For the best music experience we recommend playing with head/earphones.
This version has a different folder tree than the last, so it's reccomended to backup your old song folder from your memory stick, removing 0.1, and installing 0.2 fresh.
The songs included in this version are different than the songs that were included in this version, so remember to copy them into version 0.2 before you delete them if you want to keep the original songs!
For most game screens:
X - Select/Accept
/\ - Go Back / Cancel
Song Select Sreen:
[] - Song Options
LEFT / RIGHT - Change Song Difficulty (some songs may only have 1)
Main Game:
UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGT are used in conjunction with /\ / X / [] / O to hit arrows
Version History:
7/04/06 - 0.2
-Added theme support for loading custom graphics
-Added an options menu to the song select screen accessible by pressing SQUARE)
-Arrow Speed Modifiers available in the song options menu (see above)
-Preliminary support for song Freezes (Like in Sandstorm)
-OGG Music files are now supported
-JPG Background files are now supported
-Beginner "feet" color added
-Music preview plays for selected song at song select screen
-Marathon songs are now supported
-Letter grades are now awarded at the song score screen
-Song difficulty selection is now sorted easiest(left) to hardest(right)
-Holds are now active a little longer after button release
-Song select screen now scrolls the list with more than 18 entries
-Missed steps now are now counted as soon as they go out of "boo" range
-Combo numbers are now outlined for more definition
-Top arrows are lit up to match the song's beat
-Game now runs at the default CPU speed (222mhz) (reduces battery usage)
-Graphics mode now 32-bit
-Combo counter during gameplay now displays up to 4 digits
-Putting the PSP into suspend mode during a song will return game to main menu when resumed
-MP3's (along with OGG's) are now streamed from the Memory Stick during play
-Speed improvement when flipping through song lists
-Much improved error handling throughout the game
-Support for a wider variety of song banners (will rotate/resize them into place)
-Increased Song Compatibility
-Changed how some song's are synced
-Arrow's should no longer "drift" slightly out of sync during the duration of a song
-Fixed reading of interlaced PNG files which would previously crash song select screen
-Fixed rare cases of broken hold notes
-Fixed rare case of songs missing the first couple of steps
-Fixed bug where holds very close to a step on same column being hit with the step hit
-Fixed missing difficulty text during game and score screen
-Pressing several buttons at once no longer crashes song select screen
-No longer need to change the folder name for v2.0+ Eboot Loaders
-Fixed a small memory leak which could cause crashes after numerous songs are played.
-Fixed a bug where arrows would stop coming up during gameplay
-Other minor bug fixes
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