September 13th, 2005, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix has posted in this PSP Emulation Forum Topic a new release of his excellent AtariSt Emulator for the PSP Castaway/PSP version 004, heres whats new thanks to Skeezix 
This is a sexy build if I do say so myself..
CHG: When in joystick-on-analog mode, sensitivity is reduced a bit.. ie: I
found when pulling left I'd often get up-and-left or down-and-left as my
thumb isn't accurate enough; so I've altered it so to indicate a direction
you need to be further to the edge of the analog zone, so it more often
would detect straight-left when I wanted it.
CHG: New font for user interface; built a font importer package so I could
suck in truetype fonts easily, and am using a variant of Arial 14px for now..
should be much more readable and smooth (a little bigger and rounder.) I'm
pleased with my 'auto kern' system.. seems to work well for nice dynamic
spacing.. I just need to add auto-anti-aliasing sometime
- For each dialog, title font is bold and with drop-shadow
NEW: In menus, up/down works as normal; left/right will quick-scroll up
and down, letting you move faster.
FIX: Repeat timer prevents 'cursor mode' from repeating 'too quickly' ..
so using cursor mode for playing Dungeon Master, Captive etc should work
pretty well now
FIX: In game-list (output from database lookup) it shouldn't sometimes have
garbage in game names
NEW: New PSP launcher artwork - backsplash and icon by parobolee - thanks mate!
o Looking good I think!
CHG: Increase game list height, to show more games if lots in database
NEW: ST Games database right in the disk picker
o Database look up is done each time disk picker comes up; sort of lame..
should at least be cached within the emu runtime, and ideally between emu
runs.. but maybe next version
o Draws first 25 characters from game-list descroiptions, starting about
1/3rds of the way over in the picker display; should fit pretty well. To
get the rest of the listing, pick the disk and hit "look up in database" to
get the full listing line by line
NEW: When analog is operating the ST mouse, there are now two speeds build in..
ie: far-left is 'left 2px per frame' while half-left is 'left 1px per frame'.
Let me know if more degrees of speed are needed..
NEW: Frameskip is supported (though mostly not needed!) -- in the runtime
[start] menu, frameskip options are available. Some math heavy operations
will slow things down a touch, but generally the emu is fast enough.
NEW: Throttling is supported; in the main runtime [start] menu you can now
enable or disable throttle -- enablingmeans the system is slowed down to
approximately a real ST (north american, anyway); if throttle is off, try
running as fast as possible. The default is throttle is _on_
Get it here:
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml
Remember to give feedback to Skeezix directly at the link above and help him find bugs and credit too 
For more information and downloads, click here!
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