It would appear that the PSP is starting to be phased out
US-based consumers will have to look long and hard for PSP titles, now that GameStop is starting to reduce inventory around the country. GameStop has confirmed that the smallest 25 percent of stores will have their PSP inventories removed altogether in an effort to consolidate supply.
"The consolidation is occurring to maximize the merchandising space in the smallest 25 percent of stores," said GameStop to Kotaku. "It will also provide a greater assortment in those stores that will continue to carry the category."
As the PS Vita starts to wind up in the US market, the prospect of PSP titles making a major splash seems all the less likely. Vita does not have a UMD drive, and requires all PSP titles to be purchased digitally.
GameStop will still carry PSP games on their online store, as well as the larger locations around the US.