Ryochan7 has released a new release of his version of DoomPSP, heres whats new:
Changes in Doom-PSP v0.04 S.S. b4:
-Removed case sensitive WAD lookup.
The last release only worked properly with WAD files with lowercase letters
in the filename. This release can work with WAD files that have uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and also with WAD files that have a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters in the filename.
-Customizable button configuration. Button configuration is read from a text file.
The portion of the program that reads the file mostly remains unchanged from the DoomPSP v0.04u1 release. The method by which the buttons are implemented is the major difference.
-Added a fix that allows both Unix and Windows formatted text files to be read.
This program outputs the configuration changes to a Unix formatted text file.
The original code only allowed Windows formatted text files to work properly so the output data made by this program could not be read by the program.
-Added a button configuration submenu.
You can edit the button configuration while running the program. The changes can be saved to the configuration text file within the menu. To enter the submenu, press the L Trigger + the R Trigger + START. The layout of the menu is a little jank. You have to select which action you want to change from the right side and then press which button you want to be associated with the action. A swap will occur and the button that was highlighted will take the action of whatever the previous button had. Also, to switch from analog movement to using the DPad, you can select either
choice in the menu and press any button to swap the two actions.