September 11th, 2006, 00:42 Posted By: Shilo
This my entry for the DCGP:
My first release at DCEMU I have been working on this flash game for about a month now, and when I read that DCEMU was holding a coding compo I decided I would enter it. This game is a shooting game based off of Zombies Ate My Neighbors for the SNES (one of the best games ever and I highly recommend you play it ). The game is only 3 levels long with a fight with the evil doctor himself at the end. I would have liked to make it longer, but if it would be about 400kb bigger it wouldn't even load. There are a few glitches in the sound and it is sluggish in some levels do to the PSP Flash Player. And, sometimes if you play the game for a long time you will get an error message that says something about running out of memory. If this happens, just refresh the page. If you read the How to Play in the game refresh and your should not get the out of memory error until you play the game for a while (I was able to beat it twice with out this error). If you need help installing and running the game please refer to the read me included in the zip folder, and if you need help playing the game, select "How to Play" in the main menu.
If you find any bugs please either: PM me, email me (waffles907@yahoo.com), or post with a description of the bug.
While I did rip the sprites, SFX, and the music, they all belong to Konami and I do not claim ownership of them in any way.
I may make another game or two for the compo so look out for them 
Thanks Everyone 

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