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May 21st, 2019, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Has your PSVita been having issues with its battery like showing an incorrect percentage or shutting off when the battery is allegedly half-full? If so, you’ll be pleased to hear that SKGleba has just released a plugin called batteryFixer which might fix these problems and also make your battery charge a tad faster!
From the plugin’s GitHub readme, the purpose of it is to reset battery information, to allow for recalibration, similar to what would happen if you physically disconnect the battery or execute a syscon keycombo. Other than resetting battery information, it also nukes temporary flags (crash/temperature/load/optimization) which SKGleba says are mostly useless and only serve to make the battery take longer to charge.
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May 21st, 2019, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
The next generation of gaming isn't quite here yet, but we're starting to see glimpses of what will be, through teases and hinting. Today, we got another look at what Sony has up its sleeves, during a corporate strategy meeting. Takashi Mochizuki, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal attended the meeting, where he took video of Sony showcasing "immersive" and "seamless" loading for their next-gen successor to the PlayStation 4.
•The two keywords for the future direction of PlayStation® are “immersive” and “seamless.”◦Next-generation console: “Immersive” experience created by dramatically increased graphics rendering speeds, achieved through the employment of further improved computational power and a customized ultra-fast, broadband SSD.
◦PlayStation streaming: Through the evolution of “Remote Play” and “PlayStation™Now,” provide a seamless game experience anytime, anywhere.◾Remote Play: Turns PlayStation®4(PS4™), which is expected to reach 100 million units in cumulative sales this calendar year, into a streaming game server, providing streaming content at the closest point to users.
◾PlayStation Now: Provides immersive game experiences to users regardless of whether they own a PS4 console at all.
•Sony will pursue its mission to make PlayStation “The Best Place to Play” by leveraging the latest computing, streaming, cloud, and 5G technologies, together with excellent content.◦As part of these efforts, Sony agreed to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Microsoft Corp. (Microsoft) to collaborate on the development of cloud solutions, including game streaming services.
In the footage, we can see Spider-Man running on a PlayStation 4 Pro, as well as the upcoming new PlayStation system. Quickly loading the game world on the PS4 Pro results in pauses for the game to render everything, while the "PS5" that's running the same game has no major loading times. According to the press release, this is partly due to "a customized, ultra-fast broadband solid state drive".
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May 20th, 2019, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Microsoft and Sony announced that they are forming a strategic partnership with one another, collaborating on cloud services and AI technology.
The two companies will work together on a number of technologies and solutions largely focused around Microsoft Azure's cloud services. This will include looking into ways Azure can be used with Sony's existing streaming services both for games and other content.
The pair will also look at improving AI technology for customers, working together on intelligent image sensor technology and incorporating the work Microsoft has already done with Azure on both AI and cloud, as well as Sony's understanding of image sensors and semiconductors.
"For many years, Microsoft has been a key business partner for us, though of course the two companies have also been competing in some areas," said Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida. "I believe that our joint development of future cloud solutions will contribute greatly to the advancement of interactive content. Additionally, I hope that in the areas of semiconductors and AI, leveraging each company's cutting-edge technology in a mutually complementary way will lead to the creation of new value for society."
"Sony has always been a leader in both entertainment and technology, and the collaboration we announced today builds on this history of innovation," said Satya Nadella, Microsoft's CEO. "Our partnership brings the power of Azure and Azure AI to Sony to deliver new gaming and entertainment experiences for customers."
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May 20th, 2019, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced today the launch of a new production studio called PlayStation Productions, which will adapt the company's video game IP into film and television series.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the studio is being led by Sony veteran Asad Qizilbash, whose most recent title was vice president, marketing exclusive games & Worldwide Studios IP expansion. The projects will be overseen by Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden.
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May 10th, 2019, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
A few days ago, TheFlow released his long-awaited Trinity Exploit for FW 3.69/3.70 and like h-encore, installing it requires a bit of work. Now, thanks to Bamhm182, liberating your FW 3.69/3.70 PSVita or PSTV can be done in a few clicks thanks to FinTrinity!
FinTrinity, by bamhm182, is a piece of software that automates the vast majority of the Trinity exploit installation process. It uses Python scripting to make things possible and while it’s still in development, it worked quite well in my experience and finished its job in a few seconds. As of right now, FinTrinity only supports Windows, has a pretty basic GUI (but it’s still enough for most users) and doesn’t allow you to choose between multiple game backups if you happen to have multiple PSP games backed up through QCMA as it automatically chooses for you.
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May 7th, 2019, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
After announcing it via a PSA in late March of the current year, TheFloW has finally released Trinity, the third public jailbreak for the PS Vita. Trinity relies on a PSP emulator escape exploit (as well as a MIPS and ARM kernel exploit) in order to work. You can see it in action in the following video shared by the developer himself:
If you've already followed the instructions written in the PSA back when it was originally posted then you can proceed to install the jailbreak right away. However, if you didn't, you will need to download any PSP game to your Vita first; a PSN account linked to your Vita is required to do so. Demos and minis are OK, while PS Classics and Vita games will not work. TheFloW recommends to download the following free demos based on your region: Ape Quest (EU or UK), LocoRoco Midnight Carnival (NA or SG), YS seven (JP). If you're on firmware 3.69, you will also need to either upgrade to 3.70 or set your connection's DNS to
Once you're ready, you can follow these instructions to install Trinity to your PS Vita:
1.Download and install qcma and psvimgtools (check the releases section for the binaries).
2.Start qcma and within the qcma settings set the option Use this version for updates to FW 0.00 (Always up-to-date) to spoof the System Software check.
3.Launch Content Manager on your PS Vita and connect it to your computer, where you then need to select PS Vita System -> PC, and after that you select Applications. Finally select PSP™/Other and click on the game that you want to turn into the Trinity exploit. If you see an error message about System Software, you should simply reboot your device to solve it (if this doesn't solve, then put your device into airplane mode and reboot). If this does still not work, then alternatively set DNS to to block updates.
4.Transfer the game over to your computer by clicking on Copy on your PS Vita. After copying, you go to the folder /Documents/PS Vita/PGAME/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/YYYYZZZZZ on your computer, where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is some string corresponding to your account ID and YYYYZZZZZ is the title id of the game that you've just copied over. You can look at the image at YYYYZZZZZ/sce_sys/icon0.png to verify that it is indeed your chosen game. Furthermore, the YYYYZZZZZ folder should contain these folders: game, license and sce_sys.
5.Before you attempt to modify the backup, you should make a copy of it. Just copy YYYYZZZZZ somewhere else, such that if you fail to follow the instructions, you can copy it back and retry.
6.Insert the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx string here. If the AID is valid, it will yield a key that you can now use to decrypt/re-encrypt your game.
7.Decrypt the game backup as follows (if you haven't installed psvimgtools yet, then just place them in the YYYYZZZZZfolder):
psvimg-extract -K YOUR_KEY game/game.psvimg game_dec
If done correctly, you should see an output like this:
creating file ux0: pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/EBOOT.PBP (x bytes)...
creating file ux0: pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/__sce_ebootpbp (x bytes)...
all done.
8.Download Trinity and copy the PBOOT.PBP file to game_dec/ux0_pspemu_temp_game_PSP_GAME_YYYYZZZZZ/PBOOT.PBP(the files EBOOT.PBP, __sce_ebootpbp and VITA_PATH.txt should exist in this folder). If PBOOT.PBP does already exist there, just overwrite it.
9.Now re-encrypt the backup similar to above:
psvimg-create -n game -K YOUR_KEY game_dec game
If done correctly, you should see an output like this:
adding files for ux0: pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ
packing file ux0: pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/EBOOT.PBP (x bytes)...
packing file ux0: pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/PBOOT.PBP (x bytes)...
packing file ux0: pspemu/temp/game/PSP/GAME/YYYYZZZZZ/__sce_ebootpbp (x bytes)...
created game/game.psvimg (size: x, content size: x)
created game/game.psvmd
10.Remove the game_dec folder and select Refresh database in qcma settings.
11.Now you need to copy back the modified backup to your PS Vita: Launch Content Manager on your PS Vita and connect it to your computer (if it's already open, just go back to the first menu), where you then need to select PC -> PS Vita System, and after that you select Applications. Finally select PSP™/Other and click on the modified game. Perform the copy operation and exit Content Manager.
12.In the livearea, the game should now have a different icon and should now be called Trinity. If not, please re-read the instructions more carefully and begin from fresh.
13.Turn on Wi-Fi, then reboot your device and straightly launch Trinity. Do not do anything else, otherwise the exploit will be less reliable. It is very important that you do not have any running downloads in background.
14.Enjoy the exploitation process and wait until it launches the Construct. If the exploit fails, simply rerun Trinity.
15.Within the Construct, select Download VitaShell, then Install HENkaku and finally Exit.
16.Congratulations, your device is now able to run homebrews. It is highly suggested that you downgrade your device to either firmware 3.60 or 3.65/3.67/3.68 using modoru. On 3.60, you can use HENkaku and on 3.65/3.67/3.68 you can use h-encore. If you don't downgrade your device now, you may lose the ability to launch Trinity later and therefore not be able to hack your device anymore.
The developer has stated that this will probably be his last Vita release. If you're interested in jailbreaking your vita it's strongly recommended you do so as soon as possible, as Sony could patch the needed exploits in a later firmware release.
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May 7th, 2019, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
Never say its impossible, as now the dream of having homebrew and (cough) other goodies on the PlayStation 3 SuperSlim running the latest firmware is now possible as an 'anonymous' developer has now release PS3HEN v2.00 into the wild, to lay 'cracked' eggs for your Sony breakfast! 
CHANGELOG - v2.0.0
- Fake flash is no longer used, in favor of on-the-fly patching
- Fixed blackscreen crashes
- Fixed random recovery kicks
- ISO support added
- PS3MAPI support can now read/set process mem using webman
- KW stealth extensions added
- Random lv2 panic fixed
- Added check in html for hen success
- Kernel plugins support
- Photo gui opcode support for webman
- Syscall 389/409 product mode check disabled
- Opcode 1339 added, returns HEN version (0x0200)
Click to expand... Please See the News Source Linked Below for all the latest Installation Info, Download Links, and Usage Warnings/Tips! 
NEWS SOURCE: PS3HEN v2.0.0 Official Update (via) PSX-Place
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/p...eleased.52546/
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May 7th, 2019, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts' Access subscription service will be available on PlayStation 4 from July this year.
EA Access was first announced in 2014, but it has only been available to users on Xbox One and PC. Speaking at the time, Sony stated that EA Access conflicted with its own subscription platform.
"PlayStation Plus memberships are up more than 200% since the launch of PlayStation 4, which shows that gamers are looking for memberships that offer a multitude of services, across various devices, for one low price," Sony said.
"We don't think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer."
That position has evidently softened over time, and EA Access will now launch on PlayStation 4 in July this year. The service will cost $4.99 a month, with annual subscriptions available for $29.99.
"As we continue to invest in digital and subscription services, bringing our games to even more people across both next generation consoles is an exciting opportunity for everyone," said Matt Bilbey, EA's executive vice president of strategic growth, in a statement.
"Our goal is to give players more choice to try and play our games wherever and however they choose, and we're happy to bring the service to PlayStation 4."
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May 1st, 2019, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Taking after the button remapping tool from the PlayStation Portable scene days (remaPSP), Rinnegatamante has released v1.0 of remaPSV, a tool which lets you remap the controls on the PlayStation Vita system. The major feature of remaPSV over the standard Vita button assignment function is to allow players to create custom button layouts on a per-game basis. The front and rear touchscreens can be mapped to physical buttons as well. Instructions on how to install the plugin are included below, in addition to the download link.
How to install
- Add remaPSV.suprx into your taiHen config file (under *ALL or whatever game you want to use it).
- Add ioplus.skprx into your taiHen config file (under *KERNEL)
- To bring the config menu, press START + Square in game.
- The config menu is ideated thinking at games running at 960x544 resolution. On games running on lower resolution the config menu won't properly display. You can however create config files from another game running at 960x544 and then rename it to make it work on a game running at lower res. You can also manually create config files (more info in the next paragraph). I sincerely hope someone stands up and writes a little homebrew to create said config files since the structure is pretty simple.
- For implementation simplicity, if a single Touch zone is remapped to a physical button, the touch panel will stop to work as meant originally (meaning the game won't receive touch inputs but instead only emulated physical buttons inputs.
- The same applies to Rear zones.
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May 1st, 2019, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Huge news for nonCFW compatible PS3 Models (SuperSlims and late Slim Models) as anonymous developer's have dropped a huge bombshell with the release of PS3HEN. Just recently we seen the release of HFW (Hybrid Firmware) for the PS3, proving once again that the development scene is still alive and kicking to bring a new window of exploration to 4.84 by bringing back a patched webkit (from 4.82) in a rather clever approach. Which restored the PS3Xploit Tools for 4.84 for both Custom Firmware Compatible Models (for CFW installs) and for nonCFW models that utilized the less powerful etHANel (aka HAN) exploit that with today's news will be an obsolete hack with the emergence of the PlayStation3 first HEN or otherwise known as a Homebrew ENabler. So, yes that means SuperSlim Console's and late Slims PS3 Models (aka nonCFW models) can now FINALLY enjoy PS3 Homebrew at last, but that is not all this PS3HEN release brings to the table. As there is a number of CFW patches / features that come along for the ride as well, while not on quite par with CFW functionality completely it does provide a number of functions that is very exciting and very close to a CFW experience (especially with homebrew support)..Some additional features include things like Boot-Plugin Support, BDISO Support, Cinavia patches are just a few of the features/patches you can see outlined in the release notes...
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May 1st, 2019, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Never say its impossible, as now the dream of having homebrew and (cough) other goodies on the PlayStation 3 SuperSlim running the latest firmware is now possible as an 'anonymous' developer has now release PS3HEN v1.02 into the wild, to lay 'cracked' eggs for your Sony breakfast!
- Renamed stackframe_v11.bin to stackframe.bin
- Added boot_plugins_nocobra.txt
- Added USB and HDD offline packages
- HAN-signed PS3HENtai package
- Fixed missing "Enable HEN" icon while CFW files are being used, with new USB and HDD offline packages
Click to expand... UPDATED
Download + Source Code: PS3HEN v1.0.2
What is HEN?:
- HEN stands for Homebrew ENabler. it also consists of many more new functions relatively close to a Custom Firmware (CFW)
How does it work?:
- Install HAN Enabler. Copy PS3HEN.BIN, HENTAI.pkg and stackframe.bin(READ:rename) to /dev_usb000 and run the HTML.
- Once done, go to Package manager and install the HENTAI.pkg and reboot console
- From now on to enable HEN simply use usb000 stackframe.bin and PS3HEN.BIN and run html...HEN ENABLED!
Noob Friendly Instructions (Added by psx-place.com thanks @Louay)
- Install HFW 4.84.2 (Found here) from Official firmware 4.84
- Then use HAN Installer to get Package Manger in XMB Game colmun
- Copy the 2 BINs (PS3HEN.bin + stackframe.bin) from download file (of PS3HEN v1.0.0) along with HENTAI.pkg to root of USB
- Install the HENTAI PKG via Package Manager on the XMB
- Use HEN Enabler @ ps3xploit.com website (there is offline see @esc0rtd3w twitter post or next tab)
- Now HEN is Enabled launch your chosen homebrew and run if it give you 80010017 then re use HEN Enabler cause it didn't activate properly
FEATURES (as of v1.00):
- ManaGunz backup manager works best for jb rips(ISO not supported)!
- MULTIMAN works too but compatibility is not the same.
- PSXISO Support is there!!!!
- BD/DVD Region patches
- BDISO support(stutter with xmb, use showtime)
- BOOT-PLUGINS WORK location "/dev_usb000/boot_plugins_nocobra.txt"(Use webman original one and not the mod one. also disable content scan on boot in settings)
- Discless games work with disc icon!
- Syscall 6 added
- Syscall 7 added (address>0x8000000000352230) and disabled overwriting syscall 0->15
- Syscall 15 added
- Syscall 8 opcodes added for detection HEN and for advanced lv2 poke(read DEVELOPER SECTION)
- Whole kernel memory RWX (execute kernel payload like this at high locations or hook syscalls etc)
- PS3MAPI support for modding
- Debug PKG install
- Homebrew resigned for 3.55 and less support!
- Homebrew Root Flags enabled!
- HAN PKG insall support
- PSN Connectivity
- All process executed after HEN have rwx permissions!
- HAN Enabled by default!
- CFW settings
- Retail/DEBUG pkg installation
- Unlink to Delete
- Remote play with PC
- Download debug pkg on retail
- Remote play ignores SFO check
- Cinavia protection
- videoplayer_plugin
- DVD region check (not cracking RCE)
- REBUG themed RCO & XML
- AIO copy
- if you get error 80010017 launching homebrew that simply means HEN failure, restart console and try again!(restart is important!)
- also try deleting cache, browsing data, cookies and the likes from browser, make the exploit page the home page
- Added by psx-place (via @esc0rtd3w) -msg source
- without boot_plugins_nocobra.txt file on usb000 it wont load WebMan at /dev_hdd0/plugins/webftp_server.sprx (/boot_plugins_nocobra.txt/file) Note: its actually not a problem or an issue. it prevents bad plugins from running
- Added by psx-place (via @habib) - msg Source
Error Code 80028f22 occurs with trying to launch currently unsupported ISO games (ps3) - Added by psx-place (via @habib)
Black screen occurs on homebrew when not re-signed or rarely occurs for no reason (hen failure)
- #define SYSCALL8_OPCODE_IS_HEN 0x1337
- using this if return 0x1337 its hen
- ADVANCED POKE:syscall8(0x7003, addr, value);
- this allows poking any location in lv2 memory BUT you have to restore original value before exiting to another application or exiting to xmb.USE WISELY OTHERWISE PS3 SHUTS DOWN
- BDMIRROR:Managunz FTW!(please use Cobra payload because by default its MULTIMAN)
- NOTE:mounting dev_blind will actually mount dev_flash. change files directly from dev_flash instead or hdd0/plugins/CFW/
- Kernel Mode returns 0x53434500 on success to user webkit 0x8a000000. its good to measure HEN success. right now hen is already close to or is 100%
Click to expand... WARNINGS
NEWS SOURCE: PS3HEN: A Homebrew ENabler (& more) for SuperSlim & all nonCFW PS3 Consoles !!! (via) PSX-Place
(Our special thanks to PSX-Place for the news story picture)
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April 29th, 2019, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Never say its impossible, as now the impossible dream of having latest homebrew and (cough) other goodies on the PlayStation 3 SuperSlim console running the latest v4.84 firmware is now possible as an 'anonymous' developer has release PS3HEN v1.00 into the wild, to lay 'cracked' eggs for your Sony gaming breakfast!
What is HEN?:
- HEN stands for Homebrew ENabler. it also consists of many more new functions relatively close to a Custom Firmware (CFW)
How does it work?:
- Use HAN Installer. Copy PS3HEN.BIN, HENTAI.pkg and stackframe.bin to /dev_usb000 and run the HTML.
- Once done, go to Package Manager (on XMB) and install the HENTAI.pkg and reboot console
- From now on to enable HEN simply use usb000 stackframe.bin and PS3HEN.BIN and run html...HEN ENABLED!
Click to expand... FEATURES (as of v1.00):
- ManaGunz backup manager works best for jb rips(ISO not supported)!
- MULTIMAN works too but compatibility is not the same.
- PSXISO Support is there!!!!
- BD/DVD Region patches
- BDISO support(stutter with xmb, use showtime)
- BOOT-PLUGINS WORK location "/dev_usb000/boot_plugins_nocobra.txt"(Use webman original one and not the mod one. also disable content scan on boot in settings)
- Discless games work with disc icon!
- Syscall 6 added
- Syscall 7 added (address>0x8000000000352230) and disabled overwriting syscall 0->15
- Syscall 15 added
- Syscall 8 opcodes added for detection HEN and for advanced lv2 poke(read DEVELOPER SECTION (next tab))
- Whole kernel memory RWX (execute kernel payload like this at high locations or hook syscalls etc)
- PS3MAPI support for modding
- Debug PKG install
- Homebrew resigned for 3.55 and less support!
- Homebrew Root Flags enabled!
- HAN PKG insall support
- PSN Connectivity
- All process executed after HEN have rwx permissions!
- HAN Enabled by default!
- CFW settings
- Retail/DEBUG pkg installation
- Unlink to Delete
- Remote play with PC
- Download debug pkg on retail
- Remote play ignores SFO check
- Cinavia protection
- videoplayer_plugin
- DVD region check (not cracking RCE)
- REBUG themed RCO & XML
- AIO copy
- if you get error 80010017 launching homebrew that simply means HEN failure, restart console and try again!(restart is important!)
- also try deleting cache, browsing data, cookies and the likes from browser, make the exploit page the home page
- #define SYSCALL8_OPCODE_IS_HEN 0x1337
- using this if return 0x1337 its hen
- ADVANCED POKE:syscall8(0x7003, addr, value);
- this allows poking any location in lv2 memory BUT you have to restore original value before exiting to another application or exiting to xmb.USE WISELY OTHERWISE PS3 SHUTS DOWN
- BDMIRROR:Managunz FTW!(please use Cobra payload because by default its MULTIMAN)
- NOTE:mounting dev_blind will actually mount dev_flash. change files directly from dev_flash instead or hdd0/plugins/CFW/
- Kernel Mode returns 0x53434500 on success to user webkit 0x8a000000. its good to measure HEN success. right now hen is already close to or is 100%
Click to expand... WARNINGS:
Download: PS3HEN v1.0 (mediafire mirror)
Other Mirrors SendSpace & @mirrored.to via twitter.com/notzecoxao
NEWS SOURCE: PS3HEN: A Homebrew ENabler (& more) for SuperSlim & all nonCFW PS3 Consoles !!! (via) PSX-Place
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April 29th, 2019, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has unveiled the first details of its successor to the PlayStation 4. Speaking with Wired, lead system architect Mark Cerny released a few details about the system, which he referred to as the "next-gen console" rather than the expected PlayStation 5.
First, it won't launch this year, although Sony has ramped up the distribution of dev kits to studios so they can work towards it. And when it does launch, it will have physical discs and be backwards compatible with the PlayStation 4.
One of the big advances in the hardware appears to be the introduction of a solid-state drive (SSD) that will work with the system to give faster results than using an SSD with the PS4 (something users can already do by purchasing and installing the SSD on their own). To demonstrate, Cerny showed Wired a version of Spider-Man running on a PS4 Pro with an SSD and compared it to the same game running on an early dev kit of the next-gen console with its SSD. The game's quick travel loading screen took 15 seconds on the PS4 Pro, compared to less than one second on the next-gen console dev kit.
Cerny declined to go into detail on the next system's plans for streaming games and virtual reality, but did say the company's "vision" on the former should become clear before launch, while the latter "is very important to us." He also confirmed that existing PSVR headsets would work with the new console.
As for other hardware details, the system CPU is based on a third-generation AMD Ryzen chip that has specialized support for 3D audio.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
A Wired reporter has revealed another insight about Sony's plans for its next console -- this time on the sensitive subject of pricing.
Speaking on Twitter, Wired senior correspondent Peter Rubin mentioned widespread discussion about the price of the next PlayStation, triggered by the new console's hardware specifications.
The key point in that discussion is the combination of a solid-state drive and a chip-set that will support ray-tracing and 8K resolution. In his interview with PlayStation architect Mark Cerny, Rubin raised the question of what the hardware will cost, but the comments were left out of the finished article.
"I believe that we will be able to release it at an SRP [suggested retail price] that will be appealing to gamers in light of its advanced feature set," Cerny said, when asked if the console will be within the "general range" of pricing laid out by previous PlayStation hardware.
Rubin pushed Cerny for more, interpreting his response as, "meaning that it may cost a bit more but what you're getting is well worth it." However, Cerny declined to comment further.
Other features revealed in Wired's article earlier this week included support for PlayStation VR and backwards compatibility -- a feature that many feel is lacking in the PlayStation 4.
With the console's launch not until 2020, Sony has plenty of time to convince itself of what consumers will find "appealing." However, there is historical evidence that even its more committed fans are reluctant to pay above a certain price, regardless of technical sophistication.
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April 29th, 2019, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released its financial results for the past year, reporting $78.1 billion in revenue thanks to a surge in PlayStation 4 software sales.
For the 12 months ended March 31, 2019, the company's overall sales and operating revenue remained largely flat -- up just 1% year-on-year to ¥8.665 trillion ($78.14 billion). Operating income, meanwhile, rose by 22% to ¥894.2 billion ($8.06 billion).
The solid results were attributed to a "significant increase in game and network services segment sales", offsetting a significant drop in sales from the mobile communications segment, which handles Sony's smartphone business.
Looking specifically at the games segment, sales revenue surged by 19% year-on-year to ¥2.311 trillion ($20.7 billion). This is thanks to an increase in game software sales, and the growing subscriber base for PlayStation Plus. These also boosted operating income to ¥311.1 billion ($2.78 billion).
PS4 hardware sales, meanwhile, declined and Sony expects this trend to continue in the next year. Having sold 19 million units in the previous financial year, the PlayStation 4 shifted 17.8 million units over the past 12 months -- this is expected to drop to 16 million for FY19.
This is, in part, due to the console being at the tail end of its lifecycle, and the shadow of the recently detailed PlayStation 5 (still referred to only as "the next generation console" by Sony) on the horizon. In fact, Sony expects that a decline in hardware sales will keep sales revenues flat for the next financial year, with forecasts of ¥2.3 trillion ($20.59 billion).
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April 29th, 2019, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
Downloaded games have quickly come to dominate PlayStation Now, proving twice as popular as streamed titles on Sony's on-demand service.
PlayStation Now launched as a streaming service in 2014, and Sony only added the option to download games from its catalogue in September 2018. As Sony chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki explained in a call with investors last week, the feature was added, "for users who want to enjoy gameplay without worrying about the network connections."
The move has proved to be decisive in terms of user retention and engagement, Totoki said. Seven months on from the feature being added, downloaded games receive double the amount of gameplay time compared to streamed titles.
Microsoft chose the download model for its own on-demand service, Xbox Game Pass, and the fact that it has made such an immediate impact on PlayStation Now raises questions about the quality of experience a game streaming service can provide at present. It should be noted, of course, that Microsoft is also preparing to launch its own streaming service, with the first public tests scheduled to take place later this year.
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April 12th, 2019, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
VitaHex, a developer famous for making PS Vita games inspired from other games, has released his spin on the Dark Souls franchise.
The game has similar elements to the Souls games. There is a large map to explore filled with deadly enemies.
Combat system works well, basic combo attacks and rolling are there. It is very important to lock on you enemy before going for an attack by pressing the down arrow key. You start the game with 3 health potions only, so use them wisely.
There are no checkpoints or save options yet and all the menus are missing but I’m working on all those elements and they will slowly appear in future versions of the game.
You can download Fallen Knights at the following url
To install the vpk on your homebrew enabled PS Vita I recommend to use VitaShell. Also it is recommended to have the reF00D plugin installed.
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April 12th, 2019, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
REVita’s competition for the PSVita was apparently initiated sometime yesterday on Twitter with the creation of their @REPSP2 account and a tweet announcing the competition.
Unfortunately, information about this game jam isn’t centralised in one place as the people behind it didn’t create a website but the following important information could be condensed from a series of tweets/replies:
- All entries must be submitted until April 23rd
- While this sounds short, it is important to note that game jams are meant to be short as the point behind them is to entice developers to come up with original ideas and develop a prototype for them in a short amount of time.
- Sometimes, prototypes that win competitions are later developed into full games
- Entries must be original games
- Initially, ports and engine re-implementations were allowed but the person(s) behind REVita decided to bar them some time after the competition was announced
- Multiple entries per person are allowed although only one can win a prize
- Existing projects can’t be submitted although if they receive substantial updates, they can be
- Prizes can be won by people from any country and entries can make use of virtually any software they wish such as Lua Player Plus (excellent way to start coding if you have no or limited programming experience and it requires very little setting up!), GameMaker (through G*Maker), Unity, VitaSDK and RPGMaker
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