A little over two weeks ago, Sony released FW 4.85 out of the blue with the usual changelog of ‘This system software update improves system performance’ leading many to believe that the vulnerabilities/exploits that allow for the installation of HFW and PS3HEN had been patched. However, this turned out not to be the case and ever since then, tools and CFWs have been slowly getting updated with PS3HEN being updated a mere two days after OFW 4.85 landed and popular tools like IRISMAN, ManaGunZ and SEN Enabler also seeing updates.
Now, PS3 NAND/NOR Flasher version 2.0.2 has been released with support for HFW 4.85 meaning that CFW-compatible PS3 consoles (minver of FW 3.56 or lower) running firmware 4.85 can now have a CFW installed on them after HFW 4.85.1 is installed. The updated flasher and hex file are currently available on ps3xploit.com (access it from the toolbar at the top on your PS3) and PSX-Place threads about it will be updated soon to reflect the release. However, you can follow this guide which is for version 2.0.1 as the steps for basic usage are still the same.
The PS3 NAND/NOR Flasher deals with low-level things so if used incorrectly, it can lead to a brick. As a result, make sure you use it on HFW 4.85.1 and be 100% certain that the MD5 of ‘flash_485.hex’ is “2D74B066E7453E6B1336E36C410FB1EB” (without quotes)