Emulation on the PSP is at an amazing level and with access to Kernal mode for 2.6/2.5 users maybe coming soon it may mean that the N64 emulators can get a speed boost through that, same for GBA etc.
Its very hard to spot a fake until its revealed and at the mo we have 2 emulators causing such eyebrow raising, we have the PSX Emulator and also the Ultrahle port, yes its most likely doable to see both and also its most likely they could both be fakes, unless its release news or say from a known coder and not one someones never heard of then take it as fake until proved otherwise.
OK what next for PSP Emulation, well so far we have seen lots of different emulators for many systems released but i wonder if the PSP can handle a Virtual Boy emulator, yes it was a failure but interesting none the less, also a Daphne Laserdisc or a 3D0 emulator all 3 systems would be great reborn on the PSP.
What would you like to see next on PSP Emulation ?