Posted By: wraggster

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Team Xtender have announced the upcoming release of a new range of faceplates for the PSP:
We present our Smooth as Silk XCM Face Plate series. With various faceplates to choose from, your PSP is going to look brand new everyday.
The Smooth as Silk faceplate has been colored using a special process that makes the faceplate extra smooth, enhancing your gaming experience.
New mold. New lens. Special smooth coating . The best quality plastic.
What's in the box
- Includes the digital pad (D-Pad) & analog stick
- Includes all face buttons (start, select, volume, display, audio & home)
- Includes all 4 main action buttons (2 sets)
- Includes screw driver.
- The first 3 colors will be Black, White , Yellow ,pack separately in blister package.
Expect them at a seller near you soon
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