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September 12th, 2019, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
According to information from its GitHub page and Discord channel, work on PS4Delta started sometime this August and is currently in very early stages meaning that it won’t let you play or even boot any PS4 games just yet. Contrary to other emulation solutions, PS4Delta is not an emulator in the traditional sense but a compatibility layer similar to WINE in which HLE (High Level Emulation) is achieved rather than LLE (Low Level Emulation) meaning that it doesn’t work by imitating the behaviour of PS4 hardware devices through virtualisation.
However, it works by translating PS4 system calls into native calls for Windows which is possible because the PS4 uses x86-64 architecture which is the same one used by the vast majority of modern PCs. On a different note, it’s important to mention that PS4Delta is completely open-source and written in C++ so anybody with knowledge in emulation can contribute to its development. (GitHub link below)
PS4Delta’s Discord Invite (discussion about what’s going on): https://discordapp.com/invite/yVbPkmc
PS4Delta’s GitHub (source code): https://github.com/Force67/ps4delta
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September 11th, 2019, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
US retailer GameStop is confident it will still thrive when the next generation of consoles arrives, despite the industry's ongoing shift towards direct digital sales.
During an earnings call following the firm's latest financials, the management was asked how it expected sales to be split between physical and digital during the PlayStation 5 and Project Scarlett console cycle.
While he didn't offer an exact percentage, CEO George Sherman did say he expected a "mix between physical and digital games," according to Seeking Alpha's transcript.
"Our assumption is that [games will] launch in both formats with the new cycle just as they do now," he said. "And our assumption is that we'll have a piece of both businesses.
"Obviously we have a very, very significant share when it comes to physical games. Physical games are still a significant portion of the overall gaming industry today."
He continued, "I think it's fair to say that, historically, we probably had a preference for physical games versus digital games and we've been clear to say both internally and externally that we're going to be agnostic and it has to be the customer's choice, as to which we may sell."
Sherman added that GameStop is working to make the sales process for its own digital products "easier, more streamlined, more embedded."
Meanwhile, CFO Jim Bell emphasised that both Microsoft and Sony have confirmed their next consoles will have physical disc drives and offer backwards compatibility, meaning current gen titles could still generate sales.
The concern about the physical/digital split is understandable. With both Xbox and PlayStation offering direct sales via their respective stores, the need for consumers to use a traditional retail store has diminished.
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September 6th, 2019, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
On the PSVita front, we have an update to EDuke32 Vita which is a port of the popular Duke3D engine EDuke32 which comes with various features such as support for rendering at higher resolutions and great mod support. Now, Rinnegatamante has updated the PSVita’s port to version 1.6 which brings along:
- BAT scripts can now be used which let you easily define custom launching parameters
- Support for GRP files in SSI format has been added
- Support for internal MID tracks has been added
- Overwriting savefiles now works
- Minor improvements including improved engine time accuracy, a better cache size detector and minor fixes to prevent memory corruption
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September 6th, 2019, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
If you’re not in the loop when it comes to PSC hacking, BleemSync is the earliest and most well-known comprehensive hacking solution for the mini-console.
With BleemSync, you can unleash the power of your PlayStation Classic and turn it into the ultimate cheap emulation machine! (Image Source)
Compared to other hacking solutions like AutoBleem and RetroBoot, its main aim is to provide a feature packed experience that lets you make use of everything that the PlayStation Classic has to offer including the ability to play its built-in games, add your own games, use emulators and network support among others.
Other than a large amount of features, it also receives updates every few months and now, BleemSync 1.2.0 has landed with the following new stuff:
- The built-in version of RetroArch has been updated to version 1.7.8 which was released last week
- This update comes with lots of features such as an AI service that enables text-to-speech and translation among other things. More about the RA update can be read here.
- Folders, which are managed on-console with an application created specifically for that purpose
- Both stock and external games can be put in folders
- Network support has been added which lets you update RetroArch cores/assets, play certain multiplayer games online and more
- There doesn’t seem to be a list containing all supported WiFi/Ethernet adapters but it’s been confirmed that the TP-Link WN725, ASUS AC-53 NANO, Insignia Gigabit Ethernet are supported. Included network modules can be found here.
- An on-console game manager allowing you to edit game entries and remove them without having to use a PC
- Various improvements and fixes such as better serial identification in the Transfer Tool, a better game database and a fix for issues relating to launching multi-disc games with the built-in emulators
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September 4th, 2019, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
It's the first Tuesday of September, which means that PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download the September PS+ games without paying retail price. This month offers Batman: Arkham Knight and Darksiders III.
Batman: Arkham Knight
Quoted from PlayStation Store:
In the explosive finale to the Arkham series, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city he is sworn to protect. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. Batman: Arkham Knight introduces Rocksteady's uniquely designed version of the Batmobile, which is drivable for the first time in the franchise. The addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed gameplay of the Batman Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City. Be The Batman.
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Darksiders III
Quoted from PlayStation Store:
Return to an apocalyptic Earth in Darksiders III, a hack-n-slash Action Adventure where players assume the role of FURY in her quest to hunt down and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins. The most unpredictable and enigmatic of the Four Horsemen, FURY must succeed where many have failed – to bring balance to the forces that now ravage Earth. Darksiders III is the long-anticipated, third chapter in the critically-acclaimed Darksiders franchise.
• Play as FURY - a mage who must rely on her whip and magic to restore the balance between good and evil on Earth!
• Harness FURY’s magic to unleash her various forms – each granting her access to new weapons, moves and traversal abilities.
• Explore an open-ended, living, free-form game world in which FURY moves back and forth between environments to uncover secrets while advancing the story.
• Defeat the Seven Deadly Sins and their servants who range from mystical creatures to degenerated beings.
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September 3rd, 2019, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
edgbla's Software Rendering Plugin v1.64 is released. This is a Russian GPU plugin for Sony PlayStation emulators.
edgbla's Software Rendering Plugin main features:
• Interlace mode emulation;
• Screen settings emulation;
• Final Fantasy 8 pre battle effect emulation;
• Pixel perfect geometry (I hope. );
• Method of reducing vertex jittering (pcsxr);
Other features:
• 16/32-bit software renderer;
• Increased internal resolution;
• Texture bilinear filtering;
• Support for gpuPeteOGL2 glsl shaders;
• Fullscreen filters;
• High precision GPU commands emulation;
• Correct polygon cutting;
• Precise dithering;
• Correct aspect ratio;
• Controlling the plugin with keyboard/mice/joystics;
• 9 lightgun crosshairs;
• Screenshot creation, video recording;
Known issues:
• Increasing the internal resolution causes visual artifacts;
• The picture is rendered incorrectly when rotated 90 or 270 degrees;
edgbla's Software Rendering Plugin v1.64 Changelog:
The documentation and tips in the settings dialog may contain errors or may not contain information on some features, there is no time to fix it.
When using multithreading, remember:
Setting the number of threads above the number of physical cores reduces the FPS;
The renderer takes all of these streams at 100%;
For 1x1 internal resolution, multithreading reduces FPS;
The higher the internal resolution, the greater the gain from multithreading.
To achieve maximum performance, you must turn off energy-saving technologies.
Multithreaded blitter increases FPS only at very high resolutions, so do NOT enable it.
Under Linux, there is an unpleasant moment - the PCSXR emulator sets the ./pcsxr/plugins directory as the current one, and the EPSXE emulator sets the ./epsxe directory as the current one, so far it is decided to create symbolic links.
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September 3rd, 2019, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
In other news, the PSP (and PSVita, by extension) also saw some love a few hours ago as Chovy GM got released which is a tool letting you port over GameMaker 8.1/8/7 games to the PSP by simply specifying a StandAlone Executable file and building an ISO. According to its GitHub release page, it makes use of the GameMaker Runner found in Karoshi’s PSP port which is a highly experimental build never released to the general public for standard development.
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September 3rd, 2019, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
As the PlayStation 3’s online gaming servers are still up and running, one of the first orders of business when a new firmware is out is an update to SEN Enabler. SEN Enabler is a homebrew utility for hacked PlayStation 3 consoles running a CFW that lets you spoof your firmware version, disable CFW syscalls and patch your MAC address among other things.
Following FW 4.85’s release a few days ago, SEN Enabler 6.2.3 got released and it comes with the following features:
- Ability to set the spoofed version to 4.85
- Support for Cobra 4.85 CEX
- Spoof and hash fix support for 4.85 CFW Cobra CEX
As usual, it’s important to note that using SEN Enabler will not reduce your chance of getting banned to 0% but it can drastically reduce the chances of it happening if used properly.
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September 3rd, 2019, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Contrary to popular belief, FW 3.71 brought a bit more than fixes to PSPEMU and the rest of the system to patch TheFlow’s Trinity exploit chain since it also changed some stuff in lv0. According to SKGleba in this Reddit thread, Sony added some checks in lv0 preventing modoru from working correctly and in order to get around them, one has to load an older ‘update_sm’ module that doesn’t have the checks included. In order to achieve this, SKGleba released dsll-mdr72 which lets you load a less secure version of the ‘update_sm’ module on FW 3.71/3.72 thereby getting past the checks Sony introduced and allowing modoru to work correctly!
Apparently, creating dsll-mdr72 was no easy feat as SKGleba ended up not sleeping in 34 hours in order to deliver a functional and tested product for the PSVita community to enjoy.
In order to downgrade your FW 3.71/3.72 PSVita or PSTV, you have to follow these steps as outlined in this PasteBin guide:
- First, you need to download a few files (links included in PasteBin guide) in order to get you started which include:
- The FW 3.65 and FW 3.72 PUP files
Downgrading from FW 3.71/3.72 is pretty easy and only requires you to do a little work in order to make modoru work properly!
- Modoru
- dsll-mdr72
- A decrypted version of FW 3.65’s ‘update_sm’ lv0 module
- Make sure you’ve run h-encore² to enable homebrew loading
- Copy the FW 3.65 PUP file to ‘ux0:app/MODORU000/PSP2UPDAT.PUP’ and the FW 3.72 PUP file to ‘ux0:data/PSP2/UPDATE/PSP2UPDAT.PUP’
- Place the decrypted ‘update_sm’ module you downloaded in ‘ux0:data/update_sm.bin’
- Install Modoru’s and dsll-mdr72’s VPK on your PSVita via VitaShell
- Restart your PSVita and run h-encore² to re-enable homebrew
- Open the ‘decsecldr[LITE]’ bubble (i.e dsll-mdr72), wait until it says ‘Module Loaded’ and then press ‘START’ to exit
- As the application’s success rate is around 25%, the application may crash or hang, if these happen do a force restart by holding the power button after 30 seconds of nothing happening
- After the above step is successful, it’s recommended to make sure that the module loading was stable by opening some apps such as the ‘Settings’ and ‘Welcome Park’ apps
- Open modoru and downgrade as normal
- If you get a long floating bubble before Modoru starts , reboot your device and repeat from step 7
- If the downgrade process crashes, reboot to safe mode by pressing ‘PS (PS button) +RT (Right Trigger)+POWER’ and navigate to ‘update system firmware->update from vita memory card’ in order to reinstall FW 3.72 and try again
- Enjoy your FW 3.65 PSVita and remember to install HENkaku Ensō!
While the guide is specific to FW 3.65, you can easily use it to downgrade to another FW by substituting the FW 3.65 PUP file with another one like FW 3.60’s PUP file for example. A full list of PUP files can be found here – make sure to download the ones in the ‘Complete Official Firmwares’ section!
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September 3rd, 2019, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
SKGleba’s unofficial Modoru 2.0 was released following his recent success in enabling modoru to work on FW 3.71/3.72, first through code execution in F00D and now using a more reliable method!
SKGleba’s Modoru 2.0 makes downgrading from FW 3.71/3.72 stupidly easy so everybody on these firmwares should probably do it since PSN can be accessed on lower firmwares through spoofing!
According to its changelog, his unofficial version of Modoru brings along:
- Support for firmware 3.71/3.72
- This means that you don’t need to use dsll-mdr72 and go through the process of loading an older system module in order to use modoru. All you need to do is just copy the target PUP file to ‘ux0:app/MODORU000/PSP2UPDAT.PUP’
- The current and minimum FW versions are now shown before battery/PUP checks
- SKGleba forgot to change the version information in the LiveArea and as a result, it still shows version 1.0. A commit fixing this change has been pushed so an updated VPK should come soon.
Obviously, you need to grab a PUP file in order to downgrade your PSVita and to do that you can check out this page by Darthsternie. Unless you have a special PSVita model, you have to download a file from the ‘Complete Official Firmwares’ section – it’s generally recommended to downgrade to either FW 3.60 (what I personally use) or FW 3.65 as anything below 3.60 has limited native hack support and anything above FW 3.65 doesn’t support HENkaku Enso.
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August 30th, 2019, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
On other news, the PSVita’s port of the Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold engine (BStone Vita) has received a pretty beefy update which fixes a long list of minor yet noticeable issues. If you don’t know what Blake Stone is, it’s a FPS game released in 1993 based on Wolfenstein 3D’s engine with some enhancements like interactive map elements and textured floors/ceilings.
If you’re a fan of Wolfenstein 3D then Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold is a title you should probably check out even more so that the Vita port received an update full of fixes and extra polish!
In it, you play as a British intelligence agent that’s trying to stop Dr. Pyrus Goldfire from taking over the world using genetically-engineered aliens, humans and mutants.
The aforementioned beefy update, with version number 0.3, brings about the following:
- Functionality to choose between previous/next weapon was added and could be triggered by touching the touchscreen’s top area and hitting ‘O’ (circle button)
- Joystick sensitivity can now be adjusted in-game
- The X/O buttons now function as expected in menus and the sound volume menu got a cosmetic fix
- Some crashes and out of memory errors were fixed
- Fadein tearing no longer occurs and the game’s engine was updated to version 1.1.13 (the upstream version of BStone)
- The save format changed so previous saves aren’t compatible!
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August 30th, 2019, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
A few days ago, CBPS Team released Chovy Sign which is a hacking tool that allows you to run any PSP backup of your choice on PSVita FW 3.71.
If you’re an unlucky soul with a PSVita on FW 3.71, you’ll be pleased to know that you can play any PSP game you want on it with Chovy Sign!
This release, which is part of Project Chovy, was pretty significant as this firmware has no native hacks available for it (i.e HENkaku) since it fully patched TheFlow’s Trinity Exploit chain. Using it isn’t too difficult provided you follow a guide (such as this one) but it requires you to have a functional Windows PC with QCMA installed so make sure you get stuff ready before loading on a bunch of PSP games on your FW 3.71 PSVita or PSTV!
Now, it has been updated to Pubic Beta 2 and this comes with the following changes:
- The binaries now work on 32-bit installations of Windows so if your only Windows PC is pretty ancient, you’re in luck!
- ISOs for Minis now show the Minis bootscreen
- Improved exception handling (i.e less crashes and a more robust application overall)
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August 29th, 2019, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s on a roll, bringing firmware updates to not just one, but two of its legacy systems. Released today was OFW 4.85 for the PlayStation 3, which “improves system performance”. If you’re looking to get a PS3 and are afraid of this being an unhackable firmware, worry not, as scene dev Joonie has already released an exploit for 4.85. However, there is no reason to currently update to that firmware at this time, as not all of the standard hacked PS3 tools are available on the new HFW 4.85.1 just yet.
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August 29th, 2019, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Despite Vita's long ride into the sunset, Sony is still releasing anti-hacking firmware for the handheld.
As reported by Kotaku, Vita hacker Andy Nguyen -- responsible for the recent Trinity Exploit -- this week revealed a new hack, h-encore².
Unlike previous hacks, h-encore² doesn't require a PSP, and can be done directly onto the Vita system.
However, Sony shut it down almost immediately, and released a firmware update that "improves system performance."
Posting on Twitter, Nguyen said: "Welp, Sony doesn't want to see us having fun. They just released FW 3.72 which blacklisted the userland exploit."
Over the past year, Sony has been slowly scaling back its support for the Vita, ending game card production in the US and Europe, console shipping, and the roster of free monthly games with PlayStation Plus.
Despite this, the Vita still enjoys a certain level of popularity in Japan -- where game cartridges are still being produced -- meaning Sony still has a vested interest in maintaining security for the near future.
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August 28th, 2019, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Coming as a complete surprise is a brand new release of h-encore² for the PlayStation Vita. TheFloW is back, bringing hack support for PlayStation Vita systems on firmwares 3.65 up to the new, previously unhacked 3.71. As other variations of h-encore, this custom firmware allows users to make kernel modifications, resulting in plugin support, changing the default clock speed, and of course, running homebrew. You can grab the new release right now, but you'll want to make sure you have a few tools at your disposal, to get everything working. You'll need a Vita on any of the aforementioned firmware versions (3.65+), a memory card if you have an OLED model, a link to an existing PlayStation Network account, qcma, psvimgtools, and pkg2zip (download links in the source). Then, the last thing you will require is a DRM-free demo of a game called bitter smile, which is used as h-encore²'s entry point. This marks the first time that 3.71 has been cracked, after its release back in late July. If you've been stuck on 3.71, now is the perfect time to join the exploited PlayStation Vita club. The full instructions have been included, below.
Regardless, you'll likely want to grab bitter smile as soon as you possibly can, just in case.
- Download h-encore² and extract it on your computer.
- Download and install qcma, psvimgtools and pkg2zip (check the releases section for the binaries).
If you don't know where to put psvimgtools and pkg2zip binaries, just put them in the h-encore-2 folder. - Download the vulnerable DRM-free demo of bitter smile (yes, that's the user entry point).
- Extract the demo using this command in terminal/cmd:
pkg2zip -x PATH_OF_PKG
This will output the files to app/PCSG90096. - Copy the contents of the output app/PCSG90096 to the folder h-encore-2/app/ux0_temp_game_PCSG90096_app_PCSG90096(such that the files eboot.bin and VITA_PATH.TXT are within the same folder).
- Copy the license file app/PCSG90096/sce_sys/package/temp.bin to the folder
h-encore-2/license/ux0_temp_game_PCSG90096_license_app_PCSG90096 and rename the just pasted file temp.bin to 6488b73b912a753a492e2714e9b38bc7.rif. Be careful with the file extension, it should not be .rif.bin. Again, this file should be in the same folder as VITA_PATH.TXT. - Start qcma and within the qcma settings set the option Use this version for updates to FW 0.00 (Always up-to-date)to spoof the System Software check.
- Launch Content Manager on your PS Vita and connect it to your computer, where you then need to select PC -> PS Vita System, and after that you select Applications. If you see an error message about System Software, you should simply reboot your device to solve it (if this doesn't solve, then put your device into airplane mode and reboot). If this does still not work, then alternatively set DNS to to block updates. This should create a folder at PS Vita/APP/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on your computer (see qcma settings where this folder is), where the folder xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx represents the AID (account ID that is 16 characters long) that you need to insert here. If the AID is valid, it will yield a key that you can now use to encrypt the demo.
- Change directory to the h-encore-2 folder in terminal/cmd and use the key to encrypt all folders using (make sure you don't confuse the key with the AID, the key is 64 characters long!):
psvimg-create -n app -K YOUR_KEY app PCSG90096/app
psvimg-create -n appmeta -K YOUR_KEY appmeta PCSG90096/appmeta
psvimg-create -n license -K YOUR_KEY license PCSG90096/license
psvimg-create -n savedata -K YOUR_KEY savedata PCSG90096/savedata
The folder h-encore-2/PCSG90096 should then contain sce_sys and all 4 folders from above, and within these folders you should find files called X.psvimg and X.psvmd, where X has the same name as the folder. Backup this folder, since if everything has been done correctly, you don't need to redo all the steps to install it onto another device with the same PSN account. - Copy the folder h-encore-2/PCSG90096 to PS Vita/APP/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/PCSG90096 and then select Refresh databasein qcma.
- The h-encore² bubble with a size of around 243 MB should now appear in the Content Manager and that's what you finally need to transfer to your PS Vita. If the size does not match or you get the error C2-12858-4, then it's because you did not do it correctly! Please re-read the instructions more carefully then. If you get the error You can only copy applications that your account is the owner of, then it's because you have used an AID that is not of your account, go back to step 8.
- Launch h-encore² to exploit your device (if a message about trophies appears, simply click yes). The screen should first flash white, then purple, and finally open a menu called h-encore bootstrap menu where you can download VitaShell and install HENkaku. If it prompts the error Cannot start this application. C0-11136-2, then it's because you did not do step 6. correctly.
- Enjoy. Note that you have to relaunch the exploit everytime you reboot or shutdown your device. Of course if you only put your device into standby mode, you don't need to relaunch.
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August 28th, 2019, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
The updates just don't stop coming today: first the 3DS, and now it's the PS Vita's turn... however, unlike its competitor, things already seem to be bad right from the get-go. System software 3.72 has just landed and it aims to block h-encore², aka TheFloW's updated h-encore exploit for firmware versions 3.65-3.71, which was released only a few hours ago. This was achieved by adding Bitter Smile (the game used by the aforementioned tool as its entry point) to the title revoke list, thus blocking it from working to work on this system version. No official changelog is available just yet, but it doesn't look like any new features were added either.
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August 26th, 2019, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
For all the hype and attention that surrounds them, AAA video games are generally regarded as manufactured and impersonal. Anything that requires hundreds of hands to produce may be a masterful example of craft, but that scale and sweep comes at the expense of a little soul.
Look closely, though, and you might see the personalities of those who labour to make the industry's blockbusters shining through. At Devcom 2019, Insomniac Games' Jason Hickey proved as much with his talk on Marvel's Spider-Man, and how the streets and alleys of its virtual New York City are teeming with nods to the individual passions of its creators.
When preparing the talk, Hickey said, he was guided by one question: "What did I do that, if I wasn't there, wouldn't have gone in the game -- or maybe would have gone in a different way?"
He grouped these personal touches into three broad categories, the most intriguing of which was "history and culture." As lead environment artist, Hickey was able to scatter details throughout the map that made the space feel as diverse as its real-world counterpart, while also paying tribute to both the light and the dark of its long history.
"The history of America is in New York City. And a part of that, of course, is the very dark days before the progressive days today" "The history of America is in New York City," he said. "And a part of that, of course, is the very dark days before the progressive days today. The slave trade started on Wall Street. Then there's the civil rights movement, LGBTQ+ rights; all of that kind of stuff happened in New York, and sent big waves across America and the world."
A movement very close to Hickey's heart is Pride, and as much as 30% of New York's Chelsea neighbourhood identifies as LGBTQ+. "It is one of the most densely populated areas in the world for Pride," Hickey said. "That is super important; this is where Stonewall happened, which is a milestone in gay rights."
Hickey discussed a way to represent Pride in the game with Insomniac's art team, and then proposed an idea to CEO Ted Price and creative director Bryan Intihar. They would create a vast mural of the iconic, rainbow coloured Pride flag and place it on a wall in the game's version of Chelsea. Capturing a photo of the Pride mural's location was one of Spider-Man's "Secret Photo Ops," so Pride "is actually part of the game."
"They were super, super supportive," Hickey said of Price and Intihar. "It's kind of sad that I felt like I had to ask, when I didn't really need to ask in the end.... I was able to do something I wanted to do, and they supported me on that. But even better, when the game came out everybody went mad for it. People were super excited."
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August 20th, 2019, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony may start bringing PlayStation exclusives to other platforms. In an interview with Bloomberg this week, Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden suggested the company's stance toward its first-party titles may be changing.
"We must support the PlayStation platform -- that is nonnegotiable," Layden said. "That said, you will see in the future some titles coming out of my collection of studios which may need to lean into a wider installed base."
The Bloomberg article's context suggest Layden was referring not to PlayStation games appearing on Nintendo or Microsoft consoles, but to PC versions of multiplayer titles designed with that platform in mind.
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