GGC lordvisaris and just put online a new version of their homebrew appointed windows XP 2008, this homebrew copy almost to perfection the design of Windows XP. You can play your games and UMD dumper, connect your PSP to USB, launch the browser and many other things. Feel free to share your impressions in the forum.
What's new in this new version?
Ability to dump your UMD
Possibility to launch your UMD
Interface improved
Bug fixes
I can do what with?
Paint version PSP
Launching UMD
Dump of UMD
Internet Browser
USB connection
Lots of other features you will discover for yourself!
And I can change the design?
Yes of course, to change the substance, change the image fondd.png (480 x 272) for the username go in the folder and open UTIL NAME or NAME2, change the name to your liking!