January 25th, 2007, 02:01 Posted By: Gh0ztx
Okay , well 3 week's back i started to learn C/C++ and its pretty confusing . So i started lua , and i came up with Y.A.R.G ( Yet another Rpg Game ) the Lua Rpg Game . Its not extremely advanced , but im trying my best after 1 week of studying tutorial's . The graphics from this game where taken from a game called N.A.R.G (Not Another Rpg Game) . I bow to them for the good graphic's. The Fadeing Code and the Ai code was givin to me from Zion . Thank you zion , but i had to mod alot of the AI code to work in my game . He also gave me the SkullGuy Graphics . The reason i had to have graphics givin to me is because , i have window's service pack 1 ( lost SP2 cd = \ ) and i cannot install paint.net or Gimp without Sp2 . So to make a long story short i worked 3 weeks on this . Please PLEASE PLEASE give me suggestions comments and encouragement. encouragement always makes a coder more encouraged to do a project. Also im in a lot of need of a gfx creator.
Thank you,
PS :This is a setup for 3.03oe-b , but you can just change the path to game instead of GAME150
In game screenshot .. the character was attacking and got hit , in the game there is config settings in which u can remove the top left corner stuff .

a pause game picture

Now ive ben informed that the graphics that i used from N.A.R.G were took from RPG Maker Xp , so therefore i will remove NARG from credits and add RPG Maker xp in there , sorry for this , i didnt really research it much =\ . in later releases ill be moding the sprites to look diffrent , sorry for this .
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