port of the PSP title. The game will be out sometime in 2010 -- possibly on the early side, since Kokushoh indicated that the game is almost complete.
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December 31st, 2009, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-14288.html
A new version of the Playstation 2 emulator PCSX2/Mac has been released.
Release update
December 30th, 2009
Filed under: PCSX2/MAC — zedr0n @ 12:04 pm
It’s that time of the year again, so i had some time to work on pcsx2/mac This update is about solving the missing textures problem that has been plaguing pcsx2/mac for ages.
The new build is as always available here…
Zeydlitz has recently worked on z-buffer swizzling for the ZZOgl plugin and this has fixed a lot of missing textures problems for us. I also fixed some code in pcsx2 for ffx missing textures. Some shots:
0.9.6, Snow leopard and further plans…
October 23rd, 2009
Filed under: PCSX2/MAC — zedr0n @ 7:52 am
First off, i’d like to mention that apparently 0.9.6 works on snow leopard with the stock x11, as confirmed The En Dash in forums, so you might try that out ignoring the xquartz installation step.
I’m aware of the issue with macbooks and pcsx2 and i’ll try to sort it out, but as i don’t have a macbook, but i need someone with a macbook(with leopard) who has enough experience building things on osx so that he can build pcsx2/mac from the repository and i could debug it through…
In other news, i’m soon updating the code to r1888 and starting on the new gui. There’s also work going on with the aligned stack so that it doesn’t require as many hacks to work, and i’ll hopefully be able to pull it from official repository soon.
0.9.6 - alpha release
October 18th, 2009
Filed under: PCSX2/MAC — zedr0n @ 2:28 am
Ok, the time has come I’m releasing a stand-alone package for pcsx2/mac 0.9.6 which doesn’t require launching terminal whatsoever, hope that helps. The steps to install it are as follows:
* xQuartz
To run Pcsx2, you need X11 but not the one that comes with Leopard/Tiger. You can download the latest release of X11 from the XQuartz Project page. Double-click on the package to install it.
* NVidia CG framework
Download the package for Mac OS X here. Mount the disk image and double-click on the installer. Follow the instruction to install the Framework.
* PCSX2/mac + plugins
The latest package is always here. This will install all the necessary runtime libs and put the application bundle into your /Applications folder. The rest is as simple as double clicking it.
All troubleshooting/running questions - please ask at forums - forum.quant0r.com and http://forums.pcsx2.net
P.S. Thanks go to nestorespinoza for the icon
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