The cel-shaded roller-blading graffiti-painting Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio is coming to Vita on 20th November, with iOS and Android versions to follow on 29th November, Sega has announced.Since the 20th is a Tuesday that would appear to be a US release, but Fred Dutton confirmed on the EU PlayStation Blog that it will arrive in Europe next week, so expect that on Wednesday 21st November.US PlayStation Plus members will receive Jet Set Radio HD as part of the Instant Game Collection coming to Vita along with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, WipEout 2048, Gravity Rush and Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!"12 years on and this is a surprisingly rigorous game built of oddball delights, then, and the HD updating has only enhanced its charms," said Christian Donlan in his Jet Set Radio HD review. "The skating's still great, the city's still a joy to explore, and the soundtrack's still one of the very best ever put together."