Let’s remind ourselves of the words of SCEA, posted last week and still resting as they were, regarding the expected release of the 2.0 update to the PSP firmware:
The PSP Firmware 2.0 Upgrade for the North American market will be available during the week of August 15th, instead of on August 12, as previously reported.
Well… its afternoon on Friday the 19th of August here in the US (except for those in the pacific islands). And like a bride (or groom) standing at the alter during some uncomfortable pause as the expected to be betrothed does not appear upon the 3rd replay of their musical cue, PSP fanatics sit/stand dumfounded. There’s no reference to the update on the Playstation/PSP website, no updates in the message boards. We can only hope that this update is so fantabulous that it brews espresso, runs the lights and features of our homes and carries no bugs that might make our happy little portables sick to their stomachs.