September 5th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: Art
** X-Flash V15c **
Play Free Space and Save Our Planet.
- Win Free Space and a prize is unlocked permanently for the
current X-Flash installation.
- Save custom XMB label set as a file for later use or sharing,
and read from the file back into the XMB label editor.
- The HOME and START buttons will now exit program from
within the custom firmware configurator and label editor.
- Added startup checking of Theme.XF file, and Labels.XF file.
- Added a new screen to the ASCII graphics demo.
- Added feature to exit program and put PSP in standby.
- Removed slow motion mode from ASCII credits demo.
- Removed fast foward Easter egg from ASCII credits demo.
- Bugfix to ASCII credits demo where line and circle drawing
routines excluded drawing on the bottom line of the screen.
- Fix to Memory Stick free space check before firmware dump
to support over 2Gb for the new 4Gb Memory Sticks.
- Another three Easter Eggs?
X-Flash Easter Eggs as of X-Flash V15 (11th September 2006)
1. Use 13.37 Special version Spoofer to apply the 13.37 version spoof.
Now when you are in the credits demo, or document reader, the Triangle
button will toggle a 1337 text translator.
2. Go to the menu option to start Simulation Mode, and select it with the
Circle button more than six times in a row before performing a firmware
dump, and the ASCII hand will flip you the finger!
3. Set "Art" (case sensitive) as your PSP nickname in the XMB menu prior
to starting X-Flash. Now when you apply a custom nameplate picture, a
special built in X-Flash splash screen will be written to flash instead
of the file XFLASH/Modified/name_plate.png. This is different from the
sample name plate picture included in the Modified directory with X-Flash.
4. Press Cross during the starfield display in the ASCII credits demo, which
will start the Free Space game in that screen. Use analogue joystick, or
the D-pad to control your ship, and press Cross to fire. You can only fire
one bullet at a time (oldstyle), and your ship turns green when it is ready
to fire a new bullet.
Shoot the enemy five times in a single session before the time runs out,
and the "Free Space" string will be unlocked in the XMB Menu Label Editor
for the current installation.
You can achieve a high score based on the time that it takes you to destroy
the enemy. If you beat the default high score, your high score will be saved.
5. Set (case sensitive) "Free " (that's "Free" followed by a space) as your PSP
nickname in the XMB menu prior to starting X-Flash. Now when your Free Space
game is over, you can quickly restart it by pressing Circle to exit the
credits demo, then Cross to enter it again, and a new Free Space game will
start immediately.
Hope you enjoy the extras 
Cheers, Art.
Try Hellcat's X-Flash Windows Menu Editor:
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Runtime:
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