September 2nd, 2018, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony released PS4 Firmware 5.56 a couple days ago. As always, if you’re looking to hack your PS4, do not update.
Firmware 5.56 is a minor update, which, according to the official changelog, “improves system performance”.
Hackers have yet to mention if this patches undisclosed vulnerabilities or not, although for most of us, this will not matter: the latest hackable firmware for PS4 is firmware 5.05, and no trusted hacker has promised any exploit for firmwares 5.5x. In other words, this article still sums up pretty much your situation if you are running on one of the latest firmwares.
The best way to hack your PS4 nowadays is to get your hands on a PS4 with 5.05. With that being said, if you’re on one of the latest firmwares and can’t/won’t buy a 5.05 console, then as always, the recommendation is to stay on as low a firmware as you possibly can.
Source: Playstation
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/02/ps4-firmware-5-56/
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September 3rd, 2018, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's new CEO Kenichiro Yoshida has waded into the row over cross-platform play with PS4.
The firm received some negative press during E3 on its refusal to enable PS4 Fortnite owners to play alongside gamers on other platforms. The firm does allow cross-platform play on some games with PC, but currently does not enable its PS4 user base to compete with Xbox or Nintendo fans. This has become an issue with certain consumers as both Nintendo and Xbox do allow such functionality.
Speaking at the IFA Technology Show in Germany, Yoshida said (as reported by The Independent): "On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PlayStation 4 is the best experience for users, that's our belief
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September 5th, 2018, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Originally, it was scheduled for release back in August and the developers have apologize for their delay, but its now finally LIVE!
What’s Save Editor? It’s a cheat software that lets gamers max their stats, unlock items, and skip the excruciating grind to enjoy their games. Thousands and thousands of Japanese gamers find this a godsend, and now North Americans and Europeans can join the gang.
CYBER Gadget once again transformed PS4 modding with the latest and most innovative CYBER Save Editor for PS4. After countless requests from users all over the world, we finally released the complete full English version on September 5, 2018. Over 600 game titles are currently supported, including versions North America, Europe, China, and Japan. See below for details.
Main Features:
- Just by applying patch codes you can get MAX money, MAX life, and more!
CYBER Save Editor for PS4 is a software application that lets you use “patch codes” or “cheats” to modify your PS4 save data. Effects include unlocking additional gears and secret levels, and maxing ingame stats like money, life, and ammunition without going through the grind. - Supports most popular titles! Game list is updated regularly and users can add new patch codes!
Just choose the patch codes from the menu and apply the effects you want on your game saves. You can unlock awesome features right after downloading. Please have a look at "Available Game Titles" on the next page. The list is updated regularly and the latest titles are added upon their release. - Restoring Game Saves
By checking the Back Up Save Data box, you can recover a damaged game save or simply restore a patched game save to its original state. You don't have to worry about accidentally applying a patch code that you don't want.
Operating Environment: Ensure that you have the following proper setup, before purchasing!
- PC with Internet connection (requires Windows 7 or higher)
- Not applicable with Mac
- Tethering is not recommended due to large data transfer size
- PS4 with a PSN account (PSN ID) and password
- PS4 System Software version 5.56 or older
- USB flash drive: 8GB or higher
- The game save must be saved to a USB flash drive then edited on PC
- Hard drive free space: 10GB or higher
Click to expand... Finally, launched on September 5, 2018 is the most awaited CYBER Save Editor for PS4 - Full UNLIMITED Version in English.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> http://cybersaveeditor.com/
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/c...ow-live.48269/
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September 5th, 2018, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
As some may know, TheFlow opened a Patreon page a while ago and he’s been releasing stuff for his patrons. However, he’s nice enough to release the perks he gives patrons to the public after a few weeks.
This time around, he publicly released his dual analogue stick patch for ‘The Warriors’ which is a pretty high-rated game for the PSP,PS2 and XBOX. Obviously, this patch is meant to be used with PSP version through Adrenaline on the PSVita or PSTV!
Installing this plugin is pretty easy as all you have to do is:
- Download the plugin
- Copy it to ux0:/pspemu/seplugins
- Add its path to ux0:/pspemu/seplugins/game.txt and add a ‘1’ after it
- You should add something like this “ux0:/pspemu/seplugins/warriors_remastered.prx 1”
- Your pspemu folder may be in ur0, imc0 or uma0 depending on your settings but the default is ux0
‘The Warriors’ plugin by TheFlow: https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/R...iorsRemasteredTheFlow’s Patreon (if you wish to donate a buck): https://www.patreon.com/TheOfficialFloW
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/05/psvita-...to-the-public/
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September 5th, 2018, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
If you’re a fan of cheating in your games, this database will come in very handy! Community member ‘r0ah‘ has created a GitHub repository which contains dozens of ‘PSV’ cheat files that can be used with VitaCheat for easy cheating. These cheat codes originate from r0ah’s personal database, ShumnoT’s VitaCheat Database and various contributions from GBATemp members.
Other than cheat codes, the database also includes some trainer plugins, a wiki, a quick start guide and the plugin itself!
As a result, this repository can now be said to be the ‘go to’ place if you wish to cheat in any of your Vita games which can be a fun thing to do after you beat them. Among the games that have cheat files available, we find:
- Persona 4 Golden
- Borderlands 2
- LEGO Batman 2
- NFS Most Wanted
- Gravity Rush
- Dead Or Alive 5+ and many more!
VitaCheat Database by r0ah: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/05/psvita-...to-the-public/
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September 7th, 2018, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Custom Boot Splash is a plugin by PSVita developer Princess Of Sleeping who seems to be quite fond of messing around with system files.
This plugin allows you to change your PSVita/PSTV’s boot screen to any static image you desire which, in my opinion, increases the coolness factor of hacking your PSVita ten-fold! Obviously, this supports FW 3.60/5 as it requires Enso to work.
In order to avoid any confusion, what is shown when the PSVita boots is explained here in order:
- Boot Logo – this is the Enso or PS logo
- This plugin can’t fully bypass this so it’s momentarily shownn
- Custom Boot Splash takes over and your custom image is shown
- This replaces the Enso/PS logo which stays there for a few seconds without this plugin
- Epilepsy Warning
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September 10th, 2018, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could face legal action in Germany after the Consumer Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (Verbraucherzentrale NRW) filed a complaint regarding the terms and conditions of PlayStation Network.
In a cease and desist letter reportedly sent to Sony, the Verbraucherzentrale NRW found three areas in which the terms and conditions of PSN were "incompatible with the law".
First and foremost is the "customer-hostile" policy regarding prepaid credit on the platform, which expires after 24 months if left unspent.
Additionally, the Verbraucherzentrale NRW has complained about the clause which finds parents accountable for any costs incurred by their underage children spending money on in-game purchases.
Finally, criticism has been levelled against Sony's policy governing a consumer's right of withdrawal. The Verbraucherzentrale NRW found that there is no indication that customers must explicitly agree to forgo this right when completing digital purchases.
The Verbraucherzentrale NRW confirmed that it will apply for a court order if the cease and desist is not heeded.
Sebastian Schwiddessen, an associate with multinational law firm Baker McKenzie said: "This is common practice. German consumer associations typically have deep pockets and pursue alleged violations until the highest possible court level.
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September 11th, 2018, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Besides the particular trait of being nice, there’s not much information about firmware 3.69 yet, or why it got released just now. The previous firmware update, 3.68, was released 5 months ago by Sony, and it was pretty much everyone’s expectation that we wouldn’t see significant firmware updates for the Playstation Vita moving forward.
Firmware 3.68 is vulnerable to h-encore, a full exploit on the PS Vita. There’s a possibility, although it’s not been confirmed, that 3.69 patches the exploit. Alternatively, it could be an unrelated patch to close some Vita related services on the PSN, just like we’ve seen a few years ago with an unexpected PSP update.
At the time of writing, Sony’s official site still says the latest firmware is 3.68.
As always, if you use a hacked console (or want to hack it at some point), we advise not to update, until details surface on what firmware 3.69 actually brings to the table.
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/11/ps-vita...3-69-released/
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September 11th, 2018, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today, Sony has started pushing firmware 3.69 to the PS Vita. It’s now been fully confirmed that this firmware update patches h-encore, the exploit that lets us fully hack the PS Vita up to firmware 3.68.
PS Vita 3.69 patches h-encore exploit, no plans for future hacks
Hacker TheFlow, who was behind h-encore, has confirmed on twitter that Sony patched the kernel exploit. He however mentioned that another bug was involved in his hack, that Sony did not fix.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that 3.69 can be hacked anytime soon. For all intents and purposes, h-encore has been patched by this new firmware update, and TheFlow has confirmed he will not be releasing a new exploit for the console. Given how involved that kind of work is, and the dying popularity of the PS Vita (among users as well as hackers), there’s a strong possibility that 3.68 could be the last hackable firmware for the console.
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September 11th, 2018, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Like what happened when FW 3.61 was released, new games will not immediately ask for the new firmware. This is because physical cartridges are flashed days or weeks before release due to shipping. Digital-only games may be updated to require the latest FW quicker but this isn’t always the case. For example, Minecraft (v1.49) kept on supporting FW 3.60 until late May 2017, a whopping 9.5 months after FW 3.61 was released.
Looking at what happened in Aug-Sep 2016 when FW 3.61 was quite new, I was able to conclude that games released a few weeks to a month after the new FW have a good chance of still requiring the previous FW. Keep in mind that FW 3.61 was released on August 8, 2016 and the following were released after that date but only required FW 3.60:
- Alone With You – Aug 23, 2016
- Claire: Extended Cut – Aug 30, 2016
- God Eater 2 – Aug 30, 2016
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September 13th, 2018, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
If you thought Nintendo was the only one with a big 6.0 firmware update releasing soon, then you were wrong. Because Sony has just pushed out a surprise update for PlayStation 4 version 6.0 firmware. In terms of features, it does absolutely nothing except state "This system software update improves system performance," which is akin to a stability update. What makes things baffling is that this is a major milestone update of a new version number, yet it offers no new features or offer anything relevant. The last time we saw a firmware update that added new content was 5.50, which added a supersampling mode to PS4 Pro consoles. All regions can now download the 447 megabyte patch by going to the system update menu. Of course if you're looking for homebrew, then you might want to hang on and stay at the firmware you've already got.
via https://gbatemp.net/threads/playstat...s-well.517948/
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September 13th, 2018, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
VitaShell is the TheFlow’s famous file manager that’s installed on almost every HENkaku/taiHEN-enabled PSVita/PSTV console. TheFlow didn’t just stop at making it a great file manager but kept on adding features to make it even better.
VitaShell 1.96 brings along:
- The ability to skip between pages (17 on-screen items) in the file browser and SFO viewer by using the L/R triggers
- Ability to move files between partitions by executing a ‘copy and remove’ command
- A bug was fixed in which VitaShell forgot whether the user wanted to disable the VPK install warning dialogue
- Some changes relating to USB mass device file transfer were undone due to issues with VPK installation
- Hopefully, the memory card corruption fixed in VitaShell 1.95 doesn’t re-emerge
- The QR code reader/downloader no longer works because the way to trigger it (holding the L/R trigger) has been reassigned to something else (see point 1)
VitaShell 1.96 manual download page: https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/V...eleases/latestTheFlow’s Twitter (further updates): https://twitter.com/theflow0
TheFlow’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheOfficialFloW
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/13/vitashe...ions-and-more/
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September 13th, 2018, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Developer Zer0xFF released a pretty useful tool for hacked PS4 owners: PS4_db_rebuilder.
In some cases, your PS4 might crash and get your games database corrupted. The official way to fix this is to restart the PS4 in safe mode and do a “rebuild database”. Unfortunately, if you have a hacked PS4 and a bunch of fpkg files (homebrew or “backups”) installed, the official tool will not retrieve those, and although they’ll still use space on your hard drive, you’ll be unable to reach them in any way (formatting + reinstalling everything probably being the only option).
PS4_db_rebuilder addresses this issue by actually retrieving the fpkgs and fixing the database by including them as well.
From the developer, as to specifically who can benefit from this tool:
there seem to be a small level of confusion about this, especially from people that never had a db rebuild before, so to those lucky few, if your PS4 crashes just at the right time, it will corrupt your game list database and the next time the PS4 boot it will try to rebuild it. When that happens, the PS4 will ignore all your fpkgs, and so, they won’t show up in the the PS4 menu, nor the storage menu, so you won’t be able to play or remove them, but they are there and will still count toward your storage space.
This script, will find those games and add them to the database again. It don’t nothing else. If you’re upgrading your hdd, if you’re formatting your PS4, if you have your games on external HDD, if you’re restoring a previous backup, this does nothing for you. Download and use PS4_db_rebuilder
PS4_db_rebuilder is a python script that you can download from the developer’s github here. (You’ll need Python to run this).
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/13/release...n-the-process/
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September 14th, 2018, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Developer xDPx has released a GUI tool named PSP HD GUI, which allows you to repack PSP isos into an fpkg. The aim is to run PSP games on your (hacked) PS4 within its integrated PSP emulator (PSPHD).
It’s important to note that this is just a GUI that helps making the process of installing PSP isos on the PS4 easier, not that it will magically make them work better: running PSP games on the PS4 appears to be somewhat possible, but compatibility so far has proven to be very low. PS3Dev Wiki has a PSP on PS4 compatibility page which reports that 5 out of 37 tested games so far actually run in a playable state.
Nevertheless, such a GUI could help people give it a try themselves, and confirm whether or not a larger portion of the PSP library could ultimately run on hacked PS4s.
Download PSP HD GUI
PSP HD Gui 1.0 can be downloaded from the developer’s github here. Please note that at the time of writing, we have not tested this tool.
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/14/release...epacking-tool/
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September 17th, 2018, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
If you’re even slightly into giving some style to your PSVita then Red Squirrel’s Custom Themes Manager is the ideal homebrew for you. The homebrew is quite fully fledged with a great UI that has touch/button support, the ability to download themes from a huge online repository, a dumper for official themes and many more features including a utility to back/up restore app.db.
Custom Themes Manager 4.0 brings about many new features so that your experience is made better!
Like all good homebrew developers, Red Squirrel is still giving it updates and the recent 4.0 update includes:
- The ability to change the installation direction of custom themes to ux0,ur0 or uma0. This could prove useful if you’re into installing lots of themes
- An update checker for installed themes
- Sort by ‘validation score’ (how complete the theme is) is now an option while browsing themes
- The validation report can be opened in the browser as well by pressing SELECT on the theme you’re viewing
- Many other improvements including a bug fix when checking for available space during unzipping, the ability to jump to a specific page when browsing the online repository and the ability to load locally stored previews from ux0:/ctm.
Those who use or want Custom Themes Manager should get the VPK from this link and install it via VitaShell. Bugs should be reported to the linked BitBucket page.
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/16/this-we...igma-and-more/
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September 17th, 2018, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to homebrew, the PSVita got a variety of new uses including being used as a notepad, a voice recorder and a book/comic reader. The PSVita’s book reader is called Bookr Mod and does a pretty good job but, until this release, it had some pretty important features missing.
Now, pathway27, its developer, has given Bookr Mod a well deserved update which brings along:
- Support for zooming (L/R triggers), bookmarks and rotating so that you can read your books/comics in portrait mode!
- A SELECT menu with options to rotate your screen, manage bookmarks, fit to width/height (although this didn’t work too well in my experience) and do book traversals
- A part of the software used in Bookr Mod was updated to the latest version of muPDF (v1.13)
- An important bug fix which addresses crashes/blank pages after putting the PSVita to sleep
To get the latest version of the PSVita’s only ePub, PDF and CBZ (and other formats) viewer, simply follow this link or get it via VHBB. Bugs are to be reported in the Issues Tab of the GitHub link.
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/16/this-we...igma-and-more/
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September 17th, 2018, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
TheFlow seems to be on a roll with VitaShell updates as he released his previous one, version 1.96, only 5 days ago. VitaShell 1.97 brings about support for shortcuts and raises the QR code scanner back from the dead among other things!
VitaShell 1.97 got us the following:
- Support for sysmlinks (bookmarks/shortcuts) in LNK format. These can be useful if you regularly open folders nested inside other folders. These can be accessed by pressing left on the d-pad and SQAURE simultaneously.
- Recent files are also a thing now and can be accessed by pressing left on the d-pad and TRIANGLE at the same time.
- The QR code scanner is back and now, you can open it by pressing left on the d-pad and CIRCLE at the same time
- A bug was fixed in the ad-hoc dialogue in which X was always the enter button
- VitaShell 1.97 GitHub page: https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/V...eleases/latest
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/17/vitashe...and-bug-fixes/
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September 20th, 2018, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is expanding its PlayStation Now subscription streaming gaming service. The company today announced that over the next couple of days, it will roll out the ability to download titles and play them offline instead of just streaming them.
While PS Now is available on PC and PS4, the download option will only be offered on PS4 systems. Furthermore, it will only be added to PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 4 titles.
Sony has said "almost all" PS4 games in the PlayStation Now service will be downloadable, noting Bloodborne and Until Dawn among the examples of high-profile downloadable titles. The company did not explain why the download option is not being extended to the service's PlayStation 3 titles, and an inquiry was not immediately returned.
Unlike streamed versions of games, PS Now downloaded games will be fully compatible with downloadable content and PS4 Pro enhancements. Sony has also said subscribers to its separate PlayStation Plus service will be able to bring any game saves from streamed games over to work on their downloaded games through the PS Plus cloud save functionality.
While PS Now downloaded games will be playable offline, users will need to get their systems online "every few days" to verify their subscription and maintain access to downloaded titles.
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September 20th, 2018, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed that it will cease production of the PlayStation Vita in Japan sometime next year.
The news was confirmed by Sony Interactive Entertainment senior vice president Hiroyuki Oda when speaking with Famitsu (via Gamatsu) at Tokyo Game Show this week.
It comes just over a year after SIE America president and CEO Shawn Layden said the console is "still viable" and stressed its popularity in Asia.
The future of the console was called in question in May this year when Sony confirmed it would be ceasing game card production in the US and Europe on March 31, 2019.
Given that Japan is the only market where the PS Vita found notable success, it looks like the last hurrah for the struggling handheld.
Oda also confirmed that Sony currently has no plans develop a successor to the PS Vita.
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September 20th, 2018, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Interactive Entertainment is jumping on the trend for diminutive retro hardware with PlayStation Classic, a new version of its first groundbreaking console.
PlayStation Classic will launch worldwide on December 3, the same day as the original PlayStation's release in 1994. The hardware will be pre-loaded with 20 games, of which Final Fantasy VII, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer Type 4, Tekken 3, and Wild Arms have been confirmed.
The hardware is 45 per cent smaller than the original consoles, according to Sony, and it will come packaged with a HDMI cable, a USB cable, and two controllers for local multiplayer.
PlayStation Classic will be available for $99.99 in the US, $129.99 in Canada, and €99.99 in Europe.
This is just the latest in a growing line of retro consoles pre-loaded with classic games. The most successful examples are from Nintendo, which has enjoyed great success with new, smaller versions of its NES and SNES hardware.
New versions of the Sega Mega Drive and SNK Neo Geo are also scheduled for release.
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September 21st, 2018, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
LightningMods has released OrbisMan for your hacked PS4. This is a piece of homebrew which offers lots of the functionality that was until now available in multiple other payloads and/or homebrews. In other words, a swiss army knife for PS4 hacking, that you can launch directly from the PS4 Menu.
The full feature list can be found below (from the developer):
FTP Automatically On once XMB is started Up
——– See IP and FTP Port at the buttom of the screen————-
Sub Menus
+Section 1
– Enable and Disable Background Music (selection saved as a Gamesave)
– Credits
+ Section 2 (Kernel Menu)
– Kernel Dumper
– Key dumping (PSID, Partial IDPS, EAP Key) – ALL will be written to USB0
– Spoof Target Id (Devkit, TestKit, Retail)
– Spoof FW (9.99, 5.55, Restore 5.05)
– UART (On, Off)
+ Section 3 (HDD Menu)
– Backup and restore App.db
– Decrypt and Dump FS (Reboot Required to avoid System problems)
– Dump misc (notifcation.db, SceShellCore)
– System Partition R/W (On/Off)
+ Section 4 (Misc)
– Linux Loader
– Reboot to Recovery
– Remove Parent Controls
– Update Blocker LITE (On/Off)
– Wipe notifications
+ Section 5 (Game)
– Lightbar changer (Green, Blue and Red) Orbisman is compatibe with PS4 firmwares 4.55 and 5.05.
Download Orbisman
You can Download Orbisman from the author’s site here.
via http://wololo.net/2018/09/19/release...-beta-for-ps4/
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