August 23rd, 2005, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
Yoyofr, Laxer3a and Thunder have released a new version of what is the best Snes emulator for the PSP, heres the news from the Official Site
This version should be a lot more stable than previous one, especially regarding memstick corruption & freezing issues.
However, shit happens, so remember to backup all of your critical data/saves, ... ;-)
Remember to use the OFFICIAL FORUM for BUGS and FEEDBACK, since we don't have so many time to spend
on the various forums, we'll mainly check our one.
[FIX] psp accelerated rendering fixed
[FIX] fixed crashing bug with mosaic effects & psp accelerated modes
[FIX] fixed sleep/resume freeze
[FIX] lots of small fixes in emulation core, gui, browser, ...
[NEW] snes BRR decoding in mips assembly (sample decoding, sounds better in man games)
[NEW] snes cpu/hdma optimization
[NEW] ppu optimization (FF6 is eventually playable)
[NEW] implement snesadvance "speedhacks"
[NEW] gui cosmetic enhancements & fixes (correct time, ...)
[NEW] new ppu hacks mode to speed up emulation
[NEW] autosave sram shortly after being modified (usually 1second)
[NEW] auto savestate every n minutes
[NEW] import savestate from uoSnes9x or Zsnes
Get some here : Zsnes save state archive
just place the .zsX file in your psp and use the "Import savestate" menu option
[NEW] help, press Triangle on a menu option
[NEW] started internationalizing (english, french, japanese) (only for menu help, not complete)
[NEW] disable savings features when battery too low (avoid memstick corruption)
[NEW] mode 7 hack to speed up a bit the rendering
[NEW] option to render PAL games as NTSC games (get ride of black border at bottom)
[NEW] per game settings.
Use the "Save settings as DEFAULT settings" to define the default settings applied to every game at first launch.
Use the SQUARE button in file browser to bypass ROM specific settings and use the default ones instead.
Settings are saved on a per game basis, the settings file is created at first menu access after loading a new game.
[NEW] configurable inputs
Nice icon by Pochi </blockquote>
Remember to give a little donation to them for their great work 
Download from the Official Site or our Snes9x tyl page Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/snespsp_tyl.shtml
Discuss this release Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9668
Thanks to Yoyofr /Laxer3a and Thunder for a great release 
For more information and downloads, click here!
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