October 30th, 2005, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
I love these competitions and if i can let fellow PSP users in on them i damn well will, of course i wouldnt link to some scam site that claims FreePSPs when curiously they dont advertise them now (those that know what im getting at will have surely noticed the same too).
But anyway Eurogamer is having another competition to win a PSP and 3 UMD films and because i love competitions and freebies ill tell you too, heres the info:
<blockquote>To celebrate... I have absolutely no idea what we're celebrating any more, but [furious passing of notes commences AFK...] what we are celebrating is 20th Century Fox's decision to re-release, on the 7th of November, three films on UMD: Daredevil, starring Ben Affleck but not Matt Damon, Predator, starring The Governator himself Mr Schwarzenegger, and The Day After Tomorrow, starring that Jake chap out of Donnie Darko running around a frozen New York. S'ace.
To facilitate the celebrating of the re-releasing, we're giving away a brand spanking new PlayStation Portable along with all three films. All you have to do to enter is answer the question below (correctly) and hope that you make it out of the hat first. Do so and it's all yours. We'll let you know who won after the competition closes.</blockquote>
The question is
Q: Which of the following afflicts Ben Affleck's character in Daredevil?
Get your answers and name and email addy posted on the comp page here --> http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=61401
Ive entered 
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