The Coder who is behind the NeoGeo CD Emulator for Windows called NEOGEO CDZ Emulator has released his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr (although Zelurker has updated his version to 0.7.1 now). The translation from google is poor as usual but here it is:
<blockquote>How it made without. It is private correction edition of NEOCDPSP 0.5. (The after of the 0.5, being kind of to be advanced to the direction which just a little is different)
All sources are rewritten around video and excluding the dependence processing part of the PSP.
Temporarily because it just tried to move, whether it is heavy from the first, (the PSP procuring, because it is third day, permitting, the く put out the ぇ).
Being to become heavy you do not attach the luster processing and load picture.
Because it raises the source cord/code in the next few days, the lawn tide waiting. </blockquote>
Anyone who can translate it better please do.
Anywa download this new release and let us know if its any better in any areas, downloads and feedback via comments