Art in our News Forum has updated his X-Flash app for the PSP, heres what he wrote:
Current versions of X-Flash will not start on any other than 1.50 version firmware. This is to prevent people with other version PSPs making a costly
mistake. The registry backup tool might work on other versions, but you can't currently launch the program at all.
As of V7b, X-Flash is currently the safest way to perform the version spoof to play 2.00 games,
since it verifies each flash write operation. I don't know of any other PSP flash writing program that does this. The verify is currently only implemented
in the version changer, but will be implemented for every flash write operation.
With this release, everybody can have a Version 13.37 PSP
Lastly, Version 1 was never supposed to be distributed due to it's inability to remove the modifications that it makes. I request that it be removed from all servers.
Cheers, Art.