January 7th, 2007, 15:45 Posted By: Zion
I know you guys will love this, this is a Compiler for Windows to stop people from stealing your Lua code. Named XtreamLua (no, that isn't a typo) Compiler v0.2, this handy application encrypts Lua code (which could otherwise be easily accessed using a simple word processor) so that nobody can steal your source and try to pass it off or using it in their own application/game. According to Emeric0101, this application is much faster than encoding the Lua file yourself and is pretty easy to use and from what we can tell by the GUI.
The application has been originally coded in French but it also has English language files included. When you run the installer, just click the button which says "Suivant" and then select "English". After that, the rest of the installation process will continue in English along with the application when it runs. There are a few grammar errors such as the button which says "Do a file", but I think you can easily determine that this means go to a directory. If you are fed up with people stealing your code or you have a very big project coming up soon, this could be for you.
I know some of you coders are tired of getting you code stolen so start encrypting you code guys!
via XtreamLua
Note from zion - this is awesome, no more will you have to worry about people stealing your code and passing it off as there own. Fantastic :thumbup:
This also seems to make your game/app have more fps 
NOTE - From Zion,
If you plan on using this, make sure to BACKUP your code in a safe place first as once you have encrypted it you cant uncyrpt it again, & therefor would render your code un-updateable. only use for releases and make sure to BACKUP your code before using it, then you can revert to the backup code to continue updating your game
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