February 28th, 2011, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/28/w...d-be-released/
Today I was contacted by a few people saying that Total_Noob might not release the latest revision of his HEN for 6.20, based on things he said in a chat. This was clearly a shocking rumor.
A few weeks ago, TN had announced that the new revision of his Homebrew Enabler would have full PS1 support, but Virtuous Flame and Coldbird released a new version of 6.35 CFW (a “competitor” to Total Noob’s Homebrew enabler), including PS1 support, before TN-D. This could explain TN’s words in the chat. But even if the team behind CFW 6.5 Pro is still improving their LCFW, it is always nice to have options, and TN Hen has been praised for its stability with most homebrews, it is a great alternative for people who have issues with Pro 6.35.
I contacted Total_Noob, and, although he is still not sure if TN-D will be released, he saw your support and wants to thank all the people who are enjoying his work (let’s hope that thread on /talk will help him take the good decision )
Total_Noob also shared the changelog for TN-D:
(Changelog 6.20 TN-D)
- Added homebrew icon (thanks to PhysXPSP).
- Added full PSone gaming support (PSN PSone games, converted PSone games).
ICON0.PNG will be replaced if it isn’t 80×80, else pops.prx causes a crash (custom icon by PhysXPSP).
- Added KEYS.BIN creation (possibility to share PSN PSone games).
- Added possibility to resume unofficial PSone games on PSPgo.
- Added plugins support for PSone games.
- Added TiltFX and Action Replay support (thanks to HacKmaN).
- Added possibility to translate TN VSH Menu.
- Added possibility to use own font table for TN VSH Menu.
- Fixed flash0 protection bug.
- Fixed 32gb memory stick incompatibility.
- Fixed bug that causes a crash when you suspend the device (manually) in TN VSH Menu.
- Increased large memory to 51mb.
and probably more, like USB device, Multi Savestates for PSPgo, OSK character limit increase (512 chars -> 4096 chars). Hmmm, that would be a shame if this didn’t get released, I really hope TN will stay with us on this one 
If you are a CFW 6.35 user, keep in mind that the Kernel Exploit allowing you to run this LCFW initially came from Total_Noob .There is no war between devs, only the drama created by users themselves, so remember that most tools you use on your PSP are usually not the work of only one person, but actually the results of years of colaborative (not always directly) work involving dozens of devs 
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