September 19th, 2005, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ap0calypse in our Doom, Quake and Game Modding Forum has posted a great tutorial on how to merge wad files for Doom-PSP, heres part of what he posted:
I have put together a tutorial on using WinTex for anyone who wants to learn how to merge wad files and use the modded Doom wad file on their PSP. See the attached file...
Download WinTex 5.0: http://zephyr.doomrepublic.com/files/wintex50.zip
Also I have compiled a list of wads that I have tested and work on my PSP
My PSP Specs
-firmware version 1.5
-32Mb pro duo memory stick (the one you get with the value pack)
-PSPDOOM version 0.04u1
These wads I have tested don't need to be merged with the doom2.wad but need to be named doom2.wad and put in your \PSP\GAME\DOOM-PSP\WADS directory.
Working Wads without merging:
-Duke3d, only one level of duke madness 8/10
-Half Life, looks nice but doesn't truly represent half life's greatness 8/10
-Quake2, good wad with sound but the PSP-QUAKE port is better 7/10
-Heretic, excellent quality wad this one really suprised me 8/10
These next wads I have merged with doom2.wad. If your not sure on how this is done read my tutorial I have attached to this post.
Working merged wads:
-Doom64, Classic Doom style WOW! 10/10
-Fistfull of Doom, western mod absolutly brilliant, Download it Now! 10/10
-Simpsons, another excelent mod if your a fan get it now! 10/10
-Pinochestien, mix of wolfenstien and doom (In Spanish!) suprizingly good 10/10 (download came with Legacy port so you can play on your PC too)
-Fallout, updates the graphics of Doom2, excellent wad 9/10
-Otakon, crazy anime madness plays OK 8/10
-DragonBallZ, strange mod this one but if your a fan its not bad 7/10
-Sub Zero, another weird mod but it plays OK 7/10
-Star Wars, this was OK no new levels though 7/10
-Zombie, have you seen Dawn of the Dead? well this is sort of like it! dodgy graphics though 7/10
-Aliens, dodgy graphics and hard (even on easy) maps are complicated 7/10
To read more and find the awesome tutorial check out our Doom, Quake and Game Modding Forum Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...4&page=7&pp=10
Thanks to Ap0calypse for the great Tutorial that will help all Doom Noobs like me 
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